[1996] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 6
[1996] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 6
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
May 15-June 14, 1996
James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean Pierre
Leanne Gross
Pat Morehead
LD Jamett
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean Pierre
Leanne Gross
Pat Morehead
LD Jamett
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, April 15-May 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 5
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Our Families of the Heart
HIV-ERC + Red Ribb,.o.n
Revue + Pride- Bene.flts
Pride Worship Service
Dallas Leader Cece Cox
Hope Candlelight Tour
Pride Prom + Pride Picnic
O.KC Parade +. ,.Follies
TULSA - The next several weeks offer an unprecedented
number of community events which either
benefit HIV/AIDS charities or celebrate Lesbian/Gay
Pride Month. On May 23rd, the Red Ribbon Ice Revue
promises a great show at the Tulsa Ice Arena to support
Our House, a day drop-in center for persons living with
HIV/AIDS. Later that evening, the Silver Star will host
a benefit &raffle for the HIV Education and Recreation
Center, a new organization headed by Bruce Begley,
Sandy Hill, Steve Wilson and others.
OnSaturday and Sunday,June 8-9th,the Hope Candlelight
Tour will feature the homes of Tina & Steven
David, Judy & Bill Fisher, P.S. Gordon & Duane Men
Ne, Mary McMahon, and Ouida & Robert Merrifield to
benefit St. Joseph’s Residence/Catholic Charities and
RAIN, the Regional Interfaith AIDS Network. Tickets
are $10 and are available at Charles Faudree, 1345 E.
15th, and at MA Doran Gallery, 3509 S. Peoria. The
very distinguished organizing committee also has
planned a number of patron events - for more information,
call 747-9706.
Near the end of. the month, June 21 & 22, Follies
Revue, Inc. will present Follies ’96 Salutes the Movies
at the Doubletree Hotel, Warren Place. It’s a dinner and
a show you won’t want to miss. The beneficiaries are
TOHR, HIV Resource Consortium, Interfaith AIDS
Ministries, Shanti, Visiting Nurses Assoc. RAIN and
St. Joseph’s Residence/Catholic Charities. For tickets,
call the PAC box office, Carson Attractions, and Tickets
by Phone.
For June, the traditional Lesbian/Gay Pride month
worldwide, Tulsa volunteers have planned a number of
events. The month will begin by the first ecumenical
Pride Worship Service. Hosted by St. Jerome at the
Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria at 6 pm on Saturday,
June 1, the service will include Family of’Faith MCC,
Agape Christian Fdlowship and other congregations:
On Tuesday, June 4, PFLAG, TOHR and the Rainbow
Business Guild (with assistance from the Bisexual,
Lesbian, Gay Trans Alliance, BLGTA) will present
Cece Cox, president of the Dallas Gay & Lesbian
Alliance (DGLA), one of the most dynamic activists in
the Southwest and a native of Bartlesville. She will be
talking about the Marriage Project of the DGLA as well
as her work as co-chair of GLAAD/Dallas. The dinner
will be held in the Chouteau Room of the Chapman
Student Center of the University of Tulsa at 6:30. The
dinner is $10 but the speech is free at about 7:45.
June 8th, TOHR and TU’s BLGTA will host a Pride
see Pride, page 3
MARRIAGE The attack begins at the national level led by
Oklahoma Rep. Steve Largent & Sen. Don Nickles.
WASHINGTON - Confronted with a flagging presidential
campaign and convinced they’ve found a one-sided
wedge issue that could embarrass President Clinton’s
campaign efforts, Republican lawmakers have introduced.
ameasure, titled the"Defense ofMamageAct" (DOMA),
that would define marriage as"only a legal union between
one man and one woman as husband and wife." The
proposed law Was introduced by Republican Reps. Bob
Barr of Georgia and by Steve Largent & by Sen. Don
Nickles of Oklahoma.
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole of Kansas, who all
but has the GOP’s presidential nomination sewn up,
became the first Senate co-sponsor of the measure. During
the Iowa primary caucuses, when Republican hopefuls
were asked to sign a pledge to fight any effort in Congress
to legalize same-sex marriages, Dole said the pledge
doesn’t go far enough" and added; "Government at all
levels must work to support and promote the institution of
marriage that unites husband and wife."
Just days before the proposed legislation was introduced
in Congress, Dole campaign officials told reporters that the
Republican presidential hopeful would be taking action to
make same-sex marriages a campaign wedge issue, using
Clinton’s outreach to gay and lesbian Americans in an effort
to make voters wary of the President’s re-election bid.
Clinton campaign officials have acknowledged that the
issue is potentially a political landmine during the campaign
and said the President "didn’t want to touch it."
Even so, when anti-gay activists asked Clinton to sign the
anti-marriage pledge, he refused and called it "outrageous."
The dicey political question is complicated even further by
reports in the current issue of the Advocate, the Los Angeles-
based magazine, that claims the Justice Department is
considering changing both the IRS tax code and federal
immigration regulations to give gay and lesbian couples~the
same benefits in these two areas as legally married couples.
However, \~qaite House spokeswoman Mary Ellen Glynn
told reporters that Clinton doesn’t personally support equal
marriage rights for gays and lesbians and that the Administration
had no plans to implement the changes reported in
the Advocate.
Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights
Campaign, called the proposed congressional bill the work
of "religiotts political extremists...using this issue as an
election year baseball bat to bash gay Americans and score
3"teve Largent Don Nickles
Gov. Keating Signs Anti-
Marriage Amendment/Bill
OKLAHOMA CITY - In a move that surprised Okla.
Capitol watchers and a number of state Senators, Senate
bill #73, the "Oklahoma Child Visitation Registry Act,"
passed with an amendment banning the recognition of
valid same-gender marriages performed in other states.
Only Senators Bernest Cain (D-OKC) and Penny Williams
(D-Tulsa) voted against the final bill (42-2).
According to Sen. Williams, Sen. Cain spbke with
such eloquence against the anti-Gay amendment, that
she was moved to vote no as well. Tulsa Sen. Maxine
Horuer told TFN that she was not in the Senate at the
time of the vote and that the amendment did not represent
her position.
Earlier, Senator Keith Leftwich, and staffers in Cain’s
and Sen. Bernice Shedrick’s offices had stated that they
did not think the anti-marriage amendment would remain
after the bill returned from conference committee.
Senate bill #73 had a correspondingbill that had passed
the OK House of Representatives.
Gov. Frank Keating promptly signed the bill. When
asked about what efforts he or his staff had made to
contact Oklahoma’s Lesbian and Gay. community about
this bill, the Governor’s press spokesperson, Dan
Mahoney stated that no effort was necessary since "it
would not have made any difference [to the Governor]."
Mnhoney released the following statement:
"~,Vhat people do in their private lives ~s none of my
business, that is a personal decision. But I don’t feel the
state of Oklahoma should bein the business of sanctionpolitical
points." Rep. Pat Schroeder (D-Colo.) was one of
the few lawmakers to criticize the measure, saying it was
meaningless political maneuvering because it would take an
amendment limiting the "full faith and credit clause" of the
U.S. Constitution to actually bar same-sex marriages at the
federal level. "This is nothing but just to stir the political
¯" waters and see how much hate you can unleash," she added.
Interfaith / -iDS Ministrie
¯ Seeks Missing Benefit $
~ Last October, a local bar, Barraccuda’s, contacted Inter-
,¯ faith AIDS Ministries (L~M) with an offer to do a benefit
honoring World AIDS Day in December and benefiting
¯ IAM. Months later, IAM has not seen a dime of the dollars
¯ raised at the event, despite efforts by director, Diane Zike.
¯ Several board members attended the fundraiser noting ¯
that the bar charged a $3 cover & had tip jars for donations.
At the end of the evemn~,, IAM s treasurer was told they’d
¯ raised $250.
Director Zike says that she’d called repeatedly for bar
ing same sex marriages. I supported SB 73, as did every
member of the t!ouse of Representatives and all but two
members of the State Senate."
TFN asked about remarks attributed to the Governor
that he had said the State Republican Party platform (see
below) represented "mainstream Oklahoma."
see Gov., page 3
Excerpts from the OK
Republican state Platform
Plank 4: We demand that children not be adopted by
Page 6, HIV/AIDS
Plank 1: Since HIV is a virus that results in AIDS and
certain death, we call upon local, state, and federal
governments to deal with thedeadly disease of AIDS in
the same manner as other dangerous communicable
diseases, i.e. (a) expand universal testing and truth in
reporting, which includes full disclosure about the ori-
¯ owner, Sue, "known as Barraccuda. No calls had been
¯ returned by March 26 when IAM drafted a letter requesting
¯ a response. To date, IAM still has not received a response
¯¯ .from the bar. WhenTFN called, bar staffer, Sheila, referred
all questions back to Sue.
¯ Zike adds, "IAM actedingoodfaith, advertising the event
¯ and participating [in it]. How can we follow through with
: our commitments if those who offer to assist us...do not
¯ follow through themselves...it is not just Interfaith AIDS
¯ Ministries that is being hurt, but more importantly those
¯ living with HIV/AIDS that IAM serves."
see Platform, page 7
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
TulsaNews@ aol.com
Publisher/Editor, Tom Neal
Assistant Editor, James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Leanne Gross & Pat Morehead
Staff Photographer, JD Jamett
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent to the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution points Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by Patricia Nell Warren ¯
A few days American with ahgeor, oownne aDrgiaunmeePntartkheart whoromteosetoxutahleityJoiug rnnaolt ~ feovoelnamloant aogfepteoopfoleo,l ionudru.ocwtinngmtohtehewrsi~shfFuolrtahitniikneer,s.wSeoemveenoffouosl
now ourselves. But it is still conformity. It is not change.
genetic. She believes that the "reformed homosexuals"
visible in certain videos, programs and organizations
is compelling proof that homosexuals can
really change. I am always amazed at the power
of wishful thinking m people like Parker. Their
whole position is based on a fierce belief in this
alleged capacity of homosexuals to "change."
The videos, nroorams, etc. represent a 2000-
vear effort by Chrislaamty to wish away the
~xistential fact of homosexuality, whatever its
root cause. The fact is: in repressive umes,
homosexuals do not change. They conform.
Gay people disagree about many things, but
this is one area where we agree -- because so
Aetlng strM~ht
when you know
you re gay
¯ as not chang .
It as not a rnor~al act.
It {s not re[orm.
It {s not heal{n .
It ~s a ll~n~ death.
many of. us have lived face-to-face with our own "is-ness’"
through long decades of pretense. I, for one, did a terrific job of
conforming to the heterosexual canon, as a wife for 16 years. I
even tried both Protestantism and.,,_Catholicism in a desperate
effort to transmogrify my conformity into change. But it didn’t
work. The conformity goes so deep that it can masquerade
brilliantly as change. Unlike leopards, homosexu~is can make
their spots look like tiger stripes. The penalties for being fingered
as gay -- loss of family and job, assault and battery, long prison
sentences, incarceration in mental hospitals, to n~u,ne a few -
Acting straight when you know you’re gay is
not change. It is not a moral act. It is not reform.
It is not healing. It is a living death. In the Sixties,
a whole generation of youth rose up against all
kinds of forced conformity in American society,
and their protest embraced this deadly conformity
demanded of gay people. Yet today the
wishful thinkers among us are trying to engineer
the re-imposition of their wishes. They demand
it in the name of "saving marriage." What they
want, in many marriages, adds up to shapestfifting
Of the spookiest kind. It adds up to
acting performances that will never get an Os-
: car. Those who settle for our conformity get it at an appalling cost
to themselves. The wishful thinkers lose their power to see what
: is real. They canlook into the eyes of a homosexual who is living
~ in deep cover, and utterly fail to See that person’s true spirit. Even
¯ in the eyes of their own children, parents, closest friends, the
" wishful thinkers see only what they choose to see. Heaven help
¯ the American marriage if it is"saved" by people who can’ t tell the
¯ difference between conformity and change. ,,
Patricia Nell Warren is the author of"The Front Runner and
other bestsellers about gay life.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
,Concessions,.33"40 s. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
.Renegades, Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, &. Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksdlers, 8620 E. 71
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
F~xpress Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
*Inte~afi0nfil T0ur~
JD Images, Photography
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011,-74159
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S Boston
*Scribner’S" BOOkstore, 1942 Utica Square
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations
Southwest Viatical
Thomas Chiropractic Clinic
4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C-1 742-8868
(ellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, &Universities
*Agape’ Christian Fellowship, 21st& Sheridan 599-7688 "
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr.
2627B E. 11 628-0594
*BIL/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa _ d "
*CommunityofHope United Methodist, 1703 E. 2n 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity "
(Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians) 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo
*Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location &info: 587-4669 .
Friend For A Friend~ POB 52344, 74152
747-6827 ..
:fiends in Unity Social Organization (African-Amer. ~e,n!,,,,~ ¯
POB 8542, 74101
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation
584-4983 .
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437,800-284-2437 ¯
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 .
*HIV Resource Consortium
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 " 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S.Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
PFLAG , POB 52800 74152
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
~ Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria,
*Shanti Hotline
¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR)
¯ POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.)
¯ Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
i *University Center at Tulsa
~. Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of DamHwy. 187 501-253-6154
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St.
King’ s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway,Hwy. 62W 800-231-1442
*MCC of the Living Spring
zero in the war over equal marriage rights
¯ forsamegendercouples. Ourelected r p- ¯
resentatives" Steve Largent, Don Nickles
and Jim Inhofe again shame our s~te with
¯ their attacks on their own constttuents,
specifically with the so-called Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA). The motives for
thesemen surely rangefrom genuineideo-
¯ logical positions to the basest political
.... maneuvering...There is little- doubt that
each holds "Christian" beliefs which they
¯ feel justify discrimination.
~ We can only respond that it is .a betrayal
¯ of the most fundamental American con-
. stitutional values to abuse their position to
’" enforce private prejudices. That is, it is
¯ wrong to use the power of the government ¯
to promote or allow to continde system-
" atic bias against minority citizens, no
¯ matter if the majority despises that minor-
¯ ity mad no matter if the group is minority ¯
by birth (race or ethnicity) or by choice,
(religion or political view) or by a combi-
¯ nation (as seems to be the case with sexual ¯
orientation). Many Americans havebeen,
and are, racist and anti-Semitic, and yet
¯ politicians realize it is no longer accept-
" able to pander overtl.y to these views.
¯ However, election-year politics are
strongly implicated in this effort. DC insiders
suggest that DOMA is a much a
vehicle to divide and inflame the American
electorate, to weaken Bill Clinton and
to insure that Dole can nominate the next
20 years of Supreme Court judges.
So what are our alternatives inTulsa
when our elected "representatives" don’t
even bother to go through the motions of
¯ consulting the communities that are
¯ harmed by their actions? ¯
The answer’s not glamorous or easy.
¯ Despite all odds, we must continue to
°. organize ourselves politically. We must
¯ put the same sorts of energies that we’ve
see Attack, page 3
Tulsa, Oklahoma sure feels like ground
What a great honor itis to be chosen as
the first Queen of the Month in the Out &
About column of your newspaper. What a
wonderful way to spotlight Tulsa’s diverse
and talented group of entertainers.
As a general rule, our society has a poor
] opinion of Drag Queens and it is my hope
that your column will help dispense these
For your readers that are not aware,
each of the entertainers that I regularly do
shows with are also involved in the many
benefits that occur around town. The beneficiaries
include such great causes as Our
~ House, A .Friend for a Friend, Shanti
¯ Coftdom Fund and public service posters
that are placed through out our community.
¯ In addition to being tons of fun (no pun
¯ intended to my size), Tulsa has a diverse
: group of entertainers that not only make
"- you smile, but further love and kindness
¯ within Our community. Thank you again.
¯ Much love, Kathryn Conover
PS, in my entire life, I can’t once remember
that I begged for anything. Could
JD have been thinking of someone else
and intended the very first Queen of the
Month to go to another Entertainer? Oh
dear, I certainly hope not.
In particular, TFN asked if the Governor
RE1Nq GADE8 { 17rf’H
really felt calling,fora quarantine ofpeople
living with AIDS, or preventing Lesbian
and Gay men from being teachers represented
the values of most Oklahomans.
Mahoney responded that he could not
speak for the Governor in the particulars
but that the Governor supported the platformin
general. WhenaskedifTFN could
ask the Governor aboUt specific platform
items, Mahoney said Keating would not
be available for any questions.
Prom (alcohol-free) also at the Chapman
Ctr. at 8 pm. The Picnic, themed Tulsa
United in Pride, will be held in Owen Park
on Sat. June 15, from 12 - 5 pm. Anumber
of community organizations, businesses
and individuals are working on this event.
As usual, refreshments are free and a
range of food will be available for a modest
donation. Owen Park has tennis courts
and a sand volleyball court, as well as
better parking and more shade than the
old Mohawk site.
On Sunday, June 23, Oklahomans from
all over the state will gather at Memorial
Park, NW 35th & Classen in Oklahoma
City about 1:30 for the statewide Pride
Rally. The Rally will feature Advocate
1992 Woman of the Year, Donna Red
Wing. The statewide Pride Parade kicks
off from the park and ends up at the NW
39th St. community business district.
put into fighting the scourge ofAIDS into
fighting political prejudice. Locally,
TOHR is doing a voter inform and registration
project, call 743-4297 and leave a
message for Tony. Oklahoma City folks
have created a political action committee,
Cimarron Alliance which has funneled
significant funds into OKC city council
races and to Democratic state senators.
Some in Tulsa are discussing similar efforts,
here. Also, just call Nickles (581-
7651, the local office can transfer you to
DC, fax 202-9~24-6008), Inhofe (748-5111,
202-224-4721, fax 202-228-0380) and
I_argent (749-0014, 202-225-2211, fax
202-225-9187). Even if you don’t want to
get married anytime soon, tell them you
support equal marriage rights, that you
oppose DOMA, and that you don’t appremate
the scapegoating of Oklahoma’s
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual citizens.
Dan DuVall / Owner
¯ Efforts Around US
¯ AUGUSTA, Maine - With state legisla-
¯ tures around the country heading into
¯ recesses for the summer, the anti-mar-
: riage bandwagon did little more than
¯ bumble along. While Hawaii lawmakers
couldn’t muster enough votes to pass an
anti-gay mamage ban there before the
¯ legislature recessed for the current ses-
¯ sion, an Alabama state Senate committee
: approved by an 8-1 vote a bill that would
bar recognizing same-sex marriages in
¯ the state, dropping a $1,000 fine for clergy
¯. performing such unions that had been
¯ included in the original measure.
The Alaska legislature took a double
: swing at same-sex relationships, passing
¯ one measure that would limit domestic
¯" partnership benefits in the state educa-
¯ tional system and sending it to Gov. Tony
¯ Knowles. At the same time thelawmakers
¯ began debate on a ban on same-sex mar-
. riages in the state, a proposal that is ex-
¯ pected to easily pass. Kansas lawmakers,
¯ meanwhile, approved an anti-mamage bill
and sent it to the governor for his signa-
¯ ture.
¯ In Maine, the anti-gay group Concerned
Maine Families has filed papers with the
"¯ secretary of state’s office to get approval ¯
to collect signatures for a ballot measure -
¯ that would restrict marriages in the state
¯ to those between male-female couples
¯ only. If the signature~gathering is ap- ¯
proved, the group would have to collect
¯ some 51,000 valid signatures to put the
¯ measure before ~oters- either in 1997 or
¯ 1998.
Georgia Gov. Zell Miller has si~ned a
¯ bill that bars same-sex mamages ~n the
¯¯ state, joining South Dakota, Utah and
Idaho as the 4th state to prohibit gay and
¯ lesbian marriages in anticipation that such
¯ weddings will become legal soon in Ha-
. waii. The South Carolinalegislature gave
~ its final.OK to a measure outlawing same-
." sex marriages in the state and sent the
¯ legislation to Gov. David Beaseley, who
has already indicated he supports the pro-
: hibition. The measure would prevent the
¯ state from recognizing any marriage be-
. tween people of the same sex that was
performed in another state. In Arizona,
Gov. Fife Symington signed the state
legislature’s 3rd attempt to enact aban on
same-sex marriages, making it the 6th
state so far to legally refuse recognition
for such unions, even if performed legally
elsewhere. At the same time, however, by
a 34-23 vote, the state House of Representatives
passed legislation authorizing
tougher sentences for criminals who victimize
people based on race, religion,
gender or sexual orientation. A similar
proposal last year died when Republican
legislative leaders objected to including
sexual orientation.
Meanwhile, a case strikingly similar to
the Hawaii lawsuit has gotten under way
in New Zealand, with 3 lesbian couples
suing for the right to get marriage licenses
that were denied them, according to a
report in the Queer News Aotearoa. The
women’s attorney is arguing that the
country’s civil rights laws protects all
citizens from being denied equal treatment.
The attorney general’s office, however,
has argued that marriage is mainly
for procreation and that therefore samesex
couples are not eligible to marry.
South Africa
Protects Gays
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -South
Africa’s Parliament has overwhdmingly
approved by a 421-2 vote the country’s
new 150-page Constitution after nearly 2-
years of complex negotiations and sometimes
acrimonious debate. The nation’s
new governing document includes, for
the first ti~ne in the world, equal rights
protections that include sexual orientation.
"United in diversity," begins the
preamble to the country’s newly approved
Constitution, although at least 2 of the
country’s right wing political parties said
they would challenge some of the provisions
of that diversity in court.
In fact, .nearly every major party in
South Africa expressed reservations about
parts of the new document. Even President
Nelson Mandela noted that there are
still concems among many ofthe country’s
minorities about the guarantees enshrined
in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. "The
fact that we have adopted this Constitution
does not mean that we are not going
to address those concerns," Mandela said.
"’We will continue searching for solutions
because we want everybody to feel that
he or she is part and parcel of our efforts
to resolve the problems of South Africa."
After a long history of white minority rule
and rigidly enforced apartheid, the new
Constitutions will bring majority rule to
the nation when the next g~neral election
in 1999 marks anend to the present transitional
government. The Bill of Rights
outlaws all discrimination in the country,
whether based on sexual orientation, race,
religion, gender,-political views, disability
and other categories.
In a cable to President Mandela about
the newly adopted Constitution, the Washington,
D.C.,based National Gay & Lesbian
Task Force, stated, "The South African
people have paved a new road of
equality and fairness by outlawing all
forms of discmnination in the constitution,
including for the first time anywhere
in the world, the discrimination against
people based on their sexual orientation.’"
Fewer than a dozen countries worldwide
have national laws outlawing bias based
on sexual orientation, and South Africa is
the first nation to enshrine such protections
in its Constitution.
Dutch Get Serious
About Marriage
TIlE HAGUE, Holland -The Dutch Parliament
has approved a measure by 81-60
that calls on the government to appoint a
commission to evaluate the legal implications,
both nationally and internationally,
of extending full mamage rights to gay
and lesbian couples in the country. The
move is several steps from a radical
change, of course, but Dutch gays and
lesbians, along with progressive politicians
in the country, are increasingly insisting
on full, equal rights in What is
probably Europe’s most liberal nation.
What is perhaps most significant about
the measure is that the commission is to
consider issues such as adoption,
parenting, inheritance, taxes, and spousal
citizenship of foreigners - an array of
questions that other European nations with
same-sex .couples registrations have so
far ducked or specifically added restrictions
to. But as a measure at least of how
serious Dutch politicians are about samesex
marriages now, public discussions
have even reached the level of Members
of Parliament debating .whether Queen
Beatrix will give her assent to full marital
rights for gays and lesbians in Holland.
Canada OKs
Anti-Bias Law
OTTAWA - Canada’s House of Commons
has approved by a 153-76 vote a
govenm~ent-backed measure that would
add sexual orientation to the country’s
Charter of Human Rights and legally outlaw
discrimination based on sexual orientation
in Canada’s regulated public sector
workforce, which makes up 10% to 15%
of the nation’s labor force. All of the
nation’s provinces except Newfoundland,
Prince Edward Island and Alberta already
have similar anti-bias laws, and the
Canadian government has been promising
to introduce federal legislation for 2
decades, so passage of the measure wasn’t
much in doubt.. Even so, the bill created
enormous political turmoil in the country.
When 2 MPs in the conservative Reform
Party spoke out against the measure by
saying it was acceptable for businesses to
discriminate against homosexuals and
other minorities, the party’s Parliament
leader, Preston Manning, expelled them
from the party caucus, saying "It is not all
right for employers to fire any employee
simply because an intolerant customer
complaints about their color or lifestyle."
Even the ruling Liberal Party showed
signs of the tension the measure had
brought to Canadian politics. And outside
the Parlimnent building, Justice Minister
Allan Rock, who formally introduced
the legislation in behalf of the government,
was greeted by p,rotesters who
called him "Alice Rock" and mocked
Prime Minister Jearl Chritien as "’Jeanne
:. Chritien." The legislation now goes to the
~ upper house of Parliament, the Senate,
¯ where it is also expected to pass by a
: comfortable margin. The measure also
requires the royal assent of Canada’ s governor-
general, which is litde more than a
political, formality. Only 6 nations- Norway,
Sweden, Holland, Slovenia, Israel
and South Africa -have enacted federal
legislation prohibiting discrimination
based on sexual orientation.
Bosnian War
Crimes Nightmare
TIlEHAGUE2 Almost ignored by mainstream
news media, the War Crimes Tribunal
at The Hague has received detailed
evidence of atrocities conunitted during
the 4-year-long Bosnian civil war cente.ring
on reports of male rape as a war tactic
and as a method of intilnidating and controlling
prisoners. According to doc~unents
supplied to the Tribunal by Dr. Mladen
Loncar of the Medical Center for Human
Rights in Zagreb, at least 4,000 Croatian
men were victims of these rapes and sexual
assaults - and Loncar says his figures are
conservative estimates of Croats alone.
At the height of the complex fighting in
the Balkans, there were an estimated
80,000 men in intenmmnt camps - Serbs,
Croats, Mnslims. Loncar’s medical facility
currently sees more than 200 such men
who coutinue to live in the general region.
Most, Loncar says, have fled to nearby
COUlltries as political’refugees - if they
survived the attacks at all. Of the patieuts
seen at Loncar~ s ~nedical center for severe
post-trannmtic distress disorders, most (70
percent) suffered repeated injuries to their
genitals. Many of the inert (25 percent)
were tortured I~y having objects forced up
their rectums. Man)’ prisoners (22 percent)
reported they had been forced, under
threats of death, to perform fellatio
mad other sexual acts with other male
prisoners, and about 11 percent had suffered
at least partial castration.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Upheld by Court
WASHINGTON - In the continuing war
over the constitutionality of the U.S.
nfilitary’s "’don’t ask, don’t tell" policy,
Lt. Paul Thomasson, a former naval ofricer
discharged for revealing that he is
gay, has lost an important battle in a
federal appeals court decision. The U.S.
4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia
upheld the policy bamting openly homosexual
women and men from serving in
the nation’s maned forces. The case has
national significance because it is the first
ruling involving the"don’ t ask, don’ t tell"
policy to reach the federal appeals level.
Alan Moore, Thomasson’s attorney, argued
that the military policy of excluding
gays and lesbians from the armed services
was both unconstitutiolml and unreasonable,
considering the young officer’s outstanding
record. Moore also took the unusual
step of adding First Amendment
free-speech claims on top of Fifth and
FourteenthAmendment"due process" and
"equal protection" arguments that have
been more widely used in batding the
Pentagon ban in the past.
But the appeals court would have none
of it and ruled that the president and
Congress retain the right to set military
policies, and that thejudicial branch should
defer to .them. "It was appropriate for
Congress to bdieve that a military force
should be as free as possible of sexual
attachments and pressures as it is prepared
to do battle," wrote Judge J. Harvie
Wilkonson III in the 9-to-4 majority opinion.
The court’s ruling is now applicable
throughout the 4th circuit, which includes
Vir_,2inia, Maryland West ¥irginia, North
CarOlina and South~arolina. Tllomasson
and his attorney are now deciding whether
to appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme
MO St. GOP’s Antii
Marriage Campaign
: ST. LOUIS - In a highly controversial
¯¯ election cmnpalgn tactic that Republican
leaders around the country are watching
¯ closely; the head of the Missouri Repub-
¯ lican Party, John Cozad, has launched
attacks against Democrats running for
state office, accusing them of having financial
backing from supporters of samesex
marriages. But Republica!~s rumling
for office in the state, inclnding many who
are seeking election to the state legislature,
are grumbling because the attack
campaigns are being operated in their
races whether they want them or not. And
so far in two special election races, the
Republicans have lost both campaigns.
Not all Republicans running for office in
Missouri, however, agree with Cozad on
the campaign. Republican Bill Patrick,
who lost in the just-finished special decdon
in the state’s 6th legisIative district,
publicly apologized to his Democratic
opponent for thesame-sex marriage campaign
launched by the Republicans on his
behalf. He called the attack "pretty negative,
pretty bad." State GOP strategists in
Ohio,, Wisconsin, Oregon and elsewhere,
however, say they’re interested in seeing
how the same-sex marriage link works as
a campaign strategy in Missouri.
Helms Ads Attack
¯ Opponents & Gays
¯ RALEIGH, N.C. - Apparently impatient
¯ to get on with the election, Sen. Jesse ¯
Helms (R-NC) has launched a series of
¯ TV ads attacking both the Delnocratic
¯ primary candidates, Harvey Gantt and
¯ Charlie Sanders in a bit of gay-baiting,
; saying both supportdomesticpartner ben-
¯ efits. "Liberal Charlie Sanders supports
: racial preferences in hiring, like Harvey
¯ Gantt does, the Hdms ads say. Extend-
" ing health insurance to homosexual part-
" ners? Liberal Sanders and Gantt say yes."
¯ With a $2 million campaign war fund ¯
¯ from 1995, the Helms campaign apparently
decided not to wait for the May 7
¯ prim.ary to find out which Democrat he
¯ will face in the November race, but de-
" cided to get ajump-start and begin swing-
" ing at both men. Helms, 74, is seeking his
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5th term as a U.S. senator. A spokesperson
for Sanders’ campaign called the TV
spots "typical Jesse Hdms distortive attack
ads." In a press statement, Gantt
blasted the Helms TV campaign as "lies
and distortions" and said he has never
even addressed the issue of health care
benefits for the partners of gays and lesbians.
British Transsexual
Wins Court Case
LUXEMBOURG - A Comwall College
tutor, identified only as "P" in court
records, whowas sackedafterasex-change
operation, has won a European Court of
Justice battle over the discharge. Thecourt
campus ROTC program. The faculty-ap-
¯ proved program would also reimburse
¯ students in ROTC if they shouldlose their
." military scholarships because of their
¯ sexual orientation.
¯ Station Drops Show
: That Attacked Gays
¯ AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas Triangle
¯ has reported that officials at KIXL-AM, a
¯ Christian-oriented radio station in Austin,
have decided to pull the plug on Wyatt
¯ Roberts’ weekly talk show. Roberts, who
is affiliated with the American Family
Assn., had called for listeners to boycott
any business that advertised in the gay
: newspaper, charging that the Triangle’s
ruled that the European Equal Treatment ¯ editorial cartoonist promoted pedophilia,
agreement of 1976 prohibits any discrimi- -" incest and bestiality. KIXLofficials would
nation based on sex and is not limitedjust
to bias based onan individual being ofone
gender or the other. The court ruled that
the anti-bias provision, which concerns
all members of the European Union,
should apply "to discrimination arising,
as in this case, from the gender reassignment
of the person concerned." The
ground-breaking decision incensed Euroskeptic
Tory MPs in Great Britain and
Tory MP Ann Winterton accused the European
Court of "meddling" in British
legal issues. Anothd~ Tory MP, Elizabeth
Peacock, also attacked the court decision.
"Ourrules aremadeby Parliament and are
sovereign," she said. "They should not be
overturned by a European court. Tli~ey
should mind their own business." British
government officials, said it was unclear if
UK law would have to be changed to
conform to the court ruling. Some political
leaders say the rnling is so sweeping
that it in fact may force the government to
drop its ban against homosexuals in the
nation’s armed forces.
MIT Moves on
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Faculty members
at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology
voted ovenvhdmingly by a voice
vote for the school to negotiate withROTC
officials for a "modified program" that
would allow students to enroll in the campus
military program regardless of their
sexual orientation. The move is an effort
to keep the ROTC program, which also
serves students from Harvard, Tufts and
Wellesley, at MIT - along with some $56
million in Pentagon funds - without violating
the school’s own anti-bias policies
that bar discrimination against gays and
lesbians. The proposal endorsed by the
faculty concedes that openly gay or lesbian
students in ROTC would not be eligible
for commissions as long as the Pentagon
maintains the ban on homosexuals
in the armed forces, but would allow gay
and lesbian students to participate in the
." only say that Roberts’ program was being
¯ cancded because of "scheduling conflicts,"
but Kay Longcope, the Triangle’s
¯ publisher said she believes the
; fundamentalist’s boycott campaign
: backfired on him and brought pressure on
¯ the station to yank the program. "I think it
-" [the decision to cancel the program] speaks
"_ very well for the people of Austin who
really do not believe that Christianity is
"- based on hate," Longcope said
¯¯ Dole Campaign Ad in DC Gay Paper
¯ WASHINGTON - Senate Majority
Leader Bob Dole’s capital campaign or-
: ganization has put an ad in the May3 issue
: of the WashingtonBladeurgingreaders to
¯ vote for a slate of committed Dole del-
¯ egates. An uncommitted slate, including
: seven openly gay Republicans is chal-
¯ lenging the Dole slate, and has already
¯ been endorsed by the District’s local Log
¯ Cabin Club. Many political observers
¯ believe the challenge from the uncommit-
." tedslate prompted theKansas Republican
¯ andpresurned presidentialnominee’s cam-
" paagn to put the ad in the paper. The Dole
¯ campaign ad came just days after news
," that Abner Mason, a gay Boston Republi-
." can activist and Log Cabin Club officer,
¯ would be one of Massachusetts’ GOP
¯" delegates to the Republican National Con-
." vention in San Diego later this year. Ma-
¯ son Is a committed Dole delegate. Dole
¯ has had an on-off record with gays during ¯
¯ his currentpresidential campaign. Earlier this year a $1,000 campaign contribution
¯ from Log Cabin was returned to the groups
¯ PAC organization. Dbleinitially defended
; the returned check, saying he didn’t want
." voters to think he was "buying into some
: special rights for any group." But later he
¯ said returning the check had been"a mis-
; take" and blamed his campaign staff for
; the blunder. Even so, Dole agreed during
the caucus campaign in Iowa to sign a
¯ Chi’istian.Coalitionpledge opposing samesex
Is Drag
FERNDALE, Mich. - The good folks of
Ferndale, just outside. Detroit, have become
embroiled in a debate over whether
some guys putting on dresses to perform
in a variety show is constitutionally protected
freedom of speech and expression,
or if it violates community standards and
can therefore be prohibited. The flap has
erupted almost a year after the fact, but
that liasn’t lowered the heat of the debate
over the LavenderMoonCafe’s drag show
after Gay Pride celebrations there last
year. City Councilman RobertPaczkowski
has been leading the opposition, and he
said recently that "’a lot of people don’t
want that kind of a display right in the
middle of our central business district."
Paczkowski says Lavender Moon’s entertainment
license includes restrictions
barfing topless dancing, lingerie shows,
and any entertainment that"violates community
standards," which he says includes
guys dressing up as gals.
Town OKs Partner
BOULDER, Colo. - About the only positive
news recently in the growing battle
over same-sex relationships came in the
purely symbolic form of a domestic partnership
re~stration program approved by
the Boulder city council. The registry
cames no legal benefits, but allows samesex
& opposite-sex couples to legally
register their relationship with the city
clerk’s office. Proponents said the program
could make it easier for registered
couples to provide proofof their relationships
in seeking work-related benefits.
Olympic Games:
Utah & Cobb Cty.
ATLANTA - The 1996 Summer Olympic
Games preliminaries are getting underway
with the Saturday, April 27, televised
start of the torch that starts in Los
Angeles and will be relayed across the
counto’ to Atlanta where it will light the
official Olympicflame for the games there
on July 19 - although not quite the way US
Olympic officials expected. Tobegin with,
officials at the Los Angeles Coliseum,
where the torch relay begins, have been
complai~ting that they’re had trouble find
fig [eaves big enough to cover up the
genitals on 2 statues of nude athletes outside
the stadium. The cover-up order came
from the Atlanta Committeefor the Olympic
Ganges, which said they were concerned
that some viewers of the nationally
televised ceremony might be offended by
the nudity. ButACOGalso has announced
that the torch relay would not go through
Cobb County outside Atlanta because
county commissioners have refused to
repeal a 1993 measure that condemns"the
homosexual lifestyle." That resolution was
also responsible for ACOG’s decision,
under pressure from acuvists and rights
advocates, to pull scheduled Olympicpreliminaries
from facilities in the county.
Olympic officials, however, said the passage
of a measure ~n Utah barring gay
dubs at public schools would not make
them reroute the torch around the state.
Utah Lawmakers
Ban Gay Clubs
SALT LAKE CITY - Called into special
session, the Utah state legislature spent a
nasty day enacting a measure that would
bar gay and lesbian student groups from
public schools in the state, a measure that
Gov. Mike Leavitt has already indicated
’he would sign into law and for which he
called the special session. The state’s
ACLU has already vowed that if the measure
is signed into law, as it’s sure to be, it
will sue to overturn it. "Not only does it
violate the rights of lesbian, gay and
straight students," said Carol Gnade of
the American Civil Liberties Union in
Utah, "but also everyone associated with
a Utah high school, including teachers,
administrators and volunteers." Under the
lawjust approved by the legislature, school
boards will have the authority to restrict
or bar any campus club, but in addition,
the measure also forces public school
officials to ban any that are centered around
bigotry, criminal activity or human sexuality.
Gov. Mike Leavitt and the measure’s
sponsor, Sen. Craig Taylor, insisted that
the new law takes back control of campus
clubs by allowing school boards to prohibit
specific dubs. The Utah attorney
general has already indicated that barfing
campus clubs that are "controversial" is
illegal under the 1984 federal Equal Access
Forget Nature-vs-
Nurture; It’s Bingo!
MILWAUKEE - A judge has tossed out
a civil lawsuit filed by 73-year-old Mary
Verdev against a local church, claiming
she began having spontaneous orgasms
and became sexually attracted to other
women after an electronic bingo board
fell on her 6 years ago. Verdev’s suit was
dismissed "’with prejudice" (meaning she
can’t refile the claim) because she refused
to be examine by psychologists. Verdev
said in her suit that she suffered nearly
$90,000 in injuries when the 300-pound
bingo board fell from a stage at the church
during a bingo night she was attending in
1990. Her suit claimed the accident led to
her unusual sexual responses.
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Congress Passes
Ryan White CARE $
WASHINGTON - The Senate has approved
and sent to the White House a
measure thatincreases federal RyanWhite
CARE Act funds for local care and treatment
of people with HIViAIDS to $738
million. The measure passed unanimously
by a voice vote in the Senate after being
approved on a 402-4 vote in the House the
day before. The measure includes a controversial
provision, however, that calls
for mandatory HIV testing of all newborn
infants by the year 2000 if state voluntary
testing efforts do not reduce the motherinfant
infection rate by then. The issue of
mandatory testing of infants has been
problematic for many because it necessarily
amounts to a virtual inandatory
testing of the mother as well. Critics of the
provision say ~t may discourage pregnant
women from seeking prenatal care altogether.
President Clinton has indicated he
supports the bill and will sign it into law
Early-Stage Hiding
PlaceOf HIV ?
NEW YORK - Reporting in tli’e’medical
journal Science, researchers say they be~
lieve the mucous’membranes in the throat
may be the locatirn where HIV replicates
in hiding after individuals are infected
with the virus but still show no out,yard
signs of the infection. The researchers, led
by Ralph Steirmaan of Rockefeller University,
said they made the discovery after
examining enlarged adenoids removed
from 13 patients and found large mnounts
of the virus replicating in the glands’
dendritic cells, the inm~une cells found in
the membranes. Eleven of the 13 i;ffected
people were una~vare at the time tb.at they
were l=IIV-positive.
New PCR Test for
HIV Is Less Reliable
CHICAGO - Stanford University researchers
report in the Annals oflnternal
Medicine that the new polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) AIDS test, which is based
on the presence of elements ofDNA from
HIV in the body, is less reliable than older
tests that rely on the presence of antibodies
to the virus. The researchers found that
even with the daborate precautions requiredin
PCR testing, the results return 5
umes as many false results as the more
widely used antibody testing methods.
PCR testing is also significantly more
expensive and costs between $150 and
$200, compared to standard antibody tests,
which range in price from $5 to $50. The
advantage of the PCR test is that it can be
administered earlier: to newborns because
other tests rely on the formation of antibodies
to the"virus, which often don’t
show up for 6 months following infection.
KS Virus May Be
Common in All Men
BOSTON - A report in the New England
Journal ofMedicine says the virus that is
believed responsible for Kaposi’s sarcoma,
a rare cancer that strikes many
AIDS patients, is found in the sexual
¯ organs ofmostmen. Researchers with the
¯¯ Institute of Microbiology at the University
of Ferrara in Italy report they found
¯ the KS-related virus, known as KSHV, in
30 of 33 semen samples of health Italian
¯" men - a 91% infection rate. The scientists
¯ also say they found the virusin the urinary
¯ tracts, in the prostates, and other areas of
¯ the genital organs of other health men as ¯
well. The scientists say they believe indi-
¯ viduals with healthy immune systems can
." live with the virus present in their bodies
¯ without any.apparent problems, but that ¯ when the immune system is weakened, as
¯ it is when infected with HIV, the KS virus
¯ appears to become active.
Drug Combo Looks
\VASHINGTON - A 73-week study by
drug manufacturer Hoffman-La Roche of
some 978 AIDS patients has shown that
Invirase, the brand name for the firm’s
version of the protease inhibitor
saquinavir, in combination with the drug
ddC, reduced the rate of deaths by more
than two-thirds compared to patients taking
ddC alone. Saqtunavir has been considered
the least impressive of the new
protease inhibitors, but the new findings,
which have not yet been published, have
prompted the drug manufacturer to ask
the Food & Drug Administration to allow
the new information to be added to the
drug’s label.
"HIV Cell Infection
i Agent- Isolated
report they ha~[.e discovered a chemical
¯ clue to why HIV is infectious. Reporting
¯ in the journal Science, researchers at the
Nadonal Institute of Allergy and Infections
Diseases say they have found a pro-
. tein, which they call "fusin," that must be
¯ present for HIV to infect white blood
cells,.the primary target of the virus. Edward
A. Berger, who headed the team that
made the discovery, said the discovery
gives scientists a "new handle on under-
; standing" how HIV invades cells. "Obvi-
] onsly this is a potential target for develop-
. mg new drugs to treat HIV infection,"
Berger said. "Potentially by coming up
¯ with a drug that blocks the receptor, you
: might block the .ability of HIV to repli-
¯ cate." The researchers cautioned, how-
" ever, that there were still~ many mysteries
¯ about the virfis that need to be answered.
¯ Among other things, they noted that HIV ¯
attaches itself to some types Of immune
¯ cells in the early stages of the infection
~ without using fusin. This means HIV
¯ comes in variations that connect to CD4
cells and some other molecular cofactor
¯ or cofactors on these cells. Berger said
¯ that potential, drugs that block, the fusin
receptor on cells could only do part of the
job in combating HIV.
Increase in HIV
After Tetanus Shots
¯ BOSTON - Researchers with the Na-
¯ tional Institute of Allergy & Infectious
¯ Diseases have reported in the New En-
~ gland Journal of Medicine that tetanus
¯ shots can cause a dramadc ~ncrease in the
reproduction of HIV in the body. After
¯ g~ving tetanus shots to people infected
; with HIV, the researchers found
they had a 2- to 36-fold increase in HIV
levels. The scientists also found that
~ blood samples from uninfected individu-
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als who had been given the same tetanus
shots more readily became infected with
HIV after the injections. Researchers said
the dramatic increase in HIV production
appears to only last about 6 weeks, so the
benefits of tetanus shots generally outweighs
the temporary surge in HIV levels
for most patients.
Blood Heat
Treatment Gets OK
LOS ANGELES - The Indiana-based
HemoCleanse Inc. has been given approval
by the Food & Drug Administration
to expand testing of its blood-heating
treatment of people infected with HIV.
The 2nd phase of the trials will include 2-
hour treatments at St. Elizabeth Hospital
in Lafayette, Ind., and the Harbor-UCLA
Research & Education Institute in Los
Angeles. HemoCleanse’s treatment, similar
to kidney dialysis, involves slowly
drawing all a patient’s blood from his
body in small quantifies and heating it to
108 degrees Fahrenheit before infusing it
back into his body. The idea behind the
treatment is that HIV is sensitive to even
small increases in temperature and would
be destroyed in massive quantities by the
treatment. Sixty patients will be divided
into 2 groups during the trials. One group
will receive 2 treatments each - the first
for 1 hour, and the 2nd fo~ 2 hours. The
other group will serve as a control group
and will not receive the heat treatment,
but will remain on standard HIV drug
HIV & Gene Therapy
" Research
BOSTON" - Researchers report in the
journal Science that use of a genetically
benign version of HIV may be the key to
an importantbreakthrough in gene therapy
treatment, serving as the carrier system or
"vector" to deliver therapeutic genes to
target cells in the human body. Researchers
with the Salk Institute in San Diego
and the Whitehead Institute in Cambridge,
Mass., have reported that they successfully
used the HIV vector to inject therapeutic
genes in the cells of live rats in
laboratory experiments, ff the use of the
HIV vector proves as successful inhuman
gene therapy, the researchers say it could
be a potentially important treatment for
such genetic disorders as cystic fibrosis,
muscular dystrophy and Alzheimer’s dis-
Genetically Altered
AIDS Vaccine Fails
BE!’HESDA, Md. - Government officials
say a 5-year study of the genetically
engineered AIDS vaccine, gpl60, has
shown the prevention effort is not effective
in halting the progress of the disease
in people. The study, one of the first of its
kind, used the Microgenesys experimental
vaccine and was a joint venture between
the Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research and the National Institute of
Allergy & Infectious Disease in conjunction
with private medical facilities. With
some 600 military and civilian volunteers,
the study showed no improvement
in their ability to fend off the infection.
gin, transmission and statistics of infection
for each community, and (b) quarantine
those known to be infected and practicing
high-risk behavior.
Plank 1-3~ Homosexuality is not an
alternate lifestyle, a genetic abnormality
or a civil rights matter, but is instead a
consciou~ individual choice of an
abominal sin practice. Such behavior has
been a major factor in the demise of societies
from Sodom and Gomorra to the
Empires of Ottoman, Greece and Rome.
Homosexlaal behavior is the principle
cause of the spread of AIDS in America.
We, therefore, condemn not the person
but the practice of homosexual behavior,
and oppose the ominous political powers
being given homosexuals in the United
States. We believe that the practice of
homosexuality is an abomination before
God and a perversion of the natural law
and is indicative of severe diseases. We
believe that legislation condoning homosexuality
would confer public acceptability
of this activity and would lead inexorably
to the destruction of our nation.
Plank 4-6: We believe that homosexuals,
sodomites, and other sexually perverse
people shonl~i not be entitled to
special or extraordinarY rights. We affirm
that homosexual behavior is not a constitutionally
protected right and that homosexuals
area behavi~al group not deserving
of special protection under the law.
Because homosexuals are not deserving
of minority status, we oppose all "’Gay
Rights" legislation. We urge that federal
and state funding we withheld from all
states and or municipalities that enact
homosexual "fights" legislation.
Plank 8+9: We support the retention
and enforcement ofsodomy laws in Oklahoma.
We urge vigorous arrest and pros-
.ecufion of all those violating laws regardxng
the promotion of homosexual behavior.
Plank 17+18: Toprotect family values,
we urge that those promotiug an alternative
lifestyle by restricted from positions
of influence of minor children. \Ve do not
recognize homosexuality as a normal
lifestyle, therefore we oppose any mandated
education curriculum or special
rights based on affirmative action for ho~
Plank 20+21: We strongly oppose permitring
homosexuals to teach in the public
school systems. We oppose the hiring
of homosexual teachers, administrators,
or counselors.
Hank 22-24: We oppose the establishment
of homosexual dubs in schools. We
hold that portraying the homosexual
lifestyle in any positive manner in our
schools is heresy. Weoppose the National
Education Association’s efforts to promote
the homosexual agenda in our
nation’s schools.
Plank 27-29: We submit that legally
recognized marriages to be limited to a
traditional monogamous heterosexual relationship,
with only these mamages allowed
current tax and legal benefits. We
oppose same-sex marriages. We support
federal and state legislation prohibiting
legal recognition ofsame sex "marriages"
in the event such unions are made legal by
another state.
Hank- 30: We believe that the federal
government should alterappointments and
employment practices that would place
homosexuals in sensitive and responsible
benefiting Tulsa Area AIDSAgencies
June 21&221996 Warren Place Doubletree Hotel
Dinner, Cash Bar and Performance
OR BY PHONE: 584-2000
550 N. Memorial
Kacie Gordon
pager: 672-8905
Joni Ledbetter
pager 670-5664
Any Sale - 2% over
invoice with ad.
Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesday Services 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm
Choir Practice ¯ Thurs. 7:30 pm Codependency Support Group
I To do justice, love mercy & to walk humbly zoith our God... Micah 6:8
5451-E South Mingo Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
’96 Pride Picnic
Noon - 5:00 prn
Opening Ceremony, lpm
¯¯ Blessing by the Rev. Leslie Penrose
¯ Welcome by TOHR president Debbie Starnes
¯ Performances by local entertainers, including Miss Gay Tulsa &
Miss Tulsa USofA, and Tulsa Family Chorale!
Throughout the afternoon,
¯ DJ will provide music throughout the day
¯ Booths with vendors, community organization info., crafts, etc.
¯ Food for modest cost
¯ Free beverage.s
¯ Volleyball & tennis court available
¯ Kids’ playground
¯ Security provided all day
¯ Closing ceremony, with benediction by RF Renfro &
Freedom Balloon Extravaganza!
If you want to have a "booth," call Tom at 583-1248 before June 1st.
Be a part of the Pride Picnic! - To volunteer, call 743-4297.
Edison St.
~ To Sand Springs, 1-412
Directions: From Tulsa, take
Keystone Expressway West
towards Sand Springs. Exit
Gilcrease Rd. turn right (North)
on Gilcrease Road to Edison St.
and turn right (East) on Edison,
go about 1/2 mile. Owen Park is
on the right. Parking is on the
Southeast corner of the park,
near Roosevelt School.
Agape’ Christian
Service, 10:30 am & 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
Bless the Lord At All
.Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
262To East 1 lth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
545 I-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing HIV+ Support Group
TOHR Clinic ¯ HIV Resource Consortium
Free & anonymous testing " 1:30 pm
using fingerstick method. ¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
No appointment required. " Info~ Wanda @ 749-4194
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm :
Results hours: 7-9 pm ¯ Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
Info: 742-2927
Lambda Bowling League
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan
Support Group
2nd Monday of month,
6:30 pm
4154 S, Harvard
Info: 749-4901
TOHR Helpline
Daily 8-10 pm
For info. or to volunteer:
The Technicians, Leather
org., Info c/o 621-5597
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform
& Leather Seekers Assoc.
Info: 838-1222
¯ HIV/AIDS:Support Group &
¯ Friends & Family
¯¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pro, call for location:
Grief Group
¯ Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
Alternative Skating
8:30 - 11 pm, 241-2282
$4, Sand Springs Skate
¯ Agape’ Christian
: Fellowship
¯ Service, 7 pm ¯
Sheridan Center, Suite H
¯ 21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
Bible Study, 7 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention ProJect
Support group
for Gay & Bi Native
Ameri&m Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd
582-7225 or 584-4983
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
: Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E.2nd, Info: 585-1800
" Co-Dependency
¯ Support Group
: 7;30; Family of Faith MCC
: 5451-ES. Mingo, 622-1441
HIVTestingTOHRClinic i
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30 pm.
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
Ist & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
Weekly social events for
LGBT men & women, 7 pm
Info: 646-5503
¯ Substance Abuse
Support Group
for persons with HIViAIDS
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
3-4:30 pm, hffo: 749-4194
¯¯ St. Jerome’s Ecumenical
Catholic Church
¯" Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
¯ 3841 S. Peoria
¯ Info: Father Rick
¯ at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Student
TJC Southeast Campus,
SWAN-Sip~gle Women’s
Activ@ Network
Call 832-2121
MAY 17-19
Herland Sister Resources Retreat
Roman Nose State Park
Registration deadline: 5/15
Info: 2312 NW 39th, OKC 73112
HIVIAIDS & SpiritualitylWholeness
Retreatfor Women, Info: 488-9215
Pride Picnic Benefit, Lola’s
2630 E. 15th, 749-1563
Interfaith AIDS Minitries
13th InternationalAIDS Candlelight
Memorial & Mobilization
3 pro, St. Peter’s Episcopal, 9100 E. 21St
Info: 438-2437
Ecumenical Pride Worship Service
6 pm, St. Jerome’s hosting at The
Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick, page 646-7116
Pride Picnic Benefit - The Tool Box
1338 E. 3rd, 584-1308
TOHR, PFLAG & Rainbow Business
Guild present Cece Cox, pres. ofthe
Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance
7 pm, Chouteau Ran, Chapman Ctr, TU,
Dinner: $10, Speech: free,Info: 743-4297
Safe Haven Lake Cookout.
Social gatheringfor young adults, 18-30
8 pm, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Pride Picnic Benefit - The Silver Star
1565 S. Sheridan, 834-4234
TOHR Citywide Pride Prom
All ages, alcohol-free dance
8 pm, Alan Chapman Activity Cti. TU,
Dignity/Integrity Meeting
Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians
5 pm, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
5635 E. 71st, Info: POB 701044, 74170
Pride Picnic Benefit, Concession~
3340 S. Peoria, 744-0896
Family AIDS Support Group, 6:30 pm
Social and Refreshments. 7 pm
General Meeting, 7:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Info: 749-4901
Tulsa Pride Picnic
Noon - 5pm. Owen Park
560 No. Maybelle, Info: 583-1248
Family ofFaithMCCFather’s Day Service
With Father Rick Hollingsworth
11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
JUNE 21 a 22
Follies Revue, Inc.
Follies ’96 Salutes the Movies!
6 pm, Doubletree Hotel, Warren PlaCe
$125 & $40, Info: 437-0201
Statewide Pride Rally & Parade
Speaker: Donna Red Wing
’92 Advocate Woman ofthe Year
1:30 pro, Memorial Park, NW 35th &
Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City
Info: 743-4297 or 405-791-0202
by J.D. Jamett
What can I say, this last month truly did
have its showers and flowers. The turnabout
show at the Silver Star was a rose.
that never smelled more sweeter, & the
staff truly did surprise themselves when
they let their less masculine sides show.
On the other hand, the Miss Gay Tulsa
America at the Performing
Arts Center
got rained on- no fault
of the orgamzers or
performers. The technical
staff at the P.A.C.
constantly missed
lighting and sound
cues - whathappened?
Our sympathies to the
entertainers and organizers.
This next month
holds alot offun things
todo starting with Renegades"
GayFest (May 17- 19)
which features Dark
Shadows (drag in
broad daylight!) and
other fun things tO do
all outside. That same
weekend, you may
venture back inside on
May 17 for a live performance by Abigail
at Concessions that should very entertaining
May 23, the Red Ribbon Ice Revue call
254-7272 for more details. In June, don’t
forget Miss Northeastern Oklahoma
USofA at The Silver Star (June 23).
Pride Picnic Update
Show your pride in the community and
help make this year’s Pride Picnic the best
Kelly Green, Miss Gay Tulsa America
runners-up, JJ Gentry & Sugarbaker
ever by seeing any or all of the following
benefit shows: Lola’s on May 18th, the
Toolbox hosted by Sensuous on May26th
and the Silver Star on June 7th.
This month I’m proud to feature, not an
establishment, but a community within
our .community, Community of Hope. It’s
not just a church, but a place where you
feel like a person, notjust a number.Leslie
Penrose is the pastor.She’is one of these
rare people you are truly proud to call a
friend. This church has
a lot tO offer, for ex,
ample, chances to
work in the commu-
.nity through programs
like their RAIN team
training, feeding the
homeless, meals on
.wheels, small symposiums
on a variety of
different subjects, and
social events such as
small dinner groups
and movie nights. I’ll
say it a again- it’s not
justachurch butacommunity!
Services are
very convenient on
Sunday evening at
6pm at 1703 East 2nd
Street. Giveit achance,
Monique Foster, the new Miss Silver Star you may just like it.
& Bobbi Sue Summers OK, OK, boy, did I
¯ open up a big make-up
¯ case with the Queen of the Month (see ¯
letter to the editor). Sorry Katherine, but
: licking may face does constitute begging.
¯ Well, this month’s Queen of the Month is ¯
constandyhelpingpeople- doingbenefits
¯ &helping as aresearchnurse on HIV drug
: studies.That’s right, Danny (TeraTaneal),
¯ youareMay’sQueenoftheMonth.Thanks
: for all your hard work! Till then, see ya
out + about.
Fina y....Unity Gardens
A final resting place in peace, unity and pride...
located in Washington Memorial Gardens Cemetery
4300 E. 91st Street South
On 91st Street between Yale & Harvard.
Unity Gardens has been designed for
the Gay and Lesbian Community,
and those who support our unity.
Did you know that there is no cemetery in Tulsa
that will allow companions to be buried together
recognizing them as a couple,
or~’recognizing your sexual orientation as an individual?
Actually there is no place in the United-States who will,
We are the first celnetery in the United States
to offer a special section of our cemetery just for
Gays & Lesbians, and their family and friends.
We offer burial spaces, columbarium for cremated remains,
and scattering gardens with a memorial wall,
in this new-ly expanded and renovated-section of
Washington Memorial Gardens Cemetery.
The Pride flag will proudly fly in the center of Unity Gardens
to always remind us of our struggle in life for unity and pride.
If you have purchased a plot elsewhere,
you may be able to transfer or trade your burial plots.
For more information, please call Russell Langley-Stumpff at 918-587-7000.
***Owned and operated by Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home***
A Friendly Place to Stay
"96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(501) 253-7311
Jerry A. Wilson, owner
MCC of the
Living Spring
....a community of friends...
Rev. Kermie Wohlenhaus
We welcome you to attend!
Services held
Sunday evenings at 7 o’clock
17 Elk Street
(at the Unitarian Church)
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Raven/Redhawk Enterprises
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Systems &
Software Specialist
POB 429, Eureka Springs 72632
Books, Incense,
Candles and Rainbows/
Plus lots morel
(501) 25315445
45&1/2 Spring Street
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
ofEureka Springs
Recommended by -
The New York Times
(501) 253-6807, Closed Wednesday
5Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Jim & .Brent’s Bistro Calendar ofEvents
Friday, May 24 &-Thursday, May 25 --
Richard Johnson, acoustic guitar
Thurs. May 30th & Fri. May 31st
Music on the deck, Lunch, 11:30-2:30, Dinner 5-11 pm.
Bistro Beat Etc.
May 30th through June 2nd
Eureka Springs.Blues Festival
Stop by our house for a taste of local flavor.
Dine outside on the patio & porch or in
our three beautiful dining rooms.
Fine food at an affordable price.
Gay.owned, Operated & Rainbow Proud
By Allan Beard, Baltimore GayPaper
Like most other gay resort areas,
Provincetown shares the three traits all
held in common - sun, sand and surf. And
like its southern sister city Key West, it is
a remote village located on a narrow strip
of landjutting out into the Adantic Ocean,
accessible only to those who seek it out.
One does not pass through Key West or
Provincetown; one goes there to be there.
Andwhile Provincetown’ s waters are significandy
cooler than those of Florida’s
southern most city, it is not the water that
attracts tens of thousands of lesbians and
gay men to this Massachusetts Cape Cod
village each year - it’s the lesbians and
gay men that is the attraction.
Just who first walked the sandy beaches
that surround Provincetown is in little
doubt. And while Native Americans can
lay claim to the cape, it was the white
European immigrants who built the fishmg
village that was to become
Provincetown. Pilgrims from the May
flower first walked ashore in 1620; a
monument commemorating that event
stands’ atop High Pole Hill overlooking
the town an harbor.
For the most part, Provincetown grew
up over three centuries as a fishing village.
Filled with the homes and shops of a
18thcentury fishing village, Provincetown
is rich in period architecture with an impressive
harbor and quaint atmosphere
one comes to expect from a New England
port town. It is surrounded by beaches,
dunes and the Atlantic. Isolated at the end
of Cape Cod, Provincetown has long attracted
artists,individualists and free spirits.
Very much like Key West, the 3,700
year-round residents have a live-and-let-
¯ live attitude, which clearly appeals to the
¯ many thOUsands of lesbians and gay men
that flock there every, summer.
¯ The village has two main streets, Com-
" mercial Street and Bradford Street, which
¯ run parallel for nearly three miles. They
are intersected bynumerous smaller streets
¯ beginning at the harbor and continuing
¯ back to the dunes. It is a town filled with
guest houses, restaurants, galleries, bou-
: tiques and shops. It also has its share of
¯ typical beach community tourist busi-
¯ .nesses, but in Provincetown they don’t
¯ seem to intrude on the town’s quiet character.
¯ The Provincetown Business Guild rep-
¯ resents more than 200 businesses that
welcomelesbian and gay tourists. Founded
in 1978 the guild is dedicated to enhanc-
¯ ing the vacation experience of gay people
¯ , visiting the cape. Lesbian and gay life is
readily visible to anyone visiting the town.
Couples stroll the shop lined streets ann
~n arm with barely notice given them. On
the beach thousands of hard bodied men
and buffed lesbians swim, play and sun
themselves in the confidence of a shared
appreciation of their diversity. At night a
not-so subtle sexual energy takes over the
town’s main streets as hundreds head to
nightclubs and restaurants to party with
old acquaintances and new-found friends.
It is an atmosphere suited perfectly to the
friendly, open lifestyle of this .country’s
many lesbian and gay communities.
To increase gay visibility and promote
gay pride, the ProvincetOwn Business
Guild plans special events year-round.
For information on these events and to
make travel arrangement~,call Vanessa at
International Tours at - 341-6866.
OK, so maybe you don’t have the time
or money to go as far as Provincetown but
you still need a get-away and it’s got to be
a Gay-friendly place, and affordable!
For all that, you can’t beat Eureka
Springs. This Victorian jewel has got to
have one of the highest per capita Lesbian/
Gay/Bi populatious in the country.
And therefore, you can count on finding a
friendlyfamily welcome.
In fact, it’s possible to spend most of
your resting and dining time in Gay or
very Gay friendly establishments. This
writer canpersonallyrecommendthe food
at DeVito’s and dined withJim &Brent at
the restaurant the guys had before they
opened the well-regarded Bistro. While
we haven"t tried Autumn Breeze, we hear
it’s excellent also.
Lod~ng can vary from the very convenient
Kings Hi-Way Inn overlooking a
lovely valley to the unique bed & break-
¯ fast experience of the Woods or Rock
¯ Cottage Gardens or the views of Pond
MountainLodge. For very reasonable and
¯ historic rooms, check out the Park Basin
, In between earing and sleeping, there
¯ are many shops to checkout. They range
from tourist tacky to worksof art. One of
the most interesting selections is at Crazy
¯ Bone. And be sure to stop in ’to see MC
¯ andLinda, the new ownersoftheEmerald
¯ Rainbow, providing locals, and visitors with Pride stuff and mo~e..:
¯ NoW if you need more.detailed infor-
¯ marion about all your Options in Eureka ¯
Springs, track down Jan & Kim with
¯ P.I.M.P.S. who kiaow what’s available.
¯ And if like many others, you decide to ¯
check out local properties, stop by
McClung Realty - they can help.
Adult Accommodations
In Eureka Springs, Arl~nsas
Craftsman-style cottages with beautiful views
of the woods and wildlife -.Tucked on top of the
Ozark Mountains. just a few rmnutes walk to the
Historic Village of Eureka Springs.
Frank Gr~.en Jr., Host - 50 Wall Street - Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
OK, all of you budding Laurence
Oliviers, take notice! ff acting is your
profession 9rjust a fun hobby, and you’re
having trouble finding quality plays that
speak to gays and lesbians, here is the
book for you. "The Actor’s Book of Gay
and Lesbian Plays" pulls together seventeen
plays, chosen by
editors (and playwrights),
EricLane and
Nina Shengold.
The criteria for a
play’s inclusion in this
anthologyis thatitmust
have gay or lesbian
characters, queer
themes or be ofinterest
to the gayand lesbian
of the playwright’s
ownsexual orientation.
The plays vary widely,
from one-acts to full
length, comic and dramatic,
some interesting while others less
so, and a range o_f styles and cast sizes.
One of the most interesting aspects of
these plays is that not all of them premieredin
New York or Los Angeles. One
had its .first performance in
Shepherdstown, West Virginia~ and another
was first heard over the air as a radio
AIDS, of course, is a topic of a few of
these plays. Victor .Bumbalo’s "What
Are Tuesdays LaKe. takes place in a
hospital waiting room. "The Baltimore
Waltz," by Paula Vogel and "Lonely
Planet," by Steven Dietz deal with AIDS
in more intangible ways.
Another interesting entry, "It’s Our
Town, Too," by Susan Miller, is just what
you might think: a bare stage, queer ver-
...One d the-most
interesting aspects of
these plays is that not
all of them premiered
in New York or Los
A~ngeles. One hasd.lts
first performance m
West Virginia...
sion . of Thornton
Wilder’s "Our Town."
"Cater,Waiter,"by Eric
Lane, is a funny, ironic,
ten-minute piece about
"eighty-seven gay men
and three lesbians serving
dinner tO a buncha
Reagan cronies" at a.
Republican fundraiser.
With the current
boom of successful
queer-themed films,
like "Jeffrey" and "The
Bird~ge," it shouldn’t,
be long until more gay
and lesbian friendly
" plays start showing.up onstage in mid-
: America. When they do, "The Actor’s
¯ Book of Gay and Lesbian Plays" will be
; an excellent resource.
¯ Check for this book, and others on
¯ similar subjects, at your local branch li-
¯ brary or call the Readers Services depart-
’ ment at the CentrallLibrary, 596-7966.
byJames Christjohn, EntertainmentNotes
While it might seem so at times, this
column is not just about me being peevish.
It is about a much wider concern of
To those in the gay & lesbian community
whom I have heard complaining that
thereisn’t enough gay theatre, that there is
an audience for these shows, that no theatre
in town is brave enou,,h to do these
kinds of shows; I have only one thing to
say. Where were you?
Several shows during
the TU weekend of
One-acts touched on
gay issues, mine and
Gabriel Washam’s
"’Diaries" blatandy so.
I had incredible support
from Professor Cook (
Thank you!), who feels
these plays are important
to have done, an
incredible cast, & itwas
free, for heaven’ s sake!
You missed a great set
of shows.
You had the chance
to say, with your pres-
To those...
corn lainln that
P" ’ ~
here lsn t enough
Gay theatre,
that there is
an audlenee ~or
these shows...
I have only one
thln¢ to say.
Where were you?
ence, that there is an audience for these
shows, that these shows will draw folks
in, that there is a reason to see these shows
As Gerald Miller said, "Ain’t gonna
happen". He and I spoke of Gay theatre in
Tulsa when he was managing Theatre
Tulsa. His take was that there wasn’t an
audience. Tom and I argued the point, and
I now feel his comments were, sadly,
¯ To all of you who expressed interest, &
¯ didn’t put your body where your mouth is
¯ in terms of your presence in the theatre
" seat, you’ve helped to kill gay theatre.
¯ If there is no gay theatre in Tulsa, it’s
¯ not that the shows aren’t produced or
¯ people aren’t interested in doing them;
it’s because you weren’t there when the
¯ shows were produced. Even when, as in
.. this case, the productions are free to the
¯ public! You have no one to blame but
yourselves. So don’tlet
me hear anyone in the
community bemoaning
"the lack of gay plays
here, because it’s your
own fault they aren’t
being done.
BACP produced an
excellent production of
Harvey Fierstein’s"On
Tidy Endings" some
months back_. Thenight
Tom &I attended, only
1/4 of the house was
filled. And I know
there’s enough queens
in this town to have
filled the theatre.
" Sad thing is, many students & faculty.
¯ were talking about doing a production of ¯
"Falsettoland" at TU. Thehigher ups were
." concerned that people wouldn’t come.
¯ One ofmy goals with HIVariations, I’d
¯ hoped, was to prove that there was an ¯
audience. With the lack of community
¯ support of HIVariations, indeed all the
¯ shows that weekend, it seems unlikely ¯
¯ that this Falsetto, or other shows like it,
will be produced. How sad.
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by Jean-Pierre, TFNfood critic
TFNreaders attending the Great Plains
Regional Gay Rodeo in Oklahoma City
Memorial Day weekend will be pleased to
know that lots of decent restaurants exist
in our Capital Cowtown at which they can
cozy up to the chuckwagon.
Just like Tulsa, most of the national
franchises and chain restaurants have
stores in Oklahoma City which are concentrated
in the Quail Springs Mall area
¯ on Memorial between May and Pennsyl~
vania; near Baptist Hospital at Northwest
Expressway and Lake Hefner Parkway;
in"oiltown" at Interstate
40 and Meridian;
and down on the
south side along Interstate
240 between
Western and May
Avenues. But why
eat at some place you
can visit at home?
After all, half of the
tim of traveling to
exotic locations is
discovering the local
cuisine.And, surprisingly,
City probably has a
lot more decent nonchain
restaurants than Tulsa.
First, a few words of warning: Many
rodeoers will be staying at the Northwest
Hilton or at the ever popular Habana Inn
both of which have in house dining facilities.
Let’s just say that you’ll want to eat
off the premises. And don’t even think
about room service.
\¥qaen you are in downtown OKC, be
advised that. there is no place wonderful,
and the Myriad Convention Center food is
deadly. Nearby though are LaRoea Mexican
Restaurant a couple.of blocks west
of the Myriad on Rent and there are
always the various trendy (translate: long
lines, small servings, big prices) establishments
and the onmipresent Spaghetti
Warehouse in Bricktown several blocks
east o.f the Myriad. The Bricktown Brewery
is, in our opinion, the Oklahoma
microbrewery serving up the best beer
made in Oklahoma (but don’t get your
hopes up about the food)¯ Wejust wish the
Oklahoma legislature didn’t make the
microbreweries water the beer to 3.2.
Several formerly popular northwest
spots are now closed, such as Doc’s at
63rd and Western, Rita’s del Rio on May
across from the Northwest Hilton,Pump’s
at Grand and \Vestem, Interurban in
Fifty Penn Place, and Magnolia Cafe at
66th and Western: We’re also sad to report
that due to the new conservative
Christian ownership of United Founder’s
Tower, the Eagle’s Nest, with its 360
degree revolVing view of Lake Hefner
and northwest Oklahoma City, has closed
its doors. Never fear, though, there are
still lots of fun places to dine and frolic.
While on Oklahoma City’s infamous
39th Street Strip, many readers may remember
the gastronomically challenging
Family Diner, a classic greasy spoon.
But better days have come to that location,
and completely new proprietors have
established the gay owned and operated
Pifion Care (moderate cost), which features
lots of Southwestern style entrees,
heavy on thepasta and chicken, and, while
notan all-night establishment, does stay
open until 2 a.m., and 3 a.m. on weekends.
: The beautiful people and yuppies of
¯¯ OklahomaCity spendmost of their dining
¯ dollars on the strip alongWestern Avenue north of Interstate 44. There is quite a
¯ variety of interesting and worthwhile
¯ places in this area. Anchoring the comer
¯ spot on i-44 is Portobello (expensive),
¯ featuring Tuscan style Italian food and
: Italian language tapes in the restrooms.
¯ Another long time Italian spot is Flip’s
¯ -Wine Bar and Trattoria (moderately
¯ expensi.ve), at Grand Boulevard, with a
¯ great selection of by-the-glass wines and
¯ decent food--be sure to check out the
After all,
half of the fun of
traveling_is discovering
the local euMne.
And, surprisingly,
Oklahoma City
probably has a lot
more decent non-chain
restaurants than Tulsa.
daily specials. At
64th Street, you will
. find the excellent
Metro Wine Bar
and Bistro (expensive,
advised), serving re-
,trial French cuisine,
nightly meat
and fish specials, and
creamy, chilled
vichyssoise to die
for. Across the street
in: Nichols Hills
Plhza is the single
best restaurant in the
st~ite of Oklahoma,
¯ the.Coach House (veryexpensive, reser- ¯
vataons required, dres~ code), featuring
e}quisitely prepared Atnerican haute cui-
¯ sine and impeccable ~ervice. Everyone ¯
should experience the artistry of Chef
~ Kurt Fleishfresser and the elegance of the
: Coach House at least once in their life-
¯. time. Crawling back toWestern, at 67th’is
the Iguana Lounge (moderate) which is
¯ billed as Acapulco cuisine but we have to
¯ call it avant garde Mexican, and their new
.: patio should be open by rodeo time. An
excellent sushi bar is Tokyo Japanese
¯ Restaurant (expensive), just south of
¯ Wilshire, which serves Sapporo beer and ¯
¯ sushi as good as any Japanese restaurant
we’ve visited in the United States. Way
: up north at 80th is Let’s Barbecue (inex-
¯ pensive), with basic down home smoked ¯
meats and occasionally fried catfish (if
¯ you remember Let’s at 66th Street, that
¯ location, now closed, went to Let’s ex-
¯ wife in the divorce, andLeomoved north). ¯
Acouple ofother spots popular with the
¯ capital city gay crowdinclude the Painted
: Desert (inexpensive) at 36th and Shartel,
¯ whichis your basicburger bar, Pepperoni ¯
G~ill (moderately expensive) in Penn
¯ Square Mall by Dillard’s with eclectic
¯" Italian food, and Bellini’s (expensive) at
63rd and Pennsylvania, which serves up
¯ northern Italian themed food and dell-
: cious bellini’s (a peach and champagne
¯ cocktail) with a view of the swan pond ¯
and outdoor seating-- enterfrom the park-
" ing garage_ under the Waterford office
¯ building.
¯ Those looking for Oriental foods will ¯
¯ be excited to spend time in Oklahoma City s Little Saigonareacentered at North-
," west 23rd and Classen. We particularly
recommend Lido (moderate) at 24th and
: Military (just off Classen near the milk
¯ bottlebuilding), whichhas excellent Viet-
: namese food in an elegant setting, and is
¯ popular with many of the state’s power-
" ful--we’ve run into Governor Waiters
¯ and several Supreme Court justices here.
¯ Check out the dim sum at Grand House
: (moderate),just across the street from the
see Food, page 14
n Communicolions does not
milk bottle. One of our favorite Chinese
restaurants is Dumpling House (moderate)
on 23rd just east of Classen, which is
patronized by many Chinese and Vietnamese
youth (be sure to ask for the
English menu). Another excellent Vietnamese
and Chinese place is Mirawa
(moderate), a bit farther east on 23rd. For
Korean food, try Sharon Gardens (inexpensive)
on 23rd west of Classen, and for
Thai, go to Sala Thai (inexpensive) just a
couple of blocks farther west.
If seeing all those cowboys wrangle
beef on the hoof has you hankering for a
big juicy steak, you can’t go wrong with
Cattleman’s Care (moderately expensive)
in Stockyards City, Exchange Street
south of 1-40 (ask for directions). In the
Remington Park area at Northeast 50th
and Kelly is one of our favorites, Sleepy
Hollow (expensive), whichhas nomenus,
but serves up big delicious bowls of
mashed potatoes, ~avy, and peas family
style and huge, wonderful steaks to its
horseman and jockey clientele. You can
get decent barbecued ribs and an all you
can eat special at Oklahoma County
Line (moderately expensive) on Northeast
63rd between Kelly and Eastern. And,
when the budget gets a little thin, you can
find an excellent chicken fried steak sandwich
at Chuck House (inexpensive) at
Northwest Tenth and Meridian.
This should be a big enough list of the
better places in Oklahoma City to keep
rodeo-goers well fed for one weekend.
Just remember, we have McDonald’s in
Tulsa. Bon appetit, cowboy.
How To Do It
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Weider Full Range Home Gym
used, compact, no weights necessary.
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Pride Picnic Booths
Our lawn, your table
$5 - information only table
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) ~ )) )i!!::ii!l!~!~+............
lWO STEPPER What’s up?, Russell,
++ ............................... " ’~+i~+~i~!i)il~i!lllli~i~ Businessman, like to meet exciting people, nice
A LA CARTE Don 26 y/o chef work at a diriners, like to go two stepping, Vm 6’1 210 dk
restaurant here in town, looking for someone hair/brn eyes, fike to meet all Kinds of pgople
who likes dancing, fine dining ust all like to hang out, lets hook up and go- ,kheever’s
around good time give me a call- out there give me a call+ Northeastern
~Bartlesvi e) =33688 Okahoma) =34691
27, 5’7", 130, physicallyfit, black hair,
brown eyes, seeks straight acting guys, 18-
35, for fun, friendship and maybe more.
Please leave me a message. (Oklahoma City)
38, 175, seeks "P/’s or TS’s, disease free for
fun, romance and a at more.- Leave me a
THEY CALL ME RICO! GLM, 21, colle.qe
student, 180, 5’11", varied interests, seel~s
GBM/GLM for fun and more. Peace ya’ll!
(Piedmont) =21351
brown hair, green eyes, seeks men only, no
fat’s or fern’s, for fun and pleasure. You
must be a man’s man and not wanting to be
a woman or effeminate. (Tulsa) =25882
well built, brown hair and eyes smooth,
seeks straight acting males "for general
buddy stuffand more. Give me a call.
(Eastern) =33446
145, good build, long brown hair brown
eyes, seeks local dudes for fun and mare.
Call me. (Fairview) =23276
1 ) To respond to these
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6’~ 175, brown hair and eyes, seeks oca
dudes for whatever happens. Leave me a
detailed message. (Muskogee) =32979
feminine, 20, 5’i 1", 180, seeks extremely
dominant and masculine men who know
wh~ they want and know how to get it.
(Muskogee) ~32814
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
HOWDY GUYS:) GWM, 28, 6’, brown hair
and eyes,160, seeks local guys fer fen and
mare. (Muskogee) =17409
PLAYTIME GWM, 5’10", 170, seeks others
forfun and more. (Norman) ~33138
BEYOND BAR LIFE GWM, 18, smoker,
seeks lhat Mr. Right for a spe~.ial relationship.
Please be drug/disease/b~r free and be ready
.to:be a friend wilh hopeless romantic
teedencles. (North Central) =18212
JOCK SUPPORTER GWM, 27, 130, 5’7",
black hair, brown eyes, seeks lock types, 18-35
, for pleasure and more. Give me a call.
(Oklahoma City) =20529
6’1 180 blonde/blu bi curious Iookingfor
experienced bi or gayWM 21-35 looking for
someone to be my coach, like outdoor activities
and sports, romantic evenings at home-
(Oklahoma City) =34032
CLEAN CUT GUYS single WM 21,
bin/hazel, 6’1 170 clean cut and athletic,
looking for SWM 19-25 leave a message and I
will get back to you- (Oklahoma City)
18 YR OLD GUY Brad, interested in Gay
men, between 18-35, I am 18, like to meet you,
anyone out there who’s interested. (Oklahoma
City) =33455
A FINE ROMANCE Aaron, interested in a
man that is romantic and likes to have a real
good time..leave a message- (Oklahoma City)
ATHLETIC MEN Michael 5’10, 145, sandy
blond/blue, like to rollerblade movies and
swim looking for athletic body builder lyre man,
masculine and versatile and have a goal time
give me a call (Oklahoma City) =34176
brown hair, blue eyes, seeks others, 18-30, for
fun and more. This is definitely a no strings
attached situation. Call me. (Oklahoma City)
NO FAT’S OR FEM’S GWM, 23, HIV-, 6’5",
190, brown hair and eyes~ good looking, LPN,
career oriented, varied interests, seeks others,
20-28 and dominant only, for fun friendship
and ho~fully more. You must me drug an~l
disease flee as well as local! (Oklahoma City)
42, 5’11, 180; seeks local aggressive men, 20-
42, for fun and pleasure. Give me a call.
(Oklahoma City) e32160
THERE,S MOREl GBM, 21,5’3", 160,
’stache, glasses, muscular, seeks others, 19-30,
for fun and adventure. Call me for mare
information. (Oklahofi~a City) =24106
FIRST TIME JrlTERS Bi Curious WM, 26,
5’8", i60, seeks masculine GHM’s only to teeeh
me the pleasures of man to man fun~ Give me a
call. (Oklahoma City) =26234
WHERE’S MY DADDY? GWM, new to area
and this ti~eslyJe, 5’11", 140, dark hair, seeks
others, 24-34 and dominant. Give me a call
(Oklahoma City) =21422
READ ME GBM, 5’11", 175, very masculine,.
seeks others for fun and more. Once yo~ meet
me you’ll never let me go. Give me a call.
(Oklahoma City) =21904
39, married, excellent shape and well end’wd,
no~ into cruising, games, CD’s, TS’s or "[~/’s,
seeks mature executives 25-35, straight acting
and masculine. I~ you’ve had mor~ partners
than you have fingers, do not respohd to this!
(Oklahoma City) =21266
message. (Oklahoma City) = 19017
blonde hair, green eyes, restaurant mana~ter
seeks others into mo~ies, romance and ire~
fulfillment. If you’re ready to pursue a long
term relationship, give me a call. (Oklahoma
City) =19508
FUN AND MORE FUN GWM, 150, 5’7",
good build, brown hair, preen eyes, seeks
same for you know what. Give me a cal!.
(Oklahoma City) =17161
YOUNG LOVE GWM, 19, 6’, brown hair,
blue eyes, variety of interests, seek same, for
fun, fr~’’endship and more. You bust be
straight acting. (Oklahoma City) ~! 9160
NO CLUBS FOR ME GWM, 28, 6’4",
260, new to Ibis, seeks others to show me
mare about bein.q submissive and more.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma City) =6584
ARE YOU THE ONE’/GWM, 24, 5’10",
blonde hair, brown eyes, into fishingand
outdoor adivities, seeks other guys for fun
and possibly more. Call me. (Oklahoma
City) =151SS
22, varied interests, seeks others for fun and
more. Leave me a message. (Oklahoma
City) ~r18151
32, 6’, 160, inexperienced, seeks others,
masculine and attractive, to teach me more
and possibly learn these things together.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma ~ity) ~r7550
.qead build, brown hair, ~qreen eyes, clean
shaven, professional, see[cs others for fun,
friendship and more. Let’s get tc~gether soon.
(Oklahoma City) =7657
NAME IS LARRY GM, 6’, dark features,
medium build, into music and romance,
seeks top men only. Call me. (Oklahoma
City) =49966
BOY NEXT DOOR TYPE I’m new to the
area. I’m a 24 year old submissive, boy next
tyl~". I’m 5’11,160!bs, smooth skin,
nice bei:h/, HIV negative. I m looking for a
butch boy 25 to 35 for fun and friendship.
(Tulsa) ~34747
ITALIAN AMERICAN I’m a 25 year old
Italian American. I’m 5’9, 1651bs, and very
good looking. I’m looking to meet guys in my
area. (Tulsa) =41112
MY NAME IS STEVE GWM, 6’1", 160,
32, sh~rt brown hair, light blue eyes; seeks
masculine and straight acting GWM s, 18-
35, for fun and friendship. Leave me a
detailed message. (Tulsa) =20475
HI, I’M LEONARD GWM, 195, 6’3",
brown hair and eyes, new to area, seeks
others, 21-30, submissive and hairy
preferred, for hot fun and more. Call me
soon. (Tulsa) =18265
180, good build, blonde hair, hazel eyes,
clean cut and shaven, Rrofessional, seeks
others 20-30 for fun, friendship and more.
P ease eove a message. (Tulsa) = 17715
blonde hair, green eyes, 110, into afot of
things, seeks bthers, 18-30 for non game
playing fun. Life is too short to waste time.
Callme soon. (:tulsa) =7823
50’s, varied interests, seeks discreet fun and
more. Call me. (Tulsa) =7728
36, 6’, 145, dark hair, green .eyes, versatile,
seeks same, !8-36, for fi’iendship and
possibly mare. Smooth body and all natural
end’wdis a big plus! (Tulsa) ~6779
LOOKING FOR YOU GBM, seeks others
in the local area for fun and mare. Please
give me a call. (Tulsa) e2771
~ ..~....~
couple seeks singles or couples for
advbnture and excitement. Give us a ca.
(Eureka Springs) =23.$23
130 very straight acting real new to this
lifestyle, seeks older men for fun and
pleasure. (Ft. Smith) =334411
COUNTRY BOY Jim, 5’t0 dk hair, green
eyes, real hairy, country boy, used to work
on the riverlx~ts, now live up here, like to
spend some qual time with someone like
camping swimming riding, like to have 1 on
1 devotion with someone, I’m 29, like to
setlle down- (Utile Rock) ~34920
UALR STUDENT GWM, 28, college
student, seeks others for intimate fun and
more. (Li~e Rock) =26930
professional, alot of interests, seeks others for
fun, fr endship and more. Leave me a
message. (Russe vi e) ~27949
35, 5’6", black hair, brown eyes,
new to area, very romantic, seeks
others for fun, romance and possibly
more. If this interest~ you, please giv~
me a call. (Broken Arrow) ~45158
BI AND BI Bi Female, 5’4", 115,
brown hair, hazel eyes, seeks same.
No exceptions! (Oklahoma City)
~22358 - ~
GBF, seeks+BE or Gay females for fun
and friendship~ Please get in touch
with me. (Oklahoma City) e3610
Curious BF, seeks same for learning
.~xperiences. Give me a call.
Oklahoma City) ~49584
brown eyes and hair, variety of
interests, seeks other women for fun
and friendship. Please give me a
call. (Oklahoma City) ~45876
HEY GIRLSl GWF, into all sports
and more, seeks others to hang out
with. Give me a call (Tulsal
++~+~.~ ’+ ~++ :~+ ’+"":~I~
29, 5’3", 150, auburn hair, green
eyes, seeks others who are honest
and sincere, local preferred, for a
long lasting friendship and
relationship. Please leave a message
(Jonesboro) ~34470
Viaticatlon is the process through which a person
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Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
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They transfer your insurance and medical records
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At Southwest Viatical, we believe you should be assured
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By working with you in person, but at the same time
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deliver a settlement in less than a dlird die time other
compmlies’ take by mail, typically in fewer than 30 days.
We’ll do what it takes
to find. the best solution for you.
Home Office
Dallas, Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Our Families of the Heart
HIV-ERC + Red Ribb,.o.n
Revue + Pride- Bene.flts
Pride Worship Service
Dallas Leader Cece Cox
Hope Candlelight Tour
Pride Prom + Pride Picnic
O.KC Parade +. ,.Follies
TULSA - The next several weeks offer an unprecedented
number of community events which either
benefit HIV/AIDS charities or celebrate Lesbian/Gay
Pride Month. On May 23rd, the Red Ribbon Ice Revue
promises a great show at the Tulsa Ice Arena to support
Our House, a day drop-in center for persons living with
HIV/AIDS. Later that evening, the Silver Star will host
a benefit &raffle for the HIV Education and Recreation
Center, a new organization headed by Bruce Begley,
Sandy Hill, Steve Wilson and others.
OnSaturday and Sunday,June 8-9th,the Hope Candlelight
Tour will feature the homes of Tina & Steven
David, Judy & Bill Fisher, P.S. Gordon & Duane Men
Ne, Mary McMahon, and Ouida & Robert Merrifield to
benefit St. Joseph’s Residence/Catholic Charities and
RAIN, the Regional Interfaith AIDS Network. Tickets
are $10 and are available at Charles Faudree, 1345 E.
15th, and at MA Doran Gallery, 3509 S. Peoria. The
very distinguished organizing committee also has
planned a number of patron events - for more information,
call 747-9706.
Near the end of. the month, June 21 & 22, Follies
Revue, Inc. will present Follies ’96 Salutes the Movies
at the Doubletree Hotel, Warren Place. It’s a dinner and
a show you won’t want to miss. The beneficiaries are
TOHR, HIV Resource Consortium, Interfaith AIDS
Ministries, Shanti, Visiting Nurses Assoc. RAIN and
St. Joseph’s Residence/Catholic Charities. For tickets,
call the PAC box office, Carson Attractions, and Tickets
by Phone.
For June, the traditional Lesbian/Gay Pride month
worldwide, Tulsa volunteers have planned a number of
events. The month will begin by the first ecumenical
Pride Worship Service. Hosted by St. Jerome at the
Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria at 6 pm on Saturday,
June 1, the service will include Family of’Faith MCC,
Agape Christian Fdlowship and other congregations:
On Tuesday, June 4, PFLAG, TOHR and the Rainbow
Business Guild (with assistance from the Bisexual,
Lesbian, Gay Trans Alliance, BLGTA) will present
Cece Cox, president of the Dallas Gay & Lesbian
Alliance (DGLA), one of the most dynamic activists in
the Southwest and a native of Bartlesville. She will be
talking about the Marriage Project of the DGLA as well
as her work as co-chair of GLAAD/Dallas. The dinner
will be held in the Chouteau Room of the Chapman
Student Center of the University of Tulsa at 6:30. The
dinner is $10 but the speech is free at about 7:45.
June 8th, TOHR and TU’s BLGTA will host a Pride
see Pride, page 3
MARRIAGE The attack begins at the national level led by
Oklahoma Rep. Steve Largent & Sen. Don Nickles.
WASHINGTON - Confronted with a flagging presidential
campaign and convinced they’ve found a one-sided
wedge issue that could embarrass President Clinton’s
campaign efforts, Republican lawmakers have introduced.
ameasure, titled the"Defense ofMamageAct" (DOMA),
that would define marriage as"only a legal union between
one man and one woman as husband and wife." The
proposed law Was introduced by Republican Reps. Bob
Barr of Georgia and by Steve Largent & by Sen. Don
Nickles of Oklahoma.
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole of Kansas, who all
but has the GOP’s presidential nomination sewn up,
became the first Senate co-sponsor of the measure. During
the Iowa primary caucuses, when Republican hopefuls
were asked to sign a pledge to fight any effort in Congress
to legalize same-sex marriages, Dole said the pledge
doesn’t go far enough" and added; "Government at all
levels must work to support and promote the institution of
marriage that unites husband and wife."
Just days before the proposed legislation was introduced
in Congress, Dole campaign officials told reporters that the
Republican presidential hopeful would be taking action to
make same-sex marriages a campaign wedge issue, using
Clinton’s outreach to gay and lesbian Americans in an effort
to make voters wary of the President’s re-election bid.
Clinton campaign officials have acknowledged that the
issue is potentially a political landmine during the campaign
and said the President "didn’t want to touch it."
Even so, when anti-gay activists asked Clinton to sign the
anti-marriage pledge, he refused and called it "outrageous."
The dicey political question is complicated even further by
reports in the current issue of the Advocate, the Los Angeles-
based magazine, that claims the Justice Department is
considering changing both the IRS tax code and federal
immigration regulations to give gay and lesbian couples~the
same benefits in these two areas as legally married couples.
However, \~qaite House spokeswoman Mary Ellen Glynn
told reporters that Clinton doesn’t personally support equal
marriage rights for gays and lesbians and that the Administration
had no plans to implement the changes reported in
the Advocate.
Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights
Campaign, called the proposed congressional bill the work
of "religiotts political extremists...using this issue as an
election year baseball bat to bash gay Americans and score
3"teve Largent Don Nickles
Gov. Keating Signs Anti-
Marriage Amendment/Bill
OKLAHOMA CITY - In a move that surprised Okla.
Capitol watchers and a number of state Senators, Senate
bill #73, the "Oklahoma Child Visitation Registry Act,"
passed with an amendment banning the recognition of
valid same-gender marriages performed in other states.
Only Senators Bernest Cain (D-OKC) and Penny Williams
(D-Tulsa) voted against the final bill (42-2).
According to Sen. Williams, Sen. Cain spbke with
such eloquence against the anti-Gay amendment, that
she was moved to vote no as well. Tulsa Sen. Maxine
Horuer told TFN that she was not in the Senate at the
time of the vote and that the amendment did not represent
her position.
Earlier, Senator Keith Leftwich, and staffers in Cain’s
and Sen. Bernice Shedrick’s offices had stated that they
did not think the anti-marriage amendment would remain
after the bill returned from conference committee.
Senate bill #73 had a correspondingbill that had passed
the OK House of Representatives.
Gov. Frank Keating promptly signed the bill. When
asked about what efforts he or his staff had made to
contact Oklahoma’s Lesbian and Gay. community about
this bill, the Governor’s press spokesperson, Dan
Mahoney stated that no effort was necessary since "it
would not have made any difference [to the Governor]."
Mnhoney released the following statement:
"~,Vhat people do in their private lives ~s none of my
business, that is a personal decision. But I don’t feel the
state of Oklahoma should bein the business of sanctionpolitical
points." Rep. Pat Schroeder (D-Colo.) was one of
the few lawmakers to criticize the measure, saying it was
meaningless political maneuvering because it would take an
amendment limiting the "full faith and credit clause" of the
U.S. Constitution to actually bar same-sex marriages at the
federal level. "This is nothing but just to stir the political
¯" waters and see how much hate you can unleash," she added.
Interfaith / -iDS Ministrie
¯ Seeks Missing Benefit $
~ Last October, a local bar, Barraccuda’s, contacted Inter-
,¯ faith AIDS Ministries (L~M) with an offer to do a benefit
honoring World AIDS Day in December and benefiting
¯ IAM. Months later, IAM has not seen a dime of the dollars
¯ raised at the event, despite efforts by director, Diane Zike.
¯ Several board members attended the fundraiser noting ¯
that the bar charged a $3 cover & had tip jars for donations.
At the end of the evemn~,, IAM s treasurer was told they’d
¯ raised $250.
Director Zike says that she’d called repeatedly for bar
ing same sex marriages. I supported SB 73, as did every
member of the t!ouse of Representatives and all but two
members of the State Senate."
TFN asked about remarks attributed to the Governor
that he had said the State Republican Party platform (see
below) represented "mainstream Oklahoma."
see Gov., page 3
Excerpts from the OK
Republican state Platform
Plank 4: We demand that children not be adopted by
Page 6, HIV/AIDS
Plank 1: Since HIV is a virus that results in AIDS and
certain death, we call upon local, state, and federal
governments to deal with thedeadly disease of AIDS in
the same manner as other dangerous communicable
diseases, i.e. (a) expand universal testing and truth in
reporting, which includes full disclosure about the ori-
¯ owner, Sue, "known as Barraccuda. No calls had been
¯ returned by March 26 when IAM drafted a letter requesting
¯ a response. To date, IAM still has not received a response
¯¯ .from the bar. WhenTFN called, bar staffer, Sheila, referred
all questions back to Sue.
¯ Zike adds, "IAM actedingoodfaith, advertising the event
¯ and participating [in it]. How can we follow through with
: our commitments if those who offer to assist us...do not
¯ follow through themselves...it is not just Interfaith AIDS
¯ Ministries that is being hurt, but more importantly those
¯ living with HIV/AIDS that IAM serves."
see Platform, page 7
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
TulsaNews@ aol.com
Publisher/Editor, Tom Neal
Assistant Editor, James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Leanne Gross & Pat Morehead
Staff Photographer, JD Jamett
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent to the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution points Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by Patricia Nell Warren ¯
A few days American with ahgeor, oownne aDrgiaunmeePntartkheart whoromteosetoxutahleityJoiug rnnaolt ~ feovoelnamloant aogfepteoopfoleo,l ionudru.ocwtinngmtohtehewrsi~shfFuolrtahitniikneer,s.wSeoemveenoffouosl
now ourselves. But it is still conformity. It is not change.
genetic. She believes that the "reformed homosexuals"
visible in certain videos, programs and organizations
is compelling proof that homosexuals can
really change. I am always amazed at the power
of wishful thinking m people like Parker. Their
whole position is based on a fierce belief in this
alleged capacity of homosexuals to "change."
The videos, nroorams, etc. represent a 2000-
vear effort by Chrislaamty to wish away the
~xistential fact of homosexuality, whatever its
root cause. The fact is: in repressive umes,
homosexuals do not change. They conform.
Gay people disagree about many things, but
this is one area where we agree -- because so
Aetlng strM~ht
when you know
you re gay
¯ as not chang .
It as not a rnor~al act.
It {s not re[orm.
It {s not heal{n .
It ~s a ll~n~ death.
many of. us have lived face-to-face with our own "is-ness’"
through long decades of pretense. I, for one, did a terrific job of
conforming to the heterosexual canon, as a wife for 16 years. I
even tried both Protestantism and.,,_Catholicism in a desperate
effort to transmogrify my conformity into change. But it didn’t
work. The conformity goes so deep that it can masquerade
brilliantly as change. Unlike leopards, homosexu~is can make
their spots look like tiger stripes. The penalties for being fingered
as gay -- loss of family and job, assault and battery, long prison
sentences, incarceration in mental hospitals, to n~u,ne a few -
Acting straight when you know you’re gay is
not change. It is not a moral act. It is not reform.
It is not healing. It is a living death. In the Sixties,
a whole generation of youth rose up against all
kinds of forced conformity in American society,
and their protest embraced this deadly conformity
demanded of gay people. Yet today the
wishful thinkers among us are trying to engineer
the re-imposition of their wishes. They demand
it in the name of "saving marriage." What they
want, in many marriages, adds up to shapestfifting
Of the spookiest kind. It adds up to
acting performances that will never get an Os-
: car. Those who settle for our conformity get it at an appalling cost
to themselves. The wishful thinkers lose their power to see what
: is real. They canlook into the eyes of a homosexual who is living
~ in deep cover, and utterly fail to See that person’s true spirit. Even
¯ in the eyes of their own children, parents, closest friends, the
" wishful thinkers see only what they choose to see. Heaven help
¯ the American marriage if it is"saved" by people who can’ t tell the
¯ difference between conformity and change. ,,
Patricia Nell Warren is the author of"The Front Runner and
other bestsellers about gay life.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
,Concessions,.33"40 s. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
.Renegades, Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, &. Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksdlers, 8620 E. 71
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
F~xpress Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
*Inte~afi0nfil T0ur~
JD Images, Photography
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011,-74159
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S Boston
*Scribner’S" BOOkstore, 1942 Utica Square
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations
Southwest Viatical
Thomas Chiropractic Clinic
4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C-1 742-8868
(ellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, &Universities
*Agape’ Christian Fellowship, 21st& Sheridan 599-7688 "
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr.
2627B E. 11 628-0594
*BIL/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa _ d "
*CommunityofHope United Methodist, 1703 E. 2n 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity "
(Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians) 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo
*Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location &info: 587-4669 .
Friend For A Friend~ POB 52344, 74152
747-6827 ..
:fiends in Unity Social Organization (African-Amer. ~e,n!,,,,~ ¯
POB 8542, 74101
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation
584-4983 .
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437,800-284-2437 ¯
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 .
*HIV Resource Consortium
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 " 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S.Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
PFLAG , POB 52800 74152
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
~ Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria,
*Shanti Hotline
¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR)
¯ POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.)
¯ Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
i *University Center at Tulsa
~. Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of DamHwy. 187 501-253-6154
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St.
King’ s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway,Hwy. 62W 800-231-1442
*MCC of the Living Spring
zero in the war over equal marriage rights
¯ forsamegendercouples. Ourelected r p- ¯
resentatives" Steve Largent, Don Nickles
and Jim Inhofe again shame our s~te with
¯ their attacks on their own constttuents,
specifically with the so-called Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA). The motives for
thesemen surely rangefrom genuineideo-
¯ logical positions to the basest political
.... maneuvering...There is little- doubt that
each holds "Christian" beliefs which they
¯ feel justify discrimination.
~ We can only respond that it is .a betrayal
¯ of the most fundamental American con-
. stitutional values to abuse their position to
’" enforce private prejudices. That is, it is
¯ wrong to use the power of the government ¯
to promote or allow to continde system-
" atic bias against minority citizens, no
¯ matter if the majority despises that minor-
¯ ity mad no matter if the group is minority ¯
by birth (race or ethnicity) or by choice,
(religion or political view) or by a combi-
¯ nation (as seems to be the case with sexual ¯
orientation). Many Americans havebeen,
and are, racist and anti-Semitic, and yet
¯ politicians realize it is no longer accept-
" able to pander overtl.y to these views.
¯ However, election-year politics are
strongly implicated in this effort. DC insiders
suggest that DOMA is a much a
vehicle to divide and inflame the American
electorate, to weaken Bill Clinton and
to insure that Dole can nominate the next
20 years of Supreme Court judges.
So what are our alternatives inTulsa
when our elected "representatives" don’t
even bother to go through the motions of
¯ consulting the communities that are
¯ harmed by their actions? ¯
The answer’s not glamorous or easy.
¯ Despite all odds, we must continue to
°. organize ourselves politically. We must
¯ put the same sorts of energies that we’ve
see Attack, page 3
Tulsa, Oklahoma sure feels like ground
What a great honor itis to be chosen as
the first Queen of the Month in the Out &
About column of your newspaper. What a
wonderful way to spotlight Tulsa’s diverse
and talented group of entertainers.
As a general rule, our society has a poor
] opinion of Drag Queens and it is my hope
that your column will help dispense these
For your readers that are not aware,
each of the entertainers that I regularly do
shows with are also involved in the many
benefits that occur around town. The beneficiaries
include such great causes as Our
~ House, A .Friend for a Friend, Shanti
¯ Coftdom Fund and public service posters
that are placed through out our community.
¯ In addition to being tons of fun (no pun
¯ intended to my size), Tulsa has a diverse
: group of entertainers that not only make
"- you smile, but further love and kindness
¯ within Our community. Thank you again.
¯ Much love, Kathryn Conover
PS, in my entire life, I can’t once remember
that I begged for anything. Could
JD have been thinking of someone else
and intended the very first Queen of the
Month to go to another Entertainer? Oh
dear, I certainly hope not.
In particular, TFN asked if the Governor
RE1Nq GADE8 { 17rf’H
really felt calling,fora quarantine ofpeople
living with AIDS, or preventing Lesbian
and Gay men from being teachers represented
the values of most Oklahomans.
Mahoney responded that he could not
speak for the Governor in the particulars
but that the Governor supported the platformin
general. WhenaskedifTFN could
ask the Governor aboUt specific platform
items, Mahoney said Keating would not
be available for any questions.
Prom (alcohol-free) also at the Chapman
Ctr. at 8 pm. The Picnic, themed Tulsa
United in Pride, will be held in Owen Park
on Sat. June 15, from 12 - 5 pm. Anumber
of community organizations, businesses
and individuals are working on this event.
As usual, refreshments are free and a
range of food will be available for a modest
donation. Owen Park has tennis courts
and a sand volleyball court, as well as
better parking and more shade than the
old Mohawk site.
On Sunday, June 23, Oklahomans from
all over the state will gather at Memorial
Park, NW 35th & Classen in Oklahoma
City about 1:30 for the statewide Pride
Rally. The Rally will feature Advocate
1992 Woman of the Year, Donna Red
Wing. The statewide Pride Parade kicks
off from the park and ends up at the NW
39th St. community business district.
put into fighting the scourge ofAIDS into
fighting political prejudice. Locally,
TOHR is doing a voter inform and registration
project, call 743-4297 and leave a
message for Tony. Oklahoma City folks
have created a political action committee,
Cimarron Alliance which has funneled
significant funds into OKC city council
races and to Democratic state senators.
Some in Tulsa are discussing similar efforts,
here. Also, just call Nickles (581-
7651, the local office can transfer you to
DC, fax 202-9~24-6008), Inhofe (748-5111,
202-224-4721, fax 202-228-0380) and
I_argent (749-0014, 202-225-2211, fax
202-225-9187). Even if you don’t want to
get married anytime soon, tell them you
support equal marriage rights, that you
oppose DOMA, and that you don’t appremate
the scapegoating of Oklahoma’s
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual citizens.
Dan DuVall / Owner
¯ Efforts Around US
¯ AUGUSTA, Maine - With state legisla-
¯ tures around the country heading into
¯ recesses for the summer, the anti-mar-
: riage bandwagon did little more than
¯ bumble along. While Hawaii lawmakers
couldn’t muster enough votes to pass an
anti-gay mamage ban there before the
¯ legislature recessed for the current ses-
¯ sion, an Alabama state Senate committee
: approved by an 8-1 vote a bill that would
bar recognizing same-sex marriages in
¯ the state, dropping a $1,000 fine for clergy
¯. performing such unions that had been
¯ included in the original measure.
The Alaska legislature took a double
: swing at same-sex relationships, passing
¯ one measure that would limit domestic
¯" partnership benefits in the state educa-
¯ tional system and sending it to Gov. Tony
¯ Knowles. At the same time thelawmakers
¯ began debate on a ban on same-sex mar-
. riages in the state, a proposal that is ex-
¯ pected to easily pass. Kansas lawmakers,
¯ meanwhile, approved an anti-mamage bill
and sent it to the governor for his signa-
¯ ture.
¯ In Maine, the anti-gay group Concerned
Maine Families has filed papers with the
"¯ secretary of state’s office to get approval ¯
to collect signatures for a ballot measure -
¯ that would restrict marriages in the state
¯ to those between male-female couples
¯ only. If the signature~gathering is ap- ¯
proved, the group would have to collect
¯ some 51,000 valid signatures to put the
¯ measure before ~oters- either in 1997 or
¯ 1998.
Georgia Gov. Zell Miller has si~ned a
¯ bill that bars same-sex mamages ~n the
¯¯ state, joining South Dakota, Utah and
Idaho as the 4th state to prohibit gay and
¯ lesbian marriages in anticipation that such
¯ weddings will become legal soon in Ha-
. waii. The South Carolinalegislature gave
~ its final.OK to a measure outlawing same-
." sex marriages in the state and sent the
¯ legislation to Gov. David Beaseley, who
has already indicated he supports the pro-
: hibition. The measure would prevent the
¯ state from recognizing any marriage be-
. tween people of the same sex that was
performed in another state. In Arizona,
Gov. Fife Symington signed the state
legislature’s 3rd attempt to enact aban on
same-sex marriages, making it the 6th
state so far to legally refuse recognition
for such unions, even if performed legally
elsewhere. At the same time, however, by
a 34-23 vote, the state House of Representatives
passed legislation authorizing
tougher sentences for criminals who victimize
people based on race, religion,
gender or sexual orientation. A similar
proposal last year died when Republican
legislative leaders objected to including
sexual orientation.
Meanwhile, a case strikingly similar to
the Hawaii lawsuit has gotten under way
in New Zealand, with 3 lesbian couples
suing for the right to get marriage licenses
that were denied them, according to a
report in the Queer News Aotearoa. The
women’s attorney is arguing that the
country’s civil rights laws protects all
citizens from being denied equal treatment.
The attorney general’s office, however,
has argued that marriage is mainly
for procreation and that therefore samesex
couples are not eligible to marry.
South Africa
Protects Gays
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -South
Africa’s Parliament has overwhdmingly
approved by a 421-2 vote the country’s
new 150-page Constitution after nearly 2-
years of complex negotiations and sometimes
acrimonious debate. The nation’s
new governing document includes, for
the first ti~ne in the world, equal rights
protections that include sexual orientation.
"United in diversity," begins the
preamble to the country’s newly approved
Constitution, although at least 2 of the
country’s right wing political parties said
they would challenge some of the provisions
of that diversity in court.
In fact, .nearly every major party in
South Africa expressed reservations about
parts of the new document. Even President
Nelson Mandela noted that there are
still concems among many ofthe country’s
minorities about the guarantees enshrined
in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. "The
fact that we have adopted this Constitution
does not mean that we are not going
to address those concerns," Mandela said.
"’We will continue searching for solutions
because we want everybody to feel that
he or she is part and parcel of our efforts
to resolve the problems of South Africa."
After a long history of white minority rule
and rigidly enforced apartheid, the new
Constitutions will bring majority rule to
the nation when the next g~neral election
in 1999 marks anend to the present transitional
government. The Bill of Rights
outlaws all discrimination in the country,
whether based on sexual orientation, race,
religion, gender,-political views, disability
and other categories.
In a cable to President Mandela about
the newly adopted Constitution, the Washington,
D.C.,based National Gay & Lesbian
Task Force, stated, "The South African
people have paved a new road of
equality and fairness by outlawing all
forms of discmnination in the constitution,
including for the first time anywhere
in the world, the discrimination against
people based on their sexual orientation.’"
Fewer than a dozen countries worldwide
have national laws outlawing bias based
on sexual orientation, and South Africa is
the first nation to enshrine such protections
in its Constitution.
Dutch Get Serious
About Marriage
TIlE HAGUE, Holland -The Dutch Parliament
has approved a measure by 81-60
that calls on the government to appoint a
commission to evaluate the legal implications,
both nationally and internationally,
of extending full mamage rights to gay
and lesbian couples in the country. The
move is several steps from a radical
change, of course, but Dutch gays and
lesbians, along with progressive politicians
in the country, are increasingly insisting
on full, equal rights in What is
probably Europe’s most liberal nation.
What is perhaps most significant about
the measure is that the commission is to
consider issues such as adoption,
parenting, inheritance, taxes, and spousal
citizenship of foreigners - an array of
questions that other European nations with
same-sex .couples registrations have so
far ducked or specifically added restrictions
to. But as a measure at least of how
serious Dutch politicians are about samesex
marriages now, public discussions
have even reached the level of Members
of Parliament debating .whether Queen
Beatrix will give her assent to full marital
rights for gays and lesbians in Holland.
Canada OKs
Anti-Bias Law
OTTAWA - Canada’s House of Commons
has approved by a 153-76 vote a
govenm~ent-backed measure that would
add sexual orientation to the country’s
Charter of Human Rights and legally outlaw
discrimination based on sexual orientation
in Canada’s regulated public sector
workforce, which makes up 10% to 15%
of the nation’s labor force. All of the
nation’s provinces except Newfoundland,
Prince Edward Island and Alberta already
have similar anti-bias laws, and the
Canadian government has been promising
to introduce federal legislation for 2
decades, so passage of the measure wasn’t
much in doubt.. Even so, the bill created
enormous political turmoil in the country.
When 2 MPs in the conservative Reform
Party spoke out against the measure by
saying it was acceptable for businesses to
discriminate against homosexuals and
other minorities, the party’s Parliament
leader, Preston Manning, expelled them
from the party caucus, saying "It is not all
right for employers to fire any employee
simply because an intolerant customer
complaints about their color or lifestyle."
Even the ruling Liberal Party showed
signs of the tension the measure had
brought to Canadian politics. And outside
the Parlimnent building, Justice Minister
Allan Rock, who formally introduced
the legislation in behalf of the government,
was greeted by p,rotesters who
called him "Alice Rock" and mocked
Prime Minister Jearl Chritien as "’Jeanne
:. Chritien." The legislation now goes to the
~ upper house of Parliament, the Senate,
¯ where it is also expected to pass by a
: comfortable margin. The measure also
requires the royal assent of Canada’ s governor-
general, which is litde more than a
political, formality. Only 6 nations- Norway,
Sweden, Holland, Slovenia, Israel
and South Africa -have enacted federal
legislation prohibiting discrimination
based on sexual orientation.
Bosnian War
Crimes Nightmare
TIlEHAGUE2 Almost ignored by mainstream
news media, the War Crimes Tribunal
at The Hague has received detailed
evidence of atrocities conunitted during
the 4-year-long Bosnian civil war cente.ring
on reports of male rape as a war tactic
and as a method of intilnidating and controlling
prisoners. According to doc~unents
supplied to the Tribunal by Dr. Mladen
Loncar of the Medical Center for Human
Rights in Zagreb, at least 4,000 Croatian
men were victims of these rapes and sexual
assaults - and Loncar says his figures are
conservative estimates of Croats alone.
At the height of the complex fighting in
the Balkans, there were an estimated
80,000 men in intenmmnt camps - Serbs,
Croats, Mnslims. Loncar’s medical facility
currently sees more than 200 such men
who coutinue to live in the general region.
Most, Loncar says, have fled to nearby
COUlltries as political’refugees - if they
survived the attacks at all. Of the patieuts
seen at Loncar~ s ~nedical center for severe
post-trannmtic distress disorders, most (70
percent) suffered repeated injuries to their
genitals. Many of the inert (25 percent)
were tortured I~y having objects forced up
their rectums. Man)’ prisoners (22 percent)
reported they had been forced, under
threats of death, to perform fellatio
mad other sexual acts with other male
prisoners, and about 11 percent had suffered
at least partial castration.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Upheld by Court
WASHINGTON - In the continuing war
over the constitutionality of the U.S.
nfilitary’s "’don’t ask, don’t tell" policy,
Lt. Paul Thomasson, a former naval ofricer
discharged for revealing that he is
gay, has lost an important battle in a
federal appeals court decision. The U.S.
4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia
upheld the policy bamting openly homosexual
women and men from serving in
the nation’s maned forces. The case has
national significance because it is the first
ruling involving the"don’ t ask, don’ t tell"
policy to reach the federal appeals level.
Alan Moore, Thomasson’s attorney, argued
that the military policy of excluding
gays and lesbians from the armed services
was both unconstitutiolml and unreasonable,
considering the young officer’s outstanding
record. Moore also took the unusual
step of adding First Amendment
free-speech claims on top of Fifth and
FourteenthAmendment"due process" and
"equal protection" arguments that have
been more widely used in batding the
Pentagon ban in the past.
But the appeals court would have none
of it and ruled that the president and
Congress retain the right to set military
policies, and that thejudicial branch should
defer to .them. "It was appropriate for
Congress to bdieve that a military force
should be as free as possible of sexual
attachments and pressures as it is prepared
to do battle," wrote Judge J. Harvie
Wilkonson III in the 9-to-4 majority opinion.
The court’s ruling is now applicable
throughout the 4th circuit, which includes
Vir_,2inia, Maryland West ¥irginia, North
CarOlina and South~arolina. Tllomasson
and his attorney are now deciding whether
to appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme
MO St. GOP’s Antii
Marriage Campaign
: ST. LOUIS - In a highly controversial
¯¯ election cmnpalgn tactic that Republican
leaders around the country are watching
¯ closely; the head of the Missouri Repub-
¯ lican Party, John Cozad, has launched
attacks against Democrats running for
state office, accusing them of having financial
backing from supporters of samesex
marriages. But Republica!~s rumling
for office in the state, inclnding many who
are seeking election to the state legislature,
are grumbling because the attack
campaigns are being operated in their
races whether they want them or not. And
so far in two special election races, the
Republicans have lost both campaigns.
Not all Republicans running for office in
Missouri, however, agree with Cozad on
the campaign. Republican Bill Patrick,
who lost in the just-finished special decdon
in the state’s 6th legisIative district,
publicly apologized to his Democratic
opponent for thesame-sex marriage campaign
launched by the Republicans on his
behalf. He called the attack "pretty negative,
pretty bad." State GOP strategists in
Ohio,, Wisconsin, Oregon and elsewhere,
however, say they’re interested in seeing
how the same-sex marriage link works as
a campaign strategy in Missouri.
Helms Ads Attack
¯ Opponents & Gays
¯ RALEIGH, N.C. - Apparently impatient
¯ to get on with the election, Sen. Jesse ¯
Helms (R-NC) has launched a series of
¯ TV ads attacking both the Delnocratic
¯ primary candidates, Harvey Gantt and
¯ Charlie Sanders in a bit of gay-baiting,
; saying both supportdomesticpartner ben-
¯ efits. "Liberal Charlie Sanders supports
: racial preferences in hiring, like Harvey
¯ Gantt does, the Hdms ads say. Extend-
" ing health insurance to homosexual part-
" ners? Liberal Sanders and Gantt say yes."
¯ With a $2 million campaign war fund ¯
¯ from 1995, the Helms campaign apparently
decided not to wait for the May 7
¯ prim.ary to find out which Democrat he
¯ will face in the November race, but de-
" cided to get ajump-start and begin swing-
" ing at both men. Helms, 74, is seeking his
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5th term as a U.S. senator. A spokesperson
for Sanders’ campaign called the TV
spots "typical Jesse Hdms distortive attack
ads." In a press statement, Gantt
blasted the Helms TV campaign as "lies
and distortions" and said he has never
even addressed the issue of health care
benefits for the partners of gays and lesbians.
British Transsexual
Wins Court Case
LUXEMBOURG - A Comwall College
tutor, identified only as "P" in court
records, whowas sackedafterasex-change
operation, has won a European Court of
Justice battle over the discharge. Thecourt
campus ROTC program. The faculty-ap-
¯ proved program would also reimburse
¯ students in ROTC if they shouldlose their
." military scholarships because of their
¯ sexual orientation.
¯ Station Drops Show
: That Attacked Gays
¯ AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas Triangle
¯ has reported that officials at KIXL-AM, a
¯ Christian-oriented radio station in Austin,
have decided to pull the plug on Wyatt
¯ Roberts’ weekly talk show. Roberts, who
is affiliated with the American Family
Assn., had called for listeners to boycott
any business that advertised in the gay
: newspaper, charging that the Triangle’s
ruled that the European Equal Treatment ¯ editorial cartoonist promoted pedophilia,
agreement of 1976 prohibits any discrimi- -" incest and bestiality. KIXLofficials would
nation based on sex and is not limitedjust
to bias based onan individual being ofone
gender or the other. The court ruled that
the anti-bias provision, which concerns
all members of the European Union,
should apply "to discrimination arising,
as in this case, from the gender reassignment
of the person concerned." The
ground-breaking decision incensed Euroskeptic
Tory MPs in Great Britain and
Tory MP Ann Winterton accused the European
Court of "meddling" in British
legal issues. Anothd~ Tory MP, Elizabeth
Peacock, also attacked the court decision.
"Ourrules aremadeby Parliament and are
sovereign," she said. "They should not be
overturned by a European court. Tli~ey
should mind their own business." British
government officials, said it was unclear if
UK law would have to be changed to
conform to the court ruling. Some political
leaders say the rnling is so sweeping
that it in fact may force the government to
drop its ban against homosexuals in the
nation’s armed forces.
MIT Moves on
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Faculty members
at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology
voted ovenvhdmingly by a voice
vote for the school to negotiate withROTC
officials for a "modified program" that
would allow students to enroll in the campus
military program regardless of their
sexual orientation. The move is an effort
to keep the ROTC program, which also
serves students from Harvard, Tufts and
Wellesley, at MIT - along with some $56
million in Pentagon funds - without violating
the school’s own anti-bias policies
that bar discrimination against gays and
lesbians. The proposal endorsed by the
faculty concedes that openly gay or lesbian
students in ROTC would not be eligible
for commissions as long as the Pentagon
maintains the ban on homosexuals
in the armed forces, but would allow gay
and lesbian students to participate in the
." only say that Roberts’ program was being
¯ cancded because of "scheduling conflicts,"
but Kay Longcope, the Triangle’s
¯ publisher said she believes the
; fundamentalist’s boycott campaign
: backfired on him and brought pressure on
¯ the station to yank the program. "I think it
-" [the decision to cancel the program] speaks
"_ very well for the people of Austin who
really do not believe that Christianity is
"- based on hate," Longcope said
¯¯ Dole Campaign Ad in DC Gay Paper
¯ WASHINGTON - Senate Majority
Leader Bob Dole’s capital campaign or-
: ganization has put an ad in the May3 issue
: of the WashingtonBladeurgingreaders to
¯ vote for a slate of committed Dole del-
¯ egates. An uncommitted slate, including
: seven openly gay Republicans is chal-
¯ lenging the Dole slate, and has already
¯ been endorsed by the District’s local Log
¯ Cabin Club. Many political observers
¯ believe the challenge from the uncommit-
." tedslate prompted theKansas Republican
¯ andpresurned presidentialnominee’s cam-
" paagn to put the ad in the paper. The Dole
¯ campaign ad came just days after news
," that Abner Mason, a gay Boston Republi-
." can activist and Log Cabin Club officer,
¯ would be one of Massachusetts’ GOP
¯" delegates to the Republican National Con-
." vention in San Diego later this year. Ma-
¯ son Is a committed Dole delegate. Dole
¯ has had an on-off record with gays during ¯
¯ his currentpresidential campaign. Earlier this year a $1,000 campaign contribution
¯ from Log Cabin was returned to the groups
¯ PAC organization. Dbleinitially defended
; the returned check, saying he didn’t want
." voters to think he was "buying into some
: special rights for any group." But later he
¯ said returning the check had been"a mis-
; take" and blamed his campaign staff for
; the blunder. Even so, Dole agreed during
the caucus campaign in Iowa to sign a
¯ Chi’istian.Coalitionpledge opposing samesex
Is Drag
FERNDALE, Mich. - The good folks of
Ferndale, just outside. Detroit, have become
embroiled in a debate over whether
some guys putting on dresses to perform
in a variety show is constitutionally protected
freedom of speech and expression,
or if it violates community standards and
can therefore be prohibited. The flap has
erupted almost a year after the fact, but
that liasn’t lowered the heat of the debate
over the LavenderMoonCafe’s drag show
after Gay Pride celebrations there last
year. City Councilman RobertPaczkowski
has been leading the opposition, and he
said recently that "’a lot of people don’t
want that kind of a display right in the
middle of our central business district."
Paczkowski says Lavender Moon’s entertainment
license includes restrictions
barfing topless dancing, lingerie shows,
and any entertainment that"violates community
standards," which he says includes
guys dressing up as gals.
Town OKs Partner
BOULDER, Colo. - About the only positive
news recently in the growing battle
over same-sex relationships came in the
purely symbolic form of a domestic partnership
re~stration program approved by
the Boulder city council. The registry
cames no legal benefits, but allows samesex
& opposite-sex couples to legally
register their relationship with the city
clerk’s office. Proponents said the program
could make it easier for registered
couples to provide proofof their relationships
in seeking work-related benefits.
Olympic Games:
Utah & Cobb Cty.
ATLANTA - The 1996 Summer Olympic
Games preliminaries are getting underway
with the Saturday, April 27, televised
start of the torch that starts in Los
Angeles and will be relayed across the
counto’ to Atlanta where it will light the
official Olympicflame for the games there
on July 19 - although not quite the way US
Olympic officials expected. Tobegin with,
officials at the Los Angeles Coliseum,
where the torch relay begins, have been
complai~ting that they’re had trouble find
fig [eaves big enough to cover up the
genitals on 2 statues of nude athletes outside
the stadium. The cover-up order came
from the Atlanta Committeefor the Olympic
Ganges, which said they were concerned
that some viewers of the nationally
televised ceremony might be offended by
the nudity. ButACOGalso has announced
that the torch relay would not go through
Cobb County outside Atlanta because
county commissioners have refused to
repeal a 1993 measure that condemns"the
homosexual lifestyle." That resolution was
also responsible for ACOG’s decision,
under pressure from acuvists and rights
advocates, to pull scheduled Olympicpreliminaries
from facilities in the county.
Olympic officials, however, said the passage
of a measure ~n Utah barring gay
dubs at public schools would not make
them reroute the torch around the state.
Utah Lawmakers
Ban Gay Clubs
SALT LAKE CITY - Called into special
session, the Utah state legislature spent a
nasty day enacting a measure that would
bar gay and lesbian student groups from
public schools in the state, a measure that
Gov. Mike Leavitt has already indicated
’he would sign into law and for which he
called the special session. The state’s
ACLU has already vowed that if the measure
is signed into law, as it’s sure to be, it
will sue to overturn it. "Not only does it
violate the rights of lesbian, gay and
straight students," said Carol Gnade of
the American Civil Liberties Union in
Utah, "but also everyone associated with
a Utah high school, including teachers,
administrators and volunteers." Under the
lawjust approved by the legislature, school
boards will have the authority to restrict
or bar any campus club, but in addition,
the measure also forces public school
officials to ban any that are centered around
bigotry, criminal activity or human sexuality.
Gov. Mike Leavitt and the measure’s
sponsor, Sen. Craig Taylor, insisted that
the new law takes back control of campus
clubs by allowing school boards to prohibit
specific dubs. The Utah attorney
general has already indicated that barfing
campus clubs that are "controversial" is
illegal under the 1984 federal Equal Access
Forget Nature-vs-
Nurture; It’s Bingo!
MILWAUKEE - A judge has tossed out
a civil lawsuit filed by 73-year-old Mary
Verdev against a local church, claiming
she began having spontaneous orgasms
and became sexually attracted to other
women after an electronic bingo board
fell on her 6 years ago. Verdev’s suit was
dismissed "’with prejudice" (meaning she
can’t refile the claim) because she refused
to be examine by psychologists. Verdev
said in her suit that she suffered nearly
$90,000 in injuries when the 300-pound
bingo board fell from a stage at the church
during a bingo night she was attending in
1990. Her suit claimed the accident led to
her unusual sexual responses.
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Congress Passes
Ryan White CARE $
WASHINGTON - The Senate has approved
and sent to the White House a
measure thatincreases federal RyanWhite
CARE Act funds for local care and treatment
of people with HIViAIDS to $738
million. The measure passed unanimously
by a voice vote in the Senate after being
approved on a 402-4 vote in the House the
day before. The measure includes a controversial
provision, however, that calls
for mandatory HIV testing of all newborn
infants by the year 2000 if state voluntary
testing efforts do not reduce the motherinfant
infection rate by then. The issue of
mandatory testing of infants has been
problematic for many because it necessarily
amounts to a virtual inandatory
testing of the mother as well. Critics of the
provision say ~t may discourage pregnant
women from seeking prenatal care altogether.
President Clinton has indicated he
supports the bill and will sign it into law
Early-Stage Hiding
PlaceOf HIV ?
NEW YORK - Reporting in tli’e’medical
journal Science, researchers say they be~
lieve the mucous’membranes in the throat
may be the locatirn where HIV replicates
in hiding after individuals are infected
with the virus but still show no out,yard
signs of the infection. The researchers, led
by Ralph Steirmaan of Rockefeller University,
said they made the discovery after
examining enlarged adenoids removed
from 13 patients and found large mnounts
of the virus replicating in the glands’
dendritic cells, the inm~une cells found in
the membranes. Eleven of the 13 i;ffected
people were una~vare at the time tb.at they
were l=IIV-positive.
New PCR Test for
HIV Is Less Reliable
CHICAGO - Stanford University researchers
report in the Annals oflnternal
Medicine that the new polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) AIDS test, which is based
on the presence of elements ofDNA from
HIV in the body, is less reliable than older
tests that rely on the presence of antibodies
to the virus. The researchers found that
even with the daborate precautions requiredin
PCR testing, the results return 5
umes as many false results as the more
widely used antibody testing methods.
PCR testing is also significantly more
expensive and costs between $150 and
$200, compared to standard antibody tests,
which range in price from $5 to $50. The
advantage of the PCR test is that it can be
administered earlier: to newborns because
other tests rely on the formation of antibodies
to the"virus, which often don’t
show up for 6 months following infection.
KS Virus May Be
Common in All Men
BOSTON - A report in the New England
Journal ofMedicine says the virus that is
believed responsible for Kaposi’s sarcoma,
a rare cancer that strikes many
AIDS patients, is found in the sexual
¯ organs ofmostmen. Researchers with the
¯¯ Institute of Microbiology at the University
of Ferrara in Italy report they found
¯ the KS-related virus, known as KSHV, in
30 of 33 semen samples of health Italian
¯" men - a 91% infection rate. The scientists
¯ also say they found the virusin the urinary
¯ tracts, in the prostates, and other areas of
¯ the genital organs of other health men as ¯
well. The scientists say they believe indi-
¯ viduals with healthy immune systems can
." live with the virus present in their bodies
¯ without any.apparent problems, but that ¯ when the immune system is weakened, as
¯ it is when infected with HIV, the KS virus
¯ appears to become active.
Drug Combo Looks
\VASHINGTON - A 73-week study by
drug manufacturer Hoffman-La Roche of
some 978 AIDS patients has shown that
Invirase, the brand name for the firm’s
version of the protease inhibitor
saquinavir, in combination with the drug
ddC, reduced the rate of deaths by more
than two-thirds compared to patients taking
ddC alone. Saqtunavir has been considered
the least impressive of the new
protease inhibitors, but the new findings,
which have not yet been published, have
prompted the drug manufacturer to ask
the Food & Drug Administration to allow
the new information to be added to the
drug’s label.
"HIV Cell Infection
i Agent- Isolated
report they ha~[.e discovered a chemical
¯ clue to why HIV is infectious. Reporting
¯ in the journal Science, researchers at the
Nadonal Institute of Allergy and Infections
Diseases say they have found a pro-
. tein, which they call "fusin," that must be
¯ present for HIV to infect white blood
cells,.the primary target of the virus. Edward
A. Berger, who headed the team that
made the discovery, said the discovery
gives scientists a "new handle on under-
; standing" how HIV invades cells. "Obvi-
] onsly this is a potential target for develop-
. mg new drugs to treat HIV infection,"
Berger said. "Potentially by coming up
¯ with a drug that blocks the receptor, you
: might block the .ability of HIV to repli-
¯ cate." The researchers cautioned, how-
" ever, that there were still~ many mysteries
¯ about the virfis that need to be answered.
¯ Among other things, they noted that HIV ¯
attaches itself to some types Of immune
¯ cells in the early stages of the infection
~ without using fusin. This means HIV
¯ comes in variations that connect to CD4
cells and some other molecular cofactor
¯ or cofactors on these cells. Berger said
¯ that potential, drugs that block, the fusin
receptor on cells could only do part of the
job in combating HIV.
Increase in HIV
After Tetanus Shots
¯ BOSTON - Researchers with the Na-
¯ tional Institute of Allergy & Infectious
¯ Diseases have reported in the New En-
~ gland Journal of Medicine that tetanus
¯ shots can cause a dramadc ~ncrease in the
reproduction of HIV in the body. After
¯ g~ving tetanus shots to people infected
; with HIV, the researchers found
they had a 2- to 36-fold increase in HIV
levels. The scientists also found that
~ blood samples from uninfected individu-
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Look for our banner on testing nights¯
als who had been given the same tetanus
shots more readily became infected with
HIV after the injections. Researchers said
the dramatic increase in HIV production
appears to only last about 6 weeks, so the
benefits of tetanus shots generally outweighs
the temporary surge in HIV levels
for most patients.
Blood Heat
Treatment Gets OK
LOS ANGELES - The Indiana-based
HemoCleanse Inc. has been given approval
by the Food & Drug Administration
to expand testing of its blood-heating
treatment of people infected with HIV.
The 2nd phase of the trials will include 2-
hour treatments at St. Elizabeth Hospital
in Lafayette, Ind., and the Harbor-UCLA
Research & Education Institute in Los
Angeles. HemoCleanse’s treatment, similar
to kidney dialysis, involves slowly
drawing all a patient’s blood from his
body in small quantifies and heating it to
108 degrees Fahrenheit before infusing it
back into his body. The idea behind the
treatment is that HIV is sensitive to even
small increases in temperature and would
be destroyed in massive quantities by the
treatment. Sixty patients will be divided
into 2 groups during the trials. One group
will receive 2 treatments each - the first
for 1 hour, and the 2nd fo~ 2 hours. The
other group will serve as a control group
and will not receive the heat treatment,
but will remain on standard HIV drug
HIV & Gene Therapy
" Research
BOSTON" - Researchers report in the
journal Science that use of a genetically
benign version of HIV may be the key to
an importantbreakthrough in gene therapy
treatment, serving as the carrier system or
"vector" to deliver therapeutic genes to
target cells in the human body. Researchers
with the Salk Institute in San Diego
and the Whitehead Institute in Cambridge,
Mass., have reported that they successfully
used the HIV vector to inject therapeutic
genes in the cells of live rats in
laboratory experiments, ff the use of the
HIV vector proves as successful inhuman
gene therapy, the researchers say it could
be a potentially important treatment for
such genetic disorders as cystic fibrosis,
muscular dystrophy and Alzheimer’s dis-
Genetically Altered
AIDS Vaccine Fails
BE!’HESDA, Md. - Government officials
say a 5-year study of the genetically
engineered AIDS vaccine, gpl60, has
shown the prevention effort is not effective
in halting the progress of the disease
in people. The study, one of the first of its
kind, used the Microgenesys experimental
vaccine and was a joint venture between
the Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research and the National Institute of
Allergy & Infectious Disease in conjunction
with private medical facilities. With
some 600 military and civilian volunteers,
the study showed no improvement
in their ability to fend off the infection.
gin, transmission and statistics of infection
for each community, and (b) quarantine
those known to be infected and practicing
high-risk behavior.
Plank 1-3~ Homosexuality is not an
alternate lifestyle, a genetic abnormality
or a civil rights matter, but is instead a
consciou~ individual choice of an
abominal sin practice. Such behavior has
been a major factor in the demise of societies
from Sodom and Gomorra to the
Empires of Ottoman, Greece and Rome.
Homosexlaal behavior is the principle
cause of the spread of AIDS in America.
We, therefore, condemn not the person
but the practice of homosexual behavior,
and oppose the ominous political powers
being given homosexuals in the United
States. We believe that the practice of
homosexuality is an abomination before
God and a perversion of the natural law
and is indicative of severe diseases. We
believe that legislation condoning homosexuality
would confer public acceptability
of this activity and would lead inexorably
to the destruction of our nation.
Plank 4-6: We believe that homosexuals,
sodomites, and other sexually perverse
people shonl~i not be entitled to
special or extraordinarY rights. We affirm
that homosexual behavior is not a constitutionally
protected right and that homosexuals
area behavi~al group not deserving
of special protection under the law.
Because homosexuals are not deserving
of minority status, we oppose all "’Gay
Rights" legislation. We urge that federal
and state funding we withheld from all
states and or municipalities that enact
homosexual "fights" legislation.
Plank 8+9: We support the retention
and enforcement ofsodomy laws in Oklahoma.
We urge vigorous arrest and pros-
.ecufion of all those violating laws regardxng
the promotion of homosexual behavior.
Plank 17+18: Toprotect family values,
we urge that those promotiug an alternative
lifestyle by restricted from positions
of influence of minor children. \Ve do not
recognize homosexuality as a normal
lifestyle, therefore we oppose any mandated
education curriculum or special
rights based on affirmative action for ho~
Plank 20+21: We strongly oppose permitring
homosexuals to teach in the public
school systems. We oppose the hiring
of homosexual teachers, administrators,
or counselors.
Hank 22-24: We oppose the establishment
of homosexual dubs in schools. We
hold that portraying the homosexual
lifestyle in any positive manner in our
schools is heresy. Weoppose the National
Education Association’s efforts to promote
the homosexual agenda in our
nation’s schools.
Plank 27-29: We submit that legally
recognized marriages to be limited to a
traditional monogamous heterosexual relationship,
with only these mamages allowed
current tax and legal benefits. We
oppose same-sex marriages. We support
federal and state legislation prohibiting
legal recognition ofsame sex "marriages"
in the event such unions are made legal by
another state.
Hank- 30: We believe that the federal
government should alterappointments and
employment practices that would place
homosexuals in sensitive and responsible
benefiting Tulsa Area AIDSAgencies
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’96 Pride Picnic
Noon - 5:00 prn
Opening Ceremony, lpm
¯¯ Blessing by the Rev. Leslie Penrose
¯ Welcome by TOHR president Debbie Starnes
¯ Performances by local entertainers, including Miss Gay Tulsa &
Miss Tulsa USofA, and Tulsa Family Chorale!
Throughout the afternoon,
¯ DJ will provide music throughout the day
¯ Booths with vendors, community organization info., crafts, etc.
¯ Food for modest cost
¯ Free beverage.s
¯ Volleyball & tennis court available
¯ Kids’ playground
¯ Security provided all day
¯ Closing ceremony, with benediction by RF Renfro &
Freedom Balloon Extravaganza!
If you want to have a "booth," call Tom at 583-1248 before June 1st.
Be a part of the Pride Picnic! - To volunteer, call 743-4297.
Edison St.
~ To Sand Springs, 1-412
Directions: From Tulsa, take
Keystone Expressway West
towards Sand Springs. Exit
Gilcrease Rd. turn right (North)
on Gilcrease Road to Edison St.
and turn right (East) on Edison,
go about 1/2 mile. Owen Park is
on the right. Parking is on the
Southeast corner of the park,
near Roosevelt School.
Agape’ Christian
Service, 10:30 am & 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
Bless the Lord At All
.Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
262To East 1 lth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
545 I-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing HIV+ Support Group
TOHR Clinic ¯ HIV Resource Consortium
Free & anonymous testing " 1:30 pm
using fingerstick method. ¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
No appointment required. " Info~ Wanda @ 749-4194
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm :
Results hours: 7-9 pm ¯ Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
Info: 742-2927
Lambda Bowling League
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan
Support Group
2nd Monday of month,
6:30 pm
4154 S, Harvard
Info: 749-4901
TOHR Helpline
Daily 8-10 pm
For info. or to volunteer:
The Technicians, Leather
org., Info c/o 621-5597
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform
& Leather Seekers Assoc.
Info: 838-1222
¯ HIV/AIDS:Support Group &
¯ Friends & Family
¯¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pro, call for location:
Grief Group
¯ Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
Alternative Skating
8:30 - 11 pm, 241-2282
$4, Sand Springs Skate
¯ Agape’ Christian
: Fellowship
¯ Service, 7 pm ¯
Sheridan Center, Suite H
¯ 21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
Bible Study, 7 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention ProJect
Support group
for Gay & Bi Native
Ameri&m Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd
582-7225 or 584-4983
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
: Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E.2nd, Info: 585-1800
" Co-Dependency
¯ Support Group
: 7;30; Family of Faith MCC
: 5451-ES. Mingo, 622-1441
HIVTestingTOHRClinic i
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30 pm.
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
Ist & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
Weekly social events for
LGBT men & women, 7 pm
Info: 646-5503
¯ Substance Abuse
Support Group
for persons with HIViAIDS
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
3-4:30 pm, hffo: 749-4194
¯¯ St. Jerome’s Ecumenical
Catholic Church
¯" Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
¯ 3841 S. Peoria
¯ Info: Father Rick
¯ at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Student
TJC Southeast Campus,
SWAN-Sip~gle Women’s
Activ@ Network
Call 832-2121
MAY 17-19
Herland Sister Resources Retreat
Roman Nose State Park
Registration deadline: 5/15
Info: 2312 NW 39th, OKC 73112
HIVIAIDS & SpiritualitylWholeness
Retreatfor Women, Info: 488-9215
Pride Picnic Benefit, Lola’s
2630 E. 15th, 749-1563
Interfaith AIDS Minitries
13th InternationalAIDS Candlelight
Memorial & Mobilization
3 pro, St. Peter’s Episcopal, 9100 E. 21St
Info: 438-2437
Ecumenical Pride Worship Service
6 pm, St. Jerome’s hosting at The
Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick, page 646-7116
Pride Picnic Benefit - The Tool Box
1338 E. 3rd, 584-1308
TOHR, PFLAG & Rainbow Business
Guild present Cece Cox, pres. ofthe
Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance
7 pm, Chouteau Ran, Chapman Ctr, TU,
Dinner: $10, Speech: free,Info: 743-4297
Safe Haven Lake Cookout.
Social gatheringfor young adults, 18-30
8 pm, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Pride Picnic Benefit - The Silver Star
1565 S. Sheridan, 834-4234
TOHR Citywide Pride Prom
All ages, alcohol-free dance
8 pm, Alan Chapman Activity Cti. TU,
Dignity/Integrity Meeting
Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians
5 pm, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
5635 E. 71st, Info: POB 701044, 74170
Pride Picnic Benefit, Concession~
3340 S. Peoria, 744-0896
Family AIDS Support Group, 6:30 pm
Social and Refreshments. 7 pm
General Meeting, 7:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Info: 749-4901
Tulsa Pride Picnic
Noon - 5pm. Owen Park
560 No. Maybelle, Info: 583-1248
Family ofFaithMCCFather’s Day Service
With Father Rick Hollingsworth
11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
JUNE 21 a 22
Follies Revue, Inc.
Follies ’96 Salutes the Movies!
6 pm, Doubletree Hotel, Warren PlaCe
$125 & $40, Info: 437-0201
Statewide Pride Rally & Parade
Speaker: Donna Red Wing
’92 Advocate Woman ofthe Year
1:30 pro, Memorial Park, NW 35th &
Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City
Info: 743-4297 or 405-791-0202
by J.D. Jamett
What can I say, this last month truly did
have its showers and flowers. The turnabout
show at the Silver Star was a rose.
that never smelled more sweeter, & the
staff truly did surprise themselves when
they let their less masculine sides show.
On the other hand, the Miss Gay Tulsa
America at the Performing
Arts Center
got rained on- no fault
of the orgamzers or
performers. The technical
staff at the P.A.C.
constantly missed
lighting and sound
cues - whathappened?
Our sympathies to the
entertainers and organizers.
This next month
holds alot offun things
todo starting with Renegades"
GayFest (May 17- 19)
which features Dark
Shadows (drag in
broad daylight!) and
other fun things tO do
all outside. That same
weekend, you may
venture back inside on
May 17 for a live performance by Abigail
at Concessions that should very entertaining
May 23, the Red Ribbon Ice Revue call
254-7272 for more details. In June, don’t
forget Miss Northeastern Oklahoma
USofA at The Silver Star (June 23).
Pride Picnic Update
Show your pride in the community and
help make this year’s Pride Picnic the best
Kelly Green, Miss Gay Tulsa America
runners-up, JJ Gentry & Sugarbaker
ever by seeing any or all of the following
benefit shows: Lola’s on May 18th, the
Toolbox hosted by Sensuous on May26th
and the Silver Star on June 7th.
This month I’m proud to feature, not an
establishment, but a community within
our .community, Community of Hope. It’s
not just a church, but a place where you
feel like a person, notjust a number.Leslie
Penrose is the pastor.She’is one of these
rare people you are truly proud to call a
friend. This church has
a lot tO offer, for ex,
ample, chances to
work in the commu-
.nity through programs
like their RAIN team
training, feeding the
homeless, meals on
.wheels, small symposiums
on a variety of
different subjects, and
social events such as
small dinner groups
and movie nights. I’ll
say it a again- it’s not
justachurch butacommunity!
Services are
very convenient on
Sunday evening at
6pm at 1703 East 2nd
Street. Giveit achance,
Monique Foster, the new Miss Silver Star you may just like it.
& Bobbi Sue Summers OK, OK, boy, did I
¯ open up a big make-up
¯ case with the Queen of the Month (see ¯
letter to the editor). Sorry Katherine, but
: licking may face does constitute begging.
¯ Well, this month’s Queen of the Month is ¯
constandyhelpingpeople- doingbenefits
¯ &helping as aresearchnurse on HIV drug
: studies.That’s right, Danny (TeraTaneal),
¯ youareMay’sQueenoftheMonth.Thanks
: for all your hard work! Till then, see ya
out + about.
Fina y....Unity Gardens
A final resting place in peace, unity and pride...
located in Washington Memorial Gardens Cemetery
4300 E. 91st Street South
On 91st Street between Yale & Harvard.
Unity Gardens has been designed for
the Gay and Lesbian Community,
and those who support our unity.
Did you know that there is no cemetery in Tulsa
that will allow companions to be buried together
recognizing them as a couple,
or~’recognizing your sexual orientation as an individual?
Actually there is no place in the United-States who will,
We are the first celnetery in the United States
to offer a special section of our cemetery just for
Gays & Lesbians, and their family and friends.
We offer burial spaces, columbarium for cremated remains,
and scattering gardens with a memorial wall,
in this new-ly expanded and renovated-section of
Washington Memorial Gardens Cemetery.
The Pride flag will proudly fly in the center of Unity Gardens
to always remind us of our struggle in life for unity and pride.
If you have purchased a plot elsewhere,
you may be able to transfer or trade your burial plots.
For more information, please call Russell Langley-Stumpff at 918-587-7000.
***Owned and operated by Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home***
A Friendly Place to Stay
"96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(501) 253-7311
Jerry A. Wilson, owner
MCC of the
Living Spring
....a community of friends...
Rev. Kermie Wohlenhaus
We welcome you to attend!
Services held
Sunday evenings at 7 o’clock
17 Elk Street
(at the Unitarian Church)
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
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Systems &
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POB 429, Eureka Springs 72632
Books, Incense,
Candles and Rainbows/
Plus lots morel
(501) 25315445
45&1/2 Spring Street
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
ofEureka Springs
Recommended by -
The New York Times
(501) 253-6807, Closed Wednesday
5Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Jim & .Brent’s Bistro Calendar ofEvents
Friday, May 24 &-Thursday, May 25 --
Richard Johnson, acoustic guitar
Thurs. May 30th & Fri. May 31st
Music on the deck, Lunch, 11:30-2:30, Dinner 5-11 pm.
Bistro Beat Etc.
May 30th through June 2nd
Eureka Springs.Blues Festival
Stop by our house for a taste of local flavor.
Dine outside on the patio & porch or in
our three beautiful dining rooms.
Fine food at an affordable price.
Gay.owned, Operated & Rainbow Proud
By Allan Beard, Baltimore GayPaper
Like most other gay resort areas,
Provincetown shares the three traits all
held in common - sun, sand and surf. And
like its southern sister city Key West, it is
a remote village located on a narrow strip
of landjutting out into the Adantic Ocean,
accessible only to those who seek it out.
One does not pass through Key West or
Provincetown; one goes there to be there.
Andwhile Provincetown’ s waters are significandy
cooler than those of Florida’s
southern most city, it is not the water that
attracts tens of thousands of lesbians and
gay men to this Massachusetts Cape Cod
village each year - it’s the lesbians and
gay men that is the attraction.
Just who first walked the sandy beaches
that surround Provincetown is in little
doubt. And while Native Americans can
lay claim to the cape, it was the white
European immigrants who built the fishmg
village that was to become
Provincetown. Pilgrims from the May
flower first walked ashore in 1620; a
monument commemorating that event
stands’ atop High Pole Hill overlooking
the town an harbor.
For the most part, Provincetown grew
up over three centuries as a fishing village.
Filled with the homes and shops of a
18thcentury fishing village, Provincetown
is rich in period architecture with an impressive
harbor and quaint atmosphere
one comes to expect from a New England
port town. It is surrounded by beaches,
dunes and the Atlantic. Isolated at the end
of Cape Cod, Provincetown has long attracted
artists,individualists and free spirits.
Very much like Key West, the 3,700
year-round residents have a live-and-let-
¯ live attitude, which clearly appeals to the
¯ many thOUsands of lesbians and gay men
that flock there every, summer.
¯ The village has two main streets, Com-
" mercial Street and Bradford Street, which
¯ run parallel for nearly three miles. They
are intersected bynumerous smaller streets
¯ beginning at the harbor and continuing
¯ back to the dunes. It is a town filled with
guest houses, restaurants, galleries, bou-
: tiques and shops. It also has its share of
¯ typical beach community tourist busi-
¯ .nesses, but in Provincetown they don’t
¯ seem to intrude on the town’s quiet character.
¯ The Provincetown Business Guild rep-
¯ resents more than 200 businesses that
welcomelesbian and gay tourists. Founded
in 1978 the guild is dedicated to enhanc-
¯ ing the vacation experience of gay people
¯ , visiting the cape. Lesbian and gay life is
readily visible to anyone visiting the town.
Couples stroll the shop lined streets ann
~n arm with barely notice given them. On
the beach thousands of hard bodied men
and buffed lesbians swim, play and sun
themselves in the confidence of a shared
appreciation of their diversity. At night a
not-so subtle sexual energy takes over the
town’s main streets as hundreds head to
nightclubs and restaurants to party with
old acquaintances and new-found friends.
It is an atmosphere suited perfectly to the
friendly, open lifestyle of this .country’s
many lesbian and gay communities.
To increase gay visibility and promote
gay pride, the ProvincetOwn Business
Guild plans special events year-round.
For information on these events and to
make travel arrangement~,call Vanessa at
International Tours at - 341-6866.
OK, so maybe you don’t have the time
or money to go as far as Provincetown but
you still need a get-away and it’s got to be
a Gay-friendly place, and affordable!
For all that, you can’t beat Eureka
Springs. This Victorian jewel has got to
have one of the highest per capita Lesbian/
Gay/Bi populatious in the country.
And therefore, you can count on finding a
friendlyfamily welcome.
In fact, it’s possible to spend most of
your resting and dining time in Gay or
very Gay friendly establishments. This
writer canpersonallyrecommendthe food
at DeVito’s and dined withJim &Brent at
the restaurant the guys had before they
opened the well-regarded Bistro. While
we haven"t tried Autumn Breeze, we hear
it’s excellent also.
Lod~ng can vary from the very convenient
Kings Hi-Way Inn overlooking a
lovely valley to the unique bed & break-
¯ fast experience of the Woods or Rock
¯ Cottage Gardens or the views of Pond
MountainLodge. For very reasonable and
¯ historic rooms, check out the Park Basin
, In between earing and sleeping, there
¯ are many shops to checkout. They range
from tourist tacky to worksof art. One of
the most interesting selections is at Crazy
¯ Bone. And be sure to stop in ’to see MC
¯ andLinda, the new ownersoftheEmerald
¯ Rainbow, providing locals, and visitors with Pride stuff and mo~e..:
¯ NoW if you need more.detailed infor-
¯ marion about all your Options in Eureka ¯
Springs, track down Jan & Kim with
¯ P.I.M.P.S. who kiaow what’s available.
¯ And if like many others, you decide to ¯
check out local properties, stop by
McClung Realty - they can help.
Adult Accommodations
In Eureka Springs, Arl~nsas
Craftsman-style cottages with beautiful views
of the woods and wildlife -.Tucked on top of the
Ozark Mountains. just a few rmnutes walk to the
Historic Village of Eureka Springs.
Frank Gr~.en Jr., Host - 50 Wall Street - Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
OK, all of you budding Laurence
Oliviers, take notice! ff acting is your
profession 9rjust a fun hobby, and you’re
having trouble finding quality plays that
speak to gays and lesbians, here is the
book for you. "The Actor’s Book of Gay
and Lesbian Plays" pulls together seventeen
plays, chosen by
editors (and playwrights),
EricLane and
Nina Shengold.
The criteria for a
play’s inclusion in this
anthologyis thatitmust
have gay or lesbian
characters, queer
themes or be ofinterest
to the gayand lesbian
of the playwright’s
ownsexual orientation.
The plays vary widely,
from one-acts to full
length, comic and dramatic,
some interesting while others less
so, and a range o_f styles and cast sizes.
One of the most interesting aspects of
these plays is that not all of them premieredin
New York or Los Angeles. One
had its .first performance in
Shepherdstown, West Virginia~ and another
was first heard over the air as a radio
AIDS, of course, is a topic of a few of
these plays. Victor .Bumbalo’s "What
Are Tuesdays LaKe. takes place in a
hospital waiting room. "The Baltimore
Waltz," by Paula Vogel and "Lonely
Planet," by Steven Dietz deal with AIDS
in more intangible ways.
Another interesting entry, "It’s Our
Town, Too," by Susan Miller, is just what
you might think: a bare stage, queer ver-
...One d the-most
interesting aspects of
these plays is that not
all of them premiered
in New York or Los
A~ngeles. One hasd.lts
first performance m
West Virginia...
sion . of Thornton
Wilder’s "Our Town."
"Cater,Waiter,"by Eric
Lane, is a funny, ironic,
ten-minute piece about
"eighty-seven gay men
and three lesbians serving
dinner tO a buncha
Reagan cronies" at a.
Republican fundraiser.
With the current
boom of successful
queer-themed films,
like "Jeffrey" and "The
Bird~ge," it shouldn’t,
be long until more gay
and lesbian friendly
" plays start showing.up onstage in mid-
: America. When they do, "The Actor’s
¯ Book of Gay and Lesbian Plays" will be
; an excellent resource.
¯ Check for this book, and others on
¯ similar subjects, at your local branch li-
¯ brary or call the Readers Services depart-
’ ment at the CentrallLibrary, 596-7966.
byJames Christjohn, EntertainmentNotes
While it might seem so at times, this
column is not just about me being peevish.
It is about a much wider concern of
To those in the gay & lesbian community
whom I have heard complaining that
thereisn’t enough gay theatre, that there is
an audience for these shows, that no theatre
in town is brave enou,,h to do these
kinds of shows; I have only one thing to
say. Where were you?
Several shows during
the TU weekend of
One-acts touched on
gay issues, mine and
Gabriel Washam’s
"’Diaries" blatandy so.
I had incredible support
from Professor Cook (
Thank you!), who feels
these plays are important
to have done, an
incredible cast, & itwas
free, for heaven’ s sake!
You missed a great set
of shows.
You had the chance
to say, with your pres-
To those...
corn lainln that
P" ’ ~
here lsn t enough
Gay theatre,
that there is
an audlenee ~or
these shows...
I have only one
thln¢ to say.
Where were you?
ence, that there is an audience for these
shows, that these shows will draw folks
in, that there is a reason to see these shows
As Gerald Miller said, "Ain’t gonna
happen". He and I spoke of Gay theatre in
Tulsa when he was managing Theatre
Tulsa. His take was that there wasn’t an
audience. Tom and I argued the point, and
I now feel his comments were, sadly,
¯ To all of you who expressed interest, &
¯ didn’t put your body where your mouth is
¯ in terms of your presence in the theatre
" seat, you’ve helped to kill gay theatre.
¯ If there is no gay theatre in Tulsa, it’s
¯ not that the shows aren’t produced or
¯ people aren’t interested in doing them;
it’s because you weren’t there when the
¯ shows were produced. Even when, as in
.. this case, the productions are free to the
¯ public! You have no one to blame but
yourselves. So don’tlet
me hear anyone in the
community bemoaning
"the lack of gay plays
here, because it’s your
own fault they aren’t
being done.
BACP produced an
excellent production of
Harvey Fierstein’s"On
Tidy Endings" some
months back_. Thenight
Tom &I attended, only
1/4 of the house was
filled. And I know
there’s enough queens
in this town to have
filled the theatre.
" Sad thing is, many students & faculty.
¯ were talking about doing a production of ¯
"Falsettoland" at TU. Thehigher ups were
." concerned that people wouldn’t come.
¯ One ofmy goals with HIVariations, I’d
¯ hoped, was to prove that there was an ¯
audience. With the lack of community
¯ support of HIVariations, indeed all the
¯ shows that weekend, it seems unlikely ¯
¯ that this Falsetto, or other shows like it,
will be produced. How sad.
Package includes: two nights’ Club Level accommodations at the Sheraton New
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by Jean-Pierre, TFNfood critic
TFNreaders attending the Great Plains
Regional Gay Rodeo in Oklahoma City
Memorial Day weekend will be pleased to
know that lots of decent restaurants exist
in our Capital Cowtown at which they can
cozy up to the chuckwagon.
Just like Tulsa, most of the national
franchises and chain restaurants have
stores in Oklahoma City which are concentrated
in the Quail Springs Mall area
¯ on Memorial between May and Pennsyl~
vania; near Baptist Hospital at Northwest
Expressway and Lake Hefner Parkway;
in"oiltown" at Interstate
40 and Meridian;
and down on the
south side along Interstate
240 between
Western and May
Avenues. But why
eat at some place you
can visit at home?
After all, half of the
tim of traveling to
exotic locations is
discovering the local
cuisine.And, surprisingly,
City probably has a
lot more decent nonchain
restaurants than Tulsa.
First, a few words of warning: Many
rodeoers will be staying at the Northwest
Hilton or at the ever popular Habana Inn
both of which have in house dining facilities.
Let’s just say that you’ll want to eat
off the premises. And don’t even think
about room service.
\¥qaen you are in downtown OKC, be
advised that. there is no place wonderful,
and the Myriad Convention Center food is
deadly. Nearby though are LaRoea Mexican
Restaurant a couple.of blocks west
of the Myriad on Rent and there are
always the various trendy (translate: long
lines, small servings, big prices) establishments
and the onmipresent Spaghetti
Warehouse in Bricktown several blocks
east o.f the Myriad. The Bricktown Brewery
is, in our opinion, the Oklahoma
microbrewery serving up the best beer
made in Oklahoma (but don’t get your
hopes up about the food)¯ Wejust wish the
Oklahoma legislature didn’t make the
microbreweries water the beer to 3.2.
Several formerly popular northwest
spots are now closed, such as Doc’s at
63rd and Western, Rita’s del Rio on May
across from the Northwest Hilton,Pump’s
at Grand and \Vestem, Interurban in
Fifty Penn Place, and Magnolia Cafe at
66th and Western: We’re also sad to report
that due to the new conservative
Christian ownership of United Founder’s
Tower, the Eagle’s Nest, with its 360
degree revolVing view of Lake Hefner
and northwest Oklahoma City, has closed
its doors. Never fear, though, there are
still lots of fun places to dine and frolic.
While on Oklahoma City’s infamous
39th Street Strip, many readers may remember
the gastronomically challenging
Family Diner, a classic greasy spoon.
But better days have come to that location,
and completely new proprietors have
established the gay owned and operated
Pifion Care (moderate cost), which features
lots of Southwestern style entrees,
heavy on thepasta and chicken, and, while
notan all-night establishment, does stay
open until 2 a.m., and 3 a.m. on weekends.
: The beautiful people and yuppies of
¯¯ OklahomaCity spendmost of their dining
¯ dollars on the strip alongWestern Avenue north of Interstate 44. There is quite a
¯ variety of interesting and worthwhile
¯ places in this area. Anchoring the comer
¯ spot on i-44 is Portobello (expensive),
¯ featuring Tuscan style Italian food and
: Italian language tapes in the restrooms.
¯ Another long time Italian spot is Flip’s
¯ -Wine Bar and Trattoria (moderately
¯ expensi.ve), at Grand Boulevard, with a
¯ great selection of by-the-glass wines and
¯ decent food--be sure to check out the
After all,
half of the fun of
traveling_is discovering
the local euMne.
And, surprisingly,
Oklahoma City
probably has a lot
more decent non-chain
restaurants than Tulsa.
daily specials. At
64th Street, you will
. find the excellent
Metro Wine Bar
and Bistro (expensive,
advised), serving re-
,trial French cuisine,
nightly meat
and fish specials, and
creamy, chilled
vichyssoise to die
for. Across the street
in: Nichols Hills
Plhza is the single
best restaurant in the
st~ite of Oklahoma,
¯ the.Coach House (veryexpensive, reser- ¯
vataons required, dres~ code), featuring
e}quisitely prepared Atnerican haute cui-
¯ sine and impeccable ~ervice. Everyone ¯
should experience the artistry of Chef
~ Kurt Fleishfresser and the elegance of the
: Coach House at least once in their life-
¯. time. Crawling back toWestern, at 67th’is
the Iguana Lounge (moderate) which is
¯ billed as Acapulco cuisine but we have to
¯ call it avant garde Mexican, and their new
.: patio should be open by rodeo time. An
excellent sushi bar is Tokyo Japanese
¯ Restaurant (expensive), just south of
¯ Wilshire, which serves Sapporo beer and ¯
¯ sushi as good as any Japanese restaurant
we’ve visited in the United States. Way
: up north at 80th is Let’s Barbecue (inex-
¯ pensive), with basic down home smoked ¯
meats and occasionally fried catfish (if
¯ you remember Let’s at 66th Street, that
¯ location, now closed, went to Let’s ex-
¯ wife in the divorce, andLeomoved north). ¯
Acouple ofother spots popular with the
¯ capital city gay crowdinclude the Painted
: Desert (inexpensive) at 36th and Shartel,
¯ whichis your basicburger bar, Pepperoni ¯
G~ill (moderately expensive) in Penn
¯ Square Mall by Dillard’s with eclectic
¯" Italian food, and Bellini’s (expensive) at
63rd and Pennsylvania, which serves up
¯ northern Italian themed food and dell-
: cious bellini’s (a peach and champagne
¯ cocktail) with a view of the swan pond ¯
and outdoor seating-- enterfrom the park-
" ing garage_ under the Waterford office
¯ building.
¯ Those looking for Oriental foods will ¯
¯ be excited to spend time in Oklahoma City s Little Saigonareacentered at North-
," west 23rd and Classen. We particularly
recommend Lido (moderate) at 24th and
: Military (just off Classen near the milk
¯ bottlebuilding), whichhas excellent Viet-
: namese food in an elegant setting, and is
¯ popular with many of the state’s power-
" ful--we’ve run into Governor Waiters
¯ and several Supreme Court justices here.
¯ Check out the dim sum at Grand House
: (moderate),just across the street from the
see Food, page 14
n Communicolions does not
milk bottle. One of our favorite Chinese
restaurants is Dumpling House (moderate)
on 23rd just east of Classen, which is
patronized by many Chinese and Vietnamese
youth (be sure to ask for the
English menu). Another excellent Vietnamese
and Chinese place is Mirawa
(moderate), a bit farther east on 23rd. For
Korean food, try Sharon Gardens (inexpensive)
on 23rd west of Classen, and for
Thai, go to Sala Thai (inexpensive) just a
couple of blocks farther west.
If seeing all those cowboys wrangle
beef on the hoof has you hankering for a
big juicy steak, you can’t go wrong with
Cattleman’s Care (moderately expensive)
in Stockyards City, Exchange Street
south of 1-40 (ask for directions). In the
Remington Park area at Northeast 50th
and Kelly is one of our favorites, Sleepy
Hollow (expensive), whichhas nomenus,
but serves up big delicious bowls of
mashed potatoes, ~avy, and peas family
style and huge, wonderful steaks to its
horseman and jockey clientele. You can
get decent barbecued ribs and an all you
can eat special at Oklahoma County
Line (moderately expensive) on Northeast
63rd between Kelly and Eastern. And,
when the budget gets a little thin, you can
find an excellent chicken fried steak sandwich
at Chuck House (inexpensive) at
Northwest Tenth and Meridian.
This should be a big enough list of the
better places in Oklahoma City to keep
rodeo-goers well fed for one weekend.
Just remember, we have McDonald’s in
Tulsa. Bon appetit, cowboy.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
word is 25 cents. You may
bring additional attention to
your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2
Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count
the number of words. (A word for our
purposes is a group of letters or
numbers separated by a space.)
Send your ad & payment to POB
4140, Tulsa, OK 74159 with your
name, complete address, day &
eve. numbers (for our records only).
Ads will run in the next issue after
they are received.
TFN reserves the right to edit or
refuse any ad. N6 refunds.
Weider Full Range Home Gym
used, compact, no weights necessary.
$60, 587-4669
Pride Picnic Booths
Our lawn, your table
$5 - information only table
$15 - selling stuff
for you or for organization
$30 - selling food
with $30 refundable clean up deposit
Call Tom at 918-583-1248
) ~ )) )i!!::ii!l!~!~+............
lWO STEPPER What’s up?, Russell,
++ ............................... " ’~+i~+~i~!i)il~i!lllli~i~ Businessman, like to meet exciting people, nice
A LA CARTE Don 26 y/o chef work at a diriners, like to go two stepping, Vm 6’1 210 dk
restaurant here in town, looking for someone hair/brn eyes, fike to meet all Kinds of pgople
who likes dancing, fine dining ust all like to hang out, lets hook up and go- ,kheever’s
around good time give me a call- out there give me a call+ Northeastern
~Bartlesvi e) =33688 Okahoma) =34691
27, 5’7", 130, physicallyfit, black hair,
brown eyes, seeks straight acting guys, 18-
35, for fun, friendship and maybe more.
Please leave me a message. (Oklahoma City)
38, 175, seeks "P/’s or TS’s, disease free for
fun, romance and a at more.- Leave me a
THEY CALL ME RICO! GLM, 21, colle.qe
student, 180, 5’11", varied interests, seel~s
GBM/GLM for fun and more. Peace ya’ll!
(Piedmont) =21351
brown hair, green eyes, seeks men only, no
fat’s or fern’s, for fun and pleasure. You
must be a man’s man and not wanting to be
a woman or effeminate. (Tulsa) =25882
well built, brown hair and eyes smooth,
seeks straight acting males "for general
buddy stuffand more. Give me a call.
(Eastern) =33446
145, good build, long brown hair brown
eyes, seeks local dudes for fun and mare.
Call me. (Fairview) =23276
1 ) To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900,786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
(We’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
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if you can’t get thru, simply try
your call later.
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
6’~ 175, brown hair and eyes, seeks oca
dudes for whatever happens. Leave me a
detailed message. (Muskogee) =32979
feminine, 20, 5’i 1", 180, seeks extremely
dominant and masculine men who know
wh~ they want and know how to get it.
(Muskogee) ~32814
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for. Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
HOWDY GUYS:) GWM, 28, 6’, brown hair
and eyes,160, seeks local guys fer fen and
mare. (Muskogee) =17409
PLAYTIME GWM, 5’10", 170, seeks others
forfun and more. (Norman) ~33138
BEYOND BAR LIFE GWM, 18, smoker,
seeks lhat Mr. Right for a spe~.ial relationship.
Please be drug/disease/b~r free and be ready
.to:be a friend wilh hopeless romantic
teedencles. (North Central) =18212
JOCK SUPPORTER GWM, 27, 130, 5’7",
black hair, brown eyes, seeks lock types, 18-35
, for pleasure and more. Give me a call.
(Oklahoma City) =20529
6’1 180 blonde/blu bi curious Iookingfor
experienced bi or gayWM 21-35 looking for
someone to be my coach, like outdoor activities
and sports, romantic evenings at home-
(Oklahoma City) =34032
CLEAN CUT GUYS single WM 21,
bin/hazel, 6’1 170 clean cut and athletic,
looking for SWM 19-25 leave a message and I
will get back to you- (Oklahoma City)
18 YR OLD GUY Brad, interested in Gay
men, between 18-35, I am 18, like to meet you,
anyone out there who’s interested. (Oklahoma
City) =33455
A FINE ROMANCE Aaron, interested in a
man that is romantic and likes to have a real
good time..leave a message- (Oklahoma City)
ATHLETIC MEN Michael 5’10, 145, sandy
blond/blue, like to rollerblade movies and
swim looking for athletic body builder lyre man,
masculine and versatile and have a goal time
give me a call (Oklahoma City) =34176
brown hair, blue eyes, seeks others, 18-30, for
fun and more. This is definitely a no strings
attached situation. Call me. (Oklahoma City)
NO FAT’S OR FEM’S GWM, 23, HIV-, 6’5",
190, brown hair and eyes~ good looking, LPN,
career oriented, varied interests, seeks others,
20-28 and dominant only, for fun friendship
and ho~fully more. You must me drug an~l
disease flee as well as local! (Oklahoma City)
42, 5’11, 180; seeks local aggressive men, 20-
42, for fun and pleasure. Give me a call.
(Oklahoma City) e32160
THERE,S MOREl GBM, 21,5’3", 160,
’stache, glasses, muscular, seeks others, 19-30,
for fun and adventure. Call me for mare
information. (Oklahofi~a City) =24106
FIRST TIME JrlTERS Bi Curious WM, 26,
5’8", i60, seeks masculine GHM’s only to teeeh
me the pleasures of man to man fun~ Give me a
call. (Oklahoma City) =26234
WHERE’S MY DADDY? GWM, new to area
and this ti~eslyJe, 5’11", 140, dark hair, seeks
others, 24-34 and dominant. Give me a call
(Oklahoma City) =21422
READ ME GBM, 5’11", 175, very masculine,.
seeks others for fun and more. Once yo~ meet
me you’ll never let me go. Give me a call.
(Oklahoma City) =21904
39, married, excellent shape and well end’wd,
no~ into cruising, games, CD’s, TS’s or "[~/’s,
seeks mature executives 25-35, straight acting
and masculine. I~ you’ve had mor~ partners
than you have fingers, do not respohd to this!
(Oklahoma City) =21266
message. (Oklahoma City) = 19017
blonde hair, green eyes, restaurant mana~ter
seeks others into mo~ies, romance and ire~
fulfillment. If you’re ready to pursue a long
term relationship, give me a call. (Oklahoma
City) =19508
FUN AND MORE FUN GWM, 150, 5’7",
good build, brown hair, preen eyes, seeks
same for you know what. Give me a cal!.
(Oklahoma City) =17161
YOUNG LOVE GWM, 19, 6’, brown hair,
blue eyes, variety of interests, seek same, for
fun, fr~’’endship and more. You bust be
straight acting. (Oklahoma City) ~! 9160
NO CLUBS FOR ME GWM, 28, 6’4",
260, new to Ibis, seeks others to show me
mare about bein.q submissive and more.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma City) =6584
ARE YOU THE ONE’/GWM, 24, 5’10",
blonde hair, brown eyes, into fishingand
outdoor adivities, seeks other guys for fun
and possibly more. Call me. (Oklahoma
City) =151SS
22, varied interests, seeks others for fun and
more. Leave me a message. (Oklahoma
City) ~r18151
32, 6’, 160, inexperienced, seeks others,
masculine and attractive, to teach me more
and possibly learn these things together.
Give me a call. (Oklahoma ~ity) ~r7550
.qead build, brown hair, ~qreen eyes, clean
shaven, professional, see[cs others for fun,
friendship and more. Let’s get tc~gether soon.
(Oklahoma City) =7657
NAME IS LARRY GM, 6’, dark features,
medium build, into music and romance,
seeks top men only. Call me. (Oklahoma
City) =49966
BOY NEXT DOOR TYPE I’m new to the
area. I’m a 24 year old submissive, boy next
tyl~". I’m 5’11,160!bs, smooth skin,
nice bei:h/, HIV negative. I m looking for a
butch boy 25 to 35 for fun and friendship.
(Tulsa) ~34747
ITALIAN AMERICAN I’m a 25 year old
Italian American. I’m 5’9, 1651bs, and very
good looking. I’m looking to meet guys in my
area. (Tulsa) =41112
MY NAME IS STEVE GWM, 6’1", 160,
32, sh~rt brown hair, light blue eyes; seeks
masculine and straight acting GWM s, 18-
35, for fun and friendship. Leave me a
detailed message. (Tulsa) =20475
HI, I’M LEONARD GWM, 195, 6’3",
brown hair and eyes, new to area, seeks
others, 21-30, submissive and hairy
preferred, for hot fun and more. Call me
soon. (Tulsa) =18265
180, good build, blonde hair, hazel eyes,
clean cut and shaven, Rrofessional, seeks
others 20-30 for fun, friendship and more.
P ease eove a message. (Tulsa) = 17715
blonde hair, green eyes, 110, into afot of
things, seeks bthers, 18-30 for non game
playing fun. Life is too short to waste time.
Callme soon. (:tulsa) =7823
50’s, varied interests, seeks discreet fun and
more. Call me. (Tulsa) =7728
36, 6’, 145, dark hair, green .eyes, versatile,
seeks same, !8-36, for fi’iendship and
possibly mare. Smooth body and all natural
end’wdis a big plus! (Tulsa) ~6779
LOOKING FOR YOU GBM, seeks others
in the local area for fun and mare. Please
give me a call. (Tulsa) e2771
~ ..~....~
couple seeks singles or couples for
advbnture and excitement. Give us a ca.
(Eureka Springs) =23.$23
130 very straight acting real new to this
lifestyle, seeks older men for fun and
pleasure. (Ft. Smith) =334411
COUNTRY BOY Jim, 5’t0 dk hair, green
eyes, real hairy, country boy, used to work
on the riverlx~ts, now live up here, like to
spend some qual time with someone like
camping swimming riding, like to have 1 on
1 devotion with someone, I’m 29, like to
setlle down- (Utile Rock) ~34920
UALR STUDENT GWM, 28, college
student, seeks others for intimate fun and
more. (Li~e Rock) =26930
professional, alot of interests, seeks others for
fun, fr endship and more. Leave me a
message. (Russe vi e) ~27949
35, 5’6", black hair, brown eyes,
new to area, very romantic, seeks
others for fun, romance and possibly
more. If this interest~ you, please giv~
me a call. (Broken Arrow) ~45158
BI AND BI Bi Female, 5’4", 115,
brown hair, hazel eyes, seeks same.
No exceptions! (Oklahoma City)
~22358 - ~
GBF, seeks+BE or Gay females for fun
and friendship~ Please get in touch
with me. (Oklahoma City) e3610
Curious BF, seeks same for learning
.~xperiences. Give me a call.
Oklahoma City) ~49584
brown eyes and hair, variety of
interests, seeks other women for fun
and friendship. Please give me a
call. (Oklahoma City) ~45876
HEY GIRLSl GWF, into all sports
and more, seeks others to hang out
with. Give me a call (Tulsal
++~+~.~ ’+ ~++ :~+ ’+"":~I~
29, 5’3", 150, auburn hair, green
eyes, seeks others who are honest
and sincere, local preferred, for a
long lasting friendship and
relationship. Please leave a message
(Jonesboro) ~34470
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Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
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We’ll do what it takes
to find. the best solution for you.
Home Office
Dallas, Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, May 15-June 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/510.