[1996] Tulsa Family News, March 15-April 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 4
[1996] Tulsa Family News, March 15-April 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
March 15-April 14, 1996
James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Pat Morehead
JD Jamett
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Pat Morehead
JD Jamett
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1996
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart
March 15 - April 14, 1996, Volume 3, Issue .1
Anti-Marriage ¯ Run for gourLives, Part2
Efforts Explode
Around States I|
GOP Presidential Primary and
Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge
DES MOINES - A number of anti-gay
organizations - Colorado for Family Values,
the Christian Coalition, the Eagle
Forum, the Traditional Values Coalition,
and others - drew several thousand fundamentalists
together under an umbrella
groupknownas the National Campaign to
Protect the Sanctity of Marriage, asking
all the Republican presidential primary
hopefuls to sign their pledge against samesex
marriages. Not surprisingly, three of
the most outspokenly anti-gay candidates
talk show host Alan Keyes, Patrick
Buchanan, and Texas Sen. Phil Gramm -
were on hand to sign the anti-gay pledge
that declares that "the State should not
legitimize homosexual relationships by
legalizing same-sex ’marriage’ but should
continue to reserve the special sanction of
civil marriagefor onemanand onewoman
as husband and wife." The other leading
GOP hopefuls - Senate majority lea’fl~r
Bob Dole of Kansas, former Tennessee
Gov. Lamar Alexander and multi-millionaire
publisher Steve Forbes - all said
they would sign the anti-mama,g.e pledge
as well, even though they didn t actually
show up at the event.
Hawaii Anti-Marriage Efforts
HONOLULU-In their ongoing efforts to
try to extricatethemselves from the politically
and. socially charged issue of sanlesex
mamages, the Hawaii state Senate’s
judiciary committee has rejected 2 bills
and accepted one. The committee nixed
by a 1-6 vote a proposal that would have
simply legalized same-sex marriages in
the state. By a 3-4 vote, the senators also
rejeetedaprol~s,al thatwonldhavebanned
same-sex marriage in Hawaii. The lawmakers
finally agreed by a 5-2 vote to
accept a proposed measure that would
institute a statewide domestic partnership,
a compromise proposal that a state
see Marriage, page 3
’Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell’ Doesn’t Work
WASHINGTON-Ajust-issued reported
says the compromise policy reached by
the Clinton Administration with Congress
that was aimed at lessening bias against
gays and lesbiansin the U.S. armed forces
is being widely violated by the military.
Pentagon officialS, however, insist that
.the so-called"don’task, don’t tell" policy,
m effect now for two years, is working
properly. The report by the Washington,
D.C.-based group, Service Members Legal
Defense Network, charges there is a
continuing pattern of abuse by the armed
service that has rendered the
Administration’s policy toward gays and
lesbians in the military as bad, if not
worse, than its predecessor. The organization
says that despite the seemingly
more lenient approach, the nation’s military
has recently been expelling more
see Don’t ask, page 3
: Legislative Update
¯ OKC Gay Man Helps On Anti-
Gay Measure, More on Way
: Several OKC sources have accused an
: OKC Gay man of misrepresenting him-
, .self as a spokesperson of the entire state’s
¯ Gay communities in a behind-the-scenes
¯ deal with OK House Majority Leader
:i Loyd Benson. Benson, aDemocrat who’d
introduced an anti-Gay resolution, #1045,
¯ condemning teaching homosexuality as
¯ "natural" lifestyle, and adoption or foster
¯ care by Lesbians, Gays or Bisexuals sub-
" stituted a bill allegedly at the urging of
: Keith Smith who’s recently returned to
¯ Oklahoma after a several year absence
"- andwho’s newly hired" as an ad. represen-
¯ tative for OKC’s The Perspective.
¯ The "new" language remains anti-Gay,
¯ condemning more specifically the Nat’l ¯
Education Assoc. for its Gay-positive
~ stands & stating that "those who engage
¯ in same-sex marriages should not be per-
, mitted to adopt or provide foster care."
~ Several legislators, specifically Norman
¯ rep., Laura Boyd, who had promised to
¯" vote against #1045, stated that they only
¯ voted for this revised language because
: they thought these changes were autho-
: rized by "your representative". Both in
," OKC and particularly, in Tulsa, commu-
¯ nity leaders have raised concerns that
¯ individuals lobbying the Legislature
¯ should be clear that they represent only
themselves unless they h~ve actually spo’-
: ken with community~oups first. No of-
, ricer of Tiiis~iOklahomans for Human
¯ -Rights, Rainbow Business Guild or
¯ PFLAG appears to have been contacted.
¯ House resolution #1045 passed 97-1.
¯ Tulsarep. Don Ross cast the only no vote.
¯ Members of several Tulsa groups orga-
¯ nized a calling campaign to thank Ross.
: East Tulsa rep. Betty Boyd (Demo.) said
: that the only call she received opposing
#1045 was TFN’s and strongly suggested
¯" that Lesbians & Gays need to speak up.
¯ Worse yet, religious political extrem-
," ists, Rep. Tim Pope and Bill Graves at-
; tachedanti-Gayamendments tootherbills.
¯ One (to HB 2554 concermng divorce law
changes) would ban the recognition of
: same-gender marriage by Oklahom~ if
¯ theHawaii courts allow theminthefuture
~¯ abnildl,thHeBoth2e0r5(3a)ttabcahnesdatodothpeti"oRnyaonr Lfoukstee’"r
¯ care by a"known homosexual, lesbian or
: see Sold Out. page 3
¯ II
!Native American
i Gay Men Gathering
¯ TheTulsaNativeAmericanMenAIDS
Project (TNAAPP) will hold a weekend
: retreat on May 24-26. The event is open to
¯" all Gay or Bisexual Indian menregardless
of tribe, blood quantum or HIV status.
~ Non-Indian parmers of attendees are wel-
¯ Those wlio attended a retreat in Feb.
pral~&I the event’s traditional dancer and
story-tellers and participants continue to
¯ meet weekly onWednesdays from 6-8pm.
," Future plans include a pow wow for Gay
& Lesbian Native Americans. Call 582-
¯ 7225, ext. 218.
:¯ TTrUusHteireessFiPrereTse.nWureitdhGAanytPi-rGofaeyssRoerAcomridd
Charges of Blackmail Against Univ.
by Tom Neal " terhead stationary, of the Paris-Jackson
In February, trustees of the University .
of Tulsa hired new president
Robert Lawless, currently
president of Texas Technical
University (Tech), to re~
place Robert Donaldson.
After the public announcement
of Lawless’ hiring on
Feb. 19th, major daily newspapers
across the Southwest
(Dallas Morning News,
Houston Chronicle, Daily
Oklahoman) and The Associated
Press carried reports
of anti-Gay comments made
by Lawless in a 1993 letter.
Lubbock news reports indicate
that Lawless responded
on Feb. 9 to a complaint
by a local resident,
Wayson Gerwig, about the
appearance on Tech’s campus by Rod & "
Bob Paris-Jackson. Bob Paris-Jackson
won notoriety as a top competition body "
builder. With his partner, fitness instruc’- :
tor Rod Paris-Jackson, the pair toured the
US (includingan appearance atTU) speak- "
ing on Gay & Lesbian marriages. :
.According to The Universttv Daily ¯
(UD), Lawless wrote, on Texas "~ech let- "
event as "’one of the. greatest disappointments
~n my role as President
at Texas Tech.’" He
added "the deviant lifestyles
portrayed by these individuals
is something I can never
condone, and hold in great
Students from Tech’s
Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual
Students group (GLBS) attempted
to meet with Lawless
in Oct. of ’94, after thc
letter was mailed anonymously
to the GLBS. According
to the UD, the student
requestipg.the ~eeting
was told by ~’iess" assistant
that Lawless would not
meet with the student, his
opinions had~ noL changed,
and that he would not comment further.
That same October,The Lubbock Avalanche-
Journalreported that whenGLBS
officer Roy Mendoza took a complaint
about Lawless" remarks to the Texas Tech
Board of Regents, neither the board or
Lawless responded toGLBS concerns but
after the meeting, Tech released a written
see Lawless. page 2
:HIV. Education &
Recreation Center
¯ Bruce Begley, a Tulsa man living with
¯ AIDS, with several others, has begnn cre-
¯ ating a new sen’ice organization for per-
¯, sons living with HIV AIDS, The HI\"
Education&Recreation Center. Begley’s
: vision is for a place where persons living
¯, withAIDs(PLWA’s)couldgoforfitness,
¯ recreation and for services that supple-
" ment the existing HIV.AIDS agencies.
; Many in the Tulsa community have
¯ responded to his vision by joining the
-" board ofthenewly incorporated non-profit
: and by donating goods, services and
¯ money toward the HIV-ERC’s fund to
¯ apply for IRS ta~x -exempt status. Newly ¯
rettedboardmembers include local thera-
¯ pist, Sandra Hill, vice president, Steve
," Wilson, treasurer and local businessman,
: Scott Perry among others. Begley has
spoken to local organizations such as
i DignityiIn.tegrity and the Rainbow
Business Guild (RBG) about his vi,
¯ sion. The membership of RBG voted in
February to donate the balance needed to
¯ pay the IRS application fee.
¯ ,although Begley stresses that the HIV¯
ERC is intended to supplement existing
HIV services, he confesses he’s been
¯ shocked by some of the hostility that he’s
¯ experienced from other HIV services pro-
" viders. He says he repeatedly heard con-
" cerns about"duplicating services". Begley
says others have been more supportive,
¯ such as Janice Nicklas of the Community
Service Council and Hilary Kitz (ofMayor
¯ Susan Savage’s office) who’s active in
¯ HIV/AIDS volunteer work.
¯ see H1V-ERC, page 3
: Unity Gardens
i First in Country
: While Lesbian and Gay activists
¯ struggle for the fight to have our relation-
" ships recognized in life, two Tulsa men,
~ Russell Langley-Stumpff and David
¯" Stumpff, are providing a place where Les-
¯ bians and Gay men can have their rela-
: tionships and identifies recognized in per-
: petuity. The men, who are partners in life
¯ as well as business, have created Unity
¯ Gardens, which may be the first project of
: its t~lae in the US. Unity Gardens is a
~ special part of Washington Memorial
¯ Cemetarvwhere LesbianandGay couples,
: family, find friends can either have burial
: plots; niches in the crematorium, or be
: remembered on a memorial wall that
¯ stands beside a scattering ground. ¯
¯ Unity Gardens will fly a rainbow Pride
flag at its center 24hours a day,and on the
¯ day of services, each of the 10 flag poles
¯ that mark the road to Unity Gardens will ¯
also fly a Pride flag under the regular
¯ American flags. And while Unity Gardens
are non-sectarian, religious o’r other
organizations can reserve a section for
their members which could have a reli-
¯ gious symbol marking their area. At least
one local congregation is said to be considering
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Phyl Boler-Schmidt Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Barry Hensley noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family
Pat Morehead News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Each
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
JD Jamett points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
The University of Tulsa has long sought to be
compared to the best private universities in the US:
Rice, Stanford, Yale, etc. However, somehow its
trustees and administrators haven’t figured out that
there is a connection between their actions and
TU’s continued failure to rank with these schools.
By hiring a documented, and at least publicly
unrepentant anti-Gay bigot, Robert Lawless, for its
new president, TU’s trustees again prove that they
just don’t understand that TU cannot embrace
prejudice and be a"world-dass"institution. Former
Texas Tech president Lawless certainly has aconstitutional
right to his bias,just as does a Klansman
or a white-supremacist, but usually those opinions
disqtmlify a candidate as a leader of university,
There is little doubt that if Lawless had been
speak)ng about Jews or Catholics, instead of Gays
and Lesbians,:when he said in 1993, "the deviant
lifestyles portrayed by these individuals is something
that I can never condone, and hold in great
contemPt,~’ :that Lawless’ hiring would not have
occurredl It certainly would not have without some
apology or repudiation, which he has refused to
make publicly forover three years.
Lawles~S; only regrets appear to have been made
only just a few weeks ago to the TU Search Committee.
This seems awfully late and mighty, convenient.
Some members of the Search Committee
claim thaLLawless while at Texas Tech didn’t
permit his .prejudice to affect his treatment of
openly Gay professors. However, other Tech
sources indicate that Lawless, in fact, attempted to
censor the speaking engagement of Rod & Bob
Paris-Jackson, about which his remarks were made.
It also is amply clear, from both the Tech newspaper
and the LubbockAvalanche-Journal. that Lawless"
alleged "’fairness" to professors did not extend
to Gay Tech students with whom he refused to
Even worse than Lawless’ "’regretted" remarks.
however, is the decision ofTU’ s Board ofTrustees’
Search Committee to recommend hiring Lawless
with full "knowledge of his remarks. This endorsement
Of 14i?~prejudice combines with the refusal
several Years ago of TU’s Board of Trustees to add
sexual ~nentation protections to TU’s non-discrimination
policy*, and with its recent firing of
openl~G~i3’ professor Jim Reid (see related editoria!),~
to?di~monstrate the comnutment of the Univcrs~
ty of Tulsa to "World-Class Bigotry" rather
than "World-Class Excellence." - Tom Neal
*prof. of law M. Chapman notes TU’s policy
may. or may not. provide bias protection stnce it
mc:ludes legally vague language rather than the
standard term. sexual orientation.
bisexual". Each bill was passed, as amended by the
House, 98-2. Longume political observers hope
that HB 2554 will not get.out of the Senate Judiciary
committee, headed by Sen. Bernice Shedrick
(D-Stillwater) and that the amendment language
attached to the popular "Ryan Luke" bill can be
removed in committee or in conference with the
House. These observers strongly recommend polite
calls to Sen. Shedrick’s office asking her to.help
eliminate the tmconstitutional anti-Gay provisions.
A Senator on the Judiciary committtee declined to
comment but added that he felt it likely that HB
2554 would not make it if enough calls were made.
(Senate switchboard: 405-524-0126)
Dr. James Reid vs. TU
Some will find Dr. James Reid’s choices in
activities & friends to be worse than the actions of
the University of Tulsa. His judgement was clearly
poor in getting involved in a friendship of some
intimacy (though no sex) with someone who was
initially his student. Videotaping their horseplay
(which is likely milder than some of TU’s former
fraternity hazing) also was foolish. But the actions
of the University’s officials, legal counsel, & professors
with their wanton disregard for their own
rules is more shameful than Reid’s video-taped
flogging. The surrender to the worst bias, disregard
for academic standards, the destruction of career of
a highly regarded scholar, and abandonment of fair
p!-.,,y suggest that the TU officials responsible are
the ones who deserve to be shamed publicly - if not
flogged themselves. - Tom Neal
TU :
osed to continuedfrom page 1,
less is morally opp "homosexual lifestyles
does not mean that he is a bigot".
Roselle Graskey, a member of Tech’s GLBS,
notes that Lawless" statements were a direct violation
of Tech:s "’student dignity handbook" which
calls on the university to help "’students learn to
recognize, understand and celebrate human
differences.... [including] lifestyle".
Graskey also charges that Lawless did not merely
speak out against Lesbians and Gay men, but actually
attempted to block the event by pressuring the
independent student board that made the decision
to invite the Paris-Jacksons. This claim is supported
by Lawless’ letter in which he says, "there is
a group ~)f individuals on this campus that serve as
an Advisory Board to the students who plan the
progranunihg in the UC [University Center]. These
advisers could have, and should have, acted responsibly
in their roles to identify this program as
being u/tfit for a university campus and vetoed it
from the slate of program offerings that were proposed."
(editor’s note: emphasis added)
Members ofTU’s Search Committee were aware
of Lawless’ remarks prior to recommending his
luting according to Business prof. PC Smith. Members.
of the Search Committee spoke with individuals.
on the Tech campus, who claim that Lawless
did not discriminate against openly Gay professors
arid even experienced some harassment from anti-
Gay forces when he did not block an openly Gay
prof. from an endowed chair. Several TU sources
claim that these remarks no longer represent his
views, teasingly implying that Lawless had some
personal reasons for either his hostility or for his
alleged change of heaxt. However, all the members
of the Search Committee who are TU trustees and
who we were able to contacted refused to discuss
the matterm any substantive way. One referred all
"calls to trustee Fulton Collins who refused to return
phone calls, although Collins spoke readily to The
Tulsa Worm(The Wormowners, RobertandRoxana
Lorton are both TU trustees). Lawless also refused
to return repeated calls. TU press representative,
Michele Cruncleton, specifically stated "I’m not
going to let you speak with him [Lawless]."
Also in February, the TU board of trustees voted
unanimously to fire Jim Reid, a tenured Gay professor
of physics. Dr. Reid was accused of sexual
harassment by a 26 year old, one-time student,
Marlin Pohlman. Copies ofTU documents indicate
that trustees fired Reid despite the findings of the
majority of a University Appeals Board that Dr.
Rcid’s procedural rights were violated and that TU
see TU, page 10
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Barraccuda’s, 2405 E. Admiral
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Ground Zero, 311 E. 7th
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dermis C. Arnold, Realtor
*Assoc. in Medical & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard
Kent Batch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewdry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742~9468
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
I xaune M. Gross. Financial Planning
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
* Interuational Tours
JD Images, Photography
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Lean Aun Macomber, Realtor Associate
Massoud’s Jewlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridan
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 st
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
Thomas Chiropractic Clinic, 4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C-1
Kellie J. Watts, attorney
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Agape" Christian Fellowslup, 2 l st& Sheridan 599-7688
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ca’. 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*B!IJG Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Conununitv of Hope (United Methodist), 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity (Lesbian/Gay Catholics &Episcopalians) 2984648
*F~unily of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Free Spirit Lesbian Center call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Umty (African-Amer. men), POB 8542, 74101 .425-4905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
~HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
NAMES PROJECT, d-154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
"- R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
*Shanti Hotline
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
Tool Box Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd
T U L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc.-
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of Dam on Hwy. 187
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&112 Spring St.
King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W
*MCC of the Living Spring
McClung Realtors
Rock Cottage Gardens
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
The Woods, 50 Wall St.
501-253-8659 800-624-6646
service members for homosexuality,
which thegroup charges violates the policy
by harassing servicemen & women believed
to be gay. The group estimated that
~t cost the federal government $21.3 million
to train replacements for the gay men
and lesbians discharged by the military.
During a press conference, Defense Secretary
William Perry said the charge of
witch-hunts against gays in the military is
a serious allegation & will be examined
Policy Appealed in Federal Court
SEATTLE- The Defense Dept. policy
.prohibiting gays and lesbians from serving
openly in the U.S. armed forces is
again being challenged. The case, brought
on behalf of former Navy Petty Office
Mark Philips, is being argued before the
U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Attorneys
from theACLU,representing Philips,
contend the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy
adopted by Congress and the Clinton
Administration violated the equal protection
& free speech provisions of the Constitution.
Philips was serving on the aircraft
carrier USS Nimitz in 1992 when an
officer asked him about his sexual orientation.
Philips answered honestly & was
discharged. Now 25 years old, Philips
served nearly 6 years before being kicked
out of the Navy and received a number of
commendations for his performance, inc.
dudinga Bronze Starfor service in Desert
Storm. U.S. District Court in Seattle last
year rejected Philips’ lawsuit, agreeing
with government attorneys that his none
of his constitutional rights had been violated
by the policy.
Red Rock Mental Health
of Oklahoma City has opened a Tulsa
office providing individual and group
therapy, HIV education & prevention.
Therapy is available to PLWA’s, their
loved ones and individuals at risk of HIV
infection. Betsy Murphy, MSW, CTRS is
co-ordinator. Contact: 584-2325, fax, 582-
2384, 302 S. Cheyenne, #108, 74103.
and AIDS
First Regional
Begley’s sense of what is needed is "
based in part in his own experiences with
local HIV/AIDS service organizations -
both as a client and as an advocate for "
other clients who are more ill. His vision "
ultimately would include weight and fitness
equipment, swimming, tennis, in essence,
a health club for the community. "
He’d als0 like to have on site counselors "
tO. help with, mental, ~health issues, and ¯
drug and alcohol problems. One service ¯
he’d like to see offered wouldbe prescrip- "
tion medicine assistance that would"kick- ¯
in" after PLWA’s have reache.d the limits ¯
of assistance that other agencies provide. "
Musing over the personal attacks that
he’s experienced thus far, Begley notes
that in Tulsa some other social service
agencies that provide assistance for lower "
income persons, Project Get Together, ¯
Neighbor for Neighbor and Catholic
Charities, all duplicate some of the same ¯
services but all seem to co-exist. He just .
shakes his head in wonder that trying to ¯
help folks in need brings out a fist instead ¯
of a welcoming hand. :
For more information about or to do- ."
hate to the HIV-ERC, write Bruce Begley, ¯
president, 1210 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 208,
Tulsa 74119 or call 587-1059. ."
commission impaneled to study the ques- "_
tion had put forward after the state su- ¯
preme court made it clear that there was a .
good chance Hawaii may be legally re- "
quired to recognized gay andlesbian mar- ."
riages. A just-released Honolulu Adver- ¯
tiser-Channel 2 News poll indicates that, ¯
despite the state’s strong liberal reputa- :
tion. 71% of the voters polled said they ."
oppose same-sex marriage, while only :
18% said they favored extending mar- .
riagerights to same-gender couples. Some o
9% of those polled indicated they were ¯
undecided or didn’tknow. As anindicator ¯
of how worried some state lawmakers are .
A comprehensive one-day conference to raise awareness and protnote discussion
about the special issues affecting women in the second deco~de ofAIDS.
Keynote speaker:
Mary Fisher, Family AIDS Network
Tuesday, April 2, 8am-5pm
University of Tulsa, Chapman Activity Center
440 So. Gary Ave.
Registration: $35, includes lunch, breaks and materials.
Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesday Services 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm
Choir Practice ¯ Thurs. 7:30 pm Codependency Support Group
Todo justice, love mercy & to walk humbly with OlD" God... Micah 6:8
5451-E South Mingo Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
becoming, 8 state representatives, backed
by Pat Robertson’s American Center for
Law and Justice, have filed a court motion
to be allowed to intervene in the suit that
initially raised the same-sex marriage issue
in the state. The brief in the case is
strongly critical of the Hawaii attorney
general’s office for not adequately defending
the state against the lawsuit.
Anti-Marriage Legislative Update
State legislatures around the country
are continuing in their efforts to ban samesex
mamages, although with very little
actual effect it seems. In New Mexico,
Senate majority leader Tom Rutherford
sent an anti-marriage resolution on the
issue back to the rules.committee because
no hearings had been hdd.The proposed
measure would ask voters there to amend
the state constitution. The resolution is
thus dead for this session.
Washington state Republican legislators
have all but conceded that a proposed
ban on same-sex marriage in the state will
probably never make ~t out of a state
senate committee controlled by the Democrats.
Washington state Senate leader Sid
Snyder said the anti-gay measure was not
slated for committee hearings and will be
allowed to die there. The Washington
House of Representatives had approved
the measure on a 60-36 vote to prohibit
same-sex marriages in the state.
Gov. Bill-Janklow has signed a bill
approved recently by the South Dakota
legislature that would refuse recognition
in the state to same-sex couples that might
be legally married elsewhere and that
restricts marriage to opposite-sex couples
only. The measure, which died last year in
the legislature and looked as if it would
suffer the same fate again this year when
a committee voted not to report the measure
to the legislature for a vote, is the 2nd
to become law. One immediate - and
surprising - side-effect of the bill being
signed into law is that Jacques Soukup
and KirkThomas. notable balloonists who
are also longtime partners, have withdrawn
their support for the Governor’s
Cup hot-air ballooning event in the state.
The 2 men, founders of the Soukup &
Thomas International Balloon and Airship
Museum in !vfitchell, S.D., told the
Governor’s Cup committee that they
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couldn’t be "associated with a government
that has just passed a mean-spirited
and hateful piece of legislation that hurts
In Illinois, a bill preventing thc state
¯ from recognizing same-gender mamagc
¯ passed a state senate committee ou
: Wednesday, March 6, with little opposition.
Same-sex marriages "’would destroy
¯ thedefinitionofmarriageas wcknow it,"
: said state Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-
: Inverness), the measure’s sponsor. The
¯ bill. which passed 8-2, now goes to the
¯ Senate floor. It puts same-sex Weddings
~ on a listofmarriages barred in Illinois. "’If
: we let homosexuals marry, what’s next’?"
¯. said David Curtin, executive director of
the Illinois Christian Coalition.
And according to a report in the gay
paper, Wisconsin Light, state Rep. Dean
Kaufert has announced plans to intr~xiucc
a measure barring same-sex mamagcs in
the state as well. The paper reports the
measure has not yet been drafted.
Lawmakers have voted 86-11 in the
Iowa House of Representatives for a bill
that would prohibit the state from recognizing
same-sex marriages. Some political
observers in the state have suggested
the legislation, which was introduced by
state Rep. Steve Grnbbs (R-Davenport),
was mainly a partisan issue because
Grubbs is running for the Republican
nomination to unseat U.S. Sen. Tom
Harkin, a Democrat.
In Alabama, State Sen. Bill Armistead,
who recently led a battleto keep a gay and
lesbian conference from being held on the
campus at the University of Alabama, is
proposing a"marriage protection act" that
he says would strengthen traditional heterosexual
marriages by barring the statc
from recognizing same-sex marriages,
even if legally recognized elsewhere.
Michigan state Rep. Deborah Whyman
has drawn fire for introducing a bill in the
legislature that would forbid reco~fizing
same-sex marriages in the state, even if
see Slates, page 11
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News ¯ lowed to join the nation’s mili- sexuals andpeople withdisabili- " policy is reviewed by the Euro- " Columbia; and Winnipeg police
Tutu & Anglican Leaders ."
Call for Change
LONDON-Hundreds ofprominent
Episcopal clerics from
around the world signed an ad- ~
vertisement commending the ]
Lesbian and Gay Christian ¯
Movement on the ~roup’s 20th :
anniversary ofworking to change
the Anglican Church’s views on ¯
homosexuals. Bestki~ownofthe -"
signatories of the ads, which ]
appeared in Anglican, Methodist
and Catholic religious publications
in Britain, was Desmond
Tutu, Archbishop ofCapeTown,
South Africa. Tutu was joined in
signing the ads by three other
Anglican primates from around
the world, as well as several bishops
from theChurch of England,
as thedenomination was about
to begin its annual synod. The
three other church primates included:
Archbishops Richard
ltolloway of Scotland, Michael
Peers of .,Canada, and Bishop
Fxtmrnd Browmng of the United
States. Although not attending
the cfiurch synod, Tutu spoke on
the BBC ~’Radio Sunday" show
via telephone. "’If we say that
relationships where there is fidelity
between one couple a~e
acceptable, whv.,should we not
extend, the san~e, conditions to
stone-sex relationships?" Tutu
told the BBC, say~ing it was simply
a "matter ofjustice, compassion
and consistency’" for the
church to accept that there are
homc/sexual Clergy, who technically
are barred from being ordai~
edin the Anglican Church.
So. Africa A nti-Bias Laws
CAPE TO\V..~.. South Africa -
Politicians,nfilitary leaders and
defense indnstry representatives
have begun discussions on the
role mid nature of South Africa" s
maned’forces, includingwhether
gays and lesbians should be altary
force. The meeting is expected
to produce a report later
this year that would be used by
the defense mimstry to guide it
in formulating specific policies
concerning the armed forces.
Defense ministry, officials noted
that the national armed services
in the country have never actu.
ally had any policy excluding
individuals based on their sexual
orientation, but African National
Congress officials have pushed
for including the topic of sexual
orientation in the defense review
discussions South Africa’s interim
Constitution includes prohibitions
against discrimination
based on sexual orientation, but
the complex process of getting
from the interim document to a
final Constitution faces a number
of difficulties andANC leaders
are making a determined effort
to try to keep it headed in the
most progressive direction.
Also according to Mpho
Makwana, director of the equal
opportumties office in South
Africa’s Labor Dept., the government
~s wor’king on a comprehensive
program for affirmative
action that would "’include
mainly blacks, but also women,
homosexuals and handicapped
people." Makwana made the
statement during a roundtable
discussion earlier this year broadcast
on South Africa’s TV1. He
did not give d.etails of the affirmative
acnon plans, but
Makwana said it would"not be a
stand-alone lmv, with a quota for
compames to implement affirmative
action and punishing the
company which does not comply."
Instead. he said the plan as
being developed would aim at
getting firms to include personnel
training andhuman resources
development programs to encourage
blacks, women, homoties
already wor’king in a company
to move into middle- mad
upper-management in that finn.
CompuServe Reinstates
Internet Groups
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Compu-
Serve Inc., the computer on-line
g~ant ownedby H&RBlock, says
it has given its 4.3 million subcribers
access again to somc
200 Intemet newsgroups that it
had banned in Deceniber alter a
German state prosecutor questioned
whether the groups included
illegal sexually .related
materials. The compnter sen’ice
said at the time that it could not
selectively restrict Interact materials
bv comatry mad had therefore
blocked access to the groups
to all its subscribers. Included
among some of the balmed
groups were several that contain
explicidy adult material. But a
number of the banned
newsgroups were gay and lesbian
discussion and support
groups, including one for
younger gays that specifically
barred pornographic ulaterials.
CompuServe says it will now
give its subscribers software that
will let them pick which - if any
- material they don’t want to be
able to access. The finn believes
parents will use the bloc’king
utilities to keep children from
seeing or reading nmtefial they
don’t deem appropriate.
: UK to Keep Military Ban
: LONDON - The Daily Tele-
: graph reports that based on a
vet-to-be-released report by the
~ ]3ritish MinistryofDefense, gays
and lesbians constitute an "affront
to service people" and will
] not be allowed to serve in the
] British military. But the defense
¯ ministry report also predicts that
¯ when a legal challenge to the
United Kingdom’s anti-gay
~_ pean Court of Human Rights, ¯ arrested Robert E. Welsh, 24.
the govennnent is "’likely to lose" The fourth suspect in the killing,
¯ thecase, which may not come to " Gary A. Kuffner, 27, also of
¯ afinaldecisionbytheEUcourts " Winnipeg, is currently being
before the year 2000. The paper sought. Last year in a high-pro-
¯ said the 450-page nmfistry re" " file investigation of Canadian
¯ port, which it had obtained, is ¯ armed forces, McKay acknowl-
¯ expected to be released soon and " edged - and publicly renounced
¯ concludes that while changing ~ - his ties to several nee-Nazi &
: attitudes about lesbians and gay ~
mcn may justify further reviews ¯
¯ of the and-gay ban in the future, ~
¯ "it may equally be that the per- ¯
:~ manent features of the military
¯¯ enviroument are such that it will
¯ never be possible to integrate
homosexuals" in the nadon’s
: maned forces.
3 Charged in Killing Of
¯ Canadian Man
: WINNIPEG, Calmda-Canadian
: authorities have arrested 3 men
¯ and are seeking a 4th - who are
¯ believed linked to white su-
:. premacist and nee-Nazi organi-
: z,ations - in comaection the brutal
1991 mad-gay murder ofGordon
Kuhtev. Kuhtey was killed on
’ the mo’nfing ofWinnipeg’s 1991
~ gay pride celebration, June 30,
¯ as he walked along a riverbank ¯
footpath. AccordingtoWimfipeg
police, Kuhtey was suddenly
confronted by at least four young
men who savagely beat him in
the head, then tossed him into
the nearby river and proceeded
to hurl stones at his floating body.
He died of massive head injuries.
Althongh Wilmipeg authorities
had little luck in tracking
down Kuhtey’s killers, the police
homicide and hate crimes
refit kept the case open and dog-
" gedly continued their investigation.
In late February their persistence
paid off and the 29th
Calgary police arrested Matthew
A. McKay, 25, in that city;
Penticton Royal Canadian
Mounted Police also arrested
Jmnes R. Lisik, 22, in British
white supremacist groups.
Anti-Gay Crimes in SF
~olice department’s hate crimes
unit says that bias-based crimes
rose 23% to 350 incidents in
1995 over the previous year, the
anti-gay and -lesbian incidents
constituting both the largest
single category and the largest
increase. The hate crimes unit
reported that 144- or41% - of all
such crimes reported in .1995
were based on sexual orientation
and that anti-gay incidents
increased nearly a third last year
over 1994. Police said it was not
dear whether the number of reported
incidents reflected an actual
surge in anti-gay attacks or
was a result of greater willingness
on the part of gays and
lesbians to report such incidents
because of increased publicity
of attacks.
Anti-Gay Attacks
Ignored in Kentucky ,
MOREHEAD, Ky. - Morehead
State Ulfiversity officials disagreed
with an instructor’s claim
that.an attack on a female student
was part of a patteru of
campuswide gay-bashing at the
school. Three masked men
jumped out of hiding on Feb. 5
and verbally and physically assaulted
a 20-year-old female student
on a campus walkway,
punching her in the face and
stomacK RogerHolbrook, coor~
dinator of investigations for
MSU police, said the student
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
believed the attack was related " another high school that trig- " arrested them at an adult book- cious of his motives, which place at a state-funded facility.
to "the friends or acquaintances ¯
she keeps." But MSU English
instructor Patti Swartz said sh_ej
is outraged at the university ¯
administration’ s lack ofresponse ¯
following theincident, which she ¯
labeled a gay bashing. Swartz
has written letters expressing her
concern to MSU President "
Ronald Eaglin and the vice presi- ¯
dents of student affairs and aca- ¯
demic affairs saying the attack ¯
_was just the latest in a series Of ¯
anti-gay and -les~bian attacks.
Utah: NotO Eq ual Access "
Boardof Education is writing to "
the state’s congressional delega- "
tion asking them to back federal ¯
legislation that would make it ¯
legal for local school districts to -"
decide what nonacademic clubs "
can be allowed on their cam- ¯
puses. The Salt Lake City school
board has also writing a similar "
letter condemning the federal ¯
governmentforforcing theboard ¯
to ban all non-academic clubs "
just so schools there wouldn’t "
have to recognize a gay and les- ¯
bian club that students had asked ¯
to form. The Salt Lake City let- "
ter says the school board was ¯
forced into the ban "’under du- ¯
ress" because of a federal law "
guaranteeing equal access to "
school actavitles for all groups .
and clubs. Although the letters
both blame federal laws for the
dilemma they’rein, both of them ."
carefully sidestep mentiomng .
that the law - the Equal Access
Act - was sponsored by Sen. ¯
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) so that "
Bible clubs and religious ori- ¯
ented groups could meet in public
Meanwhile, a group of stu-¯"
dents at Cottonwood High .
School have am~ounced plans to
launch a gay-straight student alliance
similar to one proposed at ¯
gered a national furor. Students
Cara Varallo and Brin Bon say
they met with Cottonwood Principal
Michael Bennett to discuss
creatinga gay-straight club next
fall at the school. On Feb. 20, the
Salt I~ake City School Board
voted4-3 to end all nonacademic
clubs rather than allow ~the gay
school club. The Cottonwood
students, say .they ,already have
10 students to join the club.
Gay Studies at Berkeley
BERKELEY, Calif. - The University
of California at Berkeley
this semester has begun its Lesbian,
.Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender (LGBT) Studies
minor, the first gay studies minor
in the University of California
system. The new minor, part
of the College of Letters and
Science’s Undergraduate Interdisciplinary
Studies (UGIS) department,
offers four basic core
courses and a list of electives
dealing with homosexuality, past
and present. Initial plans for the
minor got started when students
at the school in- 1990 protested
about the lack of a gay studies
program at the university. Some
2.0, active UC staff, faculty and
students have been involved in
formulating the curriculum.
CA Court Rules Against
Undercover Stings
SAN FRANCISCO - The California
supreme court has unanimously
ruled in favor of 2 Santa
Clara (Calif.) County men- Dennis
Baluyut and Job Lopez - saying
a pattern of anti-gay discrimination
in police arrests was
sufficient to demonstrate they
were being singled out by authorities
in a pohce sting operation
by Mountain View police.
Attorneys for the city’s police
had argued that the 2 men had to
legally prove the officers who
¯ store for soliciting sex with an
¯ undercover officer had intended
¯ to single out gays for arrests.
¯ Baluyut and Lopez filed a law-
. suit, arguing that arrest records
¯ alone showed a pattern of dis-
" cnmination by police in arrest-
. lng gays in such sting opera-
" t.ions, mid the state’s high court
¯ Sided with the 2 men on appeal.
Kentucky Privacy Bill
¯¯ FRANKFORT, Ky. - Ithadmore
to do with the kinds ofenormous
¯ computer data files maintained
¯ On pe0pid by bank~, credit agdn-
¯ cies, and other public and pri- ¯
vale organizations, but the stun-
" ningly simple idea of adding an
¯ explicit right to privacy to the
Kentucky constitution has law-
" makers and politicians through-
" out the state worried about a
¯ "hidden agenda" covering ev-
¯ erything from abortion rights to
¯ sodomy. But the proposed
¯ amendment to the state’s "Bill
; of Rights" was introduced by
¯ one of the legislature’s most re-
" spected lawmakers, state Rep.
¯ Joe Clarke, a member of the
¯ House since 1970 and its one-
" time speaker. What’s more,
¯ Clarke, a Danville, Ky., Demo-
¯ crat, says he’s not overly con-
. cerned that his proposed consti-
" tutional amendment might le-
¯ galize sodomyormake anti-abor-
¯ tion restrictions void. Among
¯ other things, Clarke noted that ¯ the state supreme court has al-
¯ ready ruled that there is an im-
¯ plied right toprivacy in the Ken-
" tucky constitution and that it
¯ means laws against sodom) are
¯ themselves unconstitutional. So
¯ Clarke says he’s not especially ¯
concerned that enshrining the
¯ right to privacy in the constitu-
¯ tion would have much impact
one way or the other on social
legislation. Even so, Clarke says
fellow lawmakers remain suspimakes
him pessimistic about its
chances. "I think it’s an important
issue....I don’t think it has
much of a chance this tilne.’"
New Hampshire Policies
CONCORD. N.H. - A group of
, parents aud other concerned citizens
have filed suit against the
Merrimack school board in U.S.
District Court, char~ng that the
¯ ¯ board’s recently adopted policy
of prohibiting any materials that
have "the effect of encouraging
or supporting homosexuality as
a positive lifestyle alternative"
violatedFirst Amendment rights
of free speech. The suit claims
that the policy has led to books
being removed from schools,
classroom discussions being cut
off, and curriculum topics being
restricted. At a press conference,
Debra Herget, one of the plaintiffs
in the suit and the mother of
3 children attending schools in
the district, said, "’This policy
¯ .hurts and distorts the education
¯ of students every day. Now is
¯ the right time to put au end to it
¯- and return to the sound policies
which have always guided our
children’s education in the past.’"
Recently, the New
Hampshire’s legislature voted
293-35 to send a proposed measure
adding sexual orientation to
the state’s civil rights statutes
for "’extended stud)’.’" The move
effectively puts the proposal on
hold for this year while a legislative
committee studies the measure
and reports back to the full
legislature next fall.
Alabama Gay Conf.
Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual College
Conference of the Southeastern
United States went ahead
at the University of .Alabama,
more or less without incident,
despite attempts by state officials
to block the confab taking
Just days before the conference
was slated to start, a federal distrier
courtjudge rejected the statc
attorney general’s argument that
the confereuce was illeg~d and
ruled that the conference would
go ahead as plmmed. As the conference
itself got started, the
managerofWMCF-TV, a Christian
Broadcasting Co. television
affiliate~ charged the statiou’s
First Amendmentrights had been
violatedwhen organizers refused
to let his TV crew videotape the
conference’,s, w~rkshops. Organizers
of the meeting; however,
said videotaping the event wotfld
have been disruptive and would
have violated the privacy rights
of those attending.
Mont. Sodomy Law Out
HELENA, Mont. - Moutana
District Court Judge Jeffrey
Sherlock has ruled that the state" s
sodomy law is ,an unconstitutional
infringement of privacy
protections guaranteed under
state law. State officials are expected
to appeal the ruliug to the
state supreme court, although the
attorney general’s office gave
no indication of its intentions
about the ruliug, which orders
the state not to enforce the law.
The 1973 felony statute "called
for up to 10 year~ in prison and a
fine of up to $50,000. No one
had ever been prosecuted under
the law.
Judge Denies Custody
RICHMOND, Va. - A Virginia
judge has again rejected an appeal
by lesbian mom Sharon
Bottoms in her 3-year efforts to
gain custody of l~er son Tyler.
Ironically Judge \Villimn B’oice
questioned Bottoms" financial
ability to care for her son, while
he criticized herfor si~nng a
$75,000 contract to allow ABCTV
to make a television movie
about her struggle for custody.
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AIDS & Young People
AIDS Policy Office has issued a report on
the epidemic that indicates little or no
progress is being made in lowering the
HIV infection rote amongAmerican young
people. At a press conference, Patricia
Fleming, the AIDS policy office director,
described the report on AIDS and American
youth "a call for action" to intensify
AIDS prevenuon efforts in the country’s
schools and communities with a greater
role for young Americans in the fight
against the epidemic. Health officials say
the teenage infection proportion is about
the same as it was in the mid-1980s,
despite dramaficall.,, increased awareness
of the disease. That means many adolescents
either are not getting the message
about AIDS prevention, or they do not
have the skills or desire to protect themselves
from being exposed to the virus
even if they "know how it is spread.The
only declinein infection rates among racial"
or ethnic groups was among young
white males.
KS Virus Identified
SAN FRANCISCO - Researchers at the
University of California at San Francisco
report in the journal Nature Medicine that
they have finallyidentified thc,_organism
that causes Kaposi "s sarcoma, a once-rare
skin cancer that now strikes thousands of
people with AIDS. Kaposi’s Sarcoma was,
in fact, the first indication noted by doctors
in 1981 that some unusual h~alth
problem was affecting gay meu. The researchers,
headed by Dr. Don Ganem at
UC-SF, isolated the microbe, -known as
KS-associated herpes virus or human
herpes virus 8 (HHVS). It ~s one of a
growing number of retro-viruses that scientists
ha~,’e only just begun discovering
and identifying in the past few decades.
HIV Strain Raises Fears of
Heterosexual Epidemic+,~-
BOSTON" - Writing in the journal Science.
Dr. Max Ess%x of the Harvard AIDS
Institute warns that new-Asian and Afrb
can strains of HJ3,; spwad much more
easily among heterosexuals than prev~z_-
ouslv identified HIV-1 strains of the
rus. :’If it takes holdh~(~h ~ewest) we
could face a much mote sig~tificant epii
demic among he.teri~sext~ls(~" Essex
warns. Researchers have found that a strain
of the virus found in Thailand thrives in
the reproductive tracts ofwomen, making
it far more likelvoio betrangmitted during
heterosexual rutercourse than the HIV-1
strains common in the West.
FDA Considers Growth
WASHINGTON - .Ma advisory panel of
the Food & Drug Administration has begun
reviewing an application for fullscale
marketing of a growth hormone by
Serene Laboratories Inc. of Norwell,
YAass., as a way to fight AIDS-related
weight loss, one bf the most serious medical
complications faced by people stricken
with the disease. In later stages of the
illness, between 15% and 40% of those
with AIDS suffer from this wasting syndrome,
making them far more susceptible
to infections. AIDS experts estimated that
9 out of 10 AIDS deaths in the U.S. are
related to excessive weight-loss problems.
Genentech Inc., the South San Francisto
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biomedical finn, at one time had considered
marketing the growth hormone as an
AIDS medication, but gave up on the
plan. Now Serene has applied to the FDA
for permismon to begin full-scale marketmg
of its growth hormone, known as
Serosfim, for people with AIDS who are
experiencing severe weight loss problems¯
Implant to Fight Eye Infection
\VASHINGTON~’~ Chiron Corp., based
in Emervville, C~if., has won federal
approval’to be~n marketing ofan implant
used to treat an AIDS-related infection,
known as CM,¥;Tetinitis, that causes blindness.
The Food & Drug Administration
gave the firm the green light to begin
marketing Vivrasert, which is surgically
implanted in the eve of the patient where
it releases aconfint~ous dose ofganciclovir,
an anfiviral medicine that combats the
infection for up to 6 months. Between 15
percent and 40 percent ofAIDS patients
in the U.S. Suffer from CMV infections.
Public-Private Vaccine Venture
officials have unveiled plans for a cooperative
private-public venture aimed a
developing an AIDS vaccine by the year
2002, largely by removing government
and bureaucratic obstacles that havemade
some companies shy away from work on
vaccines. Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National
Institute of Allergy & Infectious
Diseases said it will be years before any
vaccine ~s likely available, but the joint
project may help smooth out and speed up
the process. The cooperative project involves
basic medical research being done
by federal agencies that private pharmaceutical
and biomedical firms involved in
the project could use in developing possible
vaccines. The project also would
establish specific clinical criteria for
safety, testing and evaluation of effectiveness
trials of such vaccine candidates.
CDC: AIDS Continues Spiral
ATLANTA The Centers for Disease
Control has released its latest AIDS data,
covenng the period from 1993 to 1994,
that shows the disease continued for the
2rid year in a row to be the leading cause
of death among Americans between the
ages of 25 and 44. The detailed statistics
also indicated that the epidemic continues
to grow fastest among African Americans.
In that age category, nearly a third of
all deaths among black men are now attributed
to AIDS; some 22% of the deaths
among black women; 20% of deaths
among white men; and 6% among white
Asia & Africa AIDS Prevention
BALTIMORE - Amid much of the grim
news about the global spread of HIV that
researchers heard at the annual meeting of
the American Association for the Advancement
ofScience,justconcluded here,
was actually some good news from regions
in Africa and Asia. Dr. Thomas
Quinn of Johns Hopkins University reported
that efforts launched in the early
1990s when the government of Thailand
began realizing the nation was quickly
heading for an HIV crisis have made a
dent in the rate ate virus is spreading in
parts of the country. Widespread distribution
of condoms, tough police regulation
of brothels, and a nationwide treatment
program for sexually transmitted disease,
Quinn says, have made dramatic reductions
in the spread of HIV. "When you put
all this together,what was then witnessed
in Cheng Mai and in Bangkok and several
other places was a steady decline in the
growth rate ofHIV infection," Quinn said.
Buffer-Stumpff Funera Home
Tulsa’s only Gay-owned Funeral Home, Crematory, and Cemetary
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At Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home, you and your family will be
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Today; many companies offer viatical settlements,
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ATTEhlT!Ot !
Sponsored by TNAAPP
Weekend Retreat for Gay/Sisexual Men
of Native, American Descent
WHEN: May 24-26, 1996
For More Information Call Today
582~7225, Extension 218
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Agape’ Christian
Fellowship .
Worship Service, 10:30 am _"
Sheridan Center, Suite H ¯
21 st & Sheridan, 599-7688 ,"
¯ Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East 11th 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodist) ;
Worship Service, 6 pm ¯
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800 -"
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterburv
5th & Evanston, 583-9~80
HIV Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
Results hours: 7-9 pm
Info: 742-2927
." Lambda Bowling.League
¯ Sheridan Lanes ¯
¯" 8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan .
Support Group
2rid Monday of month,
6:30 pm
~4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
The Technicians, Leather
org., Info c/o 621-5597
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform
& Leather,. Seekers Assoc.
Info: 838-1222
The Banned, OK Gay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
HIV+ Support Group
HIV Resource Consortium
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
lnfo: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
HIV/AIDS Support Group
Friends & Family
HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pm, call for location:
Community of Hope
Grief Group, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Womens Grief Group
6pro, ButleriStumpff
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
lnfo: 585-1800
Authority OfThe Believer
¯ Bible Study, 7 pm
¯ MCC of Greater Tulsa
¯ 1623 N. Maplewood
: Info: 838-1715
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
545 I-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info,
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
Bible Study, 7 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention Project
Support group
for Gay & Bi Native
American Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
1703 E. 2rid
582-7225 or 584-4983
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
: Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
¯ Co-Dependency
Support Group
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30 pm
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice~ 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
Weekly social events for
LGBT men & women, 7 pm
Info: 646-5503
Substance Abuse
Support Group
for persons with HIV AIDS
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
3-4:30 pro, Info: 749-4194
St. Jerome’s Ecumenical
Catholic Church
Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at I 1 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585= 1800
.NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748=37t 1
~... ~q.t "
Gay & Lesbian St~utent
TJC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
TOHR Helpline
Daily 8-10 pm
For info. ~r to vohmteer:
Gaylapalooza, 8 pm
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
110 E. Second, Info: 596-7111
Miss Gay South USofA
Silver Star Saloon
9 pm, 1565 S. Sheridan, Info: 834-4234
Lola’s 2nd Anniversary Party
11 pro, 2630 E. 15th, Info:-749-1563
Rainbow Business Guild:
City Councilor Gary Watts
7 pro, Chinese Buffet, 6219 E. 61
Dinner Meeting, Info: 665-5174
Community ofHope Movie Night &
Discussion: Priest
7:30pro, 1703 E. 2rid, Info: 585-1800
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
The Passion ofOur Lord
6 pro, The Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
Info: page Father Rick at 646-7116
Family ofFaith MCC Palm Sunday
11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Women &AIDS Conference. 8am- 5 pm
Chapman Activity Ctr., Univ. of Tulsa
5th St. west of Harvard, Info: 743-4297
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights
Community Meeting, 7 pm
Chapman Activity Ctr., Univ. of Tulsa
FamilyofFaith MCC Spy Wednesday
6:30 pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Maundy Thursday at
Family ofFaith MCC
7 pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441, and
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
6 pro, The Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
and The First Day ofPassover
Good Friday at
Family ofFaith MCC
7 pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
6 pm, The Garden Chapel~3841 S. Peoria
The Great Vigil ofEaster
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
6 pm, The Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
Easter at
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
8:30 am, The Garden Chape, and
Family ofFaith MCC
11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441, and
Agape Christian Fellowship
21st & Sheridan, Info: 599-7688, and
MCC ofGreater Tulsa
1623 N. Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
AIDS Coalition ofTulsa
Mental Health Needs of
HIVIAIDS Providers.
Noon - 1:30 pm, Mental Health As’soc.
1870 S. Boulder
The Technicians ( [2ather org.)
7:30 pm, Rum Runner’s Hideaway, formerlv
822 ~o. Sheridan, 835-6535
Safe, Haven, a free, non-political, nonreligious,
non-recovery-oriented social
gathering for LGBT young adults. 18-30
Family of Faith MCC. 8 - midnight
5451-E S. Mingo, Info:-622:1441
Dignityllntegrity Meeting
Lesbian/Gay Cathohcs & Episcopalians
5 pm, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
5635 E. 71st, Into: POB 701044, 74170
Out & About
by JD Jamett
" I was truly out & about this past several
weeks. Did vou that Kansas City has river
boat casino~? Well this poor l~oy fo_..und
out andlost afew dollars whileroymo!her
became the Queer/of the SLots. Then it
was out of K.C.and down to New Orleans
for the Pantheon Leather Awards. This
was truly an experience unto itself. Just
ask Larry Everett (International Mr.
Leather) how goodhe looks in a feathered
mask and .boa, and how he and 2 other
international title holders ~practically
brought down the house. Also ~e former
Oklahomam (oops - Oklaho-woman?)
received one of the Reader’s Choice of the
Year awards from the Leather Journal
(Pantheon Leather Awards is the Leather
Journal’s and the leather community’s
Academy Awards). see JD, page 13
mm mm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The-University of Tulsa
¯: A Weekend of One Act Plays
¯¯ April 12, 13, & 14, Fri. &.Sat. at~7pm, Sun. at 2pm & 7:30prn
¯ Theatre 2, Kendall Hall, Free to the public. ¯¯ including
¯¯ On Tidy Endings by Harvey Fierstein
¯ HlVariations: Cater Waiter, ¯¯ Andre’s Mother, and Mr Rosen’s Son
¯ (both on Sunday at 2pm)
¯ Also, Diaries
¯ An original one-act musical of politics, religion and Gay life.
by Jennifer Hoyer, Gabriel Washam,& James Gregory
¯ Mon, April 29 at 7pm in Chapman Hall
For more info, call 631-2566
mmnmmm mmmmmmm mm mm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Saint Jerome
Cathdic Church
Tile Key. Father
Ricf~ Hoffirujswortfi, P~stor
Pmje Father Ric~ at 62~6-7116
for more information.
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¯ TU’s clear regulations. During that meet-
- ing, Dr. Reid claims, he was pressured and
¯ intimidated by TU s counsel, Fred Corengaged
in selective enforcement of its " nish. Reid, who holds dual citizenship
sexual harassmentpolicy,specifically be- from Canada and the United Kingdom,
cause the complaint involved same-gen- . adds that as a resident alien, he did not
derparticipants,andsadomasochisticcon- " know exacdy what his rights were and
duct.. This board concluded that TU did
¯ that he was fearfd of being deported,
: not prove as required that Dr. Reid had " even though he’d committed no crime.
¯ engaged in sexual harassment. . d ~ ~ Furthermore, the Appeals Board f.oun_d
~- ~fthesevenmembersoftheUABoar ,.. ~i that~iri the:heating Reid f’mally received,
four found the sanction of firinglo be too,.:, the i:eview ,e,ommittee improperly resevere
and of those, three stai~dthat the:~ ¯ stridted)Reid s attoraey from adequate
sanct|on was disproporfouate to the mis-: " access to Pohlman f0r cross-exzmiuation
conduct provenandrecommendeda’sanc- ~." and that TUcounsel improperly asserted
tionotherthandisnussal,addingth~it . ~ . attorney-client;privilege on the part of
procedural violations so colored the~ ~ Provost Lewis.-Dune,an, Vice-Provost
decision,..that the sanction is fundamen-~ ~ Allen Soltow,. Physics chair Kenneth
rally unfair". > : : - , . :~ KuenlaoldandTU Gen. Counsel,Barbara
.~ccordingft0 .Reid,. he and Marlin : Geffem ’. :. ~ " ~:, : ..’ . i:
Pohlman beb,ame invol.ved in a consen-:. Despite,the numerous finding of sensual,
non4exual, Social friendship that
began when Pohlman was a student in
Reid’s class. Reid notes that Pohlmanmmntained
the friendship long after the
class ended, accepting invitations to visit
Reid in Iris home and complaint, nolonger
even was aTU student but never-the-less,
TU officials provided him with housing
,’rod,also legal counsel, Fred Cornish. Cor-
~fish also happened to be representing the
umversitv at the same time. This alleganon
is jdst one of the many procedural
v~olauons of TU’s own regulauons.
Other procedural violations found
against TU by its own Appeals Board
include no notice of the meeting at which
Reid was charged, though he was not
.~iven written notice of the charges as is
~equired,immediately suspended, was escorted
by armed guard from campus, and
not being given adequate time to retmn
counsel - all of which were violations of
: ous improprieties on ihe part of the Uni:
¯ versity of Tulsa and its agents, and the
recommendation by the majority of the
: University Appeals Board that a milder
: sanction is appropriate, Pres. Robert
¯ Donaldson sent a letter to iheTU trustees
: claiming theAppeals Boardrecommended
: termination. All the trustees of the Uni-
¯ versity ofTulsapresent votedunanimously
: on Feb. 7 to fire Dr. James Reid, thus
: destroying his career. Keith Bailey, chair-
: man of the board of trustees of the University
of Tulsa only would say that it would
: no[ be appropriate to discuss Dr. Reid’s
¯ case.
: Reid, who’s since moved to the Northwest,
has been reduced to menial labor
: and the kindness of old friends. While he
: admits to poor judgement in his friend-
: ship with Pohlman, he says that TU’s rife
with rumors of heterosexual misconduct
see TU. page 13
MAY 25 7:50P."vl
6910 S. 1015T E. A’v~E
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Joining the growing list oftitles
.about coming ofage in the.1990s
is this eye-0pening example by
Linnea Due. With seven lengthy
essays, Due takes us on a tour
across the United States, highlighted
by interviews with Gay
and Lesbian youth. From Portland,
Oregon to New Orleans to
Hai’vey MilkHJgliSdhoolinNew
York City, we meet many witty,
defiant and frustrated youth who
arecoming to terms with their
sexual orientation and surroundings.
An interesting entry centers
around a young man, John, who
grew up in Colorado Springs,
during the Amendment 2 battle,
and is now attending a Santa Fe
high school He tries very hard
to not believe the terrible things
he has heard about homosexuals,
but he doesn’t get the support
or information from farnily,
friends or soc,ety to make informed
decisions. He is constantly
told that being gay is a
choice, and the depths of his
despair are revealed as he sarcastically
responds, "Sure, I
choose to have a horrible life.
How about you?"
Other youth we meet include a
young, black woman dealing
with the twin pressures of racism
and homophobia, kids at the
Harvey Milk "’Queer High
School" inNew Yorkand a group
of French Q~ter teens banding
together for supporL:.There ~is. an
overwhelming sense of frustration
and lack of confidence in
these kids countrywide. As a
group, they are discouraged at
the lack of guidance and support
from older Gays and Lesbians,
while at the same time acknowledging
the difficulties, from a
legal and social perspective, that
the older generation has being
The bottom line, if this book’s
entries are representative of
QSueer youth in general, is that
despite the advances that have
been made for Gay equality
through the years, growing up
Gayis still a very traumatic and
confusing time. This book is a
wake up call to those who are
concerned about the suicide rates
of Gay teens and the mental
health of growing minds.
¯ , " Forotherlibrarybooksofsimi-
¯ ’Jar interest, including Passage of
] Pride: Lesbian and Gay Youth
: Come of Age, by Kurt Chandler,
¯ please call your local branch library
or the Readers Services
] Departmeni at the Central Li-
: brarv at 596-7966.
they were legally performed elsewhere,
and for calling for a boycott
of Hawaii if courts there
legalize gay and lesbian weddings.
She said the state should
boycott any non-essential travel
to Hawaii if the courts there declare
same-sex marriages are le=
gal under that state’s constitution
"to punish this kind of madness."
marriages has swept rapidly
throughout s~ate legislatures
through the c0untry~ but so far;
the Michigan ~roposai is the,firs~
to call for a boycott of Hawaii if
the courts rule’in favor 9f same~
sex unions.
Sen. Jim Holcomb (R-Sullivan.
County) sponsored a bill to ban
same-sex marriages in Termessee
and refuse to recognize any
such marriage that might be legally
performed in any other
state. The bill overwhelmingly
passed the Senate by a vote of
A committee of the Colorado
House of Representatives has
approved proposed legislation
that would barrecognizing samesex
marriages that might be legal
in other states.
In Maryland, Delegate Emmitt
Bums introduced a measure that
would bar recognizing same-sex
marriages in the state, declaring
such marriages "repugnant" to
public policy.
Eureka Springs 9th Annual May Fine Arts Festival
Jim & Brent’s Bistro Calendar of Events
Benefit Show for IAM
American Theatre Company
presents "Camping with Henry
&Tom", anew historical fiction
by Mark St. Germain, April 12-
20, 1996. ATC has generously
donated their 8pm,Thurs., April
11 preview performance to benefit
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
at the PAC John H. Williams
Theatre. Tickets are $8. Call 438-
2437 or 663-5372.
The author. St. Gemmin. dcscribes
this work as "a fiction
suggested by facts". Ttmt Prcs.
Harding went camping with
Henry Ford and Thomas FAison
is fact; their "escape" from the
media-packed Cmnpsite is tictional.
Their ensuing conversation
is not only thought-provoking
but, at times, very humorous.
ii ?i " Eocafion, location, location
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o[ Eureka Springs
Recommended by The New York Times
(5011 253-6807 ~ Center Street
Closed Wednesdm Eureka Springs, 4R 726.¢2
Thurs. May 2nd, Silence With A Voice
Gay & Lesbian Art Exhibit 5-10 PM, Dinner Will Be Served 6-10 PM
at. May 4th, Listen! Look At Me.t Visual Performance Art On The Passion, Pain,
Politics & Power of Lesbian Women. Soap & Vick Events.
A uniquely artistic show where art performs & poetry, dances.
Sun. Mother’s Day 12th, A Mother’s Love.. ?
An eclectic artcollcction of motherS.’ lives, loves & dedicationtd &eir children.i
9-11 PM. Gwendolyn’s Superb Sunday Brunch WillBe Served 9 AM - 3 PM.
Jim s Dinner Served 5-11 P~I
Tues. May 14th, Poetry On Planer Hill, OlJen Mic[ 6-8 PM.
Thurs. 30th & Fri. 31st, Bistro B~at Etc.
Live Music On The Deck, Lunch 11:30 - 2:30& Dinner 5-11 PM.
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Rev. Kermie Wohlenhaus
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Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Oon’t look now but April ISth is right
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If you are interested in a small company
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For more complete information about a
small company mutual fund or any mutual
fund, contact a financial consultant.
Note: Dear readers, Should you ever
have any questions about the information
in my articles, pleasefeelfree to contact
me at (918) 744-0102.
Keep on reading] - Leanne
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by professors and admi~s~ators. He
names names - of the former ]aw professor
who was said to sleep with his students
or the English professorwhoimpregnated
a student attending his class. He tells of
rumors that even circulate about Pres.
Donaldson. And these rumors aren’t limited
to him - many students around TU
can name the same names and details.
But he notes with bitterness that these
folks don’t seem to receive sanctions, or if
they do, they’re nothing like what he’s
experienced. Reid feels that only anti-
Gay and anti-s/m bias can explain why
other professors who clearly appear to
have had sex with their students remain at
TU while he had a friendship that involved
no more intimacy or actions than
between twomen boxing is gone. "Rugby
players engage in more vi,olence and contact
than we did but rugby s socially sanctioned
and s/m is not," he adds.
When told of how Lesbian and Gay
faculty on campus whom he once thought
were friendly now malign him, citing his
poor grooming or too casual dress, Reid
justcomments onhow sad it is that they’re
so scared now. He says they know if it
happened to him, it could happen to them
too. He thinks that TU trustees, counsel,
administrators, all know that their actions
are indefensible, but they thought they
couldjustcover it all up, or thathe couldn’t
get any help, .oi: that he’d be too intimidated.
For the future, Reid’s working with
national legal aid orgamzations to pursue
a lawsuit. Meanwhile, one faculty member
with a penchant for gossip says what
really got TU scared was Pohlmar] threatening
to take his video to TV’s Hard
Copy. Reid says maybe he’ll do it instead.
JD cont’dfromp. 9
Well, this month’s feature is as downhome
and friendly as a bar can be. That’s
rightput on any ofyour favorite drag from
leather to lace to good old denim for this
establishment and get ready for a good old
time at the Silver Star Saloon. This club
has been home to such events as Mr.Tulsa
Leather, Mr. Oklahoma Leather, Miss
Central State, and on March 17th, the first
Miss South USofA pageant. The owners,
John & Steve, are some of the nicest guys
.I know. They have been active in supportzng
HIV/AIDS fundraisers and community
events like the Pride Picnic over the
past 4 years: they will celebrate the Silver
Star’ anniversary on April 15th.
Weekly events include such things as
Wednesday nights Drag Rodeo Roundup
with Courtney Farrell (love you, missy)
and Sunday nights with tight buns and big
chests, oops, I meanmale dancers from 10
to close. This bar has lots room on the
dance floor for those who like country or
good dance music. They also have pool
tables and darts.
In closing, as Dorothy said, thereis no
place like home and the people you love
(remember to tell them that - it will make
their day and yours). Until Toto comes
home, see ya out &about.
Photos, JD damett, 621-5597
Kellie J. Watts
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Della Blackburn, CADC Richard Reeder, MS
Serving a Diverse Community
by Jean-Pierre, TFN Food Critic
Those of us who had the privilege of
growing up in the Southwest have had
plenty ofopportunity to eatMexicanfood.
Remember the day~ ,~lien~ff~-were butch
littlejunior high hellions and competed to
see who could eat the most platefuls of the
all-you-can-eat special at Casa Bonita?
Well, we’ve grown up and discovered
that Mexican food can be more than a
hedonistic glut-fest or a midnight trip
through theTaco Mayo drive-up window.
Quite by accident, we came across the
Santa Fe. Mexican Restaurant-at 1515
South Sheridan inTulsa;.just north Of the
Silver Star Saloon. It’ s been there for four
years, owned and operated by the
Contreras family, some real Mexico Mexicans,
with traditional family recipes and a
talent for good food in a comfortable and
relaxed atmosphere. And, as a smaller,
family restaurant, the waiters and waitresses
don’t run frenetically from table to
table and none of the faux-Mexican decoration
or.m~sic rears its ugly head as we
see so:-oft~nfi~iithe chain establishments.
Theb~i~appears unpretentious and
the inside decor is quite modest. Butprices
are extremely reasonable for a large plate
of excellent-,[~. On weekdays, there is a
luncheon biiffei’for $5:50 per person, and
most of the a la carte entrees are $4.50.
There are smo-kigg and non=smOking sections
anda:ifull~!~i[~,~,ensed bar.
Several ~=tast~:~!:~ups are available as
starters. The ~o~.~e is a spicy pork and
hominy mix .~*:i~:lots of coriander and
peppers: Th~rfi ig"~m unusual chicken and
ve~aicelfi sbup;;;vhich we expected to
resemble something along the line of
: Campbell’s chicken noodle, but which
: was a full flavored red stock, full of bro-
¯ ken pieces of angel hair pasta noodles. A
chicken tortilla soup is also available.
: Guacamole salad is one of the tdling
: signs of freshness with Mexican food. As
¯ youmay know frommaking guacamole at
: home, once cut, the avocado very quickly
~ turns brown on exposure to air, so lemon
¯ or lime juice is squeezed on to the cut
surfaces to retard discoloration. The
~ guacamole at SantaFe was freshly made,
: chunky, and bright green, with no trace of
¯ browning and no taste of citrus juice--
: this is amazing and most enjoyable.
." This place has some of the best tamales
: we’ve ever eaten in Tulsa, made b.y hand
:¯ and Steamed the traditional way m corn
husks. These tamales taste like what you
¯ might be served by a friend’s mother at
¯ the family dinner table, not like what
¯ we’ve come to expect from restaurants. ¯ Vvqaile all of the traditional Mexican
_" entrees are on the menu, you may espe-
¯ cially want to try the chicken enchiladas,
¯ which are juicy and mouth-watering. ¯
Watch out, though, because we did find a
¯ bone chip in the chicken on a recent visit.
The enchiladas and other entrees are
¯ available with several sauces,and we com-
" mend to you the mole sauce. Mole (pro-
" nounced, "MOH-Iay") is a traditional
¯ Mexican sauce made from unsweetened
chocolate and hot peppers. The Spanish
~ conqmstadors were introduced to choco-
¯ late by the Aztecs and took the cocoa
: beans back to Europe, where the sugar
¯ started to be added. This Mexican sauce is
¯ not sxveet, tastes like nothing .you can
~ imagine, and is delicious.
¯ The dessert list inclUdes a tasty little-
" tan, an individual egg custard baked with
caramelized sugar that forms a brown
bittersweet sauce.
Our only complaint is the complementary
salsa served is a bit too thin and
watery, but it i s tasty and does appear to be
freshly made onions and cilantro have a
distinctive tastewhenfresh andnot canned
or bottled.
In themoodfor good, home-style Mexican
food in a casual setting? We heartily
recommend Santa Fe for great food at a
surprisingly cheap price. And, don’t forget
to mention you read about them in
Tulsa Family News.
Santa Fe Mexican Restaurant, 15i5
S. Sheridan. Prices: inexpensive. Service:
casual. Hours: 11 am - 9 pm; till
10 p.m. on Fri-Sat; closed Sun. Payment:
Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress,
Diner’s Club, Carte Blanche; no
checks. Non-smoking area: Yes. Alcohol:
Full bar. Opinion: A List.
7Z ts,. 663-5934 "
Daphane Cooper
by James Christjohn
Well, it’s not often that a critic gets to
¯ put his money where his Mac is, but now
¯ is the time. I’m pleased to announce that ¯
I amdirecting"HIVariations" - three short
¯ plays - during the weekend of one-acts at
~ TU on April 14 in Theatre 2 in Kendall
¯ Hall, 2pm. Ya’ll get to see if I really do
¯ know what I’m talking about.
¯ "HIVariations" are three plays centered
¯ aroundthereactions of family and spouses ¯
to the loss of a loved one due to HIV -
"Cater Waiter", now in production as a
¯ fflmstarfingDavidDrake, Andre’s Mother
¯ by T,,errence McNally; and "Mr. Rosen’s
Son . While the subject itself is rather
¯ - dark, there is humor in these shows. The
¯ cast includes Brad Luna, Karin Sandmel, ¯
¯ VivicaWalkenbach, and JohnWeller. On
the samebill, Harvey Fierstein’s"OnTidy
¯ Endings" is being produced, and some
¯ early Tennessee Williams works are included
in the weekend’s festivities. The
plays on Friday and Saturday start at 7pm,
~ Sunday’s plays are at 2 and 7:30pm. The
¯ weekend of one-acts ~s free to the public.
By the way, I’m still casting the part of
Mr. Rosen - 50-60 year old NYJewish
¯ man. If you or someone you know fits the
¯ bill, please call me at 583-1248. In addi-
¯ tion, the performance of an original one-
: act musical dealing with politics, religion
¯ and gay life, "Diaries" by Jennifer Hoyer,
with lyrics and music by Gabriel Washam
and James Gregory, all TU theatre stu-
dents, will be held Mon, April 29 at 7pro
¯ in Chapman Hall.
¯ Phantom was Phabulous! I was irasee
next page
APRIL 96, 7:30 pM
An Official Preliminary to
Miss Gay Oklahoma America
Head Co-Judges:
Miss Gertrude Garnet
Miss Gay Oklahoma America
Miss Rachael Erikks
Miss Oklahoma USofA
Advance tickets NOW available through
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Phone ordered accepted, Visa/MC accepted.
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For more information, write to:
C.P., Inc.
P.O. Box 580372, Tulsa, OK 74115
Portions of proceeds to benefit
Shanti, Inc. and Our House
pressed with the quality of the cast, and the amazing voices.
ls it just me, or did anyone else think that the Phantom was
really after Raoul, who was really Phamily, and only using
Chri stine as a method of getting closer to him? Then, in the
end when the Phantom realizes that, unfortunately, Raoul
really does seem to be straight (NOT!), that he should let them
go live together? Just an interpretation all my own. Really, the
show is a spectacle worth seeing. I must admit, in all my years
of performing and viewing plays, I’ve never seen an inanimate
object (a chandelier) get applause before. The second act
kind of loses steam, as though the author thought, "OK, I’ve
got the characters into these situations, now how do I get them
out?" and lost track of the play itself. The first act is wonderful,
though, and the second is only affected in minor ways.
Tulsa’s Irish Festival occurs in Riverparks 3/15-16, and
should make for an interesting day at the park. I’m going to be
on the lookout for so~e leprechauns to get lucky with... I
mean, er, to helpme with luck! As in "Pot o’ gold" kinda stuf!!
OK, time to getmyselfoutof the corner here, before the Editor
finds out I’ve slipped this into the column ...
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each
additional word is 25 cents.
You may bring additional
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Please type or print your ad.
Count tlae number of words.
(A word for our purposes is a group
of letters or numbers separated
by a space.)
Send your ad &
payment to POB
4140, Tulsa, OK
74159 with your
name, complete address,
day &
eve. numbers
(for our records
Ads will run ~n
the next issue
after they are
TFN reserves the
right to edit or
refuse any ad. No
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Responsible Roommate Wanted
So. Tulsa area, NON-SMOKER, GWM’s
have room to rent in large 3 bedroom house,
preferably to same. Must be employed,
dean, trustworthy and discreet. References,
1st mo. rent & dep. req’d. $250/mo. washer/
dryer, cable TV, all utilities & basic phone
included. Call Gordon @ 672-5741.
dark hair and eyes, 31, waist, 26, seeks
others, 21-26, for fun, pleasure and lots
more. Leave me a message. (Ada) e48602
5’10", 125 good shape and a vegetarian,
very long hair, artist, seeks an extremely thin
and feminine GM, TS or TV, for fun and
much more. Call me soon. (Bartles)
To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star key (.)
Due to our large volume of ca s,
if you can’t g~t thru, s reply try
your call later.
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
I’M OUT, ARE YOU?. GWM, 6’1 ", 265,
23, brown hair, blue eyes, varied interests,
seeks other GWM’, open and honest for
friendship and possibly mare. Please leave a
message. (El Dorado) e2624S
divorced, interested in everything, seeks
others for experience sharing and learning.
(McAlester) e49183
OPEN TO ALL IDEAS. GWM, 20, 5’11 ,,
180, blonde hair, blue eyes, varied interests,
seeks local guys for whatever happens.
(Muskogee] e48811
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what. you’re looking for. Our
~computerized system will walk you
thr0ugh Ihe rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
NOW AND THEN. GWM, 6’1 ", 190,
brown hair, green eyes, seeks others for
occasional encounters. (Muskogee)
140, dark haiti k~iu~ eyes, clean cut and
shaven, seeks local guys for fun friendship
and more. Ca me. (Tulsa) ’e49331
NO NONE NITERS. GWM, 25, tall,ban
and attractive, masculine and inexperienced,
variety of interests, smoke/drug/disease
free, seeks others, 20-30, for f~n friendship
and hopeful y more. Please be sincere and
not into one night affairs. Give me a call.
(Tulsa) ~34529
28,masculine, brown hair and eyes, 6’3",
seeks others for good times. I enjoy just
about everyth ng. Please be discreet¯
(Fayetteville) e6581 ¯
very submissive, seeks masculine and
dominant men, ever 6’ and straight or Bi,
for fun, pleasure and more. Please leave a
message. (Northwestem) ~32895
5’9", blonde hair, blue eyes, into all sports,
seeks others for fun, friendship and more.
Leave me a message. (Truman) ~48086
THIS IS MICHAEL. Bi Married WM, 6’1 ,,
195, brown hair, blue eyes, clean cut,
discreet, seeks Bi Males, married optional,
for fun, friendship and possibly more. Lets
share our learning experiences. Call me.
(Union County) ~48346
MUSCLE MANIA. GWM, 27, 148, 5’9",
good body seeks same 18-25 preferred.
Please leave a messagel (Oklahoma City)
TAKE A CHANCE. GWM, 30, 5’ 10", 170,
brown hair, green e~,es, varied interests,
seeEs local guys for ~n and adventure
Please leave a message. (Oklahoma City)
~273! 8
¯BORED AND LONELY. GWM, 6’1 ", 172,
good sha~, brown hair and eyes seeks
others for friendship and more. I ~m not into
the bar scene. Please leave.a message.
(Ponca City) e26514
others for fun, friendship and more. Please
leave a message. (Rogers) e30720
GWM, into classical music
and long walks, seeks others for pleasure
possibilities. Leave me a me~soge. (Tulsa)
RIDE ME HARD. GWM, new to town,
seeks GWM cowboys, masculine 18-38 and
boot wearing only, forgreat foot massage
and much more. fit and masculine only, Call
me. (Tulsa) ~49742
versatile, seeks local guys for adventure. Are
you game? (Tulsa) n49980
strawberry blonde hair, brown hair/170,
very cute, variety of interests, seeks other
GWM’s, 19-29, for fun, friendship and a
possible monogamous relationship. All
serious resaonses will be returned. (Tulsa)
¯r49141 ’
LET’S DO ITI. GWM, 6’, 185, brown hair,
greeneyes, well built and good looking,
seeks others, well built, tall for mutual
pleasure. Call me. (Tulsa) n48115
RIVERSIDE WALKS. GWM, 5’8", blonde
hair, blue eyes, beard and ’stache, seeks
others for intimate and romantic evenings.
Let’s become friends and seewhat happens.
(Tulsa) e45363
good looking and in shape, seeks others with
same qualities. Leave a message. (Tulsa)
seeks others, 18-21, for fun, friendship and
possible relationship. Please leave a
message. (Tulsa) ~ ! 1953
GWM, 6’1", 165, blonde hair, tan~ned and
hairy, seeks others for one on one or phone
fun. (Tulsa) ~33414
interests, late 40’s seeks other~ for fun and
more. (Tulsa] ~31509
6’1", 175, dark hair, blue eyes, good
looking, clean cut, inexperienced seeks
same, 21-30, for friendship and ~ore.
Please leave a message. (Tulsa) ~25993
YEE HAl. GWM, 19, 6’, 135, brown hair
and eyes, seeks others who am masculine
dominant, hairy, tall and looks like a
cowboy, for fun, friendship and lots more¯
Please leave a message. (Tulsa) ~27190 .
area, 28, 5’11", blonde hair, blue eyes,
strictly, passive, seeks strong and masculine
guys tor passion and more Call me soon
(Tulsa] ~49718 "
LET’S PLAY. GWM, new into Leather,
seeks others for safe, sane and consensual
fun. Give me a call. (Tulsa) e34324
,5 6 , black hair, brown eyes,
new to area, very romantic, seeks
others for fun, romance and
possibly more. If this nterests you,
please give me a call. (Broken .
Arrow) ~’48158
GIRL TALK. Bi Curious WF,
5’11",16.% 24, blonde hair.
eyes, v~riety, o~ interests, ot;~ do.:~:
wo~:.:~n, seeks Bi WF’s or C,,r~ous
WF’s, for lriendohip, e;’~plor.
and maybe mo~.. Leave a
message. (Oklai~oma)
I-i~Y" GIRI~!o GWF, into all sports
and more, seeks others to hang out
with. Give me a call. (Tulsa)
,-GUARANTEED. GWF, 31, seeks
|other females for fun, romance and
Fina ly....Unity Gardens
A final resting place in peace, unity and pride...
located in Washington Memorial Gardens ~.Cemetary
4300 E. 91st Street South
On 91st Street between Yale & Harvard
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We offer
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there no cemetar, in ¯ lsa
allow s toge~
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is no place i Un will,
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spaces, columnburium for cremated remains,
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The Pride flag will proudly fly in the center of Unity Gardens
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If you have purchased a plot elsewhere,
you may be able to transfer or trade your burial plots.
For.more information, please call Russell Langley-Stumpff at 918-587-7000.
***Owned and operated by Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home***
March 15 - April 14, 1996, Volume 3, Issue .1
Anti-Marriage ¯ Run for gourLives, Part2
Efforts Explode
Around States I|
GOP Presidential Primary and
Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge
DES MOINES - A number of anti-gay
organizations - Colorado for Family Values,
the Christian Coalition, the Eagle
Forum, the Traditional Values Coalition,
and others - drew several thousand fundamentalists
together under an umbrella
groupknownas the National Campaign to
Protect the Sanctity of Marriage, asking
all the Republican presidential primary
hopefuls to sign their pledge against samesex
marriages. Not surprisingly, three of
the most outspokenly anti-gay candidates
talk show host Alan Keyes, Patrick
Buchanan, and Texas Sen. Phil Gramm -
were on hand to sign the anti-gay pledge
that declares that "the State should not
legitimize homosexual relationships by
legalizing same-sex ’marriage’ but should
continue to reserve the special sanction of
civil marriagefor onemanand onewoman
as husband and wife." The other leading
GOP hopefuls - Senate majority lea’fl~r
Bob Dole of Kansas, former Tennessee
Gov. Lamar Alexander and multi-millionaire
publisher Steve Forbes - all said
they would sign the anti-mama,g.e pledge
as well, even though they didn t actually
show up at the event.
Hawaii Anti-Marriage Efforts
HONOLULU-In their ongoing efforts to
try to extricatethemselves from the politically
and. socially charged issue of sanlesex
mamages, the Hawaii state Senate’s
judiciary committee has rejected 2 bills
and accepted one. The committee nixed
by a 1-6 vote a proposal that would have
simply legalized same-sex marriages in
the state. By a 3-4 vote, the senators also
rejeetedaprol~s,al thatwonldhavebanned
same-sex marriage in Hawaii. The lawmakers
finally agreed by a 5-2 vote to
accept a proposed measure that would
institute a statewide domestic partnership,
a compromise proposal that a state
see Marriage, page 3
’Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell’ Doesn’t Work
WASHINGTON-Ajust-issued reported
says the compromise policy reached by
the Clinton Administration with Congress
that was aimed at lessening bias against
gays and lesbiansin the U.S. armed forces
is being widely violated by the military.
Pentagon officialS, however, insist that
.the so-called"don’task, don’t tell" policy,
m effect now for two years, is working
properly. The report by the Washington,
D.C.-based group, Service Members Legal
Defense Network, charges there is a
continuing pattern of abuse by the armed
service that has rendered the
Administration’s policy toward gays and
lesbians in the military as bad, if not
worse, than its predecessor. The organization
says that despite the seemingly
more lenient approach, the nation’s military
has recently been expelling more
see Don’t ask, page 3
: Legislative Update
¯ OKC Gay Man Helps On Anti-
Gay Measure, More on Way
: Several OKC sources have accused an
: OKC Gay man of misrepresenting him-
, .self as a spokesperson of the entire state’s
¯ Gay communities in a behind-the-scenes
¯ deal with OK House Majority Leader
:i Loyd Benson. Benson, aDemocrat who’d
introduced an anti-Gay resolution, #1045,
¯ condemning teaching homosexuality as
¯ "natural" lifestyle, and adoption or foster
¯ care by Lesbians, Gays or Bisexuals sub-
" stituted a bill allegedly at the urging of
: Keith Smith who’s recently returned to
¯ Oklahoma after a several year absence
"- andwho’s newly hired" as an ad. represen-
¯ tative for OKC’s The Perspective.
¯ The "new" language remains anti-Gay,
¯ condemning more specifically the Nat’l ¯
Education Assoc. for its Gay-positive
~ stands & stating that "those who engage
¯ in same-sex marriages should not be per-
, mitted to adopt or provide foster care."
~ Several legislators, specifically Norman
¯ rep., Laura Boyd, who had promised to
¯" vote against #1045, stated that they only
¯ voted for this revised language because
: they thought these changes were autho-
: rized by "your representative". Both in
," OKC and particularly, in Tulsa, commu-
¯ nity leaders have raised concerns that
¯ individuals lobbying the Legislature
¯ should be clear that they represent only
themselves unless they h~ve actually spo’-
: ken with community~oups first. No of-
, ricer of Tiiis~iOklahomans for Human
¯ -Rights, Rainbow Business Guild or
¯ PFLAG appears to have been contacted.
¯ House resolution #1045 passed 97-1.
¯ Tulsarep. Don Ross cast the only no vote.
¯ Members of several Tulsa groups orga-
¯ nized a calling campaign to thank Ross.
: East Tulsa rep. Betty Boyd (Demo.) said
: that the only call she received opposing
#1045 was TFN’s and strongly suggested
¯" that Lesbians & Gays need to speak up.
¯ Worse yet, religious political extrem-
," ists, Rep. Tim Pope and Bill Graves at-
; tachedanti-Gayamendments tootherbills.
¯ One (to HB 2554 concermng divorce law
changes) would ban the recognition of
: same-gender marriage by Oklahom~ if
¯ theHawaii courts allow theminthefuture
~¯ abnildl,thHeBoth2e0r5(3a)ttabcahnesdatodothpeti"oRnyaonr Lfoukstee’"r
¯ care by a"known homosexual, lesbian or
: see Sold Out. page 3
¯ II
!Native American
i Gay Men Gathering
¯ TheTulsaNativeAmericanMenAIDS
Project (TNAAPP) will hold a weekend
: retreat on May 24-26. The event is open to
¯" all Gay or Bisexual Indian menregardless
of tribe, blood quantum or HIV status.
~ Non-Indian parmers of attendees are wel-
¯ Those wlio attended a retreat in Feb.
pral~&I the event’s traditional dancer and
story-tellers and participants continue to
¯ meet weekly onWednesdays from 6-8pm.
," Future plans include a pow wow for Gay
& Lesbian Native Americans. Call 582-
¯ 7225, ext. 218.
:¯ TTrUusHteireessFiPrereTse.nWureitdhGAanytPi-rGofaeyssRoerAcomridd
Charges of Blackmail Against Univ.
by Tom Neal " terhead stationary, of the Paris-Jackson
In February, trustees of the University .
of Tulsa hired new president
Robert Lawless, currently
president of Texas Technical
University (Tech), to re~
place Robert Donaldson.
After the public announcement
of Lawless’ hiring on
Feb. 19th, major daily newspapers
across the Southwest
(Dallas Morning News,
Houston Chronicle, Daily
Oklahoman) and The Associated
Press carried reports
of anti-Gay comments made
by Lawless in a 1993 letter.
Lubbock news reports indicate
that Lawless responded
on Feb. 9 to a complaint
by a local resident,
Wayson Gerwig, about the
appearance on Tech’s campus by Rod & "
Bob Paris-Jackson. Bob Paris-Jackson
won notoriety as a top competition body "
builder. With his partner, fitness instruc’- :
tor Rod Paris-Jackson, the pair toured the
US (includingan appearance atTU) speak- "
ing on Gay & Lesbian marriages. :
.According to The Universttv Daily ¯
(UD), Lawless wrote, on Texas "~ech let- "
event as "’one of the. greatest disappointments
~n my role as President
at Texas Tech.’" He
added "the deviant lifestyles
portrayed by these individuals
is something I can never
condone, and hold in great
Students from Tech’s
Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual
Students group (GLBS) attempted
to meet with Lawless
in Oct. of ’94, after thc
letter was mailed anonymously
to the GLBS. According
to the UD, the student
requestipg.the ~eeting
was told by ~’iess" assistant
that Lawless would not
meet with the student, his
opinions had~ noL changed,
and that he would not comment further.
That same October,The Lubbock Avalanche-
Journalreported that whenGLBS
officer Roy Mendoza took a complaint
about Lawless" remarks to the Texas Tech
Board of Regents, neither the board or
Lawless responded toGLBS concerns but
after the meeting, Tech released a written
see Lawless. page 2
:HIV. Education &
Recreation Center
¯ Bruce Begley, a Tulsa man living with
¯ AIDS, with several others, has begnn cre-
¯ ating a new sen’ice organization for per-
¯, sons living with HIV AIDS, The HI\"
Education&Recreation Center. Begley’s
: vision is for a place where persons living
¯, withAIDs(PLWA’s)couldgoforfitness,
¯ recreation and for services that supple-
" ment the existing HIV.AIDS agencies.
; Many in the Tulsa community have
¯ responded to his vision by joining the
-" board ofthenewly incorporated non-profit
: and by donating goods, services and
¯ money toward the HIV-ERC’s fund to
¯ apply for IRS ta~x -exempt status. Newly ¯
rettedboardmembers include local thera-
¯ pist, Sandra Hill, vice president, Steve
," Wilson, treasurer and local businessman,
: Scott Perry among others. Begley has
spoken to local organizations such as
i DignityiIn.tegrity and the Rainbow
Business Guild (RBG) about his vi,
¯ sion. The membership of RBG voted in
February to donate the balance needed to
¯ pay the IRS application fee.
¯ ,although Begley stresses that the HIV¯
ERC is intended to supplement existing
HIV services, he confesses he’s been
¯ shocked by some of the hostility that he’s
¯ experienced from other HIV services pro-
" viders. He says he repeatedly heard con-
" cerns about"duplicating services". Begley
says others have been more supportive,
¯ such as Janice Nicklas of the Community
Service Council and Hilary Kitz (ofMayor
¯ Susan Savage’s office) who’s active in
¯ HIV/AIDS volunteer work.
¯ see H1V-ERC, page 3
: Unity Gardens
i First in Country
: While Lesbian and Gay activists
¯ struggle for the fight to have our relation-
" ships recognized in life, two Tulsa men,
~ Russell Langley-Stumpff and David
¯" Stumpff, are providing a place where Les-
¯ bians and Gay men can have their rela-
: tionships and identifies recognized in per-
: petuity. The men, who are partners in life
¯ as well as business, have created Unity
¯ Gardens, which may be the first project of
: its t~lae in the US. Unity Gardens is a
~ special part of Washington Memorial
¯ Cemetarvwhere LesbianandGay couples,
: family, find friends can either have burial
: plots; niches in the crematorium, or be
: remembered on a memorial wall that
¯ stands beside a scattering ground. ¯
¯ Unity Gardens will fly a rainbow Pride
flag at its center 24hours a day,and on the
¯ day of services, each of the 10 flag poles
¯ that mark the road to Unity Gardens will ¯
also fly a Pride flag under the regular
¯ American flags. And while Unity Gardens
are non-sectarian, religious o’r other
organizations can reserve a section for
their members which could have a reli-
¯ gious symbol marking their area. At least
one local congregation is said to be considering
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of
Tom Neal this publication are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Phyl Boler-Schmidt Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Barry Hensley noted, must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family
Pat Morehead News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Each
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
JD Jamett points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
The University of Tulsa has long sought to be
compared to the best private universities in the US:
Rice, Stanford, Yale, etc. However, somehow its
trustees and administrators haven’t figured out that
there is a connection between their actions and
TU’s continued failure to rank with these schools.
By hiring a documented, and at least publicly
unrepentant anti-Gay bigot, Robert Lawless, for its
new president, TU’s trustees again prove that they
just don’t understand that TU cannot embrace
prejudice and be a"world-dass"institution. Former
Texas Tech president Lawless certainly has aconstitutional
right to his bias,just as does a Klansman
or a white-supremacist, but usually those opinions
disqtmlify a candidate as a leader of university,
There is little doubt that if Lawless had been
speak)ng about Jews or Catholics, instead of Gays
and Lesbians,:when he said in 1993, "the deviant
lifestyles portrayed by these individuals is something
that I can never condone, and hold in great
contemPt,~’ :that Lawless’ hiring would not have
occurredl It certainly would not have without some
apology or repudiation, which he has refused to
make publicly forover three years.
Lawles~S; only regrets appear to have been made
only just a few weeks ago to the TU Search Committee.
This seems awfully late and mighty, convenient.
Some members of the Search Committee
claim thaLLawless while at Texas Tech didn’t
permit his .prejudice to affect his treatment of
openly Gay professors. However, other Tech
sources indicate that Lawless, in fact, attempted to
censor the speaking engagement of Rod & Bob
Paris-Jackson, about which his remarks were made.
It also is amply clear, from both the Tech newspaper
and the LubbockAvalanche-Journal. that Lawless"
alleged "’fairness" to professors did not extend
to Gay Tech students with whom he refused to
Even worse than Lawless’ "’regretted" remarks.
however, is the decision ofTU’ s Board ofTrustees’
Search Committee to recommend hiring Lawless
with full "knowledge of his remarks. This endorsement
Of 14i?~prejudice combines with the refusal
several Years ago of TU’s Board of Trustees to add
sexual ~nentation protections to TU’s non-discrimination
policy*, and with its recent firing of
openl~G~i3’ professor Jim Reid (see related editoria!),~
to?di~monstrate the comnutment of the Univcrs~
ty of Tulsa to "World-Class Bigotry" rather
than "World-Class Excellence." - Tom Neal
*prof. of law M. Chapman notes TU’s policy
may. or may not. provide bias protection stnce it
mc:ludes legally vague language rather than the
standard term. sexual orientation.
bisexual". Each bill was passed, as amended by the
House, 98-2. Longume political observers hope
that HB 2554 will not get.out of the Senate Judiciary
committee, headed by Sen. Bernice Shedrick
(D-Stillwater) and that the amendment language
attached to the popular "Ryan Luke" bill can be
removed in committee or in conference with the
House. These observers strongly recommend polite
calls to Sen. Shedrick’s office asking her to.help
eliminate the tmconstitutional anti-Gay provisions.
A Senator on the Judiciary committtee declined to
comment but added that he felt it likely that HB
2554 would not make it if enough calls were made.
(Senate switchboard: 405-524-0126)
Dr. James Reid vs. TU
Some will find Dr. James Reid’s choices in
activities & friends to be worse than the actions of
the University of Tulsa. His judgement was clearly
poor in getting involved in a friendship of some
intimacy (though no sex) with someone who was
initially his student. Videotaping their horseplay
(which is likely milder than some of TU’s former
fraternity hazing) also was foolish. But the actions
of the University’s officials, legal counsel, & professors
with their wanton disregard for their own
rules is more shameful than Reid’s video-taped
flogging. The surrender to the worst bias, disregard
for academic standards, the destruction of career of
a highly regarded scholar, and abandonment of fair
p!-.,,y suggest that the TU officials responsible are
the ones who deserve to be shamed publicly - if not
flogged themselves. - Tom Neal
TU :
osed to continuedfrom page 1,
less is morally opp "homosexual lifestyles
does not mean that he is a bigot".
Roselle Graskey, a member of Tech’s GLBS,
notes that Lawless" statements were a direct violation
of Tech:s "’student dignity handbook" which
calls on the university to help "’students learn to
recognize, understand and celebrate human
differences.... [including] lifestyle".
Graskey also charges that Lawless did not merely
speak out against Lesbians and Gay men, but actually
attempted to block the event by pressuring the
independent student board that made the decision
to invite the Paris-Jacksons. This claim is supported
by Lawless’ letter in which he says, "there is
a group ~)f individuals on this campus that serve as
an Advisory Board to the students who plan the
progranunihg in the UC [University Center]. These
advisers could have, and should have, acted responsibly
in their roles to identify this program as
being u/tfit for a university campus and vetoed it
from the slate of program offerings that were proposed."
(editor’s note: emphasis added)
Members ofTU’s Search Committee were aware
of Lawless’ remarks prior to recommending his
luting according to Business prof. PC Smith. Members.
of the Search Committee spoke with individuals.
on the Tech campus, who claim that Lawless
did not discriminate against openly Gay professors
arid even experienced some harassment from anti-
Gay forces when he did not block an openly Gay
prof. from an endowed chair. Several TU sources
claim that these remarks no longer represent his
views, teasingly implying that Lawless had some
personal reasons for either his hostility or for his
alleged change of heaxt. However, all the members
of the Search Committee who are TU trustees and
who we were able to contacted refused to discuss
the matterm any substantive way. One referred all
"calls to trustee Fulton Collins who refused to return
phone calls, although Collins spoke readily to The
Tulsa Worm(The Wormowners, RobertandRoxana
Lorton are both TU trustees). Lawless also refused
to return repeated calls. TU press representative,
Michele Cruncleton, specifically stated "I’m not
going to let you speak with him [Lawless]."
Also in February, the TU board of trustees voted
unanimously to fire Jim Reid, a tenured Gay professor
of physics. Dr. Reid was accused of sexual
harassment by a 26 year old, one-time student,
Marlin Pohlman. Copies ofTU documents indicate
that trustees fired Reid despite the findings of the
majority of a University Appeals Board that Dr.
Rcid’s procedural rights were violated and that TU
see TU, page 10
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Barraccuda’s, 2405 E. Admiral
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Ground Zero, 311 E. 7th
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dermis C. Arnold, Realtor
*Assoc. in Medical & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard
Kent Batch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewdry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742~9468
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria
Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
I xaune M. Gross. Financial Planning
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
* Interuational Tours
JD Images, Photography
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Lean Aun Macomber, Realtor Associate
Massoud’s Jewlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridan
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 st
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5
Thomas Chiropractic Clinic, 4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C-1
Kellie J. Watts, attorney
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Agape" Christian Fellowslup, 2 l st& Sheridan 599-7688
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ca’. 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*B!IJG Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*Conununitv of Hope (United Methodist), 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
Dignity/Integrity (Lesbian/Gay Catholics &Episcopalians) 2984648
*F~unily of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Free Spirit Lesbian Center call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Umty (African-Amer. men), POB 8542, 74101 .425-4905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
~HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
NAMES PROJECT, d-154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
"- R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
*Shanti Hotline
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
Tool Box Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd
T U L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc.-
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of Dam on Hwy. 187
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&112 Spring St.
King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W
*MCC of the Living Spring
McClung Realtors
Rock Cottage Gardens
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
The Woods, 50 Wall St.
501-253-8659 800-624-6646
service members for homosexuality,
which thegroup charges violates the policy
by harassing servicemen & women believed
to be gay. The group estimated that
~t cost the federal government $21.3 million
to train replacements for the gay men
and lesbians discharged by the military.
During a press conference, Defense Secretary
William Perry said the charge of
witch-hunts against gays in the military is
a serious allegation & will be examined
Policy Appealed in Federal Court
SEATTLE- The Defense Dept. policy
.prohibiting gays and lesbians from serving
openly in the U.S. armed forces is
again being challenged. The case, brought
on behalf of former Navy Petty Office
Mark Philips, is being argued before the
U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Attorneys
from theACLU,representing Philips,
contend the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy
adopted by Congress and the Clinton
Administration violated the equal protection
& free speech provisions of the Constitution.
Philips was serving on the aircraft
carrier USS Nimitz in 1992 when an
officer asked him about his sexual orientation.
Philips answered honestly & was
discharged. Now 25 years old, Philips
served nearly 6 years before being kicked
out of the Navy and received a number of
commendations for his performance, inc.
dudinga Bronze Starfor service in Desert
Storm. U.S. District Court in Seattle last
year rejected Philips’ lawsuit, agreeing
with government attorneys that his none
of his constitutional rights had been violated
by the policy.
Red Rock Mental Health
of Oklahoma City has opened a Tulsa
office providing individual and group
therapy, HIV education & prevention.
Therapy is available to PLWA’s, their
loved ones and individuals at risk of HIV
infection. Betsy Murphy, MSW, CTRS is
co-ordinator. Contact: 584-2325, fax, 582-
2384, 302 S. Cheyenne, #108, 74103.
and AIDS
First Regional
Begley’s sense of what is needed is "
based in part in his own experiences with
local HIV/AIDS service organizations -
both as a client and as an advocate for "
other clients who are more ill. His vision "
ultimately would include weight and fitness
equipment, swimming, tennis, in essence,
a health club for the community. "
He’d als0 like to have on site counselors "
tO. help with, mental, ~health issues, and ¯
drug and alcohol problems. One service ¯
he’d like to see offered wouldbe prescrip- "
tion medicine assistance that would"kick- ¯
in" after PLWA’s have reache.d the limits ¯
of assistance that other agencies provide. "
Musing over the personal attacks that
he’s experienced thus far, Begley notes
that in Tulsa some other social service
agencies that provide assistance for lower "
income persons, Project Get Together, ¯
Neighbor for Neighbor and Catholic
Charities, all duplicate some of the same ¯
services but all seem to co-exist. He just .
shakes his head in wonder that trying to ¯
help folks in need brings out a fist instead ¯
of a welcoming hand. :
For more information about or to do- ."
hate to the HIV-ERC, write Bruce Begley, ¯
president, 1210 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 208,
Tulsa 74119 or call 587-1059. ."
commission impaneled to study the ques- "_
tion had put forward after the state su- ¯
preme court made it clear that there was a .
good chance Hawaii may be legally re- "
quired to recognized gay andlesbian mar- ."
riages. A just-released Honolulu Adver- ¯
tiser-Channel 2 News poll indicates that, ¯
despite the state’s strong liberal reputa- :
tion. 71% of the voters polled said they ."
oppose same-sex marriage, while only :
18% said they favored extending mar- .
riagerights to same-gender couples. Some o
9% of those polled indicated they were ¯
undecided or didn’tknow. As anindicator ¯
of how worried some state lawmakers are .
A comprehensive one-day conference to raise awareness and protnote discussion
about the special issues affecting women in the second deco~de ofAIDS.
Keynote speaker:
Mary Fisher, Family AIDS Network
Tuesday, April 2, 8am-5pm
University of Tulsa, Chapman Activity Center
440 So. Gary Ave.
Registration: $35, includes lunch, breaks and materials.
Sunday Services 11:00 am ¯ Wednesday Services 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm
Choir Practice ¯ Thurs. 7:30 pm Codependency Support Group
Todo justice, love mercy & to walk humbly with OlD" God... Micah 6:8
5451-E South Mingo Tulsa, OK 74146 . (918) 622-1441
becoming, 8 state representatives, backed
by Pat Robertson’s American Center for
Law and Justice, have filed a court motion
to be allowed to intervene in the suit that
initially raised the same-sex marriage issue
in the state. The brief in the case is
strongly critical of the Hawaii attorney
general’s office for not adequately defending
the state against the lawsuit.
Anti-Marriage Legislative Update
State legislatures around the country
are continuing in their efforts to ban samesex
mamages, although with very little
actual effect it seems. In New Mexico,
Senate majority leader Tom Rutherford
sent an anti-marriage resolution on the
issue back to the rules.committee because
no hearings had been hdd.The proposed
measure would ask voters there to amend
the state constitution. The resolution is
thus dead for this session.
Washington state Republican legislators
have all but conceded that a proposed
ban on same-sex marriage in the state will
probably never make ~t out of a state
senate committee controlled by the Democrats.
Washington state Senate leader Sid
Snyder said the anti-gay measure was not
slated for committee hearings and will be
allowed to die there. The Washington
House of Representatives had approved
the measure on a 60-36 vote to prohibit
same-sex marriages in the state.
Gov. Bill-Janklow has signed a bill
approved recently by the South Dakota
legislature that would refuse recognition
in the state to same-sex couples that might
be legally married elsewhere and that
restricts marriage to opposite-sex couples
only. The measure, which died last year in
the legislature and looked as if it would
suffer the same fate again this year when
a committee voted not to report the measure
to the legislature for a vote, is the 2nd
to become law. One immediate - and
surprising - side-effect of the bill being
signed into law is that Jacques Soukup
and KirkThomas. notable balloonists who
are also longtime partners, have withdrawn
their support for the Governor’s
Cup hot-air ballooning event in the state.
The 2 men, founders of the Soukup &
Thomas International Balloon and Airship
Museum in !vfitchell, S.D., told the
Governor’s Cup committee that they
Share the Joy
April 7, 1996
AFS "Spring Basket"
Bouquet T.
9720-C E. 31st St.
Daphane Cooper
4649 South Peoria
Corner of 48th & Peoria
9:30 - 5, Mon. - Fri.
couldn’t be "associated with a government
that has just passed a mean-spirited
and hateful piece of legislation that hurts
In Illinois, a bill preventing thc state
¯ from recognizing same-gender mamagc
¯ passed a state senate committee ou
: Wednesday, March 6, with little opposition.
Same-sex marriages "’would destroy
¯ thedefinitionofmarriageas wcknow it,"
: said state Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-
: Inverness), the measure’s sponsor. The
¯ bill. which passed 8-2, now goes to the
¯ Senate floor. It puts same-sex Weddings
~ on a listofmarriages barred in Illinois. "’If
: we let homosexuals marry, what’s next’?"
¯. said David Curtin, executive director of
the Illinois Christian Coalition.
And according to a report in the gay
paper, Wisconsin Light, state Rep. Dean
Kaufert has announced plans to intr~xiucc
a measure barring same-sex mamagcs in
the state as well. The paper reports the
measure has not yet been drafted.
Lawmakers have voted 86-11 in the
Iowa House of Representatives for a bill
that would prohibit the state from recognizing
same-sex marriages. Some political
observers in the state have suggested
the legislation, which was introduced by
state Rep. Steve Grnbbs (R-Davenport),
was mainly a partisan issue because
Grubbs is running for the Republican
nomination to unseat U.S. Sen. Tom
Harkin, a Democrat.
In Alabama, State Sen. Bill Armistead,
who recently led a battleto keep a gay and
lesbian conference from being held on the
campus at the University of Alabama, is
proposing a"marriage protection act" that
he says would strengthen traditional heterosexual
marriages by barring the statc
from recognizing same-sex marriages,
even if legally recognized elsewhere.
Michigan state Rep. Deborah Whyman
has drawn fire for introducing a bill in the
legislature that would forbid reco~fizing
same-sex marriages in the state, even if
see Slates, page 11
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News ¯ lowed to join the nation’s mili- sexuals andpeople withdisabili- " policy is reviewed by the Euro- " Columbia; and Winnipeg police
Tutu & Anglican Leaders ."
Call for Change
LONDON-Hundreds ofprominent
Episcopal clerics from
around the world signed an ad- ~
vertisement commending the ]
Lesbian and Gay Christian ¯
Movement on the ~roup’s 20th :
anniversary ofworking to change
the Anglican Church’s views on ¯
homosexuals. Bestki~ownofthe -"
signatories of the ads, which ]
appeared in Anglican, Methodist
and Catholic religious publications
in Britain, was Desmond
Tutu, Archbishop ofCapeTown,
South Africa. Tutu was joined in
signing the ads by three other
Anglican primates from around
the world, as well as several bishops
from theChurch of England,
as thedenomination was about
to begin its annual synod. The
three other church primates included:
Archbishops Richard
ltolloway of Scotland, Michael
Peers of .,Canada, and Bishop
Fxtmrnd Browmng of the United
States. Although not attending
the cfiurch synod, Tutu spoke on
the BBC ~’Radio Sunday" show
via telephone. "’If we say that
relationships where there is fidelity
between one couple a~e
acceptable, whv.,should we not
extend, the san~e, conditions to
stone-sex relationships?" Tutu
told the BBC, say~ing it was simply
a "matter ofjustice, compassion
and consistency’" for the
church to accept that there are
homc/sexual Clergy, who technically
are barred from being ordai~
edin the Anglican Church.
So. Africa A nti-Bias Laws
CAPE TO\V..~.. South Africa -
Politicians,nfilitary leaders and
defense indnstry representatives
have begun discussions on the
role mid nature of South Africa" s
maned’forces, includingwhether
gays and lesbians should be altary
force. The meeting is expected
to produce a report later
this year that would be used by
the defense mimstry to guide it
in formulating specific policies
concerning the armed forces.
Defense ministry, officials noted
that the national armed services
in the country have never actu.
ally had any policy excluding
individuals based on their sexual
orientation, but African National
Congress officials have pushed
for including the topic of sexual
orientation in the defense review
discussions South Africa’s interim
Constitution includes prohibitions
against discrimination
based on sexual orientation, but
the complex process of getting
from the interim document to a
final Constitution faces a number
of difficulties andANC leaders
are making a determined effort
to try to keep it headed in the
most progressive direction.
Also according to Mpho
Makwana, director of the equal
opportumties office in South
Africa’s Labor Dept., the government
~s wor’king on a comprehensive
program for affirmative
action that would "’include
mainly blacks, but also women,
homosexuals and handicapped
people." Makwana made the
statement during a roundtable
discussion earlier this year broadcast
on South Africa’s TV1. He
did not give d.etails of the affirmative
acnon plans, but
Makwana said it would"not be a
stand-alone lmv, with a quota for
compames to implement affirmative
action and punishing the
company which does not comply."
Instead. he said the plan as
being developed would aim at
getting firms to include personnel
training andhuman resources
development programs to encourage
blacks, women, homoties
already wor’king in a company
to move into middle- mad
upper-management in that finn.
CompuServe Reinstates
Internet Groups
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Compu-
Serve Inc., the computer on-line
g~ant ownedby H&RBlock, says
it has given its 4.3 million subcribers
access again to somc
200 Intemet newsgroups that it
had banned in Deceniber alter a
German state prosecutor questioned
whether the groups included
illegal sexually .related
materials. The compnter sen’ice
said at the time that it could not
selectively restrict Interact materials
bv comatry mad had therefore
blocked access to the groups
to all its subscribers. Included
among some of the balmed
groups were several that contain
explicidy adult material. But a
number of the banned
newsgroups were gay and lesbian
discussion and support
groups, including one for
younger gays that specifically
barred pornographic ulaterials.
CompuServe says it will now
give its subscribers software that
will let them pick which - if any
- material they don’t want to be
able to access. The finn believes
parents will use the bloc’king
utilities to keep children from
seeing or reading nmtefial they
don’t deem appropriate.
: UK to Keep Military Ban
: LONDON - The Daily Tele-
: graph reports that based on a
vet-to-be-released report by the
~ ]3ritish MinistryofDefense, gays
and lesbians constitute an "affront
to service people" and will
] not be allowed to serve in the
] British military. But the defense
¯ ministry report also predicts that
¯ when a legal challenge to the
United Kingdom’s anti-gay
~_ pean Court of Human Rights, ¯ arrested Robert E. Welsh, 24.
the govennnent is "’likely to lose" The fourth suspect in the killing,
¯ thecase, which may not come to " Gary A. Kuffner, 27, also of
¯ afinaldecisionbytheEUcourts " Winnipeg, is currently being
before the year 2000. The paper sought. Last year in a high-pro-
¯ said the 450-page nmfistry re" " file investigation of Canadian
¯ port, which it had obtained, is ¯ armed forces, McKay acknowl-
¯ expected to be released soon and " edged - and publicly renounced
¯ concludes that while changing ~ - his ties to several nee-Nazi &
: attitudes about lesbians and gay ~
mcn may justify further reviews ¯
¯ of the and-gay ban in the future, ~
¯ "it may equally be that the per- ¯
:~ manent features of the military
¯¯ enviroument are such that it will
¯ never be possible to integrate
homosexuals" in the nadon’s
: maned forces.
3 Charged in Killing Of
¯ Canadian Man
: WINNIPEG, Calmda-Canadian
: authorities have arrested 3 men
¯ and are seeking a 4th - who are
¯ believed linked to white su-
:. premacist and nee-Nazi organi-
: z,ations - in comaection the brutal
1991 mad-gay murder ofGordon
Kuhtev. Kuhtey was killed on
’ the mo’nfing ofWinnipeg’s 1991
~ gay pride celebration, June 30,
¯ as he walked along a riverbank ¯
footpath. AccordingtoWimfipeg
police, Kuhtey was suddenly
confronted by at least four young
men who savagely beat him in
the head, then tossed him into
the nearby river and proceeded
to hurl stones at his floating body.
He died of massive head injuries.
Althongh Wilmipeg authorities
had little luck in tracking
down Kuhtey’s killers, the police
homicide and hate crimes
refit kept the case open and dog-
" gedly continued their investigation.
In late February their persistence
paid off and the 29th
Calgary police arrested Matthew
A. McKay, 25, in that city;
Penticton Royal Canadian
Mounted Police also arrested
Jmnes R. Lisik, 22, in British
white supremacist groups.
Anti-Gay Crimes in SF
~olice department’s hate crimes
unit says that bias-based crimes
rose 23% to 350 incidents in
1995 over the previous year, the
anti-gay and -lesbian incidents
constituting both the largest
single category and the largest
increase. The hate crimes unit
reported that 144- or41% - of all
such crimes reported in .1995
were based on sexual orientation
and that anti-gay incidents
increased nearly a third last year
over 1994. Police said it was not
dear whether the number of reported
incidents reflected an actual
surge in anti-gay attacks or
was a result of greater willingness
on the part of gays and
lesbians to report such incidents
because of increased publicity
of attacks.
Anti-Gay Attacks
Ignored in Kentucky ,
MOREHEAD, Ky. - Morehead
State Ulfiversity officials disagreed
with an instructor’s claim
that.an attack on a female student
was part of a patteru of
campuswide gay-bashing at the
school. Three masked men
jumped out of hiding on Feb. 5
and verbally and physically assaulted
a 20-year-old female student
on a campus walkway,
punching her in the face and
stomacK RogerHolbrook, coor~
dinator of investigations for
MSU police, said the student
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
believed the attack was related " another high school that trig- " arrested them at an adult book- cious of his motives, which place at a state-funded facility.
to "the friends or acquaintances ¯
she keeps." But MSU English
instructor Patti Swartz said sh_ej
is outraged at the university ¯
administration’ s lack ofresponse ¯
following theincident, which she ¯
labeled a gay bashing. Swartz
has written letters expressing her
concern to MSU President "
Ronald Eaglin and the vice presi- ¯
dents of student affairs and aca- ¯
demic affairs saying the attack ¯
_was just the latest in a series Of ¯
anti-gay and -les~bian attacks.
Utah: NotO Eq ual Access "
Boardof Education is writing to "
the state’s congressional delega- "
tion asking them to back federal ¯
legislation that would make it ¯
legal for local school districts to -"
decide what nonacademic clubs "
can be allowed on their cam- ¯
puses. The Salt Lake City school
board has also writing a similar "
letter condemning the federal ¯
governmentforforcing theboard ¯
to ban all non-academic clubs "
just so schools there wouldn’t "
have to recognize a gay and les- ¯
bian club that students had asked ¯
to form. The Salt Lake City let- "
ter says the school board was ¯
forced into the ban "’under du- ¯
ress" because of a federal law "
guaranteeing equal access to "
school actavitles for all groups .
and clubs. Although the letters
both blame federal laws for the
dilemma they’rein, both of them ."
carefully sidestep mentiomng .
that the law - the Equal Access
Act - was sponsored by Sen. ¯
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) so that "
Bible clubs and religious ori- ¯
ented groups could meet in public
Meanwhile, a group of stu-¯"
dents at Cottonwood High .
School have am~ounced plans to
launch a gay-straight student alliance
similar to one proposed at ¯
gered a national furor. Students
Cara Varallo and Brin Bon say
they met with Cottonwood Principal
Michael Bennett to discuss
creatinga gay-straight club next
fall at the school. On Feb. 20, the
Salt I~ake City School Board
voted4-3 to end all nonacademic
clubs rather than allow ~the gay
school club. The Cottonwood
students, say .they ,already have
10 students to join the club.
Gay Studies at Berkeley
BERKELEY, Calif. - The University
of California at Berkeley
this semester has begun its Lesbian,
.Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender (LGBT) Studies
minor, the first gay studies minor
in the University of California
system. The new minor, part
of the College of Letters and
Science’s Undergraduate Interdisciplinary
Studies (UGIS) department,
offers four basic core
courses and a list of electives
dealing with homosexuality, past
and present. Initial plans for the
minor got started when students
at the school in- 1990 protested
about the lack of a gay studies
program at the university. Some
2.0, active UC staff, faculty and
students have been involved in
formulating the curriculum.
CA Court Rules Against
Undercover Stings
SAN FRANCISCO - The California
supreme court has unanimously
ruled in favor of 2 Santa
Clara (Calif.) County men- Dennis
Baluyut and Job Lopez - saying
a pattern of anti-gay discrimination
in police arrests was
sufficient to demonstrate they
were being singled out by authorities
in a pohce sting operation
by Mountain View police.
Attorneys for the city’s police
had argued that the 2 men had to
legally prove the officers who
¯ store for soliciting sex with an
¯ undercover officer had intended
¯ to single out gays for arrests.
¯ Baluyut and Lopez filed a law-
. suit, arguing that arrest records
¯ alone showed a pattern of dis-
" cnmination by police in arrest-
. lng gays in such sting opera-
" t.ions, mid the state’s high court
¯ Sided with the 2 men on appeal.
Kentucky Privacy Bill
¯¯ FRANKFORT, Ky. - Ithadmore
to do with the kinds ofenormous
¯ computer data files maintained
¯ On pe0pid by bank~, credit agdn-
¯ cies, and other public and pri- ¯
vale organizations, but the stun-
" ningly simple idea of adding an
¯ explicit right to privacy to the
Kentucky constitution has law-
" makers and politicians through-
" out the state worried about a
¯ "hidden agenda" covering ev-
¯ erything from abortion rights to
¯ sodomy. But the proposed
¯ amendment to the state’s "Bill
; of Rights" was introduced by
¯ one of the legislature’s most re-
" spected lawmakers, state Rep.
¯ Joe Clarke, a member of the
¯ House since 1970 and its one-
" time speaker. What’s more,
¯ Clarke, a Danville, Ky., Demo-
¯ crat, says he’s not overly con-
. cerned that his proposed consti-
" tutional amendment might le-
¯ galize sodomyormake anti-abor-
¯ tion restrictions void. Among
¯ other things, Clarke noted that ¯ the state supreme court has al-
¯ ready ruled that there is an im-
¯ plied right toprivacy in the Ken-
" tucky constitution and that it
¯ means laws against sodom) are
¯ themselves unconstitutional. So
¯ Clarke says he’s not especially ¯
concerned that enshrining the
¯ right to privacy in the constitu-
¯ tion would have much impact
one way or the other on social
legislation. Even so, Clarke says
fellow lawmakers remain suspimakes
him pessimistic about its
chances. "I think it’s an important
issue....I don’t think it has
much of a chance this tilne.’"
New Hampshire Policies
CONCORD. N.H. - A group of
, parents aud other concerned citizens
have filed suit against the
Merrimack school board in U.S.
District Court, char~ng that the
¯ ¯ board’s recently adopted policy
of prohibiting any materials that
have "the effect of encouraging
or supporting homosexuality as
a positive lifestyle alternative"
violatedFirst Amendment rights
of free speech. The suit claims
that the policy has led to books
being removed from schools,
classroom discussions being cut
off, and curriculum topics being
restricted. At a press conference,
Debra Herget, one of the plaintiffs
in the suit and the mother of
3 children attending schools in
the district, said, "’This policy
¯ .hurts and distorts the education
¯ of students every day. Now is
¯ the right time to put au end to it
¯- and return to the sound policies
which have always guided our
children’s education in the past.’"
Recently, the New
Hampshire’s legislature voted
293-35 to send a proposed measure
adding sexual orientation to
the state’s civil rights statutes
for "’extended stud)’.’" The move
effectively puts the proposal on
hold for this year while a legislative
committee studies the measure
and reports back to the full
legislature next fall.
Alabama Gay Conf.
Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual College
Conference of the Southeastern
United States went ahead
at the University of .Alabama,
more or less without incident,
despite attempts by state officials
to block the confab taking
Just days before the conference
was slated to start, a federal distrier
courtjudge rejected the statc
attorney general’s argument that
the confereuce was illeg~d and
ruled that the conference would
go ahead as plmmed. As the conference
itself got started, the
managerofWMCF-TV, a Christian
Broadcasting Co. television
affiliate~ charged the statiou’s
First Amendmentrights had been
violatedwhen organizers refused
to let his TV crew videotape the
conference’,s, w~rkshops. Organizers
of the meeting; however,
said videotaping the event wotfld
have been disruptive and would
have violated the privacy rights
of those attending.
Mont. Sodomy Law Out
HELENA, Mont. - Moutana
District Court Judge Jeffrey
Sherlock has ruled that the state" s
sodomy law is ,an unconstitutional
infringement of privacy
protections guaranteed under
state law. State officials are expected
to appeal the ruliug to the
state supreme court, although the
attorney general’s office gave
no indication of its intentions
about the ruliug, which orders
the state not to enforce the law.
The 1973 felony statute "called
for up to 10 year~ in prison and a
fine of up to $50,000. No one
had ever been prosecuted under
the law.
Judge Denies Custody
RICHMOND, Va. - A Virginia
judge has again rejected an appeal
by lesbian mom Sharon
Bottoms in her 3-year efforts to
gain custody of l~er son Tyler.
Ironically Judge \Villimn B’oice
questioned Bottoms" financial
ability to care for her son, while
he criticized herfor si~nng a
$75,000 contract to allow ABCTV
to make a television movie
about her struggle for custody.
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AIDS & Young People
AIDS Policy Office has issued a report on
the epidemic that indicates little or no
progress is being made in lowering the
HIV infection rote amongAmerican young
people. At a press conference, Patricia
Fleming, the AIDS policy office director,
described the report on AIDS and American
youth "a call for action" to intensify
AIDS prevenuon efforts in the country’s
schools and communities with a greater
role for young Americans in the fight
against the epidemic. Health officials say
the teenage infection proportion is about
the same as it was in the mid-1980s,
despite dramaficall.,, increased awareness
of the disease. That means many adolescents
either are not getting the message
about AIDS prevention, or they do not
have the skills or desire to protect themselves
from being exposed to the virus
even if they "know how it is spread.The
only declinein infection rates among racial"
or ethnic groups was among young
white males.
KS Virus Identified
SAN FRANCISCO - Researchers at the
University of California at San Francisco
report in the journal Nature Medicine that
they have finallyidentified thc,_organism
that causes Kaposi "s sarcoma, a once-rare
skin cancer that now strikes thousands of
people with AIDS. Kaposi’s Sarcoma was,
in fact, the first indication noted by doctors
in 1981 that some unusual h~alth
problem was affecting gay meu. The researchers,
headed by Dr. Don Ganem at
UC-SF, isolated the microbe, -known as
KS-associated herpes virus or human
herpes virus 8 (HHVS). It ~s one of a
growing number of retro-viruses that scientists
ha~,’e only just begun discovering
and identifying in the past few decades.
HIV Strain Raises Fears of
Heterosexual Epidemic+,~-
BOSTON" - Writing in the journal Science.
Dr. Max Ess%x of the Harvard AIDS
Institute warns that new-Asian and Afrb
can strains of HJ3,; spwad much more
easily among heterosexuals than prev~z_-
ouslv identified HIV-1 strains of the
rus. :’If it takes holdh~(~h ~ewest) we
could face a much mote sig~tificant epii
demic among he.teri~sext~ls(~" Essex
warns. Researchers have found that a strain
of the virus found in Thailand thrives in
the reproductive tracts ofwomen, making
it far more likelvoio betrangmitted during
heterosexual rutercourse than the HIV-1
strains common in the West.
FDA Considers Growth
WASHINGTON - .Ma advisory panel of
the Food & Drug Administration has begun
reviewing an application for fullscale
marketing of a growth hormone by
Serene Laboratories Inc. of Norwell,
YAass., as a way to fight AIDS-related
weight loss, one bf the most serious medical
complications faced by people stricken
with the disease. In later stages of the
illness, between 15% and 40% of those
with AIDS suffer from this wasting syndrome,
making them far more susceptible
to infections. AIDS experts estimated that
9 out of 10 AIDS deaths in the U.S. are
related to excessive weight-loss problems.
Genentech Inc., the South San Francisto
.... Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
B~! & for, but not exclusive
to the Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings:
7-8:30 pm for testing, 7-9 pm for results.
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
TOH R Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights
4158 South Ha rvard, S ite E-2
2 doors east of the H!V,~Resouxee;_Ccmsortiurn
Look for our banner on tesfing"nights.
biomedical finn, at one time had considered
marketing the growth hormone as an
AIDS medication, but gave up on the
plan. Now Serene has applied to the FDA
for permismon to begin full-scale marketmg
of its growth hormone, known as
Serosfim, for people with AIDS who are
experiencing severe weight loss problems¯
Implant to Fight Eye Infection
\VASHINGTON~’~ Chiron Corp., based
in Emervville, C~if., has won federal
approval’to be~n marketing ofan implant
used to treat an AIDS-related infection,
known as CM,¥;Tetinitis, that causes blindness.
The Food & Drug Administration
gave the firm the green light to begin
marketing Vivrasert, which is surgically
implanted in the eve of the patient where
it releases aconfint~ous dose ofganciclovir,
an anfiviral medicine that combats the
infection for up to 6 months. Between 15
percent and 40 percent ofAIDS patients
in the U.S. Suffer from CMV infections.
Public-Private Vaccine Venture
officials have unveiled plans for a cooperative
private-public venture aimed a
developing an AIDS vaccine by the year
2002, largely by removing government
and bureaucratic obstacles that havemade
some companies shy away from work on
vaccines. Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National
Institute of Allergy & Infectious
Diseases said it will be years before any
vaccine ~s likely available, but the joint
project may help smooth out and speed up
the process. The cooperative project involves
basic medical research being done
by federal agencies that private pharmaceutical
and biomedical firms involved in
the project could use in developing possible
vaccines. The project also would
establish specific clinical criteria for
safety, testing and evaluation of effectiveness
trials of such vaccine candidates.
CDC: AIDS Continues Spiral
ATLANTA The Centers for Disease
Control has released its latest AIDS data,
covenng the period from 1993 to 1994,
that shows the disease continued for the
2rid year in a row to be the leading cause
of death among Americans between the
ages of 25 and 44. The detailed statistics
also indicated that the epidemic continues
to grow fastest among African Americans.
In that age category, nearly a third of
all deaths among black men are now attributed
to AIDS; some 22% of the deaths
among black women; 20% of deaths
among white men; and 6% among white
Asia & Africa AIDS Prevention
BALTIMORE - Amid much of the grim
news about the global spread of HIV that
researchers heard at the annual meeting of
the American Association for the Advancement
ofScience,justconcluded here,
was actually some good news from regions
in Africa and Asia. Dr. Thomas
Quinn of Johns Hopkins University reported
that efforts launched in the early
1990s when the government of Thailand
began realizing the nation was quickly
heading for an HIV crisis have made a
dent in the rate ate virus is spreading in
parts of the country. Widespread distribution
of condoms, tough police regulation
of brothels, and a nationwide treatment
program for sexually transmitted disease,
Quinn says, have made dramatic reductions
in the spread of HIV. "When you put
all this together,what was then witnessed
in Cheng Mai and in Bangkok and several
other places was a steady decline in the
growth rate ofHIV infection," Quinn said.
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Agape’ Christian
Fellowship .
Worship Service, 10:30 am _"
Sheridan Center, Suite H ¯
21 st & Sheridan, 599-7688 ,"
¯ Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East 11th 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodist) ;
Worship Service, 6 pm ¯
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800 -"
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterburv
5th & Evanston, 583-9~80
HIV Testing
TOHR Clinic
Free & anonymous testing
using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
Results hours: 7-9 pm
Info: 742-2927
." Lambda Bowling.League
¯ Sheridan Lanes ¯
¯" 8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan .
Support Group
2rid Monday of month,
6:30 pm
~4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
The Technicians, Leather
org., Info c/o 621-5597
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform
& Leather,. Seekers Assoc.
Info: 838-1222
The Banned, OK Gay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
HIV+ Support Group
HIV Resource Consortium
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
lnfo: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
HIV/AIDS Support Group
Friends & Family
HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pm, call for location:
Community of Hope
Grief Group, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Womens Grief Group
6pro, ButleriStumpff
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
lnfo: 585-1800
Authority OfThe Believer
¯ Bible Study, 7 pm
¯ MCC of Greater Tulsa
¯ 1623 N. Maplewood
: Info: 838-1715
Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
545 I-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info,
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
Bible Study, 7 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention Project
Support group
for Gay & Bi Native
American Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
1703 E. 2rid
582-7225 or 584-4983
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
: Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
¯ Co-Dependency
Support Group
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30 pm
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice~ 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
Weekly social events for
LGBT men & women, 7 pm
Info: 646-5503
Substance Abuse
Support Group
for persons with HIV AIDS
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
3-4:30 pro, Info: 749-4194
St. Jerome’s Ecumenical
Catholic Church
Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at I 1 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585= 1800
.NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748=37t 1
~... ~q.t "
Gay & Lesbian St~utent
TJC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
TOHR Helpline
Daily 8-10 pm
For info. ~r to vohmteer:
Gaylapalooza, 8 pm
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
110 E. Second, Info: 596-7111
Miss Gay South USofA
Silver Star Saloon
9 pm, 1565 S. Sheridan, Info: 834-4234
Lola’s 2nd Anniversary Party
11 pro, 2630 E. 15th, Info:-749-1563
Rainbow Business Guild:
City Councilor Gary Watts
7 pro, Chinese Buffet, 6219 E. 61
Dinner Meeting, Info: 665-5174
Community ofHope Movie Night &
Discussion: Priest
7:30pro, 1703 E. 2rid, Info: 585-1800
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
The Passion ofOur Lord
6 pro, The Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
Info: page Father Rick at 646-7116
Family ofFaith MCC Palm Sunday
11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Women &AIDS Conference. 8am- 5 pm
Chapman Activity Ctr., Univ. of Tulsa
5th St. west of Harvard, Info: 743-4297
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Human Rights
Community Meeting, 7 pm
Chapman Activity Ctr., Univ. of Tulsa
FamilyofFaith MCC Spy Wednesday
6:30 pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Maundy Thursday at
Family ofFaith MCC
7 pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441, and
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
6 pro, The Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
and The First Day ofPassover
Good Friday at
Family ofFaith MCC
7 pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
6 pm, The Garden Chapel~3841 S. Peoria
The Great Vigil ofEaster
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
6 pm, The Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
Easter at
St. Jerome’s Catholic Church
8:30 am, The Garden Chape, and
Family ofFaith MCC
11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441, and
Agape Christian Fellowship
21st & Sheridan, Info: 599-7688, and
MCC ofGreater Tulsa
1623 N. Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
AIDS Coalition ofTulsa
Mental Health Needs of
HIVIAIDS Providers.
Noon - 1:30 pm, Mental Health As’soc.
1870 S. Boulder
The Technicians ( [2ather org.)
7:30 pm, Rum Runner’s Hideaway, formerlv
822 ~o. Sheridan, 835-6535
Safe, Haven, a free, non-political, nonreligious,
non-recovery-oriented social
gathering for LGBT young adults. 18-30
Family of Faith MCC. 8 - midnight
5451-E S. Mingo, Info:-622:1441
Dignityllntegrity Meeting
Lesbian/Gay Cathohcs & Episcopalians
5 pm, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
5635 E. 71st, Into: POB 701044, 74170
Out & About
by JD Jamett
" I was truly out & about this past several
weeks. Did vou that Kansas City has river
boat casino~? Well this poor l~oy fo_..und
out andlost afew dollars whileroymo!her
became the Queer/of the SLots. Then it
was out of K.C.and down to New Orleans
for the Pantheon Leather Awards. This
was truly an experience unto itself. Just
ask Larry Everett (International Mr.
Leather) how goodhe looks in a feathered
mask and .boa, and how he and 2 other
international title holders ~practically
brought down the house. Also ~e former
Oklahomam (oops - Oklaho-woman?)
received one of the Reader’s Choice of the
Year awards from the Leather Journal
(Pantheon Leather Awards is the Leather
Journal’s and the leather community’s
Academy Awards). see JD, page 13
mm mm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The-University of Tulsa
¯: A Weekend of One Act Plays
¯¯ April 12, 13, & 14, Fri. &.Sat. at~7pm, Sun. at 2pm & 7:30prn
¯ Theatre 2, Kendall Hall, Free to the public. ¯¯ including
¯¯ On Tidy Endings by Harvey Fierstein
¯ HlVariations: Cater Waiter, ¯¯ Andre’s Mother, and Mr Rosen’s Son
¯ (both on Sunday at 2pm)
¯ Also, Diaries
¯ An original one-act musical of politics, religion and Gay life.
by Jennifer Hoyer, Gabriel Washam,& James Gregory
¯ Mon, April 29 at 7pm in Chapman Hall
For more info, call 631-2566
mmnmmm mmmmmmm mm mm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Saint Jerome
Cathdic Church
Tile Key. Father
Ricf~ Hoffirujswortfi, P~stor
Pmje Father Ric~ at 62~6-7116
for more information.
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¯ TU’s clear regulations. During that meet-
- ing, Dr. Reid claims, he was pressured and
¯ intimidated by TU s counsel, Fred Corengaged
in selective enforcement of its " nish. Reid, who holds dual citizenship
sexual harassmentpolicy,specifically be- from Canada and the United Kingdom,
cause the complaint involved same-gen- . adds that as a resident alien, he did not
derparticipants,andsadomasochisticcon- " know exacdy what his rights were and
duct.. This board concluded that TU did
¯ that he was fearfd of being deported,
: not prove as required that Dr. Reid had " even though he’d committed no crime.
¯ engaged in sexual harassment. . d ~ ~ Furthermore, the Appeals Board f.oun_d
~- ~fthesevenmembersoftheUABoar ,.. ~i that~iri the:heating Reid f’mally received,
four found the sanction of firinglo be too,.:, the i:eview ,e,ommittee improperly resevere
and of those, three stai~dthat the:~ ¯ stridted)Reid s attoraey from adequate
sanct|on was disproporfouate to the mis-: " access to Pohlman f0r cross-exzmiuation
conduct provenandrecommendeda’sanc- ~." and that TUcounsel improperly asserted
tionotherthandisnussal,addingth~it . ~ . attorney-client;privilege on the part of
procedural violations so colored the~ ~ Provost Lewis.-Dune,an, Vice-Provost
decision,..that the sanction is fundamen-~ ~ Allen Soltow,. Physics chair Kenneth
rally unfair". > : : - , . :~ KuenlaoldandTU Gen. Counsel,Barbara
.~ccordingft0 .Reid,. he and Marlin : Geffem ’. :. ~ " ~:, : ..’ . i:
Pohlman beb,ame invol.ved in a consen-:. Despite,the numerous finding of sensual,
non4exual, Social friendship that
began when Pohlman was a student in
Reid’s class. Reid notes that Pohlmanmmntained
the friendship long after the
class ended, accepting invitations to visit
Reid in Iris home and complaint, nolonger
even was aTU student but never-the-less,
TU officials provided him with housing
,’rod,also legal counsel, Fred Cornish. Cor-
~fish also happened to be representing the
umversitv at the same time. This alleganon
is jdst one of the many procedural
v~olauons of TU’s own regulauons.
Other procedural violations found
against TU by its own Appeals Board
include no notice of the meeting at which
Reid was charged, though he was not
.~iven written notice of the charges as is
~equired,immediately suspended, was escorted
by armed guard from campus, and
not being given adequate time to retmn
counsel - all of which were violations of
: ous improprieties on ihe part of the Uni:
¯ versity of Tulsa and its agents, and the
recommendation by the majority of the
: University Appeals Board that a milder
: sanction is appropriate, Pres. Robert
¯ Donaldson sent a letter to iheTU trustees
: claiming theAppeals Boardrecommended
: termination. All the trustees of the Uni-
¯ versity ofTulsapresent votedunanimously
: on Feb. 7 to fire Dr. James Reid, thus
: destroying his career. Keith Bailey, chair-
: man of the board of trustees of the University
of Tulsa only would say that it would
: no[ be appropriate to discuss Dr. Reid’s
¯ case.
: Reid, who’s since moved to the Northwest,
has been reduced to menial labor
: and the kindness of old friends. While he
: admits to poor judgement in his friend-
: ship with Pohlman, he says that TU’s rife
with rumors of heterosexual misconduct
see TU. page 13
MAY 25 7:50P."vl
6910 S. 1015T E. A’v~E
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Joining the growing list oftitles
.about coming ofage in the.1990s
is this eye-0pening example by
Linnea Due. With seven lengthy
essays, Due takes us on a tour
across the United States, highlighted
by interviews with Gay
and Lesbian youth. From Portland,
Oregon to New Orleans to
Hai’vey MilkHJgliSdhoolinNew
York City, we meet many witty,
defiant and frustrated youth who
arecoming to terms with their
sexual orientation and surroundings.
An interesting entry centers
around a young man, John, who
grew up in Colorado Springs,
during the Amendment 2 battle,
and is now attending a Santa Fe
high school He tries very hard
to not believe the terrible things
he has heard about homosexuals,
but he doesn’t get the support
or information from farnily,
friends or soc,ety to make informed
decisions. He is constantly
told that being gay is a
choice, and the depths of his
despair are revealed as he sarcastically
responds, "Sure, I
choose to have a horrible life.
How about you?"
Other youth we meet include a
young, black woman dealing
with the twin pressures of racism
and homophobia, kids at the
Harvey Milk "’Queer High
School" inNew Yorkand a group
of French Q~ter teens banding
together for supporL:.There ~is. an
overwhelming sense of frustration
and lack of confidence in
these kids countrywide. As a
group, they are discouraged at
the lack of guidance and support
from older Gays and Lesbians,
while at the same time acknowledging
the difficulties, from a
legal and social perspective, that
the older generation has being
The bottom line, if this book’s
entries are representative of
QSueer youth in general, is that
despite the advances that have
been made for Gay equality
through the years, growing up
Gayis still a very traumatic and
confusing time. This book is a
wake up call to those who are
concerned about the suicide rates
of Gay teens and the mental
health of growing minds.
¯ , " Forotherlibrarybooksofsimi-
¯ ’Jar interest, including Passage of
] Pride: Lesbian and Gay Youth
: Come of Age, by Kurt Chandler,
¯ please call your local branch library
or the Readers Services
] Departmeni at the Central Li-
: brarv at 596-7966.
they were legally performed elsewhere,
and for calling for a boycott
of Hawaii if courts there
legalize gay and lesbian weddings.
She said the state should
boycott any non-essential travel
to Hawaii if the courts there declare
same-sex marriages are le=
gal under that state’s constitution
"to punish this kind of madness."
marriages has swept rapidly
throughout s~ate legislatures
through the c0untry~ but so far;
the Michigan ~roposai is the,firs~
to call for a boycott of Hawaii if
the courts rule’in favor 9f same~
sex unions.
Sen. Jim Holcomb (R-Sullivan.
County) sponsored a bill to ban
same-sex marriages in Termessee
and refuse to recognize any
such marriage that might be legally
performed in any other
state. The bill overwhelmingly
passed the Senate by a vote of
A committee of the Colorado
House of Representatives has
approved proposed legislation
that would barrecognizing samesex
marriages that might be legal
in other states.
In Maryland, Delegate Emmitt
Bums introduced a measure that
would bar recognizing same-sex
marriages in the state, declaring
such marriages "repugnant" to
public policy.
Eureka Springs 9th Annual May Fine Arts Festival
Jim & Brent’s Bistro Calendar of Events
Benefit Show for IAM
American Theatre Company
presents "Camping with Henry
&Tom", anew historical fiction
by Mark St. Germain, April 12-
20, 1996. ATC has generously
donated their 8pm,Thurs., April
11 preview performance to benefit
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
at the PAC John H. Williams
Theatre. Tickets are $8. Call 438-
2437 or 663-5372.
The author. St. Gemmin. dcscribes
this work as "a fiction
suggested by facts". Ttmt Prcs.
Harding went camping with
Henry Ford and Thomas FAison
is fact; their "escape" from the
media-packed Cmnpsite is tictional.
Their ensuing conversation
is not only thought-provoking
but, at times, very humorous.
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Closed Wednesdm Eureka Springs, 4R 726.¢2
Thurs. May 2nd, Silence With A Voice
Gay & Lesbian Art Exhibit 5-10 PM, Dinner Will Be Served 6-10 PM
at. May 4th, Listen! Look At Me.t Visual Performance Art On The Passion, Pain,
Politics & Power of Lesbian Women. Soap & Vick Events.
A uniquely artistic show where art performs & poetry, dances.
Sun. Mother’s Day 12th, A Mother’s Love.. ?
An eclectic artcollcction of motherS.’ lives, loves & dedicationtd &eir children.i
9-11 PM. Gwendolyn’s Superb Sunday Brunch WillBe Served 9 AM - 3 PM.
Jim s Dinner Served 5-11 P~I
Tues. May 14th, Poetry On Planer Hill, OlJen Mic[ 6-8 PM.
Thurs. 30th & Fri. 31st, Bistro B~at Etc.
Live Music On The Deck, Lunch 11:30 - 2:30& Dinner 5-11 PM.
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Eureka Springs, AR 72632
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If you are interested in a small company
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For more complete information about a
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fund, contact a financial consultant.
Note: Dear readers, Should you ever
have any questions about the information
in my articles, pleasefeelfree to contact
me at (918) 744-0102.
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by professors and admi~s~ators. He
names names - of the former ]aw professor
who was said to sleep with his students
or the English professorwhoimpregnated
a student attending his class. He tells of
rumors that even circulate about Pres.
Donaldson. And these rumors aren’t limited
to him - many students around TU
can name the same names and details.
But he notes with bitterness that these
folks don’t seem to receive sanctions, or if
they do, they’re nothing like what he’s
experienced. Reid feels that only anti-
Gay and anti-s/m bias can explain why
other professors who clearly appear to
have had sex with their students remain at
TU while he had a friendship that involved
no more intimacy or actions than
between twomen boxing is gone. "Rugby
players engage in more vi,olence and contact
than we did but rugby s socially sanctioned
and s/m is not," he adds.
When told of how Lesbian and Gay
faculty on campus whom he once thought
were friendly now malign him, citing his
poor grooming or too casual dress, Reid
justcomments onhow sad it is that they’re
so scared now. He says they know if it
happened to him, it could happen to them
too. He thinks that TU trustees, counsel,
administrators, all know that their actions
are indefensible, but they thought they
couldjustcover it all up, or thathe couldn’t
get any help, .oi: that he’d be too intimidated.
For the future, Reid’s working with
national legal aid orgamzations to pursue
a lawsuit. Meanwhile, one faculty member
with a penchant for gossip says what
really got TU scared was Pohlmar] threatening
to take his video to TV’s Hard
Copy. Reid says maybe he’ll do it instead.
JD cont’dfromp. 9
Well, this month’s feature is as downhome
and friendly as a bar can be. That’s
rightput on any ofyour favorite drag from
leather to lace to good old denim for this
establishment and get ready for a good old
time at the Silver Star Saloon. This club
has been home to such events as Mr.Tulsa
Leather, Mr. Oklahoma Leather, Miss
Central State, and on March 17th, the first
Miss South USofA pageant. The owners,
John & Steve, are some of the nicest guys
.I know. They have been active in supportzng
HIV/AIDS fundraisers and community
events like the Pride Picnic over the
past 4 years: they will celebrate the Silver
Star’ anniversary on April 15th.
Weekly events include such things as
Wednesday nights Drag Rodeo Roundup
with Courtney Farrell (love you, missy)
and Sunday nights with tight buns and big
chests, oops, I meanmale dancers from 10
to close. This bar has lots room on the
dance floor for those who like country or
good dance music. They also have pool
tables and darts.
In closing, as Dorothy said, thereis no
place like home and the people you love
(remember to tell them that - it will make
their day and yours). Until Toto comes
home, see ya out &about.
Photos, JD damett, 621-5597
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Serving a Diverse Community
by Jean-Pierre, TFN Food Critic
Those of us who had the privilege of
growing up in the Southwest have had
plenty ofopportunity to eatMexicanfood.
Remember the day~ ,~lien~ff~-were butch
littlejunior high hellions and competed to
see who could eat the most platefuls of the
all-you-can-eat special at Casa Bonita?
Well, we’ve grown up and discovered
that Mexican food can be more than a
hedonistic glut-fest or a midnight trip
through theTaco Mayo drive-up window.
Quite by accident, we came across the
Santa Fe. Mexican Restaurant-at 1515
South Sheridan inTulsa;.just north Of the
Silver Star Saloon. It’ s been there for four
years, owned and operated by the
Contreras family, some real Mexico Mexicans,
with traditional family recipes and a
talent for good food in a comfortable and
relaxed atmosphere. And, as a smaller,
family restaurant, the waiters and waitresses
don’t run frenetically from table to
table and none of the faux-Mexican decoration
or.m~sic rears its ugly head as we
see so:-oft~nfi~iithe chain establishments.
Theb~i~appears unpretentious and
the inside decor is quite modest. Butprices
are extremely reasonable for a large plate
of excellent-,[~. On weekdays, there is a
luncheon biiffei’for $5:50 per person, and
most of the a la carte entrees are $4.50.
There are smo-kigg and non=smOking sections
anda:ifull~!~i[~,~,ensed bar.
Several ~=tast~:~!:~ups are available as
starters. The ~o~.~e is a spicy pork and
hominy mix .~*:i~:lots of coriander and
peppers: Th~rfi ig"~m unusual chicken and
ve~aicelfi sbup;;;vhich we expected to
resemble something along the line of
: Campbell’s chicken noodle, but which
: was a full flavored red stock, full of bro-
¯ ken pieces of angel hair pasta noodles. A
chicken tortilla soup is also available.
: Guacamole salad is one of the tdling
: signs of freshness with Mexican food. As
¯ youmay know frommaking guacamole at
: home, once cut, the avocado very quickly
~ turns brown on exposure to air, so lemon
¯ or lime juice is squeezed on to the cut
surfaces to retard discoloration. The
~ guacamole at SantaFe was freshly made,
: chunky, and bright green, with no trace of
¯ browning and no taste of citrus juice--
: this is amazing and most enjoyable.
." This place has some of the best tamales
: we’ve ever eaten in Tulsa, made b.y hand
:¯ and Steamed the traditional way m corn
husks. These tamales taste like what you
¯ might be served by a friend’s mother at
¯ the family dinner table, not like what
¯ we’ve come to expect from restaurants. ¯ Vvqaile all of the traditional Mexican
_" entrees are on the menu, you may espe-
¯ cially want to try the chicken enchiladas,
¯ which are juicy and mouth-watering. ¯
Watch out, though, because we did find a
¯ bone chip in the chicken on a recent visit.
The enchiladas and other entrees are
¯ available with several sauces,and we com-
" mend to you the mole sauce. Mole (pro-
" nounced, "MOH-Iay") is a traditional
¯ Mexican sauce made from unsweetened
chocolate and hot peppers. The Spanish
~ conqmstadors were introduced to choco-
¯ late by the Aztecs and took the cocoa
: beans back to Europe, where the sugar
¯ started to be added. This Mexican sauce is
¯ not sxveet, tastes like nothing .you can
~ imagine, and is delicious.
¯ The dessert list inclUdes a tasty little-
" tan, an individual egg custard baked with
caramelized sugar that forms a brown
bittersweet sauce.
Our only complaint is the complementary
salsa served is a bit too thin and
watery, but it i s tasty and does appear to be
freshly made onions and cilantro have a
distinctive tastewhenfresh andnot canned
or bottled.
In themoodfor good, home-style Mexican
food in a casual setting? We heartily
recommend Santa Fe for great food at a
surprisingly cheap price. And, don’t forget
to mention you read about them in
Tulsa Family News.
Santa Fe Mexican Restaurant, 15i5
S. Sheridan. Prices: inexpensive. Service:
casual. Hours: 11 am - 9 pm; till
10 p.m. on Fri-Sat; closed Sun. Payment:
Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress,
Diner’s Club, Carte Blanche; no
checks. Non-smoking area: Yes. Alcohol:
Full bar. Opinion: A List.
7Z ts,. 663-5934 "
Daphane Cooper
by James Christjohn
Well, it’s not often that a critic gets to
¯ put his money where his Mac is, but now
¯ is the time. I’m pleased to announce that ¯
I amdirecting"HIVariations" - three short
¯ plays - during the weekend of one-acts at
~ TU on April 14 in Theatre 2 in Kendall
¯ Hall, 2pm. Ya’ll get to see if I really do
¯ know what I’m talking about.
¯ "HIVariations" are three plays centered
¯ aroundthereactions of family and spouses ¯
to the loss of a loved one due to HIV -
"Cater Waiter", now in production as a
¯ fflmstarfingDavidDrake, Andre’s Mother
¯ by T,,errence McNally; and "Mr. Rosen’s
Son . While the subject itself is rather
¯ - dark, there is humor in these shows. The
¯ cast includes Brad Luna, Karin Sandmel, ¯
¯ VivicaWalkenbach, and JohnWeller. On
the samebill, Harvey Fierstein’s"OnTidy
¯ Endings" is being produced, and some
¯ early Tennessee Williams works are included
in the weekend’s festivities. The
plays on Friday and Saturday start at 7pm,
~ Sunday’s plays are at 2 and 7:30pm. The
¯ weekend of one-acts ~s free to the public.
By the way, I’m still casting the part of
Mr. Rosen - 50-60 year old NYJewish
¯ man. If you or someone you know fits the
¯ bill, please call me at 583-1248. In addi-
¯ tion, the performance of an original one-
: act musical dealing with politics, religion
¯ and gay life, "Diaries" by Jennifer Hoyer,
with lyrics and music by Gabriel Washam
and James Gregory, all TU theatre stu-
dents, will be held Mon, April 29 at 7pro
¯ in Chapman Hall.
¯ Phantom was Phabulous! I was irasee
next page
APRIL 96, 7:30 pM
An Official Preliminary to
Miss Gay Oklahoma America
Head Co-Judges:
Miss Gertrude Garnet
Miss Gay Oklahoma America
Miss Rachael Erikks
Miss Oklahoma USofA
Advance tickets NOW available through
Carson Attractions, 584-2000,
or the Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Ticket Office, 596-7111
Phone ordered accepted, Visa/MC accepted.
Call today, seating is limited!
For more information, write to:
C.P., Inc.
P.O. Box 580372, Tulsa, OK 74115
Portions of proceeds to benefit
Shanti, Inc. and Our House
pressed with the quality of the cast, and the amazing voices.
ls it just me, or did anyone else think that the Phantom was
really after Raoul, who was really Phamily, and only using
Chri stine as a method of getting closer to him? Then, in the
end when the Phantom realizes that, unfortunately, Raoul
really does seem to be straight (NOT!), that he should let them
go live together? Just an interpretation all my own. Really, the
show is a spectacle worth seeing. I must admit, in all my years
of performing and viewing plays, I’ve never seen an inanimate
object (a chandelier) get applause before. The second act
kind of loses steam, as though the author thought, "OK, I’ve
got the characters into these situations, now how do I get them
out?" and lost track of the play itself. The first act is wonderful,
though, and the second is only affected in minor ways.
Tulsa’s Irish Festival occurs in Riverparks 3/15-16, and
should make for an interesting day at the park. I’m going to be
on the lookout for so~e leprechauns to get lucky with... I
mean, er, to helpme with luck! As in "Pot o’ gold" kinda stuf!!
OK, time to getmyselfoutof the corner here, before the Editor
finds out I’ve slipped this into the column ...
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each
additional word is 25 cents.
You may bring additional
attention to your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $ I
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2
Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad.
Count tlae number of words.
(A word for our purposes is a group
of letters or numbers separated
by a space.)
Send your ad &
payment to POB
4140, Tulsa, OK
74159 with your
name, complete address,
day &
eve. numbers
(for our records
Ads will run ~n
the next issue
after they are
TFN reserves the
right to edit or
refuse any ad. No
Singles for Espanol,
English & Alternative Lifestyles
1-900-820-9669, ext. 421"
$2.00/min 18+ Ttone req’d
Avalon Comm (305) 525-0800
Responsible Roommate Wanted
So. Tulsa area, NON-SMOKER, GWM’s
have room to rent in large 3 bedroom house,
preferably to same. Must be employed,
dean, trustworthy and discreet. References,
1st mo. rent & dep. req’d. $250/mo. washer/
dryer, cable TV, all utilities & basic phone
included. Call Gordon @ 672-5741.
dark hair and eyes, 31, waist, 26, seeks
others, 21-26, for fun, pleasure and lots
more. Leave me a message. (Ada) e48602
5’10", 125 good shape and a vegetarian,
very long hair, artist, seeks an extremely thin
and feminine GM, TS or TV, for fun and
much more. Call me soon. (Bartles)
To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2) To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star key (.)
Due to our large volume of ca s,
if you can’t g~t thru, s reply try
your call later.
900 blocked? Try 1-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
I’M OUT, ARE YOU?. GWM, 6’1 ", 265,
23, brown hair, blue eyes, varied interests,
seeks other GWM’, open and honest for
friendship and possibly mare. Please leave a
message. (El Dorado) e2624S
divorced, interested in everything, seeks
others for experience sharing and learning.
(McAlester) e49183
OPEN TO ALL IDEAS. GWM, 20, 5’11 ,,
180, blonde hair, blue eyes, varied interests,
seeks local guys for whatever happens.
(Muskogee] e48811
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what. you’re looking for. Our
~computerized system will walk you
thr0ugh Ihe rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
NOW AND THEN. GWM, 6’1 ", 190,
brown hair, green eyes, seeks others for
occasional encounters. (Muskogee)
140, dark haiti k~iu~ eyes, clean cut and
shaven, seeks local guys for fun friendship
and more. Ca me. (Tulsa) ’e49331
NO NONE NITERS. GWM, 25, tall,ban
and attractive, masculine and inexperienced,
variety of interests, smoke/drug/disease
free, seeks others, 20-30, for f~n friendship
and hopeful y more. Please be sincere and
not into one night affairs. Give me a call.
(Tulsa) ~34529
28,masculine, brown hair and eyes, 6’3",
seeks others for good times. I enjoy just
about everyth ng. Please be discreet¯
(Fayetteville) e6581 ¯
very submissive, seeks masculine and
dominant men, ever 6’ and straight or Bi,
for fun, pleasure and more. Please leave a
message. (Northwestem) ~32895
5’9", blonde hair, blue eyes, into all sports,
seeks others for fun, friendship and more.
Leave me a message. (Truman) ~48086
THIS IS MICHAEL. Bi Married WM, 6’1 ,,
195, brown hair, blue eyes, clean cut,
discreet, seeks Bi Males, married optional,
for fun, friendship and possibly more. Lets
share our learning experiences. Call me.
(Union County) ~48346
MUSCLE MANIA. GWM, 27, 148, 5’9",
good body seeks same 18-25 preferred.
Please leave a messagel (Oklahoma City)
TAKE A CHANCE. GWM, 30, 5’ 10", 170,
brown hair, green e~,es, varied interests,
seeEs local guys for ~n and adventure
Please leave a message. (Oklahoma City)
~273! 8
¯BORED AND LONELY. GWM, 6’1 ", 172,
good sha~, brown hair and eyes seeks
others for friendship and more. I ~m not into
the bar scene. Please leave.a message.
(Ponca City) e26514
others for fun, friendship and more. Please
leave a message. (Rogers) e30720
GWM, into classical music
and long walks, seeks others for pleasure
possibilities. Leave me a me~soge. (Tulsa)
RIDE ME HARD. GWM, new to town,
seeks GWM cowboys, masculine 18-38 and
boot wearing only, forgreat foot massage
and much more. fit and masculine only, Call
me. (Tulsa) ~49742
versatile, seeks local guys for adventure. Are
you game? (Tulsa) n49980
strawberry blonde hair, brown hair/170,
very cute, variety of interests, seeks other
GWM’s, 19-29, for fun, friendship and a
possible monogamous relationship. All
serious resaonses will be returned. (Tulsa)
¯r49141 ’
LET’S DO ITI. GWM, 6’, 185, brown hair,
greeneyes, well built and good looking,
seeks others, well built, tall for mutual
pleasure. Call me. (Tulsa) n48115
RIVERSIDE WALKS. GWM, 5’8", blonde
hair, blue eyes, beard and ’stache, seeks
others for intimate and romantic evenings.
Let’s become friends and seewhat happens.
(Tulsa) e45363
good looking and in shape, seeks others with
same qualities. Leave a message. (Tulsa)
seeks others, 18-21, for fun, friendship and
possible relationship. Please leave a
message. (Tulsa) ~ ! 1953
GWM, 6’1", 165, blonde hair, tan~ned and
hairy, seeks others for one on one or phone
fun. (Tulsa) ~33414
interests, late 40’s seeks other~ for fun and
more. (Tulsa] ~31509
6’1", 175, dark hair, blue eyes, good
looking, clean cut, inexperienced seeks
same, 21-30, for friendship and ~ore.
Please leave a message. (Tulsa) ~25993
YEE HAl. GWM, 19, 6’, 135, brown hair
and eyes, seeks others who am masculine
dominant, hairy, tall and looks like a
cowboy, for fun, friendship and lots more¯
Please leave a message. (Tulsa) ~27190 .
area, 28, 5’11", blonde hair, blue eyes,
strictly, passive, seeks strong and masculine
guys tor passion and more Call me soon
(Tulsa] ~49718 "
LET’S PLAY. GWM, new into Leather,
seeks others for safe, sane and consensual
fun. Give me a call. (Tulsa) e34324
,5 6 , black hair, brown eyes,
new to area, very romantic, seeks
others for fun, romance and
possibly more. If this nterests you,
please give me a call. (Broken .
Arrow) ~’48158
GIRL TALK. Bi Curious WF,
5’11",16.% 24, blonde hair.
eyes, v~riety, o~ interests, ot;~ do.:~:
wo~:.:~n, seeks Bi WF’s or C,,r~ous
WF’s, for lriendohip, e;’~plor.
and maybe mo~.. Leave a
message. (Oklai~oma)
I-i~Y" GIRI~!o GWF, into all sports
and more, seeks others to hang out
with. Give me a call. (Tulsa)
,-GUARANTEED. GWF, 31, seeks
|other females for fun, romance and
Fina ly....Unity Gardens
A final resting place in peace, unity and pride...
located in Washington Memorial Gardens ~.Cemetary
4300 E. 91st Street South
On 91st Street between Yale & Harvard
to ol
We offer
Gardens has been desi ned for
Gay and Lesb:
those "
there no cemetar, in ¯ lsa
allow s toge~
recogmzing as a cou
or/ Ion as an indi ddual?
is no place i Un will,
[TIL ~!
the y in the United States
of our cemetary just for
Lesbians, and their family and friends.
spaces, columnburium for cremated remains,
scattering gardens with a memorial wall,
.s new.ly expanded and renovated section of
gton Memorial Gardens Cemetary.
The Pride flag will proudly fly in the center of Unity Gardens
to always remind us of our struggle in life for unity and pride.
If you have purchased a plot elsewhere,
you may be able to transfer or trade your burial plots.
For.more information, please call Russell Langley-Stumpff at 918-587-7000.
***Owned and operated by Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home***
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, March 15-April 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/508.