[1996] Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 3


[1996] Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 3


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


February 15-March 14, 1996


James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmit
Barry Hensley
Pat Morehead
JD Jamett


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, January 15-February 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 2


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities - Our Families of the Heart February 15 - March 14, 1996, Volume 3, Issue 3
National News
Clinton Slams HIV+
Military Discharges
WASHINGTON - The Clinton administration
has announced that it believes the
HIV discharge provision in the $265 billion
Defense Department’s 1996 authorization
defense authorzafion bill is unconstitutional
and has ordered the Justice
Department not to defend the provision.
That provision, written by arch-conservalave
Rep. Bob Dornan, R-Calif., would
discharge within sxx months, regardless
see Clinton, page 3
Anti-Marriage Bills
ExplodeAround US
PIERRE, S.D.- Sparked by the likelihood
that state courts in Hawaii will soon declare
same-sex mamage legal there, a
rapidly growing number of state legislatures
throughout the country have started
arush to outlaw gay and lesbian marriages
from being recognized locally, even if
they should be legal elsewhere in the U.S.
Legislatures in at least 18 states: AL, AK,
CA, CO, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, MO, N19I; RI,
SC, SD, TN, VA, WA, WI - had various
versions of"gay miscegenation" proposals
before thein at press tame.
In Virginia, where same-sex marriages
are already forbidden by state law, under
pressure from Radical Right Gov. George
F. Allen, the Virginia Housing DevelopmentAuthority
has reversed a 1994 policy
and now effectively prohibits mmaamed
or gay and lesbian couples from getting
see Marriage, page 3
Gay Morn Appeals
Custody DecisiOn
PENSACOLA, Fla. - Mary Ward has
appealed an August ruling that ordered
her 11-year-old daughter be given over to
the custody of the child’s father, who was
convicted of killing his first wife.The decision
last year by state Circuit Court
Judge JosephTarbuck stunnedmany when
he ruled in favor of John Ward, the girl’s
father, who served 9 years in prison for
killing his first wife during an argument
over custody of their daughter. In deciding
against Mary Ward, Tarbuck ruled
see Morn, page 3
Tennessee Sodomy
Law Thrown Out
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. ~ The Tennessee
Court of Appeals has ruled unanimously
that the state’s anti-gay sodomy statute is
unconstitutional. In overturning the state
law the court ruled that the right to privacy
includes "the fight of the plaintiffs to
engage in consensual, private, non-commercial
sexual conduct" that were none of
the state’s business because they involve
"intimate questions of personal and family
concern." State officials gave no immediate
indication of whether they would
appeal the ruling to the state supreme
court or not, but most rights advocates
expect an appeal.
FUSO: Friends in Unity
Social Organization
Tulsa’s organization forAfrican-American
Gay men ~s expanding its efforts to
meet both social and health needs of their
immediate community, and the larger one.
Over the past year they’ve established a
RAIN team, which has its first client, and
which may be the only all African-Amencan
team in Oklahoma. Its leadership also
is working on the non-profit’s tax-exempt
status with the Internal Revenue Service
so that they can actively seek grant funding
to provide HIV education and care.
Ultimately they would like to provide
case management, peer education, information
and referra! services, HIV testing
and counseling, health and nutrition, and
substance abuse counseling and a food
bank in North Tulsa.
Over this last year, FUSO has donated
canned goods to Our House, made a gift to
the victims of theOKCbombing They v e
helped to represent Tulsa African-A~eri ¯
cans by sending representatives to Hoist
ing the Bamwr. the state HIV AIDS con.
ference in OKC addressing issnes of
people of color and also participated in the
statewide HIV/AIDS conference held last
summer at the Doubletree Hotel, Warren
Place. Its members marched in the "95
Tulsa AIDS Walk and the World AIDS
Day March held at University of Tulsa.
Derrick Davis, who is one of FUSO’s
officers, has been nominated to be cochair
of the Multi-Cultttral AIDS Coalition.
FUSO also is participating in the
planning of the Women and AIDS conference
that will be tleld in April.
Last Labor Day, FUSO held a successful
Labor Day Weekend event with guests
see FUSO, page 10
Vicious Pink, In the Red?
OKC-owned Store Closes
Vicious Pink, a Gay-oriented gift store
owned by Anthony Klatt of Oklahoma
City has closed after barely 6 months. The
store located in Concessions at 3340 So.
Peoria opened with ambitious plans and
claims of being the largest such establishment
in the state.
Kirk Glines, one of the owners of Concessions,
indicated that he and his partner
Terry Kerns will reopen the shop themselves,
possibly by March 1st. Klatt also
opened a shop, Dusty Roads, in the Silver
Star Saloon. Star owner, John Rothrock
could not say whether Dusty Roads was
still in business, noting that it was closed
without explanation for a week recently
and had not been dependably open.
Tulsa Man Seeks
Relief From Threats
A 31-year 01d Tulsa man’s been driven
from one home, has had to send his children
away for their safety, has had other
members of his family threatened and
may have to flee his new apartment, all
because he’s living with AIDS. Roscoe
Pilant, who goes by the nickname, JR,just
wants to be left alone to hve, and to work
when he can. However, despite having
swastikas and death threats marked on his
door and threats to murder him left on his
answering machine, Tulsa Police initially
were hardly cooperative. And as a result
of his complaint, investigation by legalaid
attorneys have discovered that the
Oklahoma S tate Bureau of Investigations
might have been violating the OK hate
crimes statute by not keeping statistics on
hate crimes directed toward any disabled
persons, including those living with AIDS.
Pilant says his troubles began when he
had to take a HIV related medical absence
from work. After he returned, he feels that
his employer, a national finn, fired him
becauseof his HIV status. After the finn
was contacted by Oklahoma Legal Aid
attorney Darlene Shadid andwas informed
that discrimination based on HIV’AIDS
status is illegal under federal law, the
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA),
he returned to work. And then the harassment
see Threats, page 2
Lesbian & Gay
Domestic Violence
Two police officers from Tulsa area
police departments spoke to the members
and guests of Tulsa Oklahomans for Hnman
Rights (TOHR) about do~nestic violence
issues, both within and out the LesbianGay
con~nunities. Both officers who
are 10 year plus veterans work pmnanly
on domestic violence (hereafter abbreviated
as DV). Each gave profoundly sobering
statistics on the extent of DV. For
example, they noted that 50% of US
women ~vi!l be DV violence victims, that
wom_en are at a 9 times higher risk of
injury in their homes than they are on the
street, and that every 15 seconds a women
is beaten in her own home. The officers
outlined some of the social psycholoNcal
dynamics of DV noting the stages of the
syndrome and gave details of legal opti’ons
and other resources to help victims
and to identify abusers.
The officers who had dealt with Lesbian/
Gay DV issues bemoaned the lack of
research in this area but noted that the
causes are similar to those of DV for
heterosexuals. They suggested that 30%
of Lesbian/Gay relationships have some
DV problems but they suspected that these
cases tended to be underreported because
the criminal justice system rmnains
homophobic. They also stated that Lesbian
relationships appear to be more physically
violent than those of Gay or Bi men.
Also, Gay men may not report DV when
it happens because the general perception
is that DV ouly happens to women and
often the agencies that deal with DV are
not well equipped to help men.
Saks 5th Avenue to
Show AIDS Quilt
DKNY Fashion Fundraiser-2/29
Tulsa’s Saks Fifth Avenue will display
10 sections of The NAMES PROJECT
AIDS Memorial Quilt on February 21 to
March 1st. Saks Fifth Avenue is the first
corporation to spensor a multi-site display
with 45 Saks Fifth Avenue stores and
60ff5th’s outlet centers showing memorial
panels that are geographically specific
to the store’s site.
Later this year, the panels displayed in
Tulsa will join the nearly 32,000 panels
now in the Quilt. The Columbus Day
weekend (Oct. 12-13) display on the Capitol
Mall in Washington, DC will be the
first time in four years that the Quilt has
b~en seen in its entirety as it has grown so
large. All fifty US states are represented
as well as 39 other countries. Panels made
by Saks Fifth Avenue associates from
across the US will be exhibited in New
YorkCity in August before going to Washington.
On February 29~ Saks Fifth Avenue,
Tulsa will present a DKNY Fashion extravaganza,
Give My Regards to Donna,
to benefit the Hope Candlelight Tonr. A
silent auction and fashion show, featuring
local celebrities, will unveil DKNY’s
spring collection and be Tulsa’ s exclusive
launch of DKNYfor Men. A few models
are Debbie Campbell, I.J. Gannam,
Aleksandr Lunev, Beth Reng,’d, Kevin
Steincross, Mike Jones and Sonya Colberg
Nanc3 Renberg, Charles & Francie
Faudree. Hope Candlelight Tour benefits
St. Joseph Residence and RAIN, the Regional
.-kIDS Interfaith Network
Music for Life John McCarthy and Beverly Stanley,
chairing the Walk for Ltfe committee,
have zumounced that a "Blues" Festival
will kick off tiff s 3’ear’ s series of events for
the fourth annual Walk for Life Campaign.
Mark Snider, renowned Tulsa musician,
has organized an outstanding
evening of the "Blues" featuring local
musicians. The event will be held at the
Sunset Grill, 3410 South Peoria on Tuesday,
March 12. The admission donation
of $5 will include two raffle tickets for
items donated by the Blue Rose Cafe, the
Doubletree at Warren Place, and the Celebrity
Club, to nmne a few. K-MOD
Radio and Budweiser will join the Sunset
Grill as hosts and Paine Webber and Roche
Laboratories are patron sponsors.
This event is the first of several plam~ed
to raise funds for Tulsa area HIV/AIDS
support agencies. Other events include an
art show in June and ajazz festival in July,
and the 4th Walkfor Life to be at Riverside
Park on October 12. Proceeds from the
1995 Walk went to 12 Tulsa community
HIV/AIDS related non-profit age~l~ies.
918.583. 1248
P(~. 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents Of
Tom Neat this publication are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family
Assistant Editor News and mav not be reproduced either in whole or in part withot{t
James Christjohn written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
Writers/contributors photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Phyl Boler-Schmidt Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise
Barry Hensley noted¯ must be signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family
Pat Morehead News. All correspondence should be sent to the address above. Eaci~
Staff Photographer reader is entitled to one free copy of each edition at distribution
JD Jamett points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
Using Gays as the scapegoat for the demise of the
family is; reprehensible nonsense.. Unfortunately,,
in order, to get in good with.Pat Robertson’ s Christian
Coalition, Republican presidential candidates
are all too willing.to go along with the lie that Gay
people are somehow, a.threat.to.thefamilv.
Wqaoles~le divorce among heterosexuals doe;
the real damage. With a 50% divorce rate. adultery,
abused women, financial conditions that require
both parents to leave children home alone, abandoned
and abused children and so forth, it doesn"t
take much effort to see that heterosexuals have
succeeded quite well in crippling the family without
any he!p:from Gays and Lesbians.
-~- J.J. Stogsdill, Broken Arrow
I recently had the distinct pleasure Of being one
of the stops along District 6 City Councilor. Art
Justiss" campaign tour. I felt like I shouldn’t be the
ordy one who has the advantage of "knowing how
Mr. Justiss feels about Gay rights in Tulsa before I
cast nay vote in the up-coming elections for City
My partner and I asked Mr. Justiss about the
status of the Human Rights Depar.~nent (Committee
on Sexual Orientation Discrimination) Proposal
to the City of Tulsa. Mr. Justiss said that he
would never put such a thing on the City Council
agenda and he felt :quite confident that no other
councillor would either. When questioned about
why he was too afraid to even consider a proposal
from one of the city’s own commissxons. Mr.
Justiss admitted that he didn’t want to "’take the
heat.’" He told us that to put something like the
current proposal on the agenda would be political
suicide. Of course, he added that he wouldn’t
discriminate on the basis of "’race, color or sexual
preference," but he felt protections for Gays against
discrirmnation had no place in city government.
Mr. Justiss’ visit to our home was a reminder to
him that .there are Lesbians alive and living in
Tulsa, OK and a reminder to us that we can’t vote
for a representative who will only entertain ~ssues
and concerns that are popular. - Kharma R. Amos
. Many of the threats were specific in saying that
if he returned to work he would die. Pilant feels his
privacy was deliberately compromised by co-workers
who posted his unlisted number counter to his
When Pilant first reported the phone messages
and the graffiti on his door, Tulsa police did not
even send out an officer. Calls to the Mayor’s
Action hotline were also unhelpful. However, after
intervention by community-activist Nancy
McDonald, li~ing up to her appellation "Saint
McDonald", Tulsa police were more responsive
and took more thorough reports.
Pilant also nbted that Claudette Peterson, director
of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights’
(TOHR) HIV Testing Clinic was helpful in getting
him assistance as was former TOHR president,
Kelly Kirby, through whose contact, KJRH, Ch. 2
became aware of Pilant’ s dilemma and reported on
by Phvl Boler-Schmidt
,:~ .A t~ureka. Spri_ngs man i.s dead. A 17-year-old
Who admitted to the "killing has not been charged.
And, the whole event is shrouded in mystery.
This is what we -know. The "killing o~curr~d at a
~popular local lake park where the young mau was
helping his; ~andmotlXe~- cSaretake th~ i-esort for the
Winter. It happened at night. The dead man, in his
forties and -knownby his friends to be a closeted gay
man. was shot at point blank range in the face with
a shotgtm. The young man did not have the gun at
his immediate disposal, but had to go to another
room, locate the gun, find the shells, load the
weapon, then return to the place where he shot and
killed the victim.
The young man has said that he awoke with a
start to find the he was being sprayed with ejaculate
as the older man was masturbating all over him. He
says he killed the man in self-defense. There aren’t
many Queers in these parts who are buying that
story. The police have been silent. The ~oroner’s
report is not due out of Little Rock for a few weeks.
No arrest has been made, no charges filed. It is
minored that the dead man was found completely
nude though there is no official word on this.
I have decided not to publish any names here so
as not to interfere with what the police are calling an
ongoing investigation. Since there have been no
public statements made regarding the case, I am
giving law enforcement authorities the benefit of
the doubt that they will continue to investigate this
case. and if the facts warrant it, an arrest will be
made. The benefit of the doubt. For now.
I’ve spoken with a number of Gays mad Lesbians
about tiffs issue. No one is taking it lightly. There is
some fear that, if the case is swept under the carpet,
and the young man is not charged, it will send a
signal that it is okay to kill Queers because no one
will do anything at~out it. I remain hopeful though
The facts that we DO "know are alarming. Even if
the young man’s story is true, how could it possibly
be grounds for murder’? Semen in these circumstances
is not a deadly weapon, certainly not enough
justification for murder. Most assuredly not - if he
was free enough to leave, mad chose to go to another
room, find a shotgun, load it, and return to the
scene. Justhow frightened for his life could the
young man have been? see Murder, page 3
it. Attomey Darlene Shadid said she was told by
sources in OSBI and the Tulsa DA’s office that a
decision had been made, apparently informally at a
seminar in the past couple of years, not to consider
persons living with AIDS to be disabled, despite
federal law on the matter. Later, Shadid determined
that OSBI appeared not to be keeping any statistics
on hate crimes based on any disability of any kind.
In response toTFN, Tim Hams ofthe Tulsa District
Attorney’s office indicated that their office would
enforce the Oklahoma hate crime statute as it applied
to disability and noted thatnew DALaFortune
has participated in the Say No to Hate Coalition for
some time. Director of the Oklahoma State Bureau
of Investigations (OSBI), Dwade Langley said that
they would keep statistics on hate crimes based on
disability but that they were entirely dependent on
the local law enforcement agencies to report the
incidents to them.
Meanwhile, JR Pilant hopes that he can return to
a quiet life with his children and family sal’e from
hate and intimidation.
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine 832-1269
*Barraccuda’s, 2405 E. Admiral 582-4340
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896
*Ground Zero, 311 E. 7th 585-5622
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th 749-1563
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial 660-0856
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Derails C..Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Medical & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
¯ Kent Balch & Associates, Health~& Life Insurance ~ :*Barnes & NobLeBooksellers,-8620 E. 71 747-9506
. ~ 250-6034
" Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Pec~ria . 743-5272
¯ Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
¯ Cherry St. Psychotherapy Assoc. i~)5S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
¯ Tim Daniel, Attorney ~ ~ 352-9504, .800,742-9468
DAnnques, 1508E 15th 592-5356
i *Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
¯ Don CarltOn Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial 665-6595
~ *Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
i Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria 743-9994
; Fidelity Home Health Care, Inc. Coweta 486-1174
¯ Foxlinx, Computer Consultation 690-2974
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Plarming 744-0102
*Sandra J. Hill;MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria 584-4606
*International Tours 341-6866
JD Images, Photo~aphy 621-5597
; Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate 671-2010
Massoud’s Je~vlery, The Farm, 51st & Sheridm] 663-4884
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1 664-2951
David A. Paddock, CPA,-4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations 743-2351
Southwest Viatical, 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-5 747-.3322
Thomas Chiropractic Clinic, 4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C- 1 742-8868
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
*Agape’ Christian Fellowship, 21st& Sheridan 599-7688
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr. 2627B E. 11 628-0594
*BiLiG Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Center, University of T{tlsa
*Community of Hope (United Methodist), 1703 E. 2nd 585-1800
Dignity!Integrity (Lesbian/Gay Catholics &Episcopalians) 298-4648
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Free Spirit Lesbian Center call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity (African-Amer. men), POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood ." 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 748-3111
PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 749-4901
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Shanti Hotline 749-7898
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Right~ (TOHR) POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297
Tool Box Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uuiform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
Beaver Dam Store, i/2 mi. N. of Dam on Hwy. 187 501-253-6154
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
King’s Hi-Way, 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62W 800-231-1442
*MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
McClung Realtors 501-253-%82
Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659 800-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-600i
The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-8281
home loans through the state housing
agency itself. The new definition.of a
household adopted by the VHDA states
that a "single-family loan can be made to
more than one person only if all such
persons ... are related by blood, marriage
or adoption or by legal custodial relationship."
Albert Eisenberg, one of theVHDA
commissioners, disagreed loudly with the
change. "It is bigoted nonsense elevated
to formal state policy," Eisenberg said of
the new policy, which he said may lead to
~xpensive legal court challenges as well
as possible trouble with federal housing
agencies that underwrite most of the loans
the Virgima agency makes. Most of the
state’s real estate organizations opposed
thenew definition, as did gay rights groups
and the ACLU, which said the change
would "inspire lawyers to look for loopholes."
In addition to Gov. Allen’s backing,
the rule change was also supported by
the Virginia Family Foundation and Concemed
Women for America, which argued
thatonly "traditional" families should
be given economic benefits from the state
However in Nebraska, an exception to
the "stop-the-wedding" frenzy has come
Nebraska where state Sen. Ernie Chambers
of Omaha has introduced a measure
that would amend Nebraska law to let
gays and lesbians legally marry in the
Cornhusker State. Chambers acknovCl--
edges that his proposal, LB1260, probably
won’t win approval on its first pass
through the state legislature, but he says
he’s determined and won’t give tip. ’q’his
is an issue related to civil rights mad civil
liberties that can’t be dodged by political
bodies,"-he says. "It has an impact on so
many people."
And in San Francisco, its Board of
Supervisors created a "civil ceremony to
solemnize" same-sex domestic parmerships
under the aegis of the county clerk’s
office, the city official who also perfolans
civil wedding ceremonies for heterosexual
couples. The measure, which would extend
no benefits beyond its symbolic ceremony,
is believed to be the first time any
govenfing body has moved to create a
civil rite to acknowledge same-sex umons.
A board committee quic"kly approved the
measure mad sent it on to the full board.
Five of the board’s 11 members are cosponsors
of the ceremony. The county
clerk’s office has estimated that adding
the ceremony would probably increase
the number of registered partners by 2 or
3 times. And with a $30 fee for the ceremony
itself, the clerk’s office also esti-
: mated the proposed rite could add close to
¯¯ $50,000 to the city’s coffers.
Back in Hawaii, Gov. Ben Cayetano
has .suggested that the way for the state to
extricate itself from the ongoing controversy
of same-sex marriages is for the
¯ state to stop giving marriage licenses to
anyone and just offer domestic partnerships
to gay and non-gay couples instead.
¯ ’The institution ofmarriage shouldbe left
to the church," Cayetano is quoted as
saying in a report in the Honolulu Adver-
¯ tiser. ’q’he government needs to explore
its role in marriages. The government
: should not be in the role of sanctifying
marriages. That’s when they nminto problems."
State Senate leaders quickly said they
didn’t think the legislature was likely to
go along with Cayetano’s idea to pull the
plug on marriage. While legal experts say
.th.ey haveno idea if a state could even stop
~ssuing marriage licenses, they do agree
that the most important benefits of legal
marriage are derived from the federal
government in the form of income taxes,
Social Security benefits, and pensionregulations
- all ofwhich depend on state legal
definitions of a mamage.
Gay/Bisexual Indian Men Retreat
The Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention
Project (TNAAPP) is sponsoring
two free weekend camping retreats (Feb.
23-35 and June 7-9) to enhance cultural
awareness and HIV!AIDS awareness. The
retreat will include workshops addressing
HIV AIDS, self-esteem, safer sex negotiation
skills and cultural and traditional
values - all presented in a safe envlroment.
For a CONFIDEN~HAL application,
call B-rima or Keetoo~vala. at 918-582-7225.
Open Arms
Open Minds
Open Hearts
Saint Aidan’s
4045 No. Cincinnati. 425-7882
Saint John’s
4200 So. Atlanta Pl.. 742-7381
501 So. Cincinnati. 582-4128
The Episcopal Church
Welcomes You
Wednesday, March 13 .......
s 5ob wi//ia,; s xbeat e x.[sa verfor. i 0 arts ce..t
"WiMjoyfaldan~ music and ~xquitite ~.efledfive
airs... The exci~ng sound of tradi~onal attd .~
20th century Ireland." -- The New York Times
Tickets: $12 Call 596-7111
oftheir ability to serve in the armed forces,
the 1,049 HIV-positiveU.S. service members
and immediately cut off all health
care benefits to their dependents. Half
these service members are married and,
on average, they have served in the military
for a decade, according to the Pentagon.
Nearly 20 percent of them are officers.
Clinton legal counsel, Jack Quinn, told
reporters in making the announcement
that "the President has determined that
this provision is .unconstitutional and he
has therefore directed the Attorney General
not to defend it in court." The Pentagon,
Gay & Lesbian civil rights advocates,
AIDS activists and a number of
members of Congress oppose the provision.
But President Clinton signed the
appropriations measure because it is vital
to the country’s defense needs, in spite of
the Dornan provision.
A measure has also been introduced by
Sens. William Cohen (R-Maine) and Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.) to repeal the
Dornan provision. A similar bill to overturn
the measure was introduced in the
Houseby Reps. PeterTorkildsen, R-Mass.,
Jane Harman, D-Calif., Connie Morella,
R-Md., and Ron Dellums, D-Calif. Elizabeth
Birch, head of the Human Rights
Campaign, applauded the \Kqaite House
announcement. "We asked him [Clinton]
to put the full force of his administration
behind overturning it and he has done just
that," she said. "This is precisely the kind
ofleadership we expect from Bill Clinton."
Winnie Stachelberg, HRC’s senior
health policy advocate, said, "q’hat [the
Dornan provision] ~ as one of the meanest.
most vindictive measures to come out
of the 104th Congress, and we will do
everything in our power to ensure,, repeal
of that discmninatorv measure, The
repeal bill is expected to have broad bipartisan
support in both honses,
Stachelberg said, noting that Georgia Sen.
Sam Numa, ranking Democrat on the Senate
Armed Services Committee, has called
the HIV expulsion measure "pmfitive."
Dornan and otherGOPextremists added
the HIV provision to the House version of
the defense authorization, but it was not in
the Senate bill. When the two versions
went to a House-Senate conference committee
for reconciliation, House Republicans
made sure this discriminatory measure
became part of the final bill,
Stachelberg said.
Currently, service members with the
virus that causes AIDS may serve their
country as long as they can perform their
duties, but they are not deployed overseas.
The same policy is applied to service
members who have other chronic medical
conditions such as diabetes, asthma, heart
disease or cancer.
The Human Rights Campaign is the
largest national lesbian and gay political
organization, with members throughout
the country. It effectively lobbies Congress,
provides campaign support and
educates the public to ensure that lesbian
and gay Americans can be open, honest
and safe at home, at work and in the
that the daughter "should be given the
opportunity and the option to live in a
non-lesbian world." One new witness
slated to testify in the appeal will be
Michelle Mclr£nes, 25, the daughter of
John Ward and the wife he "killed. During
a television interview am~onncing that
she ~vould testify, McInnes said her father
also tried to molest her ~vhen she was 14
3ears old.
This reporter does not claim to be a
legal scholar, bnt from what I do kaaow,
the evidence points toward premeditated
mnrder, even if the provocation the young
man talked about happened in exactly the
way he said it did. I, for one, donbt the
story, but I also doubt there is any way to
disprove it. What will the offici~s cal[ it’?
Murder? Justifiable homicide? A -killing
in self-defense? A hate crone? Stay tuned.
I’ll keep you posted.
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
Survey: Less Opposition
to Homosexuality
WAbH., D.C. - According to
the annual survey of college
freshmen around the country by
the University of California, the
nation’s students continue to
have less objection to same-sex
relationships. The survey, conducted
under the aegis of the
American Council on Education
and given to more than 300,000
freshmen entering some 641 colleges
and universities in the U.S,
fouud that o~fly about 31% of the
students this year believed that
homosexuality ~s wrong and
should be forbidden. That figure
is the lowest reported since the
survey started in 1987 when53%
said they disapproved of gay and
lesbian relationships.
Fed. Court Topples
Alabama Anti-Gay Law
District Court Judge Myron Thompson
has declared a 1992 state
law prohibiting state agencies
frown using public funds in direct
or indirect support of gay and
lesbian orgamzations as unconstitutional.
The law was quickly
passed by. the state legislature
and signed into law after officials
at Auburn University g~ve
recognition to a gay student
group on the campus. Lawmakers
had argued that because sodtroy
is illegal in Alabama, no
state funds should be used to
support-the "’gay lifestyle." Judge
Thompson, however, ruled that
the law was simply an attempt to
restrict discussion at public
schools, an illegal restriction of
free speech.
’Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Hearing Begins
SFATTLE - The attorueys representing
Navy Lt. Richard
Watson, called the military’s
"don’t ask, don’t tell" policy on
gays and lesbians in the armed
forces"the height ofhypocrisy,"
arguing in federal court that it
was an unconstitutional invasion
of privacy. Watson, a 34-yearold
officer who was training to
eventually captain one of the
Navy’s nuclear-powered submafines,
has said he told his commandingofficer
he is gay to avoid
the possibility of being blackmailed
as his naval career advanced.
He continues to serve in
the Navy wlfile his case, one of
several like it, is in the federal
Canadian Censorhsip
Case: Mixed Ruling
VANCOUVER - The British
Columbia Supreme Court has
handed down a utixed ruling in
the case of the Little Sister’s
BookStore, a gay and lesbian
shop that had charged Canadian
Customs officials with unconstitutional
censorship. The provincial
high court declared that
Customs officials had in fact used
their power to seize published
materials counng into the countU
in ways that violated the
nation’s Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. Customs officials
have seized, and sometimes destroyed,
hundreds of gay m~d lesbian
books and magazines ordered
by Little Sister’s, maiulv
from UTS. publishers, claiming
the materials violated Canadian
pornography laws. The court
ruled that the Customs actions
"’in large part.., are die arbitrary
and improper consequence of a~
inadequate mad flawed admimstration
of the legislation.’" It also
ruled that the incidents involving
Little Sister’s were isolated
episodes, but constituted a"~ave
systemic problem." The most
d~sappointing part of the court
ruling, said Janine Fuller of Little
Sisters, was the justices’ failure
to declare the statute that gives
Customs officials the authority
to seize materials as unconstitutional.
Fuller called the failure of
the court to overturn die Customs
legislation "disappointing"
and said the store would be appealing
that part of the ruling,
but that she was otherwise
pleased with the rest of the high
court’s ruling. "Ttfis decision is
a complete vindication of thc
gay aud lesbian conmmmty and
the lives of its people mid for that
we celebrate die decision," she
said. "It has been a long, hard
climb. We haven’t quite reached
the smmnit but we’re dimm closc.
We are colffident that we will
succeed at the Court of Appeal."
Cincinnati Bias Costs
City $35 Million
CINCINNATI - The Cincinnati
Enquirer reports that the cit\"s
Convention & Visitors Bureau
says it has lost some $35 million
in tourist and convention income
because of an anti-gay measure
approved by voters in 1993 to
repeal an earlier anti-bias measure
that included gays mid lesbians.
The visitors bureau report
had been requested by the city
council and cited 10 ~arger national
organizations, including
die A~nerican Library Association.
that specifically mentioued
the repealed rights measure as
their reason for not holding conventions
in the city.
Catholic Bishops Speak
Upfor Gays in Zimbabwe
HAt~kRE, Zimbabwe - Gays
and lesbians in Zimbabwe have
gotten some limited support from
an unexpected source when the
country’s Catholic Bishops’
Conference issued a pastoral letter
denouncing attacks against
homosexuals. Zimbabwe President
Robert Mugabe, who is a
Catholic, sparked an international
flap last year when he refused
to allow a gay rights organization
in the country to operate
a booth at an interuational
book fair in the nation’s capital,
calling homosexuals"sodomists
mid sexual perverts" who ,are
"’worse than dogs and pigs." He
followed up later by saying the
gays and lesbians have "no
rights" in Zimbabwe and threatened
to imprison homosexuals.
Although the Catholic Church
considers homosextmlity a "disorder"
that should be dealt with
as sucll, the Bishops Coifference
letter condemned what it "called
"’any attempts toinstitute a witchhunt
or hate campaign" against
homosexuals. "It is therefore not
right for anyone, induding govenunent,
to harass, persecute or
torture people simply because
they are known to have this indination,’"
the Bishops’ Co~fference
letter said.
Anti-Bias Measure for
CA Students Dies
SACtL~kMENTO, Calif. - AB
1001, a proposed measure in the
¯ Califonfia legislature to bar discrimination
because of sexual
orientation in the state’s public
schools and universities, failed
by an 8-7 vote in the Assembly’s
education colurnittee. The measure,
introduced by Assemblywoman
Sheila Kuehl (DFa~
cino), has languished in the
committee since April 1995
when it failed to pass on a first
reading there. The vote against
sending the bill to the full Assembly
was along party lines.
Utah Wants to Stop
School Gay Group
SALT LAKE CITY - According
to a report in the Deseret
News, the Utah State Board of
Education has told state officials
to find "all available ~neans" to
control the kinds ofnon-curriculum
dubs that are formed at public
schools in the state.The move
is aimed at preventing a gay and
lesbian student club from being
formed at East High School in
the state’s capital city. C. Grant
Hurst, who introduced the directive,
told the newspaperit wasn’t
specifically about the gay dub at
the high school and said he was
concerned the current legal situation
could allow net-Nazi
groups to be formed at public
schools in Utah. Hurst admitted,
however, that he had gotten"numerous"
phone calls opposed to
the gay club and none about possible
net-Nazi dubs forming..
The board’s resolution speaks
only about the"formation of any
organizations, in schools, that
may create a disruptive or unsafe
atmosphere for children or
that may attract or entice children
tomake decisions tllat could
have a long-term negative impact
on their lives." The Utah
attorney general’s office told
educators late last year in a letter
that federal law and court rulings
mandate that scllool clubs
have to be treated equally no
matter how potentially controversial.
The board’s own attorney
late in 1995 said the only
way the state could keep the gay
dub at East High from forming
would be for all clubs to be prohinted,
stop receiving federal
education funds entirely,.or to
ask Congress to repeal the Equal
Access Act.
Rally Against Blocking
Gay School Clubs In Utah
of gay rights activists, including
the parents of gay mid lesbian
teens, rallied outside the state
Capitol to protest a move by
conservative lawmakers who
have said the state should not
allow gay and lesbian student
groups in public schools, even if
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News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News
the state has to refuse a $100
million education grant from the
federal government or even bar
all student groups. Kelli
Peterson, the East High School
student who asked to organize
the gay and lesbian campus club,
told the cheering crowd she
didn’t try to start the group to
advocate homosexuality or to
recruit heterosexual classmates
into a "homosexual lifestyle."
In.stead, she said, "I started this
group to end the misery and isolation
of being gay in high
Utah legisli~tors held a secret
meeting earlier in the week with
the state school superintendent,
the commissioner of higher education
and members of the Utah
Attorney General’s office, reportedly
to discuss legal methods
to prevent gay clubs from
being formed at schools in the
state. But Senate President Lane
Beattie dismissed the protest as
a tempest in a teapot. "The infermarion
given them was in error,"
he said. "It [the secret meeting]
wasnot an anti-gay, anti-lesbian
meeting. The meeting was not
held to discuss issues they tlfink
we discussed.’~ Beatrie said that
lawmakers at the meeting were
not anti-gay bnt were anti-immorality.
"That includes heterosexual
immorality as well as
homosexual iunnorality. We m’e
not going to allow immorality to
be taught or encouraged in our
public education system. Period."
But rights activists point
out that a measure that has not
yet been printed for public review
- SB 246 - would"prohibit
schools from supporting illegal
conduct" and may well mimic
an Alabmna state law barring
publicly supported schools from
supporting any orgmfizarion that
advocates illegal activities. That
Alabmna measure was specifically
aimed at preventing state
colleges from allowing gay and
lesbian student groups on campus
because sodomy is illegal in
Alabama, as it is in Utah. The
Alabamameasure, however, was
recently declared unconstitutional
by a federal court.
Episcopal Bishop
Faces Heresy Trial
WILMINGTON, Del. -Theheresy
trial of retired Episcopal
Bishop Alter Righter for ordainingan
openly gay priest is slated
to start before a panel of 9 bishops
Feb. 27, only the second
such heresy proceeding in the
history of the church although
the bishops who brought the
charges against Righter say it
won’t be the last. Righter, the
retired bishop of Iowa, ordained-
Barry Stopfel as a deacon in
1990. At the rime Stopfel not
only acknowledged that he is
gay, but also that he had been
living with his male partner
throughout his seminary studies.
The 10 bishops who brought
the charges against Righter say
bishops in New Jersey, Philadelphia,
Detroit and Washington
may also be charged With heresy
for similar ordinations if the
ecclesiastical court finds Righter
TX Radical Right Wants
No Gays In Library
SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Antigay
flmdamentalists have tried -
so far without success - to keep
the Unity Foundation, an organization
that’s working on plans
to open a lesbian and gay community
center in this SouthTexas
¯ city, fromholding mmeetings in
the city’s pubhc library. Organizers
of the anri-gay group have
protested outside the library and
city hall, and say that homosexuals
shouldn’t be permitted to use
~ public facilities because sodomy
¯ is illegal under state law. But so
far the anti-gay protests have
been small and failed to draw
wide support, while a number of
mainstream religious leaders
have vocally backed the Unity
Foundation’ s rights both to meet
at the library and to work on the
community center.
San Francisco Police: A
’Commanding’ Lesbian
sweeping changes from top to
bottom being instituted by newly
elected Mayor Willie Brown in
San Francisco, Melinda Pengel
has become perhaps the highest
ranking openly gay police officer
in any major U.S. police e
force. Pengel, who was in the
first class of women cadets to
join the SFPD in 1975 and iu
1994 became one of the
department’s highest ranking
officers when she was awarded
her captain’s bars, has now been
made a commander on the force
of some 2,000 officers. Colnmander
Pengel, 41, was named
to hernew rank by Brown’s handpicked
Police Chief Fred Lau.
The rank of commander is below
only the chief and deputy
chief officials. Among her new
duties, Pengel will oversee the
department’s pohcing efforts on
the city’s trouble-plagued public
transportation system. Pengel
said of the promotion, "It’s not
just for me; it’s for .the other
women in the department too.
We’re moving into a nmv era,
and I get to be a part of that."
Virginia ’Diversity’
Billboard Covered Up
billboard erected recently in the
downtown area of this small
community of some 11,000
people west of Roanoke, proclaiming
simply that "Diversity
Enriches,’" has been covered over
by the owners of the billboard
after callers threatened to damage
the finn’ s property. The billboard
was paid for by an informal
group known as Gay &
Straight Citizens of Southwest
Virginia with the help of the
local chapter of PFLAG (Parents
& Friends of Lesbians And
Gays), and went up January 18.
Aside from the simple phrase,
"’Diversity Enriches," the only
other print on the rainbow billboard
was the much smaller
sponsorship tag for Gay &
Straight Citizens of Southwest
Virginia, which paid $450 for
having its sign up for a month.
But after au article with a photo
of the billboard appeared in the
local newspaper, Frank Amburn,
manager of the lo’cal office of
Outdoor East, the company that
owns the billboard space, says
his office was flooded with calls
complaining about the sign, including
several from people who
threatened to destroy other billboards
owned by the advertising
finn. At that point, Amburn decided
to cover up the billboard
out of fear for his company’s
property. The ad agency’ is refunding
the money paid for the
billboard space.
Forbes’ Gay Views
Become a Political Issue
DES MOINES, iowa- Dmnonstrating
once again - for better or
f6r worse - that gay fights can no
longer be separated from uational
politics, Republicau pres. hopefuls
have increasingly tried to
derail the unexpectedly surging
candidacy of multi-~nillionaire
Steve Forbes by portraying him
as "’pro-ga.v.’" In Iowa iu Jan.,
state cmnpaign officials who
were supporting Sen. Phil
Grannn’s bid, told reporters that
Forbes supports allowing gays
m~d lesbim~s to serve in the U.S.
military under the current "’don’t
ask, d’on’t tell’" compromise
policy. Recently, Forbes was
asked ifhe was in favor of allowing
same-sex marriages. Although
clearly uncomfortable
with the question, Forbes responded,"
Compassion is not approval.
There should be special
fights for none, equal rights for
Brits Expected to Keep
Anti-Gay Military Policy
LONDON" - London ucwspapers
have reported that British
defense lmnistry officials remmn
opposed to ending the ban on
gays and lesbians in the nation’ s
armed forces. Several newspapers
reported that Michael
Portillo, the defense ~mnister,
will announce sometime in Feb.
the findings of a ministry review
of the policy excluding homosexuals
in the military, but several
ministry officials have atready
said the review found no
reason to change the policy. If
the govenunent keeps the current
policy there will almost certainly
be a legal challenge before
ihe European Court of fluman
Rights, where 4 discharged
gay and lesbian service members
have already’ applied for a
review of their case. The uational
gay rights group Stonewall
has also applied for pervm ssign
to appeal the policy to the
House of Lords, Britain’s highest
court of appeal.
Gay arit to Play Wilde
LONDON - Openly’ gay British
comic actor Stephen Fry, perhaps
best known to American
audiences for his portrayal of the
erudite and condescending butler
in the BBC,’PBS "Wooster
and Jeeves,’" says his next role
will be starnng in a film bio-pic
of 19th century playwright, wit
mad ben vivant , Oscar Wilde.
Wilde was finprisoned in 1895
for a sodomy statute violation.
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Drug Combo Treats Eye Disease
WASHINGTON - According to a report.
in the Archives ofOphthalmology, a daily
injecteddose of 2 drugs - foscarnet and
ganciclovir - is a more effective way to
combat the blinding AIDS-related eye
disease cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis
than either of the drugs used alone. Patients
in the research who were given one
or the other but not both drugs had recurring
CMV retinilis infections in a month
or two of starting the therapy. But patients
in the study who were given both drugs
were able to keep it under.control for 4.
months or longer.
Just Say No School Programs
WASHINGTON" - Part of the massive
welfare overhaul confessional Republicans
have proposed in this year’s ongoing
budget battle includes $75 millionin federal
funds for state schools to each students
the "gains to be realized by abstaining
from sexual activity" outside marnage.
The abstinence pro~am proposal
would provide money for schools to teach
youngsters that complete abstinence is
the oulv certmn wav to avoid unwanted
pregnancies and sex~ally transmitted diseases
such as AIDS. Ignoring gays and
lesbians ~vho cannot legally marry in this
country, the language of"ihe G~)P proposal
states: "A mutually faithful monogmnous
relationship in the context of
mamage is the expected standard of human
sexual activity" mad that sex outside
marnage "’is likely to have laarmful p~ychological
and physical effects."
Gay Medical Journal
NEWYORK-The Gay &Lesbian Medical
Assn. has announced plans to begin
publishing what it says will be the first
science journal devoted to medical issues
faced byhomosexuals. Thejournal, which
as yet has not been given a name, will
focus on publishing findings in research
on AIDS and HIV, mental health issues,
breast cancer and other medical issues.
FDA OK Sought for AIDS Drug
STOCKHOLM - The U.S.-Swedish drug
manufacturer Pharmica & Upjohn has
released preliminary data on ,still-incomplete
clinical trials of its drug Delavirdine
(also -known as Rescriptor) because early
results hold so much promise, the firm sa
vs. Hoping that the early results will help
get faster approval from the U.S. Food &
Drug Administration for the drug,
Pharmica & Upjotm said Delavirdine appears
to help some patients infected with
HIV stave off developing full-blown
AIDS. The firm said that preliminary data
from its ongoing tests with the drug indicate
that patients receiving Delavirdine
had been able to lower the amount ofHIV
in their blood system by at least 68% for
as long as 60 w~eks. Some 3,500 patients
have been participating so far.
Infants Shed HIV Completely
LONDON - According to researchers
reporUng in the medical journal Lancet,
nine infants who were infected with HIV
bv their mothers at birth have fended off
tl~e virus. Only a few such reports of HIV
relnisston have ever been reported, an~
those have beeu received with some skepticism.
But the uew findings - which come
from Italy, Belgium m~d Swedeu : may
not be so easiix disufissed. Of some 264
babies who were born HIV-positive, the
research team found nine who subsequently
became free of the virus. In seven
cases, both HIV tests used went from
positive to negative during the course of
the study; in the other two, the virus was
detected even though the antibody tests
indicated that the baby was not infected.
2 Different AIDS Epidemics
NEW DELHI - Max Essex of the Harvard
AIDS Institute said at a conference on
infectious diseases that increasingly there
are 2 different AIDS epidemics globally -
one in the Western industrial nations,
which is slowing, and another in Afr ica
and Asia, which is continuing to Wow
with noend in sight. Essex told the conference
that the 2 epidemics are spread by
different strains of HIV- 1, and that the B
and E strains of the virus behave differently.
Unpublished research by Essex and
his team at the Harvard institute, he said,
indicates that subtype E is more efficient
at infecting cells in the female reproductive
tract, so is more readily transmitted
during heterosexual sex. The E subtype is
largel y found in Africa and the Indian
subcontinent. But, Essex said, the viral
subtype that is largely responsible for the
AIDS epidemic in Europe and North
America - subtype B - targets different
body cells and seems more prone to being
passed on during anal sex, perhaps explaining
its predominance among gay men.
Essex noted that in the West, about 2
million people are infected and that that
number appears to have leveled off. But,
he said, there are an estimated 15 to 20
million cases in Africa and the Indian
subcontinent, and that number apparently
is continuing to grow unchecked.
TULS& OK 74135 (918) 742-8868
Free & Anonymous
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Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
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Look for our banner on testing nights.
Gay & Bisexual Men
The focus of the group will be the introduction of a
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Beginning March 4, 1996
Concluding May 6, 1996
Cost: $25.00 per session or
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Where: Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
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Tulsa, OK 74104
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an experienced Certified Financial Planner to asnst
you in plmming the best outcome from 3our umque
financial situation.
Today, many compames offer viatical settlements,
doing business only by bulk advertising and 1-8,00 numbers.
They transfer your insurance and medical records
by mail. and do business from another state.
At Southwest Viatical. we believe you should be assured
of complete confidentiality and the best possible
service by working with us in person, face-to-face. We
are involved on a commumtv level, and are responsible
directly to our local community.
By working with you in person, but at the same time
having access to nationwide financial resources, we are
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today. And because of our established resources, we can
deliver a settlement in less than a third the time other
companies take by mail, typically in fe~ver than 30 days.
We’ll do what it takes
to find the best solution for you.
Home Office
Dailas, Texas
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
POB 14011
Tulsa, OK 74159-1011
AT! EN !iON!
I i I I
WHO: Sponsore~ by TNAAPP
WHAT: Weekend Retreat for Gay/Bisexual
Native American Men
WHEN: February 23-25, 1996
WHERE: For More information Caii Today
582-7225, Extension 21~
Agape’ Christian ¯ HIV Testing
Fellowship TOHR Clinic
Worship Service, 10:30 am : Free & anonymous testing
Sheridan Center, Suite H
21st & Sheridan, 599-7688
Bl~ss the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East 1 lth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15 :
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm; Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston,’ 583-9780
using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
Results hours: 7-9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Lambda Bowling League
Sheridan Lanes
8:45 pm
3121 S. Sheridan
Support Group
2nd Monday of month,
6:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
: Tool Box Technicians,
: Leather org., Info c/o The
Too1 Box: 584-1308
T.U.L.S.A. Ti~sa Uniform
¯ & Leather Seekers Assoc.
Info: 838-1222
~ The Banned, OK Gay Band
Practice weekly in OKC
Info: 838-2121
HIV+ Support Group
HIV Resource Consortium
1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Authority OfThe Believer
Bible Study, 7 pm
MCC of Greater Tulsa
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. Bless The Lord At All
HIV/AIDS Support Group : Times Christian Center
Friends & Family
HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pm, call for location:
Community of Hope
Grief Group, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Womens Grief Group
sponsored by
Community of Hope
6pm, Butler/Stumpff
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Info: 585-1800
¯ Prayer & Bible Study
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
Community of Hope
(United Methodist)
Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
Bible Study, 7 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention Project
Support group
for Gay & Bi Native
American Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd
582-7225 or 584-4983
16-Step Empowerment
Group For Women
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Support Group .
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
5451-E S. Mingo, 622-144 1
HIV TestingTOHRClinic
Walk in testing: 7 - 8:30 pm
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
Weekly social events for
LGBT men & women, 7 pm
Info: 646-5503
Substance Abuse
Support Group
for persons with HIV’AIDS
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
3-4:30 pm, Info: 749-4194
Community ofHope Movie Night &
Discussion: A River Runs Through It
6:30 pm, 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Family ofFaith MCC Reclaim &
Recovery Workshop: Forgiveness
9-3 pm, 5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Community ofHope
Companioning Celebration
2 pm, 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
St. Jerome’s. Catholic Church (ECC)
Fat Tuesday Party
Ash Wednesday Service
Info: page Father Rick at 646-7116
Alternatives Social Groap - Dinner
7pm, Golden Corral, 71St & Mingo
Info: 646-5503
Shanti Mardi Gr~ Ball, 8-midnight
Natl. Guard Armory, Fairgrounds "
Info: 749-7898
Alternatives Leap Year Party
7pm, Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
Info: 646-5503
Rainbow Business Guild
7 pm, Full Moon Care, Cherry Street
Dinner Meeting with speaker.
Info: 665-5174
¯ Community ofHope
¯ Movie Night & Discassion: Priest
: 6:30 pm, 1703 E. 2nd, hffo: 585-1800
Safe Haven, a free, non-political, nonreligious,
non-recovery-oriented social
gathering for LGBT voimg adults. 18-30
: Family of Faith MC~, 8 - rmdnight
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Rosary at St. Jerome’s Catholic Charch
The Garden Chapel, 3841 S. Peoria
Info: page Father Rick at .636-7116
Tulsa Oklahomansfor Haman Rights
Community Meeting, 7 pm
Chapman Activity Ctr., Univ. of Tulsa
5th St. west of Harvard, Info: 743-4297
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Marsha Stevens Concert
presented by Agape Christian Fellowship
7 pm, All Soul’s Unitarian, 2952 S. Peoria
Info: 599-7688
NewLGBTPolitical Groap, I st Meeting
7 pm, Martin East Regional Library
2601 So. Garnett
Dignityllntegrity Meeting
Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians
5 pm, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
5635 E. 71st, Info: POB 701044, 74170
Gaylapalooza, 8 pm
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
110 E. Second, Info: 596-7111
St. Jerome’s Ecumenical
Catholic Church
Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at l 1 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Sttulent
Association -
TJC Southeast Can~pus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
TOHR Helpline
Daily 8-10 pm
For info. or to vohlntecr:
,Serving Tulsan’s
Since 1947
Major credit cards
In-store charges or
Direct insurance billing
for your convenience!
3 locations to serve you:
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Utica Square Area
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The Plaza
8146-D South Lewis
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
This entertaining anthology combines
essays, personal narratives and poetry regarding
the multitude of rites and phases
of lesbian life. Coming from the position
that the lives of lesbians are, in many
ways, very unlike the lives of heterosexual
women or gay men, Dyke Life
~ves an inside perspective of lesbian
marriage, parenting, stereotypes and lesbians
in corporate America, among 0{her
There are five parts to Dyke Life: 1)
Relating to Others, 2) Relating to Each
Other, 3) Sex and Gender Identity, 4)The
Public World, and 5) The Lesbian Body.
Each section includes several entries by
both well-known and obscure lesbian
writers. Some of the better-known authors
include JoAnn Lonlan, Del Martin,
Leslea Newman and Rutt~&im Robson,
all of whom have other books available in
the library.
The entry rifled "outing and the Politics
of the Closet," by Victoria Brownworth,
is an entertaining examination of the social
circumstances which make the outing
of women a difficult and sensitive proposition.
"Creating Lesbian Families," by
Heather Conrad and Kate Colwell shows
the challenges and controversies surrounding
lesbian parenting. One of the more
unusual entries is by Hon. PanlaJ. Hepner,
who is a judge on the New York State
Family Court. Her entry is titled, "Oy
Veh, t’he Judge on the Bench is a Dyke!’"
Another valuable entry is by Jeanne
Adleman, member of Old Lesbians Organizing
for Change (OLOC), who contributes,
"We Never Promised You Role
One of the best things about this book is
the extensive bibliographical information
that many entries contain. Often, not only
books and magazines are cited, but organizarions
as well, complete with address,
fax and phone numbers.
For aninteresting and enlightening treat,
check,out Dyke Life. This and other
books on similar topics are available at
Tulsa City-County Libraries. Please call
your local branch library or the Central
Library Readers Services Department at
596-7966, for more information.
traveling from around the region to participate
in a picnic mad other festivities.
Particular thanks went the support FUSO
received from METSAS, Metropolitan
Tulsa Substance Abuse Services..
On Feb. 15-19 , FUSO members are
joining with members of Brother to
Brother, an Oklahoma City organization,
to attend the 9th Annual National Black
Lesbian & Gay Conference, taking place
in Dallas, titled, Black Lesbians and Gqvs:
Continuing the Struggle.
FUSO meets the 1st Thursday of each
month at 6:30 pm at Rudisill North Regional
Library, 1520 No. Hartford, 596-
7280. The meetings and membership are
open to those 18 and above.
presents in concert
March 6th, 7prn
In Her
All Souls Unitarian
Church Auditorium
2952 South Peoria
For more information, call Agape"
Christian Fellowship at 599-7688
Tul~sa’s only Gay-owned Funera~ Home
Funera¢ Home gg Crematory
~103 /3ast Tftird~ 587-7000
Complete Services Available. For Example, Only $2820 for Casket with
Complete Service. Includes: Quality Steel Sealer Casket in one of four colors,
Standard Single Lawn Crypt, Service at your church or in our chapel, Hearse,
Family Limousine, Pallbearers Limousine, Thank You Cards, Register Book,
Memorial Folders, Visitation, Embalming, Hairdressing, Cosmetic Services, All
Professional Services. If you have a prearrangement elsewhere, and paid too
much, transfer your policy and you may be eligible for a cash refund.
Wasfiin~Iton Memorial~ Gardens
4300 East 91st Street South
Special Offer! Burial Space for Just $200, pre-construction.
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt
An excitement has erupted in
Eureka Springs, and you’ll find
j.’ust about everyone talking about
it - gay, straight, businessman,
minister, lodging owner, photographer,
realtor, even computer
geek. Okay, especially computer
So, what’s :the fuss? ~ureka
now has a whole lot of information
available on the Internet and
WorldWide Web. Most of it has
just popped up, seemingly out of
nowhere, in the last month. And,
where is it coming from? Who
would spend a lot of time promoting
Eureka Springs?
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
(PIMP, for short) is the source of
all the hubbub, and not surprisingly,
PIMP is a family-owned
and operated company. Jan and
Kim Ridenour own PIMP, and
they. have put their company in
literal overdrive on this new
project since the year began.
You probably remember Jan
and Kim. They are the soon-tobe-
former owners of The EmeraldRainbow,
andKim frequently
writes the astrology column for
Tulsa Family News,
PIMP (among other things)
owns its own Web domain, and
the Ridenours have been processing
and publishing pages on
that domain (PIMPS.corn). Everything
imaginable is available
with the click of a mouse, mad
new pages are being added daily.
Just what is available for Eureka
on the Web? As of this
writing (you never know what
else will be there by the time we
are published and distributed)~
you can access pages about the
town of Eureka, complete with
gorgeous photographs, and there
is also a page about the Ozark
When you first see the pictures,
some may seem familiar.
That’s because many of the pictures
are from the collection of
Susan Storch, master photographer.
Susan is responsible for
many of the photos that appear
on .postcards for Eureka and the
reg~oni And Susan’s shop, The
Imagery also has a page on the
Web, complete with more
samples of her work.
There is a page for Weddings
and Holy Unions and how to set
up the honeymoon of your
dreams right here in the Ozarks.
A standard wedding page also
exists (you know, standard - one
boy, ,one girl), complete with
more photos.
Pond Mountain, a favorite bed
and breakfast inn, has a page
complete with details on lodging,
wedding setups, honeymoons,
and breathtaking photos.
Two local realtor~ are represented
in the Enreka pages: Century
21 Woodland Real Estate, a
partly family-owned operation,
and McClung Realty, a regular
advertiser in these pages.
For those of you that were
fortunate to stop in and visit The
Emerald Rainbow in the past
year, you may have met Alice
P(ig) Bailey. Alice now has her
own page on the information
superhighway, and even has an
advice column. Stay tuned for
pig astrology.
There are a number offamilyspecific
sites as well. In addition
to the weddings and holy unions
page, there is a site for g/l/b/t
retreats, Our Worm Magazine is
published on line, and Guru to
Go, Kim’s astrology.page, is
there too. So, I guess you could
call tiffs Queer Eureka OnLine
Local weather forecasts are
easy to access, and there is a
feature site of the week as well.
Yahoo, one of the premiere
Internet search engines can be
acces sed, and you can download
the latest in browser software.
I know of several more pages
that are in the making, and there
are listings of pages that are due
to be available soon. The Eureka
pages continue to grow in number
every time I look at the
WorldWi’de Web. But, it doesn’t
stop with Eureka Springs.
The Internet and the Web are
national and international communications
systems. I+inks tO
related sites can be found ~dl
over the PIMP pages, and other
companies that aren’t specific to
Eureka Springs have an opportunity
to get on the PIMP bandwagon
If you have never had the opportunity
to browse around the
Web, it is a thrill you will not
easily forget. Once a person realizes
how easy ~t is to access an
entire world of information with
the click of a mouse, the task of
looking things up in a phone
book, a dictionary, or an encyclopedia
becomes downright
For those of you who are already
on line: if you haven’t
used thatWebbrowser that came
with your signup package, give
it a try. You’ll never look at a
compute.r screenin quite the same
way again. And, if you want a
first place to look, use this address:
For you experienced Web
browsers out there, go to the
address above, then put it on a
bookmark. New pages are being
added all the time. Follow all the
links on that front page, and you
could easily spend a couple of
hours just looking at what is
available in and near Eureka
Springs, and especially what is
available that isfamily-specific
If you don’t have a computer,
or hive one and have not vet
made the leap to cyberspace, n~w
is the time. An entire world of
information, resources, new
friends, business contacts, and
just plain fun is to be had.
Since I’m your basic computer
geek, this has been an especi,’dly
exciting time for me. I have
watched as numerous people
have accessed the Web for the
first time, and I gotta tell you, it’s
an amazing thing to see thc excitement
in the eyes of someone
who has just discovered the answer
to his or her dreams.
If you don’t have access to the
Interuet, find a friend who does.
Buy the beer and bribe your
friend into showing you how to
access cyberspace. If you do have
access, point your browser to the
address given above. You can
also reach PIMP by e-mail at
emerald@intellinet.com. If you
aren’t on line, or if youjust want
to talk to a real live human, call
501-253-2401. Be brave. Step
out. You’ll be glad you did!
Georgia Ragsdale, who has
filmed a movie, "’Never Met
Picasso, soon to be released, with
co-star Margot Kidder.
Their shows have been sellouts
wherever they’ve played.
Tickets for this "Doh’t-miss"onc
of a -kind show are available at
the PAC and Carson Attractions,
for S15.50 to $18.50. The show
has one performance at 8 pm
Saturday, March 16th
Mark your calendars now, because
this is one show yon won’t
want to miss out on, and it’s the
first of its kind in Tulsa.
That’s progress !
A Friendly Place to Stay
96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(501) 253-7311
Jerry A. Wilson, owner
MCC of the
Living Spring
...a community of friends...
Rev. Kermie Wohlenhaus
We welcome you to attend!
Services held
Sunday evenings at 6 PM
17"Elk Street
(at the Unitarian Church)
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
501-253 -9337
¯ "T ¯ p ~
501-253-9682 (days)
OR 501-253-8969 (evenings)
Offerings include: Bed & Breakfast
Inns, Victorian Homes, Hotels/Motels,
Commercial Properties/Businesses,
Quiet Country Estates, & much more.
McClung Realty, Inc. has catered to the
diverse G/L/B/TG community in Eureka
.Springsfor over 20 years. Call or write
for a listing brochure. Or better yet, stop
in, and we’ll show you around.
We specialize in creative financing.
"Jim & Brent have opened the ultimate intimate local
eatery. A special, eclectic dining experience..."
Stop by our house for a taste of local flavor. Dine outside on
the patio & porch or ill our three beautiful dining rooms.
Fine food at an affordable price.
Green & Yellow Night
Private Dinner Party, lstThurs, ofEach Month
6pm - Midnight, Dine, Drink & Relax Among Friends
Featuring Jim & Gwendolyn’s Select Dinner Entrees
& Brent’s Superb Desserts
"With Family In Mind"
Gay-owned, Operated & Rainbow Proud
20% of all proceeds will go to the support of family causes
’96 3"000GT
The New Thinking in Automoo~les
Family Finances
by Leanne Gross
Happy New Year Everyone!! The only problem with
the new year - is now we have to pay the taxes for last
year. Here’s some thoughts on how to help you
decrease some of your taxableincome and help get the
new year off to a great start.
* For the individual Your 401K plan at work is
the best way to.stash retirment dollars and this will
lower your taxable income. You can also open an
Individual Retirment Account (I.R.A.); however, if
you have a retirment plan at work, there will not be
much room, if any, to deduct your I.R.A. If you do not have a retirment plan at your place
of employment, try opening an I.R.A. at your bank or with a financial consultant.
* If you are self-employed or a small company employer of25 or less employees, you
may ~ualify for the Simplified Employee Pension plan (SEP) A SEP provides an
employer with a simplified way to make contributions to an employee’s Individual
Retirement Account or Individual Retirement Annuity.
1. Employer contributions are made directly to SEP-IRAs set up for each employee
with a bank, insurance company or other qualified financial institution.
2. Employer contributions are tax deductible.
3. Contributions are not taxed currently to the employee.
4. Earnings accumulate income tax-deferred.
1. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION. No annual contribution is required. If a contribution
is made, the allocation must be the same percentage for each eligible employee.
2.INDIVIDUALLIMITS.The allocation of employer contributions to a participant’ s
account may not exceed the lesser of 15% of compensation or $22,500. For the selfemployed,
these values are reduced to 13.0435% and $19,565.
3. TIME OF CONTRIBUTION. Contributions can be made until the due date (plus
extensions) of the employer’s return.
4. VESTING. Vesting must always be 100%.
5. ADDITIONAL IRAs. Additional IRAs are permitted if the combination meets
overall ItLa~ limits.
6. WHO MAY PARTICIPATE? Any employee who is at least 21 and has
performed "service" in at lehst 3 of the last 5 calendar years must be permitted to
participate under the SEP, unless her total compensation is less than $400 for the ye.ar.
7. INVESTMENT OF PLAN ASSETS. Plan assets can be invested in most eqmty
products or debt instruments, but may not be invested in life insurance, "hard" assets,
or collectibles (except for U.S. gold and silver coins). Participants direct the funds
coutributed on their behalf.
8. WITH~DRAWALS. Participants may withdraw or cash-out at anytilne. However,
Timothy W. Daniel
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Cherry Street Psychotherapy
1515 South Lewis
Are you lookingfor a relaxed, amicable,
private atmosphere for therapy?
Our office provides a level of confidentiality
and comfort that enhances teh therapeutic process.
For further information, call 743-4117
Leah Hunt, MSW Judy Seymour-Taylor, CADC
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Serving a Diverse Community
withdrawals are subject to immediate taxation. Prior to age 59 1/2, there is an additional
10% excise tax, unless such distributions are made over the life expectancy of the IRA
owner or joint life expectancy of the owner and a designated beneficiary or because of
death or disability. Once the annuity format is chosen, it cannot be modified until the
later of 5 years or age 59 1/2 is reached, without a penalty.
1. Contributions are tax deductible.
2. Contributions and costs are totally flexible.
3. Reporting is very minimal -- no IRS or Dept. of Labor forms.
4. The plan is easy to understand by the employees.
5. The plan is easy to set up by merely completing IRS Form 5305-SEP*.
6. There is little or no administrative expense.
1. Annual contributions are not taxed to the participant.
2. Earnings on the account are not currently taxed.
3. Participants have the right to direct investments.
4. Participants can also have a regular deductible IRA, if the combined accounts meet
overall IRA requirements.
5. Funds can be withdrawn at any time; e.g., in the event of an emergency, although
there will be penalties if the participant is not yet 59 1/2, unless the participant is
deceased or disabled, or a special annui.ty pay out (of substantially equal payments) is
1. Contributions must be made for part-time and seasonal employees.
2. Employees can withdraw the funds as fast as they are put into the account.
3. Employees are always 100% vested -- there are no forfeitures to reduce employer
4. Employees control investments.
5. Allocation methods which reduce employer costs may not be used.
1. There is no guarantee as to future benefits
2. Investment risks rest on the participant.
3. There is no assurance as to the frequency and amount of employer contributions.
4. Special lump-sum tax treatment of distributions is not available.
5. No tax-free disability pay out is available.
6. There are no forfeitures to be reallocated
7. Life insurance funding is not’available.
8. Cannot contribute over the 15% limit (compared to a 25% limit permitted tinder
Qualified Defined Contribution Plans).
9. Bankruptcy protection from creditors is uot afforded.
Pres. Clinton said during his "’S tate of the l’nion’" address, your retirement program
is going to be up to us. Talk to your employer. T,*~ke a look at your own plan. Today! !
"" My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there."
Charles F. Kettering
Photos, JD Jamett, 621-5597
2405 E. Adrnira
in Historic "_
Whittier Square "_
People don’t plan
to fail, they fail to plan.
Leanne Gross
Retirement planning,
Life, health &
income insurance,
& investment placing.
Mention this ad to receive
free initial consultation.
Making Sense
If you missed it the first time, don’t
miss it this time.
Making Sense: Innovative and
challenging: A program that only
TOHR could bring you.
Making Sense
Program begins February 20. Call T©HR for more
information and to enroll. Ask for Jason. 743.4297
by Jean-Pierre
It’s 2 a.m., the bars have closed, and
you’re hungry. Where in Tulsa can you
go’? The restaurants revxewed here are
open all night and have table service.
Clearly, the unquestionable winner in
the all-night category has to be the Village
Inn chain. While service quality varies a
bit from store to store, it is generally
reasonably prompt, and, as long as you.
d.on’t have any special requests or instructions,
reasonably efficient.
Breakfast is.Village Inn’s forte. They
" are Particularly known for theirextremely
fluffy omelettes, made so by a quick whirl
in the blender before cooking. Otherpopular
breakfasts are the several varieties of
"skillets", which feature diced potatoes, a
meat, and onions and other vegetables, all
sauteed together, and then topped with
eggs to order and a sauce or gravy ofsome
Of course, you can also get sandwiches
and regular diner food. We particularly
like the Cobb salad, of mosdy iceberg
lettuce, but topped with aplethora ofother
tasty items like bleu cheese, fresh bacon,
grilled chicken breast, an~ diced avocados.
Be sure and ask if the avocados are
ripe, since we were served hard and tasteless
avocados on several occassions. Those
of you not counting fat grams will no
doubt be quite favorably impressed by the
double cheeseburger, f~aturing two j’ulcv
hamburger patties, grilled onions, ba0o~
~trips, cheese, & thousand island dressing.
Our biggest complaint with the Village
Im] chain is that the3 close at midnight on
Sunday and Monday nights.
On those unfortunate nights, the default
choice has to be Kettle. We are sorry to
report that the corporate Kettle entity was
recently purchased by Denny’s. None of
the employees in any of the local stores
are able to tell us whether ornot there will
be any change in the restaurant’s Policies ,
orif the Kettle stores will become Dermy’s.
Kettle’s food is pretty standard and
generic fare. They also do a better job on
dinner entrees than most of their competitors,
but even so, none meet the excruciatingly
high Jean-Pierre standards.
Denny’s is the traditional American allnightrestaurant,
andis the standard against
which other competitors are measured.
Fortunately for those competitors, the local
Denny’s don’t meet the old Denny’s
Over the last three months, we made
twovisits each to three ofthe local Deuny’s
stores. In each case, the service was unacceptably
slow. Twice we heard patrons at
other tables get almost violently loud with
their server over delays, wrong orders,
and poor food. The most frequent problem
we encountered was cold .food. Runner
up was overcooked food. To make all
of. this worse, Denny’s famous budgetsaver
"Grand Slam"brealffast is not served
during the midnight to 6 a.m period.
Frequent road-trippers will no doubt be
familiar with the Waffle House chain.
Small and unpretentious, Waffle House
can serve a decent and cheap breakfast.
Unfortunately we found that food quality
vanes greatly from store to store.
All Waffle Houses have wmtresses that
call their customers "Hon." It’s a tradition.
But, what realh scares us at Waffle
House is the fa~t tl~at your short-order
cook works in full view.’Some thin2s are
probably better left unsaid.
Waffle House has an All You Can Eat
special for $4.59, slightly higher during
the 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. period, that is worth
yourmoney and probably the best way for
you to eat. The signature food is the pecan
waffle, which appears hot off the iron
golden brown, fragrant, and filled with
pieces of pecan throughout the batter.
We’ve never yet had a bad pecan waffle at
a Waffle House. Other items are not so
lucky. The grits we were served were a
congealed mass of got bathed in some
type of yellow oi!y substance we took to
be melted margarine.
Three ’local" restaurants exist Unfortunately,
with no nadonal standards to
meet, all three have definite short-comings,
and we tend to avoid them. They are
Mama Lou’s, Perry’s, and Kelly’s.
So, as you can see, goodreaders,Tulsa’a
late night dining scene Is not paricularly
condusive to the gourmet experience. We
do, however, have to ~ve honorable mentlons
to the Whataburger and Tact Cabana
chains. The food at Tact Cabana is
pretty good, although not as good as what
we’ve had at their San Antonio stores.
Also, a favorite spot we had to mention is
the Country Ketde/Texaco truck stop way
out east of town on 1-44. Technically, it’s
in Catoosa city limits, but just across the
highway is sti]l within Tulsa city limits.
Ourrecommendation?Hone vou~ gourmet
skills at home for your friends. Eat
before ten o’clock. Move to New York.
Otherwise, head to a Village Inn, maybe
eat at Tact Cabana, or try your luck with
a gamble at one of the other restaurants.
by James Christjohn ¯ If you missed the last two concerts in
the Celtic Music series at the PAC, you
: missed some great entertainment! Celtic
music is the great-grandperson of bluegrass
and country, yet has a quality all its
¯ own. Haunting and celebratory, often at
the same time, it is great music to dis-
, cover, or if you already have, to explore.
Coming up is the third and final (sadly)
; concert of the Celtic Music Series, the
¯ Cassidys, 5musical Irish brothers (hate to
be in the middle of one of their family
¯ spats!),atthePAC nMarch 13. They ve
¯ played for two Presidents, and filled Ra¯
dio City Music & Carnegie Halls. This
will be their Tulsa debut. For info and
¯ tickets, call the PAC ticket office at 596-
: 7111. And doit soon, because these shows
¯ usually pack the house! ¯
For an amusing evening, don’t miss
¯ Broken Arrow Community Playhouse’s
¯ production of"the Lion in Winter. This is
¯ the last weekend to catch it; Friday & ¯
Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2pm.
¯ Catch the kiss in the second act - it’s quite
a show stopper! (Not to mention the numerous
pacemakers planted throughout
¯ the audience!) For info, call 258-0077.
¯ Well, I haven’t seen any ghosts lately,
¯ but I’ve been haunted by a Phantom. Yes,
he looms large on the horizon... Oh, never
¯ mind, that’s not him, just my shadow! I
¯ really must stick to that diet more stricdy.
¯ Where was I? Oh, yeah, Phantom. THE ¯
Phantom, of Opera fame, is arriving the
¯ 22nd, and will haunt the PAC until March
23 - they’ve added a week. According to
my info. The Phantom himself, Thomas
The Biggest GayAnd Lesbian Comedy Event EVE /
Gay Stand-U p Comics
Perform in g
The Gay Come~y Jam "Fr~,l, m" T~Jr~
From HDO
Gay Stand-Up Comedy
Nationally Recognized And Acclaimed
Gay And Lesbian Headliners
As Featured On HBO
And The Advocate Magazine With Spedal Guest:
BOB |/~11"1.1
From HBO’s
The Rrst Openly C~y Comedian "Women Aloud"
To Appear On The Tonight .Show
Tickels A vailable At"
The Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Theatre Box Office
All Carson Attractions Ticket Locations
110 East Second Street
For Ticket/Show information.
(9 1 8) $ 9 6-7 1 I 1
Advance Ticket Purchase Recommended
Jmnes O’Leary (Another Celtic influ- ordering a cheap seat!
ence!), comes straight.... Let me rephrase There are Phantom performances set
that. He hails directly from the Broadway aside for visual and heanngimpaired folks:
production itself! If his name seems fa- An audio-described performance for the
miliar, check the liner notes on the origi- " visually impaired is scheduled for March
hal cast recording of Miss Saigon. He’s 16that2pm;andasignedperformancefor
also featured on the soon to be released
international symphonic recording of Miss
Saigon as well. No skimping on this show.
After all, they have rebuilt part of the
theatre just for the chandelier. So use lots
o’ hair spray, build up the chandelierproof
bouffant, and call the PAC at 596-
7111 for tickets (going fast, I hear). If you
want to have a gay old time and scare
people enmasse, groups of 20 or more can
call 254-1069 for group tickets. Tickets
run from $16.50 to $61.50. Interesti0g
juxtaposition ofnumbers, eh? Heaven hdp
you if you’re dyslexic & think you’re
the hearing impaired is scheduled for
March 17th at 2pm.
I am pleased to announce that
Gaylapalooza is coming to Tulsa for one
night only, March 16, at the PAC.
Gaylapalooza is an evening featuring four
acclaimed openly Gay comics: Scott
Kennedy and Kevin Maye, co-stars of the
’~3ay Comedy Jam, and appearances on
HBO’s Comedy Channel; Bob Smith, the
first gay comic ever to have his Own HBO
special and ~the first and only openly gay
comic to appear on the Tonight Show; and
see Comtc, page 11
How To Do It
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Large Corner Let
3 Bdrm. Home in need of
Major repairs.
Appraised at 20 K+
All offers considcrcd.
Call 622-1441.
Send your ad &
payment to POB.
4140, Tulsa, OK
74159 with your
name, complete
address, day &
eve. numbers
(for our records
Ads will run in
the next issue
after they are
¯ [] ¯ Keyboardist ¯
¯ Needed ¯
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¯ Wednes.day pm ¯
¯ " ¯ Call ~-
¯ Fanfi.ly of-Faitli M(?~ " ~
¯¯ t6 inqtfire.
¯ " 622L1441L’ ¯
1 ) To respond to these
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military, attractive, 32, some experience,
seeks others for fun and friendship. Please
leave a message. (Lawton) ~18853
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down your box number.
GOOD aLE’ BOY. GWM, 135, 5’5",
blonde hair, hazel eyes, 35, varied interests,
seek GWM’s, 18-40, for friendship and
more. Please leave a message. (Manford)
NOW AND THEN. GWM, 6’1", 190,
brown hair, green eyes, seeks others for
occasional encounters. Please leave a
message (Muskogee) ~32992
ANYONE HOME?. GWM, big guy, seeks
others for fun in the sun Leave a message
and we’ll go from there. (Oklahoma City)
red hair, blue eyes, heavy set and fun, new
to area., very passive, seeks other men for
pleasure and more. Give me a call!
(Oklahoma City) e47707
professional, seeks discreet, fun and safe
action Leave a message soon. (Oklahoma
Cityl ~47841
YOUNG LOVE. GWM, 19, alot of
interests, seeks others, under 25, for
relationship possibilities. No one night
stands,-please! (Oklahoma City) ~47711
MAN TO MAN. GWM76’5", 210, hairy
chest, taltoos, pierced, seeks others, 21-45,
for discreet male to male activities in my
home. Call me soon. (Oklahoma City)
BI AND BI. Bi WM, late 40% seeks other
Bi guys in the local area. Leave a message.
(Oklahoma City) ~47209
ARE WE A MATCH?. GWM, 5’11", 160,
brown hair, blue eyes, seeks local guys for
friendship and possibly more. Please
respond and I will answer as soon as I get
your message. (Oklahoma City) ~34851
seeks others for guidance and experience in "
this lifestyle. All calls will be answered.
(Oklaho~na City) ~39411
TULSA TWO STEP. GWM, 26, 5’7", 145,
good looking and in shape, seeks others, 18-
27, for friendship and fun. Please leave a
message. (lulsa) ~17238
180, black hair, brown eyes, seeks others,
local and 18-42, into foniasies, for fun and
more. Please leave a message. (Oklahoma
City) n34286
blonde hair, brown eyes, new to this life,
seeks others to teach me more. Please leave
a message. (Oklahoma City) ~33975
Ibs, 5’6", looking for all local studs who are
interes~l in friendship, relationship, life and
laughter. If this sounds like you, leave me a
message for an immediate reply. (Oklahoma
City) ~47265
brown hair and eyes, 21, seeks other males,
good looking and well built cowboys
preferred, for friendship and more. Please
leave a message. (Oklahoma City) ~23376
NEW TO THIS. GWM, 27, 155, brown
hair, hazel eyes, newly divorced and
inexperienced, seeks others for experience
and friendship. Please leave a message.
(Oklahoma City) ~17465
2, 5 10 , blonde hair, hazel eyes, me&urn
build, seeks others for friendship and
relationship. (Oklahoma City) e1879~
81G GUY. GWM, 18, 5’10", 240, seeks
others for friendship and more. Please leave
a message. (Oklahoma City) el 8863
GWM, 5’10", 1,50, brown hair and blue
eyes, good looking, seeks young males for
fun and good times. Please leave a
message. (Oklahoma City) ~ 16604
BUDDY TO BUDDY. GWM, 25, tall and
in good shape, good looking, masculine and
inexperienced, smoke/drug/disease fre~,
into sports, movies and all outdoor activities,
seeks buddies, 20’s-30’s, to share my life
and interests with. A close friendship is my
goal. Please respond. (Tulsa) ~34529
Secretary of Tulsa Technicians, seeks other
men who are hairy, ’stoched, bearded and
masculine, to teach me more about Leather
and all that it implies. I want to know all
there is! (Tulsa) ~34324
good looking and in shape, seeks others with
same qualities. Leave a message. (Tulsa)
155, good looking, straight acting, into all
out door activities, smoker and social
drinker, seeks others, 21-30, for fun,
friendship and possibly more. Bar flies need
no~" respond. (Tulsa) ~e42991
seeks others, 18-21, for fun, friendship and
possible relationship. Please leave a
message. (Tulsa) ~ 11953
GWM, 6’1", 165, blonde hair, tanned and
hairy, seeks others for one on one or phone
fun. Please leave a message. (Tulsa)
DISCREETLY YOURS. GWM seeks straight
actina and masculine GWM’s for friends.
Pleas~ leave me a message. Firemen,
policemen and military a plus. (Tulsa)
~ 13775
28, brown hair, blue eyes, 6’, 160, very
good shape, very inexperiericed, seeks very
straight acting and Discreet men for first time
pleasures. Please leave a message. (Tulsa)
Married WM, very a~active, good body,
6’1", 180, blonde hair, blue eyes, seeks
other white males for first time experience.
Please leave a message. No need to be
Discreet. (Tulsa) ~ 16302
GIRL TALK. Bi Curious WF,
5’11",165, 24, blonde hair, hazel
eyes, variety of interests, out doors
woman, Seeks Bi WF’s or Curious
WF’s, for friendship, exploration
6nd maybe more. Leave a
message. (Oklahoma) ~26249
Extremely Bi Curious WF, new to
this life,. 22, ~’all and full figured;
seeks same ~or le~rning
experiences. Please leave a
message (Oklahoma City)
GUARANTEED. GWF, 31, seeks
other females for fun, romance and
more. Please leave a message.
(Tulsa) ~27256

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 3,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/507.