[2008] The Star Magazine, June 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 6


[2008] The Star Magazine, June 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 6


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


June 01, 2008


Charles (Chaz) Ward
Victor Gorin
Greg Steele
James Nimmo
Joey D.
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blake
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Devre Jackson
Judy G.


The Star Magazine, May 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 5

The Star Magazine, July 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 7


Online text








Southwestern Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


~nty one years ago was a world that many
young people never k~ew or could comprehend.
No openly gay person had been elected
to public office in Oklahoma. Organizations
advocating equality for GLBT Oklahomans
were few and far less influential. Only 3 years
earlier our Oklahoma Legislature had passed
legislation (later ruled unconstitutional by the
Federal court system) that would prohibit a
public school teacher from even making a positive
statement about the GLBT community
in a classroom. Equality for GLBT people was
hardly discussed, and gay marriage even more
remote. Politicians could (and did) make hateful
statements about our community without
any fear that someone would challenge their
remarks. (sorry Sally, you came along too late)
~ganizers of this year’s Tulsa Pride Celebration
are promising the public that this
year’s events will be anything but boring. Nate
Black, one of the co-chairs says the changes
are intended to breathe a new sense of excitement
into the Pride observance and to help
promote the revitalization of downtown. It
may not look the same, but organizers promise
that Tulsa Pride 2008 will be just as incredible
of a celebration as ever. Spanning over two
weeks, with an event almost every evening,
Tulsa Pride 2008 has something for everyone.
"There will be some differences, but the spirit
of the celebration is the same. It is still going
to be a joyful, invigorating experience that xvill
spark the same sense of pride and freedom in
our community,"
Tutso PI IDE ?008

2 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
walk or drag yourselfto Tulsa
Pride 2008
By Joey De
It may not look the same, but organizers promise that Tulsa Pride
2008 is a series of events you won’t want to miss. "We have our
three anchor events: the gala, the parade and block party, and the
picnic," explains Pride co-chair Nate Black. "There ~vill be some
differences from the past, but the spirit ofTulsa Pride is as vibrant as
Here is a brief look at the events ofTulsa Pride 2008. For a complete
listing, maps and details, visit www.tulsapride.org
May 30 - "Sisters in Song" concert at All Souls Unitarian Church.
May 31- Wear your rainbow attire and enjoy a day at America’s favorite
zoo with your friends and family. Tnat night, join the Equality
Gala and celebrate the GLBT community at Cain’s Ballroom.
Jun. 1 - Rev. Barney McLaughlin and members ofTulsa’s faith community
will be hosting "Spiritual Equality," an interfaith service at
Bethany Christian Church.
Jun. 2 - Join PFLAG at the Circle Cinema for a free screening of
"Anyone and Everyone," a film about families struggling to accept
their GLBT youth.
Jun. 4 - Cheer the Drillers to victory and enjoy an old-fashioned
ballpark picnic. Tickets must be bought in advance. That evening,
Lochran Theatre’s "He&vig and the Angry Inch," opens. The show
will play at various locations through the 15th.
Jun. 5 - Enjoy the works of 60 artists at "More Color," a one-night
ex~hibition at the Equality Center.
Jun. 6 - Open Arms Youth Project Fashion Show.
Jun. 7 - Dine at the OkEq Family Taco Dinner benefiting PFLAG,
then join the Pride Parade and Block Party, with two stages of entertainment.
Youth Services ofTulsa will be hosting a concert in their
Coffee House for those under 21 and child care will be available for
those under 12 at the Equality Center.
Jun. 8 - Texas Hold’era at the Equality Center.
Jun. 10 - Leather and Fetish fashion show at the Equality Center.
Jun. 11 - Join the "Gender Avengers" for an evening of monologues
and plays addressing transgender issues.
Jun. 12 - Learn about raising kids in a diverse world at the Downtown
Library. Speakers will be available and books attacked for their
"inappropriate" messages will be displayed.
Jun. 13 - Screen "The ~A’ Word," a film with no audio or subtitles,
about 10 deaf lesbians.
Jun. 14 - Walce up early for the YST fun run before the Equality
Festival at Centennial Park on 6th and Peoria!
www.ozarksstar.corn the STAR 3

By Victor Gorin
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__ It can be hard
to fathom, but OKC Pride is now 21. Had
the event been a child born 21 years ago,
that person would now be ready to legally
enjoy the bars. Instead a spirit of human
determination was born in rocky Oklahoma
soil, with the joyful trappings that come
with living in the Bible Belt’s buckle, q-his
beginning came to Oklahoma through the
brave organization of about a dozen people.
As Paul Thompson recAls, "We didfft know
if there wotdd be 10 people marching or a
hundred." The Ku Klux Klan had promised
to meet the marchers when they came
over the N.W. 39th Street hill with hostile
confrontation. When around 400 marchers
came over the hill, the Klansmen waiting
in Safeway’s (now Homeland) parking lot
promptly left the scene, and a proud tradition
It was a world that many young people
never knew or could comprehend. No
openly gay person had been elected to
public office in Oklahoma. Organizations
advocating equality for GLBT Oklahomans
were few and far less influential. Only 3
years earlier our Oklahoma Legislature had
passed legislation (later ruled unconstitutional
by the Federal court system) that
would prohibit a public school teacher from
even making a positive statement about the
GLBT community in a classroom. Equality
for GLBT people was hardly discussed, and
gay marriage even more remote. Politicians
could (and did) make hateful statements
about our community without any fear that
someone would challenge their remarks.
(sorry Sally, you came along too late)
Today the Pride Festival and Parade truly
showcases the theme by showing how far
we’ve come. Festival booths not only feature
openly gay public office holders (now even
on the State level with the appointment of
Corporation Commissioner Jim Roth), but
also gay political organizations of Democrats
and Republicans, as well as straight politicians
& parties who are proud to speak out
for us and seek our vote. Social organizations
(from rodeo to softball), and religious
groups bring us all together in glamorous
diversity. There are countless more business
organizations proud to seek out the gay
community to make a buck. Last but not
least, nothing compares to the mosaic of the
GLBT community and their friends, people
from all walks of life together in Pride.
June 14 Saturday OKC Pride at the Zoo
10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
For the first time there will be a gay day at
the Oklahoma City Zoo. It will be a great
way to begin the week’s festivities with
family and/or friends. There is information
about a special reduced rate inside every
OKC Pride Participation Packet, so come
out, enjoy the day and wish the animals a
good week too!
June 15 Sunday OKC Pride Day ofWorship
Cathedral of Hope & Church of the Open
Arms ( both UCC) will be planning special
worship celebrations to commemorate Pride
Week. Ifyou have felt left out or excluded
from worship, these churches are ready to
welcome you just as you are.
June 20- OKC Pride Parade
Now moved to Friday evening stepping off
at 7 p.m. the route is unchanged. Beginning
at Memorial Park ( N.W. 36th & Classen) it
proceeds north on Classen two blocks north
ofN.W. 39th Street, turns around on Classen
and then proceeds west on N.W. 39th.
Our Grand Marshall will be Joe Salmonese,
the chair of the national Human Rights
Preceding the Parade will be a Strip Show (
signifying the N.W. 39th Street Strip)
featuring some of our wildest and finest
entertainers. Then the crowd cheers on as
the parade’s first arrivals enjoy the finest
climax ever enjoyed at any event. As the
Parade concludes those in the mood will
be ready to party, giving new meaning to a
wild weekend while remembering how Pride
brings us together.
June 21- 22 OKC Pride Festival
Still at Oklahoma Cit)?s Memorial Park at
N.W. "36th & Classen, the Festival will run
from noon until 10 p.m. Saturday June 21,
and from noon until 5 p.m. June 22 Sunday.
There will be many booths featuring
organizations you can learn from or even
consider joining, as well as endless types of
merchandise. There will be entertainment
as well
Following the Festival conclusion at 5 p.m.
Sunday, Church of the Open Arms has their
Annual Pride Ice Cream Social, which will
featuring the Therapy Sisters in concert.
There’s no better way to cool off, enjoy the
fun & music and recap the xveekend.
This is an event you don’t want to miss, it’s
there for all of us. For more infornaation
pick up a Pride Guide at your favorite clubs, "
or check out the website at wwv.okcpride.
DBAT Celebrates Pride
by Hosting a Diversity
Job Fair
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Diversity
Business Association ofTulsa (DBAT), a
program of Oklahomans for Equality, is
hosting a Diversity Job Fair on June 13th
from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. The event, being
held at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
in Downtown Tulsa, will bring together lgbt
job seekers and lgbt-friendly employers in a
safe and comfortable environment, allowing
for open dialogue and alleviating fears of
The Diversity Job Fair offers a unique opportunity
for diversity-conscious employers
to access the wealth of skilled and talented
members of the lgbt community. Additionally,
job seekers are given an unprecedented
connection to companies that are lgbtfriendly.
F~r more information or if your company
is interested in participating in the job fair,
contact Susan Hartman at dbat@okeq.org
or call 918-698-2977.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 5
By David Benkof
Should gay-rights advances be put on hold
until all LGBT people can be included? On
this question, the position held by the most
prominent voices in the gay community is
so inconsistent it borders on incoherent.
Last year, most leading gay-rights organizations
rejected the advice of congressional
experts including Rep. Barney Frank (DMass.)
and pushed for an unlikely-to-pass
version of the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act (ENDA) that included gender
identity. \Vc~hen the broader bill was replaced
with an ENDA that covered only sexual
orientation, hundreds of gay and lesbian
groups lobbied Congress to vote "no" on
what was the most important piece of gayrights
legislation in a decade. Indeed, seven
Democrats who had previously been reliable
votes for pro-gay bills opposed ENDA
because it did not include protections for
transgender people.
LGBT activists defended this stance in a
variety of ways, but the basic argument xvas
that no part of the community should gain
civil rights at the expense of other parts.
Of course, had that been the approach of
voting-rights activists after the Civil War,
African-Americans would have forfeited the
vote until women gained suffrage a halfcentury
later - and they, in turn, may have
been asked to wait for the passage of the
Voting Rights Act of 1965 before gaining
the right to vote. In any event, supporters
ofwhat became known as "United ENDA"
characterized their position as a principled
one, believing that LGB rights without T
rights were worse than no rights at all, and
that (Evita show tune be damned) politics is
not "the art of the possible."
This pose is simply unsustainable, as an
examination of transgender military inclusion
The Web sites of the National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force; the Human Rights
Campaign; Parents, Friends, and Families of
Lesbians and Gays; and many other groups
advocate for an ENDA that includes gender
identity, but the T is glaringly missing when
it comes to military issues. ~nese organizations
push for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals
to serve openly in the armed forces, but
don’t lobby on behalf of transgender people
who want to serve their country. They certainly
don’t insist that any repeal of "Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell" (DADT) be linked to
equality for transgender servicemembers.
There are only three ways LGBT organizations
can react to this imbalance with any
sort of integrity:
One, they could refuse to support the repeal
ofDADT unless it is accompanied by a new
policy that prohibits the military from discriminating
on the basis of gender identity.
Two, they could admit that their ENDA
strategy was wrong and agree to accept an
LGB-only workplace bill until such time as
the votes are there to pass a more inclusive
Three, they could articulate pub!icly and
precisely why discrimination against
transgender people in the military is more
legitimate than private-sector discrimination
against them - and why it is more legitimate
than discrimination against lesbians, gay
men, and bisexuals in the military.
I would certainly prefer the second solution,
but I could respect the other two
approaches. My hunch, though, is that none
of these stances will be adopted. The status
quo is strong evidence that the "United
ENDA" stance is not primarily about political
principles. It’s about the internal power
dynamics in the LGBT community, which
have caused gay leaders to draw the line at
an inclusive ENDA. No such mobilization
has taken place over transgender people in
the military, so there has been no perceived
need for an ultimatum on that issue. Yet.
David Benkofwas a longtime gay columnist, historian,
and entrepreneur (as David Bianco). He is openly bisexual,
but as an OrthodoxJew he is guided byJewish law
in the areas ofsexvtality andfamily life. He can be reached
at DavidBenkof@aol.com.
6 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
For a Family’s Dinner brought by the neighbors after the Death of Bettsie.
Be sure to look on the bottom ofthe dish to see what neighbor brought it!
Original Mo~,ie will be shown @ 7 pm dUl-h’~g dim-let.
Ist Eplsede of Series will be shown immediately fo!!o~d.ug
$10 D~nat~n to OG~,A inc]ludes ~nner
~$1GNING Meet and Greet
Leslie Jordan - From Sordid Lives, Will & Grace
My Trip Down The :PINK CARPET
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 7
Coming of e
~ulsa PRIDE ar~ 2008
ThuP~day, June 5, 2008, 5:G0prn to 9:0~m
atthe Dennis R. Nell Equali~ C~nt~r,
Corner of 4th and Keno~, dov~ov,~ Tuls~
the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
Directed by David Gatigan
Oklahoma City June 8, 2008 at 8pro
wv~v.ozarksstar.com the 8TAP, 9
Interview by Victor Gorin
eslie Jordan arrived in this world during 1955
in the Heartland of the Bible Belt, born and
grown up in Chattanooga,Tennessee.. AI-
[ho@ ~rowing up was ~ostly nor easy, he
made le~nonade o[it of lemons and marie his
experiences work for him, taking a bus to HoIly~
vood and never looking back. His credits are
coundess, with app~ces on TV shows too numerous m mention
them but in~ih&ag Reba and Will and Grace(which garnered
him an E . Re is an accomplished playwright with
his first success Like a Dog on Linoleum" followed by Hysterical
B redness and other Southern Tragedies. Among his film successes
i~’thd camp} dassic ’Sordid I[ives" (where he portrayed the
drag que~ Brother Boy), which will be a n~w~series
o£ LOGO ~ningJuly 23. His new book, "My, Trip down
the P~~t:’ is 7h~ Slory of his life with his @s dd downs,
tragedies, ~ es and tri~phs, and the story o~a flamboyant
~who has ~yfound hirrisel£ He is portr~iying his life ~lSo in
a one man play of the same title in Olda~oma ~it~ June 8, for this
is a must re~d and a must see. He shares his thoug~is with~E
LESHE: Well I v,~as the Pips Printing guy, and t also was the elevator
operator that took people to Ha~bu}ger Hell in a Taco Bel!
co~ercial, i was the ~h~ck Full of Nuts coit~e boy, a]l kinds of
commercials. ~ ~ ~
10 the,STAR www.ozarksstar.com
ma$~e that possible.
~CTOR~ g,q~.en does your new book COme
*utJune 3~ and Iamso
which is Ga~
~cOholigm and RddiC’
: are some gay" activists wh6
feei that fl~bSya~t gay characters in the
ueenS hinder the s{~u~le
answer to
Ilow iS
: and see me, I promise
the STAR tl
Dracula ofFree
Speech, Kirk
Humphreys, Pdses From
the Po litica Grave
by James Nimmo
OKLAHOMA CITY) Just as the mythic
Dracula ofTransylvania came back from the
dead to spread horror among the peasants,
so has the flesh-and-blood Kirk Humphreys
come back from the politically dead to fling
his homophobic horror in the hall~ of Oklahoma
City’s public schools.
Reborn in the blood of his religion and bred
in the desiccated dessert of intolerance, Kirk
Humphreys was recently appointed by the
Oklahoma City School Board to fill the
position of chair until an election is held in
February, 2009.
Coming above ground with his first public
election to the Putnam City school Board
in 1987, he rose to bigger things as mayor
ofOKC in 1998. He resigned during his
second term to run for U. S. Senate which
he lost to Dr. Tom Coburn, 25% to 61%.
Settling back into his businessman’s grave of
multiple real estate dealings, one would have
thought that we had heard the last of Mr.
So why the concern regarding his reappearance?
During his time as Mayor of OKC, he was
the driving force behind the 2001 attempt
to prevent Cimarron Alliance, a GLBT
advocacy group, from exercising their First
Amendment right to free speech with the
display of banners promoting gay/lesbian
However, the shining light of Federal
District Court Judge Robin Cauthron,
exorcised the demon of Humphreys and as
she ruled in favor of Cimarron Alliance and
enjoined the City Council from interfering
with Cimarron’s banner display on the
utility poles. Hitherto the sacred utility
poles had been the exclusive marketplace for
hetero organizations such as the Chamber of
Commerce, rodeos, and other civic clubs.
Did I mention the earlier "Tin Drum" video
law suit?
12 the STAR
In 1997, a fundamentalist censorship group
ponied up with an Oklahoma County judge
willing to make an informal ruling that the
"Tin Drum" was child pornography and
that copies of it could be seized in Oklahoma
County wherever it could be found
whether in private homes or public libraries.
Despite the facts that the film had been released
in 1979, received major film awards,
and not anyone prior to Humphreys had
made a legal claim of obscenity against the
film, Humphreys again smelled blood and
was hot on the trail ofwhat he thought
would surely be a victory for fundamentalist
decency. ~hinking that the cross of his
religion would trump all blasphemers and
dissolve the First and Fourth Amendments
he encouraged the court case to proceed.
Federal District Court Judge Ralph ~hompson,
however, found that the film is not
child pornography, and went on to criticize
that the County Judge, Richard Freeman,
had made a serious error in judgment
pertaining to what constitutes pornography
and allowing the OKC police, carte blanche,
to search homes and businesses without a
Both of the lost lawsuits backed by Kirk
Humphreys cost hundreds of thousands of
taxpayer dollars in expenses and attorney
fees which resulted in higher property taxes.
¯hough the "Tin Drum" adventure was
publicly lead by former District Attorney
Bob Macy, as mayor and the boss of the
OKC police chief, I feel that Humphreys
was certainly in the loop and should have
had more sense and better advise in calling
off the figurative police dogs.
If the past is prologue, I think we can expect
some more Humphreys hauntings at the
expense of the Oklahoma City taxpayers. It’s
been shown that the Constitution, its Bill of
Rights, and especially the First Amendment,
if applied in time, can counter the poisonous
vapors that waft from Humphreys.
Wockner News Service
Congress’ highest-ranking
vet calls f.or DADT
Sestak, D-Pa., whose military rank was the
highest of any veteran now in Congress,
has urged fellow lawmakers to join him in
repealing the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy
that bars open gays from the military.
Sestak, a three-star admiral who spent 31
years in the Navy, is one of 17 congressional
veterans co-sponsoring the repeal bill.
"It is easy for me to see why Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell should be repealed," Sestak said
May 3. "Once you have served in war and
faced danger with a gay service member,
how can you come home and say gay people
should not enjoy equal rights?"
Sestak’s comments came at the Equality
Forum, an annual GLBT conference and
festival in Philadelphia.
The Military Readiness Enhancement Act
(H.R. 1246), which would repeal Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell and allow GLB personnel to serve
openly, has 142 co-sponsors in total.
"Veterans like Adm. Sestak, who have dedicated
their lives to serving this country, are
leading the movement in Congress to repeal
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell," said Aubrey Sarvis of
the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.
"These lawmakers agree with senior
military officers, including former chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:John Shalikashvili
and retired Army Maj. Gen. Vance
Coleman, that when it comes to defusing
IEDs, tending to injured troops, deciphering
enemy codes and flying reconnaissance
missions -- sexual orientation is irrelevant.
Seventy-nine percent of the American
people agree with them and it is time that
Congress finally repeal this law."
Carly Simon: ’I don’t
consider myself"to be
not gay
In an interview published May 1 in the San
Francisco gay weeldy Bay Area Reporter,
’70s pop-music legend Carly Simon said, "I
don’t consider myself to be not gay."
The double-negative quasi-coming-out
occurred when interviewer Gregg Shapiro
inquired: "After speaking with you this
morning, I’m going to be interviewing
Cyndi Lauper regarding her True Colors
tour, which features gay and straight artists
performing to raise money for the Human
Rights Campaign and other LGBT organizations.
I’m wondering if Cyndi called
you and asked you to be a part of the True
Colors tour, might you get involved?"
Simon replied: "Well, the part that I could
be involved in is the gay and lesbian part.
The part that would be hard for me is to
commit to a tour because I’m not very
comfortable being onstage. But the part that
would be easiest for me would be singing on
behalf of all of us. I don’t consider myself to
be not gay."
Shapiro responded: "Wow! Well, it’s great to
have you as part of the family."
"Thank you!" Simon said. "I mean, I’ve
enlarged all of my possibilities. There are a
lot of extremely personal stories to tell about
that, but we won’t go into that right now.
Let’s just say that it just depends upon who
I’m with."
Attempts to contact Simon through her
publicist, record label and MySpace page
were unsuccessful as of press time.
Frank: Transgender
people were terrible lobbyists
Openly gay U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, DMass.,
says transgender people did a terrible
job of lobbying for inclusion in the federal
Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
A version of the measure, known as ENDA,
that protects sexual orientation but not gender
identity has passed the U.S. House of
Representatives and is pending in the Senate.
"I’ve never seen a worse job of lobbying
done by the transgender community," Frank
told the Oregon gay newspaper Just Out in
its May 2 issue. "They seem to think that
all they had to do was to get the gay and
lesbian community to say ’OK.’ I think they
thought that this was a train, and that they
were a car on the train."
"I said to them, ’You’ve got to work this,
you’ve got to lobby people.’ They did a terrible
job of lobbying, and so we didn’t have
the votes," Frank said.
First ot3enlv Illinois
legislator dle
Larry McKeon, Illinois’ first openly gay and
first openly HIV-positive state legislator,
died May 13 of a severe stroke. He was 63.
McKeon represented a district of Chicago’s
North Side in the state House of Representatives
from 1997 to 2007.
An Army veteran and former cop, McKeon
also served as Mayor Richard M. Daley’s
liaison to the GLBT community prior to his
election to public office.
McKeon retired last year, citing health issues
related to HIV and cancer.
........More U. S. News page 27
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 13
recently confessed to the fact that she attracts gays like a moth
to a light, hall the men that like me are gay, k’~ ~e. I have a
really strong gaydar. I do love gay men though,~
Portia de Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres are
planning to marD: Ellen has said she is
"thrilled" at the r~ing by the California
supreme court to overturn the state’s ban on
gay marri~e.
Alexander Payne
"Hung" Up at HBO
Oscar-winning screenwriter Alexander
Payne (for Sideways, not his litde-usedbut-
stilbcredit-getting screer~ptay for I Now
Pronounce You Chuck & Larry) has a new
pro’ect9 up his ste~we. And it~ about what’s
in one man’s pants. Hung, a comedy pilot
on track at HBO, will be Payne’s [IW-directing
debut, from a script by Dmitry Lip~n.
creator of%e Riches. ~md the subiect
matter? What happens when a~l average,
middle-aged basketbal! coach learns how to
put his exceptionally large’~- penis to better
~e. NO actor has signed on yet to play the
gifted guy, but casting is scheduled m begi n
soon. If picked up for series, it will be, a; the
very least, the first show" of its k5nd. But wi!I
there be a Boogie Nights-style revea! shot?
Or will it remain a mysteiT? Either way,
expect a big deal to made about this one.
ship only
the closet.
True Co .ors
pP g
Cyndi LaUper~ colors are brighter than ever.
F~li~Wing [tie Success of last year’s landmark
tofir, Latimer is back to help the Human
Ri~ts Campaign, theS~ue Colors Fund of
StOnewall C~r~i-nuni~? Foundation, PFLa~G
and the Centertink Network ofBLGT community
Famous for just wanting to have fun, Lau per
will be bringing her tour to the Zoo Amphitheater
in Oklahoma City on Jun. 23.
Joining Cyndi wilt be The B-52s,
joan J~tr ~d The Blackhearts, ~mdy Belt of
STAR www.ozarksstar.com
Foster, 45, is believed to have called offher Erasure. Margaret Cho and Girl tn A Coma.
relationship with movie producer Cydney with host Carson r*v~ ressl.ev,.f.or.tic.ket." t.mor-
Bernard after a series of arguments. The marion or a full list ofto[,r dates, visit ~~",.~,,,
couple were together for 14 years and have truecolorstour corn
two children ~x;~om Fosrer g~ve birth to and " "
Bernard adopted, according to the British
Daily Mail tabloid.
Pt~oto by: Bill Gaddis
getting hot out. Tulsa’s
wonderful sprir~g ,h,as played out. Here
are a coupl~ tips I d like {o pass along
that may add to your summer enjoyment
of vino..F,irstly, for white win~S,
you know/get ern ~ld! And as the~e
Wines warm up in your glass, the fruit
flavors open Up to~. I really like this
gradual experience. Many times, we
finish a bottle so fast when sharing
with friends that we don’t even notice.
For red wines, put a chill on ’era
as well. NOT too c.o,ld but just cool
enough so that you’re not drinking
warm glug. Remember, room temperatu~’
e can mean a whole different
thing during the summer. Proper stem
ware can also make a big difference
this time of year. Riedel glasses are
among the best althougt~ not recommended
poolside. Here are some
wines for both red & white lovers.
The fo owing is
Calistoga Cellars Chardonnay 2006
This vintage was just released in
ket. If you liked the ’05, this
will really hit the mark. It’s li
beautifully balanced
mix of ripe pear and
the wine is medium bodied
soft finish. A favodte of l
visit McGilrs on 21rst St.
Vincent Pouilly-Fuisse
This Pouilly-Fuisse in several
areas belonging to th~
The wine is created
by Jean-Jac(
celebrated Chateau
nette Vincent
He blends the
well balanced
ers are on t
finish. I first discovered s wine over at
1740/wine bar on Boston n~ear 18th. This
Chardonnay from France i~ quite good.
Michel Picard Vouvray
This is Chenin Blanc from the Loi
of France. Fresh aromas of apricot &
on the nose and the finish is fruity and~~
slightly off dry. Enjoy this from with me,is
that include shellfish to desserts like
apple pies with vanilla ice cream.
oak barrels
owner of the
make a
White flow-
Ochoa Garnacha Rose 2006
This Rose wine is made entirely from
Grenache grapes. The color of is a result
of the short maceration period that helps
to maintain the fragrant aromas and
fresh flavors. A well structured Spanish
wine with plenty of well-rounded fruit and
balanced acidity. Food pairings include
pasta, salads and vegetables.
ut the tannins, these producers
make their wines more
their youth. This bottle
is also affordable and has received high
acclaim from wine critics. Serious meat
oriented pastas would go well with this
Toad Cacophony Zinfandel
This ;I, Hollow Zinfandel
comes ~ ppellation
where Zinf~ les thdve upon the
long h nights. This new
offering i~ ~ 20% Petit
Sirah. It~!a
really great
& jammy wine that’s a
:e~.for barbecued meats.
:i~va/Sparkling wine
NV. Th~ rfclude; 50% Macabeo, ~ 15% Xarelolo. This
iJwhat you may be used
ne or U S sparkling
:he Spanish create a
: old world version from
wine is quite affordable
pleasantly surprise you.
~s ~s a good wine to fall back on as you
;lebrate the summer months.
And as always, I say go to your favorite
wine shop, ask questions and purchase
a bottle or two. Share some food & wine
with friends and check this out for yourself.
Produtorri del Barbaresco 2004
I had a chance to visit this winery when I
was northern Italy. The grape is Nebbiolo
and it’s one of the most important wine
grape varieties of Italy’s Piedmont region.
Flavors of violets, tar, cherries, truffles,
tobacco & prunes come to mind. Although ~is.~grape can take years to age and
Mr. D also hosts wine & food events
known in town as the Wine
References include: the ABC’s of wine by James
the STAR 15
9t8.585,5898 ® 800.585,5101
West 7th Street (corner 7th & Boulder Ave) ® Tulsa, Ok 74t 19 e www.q plazatulsa.com
16 theSTAR June 2008
TW’s-AFAB Catering
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
"Morltezuma’s Castle"
aJmost knocked us over. At night we saw
more stars in the sky than we ever see
here in the Midwest.
There are fabulous places to visit and there are "beyond Fabulous"
places to visit. Luna Vista in Rimrock, Arizona is such a place.
Driving out to California on a recent trip we were guests of Kala
(pronounced Calla is in Calla Lily) and her husband Frank at their
"beyond Fabulous" Luna Vista Bed and Breakfast. Located just
about 20 miles southeast of Sedona and just about 3 miles offthe
Interstate, this has to be one of the finest and most unusual places
that we have been. However to get there you get off the pavement
and drive about three miles around curvy hilly, rocky and treacherous
gravel and dirt roads to make your arrival. But after arriving,
it is ~vorth the trip. After making the last turn you are aghast when
you see this place. It is like you have arrived at the Ponderosa! Kala
and Frank were residents of the East Coast and after 9111 they decided
that it was time for a major move. They purchased the property
in Rimrock, remodeled, repaired, built on, put in a swimming
pool, Jacuzzi and many more additions and finally opened their new
B and B in February, 2004 and it has been an instant success ever
We stayed in the Don Diego (Zorro)
suite. Our bathroom was 18 feet by 20
feet and included our own Jacuzzi. Our
shower was 6 feet by 8 feet and included
a steam room and a double vanity, bidet
and every kind of amenity that you
would possibly want. Our linens were
400-threat count Egyptian cotton and of
course they were ironed before putting
them on the beds! Oh! Did we mention
that they have heated towel racks in
the bathroom? Each room came with a
DVDITFIVHS, CD player, etc. A bottle
of wine is in every room for the guests.
The grounds are fabulous. They are very pet-friendly and even have
a dog run and a horse run should you care to bring your horse. Not
into driving? Then use their helicopter pad and fly right in!
They serve a full-course breakfast every day and on Sundays’ a
full brunch. And we are not talking a muffin and coffee, but a full
sit-down breakfast with wanes, breakfast steak, eggs, potatoes, etc.
Nothing is left out. Guests have the full run of the house and property
including an office where you can check your e-mails and work
online if need be.
But the most important thing about Luna Vista are the owners,
KALA AND FRANK. Nxey genuinely care about their guests and
cater to their every need. Tney love life and it shows. In all of our
travels, they are the most sincere, heartwarming and friendly people
that we have ever met. On our last night there, Kala and Frank
hosted a party in our honor and invited severn of their neighbors
and area antiques dealers. They fixed enough food for an entire
army. Everyone was so interesting in their own way. The woman
The moment that Kala opened the door to welcome us in,
we I~IEW that we were going in for a big treat and we were! She
is dive, animated, professional, entertaining and a great hostess.
Frank ALWAYS has a smile on his face and is very excited about
everything. Together they make a great team and we know that they
will be in the bed and breakfast business for many years. They can’t
help it if they were born straight! It happens in the best of families.
Everyone is welcome at Luna Vista and we do mean everybody!
We stayed there for three days and didn’t even want to go
anywhere else. However one day we did drive over to Montezuma’s
Castle and on to Montezumgs Lake which was extremely interesting.
But the red enjoyment was taking advantage of the Luna Vista
B and B and the many amenities it has to offer. It is located on 16
acres and you can take a long hike through the woods and river area.
The flowers were blooming everywhere. The sights and aromas Luna Vista Bed and Breakfast
18 theSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
Luna Vista Bed and Breakfast
next door to them bakes fantastic desserts and another neighbor is
a spiritual advisor and yet another creams beautiful "cactus" lamps
and objects. She presented us xvith one of her creations. The next
time you really xvant to get away from everything and truly have a
memorable experience, book yoursdf a xveek at the "beyond fabulous"
Luna Vista. Their website is: wxvxv.lunavistabandb.com or call
They have been featured in many travel publications from coast to
coast. To get to Rimrock either fly into Flags{aff or Phoenix, rent
an auto and drive. That is unless you’re already driving, then just
drive on Interstate 17 and take the 293 Exit.
We stayed xvith them on a return trip from California and our
"beyond fabnlous" experiences continued while staying there. We
don’t make many promises, but trust us on this one, we promise
that you will have one of the finest and most enjoyable weeks of
your life xvith Kala and Frank.
Alxvays remember to have fun when traveling, meet new people and
talk to everyone!
Get the STAR delivered
to your home or office.
12 issues only $33.95.
Send Check or Money
Order to:
5103 S. Sheridan Rd.,
Tulsa, OK 74145
Seepage 29for order blank.
Les residents want
Wockner News Wire
Nxree residents of the Greek island of Lesbos have filed suit in an attempt
to reclaim the word "lesbian" and stop the group Homosexual
and Lesbian Community of Greece (OLKE) from using it.
Gay women are believed to have adopted the word in memory of
Sappho, a poet who lived on the island in the sixth century B.C.
and wrote about love between women.
The plaintiffs claim the alleged theft of "lesbian" from the island’s
residents amounts to "psychological and moral rape."
An OLKE spokeswoman called the case "ridiculous" but an Athens
court will hear the matter on June 10.
Quotable Quotes
Cuba’s parliament is studying proposals to legalize same-sex unions
and give gay couples the benefits that people in traditional marriages
enjoy. "The freedom of sexual choice and gender identity are exercises
in equality and social justice," said Mariela Castro, daughter of
President Raul Castro,.
www.ozarksstar.corn ~}~eSTAR t9
of Town
B~ A~&’~w Colli~
W-eekend Getaways from
Portland, Oregon
Oregon’s Gannon Beach o~rs some ofthe best sunset-viewing on the
West Coast. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
with a marionberry vinaigreue. For more sophisticated fare, book
a table at the Gower Street Bistro, which presents creative regional
dishes, such as pan-seared sea scallops with roaste&cre~ corn,
eNgplant, and tJancetta.
You might spend the mornings in Cannon Beach strolling along the sand,
admiring the many geological formations just Offshore, such as the famous,
237-~bot-tall Haystack Rocla Do as locals do and grab a cup ofdelicious
java at Sleepy Mgnk C~ff?e Roasters (alofig with £ ~hick sli~e ofch0~latechip
pumpkin bread)before you Set Out[ %nture south of Cannori Beach
and youll pass throt~ Oswald West S~te Park, which is laced with hiking
trails that weave through 01d-gro~f0rest; leading down tO the ~ch.
End your day in fianky itS, with its quirlg, cafes and galleri~i perhaps
enjoying a glass of Oregon wine at Vino, a snaz~ little Wine bar that
also ser~e~ plate~ of delici0u] chkrcuterie and cheeSe. Between Manzanita
and CannOn Beach in tiny Arch Cape, the gay-owned Ocean Point Inn
comprises three oceanfront suites with chic, contempo~ furnishings, fiatscreen
TVs, and gas fireplaces. Guests can enjoy a ~de range oftreatments
at the inn’s spa. It’s one of the most romantic accommodations along the
Within 30 miles of Portland, in Oregon’s verdant Willamette Valley; you’ll
find some ofthe leading wineries in ~e United States - the area ha~ become
especially renowned for iris pinot noirs. Ifyou have only a day to tour the
region, focus your efforts a~ound the rural, hilly Yamhill area, home to such
esteemed vineyards as Willakenzie, Penner,Ash, and Adelsheim. Just a short
drive south, in the Dundee Hills. standouts include Archery Summit, Sokot
Blosser, and Domaine Serene. ~ese are among dozens ofwineries with tasting
rooms open m the public.
Hip and cosmopolitan Portland continues to emerge as a popular urban
vacation destination for gay" and lesbian travelers, thanks in part to its stellar
restaurant scene, liberal social climate, and artsy personalit~: But another
major draw of this charmed city is its proxmaity to so many breathtakingly
beautiful places that make perfect two- to three-day getaways. In an afternoon’s
drive, you can explore the rugged Oregon Coast, tile lush Willamette
Valley wine country, or the high desert outdoor recreation mecca of Bend.
Here’s a look at three ideal weekend getaways from the Portland area, all of
them centered on communities with an increasing number of gay-owned or
gay-friendly accommodations and restaurants.
Camaon Beach and Manzanita (a 90-minute drive via U.S. 26)
~Ihis part of the valley abounds with excellent restaurants, too. An intimate
spot serving relatively affordable French fare, Cuvee sits along the quiet
main drag oftiny Carlton and is a fine place to end a day ofwine-t~asting.
Among the several stellar restauvamts in Dundee, check out Tina’s, a bustling
bistro that features creative American fare emphasizing ingredients from
local r delicious dish is the seared halibut
cheeks with diced
tic and
rooms, each with a
As vou
From downtown Pordand, U.S. 26 leads west over the dramatic Coast
Mountains to northern Oregon’s spectacular and relatively macrowded
coast, a highlight ofwhich is dapper Cannon Beach, a low-keyed
munity set along a striking stretch of beach. Quite a few gays and lesbians
(including Pordand-based filmmaker Gus Van Zant) own or rent summer
homes here or in nearby beach towns, such as funk)" Manzauita and upscale
The quieter south end of Cannon Beach. known as Tolovana Park. has a
slightly more artsy feel. Here you might spend the night at the delightful
Inn at Cannon Beach, a tasteful complex of contemporar5 two-srory
cottages that open around a central courtyard with fragrant flower gardens
and Adirondack chairs. Itk steps from the beach, and next door to’the
Warren House Pub. a casual, gay-friendly spot that brews its own
excellent beer and serves tast7 comfort food, such as grilled pankocrusted
oysters, and house-smoked-salmon salad
gene. Here
scene of any Oregon city
with parks ~nd ri~:e vci~ opportunities for recreation. A
attraction is the Owen Ros~ Garden, where more than d
Nearb); a former chicken-processing plant houses the Fifth Street
Market, now a complex of fascinati~ shops and enticing restaurants,
mclu&ng one of the regions best dining choices, Marche. Here you can ry
such memorable fare as 0yen-roasted local mussels with a saffron-cream,
and smoked pork chops with rhubarb chum~ From April through De~emher,
check out the neaiby Saturday Market, Where ente~iners pei~form and
close to 200 artisans, farmers, and cooks sell their wares.
20 f~eSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
Pronounced (Wa-ha&a) this Mexican restaurant in Sedona
offers exciting food. With breath-taking scenery and beautiful
views from their rooftop cantina, Oaxaca has earned it’s title "Local
Secret/Big Find" by Travelocity.com. Tnis old world stTle Mexican
restaurant is located in Uptown Sedona and offers casual dining
with an extensive menu with a taste of every palate.
Carl Butler, the owner and a registered dietitian has created a
delicious menu with a healthy approach. Oaxaca serves up heart
healthy, reduced fat
and low cholesterol
recipes which are
full of flavo!! Oaxaca
serves a wide
range of Mexican,
Southwest, American
and Vegetarian
dishes with authentic
favorites Such
as fajitas and chile
It is no wonder why
people have been dining there for years and years and many people
drive out of their way when traveling, just to dine there! You certainly
will have a wonderful dining experience, enjoying the exciting
flavors of their food and looking at the fabulous mountain scenery.
q-hey are open daily: 10:30 AM to 9 PM. Happy hour: 3 PM
to 6 PM. Breakfast buffet: Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 AiM to 10:30
AM. q-hey are located at 321 North Highway 89A in Sedona,
.............................. CHILE RELLENOS Next Page
theSTAR 21
di i g°
New art exhibit feat ring
artist Dennis Olson
at the Dennis Ro Neill
Equality Center
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center art gallery will host
its monthly First Thursday meet-the-artist
reception from 5-9pm, Thursday,
June 5, 2008, for the opening of their
June exhibit, paintings by Oklahoma
City resident Dennis Olson.
This event will correlate with the onenight-
only Tulsa Pride "More Color" art
show featuring works by sixty artists.
Dennis Olson’s exhibit will remain up
through the month ofJune, and can be
viewed Monday thru Saturday from
3-gpm. The Dennis R. Neill Equality
Center is located at 621 E. 4th St.,
in downtown Tulsa. More info can be
found on the web at okeq.org.
This monthly event is hosted by Oklahoman’s
for Equality (OkEq). OkEq seeks
equal rights for Imsbian, Gay, Bisexual &
Transgender (LGBT) individuals and
families through advocacy, education,
programs, alliances, and the operation of
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
Quotable Quotes
"I respect the Court’s decision and as
Governor, I will uphold its ruling. Also,
as I have said in the past, I will not support
an amendment to the constitution
that would overturn this state Supreme
Court ruling."
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger:
OkEq Cdebrates
Ca i£ornia Ru ing £or
Marriage Equa ity
TULSA, OK (PR) - May 15, 2008 __
Today, in a 4-3 decision, the California
State Supreme Court ruled in favor of full
marriage equality for same-sex couples. The
decision follows lawsuits by fifteen couples
who challenged the constitutionality of the
state’s marriage ban.
"This historic decision is a victory for
fairness and opportunity for hundreds of
thousands of loving, committed couples
and their families in California," said Justice
Waidner, Oklahomans for Equality Executive
Director. "We continue to work and
hope for the day when families in every state
have the basic protections that come with
A growing number of states provide recognition
of same-sex relationships. Including
California, eight states plus the District of
Columbia allow couples to marry or confer
rights and benefits similar to marriage.
However, the Defense of Marriage Act still
prohibits the Federal government from
recognizing same-sex marriages approved in
individual states.
In November, Californians vote on a ballot
initiative to amend the state constitution by
defining marriage as between one man and
one woman. If passed, this constitutional
amendment would overturn the California
Supreme Court’s ruling.
"Many Americans believe that marriage
equality will be a reality in their lifetimes,"
noted Waidner. "Organizations in every
corner of this country are working hard to
achieve the kanerican dream of equality
and justice for all. We are all inspired by
the California marriage decision and look
forward to the day when every American in
every state and territory will have the opportunity
to realize their hopes and dreams
by marrying the person they love."
22 theSTAR w~v.ozarksstar.com
Sound ofMusic
Headlines Lyric’s 2008
Stammer Season
for Lyric Theatre’s 2008 summer season of
musicals are now on sale. Lyric "Iheatre,
Oklahoma’s premiere professional theatre
company, proudly continues its 46-year tradition
of producing stellar Broadway-style
shows for the people of Oklahoma.
Lyric’s four summer season productions
will be held at the Civic Center Music Hall
in downtown Oklahoma City. From June
24th through 28th, Lyric will open the
season with The Sound of Music, presented
for the first time on the Civic Center stage.
This timeless Rodgers & Hammerstein family
classic tells the story of Maria, a young,
spirited, would-be nun who is appointed as
governess for the seven children of a widowed
sea captain.
Lyric’s next production, Swing!, will run
from July 8th through 12th. Swing! is a celebration
of the music and dance phenomenon
that swept the nation in the ’30s and
’40s. This all-singing, all-dancing evening
of music features over thirty incredible
numbers guaranteed to put audiences "in
the mood!" Lyric will bring a beloved movie
musical to the stage from July 22nd through
26th. Set in Oregon in 1850, Seven Brides
For Seven Brothers is the fresh, wholesome
tale ofAdam Pontipee and his unkempt,
burly brothers who kidnap six townswomen
for the winter in hopes of finding love
and companionship. Their well-meaning,
but hilarious shenanigans of courtship are
played out in boisterous song and dance.
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers will feature
Broadway performers Elisa Van Duyne as
Milly and Jim Sorensen as Adam. (rated G)
Concluding Lyric’s 2008 summer season
is a modern musical hit, Urinetown, the
Musical, fresh off the Broadway stage. The
title might give off the impression that the
play is about nothing more than a town that
indulges itself in bathroom related humor.
In reality, Urinetown, the Musical, written
by Greg Kotis, a New York playwright who
specializes in socially relevant comedies, is a
hilarious melodrama about a town plagued
by drought. In a mad attempt to regulate
,#cater consumption, the government forces
its citizens to use pay-per-use amenities,
monopolized by the Urine Good Company.
Urinetown satirizes corporate and political
greed, the idealism of rebellion, and also
spoofs on the art of musical theatre itself, all
set to a score bursting with a big Broadway
"Urinetown ~von the 2002 Tony Award
for Best Original Score and is lauded on
Broadway as one of the smartest, most
comical musicals of this century;" explains
Nick Demos, Lyric’s Artistic Director. There
is nothing offensive about it, other than an
unattractive title!" Urinetown plays from
August 5th through 9th, and guarantees a
unique night of unprecedented laughter.
(rated PG)
Single tickets to all Civic Center productions
start at $27. Four-Show Season Ticket
packages are also still available and start
at just $80, as are the Three-Show Family
Packages which include The Sound of
Music, Swing!, and Seven Brides For Seven
Brothers. For more info visit www.lyrictheatreokc.
com or call (405) 524-9312.
By Victor Gorin
NORMAN, OK__ Tom Kovach, an out
gay Democrat was elected to the Norman
City Council representing Ward 2 in a
runoff against political consultant Chebon
Marshall. The race began running against 2
opponents, Mr. Marshall and Michael McKee.
Although Chebon Marshall got the most
votes, he did not get a majority of the total
votes. Mr. Kovach was in second place, so as
per Oklahoma election law, this resulted in a
runoff election.
Although vastly outspent, Mr. Kovach made
up for this with hard work and determination,
and making known his stands on issues
to make the city better. As he puts it, "
Throughout the campaign we stuck mainly
to the issues, which were mainly public
safety and storm water." His efforts won the
endorsement of both the Sierra Club and
the Norman Homeowner’s Alliance.
There was rumor mongering about his
sexual orientation, and a literature drop
Photo: Tom Kovach by Victor Gorin
designed to turn conservative voters against
him close to the election named him as
endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats
( explaining for those who didn’t know that
it was a gay rights organization within the
Democratic Party), and a member of the
American Civil Liberties Union (both true).
Despite this distraction from the issues, his
sincerity and practical message carried him
to victory.
He has lived in Norman over 40 years,
much of that in Ward 2. His partner of
over 10 years, Will Weir, is also an activist
volunteer with the Oklahoma Department
of Corrections, P-Flag, GLSEN, and helping
people with disabilities. Mr. Weir won
Norman’s Human Pdghts Award in 2007.
Tom made history being Oklahoma’s 3rd
openly gay elected public official The last
2 were Oklahoma State Representative A1
McAffrey (Democrat District 88, elected
2006) and Oklahoma County Commissioner
Jim Roth (Democrat District 1, first
elected 2002). The first was Dr. David
also elected to the Norman City Council in
2001, who Tom remembers as "Someone
who stood up for many issues which are
now being considered by a more progressive
city council, and we owe a lot to him"
As for his future he is optimistic, stating
that" I have been active in the city, spe~ng
before the city council many times. N~ey
know me well, and I think we have a good
working relationship. I look forward to
working with the seasoned members of the
council, and look forward to working with
Mayor (Cindy) Rosenthal."
www.ozarksstar.com {:h®$TAR 23
Photo’s by Victor G. & Jud / G.
@ The Ledo, Oklahoma City
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
@ Steve’s Hideawa t, Tulsa @ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
24 @Angles, Oklahoma City @ Finishline, Oklahoma City
By Greg Steele
n downtown Jade Esteban portraying his one man play Inns
III, The Gay and Lesbian History of the Wodd at
OKC’s Indiv dual Artists of Oklahoma Gallery
Laura Belmonte, President Oklahomans for Equality and
OKC Pride Publicity Coordinator Michael Cich at the 2008
LGBT Leadership Summit hosted by Cimarron Alliance
Oklahoma ( Reverend Lo rce
his friend
Alex with their friends at May P-Flag Meeting. Gay ’Star Trek’ actor George Takei is to
marry his partner Brad Altman in California
Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian Male Co-Chair Paul Thompson
congratulates Reverend Loyce Newton-Edwards on her ordination
as a UCC minister at Church of the Open Arms.
www.ozarksstar.com ~
Swimsuit C01tect 0n Men From Mensuas
_Mensuas announces their 2008 Swimsuit Collectionfor Menfiaturing swimwear by Bask#,
Mensuas, IV2N Bodywear and Timoteo. Jvat in timefor sumrne~ these new swimsuits are great
for t,6e beach or laying by the i)ool.
TAMPA, FL 0)RWEB) __ Mensuas announces
their 2008 Swimsuit Collection for
Men featuring swimsuits by Baskit, Mensuas,
N2N Bodyxvear and Timoteo. Just in
time for summer, these nexv sxvimsuits are
great for the beach or laying by the pool
Timeoteo Swim Bikini
Mensuas has carried N2N Bod),wear swimsuits
for several years. The N2N Bodywear
2008 Sxvimsuits include the Catalina
Competitor, Corona Competitor, Cosmo
Competitor and the X-Poser. The new and
daring designs xvill sure to get you noticed at
the beach.
Mensuas has team up xvith Tulio to create
the exciting nexv Mensua~ Swim Bikini in
four new styles for 2008. Modeled by Levi
Poulter, these unique swimsuit designs
represent a bold and exciting trend in mens
Mensuas new operations center is located in
the suburbs of Tampa, F1. The new operations
center allows customers orders to be
processed faster and alloxv the
California Muscle Capri Blue Swim
Teaser q-hong
availability of more future products at their
website. Our customer’s satisfaction with
the products they order and the amount of
time it takes to receive their order is number
one priority at Menuas. Mensuas wants to
become number one shopping source for
customers to order their underwear and
sxvimwear for themselves or for the man in
their life.
Mensuas always offer free shipping on all
orders totaling $25.00 or more for US and
Canada customers. We offer great international
shipping rates. All orders received by
3:00 PM EST are shipped the same business
day by USPS regular mail. All items shipped
from Mensuas are tracked from the Post
Office to ensure customers packages can be
traced in case of lost or mishandled pack
Baskit Orange Lucky 7 3.5" Swim Bikini
ages. All packages shipped discreetly to
our customers to ensure privacy. Mensuas
is offering their customers a 10%
discount on their next order, please
enter promotion code undies08 at
checkout and receive the 10% discount
on your order total excluding shipping
charges. Website: www.mensuas.com
Mensuas Swim Bikini
Timeoteo Swim Bikini California Muscle Dolce Swim Brief
26 t~~eSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
WEST HOLL,,~Y~VO,OD, CA (,P,R) __ On
June 4, 2008i !G)~atomy star T.R.
K ight will i;i M tthew hepard
Foundation ~ h~i~ kick off National Gay-
Pride month with a symbolic dusk commitment
ceremony at the faamed West Hollywood
hotspot, The Abbey.
At 8pm, couples from aroufid the nation
will "tie the knot" in an event officiated by
the Mayor ofWest Holly~vood and witnessed
by Judy Shepard. Couples will be
wearing the Matthew Shepard Erase Hate
pendant courtesy of Love and Pride jewehy
designer, Udi Behr. Love and Pride is the
first online jewelry destination for people
who believe in equality, diversity and tolerance
for all. www.!oveandpride.com
Behr created the Erase Hate pendant for
Judy Shepard, in memory of her son, Matthew
Shepard, who was the victim of a
brutal anti-gay hate crime in rural Wyoming
ten years ago. His murder brought national
attention to the issue of hate crime legislation
and was a watershed moment in the
fight for gay civil rights.
Behr remarks, "A public commitment
ceremony is a great way to join together and
strengthen our two messages; ’Celebrating
Love’ and ’Erasing Hate.’" 100% of net
proceeds from sales of the pendant assist the
Matthew Shepard Foundation.
Judy Shepard, executive director of the
Foundation, said, "Wearing the Erase Hate
pendant is a great way for people to express
how they feel and promote the values of
understanding, compassion and acceptance
that were so important to Matthew," Adding,
"It has been ten years since the death of
my son. Although we can not replace Matthew,
we can join together to help spread
the message of erasing hate."
Mayor Jeffrey Prang comments, "The City
of West Hollywood supports marriage
equality and continues to work hard for
changes in California law." Adding, "We
will not stop fighting for our rights as no
government can prevent us from loving
whom we choose."
World renowned recording artist Steve
Oliver will perform the classic ceremonial
march Pachelbel Canon in D major.
PRIDE announces the 2nd Annual NWA
PRIDE PARADE, A Celebration of Diversity
and Community, will be held on
Saturday, June 28, 2008 in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Parade organizers invite GLBTs aald
Straight allies to come together in solidarity
in support of equal rights for all.
It is NWA Pride’s great pleasure to honor
Chris Harmon as this year’s Grand Marshal.
Chris has been an unsung hero as founder
PROGRAM and is currently a board
member of the NWA GLBT Community
The Buddy Program provides information
and much needed peer-to-peer support for
people living with HIV and AIDS. Chris
and Program volunteers maintain a food
bank, make personal visits, help with chores,
transportation and provide many other
resources for 1Mng a positive life.
Parade participants and spectators are
encouraged to be artistic, have fun and show
your pride. (Kid friendly and appropriate
for public locations) Paint your face, wear
costumes, dress up your pets, horses,
bicycles, vehicles and especially this election
year, proudly wave rainbow and American
The parade lineup will start at 10 AM on
Meadow Street, next to the Arvest Bank.
Parade will start promptly at 12 Noon. A
brief Pride rally will be held at the end of
the parade in the V/alton Arts Center Parking
For more details, float and or speaker applications,
please go to NWA Pride’s web
site at www.nwapride.org. Volunteers still
"A Star Studded Night"
Gala in Fayettevillle
GLBT Community Center will host their
2nd Annual Fund Raising Gala "A Star
Studded Night" on Friday, June 27 at the
Clarion Inn located at 1255 S. Shiloh
Drive in Fayetteville. The Ball Room ~vill
be delightfully decorated resembling the
glitz and glamor of a Hollywood party. Gala
Guests’ will enjoy the fun and excitement of
a "night among the stars" as guests become
our Celebrities in an evening filled with
great food, dancing and music provided by
Dance Enhance Entertainment.
The evening will begin with a lavish Prime
Rib, Chicken or Vegetarian Buffet entree as
well as silent auctions and special speakers
which include the Rev. Lowell Grisham
of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Shawn
Coker the Chairperson ofThe NWA Diversity
Council and Vice President of Diversity
Business Practices ofTyson Foods. Throughout
the evening guests’ will be casting their
vote for the "Star of the Night" Award
which will be given to the person who raises
the most money through a $1 ballot.
Advance tickets for the event are $50 each
or $400 per table of 8 and may be purchased
on-line at http:/Avww.nwaglbtcc.org
or by calling 1-888-361-9222 or in person
at Tymythy’s Hair Salon located at 130 E.
Poplar St. Suite B in Fayetteville. Tickets
will not be available at the door. Doors open
at 6 p.m. and a Cash Cocktail bar will be
open throughout the night. Formal Attire or
Celebrity Costumes are recommended.
th÷STAR 27
by Jack Fertig June 2008
"Take bo~d risks, Aquarius!"
Everyone is being just a bit too fabulous for words!
Mercury is retrograde, so his alignment with Venus
and the Sun is a bit more like a collision of verbosity
and overaffected efforts at charm. Mars in Leo is feeding
the frenzy. Remember Lucy and Ethel at charm
school? It’s that kind of week!
ARIES (Narch 20 -April 19): Baby wants to play, but you
are atypically given more to talk than action now. Chatty
word games and rambling are not usually your style, but go
with it for now. Don’t be afraid to look silly.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Buying or tossing out household
items could easily be a mistake. Instead try rearranging
things and seeing them in a new light. This is a great
time to locate problems in domestic finances, but solving
them should wait a few weeks.
GEMINI (May 2t - Jun.e 20): You’re going to trip over your
tongue no matter what you’re talking about. Best to keep it
light, nonconfrontational, and all in good humor so you can
laugh with your friends over your own malapropisms and
faux pas.
CANCER (June 21- Ju~y 22): Hide the plastic, and keep
the cash out of reach. Any urge to display your good taste
is best done as tasteful restraint - and no, that doesn’t
mean buying handcuffs that match the bedposts! Take time
out with someone you value most.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Everyone says you look
fabulous - and you do! You’re all cranked up, looking and
thinking three steps ahead, but are you really three steps
ahead going in the right direction? Check with friends who
care about more than looking fabulous.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Someone behind the
scenes offers to help you up the ladder. Some secrets may
be revealed in the process, but that can also work in your
favor. Everyone’s screwing up some these days, but your
mistakes - and the way you handle them - look good!
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): You could charm
anyone into believing your stories and arguments, even
if they contain mistakes. Leave room for later revisions!
Better just to radiate charm and energy; save the important
facts for later.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Seems everybody
wants a taste of what you’ve got! If you do play
around, none of it will be secret. You could get a reputation
as a great lover, but what would your boss and your partner
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 o December 21}): Misunderstandings
with your partner actually open new doors that
could improve your relationship. Explore new pleasures
and possibilities together. If anything seems disappointing,
you might want to try again a few weeks later.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Anyone playing
around should make regular visits to the clinic. When
was your last time? If you have a clean bill of health, you
can have a great time practicing any erotic techniques
you’d like to develop.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Be creative! Be
daring! Take bold risks and be willing to fall down and look
utterly ridiculous. A good pratfall can be endearing, helping
to improve your partnership orto find a good candidate for
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): You have the housecleaning
energy and lack of focus typical of a speed freak.
Try to concentrate on one specific task or goal at a time.
You’ll soon be dissatisfied with the results, but that’s OK.
Housework always needs redoing!
Rev Steve T. Urie
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Saturdays at 10:00 AM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
MCC of the Living Spring
17 Elk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
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17 Hk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays 6pm
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
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203 N. Nogales Ave
Tulsa, OK 74127
In or Out Calls
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Tulsa, OK
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We oppose the portrayal of homosexual or
promiscuous behavior in a positive light in
our public schools.
We oppose the erosion of our military
readiness through openly practicing
hornosexuals serving in the military
We oppose the promotion of homosexuality,
the elimination of laws against sodomy,
and the granting of minority protection or
special status to any person based upon
sexua~ preference or llfestyb choice.
We are committed to equal treatment
of all service members and believe all
patriotic Americans should be allowed
to serve our country without
discrimination, persecution or violence.
We support legislation barring workplace
discrimination based on sexual orientation.
We support the full inclusion of gay and
lesbian families in the life of our nation
and seek equal responsibilities, benefits
and protections for these families.
Taken from current platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties of Oklahoma.

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2008] The Star Magazine, June 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 8, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/248.