[1998] Tulsa Family News, August 1998; Volume 5, Issue 8
[1998] Tulsa Family News, August 1998; Volume 5, Issue 8
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
August 1998
Adam West
James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
The Associated Press
James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
The Associated Press
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family NEws
Tulsa Family News, July 1998; Volume 5, Issue 6
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Sapulpa Teen Flees Bias
SAPULPA, Okl~ (AP) -The 17-year-old son ofa local
school board member has faced threats and harassment
because of his sexual orientation, but the boy’s father
said his other children will remain in the suburban
district. Will .Allen, a junior at Sapulpa High School,
will attendTulsaW~hingtonHigh School whenthefall
semester begins Aug. 12. The family requested the
transfer in February, his father, Sam Allen, said.
Allen said Will has been vexed and tormented by his
~.2assmates for the past two years because of his sexual
Orientation. ;The Allen family appeared recently on
NBC’s "The Today Show"; and Will encouraged other
young Gay men and women to confide in people with
whomtheyfeltcomfortable. ’Tvehadmany Gayfriends
who have been kicked out of their homes, treated very
poorly - physical abuse," he said. "The first thing you
should do .is find somebody, maybe,not your parents,
who you know and feel positive that ~hey can give you
the support that you need."
Will was inMichigan atamusic academy andwas not
available for comment.
Sapulpa school officials issued a news release that
! US House Votes t.o Limit City’s
!Partner Benef,ts to Gays
: WASHINGTON (AP) -Despite charges of bigotry and interfer-
~ ence in local government, the House in July voted to prohibit the
: s.pe.nding .of fed.eral, money o.n programs implementing a civil
: rights o_r.dinzncem.S.an Francasco. The measure, offered by Rep.
o Frank Ri.g.gs, .R.-Calif., was approved 214-212 as an amendment
: to a sPe~.ding bill forhous..rag, veterans programs, environmental
¯ protecaon, space and funding for the arts.
: Supporters said they hoped to get the provision removed
¯ during negotiations to reconcile the House bill with a yet-to-be
" approved Senate version. The Riggs amendment prohibits any
¯ money in the $94 billion spending bill to be used to implement
a San Francisco ordinance that requires employers doing bus|-
¯ ness withthecity toprovidehealthandotherbeuefits to same-sex
¯ partners. "We should not force or coerce (private business) to
¯ adopt policies they t-rod morally objectionable," Riggs argued in
¯ a heated debate.
¯ Rep. Patrick K.,e~n,edy, D-R.I., called it a "mean-spirited,
bigoted amendment’ and other opponents said it was an assault
¯ onlocalautonomy."Italtacks homernleinevery city in America,"
¯ declared Rep. Dennis KucinidL D-Ohio, a former mayor of
: Cleveland. "It’s a move back to the days of witch hunting, back
¯ to the days oftellingpeople what they should and should not do,"
¯ complained Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill. He said the amendment
¯ threatens programs in San Francisco that help the homeless and
¯ thetreatment ofAIDS patients as well as scores ofotherprograms
: that rdy in part on federal support.
¯ Rep. Nancy Pelts|, D-Calif., said the city negotiated with
~" Catholic Charities, which had balked at the ordinance, and
¯ reached an accommodation, and compromises were expected to
be worked out with other businesses. "I don’t know why Mr.
¯ Riggs wants to create a war," she said in strong opposition to the
¯ measure. Pelts|,whorepresents SanFrancisco, called theamend-
" ment an affront to home rule and Said "the city of San Francisco
’~ is not forcing anyone to act against their principles?’
¯ More than adozen lawmakersspoke emotionally against the
.: amendment, . see Attack, p. 3
¯¯ Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
stated the district"does not condoneor tolerate harass- ~. ment of students foranyreason)’"We have comprehen- Surgeon .G,:e=,. neral Compares
sive board policies_’m,,P!ace on sexual harassment and a ~’. I~I~l I~|nI~’~~|1 #11 l~-"m-L a.__. I~-~-- -~ --
....... ~i~y ~Dt~d, 16b.ai aiad national president~tf~~ ~by-~a~’M~kla¢ " - " ~
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,
arranged for the television appearance. Will’s situation
is cotfimon for homosexual teen-agers, Ms. McDonald
said. "Some (schools) are doing a great job, and some
are sticking their heads in the sand," she said. "We’re
just beginning to work with Tulsa-area schools."
Allen said he had no complaints about the Sapulpa
district and said his two other children will continue to
attend Sapulpa schools. He also has no plans to step
down from the school board. ’‘The community support
has been wonderful," he said.
: WASHINGTON (AP) - Recalling his childhood in the segre-
¯ gated South, Surgeon General David Satcher compared the fight
: against AIDS, which is hitting the Black community hard, to the
-’: struggle for civil rights. Speaking to one of nation’s oldest civil
.: rights groups, he called on Black leaders to reject stereotypes
¯ around AIDS, overcome shyness about sex and confront the
[ issue. ’‘This is anareawhere weagain need to mobilize," Satcher,
." who is Black and grew up in Alabama, told the Southern Chris-
: tian Leadership Conference in a speech Tuesday. ’Tm talking to
¯ you about you."
While Blacks make up 13% of the U.S. population, they
¯ account for 57% of the new infectious, according to the federal Family of Faith to Present : CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention.Amongsomegroups,
¯ the statistics are even more striking: Blacks and Hispanics make Noted Christian Singer
TULSA -Marsha Stevens, composer of For Those
Tears I Died (Come to the Water), will perform a free
concert at Family of Faith Metropolitan Commlmity
Church on Saturday, Sept.. 5th at 7:30 at 5451e South
Mingo as wall as at Family of Faith’s regular Sunday
evemng service on Sept. 6th at 5pm.
Stevens’ song, For Those Tears... has become a
standard of evangelical Christian hymnals since 1972
even though the songwriter experienced rejection and
scorn from part of the church since she came out as a
Lesbian. Active in the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches (UFMCC), Stevens performs
over 150 concerts a year and has recorded six solo
albums and a concert video on her independent BALM
(Born Again Lesbian Music) labd. She now ministers
with the SW UFMCC district. Info: 622-1441.
P. 2/3
P. 4
p. 6~
P. 9
P. 10
P. 11
P. 14 "
: up 82% of HIV-positive women ages 13 to 24. Andlife-prolong-
" ing AIDS drugs are helping whites more than Blacks. In 1996,
¯ deaths among whites with AIDS were down 28%; for Blacks, it
¯ was just 10%.
¯ The Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s new presi-
¯ dent, Martin Luther King III, underscored the difficulty ofAIDS
¯ education, saying he is not comfortable promoting use of con-
" doms. "The only way is abstinence," he said in an interview after
¯ Satcher’s speech. "Sex should not be something that we just
: casually engage in and take lightly." The solution, King said, is
¯ restoring fundamental values to society. He said AIDS is an
¯ important issue, although it is not among his top priorities.
Satcherdid notrecommendany particularprevendon strategy.
" But he and other public health experts agree that use of condoms"
¯ is essential to halt the spread of HIV among people who are not
: likely to abstain from sex. The surgeon general will hammer the
~ AIDS message in upcoming speeches to Black journalists and
¯ doctors, and he plans to reach out to other groups such as Black
¯ fraternities, sororities and newspapers.
¯ But his speech to church leaders was particularly important.
¯ Churches play a central role in many Black communities, and
¯ ministers are,often among the most prominent community lead-
,: ers. But church leaders have been reluctant to talk about AIDS
¯ because it relates so closely to sex and homosexuality, Satcher
¯ says. The issue is also thorny because of its relationship to drug
¯ use, amajorprobleminside the Blackcommunity withits ownset
¯ of taboos, see Surgeon,p.ll
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - From skimpily
clad revelers to Bible-toting evangelists, the
Gay Games are drawing an eclecdc crowd for
weeklong festivities ce,!ebrating Gay pride and
culture. With the,,theme Friendship Through Culture
and Sports, the quadrennial Olympics-style
sports festival begins Saturday, offering competitors
everythingfrom ballroom dancing to wrestling
and more cerebral pastimes such as bridge and
This is the
first time the Gay
Games are being
held in Europe
since they beganin
San Francisco in
1982. New York
City was the site
¯ of the last Games
¯ in 1994; Sydney,
¯ site of the Summer
Olympics in 2000,
¯ will have the first
¯ Tulsan CliffBaileyis compet- southern hem|-
¯ ing in this year’s Gay Games .sphere Gay Games
¯ in Amsterdam, accompanied in 2002.
¯ by his spouse Chris Ritthaler. The opening
night’s ceremony
¯ will feature the Israeli transsexual pop star Dana
¯ International, who gained fame- and notoriety-in
¯ May after winning the 25-nation Eurovision song
¯ contest and incensing Orthodox Jewish leaders at
¯ home.
¯ Some 30 competition sports will be available at
¯ these games, which run through Aug. 8. But with-
" out top-level athletes, they threatened to be eclipsed
¯ by the many parties outside the stadium.
¯ Amsterdam is renowned for its tolerance and its
¯ lively Gay community, so these games are almost
~:. inconspi~ug~s, ap.ar~ [rg~ so,me posters and a few
~ more same:~e~couples than USUal-:strolling arm-in-
¯ arm a!Orig the canals.
With up to 14,000 participants and 200,000 visi-
¯ tors in town, the Dutch capital is about to be
¯ transformed into the ultimate Gay hangout with
¯ enough temptations to satisfy even the most vigor-
. ous partygoer. There are transvestite shows and
¯ drag queen contests. For the more athletic, there’s
¯ even oil wrestling.
One top attraction officially has nothing to do
¯ with the Gay Games: Saturday’s yearly canal pa-
: rade of decorated boats. Games organizers prom-
- ised a flotilla of Gays and Lesbians on the city’s
¯ famous medieval waterways. But not everyone
¯ will be party-hopping. For the straight-laced and
intellect’ual types-; there are plenty of alternatives,
including art exhibits, symposiums on Gay and
¯ Lesbian issues, and cooking shows.
¯ Participants might get a dose of religion. Up to
¯ 100 representatives from the international evange-
¯ lism group Youth With a Mission plan to stage
[ C.hristian-themed street dramas and pray with par-
¯ Uopants. "God wants to care for people whether
¯ they are homosexuals or heterosexuals," YWAM
¯ spokeswoman Nelleke Bosshardt said.
Sigrid Johannisse of the Netherlands, who will
". be competing in the badminton competition, said
¯ she’s searching for fun and friendship. Even so, she
¯ hopes the Gay Games one day will disappear as
Gays become more accepted.
¯ Although heterosexuals are welcome to com-
" pete, few do, triggering criticism within the Gay
¯ community that the games createneedless segrega-
¯ don. "! hate all the separation," said Johmmisse, a
¯ 33-year-old art historian. "in sports, there isn’t so
¯ much integration.., it was just easier to play with
¯ Gay people."
¯ Eddy Feenstra has a more carefree attitude as he
¯ prepares to compete in ballroom and Latin Ameri-
¯ can dancing with partner Tonny Aliens. Girding
¯ for victory, Feenstra says "I am doing it for the
¯ fun," he said. "I would also like to show off what I
¯ am good at."
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E 31st
*Margaret’s German Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room; 1649 S.--Main -
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Umbertos Pizzeria, 21st west of Harvard 599-9999
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 74%1508 "
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510 ¯
Dennis C~ Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 "
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 "
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034 ¯
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122 ¯
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955 ¯
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272 ¯
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313 ¯
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial ..’--. 622-3636 "
Don Carlton MitSubishi, 46th & Memoiial 665-6595 "
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis !58i-0902, 743-41t7 ¯
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700 :
*Daisy Exchange, E. 15th "~" 746-0440 ¯
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468 "
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620 "
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611 ¯
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556 "
*Elite Books & Videos, 821S. Sheridan 838-8503 .."
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584:0337, 712-9379 ¯
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709 "
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet, Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460 ’
Leanne M. Grb~s,-InSurance & financial planning - 459~9349."
Ma~k T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111 "
*International Tours 341-6866 "
Ja’~ox ,Mlimal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712,2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th P1. 749-5533
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th 585-1555 "
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady. 585-1234
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-t090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
Rainbowz on the River B+B, PUB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred WelCh, LCSW, Counseling .743-1733
*Whittier.News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. PUB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6
*B/L!G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr.
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI.
*Churchof the RestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale
& Florence
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@earthlinlc net
website: http: l/users, aol.com/TulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal, Writers + contributors: Adam West,
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud, Barry
Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom, Esther
Rothblum. Mary Schepers, Member o! The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of.this
K~vu,b4liacantdionmaaryenportobteectreedprboyduUcSedcoepityhreirgihnt w19h9o8leboyrTin~pa~rt without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspon-~.
dence is assumed to be for publication unless_otherwise noted,_r~ust
be signed & becomes th~ sole prbpeity ofTi~
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, PUB 701475, 74170-1475, 355-3140
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’ s Center, call for location&info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, PUB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., PUB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention.; Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pro, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, PUB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), .PUB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, PUB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
~R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Netwtrk 749~4195
Rainbow Business Guild, PUB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human:.Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa UniformlLeather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Bartlesville Public Library,600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &MuSic, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 --9.18-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001N. Grand
HIVtesting every Other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
*Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253~7734
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’ s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253~5445
MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, PUB 429 501-253-2776
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
* is where you canfind TFN. Notallare Gay~owned butall are Gay-friendly.
Keep Up the Good Work
Thanks for your paper. It is a welcome
relief from the crosstown neo-fascist
infotainment weekly, i particularly enjoyed
last issue’s cover story about SenatorNickles,
presumably the selfsame Senator
once knownfor closeting himself with
a reputedly Gay [Oklahoma] . fellow politico,
but who now wishes to protect the
Luxembourgians from the possibility of
an "immoral" ambassador. From what I
understand, the Luxembourgians aremuch
less concerned with the comings and goings
.in an ambassador’s, boudoir than is
Sen. Nickles.
As a politically leftist straight older
male, I naturally fmd common cause with
the Gay community: when the good Senator
and the Right good Rev. Phelps get
finished with the queers, they’ll be after
me next. I applaud your efforts to establish
dialogue with straightminority groups
who have themselves been the targets of
bigotry an discrimination. Ifwelearnnothing
more from History, at least we should
know that solidarity is the only hope for
the oppressed, and perhaps the best defense
from the excessively repressed.
This town needs a paper that gives
voice to all those outside the power elite,
performing the traditional role of the
Fourth Estate: to hold our governments
accountable for their actions, and to protect
the liberties of the individual. Keep
up the good work. - Keith Bolton, Tulsa
: A Letter from RAIN Oklahoma
," Thank you for providing me with providing
me with a way to address some
questions and concerns I’m aware of re-
"¯ garding a policy for volunteers that
RAIN’ s Board of Directors approved and
¯ that RAIN Staff are now charged with,
’ implementing. The policy in question is
". in regard to criminal history reports now
¯ being performed (with the volunteer’s
¯ permission) for all new volunteers effec¯
tive June 1, 1998 and gradually incorporating
such reports on all volunteers by
: March 1, 1999.
¯ I ask readers to consider the nature of ¯
¯ RAINvolunteers’ service topeopleliving
with HIV/AIDS [PLWA’s] and those in
; theirhouseholds. Volunteers provide non-
¯ medical,non-technical careto [PLWA’s],
"- most often in the RAIN client’s home.
¯ The services vary, depending on the ex-
." pressed needs and the volunteerrs avail-
- ability, but can include transportation,
¯ meal preparation, housecleaning, child
; care, pet care, and social outings. Emo-
; tional support is often a Valuable compo-
¯ nent of the relationship between RAIN
¯ Client and volunteer.
¯ RAIN’s Board of Directors and staff
¯ realized that we have a tremendous responsibility
to do what we can to ensure
¯ thesafety ofchildrenandvulnembleadults
¯ that volunteers contact: The policy was
: not-initiated naively or without regard to
¯ potential negative consequences. In a fo- ¯
cus group with volunteers many months
¯ ago, responses ranged from "against it
¯ -under any circumstance" to "yes, absoi
lutely, I support this fully." see RAIN, p.3
: Letters Policy
¯ Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on ¯
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
¯ you think need to be considered. Youmay
¯. request that your name be with/add but
¯ letters mustbe signed&have phone num-
" bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
. ters are preferred. Letters to other publi-
¯ cations will be printed as is appropriate.
Rev, Howard vsthe Evil Steve
by Tom Neal, editor & publisher ".
Severalyears ago whenUS Congressman Steve Largent "
firstranforoffice, this newspapermet withLargent, athis ¯
request, andafterwards I argued, despiteLargent’s record ¯
of bigoted,.anti-Gay comments and his association with "
radical extremist religio~political groups, for an initial ¯
policy of tolerance for Herr Largent. I’d hoped that ¯
Largent might just really believe in real Christian and "
American values of loving and respecting not only your "
neighbor but also the US Constitution. He sure tried to
sweet-talk us that way.
And to be fair, Steve did agree to a town hall meeting "
with Tnlsa’s Lesbian and Gay community - something "
none of his predecessors had ever done, certainly not the ¯
Idiot Congressman Inhofe (now US Senator and in competition
with Ernest "
Istookfor mostembar- "
rassing Oklahoman in
Washington) but not ¯
even the Democrat, "
Jim Jones, who’d held "
the seat before. ¯
But obviouslyI was "
wrong. Nomatterhow "
Largent may want to
see himself as just a
nice guy, he’s chosen "
to promote rdigious "
extremism and to surround
himself with "
folks so bigoted that "
they make him look a "
littlebit~m,oderate. His ."
chief of staff, Terry
US Rep. Steve Largent making Allen, thepoliticalex- "
those endorsement dollars by tremist calling the "
showing offhis son in his Hanes plays for our football ."
underware. Yep, Steve andsome hall-of-famer, comes ¯
of those Republicans sure know to mind. Actually "
about thosefamily values. Steve’s not moderate ¯
but his staff is openly
hate~:.t.o~ir Lesbian aod Gay constituents while Steve
.... a~’[d.~t~tu§~ly is polite. "
Now Steve et al will argue that their radicalism is just
repres.enting the views of the First District (which is more
or less Tnlsa county). But as a nearly lifelong Tnlsan (my
f,am~ly moved here from Oklahoma City in 1960), I just
don t ihink So. Yes, wedo have a sufficiency of Baptists,
Methodism, and also those no-name, make-it-up-as-yougo-
along~they-claim-they-areChriStians, many ofwhom
seem to think that their faith demands that they hate their
nexgt~bor as tlaey would be loved. Or.who engage in the
profoundly insincere rhetoric of claiming "to love the
person and to hate the ’sin’:" Often one wonders if these
types on meeting Christ would not reject Him as a "longhairedcommie,
But I don’t believe that these types represent the
majority of Tulsans, and regardless, given the values of
the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, ¯
minority civil fights are not supposed to be subject to the
tyranny of the majority. And I believe that many Tulsa "
Baptists, Methodists, Jews, Muslims, Pagans and non, "
believers recognize that once the power of the govern- ¯
merit is used to promote a particular religious agenda, ¯
each tradition could be targeted just as Lesbian mad Gay "
citizens are the target du jour. ’
So, it is with some relief to learn that a brave soul, the ’
Reverend Howard Plowman, retired Methodist pastor,
has announced his willingness to face the football bully..
According to The Yellow Dog Democrat, the newsletter ¯
of the Oklahoma Democratic Party, Rev. Howard will ¯
challenge the ,hard-core Christian Coalition which has ¯
done a disservice to all political parties..." He adds, "1 "
resent them taking a Christian name and pretending-to: ]
have no other agenda..." Plowman, 73 years old, with ..
kids and grandkids, went to Tulsa Public Schools,TU and "
SMU’s Perkins School of Theology.
This newspaper certainly agrees that the so-called ¯
Christian Coalition has done a disservice to all Ameri- ¯
cans who believe in real religious freedom and have "
respect for America’s rich diversity. And I applaud Rev. "
Howard and his spouse and family for being willing to ¯
stand up against the Evil Steve. Tulsa deserves better. ¯
Editor’s note: More information is available about ¯
Plowman ’for Congress by writing to 3617 East 48th "
Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74.135. ¯
by James Christjohn
Greetings! Welcome to a new occasional colunm, one
that I hope you will fred interesting. The focus is to
comment on the world around us with the perspective of
being a Gay man in a diverse world. Topics will have a
wide range, from frivolity to high drama to serious issues
that affect us all. In this exploration, the question will
always be: What exactly is a Gay lifestyle?
I had an acquaintance once remark to me
"I don’t approve of your lifestyle, but I like
you." My first thought was "Well, I don’t
approve of your lifestyle, but I accept it as
part of you without comment: Who the hell
are you to judge me?" Before I did so, I
thought to myself, ’q’hat is not her rational
mind speaking, it’s her brainwashing coming
through. She doesn’t know any better.
She knows not what she speaks." I had to
ponder thatfor awhile. Itwas terribly tempting
to ask, "Does your brainknow what your
mouth is saying?"
I began pondering: what the hell is a Gay
lifestyle, anyway? There are perceptions,
usually starting witha"mis", that the straight
world has of Gay folk, and our so called
lifestyles, such as apparently we spend 90%
of our time in Gay bars in the pursuit of sex.
I know.that there are some folk who like to
go clubbing, straight and Gay, I know some
folk who do drugs, straight and Gay, I know
some folk who are promi.scuous (yes, even x
years into the AIDS epidemic), again, both
straight and Gay, - and I know many folk
who do none of those things. Yet, in the
straight world, we are all lumped under a
stereotype of eternal drugging, drinking,
slutty behaviors. Why is this, and.do we
need to hire publicity firms to turn theimage
Thus I
kicking and
sereamina, out
of the closet
by two very
curious Baptist
women from
And despite all
" my f~ars~
In fact, when I
leh, they were
very qulch to
tell me I
Gay man . . .
¯ and they still want me. Another time, I was copying some
¯ recipes out of a book in the office, when the same sister
; noticed and said, "Oh, you like to cook? You’ll make
¯¯ some wo - person a wonderful hus - mate."
Well, the cat was definitely coming out of the closet
¯ then. Shortly thereafter, I met my future mate, and all of ¯
a sudden, there was much curiosity about my life, which
I kept sidestepping, still fearing I could lose
ajob. It came to ahead one evening when I
was drawing plans ofTom’ s apartment, and
trying to figure out how to combine stuff,
furniture, etc. Cyndee, the boss, came over
and was looking over my shoulder. She
noted I had not drawn another bed, and
remarked "So, where ya golma put your
bed? or are ya gonna sleep with him?" It
was so surprisingly I my only response was
-- ..u..hhh ~ ana men to oraw in a bed real fast.
It was utterly silly, and she was letting me
know that she knew and it was no big deal,
.she had known, and now I knew she knew.
After that, the questions were exhausting.
The next year was one big Gay 101
Question and Answer session, as I ,demythified
Gayhood (Gaydom?) to them and
did no small amount of education. Cyndee
even shielded me from a stalker who’d
become obsessed with me, and nearly had
him arrested for calling the business repeatedly.
That was not fun, but it was notable in
the way she was ready to defend me. They
came from Irish stock, and Cyndee mad was
a sight to avoid.
And I became the one to turn to when
Annie, the other sister, was planning parties.
Which she did. A lot. I was the one
draftedinto helping herdo artsy-crafty things
for her parties, and when she was selecting
new furniture, I was always asked for de-
¯ I tend to think that theimagecanbe turned
arotmd,though it will mked~ne, ~aad lots ofpatiehee:The
¯ woman I referred to before may have a different image of
: Gay people than what she’d been brainwashed into be-
¯ lieving because we knew each other. Maybe not a magic
." transformation, but a little logic, here and there,:can add
¯ For example, I worked for three years in a physical
¯ therapy office, for two small.town Baptistwomenl It was ¯
a nice job, and I liked them, so I didn’t talk about myself
¯ much for fear oflosing thejob:! was rather silly. TI~first
¯ day f worked there, "a client came in and demanded that
¯ one of the "purty wimmin" do his therapy because he
didn t want no pansy-assed faggot to touch him. Well,
¯ we were both nonplused. I thought I was pretty low key,
¯¯ having left the bright, hotpinkneon"QueerHere" sign at
¯ home.
After h~ left, one of the sisters begged me not t6 quit,
saying their clients were not all like that, and he was an
exception, not a rule. Wall, I thought, at least they know,
¯ sign opinions. I guess it’s part of the Gay gene, that interior d(sign comes with it. (I really had no
talent forit, but it was a misconception that wouldil’t die.
No matter how hard I tried to dispel the myth that not all
Gay men had impeccable taste, even to the extent of
describing my past relationships.)
Thus was I drug, kicking and screaming, out of the
closet by two VerY curious Baptist women from Odessalation,
Texas. And despite all my fears, nothing bad
happened. In fact, when I left, they were very quick to tell
me I was being replaced with another Gay man, who’d
actually made a pass at their very handsome but terribly
straight brother. Apparently, the strategy worked.
I had a point in all this somewhere. Oh yes, it is by
events like these - and not being afraid to be who we are
- that this whole mythification of what we are can be
¯changed. It’s not always the loud voices that help create
change, sometimes it’s the whisper on the wind. And in
that way, everyone can help make long-lasting changes
for.the benefit of all.
characterizingit as an attack on the rights of Gay citizens
and a federal imposition on local rule. Only Riggs-vigorously
supported it during the debate,
"It’s a message amendment.... It will unquestionably
encourage intolerance," said Rep. Henry Waxman, DCalif.
The San Francisco ordinance has been criticized by
some businesses as well as nonprofit orgamzadons including
Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army. "The
SalVation Army, which refused to buckle to city policy,
forfeited $3.5 million of its $18 million budget," said
Riggs, because it didn’t want to comply with the city
ordinance on domesdc partner benefits.
The Human Rights Campaign, the largest national
Lesbian and Gay political organization, called theamendment
"the latest salvo in fight-wing attacks .against Gay
people." "The amendment is a thinly veiled attempt to
attack San Francisco and micromanage the city," said
Winnie Stachelberg, the political director for the Human
Rights Campaign.
In another action ofinterest to the Gay community, the
House decided to reduce money it had allocated
see Attack, p. 13
There were concerns expressed regarding the cost ($15/
report) and it was decided to handle it similar to the way
we handle our $25 volunteer training fee. Scholarships
are offered for training to anyone who request one and
RAIN will pay the report fee for any volunteer, so that no
one is prevented from volunteering due to the cost.
All decisions for volunteer eligibility are made at the
discretion of the RAIN coordinator and any grievances
against the policy or any decision made my the RAIN
coordinator may be taken up with me. I hope that current
RAIN volunteers will understand RAIN’s mission of
providing a compassionateresponse to HIV/AIDS through
education and service has not changed. We appreciate the
love and concern shown by our volunteers and we are
grateful that men, women and children living with HIV/
AIDS are willing to risk letting strangers into their lives
by asking for a RAIN team.
- Pam S. Cross, MPH, Executive Director
No Gays or Singles to
Adopt in Arkansas
LITTLE ROCK (AP) - A state board that sets standards
affecting foster care has approved a requirement
that prohibits private agencies from placing
children with homosexual.or unmarried heterosexual
adults. The new rule must undergo a public comment
period before becoming effective. Rules have not
been written for public foster care agencies, said Joel
Landreneau, alawyerfor the licensing unit ofthe state
Human Services Department. The state has some
2,700 to 2,800 children in foster care. In the past, the
ruleshave been silent on homosexual or single heterosexual
foster parents.
Along with passing the new rule, the Child Welfare
Agency Review Board discussed the possibility of an
exemption for unmarried heterosexuals. Board member
James Balcom of Paragould said agencies could
use single people by applying for an exemption called
alternative compliance.
Bob West of Little Rock, also a board meml~er and
the only dissenter, said he believes there will be many
requests for exemptions. "I don’t think you can exclude
anyone just because they’re single," he said. "I
really think it should be up to the local agencies who
is qualified to be a foster parent. I just think it has to
be done on a case-by-case basis.’"
Board member Robin Woodruff of Little Rock
proposed the prohibition, saying "I would like for our
children to have a mom role model and a dad role
model." After the meeting, Ms. Woodruff said she
had been told that the Centers for Youth and Families
had placed at least one child with a Gay family and
had other such families waiting.
Kay Kimbrough, the centet"s service administrator
for adolescent services, said her agency doesn’t inquire
rote foster parents’ sexuality. "That is not an
issue for us, asfar as gender of parents. We don’ t have
a policy or practice that dictates whether we place
kids in that type family," Ms. Kimbrough said. "We
don’t make a practice to determine whether a family
is heterosexual or homosexual."
At the board meeting, Chris Pyle, family life issues
Aiai.~.On f~o~ Q.o,v..~Mike Huckabee~ said the. govemgr
supports-applying the principle of foster parents being
heterosexual married couples. Pyle said Arkansas
law prohibits marriages between members of the
same sex. He said Huckabee believes "it is not in the
best interest of children for them to be placed in an
environment that.the Legislature has specifically and
purposely removed from legal sanction and recognition."
"I think there are a lot of foster children out there
and not enough foster parents, and we may run into
trouble if.we try to limit it to couples only," said West,
apediatric medical consultant who works for the state
Health Department. AssistantAttorney General Karen
Wallace, a lawyer for the board, had recommended
the board stick with the standards as written. She said
she.had concerns about equal protectionand discrimination.
New England Lesbian
Wins Bias Lawsuit
BOSTON (AP) -Ajudge has awarded $906,000 to a
Lesbian who managed a state social services agency,
ruling she was the victim of job discrimination.
Middlesex Superior Com’tJudge Sandra Hamlinruled
that Lowell-based Community Teamwork Inc., the
state’s second-largest .anti-poverty agency, had no
good reason fire Patrica Weber. Hamlin added that
Weber was "eminentlymorequalified" man the CTI’ s
director, the man who was picked over her by the
agency’s board of directors. Hamlin, who said a
"sexist attitude" prevailed at CTI, also ruled that the
reasons given for Weber’ s firing were "a pretext."
"I feel vindicated," Weber, 49 told the Boston
Herald. "What they did tomewas wrong. I’m glad the
!aw feels thatway too. Employers can’ t firepeoplefor
nothing-because they don’tlike them, or they’re the
wrong sex or whatever."
Cheryl Cronin, CTI’s lawyer, said the agency is
appealing. !~We are c~,,n~,~dent that CTI will ultimately
prevail in this matter,’ she said. CTI provides a range
of services,including housing, education and daycare
to low-income residents of 38 communities from
Lowdl to Framingham.
Weber, who worked for CTI for 18 years, was fired
in March, 1996 during a meeting with Executive
Director Jim Canavan. A month later, when she
applied for unemployment benefits, she learned the
reason for her dismissal was listed as "inability to do
her job." Hamlin said inca 38-page ruling that CTI
retaliated against Weber for filing a complaint with
the Massachusetts Commission Against Discriminationbyrefusing
to provide her areference. Weberwas
turned down for dozens of jobs, before accepting one
that cut her pay nearly in half.
"Weber’s past work history while at CTI reveals
only a dedicated, bright, hardworking employee,".the
judge wrote. "Nothing whatsoever in the evidence
supports defendant’ s contention that Weber’ s inability
to perform led to her termination.’"
Tennessee Lesbian
Wins Child Custody
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)-Gay activists hope the
case of a Wilson County Lesbian who was granted
custody of one of her children marks a trend in
Tennessee. Pat Finn was awarded sole custody of her
9-year-old daughter this month by ajudge in Wilson
County. Her second child, a teen-age son, chose to
live with his father, who was awarded sole custody of
the boy.
’Tm glad this has been brought to light," said Bev
Clendenen of Nashville, director of the Lesbianand
Gay Community Center. "This reconfirms that Gay
mothers are good mothers. Like everything, there are
good apples and bad. You should be judged not on
your sexuality, but rather what kind of mother you
Pa~ck Sullivan, Finn’s ex~husband, plans to appeal.
I thought it was the greatest injustice in the s/ate
of Tennessee," he said. ’q-his case is about her being
a neglectful mother and very little about the homosexuality."
He said he opposes:his ex-wife’ s Lesbian
relationship and does not wanthis daughter exposed
to it "It is about discrimination of me as a father
trying to get custody of his children," he said of the
Finn, a registered nurse, was married to Sullivan
for 17 years. She and her female partner have formalized
their relationship with a commitment ceremony
and exchange offings. Finn believes she won custody
of her daughter because she was judged on the facts
and not politics, public sentiment or the judge’s
personal preferences about family life.
"I realized the odds were against me, but I told my
" daughter I wasn’t doing anything wrong and I needed
to show her I would fight to keep her," Finn said. ’Tm
thesame mother. I’m the same woman who has been
raising children for 16 years."
Can A Lesbian Win A Seat in Congress?
MOUNT VERNON, Wash. (AP) - Grethe
Cammermeyer, a daughter of the Nazi resistance in
Norway and a decorated Vietnam veteranwhobattled
her owngovernment, hasjumpedheadlonginto anew
challenge: The retired Armycolonel, who wryly calls
herself "one of the most famous Lesbians in the
country" after her successful fight to stay in the
military, is rtmuing for Congress.
Cammermeyer, 56, has never held public office.
Her Gay civil-rights fight - recounted in "Serving in
Silence," a book and made-for-TV movie = made her
a celebrity. Glenn Close, who starred in the movie, its
producer Barbra Streisand and other show-business
notables have contributed to her campaign.
She’s favored to win the Democratic nomination
Sept. 15. That would pit her against two-term Republican
Rep. Jack Metcalf on Nov. 3. Metcalf, who says
this is his last campaign, was boosted to victory two
years ago by absentee voters in the traditionally
Democratic 2nd District.
No openly Lesbian candidate has been elected to
Congress, but Caramermeyer is one of four Democrats
hoping to break the barter this year along with
Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Christine Kehoe of
California and Susan Tracy of Massachusetts. ’q’his
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year is a benchmark for proud, out Lesbians," says
Kathleen DeBold, polifical director ofthe Victory Fund,
a Washington, D.C., group that backs Lesbians and
Gays for public office. "Grethe is so admired, both for
her record in the military and for her willingness to stand
up and fight homophobia," says state Rep. Ed Murray,
. a Seat-de Democrat who’s Gay.
Cammermever earned national attention with her
fight to stay in~eWashington National Guard. She was
f!red, in 1992.after disclosing her sexual orientation
aunng a 1989 Interview for a security clearance as chief
nurse of the National Guard.Afederaljudge orderedher
reinstated in 1994; the government did not appeal.
On the campaign trail, she doesn’t talk Gay civil
rights. At an ice cream social held by Skagit County
Democrats earlier this month, Cammermeyer spoke
about education, health care, the environment and countering
a Republican Congress she considers radical and
heartless. "I am not a politician," she told The Associated
Press. "I’m an everyday person who has a healthcare
background and an education background. I am a
mother, a grandmother and served in Vietnam. I have
had thebest and the worst of social experience."
Cammermeyer was born in Oslo, Norway, to a doctor
and a nurse who sheltered undergroundresistance fighters
in World War II. A now familiar tale has her mother
shuttling weapons to the Nazi resis,_t~_,ce by hiding them
beneath the mattress in Grethe s baby buggy.
Cammermeyer was 9 when she came to the United
States with her parents and three brothers. She became
a eitizen in 1960. Ntlrsingmeshed well with her military
ambitions, she has said, because it was a job she could
take to the batflefront. She served in the military 31
years, including active duty in Vietnam. She earned the
Bronze Star. for treating wounded soldiers in the. Tet
Offensive in 1968. She has four grown sons from her
marriage to a fellow officer she met while serving in
She’s wall aware why she.has such ready name
recognition. :But the personable, 6-foot-tall
.Cammermeyer-whosefirstname, shortforMaxgarethe,
is pronounced Greta- bdieves most voters are ready to
move past her sex,,,u~,, ori,entadon to the issues affecting
their own lives. Whats.most difficult is suddenly
realizing there are some people who don’t want you to
approach them or shake their hand or even say hello,"
she said of experiences on the campaign trail.
-State Democratic Chairman Paul Berendt, neutral in
the primary, says Cammermeyer needs to let voters
know the range of issues she cares about. "If people see
her as one-dimensional,it’s over," agrees Murray. "We
don’ tknow how big ofanegative it is" to be openly Gay
in a district with no major homosexual enclaves and a
sizablenumber ofreligious conservatives, Berendt says.
Cammermeyer’s lone primary opponent, businessman
and environmentalist Fran Einterz, 44, makes apoint of
telling audiences he’s been in the district for 17 years.
Einterz plans to raise only $100,000 for the primary
election. Cammermeyer has raised $502,801 so far.
Neither Einterz nor Metcalf has made an issue of
Camm.ermeyer’ s sexual orientation, althoughthe Metcalf
campaign sent out a fund-raising letter that said the
Cammermeyer campaign is being underwritten by the
national Gay movement.
Boy Scouts-Feud
with Unitarians
BOSTON (AP) -A feud between the Boy Scouts of
America and the Unitarian Universalist Assocaation
over homosexuality has led to cries of outrage by the
Boston-based branch of the church. 2~he Unitarian Universalist
Association, a long-standing New England
liberal denomination that~supports civilrights for Gays,
has condenmed in a church manual the Boy Scouts’
rejection of homosexuality. As a result the youth orgamzation
has ordered the association to stop honoring
Unitari.~an scouts with religious awards.
But the president of the Boston-based 250,000-member
association called the order "’outrageous" and said
the Unitarians do not intend to honor the Boy Scouts’
emand., They simply can t tell us how to teach our
children ’ John Buehrens, a former Boy Scout, told The
Boston Globe. "Telling us we can’t give out awards to
our boys is blatant discrimination against children.
That’s not in the Boy Scouts’ tradition," Buehrens said.
¯ The religious emblems awarded by Unitarimas
are also presented by several other religious groups,
¯¯ including the Roman Catholic Church, ant many
¯ Protestant, JewishandMuslim denominations. The emblems differ from the merit badges that are
¯ earned for mastering a specific task, but can still be
¯ worn on scouts’ ufiiforms as badges of honor.
In recent years, the Boy Scouts has drawn fire
¯ from human rights groups and a number of reli-
gious organizations for its view of homosex,u~l,ity
¯ and refusal to admit Gay scouts and leaders. We
resp.ect other people’ s rights to disagree with us and
: we simply ask people to respect our rights as a
¯ private voluntary orgamzation," Gregg Shields. ¯
national spokesman for the Scouts, said.
But in its manual distributed to tecn-agers, the
: associadonmakes it clear thatit does not agree with
¯ the Boy Scouts’ view. The manual describes the
Unitarians’ "ongoing concern regarding the
homophobic and discriminatory attitudes of the
: nationalleadership of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica.’"
¯ Since then, letters have gone back and forth
between the two sides, leaving Buehrens wi th the
¯ hope that the dispute can be resolved by a mee.ting
¯ with Boy Scouts officials this fall.
¯ "I’m perfectly willing to sit down with the Boy
Scouts, but I also need to be very clear that they are
¯ in grave danger of having much of America’s
: mainstream religious community concerned abom
: the way in which they are acting," Buehrens said.
¯i Anti-Gay Hawaii TV
Ads Criticized ¯
HONOLULU (AP) - Opponents of a proposed
: state constitutional amendment that would ban
same-sex marriage are criticizing a pro-amend-
, ment television ad featuring professional football
: player Reggie White.
¯ Jaekie Young, coordinator of the Protect Our
¯ Constitution campaign, said this isn’t about letting
¯ the people decide but about "political extremists"
coming to Hawaii to argue anissue aboutbasic civil ¯ rights and dividing the community.
¯ Noelani Foster, spokesman for a group called
¯ Save Traditional Marriage, said White, defensive hneman for the Green Bay Packers, "feels a con-
; nection to theislands" because he has played in the
: Pro Bowl in Honolnlu for the past 12 years.
¯ White, an ordained minister, filmed the TV spot
¯ re~enfly as part of a broader advertising campaign
¯ to educate Hawaii voters about the ballot question.
: Hawaii voters will decide during the Nov. 3 Gen-
¯ eral Election whether to ratify an amendment that
¯ would restrict marriage to opposite-sex couples.
¯ Alaska Lawmakers Sue
Over Ballot Language ¯
¯ JUNEAU (AP) - Republican lawmakers are suing
Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer, claiming she distorted the
meaning of a proposed constitutional amendment
." banning same-sex marriage when she summarized
it for the November ballot. As part of her duties,
¯ Ulmer, a Democrat, must compose impartial summanes
of proposed amendments-and initiatives.
Thefirst sentence ofher summary ofSenate Joint
¯ Resolution 42 read: "This measure would amend
¯ the Declaration of Rights section of the Alaska
.Co.nstitution to limit marriage." "The word ’limit’
¯ is incorrect because as of this date no nation in the
.. world and no state in this country recognizes or has
¯ ever recognized homosexual same-sex marriage,"
¯ attorney Kevin Clarkson wrote on behalf of the
¯ Legislative Council, a committee of lawmakers
¯ that acts for the Legislature between session, M0ng
¯ with Sen. Loren Leman, R-Anchorage and Rep.
¯ Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks.
¯ In the lawsuit, the.lawmakers accuse Ulmer of
¯ altering the language at the behest of opponents of the measure, bqmers position was spelled out in a
¯ July 20 letter to the Legislative Council. "’The
¯ proposed constitutional amendment restricts the
¯ cour! .from "interpreting Alaska’s constitution as ¯ reqtunng a broader definition of marriage than that
¯ which is defined by statute," seeBriefs, p.]l
HIV Creates
Infection Resevoir
WASHINGTON (AP) - New research
shows th~it the AIDS virus takes as little as
little as 10 days to establish a stronghold
inimmunecells of thebody that could last
for years, waiting to erupt into disease.
Researchers at the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Disease say a study
of 10 patients show that alatently infected
pool of immune cells quickly established
following infection by HIV, the virus that
causes AIDS. Drug treatment apparently
does not easily clear out the pool of infected
cells, the experts said. A report on
the study was published in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences.
Evenif the active HIV disease is held in
check by a three-drug combination of
antiviral drugs, the researchers say, the
virus continues to lurk in resting CD4 Tcells
in the blood. These are immune ceils
that detect and lead the attack on infections,
but the CD4s are also the primary
target of the HIV.
CD4 T-cells are usually resting. They
are activated only when they detect some
pathogen invader in the blood. When this
happens, the cells attack the invader and
prompt otherimmunecells to dothe same.
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director ofNIAID
and co-author of the study, said that studies
of the blood from the 10 HIV patients
showed that their resting CD4 T-cells
became infected as earl,y~ as 10 days after
their initial HIV infection symptoms appeared.
Earlier studies had shown that the
re.sting CD4 T-cells continued to contain
v~rus even when the antiviral drugs suppressed
the virus elsewhere in the body.
" The new study, said Fauci, shows that
these reservoirs of virus are established
very early in the infection. Such reseryoi~
s.’.’Presentafo~dableobstacle to the
Ultimate~ 0ntrbland possible eradication
of HIV from an infected person’ s body,"
saidTae-Wook Chun, aN!AID researcher
and co-author of the study.
Activists Urge
Better Prevention
WASHINGTON (AP) - Lulled by lifeprolonging
AIDS drugs, the nation has
slacked off vital efforts to keep Americans
- especially young people - from
catching the deadly virus in the first place,
say AIDS activists who are demanding
major increases in HIV prevention work.
.Activists called formillionsmorein spending
on HIV education, televised condom
ads and outreach to at-risk teen-agers via
the Interuet, saying such AIDS prevention
programs are a "virtual vaccine.’"
"If there were a medical vaccine for
AIDS, imagine the forces mobilized to
deploy it," said Daniel Zingale of AIDS
Action. "The irony is that today we have
a virtual vaccine- prevention and education
- and those forces are paralyzed."
Saving lives isn’t the only issue. At
least 40,000 Americans every year catch
HIV, adding add $6.2 billion in lifetime
treatment costs to the nation’s health care
bill, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention announced recently. "AIDS
drugs cost $40 a day" and do not cure the
disease, added Zingale. "This condom
costs .40 cents. Our plan today will not.
only save lives, it would save dollars."
The CDC hash’ t won.a budget increase
to fight new infections in three years, and
some people most at risk of HIV have
become complacent, activists said. For
example, two-thirds of Gay men say
¯ they’ve had unsafe sex at least once in the
: last 18 months, concluded a study pre-
¯ sented at last month’s World AIDS Con-
" ference.
." Also, Secret Service agents arrested 10
; other AIDS activists who briefly chained
¯ themselves to desks in the office of Presi-
" dent Clinton’s topAIDS adviser to protest
¯ the administration’s refusal to federally
: fund needle exchange programs. Experts
¯¯ say 33 people a day catch HIV fromdirty
drug needles or sex with addicts. Seien-
¯ tific studies show letting addicts swap
¯ used needles for dean ones lowers the
¯ risk of HIV’s spread. Some 110 U.S.
needle exchanges operate with local or
¯. privatefunding,but communities say they
¯ need federal tax dollars to reach more ¯
addicts. Clinton refusedin April, side-
" stepping a political fight. ’’To have the
¯ United States government play politics.
¯ with people’s lives - it’s just not OK
¯ anymore," said Kenneth Vail, who rims a
¯ needle exchange program in Cleveland,
¯ after his arrest.
¯ Separately, AIDS Action gatheredpub~
liehealthofficialsandAIDS workers who
¯ called for a 25 percent increase inCDC’s
¯ $634 million budget for AIDS education
¯ and prevention. Congress has addedmil,
lions to government programs thatpay for
¯ drugs for AIDS patients, but increasing
AIDS prevention money significantly is
¯ considered a tougher fight, particnlarly in
~ view of a new conservative campaign
¯ against homosexuality.
¯ But HIV ,infects across:the-board, Dr~
: Helene Gayle, CDC’s AIDS chief, said
¯ Monday. Some 26 percent of HIV-infected
young people caught the v~rus
¯ through heterosexual intercourse, she
: notea.. "If people in leadership positions
: care about thefuture of this nation, you’ ve
¯ got to care about H’IV prevention," she
¯ said. ¯
Activists also called for:
: - TV networks that air programs rated
¯ "S" for sexual content to also allow
¯ condom ads to air during those programs.
- Doctors, clinics and hospitals to begin
." using a new 10-minute HIV test immedi-
: ately. An older test takes about a week to
¯ get results, and thousands of Americans
who get tested each year never return to
¯ leamifthey’reinfected. Pcoplewhodon’t
¯ know they are infected can unknowingly
spread HIV to others.
- AIDS education to reach more teen-
" agers by .creating an AIDS prevention
¯ web site that links to popular teen Internet
¯ - CDC to launch a campaign persuad-
¯ ing more people to get tested. An esti-
¯ mated 50,000 people in New York State ¯
have HIV and don’t know it, says a corn-
: puter model by Gay Men’s Health Crisis.
! HIV+-Teacher Can
: Be Transfered
¯ ATLANTA (AP) - An order prohibiting ¯
¯ the DeKalb County School District from transferring a teacher infected with HIV,
¯ the .virus that causes AIDS, has been re-
¯. versed by the EleventhU.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals. Last year, a district court
¯ granted the teachcr, known as "John Doe"
: in court documents, a permanent injunc-
¯ tion disallowing his transfer under the ¯
Americans with Disabilities Act.
¯ Doe worked with children with severe
¯ behavioral disorders at the district’s
¯ Shadow Rock Psychoeducational Center. ¯
The school district says the students are.
¯ violent and teachers often suffer bruises
: and scrapes. "Because district officials
¯ feared thatviolence and subsequentblood-
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to-blood contact between Doe and one of
his psychoeducation students might lead
to transmission of HIV, the District transfenced
Doe to an ’interrelated’ classroom
at a different school in April 1995," the
appeals court wrote. After being transfenced,
Doe worked with students with
mild disorders that are often in mainstream
classrooms for most of each day.
The school district and Doe are disputing
whether or not the Wansfer was voluntary.
Although Doe’s salary, benefits and
seniority all remained the same after the
transfer, the move requires him to take an
additional 10 hours of course work to
obtain an interrelated certificate.
Doehadinformed Shadow Rock’ s principal
of his illness in February 1995. He
spent the months following his transfer
trying to convince school officials to return
him to his psychoeducation class or
assign him to a group of children who are
’self-contained’ or too ’disordered’ to
participate in the ’interrelated’ program,
the court wrote. Doe eventually filed a
lawsuitclaiming the districtdiscriminated
against him. The district court supported
Doe’s assertions in August 1997.
"The district court, however, failed to
make explicit findings of fact regarding
any dangers that Doe’ s illness might pose
to violent psychoeducation students," the
appeals court ruled. "In addition, the district
court erred by applying a subjective
standard for determining whether Doe’s
transfer was adverse." The three-judge
panel said the district court should take a
. second look at the case and make a decision
following the guidelines of its reversal.
City Approves
Needle Exchange
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP)-After years
of heated debate and flip-flopping, the
city council has approved a needle exchange
program. After two hours of publiccommentand
debate, the council voted
5-4infavor oftheprogram. Council memberWilliam
Foley received applausefrom
the crowd of 100 people when he cast the
swing vote.
MayorMichael Albano, whohas pushed
for an exchange program for two years,
said there was an AIDS epidemic in
Springfield. "This is not a political issue,
this is a medical issue," he said. "We are.
getting people into treatment and stopping
people froin getting a deadly disease."
But Hampden District Attorney William
Bennett accused the council of "giving
out tools to commit a crime with."
After the vote, council member Timothy
Rooke asked the board to consider an
amendment that would require health officials
to test all needles to seeif they were
used by more than one person or if they
contained any viruses. "It is not a stalling
tactic," he said. "Now it’ s a matter of fine
tuning the #an."
Theneedle exchangewouldoperate out
of a!-Iigh Street building of the Bay State
Medical Center. Drug users can turn in
used needles for clean needles in an even
exchange. They would all’be referred to
drug treatment programs and be asked
questions so city officials could track the
The city council first rejected the plan
5-4 in 1996. It agreed to reconsider after
the city’ s Public Health Council declared
a health emergency in May and tried to
launch the program on its own.
Springfield Health Director Helen
Caulton said thenumber ofAIDS cases in
the city had reached epidemicproportions
and most had been caused by addicts
sharing needles. However, city lawyers
ruled that only the city council could seek
state funding for the program.
State law provides funding for 10 programs
to hand out clean syringes to drug
users, but, so far, they have been established
only in Boston, Cambridge,
Northamptonand Provincetown. The state
pitches in about $200,000 for the programs.
TheClinton administmtionhas endorsed
needle exchanges. Still, Health and Human
Services Secretary Donna Shalala
said the federal government would not
help pay for the programs. The House of
Representatives voted in April to ban using
federal money for such programs.
New Eyesight
Saving Drug
WASHINGTON (AP)- Scientific advisers
are recommending approval of a new
¯¯ The code also outlaws any form of job discrimination against a worker infected
¯ by the HIV virus, and requires that any
¯ employee too ill to performnormal duties ¯
be reassigned, the newspaper said.
According to 7fiord Health Organiza-
¯ tion figures released in June, one-fifth of
¯ Namibia’s population of 1.8 million is ¯
infected with HIV. Some densely popu~
¯ lated areas are estimated to have an infec-
_" tion rate of as high as 40%.
i Inmates Being
i "rested for HIV
¯ GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) - Now that
¯ South Carolina is testing all state prison
inmates for the AIDS virus, some law-
" makers and others want to know how the
¯ .information will be used. The federal
¯ Bureau of Prisons and 17 other states
: already have mandatory testing for HIV,
¯ the virus that causes AIDS, according to
¯ the American Civil Liberties Union’s
: National Prison Project.
¯ State Sen. Kay Patterson, D-Columbia,
genetic drug therapy to help save AIDS ¯ likes the idea of testing all prisoners, but
patients’ eyesight. Isis, Pharmaceuticals’ : is concemed about how prison officials
Vitravene is the first antisense" drug to -" will use the information. "What will the
be reviewed by the Food and Drug Ad- ° department do once they find out they’re
ministration. This novel class of drugs is
created from DNA coding, working at the
genetic level to block production of disease-
causing proteins. Thebioteclmology
industry is stressing development of
antisense drugs against myriad diseases.
Isis says Vitravene slows the progression
of cytomegalovirus retinitis, an infection
that destroys AIDS patients’ rednas.
Advisers to theFDAvoted 5-2Wednesday
to recommend approval of Vitravene,
saying that although powerful new .anti-
HIV drugs have prevented many AIDS
patients from getting the eyeinfection in
recent years, some still fail standard
¯ Chinese HIV
¯ Infections Increase
¯ BEIJING (AP)-Chineseauthorities urged
¯ greater efforts to slow the spread ofAIDS
¯ as the official tallyofpeopleinfectedwith
: the virus that causes the disease topped
10,000, an official newspaper said Tues-
" day. The newspaper said the actual num-
" ber of people infected with HIV may be
¯ as hi.gh as 300,000 - 100,000 more than
¯ previous estimates.
That figure could pass 1 million by
¯ 2000 if more is not done to check the
¯ spread of HIV, Xiao Yan, an official with
the Department of Disease Control, told
¯ state television.
¯ Loc~ health authorities have been or-
¯ dered to speed up education and preven-
¯ tion campaigns, the newspaper said. The
¯ disparity between official numbers and
¯ estimates is likely due tO undenceporting,
the lack of government resources to perform
tests and the stigma attached to ac-
: knowledging HIV,infection.
: Namibia Bars HIV
¯resting for Jobs
WINDHOEK, Namibia (AP) - Namibia,
: whichhas one of the word’s highest HIV
: infection rates, has made it illegal for
¯ employers to require tests for the virus
: that causes AIDS. The country’s new
AIDS testing code binds both public and
private employers. It says HIV-infected
employees are under no obligation to inform
their employer of their condition.
infected? That’ s the missing piece to me,’"
¯ said Patterson, a member of the Senate
¯ Corrections and Penology Committee.
: Jackie Walker, an AIDS expert for the
¯ National Prison Project, is skeptical. I’ve
¯ never seen them say, ’OK, we’ll test you
¯ and you’ll be provided with correct level
¯ of care, medications and access to outside
¯ specialists whenit’ s neededand appropriate.’
It has just not happened across the
¯ board," she said.
¯ The $126,000 mandatory screening of
¯ about 21,000 prisoners should be done by ¯
Aug. 31, Corrections Department spokes-
¯ woman Linda Davis said. Correctional
¯ officers can use minimal force to ensure ¯
all inmates comply, including holding
them down while blood is drawn, Davis
¯ said. So far no one has objected, she said.
"It’s a public safety issue. Considering
¯ the nature of our population and the
~ lifestyle, there’s a potential for health-
" related problems," she said. "It gives us a
¯ gauge to measure potential problems." ¯
However, Steve Bates, executive direc-
¯ tor of the state ACLU, worries that HIV-
¯ positive inmates will be segregated and
denied educational and vocational train-
. 1rig opportunities.
: Davis said the department does not yet
¯ haveapolicy onhousingforHIV-posltive
¯ inmates. State Sen. David Thomas, R- ¯
Fountain Inn, who heads the corrections
¯ committee, said the department could see
: roughly how many inmates are infected
¯ by doing a random sampling of 250 pris-
¯ oners. "They may have some reason to
." believe there is an accelerating number of
¯ cases and they need to segregate thepopu- ¯
lations. Given how AIDS usually spreads,
¯ they may have somereason to believe that
: they need to look very, very carefully at
¯ what is happening in that population,"
¯ Thomas said.
Parents, Family & Friends
of Lesbians & Gays
Tulsa Area Chapter
POB 52800, Tulsa 74152
the show to Nex+ York.
In order to be presented in Ntis.+ "Fork,
The exhibit, never before siam outside
of Hillwotxt, runs 9 6 - I I L h’s woe& it
Buch. For those into leathex, thed~picdon
surmise), they containedjewels from precalled)
from Catherine the Great’s girdle.
On 9113 at 2pro, the Archduke Gm~a
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2004 East 22nd Place
The Tulsa Area Chapter
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1-800-742-9468 or 918-352-9504
128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointmenls are available.
Mass ¯ I lanL 205 W. King (e,a.,t o[" No. Den’,’¢r), hffo: 5~82-3088
University of Tulsa BisexuaULesblaniGay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Mcels at Ihe C,-mtcrbu~ Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 5&q 9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale. Beaming 8/16. rehearsals at 5pm, Info: 743 ~,297
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous tcsUng. No appointmem required.
Wa!k in testing: 7-8:30pm, 83-UTEST (8378) 3501 E. Admira! (cast of Harvard)
I-[IV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 61h. 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of L~sbians & Gays
2nd Mon/cach mo 6:30pro. Fellowship Congregauonal Church. 2990 S. Ilarvard
June 8th, Picnic al Whiteside Park. 41 st & Pil~sburgh
Mixed Volleyball, Hclmerich Park. 71 st & Riverside. 7pro. "call Shawn 491
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 8i3~ noon. Ij rated Way Bldg. 1430 S Boulder
~dDS Coalition of Tulsa, 8/1 I, noon, Ualted Wa~ Bldg. 1430 S Boulder
HIV+ Suppoi’~ Group. HIV Resource Consortiu~a 1:30pro
Coming Out Support Group O’OHR/HOPE)
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Safe Haven, Young Adults Social Group, I sl Fri/each mo. 8pro, Pride CO-., 1307 E. 38th
Nar¢otk~ Anonymous, 11 pm, Commu~t~ of Hope, 1703 E. 2nd, hffo: 585 18(30
Lambda A-A, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Associatioll, iafo: 838-1222
Wome~s Supper Club, Call for irffo: 584-2~78
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Orgabizadon. info: FOB 9165. Tulsa 74157,
Short rid~, 6:30pm, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Z~gler Park, 3903 West 4.th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for dates.
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let ua know.
Call orfax S&32i615.
reviewed by Adam West
Tulsa City-County Library System
Lars Eiglmer’s novel Pawn to Queen
Four is pretentious, disturbingly campy
and fantastically absurd. That’s exactly
what makes it so much fun to read. This is
a gay novel that does not take
itsdf any more seriously than
it does the ’moral majority.’
But Eighner keeps his tacky
brand of~humor from getting
tedious by plying his skill at
intricate plot twists, quick-andquirky
characterizations and a
unique insight into the fears
and desires of both the Gay
commnnity and ourdetractors.
As the story opens, Agnes,
the six-foot seven,350lb. drag
queen is facing quite the dilemma.
As ruler of the Court
of the Jade Chimera, she must
faithfully oversee the ’Gay
agenda’ throughout her territory
which covers most of
Texas and part of Oklahoma,
including the tiny town of
Osage. Osage is home to Holy
Word of God University and
Technical Institute, the headquarters
of the charismatic
Brother Earl, Agnes’ old enemy.
Agnes has been able to
keep Brother Earl’s violently
anti-gay rhetoric in check for
years, but now Earl has the
upper hand. Agnes has lost a
certain set of photographs of
Brbther Earl engaged in his
favorite bad habit - namely, seducing his
male students. Now Brother Earl has rejuve~
ted his homophobic campaign and it
is Agnes’ duty as Empress of the Jade
Chimera to stop him. Her mission: retrieve
the photographs or, failing that.
make new ones.
Enter Jim, our reluctant hero. Through
various types of bribery, appeals to his
duty as a Gay man and assurances of
lifelong sexual satisfaction by the finest
men in Houston, Agnes convinces Jim to
undertake this desperate, dangerous mission.
Now the fun’begins as Jim, his new
boyfriend Phil and eventually Agnes herself
infiltrate HWOGUTI, the Ku Klux
Klan and the sleepy town of Osage.
Eiglmer has a refreshing talent for creating
characters so natural and detailed
that you forget they are unbelievably stereotypical.
Jim is a typical clone; Phil is a
twink; Agnes is the UltimateDrag Queen,
but you never doubt that any of them
could be real. Even Brother Earl, though
hopelessly two-dimensional, seems to be
an exact replica of the kind of people we
elect to Congress all the time. This kind of
stereotyped hyper-neo-virmal-realism almost
makes Pawn to Queen Four an
EverYman play for the modem Gay individual.
The characters are so typical, yet
so real, that you could plug yourself into
whichever one fits best and pretend that
you are a part of this grand adventure.
There’s even a Lesbian (yes, only one)
who shows up with the Hell’s Fairies, a
Gay motorcycle gang.
There are more admirable things going
onJaere however¯ The three main characters
have a point in-their stereotyping.
Jim’ s uncertainty about his role in such an
exotic world draws you in. You begin to
refreshing talent
for ereat~g
characters so
natural and
detailed that you
forget they are
Agnes is the
Uh~-nate Drag
Que n... Even
Brother Earl...
seems to
exact re~|~ea of the
klnd~mpeople we
elect to Congress
all the time. Th~s
kind of stereotyped
makes Pawn to
¯ been Four an
Everyman play for
the modern Gay
wonder how much of our culture is controlled
by a marginalized minority of our
society. You start to wonder, "how much
does that drag queen control what club is
’ in’ or’ out?’ "or"am I on the A-list for all
the best partiesT’ Though the true extent
of an underground society’s
control is questionable,
Eighner wants you to question
the image we have and
who gives it to us.
Even more infectious than
Jim’s trepidation is his admi=
ration of Phil. Phil’s angelic
beauty and innocent devotion
give the story apeaceful wonder
missing from most Gay
novds. Oh, there are plenty of
beauties, plenty of innocents
and plenty of devoted lovers
in Gay literature, but how
many characters really have
all three traits? Phil reminds
us thatwe canretain ourchildlike
fascination with the world
no matterhow adverse the cir=
cumstances and still beresponsible,
capable, respectable
human beings. This is a quality
of life that so much of the
gay community neglects in
favor of that oh-so-chic snide
cynicism. Though Jim is the
protagonist, Phil is the one
youwill involve yourself wi~.
You will be proud when he
comes into his own destiny;
you will admire him as Jim
does, because Phil is that beatl-
¯ tiful person that would actually talkto you
¯ in a bar.
¯ Alas, Agnes... with the resourceful-
" hess and style of a true pageant-winner,
¯ the Queen of the Jade Chimera inspires
¯ belief in the impossible, faith in the unbe-
¯ lievable . . . and that she does just by
¯ carrying 350 pounds of drag queen in
¯ seven-inchheels! Regency and flare have
¯ never been in better form. She can imper~
¯ sonate a grtmgy old gardener or a Klan
¯ member and never break a two-inch-long
: nail. Truthfully, any respect and dignity
¯¯ wehave neglected to allow drag queens to
haveis broughtforth with no apologies by
¯ the glorious Agnes. She is a true heroine
in the vein of those queens who started
¯ this most groundbreaking era of our
¯ struggle for equal rights. I wouldn’t be
¯ surprised tolearn thatAgnes or some real¯
life equivalent was actually at Stonewall.
Her Highness is controlling, deceptive
¯ and stubborn but you can’t help but love
¯ her .... and you can’thelp but watch her.
¯ Ultimately,whatmakes Pawn toQueen
Four a good read is what it teaches (al-
¯ though I think Eighner might hate me for
: saying that). For all its outlandish hijinx
¯ and biting wit, this book has a serious, ¯
though probably unintentional, message
¯ - we in the Gay community have become
" so obsessed with fighting our enemies
¯ that we forget to have fun, or the exact
: opposite. Pawn to Queen Four is ulti-
: mately aboutbalance. Agnes doesn’twant
Brother Earl out of the picture. She has
¯ plenty of chances to ruin him, but she
¯ knows that he has every right to exist that
¯ she does. Surprisingly, Brother Earl feels
: the same, although he gets a little threatening
when he leads the Klan in a true
" Oklahomabackroads see Queen4,p. 14
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by Mary Schepers, the D-I- Y-Dyke
The DIYD admits the following with a
red face: a blatant act of voyeurism. After
a visit at the Oracle’s, this author spied
their neighbor through the window. The
studly, shirtless fellow was busy painting
the trim and causing the
DIYD no end of fussy
fascination. Good grip
on the brush. No, no,
long, smooth strokes..
¯ and dip your brush
NOW! Oureditorcame
to mind, and while he
would have probably
agreed about the Strok-
Ing technique, the paint
job wouldhavebeenhis
least concern. But not
you, loyal reader! Over
the past few months,
you too have come to
admire the beauty of
As promised, last
month, when the cart of
exterior painting was
put before the workhorse
of window
reglazing, the DIYD
will now enhance your
skills even more. Window
reglazing is only
done on the older wood
framed single paned
windows, andis amust
ff you% doing all
your windows, and
usually you will,
do yourself a favor
and buy the Prazi
Putty Cha.er...
It attaches to any
drift chuck.., and
with one simple adjustment
the carbide
cutter is set so that it
won’t harm the
Turn on the drift and
remove the old putty
fa~ter than Dorothy
can click her heels
three times, and it
won’t slit or chip the
wood frame eitker.
before starting that outside paint project.
It will also make your winter heating bills
more. palatable when you stop the coldair
seeping in around.the pane. And aesthetics
! Don’t forget the aesthetics ! Curling,
peeling and cracking glazing putty is just
¯ tired and frumpy2 Lose it.
¯ Traditionally, this job has been a lot of
uresome work, but the DIYD will pull a
few tricks out of her pocket that will have
you simply melting with delight..First, the
old, dried putty must be removed to the
wood. If you’re doing all of your windows,
and usually you will, do yourself a
"We need your help," Satcher told the
organizationformedby ministers in 1957.
"We need the church to help us to deal
with the prejudice and the bias that-we
face as we’re trying to fight this epidemic."
Ministers are uneasy talking about
AIDS, said the group’s chairman, Dr.
Claud Young, a family doctor in Detroit.
’qqaey speak about sex in any form as if
it’s a form of cancer," he said, recalling
preachers asking him not to use the word
"condom" inside the church. "I said, ’Not
only is the word condom being usedinthe
church; I can assure you condoms are
being used in the church.’" Young added
thatin Michigan,Blackorganizations have
received little of the grant money available
for prevention.
Today’s fight presents challenges that
did not exist during the 1960s, Satcher
said. During the civil rights movement, he
said, people had hope that they could
effect change. Today, too many young
people are hopeless about their futures so
they do not try as hard to avoid risky sex
and other health threats, he said. But that
can change, he said. "Leadership is critical,"
he said. "I don’t think we’ve found
any~substitutes for good leadership."
favor and buy the Prazi Putty Chaser. It is
available only by mail and is worth all ,of
the $19.95+shipping/handling (McFeely s
800/443-7937. Don’t forget to ask for a
catalog - it’s worth i0. It attaches to any
drill chuck 1/4" oflarger (3/8 is standard),
.and withone simple ad=
justment the carbide
cutter is set so that it
won’t harm the glass.
Turn on the drill and
remove the old putty
faster than Dorothy can
dick her heels three
times, and it won’t slit
or chip the wood frame
With the old
putty gone, make a
mixture 50/50 of paint
thinner and linseed oil
to coat and nourish the
old, exposed wood,
then wait a day before
proceeding. TheDIYD
gently urges you to restrain
your passion for
neatly glazed windows
and not omit this step.
Then youhaveoptions:
one, you can use the
old putty in the can and
putty knife trick; or
two, you can use the
new latex compoundin
the tube, like caulk.
Unless you are an old pro, please opt for
the latter. Not only will it be easier~ the
latex material will last longer and it may
be the last tame you have to do this.
The tube comes with a specialized
nozzle that applies the compound at the
proper angle and it fits a standard catdk
gun, Though it isn’t necessary, your job
will look heater if you mask the glass
about 1/3" above the wood, with the compound
filling in. Leave the tape on for
p.ainting, then strip it off 24 hrs. later for a
crisp, unsmeared edge. The tube material
costs a bit more than, the putty, but is
worth every penny of it. Apply the material
moving smoothly and slowly along
the frame at about a 33 degree angle; the
nozzle will do this for you. Smooth with a
wet finger, if desired. Wait another day,
then paint; with the premasked windows,
this isn’t painful. Your house will be gor=
geous and snug and, with the two above
techniques, done days ahead of those who
do not heed the DIYD’s advice.
Next month: take up your PHD’s and
pickets - it’s time’to build that privacy
fence (PHD = Post Hole Digger). Any
questions or cqmmentary? The DIYD
accepts your praase, chastisement or suggestions
care of this paper!
Ulmer wrote. "In other words, the proposedamendmentlimits
marriage to what
it has been and currently is by statute in
Alaska. Because that is themeaning of the
amendment, I believe the ballot summary
should say so."
The lawsuit seeks to force Ulmer to use
an earlier version that began: "This measure
would add an amendment to the-
Alaska Constitution on marriage." The
Legislature passed the amendment in the
final minutes of the session after Judge
Peter Michalski ruled against a 1996 law
banning same-sex marriage.
Has-Never Been
No 900#s
No Charge Per Minute
by Esther Rothblum
Dr. Marny Hall is a San Francisco Bay
Area psychotherapist with twenty years
experienee speeializing
in Lesbian relationships.
In her book, The
Lesbian Love Companion:
How to Survive
Everything from
Heartthrob to Heartbreak,
she tackles issues
of Lesbian relationships,
sex, breakups,
rituals, and jeab
"I had had a painful
break-up," she told me
m a recent interview,
"and-decided to find
somelongterm couples
who had managed to
weather the difficulties
that had undermined
my relationship. I was particularly interested
in finding couples who had survived
outside affairs." She located a.handfu!:0f
long term Lesbian couples and contacted
them periodically over anumber of years.
She asked, how they met, how their relationshipprogressed,
andhow they handled
difficult situations:such as jealousy, conflict,
desire, homophobia, work, and illness.
"I was searching for a formula," said
Mamy, "but I didn’t find anything. Then
five years into this experiment, two of the
model couples I had been tracking broke
up. I had come to think of them as perfect
couples. I felt a bit shell-shocked but I
decided that I wouldcontinue to interview
both ex-partners. It was then that I found
the answers I was looking
for. Now the ex-
.partners started talking
about their relationships
in entirely different
ways. One woman,
who had said that she
was really in lust now
told me that they had
never had any passionate
chemistry! Another
womanused to say that
her community of
friends kept them together;
now she said
that she never felt a
sense ofcommtmity ! A
third said she wanted to
be with her partner until
her breath was no
: longer in her body. After the break-up she
¯ told me that even if her partner were
available, she wouldn’.t go back. These
¯ 180 degree turns made me realize that so
¯ much of how we process relationships is ¯
through the tales that we tell. The tales do
¯ all sorts of things - they certify legit1-
¯ macy, they heal broken hearts, and they ¯
explain betrayals."
: After this revelation, Mamy decided to
¯ go back and reread the transcripts from
the interviews she had conducted with the
¯ couples that were still together. Now she
¯ could see shifts in their stories too, over
: time. Their stories had kept them going
Dr. Marny Hall
through hard times. For example, if one
partnerhadhadan affair, .theother discovered
a motive that explained everything.
Perhaps the straying partner had been
depressed about her job or angry at her
partner. The affair had been a coded way
of announcing these dissatisfactions. In
other words, the two partners collaborated
on a story that turned an unpardonable
betrayal into a forgivable misdemeanor.
By reconstruing the potentially
damaging revelation in more positive
ways, they were able to stay together.
"So I thought, why not think of more
stories?" said Marny. Her book focuses
on stories that provide alternatives to the
"master stories" ab0utforever-after, about
terrible betrayals, about bad times. "If I
could tell stories about small break-ups or
trivial passions or benign other women
then I could contribute to partners’ flexibility
and givethemmore staying power,"
Maruy told me.
Originally planned as a book about successful
long-term couple relationships,
The Lesbian Love Companion took on a
life ofits ownl "I love the story of ~happily
ever after," Marny said, "but we. can tell
other stories, too. Everyday stories about
contentment instead of epics about do-ordie
love affairs. Stories of downsized disenchantments
instead of major dyke dramas.
The first time you realize that your
.lover snores and you love her anyway is
not exactly a swash-buckling bodice-ripper.
But it does qualify as a modest tale
about a small turning point. Our lives are
packed with all kinds of minimalist ro-
: mances. We just have to tune in to them.
: "The same thing is true about sex,"
¯ Mamy continued. "We’re all so familiar
¯ with the story about the earth-moving sex.
: But we can tell a lot of different stories
: about sex- maintenance sex that depends
¯ on cultivating orgasmic habits, sex for ¯
comfort or fun, psychodrama sex that
exorcises old demons. Even the fond
sexual memories we share with ex-lovers
is anotherform of sex. Wemight call it exsex.
These stories aren’t the mainstream
favorites so they aren’t heard, they’re
inaudible, private." As Marny putsit, her
book puts some "amplification" on the
stories that many of us are already telling.
’q’he bookis for long-term couples. It is
also for the sluts and passionate friends,
the celibates andthecommunally minded,"
Mamy added. "All of us are affected by
¯ the traditional stories. Uncoupled Lesbi-
: ans often feel as though they have failed
¯ some crucial test. And long-term couples
: may feel such pressure to live up to these
¯ stones that, as aresult, they feel they must
¯ conceal anything thatisn’t congruentwith ¯
’perfect coupledom.’ Such self censor-
" ship makes~thard for partners to be play-
" ful .or spontaneous. The perfect couple
¯ ideal exacts a toll on everyone- Ltgbians ¯
who are coupled,unpartnered or who have
¯ multiple partners."
"It tends to turn us all into intimacy
¯ overachievers," said Mamy. "The pur- ¯
pose of my book is to counteract that
¯ sense of performance anxiety. Almost
: everybody has doubts, and forbidden passions,
see Psyche, p. 14
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by Lamont Lindstrom
I met brown-eyed Burt one summer
when I was working in Hawai’i. Burt had
grown up near Manila in the philippines.
He taught English for some years at a
Catholic high school. Then
he came to Honolulu to work
on a Ph.D. in philosophy at
the University of Hawai’i
In his thesis, Burt planned to
reexamine traditional Asian
philosophy in light of the
work of post-modernists
suchas Foucault and Derrida.
When I met Burt, he was in
his mid 30.s and solidly built,
just runmng to chunk. But
you could still look through
those added pounds to see
that he had been a graceful
young man.
In Honolulu, Burt found
an American boyfriend- an
older man retired from the
telephone company. Burt
movedinand tookovercooking
and cleaning for the two
of them. His lover’s elderly
mother came to stay and he
took care of her too. Burt
kept purposely missing his
thesis deadlines to maintain
his relationship. His student
visa and US Immigration
demanded that, after finishing
a degree, he return to the
Philippines and not come
back to America for three
years, even as a tourist. His
Ph.D. thesis wa~ already four
muck of the
Philippines -
especially the
Muslim south
- there aretraditional
in which men
take on tTemlnlne,
and clothing.
In Tagalog,
the main Filipino
these men are
cafled ba/da.
many bakla
¯were dancers.
actors, and
years overdue.
~-Since that summer, I’ ve met a number
of American/Filipino couples - the Filipino
half typically keeping house.
Throughout much of the Philippines -
especially the Muslim south = there are
traditional roles in which men take on
.feminine characteristics and clothing. In
Tagalog, themainFilipino language, these
men are called bakla. Traditionally, many
bakla were dancers, actors, and entertainers.
MarkJohnson’snew bookabout transvestites
in Sulu, Beauty andGender (Berg
1997), describes numbers Of feminine,
cross-dressing Filipino boys who are .on
the prowl for masculine (i.e., ’straight
acting’, even married) boyfriends. In recent
years, these guys have taken overand
developed the hairdressing and beauty
business sectorthroughoutthe Philippines.
Most reject, however, a traditional bakla
identity and embrace instead the label
"gay." Our Western term here continues
to extend its global’ spread. Burt, too, was
horrified when I asked if he was a bakla.
This term today resonates too many sour
tones of backwardness, effeminacy, and
male prostitution.
There is a straight parallel to Butt and
his boyfriend in Hawai’i. In any romance
magazine sold at Quiktrip, one can find
advertisements touting the merits of submissive,
yet sexy, Asian women. You,
too, can easily send away for a mail-order
Oriental bride! One ofmy second cousins
had a fairly successful marriage with an
able woman from Vietnam until his warrelated
post traumatic stress syndrome
worsened one day and he attacked an old
lady gassing her car up at a California
service station.
Feminists decry the Ameriean stereotype
ofsexy Suzy Wongs who serve white
° men in bed, serve them dinner - who
¯ meekly serve all their needs whatever.
," But the international marriage marketl
." place works to bring women out from the
Philippines, and other Southeast Asian
countries, into the US.
Ainerican wealth allows at
leastsome ofus to shop overseas
and purchase our sexual
fantasies, even if we don’t
always get what we think we
are buying. And Americans
.profit, too, from positive
images that encourage at
least some Asians to hop a
plane and fly into the arms
of an unknown Occidental
spouse. Obviously, just as
many Filipinas (and Filipinos)
are 1.ooking for Americans
as vice versa.
The market for gay Asian
fianc6s is constrained by the
inability of homosexuals to
marry legally and thereby
obtain green cards for our
~mported boyfriends. Still,
I’ve had interesting email
correspondence with several
guys in Indonesia, Malaysia,
and the Philippines. They
wonder if I can set them up
with American lovers. One
gayboy in Jakarta, a civil
servant whose nom de email
is Koko, asked my advice
about accepti.’ng a one-way
air ticket from an American
Internet correspondent. I
counseled him to take care
lest he end up a sex slave, bound up in
somebody’s basement. The Hollywood
~mage of the United States is very powerful
overseas. Even Tulsa can seem urbane
and sophisticated to somebody in
Zamboaga or Chiangmai or Penang.
Mostrecently, I havebeenin touch with
a sad, young Filipino in the port city of
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Joe moved
to Dubai from Saudi Arabia severa! months
ago. He had broken up with his 50-something,
bald American lover whom he was
with for three years. Joe, understandably,
is depressed. He emails me that he misses
fixing dinners for the two of them. He
misses fussing about his ex-lover’s various
medical conditions. Gay life in Dubai
is no doubt grim. Joe nowadays appears to
live mostly on the Internet. The American
boyfriend, perhaps because he was at the
end of an employment contract or perhaps
becauserelations with Joehadlanguished,
returned here to Tulsa by himself. Well,
almost by himself. He brought their eat
back to Tulsa but he left his Filipino
boyfriend behind in the Arabian deserts.
for housing programs earmarked for
people with AIDS. The $21 million was
shifted to help f’mance state extended care
programs for veterans. Rep. VanHilleary,
R-Tenn., said the reduction was justified
because of a 6 percent decline in the
annual number of AIDS cases. Opponents
of the amendment argued that the
decline is attributed to the wider use of
¯ new drugs and the success ofsuch drug
tr~tments often depends on patients having
decent housing.
Almost everybody wo~nders about the
paths not taken. By telling our untold tales
and making them normal, I hope that our
sense of failure will be reduced.’" As a
psychotherapist, Marny has been witness
to many stories by Lesbians. An example
of the man3’ excerpts from The Lesbian
Love Companion: "You might ~’ant to
develop your other-woman fantasy. Install
her as your permanent muse. Pay
attention to her. She’ll tell you whether t~
sign up for scuba class or just buy some
new lingerie. And after you do what she
suggests, check in with her from time to
time. Has she changed? Is she suggesting
another direction? You are entitled to
keep her toyourself: ,She is, after all,
purely 3"our playmate, soul mate - combination
projection, reflection, guide. And,
:Aphrodite forbid, ifanything should ever
happen to ),our partner, ’*our fantasy lover
";~q]l be there for you. SlOe will shoe 3"our
’memories and your tears. She will con-
~ble and commiserate. And, one chy, when
the time is right, she will lead You back to
~E world.’" As Mamv writes i’n the book:
"V~qlen it comes to ou~ lives and loves, we
need a generous supply of alternative stoi~
es: Instructive sci-fi fabIes and twilight
zone mysteries, endless sequels and whitel~
uckl~ exploits. \Ve ~e both hearth
buggers and voyagersl We must make
room in our lives for the dream of foreverafter
and the determination to never look
Early reactions to Marny’s book? Rumorhas
it that Lily Tomlin loves it ! Alison
Bechdel, creator of the comic strip Dykes
To Watch Out For, calls it".., a veriiable
Karma Sutra of emotional possibility."
For further reading: Mamy Hall (1998),
The Lesbian Love Companion: How to
Survive Everything from Heartthrob ~o
Heartbreak. HarperCollins, I0 East 53rd
St., New York, NY 10022.
Prof. Esther
is teachek psy-
6hology at the
University of
Vermont 6nd is
Editor of the
Journal of Lesbian
She can be
reached at Jo,"n
Dewey Hail,
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
05405. e~ail: esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
Classifieds - how to work them:
First 30 words are S10 Each additional
word is 25 cents. Options for ’,’our ad:
Bold headline - S1, all capitdl letters -
$1. all bold & capital letters - S2. ad in
box - $2, Ad reversed - $3, tear sheet
mailed - $2 Blind P.O. Box - $5
-Plewaoserdt"yp~eSaoargrp°ruiln~bt-v\ooufr alde.ttCerosunotrthneumwobredrss
separated ¯ space. TFNreserves the right
to edit or reI~use any ad. No refunds. Send ad
& payment to PO]~ 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
with 3our name address, telephone (for us).
Ads will run in the next issue after received.
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Friendly, houest, & very experienced
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attractive, I might add.
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car chase. Tl~e most remain at a stand-off
until the general .public decides what to
do..Eventually, both. extremes will fade
into memory.
Pawn to Queet~ Four finds a balance
that would benefit us all, whether clones,
twinks, drag queens or the other 90% of
Gay individuals. It’s not about the parties
or the protests or the pageantry or the
promiscuity, because we have too much
of those things. The balance that Lars
Eighner finds in Pawn to Queen Four is
about taking care of our own and building
a society where the dramatics like those in
this book are simpl y no longer necessary.
Editor’s note: Adam M. West is an associate
at the Helmerich Library and has a
B.A. in Theatre Arts from OSU. He is a
native Oklahoman. an artist, writer, Star
Trekfanatic and recovering actor. He is
not now and never has been Batman.
Janet and Jack Zinc will host the Phiibrook
Gala, an evemng inspired by MM Post.
10/4 at 2pm, Frederick J. Fisher, director
of Hillwood, will give a lecture entitled
"Marjorie Merriweather Post: Collector
with a Passion for Beauty". 10/29at 6pm,
Anne Odom will present "A Taste for
Splendor: Luxury Art in Imperial Russia".
FREE ad call:
enjoys fishing, hunting and long walks.
I’m looking for friends and maybe a little
more. (Tulsa) "~’10895
ready to date and have some fun. You
must be a non-smoke~ (Tulsa) ~10964
LOVE TO UNDRESS for a Man who
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JUSTTOTALKTO I’m a BM, 29, newto
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talk to and hang out with. (Tulsa)
~oEART OF GOLD I’m a lonely 25, cowy
who loves the outdoors. I’want a M
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games, someone to give me 110 percent
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GEl-rING A LI’n’LE NASTY 23, 5’10~,
160. I play soccer and I have a very
nice chest. I want a M who can show
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GO FOR IT Attractive, fit, White mole,
34, 6’1, 1701bs, with Brown hair and
Blue eyes, seeks aggressive, fit guys, in
their 20’s and eady 30’s. for hot times.
White male, 45: 5’10, 2201bs~ ~th’light,
Brown hair and Green ’eyes~.~a
blue collar type who’s down t0 earth
caring, and enjoys Sports an~th~ outdeers.
I want to have a one or~~e relationship.
I don’t ddnk o~.dO dr~gs~, but I
do smoke cigarottes~ (~ii~tta):~661
BEDWARMER WANT~"l~bl~_~stud
in Tulsa, needs a warm body~f~ me
Up on cold nights (Tu sa)
LOVE This Gay Whit~.,Male is
31-years of age. I’m leeking ~or~som~-
one to have a safe discreet time with.. If
your interested in this message give
me a call pleese:(Tu sa) "~’16325
White, hairy cbested,top Man is 6’2",
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seeking a bottom with a nice firm ass.so
that we can get together on a regular
’basis. (Tulsa) ’~’17350
CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys this
.25 y_ear .old Ga~/White Male is looking
for L~ay Men WhO are ready to have a
good time. I go o~t dressed like a
Woman at times and I am v~ry feminine.
If your man enough to handle
that, then please give me a call. (Tulsa)
A LII-rLE SANITY I’m a sane, intelligent,
honest Gay white Male, 53, 6’,
170 Ibs, a very oral bottom. I’m seeking
Gay or Bi Males who are honest for
friendship first and a possible long-term
relationship. No games. Give me a
chance. You won’t be disappointed.
(Tulsa] ~’17178
SCRATCH THE ITCH I’m looking for a
Bi-curious Male like myself to have my
first experience with. I’m fit, athletic, 29,
6’, 190 Ibs, tan, with brown hair, greeneyes,
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chest, rm seeking the same type.
(Grand Lake) I~12004
White Male, 30, seeks a distinguished
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have a tight butt and give great head.
(Tulsa) ~’16544
DAILY RITUAL when I get home, I like
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think about a hot Man and wish I had it
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100 PERCENT ITALIAN I ust move(~
here and my fdends cal me the Italia~
Stallion. I’m 100 percent Italian. I’m 24
years old, 6’1", 180 Ibs, black hair an~
I~reeGnayeyWesh,itIeamMavleesr,y 2b3u-ff2.5I’ymealorsokoinldg,
into sports and walking in the park.
Shbw me a night on the town. (Tulsa)
LIKE A LADY I want to get together
with Cross-Dressers or She-Males. I
just want to meet you and treat you
nice. ~15427
RUGGED AND RANDY This good looking,
rugged, cowboy type, blue collar
worker, 30, 6’4, 2001bs, with Blond hair,
Blue eyes, and a hairy body, seeks
other cowboy types for fun. I like going
out, watching tv at home, taking long
ddves, and being very romantic. I’d like
a permanent relationship but we should
ba.fdends first, (Henrietta) ’1~14467
what! I have no plans tonight. This
attractive, 20 year old, White male,
wants to go out and do something with
you. Give me a call. (Tulsa) ’~’14309
Male 28 5’8" 145 Ibs., good-look ng I
just want to meet some 3uys out there.
MAN OF ACTION This good looking
masculine. 34 year old, White male, 6ft,
1751bs, witha good build, seeks similar
guys, 2~ to 35, into sports, fun times.
traveling, and relaxing at home.
(McAIlister) ~13473
OPEN WITH MASSAGE This passionate,
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with .good looks, seeks very well
endowed, Bi or Gay males, 18 to 40,
interested in erotic evenings. I’d like to
begin by massaging your body and go
from there. L don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
(Tulsa) ~’13601
I LIKE OLDER GUYS Healthy, attractive,
HIV positive, White male, 37,
170]be, with Brown hair, Hazel eyes
and a mustache, seeks a s ncere, honest,
wall endowed guy, 25 to 55, who
likes to be a top. Race is open and
leeks are unimportant, as long as you’re
clean cut. (Tulsa) ’~12249
NICE AND EASY This friendly, 58 year
old, White male seeks a nice guy to
have pleasant conversations with, and
to enjoy during relaxing evenings
together. (Tulsa] ’~14641
TRIP YOUR TRIGGER This good looking,
happily Married, Bi, White male, 3~,
6’2, 2301bs, is now to this scene. I’d like
to meet other Bi males, 18 to 28, who
are petite, smooth, and preferably feminine,
for erotic entertainment only. Your
endowment doesn’t matter to me, but
you must be discreet and very clean.
(Tulsa) "~13211
BURNING LOVE I’m a good looking,
white male, 22, 6ft, 1401bs, with Brown
hair and eyes. I’m primarily a top and I’d
like to meet other guy’s to have fun with.
rm very hot. (Tulsa) ~11917
BIJ’Fr BUDDY Friendly, 36 year old,
uncut, White male, 5’10, 160ibs, with
Brown hall Brown eyes, and a great
butt, seeks friends to hang out with.
(Tulsa) ~11860
seeks aggressive master. Call for
details or give your fir.st order in my
mailbox. I’m ready to serve. (Tulsa)
BELLS ON MYTOES I’m a White male
into crossdressing and painting my toenails.
I love getting my toenails ant
everything else, sucked on. If you’re in
the area and turned on. call me. I’m 35,
with Blond hair and Blue eyes.
(Tahtequah) "~’11743
ONLY ONE HERE I’m a good looking,
19 year old, White male, 5’10, 2351bs,
with Brown hair, seeking a friendly,
rugged guy, 18 to 39, who enjoys camping,
going out, and lots of laughter. Let’s
have some fun. I’m able to ddve to you
if you’re far away. (Cushing) ~’11928
FLY, FLY AWAY This good looking 30
year old, Gay, Wh to male, into the outdoors,
hiking, biking, and sunbathing,
seeks a disbnguished gentlemen 38 to
45, with s milar interests. I work for a
major aidine and would love to take you
away somewhere. (Tulsa) ’~’11349
HEAD OFFICE Professional businessman,
6’1, 2151bs, into dancing, meeting
new people, and having fun, wants to
hook up with some new friends.
(Tahlequah) ~11398
There’s no charge to
create,an ad!
DOINGTHINGS I’m a GBE 25 who likes
the outdoors, ~iking, movies end long
walks. I’m looking for a SGWF, full figured,
190+, 5’7" and up, who likes doing
things. (MdAtester) ’~10109
old H spanic Fe-maie,~"~i ~54". who
is looking for a special Female that is
single and not into games. I enjoy
movies, staying at home and spending
time with you, so please give me a call.
(McAlester) "~18184
curious, Married Woman. I am very
open minded and looking for a female
who is also curious. (Ma.calester)
22 year old, Bi-sexual White Female,
with brown eyes. I love music, dancing
and going out. I want to meet someone
who enjoys the same things as I do; I
am Married, but want someeee who
wants to be with me and maybe my
Husband also. (McAlestarl ’~18649
Female, 32, 5’4", 120 Ibs., with auburn
hair and green eyes. My husband’s out
of town a lot, and I’m lonely, rm looking
for a nice Female who likes to go out, or
just stay home and watch movies.
(Tulsa) "~15293
BUSY NEWCOMER I’m an attractive.
petite, Black female, 25, 4’11, 1201bs,
with one child. I’m new to this area and
this scene so I hope you’ll be patJant
with me. I have three jobs and am very
busy but nave time to meet some
womyn, 25 to 30, of all races, for friendship
or more. (Tulsa) 1~14485
TEACH ME, PLEASE I’m not very
experienced in this and I’m hoping to
meet someone who can talk to me, give
me pointers, or tell me how it is. I’m 23
years old and have been attracted to
women, but have never acted on it,
(Tulsa) ~13687
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SAPULPA, Okl~ (AP) -The 17-year-old son ofa local
school board member has faced threats and harassment
because of his sexual orientation, but the boy’s father
said his other children will remain in the suburban
district. Will .Allen, a junior at Sapulpa High School,
will attendTulsaW~hingtonHigh School whenthefall
semester begins Aug. 12. The family requested the
transfer in February, his father, Sam Allen, said.
Allen said Will has been vexed and tormented by his
~.2assmates for the past two years because of his sexual
Orientation. ;The Allen family appeared recently on
NBC’s "The Today Show"; and Will encouraged other
young Gay men and women to confide in people with
whomtheyfeltcomfortable. ’Tvehadmany Gayfriends
who have been kicked out of their homes, treated very
poorly - physical abuse," he said. "The first thing you
should do .is find somebody, maybe,not your parents,
who you know and feel positive that ~hey can give you
the support that you need."
Will was inMichigan atamusic academy andwas not
available for comment.
Sapulpa school officials issued a news release that
! US House Votes t.o Limit City’s
!Partner Benef,ts to Gays
: WASHINGTON (AP) -Despite charges of bigotry and interfer-
~ ence in local government, the House in July voted to prohibit the
: s.pe.nding .of fed.eral, money o.n programs implementing a civil
: rights o_r.dinzncem.S.an Francasco. The measure, offered by Rep.
o Frank Ri.g.gs, .R.-Calif., was approved 214-212 as an amendment
: to a sPe~.ding bill forhous..rag, veterans programs, environmental
¯ protecaon, space and funding for the arts.
: Supporters said they hoped to get the provision removed
¯ during negotiations to reconcile the House bill with a yet-to-be
" approved Senate version. The Riggs amendment prohibits any
¯ money in the $94 billion spending bill to be used to implement
a San Francisco ordinance that requires employers doing bus|-
¯ ness withthecity toprovidehealthandotherbeuefits to same-sex
¯ partners. "We should not force or coerce (private business) to
¯ adopt policies they t-rod morally objectionable," Riggs argued in
¯ a heated debate.
¯ Rep. Patrick K.,e~n,edy, D-R.I., called it a "mean-spirited,
bigoted amendment’ and other opponents said it was an assault
¯ onlocalautonomy."Italtacks homernleinevery city in America,"
¯ declared Rep. Dennis KucinidL D-Ohio, a former mayor of
: Cleveland. "It’s a move back to the days of witch hunting, back
¯ to the days oftellingpeople what they should and should not do,"
¯ complained Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill. He said the amendment
¯ threatens programs in San Francisco that help the homeless and
¯ thetreatment ofAIDS patients as well as scores ofotherprograms
: that rdy in part on federal support.
¯ Rep. Nancy Pelts|, D-Calif., said the city negotiated with
~" Catholic Charities, which had balked at the ordinance, and
¯ reached an accommodation, and compromises were expected to
be worked out with other businesses. "I don’t know why Mr.
¯ Riggs wants to create a war," she said in strong opposition to the
¯ measure. Pelts|,whorepresents SanFrancisco, called theamend-
" ment an affront to home rule and Said "the city of San Francisco
’~ is not forcing anyone to act against their principles?’
¯ More than adozen lawmakersspoke emotionally against the
.: amendment, . see Attack, p. 3
¯¯ Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsans, Our Families + Friends Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
stated the district"does not condoneor tolerate harass- ~. ment of students foranyreason)’"We have comprehen- Surgeon .G,:e=,. neral Compares
sive board policies_’m,,P!ace on sexual harassment and a ~’. I~I~l I~|nI~’~~|1 #11 l~-"m-L a.__. I~-~-- -~ --
....... ~i~y ~Dt~d, 16b.ai aiad national president~tf~~ ~by-~a~’M~kla¢ " - " ~
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,
arranged for the television appearance. Will’s situation
is cotfimon for homosexual teen-agers, Ms. McDonald
said. "Some (schools) are doing a great job, and some
are sticking their heads in the sand," she said. "We’re
just beginning to work with Tulsa-area schools."
Allen said he had no complaints about the Sapulpa
district and said his two other children will continue to
attend Sapulpa schools. He also has no plans to step
down from the school board. ’‘The community support
has been wonderful," he said.
: WASHINGTON (AP) - Recalling his childhood in the segre-
¯ gated South, Surgeon General David Satcher compared the fight
: against AIDS, which is hitting the Black community hard, to the
-’: struggle for civil rights. Speaking to one of nation’s oldest civil
.: rights groups, he called on Black leaders to reject stereotypes
¯ around AIDS, overcome shyness about sex and confront the
[ issue. ’‘This is anareawhere weagain need to mobilize," Satcher,
." who is Black and grew up in Alabama, told the Southern Chris-
: tian Leadership Conference in a speech Tuesday. ’Tm talking to
¯ you about you."
While Blacks make up 13% of the U.S. population, they
¯ account for 57% of the new infectious, according to the federal Family of Faith to Present : CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention.Amongsomegroups,
¯ the statistics are even more striking: Blacks and Hispanics make Noted Christian Singer
TULSA -Marsha Stevens, composer of For Those
Tears I Died (Come to the Water), will perform a free
concert at Family of Faith Metropolitan Commlmity
Church on Saturday, Sept.. 5th at 7:30 at 5451e South
Mingo as wall as at Family of Faith’s regular Sunday
evemng service on Sept. 6th at 5pm.
Stevens’ song, For Those Tears... has become a
standard of evangelical Christian hymnals since 1972
even though the songwriter experienced rejection and
scorn from part of the church since she came out as a
Lesbian. Active in the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches (UFMCC), Stevens performs
over 150 concerts a year and has recorded six solo
albums and a concert video on her independent BALM
(Born Again Lesbian Music) labd. She now ministers
with the SW UFMCC district. Info: 622-1441.
P. 2/3
P. 4
p. 6~
P. 9
P. 10
P. 11
P. 14 "
: up 82% of HIV-positive women ages 13 to 24. Andlife-prolong-
" ing AIDS drugs are helping whites more than Blacks. In 1996,
¯ deaths among whites with AIDS were down 28%; for Blacks, it
¯ was just 10%.
¯ The Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s new presi-
¯ dent, Martin Luther King III, underscored the difficulty ofAIDS
¯ education, saying he is not comfortable promoting use of con-
" doms. "The only way is abstinence," he said in an interview after
¯ Satcher’s speech. "Sex should not be something that we just
: casually engage in and take lightly." The solution, King said, is
¯ restoring fundamental values to society. He said AIDS is an
¯ important issue, although it is not among his top priorities.
Satcherdid notrecommendany particularprevendon strategy.
" But he and other public health experts agree that use of condoms"
¯ is essential to halt the spread of HIV among people who are not
: likely to abstain from sex. The surgeon general will hammer the
~ AIDS message in upcoming speeches to Black journalists and
¯ doctors, and he plans to reach out to other groups such as Black
¯ fraternities, sororities and newspapers.
¯ But his speech to church leaders was particularly important.
¯ Churches play a central role in many Black communities, and
¯ ministers are,often among the most prominent community lead-
,: ers. But church leaders have been reluctant to talk about AIDS
¯ because it relates so closely to sex and homosexuality, Satcher
¯ says. The issue is also thorny because of its relationship to drug
¯ use, amajorprobleminside the Blackcommunity withits ownset
¯ of taboos, see Surgeon,p.ll
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - From skimpily
clad revelers to Bible-toting evangelists, the
Gay Games are drawing an eclecdc crowd for
weeklong festivities ce,!ebrating Gay pride and
culture. With the,,theme Friendship Through Culture
and Sports, the quadrennial Olympics-style
sports festival begins Saturday, offering competitors
everythingfrom ballroom dancing to wrestling
and more cerebral pastimes such as bridge and
This is the
first time the Gay
Games are being
held in Europe
since they beganin
San Francisco in
1982. New York
City was the site
¯ of the last Games
¯ in 1994; Sydney,
¯ site of the Summer
Olympics in 2000,
¯ will have the first
¯ Tulsan CliffBaileyis compet- southern hem|-
¯ ing in this year’s Gay Games .sphere Gay Games
¯ in Amsterdam, accompanied in 2002.
¯ by his spouse Chris Ritthaler. The opening
night’s ceremony
¯ will feature the Israeli transsexual pop star Dana
¯ International, who gained fame- and notoriety-in
¯ May after winning the 25-nation Eurovision song
¯ contest and incensing Orthodox Jewish leaders at
¯ home.
¯ Some 30 competition sports will be available at
¯ these games, which run through Aug. 8. But with-
" out top-level athletes, they threatened to be eclipsed
¯ by the many parties outside the stadium.
¯ Amsterdam is renowned for its tolerance and its
¯ lively Gay community, so these games are almost
~:. inconspi~ug~s, ap.ar~ [rg~ so,me posters and a few
~ more same:~e~couples than USUal-:strolling arm-in-
¯ arm a!Orig the canals.
With up to 14,000 participants and 200,000 visi-
¯ tors in town, the Dutch capital is about to be
¯ transformed into the ultimate Gay hangout with
¯ enough temptations to satisfy even the most vigor-
. ous partygoer. There are transvestite shows and
¯ drag queen contests. For the more athletic, there’s
¯ even oil wrestling.
One top attraction officially has nothing to do
¯ with the Gay Games: Saturday’s yearly canal pa-
: rade of decorated boats. Games organizers prom-
- ised a flotilla of Gays and Lesbians on the city’s
¯ famous medieval waterways. But not everyone
¯ will be party-hopping. For the straight-laced and
intellect’ual types-; there are plenty of alternatives,
including art exhibits, symposiums on Gay and
¯ Lesbian issues, and cooking shows.
¯ Participants might get a dose of religion. Up to
¯ 100 representatives from the international evange-
¯ lism group Youth With a Mission plan to stage
[ C.hristian-themed street dramas and pray with par-
¯ Uopants. "God wants to care for people whether
¯ they are homosexuals or heterosexuals," YWAM
¯ spokeswoman Nelleke Bosshardt said.
Sigrid Johannisse of the Netherlands, who will
". be competing in the badminton competition, said
¯ she’s searching for fun and friendship. Even so, she
¯ hopes the Gay Games one day will disappear as
Gays become more accepted.
¯ Although heterosexuals are welcome to com-
" pete, few do, triggering criticism within the Gay
¯ community that the games createneedless segrega-
¯ don. "! hate all the separation," said Johmmisse, a
¯ 33-year-old art historian. "in sports, there isn’t so
¯ much integration.., it was just easier to play with
¯ Gay people."
¯ Eddy Feenstra has a more carefree attitude as he
¯ prepares to compete in ballroom and Latin Ameri-
¯ can dancing with partner Tonny Aliens. Girding
¯ for victory, Feenstra says "I am doing it for the
¯ fun," he said. "I would also like to show off what I
¯ am good at."
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*The Palate Cafe & Catering, 3324G E. 31st
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E 31st
*Margaret’s German Restaurant, 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room; 1649 S.--Main -
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Umbertos Pizzeria, 21st west of Harvard 599-9999
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Cellular 74%1508 "
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510 ¯
Dennis C~ Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 "
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 "
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034 ¯
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122 ¯
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955 ¯
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272 ¯
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313 ¯
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial ..’--. 622-3636 "
Don Carlton MitSubishi, 46th & Memoiial 665-6595 "
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis !58i-0902, 743-41t7 ¯
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700 :
*Daisy Exchange, E. 15th "~" 746-0440 ¯
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468 "
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620 "
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611 ¯
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556 "
*Elite Books & Videos, 821S. Sheridan 838-8503 .."
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584:0337, 712-9379 ¯
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709 "
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet, Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460 ’
Leanne M. Grb~s,-InSurance & financial planning - 459~9349."
Ma~k T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111 "
*International Tours 341-6866 "
Ja’~ox ,Mlimal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712,2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th P1. 749-5533
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th 585-1555 "
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady. 585-1234
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-t090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
Rainbowz on the River B+B, PUB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred WelCh, LCSW, Counseling .743-1733
*Whittier.News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. PUB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6
*B/L!G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr.
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI.
*Churchof the RestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood
*Community ofHope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale
& Florence
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@earthlinlc net
website: http: l/users, aol.com/TulsaNews/
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal, Writers + contributors: Adam West,
James Christjohn, Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud, Barry
Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche, Lamont Lindstrom, Esther
Rothblum. Mary Schepers, Member o! The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of.this
K~vu,b4liacantdionmaaryenportobteectreedprboyduUcSedcoepityhreirgihnt w19h9o8leboyrTin~pa~rt without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspon-~.
dence is assumed to be for publication unless_otherwise noted,_r~ust
be signed & becomes th~ sole prbpeity ofTi~
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, PUB 701475, 74170-1475, 355-3140
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
*Free SpiritWomen’ s Center, call for location&info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, PUB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., PUB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention.; Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Mon/Thurs. 7-9pro, daytime by appt. only
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, PUB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), .PUB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, PUB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
~R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Netwtrk 749~4195
Rainbow Business Guild, PUB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human:.Rights, c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa UniformlLeather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
*Bartlesville Public Library,600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &MuSic, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 --9.18-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001N. Grand
HIVtesting every Other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
*Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253~7734
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito’ s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253~5445
MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, PUB 429 501-253-2776
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
* is where you canfind TFN. Notallare Gay~owned butall are Gay-friendly.
Keep Up the Good Work
Thanks for your paper. It is a welcome
relief from the crosstown neo-fascist
infotainment weekly, i particularly enjoyed
last issue’s cover story about SenatorNickles,
presumably the selfsame Senator
once knownfor closeting himself with
a reputedly Gay [Oklahoma] . fellow politico,
but who now wishes to protect the
Luxembourgians from the possibility of
an "immoral" ambassador. From what I
understand, the Luxembourgians aremuch
less concerned with the comings and goings
.in an ambassador’s, boudoir than is
Sen. Nickles.
As a politically leftist straight older
male, I naturally fmd common cause with
the Gay community: when the good Senator
and the Right good Rev. Phelps get
finished with the queers, they’ll be after
me next. I applaud your efforts to establish
dialogue with straightminority groups
who have themselves been the targets of
bigotry an discrimination. Ifwelearnnothing
more from History, at least we should
know that solidarity is the only hope for
the oppressed, and perhaps the best defense
from the excessively repressed.
This town needs a paper that gives
voice to all those outside the power elite,
performing the traditional role of the
Fourth Estate: to hold our governments
accountable for their actions, and to protect
the liberties of the individual. Keep
up the good work. - Keith Bolton, Tulsa
: A Letter from RAIN Oklahoma
," Thank you for providing me with providing
me with a way to address some
questions and concerns I’m aware of re-
"¯ garding a policy for volunteers that
RAIN’ s Board of Directors approved and
¯ that RAIN Staff are now charged with,
’ implementing. The policy in question is
". in regard to criminal history reports now
¯ being performed (with the volunteer’s
¯ permission) for all new volunteers effec¯
tive June 1, 1998 and gradually incorporating
such reports on all volunteers by
: March 1, 1999.
¯ I ask readers to consider the nature of ¯
¯ RAINvolunteers’ service topeopleliving
with HIV/AIDS [PLWA’s] and those in
; theirhouseholds. Volunteers provide non-
¯ medical,non-technical careto [PLWA’s],
"- most often in the RAIN client’s home.
¯ The services vary, depending on the ex-
." pressed needs and the volunteerrs avail-
- ability, but can include transportation,
¯ meal preparation, housecleaning, child
; care, pet care, and social outings. Emo-
; tional support is often a Valuable compo-
¯ nent of the relationship between RAIN
¯ Client and volunteer.
¯ RAIN’s Board of Directors and staff
¯ realized that we have a tremendous responsibility
to do what we can to ensure
¯ thesafety ofchildrenandvulnembleadults
¯ that volunteers contact: The policy was
: not-initiated naively or without regard to
¯ potential negative consequences. In a fo- ¯
cus group with volunteers many months
¯ ago, responses ranged from "against it
¯ -under any circumstance" to "yes, absoi
lutely, I support this fully." see RAIN, p.3
: Letters Policy
¯ Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on ¯
issues which we’ve covered or on issues
¯ you think need to be considered. Youmay
¯. request that your name be with/add but
¯ letters mustbe signed&have phone num-
" bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
. ters are preferred. Letters to other publi-
¯ cations will be printed as is appropriate.
Rev, Howard vsthe Evil Steve
by Tom Neal, editor & publisher ".
Severalyears ago whenUS Congressman Steve Largent "
firstranforoffice, this newspapermet withLargent, athis ¯
request, andafterwards I argued, despiteLargent’s record ¯
of bigoted,.anti-Gay comments and his association with "
radical extremist religio~political groups, for an initial ¯
policy of tolerance for Herr Largent. I’d hoped that ¯
Largent might just really believe in real Christian and "
American values of loving and respecting not only your "
neighbor but also the US Constitution. He sure tried to
sweet-talk us that way.
And to be fair, Steve did agree to a town hall meeting "
with Tnlsa’s Lesbian and Gay community - something "
none of his predecessors had ever done, certainly not the ¯
Idiot Congressman Inhofe (now US Senator and in competition
with Ernest "
Istookfor mostembar- "
rassing Oklahoman in
Washington) but not ¯
even the Democrat, "
Jim Jones, who’d held "
the seat before. ¯
But obviouslyI was "
wrong. Nomatterhow "
Largent may want to
see himself as just a
nice guy, he’s chosen "
to promote rdigious "
extremism and to surround
himself with "
folks so bigoted that "
they make him look a "
littlebit~m,oderate. His ."
chief of staff, Terry
US Rep. Steve Largent making Allen, thepoliticalex- "
those endorsement dollars by tremist calling the "
showing offhis son in his Hanes plays for our football ."
underware. Yep, Steve andsome hall-of-famer, comes ¯
of those Republicans sure know to mind. Actually "
about thosefamily values. Steve’s not moderate ¯
but his staff is openly
hate~:.t.o~ir Lesbian aod Gay constituents while Steve
.... a~’[d.~t~tu§~ly is polite. "
Now Steve et al will argue that their radicalism is just
repres.enting the views of the First District (which is more
or less Tnlsa county). But as a nearly lifelong Tnlsan (my
f,am~ly moved here from Oklahoma City in 1960), I just
don t ihink So. Yes, wedo have a sufficiency of Baptists,
Methodism, and also those no-name, make-it-up-as-yougo-
along~they-claim-they-areChriStians, many ofwhom
seem to think that their faith demands that they hate their
nexgt~bor as tlaey would be loved. Or.who engage in the
profoundly insincere rhetoric of claiming "to love the
person and to hate the ’sin’:" Often one wonders if these
types on meeting Christ would not reject Him as a "longhairedcommie,
But I don’t believe that these types represent the
majority of Tulsans, and regardless, given the values of
the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, ¯
minority civil fights are not supposed to be subject to the
tyranny of the majority. And I believe that many Tulsa "
Baptists, Methodists, Jews, Muslims, Pagans and non, "
believers recognize that once the power of the govern- ¯
merit is used to promote a particular religious agenda, ¯
each tradition could be targeted just as Lesbian mad Gay "
citizens are the target du jour. ’
So, it is with some relief to learn that a brave soul, the ’
Reverend Howard Plowman, retired Methodist pastor,
has announced his willingness to face the football bully..
According to The Yellow Dog Democrat, the newsletter ¯
of the Oklahoma Democratic Party, Rev. Howard will ¯
challenge the ,hard-core Christian Coalition which has ¯
done a disservice to all political parties..." He adds, "1 "
resent them taking a Christian name and pretending-to: ]
have no other agenda..." Plowman, 73 years old, with ..
kids and grandkids, went to Tulsa Public Schools,TU and "
SMU’s Perkins School of Theology.
This newspaper certainly agrees that the so-called ¯
Christian Coalition has done a disservice to all Ameri- ¯
cans who believe in real religious freedom and have "
respect for America’s rich diversity. And I applaud Rev. "
Howard and his spouse and family for being willing to ¯
stand up against the Evil Steve. Tulsa deserves better. ¯
Editor’s note: More information is available about ¯
Plowman ’for Congress by writing to 3617 East 48th "
Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74.135. ¯
by James Christjohn
Greetings! Welcome to a new occasional colunm, one
that I hope you will fred interesting. The focus is to
comment on the world around us with the perspective of
being a Gay man in a diverse world. Topics will have a
wide range, from frivolity to high drama to serious issues
that affect us all. In this exploration, the question will
always be: What exactly is a Gay lifestyle?
I had an acquaintance once remark to me
"I don’t approve of your lifestyle, but I like
you." My first thought was "Well, I don’t
approve of your lifestyle, but I accept it as
part of you without comment: Who the hell
are you to judge me?" Before I did so, I
thought to myself, ’q’hat is not her rational
mind speaking, it’s her brainwashing coming
through. She doesn’t know any better.
She knows not what she speaks." I had to
ponder thatfor awhile. Itwas terribly tempting
to ask, "Does your brainknow what your
mouth is saying?"
I began pondering: what the hell is a Gay
lifestyle, anyway? There are perceptions,
usually starting witha"mis", that the straight
world has of Gay folk, and our so called
lifestyles, such as apparently we spend 90%
of our time in Gay bars in the pursuit of sex.
I know.that there are some folk who like to
go clubbing, straight and Gay, I know some
folk who do drugs, straight and Gay, I know
some folk who are promi.scuous (yes, even x
years into the AIDS epidemic), again, both
straight and Gay, - and I know many folk
who do none of those things. Yet, in the
straight world, we are all lumped under a
stereotype of eternal drugging, drinking,
slutty behaviors. Why is this, and.do we
need to hire publicity firms to turn theimage
Thus I
kicking and
sereamina, out
of the closet
by two very
curious Baptist
women from
And despite all
" my f~ars~
In fact, when I
leh, they were
very qulch to
tell me I
Gay man . . .
¯ and they still want me. Another time, I was copying some
¯ recipes out of a book in the office, when the same sister
; noticed and said, "Oh, you like to cook? You’ll make
¯¯ some wo - person a wonderful hus - mate."
Well, the cat was definitely coming out of the closet
¯ then. Shortly thereafter, I met my future mate, and all of ¯
a sudden, there was much curiosity about my life, which
I kept sidestepping, still fearing I could lose
ajob. It came to ahead one evening when I
was drawing plans ofTom’ s apartment, and
trying to figure out how to combine stuff,
furniture, etc. Cyndee, the boss, came over
and was looking over my shoulder. She
noted I had not drawn another bed, and
remarked "So, where ya golma put your
bed? or are ya gonna sleep with him?" It
was so surprisingly I my only response was
-- ..u..hhh ~ ana men to oraw in a bed real fast.
It was utterly silly, and she was letting me
know that she knew and it was no big deal,
.she had known, and now I knew she knew.
After that, the questions were exhausting.
The next year was one big Gay 101
Question and Answer session, as I ,demythified
Gayhood (Gaydom?) to them and
did no small amount of education. Cyndee
even shielded me from a stalker who’d
become obsessed with me, and nearly had
him arrested for calling the business repeatedly.
That was not fun, but it was notable in
the way she was ready to defend me. They
came from Irish stock, and Cyndee mad was
a sight to avoid.
And I became the one to turn to when
Annie, the other sister, was planning parties.
Which she did. A lot. I was the one
draftedinto helping herdo artsy-crafty things
for her parties, and when she was selecting
new furniture, I was always asked for de-
¯ I tend to think that theimagecanbe turned
arotmd,though it will mked~ne, ~aad lots ofpatiehee:The
¯ woman I referred to before may have a different image of
: Gay people than what she’d been brainwashed into be-
¯ lieving because we knew each other. Maybe not a magic
." transformation, but a little logic, here and there,:can add
¯ For example, I worked for three years in a physical
¯ therapy office, for two small.town Baptistwomenl It was ¯
a nice job, and I liked them, so I didn’t talk about myself
¯ much for fear oflosing thejob:! was rather silly. TI~first
¯ day f worked there, "a client came in and demanded that
¯ one of the "purty wimmin" do his therapy because he
didn t want no pansy-assed faggot to touch him. Well,
¯ we were both nonplused. I thought I was pretty low key,
¯¯ having left the bright, hotpinkneon"QueerHere" sign at
¯ home.
After h~ left, one of the sisters begged me not t6 quit,
saying their clients were not all like that, and he was an
exception, not a rule. Wall, I thought, at least they know,
¯ sign opinions. I guess it’s part of the Gay gene, that interior d(sign comes with it. (I really had no
talent forit, but it was a misconception that wouldil’t die.
No matter how hard I tried to dispel the myth that not all
Gay men had impeccable taste, even to the extent of
describing my past relationships.)
Thus was I drug, kicking and screaming, out of the
closet by two VerY curious Baptist women from Odessalation,
Texas. And despite all my fears, nothing bad
happened. In fact, when I left, they were very quick to tell
me I was being replaced with another Gay man, who’d
actually made a pass at their very handsome but terribly
straight brother. Apparently, the strategy worked.
I had a point in all this somewhere. Oh yes, it is by
events like these - and not being afraid to be who we are
- that this whole mythification of what we are can be
¯changed. It’s not always the loud voices that help create
change, sometimes it’s the whisper on the wind. And in
that way, everyone can help make long-lasting changes
for.the benefit of all.
characterizingit as an attack on the rights of Gay citizens
and a federal imposition on local rule. Only Riggs-vigorously
supported it during the debate,
"It’s a message amendment.... It will unquestionably
encourage intolerance," said Rep. Henry Waxman, DCalif.
The San Francisco ordinance has been criticized by
some businesses as well as nonprofit orgamzadons including
Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army. "The
SalVation Army, which refused to buckle to city policy,
forfeited $3.5 million of its $18 million budget," said
Riggs, because it didn’t want to comply with the city
ordinance on domesdc partner benefits.
The Human Rights Campaign, the largest national
Lesbian and Gay political organization, called theamendment
"the latest salvo in fight-wing attacks .against Gay
people." "The amendment is a thinly veiled attempt to
attack San Francisco and micromanage the city," said
Winnie Stachelberg, the political director for the Human
Rights Campaign.
In another action ofinterest to the Gay community, the
House decided to reduce money it had allocated
see Attack, p. 13
There were concerns expressed regarding the cost ($15/
report) and it was decided to handle it similar to the way
we handle our $25 volunteer training fee. Scholarships
are offered for training to anyone who request one and
RAIN will pay the report fee for any volunteer, so that no
one is prevented from volunteering due to the cost.
All decisions for volunteer eligibility are made at the
discretion of the RAIN coordinator and any grievances
against the policy or any decision made my the RAIN
coordinator may be taken up with me. I hope that current
RAIN volunteers will understand RAIN’s mission of
providing a compassionateresponse to HIV/AIDS through
education and service has not changed. We appreciate the
love and concern shown by our volunteers and we are
grateful that men, women and children living with HIV/
AIDS are willing to risk letting strangers into their lives
by asking for a RAIN team.
- Pam S. Cross, MPH, Executive Director
No Gays or Singles to
Adopt in Arkansas
LITTLE ROCK (AP) - A state board that sets standards
affecting foster care has approved a requirement
that prohibits private agencies from placing
children with homosexual.or unmarried heterosexual
adults. The new rule must undergo a public comment
period before becoming effective. Rules have not
been written for public foster care agencies, said Joel
Landreneau, alawyerfor the licensing unit ofthe state
Human Services Department. The state has some
2,700 to 2,800 children in foster care. In the past, the
ruleshave been silent on homosexual or single heterosexual
foster parents.
Along with passing the new rule, the Child Welfare
Agency Review Board discussed the possibility of an
exemption for unmarried heterosexuals. Board member
James Balcom of Paragould said agencies could
use single people by applying for an exemption called
alternative compliance.
Bob West of Little Rock, also a board meml~er and
the only dissenter, said he believes there will be many
requests for exemptions. "I don’t think you can exclude
anyone just because they’re single," he said. "I
really think it should be up to the local agencies who
is qualified to be a foster parent. I just think it has to
be done on a case-by-case basis.’"
Board member Robin Woodruff of Little Rock
proposed the prohibition, saying "I would like for our
children to have a mom role model and a dad role
model." After the meeting, Ms. Woodruff said she
had been told that the Centers for Youth and Families
had placed at least one child with a Gay family and
had other such families waiting.
Kay Kimbrough, the centet"s service administrator
for adolescent services, said her agency doesn’t inquire
rote foster parents’ sexuality. "That is not an
issue for us, asfar as gender of parents. We don’ t have
a policy or practice that dictates whether we place
kids in that type family," Ms. Kimbrough said. "We
don’t make a practice to determine whether a family
is heterosexual or homosexual."
At the board meeting, Chris Pyle, family life issues
Aiai.~.On f~o~ Q.o,v..~Mike Huckabee~ said the. govemgr
supports-applying the principle of foster parents being
heterosexual married couples. Pyle said Arkansas
law prohibits marriages between members of the
same sex. He said Huckabee believes "it is not in the
best interest of children for them to be placed in an
environment that.the Legislature has specifically and
purposely removed from legal sanction and recognition."
"I think there are a lot of foster children out there
and not enough foster parents, and we may run into
trouble if.we try to limit it to couples only," said West,
apediatric medical consultant who works for the state
Health Department. AssistantAttorney General Karen
Wallace, a lawyer for the board, had recommended
the board stick with the standards as written. She said
she.had concerns about equal protectionand discrimination.
New England Lesbian
Wins Bias Lawsuit
BOSTON (AP) -Ajudge has awarded $906,000 to a
Lesbian who managed a state social services agency,
ruling she was the victim of job discrimination.
Middlesex Superior Com’tJudge Sandra Hamlinruled
that Lowell-based Community Teamwork Inc., the
state’s second-largest .anti-poverty agency, had no
good reason fire Patrica Weber. Hamlin added that
Weber was "eminentlymorequalified" man the CTI’ s
director, the man who was picked over her by the
agency’s board of directors. Hamlin, who said a
"sexist attitude" prevailed at CTI, also ruled that the
reasons given for Weber’ s firing were "a pretext."
"I feel vindicated," Weber, 49 told the Boston
Herald. "What they did tomewas wrong. I’m glad the
!aw feels thatway too. Employers can’ t firepeoplefor
nothing-because they don’tlike them, or they’re the
wrong sex or whatever."
Cheryl Cronin, CTI’s lawyer, said the agency is
appealing. !~We are c~,,n~,~dent that CTI will ultimately
prevail in this matter,’ she said. CTI provides a range
of services,including housing, education and daycare
to low-income residents of 38 communities from
Lowdl to Framingham.
Weber, who worked for CTI for 18 years, was fired
in March, 1996 during a meeting with Executive
Director Jim Canavan. A month later, when she
applied for unemployment benefits, she learned the
reason for her dismissal was listed as "inability to do
her job." Hamlin said inca 38-page ruling that CTI
retaliated against Weber for filing a complaint with
the Massachusetts Commission Against Discriminationbyrefusing
to provide her areference. Weberwas
turned down for dozens of jobs, before accepting one
that cut her pay nearly in half.
"Weber’s past work history while at CTI reveals
only a dedicated, bright, hardworking employee,".the
judge wrote. "Nothing whatsoever in the evidence
supports defendant’ s contention that Weber’ s inability
to perform led to her termination.’"
Tennessee Lesbian
Wins Child Custody
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)-Gay activists hope the
case of a Wilson County Lesbian who was granted
custody of one of her children marks a trend in
Tennessee. Pat Finn was awarded sole custody of her
9-year-old daughter this month by ajudge in Wilson
County. Her second child, a teen-age son, chose to
live with his father, who was awarded sole custody of
the boy.
’Tm glad this has been brought to light," said Bev
Clendenen of Nashville, director of the Lesbianand
Gay Community Center. "This reconfirms that Gay
mothers are good mothers. Like everything, there are
good apples and bad. You should be judged not on
your sexuality, but rather what kind of mother you
Pa~ck Sullivan, Finn’s ex~husband, plans to appeal.
I thought it was the greatest injustice in the s/ate
of Tennessee," he said. ’q-his case is about her being
a neglectful mother and very little about the homosexuality."
He said he opposes:his ex-wife’ s Lesbian
relationship and does not wanthis daughter exposed
to it "It is about discrimination of me as a father
trying to get custody of his children," he said of the
Finn, a registered nurse, was married to Sullivan
for 17 years. She and her female partner have formalized
their relationship with a commitment ceremony
and exchange offings. Finn believes she won custody
of her daughter because she was judged on the facts
and not politics, public sentiment or the judge’s
personal preferences about family life.
"I realized the odds were against me, but I told my
" daughter I wasn’t doing anything wrong and I needed
to show her I would fight to keep her," Finn said. ’Tm
thesame mother. I’m the same woman who has been
raising children for 16 years."
Can A Lesbian Win A Seat in Congress?
MOUNT VERNON, Wash. (AP) - Grethe
Cammermeyer, a daughter of the Nazi resistance in
Norway and a decorated Vietnam veteranwhobattled
her owngovernment, hasjumpedheadlonginto anew
challenge: The retired Armycolonel, who wryly calls
herself "one of the most famous Lesbians in the
country" after her successful fight to stay in the
military, is rtmuing for Congress.
Cammermeyer, 56, has never held public office.
Her Gay civil-rights fight - recounted in "Serving in
Silence," a book and made-for-TV movie = made her
a celebrity. Glenn Close, who starred in the movie, its
producer Barbra Streisand and other show-business
notables have contributed to her campaign.
She’s favored to win the Democratic nomination
Sept. 15. That would pit her against two-term Republican
Rep. Jack Metcalf on Nov. 3. Metcalf, who says
this is his last campaign, was boosted to victory two
years ago by absentee voters in the traditionally
Democratic 2nd District.
No openly Lesbian candidate has been elected to
Congress, but Caramermeyer is one of four Democrats
hoping to break the barter this year along with
Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Christine Kehoe of
California and Susan Tracy of Massachusetts. ’q’his
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year is a benchmark for proud, out Lesbians," says
Kathleen DeBold, polifical director ofthe Victory Fund,
a Washington, D.C., group that backs Lesbians and
Gays for public office. "Grethe is so admired, both for
her record in the military and for her willingness to stand
up and fight homophobia," says state Rep. Ed Murray,
. a Seat-de Democrat who’s Gay.
Cammermever earned national attention with her
fight to stay in~eWashington National Guard. She was
f!red, in 1992.after disclosing her sexual orientation
aunng a 1989 Interview for a security clearance as chief
nurse of the National Guard.Afederaljudge orderedher
reinstated in 1994; the government did not appeal.
On the campaign trail, she doesn’t talk Gay civil
rights. At an ice cream social held by Skagit County
Democrats earlier this month, Cammermeyer spoke
about education, health care, the environment and countering
a Republican Congress she considers radical and
heartless. "I am not a politician," she told The Associated
Press. "I’m an everyday person who has a healthcare
background and an education background. I am a
mother, a grandmother and served in Vietnam. I have
had thebest and the worst of social experience."
Cammermeyer was born in Oslo, Norway, to a doctor
and a nurse who sheltered undergroundresistance fighters
in World War II. A now familiar tale has her mother
shuttling weapons to the Nazi resis,_t~_,ce by hiding them
beneath the mattress in Grethe s baby buggy.
Cammermeyer was 9 when she came to the United
States with her parents and three brothers. She became
a eitizen in 1960. Ntlrsingmeshed well with her military
ambitions, she has said, because it was a job she could
take to the batflefront. She served in the military 31
years, including active duty in Vietnam. She earned the
Bronze Star. for treating wounded soldiers in the. Tet
Offensive in 1968. She has four grown sons from her
marriage to a fellow officer she met while serving in
She’s wall aware why she.has such ready name
recognition. :But the personable, 6-foot-tall
.Cammermeyer-whosefirstname, shortforMaxgarethe,
is pronounced Greta- bdieves most voters are ready to
move past her sex,,,u~,, ori,entadon to the issues affecting
their own lives. Whats.most difficult is suddenly
realizing there are some people who don’t want you to
approach them or shake their hand or even say hello,"
she said of experiences on the campaign trail.
-State Democratic Chairman Paul Berendt, neutral in
the primary, says Cammermeyer needs to let voters
know the range of issues she cares about. "If people see
her as one-dimensional,it’s over," agrees Murray. "We
don’ tknow how big ofanegative it is" to be openly Gay
in a district with no major homosexual enclaves and a
sizablenumber ofreligious conservatives, Berendt says.
Cammermeyer’s lone primary opponent, businessman
and environmentalist Fran Einterz, 44, makes apoint of
telling audiences he’s been in the district for 17 years.
Einterz plans to raise only $100,000 for the primary
election. Cammermeyer has raised $502,801 so far.
Neither Einterz nor Metcalf has made an issue of
Camm.ermeyer’ s sexual orientation, althoughthe Metcalf
campaign sent out a fund-raising letter that said the
Cammermeyer campaign is being underwritten by the
national Gay movement.
Boy Scouts-Feud
with Unitarians
BOSTON (AP) -A feud between the Boy Scouts of
America and the Unitarian Universalist Assocaation
over homosexuality has led to cries of outrage by the
Boston-based branch of the church. 2~he Unitarian Universalist
Association, a long-standing New England
liberal denomination that~supports civilrights for Gays,
has condenmed in a church manual the Boy Scouts’
rejection of homosexuality. As a result the youth orgamzation
has ordered the association to stop honoring
Unitari.~an scouts with religious awards.
But the president of the Boston-based 250,000-member
association called the order "’outrageous" and said
the Unitarians do not intend to honor the Boy Scouts’
emand., They simply can t tell us how to teach our
children ’ John Buehrens, a former Boy Scout, told The
Boston Globe. "Telling us we can’t give out awards to
our boys is blatant discrimination against children.
That’s not in the Boy Scouts’ tradition," Buehrens said.
¯ The religious emblems awarded by Unitarimas
are also presented by several other religious groups,
¯¯ including the Roman Catholic Church, ant many
¯ Protestant, JewishandMuslim denominations. The emblems differ from the merit badges that are
¯ earned for mastering a specific task, but can still be
¯ worn on scouts’ ufiiforms as badges of honor.
In recent years, the Boy Scouts has drawn fire
¯ from human rights groups and a number of reli-
gious organizations for its view of homosex,u~l,ity
¯ and refusal to admit Gay scouts and leaders. We
resp.ect other people’ s rights to disagree with us and
: we simply ask people to respect our rights as a
¯ private voluntary orgamzation," Gregg Shields. ¯
national spokesman for the Scouts, said.
But in its manual distributed to tecn-agers, the
: associadonmakes it clear thatit does not agree with
¯ the Boy Scouts’ view. The manual describes the
Unitarians’ "ongoing concern regarding the
homophobic and discriminatory attitudes of the
: nationalleadership of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica.’"
¯ Since then, letters have gone back and forth
between the two sides, leaving Buehrens wi th the
¯ hope that the dispute can be resolved by a mee.ting
¯ with Boy Scouts officials this fall.
¯ "I’m perfectly willing to sit down with the Boy
Scouts, but I also need to be very clear that they are
¯ in grave danger of having much of America’s
: mainstream religious community concerned abom
: the way in which they are acting," Buehrens said.
¯i Anti-Gay Hawaii TV
Ads Criticized ¯
HONOLULU (AP) - Opponents of a proposed
: state constitutional amendment that would ban
same-sex marriage are criticizing a pro-amend-
, ment television ad featuring professional football
: player Reggie White.
¯ Jaekie Young, coordinator of the Protect Our
¯ Constitution campaign, said this isn’t about letting
¯ the people decide but about "political extremists"
coming to Hawaii to argue anissue aboutbasic civil ¯ rights and dividing the community.
¯ Noelani Foster, spokesman for a group called
¯ Save Traditional Marriage, said White, defensive hneman for the Green Bay Packers, "feels a con-
; nection to theislands" because he has played in the
: Pro Bowl in Honolnlu for the past 12 years.
¯ White, an ordained minister, filmed the TV spot
¯ re~enfly as part of a broader advertising campaign
¯ to educate Hawaii voters about the ballot question.
: Hawaii voters will decide during the Nov. 3 Gen-
¯ eral Election whether to ratify an amendment that
¯ would restrict marriage to opposite-sex couples.
¯ Alaska Lawmakers Sue
Over Ballot Language ¯
¯ JUNEAU (AP) - Republican lawmakers are suing
Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer, claiming she distorted the
meaning of a proposed constitutional amendment
." banning same-sex marriage when she summarized
it for the November ballot. As part of her duties,
¯ Ulmer, a Democrat, must compose impartial summanes
of proposed amendments-and initiatives.
Thefirst sentence ofher summary ofSenate Joint
¯ Resolution 42 read: "This measure would amend
¯ the Declaration of Rights section of the Alaska
.Co.nstitution to limit marriage." "The word ’limit’
¯ is incorrect because as of this date no nation in the
.. world and no state in this country recognizes or has
¯ ever recognized homosexual same-sex marriage,"
¯ attorney Kevin Clarkson wrote on behalf of the
¯ Legislative Council, a committee of lawmakers
¯ that acts for the Legislature between session, M0ng
¯ with Sen. Loren Leman, R-Anchorage and Rep.
¯ Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks.
¯ In the lawsuit, the.lawmakers accuse Ulmer of
¯ altering the language at the behest of opponents of the measure, bqmers position was spelled out in a
¯ July 20 letter to the Legislative Council. "’The
¯ proposed constitutional amendment restricts the
¯ cour! .from "interpreting Alaska’s constitution as ¯ reqtunng a broader definition of marriage than that
¯ which is defined by statute," seeBriefs, p.]l
HIV Creates
Infection Resevoir
WASHINGTON (AP) - New research
shows th~it the AIDS virus takes as little as
little as 10 days to establish a stronghold
inimmunecells of thebody that could last
for years, waiting to erupt into disease.
Researchers at the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Disease say a study
of 10 patients show that alatently infected
pool of immune cells quickly established
following infection by HIV, the virus that
causes AIDS. Drug treatment apparently
does not easily clear out the pool of infected
cells, the experts said. A report on
the study was published in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences.
Evenif the active HIV disease is held in
check by a three-drug combination of
antiviral drugs, the researchers say, the
virus continues to lurk in resting CD4 Tcells
in the blood. These are immune ceils
that detect and lead the attack on infections,
but the CD4s are also the primary
target of the HIV.
CD4 T-cells are usually resting. They
are activated only when they detect some
pathogen invader in the blood. When this
happens, the cells attack the invader and
prompt otherimmunecells to dothe same.
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director ofNIAID
and co-author of the study, said that studies
of the blood from the 10 HIV patients
showed that their resting CD4 T-cells
became infected as earl,y~ as 10 days after
their initial HIV infection symptoms appeared.
Earlier studies had shown that the
re.sting CD4 T-cells continued to contain
v~rus even when the antiviral drugs suppressed
the virus elsewhere in the body.
" The new study, said Fauci, shows that
these reservoirs of virus are established
very early in the infection. Such reseryoi~
s.’.’Presentafo~dableobstacle to the
Ultimate~ 0ntrbland possible eradication
of HIV from an infected person’ s body,"
saidTae-Wook Chun, aN!AID researcher
and co-author of the study.
Activists Urge
Better Prevention
WASHINGTON (AP) - Lulled by lifeprolonging
AIDS drugs, the nation has
slacked off vital efforts to keep Americans
- especially young people - from
catching the deadly virus in the first place,
say AIDS activists who are demanding
major increases in HIV prevention work.
.Activists called formillionsmorein spending
on HIV education, televised condom
ads and outreach to at-risk teen-agers via
the Interuet, saying such AIDS prevention
programs are a "virtual vaccine.’"
"If there were a medical vaccine for
AIDS, imagine the forces mobilized to
deploy it," said Daniel Zingale of AIDS
Action. "The irony is that today we have
a virtual vaccine- prevention and education
- and those forces are paralyzed."
Saving lives isn’t the only issue. At
least 40,000 Americans every year catch
HIV, adding add $6.2 billion in lifetime
treatment costs to the nation’s health care
bill, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention announced recently. "AIDS
drugs cost $40 a day" and do not cure the
disease, added Zingale. "This condom
costs .40 cents. Our plan today will not.
only save lives, it would save dollars."
The CDC hash’ t won.a budget increase
to fight new infections in three years, and
some people most at risk of HIV have
become complacent, activists said. For
example, two-thirds of Gay men say
¯ they’ve had unsafe sex at least once in the
: last 18 months, concluded a study pre-
¯ sented at last month’s World AIDS Con-
" ference.
." Also, Secret Service agents arrested 10
; other AIDS activists who briefly chained
¯ themselves to desks in the office of Presi-
" dent Clinton’s topAIDS adviser to protest
¯ the administration’s refusal to federally
: fund needle exchange programs. Experts
¯¯ say 33 people a day catch HIV fromdirty
drug needles or sex with addicts. Seien-
¯ tific studies show letting addicts swap
¯ used needles for dean ones lowers the
¯ risk of HIV’s spread. Some 110 U.S.
needle exchanges operate with local or
¯. privatefunding,but communities say they
¯ need federal tax dollars to reach more ¯
addicts. Clinton refusedin April, side-
" stepping a political fight. ’’To have the
¯ United States government play politics.
¯ with people’s lives - it’s just not OK
¯ anymore," said Kenneth Vail, who rims a
¯ needle exchange program in Cleveland,
¯ after his arrest.
¯ Separately, AIDS Action gatheredpub~
liehealthofficialsandAIDS workers who
¯ called for a 25 percent increase inCDC’s
¯ $634 million budget for AIDS education
¯ and prevention. Congress has addedmil,
lions to government programs thatpay for
¯ drugs for AIDS patients, but increasing
AIDS prevention money significantly is
¯ considered a tougher fight, particnlarly in
~ view of a new conservative campaign
¯ against homosexuality.
¯ But HIV ,infects across:the-board, Dr~
: Helene Gayle, CDC’s AIDS chief, said
¯ Monday. Some 26 percent of HIV-infected
young people caught the v~rus
¯ through heterosexual intercourse, she
: notea.. "If people in leadership positions
: care about thefuture of this nation, you’ ve
¯ got to care about H’IV prevention," she
¯ said. ¯
Activists also called for:
: - TV networks that air programs rated
¯ "S" for sexual content to also allow
¯ condom ads to air during those programs.
- Doctors, clinics and hospitals to begin
." using a new 10-minute HIV test immedi-
: ately. An older test takes about a week to
¯ get results, and thousands of Americans
who get tested each year never return to
¯ leamifthey’reinfected. Pcoplewhodon’t
¯ know they are infected can unknowingly
spread HIV to others.
- AIDS education to reach more teen-
" agers by .creating an AIDS prevention
¯ web site that links to popular teen Internet
¯ - CDC to launch a campaign persuad-
¯ ing more people to get tested. An esti-
¯ mated 50,000 people in New York State ¯
have HIV and don’t know it, says a corn-
: puter model by Gay Men’s Health Crisis.
! HIV+-Teacher Can
: Be Transfered
¯ ATLANTA (AP) - An order prohibiting ¯
¯ the DeKalb County School District from transferring a teacher infected with HIV,
¯ the .virus that causes AIDS, has been re-
¯. versed by the EleventhU.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals. Last year, a district court
¯ granted the teachcr, known as "John Doe"
: in court documents, a permanent injunc-
¯ tion disallowing his transfer under the ¯
Americans with Disabilities Act.
¯ Doe worked with children with severe
¯ behavioral disorders at the district’s
¯ Shadow Rock Psychoeducational Center. ¯
The school district says the students are.
¯ violent and teachers often suffer bruises
: and scrapes. "Because district officials
¯ feared thatviolence and subsequentblood-
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to-blood contact between Doe and one of
his psychoeducation students might lead
to transmission of HIV, the District transfenced
Doe to an ’interrelated’ classroom
at a different school in April 1995," the
appeals court wrote. After being transfenced,
Doe worked with students with
mild disorders that are often in mainstream
classrooms for most of each day.
The school district and Doe are disputing
whether or not the Wansfer was voluntary.
Although Doe’s salary, benefits and
seniority all remained the same after the
transfer, the move requires him to take an
additional 10 hours of course work to
obtain an interrelated certificate.
Doehadinformed Shadow Rock’ s principal
of his illness in February 1995. He
spent the months following his transfer
trying to convince school officials to return
him to his psychoeducation class or
assign him to a group of children who are
’self-contained’ or too ’disordered’ to
participate in the ’interrelated’ program,
the court wrote. Doe eventually filed a
lawsuitclaiming the districtdiscriminated
against him. The district court supported
Doe’s assertions in August 1997.
"The district court, however, failed to
make explicit findings of fact regarding
any dangers that Doe’ s illness might pose
to violent psychoeducation students," the
appeals court ruled. "In addition, the district
court erred by applying a subjective
standard for determining whether Doe’s
transfer was adverse." The three-judge
panel said the district court should take a
. second look at the case and make a decision
following the guidelines of its reversal.
City Approves
Needle Exchange
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP)-After years
of heated debate and flip-flopping, the
city council has approved a needle exchange
program. After two hours of publiccommentand
debate, the council voted
5-4infavor oftheprogram. Council memberWilliam
Foley received applausefrom
the crowd of 100 people when he cast the
swing vote.
MayorMichael Albano, whohas pushed
for an exchange program for two years,
said there was an AIDS epidemic in
Springfield. "This is not a political issue,
this is a medical issue," he said. "We are.
getting people into treatment and stopping
people froin getting a deadly disease."
But Hampden District Attorney William
Bennett accused the council of "giving
out tools to commit a crime with."
After the vote, council member Timothy
Rooke asked the board to consider an
amendment that would require health officials
to test all needles to seeif they were
used by more than one person or if they
contained any viruses. "It is not a stalling
tactic," he said. "Now it’ s a matter of fine
tuning the #an."
Theneedle exchangewouldoperate out
of a!-Iigh Street building of the Bay State
Medical Center. Drug users can turn in
used needles for clean needles in an even
exchange. They would all’be referred to
drug treatment programs and be asked
questions so city officials could track the
The city council first rejected the plan
5-4 in 1996. It agreed to reconsider after
the city’ s Public Health Council declared
a health emergency in May and tried to
launch the program on its own.
Springfield Health Director Helen
Caulton said thenumber ofAIDS cases in
the city had reached epidemicproportions
and most had been caused by addicts
sharing needles. However, city lawyers
ruled that only the city council could seek
state funding for the program.
State law provides funding for 10 programs
to hand out clean syringes to drug
users, but, so far, they have been established
only in Boston, Cambridge,
Northamptonand Provincetown. The state
pitches in about $200,000 for the programs.
TheClinton administmtionhas endorsed
needle exchanges. Still, Health and Human
Services Secretary Donna Shalala
said the federal government would not
help pay for the programs. The House of
Representatives voted in April to ban using
federal money for such programs.
New Eyesight
Saving Drug
WASHINGTON (AP)- Scientific advisers
are recommending approval of a new
¯¯ The code also outlaws any form of job discrimination against a worker infected
¯ by the HIV virus, and requires that any
¯ employee too ill to performnormal duties ¯
be reassigned, the newspaper said.
According to 7fiord Health Organiza-
¯ tion figures released in June, one-fifth of
¯ Namibia’s population of 1.8 million is ¯
infected with HIV. Some densely popu~
¯ lated areas are estimated to have an infec-
_" tion rate of as high as 40%.
i Inmates Being
i "rested for HIV
¯ GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) - Now that
¯ South Carolina is testing all state prison
inmates for the AIDS virus, some law-
" makers and others want to know how the
¯ .information will be used. The federal
¯ Bureau of Prisons and 17 other states
: already have mandatory testing for HIV,
¯ the virus that causes AIDS, according to
¯ the American Civil Liberties Union’s
: National Prison Project.
¯ State Sen. Kay Patterson, D-Columbia,
genetic drug therapy to help save AIDS ¯ likes the idea of testing all prisoners, but
patients’ eyesight. Isis, Pharmaceuticals’ : is concemed about how prison officials
Vitravene is the first antisense" drug to -" will use the information. "What will the
be reviewed by the Food and Drug Ad- ° department do once they find out they’re
ministration. This novel class of drugs is
created from DNA coding, working at the
genetic level to block production of disease-
causing proteins. Thebioteclmology
industry is stressing development of
antisense drugs against myriad diseases.
Isis says Vitravene slows the progression
of cytomegalovirus retinitis, an infection
that destroys AIDS patients’ rednas.
Advisers to theFDAvoted 5-2Wednesday
to recommend approval of Vitravene,
saying that although powerful new .anti-
HIV drugs have prevented many AIDS
patients from getting the eyeinfection in
recent years, some still fail standard
¯ Chinese HIV
¯ Infections Increase
¯ BEIJING (AP)-Chineseauthorities urged
¯ greater efforts to slow the spread ofAIDS
¯ as the official tallyofpeopleinfectedwith
: the virus that causes the disease topped
10,000, an official newspaper said Tues-
" day. The newspaper said the actual num-
" ber of people infected with HIV may be
¯ as hi.gh as 300,000 - 100,000 more than
¯ previous estimates.
That figure could pass 1 million by
¯ 2000 if more is not done to check the
¯ spread of HIV, Xiao Yan, an official with
the Department of Disease Control, told
¯ state television.
¯ Loc~ health authorities have been or-
¯ dered to speed up education and preven-
¯ tion campaigns, the newspaper said. The
¯ disparity between official numbers and
¯ estimates is likely due tO undenceporting,
the lack of government resources to perform
tests and the stigma attached to ac-
: knowledging HIV,infection.
: Namibia Bars HIV
¯resting for Jobs
WINDHOEK, Namibia (AP) - Namibia,
: whichhas one of the word’s highest HIV
: infection rates, has made it illegal for
¯ employers to require tests for the virus
: that causes AIDS. The country’s new
AIDS testing code binds both public and
private employers. It says HIV-infected
employees are under no obligation to inform
their employer of their condition.
infected? That’ s the missing piece to me,’"
¯ said Patterson, a member of the Senate
¯ Corrections and Penology Committee.
: Jackie Walker, an AIDS expert for the
¯ National Prison Project, is skeptical. I’ve
¯ never seen them say, ’OK, we’ll test you
¯ and you’ll be provided with correct level
¯ of care, medications and access to outside
¯ specialists whenit’ s neededand appropriate.’
It has just not happened across the
¯ board," she said.
¯ The $126,000 mandatory screening of
¯ about 21,000 prisoners should be done by ¯
Aug. 31, Corrections Department spokes-
¯ woman Linda Davis said. Correctional
¯ officers can use minimal force to ensure ¯
all inmates comply, including holding
them down while blood is drawn, Davis
¯ said. So far no one has objected, she said.
"It’s a public safety issue. Considering
¯ the nature of our population and the
~ lifestyle, there’s a potential for health-
" related problems," she said. "It gives us a
¯ gauge to measure potential problems." ¯
However, Steve Bates, executive direc-
¯ tor of the state ACLU, worries that HIV-
¯ positive inmates will be segregated and
denied educational and vocational train-
. 1rig opportunities.
: Davis said the department does not yet
¯ haveapolicy onhousingforHIV-posltive
¯ inmates. State Sen. David Thomas, R- ¯
Fountain Inn, who heads the corrections
¯ committee, said the department could see
: roughly how many inmates are infected
¯ by doing a random sampling of 250 pris-
¯ oners. "They may have some reason to
." believe there is an accelerating number of
¯ cases and they need to segregate thepopu- ¯
lations. Given how AIDS usually spreads,
¯ they may have somereason to believe that
: they need to look very, very carefully at
¯ what is happening in that population,"
¯ Thomas said.
Parents, Family & Friends
of Lesbians & Gays
Tulsa Area Chapter
POB 52800, Tulsa 74152
the show to Nex+ York.
In order to be presented in Ntis.+ "Fork,
The exhibit, never before siam outside
of Hillwotxt, runs 9 6 - I I L h’s woe& it
Buch. For those into leathex, thed~picdon
surmise), they containedjewels from precalled)
from Catherine the Great’s girdle.
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The Tulsa Area Chapter
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128 East Broadway, Drumright, Oklahoma
Weekend and evening appointmenls are available.
Mass ¯ I lanL 205 W. King (e,a.,t o[" No. Den’,’¢r), hffo: 5~82-3088
University of Tulsa BisexuaULesblaniGay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pro, Mcels at Ihe C,-mtcrbu~ Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 5&q 9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale. Beaming 8/16. rehearsals at 5pm, Info: 743 ~,297
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous tcsUng. No appointmem required.
Wa!k in testing: 7-8:30pm, 83-UTEST (8378) 3501 E. Admira! (cast of Harvard)
I-[IV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 61h. 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of L~sbians & Gays
2nd Mon/cach mo 6:30pro. Fellowship Congregauonal Church. 2990 S. Ilarvard
June 8th, Picnic al Whiteside Park. 41 st & Pil~sburgh
Mixed Volleyball, Hclmerich Park. 71 st & Riverside. 7pro. "call Shawn 491
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 8i3~ noon. Ij rated Way Bldg. 1430 S Boulder
~dDS Coalition of Tulsa, 8/1 I, noon, Ualted Wa~ Bldg. 1430 S Boulder
HIV+ Suppoi’~ Group. HIV Resource Consortiu~a 1:30pro
Coming Out Support Group O’OHR/HOPE)
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Safe Haven, Young Adults Social Group, I sl Fri/each mo. 8pro, Pride CO-., 1307 E. 38th
Nar¢otk~ Anonymous, 11 pm, Commu~t~ of Hope, 1703 E. 2nd, hffo: 585 18(30
Lambda A-A, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Associatioll, iafo: 838-1222
Wome~s Supper Club, Call for irffo: 584-2~78
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Orgabizadon. info: FOB 9165. Tulsa 74157,
Short rid~, 6:30pm, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Z~gler Park, 3903 West 4.th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for dates.
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let ua know.
Call orfax S&32i615.
reviewed by Adam West
Tulsa City-County Library System
Lars Eiglmer’s novel Pawn to Queen
Four is pretentious, disturbingly campy
and fantastically absurd. That’s exactly
what makes it so much fun to read. This is
a gay novel that does not take
itsdf any more seriously than
it does the ’moral majority.’
But Eighner keeps his tacky
brand of~humor from getting
tedious by plying his skill at
intricate plot twists, quick-andquirky
characterizations and a
unique insight into the fears
and desires of both the Gay
commnnity and ourdetractors.
As the story opens, Agnes,
the six-foot seven,350lb. drag
queen is facing quite the dilemma.
As ruler of the Court
of the Jade Chimera, she must
faithfully oversee the ’Gay
agenda’ throughout her territory
which covers most of
Texas and part of Oklahoma,
including the tiny town of
Osage. Osage is home to Holy
Word of God University and
Technical Institute, the headquarters
of the charismatic
Brother Earl, Agnes’ old enemy.
Agnes has been able to
keep Brother Earl’s violently
anti-gay rhetoric in check for
years, but now Earl has the
upper hand. Agnes has lost a
certain set of photographs of
Brbther Earl engaged in his
favorite bad habit - namely, seducing his
male students. Now Brother Earl has rejuve~
ted his homophobic campaign and it
is Agnes’ duty as Empress of the Jade
Chimera to stop him. Her mission: retrieve
the photographs or, failing that.
make new ones.
Enter Jim, our reluctant hero. Through
various types of bribery, appeals to his
duty as a Gay man and assurances of
lifelong sexual satisfaction by the finest
men in Houston, Agnes convinces Jim to
undertake this desperate, dangerous mission.
Now the fun’begins as Jim, his new
boyfriend Phil and eventually Agnes herself
infiltrate HWOGUTI, the Ku Klux
Klan and the sleepy town of Osage.
Eiglmer has a refreshing talent for creating
characters so natural and detailed
that you forget they are unbelievably stereotypical.
Jim is a typical clone; Phil is a
twink; Agnes is the UltimateDrag Queen,
but you never doubt that any of them
could be real. Even Brother Earl, though
hopelessly two-dimensional, seems to be
an exact replica of the kind of people we
elect to Congress all the time. This kind of
stereotyped hyper-neo-virmal-realism almost
makes Pawn to Queen Four an
EverYman play for the modem Gay individual.
The characters are so typical, yet
so real, that you could plug yourself into
whichever one fits best and pretend that
you are a part of this grand adventure.
There’s even a Lesbian (yes, only one)
who shows up with the Hell’s Fairies, a
Gay motorcycle gang.
There are more admirable things going
onJaere however¯ The three main characters
have a point in-their stereotyping.
Jim’ s uncertainty about his role in such an
exotic world draws you in. You begin to
refreshing talent
for ereat~g
characters so
natural and
detailed that you
forget they are
Agnes is the
Uh~-nate Drag
Que n... Even
Brother Earl...
seems to
exact re~|~ea of the
klnd~mpeople we
elect to Congress
all the time. Th~s
kind of stereotyped
makes Pawn to
¯ been Four an
Everyman play for
the modern Gay
wonder how much of our culture is controlled
by a marginalized minority of our
society. You start to wonder, "how much
does that drag queen control what club is
’ in’ or’ out?’ "or"am I on the A-list for all
the best partiesT’ Though the true extent
of an underground society’s
control is questionable,
Eighner wants you to question
the image we have and
who gives it to us.
Even more infectious than
Jim’s trepidation is his admi=
ration of Phil. Phil’s angelic
beauty and innocent devotion
give the story apeaceful wonder
missing from most Gay
novds. Oh, there are plenty of
beauties, plenty of innocents
and plenty of devoted lovers
in Gay literature, but how
many characters really have
all three traits? Phil reminds
us thatwe canretain ourchildlike
fascination with the world
no matterhow adverse the cir=
cumstances and still beresponsible,
capable, respectable
human beings. This is a quality
of life that so much of the
gay community neglects in
favor of that oh-so-chic snide
cynicism. Though Jim is the
protagonist, Phil is the one
youwill involve yourself wi~.
You will be proud when he
comes into his own destiny;
you will admire him as Jim
does, because Phil is that beatl-
¯ tiful person that would actually talkto you
¯ in a bar.
¯ Alas, Agnes... with the resourceful-
" hess and style of a true pageant-winner,
¯ the Queen of the Jade Chimera inspires
¯ belief in the impossible, faith in the unbe-
¯ lievable . . . and that she does just by
¯ carrying 350 pounds of drag queen in
¯ seven-inchheels! Regency and flare have
¯ never been in better form. She can imper~
¯ sonate a grtmgy old gardener or a Klan
¯ member and never break a two-inch-long
: nail. Truthfully, any respect and dignity
¯¯ wehave neglected to allow drag queens to
haveis broughtforth with no apologies by
¯ the glorious Agnes. She is a true heroine
in the vein of those queens who started
¯ this most groundbreaking era of our
¯ struggle for equal rights. I wouldn’t be
¯ surprised tolearn thatAgnes or some real¯
life equivalent was actually at Stonewall.
Her Highness is controlling, deceptive
¯ and stubborn but you can’t help but love
¯ her .... and you can’thelp but watch her.
¯ Ultimately,whatmakes Pawn toQueen
Four a good read is what it teaches (al-
¯ though I think Eighner might hate me for
: saying that). For all its outlandish hijinx
¯ and biting wit, this book has a serious, ¯
though probably unintentional, message
¯ - we in the Gay community have become
" so obsessed with fighting our enemies
¯ that we forget to have fun, or the exact
: opposite. Pawn to Queen Four is ulti-
: mately aboutbalance. Agnes doesn’twant
Brother Earl out of the picture. She has
¯ plenty of chances to ruin him, but she
¯ knows that he has every right to exist that
¯ she does. Surprisingly, Brother Earl feels
: the same, although he gets a little threatening
when he leads the Klan in a true
" Oklahomabackroads see Queen4,p. 14
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by Mary Schepers, the D-I- Y-Dyke
The DIYD admits the following with a
red face: a blatant act of voyeurism. After
a visit at the Oracle’s, this author spied
their neighbor through the window. The
studly, shirtless fellow was busy painting
the trim and causing the
DIYD no end of fussy
fascination. Good grip
on the brush. No, no,
long, smooth strokes..
¯ and dip your brush
NOW! Oureditorcame
to mind, and while he
would have probably
agreed about the Strok-
Ing technique, the paint
job wouldhavebeenhis
least concern. But not
you, loyal reader! Over
the past few months,
you too have come to
admire the beauty of
As promised, last
month, when the cart of
exterior painting was
put before the workhorse
of window
reglazing, the DIYD
will now enhance your
skills even more. Window
reglazing is only
done on the older wood
framed single paned
windows, andis amust
ff you% doing all
your windows, and
usually you will,
do yourself a favor
and buy the Prazi
Putty Cha.er...
It attaches to any
drift chuck.., and
with one simple adjustment
the carbide
cutter is set so that it
won’t harm the
Turn on the drift and
remove the old putty
fa~ter than Dorothy
can click her heels
three times, and it
won’t slit or chip the
wood frame eitker.
before starting that outside paint project.
It will also make your winter heating bills
more. palatable when you stop the coldair
seeping in around.the pane. And aesthetics
! Don’t forget the aesthetics ! Curling,
peeling and cracking glazing putty is just
¯ tired and frumpy2 Lose it.
¯ Traditionally, this job has been a lot of
uresome work, but the DIYD will pull a
few tricks out of her pocket that will have
you simply melting with delight..First, the
old, dried putty must be removed to the
wood. If you’re doing all of your windows,
and usually you will, do yourself a
"We need your help," Satcher told the
organizationformedby ministers in 1957.
"We need the church to help us to deal
with the prejudice and the bias that-we
face as we’re trying to fight this epidemic."
Ministers are uneasy talking about
AIDS, said the group’s chairman, Dr.
Claud Young, a family doctor in Detroit.
’qqaey speak about sex in any form as if
it’s a form of cancer," he said, recalling
preachers asking him not to use the word
"condom" inside the church. "I said, ’Not
only is the word condom being usedinthe
church; I can assure you condoms are
being used in the church.’" Young added
thatin Michigan,Blackorganizations have
received little of the grant money available
for prevention.
Today’s fight presents challenges that
did not exist during the 1960s, Satcher
said. During the civil rights movement, he
said, people had hope that they could
effect change. Today, too many young
people are hopeless about their futures so
they do not try as hard to avoid risky sex
and other health threats, he said. But that
can change, he said. "Leadership is critical,"
he said. "I don’t think we’ve found
any~substitutes for good leadership."
favor and buy the Prazi Putty Chaser. It is
available only by mail and is worth all ,of
the $19.95+shipping/handling (McFeely s
800/443-7937. Don’t forget to ask for a
catalog - it’s worth i0. It attaches to any
drill chuck 1/4" oflarger (3/8 is standard),
.and withone simple ad=
justment the carbide
cutter is set so that it
won’t harm the glass.
Turn on the drill and
remove the old putty
faster than Dorothy can
dick her heels three
times, and it won’t slit
or chip the wood frame
With the old
putty gone, make a
mixture 50/50 of paint
thinner and linseed oil
to coat and nourish the
old, exposed wood,
then wait a day before
proceeding. TheDIYD
gently urges you to restrain
your passion for
neatly glazed windows
and not omit this step.
Then youhaveoptions:
one, you can use the
old putty in the can and
putty knife trick; or
two, you can use the
new latex compoundin
the tube, like caulk.
Unless you are an old pro, please opt for
the latter. Not only will it be easier~ the
latex material will last longer and it may
be the last tame you have to do this.
The tube comes with a specialized
nozzle that applies the compound at the
proper angle and it fits a standard catdk
gun, Though it isn’t necessary, your job
will look heater if you mask the glass
about 1/3" above the wood, with the compound
filling in. Leave the tape on for
p.ainting, then strip it off 24 hrs. later for a
crisp, unsmeared edge. The tube material
costs a bit more than, the putty, but is
worth every penny of it. Apply the material
moving smoothly and slowly along
the frame at about a 33 degree angle; the
nozzle will do this for you. Smooth with a
wet finger, if desired. Wait another day,
then paint; with the premasked windows,
this isn’t painful. Your house will be gor=
geous and snug and, with the two above
techniques, done days ahead of those who
do not heed the DIYD’s advice.
Next month: take up your PHD’s and
pickets - it’s time’to build that privacy
fence (PHD = Post Hole Digger). Any
questions or cqmmentary? The DIYD
accepts your praase, chastisement or suggestions
care of this paper!
Ulmer wrote. "In other words, the proposedamendmentlimits
marriage to what
it has been and currently is by statute in
Alaska. Because that is themeaning of the
amendment, I believe the ballot summary
should say so."
The lawsuit seeks to force Ulmer to use
an earlier version that began: "This measure
would add an amendment to the-
Alaska Constitution on marriage." The
Legislature passed the amendment in the
final minutes of the session after Judge
Peter Michalski ruled against a 1996 law
banning same-sex marriage.
Has-Never Been
No 900#s
No Charge Per Minute
by Esther Rothblum
Dr. Marny Hall is a San Francisco Bay
Area psychotherapist with twenty years
experienee speeializing
in Lesbian relationships.
In her book, The
Lesbian Love Companion:
How to Survive
Everything from
Heartthrob to Heartbreak,
she tackles issues
of Lesbian relationships,
sex, breakups,
rituals, and jeab
"I had had a painful
break-up," she told me
m a recent interview,
"and-decided to find
somelongterm couples
who had managed to
weather the difficulties
that had undermined
my relationship. I was particularly interested
in finding couples who had survived
outside affairs." She located a.handfu!:0f
long term Lesbian couples and contacted
them periodically over anumber of years.
She asked, how they met, how their relationshipprogressed,
andhow they handled
difficult situations:such as jealousy, conflict,
desire, homophobia, work, and illness.
"I was searching for a formula," said
Mamy, "but I didn’t find anything. Then
five years into this experiment, two of the
model couples I had been tracking broke
up. I had come to think of them as perfect
couples. I felt a bit shell-shocked but I
decided that I wouldcontinue to interview
both ex-partners. It was then that I found
the answers I was looking
for. Now the ex-
.partners started talking
about their relationships
in entirely different
ways. One woman,
who had said that she
was really in lust now
told me that they had
never had any passionate
chemistry! Another
womanused to say that
her community of
friends kept them together;
now she said
that she never felt a
sense ofcommtmity ! A
third said she wanted to
be with her partner until
her breath was no
: longer in her body. After the break-up she
¯ told me that even if her partner were
available, she wouldn’.t go back. These
¯ 180 degree turns made me realize that so
¯ much of how we process relationships is ¯
through the tales that we tell. The tales do
¯ all sorts of things - they certify legit1-
¯ macy, they heal broken hearts, and they ¯
explain betrayals."
: After this revelation, Mamy decided to
¯ go back and reread the transcripts from
the interviews she had conducted with the
¯ couples that were still together. Now she
¯ could see shifts in their stories too, over
: time. Their stories had kept them going
Dr. Marny Hall
through hard times. For example, if one
partnerhadhadan affair, .theother discovered
a motive that explained everything.
Perhaps the straying partner had been
depressed about her job or angry at her
partner. The affair had been a coded way
of announcing these dissatisfactions. In
other words, the two partners collaborated
on a story that turned an unpardonable
betrayal into a forgivable misdemeanor.
By reconstruing the potentially
damaging revelation in more positive
ways, they were able to stay together.
"So I thought, why not think of more
stories?" said Marny. Her book focuses
on stories that provide alternatives to the
"master stories" ab0utforever-after, about
terrible betrayals, about bad times. "If I
could tell stories about small break-ups or
trivial passions or benign other women
then I could contribute to partners’ flexibility
and givethemmore staying power,"
Maruy told me.
Originally planned as a book about successful
long-term couple relationships,
The Lesbian Love Companion took on a
life ofits ownl "I love the story of ~happily
ever after," Marny said, "but we. can tell
other stories, too. Everyday stories about
contentment instead of epics about do-ordie
love affairs. Stories of downsized disenchantments
instead of major dyke dramas.
The first time you realize that your
.lover snores and you love her anyway is
not exactly a swash-buckling bodice-ripper.
But it does qualify as a modest tale
about a small turning point. Our lives are
packed with all kinds of minimalist ro-
: mances. We just have to tune in to them.
: "The same thing is true about sex,"
¯ Mamy continued. "We’re all so familiar
¯ with the story about the earth-moving sex.
: But we can tell a lot of different stories
: about sex- maintenance sex that depends
¯ on cultivating orgasmic habits, sex for ¯
comfort or fun, psychodrama sex that
exorcises old demons. Even the fond
sexual memories we share with ex-lovers
is anotherform of sex. Wemight call it exsex.
These stories aren’t the mainstream
favorites so they aren’t heard, they’re
inaudible, private." As Marny putsit, her
book puts some "amplification" on the
stories that many of us are already telling.
’q’he bookis for long-term couples. It is
also for the sluts and passionate friends,
the celibates andthecommunally minded,"
Mamy added. "All of us are affected by
¯ the traditional stories. Uncoupled Lesbi-
: ans often feel as though they have failed
¯ some crucial test. And long-term couples
: may feel such pressure to live up to these
¯ stones that, as aresult, they feel they must
¯ conceal anything thatisn’t congruentwith ¯
’perfect coupledom.’ Such self censor-
" ship makes~thard for partners to be play-
" ful .or spontaneous. The perfect couple
¯ ideal exacts a toll on everyone- Ltgbians ¯
who are coupled,unpartnered or who have
¯ multiple partners."
"It tends to turn us all into intimacy
¯ overachievers," said Mamy. "The pur- ¯
pose of my book is to counteract that
¯ sense of performance anxiety. Almost
: everybody has doubts, and forbidden passions,
see Psyche, p. 14
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by Lamont Lindstrom
I met brown-eyed Burt one summer
when I was working in Hawai’i. Burt had
grown up near Manila in the philippines.
He taught English for some years at a
Catholic high school. Then
he came to Honolulu to work
on a Ph.D. in philosophy at
the University of Hawai’i
In his thesis, Burt planned to
reexamine traditional Asian
philosophy in light of the
work of post-modernists
suchas Foucault and Derrida.
When I met Burt, he was in
his mid 30.s and solidly built,
just runmng to chunk. But
you could still look through
those added pounds to see
that he had been a graceful
young man.
In Honolulu, Burt found
an American boyfriend- an
older man retired from the
telephone company. Burt
movedinand tookovercooking
and cleaning for the two
of them. His lover’s elderly
mother came to stay and he
took care of her too. Burt
kept purposely missing his
thesis deadlines to maintain
his relationship. His student
visa and US Immigration
demanded that, after finishing
a degree, he return to the
Philippines and not come
back to America for three
years, even as a tourist. His
Ph.D. thesis wa~ already four
muck of the
Philippines -
especially the
Muslim south
- there aretraditional
in which men
take on tTemlnlne,
and clothing.
In Tagalog,
the main Filipino
these men are
cafled ba/da.
many bakla
¯were dancers.
actors, and
years overdue.
~-Since that summer, I’ ve met a number
of American/Filipino couples - the Filipino
half typically keeping house.
Throughout much of the Philippines -
especially the Muslim south = there are
traditional roles in which men take on
.feminine characteristics and clothing. In
Tagalog, themainFilipino language, these
men are called bakla. Traditionally, many
bakla were dancers, actors, and entertainers.
MarkJohnson’snew bookabout transvestites
in Sulu, Beauty andGender (Berg
1997), describes numbers Of feminine,
cross-dressing Filipino boys who are .on
the prowl for masculine (i.e., ’straight
acting’, even married) boyfriends. In recent
years, these guys have taken overand
developed the hairdressing and beauty
business sectorthroughoutthe Philippines.
Most reject, however, a traditional bakla
identity and embrace instead the label
"gay." Our Western term here continues
to extend its global’ spread. Burt, too, was
horrified when I asked if he was a bakla.
This term today resonates too many sour
tones of backwardness, effeminacy, and
male prostitution.
There is a straight parallel to Butt and
his boyfriend in Hawai’i. In any romance
magazine sold at Quiktrip, one can find
advertisements touting the merits of submissive,
yet sexy, Asian women. You,
too, can easily send away for a mail-order
Oriental bride! One ofmy second cousins
had a fairly successful marriage with an
able woman from Vietnam until his warrelated
post traumatic stress syndrome
worsened one day and he attacked an old
lady gassing her car up at a California
service station.
Feminists decry the Ameriean stereotype
ofsexy Suzy Wongs who serve white
° men in bed, serve them dinner - who
¯ meekly serve all their needs whatever.
," But the international marriage marketl
." place works to bring women out from the
Philippines, and other Southeast Asian
countries, into the US.
Ainerican wealth allows at
leastsome ofus to shop overseas
and purchase our sexual
fantasies, even if we don’t
always get what we think we
are buying. And Americans
.profit, too, from positive
images that encourage at
least some Asians to hop a
plane and fly into the arms
of an unknown Occidental
spouse. Obviously, just as
many Filipinas (and Filipinos)
are 1.ooking for Americans
as vice versa.
The market for gay Asian
fianc6s is constrained by the
inability of homosexuals to
marry legally and thereby
obtain green cards for our
~mported boyfriends. Still,
I’ve had interesting email
correspondence with several
guys in Indonesia, Malaysia,
and the Philippines. They
wonder if I can set them up
with American lovers. One
gayboy in Jakarta, a civil
servant whose nom de email
is Koko, asked my advice
about accepti.’ng a one-way
air ticket from an American
Internet correspondent. I
counseled him to take care
lest he end up a sex slave, bound up in
somebody’s basement. The Hollywood
~mage of the United States is very powerful
overseas. Even Tulsa can seem urbane
and sophisticated to somebody in
Zamboaga or Chiangmai or Penang.
Mostrecently, I havebeenin touch with
a sad, young Filipino in the port city of
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Joe moved
to Dubai from Saudi Arabia severa! months
ago. He had broken up with his 50-something,
bald American lover whom he was
with for three years. Joe, understandably,
is depressed. He emails me that he misses
fixing dinners for the two of them. He
misses fussing about his ex-lover’s various
medical conditions. Gay life in Dubai
is no doubt grim. Joe nowadays appears to
live mostly on the Internet. The American
boyfriend, perhaps because he was at the
end of an employment contract or perhaps
becauserelations with Joehadlanguished,
returned here to Tulsa by himself. Well,
almost by himself. He brought their eat
back to Tulsa but he left his Filipino
boyfriend behind in the Arabian deserts.
for housing programs earmarked for
people with AIDS. The $21 million was
shifted to help f’mance state extended care
programs for veterans. Rep. VanHilleary,
R-Tenn., said the reduction was justified
because of a 6 percent decline in the
annual number of AIDS cases. Opponents
of the amendment argued that the
decline is attributed to the wider use of
¯ new drugs and the success ofsuch drug
tr~tments often depends on patients having
decent housing.
Almost everybody wo~nders about the
paths not taken. By telling our untold tales
and making them normal, I hope that our
sense of failure will be reduced.’" As a
psychotherapist, Marny has been witness
to many stories by Lesbians. An example
of the man3’ excerpts from The Lesbian
Love Companion: "You might ~’ant to
develop your other-woman fantasy. Install
her as your permanent muse. Pay
attention to her. She’ll tell you whether t~
sign up for scuba class or just buy some
new lingerie. And after you do what she
suggests, check in with her from time to
time. Has she changed? Is she suggesting
another direction? You are entitled to
keep her toyourself: ,She is, after all,
purely 3"our playmate, soul mate - combination
projection, reflection, guide. And,
:Aphrodite forbid, ifanything should ever
happen to ),our partner, ’*our fantasy lover
";~q]l be there for you. SlOe will shoe 3"our
’memories and your tears. She will con-
~ble and commiserate. And, one chy, when
the time is right, she will lead You back to
~E world.’" As Mamv writes i’n the book:
"V~qlen it comes to ou~ lives and loves, we
need a generous supply of alternative stoi~
es: Instructive sci-fi fabIes and twilight
zone mysteries, endless sequels and whitel~
uckl~ exploits. \Ve ~e both hearth
buggers and voyagersl We must make
room in our lives for the dream of foreverafter
and the determination to never look
Early reactions to Marny’s book? Rumorhas
it that Lily Tomlin loves it ! Alison
Bechdel, creator of the comic strip Dykes
To Watch Out For, calls it".., a veriiable
Karma Sutra of emotional possibility."
For further reading: Mamy Hall (1998),
The Lesbian Love Companion: How to
Survive Everything from Heartthrob ~o
Heartbreak. HarperCollins, I0 East 53rd
St., New York, NY 10022.
Prof. Esther
is teachek psy-
6hology at the
University of
Vermont 6nd is
Editor of the
Journal of Lesbian
She can be
reached at Jo,"n
Dewey Hail,
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
05405. e~ail: esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
Classifieds - how to work them:
First 30 words are S10 Each additional
word is 25 cents. Options for ’,’our ad:
Bold headline - S1, all capitdl letters -
$1. all bold & capital letters - S2. ad in
box - $2, Ad reversed - $3, tear sheet
mailed - $2 Blind P.O. Box - $5
-Plewaoserdt"yp~eSaoargrp°ruiln~bt-v\ooufr alde.ttCerosunotrthneumwobredrss
separated ¯ space. TFNreserves the right
to edit or reI~use any ad. No refunds. Send ad
& payment to PO]~ 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
with 3our name address, telephone (for us).
Ads will run in the next issue after received.
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attractive, I might add.
Central Tulsa (918) 712-4989
car chase. Tl~e most remain at a stand-off
until the general .public decides what to
do..Eventually, both. extremes will fade
into memory.
Pawn to Queet~ Four finds a balance
that would benefit us all, whether clones,
twinks, drag queens or the other 90% of
Gay individuals. It’s not about the parties
or the protests or the pageantry or the
promiscuity, because we have too much
of those things. The balance that Lars
Eighner finds in Pawn to Queen Four is
about taking care of our own and building
a society where the dramatics like those in
this book are simpl y no longer necessary.
Editor’s note: Adam M. West is an associate
at the Helmerich Library and has a
B.A. in Theatre Arts from OSU. He is a
native Oklahoman. an artist, writer, Star
Trekfanatic and recovering actor. He is
not now and never has been Batman.
Janet and Jack Zinc will host the Phiibrook
Gala, an evemng inspired by MM Post.
10/4 at 2pm, Frederick J. Fisher, director
of Hillwood, will give a lecture entitled
"Marjorie Merriweather Post: Collector
with a Passion for Beauty". 10/29at 6pm,
Anne Odom will present "A Taste for
Splendor: Luxury Art in Imperial Russia".
FREE ad call:
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~oEART OF GOLD I’m a lonely 25, cowy
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GEl-rING A LI’n’LE NASTY 23, 5’10~,
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GO FOR IT Attractive, fit, White mole,
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White, hairy cbested,top Man is 6’2",
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CAN YOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys this
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good time. I go o~t dressed like a
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If your man enough to handle
that, then please give me a call. (Tulsa)
A LII-rLE SANITY I’m a sane, intelligent,
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DAILY RITUAL when I get home, I like
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100 PERCENT ITALIAN I ust move(~
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I~reeGnayeyWesh,itIeamMavleesr,y 2b3u-ff2.5I’ymealorsokoinldg,
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RUGGED AND RANDY This good looking,
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what! I have no plans tonight. This
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Male 28 5’8" 145 Ibs., good-look ng I
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MAN OF ACTION This good looking
masculine. 34 year old, White male, 6ft,
1751bs, witha good build, seeks similar
guys, 2~ to 35, into sports, fun times.
traveling, and relaxing at home.
(McAIlister) ~13473
OPEN WITH MASSAGE This passionate,
versatile, 40 year old, White mate,
with .good looks, seeks very well
endowed, Bi or Gay males, 18 to 40,
interested in erotic evenings. I’d like to
begin by massaging your body and go
from there. L don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
(Tulsa) ~’13601
I LIKE OLDER GUYS Healthy, attractive,
HIV positive, White male, 37,
170]be, with Brown hair, Hazel eyes
and a mustache, seeks a s ncere, honest,
wall endowed guy, 25 to 55, who
likes to be a top. Race is open and
leeks are unimportant, as long as you’re
clean cut. (Tulsa) ’~12249
NICE AND EASY This friendly, 58 year
old, White male seeks a nice guy to
have pleasant conversations with, and
to enjoy during relaxing evenings
together. (Tulsa] ’~14641
TRIP YOUR TRIGGER This good looking,
happily Married, Bi, White male, 3~,
6’2, 2301bs, is now to this scene. I’d like
to meet other Bi males, 18 to 28, who
are petite, smooth, and preferably feminine,
for erotic entertainment only. Your
endowment doesn’t matter to me, but
you must be discreet and very clean.
(Tulsa) "~13211
BURNING LOVE I’m a good looking,
white male, 22, 6ft, 1401bs, with Brown
hair and eyes. I’m primarily a top and I’d
like to meet other guy’s to have fun with.
rm very hot. (Tulsa) ~11917
BIJ’Fr BUDDY Friendly, 36 year old,
uncut, White male, 5’10, 160ibs, with
Brown hall Brown eyes, and a great
butt, seeks friends to hang out with.
(Tulsa) ~11860
seeks aggressive master. Call for
details or give your fir.st order in my
mailbox. I’m ready to serve. (Tulsa)
BELLS ON MYTOES I’m a White male
into crossdressing and painting my toenails.
I love getting my toenails ant
everything else, sucked on. If you’re in
the area and turned on. call me. I’m 35,
with Blond hair and Blue eyes.
(Tahtequah) "~’11743
ONLY ONE HERE I’m a good looking,
19 year old, White male, 5’10, 2351bs,
with Brown hair, seeking a friendly,
rugged guy, 18 to 39, who enjoys camping,
going out, and lots of laughter. Let’s
have some fun. I’m able to ddve to you
if you’re far away. (Cushing) ~’11928
FLY, FLY AWAY This good looking 30
year old, Gay, Wh to male, into the outdoors,
hiking, biking, and sunbathing,
seeks a disbnguished gentlemen 38 to
45, with s milar interests. I work for a
major aidine and would love to take you
away somewhere. (Tulsa) ’~’11349
HEAD OFFICE Professional businessman,
6’1, 2151bs, into dancing, meeting
new people, and having fun, wants to
hook up with some new friends.
(Tahlequah) ~11398
There’s no charge to
create,an ad!
DOINGTHINGS I’m a GBE 25 who likes
the outdoors, ~iking, movies end long
walks. I’m looking for a SGWF, full figured,
190+, 5’7" and up, who likes doing
things. (MdAtester) ’~10109
old H spanic Fe-maie,~"~i ~54". who
is looking for a special Female that is
single and not into games. I enjoy
movies, staying at home and spending
time with you, so please give me a call.
(McAlester) "~18184
curious, Married Woman. I am very
open minded and looking for a female
who is also curious. (Ma.calester)
22 year old, Bi-sexual White Female,
with brown eyes. I love music, dancing
and going out. I want to meet someone
who enjoys the same things as I do; I
am Married, but want someeee who
wants to be with me and maybe my
Husband also. (McAlestarl ’~18649
Female, 32, 5’4", 120 Ibs., with auburn
hair and green eyes. My husband’s out
of town a lot, and I’m lonely, rm looking
for a nice Female who likes to go out, or
just stay home and watch movies.
(Tulsa) "~15293
BUSY NEWCOMER I’m an attractive.
petite, Black female, 25, 4’11, 1201bs,
with one child. I’m new to this area and
this scene so I hope you’ll be patJant
with me. I have three jobs and am very
busy but nave time to meet some
womyn, 25 to 30, of all races, for friendship
or more. (Tulsa) 1~14485
TEACH ME, PLEASE I’m not very
experienced in this and I’m hoping to
meet someone who can talk to me, give
me pointers, or tell me how it is. I’m 23
years old and have been attracted to
women, but have never acted on it,
(Tulsa) ~13687
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Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1998] Tulsa Family News, August 1998; Volume 5, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 7, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/550.