[1997] Tulsa Family News, January 15-February 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 2


[1997] Tulsa Family News, January 15-February 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 2


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


January 15-February 14, 1997


Mac Guru
James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Stephan Scott
Gerald Miller
Lance Brittain
Kerry Lewis


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family NEws


Tulsa Family News, December 15, 1996-January 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 1


Online text








Tulsa (Oklahoma)---newspaper
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Jan. 15 - Feb. 14, 1997, vol. 4, no. 2
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Marriage Update
Wash. St. Governor
Supports Gay Marriage
OLYMPIA (AP) - As one of his final acts, out~goi.ng
Gov. Mike Lowry is sponsoring legislation to a_utho.nze
same-sex marriages. The bill is doomed in the Legislature,
wheremajority Republicans intendtopass abanon
same-gender unions. But a Lowry spokesman said
Thursday the governor considers the ban blatant bias
and hopes to begin a dialogue that will eventually end
discrimination against gays and lesbians.
Rep. Ed Murray, D-Seatde, the only openly Gay
member of the Legislature, will introduce the Lowry
bill.in the House. The senator from his district, Democrat
Pat Thibaudeau, will sponsor an identical bill in the
Senate. Their 43rd District includes Seattle’s Capitol
Hill,whichhas the state’ s heaviest concentrationof gay
Murray and Thibaudeau also will sponsor legislation
aimed at barring discrimination in employment based
onsexual orientation. Lowry also has givenhis endorsement
to the bill, which is a pordon of a perennial antidiscrimination
bill that Gay civil rights activists long
have sought.
Rep. Bill Thompson, R-Everett, will again sponsor a
bill to ban same-gender marriages. His plan would
I N.O..W. Plans
Gay::Arkansas c,v,, Rights
¯ Ma r r! ag,e. Panel
Proposed for Gays
TULSA Tulsa s newly rewved chapter of
gions, legal and political aspects. Those attending wi,ll have an
opportunity to ask questions. Northeastern Oklahoma .s.contac.t
person for the National Freedom to Marry Coalition will attend
¯ also. The National Freedom to Marry Coalition is co-ordinated
: by Lambda Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the national
: legal organization that helped the Hawaii litigants and their
: attorneys. The Coalition includes groups working on same-
. gender marriage issues across the US.
: Formoreinformation or to become a co-sponsor, please call or
: write NOW at 365-5658 or POB 14068, Tulsa 74159.
’the National Organii,
zation for Women will host a post-Valentine’s Day panel focus-
: ing on same gender marriage as part of a national campaign by
: NOWto raise awareness about marriage issues. TheNOWpanel
will be held at Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 So.
: Harvard at 3pro on Sat., Feb. 15. The panel is.co-sponsored by
: Fellowship Congregational Church, PFLAG - Parents, Families
: and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and by The Pride Center and
¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights. A number of other Tulsa
congregations will likely also be co-sponsors.
." NOWmembers note that they are still finalizing some details
of the program but it will feature a same-gehder couple who’ve
¯ had a marriage ceremony, as well as speakers addressing reli-
Pride Center Begins
i Pledge ’97 Program
: TULSA- President ofthe-PrideCenter, Deb Shames, announced
¯¯ thekickoffofPledge’97,aongoingmembershipandfundraising ¯
campaign to support the Pride Center, Tulsa’s home for the
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans communities. Statues notes
¯ that that Centeris in sound financial shape due to the kindness of :
: groups like the Prime Timers, thegenerosity of individuals and :
¯ the sound management of the ’96 board of directors. However, :
." she adds that utilities.and minor repairs remain and as more ,
¯ community groups nse the facility, thecostrises and the need f0r "_
¯ suPportinereases. ¯
: Communityleaders, DennisNeillandtheRev.LesliePeurose, :
: have agreed to serve as two of the honorary chairpersons of "
i Pledge ’97. Neill who helped found Tulsa Oklahomans for :
¯ Human Rights, the parent organization of the Pride Center, is :
: well respected for his leadership with the City of Tulsa’s Human ,
¯ Rights Committee and the Rev. Leslie Penrose, pastor of the :
¯ United Methodist Community of Hope see Pledge, page 3 :
simply declare marriage to be a union between a man " .
and a woman, mirroring both new federal legislatign " Say No TO Hate Did NOT :
and a 20-year-old state court ruling: The issue was the No. l priority of religious conservatives in the Legisla- :AnnroveCallforWorkplace ture last year, but Thompson’s bill died in the Senate, :--rr -----
" Protections for Gays!
Republicans took over the Senate in the November " ¯
elections, and Majority Leader Dan McDonald, R- ¯ TULSA - Contrary to earlier reports, Tnlsa’s Say No To Hate
Coalition did not adopt a statement calling forjob anti-discrimination
protections that included sexual Orientation along with
race, religion, disability, gender, etc.
According to Deborah Levine with the Community Relations
Committee of Tulsa’s Jewish Federation, the member organizations
of the Coalition did not reject the statement but some
members did havequestions about some of tli~ language. These
objections put the statement on hold until the Coalition can meet
again and revise the language.
Whenasked, Levine stated that she did not think the objections
were to the inclusion of the term, "sexual orientation". This
phrase is needed in order that Gay and Lesbian persons be
protected from anti-Gay bias in the workplace, see Jobs, page 3
: IXITLEROCK (AP)-Twolegislators have agreed
: to help a gay fights groupget basic civil rights for
¯ gays and lesbians written into state law. Sen. Mike ¯ Everett, D-Marked Tree, and,Sen. Jim Argue, D-
¯ Litde Rock, are joining with the Arkansas Noni
Discrimination Alliance tomake it illegal to dis-
. criminate against someone because of their sexual
¯ orientation in such matters as jobs and housing.
: "It’s the right thing to do," said Everett. "I know
: this issue. I have some experience with it because
¯ my son’s gay." Arguesaid it was an issue of basic
: fairness. "And I think there’s substantial public
: support that a person’s employment ought to hinge
: on their job performance rather than their sexual
¯ orientation."
: The alliance was formed after proposals to ban
~ same-sex marriage were filed for the legislative
¯ session. The alliance opposes the proposals but
." discovered through apoll that there’s little support
¯. for same-sex marriage. "Sowedon’tintend to press
¯ that issue," said DebraBailey ofLittle Rock, devel-
opment coordinator of the Arkansas Gay and Les-
: bian Task Force, a founding member of the alli-
¯ In 1995, Attorney General Winston Bryant is-
" sued an opinion that people of the same sexmaynot
: marryin Arkansas, althoughArkansas law does not
." expressly prohibit or permit same-sex marriages.
Ms. Bailey said that the alliance will focus on
¯ discrimination in jobs and housing. Everett and
~ Argue plan to offer the alliance’s proposal as an
¯ amendment to the legislation to outlaw same-sex
: marriages, see Bill, page 3
Revision of OK Hate
Crimes Laws Proposed
TULSA- It’s that time again. The Oklahoma Legislature
is about to re.convene and Lesbians and
Gay political observers in thestate anticipate that
several well known Gay-hating legislators will
introduce one or another bill attacking Lesbian and
Gay citizens as they usually do..
Longdme observers of the Legislature are particnlarly
concerned that new Speaker of the Oklahoma
House of Representatives, Loyd Bensen,
.may allow more anti-Gay legislation to get a hearlng.
Typically any anti-Gay bill only loses if it is
bottled up in committee. Many legislators believe
that any vote that could be characterized as pro7
Gay is enough to get a legislator defeated and
therefore, vote for anti-Gay bills even though they
may not really support them. And then, there are
enough who really are hostile to Lesbian and Gay
While Tulsa has no formally organized political
action committee, several Tulsa area political activists
have identified see Hate, page 3
Coming Soon!
Activist Honored:
Community Unitarian Universalist Church will
host a workshop on operating by consensus. The
: workshop will belead by C.T. Butler, the author of
¯ On Conflict and Consensus. The first session will
: be on Sunday, Jan. 19 from 9-10:30am and the
second will be on Monday, Jan. 20 following a
¯ poduck dinner that begins at 6pm. The workshops
¯ will be held at Community of Hope, 1703 East
Second Street. For more information, call Judy
McCormick at 298-4495. see Coming,page 12
Bellevue, says passage ofthelegislationis certain. "We ¯
are hoping it will be a litde less confrontational this ~
year," he said in an interview. "We’re not out to bash .
anybody, butwefeel theinstitutionofmarriageis avery :
fragile thing.andwewantto shore itup." He said the bill ¯
will be sent to the new governor, Gary Locke, who is ;
sworn in next Wednesday. Thompson said he hopes
Locke will follow the lead ofPresident Clintonand sign :
the measure. If Locke vetoes it, it’s quite-possible ¯
enough Democratic votes can be rounded up to over- :
ride, Thompson said. .
The last resort would be #acing the measure on the ¯
fall ballot as a referendum for the people to decide, he
said. "Wedon’twantto go thatway ifwedon’t have to,7 :
Thompson said. He said he sympathizes with critics’ ;
worries that it would be a divisive issue if it goes to the ¯
balloL AtaThursday news conference in Seattle, Locke "
repeated his distaste for the ban bill, but stopped short "
of saying he would veto it, saying he would want to see ."
its exact wording. During the campaign, Locke said he ¯
would sign a Murray-style bill.
Murray conceded his own bill is not acceptable to a "
majority of voters, but predicted ~e,ban wouldn’t pass ¯
muster, either. But he said he didn t want to cede the
legislative arena to the foes of same-sex marriage. "I
realizethis willbe seen as extremeby some, but the anti- "
same sex mamage bill is also extreme," he said in an."
interview, see Marriage, page 3
TULSA - Longtime fundraising activist and Follies Revue ¯
founder and performer, Linda Stevens, was honored by Wash- :
ington, DC’s Whitman-WalkerClinic this fall. The Clinic, which :
provides HIV/AIDS care for the nation’s capital, recognized ¯
Lesbians across theUS for their long-term role, an.d their strength
and commitment, in fighting the battle against HIV/AIDS. "
Stevens’ name was added to the Lesbian Honor Role which is ¯
permanently displayed at Whitman-Walker Clinic.
Stevens Was nominated by John Coney, who s been part of the ¯
Follies since their first performance.. Follies Revue, Inc. which "
raises funds for local HIV/AIDS care andprevention will hold its .
9th performance in 1997.
918.583.1248 Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainmeqt Writer + Mac Guru:
fax: 583.461.5 James Chris~ohn
PUB 4140 Writers + contributors:
Tulsa, Oklahoma - Phyl Boler-Schmidt, Barry Hens]ey
74159-0140 Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Stephen Scott, PME, Gerald Miller
tulnews@ionet.net Lance Brittain, Kerry Lewis
by Tom Neal, publisher/editor
It’s that time again when the Oklahoma
Legislature begins its periodic, absurdist
comedy. This performance usually ends
in disgrace for the people of this state,
especially those of us who are Lesbian or
Gay, Bi orTransgendered. It ismosttragic
for People Living with AIDS (PLWA’s).
One issue that’s come to light from
TFN’s coverage of the HIV Resource
Consortium (I-IIVRC), is that the State of
Oklahoma through our legislature, provides
a tiny, tiny amount of funding
($206,000 according to HIVRC Executive
Director, Sharon Thoele) for HIV/
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permissionfrom the publisher.
Publication of a name or photo d~s~not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property_of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent to the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
So, it al?pears that the
State of Oklahoma is
spending fewer dollars
annually on HIV/AIDS
care than it spent to put
AIDS eare/services. Though this amount
must not include the budget for the HIV/
STD SectionoftheOklahoma State Dept.
of Health, who help administer federal
HIV/AIDS dollars, the amount is hardly
adequate to the need.
Thoele stated that this amount was
contributed begrudgingly, because the
State of Oklahomahad to give something
in order to receive the federal dollars.
And almost all of the dollars going to
HIV/AIDS care are federal. Thocle also
notes that this amount has not increased
since the early 90’s, although the case
see next column
Guy. Frank Keatlng on
his leather overed
airborne toilet seat!
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Ground Floor Cafe, 51st & Harvard
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Samson & Delilah, 10 E. Fifth
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
: Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
" AIDS Walk Tulsa, PUB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
¯¯ Black & White, lnc. POB 14001,Tulsa74159 583-7314
*Bless The Lord... Christian Center, 2627b E. 11 628-0594
¯ *B/L!G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
¯ *Chapman Student Ctr., University ofTulsa, 5th Pl. &Florence ¯
*CommtmityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E.2nd 585-1800
_" Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
¯ Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
: *Family of Faith MCC, :5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
¯ *Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
: *Free SpiritWomens Center,.call forlocation &info: 587-4669
¯ Friend For A Friend, PUB 52344, 74152 747-6827
; Friends in Unity Social Org. (African-Ameiican mens group),
PUB 8542, 74101, call e/o HOPE @ 712-1600
: HOPE, H]VOutreach, Prevention, Education, 1307E.38,2ndfl.
¯ 712-1600, HOPE Anonymous HIV Testing Site, 742-2927
Indian Health Care, TNAAPP 582-7225
: Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
¯ *HIV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
; NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
: NOW, Nat’lOrg. forWomen, POB 14068,74159 365-5658
¯ *Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
¯ PFLAG , PUB 52800, 74152 749-4901
: *Planned Parenthood, 100.7 S. Peoria 58%7674
¯ *The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 743-4297
¯ Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152 583-1410
¯ *R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
: Rainbow Business Guild, PUB 4106, 74159 665-5174
: Red Rock Mental Center, 302 S. Cheyenne #108 584~2325
¯ St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
~ St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 646-7116
~ *Shanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
_, Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, PUB 2687, 74101 743-4297
Technicians (leather organization) 584-1308
¯ T.U.LS.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
~ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
¯ *Tulsa Community College, Metro & NE Campuses ¯
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy 23 South 501-253-7734
~ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
: DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-
¯ 6807 see Jim, page 12
", *Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
; Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, PUB 429 501-253-2776
¯ King’sHi-Way,96KingSHighway,Hwy.62W 800-231-1442
-" MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337 ¯
McClung Realtors 501-253-9682
¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-253-2401
¯ Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659, 800-624-6646 ¯
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
: Face Beautiful Day Spa, 7108-D2 N.Westem 405-840-3223
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Baleh & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712--9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
*Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial 622-3636
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria 743-9994
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation 690-2974
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Robert Holland, Attorney 494-0484
*International Tours. 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PUB 14011, 74159 747-5466
I_angley Agency, 1104 S. Victor 592-1800
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate 671-2010
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Pl 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard- 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Pet Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming 584-7554
’The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo 838-7626
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations, 743-2351
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Southwest Viatical 747-3322, 800-305-6384
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counsding 743-1733
: 10ad has increased by.four times. She also
: noted that even if the amount were in-
¯ creased proportionally to the caseload,
: the original amount wasnot adequate.
: So, it appears that the State of Okla-
¯ homa is spending fewer dollars annually
: on HIV/AIDS care.than it spent to put
Gov. Frank Keating on aleather-covered
¯ airborne toilet seat[ And claims of bud:
¯ getary shortfalls to the contrary, there
¯ seems to be some state money left some-
" where.
¯ A reporter for The Daily Oklahoman
i .(OK.C’s daily newspaper), :who special-
, lzes mcomputer analysis of slate government
records, toldTFN that in addition to
the couple of billion in our state’s regular
budget, that there are "special" accounts
of state dollars that are not included in the
regular accounting. Unless, my middleaged
brain slipped a digiL he said these
special accounts amounted to $800 million.
That’s in addition to other billions!
$800,000,000 versus $206,000. Imagine
a tiny fraction of $800 million, sayg8
million, to makesure that PLWA’s could
actually get these new lifesaving drug
combination therapies, or to see thathousing
and food needs were met. Sadly, you
and I know that this is not likely.
Contrast the State.ofNew Jersey under
rising Republican star, G0v. Christine
Todd Whitman. New Jersey has a budget
just for drug assistance alone of $9 million.
Yes, they are a wealthier and more
populous statebut still thatamountdoesn’t
include any of the other State of New
Jersey dollars for other HIV/AIDS care
So why don’t we, as a commlmity of
Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals, Transgendered
persons, our friends .and allies
set as our goal for this legislature to try to
increase our state’s contribution, at least
in proportion to the increasein caseload.
Thatwouldbearound $800,000. Whatthe
hell, let’s just round it up to one million.
Imagine a million Oklahoma dollars for
HIV/AIDS care!
But for this to work, eachand every one
Of you reading this will have to stop waiting
for someone else to do this work. You
can’t just wait for Nancy McDonald or
Kelly Kirby or Janice Nicklas to speak ou.t
on these issues. Each of you Will have to
call your representative and your senator
to say that you care about this issue and
thatyou want to see an increasein State of
Oklahoma funding for HIV/AIDS care.
Ifyou don’tknow your representatives,
just call the Election Board at 596-5780
and give them your address. And after
you’ve called your representative (or better,
write them; best ofall ask tomeet with
them.), askyour friends, family and acquaintances
to do the same. I’ve talked
withmy representative and meet withmy
senator next week. Please do the same.
Tulsa Family. News will continue to
provide coverage of issues of concern to
Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals, Transgenderedpersons,
ourfriendsand allies
during this upcoming session ofthe Oklahoma
Legislature.Readers should expect
thatOneOr another ofour representatives
will introduce bills, attacking our communities.
We encourage you to develop a
relationship with your representatives to
help prevent these bills’ success.
’~Sometimes the only way to answer a~!
extreme measure is to introduce anoth~
extreme measure." Mtirray said citizerts
might react by urging lawmakers to write
middle-groundlegislation such as theantiemploymentdiscriminationbill.
bill would authorize a civil marriage contract
to provide the same marital benefits
that heterosexual couples get, such as the
rightofinheritance, health coverage, or to
visit a spouse in the hospital.
Lowry’s press secretary, Jordan Dey,
said the governor believes the civil contract
approach avoids some of the moral
or religious overtones of church weddings.
HesaidLowry doesn’tmindlaunching
an uphill fight. ’q’he governor has
stood against discrimination ever since
taking office, and this is another case of
discrimination, pure and simple; denying
people a legal benefit that is-available for
heterosexual couples," Dey said. "It is
important to do the right thing, whether
you lose the first time, the second time,
the third time. This may take a year, 5
years, 10 years, but at some point we will
be free of discrimination."
MississippiAgainst i
Gay Marriage
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Mississippi’s
constitution, which once barred people of
different races from marrying, may be
changed to also prohibit same-sex marriages.
The House andSenate are working
onproposals thatwouldkeep Gay couples
frofn wedding. The legislation is m response
to a homosexual rights case in
Hawaii. While a bill that unanimously
cleared a Senate committee Wednesday
makes same-sex marriages illegal, the
HouseConstitutionCommitteeis expected
to go even further, putting a ban before
voters in a constitutional amendment.
"I don’tthink there’s athreatthatpeople
are going to flock to Mississippi to solemnize
a same-sex marriage any more than
they would flock to Minnesota or North
Dakota," said Rep. John Reeves. But
Reeves saidmostMississippians wantthe
state to be on record as supporting only
heterosexual marriages. He said the constitutional
change would preclude gay
couples from filing suit claiming a marriage
law is unconstitutional. The Senate
bill would ban gay marriages in Mississippi
and bar the state from recognizing
marriages from other states.
Rep. Pat Miller said she is not convinced
the issue is important enough to
become part of the constitution but she
expects theHouseand Senatetoban samesex
marriages because "people... will
consider it a vote against homosexual
Gov. Kirk Fordice, in anticipation of
that ruling, signed an executive order in
August banning recognition of same sex
marriages. Senate Judiciary Chairman
Bennie Turner, D-West Pint, asked if the
bill was needed, said: "95 percent of what
wepass is notneeded." Rep. MarkFormby,
R-Picayune, said lawmakers are following
public sentiment. "It’s not a fear factor,
or any kind of phobia. To me, it’s not
even finances. It’s a pro-family matter.
The majority of Mississippians do not
approve of that kind of thing"
: port MOnday in the Legisla-tur~ in0nti~-
¯¯ afterCongresspassedalawallowingstates
torefuse to recognize same-sex marriages
: from other states.
¯ HouseMinority Leader Steve Sviggum,
¯ and the sponsor of aHouse bill, noted that
US Sen. PaulWellstone, andPres. Clinton
¯ both endorsed a ban on same-sex mar-
: riages. "I can’t imagine the legislators of
¯ Minnesota getting to the left of Sen.
¯ WellstoneorPres.Clinton,"Sviggumsaid.
¯ State law requires marriages to be be-
: tween members of the opposite sex, al-
: though it doesn’t specifically prohibit
¯¯ same-sex marriages.
¯ Sen. Tom Neuville, who sponsored a Senate banbill, said the Minnesota Legis-
¯ lature should act so it will not be forced
¯ under the U.S. Constitution to rex~gnize
-" gay marriages performedinHawaii. "Mar- "
: riage is an institution between men and
: women . . . it’s the best institution for
¯ raising children and avoiding poverty."
¯ Marriage also is a contract, which
: Nenville believes could be exploited if
" same-gender marriages were legal. For
¯ example, if a man had cancer, he could
¯ marry a male friend for health insurance
: benefits, Neuville said. "It will cause all
¯ sorts of social chaos," he said.
¯ , BuLAm-~-D~,ui.....ecuuve alrector
of the Gay and Lesbian Community Action
Council, said abuse is unlikely be-
: cause of the harassment gay couples face.
¯ "Peoplearen’t going tojnst do this so they ¯
get some sort of a deal," she said and
, added that the council would vigorously
fight the proposed bans. Both she and
¯" Senate President Allan Spear, who is gay,
¯ believe the matter ultimatdy will be de-
: eided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Minnesota Too?
ST. PAUL (AP) - Proposals to ban gay
marriages were winning high-profile sup-
: Wyoming Anti-Gay
i Marriage Bill
¯ CASPER, Wyo. (AP) - About one-tenth
~ ofWyoming’s lawmakers have filed abill
¯ that would explicitly declare same-sex
." marriages void in Wyoming and sped.fy
¯ such marriages from other states are m-
: valid in the Equality State. One of the
: bill’s sponsors, Rep. Rodney "Pete"
¯ Anderson, R-Pine Bluffs,triedunsuecess-
¯ fully to introduce a bill last year barring
: same-sex marriages.
: Wyoming’s bill - House Bill 94 -
: wouldn’t viol.ate Wyoming’s Constitu-
¯ tion, which guarantees equal political and
: civil rights to men and women, Anderson
¯ said. That’s because state statutes already
: make specific that marriage is between a
¯ man and a woman, he said. "We’ve de,
fined marriage," Anderson said. "We’re
justsaying our defmitionis going to stand."
¯ Same-sex marriage should be illegal
: because of the economics involved and
: because "I don’t feel it’s according to
¯ nature," saidbill co-sponsor State senator
¯ Dick Erb. "As I told a group of high ¯
school kids, ifyou were arancher and you
: had a gay bull, what would you do with
; him?" said Erb. "One kid said, ’I’d take
¯ the sucker to the packing plant,"" ¯
Anderson said he believes homosexu-
: als shouldhave equal rights under thelaw.
; But he said his main reason for sponsor-
, ing the bill was economics - "so our
¯ companies will not have to give health
: insurance to (spouses in) those kind of
: marriages." "I like those people," said
¯ Anderson. "I don’t like their lifestyle but
I don thave aproblem w~th~t.., we re not
: saying they can’t live together, we’re
¯ just saying they can’t have the same privileges
or responsibilities a man and a
woman have in marriage in the state of
~ Wyoming."
Theamendment would say that nothing
in the legisl~ition would prevent employer~
from "extending benefits to persons
v~ho are domestic partners of employees
or allow employers to discriminate against
employees because ofsexual orientation."
People discriminated against "because of
sexual orientation, real orperceived," shall
have the same rights to seek redress as
employees covered by the state’s civil
rights law, which was adopted in 1993.
David Ivers of Little Rock, an attorney
and founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation, said he gets
calls from people saying they were fired
for being gay. "They are simply amazed
or shocked to find out there is no legislation
protecting them. They assume that if
they haven’t done anything wrong, that
they have a right to file a lawsuit and get
reinstated," he said.
reform of Oklahoma’s Hate Crimes Stat-
ute as akey part of their !e~slative agenda
for the Lesbian]Gay community this year.
These activists also mentioned increased
funding forHIV/AIDS carefrom the State.
Oklahoma’s Hate Crimes Statute penalizes
crimes against individuals or organizations
that are motivated by racial or
religious bias but does not recognize
crimes that target individuals or groups
because oftheiractual orperceived sexual
: One state representative, speaking on
¯ condition of anonymity, recalled that the
: original hate crimes bill may have included
sexual orientation but that that
: language was removed to help get the bill
¯ passed. She noted that just getting a bill
," addressing racial and religious issues was
¯ an accomplishment given what she char-
: acterized as a lack of much tolerance by
Oklahoma legislators for minority citi-
¯ zens. She added the bill’s passage was a
~ much a testament to the skills and charac-
¯ ter of former representative Vicki Miles-
: Lagrange who’s now a federal judge.
: A spokesperson for Tulsa Oklahomans
¯ forHumanRights (TOHR) stated that the
: organization which is a member of the
¯ Say No To Hate Coalition will be asking
¯ other Coalition members to lobby ae- ¯
tively for an expansion of the Oklahoma
Hate Crimes Statute. Other members of
¯ the Coalition include the National Con-
¯ fereuce (of Christians and Jews), Tulsa
: Metropolitan Ministry, the City of Tulsa
¯ Human Rights Commission, the Jewish
¯, Federation and several others.
¯ The Pride Center has agreed to act as a
: contact point for those who are interested
¯ in addressing these issues. Callers should
¯ leave their names and numbers for the
¯" Hate Crimes issues list with Deb Trevino
¯ at 743-4297.
i Related Stories:
Colorado Hate Crimes Bill
DENVER (AP) - A bill to expand
Colorado’s hate crimes law to protect
: homosexuals has been introduced in the
¯ Senate. It’s the second session in a row
¯" such legislation has been filed by Sen.
¯ Dorothy Rupert, D-Boulder. "It’s going
¯ to be tough fight, but I think weneed to do
this," Rupert said Monday. The bill died
; last year under election-year pressure to
¯ protect moderate Republicans.
¯ "I wanted so much last year to have a
floorvotebutwas persuadednottodoso,"
state’s 1988 ethnicinlimidationlaw makes
it a crime to single out anyone for criminal
action because of race, color, ancestry,
religion or national origin. SB 10ft
would expand the law to include sexual
orientation, age, and physical or mental
Wyoming to Consider
Hate Crimes Issues.
CASPER, Wyo. (AP) - Religious and
humanrights groups that wereunsuccessful
in past attempts to pass a law enhanc-
¯ ingpenaldesforhatecrimes will try again
this year. Janet deVries of the Natrona
: County Grassroots Project said the Wyo-
¯ ruing Grassroots Coalition ~ a group of
human rights organizations with offices
: in Natrona, Albany, Laramie, Sheridan
¯ and Teton counties - has teamed up with
¯ the Wyoming Church Coalition to sup-
, port a bill in the legislative session.
," Thegroups are seeking lawmakers from
¯ both sides of the aisle to sponsor abill that
would increase penalties for people who
¯ commit crimes motivated by bias based
," on race, religion, disability or sexual ori-
¯ entation, she said. The Wyoming Church
: Coalif!on~dpressed simil~ bills in the
: 1994 and 1995 legislative sessions.
¯ Chesie Lee, vice chairwoman of the
: Church Coalition said the proposal has
gained bipartisan support. She said she
¯ believed the bills offered in the 1994 and
¯ 1995 sessions could have passed if they
: had made it to a final vote.
Ms. DeVries said increased penalties
¯ for hate crimes are justified because such
¯ offenses affect groups of people rather
than individual victims. "If a Jewish fam-
ily has a swastika painted on their house,
¯ it terrorizes the entire Jewish commu-
¯ nity," she said. She noted the bill applies ¯
only to crimes and not speech, which is
¯ protected by the First Amendment.
: The state Department of Investigation
¯ said there were 13 crimes in Wyoming
involving bias in 1995. Casper Public
¯ Safety Director Art de Werk said a hate
: crime law would give officers a new tool
¯ to help reduce crime while "making a ¯
statement by warning people that there
: are enhanced penalties" for committing
¯ such crimes.
¯ on Lesbian]Gay and HIV/AIDS issues.
¯ Several others have beeninvited tojoin as
¯ wdl.
¯ Individuals, families,andorganizations
: are encouraged to become members.
: While the Center is open to all who share
¯ the values of the organization, only mere-
bets may vote and will receive informa-
~ tion, newsletters,etc.Thosememberswho
~ make a pledge will be recognized at the
¯ Pride Center unless they specifically pre-
: feranonymity. For apledgepacket, please
¯ call the Pride Center at 743-4297.
¯ term would also protect heterosexuals
: against workplace discrimination but it
," is rare for heterosexuals to be.the target
¯ of workplace bias.
¯ At press time, the Coalition did not ¯
have any meetings scheduledbuthadbeen
¯: asked by a representative of member or-
: ganization, Tulsa Oklahomans for Hu-
¯ man Rights, to schedule a meeting to
: address this issue.
is also well knownfor her advocacy work
Strictly speaking, the inclusion of the
City,to Businesses:
Equal Benefits Required
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - San FxTmcisco is about to
make a unique demand on thousa~tds of companies -
extend health insurance and other benefits to their
employees’ same-sex partners, or forget about doing
business with the city.
A new ordinance will affect many of the roughly
10,000 U.S. companies that contract with the city to
provide everything from banking services to office
supplies. Critics call the policy ill-conceived and
costly, approved without ample study or public notice.
"We don’ t think it’s good public policy for the
city to tie its hands in the way this ordinance mandates,"
said Dennis Wyss, a spokesman for Bank of
America, the nation’s third-largest. "We think San
Francisco taxpayers get the highest-quality services
for theirmoney when the city keeps its options open."
SupporterssaY it’ s abasic anti-discriminationmeasure
aimed at granting all unmarried domestic partners
- although most of them in San Francisco are
same-sex couples - the same rights enjoyed by wedded
couples. "It would be important to me even if I
dida’ t have a partner, simply as a moral matter," said
Joe Leslie, a 52-year-old assistant vice president at
Bank of America who, with his partner Michael,
stands to benefit from the policy. Leslie said he and
Michael are "as loving as any married couple that
ever walked this Ear~," --.rod.for co-workers’
to receive better benefits is simply unfair. "We do the
same work, our spousal status is virtually the same.
(Yet) they get benefits I don’ t get," Leslie said.
The Gap, Levi Strauss & Co. and the Walt Disney
Co. already have started domestic parmer policies. In
San Francisco, Bank of America officials have discussed
such a policy but have not enacted it. "If it’ s
good enoughfor Mickey Manse, it’ s goodenonghfor
San Francisco," said city SupervisorTomAmmiano,
the measure’ s co-author. The city’ s Board of Supervisor
gave the ordinance unanimous approval after
considering it sincelastFebruary. MayorWillieBrown
signed it in early November. Brown and .Amrniano
said it is the first such city ordinance in the nation.
Ammiano said politicians in some other cities, including
New York and Seattle, have inquired about
the measure.
HateCrime Protections?
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Protecting gays from violence
is the right thing to do, one lawmaker says. But
a lobbyist for a top state official says adding such
language to ahate crime bill would divide the General
Assembly and torpedo the legislation.
Lawmakers, who open the 1997 session in two
weeks, are expected to consider two versions ofabate
crime bill. One offers protection against crimes motivatedbyhatred
ofgays’ sexual orientation; the other
does not. Both bills, which are expected to be introduced
early in the session, would stiffen prison sentences
when prosecutors prove the crime was moilvated
by hatred because of race or religion.
Crimes against blacks, including recent church
bumings, prompted the legislation. But state Sen.
Darrell Jackson, a black Columbia Democrat, says
the measure should go one step further. "I look
forward to convincing people that you don’ t have to
be a supporter of gay rights to believe no one should
have crimes committed against them because of their
sexual orientation," Jackson said.
CamCrawford, lobbyist for state Attorney General
Charlie Condon, said Condon does not want to inelude
gays because the issue is so divisive it would
kill the legislation. "Nobody has demonstrated to us
that there’ s a problem with (people being attacked
because of) sexual orientation," Crawford said. "If
they can show us a problem, then we’ll cross that
bridge when we come to it."
Federal statistics show four South Carolina hate
crimes against gays in 1994, compared with 23 racial
hate crimes, two motivated by religion and one motivated
by etlmicity. Tony Snell, co-chairman of the
South Carolina Gay and Lesbian Pride Movement
Said the group is gathering information for legislators.
Many gays either do not report attacks to police
or do notreport themotivation for the attacks, Snell
¯ said. Some gays arein the closet, while others expect
," to encounterbias from police. "I know people who
: havebeen attacked, and even shot, whowill notreport
¯ it as a hate crime," Snell said. =
¯ HIV+, Gay aWmaker
-" CHICAGO (AP) - Being gay and HIV-positive has
." shaped some of Larry McKeon’ s views, but the state
¯¯ representative-elect says there’ s alotmore to him. "I
¯ bring a lot of things to the table. Being HIV-positive
isjust one ofthem," says McKeon, who willbe sworn
: in as a member of the House when the 90th General
¯ Assembly opens Jan. 8. Gay activists, who say
: McKeon is the state’s first openly gay legislator,
: cheer his election as the start of a new era in Illinois
: politics.
¯ Rich Garcia, executive director of the Illinois Fed-
: eration for Human Rights, said McKeon won the
: respect of many as Mayor Richard Daley’ s liaison to
¯ gay andlesbianleaders. "I predicted either the mayor
¯ would hate him or he would deny this community," ¯
Garcia said. But McKeon won the mayor’ s trust and
¯ the trust of divergent factions within the city’ s gay
¯ and lesbian community, Garcia said.
McKeon, 52, a former lieutenant in the Los Ange-
: les County Sheriff’ s Department, says he just wants
¯ to be seen as a hard-working man whose sexual
¯" orientation is irrdevant. That may be difficult in the
¯ o~m,._~,^ut,._.,..............h,.=.,-,.=..la.w..m.n..k.e.r~. roufinely re’’3e~t Pr.ogay
legislation, but McKeon’ S straightforward sty|e
." andworkhabits shouldhelp, friends say. "Justbybim
¯ being there, he’ll be saying to people, "Look at me, ¯
rmjnstlike everybody else," said Rep. Carol Ronen,
: D-Chicago.
". McKeon says fears of some constituents that he
¯ will represent ouly a"gay agenda" are unfounded. He
: says he cares most about healiug society’ s problems
¯ - the focus of his campaign literature. And while
¯ living with the shadow of AIDS has helped shape his
: opinions, McKeon says, "it isn’t the essence of who
: Gay Dad Wins Court Fight
: SEATTLE(AP)-Orderingagayfathernot to display
: affection with a partner in front of his four children
¯ was going too far, a state appellate panel has ruled in ¯ overturning portions of aWhatcom County Superior
¯ Court decision. "We hold that the trial court erred by
¯ restrictingWard (Wicklund)’ s conduct based on his
sexual orientation," said a Monday ruling from the
: state Court of Appeals’ Division 1 bench.
¯ ’q’he evidence showed only that the children expe- ¯
rienced difficult), adjusting after their parents’ sepa-
¯" ration," three justices wrote. "But where the only
: harm is adjustment, the remedy is counseling, not
¯ restrictions on the parents’ lifestylein terms of sexual
: orientation." The court reversed those restrictions,
and similar ones imposed on the children’s mother,
¯ Corrine Wicklund. She had been ordered not to par-
¯ ticipate in displays of affection-"handholdiug, ldss-
¯ ing, etc." - with a significant other in front of the
: children"unless the parent is married to the person."
: The appellate judges found the trial court had
abused its discretion by restricting parental rights on
¯" grounds of sexual preference. There was no evidence
~ thatWicklundbehaved inappropriately in front ofhis
¯ children, they noted. "Problems with adjustment are
¯" the normal response to any breakup ofafami ly," they
: wrote. "But restrictions on a parent’ s conduct de-
" signed to artificially ameliorate changes in a child’ s
¯ life arenotpermissible. "Iftheproblemis adjustment,
: the remedy is counseling.... The trial court should
¯ have considered whether to order counseling and
¯. should not have entered improper restrictions on
Ward’ s conduct."
" Psych.ologists Support
¯ Gay H=gh School Groups
¯ TUCSON, Ariz.. (AP) - Gay high school students
need support groups, and school officials should
¯ adopt anti-discrimination policies that includehomosexual
students, a statewide group says.
¯ In letters sent Wednesday to 360 high school coun-
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selors across the state, the Arizona Psychological
Association urged school officials to allow gay student
support groups. "Even if students do not attend
support groups, just the knowledge that there is support
for them is a ben~fi~,~.~, said Tucson psychologist
Jean Baker, a mem156r of the association’s Gay and
Lesbian Issues Task Force.
Theletters were sent one day after Republican Rep.
Dan Schottel announced he intends to sponsor legislation
requiring public schools to ban gay support
groups from access to campuses. The veteran Tucson
legislator said his bill would apply from kindergarten
through university levels. Theproposal is expected to
be patterned after legislation approved in Utah last
year. That law allows.school districts to deny access
to clubs that "materially or substantially encourage
criminal or delinquent conduct, promote bigotry or
involve human sexuality.Y
Baker said banning gay support groups effectively
sanctions harassment against homosexuals. "It could
take away the one place where gay students can talk
to someone," she said. Gay teens are at high risk of
depression and suicide because they feel isolated, the
association said. ’‘The purpose of the support group is
to provide a safe place- a place to be who you are,"
saidTam De Witt, aTucson High School nurse. "It’s
a group for people to gain support and friends."
Schottel’s proposal targets groups like those at Desert
View High School in Sunnyside Unified School
District and Tucson High Magnet School in Tucson
Unified School District. Both groups were studentinitiated.
Montana’s First Lesbian
(or Gay) Legislator
HEI .ENA (AP)- Rep. Dianesands, longtime activist
for. homosexual and women’s rights, wants to be
known for more than being Montana’s first openly
gay legislator. "This may be naive," the Missoula
Democrat said, "but I think it’s irrelevant."
Listing her partner, former legislator and Missoula
CountyCommissionerAnnMaryDussault, in abooklet
summarizing the background of all 150 lawmakers
shouldn’t be a big deal, Sands. said. "I am who I
am." "I guess I’ll wait and see if it’s going to be a
problem," she added in the midst of her first week as
legislator. "Hopefully, people will realize I’mjust an
effective legislator and a nice person."
Sands, 49, grew up in a cauldron of discrimination
and injustice on an eastern Montana Indian reservation.
Shehas made acareer out ofbattling thoseforces
ever since. After three decades of advocating civil,
racial and sexual rights, Sands was appointed to the
House District 66 seat vacated by Mike Kadas last
year after he was named mayor of Missoula. She was
unopposed in the November election.
House Minority Leader Vicki Cocchiarella, DMissoula,
said Sands’s familiarity withissues and the
Legislature is impressive. So is her ability to get
along, she added. "Diane is one of thefew people that
I have encountered who, as a lobbyist, has always
been real receptive to others’ ideas," Cocchiarella
said. Her openness about her sexual orientation "will
be a liability if other people don’t give her a fair
chance," she said. "If people want to make a b,!g issue
of it, then that’s the kind of people they are.
Montanans Still Want
to Ban Gay Sex
HI~.! .ENA (AP) - A majority of Montanans want to
keep on the books a state law prohibitinghomosexual
sex, and a plurality favor a law banning so-called
partial-birth abortions, anew poll has found. The poll
was conducted for the Lee Newspapers of Montana
on issues likely to face the Legislature that convened
The Lee poll indicated that Montanans don’t want
to strike from the books a law prohibiting homosexual
sex. Fifty-seven percent of those polled want
the law to remain intact, compared to 31 percent who
wantitrepealed. The poll also showed that 52 percent
of those queried want the 1997 Legislature to enact a
law outlawing homosexuals from getting married,
while 39 percent opposed such a measure. It showed
¯ that 46 percent of those questioned ~avor, a gtate’law
¯ to ban late-term or So-called partial-birth abortions,
while 32 percent oppose such a measure
:Harassed Teacher Dies
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) - The stress from
¯ months of anti-homosexual sentiment in a small, ¯
conservative town could have contributed to the
¯ death of a gay teacher, apathologist says. Dr. Stephen
: CoMe said Gerry Crane, 32, had a floppy heart valve,
¯ a condition that usually is not fatal. He died Jan. 3, a ¯
week after suffering a heart attack. "In a small per-
: centage of patients, (the valve) can be lethal," said
¯ Cohle,. who performed an autopsy. CoMe also found
¯" scars in the heart muscle. As for Crane’s experience
: inByronCenter, aGrand Rapids suburb, "itmay have
." put him over the edge," the doctor said Tuesday.
¯ Crane resigned last summer as music teacher at
: Byron Center High School, saying the anti-gay atmo-
¯ sphere in town was like "ingesting poison." The
¯ school board had considered firing himinDecember ¯
1995. Instead, itcondemnedhomosexualityandprom-
" ised close scrutiny.
[ Morethan900people, including some students and
¯ teachers, attended Crane’s funeral Tuesday at
: Westminster Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids..
: "He taught our children to sing, and in a world where
: ugliness is gaining on us, can you think of many
¯ greater gifts?" the Rev.WilliamEvertsberg said. He ¯
said Crane and partner Randy Block had a strong
relationship. In a subtle jab at Crane’s opponents,
: many of them religious conservatives, Evertsberg
¯ said: "Maybe we’ll learn family values from people
: who aren’t supposed to have any."
¯ Crane’s friends advised Byron Center Principal
: William Skilling to stay away from the funeral. In
¯ Skilling’s evaluations of Crane, before his homosexuality
was learned, the teacher was praised as a
¯" "role model for our students." But by last June, a
¯ monthbeforeCraneresigned, Skillinghadthreatened
¯ to recommend his firing if he mentioned anything in
: class about homosexuality.
"Ellen" Comes Out
- Sort Of
NEW YORK (AP) - At a rock ’n’ roll fantasy camp
with David Crosby, Bonnie Raitt and Aaron Neville,
theTV character"Ellen" belts out a song with an eyeopening
last verse: "By the way, I’m gay. It’s OK. I’m
gay!" Just don’t expect to See this particular episode
on ABC anytime soon.
ABC executives have confirmed the monthsdong
rumor that they are considering a story line on"Ellen"
where comedian Ellen Degeneres’ character reveals
she is a lesbian. During a show taping Friday,
Degeneres cut three takes of a segment where she
sings a song, "I’m Scared of Being Afraid," according
to Touchstone Productions, which makes the
show.The third take included the unscripted "coming
out" declaration, which sources said was greeted by
wild cheers.
ATouchstoneofficial saidprivately thatDegeneres
was blowing off some steam after hearing that her
show was-being taken off the air during March and
April to make room for a new Arsenio Hall comedy.
"It’s not intended for a telecast. It is not going to be on
any telecast," said ABC spokeswoman Janice
Gretemeyer. ABC Entertainment President Jamie
Tarses said last week that a"coming out" episode was
being worked on, but that the network wants to see if
it works creatively beforemaking a decision on going
The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,
whichmaintains an"Ellen watch" pageon the Worldwide
Web, criticized Tarses for "waffling" on the
story line since rumors began last fall. "We hope they
stop dragging their feet," alliance spokesman Alan
Klein said Monday. ’’The American public is ready,
willing and able to see this as soon as possible."
cnentust to earcn
for AIDS Vaccine
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -~Ever since
the HIV virus and AIDS were detected,
thebulk of scientificresearch has focused
on treating those already infected- not or
finding a way to halt the spread of the
disease. Now, the National Institutes of
Health has commissioned a Nobel prizewinning
MIT professor to help breathe
new life into the search for an AIDS
vaccine. "There are thousands of people
infected daily and our goal would be to
prevent thoseinfections," said David Baltimore,
who will spearhead the new NIH
About a year ago, a study by 114 scienfists
who supportedAIDS research set out
a series ofguidelines for theNIHresearch
program. Tops on the list was reinvigorated
AIDS vaccine research, said Dr.
William Paul, director of the NIH’ s Ofrice
of AIDS Research. "We will only be
able to conquer this disease ifwe are able
to devdop a vaccine," Paul said. "We
need good drugs, but we recognize that
treatment isn’ t going to solve our problems."
New drugs to treat symptoms of
AIDS have shownpromiserecently. Combinations
of drugs called protease inkibitors
have been slowing symptoms and
giving hope to HIV-infected patients.
Still, there’ s been no sign of a cure.
Since 1988, more than 15 AIDS vaccines
have been tested, but so far none has
proved successful. Although several vaccines
are in early stages of clinical trials,
it’s too soon to tell whether they will
work, Paul said. "But our position is that
we cannot rely on that. This is too important
a problem not to be planning for the
eventuality that these vaccines maynotbe
as effective as we would wish," he said.
Enter Baltimore, who won the Nobel
Prize in 1975 for his discovery of the
reverse transcriptase enzyme - the basic
enzyme by which HIV is able to multiply.
NIH’s top AIDS scientists hope Baltimore
will help guide them to a cure. "He
combines both rare insight with a very
strong technical background," Paul said.
Attempts to find a vaccine have so far
followed the approach of vaccine developmentforothermajorillnesses.
worked for polio andmumps has not been
working for AIDS, said Didier Trono, a
molecular biologist at the Salk Institute
for Biological Studies in San Diego.
Baltimore plans to assemble a panel of
experts to come up with new approaches
to finding a vaccine. It’ s something Baltimore
has been thinking about already for
more than a decade; in 1985, he headed a
national AIDS panel that recommended
an increased research effort. The Nobel
laureate will continue as a professor at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
splitting his time between Cambridge and
the NIH.
In 1996, N!H spent $109 million on
AIDS vaccine research and has increased
funding to $129millionfor 1997; theNIH
spends $400 million each year on research
for AIDS treatment.
Since the onset of the AIDS epidemic
more thanadecade ago, 29millionpeople
worldwide have become infected, Paul
said. Currently, theleading cause ofdeath
in the world is tuberculosis, with an estimated
3 million people dying annually.
But with 3.1 million new HIV infectious
each year- and still no cure-it’ s simply
amatter of timebeforeAIDS becomes the
world’s number one killer, Paul said. In
the United States, roughly 80,000 new
AIDS cases are diagnosed each year.
For his part, Baltimore remains opti-
misdcanAiDS vaecine will eventuallybe
¯ found. But,he said,"Ihavenoidea whether
¯ we’regettingcloseornot.It’ soneofth..os~
¯ things that you only know you have v~e~
: you have it."
i More Moms with
i AIDS But Fewer
i Babies with HIV
¯ COLUMBUS,Ohio (AP)-Manyexpect-
¯ ant women infected with the AIDS virus
." now are being treated with the drug AZT
¯¯ duringpregnancy, labor and delivery, and
that has contributed to a drop in the hum-
; ber of babies born with HIV, state health
¯ officials said.
~ "This is one of the few true preventive
¯ strategies thatweactually have," Dr. Tho-
." mz.~ Halpin, chief ofpreventive medicine
¯ for the Ohio Department of Health, said
: last week.
¯" But thenumberofwomendiagnosed with
HIV still is increasing. Health officials
¯" said screening, testing and education also
have contributed to the decrease in HIV
: births.
"We are seeing mixed (rends here,"
said Carol Lyune O’ Neil, health program
¯ coordinator with the Columbus Depart-
. ment of Health. ’‘There is a low rate in
." pediatric cases ... but more and more
." women are being diagnosed."
¯ A 1994 study by the National Institutes
of Health showed that AZT could reduce
¯" HIV transmission during pregnancy by as
¯ much as 70 percent. In November, the
¯ state Health Department released guide-
," lines for preventing perinatal HIV transmission
and HIV testing of pregnant
¯" The department recommended that all
: pregnant women and any women considering
becoming pregnant should receive
¯ HIV educationandcounseling. Also, they
: should be encouraged to be tested for the
¯ AIDS virus.
¯ Dr. Michael Para, director of theAIDS
clinical trials group at Ohio State Univer-
sity Medical Center, .said although AZT
¯ appears to prevent transmission, the
: mother has to be diagnosed with HIV in
¯ the first place. ’’This is one of those things
." that will require vigilance," he said. "One
: has to stay on top of it to make sure
: infections in kids doesn’ t go up."
¯ HIV-infected pregnant women should
not be coerced into receiving AZT, but
: they should beinformed ofits potential to
.. reduce the risk of HIV transmission, authorities
¯ HIV can be transmitted from mother to
: baby during pregnancy, labor, delivery
¯ and during breast-feeding, and transmis- ¯
sion occurs about 25 percent of the time.
¯ Physicians will have to better screen pa-
: tients and provide HIV testing, Para said.
¯ ’‘The number of infected kids are down ¯
this year," he Said. "But they won’t be
: down next year if you don’t watch it
; closely."
i AZT &Cancer Link?
WASHINGTON (AP) - A study that
found high doses of the AIDS drug AZT
can cause cancer in the pups of pregnant
mice has prompted federal health officials
to re-evaluate the use of the drug
among pregnant women who are infected
with the virus.
A committee of AIDS and cancer experts
will meet next week at the National Iustitutes
of Health to develop recornmendadons
on the use of AZT. But for now,
Are You Bored?
Are You Gay or Bisexual?
Are You Native American?
TNAAPP is Here to Help!
Evening Meetings Are Held Every
Wednesday in Tulsa
Call 582-7225 Ext. 208
For information on meeting time & place
Meet others and be part of a
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Jeffrey A. Beal, MD
Ted Campbell, LCSW
Specialized in HIV Care
Providing Comprehensive Primary Care
Medicine and Psychotherapeutic Services
We have many insurance provider affiliations
- ifyou belong to an insurance program
that does not list us as providers,
call us and we will apply.
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Monday - Friday, 9:30-4:30 pm, 743-1000
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he’s positive you’re negative
an 8 week program beginning 1/22 formen (individuals+ couples)
on relationship issues: dating, sex, commitment + more
hope, hiv outreach prevention education, call 712-1600 for info.
/ .herry Street Psychotherapy Associates"
1515 S. Lewis (918)-743-4117
Serving a Diverse Community
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive to the
Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
HOPE HIV Outreach, Prevention & Education
formerly TOHR HIV Prevenffon Programs
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
health officials said Tuesday, pregnant
women who,are infected with the AIDS
virus should’continue taking the drug.
,-:hVhether the drug will have the same
effect on human babies is uncertain because
pregnant women take much lower
doses of the drug, she said. A panel of
experts will evaluate the issue at a meeting
Tuesday and come up with recommendations,
she said. Federal health officials
now recommend AZT for pregnant
women who are infected with HIV, the
virus that causes AIDS. Thedrughas been
shown to significandy reduce the transmission
of HIV to newborns.
Randall said that babies born towomen
taking AZT .are being medically monitored
and none has been found to have
developed cancer. But she said the children
are no older than 4 and must be
monitored for many more years to get
definilive answers about the effects of
Dr. Jack Killen, director of the AIDS
division of the National Imdtute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, Said, "At
this point, we’ re trying to figure out what
these findings mean, precisely, and what
the implications are... I think it remains
very, very clear that the benefit ofAZT in
this setting vasty outweighs the hypothetical
or potential risk."
Another recent study, at Mount Sinai
School of Medicine in New York, indicated
that HIV-infected women reduce
theirrisk oftransmitting HIVduring childbirth
by two-thirds if they take AZT.
AIDS Drugs for Kids
WASHINGTON (AP) - A special program
from a drug company offers children
infected with the AIDS virus free
doses of an experimental drug known as a
"protease inhibitor." It is the first time
American children could get this type of
medicine outside small doctor-run tests.
Agouron Pharmaceuticals is seeking
Food and Drug Administration approval
of its Viracept, known chemically as
nelfinavir. If approved, the drug could
become the nation’ s fourth protease inhibitor,
a powerful class of AIDS drugs
credited with revolutionizing AIDS care.
Yet none of these drugs is available in
pediatric form, sparking protests from
parents who say they’ re watching their
~hildren die.
Agouron last month became the first
company to seek simultaneous FDA approval
for adult and child forms of a
proteaseinhibitor. While theFDAisevaluating
the drug, it gave Agouron permission
to run an "expanded access" program
offering Viraceptfree to any HIV-infected
child age 2 to 13.
The pediatric version is apowder that can
be mixed into milk, formula or soft foods
such as pudding.
Right to Die Case
last living patient in a lawsuit seeking the
right to diesurvived to take the stand and
tell of indescribable pain and suffering
and why he should be allowed to die with
Charles Hall is, suing the state for the
right to die. Herolled his wheelchairup to
a courtroom microphone Monday to tell
his story of pain and a ravaged immune
system. ’:I can’ t even describe the pain," a
haggard and pale Hall said. ’q’here are
some days I don’ t even remember. I don’ t
think anybody should have to suffer."
Hall barely survived a bad bout with the
¯ A 128-year-old law is the only thing
: standingbetwecn Hall andadoctorwhois
¯ willing to give him alethal dose of drugs.
: The doctor isn’ t willing to violate the law
¯ - a felony punishable by up to 15 years in
¯ prison- and Hall t01d aWest Palm Beach
-" judge he shouldn’t have to. Circuit Judge
¯ S. Joseph Davis will decide whether or
not Hall and his doctor should be able to
decide to end the AIDS patient’ slife.
’q’he resolution will have a profound
impact onhow people die in our society,’"
said Michael Gross, the Florida assistant
attorney general representing StateAttorney
Barry Krischer of the 15th Circuit in
WestPalmBeach. Suicideremains acommon
law crime for good reason, Gross
said. The state has no way of evaluating
theindividual’ s motives andcompetency~
and it must protect vulnerable citizens
from abuse, he said.
The U.S. Supreme Court sent a message
when it allowed the removal of life
support and noted that such action was
disdncdy different from introducing alethai
agent to hasten death, Gross said.
Extending the right of assisted death to
terminally ill patients could later be applied
to minors and the mentally incompetent,
he warned.
Hall, who contracted acquired immune
deficiency syndrome through a blood
transfusion, takes up to 40 pills a day for
pain and to stave offpneumonia and other
viruses that routinely attack his weak immune
system. During his testimony, Hall
listed the health problems that promise to
cut his life short: a brain cyst, hepatitis B,
no feeling in his bladder, herpes, arthritis
andpartial blindness. Hall wants thejudge
to issue an injunction to stop prosecutors
from charging Dr. Cecil Mclver with a
crime if he assists in Hall’ s suicide.
"The two of them want to be left alone
and free from government interference,"
said Hall’ s attorney, Robert Rivas.
Hall and his lawyer are arguing that the
Florida Constitution grants special privacy
rights entitling him to choose physician-
assisted death.
Coincidentally, the U.S. SupremeCourt
will hear similarlegal argumentsWednesday
in two right-to-die cases.
The trial is taking place in West Palm
Beach before Davis because it’ s the seat
of thejudicial circnit where Mclver pracrices
medicine and would be prosecuted.
The trial, which began Monday, is expected
to wrap up next week.
Elizabeth Taylor
Benefit for AIDS
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - Elizabeth
Taylor’ s upcoming 65th birthday will be
celebrated with a televised star-studded
bash fcaturing never-before-seen footage
of the actress’ s life and career. But Miss
Taylor said Wednesday that it~s neither
her life nor her career that will be the toast
of the night.
The black-tie gala- "Happy Birthday,
Elizabeth" - "A Celebration of Life" -
will benefit the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS
Foundation for distribution to a varie~ of
AIDS research and treatment orgamzafions.
Among the celebrities will be !ongtime
pal Michael Jackson, who is composing
a song entitled "Elizabeth" especially
for the event. Other celebrities taking
part include Whoopi Goldberg, John
Travolta, MagicJohnson, Roseanne,Tim
Allen and Ellen DeGeneres. The twohour
gala will be taped Feb. 16 at the
Pantages Theatrein Hollywood. It will be
broadcast on ABC later in February.
by James Christjohn ~
Happy New Year! Hope eeeryone survived
their familial visitations over the
holidays, if you had to make them. Going
home to my family is much akin to appearing
as Saturday Night Live’s Smart
Smalley in "Smart Saves his Family".
Well, maybe not quite that bad, but dose
enough. Let’s just say I have gotten in
: last 5 years.
¯¯ Arrive at the B~ady Theatre at 7p,m£or....
cabaret seating ($75.00 per persod, in-
" dudes buffet and 2 drinks), and 8pro for
¯ regular seating ($25.00 per person). The
: show begins at 8pro,andCDsofRichard’s
." recordings will be sold. $10.00 of each
¯ CD purchased will be donated to Inter-
: faith AIDS and Our House. Tulsa Opera
touch with my "Inner.
Stuart". Truthbe told, IAM
Stuart Smalley...without
the sweater. Which is kind
of scary, but that’s...OK.
Because I own my
scariness...Andthat’ s...OK.
Told you I was scary. And
no comments from the peanut
section! (And that indudes
you, Mr. Editor!)
Philbrook Show
The Philbrook Museum
ofArt,2727S. Rockford, is
pleased to present
"America Unseen: People
& Place", on exhibit Jan.
19- March 9.
The exhibit explores aspects
art from the ’20’s - ’50’s,
and includes works by
Norman Rockwell, John
SteuartCurry,Thomas Hart
Benton, Edward Hopper,
Walker Evans, Dorothea
Lange, Isabd Bishop, &
TheSentimental Journey
Big Bandwill perform Feb.
2at3pminthePatti Johnson
"America Unseen:
P oph & Place",
on exhibit
Jan. 19- March 9.
The exhibit
explores aspects of
pictorial art from
the ~20’s -’50’s,
and inehdes
works by Norman
Roekwefl, John
Steuart Curry,
Thomas Hart
Benton, Edward
Hopper, Walker
Evans, Dorothea
Lange, Isabel
Bishop, & others¯
las. I enjoyed
can provide more info at
Local Author Mark
Local author Mark
Shepherd has been kind
the first book in a new
fantasyanthology series he
has partidpated in, specifically
created for the
gay/lesbian audience, will
be arriving in bookstores
this year. WhiteWolfPublishing
will be releasing
the "Bending The Landscape"
series. March 1997
will see the release of
’.’Bending The landscape:
Fantasy", followed by
Science Fiction" in March
1998; and "Bending The
Landscape: Horror" in
March 1999. (Saving the
family holiday stories for
last, eh?). Markhas abook
out, ’~Elvendude", that is a
great read, especially if
you’re familiar with Dalhall.
Ticketsmay bepurchased at the door it immensely, and it has
for $6.00.
Two gallery talks will be given for
"America Seen", Feb. 27 at 5:30pm &
March 7 at noon. Each Sunday in February,
"America Seen" will bepresented via
guided tour at 2pro by experienced docents.
On Thursday, Feb. 27, a special
evening of entertainment is planned. A
lecture/performance by Dr. Guy Logsdon
on the life and times of Woodie Guthrie
will take place at 7pro. A print sale will
occur on that evening and Friday as wall.
For info, call 748-5307.
Tulsa Ballet Theatre
Tulsa Ballet Theatre presents "Le
Tricorne: ACelebration of Spain", staged
by Susanna Della Pietra, premiering in
OklahomaFeb. 7-9 at the PAC, accompanied
by the Oklahoma Sinfouia. Also on
the bill are The Four Temperaments by
Balanchine, and the Pas de Denx from
Sylvia, staged by Victoria Simon and
Frederic Franklin, respectively. Tickets
range from $9 to $57. For reservations/
info call TBT at 749-6006, or the PAC at
Tulsa Opera
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Our House
Mark February 15 on your calendar for
the "Cabaret Night with Richard Lalli &
GaryChapman: Songs in theKeyofLove"
concert, benefiting the Tulsa Opera. Mr.
Lalli and pianist Gary.Chapman will be
performing songsfromthe 20’s -40’s,and
may feature the works of Cole Porter,
Irving Berlin, the Gershwius, Harold
Aden, Sondheim, Kern, Weill and
Bernstein; as well as Ives, barber, Copland,
and Carter. Both Mr. Lalli and Mr.
Chapman have performed at Jessye
Norman’s annual holiday, party for the
_- become a favorite addition to my perma-
¯ nent collection. He has also co-written a ¯
fantasy book with another local favorite,
Mercedes Lackey. Check them out, er,
¯ better yet, purchase them (Sorry Mark,
: Mercedes, bad choice of words) at the
¯ local bookstores. Mark also has a new
¯ book0fhis ownon the way, and I willpass
¯ along that info as soon as I know more.
: Support our local authors!!!
: Borders Books & Entertainment
: Borders Books and Music has a lovely
," series of musical performances in their
_" care lined up for January. On the 17th at
¯ 7pm, TirkWilder, known for writing the ¯
theme to "Walker: Texas Ranger", will
¯ make an appearance; on the 18th, The
: Light Crust Doughboys, the oldest country
band in the world, will perform west-
: em swing at 3pro, and at 7, the Larry
HammettTrio willjazz things up a bit. On
¯ the 19th at lpm, David Flores and Steve ¯
¯ Bake. r provide their comtemporary jazz
¯ stylings, and at 4pm, the Steve Hamm
¯ String Quartet will provide a classical
." atmosphere. Onthe24th, Whirligig whirls
¯ into town at 8pm, and the Will Campbell
: trio perform at 2pm on the 26th. Poets, on
." the 30th at 8pro, bring your stuff to the
¯ cafe for Poetry Reading night. On the
: 3 lst, dosingoutthefirstmonthofthenew
." year, the Mimsies will givesus some
: acoustic funk at 8pm. Best of all,it’s free!
¯ Broken Arrow
¯" Community Playhouse.
¯ BACP presents "Laundry and Bour-
-" bon" & "Lonestar", two one-act corn-
; edies, lmnning 2/7-2/16. Tickets are $6-
¯ $10, and can be reserved at 258-0077.
: Community Support Groups?
: If anyone in the community is inter-
: see Jim, page 12
Exhibition made possible by the Helmerich Foundation
and the Oklahoma Arts Council
¯ 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
¯ in the Pride Center
: Th.e V
Open at Noon, Tues-Sat.
¯ Beginning Jan. 17 o
Gifts ¯ Cards ¯ Pride Merchandise
9720-C E. 31st St.
663-5934, Daphane Cooper
Attorney at Law
General Criminal & Civil Practice
6966 South Utica Avenue, Tulsa 74136
Songs in the Key ofLove
Saturday, February 15, 1997
8:30pm, Brady Fheater
A Cabaret Night with
Baritone Richard Lalli &
Pianist Gary_ Chapman
to benefit
Cabaret Seating at 7pm, $75 with Buffet
Call Tulsa Opera at 582-4035
Regular Seating, $25 thro’ Brady Box Office
582-7239 & Dillard’s, 800-654-9545
CD’s by Richard Lalli will be available
& a portion of sales will benefit
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
and Our House
~/~o FOUR TEMPERWAiMthENthTeS ba,rtdillPiaasndtedeDseiguxnsfroomfPiScYaLsVsIAo
Tulsa Performing Arts Center. with the Oklahoma Sinfonia
TICKETS $9 - ~57 Discounts available
For tickets call: 749-6006, 596-7111, 584-2000
Performance sponsored in part by The John Steele Zink Foundation,
Sarkeys Foundation and Texaco, Inc.
1996-97 Season sponsored in part by
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2627b East llth, 583-7815
Community of Hope (United Methodis0, Service - 6pro, 1703 E. 2rid, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service- 1lain, 1703 E. 2nd, 749-0595
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15 Service, 11 am, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adults Network (ORYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Social group for men, 1st Sun/each mo. 4-6pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
University, of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/T’ransgendered Alliance
6:30 pm at the Canterbury Center, 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appoinlment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm Results: 7-gpm, Info: 742-2927
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
1st Monday/each mo. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
PFLAG Family AIDS Support Group
2rid Monday/each month, 6:30 pm, 4154 S. Harvard, Info: 749-4901
HIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium 1:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l, Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. H!V/AIDS Support Group, and Friends & Family H!V/AIDS
Support Group - 7 pro, Locafious, call: 749-7898
Alternative Skating 8:30 - 11 pro, 241-2282, $4, Sand Springs Skate
Pride Center Community Meeting Feb. !8, 7 pm
1307 E. 38th, 2nd floor. Info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2627-B Fast llth, Info: 583-7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise & Prayer - 6:30 pro, Choir Practice - 7:30 pm
5451-E South Mingo. Call 622-1441 for info.
TNAAPP, Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project
Support group for Gay & Bi Native American Men - 6 pm
Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, 582-7225 or 584-4983
Co-Dependency Support Group - 7:30 Family of Faith, 5451E S. Mingo, 622-1441
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro, Results: 7 - 9pm, Info: 742-2927
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adults Network (ORYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Tulsa Family Chorale, Weekly practice - 9:30pm, Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
PFLAG Family AIDS Support Group, 1st & 3rd Thurs. 4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G, 3-4:30 pro, Info: 749-4194
SafeHaven, YoungAdults Social Group, 8pm, 1 st Fri/eaehmo. Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Mixed Volleyball, No winter games - call 58%6557 for more info. "
St. Jerome’s. Church, Mass - 6 pm Garden Chapel; 3841 S. Peoria, Info: 742-6227
Narcotics Anonymous, Confidential support forlrecowering addicts -~ 11 pm,
Community:of Hope,1703 E. 2rid, Info: 585-1800 . " -
The Technicians, Leather organization, info: 621-5597
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
TCC Gay & Lesbian Student Association, Southeast Campus. Info: 631=7632
SWAN-Single Women’s Activity Network, info: 832-2121
Womens Supper Club, info: 584-2978
Enjoy "A Musical~"with the
Tulsa Philha,vrronic on Thursday, Fe~eary 6 or
Saturd~ F~,ua~y ~.~at ~p.m. ink
Patti Johnson Wilson Hall of the Phil~ook
Conductor Search FinalistAndre’ Raphel
Smith will lead the TulsaP~in selections
from Mozart, Res~/_’~.~ (The Birds) and
Britten. Call 747-PHIL to reserve your seat,
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
The simple action of moving
to a new neighborhood
results in profound ramifications
for the attractive protagonist
of Greg Bills’ new
novel Fearful Symmetry. Peter
Keith, the artistic
twentysomething heroandnarrator,
has finally found a new
condo in Los Angeles within
his budget. On moving day,
Peter is intrigued with ahandsome
neighbor, Chaz Lambent,
who is shamelessly hosing
himself down after a run
with his dog in the California
su~ Chaz,andhis wifeMuriel,
immediately latch on to Peter
and begin showering himwith
Unaccustomed to such attention,
and on the rebound
from afailed romance, Peter’s
emotional state allows him to
be drawn into the Lambent’s
world of fashion, theater and
high dollar collecting. The
Lambents are the darlingsof
the in-crowd, throwing excitingparties
and relishing their
position as an admired, and
"desired, couple. Their appeal,
though, has a darker side.
Peter’s infatuation with the
" he becomes entangled in their eccentric
¯¯ sexual web, and he begins to realize that
they are mentally disturbed and danger-
On moving
day, Peter is
intrigued with
a handsome
Chaz Lambent,
who is
hosing himself
down after a
run with his
d~.o$ in.the
Calilorma sun.
Chaz, and his
wife Muriel,
latch on to
Peter and
begin showering
him with
ons. They are so engaging,
however, Peter foolishly allows
the Lambents to take advantage
of him and only by
finally cutting off all communication
with them does Peter
save his sanity and his life.
This book is a page-turner,
as thereader sympathizes with
Peter’s character as he becomes
embroiled in the
Lambent’s destructive lives.
But, occasionally, given what
Peter knows about his neighbors,
and considering how
bright he apparently is, it is
improbable that he would allow
himself to be continually
controlled and abused, physically,
sexually and mentally.
If the reader can overlook this
unlikely scenario, and simply
enjoy the bizarre events that
keep Peter absorbed, this is an
intoxicating read that is reminiscent
of some of Dennis
Cooper’s writings.
Check for Fearful SymmetryandGreg
Bills’ othernovd,
Consider This Home, at the
Readers Services department
of the Central Library, or give
them a call at 596-7966. You
can also order it through your
Lambents slowly rams to distress when " local branch library.
- Complete gay-friendly bookstores, denlisls, doctors,
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by Stephen W. Scott, PME
Did the holidays get to you?Amassage
may be just what the doctor ordered to
reliveyouofthis problem. The
holidays mayhavebeen a seasonfor
giving but don’tforget
to give to yourself. Massage is
one of the most useful and
easily obtainedforms oftreatment
in the field of physical
spatherapy andoverall health.
Let’s consider the benefits of
massage therapy.
In this post-holiday season;
treat yourself to one of the
f’mest experiences life has to
offer- agreattherapeuticmassage.
Once you have had one,
it’s easy to get hooked, and
soon becomes difficult to
imagine life without a massage
on a regular basis.
A therapeutic massage is
simply the systematic healing
art ofmanipulating soft tissue
(skin and muscle). This manipulationcanresultin
of benefitS to your 0ver-idl
health and well-being. Studies
conducted in the united
States and throughout the
A therapeutle
massage is
simply the
healing art
soft tissue..¯
eall rP~odt
in a range of
benefits to -
your over-aft
health and
¯ When used as a consistent, systematic
~ regimen prior to emergency conditions,.
¯ therapeuticmassagewillprotectthebody’s
own natural prevention and
healing processes.
Benefits of therapeuticmassage
include an increased efficiency
of the immune system,
increased blood and
lymphfluids, increased respiratoryefficiency
breathing, substantially reduced
effects of stress and
stress related problems, a reduction
in blood pressure and
reduced tension-relatedhead--
aches. Massage also reduces
muscle spasms and stiffness,
reduces the healing time of
pulled muscles, sprains an
swelling and speeds the removal
of metabolic waste
products, allowing more nutrients
to reach the cells, Massage
promotes better posture,
helps to provide complete
body and mind relaxation,
improves muscle tone and
helps preventordelaymnscular
atrophy resulting from
forced inactivity; hdps return
worldhavefactuallydocumentedtheben- : venous blood to and reduces strain on the
efits of therapeutic massage: feeling bet- ¯ heart, and helps to eliminate edema
ter. That, in fact, is the goal of every : (dropsy)of the extremities.
,h,ea~i_~g art known to man. With all the : This is just a sample of the many benbody
scoinplexsystemsinworkingorder ." efits of therapeutic massage therapy. In
an inbalanCe with each other~ the 13ody is ¯ thenextartide,we willloo~athow tofmd
healthy and, consequently, feels good. ." quality massage.
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TourS or=oreinio, on.
by Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
TFN Food Critic
Days of snow and ice and brisk prairie
winds canmake even themost
devoted Oklahomaphile a bit
testy, and this Januaryhas been
one of those more challenging
times¯ The people of Europe
often f’md the need to escape
winter’s grasp as well, and they
most generally go on holiday
to the sunny Mediterranean.
A Mediterranean cruise
might not be in the budget for
an evening s entertmnment, so
we have to just pretend, and
look for a Mediterranean regional
restaurant to get that je
ne sins. qua atmosphere for a
relaxing, fun evening. When
we thinkofMediterranean, we
think of Greece, Italy, Spain,
and France: We’re really not
in the mood for a gyros sandwich,
so there goes the Greek
option, andTulsadoesn’thave
a-Spanish restaurant (Mexican
isn’t the same, and, by the
way, for those ofwho going to
seeEvitaand then doingMexican,
Argentine isn’t the same,
either). French would be a
wonderful comfort food in the
winter, but, alas, the talented
culinary triumvirate of Curt
Herrmama, Marjorie Alexander,
and Thomas Radcliffe
had their last weekend at
Montrachet, and have left the
restaurant to develop theirown
gourmet take-out food concept.
So, there isn’t a decent
French restaurant in town any
That leaves us with Italian. Shall we go
to the faux-Italian, market study driven, ¯
Olive Garden for cardboard pasta and
wallpaperpaste sauces (theydohavegood
salad and breadsticks)? Maybe a little ¯
overcooked spaghetti at a pizzajoint?We :
think not. But, voila!, there is a rathe "
whichoffers delicious, madeto orderfood
with trained staff and elegant service.
And, surprisingly, it is hidden away in a
shopping center in east Tulsa.
Ti Amo hides on the end ofa strip mall, ¯
east of the Albertson’s grocery store at :
21st and Memorial. It’s a bit hard to f’md,
but it’s well worth the effort. ¯
With a menu having a wide variety of
styles "representing the whole of Italy," ."
Ti Arno’s forteis Sicilian style cuisine. As "
you know, the island of Sicilly is in the
Medit.err~ean, offthe boot of Italy. It has "
an ancient culture and cuisine, and due to
it’s island isolation, has preserved more
authentic old Roman style cooking techniques
than the main country of Italy.
And, sitting in a major ancient shipping :
lane, Silicianos have ofthadexotic spices,
such as saffron and curries, toincorpomte ¯
into theirrecipes. Seafood tins also played
an Important role in the Sicilian diet. :
All diners are greeted with a comple- ¯
mentary dish ofbmscetta,, whichis a slice
oftoast topped with agarlicky tomato and :
olive oil salsa. Fresh soups aremadedaily-
-the zuppa di giomo--and lovely fresh, ¯
green salads are served family style.
Thebiggestchallengeis seleetingone’s
entree. Just want a simple plate of spa-
Ti Amo
8151 E. 21st
Mon.-FrL 11-2
Mort-Thurs. 5-9
Fri-Sat. til 10
Sundays ll-9pm
advised on
Smoking Area?
Not distinct
enough from
Full bar aria
wine list.
Cash, Amencan
Diners’ Club,
No cheeks.
Rating: A list
ghetti? Well, which sauce? Pesto?
Napolitana? Bolongese? Marinara?
Carbonara? Aglio? These are the authentic
recipes. And, as with any
respectable Italian restaurant,
pastaisn’tlimited to spaghetti.
the tortellini alla pauna is a
delicious pocket of pasta
stuffed withricottacheeseand
sauteed in a cream-cognac
sauce ($8.95). Particularly
mouth-wateringin therigatoni
con gorg.onzola, big tubes of
macarom sauteed with fresh
broccoli and served in a
creamy gorgonzola cheese
sauce ($9.50). You can get a
fettucine Alfredo ($8.95) or a
fettucine vongale ($8.95),
whichis sauced with ared or a
white clam sauce. Keep in
mind that all of these sauces
are made the traditional way,
with fresh cream and butter
and freshly graied Italian
cheeses - none of the thickeners
and extenders you see in
lesser restaurants.
The lasagna al fomo is a hit
controversial. It is dry. But,
it’s supposed to be dry, because
that is the Sicilian way.
So, don’t expect one of tho~e
huge, gooey mounds like they
serve at the Spaghetti Warehouse.
Whilerecognizing their
salute to lasagna tradition,
personally, we don’t care for
the lasagna. Especially, since
there are so many other truly
wonderful dishes from which
to choose. Meat based entrees
alsoabound. Thechickendella
casa ($10.95) is a flavorful
chicken breast with green peppers,mushrooms,
and asparagus in a white wine
~?mesancream sauce. Vitello allaTiAmo
12.95) is a fork-tender piece of veal
sauteed in a cream sauce with artichokes
and walnuts. Worth every calorie. The
shrimp coriana ($12.95) features figs and
¯ peppercorns. An orange roughy fillet
: ($12.95)is preparedmeuniere and topped
-" with pesto butter. One can also have the.
exquisite filletto bordelaise ($14.50), a
gently preparedbeeftenderloin withmushrooms,
burgundy, sundried tomatoes, and
herbs and spices.
For dessert, several selections are always
available, but the signature item is
strawberries alia TiAmo. Much like a
cherries jubilee, the strawberries-are
cookedin a variety ofliqueurs andpoured
over a big scoop ofvanillaice cream, then
topped with whipped cream. Always save
room for the strawberries.
Service at Ti Amo is generally pretty
good. They strive foranefficient andwall
trained work staff appropriate to a"white
tablecloth" restaurant. The ambiance is a
little on the/.,as Vegas side, with large,
round, red vinyl booths lining the walls of
the main dining room, but regular tables
are available, as well. There is a full bar,
and a decent wine list, though one not
featuring as many Italian wines as one
Ti Amo is a restaurant well-deserving
of it’s name, which in English, is translated,
"I love you." Once you fred and
experience this place, yon’ll loveit. It’s an
Italian adventure well-worth the search.
Who Decides What
Happens to Your Body?
Disposition ofbodily r~ains canbe an
emotionally difficult subject. Many biological
families agree to carry out the
expressed wishes of their family members
withHIV/AIDS. Unforttmately,family
members sometimes disagree about
the disposition of bodily remains, espedally
whether to be buried or cremated
and whether or not ashes should be interred.
Such disagreements can be very
stressful both for the person with H!V/
AIDS and to his or her survivors.
Oklahomalaw has no specific law governing
instructions for the disposition of
bodily remains. However, generally, the
legal spouse or next of kin holds the right
to possession and custody of the body for
burial o~ cremation. Other states have
specificlaws designed to givepersons the
right to express a preference for disposition
of the body after death.
In light of these practical and legal
problems, if you have a preference about
the disposition of your body, you should
make a dear, written expression of your
wishes. You may choose to include funeral
and burial instructions in your Will.
While such instructions may not be leers;
or a suicide survivor’ s group (for who
have suffered the loss of a loved one due
to suicide), let me know: Any mental
health care professionals who might care
to offer advice or suggestions on starting
up any oftheabovegroups wouldbemore
than welcome to call me at 583-1248.
Actually, I have an affirmation for the
column : "I have the choice to livemy life
in wellness., or to get sick and wallow in
all that attention." - Shanti Goldstein.
(and it s so appropriate for a friend I ve
been dealing with lately - meow! .I must
stop, reading the restaurant rewews -
they rehaving aterribleinfluenceonme! )
But seriously folks, I have had a major
go-round withamajor depressive episode
recently and it was not fun. And while
there are many wonderful support groups
out there, I would feel much more comfortable
with Gay/Lesbian comrades.
Here is some information regarding
depr.essio.n I’ve found helpful. What depress~
on ~s:
* Depressionis anillness, in the same way
that diabetes orheart disease are illnesses;
* Depression is an illness that affects the
entire body;
* Depression is an illness that I in 5
people will suffer during their lifetime;
* Depression is the leading cause of alcoholism,
dru~ abuse and other addictions;
* Depression is an illness that can be
successfully treated in more than 80% of
the people who have it;
* Depression is an equal-opportunity illness
- it affects all ages, all races, all
economic groups and both genders, and
all orientations. Women, however, suffer
from depression twice as muchasmendo,
as do Gay folk compared to straight.
* About half of the people suffering from
depression do not get proper treatment;
* Untreated depression is the number one
cause of suicide; and
* Depression is second only to heart diseasein
causinglostworkdays inAmerica.
What depression is not:
* Depression is not something to be
¯ gaily binding, it is a written, witnessed
: and notarized Statement of the client’s
: wishes which puts the personal represen-
¯¯ tative of your estate in a much stronger
position tomake sure that your wishes are
." carried out. Oneproblemwiththis method
¯ is that theWillmay notbe available at the ¯
time of death and may be discovered too
¯ late to be useful.
: Anotheropfionis to express yourwishes
"~ in a separate signed and witnessed docu-
: ment whichnotonly contains instructions
¯ as to what is to be done with your bodily
~ remains, but also provides someone with
: the authority to carry out your instrac-
: lions. The designate person should then
¯ be given a copy of the document, which ¯
should be put in a place that is easily
"- accessible twenty-four hours a day. Fur-
"¯ therprotection canbeprovidedbypreparing
aburial orfuneral plan, andby making
~ specific arrangements with a particular
¯ funeral home.
: If you are HIV positive or have AIDS,
¯ and you would like legal help with the ¯
Disposilion of Bodily Remains or other
: HIV/AIDS-related legal issue, ask for
¯ Darlene Shadid at the AIDS Legal Re-
: source Project at (405) 521-1302 (collect
: calls accepted).
¯ ashamed of;
¯ * Depression is not the same thing as
feeling blue or down;
¯ * Depression is nota eharacterflaw orthe
signbf a weak personality;
¯ Depression is not a mood someone can
snap out of, (Would you ask someone to
sndp out ofdiabetes?) and
¯ Depression is notfully recognized as an
illness by most health care insurance providers.
Clinical depression is sometimes referred
to as a major depressive episode.
Episodes are usually a result of Major
Depressive Disorder, but they can also be
associated with other disorders. It appears
that clinical depressions can be caused in
¯ a number of ways.
¯ Clinical depression is not j.’ust feeling
¯ unhappy. A clinical depression can inelude
a low mood, hopeless feelings, and
¯ loss of interest or pleasure in almost all
¯ usual activities andpastimes. Some of the
¯" common symptoms are a feeling of deep
¯ sadness for at least two weeks without
¯ letup and any five of the following:
¯ * Trouble sleeping or sleeping toomuch; ¯
* Not caring anymore about work, hob-
" bies, friends or sexual activity;
¯ * Self-recrimination for things in the past
¯ or present;
." * Feeling tired all the lime or finding
: everything an effort;
¯ Having trouble concentrating ormaking
¯ decisions; ¯
* Loss of appetite or loss of weight;
: * Eating more than usual and gaining
¯ weight;
: * Thoughts of suicide or considering a
¯ way of dying;
: * Frequently ~eeling on the verge of tears
¯¯ or weepy;
* Waking up early in the morning, with
¯ difficulty returning to sleep;
¯ * Feeling worse in the morning;
¯ * Feeling anxious or irritable;
~ * A gloomy view of the future;
~ * Physical pain or headaches; and
¯ * Cravings for certain foods ;
¯ Most people experience these syruptoms
for months before seeking treat-
¯ ment. Being depressed is painful and it
Timothy W. Daniel
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Even if you test HIV negati}/e, AIDS has touched your life.
What’s the point of staying negative if your lover or your friends
already have HIV?
have to use condoms for the rest of your life?
sometimes take risks that you regret the mornin<] after9
about the issues o! power and trust in a relationshTp? "
How has homophobia affected your self esteem?
Interestedin a discussion group forHIV-men beginning
In Tulsa, call 712.1600, Outside Tulsa, call 1.800.282.8165
Brought to you by HIV Outreach Prevention Education
(formerly TOHR HIV Prevention Programs), and Planned Parenthood of
E. Oklahoma & W. Arkansas and The HIV Resource Consortium
Kelly Kirby CPA, PC
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Lesbians and Gay men face many special
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¯ Call us soon for sensitive & timely assiszance.
¯ Electronicfiling is available forfaster refunds.
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Do you live in a small town
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And if you’d like to meet others,
come to our rural mens discussion group
every 2nd & 4th Saturday, 7-9 pm
For more info., contact Jeremy or Brian
712-1600 or 800-282-8165
" the bottom is expected to have a will of
¯ his/her own and to know when to express
¯ ’itas well as whento relinqnishit,a"Daddy/
¯ boy" relationship is probably what you
¯ want. The participants are allowed to, by
¯ the parameters of their relationship, show
¯ genuinely their love for one another.
Age is not a determining
factor in this type of
relationship. "Daddy"may
be the passive or active,
dominant or submissive
partner. It is all open to
negotiation and discovery.
A"Daddy"may havemore
than one "boy" as well as
the "boy" havingmorethan
one "Daddy".
scott smithertun, who
is no longer with us, had
this to say in Leathersex, "i
have the freedom to play, a
safe place to do it, and a
’Daddy’, whichmeanslots
of love and a nurturing relationship
wiih a lot of
growth." A "boy" can be
any age. Part of being a
"boy" is giving up decisions.
"Daddy/boy" rela-
SM at all. What is needed
¯ -is a strong figure - a"Dad"
and someone who wants to be more like
"Dad". "Daddy/boy" relationships cannot
: exist without love. A "Daddy/boy" rela-
¯ tionship can take you right up to the edge ¯
of a Master/slave relationship. But it
¯ doesn’ t have to go that way. In order for a
_" man to be a "boy" he must have honesty,
¯ a sense of fun, and a need for a strong ¯
"father figure" in his life even if he has a
¯ good relationship with his father and a
: desire to learn from and be like "said
¯ strong person".
¯ The satisfaction a "boy" gets out of
: being a"boy" is thejoy of ajob wall done
¯ and the love of a good"Daddy". In terms ¯
¯ of collars, a"boy" shouldwearwhat their
"Daddy" tells them to. A "boy" should
¯ never wear someone else’s collar or locks
¯ without"Daddy’s" permission. Ifyou are
: happy being a "boy", and you are a man,
¯ your manhood is assured. Manhood sire-
¯ plymeans youare ahuman male, and you
¯ ~ need to be that "boy". A "boy" is not
always in "boy mode". There are times
: when Daddy doesn t need me in
: mode", but it is dependent on "Daddy’s"
¯ needs, not mine. A "Daddy" can expect ¯
undying loyalty from a "boy".
¯ There will be two or three more col-
* unms in this series and i hope this series
: will help you better understand one view
: of leather relationships. Until next time...
lance brittain
(editor’s note: in this column, the terms
"boy", "girl ", etc. are used symbolically
to refer to the balance ofpower in relationships
only between consenting adults.
Neither the writer nor this newspaper
encourage or condone any inappropriate
or illegal behavior involving
One would be surprised
at thenumerous versions of
relationships in the leather
community as wall as the
characteristics. One thing
that is of importance is the
fact that there is no one set
definition for how these relationships
should be defined.
The parties involved
make the rnles as they go
along for what is right for
them may not be right for
others. Also, gender is not
specific. Leatherpeople
people can choose to live
together, choose toberoommates
with no sexual contact
or other, more formal
relationships. Some of the
posslolnue~ ~C: .........
Daddy/boy/girl", "animal/
owner" and leather families.
One of the situations may involve two
people who only participate in leather in
private. Another may be the couple who
participate in leather on and off. They
might have leather weekends as well as
"vanilla" weekends. Sometimes, one
memberof acouplemay develop an interest
in leather and after talking it over with
his/her partner, may decide to venture out
to take care of their needs. Another possibility
is to bring a third into the relationship
which can be on the same level of
commitment or not.
The "Daddy/boy" arrangement seems
to be the relationship of choice for many
leathermen. Joseph Bean, author-of
"Leathersex", feels that people who are
destined to he"Daddies" tend to bepeople
who do not have a deep need to be perceived
as extremists or outsiders. He also
feels that a person destined to be a "boy"
must share their"Daddy’ s" willingness to
be in a leather relationship that does not
seek outwardly to outrage.
If you want a relationship where the
"Top" is dominant not only "by definition,"
but also because of his strengths
and the admiration the "bottom" has for
him; where there is respect flowing both
ways within the relationship; where one
party admits to learning and both parties
are accepting ofgrowthandchange; where
may feel like it will never end. Without
treatment symptoms can last for months,
or years. Proper treatment can help over
80% of those who sufferfrom depression.
Some depression will disappear eventually
without any treatment,, though this
can takemanymonths or sometimes years.
.Currently there is no sure way of predicting
when an episode of depression will
end. Treatment may be recommended,
rather than simply waiting.
Since depression may be caused by a
combination of factors, a combination of
One would
surprised at the
numerous versions
ot~ relationships
in the
leather eommunlty
... the {act [is]
that there is no
one set de~nltlon
for how these
should be ddined.
The parties involved
make the
ru!e~ ~ they do
treatments may be necessary. Some of
theseare psychotherapy, behaviortherapy,
¯¯ and medication. An individual treatment
is organized between patient and doctor.
: Psychotherapy is a method of talking
¯ about your concerns with your therapist to
: identify problems and seek solutions.
¯¯ Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on the negative beliefs and behaviors com-
" monly seen in depression. Antidepressant
¯ medication is prescribed to get the mind ¯
and body working in a,reasonable way
again, allowing you to think clearly about
: problems in your life that may be contrib-
¯ uting to the depression.
A Piercee’s Bill of Rights
Every person being pierced has the right...
-to be pierced in a scrupulously hygienic, open
environment, by a clean, conscientious piercer wearing
a fresh pair of dispos¯ able latex gloves. to a sober friendly, calm..a.n..d.-k..n..n.u..u.l.=~u,~’,I.n.="~,.=.......
Wiio-w-iii gUide them through.the=r p~erc=ng
experience with confidence and assurance.
- to the peace of mind which comes from knowing
that their piercer knows and practices the very highest
standards of sterilization and hygiene.
- to be pierced with a brand-new, completely
sterilized needle, which is immediately disposed of in a
medical sharps container after use on the piercee alone.
- to be touched only with freshly sterilized, appropriate
implements, properly used and disposed of or
rested lized in an autoclave prior to use on anyone else.
- to know that ear-piercing guns are NEVER appropriate,
and are often dangerous, when used on anything
other than ear lobes.
- to be fitted only with jewelry is appropriately
sized,Safe in material, design, and construction, and
which best promotes healing. Gold-plated, gold-filled,
and sterling silver jewelry are never appropriate for any
new or unhealed piercing.
- to be fully informed about proper aftercare, and
to have continuing access to their piercer for consultation
and assistance with all their piercing-related questions.
Gauntlet training certificates
Professional, sterile, hygienic enviroment
Aftercare information and supplies
Stretching and insertion services
Reasonable prices
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Quality jewelry available
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2722 E. 15th.
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Before you begin a romance, or move
in together...start a business together...
commit to each other over the
long term...start afriendship...Are you
sure you know what that person is really
like?Wonder ifyou’re compatible
enough to survive the years together?
Do you have enough information to
make that commitment? Want to know
~omeone or yourselfbetter?
Astrology, the study of life-trends
)ased on the planetary cycles & eneries,
can help fill in the blanks, eanhelp
identify the positive & challenging
areas of your relationships, allow you
to know yourself better, and give you
information on trends in your life.
These written interpretations are a
great gift for the special person in your
life, friends, family, or a couple. Each
Interpretation is fully explained &
comes with a chart, for those of you
with knowledge of or interest in astrology.
Even if you know nothing about
astrology, the interpretations explain it
all for you. Gemini Moon offers full
written reports.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
word is 25 cents. You may bring
additional attention to your ad:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2 Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the
no. of words. (A word is a group of letters
or numbers separated by a space.) Send
your ad & payment to POB 4140, Tulsa,
OK 74159 with your name, address, tel.
numbers (for us only). Ads will run in the
next issue after received. TFN reserves the
right to edit or refuse any ad. No refunds.
Plumber? Electrician? Roofer?.
Looking for Gay or Gay-friendly
persons to do some repair and remodeling
work. Reliable and affordable,
please. Send contact information and
references care of TFN. Boxholder #30,
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Director of HIV Program:
Testing clinic and outreach progr.an,~,oto.
high risk populations. Supervise sta~I oi
+/- 10 and 20-25 volunteers. Needed:
grant-writing skills/experience, people
skills, not-for-profit and HIV education
or counseling/testing experience a plus.
Familiarity with other H-IV care
organizations desirable. Financial &
writing skills for regular reporting to
funding agencies needed. Resume to:
HOPE, attn: Deb Trevino
1307 E. 38th, Tulsa 74105
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, browse unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. Only $1.99 per minute. 1 8÷. Customer Service: 41 5-281-31 83
E~III ~i:ii~i~i~~i~:~il JOLLY RANCHER I’m a Bi, White male, SECRET LOVER ...............................~:~o:-~::~. -o-~:~o~:~,’.~ ~i~!i~::i~ ~i~i north of Tulsa, and I am new to the area. I’m a Black, Bi,. COME SEE ABOUT ME I’m a Gay White REAL LOVE I’m 24 years old, 6fi, 1911bs,
married guy. I’m looking for other Bi or male, 6ft, 1651bs, Brown hair, Blue eyes. I seek good looking, Brown hair, Bro~vn eyes, with ALONE IN ,LOCUST GROVE Do you Gay guys for discreet meetings. (Tulsa) guys 21 to 35 to get to know and have a good
know what it s like to be a Gay male in a
small town like Locust Grave? Needless to
say, I would like same ~’iends to relate to. I
am 24 years old and would like to meet same
guys around my age. Let’s be pals and hang
out. (Locust Grove) =! 9197
Call: 1-900-78~
ON THE MAKE I’m a Gay White male. I
enjoy hunting, and sports, and I like a good
time. Call me. (McAfester) =23916
:MJJ~KO~EE MAN If you live or work in the
Muskogee area, I would like to meet you. I like
~,oung g..u~,s under 35, who are clean cut and
J~ealit~y. il you enjoy touching, music, .,movies,
massage, and rn~re, please respond. I m a 55
year old professional. (Muskogee) =7092
Brawn hair, Green eyes, and hairy. I’m
inexperienced and I’m looking for a discreet
rendezvous. (Muskogee) = 13125
HOT FUN IN OKEMAH I’m 23 years old,
6’2, 1801bs, Brown hair, Blue eyes. I seek
men for good hot fun. (Okemah) =12607
THE COWBOY WAY I’m a cowboy, plain
and simple. I love to do things outdoors.
Hunting and fishing are ust two of the
possibilities, f you’re between 18 and 25,
and want to explore the cowboy way, leave
mea message. (Tulsa) =1004
year old student, from Tulsa. I love movies,
s.ports, and going out. I’m seeking sameone
clean-cut, conservative, and discrete, have
yet to come out, sa discretion is mast
important. Come share my values, and
discover together what happens next. (l"u sa)
crassdressing/exhibitionist, and I want to
entertain you. i’m 50 years old, and 6ft toll. I
am seeking voyeurs, west of Tulsa, for whom
to display my wares. (Tulsa) =23263
would like to meet a Gay, or Bi, male, for
fun, and a possible long term relationsh p.
I’m 57, ~fl, 200 bs, healthy, and very
Age and race are not
~mportant. (Tulsa) =23391
I’m a cute, Bi, White male, bottom in
the T~lsa area. I’m 5’3, 1281bs and in
my 30’s. I want to meet big, hairy,
macho, take charge men who need
weekly stress relief. (Tulsa)
= i 5722
GIVE ME A HOLLER I’m 33 yea~s old,
5’8, 1501bs, Brown hair. I like sports,
movies, the outdoors. (Tulsa) =1475
TRANS AND TRUE I’m a Bi, male,
Transvestite seeking a Gay, male
Transvestite. I’m 26, 5’9, with Brown
hair, and Blue eyes. I can sense that
you are out there. Call now. (Tulsa)
years old-Single White ma e, 6’, 1951b,
Brown hair, Hazel eyes, muscular legs
Look ng to meet someone be~een the
age 20 to 33. Must be Bisexual or
Straight to help me with my first
experience with a man. (Tulsa)
=2 ! 939
BODY I’m 30 years old and i’m
interested in experiencing Gay sex with
men 25 to 35. I’m 5’1 ], 1881bs, Blue
eyes, and real curious. (Tulsa)
= I $$97
SEEK AND FIND I’m a Gay White
-"mal~, 6’1 1451b~,~Brdwn hair, Green
eyes, very attractive. I’m seeking other
guys 18 to 30 who are humorous, out
going, and sexual. If you are interested,
I~a~ me a message:(.Tulsa)
= 18690
curious, White male, Green eyes, Salt n
pepper hair, 41 years old, 5’8, 1 ~0Jbs,
looking tara masculine, experienced gay
or bisexual ma es or couples. (TUlsa)
SOFT AND WET Transsexual in need of a
special friendship. I’m a single White ma e
in my early 30’s, very soft and very
sensuous. (Tulsa) =2170
MADAME X I’m a cute and feminine
Transvestite, dark hair, Green eyes, 5’2,
1301bs, early 30’s. I seek a married
gentleman. You must be very discreet.
(Tulsa) =17693
looking for someone to spend qualily time
with. I prefer Black men. (Tulsa)
= 17745
TAKE IT LIKE A MAN I’m totally hot, 6ft,
1801bs, muscular and well built. I’m looking
forWhite boys. (Tulsa) =17614
male, mid 30’s, 5’10, 1501bs, Brown hair,
Brown eyes. I’m looking ~r a daytime
friend. (Tulsa) =15878
TULSA LOVER I’m a 43 year old White
male. I like movies, long drives, bowling,
and other fun activities. I’m 6’1, 2001bs.
(Tulsa) =8438
male, 5’4, 1351bs, mid 30’s. I seek a
chunky business man. (Tulsa) =9682
I’m 32 years old, 5’6, 1751bs, Hazel
eyes, mustache, Brown hair, beard. I’m
interested in meeting Gay or Bi men 25 to
45 who are not into head games. If you
are secure, masculine, fun, outgoing, and
down to earth, call me. I’m looking for
friendship and maybe more. (Tulsa)
I live in a rural area. I’m 31 years old,
Brown hair, Brown eyes. I like rodeos,
country music, rural living. I’m single and
healthy. I’m looking to meet a real cowboy
who likes to ride bulls or whatever else. I’m
loving, caring, generous, and fun. (Tulsa)
old Gay White male, 5’7, 1851bs, Brown
hair, beard, mustache. I would like to meet
other men 26 to 45 who are into fantasy
play behind closed doors. Blue collar men
are a plus. (Tulsa) = 12977
BLACK ON BLACK I’m a 28 year old
Black male new to the area. I’m in search of
a Black man who is masculine, caring,
gentle, and into having a good time. (Tulsa)
OPEN WIDE i’m 27 years old, 5’7,
1451bs, good looking and in good shape.
I’m looking for fun. Call me. (Tulsa)
= 13952
time with. (Tulsa) =2291
STUCK IN TRAFFIC? I’m 43 years old and
I’m in good shape. I seek men 30 to 45 who
are Gay, Bi, or Bi curious. We could do
~mething on your way home. The traffic is sa
bad you need something to pass Ihe time
while itdears up (Tulsa) =9170
SNY GUY I’m 6’1, 1501bs, Black hair,
like sports,
:, jazz. If you are
interested in meeting me please call. (Tulsa)
1601bs, of the dark persuasion. I have 3 dogs.
I love to walk, love music, cooking, the
outdoors, and life in general. I’m hoping to
meet men who want to date. (Tulsa)
YOUNG STUDENT I’m new here and
would like to meet same new guys. I’m 5’6,
Brown hair, Brawn eyes, 21 years old, in the
closet, conservative, sludent. I really like
mililary guys. Check me out. (Tulsa)
=I 1841
Bi White Transvestite, 30’s, 5’3, 1301bs. I seek
a 30 plus married or Bi stocky and mascu ne
professional for a discreet relationship. (Tulsa)
=I 1846
6’4, 1951bs, a Gay, White mab. I love country
and western, running, fishing, hiking, and
outdoor sports. If you want a friend and
someone to talk to, call me. (Tulsa] =I 1865
1701bs, Blond hair, Green eyes,ton, hairy,
curious and into crass dressers, Transvestites,
Transsexuals, and B&D. Call me. (Tulsa)
LET’S PLAy I’m a White male in my mid
40’s, 6ft, Black hair, Blue eyes, mustache
2091bs. I’m looking for men wholove to play.’
Call me. (Tulsa) =10561
GOOD TIME COWBOY I’m a 32 year o d
Gay White male, 6ft, 1621bs, Brawn hair, B ue
eyes. I would like to meet a man 25 to 35/If
you want a good time call me. (Tulsa)
YOUNG PUPS WANTED ’m a 21 year
old Bi White ~,co~,, 6ft, 1971bs, Brown hair,
Brawn eyes. I m seeking Gay or Bi men 18 to
23 in myarea. Call me. (Tulsa) =10526
OUT AND ABOUT I’m a Gay, White mab,
5’9,1351bs, Bbnd hair, and Green eyes. I’m
looking for someone, 18 to 25, who is clean
cut. I enjoy movies, music, dancing, and going
out. Call me. (Tulsa) =6297
YOUNG, STUD PUPPY I’m 19 years 01d,
Black, curly hair, Blue eyes, 6ft,
and 1651bs. I’m very outaoina and I’m Iookim,
for friends. Callme. (Tul~a)~33419 u
a swimmers build. I’m very masculine and
clean cut. I like Camping, fishing, hiking,
and sports. I’m looking for someone 18 tO
23, for a relationship. (Tulsa) =6605
Brown eyes, and a hairy chest. I’m 5’11,
33 years old, HIV positive, living positively.
I enjo~y movies, country music, two stepping,
and aance music, i’m looking for an honest
and sincere guy. Call me. (Tulsa)
=7! 37
TALL, COOL ONE ’m 20 years old, 6’6,
Blond hair, Blue eyes. I would like to meet
some other young men 18 to 25 who are
Bi, Gay, or Straight. If you are interested,
please call me. (Tulsa) =7843
years old, Gay White male, 6’2, 2101bs,
Brown hair, Blue eyes. I like movies, music,
and long walks. I would like to meet a
sincere Gay male in my area for a discreet
long term relationship. Call me. (Tulsa)
like to
¢omyn. If ygu are
interested in meeting me.lease
respond. (T~ sa) e3612
To record your FREEpersonal ad Call: 1-800-546-MENN (We’ll print it here).
Pride Center
A Home for Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgendered Community
A PledgeCampaign to Support the Center
The Dream of a Community Center Finally
.Came True - Won’t You Support Your Center?
The Pride Center provides a meeting place for the Prime Timers, Friends in
Unity Social Organization, Safe Haven, ORYAN-Oklahoma Rainbow Young
Adults Network, Tulsans for Equality, Rainbow Business Guild,
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
and others, with new groups everyday.
Your membership and your pledge helps to keep the doors open:
Annual Membership in the Pride Center:
Individual $20
Household/organizational $35
Sustaining $100
Student/limited income $10
Please also consider a monthly pledge to the Center of $5, 10, 15, 25 as you are able.
~ Please send me/us a pledge book for $ .per month.
City, state, zip code:
Day phone: Eve. phone: E-mail:
Volunteers are needed to help finish scraping floors and painting as well as to serve as
Center Sitters to help us be open on a drop-in basis for several evenings a week.
Please return this form to the Pride Center, 1307 East 38th, 2nd fl. Tulsa 74105, 918-743-4297

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1997] Tulsa Family News, January 15-February 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 2,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 1, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/531.