[1996-1997] Tulsa Family News, December 15, 1996-January 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 1
[1996-1997] Tulsa Family News, December 15, 1996-January 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 1
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
December 15, 1996-January 14, 1997
Mac Guru
John Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Steven Scott
Gerald Miller
Lane Brittain
Kerry Lewis
John Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Steven Scott
Gerald Miller
Lane Brittain
Kerry Lewis
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, November 15-December 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 12
Online text
Online text
Tulsa (Oklahoma)---newspaper
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Dec. 15, 1996- Jan. 14, 1997, v. 4, #1
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Dr. Elders Urges Black
Churches to Fight AIDS
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)- Black churches must join
forces to educate their communities about the dangers
of AIDs and the need to practice safe sex, Dr. Joycelyn
Elders said Saturday.
Elders, the former surgeon general:, told a gathering at
Mount Carmel Baptist Church that one out of every 350
black men is infected with the HIV virus, compared to
one of every 800 white men and one of every 650
Hispanic men. Among women, one of every 1,000
black women is infected, compared to one of every
15,000 white women, she said.
New medicines and treatments have nearly turned the
deadlyvirus into more of a chronic disease people can
live with for years, Elders said, but the numbers will
keep g~owing unless youfig people are educated. Beside~
education, Elders emphasized the use ofcondoms
and providing dean needles to drug addicts as deterrents
to transmitting the disease.
She applauded four teen-age girls who told the group
they took vows of abstinence, but said 70% of those
vows are broken by the time high school is finished.
’I’he vows ofabstinence are broken far more easily than
the latex condom is," Elders said. "When I was your
surgeon general, I tl~ink you remember people would
call me th~ condomqueen. Well, I Want you to know, I
put the crown on my head and sleep in it:"
see Elders, page3
:HAWAII HONEYMOON? ¯ HONOLULU (AP) - Joseph Melillo believes waiting six years
¯ to get ,m,arried is long enough. "That’s an awfully long engage-
¯ ment," Melillo said.Wednesday ~p~r~0judge put on hold the first ruling inAmericanhistory that all’~ws g~y marriages. Melillo and
¯ his partner, Pat Lagon, will have to wait at least another year: The
¯ staywill remainineffectuntil arulingby the state’s highestcourt. ¯
That court ruled in 1993 that Hawaii’s ban is unconstitutional
unless the state could, show a compelling government interest in
¯ preventing gay mamages.
¯ In. issuing the stay to his own ruling, Circuit Judge Kevin
Chang said there would be confusion if gay couples got married
¯ and then the high court overturned his decision. "We kind of
¯ expected it, but we’re not happy with it," said Melillo, who sued
¯ the state along with Lagon and two lesbian couples.
Chang said Tuesday that the state had failed to show any
¯ compelling state interest in denying gay couples the right to
¯ marry, and he ordered the state to begin issuing themlicenses. It
was the first such ruling by a judge in the United States.
¯ The dispute prompted passage of a federal law signed by
¯ President Clinton that says the federal government will not
¯ recognize gay marriages and allows states to refuse to recognize ¯
such unions licensed in other.states. In addition,16 states have
’ passed laws denying recognition of gay marriages.
¯ DeputyAttorney General Rick Eichor sought the stay, arguing
¯ that allowing couples to marry immediately would undermine
the state’s case. "If hundreds, or even thousands, of gay mar-
" riages take place, the Supreme Court probably won’t even hear
¯ the appeal," he said. Eichor also argued that the three gay couples
who sued for the right to marry would suffer no real harm if their
: right to marry were delayed.
Dan Foley, the lawyer who represented the couples, said he
¯ found that argument incredulous. He said his clients already had
suffered from delays in the case. "I hope it won’t take long to
¯ convince the Supreme Court that Judge Chang’s ruling was i correct," Melillo said.
And nearly two months before the opening of the state Legis-
¯" lature, same-sex marriage already has become an issue.
: Newly-elected Rep. Bob McDermott on Thursday called for
¯ Senate President Norman Mizuguchi to replace Matt Matsunaga
¯ and Avery Chumbley as co-chairs of the Senate Judiciary Corn-
: mittee. Matsunaga and Chumbley both opposed a constitutional
¯ amendment banning same-sex, marriages. Matsunaga, who won
re-dection despit~e being targeted for his stand on the issue, says
: the matter should be left to the courts.
," McDermott said heis concerned .that legislation prohibiting
¯ same-sex marriage will not be given a fair hearing in the Senate
¯ Judiciary Committee. Samer~ex marriage was a factor in
McDermott’s ouster of Democrat Len Pepper in the Nov. 5
: general election, see next column
¯ US & World Reaction: Arkansas
¯ LHTLE ROCK (AP) - Moving to follow a new
federal law, lawmakers filed legislation Friday that
¯ would ban same-sex marriages in Arkansas. The
¯ measure was among the first bills pre-filed in the
: House to be ,introduced in the Arkansas General
Assembly that convenes Jan. 13.
¯ Arkansas family law defines marriage as a civil
¯ contract between consenting parties. A provision
relating to issuing a marriage license to under age
persons contain age requirements for the male and
¯ female, the only reference to gender. The proposed
¯ bill would declare that "marriage shall be only
: between a man and a woman" and would void
¯ marriage betweenpeople of the same sex. The state
¯ wouldnotrecognize same-sex marriages performed
out of state by people who move to Arkansas.
"What (gays) do in the privacy of their own
¯ bedroom is their business, but I don’t feel like it’s
: something that I want to recognize as being legal
¯ and right" said the lead sponsor, Rep. Doug Kidd,
: D-Benton. "The state of Arkansas should not rec-
¯ ognize that as a marriage."
¯ Dehra Bailey of the Arkansas Gay and Lesbian
¯ Task Force said the state’s homosexual community ¯
Was not surprised by Kidd’s bill and would fight it
: as a matterof social justice. She said homosexuals
¯ "absolutely" have a moral right to marry. Ms.
¯ Bailey said. "Whether or not a person chooses marriage to sanction their relationships, all people
¯ should have that right."
¯ Colorado
¯ DENVER (AP) - A Colorado state lawmaker has
¯ announced plans to reintroduce a bill in the 1997 ¯
Legislature that wouldbanrecognition of same-sex
marriages in Colorado.
¯ The announcement by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, ¯
¯ R-Fort Morgan, came just a day after a Hawaiian
court ruled that state must issue marriage licenses
¯ to same-sex couples. The same bill was approved
last yearby the Colorado Legislature, but vetoedby
: Gov. Roy Romer. The Hawaii ruling still must be
appealed. But that doesn’t matter to Musgrave.
¯ Musgrave’s bill banning same:sex~ marriages
¯ was appr0vedinbothho~es earlierthis yearlarge.ly
¯ on a partisan=line vote with most Democrats in ¯
Opposition. Gov: Roy Romer-vetoed it in March,
¯ saying it was unnecessary because Colorado law
didnotrecognizesuchmarfiages, see Hawaii, p. 8
Murderer Gets 50 Years ¯ Evergreen SpiritAwardsGiven " Coming Soon! PONTIAC, Mich..(AP) - The man convicted of killing " TULSA - The AIDS. Coalition. of Tulsa presented its 1996 *
Evergreen SpiritAwards recognizing individuals fortheir contributions
to HIV/AIDS care. The organization recognized Amy
Graham and Nancy Nelson of the American Red Cross, Jack
Arnold of Tulsa Public Schools, Anne Kozak and Jean Derry of
the Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, Claudette Peterson of
HOPE, Patti Handyof Associates in Medical & Mental Health,
Sharon Thoele of the HIV Resource Consortium with Spirit
Awards. The Richard Shackelford Award went to Derrick Davis
of FUSO and the Truman Geren Award went to the late RF
Renfro. These awards were presented by Phil Wiley. The award
to RF Renfro will hang in the Renfro Room inThe Pride Center.
HIVRC Records Turned
¯ Holiday services will be held at Saint Jerome at ¯
11:30 on Christmas Eve with Mass at midnight.
: Family of Faith and Greater Tulsa MCCs will join
¯ together for a candlelight service at Family ofFaith
¯ at 1 lpm. Also Community of Hope United Meth- ¯
¯ odist will hold its candlelight service at llpm.
Ongoing till mid-January, Community of Hope
: will offer a grief support group that meets on
¯ Tuesdays from6-8pm. Forinfo. call Leslie Peurose
¯" at 585-1800 or Bob Hulsey at 749-4194.
"- RAIN, the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
: will provide volunteer training on Jan. 13-15 from
¯ 5:30- 9pmatHarvardAve. ChristianChurch,5502 ¯
S. Harvard. $25 with some scholarships available.
¯ Registration by Jan. 10. Call Stephen or Kathy at
i Over On Nov. 20- More 749-4195 for info. Another training will beat
¯ Conners State College.in the Classroom Building ¯
Documents to. Follow #210onJan.24-25.Registrationisrequiredby Jan. :21.CallStephenorKathyat749-4195orPhiTheta
¯ TULSA-The H-IV Resource Consortium (HIVRC) provided its ¯ Kappa in Warner at 918-463-6302 for info.
¯ minutes to Tulsa Family News’ attorney on Nov. 20 and has ,
: - agreed to provide accesstoother public documents this month as "
: well as agreeing to futherinterviews with counsel for theHIVRC :
¯¯ - and Tulsa Family Newspresent. ¯ ¯ . .
TFN publisher, Tom Neal, appl,auded the agency fo~ its coop- :
" eration. "It has ialways been Tb2q s hope that the agency could " NEWS .... P. 4
provideexplanatiousfortheallegatiousofthepersonslivingwith HIV/AIDS & THE LAW P. 10
AIDS (PLWA’s)," Neal added. ,We hope that the problems ¯ BOOK REVIEW P. 10
really just turn out to be communications difficulties rather than : EUREKA SPRINGS P. 11
anything more serious. We expect to provide followup coverage : RESTAURANT REVIEW P. 12
next month." , CLASSIFIEDS P. 14-15
a gay admirer who revealed a crush on him on "The
Jenny Jones Show" will serve at least 20 years in prison
before he is eligible for parole, lawyers said. Judge
Francis X. O’Brien on Wednesday sentenced Jonathan
Schmitz to 25 to 50 years for murdering ScottAmedure.
DefenselawyerJames Burdick saidhe’ll appeal. Schmitz
shot the 32-year-old Amedure to death three days after
they attended the show’s taping on March 6, 1995. The
show was not aired at the time but was played in court
and televised as part of trial coverage.
Amedure’s family said Schmitz, 26, Should spend his
life in prison to make up for each day they will. spend
withoutAmedure. "Thereisn’taday that goes by where
I don’t mourn for my sonrs life," Amedure’s mother,
Patricia Graves, told O’Brien. "I hope every time he
opens his eyes he will See Scott’ s body as he lay dying.~’
AllynSchmitz, Schmitz’s father, said thejudge didn t
consider thedamageto his son’s psychefrom appearing
on the show. Witnesses said Schmitz believed he was
going to meet a woman.admirer on the show and was
humiliated when the admirer turned out to be a man..
"He was the guy who .,. was basically hauledinto (an)
... imraoral,.sexual-perverted thing that totally devastated
him mentally to the point-that he couldn’t even
function anymore."
Schmitz had been fighting alcoholism, .depression
and a thyroid condition when the show’s producers
¯ambushed him.., the defense said. "I don’t disagree
with counsel that you are suffering some medical illness,"
O’Brien told Schmitz. But, he added, "You still
have to be accountable to society."
fax: 583.4615
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainment Writer + Mac Guru:
James Christjohn
Writers +.contributors:
Phyl Bbler-Sehmid~ Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Steven Scott, Gerald Miller,
Lance Bfittain, Kent Lewis
¯ Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Pt~bolrireeastpioonnodefnaeneaims aesosrupmheodtot0dboeefsonroptuibnldicicaatitoenthuantlepsesrostohne’rswsiesxeunaol toerdi,e.mntuatsito~n .
signed & becomes the sole property_of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be’sent to the address above. ~Eaeh reader is entiiled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution.points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by Tom Neal
age, were a recovering alcoholic, or simply didn’t know where
any of these places were, you were out of luck. Because of
significantly different editorial and advertising policies, from
T.H.sa Family News.(TFN) has my .a,pp~re-
." ciauon, support and gratitude forit s Oc-
¯ tober article focusing upon failures of
: Tulsa’s HIV Resource Consortium
-" (HIVRC) and for following up with both
: ’pro’ and’con’ responses appearing in the
¯ November issue¯
: However, I also applaud any and every_
: one who word volunteer themsdves to
i public oversight by serving on any Board
of Directors of any service group such as
the HIVRC.
This is the first issueofour fourthyear. During these years., our Also, HIVRC’s salaried Director,
goal has been to bring the Tulsa Lesbian, Gay, Bi & Trams
communities (and our families andfriends, and any other inter~
ested readers out there), the best community newspaper we can
achieve. We strive for fair and accurate reporting. We strive to
cover all of our very, very diverse communities. That means we
are a newspaper for "’bar" people, the wealthy and well-connected,
drag divas and leather folk - in short, for all. We are a
newspaper for those who are way out of the closet, as well as for
those still hiding.
¯ One of the tl~ngs which has helped to make us a paper for all
ts our accessibility across the city. Prior to TFN, if you wanted a
Gay newspaper (albeit one from out of town), your options were
to go to an "erotic" bookstore,, a dub, or one or two other
locations. There’s nothing wxong with these establishments (and
we’re very grateful that they welcome us) but if youwere under
." ,OtherP..,~in,the, ragion (policies now being imitated in Okla_ i SharonThoe.le, certainlyhasmydeserved
¯ nomat:~ty),TulsaFamilyNewsiswelcomeandavailableaeross .appreciation for even attemptingto per-
." the city, in locations accessible to many more people. Havinga ¯ form the undo,ubtedly impossible tasks of
¯ paper available and visible is progress for a community that has i Serving Tulsa s PLWA’s and HIV with
: ~forced traditionally to be hidden.
¯ complete satisfaction to all. It will.never : sprogressh not come ily. For door w:eopened,. ! happen.
: tac~ ano msenmmauon mtrying to get the paper in moreplaces; ! ...IfI dneverbeen amemberofaboardof
: in trying to get more advertising, and in trying to buy basic : ddinryecotofrsth,neoerxepveenredxitpuerreieonfcepdumbleidcifausncdrus-,
¯" services for the newspaper. We also continue to face diserimina_ :. then I might be somewhat less under-
: lion from.some in our commRuity. ¯
¯ ¯ standingof the feelings of theboardmem-. Itisnotaneasyjob.NorisitweHpaid.Manyofthefolkswh~se . bersor~eservicegroup,sadmlnistrator
¯ work you see in this paper donate their efforts. Certainly, as : when an "outsider’ brings them to task as
: publisher.and editor, I could go out and get a job doing almost : TFN’s publisher has done.
:. anything else andmake bettermoney- and actually get benefits, i ~ But, whomevermaybe connected with
_" not to mention major stress reduction, see Editorial, page3 : HIVRC who may be fceling insecure and
¯ unappreciated due the criticism (whether
: justified or not) there are those Tulsan’s
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities : who feel much, much worse- every day
¯ ¯ - those persons living with AIDS/HIV ¯ AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB "1071, 74101-1071 579-9593 .. and those of us who love them and are ¯ Black&White;Inc. POB 14001,Tulsa74159 583-7314 . scared to death oflosing them ¯
*Bless The ¯Lord... Christian Center, 2627b E. 11 628-0594 ¯ : :B,-,_/_L/_G___Alli_’,,.an,ee, U~v.°..fTulsaCanterburyCtr. Nevertheless, simply stated, it is public 583-9780 i money that HIVRC is spending, andtax_ ." ~.Alapmml ~maent t.lr.,University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence . payers and benefactors can reasonably
¯" *CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703~ 2rid 585-1800 "
~ C_ommunityUnitarian-UniversalistCongragation 749-0595 i expeetaccouhtabilityofservicesandmost
: Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648 : certainly to be given access to public
: *Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441 . information upon request. It is both un-
¯ :~ello_ws.l~.’p_Congreg.-Church, 2900-S. Harvard necessary and unfortunate that such a
747:7777 : .simple matter had to become a public ¯ rree~pmtWomeusCenter, callf0rlocation&info: 587-4669 ¯ ;¯ Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 ¯ ~ssue at all. But, if that’s what takes then ¯ 747-6827 ¯. so be it! Tulsa needs a responsive AIDS Friends in Unity SocialOrg. (African-American mens group) . consortium, or none at all.
POB 8542, 74101, call cJo HOPE @ 712.1600. : I have no doubt that TFN’s focus upon
: HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education, 1307 E.38, 2ndfl. ¯
¯ and inquiry ofHIVRC is fullyjustified if
d~12-1600’ HOPE Anonymous HIV Testing Site, 742-2927 ¯
: In--.’an Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983 "
the newspaper is to fulfill its own ¯ sibility to it’s readers. And, TFN’s pub- . Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437 : lisher has proven his commitment to the
: *MCC of Greater Tulsa,. 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 ¯
." *HIVResourceCtr.,4154S. Harvard, Ste. H_l 749-4194 : .cbosmenminunTiutlys..at.hlrohuagvheonuetvtehrehtaidmtehehoechcaas-
.." NHAMEHSouPsRe,O1J1E1C4l1S".,4Q.1u5a4koSe.rHarvuard, Ste.r
: PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152 584-7960748-311I .: Slon to.talk with Mr. Neal about such ¯ 749-4901." matters,bu[disappointmentswithHIVRC Planned Parenthood, 1007 S Peoria ~o~,.-,~,,, ¯ were being-publicly expressed long be-
*The Pride Center,- 1307 E "38, 2nd floor,
~’~ i fore TFN beg.an its ~,s_tribution in Tulsa.
¯*~R.A.I.N..R~Onal AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4-195-: s----~ -~ ’ :’ g : ~nsmer commencing
Rainbow Business Guild; POB 41067415~ r.~iT~: ¯ ¯ om.~ ~aamagegontro~ measures as soon as
.S~,JerOm_e’s Catholic Church, 3841 ~. Pe~ia, ~:~ i .fPo°rS~le’ -by:pr°vidin,g the,m!nutes in.a ~hanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749 "moe ¯ ’, un~.gnt ~n),~nn.e_r; acknowledging inad-
.Tu.ls.a O.k.la..fo.r H. uman Ri.ghr.s.. POB 2687, 74101. _ ..74-3--. .." ~".~.eq...ua.c~es ot the Consortium in the past; lecnmcmus ~ , . . ~~, : "~ ,, 584_~ar~o e,- ~mu, comini’.".u.ng" -to i"mprove m-.e.s.lm.a.uo" n
TULSA Tuls .... :"~: ...... :.. ! ,-,,,o ~. "m the future. :She, other memberS of the
: ..... a. um~orm/Leamer ~eeKers AssoC.’" 838-1222 ~,.: ~ . . - .... ~
¯ :, ..~oard, the HIVRC Director and the
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurant~
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E Pine
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630E 15th
*GoldCoast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Ground Floor Cafe, 51st & Harvard
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L ~ 31st
*Silver Star Saloon; 1565 Sheridan
*Samson & Delilah, 10 E. Fifth
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd -
*InterurbanRestaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesaes,lServices, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Borders Books & Music, 274OE. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-527~
*CreativeColleetion, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468 ."
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620 ."
665-659 .
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial.
*Elite Books &Videos,821 S. Sheridan
Express Pools &.Spas, 6310 S. Peoria.
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
Leatme M. Gross, Financial Planning
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney, .
*Sandra J. Hill, MS; Psychotherapy, 2865 E Skelly
Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th& Peoria
*International Tours
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 140H, 74159i -
Lean Ann Macomber, Real~.r Associate
*Midtown Theater,319 E, 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st ¯.
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51. PI
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 5.1st & Harvard
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S Peoria, Ste~ 633
Pet Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor.
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 &Boston 584-0337
*Seribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations 743-2351
Southwest Viatical 747-3322, 800-305-6384
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
: ’ *Tulsa COmmunity Coll6ge; Metro.8~ NE Campuses
: *Univ.ersity Center at Tulsa
: AutumnBreeze Restaurant, Hwy 23 South 501=253-7734
: Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi~ N. of Dam Hwy. 187.506253-6154
: *Jim&Brent’s’Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457 ¯ DeVit&s Restaurant, 5 Center St. -501=253-6807. ¯" *Emerald-Rainbow, 45 &U2 Spring St.
¯" Geek ~oGo!,PC Speciali_sL POB 429 501-25325445
i King’sHi-Way,96Kings.IJighway,Hwy.62W 800-231.-.1442
¯ MCC of the Living Spring - :501-253-9337 ¯ McClung Realtors -- ¯ 501:253-9682
Positive Idea Marketing Hans
i Rock CottageGardens. 501-253:2401 50i-253-8659, 800-624-6646
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East " 50L253-6001
¯: The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-8281
Face Beautiful Day Spa, 7.108-D2 N. Western 405~840-3223
".’ *Tulsa CityHalL Cafetei’ia Vestibule, ~round Pltor
: ¯ HIVRC staffcan then regain ourgratitude -
: ’ and~e~peci. Anyless risks theloss to all of-
. ¯ .us of any value HIVRC does indeed pro-. .
" vide ifan alreadyangry Tulsa politicos of: -
¯ ,.’Conservative’ persuasion seizes the op- : :
portunity fo eliminate it like TCAA.
¯ In any case, itseems tomethatHIVRC’s:
: aftempts tointimida~, to silence, to make~"
¯ threats oflawsnit and/or exercise policies "
: ofstone-.walling requests for information--
:" doesn’t serve anyone ~ and is certainly
: not in the best interests of an already
under-funded Consortium. Weall have to
take our lumps occasional.lyand then go
on - it justgoes with the job. Most frequently,
we grow a little in the process.
- Vernon L. Jones, Tulsa
ForUnto Us a child tsbbrnl
:Midnight .M s
Service begins. at. 11:30 pm-=-Mass at Midnight
Celebrate the birth of Our Lord in the liturgical
-tradition ofthe ancient Catholic Church. . -~
..... parish church of st, JerOme -
" Meeting at the Garden Chapel ..
- ~.-.... : 384t SouthPeoda, Tuisa " ’
tt i~,not, thej~c[g~"ents ~fme~ which .open or Shut fhe.G~tes ofHeaven. St. Jerome
.. :However, this -doesn’t mean that
the agency is perfect nor that it should be
. : REi HiVRC Covaraga .... -above all scrutiny or criticism -as it
~ ! am Writing~in*egard tO your coverage seems yowimpty. .
ofthep£obleniswiththeHIVRC.Iwantto We’re ihclined’:to believe thai those
thattk’~’~bry0~r continued efforts to " working at the:HIVRCare likely under-
’expose p~Oblen]s’with the ageixcy so that ,. paid t~bugh lye don’t have any proof of
they:will.be cor~ectegl~ While at_ the Pride " ~hatl yet. TFNalsa knows other Tulsans
Ce~ter rec~ntly~ i 0v~rheard .one of the " who do equallycr~tica! workfor Pers.ons
people involved refer to your ego as your : Living with AIDS at even lower sa~qries
reasonforpfintingthe~le~;soi U~tl’ei~ : : thdn some oftl~.f~ht ~e_.,_.H....l=V~R~.~Sh~i~lv.
~t~.d ihat" vimr’ ate ~rob~ibl.v Xecelvi’-~ ’~ Servic~worlq unJormnatefy !?.~U~t~ ~."~" Y
~V-~~ ~-~" d---- ~--- x- . .. ~. .:.., " . .~ ’ ~ " " . " " - " " " ¯ " " "
eoflsiderable resistance from certain fac- . valued tn our soctely as otl~er worr.
¯ As for TFN’s response to letters, it is
"I am~nOt directly inv01y~l" oraffe~(ed ¯ - - . see Esli~ck, page 12
~by thi~ issue, ~o I have nothing Of imp0tt
{3contribute. I an~ writing primarily io iet
y0ii know thatyour conviction reassures .
me that if it was an issue that directly ¯
affected me; you would be just as thorbtigh
in your coverageand I thankyou for
- name Withheld by request
-HIVRe Director Responds
Your recent diatribe against the. HIVRC
i~s board ofdirectors, and exectrfive director-
appears wholly without factual basis..
¯(Spacefor.your"editorial’? ~omments sure
Thework I and our writers do isalabor of
¯ love. It’s done because we care that this
¯ r community get a qualitynewspaper.. .
As we beginout fourth year, we plextge
¯" that we will continue to improve Tulsa
Family News. We will, .to paraphrase
"..~ MotherJones, comfort the afflicted and at
:. least, ,challenge (if not-afflict) the ~.om-
¯ fortable. We will try to look at.all parts of
.:.-the’communities. We will- cOntinue tO
-tO appear in letters’withwhichyou are not : write both about- the suecesses in-out
to me "our ~ _commumuesasweatways~ave,anuaoout
time Would be mueh obettet’ spent inan-.~ .me ~auures as .were
i effort to unite rather than diwdeTulsa s o ¯ - ff Y’ou ’think. .w.e n.e.ed.towrite about a¯n
" .’-" ~.....-’"- *....mber ’ issue; let us know. Youcan contact us wa
of the board of directors of ttIV.RC, I can
.... ~’: out ul~ocationtha~thdr[sic] ¯
s¯ tatemth eq ¯ ~’ " " ..... OU ---~ ~ ~ " "~....... :’~ ^--. of this If you hke what we redomg,.or if y
or-ani~atibus [xiO activitids or to thwart " aon t, memetus ~now.
2.h0urintefview shouldb;- pr g . . :
~f that- I-meimits [sid] nst llke she does " rather you &lit your letters for length than
for us to do so.
- - ho~g~ave anything;else, to d0. - .- ."
- ~ .’,: .The staff and volunteerso[ the.HIVRC ¯
.~ :at_e~ d.espit.e’ your,90rfim~n’t~ a ~oup nodf :
" extremely dedicated,. overworked, . an .~ ~
~md~rpaidindi~idfials trying t0 do~th~ beast° :
job ~ey can wi.thfimited resources against .~
~ ~m d~,e~’whelnfing situation. I should thi~-:
ttm.ty0gand ev-~e~9thern~ember 0fTulsa’s :
-gay and .iesbian comm.uni.ty would be ¯
th~lkful that tl~is group o.f perpl~ are out
there trying to.secure every ounce, of as- ;
sistance to fight.the effects of this disease ;
for those in need of that assistance. "-
I would grant, you that the staff and "
volunteers are .all hummi’ and therefore :
subj.ect to mistakes. I also~ believe that :
when any ofthem makes a-mistake that it :
would-be corrected without prejudice or .
vindictiveness towards the one who corn- "
. plained. A tremendous need for services
~xists that is.impossible to meet with
existing resources. I would assume you
would be wall aware of the.gap between
needand the resources available and consider
the possibility’that some of the corn-
;plaints .you have .heard would be from
individuals thatjust do not think they are
getting enough of those resources.
As a professional investigator it appears
t0me that you,are woefull~ short of
"making your c,~se I believe ~ou could
better useyour time and newspap,er lob-
" bying for additio.nal resources tofight this
disease and aid those who suffer from it,
Ti,m’othy W. Danl
" " -AttOrney at Law.
An Attorney who will fight for
~ . ,.justice &:Equality for -
. -.~.- ~ Gays &Lesbians -
Domestic Partnership¯ Planning,
Personal Injury,. --
Criminai.LaW: & Bankruptcy ’~
1:-.800:’742 946,8.or!918-352-.9504
1128 EaSt Broadway,~ Drumright; .Oklahoma
weekend and evening appointments are available.
President Climon appointed her to’become
thenatiori’gtop docior, butfiredhet
in 1994 after- she-was criticized for remarks
~i~ut mastUrbation;as an element
of htmian s&ualit~. - --
. Elders pointed" fo her willingfiegg °to,,
speakabout "unmentionables,’r’Which
evenmallyTgot her,dismissed. "I Saidt felt
masturbation Was a normal part ofhuman
sexualityLthat90 percent ofmen masturbate,
80 percent of women, masturbate
and the rest lie," Elders said.
Elders denied shehadencouraged teaching
masturbation, as was Widely reported,
but had only acknowledged it as a means
: of-prdventing unsafe sex..;’Nobody needs
¯ to teach.anybod3i thehow to," she said.
¯ "God taught u.~ how-to]’
: She Said black churches were initially
~ resistant to takeonthebattleagainstAIDS’
¯" because some- found immorality within
the .disease.. She recalled one Church in
: 1981which wrote in its bulletin that be- ¯
cause the dis ease Was mainly among
¯ white men, there was no need to worry.
¯ She also criticized the polidcs involved
in not distributing dean needles to drug
addicts, whichshe said is proven to reduce
the’ transmission of the virus that
¯ eaUsesAiDS. ButElders saidshehas seen
¯ andtopromotetmj’tY andharmonyamong ¯ ,aturnaround fimong churches andindeed,
Tulsa’s ~ay’ahd:lesbian cdmmunity. Af- : some positive things that have come from
terall, ~ie niune Of thi.’s paper-is Tulsa ¯ th,e,~sease’... " ’ i .... .-’
Family,News... ; ¯ , .-..Mike ;,E,sq.ck " I ve seen more-real true integration
"Eititor"’s note: manypeople wouta ats- ~ and harmony ardund HIV disease, than
agj,~e ~bith your.contention that taking 4 .
" monthstoptovlddm~nutesfortheHIgRC
I’ve Seen.around anything else in-this
¯ . . - - country~" Elders said. "Maybe it’s going
is getting the "fUll cooperatiqn of. the " . to take this disease to make us come to our
- agent. Regarding you~" 6ther comments,
:[don "tth)nkTFNhasever’suggdstbdthat
knees and begin to deal with real prob-
. lems and real. people."
t: k; DOn’t ¯" ~eju~ had b~n sch~to be~n ~nsidefing
N~ YO~ (AP) - ~en it ~mes to sex, ~e " ~ages We~es~y, before ~e settlement w~ ~-
military has two different policies - and that violates
the Consttufion’s equal protection mandates, according
~to a lawyer for six,~hom,osexuals currently
serving in the armed forces. %Ve d like aplay-by-the
rules policy for everyone," said Beatrice Dohrn, after
arguments Monday before U.S. District Judge Eugene
Nickerson: "(Military officials) have admitted
that lesbians or gay men are no more likely to violate
the rules than anyone else."
Dohm, an attorney with the Lambda Legal Defense
and Education Fund, and Matt Coles, lesbian and gay
fights project director for the American Civil Liber:
ties Union, are representing the anonymous homosexuals
in their challenge ofthe military’s "don’t ask,
don’t tall" policy.
Last year, Nickerson declared the"don’t ask, don’t
tell" policy unconstitutional. But on July 1, a threejudge
panel of the 2ud U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
sent the case backfor review, saying itdisagreed with
the judge’s conclusion that the policy violated the
First Amendment’s free.speech protections.
"It is plain to u~ that governmental restrictions on
speech that would run afoul of theConsdtution ff
imposed in ci,~ilianlife can pass constitutional muster
in the-military context," the appeals court said.
Justice Department attorney Mark. T. Quinlivan
defended the current policy, telling Nickerson "the
military does not have to take ’the risk" that sexual
tension might result if an open policy toward homosexuals
is permitted to exist.
He said testimony in Congress by Colin Powell and
Norman Schwartzkopf- both retired Army generals
- as well as others, found that the sexual tension could
have "a degrading impact on unit cohesion."
Sexual tensionbetween heterosexuals is prevented,
Quiulivan said, because troops are kept in segregated
housing by gender, creating what he called "a buffer
zone." Alluding to recent mihtary scandals involving
¯heterosexual men allegedlyabusing women, Dohrn
said, "The government’s obsession on.focusing on
sexual tension really belies a rather liberal policy
toward Sexual behavior. ’ROmantic relationships are
allowed to go on.’"
Nickerson, who .asked mmaerous questions of ~e
attorneys during Monday’s.50-minute hearing; did
not immediately rule on thecase. He asked lawyers
for both sides to.provide additional evidence.
The New York case is one of several around the
nation challenging the policy, which the Clinton
administration adopted-in 1993 as a compromise
between.the Views of gay-rights advocates and those
taffy opposed to homosexuals inthe military.
The policy survived its first Supreme Court test last
month when the court rejected the appeal of a former
Navy officer dismissed for declaring his homosexuality,
The justices rejected former Lt. Paul
Thomasson’s argument that the policy is unlawful
discrimination and violates homosexual servicemembers’
free-speech rights.
Gay Man Wins School
Harassment Case .
EAU CLAIRE, Wis, (AP) ~ ’Because he is gay,
Jamie Nabozny was regularly spaton andbeaten up "
in school, subjected tea mock rape and kicked in the "
belly so many times he needed surgery. :
OnWednesday, the 21 :year:old Nabozny accepted
a $900,00Oout-of~court settlement, ending the first "
federal trial ofaschool districtfornotprot~,cting agay ~:
student from harassment. - ¯
Nabozny says the settlement will help gay youths "
in the future. "I think this will send a-very clear "
message to school districts," lie said Wednesday. "It "
is time it’s stopped.".
The agreement cameaday after afederal courtjury ¯
found that three school administrators violated-his ¯
rights, although it found the district as a whole was
not guilty of discrimination. -
The verdict marked the first" time .school officials "
have ever .been held liable for anti-gay violence
against a student, said Peg Byron, public education
director for theLambdaLegal Defense andEducation
Fund, a-gay-fights organization that represented
¯ nounced by Byron andTimothy Yanacheck, an attor-
¯ ney who defended the district on behalf of Wausau
Nabozny claimed in,.~is,,lawsuit ’that the abuse
¯ ranged from name-calliilg to being shoved, beaten,
~ spat upon and even having his head pushedin a urinal
¯ and being urinated upon. The harassment started
: whenheentered Ashland MiddleSchool in 1988 until
: he dropped out of Ashland High School as ajumor in
¯ 1-993.
¯ Nabozny’s lawyers used Grande’s testimony in an ¯
effort to show tlmt school officials weren’t consistent
¯ in punishing students for harassing others. Grande
: was suspended for violations such as calling his
¯ girlfriend names, yet he was never punished for ¯
tormenting Nabozny. His parents said they had many
¯ meetings with school officials only to see their son
¯ suffer further abuse: ¯
¯ The jury ruled against. Ashland Middle School
Principal. Mary Podlesny and two. administrators at
: Ashland High School,Principal William Davis and
¯¯ Assistant Principal Thomas Blauert: Timothy
Yanacheck, an attorney who defended the district on
¯ behalfofWausau Insurance, said they were "hurt and
: disappointed" by the ruling.-"Despite the verdict,
¯ they continue to believe that they responded appro- ¯
priately to the plaintiffbased on the limited iuforma-
¯ tion that they hadavailable at thetime,"-Yanacheck
¯ said. -
: -Nabozny earned a general equivalency degree in ¯
Minneapolis after leaving the Ashland schools, al-
¯ though he said Wednesday he hopes to still get some
¯ sort of real high school degree so he can hold an
¯ unOfficial graduati"on ceremony,
¯ Homoseximls have paid a high ,p,~ce in abuse, Lambdaattorney PatriCia’Logu~ said. Now the tables
¯ have turned, and it is prejudicethat h~ proved so ¯
costly," she said.
¯ Yanacheck said the ruling sends a me~sage to
school @nistmtors across the country about legal
liability where they migh~ not now suspect that they
have any. ’.’School administrators are sympathetic to
¯ kids whoar~harassed by Other kids in school. But for
¯ themost part that’smisbehavior that school adminis¯
trato~s cannot 15revent or control," he sai&
The case went to trial afte~ theTth U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals in Chicago ruled last summer that
¯ Nabozny did-have enough evidence-to take the dis¯
trict to court, overturning a lower court decision. Lambda is a New York City-based civil rights orga-
¯ nization that represents gays, lesbians and people
with HIV.
: Gay Alumni Fund
¯ Lesbian &Gay Studies
¯: $200,000 bequest by,a UNC-Chapel Hill alumnus is
: providing the university’s first courses that focus
¯ primarily on gay andlesbian the.mes; .
The new.courses were made possible by a bequest
¯ from Charles Williamson, a 1968:graduate of the
School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hi!l.:Williamson;..’~ ,-S.an: F_ranci.~~cO
physician, died of AIDS ifi. 1.992 H~e ,lef~ UNC.rCH
¯ half.of his estate, with specificin~truc.tions on.h0w it
should beus.ed. .... . , - ~ . ¯- ,
AlSO, ~e University of.Minnesota has.receivbxt a
$500,000 .gift .to support ._the development of.gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender~studies: The.endowment
will help create .the. Steven 4-. Schochet
Endrwed Center for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgender Studies and Campus Life.
Schochet, a retired computer consultant, created
the.fund,to.enco~age "a moreih.umane cultur.eY for
gay, lesbian; bisexual and transgendered unigersity
students, facult3~ and staff, he sai.d. - .-
"Back Whdn I wasin cbllege, th~ecampus climate
was hostile tO gay-men,"~he said..’q2tis is my way bf
ensuring th~itthings contmue.t0-get better for GLBT
¯ " .people 0ncampu~." -~ ’. - " . .
in the Pride Center
The 743-4297
Gifts ¯ Cards ¯ Pride Merchandise
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.Monday - Friday & .
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4021 South Harvard, Suite210, Tulsa 74135
Gay-bashing . 1992, shewas caller"the RosaParks ofthe gay nghts
Gets $10M Award : movement:’ by Eric Marcus, who wrote "MaUng
Even if you test HIV negative,
AIDS has touched your life.
¯!. What’s the point of staying negative if your lover
or your friends already have HIV?
¯!. Wil[you have to use condoms for the rest of
your life?
.I. Do you sometimes take risks that you regret
the morning after?
.i’ What about the issues of power and trust in a
~ How has homophobia affected your self esteem?
Interested in attending a discussion
group for HIV negative men
beginning February 4th?
In Tulsa, call 712.160C
Outside Tulsa, call 1,800.282.8165
Brought to you by
HIV Outreach Prevention Education
(formerly TOHR HIV Prevention Programs), and
Planned Parenthood of E. Oklahoma & W. Arkansas
and The HIV Resource Consortium
[L CoAmRmeesri.idceanl..ti_C.a.l1eaann.idng
Kerby Baker
(~ 1_8)_622:07.001
1104 South Victor uss [[ Tulsa, Oklahorna74104
(918) 592-1800
Fax (918) 592-4323
DETROIT (AP) - A Gay man paralyzed in a gaybashing
attack as a security ~d~sto0d by won a $10
million judgment from Pihl~t~s Sec’ffrity and Investigation,
the gnard?s employer. Sean McBride, 28,
was shot six times and beaten outside his apartment
building in Jamlary 1994 by three men who had
taunted him for being gay. His lawyer, Carol
McNeilage, said the 20-year-old female security
guard watched as. McBride was harassed several
times during a half-hour period, and eventaughed at
some of the insults.
A spokesman for Pinkerton’s, Dereek Andrade,
said the company would appeal Thurs.day’~s.v,erdict.
"Our position has been and remains that tanrerton
acted appropriately and could nothave prevented the
incident from occurring," he said.
McBride testified he first encountered the three
men in the apartment building lobby as he returned
from work, then passed them twice more when he
went out for a snack. Each time, the men swore and
shouted slurs at him. When McBride realized he had
forgotten part of his snack, he went back through the
lobby. The men followed him outside and attacked
One of the three.attackers was never caught. A
second was convicted of assault and firearms charges
and sentenced to up to four years in prison. The third,
a juvenile at the time, pleaded no contest to assault
and firearms charges and will remain in custody until
he turns 21 in July.
Topeka Anti-Bias Group
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Leaders hailed a year of what
they called solid accomplishments by a groupformed
in the fall of 1995 to combat the picketing of anti-gay
crusader Fred W. Phelps.
Concerned Citizens for Topeka Friday re-retted
as president during its first annual meeting former
Secretary of State Jack Brier, who s,ai,,d, the organization
has provided the capital citY with thepromise of
a better tomorrow" in fighting "bigotry and hatred."
Re-elected with Brier was Topeka banker. Frank
Sabatiui, a former president of the state Board of
Regents, as chairman of the board. Other officers are
Roy Menninger, vice chairman; Jane and Otto
Schnellbacher, vice presidents; John Rosenberg, secretary;
Bill Hemmen, treasurer, and Randy Austin,
"A common goal brought us togem"’ er," Brier told
about 60 people attending the annual meeting at
Washburn Law School. "Fighting bigotry and hatred
is not a spectator sport... It’s because there are a
thousand of us standing up and confronting these
problems that we have succeeded..I thimk., we c.an
stand a little taller now and say there ~s nothing to be
History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal
Righnts." ,
Hooker s, controversial study published in 1957
was dtled, The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual."
During a three-year study prompted by
herfriendship to a gay student, Hooker used grant
money from the National Institute of Mental Health
to prove a hypothesis that was shocking to prevailing
thinking. Hooker’s theory was that there was little
statistical difference between the psychological test
results of heterosexuals and homosexuals.
¯ Hooker’s research andher leadership of theNIMH ¯
¯ Task Force on Homosexuality, led to the removal of
homosexuality as a psychological ,disorder from the~
: American Psychiatric Association s Diagnostic ana
¯ Statistical Manual III inDecember 1974. In 1992, the
: American Psychological Association awarded her its
¯ prestigious Lifetime Achievement award.
: Biased dudge Removed
¯ MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - An Etowah County
¯ judge will appeal an appeals court order that he step
aside in a lesbian mother’s divorce case. The Ala-
¯ bama Court of Civil Appeals ruled Tuesday that
¯ Circuit Court JudgeRoy Moore should allow another
¯ judge to take over the case. ¯
The woman, Susan Scott Borden, argued Moore’s
overt Christianity makes him a poor choice to preside
in the case. But Moore’s lawyer, Stewart Roth of the
Montgomery-based American Center for Law and
Justice, blasted the decision. "I believe this sounds a
warning to everymanandwomanwho sits on abench
in Alabama to not discuss their religious bdiefs, not
to discuss their views and not to stand up in church
and share their beliefs because it can come back to
haunt you," he said.
Moore had twice rejected requests to step aside
filed by Mrs. Borden, who is trying to regain custody
of her two children from her husband, James Christopher.
Borden. Mrs. Borden rimmed Moore s fai
wouldkeep himfrompresiding fairly and thathemay
be prejudiced against her lawyer, Janice Hart of
W~rior, because of her prior American Civil Liberties
Union work. Ms. Hart said she does not expect the
case will be reassigned to a judge more amenable to
her client’s views, but said she does expect they will
be fair.
¯ In a January ruling that gave temporary custody to ¯
¯ the childrens’ father, Moore said he "strongly feels
that the minor children will be detrimentally affected
¯ by the present lifestyle of (Mrs. Borden) who has
¯ engaged in a homosexual relationship during her
¯ marriage forbidden both by the laws of the state of
Alabama and the laws of nature."
:: -Gay Student 6roup
. Wed. Service 6:30 pm-,..Wed. 7:30 pm Choir Practice.
.... Thurs: 7:30 pm odePendency Support Group
[ To do justice;. ,love mercy.& to walk humbly ,with our.God.,. Micah 6"8::1
Thegroup,whichhasenlisted l:007membersin, : May Lose Funding
firstyear andplmis furtherefforts;has wonreversai oI ¯
apolicepoliey ofnotarresdngPhelpsandhis bandof : MADISON, ,Wis. (AP~ - Three students .who o_bpicketers;-
gotten the City. Council and Shawnee -~ jected~to the use of fee money to fund groups tot
County BoardofCommissioners to adopt ordinances :- homosexuals and environmentalists hav~ wgn ~fo~
limiting picketing, and provided legal assistance to : eral court ruling in their favor. U_.S. Di,s,m,.,,ct.c.o ,,
people who had trouble with Phelps.
, JudgeJohnShabazruledinfavorof three. Christian
Pheklap.sAifsteprar|smtonrinogfuWnseusctbceosrosfuBlalypftoisrtgCovheurrnchoriinn :: ssttuuddeennttsfweehsotsoufeudntdhegurouuivpesrtshiteyyfofirnudsionbgjemcatinodnaatbolrey.
Tope ~ ¯ -.... . The oupsindud~d Lr~r Greens andthe Lesbian,
1990, he began Dcketing businelsasre-se; cshiu~rchtehsataantd-..".G.a.y garnd B~. sexual Campus .Center. U~. s"mg f.e: es to¯
xnmwauats homes, msptaymg ,,.g. ~-~...... : ~,,hola;~. or,~,,n~ whosemainobiecfive~s toaavance
-o~’i~l~.~iogical goals vio’lates students~ con~
inwhichfees aredistributedtO studentgroups, Shabaz
imon¢xum,tX.: :.,: ate.~-ofStudents.RogerHoward,Buttlaejuage:s....." " ’-:
ResearcherDies .:., ....: decision..could reduce the number and.diVersity’of-- ....
......- ..... ¯ : groups on campus,.Howard said.~ : ..
SANTA.MONICA,- Calif,-(AP) - Evelyn.Gentry .:-_ Pete Anderson~ the attorney: who-representext me
Hseoxoukaelirt,yaaUndCfLoAundpsiytcwhaoslong0its-at mwenh~otLas!~tu.ddii.esd0rh;odmero~-. ::~ tfmacitvs.eUrsWityB,soaaidrdthoefRruelginegntws_t’arsebs.taas.eend:to.nM..auc,naa,c_oe,n.tt,~,esrteedb,e~e¯
died;affiendsaidThursday.Shewas~v-tiooKerm ¯ ~aid he had.not had-a chance to:rewew:51aaoaz,s.
. MondayatherSantaM0ni’cahomeofnaturalcauses, :’ decisionortalktotheuuiversity~slawyers~Hedidn~t
said documentary filmmaker David Ha~,g,l,_~d, w.~ : know whether the universitywould appeal.
in 1993 produced the Oscar-nominated-t_;nang~ g ¯
Nobel Winner:AIDS
Vaccine in 10.Years
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (Ap) - A ’winher
of this year’s Nobel Prize in medicine
predicted Saturday that within 10 years
there will be a vaccine sharply slowing
the outbreak of full-blown AIDS in in:
fected people.
Rolf M. Zinkernagelalso said the vaccine
.he envisioned would vastly reduce
chances that an HIV-infeeted person
would transfer the virus to other people’.
But 7inkemagel said it would not completely
eliminate chances of contracting
¯ tional Institute of Dental Research.
: "I like to think of it as a scientific
¯ kibbutz, a place where science is appreci-
: ,ated and nurtured for its own rewards,"
: said Dr. Edmund C. Tramont, a longtime..
¯¯ friend of Gallo who asked the scientist
about starting a new laboratory in Balti-
"- more:
¯ The institute,which will be part of the
: i UniversityofMaryland.system, will fo-
:~ .ens most of its work on AIDS research.
But Gallo said he was:interested in other
: viruses as well, including minor, leuke-
¯ mia, hepatitis.and papilloma virtmes.
: If AIDS ~reeedes a~ a human threat, Jeffrey A; : Beal,-MDthe
infection. -~ . - .~ . : Galld: said ;.the institti,.te: would shift its
’ Zinkemagel, a SWiss researcher, spoke : empha~!s."Ithinkacritlealmassofpeople
at a news conference with co=winner.Pc- ¯ working on virology is nice to have,"
ter C. Doherty~.an Australian wh0.is a :~ Gallosaid. ~’YOuwantt0bringabunchof
professorinthe Department o,f Immmiol- : people t~ge~er Who do basic’re~arch
ogy at the St; Jude’sChildren s Research : witl~ elinlcal ~tpl~fiCafions;~,ith~ all kinds
HospitalinMemphis,Tenn:Thetwoman ¯ "bfdiseaseSinnnnd:" : ~ ....
were awarded, the prize in :Octobe~ -for ."~ _I-Iis~valsignal~thet~.~ngofnew
their studies into.the body’s immune sys~ i";riva!ry’wi~2°hm Hop~’Medieal lnstite~,~
inthe 19"10s..’~. ~. ~::: .... o.~ ’, ,~ . "’iuti0ns;whiehisentrenchedas’aninferna-
-. ,HiVwill.notbea~virus~tlmtwe-ean :-t~dnail~;ader’inAIDS~r~sear~hTTheimtieliminate_
~p!e.tely from,an,. :infected :-.~tdte is still~gfumi~h~lwi~,l,M) equipperson,"
-Zink~a;said~" ::.,-W* wil! : :.~t;:Whi~.:~ exI~..ts:_W~tia~-
nOt~be ablereadily toprevent the inftmtion : m~tei2.SQ. ’,~’m~loyee;S! Wi~::sev~ral
completdy, and wewill not-be ~able: to .:years~ !I:,I77,9~..., i. i .". .; ii.?, "
~control the vtrus completely. He sal
vaccine would only greatly delay the Outbreak
of the AIDS, which ravages the
.b~,~y’s natural ability to ward offdisease.
~ ~’ ’I would think.that within the next 10
years, wewill have sdmething reasonable
in :termsof thistype: of:vaccine,"~hesaid.
--At presenL~ the incubation period of
: ~A~IDS.,-can._ b~~ l~0:: ye~s ::or.longer,
7:~nkemagel said.thatany vaccine wbuld
keep the viral infection in:check~s0 that
full[blown AtDSwouldtake between 20
tO4Oyearsto develop., ~ "’
’:- Dohetty saidanew cl’affsof.._d~zg,.S called.
prOtease inhibitors,now :l~ng used to
manage AIDS in wealthy Western countries,
are tooexpensivefor vietimsin poor
and developing nations.He said that ’qt’s
very hard to know" how successful the
AIDS vaccine research will be. "But, of
course, a vaeca’ ne is the only possibility
forcontrollingA~IDS worldwide,"Doherty
Gallo AIDS
Research Center
BALTIMORE (AP) - Months behind
schedule and eagerly anticipated, a premiere
research center rtm by renowned
AIDS researcherDoctorRobertGallo.was
opened in late November in Baltimore.
The Institute of Human Virology Was
dedicated with.two days of. lectures featuring
a lineup of Sci~fitific luminaries,
with four Nobe!laureates: Dr. David Baltimore,
Dr. Manfred Eigen, Sir Aaron
King and Dr. Hamilton O. Smith. The
opening follows twoyears of courtship by
state offieials to lure theprestigious Gallo,
a co-discoverer of.the AIDS virus, to
Baltimore from the federal National CancerInstitutein
Bethesda, whereheworked
for 30 years. Gov. Parris Glendening and
Mayor Kurt Schmoke have promised $12
million over the next three years to launch
the center.
Gallowill be joined at theinsdmte by
other prominent scientists ~dubbecL’Mae
Dream-Team of AIDS research" :by
Glendening. They are epidemio!ogist
William Blattuer, formerly with .the National
Cancer Imtimte, clinicianRobert
Redfield,who headed the cancerresearch
program atWaiter ReedArmy Institute of
Research and Dr. Joseph L,Bryant; who
headed the animal program at-the Nai
..OU Do..c.s..,Get "
i ~:,Mil, fOr-AIDSCare
i .OKLAHOMA CITY (AP.) ~- A group of
. :dO~tors at the Universfty of Okiahbma
:, ~ Health SciencesCenterh~been,awarded
:.. a $1.5 million gr..~t .to provide services
- !.::.;forindigent;pedpie with~HIVand ~AIDS.
¯...;t.,~:<~Dr:, Ronald A., Greenfield,: professor
: :a9.d’chief ofthe’center’:s.otlegeofMedi-
, e~ne,.was awarded.the’three,year grant to
:o implement the program.-He. Said the goal
: ~ in:tke:first yearis to provide comprehen-
............. care services~to a
¯ mlmmum of 200 indigent, and. lowAn-
:~ come people living withHIV and AIDS.
: :- ,"Some ofthese patients workbutdo not
¯ -earn enough to afford health insurance.
~ -This. grant .will help cover the costs, of
~. providing medical .care to people who
: "desperately need it," he said Friday, The
: , proposed program seeks.to help people in
¯ the Oklahoma City at.ca and surrounding
: .-counties. 12-06-96
i Doc Says HIVDrugs
:Needed for Kids
¯" MILWAUKEE (AP)-Aph;sician using
: experimentalAIDS drugs onchildren says.
¯ the government should make pharmaceu-
~ tical companies market products for pa-
¯ tients of all ages, not justadults who can
pay more for them. Two Milwaukee-area
:. children about 8 years old began receiv-
¯ ing protease inhibitors amonth ago with
, the help Of pediatric AIDS physician Pc-
¯ ter Havens: A third child traveled to the
National Institutes of Health (NIH)’ in
Bethesda, Md., the only placein the coun-
¯ try studying such drugs for children~
¯ Protease inhibitors are a new class of
: AIDS drugs. Pharmacelitieal companies
;. have obtained-licenses: to.use them only
’. for adults. ’q3rug companie~ need to work
:. to develop .drugs for .use .in-children as
: wellas adults,"-~Havens said. ,I~ey don’t
¯ because there’s nomoney jnit." Havens
: -said he- contacted.NIH -researchers. and
: .then ~prescribed treatment, for the two
¯ -Milwaukee-area .boys with indinavir,
~- brandname Crixivan. ~
¯ "By calling the people Who.have been
: doing these (clinical) trials, wehave been
-.--Ted. Campbel!::;:LCSW.
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Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive to the
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Monday & Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm
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HIV Outreac:h Pteventl0n &Educatmn
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able to approximate the doses," he said.
Heblames drug manufacturers for having
no prior information about dosage, metabolism
or the effects on patients who
may not be adhlts, but could use the protease
Havens said the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration should require pharmaceutical
companies to test products on all
age groups and have information available
on dosage and effectiveness before
the product goes on the market.
: plied will be able to participate in the
¯ program and that no one at this time will
have to be placed on a waiting l.is,t,~" Ron
: Cates, acting health director, said tnurs-
: day. At first, the agency thought it would
: have only .enough money to cover the
¯ estimated $10,000 anmlal costs for "/5 ¯ people. But additional federal money ini
creased that to 132 people. -.
The department received 89 apphca-
: lions frompeoplewhodon’treeeiveMed-
¯ icaidassistance don’thaveprivateinsur-
¯ ance, earn less-than $14~19 a year and
: had a physician’s referral. -Kentu.cky A!DS i Department spokeswoman Nanci
Gonder said officials today would go :. Vaccine T a i through the formality of a lottery - draw.- I.VXINGTON~Ky.(AP)’K n kyp - : ing.nfimbers’andassigningth.emtoea.cla
tients will particil~ate in testing, of a new : applicant - because agency rm~ reqmre
Vaccine thdt mightkeeppegp_le whohav.e . it. .The state came up with the idea for
HW from developing AIDS. Abouto~J ~ lottery when it f’LrSt thOUght therewasn t
patients ate being recruited by doC_t.o~s.to : .enough money to. cover all appficants.
takepart in tes(~ng o.f th_e,v~.~cc’,mo,,at ~he :’ Health.officialssaidthey feltit Was.the
Uni¢ersi~ of Kentucky M.e~.~,~1.~r~. falrestwaytoparce!0utthefunds. Butthe
They ~wifi b¢~ ~ai-t qf a nati~nwi.d~.^s,~ y i lottery idea was criticized by many, ininvoicing
3,000..~en..tsata~.t~.ut~s,x.w~,’i ._ cludingDavidPeters,directorof~e,,.,AIDS
~ Half will ~v,e .,the v,accme,. W~cn . .~j,~ of theOzarks~’in SpringfiekL~ .
~willl~ agailablein Kentueky,0nly atUK, ~:~ ~- ’I,mthrilledw~menot~going to do this
~ andhalf will get an~utd,ty bgo~" ~t.ey. but . lottery, It wouldhave beena poor way to
~ novadcifie.Dr.RidmrdGre~nberg~~d~r.ec- ~ vrovidehealthcare,"Peterssaid.’L-’hoostot
of the Kentucky AIDS Consortium, ~ ~ng people basedon a lotte~ really isn’t
-saidTuesday thathe .and0ther~s,ear.fihers ¯. looking.at, those_ who ha,~e- the critical
~:were"franghfwithSkepticism.ye.tlaopp.- ~ needfirst.... . ’
ful that the Vaccinemightwork, atieastin ¯ , Gonder. said..the appficants can start
"~ alimited way: : ~" " " ’ ¯ : receivin~ the ~ov,emment~paid-medica-
¯ ...Thecousortiumismadeupof.do~..t.orsat i ~o--~onM~ondayTTheirphysi~’ianwill write
,UK and the University of, I~oms,ville, as.. thepreseriptio~and the p.h"m-ma.cist will
, v~ell ,as physicians fromother, parts: ot ! sendthebillditectly to the Health Depart-
Kentucky,. Greenberg i,s an associa..te P.~ . ment; Ther~g43 openings-w.ill.be
:-.fessor of-internal medicine at the.oh . filledonafirst-come, firS.t£set~,ebasxstor
,medical school. ’‘i’ don’t :Want anybody ! as longas the moneylasts. .....
,.goingawaythinkingit’sg6ing,towork,": . : Sinee.this is the first time the state has
Oreenbergsaidatonepointduringameet- offered financial assistance for protease
ing withreporters;atthe_UKeeuter.’Buthe ¯ inhibitors,; it’~S not -dear, whether the
later added, ~,‘ifit ,works, it will prevent : $10,000~ annual:imit will,be enough t~
AIDS in H1V ,patients. They would not ¯ cover the costs. ’We arelooking to see if
’develop AIDS:~ ’ ~- " thisisanappropriateeapforthe~program.
It’s the first such clinical study everin i Thecapcouldberaisedandwearetalldng
Kentucky, where more than 2,100 AIDS to phai-maeeuti,ca~l,~ companies about getcases
have beenreported sin~ce reco~ tin~ discounts,’ Gondersaid.
keeping began in 1982. Greenberg sat ~eters said he would prefer a medi.cal
the vaccine willnot Cure HIV-thehuman review board to determine.who gets me
immunodeficiencyvirusthatcausesAIDS, new medication and would like to :see
He said the most he could hope for at the income limits raised for individuals. He
end of the three-year study would be that also said the state needs to spend more
the health of HIV patients getting the money on AIDS treatment. He said the
vaccine would not have deteriorated, protease inhibitors, while not a cure-all,
So far the vaccine has been tested on are welcome news for people withHIV or
small numbers of people, and those stud- AIDS. ’‘it really is lifesaving treatment.
ies have indicated some increase in the We can look at it more as a manageable
body’s immune response to the virus. It critical illness than a death sentence,"
~as developedin 1987 by Dr. Jonas Salk. Peters said.
"it is an uninfecting viral materi~; ~t~at
hopefully i.. will boost immunity. :.i.ne. ~Man Sues Over material, he said, is "an absolutely killed
form of the (HIV) virus." Status Disclosure Patients eligible for the study must be
generally healthy, with no "AIDSMiDLAND,
def’mining illnesses" except for Kaposi’s with the virus that causes AIDS is suing
sarcoma, which is a cancer tumor that " Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
develops among people with HIV. ¯ for alledgedly revealing his condition.
FreddieLeeHawkinsJr. alsohas filedsuit
Missouri Has $ for : against diandCounV.ospi al s=ct
and Angola Shaw, a nurse at the hospital. HIV/AIDS Drugs ¯ .aw suing for over ,000 in ¯
punitive and actual damages.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - The ¯ After testing positive for H_IV on May
Missouri Department of Health says it " 13, he coutends in his lawsult that friends
willbeabletoprovidepotentiallifesaving ¯ and relatives of Ms. Shaw began calling,
new AIDS treatmentforallofthosesigned : expressing condolences because he was
up to get the g0vernment-paid mediea- : "dying of AIDS."
tion. The department will have $1.3 rail- Hawkins accuses Ms. Shaw of rev.eal~
lion in state and federal funds to pay for i ing his conditio~ Whenword got out that
the new drugs, known as protease inhibi- hehadthedisease, Hawkins claims helost
tots, which are used in combination with i manyfriendsandwas unabletofindwork.
older medication. ¯ Hospital officials declined to comment
’’We’re very pleased that all who ap- ¯ on the matter.
But a few months later, President
Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage
Act (DOMA) giving states the ~iuthority
not to recognize same-sex marriages that
are performed legally in other states.
Romer has indicated he likely would sign
a bill that was in line with the federal
legislation, and his spokesman, Jim Carpenter,
said Wednesday that the governor
still felt that way.
Mississi ppi
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - People who
want to outlaw same-sex marriages in
Mississippi are monitoring a court ruling
in Hawaii.
Gov. Kirk Fordice has signed an executive
order banning same-sex marriages,
but family activists say the orderfrom this
summer cannot withstand a legal challenge.
State Sen. Dean Kirby, R-Pearl,
plans to push abill in the state Legislature
to outlaw the marriages. "I just can’t believe
the state should recognize same-sex
marriages," Kirby said.
BOSTON (AP) - Gov. William F. Weld
said he would veto any Massachusetts
proposal to ban gay marriages.
Weld, however, said that if Hawaii’s
decision to grant the licenses is upheld by
its own Supreme Court, Massachusetts
would have no choice but to offer gay
couples married in Hawaii the same legal
rights and obligations it extends to straight
MADISON,-Wis. (AP) - State Rep.
Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, said
Wednesday that she will introduce a bill
¯ to recognize same-sex.marriages in Wis-
: consxn. "This is a simple matter of fair-
¯ ness, justice and equal rights," Baldwin
said. Sen. ScottFitzgerald, R-Juneau, said
¯ he will propose a constitutional amend-
" ment declm-ing marriage in Wisconsin
¯ be the union of one man and one woman.
¯ MONTGOMERY,Ala. (AP) - State Sen.
Bill Armistead, R-Columbiana, said
Wednesday he has a "marriage protection"
bill ready for consideration when
¯ the Legislature convenes Feb. 4. It would
make Alabama the 17th state to ban same-
" sex marriages. Gov. Fob James signed an
executive order saying gay marriages are
notrecognized as validin the states. When
¯ James signed the executive order in Au-
: gust, he said same-sex marriages violate
¯ public policy and God’s law.
.. Nebraska
¯ OMAHA,Neb. (AP)-Acourtdecisionin
Hawaii allowing same-sex marriages may
¯ lead to legal ramifications for Nebraska,
¯ according to the state attorney general.
¯ Nebraska has no legislation that recog-
: nizes or refuses to recognize gay mar-
" riages performed in other states. "We still
¯ need action from the State Legislature,"
¯ said Stenberg, who in March pushed un- ¯
successfullyforalaw topreventsame-sex
¯ couples married in other states from hav-
¯ ing their marriages recognized there..
¯ Montana
HELENA (AP) -A Republican legislator
says the Hawaii court decision under-
. scores the need for alaw prohibiting them
¯ in Montana. Rep. Bill Boharski, R-
¯ Kalispell has drafted a bill for the next ¯
Legislature to ban gay marriage, saying
the Hawaii decision proves "states will
¯ recognize homosexual marriage."
Street-Seeking Missile.
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hope, hiv outreach prevention education, call 712-1600 for info.
Saint Aidan’s
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The Episcopal Church
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featuring Mick Moloney, Jimmy
Keane and Zan McLeod.
Friday, January 17
8 p.m. John H. Williams Theatre
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Ce/tic Music at its finest!
Tickets $12 Call 596-7111
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East 1 lth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodis0
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-ES. Mingo, 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
H[V Testing Clinic HIV+ Support Group
¯ Free & anonymous testing : HIV Resource Consortium
: mingfingerstickmethod. : l:30pm
¯ No appointment required. ¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
: Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm : Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
: Results hours: 7-9 pm
: Info: 742-2927 : Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group ¯
¯ & also,
: PFLAG Family AIDS : Friends & Family ¯ Support Group ¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
: 2nd Mon. of month " 7 pm, call for location:
: 6:30 pro, 4154 S. Harvard " 749-7898 ¯ Info: 749-4901 ¯
: ¯ Alternative Skating
¯ " 8:30 - 11 pro, 241-2282
¯ OTHER GROUPS ¯ $4, Sand Springs Skate
: The Technicians, Leather -" The Pride Center
, Community Meeting
: or~:, Info c/o 621-5597 . January 7th, 7 pm
: T.U.LS~4. Tulsa Uniform 1307 E. 38th, 2rid floor.
" & Leather Seekers Assoc. Info: 743-4297
¯ /afro: 838-1222
Gay & Lesbian Student
TCC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
i Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
." Prayer & Bible Study
7:30pm 2627-B East llth
-Call 583-7815 for info.
¯ Family Of Faith MCC
: Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
¯ Choir Practice 7:30 pm
: 5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
Tulsa Native American
: AIDS Prevention Project
¯ Support group for Gay & Bi Native
." American Men, 6 pm
.. at Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd
: 582-7225 or
¯ 584-4983
¯ Co-Dependency
¯ Support Group
: 7:30, Family of Faith MCC
¯ 5451-ES. Mingo,622-1441
: I-HV Outreach,
¯ Prevention, Education
¯ Anonymous HIV Testing
¯ Walkin testing: 7- 8:30 pm
¯ Results hours: 7 - 9 pm ¯
Info: 742-2927
¯ Tulsa Family ChoraIe
¯ Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
¯ Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
¯ Support Group
¯ 1st & 3rd Thursdays
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
¯ Alternatives
: Weekly social events for
¯ LGBT men & women, 7 pm
¯ Info: 646-5503
¯ SubStance Abuse
Support Group
¯ for persons with HIV/AIDS "
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
¯ 3-4:30 pm ¯
Info: 749-4194
¯ Safe Haven
: Young Adults Social Group
¯ 8pro, 1st Fri. of each too.
¯ Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
: Mixed Volleyball for
¯ Fun & Competition
¯ Helmerich Park, 2 pm
71st & Riverside
: [nfo: 587-6557
¯ St. Jerome’s Church
: Mass, 6 pro, Garden Chapel
¯" 3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick, 742-6227
: Narcotics Anonymous
¯ Meets weekly at 11 pm
¯ Confidential support for
¯ recovering addicts.
¯ Community .of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
." AIDS Memorial Quilt
." Sewing Bees, 3rd Sat~ of
¯ each month: 748-3111
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Staff and Board of Directors
Wishes Everyone A Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas and Enjoys and
Celebrates Kwanzaa & Yule!
May your Holidays be
Filled with Joy & Love!
This ad is made possible by the generosity of
a supporter ofTulsa Family News and by TFN.
is delighted to be able to make the space on this page
available to theseHIV/A]I)S related chaffties through
the generosity of a supporter who prefers to remain
anonymous. This space also was offered to the HIV
Resource Consorlium via their attorney per their
request. Unfortunately, the HIVRC did not respond
by press time.
Other worthy groups doing HIV/AIDS related
workincludeTheNAMES PROJECT, AIDS Walk,
St. Joseph’s Home, The Ryan White 3B Clinic,
Indian Health Care, FUSO - Friends in Unity Social
Organization and HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention
& Education. The need is great, the means are ~w -please help as you can. While dollars are
ways needed, the gift ofyour time is nolittle thing.
Thank you - Shanti
friends & volunteers
for another year of
love and caring!
Mardi Gras Returns to Tulsa
Early March ’97- Be There!
This ad is madepossible
by the generosity of
a supporter of
Tulsa Family News
and by TFN.
-- Of
HIV infected or
Need someone
to talk to?
Call 438-AIDS (2437) or
1-800-284-AIDS (2437)
AIDS Ministries
This ad is made possible by the generosity of
a supporter ofTulsa Family News and by TFN
r&LJ’J ~ I
r-his confidential workshop is an intensive
weekend experience designed to assist
individuals who have been affected by HIV/
AIDS to come to terms with the impact the
virus has had on their lives. It is free and open
to individuals living with HIV/AIDS, family,
loved ones, friends, care-givers, and
professionals. The next Tulsa AIDS Mastery
Workshop is scheduled for May 16-18. For
info., call Red Rock at 584-2325.
This ad is made possible by the generosity of
a supporter ofTulsa Family News and by TFN.
¯ people along the way, These travels took
place in 1992-94, leading up to the Stone-
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library . wall 25 observance.
In their previous book, "Are you ¯
Oneinteresting spot is Ovett, Missis-
Two...Together? A Gay and
sippi, where, in 1994, a les-
Lesbian Travel Guide to Europe,"
authors Gelder and
Brandt created a fun, frank
andpractical manual aboutthe
realities of traveling together
as alesbian couple. Similarly,
their current book provides a
Even a popular bhieaandlicnoeuspblye tmryaindge tonaotpioennaal
~ilm, such as lesbian retreat and conference
T , ,, center, much to theshock of
ln$~inef, some of the residents. The loreleased
ha 1992 cal county deputy sheriff is
and.featuring quoted as being oppose.d,,, to
the center because ...it s a
wonderful panorama of the eternally .known. fact that ~1 y_o~ v__i_ojoys
and challenges of_lesbian . X 1. lent cnme comes zrom nomo-
~iffily life from coast .to ~t.. insane L~esman ~sexuals ......
The authors percezve ~.mat, ~ ;characters, co,pare this with the
ir°nicallx’sinceabout~eu-me ~:~,],~G seems ° authors experiences~ atthe
~,of President Clinton stirst
dection’~ being ~a lesbian has . ..,.~...~...~ . ~ . a ., ~ DinaliShoreGoldT6~ent
suddeul~ becomef.as.hlpnab.l.e ..... !lihe~ a Lesbian party circuit i~i PalmSpnngs,
¢.o a.,,~ ,~ --.California. ’ Aff¢ctiohafely
to some in the straight Worm.. Reelerlv~_a~aes~, ,, ’..kn,o,wn simply as "’~;’~ it
E"Bvaesnica pho~ptiunlacrt;,,f’rdnei;l:SiUeCdli ains " and-lS woJully is ~the caviar event of lesbian ¯ p.ublie sociar life: along, lav-
1992and featuring ~nally ._ .,: outdated~ -. ishWeekendofd_ancCs,pa,rties
insane lesbian characters, to- ~T~mes are .:and shows."
day seems "like a lesbian
’Reefer Madness, and ~s indeed
i The .a.u~,0_r_s.-al:so go on a
woefully outdi~ted. :changing ’~ "r Pride Ride with thd Lesbian
Tim~sareindeed Changing......... "
andthe autli"0rs are~ou-s.to -~ -¯ " " loog;~ o. vA,nvne:fnog~er,s’v,,i:s-itbhieli:Wbigh1l~y ancetviveer
~on’the Satang edge or me,_~e~n~,n.~g~ ..,. been a ~roblem?’ Ittsan mteresang ride,
~:,~fo~_und ~ge_s:lngy arems01ta~;~ ~ /.., ;-¢~,ce to say that-the reader learns
¯ ~nng;-howe...v..e-r,......Y...¯ ’ ~, an. ,. ¯- more about fi~re eating than was though
. oxymor0a. . ...... . e~....... - e authors visit~a wide range 0’f 1o- " AuthorsGelder and Brandt are won-
Th ’ - ........... ,~,~rC.llv refreshing to read. Their entercaleS
for the adventures .a~t~m_t_.e~.~ews~ ~ 7~rifingstv~eleavesfew slow spots
this book From a psycnotogy crass m . tm,~s ~.. ~.~ : .~ ..,, ¯
rtonoa, t-o".t,j"o-*.t-.~.--.G.at.eP.a.rk.in.S.a,n~Frxa~n-.,usuic. "¯ inC"hlleaeckGf-oarrttsh~i4seaxntd.Doot.hoer.ruuesonslnmar
cisco, to the Mlcmgan womyu ~
Festival, tothe Vidor, Texas city hall. we ~ subjects at youlocalbranchlibrary or call
are taken on a diverse journey .through the Readers Services department at the
lesbian America, meeting a. variety of ." Central Library at 596-7966.
FilingforBankruptcyProtection " the property, ifyouwishtoretainahouse,
car, or other secured property but are
Many people react to debt problems by i behind in payments, Ch. 13 is suggested.
wanting to file forbankrupcfy. However,
many persons with HIV/AIDS are al- : Note, however, that it is necessary that
ready "judgment-prooF’-- that is, the ". youhavesuffieientincomeforpayments.
debtor does not have enough assets to ¯ You can keep certain property e,ven ief:
snaetcisefsysatrhiley cnlraoimvi.deBathnekmrupwtciythwriel"gl re.nt1o-t :"i y(g_2ooo)_du~.sf4i;.l,eu_(f~4~)oretbqh~mewtayrni~guhintPttaoC~rr(e~;c10e3iv~oe~ncsn~:~.ao[m.~i
tauBtalynkgrruepattceyr pm.rovto~tavoens,f~~om~mng_ ~~eedeist_,oc~ros_n.- , benefits fromSoc¯ial ~ecurity,u, nemp~Ytssiderable
pape~vork, and often one or : ment compensaUon, verterans benen~, ~ public assistance, and pensions - regard- m~omre cpeurlsto.~~.gap~opoe~~~.ate~toarpt~~- :. less of the amount. . 8an~uptcy cannot w!pe out ~ow~
is a client with a large number ot mssets
and~or jo~ wages taar womu~ ~u -
¯ forchndsupport, alimouy, andsometaxes
~ are not affected. Also, if you fail to list a
~~ jecItftyooguardni~shdmeetnhta.t hank~pt%~ p¯ your ¯¯ d~eifbltinnoytobuerhdaisnclha~arpgtecdy.pLetiotio~~~thoartw~.mebe,nt b toption, yo. .should bo owingly gave false ro.tio
t~mine severRl issues, l~or exemp~e,-~m " Y out what kinds of baula’aptcy are avail- ¯ cannotbedischarged-Sthdent.loa~s. °sWthede
able, and what are the advantages and ~ toaschoolorgovernmentt~oayamessm
disadvantages ofeachofkind?Whatprop~
erty will be exempt from bankruptcy’:
Which debts will notbe affectedby filing
bankruptcy. ’ _
In all likelihood, you will choose between
Ch. 7 and Ch. 13. C°n. ? or "s~aight
"baukruptcy" should be considered when
there are a large number of unsecured
debts that are fully dischargeable and you
are notbehindonany secured debts like a
house or car unless you wish to surrender
loan first became due at least sev.ep y.e~r,s
before fding for bankrupcty or untess me
: court derides that payment would be an
¯ "undue hardship."
i These are only some of the issues that
you will have to look at when considering
i ~vhether to t’de bankruptcy. If you have
: HIV or have been diagnosed with AIDS,
¯ and you satisfy an income requirement,
~ call theAIDS Legal Resource Project toll
~ free at (405) 521-1302.
-~vhere pets¯ are treated like pe.ople
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Complete gay.lriendly resources and businesses: bars, bookstores, dentists, doctors,
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omen ’sParty - which Is to
say, there are no men invited.
This is no small event here,
and this year’sfiesta .takes-
. place on December. 10th. By
the lime we go-[o press, the
26th annual eventwill.be history,
andI canassureyoufrom
- past experience,agrande lime
will be had by al!...The itop
..floor of the Basin Park Hotel
~mes. a. party :ha!l, ,complete,
with lots offood, drink.
¯ :music, and socializ~g: Of
course, each and every.year, a
,. s.ma!! group ofmenshow UPat
" ¯
¯ remain dOsed until January ]7th: From
As the holidays approach, life gets in- " the 17th until February 7th, the shop wilt
teresting in our Victorian mecca. Each be open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunyear,
Eureka Springs .has an annual ." days, complete with readings on those
Through the 1st of March,
TheEmeraldRainbow will be
closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
Not to worry though, all
~1orders will be f’dled even
ffhile the store is closed: And
"~1 Y ,. " ~., 1"):... about thosemai! orders;ffyou
womensrart7 ’ hhven’t received
" w~eh"i8 ~O " order.catalog from Eureka’s
¯ =.~, ¯ : " " :- O~Y shop that specializes :in
say, there, are . ga~/lesbian merchandise, you
; one sent to;
cally with. us in mind."Gentle
.. Rain :Gi~ Baskets,a .company
: f0undedand opekated .by
.... :rendy, the Pride 13askets are ’ DIOW
only :ayailable, through. :T/~, :and ar’e~:~);
,. ’, : .
O~itat bed & bleal~a~ts.~e ° : their
the beginning of the year. ¯ -.: : . .,ag n~ It won t.be long .~.b~,.ore
. And speaking.of The Emer-. .- ¯ Spring and back to wbrk like
aid. Rainbow, MC & Linda have decided ¯ dem0ns~
on a little vacation this Winter so there : ~During December, we look forward
will be a little d.own time but not enough : lots ofChristina,s. shoppers, tbeChristma.~ ~_ E~ naw.?,u gogg ~0~gh With~wal. !. :buS,~t ~urs,t~ni~rie~s.~pto
I hey w,l close ior ena-o[~.year inventory ~ check,rut theChristmas lights,.and~g
after business onDecemi~er 29th and will. : Santa -s rives Join us in E~r~i~a! ......
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Systems & Software Specialist
dial a geek 501.253.2776
POB 429, Eureka Springs
Arkansas 72632 what are"thebest"products to
: shimaka@intellinet.com use. What would really help
http’.//www.pimps.com/geek/ solve your skin care problem?
The key to successful home
by Stephen W. Scott, P,M.E. ." . Vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and
We all want to be beautiful and have . biological extracts will guarantee your
healthy skin. The media besiges us with ." skin benefits from the most potent antiaging,
" yt,u umn eze
,h Di~i~q PIE-~SURE .........
skin care programs is commitment,
using products with the
highest quality ingredients,
and synergy.
Coming to the~ realization
.thathealthy skinandclean skin
. is important is thefirst step.
This realization means taking
3 minutes a day inthemorning
and evening for a quality skih
care regimen ~ "
-.i . WkYnshoppingfor.a qual:
¯ ity skin care line; ingredients
shouldbe lO0%purcandnatu-
"~ ral. Odorless pro~lu~tS arebest,
as are products fr~ of mi:cro:
’ "Organisms " and other
minera]s, plant
extracts, ~nd:
extracts -w~H
turizing action.
For mature skin. marine
collagen id rich inamino
acids and very hydrating.
El~stin firms skin tissue and
improves suppleness and skin
tone. Borage helps prevent
premature aging andiffcreases
~uarantee your circulation. Calendula has a
! ¯ 1. ~’~. calming, anti-inflammatorg,
.slain D.enetRs antisepticand soothin~ effdt.
kom themost~ Topopherol or Vitam~Eare
¯ , anti-oxidants,hdping to con- potent ash- tr01 the causes of a&e ~’ Hyafiinff,
anh-,- uromcac~dbrings.400ttmes
~.a = . ’ .~a its volume of water into the
oxidant, and " skin, giving exceptional
mo]tstu:rlzlJa~ smoothness and.softness.
"I HWY 23 SOUTH a . ~
For acne~prone .skin,
chon;: Birch and yeast are non:dry-
~ ’pathenogens. Water’ gd~- ~ ...... ing astringents, reducingred~
- basedproduetsfree0flan(~lin, petro!eum,. ¯ iiess.land acting against hflammation.
’~ miheral 6i!, alcoh01;~PABA, artificial col- . Orri~ ~oot calms allergies and irritations.
..ors and fra~ances. ~e ~tin caring for ¯ Kaolin and white ela~ absorbexcess.se-
~ your skin. ’-’ ~:~ :, ~ o:. " - " ¯ bum. Meadowsweet acts as an antiseptic
see Fit, page. 14
Ijust got backfrom Borders Books and
Music,andletmetell you,itis awondrous
place. A book, music, and video lover’s
delight. And on top of that, for the first
time in TFN’s history with booksdlers,
were were wdcome to place papers there
from the first time we spoke with them. In
almost all other media venues, we have
had trouble with local management, having
to contact corporate
headquarters,who then said , I just got
"Of course you’re wel- Borders
¯¯ ! bigger, better pieces in "Return of the "
Jedi"in March. "
¯ However, at this year’s Defcon (the "
¯ Tulsa science-fiction/fantasy convention), ¯
: I had the chance to ask Star Wars author, :
¯ Kevin Anderson and Lucasfilm spokes- "
." person, SteveSansweet, aboutthe chances ¯
¯ of seeing gay characters in the new films
¯ TherespousefromAnderson: "NO! There "
won’t be any gay charac- ¯
lmck from ters in the Star Wars urn- "
Boobs& verse because Lucas "
doesn’twantany sexuality ¯
in the series." ¯
Excuse me? I pointed
out that in "Return" Leia "
ran about kissing almost "
everyonebutthe Wookiee, ¯
and in the novels, she and
Han Solo are married and
have children! Certainly ¯
that didn’thappen without :
some kind of sex! The response
was a muffled re- "
ply, and I explained that "
the question was more one ¯
of relationships that just a "
simple matter of sexuality. :
I, at the risk of having
my idea plagiarized, sug- ¯
gested my own story to
AndersOn: ThatHancomes "
out of the closet, divorces _"
Leia, who really loved
¯ Chewbacca anyway, professes his love ¯
¯ for the still single (and not dating anyone : ¯
ofanysex/species)LukeSkywalker.They "
decide to run amok in the galaxy fighting
prejudice everywhere, with C3PO and "
R2D2 starting "Droids for Gay Rights" "
groups allover thegalaxy. ContactGeorge ¯
Lucas at Lucasfilm, POB 2009, San ¯
Rafael, CA 94912-2009, Phone: (415) ¯
662-1700, to register .your thoughts. ¯
May the Force be with you!
In the meantime, go see MARS ATTACKS!,
a great new camp space film -"
fromTim Burton. Atleast he hires openly "
gay production designers, as detailed in ¯
the Advocate article onWynn Thomas in ¯
the magazine’s current issue (# 723). ."
Tulsa World regularly does so where ap- ".
propriate. And unlike The World, which ".
restricts letters to 200words, TFNran the ¯
letters criticalofour coverage essentially :
withoutany editingfor length. Becauseo "
those letters’ length, TFN responded at :
the relevant points rather than at the end, ¯
TFN is happy to help make ourreaders
aware of the inadequacies ofHIV/AIDS
commonjournalisticpractice to respond
editorially. Likelyyou’ve noticed thatThe
come!", andthenhadto deal
with the hassles of local
management and an unfriendly
attitude. Infaet,one
bookstore still is refusing
us a spot in their store,
though they allow almost
all the other local papers.
~<-Theresa Lynch, General
Manager, and the staff at
and wdeoming, and
it was interesting to note
thatmany ofthe store’s first
day customers were members
of the Tulsa Gay community.
In fact, it looked
than a bookstore, as many
folks as we saw who we
knew. Borders has a nondiscrimination
clause on
Music, & let me tell
you, it is a wondrous
place. A book, music, &
video lover’s delight.
Theresa Lynch... and
tire staff at Borders
]rave been most gracious
& welcoming, & it was
interesting to note that
many d tLe store’s
day customers were
members d the Tulsa
Gay community. In
fact, it looked like we
were at a party rather
than a bookstore...
their employment applications that indudes
sexual orientation as well. Butdon’t
bother applying, I’mfirst on the list! TFN
welcomes Borders and encourages all of
our readers to. patronize their business.
Their sections on gay studies and fiction
arewell stockedandwell rounded. Tell’em
we sent
If you are avoiding your dysfunctional
~anily this year, Icanrecommendacouple
of videos to watch withfriends and family
of choosing. Smart Saves His Family was
an excellent portrayal of such madness as
those of us from this background deal
with. It is less acomedy andmore adrama
with eomedic moments. The studio marketed
it as a eomedy, whichparts of it are
but the film flopped largely due to the
expectation that it would be a laugh a
minute. I came away from this film with a
soft spot in my heart for Smart Smalley,
and the "Smart Within" myself, as well as
an insight that we are all struggling on our
own paths, doing the best we can with
what we’ve got. And a few laughs.
"Home For The Holidays", Jodie Fospaean
to dysfunctional holidays, was
tan%ther enjoyable film to hole up .with; in
much the same vain, with a lovely moral
to boot. I do think Robert Downey, Junior
was annoying, however. Get gay men to
play gay men.
by Jep~n-,Bierre Legrandbouche
TFN Food Critic
It’s hohday time! Sugarplum.~ andfrnitcakes
and egg hog and office parties and
big family dinners and all sorts of low
calorie opportunities abound! And, of
course, even though they aren’t prepared
this way the rest of the year, all of the
recipes must be made with lots of real
butter and ofhcavy cream.
December is a perfect
time to turn to the rather
healthier and lighter foods
of Asia. Counterbalancing
all those rich, Western European
artery doggers, Oriental
recipes are traditionally
on the vegetables, have
plenty of variety, and overfiow
with great flavors.
Now, toomuchoily stir-fry
can defeat the purpose, so
therestauranthas to bechosen
carefully for the skill
andartistry ofthechef. And,
Tulsa is blessed to have a
particularly f’mechefatKim
Long, a Vietnamese and
Chinese restaurant in far
southeast Tulsa, which is
probably the best in town.
Located in a shopping
center which includes the
." fluence in the sauces and presentation.
¯ The French were, formany years prior to ¯
American involvement, colonial over-
" lords, and brought French culture to the
¯ East.Agood example ofthe Frenchinflu-
: ence is the ever popular Vietnamese iced
: coffee, a strong, distinctive roast brewed
¯ with an individual drip container, and
-" served with .weetened condensed milk
8146 So. Memorial
11 - 9 Sun. -Thurs.
tfl 10, Fri. and Sat.
C]alnese, Vietnamese
Pde~: modest
major credit mrds
smo~n~ &
non-smo~ln~ s~t~ons
Rat~: A llst
infamous Ocean Club at 81st and Memohal,
Kim Long is a huge restaurant which
took over the location of the former
southside attempt of Tulsa’s historic
Louisiane. Thedecorhas notbeenchanged
much, so there is a open and casual ambiance
to the multi-tiered and multi-roomed
establishment, yet it still maintains a nice
restaurant feel. None of those little lanterns
hang around, and the place is quiet,
even on busy nights.
All of the standard Chinese-American
foods are offered, and done well. But, so
many traditional Chinese regional dishes,
.especially fromHnnanandSzechuanpmv-
~nces, appear on the large menu, that it
would take a diner months to sample
every dish. Prices for the Chinese foods
are qnitereasonablefor a restaurant ofthis
quality, and only slightly more than one
would expect to pay in a Chinese. fastfood
type place. Most of the standard
chicken, beef, and pork dishes hover
around the $7 mark, and-seafood dishes
are $9 or $10: These names will all be
familar--cashew chicken, kung pao beef,
shredded pork with garlic sance, shrimp
with lobster sauce.
We highly recommend that the more
¯ adventurous diner order from the list Of
Chinese specialties. Prices areabithigher,
: ranging from $8.55 to $12.95, but the
over ice.
$5.95, is a bowl of
vermicelli noodles topped
with chopped eggrolls,
grilled beef, pork, and
chicken,andmounds oflettuce,
cucumbers, and bean
sprouts, all topped with
chopped peanuts. A small
bowl of fish sauce accompanies
the dish as a condiment,
andtheknowing epicure
will dump the sauce
into thebowl andmix all of
the contents around with
the chopsticks. Pho Diic
BiSt is a delicious Hanoi
style soup with slices of
rare steak, beeftendon, and
meatballs. Thesmall bowl,
$4.95, is agoodfirstcourse,
and the large bowl, $5.95,
is almost big enough for a
meal by itself. We also like
Hope yougotto see"Beautiful Thing, : funding, particularly the shameful pit, : rewarding meal will be well:worth:the
at Movies 8 before it passedfrom sight: A ..... tance that our state governmentcontrib- - ¯ extra dollar or two. The. Red Rose-Sealwonderful
English film. (made for ~the. : utes..However, the HIVRCshould still be : lops are an excellent Choice,. with~lots of
¯ the G~ Xho Xht, which at $6.95, is a
: chicken dish flavored with the pungent
: spiciness oflemon grass, accompaniedby
¯ steamed rice and a bowl of.onion soup.
: Another delicious example of Vietnam-
: ese flavors is in the B6 Tfii Chanh, $7.95,
¯ - which is a combination of thinly sliced
beef cooked in lime juice and flavored
with mint leaves, onions, and peanuts.
The truly brave will try L~uTh[ip CAm,
ahugeundertaking for two ormore, where
plate after plate of different vegetables,
shaved beef, shrimp, crab legs, andsquid
are brought to the table, raw. A large pot
of boiling soup stock is placed in the
middle of the table, and the diners use
their chopsticks to select and cook their
own dinner in the stock, sort of like a
French fondue. It’s a $22.95 investment~
but well worth the fun. Just as a matter of
etiquette, when eating With chopsticks;
one uses the smaller ends of the sticks to
convey foods to the mouth. However,
when working with a common bowl or
pot, one. switches the ends and uses the
largerends ofthesticks to bring foodfrom
the common pot to the plate.
If all of these individual dishes aren’t
wonderful enough, this place .has prob-
: ably.the best Asian buffet in this part of
¯ the state. A steal at only $6.95 per person,
: a full range of salads, soups, desserts,
: condiments, .and.countess Chinese .and
¯ : Vietnamese dishes are featured. Entrees
¯ are rotated, and not thesame.old things
UK’s progressive Channel 4) about two
-.- " high s~ho~l boys falling in 10ve;it,was :a
" real treat tO see such a realistically positive
andinnocent film. It was wellwritten.
~ and r well’ dixected.-Hopefnlly it.will be
available on video or:at a Film Festival
.... ., near us~soon:. I highly.recommend it~
StarWarsfauscanalternatel.y rejoiceor ¯
heldpublidyaccountable., i little straw mushrooms and water-chest- ; everynight.Therestaurantisbusyenough
~ U~ity .is imaginary_ when it~ is.not the ,. nuts in a mildly spiey.Hunan style sauce.: : " the the food turnsover:quickly,.so things
carefully built consensus, of most of the ; WealsoliketheBabyandMotherShrimp, :. are always.hot, crisp, and fresh. A good
community. Historically, a handful have . a surprising pairing baby shrimp ; balance of hot Spicy foods’ and milder
made decisions, affecting, many, many . : braisedinawhitewine sauce withjumbb ;..dishes :exists? chinese pork ribs," fried.
people. Thesefolks have imagined that if :. shrimp..sauteed4n a fiery.~ehile ~sauce..A ; " Shrimps, and other expensive-meats apthey
agreed,, then all-did; .. - ......... minor disappointment was theCleopatra .r-~.pear,.and. this is. not. your:cut,ratebuffet?_
Tnlsa Family News isdoing ourjob to "~ Chicken, which is breast meat rolledin :.- " And, as.always with thebetter oriental,
boycott. The remastered, re-edited,xe- : build honest & genuine unity bypresent~ : sesame seedand served withgarlic,-pep. ; restaurants,expectyourserverstobequiet,
~l~cial effected trilogy is set to come out ¯ ing many views- from,, you & Nancy ¯ pers~ and ginger in a rather- bland white: : polite,, and.~very attentive: Most are-also
early-next year .- January will. see. the.: i McDonald to the. PLWA s whofelt that~ : wine sauce. . ¯ : .. quiteskilledatrecommendingdishes,and
releaseofStarWarsSpecialEdition, Fab-. i. the HIVRC was not listening to them. It is : Ourfavofite dishes, though~ come from .’:. we often letthemjustobring us dinner.
ruary will have"Empire Strikes Back’:’,-!- -precisely through honest; though, some-.: the Vietnamese side of the menu. Part of-. Winterholidaysorsummervaeation,Kim
blasting its way off the screens, and:the :- ~ timespainful, dialogue that.we buildcon, ¯ what makes Vietnamese food so exciting :. Long is well worth the long journey to
Death Star2 will again explode in.even., sensus &community.. That’s ourjob. _ .: is the juxtaposition.of traditional.Asian ’ ~ Ken and BarbieLand:
recipes and techniques with a French in- :- . - .
Viatication is the process through which a person
living with an terminal illness can receive a cashpayment
from the face value of their insurance policy.
Generally, to be eligible for a viatical settlement you
must have a documentable terminal illness, and life
insurance coverage in either an individual term, whole
life, or a group policy.
With your written permission, we gather medical and
insurance records with which to determine your policy’s
value. Then, a settleumt offer is presented to you. You
may always decline the offer with no obligation whatsoever.
Should you accept the offer, payment is made
directly to you. Youpay nothing else on y0ur policy, and
you owe us nothing.
Many factors influence whether viaticating your life
= The value of your life-insurance policy in a vi-atical- ¯ insura’nce is the best financial alternative available for
settlement is determined by the specifics of your policy
you. Southwest Viatical can discuss all of the factors with
and your unique medical situation. Not every policy is
you and your family in person, in detail and can recomsuitable
for viatication, but settlement offers typically
range from 60% to 90% of a policy’s face value, depend- mendanexperiencedCertifiedFinancialPlannertoass~st
you m planning the best outcome from your unique
ing on the specifics of your policy and medical history,
financial situation.
Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
doing business only by bulk advertising and 1-800 numbers.
They transfer your insurance and medical records
by mail, and do business from another state.
At Southwest Viatical, we believe you should be assured
of complete confidentiality and the best possible
service by working with us inperson, face-to-face. We
are involved on a community level; and are responsible
directly to our local commtmity.
By working with you in person, but at the same time
having access to nationwide financial resources, we are
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today. And because of our established resources, we can
deliver a settlement in less than a third the time other
companies take by mail, typically in fewer than 30 days.
We’ll do what it.takes ~:"
to find the best solution foryou.
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
4021 South Harvard, Suite 210
Tulsa, OK 74135
¯ lance. Lurch, a San Francisco comedian
MIND SPACE i °neparticipatinginanact"t’h’a"t~ey’di’dn°tt " by,!ance brittain,,
¯ . SM Delights saw approximately 30 : and President of the San Francisco Bears,
SM, Sex and the Law II, Get My Point? like¯ However, a judge did rme mat no participants enj0,y. Seven workshopsNo: : was the emcee for the evening. ~,e_ benbylance,
brittain . , all0wingthedefenseofconsenttoacharge ¯
vembe-r9atLola sinTulsa. $395.00 was . : ¯ eficiary of the event, H.O.P.E. s gay
of oral sodomy deprived the defendant of ~
¯ outreach and condom distribution pro-
Tulsa s Penal Code defines sexual con- ¯ . ¯
duct as acts of masturbation, homosexu- ¯: h~i.sSritagthet tOokhla.Cver.,co7n7s1enPt.d2edfe2n3s2e, (H19iu8l9d)e¯ : rbariistteadinf,oTrutlhseaEnaemwilPyriNdeewCselnetaetrh.erlacnocbe grams, was awarded $845.00 after ex-
¯ Forcible sodomy is also illegal and could " lmmist and Mr. Alameda
¯ beusedagainstthoseofusthatparticipate
County Leather ’94~ "It is so great to
in SM, where a power exchange takes
sponsored the event.
¯ place. With the loopholes in this law the
The Mind of a boy, have these workality,
sexual intercourse, or physical contact
with a person’s clothed or unclothed
genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or if such a
.personbe afemale, breast. Itdefines sadomasochistic
abuse as flagellation or tortureby
orupon a person dadin undergarments,
a mask or bizarre costume, or the
condi,tion of
being bof~i
or otherwise
physically restrained
so clothed.
So, homonot
believe in con Y~ . ¯ -~ : and Candle Hay were a
~JetmypoPmlaty. ¯" fewoftheworkshopspre-
: Sented~ Other worl~sl~ops
me state oI ¯
Oklahoma: andSMand the Law. Faeven
.i,f ~s-_~m’_~ ": cMilcitkaitnorsseyw,eirOe lkalnacheo,mTJa
and materials i tDe~d~S~bo~ ~i9tel4~fM~t~
..... sa-s "’ lanta, .V1 Joh¯ ason,:and
’ WW Walker: Internashops
anti to see
the interest as two
years ago only five
people attended a
Saturday, Dec. 7, the
placetobewas Oklahoma
City as lanceandTJ sponsored
"Kind Of Kinky"
withLurch as a guestpan--
dist¯ Three wOrkshops
were presented which
were "Getting What Yon
Want", "Pleasurable
Paint’ b~ Parker Perry of
OklahomaCity, and"q?he
Knights of the Round
Table Leather Discussion".
Each workshop
averaged approximately
15 participants each.
"A new and all incluatdy
report it to the Director of Health. ¯
Can youremember thelast time youheard ~
of someone being arrested for adultery or
having legal sex in a hotel room? Get my ~
It is illegal under the Oklahoma Alcoholic
Beverage Control Aorta take part, "
onthe premises , the following: any acts or "
simulated acts of sexualintercourse, mas- ¯
turbation, sodomy, bestiality~ Oral copulation,
flagdlation, or any sexual acts
which areprohibitedbylaw and the actual
or simulated touching, caressing, or fondling
of the breasts, buttocks, anus, or
genitals. Why then are the police not going
into’tlae bars, straight or gay, and
arresting most of the customers? Why
aren’tthepolice arresting straight couples
ffalking down the ~treet who put their
hands on the other s buttocks? Get my
The State also declares any person who
is guilty of the detestable andabdominal
crime against nature, committed with
mankind or with a beast, is illegal. This
includes oral sex and any sexual penetration,
however slight.
i feel this is talking about rape, but the
l~w is worded so that there are loopholes
everywhere and officers could arrest anyirritating
that others feel they can dictate
to us their morals and say their s is th
only way. So stand up together and fight
for your rights! Together, miracles will
consensual, and laa ¯ ~ ¯
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for the skin, body, hair and nails in OKC. clinicaldayspaspeciatizingintreatments
’He is also certified in fitness, nutrition
¯ and massage. For info. about theservices
: ofFace Beautiful, caii405-840-3223. ¯ -
t romance, Or move in
rether...start a business together...
commit to eaCh other over the
long term.;.start afriendship..~4re you
sure you know what th~ person is really
like?Wonder if you re compatible
enough to survive the years together?
Do you have enough information to
make that commitment? Want to know
someoneor yourselfbetter? .....~ ~
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written reports.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
word is 25 cents. You may bring
additional attention to your ad:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
- Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2 Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the
no. of words: (~ ~,ord is a group of letters
or ~iumbers separated by a space.) Send
your ad & payment tO PUB 4140, Tulsa,
OK 74159 with your name, address, tell
numbers (for us only). Ads will run in the
next issue after received. TFN reserves the
right to edit or refuse any ad. No refunds.
33w -45 c
Big, muscular, athletic; handsome HIVGWM
seeks law enforcement type for
friendship/possible relationship. No users,
losers or abusers. Boxholder, P.O.
Box 33153, Tulsa, OK 74153
Plumber? Electrician? Roofer?
Looking for Gay or Gay-friendly
persons to do some repair and remodeling
work. Reliable and affordable,
p! e. send contact info .aqo.n
r~ferences care ofTFN, Boxl~otaer ~a ,
PUB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, browse unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. Only $1.99 per minute. 1 8+. Customer Service: 41 5-281-31 83
MUSKOGEE MAN If you live or work in
the Muskogee area, I would like to meet
you. I like young guys under 35, who are
clean cut and h~althy. If you enjoy music,
movies, massage, and more, please
respond. I’m a 55 year old professional.
(Muskogee) =7092
!951bs, Brown hair, Green eyes, and hairy.
I m inexperienced and I’m looking for a
discreet rendezvous. (Muskogee) =13125
HOT~F.UN IN OKEMAH I’m 23 years
old, 6 2, 1801bs, Brown hair, Blue eyes. I
seek men for good fun. (Okemah)
I~T ME JOIN YOU I’m a 25 year old
Gay White male looking for Gay White
couples or groups to have fun with. Call
me. (Oklahoma Cily) =5416
the Gay scene. I’m not into the bar scene.
I’m 27years old, 6’1,2001bs. I like nature,
camping, movies, dining out and good
conversation. Call me. (Pryor) =9S45
years old and I’m interested in experiencing
men 25 to 35. I’m 5’11, 1881bs, Blue eyes,
and real curious. (Tulsa) =18597
SEEK AND FIND I’m a Gay White male,
6’1~ 1451bs, Brown hair, Green eyes, very
attractive. I’m seeking other guys 18 to 30
who are humorous and out going. If you are
interested, leave me a message. (Tulsa)
curious, White male, Green eyes, Salt n
~l~.per hair, 41 years old, 5’8, 1701bs,
looking for a masculine, experienced gay or
bisexual males or couples. "
photos and
numbers will get quicker response. (Tulsa)
SOFT AND WET Transsexual in need of
a special friendship. I’m a single White
male in my early 30’s, very soft and very
sensuous. I would love to Be your
girlfriend. (Tulsa) =2170
MADAME X I’m a cute and feminine
Transvestite, dark hair, Green eyes, 5’2,
1301bs, early 30’s. I seek a married
~lentleman who is masculine and
c~ominant. You must be very discreet.
(Tulsa) = 17693
LOVE I’m looking for someone to
spend quality time with. I prefer Black
men. (Tulsa) =17745
WELL BUILT/~AN I’m a totally hot
master, 6ft, 1801bs, muscular and well
built. I’m looking for White slave
boys. (Tulsa) =17614
White male, mid 30’s, 5’10, 1501bs,
Brown hair, Brown eyes. I’m Iookinq
for a daytime friend.(Tulsa) -
= 15878
SECRET LOVER I’m a Black, Bi,
married guy. I’m looking for other Bi
or Gay guys for discreet meetings.
(Tulsa) =15722
GIVE ME A HOLLER I’m- 33 years
old, 5’8, 1501bs, Brown hair. Ilike
sports, movies, the outdoors. (Tulsa)
TULSA LOVER I’m a 43 year old White
male. I like movies, long drives, bowling,
and other fun activities. I’m 6’1, 2001bs:
(Tulsa) =8438
White male, 5’4, 1351bs, mid 30’s. I seek
a chunky business man. (Tulsa) =9682
32 years old, 5’6, 1751bs, Hazel eyes,
mustache, Brown hair, beard. I’m
interested in meeting Gay or Bi men 25 to
45 who are not into head games. If you
are.~ecure, masculine, fun, outgoing, and
down to earth, c~llm~: I’m.lool~ingTor
friendship and maybe more. (Tulsa)
rural area. I’m 31 ybars old, Brown hair,
Brown eyes. I like rodeos, country music,
rural living. I’m single and healthy~ I’m
looking to meet a real cowboy who likes
to ride bulls or whatever else. I’m loving,
caring, generous, and fun. [Tulsa)
= 14845
32 year old Ga~iWhlt~ male,5’7,
1851bs~ Brown ~ir; beard, mustache.
would like to meet other men 26 to 45
who are into fantasy play behind closed
doors. Blue collar men are a plus. You
should not be afraid to be strong. (Tulsa)
= i 2977
BI~.CK ON BI~CK I’m a 28 year old
Black male new to the area. I’m in search
of a Black man who is masculine, caring,
gentle, and into having a good time.
(Tulsa) =14146 "
OPEN WIDEll I’m 27 yea~s old, 5’7,,
1451bs, good looking, in good shape. I m
looking for fun. Call me. (tulsa) =13952
male, 6ft, 1651bs, Brown hair, Blue eyes. I
seek guys 21 to 35 to get to know and have
a goc~d timewith. (Tulsa) =2291
STUCK IN TRAFFIC? I’m 43 years old
and I’m in good shape. I seek r~en 30 to
45 who are Gay, Bi, or Bi curious. We
could do something on your way home.
The traffic is so bad you need something
to pass the time while it clears up. (Tulsa)
~9170 " -
SHY GUY I’m 6’1, 1501bs, Black hair,
Brown eyes, 23 years old. I like sports,
playing the sax, music, azz. If you are
nterested in meeting me please call.
(Tulsa) =12824
1601bs, of the dark persuasion. I have 3
dogs. I love to walk, love music, cooking,
the outdoors, and life in general. I’m
hoping to meet men who want to date.
(Tulsa) =10937
YOUNG STUDENT I’m new here and
would like to meet some new guys. I’m
5’6, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 21 years
old, in the closet, conservative, student. I
really like military guys. Check me out.
(Tulsa) ~11841
I’m a cute Bi White Transvestite, 30’s,
5’3, 1301bs seek a 30 plus married
o’r Bi stocky and masculine professional
f0~ a dBcr~eLre at onsh p. iTulsa)
=i 1846
FRIENDS I’m 6’4, 1951bs, a Gay, White
male. I love country and western running,
fishing, hiking, an~ outdoor spo~ts. If yo~
want a friendand someone to talk to, call
me. (Tulsa) =! 1865
6’1, 1701bs, Blond hair, Green eyes, tan
and hairy.,l’.m nto phone. Are you?
(Tulsa) ~8406
Bi curious and into cross dressers,
Transvestites and B&D. Call me. (Tulsa)
White male in my mid 40’s, 6,ft, Black hair,
Blue eyes, mustache, 2091bs. I m looking
for men. Call me. (Tulsa) =10561
LET’S PLAYCOWBOY I’m a 32 year
, White male, 6fl, 1621bs, Brown
to meet a man
good time call me.
LIKE A VIRGIN I want to give the all
,. I’ve never been with a
’m real curious. Call me.
year old Bi White co__w~o_y,i 6ft, 1971bs,
Brown hair, Brown eyes. I m seeking Gay
or Bi men 18 to-23 in my area. Call me.
(Tulsa) =!DS26
LET’S MEET SOON I’m a White male.
I’m drug and alcohol bee. I’m 6’2,
1901bs, Brown hair, beard, mustache. I
love the outdoors. (Tulsa) =8171
ENGINES I’m 40 years old and I would
like td meet someone around my age. Call
me. (Tulsa) =8234
TALL, COOL ONEll I’m 20 years old,
6’6, Blond hair, Blue eyes. I would like to
meet some other young men 18 to 25 who
are Bi, Gay, or Straigl~t: If you are
interested, please call me. ITulsa) e7~3
BI CURIOUS I’m 45 years old and I’m Bi
curious. I’m new at this and kind of shy. I’m
looking for other Bi curious guys or m~vbe
a good teacher. Call me. (Tulsa) =7929
VERY CUTE SMILE I’m an attractive Gay
White male, 6ft, 1451bs, dark hair, Green
eye~, medium build, versatile, very cute
smile. I seek attractive Gay White males 18
to 36 for friendship and possible
relationship. You must be outgoing. (Tulsa) ~’~
years old, Gay White male, 6’2, 2101bs,
Brown hair, Blue eyes. I like movies, music,
and long walks. I would like Io meet a
sincere Gay male in my area for a discreet
long term relationship. Call me. (Tulsa)
~! 188
PRESENTS FOR ME I’m 48 year old Bi
curious male Iookinq for teachers "
" Call me. (Tulsa)
YOUNG, STUD PUPPY I’m 19 years
old, Black, curly hair, Blue eye.s~ 6fi, and
1651bs. I’m very outgoing and I’m looking
for friends. Call me. (Tu~a) =33419
BIG MAN I’m 20 years old. I would like
to meet guys 18 to 25. I’m 6’6, 2751bs,
Blond hair, Blue,eyes, very masculine. Call
me: (Tulsa) eB668 - -
PLAYMATES WANTED i’m a sin.,gle
guy looking for discreet safe play. I m 39
years old, 5’6, 1301bs, short Blond hair,
beard, hairy chest. Call me. (Tulsa)
~’rieeanrsdsohldip, a20n0d1ab.sp,o6s’s2i.blIe’mrelolaotikoinnsghfiopr. I,m
new at this and I’m looking for friends.
Call me. [Tulsa) =5023
OUT AND ABOUTll I’m a Gay, White
male, 5’9, 1351bs, Blond hair, and Green
eyes. I’m looking for someone, 18 to 25,
who is clean cut. I enjoy movies, music,
dancing, and going o0t. Call me. (Tulsa)
-REAL LOVEll i’m 24 years old, 65,
1911bs, good looking, Brown ~air; Brown
eyes, with a swimmers build. I m very
masculine and cleon cut. I like camping,
fishing, hiking, and sports. I’m looking for
someone 18 to 23, fc~r a relationship.
(Tulsa) =6605
hair, Brown eyes, and a hairy chest. I’m
5’11,33 years old. I en oy movies, country
music, tw~ stepping, and dance music. I’m
looking for an honest and sincere guy. Call
me. (TulSa) =7137 "-
REAL FUN I’m a Gay White male,¯ 30
years old, 5’9, 1751bs, Brown hair, Green
eyes. I’m looking for a clean shaven guy
18 to 35 for some hot fun. Call me. (Tulsa)
=725 !
PHONE FUN I’m into phone. Call me. i’m
6’1, 1701bs, Blond hair, Green eyes, good
looking. (Tulsa) e34497
To respond, browse or
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Dr. Elders Urges Black
Churches to Fight AIDS
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)- Black churches must join
forces to educate their communities about the dangers
of AIDs and the need to practice safe sex, Dr. Joycelyn
Elders said Saturday.
Elders, the former surgeon general:, told a gathering at
Mount Carmel Baptist Church that one out of every 350
black men is infected with the HIV virus, compared to
one of every 800 white men and one of every 650
Hispanic men. Among women, one of every 1,000
black women is infected, compared to one of every
15,000 white women, she said.
New medicines and treatments have nearly turned the
deadlyvirus into more of a chronic disease people can
live with for years, Elders said, but the numbers will
keep g~owing unless youfig people are educated. Beside~
education, Elders emphasized the use ofcondoms
and providing dean needles to drug addicts as deterrents
to transmitting the disease.
She applauded four teen-age girls who told the group
they took vows of abstinence, but said 70% of those
vows are broken by the time high school is finished.
’I’he vows ofabstinence are broken far more easily than
the latex condom is," Elders said. "When I was your
surgeon general, I tl~ink you remember people would
call me th~ condomqueen. Well, I Want you to know, I
put the crown on my head and sleep in it:"
see Elders, page3
:HAWAII HONEYMOON? ¯ HONOLULU (AP) - Joseph Melillo believes waiting six years
¯ to get ,m,arried is long enough. "That’s an awfully long engage-
¯ ment," Melillo said.Wednesday ~p~r~0judge put on hold the first ruling inAmericanhistory that all’~ws g~y marriages. Melillo and
¯ his partner, Pat Lagon, will have to wait at least another year: The
¯ staywill remainineffectuntil arulingby the state’s highestcourt. ¯
That court ruled in 1993 that Hawaii’s ban is unconstitutional
unless the state could, show a compelling government interest in
¯ preventing gay mamages.
¯ In. issuing the stay to his own ruling, Circuit Judge Kevin
Chang said there would be confusion if gay couples got married
¯ and then the high court overturned his decision. "We kind of
¯ expected it, but we’re not happy with it," said Melillo, who sued
¯ the state along with Lagon and two lesbian couples.
Chang said Tuesday that the state had failed to show any
¯ compelling state interest in denying gay couples the right to
¯ marry, and he ordered the state to begin issuing themlicenses. It
was the first such ruling by a judge in the United States.
¯ The dispute prompted passage of a federal law signed by
¯ President Clinton that says the federal government will not
¯ recognize gay marriages and allows states to refuse to recognize ¯
such unions licensed in other.states. In addition,16 states have
’ passed laws denying recognition of gay marriages.
¯ DeputyAttorney General Rick Eichor sought the stay, arguing
¯ that allowing couples to marry immediately would undermine
the state’s case. "If hundreds, or even thousands, of gay mar-
" riages take place, the Supreme Court probably won’t even hear
¯ the appeal," he said. Eichor also argued that the three gay couples
who sued for the right to marry would suffer no real harm if their
: right to marry were delayed.
Dan Foley, the lawyer who represented the couples, said he
¯ found that argument incredulous. He said his clients already had
suffered from delays in the case. "I hope it won’t take long to
¯ convince the Supreme Court that Judge Chang’s ruling was i correct," Melillo said.
And nearly two months before the opening of the state Legis-
¯" lature, same-sex marriage already has become an issue.
: Newly-elected Rep. Bob McDermott on Thursday called for
¯ Senate President Norman Mizuguchi to replace Matt Matsunaga
¯ and Avery Chumbley as co-chairs of the Senate Judiciary Corn-
: mittee. Matsunaga and Chumbley both opposed a constitutional
¯ amendment banning same-sex, marriages. Matsunaga, who won
re-dection despit~e being targeted for his stand on the issue, says
: the matter should be left to the courts.
," McDermott said heis concerned .that legislation prohibiting
¯ same-sex marriage will not be given a fair hearing in the Senate
¯ Judiciary Committee. Samer~ex marriage was a factor in
McDermott’s ouster of Democrat Len Pepper in the Nov. 5
: general election, see next column
¯ US & World Reaction: Arkansas
¯ LHTLE ROCK (AP) - Moving to follow a new
federal law, lawmakers filed legislation Friday that
¯ would ban same-sex marriages in Arkansas. The
¯ measure was among the first bills pre-filed in the
: House to be ,introduced in the Arkansas General
Assembly that convenes Jan. 13.
¯ Arkansas family law defines marriage as a civil
¯ contract between consenting parties. A provision
relating to issuing a marriage license to under age
persons contain age requirements for the male and
¯ female, the only reference to gender. The proposed
¯ bill would declare that "marriage shall be only
: between a man and a woman" and would void
¯ marriage betweenpeople of the same sex. The state
¯ wouldnotrecognize same-sex marriages performed
out of state by people who move to Arkansas.
"What (gays) do in the privacy of their own
¯ bedroom is their business, but I don’t feel like it’s
: something that I want to recognize as being legal
¯ and right" said the lead sponsor, Rep. Doug Kidd,
: D-Benton. "The state of Arkansas should not rec-
¯ ognize that as a marriage."
¯ Dehra Bailey of the Arkansas Gay and Lesbian
¯ Task Force said the state’s homosexual community ¯
Was not surprised by Kidd’s bill and would fight it
: as a matterof social justice. She said homosexuals
¯ "absolutely" have a moral right to marry. Ms.
¯ Bailey said. "Whether or not a person chooses marriage to sanction their relationships, all people
¯ should have that right."
¯ Colorado
¯ DENVER (AP) - A Colorado state lawmaker has
¯ announced plans to reintroduce a bill in the 1997 ¯
Legislature that wouldbanrecognition of same-sex
marriages in Colorado.
¯ The announcement by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, ¯
¯ R-Fort Morgan, came just a day after a Hawaiian
court ruled that state must issue marriage licenses
¯ to same-sex couples. The same bill was approved
last yearby the Colorado Legislature, but vetoedby
: Gov. Roy Romer. The Hawaii ruling still must be
appealed. But that doesn’t matter to Musgrave.
¯ Musgrave’s bill banning same:sex~ marriages
¯ was appr0vedinbothho~es earlierthis yearlarge.ly
¯ on a partisan=line vote with most Democrats in ¯
Opposition. Gov: Roy Romer-vetoed it in March,
¯ saying it was unnecessary because Colorado law
didnotrecognizesuchmarfiages, see Hawaii, p. 8
Murderer Gets 50 Years ¯ Evergreen SpiritAwardsGiven " Coming Soon! PONTIAC, Mich..(AP) - The man convicted of killing " TULSA - The AIDS. Coalition. of Tulsa presented its 1996 *
Evergreen SpiritAwards recognizing individuals fortheir contributions
to HIV/AIDS care. The organization recognized Amy
Graham and Nancy Nelson of the American Red Cross, Jack
Arnold of Tulsa Public Schools, Anne Kozak and Jean Derry of
the Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, Claudette Peterson of
HOPE, Patti Handyof Associates in Medical & Mental Health,
Sharon Thoele of the HIV Resource Consortium with Spirit
Awards. The Richard Shackelford Award went to Derrick Davis
of FUSO and the Truman Geren Award went to the late RF
Renfro. These awards were presented by Phil Wiley. The award
to RF Renfro will hang in the Renfro Room inThe Pride Center.
HIVRC Records Turned
¯ Holiday services will be held at Saint Jerome at ¯
11:30 on Christmas Eve with Mass at midnight.
: Family of Faith and Greater Tulsa MCCs will join
¯ together for a candlelight service at Family ofFaith
¯ at 1 lpm. Also Community of Hope United Meth- ¯
¯ odist will hold its candlelight service at llpm.
Ongoing till mid-January, Community of Hope
: will offer a grief support group that meets on
¯ Tuesdays from6-8pm. Forinfo. call Leslie Peurose
¯" at 585-1800 or Bob Hulsey at 749-4194.
"- RAIN, the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
: will provide volunteer training on Jan. 13-15 from
¯ 5:30- 9pmatHarvardAve. ChristianChurch,5502 ¯
S. Harvard. $25 with some scholarships available.
¯ Registration by Jan. 10. Call Stephen or Kathy at
i Over On Nov. 20- More 749-4195 for info. Another training will beat
¯ Conners State College.in the Classroom Building ¯
Documents to. Follow #210onJan.24-25.Registrationisrequiredby Jan. :21.CallStephenorKathyat749-4195orPhiTheta
¯ TULSA-The H-IV Resource Consortium (HIVRC) provided its ¯ Kappa in Warner at 918-463-6302 for info.
¯ minutes to Tulsa Family News’ attorney on Nov. 20 and has ,
: - agreed to provide accesstoother public documents this month as "
: well as agreeing to futherinterviews with counsel for theHIVRC :
¯¯ - and Tulsa Family Newspresent. ¯ ¯ . .
TFN publisher, Tom Neal, appl,auded the agency fo~ its coop- :
" eration. "It has ialways been Tb2q s hope that the agency could " NEWS .... P. 4
provideexplanatiousfortheallegatiousofthepersonslivingwith HIV/AIDS & THE LAW P. 10
AIDS (PLWA’s)," Neal added. ,We hope that the problems ¯ BOOK REVIEW P. 10
really just turn out to be communications difficulties rather than : EUREKA SPRINGS P. 11
anything more serious. We expect to provide followup coverage : RESTAURANT REVIEW P. 12
next month." , CLASSIFIEDS P. 14-15
a gay admirer who revealed a crush on him on "The
Jenny Jones Show" will serve at least 20 years in prison
before he is eligible for parole, lawyers said. Judge
Francis X. O’Brien on Wednesday sentenced Jonathan
Schmitz to 25 to 50 years for murdering ScottAmedure.
DefenselawyerJames Burdick saidhe’ll appeal. Schmitz
shot the 32-year-old Amedure to death three days after
they attended the show’s taping on March 6, 1995. The
show was not aired at the time but was played in court
and televised as part of trial coverage.
Amedure’s family said Schmitz, 26, Should spend his
life in prison to make up for each day they will. spend
withoutAmedure. "Thereisn’taday that goes by where
I don’t mourn for my sonrs life," Amedure’s mother,
Patricia Graves, told O’Brien. "I hope every time he
opens his eyes he will See Scott’ s body as he lay dying.~’
AllynSchmitz, Schmitz’s father, said thejudge didn t
consider thedamageto his son’s psychefrom appearing
on the show. Witnesses said Schmitz believed he was
going to meet a woman.admirer on the show and was
humiliated when the admirer turned out to be a man..
"He was the guy who .,. was basically hauledinto (an)
... imraoral,.sexual-perverted thing that totally devastated
him mentally to the point-that he couldn’t even
function anymore."
Schmitz had been fighting alcoholism, .depression
and a thyroid condition when the show’s producers
¯ambushed him.., the defense said. "I don’t disagree
with counsel that you are suffering some medical illness,"
O’Brien told Schmitz. But, he added, "You still
have to be accountable to society."
fax: 583.4615
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher + Editor: Tom Neal
Entertainment Writer + Mac Guru:
James Christjohn
Writers +.contributors:
Phyl Bbler-Sehmid~ Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Steven Scott, Gerald Miller,
Lance Bfittain, Kent Lewis
¯ Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Pt~bolrireeastpioonnodefnaeneaims aesosrupmheodtot0dboeefsonroptuibnldicicaatitoenthuantlepsesrostohne’rswsiesxeunaol toerdi,e.mntuatsito~n .
signed & becomes the sole property_of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be’sent to the address above. ~Eaeh reader is entiiled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution.points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by Tom Neal
age, were a recovering alcoholic, or simply didn’t know where
any of these places were, you were out of luck. Because of
significantly different editorial and advertising policies, from
T.H.sa Family News.(TFN) has my .a,pp~re-
." ciauon, support and gratitude forit s Oc-
¯ tober article focusing upon failures of
: Tulsa’s HIV Resource Consortium
-" (HIVRC) and for following up with both
: ’pro’ and’con’ responses appearing in the
¯ November issue¯
: However, I also applaud any and every_
: one who word volunteer themsdves to
i public oversight by serving on any Board
of Directors of any service group such as
the HIVRC.
This is the first issueofour fourthyear. During these years., our Also, HIVRC’s salaried Director,
goal has been to bring the Tulsa Lesbian, Gay, Bi & Trams
communities (and our families andfriends, and any other inter~
ested readers out there), the best community newspaper we can
achieve. We strive for fair and accurate reporting. We strive to
cover all of our very, very diverse communities. That means we
are a newspaper for "’bar" people, the wealthy and well-connected,
drag divas and leather folk - in short, for all. We are a
newspaper for those who are way out of the closet, as well as for
those still hiding.
¯ One of the tl~ngs which has helped to make us a paper for all
ts our accessibility across the city. Prior to TFN, if you wanted a
Gay newspaper (albeit one from out of town), your options were
to go to an "erotic" bookstore,, a dub, or one or two other
locations. There’s nothing wxong with these establishments (and
we’re very grateful that they welcome us) but if youwere under
." ,OtherP..,~in,the, ragion (policies now being imitated in Okla_ i SharonThoe.le, certainlyhasmydeserved
¯ nomat:~ty),TulsaFamilyNewsiswelcomeandavailableaeross .appreciation for even attemptingto per-
." the city, in locations accessible to many more people. Havinga ¯ form the undo,ubtedly impossible tasks of
¯ paper available and visible is progress for a community that has i Serving Tulsa s PLWA’s and HIV with
: ~forced traditionally to be hidden.
¯ complete satisfaction to all. It will.never : sprogressh not come ily. For door w:eopened,. ! happen.
: tac~ ano msenmmauon mtrying to get the paper in moreplaces; ! ...IfI dneverbeen amemberofaboardof
: in trying to get more advertising, and in trying to buy basic : ddinryecotofrsth,neoerxepveenredxitpuerreieonfcepdumbleidcifausncdrus-,
¯" services for the newspaper. We also continue to face diserimina_ :. then I might be somewhat less under-
: lion from.some in our commRuity. ¯
¯ ¯ standingof the feelings of theboardmem-. Itisnotaneasyjob.NorisitweHpaid.Manyofthefolkswh~se . bersor~eservicegroup,sadmlnistrator
¯ work you see in this paper donate their efforts. Certainly, as : when an "outsider’ brings them to task as
: publisher.and editor, I could go out and get a job doing almost : TFN’s publisher has done.
:. anything else andmake bettermoney- and actually get benefits, i ~ But, whomevermaybe connected with
_" not to mention major stress reduction, see Editorial, page3 : HIVRC who may be fceling insecure and
¯ unappreciated due the criticism (whether
: justified or not) there are those Tulsan’s
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities : who feel much, much worse- every day
¯ ¯ - those persons living with AIDS/HIV ¯ AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB "1071, 74101-1071 579-9593 .. and those of us who love them and are ¯ Black&White;Inc. POB 14001,Tulsa74159 583-7314 . scared to death oflosing them ¯
*Bless The ¯Lord... Christian Center, 2627b E. 11 628-0594 ¯ : :B,-,_/_L/_G___Alli_’,,.an,ee, U~v.°..fTulsaCanterburyCtr. Nevertheless, simply stated, it is public 583-9780 i money that HIVRC is spending, andtax_ ." ~.Alapmml ~maent t.lr.,University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence . payers and benefactors can reasonably
¯" *CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703~ 2rid 585-1800 "
~ C_ommunityUnitarian-UniversalistCongragation 749-0595 i expeetaccouhtabilityofservicesandmost
: Dignity/Integrity-Lesbian/Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648 : certainly to be given access to public
: *Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441 . information upon request. It is both un-
¯ :~ello_ws.l~.’p_Congreg.-Church, 2900-S. Harvard necessary and unfortunate that such a
747:7777 : .simple matter had to become a public ¯ rree~pmtWomeusCenter, callf0rlocation&info: 587-4669 ¯ ;¯ Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 ¯ ~ssue at all. But, if that’s what takes then ¯ 747-6827 ¯. so be it! Tulsa needs a responsive AIDS Friends in Unity SocialOrg. (African-American mens group) . consortium, or none at all.
POB 8542, 74101, call cJo HOPE @ 712.1600. : I have no doubt that TFN’s focus upon
: HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education, 1307 E.38, 2ndfl. ¯
¯ and inquiry ofHIVRC is fullyjustified if
d~12-1600’ HOPE Anonymous HIV Testing Site, 742-2927 ¯
: In--.’an Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983 "
the newspaper is to fulfill its own ¯ sibility to it’s readers. And, TFN’s pub- . Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437 : lisher has proven his commitment to the
: *MCC of Greater Tulsa,. 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 ¯
." *HIVResourceCtr.,4154S. Harvard, Ste. H_l 749-4194 : .cbosmenminunTiutlys..at.hlrohuagvheonuetvtehrehtaidmtehehoechcaas-
.." NHAMEHSouPsRe,O1J1E1C4l1S".,4Q.1u5a4koSe.rHarvuard, Ste.r
: PFLAG , POB 52800, 74152 584-7960748-311I .: Slon to.talk with Mr. Neal about such ¯ 749-4901." matters,bu[disappointmentswithHIVRC Planned Parenthood, 1007 S Peoria ~o~,.-,~,,, ¯ were being-publicly expressed long be-
*The Pride Center,- 1307 E "38, 2nd floor,
~’~ i fore TFN beg.an its ~,s_tribution in Tulsa.
¯*~R.A.I.N..R~Onal AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4-195-: s----~ -~ ’ :’ g : ~nsmer commencing
Rainbow Business Guild; POB 41067415~ r.~iT~: ¯ ¯ om.~ ~aamagegontro~ measures as soon as
.S~,JerOm_e’s Catholic Church, 3841 ~. Pe~ia, ~:~ i .fPo°rS~le’ -by:pr°vidin,g the,m!nutes in.a ~hanti Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749 "moe ¯ ’, un~.gnt ~n),~nn.e_r; acknowledging inad-
.Tu.ls.a O.k.la..fo.r H. uman Ri.ghr.s.. POB 2687, 74101. _ ..74-3--. .." ~".~.eq...ua.c~es ot the Consortium in the past; lecnmcmus ~ , . . ~~, : "~ ,, 584_~ar~o e,- ~mu, comini’.".u.ng" -to i"mprove m-.e.s.lm.a.uo" n
TULSA Tuls .... :"~: ...... :.. ! ,-,,,o ~. "m the future. :She, other memberS of the
: ..... a. um~orm/Leamer ~eeKers AssoC.’" 838-1222 ~,.: ~ . . - .... ~
¯ :, ..~oard, the HIVRC Director and the
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurant~
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E Pine
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630E 15th
*GoldCoast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Ground Floor Cafe, 51st & Harvard
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L ~ 31st
*Silver Star Saloon; 1565 Sheridan
*Samson & Delilah, 10 E. Fifth
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd -
*InterurbanRestaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesaes,lServices, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Borders Books & Music, 274OE. 21 712-9955
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-527~
*CreativeColleetion, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468 ."
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620 ."
665-659 .
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 46th & Memorial
Don Carlton Honda, 4141 S. Memorial.
*Elite Books &Videos,821 S. Sheridan
Express Pools &.Spas, 6310 S. Peoria.
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
Leatme M. Gross, Financial Planning
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney, .
*Sandra J. Hill, MS; Psychotherapy, 2865 E Skelly
Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th& Peoria
*International Tours
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 140H, 74159i -
Lean Ann Macomber, Real~.r Associate
*Midtown Theater,319 E, 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st ¯.
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51. PI
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 5.1st & Harvard
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S Peoria, Ste~ 633
Pet Pride, Dog & Cat Grooming
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor.
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 &Boston 584-0337
*Seribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations 743-2351
Southwest Viatical 747-3322, 800-305-6384
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
: ’ *Tulsa COmmunity Coll6ge; Metro.8~ NE Campuses
: *Univ.ersity Center at Tulsa
: AutumnBreeze Restaurant, Hwy 23 South 501=253-7734
: Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi~ N. of Dam Hwy. 187.506253-6154
: *Jim&Brent’s’Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457 ¯ DeVit&s Restaurant, 5 Center St. -501=253-6807. ¯" *Emerald-Rainbow, 45 &U2 Spring St.
¯" Geek ~oGo!,PC Speciali_sL POB 429 501-25325445
i King’sHi-Way,96Kings.IJighway,Hwy.62W 800-231.-.1442
¯ MCC of the Living Spring - :501-253-9337 ¯ McClung Realtors -- ¯ 501:253-9682
Positive Idea Marketing Hans
i Rock CottageGardens. 501-253:2401 50i-253-8659, 800-624-6646
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East " 50L253-6001
¯: The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-8281
Face Beautiful Day Spa, 7.108-D2 N. Western 405~840-3223
".’ *Tulsa CityHalL Cafetei’ia Vestibule, ~round Pltor
: ¯ HIVRC staffcan then regain ourgratitude -
: ’ and~e~peci. Anyless risks theloss to all of-
. ¯ .us of any value HIVRC does indeed pro-. .
" vide ifan alreadyangry Tulsa politicos of: -
¯ ,.’Conservative’ persuasion seizes the op- : :
portunity fo eliminate it like TCAA.
¯ In any case, itseems tomethatHIVRC’s:
: aftempts tointimida~, to silence, to make~"
¯ threats oflawsnit and/or exercise policies "
: ofstone-.walling requests for information--
:" doesn’t serve anyone ~ and is certainly
: not in the best interests of an already
under-funded Consortium. Weall have to
take our lumps occasional.lyand then go
on - it justgoes with the job. Most frequently,
we grow a little in the process.
- Vernon L. Jones, Tulsa
ForUnto Us a child tsbbrnl
:Midnight .M s
Service begins. at. 11:30 pm-=-Mass at Midnight
Celebrate the birth of Our Lord in the liturgical
-tradition ofthe ancient Catholic Church. . -~
..... parish church of st, JerOme -
" Meeting at the Garden Chapel ..
- ~.-.... : 384t SouthPeoda, Tuisa " ’
tt i~,not, thej~c[g~"ents ~fme~ which .open or Shut fhe.G~tes ofHeaven. St. Jerome
.. :However, this -doesn’t mean that
the agency is perfect nor that it should be
. : REi HiVRC Covaraga .... -above all scrutiny or criticism -as it
~ ! am Writing~in*egard tO your coverage seems yowimpty. .
ofthep£obleniswiththeHIVRC.Iwantto We’re ihclined’:to believe thai those
thattk’~’~bry0~r continued efforts to " working at the:HIVRCare likely under-
’expose p~Oblen]s’with the ageixcy so that ,. paid t~bugh lye don’t have any proof of
they:will.be cor~ectegl~ While at_ the Pride " ~hatl yet. TFNalsa knows other Tulsans
Ce~ter rec~ntly~ i 0v~rheard .one of the " who do equallycr~tica! workfor Pers.ons
people involved refer to your ego as your : Living with AIDS at even lower sa~qries
reasonforpfintingthe~le~;soi U~tl’ei~ : : thdn some oftl~.f~ht ~e_.,_.H....l=V~R~.~Sh~i~lv.
~t~.d ihat" vimr’ ate ~rob~ibl.v Xecelvi’-~ ’~ Servic~worlq unJormnatefy !?.~U~t~ ~."~" Y
~V-~~ ~-~" d---- ~--- x- . .. ~. .:.., " . .~ ’ ~ " " . " " - " " " ¯ " " "
eoflsiderable resistance from certain fac- . valued tn our soctely as otl~er worr.
¯ As for TFN’s response to letters, it is
"I am~nOt directly inv01y~l" oraffe~(ed ¯ - - . see Esli~ck, page 12
~by thi~ issue, ~o I have nothing Of imp0tt
{3contribute. I an~ writing primarily io iet
y0ii know thatyour conviction reassures .
me that if it was an issue that directly ¯
affected me; you would be just as thorbtigh
in your coverageand I thankyou for
- name Withheld by request
-HIVRe Director Responds
Your recent diatribe against the. HIVRC
i~s board ofdirectors, and exectrfive director-
appears wholly without factual basis..
¯(Spacefor.your"editorial’? ~omments sure
Thework I and our writers do isalabor of
¯ love. It’s done because we care that this
¯ r community get a qualitynewspaper.. .
As we beginout fourth year, we plextge
¯" that we will continue to improve Tulsa
Family News. We will, .to paraphrase
"..~ MotherJones, comfort the afflicted and at
:. least, ,challenge (if not-afflict) the ~.om-
¯ fortable. We will try to look at.all parts of
.:.-the’communities. We will- cOntinue tO
-tO appear in letters’withwhichyou are not : write both about- the suecesses in-out
to me "our ~ _commumuesasweatways~ave,anuaoout
time Would be mueh obettet’ spent inan-.~ .me ~auures as .were
i effort to unite rather than diwdeTulsa s o ¯ - ff Y’ou ’think. .w.e n.e.ed.towrite about a¯n
" .’-" ~.....-’"- *....mber ’ issue; let us know. Youcan contact us wa
of the board of directors of ttIV.RC, I can
.... ~’: out ul~ocationtha~thdr[sic] ¯
s¯ tatemth eq ¯ ~’ " " ..... OU ---~ ~ ~ " "~....... :’~ ^--. of this If you hke what we redomg,.or if y
or-ani~atibus [xiO activitids or to thwart " aon t, memetus ~now.
2.h0urintefview shouldb;- pr g . . :
~f that- I-meimits [sid] nst llke she does " rather you &lit your letters for length than
for us to do so.
- - ho~g~ave anything;else, to d0. - .- ."
- ~ .’,: .The staff and volunteerso[ the.HIVRC ¯
.~ :at_e~ d.espit.e’ your,90rfim~n’t~ a ~oup nodf :
" extremely dedicated,. overworked, . an .~ ~
~md~rpaidindi~idfials trying t0 do~th~ beast° :
job ~ey can wi.thfimited resources against .~
~ ~m d~,e~’whelnfing situation. I should thi~-:
ttm.ty0gand ev-~e~9thern~ember 0fTulsa’s :
-gay and .iesbian comm.uni.ty would be ¯
th~lkful that tl~is group o.f perpl~ are out
there trying to.secure every ounce, of as- ;
sistance to fight.the effects of this disease ;
for those in need of that assistance. "-
I would grant, you that the staff and "
volunteers are .all hummi’ and therefore :
subj.ect to mistakes. I also~ believe that :
when any ofthem makes a-mistake that it :
would-be corrected without prejudice or .
vindictiveness towards the one who corn- "
. plained. A tremendous need for services
~xists that is.impossible to meet with
existing resources. I would assume you
would be wall aware of the.gap between
needand the resources available and consider
the possibility’that some of the corn-
;plaints .you have .heard would be from
individuals thatjust do not think they are
getting enough of those resources.
As a professional investigator it appears
t0me that you,are woefull~ short of
"making your c,~se I believe ~ou could
better useyour time and newspap,er lob-
" bying for additio.nal resources tofight this
disease and aid those who suffer from it,
Ti,m’othy W. Danl
" " -AttOrney at Law.
An Attorney who will fight for
~ . ,.justice &:Equality for -
. -.~.- ~ Gays &Lesbians -
Domestic Partnership¯ Planning,
Personal Injury,. --
Criminai.LaW: & Bankruptcy ’~
1:-.800:’742 946,8.or!918-352-.9504
1128 EaSt Broadway,~ Drumright; .Oklahoma
weekend and evening appointments are available.
President Climon appointed her to’become
thenatiori’gtop docior, butfiredhet
in 1994 after- she-was criticized for remarks
~i~ut mastUrbation;as an element
of htmian s&ualit~. - --
. Elders pointed" fo her willingfiegg °to,,
speakabout "unmentionables,’r’Which
evenmallyTgot her,dismissed. "I Saidt felt
masturbation Was a normal part ofhuman
sexualityLthat90 percent ofmen masturbate,
80 percent of women, masturbate
and the rest lie," Elders said.
Elders denied shehadencouraged teaching
masturbation, as was Widely reported,
but had only acknowledged it as a means
: of-prdventing unsafe sex..;’Nobody needs
¯ to teach.anybod3i thehow to," she said.
¯ "God taught u.~ how-to]’
: She Said black churches were initially
~ resistant to takeonthebattleagainstAIDS’
¯" because some- found immorality within
the .disease.. She recalled one Church in
: 1981which wrote in its bulletin that be- ¯
cause the dis ease Was mainly among
¯ white men, there was no need to worry.
¯ She also criticized the polidcs involved
in not distributing dean needles to drug
addicts, whichshe said is proven to reduce
the’ transmission of the virus that
¯ eaUsesAiDS. ButElders saidshehas seen
¯ andtopromotetmj’tY andharmonyamong ¯ ,aturnaround fimong churches andindeed,
Tulsa’s ~ay’ahd:lesbian cdmmunity. Af- : some positive things that have come from
terall, ~ie niune Of thi.’s paper-is Tulsa ¯ th,e,~sease’... " ’ i .... .-’
Family,News... ; ¯ , .-..Mike ;,E,sq.ck " I ve seen more-real true integration
"Eititor"’s note: manypeople wouta ats- ~ and harmony ardund HIV disease, than
agj,~e ~bith your.contention that taking 4 .
" monthstoptovlddm~nutesfortheHIgRC
I’ve Seen.around anything else in-this
¯ . . - - country~" Elders said. "Maybe it’s going
is getting the "fUll cooperatiqn of. the " . to take this disease to make us come to our
- agent. Regarding you~" 6ther comments,
:[don "tth)nkTFNhasever’suggdstbdthat
knees and begin to deal with real prob-
. lems and real. people."
t: k; DOn’t ¯" ~eju~ had b~n sch~to be~n ~nsidefing
N~ YO~ (AP) - ~en it ~mes to sex, ~e " ~ages We~es~y, before ~e settlement w~ ~-
military has two different policies - and that violates
the Consttufion’s equal protection mandates, according
~to a lawyer for six,~hom,osexuals currently
serving in the armed forces. %Ve d like aplay-by-the
rules policy for everyone," said Beatrice Dohrn, after
arguments Monday before U.S. District Judge Eugene
Nickerson: "(Military officials) have admitted
that lesbians or gay men are no more likely to violate
the rules than anyone else."
Dohm, an attorney with the Lambda Legal Defense
and Education Fund, and Matt Coles, lesbian and gay
fights project director for the American Civil Liber:
ties Union, are representing the anonymous homosexuals
in their challenge ofthe military’s "don’t ask,
don’t tall" policy.
Last year, Nickerson declared the"don’t ask, don’t
tell" policy unconstitutional. But on July 1, a threejudge
panel of the 2ud U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
sent the case backfor review, saying itdisagreed with
the judge’s conclusion that the policy violated the
First Amendment’s free.speech protections.
"It is plain to u~ that governmental restrictions on
speech that would run afoul of theConsdtution ff
imposed in ci,~ilianlife can pass constitutional muster
in the-military context," the appeals court said.
Justice Department attorney Mark. T. Quinlivan
defended the current policy, telling Nickerson "the
military does not have to take ’the risk" that sexual
tension might result if an open policy toward homosexuals
is permitted to exist.
He said testimony in Congress by Colin Powell and
Norman Schwartzkopf- both retired Army generals
- as well as others, found that the sexual tension could
have "a degrading impact on unit cohesion."
Sexual tensionbetween heterosexuals is prevented,
Quiulivan said, because troops are kept in segregated
housing by gender, creating what he called "a buffer
zone." Alluding to recent mihtary scandals involving
¯heterosexual men allegedlyabusing women, Dohrn
said, "The government’s obsession on.focusing on
sexual tension really belies a rather liberal policy
toward Sexual behavior. ’ROmantic relationships are
allowed to go on.’"
Nickerson, who .asked mmaerous questions of ~e
attorneys during Monday’s.50-minute hearing; did
not immediately rule on thecase. He asked lawyers
for both sides to.provide additional evidence.
The New York case is one of several around the
nation challenging the policy, which the Clinton
administration adopted-in 1993 as a compromise
between.the Views of gay-rights advocates and those
taffy opposed to homosexuals inthe military.
The policy survived its first Supreme Court test last
month when the court rejected the appeal of a former
Navy officer dismissed for declaring his homosexuality,
The justices rejected former Lt. Paul
Thomasson’s argument that the policy is unlawful
discrimination and violates homosexual servicemembers’
free-speech rights.
Gay Man Wins School
Harassment Case .
EAU CLAIRE, Wis, (AP) ~ ’Because he is gay,
Jamie Nabozny was regularly spaton andbeaten up "
in school, subjected tea mock rape and kicked in the "
belly so many times he needed surgery. :
OnWednesday, the 21 :year:old Nabozny accepted
a $900,00Oout-of~court settlement, ending the first "
federal trial ofaschool districtfornotprot~,cting agay ~:
student from harassment. - ¯
Nabozny says the settlement will help gay youths "
in the future. "I think this will send a-very clear "
message to school districts," lie said Wednesday. "It "
is time it’s stopped.".
The agreement cameaday after afederal courtjury ¯
found that three school administrators violated-his ¯
rights, although it found the district as a whole was
not guilty of discrimination. -
The verdict marked the first" time .school officials "
have ever .been held liable for anti-gay violence
against a student, said Peg Byron, public education
director for theLambdaLegal Defense andEducation
Fund, a-gay-fights organization that represented
¯ nounced by Byron andTimothy Yanacheck, an attor-
¯ ney who defended the district on behalf of Wausau
Nabozny claimed in,.~is,,lawsuit ’that the abuse
¯ ranged from name-calliilg to being shoved, beaten,
~ spat upon and even having his head pushedin a urinal
¯ and being urinated upon. The harassment started
: whenheentered Ashland MiddleSchool in 1988 until
: he dropped out of Ashland High School as ajumor in
¯ 1-993.
¯ Nabozny’s lawyers used Grande’s testimony in an ¯
effort to show tlmt school officials weren’t consistent
¯ in punishing students for harassing others. Grande
: was suspended for violations such as calling his
¯ girlfriend names, yet he was never punished for ¯
tormenting Nabozny. His parents said they had many
¯ meetings with school officials only to see their son
¯ suffer further abuse: ¯
¯ The jury ruled against. Ashland Middle School
Principal. Mary Podlesny and two. administrators at
: Ashland High School,Principal William Davis and
¯¯ Assistant Principal Thomas Blauert: Timothy
Yanacheck, an attorney who defended the district on
¯ behalfofWausau Insurance, said they were "hurt and
: disappointed" by the ruling.-"Despite the verdict,
¯ they continue to believe that they responded appro- ¯
priately to the plaintiffbased on the limited iuforma-
¯ tion that they hadavailable at thetime,"-Yanacheck
¯ said. -
: -Nabozny earned a general equivalency degree in ¯
Minneapolis after leaving the Ashland schools, al-
¯ though he said Wednesday he hopes to still get some
¯ sort of real high school degree so he can hold an
¯ unOfficial graduati"on ceremony,
¯ Homoseximls have paid a high ,p,~ce in abuse, Lambdaattorney PatriCia’Logu~ said. Now the tables
¯ have turned, and it is prejudicethat h~ proved so ¯
costly," she said.
¯ Yanacheck said the ruling sends a me~sage to
school @nistmtors across the country about legal
liability where they migh~ not now suspect that they
have any. ’.’School administrators are sympathetic to
¯ kids whoar~harassed by Other kids in school. But for
¯ themost part that’smisbehavior that school adminis¯
trato~s cannot 15revent or control," he sai&
The case went to trial afte~ theTth U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals in Chicago ruled last summer that
¯ Nabozny did-have enough evidence-to take the dis¯
trict to court, overturning a lower court decision. Lambda is a New York City-based civil rights orga-
¯ nization that represents gays, lesbians and people
with HIV.
: Gay Alumni Fund
¯ Lesbian &Gay Studies
¯: $200,000 bequest by,a UNC-Chapel Hill alumnus is
: providing the university’s first courses that focus
¯ primarily on gay andlesbian the.mes; .
The new.courses were made possible by a bequest
¯ from Charles Williamson, a 1968:graduate of the
School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hi!l.:Williamson;..’~ ,-S.an: F_ranci.~~cO
physician, died of AIDS ifi. 1.992 H~e ,lef~ UNC.rCH
¯ half.of his estate, with specificin~truc.tions on.h0w it
should beus.ed. .... . , - ~ . ¯- ,
AlSO, ~e University of.Minnesota has.receivbxt a
$500,000 .gift .to support ._the development of.gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender~studies: The.endowment
will help create .the. Steven 4-. Schochet
Endrwed Center for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgender Studies and Campus Life.
Schochet, a retired computer consultant, created
the.fund,to.enco~age "a moreih.umane cultur.eY for
gay, lesbian; bisexual and transgendered unigersity
students, facult3~ and staff, he sai.d. - .-
"Back Whdn I wasin cbllege, th~ecampus climate
was hostile tO gay-men,"~he said..’q2tis is my way bf
ensuring th~itthings contmue.t0-get better for GLBT
¯ " .people 0ncampu~." -~ ’. - " . .
in the Pride Center
The 743-4297
Gifts ¯ Cards ¯ Pride Merchandise
Family’s Pet Physician ¯.
M-F7:30-7 - . .
Sat 9 -1
Now located in midtown!
2732 East 15th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104
tel: 712-2750
fax: 712-2760
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.-48th& Peoria . .
~, ’9~30.-5pm -
.Monday - Friday & .
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Gay-bashing . 1992, shewas caller"the RosaParks ofthe gay nghts
Gets $10M Award : movement:’ by Eric Marcus, who wrote "MaUng
Even if you test HIV negative,
AIDS has touched your life.
¯!. What’s the point of staying negative if your lover
or your friends already have HIV?
¯!. Wil[you have to use condoms for the rest of
your life?
.I. Do you sometimes take risks that you regret
the morning after?
.i’ What about the issues of power and trust in a
~ How has homophobia affected your self esteem?
Interested in attending a discussion
group for HIV negative men
beginning February 4th?
In Tulsa, call 712.160C
Outside Tulsa, call 1,800.282.8165
Brought to you by
HIV Outreach Prevention Education
(formerly TOHR HIV Prevention Programs), and
Planned Parenthood of E. Oklahoma & W. Arkansas
and The HIV Resource Consortium
[L CoAmRmeesri.idceanl..ti_C.a.l1eaann.idng
Kerby Baker
(~ 1_8)_622:07.001
1104 South Victor uss [[ Tulsa, Oklahorna74104
(918) 592-1800
Fax (918) 592-4323
DETROIT (AP) - A Gay man paralyzed in a gaybashing
attack as a security ~d~sto0d by won a $10
million judgment from Pihl~t~s Sec’ffrity and Investigation,
the gnard?s employer. Sean McBride, 28,
was shot six times and beaten outside his apartment
building in Jamlary 1994 by three men who had
taunted him for being gay. His lawyer, Carol
McNeilage, said the 20-year-old female security
guard watched as. McBride was harassed several
times during a half-hour period, and eventaughed at
some of the insults.
A spokesman for Pinkerton’s, Dereek Andrade,
said the company would appeal Thurs.day’~s.v,erdict.
"Our position has been and remains that tanrerton
acted appropriately and could nothave prevented the
incident from occurring," he said.
McBride testified he first encountered the three
men in the apartment building lobby as he returned
from work, then passed them twice more when he
went out for a snack. Each time, the men swore and
shouted slurs at him. When McBride realized he had
forgotten part of his snack, he went back through the
lobby. The men followed him outside and attacked
One of the three.attackers was never caught. A
second was convicted of assault and firearms charges
and sentenced to up to four years in prison. The third,
a juvenile at the time, pleaded no contest to assault
and firearms charges and will remain in custody until
he turns 21 in July.
Topeka Anti-Bias Group
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Leaders hailed a year of what
they called solid accomplishments by a groupformed
in the fall of 1995 to combat the picketing of anti-gay
crusader Fred W. Phelps.
Concerned Citizens for Topeka Friday re-retted
as president during its first annual meeting former
Secretary of State Jack Brier, who s,ai,,d, the organization
has provided the capital citY with thepromise of
a better tomorrow" in fighting "bigotry and hatred."
Re-elected with Brier was Topeka banker. Frank
Sabatiui, a former president of the state Board of
Regents, as chairman of the board. Other officers are
Roy Menninger, vice chairman; Jane and Otto
Schnellbacher, vice presidents; John Rosenberg, secretary;
Bill Hemmen, treasurer, and Randy Austin,
"A common goal brought us togem"’ er," Brier told
about 60 people attending the annual meeting at
Washburn Law School. "Fighting bigotry and hatred
is not a spectator sport... It’s because there are a
thousand of us standing up and confronting these
problems that we have succeeded..I thimk., we c.an
stand a little taller now and say there ~s nothing to be
History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal
Righnts." ,
Hooker s, controversial study published in 1957
was dtled, The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual."
During a three-year study prompted by
herfriendship to a gay student, Hooker used grant
money from the National Institute of Mental Health
to prove a hypothesis that was shocking to prevailing
thinking. Hooker’s theory was that there was little
statistical difference between the psychological test
results of heterosexuals and homosexuals.
¯ Hooker’s research andher leadership of theNIMH ¯
¯ Task Force on Homosexuality, led to the removal of
homosexuality as a psychological ,disorder from the~
: American Psychiatric Association s Diagnostic ana
¯ Statistical Manual III inDecember 1974. In 1992, the
: American Psychological Association awarded her its
¯ prestigious Lifetime Achievement award.
: Biased dudge Removed
¯ MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - An Etowah County
¯ judge will appeal an appeals court order that he step
aside in a lesbian mother’s divorce case. The Ala-
¯ bama Court of Civil Appeals ruled Tuesday that
¯ Circuit Court JudgeRoy Moore should allow another
¯ judge to take over the case. ¯
The woman, Susan Scott Borden, argued Moore’s
overt Christianity makes him a poor choice to preside
in the case. But Moore’s lawyer, Stewart Roth of the
Montgomery-based American Center for Law and
Justice, blasted the decision. "I believe this sounds a
warning to everymanandwomanwho sits on abench
in Alabama to not discuss their religious bdiefs, not
to discuss their views and not to stand up in church
and share their beliefs because it can come back to
haunt you," he said.
Moore had twice rejected requests to step aside
filed by Mrs. Borden, who is trying to regain custody
of her two children from her husband, James Christopher.
Borden. Mrs. Borden rimmed Moore s fai
wouldkeep himfrompresiding fairly and thathemay
be prejudiced against her lawyer, Janice Hart of
W~rior, because of her prior American Civil Liberties
Union work. Ms. Hart said she does not expect the
case will be reassigned to a judge more amenable to
her client’s views, but said she does expect they will
be fair.
¯ In a January ruling that gave temporary custody to ¯
¯ the childrens’ father, Moore said he "strongly feels
that the minor children will be detrimentally affected
¯ by the present lifestyle of (Mrs. Borden) who has
¯ engaged in a homosexual relationship during her
¯ marriage forbidden both by the laws of the state of
Alabama and the laws of nature."
:: -Gay Student 6roup
. Wed. Service 6:30 pm-,..Wed. 7:30 pm Choir Practice.
.... Thurs: 7:30 pm odePendency Support Group
[ To do justice;. ,love mercy.& to walk humbly ,with our.God.,. Micah 6"8::1
Thegroup,whichhasenlisted l:007membersin, : May Lose Funding
firstyear andplmis furtherefforts;has wonreversai oI ¯
apolicepoliey ofnotarresdngPhelpsandhis bandof : MADISON, ,Wis. (AP~ - Three students .who o_bpicketers;-
gotten the City. Council and Shawnee -~ jected~to the use of fee money to fund groups tot
County BoardofCommissioners to adopt ordinances :- homosexuals and environmentalists hav~ wgn ~fo~
limiting picketing, and provided legal assistance to : eral court ruling in their favor. U_.S. Di,s,m,.,,ct.c.o ,,
people who had trouble with Phelps.
, JudgeJohnShabazruledinfavorof three. Christian
Pheklap.sAifsteprar|smtonrinogfuWnseusctbceosrosfuBlalypftoisrtgCovheurrnchoriinn :: ssttuuddeennttsfweehsotsoufeudntdhegurouuivpesrtshiteyyfofirnudsionbgjemcatinodnaatbolrey.
Tope ~ ¯ -.... . The oupsindud~d Lr~r Greens andthe Lesbian,
1990, he began Dcketing businelsasre-se; cshiu~rchtehsataantd-..".G.a.y garnd B~. sexual Campus .Center. U~. s"mg f.e: es to¯
xnmwauats homes, msptaymg ,,.g. ~-~...... : ~,,hola;~. or,~,,n~ whosemainobiecfive~s toaavance
-o~’i~l~.~iogical goals vio’lates students~ con~
inwhichfees aredistributedtO studentgroups, Shabaz
imon¢xum,tX.: :.,: ate.~-ofStudents.RogerHoward,Buttlaejuage:s....." " ’-:
ResearcherDies .:., ....: decision..could reduce the number and.diVersity’of-- ....
......- ..... ¯ : groups on campus,.Howard said.~ : ..
SANTA.MONICA,- Calif,-(AP) - Evelyn.Gentry .:-_ Pete Anderson~ the attorney: who-representext me
Hseoxoukaelirt,yaaUndCfLoAundpsiytcwhaoslong0its-at mwenh~otLas!~tu.ddii.esd0rh;odmero~-. ::~ tfmacitvs.eUrsWityB,soaaidrdthoefRruelginegntws_t’arsebs.taas.eend:to.nM..auc,naa,c_oe,n.tt,~,esrteedb,e~e¯
died;affiendsaidThursday.Shewas~v-tiooKerm ¯ ~aid he had.not had-a chance to:rewew:51aaoaz,s.
. MondayatherSantaM0ni’cahomeofnaturalcauses, :’ decisionortalktotheuuiversity~slawyers~Hedidn~t
said documentary filmmaker David Ha~,g,l,_~d, w.~ : know whether the universitywould appeal.
in 1993 produced the Oscar-nominated-t_;nang~ g ¯
Nobel Winner:AIDS
Vaccine in 10.Years
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (Ap) - A ’winher
of this year’s Nobel Prize in medicine
predicted Saturday that within 10 years
there will be a vaccine sharply slowing
the outbreak of full-blown AIDS in in:
fected people.
Rolf M. Zinkernagelalso said the vaccine
.he envisioned would vastly reduce
chances that an HIV-infeeted person
would transfer the virus to other people’.
But 7inkemagel said it would not completely
eliminate chances of contracting
¯ tional Institute of Dental Research.
: "I like to think of it as a scientific
¯ kibbutz, a place where science is appreci-
: ,ated and nurtured for its own rewards,"
: said Dr. Edmund C. Tramont, a longtime..
¯¯ friend of Gallo who asked the scientist
about starting a new laboratory in Balti-
"- more:
¯ The institute,which will be part of the
: i UniversityofMaryland.system, will fo-
:~ .ens most of its work on AIDS research.
But Gallo said he was:interested in other
: viruses as well, including minor, leuke-
¯ mia, hepatitis.and papilloma virtmes.
: If AIDS ~reeedes a~ a human threat, Jeffrey A; : Beal,-MDthe
infection. -~ . - .~ . : Galld: said ;.the institti,.te: would shift its
’ Zinkemagel, a SWiss researcher, spoke : empha~!s."Ithinkacritlealmassofpeople
at a news conference with co=winner.Pc- ¯ working on virology is nice to have,"
ter C. Doherty~.an Australian wh0.is a :~ Gallosaid. ~’YOuwantt0bringabunchof
professorinthe Department o,f Immmiol- : people t~ge~er Who do basic’re~arch
ogy at the St; Jude’sChildren s Research : witl~ elinlcal ~tpl~fiCafions;~,ith~ all kinds
HospitalinMemphis,Tenn:Thetwoman ¯ "bfdiseaseSinnnnd:" : ~ ....
were awarded, the prize in :Octobe~ -for ."~ _I-Iis~valsignal~thet~.~ngofnew
their studies into.the body’s immune sys~ i";riva!ry’wi~2°hm Hop~’Medieal lnstite~,~
inthe 19"10s..’~. ~. ~::: .... o.~ ’, ,~ . "’iuti0ns;whiehisentrenchedas’aninferna-
-. ,HiVwill.notbea~virus~tlmtwe-ean :-t~dnail~;ader’inAIDS~r~sear~hTTheimtieliminate_
~p!e.tely from,an,. :infected :-.~tdte is still~gfumi~h~lwi~,l,M) equipperson,"
-Zink~a;said~" ::.,-W* wil! : :.~t;:Whi~.:~ exI~..ts:_W~tia~-
nOt~be ablereadily toprevent the inftmtion : m~tei2.SQ. ’,~’m~loyee;S! Wi~::sev~ral
completdy, and wewill not-be ~able: to .:years~ !I:,I77,9~..., i. i .". .; ii.?, "
~control the vtrus completely. He sal
vaccine would only greatly delay the Outbreak
of the AIDS, which ravages the
.b~,~y’s natural ability to ward offdisease.
~ ~’ ’I would think.that within the next 10
years, wewill have sdmething reasonable
in :termsof thistype: of:vaccine,"~hesaid.
--At presenL~ the incubation period of
: ~A~IDS.,-can._ b~~ l~0:: ye~s ::or.longer,
7:~nkemagel said.thatany vaccine wbuld
keep the viral infection in:check~s0 that
full[blown AtDSwouldtake between 20
tO4Oyearsto develop., ~ "’
’:- Dohetty saidanew cl’affsof.._d~zg,.S called.
prOtease inhibitors,now :l~ng used to
manage AIDS in wealthy Western countries,
are tooexpensivefor vietimsin poor
and developing nations.He said that ’qt’s
very hard to know" how successful the
AIDS vaccine research will be. "But, of
course, a vaeca’ ne is the only possibility
forcontrollingA~IDS worldwide,"Doherty
Gallo AIDS
Research Center
BALTIMORE (AP) - Months behind
schedule and eagerly anticipated, a premiere
research center rtm by renowned
AIDS researcherDoctorRobertGallo.was
opened in late November in Baltimore.
The Institute of Human Virology Was
dedicated with.two days of. lectures featuring
a lineup of Sci~fitific luminaries,
with four Nobe!laureates: Dr. David Baltimore,
Dr. Manfred Eigen, Sir Aaron
King and Dr. Hamilton O. Smith. The
opening follows twoyears of courtship by
state offieials to lure theprestigious Gallo,
a co-discoverer of.the AIDS virus, to
Baltimore from the federal National CancerInstitutein
Bethesda, whereheworked
for 30 years. Gov. Parris Glendening and
Mayor Kurt Schmoke have promised $12
million over the next three years to launch
the center.
Gallowill be joined at theinsdmte by
other prominent scientists ~dubbecL’Mae
Dream-Team of AIDS research" :by
Glendening. They are epidemio!ogist
William Blattuer, formerly with .the National
Cancer Imtimte, clinicianRobert
Redfield,who headed the cancerresearch
program atWaiter ReedArmy Institute of
Research and Dr. Joseph L,Bryant; who
headed the animal program at-the Nai
..OU Do..c.s..,Get "
i ~:,Mil, fOr-AIDSCare
i .OKLAHOMA CITY (AP.) ~- A group of
. :dO~tors at the Universfty of Okiahbma
:, ~ Health SciencesCenterh~been,awarded
:.. a $1.5 million gr..~t .to provide services
- !.::.;forindigent;pedpie with~HIVand ~AIDS.
¯...;t.,~:<~Dr:, Ronald A., Greenfield,: professor
: :a9.d’chief ofthe’center’:s.otlegeofMedi-
, e~ne,.was awarded.the’three,year grant to
:o implement the program.-He. Said the goal
: ~ in:tke:first yearis to provide comprehen-
............. care services~to a
¯ mlmmum of 200 indigent, and. lowAn-
:~ come people living withHIV and AIDS.
: :- ,"Some ofthese patients workbutdo not
¯ -earn enough to afford health insurance.
~ -This. grant .will help cover the costs, of
~. providing medical .care to people who
: "desperately need it," he said Friday, The
: , proposed program seeks.to help people in
¯ the Oklahoma City at.ca and surrounding
: .-counties. 12-06-96
i Doc Says HIVDrugs
:Needed for Kids
¯" MILWAUKEE (AP)-Aph;sician using
: experimentalAIDS drugs onchildren says.
¯ the government should make pharmaceu-
~ tical companies market products for pa-
¯ tients of all ages, not justadults who can
pay more for them. Two Milwaukee-area
:. children about 8 years old began receiv-
¯ ing protease inhibitors amonth ago with
, the help Of pediatric AIDS physician Pc-
¯ ter Havens: A third child traveled to the
National Institutes of Health (NIH)’ in
Bethesda, Md., the only placein the coun-
¯ try studying such drugs for children~
¯ Protease inhibitors are a new class of
: AIDS drugs. Pharmacelitieal companies
;. have obtained-licenses: to.use them only
’. for adults. ’q3rug companie~ need to work
:. to develop .drugs for .use .in-children as
: wellas adults,"-~Havens said. ,I~ey don’t
¯ because there’s nomoney jnit." Havens
: -said he- contacted.NIH -researchers. and
: .then ~prescribed treatment, for the two
¯ -Milwaukee-area .boys with indinavir,
~- brandname Crixivan. ~
¯ "By calling the people Who.have been
: doing these (clinical) trials, wehave been
-.--Ted. Campbel!::;:LCSW.
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able to approximate the doses," he said.
Heblames drug manufacturers for having
no prior information about dosage, metabolism
or the effects on patients who
may not be adhlts, but could use the protease
Havens said the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration should require pharmaceutical
companies to test products on all
age groups and have information available
on dosage and effectiveness before
the product goes on the market.
: plied will be able to participate in the
¯ program and that no one at this time will
have to be placed on a waiting l.is,t,~" Ron
: Cates, acting health director, said tnurs-
: day. At first, the agency thought it would
: have only .enough money to cover the
¯ estimated $10,000 anmlal costs for "/5 ¯ people. But additional federal money ini
creased that to 132 people. -.
The department received 89 apphca-
: lions frompeoplewhodon’treeeiveMed-
¯ icaidassistance don’thaveprivateinsur-
¯ ance, earn less-than $14~19 a year and
: had a physician’s referral. -Kentu.cky A!DS i Department spokeswoman Nanci
Gonder said officials today would go :. Vaccine T a i through the formality of a lottery - draw.- I.VXINGTON~Ky.(AP)’K n kyp - : ing.nfimbers’andassigningth.emtoea.cla
tients will particil~ate in testing, of a new : applicant - because agency rm~ reqmre
Vaccine thdt mightkeeppegp_le whohav.e . it. .The state came up with the idea for
HW from developing AIDS. Abouto~J ~ lottery when it f’LrSt thOUght therewasn t
patients ate being recruited by doC_t.o~s.to : .enough money to. cover all appficants.
takepart in tes(~ng o.f th_e,v~.~cc’,mo,,at ~he :’ Health.officialssaidthey feltit Was.the
Uni¢ersi~ of Kentucky M.e~.~,~1.~r~. falrestwaytoparce!0utthefunds. Butthe
They ~wifi b¢~ ~ai-t qf a nati~nwi.d~.^s,~ y i lottery idea was criticized by many, ininvoicing
3,000..~en..tsata~.t~.ut~s,x.w~,’i ._ cludingDavidPeters,directorof~e,,.,AIDS
~ Half will ~v,e .,the v,accme,. W~cn . .~j,~ of theOzarks~’in SpringfiekL~ .
~willl~ agailablein Kentueky,0nly atUK, ~:~ ~- ’I,mthrilledw~menot~going to do this
~ andhalf will get an~utd,ty bgo~" ~t.ey. but . lottery, It wouldhave beena poor way to
~ novadcifie.Dr.RidmrdGre~nberg~~d~r.ec- ~ vrovidehealthcare,"Peterssaid.’L-’hoostot
of the Kentucky AIDS Consortium, ~ ~ng people basedon a lotte~ really isn’t
-saidTuesday thathe .and0ther~s,ear.fihers ¯. looking.at, those_ who ha,~e- the critical
~:were"franghfwithSkepticism.ye.tlaopp.- ~ needfirst.... . ’
ful that the Vaccinemightwork, atieastin ¯ , Gonder. said..the appficants can start
"~ alimited way: : ~" " " ’ ¯ : receivin~ the ~ov,emment~paid-medica-
¯ ...Thecousortiumismadeupof.do~..t.orsat i ~o--~onM~ondayTTheirphysi~’ianwill write
,UK and the University of, I~oms,ville, as.. thepreseriptio~and the p.h"m-ma.cist will
, v~ell ,as physicians fromother, parts: ot ! sendthebillditectly to the Health Depart-
Kentucky,. Greenberg i,s an associa..te P.~ . ment; Ther~g43 openings-w.ill.be
:-.fessor of-internal medicine at the.oh . filledonafirst-come, firS.t£set~,ebasxstor
,medical school. ’‘i’ don’t :Want anybody ! as longas the moneylasts. .....
,.goingawaythinkingit’sg6ing,towork,": . : Sinee.this is the first time the state has
Oreenbergsaidatonepointduringameet- offered financial assistance for protease
ing withreporters;atthe_UKeeuter.’Buthe ¯ inhibitors,; it’~S not -dear, whether the
later added, ~,‘ifit ,works, it will prevent : $10,000~ annual:imit will,be enough t~
AIDS in H1V ,patients. They would not ¯ cover the costs. ’We arelooking to see if
’develop AIDS:~ ’ ~- " thisisanappropriateeapforthe~program.
It’s the first such clinical study everin i Thecapcouldberaisedandwearetalldng
Kentucky, where more than 2,100 AIDS to phai-maeeuti,ca~l,~ companies about getcases
have beenreported sin~ce reco~ tin~ discounts,’ Gondersaid.
keeping began in 1982. Greenberg sat ~eters said he would prefer a medi.cal
the vaccine willnot Cure HIV-thehuman review board to determine.who gets me
immunodeficiencyvirusthatcausesAIDS, new medication and would like to :see
He said the most he could hope for at the income limits raised for individuals. He
end of the three-year study would be that also said the state needs to spend more
the health of HIV patients getting the money on AIDS treatment. He said the
vaccine would not have deteriorated, protease inhibitors, while not a cure-all,
So far the vaccine has been tested on are welcome news for people withHIV or
small numbers of people, and those stud- AIDS. ’‘it really is lifesaving treatment.
ies have indicated some increase in the We can look at it more as a manageable
body’s immune response to the virus. It critical illness than a death sentence,"
~as developedin 1987 by Dr. Jonas Salk. Peters said.
"it is an uninfecting viral materi~; ~t~at
hopefully i.. will boost immunity. :.i.ne. ~Man Sues Over material, he said, is "an absolutely killed
form of the (HIV) virus." Status Disclosure Patients eligible for the study must be
generally healthy, with no "AIDSMiDLAND,
def’mining illnesses" except for Kaposi’s with the virus that causes AIDS is suing
sarcoma, which is a cancer tumor that " Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
develops among people with HIV. ¯ for alledgedly revealing his condition.
FreddieLeeHawkinsJr. alsohas filedsuit
Missouri Has $ for : against diandCounV.ospi al s=ct
and Angola Shaw, a nurse at the hospital. HIV/AIDS Drugs ¯ .aw suing for over ,000 in ¯
punitive and actual damages.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - The ¯ After testing positive for H_IV on May
Missouri Department of Health says it " 13, he coutends in his lawsult that friends
willbeabletoprovidepotentiallifesaving ¯ and relatives of Ms. Shaw began calling,
new AIDS treatmentforallofthosesigned : expressing condolences because he was
up to get the g0vernment-paid mediea- : "dying of AIDS."
tion. The department will have $1.3 rail- Hawkins accuses Ms. Shaw of rev.eal~
lion in state and federal funds to pay for i ing his conditio~ Whenword got out that
the new drugs, known as protease inhibi- hehadthedisease, Hawkins claims helost
tots, which are used in combination with i manyfriendsandwas unabletofindwork.
older medication. ¯ Hospital officials declined to comment
’’We’re very pleased that all who ap- ¯ on the matter.
But a few months later, President
Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage
Act (DOMA) giving states the ~iuthority
not to recognize same-sex marriages that
are performed legally in other states.
Romer has indicated he likely would sign
a bill that was in line with the federal
legislation, and his spokesman, Jim Carpenter,
said Wednesday that the governor
still felt that way.
Mississi ppi
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - People who
want to outlaw same-sex marriages in
Mississippi are monitoring a court ruling
in Hawaii.
Gov. Kirk Fordice has signed an executive
order banning same-sex marriages,
but family activists say the orderfrom this
summer cannot withstand a legal challenge.
State Sen. Dean Kirby, R-Pearl,
plans to push abill in the state Legislature
to outlaw the marriages. "I just can’t believe
the state should recognize same-sex
marriages," Kirby said.
BOSTON (AP) - Gov. William F. Weld
said he would veto any Massachusetts
proposal to ban gay marriages.
Weld, however, said that if Hawaii’s
decision to grant the licenses is upheld by
its own Supreme Court, Massachusetts
would have no choice but to offer gay
couples married in Hawaii the same legal
rights and obligations it extends to straight
MADISON,-Wis. (AP) - State Rep.
Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, said
Wednesday that she will introduce a bill
¯ to recognize same-sex.marriages in Wis-
: consxn. "This is a simple matter of fair-
¯ ness, justice and equal rights," Baldwin
said. Sen. ScottFitzgerald, R-Juneau, said
¯ he will propose a constitutional amend-
" ment declm-ing marriage in Wisconsin
¯ be the union of one man and one woman.
¯ MONTGOMERY,Ala. (AP) - State Sen.
Bill Armistead, R-Columbiana, said
Wednesday he has a "marriage protection"
bill ready for consideration when
¯ the Legislature convenes Feb. 4. It would
make Alabama the 17th state to ban same-
" sex marriages. Gov. Fob James signed an
executive order saying gay marriages are
notrecognized as validin the states. When
¯ James signed the executive order in Au-
: gust, he said same-sex marriages violate
¯ public policy and God’s law.
.. Nebraska
¯ OMAHA,Neb. (AP)-Acourtdecisionin
Hawaii allowing same-sex marriages may
¯ lead to legal ramifications for Nebraska,
¯ according to the state attorney general.
¯ Nebraska has no legislation that recog-
: nizes or refuses to recognize gay mar-
" riages performed in other states. "We still
¯ need action from the State Legislature,"
¯ said Stenberg, who in March pushed un- ¯
successfullyforalaw topreventsame-sex
¯ couples married in other states from hav-
¯ ing their marriages recognized there..
¯ Montana
HELENA (AP) -A Republican legislator
says the Hawaii court decision under-
. scores the need for alaw prohibiting them
¯ in Montana. Rep. Bill Boharski, R-
¯ Kalispell has drafted a bill for the next ¯
Legislature to ban gay marriage, saying
the Hawaii decision proves "states will
¯ recognize homosexual marriage."
Street-Seeking Missile.
Built For Liv ng.’"
"97 3000GT
$24, 930
you’re positive
he’s negative
he’s positive ,you’re negative
an 8 week program for men (individuals + couples)
on relationshipissues: dating, sex, commitment + more
hope, hiv outreach prevention education, call 712-1600 for info.
Saint Aidan’s
4045 No. Cincinnati, 425-7882
The Episcopal Church
welcomes You
Winter Gayla ’97
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
February 14 - 17
Beach Party with DJ
Winter Pride Parade Festival
Boat Party on the Jungle Queen
and SW Airlines nowflies there!
Aspen Gay Ski Week
Fine Skiing & Festive Parties
January 25 - February 1
IGTA member
Call 341.6866
featuring Mick Moloney, Jimmy
Keane and Zan McLeod.
Friday, January 17
8 p.m. John H. Williams Theatre
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Ce/tic Music at its finest!
Tickets $12 Call 596-7111
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East 1 lth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodis0
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-ES. Mingo, 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
H[V Testing Clinic HIV+ Support Group
¯ Free & anonymous testing : HIV Resource Consortium
: mingfingerstickmethod. : l:30pm
¯ No appointment required. ¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
: Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm : Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
: Results hours: 7-9 pm
: Info: 742-2927 : Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group ¯
¯ & also,
: PFLAG Family AIDS : Friends & Family ¯ Support Group ¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
: 2nd Mon. of month " 7 pm, call for location:
: 6:30 pro, 4154 S. Harvard " 749-7898 ¯ Info: 749-4901 ¯
: ¯ Alternative Skating
¯ " 8:30 - 11 pro, 241-2282
¯ OTHER GROUPS ¯ $4, Sand Springs Skate
: The Technicians, Leather -" The Pride Center
, Community Meeting
: or~:, Info c/o 621-5597 . January 7th, 7 pm
: T.U.LS~4. Tulsa Uniform 1307 E. 38th, 2rid floor.
" & Leather Seekers Assoc. Info: 743-4297
¯ /afro: 838-1222
Gay & Lesbian Student
TCC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
i Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
." Prayer & Bible Study
7:30pm 2627-B East llth
-Call 583-7815 for info.
¯ Family Of Faith MCC
: Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
¯ Choir Practice 7:30 pm
: 5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
Tulsa Native American
: AIDS Prevention Project
¯ Support group for Gay & Bi Native
." American Men, 6 pm
.. at Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd
: 582-7225 or
¯ 584-4983
¯ Co-Dependency
¯ Support Group
: 7:30, Family of Faith MCC
¯ 5451-ES. Mingo,622-1441
: I-HV Outreach,
¯ Prevention, Education
¯ Anonymous HIV Testing
¯ Walkin testing: 7- 8:30 pm
¯ Results hours: 7 - 9 pm ¯
Info: 742-2927
¯ Tulsa Family ChoraIe
¯ Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
¯ Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
¯ Support Group
¯ 1st & 3rd Thursdays
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
¯ Alternatives
: Weekly social events for
¯ LGBT men & women, 7 pm
¯ Info: 646-5503
¯ SubStance Abuse
Support Group
¯ for persons with HIV/AIDS "
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
¯ 3-4:30 pm ¯
Info: 749-4194
¯ Safe Haven
: Young Adults Social Group
¯ 8pro, 1st Fri. of each too.
¯ Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
: Mixed Volleyball for
¯ Fun & Competition
¯ Helmerich Park, 2 pm
71st & Riverside
: [nfo: 587-6557
¯ St. Jerome’s Church
: Mass, 6 pro, Garden Chapel
¯" 3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick, 742-6227
: Narcotics Anonymous
¯ Meets weekly at 11 pm
¯ Confidential support for
¯ recovering addicts.
¯ Community .of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
." AIDS Memorial Quilt
." Sewing Bees, 3rd Sat~ of
¯ each month: 748-3111
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Staff and Board of Directors
Wishes Everyone A Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas and Enjoys and
Celebrates Kwanzaa & Yule!
May your Holidays be
Filled with Joy & Love!
This ad is made possible by the generosity of
a supporter ofTulsa Family News and by TFN.
is delighted to be able to make the space on this page
available to theseHIV/A]I)S related chaffties through
the generosity of a supporter who prefers to remain
anonymous. This space also was offered to the HIV
Resource Consorlium via their attorney per their
request. Unfortunately, the HIVRC did not respond
by press time.
Other worthy groups doing HIV/AIDS related
workincludeTheNAMES PROJECT, AIDS Walk,
St. Joseph’s Home, The Ryan White 3B Clinic,
Indian Health Care, FUSO - Friends in Unity Social
Organization and HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention
& Education. The need is great, the means are ~w -please help as you can. While dollars are
ways needed, the gift ofyour time is nolittle thing.
Thank you - Shanti
friends & volunteers
for another year of
love and caring!
Mardi Gras Returns to Tulsa
Early March ’97- Be There!
This ad is madepossible
by the generosity of
a supporter of
Tulsa Family News
and by TFN.
-- Of
HIV infected or
Need someone
to talk to?
Call 438-AIDS (2437) or
1-800-284-AIDS (2437)
AIDS Ministries
This ad is made possible by the generosity of
a supporter ofTulsa Family News and by TFN
r&LJ’J ~ I
r-his confidential workshop is an intensive
weekend experience designed to assist
individuals who have been affected by HIV/
AIDS to come to terms with the impact the
virus has had on their lives. It is free and open
to individuals living with HIV/AIDS, family,
loved ones, friends, care-givers, and
professionals. The next Tulsa AIDS Mastery
Workshop is scheduled for May 16-18. For
info., call Red Rock at 584-2325.
This ad is made possible by the generosity of
a supporter ofTulsa Family News and by TFN.
¯ people along the way, These travels took
place in 1992-94, leading up to the Stone-
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library . wall 25 observance.
In their previous book, "Are you ¯
Oneinteresting spot is Ovett, Missis-
Two...Together? A Gay and
sippi, where, in 1994, a les-
Lesbian Travel Guide to Europe,"
authors Gelder and
Brandt created a fun, frank
andpractical manual aboutthe
realities of traveling together
as alesbian couple. Similarly,
their current book provides a
Even a popular bhieaandlicnoeuspblye tmryaindge tonaotpioennaal
~ilm, such as lesbian retreat and conference
T , ,, center, much to theshock of
ln$~inef, some of the residents. The loreleased
ha 1992 cal county deputy sheriff is
and.featuring quoted as being oppose.d,,, to
the center because ...it s a
wonderful panorama of the eternally .known. fact that ~1 y_o~ v__i_ojoys
and challenges of_lesbian . X 1. lent cnme comes zrom nomo-
~iffily life from coast .to ~t.. insane L~esman ~sexuals ......
The authors percezve ~.mat, ~ ;characters, co,pare this with the
ir°nicallx’sinceabout~eu-me ~:~,],~G seems ° authors experiences~ atthe
~,of President Clinton stirst
dection’~ being ~a lesbian has . ..,.~...~...~ . ~ . a ., ~ DinaliShoreGoldT6~ent
suddeul~ becomef.as.hlpnab.l.e ..... !lihe~ a Lesbian party circuit i~i PalmSpnngs,
¢.o a.,,~ ,~ --.California. ’ Aff¢ctiohafely
to some in the straight Worm.. Reelerlv~_a~aes~, ,, ’..kn,o,wn simply as "’~;’~ it
E"Bvaesnica pho~ptiunlacrt;,,f’rdnei;l:SiUeCdli ains " and-lS woJully is ~the caviar event of lesbian ¯ p.ublie sociar life: along, lav-
1992and featuring ~nally ._ .,: outdated~ -. ishWeekendofd_ancCs,pa,rties
insane lesbian characters, to- ~T~mes are .:and shows."
day seems "like a lesbian
’Reefer Madness, and ~s indeed
i The .a.u~,0_r_s.-al:so go on a
woefully outdi~ted. :changing ’~ "r Pride Ride with thd Lesbian
Tim~sareindeed Changing......... "
andthe autli"0rs are~ou-s.to -~ -¯ " " loog;~ o. vA,nvne:fnog~er,s’v,,i:s-itbhieli:Wbigh1l~y ancetviveer
~on’the Satang edge or me,_~e~n~,n.~g~ ..,. been a ~roblem?’ Ittsan mteresang ride,
~:,~fo~_und ~ge_s:lngy arems01ta~;~ ~ /.., ;-¢~,ce to say that-the reader learns
¯ ~nng;-howe...v..e-r,......Y...¯ ’ ~, an. ,. ¯- more about fi~re eating than was though
. oxymor0a. . ...... . e~....... - e authors visit~a wide range 0’f 1o- " AuthorsGelder and Brandt are won-
Th ’ - ........... ,~,~rC.llv refreshing to read. Their entercaleS
for the adventures .a~t~m_t_.e~.~ews~ ~ 7~rifingstv~eleavesfew slow spots
this book From a psycnotogy crass m . tm,~s ~.. ~.~ : .~ ..,, ¯
rtonoa, t-o".t,j"o-*.t-.~.--.G.at.eP.a.rk.in.S.a,n~Frxa~n-.,usuic. "¯ inC"hlleaeckGf-oarrttsh~i4seaxntd.Doot.hoer.ruuesonslnmar
cisco, to the Mlcmgan womyu ~
Festival, tothe Vidor, Texas city hall. we ~ subjects at youlocalbranchlibrary or call
are taken on a diverse journey .through the Readers Services department at the
lesbian America, meeting a. variety of ." Central Library at 596-7966.
FilingforBankruptcyProtection " the property, ifyouwishtoretainahouse,
car, or other secured property but are
Many people react to debt problems by i behind in payments, Ch. 13 is suggested.
wanting to file forbankrupcfy. However,
many persons with HIV/AIDS are al- : Note, however, that it is necessary that
ready "judgment-prooF’-- that is, the ". youhavesuffieientincomeforpayments.
debtor does not have enough assets to ¯ You can keep certain property e,ven ief:
snaetcisefsysatrhiley cnlraoimvi.deBathnekmrupwtciythwriel"gl re.nt1o-t :"i y(g_2ooo)_du~.sf4i;.l,eu_(f~4~)oretbqh~mewtayrni~guhintPttaoC~rr(e~;c10e3iv~oe~ncsn~:~.ao[m.~i
tauBtalynkgrruepattceyr pm.rovto~tavoens,f~~om~mng_ ~~eedeist_,oc~ros_n.- , benefits fromSoc¯ial ~ecurity,u, nemp~Ytssiderable
pape~vork, and often one or : ment compensaUon, verterans benen~, ~ public assistance, and pensions - regard- m~omre cpeurlsto.~~.gap~opoe~~~.ate~toarpt~~- :. less of the amount. . 8an~uptcy cannot w!pe out ~ow~
is a client with a large number ot mssets
and~or jo~ wages taar womu~ ~u -
¯ forchndsupport, alimouy, andsometaxes
~ are not affected. Also, if you fail to list a
~~ jecItftyooguardni~shdmeetnhta.t hank~pt%~ p¯ your ¯¯ d~eifbltinnoytobuerhdaisnclha~arpgtecdy.pLetiotio~~~thoartw~.mebe,nt b toption, yo. .should bo owingly gave false ro.tio
t~mine severRl issues, l~or exemp~e,-~m " Y out what kinds of baula’aptcy are avail- ¯ cannotbedischarged-Sthdent.loa~s. °sWthede
able, and what are the advantages and ~ toaschoolorgovernmentt~oayamessm
disadvantages ofeachofkind?Whatprop~
erty will be exempt from bankruptcy’:
Which debts will notbe affectedby filing
bankruptcy. ’ _
In all likelihood, you will choose between
Ch. 7 and Ch. 13. C°n. ? or "s~aight
"baukruptcy" should be considered when
there are a large number of unsecured
debts that are fully dischargeable and you
are notbehindonany secured debts like a
house or car unless you wish to surrender
loan first became due at least sev.ep y.e~r,s
before fding for bankrupcty or untess me
: court derides that payment would be an
¯ "undue hardship."
i These are only some of the issues that
you will have to look at when considering
i ~vhether to t’de bankruptcy. If you have
: HIV or have been diagnosed with AIDS,
¯ and you satisfy an income requirement,
~ call theAIDS Legal Resource Project toll
~ free at (405) 521-1302.
-~vhere pets¯ are treated like pe.ople
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Complete gay.lriendly resources and businesses: bars, bookstores, dentists, doctors,
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omen ’sParty - which Is to
say, there are no men invited.
This is no small event here,
and this year’sfiesta .takes-
. place on December. 10th. By
the lime we go-[o press, the
26th annual eventwill.be history,
andI canassureyoufrom
- past experience,agrande lime
will be had by al!...The itop
..floor of the Basin Park Hotel
~mes. a. party :ha!l, ,complete,
with lots offood, drink.
¯ :music, and socializ~g: Of
course, each and every.year, a
,. s.ma!! group ofmenshow UPat
" ¯
¯ remain dOsed until January ]7th: From
As the holidays approach, life gets in- " the 17th until February 7th, the shop wilt
teresting in our Victorian mecca. Each be open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunyear,
Eureka Springs .has an annual ." days, complete with readings on those
Through the 1st of March,
TheEmeraldRainbow will be
closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
Not to worry though, all
~1orders will be f’dled even
ffhile the store is closed: And
"~1 Y ,. " ~., 1"):... about thosemai! orders;ffyou
womensrart7 ’ hhven’t received
" w~eh"i8 ~O " order.catalog from Eureka’s
¯ =.~, ¯ : " " :- O~Y shop that specializes :in
say, there, are . ga~/lesbian merchandise, you
; one sent to;
cally with. us in mind."Gentle
.. Rain :Gi~ Baskets,a .company
: f0undedand opekated .by
.... :rendy, the Pride 13askets are ’ DIOW
only :ayailable, through. :T/~, :and ar’e~:~);
,. ’, : .
O~itat bed & bleal~a~ts.~e ° : their
the beginning of the year. ¯ -.: : . .,ag n~ It won t.be long .~.b~,.ore
. And speaking.of The Emer-. .- ¯ Spring and back to wbrk like
aid. Rainbow, MC & Linda have decided ¯ dem0ns~
on a little vacation this Winter so there : ~During December, we look forward
will be a little d.own time but not enough : lots ofChristina,s. shoppers, tbeChristma.~ ~_ E~ naw.?,u gogg ~0~gh With~wal. !. :buS,~t ~urs,t~ni~rie~s.~pto
I hey w,l close ior ena-o[~.year inventory ~ check,rut theChristmas lights,.and~g
after business onDecemi~er 29th and will. : Santa -s rives Join us in E~r~i~a! ......
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Systems & Software Specialist
dial a geek 501.253.2776
POB 429, Eureka Springs
Arkansas 72632 what are"thebest"products to
: shimaka@intellinet.com use. What would really help
http’.//www.pimps.com/geek/ solve your skin care problem?
The key to successful home
by Stephen W. Scott, P,M.E. ." . Vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and
We all want to be beautiful and have . biological extracts will guarantee your
healthy skin. The media besiges us with ." skin benefits from the most potent antiaging,
" yt,u umn eze
,h Di~i~q PIE-~SURE .........
skin care programs is commitment,
using products with the
highest quality ingredients,
and synergy.
Coming to the~ realization
.thathealthy skinandclean skin
. is important is thefirst step.
This realization means taking
3 minutes a day inthemorning
and evening for a quality skih
care regimen ~ "
-.i . WkYnshoppingfor.a qual:
¯ ity skin care line; ingredients
shouldbe lO0%purcandnatu-
"~ ral. Odorless pro~lu~tS arebest,
as are products fr~ of mi:cro:
’ "Organisms " and other
minera]s, plant
extracts, ~nd:
extracts -w~H
turizing action.
For mature skin. marine
collagen id rich inamino
acids and very hydrating.
El~stin firms skin tissue and
improves suppleness and skin
tone. Borage helps prevent
premature aging andiffcreases
~uarantee your circulation. Calendula has a
! ¯ 1. ~’~. calming, anti-inflammatorg,
.slain D.enetRs antisepticand soothin~ effdt.
kom themost~ Topopherol or Vitam~Eare
¯ , anti-oxidants,hdping to con- potent ash- tr01 the causes of a&e ~’ Hyafiinff,
anh-,- uromcac~dbrings.400ttmes
~.a = . ’ .~a its volume of water into the
oxidant, and " skin, giving exceptional
mo]tstu:rlzlJa~ smoothness and.softness.
"I HWY 23 SOUTH a . ~
For acne~prone .skin,
chon;: Birch and yeast are non:dry-
~ ’pathenogens. Water’ gd~- ~ ...... ing astringents, reducingred~
- basedproduetsfree0flan(~lin, petro!eum,. ¯ iiess.land acting against hflammation.
’~ miheral 6i!, alcoh01;~PABA, artificial col- . Orri~ ~oot calms allergies and irritations.
..ors and fra~ances. ~e ~tin caring for ¯ Kaolin and white ela~ absorbexcess.se-
~ your skin. ’-’ ~:~ :, ~ o:. " - " ¯ bum. Meadowsweet acts as an antiseptic
see Fit, page. 14
Ijust got backfrom Borders Books and
Music,andletmetell you,itis awondrous
place. A book, music, and video lover’s
delight. And on top of that, for the first
time in TFN’s history with booksdlers,
were were wdcome to place papers there
from the first time we spoke with them. In
almost all other media venues, we have
had trouble with local management, having
to contact corporate
headquarters,who then said , I just got
"Of course you’re wel- Borders
¯¯ ! bigger, better pieces in "Return of the "
Jedi"in March. "
¯ However, at this year’s Defcon (the "
¯ Tulsa science-fiction/fantasy convention), ¯
: I had the chance to ask Star Wars author, :
¯ Kevin Anderson and Lucasfilm spokes- "
." person, SteveSansweet, aboutthe chances ¯
¯ of seeing gay characters in the new films
¯ TherespousefromAnderson: "NO! There "
won’t be any gay charac- ¯
lmck from ters in the Star Wars urn- "
Boobs& verse because Lucas "
doesn’twantany sexuality ¯
in the series." ¯
Excuse me? I pointed
out that in "Return" Leia "
ran about kissing almost "
everyonebutthe Wookiee, ¯
and in the novels, she and
Han Solo are married and
have children! Certainly ¯
that didn’thappen without :
some kind of sex! The response
was a muffled re- "
ply, and I explained that "
the question was more one ¯
of relationships that just a "
simple matter of sexuality. :
I, at the risk of having
my idea plagiarized, sug- ¯
gested my own story to
AndersOn: ThatHancomes "
out of the closet, divorces _"
Leia, who really loved
¯ Chewbacca anyway, professes his love ¯
¯ for the still single (and not dating anyone : ¯
ofanysex/species)LukeSkywalker.They "
decide to run amok in the galaxy fighting
prejudice everywhere, with C3PO and "
R2D2 starting "Droids for Gay Rights" "
groups allover thegalaxy. ContactGeorge ¯
Lucas at Lucasfilm, POB 2009, San ¯
Rafael, CA 94912-2009, Phone: (415) ¯
662-1700, to register .your thoughts. ¯
May the Force be with you!
In the meantime, go see MARS ATTACKS!,
a great new camp space film -"
fromTim Burton. Atleast he hires openly "
gay production designers, as detailed in ¯
the Advocate article onWynn Thomas in ¯
the magazine’s current issue (# 723). ."
Tulsa World regularly does so where ap- ".
propriate. And unlike The World, which ".
restricts letters to 200words, TFNran the ¯
letters criticalofour coverage essentially :
withoutany editingfor length. Becauseo "
those letters’ length, TFN responded at :
the relevant points rather than at the end, ¯
TFN is happy to help make ourreaders
aware of the inadequacies ofHIV/AIDS
commonjournalisticpractice to respond
editorially. Likelyyou’ve noticed thatThe
come!", andthenhadto deal
with the hassles of local
management and an unfriendly
attitude. Infaet,one
bookstore still is refusing
us a spot in their store,
though they allow almost
all the other local papers.
~<-Theresa Lynch, General
Manager, and the staff at
and wdeoming, and
it was interesting to note
thatmany ofthe store’s first
day customers were members
of the Tulsa Gay community.
In fact, it looked
than a bookstore, as many
folks as we saw who we
knew. Borders has a nondiscrimination
clause on
Music, & let me tell
you, it is a wondrous
place. A book, music, &
video lover’s delight.
Theresa Lynch... and
tire staff at Borders
]rave been most gracious
& welcoming, & it was
interesting to note that
many d tLe store’s
day customers were
members d the Tulsa
Gay community. In
fact, it looked like we
were at a party rather
than a bookstore...
their employment applications that indudes
sexual orientation as well. Butdon’t
bother applying, I’mfirst on the list! TFN
welcomes Borders and encourages all of
our readers to. patronize their business.
Their sections on gay studies and fiction
arewell stockedandwell rounded. Tell’em
we sent
If you are avoiding your dysfunctional
~anily this year, Icanrecommendacouple
of videos to watch withfriends and family
of choosing. Smart Saves His Family was
an excellent portrayal of such madness as
those of us from this background deal
with. It is less acomedy andmore adrama
with eomedic moments. The studio marketed
it as a eomedy, whichparts of it are
but the film flopped largely due to the
expectation that it would be a laugh a
minute. I came away from this film with a
soft spot in my heart for Smart Smalley,
and the "Smart Within" myself, as well as
an insight that we are all struggling on our
own paths, doing the best we can with
what we’ve got. And a few laughs.
"Home For The Holidays", Jodie Fospaean
to dysfunctional holidays, was
tan%ther enjoyable film to hole up .with; in
much the same vain, with a lovely moral
to boot. I do think Robert Downey, Junior
was annoying, however. Get gay men to
play gay men.
by Jep~n-,Bierre Legrandbouche
TFN Food Critic
It’s hohday time! Sugarplum.~ andfrnitcakes
and egg hog and office parties and
big family dinners and all sorts of low
calorie opportunities abound! And, of
course, even though they aren’t prepared
this way the rest of the year, all of the
recipes must be made with lots of real
butter and ofhcavy cream.
December is a perfect
time to turn to the rather
healthier and lighter foods
of Asia. Counterbalancing
all those rich, Western European
artery doggers, Oriental
recipes are traditionally
on the vegetables, have
plenty of variety, and overfiow
with great flavors.
Now, toomuchoily stir-fry
can defeat the purpose, so
therestauranthas to bechosen
carefully for the skill
andartistry ofthechef. And,
Tulsa is blessed to have a
particularly f’mechefatKim
Long, a Vietnamese and
Chinese restaurant in far
southeast Tulsa, which is
probably the best in town.
Located in a shopping
center which includes the
." fluence in the sauces and presentation.
¯ The French were, formany years prior to ¯
American involvement, colonial over-
" lords, and brought French culture to the
¯ East.Agood example ofthe Frenchinflu-
: ence is the ever popular Vietnamese iced
: coffee, a strong, distinctive roast brewed
¯ with an individual drip container, and
-" served with .weetened condensed milk
8146 So. Memorial
11 - 9 Sun. -Thurs.
tfl 10, Fri. and Sat.
C]alnese, Vietnamese
Pde~: modest
major credit mrds
smo~n~ &
non-smo~ln~ s~t~ons
Rat~: A llst
infamous Ocean Club at 81st and Memohal,
Kim Long is a huge restaurant which
took over the location of the former
southside attempt of Tulsa’s historic
Louisiane. Thedecorhas notbeenchanged
much, so there is a open and casual ambiance
to the multi-tiered and multi-roomed
establishment, yet it still maintains a nice
restaurant feel. None of those little lanterns
hang around, and the place is quiet,
even on busy nights.
All of the standard Chinese-American
foods are offered, and done well. But, so
many traditional Chinese regional dishes,
.especially fromHnnanandSzechuanpmv-
~nces, appear on the large menu, that it
would take a diner months to sample
every dish. Prices for the Chinese foods
are qnitereasonablefor a restaurant ofthis
quality, and only slightly more than one
would expect to pay in a Chinese. fastfood
type place. Most of the standard
chicken, beef, and pork dishes hover
around the $7 mark, and-seafood dishes
are $9 or $10: These names will all be
familar--cashew chicken, kung pao beef,
shredded pork with garlic sance, shrimp
with lobster sauce.
We highly recommend that the more
¯ adventurous diner order from the list Of
Chinese specialties. Prices areabithigher,
: ranging from $8.55 to $12.95, but the
over ice.
$5.95, is a bowl of
vermicelli noodles topped
with chopped eggrolls,
grilled beef, pork, and
chicken,andmounds oflettuce,
cucumbers, and bean
sprouts, all topped with
chopped peanuts. A small
bowl of fish sauce accompanies
the dish as a condiment,
andtheknowing epicure
will dump the sauce
into thebowl andmix all of
the contents around with
the chopsticks. Pho Diic
BiSt is a delicious Hanoi
style soup with slices of
rare steak, beeftendon, and
meatballs. Thesmall bowl,
$4.95, is agoodfirstcourse,
and the large bowl, $5.95,
is almost big enough for a
meal by itself. We also like
Hope yougotto see"Beautiful Thing, : funding, particularly the shameful pit, : rewarding meal will be well:worth:the
at Movies 8 before it passedfrom sight: A ..... tance that our state governmentcontrib- - ¯ extra dollar or two. The. Red Rose-Sealwonderful
English film. (made for ~the. : utes..However, the HIVRCshould still be : lops are an excellent Choice,. with~lots of
¯ the G~ Xho Xht, which at $6.95, is a
: chicken dish flavored with the pungent
: spiciness oflemon grass, accompaniedby
¯ steamed rice and a bowl of.onion soup.
: Another delicious example of Vietnam-
: ese flavors is in the B6 Tfii Chanh, $7.95,
¯ - which is a combination of thinly sliced
beef cooked in lime juice and flavored
with mint leaves, onions, and peanuts.
The truly brave will try L~uTh[ip CAm,
ahugeundertaking for two ormore, where
plate after plate of different vegetables,
shaved beef, shrimp, crab legs, andsquid
are brought to the table, raw. A large pot
of boiling soup stock is placed in the
middle of the table, and the diners use
their chopsticks to select and cook their
own dinner in the stock, sort of like a
French fondue. It’s a $22.95 investment~
but well worth the fun. Just as a matter of
etiquette, when eating With chopsticks;
one uses the smaller ends of the sticks to
convey foods to the mouth. However,
when working with a common bowl or
pot, one. switches the ends and uses the
largerends ofthesticks to bring foodfrom
the common pot to the plate.
If all of these individual dishes aren’t
wonderful enough, this place .has prob-
: ably.the best Asian buffet in this part of
¯ the state. A steal at only $6.95 per person,
: a full range of salads, soups, desserts,
: condiments, .and.countess Chinese .and
¯ : Vietnamese dishes are featured. Entrees
¯ are rotated, and not thesame.old things
UK’s progressive Channel 4) about two
-.- " high s~ho~l boys falling in 10ve;it,was :a
" real treat tO see such a realistically positive
andinnocent film. It was wellwritten.
~ and r well’ dixected.-Hopefnlly it.will be
available on video or:at a Film Festival
.... ., near us~soon:. I highly.recommend it~
StarWarsfauscanalternatel.y rejoiceor ¯
heldpublidyaccountable., i little straw mushrooms and water-chest- ; everynight.Therestaurantisbusyenough
~ U~ity .is imaginary_ when it~ is.not the ,. nuts in a mildly spiey.Hunan style sauce.: : " the the food turnsover:quickly,.so things
carefully built consensus, of most of the ; WealsoliketheBabyandMotherShrimp, :. are always.hot, crisp, and fresh. A good
community. Historically, a handful have . a surprising pairing baby shrimp ; balance of hot Spicy foods’ and milder
made decisions, affecting, many, many . : braisedinawhitewine sauce withjumbb ;..dishes :exists? chinese pork ribs," fried.
people. Thesefolks have imagined that if :. shrimp..sauteed4n a fiery.~ehile ~sauce..A ; " Shrimps, and other expensive-meats apthey
agreed,, then all-did; .. - ......... minor disappointment was theCleopatra .r-~.pear,.and. this is. not. your:cut,ratebuffet?_
Tnlsa Family News isdoing ourjob to "~ Chicken, which is breast meat rolledin :.- " And, as.always with thebetter oriental,
boycott. The remastered, re-edited,xe- : build honest & genuine unity bypresent~ : sesame seedand served withgarlic,-pep. ; restaurants,expectyourserverstobequiet,
~l~cial effected trilogy is set to come out ¯ ing many views- from,, you & Nancy ¯ pers~ and ginger in a rather- bland white: : polite,, and.~very attentive: Most are-also
early-next year .- January will. see. the.: i McDonald to the. PLWA s whofelt that~ : wine sauce. . ¯ : .. quiteskilledatrecommendingdishes,and
releaseofStarWarsSpecialEdition, Fab-. i. the HIVRC was not listening to them. It is : Ourfavofite dishes, though~ come from .’:. we often letthemjustobring us dinner.
ruary will have"Empire Strikes Back’:’,-!- -precisely through honest; though, some-.: the Vietnamese side of the menu. Part of-. Winterholidaysorsummervaeation,Kim
blasting its way off the screens, and:the :- ~ timespainful, dialogue that.we buildcon, ¯ what makes Vietnamese food so exciting :. Long is well worth the long journey to
Death Star2 will again explode in.even., sensus &community.. That’s ourjob. _ .: is the juxtaposition.of traditional.Asian ’ ~ Ken and BarbieLand:
recipes and techniques with a French in- :- . - .
Viatication is the process through which a person
living with an terminal illness can receive a cashpayment
from the face value of their insurance policy.
Generally, to be eligible for a viatical settlement you
must have a documentable terminal illness, and life
insurance coverage in either an individual term, whole
life, or a group policy.
With your written permission, we gather medical and
insurance records with which to determine your policy’s
value. Then, a settleumt offer is presented to you. You
may always decline the offer with no obligation whatsoever.
Should you accept the offer, payment is made
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you owe us nothing.
Many factors influence whether viaticating your life
= The value of your life-insurance policy in a vi-atical- ¯ insura’nce is the best financial alternative available for
settlement is determined by the specifics of your policy
you. Southwest Viatical can discuss all of the factors with
and your unique medical situation. Not every policy is
you and your family in person, in detail and can recomsuitable
for viatication, but settlement offers typically
range from 60% to 90% of a policy’s face value, depend- mendanexperiencedCertifiedFinancialPlannertoass~st
you m planning the best outcome from your unique
ing on the specifics of your policy and medical history,
financial situation.
Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
doing business only by bulk advertising and 1-800 numbers.
They transfer your insurance and medical records
by mail, and do business from another state.
At Southwest Viatical, we believe you should be assured
of complete confidentiality and the best possible
service by working with us inperson, face-to-face. We
are involved on a community level; and are responsible
directly to our local commtmity.
By working with you in person, but at the same time
having access to nationwide financial resources, we are
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today. And because of our established resources, we can
deliver a settlement in less than a third the time other
companies take by mail, typically in fewer than 30 days.
We’ll do what it.takes ~:"
to find the best solution foryou.
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
4021 South Harvard, Suite 210
Tulsa, OK 74135
¯ lance. Lurch, a San Francisco comedian
MIND SPACE i °neparticipatinginanact"t’h’a"t~ey’di’dn°tt " by,!ance brittain,,
¯ . SM Delights saw approximately 30 : and President of the San Francisco Bears,
SM, Sex and the Law II, Get My Point? like¯ However, a judge did rme mat no participants enj0,y. Seven workshopsNo: : was the emcee for the evening. ~,e_ benbylance,
brittain . , all0wingthedefenseofconsenttoacharge ¯
vembe-r9atLola sinTulsa. $395.00 was . : ¯ eficiary of the event, H.O.P.E. s gay
of oral sodomy deprived the defendant of ~
¯ outreach and condom distribution pro-
Tulsa s Penal Code defines sexual con- ¯ . ¯
duct as acts of masturbation, homosexu- ¯: h~i.sSritagthet tOokhla.Cver.,co7n7s1enPt.d2edfe2n3s2e, (H19iu8l9d)e¯ : rbariistteadinf,oTrutlhseaEnaemwilPyriNdeewCselnetaetrh.erlacnocbe grams, was awarded $845.00 after ex-
¯ Forcible sodomy is also illegal and could " lmmist and Mr. Alameda
¯ beusedagainstthoseofusthatparticipate
County Leather ’94~ "It is so great to
in SM, where a power exchange takes
sponsored the event.
¯ place. With the loopholes in this law the
The Mind of a boy, have these workality,
sexual intercourse, or physical contact
with a person’s clothed or unclothed
genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or if such a
.personbe afemale, breast. Itdefines sadomasochistic
abuse as flagellation or tortureby
orupon a person dadin undergarments,
a mask or bizarre costume, or the
condi,tion of
being bof~i
or otherwise
physically restrained
so clothed.
So, homonot
believe in con Y~ . ¯ -~ : and Candle Hay were a
~JetmypoPmlaty. ¯" fewoftheworkshopspre-
: Sented~ Other worl~sl~ops
me state oI ¯
Oklahoma: andSMand the Law. Faeven
.i,f ~s-_~m’_~ ": cMilcitkaitnorsseyw,eirOe lkalnacheo,mTJa
and materials i tDe~d~S~bo~ ~i9tel4~fM~t~
..... sa-s "’ lanta, .V1 Joh¯ ason,:and
’ WW Walker: Internashops
anti to see
the interest as two
years ago only five
people attended a
Saturday, Dec. 7, the
placetobewas Oklahoma
City as lanceandTJ sponsored
"Kind Of Kinky"
withLurch as a guestpan--
dist¯ Three wOrkshops
were presented which
were "Getting What Yon
Want", "Pleasurable
Paint’ b~ Parker Perry of
OklahomaCity, and"q?he
Knights of the Round
Table Leather Discussion".
Each workshop
averaged approximately
15 participants each.
"A new and all incluatdy
report it to the Director of Health. ¯
Can youremember thelast time youheard ~
of someone being arrested for adultery or
having legal sex in a hotel room? Get my ~
It is illegal under the Oklahoma Alcoholic
Beverage Control Aorta take part, "
onthe premises , the following: any acts or "
simulated acts of sexualintercourse, mas- ¯
turbation, sodomy, bestiality~ Oral copulation,
flagdlation, or any sexual acts
which areprohibitedbylaw and the actual
or simulated touching, caressing, or fondling
of the breasts, buttocks, anus, or
genitals. Why then are the police not going
into’tlae bars, straight or gay, and
arresting most of the customers? Why
aren’tthepolice arresting straight couples
ffalking down the ~treet who put their
hands on the other s buttocks? Get my
The State also declares any person who
is guilty of the detestable andabdominal
crime against nature, committed with
mankind or with a beast, is illegal. This
includes oral sex and any sexual penetration,
however slight.
i feel this is talking about rape, but the
l~w is worded so that there are loopholes
everywhere and officers could arrest anyirritating
that others feel they can dictate
to us their morals and say their s is th
only way. So stand up together and fight
for your rights! Together, miracles will
consensual, and laa ¯ ~ ¯
and keratolitic. Zinc also has antiseptic
r properties andregulates enzymes. Retinal
: palatinate or Vit0min A acts to protect
". and regenerate skin cells. Burdock brings
¯ olingo elements to the skin such as cop:
¯ per, sulfur and zinc.
¯ Stay away from drying agents such
¯ as Benzoii Peroxide. They dry the skin
¯ too much, creating premature aging
: damage.
¯ Start today taking care of your skin.
¯ You will be thankful tomorrow..
: Stephen V¢. Scott, PME is a native of
¯ Tulsa. His is president" and founder of
FaCe Beautiful & FB for Men, a Euroi
for the skin, body, hair and nails in OKC. clinicaldayspaspeciatizingintreatments
’He is also certified in fitness, nutrition
¯ and massage. For info. about theservices
: ofFace Beautiful, caii405-840-3223. ¯ -
t romance, Or move in
rether...start a business together...
commit to eaCh other over the
long term.;.start afriendship..~4re you
sure you know what th~ person is really
like?Wonder if you re compatible
enough to survive the years together?
Do you have enough information to
make that commitment? Want to know
someoneor yourselfbetter? .....~ ~
AStr01dgy, the study of"life-trends~
based on the planetary cycles & energies,
canhelp fill intheb)ank.s. ,e,anhelp
identify the positive _& cnanengmg
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information on trends in your life¯
These written interpretations, are a
great gift for the special personm your
life, friends, family, or a couple: Each
Interpr~,taii0ii .is fully explained &
comes With’ a"chart, for those of you
with knowledge of or interest in astrology.
Even if you know nothing about
astrology, the interpretations explain it
all for you. Gemini Moon offers full
written reports.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
word is 25 cents. You may bring
additional attention to your ad:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
- Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2 Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the
no. of words: (~ ~,ord is a group of letters
or ~iumbers separated by a space.) Send
your ad & payment tO PUB 4140, Tulsa,
OK 74159 with your name, address, tell
numbers (for us only). Ads will run in the
next issue after received. TFN reserves the
right to edit or refuse any ad. No refunds.
33w -45 c
Big, muscular, athletic; handsome HIVGWM
seeks law enforcement type for
friendship/possible relationship. No users,
losers or abusers. Boxholder, P.O.
Box 33153, Tulsa, OK 74153
Plumber? Electrician? Roofer?
Looking for Gay or Gay-friendly
persons to do some repair and remodeling
work. Reliable and affordable,
p! e. send contact info .aqo.n
r~ferences care ofTFN, Boxl~otaer ~a ,
PUB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Call The 900 number to respond to ads, browse unlisted ads, or retrieve messages. Only $1.99 per minute. 1 8+. Customer Service: 41 5-281-31 83
MUSKOGEE MAN If you live or work in
the Muskogee area, I would like to meet
you. I like young guys under 35, who are
clean cut and h~althy. If you enjoy music,
movies, massage, and more, please
respond. I’m a 55 year old professional.
(Muskogee) =7092
!951bs, Brown hair, Green eyes, and hairy.
I m inexperienced and I’m looking for a
discreet rendezvous. (Muskogee) =13125
HOT~F.UN IN OKEMAH I’m 23 years
old, 6 2, 1801bs, Brown hair, Blue eyes. I
seek men for good fun. (Okemah)
I~T ME JOIN YOU I’m a 25 year old
Gay White male looking for Gay White
couples or groups to have fun with. Call
me. (Oklahoma Cily) =5416
the Gay scene. I’m not into the bar scene.
I’m 27years old, 6’1,2001bs. I like nature,
camping, movies, dining out and good
conversation. Call me. (Pryor) =9S45
years old and I’m interested in experiencing
men 25 to 35. I’m 5’11, 1881bs, Blue eyes,
and real curious. (Tulsa) =18597
SEEK AND FIND I’m a Gay White male,
6’1~ 1451bs, Brown hair, Green eyes, very
attractive. I’m seeking other guys 18 to 30
who are humorous and out going. If you are
interested, leave me a message. (Tulsa)
curious, White male, Green eyes, Salt n
~l~.per hair, 41 years old, 5’8, 1701bs,
looking for a masculine, experienced gay or
bisexual males or couples. "
photos and
numbers will get quicker response. (Tulsa)
SOFT AND WET Transsexual in need of
a special friendship. I’m a single White
male in my early 30’s, very soft and very
sensuous. I would love to Be your
girlfriend. (Tulsa) =2170
MADAME X I’m a cute and feminine
Transvestite, dark hair, Green eyes, 5’2,
1301bs, early 30’s. I seek a married
~lentleman who is masculine and
c~ominant. You must be very discreet.
(Tulsa) = 17693
LOVE I’m looking for someone to
spend quality time with. I prefer Black
men. (Tulsa) =17745
WELL BUILT/~AN I’m a totally hot
master, 6ft, 1801bs, muscular and well
built. I’m looking for White slave
boys. (Tulsa) =17614
White male, mid 30’s, 5’10, 1501bs,
Brown hair, Brown eyes. I’m Iookinq
for a daytime friend.(Tulsa) -
= 15878
SECRET LOVER I’m a Black, Bi,
married guy. I’m looking for other Bi
or Gay guys for discreet meetings.
(Tulsa) =15722
GIVE ME A HOLLER I’m- 33 years
old, 5’8, 1501bs, Brown hair. Ilike
sports, movies, the outdoors. (Tulsa)
TULSA LOVER I’m a 43 year old White
male. I like movies, long drives, bowling,
and other fun activities. I’m 6’1, 2001bs:
(Tulsa) =8438
White male, 5’4, 1351bs, mid 30’s. I seek
a chunky business man. (Tulsa) =9682
32 years old, 5’6, 1751bs, Hazel eyes,
mustache, Brown hair, beard. I’m
interested in meeting Gay or Bi men 25 to
45 who are not into head games. If you
are.~ecure, masculine, fun, outgoing, and
down to earth, c~llm~: I’m.lool~ingTor
friendship and maybe more. (Tulsa)
rural area. I’m 31 ybars old, Brown hair,
Brown eyes. I like rodeos, country music,
rural living. I’m single and healthy~ I’m
looking to meet a real cowboy who likes
to ride bulls or whatever else. I’m loving,
caring, generous, and fun. [Tulsa)
= 14845
32 year old Ga~iWhlt~ male,5’7,
1851bs~ Brown ~ir; beard, mustache.
would like to meet other men 26 to 45
who are into fantasy play behind closed
doors. Blue collar men are a plus. You
should not be afraid to be strong. (Tulsa)
= i 2977
BI~.CK ON BI~CK I’m a 28 year old
Black male new to the area. I’m in search
of a Black man who is masculine, caring,
gentle, and into having a good time.
(Tulsa) =14146 "
OPEN WIDEll I’m 27 yea~s old, 5’7,,
1451bs, good looking, in good shape. I m
looking for fun. Call me. (tulsa) =13952
male, 6ft, 1651bs, Brown hair, Blue eyes. I
seek guys 21 to 35 to get to know and have
a goc~d timewith. (Tulsa) =2291
STUCK IN TRAFFIC? I’m 43 years old
and I’m in good shape. I seek r~en 30 to
45 who are Gay, Bi, or Bi curious. We
could do something on your way home.
The traffic is so bad you need something
to pass the time while it clears up. (Tulsa)
~9170 " -
SHY GUY I’m 6’1, 1501bs, Black hair,
Brown eyes, 23 years old. I like sports,
playing the sax, music, azz. If you are
nterested in meeting me please call.
(Tulsa) =12824
1601bs, of the dark persuasion. I have 3
dogs. I love to walk, love music, cooking,
the outdoors, and life in general. I’m
hoping to meet men who want to date.
(Tulsa) =10937
YOUNG STUDENT I’m new here and
would like to meet some new guys. I’m
5’6, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 21 years
old, in the closet, conservative, student. I
really like military guys. Check me out.
(Tulsa) ~11841
I’m a cute Bi White Transvestite, 30’s,
5’3, 1301bs seek a 30 plus married
o’r Bi stocky and masculine professional
f0~ a dBcr~eLre at onsh p. iTulsa)
=i 1846
FRIENDS I’m 6’4, 1951bs, a Gay, White
male. I love country and western running,
fishing, hiking, an~ outdoor spo~ts. If yo~
want a friendand someone to talk to, call
me. (Tulsa) =! 1865
6’1, 1701bs, Blond hair, Green eyes, tan
and hairy.,l’.m nto phone. Are you?
(Tulsa) ~8406
Bi curious and into cross dressers,
Transvestites and B&D. Call me. (Tulsa)
White male in my mid 40’s, 6,ft, Black hair,
Blue eyes, mustache, 2091bs. I m looking
for men. Call me. (Tulsa) =10561
LET’S PLAYCOWBOY I’m a 32 year
, White male, 6fl, 1621bs, Brown
to meet a man
good time call me.
LIKE A VIRGIN I want to give the all
,. I’ve never been with a
’m real curious. Call me.
year old Bi White co__w~o_y,i 6ft, 1971bs,
Brown hair, Brown eyes. I m seeking Gay
or Bi men 18 to-23 in my area. Call me.
(Tulsa) =!DS26
LET’S MEET SOON I’m a White male.
I’m drug and alcohol bee. I’m 6’2,
1901bs, Brown hair, beard, mustache. I
love the outdoors. (Tulsa) =8171
ENGINES I’m 40 years old and I would
like td meet someone around my age. Call
me. (Tulsa) =8234
TALL, COOL ONEll I’m 20 years old,
6’6, Blond hair, Blue eyes. I would like to
meet some other young men 18 to 25 who
are Bi, Gay, or Straigl~t: If you are
interested, please call me. ITulsa) e7~3
BI CURIOUS I’m 45 years old and I’m Bi
curious. I’m new at this and kind of shy. I’m
looking for other Bi curious guys or m~vbe
a good teacher. Call me. (Tulsa) =7929
VERY CUTE SMILE I’m an attractive Gay
White male, 6ft, 1451bs, dark hair, Green
eye~, medium build, versatile, very cute
smile. I seek attractive Gay White males 18
to 36 for friendship and possible
relationship. You must be outgoing. (Tulsa) ~’~
years old, Gay White male, 6’2, 2101bs,
Brown hair, Blue eyes. I like movies, music,
and long walks. I would like Io meet a
sincere Gay male in my area for a discreet
long term relationship. Call me. (Tulsa)
~! 188
PRESENTS FOR ME I’m 48 year old Bi
curious male Iookinq for teachers "
" Call me. (Tulsa)
YOUNG, STUD PUPPY I’m 19 years
old, Black, curly hair, Blue eye.s~ 6fi, and
1651bs. I’m very outgoing and I’m looking
for friends. Call me. (Tu~a) =33419
BIG MAN I’m 20 years old. I would like
to meet guys 18 to 25. I’m 6’6, 2751bs,
Blond hair, Blue,eyes, very masculine. Call
me: (Tulsa) eB668 - -
PLAYMATES WANTED i’m a sin.,gle
guy looking for discreet safe play. I m 39
years old, 5’6, 1301bs, short Blond hair,
beard, hairy chest. Call me. (Tulsa)
~’rieeanrsdsohldip, a20n0d1ab.sp,o6s’s2i.blIe’mrelolaotikoinnsghfiopr. I,m
new at this and I’m looking for friends.
Call me. [Tulsa) =5023
OUT AND ABOUTll I’m a Gay, White
male, 5’9, 1351bs, Blond hair, and Green
eyes. I’m looking for someone, 18 to 25,
who is clean cut. I enjoy movies, music,
dancing, and going o0t. Call me. (Tulsa)
-REAL LOVEll i’m 24 years old, 65,
1911bs, good looking, Brown ~air; Brown
eyes, with a swimmers build. I m very
masculine and cleon cut. I like camping,
fishing, hiking, and sports. I’m looking for
someone 18 to 23, fc~r a relationship.
(Tulsa) =6605
hair, Brown eyes, and a hairy chest. I’m
5’11,33 years old. I en oy movies, country
music, tw~ stepping, and dance music. I’m
looking for an honest and sincere guy. Call
me. (TulSa) =7137 "-
REAL FUN I’m a Gay White male,¯ 30
years old, 5’9, 1751bs, Brown hair, Green
eyes. I’m looking for a clean shaven guy
18 to 35 for some hot fun. Call me. (Tulsa)
=725 !
PHONE FUN I’m into phone. Call me. i’m
6’1, 1701bs, Blond hair, Green eyes, good
looking. (Tulsa) e34497
To respond, browse or
¯ ttentnon!
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Supportive Social Group !
~Up Toda~ Space is limited!
I ~Yes.v l am
I Name:
interested in coming to the TMAAPP retreat
City: State: Zip:
mmmmm mmnmmmmmmmmmnmnmmmm
Cut on Oo~zed Line & Mall to:
TNAAPP, 915 South Cincinnati, Tulsa, OK 74119-2000
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Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1996-1997] Tulsa Family News, December 15, 1996-January 14, 1997; Volume 4, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 18, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/530.