[1996] Tulsa Family News, September 15-October 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 10


[1996] Tulsa Family News, September 15-October 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 10


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


September 15-October 14, 1996


Mac Guru
James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leanne Gross
Steven Scott
Gerald Miller
Lance Brittain


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 9


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


Sept, 15 - Oct. 14, 1996, vol. 3, no. 10
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Trans Communities
DOMA WASHINGTON- The U.S. Senate voted on the Defense
of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), two key pieces of
legislation affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender Americans. The Senate passed the anit-
Gay DOMA bill, 85-14, as was expected. The Senate
then voted 49 to 50 to defeat ENDA.
Oklahoma’s senators, Don Nickles and Jim Inhofe,
both noted for their hostility to their Lesbian & Gay
constituents, voted against ENDA and for DOMA.
Nickles was the Senate sponsor of DOMA and Inhofe
an original co-sponsor.
TulsaOklahomans for H~_~man Rights (TOHR) issued
a statement strongly condemning their votes, particularly
criticizing Inhofe for his refusal to meet with
Lesbian and Gay constituents, community leaders or
Gay press. Sen. Nieldes sent a letter to colleagues
calling for a vote against ENDA because it would
"promote sexual promiscuity". He also equated homosexuality
and bisexuality with bestiality, pedophiliaand
adultery, and suggested that local school boards should
be able to fire or not hire staff who express opinions
advocating homosexual or bisexual relationships.
The measures had became hopelessly entangled in a
series of political moves, counter-moves, and countercounter-
moves. DOMA, which has already cleared a
House vote, would define marriage as a legal commitment
between one man and one woman. The effect
would be to deny any federal benefits to married samesex
No state currently recognizes such marriages, but a
lion of the work of several
TOHR boards and longtime
community supporters. Tim
Gillean, former president of
the organization, was recognizedinparticularforhis
’‘This project has been
the dream of many but without
Tim Gillean, we would
not be where we are today,"
noted pres. Debbie Starnes.
The Pride Center will be
open to all community organi
zations andindividtmls who
share its goals which include
ending discrimination and oppression
based on sexual orimany
but without
Officer ’ - ..... _" Many community organizations have enabout
to i dorsed this project. Prime Timers has donated
i $1,000 for The Pride Center and Rainbow
Brookside Business Guild, The Black &White Charities,
Rights (TOHR) and Inc., PFLAGleaders, Bill &Kathy Hinkle and
foot center open in October. pastors of the churches that reach out to the
A spokesperson for the or- community support The Pride Center.
ganization noted that The " Part of the 3,500 s. f. of The Pride Center
Pride Centeris theculmina- been the dream o~" " will provide offices for HOPE, HIV Outreach,
Prevention, Education which are the preven-
¯ tion programs of TOHR. HOPE’s director,
T;m G;llean,
[former pres.],
we would not
be where we
are today,"
- Deb Starnes
Pride Ctr. Pres.
entation. Officials stated that The Pride Center opens with a modest
budget and will be supported by individual and organizational mem-
.berships, as well as byindividual pledges. Membership is $20/yearfor
individuals and $35/year for couples. Pledges range from $3-5/month
up to $100/month with most at about $15 to $25
Statues added, ’"dais is a way for each and every member of the
community to make a difference. We appreciate those individuals
who can pledge hundreds but the support of those who can just help
with a few dollars a month are equally important. This is a center for
Fellowship Congregational
i Welcomes Lesbians & Gays ¯ Another Tulsa "mainline" Protestant church has become an offi- ¯
cially welcoming congregation to Lesbians and Gay men. Fellowship
Congregational Church joins a number of "open and affirming"
¯ churches that are part of the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomi-
¯ nation.
¯ The leaders of this church of about 200 near 31st and Harvard
characterized the year and 1/2 process of becoming a welcoming
¯ congregation as both stressful and as exciting. The issue first seemed
¯ to rise about 3 or 4 years ago. The church which as a tradition ofbeing ¯
involvedin socialjusticeissues realized that they had a certainamount
¯ of ignorance about homosexuality. Over the year and 1/2, at a series
¯ of events, the congregation had the opporttmity to personalize the
: issues. A divinity student who had ties to the congregation came back
¯ to preac.h and also came out as Gay. see Fellowship, page 3
¯ Claudette Peterson, was estatic at finally hay-
¯ ing adequate space for her staff. The highly
" successful programs now have seven staff
¯ members and additional volunteers who can
: not fit.into the current spaces near the HIV
¯ Resource Consortium (HIVRC). Peterson ¯
notes, however, that HOPE will continue its
: HIV antibody testing program at ’the HIVRC
¯ with which it works closely.
¯ A workroom and a conference room of The
". Pride Center will be available for community
¯ organizations that do not have their own of-
. rices. The site has adequate parking at the
¯ building which is unusual for Brookside with
: even more overflow parking nearby. The Cen-
¯ ter will be accessible to those with mobility
¯ disabilities. ¯
Additionally, ThePride Center will behome
¯ to The Pride Store. The Pride Store will serve
¯ community needs rangingfromgreeting cards,
¯ rainbow stickers, flags and other Pride items, ¯
news magazines, t-shirts, etc. Gay business
: owner Tom Neal is volunteering as a consult-
: ant and is donating merchandise from his store
¯ tomfoolery] see Pride Center, page 3
¯ Community Leader Lost
see Community Notes, page 9
National Coming Out Day
Workshop, Leatherstuff,
Bible + Homosexu,a,lity
Study Group, Two Splrlted
Mens’ Group + TU/BLGTA
Safe Haven, RBG Dinner
Gay Comedy Jam, IAM
Street Carnival, Lesbian
Comedian, AIDS Mastery
ComingSoon : OKLAHOMA CITY- Oklahoma’s Gay community is in shock from
¯ repo~tsofabrutalkillingofagaymaninthesmalltownofWoodward,
¯ near the Oklahoma Panl~mdle, by two men whom witnesses say later
: bragged they had ’~ust killed that queer." It is the second vicious anti-
: gay murder in the state this year. Police say Albert J. Bixler was
¯ apparently beaten to death with a car fire jack and his body dumped
." inatrashbinby Shannon LeeJones, 23, and MarkJones,30. Bothmen
¯ live in Woodward but are not related to each other. One witness at an
i apartment building where the two suspects were staying told police
¯ she overheard Shannon Lee Jones say, "The queer son of a bitch got ¯
what he deserved." Shannon Jones is being sought by police on
murder charges. Mark Jones, 30, is being held on murdei charges.
¯ Authorities have also issued amaterial witness warrant for a thirdman
whom they identified as Clifford Green, who sometimes goes by the
name of Clifford Beard.
Only a week earlier, two Guthrie, Okla., teenagers, identified by
police as skinheads, appeared in court in Oklahoma City to face
¯ charges of murdering Charles Meers earlier this year. Alexis N.
Perryman, 18, and Nicholas J. Karlin, 15, have been charged with
¯ brutally beating Meers, stabbing him, shooting him, and then dousing
his body and home with gasoline and setting them on fire in an effort
: to cover up the killing.
case pending in Hawaii see ENDA/DOMA, p. 3 " Oklahoma’s ’96 Anti-Gay Murders
¯ " Robert Fitzgerald Renfro, known as RF or
¯ just as Renfro, one of Tnlsa’s most respected
¯ community leaders and HIV/AIDS educators
¯ died at St. Francis Hospital on August 23 after
¯ a brief, though severe, illness.
¯ A Celebration of Eternal Life was held at
Shiloh Baptist Church with the Rev. Eddie
¯ Cook preaching and the Rev. Melvin Bailey,
: host pastor, see Renfro, page 3
fax: 583.4615
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher + Editor, Tom Neal
Asst. Editor + Mac Guru, James
Christjohn, Writers + contributors:
Phyl Boler-Schmidt, Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leanne Gross Steven Scott
Gerald Miller, Lance Brittain
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the punisher.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent to the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt
A number of months ago, I reported on a rather suspicious
death that occurred here in Eureka Springs. It was a death that
struck terror in the hearts and minds of many lesbigay cidzens
because the victim was known to be aGay man, andhe was killed
by a teenager who suggested tO police that he did the deed in selfdefense
againstacts the description of whichI Would probably
incite major homophobic responses from the police. It.appeared
at that time that investigation of the.death was being permanently
swept under the rug.
However, Iamhappy to reportthat the death ofChris Klein will
not go unpunished, or at least untried. Anthony Fleetwood was
arrested in August .and charged with 2rid degree homicide, some
seven months after the slaying. Bond was set at $30,000, and if
the bond is raised, Fleetwood risks losing the services of the
Public Defender appointed by the court. DNA and serum test
results were finally completed and failed to back up Fleetwood’ s
story, a story that said, in part, that after polishing off a 12 pack
see Justice, page .3
by G. Miller, M,A.
Last month I gave some simple advice on dealing with the
outside forces in your life. The aim of that little treatise was to get
you thinking positively about ways to improve you daily existence
byhandling the external forces you confront This month I
want to spend a little time on how to get your personal force into
the positive mode.
This will sound way too simple but the truth usually is simple¯
Youcan either choose to see your life as positive or negative. You
. make that choice every morning of every day, When you head to
work, understand what it is you are doing. If you’ re lucky you go
to ajob that challenges and fulfills you, or you are going to ajob
which permits you to earn a living. The income from that job
provides the where with all.which allows you to do the things you
want to get enjoyment out of life. So while thejob itselfmay not
be the most enjoyable thing in the world, it is the springboard to
enjoying the other areas of your life. If you can make that logic
stream work in your favor then you can stop bitchin’ about your
job and start making each day mean see Life, page 3
Tulsa Clubs-& Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine 832-1269
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896
*Lola’s, 2630 E.. 15th 749-1563
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st 745-9998
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234
*Samson & Delilah, 10 E. Fifth 585-222.1-,
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main ... 585-3405
*TNT’ s, 2114 S. Memorial 660-0856-
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308.
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston 585-3134
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 7464620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & -Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E: 71 250:5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
*Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 - ¯ - 592-1521
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. lSth - .749-3620
Don Carlton Mitsubishi; 46th & Memorial 665-6595
Don Carlton Honda, 4i41 S.’Memorial- 622-3636
*Elite Books. & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S..Peoria 743-9994
Foxlinx, Computer-Consultation- 690-2974
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria .584-4606
*International Tours 341-6866
JD Images, Photography 621-5597
Kerfs Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15 742-1992
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate 671-2010
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-311-2
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Pl 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo 838-7626
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Scott Robison’ s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations 743-2351
Southwest Viatical 747-3322
Thomas Chiropractic, 4138 S. Harvard, Ste C-1 742-8868
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW; Counseling 743:1733
¯ Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
¯¯ AIDS Walk Tulsa; POB 1071,74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, InC.-POB 14001,Tulsa74159 583-7314
¯ *Bless The Lord... Christian Center, 262To E. 11 628-0594
¯ *B/L/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th Pl.. & Florence
¯ *CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2rid 585-1800
~..Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
: Dignity/IntegrityrLesbian!Gay Catholics/Episcopal. 298-4648
¯ .*Fmnily of Faith MCC; 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
¯ *Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777 ¯
*Free SpiritWomens Center, call forlocation &info: 587-4669
¯ Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
. Friends in Unity Social Org. (African-American mens group)
: POB 8542, 74101, call c/o TOHR @ 742-2927
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584 4983
¯ Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438:2437, 800-284-2437
¯ ~MCCbfGreaterTulsa, 1623 N:Maplew0od 838-1715 ¯
*I-IiV Resource Ctr., 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 7494194
:. NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H’-I 748-3111
: *Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
¯ PFLAG ,POB 52800, 74152 7494901
¯ *Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
." Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
: *R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 7494195
.~ Rainbow B,usiness Guild, POB 4106, 74159 " 665-5174
"" St.Jerome s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 646-7116
," .~Shand Hotline & HIV/AIDS Services 749-7898
¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR)
POB 52729, 74152 7434297
! Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
¯ T.U.L.S:A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
¯ *Tulsa Community College, Metro & NE Campuses
: *University Center at Tulsa
Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy 23 South 501-253-7734
Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi.N, of Dam Hwy. 187 501-253-6154
: *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807 ¯
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
: King’sHi-Way,96KingsHighway,Hwy.62W 800-231-1442
¯ MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337 ¯
McClung Realtors 501-253-9682
¯ Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-253-2401
¯ Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659 800-624-6646
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-8281
Opposes School Tax Increase
Tulsans who pay property taxes just
felt a significant bump this spring, and if
the October 8 bond issue passes, we’ 11 get
ajolt. Renters, you won’ t escape either-
.your landlord will have to pass on the cost
increase to tenants. But isn’t the bond
issue for a worthy cause - Tulsa schools?
The school district’ s demanding $94.5
million for a district with about half as
-" many students as ithad 20 years ago. Last
¯ year they said they needed $89 million
: from us, but they have "upped the ante"
¯ because they claim buildings have dete-
-" riorated that much since last year. Yet
¯ they have sold two of their 18 unused
¯ properties in the meantime- where are
¯ the millions from those? They also claim
¯ that they need chairs and textbooks, but
." many parents tell me the P.T.A.’s have
¯ provided those since last year in various
school~. They made dire predictions, that
our property taxes would fall if we didn’ t
"support our schools"- but values are up.
And does each classroom really need tele-
¯ communications and a telephone as re-
, quested? I’ think not, We all want our
¯ schools to be fine ones. But each person
has to ask, "What benefit will I see from
," yet another tax hike?" Vote NO Oct. 8.
- Leah Farish
Editor’s note: TFN neither endorses nor
¯ Opposes this vote. We encourage readers
tb consider carefully and to vote.
¯ We applaud those represented by the
¯ letter above [or reaching out to Lesbian ¯
and Gay voters. This community is usu-
¯ ally simply ignored though we are af-
¯ fected- as parents, as teachers, as
¯ homeowners and tenants. In a tight race,
¯ minority communities can make a differ-
"~ ence. The writersees that. Thesupporters
:. of the bond vote have made no effort to
¯ reach out to this community.
¯ Carbon Copy - Full Text
¯ Editors, The Tulsa World
~ Why are we afraid of same-sex mar-
" riage? Is it change? Without change, we
¯ can not grow. Why are we afraid of any¯
one or anything that is different fromus or
our views? What would the world be like
¯ if we were all the same?
~ Marriageis acommitmentbetweentwo
¯ people who love one another. Single-par-
" ent homes, illegitimate children, abusive
: spouses, alcoholism, joblessness and
: multiple marriages are aspects that are
¯ tearing the family and marriage apart.
Please tell me where same-sex marriage
." will destroy the institutions of marriage
_. and family. And is it wrong for a married
¯ couple not to have children and go against
the marriage is for.pro-creation theory?
: Heterosexual couples enjoy the right to
¯ tax breaks, spousal benefits, and hospital ¯
visitations. Same-sexcouples donot. Isn’ t
." this discrimination? Have we forgotten
~ about the Constitution? Doesn’t it give
¯ every American the same basic rights?
." When will the politicians realize they
." arenotsupporting every American?When
¯ will they realize they are teaching hate
~ and discrimination? Where is the love
¯ they supposedlyhavefor Americaandit’ s
¯ people?Whyhas the government decided
¯ it should dictate what our morals will be
¯ and how we will define marriage and
¯ family?
." We are all human beings. The hatred
¯ and discriminationhas to stop. I urge each ¯
of you to please look deep into your soles
¯ and bring out the love God intended us to
¯ share with one another and bury the hate.
¯ America will be a much better place.
" - Lance Brittain. Collinsville
something in terms of what else it is you want to ¯
accomplish. "
The same thing is true of your personal rdationship.
If you spend all your time finding fault with ",
your companion, then each day will be a trial. If on ¯
the other hand you recognize what good things
come from the relationship, and understand how "
important that contributionis,thenyour daily inter- "
action will become more positive and enjoyable.
Don’t forget the reverse of that statement is also ¯
true. If you are doing some trivial thing which ¯
obviously makes your co.mpanion nuts, quit doing
it! Making a concession m a triviality is nothing ¯
compared.to slowly poisoning a rdationship over ¯
sbmething which is probably of little meaning to "
you anyway.
Sit down in a quiet moment and start looking at
your reactions to the things you experience each
day. If you are spending most of your time being
angry or upset or unhappy, figure out why. Is it that
someone is purposefully trying to make your life
miserable, or are you doing it to yourself? There
was a time when the slightest suggestion that I was
not competent enough, or smarL or clever or handsome
or whateverwould sendmeinto ablack funk.
Finally I ~at down and took stock ofwhat was rea~_ly
going on.
No I am not the smartest person in the world, but
I’m smart enough: Yes there are some things at
which I am totally incompetent. No, I am not the
most handsome person, but then neither am I Frankenstein.
What I lack in smarts, I make up for in
common sense. What I am incompetent at, I make
up for by being very competent in other areas.
While I may not be Porno Star material, I have an
excellent dry wit! Make your own inveiitory of all
the positive things about yourself and recognize
that everyone is deficient in some area.
You don’t have to become a Saint, but if you will
start to be reasonable about who and what you
really are and quit trying to be something else, then
life gets much less complicated and much more
fun. Better than that, you will begin to feel better
about yourself and life in general. Then you can
start doing the things in your everyday world which
actually make things better for yourself and others
around you.
Now here is the biggest secret abouthow to make
your life more fulfilling and enjoyable. Learn
to say, ’I was wrong!, sorry. My mistake, sorry!"
Whenyou screw up,just admityou screwedUP and
get down to work correcting the screw up. Fixin.g a
mistake is much less time and energy consmmng
than trying to cover up that you made a mistake.
Admit that everyone screws up from time to time.
Quit trying to cover up your mistake, or bludgeon
someone rise for their mistake. If you fall into the
trap of the one-upmanship game, you will regret it
in the end.
There is nothing hard about finding the enjoymeat
in Life. It is only when.we set unreasonable
expectations of ourselves and others that we make
life hard. I had some very wise people try to get this
across to me years ago, but I couldn’t grasp the
concept then~ Perhaps it is only with lime that we
come to these realizations. Or maybe it’s because
we are so ego-centered that we can’t see the simple
truths in front of us. I don’t know, maybe I’m not
smart enough to figure that one out. But I have
figured out how to be more positive about myself,
about my place in the word and about how to get
the most out of enjoying the word as it exists
around me.
I remember a short quote from a 19th Century
Americanpoet, possibly Stephen Crane or Stephen
Foster, I could be wrong about the name. I may
have the exact quote a little wrong, but don’t miss
the point. A man said to the Universe, "Sir I exist."
and the Universe replied, "Sir, that fact does not
createmmea sense of Obllgatton . Your exlsten
is up to you to make ofit something. Youcanmake
it negative, combative and endlessly hard, or you
can make it something else. What you make it is up
to you.
Copyright © 1996 Gerald Miller
Organizers and featured speaker at the recent fundraisin~g
dinner are: Martin Newman, MarkGoldman, and[3ill Stoskopf
of Black & White Charities, Nancy McDonald, of PFLAG,
speaker Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human
Rights Campaign, Kristie Suttee, Steve Wright, and Mark
Wright, also ofBlack & White Charities.
This yearPFLAGbeganitsSWANawards to recognize those
in Tulsa who have stood up for fairness and for justice. The
recipients are the Rev. Russell Bennett, pastor of Fellowship
Congregational Church. His congregation has recently become
an officially wdcoming one for Lesbians and Gay men. Eddie
Faye Gates, a wall respected educator &writer is honored for
herleadership ontheHumanRights Commission. Dennis Neill,
an attorney, also served on the Human Rights Commission and
with the ACLU and was founding president of TOHR. Lisa
Pottorf of Youth Services was recognized for her heroic work
with and for Lesbian and Gay young adults. Sharon Thoele,
director of the HIV Resource Consortium, is known for her
commitment to HIV/AIDS issues &THE NAMES PROJECT.
That business successfully served the community for
two years from a space leased from The Silver Star. The
Pride Store will-benefit The Pride Center and HOPE
prevention programs~ Director Peterson anticipates that
the Store will be staffed by volunteers but that The Pride
Store possibly also may be able to provide appropriate
work opportunties for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Other office space will be available for seminars, video
showings and exhibits. While not all details have been
: resolved, it’s hoped that part of the space can be used for
"_ Lesbian and Gay young adults who have few other safe
: places to go.
Pride Center organizers note that volunteers are needed
for clean-up, painting, minor repairs to get the Center
ready to open. Later, those with strong backs and a few
vans and pick-up trucks will be asked to help move the
prevention program offices. To volunteer or for more
infolmation, call 743-GAYS (743-4297).
is expected to lead to the legalization of gay marriages in that
state in the next year or two. Civil libertarians have argued that
" DOMA is highly questionable because marriage has always
: been a state issue that Congress has never before touched. The
¯ Constitution’s "full faith and credit" clause makes it question-
¯ able whether federal legislation can impose such restrictions.
¯ Activists and several members of Congress were quick to
¯ criticize DOMA as election-year political maneuveringaimed
¯ at embarrassing President Clinton, noting that one of the origi-
¯ hal Senate co-sponsors of the measure was Bob Dole, the
: Republican presidential candidate. Clinton drew fire from
: rights activists when he quickly said he would sign DOMA - at
¯ leastas itwas introducedin theHouseearlier this year. But since
: then, the measure has gone through several changes in the form
: of a bewildering set of amendments. The capper in all this, of
¯ course, was ENDA, the anti-discrimination amendment that
¯ was supposed to be tacked on to DOMA by Seas. Edward M.
: Kennedy (D-Mass.), James Jeffords (R-Vt.), and Joseph
: Lieberman (D-Conn.).
¯ Inan 1 lth-hourmmof events, Senate Majority Leader Trent
¯ Lott of Mississippi announced that ENDA would be voted on
: separately from DOMA. The eomplex political mish-mash the
: Republicans and Democrats had made of DOMA and ENDA
¯ had created so many objections from both sides of the aisle that
: Lott moved to extricate the two measures from each other.
¯ Richard Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans
¯ noted of the close vote onENDA, "I’his sends the message that
: the 105th Congress will be ready to pass some form of non-
: discriminationlaw to protectgays andlesbians." said. ’q’he real
¯ surprise is we now have 8 Republicans who support ending
: discnnnnalaonagamstgays mthe workplace. We rebegium g
¯ to see what happens when the gay community works with both
: parties. I’m sure we can bring on more Republicans in the next
¯ Congress, we had a couple on the fence on this vote. This vote
¯ proves working with Republicans instead of writing them off
¯ benefits the entire gay and lesbian community."
¯ MelindaParas, executive director, National Gay and Lesbian
¯ Task Force commented, ’~foday is a historic moment for
¯ lesbian and gay people, despite the outcome of the Senate votes.
: In spite of the intolerance of many Republican and Democrat
_" lawmakers, weknow wehavefinally broken the legislative log-
; jam that has blocked Congress from even discussing our civil
¯ rights in aserious manner. Weknow we will have tolose a few i votes.before we win the battle. We lost ENDA by only two
votes. We know that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
¯ equal rights have taken center stage in American politics, and
¯ we can never go back to the days of silence."
Renfro was a founder and leader of FUSO, Friends in
Unity Social Organization, Inc. a non-profit that seeks to
educate African-American men of diverse sexual orientation
aboutHIV/AIDS. Healso served withmany groups,
including TulsaAIDS Walk, AIDS Coalition,TOHR, the
Community Planning Group, Tulsa Pride Picnic and
more. He was an ordained minister, active in his congregation,
Bless the Lord at All Times Christian Center.
Friends and family expressed shock and sorrow at his
sudden death. Most did not know RFhad been living with
HIV/AIDS for 10 years. Donations inhonor ofhis memory
may be made to FUSO, c/o TOHR, POB 2687, 74101.
At other events, they had the chance to meet parents of
Lesbians and Gays.
The task force for this issue lauded the leadership of
their pastor, Russell Bennett. They praised, in particular,
his balancing the need to push the church forward but
without getting too far ahead of it as wall. The group
noted also that Pastor Bennett had performed, with their
knowledge, a couple of holy unions, or blessings of same
gender couples.
The United Church of Christ is the only mainline
Protestant denomination that ordains openly Lesbian and
Gay persons as amatter ofpolicy, and therefore shouldbe
expected to be friendly to Lesbians and Gay men. However,
in the Congregationalist tradition, it is up to the
individual congregations to implement these policies and
to call individuals to ministry. Fellowship is the only
UCC church in Tulsa though there are some others in the
Some members of Fellowship Congregational asked
why it was necessary to adopt an official policy of being
open and affirming since they felt that that was what
they’d practiced all along. Other noted that in these days
when politics and religion are so mixed togeth,, r, that
their congregation needed to stand up and be counted.
That is since so many ugly thingswere being presented in
the name of religion, they hope to counter that ugliness.
They hope that their actions will inspire others to have the
courage to do something similar.
Services are at 10:30 am. Info: 747-7777
of beer with Klein and falling asleep on the couch,
Fleetwood awoke to find Klein ejaculating on his face
and tee shirt. This was his motivation, he said, for pointing
a .410 shotgun at Klein’s face and pulling the trigger.
Tests showed that sperm found on Fleetwood’s tee
shirt, confiscated the night of Klein’s violent death,
"...could not have been that of the victim but instead was
consistent with the blood" of Fleetwood.
Newly appointed Eureka Springs Police Chief Earl
Hyattwas aninvestigator withthe Carroll County Sheriff’ s
Office at the time of the slaying and worked with Eureka
Springs Investigator Morris Pate at the crime scene. If
convicted, Fleetwood faces a five- to 20-year prison term
for the Class B felony.
Lesbians’ Killer: It"
Was ’Hate Crime’¯
MEDFORD, Ore, (Aug. 20)- Rol~rt J.
Acrement, the California man who is
charged with the December 1995 execu:
tion-style killings of lesbian activists ¯
Roxanne Ellis and Michelle Ab’dill, told "
the San Francisco Chronicle in a prison
interview that he killed the two women
because they were lesbians, not in a
botched robbery attempt as he had first
Acrement also sent aletter to the Stockton
(Calif.) Record telling the paper in the
city where he was arrested that he had
earlier in the year killed Scott George
because themanhadmadea sexual pass at
him. In his letter, Aerement, 27, said he
Lesbian Loses
Child to Killer Dad
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Aug. 30) - The
Florida Court of Appeals has upheld a
lower court ruling that ordered Cassey
Ward, age 12, removed from the home of
Mary Ward,~her lesbian morn, andhanded
¯¯ over to the custody of her father, John
. The father called the court .ruling a
"victory for my daughter and every other
child in this nation ffho may be faced with
~ being raised in a household in whichho-
¯ mosexual role modeling distorts.and per-
" verts, or is like to distort or pervert,.soci-
¯ etal norms thathave been established and ¯
recognized from the beginning of eivili-
had invented the robbery .motive in the ~ : Mr: Ward was convicted of killing his
slayings Of Ellis arid Abdilli who were ¯ fir~twffein 1974;firing.12bullets,during
,f,_0und shot througla tile head, b~.cau~e he : aright over their daughter. He-pleaded
¯ was nervtus about inmate reacti0n~ to. : guiity to.sec0nd degree~urd~ran~] ~erved
my reason fbrkilling~’ whiehhe said was - ¯ .eightlyears.in.prison. - ~ . .. ~ .
a "hate crime." - i ~ , = ~ ~ " The~thr~e-judge appeals_ panel ins~stexl
Acrem~nt wen’t ori in th~ letter to say, " that its =decigionwasn"t based on mother
however, that now he doesn tcare wha
.anyone thinks - :inclbdingthe’ji~ that
Will decid,,e his-fate~ "They cankilt me forall
!care,. the letter:s~y~i ":/i" :)
Neo-Nazi" -Judged
Guilty of Murder
HOUSTON (Aug: 29) = After deliberating
fortess than 3 hours; a jury has found
Daniel C. Bean, 19, guilty.of the January
4 kilting of Frederick Mangi0n~ merry
because he was gay.~Bean, who pblice
said belongs to a neo-Nazi group known
as the German Peace Corps in Washington
state, was found guiltt of stabbing
Mangione 35 times with a large knife
outside a suburban bar where they met.
Evidence given during the trial indicated
that Bean and his stepbrother, Ronald H.
Gauthier, 21, both bragged to patrons in
the bar that they were going to assault
someone who was gay. Police also told
the court that the two menlater boasted of
brutally stabbing Mangione. Beanfaces a
maximum life sentence for the killing.
Gauthier is still awaiting trail.
¯ Mary Ward’s- sexual, orientation, but on
¯ the"best interes~ts of thelchild ’: Activists
: -were quick ’.to point ,out,-howe~er, that
] Judge Joseph Tarbuck, whosetowercourt
¯ ruli~gwas beittg revie~ved by the appeals
:. cour~,.clearly istated in hivcustody decision.
thathe wanted the gift takenfromher
. " .morn and handed over to heri convicted-
¯ kiil~r dad to give bet a chance to live in."a
¯ non-lesbian world.’"
John~ .Ward ctiallenged the mother’s
¯ custody after.she applied for anii~crease
¯ in child support. Attorneys representing
MrS. Ward have Said slle Will pr~obably
appeal the ruling to the state supreme
court. ¯
D.P.’ Benefits Come
¯ From Court Ruling
PORTLAND, Ore. (Aug. 9) - AnOregon
". statejudge has given the gay rights movement
a surprising victory in partnership
¯ benefits. Thejudge has ruled that Oregon
¯ must offer insurance benefits to gay domestic
partners of state employees. In
issuing the ruling, the judge said it was
~ "beyond debate" that gays and lesbians
hav~ been discriminated against. Law- ¯
yers for the state and attorneys for the "
three lesbian couples who filed a lawsuit ]
on the issue say they believe the ruling ~s ¯
the first of its kind in the nation.
¯ State Rep. George Eighmey, who is "
¯ gay, praised the decision, saying "it’s a
¯ big step in the fight direction." But Lon "
¯ Mabon, the leader of the anti-gay-fights "
: group the Oregon Citizens Alliance ira- ¯
¯ mediately said the judge is "flat Out prohomosexual"
and was trying to destroy
¯ the notion of family. The statehas 30 days
to decide whether to appeal.
¯ SchOol Censorship
i=. EffortsContinue :
: -WASHINGTON.(Sept. 4).-According to
¯ the 14tk annual report on school, censor- "
ship; People for the American Way says
¯ there were a record 475 attempts last year ¯
¯ to restrict books, classes or educational "
proced_ures that opponents claimed were .. too sexually explicit, too violent,too raciM,.
anti-religious,, an,ti-family,
¯¯ .unAmerican. ~ or all these things.
. A~cording to.the report, the things~bjected,
to last year ranged from accep.ted
¯ classics inliterature to Halloween partles.
" _In-.41% .of the,cases, .th6 rep0rt~ .says,
: -school officials bowed to Objections and
¯ rembved matelials or restricted activities.
¯ The" report, "Attacks on the Freedom to,
¯¯ _ Learn~" cites-conservative Christians mid
especially members of the Christian Coa-
¯ lition as chief objectors in mostof the
¯ . cases it reported on.
California, which has the largest num-
" ber of public school students of any state
¯ in the country, also led in the number of ¯
¯ attempts to restrict materials or classes,
with 56 incidents reported by the group.
¯ Carole Shields, president of People for
¯ . theAmericanWay, noted thatmany ofthe
¯ school.materials objected to mirrored ha-
¯. tional debates on issues, such as racism
poverty, homosexuality, crime, drug and
alcohol abuse, and AIDS.
: "We must analyze this report and de-
" cide as a nation: Will we bequeath to our
¯ children the tools and information they
¯ need to address these complex issues as
¯ they growinto adulthood?" Shields asked.
"Or will our gift to them be ever-narrowing
horizons of thought and speech?"
California to Ban
Gay Adoptions?
SANTA ANA,~ Calif. (Sept. 5) - At a
public hearing, the state department of
social services listened to testimony on
Tire 22, aproposed regulationthat would
recommend adoptions in California only
for married coul~les. Despite the ob_vio.us
¯ restrictions ongay andlesbiancouples the
¯ proposed regulation would impose, state
Officials denied it was anti-gay. "We’re
not talking about sexual orientation," said
Janice Ploeger of the state health and
welfare departme.n,t. "This has to do with
marriage andwhat s in the best interest of
the child."
Butrights advocates strongly disagreed.
Tara Rose,31, testified at the hearings on
the regulations that she was raised by two
mothers’, but adoption was impossible
while shewasgrowingupand she sees the
regulation as abig step backward in Call-
- fornia. "ff we’re talking about-marriages
-. only.that’s one issue/’ said Rose. "But
this is’ discriminating agaiast gay and les-
bian parents."
¯ The new rule could go into effect next
-- October around the time partners Lisa
"" Pratt and Julie Thompson .will be adopt-
" ing a second child, six-month-old Katy.
¯ They told the hearing that they’re con-
- cerned the child won’t get the same ben-
" efits as. their daughter Elizabeth. Even if
¯ the regulation goes into effect, the final
¯ decision will bemadeby thejudgein each
¯ adoption case, state officials say. There
were some6,000 adoptions in the state in
¯ 1995 according to state officials,andabout
a fourtli of them were by single parents,
¯ straight and gay.
:City OK’s $1.2 m
for Gay Center
: SAN FRANCISCO (Aug. 12) - The San
¯ Francisco board of supervisors voted
: unanimously to lay out $1.2 million in
~ city funds to buy property for a 5-story
¯ proposed Lesbian & Gay Center. The
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board approved the funds to purchase a
rambling Victorian house in the city that
center backers will renovate to house the
community facility. Total costs for the
proposed center, whichis planned to have
a book store, gift shop, meeting rooms,
and a 200-seat auditorium, are expected
to run about $7.3 million.
¯ The religious group charged that Disney
: had abandonedits "commitment to strong
¯ moral values" and was promoting gay-
. themed books and films. Walt Disney
¯ Company officials declined to comment
: on the group’ s call for a boycott. Earlier
¯ this year, the Southern Baptist Conven-
¯ tion called for a boycott of Disney be-
¯ cause the firm has recently extended do-
Calif. County OKs ". mestiClesbian workers.Partnerbenefits to its gay and
Intel Offers Benefits
: SANTA CLARA, Calif. (Aug. 16)- Intel
¯ Corporation, the computer chipmanufac-
: turer whose Pentium processors run rail-
¯¯ lions of computers throughout the world,
has announced that starting in 1997 the
: same-sex parmers of its workers in this
: country will be eligibleforthesamemedi-
¯ cal, dental and other employees benefits
: thatthe spouses ofits workers have access
: to through the giant computer firm.
¯ The company said it had jbined with ¯
¯ scores of other U.S. high-tech firms in
extending thebenefits package to thepart-
: hers ofits gay andlesbian workers to help
¯ "attract top talent and retainkey perform-
" ers" in the very competitive industry.
i HRC Fights Helms
: DURHAM, N.C. (Aug. 24) - The Wash-
" ington, D.C.-based lobbying group Hu-
¯ man Rights Campaign has launched a
: campaign in North Carolina to persuade
¯ undecided voters in the state’ s U.S. Senate
race this November to dump Jesse
HRC says it will be operating phonebanks
and direct mail campaigns to convince
swing voters in the state to vote
lently anti-gay memberofCongress. HRC
xs expecting to spend some $220,000 on
the anti-Helms campaign in North Carolina.
Town Reconsiders
Rights Measure
SAUGATUCK,Mich. (Aug. 26)-Months
after the city council tabled a proposed
ordinance that would add sexual orienta-
Dom. Partnerships
SAN JOSE, Calif. (Aug. 14) - Following
a tense, prolonged and sharply divided
late-night debate, the Santa Clara County
board of supervisors refused to bow to
organized conservative religious opposi-
’tion andunanimously approved settingup
a county-wide domestic partners registry.
Religious opponents lined up to speak
out against the proposed registry during
the nearly 6 hours of public testimony,
charging that it would undermine the traditional
family, and said immediately after
the board vote that they would launch
a petition drive to put the issue before the
voters this November. Nearly 2,000 people
attended the packed board chambers, an
adjoining auditorium, and spilled onto the
sidewalks outside the county government
SantaClara County, with some 1.4 million
residents, is the home of many highteclmology
firms that already extendbenefits
to the same-sex partners of their
employees. Approval of the measure
makes Santa Clara County the largest
government entity in the state to OK a ."
parmership registry. "" :
2nd Church Calls !
for Disnev BOVe_ott
though it’ s best known for its wholesome "
family films likeAladdin, theWaltDisney ¯
Company is facing another threatened :
boycott by a conservative religious orga- .
nization. :
The Assemblies ofGodis urgingits 2.5 :
million members to stop going to Disney ¯
films, buying Disney products and going "
to the company’s popular theme parks. ¯
’tion to its anti-bias protections, the council
has now voted by 6-1 to undertake the
issue once again. The council voted to
create a committee of 3 council members
and 10 city residents to discuss including
sexual orientation in its anti-bias protections
and to report back to the council.
Anti-Gay CO Org.
Opposes Partners’
Health Benefits
DENVER (Aug. 28) - Will Perkins, the
used-car dealer and head of Colorado for
Family Values which backed the state’s
unconstitutional Amendment 2, told
Denver’s city council that they shouldn’t
extend health benefits to the partners of
gay and lesbian city workers, calling the
move an "economic jihad."
Perkins broughtwithhim Paul Cameron,
the discredited psychologist who was removed
from the American Psychological
Assn. forfudging statistical data. Even so,
Cameron insisted studies he did using
obituaries indicates gay~ and lesbians are
high health and violence risks.
A spokesperson for Equality Colorado,
a gay rights organization, said Perkins’
group is a "fringe anti-gay organization"
and said Cameron offers nothing but ’*oogus
anti-gay statistics." The council will
take up the question in a vote in September.
Lawsuit. Follows
" PBS/NPR Extend
"Partner Benefits
¯ City Distributing Inc.
: River City Distributing was targeted
¯ for the boycott, bar owners and activists
¯ said, because of Mrs. Shedd’s involve-
" ment in Kentucky’s Eagle Forum, the
¯ anti-gay groupheadedby Phyllis Schlafly.
: They also noted that Mrs. Shedd served
¯ on the state Republican Party’s executive
¯ committee the year before when it unanii
mously passed a resolution in favor of
reeriminalizinghomosexuality inthe state.
In addition to the popular bars and res-
¯ taurants involved in the protest, the boy-
: cott was also being supported by
Kentucky’s Fairness Campaign, the Pro-
. Choice Coalition, the Metropolitan Community
Church and the Louisville Chapter
: of Parents-Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
¯ Organizers said at the time that the
, boycott could cost the distribution company
as much as $15,000 per week in lost
¯ sales. Just months after the River City
¯ boycott was announced, Miller Brewing
: severed its relationship with Shedd, who
¯ has also sued Miller. The boycott itself
¯ was ended earlier this year after the orga-
: nizers declared it had been a success.
: Now the Shedd family has filed a wide-
¯ ranging suit, charging the bars, restaurants,
and organizations with conspiracy,
interference with contractual relations,
criminal harassment, defamation of character,
and other aetious that the family is
seeking unspecified damages for.
¯ Sucessful Boycott : WASHINGTON(Aug.20)-Without.any
: .......
¯ LOUISVILLE, Ky. ~Aug. ~u)-Aecord- ": f~a,nof~aar,e~,ath~e.,,C,¢li;ntototnoAthdemsianmisetr-asteixonoalarats
: ing to a report in The Letter, a Kentucky ¯ ~_.~?,,~;.~’~ o,,.~,,,,,~ ...........~-,-~--~:----~.....
: :y~,~_,,_.,,n~ v,~v~.,.m~- ,~yu,,~,,, : casting Svstem(PBS) and National Pub-
" the state s most prominent conservauves . licRa~io~NPR),thefirstfedemllyfunded
¯ has filed a massive and complex lawsuit
: againstnearly every gay andlesbianbusihess
and organization in the Louisville
¯ areaover a 1995 boycott launched against
¯ a firm co-owned by the family with the Miller Brewing Company of Milwaukee.
Nine local gay bars and restaurants
launched the boycott in August 1995 because
of what activists called the "right
wing activities"of Donna Shedd, whose
husband David was president of River
¯ agencies to offer such benefits.
¯ Donald Wildmon, president of the farright
anti-gay American Family Assn.,
: immediately denounced the move by the
: two public broadcasters as a "misuse of
¯ tax money". "Bill Clintonis willing to use
." tax dollars to support the radical homo-
. sexual agenda and promote homosexual
¯ marriage," Wildmon said in a press state-
. ment condemning the PBS-NPR move.
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HIV May Be Eliminated
CHICAGO (Aug. 10) - A report in the
Journal of Infectious Diseases suggests
that HIV could eventually be "flushed
out" of its hiding places in the body’s
lymph nodes] Researchers at the Chalucet
Hospital in France reported that after intensive
treatment with antiviral drugs, the
amount of HIV identified in blood and
lymph nodes of patients had decreased
significantly. The French scientists said
that ff HIV replication in the body can be
halted entirely through medical therapies,
they believe infected lymph .node and
other body cells will eventually be replaced
by new, uninfected cells. The finding,
if substantiated by other research,
could be important because one concern
AIDS experts have expressed recently is
that even with powerful new anti-HIV
drugs that appear to dramatically reduce
infection, continual drug treatment might
be needed if the virus cannot be entirdy
eliminated from the body..
HIV Infects More Blood Cells
LONDON (Sept. 6) -According to a
report in the medical journal Lancet, researchers
at the University of Edinburgh
in Scotland have confirmed that a second
set of blood cells - CD8 cells - is also
vulnerable to infection by HIV and may
play a crucial role in how the virus develops.
It has for some time been know that
HIV progressivdy destroys CD4 T-lymphocytes,
the cells that the body produces
to fight off infections. But scientists had
previously believed that CD8 cells were
immune from HIV infection,,,possibly
because of structural differences in the
cell itself. The Scottish researchers re-
¯-,~r+ however, that 5 of 16 people with
AIDS that they studied had CD8 cells
infected with HIV at high levels. The
researchers said the next step is to discover
whether the virus destroys thebody’ s
CD8 cells or simply invades them until
they become active later.
British Rights Group Wants
Aversion Therapy Ended in UK
LONDON (Aug. 9) -The British say
rights organization OutRagehas formally
asked the Royal College of Psychiatrists
and theHome Ministry’s health secretary
to issue guidelines barfing the use of aversion
therapy, to set up a board of inquiry
into how extensive the treatment has been
and continues to be as an attempt to "cure"
homosexuals, and to offer a public apologyandcompensationforindividuals
have been harmed by such treatment, either
physically or psychologically.
The continuing use ofaversion therapy,
often involving electro-shock treatment
and psychrtropic drugs, was the recent
subjectofaBBC-TVprogram and shocked
many in the country who were unaware
that such attempts to "cure" homosexuals
were still being used, at least occasionally.
In a letter to the health secretary,
OutRage called the government sanctioned
use of aversion therapy "scandalous"
and"barbaricpseudo-medicine" that
had "caused untold suffering and harm to
ual~own numbers of gay and bisexual
Twins Studies Suggests Genetic
Factors in Sexual Orientation
TORONTO (Aug. 12) - Researchers reported
at the annual convention of the
AmericanPsychological Assn. thata new,
large-scale study of twins in Australia
adds further suggestive indications that
sexual orientation among gay men is in
fact a hereditary factor, although it failed
to find a similar pattern among lesbians.
The findings were based on a study of
some 4,500 sets of twins, fraternal and
identical, in Australia.
Lead researcher Dr. J. Michael Bailey
of Northwestern University reported that
about 20% of the twins studied identified
their sexual orientation as other than
"strictly heterosexual." Of the 312 sets of
men who were identical twins, who are
formed from a single egg, nearly half had
the same sextml orientations. Among fraternal
twins, who are from 2 separate
fertilized eggs, having the same sexual
orientation was significantly less likely,
Bailey reported, saying that the f’mdings
were "consistent with the idea that there is
a male gene for sexual orientation." Although
the study was one of the few that
have included women, the researchers
reported that they could not find enough
identical twin lesbian sisters to indicate a
statistical relationship between possible
genetic factors and lesbianism.
Oral Sex Riskier Than
Previously Believed
PHILADELPHIA (Aug. 14) - According
to a study published in the Annals of
Internal Medicine, University of Washington
researcher Timothy Schacker reports
that even people who are engaging
in lower-risk sexual behavior are continuing
to become infected with HIV. The 3-
year study of 46 people found that while
nearly halfhad had sex withjust 1 partner
during the month prior to infection, oral
sex, which has been generally considered
lower risk for transmission, was the most
common form of sexual contact among
the patients in the research. Schacker and
his ~olleagues in fact were abi~ ~6 ;~3,~’~[~.-
cally pinpoint 4 cases in which oral sex
was the only possible route of transmission.
The report is the 2nd recently to
indicate that oral sex appears to be a
higher-risk behavior than has been previous
NJ Offers 3 Protease
Inhibitors Free
TRENTON, N.J. (Sept. 4) - New Jersey
state health officials have announced that
the state will make3 importantnew AIDS
drugs available withoutcharge to patients
who earn lessthan $30,000 a year and are
either tmiusured or do not have policies
that will cover the costs of the new drugs.
The drugs include 3 of the new protease
inhibitors: saquinavir (Invirase by
Hoffmann-LaRoche),indinavir (Crixivan
by Merck & "Co.), and 3TC (Epivir by
Glaxo Wellcome). The drugs have been
shown to be able to reduce detectable
levels ofHIV dramatically inmanypeople
infected with the virus. State health officials
warned, however, that ifdemand for
the new drugs outstrips the state’s ability
tounderwrite the giveawayprogram, some
restrictions - such as co-payments or
deductibles - may be added later. The free ~rug plan is being paid forfrom the state’ s
9 million AIDS Drug Distribution Program.
About 1,700 state residents currently
getAIDS drugs withoutcostthrough
the program.
More Women Being Tested
ATLANTA (Aug. 3 i)-The federal Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
reports that the number of women in the
U.S. who are being tested for HIV has
been rising dramatically for the past few
years. Between 1991 and 1993, the CDC
reports, the percentage ofwomen 18 to 44
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Forfurther information, call 665"-1339
/ herry Street Psychotherapy Associates N
1515 S. Lewis (918)-743-4117
~,ears of age who had been tested for the
virus increased some 60% overall. The
agency reported that a 1993 survey of
more than 6,000 women indicated that
31.8% said they had been tested. A similar
surveyin 1991 of 13,000womenfound
.that just 18.8% said they had been tested
at the time.
HIV Programs Widespread in
Schools, but Often Don’t
Teach About Condoms
ATLANTA (Sept. 5) - According to a
survey by the federal Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, some 85% of the
nation’s public middle and high schools
teach required HIV prevention classes in
39 states plus the District of Columbia.
That’s the goodnews fromtheCDCstudy.
The less-than-good news was that only
about61%ofthe school districts provided
in-service training for teachers; about54%
said they taught students the "basic facts
about HIV/AIDS"; only about a third of
all the teachers involved in school AIDS
education programs said they had any
training about HIV prevention during the
2-year period before the survey; and only
37.1% of the instructors said they taught
their students the "correct use of
In issuing the report, the CDC said one
obvious and important area that needs
improving in the country’s HIV/AIDS
school education programs is increasing
the percentage of teachers who both teach
preventioninhealth education classes and
who regularly receive in-service training
on the subject.
Younger Inner-City Women at
High Risk for HIV Infection
CHICAGO (Aug. 15) - Two just-published
studies in the American Journal of
Public Health report that younger urban
women are at very high risk ofHIV infection.
A Medical College of Wisconsin
study estimated that about a third of all
younger inner-city womenare at high risk
ofHIV infection, mainly because of risky
behavior like IV drug use by their sexual
partners. The researchers also reported
that while most of the women had a fairly
good knowledge of HIV transmission
risks, they were poorly informed about
the correct use of condoms and lubricants
during sex. Another study of younger
urban women in the same issue said that
high rates of syphilis among thesewomen
who are drug users is an indication of the
high-risk sexual behavior they are also
engaging in. Both groups of researchers
said HIV prevention programs aimed at
theseinner-city womenare needed tohelp
reduce growing infection rates.
: ’Playboy’ Surveys College
¯ Students Attitudes on AIDS
¯ CHICAGO (Aug. 25)-A Haybo.y maga-
: zine survey reports that 9 out of 10 college
¯ students are sexually active, that sligh.tly
: more than half say their sexual behavior
: wouldn’t change if the AIDS epidemic
: disappeared, and thatjust over a third say
¯ they’ve been tested for HIV.
: The survey, published in the October
: issue of the magazine, reports that 66% of
¯ women and 49% of men in the more than
¯. 1,000 students surveyed say they wouldn’t
: change their sex lives much if the epi-
: demic wasn’t a factor. The magazine also
¯ reports that 39% of the males and 35% of
: the females in the survey said they had
¯ been tested for HIV, and that 27% of the
: men and 19% of the women said they
¯ knew someone with the disease. Some
: 63% of the males and 79% of the females
: surveyed also said they believe their
¯ chances of contracting HIV/AIDS was
". either unlikely or barely likely. The sur-
: vey also reported that 57% of men and
¯ 71% of women said they had only one
¯¯ sexual partner during the previous year.
¯ The magazine also found that condom
use appears very highly corrdated with a
¯ steady relationship. While 41% of the
¯ males and 54% of the females reported
: being in a steady, monogamous rdation-
¯ ship,40% of these students also said they
: do not use condoms. Only 6% of the
¯ students surveyed who are not in a too- ¯
nogamous relationship said they don’t
: use condoms.
: Psychologists Delve Further
¯" into Sex & Biology
TORONTO (Aug. 13)-Dr. James Dabbs,
¯ a psychology professor at Georgia State
¯ ~Uuiversity, reported at the annual Ameri-
: can Psychological Assn. convention that
¯ in studying testosterone levels of 28. les-
; bian couples,it was the sdf-definedbutch
¯ partner in the relationship who consis- ¯
tently had the higher levels of testoster-
¯ one, the "male" hormone that all women
¯ also have in smaller amounts. Dabbs re-
: ported, however, that despite the higher
: levels when compared to their partners,
: none of the women in the study had sig-
¯ uificandy higher testosterone levels than
: women in general.
¯ In another study presented at the APA
; conventionby RayBlanchardofthe Clarke
¯ Institute ofPsychiatry inToronto, aniden-
~ tifiable group of men are predominately
or exclusively attracted to genital males
¯ who dress and act like women- transves-
: rites or pre-operative transsexuals. A1-
though Blanchard said that these
¯ "gynadromorphile" men he studied were
." sexually attracted to cross-dressers, they
¯ were not attracted to post-operative trans-
sexuals - men who have been surgically
] and hormonally changed into genital fe-
¯ males - and considered themselves "bet-
: erosexuals of some stripe."
Ex-Boxing Champ Says HIV
Not ’That Big a Deal’
: KANSAS C1TY, Mo. (Aug. 26) - In an
¯ interview with the Kansas City Star,
"¯ former heavyweight boxer Tommy
¯ Morrison said being infected with HIV
"doesn’ t seem like that big a deal" and
: that he is not taking drugs his doctor has
¯ prescribed to combat the virus. Morrison,
¯ who has also appeared in a few films
; including "Rocky V" where he played a
~ featured role as a boxer, announced that
Serving a Diverse Community ; he is HIV-positive earlier this year.
AIDS FederalHousing Grants.
WASHINGTON (Aug. 24) - The U.S.
Dept. of Housing & Urban Devdopment
(HUD) has announced some $7.8 million
inhousing grants to non-profitagencies in
communities in9 states that offer housing
assistance for low-income people with
AIDS. Community-based non-profits in
Baltimore, West Hollywood, Calif., San
Francisco, Savannah, Ga~, SantaFe,N.M.,
Tucson, Ariz., New York, Philaddphia,
Burlington, Vt., and Seattle are expected
to receive HUD grants of various sizes
The federal funding was established in
1992 as part ofHUD’ s Housing Opportunities
for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
program to help agencies that provide
housing assistance and related support
service to people with HIV/AIDS.
The AIDS Legal
Resource Project
by Darlene Shadid
Being HIV positive means facing new
challenges and new issues. In addition to
the personal, medical, and other quality of
life issues, youmay face extraordinary (or
evenmundane) legal demands for the first
time. The AIDS Legal Resource Project
may offer a solution.
The AIDS Legal Resource Project was
created more than three years ago to empower
people with HIV/AIDS with the
knowledgeand assistance needed to maintain
control over their lives. The Project
offers free and effective legal assistance
to those who qualify by connecting them
to one of the more than 150 attorneys
statewiad wh6 have agreed to serve on a
Pro Bona Panel.
Attorneys on the Project’s Panel offer
help in several critical areas. Perhaps one
of the most important (yet one of the
easiest) is estate planning. For example, a
Power ofAttorney can be drawn up which
allows you to choose exactly who can
make decisions about almost any matter
related to your care. Other documents
include an Advance Directive For Health
Care (Living Will), a Final Will and Testament,
and Disposition of Bodily Remains.
ffyou have been de~ed Social’Security
benefits, an attorney can l~elp collect the
necessary documentation for the Administrative
Hearing. In fact, havin an attarhey
present at the Hearing increases the
chances of being awarded benefits by
more than 50%. We also give advice regarding
other state and federal entitle-
In the past three
years, the AIDS
¯ Legal Resource
: Project has provided
: legal assistance to ¯ more than 584 ellents
i with attorneys from
¯ around the state.
i One of the recent
i successes is a preee-
: dent-setting ldwsuit
¯i in .which a FtIV n.ega- txve man sued
: former employer after
i being fired because
¯ his partner was HIV+.
ment programs.
We also assist clients who have been
unfairly denied health, life or disability
insurance. Informationis available onhow
to keep and extend insurance coverage
¯ after work is no longer possible.
If you are fired from a job, denied
." housing or equal access to health care
¯ because of your HIV status, an attorney
can file a Complaint with the appropriate
," authorities. If necessary, the representa-
¯ don-will continue through the various
¯ stages of the process, including litigation
¯ and settlement negotiations.
¯ Family law matters such as adoptions
and child custody can be handled by an
¯ attorney in that area when HIV/AIDS is
¯ directly involved. Finally, we can help ¯
end harassment by creditors.
¯ In the past three years, the AIDS Legal
: Resource Project has provided legal as-
¯ sistance to more than 584 clients with
¯ attorneys from around the state. One of
." the recent successes isaprecedent-setting
." lawsnitinwhich aHIVnegativeman sued
¯ his former employer after being fired be-
" cause his partner was HIV positive.
." If you are HIV positive or have AIDS
~ and you have a legal problem you may
¯ qualify for free legal assistance from an ¯
attorney on the pro bona panel of the
¯ AIDS Legal Resource Project. Call the
¯ project collect at 405-524-4611 for more ¯
", This is thefirst column in a series writ-
: ten to help Oklahomans with HIV/AIDS
¯ know and understand their legal rights. ¯
Starting next month, each column will
¯ deal with a legal issue related to HIW
¯ AIDS and will be written by a local attar-
¯ ney who is on the Pro Bona Panel of the
" AIDS Legal Resource Project.
Clinton Wows ’Em
CHICAGO - This year’s politicking got
underway in Chicago with theAug. 16-18
OutVote ’96. The Human Rights Campaign,
sponsor of the gathering, called it
the "first lesbian and gay national political
convention." Just a week before the
Democrats held their convention in Chicago,
the President addressed the some
500 OutVote in a pre-taped video speech.
"l’mproud ofthe accomplishments we’ve
made," Clinton said. Tacidy acknowledging
the sometimes strained relationship
between Clinton and the gay and
lesbian community, he said: "All Americans
face a critical choice this Nov. I
believe we must put aside our differences
and focus on what unites us, on our common
ground....in 1992, I told you about
my vision forAmerica - a vision you were
and are verymuchapart of. I’m especially
proud to be the first president ever to
endorse a civil rights bill that specifically
includes gay and lesbian Americans."
Community Events
BAPC Quilt Performance
If you missed this highly acclaimed
performance as part of the Summer Stage
Festival, you can see it on Sunday, Sept.
29 at 2pm at the Tulsa Community College,
Southeast Campus Performing Arts
Center on 81st St. near Hi. 169. Tickets
are $S/adults, $5/students. Info: 595-7182.
Wro~tling Enthusiasts Sought
A wrestling enthusiast seeks similar
individuals interested in forming a wresfling
club for recreational matches. He is
also seeking an experienced coach. Call
Keith at 918-438-8340.
Direct From Her HBO Special
,On Tour Fro,u Her Sold-Out
P-Town Su,u,reer Shows!
110 East second St.
5howAnd ticket Information:
(91 8) $96-71 1 1
Advance Ticket Purchase
Is Strongly Recommended
Tickets Available At:
The Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Box Office Location And Al!
Carson Attractions Locations
A Portion Of The Proceeds Benefit Black & White Charities, Inc.
Agape Christian
Services, 10:30 am
6540H East 21th
pager: 594-9692
Bless the Lord At All ¯
Times Christian Center ."
Sunday School, 9:45 am "
Worship Service, 11 am ¯
262T0 East 1 lth 583-7815 "
Community of Hope ."
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm .. ¯
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800 ."
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
HIVMTOeNstDinAgYCSlinic TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS I-HV+ Support Group ¯ Agape’ Christian : Free & anonymous testing " HIV Resource Consortium "
¯ using fingerstick method. Fellowship 1:30 pm . Service, 7 pm
’" WalkNa°prpeoteiqnsttiumngei:nrt7e-8d:3.0inrm :: 41 54 S. Harvard, Ste. H_I
Sheridan Center, Suite H
¯ Results hours: 7-9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay .
Alliance. Univ. of Tulsa "
6:30 pm at Canterbury .
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Mixed Volleyball for
Fun & Competition
Helmerich Park, 6:30 pm
71st & Riverside
Info: 587-6557
Support Group
2nd Mon. of month
: 6:30 pm, 4154 S. Harvard
¯ Info: 749-4901
¯ The Technicians, Leather
¯ org., Info c/o 621-5597
T.U.L.S~4. Tulsa Uniform
¯ & Leather Seekers Assoc.
¯ Info: 838-1222 ¯
Gay & Lesbian Student
TJC Southeast Campus,
SWANI~2.."oS:in6g3l1e-7W6o3m2 en,s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
¯ Support Group
7:30, Family of Faith MC(
Info: Wanda @ 749-4194 ¯ ¯ 5451-ES.Mingo,622-1441 21st & Sheridan, 747-2482 "
¯ HOPE ¯ Shanti-Tulsa, Inc. ¯ Bless The Lord At All
¯ HtV/AIDS Support Group " Times Christian Center " PrevHeInVtioOnu, tErdeauccha,tion
¯ & .¯ Prayer & Bible Study " Anonymous HIV Testing
¯ Friends &Family " 7:30pm 2627-B East llth ¯ Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm
" " HITV/AIDScpaml,lSupp°lrotfcoatrion:Gr°up Call 583-7815 for info.
¯ Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
¯ Info: 742-2927
Alternative Skating
8:30 - 11 pm, 241-2282
$4, Sand Springs Skate
Grief Group
Funeral Home
2103 E 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
Family Of Faith MCC :
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm "
Choir Practice 7:30 pm :
5451-E South Mingo. .
Call 622-1441 forinfo. :
Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention Project
Support group
for Gay & Bi Native
American Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd
582-7225 or 584-4983
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
: Support Gl:oup
¯ 1st & 3rd Thursdays
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
¯ Alternatives
¯ Weekly social events for
¯ LGBT men & women, 7pm
Info: 646-5503
Substance Abuse
Support Group
: for persons wi th HIV/AIDS
4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
¯ 3-4:30 pm
: Info: 749-4194
: St. Jerome’s Church
¯ Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
: 3841 S. Peoria
¯ Info: Father Rick
: at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
¯ Confidential support for
¯ recovering addicts. ¯
Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
¯ NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
: Sewing Bees
: 3rd Sat. of each month
¯ Info: 748-3111
Community Events
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Old Fashioned Street Carnival
I_AM will hold the 2nd of these fun
events on .Sat. Sept. 21 from 10 am to 6pro
.at SouthminsterPresbyterian Churchparkmg
lot (near Concessions) at 3500 So.
Peoria. JoinIAMfor this day offun for all
ages. Info: 438-2437.
Rural Men’s Group
H.OPE,H1V Outreach, Preven’tion, Edu_
cation, is sponsoring social/discnssion
group formen whohave sex withmenand
who live-outside Tulsa. The group will
meet the2nd&4th Saturdays each month,
7-gpm at the Gathering Place, 4154 So.
Harvard, Suite E-3. Upcoming dates are
9/28, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9, 11/23, 12/14 &
12/28. Call Brian or Jeremy at 918-742-
2927 or 1-800-282-8165..
Tulsa AIDS Mastery Project
This group will present Tulsa’s 1st
Mastery workshop on Friday, Sept. 20 -
Sunday, Sept. 22. This is anintense week- "
end experience designed to assist those ¯
individiduals who have been affected’by "
HW/AIDS tocome to terns withtheimapct "
faaflc~c~!.l.flltaaetvoirrsuswhaeslcroamdoenitnhdeiivrliidvueasi.sTrlaivininegd ¯"
with ,HIV/AIDS, family, loved ones, ¯
friends, earegivers, and HIV/AIDS professionals.
The weekend is free because ¯
this event is sponsoredby a grantfrom the ¯
Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership
(TCAP) but donations offood, beverages
are needed. Info: Melissa @ 584-2325.
Two Spirited Mens Group :
The Tulsa Native American AIDS Pre- "
vention Project is sponsoring a group of
Gay, Bisexual or Two Spirited men f-or a
weekly group to explore their roles in
traditional Native American culture and
i I~v~i~.g-heal.~y lives. Tommy Chesbro, "
¯ ~xx~ coordmatoreforindianHealthCare
¯ Resources Center of Tulsa, notes that the ,
: group helps provide peer suport forliving
: a life in balance physically, mentally, "
." emotionally and spiritually. The group is
¯ open to men living with HIV/AIDS as
¯ well as those not infected. It is specific to
men but Indian Health Care would like to
, work with women also if there’s interest¯
¯ The Two Spirit Mens Group meets on "
¯ ~W~ednesdays at 6:30 pmat Commtmity of
r~ope Church at 2rid & Utica¯ Info: "
¯ Tommy, 918-582-7225, or write, ¯
¯ TNAAPP,915 S. Cincinnati,Tulsa74119. ¯
¯ Bible & Homosexuality Study
¯ Community of Hope will pilot a new
interdenominational Bible seminar, on .
Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30for4weeks
beginning on Sept. 18. The study has been
developed by the United Methodists Rec- ¯
onciling Congregation Program with "
.Welcoming & Affirming Baptists, Dig-
" nity/Integrity (Catholic & Episcopali~t~), "
GLAD (Disciples of Christ), Reconciled
in Christ (Lutheran), Supportive Congregation
Network (Mennonite), and More
Light (Presbytwerian).
Leather and Healing Workshops
The weekend of October 19 and 20 will
be a busy one in Tulsa as lance brittain,
Mr. Alameda County Leather 1994;
H.O.P.E., formerly TOHR, and the Silver
~aaCh" le~,,der, w_ith special guest Duncan " rows, tools for application, the power of
19a9c6L. aAcms aGnu, yMBr.aldLweainth,earmutahnorToofroTnietos ¯ positive thinking, how to avoid the pitThat
Bin.d, states ’~f you try to find your falls (New Age and otherwise), andmore.
way in the SM/leather scene by yourself, The workshop will include meditation,
you are doing it the wrong way--there is ritual, storytelling, group exercises, and
opportunities for sharing. no need".
¯ ¯ The suggested offering is $5.00 for
~ikTehisw.whoorkasrehoipntiesrefostrewd timneonrancudrmioeuns ¯ reiaaclsh, winoforkrmshaotpiotno, caonvdefruwtuorerkwshoorkpsmhoaptes-,
anout leather/SM. "It’s an educational but no one will be turned away for lack of
oppormmty you will not want to miss. ¯ funds. It is suggested that the participants
Whether it’s your cup of tea or not, the _bring a cushion for comfortable seating.
information will be valuable for under- ¯
Juice, coffee, and water will be provided.
standingthediversityofourcommunity,,, . Please free to bring a snack, pencil, or
heralds Larry Everett, International Mr 7pa~p,er.t~F_or more information please call
Leather 1995¯ "So co.~.~.,u.o.ut.an.d ex-" " plore with us", sa s lan ’+~-zv2/, 371-0496, or e-mail
S " Y ce" " mrac194@aol.com.
unday, .O,c,t. 20, Duncan Ma~c,,La,chlan
will present ’Healing The Spirit ,. It will Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa
be held 1-5pro. Duncan states, ’Native D/I, agroupforLesbianandGayCatho_
American teachings and other spiritual lies and Episcopalians will meet on Oct.
12, and then on Nov. 9th at 5 pm at St.
learnreS°urceStolivehaVebettermUChwitht° offerHiV. USspirituawlaeS
Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 5633 E. 71 st
traditions teach us that the source of all " TO National Coming Out Week ¯
h.ealin.g.is spiritual." He also asks, "What ¯ Oct. 8: A Roundtable discussion of
does t!us mean? How can this knowledge "Sexuality: Nature vs. Nuture" 7:00 pmin
¯ be applied in practical ways?" ¯ the Chouteau Room of Allen Chapmafi ¯
Duncan is a workshop leader, group ¯ Activity Center
facilitator, counselor, and educatorliving ¯ ,Oct. _9: Panel discussion concerning
in Toronto. He describes his living with aoout Gay Marriage, 7:00 pm in the
~IV. since 1983.,asahealingandamiracle. " President’s Loun e, Cha man
,-, g P
r~e is very enthusiastic about passing on uct. 10 (National Coming Out Day):
¯ what he as learned and likes to make the Unity Party on Sharp Chapel Plaza, TU
Star, .Sal~oon combine community spun- " ~work,s,hop a safe andnurturing experience " Campus. All campus groups are invited to
,s°rsmp Ior two,, very,,different, workshops,.
Ior ml participants with his warm and .a,tt.end and will receiv.e letters concerning
’~’Le.ather 101 and Heahng The Spirit" inclusive style. He does ask that all par-
/~oth workshops will be held at 4f58 SI .ticipants wear loose, comfortable cloth- ~m~ event. 3:00 pm w~th speakers at 5:00
.Harvard, suite E-3 in ’The Gath~,q,,
" mg and to please bring a small obj~t of " During Naffonal Coming Out Week,
Place" at the H.O.P.E. and R-e~o~r’~C~’~a~_ pers,o.hal significance. Duncanadds, ’This " BLGTA will be taking donations in supsortium
building. " womshop will be useful for people who ¯ port of Breast ~2ancer Awareness Month,
~ ’Teather 101" will .be held Saturday, " are affected by HIV includi,n~ caregivers
in October. Info: BLGTA at the Canteroct.
19, 12-6pm and will be facilitated by and health care professionals ’. bury Center for United Ministry at 583-
¯ Duncan will be offering the teachings " 9780 and leave a message for Maureen
lance, Brian Jackson, a H.O.P.E. out- . of the medicine wheel and the seven ar- ¯ Curtin or Rob Crenshaw.
Viaticafion is the process through which a person
living with an terminal illness canreceive a cashpayment
from the face value of their insurance policy.
Generally, to be eligible for a viatical settlement you
must have a documentable terminal illness, and life
insurance coverage in either an ~hdividual term, whole
life, or a group policy.
The value of your life insurance policy in a viatical
settlement is determined by the specifics of your policy
and your unique medical situation. Not every policy is
suitable for viatication, but settlement offers typically
rangefrom 60% to 90% of a policy’s face value, depending
on the specifics of your policy and medical history.
With your written pernfission, we gather medical and
insurance records with which to determine your policy’s
value. Then, a settlenmt offer is presented to you. You
may always decline the offer with no obligation whatsoever.
Should you accept the offer, payment is made
directly to you. Youpay nothing else on your policy, and
you owe us nothing.
Many factors influence whether viaticating your life
insurance is the best financial alternative available for
you. Southwest Viatical can discuss all of the factors with
you and your family in person, in detail and can recommend
an experienced Certified Financial P1anner to assist
you in planuing the best outcome from your unique
financial situation.
Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
doing business only by bulk advertising and 1-800 numbers.
They transfer your insurance and medical records
by mail, and do business from another state.
At Southwest Viatical, we believe you should be assured
of complete confidentiality and the best poss~le
service by working with us in person, face-to-face. We
are involved on a community level, and are responsible
directly to our local community.
By working with you in person, but at the same time
having access to nationwide financial resources, we are
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today. And because of our established resources, we can
deliver a settlement in less than a third the time other
companies take by mail, typically in fewer than 30 days.
~¢Ve’ll do what it takes
to find the best solution for you.
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
4021 South Harvard, Suite 210
Tulsa, OK 74135
A Friendly Place to Stay
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(501) 253-680Z Closed Wednesday
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Gay Mecca. ofthe Ozarks
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt " able, or you can bring your own. The Gay
It’s Jazz Festival timein Eureka Springs, ¯ Family Reunion is always a fun event, a
and the excitement is building as the 12th great way to meet and greet new folks and
annual event approaches. This year’ s dates ¯ to spend lime with family toward the end
are September 19th - 22nd, and both big ¯ ofthehectictouristseason. Plan toattend.
name and local talent will be performing , For those of you looking for complete
all over town.
hair styling and other sa-
Featured artists for
JazzFest include Stanley
Turrentine & Band,
Allmad Aladeen & The
Deans of Swing, Emie
Durawa & Los Jazz
Vatos, andGrady Nichols
& Moment’s Notice. All
will be performing at the
Historic Eureka Springs
City Auditorium
Small clubs will host a
number of local and big
name performers as well,
and nightly there will be a
post-performanceparty at
the top of the Basin Park
Hotel in the ballroom.
These events are hosted
by the Eureka Springs
Jazz Society and will feature
performers from the
JazzFest ticket.
There is still time to get
tickets for the scheduled
events though JazzFest is
always one of the hottest
tickets tobehadduring the Eureka Springs
season. For reservations and information,
call the Jazz Festival Hotline at 501-253-
6258.-TheJazz Festival canalso bereached
via e-mail atjazz@nwark.com. Complete
information about the 12th Annual Eu-
.--_~bo q.,qn.~ t.~’~’7 Festival is available
online at: http://www.eureka-usa.com/
Also coming up fast is the annual Eureka
Springs Gay Family Retmion, to be
held this year on Sunday, October 6th
starting at 2 pm at Beaver Dam Site Park.
A canoeing event will be held that morning
beginning at 11. Rentals will be avail-
It’s Jazz Festival
time in Eureka
year s dates are
September 19th -
musical hot
ticket hits town
the weekend
JazzFe t. The
~gth Annual
Ozark Folk
Festival comes to
Eureka SprlnCs
from September
96th- 99th.
Ion services, we have a
new family cutterin town.
Tymythy Aieran is affiliated
with the Holiday Island
Hair Salon at 92
Woodsdale Drive and
performs the full range of
salon services - haircuts
& styles, perms, color,
manicures, pedicures,
w.axin.g, facials, and ear
piercing. To contact
Tymythy, call 501-253-
Another musical hot
ticket hits townthe weekend
following JazzFest.
The 49th Annual Ozark
Folk Festival comes to
EurekaSpringsfrom September
26th - 29th. A full
board of performers is
scheduled, including: Peter
Rowan, Townes Van
Zandt, Joe Cart & Alan
Munde, Crow Jolmson,
Still on the Hill, the Jones
: Brothers, Charles C. Hammer, Doe Broth-
. ers, Jim & Kim Lansford, and Richard
¯ Johnson & Doug Reid.
For more information on the 49th An-
: nual Ozark Folk Festival, call the Eureka
¯ Springs Chamber of Commerce at 501-
¯ 253-8737.
]ae season IX wlaum~ u,,,,u, .....
¯ biggest Ozark attraction of them all is yet
¯¯ to come. Plan to visit ourVictorian utopia
in October to watch Mother Nature show
off in all her spendor. There’ s nothing to
" compare with the autumn colors in the
¯ Ozarks.
: See you in Eureka!
Reaching OUT
to all People
Rev. Clay Cody Sunday Services, 10:30 am
6540-H East 21st
. pager: 594-9692
The fime nas come to ~
or ~onduct such cer- I " [
marriage._D~.et . .: ]~e ~ree to take posl- itspositiononotherre- | |
tivities of me rtawan ¯ ¯ "1.1 li ons or on cmzens
Supreme Court, same- tlon$ on issues l~ke
"gi " " | "
¯ soon
. . - followingnoorganized |
sex mam:a_ge may same-sex marrxa e~ religion." /
be legal m that state. " ~ ~ :,, "tally there is a "
The backlash against_ and the state cannot
this, the Defense of
portion of the Lesbian
MarriageAct, willsoon require religions to and Gay community
approve of or
eo~duet such
become law and will
prevent other states
from having to recognize
same-sex marriages
debate, however, will
not end there.
Author William
Eskridge, a Washington
DC professor and
lawyer, has addressed
the issue as aproponent
of same-sex marriage.
Hisbookexamines constitufional
issues, court
Butnelther can one
religion force its
pos~.tlo.n on other
relldions or on
clt e following no
organized ren~on.
decisions, the history of
Lesbian and Oay commumty~ .-.reranstream"
objections to same-sexmamages.
Eskridge discredits many of the standard
arguments agains__t. same-s.ex
fiages, including one ot- me most popmar
viewpoints which concerns the ihability
of same-sex couples to conceive children.
It is hard,to, dispute the author’s logic in
this area: A state could and, to be consisthat
also is against the
idea of same-sex marriage,
though not for
the above reasons.
They feel thattheimtitution
of marriage is a
flawed,patriarchal system
that Gay and Lesbian
couples should
avoid. Eskridge gives
a good overview of
thesepositions, exploring
not only the ,marriage-
is-rotten" argument,
but also the "alternatives
view (domestiepartnerships) andthe antiassimilation
perspective which suggests
that formal marriage would "dedaw the
~radieafism of the gay liberation moveand
has an appendix tiffed "Letters from
the Faithful on the Legal Recognition of
Same-Sex Marriage." It includes selected
tent, should prohibit mamages in which__..,"..le.t.te.r..~..£.r..~..~...m....l.,.~.~ r~X-.V-~,~-d-o-~,~m~,u~,
~Or:bo~p~~r~~-t~rii~ qr-impo~ " inducting those representing Catholics,
tent. If procreation is the essential goat ot Methodists, Presbyterians and the Jew.ish
marriage, why should postmenopausal ; faith.Theselettersdefendsame-sexumons
women be allowed to marry? Surely, discrimination
against sterile, impotent or
aged couples would be lmaeceptable to
citizens of many different perspectives."
The often used religious argument i.s
also addressed. Eskfidge’s reasomng is
that "state espousal of one religion’s beliefs
risks state supression of another
: by citing avariety ofreligious doc.u~ent.s.
¯ The battle over same-sex mamage ~
: sure to continue for years to come an
: Eskridge’s book is an informative and
¯ interesting addition to the debate. Check
: for ’q’he Case for Same-Sex Marriage" at
~ the Readers Services dept. of the Central
: Library (596-7966) or at thelocallibrary.
by James Christjohn "
brings her umque brand of queer comedy
to Tulsa 10/5 at 8pm in the Williams
Theatre, PAC. An outspoken (no pun intended)
Lesbian, her humor has a broad
appeal (sorry, that one really w.as un~conscions).
Her resume is ~mpress~ve, irqm
her own ground breaking HBO show
(nominatedfor anACEaward, thel~,mmies
of cable), ’Out there on Comedy Central",
’mainstream’ shows such as
"evening at ~,e Improv" & ’X~aroline’s
Comedy hour , and more. She is hilarious,
so this is the must-see for October!
Info. call the PAC at 596-7111.
CAROL CHANNING will be appearing
in Hello Dolly! at the PAC 9/27-29,
and trust me, this is a show that must not
ben~,’_ssed! Forgetall the disp..~g~ng things,
you. ve ever heard about tins snow, ana
completely disregard any other version.
Ms. Channing is the real thing, and this
show is magic! I was surprised at how
effective it was when Ms. Channing took
the stage. Only one lady has the charm
and charism~a to pull it off, and this is a
chance that shouldn’tbe missed. Tickets:
596-7111. And Ms. Channing is as gracious
& charming offstage as she is on!
CAROL BURNEIff comes to town
October 13 for a question and answer
session at thePAC. I’m sure I’mnot alone
in claiming that her show was a bright
spot in an otherwise dark childhood/adolescenee.
It was the Carol Burnett Show
that fueled in me a fire to perform, and to
take people out of their troubles, even if
only for an hour or two, and make them
laugh and think. Thank you, Carol, for the
inspiration, the dream, and the laughter.
GUYS & DOLLS will be presented by
the University of Tulsa’s theatre department
October 17 -27 at the Chapman
Theatre. For ticket info, call’. 631-2567.
BACP presents ’ffhe Taffetas" a 50’s
girl-group musical revue, 9/13 - 22. Info:
258-0077 Andthey have a web site: http/.
/ WWW.Geocities.com]Broadway/1646
TheatreTulsapresents ’q’heTorchBearers"
starting 9/20. Info: 596~7111. (Got
that number memorized by now? I do.)
An Attorney who will fight for
justice & Equality for
Gays & Lesbians
Domestic Partnership Planning,
Personal Injury,
Criminal Law & Bankruptcy
1-800-742-.9468 or 918-352-9504
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Weekend and evening appointments are available.
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Enjoy POPS LIVE! with the Tulsa Philharmonic on
October 4-5, beginning at 8 p.m. at the Tulsa
Performing Arts Center.
The concert features Maureen MeGovern. Hear this
legendary singer with the five-octave range!
Call 747-PI-IIL for tickets and information!
by Jean-Pierre, TFNFood Critic ¯ pet peeves is a kitchen staff too lazy to
Nested ataprimecomer ofUticaSquare ¯ remove the entire shell from the shrimp.
next door to the Polo Shop is a long time ¯ How is one expected to gracefully eat a
popular restaurant site, in this declension " dish with a thick sauce and an incomknown
as Capistrano. Previous on-site ¯
eateries have included Santa Fe, French, plet,ely shelled shellfish? Does one dip one s fingers into the hot sauce to grasp
and Italian cuisines, and
those ghosts continue to the shrimp by the tail and
haunt the current menu.
It’s hard to categorize
Capistrano, though, since
it bills itselfas arotisserie
.(a restaurant specializing
in roasted or .broiled
meats), but only has one
rotisserie item on the
menu. It bears-a passing
allegian.ce to F~en~hfoods
due to its close a~sociations
with its Owner’s
other Tulsa restaurant,
The.FTe.nch Hen, but the
preparattons are certainly
not, French (of course,
we’ ve also made that observation
about the
French ’HEn, but that is
the subject of another review)..
We can 6nly call
Capistrano eclectiC.
Ecldcfic might also describe
the service here,
too, though esoteric also
fits. Certain customers
and tables seem to get a
lot ofattention, while others
are left to flounder unattended.
The al fresco
tables are particularly a
service wilderness. Some
of the staff is definitely
friendlier than others,and
all of them seem to be
lacking in training in the
finer points of service.
Our waitress was also totally
ignorant as to the
.preparation technique and
Ingredients of the menu
items. Nevertheless,
Capistrano remains a busy restaurant
filled with upseale Utica Square shoppets.
Where to start? Try to think of every
cuisine and every culinary fad item, and
then expect it to appear on the Capistrano
menu. Soups include a limed chicken tortilla,
a clam chowder, and a soup du jour,
which on the evening of our visit was a
spicy tomato, which we found rather thin
and tart. Appetizers include baked brie
with sun-dried tomatoes, snails, and a
brick oven pizza. Salads include the Caesar,
a broiledmozzarella, nicoise, oriental
duck, andalderwoodsmokedsalmon, plus
a vegetarian medley presented on a bed of
greens. The nicoise, duck, and salmon
salads come in two sizes, small for $8.95,
and large for $14.95.
Pastas are important menu items, including
fettucine ticino, a pesto, and an
angel hair with salmon. We chose to split
the fettucine Riviera ($12.95) as an appetizer
course, and were generally pleased
with the result. The fettucine was cooked
to the proper degree of al dente doneness
and was sauced in a rich and delicious
lobster cream, redolent with parmesan
cheese, and sprinkled with bits of lobster
meat, scallops, and three whole shrimps.
The dish was marred only by the presence
of the tail shell on the shrimps. One of our
171~8Utlca Square
¯ Hours:
Lunel,, 11 to 2:30
Dinner 5 to 9:30
closed S.nd~ys
A~ ~o~
convey it dripping to the
mouth? Or does-one use
one’ s fork, riskingmouth
lacerations from sharp
bits of tail shell, and then
later gracefully and elegantly
spit out the offending
This .wasn’t the first
time we’d been to
Capistrano, so we passed
up the signature Santa Fe
Blue Corn Plato ($9.95),
the rotisserie chicken
($10.95), the pan grilled
brooktrout ($12.95), and
theloin oflamb daily special
($21.95). We wish
we hadn’t. Instead, we
tried theGuthriepanfried
steak ($15.95), which is
the Capistrano answer to
traditional Oklahoma
chicken fried steak. This
"dish" was a piece of
round steak served with
new potatoes and sliced
mushrooms, absolutely
drowned in the most offensive
brown gravy
we’ve ever tasted. Flavored
with Worcestershire
sauce, the gravywas
overpowering with the
Worcestershire flavor,
and the taste would not
leave the mouth, even
afternumerous washings
with the $6.50 a glass
wine. Our companion
tried the toumedos au
¯ poivre ($17.95), ordered
medium rare and received medium and
¯ almost cold. It was a small piece of dead
¯ cow with pepper on it.
Our dessert was a bread pudding in a
: Jack Daniels sauce, which our waitress
.- announced was a Jack Daniels "bourbon"
¯ sauce, even though our table all knew that
." only Bourbon County, Kentucky, pro-
. duces bourbon - Jack Daniels is Tennes-
¯ see whiskey. But, good whiskey notwith-
¯ standing, thebreadpuddingwas dry, bland,
¯ and rubbery. We also tried the creme
¯ brulee. Creme brulee is a milky custard
with a sugar crust that is caramelized and
¯ toasted under the broiler immediately be-
¯- fore serving. Our sugar crust was burned
¯ black. But, the underlying custard was
smooth and very tasty.
¯ Ah, the sacrifices we make for our
¯ readers! This simple little dinner for two ¯
endedupcosting us $76. Wewere shocked
and appalled. Shocked and appalled not
¯" only because of the price, but because of
¯ the quality of food we received on the
night of the review. We’ ve never been so
¯ disappointed with their food before.
¯ If one is shol~ping and hunga3, while on
¯ the west side o[ Utica Square, stop in at ¯
Capistrano for a bite to eat. The outside
¯ eafe seating can be pleasant. Just hope
¯ that those legendary birds drop by laden
: with cash.
Black boots,jeans, black belt, tank top ."
and armband, i am ready to go and the,¯
nerves are setting in. Will i be accepted?
What will it be like walking into a leather "
¯ ¯ bar?Will ~bemovermy head.9"These are °
a few of the thoughts that raced through ¯
myhead as i embarkedonmy first venture ¯
to a leather bar. i knew i had to fulfill this "
yearning that was growing deep in my "
soul. Little did i know that i was about to ",
begin the journey of my life with no ,
turning back.
Upon arriving at The SF Eagle, i saw a :
line ofhuge,beautifnl motorcycles, i never ;
knew a sight, such as this[could get my
heart to racing so. i made iny way to the :
patio and all i could see was a sea of ]
leatherdad.men. The day was hot and the ¯
air smdled of sweat, leather and cigars, i "
was in heaven. But then reality set in. :
What was i supposed to do? Look? Ap- :
proach someone?i waslost. Thisis where ¯
my training began, i had foundmy home. ~
My family. ¯
Basic training taughtmethat not every- :
oneinleatherwas intoSMand vice-versa. ¯
Leather relationships ran’the gamut from "
monogamous with leathersex only, to "
Daddy/boy or Mistress, Master/slav.e and :
that these relationships did not always
involve pain..Leather involves scenes "
which Race Bannon, author of1~earning "
the Ropes, says, a scene is a comblnatton ¯
of mental, physical and/or environmental ~
components, with an exchange of power .
as a key element, thatmix in such away as
to produce a satisfying experience for all
participants. Scenes canhappen anywhere
as the focus inSMis the mind. Sexmay or
may not be part of a Scene. SM has been :
defmed as theater, where you create your
own fantasy and as music, where you ~
..... create your own score". ¯
i learned about networking, negotiat- ".
ing and feedback. Networking is about ¯
finding out who is safe and who is not, :
building a circle of friends and acquain- :
tances to help you and attending parties, :
workshops and club events. Educating
oneself is important and no question is ~
ridiculous. Negotiating a scene helps "
both parties get what they want, feel each
other out and not get in over their head.
Feedback, such as safe words, helps everyone
involved to know how thin.gs are
going. Safe words such as red, yellow, or
green can be used for checking out the
scene, halting the momentum for a while,
or stopping the scene all together.
"Safe, Sane and Consensual" is the
leather creed. Safety is of utmost importance
inleather and includes not exchanging
body fluids, getting to know your
partner and not trying anything you are
not ready for. Sane means trusting your
gut instinct and not involving alcohol or
..... drugs as they can impair your.j.ud,gment,
causeharmandincrease yourriskoI sexually
transmitted disease. Consensual stems
from all parties involved should consent
to everything that is transpiring. Communication
is the key. But most of all, have
Through my experien~s, i came to
realize leather is lovemaking. It is safe
and non-demeaning as it is a carefully
....negotiated, safe, and caring exchange between
partners. Leather is not about pain,
but sensation. Leather has helped me become
a stronger person and to understand
the true meanings of trust, honor and love.
Lastly, leather h,a,s taken me to a heigh,t,.
see lance, Mina ~pace, no. one, page 1~
World War II seems to be when
leathermen emerged. The men, coming
back from war, were used to strict orders
of rank and respect; the camaraderie, and
theman-to-manbonding in the absence of
women. Some were able to adjust while
others yearned for the unspeakable.
Themenbeganhanging out at the shipping
yards, loading docks, and the bars of
the larger port cities. Soon, groups of men
begancoming together and "hanging their
colors" in their "home bar". Motorcycles
came onto the scene largely due to the
appreciation the American soldier~ devdoped
while serving’in Europe. rBike
clubs emerged and the followers came
from far and wide. Uniforms had their
beginning when themenwore them out to
display their rank for those who understood
their insignia and would give them
the respect they called for.
Between the 1960’ s and 1980’ s organization,
less secrecy, and the leather network
helped increase the growing numbers
of leatherpeople. From the 1980’ s to
the present the Old Guard, which is well
defined, and the New Guard have been
combining the two philosophies resulting
in a stronger leather community. Fetishes
and the educating of others have grown
and brought about a more diverse and
stronger tribe.
SM stands for sadomasochism or the
deriving of enjoyment from the infliction
and/orreceiving ofpain. SMencompasses
¯ many forms. Pain is not the key clement
¯ here, but the exchange of power is. This. ¯
exchange is totally voluntary. It defines
¯ the roles and the relationship. The bottom
relies on trust then expresses his desires
and finally gives up his power to the Top.
This exchange continues throughout the
scene as the Top watches the reactions of
the bottom. The bottomis controlling with
his/her actions.
Areyounow asking yourselfhow I take
action with my curiosity? Joseph Bean,
author ofLeathersex, describes it as: Taking
action is like lowering yourself into a
tub of hot water, one timid body part at a
time, only to discover it Wash’ t all that hot
after all. Sojustgoforit. Leatherlifestyles
celebrate and affirm sexuality. Be honest
andlisten until youunderstand the image!
reality, fantasy/foreplay give-take flows.
Also realize that you are play~ng a ro!e
and wearing a costume. Leatlaerpeopie
are playing their roles for themselves, for
something powerful within and are looking
for aproper counterpart. Please donot
wear cologne, loud colors, use a loud
voice, or disturb a scene. It is not proper
Dressing for Action is not all that involved.
A tight fitting t-shirt, jeans, black
belt, and black boots will suffice. Leather
and accessories are expensive so play by
the motto "Performnow, reward yourself
later". Do not be afraid to ask questions
about what is appropriate for you and
your role. Collars are worn to imply that
you are owned or taken. If you are not
¯ owned, but would like to be, thread the
¯ collar under the right epaulet of your
¯ jacket. ¯ Communicating with clothing can be
¯ misinterpreted. Please take the time to
¯ learn thehankie colors and their meaning.
¯ Do not mistake interests for requirements
" and don’ tassume that yourmessages have
: notbeen misread. Take all these things as
¯ points to be considered and discussed
see lance, Mind Space, no. two, page 15
Do you live in a small town
or rural area?
Are you attracted to other men?
Do you feel like you. are the only one?
And if you’d like to meet others,
come to our rural mens discussion group
every 2nd & 4th Saturday, 7,9 pm
For more info,, contact Jeremy or Brian
742-2927 or 800-282-8165
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We all want to look our best. If notjust
for our health, looking our best can make
an incredible difference in our own selfesteem
and how we view others around
us...in short, Gay or not, it’ s a must.
Maybe you have never wanted to be a
competitive body builder, but you may
still want to feel better about yourself.
There are a variety of ways to do that but
this month, I am discussing one I truly
have passionfor- weight training. Maybe
_y.ou already life weights but you can’t
figure out why you don t looklike that hot
guy (or girl) dancing next to you on a Sat.
night. Many times the difference can be
narrowed down to a few basic points.
1. Lackofintensity. Too often, many of
us just go through the motions of exercise
without fully understanding the importance
of intensity. I’m sorry to break it to
you but weight lifting hurts. You must
work out hard and consistently, pushing
.yourself to add more weight while keepmg
a perfect a form as possible. Intensity
is simply trying hard enough.
2. Too much intensity & not enough
rest. The number that fall into this category
is significantly smaller than the
previous one. Unless you’rejuiced to the
gills (steroids) or on supplements, you’re
not going to be able to work out every day
of the week. Normal guys and gals need to
Mind Space, no. one
¯ recuperate. The trick is finding out the
right amount that suits you. For some,
¯ working out 2-3 per week is best. For the
: more advanced, 5 per week is optimum.
¯ 3. Inconsistency. You must commit ¯
¯ YOurself toworkingout on aregularbasis. If you make working out a priority, put-
¯, ling it ahead of social engagements, you
¯ will make progress. And if you’re only
working out three times a week (5 max.)
¯ that lives plenty of time for other things.
¯. 4. Too much time on "shaping" exercises.
Unless you’re a professi-on~l body-
" builder, there’s little need to concentrate
¯ on various parts of the body. Stick with
¯ the powermovements like bench presses, ¯
squats, leg presses, etc. These are exer-
cises that build size andstrength overall.
¯ 5. Inadequate rest and/or nutrition. If
¯ you follow all these tips yet fail to get ¯
¯ enough sleep or you eat poorly, what
you’re doing is equivalent to swimming
¯ in a cement overcoat. You must sleep an
¯ amount that’s right for you. Eat lots of
¯ whole-grainfoods, vegetables, fruits, and ¯ low-fat protein sources.
¯ 6. Rottenform and time in between sets.
¯ There are various ways to make an exer- ¯
cise easier. Almost all of them constitute
cheating and waiting too long in between
¯ sets. Swinging a barbell up, using your
¯ body weight, momentum and maybe a ¯
¯ eatapnltmaymakecurling aweight easier, but it will do absolutely nothing to make
¯ your muscles grow. Wait more than 30
¯ seconds (45 max.) in between sets and ¯
you lose your fatigue/tension and your
: muscles can cool down to where you’re at
: the starting point all over again.
¯ There are plenty-of other pitfalls to ¯
achieving your best physical shape, but
: Despite the image that weight-lifters ofened
awareness of my inner self and has
allowed me to stand tall and be proud of
whoi am.
i would like to here your comments,
.any questions you may have, or any subjects
you wouldlikeme to talk about. You
can e-mail me at mrac194@aol.com or
write tomein care of Tulsa Family News.
Mark your calendars for September 20.
RonGreenwoodproduces ’q"he Mr. Tnlsa
l_xather Contest" at The Silver Star Saloon.
Until next time......
Author’s note: in the leather community
Tops are recognized in upper case
and bottoms as lower case.
Mind Space, no. two
with a possible partner. Here is a tip to
remember: A Top flags left and a bottom
flags right.
You do not have to be all dressed and ."
have no place to go. There are the bars, ."
dubs, events, dub runs and more. There ¯
are many national events that happen annually
and local events you can find out
about through the local papers, the community,
leather magazines, and the
intemet. Always ask. The information is
there for your disposal.
The world is for your ialdng. Don’ t be
afraid. Take one step at a time until you
feel comfortableandremember, theleather
community is there for you with open
arms. This .tribe will help you with your
journey. After all, we are all on this journey
i aminterestedin yourcomments, questions,
or topics you would like to see
discussed. Please e-mail me at
mrac194@aol.com or write to me in care
of Tulsa Family News. In October i will be
discussing leather relationships. Until
then...Play Safe, Play Sane, Play Consensually,
but most of all Have Fun!
tenhave, they’re involved in a science,
and if you treat it as such, you’ re likely to
get the results you want.
Stephen W. Scott, PME is a native of
Tulsa. He is president and founder of
Face Beautiful and FBfor Men, a Euroclinicaldayspaspecializing
in treatments
¯¯ for the skin, body, hair and nails, located
in OKC. He is also certified in Fitness,
¯ Nutrition, and Massage. Info: 405-840-
¯ 3223.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
word is 25 cents. You may bdng
additional attention to your ad:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2 Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the
ao. of words. (A word is a group of letters
or numbers separated by a space.) Send
your ad & payment to POB 4140, Tulsa,
OK 74159 with your name, address, tel.
numbers (for us only). Ads will run in the
next issue after received. TFN reserves the
right to edit or, refuse any ad. No refunds.
Seeks Similar
GWM, I am Christian, 39, like movies,
family, friends, ’quiet evenings, warm,
considerate, friendly,always happy. Seeking
lifemate for monogamous relationship
with similar interests. Let’ s meet to
talk. Rt. 8 Box 796, Tulsa, OK 74126
Fgo S24,900
8400 Health & Fitness Center
¯ Jogging Track
. Lush ~dscaping
¯ Valet ParNng
M~ble ~bby
The Hying Begins Now.
4-10 West 7th (7th and Denver) 584-8400

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, September 15-October 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/527.