[1996] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 8
[1996] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 8
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
July 15-August 14, 1996
James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leanne Gross
Pat Morehead
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leanne Gross
Pat Morehead
Tome Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, June 15-July 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 7
Online text
Online text
Unites States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Unites States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Our Families ofthe Heart
Marriage Wins & Losses¯
REYKJAVIK, Iceland - Iceland’s Parliament has ap- "
proved abill that would give same-gender.couples there .
the right tolegally marry, following a pattern of extend- ¯
ing a slightly limited form of matrimony and state ¯
recognition established in the Scandinavian’ countries
of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Thenew legislationpermits same-sex couples to have
a civil marriage ceremony and the same tax, insurance
and inheritance status as married opposite-sex couples. "
Like the Scandinavian version of same-sex marriage, "
the new law does not, however allow gay and lesbian ¯
couples to adopt or to have children by artificial insemination-
although it does allow for joint custody if one "
of the 2 spouses already has a child:- "
The new law does not require churches in the nation, ¯
which have generally opposed such unions, to perform
religious ceremonies for same-sex couples if they do "
not wish to. .
In the United States, various state legislatures con-
~Fe their, efforts to restrict civil marriage to hetero- :
............~d.~tiM~?D~Ia-w~e-Go~i~tSf~oixaas..~a~-has~signed_~o ~.~
a measure that prevents same-sex marriages, even if "
legally performed elsewhere, from being recogniz.ed, in .
the state. The new law restricts the state to recogmzang ¯
only marriages between "one man and one woman."
In a related development, Michigan Gov. John Engler
also signed a similar bill passed by the state legislattire
earlier this year prohibiting the state from recognizing
same-sex mamages, even if performed legally in other
The North Carolina__ House voted 98-10 to approve a
similar measure, already approved by the state senate,
that would bar recognition of any such marriages even
if legally performed elsewhere. State law already prevents
same-sex marriages in North Carolina. The measure
does not require the approval of the state’s governor
and automatically becomes law now.
Meanwhile, California’s just-released Field Poll indicates
that the majority of those in the state - 57% -
oppose legally recognizing same-sex marriages. Overall,
only 35% ofCalifornians who were surveyed say the
state should extend to same-sex couples the same legal
status as heterosexual unions. Some 8% had no opinion
or didn’t answer the question.
Baptists to Boycott Disney
NEWORLEANS -The 15.6-millionmember Southern
Baptist Convention has formally called for its congregations
to boycott Walt Disney Company’s products,
services and entertainment industries because of what
the religious denomination considers anti-Christian,
anti-family values - including allowing Gays and Lesbians
to organize events at Disney’s theme parks. The
resolutioncalling for theboycott charges thatthe "Disney
Co. has given the appearance that the promotion of
homosexuality is more important than its historic commitment
to traditionalfamily values." Disney officials
have declined to comment on the boycott, but Baptists
may have a little trouble following the boycott since
Disney, one of the largestAmerican corporations, owns
not only its wall-known theme parks in California and
Florida, but also ABC-TV, Touchstone and Miramax
films, and is a major parmer in McDonald’s.
CONGRESS ATTACKS GAY MARRIAGE ¯ WASHINGTON - Rolling through Congress with little
¯ opposition, the House overwhelmingly approved the Defense
of Marriage Act (DOMA) by a 342-67 vote and 2
: abstentions while the Senate judiciary committee hear-
." ings turned testy as Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
accused Republicans of"a mean-spirited form of legisla-
." tive gay-bashing" as part of its November election strat-
: egy aimed at unseating President Clinton.
The measure would define mamage as a legal contract
¯¯ between "one man and one woman" and would also
exclude any same-sex couples who may be able to legally
¯ marry anywhere in the country from Social Security,
veterans’ and other federal benefits.
Anti-gay conservatives say DOMA is needed to circumvent
an expected Hawaii court ruling that may, for the
first time anywhere in the U.S., permit same-sex couples
to legally marry there.
"It is a frontal assault on the institution of mamage and
if successful will demolish the institution," said Rep.
Steve Largent, an OklahomaRepublican. Largent charged
that if same-sex marriages were allowed, society might
next condone bigamy, marriages between children and
adults and marriage between humans and animals.
Georgia Republican Bob Ban" said the growing influence
ofhomosexuals posed a threat to America. "Wehave
a basic institution.., under direct assault from homosexual
extremists across this country," Barr said. "This is an issue
that transcends partisan lines, it goes to the heart of a
fundamental institution."
Oklahoma’s 2ndDistrictUS RepresentativeTomCoburn
ofMuskogee characterized the issue as being one ofmoral
disapproval of homosexuality which he claimed was the
view ofhis constituents. Cobumcharacterizedhomosexuality
as based in lust and perversity - remarks which
greatly offended openly Gay Massachusetts Rep. Barney
see Attack, page 8
¯ Tulsa Pride ’96
The Rev. Leslie Penrose of Community of Hope opens
Tulsa ’s Pride Picnic at Owen Park. Morephotos, page 3.
; Organizers of Tnlsa’s Pride Picnic have released a post
¯ event statement characterizing the event as a success. A
¯ joint effort of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights,
¯ Friends in Unity Social Organization and a number of
¯ volunteers, the Picnic made a slight profit after all ex-
¯ penses. The Picnic commi ttee particularly praised local
." club owners, entertainers and community groups for their
¯ financial contributions frombenefitperformances.Agroup ¯
spokesperson noted that the City of Tulsa imposed some
¯ obstacles which resultedin higher costs than in past years.
: Also, there had been opposiuon from an Owen Park
¯ community group that feared that homosexuals would ¯
"destroy" the payk. Picnic organizers stated that Owen
¯ Park’was dirty when they found it and that they cleaned it
¯ prior to the picnic and afterwards left much cleaner than it
¯ was originally. The committee also noted that they had
attracted greater corportate sponsorship than before, list-
" ing American Airlines, Coors, Budweiser, Miller and
¯ Pepsi as sponsors, see Pride, page 2
¯ New Gay Friendly Church
¯ Tulsa’s Lesbian & Gay community is being welcomed
¯ at anew congregation, Community Unitarian Universalist
¯ Congregation (CUUC). In contrast to Tulsa’s image as
~ being dominated by fundamentalist, anti-Gay churches,
¯ Tulsa is home to four Unitarian-Universalist (UU) con-
." gregations. The denomination is noted for its traditional
¯ support for "progressive" issues andforwelcoming Gay &
¯ Lesbian worshipers.
° However, Community Unitarian Universalist Congre-
: gation is the only UU congregation in Tulsa to join the
¯ Unitarian-UhiversalistWelcomingCongregationprogram
¯ directed at Lesbians and Gay men. CUUC also partici-
¯ pated in this year’s Interfaith Pride Service. CUUC re-
" ceived its charter in November of last year and has about
: 55-60 members. The group currently meets at Community
¯ ofHope UnitedMethodist on Sundays at 10:30 for coffee ¯
with the service at 11 am. see CUUC, page 3
Gay Man Runs
i for Congress
¯ Paul Barby, a 61 year oldWoodward, Oklahoma oilman ¯
and rancher and a Gay man, has announced his Demo-
¯ cratic candidacy for Oklahoma’s 6th District seat in the US
¯ House of Representatives. The seat is currently held by
¯ first-term Republican Frank Lucas.
Barby told TFN that he had not pictured himself as
¯ politician but that in working to defeat State referendum
question #669 and in his work as an unpaid, citizen
lobbyist at the State Capitol, he came to realize that
¯ a difference. ’He
¯ added that people had
¯ urged him to run for
Barby isn’t running
¯ on "Gay" issues but ¯
as a candidate who
¯ happens to be Gay.
¯ He talks about work-
- ing to moderate Con-
. gress which he char-
¯ acterizes as "tooruth-
¯ less, toouncaring, too
¯ restrictive". He calls ¯
himself a fiscal con-
" servative who never-
¯ theless is. concerned
¯ that cutbacks in farm Paul Barby
¯ supports will devas-
; tate Oklahoma’s small family farms. He says he supports
¯ family values but that these values cannot survive without ¯
education, job opportunities and health care.
¯ However, he did choose to reveal his homosexuality in
¯ aletter to potential supporters because he felt he needed to
¯ be honest with voters. Also, since his Gayness was no ¯
see Barby, page 3
Coming Soon! Shanti’s
¯ Water Garden Tour, see p. 8
¯ New Volleyball Group, 9
l~/!~ I
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor, Tom Neal
Assistant Editor, James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leanne Gross
Pat Morehead
issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent to the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy.of each
edition at distribution points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by John A.Reynolds
Long-lasting relationships in the Gay & Lesbian community
seem to be very rare and the straightworld doesn’t appear to be
in much better shape when it comes to this subject. Some experts
attribute this to the brief that many relationships, Gay and
straight, are based one lust instead of love. Of course, those who
are"in lust" will disagree and swear it is love- for the two or three
months they are together.
Personally, I believe the problem is that most people don’t
become friends before they become lovers. We must know
someone before we can love them. Harold Baird, my partier of
seventeen years was also my best friend and we would still be
together today if cancer hadn’t taken him from me. We became
friends first, and out of that friendship grew the love that we
enjoyed for those years.
Too many relationships are based on sex and physical attraction.
These are the ones that seem to fail early on. Sex is only a
small part of any long-lasting relationship. Conversation, enjoyment
of each others presence and many other things, combined
with sex, are needed to make a relationship work. If lust is the
basis of a relationship, don’t expect it to last very long.
I cherish the time Harold and I had together, but the things I
remember most about that time’-are the walks in the woods,
holding hands, talking and quietly sitting together knowing the
see Friend, page 3
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
749- 1563
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-94~8
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
Leanne M. ¯Gross, Financial Planning
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy,2865 E. Skelly
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
*International Tours
JD Images, Photography
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kdly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S, Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations
Southwest Viatical
OK, OK, I can already hear you. You’re saying; "I told you
so...I told you that Largent’s a neaderthal and there’s no hope for
him!" I’m no longer arguing with you.
I cannot convey sufficiently the rage I felt in watching OUR
representative malign and attack us, his own constituents, as
Largent spoke in defense of the "Defense of Marriage Act".
Largent’s suggestion that recognizing our relationships would
lead to marriages between animal and human, and between
children and adults was truly one of the sleaziest and cheap
attacks that Congress has seen. I believe from my conversations
with him that Largent knows better but like the swollen (but
pretty) headed, professional politician he’s becoming, he was
willing to lie to make his point.
Tom Cobum’s attack on his Lesbian and Gay constituents was
even worse albeit morehonest than those ofhis Republicanpeers.
His remarks went to the heart of the bias motivating DOMA. It’s
not about "protecting marriage" but about condemning Gay &
Lesbian citizens because primarily of religious briefs. Unfortunately
for Mr. Coburn, our Constitution (you wonder if he’s
bothered to read it) frowns on people like him using the power of
government to impose his religious views on minorities.
Both of these representatives have shamed Oklahoma with
these unashamed bigotry. While there’s little hope of unseating
them soon, the candidacy of people like Paul Barby encourage
me to hold out hope for Oklahoma yet. - Tom Neal
¯ Thomas Chiropractic Clinic
¯ 4138 S. Harvard~ Ste. C-1 742-8868
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493~1959 ¯ Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
¯ *Agape’ Christian Fellowship, 21st& Sheridan 599-7688 ¯
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr.
; 2627B E. 11 628-0594
: *B/L/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
: *Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
¯ *CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2rid 585-1800
¯ (Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians) 298-4648
¯ *Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
~ *Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
¯ Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827.
¯ .. Friends. in Unity Social Organization (African-Amer. men)
¯ POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
: Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983 ¯ Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium
: 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
¯ NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3!11
¯ PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 749-4901 ¯
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104 ¯ R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
¯ Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
¯ St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 646-7116 ¯
*Shanti Hothne 749-7898 ¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR)
¯ POB 52729 74152
¯ TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297 ¯
Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308 ¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of Dam Hwy. 187 501-253-6154
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
¯ *Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
¯ King’sHi-Way,96KingsHighway,Hwy.62W 800-231-1442 *MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Pride Picnic
July 10, 1996
Kudos to all responsible for a GREAT
PRIDE PICNIC on June 15th.
Owen Park was an excellent location
and the whole layout flowed really well.
The booth and display area was terrific,
vendors and organizations alike. The
music was great, along with food and
beverage availability.
My kids enjoyed themselves as wall
making it a perfect "family" outing. And
mounted police in uniform was a nice
added touch. ;-)
Hats off to the committee who organized
a wall planned and thought out day
to show Tulsa our Pride!
- Kelly Harrison Kirby, via the Internet
Disney vs. So. Baptists
In view of the Southern Baptists’ resolutions
to boycott the Walt Disney Company
for being "anti-family" and to convert
Jews, perhaps Disney could create a
new theme park attraction just for the
Baptists. They could call it"It’s A Small,
Small Mind."
- Alan L. Light, Iowa City, Iowa
June - July 1996, Issue #7
¯ In our last issue, we inadvertantly made
at leas ttwo mistakes. Firstwelisted Ginny
¯ Butler as one of the professionals associated
with Dr. JeffBeal andTed Campbell’s
practice, Associates in Medical and Men-
" tal Health. We were not aware that Ms.
¯ Butler is not part of that practice now and
¯ we apologize to all parties involved for
; .that misleading impression., .... ¯ Secondly, we greatly regret that when
¯ we reported on community dubs that
¯ helped the Pride Picnic by doing benefit
¯ shows, we did not know to credit all those
: who were involved. The benefit at the
: Silver Star was organized by the Green
¯ Country Cloggers who certainly deserve ¯
credit for this show, and for all the other
¯ hard work they do. Wehonor them, and of
course, John & Steve of-the Star, their
gracaous hosts. If we inadvertantly failed
to mention anyone else who helped with
those shows, please accept our apology
andlet us know so thatwecan give proper
credit to all. - Tom Neal, editor/publisher
The group’s spokesperson added that
while they’d heard afew complaints about
¯ the changeof thepicnic site fromMohawk ¯
Park to Owen Park before the event, after-
" wards, they heard a great deal of satisfac-
~ "tion from attendees. The greater amount
¯ of shade and generally better facilities
¯ were mentioued.
." Other Pride events like the Interfaith
: Pride Worship Service, and the PFLAG/
¯ TOHR/RBG dinner for the president of ¯
the Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance were
: deemed a success by their organizers. The
¯" only event that was not well supported
¯ was TOHR’s Pride Dance .which drew
few attendees.
State SenatorBernest Cain readsproclamation honoring
Pride Rally & Parade in OKC’s Memorial Park.
PFLAG, Tulsa Chapter was Tulsa’s largest group &
received a very enthusiastic response.
Tulsa’s new volleyball organization began at the Pride
Picnic, For more information, see the Calendar, p. 9
Oklahoma Gay Rodeo folks lead the Oklahoma City
Parade from Memorial Park to NW 39th St.
Men ofNative American descentfrom TNAAPP, Indian
Health Care, were visible and proud of their heritage.
The Banned opened this year’s Pride with the Star-
Spangled Banner, Oklahoma & several other selections.
Donna Redwing, Advocate Magazine’s 1992 Woman of
the Year & GLAAD spokesperson at the OKC Parade.
Family of Faith MCC helped to represent Tulsa as did
others who walked with statewide groups.
others thoughts. The simple things in a
relationship are just as important as the
sextml side.
When asked by friends, "what is your
secret?" - we would reply by saying, "be
your partner’ s best friend and say, ’I love
you’ every day." There wasn’t a time in
those 17 years wo- didn’t say "I love you"
to each other several times a day.
I’m not saying live is a bed of rose and
~ev. Nancy J. Horvath M. Div., Pastor
9:15 am Christian Education
11:00 am Worship Service
6:30 pm Midweek Service
7:30 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm C0dependency
Support Group
;451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa, OK ¯ 74146
(918) 622-1441
youwon’t ha~e problems. There will be
¯ times when disagreements and problems
¯¯ arise, but you can work through them.
True love and friendship can conquer the
¯ trials of any relationship. When problems
¯ arise, and they will, if your love an friend-
" ship are strong you can weather the storm
¯ and get through it together. When one
¯ p~er dies, as in my case, you can go on
¯ alone. It’s not easy butit canbe done. ¯
When Harold was diagnosed with can-
: cer of the right lung andliver, we decided
¯ he would not be placed in a hospital or
: nursing home. He wanted to die at home,
: withdignity, surroundedby those heloved.
¯ for fifty short day, I provided his care, not
¯ out of a sense of duty or obligation but
: because of the love and friendship we
¯ shared. Because of that love I was by his
¯ bed as he took his last breath- he did not
¯ die alone or among strangers. ¯
On June 6, 1995 at 9:15 pro, I lost my
¯ best friend, my parmer, my lover butI
." have seventeen years ofwonderfulmemo-
¯ ties of our friendship and our time to-
" gether.
¯ Harold & I had a good relationship
¯ because love grew from our friendship. If
: a relationship is going to last you must
¯. first start as friends. Basing a relationship
¯ on sexual desires is a recipe for disaster.
¯ Although I miss Harold and think of ¯
him daily, the memories of what we had
¯ will remain with me always.
¯ John A. Reynolds is afreelance writer
currently residing in Tulsa.
secret fiom his family and friends, he did
not want to be subject to a "whispering"
campaign from Lucas supporters. Henoted
his membership in the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) and declared his
support for civil rights. Specifically he
¯ mentioned his opposition to laws banning
¯ same-gender marriage, saying courts and
¯ churches should be free to make their
] decisions based on the Constitution or
¯ their theology.
¯ .Barby is contributing $25,000 person-
" ally as seed money to the estimated
¯¯ $350~000 required to run a campaign in
the large rural and urban district (41% of
¯ the district is urban taking in the north-
" west corner of OKC). He is working with
¯" longtime OKC political activist, Keith
¯ Smith on thecampaign. Barby also said
¯ he’d talked with the Human Rights Cam-
- paign (which funds national offices) and
the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund (which
¯ only funds local and state races). He also
¯ was meeting with the Cimarron Mliance,
¯ OKC’s Lesbian & Gay political acdon
: committee.
Dead in Nat’l Park
LURAY, Va. -’ Two women - Julianne
Williams of St. Cloud, Minn., and L0llie
Winans of Unity, Maine - who were considered
experienced outdoor guides and
believed to have been lovers, were found
dead in the Shenandoah National Park in
Virginia earlier in June, authorities said.
Williams, 24, and Winans, 26, were apparently
murdered. Both the National Park
Service and the FBI are investigating the
deaths, although neither agency would
give details of the apparent slayings.
Both women worked as outdoor intern
guides in 1995 for the Minneapolis-based
women’s vacation group, Woodswomen,
andwere consideredexperiencedand skillful
at camping in the wilderness. Park
officials said the women were found after
the father of one of them reported that she
had not shown up at home as scheduled.
Authorities declined to say how the 2
women were killed, but said they may
have been dead for a few days before their
bodies were discovered.
Tennessee Sodomy
Statute Overturned
NASHVILLE- The Tennessee state Supreme
Court has let stand a lower court
ruling overturning the state’s anti-sodomy
statute. Earlier this year a state appeals
court ruled that Tennessee’s Homosexual
Practices Act violates state .cgnstitutional
privacy guarantees. Several Tennessee
residents originally challenged the
state law, arguing that prosecution under
the anti-sodomy statute could cost them
their jobs, homes and families and that
private sexual behavior was not the state’s
Presbyterians &
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - In a vote by
delegates from the denomination’s 171
presbyteries, 57% voted for an amendment
against ordaining active homosexuals.
Activists said they were disappointed
but that the vote represented an improvement
over the last assembly in 1991. Delegates
attending the general conclave of
the Presbyterian Church (USA) have had
a full plate of issues on their agenda during
the confab, but overriding many items
is the question of ordaining homosexuals
in the ministry. Not only was the question
of ordaining gays a direct issue with competing
proposals to effectively bar ordaining
gays or leaving the issue in the hands
of local churches, but larger issues such as
joining associations with other denominations
also focused the delegates’ attention
on the role of gay clergy.
In considering whether or not to join
with the United Church of Christ, the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, the
¯ AfricanMethodistEpiscopal ZionChurch,
the Christian Church (Disciples ofChrist),
the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church,
the Episcopal Church, the International
Council of Community Churches and the
¯¯ UnitedMethodist Church in the unifying
Church of Christ Uniting organization,
¯ one overriding concern for many conser-
¯ vative Presbyterians has been whether
gay clergy in the other churches that or-
" dain homosexuals could minister to Pres-
¯ byterian congregations. ¯
The organization’s human sexuality &
¯ ordination committee recommended that
¯ ordination should be limited to individu-
: als who observe "fidelity within the cov-
¯ chant of marriage between one man and
¯ one woman - or chastity in singleness."
¯ Although the Presbyterian Church has ¯
officially welcomed gays and lesbians to
its congregations for decades, it has also
¯ long barred"self-affirming, practicing homosexuals"
as ministers.
Aug. Conference:
Get Out the.Vote
"- WASHINGTON - The Human Rights
-." Campaign is sponsoring a conference of
." gay andlesbian rights activists in Chicago
¯ a week before the Democratic National
: Convention begins there in late August
: and early September. Political heavy-
¯. weights thatHRC expects to appear at the
¯ Aug. 16-28 confab include Sen. Carol
-" Moseley-Braun (D-Ill.), openly gay Rep.
"_ Steve Gunderson (R-Wise.), and Housing
¯ Secretary Henry Cisneros. The con-
. ference’s chief agenda will be getting out
: the gay and lesbian vote this November,
." an issue that’s increasingly concerning
¯ aftivists who fear many gay voters have
become wary of President Clinton and
¯ would be unlikely to support retired U.S.
Sen. Bob Dole’s presidential bid. ¯ TV Gold: Louganis’
Story to be Biopic
HOLLYWOOD - The entertainment in-
" dustry newspaper Variety reports that the
¯ USA Network is producing a made-for-
" television movie based on Olympic gold
¯ medalist Greg Louganis’ autobiography, ¯
Breaking the Surface. The TV bio is ex-
¯ pected to air sometimenext year, although
: the cable network says none of the roles
¯ have yet been cast.
¯ Largest.Ever Pride
Parade in Utah
¯ SALT LAKE CITY - Recent anti-gay
: actions by Utah lawmakers, including a
: ban on gay iliad lesbian clubs at public
¯ schools,mayhavehelpedmakethis year’s
-" annual Gay Pride Day event the largest in
the state’s history, organizers said. Thousands
of people - both gays and straights
- turned out for this year’s parade and
festival. One parade organizer said the
state legislature had done "more for us
than we could ever do for ourselves" in
drawing such a large crowd. Keynote
speaker at the event was Chastity Bono,
daughter of actress Cher and U.S. Rep.
Sonny Bono (R-Calif.), who told the audience
that Utah activists fighting anti-gay
legislative efforts in the state had "advanced
the entire community’s fight for
human rights."
Canadian Gov’t to
Extend Benefits
OTTAWA -TheCanadianHumanRights
Commission has ordered the government
to offer health care benefits to the gay and
lesbian partners of national workers the
same as it does to the spouses of married
employees. The ruling was prompted by
complaints by two gay federal government
workers and applies only to the
country’s civil service employees. The
commission ruled that it was "discriminatory
to deny benefits to those in a samesex
relationship while extending the same
benefits to heterosexual couples."
Fire documenting anti-gay policies and
actions in the U.S. armed forces, has been
granted one of 21 prestigious "Genius
Awards’r by the MacArthur Foundation.
Berube’s award carries a no-strings
$300,000 cash grant that recipients are
free to spend in any way they wish. The
California-based foundation has. granted
more than $150 million since it began
making the "Genius Awards" in 1981.
Bernbe said the money will make it possible
forhim to finish work on his current
project, which is a study of the role of gay
shipboard workers inthe 1930s and 1940s
whohelp form one of the nation’ s earliest
multiracial labor unions.
Utility to Help Gay
Youth Programs
Ohio Anti-Gay Vote
To Be Reviewed
WASHINGTON - In an action that won
cautious praise from rights activists, the
U.S. Supreme Court has ordered a federal
appeals court m Ohio to reconsider an
earlier decision that an anti-gay measure,
known as Issue 3, approved by Cincinnati
voters in 1993 is constitutional. A federal
court had initially struck down the Cinciunati
measure, but the appeals courthad
reversed that ruling, declaring the antigay
measure was constitutional. Issue 3
,would have repealed anti-bias measures
based on sexual orientation and would
have also barred any future legislation of
the kind,
The Supreme Court, however, by a 6-3
vote, ordered the appeals court to reconsider
its ruling in light of the high court’s
overturning in May of a similar anti-gay
ballot measure approved by Colorado
voters. In apress statement, Melinda Paras
of the National Gay&LesbianTask Force
said "While we will not know the full
implications of the Supreme Court decision
until the lower court’ s revised ruling,
clearly the high court’s decision on
Amendment 2 has taken the wind out of
Issue 3’s sails. We are making progress
toward ending intolerance and educating
Americans about who we are.’"
Gay Author Wins
’Genius Award’
SAN FRANCISCO - Allan Berube, the
author of the book Comin~ Out Under
." SAN FRANCISCO-California’s Pacific
: Gas & Electric, the utility’ s Lesbian, Gay
&Bisexual Employees Assn., and the San
"- Francisco-based Horizons Foundation
: have joined in an effort to offer greater
_" support for younger gays and lesbians in
¯ theregion throughapublicity andfunding
." effort. PG&E is setting up a matching
." grant fund up to $20,000 to help under-
-¯ write education and social programs operated
for gay youth through Horizons.
The giant utility will also help publicize
_" Horizons’ youth programs throughpublic
¯ service annonncements andbus-stop shel-
¯ ter advertising. Denise Wells, president
¯ ofHorizous’boardofdirectorssaidPG&E
¯ was demonstrating "a valuable leadership
¯ that canmotivateus all to contribute to the
-" community."PG&Eofficials saidtheutilityhadmadethemovebecause
it is "espe-
¯ cially committed to a safe and healthy
environment for youth."
Mayor Extends
Partner Benefits
PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia Mayor
Ed Rendell has announced that the city
will now offer health-care and familyleave
benefits to the same-sex partners of
non-civil service workers. The package
will extend the same benefits to domestic
partners that the married spouses of city
employees currently receive. But only
about 500 municipal workers would be
covered by the mayor’s executive order.
Activists in the city have been working
for more than 5 years trying to get a city
council ordinance that would extend a
similarbenefits package to Philadelphia’s
full 25,000 municipal employees.
CardinalAnthony Bevilicqua, theArchbishop
of Philadelphia, urged Catholics
in thecity’s 121 RomanCatholicchurches
to swamp Mayor Ed Rendell with Fathers’
Day cards protesting his recent executive
order extending benefits to the
same-sex domesticpartners ofjust a small
portion of the city’s Workforce under the
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Mayor’ s administration. Bevilicquacalled
the order "a tragic mistake" and "a direct
attack on the natural arrangement of family
life."A spokesperson for Rendell told
reporters at apress conference that Rendell
has "no intention of rescinding the order"
despite Bevilicqua’s opposition.
Harvey Milk School
SAN FRANCISCO - The San Francisco
school board trustees have voted, after
several years of controversy and one earlier
failed attempt, torenamethe Douglass
Elementary School in honor of assassinated
gay supervisor Harvey Milk. The
school will now officially beknown as the
Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy and
will emphasize classwork in civil rights
areas. Milk was shot along with Mayor
George Moscone in 1978 by Dan White,
who hadjust resigned from his seat on the
board of supervisors and who was an
outspoken opponent of gay rights. Several
parents at the school¯ board meeting
raised objections both tonaming the school
after Milk and to the vote itself, which
they said came without adequate time for
public discussion.
Official Threatened
’Support of Gays’
SAN FRANCISCO - Amos Brown, a
Baptist minister recently appointed to fill
a seat on the city’s board of supervisors
over the misgivings of many gay rights
activists, has been given special.,police
protection after a man outside his church
handed him a letter condemning him for
supporting "sodomites of the city" and
promising "swift and terrible" retribution
against Brown. Similar threatening notes
were found on cars in a nearby church
parking lot. Brown’s appointment to the
vacant seat on the board had been criti-
: in a scene implying a homosexual relationshipbetween
the twomeninsults Willy
¯ Wyler and, I have to say, irritates the hell
¯ out of me."
Vidal has said ininterviews that Heston
wasn’t Wyler’s first choice for the lead
¯ role, but that "Paul Newman and Rock
." Hudson were not available." Vidal says a
¯ scene in which Ben-Hur and the villain-
." ous Roman Marsallaembrace was written
¯ in to the film to establish a sexual relation-
¯ ship between the men because such a
failed relationship was the only way to
justify theintense hatred between the two
¯" men that develops later. "Then, when re¯
united at the picture’s start, the Roman
wants to pick up where they left off mad
the Jew [Ben-Hur] spurns him," Vidal
¯ wrote in the Times.
¯ Sheriff Sued Over
: ’Anti-Gay Assault’
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - A 63-yearoldmarriedgrandfather
andretired teacher
." has filed alawsuit against the San Mateo
: (Calif.) County sheriff’s department,
charging that an officer brutalized him
after he had stopped at a vista point along
an interstate highway to see if there was
an easier route to his destination at Half
¯" Moon Bay. The suit claims the officer
: believed the suspect was gay and seeking
¯ sex at the spot. E. Lon Chancy Jr. charges
¯ in the suit that Deputy Timothy Reid
: tripped and assaulted him as he was re-
: turning to his car after asking another
¯ parked driver for directions. The suit
charges that Chaney was so severely bat-
: tered that he suffered a stroke during the
¯ incident and that an ambulance had to be
¯ called to take him to ahospital. Chaney’s
: suit - which names Reid, the sheriff’s
department and San Mateo County as
¯ defendants - claims the deputy shouted
¯ into his police radio, "I’ve got one" after
but apparently decided they didn’t really
want to actually endorse banning discrimination
in marriage rights.
S.F. Moves to End
Colorado Boycott
¯ SAN FRANCISCO - Openly gay Super-
: visor Tom Ammiano has introduced a
: measure that would repeal a 1992 ordi-
¯ nance that effectively barred San Francisco
from doing business with firms in
Colorado after voters there narrowly approved
an anti-gay ballot measure,
Amendment 2. Ammiano said the U.S.
Supreme Court’s recent ruling declaring
Amendment2 unconstitutional eliminates
the reason for the original boycott, which
barred San Francisco from purchasing
goods or services made or offered in the
state of Colorado and prohibited use of
government funds for the state on official
business, including conventions and conferences.
sex with other men and exposed him to
HIV as a result. Attorneys for Cliburn, 61,
said he has not been tested for HIV and
that Zaremba’s suit was little more than a
form of extortion.
i No Nudity in Parade
¯ BOSTON - Proper - and not so proper -
: Bostonians clashed following this year’s
: annual Gay Pride Parade, where reports
¯ say a nude man walked on stilts and 2
¯ bare-breasted women fondled each other.
: Mayor Thomas Menino was joined by
: parade organizers in condemning what
¯ they termed "inappropriate and unlaw-
: ful" behavior during the parade. Organiz-
-" ers of the parade said the nude man and
: topless women were not registered to par-
: ticipate in the parade itself and joined the
¯ event, attended by an estimated 100,000
: people, along the route. Officials offered
¯ to help police locate the people for pos-
¯ sible prosecution. The city council has
: vowed to hold hearings on why police
¯ didn’t arrest the people during the parade.
Texas Court Lets
GOP Exclude Gays "
AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas state Su- -"
preme Court blocked a temporary order ¯
handed down by a lower court just days ~
before and ruled unanimously that the ~
state Republican Party does not have to
grant the gay Log Cabin Republicans a
booth and ad space during its annual state
convention. A lower state court had ordered
the state GOP to give the Log Cabin
group the booth, for which ithad cashed a
$400 check from the gay Republicmas,
British PM Critical
of Grants to Gays
LONDON - Prime Minister John Major
told Parliament that grants from proceeds
of the country’s popular National Lottery
~ to London and Leicester gay and lesbian
¯ organizations - one a community center,
¯ the other a gay andlesbian police officers’
group - were "ill-founded and ill-judged."
¯ The two grants, totaling slightly more
than $140,000, do not "reflect the way
¯" Parliament’and the public expected lotmad
to sell the organization space in the " tery money to be spent," Major said durconvention
brochure, for which it had ¯ ing a speech in the House of Commons.
o received another check for $750. ¯
: The state party made an emergency : Dontt These
- .appeal tothe TeXa~ higll courtfollOwing - ~ ~ .... ..... .........
] the lower court ruling on Friday, June l4, ¯ Have Work To
cized by several rights activists who view
his opposition to domestic partners and
other gay rights issues in the past as
homophobic. Because of the suspected
arson attacks against several black
churches recently, police said they would
"take precautions" not only to assure the
safety of the newly appointed supervisor
but also for the minister’s predominately
black church.
Heston vs. Vidal:
Clash Over Ben-Hur
HOLLYWOOD-Actor Charlton Heston
and playwright Gore Vidal have been
trading barbs in the pages of the Los
Angeles Times recendy over work Vidal
did on the film"Ben-Hur"nearly 40 years
ago that he says implied a homosexual
relationship between 2 lea.ding characters
in the film, including Heston’s lead character.
Heston called Vidal "a tart, embittered
man" whose "claim that he slipped
the arrest, and that when paramedics ar-
rived he told them to use rubber gloves
¯ because "This one’s probably got HIV."
Chaney’s attorney says the incident re-
" fleets a pattern of arrest and abuse by
; police in the area of anyone they believe
¯ may be gay and that his client just had the
¯ badfortune to be in the wrong place at the
: wrong time.
¯ Minnesota Dems:
¯ No Discrimination -
i Except in Marriage
: MINNEAPOLIS-MinnesotaDemocrats
~ adopted a full 100 resolutions at their
¯ annual state convention, rejecting just 1
¯ proposed platform statement - a resolu-
: fion supporting same-sex marriage rights.
: The Democratic Farm Labor Party (as the
¯ Democrats areknowninMinnesota),over-
: Whelmingly adopted a resolution con-
: demning "all forms of discrimination,"
-" and the justices took only a few hours to
¯ issue the order blocking the lower court
decision. StateGOPofficials said the con-
: ventionis apfivateeventandnota"public
: forum," and that the party wanted to ex-
¯ dude the LOg Cabin booth and adverfis-
¯ ing because the party platform officially
¯ opposes gay fights.
Palimony Lawsuit
~f. WORTH,Texas-ATexas state court
¯ judge has thrown out a palimony lawsuit
filed by Thomas Zaremba of Michigan
: against internationally famed classical
pimfist Van Clibum, saying there was no
: written agreement about financial sup-
- port between the two menduring their 17-
¯ yearrelationship,andthat the statedoesn’t
." recognize such same-sex relationships.
¯ Zaremba, 48, had filed the suit claiming,
: among other things, that during his relai
tionship with Cliburn, the pianist had had
¯ ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska state ¯
officials say they have no plans to file
¯ criminal charges against Bethel Police
¯..Sgt. Scott Gagne, who had been under
¯ investigation for possible sexual harass-
. ment, including masturbating with 2 other
police officers at the station,
¯ Investigators say that Gagne and other
¯ officers had talked bluntly about their
sexual relationships with women, and that
¯ they had masturbated together at the sta-
¯ tion. According to news reports, Gagne
¯ never denied the activities but said none
of the policemen had been forced or co-
¯ erced into anything they didn’t want to.
¯ Authorities said other officers corrobo- ¯
rated Gagne’s version. Officers at the
¯ station told investigators that there had
¯ been a good deal of "horseplay" among
2 the male officers, including groping &
¯ patting but¯tocks. But the officers sai¯d no¯. onehadobjected&that anyonewhodidn’t
¯ want to be involved could easily avoid ¯
Gagne’s "games."
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World HIV
BALTIMORE-Writing in Internal Medicine
News, William Blattuer of the Uni-
.versity of Maryland’ s Institute of Human
Virology has projected that some 20 million
people around the world are now
infected with HIV and that some 100
million people will be infected by the year
2000. Blattner also says the spread of
HIV has changed rapidly in recent years
and that by the turn of the century more
than 90% of all those infected will be
residents of developing cotmtries, with a
higher incidence in Asia, followed by
African nations. In related news,
Zimbabwe’s National AIDS Coordination
Program reports that the epidemic
continues to spiral there, with at least
40,000 new AIDS cases reported in the
country last year, while the actual number
of new cases may be as high as 150,000.
The agency says that more than a million
of Zimbabwe’s 10.5 million people are
infected with HIV, and that an estimated
300 die 0fAIDS-related illnesses weekly.
AIDS Shapes World
NEW YORK - The annual UN Human
Development Report, slated tobe released
later in July, says the impact of the AIDS
epidemic has become so vast that it has
affected thelivability levels ofsomecountries
for the first time since the international
agency began issuing its "~mnual
assessment of global development. The
report’s index of livability indicates that
some developing nations have fallen as
much as a decade behind in their expected
progress because of the epidemic. In a
related develrpment,, the independent
PopulationReference Bureauhas reported
that although the global population con~
tinues to grow d~amati~lly, the AIDS
epidemic is causing measurable shifts in
world population patterns. The bureau
reports thatalthough sub-Saharan Africa’ s
total population by 2025 will be 1.25
billion people, that number will be 100
million lower than projections madejust a
decade ago - almost entirely because of
the epidemic. Countries such as Botswana,
Kenya, Malawi, Uganda,ZambiaandZimbabwe
will be the hardest-hit, the bureau
HIV in Kenya
NAIROBI, Kenya- A fourth of all the
Kenyan women visiting pediatric and infant-
care clinics in the capital city of
Nairobi are H-IV-p0sitive according to a
survey completed by the U.S. Agency for
International Development. Just one year
ago, a similar study found that 3.5% of all
Kenyans were infected with the virus
Gray Newton of the USAID office in
Nairobi told the Xinhua News Agency.
By the beginning of this year, Newton
says, that figure had more than doubled to
7.5% Of the nation’ s population.
Eliminating HIV in
Some Is Possible
AMSTERDAMnAtaconference ofAIDS
researchers held by the University of
Amsterdam and the dinical journal Antiviral
Therapy, scientists reviewed unpublished
data suggesting that"eradicating"
HIV in some infected patients may be
possible. The datais being collected from
ongoing trials underway in Australia
: Europe, Canada and the U.S. involving
¯ the use of a variety of HIV drug combina-
¯ tions. According to the information col-
" lected so far, some patients involved in
¯ the clinical trials have had the level of
¯¯ HIV in their blood stream lowered to
undetectable levels for up to 2 years. The
¯ scientists involved in the trials cautioned,
¯ however, that none of the patients have
¯ been taking the combinations of medi- ¯ cines long enough yet to determine long-
" term effectiveness.
¯ Blood Transfusion
Risk is 2 in a Million
: BOSTON - According to a report in the
¯ New England Journal of Medicine, the
¯ chances of receiving HIV-tainted blood
from the nation’s blood bank system is
: just 2 in every million transfusions. Re-
. searchers at the Rockville, Md.-based
: Westat Inc. calculated the odds of receiv-
¯ ing a contaminated transfusion after ex-
¯ amining the records of more than a half-
. millionrepeat donors. The estimates were
¯ based on calculating how many recently
¯ infected donors might give blood during
° the 22-day period when the virus cannot
be detected. Some 586,507 regular donor
¯ records were examined.
~ Herbal HIV-Fighting
SINGAPORE- Singapore scientists re-
." porting in two research journals say a
¯ chemical compound derived from some
¯ 75 traditional herbs may usefulin fighting
HIV. Dr. Sim Keng Yeow of the National
: Uni-versity of Singapore said that the researchers
had found that the chemical
: they isolated from the herbs could inhibit
¯ HIV- 1 protease, an enzyme essential for
¯ HIV to develop. Yeow cautioned, however,
that the discovery was not a bure for
AIDS and only a preliminary finding. In
a related development, researchers at the
: China Academy of Preventive Medicine
¯ in Beijing announced that an experimental
herbal medicine, known as Saidefu,
.., may have helped eliminate HIV in 1 pa-
¯ tient and helped others become well
" enough that they could stop hospital care
¯ and go home. The researchers said, how-
. ever, that Saidefu had only been tested on
5 patients so far and that the tests hadbeen
¯ limited to only a 3-month period. They
¯ said that much more testing would be ¯
required because herbal remedies that of-
" ten appear effective initially may have
." only a temporary or transient effect.
¯ International AIDS
¯ Conference
VANCOUVER, Canada- Organizers of
the 1 lth International AIDS Conference
: say the event’ s scope and size underscore
¯ the growing global commitment to fight-
. ing the epidemic. Between 9,000 and
: 10,000 delegates are expected, along with
: another 1,500 registered commercial ex-
¯ hibitors. Some 1,500 mediapersonnel are
: expected to cover the conference as well.
¯" Peter Hamara, spokesperson for the
¯ event, said the Vancouver conference has
¯ received a record 5,,6_26 research studies
to be presented, the.~asis and core of the
¯ clinical program of the conference. The
¯ studies, Hamaranoted, werereceivedfrom
¯ 125 separate countries around the world.
¯ The World Health Organization esti-
¯ mates that globally there are at least 17
¯ million adults infected with HIV, and that
: more than 11 million- or65% - are in sub-
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Saharan Africa. The next worst-hit region
is South and Southeast Asia, where
at least 3 million people - or 18% of the
global total - are infected with the virus.
"Many ofour participants this year will be
from HIV support organizations, from
organizations," Hamara said at a news
conference before the event officiallybegan.
"So while the conference at its core is
still a medical-scientific conference, the
participants and the diversity of research
studies have broadened as the epidemic
itself has broadened."
Organizers say that there is some encouraging
newsboth onthe educationand
the medical fronts that is leading many of
those fighting AIDS to begin expressing a
subdued - but real - optimism.
The conference, carrying a theme of
"One World, One Hope," will be the first
since the new class of highly promising
drugs knownas protease inhibitors gained
approval in the U.S. Some AIDS experts
now believe these new drugs, while far
from a "cure" for the disease, may actually
for thefirst time in 15 years make it a
manageable one. But others remain cautious,
pointing out that thenew treatments
are not effective for everyone, they have
undesirable side effects, and no one yet
knows if they will be effective medicines
in the long term or if they will lose their
ability to fight offHIV as other drugs have
in the past.
Equally disturbing, there have been unconfirmed
reports that the new protease
inhibitors may be extremely dangerous in
combination with antihistamines, even the
type sold over the counter. AIDS activists
in the U.S. say there have been 2 deaths
resulting from heart attacks because of
patients using the protease inhibitors in
¯ plans for their 3rd annual "Until-There’ s
¯ A Cure" day. AIDS activist and artist
" Mary Fisher and U.S. figure skating cham-
¯ pion Rudy Galindo will appear at this
¯¯ season’ s benefit game on July 28 against
the Atlanta Braves. The Giants. will do-
" hate $1 from each ticket sold to the Until
¯ There’s A Cure Foundation, which will
¯ distribute the money to AIDS-related ¯
¯ projects and organizations. Other funds will be raised through merchandise sold
¯ during the game. The Giants have raised
more than $250,000 for AIDS education
: and treatment since starting the event in
: 1993.
Navy Announces
: New AIDS Therapy
: BETHESDA, Md.- Researchers with the
¯ U.S. Navy say they may have discovered ¯
a new therapy to help prevent or limit the
¯ spread ofHIV ininfected patients. Scientists
at the Naval Medical Research Insti-
¯ tute say the treatment involves dramati-
cally increasing the number of uninfected
¯ CD4T-cells-or whiteblood cells thatare
¯" the target ofthe virus- in patients infected
¯" with the disease. The Navy researchers
cultured the T-cells of 10 intermediate-
¯ stage AIDS patients, whose immune sys-
¯ terns were still fairly intact. Even more
¯" significant, when the researchers stimu-
. lated uuinfectedT-cells and exposed them
¯ in test tubes to HIV, the cells were highly
¯" resistant to the virus. The scientists say
that if the technique works in humans, it
¯ might prevent the deterioration of the
¯ body’s immune system and counteract
¯ some symptoms of HIV infection. The
Navy will begin a small-scale clinical trial
¯ to test the safety of the new treatment this
conjunction with~antihistamines.;ff~.e°n~--: :~ dents whose blood cells: vier¢::us
firmed, the reports could prove a serious . making the cultures.
stumbling block to thenew drugs because
antihistamines are so widely used in the :
There is also optimism about education "
efforts, especially in developing nations :
like Thailand and Uganda, where programs
to fight the spread ofHIV appear to
have been especially effective. An aggressive
government-backed AIDS education
program in Thailand, for example,
has led to HIV infection rates dropping in
nearly all the groups that the government
monitors - military recruits, commercial
sex workers, and IV drug users.
Rare Form of HIV!
Virus Now in U,S,
LOS ANGELES -Officials with the Centers
for Disease Control & Prevention say
anunnamedLos Angeles womanhas been
confirmed as the first person in this country
to be diagnosed with Group O HIV, a
strain of the virus that is largely restricted
to West Africa. According to-the CDC
report, thewomanapparently was infected
inherWestAfricanhomelandbefo.re coming
to the U.S.U.S. health officials said
standard HIV tests should be modified to
detect the Group O strain to prevent accidental
contamination ofthenation’ s blood
supply. Current HIV tests usually do not
detect the Group O strain of the virus.
SF Giants AIDS
Day Fundraiser
SAN FRANCISCO - The San Francisco
Giants, the first professional sports team
to host a fundraising benefit for AIDS
$100K NEA Grant
for Quilt Project
SAN FRANCISCO - The National Endowment
for the Arts has given the
NAMES Project a $100,000 grant to help
photograph and create digital images of
the nearly 34,000 panels that currently
make up the huge AIDS Quilt The photo
project includes plans to create CD-ROM
versions of theimage~ thatwouldbe viewable
via a home computer and via computer
services storing the digital images.
Actress Jane Alexander, chair ofthe NEA,
said works of art like theAIDS Memorial
Quilt "embody compassion and the creative
spirit" that have been spurred on in
the face of the "crisis that has devastated
the lives of so many Americans."
Suit Filed Over
HIV ’Rumors’
SAN ANGELO, Texas - Attomeys for
Gilbert De La Paz have filed a federal
lawsuit against Henry Hogeda, the owner
of Henry’s Diner, charging their client
was fired as a waiter solely because of
rumors De La Paz has AIDS. The lawsuit
claims that Hogeda before firing the 27-
year-old De La Paz, Hogeda said that he
had heard the man had AIDS and that the
rumors would "destroy" the restaurant’s
business. The suit also says De La Paz,
who says he is notinfected, offered to take
anHIV test to provehe was uninfectedbut
he was fired anyway. News sources have
reported that Hogeda’ s lawyers claim De
; to customFrank.
Frank stopped short of asking that
Cobum’s remarks be stricken from the
Congressional record.
Rep. Frank demanded, that supporters
of DOMA tall him how his longstanding
rdationship with his partner Herb Moses
threatened their marriages. "How does
the fact that I love another man and live in
acommitted relationship withhim threaten
your marriage?" he asked. "Are your relations
with your spouses of such fragility
that the fact that I have a committed,
loving relationship with anothermanjeopardizes
them? My God, what do you do
when the lights go out?"
Tulsa 1st District Rep. Steve .Largent
replied, "Mr. Frank’s relationship with
another man does not threaten my marriage
whatsoever." "Whosemarriage does
it threaten?" Frank demanded. "It threatens
the institution of marriage," Largent
said. "That argument ought to be made by
someone in and institution because it has
no logical basis whatsoever," Frank said.
In the Senate, an identical bill has been
introduced in the Senate by Oklahoma
Sen. Don Nickies. However, Sen. Edward
Kennedy, D-Mass. is trying to attach the
Employment Non-Discrimination Act
(ENDA) barringbias inemploymentbased
on sexual orientation to DOMA as a strategy
to force anti-gay lawmakers to vote
against the anti-marriagemeasurebecause
of the pro-gay provision. Sen. Nickles
said he opposes ENDA, saying he didn’t
want to force an employer like the-Boy
Scouts ofAmerica to hire homosexuals or
to require a landlord to rent apartments to
Gays. It remains uncertain if the Kennedy
amendment will even get enough support
to attach it to DOMA.
"There are some values that deserve
protection," said Sen. On-in Hatch, RUtah,
chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, ofDOMA. "It isn’t a political
issu.e....It’,,s a very important family values
Critics of DOMA called it thinly disguised
bigotry during a public hearing
before the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I
regret that the committee is spending time
on this offensive, unnecessary and divi- "
sive legislation," Sen. Kennedy said. ’‘The
bill before us is called the Defense of
Marriage Act, but a more accurate title
would be the Defense of Intolerance Act
- or evenmore accurately, the Defense of
Endangered Republican Candidates Act."
Gary Bauer, president of the conservative
Family Research Council, denied
being bigoted. ’~It is not hatred to support
normalcy," he said.
At the White House, Mike McCurry,
Clinton’s press spokesperson, agreed with
Kennedy’s assessment of the measure~
McCurry stated, "I think~ in fact, it
[DOMA] is. gay baiti,ng pure and simple.
They’re rinsing an issue that, in fact,
doesn’t arise anywhere. The Hawaii stat=
ute-- the Hawaii issue is alegal issue that ..
had been remanded back to a lower court, °
so this is not a pending matter. And it’s a ¯
classic use of wedge politics that are de- :
signed to provoke anxieties and fears.."
That being thecase, though, the President ,
has very strong views, personal views, ¯
[against same-gender marriage] and he ."
has to act consistent with those views." ,"
McCurry then repeated the President’s
stated promise to sign the bill when Congress
passes. -"
Several national organizations released [
statements onthe Housevote. "The House
.......t0..day turned its back on a fundamental
human right for political expediency,"
said Laura W. Murphy, Director of the
ACLU’s National Washington Office.
’qNis goes beyond legislators saying they
are not ready to accept same-sex marriages,"
she said. "This is an unnecessary
and mean-spirited attempt by some m
Congress to select out lesbians and gay
men for discriminatory treatment." She
added that the vote on the same-sex marriage
legislation will be included in the
ACLU’s biennial civil liberties ratings for
members of Congress.
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Executive
Director, Melinda Paras released
this statement. "DOMA is bogus legislation.
It nether strengthens Americanfamilies
nor marriages between men and
women. Instead, it draws a circle around
gays, lesbians, bisexuals and
transgendered individuals and proclaims
that our families do not deserve
recognition...Unfortunatdy the majority
of the House of Representatives was not
willing to stand up for the principles for
which this country stands: tolerance, compassion
and fairness. Instead, they fell
into the trap set by the political extremists
and their supporters in Congress...We will
not stand by silently and be used.as scape-.
goats in this dection year."
Tulsa Oklahomans for Haman Rights
(TOHR), northeastern Oklahoma’s oldest
secular Gay & Lesbian community
organization, issued a statement calling
for the resignation ofUS Representatives,
Tom Coburn of Muskogee and Steve
Largent of Tulsa"for disgracing the state
of Oklahoma by their vicious attacks on
their own citizens while promoting HB
3396, the so-called ’Defense of Marriage
Act’ "’.
"Cobumand Largentact as though there
were no Lesbian and Gay citizens in
Muskogee, Tahlequah, Claremore, BrokenArrow,
Okmulgee, Tulsa, or any place
in their districts. With this vote, they’ve
proven that they don’t represent - don’t
even care about representing -any of
their constituents except the ones who
share their extremist ideology. They appear
to believe that their Constitutional
obligations only extend to those who think
just like them," noted a TOHR representative.
Roll call vote on DOMA: 342-67
Voting yes were 224 Republicans and
118 Democrats. Voting no were 1 Republican,
65 Democrats and 1 independent.
Voting "’present" 2 Democrats. An~X
denotes members who did not vote. There
is 1 vacancy in the 435-member House.
Rep. - Cobum, Y; Istook, Y; Largent, Y;
Lucas, Y; Watts, Y.
Dem. - Brewster, X.
Rep. - Dickey/X; Hutchinson, Y.
Dem.- Lambert-Lincoln,X; Thornton, X.
CUUC member, Jonathan Stanley, and
CUUC president, Betty Anne Davidson
noted that this UU congregation incorporates
values from all the major religious
traditions as wall as humanist and earthbased
traditions (Native American and
pagan). While Christian values are part of
that mix, they are not a "Christian" oriented
group. Currently the group is seeking
apart,time pastor and the services are
lead by lay people. Info: 749-0595
A Musical
A new musical c~
sprinkled with witty
individual stories of life partne~
who have lost loved
August 15-18 (S
John H. Williams Theatre
Tickets: $10 Benefits The
Ca]]: 596-7111
Presented by Friends oJ
junction with SummerStage Fest
in part bya grantfrom the Tulsa Performing Arts Center Trust.
Saturday, July 20, 10 am- 5 pm
Sunday, July 21, noon- 5 pm
New Selection of Gardens with a Variety of Settings
Tickets $7 Call 749-7898
Proceeds will benefit Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.,
a United Way Agency for persons affected by HIV/AIDS
Agape’ Christian
Service, 10:30 am & 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11" am
2627b East llth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodis0
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of F~iith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15 :
Worship Service, 11 am ¯
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
¯ HIV Testing
¯ TOHR Clinic
¯ Free & anonymous testing
¯¯ using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
¯ Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
¯ Results hours: 7-9 pm
¯ Info: 742-2927
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
: Mixed Volleyball for
¯ Fun & Competition ¯
Helmerich Park, 6:30 pm
¯ 71st & Riverside
¯ Info: 587-6557
: Support Group
¯ 2nd Mon. of month
6:30 pro, 4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
TOHR Helpline
¯ Daily 8-10 pm ¯
For info. or to volunteer:
¯ The Technicians, Leather
¯ org., Info c/o 621-5597
. T.U.L,S~4. Tulsa Uniform
¯ & Leather-Seekers Assoc.
¯ Info: 838-1222
: HIV+ Support Group
¯¯ HIV Resource Consortium
1:30 pm
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
¯ Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
¯ &
Friends & Family
¯¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pm, call for location:
Alternative Skating
8:30 - 11 pm, 241-2282
$4, Sand Springs Skate
Grief Group
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
Agape’ Christian
Service, 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
¯ 21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
¯ Bless The Lord At All ¯
Times Christian Center
¯ 16-Step Empowerment ¯
¯ Group For Women
: Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Co-Dependency .
Support Group ¯
: 7:30, Family of Faith MCC "
: Prayer & Bible Study ." 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth ¯
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
: Community of Hope
¯ (United Methodist)
: Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
¯ Bible Study, 7 pm ¯
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
¯ Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention Project ¯
Support group
¯ for Gay &Bi Native
¯ American Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd
¯ 582-7225 or 584-4983
¯ HIVTestingTOHRClinic
¯ Walkin testing: 7 - 8:30 pm ¯
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
¯ Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
¯ Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
¯ LoWs 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
¯ 1 st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
¯ Alternatives
Weekly social events for
¯ LGBT men & women, 7 pm
¯ Info: 646-5503
¯ Substance Abuse
¯ Support Group
: for persons with HIV/A1DS
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
¯ 3-4:30 pm, Info: 749-4194
st. Jerome’s Church
Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
Info: bather Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
¯ Meets weekly at 11 pm
: Confidential support for
¯ recovering addicts. ¯
Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E.2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Student
¯ Association
¯ TJC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
JULY 19 - 21
AIDS’Mastery Workshop in oKc
Info: Betsy Jo Murphy, 584-2325
In Sept., an AIDS Mastery in Tulsa.
4th Annual Shanti-.Tulsa
Water Garden Tour
The garden at Our House, Quaker near
13th St., is on the tour. You can begin
there and get the addresses for other
sites. Info: 749-7898
What the Bible Does (and Doesn’t)
Say About Homosexuality
FamilyofFaith MCC
9 week class at 9:15 am, 5451-E S. Mingo
Call to verify date: 622-1441
Christmas in July
Family! ofFaith MCC
1-3:30 pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Community ofHope Service &
Dialogue on Capital Punishment
6 pm, Community of Hope
1703 E. 2rid, Info: 585-1800
LocalMotion Foundation, 6th Annual
Contemporary Dance Festival ~
John H;Williams Theater
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
$10, Info: 596-7111
Rainbow Business Guild
Dinnner Meeting
7 pm, Pizzeria Uno
Eaton Square, 61st & Memorial
Dinner!~10,Info: 665-5174 " "
¯ Safe Haven Young Adults Meeting
Contact Family of Faith MCC
: 5451-ES. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Family ofFaith MCCPotluck Dinner
Service, 11 am
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
AUGUST 5, 6 & 8
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Volunteer Training
5:30-9pm, Trinity Episcopal Church
501 So. Cincinnati, Info: 749-4195
TOHR Pool Party
Call for details. Info: 743-4297
Family AIDS Support Group, 6:30 pm
Social andRefreshments, 7 pm
General Meeii~g; 7:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard~ Info: 749-4901
Durer toMarius’:Muster Drawings
fronvthe Nelsod:Atkins Museum ofArt
Philbrook Museum of Art
2727 So. Rockford Road, Info: 749-7941
¯ AUGUST 15-17, 8 pm
: AUGUST 18, 2 pm
: QUILT, A Musical Celebration
¯ John H. Williams:Theater ¯
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
¯ $10, Info: 596-7111
: Feast with Friends Benefit
¯ Start planning noW! Info: 748-3111
AIDS Memorial Quilt
: Since its last showing in Washington,
: morial Quilt will have doubled in size,
¯ and the need for volunteers has grown ¯
accordingly. Petrie Dolph of Houston, is
." seeking 1500 volunteers from the Central
¯ Region (which includes Oklahoma) to
¯ help as Quilt monitors, site guides, merchandise/
sales, set-up, first aid, education
¯ and more.
." The Quilt willbe on display on Oct. 11-
.. 13 on the National Mall before the Capi-
¯ tol. It’s estimated that more than 750,000
: visitors,including50,000schoolchildren,
¯ will march on over 26 miles of walkway
: fabric to see 45,000 memorial panels and
: to hear70,000names read-more than are
¯ carved into the nearby Vietnam Memo-
. rial.
¯" Contact Pen’ieDolph, Central Region
: Volunteer Chairperson at 713-729-9662,
: or write to4309 Sfillbrooke Dr., Houston,
¯ "IX 77035.
¯ Regional AIDS
." Interfaith Network
: Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
: (RAIN) is seeking applicants for its vol-
¯ unteer co-ordinator position. This job in-
’ eludes staff support to 250+ volunteers.
¯ The ideal candidate will have demon-
. strated ability and experience in working
¯ with volunteer care andprogram develop-
: ment in the context fo a compassionate,
~ non-judgemental, faith-based response to
¯ HIV/AIDS. Hours include some daytime
for staff meetings and coordination, but
: primarily evening.and weekends. For in-
. formation or to submit aletter of interest
and resume, contact Kathy Bird, RAIN,
4154 So. Harvard, Suite H- 1, Tulsa 74135,
voice: 749-4195, fax: 749-4213.
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Interfaith AIDS Miuistries is forming a
"Spirituality&HIV/AIDS" supportgroup.
This will be a place whereparticipants can
explore and share their personal spirituality
as well as the relationship between
their spirituality and living with HIV/
AIDS. The focus will be on individual
spirituality, not any parti.cular organized
religion. No attempts to influence, convert,
or proselytize participants will be
IAM is also seeking volunteers to help
with the 2nd Street Carnival Benefit to be
held on Sept. 21st at Southminster Presbyterian
For information, cal! Richard Reeder at
663-5372 or Diane Zike at 438-2437.
Living Well! - An Exploration
of Healthy Living Options
The HIV Resource Consortium has
started a new group called "Living Well!
- An Exploration of Healthy Living Options".
This educational group to promote
wellness and healthy living is for persons
affected by HIV/AIDS,including anyone
living with HIV or AIDS, partners/
caregivers/friends/family of those living
with HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS providers,
The group meets on Wednesdays from
6:30 - 8:30 pm at The Gathering Place,
4154 So. Harvard, Suite G. Topics will
rangefrom "Eating for Health", "Anxiety
Reduction" to "Strategies for Staying
Calm & Healthy". There is no cost. For
more information, call 749-4194.
5 Summit
Eureka Springs
AR 72632
Bed & Breakfast
Area l~eservation &Information Service
"Like going to Grandma’s"
¯ Gay-owned in the Historic
District. We offer traditional B&B
a Romantic Jacuzzi Suite & a
private cottage on the grounds.
¯ Booking for Eureka’s Finest Gay,
friendly establishments
¯ Walk or ride trolley to town.
Reservations - Brochures -Information
800-- 253 - 1468, x882
Local: 501 - 253 - 7468
Your Host: Fred A. Janney
Geek to Go!
The PC Specialist, 501.253.2776
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Systems & S~oftware Specialist
POB 429, Eureka Springs 72632
Books, Incense,
Candles and Rainbows]
Plus lots more!
(501) 253,5445
45&1/2 Spring Street
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
ofEureka Springs
Recommended by
The New York Times
(501) 253-6807, Closed Wednesday
5 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Gay-owned, Operated & Rainbow Proud
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Eureka Springs has been a happening
place this Summer, and there appears to
be no abatement in sight! The end ofMay
saw the annual Blues Festival, and though
this is not specifically a
we turned out in droves.
Music continues, as it
the Ozarks, through July
20th with Opera in the
Ozarks at the Inspiration
Point Fine Arts Colony.
Commonly referred to as
Opera Boot Camp, the
annual opera season is a
gruelling one for the performers.
All practices and
performances are staged
outdoors, and it’s a sight
(and sound) to behold for
- folks of all orientations.
This year’s season features
La Bohome by
Puccini, Don Giovanni by Mozart, and
Die Fledermaus by Straus. All are fullystaged
orchestra productions and. wall
worth a trip to Eureka Springs - for an
evening of opera, and a few days to enjoy
the rest of what Eureka has to offer.
For reservations and information about
Opera in the Ozarks, call the Inspiration
Point Fine Arts Colony at 501-253-8595.
If Jazz is more to your liking, you will
be happy to hear the 12th Annual Eureka
Springs Jazz Festival is approaching with
due speed. This year’s Jazz Festival will
be held from September 19-22, and there
will be music all over town. Featured
performers will be Stanley Turrentineand
Abroad Aladeen & the Deans of Swing
with.concerts heldon Friday and Saturday
evemngs at the Historic Eureka Springs
City Auditorium.
This year’s JazzFest will also feature
nightly parties sponsored by the Eureka
Springs Jazz Society in the Basin Park
Ballroom. JezzFest performers will also
entertain at the Jazz parties.
The Jazz Festival hotline is 501-253-
6258. Call early to reserve tickets for the
concerts as they are one of the hottest
tickets of the season, & they sell out q ck y.
Queer Eureka has had several shots in
the arm this Summer, and the community
has been very active in event organizing.
On June 23rd, there was a Tea Dance and
AGLTF (Arkansas Gay & Lesbian Task
Force) membership drive held at Center
Street South. It was a celebration of pride
lesbigay event,
always does in
Music continues
ret~erred to as
Ope.a Boot Camp,
the .annual o~.era season
IS a ~ruell~n~ one
¯ and a chance to take a break from a hectic
¯¯ Summer, an opportunity to kick back and
relax with friends.
¯ Coming up at the end of July - the
: weekend of the 26th - there will be a
¯ camping weekend held at Lake Leather-
" .wood Park sponsored by AGLTF. All are
¯ invited to attend. Comeprepared to spend
a weekend in the fun and
sun of the Ozarks with
friends. You’ll be glad
you did.
Also coming up is the
annual Eureka Springs
.Gay Family Reunion, held
m September at Beaver
Dam Site Park. This event
offers an opportunity to
share in the community
spiritofEureka’s lesbigay
population. Food, fun,
games, and a chance to
¯ meet new friends are a
hallmark of this event. Stay tuned for date
¯ and time.
: And, anytime is a good time to visit and
¯ enjoy the beauty Eureka Springs has to
offer. There aremany t’melesbigay-owned
¯ shops and lodging facilities to visit, and ¯
lots of area attractions worthy of note.
¯ One absolute must-do when in our little
¯ utopia is a visit to the Emerald Rainbow. ¯
Linda and MC always have some kind of
¯ reader scheduled on the weekends, and
: there is a weekend of aura photography
planned for the same weekend as the
¯ AGLTF camping extravaganza. For in-
" formation on the schedule of events at the
: Emerald Rainbow, call 501-253-5445 or
¯ email: emrain@rog.ar.ispnet.com. ¯
Jim and Brent’s Bistro holds Famil~
¯ Night the first Thursday of every month.
¯ The restaurant is closed to the public, and
¯ it’ s amuch-anticipatedmonthlyeventwith ¯
good food and good friends. A portion of "
: the proceeds from each Bistro Family
: Night goes toward some worthy lesbigay
¯ cause, usually a different one each month.
When you plan your trip to Eureka
¯ Springs, be sure to check out all the finest
¯" lodgingavailable. You canview thefinest
in Eureka Springs lodging, and all kinds
ofrelatedbusinesses andevents on-lineat
¯ http://www.eureka-usa.com/
¯ And, Positive Idea Marketing Plans al-
¯ ways has the inside line on where to stay,
¯ what to do, who to see. Send E-mail to
¯ emerald@intellinet.com or Call PIMP at ¯
¯ 501-253-2401. Join us in Eureka Springs.
You may never want to leave!
A World of Thanks!
r(Mcl lun0 alty, Inc.
to Joe McClung & R.J. Jenkins
on the sale of our lakefront home and
the purchase_of our dream home¯
We appreciate you!
Billie Hadley & Connie Swadick
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Of all the topics surrounding the gay
fights movement, one of the most contentious
is the role of religion, not only in
public law, but in the
lives of individuals.
Most people are exposed
to some sort of
during their upbringing.
those early teachings
with the realities that
arisein adolescence and
adulthood is the focus
of Wrestling with the
Twenty-one well
known gay men from
various religious backgrounds
have contributed
very blunt and entertaining
short essays
about how religion has
impacted their lives.
Contributors include
National Public Radio reporter Frank
Browning, authors Andrew H~lleran and
Brad Gooch and former bishop Antonio
Feliz, They span the religious spectrum
from Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, Mormon
and Jewish to Hindu mad Muslim.
Poet Kevin Killian presents an interesting
history of growing up in ahigh school
staffed,by Franciscans. He, and some of
¯ the staff, realized his orientation only af-.
: tez it became clear that, while other boys
¯ were listening to and comparing scandal-
: ous rock songs, Kevin found musical poetry
in the original cast album of My Fair
resource ~or ~ay
men want:~n~ to
come to terms
wlth tladr past,
present, religious
identi ieatlon.
by James Christjohn ".
When,] first heard that.Disney was,,
adapting q’heHunchbackofNotreDame "
and saw the previews shown last year, I :
thought they were nuts. How,I wondered,
could they adapt this particularly tragic :
story into a cartoon, and a musical one to "
boot? Big mistake, I thought. Well, I was :
able to see it the other night, and it was
wonderful. It had an especially relevant "
message: that it is a mistake to judge "
others on the basis of looks or on the basis ¯
of stereotypes. Itmadeaninteresting statement
about power and religion, religious ’
fanatics, and those who, instead of deal- "
ing with their own issues, project those ¯
issues onto others and persecute them. ¯
Theplotrevolves aroundFrollo. a"min- "
ister of (in)justice", who is out to rid Paris
of all sin and evildoers. Chief among
those who are the cause of evil are the
gypsies. In the process of persecuting
these unfortunate folk, he accidentally
kills a gypsy woman and is about to kill
her misshapen child. Akindly priest stops
him, and Frollo raises the child in hopes
Quasimodo (hterally, half-formed) will
be "of use" to him. One condition: Quasi
is to be kept hidden - in the ball tower of
Notre Dame. On a festival day, the"Feast
of Fools", he sneaks out to see what it’s
like to be free. He is crowned the king of
fools, and when the crowd realizes he’s
not wearing a mask, is ridiculed. The
gypsy, Esmerelda helps him, despite
Frollo s insistence that the ridicule go on,
to "teach a lesson" to Quasi. Esmerelda
defies and makes a fool of Frollo, who
then decides to bum down Paris until he
finds her. Also thrown into all this is his
In Lev Raphael’ s entry,
To be a Jew, he
remembers reading a
"notorious homobashing
essay" in the
Jewishmagazine Commentary,
opposite effect onhim.
Instead of steering him
away from the Fire Island
lifestyle, it drew
him in and he found it
Wrestling with the
Angel is a beneficial
resource for gay men
wanting to come to
terms with their past,
and present, religious
identification. Reading
these experiences
makes it clear that,
: whatever your religious dilemma, you are
¯ following in the footsteps of others whose
~ stories may be able to bring comfort and
: consolation.
Check for this rifle, and others on simi-
: lar topics, at your local branch library, or
: call the Readers Services department of
~ the Central Library at 596-7966.
desire that Esmerelda be his - or die. He
justifies his actions by blaming her for his
desires and sin. Sound familiar? Well,
needless to say, it is a film with a timely
There are many characters (Falwell,
Robertson, Swaggart, Dobson, Roberts,
Jan and Paul Crouch) in real life that are
interchangeable with Frollo and his attitudes.
And how timely a film, seeing as
the Baptists are boycotting Disney because
of the fact that Disney provides
benefits to same sex partners. Who do
these folks think wrote and made Beauty
& the Beast, Aladdin, Little Mermaid, to
name a few? And probably every Disney
endeavor that needed creativity and art to
be realized? Anyway, I digress. Write
letters of support to Disney, for their gayfriendly
policies, and for this film. Everyone
should see it.
As a gaymanwho was persecuted from
2rid to 10th grade for being different, I
could easily rdate to Quasimodo. I was
called ahomobefore I everknew what the
word meant, and I was a rather fat, un-
¯¯ sightly child during adolescence. Every
day at school was like Quasimodo’s day
¯ on the square for me. I think some, if not
¯ most gay folk can relate to that feeling.
¯ While the relationships portrayed in the ¯
film are heterosexual, I think enough
¯ "asides" get through to be relevant to our
Thecastperforms excellently, wxthTom
: HulcemakingQuasimodoapoignant char-
¯ acter,handledwithmuch sensitivity- Judge
Frollo is easily the most evil Disney vii-
" lain ever to grace the screen. Tony Jay’s
¯ see Notes, page 14
Santa Clara
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by Jean-Pierre, TFN Food Critic
Longtime residents will recall times
enjoyed in one of Tulsa’s old movie palaces,
The Brook, at 34th and Peoria, right
next door to the old Lewis Meyer Bookstore,
and across the
street from the infamous
This location sat
empty and unused for
years until recently,
when the late Mr.
Meyer was unceremoniously
and a complete rehab
of the premises.took
place. From the remains
emerged a
bank owned by the
Wal-Martpeople and
anew bar and restaurant
which took the
name of the old
movie house.
From the day itfirst
opened this establishment
has packed in
the crowds, and on a
busy night, expect a
long wait for a table.
The main door on
34th Streetis situated
in such a way that the
diner gets the impression
he is being ushered
in through back
door of the bar and
past the service area
by the kitcher~, be-
,fore enteringthe din-
~ng areas. Along the
w.ay, one passes a big
p~ece of machinery
that seems to be either
clutter or just in
theway, butoncloser Atmosphere: Casual
inspection, it turns
out to the old film
projector from the Prices: Inexpensive
theatre. The restanrant
space has been
completely redone, l’~ on-smol~lng section
and now the decor is
averycleanandmod- All major credit cards
ern nod to art deco
themes, with the
walls lined with Reeommendatlon: cheap reproductions
of oldmovie posters.
Diners are seated C llst in large booths, and
find small menus on
the tables. First time diners almost always ¯
make the same error. Mistaking the table ¯
menus for a bar menu or selection of late "
night offerings, they ask for "the" menu. ¯
Well, folks, there is only one. ¯
The menu centers around sandwiches, "
mostly burgers. There are also several ¯
entree salads ($4.50-6.95),nachos ($6.75),
quesadillas ($5.95), fried mushrooms ."
($3.75), &a couple of simple pastaprepa- ¯
rations ($4.95-6.95). A Mexican shrimp
cocktail (peel and eat served with pico di "
gallo, $6.25) and a shrimp en brochette "
(six skewered and broiled shrimp, $6.95) ¯
round out the menu. That’s it. ¯
Of course, the main attraction of the "
Brookis the bar, which takes up abouthalf "
of the total space. Drink prices are moder- ¯
ate, and size and pour are average. Many
people take advantage of the large side- "
The Brook
3401 South Peoria
... Well, the food
wasn’t ~reat, but at
least if was cl~eap.
eompIMnt was the
service (or relatlre
On every Gsit
to the Broob, th;s
has been a
s m;lar re/rain...
Hours: llam to 2 am
Mon. through Sat. &
until 11 p.m. Sundays
Bar with restaurant
walk cafe, When more than a few people
¯ are in the bar, it gets very loud and noisy. ¯
On a recent visit to the Brook, we tried
." the parmesan chicken salad ($6.25), a
¯ seattering ofdeep fried, parmesan cheeseencrusted
chunks on a nondescript
bed of lettuce,
which was surprisingly
tasteless. Our
companion tried a
basicburger andfries
($4.35). Even
though ordered medium
well, the burger
was quite dry and
lacking in flavor.
The fries, made with .....
the skins on, were
slightly undercooked,
and we later
amused ourselves by
watching the grease
drip and pool on the
Well, the food
wasn’t great, but at
least 1I was cheap.
Our biggest complaint
was the service
(or relative lack
thereof). On every
visit to the Brook,
this has been a similar
refrain. The waitresses
are less than
attentive, and can
often be seen congregated
in the service
area chatting
with one another. -...=
Management seems
to have adopted a
policy of the nearest
available waitress
handling any of the
diners’ needs,
whether that be seating,
ordering, bringing
food to the table,
or refilling water
glasses, but it has
taken the unfortunate
turn of none of the
staff feeling responsibility
for any ofthe
On our last visit,
we heard the short
order cook ring the
bell and shout, "Order
up!" when a
couple of plates were put in the service
window. A few rmnutes later, we heard
him repeathis announcement with a stronger
sense of urgency. Still, the waitresses
chatted in the bar. Finally, a few minutes
later, he stuck his head out and shouted,
"Hel-lo! There’s hot food in the window!"
Finally, a waitress reluctantly
ambled over to deliver the meal.
It is difficult to understand why this
restaurant continues to pack in the people,
night after night. It isn’t the food, and it
certainly isn’t the service. Perhaps its the
late night hours and the fact the kitchen ~.
stays open. But, when you are bored with
the dancers at Concessions, this is the
place to go for that midnight refueling
Just don’t expect much, and you won’t
be disappointed.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
word is 25 cents. Youmay
bring additional attention to
your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2
Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count
the number of words. (A word for our
purposes is a group of letters or
"numbers separated by a space.)
Send your ad & payment to POB
4140, Tulsa, OK 74159 with your
name, complete address, day &
eve. numbers (for our records only).
Ads will run in the next issue after
they are received.
TFN reserves the right to edit or
refuse any ad. No refunds.
Coffee & conversation?
Attractive 30’s GM seeking similar
(or extra cool bi-guy) for coffee &
conversation. Friendship can stimulate
mind, body & soul. Appreciate healthy
attitudes about life, work, etc.
Interested? Tell me about yourself.
Write to: #20
c/o TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
dulcet tones provide much of the dark
colorings that send chills downyour spine.
Heidi Mollenhauer provides Esmerelda’s
singing voice, and turns "God Help The
Outcasts" into a showstopper. Her contribution
is outstanding and I predict we’ll
hear much more from this Broadway star.
Seinfeld’s Jason Alexander is pleasantly
obnoxious as the Gargoyle Hugo, Mary
Wickes, a familiar voice and face to TV
and Films lends a more common sense
touch to Laveme, the more pragmatic ofthe
three gargoyles who have befriended
Quasi in his prison. This fill marks her
last performance, as she died shortly hefore
its release. Rounding out the trio,
Murphy Brown’s staid Charles
Kimbrough lends his voice and physique
to Victor, the gargoyle least likely to take
any chances. Look out for a tribute to the
Wizard Of Oz, and tell me, just try to tell
me, that a gay man was not involved in
that sequence. The music is well written,
and if you buy the soundtrack, you get a
song called "God Hdp The Outcasts"
sung by Bette Midler. It is worth having
for that song alone, whichis a showstopper
in the fill. The score is more along the
lines of a traditional musical than recent
cartoons, which is refreshing - the songs
further the plot nicely and reveal info
about the characters, rather than give you
the feeling that "Ok, this is the requisite
’hit’ pop song." Seven stars on a scale of
On the local scene, BACPis gearing up
for theupcoming production of’‘Taffeta",
a ’50’s musical’.revue. It is scheduled to
run from September 13-22. It will be
followed by "Greetings", a comedy about
thenature of earthly reality. Quitefrankly,
earthly reality is something I have always
found to be extremely comical. Take the
existence of Steve Largent- please! (with
him, you have to laugh. It’s better than
crying. Besides, most jokes don’t last
forever. Neither can he.) "Greetings" runs
Close to downtown
with full bath and use of kitchen.
Phone: 918-587
References required.
Write to: #21
c/o TFN, POB 4140
Tulsa, OK 74159
from November 8-17.
"Greetings", which has to be funnier
than Steve Largent, will be followed by
"Babes inToyland’, December6-15. February
brings us "Laundry & Bourbon"
(Actually, I always have laund~" to do.) &
"Lone Star State, 2hilarious one-act shows
that form a full length production. They
explore the ratherridiculous lives of small
town Texas. "The Heiress", now playing
on Broadway, begins her sojourn in BrokenAl"
row April4-13; and"Gypsy" comes
to town shortly after. A season of fun for
all! As for Halloween, "Black Comedy"
and "Sorry, Wrong Number" will be performed
in honor of the holiday For more
info call 258-0077.
The localmotion Foundation will
present the 6th annual Contemporary
Dance Feslival as part of the Summerstage
Festival at the PAC. Many eclectic forms
of Dance will be performed. An event not
to be missed! Performances are July 26-
27,Spmin theJohnHWilliams Theatre of
the PAC. Tix are $10, $8 for students
(Yay!) and Localmotion members. For
reservations, call the PAC at 596-7111.
"QUILT: A Musical Celebration" indudes
stories for, from, & about the
NAMES PROJEC~AIDS Memorial quilt.
A poignant play with moments of comic
relief explores the individual life stories
of lifemates, parents, children and friends
who have lost loved ones to this insidious
disease. The play runs August 15-18 in
the John H Williams Theatre of the PAC.
Performances are at 8pm, except for 2pm
on Sunday. It is presented by Friends of
the Broken Arrow Community playhouse
in conjunction with Summerstage Festival
’96, which is sponsored in part by a
grant from the PAC trust. Proceeds from
Tickets are $10, and are available by calling
596-7111. From outside Tulsa, call 1-
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
Bl! &for, but not exclusive .
to the Lesbzan, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings:
7-8:30 pm for testing, 7-9 pm for results.
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
TOHR Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
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ADVENTURE AWAITS I’m a 32 year old
White mole searching for new friends and
adventures. I like men 25 to 35 who are level
headed and drug free. Call me. (Tulsa)
MARRIED BUT BI I’m a Bi married White
male, 6’2, 1651bs, Brown hair, Brown eyes. I’m
interested in meeting men in my area. Call me.
(Oldahoma City) ~20196
CALL THIS BOY Are you tired of one night
stands? l am. I’m 26 years old, 6’1, 1751bs
Strawberry Blonde hair. Ca me. (Oklahoma
City) ~20373
CAN I INTEREST YOU? I’m 39 years old and
I’m leaking for someone to share interests w th."
Call me, (Oklahoma City) ~20442
{~r old professional looking for a hairy and
b/bear for fun. I like dining, am, antiques,
travel, and cuddling quietly athome. Call me.
(Oklahoma City) ~27949
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down .your box number.
THE SOUND OF MUSIC I like music, the
outdoors, and companionship. I’m 28 years old
5’8, 1851bs, clean cut, sense of humor. I’m ’
looking for fun, [riendship, and a lot more. Call
me. (Tulsa) ~23316
THE REAL THING I’m looking for a b~
builder daddy. Please be 38 to 46, secure
handsome, built like a stallion, big bubble butt
romantic, and tea hot. I’m a handsome
professional with an awesome bubble butt. Call
me. I’m your man. (Tulsa) ~21903
I’WO IN TULSA We are looking to meet
singles or couples for fun and adventure. (Tulsa)
BI GUY I’m a 28 year old Bi male, 6fl, 180lbs,
Brown hair, Green eyes. Call me. (Tulsa)
DANNY BOY I’m 28 years old, 5’10, 180lbs.
I’m looking for men to get to know. Lets go out
and see what happens. Call me. (Tulsa)
TWO IN TULSA We are a Gay couple
looking to have fun with other couples or
singles. Call us. (Tulsa) ~’16779
CHIT CHAT CHUM I’m a Gay White male 32
years old, 6’2, 1701bs, Blonde hair, hairy ~n,
good looking. I’m looking for some hot phone
tun. Call me. (Tulsa) ~13858
17.5, brown hair masculine and discreet, good
ooking, non smoker, athletic, seeks other
inexperienced males, 21-30, for friendship and
possibly mare. (Tulsa) ~14178
TENNIS ANYONE? woman recen~ moved to Tulsa
seeks.tennis player 40 to 60 3.5 bvel [o~ weekly game
inTulsa. Ca~/me. (Tulsa] ~15341 .
HEY GIRLSI GWF, into all sports and more, seeks
others to hang out with. (Tulsa} ~48144
other fema es for {un. romance and more. Please leave
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WOd~l TO I/~/O~N BiWF, 29, 5’3" 150
auburn hair, green ~es, s~s olhers who are honest
and sincere, I~al preferred, for a long lasting
friendship and relationship. (Jonesharo)
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Kelly Kirby
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4021 South Harvard, Suite 210.
Tulsa, OK 74135
Home Office
Dallas, Texas
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Our Families ofthe Heart
Marriage Wins & Losses¯
REYKJAVIK, Iceland - Iceland’s Parliament has ap- "
proved abill that would give same-gender.couples there .
the right tolegally marry, following a pattern of extend- ¯
ing a slightly limited form of matrimony and state ¯
recognition established in the Scandinavian’ countries
of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Thenew legislationpermits same-sex couples to have
a civil marriage ceremony and the same tax, insurance
and inheritance status as married opposite-sex couples. "
Like the Scandinavian version of same-sex marriage, "
the new law does not, however allow gay and lesbian ¯
couples to adopt or to have children by artificial insemination-
although it does allow for joint custody if one "
of the 2 spouses already has a child:- "
The new law does not require churches in the nation, ¯
which have generally opposed such unions, to perform
religious ceremonies for same-sex couples if they do "
not wish to. .
In the United States, various state legislatures con-
~Fe their, efforts to restrict civil marriage to hetero- :
............~d.~tiM~?D~Ia-w~e-Go~i~tSf~oixaas..~a~-has~signed_~o ~.~
a measure that prevents same-sex marriages, even if "
legally performed elsewhere, from being recogniz.ed, in .
the state. The new law restricts the state to recogmzang ¯
only marriages between "one man and one woman."
In a related development, Michigan Gov. John Engler
also signed a similar bill passed by the state legislattire
earlier this year prohibiting the state from recognizing
same-sex mamages, even if performed legally in other
The North Carolina__ House voted 98-10 to approve a
similar measure, already approved by the state senate,
that would bar recognition of any such marriages even
if legally performed elsewhere. State law already prevents
same-sex marriages in North Carolina. The measure
does not require the approval of the state’s governor
and automatically becomes law now.
Meanwhile, California’s just-released Field Poll indicates
that the majority of those in the state - 57% -
oppose legally recognizing same-sex marriages. Overall,
only 35% ofCalifornians who were surveyed say the
state should extend to same-sex couples the same legal
status as heterosexual unions. Some 8% had no opinion
or didn’t answer the question.
Baptists to Boycott Disney
NEWORLEANS -The 15.6-millionmember Southern
Baptist Convention has formally called for its congregations
to boycott Walt Disney Company’s products,
services and entertainment industries because of what
the religious denomination considers anti-Christian,
anti-family values - including allowing Gays and Lesbians
to organize events at Disney’s theme parks. The
resolutioncalling for theboycott charges thatthe "Disney
Co. has given the appearance that the promotion of
homosexuality is more important than its historic commitment
to traditionalfamily values." Disney officials
have declined to comment on the boycott, but Baptists
may have a little trouble following the boycott since
Disney, one of the largestAmerican corporations, owns
not only its wall-known theme parks in California and
Florida, but also ABC-TV, Touchstone and Miramax
films, and is a major parmer in McDonald’s.
CONGRESS ATTACKS GAY MARRIAGE ¯ WASHINGTON - Rolling through Congress with little
¯ opposition, the House overwhelmingly approved the Defense
of Marriage Act (DOMA) by a 342-67 vote and 2
: abstentions while the Senate judiciary committee hear-
." ings turned testy as Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
accused Republicans of"a mean-spirited form of legisla-
." tive gay-bashing" as part of its November election strat-
: egy aimed at unseating President Clinton.
The measure would define mamage as a legal contract
¯¯ between "one man and one woman" and would also
exclude any same-sex couples who may be able to legally
¯ marry anywhere in the country from Social Security,
veterans’ and other federal benefits.
Anti-gay conservatives say DOMA is needed to circumvent
an expected Hawaii court ruling that may, for the
first time anywhere in the U.S., permit same-sex couples
to legally marry there.
"It is a frontal assault on the institution of mamage and
if successful will demolish the institution," said Rep.
Steve Largent, an OklahomaRepublican. Largent charged
that if same-sex marriages were allowed, society might
next condone bigamy, marriages between children and
adults and marriage between humans and animals.
Georgia Republican Bob Ban" said the growing influence
ofhomosexuals posed a threat to America. "Wehave
a basic institution.., under direct assault from homosexual
extremists across this country," Barr said. "This is an issue
that transcends partisan lines, it goes to the heart of a
fundamental institution."
Oklahoma’s 2ndDistrictUS RepresentativeTomCoburn
ofMuskogee characterized the issue as being one ofmoral
disapproval of homosexuality which he claimed was the
view ofhis constituents. Cobumcharacterizedhomosexuality
as based in lust and perversity - remarks which
greatly offended openly Gay Massachusetts Rep. Barney
see Attack, page 8
¯ Tulsa Pride ’96
The Rev. Leslie Penrose of Community of Hope opens
Tulsa ’s Pride Picnic at Owen Park. Morephotos, page 3.
; Organizers of Tnlsa’s Pride Picnic have released a post
¯ event statement characterizing the event as a success. A
¯ joint effort of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights,
¯ Friends in Unity Social Organization and a number of
¯ volunteers, the Picnic made a slight profit after all ex-
¯ penses. The Picnic commi ttee particularly praised local
." club owners, entertainers and community groups for their
¯ financial contributions frombenefitperformances.Agroup ¯
spokesperson noted that the City of Tulsa imposed some
¯ obstacles which resultedin higher costs than in past years.
: Also, there had been opposiuon from an Owen Park
¯ community group that feared that homosexuals would ¯
"destroy" the payk. Picnic organizers stated that Owen
¯ Park’was dirty when they found it and that they cleaned it
¯ prior to the picnic and afterwards left much cleaner than it
¯ was originally. The committee also noted that they had
attracted greater corportate sponsorship than before, list-
" ing American Airlines, Coors, Budweiser, Miller and
¯ Pepsi as sponsors, see Pride, page 2
¯ New Gay Friendly Church
¯ Tulsa’s Lesbian & Gay community is being welcomed
¯ at anew congregation, Community Unitarian Universalist
¯ Congregation (CUUC). In contrast to Tulsa’s image as
~ being dominated by fundamentalist, anti-Gay churches,
¯ Tulsa is home to four Unitarian-Universalist (UU) con-
." gregations. The denomination is noted for its traditional
¯ support for "progressive" issues andforwelcoming Gay &
¯ Lesbian worshipers.
° However, Community Unitarian Universalist Congre-
: gation is the only UU congregation in Tulsa to join the
¯ Unitarian-UhiversalistWelcomingCongregationprogram
¯ directed at Lesbians and Gay men. CUUC also partici-
¯ pated in this year’s Interfaith Pride Service. CUUC re-
" ceived its charter in November of last year and has about
: 55-60 members. The group currently meets at Community
¯ ofHope UnitedMethodist on Sundays at 10:30 for coffee ¯
with the service at 11 am. see CUUC, page 3
Gay Man Runs
i for Congress
¯ Paul Barby, a 61 year oldWoodward, Oklahoma oilman ¯
and rancher and a Gay man, has announced his Demo-
¯ cratic candidacy for Oklahoma’s 6th District seat in the US
¯ House of Representatives. The seat is currently held by
¯ first-term Republican Frank Lucas.
Barby told TFN that he had not pictured himself as
¯ politician but that in working to defeat State referendum
question #669 and in his work as an unpaid, citizen
lobbyist at the State Capitol, he came to realize that
¯ a difference. ’He
¯ added that people had
¯ urged him to run for
Barby isn’t running
¯ on "Gay" issues but ¯
as a candidate who
¯ happens to be Gay.
¯ He talks about work-
- ing to moderate Con-
. gress which he char-
¯ acterizes as "tooruth-
¯ less, toouncaring, too
¯ restrictive". He calls ¯
himself a fiscal con-
" servative who never-
¯ theless is. concerned
¯ that cutbacks in farm Paul Barby
¯ supports will devas-
; tate Oklahoma’s small family farms. He says he supports
¯ family values but that these values cannot survive without ¯
education, job opportunities and health care.
¯ However, he did choose to reveal his homosexuality in
¯ aletter to potential supporters because he felt he needed to
¯ be honest with voters. Also, since his Gayness was no ¯
see Barby, page 3
Coming Soon! Shanti’s
¯ Water Garden Tour, see p. 8
¯ New Volleyball Group, 9
l~/!~ I
POB 4140
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Publisher/Editor, Tom Neal
Assistant Editor, James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leanne Gross
Pat Morehead
issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent to the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy.of each
edition at distribution points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by John A.Reynolds
Long-lasting relationships in the Gay & Lesbian community
seem to be very rare and the straightworld doesn’t appear to be
in much better shape when it comes to this subject. Some experts
attribute this to the brief that many relationships, Gay and
straight, are based one lust instead of love. Of course, those who
are"in lust" will disagree and swear it is love- for the two or three
months they are together.
Personally, I believe the problem is that most people don’t
become friends before they become lovers. We must know
someone before we can love them. Harold Baird, my partier of
seventeen years was also my best friend and we would still be
together today if cancer hadn’t taken him from me. We became
friends first, and out of that friendship grew the love that we
enjoyed for those years.
Too many relationships are based on sex and physical attraction.
These are the ones that seem to fail early on. Sex is only a
small part of any long-lasting relationship. Conversation, enjoyment
of each others presence and many other things, combined
with sex, are needed to make a relationship work. If lust is the
basis of a relationship, don’t expect it to last very long.
I cherish the time Harold and I had together, but the things I
remember most about that time’-are the walks in the woods,
holding hands, talking and quietly sitting together knowing the
see Friend, page 3
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Concessions, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
749- 1563
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-94~8
D’Antiques, 1508 E. 15th
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th
Don Carlton Mitsubishi, 4423 S. Memorial
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation
Leanne M. ¯Gross, Financial Planning
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy,2865 E. Skelly
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria
*International Tours
JD Images, Photography
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
Kdly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31st
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 P1
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S, Boston
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations
Southwest Viatical
OK, OK, I can already hear you. You’re saying; "I told you
so...I told you that Largent’s a neaderthal and there’s no hope for
him!" I’m no longer arguing with you.
I cannot convey sufficiently the rage I felt in watching OUR
representative malign and attack us, his own constituents, as
Largent spoke in defense of the "Defense of Marriage Act".
Largent’s suggestion that recognizing our relationships would
lead to marriages between animal and human, and between
children and adults was truly one of the sleaziest and cheap
attacks that Congress has seen. I believe from my conversations
with him that Largent knows better but like the swollen (but
pretty) headed, professional politician he’s becoming, he was
willing to lie to make his point.
Tom Cobum’s attack on his Lesbian and Gay constituents was
even worse albeit morehonest than those ofhis Republicanpeers.
His remarks went to the heart of the bias motivating DOMA. It’s
not about "protecting marriage" but about condemning Gay &
Lesbian citizens because primarily of religious briefs. Unfortunately
for Mr. Coburn, our Constitution (you wonder if he’s
bothered to read it) frowns on people like him using the power of
government to impose his religious views on minorities.
Both of these representatives have shamed Oklahoma with
these unashamed bigotry. While there’s little hope of unseating
them soon, the candidacy of people like Paul Barby encourage
me to hold out hope for Oklahoma yet. - Tom Neal
¯ Thomas Chiropractic Clinic
¯ 4138 S. Harvard~ Ste. C-1 742-8868
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493~1959 ¯ Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
Tulsa Organizations, Churches, & Universities
¯ *Agape’ Christian Fellowship, 21st& Sheridan 599-7688 ¯
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Ctr.
; 2627B E. 11 628-0594
: *B/L/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
: *Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
¯ *CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist, 1703 E. 2rid 585-1800
¯ (Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians) 298-4648
¯ *Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441
~ *Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
¯ Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827.
¯ .. Friends. in Unity Social Organization (African-Amer. men)
¯ POB 8542, 74101 425-4905
: Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983 ¯ Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
¯ *MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
*HIV Resource Consortium
: 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 749-4194
¯ NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3!11
¯ PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 749-4901 ¯
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104 ¯ R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
¯ Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
¯ St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 646-7116 ¯
*Shanti Hothne 749-7898 ¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR)
¯ POB 52729 74152
¯ TOHR Gay HelpLine (Info.) 743-4297 ¯
Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308 ¯ T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
*University Center at Tulsa
Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. of Dam Hwy. 187 501-253-6154
¯ *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
¯ *Emerald Rainbow, 45&1/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
¯ King’sHi-Way,96KingsHighway,Hwy.62W 800-231-1442 *MCC of the Living Spring 501-253-9337
Pride Picnic
July 10, 1996
Kudos to all responsible for a GREAT
PRIDE PICNIC on June 15th.
Owen Park was an excellent location
and the whole layout flowed really well.
The booth and display area was terrific,
vendors and organizations alike. The
music was great, along with food and
beverage availability.
My kids enjoyed themselves as wall
making it a perfect "family" outing. And
mounted police in uniform was a nice
added touch. ;-)
Hats off to the committee who organized
a wall planned and thought out day
to show Tulsa our Pride!
- Kelly Harrison Kirby, via the Internet
Disney vs. So. Baptists
In view of the Southern Baptists’ resolutions
to boycott the Walt Disney Company
for being "anti-family" and to convert
Jews, perhaps Disney could create a
new theme park attraction just for the
Baptists. They could call it"It’s A Small,
Small Mind."
- Alan L. Light, Iowa City, Iowa
June - July 1996, Issue #7
¯ In our last issue, we inadvertantly made
at leas ttwo mistakes. Firstwelisted Ginny
¯ Butler as one of the professionals associated
with Dr. JeffBeal andTed Campbell’s
practice, Associates in Medical and Men-
" tal Health. We were not aware that Ms.
¯ Butler is not part of that practice now and
¯ we apologize to all parties involved for
; .that misleading impression., .... ¯ Secondly, we greatly regret that when
¯ we reported on community dubs that
¯ helped the Pride Picnic by doing benefit
¯ shows, we did not know to credit all those
: who were involved. The benefit at the
: Silver Star was organized by the Green
¯ Country Cloggers who certainly deserve ¯
credit for this show, and for all the other
¯ hard work they do. Wehonor them, and of
course, John & Steve of-the Star, their
gracaous hosts. If we inadvertantly failed
to mention anyone else who helped with
those shows, please accept our apology
andlet us know so thatwecan give proper
credit to all. - Tom Neal, editor/publisher
The group’s spokesperson added that
while they’d heard afew complaints about
¯ the changeof thepicnic site fromMohawk ¯
Park to Owen Park before the event, after-
" wards, they heard a great deal of satisfac-
~ "tion from attendees. The greater amount
¯ of shade and generally better facilities
¯ were mentioued.
." Other Pride events like the Interfaith
: Pride Worship Service, and the PFLAG/
¯ TOHR/RBG dinner for the president of ¯
the Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance were
: deemed a success by their organizers. The
¯" only event that was not well supported
¯ was TOHR’s Pride Dance .which drew
few attendees.
State SenatorBernest Cain readsproclamation honoring
Pride Rally & Parade in OKC’s Memorial Park.
PFLAG, Tulsa Chapter was Tulsa’s largest group &
received a very enthusiastic response.
Tulsa’s new volleyball organization began at the Pride
Picnic, For more information, see the Calendar, p. 9
Oklahoma Gay Rodeo folks lead the Oklahoma City
Parade from Memorial Park to NW 39th St.
Men ofNative American descentfrom TNAAPP, Indian
Health Care, were visible and proud of their heritage.
The Banned opened this year’s Pride with the Star-
Spangled Banner, Oklahoma & several other selections.
Donna Redwing, Advocate Magazine’s 1992 Woman of
the Year & GLAAD spokesperson at the OKC Parade.
Family of Faith MCC helped to represent Tulsa as did
others who walked with statewide groups.
others thoughts. The simple things in a
relationship are just as important as the
sextml side.
When asked by friends, "what is your
secret?" - we would reply by saying, "be
your partner’ s best friend and say, ’I love
you’ every day." There wasn’t a time in
those 17 years wo- didn’t say "I love you"
to each other several times a day.
I’m not saying live is a bed of rose and
~ev. Nancy J. Horvath M. Div., Pastor
9:15 am Christian Education
11:00 am Worship Service
6:30 pm Midweek Service
7:30 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm C0dependency
Support Group
;451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa, OK ¯ 74146
(918) 622-1441
youwon’t ha~e problems. There will be
¯ times when disagreements and problems
¯¯ arise, but you can work through them.
True love and friendship can conquer the
¯ trials of any relationship. When problems
¯ arise, and they will, if your love an friend-
" ship are strong you can weather the storm
¯ and get through it together. When one
¯ p~er dies, as in my case, you can go on
¯ alone. It’s not easy butit canbe done. ¯
When Harold was diagnosed with can-
: cer of the right lung andliver, we decided
¯ he would not be placed in a hospital or
: nursing home. He wanted to die at home,
: withdignity, surroundedby those heloved.
¯ for fifty short day, I provided his care, not
¯ out of a sense of duty or obligation but
: because of the love and friendship we
¯ shared. Because of that love I was by his
¯ bed as he took his last breath- he did not
¯ die alone or among strangers. ¯
On June 6, 1995 at 9:15 pro, I lost my
¯ best friend, my parmer, my lover butI
." have seventeen years ofwonderfulmemo-
¯ ties of our friendship and our time to-
" gether.
¯ Harold & I had a good relationship
¯ because love grew from our friendship. If
: a relationship is going to last you must
¯. first start as friends. Basing a relationship
¯ on sexual desires is a recipe for disaster.
¯ Although I miss Harold and think of ¯
him daily, the memories of what we had
¯ will remain with me always.
¯ John A. Reynolds is afreelance writer
currently residing in Tulsa.
secret fiom his family and friends, he did
not want to be subject to a "whispering"
campaign from Lucas supporters. Henoted
his membership in the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) and declared his
support for civil rights. Specifically he
¯ mentioned his opposition to laws banning
¯ same-gender marriage, saying courts and
¯ churches should be free to make their
] decisions based on the Constitution or
¯ their theology.
¯ .Barby is contributing $25,000 person-
" ally as seed money to the estimated
¯¯ $350~000 required to run a campaign in
the large rural and urban district (41% of
¯ the district is urban taking in the north-
" west corner of OKC). He is working with
¯" longtime OKC political activist, Keith
¯ Smith on thecampaign. Barby also said
¯ he’d talked with the Human Rights Cam-
- paign (which funds national offices) and
the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund (which
¯ only funds local and state races). He also
¯ was meeting with the Cimarron Mliance,
¯ OKC’s Lesbian & Gay political acdon
: committee.
Dead in Nat’l Park
LURAY, Va. -’ Two women - Julianne
Williams of St. Cloud, Minn., and L0llie
Winans of Unity, Maine - who were considered
experienced outdoor guides and
believed to have been lovers, were found
dead in the Shenandoah National Park in
Virginia earlier in June, authorities said.
Williams, 24, and Winans, 26, were apparently
murdered. Both the National Park
Service and the FBI are investigating the
deaths, although neither agency would
give details of the apparent slayings.
Both women worked as outdoor intern
guides in 1995 for the Minneapolis-based
women’s vacation group, Woodswomen,
andwere consideredexperiencedand skillful
at camping in the wilderness. Park
officials said the women were found after
the father of one of them reported that she
had not shown up at home as scheduled.
Authorities declined to say how the 2
women were killed, but said they may
have been dead for a few days before their
bodies were discovered.
Tennessee Sodomy
Statute Overturned
NASHVILLE- The Tennessee state Supreme
Court has let stand a lower court
ruling overturning the state’s anti-sodomy
statute. Earlier this year a state appeals
court ruled that Tennessee’s Homosexual
Practices Act violates state .cgnstitutional
privacy guarantees. Several Tennessee
residents originally challenged the
state law, arguing that prosecution under
the anti-sodomy statute could cost them
their jobs, homes and families and that
private sexual behavior was not the state’s
Presbyterians &
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - In a vote by
delegates from the denomination’s 171
presbyteries, 57% voted for an amendment
against ordaining active homosexuals.
Activists said they were disappointed
but that the vote represented an improvement
over the last assembly in 1991. Delegates
attending the general conclave of
the Presbyterian Church (USA) have had
a full plate of issues on their agenda during
the confab, but overriding many items
is the question of ordaining homosexuals
in the ministry. Not only was the question
of ordaining gays a direct issue with competing
proposals to effectively bar ordaining
gays or leaving the issue in the hands
of local churches, but larger issues such as
joining associations with other denominations
also focused the delegates’ attention
on the role of gay clergy.
In considering whether or not to join
with the United Church of Christ, the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, the
¯ AfricanMethodistEpiscopal ZionChurch,
the Christian Church (Disciples ofChrist),
the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church,
the Episcopal Church, the International
Council of Community Churches and the
¯¯ UnitedMethodist Church in the unifying
Church of Christ Uniting organization,
¯ one overriding concern for many conser-
¯ vative Presbyterians has been whether
gay clergy in the other churches that or-
" dain homosexuals could minister to Pres-
¯ byterian congregations. ¯
The organization’s human sexuality &
¯ ordination committee recommended that
¯ ordination should be limited to individu-
: als who observe "fidelity within the cov-
¯ chant of marriage between one man and
¯ one woman - or chastity in singleness."
¯ Although the Presbyterian Church has ¯
officially welcomed gays and lesbians to
its congregations for decades, it has also
¯ long barred"self-affirming, practicing homosexuals"
as ministers.
Aug. Conference:
Get Out the.Vote
"- WASHINGTON - The Human Rights
-." Campaign is sponsoring a conference of
." gay andlesbian rights activists in Chicago
¯ a week before the Democratic National
: Convention begins there in late August
: and early September. Political heavy-
¯. weights thatHRC expects to appear at the
¯ Aug. 16-28 confab include Sen. Carol
-" Moseley-Braun (D-Ill.), openly gay Rep.
"_ Steve Gunderson (R-Wise.), and Housing
¯ Secretary Henry Cisneros. The con-
. ference’s chief agenda will be getting out
: the gay and lesbian vote this November,
." an issue that’s increasingly concerning
¯ aftivists who fear many gay voters have
become wary of President Clinton and
¯ would be unlikely to support retired U.S.
Sen. Bob Dole’s presidential bid. ¯ TV Gold: Louganis’
Story to be Biopic
HOLLYWOOD - The entertainment in-
" dustry newspaper Variety reports that the
¯ USA Network is producing a made-for-
" television movie based on Olympic gold
¯ medalist Greg Louganis’ autobiography, ¯
Breaking the Surface. The TV bio is ex-
¯ pected to air sometimenext year, although
: the cable network says none of the roles
¯ have yet been cast.
¯ Largest.Ever Pride
Parade in Utah
¯ SALT LAKE CITY - Recent anti-gay
: actions by Utah lawmakers, including a
: ban on gay iliad lesbian clubs at public
¯ schools,mayhavehelpedmakethis year’s
-" annual Gay Pride Day event the largest in
the state’s history, organizers said. Thousands
of people - both gays and straights
- turned out for this year’s parade and
festival. One parade organizer said the
state legislature had done "more for us
than we could ever do for ourselves" in
drawing such a large crowd. Keynote
speaker at the event was Chastity Bono,
daughter of actress Cher and U.S. Rep.
Sonny Bono (R-Calif.), who told the audience
that Utah activists fighting anti-gay
legislative efforts in the state had "advanced
the entire community’s fight for
human rights."
Canadian Gov’t to
Extend Benefits
OTTAWA -TheCanadianHumanRights
Commission has ordered the government
to offer health care benefits to the gay and
lesbian partners of national workers the
same as it does to the spouses of married
employees. The ruling was prompted by
complaints by two gay federal government
workers and applies only to the
country’s civil service employees. The
commission ruled that it was "discriminatory
to deny benefits to those in a samesex
relationship while extending the same
benefits to heterosexual couples."
Fire documenting anti-gay policies and
actions in the U.S. armed forces, has been
granted one of 21 prestigious "Genius
Awards’r by the MacArthur Foundation.
Berube’s award carries a no-strings
$300,000 cash grant that recipients are
free to spend in any way they wish. The
California-based foundation has. granted
more than $150 million since it began
making the "Genius Awards" in 1981.
Bernbe said the money will make it possible
forhim to finish work on his current
project, which is a study of the role of gay
shipboard workers inthe 1930s and 1940s
whohelp form one of the nation’ s earliest
multiracial labor unions.
Utility to Help Gay
Youth Programs
Ohio Anti-Gay Vote
To Be Reviewed
WASHINGTON - In an action that won
cautious praise from rights activists, the
U.S. Supreme Court has ordered a federal
appeals court m Ohio to reconsider an
earlier decision that an anti-gay measure,
known as Issue 3, approved by Cincinnati
voters in 1993 is constitutional. A federal
court had initially struck down the Cinciunati
measure, but the appeals courthad
reversed that ruling, declaring the antigay
measure was constitutional. Issue 3
,would have repealed anti-bias measures
based on sexual orientation and would
have also barred any future legislation of
the kind,
The Supreme Court, however, by a 6-3
vote, ordered the appeals court to reconsider
its ruling in light of the high court’s
overturning in May of a similar anti-gay
ballot measure approved by Colorado
voters. In apress statement, Melinda Paras
of the National Gay&LesbianTask Force
said "While we will not know the full
implications of the Supreme Court decision
until the lower court’ s revised ruling,
clearly the high court’s decision on
Amendment 2 has taken the wind out of
Issue 3’s sails. We are making progress
toward ending intolerance and educating
Americans about who we are.’"
Gay Author Wins
’Genius Award’
SAN FRANCISCO - Allan Berube, the
author of the book Comin~ Out Under
." SAN FRANCISCO-California’s Pacific
: Gas & Electric, the utility’ s Lesbian, Gay
&Bisexual Employees Assn., and the San
"- Francisco-based Horizons Foundation
: have joined in an effort to offer greater
_" support for younger gays and lesbians in
¯ theregion throughapublicity andfunding
." effort. PG&E is setting up a matching
." grant fund up to $20,000 to help under-
-¯ write education and social programs operated
for gay youth through Horizons.
The giant utility will also help publicize
_" Horizons’ youth programs throughpublic
¯ service annonncements andbus-stop shel-
¯ ter advertising. Denise Wells, president
¯ ofHorizous’boardofdirectorssaidPG&E
¯ was demonstrating "a valuable leadership
¯ that canmotivateus all to contribute to the
-" community."PG&Eofficials saidtheutilityhadmadethemovebecause
it is "espe-
¯ cially committed to a safe and healthy
environment for youth."
Mayor Extends
Partner Benefits
PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia Mayor
Ed Rendell has announced that the city
will now offer health-care and familyleave
benefits to the same-sex partners of
non-civil service workers. The package
will extend the same benefits to domestic
partners that the married spouses of city
employees currently receive. But only
about 500 municipal workers would be
covered by the mayor’s executive order.
Activists in the city have been working
for more than 5 years trying to get a city
council ordinance that would extend a
similarbenefits package to Philadelphia’s
full 25,000 municipal employees.
CardinalAnthony Bevilicqua, theArchbishop
of Philadelphia, urged Catholics
in thecity’s 121 RomanCatholicchurches
to swamp Mayor Ed Rendell with Fathers’
Day cards protesting his recent executive
order extending benefits to the
same-sex domesticpartners ofjust a small
portion of the city’s Workforce under the
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Mayor’ s administration. Bevilicquacalled
the order "a tragic mistake" and "a direct
attack on the natural arrangement of family
life."A spokesperson for Rendell told
reporters at apress conference that Rendell
has "no intention of rescinding the order"
despite Bevilicqua’s opposition.
Harvey Milk School
SAN FRANCISCO - The San Francisco
school board trustees have voted, after
several years of controversy and one earlier
failed attempt, torenamethe Douglass
Elementary School in honor of assassinated
gay supervisor Harvey Milk. The
school will now officially beknown as the
Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy and
will emphasize classwork in civil rights
areas. Milk was shot along with Mayor
George Moscone in 1978 by Dan White,
who hadjust resigned from his seat on the
board of supervisors and who was an
outspoken opponent of gay rights. Several
parents at the school¯ board meeting
raised objections both tonaming the school
after Milk and to the vote itself, which
they said came without adequate time for
public discussion.
Official Threatened
’Support of Gays’
SAN FRANCISCO - Amos Brown, a
Baptist minister recently appointed to fill
a seat on the city’s board of supervisors
over the misgivings of many gay rights
activists, has been given special.,police
protection after a man outside his church
handed him a letter condemning him for
supporting "sodomites of the city" and
promising "swift and terrible" retribution
against Brown. Similar threatening notes
were found on cars in a nearby church
parking lot. Brown’s appointment to the
vacant seat on the board had been criti-
: in a scene implying a homosexual relationshipbetween
the twomeninsults Willy
¯ Wyler and, I have to say, irritates the hell
¯ out of me."
Vidal has said ininterviews that Heston
wasn’t Wyler’s first choice for the lead
¯ role, but that "Paul Newman and Rock
." Hudson were not available." Vidal says a
¯ scene in which Ben-Hur and the villain-
." ous Roman Marsallaembrace was written
¯ in to the film to establish a sexual relation-
¯ ship between the men because such a
failed relationship was the only way to
justify theintense hatred between the two
¯" men that develops later. "Then, when re¯
united at the picture’s start, the Roman
wants to pick up where they left off mad
the Jew [Ben-Hur] spurns him," Vidal
¯ wrote in the Times.
¯ Sheriff Sued Over
: ’Anti-Gay Assault’
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - A 63-yearoldmarriedgrandfather
andretired teacher
." has filed alawsuit against the San Mateo
: (Calif.) County sheriff’s department,
charging that an officer brutalized him
after he had stopped at a vista point along
an interstate highway to see if there was
an easier route to his destination at Half
¯" Moon Bay. The suit claims the officer
: believed the suspect was gay and seeking
¯ sex at the spot. E. Lon Chancy Jr. charges
¯ in the suit that Deputy Timothy Reid
: tripped and assaulted him as he was re-
: turning to his car after asking another
¯ parked driver for directions. The suit
charges that Chaney was so severely bat-
: tered that he suffered a stroke during the
¯ incident and that an ambulance had to be
¯ called to take him to ahospital. Chaney’s
: suit - which names Reid, the sheriff’s
department and San Mateo County as
¯ defendants - claims the deputy shouted
¯ into his police radio, "I’ve got one" after
but apparently decided they didn’t really
want to actually endorse banning discrimination
in marriage rights.
S.F. Moves to End
Colorado Boycott
¯ SAN FRANCISCO - Openly gay Super-
: visor Tom Ammiano has introduced a
: measure that would repeal a 1992 ordi-
¯ nance that effectively barred San Francisco
from doing business with firms in
Colorado after voters there narrowly approved
an anti-gay ballot measure,
Amendment 2. Ammiano said the U.S.
Supreme Court’s recent ruling declaring
Amendment2 unconstitutional eliminates
the reason for the original boycott, which
barred San Francisco from purchasing
goods or services made or offered in the
state of Colorado and prohibited use of
government funds for the state on official
business, including conventions and conferences.
sex with other men and exposed him to
HIV as a result. Attorneys for Cliburn, 61,
said he has not been tested for HIV and
that Zaremba’s suit was little more than a
form of extortion.
i No Nudity in Parade
¯ BOSTON - Proper - and not so proper -
: Bostonians clashed following this year’s
: annual Gay Pride Parade, where reports
¯ say a nude man walked on stilts and 2
¯ bare-breasted women fondled each other.
: Mayor Thomas Menino was joined by
: parade organizers in condemning what
¯ they termed "inappropriate and unlaw-
: ful" behavior during the parade. Organiz-
-" ers of the parade said the nude man and
: topless women were not registered to par-
: ticipate in the parade itself and joined the
¯ event, attended by an estimated 100,000
: people, along the route. Officials offered
¯ to help police locate the people for pos-
¯ sible prosecution. The city council has
: vowed to hold hearings on why police
¯ didn’t arrest the people during the parade.
Texas Court Lets
GOP Exclude Gays "
AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas state Su- -"
preme Court blocked a temporary order ¯
handed down by a lower court just days ~
before and ruled unanimously that the ~
state Republican Party does not have to
grant the gay Log Cabin Republicans a
booth and ad space during its annual state
convention. A lower state court had ordered
the state GOP to give the Log Cabin
group the booth, for which ithad cashed a
$400 check from the gay Republicmas,
British PM Critical
of Grants to Gays
LONDON - Prime Minister John Major
told Parliament that grants from proceeds
of the country’s popular National Lottery
~ to London and Leicester gay and lesbian
¯ organizations - one a community center,
¯ the other a gay andlesbian police officers’
group - were "ill-founded and ill-judged."
¯ The two grants, totaling slightly more
than $140,000, do not "reflect the way
¯" Parliament’and the public expected lotmad
to sell the organization space in the " tery money to be spent," Major said durconvention
brochure, for which it had ¯ ing a speech in the House of Commons.
o received another check for $750. ¯
: The state party made an emergency : Dontt These
- .appeal tothe TeXa~ higll courtfollOwing - ~ ~ .... ..... .........
] the lower court ruling on Friday, June l4, ¯ Have Work To
cized by several rights activists who view
his opposition to domestic partners and
other gay rights issues in the past as
homophobic. Because of the suspected
arson attacks against several black
churches recently, police said they would
"take precautions" not only to assure the
safety of the newly appointed supervisor
but also for the minister’s predominately
black church.
Heston vs. Vidal:
Clash Over Ben-Hur
HOLLYWOOD-Actor Charlton Heston
and playwright Gore Vidal have been
trading barbs in the pages of the Los
Angeles Times recendy over work Vidal
did on the film"Ben-Hur"nearly 40 years
ago that he says implied a homosexual
relationship between 2 lea.ding characters
in the film, including Heston’s lead character.
Heston called Vidal "a tart, embittered
man" whose "claim that he slipped
the arrest, and that when paramedics ar-
rived he told them to use rubber gloves
¯ because "This one’s probably got HIV."
Chaney’s attorney says the incident re-
" fleets a pattern of arrest and abuse by
; police in the area of anyone they believe
¯ may be gay and that his client just had the
¯ badfortune to be in the wrong place at the
: wrong time.
¯ Minnesota Dems:
¯ No Discrimination -
i Except in Marriage
: MINNEAPOLIS-MinnesotaDemocrats
~ adopted a full 100 resolutions at their
¯ annual state convention, rejecting just 1
¯ proposed platform statement - a resolu-
: fion supporting same-sex marriage rights.
: The Democratic Farm Labor Party (as the
¯ Democrats areknowninMinnesota),over-
: Whelmingly adopted a resolution con-
: demning "all forms of discrimination,"
-" and the justices took only a few hours to
¯ issue the order blocking the lower court
decision. StateGOPofficials said the con-
: ventionis apfivateeventandnota"public
: forum," and that the party wanted to ex-
¯ dude the LOg Cabin booth and adverfis-
¯ ing because the party platform officially
¯ opposes gay fights.
Palimony Lawsuit
~f. WORTH,Texas-ATexas state court
¯ judge has thrown out a palimony lawsuit
filed by Thomas Zaremba of Michigan
: against internationally famed classical
pimfist Van Clibum, saying there was no
: written agreement about financial sup-
- port between the two menduring their 17-
¯ yearrelationship,andthat the statedoesn’t
." recognize such same-sex relationships.
¯ Zaremba, 48, had filed the suit claiming,
: among other things, that during his relai
tionship with Cliburn, the pianist had had
¯ ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska state ¯
officials say they have no plans to file
¯ criminal charges against Bethel Police
¯..Sgt. Scott Gagne, who had been under
¯ investigation for possible sexual harass-
. ment, including masturbating with 2 other
police officers at the station,
¯ Investigators say that Gagne and other
¯ officers had talked bluntly about their
sexual relationships with women, and that
¯ they had masturbated together at the sta-
¯ tion. According to news reports, Gagne
¯ never denied the activities but said none
of the policemen had been forced or co-
¯ erced into anything they didn’t want to.
¯ Authorities said other officers corrobo- ¯
rated Gagne’s version. Officers at the
¯ station told investigators that there had
¯ been a good deal of "horseplay" among
2 the male officers, including groping &
¯ patting but¯tocks. But the officers sai¯d no¯. onehadobjected&that anyonewhodidn’t
¯ want to be involved could easily avoid ¯
Gagne’s "games."
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World HIV
BALTIMORE-Writing in Internal Medicine
News, William Blattuer of the Uni-
.versity of Maryland’ s Institute of Human
Virology has projected that some 20 million
people around the world are now
infected with HIV and that some 100
million people will be infected by the year
2000. Blattner also says the spread of
HIV has changed rapidly in recent years
and that by the turn of the century more
than 90% of all those infected will be
residents of developing cotmtries, with a
higher incidence in Asia, followed by
African nations. In related news,
Zimbabwe’s National AIDS Coordination
Program reports that the epidemic
continues to spiral there, with at least
40,000 new AIDS cases reported in the
country last year, while the actual number
of new cases may be as high as 150,000.
The agency says that more than a million
of Zimbabwe’s 10.5 million people are
infected with HIV, and that an estimated
300 die 0fAIDS-related illnesses weekly.
AIDS Shapes World
NEW YORK - The annual UN Human
Development Report, slated tobe released
later in July, says the impact of the AIDS
epidemic has become so vast that it has
affected thelivability levels ofsomecountries
for the first time since the international
agency began issuing its "~mnual
assessment of global development. The
report’s index of livability indicates that
some developing nations have fallen as
much as a decade behind in their expected
progress because of the epidemic. In a
related develrpment,, the independent
PopulationReference Bureauhas reported
that although the global population con~
tinues to grow d~amati~lly, the AIDS
epidemic is causing measurable shifts in
world population patterns. The bureau
reports thatalthough sub-Saharan Africa’ s
total population by 2025 will be 1.25
billion people, that number will be 100
million lower than projections madejust a
decade ago - almost entirely because of
the epidemic. Countries such as Botswana,
Kenya, Malawi, Uganda,ZambiaandZimbabwe
will be the hardest-hit, the bureau
HIV in Kenya
NAIROBI, Kenya- A fourth of all the
Kenyan women visiting pediatric and infant-
care clinics in the capital city of
Nairobi are H-IV-p0sitive according to a
survey completed by the U.S. Agency for
International Development. Just one year
ago, a similar study found that 3.5% of all
Kenyans were infected with the virus
Gray Newton of the USAID office in
Nairobi told the Xinhua News Agency.
By the beginning of this year, Newton
says, that figure had more than doubled to
7.5% Of the nation’ s population.
Eliminating HIV in
Some Is Possible
AMSTERDAMnAtaconference ofAIDS
researchers held by the University of
Amsterdam and the dinical journal Antiviral
Therapy, scientists reviewed unpublished
data suggesting that"eradicating"
HIV in some infected patients may be
possible. The datais being collected from
ongoing trials underway in Australia
: Europe, Canada and the U.S. involving
¯ the use of a variety of HIV drug combina-
¯ tions. According to the information col-
" lected so far, some patients involved in
¯ the clinical trials have had the level of
¯¯ HIV in their blood stream lowered to
undetectable levels for up to 2 years. The
¯ scientists involved in the trials cautioned,
¯ however, that none of the patients have
¯ been taking the combinations of medi- ¯ cines long enough yet to determine long-
" term effectiveness.
¯ Blood Transfusion
Risk is 2 in a Million
: BOSTON - According to a report in the
¯ New England Journal of Medicine, the
¯ chances of receiving HIV-tainted blood
from the nation’s blood bank system is
: just 2 in every million transfusions. Re-
. searchers at the Rockville, Md.-based
: Westat Inc. calculated the odds of receiv-
¯ ing a contaminated transfusion after ex-
¯ amining the records of more than a half-
. millionrepeat donors. The estimates were
¯ based on calculating how many recently
¯ infected donors might give blood during
° the 22-day period when the virus cannot
be detected. Some 586,507 regular donor
¯ records were examined.
~ Herbal HIV-Fighting
SINGAPORE- Singapore scientists re-
." porting in two research journals say a
¯ chemical compound derived from some
¯ 75 traditional herbs may usefulin fighting
HIV. Dr. Sim Keng Yeow of the National
: Uni-versity of Singapore said that the researchers
had found that the chemical
: they isolated from the herbs could inhibit
¯ HIV- 1 protease, an enzyme essential for
¯ HIV to develop. Yeow cautioned, however,
that the discovery was not a bure for
AIDS and only a preliminary finding. In
a related development, researchers at the
: China Academy of Preventive Medicine
¯ in Beijing announced that an experimental
herbal medicine, known as Saidefu,
.., may have helped eliminate HIV in 1 pa-
¯ tient and helped others become well
" enough that they could stop hospital care
¯ and go home. The researchers said, how-
. ever, that Saidefu had only been tested on
5 patients so far and that the tests hadbeen
¯ limited to only a 3-month period. They
¯ said that much more testing would be ¯
required because herbal remedies that of-
" ten appear effective initially may have
." only a temporary or transient effect.
¯ International AIDS
¯ Conference
VANCOUVER, Canada- Organizers of
the 1 lth International AIDS Conference
: say the event’ s scope and size underscore
¯ the growing global commitment to fight-
. ing the epidemic. Between 9,000 and
: 10,000 delegates are expected, along with
: another 1,500 registered commercial ex-
¯ hibitors. Some 1,500 mediapersonnel are
: expected to cover the conference as well.
¯" Peter Hamara, spokesperson for the
¯ event, said the Vancouver conference has
¯ received a record 5,,6_26 research studies
to be presented, the.~asis and core of the
¯ clinical program of the conference. The
¯ studies, Hamaranoted, werereceivedfrom
¯ 125 separate countries around the world.
¯ The World Health Organization esti-
¯ mates that globally there are at least 17
¯ million adults infected with HIV, and that
: more than 11 million- or65% - are in sub-
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Saharan Africa. The next worst-hit region
is South and Southeast Asia, where
at least 3 million people - or 18% of the
global total - are infected with the virus.
"Many ofour participants this year will be
from HIV support organizations, from
organizations," Hamara said at a news
conference before the event officiallybegan.
"So while the conference at its core is
still a medical-scientific conference, the
participants and the diversity of research
studies have broadened as the epidemic
itself has broadened."
Organizers say that there is some encouraging
newsboth onthe educationand
the medical fronts that is leading many of
those fighting AIDS to begin expressing a
subdued - but real - optimism.
The conference, carrying a theme of
"One World, One Hope," will be the first
since the new class of highly promising
drugs knownas protease inhibitors gained
approval in the U.S. Some AIDS experts
now believe these new drugs, while far
from a "cure" for the disease, may actually
for thefirst time in 15 years make it a
manageable one. But others remain cautious,
pointing out that thenew treatments
are not effective for everyone, they have
undesirable side effects, and no one yet
knows if they will be effective medicines
in the long term or if they will lose their
ability to fight offHIV as other drugs have
in the past.
Equally disturbing, there have been unconfirmed
reports that the new protease
inhibitors may be extremely dangerous in
combination with antihistamines, even the
type sold over the counter. AIDS activists
in the U.S. say there have been 2 deaths
resulting from heart attacks because of
patients using the protease inhibitors in
¯ plans for their 3rd annual "Until-There’ s
¯ A Cure" day. AIDS activist and artist
" Mary Fisher and U.S. figure skating cham-
¯ pion Rudy Galindo will appear at this
¯¯ season’ s benefit game on July 28 against
the Atlanta Braves. The Giants. will do-
" hate $1 from each ticket sold to the Until
¯ There’s A Cure Foundation, which will
¯ distribute the money to AIDS-related ¯
¯ projects and organizations. Other funds will be raised through merchandise sold
¯ during the game. The Giants have raised
more than $250,000 for AIDS education
: and treatment since starting the event in
: 1993.
Navy Announces
: New AIDS Therapy
: BETHESDA, Md.- Researchers with the
¯ U.S. Navy say they may have discovered ¯
a new therapy to help prevent or limit the
¯ spread ofHIV ininfected patients. Scientists
at the Naval Medical Research Insti-
¯ tute say the treatment involves dramati-
cally increasing the number of uninfected
¯ CD4T-cells-or whiteblood cells thatare
¯" the target ofthe virus- in patients infected
¯" with the disease. The Navy researchers
cultured the T-cells of 10 intermediate-
¯ stage AIDS patients, whose immune sys-
¯ terns were still fairly intact. Even more
¯" significant, when the researchers stimu-
. lated uuinfectedT-cells and exposed them
¯ in test tubes to HIV, the cells were highly
¯" resistant to the virus. The scientists say
that if the technique works in humans, it
¯ might prevent the deterioration of the
¯ body’s immune system and counteract
¯ some symptoms of HIV infection. The
Navy will begin a small-scale clinical trial
¯ to test the safety of the new treatment this
conjunction with~antihistamines.;ff~.e°n~--: :~ dents whose blood cells: vier¢::us
firmed, the reports could prove a serious . making the cultures.
stumbling block to thenew drugs because
antihistamines are so widely used in the :
There is also optimism about education "
efforts, especially in developing nations :
like Thailand and Uganda, where programs
to fight the spread ofHIV appear to
have been especially effective. An aggressive
government-backed AIDS education
program in Thailand, for example,
has led to HIV infection rates dropping in
nearly all the groups that the government
monitors - military recruits, commercial
sex workers, and IV drug users.
Rare Form of HIV!
Virus Now in U,S,
LOS ANGELES -Officials with the Centers
for Disease Control & Prevention say
anunnamedLos Angeles womanhas been
confirmed as the first person in this country
to be diagnosed with Group O HIV, a
strain of the virus that is largely restricted
to West Africa. According to-the CDC
report, thewomanapparently was infected
inherWestAfricanhomelandbefo.re coming
to the U.S.U.S. health officials said
standard HIV tests should be modified to
detect the Group O strain to prevent accidental
contamination ofthenation’ s blood
supply. Current HIV tests usually do not
detect the Group O strain of the virus.
SF Giants AIDS
Day Fundraiser
SAN FRANCISCO - The San Francisco
Giants, the first professional sports team
to host a fundraising benefit for AIDS
$100K NEA Grant
for Quilt Project
SAN FRANCISCO - The National Endowment
for the Arts has given the
NAMES Project a $100,000 grant to help
photograph and create digital images of
the nearly 34,000 panels that currently
make up the huge AIDS Quilt The photo
project includes plans to create CD-ROM
versions of theimage~ thatwouldbe viewable
via a home computer and via computer
services storing the digital images.
Actress Jane Alexander, chair ofthe NEA,
said works of art like theAIDS Memorial
Quilt "embody compassion and the creative
spirit" that have been spurred on in
the face of the "crisis that has devastated
the lives of so many Americans."
Suit Filed Over
HIV ’Rumors’
SAN ANGELO, Texas - Attomeys for
Gilbert De La Paz have filed a federal
lawsuit against Henry Hogeda, the owner
of Henry’s Diner, charging their client
was fired as a waiter solely because of
rumors De La Paz has AIDS. The lawsuit
claims that Hogeda before firing the 27-
year-old De La Paz, Hogeda said that he
had heard the man had AIDS and that the
rumors would "destroy" the restaurant’s
business. The suit also says De La Paz,
who says he is notinfected, offered to take
anHIV test to provehe was uninfectedbut
he was fired anyway. News sources have
reported that Hogeda’ s lawyers claim De
; to customFrank.
Frank stopped short of asking that
Cobum’s remarks be stricken from the
Congressional record.
Rep. Frank demanded, that supporters
of DOMA tall him how his longstanding
rdationship with his partner Herb Moses
threatened their marriages. "How does
the fact that I love another man and live in
acommitted relationship withhim threaten
your marriage?" he asked. "Are your relations
with your spouses of such fragility
that the fact that I have a committed,
loving relationship with anothermanjeopardizes
them? My God, what do you do
when the lights go out?"
Tulsa 1st District Rep. Steve .Largent
replied, "Mr. Frank’s relationship with
another man does not threaten my marriage
whatsoever." "Whosemarriage does
it threaten?" Frank demanded. "It threatens
the institution of marriage," Largent
said. "That argument ought to be made by
someone in and institution because it has
no logical basis whatsoever," Frank said.
In the Senate, an identical bill has been
introduced in the Senate by Oklahoma
Sen. Don Nickies. However, Sen. Edward
Kennedy, D-Mass. is trying to attach the
Employment Non-Discrimination Act
(ENDA) barringbias inemploymentbased
on sexual orientation to DOMA as a strategy
to force anti-gay lawmakers to vote
against the anti-marriagemeasurebecause
of the pro-gay provision. Sen. Nickles
said he opposes ENDA, saying he didn’t
want to force an employer like the-Boy
Scouts ofAmerica to hire homosexuals or
to require a landlord to rent apartments to
Gays. It remains uncertain if the Kennedy
amendment will even get enough support
to attach it to DOMA.
"There are some values that deserve
protection," said Sen. On-in Hatch, RUtah,
chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, ofDOMA. "It isn’t a political
issu.e....It’,,s a very important family values
Critics of DOMA called it thinly disguised
bigotry during a public hearing
before the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I
regret that the committee is spending time
on this offensive, unnecessary and divi- "
sive legislation," Sen. Kennedy said. ’‘The
bill before us is called the Defense of
Marriage Act, but a more accurate title
would be the Defense of Intolerance Act
- or evenmore accurately, the Defense of
Endangered Republican Candidates Act."
Gary Bauer, president of the conservative
Family Research Council, denied
being bigoted. ’~It is not hatred to support
normalcy," he said.
At the White House, Mike McCurry,
Clinton’s press spokesperson, agreed with
Kennedy’s assessment of the measure~
McCurry stated, "I think~ in fact, it
[DOMA] is. gay baiti,ng pure and simple.
They’re rinsing an issue that, in fact,
doesn’t arise anywhere. The Hawaii stat=
ute-- the Hawaii issue is alegal issue that ..
had been remanded back to a lower court, °
so this is not a pending matter. And it’s a ¯
classic use of wedge politics that are de- :
signed to provoke anxieties and fears.."
That being thecase, though, the President ,
has very strong views, personal views, ¯
[against same-gender marriage] and he ."
has to act consistent with those views." ,"
McCurry then repeated the President’s
stated promise to sign the bill when Congress
passes. -"
Several national organizations released [
statements onthe Housevote. "The House
.......t0..day turned its back on a fundamental
human right for political expediency,"
said Laura W. Murphy, Director of the
ACLU’s National Washington Office.
’qNis goes beyond legislators saying they
are not ready to accept same-sex marriages,"
she said. "This is an unnecessary
and mean-spirited attempt by some m
Congress to select out lesbians and gay
men for discriminatory treatment." She
added that the vote on the same-sex marriage
legislation will be included in the
ACLU’s biennial civil liberties ratings for
members of Congress.
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Executive
Director, Melinda Paras released
this statement. "DOMA is bogus legislation.
It nether strengthens Americanfamilies
nor marriages between men and
women. Instead, it draws a circle around
gays, lesbians, bisexuals and
transgendered individuals and proclaims
that our families do not deserve
recognition...Unfortunatdy the majority
of the House of Representatives was not
willing to stand up for the principles for
which this country stands: tolerance, compassion
and fairness. Instead, they fell
into the trap set by the political extremists
and their supporters in Congress...We will
not stand by silently and be used.as scape-.
goats in this dection year."
Tulsa Oklahomans for Haman Rights
(TOHR), northeastern Oklahoma’s oldest
secular Gay & Lesbian community
organization, issued a statement calling
for the resignation ofUS Representatives,
Tom Coburn of Muskogee and Steve
Largent of Tulsa"for disgracing the state
of Oklahoma by their vicious attacks on
their own citizens while promoting HB
3396, the so-called ’Defense of Marriage
Act’ "’.
"Cobumand Largentact as though there
were no Lesbian and Gay citizens in
Muskogee, Tahlequah, Claremore, BrokenArrow,
Okmulgee, Tulsa, or any place
in their districts. With this vote, they’ve
proven that they don’t represent - don’t
even care about representing -any of
their constituents except the ones who
share their extremist ideology. They appear
to believe that their Constitutional
obligations only extend to those who think
just like them," noted a TOHR representative.
Roll call vote on DOMA: 342-67
Voting yes were 224 Republicans and
118 Democrats. Voting no were 1 Republican,
65 Democrats and 1 independent.
Voting "’present" 2 Democrats. An~X
denotes members who did not vote. There
is 1 vacancy in the 435-member House.
Rep. - Cobum, Y; Istook, Y; Largent, Y;
Lucas, Y; Watts, Y.
Dem. - Brewster, X.
Rep. - Dickey/X; Hutchinson, Y.
Dem.- Lambert-Lincoln,X; Thornton, X.
CUUC member, Jonathan Stanley, and
CUUC president, Betty Anne Davidson
noted that this UU congregation incorporates
values from all the major religious
traditions as wall as humanist and earthbased
traditions (Native American and
pagan). While Christian values are part of
that mix, they are not a "Christian" oriented
group. Currently the group is seeking
apart,time pastor and the services are
lead by lay people. Info: 749-0595
A Musical
A new musical c~
sprinkled with witty
individual stories of life partne~
who have lost loved
August 15-18 (S
John H. Williams Theatre
Tickets: $10 Benefits The
Ca]]: 596-7111
Presented by Friends oJ
junction with SummerStage Fest
in part bya grantfrom the Tulsa Performing Arts Center Trust.
Saturday, July 20, 10 am- 5 pm
Sunday, July 21, noon- 5 pm
New Selection of Gardens with a Variety of Settings
Tickets $7 Call 749-7898
Proceeds will benefit Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.,
a United Way Agency for persons affected by HIV/AIDS
Agape’ Christian
Service, 10:30 am & 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11" am
2627b East llth 583-7815
Community of Hope
(United Methodis0
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
Family of F~iith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15 :
Worship Service, 11 am ¯
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
¯ HIV Testing
¯ TOHR Clinic
¯ Free & anonymous testing
¯¯ using fingerstick method.
No appointment required.
¯ Walk in testing: 7-8:30 pm
¯ Results hours: 7-9 pm
¯ Info: 742-2927
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
: Mixed Volleyball for
¯ Fun & Competition ¯
Helmerich Park, 6:30 pm
¯ 71st & Riverside
¯ Info: 587-6557
: Support Group
¯ 2nd Mon. of month
6:30 pro, 4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
TOHR Helpline
¯ Daily 8-10 pm ¯
For info. or to volunteer:
¯ The Technicians, Leather
¯ org., Info c/o 621-5597
. T.U.L,S~4. Tulsa Uniform
¯ & Leather-Seekers Assoc.
¯ Info: 838-1222
: HIV+ Support Group
¯¯ HIV Resource Consortium
1:30 pm
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
Info: Wanda @ 749-4194
¯ Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
¯ &
Friends & Family
¯¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group
7 pm, call for location:
Alternative Skating
8:30 - 11 pm, 241-2282
$4, Sand Springs Skate
Grief Group
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
Agape’ Christian
Service, 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
¯ 21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
¯ Bless The Lord At All ¯
Times Christian Center
¯ 16-Step Empowerment ¯
¯ Group For Women
: Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Co-Dependency .
Support Group ¯
: 7:30, Family of Faith MCC "
: Prayer & Bible Study ." 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
7:30 pm 2627-B East 1 lth ¯
Call 583-7815 for info.
Family Of Faith MCC
Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
Choir Practice 7:30 pm
5451-E South Mingo.
Call 622-1441 for info.
: Community of Hope
¯ (United Methodist)
: Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
¯ Bible Study, 7 pm ¯
1703 E. 2nd, 585-1800
¯ Tulsa Native American
AIDS Prevention Project ¯
Support group
¯ for Gay &Bi Native
¯ American Men, 6 pm
at Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E. 2nd
¯ 582-7225 or 584-4983
¯ HIVTestingTOHRClinic
¯ Walkin testing: 7 - 8:30 pm ¯
Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
¯ Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
¯ Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
¯ LoWs 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
¯ 1 st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
¯ Alternatives
Weekly social events for
¯ LGBT men & women, 7 pm
¯ Info: 646-5503
¯ Substance Abuse
¯ Support Group
: for persons with HIV/A1DS
¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. G
¯ 3-4:30 pm, Info: 749-4194
st. Jerome’s Church
Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
Info: bather Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
¯ Meets weekly at 11 pm
: Confidential support for
¯ recovering addicts. ¯
Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E.2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: 748-3111
Gay & Lesbian Student
¯ Association
¯ TJC Southeast Campus,
Info: 631-7632
SWAN-Single Women’s
Activity Network
Call 832-2121
JULY 19 - 21
AIDS’Mastery Workshop in oKc
Info: Betsy Jo Murphy, 584-2325
In Sept., an AIDS Mastery in Tulsa.
4th Annual Shanti-.Tulsa
Water Garden Tour
The garden at Our House, Quaker near
13th St., is on the tour. You can begin
there and get the addresses for other
sites. Info: 749-7898
What the Bible Does (and Doesn’t)
Say About Homosexuality
FamilyofFaith MCC
9 week class at 9:15 am, 5451-E S. Mingo
Call to verify date: 622-1441
Christmas in July
Family! ofFaith MCC
1-3:30 pro, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
Community ofHope Service &
Dialogue on Capital Punishment
6 pm, Community of Hope
1703 E. 2rid, Info: 585-1800
LocalMotion Foundation, 6th Annual
Contemporary Dance Festival ~
John H;Williams Theater
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
$10, Info: 596-7111
Rainbow Business Guild
Dinnner Meeting
7 pm, Pizzeria Uno
Eaton Square, 61st & Memorial
Dinner!~10,Info: 665-5174 " "
¯ Safe Haven Young Adults Meeting
Contact Family of Faith MCC
: 5451-ES. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
Family ofFaith MCCPotluck Dinner
Service, 11 am
5451-E S. Mingo, Info: 622-1441
AUGUST 5, 6 & 8
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Volunteer Training
5:30-9pm, Trinity Episcopal Church
501 So. Cincinnati, Info: 749-4195
TOHR Pool Party
Call for details. Info: 743-4297
Family AIDS Support Group, 6:30 pm
Social andRefreshments, 7 pm
General Meeii~g; 7:30 pm
4154 S. Harvard~ Info: 749-4901
Durer toMarius’:Muster Drawings
fronvthe Nelsod:Atkins Museum ofArt
Philbrook Museum of Art
2727 So. Rockford Road, Info: 749-7941
¯ AUGUST 15-17, 8 pm
: AUGUST 18, 2 pm
: QUILT, A Musical Celebration
¯ John H. Williams:Theater ¯
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
¯ $10, Info: 596-7111
: Feast with Friends Benefit
¯ Start planning noW! Info: 748-3111
AIDS Memorial Quilt
: Since its last showing in Washington,
: morial Quilt will have doubled in size,
¯ and the need for volunteers has grown ¯
accordingly. Petrie Dolph of Houston, is
." seeking 1500 volunteers from the Central
¯ Region (which includes Oklahoma) to
¯ help as Quilt monitors, site guides, merchandise/
sales, set-up, first aid, education
¯ and more.
." The Quilt willbe on display on Oct. 11-
.. 13 on the National Mall before the Capi-
¯ tol. It’s estimated that more than 750,000
: visitors,including50,000schoolchildren,
¯ will march on over 26 miles of walkway
: fabric to see 45,000 memorial panels and
: to hear70,000names read-more than are
¯ carved into the nearby Vietnam Memo-
. rial.
¯" Contact Pen’ieDolph, Central Region
: Volunteer Chairperson at 713-729-9662,
: or write to4309 Sfillbrooke Dr., Houston,
¯ "IX 77035.
¯ Regional AIDS
." Interfaith Network
: Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
: (RAIN) is seeking applicants for its vol-
¯ unteer co-ordinator position. This job in-
’ eludes staff support to 250+ volunteers.
¯ The ideal candidate will have demon-
. strated ability and experience in working
¯ with volunteer care andprogram develop-
: ment in the context fo a compassionate,
~ non-judgemental, faith-based response to
¯ HIV/AIDS. Hours include some daytime
for staff meetings and coordination, but
: primarily evening.and weekends. For in-
. formation or to submit aletter of interest
and resume, contact Kathy Bird, RAIN,
4154 So. Harvard, Suite H- 1, Tulsa 74135,
voice: 749-4195, fax: 749-4213.
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Interfaith AIDS Miuistries is forming a
"Spirituality&HIV/AIDS" supportgroup.
This will be a place whereparticipants can
explore and share their personal spirituality
as well as the relationship between
their spirituality and living with HIV/
AIDS. The focus will be on individual
spirituality, not any parti.cular organized
religion. No attempts to influence, convert,
or proselytize participants will be
IAM is also seeking volunteers to help
with the 2nd Street Carnival Benefit to be
held on Sept. 21st at Southminster Presbyterian
For information, cal! Richard Reeder at
663-5372 or Diane Zike at 438-2437.
Living Well! - An Exploration
of Healthy Living Options
The HIV Resource Consortium has
started a new group called "Living Well!
- An Exploration of Healthy Living Options".
This educational group to promote
wellness and healthy living is for persons
affected by HIV/AIDS,including anyone
living with HIV or AIDS, partners/
caregivers/friends/family of those living
with HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS providers,
The group meets on Wednesdays from
6:30 - 8:30 pm at The Gathering Place,
4154 So. Harvard, Suite G. Topics will
rangefrom "Eating for Health", "Anxiety
Reduction" to "Strategies for Staying
Calm & Healthy". There is no cost. For
more information, call 749-4194.
5 Summit
Eureka Springs
AR 72632
Bed & Breakfast
Area l~eservation &Information Service
"Like going to Grandma’s"
¯ Gay-owned in the Historic
District. We offer traditional B&B
a Romantic Jacuzzi Suite & a
private cottage on the grounds.
¯ Booking for Eureka’s Finest Gay,
friendly establishments
¯ Walk or ride trolley to town.
Reservations - Brochures -Information
800-- 253 - 1468, x882
Local: 501 - 253 - 7468
Your Host: Fred A. Janney
Geek to Go!
The PC Specialist, 501.253.2776
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Systems & S~oftware Specialist
POB 429, Eureka Springs 72632
Books, Incense,
Candles and Rainbows]
Plus lots more!
(501) 253,5445
45&1/2 Spring Street
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
ofEureka Springs
Recommended by
The New York Times
(501) 253-6807, Closed Wednesday
5 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Gay-owned, Operated & Rainbow Proud
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Eureka Springs has been a happening
place this Summer, and there appears to
be no abatement in sight! The end ofMay
saw the annual Blues Festival, and though
this is not specifically a
we turned out in droves.
Music continues, as it
the Ozarks, through July
20th with Opera in the
Ozarks at the Inspiration
Point Fine Arts Colony.
Commonly referred to as
Opera Boot Camp, the
annual opera season is a
gruelling one for the performers.
All practices and
performances are staged
outdoors, and it’s a sight
(and sound) to behold for
- folks of all orientations.
This year’s season features
La Bohome by
Puccini, Don Giovanni by Mozart, and
Die Fledermaus by Straus. All are fullystaged
orchestra productions and. wall
worth a trip to Eureka Springs - for an
evening of opera, and a few days to enjoy
the rest of what Eureka has to offer.
For reservations and information about
Opera in the Ozarks, call the Inspiration
Point Fine Arts Colony at 501-253-8595.
If Jazz is more to your liking, you will
be happy to hear the 12th Annual Eureka
Springs Jazz Festival is approaching with
due speed. This year’s Jazz Festival will
be held from September 19-22, and there
will be music all over town. Featured
performers will be Stanley Turrentineand
Abroad Aladeen & the Deans of Swing
with.concerts heldon Friday and Saturday
evemngs at the Historic Eureka Springs
City Auditorium.
This year’s JazzFest will also feature
nightly parties sponsored by the Eureka
Springs Jazz Society in the Basin Park
Ballroom. JezzFest performers will also
entertain at the Jazz parties.
The Jazz Festival hotline is 501-253-
6258. Call early to reserve tickets for the
concerts as they are one of the hottest
tickets of the season, & they sell out q ck y.
Queer Eureka has had several shots in
the arm this Summer, and the community
has been very active in event organizing.
On June 23rd, there was a Tea Dance and
AGLTF (Arkansas Gay & Lesbian Task
Force) membership drive held at Center
Street South. It was a celebration of pride
lesbigay event,
always does in
Music continues
ret~erred to as
Ope.a Boot Camp,
the .annual o~.era season
IS a ~ruell~n~ one
¯ and a chance to take a break from a hectic
¯¯ Summer, an opportunity to kick back and
relax with friends.
¯ Coming up at the end of July - the
: weekend of the 26th - there will be a
¯ camping weekend held at Lake Leather-
" .wood Park sponsored by AGLTF. All are
¯ invited to attend. Comeprepared to spend
a weekend in the fun and
sun of the Ozarks with
friends. You’ll be glad
you did.
Also coming up is the
annual Eureka Springs
.Gay Family Reunion, held
m September at Beaver
Dam Site Park. This event
offers an opportunity to
share in the community
spiritofEureka’s lesbigay
population. Food, fun,
games, and a chance to
¯ meet new friends are a
hallmark of this event. Stay tuned for date
¯ and time.
: And, anytime is a good time to visit and
¯ enjoy the beauty Eureka Springs has to
offer. There aremany t’melesbigay-owned
¯ shops and lodging facilities to visit, and ¯
lots of area attractions worthy of note.
¯ One absolute must-do when in our little
¯ utopia is a visit to the Emerald Rainbow. ¯
Linda and MC always have some kind of
¯ reader scheduled on the weekends, and
: there is a weekend of aura photography
planned for the same weekend as the
¯ AGLTF camping extravaganza. For in-
" formation on the schedule of events at the
: Emerald Rainbow, call 501-253-5445 or
¯ email: emrain@rog.ar.ispnet.com. ¯
Jim and Brent’s Bistro holds Famil~
¯ Night the first Thursday of every month.
¯ The restaurant is closed to the public, and
¯ it’ s amuch-anticipatedmonthlyeventwith ¯
good food and good friends. A portion of "
: the proceeds from each Bistro Family
: Night goes toward some worthy lesbigay
¯ cause, usually a different one each month.
When you plan your trip to Eureka
¯ Springs, be sure to check out all the finest
¯" lodgingavailable. You canview thefinest
in Eureka Springs lodging, and all kinds
ofrelatedbusinesses andevents on-lineat
¯ http://www.eureka-usa.com/
¯ And, Positive Idea Marketing Plans al-
¯ ways has the inside line on where to stay,
¯ what to do, who to see. Send E-mail to
¯ emerald@intellinet.com or Call PIMP at ¯
¯ 501-253-2401. Join us in Eureka Springs.
You may never want to leave!
A World of Thanks!
r(Mcl lun0 alty, Inc.
to Joe McClung & R.J. Jenkins
on the sale of our lakefront home and
the purchase_of our dream home¯
We appreciate you!
Billie Hadley & Connie Swadick
Reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
Of all the topics surrounding the gay
fights movement, one of the most contentious
is the role of religion, not only in
public law, but in the
lives of individuals.
Most people are exposed
to some sort of
during their upbringing.
those early teachings
with the realities that
arisein adolescence and
adulthood is the focus
of Wrestling with the
Twenty-one well
known gay men from
various religious backgrounds
have contributed
very blunt and entertaining
short essays
about how religion has
impacted their lives.
Contributors include
National Public Radio reporter Frank
Browning, authors Andrew H~lleran and
Brad Gooch and former bishop Antonio
Feliz, They span the religious spectrum
from Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, Mormon
and Jewish to Hindu mad Muslim.
Poet Kevin Killian presents an interesting
history of growing up in ahigh school
staffed,by Franciscans. He, and some of
¯ the staff, realized his orientation only af-.
: tez it became clear that, while other boys
¯ were listening to and comparing scandal-
: ous rock songs, Kevin found musical poetry
in the original cast album of My Fair
resource ~or ~ay
men want:~n~ to
come to terms
wlth tladr past,
present, religious
identi ieatlon.
by James Christjohn ".
When,] first heard that.Disney was,,
adapting q’heHunchbackofNotreDame "
and saw the previews shown last year, I :
thought they were nuts. How,I wondered,
could they adapt this particularly tragic :
story into a cartoon, and a musical one to "
boot? Big mistake, I thought. Well, I was :
able to see it the other night, and it was
wonderful. It had an especially relevant "
message: that it is a mistake to judge "
others on the basis of looks or on the basis ¯
of stereotypes. Itmadeaninteresting statement
about power and religion, religious ’
fanatics, and those who, instead of deal- "
ing with their own issues, project those ¯
issues onto others and persecute them. ¯
Theplotrevolves aroundFrollo. a"min- "
ister of (in)justice", who is out to rid Paris
of all sin and evildoers. Chief among
those who are the cause of evil are the
gypsies. In the process of persecuting
these unfortunate folk, he accidentally
kills a gypsy woman and is about to kill
her misshapen child. Akindly priest stops
him, and Frollo raises the child in hopes
Quasimodo (hterally, half-formed) will
be "of use" to him. One condition: Quasi
is to be kept hidden - in the ball tower of
Notre Dame. On a festival day, the"Feast
of Fools", he sneaks out to see what it’s
like to be free. He is crowned the king of
fools, and when the crowd realizes he’s
not wearing a mask, is ridiculed. The
gypsy, Esmerelda helps him, despite
Frollo s insistence that the ridicule go on,
to "teach a lesson" to Quasi. Esmerelda
defies and makes a fool of Frollo, who
then decides to bum down Paris until he
finds her. Also thrown into all this is his
In Lev Raphael’ s entry,
To be a Jew, he
remembers reading a
"notorious homobashing
essay" in the
Jewishmagazine Commentary,
opposite effect onhim.
Instead of steering him
away from the Fire Island
lifestyle, it drew
him in and he found it
Wrestling with the
Angel is a beneficial
resource for gay men
wanting to come to
terms with their past,
and present, religious
identification. Reading
these experiences
makes it clear that,
: whatever your religious dilemma, you are
¯ following in the footsteps of others whose
~ stories may be able to bring comfort and
: consolation.
Check for this rifle, and others on simi-
: lar topics, at your local branch library, or
: call the Readers Services department of
~ the Central Library at 596-7966.
desire that Esmerelda be his - or die. He
justifies his actions by blaming her for his
desires and sin. Sound familiar? Well,
needless to say, it is a film with a timely
There are many characters (Falwell,
Robertson, Swaggart, Dobson, Roberts,
Jan and Paul Crouch) in real life that are
interchangeable with Frollo and his attitudes.
And how timely a film, seeing as
the Baptists are boycotting Disney because
of the fact that Disney provides
benefits to same sex partners. Who do
these folks think wrote and made Beauty
& the Beast, Aladdin, Little Mermaid, to
name a few? And probably every Disney
endeavor that needed creativity and art to
be realized? Anyway, I digress. Write
letters of support to Disney, for their gayfriendly
policies, and for this film. Everyone
should see it.
As a gaymanwho was persecuted from
2rid to 10th grade for being different, I
could easily rdate to Quasimodo. I was
called ahomobefore I everknew what the
word meant, and I was a rather fat, un-
¯¯ sightly child during adolescence. Every
day at school was like Quasimodo’s day
¯ on the square for me. I think some, if not
¯ most gay folk can relate to that feeling.
¯ While the relationships portrayed in the ¯
film are heterosexual, I think enough
¯ "asides" get through to be relevant to our
Thecastperforms excellently, wxthTom
: HulcemakingQuasimodoapoignant char-
¯ acter,handledwithmuch sensitivity- Judge
Frollo is easily the most evil Disney vii-
" lain ever to grace the screen. Tony Jay’s
¯ see Notes, page 14
Santa Clara
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Sun, 12-4
Sunday Services, 10:30 am & 6 pm
Wednesday Service, 7 pm
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Funeral Home
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At Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home, you and
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Our journey through life should be done with
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by Jean-Pierre, TFN Food Critic
Longtime residents will recall times
enjoyed in one of Tulsa’s old movie palaces,
The Brook, at 34th and Peoria, right
next door to the old Lewis Meyer Bookstore,
and across the
street from the infamous
This location sat
empty and unused for
years until recently,
when the late Mr.
Meyer was unceremoniously
and a complete rehab
of the premises.took
place. From the remains
emerged a
bank owned by the
Wal-Martpeople and
anew bar and restaurant
which took the
name of the old
movie house.
From the day itfirst
opened this establishment
has packed in
the crowds, and on a
busy night, expect a
long wait for a table.
The main door on
34th Streetis situated
in such a way that the
diner gets the impression
he is being ushered
in through back
door of the bar and
past the service area
by the kitcher~, be-
,fore enteringthe din-
~ng areas. Along the
w.ay, one passes a big
p~ece of machinery
that seems to be either
clutter or just in
theway, butoncloser Atmosphere: Casual
inspection, it turns
out to the old film
projector from the Prices: Inexpensive
theatre. The restanrant
space has been
completely redone, l’~ on-smol~lng section
and now the decor is
averycleanandmod- All major credit cards
ern nod to art deco
themes, with the
walls lined with Reeommendatlon: cheap reproductions
of oldmovie posters.
Diners are seated C llst in large booths, and
find small menus on
the tables. First time diners almost always ¯
make the same error. Mistaking the table ¯
menus for a bar menu or selection of late "
night offerings, they ask for "the" menu. ¯
Well, folks, there is only one. ¯
The menu centers around sandwiches, "
mostly burgers. There are also several ¯
entree salads ($4.50-6.95),nachos ($6.75),
quesadillas ($5.95), fried mushrooms ."
($3.75), &a couple of simple pastaprepa- ¯
rations ($4.95-6.95). A Mexican shrimp
cocktail (peel and eat served with pico di "
gallo, $6.25) and a shrimp en brochette "
(six skewered and broiled shrimp, $6.95) ¯
round out the menu. That’s it. ¯
Of course, the main attraction of the "
Brookis the bar, which takes up abouthalf "
of the total space. Drink prices are moder- ¯
ate, and size and pour are average. Many
people take advantage of the large side- "
The Brook
3401 South Peoria
... Well, the food
wasn’t ~reat, but at
least if was cl~eap.
eompIMnt was the
service (or relatlre
On every Gsit
to the Broob, th;s
has been a
s m;lar re/rain...
Hours: llam to 2 am
Mon. through Sat. &
until 11 p.m. Sundays
Bar with restaurant
walk cafe, When more than a few people
¯ are in the bar, it gets very loud and noisy. ¯
On a recent visit to the Brook, we tried
." the parmesan chicken salad ($6.25), a
¯ seattering ofdeep fried, parmesan cheeseencrusted
chunks on a nondescript
bed of lettuce,
which was surprisingly
tasteless. Our
companion tried a
basicburger andfries
($4.35). Even
though ordered medium
well, the burger
was quite dry and
lacking in flavor.
The fries, made with .....
the skins on, were
slightly undercooked,
and we later
amused ourselves by
watching the grease
drip and pool on the
Well, the food
wasn’t great, but at
least 1I was cheap.
Our biggest complaint
was the service
(or relative lack
thereof). On every
visit to the Brook,
this has been a similar
refrain. The waitresses
are less than
attentive, and can
often be seen congregated
in the service
area chatting
with one another. -...=
Management seems
to have adopted a
policy of the nearest
available waitress
handling any of the
diners’ needs,
whether that be seating,
ordering, bringing
food to the table,
or refilling water
glasses, but it has
taken the unfortunate
turn of none of the
staff feeling responsibility
for any ofthe
On our last visit,
we heard the short
order cook ring the
bell and shout, "Order
up!" when a
couple of plates were put in the service
window. A few rmnutes later, we heard
him repeathis announcement with a stronger
sense of urgency. Still, the waitresses
chatted in the bar. Finally, a few minutes
later, he stuck his head out and shouted,
"Hel-lo! There’s hot food in the window!"
Finally, a waitress reluctantly
ambled over to deliver the meal.
It is difficult to understand why this
restaurant continues to pack in the people,
night after night. It isn’t the food, and it
certainly isn’t the service. Perhaps its the
late night hours and the fact the kitchen ~.
stays open. But, when you are bored with
the dancers at Concessions, this is the
place to go for that midnight refueling
Just don’t expect much, and you won’t
be disappointed.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional
word is 25 cents. Youmay
bring additional attention to
your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1
Ad in capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2
Ad in box - $2
Ad reversed - $3
Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count
the number of words. (A word for our
purposes is a group of letters or
"numbers separated by a space.)
Send your ad & payment to POB
4140, Tulsa, OK 74159 with your
name, complete address, day &
eve. numbers (for our records only).
Ads will run in the next issue after
they are received.
TFN reserves the right to edit or
refuse any ad. No refunds.
Coffee & conversation?
Attractive 30’s GM seeking similar
(or extra cool bi-guy) for coffee &
conversation. Friendship can stimulate
mind, body & soul. Appreciate healthy
attitudes about life, work, etc.
Interested? Tell me about yourself.
Write to: #20
c/o TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
dulcet tones provide much of the dark
colorings that send chills downyour spine.
Heidi Mollenhauer provides Esmerelda’s
singing voice, and turns "God Help The
Outcasts" into a showstopper. Her contribution
is outstanding and I predict we’ll
hear much more from this Broadway star.
Seinfeld’s Jason Alexander is pleasantly
obnoxious as the Gargoyle Hugo, Mary
Wickes, a familiar voice and face to TV
and Films lends a more common sense
touch to Laveme, the more pragmatic ofthe
three gargoyles who have befriended
Quasi in his prison. This fill marks her
last performance, as she died shortly hefore
its release. Rounding out the trio,
Murphy Brown’s staid Charles
Kimbrough lends his voice and physique
to Victor, the gargoyle least likely to take
any chances. Look out for a tribute to the
Wizard Of Oz, and tell me, just try to tell
me, that a gay man was not involved in
that sequence. The music is well written,
and if you buy the soundtrack, you get a
song called "God Hdp The Outcasts"
sung by Bette Midler. It is worth having
for that song alone, whichis a showstopper
in the fill. The score is more along the
lines of a traditional musical than recent
cartoons, which is refreshing - the songs
further the plot nicely and reveal info
about the characters, rather than give you
the feeling that "Ok, this is the requisite
’hit’ pop song." Seven stars on a scale of
On the local scene, BACPis gearing up
for theupcoming production of’‘Taffeta",
a ’50’s musical’.revue. It is scheduled to
run from September 13-22. It will be
followed by "Greetings", a comedy about
thenature of earthly reality. Quitefrankly,
earthly reality is something I have always
found to be extremely comical. Take the
existence of Steve Largent- please! (with
him, you have to laugh. It’s better than
crying. Besides, most jokes don’t last
forever. Neither can he.) "Greetings" runs
Close to downtown
with full bath and use of kitchen.
Phone: 918-587
References required.
Write to: #21
c/o TFN, POB 4140
Tulsa, OK 74159
from November 8-17.
"Greetings", which has to be funnier
than Steve Largent, will be followed by
"Babes inToyland’, December6-15. February
brings us "Laundry & Bourbon"
(Actually, I always have laund~" to do.) &
"Lone Star State, 2hilarious one-act shows
that form a full length production. They
explore the ratherridiculous lives of small
town Texas. "The Heiress", now playing
on Broadway, begins her sojourn in BrokenAl"
row April4-13; and"Gypsy" comes
to town shortly after. A season of fun for
all! As for Halloween, "Black Comedy"
and "Sorry, Wrong Number" will be performed
in honor of the holiday For more
info call 258-0077.
The localmotion Foundation will
present the 6th annual Contemporary
Dance Feslival as part of the Summerstage
Festival at the PAC. Many eclectic forms
of Dance will be performed. An event not
to be missed! Performances are July 26-
27,Spmin theJohnHWilliams Theatre of
the PAC. Tix are $10, $8 for students
(Yay!) and Localmotion members. For
reservations, call the PAC at 596-7111.
"QUILT: A Musical Celebration" indudes
stories for, from, & about the
NAMES PROJEC~AIDS Memorial quilt.
A poignant play with moments of comic
relief explores the individual life stories
of lifemates, parents, children and friends
who have lost loved ones to this insidious
disease. The play runs August 15-18 in
the John H Williams Theatre of the PAC.
Performances are at 8pm, except for 2pm
on Sunday. It is presented by Friends of
the Broken Arrow Community playhouse
in conjunction with Summerstage Festival
’96, which is sponsored in part by a
grant from the PAC trust. Proceeds from
Tickets are $10, and are available by calling
596-7111. From outside Tulsa, call 1-
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
Bl! &for, but not exclusive .
to the Lesbzan, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings:
7-8:30 pm for testing, 7-9 pm for results.
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
TOHR Tulsa Oklahomans
for Human Rights
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
Try new Blue Moon Beer at local
retailers and at yourfavorite club!
To respond to these
ads & browse others
Call: 1-900-786-4865
2] To record your FREE
Tulsa Family Personal ad
Call: 1-800-546-MENN
(We’ll print it here)
.3) To pick-up messages
from your existing ad
Call: the 900 number &
Press the star key (.)
Due to our large volume of calls,
if you can’t get thru, simply try
your call later.
900 blocked? Try !-800-863-9200.
Questions Call: 1-415-281-3183
ADVENTURE AWAITS I’m a 32 year old
White mole searching for new friends and
adventures. I like men 25 to 35 who are level
headed and drug free. Call me. (Tulsa)
MARRIED BUT BI I’m a Bi married White
male, 6’2, 1651bs, Brown hair, Brown eyes. I’m
interested in meeting men in my area. Call me.
(Oldahoma City) ~20196
CALL THIS BOY Are you tired of one night
stands? l am. I’m 26 years old, 6’1, 1751bs
Strawberry Blonde hair. Ca me. (Oklahoma
City) ~20373
CAN I INTEREST YOU? I’m 39 years old and
I’m leaking for someone to share interests w th."
Call me, (Oklahoma City) ~20442
{~r old professional looking for a hairy and
b/bear for fun. I like dining, am, antiques,
travel, and cuddling quietly athome. Call me.
(Oklahoma City) ~27949
Recording your ad:
Figure out what you want to say
before calling in. Write down what
you want to say. Keep it short and
simple. Just describe yourself and
what you’re looking for Our
computerized system will walk you
through the rest. Have a pen ready to
write down .your box number.
THE SOUND OF MUSIC I like music, the
outdoors, and companionship. I’m 28 years old
5’8, 1851bs, clean cut, sense of humor. I’m ’
looking for fun, [riendship, and a lot more. Call
me. (Tulsa) ~23316
THE REAL THING I’m looking for a b~
builder daddy. Please be 38 to 46, secure
handsome, built like a stallion, big bubble butt
romantic, and tea hot. I’m a handsome
professional with an awesome bubble butt. Call
me. I’m your man. (Tulsa) ~21903
I’WO IN TULSA We are looking to meet
singles or couples for fun and adventure. (Tulsa)
BI GUY I’m a 28 year old Bi male, 6fl, 180lbs,
Brown hair, Green eyes. Call me. (Tulsa)
DANNY BOY I’m 28 years old, 5’10, 180lbs.
I’m looking for men to get to know. Lets go out
and see what happens. Call me. (Tulsa)
TWO IN TULSA We are a Gay couple
looking to have fun with other couples or
singles. Call us. (Tulsa) ~’16779
CHIT CHAT CHUM I’m a Gay White male 32
years old, 6’2, 1701bs, Blonde hair, hairy ~n,
good looking. I’m looking for some hot phone
tun. Call me. (Tulsa) ~13858
17.5, brown hair masculine and discreet, good
ooking, non smoker, athletic, seeks other
inexperienced males, 21-30, for friendship and
possibly mare. (Tulsa) ~14178
TENNIS ANYONE? woman recen~ moved to Tulsa
seeks.tennis player 40 to 60 3.5 bvel [o~ weekly game
inTulsa. Ca~/me. (Tulsa] ~15341 .
HEY GIRLSI GWF, into all sports and more, seeks
others to hang out with. (Tulsa} ~48144
other fema es for {un. romance and more. Please leave
a message. (Tulsa) e27956
WOd~l TO I/~/O~N BiWF, 29, 5’3" 150
auburn hair, green ~es, s~s olhers who are honest
and sincere, I~al preferred, for a long lasting
friendship and relationship. (Jonesharo)
Viatication is the process through which a person
living with an terminal illness can receive a cashpayment
from the face value of their insurance policy.
Generally, to be eligible for a viatical settlement you
must have a documentable terminal illness, and life
insurance coverage in either an individual term, whole
life, or a group policy.
The value of your life insurance policy in a viatical
settlement is determined by the specifics of your policy
and your unique medical situation. Not every policy is
suitable for viatication, but settlement offers typically
range from 60% to 90% of a policy’s face value, depending
on the specifics of your policy and medical history.
With your written permission, we gather medical and
insurance records with which to determine your policy’s
value. Then, a settleumt offer is presented to you. You
may always decline the offer with no obligation whatsoever.
Should you accept the offer, payment is made
directly to you. Youpay nothing else on your policy, and
you owe us nothing.
Many factors influence whether viaticating your life
insurance is the best financial alternative available for
you. Southwest Viatical can discuss all of the factors with
you and your family in person, in detail and can recommend
an experienced Certified Financial Planner to assist
you in planning the best outcome from your unique
financial situation.
Today, many companies offer viatical settlements,
doing business only by bulk advertising and 1-800 numbers.
They transfer your insurance and medical records
by mail, and do business from another state.
At Southwest Vi’atical, we believe you should be assured
of complete confidentiality and the best possible
service by working with us in person, face-to-face. We
are involved on a commullity level, and are responsible
directly to our local community.
By working with you in person, but at the same time
having access to nationwide financial resources, we are
able to deliver the best value on your policy available
today. And because.of our established resources, we can
deliver a settlement in less than a third the time other
companies take by mail, typically in fewer than 30 days.
We’ll do what it takes
to find the best solution for you.
Come by our new officer.
Kelly Kirby
Oklahoma Representative
4021 South Harvard, Suite 210.
Tulsa, OK 74135
Home Office
Dallas, Texas
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/512.