[1996] Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 9
[1996] Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 9
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
August 15-September 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 9
James Christjohn
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leane Gross
Gerald Miller
Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Barry Hensley
Jean-Pierre Legrandbouche
Leane Gross
Gerald Miller
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, July 15-August 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 9
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Aug. 15-sept. 14,1996, vol. 3, no. 9
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Congressman Comes Out
WASHINGTON - Rep. Jim Kolbe, an Arizona Republican
and influential member of the House Banking
Committee has acknowledged that he is Gay.
Confronted with the prospect of an upcoming report
in The Advocate about his sexual orientation, Kolbe
beat the news magazine to the punch by coming out.
Kolbe, who has been a representative to C6ngress
since 1984 and has been a frequent GOP point-person
on the North American Free Trade Act and critic of
White House budget proposals, told the Arizona Daily
Star, "I think it’s unfortunate for our society that things
have to happen this way." But the 54-year-old Kolbe
added, "I’m the same p~rson I was yesterday, and I’ll
legislatejust the same way. This should b,e. as irrelevant
as the fact that Iambloe-eyed, right-handed &balding."
Theupcoming Advocate story reportedly was spurred
at least partly by Kolbe’s vote in July for the so-called
Defense of.Marriage Act (DOMA), which rights activists
had adamantly opposed. In late July, a collection.of
activists also took out a full-page ad in the Washington
Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign
(HRC), will give the keynote address for this year’s Black & White
Charities, Inc. Gala dinner fundraiser. Birch leads the Human Rights
Campaign which is the largest Lesbian and Gay political organization
in the US. Birch formerly was legal counsel for Apple Computer, Inc.
and also for Claris Corporation. Prior to joining Human Rights
Campaign, Birch served as co-chair of the Board of Directors of the
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). .
Over 260 patrons attended last year’s Gala at Philbrook Museum
and a comparable numberis expected to attend the Sept. 7 event at the
Downtown DoubleTree Hgtel. Over the years, Black & White Charities,
Inc. have raised and donated over $31,000 in grants to other local
charities. The HIV Resource Consortium will be the major recipient
of this year’s grant. The HIV RC helps to provide services to
"approximately 200 clients" with case management, transportation,
Another part of the program will be the presentation of the first
annual SWAN awards, ajoint program of PFLAG, parents, Families,
and Friends of Lesbians and Gays and Black & White Charities, Inc.
The awards will recognize individuals "who through action and
example, are helping to create a society see B & W, page 3
HOPE A New Namefor HIV Programs
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education is the new name for
an health program that began in the Gay community more than 14
years ago. Claudette Peterson, director of what was known as Tulsa
Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) HIV Testing Programs,
announced the new name along with program’s success in getting
funding for several critical new outreach programs.
Peterson noted that the program had received funding for a"rural"
HIV education outreach to "MSM’s" (men who have sex with men,
regardless if.they identify as Bi, Gay see HOPE, page 3
Blade ur,gi,’ng "closeted gay and lesb!an members of
Congress. to c0me out.. ,Headlined. ,~’A ,calL.to.. con~ ,.
science," the ad didn’t threaten to out any closeted : uommunity of Hope Speaks
members, butitwas the first timein5 years that closeted ¯
gays in Congress had become a national issue.
Kolbe is the fourth member of Congress to publicly
admit tobeing Gay - along with Reps. Gerry Studds, DMA,
Barney Frank,. D-MA & Steve Gunderson, R-WI.
Although Kolbe voted for DOMA, he also supports
benefits for same-sex partners, and last year voted to
keep the District of Columbia’s Domestic Partnership
Act that gives some benefits to the partners of district
employees. For Kolbe’s comments, see Kolbe, page 3
Military HIV Discharge
Provision Dropped
WASHINGTON -.A joint House-Senate conference
committeehas unceremoniously dropped a provision in
the 1997 defense authorization bill that would have
required the discharge of service personnel infected
with HIV.
The HIV discharge provision was included in the
House version of the $265.6 billion defense spending
measure by Rep. Bob Doman (R-Calif.), despite objections
of Pentagon officials. The Senate version of the
bill included no such amendment.
"Congress spoke on.this issue already when it repealed
Dornan’ s HIV discharge measure in April," said
Winnie Stachelberg, HRC’s’ legislative deputy. "Spite
and bigotry are th~ only conb,eivable rehsons why Bob
Dornan would have reintroduced this; measure after
seeing itresoundingly defeated."
Thejoint conference committee also :dropped a orovzszon
that would have topI~led the don t ask, don t
tell" policy in favor of an outright ban on Gays and
Lesbians in the armed forces.
Out In Sunday Tulsa World
¯ Community of Hope, a
: United Methodist congre-
¯¯ gation, took $1,650 advertisement
in The Sunday
¯ Tulsa Woddto speak out
¯ as a Christian community ¯
of faith "to call all Chris-
" tians to stop using hateful
¯ language" against Lesbi-
: ans and Gay men (see ad to
¯ right). The ad specifically
: cites the language used by
¯ members" of Congress in
¯ recent debates on the"De-
: fense of Marriage Act"
¯ which was co-sponsored
¯ by Tulsa Rep. Steve
Largent and overwhelm-
" ingly supported by
¯ Oklahoma’s House mere-
¯ bers.
! Acc°rdmg to a statemen=t
¯ gee Ad, p. 11
¯ Elizabeth Birch, former counsel for Apple,
now leads DC’s Human Rights Campaign.
Coming Soon!
Womens Supper Club
RBG Business Fair
Gay Comedy Jam
Feast With Friends
IAM Street Carnival
RBG Lake Retreat
see Coming, page 11
¯ audience with,over 400 attending on, two nights~. , ¯
: The largest grant ($3,500) went to,the HIV Resource consortium, " ¯
the second largest ($2,500) to the Medication Fund Of the Visiting "
¯ Nurse Association and grants of $1,500 went to Interfaith AIDS
¯ Ministries AIDS information line, Shanti=Tulsa Storehouse, Our " ¯
House, Regional AIDS Interfaith Network, see Follies, page 11 "
Sid Spenser
Singer Dies Unexpectedly
¯ : , " 1 and died ~’n hospital, see Sp
¯ Follies ReVue Beneficiaries i ’ ’ "
~ Follies Revue, Inc. has announced,the.distrib~tti0n ,of net proceeds
t.rom its annu,gl, fundrais~ng peffom!,ance. Thislyear s event raised 4
$14,000 to hel~ l~d agencies that p~ovide direr support t~ persons.,~
~AL~.Err~I~S/DIR~TO~Y p. ¯ liviongwithAIDS orvHIV ipfe~tion. Fedllies Revoe~ Irnc. has rais.ed ¯ ... . -- . . . ., . :! NEWS’BRIEFS ! $115,000 m its ezght years of servzce. This year s event which was . ,
P. 4
: hdd at the Doubletree Hotel, Warre~ Place attracted the largest ever " HEAL’rI~ BRIEFS i P. fi
Many Gay Oklahomans were surprised and
shocked by the news of the death in July of
native singer, Sid Spencer, from complications
fromAIDS in Calgary, Canada. Spencer,
who performed regularly in Tulsa at the Silver
Star Saloon, was performing Ot the Alberta
Gay Rodeo. He was,~tficken wi,lh pneumoma
P. 11
P. 12
P. 13
P, 15
918.583.1248 Publisher/Editor, Tom Neal
POB 4140 Assistant Editor, James Christjohn
Tulsa, Oklahoma Phyl Boier-Schmidt
74159-0140 Barry Hensley
Jean=Pierre Legraridbouche
Leanne Gross
TulsaNews@aol.com Gerald Miller
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property_of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent tO the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Last December, I decided to take on an impossible project. I
knew it was impossible from the outset, but I was determined to
be a.voice of reason inthe midst of many voices of confusion.
What, you ask, am i talking about?
With the brutal murders of Roxanne and Michelle, two lesbian
activists in Oregon,my sense ofneeding to do something tobring
the warring parties over lesbigay civil rights to the same tablewas
literally pushed over the edge. I just had to do something. So, I
decided to begin a dialogue on an Internet’.newsgroup called
What I wanted to accomplish was nothing different than
lesbigay civil rights activists have been working toward since the
beginning of our movement. I wanted Christian fundamentalists
(and everyone else for that matter) to begin to see us as human
beings, to stop villifying us insearch of political advancement, to
STOP the violence.
Knowing full well I am only one person, see Enemy, page 3
by G. Miller. M_4.
Peoplehavekiddedmefor along-time about having an answer
for every problem or situation. But it occurred to me lately that
what I see as common sense answers are somehow often overlooked
by other people. So the following is a beginning set of
things for the reader to consider in terms of how to make your
daily life less complex and run more smoothly.
1. Don’t go where you are not wanted! Sounds simple and it is.
If there are places or people who go out of their way to make you
to less than comfortabl~, DON’T GO THERE. DOn’t go to
businesses which treat you or your friends badly.
2. Stay away frompeoplewho try to make your life miserablet
That includes, parents, siblings, or any form of relative. This also
includes associates of friends, or coworkers in your work place.
That’s right, COWORKERS. You may have to be around them
to work but otherwise steer dear whenever possible.
3. Don’t say you’ll do something when you reall~ don’t want
to do it! I used to make myself see Life, page 3
Tulsa Clu~)s & Restaurants
*Concessious, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 263OE. 15th
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside.Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
*Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 7434117
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
DOn. Carlton Mitsubishi & Honda 665-6595, 622-3636
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria 743-9994
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation 690-2974
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria 584-4606
*International Tours 341-6866
JD Images, Photography 621-5597
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
~ 742-i992
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate 671-2010
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720e E. 31st 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations 743-2351
Southwest Viatical 747-3322
SurfPuppy Multimedia 743-7872
.............. Thomas Chiropractic Clinic
4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C,1 742-8868
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
Tulsa Organizations, Churohes, & Untv~silies
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
2627B E. 11
*B/L/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr.
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*CommtmityofHope United Methodist, 1703 E. 2rid
(Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians)
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo
*Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location&info:
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Organization (African-Amer. men)
POB 8542, 74101 4254905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983
: Interfaith AIDS Ministries - 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
: *HIV Resource Consortium
: 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 7494194
; NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
," PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 7494901
¯ Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
i R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 7494195
_Rai~nbow B,usiness Guild, POB 4106, 74159. 665-5174
St. Jerome s~-C~tlirlic Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 646-7116
¯ *Shanti Hotline 749-7898
¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR)
POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine 0nfo.) 7434297
¯ Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
: T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
: *University Center at Tulsa
¯ Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy 23 South 501-253-7734
¯" Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. ofDam Hwy. 187 501-253-6154
". *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
." DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
¯ *Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
; Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
: Heart of the Hills Bed & Breakfast & Reservation Service
¯ 501-253-7468, 800-253-7468, x882
! King’sHi-Way,96King.sHighway,Hwy.62W 800-231-1442
¯ _M~C~Q~o.~[ the Living Spring 501-253-9337
: McClung Realtors 501-253-9682
." Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-253-2401
¯ Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659 800-624-6646
¯" Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
." The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-828_1.
Carbon Copy
editors, The Tulsa Worm
Why are we afraid .of same-sex marriage?
Is it change? Without change, we
can not grow. Why are we afraid of anyone
or anything that is differentfromus or
our views.’? what would the world be like
if we were all the same?
Marriageis acommitmentbetweentwo
people who love one another. Single-parent
homes, illegitimate children, abusive
spouses, alcoholism, joblessness and
multiple marriages are aspects that are
tearing the family and marriage apart.
Please tell me where same-sex mamage
will destroy the institutions of marriage
and family. And is it wrong for a married
see Eetters, page 3
Rev. Nancy J. Horvath M. Div., Pastor
9:15 am Christian Education
11:00 am Worship Service.
6:30 pm Midweek Service
7:30 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm Codependency
Support Group
5451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa~ OK ¯ 74146
(918) 622-1441
why I decided to take on the Promise
Keepers is Something I really can’t explain.
I just needed to do something.
My experiencepleasantly surprisedme.
And, I’d like to share this experience with
you because I think if it worked once, it
can work again.Ifmore of us step out and
try to communicate with those we perceive
as the enemy, perhaps we will make
a difference, if not for our generation, at
least for those that follow.
My original note posted was entitled
Opinions on Hate Speech. In it, I asked
these simple questions, after outlining the
events that had transpired in Oregon:
"What are your feelings about this? Can
you see why gays and lesbians are horrified
when those among you villify us, call
us child molesters, say that God hates us,
and use other extremely derogatory terminology
to describe who we are? Isn’t
there some other way to disagree on the
subject ofcivil rights legislation?Canyou
see why somein yourmovementmightbe
resp°nsiblealruenasdtyablef°r incitingpeople ~loe~eC~l~l~’~
for someone to hurt anyway? Isn’t there
another alternative?"
The immediate response by o~er 20
men who frequent the newsgroup was a
defensive knee-jerk reaction. They accusedme
of trying to blame Christians for
everything. They toldme that a crime had
been committed, and it didn’t matter if it
was brought about by hatred of gays and
lesbians. They tried every conceivable
way to convince me that it had nothing
whatsoever to do with their faith. It was
only one unstablemancommitting a crime
see Enemy, page 7
¯ sued by Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) on his
". announcement that he is Gay:
: ’q’wenty years ago, when I first sought
¯ public office, I made a decision that my
: commitment to civic involvement would
: mean my public life would have to come
: ahead of my personal and private life.
¯ I have, in the intervening 20 years,
: sought to fulfillmypublicresponsibilifies
¯ in a manner that benefits all those I have
:. represented in either the Arizona Legisla-
¯ ture or in Congress. I will continue that
: commitment as long as I am in public
: Service. Ilookbackon whatlhaveaccom-
: proud of the record I have compiled.
: NAFTA was the capstone of this vision. I
¯. have fought to lower the crushing tax
¯ burden on our families by reducing taxes.
: I have worked for six years as a member
_" of the budget committee to achieve a
¯. balanced budget so we can relieve our
¯ children of the burden of a crushing na-
: tional debt. I have worked to keep
: Arizona’s reputation as the astronomy
i cOatapdivtaanlces intheawssourrlidngbaystrwonilolmgyotnheaWtforward
: here. I have argued and won funds to
: protect our natural heritage, including the
¯ "expansion of Saguaro National Park. And
: justthis weekweachievedthemostsweep-
: ing, most important reform of welfare in
: decades. There is, of course, much more
¯ but this is a record I believe I can point to
: with justifi-able pride.
The following ts a press statement is-
¯. [ am just as proud of my record in the
¯ area ofhumanrights andindividual right.s.
: I abhor and vigorously oppose discrinu-
: nation in the workplace based on race,
¯ religion, gender, or sexual orientation -
." any treatment that is not based on merit. I
: foug.h,t to repeal thepr.ovision inlaw which
’. armed seravnicaeus tmomemaubcerdwishcohiasrHge oIfVany-posi-reqmres
: five. I support health benefits for domes-
". fie parmers.
¯ I also believe that if the citizens of
~ Hawaii believe it to be in their public
." interest to permit same-sex mamages,
¯ they should be permitted to do so. By the
¯ same token, other states - as Arizona has
: done - should be allowed to define mar-
: riage differently, and not be required to
accept the.definition adopted by others. It
.¯ is for this reason that I voted for the so-
." called Defense of Marriage Act when it
¯ was before the House a few weeks ago.
°. Now, however, there are some who
: have decided that theirdisagreement with
: this particular vote warrants their making
: public information aboutmy privatelife -
¯ information they may have heard second
: or third-hand about my sexual onenta-
." tion. That I am a Gay person has never
¯ affected the way that I legislate. The fact
". that I am Gay has never, nor will it ever,
: change my commitment to represent all
: the people of Arizona’s 5th District.
¯ I am the same person, one who has
: spentmany yearsstruggling torelieve the
: tax burden for families, balance the bud-
~ get for our children’ s future, andimprove
¯ the quality of life we cherish in Southern
: Arizona. I intendto continue that mission
: if the voters of the 5th District, in their
¯ wisdom, decide that I should represent
them in the 105th Congress.’"
¯ versity",
: The Black&White Charities, Inc. Gala
: will begin with a reception at 7pro fol-
¯ lowed by the dinner at 8pro. The highly
~ regarded, Follies Revue Singers will pro-
: vide entertainment. Valet parking will be
: provided. For more info., call 587-7314.
: orheter0sexual) in smallOkl.ahomatowns
: and rural areas. In particular, this effort
¯. will target Muskogee, Okmulgee,
¯ Tahlequah and Bartlesville. While it’s
". estimated that the majority of HIV trans-
~ mission/infection is these areas is still
¯ -through male to male contact, a small
: survey by the Oklahoma State Dept. of
: Health indicates that AIDS cases in rural
: Oklahomans is still rising but that men in
¯ these areas may perceive themselves as at
: lowerrisk. AndMSM’s whomay be mar-
: ried to women may face challenges in
: incorporating safersex practices into their
¯ relationships, and even in just getting
"¯ condoms in a small town where anonym-
: ity is not likely.
¯ The program will work to provide sup-
. port groups, peer education and greater
." access to HIV see HOPE, page 11
(9t8) 254-9766
Zimbabwe Gays
Harrassed by Govt
HARARE, Zimbabwe (Aug. 2) - Gays
and lesbians won a legal battle over the
government of Zimbabwean President
Robert Mugabe in their on-again, offagain
efforts to participate in the nation’s
International Book Fair, the largest publishing
showcase in sub-Saharan Africa.
The country’s High Court overturned a
government ban on the Gays and Lesbians
Association of Zimbabwe (GLAZ),
saying the country’ s censorship laws were
being improperly applied. The court said
the government had exceeded its authority
when it banned the organization withouteven
exzmining theliterature the group
intended to display at a booth at the fair.
The government promptly said, however,
that it would examine whatever books,
pamphlets or otherliteratureGLAZbrings
to the fairand would press charges against
the group and its members if the material
was believed to be "promoting homosexuality."
For the 2rid year in a row, the government
tried to block the only lesbian and
gay group in the country from participating
in the Fair. OnJuly 22, Joyce Mujuru,
the country’s information minister, said
the government wouldn’ t intervene in the
fair to block GALZ from participating.
But the next day, government spokesman
Bornwell Chakaodza said gays and lesbians
"have absolutely no right to publicly
display literature and material at a public
and cultural event where..,children visit."
The Zimbabwean government, last year
faced intenseinternational cfiticismwhen
it banned the GALZ from the fair.
Organizers of the event managed to
keep the event in Zimbabwe this year,
after making commitments that GALZ
would be allowed to set up an exhibit
stand at the fair to distribute literature. A
spokespersonforGALZhassaidthe group
plans to go ahead with its plans to set up a
booth at the fair, despite the government’s
Organizers of the fair said they were
still concerned about the possibility of
violence because of the GLAZ booth.
Among other things, shortly before the
High Court ruling, a leader of Uniyersity
¯" of Zimbabwe student group With close
¯ ties to the President Robert Mugabe told
¯ the fair organizers that gays and lesbians
¯ that-show up at the event will "face public
¯ genocide."
In fact, a mob of between 60 and 100
¯¯ angry students mostly from the University
of Zimbabwe showed up on the final
¯ two days of the fair.
¯ On the final day of the fair, a group of
students again showed up, and GLAZ
¯ members quickly left the booth for safety.
Unsatisfied with simply driving theGLAZ
volunteers away, however, the student
mob proceeded to thoroughly trash the
¯ booth and bum the pamphlets that had
¯ been left behind.
Although book fair staffers quickly put
the fire out, many of the nearby
¯ publishing booths" also felt threatened
¯ enough to pack up their own displays and
¯ leave the fair, complaining that they were
¯ losirig enormous amounts of money
¯ because of the continued disruptions.
: Congressmen’s
i Spouses Gang Up
¯ -on Anti-Gay Rep.
WASHINGTON (July 30) - Just how
¯ disliked by gays and lesbians is Rep. Bob
¯ Doman, the Orange County, Calif., Republican?
Well, earlierin JulyHerbMoses,
¯ the longtime companion of Rep. Barney ¯
Frank (D-Mass.) toldreporters in thecapi-
¯ tal that he has. been helping raise cam-
" paign funds for Loretta Sanchez, the
¯ Democratwhois trying to unseat Dornan.
¯" Now Moses has now been joined by
Dean Hara, the partner of Rep. Gerry
," Studds (D-Mass.) and Rob Morris, the
¯ companion of Rep. Steve Gunderson (R- ¯
Wise.), in helping raise money for
: Sanchez’ campaign to oust Dornan, who
¯ has a fondness for referring to gaymen as ¯
¯ "homos.,Morris told reporters.that the 3
openly gay members of Congress may
_" attendanupcomingfundraiserforSanchez
¯ but hadn’t been asked to be involved in
¯ planning the event. "I think Herb and
Deanand I want to keepBarney and Gerry
¯ and Steve out of it," Morris told The Hill.
’q’his is our project."
Scottish Gays
Can Adopt
EDINBURGH, Scotland (July 29) - A
Scottish gay man has won a court appeal
that will allow him tO adopt a 5-year-old
severely handicapped boy whose morn
has told child welfare authorities she
doesn’ t want the child.
The unnamed man, identified only as a
34-year-old nurse, had earlier this year
been told by a lower court that he could
not adopt the boy because he is gay, even
though the man and his lover have cared
for.the 5-year-old for the past 18 months.
But a 3-judge Scottish appeals court reversed
that ruling, saying there was no
legal reason prohibiting gays andlesbians
from adopting children.
The court said that all the information
gathered about the two men and their
lifestyle and relationship with the boy
"’pointed strongly in favor of the proposed
adoption." The child, who was put up for
adoptionby his motherjust weeks afterhe
was born, is both deaf and unable to talk,
and can walk only with assistance.
Hate Crimes
OAKLAND, Calif. (July 17) - California
has just released its first full-year of data
about hate crimes in the state, although
authorities and anti-violence advocates
agree it probably doesn’t reflect biasbased
crimes very accurately. According
to the state justice department summary,
there were 1,754 hate crimesin California
in 1995, involving more than 2,600 vierims.
The only previous report for the
state coveredjust the last half of 1994 and
reported only 672 such crimes.
Justice department officials were quick
to acknowledge "holes" in the report.
Among other things, only 215ofthe state’ s
750 law enforcement agencies reported
any information on hate crimes. Some
cities reported disproportionately higher
numbers of hate crimes, possibly because
police there have been more sensitized to
reporting such acts of violence. San Francisco,
for example, reported 290 biasbased
crimes for 1995, while Santa Clara
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¯ County - which has more than twice the ¯
population - reported just 47 such crimes
¯ during that year.
¯ Some 69% of the reported incidents ¯
included in the report were based on race
¯ or ethnic background; about 18% of the
¯ hate crimes reportedwerebasedonsexual
orientation; just over 12% were based on
: religion. According to the state report,
¯ gay men were 4 times as likely as lesbians
to be the target of attacks.
Lesbian Speakers
at Political Conf.
WASHINGTON (July 18)- According
¯ to the Washington Post, tennis superstar
Martina Navratilova says she’ s head over
: heals in love with model Hunter Reno,
¯ who also happens to be a niece of U.S.
Attorney General Janet Reno. The Post
¯ quoted Navratilova as saying she loves
the blond L’Oreal model "in a way I
haven’t loved before" and that Hunter
¯ Reno said the tennis ace is a"very special
: person" to her.
The younger Reno will be one of sev-
¯ eral noted women slated to address the
¯¯ Human Rights Campaign’s OutVote ’96
scheduled to be held in Chicago in Au-
¯ gust.-Along with Reno will be Chastity
¯ Bono, Candace Gingrich and U.S. golfer ¯
Muffin Spencer-Devlin.
¯ Trans Ex-Husband
¯ Seeks Child Visits
¯ LONDON 0nlY 19) - A [emale-to-male
¯ transsexual who has been married to a
¯ woman for 17 years is appealingaBritish
¯ court ruling that refuses him visitation
rights with the couple’ s children.
¯ A court earlier this year declared the
¯ marriage of the couple, who are not being ¯
named, annulled because of "a profound
deception" on the part of the husband.
¯ During the divorce proceedings, the wife
¯ in the case told the court that she"always
believed he was a man" and had undergone
artificial insemination in order to
have their children.
¯ But the husband, who is 50, has ap-
¯ pealed the court’s ruling that he has no
¯ visitation rights with the couplers children
because he had perjured himself in
order to get married in the first place.
During the divorce proceedings, the
wife, whois 49 years oldnow,had told the
court that when she and her husband had
had sex, she believed he either had a very
small or deformed penis. But, She told the
court, they never discussed it and that she
never reMized the man was using an artificial
penis during sex.
¯¯ accidentally, killin~ Smith.
But prosecuting attorney Lee Davis
questioned Butler about why she had not
: tried to give any aid to the shot.woman or
even call an ambulance. Davis also intro-
" duced forensic evidence that Smith had
: been shot by a pistol that had been held.
¯ only about an inch fromhermouth at the
time it was fired.
Tennessee Murder Chaplain Booted
Trial Winds Up for Bad Att,tudes
ORLANDO, Fla. (July 24) - According
CHATtANOOGA, Tenn. (July 19)-As to the Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel, John B.
the-murder trial of Adriana Butler, 23, ¯ Book, ahighlyvisibleanti-gayministerin
drew to a dose, the college honors gradu- ."
ate and mother of a 3-month-old infant, "
testified ,,that she "never intended to kill ¯
anybody in the October 1994 shooting "
death of Cathy Smith, even though she
wanted the woman to stop having a les- ¯
bian relationship with her mother, Donna
Evans. ¯
Butler said she was opposed to the "
"’unnatural relationship" between Smith "
and her mother, but socialized with the
two women in order to maintain her faro- ¯
ily contacts. Under cross-examination, "
Butleracknowledgedthat the three women "
had in fact taken vaeatious in Atlanta and "
Alabama together, and that they had also °
gone-to a local bar popular with lesbians "
and gay men.
She insisted, however, that her mother "
’~gave in to, Cathy [Smith] in order to keep
the peace’ and told the court that Evans"-"
was ashamed of her relationship with "
Smith but was afraid of losing her job if "
she broke it off.
According to Butler, the night of the °
killing, Smith had shown up at her home,
where Evans was staying, and an argu-
: ment hadbroken out during which Smith
had punched Evans in the stomach and "
knocked her glasses off. The woman tes- "
lifted that she also was hit by Smith when "
she tried to break up the senffle outside
the house between the two women. ¯
She told the court that at this point she
went and got a gun and returned to the
driveway where Smith and Evans were, "
butbeganwalkingawayfrom Smithwhen ¯
the woman grabbed her and twirled her
around suddenly and that thegun Went off "
central Florida, has been fired from his
post as a volunteer chaplain with the Orange
County Sheriff’s Dept. afterhe publicly
criticized a deputy sherifffor attending
a gay pride parade earlier in June.
The Sheriff’s office declined to daborate
on Book’s firing except to say that his
"inabilityandunwillingness" to workwith
gays andlesbians in the department and in
the communi,ty at large made him unacceptable
in the post.
Gay Videos End
Coach’s Career
ASHBURN, Va. (July 19) - When Jeff
Bruton’s wife Melanie sued for divorce,
among the evidence presented were accusations
that her husband had appeared in
a number of popular gay pornographic
videos under the name Ty Fox. When
Bruton’s employers learned of the reason
forthe divorceproceedings, they launched
thmeir own.inves.tigation and say that if the
enare indeedone and the same, Brnton
will.have to resign as aphysical education
teacher and assistant coach for football,
baseball and wrestling at a Sterling, Va.,
high school - and possibly his Virginia
state teaching certification.
Edgar Hatriek, superintendent of
schools for Loudoun County, told reporters
that teachers"are C"hOSen to bemstmc-"
tors as welJ as leaders of our young
people...in their professional as wall as
not in keeping with that." School officials,
however, said they have been unable
to contact Bruton directly because of
the summer vacation, and also said that
the gym coach’s phone number has been
But Steve Thompson, who is Bruton’s
agent, confirmed for reporters that his
client is in fact Ty Fox and, in addition to
modding swimwear and athletic clothing,
Bruton also made gay pornographic
videos. Thompson also said that Brnton
plans to resign his teaching post, which
he’s held since 1993, "whether it’s fair or
Choral Festival
TAMPA, Fla. (July 15) - Festival V,
described as the largest gay and lesbian
gala in the world, drew to a dose after
what organizers considered a highly successful
8 days ofsinging, singing, and still
more singing.
The Gay & Lesbian Association of
Choruses, which sponsors the annual
showcase of choruses from around the
world, said more than a hundred choruses
participated in Festival V, drawing more
than 5,000 lesbian, gay and bisexual singers.
Poet Maya Angelou gave an openingnightaddress,..
and although therehadbeen
,cgncerns that anti-gay protesters might
disrupt the festivities, only a handful of
prot,esters showed up at one of the earlier
opemng day events. The festival also saw
the premiere of several works commissioned
for Festival V.
¯ answer you want to hear but...". You will
.save.yourself a lot of anxiety and grief by
¯ just being truthful. This includes the so-
" cial WHITE LIE. If this is too large a step
¯ then begin with simply saying you prefer
not to answer, and stick to your guns.
5. Quit worrying ~b~.ut what happened
yesterday. You can t fix what is already
¯ done. Equally, don’t worry about future situations over which youhaveno control
¯ anyhow.
¯ 6. Start living inside the moment you
are in. If someone makes you angry, let
¯ them know it. If someone hurts your feel-
¯ ings, let them know it. If someone mis-
¯ treats you, don’t put up with it. Take
action, even if that only means removing
¯ yourself from their presence.
. 7. Us.e some common sense about deal-
. mg with everyday life. You are in control
of y.our, life far more than you ima "he
n t let others take the ~mttattve of dic-
ta.ting your life. They will try to get away
¯ wjth as much as possible. Learn to recogm.
ze what you, can effectively handle and
what you can t.
¯ Most importantly keep inmind that you
¯ don’t have to win every battle to win the
¯ war. Don’t let others sap your energies.
Pick and chose the right time and right
¯ place. Truly you are the Captain of your ¯
ship and the Master of your own fate.
.* We make life far more difficult than it
¯ really is and we usually fall into that trap
by letting others set the situation and start
¯ the game. Remember the famous "It’s my
ball and I make the rules!"? Start thinking
¯ of your life as your"ball" and when others
¯ insiston making thegamemiserable, take
¯ your ball and go home. You can always
¯ find someone else to play ball with.
Keep inmind some people aren’thappy
unless they are making someone else unhappy,
and usually that will mean you.
Don’t waste a scintilla of time or effort on
those types. Move on and let them eat
themselves up. ff they have so little self
esteem that they have to tear someone
down to feel important, @#$%^ them.
Only you can start making your life
easier and morerewarding. You have to
start today, because each day that passes
brings you closer to the great black nothingness
which probably awaits us all.
Copyright © 1996 Gerald Miller
miserable going to social gatherings I
.didn’t really want to attend because I felt
~t was my duty. BS! Now I only go where
I really want to beand Ihaveamuchbetter
time. This also includes favors for other
people, just learn to say No in a polite
4. Don’t lie! Tell the truth when asked
a question, even if you know the questioner
won’t like the answer. Just preface
your reply with, "I know this isn’t the
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Come See Our New Office
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Contact Delilah at 665-1339
Works must be received by Sept. 15.
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3225 S. Yale
Tulsa, OK 74135
Clinton Pledges
More forAIDS Care
SAN FRANCISCO (July 23) - Ending a
2-day campaign swing through California,
PresidentClinton saidduring a$1,000-
per-person fund-raising dinner thathehas
asked Congress for an additional $65 million
for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program
to help people with the disease pay
for expensive new and-HIV drugs.
Nearly 70,000 people get assistance for
AIDS drugs through the program, which
is largely paid for with federal funds. The
Clinton budget proposal would increase
federal spending - about two-thirds of the
total program - from $115 million this
year to $195million during the next fiscal
Theomove comes in the wake of medical
reports at the international AIDS conference
in Vancouv& earlier in July that
indicate the new class of protease inhibitors,
combined with already-approved
anti-HIV drags, show enormous potential
for completely suppressing the virus.
Patients andAIDS advocates, however,
have increasingly warned that despite the
heartening news about the new drugs,
most people with AIDS in this country
would not be able to afford the expensive
new treatments. "While new drug treatments
offer enormous hope to people living
with HIV," Clinton said at the fundraiser,
"it is also clear that our work is far
from complete."
Reform Party’s
Lamm Suggests
Cut Care for PWA’s
NEW YORK (July 21) - Although it got
little notice by the media, former Colorado
G0v. Richard Lamm, who has declared
his desire to be the 1996 presidential
nominee of the Reform Party, said on
a television news program Sunday, July
21, that the government should virtually
write off people who already have AIDS.
"I think in a world of limited resources
weshould spendmoremoney onresearching
the cause ofAIDS and how to prevent
it than we should treating the people that
are going to die anyway," Lammsaid on
the CBS-TV program "Face the Nation."
Mark Sturdevant, vice chairman of the
Reform Party who has urged Lamm’s
candidacy, later insisted the former Colorado
governor wasn’t actually saying the
country should "pull the plug" on people
who are sick, but said that as the country,,,
increasingly faced "limited resources
Americans "need to start talking about
these issues."
Lamm raised hackles in-1984 for similarremarks
whenhe said the elderly "have
a duty to die and get out of the way."
Gene Defect May
Protect from AIDS
WASHINGTON (Aug. 8) -Two separate
teams of researchers have identified a
genedc mutation that appears to protect
some people against AIDS. The finding
may-explain why some people infected
with HIV remain healthy and virtually
symptom-free of the disease for years.
The teams of U.S., European and Japanese
scientists have found that people
with two copies of a certain defective
gene - one each from their mother and
father - appear to be resistant to the most
common strain of HIV in Western countries,
the one which is transmitted sexually
most commonly. They estimated that
¯¯ only about 1% of the Caucasian populalion
has both defective genes.
: Theteam tookblood samples from 1,800
¯ healthy U.S., European, African andJapa-
¯ nesevolunteers.Theyexposedthe samples
~ to the most common strain of HIV in test
: tubes. Reporting in thejournal Nature, the
¯ researchers found that all the blood
: samples were infected after exposure -
¯ except those from white people with two
: copies of the mutated gene.
¯ The second team of scientists, from the
: Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
: in New York, found the same double
; genetic mutations in the blood of two
¯ white males who knowingly had unpro-
: tected sex with infected partners, yet re-
: main uninfected themselves.
." As these researchers report in thejour-
¯ hal Cell, they could not infect blood
samples from these two men - even with
¯ 1,000 times the amount of HIV it usually
: takes to trigger an infection.
¯ The researching findings suggest that
: drugs to do this would probably have no
; side effects, since the lack of the protein
: target in the Caucasians appears to have
¯ caused them no known negative health-
: problems.
: Heterosexual HIV
: Showing Up in UK
: LONDON (Aug. 1)-A much more vim-
. lent strain of HIV, believed to be more
: likely to spread by heterosexual contact,
." has ~pread from Thailand to Great Brit-
" ain, researchers reportin the Britishinedi-
: cal journal New Scientist.
The virus .subtype E is widespread
throughout Asia, where most of those
¯ infectedareheterosexual,nothomosexual. ¯
As a result, researchers and epidemiolo-
: gists believe the virus subtype is more
: easily spread via heterosexual sex than
¯ subtype B, which has mainly affected gay
: and bisexual men in North America and
~ Europe. Since the first case of subtype E
¯ infection in England was announced earlier
this year~ British health officials have
since identified 72 additional subtype E
infections. ¯
Report" Herpes : ¯
: Virus Linked to KS
¯ CHICAGO (July 30)-Two studies in the
: healthmagaT.ineNatureMedicinestrongly
¯ suggests that Jhe human herpes virus 8
; (,I-IHV8) isthecauseofKaposi’s sarcoma,
¯ a cancer that strikes many people with
: AIDS. Using a recently devdoped blood
¯" test for HHVS, researchers say they most
." often found the virus in blood samples of
~: people with sexually transmitted diseases,
¯ a Strong implication the virusis also sexu-
." ally transmitted.
2nd HIV Home Test
¯ Approved; States
¯ Fight Availability
¯" CHICAGO (July 24) -~A 2nd HIV home-
: testing kit has now gone on sale after
¯ being approved by the Food & Drug Ad-
¯ ministration. Like the already-approved
: Confide test by Johnson & JOhnson, the
Home Access Express test, sold by Home
¯ Access Health, is available via a toll-free
¯ number. But in spite of federal approval ¯
now of2 suchhome tests, themanufactur-
: ers sdll face batdes with healthofficials in
¯ some states who are s.harply critical of
Even if you test HIV negative,
AIDS has touched your life.
4, What’s the pointof staying negative if your lover or your
friends already have HIV?
4,, Will you have to use condoms for the rest of your life?
4, Do you sometimes take risk that you regret the morning_
-4, What about the issues of power and trust in a
4, How has homophobia affected your self esteem?
Interested in attending a discussion
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home-testing for HIV.
North Carolinahealthofficials arefighting
to block sales of the home tests there,
and similar concerns about the ability of
statehealth workers to trackpeople possi:
bly exposed to the virus have been raised
by state officials in Missouri and South
Carolinaas well. Thehome tests are available
at pharmacies only in Texas while in
Florida, they are available only by mail
Atlanta Braves to
Hold AIDS Benefit
ATLANTA (July 25) - The San Francisco
Giants starteditin professional sports
2 years ago when it teamed up with the
Until There’s a Cure Foundation to hold
the first AIDS benefit pro game.
This year the Atlanta Braves will become
the 2nd pro baseball team to sponsor
such an event when it hosts a "Stepping
Up to the Hate Day" in Sept: at the
Atlanta-Fulton Co. Stadium benefiting
AIDS organizations in the Atlanta area.
At the first Until There’s a Cure Day in
1994, opposing team Colorado Rockies
wouldn’t even join the S.F. Giants on the
field to form ahuman AIDS ribbon until
they were brow-beaten into it by Giants’
teammembers andcatcalls from the stands.
of violence, not a s.ymbol of a larger
societal problem that lS exascerbated by
like-minded individuals who blindly follow
the ramblings of the likes of Pat
Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Patrick
Buchanon, etc.
And of course, I was bombarded with
Bibfieal quotations about the sinfulness
of my ways.
I knew this would happen, and since I
had gone in with my eyes wide open, I
knew I was not going to act defensively to
protect my position. I wanted dialogue,
not an argument.
,So, with each and every note from one
of these men, I responded with the same
basic premise: "Yourpremisesmaydiffer
from mine, and that’s okay.We just need
¯ There are some more modern texts that
to put those on the table sowecan actually
know what weare talking about.
"Our premises on the Bible probably
differ... I don’t know yours, but I win tell
you mine. I read the Bible as a historical
work. I try to read it in the context of the
time it was written and to know which
people were being addressed so that I
have a context to base my reading upon. I
also read other works of the time thathave
notbeenincluded in the Canon, and many
of these I find just as much validity in.
University Reports ¯
Condom Usage
BOSTON (July 17) - According to a
survey ofBrownUniversity students,74%
of the women who dropped in at the
campus clinic in 1995 said their sexual
partners used acondom"always or almost
always’~ when having sex. A similar survey
at the school 6 years earlier found that
only41% of the women visiting the clinic
rel~rted such high usage of condoms by
their sexual partners.
rely on as well. In other words, I don’t
¯ think God stopped talking when his book
: went to print. I also know that, it is more
~ than possible that the works included in
¯ the Canon have been misinterpreted
¯" through language interpretors and ver-
¯ sion editors, and there is a high probabil-
." ity that the men who chose which books
¯¯ were likely candidates to include in the
Canon had their own prejudices and could
have excluded some worthwhile works
: and included a lot of repetition.
¯ "This does not mean that I negate the ¯
teachings of the Bible. I just feel that it, in
and of itself, is an incomplete guide for
my spiritual understanding."
¯ The responses I received after simply
: laying my cards on the table about my
: own interpretation of the Bible are what
~ surprised me the most. There were no
¯ more Biblical quotations used to try to ¯
sway me. There was no more using of
i Chrisdan theology tojustify the villifying
¯ of the homosexual lifestyle.What hap-
~ petted is that we settled into a reasoned
: debate. No tempers flared.No hateful
¯ names wereealled. Ibelieve that, although
: I did not think my one voice would make
~ a difference, it did.
¯" And, I believe this is why: "I like being
able to live my life to its fullest, and I ~ expect you to have that very same fight. It
~ is a free country in which we live, and
i freedom of and from religion is one of our
hallmarks of liberty...
"Our ability to disagree on what God
~ thinks of my lifestyle is one of the ~eat
¯ things about this place we call America.
¯" And, I want to keep that ability for both of
us. I don’t want *anyone* to try to tell me
:~ I can’t have my way of life, and I sure
¯ would defend your choice as well.Wonld
you do the same for meT’
i I would like to propose to all ofyou that
: reason really does work. I think it is high
¯ time we appeal to reason in our political
¯" endeavors, not to high emotion. And, I
: thinkitis time we quit assuming weknow
: howtheothersidewillrespond.Thelouder
". weget, themorethe other sideresponds in
¯ kind. There are reasonablepeople onboth
¯ sides of the lesbigay civil fights debate,
i andI,for one, wouldlike to see more ofus
.... " step forward ,an~ take leadership roles.
Pitcher’s Refusal to
Join Game Benefit
Causes Uproar
SAN FRANCISCO (July 30) - The refnsal
ofSanFrancisco Giants pitcherMark
Dewey to join with the baseball team m
support of an AIDS benefit being sponsored
by.the team has outraged political
leaders here and at least oneAIDS activist
has called on the Giants to giveDewey his
walking papers or trade him to another
With nearly 35,000 fans attending the
Giants-AtlantaBraves game,Dewey,who
is 3-2 with a4.10 earned-run average with
36 strikeouts in 53 innings, refused tojoin
players from the two teams on field for a
demonstration of support in fighting the
AIDS epidemic.A fundamentalist Christian
who is outspoken in calling homosexuality
a sin. He also turned his red
AIDS ribbon sideways in imitation of the
ancient "fish" symbol of Christianity.
Dewey said he decided to opt out of the
on-field display with teammates because
some of the funds raised for the "Until
There’s a Cure" day event go to promote
safer-sex education and prevention programs,
which he says are contrary to his
religions beliefs. Jon Prevna, who works
withProject Open Handin San Francisco,
later wrote to Giants president Peter
Magowan saying, "I seriously hope you
will consider trading him [Dewey] or giving
him his unconditional release." The
Giants managementhas so far declined to
comment on the incident.
Black & White Charities, Inc. & PFLAG
Lookforward to the pleasure ofyour companyfor
The 1996
Black & White Gala
with keynote speaker
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Presentation of the first annual Swan Awards
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$125 each, checks may be sent to POB 14001, Tulsa, 74159
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The Downtown Do.ubleTree Hotel, 616 West Seventh
Benefiting the 1996 Black & White Grant Recipient, The HIV Resource Consortium, Inc.
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East llth 583-7815
Community ofHope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2rid, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic ¯ ¯: Free & anonymous testing . HHIVIVR+esSouurpcpeoCrtonGsroorutipum
¯ using fingerstick method. ¯ 1:30 pm ¯ No appointment required. ¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-I
¯ Walk in testing: 7-8:30 Inn : Info: Wanda @ 749-419z
: Results hours: 7-9 pm : ¯ lnfo: 742-2927 : Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
Mixed Volleyball for
Fun & Competition
Hclmerich Park, 6:30 pm
71st & Riverside
Info: 587-6557
Agape’ Christian
Service, 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
: 21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
¯ Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
¯ Prayer & Bible Study
¯ 7~30pm 2627-B East llth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Support Group
2nd Mon. of month
6:30 pro, 4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
: HIV/AIDS Support Group
¯ &
Friends & Family
¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group ¯
7 pro, call for location: "
: Alternative Skating
: 8:30 - 11 pro, 241-2282
$4, Sand Springs Skate
¯ The Technicians, Leather "
: org., Info c/o 621-5597 "
¯ T.U.L.S~4. Tulsa Uniform.
: & Leather Seekers Assoc. ¯
¯ Info: 838-1222 "
. Gay & Lesbian Student "
Association ¯
TJC Southeast Campus, "
Iflfo: 631-7632 ¯
SWAN-Single Women’s ¯
¯ Activity Network
Grief Group
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
: Family Of Faith MCC
: Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
¯ Choir Practice 7:30 pm ¯
545 I-E South Mingo.
" Call 622-1441 for info.
¯ Community of Hope
¯ (United Methodist)
Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
: Bible Study, 7 pm
¯ 1703 E. 2rid, 585-1800
16-Step Empowerment
¯ Group For Women ¯
Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E.2nd, Info: 585-1800
¯ Co-Dependency
; Support Group
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
¯ 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
¯ HIVTestingTOHRClinic
¯ Walk in testing: 7- 8:30 pm
¯ Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
¯ TNAAPP Alternatives ¯
¯ Tulsa Native American " Weekly social events for"
AIDS Prevention Project ¯ LGBT men & women, 7 pm
Support group ¯ Info: 646-5503 ¯ for Gay & Bi Native :
¯ American Men, 6 pm Substance Abuse
at ~Community of Hope Support Group "
¯ 1703 E. 2nd " for persons with HIV/AIDS ¯
St. Jerome’s Church
Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: ~/48-3111
Comedy Jam Freedom Tour
MONDAY & TUESDAY SEPT. 16 & 17 8:00 PM
Gay Stand-Up Comics
Gay Stand-Up Comedy
Nationally Recognized And Acclaimed
Gay Headliners
As Featured On HBO
And The Advocate Magazine
A Portion Of The Proceeds Benefit
B/ack & White Char/lies, Inc.
6906 S. Lewis Ave.
For licker/Show Information..
(918) 481 -O$ $8
Advance Ticket Purchase Recommended
$12 Advance/S15 Day Of Show
Special Engagement
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According to The Gayly Oklahoman,
Spencer was born in Ada, and was raised
in Tulsaand in Seminole. He attended the
University. ofOklahoma and builta career
as a country western entertainer, touring
the Southwest and working on the Gay
rodeo circuit.
Friends of Spencer are holding a Celebration
of Life on August 17, at the
Bunkhouse in Oklahoma City, according
to friend and organizer, Mike Busby. The
event will feature Sonja Martinez, Deb
Roberts,BradRiggins and videos ofSpencer
performing. The event will include an
auction of memorabilia to benefit HIV/
AIDS organizations.
The Gayly also noted that Spencer’s
family has requested that donations to
HIV/AIDS organizations be made in lieu
of flowers. Those who wish to honor the
memory of Sid Spencer may do so to the
organization of their choice or may send a
donation care of Spencer’s father, Sid
Spencer, Sr. (RR2, Box 69-G, Seminole,
74868-9614) who will donate those in his
SOn’S naule.
and two grants of $1,000 each to TOHR
Testing Clinic (HOPE) and Catholic
Charities’ St. Joseph’s House.
On-September 28, Follies Revue performers
will recreate this year’s show to
benefit RAIN in Enid, Oklahoma. For
information about booking Follies singers
for corporate or private events, call
testing. Initially, events for the program
will be held in Tulsa because of the conterns
individuals may have about attending
a "Gay" event near their homes.
Petersonadded that attendance is not necessary
and that they would like to hear
from individuals in rural eastern Oklahoma
about what it is like in those areas
and how best to get education and services
to the areas. HOPE has set up a
telephone number, 800-282-8165, to allow
individuals to call anonymously. Local
callers may ring 742-2927.
Peterson also announced that HOPE
has .been chosen as one of 75 HIV agencies
in the US to participate in a program,
"Parmers in Prevention", sponsored by
the Center for AIDS Intervention Research,
(CAIR) of the Medical College of
Wisconsin. The program is funded by the
: National Institute of Mental Health andis
¯ intended to bridgeagapbetweenfront]i~"
¯ HIV/AIDS prevention organizations and
: research into HIV prevention.
OOO00000OO00. OOOO0®O
A Friendly Place to Stay
¯ 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W
¯ Eureka Springs, AR 72632
¯ (501) 253-7311
¯ 1-800-231-1442
¯ Jerry A. Wilson. owner
A number of commtmity events are
coming up. Check out the following:
The NAMES PROJECT wants you to
help by hosting a Feast with Friends on
Sat. Sept. 14. Call 748-3111 for info.
¯ Tulsa Womens Supper Club will meet
". 8/28 at 7 at the Spaghetti Warehouse.
." Info: 584-2978. Thenext AIDS Coalition
¯ meeting is Sept. 10th. Call 585-5551.
: Do not miss Interfaith AIDS Minis-
: tries Old Fashioned Street Carnival on
¯ Sat. 9/21, 10-6 at Southminster Presbyte-
¯ dan, 3500 S. Peoria.
: Rainbow Business Guild is having a
: business fair on 8/30 (see ad, p. 5) and-a:
: lake weekend on 9/21-22, call 665-5174.
Anddo not miss the Gay Comedy Jam[
written by Pastor Leslie Penrose, the congregation
struggled to make. sure the ad
was "responsible, given that we are a
Christian commlmity of faith and not a
p.o.litical advocacy group" and"adequate"
s~nce members of the congregation are
affected by the hate language. The statement
notes that "as gay and lesbian persons
have struggled in this country - in
this state and city- for the right to live in
dignity without fear of violence or persecution,
to have their committed relationships
respected, and to worship with integrity,
the dialogue has become inereasingly
hurtful and exclusive....we...have
wondered where is the other voice of
Christianity?" The statement affd~,
"...when the church is silent in the face of
injustice...that silence becomes complic-
¯ ity in that injustice."
Penrose told TFN that so far there has
¯ been little response to the ad but that she
: expects that there will likely be letters to
: The Worldin response andpossible to the
¯ new Methodist bishop from more conser_
: vative Methodistcongregations. Commu_
: nity of Hope (Coil) has also organized
¯ serveral companion efforts to this ad.
These include a letter and visiting cami
Paigu to Don Nickles, Tom Coburn and
¯ Steve Largen.t, a speakers bureau to seek ¯
out other church groups that will listen
and Coil is also planning aprayer vigil to-
¯" be conducted when and if the Senate con-
, siders theDOMAbill. Formoreinfo. orto
¯ contribute to this effort, call 585-1800.
Living Sprtng
...a community of friends...
We welcome you to attend!
Services held
Sunday evenings at 7 o’clock
17 Elk Street
(at the Unitarian Church)
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
In "Immortal, Invisible," editorTamsin
Wilton has compiled a lengthy collection
¯ of original essays and interviews analyzi~
ig the history and current state of the
lesbian moving image, including f’rims
and, to a lesser extent, television. From
Marlene Deitrichin"Morocco" in 1930to
1994’s "Woman of the Wolf," this volume
explores the important differences
between "gay films" and "le:s.bik.a~ film,s"
and why lesbian and gay male ,tim mar-
.....~rs will probably never agree on a generic
"queer cinema." "
These are more than just simple movie
reviews. The contributors explore the.s.ocial,
political, historical and, in some mstances,
religious aspects of these films
and the text is not always light reading.
Obvious popular films, such as "Personal
~ Best" and the notorious "The Children’s
Hour" are supplemented ,b,y true~hous,e,
lesbian films, including Desert Hearts
and "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit.!’
The seventeen contributors exhibit a
wide variety of qualifications, frofi~film
makers"and producers (Penny Florence
and Susan Ardill) to a postgraduate student
(Louise Allen) whose research is
concerned with "lesbian readings of kd
lang, and the emergence of country and
westernlesbian culture."The authors endlessly
debatewhatconsritutes lesbianform
: and content. Should only films which
’ have lesbian relationships and characters
beindudedin"lesbian cinema," or should
: an"out" lesbian film maker also have her
: film included even though the subject
¯ matter or treatment is not lesbian-spa-
¯ eific?Thereis averyinterestinginterview
with lesbian film maker Greta Schiller,
¯ whoserecent efforts haveindudedawon-
: derful documentary, "Maxine Sullivan:
¯ Love To Be in Love," about the hetero-
~ sexual jazz legend.
: Some wall knownnames are ignored or
¯ marginalized in this volume. Barbara
¯ Hammer, whose short films have raised
: more than one eyebrow as they challenge
". the "heterosexist authority system," ¯ is
mentioned only a couple of rimes and
given one short quote.
¯ There are many unfamiliar but intrign-
~ ing films discussedhere. They are ones to
¯ keep in mind as you are traveling to other
: cities where progressive theaters may be
: taking the opportunity to broa..den~ the h~o-
~ rizons of their communities, veruaps me
¯ ThirdAmmalTulsaGay andLesbianFilm
~ Festival organizers willincorporate some
". of these rifles into their schedule next
¯ snring. "Immortal, Invisible" is one of the
~ few books published that specifi-
: cally discuss lesbiancinema, but there are
¯ also many other books regarding gay/
¯ lesbian topics at your local branch library
: orat the Readers Services department at
: theCentralLibrarydowntown(596-7966).
James Christjohn
ybYeal Gaycomedyis comingback to:Fulsa
on S~pt.’16th& 17th, at thePAC. The Gay
Com~:ly Jam. Freedom Tour features acclaimed
openly Gay comics,, Scott
Kennedy and Kevin Maye, who ve been
seen on HBO’s Comedy Channel and
-written of in The Advocate. Their show,
Gaylapalooza (last February with two
other comics) played to a full house at th~
PAC’s Williams Theater and benefited
Black&White Charities as does aportion
of this appearance. Tickets are $12 in
advance and $15 day of the show, and are
available by calling 481-0558.
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
announces that auditions for its Halloween
producrion, two one-act plays, will be
held Sund,a,,,,,y, August 18, at 6pro;, The
pIays¯.are . Sorry, wrong Number , directed
by Todd Murray, & "Black Comedy",
directedby Jenny Jackson. Theoneacts
will be performed October 11 - 20.
"Sorry Wrong Number" requires afemale
character, and 3-4 addirioual actors
who can perform a variety of character
voices. It will be staged as a radio
drama. "Black Comedy" requires 5 men
&3 women. Audj’rious will consist ofcold
readings from the scripts and someimprov.
Audirious willbeheld at the playhouse,
1800 S. Main in the Main Place complex.
For more info, call 258-0077.
see Notes, page 15
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bYAugustJean_Pierre,nightsTFNinOklahomaCFr°°itdiChave ." of a salad & side dish or a cup of soup.
ataba~nutt~o9 hot .a~.d Sticky to .reallal~ " We started with a shrimp and lobster
nne cmsme, but a new res- .bisque that was rich and quite rusty, with
ctauulirnaanrtyhsecerenei.nMTicuhlsaaelhas heated up the " el,noUtsn.Kofs wofholol.be,stsemr atallilsmhreiamt.pTahnedresewvaesraal
Fusco’s new venture, definite bite from cay-
Flavors, fills out the space in a strip mall M;ebael Fi15co ~ enne pepper, but it was
alsohome to Novel Idea
Bookstore & Mexicali
Border Cafe, near 71st
and Sheridan. The wellknown
Fusco used to
be chef at Bodean’s,
and openedFlavors this
summer as his own
Halfofth~ restaurant
is a section of dinerstyle
booths with white
tablecloth covered
tables. The post-modem
decor features a
black and white checkerboard
floor, a visible
kitchen window, and
popular music playing
over the speakers. The
other half, behind a
wainscotted glass wall,
is aformal dining room
with pale purple walls,
carpeted, formal tables
and place settings, and
more sedate, classical
music playing in the
background. There is
.also anotherformal din-
IX/Ion. - Fr~., 11 to
3/][on. - Sat., 5 to 10:30
dosed Sundays
New Amerlean
Dress: Dressy
Very Expensive
Section: Yes
FMI bar and w~ne
mgroom behind French
doors for private par_
ties. The samefood and
menu is available on
either side, and there is
no official difference,
though we noticedmost
gendemen in our section
wereinjackets and Ratln~:
ties, while the diner Side patrons were more ca_ A l;st sually attired.. Even
though our visit was on
a Monday night, both sections of the restaurant
were nearly full.
In addition to the small menu ofregular
items, a blackboard reminiscent of
Bodean’s announces the specials of the
evening. Several selections of fresh fish
are available, plus offerings of beef, veal,
pork,and duck. Entrees include a choice
no.t what we would call
spray. Our salads came FLAVORS on huge plates (larger
~a~a~n the service plate!)
6104 E~st 71st Street wedgceosnsisted of large of iceberg lettuce
with a.scattering
of .thinly sliced purple
omon tings, cherry tomatoes,
sliced cucumbers,
dressed in a pleasan~--
balsamic vinaigrette&
crumbled S til ton
cheese dressing (Stilton
is the English version
of bleu cheese or
After the salad
course, we were mortified
to see our waiter
remove our salad knife
from our salad plate
and set it on our bread
and butter plate. One
expects that fora $4.50
salad, the kitchen can
wash an additional
Our entree was a delicious,
and large servl.
n.g of sauteed, thinly
sliced veal hver ($9.95)
presented with caramelized
onions and~r2~r_
kansas bacon, withpo_
tatoes Lyonnaise. Very
tasty and an excellent
value. Our companion
had a strikingplate that
looked pretty enough
to be a woman’s hat--
a bed of mashed potatoes
surrounded by a
panopoly of grilled
i avepgeertfaeMctelys agnrdilmleud,shthroicokm, sb,ecerfotwenndederwloiittni
¯ ($21.95), sauced with a red wine reducL
: tionhunter sauce, and withahuge sprig of
.. fresh rosemary stuck in like a feather.
; au¯Hgirsadtienssdeirsthwoafscmreomreembruunldeaenwe:hiaclharwgee
see Flavors, page 15
wnere pets are treated like ~eople ".... "’~. * Bakery Treats
* Bed & Breakfast (boarding)
* Salon
* Pet Supplies: Science Diet, IAMS, Nutro Dog Food
3311 S. Peoria, 744-5556
HIV Positive?.
New state-of-the-art investigational drug therapies
arenow available in the Southwest for
HIWAIDS and opportunistic infections.
If you are interested in participating in one of the
promising new investigational therapies, call us at
(918) 743-1000
Jeffrey A. Beal, M.D.
Associates in Medical at!.d Mental Health
2325 South Harvard, Suite 600
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive to the
Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
HOPE HIV Outreach, Prevention & Education
formerly TOHR HIV Prevention Programs
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
~ Do you live in a small town
or rural area?
Are you attracted to other men?
Do you feel like you are the only one?
And if you’d like to meet others,
come to our rural mens discussion group
¯ ~. every 2nd & 4th-Saturday, 7-9 pm
For more info,, contact Jeremy or Brian
742-2927 or 800-282-8165
thought rather nondescript. We had a flourless chocolate
cake that was filled with chocolate mousse, served on a
mirror of raspberry puree, and decorated with fresh strawberries,
fresh blueberries, mint leaves, and real, freshly
whipped unsweetened cream. Good, but we couldn’t eat it
all, and.the gateaux was everso slightly overcooked.
Alas, there was no espresso machine on the premises, so
after dinner, we walked across the parking lot to the Novel
Idea cafe to linger over cappuccinos and leer at the cute
clerks selling books. Flavors also features a full bar and the
wine list is interesting, emphasizing less encountered small
California wineries.
The food at Flavors, as one might expect from a Michael
Fusco venture, is excellent, though it tends toward tile
expensive (a veal chop with polenta was $28.95--but it
looked divine!). Fusco is one of those chefs who has mastered~
the art of doing new & creative things with food in
combinations which work, rather than shock. One can expect
a pleasant & memorable dining experience from this
exciting, new establishment. Just be sure to make reservations
on the weekends.
For film buffs who happen to be computer literate, I just
received notice,of anew website, called "Popcorn Q", billed
as the ultimate onlinehomefor the queermovingimage. The
address is http://www.popeornq.com..According to my
sources, it offers thousands of film & video descriptions
(need help figuring out whatmovie to rent tonight?), sources
for acquiring these films/videos, of course, graphics and
photos, a directory of G/L film rests, a "Homo Home Film
Fest", books to watch out for, Queer top tens, and lots o’
links. The programmer/author ofthe site is Jenni Olson, who
also wrote the "Ultimate Guide toLesbian & Gay Film &
Video", published in June. Not only an author, programmer,
and Queer film archivist, she also produces for film and
television. Hey Jenni ! Need a cheap actor/columnist-writer/
professional college student?
Last but not least: if you saw the Academy Awards, you
may have seen STOMP, an extraordinary dancing peicussion
performance. They have come to Tulsa several times
and make a point to see them if you have not done so. They
will be at the PAC, Sept. 6-8 and tickets can be had from the
PAC at 596-7111 or Carson Attractions at 584-2000.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional word
is 25 cents. You may bring additional attention
to your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1, Adin capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2, Ad in box - $2
Ad reversed - $3, Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the no.
of words. (A word is a group of letters or
numbers separated by a space.) Sendyour ad
& payment to POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
with your name, address, tel. numbers (for us
only). Ads will run in the next issue after
received. TFN reserves the right to edit 6r
refuse any ad. No refunds.
Back in Tulsa
G.W.M. 41, Gldlkg, HIV Pos. Would like to get
acquainted with you. Call 250-8279 or write 1o: ....
#22, c/o TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Lesbian Looking for Others
Early 30’s woman seeks similar for friendship
that might go further? Literate, calm,
already in therapy, preferably. Write to:
#23, c/o TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Before you begin a romance, or
move in together...start a business
together..commit to each other over
the long term...start a friendship...
Are you sure you know what
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Wonder if you’re compatible
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Do you have enough information
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Want to know someone (or yourself)
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Astrology, the study of life-trends
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can help identify the positive & challenging
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These written interpretations are a great
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a chart, for those ofyou with knowledge of
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nothing about astrology, the interpretations
explain it all for you. Gemini Moon
offers full written reports.
Into: call 918-583-1248, or
write to Gemini Moon, POB
live it up downtown
6 pm-lO pm, Thursday, ~ugust 22.
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and much more.
, T’ne Liw’~ Begi.ns Now.
~,~ " " 410 West 7th (7th and Denvelr) a84-8400
iA portiofi of the pl"oceeds o~ each private
~residenc~.sold, dr ring the Central Park
i o 1 iGrand O~emng MI ~nth,~be mad~ to
~e Uni~Way. ~o, don’t~ss this
~evenfi Come sup~ oft the ~ty,
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual & Trans Communities
Congressman Comes Out
WASHINGTON - Rep. Jim Kolbe, an Arizona Republican
and influential member of the House Banking
Committee has acknowledged that he is Gay.
Confronted with the prospect of an upcoming report
in The Advocate about his sexual orientation, Kolbe
beat the news magazine to the punch by coming out.
Kolbe, who has been a representative to C6ngress
since 1984 and has been a frequent GOP point-person
on the North American Free Trade Act and critic of
White House budget proposals, told the Arizona Daily
Star, "I think it’s unfortunate for our society that things
have to happen this way." But the 54-year-old Kolbe
added, "I’m the same p~rson I was yesterday, and I’ll
legislatejust the same way. This should b,e. as irrelevant
as the fact that Iambloe-eyed, right-handed &balding."
Theupcoming Advocate story reportedly was spurred
at least partly by Kolbe’s vote in July for the so-called
Defense of.Marriage Act (DOMA), which rights activists
had adamantly opposed. In late July, a collection.of
activists also took out a full-page ad in the Washington
Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign
(HRC), will give the keynote address for this year’s Black & White
Charities, Inc. Gala dinner fundraiser. Birch leads the Human Rights
Campaign which is the largest Lesbian and Gay political organization
in the US. Birch formerly was legal counsel for Apple Computer, Inc.
and also for Claris Corporation. Prior to joining Human Rights
Campaign, Birch served as co-chair of the Board of Directors of the
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). .
Over 260 patrons attended last year’s Gala at Philbrook Museum
and a comparable numberis expected to attend the Sept. 7 event at the
Downtown DoubleTree Hgtel. Over the years, Black & White Charities,
Inc. have raised and donated over $31,000 in grants to other local
charities. The HIV Resource Consortium will be the major recipient
of this year’s grant. The HIV RC helps to provide services to
"approximately 200 clients" with case management, transportation,
Another part of the program will be the presentation of the first
annual SWAN awards, ajoint program of PFLAG, parents, Families,
and Friends of Lesbians and Gays and Black & White Charities, Inc.
The awards will recognize individuals "who through action and
example, are helping to create a society see B & W, page 3
HOPE A New Namefor HIV Programs
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education is the new name for
an health program that began in the Gay community more than 14
years ago. Claudette Peterson, director of what was known as Tulsa
Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR) HIV Testing Programs,
announced the new name along with program’s success in getting
funding for several critical new outreach programs.
Peterson noted that the program had received funding for a"rural"
HIV education outreach to "MSM’s" (men who have sex with men,
regardless if.they identify as Bi, Gay see HOPE, page 3
Blade ur,gi,’ng "closeted gay and lesb!an members of
Congress. to c0me out.. ,Headlined. ,~’A ,calL.to.. con~ ,.
science," the ad didn’t threaten to out any closeted : uommunity of Hope Speaks
members, butitwas the first timein5 years that closeted ¯
gays in Congress had become a national issue.
Kolbe is the fourth member of Congress to publicly
admit tobeing Gay - along with Reps. Gerry Studds, DMA,
Barney Frank,. D-MA & Steve Gunderson, R-WI.
Although Kolbe voted for DOMA, he also supports
benefits for same-sex partners, and last year voted to
keep the District of Columbia’s Domestic Partnership
Act that gives some benefits to the partners of district
employees. For Kolbe’s comments, see Kolbe, page 3
Military HIV Discharge
Provision Dropped
WASHINGTON -.A joint House-Senate conference
committeehas unceremoniously dropped a provision in
the 1997 defense authorization bill that would have
required the discharge of service personnel infected
with HIV.
The HIV discharge provision was included in the
House version of the $265.6 billion defense spending
measure by Rep. Bob Doman (R-Calif.), despite objections
of Pentagon officials. The Senate version of the
bill included no such amendment.
"Congress spoke on.this issue already when it repealed
Dornan’ s HIV discharge measure in April," said
Winnie Stachelberg, HRC’s’ legislative deputy. "Spite
and bigotry are th~ only conb,eivable rehsons why Bob
Dornan would have reintroduced this; measure after
seeing itresoundingly defeated."
Thejoint conference committee also :dropped a orovzszon
that would have topI~led the don t ask, don t
tell" policy in favor of an outright ban on Gays and
Lesbians in the armed forces.
Out In Sunday Tulsa World
¯ Community of Hope, a
: United Methodist congre-
¯¯ gation, took $1,650 advertisement
in The Sunday
¯ Tulsa Woddto speak out
¯ as a Christian community ¯
of faith "to call all Chris-
" tians to stop using hateful
¯ language" against Lesbi-
: ans and Gay men (see ad to
¯ right). The ad specifically
: cites the language used by
¯ members" of Congress in
¯ recent debates on the"De-
: fense of Marriage Act"
¯ which was co-sponsored
¯ by Tulsa Rep. Steve
Largent and overwhelm-
" ingly supported by
¯ Oklahoma’s House mere-
¯ bers.
! Acc°rdmg to a statemen=t
¯ gee Ad, p. 11
¯ Elizabeth Birch, former counsel for Apple,
now leads DC’s Human Rights Campaign.
Coming Soon!
Womens Supper Club
RBG Business Fair
Gay Comedy Jam
Feast With Friends
IAM Street Carnival
RBG Lake Retreat
see Coming, page 11
¯ audience with,over 400 attending on, two nights~. , ¯
: The largest grant ($3,500) went to,the HIV Resource consortium, " ¯
the second largest ($2,500) to the Medication Fund Of the Visiting "
¯ Nurse Association and grants of $1,500 went to Interfaith AIDS
¯ Ministries AIDS information line, Shanti=Tulsa Storehouse, Our " ¯
House, Regional AIDS Interfaith Network, see Follies, page 11 "
Sid Spenser
Singer Dies Unexpectedly
¯ : , " 1 and died ~’n hospital, see Sp
¯ Follies ReVue Beneficiaries i ’ ’ "
~ Follies Revue, Inc. has announced,the.distrib~tti0n ,of net proceeds
t.rom its annu,gl, fundrais~ng peffom!,ance. Thislyear s event raised 4
$14,000 to hel~ l~d agencies that p~ovide direr support t~ persons.,~
~AL~.Err~I~S/DIR~TO~Y p. ¯ liviongwithAIDS orvHIV ipfe~tion. Fedllies Revoe~ Irnc. has rais.ed ¯ ... . -- . . . ., . :! NEWS’BRIEFS ! $115,000 m its ezght years of servzce. This year s event which was . ,
P. 4
: hdd at the Doubletree Hotel, Warre~ Place attracted the largest ever " HEAL’rI~ BRIEFS i P. fi
Many Gay Oklahomans were surprised and
shocked by the news of the death in July of
native singer, Sid Spencer, from complications
fromAIDS in Calgary, Canada. Spencer,
who performed regularly in Tulsa at the Silver
Star Saloon, was performing Ot the Alberta
Gay Rodeo. He was,~tficken wi,lh pneumoma
P. 11
P. 12
P. 13
P, 15
918.583.1248 Publisher/Editor, Tom Neal
POB 4140 Assistant Editor, James Christjohn
Tulsa, Oklahoma Phyl Boier-Schmidt
74159-0140 Barry Hensley
Jean=Pierre Legraridbouche
Leanne Gross
TulsaNews@aol.com Gerald Miller
Issued on or before the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
are protected by US copyright 1996 by Tulsa Family News and may not be
reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher.
Publication of a name or photo does not indicate that person’s sexual orientation.
Correspondence is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must be
signed & becomes the sole property_of Tulsa Family News. All correspondence
should be sent tO the address above. Each reader is entitled to one free copy of each
edition at distribution points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
by Phyl Boler-Schmidt
Last December, I decided to take on an impossible project. I
knew it was impossible from the outset, but I was determined to
be a.voice of reason inthe midst of many voices of confusion.
What, you ask, am i talking about?
With the brutal murders of Roxanne and Michelle, two lesbian
activists in Oregon,my sense ofneeding to do something tobring
the warring parties over lesbigay civil rights to the same tablewas
literally pushed over the edge. I just had to do something. So, I
decided to begin a dialogue on an Internet’.newsgroup called
What I wanted to accomplish was nothing different than
lesbigay civil rights activists have been working toward since the
beginning of our movement. I wanted Christian fundamentalists
(and everyone else for that matter) to begin to see us as human
beings, to stop villifying us insearch of political advancement, to
STOP the violence.
Knowing full well I am only one person, see Enemy, page 3
by G. Miller. M_4.
Peoplehavekiddedmefor along-time about having an answer
for every problem or situation. But it occurred to me lately that
what I see as common sense answers are somehow often overlooked
by other people. So the following is a beginning set of
things for the reader to consider in terms of how to make your
daily life less complex and run more smoothly.
1. Don’t go where you are not wanted! Sounds simple and it is.
If there are places or people who go out of their way to make you
to less than comfortabl~, DON’T GO THERE. DOn’t go to
businesses which treat you or your friends badly.
2. Stay away frompeoplewho try to make your life miserablet
That includes, parents, siblings, or any form of relative. This also
includes associates of friends, or coworkers in your work place.
That’s right, COWORKERS. You may have to be around them
to work but otherwise steer dear whenever possible.
3. Don’t say you’ll do something when you reall~ don’t want
to do it! I used to make myself see Life, page 3
Tulsa Clu~)s & Restaurants
*Concessious, 3340 S. Peoria
*Lola’s, 263OE. 15th
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620
*Assoc. in Med.& Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
Brookside.Jewelry, 4649 So. Peoria 743-5272
*Creative Collection, 1521 E. 15 592-1521
Cherry Street Psychotherapy Associates
1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 7434117
Tim Danid, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
DOn. Carlton Mitsubishi & Honda 665-6595, 622-3636
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
Express Pools & Spas, 6310 S. Peoria 743-9994
Foxlinx, Computer Consultation 690-2974
Leanne M. Gross, Financial Planning 744-0102
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*Imaginations, Lincoln Plaza, 15th & Peoria 584-4606
*International Tours 341-6866
JD Images, Photography 621-5597
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Loup-Garou, 2747 E. 15
~ 742-i992
Lean Ann Macomber, Realtor Associate 671-2010
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720e E. 31st 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, llth & Mingo 838-7626
*Ross Edward Salon, 1438 S. Boston 584-0337
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Scott Robison’s Prescriptions, see ad for 3 locations 743-2351
Southwest Viatical 747-3322
SurfPuppy Multimedia 743-7872
.............. Thomas Chiropractic Clinic
4138 S. Harvard, Ste. C,1 742-8868
Kellie J. Watts, attorney 493-1959
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
Tulsa Organizations, Churohes, & Untv~silies
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 1071, 74101-1071 579-9593
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
*Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
2627B E. 11
*B/L/G Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr.
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa
*CommtmityofHope United Methodist, 1703 E. 2rid
(Lesbian/Gay Catholics & Episcopalians)
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo
*Free SpiritWomens Center, call for location&info:
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Organization (African-Amer. men)
POB 8542, 74101 4254905
Indian Health Care, Save the Nation 584-4983
: Interfaith AIDS Ministries - 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
: *HIV Resource Consortium
: 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1 7494194
; NAMES PROJECT, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H- 1 748-3111
," PFLAG , POB 52800 74152 7494901
¯ Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118 74104
i R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 7494195
_Rai~nbow B,usiness Guild, POB 4106, 74159. 665-5174
St. Jerome s~-C~tlirlic Church, 3841 S. Peoria, 646-7116
¯ *Shanti Hotline 749-7898
¯ Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights, (TOHR)
POB 52729 74152
TOHR Gay HelpLine 0nfo.) 7434297
¯ Technicians, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
: T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222
¯ *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule, Ground Floor
: *University Center at Tulsa
¯ Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy 23 South 501-253-7734
¯" Beaver Dam Store, 1/2 mi. N. ofDam Hwy. 187 501-253-6154
". *Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
." DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
¯ *Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
; Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429 501-253-2776
: Heart of the Hills Bed & Breakfast & Reservation Service
¯ 501-253-7468, 800-253-7468, x882
! King’sHi-Way,96King.sHighway,Hwy.62W 800-231-1442
¯ _M~C~Q~o.~[ the Living Spring 501-253-9337
: McClung Realtors 501-253-9682
." Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-253-2401
¯ Rock Cottage Gardens 501-253-8659 800-624-6646
¯" Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 501-253-6001
." The Woods, 50 Wall St. 501-253-828_1.
Carbon Copy
editors, The Tulsa Worm
Why are we afraid .of same-sex marriage?
Is it change? Without change, we
can not grow. Why are we afraid of anyone
or anything that is differentfromus or
our views.’? what would the world be like
if we were all the same?
Marriageis acommitmentbetweentwo
people who love one another. Single-parent
homes, illegitimate children, abusive
spouses, alcoholism, joblessness and
multiple marriages are aspects that are
tearing the family and marriage apart.
Please tell me where same-sex mamage
will destroy the institutions of marriage
and family. And is it wrong for a married
see Eetters, page 3
Rev. Nancy J. Horvath M. Div., Pastor
9:15 am Christian Education
11:00 am Worship Service.
6:30 pm Midweek Service
7:30 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm Codependency
Support Group
5451-E S. Mingo ¯ Tulsa~ OK ¯ 74146
(918) 622-1441
why I decided to take on the Promise
Keepers is Something I really can’t explain.
I just needed to do something.
My experiencepleasantly surprisedme.
And, I’d like to share this experience with
you because I think if it worked once, it
can work again.Ifmore of us step out and
try to communicate with those we perceive
as the enemy, perhaps we will make
a difference, if not for our generation, at
least for those that follow.
My original note posted was entitled
Opinions on Hate Speech. In it, I asked
these simple questions, after outlining the
events that had transpired in Oregon:
"What are your feelings about this? Can
you see why gays and lesbians are horrified
when those among you villify us, call
us child molesters, say that God hates us,
and use other extremely derogatory terminology
to describe who we are? Isn’t
there some other way to disagree on the
subject ofcivil rights legislation?Canyou
see why somein yourmovementmightbe
resp°nsiblealruenasdtyablef°r incitingpeople ~loe~eC~l~l~’~
for someone to hurt anyway? Isn’t there
another alternative?"
The immediate response by o~er 20
men who frequent the newsgroup was a
defensive knee-jerk reaction. They accusedme
of trying to blame Christians for
everything. They toldme that a crime had
been committed, and it didn’t matter if it
was brought about by hatred of gays and
lesbians. They tried every conceivable
way to convince me that it had nothing
whatsoever to do with their faith. It was
only one unstablemancommitting a crime
see Enemy, page 7
¯ sued by Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) on his
". announcement that he is Gay:
: ’q’wenty years ago, when I first sought
¯ public office, I made a decision that my
: commitment to civic involvement would
: mean my public life would have to come
: ahead of my personal and private life.
¯ I have, in the intervening 20 years,
: sought to fulfillmypublicresponsibilifies
¯ in a manner that benefits all those I have
:. represented in either the Arizona Legisla-
¯ ture or in Congress. I will continue that
: commitment as long as I am in public
: Service. Ilookbackon whatlhaveaccom-
: proud of the record I have compiled.
: NAFTA was the capstone of this vision. I
¯. have fought to lower the crushing tax
¯ burden on our families by reducing taxes.
: I have worked for six years as a member
_" of the budget committee to achieve a
¯. balanced budget so we can relieve our
¯ children of the burden of a crushing na-
: tional debt. I have worked to keep
: Arizona’s reputation as the astronomy
i cOatapdivtaanlces intheawssourrlidngbaystrwonilolmgyotnheaWtforward
: here. I have argued and won funds to
: protect our natural heritage, including the
¯ "expansion of Saguaro National Park. And
: justthis weekweachievedthemostsweep-
: ing, most important reform of welfare in
: decades. There is, of course, much more
¯ but this is a record I believe I can point to
: with justifi-able pride.
The following ts a press statement is-
¯. [ am just as proud of my record in the
¯ area ofhumanrights andindividual right.s.
: I abhor and vigorously oppose discrinu-
: nation in the workplace based on race,
¯ religion, gender, or sexual orientation -
." any treatment that is not based on merit. I
: foug.h,t to repeal thepr.ovision inlaw which
’. armed seravnicaeus tmomemaubcerdwishcohiasrHge oIfVany-posi-reqmres
: five. I support health benefits for domes-
". fie parmers.
¯ I also believe that if the citizens of
~ Hawaii believe it to be in their public
." interest to permit same-sex mamages,
¯ they should be permitted to do so. By the
¯ same token, other states - as Arizona has
: done - should be allowed to define mar-
: riage differently, and not be required to
accept the.definition adopted by others. It
.¯ is for this reason that I voted for the so-
." called Defense of Marriage Act when it
¯ was before the House a few weeks ago.
°. Now, however, there are some who
: have decided that theirdisagreement with
: this particular vote warrants their making
: public information aboutmy privatelife -
¯ information they may have heard second
: or third-hand about my sexual onenta-
." tion. That I am a Gay person has never
¯ affected the way that I legislate. The fact
". that I am Gay has never, nor will it ever,
: change my commitment to represent all
: the people of Arizona’s 5th District.
¯ I am the same person, one who has
: spentmany yearsstruggling torelieve the
: tax burden for families, balance the bud-
~ get for our children’ s future, andimprove
¯ the quality of life we cherish in Southern
: Arizona. I intendto continue that mission
: if the voters of the 5th District, in their
¯ wisdom, decide that I should represent
them in the 105th Congress.’"
¯ versity",
: The Black&White Charities, Inc. Gala
: will begin with a reception at 7pro fol-
¯ lowed by the dinner at 8pro. The highly
~ regarded, Follies Revue Singers will pro-
: vide entertainment. Valet parking will be
: provided. For more info., call 587-7314.
: orheter0sexual) in smallOkl.ahomatowns
: and rural areas. In particular, this effort
¯. will target Muskogee, Okmulgee,
¯ Tahlequah and Bartlesville. While it’s
". estimated that the majority of HIV trans-
~ mission/infection is these areas is still
¯ -through male to male contact, a small
: survey by the Oklahoma State Dept. of
: Health indicates that AIDS cases in rural
: Oklahomans is still rising but that men in
¯ these areas may perceive themselves as at
: lowerrisk. AndMSM’s whomay be mar-
: ried to women may face challenges in
: incorporating safersex practices into their
¯ relationships, and even in just getting
"¯ condoms in a small town where anonym-
: ity is not likely.
¯ The program will work to provide sup-
. port groups, peer education and greater
." access to HIV see HOPE, page 11
(9t8) 254-9766
Zimbabwe Gays
Harrassed by Govt
HARARE, Zimbabwe (Aug. 2) - Gays
and lesbians won a legal battle over the
government of Zimbabwean President
Robert Mugabe in their on-again, offagain
efforts to participate in the nation’s
International Book Fair, the largest publishing
showcase in sub-Saharan Africa.
The country’s High Court overturned a
government ban on the Gays and Lesbians
Association of Zimbabwe (GLAZ),
saying the country’ s censorship laws were
being improperly applied. The court said
the government had exceeded its authority
when it banned the organization withouteven
exzmining theliterature the group
intended to display at a booth at the fair.
The government promptly said, however,
that it would examine whatever books,
pamphlets or otherliteratureGLAZbrings
to the fairand would press charges against
the group and its members if the material
was believed to be "promoting homosexuality."
For the 2rid year in a row, the government
tried to block the only lesbian and
gay group in the country from participating
in the Fair. OnJuly 22, Joyce Mujuru,
the country’s information minister, said
the government wouldn’ t intervene in the
fair to block GALZ from participating.
But the next day, government spokesman
Bornwell Chakaodza said gays and lesbians
"have absolutely no right to publicly
display literature and material at a public
and cultural event where..,children visit."
The Zimbabwean government, last year
faced intenseinternational cfiticismwhen
it banned the GALZ from the fair.
Organizers of the event managed to
keep the event in Zimbabwe this year,
after making commitments that GALZ
would be allowed to set up an exhibit
stand at the fair to distribute literature. A
spokespersonforGALZhassaidthe group
plans to go ahead with its plans to set up a
booth at the fair, despite the government’s
Organizers of the fair said they were
still concerned about the possibility of
violence because of the GLAZ booth.
Among other things, shortly before the
High Court ruling, a leader of Uniyersity
¯" of Zimbabwe student group With close
¯ ties to the President Robert Mugabe told
¯ the fair organizers that gays and lesbians
¯ that-show up at the event will "face public
¯ genocide."
In fact, a mob of between 60 and 100
¯¯ angry students mostly from the University
of Zimbabwe showed up on the final
¯ two days of the fair.
¯ On the final day of the fair, a group of
students again showed up, and GLAZ
¯ members quickly left the booth for safety.
Unsatisfied with simply driving theGLAZ
volunteers away, however, the student
mob proceeded to thoroughly trash the
¯ booth and bum the pamphlets that had
¯ been left behind.
Although book fair staffers quickly put
the fire out, many of the nearby
¯ publishing booths" also felt threatened
¯ enough to pack up their own displays and
¯ leave the fair, complaining that they were
¯ losirig enormous amounts of money
¯ because of the continued disruptions.
: Congressmen’s
i Spouses Gang Up
¯ -on Anti-Gay Rep.
WASHINGTON (July 30) - Just how
¯ disliked by gays and lesbians is Rep. Bob
¯ Doman, the Orange County, Calif., Republican?
Well, earlierin JulyHerbMoses,
¯ the longtime companion of Rep. Barney ¯
Frank (D-Mass.) toldreporters in thecapi-
¯ tal that he has. been helping raise cam-
" paign funds for Loretta Sanchez, the
¯ Democratwhois trying to unseat Dornan.
¯" Now Moses has now been joined by
Dean Hara, the partner of Rep. Gerry
," Studds (D-Mass.) and Rob Morris, the
¯ companion of Rep. Steve Gunderson (R- ¯
Wise.), in helping raise money for
: Sanchez’ campaign to oust Dornan, who
¯ has a fondness for referring to gaymen as ¯
¯ "homos.,Morris told reporters.that the 3
openly gay members of Congress may
_" attendanupcomingfundraiserforSanchez
¯ but hadn’t been asked to be involved in
¯ planning the event. "I think Herb and
Deanand I want to keepBarney and Gerry
¯ and Steve out of it," Morris told The Hill.
’q’his is our project."
Scottish Gays
Can Adopt
EDINBURGH, Scotland (July 29) - A
Scottish gay man has won a court appeal
that will allow him tO adopt a 5-year-old
severely handicapped boy whose morn
has told child welfare authorities she
doesn’ t want the child.
The unnamed man, identified only as a
34-year-old nurse, had earlier this year
been told by a lower court that he could
not adopt the boy because he is gay, even
though the man and his lover have cared
for.the 5-year-old for the past 18 months.
But a 3-judge Scottish appeals court reversed
that ruling, saying there was no
legal reason prohibiting gays andlesbians
from adopting children.
The court said that all the information
gathered about the two men and their
lifestyle and relationship with the boy
"’pointed strongly in favor of the proposed
adoption." The child, who was put up for
adoptionby his motherjust weeks afterhe
was born, is both deaf and unable to talk,
and can walk only with assistance.
Hate Crimes
OAKLAND, Calif. (July 17) - California
has just released its first full-year of data
about hate crimes in the state, although
authorities and anti-violence advocates
agree it probably doesn’t reflect biasbased
crimes very accurately. According
to the state justice department summary,
there were 1,754 hate crimesin California
in 1995, involving more than 2,600 vierims.
The only previous report for the
state coveredjust the last half of 1994 and
reported only 672 such crimes.
Justice department officials were quick
to acknowledge "holes" in the report.
Among other things, only 215ofthe state’ s
750 law enforcement agencies reported
any information on hate crimes. Some
cities reported disproportionately higher
numbers of hate crimes, possibly because
police there have been more sensitized to
reporting such acts of violence. San Francisco,
for example, reported 290 biasbased
crimes for 1995, while Santa Clara
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¯ County - which has more than twice the ¯
population - reported just 47 such crimes
¯ during that year.
¯ Some 69% of the reported incidents ¯
included in the report were based on race
¯ or ethnic background; about 18% of the
¯ hate crimes reportedwerebasedonsexual
orientation; just over 12% were based on
: religion. According to the state report,
¯ gay men were 4 times as likely as lesbians
to be the target of attacks.
Lesbian Speakers
at Political Conf.
WASHINGTON (July 18)- According
¯ to the Washington Post, tennis superstar
Martina Navratilova says she’ s head over
: heals in love with model Hunter Reno,
¯ who also happens to be a niece of U.S.
Attorney General Janet Reno. The Post
¯ quoted Navratilova as saying she loves
the blond L’Oreal model "in a way I
haven’t loved before" and that Hunter
¯ Reno said the tennis ace is a"very special
: person" to her.
The younger Reno will be one of sev-
¯ eral noted women slated to address the
¯¯ Human Rights Campaign’s OutVote ’96
scheduled to be held in Chicago in Au-
¯ gust.-Along with Reno will be Chastity
¯ Bono, Candace Gingrich and U.S. golfer ¯
Muffin Spencer-Devlin.
¯ Trans Ex-Husband
¯ Seeks Child Visits
¯ LONDON 0nlY 19) - A [emale-to-male
¯ transsexual who has been married to a
¯ woman for 17 years is appealingaBritish
¯ court ruling that refuses him visitation
rights with the couple’ s children.
¯ A court earlier this year declared the
¯ marriage of the couple, who are not being ¯
named, annulled because of "a profound
deception" on the part of the husband.
¯ During the divorce proceedings, the wife
¯ in the case told the court that she"always
believed he was a man" and had undergone
artificial insemination in order to
have their children.
¯ But the husband, who is 50, has ap-
¯ pealed the court’s ruling that he has no
¯ visitation rights with the couplers children
because he had perjured himself in
order to get married in the first place.
During the divorce proceedings, the
wife, whois 49 years oldnow,had told the
court that when she and her husband had
had sex, she believed he either had a very
small or deformed penis. But, She told the
court, they never discussed it and that she
never reMized the man was using an artificial
penis during sex.
¯¯ accidentally, killin~ Smith.
But prosecuting attorney Lee Davis
questioned Butler about why she had not
: tried to give any aid to the shot.woman or
even call an ambulance. Davis also intro-
" duced forensic evidence that Smith had
: been shot by a pistol that had been held.
¯ only about an inch fromhermouth at the
time it was fired.
Tennessee Murder Chaplain Booted
Trial Winds Up for Bad Att,tudes
ORLANDO, Fla. (July 24) - According
CHATtANOOGA, Tenn. (July 19)-As to the Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel, John B.
the-murder trial of Adriana Butler, 23, ¯ Book, ahighlyvisibleanti-gayministerin
drew to a dose, the college honors gradu- ."
ate and mother of a 3-month-old infant, "
testified ,,that she "never intended to kill ¯
anybody in the October 1994 shooting "
death of Cathy Smith, even though she
wanted the woman to stop having a les- ¯
bian relationship with her mother, Donna
Evans. ¯
Butler said she was opposed to the "
"’unnatural relationship" between Smith "
and her mother, but socialized with the
two women in order to maintain her faro- ¯
ily contacts. Under cross-examination, "
Butleracknowledgedthat the three women "
had in fact taken vaeatious in Atlanta and "
Alabama together, and that they had also °
gone-to a local bar popular with lesbians "
and gay men.
She insisted, however, that her mother "
’~gave in to, Cathy [Smith] in order to keep
the peace’ and told the court that Evans"-"
was ashamed of her relationship with "
Smith but was afraid of losing her job if "
she broke it off.
According to Butler, the night of the °
killing, Smith had shown up at her home,
where Evans was staying, and an argu-
: ment hadbroken out during which Smith
had punched Evans in the stomach and "
knocked her glasses off. The woman tes- "
lifted that she also was hit by Smith when "
she tried to break up the senffle outside
the house between the two women. ¯
She told the court that at this point she
went and got a gun and returned to the
driveway where Smith and Evans were, "
butbeganwalkingawayfrom Smithwhen ¯
the woman grabbed her and twirled her
around suddenly and that thegun Went off "
central Florida, has been fired from his
post as a volunteer chaplain with the Orange
County Sheriff’s Dept. afterhe publicly
criticized a deputy sherifffor attending
a gay pride parade earlier in June.
The Sheriff’s office declined to daborate
on Book’s firing except to say that his
"inabilityandunwillingness" to workwith
gays andlesbians in the department and in
the communi,ty at large made him unacceptable
in the post.
Gay Videos End
Coach’s Career
ASHBURN, Va. (July 19) - When Jeff
Bruton’s wife Melanie sued for divorce,
among the evidence presented were accusations
that her husband had appeared in
a number of popular gay pornographic
videos under the name Ty Fox. When
Bruton’s employers learned of the reason
forthe divorceproceedings, they launched
thmeir own.inves.tigation and say that if the
enare indeedone and the same, Brnton
will.have to resign as aphysical education
teacher and assistant coach for football,
baseball and wrestling at a Sterling, Va.,
high school - and possibly his Virginia
state teaching certification.
Edgar Hatriek, superintendent of
schools for Loudoun County, told reporters
that teachers"are C"hOSen to bemstmc-"
tors as welJ as leaders of our young
people...in their professional as wall as
not in keeping with that." School officials,
however, said they have been unable
to contact Bruton directly because of
the summer vacation, and also said that
the gym coach’s phone number has been
But Steve Thompson, who is Bruton’s
agent, confirmed for reporters that his
client is in fact Ty Fox and, in addition to
modding swimwear and athletic clothing,
Bruton also made gay pornographic
videos. Thompson also said that Brnton
plans to resign his teaching post, which
he’s held since 1993, "whether it’s fair or
Choral Festival
TAMPA, Fla. (July 15) - Festival V,
described as the largest gay and lesbian
gala in the world, drew to a dose after
what organizers considered a highly successful
8 days ofsinging, singing, and still
more singing.
The Gay & Lesbian Association of
Choruses, which sponsors the annual
showcase of choruses from around the
world, said more than a hundred choruses
participated in Festival V, drawing more
than 5,000 lesbian, gay and bisexual singers.
Poet Maya Angelou gave an openingnightaddress,..
and although therehadbeen
,cgncerns that anti-gay protesters might
disrupt the festivities, only a handful of
prot,esters showed up at one of the earlier
opemng day events. The festival also saw
the premiere of several works commissioned
for Festival V.
¯ answer you want to hear but...". You will
.save.yourself a lot of anxiety and grief by
¯ just being truthful. This includes the so-
" cial WHITE LIE. If this is too large a step
¯ then begin with simply saying you prefer
not to answer, and stick to your guns.
5. Quit worrying ~b~.ut what happened
yesterday. You can t fix what is already
¯ done. Equally, don’t worry about future situations over which youhaveno control
¯ anyhow.
¯ 6. Start living inside the moment you
are in. If someone makes you angry, let
¯ them know it. If someone hurts your feel-
¯ ings, let them know it. If someone mis-
¯ treats you, don’t put up with it. Take
action, even if that only means removing
¯ yourself from their presence.
. 7. Us.e some common sense about deal-
. mg with everyday life. You are in control
of y.our, life far more than you ima "he
n t let others take the ~mttattve of dic-
ta.ting your life. They will try to get away
¯ wjth as much as possible. Learn to recogm.
ze what you, can effectively handle and
what you can t.
¯ Most importantly keep inmind that you
¯ don’t have to win every battle to win the
¯ war. Don’t let others sap your energies.
Pick and chose the right time and right
¯ place. Truly you are the Captain of your ¯
ship and the Master of your own fate.
.* We make life far more difficult than it
¯ really is and we usually fall into that trap
by letting others set the situation and start
¯ the game. Remember the famous "It’s my
ball and I make the rules!"? Start thinking
¯ of your life as your"ball" and when others
¯ insiston making thegamemiserable, take
¯ your ball and go home. You can always
¯ find someone else to play ball with.
Keep inmind some people aren’thappy
unless they are making someone else unhappy,
and usually that will mean you.
Don’t waste a scintilla of time or effort on
those types. Move on and let them eat
themselves up. ff they have so little self
esteem that they have to tear someone
down to feel important, @#$%^ them.
Only you can start making your life
easier and morerewarding. You have to
start today, because each day that passes
brings you closer to the great black nothingness
which probably awaits us all.
Copyright © 1996 Gerald Miller
miserable going to social gatherings I
.didn’t really want to attend because I felt
~t was my duty. BS! Now I only go where
I really want to beand Ihaveamuchbetter
time. This also includes favors for other
people, just learn to say No in a polite
4. Don’t lie! Tell the truth when asked
a question, even if you know the questioner
won’t like the answer. Just preface
your reply with, "I know this isn’t the
St. Jerome
71ae 9L-,v. Deacon Debbie Srarnes
(918) 742-6227
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PC
Certified Public Accountant
a professional corporation
Come See Our New Office
4021 South Harvard, Suite 210, Tulsa 74135
Attention Artists
Anyone wishing to Donate Works for
an Art Show & Sale for
Our House
to be held on Sept. 28 & 29
Contact Delilah at 665-1339
Works must be received by Sept. 15.
Traci Huntsman
3225 S. Yale
Tulsa, OK 74135
Clinton Pledges
More forAIDS Care
SAN FRANCISCO (July 23) - Ending a
2-day campaign swing through California,
PresidentClinton saidduring a$1,000-
per-person fund-raising dinner thathehas
asked Congress for an additional $65 million
for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program
to help people with the disease pay
for expensive new and-HIV drugs.
Nearly 70,000 people get assistance for
AIDS drugs through the program, which
is largely paid for with federal funds. The
Clinton budget proposal would increase
federal spending - about two-thirds of the
total program - from $115 million this
year to $195million during the next fiscal
Theomove comes in the wake of medical
reports at the international AIDS conference
in Vancouv& earlier in July that
indicate the new class of protease inhibitors,
combined with already-approved
anti-HIV drags, show enormous potential
for completely suppressing the virus.
Patients andAIDS advocates, however,
have increasingly warned that despite the
heartening news about the new drugs,
most people with AIDS in this country
would not be able to afford the expensive
new treatments. "While new drug treatments
offer enormous hope to people living
with HIV," Clinton said at the fundraiser,
"it is also clear that our work is far
from complete."
Reform Party’s
Lamm Suggests
Cut Care for PWA’s
NEW YORK (July 21) - Although it got
little notice by the media, former Colorado
G0v. Richard Lamm, who has declared
his desire to be the 1996 presidential
nominee of the Reform Party, said on
a television news program Sunday, July
21, that the government should virtually
write off people who already have AIDS.
"I think in a world of limited resources
weshould spendmoremoney onresearching
the cause ofAIDS and how to prevent
it than we should treating the people that
are going to die anyway," Lammsaid on
the CBS-TV program "Face the Nation."
Mark Sturdevant, vice chairman of the
Reform Party who has urged Lamm’s
candidacy, later insisted the former Colorado
governor wasn’t actually saying the
country should "pull the plug" on people
who are sick, but said that as the country,,,
increasingly faced "limited resources
Americans "need to start talking about
these issues."
Lamm raised hackles in-1984 for similarremarks
whenhe said the elderly "have
a duty to die and get out of the way."
Gene Defect May
Protect from AIDS
WASHINGTON (Aug. 8) -Two separate
teams of researchers have identified a
genedc mutation that appears to protect
some people against AIDS. The finding
may-explain why some people infected
with HIV remain healthy and virtually
symptom-free of the disease for years.
The teams of U.S., European and Japanese
scientists have found that people
with two copies of a certain defective
gene - one each from their mother and
father - appear to be resistant to the most
common strain of HIV in Western countries,
the one which is transmitted sexually
most commonly. They estimated that
¯¯ only about 1% of the Caucasian populalion
has both defective genes.
: Theteam tookblood samples from 1,800
¯ healthy U.S., European, African andJapa-
¯ nesevolunteers.Theyexposedthe samples
~ to the most common strain of HIV in test
: tubes. Reporting in thejournal Nature, the
¯ researchers found that all the blood
: samples were infected after exposure -
¯ except those from white people with two
: copies of the mutated gene.
¯ The second team of scientists, from the
: Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
: in New York, found the same double
; genetic mutations in the blood of two
¯ white males who knowingly had unpro-
: tected sex with infected partners, yet re-
: main uninfected themselves.
." As these researchers report in thejour-
¯ hal Cell, they could not infect blood
samples from these two men - even with
¯ 1,000 times the amount of HIV it usually
: takes to trigger an infection.
¯ The researching findings suggest that
: drugs to do this would probably have no
; side effects, since the lack of the protein
: target in the Caucasians appears to have
¯ caused them no known negative health-
: problems.
: Heterosexual HIV
: Showing Up in UK
: LONDON (Aug. 1)-A much more vim-
. lent strain of HIV, believed to be more
: likely to spread by heterosexual contact,
." has ~pread from Thailand to Great Brit-
" ain, researchers reportin the Britishinedi-
: cal journal New Scientist.
The virus .subtype E is widespread
throughout Asia, where most of those
¯ infectedareheterosexual,nothomosexual. ¯
As a result, researchers and epidemiolo-
: gists believe the virus subtype is more
: easily spread via heterosexual sex than
¯ subtype B, which has mainly affected gay
: and bisexual men in North America and
~ Europe. Since the first case of subtype E
¯ infection in England was announced earlier
this year~ British health officials have
since identified 72 additional subtype E
infections. ¯
Report" Herpes : ¯
: Virus Linked to KS
¯ CHICAGO (July 30)-Two studies in the
: healthmagaT.ineNatureMedicinestrongly
¯ suggests that Jhe human herpes virus 8
; (,I-IHV8) isthecauseofKaposi’s sarcoma,
¯ a cancer that strikes many people with
: AIDS. Using a recently devdoped blood
¯" test for HHVS, researchers say they most
." often found the virus in blood samples of
~: people with sexually transmitted diseases,
¯ a Strong implication the virusis also sexu-
." ally transmitted.
2nd HIV Home Test
¯ Approved; States
¯ Fight Availability
¯" CHICAGO (July 24) -~A 2nd HIV home-
: testing kit has now gone on sale after
¯ being approved by the Food & Drug Ad-
¯ ministration. Like the already-approved
: Confide test by Johnson & JOhnson, the
Home Access Express test, sold by Home
¯ Access Health, is available via a toll-free
¯ number. But in spite of federal approval ¯
now of2 suchhome tests, themanufactur-
: ers sdll face batdes with healthofficials in
¯ some states who are s.harply critical of
Even if you test HIV negative,
AIDS has touched your life.
4, What’s the pointof staying negative if your lover or your
friends already have HIV?
4,, Will you have to use condoms for the rest of your life?
4, Do you sometimes take risk that you regret the morning_
-4, What about the issues of power and trust in a
4, How has homophobia affected your self esteem?
Interested in attending a discussion
group for HIV negative men?
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Outside Tulsa, call 1.800.282.8165
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Providing Comprehensive Primary Care
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We have many insurance provider affiliations
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Monday- Friday, 9:30_-4:30 pm,.743-1000
home-testing for HIV.
North Carolinahealthofficials arefighting
to block sales of the home tests there,
and similar concerns about the ability of
statehealth workers to trackpeople possi:
bly exposed to the virus have been raised
by state officials in Missouri and South
Carolinaas well. Thehome tests are available
at pharmacies only in Texas while in
Florida, they are available only by mail
Atlanta Braves to
Hold AIDS Benefit
ATLANTA (July 25) - The San Francisco
Giants starteditin professional sports
2 years ago when it teamed up with the
Until There’s a Cure Foundation to hold
the first AIDS benefit pro game.
This year the Atlanta Braves will become
the 2nd pro baseball team to sponsor
such an event when it hosts a "Stepping
Up to the Hate Day" in Sept: at the
Atlanta-Fulton Co. Stadium benefiting
AIDS organizations in the Atlanta area.
At the first Until There’s a Cure Day in
1994, opposing team Colorado Rockies
wouldn’t even join the S.F. Giants on the
field to form ahuman AIDS ribbon until
they were brow-beaten into it by Giants’
teammembers andcatcalls from the stands.
of violence, not a s.ymbol of a larger
societal problem that lS exascerbated by
like-minded individuals who blindly follow
the ramblings of the likes of Pat
Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Patrick
Buchanon, etc.
And of course, I was bombarded with
Bibfieal quotations about the sinfulness
of my ways.
I knew this would happen, and since I
had gone in with my eyes wide open, I
knew I was not going to act defensively to
protect my position. I wanted dialogue,
not an argument.
,So, with each and every note from one
of these men, I responded with the same
basic premise: "Yourpremisesmaydiffer
from mine, and that’s okay.We just need
¯ There are some more modern texts that
to put those on the table sowecan actually
know what weare talking about.
"Our premises on the Bible probably
differ... I don’t know yours, but I win tell
you mine. I read the Bible as a historical
work. I try to read it in the context of the
time it was written and to know which
people were being addressed so that I
have a context to base my reading upon. I
also read other works of the time thathave
notbeenincluded in the Canon, and many
of these I find just as much validity in.
University Reports ¯
Condom Usage
BOSTON (July 17) - According to a
survey ofBrownUniversity students,74%
of the women who dropped in at the
campus clinic in 1995 said their sexual
partners used acondom"always or almost
always’~ when having sex. A similar survey
at the school 6 years earlier found that
only41% of the women visiting the clinic
rel~rted such high usage of condoms by
their sexual partners.
rely on as well. In other words, I don’t
¯ think God stopped talking when his book
: went to print. I also know that, it is more
~ than possible that the works included in
¯ the Canon have been misinterpreted
¯" through language interpretors and ver-
¯ sion editors, and there is a high probabil-
." ity that the men who chose which books
¯¯ were likely candidates to include in the
Canon had their own prejudices and could
have excluded some worthwhile works
: and included a lot of repetition.
¯ "This does not mean that I negate the ¯
teachings of the Bible. I just feel that it, in
and of itself, is an incomplete guide for
my spiritual understanding."
¯ The responses I received after simply
: laying my cards on the table about my
: own interpretation of the Bible are what
~ surprised me the most. There were no
¯ more Biblical quotations used to try to ¯
sway me. There was no more using of
i Chrisdan theology tojustify the villifying
¯ of the homosexual lifestyle.What hap-
~ petted is that we settled into a reasoned
: debate. No tempers flared.No hateful
¯ names wereealled. Ibelieve that, although
: I did not think my one voice would make
~ a difference, it did.
¯" And, I believe this is why: "I like being
able to live my life to its fullest, and I ~ expect you to have that very same fight. It
~ is a free country in which we live, and
i freedom of and from religion is one of our
hallmarks of liberty...
"Our ability to disagree on what God
~ thinks of my lifestyle is one of the ~eat
¯ things about this place we call America.
¯" And, I want to keep that ability for both of
us. I don’t want *anyone* to try to tell me
:~ I can’t have my way of life, and I sure
¯ would defend your choice as well.Wonld
you do the same for meT’
i I would like to propose to all ofyou that
: reason really does work. I think it is high
¯ time we appeal to reason in our political
¯" endeavors, not to high emotion. And, I
: thinkitis time we quit assuming weknow
: howtheothersidewillrespond.Thelouder
". weget, themorethe other sideresponds in
¯ kind. There are reasonablepeople onboth
¯ sides of the lesbigay civil fights debate,
i andI,for one, wouldlike to see more ofus
.... " step forward ,an~ take leadership roles.
Pitcher’s Refusal to
Join Game Benefit
Causes Uproar
SAN FRANCISCO (July 30) - The refnsal
ofSanFrancisco Giants pitcherMark
Dewey to join with the baseball team m
support of an AIDS benefit being sponsored
by.the team has outraged political
leaders here and at least oneAIDS activist
has called on the Giants to giveDewey his
walking papers or trade him to another
With nearly 35,000 fans attending the
Giants-AtlantaBraves game,Dewey,who
is 3-2 with a4.10 earned-run average with
36 strikeouts in 53 innings, refused tojoin
players from the two teams on field for a
demonstration of support in fighting the
AIDS epidemic.A fundamentalist Christian
who is outspoken in calling homosexuality
a sin. He also turned his red
AIDS ribbon sideways in imitation of the
ancient "fish" symbol of Christianity.
Dewey said he decided to opt out of the
on-field display with teammates because
some of the funds raised for the "Until
There’s a Cure" day event go to promote
safer-sex education and prevention programs,
which he says are contrary to his
religions beliefs. Jon Prevna, who works
withProject Open Handin San Francisco,
later wrote to Giants president Peter
Magowan saying, "I seriously hope you
will consider trading him [Dewey] or giving
him his unconditional release." The
Giants managementhas so far declined to
comment on the incident.
Black & White Charities, Inc. & PFLAG
Lookforward to the pleasure ofyour companyfor
The 1996
Black & White Gala
with keynote speaker
Elizabeth Birch
Executive Director, Human Rights Campaign, Washington, DC
Presentation of the first annual Swan Awards
Saturday, September 7th
Cocktails & Conversation at seven o’clock, Concourse
Dinner at eight o’clock, International Ballroom
Entertainment by The Follies Revue Singers
$125 each, checks may be sent to POB 14001, Tulsa, 74159
Visa or MasterCard, call 587..7314 or 800.458.4682, or e-mail: blkwhtprty@aol.com
The Downtown Do.ubleTree Hotel, 616 West Seventh
Benefiting the 1996 Black & White Grant Recipient, The HIV Resource Consortium, Inc.
Bless the Lord At All
Times Christian Center
Sunday School, 9:45 am
Worship Service, 11 am
2627b East llth 583-7815
Community ofHope
(United Methodist)
Worship Service, 6 pm
1703 E. 2rid, 585-1800
Family of Faith
Metro. Comm. Church
Adult Sunday School, 9:15
Worship Service, 11 am
5451-E South Mingo.
Info: 622-1441
Metro. Comm. Church
of Greater Tulsa
Worship Service, 10:45am
1623 N. Maplewood
Info: 838-1715
Alliance - Univ. of Tulsa
6:30 pm at Canterbury
5th & Evanston, 583-9780
HIV Testing Clinic ¯ ¯: Free & anonymous testing . HHIVIVR+esSouurpcpeoCrtonGsroorutipum
¯ using fingerstick method. ¯ 1:30 pm ¯ No appointment required. ¯ 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-I
¯ Walk in testing: 7-8:30 Inn : Info: Wanda @ 749-419z
: Results hours: 7-9 pm : ¯ lnfo: 742-2927 : Shanti-Tulsa, Inc.
Mixed Volleyball for
Fun & Competition
Hclmerich Park, 6:30 pm
71st & Riverside
Info: 587-6557
Agape’ Christian
Service, 7 pm
Sheridan Center, Suite H
: 21st & Sheridan, 747-2482
¯ Bless The Lord At All
Times Christian Center
¯ Prayer & Bible Study
¯ 7~30pm 2627-B East llth
Call 583-7815 for info.
Support Group
2nd Mon. of month
6:30 pro, 4154 S. Harvard
Info: 749-4901
: HIV/AIDS Support Group
¯ &
Friends & Family
¯ HIV/AIDS Support Group ¯
7 pro, call for location: "
: Alternative Skating
: 8:30 - 11 pro, 241-2282
$4, Sand Springs Skate
¯ The Technicians, Leather "
: org., Info c/o 621-5597 "
¯ T.U.L.S~4. Tulsa Uniform.
: & Leather Seekers Assoc. ¯
¯ Info: 838-1222 "
. Gay & Lesbian Student "
Association ¯
TJC Southeast Campus, "
Iflfo: 631-7632 ¯
SWAN-Single Women’s ¯
¯ Activity Network
Grief Group
Funeral Home
2103 E. 3rd St.
Call for time: 587-7000
: Family Of Faith MCC
: Praise & Prayer 6:30 pm
¯ Choir Practice 7:30 pm ¯
545 I-E South Mingo.
" Call 622-1441 for info.
¯ Community of Hope
¯ (United Methodist)
Service for Peace, 6:30 pm
: Bible Study, 7 pm
¯ 1703 E. 2rid, 585-1800
16-Step Empowerment
¯ Group For Women ¯
Community of Hope
¯ 1703 E.2nd, Info: 585-1800
¯ Co-Dependency
; Support Group
7:30, Family of Faith MCC
¯ 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
¯ HIVTestingTOHRClinic
¯ Walk in testing: 7- 8:30 pm
¯ Results hours: 7 - 9 pm
Info: 742-2927
Tulsa Family Chorale
Weekly practice, 9:30 pm
Lola’s 2630 E. 15th
Support Group
1st & 3rd Thursdays
4154 S. Harvard, 749-4901
¯ TNAAPP Alternatives ¯
¯ Tulsa Native American " Weekly social events for"
AIDS Prevention Project ¯ LGBT men & women, 7 pm
Support group ¯ Info: 646-5503 ¯ for Gay & Bi Native :
¯ American Men, 6 pm Substance Abuse
at ~Community of Hope Support Group "
¯ 1703 E. 2nd " for persons with HIV/AIDS ¯
St. Jerome’s Church
Mass, 6 pm
Garden Chapel
3841 S. Peoria
Info: Father Rick
at 742-7122
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets weekly at 11 pm
Confidential support for
recovering addicts.
Community of Hope
1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
NAMES Project
AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sewing Bees
3rd Sat. of each month
Info: ~/48-3111
Comedy Jam Freedom Tour
MONDAY & TUESDAY SEPT. 16 & 17 8:00 PM
Gay Stand-Up Comics
Gay Stand-Up Comedy
Nationally Recognized And Acclaimed
Gay Headliners
As Featured On HBO
And The Advocate Magazine
A Portion Of The Proceeds Benefit
B/ack & White Char/lies, Inc.
6906 S. Lewis Ave.
For licker/Show Information..
(918) 481 -O$ $8
Advance Ticket Purchase Recommended
$12 Advance/S15 Day Of Show
Special Engagement
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According to The Gayly Oklahoman,
Spencer was born in Ada, and was raised
in Tulsaand in Seminole. He attended the
University. ofOklahoma and builta career
as a country western entertainer, touring
the Southwest and working on the Gay
rodeo circuit.
Friends of Spencer are holding a Celebration
of Life on August 17, at the
Bunkhouse in Oklahoma City, according
to friend and organizer, Mike Busby. The
event will feature Sonja Martinez, Deb
Roberts,BradRiggins and videos ofSpencer
performing. The event will include an
auction of memorabilia to benefit HIV/
AIDS organizations.
The Gayly also noted that Spencer’s
family has requested that donations to
HIV/AIDS organizations be made in lieu
of flowers. Those who wish to honor the
memory of Sid Spencer may do so to the
organization of their choice or may send a
donation care of Spencer’s father, Sid
Spencer, Sr. (RR2, Box 69-G, Seminole,
74868-9614) who will donate those in his
SOn’S naule.
and two grants of $1,000 each to TOHR
Testing Clinic (HOPE) and Catholic
Charities’ St. Joseph’s House.
On-September 28, Follies Revue performers
will recreate this year’s show to
benefit RAIN in Enid, Oklahoma. For
information about booking Follies singers
for corporate or private events, call
testing. Initially, events for the program
will be held in Tulsa because of the conterns
individuals may have about attending
a "Gay" event near their homes.
Petersonadded that attendance is not necessary
and that they would like to hear
from individuals in rural eastern Oklahoma
about what it is like in those areas
and how best to get education and services
to the areas. HOPE has set up a
telephone number, 800-282-8165, to allow
individuals to call anonymously. Local
callers may ring 742-2927.
Peterson also announced that HOPE
has .been chosen as one of 75 HIV agencies
in the US to participate in a program,
"Parmers in Prevention", sponsored by
the Center for AIDS Intervention Research,
(CAIR) of the Medical College of
Wisconsin. The program is funded by the
: National Institute of Mental Health andis
¯ intended to bridgeagapbetweenfront]i~"
¯ HIV/AIDS prevention organizations and
: research into HIV prevention.
OOO00000OO00. OOOO0®O
A Friendly Place to Stay
¯ 96 Kings Highway, Hwy. 62 W
¯ Eureka Springs, AR 72632
¯ (501) 253-7311
¯ 1-800-231-1442
¯ Jerry A. Wilson. owner
A number of commtmity events are
coming up. Check out the following:
The NAMES PROJECT wants you to
help by hosting a Feast with Friends on
Sat. Sept. 14. Call 748-3111 for info.
¯ Tulsa Womens Supper Club will meet
". 8/28 at 7 at the Spaghetti Warehouse.
." Info: 584-2978. Thenext AIDS Coalition
¯ meeting is Sept. 10th. Call 585-5551.
: Do not miss Interfaith AIDS Minis-
: tries Old Fashioned Street Carnival on
¯ Sat. 9/21, 10-6 at Southminster Presbyte-
¯ dan, 3500 S. Peoria.
: Rainbow Business Guild is having a
: business fair on 8/30 (see ad, p. 5) and-a:
: lake weekend on 9/21-22, call 665-5174.
Anddo not miss the Gay Comedy Jam[
written by Pastor Leslie Penrose, the congregation
struggled to make. sure the ad
was "responsible, given that we are a
Christian commlmity of faith and not a
p.o.litical advocacy group" and"adequate"
s~nce members of the congregation are
affected by the hate language. The statement
notes that "as gay and lesbian persons
have struggled in this country - in
this state and city- for the right to live in
dignity without fear of violence or persecution,
to have their committed relationships
respected, and to worship with integrity,
the dialogue has become inereasingly
hurtful and exclusive....we...have
wondered where is the other voice of
Christianity?" The statement affd~,
"...when the church is silent in the face of
injustice...that silence becomes complic-
¯ ity in that injustice."
Penrose told TFN that so far there has
¯ been little response to the ad but that she
: expects that there will likely be letters to
: The Worldin response andpossible to the
¯ new Methodist bishop from more conser_
: vative Methodistcongregations. Commu_
: nity of Hope (Coil) has also organized
¯ serveral companion efforts to this ad.
These include a letter and visiting cami
Paigu to Don Nickles, Tom Coburn and
¯ Steve Largen.t, a speakers bureau to seek ¯
out other church groups that will listen
and Coil is also planning aprayer vigil to-
¯" be conducted when and if the Senate con-
, siders theDOMAbill. Formoreinfo. orto
¯ contribute to this effort, call 585-1800.
Living Sprtng
...a community of friends...
We welcome you to attend!
Services held
Sunday evenings at 7 o’clock
17 Elk Street
(at the Unitarian Church)
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
reviewed by Barry Hensley
Tulsa City-County Library
In "Immortal, Invisible," editorTamsin
Wilton has compiled a lengthy collection
¯ of original essays and interviews analyzi~
ig the history and current state of the
lesbian moving image, including f’rims
and, to a lesser extent, television. From
Marlene Deitrichin"Morocco" in 1930to
1994’s "Woman of the Wolf," this volume
explores the important differences
between "gay films" and "le:s.bik.a~ film,s"
and why lesbian and gay male ,tim mar-
.....~rs will probably never agree on a generic
"queer cinema." "
These are more than just simple movie
reviews. The contributors explore the.s.ocial,
political, historical and, in some mstances,
religious aspects of these films
and the text is not always light reading.
Obvious popular films, such as "Personal
~ Best" and the notorious "The Children’s
Hour" are supplemented ,b,y true~hous,e,
lesbian films, including Desert Hearts
and "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit.!’
The seventeen contributors exhibit a
wide variety of qualifications, frofi~film
makers"and producers (Penny Florence
and Susan Ardill) to a postgraduate student
(Louise Allen) whose research is
concerned with "lesbian readings of kd
lang, and the emergence of country and
westernlesbian culture."The authors endlessly
debatewhatconsritutes lesbianform
: and content. Should only films which
’ have lesbian relationships and characters
beindudedin"lesbian cinema," or should
: an"out" lesbian film maker also have her
: film included even though the subject
¯ matter or treatment is not lesbian-spa-
¯ eific?Thereis averyinterestinginterview
with lesbian film maker Greta Schiller,
¯ whoserecent efforts haveindudedawon-
: derful documentary, "Maxine Sullivan:
¯ Love To Be in Love," about the hetero-
~ sexual jazz legend.
: Some wall knownnames are ignored or
¯ marginalized in this volume. Barbara
¯ Hammer, whose short films have raised
: more than one eyebrow as they challenge
". the "heterosexist authority system," ¯ is
mentioned only a couple of rimes and
given one short quote.
¯ There are many unfamiliar but intrign-
~ ing films discussedhere. They are ones to
¯ keep in mind as you are traveling to other
: cities where progressive theaters may be
: taking the opportunity to broa..den~ the h~o-
~ rizons of their communities, veruaps me
¯ ThirdAmmalTulsaGay andLesbianFilm
~ Festival organizers willincorporate some
". of these rifles into their schedule next
¯ snring. "Immortal, Invisible" is one of the
~ few books published that specifi-
: cally discuss lesbiancinema, but there are
¯ also many other books regarding gay/
¯ lesbian topics at your local branch library
: orat the Readers Services department at
: theCentralLibrarydowntown(596-7966).
James Christjohn
ybYeal Gaycomedyis comingback to:Fulsa
on S~pt.’16th& 17th, at thePAC. The Gay
Com~:ly Jam. Freedom Tour features acclaimed
openly Gay comics,, Scott
Kennedy and Kevin Maye, who ve been
seen on HBO’s Comedy Channel and
-written of in The Advocate. Their show,
Gaylapalooza (last February with two
other comics) played to a full house at th~
PAC’s Williams Theater and benefited
Black&White Charities as does aportion
of this appearance. Tickets are $12 in
advance and $15 day of the show, and are
available by calling 481-0558.
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
announces that auditions for its Halloween
producrion, two one-act plays, will be
held Sund,a,,,,,y, August 18, at 6pro;, The
pIays¯.are . Sorry, wrong Number , directed
by Todd Murray, & "Black Comedy",
directedby Jenny Jackson. Theoneacts
will be performed October 11 - 20.
"Sorry Wrong Number" requires afemale
character, and 3-4 addirioual actors
who can perform a variety of character
voices. It will be staged as a radio
drama. "Black Comedy" requires 5 men
&3 women. Audj’rious will consist ofcold
readings from the scripts and someimprov.
Audirious willbeheld at the playhouse,
1800 S. Main in the Main Place complex.
For more info, call 258-0077.
see Notes, page 15
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bYAugustJean_Pierre,nightsTFNinOklahomaCFr°°itdiChave ." of a salad & side dish or a cup of soup.
ataba~nutt~o9 hot .a~.d Sticky to .reallal~ " We started with a shrimp and lobster
nne cmsme, but a new res- .bisque that was rich and quite rusty, with
ctauulirnaanrtyhsecerenei.nMTicuhlsaaelhas heated up the " el,noUtsn.Kofs wofholol.be,stsemr atallilsmhreiamt.pTahnedresewvaesraal
Fusco’s new venture, definite bite from cay-
Flavors, fills out the space in a strip mall M;ebael Fi15co ~ enne pepper, but it was
alsohome to Novel Idea
Bookstore & Mexicali
Border Cafe, near 71st
and Sheridan. The wellknown
Fusco used to
be chef at Bodean’s,
and openedFlavors this
summer as his own
Halfofth~ restaurant
is a section of dinerstyle
booths with white
tablecloth covered
tables. The post-modem
decor features a
black and white checkerboard
floor, a visible
kitchen window, and
popular music playing
over the speakers. The
other half, behind a
wainscotted glass wall,
is aformal dining room
with pale purple walls,
carpeted, formal tables
and place settings, and
more sedate, classical
music playing in the
background. There is
.also anotherformal din-
IX/Ion. - Fr~., 11 to
3/][on. - Sat., 5 to 10:30
dosed Sundays
New Amerlean
Dress: Dressy
Very Expensive
Section: Yes
FMI bar and w~ne
mgroom behind French
doors for private par_
ties. The samefood and
menu is available on
either side, and there is
no official difference,
though we noticedmost
gendemen in our section
wereinjackets and Ratln~:
ties, while the diner Side patrons were more ca_ A l;st sually attired.. Even
though our visit was on
a Monday night, both sections of the restaurant
were nearly full.
In addition to the small menu ofregular
items, a blackboard reminiscent of
Bodean’s announces the specials of the
evening. Several selections of fresh fish
are available, plus offerings of beef, veal,
pork,and duck. Entrees include a choice
no.t what we would call
spray. Our salads came FLAVORS on huge plates (larger
~a~a~n the service plate!)
6104 E~st 71st Street wedgceosnsisted of large of iceberg lettuce
with a.scattering
of .thinly sliced purple
omon tings, cherry tomatoes,
sliced cucumbers,
dressed in a pleasan~--
balsamic vinaigrette&
crumbled S til ton
cheese dressing (Stilton
is the English version
of bleu cheese or
After the salad
course, we were mortified
to see our waiter
remove our salad knife
from our salad plate
and set it on our bread
and butter plate. One
expects that fora $4.50
salad, the kitchen can
wash an additional
Our entree was a delicious,
and large servl.
n.g of sauteed, thinly
sliced veal hver ($9.95)
presented with caramelized
onions and~r2~r_
kansas bacon, withpo_
tatoes Lyonnaise. Very
tasty and an excellent
value. Our companion
had a strikingplate that
looked pretty enough
to be a woman’s hat--
a bed of mashed potatoes
surrounded by a
panopoly of grilled
i avepgeertfaeMctelys agnrdilmleud,shthroicokm, sb,ecerfotwenndederwloiittni
¯ ($21.95), sauced with a red wine reducL
: tionhunter sauce, and withahuge sprig of
.. fresh rosemary stuck in like a feather.
; au¯Hgirsadtienssdeirsthwoafscmreomreembruunldeaenwe:hiaclharwgee
see Flavors, page 15
wnere pets are treated like ~eople ".... "’~. * Bakery Treats
* Bed & Breakfast (boarding)
* Salon
* Pet Supplies: Science Diet, IAMS, Nutro Dog Food
3311 S. Peoria, 744-5556
HIV Positive?.
New state-of-the-art investigational drug therapies
arenow available in the Southwest for
HIWAIDS and opportunistic infections.
If you are interested in participating in one of the
promising new investigational therapies, call us at
(918) 743-1000
Jeffrey A. Beal, M.D.
Associates in Medical at!.d Mental Health
2325 South Harvard, Suite 600
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114
Free & Anonymous
Finger Stick Method
By &for, but not exclusive to the
Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Communities.
Monday & Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm
Daytime testing, Mon-Thurs by appointment.
HOPE HIV Outreach, Prevention & Education
formerly TOHR HIV Prevention Programs
4158 South Harvard, Suite E-2
2 doors east of the HIV Resource Consortium
Look for our banner on testing nights.
~ Do you live in a small town
or rural area?
Are you attracted to other men?
Do you feel like you are the only one?
And if you’d like to meet others,
come to our rural mens discussion group
¯ ~. every 2nd & 4th-Saturday, 7-9 pm
For more info,, contact Jeremy or Brian
742-2927 or 800-282-8165
thought rather nondescript. We had a flourless chocolate
cake that was filled with chocolate mousse, served on a
mirror of raspberry puree, and decorated with fresh strawberries,
fresh blueberries, mint leaves, and real, freshly
whipped unsweetened cream. Good, but we couldn’t eat it
all, and.the gateaux was everso slightly overcooked.
Alas, there was no espresso machine on the premises, so
after dinner, we walked across the parking lot to the Novel
Idea cafe to linger over cappuccinos and leer at the cute
clerks selling books. Flavors also features a full bar and the
wine list is interesting, emphasizing less encountered small
California wineries.
The food at Flavors, as one might expect from a Michael
Fusco venture, is excellent, though it tends toward tile
expensive (a veal chop with polenta was $28.95--but it
looked divine!). Fusco is one of those chefs who has mastered~
the art of doing new & creative things with food in
combinations which work, rather than shock. One can expect
a pleasant & memorable dining experience from this
exciting, new establishment. Just be sure to make reservations
on the weekends.
For film buffs who happen to be computer literate, I just
received notice,of anew website, called "Popcorn Q", billed
as the ultimate onlinehomefor the queermovingimage. The
address is http://www.popeornq.com..According to my
sources, it offers thousands of film & video descriptions
(need help figuring out whatmovie to rent tonight?), sources
for acquiring these films/videos, of course, graphics and
photos, a directory of G/L film rests, a "Homo Home Film
Fest", books to watch out for, Queer top tens, and lots o’
links. The programmer/author ofthe site is Jenni Olson, who
also wrote the "Ultimate Guide toLesbian & Gay Film &
Video", published in June. Not only an author, programmer,
and Queer film archivist, she also produces for film and
television. Hey Jenni ! Need a cheap actor/columnist-writer/
professional college student?
Last but not least: if you saw the Academy Awards, you
may have seen STOMP, an extraordinary dancing peicussion
performance. They have come to Tulsa several times
and make a point to see them if you have not done so. They
will be at the PAC, Sept. 6-8 and tickets can be had from the
PAC at 596-7111 or Carson Attractions at 584-2000.
How To Do It
First 30 words are $10. Each additional word
is 25 cents. You may bring additional attention
to your ad with:
Bold Headline - $1, Adin capital letters - $1
Ad in bold capital letters - $2, Ad in box - $2
Ad reversed - $3, Tear sheet mailed - $2
Blind Post Office Box - $5
Please type or print your ad. Count the no.
of words. (A word is a group of letters or
numbers separated by a space.) Sendyour ad
& payment to POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
with your name, address, tel. numbers (for us
only). Ads will run in the next issue after
received. TFN reserves the right to edit 6r
refuse any ad. No refunds.
Back in Tulsa
G.W.M. 41, Gldlkg, HIV Pos. Would like to get
acquainted with you. Call 250-8279 or write 1o: ....
#22, c/o TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Lesbian Looking for Others
Early 30’s woman seeks similar for friendship
that might go further? Literate, calm,
already in therapy, preferably. Write to:
#23, c/o TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
Before you begin a romance, or
move in together...start a business
together..commit to each other over
the long term...start a friendship...
Are you sure you know what
that person is really like ?
Wonder if you’re compatible
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Do you have enough information
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Want to know someone (or yourself)
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These written interpretations are a great
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offers full written reports.
Into: call 918-583-1248, or
write to Gemini Moon, POB
live it up downtown
6 pm-lO pm, Thursday, ~ugust 22.
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, T’ne Liw’~ Begi.ns Now.
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iA portiofi of the pl"oceeds o~ each private
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i o 1 iGrand O~emng MI ~nth,~be mad~ to
~e Uni~Way. ~o, don’t~ss this
~evenfi Come sup~ oft the ~ty,
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1996] Tulsa Family News, August 15-September 14, 1996; Volume 3, Issue 9,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/513.