[2008] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 5
[2008] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 5
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
star Media, Ltd
May 01, 2008
Charles (Chaz) Ward
Victor Gorin
Greg Steele
James Nimmo
Joey D.
Victor Gorin
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blake
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Liz Higheyman
Devre Jackson
Judy G.
Victor Gorin
Greg Steele
James Nimmo
Joey D.
Victor Gorin
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blake
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Liz Higheyman
Devre Jackson
Judy G.
The Star Magazine, April 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 5
The Star Magazine, June 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 6
The Star Magazine, June 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 6
Online text
Online text
Southwestern Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
ESTABLISHED 2003 www.ozarksstar.com MAY 2008
One of the longest running and largest of Gay Rodeo Organizations in the International
Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) system, Oklahoma’s Great Plains Rodeo will kick off it’s
23rd year. A fun filled weekend May 23 through May 25th 2008. The event will be held in
Oklahoma City at State Fair Park, 333 Gordon Cooper Blvd.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK ~The fun begins
with the Great Plains Rodeo Kickoff Party
hosted at the Finishline Thursday, May 22
featuring the current reigning OGRA Royalty.
This is a great chance to meet and greet,
dance and party, and ready yourself for the
weekend to come.
The host hotel for the Rodeo is the Hilton
Garden Inn, and there is a block of rooms
available at a special rate from May 22-26
that will be available until May 16 or until
they sell out, whichever comes first. Registration
for the event happens Friday from 6
p.m. until 9 p.m. Tickets are available from
OGRA members for $10 or $15 at the gate.
The Rodeo takes place at the Oklahoma
State Fairgrounds on Saturday May 24 and
Sunday May 25, beginning at 8 a.m. both
days. To keep the weekend wild the Texas
Gay Rodeo Association will host their Texas
T Party on that Saturday in the Copa from
6 p.m. until 9 p.m. featuring fantastic food
and fun.
The Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association,
Inc. (OGRA) is a nonprofit organization
and member of the International Gay
Rodeo Association, Inc. (IGRA) which is
comprised of 28 state/provincial associations
throughout the United States and Canada.
OGRA is proud to be the first association
seated at the first ever IGRA Convention in
1985 For more information check out the
OGRA website at www.ogra.net.
An Exclusive Interview
With OGRA’s 4 Term
President, Klint Wieden
Photo: Klint Wieden with his horse
Cherokee. "I grew up in the small northwest
Oklahoma town ofArnett. I rode horses and
worked cattle my whole life, so that’s really
who I am." Klint told the Star. PAGE-12
Newly revamped
drag-free Tulsa
Pride 2008
By Joey De
TULSA, OK __ Organizers of this year’s
Tulsa Pride Celebration are promising the
public that this year’s events will be anything
but boring. "We have made a lot of
changes to the entire celebration," says Nate
Black, one of the co-chairs. Black says the
changes are intended to breathe a new sense
of excitement into the pride observance
and to help promote the revitalization of
"People don’t kno,v downtown. They
don’t know how to get here, they don’t
know where to park, they don’t know how
many things are down here and growing,"
Black says. "We have moved the events to
................ Continued Page 5
i 7 West 7th Street (corner 7th & ~3oulder Ave) e Tulsa, Ok 74ii9
1:800o535oAtDS (2437)
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 3
Join us for our biggest issue of
the year! PRIDE 2008.
Be a part of
Deadline Thursday l~ay t 5f.h
Serving the Oklahoma GLBT community since 2003.
Mr OkAahoma
Continentall Benefits
OYP Tulsao
By Judy G.
Charles Frederick Mr Oklahoma Continental 2008
TULSA, OK __ March 28th, Singer and
entertainer Chades Frederick, Mr. Oklahoma
Continental, began one of the many
benefits planned to support Openarms
Youth Project in Tulsa to a standing room
only crowd. Many parents and grandparents
of the entertainers were in attendance.
David Dees, owner of Club Majestic, 124
N. Boston, Tulsa, donated the use of the
dub for this worthy benefit. ~he event
raised $770 for OYE.
Entertainers were Sabastyn Croft, Tazia
Kennedy, Cort, Brooke Kennedy-Miss OK
National Queen, Mindy Bartlett, KC Morgan,
Kordylia Kennedy, Alex Kennedy, Iman
Scott-Miss Goddess 2007, Daphne Rio and
Nicole Poverty-Miss OYE.
to benefit the GLBT youth group,
many who are or were homeless just because
they are gay, can be made to Openarms
Youth Project, 2015-B S. Lakewood, Tulsa,
Ok. 74112, or contact Tim or Ken at 918-
give people a reason to check it (downtown)
out, but also to come enjoy our new center
and see how many resources are available."
The first big change this year that Black
notes is the separation of the Pride Festival
from the Pride Parade. This year, the parade
will occur June 7 and the festival will occur
June 14.
Following a national trend, the Pride
Parade will be held in the evening, escaping
the oppressive summer sun. The parade will
fol!ow a new route, taking it from the Brady
Arts District through downtown to the
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
When the parade ends at 4th and
Kenosha, the new Pride Block Party will
kick off: "There will be 2 stages of entertainment,
beer tents, vendors and all kinds of
activities," says Black, who also notes that
national music sensation Eric Himan will
be performing. Black also says that for those
with children, the second floor of the equality
center will be open to provide licensed
babysitters for a small fee.
A week later, the Diversity Festival
will kick off in Centennial Park just west
of6th & Peoria. Black says that the newly
revamped festival will feature two stages of
entertainment with a multi-ethnic array of
performers, an international food court,
children’s area, local vendors and more.
According to Black, including other
faith and ethnic communities is not an attempt
to "de-gay" Pride, but to help create
community allies. "We have to realize our
commitment to justice can not be for the
gay community only. We have to speak out
against racism and against bigotry. "The
GLBT community is in every population,"
"By increasing our alliances we strengthen
our own commitment for our people."
’This is still a gay pride event," Black
emphasizes. There will be a leather fashion
show, there will be drag queens, and there
xvill be rainbows. It’s still very gay, but it is
also more professional and more inclusive."
The final major change that Black says
will be occurring is the moving of the
Diversity Gala to the historic Cain’s Ballroom.
Black says that not only does this
help to create an emphasis on downtown,
but it also provides much needed space for
the event to grow.
For the latest updates on the Tulsa Pride
Celebration, visit their web site at www.
2008 LGBT Leadership
Summit OKC
Saturday, May 10, 9am-5pm, Ronald J.
Norick Downtown Library, 300 Park Avenue,
Oklahoma City
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ The Cimarron
Alliance Foundation wil! host the 2008
LGBT Leadership Summit a one-day event
with four sessions of workshops. This year’s
summit features more extensive workshops
about our state legislature - by far the most
attended session last year - and programs
appealing to college students and young
adults. There will also be two community
The 2007 LGBT Leadership Summit was
successful beyond expectations. LGBT
and LGBT-friendly persons and organizations
acquired tools and guidance to more
effectively manage themselves and, more
importantly, better collaborate with others
to accomplish common goals.
The 2008 LGBT Leadership Summit is a
one-day event with four sessions of up to
five workshops per session. Workshops will
address five topics:
Leadership Development
O Organization Development - non-profits,
fundraising, etc.
o Government- politics and the legislative
® Personal Development - spirituality,
equality, etc.
o Anti-violence - anti-bullying, hate crimes,
For more information go to:
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 5
Loving the Hater
Wlaile Hating the Hate
By James Nimmo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ I found a
link recently to a blog (vavw.bilerico.com)
that contains a comment (http://tinyurl.
com/4qdbph) written in reaction to reading
the main story about the Oklahoma City
chapter of PFLAG and their recording of
Rep. Sally Kern (http://tinyurl.com/2zbpgn)
that catches Kern in her spider web of
hubris and cant.
Like the author, I too am very disappointed
with the approach of "loving the hater while
hating the hate."
Ofcourse, I respect our supporters who use
their close relationship with Jesus to try and
gain support for LGBT citizens and other
minorities who are used for verbal target
practice in the ~var for suppression of civil
I’m delighted the Oklahoma City PFLAG
chapter was able to document the duplicity
of Sally Kern and record with her permission
the lies she later reported as irresponsibility
on the part of PFLAG. This single
incident should show you the arrogance and
madness that is being passed offas legislative
Republican leadership. Not one elected
official in Oklahoma from either major
party has come strongly to the defense and
support of the LGBT taxpayers living in
Had Kern used race, skin color, or ethnic
origin as her subject I bet the rent she would
be rene~ving her teaching certificate and
looking for a school that would hire her.
The First Amendment guarantees both sides
the freedom to practice their respective
religious viewpoints and the market place in
which to talk about them.
However, this same First Amendment does
NOT give either side permission to encode
their religious viewpoints into CIVIL law.
I feel this is where we miss the boat in establishing
our birthright to equal treatment
under judicial law, and not the ten laws of
Deuteronomy. There will always be a Bible
verse to trump the opposing Bible verse resulting
in a version of ping-pong skirmishes
with Jesus as the referee.
The writer gives some specific examples of
public, peaceful protest that we can engage
in to show that LGBTs are neither the doormats
nor the monsters our enemies make us
to be.
It’s odd that our suppressors are either afraid
to be in the same room with us, fearing for
their own bodily integrity, keeping their
knees close together; or they, dismiss us as
dippy airheads, frivolous and irresponsible.
How can we be both at the same time?
Their response shows more about the fiction
in their minds then about the truth of our
Until we get out of the religious justification
business the more we’ll be dragged into its
historical quagmire. Look at the present
wars being fought around the world and
you’ll see religious intolerance at the root.
Our LGBT equality will have to be established
in the legislatures and the courthouses
in all fifty states without religious prejudice
tipping the scales of justice.
6 the STAR
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 7
Comling o~ eAge
8 the STAR w-ww.ozarksstar.com
©irecYed bs/Davd Geligan
Oklahoma OiV June 8~ 2008 at 8pnq
Brot~-~e~ Boy
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 9
by Liz Highleyman
What is the history o£GLAAD ??
For more than two decades, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD) has served as the queer community’s watchdog
against biased portrayals of lesbian, ga); bisexual, and transgender
people in the media.
Up until the final decades of the 20th century, representations of
LGBT people in l{lms, television, popular music, and mainstream
publications - if present at all - typically focused on scandal or
ridicule. The burst of gay activism and visibility in the late 1960s
spurred a conservative backlash, and by the mid-1980s, the community
was staggering under the weight of the AIDS epidemic,
as people with HIV faced stigma exacerbated by media portrayals
depicting them as a danger to the "general population."
In 1985, the New York LGBT community was embroiled in a
debate about closure of the .city’s gay bathhouses and grew- increasingly
alarmed about sensationalistic AIDS coverage in the New
York Post. That November, a group of long-time activists including
Vito Russo, Arnie Kantrowitz, Jim Owles, and Darrell Yates Rist
called a town meeting that drew more than 700 participants. Heeding
the exhortation of author Jewetle Gomez to "take responsibility
for what is being said about us," they formed the Gay and Lesbian
Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
The group began as a grassroots effort, using phone trees and
monthly newsletters to issue alerts about offensive media portrayals
of LGBT people. Among its earliest victories, in 1987 GLAAD
persuaded the New York Times to finally use the word "gay" rather
than "homosexual." Ti~e following year, the New York group hired
its first full-time executive director, Craig Davidson. Meanwhile,
in Los Angeles, Richard Jennings and others started a new chapter
focused on the Hollywood entertainment industry. The bicoastal
organization’s clout continued to grow, enabling it to secure an
apology from comedian Johnny Carson for saying "fag" on the air,
followed by the suspension ofAndy Rooney by CBS for homophobic
and racist comments. In 1992, Entertainment Weekly named
GLAAD one of the 100 most powerful entities in Hollywood.
Before long, new GLAAD chapters arose in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver,
Kansas City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.
But in 1995, the local groups merged into a centralized national
organization with a single board, and a staff based in New York and
Los Angeles; two years later, former Showtime executive Joan Garry
took the helm. Over the next decade, GLAAD initiated projects
focusing on communities of color (including Spanish and Chinese
language media), sports media, faith-based groups, and youth.
GLAAD continued to exert insider pressure, and, when needed, to
organize larger public protests against biased portrayals - like Sharon
Stone’s murderous bisexual temptress in the film Basic Instinct
(1992) - or the omission of queer content, such as excising
a male-male kiss from the television show Melrose Place. Homophobic
song lyrics by rapper Eminem and Jamaican dancehall artists
Beenie Man and Buju Banton were other targets. GLAAD also
reacted to current events, such as the murders of Matthew Shepard
and transgender teen Gwen Araujo, as well as homophobic outbursts
by the likes of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell and Pennsylvania
Senator Rick Santorum.
But in keeping with its mission of promoting "fair, accurate, and inclusive
representation of people and events in the media as a means
of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender
identity and sexual orientation," GLAAD also sought to shape
positive portrayals. It consulted on television and movie scripts
featuring LGBT characters and themes, pitched sympathetic stories
to mainstream publications, provided spokespersons for talk shows,
and trained queer individuals and groups in how to effectively use
the media. In addition to wielding the "stick" of protest, the organization
also dangled the "carrot" of praise, introducing the GLAAD
Media Awards in 1990 to recognize favorable representations of the
community and its issues. After considerable pressure from LGBT
media, the organization agreed in 2007 to honor them along with
nongay outlets.
By 2005, when Garry turned over leadership to Neil Giuliano - the
openly gay former Republican mayor ofTempe, Ariz. - the organization
had a budget approaching $7.5 million and a staff of more than
40. Yet GLAAD’s explosive growth, insider strategy, and increased
emphasis on star-studded events did not sit well with some activists
who felt the organization had moved too far from its grassroots
origins. Further, some were unhappy with tactics they regarded as
censorship, such as the successful pressure campaign to cancel conservative
commentator Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s television show.
GLAAD has "a political agenda that is murky at best - at worst, it
is dangerous to free speech, artistic expression, and the interests of
LGBT people," wrote activist Michae! Bronski. "Judging the accuracy
of a news report is much different than judging art. GLAAD
can deal with these issues by getting out of show business and back
into watchdog media commentary."
Despite the criticism, GLAAD continues with its goal of"changing
people’s hearts and minds through what they see in the media."
According to the organization, "What people see at the movies
or read in the newspaper shapes how they view and treat the gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people around them, and we have
a responsibility to make sure those images foster awareness, understanding
and respect."
For further reading:
Bronski, Michael. 2005. ~Not So GLAAD Anymore." Z Magazine (May 1).
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. www.glaad.org.
Gross, Larry: 2002. Up From Invisibility: Lesbians, Gay Men and the Media in America
(Columbia University Press).
10 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
OkEq Announces Anrmat
Equality Gala
Saturday, May 3t, 6pm, Cain’s Ballroom,
423 N Main Ave
TULSA, OK__ (ENEWS) Oklahomans
for Equality is excited to announce its annual
Equality Gala, held this year at the legendary
Cain’s Ballroom. Benefiting OkEq, the Gala
honors Lifetime Achievement Axvard xvinner
Charles Faudree, Community Heroes George
Kaiser Family Foundation and Carol Crawford,
and Russ Bennett Spiritual Inclusion
Award winner Nancy Day: The program
features a champagne and hors d’oeuvre
reception, live entertainment by Jared Tyler
and Valerie Eskridge accompanied by Jacob
Fred Jazz Odyssey, dinner by Taste Catering
and wine donated by Loring Wine Company.
Don’t miss the black tie event of the
season, celebrating Tulsa’s rich diversity.
Sponsorship information and tickets are
available at: wxvw.okeq.org
Co ° munity for
People iving
H P !iA1D8
A 501 c (3) Non Profit O~:gan:izatlon
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
VVe provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
New exhibit featuring
artist Ann Marie Distefano
at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center.
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Dennis R. Neill
Equality Center art gallery will host its
monthly First Thursday meet-the-artist
reception from 6-9pm, Thursday, May 1,
2008, for the opening of it’s May exhibit,
paintings by Ann Marie Distefano.
Ann Marie’s paintings emerge from an aspiration
to reclaim the spiritual dignity of
art. "I want to make art that might open for
the receptive viewer the window onto
eternity," states Distefano. She continues,
"My paintings are ’plugged into’ an inner
source within myself that is very deep and
sometimes unknown. What I seek to achieve
is independence of artistic and philosophical
fashions. My goal as an artist is to reveal
an ineffable presence, the contemplation of
which can lead the viewer towards an intuitive
recognition of his or her own inherent
Distefano, a native Bostonian, has been
living in Tulsa for the past four years. She is
a graduate of the School of the Museum of
Fine Arts of Boston. The reception will be
generously catered by donation by Baxter’s
Interurban Grill. The exhibit will remain
up through the month of May, and can be
viewed Monday thru Saturday from 3-9pm.
The Dennis R. Neill Equality Center is located
at 621 E. 4th St., in downtown Tulsa.
More info can be found on the web at okeq.
This monthly event is hosted by Oklahoman’s
for Equality (OkEq)_. OkEq seeks
equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &
Transgender (LGBT) individuals and
families through advocacy, education, programs,
alliances, and the operation of
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
Emmy Award Winner
Leslie Jordan (Brother
Boy) In Oklahoma City.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ Leslie Jordan
famed "Sordid Lives" star, will bring his one
man show, "My Trip Down The Pink Carpet"
to OKC June 8th at the Tolbert Theater
@ Stage Center. "In 1982, Leslie Jordan
jumped offa Greyhound bus from the hills
ofTennessee, said ’hello’ to Hollywood and
has never looked back. With hundreds of
television and film roles to his credit, he is
probably best remembered for ’Kyle’ hapless
ex-con on Muphey Brown, ’Resplendent
Man’ entrepreneurial super hero on Lois and
Clark, and can currently be seen recurring
as ’Mr. Beverly Leslie’ on the hit series, \Vgill
& Grace. Mr. Jordan just finished a stint on
the two hit series, Ally McBeal and Boston
Public as ’Dr. Benjamin Harris’ cloning expert
turned new-age reverend turned science
teacher turned drama coach.
Mr. Jordan has also had a successful stage
career. He played ’Brother Boy’ a Tammy
Wynette fixated drag queen, in Del Shores
hit play Sordid Lives and went on to star
in the film adaptation of that play. He also
has won every award for best supporting
actor LA gives in theatre (Back Stage West
Garlands, LA Weekly, LA Drama Critics
Circle) for his portrayal of’Peanut Leroy’ a
sodden aging homosexual in the runaway
hit, Southern Baptist Sissies.
the STAR 11
By Victor Gorin
ooking forward to the upcoming
Great Plains Rodeo,
O.G.R.A. President Klint
Wieden shares his thoughts
and hopes not only for this
event but for OGRA and the gay
cowboys and cowgirls of Oklahoma.
Originally from the small Oklahoma
community of Arnett, he grew up as a
typical Oklahoma cowboy, belonging
to both 4-H and the Future Farmers of
America. He went on to OSU where he
majored in animal science and business,
and now resides in OFdahoma
City with his current career of copier
sales while enjoying being a cowboy on
the side. We appreciate him sharing his
time with us.
Victor: How many years has the Great
Plains Regional Rodeo been in Oklahoma
Klint: This is our 23rd year, and it has been
held for the last 15 years at the Oklahoma
State Fairgrounds. It began with a group of
people looking for an avenue where they
could have friendly competition, socialize
together and work together. It was a place
for people who had something in common,
a love of rodeo. They were gay cowboys who
didn’t really feel that they fit into the gay
scene at that time.
The I.G.R.A. ( International Gay Rodeo
Association) was formed, and O.G.R.A (
Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association) was
among the first state organizations. At the
same time, the founders felt that they could
also help the community by being a major
fundraiser for charities of the community.
Victor: A tradition that continues to this
Klint: Besides the competition and fun
involved, fundraising is truly what the rodeo
Photo: Klint Wieden President OGRA
is all about. \Ve raise money all year long to
put it on, and then take the proceeds from
that to give back to local charities.
Victor: Is it still a regional rodeo?
Klint: It had formerly been the Great Plains
Regional Rodeo, representing other states as
well. Today it is the Great Plains Rodeo, an
event solely of OGRA. There is another organization
in Tulsa, the Sooner State Rodeo
Association, who also has their own rodeo.
Victor: Of course the situation is much better
than it was over 25 years ago. There were
probably a lot of gay cowboys who felt they
couldn’t be themselves and fit into what
they perceived the gay community to be at
that time. But even today straight people are
astounded that there are gay cowboys, much
less a rodeo.
Klint: A couple a years ago the Daily Oklahoman
wrote about our rodeo. \Vhat was
to be a small paragraph turned into a front
page story, hit the AP wires and was read
all over the country. It was also read
by my parents, who I had not been
out with, who accepted me for the
gay cowboy I was.
Victor: Gay just happens, but cowboys
are made. So how did it happen
that you are a cowboy?
Klint: I grew in the small northwest
Oklahoma town ofArnett, 18 people
in my graduating class. Arnett is a
farming and ranching community,
I rode horses and worked cattle my
whole life, so that’s really who I am.
Like many straight people, I thought
you had to be flamboyant and feminine
to be gay, and that wasn’t me.
Once I learned there were country gay
bars with cowboys, and gay rodeos,
I thought" wow!" I fit in. That was great to
Victor: Of course the movie Brokeback
Mountain had an enormous impact on
America as a whole. I’m sure it had a special
effect for the gay rodeo scene.
Klint: It made people aware, both gay and
straight, that there were people in that
lifestyle who happened to be gay. So many
gay cowboys could really relate to it, felt we
had to hide for fear of not being accepted by
our families, friends, bosses, or even the gay
Victor: So how rewarding has your hard
work been with OGRA?
Klint: \Veil this is my 4th term as the President
of OGRA, I’ve been the rodeo director.
I’m very out and very proud of what I’m
doing. I have no problem telling businesses,
like my dry cleaners, my dentist, my
veterinarian that I support them, I’m a gay
cowboy, and I’d like their support for our
............ Continued PAGE 23
12 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
Foreman eaves Task Force
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Executive Director Matt Foreman quit his
job April 15 and moved to San Francisco to
head up the Gay & Lesbian Rights Program
at the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.
The fund provides more grant support to
GLBT organizations than aW other nongay
foundation in the U.S.
Foreman was at the Task Force for five years
and is credited with grmving the staff to 54
full-timers and doubling the organizanon’s
budget to $10 million.
"I’m incredibly privileged to have had this
job for the last five years, and to have been
paid to be gay for the last 18," Foreman said
in an interview. "There are so many people
who give their hearts and souls to our
movement without any compensation or for
ridiculously low salaries, and that certainly
includes LGBT journalists.
’Tm also overwhelmed with pride in our
people," he said. "One thing I hear a lot in
my travels is: ’There’s no such thing as a gay
community. No one’s on the same page. In a
few years we’ll all be assimilated, etc., etc.’ I
couldn’t disagree more.
"Name me one community -- or family, for
that matter -- where everyone agrees and
everyone gets along. That’s not community,
but banality.... No, there’s no monolithic
gay community, but there are dozens and
dozens of communities within our larger
movement and they’re accomplishing amazing
things every day. There’s community
everywhere I go -- some purely social, others
religious, others political, others professional.
"While we do have a very, very long way
to go, the fact that we’ve made so much
progress while being such a tiny minority
and against such mighty opponents is, to
me, proof positive that we do indeed have a
vibrant people and community."
Wockner News Service
PlanetOut to selll Advocate,
Out, Myson, porn mags
PlanetOut Inc. is selling The Advocate and
Out magazines -- as well as The Out Traveler,
HIVPlus, three porn magazines and book
publisher Alyson Publications -- to an affiliate
of the gay TV network here! for $6 million.
The sale price is far !ess than the $31.1 million
PlanetOut Inc. paid for the magazines and
book compaW when it bought LPI Media
Inc. and SpecPub Inc. in 2005. PlanetOut
Inc. reported a loss of $51.2 million last year.
The company xvill continue to own and operate
Gay.com and PlanetOut.com.
In January, PlanetOut Inc. "retained Allen
& Company, LLC to assist the company in
evaluating strategic alternatives, including a
possible sale of the company," a press release
The corporation also announced in January
"that it will no longer be providing quarterly
or annual earnings guidance and will not
hold quarterly earnings calls."
The porn magazines included in the sale to
Regent Releasing
and Unzipped. A fourth SpecPub Inc. porn
magazine, known as [2], has ceased publication,
but the sale will include the trademark
"[2]," PlanetOut Inc. CEO Karen Magee said
via e-mail.
Obama grants
interview to
Under fire for not speaking
with local and regional gay
cations, presidential
candidate Barack Obama sat
down for an interviexv with
Advocate.corn on April 10.
"The gay press may feel like I’m
not giving them enough love. But
basically, all press feels that xvay at
times;’ Obama said. "Obviously,
when you’ve got limited amount of
time, you’ve got so many oudets.
We tend not to do a whole bunch of specialized
press.... But I haven’t been silent on gay
issues. What’s happened is, I speak oftentimes
to gay issues to a public general audience"
Obama said he supports passage of a federal
law protecting transgender people from discrimination
but he’s not sure there’s support
in Congress for the move. A bill outlawing
job discrimination against gays, lesbians and
bisexuals has passed the House of Representatives
and is pending in the Senate.
"I have been clear about my interest in including
gender identity in legislation, but I’ve also
been honest ~vith the groups that I’ve met
with that it is a heavy lift through Congress,"
he said. "\Ve’ve got some Democrats who are
willing to vote for a non-inclusive bill but we
lose them on an inclusive bill, and we just may
not be able to generate the votes"
Obama said he understands gay people’s frustration
with candidates such as himself(and
Hillary Clinton) who support, civil-union
but not marriage for
same-sex couples,’ I strongly
respect the right ofsamesex
couples to insist
that even ifwe got
complete equality in
benefits, it still
wouldn’t be equal because
the same
~vord, marriage, assigned to
it; he said. "I understand that,
3ective is also
,olitical and
’ historical
context in
which I’m
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 13
Rata Esparza Slays ’Era in 2518
Eventually, all the Broadway stars try their
tuck in Hollywood. And it Was just ~ matter
of time before Raul Esparza, the han&ome
Tony Award nominee and Drama Desk
Award winner (both for _Company_ and
TabooL wandered west. Xhe bisexual actor
has already fom~.d success on the small
screen, cast m a recurring ro!e on A Cs h,t
Pushing Daisies. BUt n~w he ma.v be s,tepping
wlay outside the feel-good box he ~ been
in - hes in t~ to play a s~riaI killer in Wes
Craven~ latest ~een-horror fihm, 2518. Concerning
a group 0fkids being stalked
by a killer believed to have died on
the birthday they share in common,
the film will co’star teenage collies
0 pe ) and
Shareeka epps (Half-Nelson). No
production or release dates yet, but
the scary stuffis due to shoot soon.
Gay Cast Populates C vas
Shifting the Canvass. an indie drama due
m rackJe the complicated lives of a group
of BrooMyn friends aAer 9/11. has cast
several ~:aces fan~iliar to queer audiences.
notably up-and-coming gay actor Cheyem~e
Ja4k~on. t~t seen on film as rugby player
M~k Bingha~n in United 93, and cur~endy
on Broadway in the hit music~ 3~adu,
Jackson will star as a heterosexuN W~
Srree~ executive involved with a group of gay
ffien&. Rounding out the c~st is ~& in ~e
HNI alum Scott "~,ompson, ~ well as John
Paul Pimc (best remembered ~ the hotW
go-go boy in N’icD and Gedde Watanabe
(last seen reD,lart~ as a gay nurse on ER, but
forever kmown as ’Long D~ Dong" from
SNteen CanNes). ~le film rolls in June and
promises ~meos ~- several ~-yevunn~ed
New ~brk ni~tti~e personalties.
Cosby Goes to Jail
Moore kmows how hard it is for an
; a break from the business
so lately she~ been
a low-risk comeback? Get on
indie-film bus. And that’s exacdy what
he’s been doing, recently starring in the
.’ist drama Flawless with Michael Caine.
nd now set to shoot gay writer-director from a
d~tchell Llchtenste~ns (Teeth) latest film. mate
Happy Tears. She’s i~ good compan> ~oo,
~ih~e-fitm veteran P~ker Posey has signed taste,
,n toplay lvloore’s younget sibling. ~2ne
kama focuses on the two estranged sisters
me selfLaggrandizing, the other bitter and
~dn~) as they re-establish their relationlip
and deal with their elderly father’s
progressive dementia. Shooting now in 2010.
i~hiiadelphia, look for the happiness sometim~
in 2009.
who finds herself
Notably up-and-coming gay actor Cheyenne
Jack,on. Photo: By Ben Strothmann
14 the STAR wv~,.ozarksstar.com
Brief history from
around the
There is a lot to learn about this versatile
wine. There are plenty ofgood Rieslings to
taste. Let~ start with Australian offerings.
They are noted fbr their oily- texture and citrus
fruit flavors in their youth and a smooth
balance of freshness and acid as they age.
New Zealand Riesling was first planted in the
1970s and has flourished in the relatively cool
climate of the Marlborough area. In comparison
to Australian Riesting, New Zealand
produces lighter and more delicate wines that
range from sweet to dry.
][n Cati~brnia, Riesling lags far behind in popularity
to Chardonnay ~d is not as commonly
planted. A notable exception is
opment ofhigh quality Late Harvest
So i]~r, the Late Harvest wines
produced are in the Anderson
Valleys (north of Santa Rosa) where
is more likely to encourage dte needed botutis
develop. ~ae Riesling that does ~
fornia tends to be softer, fuller, a
diverse flavors than a "tTpical" ~
ofBonW Doon, F
Mountain A~v~& with
dedicated completely to
With high acidity and
has deveto
area is re
t facility
[, citric,
With German Riesling,
of ~vine
Pr~dikat (QmP)
PRAY-dee-kahq. It is the
defined by the
New York, particularly in ~e Finger Lakes
region, was one ofthe eaMiest U.S, producers
ofPdesling. Plantings started to appear in
California by 1857 and fbllowed in xNSshington
State in 1871.
New ~tbrk Riesling generally has a characteristic
effervescent light body with a similarly
light, mellow flavor, The wine can be dynamic
though rarely robust, and ranges from dry to
sweet. New York is also a notable producer
ofRiesling based Ice Wine, although a large
majority ofNew ~%rk ke Wine is made from
Vidal Blanc and Vigno~es.
In the Pacific Northwest there is a stark contrast
in Riesling production. ~Ihe grape is currently on
the rise in ~VZ~shington State but on the decline
in neighboring Oregon. Pdesling from this area
ranges from dr?" to sweet, m~d has a crisp lighmess
that bodes well for e~sy drin~ng. Often there will
be an easily detectable peach and mineral complex.
Some Washington State winemakers, such as
Chateau Ste. Michelle, are adapting Germau-style
There are six subcategories
categor?; ranked from
determine various levels
.are: K)~BINE~, SP/&TLESE
fined by a minimum sugar content of the
which varies {::rotn region to region. The focus
sugar content embodies the theoW that grapes
with bdgher sugar levels are riper and therefore
yield richer wines with deep colors and intense
Although Riesling is best known from Germa-
W’s Mosel-Saa>Rmver, Pfalz, Rheinhessen and
Rheingau m:eas, wines from Alsace and Austria
attain equal greatness. France’ Alsace’s
are coveted for their high sugar levels and
endless aging abili9~.
Food Paring
Riesling is a versatile wine for pairing with food
because ofits balance ofsugar and acidity: tt can ~
paired with Thai and Chinese cuisine and various
Rieslingproduction methods, and even parmering . types ofdishes prepared more on the spicy side.
with well&~own German vinmers like Dr. Ernest One can also enjoy this wine with spicy ham,
Loosen to create specialty wines such as the Eroig~ pork with pineapple chutney, stir-fried snow peas
Riesling, with spicy shrimp, crab, turkey, barbequed or
smoked meats, . white sausages, crab cakes
gouda & grwere~
:this wine can be paired as an
cake, apples/pears, caramel/
wmilla ice creaan,
Schm~ Sohne Relax ’06
Job JOS P~Urn/Spatlese ’04
Jakob Dem~er/Kabinett ’06
~ ’06
Pacific Rim Califor-
Series Australia ’06
And as always, I say go to your favorite
wine shop, ask questions and purchase
a bottle or two. Share some food &
wine with friends and check this out for
Vlr. D also hosts wine & food events
known in town as the Wine Enthusiasts
of Tulsa.
References include: the ABC’s of wine by James
the STAR 15
801 South Meridian Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73108
¯35-9~2-1400 ¯ 1-877-STAY-HGI
1511 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK 73118
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Campbell Street, Springfield, MO Early 1900’s
~ormany years, Springfield, Missouri has gotten
a bad rap fi’om the gay and lesbian community all over the country.
Even many of our straight friends have been hesitant about visiting
Springfield. Like many cities in the "Bible Belt", Springfield has had
in the past a reputation for being extremely conservative and even
homophobic. Well, readers, things have CHANGED and for the
better ! At the invitation of the Springfield, Missouri Convention
& Visitors Bureau we visited Springfield last month. They showed
us their beautiful city, their museums, attractions, galleries, dining
options and we must admit that we are now in love with Springfield,
Missouri and we lmow that all of our gay and lesbian readers
from coast to coast will also be. Springfield, Mo. is a very "vibrant
and alive" city and everybody is welcome. As our readers kmow, we
are a "very out’ gay couple and we were shown the highest respect
everywhere we went in Springfield. There are gays and lesbians
working in every field of employment in Springfield and nearly all
of them are "out". MaW of the large National companies at first
were hesitant to move their offices and headquarters to Springfield
but things have changed and for a variety of reasons. We want to
thank so many of the younger gays and lesbians that we met while
we were in Springfield for their honesty and hard work that to made
this happen. Now with that being said, let us tell you about the
"new and improved" Springfield, Missouri.
With a population of over 420,000 for metropolitan Springfield,
it is the third largest city in the State and offers an unbelievable array
of surprises for any traveler. When so many cities in the country
are down-sizing and doing nothing to improve their cities, the
Springfield, Mo. community has grown in every ~vay imaginable
in their arts, business, sports, shopping, restaurants and nightlife.
Their "new and improved" downtown area is something that most
cities can only dream about. All within walking distance you can
admire the works of local and regional artists in more than 15 galleries,
artist’s studios and other venues where you can encounter
sculpture, pottery, paintings, jewelry, photography and hand blown
glass demonstrations. In addition you have a choice of wonderful
restaurants, coffee shops and cafes to dine. In Springfield, they
MADE it happen! Springfield has over 6,000 hotel/motel rooms
and over 600 dining options. So whatever you are into, you will find
it in Springfield!
Metropolitan Springfield has so much to offer in the way of
attractions, historical places to visit and things to see. FANTASTIC
CAVERNS is a must see for any first time visitor to Springfield.
They open daily at 8 AM until dusk. You ride thru this ancient
underground cave that has massive formations. The tour is 50
minutes and your driver will explain the entire history of the cave
to you. THE SPRINGFIELD ART MUSEUM is the permanent
home for some 8,500 art objects representing thousands of years of
culture. They are open Tuesday thru Sunday and are located at 111
historic Landers Theatre is Missouri’s oldest and largest civic theatre.
This season includes Gypsy, ATuna Christmas, the Miracle Worker
and Seussical to name just a few of their productions. "WILD
BILL" HICKOK SHOOTOUT SITE in Park Central Square, right
downtown is the site of the nations first recorded shootout and
helped solidify the reputation ofWild Bill. Look for the marker on
18 theSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
Stage coach terra cotta on Springfidd garage.
East. Markers are also located in the street
showing where each man stood during the
Museum, 1300 No. Grant Ave. is dedicated
to the preservation of railroading and you
can step into a locomotive, commuter car
and caboose. The MISSOURI SPORTS
HALL OF FAME, 3861 E. Stan Musial
Drive includes thousands of sports memorabilia,
exhibits and displays and of course the
Springfield Cardinals Baseball team which
is the Double-A affiliate of the St. Louis
Cardinals and plays at Hammonds Field.
Bass Pro has their big store at !935 South
Campbell Ave with everything imaginable
in the sports line.
Tired of seeing everything yet? Well,
Springfield offers a lot more things to see!
The AIRAND MILITARY Museum of the
Ozarks is a "hands-on" museum of military
history. They are located at 2305 E. Kearney
St. The Brown Derby Store at 2023 S. Glenstone
offers a world-class wine selection unmatched
in the Midwest. The Commercial
Street Historical District (between \Vashington
Ave. and Lyon Ave. is a self-guided
tour which is a 6 block adventure. With a
seasonal farmers market, chocolate factory,
the city’s oldest tavern, new micro-brewery,
antiques/art galleries, this is a great walking
Norton Road allows visitors to get up dose
with hundreds of animals. DISCOVERY
CENTER is an interactive hands-on science
center and is located downtown at 438
E. St. Louis St. The TENT THEATRE is
celebrating their 45th season this summer.
This summer’s productions include Cyrano
de Bergerac, June 11-14 and June 16-21,
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, June
25-28, June 30-July 3, and our favorite,
Anything Goes with lyrics and music by
Cole Porter, July 9-12, July 14-20. The
Theatre and Dance Department at Missouri
State University in Sprinbffield offers a wide
range of theatre and dance programs.
But the most important time we had in
Springfield during our recent visit there was
the "DOWNTOWN AREA". The "new:"
dmvntmvn area is FABULOUS !!!!! Check
out their wonderful website at www.itsalldowntown.
corn \re particularly enjoyed
having breakfast at Galley’s Breal’~ast Care
downtown at 220 East Walnut.
The setting is a wonderful old
nostalgic care of the past but yet
has new and innovative delicious
food with service to match.
The owners and staff are doing
the only place to have breakfast
in Springfiel!! Nonna’s Italian
American Care, 306 South
Avenue is wonderful. Although
they offer non-Italian choices,
why bother? Their Italian menu
is what it is all about. And it
is GOOD! Our best dining
experience for dinner was at
the Kai Restaurant, 306 South
Campbell. This new downtown
restaurant is one of the finest in
the country with great atmosphere,
The Gay and Lesbian Center of the
Ozarks, 518 E. CommerciaI Street in
Springfield supports the well-being of
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) persons in the greater Springfield,
Missouri region by organizing and sponso>
ing community activities and by increasing
public understanding and appreciation of
LGBT citizens. Josh Comp is the President
and is doing a magnificent job. Their phone
number is 417-869-3978. They organize
Pridefest and help organize the annual
variety show, the Queen City Cabaret. They
are close partners with FOCUS - LGBT
professionals group and with APO, Blossom
women’s group, the First Sunday Community
Potluck. They provide free professional
counseling through the Forest Institute.
They have an Individual and Community
Services Advocate who provides services to
the community and have a youth group
program for LGBT youth which meets
once a week and every fourth Friday. They
provide an outlet for many social and support
groups. They have been operating since
!996 and are one of the oldest Gay and
Lesbian Centers in the State. Volunteers
are always needed so give them a call and
donate a couple hours a week.
For nightlife, they have the new CLUB
821 that is getting a lot of attention
throughout the entire Midwest. ~xey are
located at 821 West College, just 8 blocks
West of the downtown area and NEVER A
COVER ! (vavw.club821.corn) and phone
(417) 866-4821 Their hours are Monday
thru Saturday, 4 PM to 1 AM. and happy
hour is daily 4 PM to 7 PM. This bar just
Photo: Donald Pie, Rob Bel (owner Club 821) &
Ray Williams at Club 821, Springfield, ~Ossouri
great service and extremely great food. Continuedpage 27
www.ozarksstar.com {HeSTAR 19
By Andrew Collins
Bakimore, Maryland
Baltimore’s mostpopular lesbian bar, Sapphos, is ])art ofthe bustling
Grand Central *lu~ in the heart ofthe Mount Vernon neighborhood.
(Photo by Andrew Collins)
If you haven’t been to Baltimore in a while, you owe yourself a
visit. This friendly, unassuming city has experienced a virtual rebi,~h
over the past 15 years, rehabilitating its handsome Inner Harbor by
converting dilapidated piers and ,vharves into museums, shops, restaurants,
hotels, and condominiums. Often featured in the movies
ofcamp filmmaker and native son John \V-aters, Baltimore has also
developed increased cachet as a welcoming gay and lesbian destination,
with its many GLBT-ffiendly businesses.
Fortunately, the ci.ty’s success hasn’t gone to its head. It’s hard to
find a more genuine and down-to-earth breed of urbanites than the
residents of Baltimore, who retain a special affection for their hometown.
You may be lured to Baltirnore by the many highly publicized
attractions set around downtown’s Inner Harbor, and indeed most
of these museums and entertainment centers live up to their billing.
But be sure to save rime to explore the man), quirky- residential
neighborhoods, a few of which - Mount Vernon, Federal Hill, Fells
Point - are within easy walking distance of downtown.
The Inner Harbor thrived for years as a shipping crossroads before
falling into a state of blight. Its conversion into an entertainment
and museum district has made it one of the most engaging and picturesque
harbors in America. Popular attractions include the glassenc!
osed Harborplace pavilions, where you can browse through
dozens of shops. Also che& out the Baltimore Maritime Museum,
National Aquarium, and World Trade Center (which offers fine
views from its 27th-floor observation decD.
A regal grassy knoll south of the harbor, Federal Hill Park rises
majestically above downtox~qa, and the Inner Harbor. It’s an ideal
spot to laze under the sun on warm afternoons. The surrounding
eponymous neighborhood has loads of inviting cafes and bars, and
the neighborhood’s American Visionary Art Museum ingeniously
blends two historic -warehouses within a striking contemporary
structure. East of the Inner Harbor, Fells Point may be America’s
best-preserved Cx3lonial waterfront, with its perfectly maintained
Federa!-sryle town houses,
Baltimore’s gay epicenter ties north of downtown in historic Mount
Vernon, which you reach by strolling north from the Inner Harbor
up the city’s backbone, Charles Street. The neighbothood is anchored
by Mount Vernon Square and its 178-foot-high Washington
/vlonument. Nearby are the outstanding Waiters Art Museum and
the Peabody Conservatory of Music, the oldest and one of the most
prestigious classical music schools in the country.
kbffll need to drive or take a bus up Charles Street to reach the
leaf), 140-acre campus ofJohns Hopkins University, which is ideal
for strolling and is next to the state’s largest museum, the Baltimore
Museum ofArt. West ofJohns Hopkins, Hampden is a good oldfashioned
"Ba~vl’mer" neighborhood, a former mill-workers’ community
that has more recently developed a bounty of hip boutiques,
galleries, and cafes. (John Waters, who lives nearby, occasionally
strolls these parts and set his movie _Pecker_ here.)
\Vhen you’re craving a memorable meal, remember that Baltimore’s
cooking is full of flavor - the city- even has its o,vn spice, Old Bay
Seasoning, a feisty, concoction of 16 seasonings sprinkled mostly on
shellfish but required by some locals on seemingly everything but ice
cream. If you’re on the run, iust wander through the copious food
stalls in the Harborplace pavilions. It may look like a zoo of tourists,
but yoffd be surprised how many locals graze here. Many of these
places offer top-notch local seafood - particularly oysters, clams, and
Chesapeake Bay blue crabs. Walk a bit south ro Federal Hill, along
South Charles or Light streets, and you’ll find dozens of appealing
eateries, including one of the best little restaurants in the city~ the
Bicycle Bistro, where you might dine on grilled rack of lamb with a
pineapple-poblano-pepper chutney, or porcini-crusted sea scallops.
East of the harbor, there’s superb dining in the city’s Little Italy
(Boccaccio, with such seasonal delights as local clams and mussels in
a pernod-tomato broth, is a particular standout), and in nearby Fells
Point, talented chef Nancy Longo helms the kitchen at Pierpoint,
which is known for such inventive contemporary regional fare as
smoked crab cakes, and ftied Maryland chicken breast with parmesan
Mount Vernon has dozens of excellent, gay-popular restaurants. At
nile high end, opulently decorated Ixia scores high marks for its wellchosen
wine list and superbly rendered cuisine, including grilled
baby octopus with lemon-fennel confit, and lobster-crab mac-andcheese
with a creamy Fontina sauce. Across the street, Sacha’s is a
great spot for toothsome grazing - the many "small plates" include
crisp french fries in a cone with Old Bay-seasoned creme fraiche,
20 t~®STAR www.ozarksstar.com
and fried green tomatoes topped vdth lump crab meat. Continue up
Street and yoff!l come to trendy Donna’s, a cheerful and modern
space where an arts)- crowd mingles over light salads, roasted veggie
sandwiches, fresh coffee, and fantastic tiramisu. %e Hdmand
has become renowned }br its spics; well-prepared kd~han food (it’s
owned by the brother ofA~hanistan’s president, Harold Kharzai),
and Motmt Vernon Stable and Saloon is a perfect late-night venue
for chicken wings, sandwiches, burgers, ribs, and similarly comforting
pub standar~Is. Finally, don’t miss City Care. an airy and inviting
iava joint that also serves food and wine.
property" ~ns kudos ~br its helpful service, romantically decorated
roo~s, ~d afternoon tea and refreshments. In Mount Vernon, the
historic 1924 Clarion Peabody Court, with its 104 handsomely
outfitted rooms, enthusiastically welcomes gay and lesbian travelers.
You’ll ~e
~ town house
bars. Other esteemed
Canton. This stunner
Make the trip a bit north toward Johns Hopkins to reach Ixia’s sister
restaurant, the lovably kitschy Paper Moon Diner, which is open
Near here in the Hampden neighborhood is the
notable for the massive pink flamingo dangling from the front of
the btfilding (not to mention tasty comfort fare like Belgian wanes
topped with fresh berries, and famously good meatlo~). There’s als0
great coffee to be sipped nearby at Common Ground coffeehouse,
and delicious Mexican food served within the funky confines of
Holy Frijoles.
appreciate one of the ci~’s
Baltimore gay-bar-goers congregate mostly at a handful of mainstays.
Yuppies and stand-and-model types flock almost religiously to
Gr~d Ceiatral, a large, multi-level complex that consists ofa video
lounge, dance bar, billiards room, and outdoor deck. Also on-site is
the s[vanky lesbian bar, Sapphos, with its comfy living-room-esque
decor and soft lighting. ~£ other major club i~i the n’eighborhood is
Club Hippo, whose r~putation for gr~at music draws a wide mix of
revelers, ga34 straight, old, and young. It’s a great place to cut loose,
especially on Thursday and Saturday nights. When it gets late, the
party moves to Club 1722, an 18-and-over ~er-hours club open on
Fridays and Saturdays into the ~ee- hours.
The,tiki-themed Coconuts Caf~ is another Mr. Vernon hangout
thats popular xvith lesbians, while Club Bunns caters heavil~ to
Baltimore’s sizable African-kanerican gay community and has a
legendary happy hour. Leather aficionados head a few blocks up
Charles to the Eagle, which, though lacking any serious back-room
action, nevertheless cultivates as racy, an atmosphere as any bar in
town. A classic dive that’s been serving the gay community for more
than 60 years (longer, say" some, than [my bar in America), Leon’s is
especially popular late on weekend evenings. Nearby Jay’s on Read
is ~ das~ i~ia~o bar, and Club Phoenix is a laid-back neighborhodd
hangout with a small dance area and some highly entertaining drag
sho~s. In Federal Hill, the Rowan Tree is a friendly neighbor~iood
spot with an eclectic crowd, and over in the up-and-coming Canton
section ofBaltimore, The Quest caters to fans of go-go dancers.
Baltimore hotels have become slightly more expensive over the
years, as the city has become a serious tourist and convention destination,
but rates are still much lower than in nearby Washington,
D.C. Most visitors choose properties near the Inner Harbor, dose
to great restaurants and attractions. An excellent option here is the
Pier 5 Hotel, a hip and lively boutique property with whimsically
decorated, spacious rooms, many directly facing the Inner Harbor.
The same owners run the elegant, historic (and allegedly haunted)
Admiral Fells Inn in nearby Fells Harbor - this charming old-world
www.ozarksstar.com heSTAR 21
For an absolutely fabtflous dining experience we highly suggest
you try the new KAI RESTAURANT. It is located in the new and
revitalized downtown area at 306 South Campbell. From the moment
you walk thru the front door you will KNOW that you are
in for a very special treat. Downstairs they have the KAI After Dark
Lounge which has a very eclectic modern decor. Xhey have terrific
bartenders who know how to serve every kind of drink imaginable.
But the real treat is going upstairs to the KAI Restaurant where they
serve "Modern Japanese Cuisine" in an unbelievable setting. ~he
restaurant is dark, sexy, exciting, exotic and absolutely spectacular!
Go to their website’s gallery to see for yourself. We haven’t been
anywhere in the Midwest that can possibly compare to our dining
experience there. Our server was extremely knowledgeable as to
what was on the menu and offered good suggestions. He was a true
We started offwith the "Hot Rock" which is one of the restaurant’s
specialties. It came with thinly sliced rare top sirloin woked on
a hot stone presentation. You put one slice at a time on the sizzling
hot stone and it cooks in seconds. Dip it into the sauce and you
have some of the finest appetizers that we have ever had. Other Kai
specialities included their Kuslyaki Filet, Kobe Beef Carpaccio and
their Spicy Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps. ~hey offer a full range of
soups and salads including their Kai salad, Ika Sansai Salad, Seaweed
Salad, Tri Tuna Salad and their Honey Walnut Mango Chicken
Salad. For their entrees they offer everything from Teriyaki to black
cod, sea bass to New York Strip, Filet Mignon and Kai Surf and
Turf. Other entrees included Seven Samurai with seven kinds of fish
on top of a California Roll, Drunken Tiger which is spicy tuna with
asparagus wrapped with grilled tuna, Fantastic Four, with shrimp
tempura, crab, spice tuna with fried eel on top. For desserts they offer
a wide choice for any pallet including Irish chocolate cake, banana
chocolate spring rolls, creme brulee, tiramisu and cheesecake.
Xhe table next to us had been coming back almost every week
since they opened. They get a lot of diners who came back again
and again and again just because this restaurant knows how to do
things the right way! It is just that simple! Kai Restaurant is in an
old downtown building that they completely remodeled to perfection.
We know that with all their professionalism that they will be
in business for many years. When traveling around the country we
find that so many restaurants try to copy each other and the Kai
Restaurant is itself and it’s own creation and that is what makes it so
special. By the way, their prices are extremely reasonable. No trip to
Springfield, Mo. would be complete if you don’t have a wonderful
dining experience at the Kai Restaurant. Their hours are Monday
thru Saturday, 5:00 PM to 1:15 AM. For reservations call 417-832-
0077 and check out their website, www.kaiafterdark.com. People go
to a restaurant not only to dine but to have a fabtflous dining experience
and trust us on this one, you will have a "beyond fabulous"
dining experience. When you get the best and innovative decor,
great food and great service, you know you have found the perfect
place! Congratulations to the owners and stafffor making the KAI
Restaurant so special.
22 theSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
"While we beat our chests and proclaim
ourselves the xvorld’s largest superpower,
it is foolish to expect that we Americans,
with only 6 percent of the world’s population,
can automatically impose our xv~ll on
everyone else." [p. 25]
"... [~he...war in Iraq has led to a devastaring
drop in world approval of the United
States and sharp divisions between Muslim
and Non-Muslim communities. It has provided
more recruits for anti-American terrorist
organizations, cost American taxpayers
billions of dollars, and above all, caused
loss of human life on a tragically large scale.
A failure to understand the culture and history
of other parts of the world has exacted
a great price." ~. 28]
"We cannot afford the toll that multiple
Iraq-like mistakes would take on America,
especially as we deal xvith emerging nations
whose power and influence will become
great as time passes." [p. 29]
"Preemptive military engagements in the
absence of an act of war against us have
not proven successful. Vietnam and Iraq
are dramatic examples." [p. 41]
Source: David Boren, A Letter to America
(2008). Norman, OK : University of Okla.
"Forty other countries now have a higher life
expectancy than the United States, in no
small part because 45 million Americans have
no health insurance. When ~vill we act?" [p.
"... [I]t is morally imperative that we provide
universal health coverage for all Ameficans...
We must not rule out considering a new
approach that moves away from the current
employer-based system...Those who have
health insurance are already paying the costs
for the uninsured, who often end up in hospital
emergency rooms...The uninsured wait
to get help until they reach a medical crisis.
This drives costs higher. There is no excuse
for another presidential term to end without
implementing universal health insurance."
[p.p. 84-5]
Source: David Boren, A Letter to America
(2008). Norman, OK : University of Okla.
rodeo. Very often they do. It’s a lot of hard
work, it is very rewarding, but every year
right after the Rodeo ends we start planning
for the next one.
Victor: Do straight people still sometimes
get thrown by the idea of a gay cowboy?
Klint: They don’t associate what they perceive
to be a masculine lifestyle to be a part
of how they perceive the gay lifestyle. So in
part we are educating the public as a whole,
and even still some parts of the gay community,
that we come from every facet of life.
Victor: So what’s in store for this year?
Klint: We have a great reputation, one of
the largest rodeos of the IGRA system. We
have a new rodeo director from Florida,
Jim Mitchell and Assistant directors Travis
Parker ofOGRA & Michael Fontenot of
Florida. We’re doing all kinds of promotions
not only in Oklahoma but also surrounding
states, and we expect people from all parts
of the country. This year we are hosting the
I.G.R.A.’s Board of Directors Meeting, so
trustees from all of their rodeo associations
throughout the United States and Canada
will be here. As with tradition, all we donate
stays in Oklahoma. This year we are helping
out two major charities, Other Options and
Rain Oklahoma.
Victor: So who should join OGRA? Does
one have to be a rancher or cowboy?
Klint: We have many members who have
never ridden a horse or worked with cattle.
We welcome people who many walks of life
who embrace cowboys and western heritage.
As we raise money for our community, we
need talented people who want to help us
make a difference.
Victor: I think that’s an invitation. Thanks
for all you and OGRA do for gay Oklahoroans,
including our cowboys and cowgirls,
and we can look forward to another great
Voter registration applications may
be submitted at any time. However, a
valid application must be received at a
motor license agency or a designated
voter registration agency, or postmarked
(if submitted by mail), more than 24
days prior to an election in order for the
applicant to participate in that election.
Deadlines for submitting valid voter registration
applications prior to the 2008
statewide elections are as follows:
Primary Election
Friday, July 4 - Registration Deadline
Tuesday, July 29 - Election
Runoff Primary Election
Friday, August 1 - Registration Deadline
Tuesday, August 26 - Election
General Election
Friday, October 10 - Registration
Tuesday, November 4 - Hection
Changes in political affiliation may not
be made during the period from June
1 through August 31, inclusive, in any
even-numbered year. The last day on
which a change in political affiliation
can be made before the closed period is
May 31; the first day on which a change
in political affiliation can be made after
the closed period is September 1.
Last day to request absentee ballot
for July 29 Primary Hection
Wednesday, July 23
Vote early at your County Hection
Board office
Friday, July 25, 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday, July 26, 8 AM - 1 PM
Monday, July 28, 8 AM - 6 PM
Candidate Filing
for federal, state, legislative
and county offices
June 2 - 4
wvcw.ok, gov/-elections/index.html
www.ozarksstar.com theSTAR 23
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy G.
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Steve’s Hideaway, Tulsa
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
24 @ The Ledo, Oklahoma City
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@Angles, Oklahoma City
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
Democratic U£. senate candidate (currently State
Senator) Andrew Rice with Richard Ogden Chairperson
Cimarron Alliance Foundation at a fantastic fundraiser at
Ogden’s home.
By Greg Steele
on the prowl
victor G06~ ~e~nt~ O~l~h;ma C0rpora~
tion Commissioner Jim R6tha plaque with a
45 of one is his favodte inspirations, Dion’s
"Abraham Martin & Johi~2
84 & Robin Dorner with The City S~Ni~i
atthe fundraiser for State Senator Andrew Rice!
Marlett is runn ng aga nst the nfamous sai ~ I(em.
State Representative A! McAffrey with Oklahbrna
County Democratic Party co-chair Elle~ Ste~SS :
at Oklahoma City fundraiser for McAffrey.
By Ronald Blake
ho wants to see you achieve health,
fitness, and overall well-being? It seems
like everyone wants to see you fit into that
smaller size of pants or cut back on your
smoking. We live in a soci.ety where it is
horrible to think that people die. You need
to take advantage of this munificence of the
Government agencies are always watching
out for you. The FDA is monitoring what
medications are safe for your consumption.
The FAA will not let you fly with Joe Camel
smoke swirling aimlessly around the cabin.
The CDC monitors the incidences ofWest
Nile virus outbreaks in all the 50 states.
Your local agency on aging center will even
see to it that you have a fan or air conditioner
to place in your window ifyou can’t
afford to buy one. Your taxes are ~vorking to
help you after all.
Restaurants and fast food establishments
are even seeking to give you healthier food.
Subway leads the pack of retailers by offering
you groovy grinders and showcasing the
slimmed down Jared as proof of eating right.
Numerous restaurants are shrinking their
portion sizes and now only offering enough
to satisfy one hippopotamus’ appetite.
Applebee’s is one example of this sensible
change. They even charge a little less for
this good idea. Gosh, even Hamburglar and
Grimace are putting apple slices in Happy
There are not-for-profit agencies out there
that are a website away from accessing
information for better health. The American
Lung Association will tell you where to find
smoking cessation classes. The Cancer Society
will tell you when you should get a pap
smear, colorectal check, skin screening, and
breast exam. There are support groups for
autism, anger management, gambling addictions,
mental illnesses, and many more. If
you can Google it, it is out there waiting to
be uncovered by you.
Even money-hungry Hollywood types have
your best interests in mind. "Supersize Me"
was that documentary about McDonalds
and the Big Mac that put the fast-food giant
into a Dow Jones suicide watch. The behemoth
hamburger franchiser changed their
menu in response to this fat-laden epiphany.
Michael Moore took on the health care
industry and all the cigar-chomping politicos
inside the Beltway in his documentary
"Sicko". He exposed the Swiss cheese health
coverage we have for the denizens of this
great land. There have even been movies like
a "Beautiful Mind" and "Rain Man" that
have shown a superb story but have also
given us a better understanding of health
issues like mental illnesses.
Finally, we even have philanthropists like
Bill Gates, Oprah, Bono, and numerous
others who are giving money to charities to
improve the lives of others. These methods
include education and training. Education
is one of the greatest factors affecting poor
health. More educated individuals are less
likely to smoke, drink, or engage in drug
activity than those individuals who lack a
proper education.
If you want to achieve it, you must seek it.
It should not be difficult; there is assistance
around every corner. Excuses are around
every corner too. Choose your corner carefully.
This health and fitness coltunn is brought to you by that
guy who has an analog mind in a digital world. That guy
is Ron Blake and he can be shaken from his reverie at
26 t~÷STAR w~vw.ozarksstar.com
opened last October and has quickly become
extremely popular. Why? Because of
the owner and staff. Rob knows how to treat
customers and has hired a very professional
staff. Michelte, the bar manager is the kind
of bartender that everybody wants. She is
fun, funny, lively, interesting, professional
and you can tell that she really enjoys her
job. Why can’t all bartenders across the
country be like this? The other bartenders
there are great also. We found everybody in
this bar to be extremely friendly. How many
times have you walked into a bar only to be
sitting at the bar all by yourself and no one
talks to you. Trust us, it won’t happen in this
Another fun place is JR’s Nightclub, 504
E. Commercial, (417) 864-2823. This is the
bar "where men are comfortable, but everyone
is welcome". They are open Monday
thru Saturday, 5 to 1:30 AM and Sunday, 2
PM to midnight. When you walk in, people
either know you or they don’t and if they
don’t know you, they will shortly. Everyone
is friendly. The bartenders and owner are
friendly. After a couple of drinks you will
know everybody in the bar. And isn’t that
the idea of going to a bar, to meet other
people? JR’s is the only bar in Springfield
that is open on Sundays. Other places to
visit are Martha’s Vineyard and Latin Vibes
which features special gay shows on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings.
If your needing to get around the city,
contact Fisk Limousines, www.fisklimo.com
or give them a call at 417.862.2900. They
give the best service in the entire Midwest.
Springfield, Missouri is indeed a city with
a great future. They want EVERYONE to
visit their beautiful city. We did and we
certainly enjoyed our stay there as we know
that all of our readers will. The Convention
& Visitors Bureau has one of the best
websites in the nation, www.springfieldadventures.
com. Be sure and check it out. Our
thanks to Susan Wade, Public Relations
Manager, Springfield Convention & Visitors
Bureau. She is simply "the Best of the Best"
and so professional, and to Mark Templeton
of Springfield.
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
NoY. governor .snpports
same-sex marrmge
New York Gov. David Patterson said April
7 that he supports legalization of same-sex
Speaking by video link to the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force’s awards dinner in
Manhattan, Patterson said: "We xvill push
on and bring full marriage equality to New
York state. And when xve have done that,
xve’re going to do more. We’re going to protect
young people from bullies. We’re going
to protect against the discrimination of
people in the transgender community, and
xve’re going to fight for decent and affordable
health care for all citizens in this state."
"If you xvill join with me, and if xve xvork
hard enough, xve can change the face of
Nexv York, which will be the catalyst to
changing national policy," he said.
Patterson had planned to attend the dinner
but was stuck in Albany dealing with budget
www.ozarksstar.com t~:~{~.STAR 27
by Jack Fertig May 2008
"Articulate conflicts, Cancer!"
The Sun in Taurus offers the comforts and pleasantries of
spring. Now, however, Sol is aspecting asteroid Chiron in
Aquarius and new planet Eris, stirring up the question of
where to settle down and with whom. Think beyond habits,
and be open to surprises!
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Individualist though you are,
you belong with some tribe - however awkwardly. A clash
of values is inevitable, but not catastrophic. Give yourself
room to be not at the center of the group, but at the edge
- perhaps even the leading edge.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Your own personality is both
a key and an impediment to success. Meditate and talk
with a confidante. Issues of fitting in and reconciling different
communities in your world seem like complications, but
actually point to a solution.
GEMINi (May 21 - June 20): You’re too easily tempted into
arguments with others.-Better to look within and resolve
your own conflicts. Knocking those around with a friend and
establishing a philosophical framework are important. Just
know that the real debate is internal.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Time to review that famous
"gay agenda." How do your goals and ideals fit in with your
immediate queer community and your sense of the broader
community? Articulating the conflicts and exploring the issues
could put you into a position of leadership.
LEO (July 23 -August 22): Your ambitions can easily lead
to arguments. That’s OK, as long as the point of the argument
is to better understand _what’s_ right, not _who’s_
right. To fix a relationship, try seeing it in a different light.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): New ideas, even
those that seem to come way out of left field, can help
solve problems at work and with your health. (Chiropractic?)
Don’t underestimate possibilities, wacky as they may
seem, offered by other GLBT folks.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Rethinking group
allegiances and community identity should prove helpful in
understanding your sexual potential - not just as a lover, but
as an erotic healer. Explore new forms of erotic play and
perception. You can do this actively and/or academically.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Some housecleaning,
literally or metaphorically, is important to improve
your relationship or to help you be ready for one. An eccentric
older relative or community elder offers an inspirational
role model
28 t~eSTAR
SAG~TTAR~US (November 22 = December 20): Team
sports or games - anything from charades to rugby - can
help you understand your own thought processes, or perhaps
learn how to keep your mouth from getting you into
trouble. You’ll never get that one perfect, but you can make
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Being a capricious
Cappy could get expensive. Entertain members of
your family or tribe at home or through some community
event, staying ever mindful of your budget. Asking others to
contribute can help strengthen your bonds.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Fitting in with
your family can be a problem. Imagine that you are adopted
and speak a different language. What would you try to say?
You wouldn’t want to be just like everyone else, so celebrate
your uniqueness, and they’ll love you as you are.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Don’t be afraid to
speak your mind. You may expose a few secrets, but that
will probably do some good for you and others concerned.
Even if there is a price to pay, you will find greater value in
speaking up.
Rev Steve T. Urie
Spirit of Chdst MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Saturdays at 10:00 AM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
MCC of the Living Spring
17 Elk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
Support those who support us.
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Tulsa, OK * 918-747-5466
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E O. BOX 12485
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
New and Historic Homes for Sale
and Rent For Info:
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Tulsa, OK
Oklahoma’s HIV/STD Hotline
2902 E. 20TH STREET,
Joplin, MO * 479-529-8480
Service Saturday 9:30 AM
17 Elk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays 6pm
PO BOX 60296
Oklahoma City, OK 73146
621 E 4th Street
Tulsa, OK 74120
2015 -B S. Lake~vood
Tulsa, OK 74112
www. openarmsproject.org
203 N. Nogales Ave
Tulsa, OK 74127
In or Out Calls
Oklahoma City, OK
Tulsa, OK
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
www.c21 goldcastle.com
Oklahoma City, OK
Located inside Habana Inn
Dallas, TX
Want the STAR delivered to your home or business?
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Keller Willia
Whether buying or selling
I’1.....1.....~..... work hard fo
(d,efinitiqn - growing up GAYin OK is
not easy)
You can he~p our teens. Support
Open Arms Youth Project.
For more info:
www. openarrnsproject.org
e-mail: ~di~o~alCar~oon@q~;yndica~.com
30 theSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
~34 Bourbon St.
TW’s-AFAB Catering
One of the longest running and largest of Gay Rodeo Organizations in the International
Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) system, Oklahoma’s Great Plains Rodeo will kick off it’s
23rd year. A fun filled weekend May 23 through May 25th 2008. The event will be held in
Oklahoma City at State Fair Park, 333 Gordon Cooper Blvd.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK ~The fun begins
with the Great Plains Rodeo Kickoff Party
hosted at the Finishline Thursday, May 22
featuring the current reigning OGRA Royalty.
This is a great chance to meet and greet,
dance and party, and ready yourself for the
weekend to come.
The host hotel for the Rodeo is the Hilton
Garden Inn, and there is a block of rooms
available at a special rate from May 22-26
that will be available until May 16 or until
they sell out, whichever comes first. Registration
for the event happens Friday from 6
p.m. until 9 p.m. Tickets are available from
OGRA members for $10 or $15 at the gate.
The Rodeo takes place at the Oklahoma
State Fairgrounds on Saturday May 24 and
Sunday May 25, beginning at 8 a.m. both
days. To keep the weekend wild the Texas
Gay Rodeo Association will host their Texas
T Party on that Saturday in the Copa from
6 p.m. until 9 p.m. featuring fantastic food
and fun.
The Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association,
Inc. (OGRA) is a nonprofit organization
and member of the International Gay
Rodeo Association, Inc. (IGRA) which is
comprised of 28 state/provincial associations
throughout the United States and Canada.
OGRA is proud to be the first association
seated at the first ever IGRA Convention in
1985 For more information check out the
OGRA website at www.ogra.net.
An Exclusive Interview
With OGRA’s 4 Term
President, Klint Wieden
Photo: Klint Wieden with his horse
Cherokee. "I grew up in the small northwest
Oklahoma town ofArnett. I rode horses and
worked cattle my whole life, so that’s really
who I am." Klint told the Star. PAGE-12
Newly revamped
drag-free Tulsa
Pride 2008
By Joey De
TULSA, OK __ Organizers of this year’s
Tulsa Pride Celebration are promising the
public that this year’s events will be anything
but boring. "We have made a lot of
changes to the entire celebration," says Nate
Black, one of the co-chairs. Black says the
changes are intended to breathe a new sense
of excitement into the pride observance
and to help promote the revitalization of
"People don’t kno,v downtown. They
don’t know how to get here, they don’t
know where to park, they don’t know how
many things are down here and growing,"
Black says. "We have moved the events to
................ Continued Page 5
i 7 West 7th Street (corner 7th & ~3oulder Ave) e Tulsa, Ok 74ii9
1:800o535oAtDS (2437)
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 3
Join us for our biggest issue of
the year! PRIDE 2008.
Be a part of
Deadline Thursday l~ay t 5f.h
Serving the Oklahoma GLBT community since 2003.
Mr OkAahoma
Continentall Benefits
OYP Tulsao
By Judy G.
Charles Frederick Mr Oklahoma Continental 2008
TULSA, OK __ March 28th, Singer and
entertainer Chades Frederick, Mr. Oklahoma
Continental, began one of the many
benefits planned to support Openarms
Youth Project in Tulsa to a standing room
only crowd. Many parents and grandparents
of the entertainers were in attendance.
David Dees, owner of Club Majestic, 124
N. Boston, Tulsa, donated the use of the
dub for this worthy benefit. ~he event
raised $770 for OYE.
Entertainers were Sabastyn Croft, Tazia
Kennedy, Cort, Brooke Kennedy-Miss OK
National Queen, Mindy Bartlett, KC Morgan,
Kordylia Kennedy, Alex Kennedy, Iman
Scott-Miss Goddess 2007, Daphne Rio and
Nicole Poverty-Miss OYE.
to benefit the GLBT youth group,
many who are or were homeless just because
they are gay, can be made to Openarms
Youth Project, 2015-B S. Lakewood, Tulsa,
Ok. 74112, or contact Tim or Ken at 918-
give people a reason to check it (downtown)
out, but also to come enjoy our new center
and see how many resources are available."
The first big change this year that Black
notes is the separation of the Pride Festival
from the Pride Parade. This year, the parade
will occur June 7 and the festival will occur
June 14.
Following a national trend, the Pride
Parade will be held in the evening, escaping
the oppressive summer sun. The parade will
fol!ow a new route, taking it from the Brady
Arts District through downtown to the
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
When the parade ends at 4th and
Kenosha, the new Pride Block Party will
kick off: "There will be 2 stages of entertainment,
beer tents, vendors and all kinds of
activities," says Black, who also notes that
national music sensation Eric Himan will
be performing. Black also says that for those
with children, the second floor of the equality
center will be open to provide licensed
babysitters for a small fee.
A week later, the Diversity Festival
will kick off in Centennial Park just west
of6th & Peoria. Black says that the newly
revamped festival will feature two stages of
entertainment with a multi-ethnic array of
performers, an international food court,
children’s area, local vendors and more.
According to Black, including other
faith and ethnic communities is not an attempt
to "de-gay" Pride, but to help create
community allies. "We have to realize our
commitment to justice can not be for the
gay community only. We have to speak out
against racism and against bigotry. "The
GLBT community is in every population,"
"By increasing our alliances we strengthen
our own commitment for our people."
’This is still a gay pride event," Black
emphasizes. There will be a leather fashion
show, there will be drag queens, and there
xvill be rainbows. It’s still very gay, but it is
also more professional and more inclusive."
The final major change that Black says
will be occurring is the moving of the
Diversity Gala to the historic Cain’s Ballroom.
Black says that not only does this
help to create an emphasis on downtown,
but it also provides much needed space for
the event to grow.
For the latest updates on the Tulsa Pride
Celebration, visit their web site at www.
2008 LGBT Leadership
Summit OKC
Saturday, May 10, 9am-5pm, Ronald J.
Norick Downtown Library, 300 Park Avenue,
Oklahoma City
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ The Cimarron
Alliance Foundation wil! host the 2008
LGBT Leadership Summit a one-day event
with four sessions of workshops. This year’s
summit features more extensive workshops
about our state legislature - by far the most
attended session last year - and programs
appealing to college students and young
adults. There will also be two community
The 2007 LGBT Leadership Summit was
successful beyond expectations. LGBT
and LGBT-friendly persons and organizations
acquired tools and guidance to more
effectively manage themselves and, more
importantly, better collaborate with others
to accomplish common goals.
The 2008 LGBT Leadership Summit is a
one-day event with four sessions of up to
five workshops per session. Workshops will
address five topics:
Leadership Development
O Organization Development - non-profits,
fundraising, etc.
o Government- politics and the legislative
® Personal Development - spirituality,
equality, etc.
o Anti-violence - anti-bullying, hate crimes,
For more information go to:
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 5
Loving the Hater
Wlaile Hating the Hate
By James Nimmo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ I found a
link recently to a blog (vavw.bilerico.com)
that contains a comment (http://tinyurl.
com/4qdbph) written in reaction to reading
the main story about the Oklahoma City
chapter of PFLAG and their recording of
Rep. Sally Kern (http://tinyurl.com/2zbpgn)
that catches Kern in her spider web of
hubris and cant.
Like the author, I too am very disappointed
with the approach of "loving the hater while
hating the hate."
Ofcourse, I respect our supporters who use
their close relationship with Jesus to try and
gain support for LGBT citizens and other
minorities who are used for verbal target
practice in the ~var for suppression of civil
I’m delighted the Oklahoma City PFLAG
chapter was able to document the duplicity
of Sally Kern and record with her permission
the lies she later reported as irresponsibility
on the part of PFLAG. This single
incident should show you the arrogance and
madness that is being passed offas legislative
Republican leadership. Not one elected
official in Oklahoma from either major
party has come strongly to the defense and
support of the LGBT taxpayers living in
Had Kern used race, skin color, or ethnic
origin as her subject I bet the rent she would
be rene~ving her teaching certificate and
looking for a school that would hire her.
The First Amendment guarantees both sides
the freedom to practice their respective
religious viewpoints and the market place in
which to talk about them.
However, this same First Amendment does
NOT give either side permission to encode
their religious viewpoints into CIVIL law.
I feel this is where we miss the boat in establishing
our birthright to equal treatment
under judicial law, and not the ten laws of
Deuteronomy. There will always be a Bible
verse to trump the opposing Bible verse resulting
in a version of ping-pong skirmishes
with Jesus as the referee.
The writer gives some specific examples of
public, peaceful protest that we can engage
in to show that LGBTs are neither the doormats
nor the monsters our enemies make us
to be.
It’s odd that our suppressors are either afraid
to be in the same room with us, fearing for
their own bodily integrity, keeping their
knees close together; or they, dismiss us as
dippy airheads, frivolous and irresponsible.
How can we be both at the same time?
Their response shows more about the fiction
in their minds then about the truth of our
Until we get out of the religious justification
business the more we’ll be dragged into its
historical quagmire. Look at the present
wars being fought around the world and
you’ll see religious intolerance at the root.
Our LGBT equality will have to be established
in the legislatures and the courthouses
in all fifty states without religious prejudice
tipping the scales of justice.
6 the STAR
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 7
Comling o~ eAge
8 the STAR w-ww.ozarksstar.com
©irecYed bs/Davd Geligan
Oklahoma OiV June 8~ 2008 at 8pnq
Brot~-~e~ Boy
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 9
by Liz Highleyman
What is the history o£GLAAD ??
For more than two decades, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD) has served as the queer community’s watchdog
against biased portrayals of lesbian, ga); bisexual, and transgender
people in the media.
Up until the final decades of the 20th century, representations of
LGBT people in l{lms, television, popular music, and mainstream
publications - if present at all - typically focused on scandal or
ridicule. The burst of gay activism and visibility in the late 1960s
spurred a conservative backlash, and by the mid-1980s, the community
was staggering under the weight of the AIDS epidemic,
as people with HIV faced stigma exacerbated by media portrayals
depicting them as a danger to the "general population."
In 1985, the New York LGBT community was embroiled in a
debate about closure of the .city’s gay bathhouses and grew- increasingly
alarmed about sensationalistic AIDS coverage in the New
York Post. That November, a group of long-time activists including
Vito Russo, Arnie Kantrowitz, Jim Owles, and Darrell Yates Rist
called a town meeting that drew more than 700 participants. Heeding
the exhortation of author Jewetle Gomez to "take responsibility
for what is being said about us," they formed the Gay and Lesbian
Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
The group began as a grassroots effort, using phone trees and
monthly newsletters to issue alerts about offensive media portrayals
of LGBT people. Among its earliest victories, in 1987 GLAAD
persuaded the New York Times to finally use the word "gay" rather
than "homosexual." Ti~e following year, the New York group hired
its first full-time executive director, Craig Davidson. Meanwhile,
in Los Angeles, Richard Jennings and others started a new chapter
focused on the Hollywood entertainment industry. The bicoastal
organization’s clout continued to grow, enabling it to secure an
apology from comedian Johnny Carson for saying "fag" on the air,
followed by the suspension ofAndy Rooney by CBS for homophobic
and racist comments. In 1992, Entertainment Weekly named
GLAAD one of the 100 most powerful entities in Hollywood.
Before long, new GLAAD chapters arose in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver,
Kansas City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.
But in 1995, the local groups merged into a centralized national
organization with a single board, and a staff based in New York and
Los Angeles; two years later, former Showtime executive Joan Garry
took the helm. Over the next decade, GLAAD initiated projects
focusing on communities of color (including Spanish and Chinese
language media), sports media, faith-based groups, and youth.
GLAAD continued to exert insider pressure, and, when needed, to
organize larger public protests against biased portrayals - like Sharon
Stone’s murderous bisexual temptress in the film Basic Instinct
(1992) - or the omission of queer content, such as excising
a male-male kiss from the television show Melrose Place. Homophobic
song lyrics by rapper Eminem and Jamaican dancehall artists
Beenie Man and Buju Banton were other targets. GLAAD also
reacted to current events, such as the murders of Matthew Shepard
and transgender teen Gwen Araujo, as well as homophobic outbursts
by the likes of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell and Pennsylvania
Senator Rick Santorum.
But in keeping with its mission of promoting "fair, accurate, and inclusive
representation of people and events in the media as a means
of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender
identity and sexual orientation," GLAAD also sought to shape
positive portrayals. It consulted on television and movie scripts
featuring LGBT characters and themes, pitched sympathetic stories
to mainstream publications, provided spokespersons for talk shows,
and trained queer individuals and groups in how to effectively use
the media. In addition to wielding the "stick" of protest, the organization
also dangled the "carrot" of praise, introducing the GLAAD
Media Awards in 1990 to recognize favorable representations of the
community and its issues. After considerable pressure from LGBT
media, the organization agreed in 2007 to honor them along with
nongay outlets.
By 2005, when Garry turned over leadership to Neil Giuliano - the
openly gay former Republican mayor ofTempe, Ariz. - the organization
had a budget approaching $7.5 million and a staff of more than
40. Yet GLAAD’s explosive growth, insider strategy, and increased
emphasis on star-studded events did not sit well with some activists
who felt the organization had moved too far from its grassroots
origins. Further, some were unhappy with tactics they regarded as
censorship, such as the successful pressure campaign to cancel conservative
commentator Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s television show.
GLAAD has "a political agenda that is murky at best - at worst, it
is dangerous to free speech, artistic expression, and the interests of
LGBT people," wrote activist Michae! Bronski. "Judging the accuracy
of a news report is much different than judging art. GLAAD
can deal with these issues by getting out of show business and back
into watchdog media commentary."
Despite the criticism, GLAAD continues with its goal of"changing
people’s hearts and minds through what they see in the media."
According to the organization, "What people see at the movies
or read in the newspaper shapes how they view and treat the gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people around them, and we have
a responsibility to make sure those images foster awareness, understanding
and respect."
For further reading:
Bronski, Michael. 2005. ~Not So GLAAD Anymore." Z Magazine (May 1).
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. www.glaad.org.
Gross, Larry: 2002. Up From Invisibility: Lesbians, Gay Men and the Media in America
(Columbia University Press).
10 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
OkEq Announces Anrmat
Equality Gala
Saturday, May 3t, 6pm, Cain’s Ballroom,
423 N Main Ave
TULSA, OK__ (ENEWS) Oklahomans
for Equality is excited to announce its annual
Equality Gala, held this year at the legendary
Cain’s Ballroom. Benefiting OkEq, the Gala
honors Lifetime Achievement Axvard xvinner
Charles Faudree, Community Heroes George
Kaiser Family Foundation and Carol Crawford,
and Russ Bennett Spiritual Inclusion
Award winner Nancy Day: The program
features a champagne and hors d’oeuvre
reception, live entertainment by Jared Tyler
and Valerie Eskridge accompanied by Jacob
Fred Jazz Odyssey, dinner by Taste Catering
and wine donated by Loring Wine Company.
Don’t miss the black tie event of the
season, celebrating Tulsa’s rich diversity.
Sponsorship information and tickets are
available at: wxvw.okeq.org
Co ° munity for
People iving
H P !iA1D8
A 501 c (3) Non Profit O~:gan:izatlon
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
VVe provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
New exhibit featuring
artist Ann Marie Distefano
at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center.
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Dennis R. Neill
Equality Center art gallery will host its
monthly First Thursday meet-the-artist
reception from 6-9pm, Thursday, May 1,
2008, for the opening of it’s May exhibit,
paintings by Ann Marie Distefano.
Ann Marie’s paintings emerge from an aspiration
to reclaim the spiritual dignity of
art. "I want to make art that might open for
the receptive viewer the window onto
eternity," states Distefano. She continues,
"My paintings are ’plugged into’ an inner
source within myself that is very deep and
sometimes unknown. What I seek to achieve
is independence of artistic and philosophical
fashions. My goal as an artist is to reveal
an ineffable presence, the contemplation of
which can lead the viewer towards an intuitive
recognition of his or her own inherent
Distefano, a native Bostonian, has been
living in Tulsa for the past four years. She is
a graduate of the School of the Museum of
Fine Arts of Boston. The reception will be
generously catered by donation by Baxter’s
Interurban Grill. The exhibit will remain
up through the month of May, and can be
viewed Monday thru Saturday from 3-9pm.
The Dennis R. Neill Equality Center is located
at 621 E. 4th St., in downtown Tulsa.
More info can be found on the web at okeq.
This monthly event is hosted by Oklahoman’s
for Equality (OkEq)_. OkEq seeks
equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &
Transgender (LGBT) individuals and
families through advocacy, education, programs,
alliances, and the operation of
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
Emmy Award Winner
Leslie Jordan (Brother
Boy) In Oklahoma City.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ Leslie Jordan
famed "Sordid Lives" star, will bring his one
man show, "My Trip Down The Pink Carpet"
to OKC June 8th at the Tolbert Theater
@ Stage Center. "In 1982, Leslie Jordan
jumped offa Greyhound bus from the hills
ofTennessee, said ’hello’ to Hollywood and
has never looked back. With hundreds of
television and film roles to his credit, he is
probably best remembered for ’Kyle’ hapless
ex-con on Muphey Brown, ’Resplendent
Man’ entrepreneurial super hero on Lois and
Clark, and can currently be seen recurring
as ’Mr. Beverly Leslie’ on the hit series, \Vgill
& Grace. Mr. Jordan just finished a stint on
the two hit series, Ally McBeal and Boston
Public as ’Dr. Benjamin Harris’ cloning expert
turned new-age reverend turned science
teacher turned drama coach.
Mr. Jordan has also had a successful stage
career. He played ’Brother Boy’ a Tammy
Wynette fixated drag queen, in Del Shores
hit play Sordid Lives and went on to star
in the film adaptation of that play. He also
has won every award for best supporting
actor LA gives in theatre (Back Stage West
Garlands, LA Weekly, LA Drama Critics
Circle) for his portrayal of’Peanut Leroy’ a
sodden aging homosexual in the runaway
hit, Southern Baptist Sissies.
the STAR 11
By Victor Gorin
ooking forward to the upcoming
Great Plains Rodeo,
O.G.R.A. President Klint
Wieden shares his thoughts
and hopes not only for this
event but for OGRA and the gay
cowboys and cowgirls of Oklahoma.
Originally from the small Oklahoma
community of Arnett, he grew up as a
typical Oklahoma cowboy, belonging
to both 4-H and the Future Farmers of
America. He went on to OSU where he
majored in animal science and business,
and now resides in OFdahoma
City with his current career of copier
sales while enjoying being a cowboy on
the side. We appreciate him sharing his
time with us.
Victor: How many years has the Great
Plains Regional Rodeo been in Oklahoma
Klint: This is our 23rd year, and it has been
held for the last 15 years at the Oklahoma
State Fairgrounds. It began with a group of
people looking for an avenue where they
could have friendly competition, socialize
together and work together. It was a place
for people who had something in common,
a love of rodeo. They were gay cowboys who
didn’t really feel that they fit into the gay
scene at that time.
The I.G.R.A. ( International Gay Rodeo
Association) was formed, and O.G.R.A (
Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association) was
among the first state organizations. At the
same time, the founders felt that they could
also help the community by being a major
fundraiser for charities of the community.
Victor: A tradition that continues to this
Klint: Besides the competition and fun
involved, fundraising is truly what the rodeo
Photo: Klint Wieden President OGRA
is all about. \Ve raise money all year long to
put it on, and then take the proceeds from
that to give back to local charities.
Victor: Is it still a regional rodeo?
Klint: It had formerly been the Great Plains
Regional Rodeo, representing other states as
well. Today it is the Great Plains Rodeo, an
event solely of OGRA. There is another organization
in Tulsa, the Sooner State Rodeo
Association, who also has their own rodeo.
Victor: Of course the situation is much better
than it was over 25 years ago. There were
probably a lot of gay cowboys who felt they
couldn’t be themselves and fit into what
they perceived the gay community to be at
that time. But even today straight people are
astounded that there are gay cowboys, much
less a rodeo.
Klint: A couple a years ago the Daily Oklahoman
wrote about our rodeo. \Vhat was
to be a small paragraph turned into a front
page story, hit the AP wires and was read
all over the country. It was also read
by my parents, who I had not been
out with, who accepted me for the
gay cowboy I was.
Victor: Gay just happens, but cowboys
are made. So how did it happen
that you are a cowboy?
Klint: I grew in the small northwest
Oklahoma town ofArnett, 18 people
in my graduating class. Arnett is a
farming and ranching community,
I rode horses and worked cattle my
whole life, so that’s really who I am.
Like many straight people, I thought
you had to be flamboyant and feminine
to be gay, and that wasn’t me.
Once I learned there were country gay
bars with cowboys, and gay rodeos,
I thought" wow!" I fit in. That was great to
Victor: Of course the movie Brokeback
Mountain had an enormous impact on
America as a whole. I’m sure it had a special
effect for the gay rodeo scene.
Klint: It made people aware, both gay and
straight, that there were people in that
lifestyle who happened to be gay. So many
gay cowboys could really relate to it, felt we
had to hide for fear of not being accepted by
our families, friends, bosses, or even the gay
Victor: So how rewarding has your hard
work been with OGRA?
Klint: \Veil this is my 4th term as the President
of OGRA, I’ve been the rodeo director.
I’m very out and very proud of what I’m
doing. I have no problem telling businesses,
like my dry cleaners, my dentist, my
veterinarian that I support them, I’m a gay
cowboy, and I’d like their support for our
............ Continued PAGE 23
12 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
Foreman eaves Task Force
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Executive Director Matt Foreman quit his
job April 15 and moved to San Francisco to
head up the Gay & Lesbian Rights Program
at the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.
The fund provides more grant support to
GLBT organizations than aW other nongay
foundation in the U.S.
Foreman was at the Task Force for five years
and is credited with grmving the staff to 54
full-timers and doubling the organizanon’s
budget to $10 million.
"I’m incredibly privileged to have had this
job for the last five years, and to have been
paid to be gay for the last 18," Foreman said
in an interview. "There are so many people
who give their hearts and souls to our
movement without any compensation or for
ridiculously low salaries, and that certainly
includes LGBT journalists.
’Tm also overwhelmed with pride in our
people," he said. "One thing I hear a lot in
my travels is: ’There’s no such thing as a gay
community. No one’s on the same page. In a
few years we’ll all be assimilated, etc., etc.’ I
couldn’t disagree more.
"Name me one community -- or family, for
that matter -- where everyone agrees and
everyone gets along. That’s not community,
but banality.... No, there’s no monolithic
gay community, but there are dozens and
dozens of communities within our larger
movement and they’re accomplishing amazing
things every day. There’s community
everywhere I go -- some purely social, others
religious, others political, others professional.
"While we do have a very, very long way
to go, the fact that we’ve made so much
progress while being such a tiny minority
and against such mighty opponents is, to
me, proof positive that we do indeed have a
vibrant people and community."
Wockner News Service
PlanetOut to selll Advocate,
Out, Myson, porn mags
PlanetOut Inc. is selling The Advocate and
Out magazines -- as well as The Out Traveler,
HIVPlus, three porn magazines and book
publisher Alyson Publications -- to an affiliate
of the gay TV network here! for $6 million.
The sale price is far !ess than the $31.1 million
PlanetOut Inc. paid for the magazines and
book compaW when it bought LPI Media
Inc. and SpecPub Inc. in 2005. PlanetOut
Inc. reported a loss of $51.2 million last year.
The company xvill continue to own and operate
Gay.com and PlanetOut.com.
In January, PlanetOut Inc. "retained Allen
& Company, LLC to assist the company in
evaluating strategic alternatives, including a
possible sale of the company," a press release
The corporation also announced in January
"that it will no longer be providing quarterly
or annual earnings guidance and will not
hold quarterly earnings calls."
The porn magazines included in the sale to
Regent Releasing
and Unzipped. A fourth SpecPub Inc. porn
magazine, known as [2], has ceased publication,
but the sale will include the trademark
"[2]," PlanetOut Inc. CEO Karen Magee said
via e-mail.
Obama grants
interview to
Under fire for not speaking
with local and regional gay
cations, presidential
candidate Barack Obama sat
down for an interviexv with
Advocate.corn on April 10.
"The gay press may feel like I’m
not giving them enough love. But
basically, all press feels that xvay at
times;’ Obama said. "Obviously,
when you’ve got limited amount of
time, you’ve got so many oudets.
We tend not to do a whole bunch of specialized
press.... But I haven’t been silent on gay
issues. What’s happened is, I speak oftentimes
to gay issues to a public general audience"
Obama said he supports passage of a federal
law protecting transgender people from discrimination
but he’s not sure there’s support
in Congress for the move. A bill outlawing
job discrimination against gays, lesbians and
bisexuals has passed the House of Representatives
and is pending in the Senate.
"I have been clear about my interest in including
gender identity in legislation, but I’ve also
been honest ~vith the groups that I’ve met
with that it is a heavy lift through Congress,"
he said. "\Ve’ve got some Democrats who are
willing to vote for a non-inclusive bill but we
lose them on an inclusive bill, and we just may
not be able to generate the votes"
Obama said he understands gay people’s frustration
with candidates such as himself(and
Hillary Clinton) who support, civil-union
but not marriage for
same-sex couples,’ I strongly
respect the right ofsamesex
couples to insist
that even ifwe got
complete equality in
benefits, it still
wouldn’t be equal because
the same
~vord, marriage, assigned to
it; he said. "I understand that,
3ective is also
,olitical and
’ historical
context in
which I’m
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 13
Rata Esparza Slays ’Era in 2518
Eventually, all the Broadway stars try their
tuck in Hollywood. And it Was just ~ matter
of time before Raul Esparza, the han&ome
Tony Award nominee and Drama Desk
Award winner (both for _Company_ and
TabooL wandered west. Xhe bisexual actor
has already fom~.d success on the small
screen, cast m a recurring ro!e on A Cs h,t
Pushing Daisies. BUt n~w he ma.v be s,tepping
wlay outside the feel-good box he ~ been
in - hes in t~ to play a s~riaI killer in Wes
Craven~ latest ~een-horror fihm, 2518. Concerning
a group 0fkids being stalked
by a killer believed to have died on
the birthday they share in common,
the film will co’star teenage collies
0 pe ) and
Shareeka epps (Half-Nelson). No
production or release dates yet, but
the scary stuffis due to shoot soon.
Gay Cast Populates C vas
Shifting the Canvass. an indie drama due
m rackJe the complicated lives of a group
of BrooMyn friends aAer 9/11. has cast
several ~:aces fan~iliar to queer audiences.
notably up-and-coming gay actor Cheyem~e
Ja4k~on. t~t seen on film as rugby player
M~k Bingha~n in United 93, and cur~endy
on Broadway in the hit music~ 3~adu,
Jackson will star as a heterosexuN W~
Srree~ executive involved with a group of gay
ffien&. Rounding out the c~st is ~& in ~e
HNI alum Scott "~,ompson, ~ well as John
Paul Pimc (best remembered ~ the hotW
go-go boy in N’icD and Gedde Watanabe
(last seen reD,lart~ as a gay nurse on ER, but
forever kmown as ’Long D~ Dong" from
SNteen CanNes). ~le film rolls in June and
promises ~meos ~- several ~-yevunn~ed
New ~brk ni~tti~e personalties.
Cosby Goes to Jail
Moore kmows how hard it is for an
; a break from the business
so lately she~ been
a low-risk comeback? Get on
indie-film bus. And that’s exacdy what
he’s been doing, recently starring in the
.’ist drama Flawless with Michael Caine.
nd now set to shoot gay writer-director from a
d~tchell Llchtenste~ns (Teeth) latest film. mate
Happy Tears. She’s i~ good compan> ~oo,
~ih~e-fitm veteran P~ker Posey has signed taste,
,n toplay lvloore’s younget sibling. ~2ne
kama focuses on the two estranged sisters
me selfLaggrandizing, the other bitter and
~dn~) as they re-establish their relationlip
and deal with their elderly father’s
progressive dementia. Shooting now in 2010.
i~hiiadelphia, look for the happiness sometim~
in 2009.
who finds herself
Notably up-and-coming gay actor Cheyenne
Jack,on. Photo: By Ben Strothmann
14 the STAR wv~,.ozarksstar.com
Brief history from
around the
There is a lot to learn about this versatile
wine. There are plenty ofgood Rieslings to
taste. Let~ start with Australian offerings.
They are noted fbr their oily- texture and citrus
fruit flavors in their youth and a smooth
balance of freshness and acid as they age.
New Zealand Riesling was first planted in the
1970s and has flourished in the relatively cool
climate of the Marlborough area. In comparison
to Australian Riesting, New Zealand
produces lighter and more delicate wines that
range from sweet to dry.
][n Cati~brnia, Riesling lags far behind in popularity
to Chardonnay ~d is not as commonly
planted. A notable exception is
opment ofhigh quality Late Harvest
So i]~r, the Late Harvest wines
produced are in the Anderson
Valleys (north of Santa Rosa) where
is more likely to encourage dte needed botutis
develop. ~ae Riesling that does ~
fornia tends to be softer, fuller, a
diverse flavors than a "tTpical" ~
ofBonW Doon, F
Mountain A~v~& with
dedicated completely to
With high acidity and
has deveto
area is re
t facility
[, citric,
With German Riesling,
of ~vine
Pr~dikat (QmP)
PRAY-dee-kahq. It is the
defined by the
New York, particularly in ~e Finger Lakes
region, was one ofthe eaMiest U.S, producers
ofPdesling. Plantings started to appear in
California by 1857 and fbllowed in xNSshington
State in 1871.
New ~tbrk Riesling generally has a characteristic
effervescent light body with a similarly
light, mellow flavor, The wine can be dynamic
though rarely robust, and ranges from dry to
sweet. New York is also a notable producer
ofRiesling based Ice Wine, although a large
majority ofNew ~%rk ke Wine is made from
Vidal Blanc and Vigno~es.
In the Pacific Northwest there is a stark contrast
in Riesling production. ~Ihe grape is currently on
the rise in ~VZ~shington State but on the decline
in neighboring Oregon. Pdesling from this area
ranges from dr?" to sweet, m~d has a crisp lighmess
that bodes well for e~sy drin~ng. Often there will
be an easily detectable peach and mineral complex.
Some Washington State winemakers, such as
Chateau Ste. Michelle, are adapting Germau-style
There are six subcategories
categor?; ranked from
determine various levels
.are: K)~BINE~, SP/&TLESE
fined by a minimum sugar content of the
which varies {::rotn region to region. The focus
sugar content embodies the theoW that grapes
with bdgher sugar levels are riper and therefore
yield richer wines with deep colors and intense
Although Riesling is best known from Germa-
W’s Mosel-Saa>Rmver, Pfalz, Rheinhessen and
Rheingau m:eas, wines from Alsace and Austria
attain equal greatness. France’ Alsace’s
are coveted for their high sugar levels and
endless aging abili9~.
Food Paring
Riesling is a versatile wine for pairing with food
because ofits balance ofsugar and acidity: tt can ~
paired with Thai and Chinese cuisine and various
Rieslingproduction methods, and even parmering . types ofdishes prepared more on the spicy side.
with well&~own German vinmers like Dr. Ernest One can also enjoy this wine with spicy ham,
Loosen to create specialty wines such as the Eroig~ pork with pineapple chutney, stir-fried snow peas
Riesling, with spicy shrimp, crab, turkey, barbequed or
smoked meats, . white sausages, crab cakes
gouda & grwere~
:this wine can be paired as an
cake, apples/pears, caramel/
wmilla ice creaan,
Schm~ Sohne Relax ’06
Job JOS P~Urn/Spatlese ’04
Jakob Dem~er/Kabinett ’06
~ ’06
Pacific Rim Califor-
Series Australia ’06
And as always, I say go to your favorite
wine shop, ask questions and purchase
a bottle or two. Share some food &
wine with friends and check this out for
Vlr. D also hosts wine & food events
known in town as the Wine Enthusiasts
of Tulsa.
References include: the ABC’s of wine by James
the STAR 15
801 South Meridian Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73108
¯35-9~2-1400 ¯ 1-877-STAY-HGI
1511 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK 73118
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Campbell Street, Springfield, MO Early 1900’s
~ormany years, Springfield, Missouri has gotten
a bad rap fi’om the gay and lesbian community all over the country.
Even many of our straight friends have been hesitant about visiting
Springfield. Like many cities in the "Bible Belt", Springfield has had
in the past a reputation for being extremely conservative and even
homophobic. Well, readers, things have CHANGED and for the
better ! At the invitation of the Springfield, Missouri Convention
& Visitors Bureau we visited Springfield last month. They showed
us their beautiful city, their museums, attractions, galleries, dining
options and we must admit that we are now in love with Springfield,
Missouri and we lmow that all of our gay and lesbian readers
from coast to coast will also be. Springfield, Mo. is a very "vibrant
and alive" city and everybody is welcome. As our readers kmow, we
are a "very out’ gay couple and we were shown the highest respect
everywhere we went in Springfield. There are gays and lesbians
working in every field of employment in Springfield and nearly all
of them are "out". MaW of the large National companies at first
were hesitant to move their offices and headquarters to Springfield
but things have changed and for a variety of reasons. We want to
thank so many of the younger gays and lesbians that we met while
we were in Springfield for their honesty and hard work that to made
this happen. Now with that being said, let us tell you about the
"new and improved" Springfield, Missouri.
With a population of over 420,000 for metropolitan Springfield,
it is the third largest city in the State and offers an unbelievable array
of surprises for any traveler. When so many cities in the country
are down-sizing and doing nothing to improve their cities, the
Springfield, Mo. community has grown in every ~vay imaginable
in their arts, business, sports, shopping, restaurants and nightlife.
Their "new and improved" downtown area is something that most
cities can only dream about. All within walking distance you can
admire the works of local and regional artists in more than 15 galleries,
artist’s studios and other venues where you can encounter
sculpture, pottery, paintings, jewelry, photography and hand blown
glass demonstrations. In addition you have a choice of wonderful
restaurants, coffee shops and cafes to dine. In Springfield, they
MADE it happen! Springfield has over 6,000 hotel/motel rooms
and over 600 dining options. So whatever you are into, you will find
it in Springfield!
Metropolitan Springfield has so much to offer in the way of
attractions, historical places to visit and things to see. FANTASTIC
CAVERNS is a must see for any first time visitor to Springfield.
They open daily at 8 AM until dusk. You ride thru this ancient
underground cave that has massive formations. The tour is 50
minutes and your driver will explain the entire history of the cave
to you. THE SPRINGFIELD ART MUSEUM is the permanent
home for some 8,500 art objects representing thousands of years of
culture. They are open Tuesday thru Sunday and are located at 111
historic Landers Theatre is Missouri’s oldest and largest civic theatre.
This season includes Gypsy, ATuna Christmas, the Miracle Worker
and Seussical to name just a few of their productions. "WILD
BILL" HICKOK SHOOTOUT SITE in Park Central Square, right
downtown is the site of the nations first recorded shootout and
helped solidify the reputation ofWild Bill. Look for the marker on
18 theSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
Stage coach terra cotta on Springfidd garage.
East. Markers are also located in the street
showing where each man stood during the
Museum, 1300 No. Grant Ave. is dedicated
to the preservation of railroading and you
can step into a locomotive, commuter car
and caboose. The MISSOURI SPORTS
HALL OF FAME, 3861 E. Stan Musial
Drive includes thousands of sports memorabilia,
exhibits and displays and of course the
Springfield Cardinals Baseball team which
is the Double-A affiliate of the St. Louis
Cardinals and plays at Hammonds Field.
Bass Pro has their big store at !935 South
Campbell Ave with everything imaginable
in the sports line.
Tired of seeing everything yet? Well,
Springfield offers a lot more things to see!
The AIRAND MILITARY Museum of the
Ozarks is a "hands-on" museum of military
history. They are located at 2305 E. Kearney
St. The Brown Derby Store at 2023 S. Glenstone
offers a world-class wine selection unmatched
in the Midwest. The Commercial
Street Historical District (between \Vashington
Ave. and Lyon Ave. is a self-guided
tour which is a 6 block adventure. With a
seasonal farmers market, chocolate factory,
the city’s oldest tavern, new micro-brewery,
antiques/art galleries, this is a great walking
Norton Road allows visitors to get up dose
with hundreds of animals. DISCOVERY
CENTER is an interactive hands-on science
center and is located downtown at 438
E. St. Louis St. The TENT THEATRE is
celebrating their 45th season this summer.
This summer’s productions include Cyrano
de Bergerac, June 11-14 and June 16-21,
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, June
25-28, June 30-July 3, and our favorite,
Anything Goes with lyrics and music by
Cole Porter, July 9-12, July 14-20. The
Theatre and Dance Department at Missouri
State University in Sprinbffield offers a wide
range of theatre and dance programs.
But the most important time we had in
Springfield during our recent visit there was
the "DOWNTOWN AREA". The "new:"
dmvntmvn area is FABULOUS !!!!! Check
out their wonderful website at www.itsalldowntown.
corn \re particularly enjoyed
having breakfast at Galley’s Breal’~ast Care
downtown at 220 East Walnut.
The setting is a wonderful old
nostalgic care of the past but yet
has new and innovative delicious
food with service to match.
The owners and staff are doing
the only place to have breakfast
in Springfiel!! Nonna’s Italian
American Care, 306 South
Avenue is wonderful. Although
they offer non-Italian choices,
why bother? Their Italian menu
is what it is all about. And it
is GOOD! Our best dining
experience for dinner was at
the Kai Restaurant, 306 South
Campbell. This new downtown
restaurant is one of the finest in
the country with great atmosphere,
The Gay and Lesbian Center of the
Ozarks, 518 E. CommerciaI Street in
Springfield supports the well-being of
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) persons in the greater Springfield,
Missouri region by organizing and sponso>
ing community activities and by increasing
public understanding and appreciation of
LGBT citizens. Josh Comp is the President
and is doing a magnificent job. Their phone
number is 417-869-3978. They organize
Pridefest and help organize the annual
variety show, the Queen City Cabaret. They
are close partners with FOCUS - LGBT
professionals group and with APO, Blossom
women’s group, the First Sunday Community
Potluck. They provide free professional
counseling through the Forest Institute.
They have an Individual and Community
Services Advocate who provides services to
the community and have a youth group
program for LGBT youth which meets
once a week and every fourth Friday. They
provide an outlet for many social and support
groups. They have been operating since
!996 and are one of the oldest Gay and
Lesbian Centers in the State. Volunteers
are always needed so give them a call and
donate a couple hours a week.
For nightlife, they have the new CLUB
821 that is getting a lot of attention
throughout the entire Midwest. ~xey are
located at 821 West College, just 8 blocks
West of the downtown area and NEVER A
COVER ! (vavw.club821.corn) and phone
(417) 866-4821 Their hours are Monday
thru Saturday, 4 PM to 1 AM. and happy
hour is daily 4 PM to 7 PM. This bar just
Photo: Donald Pie, Rob Bel (owner Club 821) &
Ray Williams at Club 821, Springfield, ~Ossouri
great service and extremely great food. Continuedpage 27
www.ozarksstar.com {HeSTAR 19
By Andrew Collins
Bakimore, Maryland
Baltimore’s mostpopular lesbian bar, Sapphos, is ])art ofthe bustling
Grand Central *lu~ in the heart ofthe Mount Vernon neighborhood.
(Photo by Andrew Collins)
If you haven’t been to Baltimore in a while, you owe yourself a
visit. This friendly, unassuming city has experienced a virtual rebi,~h
over the past 15 years, rehabilitating its handsome Inner Harbor by
converting dilapidated piers and ,vharves into museums, shops, restaurants,
hotels, and condominiums. Often featured in the movies
ofcamp filmmaker and native son John \V-aters, Baltimore has also
developed increased cachet as a welcoming gay and lesbian destination,
with its many GLBT-ffiendly businesses.
Fortunately, the ci.ty’s success hasn’t gone to its head. It’s hard to
find a more genuine and down-to-earth breed of urbanites than the
residents of Baltimore, who retain a special affection for their hometown.
You may be lured to Baltirnore by the many highly publicized
attractions set around downtown’s Inner Harbor, and indeed most
of these museums and entertainment centers live up to their billing.
But be sure to save rime to explore the man), quirky- residential
neighborhoods, a few of which - Mount Vernon, Federal Hill, Fells
Point - are within easy walking distance of downtown.
The Inner Harbor thrived for years as a shipping crossroads before
falling into a state of blight. Its conversion into an entertainment
and museum district has made it one of the most engaging and picturesque
harbors in America. Popular attractions include the glassenc!
osed Harborplace pavilions, where you can browse through
dozens of shops. Also che& out the Baltimore Maritime Museum,
National Aquarium, and World Trade Center (which offers fine
views from its 27th-floor observation decD.
A regal grassy knoll south of the harbor, Federal Hill Park rises
majestically above downtox~qa, and the Inner Harbor. It’s an ideal
spot to laze under the sun on warm afternoons. The surrounding
eponymous neighborhood has loads of inviting cafes and bars, and
the neighborhood’s American Visionary Art Museum ingeniously
blends two historic -warehouses within a striking contemporary
structure. East of the Inner Harbor, Fells Point may be America’s
best-preserved Cx3lonial waterfront, with its perfectly maintained
Federa!-sryle town houses,
Baltimore’s gay epicenter ties north of downtown in historic Mount
Vernon, which you reach by strolling north from the Inner Harbor
up the city’s backbone, Charles Street. The neighbothood is anchored
by Mount Vernon Square and its 178-foot-high Washington
/vlonument. Nearby are the outstanding Waiters Art Museum and
the Peabody Conservatory of Music, the oldest and one of the most
prestigious classical music schools in the country.
kbffll need to drive or take a bus up Charles Street to reach the
leaf), 140-acre campus ofJohns Hopkins University, which is ideal
for strolling and is next to the state’s largest museum, the Baltimore
Museum ofArt. West ofJohns Hopkins, Hampden is a good oldfashioned
"Ba~vl’mer" neighborhood, a former mill-workers’ community
that has more recently developed a bounty of hip boutiques,
galleries, and cafes. (John Waters, who lives nearby, occasionally
strolls these parts and set his movie _Pecker_ here.)
\Vhen you’re craving a memorable meal, remember that Baltimore’s
cooking is full of flavor - the city- even has its o,vn spice, Old Bay
Seasoning, a feisty, concoction of 16 seasonings sprinkled mostly on
shellfish but required by some locals on seemingly everything but ice
cream. If you’re on the run, iust wander through the copious food
stalls in the Harborplace pavilions. It may look like a zoo of tourists,
but yoffd be surprised how many locals graze here. Many of these
places offer top-notch local seafood - particularly oysters, clams, and
Chesapeake Bay blue crabs. Walk a bit south ro Federal Hill, along
South Charles or Light streets, and you’ll find dozens of appealing
eateries, including one of the best little restaurants in the city~ the
Bicycle Bistro, where you might dine on grilled rack of lamb with a
pineapple-poblano-pepper chutney, or porcini-crusted sea scallops.
East of the harbor, there’s superb dining in the city’s Little Italy
(Boccaccio, with such seasonal delights as local clams and mussels in
a pernod-tomato broth, is a particular standout), and in nearby Fells
Point, talented chef Nancy Longo helms the kitchen at Pierpoint,
which is known for such inventive contemporary regional fare as
smoked crab cakes, and ftied Maryland chicken breast with parmesan
Mount Vernon has dozens of excellent, gay-popular restaurants. At
nile high end, opulently decorated Ixia scores high marks for its wellchosen
wine list and superbly rendered cuisine, including grilled
baby octopus with lemon-fennel confit, and lobster-crab mac-andcheese
with a creamy Fontina sauce. Across the street, Sacha’s is a
great spot for toothsome grazing - the many "small plates" include
crisp french fries in a cone with Old Bay-seasoned creme fraiche,
20 t~®STAR www.ozarksstar.com
and fried green tomatoes topped vdth lump crab meat. Continue up
Street and yoff!l come to trendy Donna’s, a cheerful and modern
space where an arts)- crowd mingles over light salads, roasted veggie
sandwiches, fresh coffee, and fantastic tiramisu. %e Hdmand
has become renowned }br its spics; well-prepared kd~han food (it’s
owned by the brother ofA~hanistan’s president, Harold Kharzai),
and Motmt Vernon Stable and Saloon is a perfect late-night venue
for chicken wings, sandwiches, burgers, ribs, and similarly comforting
pub standar~Is. Finally, don’t miss City Care. an airy and inviting
iava joint that also serves food and wine.
property" ~ns kudos ~br its helpful service, romantically decorated
roo~s, ~d afternoon tea and refreshments. In Mount Vernon, the
historic 1924 Clarion Peabody Court, with its 104 handsomely
outfitted rooms, enthusiastically welcomes gay and lesbian travelers.
You’ll ~e
~ town house
bars. Other esteemed
Canton. This stunner
Make the trip a bit north toward Johns Hopkins to reach Ixia’s sister
restaurant, the lovably kitschy Paper Moon Diner, which is open
Near here in the Hampden neighborhood is the
notable for the massive pink flamingo dangling from the front of
the btfilding (not to mention tasty comfort fare like Belgian wanes
topped with fresh berries, and famously good meatlo~). There’s als0
great coffee to be sipped nearby at Common Ground coffeehouse,
and delicious Mexican food served within the funky confines of
Holy Frijoles.
appreciate one of the ci~’s
Baltimore gay-bar-goers congregate mostly at a handful of mainstays.
Yuppies and stand-and-model types flock almost religiously to
Gr~d Ceiatral, a large, multi-level complex that consists ofa video
lounge, dance bar, billiards room, and outdoor deck. Also on-site is
the s[vanky lesbian bar, Sapphos, with its comfy living-room-esque
decor and soft lighting. ~£ other major club i~i the n’eighborhood is
Club Hippo, whose r~putation for gr~at music draws a wide mix of
revelers, ga34 straight, old, and young. It’s a great place to cut loose,
especially on Thursday and Saturday nights. When it gets late, the
party moves to Club 1722, an 18-and-over ~er-hours club open on
Fridays and Saturdays into the ~ee- hours.
The,tiki-themed Coconuts Caf~ is another Mr. Vernon hangout
thats popular xvith lesbians, while Club Bunns caters heavil~ to
Baltimore’s sizable African-kanerican gay community and has a
legendary happy hour. Leather aficionados head a few blocks up
Charles to the Eagle, which, though lacking any serious back-room
action, nevertheless cultivates as racy, an atmosphere as any bar in
town. A classic dive that’s been serving the gay community for more
than 60 years (longer, say" some, than [my bar in America), Leon’s is
especially popular late on weekend evenings. Nearby Jay’s on Read
is ~ das~ i~ia~o bar, and Club Phoenix is a laid-back neighborhodd
hangout with a small dance area and some highly entertaining drag
sho~s. In Federal Hill, the Rowan Tree is a friendly neighbor~iood
spot with an eclectic crowd, and over in the up-and-coming Canton
section ofBaltimore, The Quest caters to fans of go-go dancers.
Baltimore hotels have become slightly more expensive over the
years, as the city has become a serious tourist and convention destination,
but rates are still much lower than in nearby Washington,
D.C. Most visitors choose properties near the Inner Harbor, dose
to great restaurants and attractions. An excellent option here is the
Pier 5 Hotel, a hip and lively boutique property with whimsically
decorated, spacious rooms, many directly facing the Inner Harbor.
The same owners run the elegant, historic (and allegedly haunted)
Admiral Fells Inn in nearby Fells Harbor - this charming old-world
www.ozarksstar.com heSTAR 21
For an absolutely fabtflous dining experience we highly suggest
you try the new KAI RESTAURANT. It is located in the new and
revitalized downtown area at 306 South Campbell. From the moment
you walk thru the front door you will KNOW that you are
in for a very special treat. Downstairs they have the KAI After Dark
Lounge which has a very eclectic modern decor. Xhey have terrific
bartenders who know how to serve every kind of drink imaginable.
But the real treat is going upstairs to the KAI Restaurant where they
serve "Modern Japanese Cuisine" in an unbelievable setting. ~he
restaurant is dark, sexy, exciting, exotic and absolutely spectacular!
Go to their website’s gallery to see for yourself. We haven’t been
anywhere in the Midwest that can possibly compare to our dining
experience there. Our server was extremely knowledgeable as to
what was on the menu and offered good suggestions. He was a true
We started offwith the "Hot Rock" which is one of the restaurant’s
specialties. It came with thinly sliced rare top sirloin woked on
a hot stone presentation. You put one slice at a time on the sizzling
hot stone and it cooks in seconds. Dip it into the sauce and you
have some of the finest appetizers that we have ever had. Other Kai
specialities included their Kuslyaki Filet, Kobe Beef Carpaccio and
their Spicy Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps. ~hey offer a full range of
soups and salads including their Kai salad, Ika Sansai Salad, Seaweed
Salad, Tri Tuna Salad and their Honey Walnut Mango Chicken
Salad. For their entrees they offer everything from Teriyaki to black
cod, sea bass to New York Strip, Filet Mignon and Kai Surf and
Turf. Other entrees included Seven Samurai with seven kinds of fish
on top of a California Roll, Drunken Tiger which is spicy tuna with
asparagus wrapped with grilled tuna, Fantastic Four, with shrimp
tempura, crab, spice tuna with fried eel on top. For desserts they offer
a wide choice for any pallet including Irish chocolate cake, banana
chocolate spring rolls, creme brulee, tiramisu and cheesecake.
Xhe table next to us had been coming back almost every week
since they opened. They get a lot of diners who came back again
and again and again just because this restaurant knows how to do
things the right way! It is just that simple! Kai Restaurant is in an
old downtown building that they completely remodeled to perfection.
We know that with all their professionalism that they will be
in business for many years. When traveling around the country we
find that so many restaurants try to copy each other and the Kai
Restaurant is itself and it’s own creation and that is what makes it so
special. By the way, their prices are extremely reasonable. No trip to
Springfield, Mo. would be complete if you don’t have a wonderful
dining experience at the Kai Restaurant. Their hours are Monday
thru Saturday, 5:00 PM to 1:15 AM. For reservations call 417-832-
0077 and check out their website, www.kaiafterdark.com. People go
to a restaurant not only to dine but to have a fabtflous dining experience
and trust us on this one, you will have a "beyond fabulous"
dining experience. When you get the best and innovative decor,
great food and great service, you know you have found the perfect
place! Congratulations to the owners and stafffor making the KAI
Restaurant so special.
22 theSTAR www.ozarksstar.com
"While we beat our chests and proclaim
ourselves the xvorld’s largest superpower,
it is foolish to expect that we Americans,
with only 6 percent of the world’s population,
can automatically impose our xv~ll on
everyone else." [p. 25]
"... [~he...war in Iraq has led to a devastaring
drop in world approval of the United
States and sharp divisions between Muslim
and Non-Muslim communities. It has provided
more recruits for anti-American terrorist
organizations, cost American taxpayers
billions of dollars, and above all, caused
loss of human life on a tragically large scale.
A failure to understand the culture and history
of other parts of the world has exacted
a great price." ~. 28]
"We cannot afford the toll that multiple
Iraq-like mistakes would take on America,
especially as we deal xvith emerging nations
whose power and influence will become
great as time passes." [p. 29]
"Preemptive military engagements in the
absence of an act of war against us have
not proven successful. Vietnam and Iraq
are dramatic examples." [p. 41]
Source: David Boren, A Letter to America
(2008). Norman, OK : University of Okla.
"Forty other countries now have a higher life
expectancy than the United States, in no
small part because 45 million Americans have
no health insurance. When ~vill we act?" [p.
"... [I]t is morally imperative that we provide
universal health coverage for all Ameficans...
We must not rule out considering a new
approach that moves away from the current
employer-based system...Those who have
health insurance are already paying the costs
for the uninsured, who often end up in hospital
emergency rooms...The uninsured wait
to get help until they reach a medical crisis.
This drives costs higher. There is no excuse
for another presidential term to end without
implementing universal health insurance."
[p.p. 84-5]
Source: David Boren, A Letter to America
(2008). Norman, OK : University of Okla.
rodeo. Very often they do. It’s a lot of hard
work, it is very rewarding, but every year
right after the Rodeo ends we start planning
for the next one.
Victor: Do straight people still sometimes
get thrown by the idea of a gay cowboy?
Klint: They don’t associate what they perceive
to be a masculine lifestyle to be a part
of how they perceive the gay lifestyle. So in
part we are educating the public as a whole,
and even still some parts of the gay community,
that we come from every facet of life.
Victor: So what’s in store for this year?
Klint: We have a great reputation, one of
the largest rodeos of the IGRA system. We
have a new rodeo director from Florida,
Jim Mitchell and Assistant directors Travis
Parker ofOGRA & Michael Fontenot of
Florida. We’re doing all kinds of promotions
not only in Oklahoma but also surrounding
states, and we expect people from all parts
of the country. This year we are hosting the
I.G.R.A.’s Board of Directors Meeting, so
trustees from all of their rodeo associations
throughout the United States and Canada
will be here. As with tradition, all we donate
stays in Oklahoma. This year we are helping
out two major charities, Other Options and
Rain Oklahoma.
Victor: So who should join OGRA? Does
one have to be a rancher or cowboy?
Klint: We have many members who have
never ridden a horse or worked with cattle.
We welcome people who many walks of life
who embrace cowboys and western heritage.
As we raise money for our community, we
need talented people who want to help us
make a difference.
Victor: I think that’s an invitation. Thanks
for all you and OGRA do for gay Oklahoroans,
including our cowboys and cowgirls,
and we can look forward to another great
Voter registration applications may
be submitted at any time. However, a
valid application must be received at a
motor license agency or a designated
voter registration agency, or postmarked
(if submitted by mail), more than 24
days prior to an election in order for the
applicant to participate in that election.
Deadlines for submitting valid voter registration
applications prior to the 2008
statewide elections are as follows:
Primary Election
Friday, July 4 - Registration Deadline
Tuesday, July 29 - Election
Runoff Primary Election
Friday, August 1 - Registration Deadline
Tuesday, August 26 - Election
General Election
Friday, October 10 - Registration
Tuesday, November 4 - Hection
Changes in political affiliation may not
be made during the period from June
1 through August 31, inclusive, in any
even-numbered year. The last day on
which a change in political affiliation
can be made before the closed period is
May 31; the first day on which a change
in political affiliation can be made after
the closed period is September 1.
Last day to request absentee ballot
for July 29 Primary Hection
Wednesday, July 23
Vote early at your County Hection
Board office
Friday, July 25, 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday, July 26, 8 AM - 1 PM
Monday, July 28, 8 AM - 6 PM
Candidate Filing
for federal, state, legislative
and county offices
June 2 - 4
wvcw.ok, gov/-elections/index.html
www.ozarksstar.com theSTAR 23
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy G.
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Steve’s Hideaway, Tulsa
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
24 @ The Ledo, Oklahoma City
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@Angles, Oklahoma City
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
Democratic U£. senate candidate (currently State
Senator) Andrew Rice with Richard Ogden Chairperson
Cimarron Alliance Foundation at a fantastic fundraiser at
Ogden’s home.
By Greg Steele
on the prowl
victor G06~ ~e~nt~ O~l~h;ma C0rpora~
tion Commissioner Jim R6tha plaque with a
45 of one is his favodte inspirations, Dion’s
"Abraham Martin & Johi~2
84 & Robin Dorner with The City S~Ni~i
atthe fundraiser for State Senator Andrew Rice!
Marlett is runn ng aga nst the nfamous sai ~ I(em.
State Representative A! McAffrey with Oklahbrna
County Democratic Party co-chair Elle~ Ste~SS :
at Oklahoma City fundraiser for McAffrey.
By Ronald Blake
ho wants to see you achieve health,
fitness, and overall well-being? It seems
like everyone wants to see you fit into that
smaller size of pants or cut back on your
smoking. We live in a soci.ety where it is
horrible to think that people die. You need
to take advantage of this munificence of the
Government agencies are always watching
out for you. The FDA is monitoring what
medications are safe for your consumption.
The FAA will not let you fly with Joe Camel
smoke swirling aimlessly around the cabin.
The CDC monitors the incidences ofWest
Nile virus outbreaks in all the 50 states.
Your local agency on aging center will even
see to it that you have a fan or air conditioner
to place in your window ifyou can’t
afford to buy one. Your taxes are ~vorking to
help you after all.
Restaurants and fast food establishments
are even seeking to give you healthier food.
Subway leads the pack of retailers by offering
you groovy grinders and showcasing the
slimmed down Jared as proof of eating right.
Numerous restaurants are shrinking their
portion sizes and now only offering enough
to satisfy one hippopotamus’ appetite.
Applebee’s is one example of this sensible
change. They even charge a little less for
this good idea. Gosh, even Hamburglar and
Grimace are putting apple slices in Happy
There are not-for-profit agencies out there
that are a website away from accessing
information for better health. The American
Lung Association will tell you where to find
smoking cessation classes. The Cancer Society
will tell you when you should get a pap
smear, colorectal check, skin screening, and
breast exam. There are support groups for
autism, anger management, gambling addictions,
mental illnesses, and many more. If
you can Google it, it is out there waiting to
be uncovered by you.
Even money-hungry Hollywood types have
your best interests in mind. "Supersize Me"
was that documentary about McDonalds
and the Big Mac that put the fast-food giant
into a Dow Jones suicide watch. The behemoth
hamburger franchiser changed their
menu in response to this fat-laden epiphany.
Michael Moore took on the health care
industry and all the cigar-chomping politicos
inside the Beltway in his documentary
"Sicko". He exposed the Swiss cheese health
coverage we have for the denizens of this
great land. There have even been movies like
a "Beautiful Mind" and "Rain Man" that
have shown a superb story but have also
given us a better understanding of health
issues like mental illnesses.
Finally, we even have philanthropists like
Bill Gates, Oprah, Bono, and numerous
others who are giving money to charities to
improve the lives of others. These methods
include education and training. Education
is one of the greatest factors affecting poor
health. More educated individuals are less
likely to smoke, drink, or engage in drug
activity than those individuals who lack a
proper education.
If you want to achieve it, you must seek it.
It should not be difficult; there is assistance
around every corner. Excuses are around
every corner too. Choose your corner carefully.
This health and fitness coltunn is brought to you by that
guy who has an analog mind in a digital world. That guy
is Ron Blake and he can be shaken from his reverie at
26 t~÷STAR w~vw.ozarksstar.com
opened last October and has quickly become
extremely popular. Why? Because of
the owner and staff. Rob knows how to treat
customers and has hired a very professional
staff. Michelte, the bar manager is the kind
of bartender that everybody wants. She is
fun, funny, lively, interesting, professional
and you can tell that she really enjoys her
job. Why can’t all bartenders across the
country be like this? The other bartenders
there are great also. We found everybody in
this bar to be extremely friendly. How many
times have you walked into a bar only to be
sitting at the bar all by yourself and no one
talks to you. Trust us, it won’t happen in this
Another fun place is JR’s Nightclub, 504
E. Commercial, (417) 864-2823. This is the
bar "where men are comfortable, but everyone
is welcome". They are open Monday
thru Saturday, 5 to 1:30 AM and Sunday, 2
PM to midnight. When you walk in, people
either know you or they don’t and if they
don’t know you, they will shortly. Everyone
is friendly. The bartenders and owner are
friendly. After a couple of drinks you will
know everybody in the bar. And isn’t that
the idea of going to a bar, to meet other
people? JR’s is the only bar in Springfield
that is open on Sundays. Other places to
visit are Martha’s Vineyard and Latin Vibes
which features special gay shows on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings.
If your needing to get around the city,
contact Fisk Limousines, www.fisklimo.com
or give them a call at 417.862.2900. They
give the best service in the entire Midwest.
Springfield, Missouri is indeed a city with
a great future. They want EVERYONE to
visit their beautiful city. We did and we
certainly enjoyed our stay there as we know
that all of our readers will. The Convention
& Visitors Bureau has one of the best
websites in the nation, www.springfieldadventures.
com. Be sure and check it out. Our
thanks to Susan Wade, Public Relations
Manager, Springfield Convention & Visitors
Bureau. She is simply "the Best of the Best"
and so professional, and to Mark Templeton
of Springfield.
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
NoY. governor .snpports
same-sex marrmge
New York Gov. David Patterson said April
7 that he supports legalization of same-sex
Speaking by video link to the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force’s awards dinner in
Manhattan, Patterson said: "We xvill push
on and bring full marriage equality to New
York state. And when xve have done that,
xve’re going to do more. We’re going to protect
young people from bullies. We’re going
to protect against the discrimination of
people in the transgender community, and
xve’re going to fight for decent and affordable
health care for all citizens in this state."
"If you xvill join with me, and if xve xvork
hard enough, xve can change the face of
Nexv York, which will be the catalyst to
changing national policy," he said.
Patterson had planned to attend the dinner
but was stuck in Albany dealing with budget
www.ozarksstar.com t~:~{~.STAR 27
by Jack Fertig May 2008
"Articulate conflicts, Cancer!"
The Sun in Taurus offers the comforts and pleasantries of
spring. Now, however, Sol is aspecting asteroid Chiron in
Aquarius and new planet Eris, stirring up the question of
where to settle down and with whom. Think beyond habits,
and be open to surprises!
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Individualist though you are,
you belong with some tribe - however awkwardly. A clash
of values is inevitable, but not catastrophic. Give yourself
room to be not at the center of the group, but at the edge
- perhaps even the leading edge.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Your own personality is both
a key and an impediment to success. Meditate and talk
with a confidante. Issues of fitting in and reconciling different
communities in your world seem like complications, but
actually point to a solution.
GEMINi (May 21 - June 20): You’re too easily tempted into
arguments with others.-Better to look within and resolve
your own conflicts. Knocking those around with a friend and
establishing a philosophical framework are important. Just
know that the real debate is internal.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Time to review that famous
"gay agenda." How do your goals and ideals fit in with your
immediate queer community and your sense of the broader
community? Articulating the conflicts and exploring the issues
could put you into a position of leadership.
LEO (July 23 -August 22): Your ambitions can easily lead
to arguments. That’s OK, as long as the point of the argument
is to better understand _what’s_ right, not _who’s_
right. To fix a relationship, try seeing it in a different light.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): New ideas, even
those that seem to come way out of left field, can help
solve problems at work and with your health. (Chiropractic?)
Don’t underestimate possibilities, wacky as they may
seem, offered by other GLBT folks.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Rethinking group
allegiances and community identity should prove helpful in
understanding your sexual potential - not just as a lover, but
as an erotic healer. Explore new forms of erotic play and
perception. You can do this actively and/or academically.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Some housecleaning,
literally or metaphorically, is important to improve
your relationship or to help you be ready for one. An eccentric
older relative or community elder offers an inspirational
role model
28 t~eSTAR
SAG~TTAR~US (November 22 = December 20): Team
sports or games - anything from charades to rugby - can
help you understand your own thought processes, or perhaps
learn how to keep your mouth from getting you into
trouble. You’ll never get that one perfect, but you can make
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Being a capricious
Cappy could get expensive. Entertain members of
your family or tribe at home or through some community
event, staying ever mindful of your budget. Asking others to
contribute can help strengthen your bonds.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Fitting in with
your family can be a problem. Imagine that you are adopted
and speak a different language. What would you try to say?
You wouldn’t want to be just like everyone else, so celebrate
your uniqueness, and they’ll love you as you are.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Don’t be afraid to
speak your mind. You may expose a few secrets, but that
will probably do some good for you and others concerned.
Even if there is a price to pay, you will find greater value in
speaking up.
Rev Steve T. Urie
Spirit of Chdst MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Saturdays at 10:00 AM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
MCC of the Living Spring
17 Elk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
Support those who support us.
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Tulsa, OK
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Tulsa, OK * 918-747-5466
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Oklahoma City, OK
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Tulsa, OK
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E O. BOX 12485
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
New and Historic Homes for Sale
and Rent For Info:
3540 E. 31st
Tulsa, OK
Oklahoma’s HIV/STD Hotline
2902 E. 20TH STREET,
Joplin, MO * 479-529-8480
Service Saturday 9:30 AM
17 Elk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays 6pm
PO BOX 60296
Oklahoma City, OK 73146
621 E 4th Street
Tulsa, OK 74120
2015 -B S. Lake~vood
Tulsa, OK 74112
www. openarmsproject.org
203 N. Nogales Ave
Tulsa, OK 74127
In or Out Calls
Oklahoma City, OK
Tulsa, OK
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
www.c21 goldcastle.com
Oklahoma City, OK
Located inside Habana Inn
Dallas, TX
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Keller Willia
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I’1.....1.....~..... work hard fo
(d,efinitiqn - growing up GAYin OK is
not easy)
You can he~p our teens. Support
Open Arms Youth Project.
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Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2008] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/250.