[2008] The Star Magazine, January 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 1
[2008] The Star Magazine, January 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 1
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
January 01, 2008
Greg Steele
Paul Wortman
James Ninmo
Joey D.
Victor Gorin
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blak
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Devre Jackson
Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
Paul Wortman
James Ninmo
Joey D.
Victor Gorin
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blak
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Devre Jackson
Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
The Star Magazine, December 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 12
The Star Magazine, February 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 2
The Star Magazine, February 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 2
Online text
Online text
Southwestern Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Royal GreCnCountrg
Barony o~: dll Oklahoma
2 the STAR www.ozarksstar.cor~
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 3
¯he Colors of Living", featuring giclee
prints of the digital art ofTulsa artist
Dennis R. Scott.
Gay community outraged over Steven
Domer slaying.
NEW: Deep Inside Hollywood, reports
on new projects for Sarah Jessica Parker
and Dan Butler.
November 21,1999 fine last grand Queen) Flamboyant
author Quentin Crisp dies in Manchester, England.
Tulsa’s Downtown Plaza Hotel openly
welcomes GLBT.
Gay Travelers: 6,000 Mile Trip
Out of Town: Key West
Dining In or OUT
Introspection can lead you to better
understand yourself and ultimately to
achieve greater happiness.
4 the STAR
Downtown Tulsa
"Ifyou are elected President,
what concrete steps would you
take to overturn ’Don’t As~,
Don’t Tell ?’"
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY):
I strongly believe that anyone who has the courage,
strength, and valor to serve our country should be able to
do so. We are at war and our top generals are warning that
America’s military is stretched to the breaking point, yet we
have a policy that dismisses good people from our ranks.
Even service members with critical skills such as Arabic
language skills are being discharged because they are gay.
Senior retired military officials who can speak freely say this
law does not serve our national security interests. These
same military leaders are confident that repealing Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell won’t lessen standards of behavior or lower
As President, I will work with high-profile military leaders,
such as former Joint Chiefs chairman John M. Shalikashviii
and Retired Lieutenant General Claffdia Kennedy, the
first woman to achieve the rank of three-star general in the
Army, who have called for repeal of the law. I will stand
with soldiers like retired Marine Staff Sgt. Eric Alva, the
first American soldier to be seriously wounded in Iraq, and
retired Army Sgt. Jose Zuniga, former Army Soldier of the
Year, who are shining examples of why this law no longer
makes sense.
Over the last seven years in the Senate, and as a member
of the Armed Services Committee, I have built relationships
with members of Congress and senior military officials
through my work on the Armed Services Committee. When
I am President, I will bring this strength and experience to
bear to end this outdated and outmoded policy.
w~,-w.ozarksstar.com the STAR 5
TULSA, OK (P/R) __ Oklahomans for
Equality expresses its outrage at the recent
murder of Steven Domer. "gge extend
condolences to his family and friends. This
senseless tragedy highlights the urgent need
for federal and state hate crimes legislation
protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LBGT) people.
On October 26th, Steven Domer, a 62-yearold
gay man, was abducted from NW 39th
Street near Pennsylvania Avenue in Oklahoma
City. On November 4th, his body was
found in rura! McClain County. His hands
were tied with duct tape and a wire hanger
was wrapped around his neck. The Oklahoma
State Medical Examiner concluded
that Domer died of asphyxiation and ruled
his death a homicide. On November 28,
Darrell Madden, a self-prodaimed white
supremacist, was charged with first-degree
murder and kidnapping in relation to
Domer’s death.
Prosecutors believe that Madden targeted
Domer as part of an initiation rite of the
Aryan Brotherhood. Inorder to secure a
"patch," the white supremacist group demands
that its members commit an act of
violence against an African American, Jew,
homosexual, or any other person declared
"an enemy."
Although Oklahoma County District Attorney
David Prater and other law enforcement
officials believe that anti-gay bias was
a motivating factor in Domer’s murder, they
cannot prosecute Madden under Oklahoma’s
hate crimes law because the statute does
not cover sexual orientation. Oklahoma is
one of only 17 states whose hate crimes laws
do not protect LGBT citizens. Most state
hate crime laws enhance the penalties for
bias-motivated crimes.
On December 4, Representative Al McAf’-
frey (D-Oklahoma City) announced his
intention to introduce a bill expanding
the state’s hate crime law to include sexual
orientation and gender. In May, the U.S.
House of Representatives passed The Local
Law Enforcement Hate
Crimes Prevention Act/Matthew Shepard
Act giving the Justice Department the power
to investigate and prosecute bias-motivated
violence by providing the department with
jurisdiction over crimes of violence where
the perpetrator has selected the victim
because of the person’s actual or perceived
race, color, religion, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
This bill will soon be voted upon in
the U.S. Senate.
As legislators consider passage of these
historic state and national laws, Oklahomans
for Equality will be working with its
allies in the LGBT and allied community in
educational and advocaW efforts.
Hate Crimes Amendment
Removed rom
Dept o£De£ense
Con erence Report
~Ibday, House-Senate conferees confirmed
that the Matthew Shepard Act, which had
passed the Senate as an amendment to the
Department of Defense Authorization bill,
would be removed from the final version of
the bill. This announcement was made after
House Leadership’s whipping the vote count
on the conference report concluded there
were not enough votes for passage of the bill
if it included the hate crimes provision.
"Today’s decision is deeply disappointing,
especially given the historic passage of hate
crimes legislation through both Houses
of Congress this year. After more than
ten years and several successful bipartisan
votes, it is heartbreaking to fall short this
dose to the finish line," said Joe Solmonese,
President of the Human Rights Campaign.
"However, we are not giving up on efforts
to find another legislative vehicle, in the
second half of this Congress, to move the
Matthew Shepard Act."
The Human Rights Campaign has been a
chief advocate of hate crimes legislation for
over a decade. On November 14th, HRC
sent an e-mail to all Capitol Hill offices urging
the retention of hate crimes legislation
in the Department of Defense Authorization
conference report. Additionally, HRC
organized and signed onto a coalition letter
6 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
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"’l-he Colors ofLiving’
a digital art exhibit at
Dennis R. Neill Equality
Tulsa artist Dennis IL Scotx
eyes ofm~ artist driven to create impressions
of the beauty which sttcrounds him.
The exhibit w’dl remain up through the
month ofJanuary and can be viewed
Monday thru Saturday from 3-gpm. The
Dermis R. Nedl Equality Center is
located at 621 E. dth St., in downtown
Tulsa. More info c~a be found on the web
at okeq.org.
’Ihis monthly event is hosted by Okiahoman’s
for Equality (OkEq). OkEq seeks
equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexmal &
Tra~sgender (LGBT) individuals and
f~mihes through advoca~, education,
programs, alliances, and the operation of the
Dennis IL Neig Equality Center.
TULSA, OK~The Dennis IL Neili Equality
Center ar~ gallery wi[[ host its monthly
First Thursday meet-the-artist reception
from 6-gpm, ~aursday, January 3, 2008, for
the opening oflts January exhibit "The Colors
of Living", featu~mg giclee prints of the
digital ~trt ofTulsa ~tist Dermis IL Scott.
Scott has been creating his digital art for
the list three years. His work is unlike most
digital or computer art. His style is unique.
His arc is totally his own..., his ovca~ way
of seelng life, his own way of depicOng
that which he sees. Whether one might
call Scott’s art abstract, impressionistic, or
surreal is of little concern to Scott. Through
his art he invites the viewer, the art lover or
even the mere observer, to take a chance, as
he has in creating his art. Taking a chance
is what ~rtists do. Vie~,Cmg Scott’s art is seeing
his subjects as he sees them, through the
Art byTulsa artist Dennis IL Scott
the STAR 9
By Victor Gorin
recently released convicts, Madden
having served time at Jess
Dunn Correctional Center for
impersonating a police officer
and obtaining money by false
pretense. Quails had been released
from the Dick Conner Correctional
facility in Hominy for
a 2001 burglary conviction. It
was speculated that Mr. Domer’s
murder may have been a gang rite
of passage.
The murder has garnered national
attention, somewhat reminiscent
of the murder of Matthew
Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming
in !998.A press conference was
held at Church of the Open
Arms December 4, followed by
a candlelight vigil in the parking
lot ofAngles that evening. The
press conference and vigil were
Photo: Steven Domer
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ The Oklahoma
gay community and their allies have
been outraged and saddened by the murder
of Steven Domer, a 62 },ear old Oklahoma
City man believed to have been targeted primarily
because he was gay. On October 26,
he had driven a friend home from the N.W.
39th street gay bar district, then returned to
the area, and was last seen at the car wash
there, an area well known for male prostitution.
He was seen by a witness to be talking
to two young men. His body and burned
out car were found near 1-35 and Ladd road
north of Purcell November 4.
Oklahoma County prosecutors have charged
Darrell Madden with Domer’s murder.
Madden, a white supremacist who was arrested
in McLain County for an attempted
carjacking, is also charged in McLain County
with the murder of the Brad Qualls, the
other man believed to be seen talking with
Steven Domer the night he disappeared.
Quails was found shot to death November 8
at an Ardmore apartment complex. Madden
& Qua.lls have been identified as members
of the United Aryan Brotherhood, a xvhite
supremacist group which recruits many of
their members in prisons. Both were
10 the STAR
attended by the Reverend Harry Knox, the
Faith Community Director of the Human
Rights Campaign, a national GLBT rights
political group. As he puts it," Oklahoma
is one of only 17 states that do not protect
GLBT citizens through hate crimes legislation."
Objections to hate crimes legislation have
come from religious fundamentalist groups
who claim they would not be able to preach
against homosexual behavior should this
legislation become law. Harry Knox clarified
that this type of speech is protected the 1st
Amendment of the US. Constitution, and
to say otherwise is " to tell a lie unworthy of
ministers of the gospe! ofJesus Christ." He
pointed out that "people are dying in Oklahoma,
and GLBT people are wondering
when their pastors will speak out for justice.
Steven Domer’s voice cries out for justice,
asking pastors for whom do they work, the
people or for God?"
Richard Ogden, an attorney who chairs the
Cimarron Alliance Foundation also spoke,
stating that" In Oklahoma and across our
nation there is a climate of intolerance, and
a tolerance of intolerance. This has to stop.
When we in Oklahoma have passed laws
that basically say that gays and lesbians are
second class citizens, we create an environment
that licenses this type of behavior. "
Although this was a brutal murder that was
obviously motivated because the victim was
gay, Darrell Madden could not be charged
with a hate crime because Federal and Oklahoma
hate crimes laws do not cover sexual
orientation. Legislation was introduced this
year in Congress to amend Federal Hate
Crimes laws to include sexual orientation by
Senator Edward Kennedy D-Massachusetts,
but was dropped when it became dear that
it would not pass the House.
On the state level State Representative
Al McA_ffrey, Oklahoma’s first and only
openly gay legislator, has stated that he will
introduce legislation to amend Oklahoma
Hate Crimes laws to include sexual orientation
and gender. This is supported by both
Oklahoma County District Attorney David
Prater, and Oklahoma Attorney General
Drew Edmondson. Mr. McAffrey did state
that he realized he will probably be facing
an uphill battle in the legislature. Clarifying
the point that some conservatives make,
that Hate Crimes laws elevate gay people to
a special status, he affirmed that ifa group
of gay men attacked a straight man ,vith
baseball bats, targeting him for his sexual
orientation, they would also be guilty of a
hate crime under this legislation.
Reverend Dr. Kathy McCallie, pastor of Church
of the Open Arms-United Church of Christ,
pointed out that this crime was not an isolated
incident, stating that "there xvill be a day when
GLBT persons can freely be themselves and
enjoy the safety equality and respect that’s due to
every member of the human family, but today is
not that day. On October 26 when Steve Domer
was brutally murdered, we were each violated. "
By Greg Steele
on the loose
Wiads House ProvidingA
Sa£e P lace For 20
By Victor Gorin
Miranda Ray will be performing in the
Kris Kohl Show New Years Eve At the
Jones’n Club Downtown Plasza Hotel.
Doxvntoxvn Plaza Hotel Tulsa General
Managers Jay Wilks and Debbie Mc-
Miss Gay Tulsa America, Melody
Michaels at the BOO.
Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA 2008, Samantha
West at the Copa....
Photo Left to Right:Jennifer Bates, Asley
Ozan, Linda Duke
OKLAHO!VIA CITY, OK __ Thanks to a
caring community, Winds House of Oklahoma
City was able to raise over $2500 at a
gala fundraiser December 7th. For over 20
years the Winds have provided a safe place
to stay for those living with HIV and their
families, serving as transitional housing
until they are able to re-enter the general
community. The home provides referrals
and assistance for disability income, food
stamps, Section 8 housing etc. Donatons
are always needed and can be sent to \Vinds
House OKC, P.O. Box 12185 Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma 73157.
Acid-tongued talk-show host and out lesbian
Rosie O’Donnell, who famously dashed
with Elisabeth Hasselbeck on "The View,"
and the big clash with Donald Trump
announced on her bloc that talks to give
her a prime-time show on MSNBC had
fallen apart.
New York Songstress Rachael Sage and
an adoring fan in Tulsa.
Attorney Richard Ogden, Chair of Cimarron
Alliance Foundation, the Reverend Harry Knox-
Faith Community Director of the Human Rights
Campaign, and the Reverend Loyce Newton-Ed-
,#cards at Hate Crimes press conference in OKC.
the STAR 11
Shades of Rex Lee
As Lloyd, Jeremy Piven’s assistant on Entourage,
gay actor Rex Lee has carved out a hilarious
niche for himself. His character stuck
around and gained a higher profile thanks
to Lee’s wicked comic timing and popularity
with fans. Soon, though, he’ll jump
from the small to the big screen, appearing
in the independent feature Shades of Ray.
A seriocomic romance, Shades stars Chuck
main man ZachatT Levi as Ray, a mixedrace,
American-born son of a Pakistani
father and Caucasian mother. As his parents
separate and his father moves in with him,
Ray must deal with his own romantic and
racial issues. Sounds heartfelt and sincere,
but Romeo’s guessing that Lee’s job will be
to pop up from time to time with just the
right punchline for an awkward moment. As
HBO audiences know, he’s an expert at that.
Romeo San Vicente is still waitingpatientlyfor the
all-musical edition of "The McLaughlin Group. "He can
be reached care ofthispublication or at DeepInsideHollywood
By Victor Gorin
Loaves and Fishes
Bar uet a Huge
By Victor Gorin
Photo Left to Right: Former Miss Gay
Oklahoma Kitty Bob Aimes, Matthew
Heath Fitzgerald, Sonja Martinez, John
Beebe & Debbie Davie
festive evening at the Habana Inn December
9th xvhen the title for the nexv Miss
Gay Oklahoma US of A was passed on to
Samantha West, a 26 ),ear old Tulsan among
the performers at Nexv Age Renegades, The
1st alternate xvas Londenn Raine, xvith 2nd
alternate Jozlyn Welch.
The xvinner and I st alternate are eligible to
compete in the national competition which
will be held in Dallas May 20-23 of next
3-4 the 17th annual Loaves and Fishes
Banquet came together at the Copa for a
fabulous evening of fundraising for a good
cause. Featuring entertainers John Beebe,
Sonja Martinez,Debbie Davie, Matthew
Heath-Fitzgerald and former Miss Gay
Oklahoma Kitty Bob Aimes, the event
raised over $7200.
Loaves and Fishes, a program of Catholic
Charities, provides meals to homebound
people living with HIV. Directed by Ms
Judy Reilly, once again the community came
together for a proud tradition of caring.
Passing on the fide was Alexis Nicole Whitney,
who made history with the pageant
not just with her doe, but living proof that
nothing can stand in the xvay of talent and
determination. As
she puts it, "People
should see my blindness
the same I do.
I don’t see it as a
handicap, but as an
obstacle I have overcome."
That she did,
not only capturing
the Oklahoma title
but also was one of
the top 12 finalists at
the national competition.
Our girls do us
Please Join Us
Feb. 10, 2008, 10:00 p.m. @
39th and Penn OKC, OK.
For information call Nikki Start @ 580 216 2715 or 1 866 906 1133
the STAR 13
by Liz I-Iighleyman
November 21, 1999 (%e last grand Queen):
Flamboyant author Quentin Crisp dies in
Manchester, England.
The death of author and
raconteur Quentin Crisp at
the end of the 20th century
represented the passing of
one of the last grand queens
of a bygone era.
Crisp, originally named Denis Charles Pratt,
xvas born on Christmas Day in 1908 in the
London suburb of Sutton, the youngest
child of a "middle-class, middle-brow" family.
Always considered a sissy, he later said he
could never remember not being tormented
by his father, siblings, and schoolmates.
Crisp studied journalism and art in London,
and in his early 20s began hanging out with
hip young gay men in Soho, supporting
himself with various jobs,
induding graphic artist,
xvindow dresser, tap-dance
instructor, and hustler. He
adopted a new moniker and
a flamboyant, effeminate
style that included flowing
scarves, platform shoes,
dyed hair, and makeup. He
was "not merely a self-confessed
homosexual, but a
self-evident one," he would
later say, describing himself
as "a blithe spirit reveling in
androgynous anarchy."
Openly gay and gender-variant
at a time when homosexuality
was highly stigmatized
and sex between men was
illegal, Crisp was frequently
attacked by strangers in
the streets and harassed by
police. During World War
II, he was exempted from
military service due to his
homosexuality, and instead
embarked upon a career as a nude model at
a government-funded art school.
Crisp did not gain widespread notoriety
until his 60s, with the publication of his
autobiography, The Naked Civil Servant
(1968), one of the first unapologetic contemporary
accounts of gay life. Although
the book was well-received, it was the 1975
television movie version starring John Hurt
that brought Crisp instant fame.
Crisp began appearing on talk shows and
created a successful one-man theatrical performance.
He took his show to Ne~v York
City in 1978, fell in love with America, and
decided to immigrate a few years later,
settling into a notoriously sloppy one-room
apartment in a seedy neighborhood on
Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
Crisp became a fixture of the city’s celebrity
scene, growing increasingly famous just
for being himself. "If I have a talent for
anything," he said, "it is not for doing but
for being." He wrote a column for the New
York Native newspaper and film criticism
for Christopher Street magazine, and published
several more books, including How to
Become a Virgin (1981) and Manners from
Heaven: A Divine Guide to Good Behavior
(1984). He also appeared in a number of
movies and documentaries, most notably as
Queen Elizabeth I in Orlando (1993).
Though he socialized in queer social circles,
Crisp was unsympathetic to the gay rights
movement and held attitudes many younger
activists regarded as homophobic. "I don’t
think you can really be proud of being gay
because it isn’t something you’ve done," he
once said. "You can only be proud of not
being ashamed." He eschewed identity politics
and queer separatism, and thought loud
demands only led to backlash.
Crisp persisted in referring to homosexuality
as an illness, and he caused a furor when
he told the London Times in 1997 that he
thought it would be acceptable for a woman
to abort a fetus carrying a hypothetical gay
gene. "You could have children who are naturally
suited to society," he later explained.
"They would be happy." He also once
opined that the gay community’s obsession
with AIDS was a fad, and advised, "Ifyou
want to be sure you won’t have AIDS, don’t
have sex with anyone."
....................Continued page 27
14 the STAR vwvw.ozarksstar.com
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www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 15
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Now everything IS okay in Oklahoma!
The gay community and gay travelers to
Tulsa now have a place where they are made
to feel VERY WELCOME! We stayed there
a couple of weeks ago and it was wonderfull.
"l-he rooms are spacious and the staff
is extremely friendly and professional. ~-he
renovations are not finished yet,
however we know that when it
is completed that it will be the
finest hotel in Tulsa. We stayed
in the Premier Suite which was
on a scale of one to ten, a 15 ! It
featured a living room with pull
out queen sleeper sofa, a 36 inch
TV and DVD Player. Ceiling to
floor (and wall to wall windows)
for a spectacular view of the city.
A large King bedroom with extra
pillows, a 25 inch TV in the
bedroom and dub chair and ottoman.
Two full bathrooms and
a kitchenette/dining area with
coffee maker, fridge/microwave
and a snack basket, microwave
popcorn and cookies with bottled water.
~he Downtown Plaza Hotel ofTulsa was
built in 1966 as the first downtown hotel in
Tulsa to offer modern conveniences. Shortly
afterwards it was a Holiday Inn, then a Ramada
Inn, then as the Great Western Hotel.
In July, 2007 it was sold to the Chisholm
Properties, Ltd. and they renamed it back to
it’s original name, "Downtown Plaza Hotel
ofTulsa". The Chisholm Properties Ltd.
the STAR
owns other fine hotels in Oklahoma, Missouri
and Texas. It is located at 17 West 7th
Street in the heart of the beautiful historica]
financial and entertainment district ofTulsa.
They are directly adjacent to the world
famous Petroleum Club. It rises 14 stories
above the City and is currendy undergoing
a multi-million dollar renovation. A VERY
extensive renovation is now underway
however they do have at this time, over 70
rooms for their guests. Their plan is for the
renovations to be completed by May, 2008
and have over 200 rooms when completed.
The new look for the hotel is based on modern
boutique style hotels that are now found
across the country and Europe.
The hotel has a variety of rooms and
suites to choose, from a Deluxe Double
Queen, Deluxe King, Executive King,
Executive King Junior Suite or the Premier
King Suite. Each suite has a Fridge/Micro in
the kitchenette. Their prices are extremely
down to earth and much less than the other
dmvntown hotels. The hotel is within a
short walking distance to Tulsa’s
Convention Center, the New
The PAC (Performing
Center, Tulsa Tech and many
buildings and landmarks.
; the many amenities are:
floors, business
weddings & receptions, air-
~ort shuttle free Cherokee Casino
[ wireless Internet,
covered parking, guest laundry
~n site), fax & copy service. Their
service includes 43 channels, 3
4 ESPN channels,
i Nick, Food Network and
r more. The Downtown Plaza
equipped with a Fitness Center
their guests, including strength
and cardio equipment.
Lounge around their outdoor pool and
catch some rays, secluded by the urban environment
ofTulsa’s rooftops. Just inside the
poolside seating area is The Jones’N Club,
a full bar with a pool table and live music.
Conference, meeting and banquet rooms are
available to accommodate groups of 10 to
250 guests.
..............Continued page 27
More on Camp La Casa Sena - Santa Fe, New
Mexico see page 22.
From the upper sundeck at the Oasis men’s resort, guests enjoypanoramic
views ofKey West’s Historic District. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
Key West:
Where To Play, Eat, and Stay
famous gay resort towns, Key West has always stood
out for its sheer embrace of total relaxation. This laid-back tropical
island in the Caribbean, closer to Cuba than to mainland Florida, is
without pretensions. People rarely worry about what time it is, dress
is casual and colorful, and the party scene is friendly and easygoing.
Key West is neither fancy nor especially urbane - it’s just a great
place to laze in a deck chair on a bougainvillea-choked lanai, browse
for beachwear and souvenirs along the main drag, Duval Street,
or relax on a restaurant patio noshing on raw oysters and sipping
mango iced tea or mojitos.
For a seasonal tourist town, Key West has plenty to offer when it
comes to dining and nightlife. Few places draw more raves for outstanding
food than Alice’s Key West, where chefAlice Weingarten
serves some of the most inventive food in town, including delicious
smoked-salmon Benedict at breakfast. A departure from Key West’s
predominant laid-back tropical look, Square One is a sophisticated
restaurant with white table linen and fine china. The regionally
inspired Continental cuisine includes escargot baked in a crepe
with fresh spinach, garlic, feta, and a tomato beurre blanc. It’s a top
choice for a romar~.tic evening.
One of the better Italian restaurants in town, and also one of the
gayest, La Trattoria has two dining rooms - the smaller one romantic
and intimate, the larger better for groups of friends. The straightforward
cooking draws high praise for such tasty creations as local
shrimp sauteed with garlic, fresh tomatoes, and herbes de Provence
in a white wine, lemon, and butter sauce. One of Dural Street’s true
places to be seen, Mangoes brims with colorful sorts. The composed
salads, pastas, and grills - all with nouvelle Florida touches - are
commendable. Consider rib eye steak Caribe (pan-charred with
tamarind steak sauce and yucca).
Seven Fish, which occupies an old luncheonette and has a sleek,
sophisticated interior, serves seafood-oriented bistro fare, such as
crab and shiitake mushroom ravioli. The slogan at Mangia Mangia
is "pasta to the people," a philosophy reflected by the many varieties
of heavenly homemade pasta, all fairly priced. The painstakingly
preserved building has a lovely, quiet garden and redbrick patio in
back. You’ll need luck and persistence most nights to get a seat at
Camille’s, a small storefront bistro, but the friendly vibe and downhome
comfort food are worth the trouble. Expect good salads and
sandwiches, such as Philly cheese steak, and delicious pancakes for
For arguably the best sandwiches and wraps on the island, try Lobo’s
- the oyster roll with cheddar, bacon, and basil tartar sauce is a
stand-out. H Siboney is a zero-atmosphere eatery - _the_ place in
town for humble, stick-to-your-ribs Cuban fare. Rickety tables are
set with plastic tablecloths and paper napkins. Try such Havana specialties
as conch chowder, garlic chicken, stuffed shrimp and crabs,
platanos (plantains), and a sweet flan to top it off. As for traditional
Cuban sandwiches, tiny 5 Brothers Grocery - on a side street in the
historic district - serves the best around.
Much of the gay social activity in Key West takes place at resorts,
some ofwhich provide refreshments and snacks to guests during the
afternoon and early evening. A handful of properties have bars open
to the public, among them Pearl’s Rainbow, the town’s only guest
house exclusively for women, and the ultra-cruisy, all-male Island
House, which also has an excellent restaurant.
Most the town’s gay bars are along Duval Street. Here, the La-Te-Da
guest house has a poolside bar, an intimate piano bar, and the Treetop
Cabaret Lounge upstairs. Down a few blocks, the New Orleansinspired
Bourbon Street Pub is a cheery place with a small bar up
front with cocktail tables, a larger outdoor bar in back (along with a
lively pool area and hot tub), and video screens galore. Many nights
you can catch awful (but still entertaining) drag shows on the stage
in back. The same owners run the lovably raffish 801 Bar, Key
20 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
West’s definitive neighborhood hangout since the 1970s. There’s
almost always a crowd of gossipy locals around the bar. The adjacent
One Saloon caters mostly to leather-and-Levi’s types and is reached
through 801’s back door. Aqua Nightclub is best lmown for its raucous
drag shows, which are headlined by the in-house drag troupe,
the Aquanettes. This lively place also has strippers some nights, an
impressive dance floor with high-tech laser-and-sound shows,’ and a
cozy video bar.
Key West has a number of inns that cater either exclusively or
predominandy to the gay market. One of the best is Alexander’s, a
long-popular gay resort with the relatively unusual policy of being
both clothing-optional and welcoming to both women and men.
This makes Alexander’s ideal for gay guys traveling with lesbian
friends, or for any queer vacationers who enjoy a mixed-gender
atmosphere. The effect is that the mood around the pool and hot
mb tends to be less cruisy than at single-gender resorts. Aromatic
tropical flowers, sundecks, rattan and wicker furnishings, and sparkling
tiled bathrooms impart Alexander’s with a classy but casual
look. Also welcoming of both women and men but drawing a predominantly
male crowd, Big Ruby’s is less than a block from Dural
Street, hidden behind high walls from noise and street traffic. The
grounds feature towering palm trees and fragrant flowers, and an
abundance of sundecks. Rooms are warm, contemporary, spotless,
and full of light - all have TVIVCRs, mini-refrigerators, A/C, and
ceiling fans. A complimentary full breakfast is included. As for the
staff, you won’t find a more professional bunch of guys in Key West.
Most of the town’s men’s resorts are along Fleming Street, the Historic
District’s main drag. Here you’ll find Equator, which has plush
rooms with contemporary Caribbean-influenced furniture. Designer
fabrics, feather pillows with comforters, Mediterranean-tile floors,
large closets, and excellent sound insulation add to the comfort
of each unit. The tradeoff is that the Equator’s grounds, although
nicely landscaped, are smaller than at some of its competitors;
there’s a compact pool and an oversize Jacuzzi tub.
For years the sprawling Island House - a former cigar factory on the
eastern edge of the Historic District - was synonymous with sex,
sleaze, and shabbiness. It’s still synonymous with sex. But, happily,
new owners have completely rebuilt the place, hired friendly and
competent staff, and created lovely rooms with high-quality furnishings
(all have VCR/TVs, refrigerators, safes, and plttsh linens). If
you’re seeking a steamy ambience but also first-rate accommodations
and a safe, friendly environment, the Island House is your dream
come true. Amenities, all of them available 24 hours, include heated
pool, indoor and outdoor Jacuzzis, gym, sauna, steam room, and
erotic-male-video lounge.
The largest gay resort in town comprises three distinct properties
- the Oasis, Coral Tree Inn, and Coconut Grove - operated
by the same management. This highly social, all-male compound
has rooms available in a variety of configurations and prices. The
Coconut Grove is the fanciest of the three, having been completely
gutted and redone following a fire in 2006 - it now has some of the
cushiest accommodations in town. Next door, the Oasis has less
pricey but still attractive rooms and beautiful grounds. Across the
street, the Coral Tree has simpler but more affordable rooms. Guests
are free to enjoy the grounds of all three properties. Another
all-male property with a somewhat cruisy vibe is the New Orleans
Guest House, an attractive compound that’s above the Bourbon
Street Pub, right in the center of the Dural Street action. Rooms
are well-outfitted and attractively decorated, and rates moderately
Known as the Rainbow House until new owners took over a several
years ago, the 38-room Pearl’s Rainbow is Key \Vest’s only resort
that’s exclusive to women. Rooms are nicely done, with rattan and
wicker furniture, pastel-hued walls, large TVs, and refrigerators.
Many different configurations are available, from simple budget-oriented
units set away from the noise of the pools and decks, to more
spacious rooms doser to the action, some with kitchenettes or separate
sitting areas. The resort encompasses several buildings, including
some cute cottages that once provided housing for the workers
of a cigar factory that formerly occupied the main building. There
are two heated pools, spacious sundecks, and lots of opportunity to
chat with other guests. This is a wonderful hideaway, whether you’re
looking to make new friends or enjoy a litde peace and quiet with
your honey.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 21
by Donald Pile & Ray Williams
Featuring Cuisine From Coast to Coast
La Casa Sena - Santa Fe, New Mexico
W’e have been dining at La Casa Sena in
Santa Fe for over 25 years and it just keeps
getting better. Located right downtown,
it is one of the most popular and critically
acclaimed restaurants in the Southwest.
Not only is the food some of the most
delicious you’ll ever taste, the wine list is
among the finest in the country. Whether
dining inside or out on the patio, you are
in for a real treat! "l-he ambiance, the food,
the setting...... everything is fabulous! La
Casa Sena occupies a fine old haciendastyle
adobe complex and means "the Sena
House." q-he Sena family was one of the
oldest and most notable in Santa Fe. q-he
founder of the family, Bernadino de Sena,
was an orphan from Mexico City who
traveled to Santa Fe in 1693. In the early
1980% the ravages of rime finally began to
take a toll on the hacienda. Art dealer, Gerald
Peters purchased the historic building
and extensively renovated it without making
any architectural changes. The restoration
succeeded in keeping the historic ambiance
and integrity of the Sena Plaza intact.
Th-he Southwestern cuisine served at La
Casa Sena draws on the rich history of the
region. Th-heir distinctive red chile is grown
for the restaurant near Dixon, on the Rio
Grande in northern New Mexico. The harsh
weather there means that this local product
is not plentifi~ and, because the restaurant
purchases virtually the entire crop, it is unlikely
that this chile will be tasted anywhere
else in the world.
They are located right off the Plaza
in downtown Santa Fe at 125 East Palace.
q-heir dinner hours are Sunday thru
Thursday: 5:30 - 10:00 PM and Friday &
Saturday: 5:30 - 10:00 PM. Lunch: 11:30
_A!vl - 3:00 PM Monday thru Saturday and
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM on Sundays
22 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
People Wi h A D$
LITTLE ROCK, ARK __ Republican Presidential candidate and
former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee once advocated isolating
AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased federal
funding in the search for a cure and said homosexuality could "pose
a dangerous public health risk."
As a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in 1992, Huckabee answered
229 questions submitted to him by The Associated Press. Besides a
quarantine, Huckabee suggested that Hollywood celebrities fund
AIDS research from their own pockets, rather than federal health
"If the federal government is truly serious about doing something
with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the
carriers of this plague," Huckabee wrote.
City Resident Ray Prewitt
New I ovie
SANTA FE, NM (P/R) __ Oklahoma City resident, Ray Prewitt,
will take on the role of"Owen" in the Jim Sheridan helmed "Brothers"
for Relativity
Media. The film stars
Natalie Portman,
Jake Gyllenhaal, and
Tobey Macguire.
Shooting began last
week on this remake
of Susanne Bier’s
Danish-language war
drama which centers
on a man, (Maguire)
who is sent to fight in
Afghanistan while his
black-sheep brother
(Gyllenhaal) cares for
his wife (Portman)
and child.
Prewitt, who recently
appeared in Carpenter
Square’s "Sordid
Lives", is best known
as the producer of
"Call Us Crazy:
The Anne Heche
Monologues" which
achieved theatrical
cult status in Los
Angeles featuring stars like Edie McClurg, Alex Borstein, Megyn
Price, and Scott Thompson.
This is Prewitt’s second time to share the screen with Portman since
"Where the Heart Is" .i"n 2000.
"I think the government’s role should not be involved in personal
habits. When you defend freedom, you defend freedom of choice,
and you can’t be picking and choosing how people use those
freedoms...whether it’s personal behavior or economic behavior, I
want people to have freedom of choice," Paul asserted.
He believes the constitution says such issues should be left to the
states to decide, and ira state chooses to legalize marijuana, cocaine,
heroin and/or prostitution, so be it.
Presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex
www.ozarksstar.com The STAR 23
Chaz & Victor
By Ronald Blake
Twenty-eight retired generals and admirals
released a letter Friday urging Congress to
overturn the ban on gays serving openly in
the military, according to "l-he New York
Times. The letter cites information showing
that 65,000 gay men and lesbians are
currently serving in the military and that
there are more than 1 million gay and lesbian
veterans who have "served our nation
~have been indulging myself lately with
the finer aspects of food and beverage. I
have acquiesced with my body’s cravings
for rectangular chocolate delights that are
known to the masses as Snickers, Three
Musketeers, and Whatchamacallits. I have
given in to the luscious temptations of the
all-powerful supreme pizza with its smothering
array of toppings and guilt. I have even
fallen prey to the hypnotic sexual commercial
suggestions of the beer and booze
barons of this fair land. Yes, I have been
greedily imbibing the works of the great
fermentation experts such as Adolph Coors
and August Busch. How can I possibly
engage in such extreme epicurean behavior
and still manage to put on my jeans without
a forced smile? Ofcourse I will disclose the
many and varied means by which I make
this feasible.
Each day I lace up my sneakers and head
out on a seven mile romp through my
neighborhood streets and enjoy the festively
adorned homes. This provides me the opportunity
to dear my mind and breathe in
all those particulates from city living. It also
affords me the chance to count the expanse
of calories I burn off: in the process. I usually
get credit for 800 calories each day from this
physical activity mode.
I am that guy who finds the parking space
on the periphery of the mall parking lot.
~llais is not a forced choice in response to
all the holiday shoppers. I actively seek out
the spot that is closer to the frontage road
than the stores’ entrances. This gives me the
excellent opportunity to partake in the lost
art ofwalking somewhere. Chalk up another
couple hundred calories burned in a week’s
Every other day I don my favorite ripped
Guns N Roses T-shirt and my faded periwinkle
Russell Athletic shorts and ease into
26 the STAR
my workout roudne. I set my bicep, quadriceps,
and triceps muscles into a sweet synergistic
syncopation. I dedicate thirty minutes
for every session and I am proudly able to
record several hundred singed calories for
that day’s effort.
Some ofmy other calorie consuming moments
has involved the firm scolding of
my car and leaving him alone in the garage
while I set out down the block to get the
mail. I have often abandoned the comforts
ofmy plush settee and even ignored the
puppy dog eyes from my cuddly ottoman
so that I could walk around the living room
while discoursing with the likes ofmy Aunt
Chilada on the telephone. Friends have even
chided me for spending disproportionate
time with the steps and hand railings of
building stairwells than with the numbered
buttons and "The Girl from Ipanema" music
from elevators. Thankfully for me, these
mundane activities afford me a cornucopia
of numerous extra burned calories.
I am able to consume more of the Food
Network creations than the average Punch
and Judy because of my lifestyle. My gourmand
way of life would soon dissipate if I
would slink into the slothful practices of
most ofmy fellow brethren. Free will gives
you that chance to change it all starting
today. I could certainly use some company
on those lonely stairwells!
This health and fitness column is brought
to you by that guy who likes to count the
times people say the phrase "you know" in
their conversations. That gny is Ron Blake
and he can be unwrapped at www.goblakefitness.
Community for
People living
A 501 c (3) Non Profit Organization
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HtV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
Indeed, Crisp was celibate for the latter half
of his life. When sex therapist Dr. Ruth
Westheimer asked him what he thought
about sex, he said he thought it was a mistake.
He was also cynical about love, saying
he didfft really understand it, and he never
had an enduring romantic relationship.
Had he lived in a different era, Crisp might
have identified as transgender rather than
gay. "I believe I was born unfit for the world
not because of anything to do with sex, but
because of gender," he told one interviewer.
"I have always felt like a woman born into a
man’s body. Had I the money or the opportunity
early in life, I would certainly have
had a sex change."
Though his work brought in a fair amount
of money, Crisp lived a spartan existence,
subsisting on hors d’oeuvres and champagne
at parties. With a "lust for small talk," he
held court at a local diner and devoted time
to answering phone calls, letters, and e-mails
from friends and strangers alike. He loved
being the center of attention, and rarely
turned down an opportunity to be interviewed
or photographed. In his final years,
though beset by health problems, he nevertheless
continued to travel and perform.
Crisp died of a heart attack in Manchester,
England, in November 1999, just a month
shy of his 91st birthday.
While some may find his flamboyant style
and effeminate mannerisms embarrassingly
stereotypical today, Crisp is remembered
for being himself- and paying the price
- at a time when few others dared to do so.
Though he avoided organized LGBT activism,
his entire life was a demonstration of
gay and transgender empowerment.
For further reading:
Bailey, Paul, ed. 2000. The Stately Homo:
A Celebration of the Life of Quentin Crisp
Crisp, Quentin. 1996. Resident Alien: The
New York Diaries (HarperCollins).
~e hotel is the ONLY Tulsa hotel that
is openly caters to everybody! The Lounge
at the Downtown Plaza will start in January
hosting Ms. Kris Kohl and will present a
drag show every other Friday. They will also
be hosting a Broadway touring company
during the summer of 2008. Chisholm
Properties, Ltd. has a complete non-discrimination
policy to cover, Age, Religion,
Nationality, Race, SF~VUAL ORIENTATION,
Disability, Veteran Status and other
individuals as protected by Federal, State
and Locals Laws.
The General Manager, Jay Wilks is a former
flight attendant instructor and former
owner of a small specialized aircraft charter
tour company, award winning fit and art
shop and an upscale gay magazine that was
distributed in 7 States in the Southeast. The
Assistant General Manager, Debbie McCraw
is a former schoolteacher, Texas ranch foreman,
homemaker and mother. With all of
their combined hidden talents we KNOW
that they will make a success in this new
venture. Both Jay and Debbie are two of the
nicest, friendliest and professional people
that you would ever want to meet. They
truly care about their guests and want them
to have a very pleasant time while staying
at the hotel. The front desk staff as well as
the housekeeping staff are very friendly and
Next time you are going to be in Tulsa
be sure to check out their website at www.
downtownplazatulsa.com or give them a
call at 800.585.5101 for reservations. Their
local number is 918.585.5898. Or for those
people living in Tulsa who are wanting to
rent a conference or party site, give them a
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
WORLD is written by Donald Pile and Ray
Williams, Award-winning Celebrity travel
columnists who write for gay publications
from Coast to Coast. Proud members of
the IGLTA. You can email them at: gaytravelers@
aol.com or visit their webpage at:
sent to the Chairman and Ranking Members
of the Armed Services Committees
urging them to retain the Hate Crimes
amendment as part of the conference report.
Timed to correspond with Members returning
from the Thanksgiving recess, on November
28th, HRC launched a nationwide
action alert to all of its members urging
immediate grassroots action to Members of
The House of Representatives passed the
Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes
Prevention Act (H.R. 1592) in May with a
strong bipartisan vote of 237-180. The Senate
approved the nearly identical Matthew
Shepard Act (S. 1105) as an amendment to
the Department of Defense Authorization
bill on a voice vote after a 60-39 cloture
Inclusion of the hate crimes provision in
the final version of the bill fell victim in the
House to challenges from opponents of hate
crimes as well as unrelated concerns regarding
Iraq-related provisions of the bill. The
hate crimes veto threat issued by the White
House and organized opposition by House
Republican Leadership cost significant
numbers of votes on the right. Iraq-related
provisions that many progressive Democrats
opposed cost votes on the left. Moderate
Democrats, many ofwhom voted for the
hate crimes bill in May, did not want to test
the President’s veto threat and risk a delay
in increased pay for military personnel. ’All
of these factors resulted in insufficient votes
to secure passage of the bill with the hate
crimes provision.
2~he Matthew Shepard Act gives the Justice Department
the power to investigate and prosecute
bias motivated violence by providing the Department
with jurisdiction over crimes of violence
where the perpetrator has selected the victim
because of the person’s actual or perceived race,
color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, gender identity or disability.
The legislation also provides the Justice Department
,vith the ability to aid state and local jurisdictions
either by lending assistance or, where
local authorities are unwilling or unable, by
taking the lead in investigations and prosecutions
of violent crime resulting in death or serious
bodily injury that were motivated by bias. The
Act also makes grants available to state and local
communities to combat violent crimes committed
by juveniles, train law enforcement officers,
or to assist in state and !ocal investigations and
prosecutions of bias motivated crimes.
www,ozarksstar.corn the STAR 27
Just as the sun spends a month of every year in each
sign, Jupiter, in his 12-year cycle, spends about a full
year in each sign. Fresh into Capricorn, he will help to
build up organizations and bureaucracy. The coming
year will be a big one for the mature look, leather, and
bondage. This week’s horoscope will be valid through
the year!
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Socialize with important
folks. Those doors are wide open to you. Looking respectable
and conservative will help you get ahead. Even in the
most buttoned-up crowd, people know the power of appearance.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): If you have unfinished
school business or want to go for a degree, sign up for
those classes! Otherwise, delve into ancient philosophies
or go traveling to historical, even archaeological places on
your own initiative.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Not that you need the help,
but your sexual magnetism is charging up. Trying to look
young will not help. Maturity, experience, and authority all
work in your favor. If you’ve been wanting to explore leather
and kink, this is the time for it!
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Look toward formalizing an
existing relationship or refining your criteria for one. Not
only can you afford to be picky, but holding out for what you
really want in your partnership will help you get it.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Any skin growths or bone
or joint inflammations should be checked quickly, but in
general your health should be good. Luck at work should
improve. Look forward to promotions and be willing to take
a risk to get them.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Some people think
creativity is about mad inspiration. You know it’s about
hard work. Your hard work can pay off big - probably more
in terms of personal growth, but there could be money,
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Researching your
roots, taking time with older relatives, or spending time with
community elders will give you a better sense not only of
your background and foundations, but also of where you’re
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Your mind needs
stimulation and novelty, and you’re a bit more loquacious
than usual. Be careful with that! Developing new skills,
perhaps learning a new language, will open doors and help
keep you focused and out of trouble.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): This
should be a very lucky year for you for money - investments,
lottery tickets, new businesses - but, it’s also "easy
come, easy go." A conservative attitude and long-range
perspective will prove most profitable. Consult an astrologer
with your full birth chart before taking any big chances!
CAPRICORN (December 21 o January 19): You’re in for a
spell of good luck. Just be yourself and you’re sure to get
ahead. There’s no point in being shy. Go for any opportunity
that feels right. Further education and travel can serve
you especially well.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Blessings will
come to you in disguise. If life gets hard, the troubles can
easily be made into a springboard to tremendous luck.
Volunteer work with venerable charities will prove advantageous
in the meantime.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Social opportunities
will open up for you more easily if you "work the system"
and follow conservative, conventional methods. Hobnob
with "important people," but what’s "important" is subjective.
Of course, those who don’t look or think like you can be
important, too!
Spirit of Chdst MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Saturdays at 10:00 AM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
MCC of the Living Spring
17 Elk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
28 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
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Oklahoma’s HIV/STD Hotline
2902 E. 20TH STREET,
Joplin, MO * 479-529-8480
Service Saturday 9:30 AM
17 Hk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays 6pm
437 E. 141st Street
Glenpool, OK
Want the STAR delivered to your home or business?
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Whether buying or selling
I’ll work hard for you.
N~X/Arkansas GLBT
Communiv! Center
"Linking Together as One"
For more information:
e-mail: EditorialCartoon@c
30 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
F,g. 1 Pollen
hke Tcha&o~sky’s compo~mon
Romeo and Juhet
~f one were to make a list of
the world’s favorite composers,
despite his relatively recent vintage
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky would
be on it. After all, he composed
Swan Lake, which is perhaps the
most famous ballet
of all time. And
there can’t be more
than a handful of
ballet companies that don’t perform
The Nutcracker every Christmas.
Indeed, this great Romantic composer should be so
immortalized. As a young man, he pursued a career in
music at enormous personal risk and against h~s
father’s advice. His mild temperament combined with
his tendency to work too hard left him with inmmnia,
debilitating headaches and hallucinations. On top of that,
Tchaikovsky’s composition teacher never liked his work,
Peter llyich Tchaikot,sky endured many setbacks,
not the l~st of which was a blind barber
even after he became ~vorld-famous.
Setbacks like these could have
finished a lesser man. Instead, they
inibrmed his work, which remains
some of the best loved in history.
Yet some kids still confuse
Tchaikovsky with a nasal spasm.
Why? Because the arts are slowly
but surely being eliminated from
today’s schools, even though a
majority of parents believe
music and drama and dance and
art make their kids better
students and better people.
To help reverse this disturbing
trend, or for more information recomrarwd~d daily allouur~ce of art,
about the benefits of arts education, visit us at
AmericansForTheArts.org. Or else Tchaikovsky could
seem like just another casualty of allergy season.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 31
Reservations: 918.585.5898 ÷ 800.585.5101
Where you can be YOU"
pee" ~oo~l ~oo~ ~ow=n
17 West 7th Street (corner 7th & Boulder Ave) e Tulsa, Ok 74119
¢ www.downtownplazatulsa.com
Barony o~: dll Oklahoma
2 the STAR www.ozarksstar.cor~
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 3
¯he Colors of Living", featuring giclee
prints of the digital art ofTulsa artist
Dennis R. Scott.
Gay community outraged over Steven
Domer slaying.
NEW: Deep Inside Hollywood, reports
on new projects for Sarah Jessica Parker
and Dan Butler.
November 21,1999 fine last grand Queen) Flamboyant
author Quentin Crisp dies in Manchester, England.
Tulsa’s Downtown Plaza Hotel openly
welcomes GLBT.
Gay Travelers: 6,000 Mile Trip
Out of Town: Key West
Dining In or OUT
Introspection can lead you to better
understand yourself and ultimately to
achieve greater happiness.
4 the STAR
Downtown Tulsa
"Ifyou are elected President,
what concrete steps would you
take to overturn ’Don’t As~,
Don’t Tell ?’"
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY):
I strongly believe that anyone who has the courage,
strength, and valor to serve our country should be able to
do so. We are at war and our top generals are warning that
America’s military is stretched to the breaking point, yet we
have a policy that dismisses good people from our ranks.
Even service members with critical skills such as Arabic
language skills are being discharged because they are gay.
Senior retired military officials who can speak freely say this
law does not serve our national security interests. These
same military leaders are confident that repealing Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell won’t lessen standards of behavior or lower
As President, I will work with high-profile military leaders,
such as former Joint Chiefs chairman John M. Shalikashviii
and Retired Lieutenant General Claffdia Kennedy, the
first woman to achieve the rank of three-star general in the
Army, who have called for repeal of the law. I will stand
with soldiers like retired Marine Staff Sgt. Eric Alva, the
first American soldier to be seriously wounded in Iraq, and
retired Army Sgt. Jose Zuniga, former Army Soldier of the
Year, who are shining examples of why this law no longer
makes sense.
Over the last seven years in the Senate, and as a member
of the Armed Services Committee, I have built relationships
with members of Congress and senior military officials
through my work on the Armed Services Committee. When
I am President, I will bring this strength and experience to
bear to end this outdated and outmoded policy.
w~,-w.ozarksstar.com the STAR 5
TULSA, OK (P/R) __ Oklahomans for
Equality expresses its outrage at the recent
murder of Steven Domer. "gge extend
condolences to his family and friends. This
senseless tragedy highlights the urgent need
for federal and state hate crimes legislation
protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LBGT) people.
On October 26th, Steven Domer, a 62-yearold
gay man, was abducted from NW 39th
Street near Pennsylvania Avenue in Oklahoma
City. On November 4th, his body was
found in rura! McClain County. His hands
were tied with duct tape and a wire hanger
was wrapped around his neck. The Oklahoma
State Medical Examiner concluded
that Domer died of asphyxiation and ruled
his death a homicide. On November 28,
Darrell Madden, a self-prodaimed white
supremacist, was charged with first-degree
murder and kidnapping in relation to
Domer’s death.
Prosecutors believe that Madden targeted
Domer as part of an initiation rite of the
Aryan Brotherhood. Inorder to secure a
"patch," the white supremacist group demands
that its members commit an act of
violence against an African American, Jew,
homosexual, or any other person declared
"an enemy."
Although Oklahoma County District Attorney
David Prater and other law enforcement
officials believe that anti-gay bias was
a motivating factor in Domer’s murder, they
cannot prosecute Madden under Oklahoma’s
hate crimes law because the statute does
not cover sexual orientation. Oklahoma is
one of only 17 states whose hate crimes laws
do not protect LGBT citizens. Most state
hate crime laws enhance the penalties for
bias-motivated crimes.
On December 4, Representative Al McAf’-
frey (D-Oklahoma City) announced his
intention to introduce a bill expanding
the state’s hate crime law to include sexual
orientation and gender. In May, the U.S.
House of Representatives passed The Local
Law Enforcement Hate
Crimes Prevention Act/Matthew Shepard
Act giving the Justice Department the power
to investigate and prosecute bias-motivated
violence by providing the department with
jurisdiction over crimes of violence where
the perpetrator has selected the victim
because of the person’s actual or perceived
race, color, religion, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
This bill will soon be voted upon in
the U.S. Senate.
As legislators consider passage of these
historic state and national laws, Oklahomans
for Equality will be working with its
allies in the LGBT and allied community in
educational and advocaW efforts.
Hate Crimes Amendment
Removed rom
Dept o£De£ense
Con erence Report
~Ibday, House-Senate conferees confirmed
that the Matthew Shepard Act, which had
passed the Senate as an amendment to the
Department of Defense Authorization bill,
would be removed from the final version of
the bill. This announcement was made after
House Leadership’s whipping the vote count
on the conference report concluded there
were not enough votes for passage of the bill
if it included the hate crimes provision.
"Today’s decision is deeply disappointing,
especially given the historic passage of hate
crimes legislation through both Houses
of Congress this year. After more than
ten years and several successful bipartisan
votes, it is heartbreaking to fall short this
dose to the finish line," said Joe Solmonese,
President of the Human Rights Campaign.
"However, we are not giving up on efforts
to find another legislative vehicle, in the
second half of this Congress, to move the
Matthew Shepard Act."
The Human Rights Campaign has been a
chief advocate of hate crimes legislation for
over a decade. On November 14th, HRC
sent an e-mail to all Capitol Hill offices urging
the retention of hate crimes legislation
in the Department of Defense Authorization
conference report. Additionally, HRC
organized and signed onto a coalition letter
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"’l-he Colors ofLiving’
a digital art exhibit at
Dennis R. Neill Equality
Tulsa artist Dennis IL Scotx
eyes ofm~ artist driven to create impressions
of the beauty which sttcrounds him.
The exhibit w’dl remain up through the
month ofJanuary and can be viewed
Monday thru Saturday from 3-gpm. The
Dermis R. Nedl Equality Center is
located at 621 E. dth St., in downtown
Tulsa. More info c~a be found on the web
at okeq.org.
’Ihis monthly event is hosted by Okiahoman’s
for Equality (OkEq). OkEq seeks
equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexmal &
Tra~sgender (LGBT) individuals and
f~mihes through advoca~, education,
programs, alliances, and the operation of the
Dennis IL Neig Equality Center.
TULSA, OK~The Dennis IL Neili Equality
Center ar~ gallery wi[[ host its monthly
First Thursday meet-the-artist reception
from 6-gpm, ~aursday, January 3, 2008, for
the opening oflts January exhibit "The Colors
of Living", featu~mg giclee prints of the
digital ~trt ofTulsa ~tist Dermis IL Scott.
Scott has been creating his digital art for
the list three years. His work is unlike most
digital or computer art. His style is unique.
His arc is totally his own..., his ovca~ way
of seelng life, his own way of depicOng
that which he sees. Whether one might
call Scott’s art abstract, impressionistic, or
surreal is of little concern to Scott. Through
his art he invites the viewer, the art lover or
even the mere observer, to take a chance, as
he has in creating his art. Taking a chance
is what ~rtists do. Vie~,Cmg Scott’s art is seeing
his subjects as he sees them, through the
Art byTulsa artist Dennis IL Scott
the STAR 9
By Victor Gorin
recently released convicts, Madden
having served time at Jess
Dunn Correctional Center for
impersonating a police officer
and obtaining money by false
pretense. Quails had been released
from the Dick Conner Correctional
facility in Hominy for
a 2001 burglary conviction. It
was speculated that Mr. Domer’s
murder may have been a gang rite
of passage.
The murder has garnered national
attention, somewhat reminiscent
of the murder of Matthew
Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming
in !998.A press conference was
held at Church of the Open
Arms December 4, followed by
a candlelight vigil in the parking
lot ofAngles that evening. The
press conference and vigil were
Photo: Steven Domer
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ The Oklahoma
gay community and their allies have
been outraged and saddened by the murder
of Steven Domer, a 62 },ear old Oklahoma
City man believed to have been targeted primarily
because he was gay. On October 26,
he had driven a friend home from the N.W.
39th street gay bar district, then returned to
the area, and was last seen at the car wash
there, an area well known for male prostitution.
He was seen by a witness to be talking
to two young men. His body and burned
out car were found near 1-35 and Ladd road
north of Purcell November 4.
Oklahoma County prosecutors have charged
Darrell Madden with Domer’s murder.
Madden, a white supremacist who was arrested
in McLain County for an attempted
carjacking, is also charged in McLain County
with the murder of the Brad Qualls, the
other man believed to be seen talking with
Steven Domer the night he disappeared.
Quails was found shot to death November 8
at an Ardmore apartment complex. Madden
& Qua.lls have been identified as members
of the United Aryan Brotherhood, a xvhite
supremacist group which recruits many of
their members in prisons. Both were
10 the STAR
attended by the Reverend Harry Knox, the
Faith Community Director of the Human
Rights Campaign, a national GLBT rights
political group. As he puts it," Oklahoma
is one of only 17 states that do not protect
GLBT citizens through hate crimes legislation."
Objections to hate crimes legislation have
come from religious fundamentalist groups
who claim they would not be able to preach
against homosexual behavior should this
legislation become law. Harry Knox clarified
that this type of speech is protected the 1st
Amendment of the US. Constitution, and
to say otherwise is " to tell a lie unworthy of
ministers of the gospe! ofJesus Christ." He
pointed out that "people are dying in Oklahoma,
and GLBT people are wondering
when their pastors will speak out for justice.
Steven Domer’s voice cries out for justice,
asking pastors for whom do they work, the
people or for God?"
Richard Ogden, an attorney who chairs the
Cimarron Alliance Foundation also spoke,
stating that" In Oklahoma and across our
nation there is a climate of intolerance, and
a tolerance of intolerance. This has to stop.
When we in Oklahoma have passed laws
that basically say that gays and lesbians are
second class citizens, we create an environment
that licenses this type of behavior. "
Although this was a brutal murder that was
obviously motivated because the victim was
gay, Darrell Madden could not be charged
with a hate crime because Federal and Oklahoma
hate crimes laws do not cover sexual
orientation. Legislation was introduced this
year in Congress to amend Federal Hate
Crimes laws to include sexual orientation by
Senator Edward Kennedy D-Massachusetts,
but was dropped when it became dear that
it would not pass the House.
On the state level State Representative
Al McA_ffrey, Oklahoma’s first and only
openly gay legislator, has stated that he will
introduce legislation to amend Oklahoma
Hate Crimes laws to include sexual orientation
and gender. This is supported by both
Oklahoma County District Attorney David
Prater, and Oklahoma Attorney General
Drew Edmondson. Mr. McAffrey did state
that he realized he will probably be facing
an uphill battle in the legislature. Clarifying
the point that some conservatives make,
that Hate Crimes laws elevate gay people to
a special status, he affirmed that ifa group
of gay men attacked a straight man ,vith
baseball bats, targeting him for his sexual
orientation, they would also be guilty of a
hate crime under this legislation.
Reverend Dr. Kathy McCallie, pastor of Church
of the Open Arms-United Church of Christ,
pointed out that this crime was not an isolated
incident, stating that "there xvill be a day when
GLBT persons can freely be themselves and
enjoy the safety equality and respect that’s due to
every member of the human family, but today is
not that day. On October 26 when Steve Domer
was brutally murdered, we were each violated. "
By Greg Steele
on the loose
Wiads House ProvidingA
Sa£e P lace For 20
By Victor Gorin
Miranda Ray will be performing in the
Kris Kohl Show New Years Eve At the
Jones’n Club Downtown Plasza Hotel.
Doxvntoxvn Plaza Hotel Tulsa General
Managers Jay Wilks and Debbie Mc-
Miss Gay Tulsa America, Melody
Michaels at the BOO.
Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA 2008, Samantha
West at the Copa....
Photo Left to Right:Jennifer Bates, Asley
Ozan, Linda Duke
OKLAHO!VIA CITY, OK __ Thanks to a
caring community, Winds House of Oklahoma
City was able to raise over $2500 at a
gala fundraiser December 7th. For over 20
years the Winds have provided a safe place
to stay for those living with HIV and their
families, serving as transitional housing
until they are able to re-enter the general
community. The home provides referrals
and assistance for disability income, food
stamps, Section 8 housing etc. Donatons
are always needed and can be sent to \Vinds
House OKC, P.O. Box 12185 Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma 73157.
Acid-tongued talk-show host and out lesbian
Rosie O’Donnell, who famously dashed
with Elisabeth Hasselbeck on "The View,"
and the big clash with Donald Trump
announced on her bloc that talks to give
her a prime-time show on MSNBC had
fallen apart.
New York Songstress Rachael Sage and
an adoring fan in Tulsa.
Attorney Richard Ogden, Chair of Cimarron
Alliance Foundation, the Reverend Harry Knox-
Faith Community Director of the Human Rights
Campaign, and the Reverend Loyce Newton-Ed-
,#cards at Hate Crimes press conference in OKC.
the STAR 11
Shades of Rex Lee
As Lloyd, Jeremy Piven’s assistant on Entourage,
gay actor Rex Lee has carved out a hilarious
niche for himself. His character stuck
around and gained a higher profile thanks
to Lee’s wicked comic timing and popularity
with fans. Soon, though, he’ll jump
from the small to the big screen, appearing
in the independent feature Shades of Ray.
A seriocomic romance, Shades stars Chuck
main man ZachatT Levi as Ray, a mixedrace,
American-born son of a Pakistani
father and Caucasian mother. As his parents
separate and his father moves in with him,
Ray must deal with his own romantic and
racial issues. Sounds heartfelt and sincere,
but Romeo’s guessing that Lee’s job will be
to pop up from time to time with just the
right punchline for an awkward moment. As
HBO audiences know, he’s an expert at that.
Romeo San Vicente is still waitingpatientlyfor the
all-musical edition of "The McLaughlin Group. "He can
be reached care ofthispublication or at DeepInsideHollywood
By Victor Gorin
Loaves and Fishes
Bar uet a Huge
By Victor Gorin
Photo Left to Right: Former Miss Gay
Oklahoma Kitty Bob Aimes, Matthew
Heath Fitzgerald, Sonja Martinez, John
Beebe & Debbie Davie
festive evening at the Habana Inn December
9th xvhen the title for the nexv Miss
Gay Oklahoma US of A was passed on to
Samantha West, a 26 ),ear old Tulsan among
the performers at Nexv Age Renegades, The
1st alternate xvas Londenn Raine, xvith 2nd
alternate Jozlyn Welch.
The xvinner and I st alternate are eligible to
compete in the national competition which
will be held in Dallas May 20-23 of next
3-4 the 17th annual Loaves and Fishes
Banquet came together at the Copa for a
fabulous evening of fundraising for a good
cause. Featuring entertainers John Beebe,
Sonja Martinez,Debbie Davie, Matthew
Heath-Fitzgerald and former Miss Gay
Oklahoma Kitty Bob Aimes, the event
raised over $7200.
Loaves and Fishes, a program of Catholic
Charities, provides meals to homebound
people living with HIV. Directed by Ms
Judy Reilly, once again the community came
together for a proud tradition of caring.
Passing on the fide was Alexis Nicole Whitney,
who made history with the pageant
not just with her doe, but living proof that
nothing can stand in the xvay of talent and
determination. As
she puts it, "People
should see my blindness
the same I do.
I don’t see it as a
handicap, but as an
obstacle I have overcome."
That she did,
not only capturing
the Oklahoma title
but also was one of
the top 12 finalists at
the national competition.
Our girls do us
Please Join Us
Feb. 10, 2008, 10:00 p.m. @
39th and Penn OKC, OK.
For information call Nikki Start @ 580 216 2715 or 1 866 906 1133
the STAR 13
by Liz I-Iighleyman
November 21, 1999 (%e last grand Queen):
Flamboyant author Quentin Crisp dies in
Manchester, England.
The death of author and
raconteur Quentin Crisp at
the end of the 20th century
represented the passing of
one of the last grand queens
of a bygone era.
Crisp, originally named Denis Charles Pratt,
xvas born on Christmas Day in 1908 in the
London suburb of Sutton, the youngest
child of a "middle-class, middle-brow" family.
Always considered a sissy, he later said he
could never remember not being tormented
by his father, siblings, and schoolmates.
Crisp studied journalism and art in London,
and in his early 20s began hanging out with
hip young gay men in Soho, supporting
himself with various jobs,
induding graphic artist,
xvindow dresser, tap-dance
instructor, and hustler. He
adopted a new moniker and
a flamboyant, effeminate
style that included flowing
scarves, platform shoes,
dyed hair, and makeup. He
was "not merely a self-confessed
homosexual, but a
self-evident one," he would
later say, describing himself
as "a blithe spirit reveling in
androgynous anarchy."
Openly gay and gender-variant
at a time when homosexuality
was highly stigmatized
and sex between men was
illegal, Crisp was frequently
attacked by strangers in
the streets and harassed by
police. During World War
II, he was exempted from
military service due to his
homosexuality, and instead
embarked upon a career as a nude model at
a government-funded art school.
Crisp did not gain widespread notoriety
until his 60s, with the publication of his
autobiography, The Naked Civil Servant
(1968), one of the first unapologetic contemporary
accounts of gay life. Although
the book was well-received, it was the 1975
television movie version starring John Hurt
that brought Crisp instant fame.
Crisp began appearing on talk shows and
created a successful one-man theatrical performance.
He took his show to Ne~v York
City in 1978, fell in love with America, and
decided to immigrate a few years later,
settling into a notoriously sloppy one-room
apartment in a seedy neighborhood on
Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
Crisp became a fixture of the city’s celebrity
scene, growing increasingly famous just
for being himself. "If I have a talent for
anything," he said, "it is not for doing but
for being." He wrote a column for the New
York Native newspaper and film criticism
for Christopher Street magazine, and published
several more books, including How to
Become a Virgin (1981) and Manners from
Heaven: A Divine Guide to Good Behavior
(1984). He also appeared in a number of
movies and documentaries, most notably as
Queen Elizabeth I in Orlando (1993).
Though he socialized in queer social circles,
Crisp was unsympathetic to the gay rights
movement and held attitudes many younger
activists regarded as homophobic. "I don’t
think you can really be proud of being gay
because it isn’t something you’ve done," he
once said. "You can only be proud of not
being ashamed." He eschewed identity politics
and queer separatism, and thought loud
demands only led to backlash.
Crisp persisted in referring to homosexuality
as an illness, and he caused a furor when
he told the London Times in 1997 that he
thought it would be acceptable for a woman
to abort a fetus carrying a hypothetical gay
gene. "You could have children who are naturally
suited to society," he later explained.
"They would be happy." He also once
opined that the gay community’s obsession
with AIDS was a fad, and advised, "Ifyou
want to be sure you won’t have AIDS, don’t
have sex with anyone."
....................Continued page 27
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By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Now everything IS okay in Oklahoma!
The gay community and gay travelers to
Tulsa now have a place where they are made
to feel VERY WELCOME! We stayed there
a couple of weeks ago and it was wonderfull.
"l-he rooms are spacious and the staff
is extremely friendly and professional. ~-he
renovations are not finished yet,
however we know that when it
is completed that it will be the
finest hotel in Tulsa. We stayed
in the Premier Suite which was
on a scale of one to ten, a 15 ! It
featured a living room with pull
out queen sleeper sofa, a 36 inch
TV and DVD Player. Ceiling to
floor (and wall to wall windows)
for a spectacular view of the city.
A large King bedroom with extra
pillows, a 25 inch TV in the
bedroom and dub chair and ottoman.
Two full bathrooms and
a kitchenette/dining area with
coffee maker, fridge/microwave
and a snack basket, microwave
popcorn and cookies with bottled water.
~he Downtown Plaza Hotel ofTulsa was
built in 1966 as the first downtown hotel in
Tulsa to offer modern conveniences. Shortly
afterwards it was a Holiday Inn, then a Ramada
Inn, then as the Great Western Hotel.
In July, 2007 it was sold to the Chisholm
Properties, Ltd. and they renamed it back to
it’s original name, "Downtown Plaza Hotel
ofTulsa". The Chisholm Properties Ltd.
the STAR
owns other fine hotels in Oklahoma, Missouri
and Texas. It is located at 17 West 7th
Street in the heart of the beautiful historica]
financial and entertainment district ofTulsa.
They are directly adjacent to the world
famous Petroleum Club. It rises 14 stories
above the City and is currendy undergoing
a multi-million dollar renovation. A VERY
extensive renovation is now underway
however they do have at this time, over 70
rooms for their guests. Their plan is for the
renovations to be completed by May, 2008
and have over 200 rooms when completed.
The new look for the hotel is based on modern
boutique style hotels that are now found
across the country and Europe.
The hotel has a variety of rooms and
suites to choose, from a Deluxe Double
Queen, Deluxe King, Executive King,
Executive King Junior Suite or the Premier
King Suite. Each suite has a Fridge/Micro in
the kitchenette. Their prices are extremely
down to earth and much less than the other
dmvntown hotels. The hotel is within a
short walking distance to Tulsa’s
Convention Center, the New
The PAC (Performing
Center, Tulsa Tech and many
buildings and landmarks.
; the many amenities are:
floors, business
weddings & receptions, air-
~ort shuttle free Cherokee Casino
[ wireless Internet,
covered parking, guest laundry
~n site), fax & copy service. Their
service includes 43 channels, 3
4 ESPN channels,
i Nick, Food Network and
r more. The Downtown Plaza
equipped with a Fitness Center
their guests, including strength
and cardio equipment.
Lounge around their outdoor pool and
catch some rays, secluded by the urban environment
ofTulsa’s rooftops. Just inside the
poolside seating area is The Jones’N Club,
a full bar with a pool table and live music.
Conference, meeting and banquet rooms are
available to accommodate groups of 10 to
250 guests.
..............Continued page 27
More on Camp La Casa Sena - Santa Fe, New
Mexico see page 22.
From the upper sundeck at the Oasis men’s resort, guests enjoypanoramic
views ofKey West’s Historic District. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
Key West:
Where To Play, Eat, and Stay
famous gay resort towns, Key West has always stood
out for its sheer embrace of total relaxation. This laid-back tropical
island in the Caribbean, closer to Cuba than to mainland Florida, is
without pretensions. People rarely worry about what time it is, dress
is casual and colorful, and the party scene is friendly and easygoing.
Key West is neither fancy nor especially urbane - it’s just a great
place to laze in a deck chair on a bougainvillea-choked lanai, browse
for beachwear and souvenirs along the main drag, Duval Street,
or relax on a restaurant patio noshing on raw oysters and sipping
mango iced tea or mojitos.
For a seasonal tourist town, Key West has plenty to offer when it
comes to dining and nightlife. Few places draw more raves for outstanding
food than Alice’s Key West, where chefAlice Weingarten
serves some of the most inventive food in town, including delicious
smoked-salmon Benedict at breakfast. A departure from Key West’s
predominant laid-back tropical look, Square One is a sophisticated
restaurant with white table linen and fine china. The regionally
inspired Continental cuisine includes escargot baked in a crepe
with fresh spinach, garlic, feta, and a tomato beurre blanc. It’s a top
choice for a romar~.tic evening.
One of the better Italian restaurants in town, and also one of the
gayest, La Trattoria has two dining rooms - the smaller one romantic
and intimate, the larger better for groups of friends. The straightforward
cooking draws high praise for such tasty creations as local
shrimp sauteed with garlic, fresh tomatoes, and herbes de Provence
in a white wine, lemon, and butter sauce. One of Dural Street’s true
places to be seen, Mangoes brims with colorful sorts. The composed
salads, pastas, and grills - all with nouvelle Florida touches - are
commendable. Consider rib eye steak Caribe (pan-charred with
tamarind steak sauce and yucca).
Seven Fish, which occupies an old luncheonette and has a sleek,
sophisticated interior, serves seafood-oriented bistro fare, such as
crab and shiitake mushroom ravioli. The slogan at Mangia Mangia
is "pasta to the people," a philosophy reflected by the many varieties
of heavenly homemade pasta, all fairly priced. The painstakingly
preserved building has a lovely, quiet garden and redbrick patio in
back. You’ll need luck and persistence most nights to get a seat at
Camille’s, a small storefront bistro, but the friendly vibe and downhome
comfort food are worth the trouble. Expect good salads and
sandwiches, such as Philly cheese steak, and delicious pancakes for
For arguably the best sandwiches and wraps on the island, try Lobo’s
- the oyster roll with cheddar, bacon, and basil tartar sauce is a
stand-out. H Siboney is a zero-atmosphere eatery - _the_ place in
town for humble, stick-to-your-ribs Cuban fare. Rickety tables are
set with plastic tablecloths and paper napkins. Try such Havana specialties
as conch chowder, garlic chicken, stuffed shrimp and crabs,
platanos (plantains), and a sweet flan to top it off. As for traditional
Cuban sandwiches, tiny 5 Brothers Grocery - on a side street in the
historic district - serves the best around.
Much of the gay social activity in Key West takes place at resorts,
some ofwhich provide refreshments and snacks to guests during the
afternoon and early evening. A handful of properties have bars open
to the public, among them Pearl’s Rainbow, the town’s only guest
house exclusively for women, and the ultra-cruisy, all-male Island
House, which also has an excellent restaurant.
Most the town’s gay bars are along Duval Street. Here, the La-Te-Da
guest house has a poolside bar, an intimate piano bar, and the Treetop
Cabaret Lounge upstairs. Down a few blocks, the New Orleansinspired
Bourbon Street Pub is a cheery place with a small bar up
front with cocktail tables, a larger outdoor bar in back (along with a
lively pool area and hot tub), and video screens galore. Many nights
you can catch awful (but still entertaining) drag shows on the stage
in back. The same owners run the lovably raffish 801 Bar, Key
20 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
West’s definitive neighborhood hangout since the 1970s. There’s
almost always a crowd of gossipy locals around the bar. The adjacent
One Saloon caters mostly to leather-and-Levi’s types and is reached
through 801’s back door. Aqua Nightclub is best lmown for its raucous
drag shows, which are headlined by the in-house drag troupe,
the Aquanettes. This lively place also has strippers some nights, an
impressive dance floor with high-tech laser-and-sound shows,’ and a
cozy video bar.
Key West has a number of inns that cater either exclusively or
predominandy to the gay market. One of the best is Alexander’s, a
long-popular gay resort with the relatively unusual policy of being
both clothing-optional and welcoming to both women and men.
This makes Alexander’s ideal for gay guys traveling with lesbian
friends, or for any queer vacationers who enjoy a mixed-gender
atmosphere. The effect is that the mood around the pool and hot
mb tends to be less cruisy than at single-gender resorts. Aromatic
tropical flowers, sundecks, rattan and wicker furnishings, and sparkling
tiled bathrooms impart Alexander’s with a classy but casual
look. Also welcoming of both women and men but drawing a predominantly
male crowd, Big Ruby’s is less than a block from Dural
Street, hidden behind high walls from noise and street traffic. The
grounds feature towering palm trees and fragrant flowers, and an
abundance of sundecks. Rooms are warm, contemporary, spotless,
and full of light - all have TVIVCRs, mini-refrigerators, A/C, and
ceiling fans. A complimentary full breakfast is included. As for the
staff, you won’t find a more professional bunch of guys in Key West.
Most of the town’s men’s resorts are along Fleming Street, the Historic
District’s main drag. Here you’ll find Equator, which has plush
rooms with contemporary Caribbean-influenced furniture. Designer
fabrics, feather pillows with comforters, Mediterranean-tile floors,
large closets, and excellent sound insulation add to the comfort
of each unit. The tradeoff is that the Equator’s grounds, although
nicely landscaped, are smaller than at some of its competitors;
there’s a compact pool and an oversize Jacuzzi tub.
For years the sprawling Island House - a former cigar factory on the
eastern edge of the Historic District - was synonymous with sex,
sleaze, and shabbiness. It’s still synonymous with sex. But, happily,
new owners have completely rebuilt the place, hired friendly and
competent staff, and created lovely rooms with high-quality furnishings
(all have VCR/TVs, refrigerators, safes, and plttsh linens). If
you’re seeking a steamy ambience but also first-rate accommodations
and a safe, friendly environment, the Island House is your dream
come true. Amenities, all of them available 24 hours, include heated
pool, indoor and outdoor Jacuzzis, gym, sauna, steam room, and
erotic-male-video lounge.
The largest gay resort in town comprises three distinct properties
- the Oasis, Coral Tree Inn, and Coconut Grove - operated
by the same management. This highly social, all-male compound
has rooms available in a variety of configurations and prices. The
Coconut Grove is the fanciest of the three, having been completely
gutted and redone following a fire in 2006 - it now has some of the
cushiest accommodations in town. Next door, the Oasis has less
pricey but still attractive rooms and beautiful grounds. Across the
street, the Coral Tree has simpler but more affordable rooms. Guests
are free to enjoy the grounds of all three properties. Another
all-male property with a somewhat cruisy vibe is the New Orleans
Guest House, an attractive compound that’s above the Bourbon
Street Pub, right in the center of the Dural Street action. Rooms
are well-outfitted and attractively decorated, and rates moderately
Known as the Rainbow House until new owners took over a several
years ago, the 38-room Pearl’s Rainbow is Key \Vest’s only resort
that’s exclusive to women. Rooms are nicely done, with rattan and
wicker furniture, pastel-hued walls, large TVs, and refrigerators.
Many different configurations are available, from simple budget-oriented
units set away from the noise of the pools and decks, to more
spacious rooms doser to the action, some with kitchenettes or separate
sitting areas. The resort encompasses several buildings, including
some cute cottages that once provided housing for the workers
of a cigar factory that formerly occupied the main building. There
are two heated pools, spacious sundecks, and lots of opportunity to
chat with other guests. This is a wonderful hideaway, whether you’re
looking to make new friends or enjoy a litde peace and quiet with
your honey.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 21
by Donald Pile & Ray Williams
Featuring Cuisine From Coast to Coast
La Casa Sena - Santa Fe, New Mexico
W’e have been dining at La Casa Sena in
Santa Fe for over 25 years and it just keeps
getting better. Located right downtown,
it is one of the most popular and critically
acclaimed restaurants in the Southwest.
Not only is the food some of the most
delicious you’ll ever taste, the wine list is
among the finest in the country. Whether
dining inside or out on the patio, you are
in for a real treat! "l-he ambiance, the food,
the setting...... everything is fabulous! La
Casa Sena occupies a fine old haciendastyle
adobe complex and means "the Sena
House." q-he Sena family was one of the
oldest and most notable in Santa Fe. q-he
founder of the family, Bernadino de Sena,
was an orphan from Mexico City who
traveled to Santa Fe in 1693. In the early
1980% the ravages of rime finally began to
take a toll on the hacienda. Art dealer, Gerald
Peters purchased the historic building
and extensively renovated it without making
any architectural changes. The restoration
succeeded in keeping the historic ambiance
and integrity of the Sena Plaza intact.
Th-he Southwestern cuisine served at La
Casa Sena draws on the rich history of the
region. Th-heir distinctive red chile is grown
for the restaurant near Dixon, on the Rio
Grande in northern New Mexico. The harsh
weather there means that this local product
is not plentifi~ and, because the restaurant
purchases virtually the entire crop, it is unlikely
that this chile will be tasted anywhere
else in the world.
They are located right off the Plaza
in downtown Santa Fe at 125 East Palace.
q-heir dinner hours are Sunday thru
Thursday: 5:30 - 10:00 PM and Friday &
Saturday: 5:30 - 10:00 PM. Lunch: 11:30
_A!vl - 3:00 PM Monday thru Saturday and
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM on Sundays
22 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
People Wi h A D$
LITTLE ROCK, ARK __ Republican Presidential candidate and
former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee once advocated isolating
AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased federal
funding in the search for a cure and said homosexuality could "pose
a dangerous public health risk."
As a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in 1992, Huckabee answered
229 questions submitted to him by The Associated Press. Besides a
quarantine, Huckabee suggested that Hollywood celebrities fund
AIDS research from their own pockets, rather than federal health
"If the federal government is truly serious about doing something
with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the
carriers of this plague," Huckabee wrote.
City Resident Ray Prewitt
New I ovie
SANTA FE, NM (P/R) __ Oklahoma City resident, Ray Prewitt,
will take on the role of"Owen" in the Jim Sheridan helmed "Brothers"
for Relativity
Media. The film stars
Natalie Portman,
Jake Gyllenhaal, and
Tobey Macguire.
Shooting began last
week on this remake
of Susanne Bier’s
Danish-language war
drama which centers
on a man, (Maguire)
who is sent to fight in
Afghanistan while his
black-sheep brother
(Gyllenhaal) cares for
his wife (Portman)
and child.
Prewitt, who recently
appeared in Carpenter
Square’s "Sordid
Lives", is best known
as the producer of
"Call Us Crazy:
The Anne Heche
Monologues" which
achieved theatrical
cult status in Los
Angeles featuring stars like Edie McClurg, Alex Borstein, Megyn
Price, and Scott Thompson.
This is Prewitt’s second time to share the screen with Portman since
"Where the Heart Is" .i"n 2000.
"I think the government’s role should not be involved in personal
habits. When you defend freedom, you defend freedom of choice,
and you can’t be picking and choosing how people use those
freedoms...whether it’s personal behavior or economic behavior, I
want people to have freedom of choice," Paul asserted.
He believes the constitution says such issues should be left to the
states to decide, and ira state chooses to legalize marijuana, cocaine,
heroin and/or prostitution, so be it.
Presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex
www.ozarksstar.com The STAR 23
Chaz & Victor
By Ronald Blake
Twenty-eight retired generals and admirals
released a letter Friday urging Congress to
overturn the ban on gays serving openly in
the military, according to "l-he New York
Times. The letter cites information showing
that 65,000 gay men and lesbians are
currently serving in the military and that
there are more than 1 million gay and lesbian
veterans who have "served our nation
~have been indulging myself lately with
the finer aspects of food and beverage. I
have acquiesced with my body’s cravings
for rectangular chocolate delights that are
known to the masses as Snickers, Three
Musketeers, and Whatchamacallits. I have
given in to the luscious temptations of the
all-powerful supreme pizza with its smothering
array of toppings and guilt. I have even
fallen prey to the hypnotic sexual commercial
suggestions of the beer and booze
barons of this fair land. Yes, I have been
greedily imbibing the works of the great
fermentation experts such as Adolph Coors
and August Busch. How can I possibly
engage in such extreme epicurean behavior
and still manage to put on my jeans without
a forced smile? Ofcourse I will disclose the
many and varied means by which I make
this feasible.
Each day I lace up my sneakers and head
out on a seven mile romp through my
neighborhood streets and enjoy the festively
adorned homes. This provides me the opportunity
to dear my mind and breathe in
all those particulates from city living. It also
affords me the chance to count the expanse
of calories I burn off: in the process. I usually
get credit for 800 calories each day from this
physical activity mode.
I am that guy who finds the parking space
on the periphery of the mall parking lot.
~llais is not a forced choice in response to
all the holiday shoppers. I actively seek out
the spot that is closer to the frontage road
than the stores’ entrances. This gives me the
excellent opportunity to partake in the lost
art ofwalking somewhere. Chalk up another
couple hundred calories burned in a week’s
Every other day I don my favorite ripped
Guns N Roses T-shirt and my faded periwinkle
Russell Athletic shorts and ease into
26 the STAR
my workout roudne. I set my bicep, quadriceps,
and triceps muscles into a sweet synergistic
syncopation. I dedicate thirty minutes
for every session and I am proudly able to
record several hundred singed calories for
that day’s effort.
Some ofmy other calorie consuming moments
has involved the firm scolding of
my car and leaving him alone in the garage
while I set out down the block to get the
mail. I have often abandoned the comforts
ofmy plush settee and even ignored the
puppy dog eyes from my cuddly ottoman
so that I could walk around the living room
while discoursing with the likes ofmy Aunt
Chilada on the telephone. Friends have even
chided me for spending disproportionate
time with the steps and hand railings of
building stairwells than with the numbered
buttons and "The Girl from Ipanema" music
from elevators. Thankfully for me, these
mundane activities afford me a cornucopia
of numerous extra burned calories.
I am able to consume more of the Food
Network creations than the average Punch
and Judy because of my lifestyle. My gourmand
way of life would soon dissipate if I
would slink into the slothful practices of
most ofmy fellow brethren. Free will gives
you that chance to change it all starting
today. I could certainly use some company
on those lonely stairwells!
This health and fitness column is brought
to you by that guy who likes to count the
times people say the phrase "you know" in
their conversations. That gny is Ron Blake
and he can be unwrapped at www.goblakefitness.
Community for
People living
A 501 c (3) Non Profit Organization
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HtV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
Indeed, Crisp was celibate for the latter half
of his life. When sex therapist Dr. Ruth
Westheimer asked him what he thought
about sex, he said he thought it was a mistake.
He was also cynical about love, saying
he didfft really understand it, and he never
had an enduring romantic relationship.
Had he lived in a different era, Crisp might
have identified as transgender rather than
gay. "I believe I was born unfit for the world
not because of anything to do with sex, but
because of gender," he told one interviewer.
"I have always felt like a woman born into a
man’s body. Had I the money or the opportunity
early in life, I would certainly have
had a sex change."
Though his work brought in a fair amount
of money, Crisp lived a spartan existence,
subsisting on hors d’oeuvres and champagne
at parties. With a "lust for small talk," he
held court at a local diner and devoted time
to answering phone calls, letters, and e-mails
from friends and strangers alike. He loved
being the center of attention, and rarely
turned down an opportunity to be interviewed
or photographed. In his final years,
though beset by health problems, he nevertheless
continued to travel and perform.
Crisp died of a heart attack in Manchester,
England, in November 1999, just a month
shy of his 91st birthday.
While some may find his flamboyant style
and effeminate mannerisms embarrassingly
stereotypical today, Crisp is remembered
for being himself- and paying the price
- at a time when few others dared to do so.
Though he avoided organized LGBT activism,
his entire life was a demonstration of
gay and transgender empowerment.
For further reading:
Bailey, Paul, ed. 2000. The Stately Homo:
A Celebration of the Life of Quentin Crisp
Crisp, Quentin. 1996. Resident Alien: The
New York Diaries (HarperCollins).
~e hotel is the ONLY Tulsa hotel that
is openly caters to everybody! The Lounge
at the Downtown Plaza will start in January
hosting Ms. Kris Kohl and will present a
drag show every other Friday. They will also
be hosting a Broadway touring company
during the summer of 2008. Chisholm
Properties, Ltd. has a complete non-discrimination
policy to cover, Age, Religion,
Nationality, Race, SF~VUAL ORIENTATION,
Disability, Veteran Status and other
individuals as protected by Federal, State
and Locals Laws.
The General Manager, Jay Wilks is a former
flight attendant instructor and former
owner of a small specialized aircraft charter
tour company, award winning fit and art
shop and an upscale gay magazine that was
distributed in 7 States in the Southeast. The
Assistant General Manager, Debbie McCraw
is a former schoolteacher, Texas ranch foreman,
homemaker and mother. With all of
their combined hidden talents we KNOW
that they will make a success in this new
venture. Both Jay and Debbie are two of the
nicest, friendliest and professional people
that you would ever want to meet. They
truly care about their guests and want them
to have a very pleasant time while staying
at the hotel. The front desk staff as well as
the housekeeping staff are very friendly and
Next time you are going to be in Tulsa
be sure to check out their website at www.
downtownplazatulsa.com or give them a
call at 800.585.5101 for reservations. Their
local number is 918.585.5898. Or for those
people living in Tulsa who are wanting to
rent a conference or party site, give them a
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
WORLD is written by Donald Pile and Ray
Williams, Award-winning Celebrity travel
columnists who write for gay publications
from Coast to Coast. Proud members of
the IGLTA. You can email them at: gaytravelers@
aol.com or visit their webpage at:
sent to the Chairman and Ranking Members
of the Armed Services Committees
urging them to retain the Hate Crimes
amendment as part of the conference report.
Timed to correspond with Members returning
from the Thanksgiving recess, on November
28th, HRC launched a nationwide
action alert to all of its members urging
immediate grassroots action to Members of
The House of Representatives passed the
Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes
Prevention Act (H.R. 1592) in May with a
strong bipartisan vote of 237-180. The Senate
approved the nearly identical Matthew
Shepard Act (S. 1105) as an amendment to
the Department of Defense Authorization
bill on a voice vote after a 60-39 cloture
Inclusion of the hate crimes provision in
the final version of the bill fell victim in the
House to challenges from opponents of hate
crimes as well as unrelated concerns regarding
Iraq-related provisions of the bill. The
hate crimes veto threat issued by the White
House and organized opposition by House
Republican Leadership cost significant
numbers of votes on the right. Iraq-related
provisions that many progressive Democrats
opposed cost votes on the left. Moderate
Democrats, many ofwhom voted for the
hate crimes bill in May, did not want to test
the President’s veto threat and risk a delay
in increased pay for military personnel. ’All
of these factors resulted in insufficient votes
to secure passage of the bill with the hate
crimes provision.
2~he Matthew Shepard Act gives the Justice Department
the power to investigate and prosecute
bias motivated violence by providing the Department
with jurisdiction over crimes of violence
where the perpetrator has selected the victim
because of the person’s actual or perceived race,
color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, gender identity or disability.
The legislation also provides the Justice Department
,vith the ability to aid state and local jurisdictions
either by lending assistance or, where
local authorities are unwilling or unable, by
taking the lead in investigations and prosecutions
of violent crime resulting in death or serious
bodily injury that were motivated by bias. The
Act also makes grants available to state and local
communities to combat violent crimes committed
by juveniles, train law enforcement officers,
or to assist in state and !ocal investigations and
prosecutions of bias motivated crimes.
www,ozarksstar.corn the STAR 27
Just as the sun spends a month of every year in each
sign, Jupiter, in his 12-year cycle, spends about a full
year in each sign. Fresh into Capricorn, he will help to
build up organizations and bureaucracy. The coming
year will be a big one for the mature look, leather, and
bondage. This week’s horoscope will be valid through
the year!
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Socialize with important
folks. Those doors are wide open to you. Looking respectable
and conservative will help you get ahead. Even in the
most buttoned-up crowd, people know the power of appearance.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): If you have unfinished
school business or want to go for a degree, sign up for
those classes! Otherwise, delve into ancient philosophies
or go traveling to historical, even archaeological places on
your own initiative.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Not that you need the help,
but your sexual magnetism is charging up. Trying to look
young will not help. Maturity, experience, and authority all
work in your favor. If you’ve been wanting to explore leather
and kink, this is the time for it!
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Look toward formalizing an
existing relationship or refining your criteria for one. Not
only can you afford to be picky, but holding out for what you
really want in your partnership will help you get it.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Any skin growths or bone
or joint inflammations should be checked quickly, but in
general your health should be good. Luck at work should
improve. Look forward to promotions and be willing to take
a risk to get them.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Some people think
creativity is about mad inspiration. You know it’s about
hard work. Your hard work can pay off big - probably more
in terms of personal growth, but there could be money,
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Researching your
roots, taking time with older relatives, or spending time with
community elders will give you a better sense not only of
your background and foundations, but also of where you’re
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Your mind needs
stimulation and novelty, and you’re a bit more loquacious
than usual. Be careful with that! Developing new skills,
perhaps learning a new language, will open doors and help
keep you focused and out of trouble.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): This
should be a very lucky year for you for money - investments,
lottery tickets, new businesses - but, it’s also "easy
come, easy go." A conservative attitude and long-range
perspective will prove most profitable. Consult an astrologer
with your full birth chart before taking any big chances!
CAPRICORN (December 21 o January 19): You’re in for a
spell of good luck. Just be yourself and you’re sure to get
ahead. There’s no point in being shy. Go for any opportunity
that feels right. Further education and travel can serve
you especially well.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Blessings will
come to you in disguise. If life gets hard, the troubles can
easily be made into a springboard to tremendous luck.
Volunteer work with venerable charities will prove advantageous
in the meantime.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Social opportunities
will open up for you more easily if you "work the system"
and follow conservative, conventional methods. Hobnob
with "important people," but what’s "important" is subjective.
Of course, those who don’t look or think like you can be
important, too!
Spirit of Chdst MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Saturdays at 10:00 AM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
MCC of the Living Spring
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Worship Sundays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
28 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
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Service Saturday 9:30 AM
17 Hk Street
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays 6pm
437 E. 141st Street
Glenpool, OK
Want the STAR delivered to your home or business?
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30 the STAR www.ozarksstar.com
F,g. 1 Pollen
hke Tcha&o~sky’s compo~mon
Romeo and Juhet
~f one were to make a list of
the world’s favorite composers,
despite his relatively recent vintage
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky would
be on it. After all, he composed
Swan Lake, which is perhaps the
most famous ballet
of all time. And
there can’t be more
than a handful of
ballet companies that don’t perform
The Nutcracker every Christmas.
Indeed, this great Romantic composer should be so
immortalized. As a young man, he pursued a career in
music at enormous personal risk and against h~s
father’s advice. His mild temperament combined with
his tendency to work too hard left him with inmmnia,
debilitating headaches and hallucinations. On top of that,
Tchaikovsky’s composition teacher never liked his work,
Peter llyich Tchaikot,sky endured many setbacks,
not the l~st of which was a blind barber
even after he became ~vorld-famous.
Setbacks like these could have
finished a lesser man. Instead, they
inibrmed his work, which remains
some of the best loved in history.
Yet some kids still confuse
Tchaikovsky with a nasal spasm.
Why? Because the arts are slowly
but surely being eliminated from
today’s schools, even though a
majority of parents believe
music and drama and dance and
art make their kids better
students and better people.
To help reverse this disturbing
trend, or for more information recomrarwd~d daily allouur~ce of art,
about the benefits of arts education, visit us at
AmericansForTheArts.org. Or else Tchaikovsky could
seem like just another casualty of allergy season.
www.ozarksstar.com the STAR 31
Reservations: 918.585.5898 ÷ 800.585.5101
Where you can be YOU"
pee" ~oo~l ~oo~ ~ow=n
17 West 7th Street (corner 7th & Boulder Ave) e Tulsa, Ok 74119
¢ www.downtownplazatulsa.com
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2008] The Star Magazine, January 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/246.