[2006] The Star Magazine, December 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 12
[2006] The Star Magazine, December 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 12
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd.
December 01, 2006
C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Kay Massey
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Victor Gorin
Greg Gatewood
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzmn
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Kay Massey
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Victor Gorin
Greg Gatewood
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzmn
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
The Star Magazine, November 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 11
The Star Magazine, January 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 1
The Star Magazine, January 1, 2007; Volume 4, Issue 1
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
This issue of the STAR marks a milestone not only for
our magazine, but for GLBT news publications as well.
We have seen five regional community papers come and
go since ou; inception, most only in publication for a few
months. Weil, this month is our 3rd Anniversary issue. With
the beginning of our fourth year January 2007, we plan to
make some changes, add new features and continue to
bring you our readers, local, national and world news that
affects the GLBT community. A new feature in this issue is
our "AFTER DARK" calendar which list events and special
function announcements from our advertisers. A good reason
to keep the STAR on your coffee table all month.
The Star was launched in December 2003 in Joplin, Missouri.
Our first issue was a digest size black and white
GLBT news and information magazine of just twelve pages.
Our first printing was under 1000 copies and distributed to
Joplin, Springfield, Fayetteville and Tulsa. Needless to say,
the Ozarks STAR had a very meager beginning with just
three advertisers.
I have worked very hard the past 3 years to make this
magazine a vlabie source of community information, news
and entertainment. Our readers are traveling the region to
places that were unknown when we began. I have personally
made many wonderful new friendships and acquaintances
because of this magazine. You are sincerely appreciated.
A big KUDOS to the efforts of our contributing writers Donald
Pile. RayWilliams, Michael Hinzman, Paul Wortman,
John Patrick, Greg Gatewood, Victor Gorin, Josh Aterovls,
Steve Urie and many others who have kept us informed
and entertained. Also to our sales agents Michael Leach,
Victor Gorin, Devre Jackson and Kay Massey who have
contributed tremendousiy to our success. Last but not least
a big thank you to our advertisers and readers.
C. D. Ward
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Dear Chaz:
We notice that your publication, (The Star) is approaching its
3rd Anniversary and we are very proud of you. You have brought to
the Midwest a very intelligent and professional gay publicarion that
is now one of the main gay/lesbian publication in the tv1idwest.
Long are the days when so many gay pubiications were merely
"sleaze rags" Your content, articles and columns keeps everyone
abreast about events in the state, the Midwest, the country and the
As we travel around the country, we always take extra copies of
the STAR with us to show other gays and they are amazed at the
quality of your publication.
Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary and we wish you
continued success with your splendid work for many, many years to
come. We are very honored to be a small part of your success.
Donald Piie
Ray Williams
.',<,<\',:·,,,'\/;,, ·. I.lei us help!
(91 ) - 6
the STAR 3
4 the STAR
Victor Gorin interview with newly
elected 2nd term Oklahoma County
Commisioner Jim Roth.
Election 2006 By Joe Solmonese. HRC
President. Solmonese examines the effects
of the 2006 election on the GLBT
We did some shopping for you!
Something unique, something cheap
and some bling.
Travelers "Savannah, GA"
0 of Town "Fort Lauderdale"
Uncle Mikey finds a Twink that wants
co be fabulous, while a queen ponders
the afterlife.
An Interview with Jim Roth ..... 6
Book Review. . . . . . . . . . . ... 11
OUT in Arkansas ........... 12
Past Out. ................. 14
Tulsa GLBT Centei News ..... 15
Holiday Gift Idea's. . . . ... 16
Ciao Travel. . . . ........... 17
Lesbian Notions. . . . . . 22
Star Scene. . . . . . ..... 24
Uncle Mikey. . . .. 26
After Dark . . . . .. 27
Horoscopes.. . .......... 28
Distributors. . . . 29
Cartoons. . . . . . . ...... 30
Classifieds. . 31
Jolie Justice in Lesbian Notions
"Christmas in November''- page 22
Progressive Church Shakes Up
Norhwest Arkansas. - page 12
History of gay motorcycle clubs in
~~pi\ST ()lIT~~ - page 14
By Victor Gorin
Phoro: Left Viaor Gorin and Jim Roth
In 2002, Jim Roth ran againsr anti-gay incumbent Beverly Hodges
in the race for Oklahoma County Commissioner of District One,
and become Oklahoma's first op~nly gay county commissioner. . He
made the most of rhis opportunity to do an excellent job in this position,
winning the respect of Oklahoma County voters from many
walks oflife. This year his Republican opponent, Dave Mehlhaff,
waged one of the most single issue, anti gay campaigns ever, and yet
Jim was re-elected. Now he shares with us how ir's been, and the
vision he has for che future
Victor: Well Commissioner, you ran a very strong and imeresting
campaign that always looked successful, but did you still feel a sense
of relief when it was over?
Jim: Absolutely. You never know until the last vote is counted. \ve
felt confident, we worked hard, but we didn't want to take anything
for granted.
Victor: Wdl, I'm sure you feel much better now. What do you feel
were the major factors.~hat made your victory so resounding?
Jim: Two things--First and foremost was our job performance. We
worked very hard and deiivered on what we promised, anci I don't
chink anyone has ever done better in District 1.
Second, my opponent's bigotry was rejected by a great number of
people that I think arc tired of that mean spirited side of politic;. l
think people realized from his approach rhat he had lirde to offer.
1/ictor: Truly over the past 4 years, v.rhen one considers the duties of
v;hat a county cotnn1issioner is supposed to do, you have a record
you can be proud of, including a balanced budget.
Jim: 1hat's right. Although all 3 discricts of ()kiahon1a (~ounty get
tht: sa1ne a111ount of n1oney for roads, I have the 1nf)St road n1ileage
6 the STAR
and still was the only one wirh a baianced budget. The pubiic in my
district is now driving over 54 miles of new road and 8 new bridges
with safer conditions. !vfy predecessor, Beverly Hodges, only built 1
bridge during her term.
Victor: You were instrumental during 2004 in impiementing and
keeping, despite a repeai attempt, a poiicy of nondiscrimination
for Oklahoma County employees that indudes sexual orientation.
Even now iI is the only government protection pertaining to sexual
orientation in the state of Oklahoma.
Jim: I serve this office with the premise char all peopie deserve respect
and dignity, and a public employment simation, of all places,
should be free of discrimination of any kind. We changed the current
policy to expand coverage in 3 areas, physical disabiliry, political
affiliation, and sexual orientation. I worked w implement this
policy for 3 reasons, to protect taxpayers from liability from officials
doing stupid things, attracting talent, and because it's the right thing
to do.
Victor: What do you hope do accomplish during your next term?
Our district is on a great rrajectory of improvement with a very aggressive
road and bridge program, a number of major projecrs. We
are also bringing a focus to senior citizens issues. Vie have to be sure
that we are that safety net so that their golden years are truly that.
Also I want to work on issues co help our memally ill in this county
so that they aren'r kept in the county jail without treatment.
Victor: Do you have future aspirations after .:his term of office?
Jim: Not right now, bur maybe in future years rhere will be something
I'll feel challenged w try.
Victor: \V'e!l, you obviousiy won the confidence of the voters in
Oklahoma County. Besr wishes and looking forward to four more
years! *
Two Night Tulsa Event Benefit
For Tulsa Cares Food Pantry.
By Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_Billed as Tulsa's Social Event of rhe year, the Bamboo
Lounge staged a two night benefit show hosted by Kris Kohl. The
5th annual Miss Bamboo Pageant was held on Saturday November
18th and the following night with Kris Kohl's show, The Bamboo
& Faces Present "REMEMBER OUR FAMILY". The two night
extravaganza packed the nighrc'.ub both nights and raised do;;:: ro
$500.00 for the Food Pantry.
The Miss Bamboo Pageant histed by Terry Hood and Stan Smith
dub co-owners is only one event out of 111any that the couple stage
each vear to benefit non-profit organizations in the Tiilsa area. 'The
out g~ing ~1iss Ba1nboo 2006. Mona Lott n:iuctandy reiinquishcd
her crown to Miss Bamboo 2007, Holly Rose, a newcomer to the
scene. Holly Rose campaigned extensiv~!y v.lith her slogan "!es
'Time For l1 l'~c",,v Generationn and sources say her ,veaithy husband
donated quite a sun1 to her success. lvfona Lott, J\.-1:iss Bamboo 2006
in a rage l~Jf despair crov,rned herself "E1npress of the Ban1boo'1 \Vhich
amounrs to nothing bur a cheap ploy to 1nainrain royal sratus in her
aging state! P.._ great time vva.s had by all and for a very gcJod cause.
Photo on page 25.
/-,, . i
o/1'f.o0 ,-L--/o1~, Lr:i !,•~ R~"L p/'~_?-/r: -1 )j
•'ThYJJ (Jr)g} ~ uikiff@ L1JJ'@:~?Jff i;J Y'ailif1
Glenpool Cleaners (inside Glenpool 1.'i,:w:-crsl 91S-29r-3275
Wear the Red Ribbon
on Dece111ber 1st.
Show th<: ,xorld ,-'.)ll c:rc that HIVi
AIDS is srill among us ,rnd du, people,
including manv ,·nuns people, arc cv<:!i
nov.' getting inf~•t'tcd. Let rhosc afF(·c(cd
knO\\' that you undcLStand .. 1nd support
thcn1 and the: figbt ~1gainst l-lI\/"f 1\I [)S.
from all your pals in
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
,\~ Amber Bock
Sun--Thurs 1 pm---Midnight~
Fri ,-Sat 1 prrl~,,._ 2am
:·,:~:, t..· .2..c,,1., N.- ., M~ a·..1J s/:}--·iV -•~p.. -:,.~
on 'h1p.
New Tulsa
Organization For
Diversity Business
DBAT Means Business
TULSA, OK_Business is all abom connections
and growth, and the newly formed
Diversity Business Association ofTulsa
(DBAT), a program supported by Tulsa
Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), is
working to help GLBT business owners and
professionals in green country form those
connections and succeed in today's competitive
DBAT's mission is to provide a forum to
the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
business and professional community and
its allies for ,he purpose of networking.
professional development, creating increased
visibility and strengthening relationships
among business and professional community
The group meets monthly for the purpose
of networking, development and quarterly
workshops as well. Socials are being planned
for next year. D BAT membership is an
affordable investment at $30.00 annually
for individuals and $50.00 annually for~
business entity. Members receive:
A copy of the annual business guide with
inclusion of a business listing and advertising
opportunities within the business guide.
DBAT Newsletter
TOHR Membership
Reduced fee at quarterly workshops
A listing on the DBAT web site and banner
advertising opportunities.
Join us and connec, with other locai GLBT
business owners and professionals within
your community. For 1hform,1tion contact
Susan Hartman at 918-274-1699 or
through e-mail at slr:artrnan@cox.aer.
* Wear the Red Ribbon
on December 1st.
Show the world you care that I-flV/;\I!)S
is still a111ong us and that people, inc:iuding
rhen1 ::tnd tht
10 the STAR
Oklahoma Ci
Couple Exchange
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK_Paula Schonauer
& Pam Trotter were united in a Holy
Union ceremony on the lovely grounds of
the Backdoor Coffeeshop October 7, their
wedding officiated by the Reverend Scott
Jones of the Oklahoma City Cathedral of
Hope Church. Paula is an Oklahoma City
police officer and Pam is a floral designer.
Together they reside in Oklahoma City.
Tulsa Group Forms
Womens Supper Club.
TULSA, OK_Heather Hartman and a
group of other iadies have formed a new
club calied "LesDine Supper Club ofTulsa''.
Heather told us, "We meet the first Friday
of every month at Tulsa-area restaurants at
7 PM. For December we will be eating at
Jamil's Steakhouse, and in January we will
be eating at Caz's Chowhouse. For information,
peopie can emaii Lesdinesupperclub@
yahoo.com or visit v,ww.myspace.com/lcsdinesupperc!
ub . LesDine is for lesbianidentified
women in NE Oklahoma who
like to socialize and eat good food.
\,X,'e have been meeting for 6 month, now
and have had a great turn-om. Peopk are
finding out via ~ord-of-mou.t:h ancf thru
-.lahoof chat groups. Last n1onth \VC had 26
\von1cn attend.
The New Oklahoma
Mr. Leather 2007
By Victor Gorin
OKLAHOMA CITY~James Hollingwood
captured the tide of Oklahoma's new fvfr.
Leather at Oklahoma City's Pho~nix Rising
October 21, It was a festive occasion emceed
by California titleholder Mark tvfalon who
kept the evening lively and entertaining
with earchv humor, and even treated us to
his musical prowess with h1s priceless rendition
of a Shirley Bassey dassic, "Dildos are
Attended bv;;. capacitv crowd of leather
folk and th~ir friends,' the contest featured
not only entenainmcnt but also education
and wonhwhile fundraising, the highlight
of which was the raffling of;; Garth Brooks
\Yiorld Tour Jacket that will be autographed
by the man himself. Proceeds for that raffie
went to Tulsa's Open Arms Youth Project.
David Tempie~on won the tide of First Runnerup,
and the reigning currelt Mr.Leather,
James Dean Scudder ofTi,is:,, passed the
tide on to Mr.Hollingwood. James wiil go
on to con1petc in the lntcrnationai l\-1r.
Leather Comest held in Cbicago during the
Memorial Day Weekend.
l() the cornrnunity Jarocs. had this to say/'
J fCci very honored that n1y peers have
honored n1c 1:1vith the ti tie of ()kiahon1a ~vir
Leather, and l \vill do rny unnost to support
the leather comrnunitics of'Tu!sa~ ()klahorna
(~ity and statevvide. I ;:1111 looking fon.vard to
the Jntcrnational lV1r. Leather contcsc but
1 an1 still in ~hock, letting this vvin sir1k in.
/tgain I say I ~un. honored that the cornrnu•~
has supported rne in rhis vvay
A Face in the Crowd celebrates the
and challenges of those who identify as gay,
lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
The book, "A Face in the Crowd: Expressions of Gay Life in
America," edited by John Peterson and Martin Bedogne, presents a
diverse group of people living their lives filled with iove, hope, and
happiness as well as fear and oppression. Highlighting stories and
profiles of gay men and women who share tales of families and challenges,
"A Face in the Crowd" poignantly illustrates that gay life in
North America does not fit a single stereotype.
Sponsored by the Matthew Shepard Foundation, ''A Face in the
Crowd" seeks to educate and empower today's youth w actively take
part in developing solutions to problems that are rooted in ignorance
and hatred. In the book's introduction, Judy Shepard, whose
son, Matthew, was the Yicdm of a gav hate crime, convevs, "A Face
in the Crowd is a reflection of Matthew's dreams. He id1ew that
judging people bdc,re knov;ing chem was rhe loss of an opportunity."
"A Face in rhe Crowd" can be ordered di,ectly from the ;\1atthcw
Shepard Foti!ldation, which will be signed by Judy Shepard and
includes the benefo: single "W'hat Matters" by Randi Driscoll. 'Ihe
mission of the ?vfanhew Shepard Foundation is w support divcrsirv
programs in education and ;o help youth organizatio;1s es.:ablish ·
environments where young people can fed safe and be themselves.
The goal of rhc !vfatthe,v Shepard Foundation is to replace hate ,vith
,. . . d .. . . ,. .
un erstanct1ng, compassion an acceptance. t-·or n1orc 1r1torn1at1on ;~~:,~;t~~:;~~;;~_Shepard Foundarion, visit their ·website: www.mar-
John Peterson created rhe initial concept for"~,\ 1:;ace in the (~rtnvcr·
and further developed and published the book to rr1eet the goals and
tnission of the ?viatthew Foundation. orders and
discounts on group saies arc availabic through the pubHsher. For
rnon~ inforn1<.,tion~ visit d1(:ir •.vcbsirc at
corn .
.., ,,..,_,w,.ozark.sstar.corn
Election 2006
By Joe Solmonese, HRC President
Tuesday was a watershed moment for our comrnunity. A wave of
pro-equality candidates was swept into office, from Philadelphia to
Fort Lauderdale and from Minneapolis to Tucson, and are now the
majority in the United States House and Senate. To date, 93 percent
ofHRC-endorsed candidates have won their races (210 of225),
with a handful of races still pending.
Perhaps most exciting of all, we had a first-ever win against a
discriminatory, anti-GLBT constitutionai amendment. While we
had heartbreaking losses in seven states, with a near-win in South
Dakota, Arizona made history this week by defeating a ban on domestic
partnerships. We salute everyone who worked to defeat these
discriminarory measures and we especially congratulate Arizona
Together for its successful campaign to defeat that state's discriminatory
initiative. HRC was proud to play a role in helping to achieve
this historic victory. Steve May, co-chair of Arizona Together, had
this to say about HRC's help in the campaign: "When we first got
started, no national organization thought we could win ... except
HRC. They believed in us and we thank them so much."
\Ve have an incredible slate of amazing trailblazers coming to
Washington - people like Congressman-Elect Harry Mitcheli, Senator-
Elect Amy Klobuchar and Senaror-Elect Sherrod Brown. We
fought to get them elected, and now they wil! fight for us. Congress
promises to be much friendlier now that bigots like Rick Santorum
are gone. With your help, we raised more than $375.000 for
Santorum's opponent, Bob Casey, and spent an additionai $200,000
to mobilize hundreds of volunteers to guarantee Santorum's defeat.
It paid off.
Here is what Senator-Elect Casey had to say about us: "HRC
got behind my campaign early and has been a tremendous help.
The energy and commitment they put behind our campaign was
exrraordinary. I iook forward to working with HRC's incredible staff
and membership, especially to advance hare crimes legislation in the
All over tht country, anti-GLBT candidare$ and campaign tac.:ic,
were rejected by vorers. Scapegoating and anacking GLBT Amc:ricans
is no longer a winning campaign strategy. At least 21 Houst:
n1embers --~vith O percent votine: records on (;LB1-- issues ~,,vili not be
returning to ·wa.~hingron, and in the Senate, five Fcderai Marriage
A~ 1 .. 11 t r;.or i •,r•• .... nn,e1ia1nen. suppo, ...... s .. c,.,, , h.e ,•r b,'d, <•- .,.fo ,r ,-~n· t...• ih,..., .. .~-1d-·,.v, ... ,~ "•' . .....
Other races aiso mark in1pon::ant shifts in the debate about our
relationships. Supporters of fuH marriage equality \von the governorships
oft~c .. N ~{ork and 1v1assachusetts, and Jodi Rell ;vas rcst}undingiy
re-elected governor of Con.necticut: after signing ~~ civil union~
bilL Furthern1orel no candidate in f'1ev<l Jersey, or '"''·"''•"'·,. in rhc
country for that 1nar:t:erl appears r,,1 ha•le suffered from the f~c;;v
Supre111e Court's decision requiring and benefits
Progressive Church
Shakes Up Northwest
by Kay Massey
BENTONVILLE, AR_ Amid the conservative
religious congregations in Northwest
Arkansas, an entrepreneurial deacon is offering
something ... a iittle different for Gays,
Lesbians and their allies.
In July 2006, the
Rev. Roger Joslin
moved to Bentonville
from Los
Angeles to start
the Episcopalian
Community of
Bentonville. Roger
is a native Texan,
receiving both a BA
and an MA from the
University ofTexas
at Austin. He did
additional graduate
work in International
Relations at the
University of Sussex
in Brighton, England.
After working
for many years in the
architectural woodwork
business, Roger
graduated from the
Episcopal 1beological
Seminarv of the Southwest in Austin
Texas in 2005 ·.vith a Masters of Divinity
Roger's bhck o:.nfic .md white clerical collar
mm heads wi11:rever he goes, and for now,
he's everywhere. His mission is dear: Find a
diverse group of people ~o form an Episcopal
congregation with radical hospitality at
its core. Joslin hopes :o offer a progressiv..:
aiternative to other churches in the ilrca.
HI think it 1.vill "vork here in t'Jorth\vest
1\rkansas/J he said of the radical hospjrality,
which focuse5 on meeting p;:<ople':, physical
and spiritual needs. <iit's a ·very friendly
place.'' ~❖7hile h:1s been treated ,vell
here~ he's not sure the reception \Vouid he as
~narn1 for a black, hon1oscxual or
12 the STA.R
poor person. "Ours is the kind of church
where everyone is welcome," he said. That
focus must start from the beginning. Rather
than creating a core group of white, middleclass
people, then expanding the group, Joslin
wants to start wirh a mixed core group
from the beginning. That is exactly what he
has done so far.
One of the local group members says,
"What makes this really special is that we
arc defining what we feel our church needs
to be about. We're all accepting, that's
very important, that ali backgrounds arc
welcome, all types of people, ro be very
hospitable and community-
Joslin's church-planting
plans are moving
quickly. The plan is to
create small groups of
roughly 12 adults until
the total reaches about
300 people, which
could take about a year,
Joslin said. Currendv
·there are 4 groups of
adults that meet weekly,
a "Walk and Talk"
group for exercising
and meditating adulr.s,
and a group of children
who are exploring the
"Godly Play" progran1.
Roger stresses that a
person need nor be an
Episcopai ro parricipate
in any of the groups.
Study is designed for
people of any faith. 'Ihere are people from
all backgrnunds involved in the groups.
These are truly diverse groups of people on a
spirimai journey rogei:her.
Roger is continuously seek;ng out Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendcred group
and individuals in the area. hoping to welcome
:hem into the fold. "Many have been
raised in churches and have hj_d devout upbringings~
yet most churches have reiected
themn, Jos_Hn said,-_ Gay's and Lcsb~a1:s arc
an integral part ot our groups, anct tt1e soon
to be church. l\1any are already attending
the "\Ycekly meetings and becorning invoived t)!,~r?~:~~:~a~~~11~~~1:;;~:;:;;(~ Benwr;
other Episcopal churches in rhe area
there is a church in Henton ··~Lz.
progressive Episcopaiian church interprets
the Bible in terms of context and in light of
the times, he said. He believes fundamentalists
interpret the Bibic rno literally.
The Episcopalian church has liturgical
services like a Carhoiic Church, bu: Masses
and Sunday Communion ser✓ices - Eucharists
- arc in English, Joslin said.
The Diocese of Arkansas has been rhinking
about a church in Bentonville fOi about 15
years. Joslin seems rhe perfect fit. "I have a
strong enrreprcneurial bent," he said. "I do
like to create and start things. 'This is abour
creation." After many years of being involved
with the Church, Joslin was ordained
as a Deacon in May 2006. He will be ordained
as an Episcopal Priest on December
2, 2006 at St. Paul's Episcopal; Church in
Fayetteviiic, Ar.
Roger is aiso rhe author of Running the
Spiritual Path: A Runner's Guide to Breathing,
Meditating, and Exploring the Prayerful
Dimension of the Sport. He wrote the
book while a seminarian. He continues w
run and write in Arkansas as a dimension
of his spiritual practice. He is a ,'creran of
several marathons and thousands of miles
of solitary running on trails and back roads
throughout the United States. Rev. Joslin's
book emerged from a running journal
he maintained over the course of the iast
decade. Many years of meditation pr:1.ctice,
punctuated wfth the nurturing rnlitude of
periodic visits to numerous retreat cemcrs
~nd monasteries, led the author, quite naturally,
to combine his love for running with
his spiritual search.
Roger is borh an experienced ,cacher and a:1
engaging speaker and is ;;!ways eager to tab,
on the rask of avvakcning a wider audicnc,·
~o the value of spiriruai pracrict.
For n1orc infonnation about the ,-,,,,,,,,u,_,..,
c=o1n1nunity of Benton C:ounry, contacr
the IZcv. R,ngcr Joslin at 4?9-1~26-1 ')() j or
rogcrioslin@sbcg1obal.net .
The show went on and on and
on .... and oh, how we loved it!
ByD. Norman
EUREKA SPRINGS_AR~On Saturday November 4, 2006 during
FALL Diversity Weekend in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, ANT and
Sabrina tvfatthews flew in from Los Angeles, California to headline
Diversity Pride Events' first 'LOL Dive;:sity Comedy' Show and
simply awed everyone at rhc Al.JD!
Sabrina kjcked ofF the evening ddighting the very diverse crowd of
Glbti, straigi~t fricncis and allies. Both men and women were laughing
and nodding chcir heads in agreement at her hiiarious observations
of our lives. Her humor was down to earth and true to life,
covering everything from skim. p1.,rses, pets, job interviews and of
course, love lives. By the time she left the stage, you feit like she v1as
one of your pals.
ANT hit stage in an incredible spar~ling Hight suit covered with
rhinestones, setting the pace for a high energy non-stop ride to hysterical
bughre~. His jokes had u:; roar;ng, and he was at his absolute
bes: ribbing and n•·,.,..,, .. ,, .. ,, v,itb ,he audience. He pulled people
up on stage gettiag thrn1 to say and do things that had us failing
out of our seats and ('l:~tn ht~ ~cerncd an1azed at the quirky Siories he
brought out of Eurckans and her 'Vishors. He told us he just had to
use sorne of then1 ¥h:i-<~:•: Tl '>Vf" r"•~rtf~riranro •·n ,..h,::. "fon1oht 'hov.1 .i ,C_rs.,. {J"'-,. l•-•~. :h,.. .._._ '"' L, ,._., . •t,c" ...__, ,.
,vith Jay Leno
us he
and rhanked us for
i\nt i1rvited Sabrina to
and the audience- can1c
tne cen1ctery
to end. He toid
h fun toe, stop.
their ap~
It ''--Vas
Conservative Christian Group
Boycott almart.
By Staff Reporter
Donald E. \Vildmon, Fotmder and Chairman of American Family
Association, a Tupeio, MS conserntive Christian organization
ordered a mass-emailing to about 3 million recipients, on November
9, 2006. The petition was circulated because of Walmart's support
of GLBT organizations and GLBT equality in the workplace.
W'almart recently donated SS000 to N\'1/l\ GLBT Community Center
in Bentonville, AR. Below is the communication sem to \'1/almart
Dear President Scott,
This will let you know that I will not be shopping at Wal-Mart or
Sam's Club on the Friday or Saturday following Thanksgiving.
Your decision to financially support groups promoting homosexual
marriage is very unfortunate. You could have remained neutral but
decided to join the battle on the side of homosexuai activist organizations.
With great disappointment, I will help spread the word to my
friends and family about your decision.
"At Century 21 Gold Castie our
•. BEST properties are our PEOPLE''
4301 NW 63rd, Suite 100
pklahoma City, OK 73116
the STAR 13
Summary: Past Out is a rerrospective of key moments, personalities, and subjects in LGBT
history. Each instailment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity of the gay past and
its impact on the queer present.
Photo: Madon Brando in The W'ild One (1953)
November 1954 (52 years ago last month): The Saytrs
motorcycle club is founded in Los Angeles.
What is the historv of gay motorcvde
clubs? · ,i
Motorcvcle dubs, a ~ainsrav <,f gav culture
since rh~ 19'i0s, ushered in ; ne; brand of
queer masculinity and gave rise to today',
leather.1SM co:wnunity.
Motorcyck culture 1:merged in the ·united
States in the l 920~ and i 930.,, ofteE revolving
around racing, ,viih enthusiasts "'Nho
forn1ed ciubs and vvore distinctive unifonns
and "colors.:,~ The popularity of n1otorcycles
grev; <luring \~1orld War JI - as n1otorcyclists
\vere regarded as son1ething of a n1odern-day
cavalry ~ and cheap n1ilitary surplus
becamt: available after the 1.var.
lJpon leaving n1i1itary si:rvicc in the late
1940s, n1any gay 1ncn in port cities
14 the STAR
ra,her than returning to their hometowns.
Just as the Hell's Angels were purpon:ediy
started by furmer bomber pilots and pararroopers
unwilling to settle into mainstream
life, gay men aiso sought an alternative.
"Only in the swashbuckling motorcycle
culture,'' argues author Guy Baldwin, were
they abie to retain the ''easy camaraderie.
the stress and thrill of real risk raking, and
the 111ascu!ine sexuality that they had kno1.vn
during their n1ilitary da:rs." (;ay and straight
n1cn alike einbraced the irnage of the outLnv
biker as a frcc~spirired rebel, as r.:xen1piified
by the Marlon Brande, fi!n1 The Wild
()ne inspired by an infirnous riot
at a n1ororcycie con1lcntion in Hollister,
in 1947,
The first gay motorcycle dub in the United
States was the Satyrs, founded in Los Angeles
in 1954; the second, Oedipus, was
an offshoot started in 1958. The eariiest
Norrhern California club was the \Y/ariocks,
founded in 1960, fo!!owed by the California
Motorcycle Club (CMC). By the
mid-1960s, San Francisco's Somh of Market
district had become a hotbed of the gay
motorcycle scene, home to clubs such as the
Constantines and the Barbary Coasters.
While California - with irs climate conducive
to year-round riding - continued
to host the greatest concentration of gay
motorcycle clubs, similar groups cropped up
around the country, including, in 1963, the
Second City Motorcyde Club in Chicago,
an early hub of rhe gay ieather scene. 1he
Empire City Motorcycle Club of New York
City, founded rhe following year, claims to
be the oldest ongoing GLBT organization
east of the Rockies. Gav motorcycle culture
also crossed over to Eu~ope, starting with
London's 69 Club. As motorcycle clubs grew
more numerous, they formed imerdub organizations
such as rhe Atlantic Motorcycle
Coordinating Council. ,
Gay motorcycle clubs provided an outlet
for socialization · and often for sex. The
earlv biker scene was closely allied with the
<;m;rging "Old Guard" lea;her/SM culture,
and the clubs watering holes became some
of the first leather bars. Stylized biker gear
became a son of uniform for a segment
of rhe gay community, feamring engineer
boors, crotchless black ieather chaps (designed
by D.L. Sterling in 1960), and military-
style caps. The look - which caught on
even among men wbo had never sat astride
a motorcycle - was embodied by e:av artis,
fom of Finland s characters. Pere; Berlin in
the movie _Nighrs in Black Le:nher (1973),
ana' ("1l enn J1'u ~g.h es o f t he d.i. sco group t he
VilL,ge Peopie.
~vfotorcycle club outings. known as runs,
typically involved n1anly activities such as
can1ping trips. But \vhilc bikers esche·.,vcd
;:~~ era. their ever~;:,·~~'.:!~:::::;~:•;~~~~
pageantry and can1p of a different sort)
including drag shov.-'s. Events such as the
annual (]v!(~ (~arnival becainc popular even
arnong nonbikers, and n1any n1en organized
their social H·ves around annu;-11 runs such as
vvw~lv. ozarkssta r. corn
Photo: lhe new community center coming soon.
Community Celebrations
]he end of a year brings things we all usualiy
like par.:ies, gathering wirh friends
and family, once-;,-year food and drink
- celebrations of all kinds. This year is no
differem. Special events, holiday dinners,
and concem fili foe momh of December
on the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexuai, Ti:ansgender
(GLBT) and allied Community Calendar.
A month full of acrivities begins in Tulsa on
Friday, December 1, 2006. 'w'ith the theme,
"Stop AIDS: Keep Ihe Promise," the annual
Wori<l AIDS Day Interfaith Service remembers
those losr r; HIV/ AIDS while renewing
o~ir cornmiunent to stop HIV/AIDS.
The candlclighr service, scheduied for 7:00
P?vf ar All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952
S Peoria, v.1iU f(~ature rhe n1usic of Council
C>ak Iv1cn's Chorale ((~(}fv1C) and guest
speakers Dr. 1v1clanie Spector and Iarnara
LcBak~ l\ssistant lviinister of/\H Souls lJni-·
tarian Church.
!'~ext up on the 'fulsa (~01nn1uniry C:alendar
is the [)inner on
Monday; l)eccn1ber 11th. ]he annual din~
ner features the presentation of the S..,·J?/t!"~J
.:~wards an.d the rnusic of the \Y/or:nen of
(:ouncil ()ale A. 6:30 PJv{ reception kicks c:fF
the at feilcnvship (:ongregationai
2~100 S I-1t1rYard. ~111e
~u 7:00 Pivt fr:atnn.:~ holiday entree~:
and harn1 drinks and r:~srive table~
side, or dessert. You'll wam to arrive early as
over 200 individuals, coupies and families
are expected for this annuai event co-sponsored
by Tulsa PFLAG and TOHR.
Music of A Snowv Starlit Nie-ht. the annual
COMC Holiday Cone~(, will thriE
you with seasonal fa;orites, as well as new
~unes to warm your heart. SRO crowds are
expected for the performances on December
12th, 15(h & 16th, 8:00 P1v1 each night at
All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S Peoria
in Tulsa.
The Tulsa GLBT Community Center will
celebrate the end of the leased space era with
the 41st Finale on Sunday, December 17,
2006. The evening, featuring a free concert,
free food and drinks, and door prizes will be
the last event held in the current Center at
5545 E 41st Streei:.
Ihe 41st Finale features the music of
recording-artist Amy 5(einberg of Orlando,
Florida. With irreverent humor and crafty
intelligence, Amy uses her original music to
promote tolerance, openness and diversity.
Combining a sassy sensibility and loquacious
socio-political and spiritual awareness,
Amy brings forth a fresh and solid energy.
The winner of several honors, including
Songwriter of the Year from the Songwrirer
Showcases of the Year and Best Individual
Performer bv the Orlando lvlusic Awards,
Amv tours ;u over the countrv. Notable
sho~s include performances ~ith Ani Defranco,
Alix Oison, Lisa Loeb, Melissa Ferrick,
Meredith Brooks and Vonda Shepard,
as well as many others.
Classically trained on the piano since age
4, with a degree in rheaue (from studies at
Boston Conservatory, American Musical
and Dramatic Academy and ?\.farvmount
Manhattan) and sclf-t;ught on the guitar,
Amys shows display ,.viid!y inaovative
musicality combined with extraordinary
perfonnance skills to create an arousing
;~nviron1nent like none other. 'Ihen1cs ~f
her 1nusic include sexuality, ,von1an po~,ver,
j~·h•.~.".!~~~.-. , ~~:~b~~.~1s~!~,o~1
.. ~d love. ·nie audience . ~-: .. :~ ~;_:;:; ;::-.:. t -· _, ~.. sings along, an(1
laughs untH they cry. a soul-shifting and
original n,.r,nnn nt,t "..V,dlt tu
rniss this FR .. EE concert 1.vith
1be 41st Finale marks the last day the Tulsa
GLBT Community Center will be open
before we pack-up, move-our and re-open
in the new location in downtown Tulsa!
The Tulsa GLBT Communitv Center will
close on December 18, 2006. and remain
closed through the end of the year. During
this time, we'll be packing up the last
items, loading up the moving trucks and
heading to the permanent location of the
Tulsa GLBT Community Center at 621 E
4th Street. We'll then re-open in January,
celebrating the Oklahoma-Centennial year
of 2007 - in a new, permanent home for the
Tulsa GLBT & allied community.
1itlsa Okiahomans for Human Rights
(TOHR) seeks equal rights for Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual & Transgender (GLBT) individuals
and families through advocacy, education,
programs, alliances and the operation of the
Tulsa GLBT Community Cmter.
Community for
People living
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HP✓+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
·we provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or lh:ing ,,,;Ith AJDS \•Vho cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themsei\.res. \/Ve invite anyone \,vho
vvould Hke to \1olunteer or provide fi-nanciai
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-•rnaH
\,•. . ._ _________________ /
the STAR 15
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Can be purchased at any major bookstore,
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1 6 the STAR
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service members and their families. Sergea::it
Rodolfo "Rud/' Reyes, and 9 other !T!ember,
of the elite Reconnaissance ?\farincs arc lea1/:
ng \\:omen pantin,2; and :nen wanting ,o enlist.
1◄ hc rcn 1nen ~vho p()~e in rhe :-\rnerica:s f-Icrncs
200--:- c:alendar arc all current or fonner
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1 cups
1/2 stic er (melted)
3 eggs (beaten)
3/4 cup light Karo Corn syrup
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup pecans (chopped)
1 /2 cup milk chocolate chips
2 Tbs. Bourbon
-mix pecans, choco1ate chips and bourbon and let
soak for 1 /2 hour. stirring occasional1y.
-blend meited outter into sugar unti: fully irtegrated.
-add beaten eggs and biend.
-add corn syrup and sait and blend ful 1y
-fold in pecan/chip mixtJre.
-pour into pie shei! with edges crimped (we nake
an old fashioned Crisco pie crust for '.his recipe. but
you can use ...vhatever ;::ie :.:rust you 11refer to rna~e \
-bake at 350 for approximately 45 minutes unti
center o: pie rises and c0acks.
-let coo!. best se~ved slightly v,a:n: with eith0r f,esi·
whipped cream or vaniiia :ce crean:
by Donald Piie and Ray Williams
Savannah, Georgia (better known as Savannah GA) is one of the
most historical cities in che country dating back to it's founding by
General James E, Ogiethorpe in 1733, It has a wealth of history and
archircccure that few American cities can match. Savannah has managed
to prcscrvc it', Southern Colonial grace and charm. The ciry's
many rich, green parks are blooming legacies of che brilliance of it's
founder. \¼'hat was already a remarkable city was re-invenc,d when
our friend John Berendr, che author wrote his fabulous book, MIDNIGHT
in Savannah a frw years ago. John Berendt's book takes the reader
through all che very colorfi.d characters in the town, in particular
with the late Jim \Villiams, the
gay amiqt!Cs dealer who was
said to have shot and killed
· his lrnsder/lover. He owned
the house that fonnerlv wa:,
owned by the song writer
Johnny Mercer. Clint Eastwood
later made the book
into a wonderfol moYic by the
same name ..
SaYannah sito on the
Atlantic Ocean and has a
population of about 140,000.
"fouri,t, Hock to the city
to cake adYantagc of all the
historical and architectural
highlight,. Savannah i, known
:1, the QUEE:-,.,.: CITY of
rhc Snuth, \vhcr~ you enter
,ome<me's home, d1l' FIRST
thing t!\l'\' ask i, "\\'hat cio vou w:mt w drink?'' Everyone there is
t·xtrcn1cl:· h<lspi1ablc.
[\,...: I Iisi<ni-.. i'>i:-itrict of \;1_•:annah i~ buzzing \Vith crcatiYiry) ~HI
\~',:~:.~;/:::j :\\~;lJ~:;~l.'\tl:~~j~,:::~)t:\\~~:'/;~;\''.\'.~:;· ::;~l:~:::i~!;\;:l\;'._,,_,
\Vith .).h':ii1il:ih ~~nLt tilO\'C there to li":t' in or!C or rh\.· oldc:-it ... :iti..:s in
, \111cr1c1 :1 site oi' !11:1nv L1n1lHt> H~z:~·ohllin11~HT &· ( ~ivli \\1ar B~lt.,
' .
Uc:-. }-lund_rcd~ o( int;,.Tl'.,tirq; ~it,_·s :_(1 sec includ;:-., tnon: :h;~c t\'.'cIH~n1onu1n'-'!
lI-'. p~nkl,, l ]i.stnri;,.· 1-•lornc,'l) ( 'hurchc:-i & i:(;rt;,
:<~nion.;~ 1-li;-;tc:·ic l :tr~liin;,1rk l )i~tr(c! in 1hc t "\,;\.
n1ixcd Cr<)\\·d and
Blaine·~ Backd, )1
B,!r, l :i l :, p,_ ,,:,,
St. 1~ rn< }re , )f _:
Cf0\V(1. ,\il th~ h:
an: extrt:1nch· fun
and fricndh'. Tk:;
LOVL their tour
ists in Sav,tnnah,
~rhcrc arc 22
original p:lrk:::. in
do\,·nto\\·n ~J;·.u; ·
g1ganuc n1t ,~:---.
draped u:,ks ,.nd
surrounded i)\"
statch· hornc:-- :1:·1t.i
husinc;,:~(·~< '['his 1s :; great .. ,\·aJking" lU\\'O
\•.:hen: c\·cry, )thcr hlnck~ ukc~ you into
:u1othcr ir11ercsting and hi~torical aspect
o( the cny. Ye 1u '.\·ill :iced td ~pend three
or r-our day--: to ukt: tn c·-.;cryihing:. ~fht:
hnn1c tqur"- :,n: r:.:.dl~- cxccptic;naL Special
pbcc:-, t1 i ,:isit slv)~;ld include the i\1erccr
! louse whcrc the \ruic.JUC~ l)c,1lcr, Jirn
\\-iili:l!H'.', ii\-cd, t !le ( h\·cn-T~1Pin,l~ hou~c.
! c::1uh I ).1\-cnp{ 1n l iou~;: Jnd t!h: (;n.:l'.n.\
L-iurii:1 I h)us1~-. The {:It'. ccn1ctcnc-~ ;~re
"Carlos Fernandez on Bravo TV's TOP CHEF"
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
In our travels all over the country we are so fortunate
in that we meet so many wonderful and exciting people.
A few years ago in Florida we met Carios Fernandez and
Chuck Smith who are life partners and co-owners of the
Hi-LIFE CAFE which is a very upscale restaurant in Ft.
Lauderdale. It is located at 3000 North Federal Highway.
Chuck Smith who is the excellent host of the restaurant
and his partner Carlos Fernandez, the extremely talented
Chef opened the restaurant 11 years ago and they have
developed a very strong following of devoted follmvers
over the years. \Vhen we were there last time they were
celebrati~g their 10th Anniversary of the Hi-Lit~ Cafe.
rlheir hours are Tuesday-'Thursday 5:30 PM to 10:00
PM, Friday & Saturday, 5:30 PM - 11 PM and Sunday,
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM. Their website is: www.hilifecafe.
com. After laying in rhe sun all day at the beach and before
heading off for the night to party, be sure and dine
there. You won't be sorr1. It is a must-do for almost all
the gay tourists that goes to Ft. Lauderdale.
Carlos is a fantastic Che£ Actually he is now on the
top rated Bravo TV sho\v; TOP CHEF! Filmed in Los
Angeles he is one of 15 chefs from ail over the country
that was chosen to be on the shmv. It airs on \'v'ednesdav
nights on Bravo. Stay tuned to see just how far he gees
on the show One Chef is eliminated each ,veek. The
TOP CHEF a.: the end receives $100,000.00l It's ahv,l\'s
g-- reat to see a .g..,,.,. av_, coup- le own a business together. \'fc (,_
wiil be down in Ft. Lauderdale at the season's finale and
what a grand pany it will be if he gets the top prize: He
will alwavs be our Number 1 Top Chef in Florida! l ,ast
January ,vhen ,ve were 111 Ft. Lauderdale we presented
Chuck and Carlos with a special crystal plate engr:r.. cd
with gold to help them ceiebrate their 10th c\nni,:ersar:,
of the Hi-Life.
the ST/\R 19
Fringing the ocean, Starwood Hotels' glimorous and gay-friendly Adantic
resort has been a key feature of Fort Lauderdale's stunning redevelopment.
(Photo ~y Andrew Collim)
December 2006
by Andrew Collins
Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdaie, which has transformed itself into Florida's leading
gay vacation destination over rhe past decade, continues to turn
heads with the spectacular redevelopment of its stunning beachfrom.
1his neighborhood with a number of gay resorts has seen - or
will soon see - the opening of several upscale, gay-friendly hotels,
include the Adamic, the St. Regis, the W Hotel, and the Trump
International. New bars, restaurants, and attractions also continue
to open throughout the city and in the neighboring community of
Wilton Manors, helping to make the region a vibrant and exciting
gay destination year-round.
In deciding where to stay in Fort Lauderdale, consider whether
you'd prefer a gay, dor.~ing-optional resort or a ia:ger mainstream
provertv. Among the latrer is the charming Riverside HoteL set
;lo~g f;shionable Las Olas Boulevard. Ih; natty 1936 property
recendy complered a stunning, multimillion-dollar makeover. ~nw
first of Starwood Hotels' snazzy new beac:1front properties to open
here, rhe dashing Atlantic offers ucobHructed ocean views from the
majority of its spacious, airy rooms, aII of them with Bose CD-stereos,
lovely patios, and small kitchens. Starwood's St. Regis, with
a mid-December 2006 opening, is even more sumprnous: Jviost
roon1s overlook the ocean or Intracoastal \XlarerwayJ and they con1c
"'Nith such deluxe perks as burler service~ a f3.buious spa, and leather
furniture. Starwood·s next big project, th..: W Hord Fort Ltudcrdale,
is expected to open in [)ecember 2007.
LL..:: ~ay resorts, the upscale pro1=1erty that
I .... :1uderdale's gro\vth into a iT1ajor
and it continues
hotels. Perks hen.: ]ndudt'
20 the STAR
and beer, CD players and VCRs in many units, glass-brick showers
with high-end bath amenities, and dedicated top-notch service.
Guests can relax all day around the stunning pool with a waterfall
and fiber-optic lighting. There are several other fine upscale resorts
of comparable repute, including Pineapple Point, a handsome l 930s
spread that has the grace and st:yie of a Caribbean plantation. and
the Flamingo Resor;:, opened by the former direcwr of Paris' famous
Ritz hotel; it resembles a luxury boudque hotei on an exclusive British
West Indies isle, with its hand-carved dark-wood furniture and
sumptuous linens. Relatively new owners have continued ro upgrade
the reson: with improved furnishings and amenides.
The more reasonably priced Eiysium Resort, just 200 yards from
the beach, has p::rfectly comfortable rooms. Here you'll always find
friendly guys lounging on the expansive sundeck, with its hot tub,
hammock, and tropical bar - there are nvo heated pools. Even the
simplest rooms at nearby Villa Venice are warm and attractive, with
refrigerarnrs and microwaves. With its friendly staff and an extensive
pool area where breakfast is served, the resort draws an energetic
fun-in-the-sun bunch. The similarly priced Worthington Guest
House ranks among the cruisier resorts in town, wi,h a playful vibe
and attractive grounds for sunning and swimming au naturale. 1he
same owners opened the neighboring Alcazar Resort in 2006, also
featuring a frisky ambience and lovely rooms. Mode:ateiy priced
Coconut Cove, just a short walk from the beach, is another reliable
choice in the neighborhood.
The gav-resort scene in Fort Lauderdale is constantly evolving, with
rrend/new properties opening seemingly every few months, and
oider ones receiving massive makeovers. A great example of the latter
is the elegam Nev, Zealand House, which was vin:ually rebuilt in
2003; now its sleek rooms have flat-screen TVs, DVD/CD piayers,
cordless phones, and Wi-Fi. Orhcr highly recommended properties
include the Grand Resort, whose urbane decorative scheme contrasts
markedly with the tropical beachy ambience of Fon Lauderdale
beach; it's one of the few gay iodgings with a gym. With about
30 rooms, the Schubert Resort, fashioned out of a rerro-cool l 950s
hotel compound, affords a similar level of opuience and alluring facilities,
including a cafc with a full bar. Although it's set a shon drive
inland from the beach, the Coral Reef Guest House is a worthwhile
option thanks to its attractive g.1rdens, massage offerings, and eight
cheerfdly furnis'."!cci, reasonably priced rooms. One of the dosest
resorts to the mar:y gay bar, and restaurants in Wiiton ~Aanors,
Cabanas Guest House appeab w social butterflies, with its l 0-man
Jacuzzi and eight-man aroma,herapy steam room. The posh rooms
h~tvc goose-dov~rn con1fcH·ters~ Wi-I:i, and (=I)ifviP3 players.
Fort Lauderdaic is les~ about sightseeing than ~v1iami or ()rlando
- people come hnc ro relax in rhe sun :-u•~"''""-· and shop. This latter
activity you can enjoy at the fiuncd Sawgrass J\.-iills J\r1a1L whosr
more than .300 designer outlets include l)onna Karan) Saks, Ann
'riy1or; and ()r stroll along Las_
_;:~];:;_"_,,:, •• J-\
1~.'-,bich •~.~.. ~~_;:,:~r:
\",'ith fashion boutiques and __ .~ ..,__ --" c__ -~ ~ ---
and around 1-vatcr, and then: are sightseeing
rnany <)f the local :Jccornrnodations ,vork closely
outfitters, But if you do have a hanker--
of }\rt Fort I..,auderdaic
is also a great place to while away the occasional rainy afternoon.
It's known for its first-rate collection of works by leading American
impressionist painter Wiliiam Giackens.
The city's dining scene continues ro evolve. For creative contemporary
cuisine, it's hard to beat stylish Mark's Las Olas, which has a
chic decor and A-list clientele. Perhaps the hottest venue in town is
Johnny V, helmed by celeb chef Johnny Vinczencz - at this hip Las
Olas restaurant you might try ancho-cinnamon-grilled pork t~nderioin
or corn-dusted yellowtail snapper with smoked-pepper relish.
At the Atlantic hotel, Trina has become a favorite for its signature
Trinatini cocktails (with vodka, lavender syrup, and pomegranate
and lemon juices), such tempting Mediterranean-inspired fare as
Moroccan chicken pizza and tagine-baked grouper with almond
couscous, and the awesome ocean views.
Or consider one of Fort Lauderdale's several gay faves, such as HiLife,
a homey bistro with delicious, sensibly priced pastas, salads,
and seafood and poultry grills - try the grilled bacon-wrapped jalapenos
stuffed with shrimp and cheese. Kitchenetta Tratroria serves
some of the best Italian food in rhe region, including knockout
ricotra cheesecake for dessert. A favorite piano cabaret in Wilton
Manors, Tropics offers above-average Continental fare, such as a
prosciutto-pocket starrer - a pastry stuffed with prosciutro, apples,
walnuts, and mozzarella.
\v'ilton Manors is also home to Rosie's, a former Hamburger
Mary's restaurant that's still a convivial spot for casual pub fare
and socializing, and Galanga, known for its outstanding sushi and
weil-prepared Thai food. For dessert, coffee, and wine, or delicious
sandwiches during the day, be sure to stop by breezy and hip Stork's
Bakery. There's also a Stork's on Las Olas Boulevard, from which
you can book a romantic gondola tour along rhe Himmarshee
Canal. A great, relatively new addition to Wilton Manors is the
Naked Grape, a handsome iittle wine bar with light food and live
music most nights as well as a nice selection of microbrew beers to
go along with the vino.
Fort Lauderdale pulses with gay bars. If you're in the mood to cut
loose at a big-time warehouse disco, head to rhe Coliseum, a glitzy
megaclub with a variety of parties and theme nights. The elegant
China White nightclub has a number oflively parties throughout
the week, and has become quite famous for its giant elephant
sculpture and distinctive leopard-prim carpets and lavish Buddha
Learher bars like the hard-edged Sr.eel lounge and dance dub and
the dungeoncsque Ramrod, with its Tom of Finland artwork, always
dra1.,v big crcn,vds. BHfs Fiiling Station is a quintessential neighbor~
hood hangout and home t0 one of the city's top happy hours, especially
an1ong the 35~and-older cro-\vd. \Xfilton Manors, a l 5-111inute
drive fro!n the beach resorts, has several appealing nightspots,
. ' •. ~ l 1 ., ~~ 1nclu~1ng a te\~l n:at_cate: ne.a:11r to r'ort .T.. _,au•~ erd' a. .1. _ e•-s CO!lS•H ' .1era• bI. e
over-)0 gay populatton. ln th1s latter group, (_,hardees, a restaurant
and lounge: is queen of the hill; its nightly piano cabaret is always
hie Sidelines Sports Bar dra"'.,v-s a great 1nix of folks to shoot
and vilatch sports on T\1~ and the lesbian-popular i-...Jev1 J\.,1oon~ a
neighborhood joint -.~vith great on Vr'eekends, (:lub
Boom, Elements, and Georgie's Alibi are slick, happening video bars
nearby, ali three of them good places to meet locals and converse
with friends. There's something for everybody in this constantly
growing gay resort community.
Photo: White-faced (capuchin) monkeys frequently cavort in
the trees behind the beach in Costa Rica's Manuel Antonio
National Park. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
the STAR 21
Jolie Justus, newly elected member of the Missouri state Sena,e
I'm still a lirrle dazed - I was up pretty late on election night - but
I'm cerrainiy not confused. And neither is rhe country.
No longer content to be sv.-ayed by the politics ~f fear and hare,
1 middle Americans came our in record numbers lasr Tuesday ana
shoured from the rooftops - "We want change!" And change is what
they got.
President Bush and the Republican Party have been put on notice.
The Democrats have raken control of the U.S. House of RepresentatiYes,
a change that was 12 years in the making. And the improbable
is no-w reality - both Montana and Virginia have turned blue, giving
the U.S. Senate to the Democrats as we!L "I11e election is welcome
news certainly for us tried-and-true Dems, but also for rhe lesbian
and gay commc:nity.
i'fothing was more satisf1ing than to see Rick "man on dog" Sar,torum,
one of Pennsylvania's two Republican U.S. senators, become
history. Santorum is one of the most disgustingly homophobic
elected officials of ail time. He's been a wp Bush apologist, who carried
the radical Christian right's warer, and he w:11 now be replaced
by Bob Casey, the son of a forn1er Pennsylvania governor.
lust as sweet as Santorum\ exit from office is the fact that his chief
~f staff and coinn1unications director, Robert T'raynham, an
openly gay Af'rican-i\meric:m man, wiH soon b~ om of,,. jo~. L for
one, don't kno,v hovv 'Tfaynham can get up in the morning knov✓1ng
he helped elect and put ·\vords in the ffiouth of one of this counrry:s
biggest gay~haters.
'•X'hen you look at the cndors~:rricnts 1nade the l-!11n1an :Rights
C:an1pajgnt '\VC did pretty ·w·elL ()f !-1R..C:'s 231 endorsecs, 208
22 the STAR
won, while only 16 losr. (At press time, seven races were still undecided.'!
\Y/hen vou break down the numbers, rhere were 18 senators,
179 ~embers ~f r:he House, and 11 governors elected ,vho purportedly
support our issues.
Of the 51 key Congressional and Gubernatorial races tha.: HRC
identified, 15 candidares ,von in the House, and nine were successfui
in the Senate. HRC's president, Joe Soimonese, told me the day
after the election that his group's top priorii:ies were thre<:' Senate
races - Casey in Pennsylvania, Sherrod Brown in Ohio, and Amy
Klobuchar in Minnesota. All three won. But HRC's strategy went
beyond those top races.
"The greatest hope for our community resred in our ability to be a
powerful polirical force in key races and do ir in a way ,ha;: people
felt our oresence," said Solmonese. "We iooked within those states,
and as a 'national organization, considered what else we could do in
each of them to effect change for our community.''
In Minnesota, HRC pm: considerable resources into the state bod1
raising and spending money to organize the community and impact
the race. Klobuchar beat her Republican challenger, Mark Ken:1edy,
in an open race with 58 percent of rhe vote. Tim \Y/a!z, a Democ,r_at
endorsed by HRC, defeated an incumbent U.S. Congressma;:i, Gil
Gutknecht; and furthermore, according to HRC's website, thar
state's legislature will have a "fair-minded majority in 2007 .''
]be Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDNJ did a bit of its
own election analvsis and concluded that all the co-sponsors of the
bill to repeal "Do;1't Ask, Don't Tell" who sought re-~lection were
successful except for one outstanding race in Connecticut. SLDN
also said that no one was thrown out of office for supporting the repeal,
and that, according to a recent Gailup poll, nearly four in f.ve
Americans support gays and lesbian serving openly in the milh:ary.
Perhaps with the new Congression;,J leadership and rhe polii:ically
expedient exit of Secretary of Dei:ense Donald Rumsfeld, we'll actually
see some movement on rhis issue. The military is already hardpressed
to Eli its quotas, so not letting us serve is just plai1: sn:pid.
Unfortunately, all but one of the same-sex marriage bans passed.
i\rizona turned away from hatred and dcfca!ed its anti-gay-marriage
baliot measure, and Sourh Dako,a's vote was surprisingiy verv dose
- 52 percent for, 48 percent against. Virginia passed its measare, but
not after a long, hard fight and the organizing of a terrific coalirion
that \Vill hopefnlly continue ro battle for our rights.
,.;v~hile n1uch attention has been placed on the national scene. 1..ve
can\ forget that politics is aiso local, and that 1.ve did pretty ~~vell on
that levei, too.
v,.11,v,N, ozark.sstar. corn
performed charitable work, sponsorino
holiday toy drives for children and fi.u~draisers
that originally assisred injured riders and
iater helped people ·with AIDS.
While early gay motorcycle clubs were
men-only, some lesbian~ also embraced the
lifestyle, forming women's clubs such as the
Moving Violations in Boston (19851 and
the Sirens in New York Citv 0986): The
m_ost well-known queer wo.men motorcyclJSts
are the Dykes on Bikes. 1he original
group, which rode in the 1976 San F~ancisco
Pride parade, became a nonprofit
offici~lly known as the Women's Mororcycle
Contmgent. After the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office twice rejected the oroup's
application - claiming the word "dyk~" w;s
derogatory and vulgar it finally registered
the name 'Dykes on Bikes" in 2005.
Over the years, the nature of queer motorcycle
culture has changed. With the advent
of gay liberation in the iate 1960s, m.my
men no longer felt the need for secretive
fraternal organizations, and liberal activisrs
rejected the hierarchy anci militarism of the
early clubs. In the 1980s, rhe AIDS epidemic
devastated the gay male motorcycle
com~unity. With the emergence of groups
specifically devoted rn leather/SM, motorcycle
riding and fetish sexuality diverged as,
accor~ing to Bald"".in. ~ome .serious riders
were embarrassed by the irotic visibiliry of
the kinky crowd." ·
w'hile motorcycle dubs no longer plav
as prominent a role in rhe gav world, the
cuiture continues to thrive, 2~1d new dubs
emerge, such as the Stonewall Kniohts in
-Ft. L aua' erd a l' e and t I1 e '1--,:"va•l iers o~°- New
Orleans, both founded '11 2002. Mirroring
trends in the larger GLBT comnumitY,
many of today's motorcycic dubs wclcon;e
members of all genders and scxuai orientations.
In the words of ,he organizc:s of the
annual Queer Biker Invasior; of Dead~ Valley~
being queer is "a state of n1ind~ and vou
know if it fits you." '
For further information:
Baidwin, Guy. 1993. ~~fies ~!hat
Bloom, Scott, 2005.
Satyrs iv10torcycie (]ub _
Guggenheirn iv1usetu11. 1998.
fvianhi: 'The Biker Book _ .
All in all. HRC flexed its political muscle in
unprecedented ways. We invested more than
$5 million in these elections and mobilized
our more than 650,000 members and supporters
to participate in campaigns and to
rnte. We placed 84 staffers in 30 races in
more than 18 states and we sent 22 HRC
Youth College campaign workers all over the
country. We also dramatically expanded our
field operations this election cycle, playing
key roles in coordinated progressive efforts
and helping fair-minded leaders take back
the New Hampshire state House and Senate,
the Iowa House and Senate, the Indiana
House, the Minnesota House, the Oregon
House and the Michigan House.
\'i/e were literally on the front lines in dozens
of states. (For a more extensive analysis on
what HRC accomplished, check our HRC
":ice President David Smith's insider postelection
analysis memo here:http:/ /www.hrc.
With a new fair-minded leadership in both
the United Srates House and Senate, the
Federal Marriage Amendment is dead! And
we look forward to working strategically ·
with our allies on the Hill to build momentum
and support for passing the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act and making
hate crimes protections the law of the land.
A truly exciting new chapter of GLBT history
is beginning.
I ~vant to offer a very special thanks to all
ot you. Your ongoing belief in rhe work we ?o made these historic vicrories possible.
Your contributions, the time vou rnok to
volunteer and your participation in HRC
evems and HRC-endorsed campaigns are
the reasons we were able to secure a more
pro-equality 11 Orh Congress and Senate. I
feel very iucky to work with such a talented
team at HRC ar;d, as I rravei around rhe
cmmtrv, I am inspired bv vour commirm~nr
to our ·rn.arch t<Y,,;ard full ;quaiitv. i·h~pe ~· ·
vou will rake some time to ~deb~atc o~r
~.,vins. because it trulv is a ne½~ dav for the
(;LR1. con1n1unity ;nd for our c~untry.
((3 OZ)GREY GOOSE voott\
1. Chill a martini glasses with ice and
2. Add aii ingredients with ice in
3. Shake well.
4. Strain into the chilied martini
TheSTAR 23
Salutations Kittens and welcome to Uncle's corner of the world once
again. Like a friend with benefits, Uncle shall continue to provide
enjoyment to all that seek. Uncle Mikey finds a Twink that wants
to be fabulous, while a queen ponders the afteriife. Never a dull
moment in Uncle's corner, Kittens.
Dear Uncle Mikey,
Wby does everyone think that just because you are deeper than a basket of
hair products. you are a drag? I am so sick of this plastic existence, where
the most important matter of discussion is where the next piece of ass is
coming from. Can't we just pretend there is more to life than just a selfserving
Seeking Depth
Dearest SD,
Kitten, it takes all kinds to keep this world turning. I agree with your
plight of mind-candy. It was just this morning kittens that Uncle, while
sitting on the balcony. was pondering real life issues affecting us ail. Ifl
wear my blonde wig to the winter carnival, will the queens forgive me? Yes,
Kitten as you can see, Uncle Mikey is a twin soul; one seeking fun while the
other is seeking wisdom. Maybe I should call Ru!
Uncle Mikey
Dear Uncle,
I am beginning to wo,,der what comes in the afterlife. I am dating a man
of the church, who is in const211t deniai. He lies to himself, his wife, and
his church. I sit there, 01;. the sidelines in love, with a man who cannot
even walk with me in the light of day. I am wondering if there really is
anything after this !if-:. I mean, every day we hear from those in the church
who are noth:ng more thar, :mpostors living a life oflies. What is to come?
Seeing the jaded gates '\
Dearest Jade.
Kitten, I understmd t:hc bbrn::d iine between iife's happiness and moments
fillt:d wit!1 a fairhfoi search. I myself recall my first love, which happened to
be a priest, at« locai parish. He was the man who taught me passion, romance,
and commitment. A romance that gave uncie Mikey the first taste
oflo,·e and pass1on i,1 the southern skyway. It was the toughest break up of
my life. 'That vear was such a time of change for Uncle, the break up wi.:h
Father Flanagan and starting rniddlc schooi ail in one year. It was rough
but taught 1ne to be strong to say the lease
[)ear lJnde fvfikcy,
1-io~~l do you tell someone you just want a booty call so they do not uy to
get aU hon1cn1akcr on your ass?
26 theSTAR
You could say something like, ·'Booty; parry of one!" Keep it simple young
Uncle Mikey,
I am surviving a breakup after ren years ofioving th:: s;ime and onl, man.
Now I find mvsdf in a world that has chane.ed in that de;::ade of bliss. 1he
men are so m{believably outrageous about tl1eir ways and desires. I fear
time has passed me ieaving me to remai!1 alone. I just do not know how
to be "so'' out there as it seems co be the protocol. Am I just destined to be
Party of One
Dearest One,
Poor love, iife is on a fast tr2ck rhac ;::an oe a bit unnerving at first. Uncle
has watched the times change, ar!d fads co;ne ;;nd go. \veicome to the
drive through of the booty age. wl1ere or.ce we had to seek out iove in
midnight hidden embraces, we now can't walk a park mile without rripping
over someone's throbbing desire. 111at reminds me of a walk Uncle took
the ocher dav, Kittens. This man was absolutclv Matthew fine! Well he
approached ·me with his! Oh sorry One! Uncle.got lost in the moment.
Back to rhe issue at hand! Kitten, buy a new ,vardrobe, and don a new look.
Tnen hit the town. Just think of the wonders tbat wait. Kitten, this too
shall pass, pd! up a ~cat to Twink :If]. and enjoy the new found,freedom!
Uncle Mikey,
Do you think it iS, wro~f ro ask a_ coapi~ to have a th,eesome, when you're
related ro one of tnem, tb(:y an: JUSt so not.
Looking for family .:ime
Kitten, I swear I am hearing banjos again. Let us step out of the trailer
court when looking for a hook up - shall we Darling? Remember there are
branches on the Famiiv Tree for a reason.
Smooches Mikey ·
Uncie Mikey, '
What do you tell a friend who is really getting to be: mer weight and chinking
they are still hot? I do not icnow what he sees when he looks in the mirror,
but people are talking. He jt!st seems no; :o care anymore. He never
works out anymore, and he eats anything ar;d evcryrh;ng. l am almost
embarrassed of him. What c,m I do;
Friend of chubby
A fdl-iength mirror v,ith overhead lighting should do the cick. "
Smooches r,1ikey
•Disclaimer - Looking at: oneself in a full-length rnirrnr \vich overhead lighting
may be hazardous to :{ou heahh. l}nck rccornnH:nds having a good stifF
one before doing this. \Ou do not ,varn to go into shock. Be afraid be
very afraid. (~onsult a queen near
Unde discovered
an overhead mirror JS you
has been there ev,:r since!
look best v.ri,Hc looking J.t yoursdf fron1
( 1!: ,r( ?fr ;),cn ... k, 1'.Jccdkss to say lJnde
tJnde is out of sight once nHHe, Until
rnake of itJ so
and. -i Hlct!es too.
FRIDAY December 1
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6.6-12
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
PEC'S: .\faie Dan~m, 9pm
SATURDAY December 2
TH~ COPA: Maie D:rncers 9pm
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfas: Buffet
1 arn.~.3:30am
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
PEC'S: Male Dancers, 9pm
SUNDAY December 3
2pm, Danc~rs 4pm
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
Show 10pm
THE CO!'A: Raci,ac! Erikks Show
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December4
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9om
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY December 5
PEC'S: Well cirinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
,vcar lc•thcr.
THE COPA: Stip-Off Contest 12am
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 6
BAMBOO LOUNGE: K:uaoke 9pm.
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-9om
wear lcad:er. •
TNT'S: Karaoke 9pm
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament l 0pm
THE ROCKlES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 7
,viRachad Erikks :!,;at=;i:t;:;~ drink~ 2.50 from 7•9pm
THE COP~-'\.: ()pen Taienr ~NiShcrnoanc
~I~;~~;i~};/~f~:~ fotm,amcn, lGp:li
LEDO: Kari-,Okic host. Pancho 9orr:
THE ROCKJE..5: Beer Bust 'lpm~7pm
FRIDAY December 8
TBJ::. COPA: t .. {a!c l)ancers 9prn
THE ROCKIES: Beer Busr 1-6.6-12
CLUB ROX: Alison Scott. 9:30pm
PEC'S: ~\1Jlc l)~u1ccrs, 9pm
SATURDAY December 9
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
PEC'S: Maie Dar!cers, 9pm
GUSHERS: Lare Niehr Breakfast Buffe,
lam-3:30am ,.
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
SUNDAY December 10
2pm, Dancers 4pm
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
CLUB MAjESTiC: Catia Lee Love
Show 10pm
THE COPA: R;,;.chad Erikks Show
THE 'ROCKIES: Beer Bu!t 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December 11
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY. December Ii
PEC'S: Wdl drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
THE COPA: Seip-Off Contest 12am
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 13
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC'S: Wei! cl.inks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
TNT'S: Karaoke 9om.
THE COPA· Variety Show i0:30pm
FiNISHLINE: Dart Tourn;smem 10pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bun 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 14
w/Rachael Erikks
PEC'S: Wdl dri:-.ks 2.50 from 7-9om
wear leather. ·
THE COPA: Open Talem w/Shcmoanc
Somemore ! 0:30pm
FiNISHLINE: 6an ·fouroamcm 10L>m
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9p::;
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
FRIDAY December 15
CLUB MAJESTIC: Majestic Kings
Show 10pm. ··
Tl-iE COPA; J-..1:ak Dancers 9prn
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
PEC'S: Male l)ancers, 9prn
SATURDAY December 16
-rNT's: fundraiscr for Susln c; Komen
BreEr Cm1e<::r Foundation, l0;)m
Tl-IE COPA: ~1:.tlt l)311e.:-rs 9i,m
GCSHERS: 1..1,a
Brcakf1st Buffer
PECtS: fvfa.k D.1n-..:cc . c;t,,,·,.
THE RC)CKIES: Beer Bust l-6;6 .. 12
SUNDAY December 17
2pm, Dancers 4pm Kris Kohl Show
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
Show 10pm
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December 18
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY December 19
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7 -
9pm wear leather.
THE COPA: Sc;p-Off Comest
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 20
BA..\fBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pm wear leather.
JNT'S: Karaoke 9pm.
THE COPA: Variety Show I 0:30pm
FINISHLINE: DanTournament 10pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 21
w/Rachad Erikks
PECS: Wdl drinks 2.50 fcOJ:: 7-90::,
wear leathe,. ·
THE COPA: Open 'Ialmr wiShemo;;.nc
Somemore i 0:30pm
FJNISHUNE: Darr ·1ournamcnc l (1pm
LEDO: Kari-Okk host Pancho 9om
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm~7pm
FRIDAY D«.ember 22
THE COPA: Maie Dancers 9pm
PEC'S: lvfoJe I)ancers, 9pm
THE ROCKiES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
CLUB ROX: Alison Scott Show9:30pm
SATURDAY ~mber 23
TNT?s: Chrisrn1as P.anv. Raffle Benefit
for Childrcns f·iospitaL·
1-HE COPA: t.. ..i alc I)anccrs 9pm
GUSHERS: Luc l"J.ighr Bre:1kfasr Bufl{:1
J aJ11-3:30am
PEC'S; :v1ak Dancers, 9prr:
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bmt i--6.6-12
SUNDAY December 24
2pm. Dancers 4om
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Sh°'"
Show 10pm
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December 25
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Christmas Din:
icr Se:-vcd 3pm. Karaoke 9pm.
THE ROCKIES: Beer Buse 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY December 26
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pm wc;;.r leather.
THE COPA: Seip-Off Comest
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust ,ipm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 27
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC'S: Wdl drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
·wear leather.
TNT'S: Karaoke 9pm.
THE COPA: VarietJ Show 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dare Toarnament l 0pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 28
CLUB MAJESTIC: Talent Show wi
Rachael Erikks
PEC':".: Weil drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
v;car buher.
THE COPA: Open Taicn, w/Shemoane
Somcmorc 10:300::1
FINISHLINE: Darr Tournamcn~ I 0pm
LEDO; Kari-Okie host. Pancho 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
FRIDAY December 29
THE COPA: ?,fale Dancer,; 9pm
PEC'S: Male Dancers, 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
SATURDAY December 30
PEC'S: \faie l);u1et:rs, tJpm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust i-6,6-12
SUNDAY December 31
t'1£~1YEARS E'✓-E
E'IERY()l~E P1\R1-IES!'.
}i()i~LYWOO[: HOTEL:
Ddarnore, f\1a!c Dan.:e Revm.:.
aHy i{ncnvn Surprise SiJ)gr.:r.
the STi\R 27
"Welcome criticism, Gemini!""
Venus aligns with Pluto (yes, to astrologers he's still a
planet!) drawing us to erotic confrontation and artistic or
financial challenges. Both planets trine Saturn in Leo,
grounding us to more secure personalities or others without
a need to prove themselves.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Embrace new adventures
like your life depends on it. The quality of your life depends
on a catalytic change; familiar pleasures aren't cutting it.
Don't be afraid of a challenge. There's more to fear if you
don't go for a big one!
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Review your mortgage or
debts to see if you can get a better deal. New erotic opportunities
will push your boundaries and rouse parental or cuitural
voices - all the better to face them down and be free.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): If you want perfection, it's
best to work on yourself, not your partner! Even efforts
at self-improvement may come off as annoying to others.
Perhaps that's a clue to how you realiy need to adapt. Welcome
supportive criticism.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Be careful of your health,
especially when it comes to erotic and culinary indulgences
that could affect your liver. Hard work sustains you - up to
a point. Overwork is very dangerous. Know your limits and
err on the side of caution.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): You need some recreation to
steel yourself against life's challenges. Some light, fluffy
_divertissements_ will not do the trick, but a powerful creative
or athletic challenge is needed to provide the required
release and reinforcement.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Famiiy or roommates
will drive you mad if given half a chance. Take time
out and away from them to be centered and clear on your
own priorities. Then you can stand your ground with unwavering
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Your nOimally
famous diplomacy seems to be on vacation. Despite your
best efforts, you tend to come across as forceful and locked
onto an immutabie goal. That can be good in the right time
and place, but use your forcefulness wisely!
SCORPIO (October 23 w November 21 ): Having a crisis
of values is just a process of maturing. How you face and
resoive it is more important than the crisis itself. Your approach
to the problem will be on view and couid affect your
28 the STAR
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 ® December 20): You could
seduce almost anyone you want now. The trick may be
keeping away those you don't want. !f you really want to
turn the seduction up, a mature, slightly exotic look will
work for you.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Erotic dreams
(nightmares?) are suddenly very vivid. They may shake up
familiar patterns, but isn't that a!i for the better? Embrace
the challenges and someone, perhaps with more experience,
who can share them with you.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): You love a good
debate, now more than ever. You are especially sure of
yourself, but learning is bettei than conquest. The greater
victory would be in keeping an open mind and respecting
whatever authority your opponent may have.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Hard work now can
have transformative effects on your career. Expend some
effort, but don't push too hard, to make sure your accomplishments
are noticed. Standing up to the boss may be
necessary. Be calm and open to criticism while holding firm
when you know you're right.
Testing appoimme:1: 417-529-8.d.80.
2902 E. 20th St..
PO Box 4711
Joplin. I\fo 64803
SA1TRDKY Service 9:?ll:\~\f
Your lnYited to our Cornmunin· Dinner w·cd
6pm iust $4.00. No one is rurned a-.:.JJav.~
rokeback (''B
(verb) to brokeback; the
act of affection between
two men in pubiic. Best
done while wearing
cowboy hats.
ex. "Aww, look, they're
brokebacking. Isn't.
that cute?"
Celebri.Vom rn ("sel-EB-ra-vom")
(noun) fast acting \
.,_ 1
new diet pill; very ' ,,.__ :; o,-:.
1 -c_.; /.
Popu ar t ./ ""',:.
all h / . ~ 0 t c youn p, , · ; , -
blonde, anorexic ::: O -
and bulimic / 1 \'
Hollywood starlets.
30 the STAR
(verb) to hatch;
cheating on your
income taxes.
Also see: fat,
hairv; naked
prison bitch.
(adjective) the act of
being evil, porcine,
and manipulative.
ex. "Jed, that pig's
done gone all
karlrovian on us.
Better go git th' gun!
(verb) to madonna;
technical term used
in the magazine
industry for digitally
retouching the hell
out of deeply wrinkled
faces of middle-aged
NW Arkansas GLBT
Communit.y, Center
"Linking Together as One"
For more information:
Jay Whiteside
Tulsa Metro
JJall fqr: an -appointment tmd rates.
;,'; i :';'",•, 9~1: ..
qualifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #~53
Tulsa, OK 74145
the STAR
Sunday Champagne Brunch
All you can eat soup and salad bar 1 lam-2pm
Monday & Tuesday
Well Martinis $2.50 4pm-7 pm
Best Prime Rib in Town'
Friday & Saturday Nights
Bar fa\orites. restaurant favorites and many
!lC\Y item~ for your enjoyment pleasure
,:, Plus tax. excludes suites
'1 I· ,- '
-,,.,r ~
i j' ,
p 'S
Sun 7pm - 2am,
Tues-Thurs 7pm-9pm wear your leather
and get your well drinks for $2.50
Sun - Thur. 7pm-2am
Fri and Sat. 4pm-2am
Rudy's Place is a non-smoking
Early for cocktails, late for a night cap
R Delamore, Male Dance
, .'Surprise Sin"ger.
With Whitney Paige
December 8th & December 22nd
our magazine, but for GLBT news publications as well.
We have seen five regional community papers come and
go since ou; inception, most only in publication for a few
months. Weil, this month is our 3rd Anniversary issue. With
the beginning of our fourth year January 2007, we plan to
make some changes, add new features and continue to
bring you our readers, local, national and world news that
affects the GLBT community. A new feature in this issue is
our "AFTER DARK" calendar which list events and special
function announcements from our advertisers. A good reason
to keep the STAR on your coffee table all month.
The Star was launched in December 2003 in Joplin, Missouri.
Our first issue was a digest size black and white
GLBT news and information magazine of just twelve pages.
Our first printing was under 1000 copies and distributed to
Joplin, Springfield, Fayetteville and Tulsa. Needless to say,
the Ozarks STAR had a very meager beginning with just
three advertisers.
I have worked very hard the past 3 years to make this
magazine a vlabie source of community information, news
and entertainment. Our readers are traveling the region to
places that were unknown when we began. I have personally
made many wonderful new friendships and acquaintances
because of this magazine. You are sincerely appreciated.
A big KUDOS to the efforts of our contributing writers Donald
Pile. RayWilliams, Michael Hinzman, Paul Wortman,
John Patrick, Greg Gatewood, Victor Gorin, Josh Aterovls,
Steve Urie and many others who have kept us informed
and entertained. Also to our sales agents Michael Leach,
Victor Gorin, Devre Jackson and Kay Massey who have
contributed tremendousiy to our success. Last but not least
a big thank you to our advertisers and readers.
C. D. Ward
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Dear Chaz:
We notice that your publication, (The Star) is approaching its
3rd Anniversary and we are very proud of you. You have brought to
the Midwest a very intelligent and professional gay publicarion that
is now one of the main gay/lesbian publication in the tv1idwest.
Long are the days when so many gay pubiications were merely
"sleaze rags" Your content, articles and columns keeps everyone
abreast about events in the state, the Midwest, the country and the
As we travel around the country, we always take extra copies of
the STAR with us to show other gays and they are amazed at the
quality of your publication.
Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary and we wish you
continued success with your splendid work for many, many years to
come. We are very honored to be a small part of your success.
Donald Piie
Ray Williams
.',<,<\',:·,,,'\/;,, ·. I.lei us help!
(91 ) - 6
the STAR 3
4 the STAR
Victor Gorin interview with newly
elected 2nd term Oklahoma County
Commisioner Jim Roth.
Election 2006 By Joe Solmonese. HRC
President. Solmonese examines the effects
of the 2006 election on the GLBT
We did some shopping for you!
Something unique, something cheap
and some bling.
Travelers "Savannah, GA"
0 of Town "Fort Lauderdale"
Uncle Mikey finds a Twink that wants
co be fabulous, while a queen ponders
the afterlife.
An Interview with Jim Roth ..... 6
Book Review. . . . . . . . . . . ... 11
OUT in Arkansas ........... 12
Past Out. ................. 14
Tulsa GLBT Centei News ..... 15
Holiday Gift Idea's. . . . ... 16
Ciao Travel. . . . ........... 17
Lesbian Notions. . . . . . 22
Star Scene. . . . . . ..... 24
Uncle Mikey. . . .. 26
After Dark . . . . .. 27
Horoscopes.. . .......... 28
Distributors. . . . 29
Cartoons. . . . . . . ...... 30
Classifieds. . 31
Jolie Justice in Lesbian Notions
"Christmas in November''- page 22
Progressive Church Shakes Up
Norhwest Arkansas. - page 12
History of gay motorcycle clubs in
~~pi\ST ()lIT~~ - page 14
By Victor Gorin
Phoro: Left Viaor Gorin and Jim Roth
In 2002, Jim Roth ran againsr anti-gay incumbent Beverly Hodges
in the race for Oklahoma County Commissioner of District One,
and become Oklahoma's first op~nly gay county commissioner. . He
made the most of rhis opportunity to do an excellent job in this position,
winning the respect of Oklahoma County voters from many
walks oflife. This year his Republican opponent, Dave Mehlhaff,
waged one of the most single issue, anti gay campaigns ever, and yet
Jim was re-elected. Now he shares with us how ir's been, and the
vision he has for che future
Victor: Well Commissioner, you ran a very strong and imeresting
campaign that always looked successful, but did you still feel a sense
of relief when it was over?
Jim: Absolutely. You never know until the last vote is counted. \ve
felt confident, we worked hard, but we didn't want to take anything
for granted.
Victor: Wdl, I'm sure you feel much better now. What do you feel
were the major factors.~hat made your victory so resounding?
Jim: Two things--First and foremost was our job performance. We
worked very hard and deiivered on what we promised, anci I don't
chink anyone has ever done better in District 1.
Second, my opponent's bigotry was rejected by a great number of
people that I think arc tired of that mean spirited side of politic;. l
think people realized from his approach rhat he had lirde to offer.
1/ictor: Truly over the past 4 years, v.rhen one considers the duties of
v;hat a county cotnn1issioner is supposed to do, you have a record
you can be proud of, including a balanced budget.
Jim: 1hat's right. Although all 3 discricts of ()kiahon1a (~ounty get
tht: sa1ne a111ount of n1oney for roads, I have the 1nf)St road n1ileage
6 the STAR
and still was the only one wirh a baianced budget. The pubiic in my
district is now driving over 54 miles of new road and 8 new bridges
with safer conditions. !vfy predecessor, Beverly Hodges, only built 1
bridge during her term.
Victor: You were instrumental during 2004 in impiementing and
keeping, despite a repeai attempt, a poiicy of nondiscrimination
for Oklahoma County employees that indudes sexual orientation.
Even now iI is the only government protection pertaining to sexual
orientation in the state of Oklahoma.
Jim: I serve this office with the premise char all peopie deserve respect
and dignity, and a public employment simation, of all places,
should be free of discrimination of any kind. We changed the current
policy to expand coverage in 3 areas, physical disabiliry, political
affiliation, and sexual orientation. I worked w implement this
policy for 3 reasons, to protect taxpayers from liability from officials
doing stupid things, attracting talent, and because it's the right thing
to do.
Victor: What do you hope do accomplish during your next term?
Our district is on a great rrajectory of improvement with a very aggressive
road and bridge program, a number of major projecrs. We
are also bringing a focus to senior citizens issues. Vie have to be sure
that we are that safety net so that their golden years are truly that.
Also I want to work on issues co help our memally ill in this county
so that they aren'r kept in the county jail without treatment.
Victor: Do you have future aspirations after .:his term of office?
Jim: Not right now, bur maybe in future years rhere will be something
I'll feel challenged w try.
Victor: \V'e!l, you obviousiy won the confidence of the voters in
Oklahoma County. Besr wishes and looking forward to four more
years! *
Two Night Tulsa Event Benefit
For Tulsa Cares Food Pantry.
By Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_Billed as Tulsa's Social Event of rhe year, the Bamboo
Lounge staged a two night benefit show hosted by Kris Kohl. The
5th annual Miss Bamboo Pageant was held on Saturday November
18th and the following night with Kris Kohl's show, The Bamboo
& Faces Present "REMEMBER OUR FAMILY". The two night
extravaganza packed the nighrc'.ub both nights and raised do;;:: ro
$500.00 for the Food Pantry.
The Miss Bamboo Pageant histed by Terry Hood and Stan Smith
dub co-owners is only one event out of 111any that the couple stage
each vear to benefit non-profit organizations in the Tiilsa area. 'The
out g~ing ~1iss Ba1nboo 2006. Mona Lott n:iuctandy reiinquishcd
her crown to Miss Bamboo 2007, Holly Rose, a newcomer to the
scene. Holly Rose campaigned extensiv~!y v.lith her slogan "!es
'Time For l1 l'~c",,v Generationn and sources say her ,veaithy husband
donated quite a sun1 to her success. lvfona Lott, J\.-1:iss Bamboo 2006
in a rage l~Jf despair crov,rned herself "E1npress of the Ban1boo'1 \Vhich
amounrs to nothing bur a cheap ploy to 1nainrain royal sratus in her
aging state! P.._ great time vva.s had by all and for a very gcJod cause.
Photo on page 25.
/-,, . i
o/1'f.o0 ,-L--/o1~, Lr:i !,•~ R~"L p/'~_?-/r: -1 )j
•'ThYJJ (Jr)g} ~ uikiff@ L1JJ'@:~?Jff i;J Y'ailif1
Glenpool Cleaners (inside Glenpool 1.'i,:w:-crsl 91S-29r-3275
Wear the Red Ribbon
on Dece111ber 1st.
Show th<: ,xorld ,-'.)ll c:rc that HIVi
AIDS is srill among us ,rnd du, people,
including manv ,·nuns people, arc cv<:!i
nov.' getting inf~•t'tcd. Let rhosc afF(·c(cd
knO\\' that you undcLStand .. 1nd support
thcn1 and the: figbt ~1gainst l-lI\/"f 1\I [)S.
from all your pals in
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
,\~ Amber Bock
Sun--Thurs 1 pm---Midnight~
Fri ,-Sat 1 prrl~,,._ 2am
:·,:~:, t..· .2..c,,1., N.- ., M~ a·..1J s/:}--·iV -•~p.. -:,.~
on 'h1p.
New Tulsa
Organization For
Diversity Business
DBAT Means Business
TULSA, OK_Business is all abom connections
and growth, and the newly formed
Diversity Business Association ofTulsa
(DBAT), a program supported by Tulsa
Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR), is
working to help GLBT business owners and
professionals in green country form those
connections and succeed in today's competitive
DBAT's mission is to provide a forum to
the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
business and professional community and
its allies for ,he purpose of networking.
professional development, creating increased
visibility and strengthening relationships
among business and professional community
The group meets monthly for the purpose
of networking, development and quarterly
workshops as well. Socials are being planned
for next year. D BAT membership is an
affordable investment at $30.00 annually
for individuals and $50.00 annually for~
business entity. Members receive:
A copy of the annual business guide with
inclusion of a business listing and advertising
opportunities within the business guide.
DBAT Newsletter
TOHR Membership
Reduced fee at quarterly workshops
A listing on the DBAT web site and banner
advertising opportunities.
Join us and connec, with other locai GLBT
business owners and professionals within
your community. For 1hform,1tion contact
Susan Hartman at 918-274-1699 or
through e-mail at slr:artrnan@cox.aer.
* Wear the Red Ribbon
on December 1st.
Show the world you care that I-flV/;\I!)S
is still a111ong us and that people, inc:iuding
rhen1 ::tnd tht
10 the STAR
Oklahoma Ci
Couple Exchange
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK_Paula Schonauer
& Pam Trotter were united in a Holy
Union ceremony on the lovely grounds of
the Backdoor Coffeeshop October 7, their
wedding officiated by the Reverend Scott
Jones of the Oklahoma City Cathedral of
Hope Church. Paula is an Oklahoma City
police officer and Pam is a floral designer.
Together they reside in Oklahoma City.
Tulsa Group Forms
Womens Supper Club.
TULSA, OK_Heather Hartman and a
group of other iadies have formed a new
club calied "LesDine Supper Club ofTulsa''.
Heather told us, "We meet the first Friday
of every month at Tulsa-area restaurants at
7 PM. For December we will be eating at
Jamil's Steakhouse, and in January we will
be eating at Caz's Chowhouse. For information,
peopie can emaii Lesdinesupperclub@
yahoo.com or visit v,ww.myspace.com/lcsdinesupperc!
ub . LesDine is for lesbianidentified
women in NE Oklahoma who
like to socialize and eat good food.
\,X,'e have been meeting for 6 month, now
and have had a great turn-om. Peopk are
finding out via ~ord-of-mou.t:h ancf thru
-.lahoof chat groups. Last n1onth \VC had 26
\von1cn attend.
The New Oklahoma
Mr. Leather 2007
By Victor Gorin
OKLAHOMA CITY~James Hollingwood
captured the tide of Oklahoma's new fvfr.
Leather at Oklahoma City's Pho~nix Rising
October 21, It was a festive occasion emceed
by California titleholder Mark tvfalon who
kept the evening lively and entertaining
with earchv humor, and even treated us to
his musical prowess with h1s priceless rendition
of a Shirley Bassey dassic, "Dildos are
Attended bv;;. capacitv crowd of leather
folk and th~ir friends,' the contest featured
not only entenainmcnt but also education
and wonhwhile fundraising, the highlight
of which was the raffling of;; Garth Brooks
\Yiorld Tour Jacket that will be autographed
by the man himself. Proceeds for that raffie
went to Tulsa's Open Arms Youth Project.
David Tempie~on won the tide of First Runnerup,
and the reigning currelt Mr.Leather,
James Dean Scudder ofTi,is:,, passed the
tide on to Mr.Hollingwood. James wiil go
on to con1petc in the lntcrnationai l\-1r.
Leather Comest held in Cbicago during the
Memorial Day Weekend.
l() the cornrnunity Jarocs. had this to say/'
J fCci very honored that n1y peers have
honored n1c 1:1vith the ti tie of ()kiahon1a ~vir
Leather, and l \vill do rny unnost to support
the leather comrnunitics of'Tu!sa~ ()klahorna
(~ity and statevvide. I ;:1111 looking fon.vard to
the Jntcrnational lV1r. Leather contcsc but
1 an1 still in ~hock, letting this vvin sir1k in.
/tgain I say I ~un. honored that the cornrnu•~
has supported rne in rhis vvay
A Face in the Crowd celebrates the
and challenges of those who identify as gay,
lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
The book, "A Face in the Crowd: Expressions of Gay Life in
America," edited by John Peterson and Martin Bedogne, presents a
diverse group of people living their lives filled with iove, hope, and
happiness as well as fear and oppression. Highlighting stories and
profiles of gay men and women who share tales of families and challenges,
"A Face in the Crowd" poignantly illustrates that gay life in
North America does not fit a single stereotype.
Sponsored by the Matthew Shepard Foundation, ''A Face in the
Crowd" seeks to educate and empower today's youth w actively take
part in developing solutions to problems that are rooted in ignorance
and hatred. In the book's introduction, Judy Shepard, whose
son, Matthew, was the Yicdm of a gav hate crime, convevs, "A Face
in the Crowd is a reflection of Matthew's dreams. He id1ew that
judging people bdc,re knov;ing chem was rhe loss of an opportunity."
"A Face in rhe Crowd" can be ordered di,ectly from the ;\1atthcw
Shepard Foti!ldation, which will be signed by Judy Shepard and
includes the benefo: single "W'hat Matters" by Randi Driscoll. 'Ihe
mission of the ?vfanhew Shepard Foundation is w support divcrsirv
programs in education and ;o help youth organizatio;1s es.:ablish ·
environments where young people can fed safe and be themselves.
The goal of rhc !vfatthe,v Shepard Foundation is to replace hate ,vith
,. . . d .. . . ,. .
un erstanct1ng, compassion an acceptance. t-·or n1orc 1r1torn1at1on ;~~:,~;t~~:;~~;;~_Shepard Foundarion, visit their ·website: www.mar-
John Peterson created rhe initial concept for"~,\ 1:;ace in the (~rtnvcr·
and further developed and published the book to rr1eet the goals and
tnission of the ?viatthew Foundation. orders and
discounts on group saies arc availabic through the pubHsher. For
rnon~ inforn1<.,tion~ visit d1(:ir •.vcbsirc at
corn .
.., ,,..,_,w,.ozark.sstar.corn
Election 2006
By Joe Solmonese, HRC President
Tuesday was a watershed moment for our comrnunity. A wave of
pro-equality candidates was swept into office, from Philadelphia to
Fort Lauderdale and from Minneapolis to Tucson, and are now the
majority in the United States House and Senate. To date, 93 percent
ofHRC-endorsed candidates have won their races (210 of225),
with a handful of races still pending.
Perhaps most exciting of all, we had a first-ever win against a
discriminatory, anti-GLBT constitutionai amendment. While we
had heartbreaking losses in seven states, with a near-win in South
Dakota, Arizona made history this week by defeating a ban on domestic
partnerships. We salute everyone who worked to defeat these
discriminarory measures and we especially congratulate Arizona
Together for its successful campaign to defeat that state's discriminatory
initiative. HRC was proud to play a role in helping to achieve
this historic victory. Steve May, co-chair of Arizona Together, had
this to say about HRC's help in the campaign: "When we first got
started, no national organization thought we could win ... except
HRC. They believed in us and we thank them so much."
\Ve have an incredible slate of amazing trailblazers coming to
Washington - people like Congressman-Elect Harry Mitcheli, Senator-
Elect Amy Klobuchar and Senaror-Elect Sherrod Brown. We
fought to get them elected, and now they wil! fight for us. Congress
promises to be much friendlier now that bigots like Rick Santorum
are gone. With your help, we raised more than $375.000 for
Santorum's opponent, Bob Casey, and spent an additionai $200,000
to mobilize hundreds of volunteers to guarantee Santorum's defeat.
It paid off.
Here is what Senator-Elect Casey had to say about us: "HRC
got behind my campaign early and has been a tremendous help.
The energy and commitment they put behind our campaign was
exrraordinary. I iook forward to working with HRC's incredible staff
and membership, especially to advance hare crimes legislation in the
All over tht country, anti-GLBT candidare$ and campaign tac.:ic,
were rejected by vorers. Scapegoating and anacking GLBT Amc:ricans
is no longer a winning campaign strategy. At least 21 Houst:
n1embers --~vith O percent votine: records on (;LB1-- issues ~,,vili not be
returning to ·wa.~hingron, and in the Senate, five Fcderai Marriage
A~ 1 .. 11 t r;.or i •,r•• .... nn,e1ia1nen. suppo, ...... s .. c,.,, , h.e ,•r b,'d, <•- .,.fo ,r ,-~n· t...• ih,..., .. .~-1d-·,.v, ... ,~ "•' . .....
Other races aiso mark in1pon::ant shifts in the debate about our
relationships. Supporters of fuH marriage equality \von the governorships
oft~c .. N ~{ork and 1v1assachusetts, and Jodi Rell ;vas rcst}undingiy
re-elected governor of Con.necticut: after signing ~~ civil union~
bilL Furthern1orel no candidate in f'1ev<l Jersey, or '"''·"''•"'·,. in rhc
country for that 1nar:t:erl appears r,,1 ha•le suffered from the f~c;;v
Supre111e Court's decision requiring and benefits
Progressive Church
Shakes Up Northwest
by Kay Massey
BENTONVILLE, AR_ Amid the conservative
religious congregations in Northwest
Arkansas, an entrepreneurial deacon is offering
something ... a iittle different for Gays,
Lesbians and their allies.
In July 2006, the
Rev. Roger Joslin
moved to Bentonville
from Los
Angeles to start
the Episcopalian
Community of
Bentonville. Roger
is a native Texan,
receiving both a BA
and an MA from the
University ofTexas
at Austin. He did
additional graduate
work in International
Relations at the
University of Sussex
in Brighton, England.
After working
for many years in the
architectural woodwork
business, Roger
graduated from the
Episcopal 1beological
Seminarv of the Southwest in Austin
Texas in 2005 ·.vith a Masters of Divinity
Roger's bhck o:.nfic .md white clerical collar
mm heads wi11:rever he goes, and for now,
he's everywhere. His mission is dear: Find a
diverse group of people ~o form an Episcopal
congregation with radical hospitality at
its core. Joslin hopes :o offer a progressiv..:
aiternative to other churches in the ilrca.
HI think it 1.vill "vork here in t'Jorth\vest
1\rkansas/J he said of the radical hospjrality,
which focuse5 on meeting p;:<ople':, physical
and spiritual needs. <iit's a ·very friendly
place.'' ~❖7hile h:1s been treated ,vell
here~ he's not sure the reception \Vouid he as
~narn1 for a black, hon1oscxual or
12 the STA.R
poor person. "Ours is the kind of church
where everyone is welcome," he said. That
focus must start from the beginning. Rather
than creating a core group of white, middleclass
people, then expanding the group, Joslin
wants to start wirh a mixed core group
from the beginning. That is exactly what he
has done so far.
One of the local group members says,
"What makes this really special is that we
arc defining what we feel our church needs
to be about. We're all accepting, that's
very important, that ali backgrounds arc
welcome, all types of people, ro be very
hospitable and community-
Joslin's church-planting
plans are moving
quickly. The plan is to
create small groups of
roughly 12 adults until
the total reaches about
300 people, which
could take about a year,
Joslin said. Currendv
·there are 4 groups of
adults that meet weekly,
a "Walk and Talk"
group for exercising
and meditating adulr.s,
and a group of children
who are exploring the
"Godly Play" progran1.
Roger stresses that a
person need nor be an
Episcopai ro parricipate
in any of the groups.
Study is designed for
people of any faith. 'Ihere are people from
all backgrnunds involved in the groups.
These are truly diverse groups of people on a
spirimai journey rogei:her.
Roger is continuously seek;ng out Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendcred group
and individuals in the area. hoping to welcome
:hem into the fold. "Many have been
raised in churches and have hj_d devout upbringings~
yet most churches have reiected
themn, Jos_Hn said,-_ Gay's and Lcsb~a1:s arc
an integral part ot our groups, anct tt1e soon
to be church. l\1any are already attending
the "\Ycekly meetings and becorning invoived t)!,~r?~:~~:~a~~~11~~~1:;;~:;:;;(~ Benwr;
other Episcopal churches in rhe area
there is a church in Henton ··~Lz.
progressive Episcopaiian church interprets
the Bible in terms of context and in light of
the times, he said. He believes fundamentalists
interpret the Bibic rno literally.
The Episcopalian church has liturgical
services like a Carhoiic Church, bu: Masses
and Sunday Communion ser✓ices - Eucharists
- arc in English, Joslin said.
The Diocese of Arkansas has been rhinking
about a church in Bentonville fOi about 15
years. Joslin seems rhe perfect fit. "I have a
strong enrreprcneurial bent," he said. "I do
like to create and start things. 'This is abour
creation." After many years of being involved
with the Church, Joslin was ordained
as a Deacon in May 2006. He will be ordained
as an Episcopal Priest on December
2, 2006 at St. Paul's Episcopal; Church in
Fayetteviiic, Ar.
Roger is aiso rhe author of Running the
Spiritual Path: A Runner's Guide to Breathing,
Meditating, and Exploring the Prayerful
Dimension of the Sport. He wrote the
book while a seminarian. He continues w
run and write in Arkansas as a dimension
of his spiritual practice. He is a ,'creran of
several marathons and thousands of miles
of solitary running on trails and back roads
throughout the United States. Rev. Joslin's
book emerged from a running journal
he maintained over the course of the iast
decade. Many years of meditation pr:1.ctice,
punctuated wfth the nurturing rnlitude of
periodic visits to numerous retreat cemcrs
~nd monasteries, led the author, quite naturally,
to combine his love for running with
his spiritual search.
Roger is borh an experienced ,cacher and a:1
engaging speaker and is ;;!ways eager to tab,
on the rask of avvakcning a wider audicnc,·
~o the value of spiriruai pracrict.
For n1orc infonnation about the ,-,,,,,,,,u,_,..,
c=o1n1nunity of Benton C:ounry, contacr
the IZcv. R,ngcr Joslin at 4?9-1~26-1 ')() j or
rogcrioslin@sbcg1obal.net .
The show went on and on and
on .... and oh, how we loved it!
ByD. Norman
EUREKA SPRINGS_AR~On Saturday November 4, 2006 during
FALL Diversity Weekend in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, ANT and
Sabrina tvfatthews flew in from Los Angeles, California to headline
Diversity Pride Events' first 'LOL Dive;:sity Comedy' Show and
simply awed everyone at rhc Al.JD!
Sabrina kjcked ofF the evening ddighting the very diverse crowd of
Glbti, straigi~t fricncis and allies. Both men and women were laughing
and nodding chcir heads in agreement at her hiiarious observations
of our lives. Her humor was down to earth and true to life,
covering everything from skim. p1.,rses, pets, job interviews and of
course, love lives. By the time she left the stage, you feit like she v1as
one of your pals.
ANT hit stage in an incredible spar~ling Hight suit covered with
rhinestones, setting the pace for a high energy non-stop ride to hysterical
bughre~. His jokes had u:; roar;ng, and he was at his absolute
bes: ribbing and n•·,.,..,, .. ,, .. ,, v,itb ,he audience. He pulled people
up on stage gettiag thrn1 to say and do things that had us failing
out of our seats and ('l:~tn ht~ ~cerncd an1azed at the quirky Siories he
brought out of Eurckans and her 'Vishors. He told us he just had to
use sorne of then1 ¥h:i-<~:•: Tl '>Vf" r"•~rtf~riranro •·n ,..h,::. "fon1oht 'hov.1 .i ,C_rs.,. {J"'-,. l•-•~. :h,.. .._._ '"' L, ,._., . •t,c" ...__, ,.
,vith Jay Leno
us he
and rhanked us for
i\nt i1rvited Sabrina to
and the audience- can1c
tne cen1ctery
to end. He toid
h fun toe, stop.
their ap~
It ''--Vas
Conservative Christian Group
Boycott almart.
By Staff Reporter
Donald E. \Vildmon, Fotmder and Chairman of American Family
Association, a Tupeio, MS conserntive Christian organization
ordered a mass-emailing to about 3 million recipients, on November
9, 2006. The petition was circulated because of Walmart's support
of GLBT organizations and GLBT equality in the workplace.
W'almart recently donated SS000 to N\'1/l\ GLBT Community Center
in Bentonville, AR. Below is the communication sem to \'1/almart
Dear President Scott,
This will let you know that I will not be shopping at Wal-Mart or
Sam's Club on the Friday or Saturday following Thanksgiving.
Your decision to financially support groups promoting homosexual
marriage is very unfortunate. You could have remained neutral but
decided to join the battle on the side of homosexuai activist organizations.
With great disappointment, I will help spread the word to my
friends and family about your decision.
"At Century 21 Gold Castie our
•. BEST properties are our PEOPLE''
4301 NW 63rd, Suite 100
pklahoma City, OK 73116
the STAR 13
Summary: Past Out is a rerrospective of key moments, personalities, and subjects in LGBT
history. Each instailment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity of the gay past and
its impact on the queer present.
Photo: Madon Brando in The W'ild One (1953)
November 1954 (52 years ago last month): The Saytrs
motorcycle club is founded in Los Angeles.
What is the historv of gay motorcvde
clubs? · ,i
Motorcvcle dubs, a ~ainsrav <,f gav culture
since rh~ 19'i0s, ushered in ; ne; brand of
queer masculinity and gave rise to today',
leather.1SM co:wnunity.
Motorcyck culture 1:merged in the ·united
States in the l 920~ and i 930.,, ofteE revolving
around racing, ,viih enthusiasts "'Nho
forn1ed ciubs and vvore distinctive unifonns
and "colors.:,~ The popularity of n1otorcycles
grev; <luring \~1orld War JI - as n1otorcyclists
\vere regarded as son1ething of a n1odern-day
cavalry ~ and cheap n1ilitary surplus
becamt: available after the 1.var.
lJpon leaving n1i1itary si:rvicc in the late
1940s, n1any gay 1ncn in port cities
14 the STAR
ra,her than returning to their hometowns.
Just as the Hell's Angels were purpon:ediy
started by furmer bomber pilots and pararroopers
unwilling to settle into mainstream
life, gay men aiso sought an alternative.
"Only in the swashbuckling motorcycle
culture,'' argues author Guy Baldwin, were
they abie to retain the ''easy camaraderie.
the stress and thrill of real risk raking, and
the 111ascu!ine sexuality that they had kno1.vn
during their n1ilitary da:rs." (;ay and straight
n1cn alike einbraced the irnage of the outLnv
biker as a frcc~spirired rebel, as r.:xen1piified
by the Marlon Brande, fi!n1 The Wild
()ne inspired by an infirnous riot
at a n1ororcycie con1lcntion in Hollister,
in 1947,
The first gay motorcycle dub in the United
States was the Satyrs, founded in Los Angeles
in 1954; the second, Oedipus, was
an offshoot started in 1958. The eariiest
Norrhern California club was the \Y/ariocks,
founded in 1960, fo!!owed by the California
Motorcycle Club (CMC). By the
mid-1960s, San Francisco's Somh of Market
district had become a hotbed of the gay
motorcycle scene, home to clubs such as the
Constantines and the Barbary Coasters.
While California - with irs climate conducive
to year-round riding - continued
to host the greatest concentration of gay
motorcycle clubs, similar groups cropped up
around the country, including, in 1963, the
Second City Motorcyde Club in Chicago,
an early hub of rhe gay ieather scene. 1he
Empire City Motorcycle Club of New York
City, founded rhe following year, claims to
be the oldest ongoing GLBT organization
east of the Rockies. Gav motorcycle culture
also crossed over to Eu~ope, starting with
London's 69 Club. As motorcycle clubs grew
more numerous, they formed imerdub organizations
such as rhe Atlantic Motorcycle
Coordinating Council. ,
Gay motorcycle clubs provided an outlet
for socialization · and often for sex. The
earlv biker scene was closely allied with the
<;m;rging "Old Guard" lea;her/SM culture,
and the clubs watering holes became some
of the first leather bars. Stylized biker gear
became a son of uniform for a segment
of rhe gay community, feamring engineer
boors, crotchless black ieather chaps (designed
by D.L. Sterling in 1960), and military-
style caps. The look - which caught on
even among men wbo had never sat astride
a motorcycle - was embodied by e:av artis,
fom of Finland s characters. Pere; Berlin in
the movie _Nighrs in Black Le:nher (1973),
ana' ("1l enn J1'u ~g.h es o f t he d.i. sco group t he
VilL,ge Peopie.
~vfotorcycle club outings. known as runs,
typically involved n1anly activities such as
can1ping trips. But \vhilc bikers esche·.,vcd
;:~~ era. their ever~;:,·~~'.:!~:::::;~:•;~~~~
pageantry and can1p of a different sort)
including drag shov.-'s. Events such as the
annual (]v!(~ (~arnival becainc popular even
arnong nonbikers, and n1any n1en organized
their social H·ves around annu;-11 runs such as
vvw~lv. ozarkssta r. corn
Photo: lhe new community center coming soon.
Community Celebrations
]he end of a year brings things we all usualiy
like par.:ies, gathering wirh friends
and family, once-;,-year food and drink
- celebrations of all kinds. This year is no
differem. Special events, holiday dinners,
and concem fili foe momh of December
on the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexuai, Ti:ansgender
(GLBT) and allied Community Calendar.
A month full of acrivities begins in Tulsa on
Friday, December 1, 2006. 'w'ith the theme,
"Stop AIDS: Keep Ihe Promise," the annual
Wori<l AIDS Day Interfaith Service remembers
those losr r; HIV/ AIDS while renewing
o~ir cornmiunent to stop HIV/AIDS.
The candlclighr service, scheduied for 7:00
P?vf ar All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952
S Peoria, v.1iU f(~ature rhe n1usic of Council
C>ak Iv1cn's Chorale ((~(}fv1C) and guest
speakers Dr. 1v1clanie Spector and Iarnara
LcBak~ l\ssistant lviinister of/\H Souls lJni-·
tarian Church.
!'~ext up on the 'fulsa (~01nn1uniry C:alendar
is the [)inner on
Monday; l)eccn1ber 11th. ]he annual din~
ner features the presentation of the S..,·J?/t!"~J
.:~wards an.d the rnusic of the \Y/or:nen of
(:ouncil ()ale A. 6:30 PJv{ reception kicks c:fF
the at feilcnvship (:ongregationai
2~100 S I-1t1rYard. ~111e
~u 7:00 Pivt fr:atnn.:~ holiday entree~:
and harn1 drinks and r:~srive table~
side, or dessert. You'll wam to arrive early as
over 200 individuals, coupies and families
are expected for this annuai event co-sponsored
by Tulsa PFLAG and TOHR.
Music of A Snowv Starlit Nie-ht. the annual
COMC Holiday Cone~(, will thriE
you with seasonal fa;orites, as well as new
~unes to warm your heart. SRO crowds are
expected for the performances on December
12th, 15(h & 16th, 8:00 P1v1 each night at
All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S Peoria
in Tulsa.
The Tulsa GLBT Community Center will
celebrate the end of the leased space era with
the 41st Finale on Sunday, December 17,
2006. The evening, featuring a free concert,
free food and drinks, and door prizes will be
the last event held in the current Center at
5545 E 41st Streei:.
Ihe 41st Finale features the music of
recording-artist Amy 5(einberg of Orlando,
Florida. With irreverent humor and crafty
intelligence, Amy uses her original music to
promote tolerance, openness and diversity.
Combining a sassy sensibility and loquacious
socio-political and spiritual awareness,
Amy brings forth a fresh and solid energy.
The winner of several honors, including
Songwriter of the Year from the Songwrirer
Showcases of the Year and Best Individual
Performer bv the Orlando lvlusic Awards,
Amv tours ;u over the countrv. Notable
sho~s include performances ~ith Ani Defranco,
Alix Oison, Lisa Loeb, Melissa Ferrick,
Meredith Brooks and Vonda Shepard,
as well as many others.
Classically trained on the piano since age
4, with a degree in rheaue (from studies at
Boston Conservatory, American Musical
and Dramatic Academy and ?\.farvmount
Manhattan) and sclf-t;ught on the guitar,
Amys shows display ,.viid!y inaovative
musicality combined with extraordinary
perfonnance skills to create an arousing
;~nviron1nent like none other. 'Ihen1cs ~f
her 1nusic include sexuality, ,von1an po~,ver,
j~·h•.~.".!~~~.-. , ~~:~b~~.~1s~!~,o~1
.. ~d love. ·nie audience . ~-: .. :~ ~;_:;:; ;::-.:. t -· _, ~.. sings along, an(1
laughs untH they cry. a soul-shifting and
original n,.r,nnn nt,t "..V,dlt tu
rniss this FR .. EE concert 1.vith
1be 41st Finale marks the last day the Tulsa
GLBT Community Center will be open
before we pack-up, move-our and re-open
in the new location in downtown Tulsa!
The Tulsa GLBT Communitv Center will
close on December 18, 2006. and remain
closed through the end of the year. During
this time, we'll be packing up the last
items, loading up the moving trucks and
heading to the permanent location of the
Tulsa GLBT Community Center at 621 E
4th Street. We'll then re-open in January,
celebrating the Oklahoma-Centennial year
of 2007 - in a new, permanent home for the
Tulsa GLBT & allied community.
1itlsa Okiahomans for Human Rights
(TOHR) seeks equal rights for Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual & Transgender (GLBT) individuals
and families through advocacy, education,
programs, alliances and the operation of the
Tulsa GLBT Community Cmter.
Community for
People living
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HP✓+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
·we provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or lh:ing ,,,;Ith AJDS \•Vho cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themsei\.res. \/Ve invite anyone \,vho
vvould Hke to \1olunteer or provide fi-nanciai
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-•rnaH
\,•. . ._ _________________ /
the STAR 15
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12" x 12" ISBN:.
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Can be purchased at any major bookstore,
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1 6 the STAR
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ssaoce Marines with
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CorJJs are posing for the America's Heroes
2007 Calendar to raise money for •.vounded
service members and their families. Sergea::it
Rodolfo "Rud/' Reyes, and 9 other !T!ember,
of the elite Reconnaissance ?\farincs arc lea1/:
ng \\:omen pantin,2; and :nen wanting ,o enlist.
1◄ hc rcn 1nen ~vho p()~e in rhe :-\rnerica:s f-Icrncs
200--:- c:alendar arc all current or fonner
models (but they could be!) So
move o,·er Matthew McCooaughey
;;nd Patrick Dempsey, "sexiest men
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1 cups
1/2 stic er (melted)
3 eggs (beaten)
3/4 cup light Karo Corn syrup
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup pecans (chopped)
1 /2 cup milk chocolate chips
2 Tbs. Bourbon
-mix pecans, choco1ate chips and bourbon and let
soak for 1 /2 hour. stirring occasional1y.
-blend meited outter into sugar unti: fully irtegrated.
-add beaten eggs and biend.
-add corn syrup and sait and blend ful 1y
-fold in pecan/chip mixtJre.
-pour into pie shei! with edges crimped (we nake
an old fashioned Crisco pie crust for '.his recipe. but
you can use ...vhatever ;::ie :.:rust you 11refer to rna~e \
-bake at 350 for approximately 45 minutes unti
center o: pie rises and c0acks.
-let coo!. best se~ved slightly v,a:n: with eith0r f,esi·
whipped cream or vaniiia :ce crean:
by Donald Piie and Ray Williams
Savannah, Georgia (better known as Savannah GA) is one of the
most historical cities in che country dating back to it's founding by
General James E, Ogiethorpe in 1733, It has a wealth of history and
archircccure that few American cities can match. Savannah has managed
to prcscrvc it', Southern Colonial grace and charm. The ciry's
many rich, green parks are blooming legacies of che brilliance of it's
founder. \¼'hat was already a remarkable city was re-invenc,d when
our friend John Berendr, che author wrote his fabulous book, MIDNIGHT
in Savannah a frw years ago. John Berendt's book takes the reader
through all che very colorfi.d characters in the town, in particular
with the late Jim \Villiams, the
gay amiqt!Cs dealer who was
said to have shot and killed
· his lrnsder/lover. He owned
the house that fonnerlv wa:,
owned by the song writer
Johnny Mercer. Clint Eastwood
later made the book
into a wonderfol moYic by the
same name ..
SaYannah sito on the
Atlantic Ocean and has a
population of about 140,000.
"fouri,t, Hock to the city
to cake adYantagc of all the
historical and architectural
highlight,. Savannah i, known
:1, the QUEE:-,.,.: CITY of
rhc Snuth, \vhcr~ you enter
,ome<me's home, d1l' FIRST
thing t!\l'\' ask i, "\\'hat cio vou w:mt w drink?'' Everyone there is
t·xtrcn1cl:· h<lspi1ablc.
[\,...: I Iisi<ni-.. i'>i:-itrict of \;1_•:annah i~ buzzing \Vith crcatiYiry) ~HI
\~',:~:.~;/:::j :\\~;lJ~:;~l.'\tl:~~j~,:::~)t:\\~~:'/;~;\''.\'.~:;· ::;~l:~:::i~!;\;:l\;'._,,_,
\Vith .).h':ii1il:ih ~~nLt tilO\'C there to li":t' in or!C or rh\.· oldc:-it ... :iti..:s in
, \111cr1c1 :1 site oi' !11:1nv L1n1lHt> H~z:~·ohllin11~HT &· ( ~ivli \\1ar B~lt.,
' .
Uc:-. }-lund_rcd~ o( int;,.Tl'.,tirq; ~it,_·s :_(1 sec includ;:-., tnon: :h;~c t\'.'cIH~n1onu1n'-'!
lI-'. p~nkl,, l ]i.stnri;,.· 1-•lornc,'l) ( 'hurchc:-i & i:(;rt;,
:<~nion.;~ 1-li;-;tc:·ic l :tr~liin;,1rk l )i~tr(c! in 1hc t "\,;\.
n1ixcd Cr<)\\·d and
Blaine·~ Backd, )1
B,!r, l :i l :, p,_ ,,:,,
St. 1~ rn< }re , )f _:
Cf0\V(1. ,\il th~ h:
an: extrt:1nch· fun
and fricndh'. Tk:;
LOVL their tour
ists in Sav,tnnah,
~rhcrc arc 22
original p:lrk:::. in
do\,·nto\\·n ~J;·.u; ·
g1ganuc n1t ,~:---.
draped u:,ks ,.nd
surrounded i)\"
statch· hornc:-- :1:·1t.i
husinc;,:~(·~< '['his 1s :; great .. ,\·aJking" lU\\'O
\•.:hen: c\·cry, )thcr hlnck~ ukc~ you into
:u1othcr ir11ercsting and hi~torical aspect
o( the cny. Ye 1u '.\·ill :iced td ~pend three
or r-our day--: to ukt: tn c·-.;cryihing:. ~fht:
hnn1c tqur"- :,n: r:.:.dl~- cxccptic;naL Special
pbcc:-, t1 i ,:isit slv)~;ld include the i\1erccr
! louse whcrc the \ruic.JUC~ l)c,1lcr, Jirn
\\-iili:l!H'.', ii\-cd, t !le ( h\·cn-T~1Pin,l~ hou~c.
! c::1uh I ).1\-cnp{ 1n l iou~;: Jnd t!h: (;n.:l'.n.\
L-iurii:1 I h)us1~-. The {:It'. ccn1ctcnc-~ ;~re
"Carlos Fernandez on Bravo TV's TOP CHEF"
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
In our travels all over the country we are so fortunate
in that we meet so many wonderful and exciting people.
A few years ago in Florida we met Carios Fernandez and
Chuck Smith who are life partners and co-owners of the
Hi-LIFE CAFE which is a very upscale restaurant in Ft.
Lauderdale. It is located at 3000 North Federal Highway.
Chuck Smith who is the excellent host of the restaurant
and his partner Carlos Fernandez, the extremely talented
Chef opened the restaurant 11 years ago and they have
developed a very strong following of devoted follmvers
over the years. \Vhen we were there last time they were
celebrati~g their 10th Anniversary of the Hi-Lit~ Cafe.
rlheir hours are Tuesday-'Thursday 5:30 PM to 10:00
PM, Friday & Saturday, 5:30 PM - 11 PM and Sunday,
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM. Their website is: www.hilifecafe.
com. After laying in rhe sun all day at the beach and before
heading off for the night to party, be sure and dine
there. You won't be sorr1. It is a must-do for almost all
the gay tourists that goes to Ft. Lauderdale.
Carlos is a fantastic Che£ Actually he is now on the
top rated Bravo TV sho\v; TOP CHEF! Filmed in Los
Angeles he is one of 15 chefs from ail over the country
that was chosen to be on the shmv. It airs on \'v'ednesdav
nights on Bravo. Stay tuned to see just how far he gees
on the show One Chef is eliminated each ,veek. The
TOP CHEF a.: the end receives $100,000.00l It's ahv,l\'s
g-- reat to see a .g..,,.,. av_, coup- le own a business together. \'fc (,_
wiil be down in Ft. Lauderdale at the season's finale and
what a grand pany it will be if he gets the top prize: He
will alwavs be our Number 1 Top Chef in Florida! l ,ast
January ,vhen ,ve were 111 Ft. Lauderdale we presented
Chuck and Carlos with a special crystal plate engr:r.. cd
with gold to help them ceiebrate their 10th c\nni,:ersar:,
of the Hi-Life.
the ST/\R 19
Fringing the ocean, Starwood Hotels' glimorous and gay-friendly Adantic
resort has been a key feature of Fort Lauderdale's stunning redevelopment.
(Photo ~y Andrew Collim)
December 2006
by Andrew Collins
Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdaie, which has transformed itself into Florida's leading
gay vacation destination over rhe past decade, continues to turn
heads with the spectacular redevelopment of its stunning beachfrom.
1his neighborhood with a number of gay resorts has seen - or
will soon see - the opening of several upscale, gay-friendly hotels,
include the Adamic, the St. Regis, the W Hotel, and the Trump
International. New bars, restaurants, and attractions also continue
to open throughout the city and in the neighboring community of
Wilton Manors, helping to make the region a vibrant and exciting
gay destination year-round.
In deciding where to stay in Fort Lauderdale, consider whether
you'd prefer a gay, dor.~ing-optional resort or a ia:ger mainstream
provertv. Among the latrer is the charming Riverside HoteL set
;lo~g f;shionable Las Olas Boulevard. Ih; natty 1936 property
recendy complered a stunning, multimillion-dollar makeover. ~nw
first of Starwood Hotels' snazzy new beac:1front properties to open
here, rhe dashing Atlantic offers ucobHructed ocean views from the
majority of its spacious, airy rooms, aII of them with Bose CD-stereos,
lovely patios, and small kitchens. Starwood's St. Regis, with
a mid-December 2006 opening, is even more sumprnous: Jviost
roon1s overlook the ocean or Intracoastal \XlarerwayJ and they con1c
"'Nith such deluxe perks as burler service~ a f3.buious spa, and leather
furniture. Starwood·s next big project, th..: W Hord Fort Ltudcrdale,
is expected to open in [)ecember 2007.
LL..:: ~ay resorts, the upscale pro1=1erty that
I .... :1uderdale's gro\vth into a iT1ajor
and it continues
hotels. Perks hen.: ]ndudt'
20 the STAR
and beer, CD players and VCRs in many units, glass-brick showers
with high-end bath amenities, and dedicated top-notch service.
Guests can relax all day around the stunning pool with a waterfall
and fiber-optic lighting. There are several other fine upscale resorts
of comparable repute, including Pineapple Point, a handsome l 930s
spread that has the grace and st:yie of a Caribbean plantation. and
the Flamingo Resor;:, opened by the former direcwr of Paris' famous
Ritz hotel; it resembles a luxury boudque hotei on an exclusive British
West Indies isle, with its hand-carved dark-wood furniture and
sumptuous linens. Relatively new owners have continued ro upgrade
the reson: with improved furnishings and amenides.
The more reasonably priced Eiysium Resort, just 200 yards from
the beach, has p::rfectly comfortable rooms. Here you'll always find
friendly guys lounging on the expansive sundeck, with its hot tub,
hammock, and tropical bar - there are nvo heated pools. Even the
simplest rooms at nearby Villa Venice are warm and attractive, with
refrigerarnrs and microwaves. With its friendly staff and an extensive
pool area where breakfast is served, the resort draws an energetic
fun-in-the-sun bunch. The similarly priced Worthington Guest
House ranks among the cruisier resorts in town, wi,h a playful vibe
and attractive grounds for sunning and swimming au naturale. 1he
same owners opened the neighboring Alcazar Resort in 2006, also
featuring a frisky ambience and lovely rooms. Mode:ateiy priced
Coconut Cove, just a short walk from the beach, is another reliable
choice in the neighborhood.
The gav-resort scene in Fort Lauderdale is constantly evolving, with
rrend/new properties opening seemingly every few months, and
oider ones receiving massive makeovers. A great example of the latter
is the elegam Nev, Zealand House, which was vin:ually rebuilt in
2003; now its sleek rooms have flat-screen TVs, DVD/CD piayers,
cordless phones, and Wi-Fi. Orhcr highly recommended properties
include the Grand Resort, whose urbane decorative scheme contrasts
markedly with the tropical beachy ambience of Fon Lauderdale
beach; it's one of the few gay iodgings with a gym. With about
30 rooms, the Schubert Resort, fashioned out of a rerro-cool l 950s
hotel compound, affords a similar level of opuience and alluring facilities,
including a cafc with a full bar. Although it's set a shon drive
inland from the beach, the Coral Reef Guest House is a worthwhile
option thanks to its attractive g.1rdens, massage offerings, and eight
cheerfdly furnis'."!cci, reasonably priced rooms. One of the dosest
resorts to the mar:y gay bar, and restaurants in Wiiton ~Aanors,
Cabanas Guest House appeab w social butterflies, with its l 0-man
Jacuzzi and eight-man aroma,herapy steam room. The posh rooms
h~tvc goose-dov~rn con1fcH·ters~ Wi-I:i, and (=I)ifviP3 players.
Fort Lauderdaic is les~ about sightseeing than ~v1iami or ()rlando
- people come hnc ro relax in rhe sun :-u•~"''""-· and shop. This latter
activity you can enjoy at the fiuncd Sawgrass J\.-iills J\r1a1L whosr
more than .300 designer outlets include l)onna Karan) Saks, Ann
'riy1or; and ()r stroll along Las_
_;:~];:;_"_,,:, •• J-\
1~.'-,bich •~.~.. ~~_;:,:~r:
\",'ith fashion boutiques and __ .~ ..,__ --" c__ -~ ~ ---
and around 1-vatcr, and then: are sightseeing
rnany <)f the local :Jccornrnodations ,vork closely
outfitters, But if you do have a hanker--
of }\rt Fort I..,auderdaic
is also a great place to while away the occasional rainy afternoon.
It's known for its first-rate collection of works by leading American
impressionist painter Wiliiam Giackens.
The city's dining scene continues ro evolve. For creative contemporary
cuisine, it's hard to beat stylish Mark's Las Olas, which has a
chic decor and A-list clientele. Perhaps the hottest venue in town is
Johnny V, helmed by celeb chef Johnny Vinczencz - at this hip Las
Olas restaurant you might try ancho-cinnamon-grilled pork t~nderioin
or corn-dusted yellowtail snapper with smoked-pepper relish.
At the Atlantic hotel, Trina has become a favorite for its signature
Trinatini cocktails (with vodka, lavender syrup, and pomegranate
and lemon juices), such tempting Mediterranean-inspired fare as
Moroccan chicken pizza and tagine-baked grouper with almond
couscous, and the awesome ocean views.
Or consider one of Fort Lauderdale's several gay faves, such as HiLife,
a homey bistro with delicious, sensibly priced pastas, salads,
and seafood and poultry grills - try the grilled bacon-wrapped jalapenos
stuffed with shrimp and cheese. Kitchenetta Tratroria serves
some of the best Italian food in rhe region, including knockout
ricotra cheesecake for dessert. A favorite piano cabaret in Wilton
Manors, Tropics offers above-average Continental fare, such as a
prosciutto-pocket starrer - a pastry stuffed with prosciutro, apples,
walnuts, and mozzarella.
\v'ilton Manors is also home to Rosie's, a former Hamburger
Mary's restaurant that's still a convivial spot for casual pub fare
and socializing, and Galanga, known for its outstanding sushi and
weil-prepared Thai food. For dessert, coffee, and wine, or delicious
sandwiches during the day, be sure to stop by breezy and hip Stork's
Bakery. There's also a Stork's on Las Olas Boulevard, from which
you can book a romantic gondola tour along rhe Himmarshee
Canal. A great, relatively new addition to Wilton Manors is the
Naked Grape, a handsome iittle wine bar with light food and live
music most nights as well as a nice selection of microbrew beers to
go along with the vino.
Fort Lauderdale pulses with gay bars. If you're in the mood to cut
loose at a big-time warehouse disco, head to rhe Coliseum, a glitzy
megaclub with a variety of parties and theme nights. The elegant
China White nightclub has a number oflively parties throughout
the week, and has become quite famous for its giant elephant
sculpture and distinctive leopard-prim carpets and lavish Buddha
Learher bars like the hard-edged Sr.eel lounge and dance dub and
the dungeoncsque Ramrod, with its Tom of Finland artwork, always
dra1.,v big crcn,vds. BHfs Fiiling Station is a quintessential neighbor~
hood hangout and home t0 one of the city's top happy hours, especially
an1ong the 35~and-older cro-\vd. \Xfilton Manors, a l 5-111inute
drive fro!n the beach resorts, has several appealing nightspots,
. ' •. ~ l 1 ., ~~ 1nclu~1ng a te\~l n:at_cate: ne.a:11r to r'ort .T.. _,au•~ erd' a. .1. _ e•-s CO!lS•H ' .1era• bI. e
over-)0 gay populatton. ln th1s latter group, (_,hardees, a restaurant
and lounge: is queen of the hill; its nightly piano cabaret is always
hie Sidelines Sports Bar dra"'.,v-s a great 1nix of folks to shoot
and vilatch sports on T\1~ and the lesbian-popular i-...Jev1 J\.,1oon~ a
neighborhood joint -.~vith great on Vr'eekends, (:lub
Boom, Elements, and Georgie's Alibi are slick, happening video bars
nearby, ali three of them good places to meet locals and converse
with friends. There's something for everybody in this constantly
growing gay resort community.
Photo: White-faced (capuchin) monkeys frequently cavort in
the trees behind the beach in Costa Rica's Manuel Antonio
National Park. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
the STAR 21
Jolie Justus, newly elected member of the Missouri state Sena,e
I'm still a lirrle dazed - I was up pretty late on election night - but
I'm cerrainiy not confused. And neither is rhe country.
No longer content to be sv.-ayed by the politics ~f fear and hare,
1 middle Americans came our in record numbers lasr Tuesday ana
shoured from the rooftops - "We want change!" And change is what
they got.
President Bush and the Republican Party have been put on notice.
The Democrats have raken control of the U.S. House of RepresentatiYes,
a change that was 12 years in the making. And the improbable
is no-w reality - both Montana and Virginia have turned blue, giving
the U.S. Senate to the Democrats as we!L "I11e election is welcome
news certainly for us tried-and-true Dems, but also for rhe lesbian
and gay commc:nity.
i'fothing was more satisf1ing than to see Rick "man on dog" Sar,torum,
one of Pennsylvania's two Republican U.S. senators, become
history. Santorum is one of the most disgustingly homophobic
elected officials of ail time. He's been a wp Bush apologist, who carried
the radical Christian right's warer, and he w:11 now be replaced
by Bob Casey, the son of a forn1er Pennsylvania governor.
lust as sweet as Santorum\ exit from office is the fact that his chief
~f staff and coinn1unications director, Robert T'raynham, an
openly gay Af'rican-i\meric:m man, wiH soon b~ om of,,. jo~. L for
one, don't kno,v hovv 'Tfaynham can get up in the morning knov✓1ng
he helped elect and put ·\vords in the ffiouth of one of this counrry:s
biggest gay~haters.
'•X'hen you look at the cndors~:rricnts 1nade the l-!11n1an :Rights
C:an1pajgnt '\VC did pretty ·w·elL ()f !-1R..C:'s 231 endorsecs, 208
22 the STAR
won, while only 16 losr. (At press time, seven races were still undecided.'!
\Y/hen vou break down the numbers, rhere were 18 senators,
179 ~embers ~f r:he House, and 11 governors elected ,vho purportedly
support our issues.
Of the 51 key Congressional and Gubernatorial races tha.: HRC
identified, 15 candidares ,von in the House, and nine were successfui
in the Senate. HRC's president, Joe Soimonese, told me the day
after the election that his group's top priorii:ies were thre<:' Senate
races - Casey in Pennsylvania, Sherrod Brown in Ohio, and Amy
Klobuchar in Minnesota. All three won. But HRC's strategy went
beyond those top races.
"The greatest hope for our community resred in our ability to be a
powerful polirical force in key races and do ir in a way ,ha;: people
felt our oresence," said Solmonese. "We iooked within those states,
and as a 'national organization, considered what else we could do in
each of them to effect change for our community.''
In Minnesota, HRC pm: considerable resources into the state bod1
raising and spending money to organize the community and impact
the race. Klobuchar beat her Republican challenger, Mark Ken:1edy,
in an open race with 58 percent of rhe vote. Tim \Y/a!z, a Democ,r_at
endorsed by HRC, defeated an incumbent U.S. Congressma;:i, Gil
Gutknecht; and furthermore, according to HRC's website, thar
state's legislature will have a "fair-minded majority in 2007 .''
]be Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDNJ did a bit of its
own election analvsis and concluded that all the co-sponsors of the
bill to repeal "Do;1't Ask, Don't Tell" who sought re-~lection were
successful except for one outstanding race in Connecticut. SLDN
also said that no one was thrown out of office for supporting the repeal,
and that, according to a recent Gailup poll, nearly four in f.ve
Americans support gays and lesbian serving openly in the milh:ary.
Perhaps with the new Congression;,J leadership and rhe polii:ically
expedient exit of Secretary of Dei:ense Donald Rumsfeld, we'll actually
see some movement on rhis issue. The military is already hardpressed
to Eli its quotas, so not letting us serve is just plai1: sn:pid.
Unfortunately, all but one of the same-sex marriage bans passed.
i\rizona turned away from hatred and dcfca!ed its anti-gay-marriage
baliot measure, and Sourh Dako,a's vote was surprisingiy verv dose
- 52 percent for, 48 percent against. Virginia passed its measare, but
not after a long, hard fight and the organizing of a terrific coalirion
that \Vill hopefnlly continue ro battle for our rights.
,.;v~hile n1uch attention has been placed on the national scene. 1..ve
can\ forget that politics is aiso local, and that 1.ve did pretty ~~vell on
that levei, too.
v,.11,v,N, ozark.sstar. corn
performed charitable work, sponsorino
holiday toy drives for children and fi.u~draisers
that originally assisred injured riders and
iater helped people ·with AIDS.
While early gay motorcycle clubs were
men-only, some lesbian~ also embraced the
lifestyle, forming women's clubs such as the
Moving Violations in Boston (19851 and
the Sirens in New York Citv 0986): The
m_ost well-known queer wo.men motorcyclJSts
are the Dykes on Bikes. 1he original
group, which rode in the 1976 San F~ancisco
Pride parade, became a nonprofit
offici~lly known as the Women's Mororcycle
Contmgent. After the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office twice rejected the oroup's
application - claiming the word "dyk~" w;s
derogatory and vulgar it finally registered
the name 'Dykes on Bikes" in 2005.
Over the years, the nature of queer motorcycle
culture has changed. With the advent
of gay liberation in the iate 1960s, m.my
men no longer felt the need for secretive
fraternal organizations, and liberal activisrs
rejected the hierarchy anci militarism of the
early clubs. In the 1980s, rhe AIDS epidemic
devastated the gay male motorcycle
com~unity. With the emergence of groups
specifically devoted rn leather/SM, motorcycle
riding and fetish sexuality diverged as,
accor~ing to Bald"".in. ~ome .serious riders
were embarrassed by the irotic visibiliry of
the kinky crowd." ·
w'hile motorcycle dubs no longer plav
as prominent a role in rhe gav world, the
cuiture continues to thrive, 2~1d new dubs
emerge, such as the Stonewall Kniohts in
-Ft. L aua' erd a l' e and t I1 e '1--,:"va•l iers o~°- New
Orleans, both founded '11 2002. Mirroring
trends in the larger GLBT comnumitY,
many of today's motorcycic dubs wclcon;e
members of all genders and scxuai orientations.
In the words of ,he organizc:s of the
annual Queer Biker Invasior; of Dead~ Valley~
being queer is "a state of n1ind~ and vou
know if it fits you." '
For further information:
Baidwin, Guy. 1993. ~~fies ~!hat
Bloom, Scott, 2005.
Satyrs iv10torcycie (]ub _
Guggenheirn iv1usetu11. 1998.
fvianhi: 'The Biker Book _ .
All in all. HRC flexed its political muscle in
unprecedented ways. We invested more than
$5 million in these elections and mobilized
our more than 650,000 members and supporters
to participate in campaigns and to
rnte. We placed 84 staffers in 30 races in
more than 18 states and we sent 22 HRC
Youth College campaign workers all over the
country. We also dramatically expanded our
field operations this election cycle, playing
key roles in coordinated progressive efforts
and helping fair-minded leaders take back
the New Hampshire state House and Senate,
the Iowa House and Senate, the Indiana
House, the Minnesota House, the Oregon
House and the Michigan House.
\'i/e were literally on the front lines in dozens
of states. (For a more extensive analysis on
what HRC accomplished, check our HRC
":ice President David Smith's insider postelection
analysis memo here:http:/ /www.hrc.
With a new fair-minded leadership in both
the United Srates House and Senate, the
Federal Marriage Amendment is dead! And
we look forward to working strategically ·
with our allies on the Hill to build momentum
and support for passing the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act and making
hate crimes protections the law of the land.
A truly exciting new chapter of GLBT history
is beginning.
I ~vant to offer a very special thanks to all
ot you. Your ongoing belief in rhe work we ?o made these historic vicrories possible.
Your contributions, the time vou rnok to
volunteer and your participation in HRC
evems and HRC-endorsed campaigns are
the reasons we were able to secure a more
pro-equality 11 Orh Congress and Senate. I
feel very iucky to work with such a talented
team at HRC ar;d, as I rravei around rhe
cmmtrv, I am inspired bv vour commirm~nr
to our ·rn.arch t<Y,,;ard full ;quaiitv. i·h~pe ~· ·
vou will rake some time to ~deb~atc o~r
~.,vins. because it trulv is a ne½~ dav for the
(;LR1. con1n1unity ;nd for our c~untry.
((3 OZ)GREY GOOSE voott\
1. Chill a martini glasses with ice and
2. Add aii ingredients with ice in
3. Shake well.
4. Strain into the chilied martini
TheSTAR 23
Salutations Kittens and welcome to Uncle's corner of the world once
again. Like a friend with benefits, Uncle shall continue to provide
enjoyment to all that seek. Uncle Mikey finds a Twink that wants
to be fabulous, while a queen ponders the afteriife. Never a dull
moment in Uncle's corner, Kittens.
Dear Uncle Mikey,
Wby does everyone think that just because you are deeper than a basket of
hair products. you are a drag? I am so sick of this plastic existence, where
the most important matter of discussion is where the next piece of ass is
coming from. Can't we just pretend there is more to life than just a selfserving
Seeking Depth
Dearest SD,
Kitten, it takes all kinds to keep this world turning. I agree with your
plight of mind-candy. It was just this morning kittens that Uncle, while
sitting on the balcony. was pondering real life issues affecting us ail. Ifl
wear my blonde wig to the winter carnival, will the queens forgive me? Yes,
Kitten as you can see, Uncle Mikey is a twin soul; one seeking fun while the
other is seeking wisdom. Maybe I should call Ru!
Uncle Mikey
Dear Uncle,
I am beginning to wo,,der what comes in the afterlife. I am dating a man
of the church, who is in const211t deniai. He lies to himself, his wife, and
his church. I sit there, 01;. the sidelines in love, with a man who cannot
even walk with me in the light of day. I am wondering if there really is
anything after this !if-:. I mean, every day we hear from those in the church
who are noth:ng more thar, :mpostors living a life oflies. What is to come?
Seeing the jaded gates '\
Dearest Jade.
Kitten, I understmd t:hc bbrn::d iine between iife's happiness and moments
fillt:d wit!1 a fairhfoi search. I myself recall my first love, which happened to
be a priest, at« locai parish. He was the man who taught me passion, romance,
and commitment. A romance that gave uncie Mikey the first taste
oflo,·e and pass1on i,1 the southern skyway. It was the toughest break up of
my life. 'That vear was such a time of change for Uncle, the break up wi.:h
Father Flanagan and starting rniddlc schooi ail in one year. It was rough
but taught 1ne to be strong to say the lease
[)ear lJnde fvfikcy,
1-io~~l do you tell someone you just want a booty call so they do not uy to
get aU hon1cn1akcr on your ass?
26 theSTAR
You could say something like, ·'Booty; parry of one!" Keep it simple young
Uncle Mikey,
I am surviving a breakup after ren years ofioving th:: s;ime and onl, man.
Now I find mvsdf in a world that has chane.ed in that de;::ade of bliss. 1he
men are so m{believably outrageous about tl1eir ways and desires. I fear
time has passed me ieaving me to remai!1 alone. I just do not know how
to be "so'' out there as it seems co be the protocol. Am I just destined to be
Party of One
Dearest One,
Poor love, iife is on a fast tr2ck rhac ;::an oe a bit unnerving at first. Uncle
has watched the times change, ar!d fads co;ne ;;nd go. \veicome to the
drive through of the booty age. wl1ere or.ce we had to seek out iove in
midnight hidden embraces, we now can't walk a park mile without rripping
over someone's throbbing desire. 111at reminds me of a walk Uncle took
the ocher dav, Kittens. This man was absolutclv Matthew fine! Well he
approached ·me with his! Oh sorry One! Uncle.got lost in the moment.
Back to rhe issue at hand! Kitten, buy a new ,vardrobe, and don a new look.
Tnen hit the town. Just think of the wonders tbat wait. Kitten, this too
shall pass, pd! up a ~cat to Twink :If]. and enjoy the new found,freedom!
Uncle Mikey,
Do you think it iS, wro~f ro ask a_ coapi~ to have a th,eesome, when you're
related ro one of tnem, tb(:y an: JUSt so not.
Looking for family .:ime
Kitten, I swear I am hearing banjos again. Let us step out of the trailer
court when looking for a hook up - shall we Darling? Remember there are
branches on the Famiiv Tree for a reason.
Smooches Mikey ·
Uncie Mikey, '
What do you tell a friend who is really getting to be: mer weight and chinking
they are still hot? I do not icnow what he sees when he looks in the mirror,
but people are talking. He jt!st seems no; :o care anymore. He never
works out anymore, and he eats anything ar;d evcryrh;ng. l am almost
embarrassed of him. What c,m I do;
Friend of chubby
A fdl-iength mirror v,ith overhead lighting should do the cick. "
Smooches r,1ikey
•Disclaimer - Looking at: oneself in a full-length rnirrnr \vich overhead lighting
may be hazardous to :{ou heahh. l}nck rccornnH:nds having a good stifF
one before doing this. \Ou do not ,varn to go into shock. Be afraid be
very afraid. (~onsult a queen near
Unde discovered
an overhead mirror JS you
has been there ev,:r since!
look best v.ri,Hc looking J.t yoursdf fron1
( 1!: ,r( ?fr ;),cn ... k, 1'.Jccdkss to say lJnde
tJnde is out of sight once nHHe, Until
rnake of itJ so
and. -i Hlct!es too.
FRIDAY December 1
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6.6-12
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
PEC'S: .\faie Dan~m, 9pm
SATURDAY December 2
TH~ COPA: Maie D:rncers 9pm
GUSHERS: Late Night Breakfas: Buffet
1 arn.~.3:30am
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
PEC'S: Male Dancers, 9pm
SUNDAY December 3
2pm, Danc~rs 4pm
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
Show 10pm
THE CO!'A: Raci,ac! Erikks Show
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December4
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9om
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY December 5
PEC'S: Well cirinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
,vcar lc•thcr.
THE COPA: Stip-Off Contest 12am
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 6
BAMBOO LOUNGE: K:uaoke 9pm.
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-9om
wear lcad:er. •
TNT'S: Karaoke 9pm
THE COPA: Variety Show 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dart Tournament l 0pm
THE ROCKlES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 7
,viRachad Erikks :!,;at=;i:t;:;~ drink~ 2.50 from 7•9pm
THE COP~-'\.: ()pen Taienr ~NiShcrnoanc
~I~;~~;i~};/~f~:~ fotm,amcn, lGp:li
LEDO: Kari-,Okic host. Pancho 9orr:
THE ROCKJE..5: Beer Bust 'lpm~7pm
FRIDAY December 8
TBJ::. COPA: t .. {a!c l)ancers 9prn
THE ROCKIES: Beer Busr 1-6.6-12
CLUB ROX: Alison Scott. 9:30pm
PEC'S: ~\1Jlc l)~u1ccrs, 9pm
SATURDAY December 9
THE COPA: Male Dancers 9pm
PEC'S: Maie Dar!cers, 9pm
GUSHERS: Lare Niehr Breakfast Buffe,
lam-3:30am ,.
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
SUNDAY December 10
2pm, Dancers 4pm
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
CLUB MAjESTiC: Catia Lee Love
Show 10pm
THE COPA: R;,;.chad Erikks Show
THE 'ROCKIES: Beer Bu!t 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December 11
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY. December Ii
PEC'S: Wdl drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
THE COPA: Seip-Off Contest 12am
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 13
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC'S: Wei! cl.inks 2.50 from 7-9pm
wear leather.
TNT'S: Karaoke 9om.
THE COPA· Variety Show i0:30pm
FiNISHLINE: Dart Tourn;smem 10pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bun 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 14
w/Rachael Erikks
PEC'S: Wdl dri:-.ks 2.50 from 7-9om
wear leather. ·
THE COPA: Open Talem w/Shcmoanc
Somemore ! 0:30pm
FiNISHLINE: 6an ·fouroamcm 10L>m
LEDO: Kari-Okie host, Pancho 9p::;
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
FRIDAY December 15
CLUB MAJESTIC: Majestic Kings
Show 10pm. ··
Tl-iE COPA; J-..1:ak Dancers 9prn
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
PEC'S: Male l)ancers, 9prn
SATURDAY December 16
-rNT's: fundraiscr for Susln c; Komen
BreEr Cm1e<::r Foundation, l0;)m
Tl-IE COPA: ~1:.tlt l)311e.:-rs 9i,m
GCSHERS: 1..1,a
Brcakf1st Buffer
PECtS: fvfa.k D.1n-..:cc . c;t,,,·,.
THE RC)CKIES: Beer Bust l-6;6 .. 12
SUNDAY December 17
2pm, Dancers 4pm Kris Kohl Show
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Show
Show 10pm
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December 18
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY December 19
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7 -
9pm wear leather.
THE COPA: Sc;p-Off Comest
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 20
BA..\fBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pm wear leather.
JNT'S: Karaoke 9pm.
THE COPA: Variety Show I 0:30pm
FINISHLINE: DanTournament 10pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 21
w/Rachad Erikks
PECS: Wdl drinks 2.50 fcOJ:: 7-90::,
wear leathe,. ·
THE COPA: Open 'Ialmr wiShemo;;.nc
Somemore i 0:30pm
FJNISHUNE: Darr ·1ournamcnc l (1pm
LEDO: Kari-Okk host Pancho 9om
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm~7pm
FRIDAY D«.ember 22
THE COPA: Maie Dancers 9pm
PEC'S: lvfoJe I)ancers, 9pm
THE ROCKiES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
CLUB ROX: Alison Scott Show9:30pm
SATURDAY ~mber 23
TNT?s: Chrisrn1as P.anv. Raffle Benefit
for Childrcns f·iospitaL·
1-HE COPA: t.. ..i alc I)anccrs 9pm
GUSHERS: Luc l"J.ighr Bre:1kfasr Bufl{:1
J aJ11-3:30am
PEC'S; :v1ak Dancers, 9prr:
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bmt i--6.6-12
SUNDAY December 24
2pm. Dancers 4om
CLUB ROX: Whitney Paige Sh°'"
Show 10pm
THE COPA: Rachael Erikks Show
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
MONDAY December 25
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Christmas Din:
icr Se:-vcd 3pm. Karaoke 9pm.
THE ROCKIES: Beer Buse 4pm-7pm
TUESDAY December 26
PEC'S: Well drinks 2.50 from 7-
9pm wc;;.r leather.
THE COPA: Seip-Off Comest
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust ,ipm-7pm
WEDNESDAY December 27
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Karaoke 9pm
PEC'S: Wdl drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
·wear leather.
TNT'S: Karaoke 9pm.
THE COPA: VarietJ Show 10:30pm
FINISHLINE: Dare Toarnament l 0pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
THURSDAY December 28
CLUB MAJESTIC: Talent Show wi
Rachael Erikks
PEC':".: Weil drinks 2.50 from 7-9pm
v;car buher.
THE COPA: Open Taicn, w/Shemoane
Somcmorc 10:300::1
FINISHLINE: Darr Tournamcn~ I 0pm
LEDO; Kari-Okie host. Pancho 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 4pm-7pm
FRIDAY December 29
THE COPA: ?,fale Dancer,; 9pm
PEC'S: Male Dancers, 9pm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust 1-6,6-12
SATURDAY December 30
PEC'S: \faie l);u1et:rs, tJpm
THE ROCKIES: Beer Bust i-6,6-12
SUNDAY December 31
t'1£~1YEARS E'✓-E
E'IERY()l~E P1\R1-IES!'.
}i()i~LYWOO[: HOTEL:
Ddarnore, f\1a!c Dan.:e Revm.:.
aHy i{ncnvn Surprise SiJ)gr.:r.
the STi\R 27
"Welcome criticism, Gemini!""
Venus aligns with Pluto (yes, to astrologers he's still a
planet!) drawing us to erotic confrontation and artistic or
financial challenges. Both planets trine Saturn in Leo,
grounding us to more secure personalities or others without
a need to prove themselves.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Embrace new adventures
like your life depends on it. The quality of your life depends
on a catalytic change; familiar pleasures aren't cutting it.
Don't be afraid of a challenge. There's more to fear if you
don't go for a big one!
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Review your mortgage or
debts to see if you can get a better deal. New erotic opportunities
will push your boundaries and rouse parental or cuitural
voices - all the better to face them down and be free.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): If you want perfection, it's
best to work on yourself, not your partner! Even efforts
at self-improvement may come off as annoying to others.
Perhaps that's a clue to how you realiy need to adapt. Welcome
supportive criticism.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Be careful of your health,
especially when it comes to erotic and culinary indulgences
that could affect your liver. Hard work sustains you - up to
a point. Overwork is very dangerous. Know your limits and
err on the side of caution.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): You need some recreation to
steel yourself against life's challenges. Some light, fluffy
_divertissements_ will not do the trick, but a powerful creative
or athletic challenge is needed to provide the required
release and reinforcement.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Famiiy or roommates
will drive you mad if given half a chance. Take time
out and away from them to be centered and clear on your
own priorities. Then you can stand your ground with unwavering
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Your nOimally
famous diplomacy seems to be on vacation. Despite your
best efforts, you tend to come across as forceful and locked
onto an immutabie goal. That can be good in the right time
and place, but use your forcefulness wisely!
SCORPIO (October 23 w November 21 ): Having a crisis
of values is just a process of maturing. How you face and
resoive it is more important than the crisis itself. Your approach
to the problem will be on view and couid affect your
28 the STAR
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 ® December 20): You could
seduce almost anyone you want now. The trick may be
keeping away those you don't want. !f you really want to
turn the seduction up, a mature, slightly exotic look will
work for you.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Erotic dreams
(nightmares?) are suddenly very vivid. They may shake up
familiar patterns, but isn't that a!i for the better? Embrace
the challenges and someone, perhaps with more experience,
who can share them with you.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): You love a good
debate, now more than ever. You are especially sure of
yourself, but learning is bettei than conquest. The greater
victory would be in keeping an open mind and respecting
whatever authority your opponent may have.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Hard work now can
have transformative effects on your career. Expend some
effort, but don't push too hard, to make sure your accomplishments
are noticed. Standing up to the boss may be
necessary. Be calm and open to criticism while holding firm
when you know you're right.
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rokeback (''B
(verb) to brokeback; the
act of affection between
two men in pubiic. Best
done while wearing
cowboy hats.
ex. "Aww, look, they're
brokebacking. Isn't.
that cute?"
Celebri.Vom rn ("sel-EB-ra-vom")
(noun) fast acting \
.,_ 1
new diet pill; very ' ,,.__ :; o,-:.
1 -c_.; /.
Popu ar t ./ ""',:.
all h / . ~ 0 t c youn p, , · ; , -
blonde, anorexic ::: O -
and bulimic / 1 \'
Hollywood starlets.
30 the STAR
(verb) to hatch;
cheating on your
income taxes.
Also see: fat,
hairv; naked
prison bitch.
(adjective) the act of
being evil, porcine,
and manipulative.
ex. "Jed, that pig's
done gone all
karlrovian on us.
Better go git th' gun!
(verb) to madonna;
technical term used
in the magazine
industry for digitally
retouching the hell
out of deeply wrinkled
faces of middle-aged
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the STAR
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All you can eat soup and salad bar 1 lam-2pm
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Sun - Thur. 7pm-2am
Fri and Sat. 4pm-2am
Rudy's Place is a non-smoking
Early for cocktails, late for a night cap
R Delamore, Male Dance
, .'Surprise Sin"ger.
With Whitney Paige
December 8th & December 22nd
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2006] The Star Magazine, December 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 12,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/225.