[2006] The Star Magazine, August 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 8


[2006] The Star Magazine, August 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 8


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd.




Star Media, Ltd.


August 01, 2006


Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Kay Massey
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlile
Victor Gorin
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
Teresa Goodrich


The Star Magazine, July 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 7

The Star Magazine, September 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 9


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


lahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
2114 S. Memorial Dr. * Tulsa, OK * 918.660.0856
2 the STAR, Ceiebrating our 3rd Year 2006.

It ain't easy being green. Or
blind. Or gay. Let's work together
to make it a little easier
on all of us.
Tennessee Burning! Used to be that
cross burnings were the KKK's calling
card against African Americans. Now
cross burnings have a different use.
A retrospective of LGBT
History. This month "How
queer is science fiction?"
Gay Travelers "OGUNQUIT,
1-1AINE" &
Out of Town "Philadelphia"
Heart to Heart .......... 6
Lesbian Notions ..... 10
People ................... 12
Past Out... .............. 14
Entertainment... ..... 16
Ciao Travel. ........... 17
Star Scene ............ 24
Uncle Mikey .......... 26
The Bistro ............. 27
Horoscopes ........... 28
Distributors ............ 29
Cartoons ................ 30
Classifieds ............. 31
(}av men and lesbians face .... ~, , ', , ,,, , '
situations, whether single oras couples.
Let us help!
( 1 ) 7 -5 6
,4rkansas & Ok/ahoma1s 1\Aost Read GLBT ftAagazine
:Executive Director,
y ru::1d Lesbian Task Force
YORK, NY_I never expected New
,~ court to rule for us o:1 marriage,
solid legal reasons, New York
the first tier for marriage test
task 10 years ago of
from going to court to
,en I read the stimmary Friday momtha-
c the state constitution doesn't
the recognition of same-sex mar-
. I expected the body of the decision
to b~ scholarly and well-reasoned, I also
· · · · it :would express sympathy for
· hardships gay
· couples face and that it would
~ge die Legislature to act to add,
tcss these jnjustices ...
:\<Boy, ~was ! ~n& The o~inion w~s m~re
,. ·· poorly.wtitten, illogical and 10sultmg
· · · • d;. it was olainlv homoohoppme
ex~mple'of .th~ failur; of
. . alitgedlf thinking straight people
,• .. · futbis·case judges - to grasp that we
.... f:tfe:fiilly andemially.liwnan.· Sentences like:
:Ji::?,· .. :.,
.ii::a~~~t:i~<;e sQgg~;t that a
· ·· · his or
they can
ult of acci.dent or
{the inajonty of the New
·Yoi1c.Court6f Appeals sb:ould feel the rest
of their lives. *
WASHINGTON,July 18 _Right-wing
zealots are coming up empty-handed when
they aim to push discrimination into our
nation's Constimrion.
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives
voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment
bv an.o-vcrwhelmiog margin. With 187
Repres;ntatives v~tiog agl!,lllst the FMA, the
extremists pushing the amendment fell far
short of tl;tc two.:tliirds ~ajority needed co
write discrimination 1nto th; Constitution.
You and thousands.of committed Human
Rights Campaign §tipporters.have spoken
up time and time again, urging our elected
officials to stand on the side of equality
and fairness. Together, bur work to combat
discrirrunatlon.has' made a difference.
.. nalGay
"Task Force
"Once ag~ii, a bipartisan bloc has soundly
rejecteq · stimtional iunenclment
. . . .
gay Americans andt:hcir families:.In spite
of intense
to getdris . . . .
the House-just as.it failed in the Senate.
Clearly, thet:e's· no· traction itl this issue.
. . .
''We i::o . Leader Nancy Pelosi,
Min y Hoyer and the entire
minority leadership, and especially Reps.
Tammy Baldwin, Jei:!,'old Nadler, James
McGo~ern and Barney Fr,-..nk for their work
in otgaoizix.ig oppositi~n to this,am,~qd.ment.
as well as all r.l}e others wno stood up
,, : , , ,' -> ,i , ,'' : ~' 1 - ' ' ·-· for our community ana our tamtl1es.
"We hone this vote today will be the basis
for a w~rjqng majority iri Congress to press
forn"ll.rd on basic fairness for lesbian, gay,
· bisexual and transgender people, including
protection from bate crimes and disc~nation
and access to the same protect:J.ons
enjoyed by all other families.
"Finally, as we move beyond yet another
sound defeat of this un-American proposal,
we hope all members of Congress
and the American people think hard about.
what truly is at stake here: Denying one ·
group of Americans the family recogni- .
rion granted to others would r~erse the . .
course of our nation's history oi: expanding
equal rights. It would condemn one group •
to a lesser citizenship and deny them the ·
social support our society has c<;>nsttucted
to help families and children flourish. Gay
and Ie'°sbian families need and deserve the.
kind of protection and support we currently·
extend to other families. Let's start acknowledging
that truth. Let's start talki~g abo'.1tfrj .
and let's start doing it because it 1s the right ·
thing to do."
Community for
People iiving
Our House. Too offers a variety of
activities for peopie \A/ho are HI\/+ and
or living vvith' AIDS to help cornbat the
social lsoiat!on that rnany of our
dE;f ;1;,~~.!:1o~~~1~1=ti::~:s~I~·
and or !!v!ng \.V!th ,A.!OS \.tvho cannot
afford to purchase these !ten1s for
themselves . ..,/Ve invite anyone \Vho
\Vouid like to voiunteer or provide fi·nanciai
assistance to piease contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
the STAR 5
It Ain't Easy Being Green
It ain't easy being green. The plaintive lament of Kermit the
Frog became this year's theme at the annual meeting of
Blind Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual
People, BFLAG for short. The message was one of selfacceptance,
but the group is also fighting for another kind
of acceptance: inclusion in the gay
is to provide for the betterment of the lives of those who
are visually impaired and who are lesbian, gay, bisexuai or
transgender. Specifically, they're working to help blind gay
people integrate into society.
"LGBT disabled individuals have the same problems as
straight disabled individuals," reports BFLAG president
Butch Arnold. "Sometimes we're totally accepted but, more
often than not, we're assumed to be different and are not
accepted on an even playing field. With the closet factor
added to the mix, disabled people, especially those who
are visually impaired or blind, have major problems fitting
in or simply being accepted by other LGBT individuals.
This makes socializing difficult under many normal LGBT
Jason Perry, vice president of BFLAG and a law student
at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, agrees that
handicapped people are often excluded from gay culture.
'There's a fear, number one, of just 'Goodness, what do
we do?"' Perry explained. "The task iooks so monumental.
The second issue is just logistical. A lot of gay bars aren't
handicapped accessible."
So how do we work together to change that?
The first step, everyone agrees, is education. "Once a
visually impaired or blind individual gets to be known, most
barriers tend to disappear,'' Arnold asserted. •Educating the
general public helps immensely with the acceptance of all
disabled people."
Perry advocates integration. "I'm a firm believer in getting
blind gay people out in the community, in both the gay
and straight community, because if
Many people with disabilities feel
isoiated from society, but gay people
with disabilities often face further
It ain't easy being
green. Or blind.
you put a human face on what the
problems are, you help connect the
discussion. The issue becomes tangible
now. It's something people can
relate to."
;The LGBT community is not reaily
inclusive when it comes to the disabled,"
says Ken, a41-year-oid blind
gay man. "While that's not a problem
Or gay, Let's work
together to make it a
little easier on all of us.
"Disabled individuals don't bite and
our disabilities are not contagious,"
stressed Arnold. "People need to get
to know us. As a visually impaired
exclusive to the gay community, it
is made worse with their fixation on
beauty and perl'ection. A disability, no matter what it is,
makes you imperfect."
BFLAG started out as an inforrna! support group for people
who are gay and blind. They first met in 1996 at the nationa!
convention of the American Council of the Blind (ACB).
it was the first of several annual meetings, with attendance
continuing to grow year by year. The group became an
official affiliate of the ACS in 2000. They've grown from a
handful of attendees to about 150 active members
Today, BFLAG states on their Vv'ebsite that their purpose
individual, I'm often perceived to be
a snob when I don't see someone
wave or make eve contact with me.
If i don't know a person is attempting to communicate with
me, I can't respond. I have iost several potential friends
because of this. We al! must !earn to communicate better
and simply do more communicating."
Perry reiterated the importance of eye contact and body
ianguage, especialiy in American gay culture. He reported
that he found it easier to meet people in other countries
because it seemed they valued conversation over the complex
system of eye contact and flirting used in the US.
(:ontinued next page
6 Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Heart to Heart
"Everyone must realize thai visually
impaired and blind people simply can't communicate
with body language and such,"
Arnold pointed out. "We still say and feel
the same things, but many of us simply
can't communicate in a visual manner."
Another unique challenge is transportation.
"Mobility seems to be of paramount
importance," Perry said. "My friends like to
go places and I don't drive, of course."
Then there's the common stereotype that, as
Ken put it, "disabled people are not thought
to be sexual." Perry added, "Whenever I
hang out at a gay bar, particularly if I've
never been there before and people don't
know me, a lot of times people look at me
as a casual friend, but not much else."
BFLAG is working hard to educate the LGBT
community. This year alone, four cities saw a
BFLAG contingent march in their pride parade:
Baltimore, MD; Tulsa, OK; Houston, TX; and
Washington, D.C. BFLAG helped organize a
gay pride event in Columbus, OH, and they've
also been accive in Katrina relief efforts doing
everything from providing housing to collecting
food and supplies.
BFLAG is also reaching out to visually impaired
LGBT people. They are currently working on
organizing affiliate chapters in Baltimore, Houston,
and Columbus. Arnold hopes that there will
be even more group,s formed in the next couple
years. They're also hoping to expand the website
(www.bflag.org) and produce a radio web show.
It's not just up to BFLAG, however. LGBT
organizations and individuals need to be more
proactive in reaching om to our disabled brothers
and sisters. More bars and clubs need to be
handicapped accessible. If you see a blind person
at a bar, stare a conversation with them. If you
know a blind person, invite him or her along the
next time you're going out.
Most importantly, let's not forget ::hat blind :ncn
and woman have the same feelings, needs, and
desires as anyone else. "We're just people," Ken
:nsists. "I can accept it if I'm :10t liked fo: my
personality, bat it ticks me off when someone
won't talk to me just because I'm blind.'"
It ain't easy being green. Or blind. Or gay.
Let's work together to make it a little easier
on all of us.
c Pride
Announces 2nd
nnual Family
by Carlotta Carlisie
McALESTER, OK_McPride, a McAlester
based non-profit GLBTA organization
who's mission is to create a support group
and provide help for the GLBT community
of Southeast Oklahoma as well as heterosexual
allies v;,ill be hosting the 2nd annual
McPride Family Picnic on Saturday, September
23rd, 11 am to 5pm at Chadick Park, 6th
and Delaware in McAlester.
In addition to picnic space there will be
space available for all pro GLBTA organizations
to sell or display thier resources. This
space must be reserved in advance. Sign
up forms are available at www.mcpride.
org or contact pau!@mcpride.org for more
information. A donation is requested for
this space.
This event is a great opportunity for the
GLBTA community of Oklahoma and
Western Arkansas to get out and meer new
people and show your support for this
Southeastern Oklahoma organization. Although
McAlester is a relitively small town
there is a vibrant GLBT community in the
Lake Eufaula area.
Food and drink vendors are also invited and
shouid contact Elizabeth at 918-423-7015
* Quotable Quotes
A.rka?Jsas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Friday
he hopes the Legisiature considers reimpos~
ing a ban on gay foster parems, struck down
a day earlier by the state Supreme Court.
Arkansas G,n-. Mike Huckabee said !:n.e state
high court was more concer:1ed abom looking
out for gay couples than foster chjldren.
arm Yery disappointed that the court seems
more interested in v,,rhat's good for gay
couples than \vhat's good for children needing
foster care," Huckabee said through his
spokes"..voman ,,;-\Jice Ste\·vart.
a diffaren~•
ct Oklahoma
McPride's 2nd
Annual Family Picnic
Saturday September 23rd
11AM to 5PM Chadick Park
6th and Delware, McAlester
Organizations Reserve your
display table now. Contact
Food and Drink vendors
Contact Elizabeth @ 918-
McPride"' PO Box 1515, f\.~ci\iester, OK 74502
the STAR 7
DVD Review
n Legend of Jackie Curtis"
Donald Pile and Ray Williams
We have run across one of the most interesting
and touching biographies that we have seen
in years! SUPERSTAR In a Housedress is a biography
of the late Jackie Curtis of New York City.
It is both a lmok and a DVD. Buv the book and
the DVD comes with it. Everyone should order
one and you can order so easily at amazon.com.
Craig B. Highberger the writer/ director was
a close friend of the late Jackie Curtis and he has
produced a very touching biography/ documentary.
The critics LOVE it! "Bright and entertaining''
writes Stephen Holden of the New York Times.
"Bitchy, catt:y, moving and hilarious" writes the
New York Magazine.
Jackie Curtis was a poet, a playwright, and an
Andy Warhol Superstar. He lived and
the STAR
. ;,
'· I .,/
performed ... sometimes as a man, sometimes as a
woman, but .ALWAYS performed! We think that the
Village Voice summed it up best when they wrote, "A
fabulouslv fond and entertainjng tribute."
The DVD has so many wonderful and delightful
imen·iews with such noted personalities as actor Paul
Ambrose; Penny Arcade the performance artist; Harvey
Fiersrein; Joe Franklin, the TV legend; Silvia Miles,
actress; the extra-ordinary photographer, Jack lvfitchell;
Michael Musto, entertainment journalise; Holly Woodland,
superstar herself;
Lily Tomlin; and our -very dear friend, the Countess
Alexis Del Lago, artist and STAR ! who now resides
in West Hollyv.rood. We always see her when we are in
California. She is indeed the last of a dying breed of
ELEGANT personalities.
Director/writer Craig Highberger has touched
on so many wonderful aspects of Jackie's life and the
many interesting people around him. Craig was a close
friend of Jackie's from 1972 until Jackie's death in
1985. This biography is certainly a true labor of love
and it shows. Craig and his partner Andy of over 30
years lives in Ohio. Craig is coming out with a new
biography on the life of photographer Jack Mitchell.
We can't wait to see that one.
If you want to read and see a DVD about a very
interesting and colorful character then run out and·
buy SUP ERST AR In a Housedress. You can check out
th~ biography at: http:/ /www.jackiecurtis.com/ and ·
Craig's new project on Jack !vfitchell at http:/ /www.
Congratulations to Craig on not only one but
great biographies. ·
Photo above: Coumess Alexis
ol Arkansas
(501) 525-12
or Toll Free 1-800-537-3714
L--~~~~!~~~! ______ .-.
NWA GLBT Community Center
To Host Picnic
BENTC)N1/ILLI~~ ,\R. _ ]]1e i'-~\X./\ c;LB-i·· (~canrnanity (:enter \vill
ho]d a HMeet and c;reet'' event 12th from noon to 4pm at
:tvlcCinre Park in Lo\veH. ~.Jc(]ur<:: Park 1::- across tb.e street frorn
the Lowell Elemcntan· Schoc,L It -xill be BYOP (Bring your Ow:~
Picnic) and there \viH b:..: ::1 :n·2jlable. fyfc(]ure Park 1~~ an excel•
~ s l ,r t lent p1aygrounc1 tor tne
Be seen with the STAR, Advertise with us! 9
by Libby Post
Tennessee Burning
Used to be that cross burnings were the KKK's calling card
against African Americans. Now cross burnings have a different
Just ask Brandon Waters. He and his partner, Brian Harmon,
were having a quiet evening at home on Thursday,
June 29, when Waters iooked out a window and saw a
7-foot cross burning on the front lawn of his Athens, Tenn.,
They rushed out and doused the fire. In the morning, they
went back out to videotape the remains. On one of the
bricks used to prop up the cross was scrawled "Better
Leave Now Fags."
Waters called the Meigs County sheriff's department, which
started an investigation and cailed in the FBI to see if the
incident would be considered a hate crime under federal
statute. The feds said no, because under the federal hate
crimes law, there is no provision for crimes against gays,
lesbians, or the transgendered.
Clearly, Sheriff Walter Hickman isn't familiar with the law
- the nation's or his own state's. Tennessee has a hate
crimes law that _does_ cover sexual orientation.
"Why did they call in the FBI when they should have called
in the state?" Waters asked me rhetorically in a recent
interview. •·something doesn't sound right. It seems like the
police are not taking it very seriously."
! couldn't agree more. Even though hate crimes against the
LGBT community decreased siightly in 2005, the anti-LGBT
rhetoric that characterizes this nation's political debate
sends a clear message that we are and should continue
to be seen as second-class citizens who don ·t deserve full
protection under the law.
According to the 2005 report by the National Coalition of
Anti-Violence Programs, the number of anti-LGBT hate
crime incidents fell 13 percent from 2004, and the number
of victims who were tracked fell neariy at the same rate
- 12 percent The number of offenders. however, decreased
only half that rate, by 6 percent.
This paltry decrease. says the report. "signals a truiy retrograde
environment in which years of progress resuiting in
10 the STAR
fewer people willing to violently act out anti-LGBT bias has
been substantially reversed. With respect to hate-related
violence, we are in fact 'back to the future."'
That's certainly true for Waters and Harmon. "We've had
many incidents with people yelling at us - fags, queers. I
can't even sit out on my porch," said Waters.
Clearly, there's no reason for him to have any faith in the
local sheriff's department. "I feel like they're just blowing us
off. This is not the first incident I've reported to the police."
Waters had a hit-and-run with one of the local "yellers."
"When one of the policemen took the report, I told him my
name. He asked, 'How do you spell Brandon? Brandony?' I
was born and raised here, they all know me."
With local law enforcement not taking any of these incidents
seriously, Waters says he is fearful for his life.
He and Harmon have left their home and moved in with
Waters' mother. "I have been waking up in the middle of
the night, having nightmares and smelling smoke that's not
there," said Waters. "I'm really depressed. I just feel like my
civil rights have been violated, like the police are oot doing
what they're supposed to do, and I really don't know who to
turn to."
Despite all this, Waters is willing to fight. His family has no
resources to hire a lawyer, but he is willing to "pursue this
as far as I can take it."
if there was ever a case where nationai organizations could
and shouid come in as knights in shining armor, this is it.
To my mind, this is a perfect opportunity for Lambda Legal
or the ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project to make their
iegal presence known in Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's
home state. With both sides gearing up for what will no
doubt be a bruising campaign over the state's proposed
Amendment 1, which seeks to ban same-sex marriage, the
Task Force and the Human Rights Campaign should work
side by side with the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) to
turn this hate crime around to the LGBT community's political
advantage. Not doing so would certainly be an opportunity
In fact, TEP is now organizing a "Vote No on 1" campaign
against the amendment. !t's time for us to play hardball.
Why not use the image of a burning cross and the story of
discrimination expeiienced by these two men who just want
to iive their lives to underscore the need for marriage equaiity
in Tennessee?
i guarantee you that if the radical Christian right in Tennessee
had visual ad copy like this to use to further its antisame-
sex-marriage agenda, it would certainly use it.
Newly ed's Test
klahoma Tax
Photo: Matt and Afichae! at the Cape Cod Wedding Ceremony.
TULSA, OK_ Like most married couples in Oklahoma, Matt
Brumley and Michaei Oaks struggle everyday: they struggle with the
bills, with the children, and with the State of Oklahoma.
But Matt and Michael's struggles are different in many respects
to other married couples in Oklahoma: they are married
to one another. While they hold a marriage certificate
from the state of Massachusetts, they are not recognized by
the State of Oklahoma.
Until Tuesday. The pair decided the family needed a new
car to accommodate both Matt and Michael's new jobs.
Inevitably, paperwork needed to be dealt with, and that included
going to the tag agency. When they produced their
marriage license, the State of Oklahoma waived the state
excise tax on the title of their car - a tax usually waived for
family members.
They met at their former jobs, as empioyees of St. Michaels
Alley in 2001. Both had children when they met. Daniel, 11, and
Lillian, 6, live with Man and Michael. As a family, ,hey take Daniel
and Lillian on fumilv trips. The fumilv relishes holidavs as time to
spend with their kids. · · ,
"I like decorating for the holidays," Matt said. "I love having fun
with the kids.r
They have struggled in the pasr five years, like aH couples do. They
occasionally found working together frustrating, but they managed
to overcome those difficulties.
"V.10 11 '; e got to 1o e _a~ goo ct' coup1i e ,.~r, y~u :-vorK1 togct'n e: an~d: ~,,~ ve
together and not klll each other1 said Kasey Cunun1ns~ a !'ormer coworker
of the couple. 'Td kill my husband if I ,vorke:d with him.
On l',1emorial Dav weekend, l',fatt and Michaei traveled to the East
Coast. During th~ir trip, they traveled to Barnstable, Massachusetts
to tie the knot. First, they flew into Providence, and drove to Newport,
R.I. They stayed at ,Rivera Beach Resor:. After checking into
the resort, the two performed a "tes: rm:" of Ihe trip to where they
would marry.
1he next day, they of course - had ro stop to buy a oattery charger
for their cell phone. After which, they saw the sites in Plymorh,
Salem, and Boston. Finally rhe next day they went to the village
of Barnstable.
They were then referred to the town of Barnstable; they were referred
back to a judge in the village of Barnstable, who would grant
a waiver for the marriage. Once they received the waiver, they went
back to the town of Barnstable, which issued the marriage license.
"The whole process rook about four hours," Michael said.
"The lady was so helpful," Matt said. "She ran her butt off for us."
Although their families were not present, they did gather at .:he ceremony
in Juiy. This time around, about 90 family and friends joined
Matt and Michael v,hen they exchanged vows. The Reverend Diane
Varner officiated.
In addition to attending, Marr and Michael's friends also macie sure
things ran smoothly with the ceremony. One friend, Susan Johnston,
catered the evem. The wedding was a prototype for future
enterprises; Johnston and the couple plan to he!p others in planning
their weddings.
Although the pair lived together for quite a whiie before marrying,
rhey are still making
preparations and attending
to family business. Recently,
both made the decision to
pursue different jobs. 1he
transition is a little bumpy,
but with the addition of a
new car, that transition has
become that much e:~sier.
The couple decided ::o
add Michael to rhe title of
the old car, and this task
required the tag agency.
When they went to th1: first
tag agency-" 17th and Harv:nd - tag agen;,:}' employees wuald add
Michael to rhe tide, but d1cy \vould be required to pay the stare
excise tax) vvhich ,vas $244. f~Jo.,,vever., the st3te ~.;;a!ves the fee fi)r
family members.
!viatt explained I'vfichacl -...vas his husband, ;;.nd tht
the state does not recognize n1arriage. ()n advice
the couple then tra_·,.,weled to t<:ig agency at 9isr and Sheridan. 'Ihe
employees' response \Vas different.
vvere asked fiJr their
rlbey vvere rc~ld •·w,:e
advised sht: -:.:vould ntx'd to
Josh ■ rov1s
Artist, Author, Columnist.
From the Editor:
As recognition for the 18th "Heart to Heart" column published
in the STAR, we wanted to introduce the author to
you. The Aterovis column has become one of the most
popuiar with our readers and hits on many issues important
to our community. 'rhe honesty, sensitivity and hard truth
style in which josh covei's the subject matter in each Heart
to Heart issue fits weil with the philosophy our magazine.
This young man of 20 something, is dedicated to the never
ending equality and everyday struggle of GLBT people. The
evidence 1s in his writing.
Josh Aterovis, a twenty-something artist-author, was born
and bred on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and lives there
with his husband. Jon. Aterovis is a Latin pseudonym
meaning "black sheep."
Whenever anyone asked Josh what he wanted to be vvhen
he grevv up, he aiways said an author. it got him plenty of
strange looks. but he never really expected it to come true:
12 the STAR
it was just one of those things a kid says. In 1999, Josh's
wishful dream became reality when he began to write a
story and post it on the Internet. Bleeding Hearts resonated
deeply with readers, who encouraged him to seek publication.
In 2001, the story was published by Renaissance
Alliance Publishing, !nc. Named the Best Whodunit of 2002
by the Stonewall Society, Bleeding Hearts became the first
book in the Ki!iian Kendall mystery series.
Reap the Whirlwind, his second book featuring amateur
sleuth Killian Kendall, was published in May of 2003 and
the Stonewall Society promptly awarded it the Best Whodunit
of the year. Josh has completed five books in the
series and is currently working on a rewrite and edit of All
Lost Things, the third book on the Killian Kendall series. He
has won numerous awards for his writing and for his web
site, which also features his well-received art gallery.
"In addition to my writing, my primary income is through my
artwork. I work in transparent watercolor. I paint in the purist
form. Sorry to disappoint, but that doesn't mean I paint
in the nude. It means I don't use any white paint. Any white
areas you see in a painting are the white of the paper. I do
take commissions, which means if you don't see-what you
want, tell me and I'll paint it just for you." Josh wrote.
In August of 2003, Josh and Jon publicly celebrated their
commitment with a wedding ceremony. it is not yet recognized
by the state of Mary!and or the United States of
America, but they live in the hope that one day it will be
fully legal.
Thank you Josh for your contribution to the STAR and for
the eighteenth issue of "Heart to Hearf, on the not much
talked about issues confronting disabied LGBT people.

ast Out
Liz Highleyn:an
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT hiscory. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diwrsity
of the gay past and its impact on the queer present.
How queer is science fiction?
A few well-kno\;·n science fiction '.vtiters are gay, lesbian, bisexual,
or transgcndered, and many who are not han: included queer
themes in their work. For GLBT and strai,,ht authors aiii<.e, the C
genre lends itself to exploration of new possibilities in the realms
of sexuality, gender, and intimate relationships.
Science ficrim, is ofren stereotyped as a genre for "geekr'' straigh~
men, and indeeci, much of the ,.vork has historically been sexist
and i1omophoi)ic. Among the first stories to portray horroscxuality
sympatheticaUy was Theodore Sturgeon's "The \X'orid WclJ
Lost" (! 953), ·.;,·hich featared a gay male alien couple \Vho land on a
represfr;e Planet Earth.
\X;ith the ci,·ii rights mo,:ement and sexua; ~evo!uti()n •)f the 1960s
and 1970s, science fiction began to boldly explore sex,.iaiity and
gender. ;\JO[ed (jUCer authors who started writing during this period
include Samuel D:c!an}~ Joanna Ru,s, and Octavia Butler (who died
in Februan' 2006), all of whom received science fiction's i1ighe,t
awards, the Hugo anci Nebula. Russ was among several feminist
writers of :l:e era who exp!ored futuristic sepa!atis~ societies witi~out
men, a~ in "When It Ch;.nged" (197 2) and Ti1c Female Man
Lcsb!an author Marion Zimmer Bradiey recalled that an agent
introduced her to the Daughters of Bilitis after detecting hints of
sarnc-sex croticisn1 in her science fiction and fantasy; i11 the 195th;
and 196Us} she ,vro(e f,,c~r the group\ rnagazinc, 'The I ,,adder, ,1nd
authored lesbian pulp ficrjon. _Arthur C:. C]arkc, one of the fathers
of tht: genre, neady can1c ot1t in a 1986 Playbuy i11tcr,-ie\v; \J~~hen
directly asked if he \Va~ gay, ho'-1,,,-evcr, he replied that he \\:\lS
and i\1ciissa Scott.
\\Titers farnous for other Fenres havt· also dabbled in science fi(tion,
Fellce Picano and Katherine \.1_ I::orre~;t~ ~,,.l·hosc
14 the STAR
norm. In other cases, the tables are turned on heterosexuality: In
joe Haldeman'~ The Foren:r War (197 4), for exam1:!c, sr:aigh:
time-tra.-elers return to Earth ;1fter an interplanetary war, only t0
discm·er that homosexuality is no'.v the norm due '" m·crpc>pularion
and they are considered perverts.
Gay male rdarions!1ips haYe fascinated the straig!1t women authors
of ''olash" fiction, who envision liaisons bet\vec:: ch,ssic characters
such as Captain Kirk and ;\fr. Speck from Star Trek. ;\!any authors
have explored various a!ternariYe reiariu:1ship srr~JCtL:res, such as
the multi-partner marriages in Robe::t A. Heinleh's S~r«nger in a
Strange Land (1961). "Geniuses and superge,1:uses always make
their o,vn rules on sex as on e\~erything: else," a Hein;ein character
says in Friday (1982).
Gender nriance is also an enduring morif in science fiction; the
Jame~ A. Tiptree Award (named after the pseudonym of author Alice
Sheldon) was created for science fictio;; ur fanusy that ex;nncls
or explores understandings of gender. Sex ci1;111ge is a common
theme, either permanent or back-and-forth as the :nood s:rikes.
Lrsula Le Gui:i's The Lefr Haed of Darkness tl 969) features ;, race
of mutated humans who are i1,>ngcndered except d,:ring brief mating
periods '.vhen they randomh· take on the sexual charac!erisrics
of males or females; Le Gi.iin later said d:e regretted he: failure of
,magination in omitting same-sc:x reh,rionships.
In Delany's Troub!e on Tritc-n (1976), a maci1<> !nan p:.u'.~ucs an
unattainable woman in a sexuaily egalirnriaa society, at>d later
ends up as a woman searci;ing for the kind of man he '>nee xas.
.\Iany works feature aliens ·.vith more than t·.vc sexes, such as lsaac
Asimrx,'s The Gods Themsel-ves (! 972). In Scott's Shadow :vla:1
(1995), most advanced ·.vorlds recognize fiyc lntr.an sexes, but
individuals on the isolated plar:et Harn arc forced to live a~ either
male o;· female.
,\fany autl1ors have explored teciu~olof,rical inno•:ations in the realms
of sex and reproduction. As early as 1932, Aldous Huxley's Braye
New \'{iorld portrayed a high-tech society m ·xhicr1 babies y,:ere
grown in bottles in factories. Cloning anci parthenogenesis allm,·
humans to abandon sexuai reproduction as in Charlotte Perkins
Giiman's Berland (1915), about an all-fema:e utopia - ,ind inevitably
proc:uce talcs of individua:s having sex \.,,;th them~eh·es. Time
travel alkrHs charac~ers to go backwar(::, or fonvarl:s in time, often
having sex with their ancestors or dcscendcnts. 1\urhors have alsc
cn-n~ioned cross-breeding be0.veen species; in BL!tler's ''Blo()cichild"
11984), for example, a ma:e human is impregnated an insc:ct-Ekc
alien. Several authors have explored s:,1do1nasochisn1 or the sex trade
of the future. I)elany included an interspecies gay bathhouse sce:ie
in , __ Stars in lv!y Pock:c-t Like (Jrains of Sand (1984), \vbiic Storrn
c:onsrantinc's F1crn1ctech (]991) featured a
~\£rec~ tc, ha-ve his body
\1.·itb 1nultiple ~ex nrgart~,
/'1.uthor and editor >,;icob (irifhrh has \1,,Tlncn th:tt tjLlfl' rcaclers
different fu.:e:ristic or
Photo: The new community center coming soon.
The Tulsa Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender
(GLBT) Community Center, 5545 E
41 st Srreet in Highland Plaza, is the place to
be this August as events, acti:,ities and concerts
keep pace wit!: the heat of Summer.
The highlight of August is the Summer
Concert @ the Center featuring Amy
Steinberg of Orlando, Florida. l\. veteran
of performing with Ani DcFranco, Lisa
Loeb and many others, Amy visits the Tulsa
GLBT Communitv Center on Sundav, August
13. 2006. Am}· takes the stage a(7:00
PM. A cionation or SS :o $i0 is requested at
the door.
The Community Resource Kiosk is filled
with infor1nadQn on comtnunir-v organizarions,
health issues and businej~es tl1at support
the GI.BT & allied communicv. FREE
20-minute HI\r rests are available t:~7"erv
Tuesd,ay (6 t:i 8_ P:\t) an~ Saturday (4 t;, 7
PM). lt you·re hunting for bu1nper stickers~
je,Nelry, fla!:,tS, "'"vindsocks, item~ and
more you'U find them at the Pride Store.
The David Bohnctt ,.:vith 10
flat-panel co1nputer stations is FRJ~l~ for
you to chat \vith friends, finish that
research paper or sin1ply surf the \vcb, 'The
f,,fcf)onald Rainbo\V w;{
libraries of its kind in the Midwest
- all FREE to check-out.
You can learn more about all
the above by caliing the Tulsa
GLBT Information Line at
918.743.GAYS (429').
twentySomething, a social group
for young adults, the newest addition
to the Tulsa GLBT Community
Center and the future
of the communitv, meets on the
2nd Monday of th.e month at
7:00 P.M. The group joins the
community at the PFLAG Family
Picnic on Monday, August
14th at Whiteside Park, 41 st and
Pittsburg !between Harvard and
The Tulsa Arca Prime-Timers,
for mature men and their
admirers, meet at the Tulsa
GLBT Community Center the
first Tuesday of the month at
6:30 PM.
Gender Outreach, a social and support
group for Transgendcr & Intersex individuals
and their friends, meet even· \X'ednesdav
of the month at 7:30 PM. Lockers and ·
changing rooms are provided for your
The Tulsa Two-Spirit Society, a NativeAmerican
GLBT group, meets on the 1st
Wednesday of the month at the Tulsa
GLBT Community Cemer.
Thursdays bring the Lesbians of Tuisa to
the Center for a rciaxing evening of socializing.
Kick back and visit \Vith friends or
inakc nc\v ones, surf the ,v-eb or catch a
The last Thursday of the month is the
~rC)HR_ Board of Directors n1ecting. ()pen
to the public, the meetings gi,;c you rhc -=>pportunity
to become n1ore invob.,,-ed 1;virh tht.:
cornmunity, proYiding ·vision for the future.
-You're fabulous ~ and you ha·ve 1he chance
to przy,;.~e it .., :vith r7J\.B! Friday i\ftern{)OD
11ridge is your chance to sbo\\1 your skills
:lnd 1neet other;; in the senior~·--------·-···--·
(:ards and refreshments arc ,1, ailalJle for :11;
Kick your weekend off in style with Center
Cinema every Friday evening. The FREE
GLBT films are shown on a 65" HDTV,
gi,·ing you the opportunity ro get up close
and personal ,vith the scars.
Action kicks in!o high gear on Saturdays
and Sundavs. The I st Saturday of the
momh welcomes the Tulsa U~iform &
Leather Seekers Association (f.U.L.S.A.).
The Board of Directors of TU.LS.A meets
at 4:00 PM while the general membership
meets at 5:00 PM.
The Tulsa Deaf GLBT Group meets quarterly
at the Tulsa GLBT Communitv Center
on Saturdays. Look for a new videophone
at the Center soon, providing another opportunity
to get and stay connected to the
community and your family and friends.
Dinner and entertainment are featured during
Ol3T on the Town on the 2nd Saturday
of the month. You can join the communin·
for an evening of fun whether it's a night ;t
the theatre to a night of bowling.
Faith piays an important role for many in
the community. Ekklesia rhe Gathering,
featuring worship and song in a living-room
setting, meets every Sunday at 10:30 AM at
the Tulsa GLBT Community Center.
TOHR welcomes all in the community to
visit and enjoy the Tulsa GLBT Com~unity
Center, 5545 E 41 st Street in Highland
Plaza. Your Center is open Monday through
Saturday, 3:00 PM 9:00 PM. Log onto
www.tohr.org to learn more of whar's going
on at the Center, the additional programs
of TOHR and to sign up for free TOHR
cncws and Advocac,· Flashes.
the STAR 15
TL;LSA, OK_ If rnu caught Bets,· and
the Band in ( )kLlhonu Cin·'s Pride h:stival
performing their first gig as Bersr and
the Edge, \·uu kn<N: the music sizzled tn
match the HOT weather! Some Blues, a
little Rock and a whole !1Jt of Countrr
made the show a roaring success. to
a delighted crowd.
Thri\·ing from Tulsa, ( )klahoma. Bctsr
Smittle is most we!! knmn1 f1 ,r the ::;
years she toured worldwide exclusffeh·
with brother Ganh Brooks. She performed
on Saturdm· \light Li\·c,J;n Leno
and mam· ocher 0'.BC speci:ils. Orhcr
artists that hare depended l)t1 Bet s\·'s numerous
musical rakrns arc: Gus Hardin,
1\1111 Bell and Phoontz and Ronnie Dunn
(of Brooks & Dunn). Her own album
released in [ lJ(J4 on the !\orthSr,uth/ ;\,!
antic label Bets\ "Rough r\mund tht:
Edgt:s'·. ,ms criticalli· accbimed worldwide.
Betsy's fa·,r,rite n·cnt in her career
\vas ha,-ing her O\\'rl float a1 the i 9<14
i\lacr's Da\· P,!ra,k.
BcLs~· is far frorn tr~;in.~ t, J ndc her
brother's ~hin L!ib. :--;he i> ,l ruggedly in
dependent Lid: dct ... -n~1in1-:d
t() car\·c ;t career nt. he;-, J\\'!l. Like li:t lebrother
(_!;1r;h, it i\ 1l1l- \Urcnor
(l( Bl·l~r\ \-{)ict.- :ii:~t '-l'!;s: l:c:.:r ;ir•;tr1 •
!lHi~ic:,tn ::nd ~it:,1.~cr i~\ tTi\h::-., :L·r .,-, ,:c·t.
b;t:.; i)t:t.'t: c- •uq,:tr-__ -d ·ur
b(HI-hr!_·;irh :-,;, ,ur11.! - ·1 H, ,:1::ic R.1'.;:: :tnd
THE dge
B, Greg Steele
grmds. teases and demands in all the right
places. She rocks out as few women or
men can and when she murccrs on.:r tht:
fade of the song Draggin' it Back say
ing, "Drag ir back om· hea' honey, bring it
back to mama,'' you know thar she means
it1 ;\nwme who apprcciares a gut:-:,· female
mice will LO\'!-: Bcts\·1
::inct' t'.n· ,1gc of S. ~!tc hcL:,!!J
!1~_:r f:t1.nily'--: ,i!uspcl uri ,~ip :tnd ,~rh:.
: hr, \l,tEh{)ur her childh, :r ;d
Bili Guinn is :1 na,i,c of Tulsa OK ,md
has been playing the gunar since r:hc
age of I 2. l ic is J product of ::ccing
the J-k,1tk-s on J-:d ::-:ulliY,:r1 and knC\,·
rhc \\"ouk! he ;! gu!r:H· player fro!n rhat
point on, Pla\·intr in ,·:ulous locai bands
since he \\.a'.' I-~ he grc\\. up cxp(Jscd to
The Beatles, Rolling :-;1oncs. Cn:arn,Jimi
Hendrix. (rosh\·, Sti!b. '.',ash. & Young
etc. y.;hcn thl'!r n1u:.:ic \\·as fresh on ~;Jr1\1
\lcJst of hi~~ teen years ,,·ere spen1 in
front of :1 rccnrd pb\·cr \\·lth his guitar
h:tnging out ch< 1rd:-: and copyjng lyric:-:
for hi~ hand'.-,: tu pla:· :-:o:rll· of the grcatcsr
rock and roll in his.tor\·.

by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
. gunquit, Maine is an artsy resort village
(located 66 miles north of Boston) that has been welcoming
gay and lesbian visitors and their families for over 100
years. Ogunquit has three miles of white sandy beaches,
dance clubs and restaurants for every taste and budget.
In summer and even winter, there is always plenty to see
and do! We will begin
with the lodging. Gay
and locally owned
gay Guesthouses,
Inns and B&B's offer
a variety of choices
and values for the
gay traveler. Whether
you're looking for an
exquisite luxurious
suite, condo rental,
or an affordable
summer vacation
at an in town B&B
close to the beach
- Ogunquit Maine
has it all! We stay at
Moon Over Maine
Bed and Breakfast
(Photo right) which is
located at 22 Berwick
Road. It is located
in the center of town
just a block from the nightclubs, shopping, restaurants and
a 5 minute walk to the beach. It features al! private baths,
oalcony rooms, par~ing. cable, dvd/vcr, refrigerators, ale,
iight breakfast and an outdoor hot tub. John. the owner is
extremely friendly and can give you any tips or suggestions
about the area. It is in an oid New England house and is
just wonderful. Their toll free 1umber is Cail 800.851.6837
and you can check out their website at: http://www.
rnoonovermaine.com. There are numerous other gay
ownea B and B's in the area ana you can check them ai!
tnd il:c :irc,t (;!-(er:-: ~'nr!c' 1;( the h·.:s;;'. .'.tHil],it
·ri1c j t,;y) l· 1:-rrL:r~ \];n:1n:,c 1dcntitic~. thi~
,( ~!!,.: bcttt-r !~nn\\-~~ :-:!1, :trc.1-: ic. 1~1t· l :1itcd
:'it.l!t5. ·rhr;.,·c ~ndc~ 1-1f hc:u.ni(~d \\·hue ~.incit." hc~ich. r~ttl·d a:; on~·:;;
iishinF. Dock Square i, as cute a wwri square as one will find in
~cw England. Tber:.:: is an exccilent seicction or· restaurants and it's
()nly 20 minutes awa\·. The Kittery Outlets arc just !5 minut~s aw~y,
with l2(; different stor:.::s, including Banana Rcpui)lic. Calvin Klein:
DK,\;Y and The Gap. Ir· pu like LL Bean, the Frceoorr Outlets l
arc about an hrmr ~orrh. 1\ short walk from downtown is Perkins
~on:, which is rmc of our ,·cry fan>rite places. Ir is a quaint New
Engi.rnd co,-c -_,.-ith bu,n,, shopping and wonderful restaurants. \X'e
arc alwa\·s thinking ,hat Jessica S.n-age from Murder She \Xfrote is
going n, be waH~ing around the corner at am· giYen rime.
,\ walk along the cliffs with dramatic views of the ocean the
i\!arginal \X·;y srart,. on Shore Road. From the center of ~own it's
just _a t:ew block, to the Sparhawk Motel. The Marginal Way srarts
behmc! rhe 5parh;;wk. You'!! see a iittle sign on the left side of the
street that sa,·s ·'Marginal \\'ay" and has an arrow. 1\s you follow
the path, be rnrc w look at the Sparhawk's flower gardens. They
haye an incredible number of flowers, and each type is labeled! The
Marginal Way speaks for itself. It has beautiful views of the ocean
and the rocky cliffs.
t ,·arious points so
ou can sit and enjoy
e beauty'. It's a
worth noting.
plicably, each
ne has the name
f a virrue printed
nit. The Marginal
y ends at Perkins
ve. When we are
Ogunquit we walk
e Marginal Way
very morning and
Nightlife in the
. . . smali town of Oguoc]
LHt !S rcaliv 5pccracu!ar to say the ;east. In this sleepy Little town
(,nc could univ imagine one tiny Ettlc bar, but you are in for a grand
surpri:-::d 1~1.·crythjng is nghr do\vntO\\>-n and you can \Valk from any
.1cco1nrnodation lo do\'-'l1tO\\.~n. ~rhc Front Porch Piano Bar at 9 ·
Shor-..'. Ro;:HJ ha:,;; been in business for O\~Cr 20 vears. Their \Vebsite
1s http:, /\\'YV\\:.thcfronrporch.ncr. 'Their cafc is open for l.,unch
& l)lnncr day:-; a ..._,:eek '\vith a late night rncnu a;·ailablc. Piano
LPU'.'((c open ~ d:ffs fr01°: 0lpn~ :iil ~ .im. h ,,id S,:rv1Cc now available
up~I;lir~. \ 11<..:0).: >;.;:n~:r rcccndy tt1ok ,JYcr and fron1 all reports he is
:1 F:\Bl · L< 1l 'S ]: ;h at tiic Front Porch! 'The ~IaincStreet Bar is
11 •catcd _it l 3 1 :-;~>u:b \lai:1 ~trccr (Route l; ;n do\vnto,vn ()gunquit.
'l'hcir \\-t:hs.t!c i:~: , -.-~.,. ~ .. -• · , - l)J·-~ · K
1('; J: 1,, '.',j,i, !in .. i ::l~'(::·:,'.:i:::c{;~1t1r~1~~;~;~~·;,;t,.l~d;;.:il
.\L1inc:--;:tc~·t > rttY\\' ~>;,u1 ;U . l·cAP_lrine: I Route 1
18 )Arkansas & Okiahorna ·s rno.st read GLBT i\t1agazu1e
W'e have been to both of these wonderful bars and they are indeed
John Lane's Ogunquit Playhouse is one of Soutnern Maine's most
important cultural landmarb and ·will celebrate 74 years of Broadway
at the Beach in 2006. Opening in 1933, the work and vision of
Walter and Maude Hartwig brought an outstanding, star-studded
performing ans company tG Ogunquit. Continuing this tradition
for aimost five decades, John Lane, owner and producer of ~he
Playhouse, sought to pwvide his audience with the finest professional
theatre in our region. In doing so, he successfully placed the
playhouse on the narionai cultural map. The Ogunquit Playhouse
Foundation, formed in 1995, is now the proud owner and trustee
of the Playhouse. This year the;: are featuring BEEHIVE, Andrea
McArdie in CABARffl~ Sally S:ruthers in HELLO DOLLY, Leslie
Their website is http://www.ogunquitplayhouse.org.
There are dozeas of small res~aurants in and around Ogunquit and
most all of them are iocaliy mvned. fr is a sea lovers delight! If you
are im:o sea food you wiil ha,·e a marvelous time.
We have been going ,o 0 6TUnCjuit for se,,eral years and it just keeps
getting better and be0ter and be,ter. It is far better than Ptown, Fire
Island or any of the other gay resort places in New England. We
just can't wait to return. For more information on. Ogunquit go to:
http:/ /www.gayogunc1uit.com. This column is warmly dedicated to
our dear friend Crystlli Chandelier who lives near Ogunquit. He just
happens to be one of the most sincere, honest and fun people that
we have met in oμr tra·;e!s and SO ELEGANT ! We are so l:!appy
that he has found the LOVE of his life.
We enjoyed reading your travel article about Dania Beach
in the STAR July 2006 issue, you were right on point. it is
all that you say and much more. We discovered Liberty
Suites a couple of years ago & wouldn't dream of staying
anywhere else. The accommodations are fabuious and the
guys are just great. We have been looking for a home in
Dania Beach and plan to retire there. By the way, ladies
are also welcome at Liberty Suites. Jack & Joe are the
Annie & Shorty
health outreach prevention a<fucatlon, inc.
1-800-535-AIDS (2437)
Oklahoma's HIV/STD Hotline
* Free nonjudgmental HIV testing, including the 20
minute OraQuick Test
• Free Syphiflis screening at the GLBT Community
Center on Tuesdays from 6-8pm
H.O.P.E. Testing Clinic
Mens Outreach Program
In Tulsa at (918) 812-7045
Arkansas & Oklahoma ·s most read GLBT Magazine 19
Photo: A view up Broad Street (aka "the Avenue of the Arts'') toward
Philadelphia's distinctive City Hall. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
o city in the United States played a more critical role in
the nation's founding than Philadelphia, and this progressive
metropolis of about 1.5 million people has also
been a pioneer in gay and lesbian rights. The Philadelphia
Lesbian and Gay Task Force, formed in 1978, guided passage
of the 1982 Philadelphia Fair Practices Act, one of the country's
earliest gay civii rights measures, and countless other gay-positive
laws and policies have been passed or implemented since tl1en.
Additionally, the city's office of tourism was one of the first to enthusiastically
court gay and lesbian visitors. But apart from a warm
welcome, what else about the "City of Brm:herlv Love" makes it
ideal for a summercime·•visit?
Here's a list of just a fe'.v notable things to see or do, chronicied in
no particular order, that make Philad~lphia so appealing:
1. Rittenhouse Square Park
City-planning guru Jane Jacobs called this tiny patch of paradise
tl1e most successful urban park in the United States; indeed, Rit~
enhouse Square is picturesque, socially diverse, highly sak and
1argdy unsullied by post-\'forld War II ,irchitecrurc. Off the Square•~
southeast comer is the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music, -;vhere
Samuel Barber, Leonard Bernstein, and Ned Rorem studied, as well
as the Philadelphia .i\,rt 1\Jiiance, -.;,.vhich presents outstanding exhibits
and art sho\vs
The square is also the site of the gay-friendly Rittenhouse Hotel,
a sumptuous 98-room property that hosted the cast of the movie
_Pbladelphia_ during filming. Rooms here are downright ca·:ernous,
averaging more than 500 square feet, and all have iarge windows
framing the park or the city's dramatic skyline. A short walk
from the square, romantic Astral Plane has been a favorite gay-date
restaurant since it opened in 1973 (it's also drawn such fab celebs
as Bette 1,fidler, Liza Minnelli, Barry Maniiow, and Tommv Tune).
From the eclectic menu you might choose slow-roasted pork shank
,vith asiago potatoes, or grilled scallops ,vith lemongrass-and-ginger
butter. It's the perfect spot for a special dinner.
2. Clubbing in the Gayborhood
The city's compact gay district, nicknamed the Gayborhood, contains
the bulk of the Philadelphia's gay bars as well as quite a few
gay-popular shops, restaurants, and hotels. It's right in the center
of downtown, about as convenient to attractions, transportation,
and entertainment as any gay neighborhood in America. Highlights
include the city's premier lesbian club, Sisters, a three-floor establishment
with a restaurant and disco, and long-running \X'oody's,
a youthful video bar that pulis in a mostly male, some\Vhat cruisy,
stand-and-model crowd. The ultra-swank Bump Lounge offers
a more cosmopolitan ambience and is a great piace to chat witl1
friends, sip martinis, and dine on fine contemporary cuisine. Serious
revelers head to Pure, the city's top gay warehouse disco. Tavern
on Camac is a charming gay piano bar, with a cozy restaurant in
the basement. Other friendly options in the neighborhood include
Uncles, popular with players on Philly's lesbian and gay softball
teams; 12th _l\.ir Command, a cavernous cruise bar with fun drag
shows and dance parties; and the Venture Inn, tl1e oldest gay bar in
town, set in a historic cavern.
There are plenty of places to stay nearby. Particularly charming and
well-priced, the gay-owned Alexander Inn is a fine boutique hotel
right in the center of the action. The 48 rooms have a contemporary
look with sleek furnishings and muted tones - other bonu;es
include satellite TY, Wi-Fi, and Continental breakfast buffet. Practically
across from Woody's, the Holiday Inn Express ,\fidtown has
well-kept rooms and reasonable prices. Another excellent choice
that's just steps from gay nightlife is the upscale Doubletret: Philadelphia,
a handsome, contemporary high-rise whose rooms afford
superb city views. Tne hotel is a blocK away fro;n tl1e Kimmel Center
for the Performing .Arts, a magniticem 5-year-olci space designed
by seminal architect Rafael Vinoly.
3. Brunch at the White Dog
There's nothing more rciaxing on a sunny weekend mornini! or
afternoon '.ban .. enjuying brunch :it a lin:l~· w,taurant with g;ear
food and, ideally, some outside seating. Near the campus of the
lipjversity of Pennsy+vania, the gay-popular YXlhite Dog Cafe fits
the bill perfectly. This bric-a-brae-filled eatery set in t¾rce adjacent
\ 1ictorian to,vn houses ser ..... ·es such delicious brunch fare as lemontnascarpone
pancakes '\i/ith raspberry--n1aple syrup, and biack-pcpper-
seared organic beef salad -."vith crurnbled blue cheese and
balsamic "tinaigrette. i\Jso keep in mind that /\stral Plane restaurant~
mentioned above~ scrYes a t,:::rrific brunch on
.- ....... -·······-········(=ont1nucd next page:
20 Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
4. Cheesesteaks at Geno's or Pat's
It mav sound a bit cliched to search out a cheesesteak in this citv
that's, famous for them. But you're here - and you may as well h;ve a
bite of Philadelphia's quintessential treat. Many connoisseurs favor
two neighboring joints a bit south of downtown, Geno's and Pat's
(of course, plenty of ardent critics deride these two places as rourist
traps and prefer other holes-in-the-wall around town). Pat's is said
to have invented this delicacy in 1930 - the restaurant serves 'em
slathered with Cheez Whiz ~d fried onions, and the steak is finely
chopped. Across the street at Geno's, the steaks are not shredded,
and instead of Cheez Whiz, they come topped with provolone.
Which one is better? You be the judge.
5. The Philadelphia Museum of Art
One of the nation's most esteemed art institutions, the Philadelphia
Museum of Art sits within a dramatic Greek Revival building amid
10 landscaped acres. Standouts in the permanent collection include
contemporary masterpieces by Picasso, Braque, and Matisse as well
as works by a number of post-World War II artists. The outstanding
Marcel Duchamp collection includes renditions of his _Nude Descending
a Staircase_ (fhe "nude," people often overlook, is male).
Check out the fine collection of photos and paintings by gay artist
Thomas Eakins of young, virile men crewing and boating on the
nearby Schuylldll River. There's also an excellent display on Shaker
And that's just scratching the surface. The museum is adjacent to
lushly landscaped Fairmount Park, which straddles the Schuylkill
River and comprises nearly 9,000 acres of picturesque gardens,
walkways, and bildng and bridle paths, plus about a dozen historic
(mostly Colonial} mansions, which are open to the public.
6. Reading Terminal Market
For a century; the more than 80 stalls at the cavernous Reading
Terminal Market have sold tantalizing, market-fresh foods, ranging
from local oroduce to international dishes from around the world.
There are (oo many great dining options to mention, but try not to
miss the regionai Mexican fare at 12th Street Cantina, the ddi items
at Saiumeria, Amish treats at Beiler's Bakery, ice cream at Bassetts,
the Pennsylvania Dutch breakfasts at Dutch Eating Place, Italian
hoagies at Carm~ds, and heavenly mac-and-cheese a, Delilah's. But
wherever vou end uD eating, you won': go wrong - around every
corner yo~'ll see, s:~eli, and have the cnance to taste delicio'.ls food.
7. Independence National Historic Park
Even if you're not a big history buff, you can't visit Philadelphia
and not soak up at ieast a whiff or ;:wo of the city's amazingly rich
heritage. The Old Ci:y neighborhood con:aim the bulk of :he pre-
1800s attractions, most them centered around Independence National
Historical Park, which celebrates the verr birth of our nation.
Most famous is the Liberty Beil Pavilion. si:e of America's be!o,·ed
and cracked 2,000-pound bell. Although commonly thought to have
played a significant role in Colonial history, the Jjberty Bell actually
rose to prominence during the 1830s as a symbol of the n1ovement
to abolish slavery.
Nearby Independence Hall is where the Second Continental Congress
met in 1775, the Dec!aration of Independence "·as adopted
in 177 6, the Articles of Confederation ,;verc signed in 1778, and the
Constitution was adopted in 1787. It \,;as also tl1e site of the cirr's
first major civil rights· demonstrations (which included the co1:c~rns
of lesbians and gays). The list of important sights within the park
goes on and on - you could easily spend a full day here.
8. Giovanni's Room
In an age
when independent
are struggling
to keep their
doors open,
this wonderful
that's been
going strong
since 1973 is
a true marvel.
The homey
shop on the
edge of the
has hundreds
of queer titles
plus a wealth
(Woody's has long been one of Philadelphia's hottest
gay bars. Photo by Andrew Collins)
feminist works. There are several community bulletin boards, a \Vidc
range of periodicals, and a handful of skin mag,, too. The staff
is extremely helpful and has a real knack for finding out-of-print,
import, or hard-:o-find titles.
9. Coffee Kiatch
;\rguably .the ~ayeft j;,.va )oin_t_ in tuwn~_Yillage Coffrc House
anchors the (_7ayborhooc1, otrertng carte1ne add1cts a cozy 1ntc:rior
space as ,veil .as a ;=harniing cncl(:sed pa_ti:> tha: c~vc~ioo~~~ a ..
borhood garden. 1~{ere you can $1p spec1aJty dnnks (n1ao~: \\~uJ1.
Fair 1·radc coffee beans\ cute patrons, and nosh on cr,okics,
cheesecake, and tasty sand-.xichcs.
1\ short v.walk a~;vay, the
has been a fix.ture in the 'hood fur
insist is the best apple
~~!!~~;: i~~; t~:::::~ ,~~;;\;::t:~~•.,·,d1v0 ,
and plenty of coffee ~1nd tea drink·~. [t\ the bc:sr
\V!-1.ile a,1.·a,,- ~a af. C· ;l( _;{z,
Liuie BhKk Book: Cr;ntzrmed page 22.
Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
Want the STAR delivered to vour home or business?
12 issues for $26.95 will be mailed in a sealed envelope
the 1st of each month. Complete the form
below and send wirh a check or monevorder to:
Ozarks STAR
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22 the STAR
Commission would accent Matt and .Michael as family. 1he empioyee
then checked with the Commission. The couple called the
next morning, anci ,hey paid $32.50 for the ovmer transfer title
fee and administrative costs. The State of Oklahoma had waived
1 • me excise tax.
\Vhile Matt and Michael are excited about the situation, ;:hey are
uncertain abour what h means. They realize legally, their marriage
is only recognized in Massachusetts. But this fact raises questions
for the couple, those of family rights and recognition.
Both have chosen to share their experience with others; with Johnsron,
the trio plans to help other gay and lesbian families come
together by offering wedding pianning. They are both ordained
ministers, and Michael also offers therapy of the soul and counseling.
For more information, please go to rhe couples' myspace page
at http:/ /www.myspace.com/equal_luv.
"All should have the right ro experience die joy and happiness that
:Michael and I have experienced," lvian said. "We wane to nelp
them do that."
As this issue of the STAR goes to press Matt and !vlichael are
anxiously waiting for the original auro title to arrive in the mail.
Hoping the state did not disallow the family exemption.
437 E. 141st Street
Glenpool, OK 74033
918.291.EARL (3275)
Metro Area for over 21 Years with PRID
ame day delivery.
Your order is treated with
the upmost confidentiality.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Aug 4-6, 2006
5 Mile Se.vice Area
918. 734.6847
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11Jlld 6Lzdseed

Salutations Kittens' \X'elcomc once more to an unruly addition of
Vncle. Uncle :,like\· suffin:d another faiJulo,1s fourth. This year
Uncle was on a mission to enio:,· the !oYe of the community, and 2J!
I can ~ay is '.vhew - Uncle enjo\'i.:<l the Joye of the communitv!
Au1:,>1.1st is blowing in like a bitter qu.:cn <1t the cad of her reign
forced to release her crown. Cn6e prepares fot the cclebratio:1 of
Fall. Linde has agreed robe th!: speaker at ~cveral celestial e\·ents
this year. Cnclc's left ·vonckring if my thong sbmld be more in the
earth tones for the c,·ents, I shall se<.'.k m:,· fashion guru just to be
Dear l.inc!e Mikey,
My boyfriend and i have bcec rogether ffJr several years now. \'</hile
we age. I expected changes to take pkcc, howe,·cr :10t to ~he point
where I am embarrassed to be seen \\'ith him. liis fashion se:1se ha5
just been absence for some time no'.v, bur he is really being ro scare
me. He has been adorning tragic r;utfits rhis season of the sun. I
love him, ho\,'eYer not his blataEt disregard for g;.y fashion. Hu\·
can I te1l him about thi~ issue without seemin~ like a birch?
Li,·ing wirh a ia~hion ·.vasrela:1d.
Deare$t F\'(
Bitcn away bttd:! Ir is not only :-·,,ur dut}, bur abo rnur obligation
to queers everrtvhcrc. \X?c arc not kno\1.-n in society for n1any positiYc
attributes~ hcr\VCYe'r our i1npeccable taste and style happens to
be 1no~:.r recognized. \'Ct: 1nust readily ln\~asion of bad
taste. I ha\T: strict orders ft1r thcn1 to if (]1er forbid~ I
eYcr louse mv fashion sen.st·. l kno\1: \vhat you arc thinking~ it could
neYer happen! _Darling I have seen rn<n·e
then one: 1night think,. 1 rncan the bad
don1 couid choke a horse.
])ear lJncle \likey.
!\Iv fficnd ha5 been
26 the STAR
a 1on:h f< n· this
jf he can con1c out
Dearest Closeted L.oYc.
Ir is all about mu Eve. Your kner screams self-serving motives. Ki,:ten, if
,·ou trah· hav; fce!ings for this man ,hen you first need to realize d1ac you
:nust decide if you are v:illing to s:and supporti\·cly by, whilst he makes his
way through the \Valk-in. You haYe your way with him if he so agrees after
the emotional task at hand. Besides, sex is alway~ better with a bit of drama
in the recipe.
Smooches-Cncle Mike,·
Dear Cncle,
1 ha\"C been seeing this guy for several months no\,: The orher day while in
che shuwer, I noticed t;1at he has some kind of sores on h1s genital area. I
was too embarrassed ro point this our to him. ! am now worried and do not
kno·,,· about continuing a physical relationship with him, as i am afraid he
mighr have some kind of STD or something, what should I do?
Looking for the free clinic
Dea~est Kitten,
While I sir here holding your lertcr with my old sa!aci tongs, ] find myself
cGnfuscd. Kmen, if Uncle l\likey c;-er suspecred, I would have an agent
form ,he CDC cxamimng my little playmate. Ler me put ir simpler, CSI ain't
got nothing on me, w'1en I was done with the black ligh, search, I would
~now what I was dealmg with. Cncle does not play when it comes to safecy.
i\n old \vise queen once told rr.e, "If ym1 hear the drums of the Congo
e<;ming from a tricks pants, its tune to reach out and wuch your own self."
Good luck to you and rnur enchamed member.
Hand shakes,
Unck 1,!ikcy
Dea:: C ncle :vlikey,
Would you da,e your ex-boyfriend's new ex;
Shon and sweet. That reminds Uncle of his 6t!. husbanci. Ok, back on
track why haggle? Date them both'.
Dear Uncle,
I am having an affair \,;th my mo:her's boyfriend. I know ,-;hat you're
ti1inking. but j, was an innocent night with too much drink. My feelings for
him !um: deepened. however I ca;rnot deal with what I am dQing. Should I
walk a•.v,iy for hl'.r, or sbo.;ld I tcii her, rhat we are going to be rogethcr? Am
I gcing to hell)
I ,,uvin' \fotn's i\ian
D:.:arcst Jean,
l ~.vanred to kt you knO\\~ your rcscr~:arion is confirmed and rhat you ,v!Jl
be ;ibk· ro get the stnoking ~cction, ~or only is the ans\vcr to your question
yts1 it is undoubtedly yes, in a gasoline Speedo. What planer arc you living
on? .\.for~l rnuch? Thar poor \VOt11en birthed you ,vhi1c also giving you the
bl'.st year.s of her •;..,·astcd Efc. \'ou in turn take her rnaa, •~vho '\Vou!d be your
Step i)addy. \'fell !10'\V, l kno\v that l)eliverancc is 1nore than an
urban legend. l(irten, sec;~ proft'ssional help, and that docs not rnean sleep
\\"ith your Unde'.
rncrnber fatnily reunions arc not the Snuthern version of
Bob tdls you'. lJntii ne:•:t tirne.
Asparagus Stuffed Dover Sole.
4 Fillets of Sole
1 Bunch of fresh Asparagus
3 TBLSP Real Butter
3 TBLSP Flour
2 Containers Heavy Cream
1 Container Plain Yogurt
½ TBLSP Dry Dill
½ Cup Real Butter
½ TBLSP Lemon Zest
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Cut off ends of Asparagus and roil five
spikes in each fillet and lay in a shallow pan. In a heavy
saucepan melt 3TBLSP butter and add flour to make
roux, add cream, and cook until thickened. Add yogurt,
dil!, and lemon zest, while simmering adds ½ cup
butter. Once done, pour over sole in pan, baked 15-20
minutes (until asparagus is tender). Plate so!e, pour
extra sauce on top and garnish with sprig of rosemary
to serve.
This months recipe is a twist on a summer
classic. Have an outdoor party with
appetizers and pretty cocktails instead
of the same old bar-b-que and beer.
You can find seasonal plastic glasses in
fun colors for a festive gathering. Serve
up this recipe for a good time. Enjoy !
1. Chilled a martini giass.
2. Combine all ingredients with ice in shaker
and shake very weiL
3. Strain into martini glass and garnish with
A fresh lime wheel.
CELEBRATE The Long Hot Summer With A Cool Drink!
Arkansas & Okiahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
Q Scopes
by Jack Fertig
"Stick to a budget, Libra!""
Sun in Leo squaring Jupiter in Scorpio shows flamboyance,
generosity, and libido all cranked up high.
Venus in Cancer quincunx Neptune in Aquarius
boosts generosity, but dulls judgment in favor of the
easiest option.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Your playfulness can easily
get the better of you. Be careful! Getting out of a situation is
a lot harder than getting into it. Some community work may
channel that energy more safely.
. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Stay home as much as you
can, playing with your partner or a good partner-prospect.
Work, on the other hand, requires a serious hand and some
finesse. Listen for hidden agendas, and be only as conciliatory
as you need to be.
GEMINI (May 21 * June 20): Showing off, or feeling you
need to prove yourself, can lead to spectacular accidents.
Stay focused on the job at hand! Arguments over money
come too easily, and you're both wrong. Shelve those issues
until next week, at least.
CANCER (June 21 a July 22): Being as sexy as you are
right now can get expensive. Be clever and resourceful
instead of extravagant. Getting high opens you to dangerous
risks. A clear head and a steady hand are better fun
LEO (july 23 * August 22): Your birthday bash will be all
the more fabulous if.jt's a bit more intimate and takes place
at home. Think quality, not quantity. In an even cozier setting,
you and your love can open up to deeper sharing that
can change your relationship.
VIRGO (August 23 * September 22): Rosy notions about
where you'd like to be in the future clash with current
frustrations in your work. You need to adjust both ends of
the problem. Meditation and in-depth conversations with a
trusted friend can help.
LIBRA (September 23 • October 22): Charm and creativity
can further your goals. Focus. which comes on!y with
difficulty nov,1, 1Nou!d a!so heip. Set aside some money for
frivoious games or shopaholic indulgences - but stick to the
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Blowing your own
horn will look overbearing, but it's no time to be shy either.
Your work speaks loudly and clearly for itself. Distant older
relatives can shed light on family mysteries, but will you like
what you learn?
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): You are
not to be trusted with other people's secrets now. Better to
explore your own and share the deepest and darkest ones
with a counselor or teacher who can help you work them
out - or play them out - with an anonymous trick in a different
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): It's time to reevaluate
the whole "friends with benefits" business. What's
really important to you in any relationship, especially your
primary partnership? It's too easy to lose track of values
right now. Let your partner remind you of what's really
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): You're a bit fuzzy
in your self-perception. And, although work offers some
comfort, it doesn't give you any more certainty. Cooperation,
now more than ever, is the key to success. Developing
culinary skills can also bring clarity .
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Creative efforts heip
to draw out your inner demons. Dealing with those demons
remains a challenge, but you're up for it. Your inner conflicts
can make you touchy and argumentative. Don't shy
away from debate, but stay focused on what the disputes
are really about!
, <
Testing appoinrment 417-529-8480.
2902 E. 20th St.,
PO Box 4711
joplin, Mo 64803
SATURDAY Service 9:30Aiv1
28 Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Arkansas, Bentonville/Rogers (4
NWA GLBT Ctr - - - - www.nwaglbtcc.org- - - - - 1062
Barnes & Noble Bks - - 261 N. 46th St., Rogers- - -479-636-2002
Arkansas, Eureka Springs (479)
Diversity Pride Event - - - - - - - - - - - - - -www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye View- - - - - 36 N. Main- - - - - - - - - -479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante- - - - 309 W VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-8102
Henri's - - - - - - - 19 1i2 Spring St - - - - - - - - - - -479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill- - - 105 E VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Swiss Holiday Resort- Hwy 62 at Hwy 23 So.- - - - 888-582-8464
Spexton- - - - - - - - 178 Spring Street - - - - - - - -479-981-6060
Tiki Torch- - - - - - - - 75 S. Main Street- - - - - - - - -479-253-2305
Tradewinds Lodge -141 W. VanBuren- - - - - - - - - 800-242-1615
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Common Ground Restaurant- - - 412 W. Dixon - - 479-442-3515
Condom Sense - - - - - - - - 418 W. Dickson- - - - - -4 79-444-6228
Curry's Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-521-0009
Passages - - - - -930 N. Coliege Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-442-5845
P;ide Street Live- - 523 W. Poplar St- - - - - - - - - 479-587-0557
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave-- - - - - - - - - - - -479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- - - - - - -1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- - - - - - 479-783-9988
Red Rock City - - -917 N. "A" St. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - - - 1010 E. Grand Ave - - - - - - - 501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - - - - - - - -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - - - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - - - 415 Main St - -North LR.- - - - - - - -501-244-0444
The Factory - - - - - - 412 Louisiana St.- - - - - - - - - 501-372-3070
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club- - - - - - 384 Grant Ave. - - - - - - - - -785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - - - - - - - - - - -620-231-0938
River of Life Church.- - 1709 N. Wainut- - - - - - - -Service 11AM
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - - - - 316-682-5494
Priscilla's- - - - - 6143 W Kellogg D;- - - - - - - - - - - 316-942-1244
Club Glacier- - - - - - - - 2828 E. 31st South- - - - - 316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava (417)
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th. - - - -Sat Service-9:30AM
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
40th Street !nn- - - -www.40thstreetinn.com- - - - -816-561-7575
Concourse Park B&B - - 300 Benton Blvd - - - - -816-231-1196
Hydes KC Gym & Guest Hs -www.hydeskc.com - 816-561-1010
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - - - .. - - - - - - - - -816-561-0625
Missouri, Lampe (417)
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- - - - - 424 Boonvil!e Ave- - - .. -- - ........ 417-831-4700
GLO Comm Ctr- - -518 E. Commerica!- - - - .. - - --417-869-3978
Martha's Vineyard- - - 219 W Olive - - - .... - - .. - 417-864-4572
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's - - - -1918 S Glenstone - - - - - - - - - - - -417-881-8444
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid (580)
Hastings Books- - - -104 Sunset - - - - - - - - - - .. - .... 580-242-6838
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - -4810-A West Garriott- - - - - - - 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton (580)
lngrids Bookstore- - - - - 1124 NW Cache Rd- - - - - -580-353-1488
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - - - - - - - POBox 1515, - - - - - McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads 8&8 - POBox 270642- - - - - -405-495-1111
Boom Room- - - - - - - 2807 NW 36th St- - - - - - - - -405-601-7200
Border's Books- - - - - - 3209 NW Expressway- - - - 405-848-2667
Club Rox- - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Christie's Toy Box- - - - -3126 N. May Ave - - - - - - - 405-946-4438
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave- - - - - - - -405-672-6459
Fat Cat Bingo- - - - - - 3130 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - -405-942-8875
Hollywood Hotel- - - - 3535 NW 39th Exp - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Hi-Lo Club - - - - - - 1221 NW 50th- - - - - - - - - - - -405-843-1722
Partners- - - - - - - - - 2805 NW 36th St - - - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Pec's- - - - - - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expw - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Priscilla's- - - - - - - 615 E. Memorial- - - - - - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St- - - - - - - - - - 405-525-5165
Rudy's Place- - - - -3535 NW39th Expw- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Phoenix Rising - - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - -- - - - - -405-601-3711
The Park- - - - - - - - 2125 NW 39th St - - - - - - - - - -405-528-4690
The Rockies- - - - - - 3201 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- - - 3535 NW 39th- - - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Tramps- - - - - - - - - - - -2201 NW 39th- - - - - - - - - -405-521-9888
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- - - -7204 E. Pine - - -- - - - - - - - - -918-836-8700
Border's Book Store- - - 2740 E. 21st- - - - - - - - - - - 918-712-9955
Border's Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale - - - - - - - - - - 918-494-2665
Club 209 - - - - - - - 209 N. Boulder - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Majestic- - - - - - - 124 N. Boston - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Maverick- - - - - 822 S. Sheridan - - - - - - - - - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- - - 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - - - - - - - -918-834-1051
Elite Bookstore - - - - -814 S. Sheridan- - - - - - - - - - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 5545 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge- - - - - 11730 E. 11th- - - - - - - - - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic- - - - - - 3540 E. 31st - - - - - - - - - 918-749-8378
Jazz's Lounge- - - - - - 426 S. Memorial - - - - - - - - - 918-836-8544
Midtown- - - - - - - - - - 319 E. 3rd- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-3112
Nita Spot· -- - - - - -3007 E. Admirai Pi - - - -- - - - - - 918-834-3007
Our House, Too - - - -203 N Nogales Ave- - - - - - - -918-585-9552
Priscilla's - - - - - - - - -7925 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla's - - - - - - - - 5634 W. Skelly - - - - - - - - - - - 918-446-6336
Priscilia's - - - - - - - - 11344 E. 11th - - - - -- - - - - - - -918-438-4224
Priscilla's-- ------2333 E. ?1st--- ------ --918-499-1661
Renegades- - - - - - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Rob's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- - - - - - - - - 918-627-1505
St. Michaels Allev- - - - - -3324-L E 3ist- - - - - - - - 918-745-9998
Sterling & Co. Salon- - -1606 E.15th St.- - - - - - - - - 918-742-9999
Tulsa CARES- - - - 3507 E. Admiral Pi- - - - - - - - - - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle- - - • -1338 E. 3rd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -918-592-1188
TNTs - - - - - - - - - 2114 S. Memorial- - - - - - - - - 918-660-0856
Whittier News Stand- - 1 N. Lewis- - - - - - - - - - 918-592-0767
Yellow-Brick-Rd- - - - - - - 2630 E. 15th- - - - - - - ·· ·· - 918-293-0304
Gay Marriage, ..
-ro i<E:Wl-!lre THI! CONS'fl1U'flON
MAl<l<IAGE: .•• WHY SHOUl.-0 Y,,'f.
N!:!:D -ro ASK P!::l<M!SSION Of'
S'fl<AIGH'f SOCl!:'fY 'TO G!:i
Ml\1<1'11!:Df:" WHO Al<E: T'H/iY'TO
1.:!:f..A 'flONSHIPS!:"
l Gl'l!:W UP WITH AN l'fAf..lAN MO-rHE:R WHO
I WAS 801'1N •.• SO IT 'TOOK Mi:: A WHIL-!: 'TO
GE:'f OVl,l'I MY FEAR OF WE:OOiNGS! su-r I
FOi.: THE: RE:S'f OF MY f..lFc: •.. I i ---------, r-we
Gar H/'f'CHl:0/
BROTJ-1!:1'1 ,o B!: HAPPY •.• BU'f
AND f..!:S
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-\OV!2NAf..l~M, 11,;e.
{:;E!:r-l U'>l~l'1Hi5.A
t.(W6 Tl11;, 1.l!:.S5
Be Seen With The Star
The Northwest Arkansas Gay,
Lesbian, Blsexuai and Transgendered
Community Center is a
group of like-minded individuals
who have come together to create
a nonprofit GLBT Community
Center in Northwest Arkansas.
12th page classified
91 B.B35.78B7
11730 E. 11th Tulsa, OK
Wed. Talent Show with
Bobby Page, 11PM
Girls Nite Out w/Kris Kohl
Sun August 13th 10PM
Open Tues-Sun 2pm-2am
Check out our new Patio!
gualifications to
o: maii to: 5103 S. Sheridan, # 153
Tulsa, OK 74145
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* Days, Evenings and Weekends
Cali for an appointment and rates.
- L .
Jay Whiteside
Tulsa Metro
Saturday's 5pm. Must be
available to dance Sunday's.
Compensation plus tips for
successful candidates.
D 'T RRY ...
hat happens at Hollywood
stays at Hollywoodl
10AM - llPM
t:35 A MONTH

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd. , “[2006] The Star Magazine, August 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/224.