[2006] The Star Magazine, April 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 4
[2006] The Star Magazine, April 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
April 01, 2006
C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
Bunky Walters
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
Bunky Walters
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
The Star Magazine, March 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 3
The Star Magazine, May 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 4
The Star Magazine, May 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 4
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
cover photo eu Lou -
0 ~ CG!'f1&1111JiiJ:'1Jfi_,.,,t'ii'tl'-Nl .
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this Issue o
35 YEARS OF ll.QV.6 ..... page-21
"I don't give a
your religious
were elected to u
Read it in Heart to Heart .....
~[& in the s-n
this month, comic
" Chelsea Boy•
............. page-30
· ::- $1.1n-4:oo ~l'oddy Mary
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.50 Draw·
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1.00 Longnecks
t .
f .
UT n
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on ,, cale
Scott Crow, lVlanaging Broker
lVlcGraw Davisson. Stewart, :Realtors
Langley, Oklahoma
Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
n a~sbians"4fce maftV
situations, whetlier sin
Come Lay an Egg
\vith us on Easter!
Egg f-Iunt Sunday
April 16th.
2630 E. 15th St.
Tulsa, OK
MONDAYS: Pool Tournament
THURSDAY: Dart Tournament
6.50 Chimay Ale
1.50 Longnecks Every Sunday.
the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
Oral Roberts Universit
sends mixed mess
gays: "We love you do
not come onto our campus"
TULSA, OK - The frigid air in Oklahoma was symbolic
of the welcome Oral Roberts University extended to the
Soulforce Equality Riders today, after repeated refusals for
dialogue with ORU officials resulted in more than 25 police
officers waiting at the entrance of the school. Before the
Riders were even allowed off the bus, a member of the Oral
Roberts police force and an officer from the Tulsa Police
Department entered the bus to talk with them. Summing up
the school's response to the Ride and to lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender (LGBT) students, the Oral Roberts
University officer told the Riders, "We love you all; do not
come onto our campus."
Speaking to media before leading the group to trespass
onto campus, Equality Ride co-director Jacob Reitan said,
"Colleges teach history, it is time for them to start reflecting
on what history has done to the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender community. The time for this conversation
has come. We have a group of people who care enough
to at least try, and Oral Roberts does not want to welcome
them." ................... Continued page-16
5 Mile Service Area
918. 734.6847
.tmail lrrol>o~~ao\.(.Om
Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
mixed and 6a,,;ed
111ild biulseed
72 Hours in San Francisco
San Francisco may just be the most talked-about and dynamic
gay and lesbian destination in the world. But with so
much to see and do, how do you make the most of a short
visit to the City by the Bay? You'll want to soak up the culture
of cool neighborhoods like the Castro and the Mission.
You can't leave without glimpsing the must-see attractions,
such as the Golden Gate Bridge and the beautifully redesigned
de Young Museum. And then there are the incredible
restaurants, serving everything from fresh-harvested
oysters to bountiful organic salads to decadent chocolate
Here's one approach to enjoying a long weekend in San
Francisco, ideal for both first-time and repeat visitors.
You might begin by purchasing a San Francisco CityPass,
which you can order online before you go. The pass, which
costs $42 per person, provides free admission to several of
the city's most prominent attractions as well as seven days
of unlimited travel on the Cable Car and Muni bus and train
network (a $24 value in itself) and sightseeing boat excursions
on the city's Blue and Gold Fleet.
Friday Night
Hayes Valley, a central neighborhood that's easily reached
from downtown or the Castro, has several fun, low-keyed
restaurants, perfect for your first evening in town. One of
the best is Cafe Delle Stelle, which serves superb, reasonably
inexpensive lt~lian fare. Although you could survive
on the rich Tuscan bread that comes w!th your meal,
you'li want to sample the delicious homemade pastas and
traditionai Italian dishes, ranging from polenta with roasted
portobello mushrooms to roasted pumpkin ravioli with sage
From here it's a 15-minute walk to the Castro, where you
can check out the dozens of lively gay bars and clubs, including
such neighborhood faves as the bustling and youthful
Cafe, the sleek and intimate Bar on Castro, the laid-back
and friendly Pilsner Inn, and the festive Metro, which has a
large balcony that's perfect for people-watching.
Or if you're walking back toward downtown, you can peek
inside one of the bars that still line Po!k Street, a longtime
gay-nightlife hub in the '?Os and '80s that has only a few
nightspots left these days. Good bets include the Cinch
Saloon, a mellow neighborhood joint, and N'Touch, which
is especially popular among Asian-American men and their
In the morning, head to the Castro to explore this famous
gay neighborhood during daylight hours. The best way
to learn of the area's rich history is by taking a walking
tour with Kathy Amendola, of Cruisin' the Castro Historical
& Cultural Walking Tours. Amendola leads visitors past
the Pink Triangle Park & Memorial, the residence of slain
gay icon Harvey Milk, and the ornate and historic Castro
Theatre - there's also a break for lunch at Firewood Cafe, a
very good local restaurant. The tours leave at 1 0 a.m. and
are also offered Tuesday through Friday.
After the tour, set aside some time for shopping. The Castro
has grown up over the past decade as a sophisticated
retail neighborhood, with everything from high-end clothiers
and boutiques (such as Diesel and Brand X Antiques)
to adult gift and bookshops with saucy names like Auto
Erotica and Castro Gulch.
Then walk (about 30 minutes) or take Muni over to lush
Golden Gate Park to visit the de Young Museum, which
received a stunning makeover in 2005 and now has a distinctive
copper exterior and a dramatic 145-foot observation
tower that looms high above the park's leafy trees. Spectacular
collections of American paintings and sculptures,
African art, and textiles fill this beautiful building.
Saturday Night
The Mission District is a great neighborhood for dinner,
with the Slow Club ranking among the top picks. Here in
this dark, seductive space you might order the juicy burger
slathered in balsamic-marinated onions, or a crispy-crust
pizza topped with montasio cheese, oyster mushrooms,
leeks. and thyme. Limon is another superb choice, serving
kicky Latin fusion fare and tangy sangria.
If you're up for nighttime fun, you can always head back to
the Castro, but the Mission is also home to the best lesbian
hangout in the city, the Lexington Club. Or If you're a serious
clubber, take a cab to the trendy SoMa neighborhood,
6 Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Out of Town
where you'll find the famed Stud disco as well as raunchy
fetish and leather bars like the lovably sleazy Hole in the
Wall Saloon and the rough-and-tumble Eagle Tavern, which
brings in live bands many evenings.
Walk or take Muni northeast along Market Street for a
leisurely late breakfast or early lunch at the Ferry Building
Marketplace, a gorgeous 1898 former transportation
hub that was converted a few years ago into fabulous food
shops and restaurants (there's also a farmers market held
on the grounds on Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., spring
through fall). Order a tender ahi burger and garlic fries
at Taylor's Refresher, before devouring a few scoops of
Scharffen Berger Chocolate gelato at Ciao Bella.
Next, take Muni along the Embarcadero to Pier 41. This is
a touristy part of the city, adjoining Fisherman's Wharf and
its slew of annoyingly kitschy shops, but from Pier 41 you
can use your CityPass to take a free one-hour Blue & Gold
Fleet boat tour of San Francisco Bay. This is the quickest
and easiest, and arguably the most interesting, way to get a
sense of why San Francisco ranks among the most beautiful
cities in the world. These narrated tours pass under the
Golden Gate Bridge, by the tony towns of Sausalito and
Tiburon, and around the infamous former prison, Alcatraz.
Sunday Night
Head to one of the Castro's hottest gay-date spots, Catch,
which serves addictive trench fries tossed with Parmesan
cheese and white-truffle oil as well as a dandy grilled
monkfish with herb-mushroom risotto. But save room for
a dessert of Valrhona Chocolate molten cake with toffee
ice cream and almond butter across the street at 2223,
which also has a fine list of after-dinner cognacs, ports, and
liqueurs. This lively, handsome restaurant is also a great
place for dinner.
Depending on the exact time of your departure, you can set
aside Monday to check out a neighborhood you hadn't sufficient
time to explore, such as SoMa, home to outstanding
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA). Or perhaps
spend a little time browsing Macy's, Gump's, or any of
the hundreds of fine shops around Union Square. You can
break for lunch at the super-cruisy Wolfgang Puck Express
Cafe in the cellar at Macy's or enjoy a more substantial
meal at Town Hall, a superb contemporary American restaurant
set inside a vintage SoMa warehouse, where you
might sample duck-confit enchiladas with tomatillo sauce,
or a poached-shrimp club sandwich with bacon and heirloom
Where to Stay
A splendidly restored 1909 Edwardian mansion straddling
the Castro and Mission neighborhoods, Parker House is
the Castro's most spectacular inn. Guests make
considerable use of the lavish public areas and appreciate
the antiques, rich fabrics, and modern conveniences (WiFi,
voicemail) in the 21 sun-filled rooms. Paths wind through ·
extensive gardens and lawns. A more affordable Castro
option is the Willows Inn, whose 12 cozy, warmly furnished
rooms share four bathrooms and four separate shower
rooms but have all the other charms and comforts you'd
expect of a far pricier small hotel. Both properties draw a
mix of lesbians and gay men.
If you'd prefer to stay downtown, consider booking a room
at one of the several hotels run by the gay-friendly Kimpton
or Joie de Vivre hotel chains. Favorite Kimpton properties
include the richly furnished Serrano Hotel, which is decorated
in Moroccan and Spanish style, and the more moderately
priced Hotel Triton, a hip and whimsical property that's
also one of the most eco-friendly hotels in the country.
Joie de Vivre has hotels in all prices ranges, from the bargain-
priced Commodore Hotel, whose basic but pieasant
rooms come with Aveda bath products and deco-inspired
furnishings, to the ultra-chic Hotel Vitale, which opened in
2005 across from the Ferry Building Marketplace and is
best-known for its nifty Panoramic Suites, with 180-degree
views of San Francisco Bay. A mid-priced option that's
noteworthy for its stellar Cortez restaurant and stvlish
contemporary interior, Joie de Vivre's Hotel Adagio occupies
a restored 16-story building just up the street from the
high-end shopping of Union Square. !n this city known for
its swank and sumptuous hotels, the biggest challenge you
may face during a three-day visit is finding the motivation to
leave your cushy guest room.
The Little Black Book
Baron Castro (456 Castro St., 415-626-7220). The Cafe
(2367 Market St., 415-861-3846). Cafe Delle Stelle (395 Hayes
St., 415-252-1110). Catch (2362 Market St., 415-431-5000). Cinch
Saloon (1723 Polk St., 415-776-4162). Commodore Hotel (825
Sutter St., 415-923-6800 or 800-338-6848, www.jdvhospitality.
com). Cruisin' the Castro Historical & Cultural Walking Tours (415-
550-8110, www.webcastro.com/castrotours). de Young Museum
(Golden Gate Park, 415-863-3330, www.deyoungmuseum.org).
Eagle Tavern (398 12th St., 415-626-0880). Ferry Building Marketplace
(Embarcadero at Market St., www.ferrybuildingmarketplace.
com). Hole in the Wall Saloon (289 8th St., 415-431-4695). Hotel
Adagio (550 Geary St., 415-775-5000 or 800-228-8830, www.
jdvhospitality.com). Hotel Triton (342 Grant St., 415-394-0500 or
800-800-1299, www.hoteitriton.comJ. Hotei Vitale (8 Mission St.,
415-278-3700 or 888-890-8688, www.hotelvitale.com). Lexington
Club (3464 19th St., 415-863-2052). Limon (524 Valencia St.,
415-252-0918). Metro (3600 16th St., 415-703-9750). N'Touch
(1548 Polk St., 415-441-8413). Parker House (520 Church St.,
415-621-3222 or 888-520-7275, www.parkerguesthouse.com ). Pilsner
inn (225 Church St., 415-621-7058). San Francisco CityPass
(888-330-5008, www.citypass.com). San Francisco Convention
and Visitors Bureau (reservation service, 888-782-9673; www.
sfvisitor.org). Serrano Hotei (405 Taylor St, 866-289-6561. www.
serranohoteLcom). Siow Club (250i Mariposa St., 415-241-9390).
Stud (399 9th St.. 415-252-7883). Town Hall (342 Howard St,
415-908-3900). 2223 (2223 Market St., 415-431-0692). Willows
Inn (710 14th St., 415-431-4770 or 800-431-0277. www.willowssf.
com). Wolfgang Puck Express Cafe (Macy's Union Square. 170
O'Farrell St., 415-296-4858).
the STAR, Celebrating our 3rd Year 2006. 7
7204 E. Pine
Tulsa, OK
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Advertising in the STAR is Just good business cents.
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7204 E@ Pine - Tulsa, OK
1 Ill 0
Oklahoma's Oldest Gay Bar
(come check out our new system)
.,/-~ !
£vtr'f "Dunda'{
A Bamboo Lounge Tulsa Tradition
ncldrive:ies~ ihan
one mile and your into Ft. lauderdalEJ; iii~· ·>
port is the EASIEST airport in the U.S to fly
out of. Or you can do like we do and just dri
there. ·
There are dozens of gay resorts in Ft. Lauderdale but
very favorite is the GRAND RESORT ANO SPA which
is located just steps away from the beach. It is the largest
men's resort on Fort Lauderdale Beach and the finest.
one! They are beyond a doubt tfie .. number one preference
for the discerning gay traveler accustomed to fine travel
destinations worldwide. Their multilingual staff is ready to
assist you in whatever your plans are. The Grand offers
spacious, super cl~,1::m accommodations featuring cable TV,
VCR's, DVD's, Hi-Fi CD Music Systems, Voice Mail, irons
.. • and ironing boards, safes, hairdryer, refrigerator, gourmet
!7;,, pan ' and coffeemaker. Accommodations have
;l},. lnterrfet access .. They offer a wide ..
· . . . . ..... . guest room,
deluxe guest room, deluxejur:i~or suite; deluxe one b~droom,
deluxe · · · ·
.wise the . .
and truly care about theirgue$; The·entire staff of.the
Grandis the same way. We simply have never hadsuch a.
wonderful experience at any resort that we have stayed in.
EVERY staff member cares about the guests and are super
friendly and hospitable. Why can't all resorts operate in this
manner? While we were staying there in January one of
the guests was involved in a minor auto accident. He had
forgot to take his wallet with ID with him. He called the Resort
and one of the staff went to his room, got his wallet and
ID and drove it to him. Talk about service! We have stayed
there several times and it just keeps getting better and better
each time we stay there.
has a 30 foot fountain splashing in
can. soak in their 10 man Jacuzzi.
view~urideck for sunbathing. On
to 7 PM join in
their Social Hour
. chips and salsa on Fridays and wine
and cti~ese on Saturday. This js a great way to meet all
the gti$st~L Tlieftl;ts alwa · of social activity going
.· . . · .. · . .. her guests and meeting
people atttlE!;beach IJ)any of their guests never leave·the
property, except fo(lcinch and dinner. We alwaYt,,rn,eet such
fun, interesting, wonderful and fab . . · we
stay there. Many of their guests have. ·arthe Grand
many times and would never think of §laYi!}g anywhere
else .. When you have found the best, \liby;:look any fi}rther?
• 4,.
Tiley have aw
sp~¢iality faci
.m anicures an ·.
calming, nurturing
and are constantly bei
techniques. J.D. G
has been a licensed
expertise in Swedis.
~ ,.,
Re-Education and Trigger . a licensed
Esthetician, J. D. aiso specializes in a number of body
treatments that includes body wraps, scrubs, waxing and
faoials. Besides taking advantage of the Spa ourseives we
have talked with dozens of people who have taken advantage
of the Spa and everyone of them said that it was the
finest that they have ever been to. You do not need to be
a guest of the Resort to make an appointment at the Spa.
When you get hungry, there is only one place in town that
we highly recommend and that is the HI-LIFE CAFE. Chef
Carlos Fernandez and Host Chuck Smith have created
this fabulous restaurant that features a truly great dining
experience in a unique atmosphere. Located at 3000
North Federal Highway, they serve dinner nightly, Tuesday
thru Sunday and are closed on Monday. They recently
celebrated their 10th Anniversary for their restaurant and
they have a huge loyal following who KNOW that they are
the best restaurant in the city. Check out their website at:
www.hilifecafe.com. Chuck and Carlos are two of the nicest
and most sincere men that you would ever want to meet.
Their entree selections are Salmon, Crab cakes, Chicken,
Pork Osso Bucco, Duck, Steaks and they always
have wonderful specials of the day.
They also have a Pre- ·
Theatre Price
Fixe Menu.
(Photo right ''The
Beautiful Grand
Resort. 'JTheir
dessert offerings
are tremendous
but we prefer their
Southern Derby
Pecan Pie which is
to die for! Visitors to
Ft. Lauderdale have
been coming here for
that past 10 years.
Be sure to call ahead
to make reservations.
Their phone number
is: 954-563-1395. We
GUARANTEE that you
will love this restaurant!
Ft. Lauderdale is complete
trip to
unless you dine
Okay, so your accommodations and dining experiences are
taken care of in Ft. Lauderdale, now it's time to either head
for the beach and lay in the sun or to the bars to party.
From the GRAND RESORT just walk two very short blocks
and you are right at the beach. Walk about another 4 blocks
South and you will be at Sebastian Beach which is the Gay
Beach where you will encounter hundreds of other gay
men in ali shapes, sizes, ages and ? What a way to spend
your morning or afternoon! Downtown Ft. Lauderdale is iust
a few blocks away from the Grand and they have lovely·
and interesting shops to visit there. Lots of touristy things
abound in Ft. Lauderdale. Just pick up some of the many
packets, magazines and brochures at the front desk of your
resort. Always read a copy of the local newspaper in the
Club Room at the Grand to see the many entertainment
and cultural activities going on.
So now you ready to go to the bars and party. There are
dozens of gay bars in Ft Lauderdale. Way too many to talk
about in one column so we will basically just tell you what
kind of bars there are. Into Leather? Well, they have a
couple of leather bars that you need to check out: Ramrod's
and the Jackhammer. They have great piano bars
including the Tropics and Dudes. Our very favorite piano
entertainers in Ft. Lauderdale are Tony and Gloria who are
a piano/guitar duo. They entertain at both the Tropics and
Dudes bars. And be sure and pick up a copy of their latest
CD. There are plenty of strip bars if you are into that. Lots
of neighborhood bars and plenty of dance/disco bars are
found there. HOT SPOTS magazine has been publishing
their fine magazine weekly in Ft. Lauderdale for years
and it is a MUST to read to find out where all the
gay bars are located and what their
schedules are. Before
you go to Ft. Lauderdale
check out Hot
Spots at: www.hotspotsmagazine.
com .
And be sure to read
Rich's Corner which
is in each and
every issue of HOT
SPOTS. Rich is a
great writer and
keeps up on what
is happening.
Our very favorite
entertainer in Ft.
Lauderdale is
who is the best
of the best.
Such a dear
person. She.
is OUTRAGEOUS! which
is the way that drag queens should be!
Fun, funny and always a very caring person is what
Mame is. You can check her out at: www.auntiemame.biz
So, next time your bored and wanting to go someplace,
why not call the Grand Resort and Spa in Ft. Lauderdale
and book a few days with them. We promise you that you
will have fun, Fun and more FUN! That is the ONLY place
to stay in Ft. Lauderdale and don't forget to dine at the HiLife!
Chuck and Carlos are the best.
Quotable Quotes
"For me, 'Brokeback' isn't rebellious at a/i. It's a ve,y ordinary
movie. Peopie call it groundbreaking or what not. It
puts a lot of pressure on me. But I didn't feel this way when
I was making the movie. This is the way gays are. It's just
that they have been distorted. When two people are in love
and are scared, that's the way they are." ............... .
Oscar winning director- Ang Lee
the STAR 11
ly pie Diving Champion
reg Louganis Co-Host
"100 Champions" ay ames
Benefit at Soldier Field
Olympic Gold Medalist becomes
International Gay Games Ambassador
Chicago, IL - Olympic diving champion Greg Louganis will
serve as co-host of "A Night of 100 Champions," a gala
to benefit the Chicago 2006 Gay Games. Scheduled for
Saturday, 22 April 2006, the event will honor top U.S and
international sports legends and top artists at the Cadillac
Club at Soldier Field.
Louganis also will join the "Gay Games Ambassadors,"
an international group of prominent individuals supporting
the goals and principles of the quadrennial Gay Games.
Ambassadors include Elton John, Melissa Etheridge, Billy
Bean, Billie Jean King and many other notable celebrities.
Greg Louganis will travel to Chicago to co-host "A Night of
100 Champions," the first of two events at Soldier Field's
Cadillac Club the weekend of 22-23 April 2006. More
than 100 individuals and organizations will be honored for
achievement in sports, culture and support of the GLBT
community. The event will include a silent auction, awards
presentation, VIP cocktail reception, celebrity concert, and
dancing on multiple stages.
The next morning, Sunday, 23 April, the Cadillac Club will
again be the site of "Breakfast with Champions." A brunch
buffet with entertainment will be followed by an intimate
Meet the Champions Panel Discussion hosted by a
surprise guest celebrity with the opportunity for questions
from the audience and autograph signing,
Tickets are $75 for "A Night of 100 Champions," $65
for "Breakfast with Champions" or $125 for both events.
Patron Tables of Thn are available at $1,500, $2,500 and
$5,000 levels, each offering a VIP Reception, preferred
seating and benefits according to donation levels. Sponsorship
levels starting at $10,000 provide upgrades to
premiere seating. distinctive recognition opportunities, and
specially crafted sponsorship packages.
Ticket and sponsorship information jS available at
v1ww. GayGamesChicago. org
About Greg Louganis
Greg Louganis is more than just an Olympic Champion
-- he stands out as an exceptional human being who has
led an extraordinary life. Greg's introduction to the world of
diving was at the age of ten, when he first began competing.
By age 16 he had won his first Olympic medal, a silver,
on the platform in the 1976 Olympics. In 1984, at age 24,
he became the first man ln 56 years to win two Olympic
gold medals in diving by winning both the platform and
springboard events. In 1986, Greg · won both the platform
and springboard events at the Championships.
Two years later at the 1988 Olympics, competing against
divers half his age, and despite a near disastrous injury
during a dive, he became the first man to win double gold
medals for diving in two consecutive Olympics.
Louganis' connection to the Gay Games is a special one.
He used the occa.sion of the 1994 Gay Games in New York
to first publicly acknowledge his sexuality and his status as
HIV itive. More recently he served as the narrator of
the y Games documentary, "Take the Flame," by filmmaker
David Secter (2005). "We continue to be amazed at
the life of this extraordinary man," said Kathleen Webster,
co-president of the international Federation of Gay Games.
"He has been a staunch supporter of the Gay Games for
more than a decade and we are grateful for his continued
support as the Gay Games returns to U S. for the first time
in 12 years.··
12 the STAR Oi<lahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
From the STAR Editor:
Kathy Taylor for Tulsa Mayor website ask this question for
Tulsa voters. "How can I make your life better?"
The STAR's answer was. Bring equal rights to all people in
Tulsa including the GLBT community. And we posed this
Question: Are you seeking the Gay/Lesbian vote in Tulsa?
The following is the response we received from her staff.
'Thank you for your message. Kathy Taylor believes in diversity
and in equal rights -- she has built a 25-year career
on those values. She doesn't ask her employees about
their personal lives, their political affiliation, their religion ...
You get the idea. Kathy Taylor hires people based on their
ability to do a job and she treats everyone with the respect
and dignity they deserve. She will be the same woman if
elected Tulsa's mayor.
I hope you'll help make that happen by voting for Kathy
Taylor for Mayor on April 4."
Lesbian crowned
college King.
FREDERICK, MD. -- Hood College is reviewing its homecoming
rules after a lesbian was crowned king, a college
official said.
Jennifer Jones, the 21-year-old senior who beat out three
men for the ciOwn, said it was a positive step for the private
liberal arts college.
"It is cool that Hood allows people to be themseives," Jones
said. "If people didn't want me to be king, they wouldn't
have nominated me and voted for me:·
More than two weeks after Jones was crowned, criticism
and praise were still rippling through the 2, 100-student
campus in western Maryland.
Santo Provenzano, 21, who competed for king, said Jones·
selection made the event seem like a joke. "It discourages
guys from wanting to take part in the future,"
Tulsa r. Leather 2006
nd The inner Is!
Photo left: winner "Tulsa Mr. Leather 2006" James Hollingswood.
Right: Jay Whiteside, 1st Runner Up.
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_ Tulsa Mr. Leather contest climaxed on Saturday
March 18th at Club Maverick with James Hollingswood
coming out on top. James will now advance to the Oklahoma
Mr. Leather contest to be held in October. The Okla- ·
homa Mr. Leather organization is franchise of "International
Mr. Leather" headquartered in Chicago.
Title holders must be present at as many community functions
as possible and must represent "Leather" in a positive
manner throughout the community. They must promote
unity, camaraderie, brother/sister hood. Winners must also
actively participate in at least 3 charity benefits during the
next 12 months.
The group heid a meet and greet party on Friday March
17th and ended their weekend event with a Sunday brunch
at the Metro Diner, Tulsa.
The STAR since 2003 13
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the STAR, It's your community, we deliver it.
''A hysterical GLBT comedy troupe born from members of Chicago's famous
"SEC D CITY". They are determined to raise our spirits and make the Ozarks hills shake with
laughter with a show GLBTs and their straight friends & families can enjoy together!"
EUREKA SPRINGS, AR._Diversity Pride Events is proud
to present GAY-CO as part of our commitment to produce
quality events for GLBTs (gays, lesbians, bisexuals
a der) and their Allies. This comedy show will
e Spring Diversity Weekend in Eureka Springs,
Arkansas, April 7-9. On Saturday April 8, there will be
two performances of GAY-CO at a
2pm Matinee and at
7:30pm at the
historic Auditorium.
GayCo Productions
is a notfor-
profit theatre
ensemble that
specializes in creating
revues based
on gay/lesbian
An award winning
ensemble that was
established in 1996
as The "Second
City's" first lesbigay
and straight outreach
program. Ed Garza,
former Administrative
Director of The
"Second City'' Train-
Ing Center, brought
together nine performfrom
the training center
was to be c!n experimental workshop. Irreverent spirit is
just one reason why Rob Chambers, executive director
of The Second City Training Center, counts himself a fan.
"Given the current political and social climate, I can't wait to
see what they come up with ... 11 he says of the company that
can put its comedy chops next to those of more
esta names. GayCo is no less funny than, say, the
cast on the Second City main stage. They've amassed
an ever-growing fan base since their debut in 1996. HI
think they really touched on something that was needed,"
Chambers says.
Additional events during Diversity Weekend include a
'GOLDEN OLDIES' Dance & Socia! featuring dance hits
from the 1940's to present day, an 'OVER 16' Diversity
Dance, sponsored by Eureka Kid and another local charity,
MIXER, co-sponsored by Diversity Pride Events and Eureka
Pride, with a Raffle to benefit the Food Bank, will be held
Friday night from 7pm - 9pm. And other local businesses
will be nouncing many
events. See
Eureka Pride.
ureka Springs,
sas prides
on it's diverpecially
ity Weeks,
LAG visitors
me from all
the world to
ittle village
e heart of.
ants geared toward
i Along with 0thvents
invites you to
visit Eureka year rou on FALL, SPRING,
concerts, dances & other Pride Events. D.P.E. is committed
to producing and supporting quality events for GLBTs
(Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgender) and Parents,
Friends, Families of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAGs) ... of ALL
ages to enjoy together!
"Our mission is to create intelligent and thought-provoking
sketch comedy based on Gay and Lesbian
themes that will entertain, educate and/or enlighten
our audience."
For more information go to: www.diversitypride.com or
The STAR since 2003
The Riders stood off campus hoping that the university
administration would have a change of heart: but when the time
came to attempt to have a conversation, their hopes were met
. with handcuffs. While the arrests were taking place, fellow Riders
waited across the street holding portraits of lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender people who committed suicide or were killed
because of religious messages that portrayed them as sick
and sinful.
In all, eight individuals were arrested when they attempted
to gain entrance to the campus -- 6 Equality Riders and 2
community members. Moving across police lines toward
the school's massive sculpture of praying hands, they carried
Bibles and quoted scripture passages that reflected
why they felt called to talk with students at Oral Roberts
about ending the school's policy of religion-based discrimination
against LGBT people.
Speaking about why she felt motivated to be arrested,
Jessie Sullivan said, "I had seriously considered going to
Oral Roberts for college; but when I came to campus to
visit I did not feel welcome. It was that unease that made
me feel as if I should make a statement about why colleges
should be welcoming to everyone, because we are all one
in Christ. God loves 1:1s wholly for who we are."
Several Orai Roberts students have contacted Riders by
email and phone to try to set up meetings and dialogue
off campus. ORU students have stated that the university
has blocked the Soulforce web site from web browsers of
resident students. Nathan Bengtson, one of the Riders in
charge of the Oral Roberts Univeisity stop, has vowed to
find ways to reach out to students regardless of the administration's
tactics. "We've met obstacles at every school
we've visited so far; and in every instance we have found
ways to dialogue with students. It is time for this issue to be
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Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine. 17
The Cancer of
What is going on with the world right now? When did hate
become so acceptable? It's getting to the point where
reading the news is almost too depressing to handle -and
that's just the mainstream news. God forbid I should
check the LGBT news outlets. For a while, in the 90s, it
felt like things were looking up. There were progressive
governments in place in many countries, and bigotry and
discrimination were largely seen as bad things.
Then all that changed.
You can pretty much pinpoint the exact
day: December 14, 1999, when the Supreme
Court ruled 5 to 4 in favor of Bush
and stopped the Florida recount. It was all
downhill from there. When Bush became
president, the Fundamentalist Christian
Right took power. Bigotry and discrimination
went from being negative qualities
to presidential policy. As Episcopal priest
and former Republican Senator John C.
Danforth said in a 2005 editorial for The
New York Times, "Republicans have transformed
our [the Republican] party into the
political arm of conservative Christians."
Danforth went on to say, 'The problem is
not with people or churches that are politically
active. It is with a party that has gone
so far in adopting a sectarian agenda that
it has become the political extension of a
religious movement." In other words, the
United States is fast becoming a theocracy.
The danger with fundamentalism, whether we're talking
about Christians or Mus!ims, is that they aren't content to
simply believe a cer'tain way; they feel they have to force
their beliefs on everyone else as well. You must believe
the way they do or eise. That would be bad enough if
they simply ranted and raved and protested at funerals,
but when they start controlling politics to the point that
they are legislating their personal beliefs, the reai trouble
Need examples? Look no farther than the Federal Marriage
Amendment, or any one of the myriad states following
suit. As of February 16, 2006, thirteen states had
constitutional amendments pending that would limit or
prohibit same-sex marriage and/or other forms of reiationship
recognition. Six other states had approved such
amendments and were awaiting ratification by voters.
My own home state of Maryland is one of those with antigay
legislation pending. Last month, state Democrats
outmaneuvered Republicans in the House to kill a
proposed amendment that would have banned same-sex
marriage and civil unions in the state. A few weeks later,
the Republicans bounced back with another version that
would permit civil unions while prohibiting marriage. This
week, during testimony advising the proposed amendment
be dropped, Republican Senator Nancy Jacobs interrupted
American University constitutional law professor James
Raskin to assert, "As I read Biblical principles, marriage
was intended, ordained and started by God - that is my
belief. For me, this is an issue solely based on religious
Well golly gee, Ms. Jacobs, ever hear of something called
separation of church and state? I don't really give a rat's
ass what your religious beliefs are. You were elected to
uphold the Constitution, not your interpretation of the Bible.
This is the part that always gets me. Why should your
religion be more valid than say Judaism? Or for that matter,
why should your version of Christianity be more valid than
any other? After all, not all Christians are
opposed to gay rights.
If legislating based on personal beliefs is
okay, then what if a Jehovah's Witness
was elected? They don't believe in celebrating
birthdays or exchanging gifts at
Christmas. Imagine the national outcry if
they introduced legislation outlawing birthday
parties and Christmas piesents. The
Fundies would be right at the forefront,
once again raising their ridiculous "War on
Christmas" banners.
My point is, while it's unreasonable to
expect that an elected official's personal
faith will have no influence on their decision
making process, it should never come
before Constitutional law. Moral codes
are variable and, despite what Conservatives
would like to believe, no one belief
system has a lock on the Truth. There is
no basis under civil law that can legitimately be used to
outlaw same-sex marriage. Historical precedent wasn't
good enough for woman's rights, black rights, or interracial
marriage, and it's not good enough for gay rights, either.
The only argument they have is based on religion, and the
fact is that's not valid.
Fundamentalism is like a cancer. It's eating away at the
United States, and, just like cancer, we can't afford to
ignore it. It's not going to simply go away. We have to cut it
out in order to start healing. Yes, damage has been done,
but none of it is irieparable. It's not too late, but we have to
wake up and start fighting back.
We have to get the slaves to the Fundies out of office. !t
won't be easy, especially in the South. They've been slowly
entrenching themselves there for decades now. The Conservative
Christian movement controls many Senators and
(~ontinued ncxr page
18 the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
Representatives, contributing millions to their campaigns.
They are well-organized in getting the votes, using the
pulpit to spread their propaganda.
It's high time we organized against them, and it's finally
starting to happen. Many states have formed strong LGBT
political lobbyist groups in the last few years. These groups
are at long last getting the LGBT community and our allies
together. If you're not already involved in one of these
groups, or at the very .least on their mailing list, what are
you waiting for? 'Tm not political" is no longer an acceptable
excuse. This is about more than politics. The cancer is
spreading and if we don't do something soon, it will be too
late. Now that many states have won their war against gay
marriage, the Fundies are encouraged. They're moving on
to bigger and better things. Their newest issue is gay adoption
and, currently, there are 16 states addressing differing
levels of restriction.
First marriage, then adoption. It doesn't take much imagination
to see where this is leading. We can put a stop to it,
however, by electing fair-minded men and women as our
senators, representatives, governors, mayors, and, yes,
president. 2006 is a midterm election year. It could very
well set the tone for the next presidential election. Be sure
to know your candidates, get involved, and most importantly,
get out there and vote! It's the only way to stop the
cancer of Fundamentalism.
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The STAR since 2003 19
by Libby Post
APRIL 2006
Leah Crask and Teresa Weeks met like many lesbians
meet - through some friends. One of Teresa's friends
actually asked Leah out first. But, as the saying goes, love
always finds a way, and now Leah and Teresa are happily
ensconced in their San Francisco home with a 9-month-old
When San Fran's mayor, Gavin Newsom, decided it was
only fair for lesbians and gay to marry, Leah and Teresa
walked through the doors of City Hall and took their vows
on March 1, 2004.
· "Getting married was a huge difference," said Leah. "All of
a sudden my parents acknowledged that, 'Oh, you're gonna
be together forever.'"
Leah and Teresa's marital bliss did not last that long, but
they didn't break up. By the end of the month, the California
Supreme Court enjoined Newsom from granting any
more marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and nullified
the 4,000 or so same-sex marriages that took place while
those licenses were being granted. Instead of being legally
married, Leah and Teresa only have their domestic partner
registration to prove the validity of their relationship.
Not to be taken lightly, having domestic partner laws are
better than not having them, but just imagine how hurtful
it must have been for Leah, Teresa, and the thousands of
other couples who one day celebrated the love they always
knew to be true and the next day were told, "Sorry, you really
don't count."
According to a new ~dy entitled "I Do, But I Can't: The
Impact of Marriage Denial on the Mental Health and Sexual
Citizenship of Lesbians and Gay Men in the United States,"
being denied marriage rights has had a tremendous negative
impact on our mental heaith and well-being. Whiie we
have creatively taken the "defining our own family structure''
situation firmly in hand, the study found that our inability to
marry creates "the mental distress of second-class citizenship."
The "I Do, But I Can't" study is co-authored by Gilbert
Herdt, Ph.D., an anthropologist and director of the National
Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University,
and Robert Kertzner, M.D., a practicing psychiatrist
who is also an adjunct associate research scientist in Coiumbia
University's Department of Psychiatry. When it
comes time for the Christian Right to try to discredit the study,
the authors' academic pedigrees should give the findings some
So what did Herdt and Kertzner find?
When comparing married straights to unmarried straights, they
found that married individuals have better mental health, more
emotional support, less psychological distress, and lower rates of
psychiatric disorder than unmarried folks. They found that hetero
social networks support marriage. A case study in rural Oregon
showed how married hets can comfortably rely on their churches,
local schools, and neighborhood visibility to secure or enhance
jobs, form political alliances. and access social support such as
childcare. A same-sex couple iesiding in the same town was shut
out of these opportunities because ... they weren't a straight, married
When looking solely at gay and lesbian couples, the study found,
among many things, that the lack of legally recognized marriage
may cause couples not to value their relationships as legitimate
expressions of commitment and "intimate sexual citizenship."
Not being able to marry also deprives many of us of social and
family support. According to Herdt and Kertzner, having this type
of support counteracts stress and social isolation. Remember,
Leah's parents didn't consider her relationship with Teresa as real
until they got married.
While Leah and Teresa's legal marriage may be null and void,
they haven't fallen victim to devaluing their relationship. Yet, they
do struggle every day with having to prove to the world that they
are in a committed, loving relationship.
Leah became pregnant with Caden after their marriage was
voided. When it came time to make sure their son's birth certificate
listed both of them. Leah pre-packed their domestic partner
certificate so she had it when her delivery time came. "It's usually
not the first thing you think of when you go into labor," she said.
When it actually came time to fill out the certificate, the state
hadn't kept up with its own legislative changes, and the birth
certificate still said mom and dad. "There was no appropriate form
to recognize a domestic partner on a birth certificate." said Teresa.
Leah was surprised that they had to cmss out "mother and father"
and put down "parent 1 and parent 2."
But, in order to guarantee that Teresa is iegally Caden's parent,
they are going through the second-parent adoption process. Teresa
pointed out that if a married couple had to go to a sperm bank
in order to conceive, the husband wouldn't have to go through this
process, even though he is not genetically related to the child.
"It's a little hard to swaliow that we have to go through a different
process that's more invasive and more expensive," said Teresa.
"It's painful to have to adopt your own child."
But the pain is even deeper. "It's always, 'Is your relationship
enough?' 'Can you prove it enough?"'
20 The Ozarks STAR since 2003
ast Out
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity
of the gay past and its impact on the queer present.
Who Was John Preston?
Author John Preston is perhaps best known for creating
the archetypal leatherman, Mr. Benson, but he was also a
pioneering gay rights activist.
Born Dec. 11, 1945, Preston grew up in Medfield, Mass.
He discovered the gay community as a teenager, escaping
as often as possible to Harvard Square in Boston to
purchase physique magazines, and visiting the gay resort
of Provincetown. After graduating from high school in 1963,
Preston moved to Chicago to attend Lake Forest College.
He became involved in civil rights activism, traveling to Alabama
as a freedom rider and tutoring students in Chicago's
Having moved to Boston in 1969 in search of a gay community,
Preston chose to "come out with a vengeance" after
an early lover committed suicide. After this, Preston moved
to Minneapolis, where he co-founded Gay House ( one of
the first gay community centers) and Gay Community Services.
He was also a progressive Christian activist, serving
as a member of the National Council of Churches' Task
Force on Gay People in the Church; though he aspired to
become an Episcopal priest, he abandoned the idea due to
what he saw as the '<hurch's hypocrisy concerning homosexuality.
In the mid-1970s, Preston moved to Los Angeles, where
he was hired as editor of the national gay publication, The
Advocate_, a position he held for about a year. in a quest
to become "the ultimate gay man," he then worked as a
hustler in San Francisco before moving to New York City in
1978, where he immersed himself in the S/M underworld.
He later recalled that his first bondage scene was with a
New Jersey state trooper who tied him to a tree in a deserted
nature preserve.
In his East Viliage basement apartment, Preston wrote
his best-known work, a short story featuring the imperious
master Aristotle Benson and his slave Jamie. He submitted
the story to _Drummer_ magazine, and soon received a
call from the publisher asking if he could turn it into a serialized
novel. "Mr. Benson" first appeared in the May 1979 issue,
and before long fans were eagerly awaiting each new
To the surprise of many, Preston left New York's bustling
gay scene a year later, donning oxford-cloth shirts and
loafers and settling into small-town life in Portland, Maine,
where he could often be found walking his dog, Vlad the
Impaler. He had moved to Portland with his lover and slave,
Jason Klein, but Klein soon returned to San Francisco: he
died not long after as a result of an autoerotic asphyxiation
Due to the success of his Mr. Benson stories (published
as a book in 1983), Preston himself was cast into the role
of the archetypal Topman. But he eventually grew apart
from the leather scene, which he felt had been "overtaken
by sightseers." He later acknowledged that in writing about
that world, he helped popularize it. "Once the gates were
open, the mystique began to erode," he wrote. "Leathersex
has gone the way of all politics, it's lost its edge."
In 1987, Preston, who had become a safer sex educator,
learned that he himself was HIV-positive. Dismaye_d at the
diagnosis, he could barely write for more than a year, but
then went on to edit _Personal Dispatches: Writers Confront
AIDS_ (1989). "I certainly found my own imagination
rightly constricted by the idea of a deadly virus that was
spread by sexual intercourse," he wrote.
Preston brought sex writing into the realm of serious gay
literature, always resisting pressure to recast his pornography
as "erotica": 'The only difference is that erotica is the
stuff bought by rich people; pornography is what the rest
of us buy," he said. But while much of Preston's work was
devoted to sex, he wrote widely in other genres, including a
1984 novel, _Franny, the Queen of Provincetown_, a series
of adventure tales featuring gay undercover ex-Marine Alex
Kane, and a syndicated column about gay life in Maine.
He also edited numerous anthologies, including _Hometowns:
Gay Men Write About Where They Belong_ (1991)
and _ Sister and Brother: Lesbians and Gay Men Write
about Their Lives Together_ (1994, with Joan Nestle). He
regularly attended the annual OutWrite conference, was an
active member of the National Writers Union, and mentored
younger writers. His 1984 collection, I Once Had a Master
and Other Tales of Erotic Love_, was among the works
confiscated at the border by Canadian customs; he supported
the iawsuit of Vancouver's Little Sisters Book and
Art Emporium, but died before he could testify at the 1994
Canadian Supreme Court trial.
Though quite i!I from complications of AIDS, Preston continued
working on his final two anthologies from his hospital
bed. He died at his home in Portland on April 28. 1994.
A decade after his death, Preston's impact on the leather
world endures - in the words of columnist Jack Rinella, "He
gave it existence in the minds of thousands of readers,
gave image to the dreams we all thought and to the men for
whom we searched.
22 Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
What puzzles me about
this whole thin with Fred
Phelps in a, Kansas
I get really get disgusted when I read or see in the news
about the idiot, Fred Phelps in Topeka who does all of
these bizarre things that he does in the name of "Christianity".
He has been around for a long time and has caused so
much havoc in the world and especially in Topeka, Kansas
where he lives. We all need to know who our enemies are
and he is indeed one of the worst. Even thou his website is
total garbage you need to go to it once in a while just to see
what kind of hate he is spewing: www.godhatesfags.com.
After reading all the crap that he is putting out, then go to
www.godhatesfredphelps.com to get another version of
exactly what he is doing.
The one thing that really irks me is that when he used to
picket gay funerals the local and State governments just
stood by and watched and wouldn't do anything about it.
Only when he began to picket the funerals of American
soldiers coming back from the war in Iraq did the local and
State governments finally step in and hurriedly enacted
laws keeping him at a great distance at funerals. It's great
that they finally enacted this law but why didn't they do it
before now?
We have made a LOT of progress in these past few years
and I do mean a LOT! But we need to continue the
progress each and every day. In many parts of the country,
being "gay" is just a part of life. Even in many cities
here in the Midwest gays lives in the suburbs and have no
problems with being gay at all: The teaching profession
which used to be a no-no for gays now has an open door
policy for "out'' gay teachers and they do not encounter any
problems. Seems as thou it is just in the major cities in the
Midwest that things are really changing and fast for gay
equality. Just like being black or Jew, almost any minority
still faces problems all the time. Will this ever change?
I would certainly like to think so but am afraid that we are
still a long way off. Sure gays can "pass" whereas blacks
cannot. Jews used to change their last names to "pass" and
it worked. But who wants to "pass" anymore? I certainly
don't! I am a single gay white male and proud of who I am.
I honestly believe that if there is a God, that God made me
the way that I am. Why shouldn't I be proud of who I am?
Is the cup half empty or half full? Each individual must
make that decision for themselves. I have taiked with many
older gay men in the community and they are amazed how
open it is to be gay now. Their dreams of long ago has arrived
and they are proud of what they did to encourage it. I
just hope that in the next few years that it will be completely
different than it is now. But we do have a lot of straight
allies in our community who along with us are fighting for
our rights. Always piaise them for what they are doing. We
need them and they are so nice to help us.
The STAR since 2003 23
Salutations and welcome once more to sluts "R" us, err something
like that. This month Cncle Mikey recovers from a love affair of
epic proportions. I mean whew, that man was just too much. It was
like being at rhe DQ and trying to take that extra dip, knowing your
body. just won't handle it. I mean; it just was not right. While appealing,
some mountains just are not meant to be climbed. Sadly, I
had ro cur that stallion loose, sending him back into the wild. I hope
he does not do any damage; talk about putting your eye out.
I bet the censors are just on the edge of their seats. I guess, I do
sound a little like a prom date gone bad. That man of substantial
lovin' made more of an impression than I realized. Kittens, I tried,
really I did. You just can't get a twelve in a size ten; I don't care
how you work ir.
Dear Uncle Mikey,
At the college I attend, I have met, well kind of mer, this man. He
is in some of my classes and all I can say is he is fine. He makes me
perk up every time I see him. I have seen him with several females,
assuming that he is straight. To teil you the truth that just makes
the attraction stronger. I want him only for a short rime. These are
my college years, I'm supposed to experiment. So, should I just get
him drunk so ne can eqjoy my tale!.'lts? I realiy want this guy, so bad
I have been ignoring the' guys who would giadly enjoy my company.
What should I do?
Dear Kitten,
A.K.A. butter, you kaow what you want, and I would even say,
you have already greased the Kegger nozzles, awaiting your frat boy
knight. Uncle cautions howeYt:r, as though some straight wayward
boys may let pu play~ some may not. Ob' who are .,,·e kidding,
order rum a pizza and seal the deal. A straigh: colJege boy is like a
walking drive through; you can have it your \Vay, if there is a good
supply of beer and pizza. That's Amour'
Uncle Mikey,
I think my boyfriend of ten years has been seeing someone on the
side. I have no real proof per say, just a nagging feeling in my gut.
Sex has become strained, and I figured it was just because we had
become so routine in our ways. I now see him acting like he is getting
ready for a hook up though he tells me, working late, going on
errands, ect. I do not want to be one of those jealous types, questioning
every move. I also do not want to be living with someone
else who is living with everybody. Know what I mean? What would
you do?
Suspecting in Ohio
Dearest Suspecting,
Kitten, I tell this repeatedly. If they are not getting ir at home, they
are getting it somewhere. Via, liaison, hand-to-hand combat, somewhere,
a man is a man after all. Secondly, if you feel something is
amiss than more likely than not, there is. I would sit your man down
and confront him with you feelings, prepared to hear whatever it
is awaiting for you. Communication can be taken for granted after
being with someone for a while, though never does the importance
change in any relationship. He may be wondering why you rwo are
not doing the bunny mambo across the front lawn anymore. Take
ir a step at a time, as anything and anyone worth having is worth
working for.
Dear :Mikey,
Where did your site go? I really enjoyed it and miss going there
every week.
A fan of Mikey's
You have touched me; moreover, I am willing to touch back. Kitten,
The world is not ready for an entire corner of Mikey, lets break
them in slowly shall we? Smooches- :Mikey
Dear Uncle Mikey,
My friends all give me a hard time telling me that I am stuck in the
eighties. While, this is a joke to some, it is a way of life for me. I
belong to that rime, style, and music. It was a rime that meant something
more than found in the hallow music and style of today. Bring
back the eighties'.
Mrs. Garret's boy
Dearest Kitten,
Gimme-a-break! A virgin you are not, while time has turned and the
beat goes on. You must accept the, facts of life, if you really want
to enjoy tne good-times. This is a serious condition even if spoken
through ca::eless whispers. Hanging on to the past can only prevent
you from seeing the new and exciting rimes of today. You may be
missing opportunity if you are looking behind yot.:. If you want to
:1ear anyone say, I want your sex, ~han you must nip it in ci1e bud
;o to speak. Like a prayer, I send you good thoughts. Let go and let
Cheri ... Smooches-Mikey
Get with it, don't you wish your Guri was Hot like me? Yes, Kittens,
Uncle Mikey is time:ess, whi!s~ my flame shall lead yet another generations
of young queers evernvhere. \'{'ell Kittens, I guess that is all
the time for this month. Until next, time. Smooches-l'ncle Mikey
26 The STAR since 2003
Easter Blackberry Wine Cake
1 White cake mix
1 pkg (3oz) Royal Blackberry gelatin.
4 Eggs.
1 cooking oil.
1 lackberry wine (use real blackberry
wrne, not blackberry flavored.)
1/2 cup chopped pecans.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Combine dry cake mix an latin, add
eggs, oil and wine. Beat mixer on low
speed until moistened, then beat on
Medium speed 3 minutes, scraping bowl frequently.
Grease and heavily flour a Sundt cake pan. Sprinkle pecan pieces in bottom
of pan. Pour in batter and bake 45 to 50 minutes.
Make aze while cake is baking. When cake is done, take from oven and
pour f glaze over warm cake while still in pan. Let cool 30 minutes,
turn cake out of pan. Add more powdered sugar glaze until thickened and
pour glaze over cake.
1 Cup powdered sugar.
1/3 cup butter or oleo.
1/2 cup blackberry wine.
~~to all. ...
and it's time for a spring
party. The April drink is a punch to
make for Sunday Brunch or any get
together. It's fruity delicious with the
taste of passion fruit and raspberries.
Mix up a pitcher full and enjoy.
1 oz. Parrot Bay Passion Fruit Rum
1/2 oz Chambord
2 oz Orange Juice
2 oz Cranberry Juice
2 oz Pineapple Juice
Fill tall glass with ice.
Add all ingredients.
Garnish with lime, orange and
Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine 27
by Jack Fertig
APRIL 2006
"Write polemics, Aries!""
Mars opposing Pluto boosts stamina and determination, but
also raises tempers and belligerence. With Mars in Gemini
and Pluto in Sagittarius, it's more bark than bite. Keep longrange
goals in mind, and you can achieve almost anything.
Venus entering Pisces doesn't help you focus, but she does
bring more accommodation and gentleness.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Write polemics, take up a
challenging study, or do whatever you can to keep your hyper-
charged brain productive and out of useless arguments
that will quickly get very nasty. This is an ideal time to go in
drag as Ann Coulter.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Your sweetness and sensitivity
will boost your image and your career. Tangling with
banks, insurance, or tax offices is not a good idea right
now. Tangling with someone who knows how to talk dirty is
a much better option.
GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Although you believe in ideals
of sweetness and light, you are too tempted to get down
and dirty in the trenches. That makes for vicious arguments,
but fantastic, passionate sex.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Worry can make you sick.
Calm your mind and strengthen your body with some gentle
physical activity, such as hiking or tai chi - or sex. Dancing
is also helpful, and it makes you especially sexy.
LEO (July 23 -August 22): The fun just doesn't stop. Yo~
may want to apply that energy to some artistic brilliance - if
you can figure out what to do. The one you love offers great
inspiration, but no focus. If you can pick a goal and stick
with it, you can shifle!
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Try to find purpose
and elegance in whatever task is at hand. This will calm
your furiously busy brain and help keep you out of trouble.
The boss may appreciate some of your ideas, but not
nearly all of them!
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Despite your i.ntention
to make things agreeable, your sense of justice can push
you to be very provocative. Sometimes that's necessary,
but now you tend to go overboard. Try to think of life more
as a creative game than as a struggle.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21 ): Although your sex
drive is especially high, thinking distracts from doing. What
are the actual value and cost of erotic fun? Traditional ideals
may offer grounding or confusion, but need to be dealt
with at some level.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): Arguments
with your parlner are hard to avoid. Poetry, music, movies,
and arl all offer pleasant diversion. Just having it out and
clearing the air may be the better course, and the make-up
sex should be terrific!
CAPRICORN (December 21 -January 19): Remember
that your strength is in advancing carefully. Sudden frantic
bursts of activity threaten to undennine your work and your
health. Stay focused on your goals and don't get ahead of
AQUARIUS (January 20- February 18): Harebrained
schemes are screaming for you to invest your time and
money. Put time into pleasure and future hopes, but guard
your money carefully! When friends let you down, remember
they are only human.
28 Adverlising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Event - - - - - - - - - - - - -www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye View- - - - - 36 N. Main- - - - - - - - - -479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante- - - 309 W VanBuren- - - - -479-253-8102
Henri's - - 19 1 /2 Spring St - - - - - - - - - - -4 79-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill- - 105 E VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fa etteville (479)
Condom Sense - - - - - - 4 . Dickson- - - - - -479-444-6228
Curry's Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-521-0009
Passages - - - - - -930 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-442-5845
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave-- - - - - - - - - - - -479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- - - - - - -1004 1 /2 Garrison Ave- - - - - - - 4 79-783-9988
Red Rock City - - -917 N. "A" St. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - - - 101 O E. Grand Ave - - - - - - -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501) ·
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - - -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - - - - - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - - - 415 Main St - -North LR.- - - - - - - -501-244-0444
The Factory - - - - - - 412 Louisiana St.- - - - - - - - - 501-372-3070
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club- - - - - - 384 Grant Ave. - - - - - - - - -785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - - - - - - - - - - -620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - - - - 316-682-5494
Priscilla's- - - - - 6143 W Kellogg Dr- - - - - - - - - - - 316-942-1244
Club Glacier- - - - - - - 2828 E. 31st South- - - - - 316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's---- --716S.Main- -------------417-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - - - - - - - - - - - -- Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -816-561-0625
Concourse Park B&B - 300 Benton Blvd -- - - - -816-231-1196
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield {417)
The Edge- - - - - 424 Boonville Ave- - - - - -- - - - - - 417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical- - - - - - - -417-869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- - - - - 1109 E. Commercial- - - - --417-873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- - - 219 W Olive - - - - - - - - - - 417-864-4572
Priscilia's - - - -1918 S. Gienstone - - - - - - - - - - -417-881-8444
Oz Bar-504 E Commercial- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - -821 College- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - -1109 E. Commercial- - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid
Hastings Books- - - -1_04 Sunset - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-242-6838
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - -4810-A West Garriott- - - - - - - 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton
Triangles- - - - - 29 SW "D" Ave- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-351-0620
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - - - - - - - POBox 1515, - - - - - McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642- - - - - -405-495-1111
Boom Room- - - - - - - 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- - - - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Cristies Toy Box- - 3126 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - - - - 405-946-4438
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave- - - - - - - -405-672-6459
Fat Cat Bingo- - - - - - 3130 N. May Ave - - - - - -405-942-8875
Finish Line - - - - - - - 2200 NW 39th Expwy- - - 405-525-2900
Gushers Restaurant- - - - 2200 NW 39Exp - - - - - - -405-525-0730
HollywoodHotel- - - - 3535 NW 39th Ex- - - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Habana Inn - - - - - - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - - - - - - -405-528-2221
Hi-lo Club - - - - - - - 1221 NW 50th- - - - - - - - - - - - 405-843-1722
Jungle Reds - - - - - -2200 NW Expwy- - - - - - - - - - -405-524-5733
Partners- - - - - - - - - 2805 NW 36th St - - - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - 615 E. Memorial- - - - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St- - - - - - - - - - 405-525-5165
Sisters- - - - - - - - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - -- - - - -405-521-9533
The Park- - - - - - - - 2125 NW 39th St - - - - - - - - - -405-528-4690
The Rockies- - - - - - 3201 N. May Ave - - - - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- - 3535 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- - - -7204 E. Pine - - - - - - - - - - -918-836-8700
Border's Book Store- - - 2740 E. 21st- - - - - - - - - - 918-712-9955
Border's Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale - - - - - - - - - - 918-494-2665
Club 209 - - - - - - - 209 N. Boulder - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Majestic- - - - - - - 124 N. Boston - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Maverick- - - - - 822 S. Sheridan - - - - - - - 7 - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- - - 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - - - - - - - -918-834-1051
Elite Bookstore - - - - -814 S. Sheridan- - - - - - - - - - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 5545 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge- - - - - 11730 E. 11th- - - - - - - - - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic- - - - - - - 3540 E. 31st - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-749-8378
Jazz's Lounge- - - - - - 426 S. Memorial - - - - - - - - - 918-836-8544
Midtown- - - - - - - - - - 319 E. 3rd- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-3112
Nite Spot - - - - - - -3007 E. Admiral Pi - - - - - - - - - 918-834-3007
Priscilla's - - - - - - - - -7925 E. 41 st- - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla's - - - - - - - 5634 W. Skelly - - - - - - - - - - - 918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - - - - - - 11344 E. 11th - - - - -- - - - - - - -918-438-4224
Prisciila's - - - - - - - - 2333 E. ?1st- - - - - -- - - - - -918-499-1661
Renegades- - - - - - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - 918-585-3405
Rob's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- - - - - - - - - 918-627-1505
Tulsa CARES- - - 3507 E. Admiral Pl- - - - - - - - - - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle- - - - -1338 E. 3rd - - - - - - - - - - - - - -918-592-1188
TNT's - - - - - - - - 2114 S. Memorial- - - - - - - - - - - 918-660-0856
Whittier News Stand- - 1 N. Lewis- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-592-0767
Yellow-Brick-Rd- - - - - - 2630 E. 15th- - - - - - - - - - 918-293-0304
1338 E 3rd, Tulsa, OK
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~ i3
this Issue o
35 YEARS OF ll.QV.6 ..... page-21
"I don't give a
your religious
were elected to u
Read it in Heart to Heart .....
~[& in the s-n
this month, comic
" Chelsea Boy•
............. page-30
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.50 Draw·
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1.00 Longnecks
t .
f .
UT n
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on ,, cale
Scott Crow, lVlanaging Broker
lVlcGraw Davisson. Stewart, :Realtors
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Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
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situations, whetlier sin
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MONDAYS: Pool Tournament
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the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
Oral Roberts Universit
sends mixed mess
gays: "We love you do
not come onto our campus"
TULSA, OK - The frigid air in Oklahoma was symbolic
of the welcome Oral Roberts University extended to the
Soulforce Equality Riders today, after repeated refusals for
dialogue with ORU officials resulted in more than 25 police
officers waiting at the entrance of the school. Before the
Riders were even allowed off the bus, a member of the Oral
Roberts police force and an officer from the Tulsa Police
Department entered the bus to talk with them. Summing up
the school's response to the Ride and to lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender (LGBT) students, the Oral Roberts
University officer told the Riders, "We love you all; do not
come onto our campus."
Speaking to media before leading the group to trespass
onto campus, Equality Ride co-director Jacob Reitan said,
"Colleges teach history, it is time for them to start reflecting
on what history has done to the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender community. The time for this conversation
has come. We have a group of people who care enough
to at least try, and Oral Roberts does not want to welcome
them." ................... Continued page-16
5 Mile Service Area
918. 734.6847
.tmail lrrol>o~~ao\.(.Om
Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
mixed and 6a,,;ed
111ild biulseed
72 Hours in San Francisco
San Francisco may just be the most talked-about and dynamic
gay and lesbian destination in the world. But with so
much to see and do, how do you make the most of a short
visit to the City by the Bay? You'll want to soak up the culture
of cool neighborhoods like the Castro and the Mission.
You can't leave without glimpsing the must-see attractions,
such as the Golden Gate Bridge and the beautifully redesigned
de Young Museum. And then there are the incredible
restaurants, serving everything from fresh-harvested
oysters to bountiful organic salads to decadent chocolate
Here's one approach to enjoying a long weekend in San
Francisco, ideal for both first-time and repeat visitors.
You might begin by purchasing a San Francisco CityPass,
which you can order online before you go. The pass, which
costs $42 per person, provides free admission to several of
the city's most prominent attractions as well as seven days
of unlimited travel on the Cable Car and Muni bus and train
network (a $24 value in itself) and sightseeing boat excursions
on the city's Blue and Gold Fleet.
Friday Night
Hayes Valley, a central neighborhood that's easily reached
from downtown or the Castro, has several fun, low-keyed
restaurants, perfect for your first evening in town. One of
the best is Cafe Delle Stelle, which serves superb, reasonably
inexpensive lt~lian fare. Although you could survive
on the rich Tuscan bread that comes w!th your meal,
you'li want to sample the delicious homemade pastas and
traditionai Italian dishes, ranging from polenta with roasted
portobello mushrooms to roasted pumpkin ravioli with sage
From here it's a 15-minute walk to the Castro, where you
can check out the dozens of lively gay bars and clubs, including
such neighborhood faves as the bustling and youthful
Cafe, the sleek and intimate Bar on Castro, the laid-back
and friendly Pilsner Inn, and the festive Metro, which has a
large balcony that's perfect for people-watching.
Or if you're walking back toward downtown, you can peek
inside one of the bars that still line Po!k Street, a longtime
gay-nightlife hub in the '?Os and '80s that has only a few
nightspots left these days. Good bets include the Cinch
Saloon, a mellow neighborhood joint, and N'Touch, which
is especially popular among Asian-American men and their
In the morning, head to the Castro to explore this famous
gay neighborhood during daylight hours. The best way
to learn of the area's rich history is by taking a walking
tour with Kathy Amendola, of Cruisin' the Castro Historical
& Cultural Walking Tours. Amendola leads visitors past
the Pink Triangle Park & Memorial, the residence of slain
gay icon Harvey Milk, and the ornate and historic Castro
Theatre - there's also a break for lunch at Firewood Cafe, a
very good local restaurant. The tours leave at 1 0 a.m. and
are also offered Tuesday through Friday.
After the tour, set aside some time for shopping. The Castro
has grown up over the past decade as a sophisticated
retail neighborhood, with everything from high-end clothiers
and boutiques (such as Diesel and Brand X Antiques)
to adult gift and bookshops with saucy names like Auto
Erotica and Castro Gulch.
Then walk (about 30 minutes) or take Muni over to lush
Golden Gate Park to visit the de Young Museum, which
received a stunning makeover in 2005 and now has a distinctive
copper exterior and a dramatic 145-foot observation
tower that looms high above the park's leafy trees. Spectacular
collections of American paintings and sculptures,
African art, and textiles fill this beautiful building.
Saturday Night
The Mission District is a great neighborhood for dinner,
with the Slow Club ranking among the top picks. Here in
this dark, seductive space you might order the juicy burger
slathered in balsamic-marinated onions, or a crispy-crust
pizza topped with montasio cheese, oyster mushrooms,
leeks. and thyme. Limon is another superb choice, serving
kicky Latin fusion fare and tangy sangria.
If you're up for nighttime fun, you can always head back to
the Castro, but the Mission is also home to the best lesbian
hangout in the city, the Lexington Club. Or If you're a serious
clubber, take a cab to the trendy SoMa neighborhood,
6 Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Out of Town
where you'll find the famed Stud disco as well as raunchy
fetish and leather bars like the lovably sleazy Hole in the
Wall Saloon and the rough-and-tumble Eagle Tavern, which
brings in live bands many evenings.
Walk or take Muni northeast along Market Street for a
leisurely late breakfast or early lunch at the Ferry Building
Marketplace, a gorgeous 1898 former transportation
hub that was converted a few years ago into fabulous food
shops and restaurants (there's also a farmers market held
on the grounds on Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., spring
through fall). Order a tender ahi burger and garlic fries
at Taylor's Refresher, before devouring a few scoops of
Scharffen Berger Chocolate gelato at Ciao Bella.
Next, take Muni along the Embarcadero to Pier 41. This is
a touristy part of the city, adjoining Fisherman's Wharf and
its slew of annoyingly kitschy shops, but from Pier 41 you
can use your CityPass to take a free one-hour Blue & Gold
Fleet boat tour of San Francisco Bay. This is the quickest
and easiest, and arguably the most interesting, way to get a
sense of why San Francisco ranks among the most beautiful
cities in the world. These narrated tours pass under the
Golden Gate Bridge, by the tony towns of Sausalito and
Tiburon, and around the infamous former prison, Alcatraz.
Sunday Night
Head to one of the Castro's hottest gay-date spots, Catch,
which serves addictive trench fries tossed with Parmesan
cheese and white-truffle oil as well as a dandy grilled
monkfish with herb-mushroom risotto. But save room for
a dessert of Valrhona Chocolate molten cake with toffee
ice cream and almond butter across the street at 2223,
which also has a fine list of after-dinner cognacs, ports, and
liqueurs. This lively, handsome restaurant is also a great
place for dinner.
Depending on the exact time of your departure, you can set
aside Monday to check out a neighborhood you hadn't sufficient
time to explore, such as SoMa, home to outstanding
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA). Or perhaps
spend a little time browsing Macy's, Gump's, or any of
the hundreds of fine shops around Union Square. You can
break for lunch at the super-cruisy Wolfgang Puck Express
Cafe in the cellar at Macy's or enjoy a more substantial
meal at Town Hall, a superb contemporary American restaurant
set inside a vintage SoMa warehouse, where you
might sample duck-confit enchiladas with tomatillo sauce,
or a poached-shrimp club sandwich with bacon and heirloom
Where to Stay
A splendidly restored 1909 Edwardian mansion straddling
the Castro and Mission neighborhoods, Parker House is
the Castro's most spectacular inn. Guests make
considerable use of the lavish public areas and appreciate
the antiques, rich fabrics, and modern conveniences (WiFi,
voicemail) in the 21 sun-filled rooms. Paths wind through ·
extensive gardens and lawns. A more affordable Castro
option is the Willows Inn, whose 12 cozy, warmly furnished
rooms share four bathrooms and four separate shower
rooms but have all the other charms and comforts you'd
expect of a far pricier small hotel. Both properties draw a
mix of lesbians and gay men.
If you'd prefer to stay downtown, consider booking a room
at one of the several hotels run by the gay-friendly Kimpton
or Joie de Vivre hotel chains. Favorite Kimpton properties
include the richly furnished Serrano Hotel, which is decorated
in Moroccan and Spanish style, and the more moderately
priced Hotel Triton, a hip and whimsical property that's
also one of the most eco-friendly hotels in the country.
Joie de Vivre has hotels in all prices ranges, from the bargain-
priced Commodore Hotel, whose basic but pieasant
rooms come with Aveda bath products and deco-inspired
furnishings, to the ultra-chic Hotel Vitale, which opened in
2005 across from the Ferry Building Marketplace and is
best-known for its nifty Panoramic Suites, with 180-degree
views of San Francisco Bay. A mid-priced option that's
noteworthy for its stellar Cortez restaurant and stvlish
contemporary interior, Joie de Vivre's Hotel Adagio occupies
a restored 16-story building just up the street from the
high-end shopping of Union Square. !n this city known for
its swank and sumptuous hotels, the biggest challenge you
may face during a three-day visit is finding the motivation to
leave your cushy guest room.
The Little Black Book
Baron Castro (456 Castro St., 415-626-7220). The Cafe
(2367 Market St., 415-861-3846). Cafe Delle Stelle (395 Hayes
St., 415-252-1110). Catch (2362 Market St., 415-431-5000). Cinch
Saloon (1723 Polk St., 415-776-4162). Commodore Hotel (825
Sutter St., 415-923-6800 or 800-338-6848, www.jdvhospitality.
com). Cruisin' the Castro Historical & Cultural Walking Tours (415-
550-8110, www.webcastro.com/castrotours). de Young Museum
(Golden Gate Park, 415-863-3330, www.deyoungmuseum.org).
Eagle Tavern (398 12th St., 415-626-0880). Ferry Building Marketplace
(Embarcadero at Market St., www.ferrybuildingmarketplace.
com). Hole in the Wall Saloon (289 8th St., 415-431-4695). Hotel
Adagio (550 Geary St., 415-775-5000 or 800-228-8830, www.
jdvhospitality.com). Hotel Triton (342 Grant St., 415-394-0500 or
800-800-1299, www.hoteitriton.comJ. Hotei Vitale (8 Mission St.,
415-278-3700 or 888-890-8688, www.hotelvitale.com). Lexington
Club (3464 19th St., 415-863-2052). Limon (524 Valencia St.,
415-252-0918). Metro (3600 16th St., 415-703-9750). N'Touch
(1548 Polk St., 415-441-8413). Parker House (520 Church St.,
415-621-3222 or 888-520-7275, www.parkerguesthouse.com ). Pilsner
inn (225 Church St., 415-621-7058). San Francisco CityPass
(888-330-5008, www.citypass.com). San Francisco Convention
and Visitors Bureau (reservation service, 888-782-9673; www.
sfvisitor.org). Serrano Hotei (405 Taylor St, 866-289-6561. www.
serranohoteLcom). Siow Club (250i Mariposa St., 415-241-9390).
Stud (399 9th St.. 415-252-7883). Town Hall (342 Howard St,
415-908-3900). 2223 (2223 Market St., 415-431-0692). Willows
Inn (710 14th St., 415-431-4770 or 800-431-0277. www.willowssf.
com). Wolfgang Puck Express Cafe (Macy's Union Square. 170
O'Farrell St., 415-296-4858).
the STAR, Celebrating our 3rd Year 2006. 7
7204 E. Pine
Tulsa, OK
Open 12Noon to 2am Daily.
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• Friendliest atmosphere in Eureka Springs ° Family
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hold 80 with full kitchen • On-site massage therapy
center • Guest laundry • Center of all attractions
Call for toll free reservations:
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Advertising in the STAR is Just good business cents.
' 1r·
7204 E@ Pine - Tulsa, OK
1 Ill 0
Oklahoma's Oldest Gay Bar
(come check out our new system)
.,/-~ !
£vtr'f "Dunda'{
A Bamboo Lounge Tulsa Tradition
ncldrive:ies~ ihan
one mile and your into Ft. lauderdalEJ; iii~· ·>
port is the EASIEST airport in the U.S to fly
out of. Or you can do like we do and just dri
there. ·
There are dozens of gay resorts in Ft. Lauderdale but
very favorite is the GRAND RESORT ANO SPA which
is located just steps away from the beach. It is the largest
men's resort on Fort Lauderdale Beach and the finest.
one! They are beyond a doubt tfie .. number one preference
for the discerning gay traveler accustomed to fine travel
destinations worldwide. Their multilingual staff is ready to
assist you in whatever your plans are. The Grand offers
spacious, super cl~,1::m accommodations featuring cable TV,
VCR's, DVD's, Hi-Fi CD Music Systems, Voice Mail, irons
.. • and ironing boards, safes, hairdryer, refrigerator, gourmet
!7;,, pan ' and coffeemaker. Accommodations have
;l},. lnterrfet access .. They offer a wide ..
· . . . . ..... . guest room,
deluxe guest room, deluxejur:i~or suite; deluxe one b~droom,
deluxe · · · ·
.wise the . .
and truly care about theirgue$; The·entire staff of.the
Grandis the same way. We simply have never hadsuch a.
wonderful experience at any resort that we have stayed in.
EVERY staff member cares about the guests and are super
friendly and hospitable. Why can't all resorts operate in this
manner? While we were staying there in January one of
the guests was involved in a minor auto accident. He had
forgot to take his wallet with ID with him. He called the Resort
and one of the staff went to his room, got his wallet and
ID and drove it to him. Talk about service! We have stayed
there several times and it just keeps getting better and better
each time we stay there.
has a 30 foot fountain splashing in
can. soak in their 10 man Jacuzzi.
view~urideck for sunbathing. On
to 7 PM join in
their Social Hour
. chips and salsa on Fridays and wine
and cti~ese on Saturday. This js a great way to meet all
the gti$st~L Tlieftl;ts alwa · of social activity going
.· . . · .. · . .. her guests and meeting
people atttlE!;beach IJ)any of their guests never leave·the
property, except fo(lcinch and dinner. We alwaYt,,rn,eet such
fun, interesting, wonderful and fab . . · we
stay there. Many of their guests have. ·arthe Grand
many times and would never think of §laYi!}g anywhere
else .. When you have found the best, \liby;:look any fi}rther?
• 4,.
Tiley have aw
sp~¢iality faci
.m anicures an ·.
calming, nurturing
and are constantly bei
techniques. J.D. G
has been a licensed
expertise in Swedis.
~ ,.,
Re-Education and Trigger . a licensed
Esthetician, J. D. aiso specializes in a number of body
treatments that includes body wraps, scrubs, waxing and
faoials. Besides taking advantage of the Spa ourseives we
have talked with dozens of people who have taken advantage
of the Spa and everyone of them said that it was the
finest that they have ever been to. You do not need to be
a guest of the Resort to make an appointment at the Spa.
When you get hungry, there is only one place in town that
we highly recommend and that is the HI-LIFE CAFE. Chef
Carlos Fernandez and Host Chuck Smith have created
this fabulous restaurant that features a truly great dining
experience in a unique atmosphere. Located at 3000
North Federal Highway, they serve dinner nightly, Tuesday
thru Sunday and are closed on Monday. They recently
celebrated their 10th Anniversary for their restaurant and
they have a huge loyal following who KNOW that they are
the best restaurant in the city. Check out their website at:
www.hilifecafe.com. Chuck and Carlos are two of the nicest
and most sincere men that you would ever want to meet.
Their entree selections are Salmon, Crab cakes, Chicken,
Pork Osso Bucco, Duck, Steaks and they always
have wonderful specials of the day.
They also have a Pre- ·
Theatre Price
Fixe Menu.
(Photo right ''The
Beautiful Grand
Resort. 'JTheir
dessert offerings
are tremendous
but we prefer their
Southern Derby
Pecan Pie which is
to die for! Visitors to
Ft. Lauderdale have
been coming here for
that past 10 years.
Be sure to call ahead
to make reservations.
Their phone number
is: 954-563-1395. We
GUARANTEE that you
will love this restaurant!
Ft. Lauderdale is complete
trip to
unless you dine
Okay, so your accommodations and dining experiences are
taken care of in Ft. Lauderdale, now it's time to either head
for the beach and lay in the sun or to the bars to party.
From the GRAND RESORT just walk two very short blocks
and you are right at the beach. Walk about another 4 blocks
South and you will be at Sebastian Beach which is the Gay
Beach where you will encounter hundreds of other gay
men in ali shapes, sizes, ages and ? What a way to spend
your morning or afternoon! Downtown Ft. Lauderdale is iust
a few blocks away from the Grand and they have lovely·
and interesting shops to visit there. Lots of touristy things
abound in Ft. Lauderdale. Just pick up some of the many
packets, magazines and brochures at the front desk of your
resort. Always read a copy of the local newspaper in the
Club Room at the Grand to see the many entertainment
and cultural activities going on.
So now you ready to go to the bars and party. There are
dozens of gay bars in Ft Lauderdale. Way too many to talk
about in one column so we will basically just tell you what
kind of bars there are. Into Leather? Well, they have a
couple of leather bars that you need to check out: Ramrod's
and the Jackhammer. They have great piano bars
including the Tropics and Dudes. Our very favorite piano
entertainers in Ft. Lauderdale are Tony and Gloria who are
a piano/guitar duo. They entertain at both the Tropics and
Dudes bars. And be sure and pick up a copy of their latest
CD. There are plenty of strip bars if you are into that. Lots
of neighborhood bars and plenty of dance/disco bars are
found there. HOT SPOTS magazine has been publishing
their fine magazine weekly in Ft. Lauderdale for years
and it is a MUST to read to find out where all the
gay bars are located and what their
schedules are. Before
you go to Ft. Lauderdale
check out Hot
Spots at: www.hotspotsmagazine.
com .
And be sure to read
Rich's Corner which
is in each and
every issue of HOT
SPOTS. Rich is a
great writer and
keeps up on what
is happening.
Our very favorite
entertainer in Ft.
Lauderdale is
who is the best
of the best.
Such a dear
person. She.
is OUTRAGEOUS! which
is the way that drag queens should be!
Fun, funny and always a very caring person is what
Mame is. You can check her out at: www.auntiemame.biz
So, next time your bored and wanting to go someplace,
why not call the Grand Resort and Spa in Ft. Lauderdale
and book a few days with them. We promise you that you
will have fun, Fun and more FUN! That is the ONLY place
to stay in Ft. Lauderdale and don't forget to dine at the HiLife!
Chuck and Carlos are the best.
Quotable Quotes
"For me, 'Brokeback' isn't rebellious at a/i. It's a ve,y ordinary
movie. Peopie call it groundbreaking or what not. It
puts a lot of pressure on me. But I didn't feel this way when
I was making the movie. This is the way gays are. It's just
that they have been distorted. When two people are in love
and are scared, that's the way they are." ............... .
Oscar winning director- Ang Lee
the STAR 11
ly pie Diving Champion
reg Louganis Co-Host
"100 Champions" ay ames
Benefit at Soldier Field
Olympic Gold Medalist becomes
International Gay Games Ambassador
Chicago, IL - Olympic diving champion Greg Louganis will
serve as co-host of "A Night of 100 Champions," a gala
to benefit the Chicago 2006 Gay Games. Scheduled for
Saturday, 22 April 2006, the event will honor top U.S and
international sports legends and top artists at the Cadillac
Club at Soldier Field.
Louganis also will join the "Gay Games Ambassadors,"
an international group of prominent individuals supporting
the goals and principles of the quadrennial Gay Games.
Ambassadors include Elton John, Melissa Etheridge, Billy
Bean, Billie Jean King and many other notable celebrities.
Greg Louganis will travel to Chicago to co-host "A Night of
100 Champions," the first of two events at Soldier Field's
Cadillac Club the weekend of 22-23 April 2006. More
than 100 individuals and organizations will be honored for
achievement in sports, culture and support of the GLBT
community. The event will include a silent auction, awards
presentation, VIP cocktail reception, celebrity concert, and
dancing on multiple stages.
The next morning, Sunday, 23 April, the Cadillac Club will
again be the site of "Breakfast with Champions." A brunch
buffet with entertainment will be followed by an intimate
Meet the Champions Panel Discussion hosted by a
surprise guest celebrity with the opportunity for questions
from the audience and autograph signing,
Tickets are $75 for "A Night of 100 Champions," $65
for "Breakfast with Champions" or $125 for both events.
Patron Tables of Thn are available at $1,500, $2,500 and
$5,000 levels, each offering a VIP Reception, preferred
seating and benefits according to donation levels. Sponsorship
levels starting at $10,000 provide upgrades to
premiere seating. distinctive recognition opportunities, and
specially crafted sponsorship packages.
Ticket and sponsorship information jS available at
v1ww. GayGamesChicago. org
About Greg Louganis
Greg Louganis is more than just an Olympic Champion
-- he stands out as an exceptional human being who has
led an extraordinary life. Greg's introduction to the world of
diving was at the age of ten, when he first began competing.
By age 16 he had won his first Olympic medal, a silver,
on the platform in the 1976 Olympics. In 1984, at age 24,
he became the first man ln 56 years to win two Olympic
gold medals in diving by winning both the platform and
springboard events. In 1986, Greg · won both the platform
and springboard events at the Championships.
Two years later at the 1988 Olympics, competing against
divers half his age, and despite a near disastrous injury
during a dive, he became the first man to win double gold
medals for diving in two consecutive Olympics.
Louganis' connection to the Gay Games is a special one.
He used the occa.sion of the 1994 Gay Games in New York
to first publicly acknowledge his sexuality and his status as
HIV itive. More recently he served as the narrator of
the y Games documentary, "Take the Flame," by filmmaker
David Secter (2005). "We continue to be amazed at
the life of this extraordinary man," said Kathleen Webster,
co-president of the international Federation of Gay Games.
"He has been a staunch supporter of the Gay Games for
more than a decade and we are grateful for his continued
support as the Gay Games returns to U S. for the first time
in 12 years.··
12 the STAR Oi<lahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
From the STAR Editor:
Kathy Taylor for Tulsa Mayor website ask this question for
Tulsa voters. "How can I make your life better?"
The STAR's answer was. Bring equal rights to all people in
Tulsa including the GLBT community. And we posed this
Question: Are you seeking the Gay/Lesbian vote in Tulsa?
The following is the response we received from her staff.
'Thank you for your message. Kathy Taylor believes in diversity
and in equal rights -- she has built a 25-year career
on those values. She doesn't ask her employees about
their personal lives, their political affiliation, their religion ...
You get the idea. Kathy Taylor hires people based on their
ability to do a job and she treats everyone with the respect
and dignity they deserve. She will be the same woman if
elected Tulsa's mayor.
I hope you'll help make that happen by voting for Kathy
Taylor for Mayor on April 4."
Lesbian crowned
college King.
FREDERICK, MD. -- Hood College is reviewing its homecoming
rules after a lesbian was crowned king, a college
official said.
Jennifer Jones, the 21-year-old senior who beat out three
men for the ciOwn, said it was a positive step for the private
liberal arts college.
"It is cool that Hood allows people to be themseives," Jones
said. "If people didn't want me to be king, they wouldn't
have nominated me and voted for me:·
More than two weeks after Jones was crowned, criticism
and praise were still rippling through the 2, 100-student
campus in western Maryland.
Santo Provenzano, 21, who competed for king, said Jones·
selection made the event seem like a joke. "It discourages
guys from wanting to take part in the future,"
Tulsa r. Leather 2006
nd The inner Is!
Photo left: winner "Tulsa Mr. Leather 2006" James Hollingswood.
Right: Jay Whiteside, 1st Runner Up.
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_ Tulsa Mr. Leather contest climaxed on Saturday
March 18th at Club Maverick with James Hollingswood
coming out on top. James will now advance to the Oklahoma
Mr. Leather contest to be held in October. The Okla- ·
homa Mr. Leather organization is franchise of "International
Mr. Leather" headquartered in Chicago.
Title holders must be present at as many community functions
as possible and must represent "Leather" in a positive
manner throughout the community. They must promote
unity, camaraderie, brother/sister hood. Winners must also
actively participate in at least 3 charity benefits during the
next 12 months.
The group heid a meet and greet party on Friday March
17th and ended their weekend event with a Sunday brunch
at the Metro Diner, Tulsa.
The STAR since 2003 13
I L Fl E
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Contests, Cigar Smoker, Saints and Sinners Costume Contest, Many
Free Prizes, Play Parties, other Social Activities, N LA-I AGM and
as always, a surprise or two!
Only $125 if registered by April 21 !
Group Discounts for 6 or more!
Vendor Market is FREE and Open to the Public
www.TribalFire KC.com
the STAR, It's your community, we deliver it.
''A hysterical GLBT comedy troupe born from members of Chicago's famous
"SEC D CITY". They are determined to raise our spirits and make the Ozarks hills shake with
laughter with a show GLBTs and their straight friends & families can enjoy together!"
EUREKA SPRINGS, AR._Diversity Pride Events is proud
to present GAY-CO as part of our commitment to produce
quality events for GLBTs (gays, lesbians, bisexuals
a der) and their Allies. This comedy show will
e Spring Diversity Weekend in Eureka Springs,
Arkansas, April 7-9. On Saturday April 8, there will be
two performances of GAY-CO at a
2pm Matinee and at
7:30pm at the
historic Auditorium.
GayCo Productions
is a notfor-
profit theatre
ensemble that
specializes in creating
revues based
on gay/lesbian
An award winning
ensemble that was
established in 1996
as The "Second
City's" first lesbigay
and straight outreach
program. Ed Garza,
former Administrative
Director of The
"Second City'' Train-
Ing Center, brought
together nine performfrom
the training center
was to be c!n experimental workshop. Irreverent spirit is
just one reason why Rob Chambers, executive director
of The Second City Training Center, counts himself a fan.
"Given the current political and social climate, I can't wait to
see what they come up with ... 11 he says of the company that
can put its comedy chops next to those of more
esta names. GayCo is no less funny than, say, the
cast on the Second City main stage. They've amassed
an ever-growing fan base since their debut in 1996. HI
think they really touched on something that was needed,"
Chambers says.
Additional events during Diversity Weekend include a
'GOLDEN OLDIES' Dance & Socia! featuring dance hits
from the 1940's to present day, an 'OVER 16' Diversity
Dance, sponsored by Eureka Kid and another local charity,
MIXER, co-sponsored by Diversity Pride Events and Eureka
Pride, with a Raffle to benefit the Food Bank, will be held
Friday night from 7pm - 9pm. And other local businesses
will be nouncing many
events. See
Eureka Pride.
ureka Springs,
sas prides
on it's diverpecially
ity Weeks,
LAG visitors
me from all
the world to
ittle village
e heart of.
ants geared toward
i Along with 0thvents
invites you to
visit Eureka year rou on FALL, SPRING,
concerts, dances & other Pride Events. D.P.E. is committed
to producing and supporting quality events for GLBTs
(Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgender) and Parents,
Friends, Families of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAGs) ... of ALL
ages to enjoy together!
"Our mission is to create intelligent and thought-provoking
sketch comedy based on Gay and Lesbian
themes that will entertain, educate and/or enlighten
our audience."
For more information go to: www.diversitypride.com or
The STAR since 2003
The Riders stood off campus hoping that the university
administration would have a change of heart: but when the time
came to attempt to have a conversation, their hopes were met
. with handcuffs. While the arrests were taking place, fellow Riders
waited across the street holding portraits of lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender people who committed suicide or were killed
because of religious messages that portrayed them as sick
and sinful.
In all, eight individuals were arrested when they attempted
to gain entrance to the campus -- 6 Equality Riders and 2
community members. Moving across police lines toward
the school's massive sculpture of praying hands, they carried
Bibles and quoted scripture passages that reflected
why they felt called to talk with students at Oral Roberts
about ending the school's policy of religion-based discrimination
against LGBT people.
Speaking about why she felt motivated to be arrested,
Jessie Sullivan said, "I had seriously considered going to
Oral Roberts for college; but when I came to campus to
visit I did not feel welcome. It was that unease that made
me feel as if I should make a statement about why colleges
should be welcoming to everyone, because we are all one
in Christ. God loves 1:1s wholly for who we are."
Several Orai Roberts students have contacted Riders by
email and phone to try to set up meetings and dialogue
off campus. ORU students have stated that the university
has blocked the Soulforce web site from web browsers of
resident students. Nathan Bengtson, one of the Riders in
charge of the Oral Roberts Univeisity stop, has vowed to
find ways to reach out to students regardless of the administration's
tactics. "We've met obstacles at every school
we've visited so far; and in every instance we have found
ways to dialogue with students. It is time for this issue to be
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Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine. 17
The Cancer of
What is going on with the world right now? When did hate
become so acceptable? It's getting to the point where
reading the news is almost too depressing to handle -and
that's just the mainstream news. God forbid I should
check the LGBT news outlets. For a while, in the 90s, it
felt like things were looking up. There were progressive
governments in place in many countries, and bigotry and
discrimination were largely seen as bad things.
Then all that changed.
You can pretty much pinpoint the exact
day: December 14, 1999, when the Supreme
Court ruled 5 to 4 in favor of Bush
and stopped the Florida recount. It was all
downhill from there. When Bush became
president, the Fundamentalist Christian
Right took power. Bigotry and discrimination
went from being negative qualities
to presidential policy. As Episcopal priest
and former Republican Senator John C.
Danforth said in a 2005 editorial for The
New York Times, "Republicans have transformed
our [the Republican] party into the
political arm of conservative Christians."
Danforth went on to say, 'The problem is
not with people or churches that are politically
active. It is with a party that has gone
so far in adopting a sectarian agenda that
it has become the political extension of a
religious movement." In other words, the
United States is fast becoming a theocracy.
The danger with fundamentalism, whether we're talking
about Christians or Mus!ims, is that they aren't content to
simply believe a cer'tain way; they feel they have to force
their beliefs on everyone else as well. You must believe
the way they do or eise. That would be bad enough if
they simply ranted and raved and protested at funerals,
but when they start controlling politics to the point that
they are legislating their personal beliefs, the reai trouble
Need examples? Look no farther than the Federal Marriage
Amendment, or any one of the myriad states following
suit. As of February 16, 2006, thirteen states had
constitutional amendments pending that would limit or
prohibit same-sex marriage and/or other forms of reiationship
recognition. Six other states had approved such
amendments and were awaiting ratification by voters.
My own home state of Maryland is one of those with antigay
legislation pending. Last month, state Democrats
outmaneuvered Republicans in the House to kill a
proposed amendment that would have banned same-sex
marriage and civil unions in the state. A few weeks later,
the Republicans bounced back with another version that
would permit civil unions while prohibiting marriage. This
week, during testimony advising the proposed amendment
be dropped, Republican Senator Nancy Jacobs interrupted
American University constitutional law professor James
Raskin to assert, "As I read Biblical principles, marriage
was intended, ordained and started by God - that is my
belief. For me, this is an issue solely based on religious
Well golly gee, Ms. Jacobs, ever hear of something called
separation of church and state? I don't really give a rat's
ass what your religious beliefs are. You were elected to
uphold the Constitution, not your interpretation of the Bible.
This is the part that always gets me. Why should your
religion be more valid than say Judaism? Or for that matter,
why should your version of Christianity be more valid than
any other? After all, not all Christians are
opposed to gay rights.
If legislating based on personal beliefs is
okay, then what if a Jehovah's Witness
was elected? They don't believe in celebrating
birthdays or exchanging gifts at
Christmas. Imagine the national outcry if
they introduced legislation outlawing birthday
parties and Christmas piesents. The
Fundies would be right at the forefront,
once again raising their ridiculous "War on
Christmas" banners.
My point is, while it's unreasonable to
expect that an elected official's personal
faith will have no influence on their decision
making process, it should never come
before Constitutional law. Moral codes
are variable and, despite what Conservatives
would like to believe, no one belief
system has a lock on the Truth. There is
no basis under civil law that can legitimately be used to
outlaw same-sex marriage. Historical precedent wasn't
good enough for woman's rights, black rights, or interracial
marriage, and it's not good enough for gay rights, either.
The only argument they have is based on religion, and the
fact is that's not valid.
Fundamentalism is like a cancer. It's eating away at the
United States, and, just like cancer, we can't afford to
ignore it. It's not going to simply go away. We have to cut it
out in order to start healing. Yes, damage has been done,
but none of it is irieparable. It's not too late, but we have to
wake up and start fighting back.
We have to get the slaves to the Fundies out of office. !t
won't be easy, especially in the South. They've been slowly
entrenching themselves there for decades now. The Conservative
Christian movement controls many Senators and
(~ontinued ncxr page
18 the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
Representatives, contributing millions to their campaigns.
They are well-organized in getting the votes, using the
pulpit to spread their propaganda.
It's high time we organized against them, and it's finally
starting to happen. Many states have formed strong LGBT
political lobbyist groups in the last few years. These groups
are at long last getting the LGBT community and our allies
together. If you're not already involved in one of these
groups, or at the very .least on their mailing list, what are
you waiting for? 'Tm not political" is no longer an acceptable
excuse. This is about more than politics. The cancer is
spreading and if we don't do something soon, it will be too
late. Now that many states have won their war against gay
marriage, the Fundies are encouraged. They're moving on
to bigger and better things. Their newest issue is gay adoption
and, currently, there are 16 states addressing differing
levels of restriction.
First marriage, then adoption. It doesn't take much imagination
to see where this is leading. We can put a stop to it,
however, by electing fair-minded men and women as our
senators, representatives, governors, mayors, and, yes,
president. 2006 is a midterm election year. It could very
well set the tone for the next presidential election. Be sure
to know your candidates, get involved, and most importantly,
get out there and vote! It's the only way to stop the
cancer of Fundamentalism.
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The STAR since 2003 19
by Libby Post
APRIL 2006
Leah Crask and Teresa Weeks met like many lesbians
meet - through some friends. One of Teresa's friends
actually asked Leah out first. But, as the saying goes, love
always finds a way, and now Leah and Teresa are happily
ensconced in their San Francisco home with a 9-month-old
When San Fran's mayor, Gavin Newsom, decided it was
only fair for lesbians and gay to marry, Leah and Teresa
walked through the doors of City Hall and took their vows
on March 1, 2004.
· "Getting married was a huge difference," said Leah. "All of
a sudden my parents acknowledged that, 'Oh, you're gonna
be together forever.'"
Leah and Teresa's marital bliss did not last that long, but
they didn't break up. By the end of the month, the California
Supreme Court enjoined Newsom from granting any
more marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and nullified
the 4,000 or so same-sex marriages that took place while
those licenses were being granted. Instead of being legally
married, Leah and Teresa only have their domestic partner
registration to prove the validity of their relationship.
Not to be taken lightly, having domestic partner laws are
better than not having them, but just imagine how hurtful
it must have been for Leah, Teresa, and the thousands of
other couples who one day celebrated the love they always
knew to be true and the next day were told, "Sorry, you really
don't count."
According to a new ~dy entitled "I Do, But I Can't: The
Impact of Marriage Denial on the Mental Health and Sexual
Citizenship of Lesbians and Gay Men in the United States,"
being denied marriage rights has had a tremendous negative
impact on our mental heaith and well-being. Whiie we
have creatively taken the "defining our own family structure''
situation firmly in hand, the study found that our inability to
marry creates "the mental distress of second-class citizenship."
The "I Do, But I Can't" study is co-authored by Gilbert
Herdt, Ph.D., an anthropologist and director of the National
Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University,
and Robert Kertzner, M.D., a practicing psychiatrist
who is also an adjunct associate research scientist in Coiumbia
University's Department of Psychiatry. When it
comes time for the Christian Right to try to discredit the study,
the authors' academic pedigrees should give the findings some
So what did Herdt and Kertzner find?
When comparing married straights to unmarried straights, they
found that married individuals have better mental health, more
emotional support, less psychological distress, and lower rates of
psychiatric disorder than unmarried folks. They found that hetero
social networks support marriage. A case study in rural Oregon
showed how married hets can comfortably rely on their churches,
local schools, and neighborhood visibility to secure or enhance
jobs, form political alliances. and access social support such as
childcare. A same-sex couple iesiding in the same town was shut
out of these opportunities because ... they weren't a straight, married
When looking solely at gay and lesbian couples, the study found,
among many things, that the lack of legally recognized marriage
may cause couples not to value their relationships as legitimate
expressions of commitment and "intimate sexual citizenship."
Not being able to marry also deprives many of us of social and
family support. According to Herdt and Kertzner, having this type
of support counteracts stress and social isolation. Remember,
Leah's parents didn't consider her relationship with Teresa as real
until they got married.
While Leah and Teresa's legal marriage may be null and void,
they haven't fallen victim to devaluing their relationship. Yet, they
do struggle every day with having to prove to the world that they
are in a committed, loving relationship.
Leah became pregnant with Caden after their marriage was
voided. When it came time to make sure their son's birth certificate
listed both of them. Leah pre-packed their domestic partner
certificate so she had it when her delivery time came. "It's usually
not the first thing you think of when you go into labor," she said.
When it actually came time to fill out the certificate, the state
hadn't kept up with its own legislative changes, and the birth
certificate still said mom and dad. "There was no appropriate form
to recognize a domestic partner on a birth certificate." said Teresa.
Leah was surprised that they had to cmss out "mother and father"
and put down "parent 1 and parent 2."
But, in order to guarantee that Teresa is iegally Caden's parent,
they are going through the second-parent adoption process. Teresa
pointed out that if a married couple had to go to a sperm bank
in order to conceive, the husband wouldn't have to go through this
process, even though he is not genetically related to the child.
"It's a little hard to swaliow that we have to go through a different
process that's more invasive and more expensive," said Teresa.
"It's painful to have to adopt your own child."
But the pain is even deeper. "It's always, 'Is your relationship
enough?' 'Can you prove it enough?"'
20 The Ozarks STAR since 2003
ast Out
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity
of the gay past and its impact on the queer present.
Who Was John Preston?
Author John Preston is perhaps best known for creating
the archetypal leatherman, Mr. Benson, but he was also a
pioneering gay rights activist.
Born Dec. 11, 1945, Preston grew up in Medfield, Mass.
He discovered the gay community as a teenager, escaping
as often as possible to Harvard Square in Boston to
purchase physique magazines, and visiting the gay resort
of Provincetown. After graduating from high school in 1963,
Preston moved to Chicago to attend Lake Forest College.
He became involved in civil rights activism, traveling to Alabama
as a freedom rider and tutoring students in Chicago's
Having moved to Boston in 1969 in search of a gay community,
Preston chose to "come out with a vengeance" after
an early lover committed suicide. After this, Preston moved
to Minneapolis, where he co-founded Gay House ( one of
the first gay community centers) and Gay Community Services.
He was also a progressive Christian activist, serving
as a member of the National Council of Churches' Task
Force on Gay People in the Church; though he aspired to
become an Episcopal priest, he abandoned the idea due to
what he saw as the '<hurch's hypocrisy concerning homosexuality.
In the mid-1970s, Preston moved to Los Angeles, where
he was hired as editor of the national gay publication, The
Advocate_, a position he held for about a year. in a quest
to become "the ultimate gay man," he then worked as a
hustler in San Francisco before moving to New York City in
1978, where he immersed himself in the S/M underworld.
He later recalled that his first bondage scene was with a
New Jersey state trooper who tied him to a tree in a deserted
nature preserve.
In his East Viliage basement apartment, Preston wrote
his best-known work, a short story featuring the imperious
master Aristotle Benson and his slave Jamie. He submitted
the story to _Drummer_ magazine, and soon received a
call from the publisher asking if he could turn it into a serialized
novel. "Mr. Benson" first appeared in the May 1979 issue,
and before long fans were eagerly awaiting each new
To the surprise of many, Preston left New York's bustling
gay scene a year later, donning oxford-cloth shirts and
loafers and settling into small-town life in Portland, Maine,
where he could often be found walking his dog, Vlad the
Impaler. He had moved to Portland with his lover and slave,
Jason Klein, but Klein soon returned to San Francisco: he
died not long after as a result of an autoerotic asphyxiation
Due to the success of his Mr. Benson stories (published
as a book in 1983), Preston himself was cast into the role
of the archetypal Topman. But he eventually grew apart
from the leather scene, which he felt had been "overtaken
by sightseers." He later acknowledged that in writing about
that world, he helped popularize it. "Once the gates were
open, the mystique began to erode," he wrote. "Leathersex
has gone the way of all politics, it's lost its edge."
In 1987, Preston, who had become a safer sex educator,
learned that he himself was HIV-positive. Dismaye_d at the
diagnosis, he could barely write for more than a year, but
then went on to edit _Personal Dispatches: Writers Confront
AIDS_ (1989). "I certainly found my own imagination
rightly constricted by the idea of a deadly virus that was
spread by sexual intercourse," he wrote.
Preston brought sex writing into the realm of serious gay
literature, always resisting pressure to recast his pornography
as "erotica": 'The only difference is that erotica is the
stuff bought by rich people; pornography is what the rest
of us buy," he said. But while much of Preston's work was
devoted to sex, he wrote widely in other genres, including a
1984 novel, _Franny, the Queen of Provincetown_, a series
of adventure tales featuring gay undercover ex-Marine Alex
Kane, and a syndicated column about gay life in Maine.
He also edited numerous anthologies, including _Hometowns:
Gay Men Write About Where They Belong_ (1991)
and _ Sister and Brother: Lesbians and Gay Men Write
about Their Lives Together_ (1994, with Joan Nestle). He
regularly attended the annual OutWrite conference, was an
active member of the National Writers Union, and mentored
younger writers. His 1984 collection, I Once Had a Master
and Other Tales of Erotic Love_, was among the works
confiscated at the border by Canadian customs; he supported
the iawsuit of Vancouver's Little Sisters Book and
Art Emporium, but died before he could testify at the 1994
Canadian Supreme Court trial.
Though quite i!I from complications of AIDS, Preston continued
working on his final two anthologies from his hospital
bed. He died at his home in Portland on April 28. 1994.
A decade after his death, Preston's impact on the leather
world endures - in the words of columnist Jack Rinella, "He
gave it existence in the minds of thousands of readers,
gave image to the dreams we all thought and to the men for
whom we searched.
22 Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
What puzzles me about
this whole thin with Fred
Phelps in a, Kansas
I get really get disgusted when I read or see in the news
about the idiot, Fred Phelps in Topeka who does all of
these bizarre things that he does in the name of "Christianity".
He has been around for a long time and has caused so
much havoc in the world and especially in Topeka, Kansas
where he lives. We all need to know who our enemies are
and he is indeed one of the worst. Even thou his website is
total garbage you need to go to it once in a while just to see
what kind of hate he is spewing: www.godhatesfags.com.
After reading all the crap that he is putting out, then go to
www.godhatesfredphelps.com to get another version of
exactly what he is doing.
The one thing that really irks me is that when he used to
picket gay funerals the local and State governments just
stood by and watched and wouldn't do anything about it.
Only when he began to picket the funerals of American
soldiers coming back from the war in Iraq did the local and
State governments finally step in and hurriedly enacted
laws keeping him at a great distance at funerals. It's great
that they finally enacted this law but why didn't they do it
before now?
We have made a LOT of progress in these past few years
and I do mean a LOT! But we need to continue the
progress each and every day. In many parts of the country,
being "gay" is just a part of life. Even in many cities
here in the Midwest gays lives in the suburbs and have no
problems with being gay at all: The teaching profession
which used to be a no-no for gays now has an open door
policy for "out'' gay teachers and they do not encounter any
problems. Seems as thou it is just in the major cities in the
Midwest that things are really changing and fast for gay
equality. Just like being black or Jew, almost any minority
still faces problems all the time. Will this ever change?
I would certainly like to think so but am afraid that we are
still a long way off. Sure gays can "pass" whereas blacks
cannot. Jews used to change their last names to "pass" and
it worked. But who wants to "pass" anymore? I certainly
don't! I am a single gay white male and proud of who I am.
I honestly believe that if there is a God, that God made me
the way that I am. Why shouldn't I be proud of who I am?
Is the cup half empty or half full? Each individual must
make that decision for themselves. I have taiked with many
older gay men in the community and they are amazed how
open it is to be gay now. Their dreams of long ago has arrived
and they are proud of what they did to encourage it. I
just hope that in the next few years that it will be completely
different than it is now. But we do have a lot of straight
allies in our community who along with us are fighting for
our rights. Always piaise them for what they are doing. We
need them and they are so nice to help us.
The STAR since 2003 23
Salutations and welcome once more to sluts "R" us, err something
like that. This month Cncle Mikey recovers from a love affair of
epic proportions. I mean whew, that man was just too much. It was
like being at rhe DQ and trying to take that extra dip, knowing your
body. just won't handle it. I mean; it just was not right. While appealing,
some mountains just are not meant to be climbed. Sadly, I
had ro cur that stallion loose, sending him back into the wild. I hope
he does not do any damage; talk about putting your eye out.
I bet the censors are just on the edge of their seats. I guess, I do
sound a little like a prom date gone bad. That man of substantial
lovin' made more of an impression than I realized. Kittens, I tried,
really I did. You just can't get a twelve in a size ten; I don't care
how you work ir.
Dear Uncle Mikey,
At the college I attend, I have met, well kind of mer, this man. He
is in some of my classes and all I can say is he is fine. He makes me
perk up every time I see him. I have seen him with several females,
assuming that he is straight. To teil you the truth that just makes
the attraction stronger. I want him only for a short rime. These are
my college years, I'm supposed to experiment. So, should I just get
him drunk so ne can eqjoy my tale!.'lts? I realiy want this guy, so bad
I have been ignoring the' guys who would giadly enjoy my company.
What should I do?
Dear Kitten,
A.K.A. butter, you kaow what you want, and I would even say,
you have already greased the Kegger nozzles, awaiting your frat boy
knight. Uncle cautions howeYt:r, as though some straight wayward
boys may let pu play~ some may not. Ob' who are .,,·e kidding,
order rum a pizza and seal the deal. A straigh: colJege boy is like a
walking drive through; you can have it your \Vay, if there is a good
supply of beer and pizza. That's Amour'
Uncle Mikey,
I think my boyfriend of ten years has been seeing someone on the
side. I have no real proof per say, just a nagging feeling in my gut.
Sex has become strained, and I figured it was just because we had
become so routine in our ways. I now see him acting like he is getting
ready for a hook up though he tells me, working late, going on
errands, ect. I do not want to be one of those jealous types, questioning
every move. I also do not want to be living with someone
else who is living with everybody. Know what I mean? What would
you do?
Suspecting in Ohio
Dearest Suspecting,
Kitten, I tell this repeatedly. If they are not getting ir at home, they
are getting it somewhere. Via, liaison, hand-to-hand combat, somewhere,
a man is a man after all. Secondly, if you feel something is
amiss than more likely than not, there is. I would sit your man down
and confront him with you feelings, prepared to hear whatever it
is awaiting for you. Communication can be taken for granted after
being with someone for a while, though never does the importance
change in any relationship. He may be wondering why you rwo are
not doing the bunny mambo across the front lawn anymore. Take
ir a step at a time, as anything and anyone worth having is worth
working for.
Dear :Mikey,
Where did your site go? I really enjoyed it and miss going there
every week.
A fan of Mikey's
You have touched me; moreover, I am willing to touch back. Kitten,
The world is not ready for an entire corner of Mikey, lets break
them in slowly shall we? Smooches- :Mikey
Dear Uncle Mikey,
My friends all give me a hard time telling me that I am stuck in the
eighties. While, this is a joke to some, it is a way of life for me. I
belong to that rime, style, and music. It was a rime that meant something
more than found in the hallow music and style of today. Bring
back the eighties'.
Mrs. Garret's boy
Dearest Kitten,
Gimme-a-break! A virgin you are not, while time has turned and the
beat goes on. You must accept the, facts of life, if you really want
to enjoy tne good-times. This is a serious condition even if spoken
through ca::eless whispers. Hanging on to the past can only prevent
you from seeing the new and exciting rimes of today. You may be
missing opportunity if you are looking behind yot.:. If you want to
:1ear anyone say, I want your sex, ~han you must nip it in ci1e bud
;o to speak. Like a prayer, I send you good thoughts. Let go and let
Cheri ... Smooches-Mikey
Get with it, don't you wish your Guri was Hot like me? Yes, Kittens,
Uncle Mikey is time:ess, whi!s~ my flame shall lead yet another generations
of young queers evernvhere. \'{'ell Kittens, I guess that is all
the time for this month. Until next, time. Smooches-l'ncle Mikey
26 The STAR since 2003
Easter Blackberry Wine Cake
1 White cake mix
1 pkg (3oz) Royal Blackberry gelatin.
4 Eggs.
1 cooking oil.
1 lackberry wine (use real blackberry
wrne, not blackberry flavored.)
1/2 cup chopped pecans.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Combine dry cake mix an latin, add
eggs, oil and wine. Beat mixer on low
speed until moistened, then beat on
Medium speed 3 minutes, scraping bowl frequently.
Grease and heavily flour a Sundt cake pan. Sprinkle pecan pieces in bottom
of pan. Pour in batter and bake 45 to 50 minutes.
Make aze while cake is baking. When cake is done, take from oven and
pour f glaze over warm cake while still in pan. Let cool 30 minutes,
turn cake out of pan. Add more powdered sugar glaze until thickened and
pour glaze over cake.
1 Cup powdered sugar.
1/3 cup butter or oleo.
1/2 cup blackberry wine.
~~to all. ...
and it's time for a spring
party. The April drink is a punch to
make for Sunday Brunch or any get
together. It's fruity delicious with the
taste of passion fruit and raspberries.
Mix up a pitcher full and enjoy.
1 oz. Parrot Bay Passion Fruit Rum
1/2 oz Chambord
2 oz Orange Juice
2 oz Cranberry Juice
2 oz Pineapple Juice
Fill tall glass with ice.
Add all ingredients.
Garnish with lime, orange and
Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine 27
by Jack Fertig
APRIL 2006
"Write polemics, Aries!""
Mars opposing Pluto boosts stamina and determination, but
also raises tempers and belligerence. With Mars in Gemini
and Pluto in Sagittarius, it's more bark than bite. Keep longrange
goals in mind, and you can achieve almost anything.
Venus entering Pisces doesn't help you focus, but she does
bring more accommodation and gentleness.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Write polemics, take up a
challenging study, or do whatever you can to keep your hyper-
charged brain productive and out of useless arguments
that will quickly get very nasty. This is an ideal time to go in
drag as Ann Coulter.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Your sweetness and sensitivity
will boost your image and your career. Tangling with
banks, insurance, or tax offices is not a good idea right
now. Tangling with someone who knows how to talk dirty is
a much better option.
GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Although you believe in ideals
of sweetness and light, you are too tempted to get down
and dirty in the trenches. That makes for vicious arguments,
but fantastic, passionate sex.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Worry can make you sick.
Calm your mind and strengthen your body with some gentle
physical activity, such as hiking or tai chi - or sex. Dancing
is also helpful, and it makes you especially sexy.
LEO (July 23 -August 22): The fun just doesn't stop. Yo~
may want to apply that energy to some artistic brilliance - if
you can figure out what to do. The one you love offers great
inspiration, but no focus. If you can pick a goal and stick
with it, you can shifle!
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Try to find purpose
and elegance in whatever task is at hand. This will calm
your furiously busy brain and help keep you out of trouble.
The boss may appreciate some of your ideas, but not
nearly all of them!
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Despite your i.ntention
to make things agreeable, your sense of justice can push
you to be very provocative. Sometimes that's necessary,
but now you tend to go overboard. Try to think of life more
as a creative game than as a struggle.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21 ): Although your sex
drive is especially high, thinking distracts from doing. What
are the actual value and cost of erotic fun? Traditional ideals
may offer grounding or confusion, but need to be dealt
with at some level.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): Arguments
with your parlner are hard to avoid. Poetry, music, movies,
and arl all offer pleasant diversion. Just having it out and
clearing the air may be the better course, and the make-up
sex should be terrific!
CAPRICORN (December 21 -January 19): Remember
that your strength is in advancing carefully. Sudden frantic
bursts of activity threaten to undennine your work and your
health. Stay focused on your goals and don't get ahead of
AQUARIUS (January 20- February 18): Harebrained
schemes are screaming for you to invest your time and
money. Put time into pleasure and future hopes, but guard
your money carefully! When friends let you down, remember
they are only human.
28 Adverlising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Event - - - - - - - - - - - - -www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye View- - - - - 36 N. Main- - - - - - - - - -479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante- - - 309 W VanBuren- - - - -479-253-8102
Henri's - - 19 1 /2 Spring St - - - - - - - - - - -4 79-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill- - 105 E VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fa etteville (479)
Condom Sense - - - - - - 4 . Dickson- - - - - -479-444-6228
Curry's Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-521-0009
Passages - - - - - -930 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-442-5845
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave-- - - - - - - - - - - -479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- - - - - - -1004 1 /2 Garrison Ave- - - - - - - 4 79-783-9988
Red Rock City - - -917 N. "A" St. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - - - 101 O E. Grand Ave - - - - - - -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501) ·
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - - -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - - - - - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - - - 415 Main St - -North LR.- - - - - - - -501-244-0444
The Factory - - - - - - 412 Louisiana St.- - - - - - - - - 501-372-3070
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club- - - - - - 384 Grant Ave. - - - - - - - - -785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - - - - - - - - - - -620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - - - - 316-682-5494
Priscilla's- - - - - 6143 W Kellogg Dr- - - - - - - - - - - 316-942-1244
Club Glacier- - - - - - - 2828 E. 31st South- - - - - 316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's---- --716S.Main- -------------417-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - - - - - - - - - - - -- Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -816-561-0625
Concourse Park B&B - 300 Benton Blvd -- - - - -816-231-1196
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield {417)
The Edge- - - - - 424 Boonville Ave- - - - - -- - - - - - 417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical- - - - - - - -417-869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- - - - - 1109 E. Commercial- - - - --417-873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- - - 219 W Olive - - - - - - - - - - 417-864-4572
Priscilia's - - - -1918 S. Gienstone - - - - - - - - - - -417-881-8444
Oz Bar-504 E Commercial- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - -821 College- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - -1109 E. Commercial- - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid
Hastings Books- - - -1_04 Sunset - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-242-6838
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - -4810-A West Garriott- - - - - - - 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton
Triangles- - - - - 29 SW "D" Ave- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-351-0620
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - - - - - - - POBox 1515, - - - - - McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642- - - - - -405-495-1111
Boom Room- - - - - - - 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- - - - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Cristies Toy Box- - 3126 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - - - - 405-946-4438
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave- - - - - - - -405-672-6459
Fat Cat Bingo- - - - - - 3130 N. May Ave - - - - - -405-942-8875
Finish Line - - - - - - - 2200 NW 39th Expwy- - - 405-525-2900
Gushers Restaurant- - - - 2200 NW 39Exp - - - - - - -405-525-0730
HollywoodHotel- - - - 3535 NW 39th Ex- - - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Habana Inn - - - - - - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - - - - - - -405-528-2221
Hi-lo Club - - - - - - - 1221 NW 50th- - - - - - - - - - - - 405-843-1722
Jungle Reds - - - - - -2200 NW Expwy- - - - - - - - - - -405-524-5733
Partners- - - - - - - - - 2805 NW 36th St - - - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - 615 E. Memorial- - - - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St- - - - - - - - - - 405-525-5165
Sisters- - - - - - - - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - -- - - - -405-521-9533
The Park- - - - - - - - 2125 NW 39th St - - - - - - - - - -405-528-4690
The Rockies- - - - - - 3201 N. May Ave - - - - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- - 3535 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- - - -7204 E. Pine - - - - - - - - - - -918-836-8700
Border's Book Store- - - 2740 E. 21st- - - - - - - - - - 918-712-9955
Border's Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale - - - - - - - - - - 918-494-2665
Club 209 - - - - - - - 209 N. Boulder - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Majestic- - - - - - - 124 N. Boston - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Maverick- - - - - 822 S. Sheridan - - - - - - - 7 - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- - - 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - - - - - - - -918-834-1051
Elite Bookstore - - - - -814 S. Sheridan- - - - - - - - - - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 5545 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge- - - - - 11730 E. 11th- - - - - - - - - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic- - - - - - - 3540 E. 31st - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-749-8378
Jazz's Lounge- - - - - - 426 S. Memorial - - - - - - - - - 918-836-8544
Midtown- - - - - - - - - - 319 E. 3rd- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-3112
Nite Spot - - - - - - -3007 E. Admiral Pi - - - - - - - - - 918-834-3007
Priscilla's - - - - - - - - -7925 E. 41 st- - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla's - - - - - - - 5634 W. Skelly - - - - - - - - - - - 918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - - - - - - 11344 E. 11th - - - - -- - - - - - - -918-438-4224
Prisciila's - - - - - - - - 2333 E. ?1st- - - - - -- - - - - -918-499-1661
Renegades- - - - - - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - 918-585-3405
Rob's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- - - - - - - - - 918-627-1505
Tulsa CARES- - - 3507 E. Admiral Pl- - - - - - - - - - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle- - - - -1338 E. 3rd - - - - - - - - - - - - - -918-592-1188
TNT's - - - - - - - - 2114 S. Memorial- - - - - - - - - - - 918-660-0856
Whittier News Stand- - 1 N. Lewis- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-592-0767
Yellow-Brick-Rd- - - - - - 2630 E. 15th- - - - - - - - - - 918-293-0304
1338 E 3rd, Tulsa, OK
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Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2006] The Star Magazine, April 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/223.