[2005] The Star Magazine, September 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 09


[2005] The Star Magazine, September 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 09


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


September 01, 2005


Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
John Patrick
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman,
Chaz Ward


The Star Magazine, August 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 8

The Star Magazine, October 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 9


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


Ooe:hundred people protested outside the Iranian Embassy in London
11 August 2005 coinciding with simultaneous US· and European
, protests against !rans tyrannical, homophobic, misogynistic and
. fundamentalist regime. .
· . We cooqcililn the execution of two teenage boys in Iran on charges
!fi.volving hOtQosexual acts. One of them was a minor at the time of !-Js
· . ; lioth were minors when they commitrcd. t&ifr offences. OutRage!
~s ah end•k> the death penalty. We express o_ur soliijarity with Iranians
· democracy and human rights, said protester Aaron Saeed,
LGBT human rights group OutRagc!,
f five simultaneous iocernational
Dublin. Sao Francisco, Paris and
· st Irans use of the death penalty and i
, gay and bisextial peopje.
don protesters were membem of LGBT, 5oda!ittt and human
· n left-wingen, exiles and asylum seekers; induding an
brother was executed and his body dragged

------ . .
Openly Gay Candidc,te
to run for Tulsa
Mayor's 0ft:ie::e.! ...
Wouldn't those headline_s .send a few
heads into a Linda Blare spin~arofo:id? .
But wouidn't it be a pro · · r
ill of us if it were true?
With the 2006 Tulsa City efectionf ·•· .
coming tip, why haven't_ openlycgJLJ arid
lesbian candidates voiced in ,.·, ·
running for elective office? I
· are many qualified peopl~ in,,
gay community that would
mainstream good ole hors .
for their money.
Could be, we haven't
enough or ignored enough
we just don't give a daJ?O
content with our third d,ass.
We do have the right to vot~, . •
many of the GLBT .cornmunity,arf~ot
registered or just donlt vote becaustw~
have no representation. · • •: ·
The GLBT community of the ci
Tulsa and Tulsa County deserve
represented by someone who
fo; equality. A son ' .. be
who they are ancl ...
intimidated by Ottf,l
many solid citizeru;,
who are qualified,.ti:> .
We encourage then{ torstand up and say
to all who will li~nf;f!J am a gay citizen
and I am running £of the· office of Mayor
for the City oftr\jl~a'.'' ............. AMEN!
C D. Ward/ Editor in Chief
National Gay and lesbian Task Force
study finds that
Social Security privatization will
harm lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender Americans
'Social Security privatization is a
gamble with the lives of lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender
elders. It is a gamble our
community simply cannot afford. ·
-National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force Executive Director
Matt Foreman
National Gay and Lesbian Task :Force
released a report today that finds that
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) Americans will be
disproportionately harmed by President
Bush's plan to privatize Social Security.
According to Selling Us Short: How
Social Security Privatization Will Affect
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Americans, LGBT Americans, on
average, have lower incomes than their
heterosexual counterparts, which
translates into lower Social Security
benefits when they retire. In addition,
same-sex couples are not eligible for
Social Security's spousal and survivor
benefits provisions, making the LGBT
community disproportionately
vulnerable to the benefit cuts and risks
inherent to the president's plan.
'There is a widespread myth that gay
people are economically advantaged
compared to heterosexuals. U.S. Census
data and other national surveys indicate
the opposite. In fact, gay and bisexual
men earn anywhere from 13 percent to
32 percent less than heterosexual men,"
said Sean Cahill, director of the Task
Force's Policy Institute, which published
the study. "If we earn less, we receive a
lower Social Security payment in
retirement. Any proposals that cut
retirement benefits will
dis ·onately hui;t gay people."
Us Short finds that LGBT
people of color, in particular, face an
income disadvantage that ieads to lower
Social Security benefits. According to the
2000 U.S. Census, black same-sex couples
earn roughly $2,000 to $9,000 less in
median annual household income than
black married opposite-sex couples, and
Hispanic same-sex couples earn roughly
$1,000 to $4,000 less in median annual
household income than Hispanic married
opposite-sex couples.
Discriminatory government policies,
meanwhile, place gay people in an even
more economically disadvantaged
position, increasing the critical need to
maintain the economic safety net Social
Security is intended to provide.
"Gay people have to report domestic
partner health insurance as income to the
IRS, but married spouses don't have to
report their health coverage as income,"
explained Cahill. "Gay people can't
inherit their partner's pension plan,
while a heterosexual widow or widower
can be a beneficiary. Not only do we
earn less, we are 1ess able to keep what
we earn. These are among the many
inequities that make same-sex couples
particularly vulnerable to cutbacks in
Social Security benefits."
Added Many Hu, author of the
report: "The federal Defense of Marriage
Act continues to deny same-sex couples
access to more than 1,000 federal benefits
and protections of marriage that
opposite-sex married couples currently
receive, including Social Security spousal
and survivor benefits. Even though
LGBT Americans pay in to the Social
Security system at the same rate as
evervone else, our families and children
receive fewer benefits, often in times of
crisis. If Social Security is to be changed,
it shouid be changed so that all families
are treated fairly."
"Lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people are more likely to age
alone and iess likely to have children
than their hete:tpse,cual counterparts,"
said Amber Hollibaugh, the Nationai
Gay and Lesbian Task Force's senior
strategist and specialist on LGBT elders.
"This, coupled with a lower rate of
earning makes them particularly reliant
on Social Security."
Selling Us Short finds that LGBT elders
could be negatively ..... cont pg-8
Page 5
by Andrew Collins
"Off Beat
Washington, D.C."
It's sometimes difficult to think of America's capital as quirky. This is the land of
buttoned-down politicos and staffers, stately and somber monuments, dignified oldworld
hotels, and mahogany-paneled restaurants. It's a city of grand traditions and
regal architecture, and with a discernibly preppy personality. But if you dig a bit
beneath Washington's surface, you can easily discover a city with a surprisingly high
funk factor, from its several hip (and gay-popular) boutique hotels to tour operators
that allow you to see the city from perspectives you've probably never imagined.
If it's been a while since you visited D.C., or you're mired in the habit of visiting
the same old museums, bars, and neighborhoods, try thinking outside the box the
next time you're headed to Washington. Here are just a handful of ways to get in
touch with the city's offbeat attractions.
_ Learn to be a better spy._
You haven't seen D.C.'s weird side until you've spent an afternoon touring the
International Spy Museum,. which offers an intriguing glimpse into the secret world
of espionage. Permanent exhibits offer an eye-opening introduction to the art of
professional espionage, display dozens of spy gadgets, and consider the challenges
secret agents face in today's topsy-turvy world.
_ Kayak your way through the capital._ ,
Here's a novel way to explore Washington and admire its monuments: Rent a
kayak from Jack's Boathouse in the tony Georgetown neighborhood, and paddle
your way along the historic Potomac River. You can stop and admire the greenery on
little-visited Roosevelt Island, enjoy close views of the infamous Watergate building
and stunning Llncoln and Washington memorials, and watch herons and cormorants
fly across the water. Jack's provides instruction and equipment, and when you're
finished with your adventure, you can return to Georgetown and spend some time
checking out the neighborhood's slew of upscale shops and fine restaurants.
_ Stay at snazzy hotel._
The San Francisco~based Kimpton Group has six ultra-chic boutique properties in
the District. Kimpton's dashing Hotel Rouge sits just off classy Embassy Row, an
easy walk from gay nightlife on: R. Street, and contains 137 spacious rooms bathed in
reds and yellows and a swanky lounge serving such memorable co4tails a:s the
Madonna (Cuervo, Grand Marnier, Cointreau, and fresh orange ru;id lii:o;e juices).
Near up-and-coming Lo~ Circle, the pop-art-inspired Ho~.}lelli:- '\VOWS · ·
with bold colors (lime-green honor bars, orange-porcelain bathio~m,,flxtures; · .
blue settees and ottomans); a, few rooms are outfitted with bunk htrds, making this the
ideal locale for a crazy slumber party • .Other D.C. Kimptons iAclud~ the Hotel
Madera and Topaz Hotel, both near way-gay Dupont Circle; tn,e .Hotel George, near
Capitoi Hill; and the Hotel Monaco, which is downtown. . .
Typical in all the Kimpton properties, in addition to stylish .decor and personalized
service, are minibars stocked with fun snacks (from Bugles to Pop Rocks), Aveda bath
products, flaMcreen TVs, free high-speed Internet, cordless phones, and evening wine
receptions - all of these hotels are pet-friendly, too . ........ continued next page.
Page 6
Out of Town
_ Catch a Nats game._
After more than a 30-year absence,
major-league baseball returned to
Washington in 2005 with the Nationals,
formerly Montreal's beleaguered Expos.
For now they play in frumpy RFK
Stadium (plans are underway for a brandnew
stadium, which should open in the
next few years), but the Nats have been
playing great baseball thus far and
drawing huge crowds. So you're not a
baseball fan and can't see the fun in
watching a Nationals game? You
obviously haven't yet seen talented (and
hunky) rookie outfielder Ryan Church
in uniform.
_Nosh someplace new._
Washington's long-revered dining
scene keeps improving thanks to the
bevy of admirable new restaurants that
have opened here in recent years. On
Capitol Hill, within walking distance of
several gay bars, Sonoma has brought
superbly crafted contemporary American
fare and a dazzling wine list to this upand-
coming neighborhood. Try a
sampling of fine cheeses with a glass of
pinot noir, or opt for something more
substantial, like cedar-plank wild salmon
with white beans and pancetta-leek
compote. Another great see-and-be-seen
option that also happens to serve
outstanding food, Zaytinya opened in
2002 and remains trendy as ever. This
downtown favorite serves dozens of
Middle Eastern-inspired mezes (similar to
tapas), such as scallops with yogurt-dill
sauce, seared lamb chops with rosemary
syrup, and olive oil-marinated baby
eggplant stuffed with walnuts and
The snazzy David Greggory
RestauLounge has a strong following
with the city's queer community and
presents stellar Mediterranean fare, such
as truffle-scented pizza with three cheeses
and roasted garlic, and seared halibut
with braised fennel, ,spaghetti squash, and
shellfish stew. Another gay fave, the
fabulous pub-grub cnain Hamburger
Mary's dishes up plenty' of attitude plus
great food at its Washington branch. The -
hefty ground-beef patties are legendary
try the Blue Boy (topped with bleu
cheese and bacon).'Finally, for an all-out
magicai dining experien:ce, book a tabie
at CityZen, inside Wasnington's newest
iuxury hotel, the exquisite Mandarin
Oriental. Inventive standouts like pantoasted
squab with pumpkin, baby leeks,
and cinnamon jus, and chestnut soup
infused with quince and chopped ham
have made CityZen and its star chef, Eric
Ziebold, famous.
_ Make a detour to Alexandria.
Just 6 miles down the Potomac River
from Washington, the historic city of
Alexandria, Va., beckons with a
beautifully maintained Old Town
historic district and loads of enchanting
shops and charming restaurants. Area
highlights include Frank Lloyd Wright's
Pope-Leighey House, Alexandria's Black
History Museum, the Torpedo Factory
Art Center, and the newly opened U.S.
Patent & Trademark Office Museum,
where you can learn about all kinds of
inventions, from the computer mouse to
the helicopter.
Be sure to wander off the beaten path
a bit to the up-and-coming DelRay
neighborhood, where Mt. Vernon
Avenue is lined with independently
owned boutiques and funky cafes. Don't
miss businesses like Eight Hands Round
(for smart antiques and contemporary
home furnishings), Eclectic Nature (for
cool garden gadgets and gifts), Del Ray
Dreamery (for addictive Wisconsin-style
frozen custard), and Monroe's (for
delicious regional American and Italian
_ Cruise D.C.'s coolest gay bar. In the rapidly gentrifying Logan
Circle neighborhood, Halo definitely has
the slickest look of any gay bar in town.
The futuristic second-floor space with a
backlit bar stocked with premium liquor
draws a well-dressed, eclectic crowd of
men and women of all ages. Grab a seat
in one of the cushy lounge chairs, listen
to the mod pop tunes, and soak up the
smoke-free ambience.
Browse the stalls and catch breakfast at Eastern Market.
Just a fow block; beyond the U.S.
Capitol building you'll find the
wonderfully coiorful Eastern Market,
whose food hall abounds with enticing
vendors selling everything from artisanal
cheeses to fresh-caught Maryland
seafood. You can also enjoy a fabulous
down-home meal at Market Lunch, a
greasy-spoon diner serving tantalizing
blueberry pancakes and crab cakes
Benedict. Additional draws include a
Page 7
affected by privatization. By 2030, the
estimated population of LGBT seniors
will range from two to eight million.
LGBT elders may be especially
dependent on public services for the
elderly, including Social Security, because
they may be without the same familv
support systems as heterosexual seni~rs.
"It is would be wrong to support
privatization in exchange for opening a
portion of Social Security to same-sex
couples while overlooking the fact that
marriage equality - which the Bush
administration vehemently opposes
would guarantee all Social Security
benefits to all same-sex couples. We are
unwilling to trade illusory benefits
against the benefits and rights of other
Americans," said National Gav and
Lesbian Task Force Executive· Director
Matt Foreman.
Cherokee lesbians
face new legal hurdle
Ann Rostow, PlanetOut Network
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Two Cherokee women are again
under legal assault because of their
marriage, just days after winning a
victory before the tribe's highest court,
the Judicial Appeals Tribunal in Tulsa,
Dawn McKinley and Kathy Reynolds
obtained a legal marriage certificate from
tribal authorities last year. They married
in May of 2004, but before thev had a
chance to register their marriage with a
lower tribal court clerk, a local attorney,
Todd Hembree, stepped in with a
Aided bv the National Center for
Lesbian Rights, McKinley and Reynolds
argued that Hembree lacked standing to
contest their marriage. In .the interim, the
Cherokee Nation Tribal Council voted
to define marriage as a union of a man
and a woman, guaranteeing that same-sex
couples in the furore could not obtain a
marriage certificate to begin with, let ·
alone register a marriage with the coui:~.
Obtaining a marriage certificate in
Cherokee law is the equivalent of
obtaining a marriage license in the U.S.
system. After a ceremony is held,
marriage licenses are signed by the
officiating party and filed with the
appropriate state office.
Last week, the Judicial Appeals
Tribunal ruled that Hembree indeed
lacked standing to intervene in the
marriage procedures, stating that he "has
failed to show that he will suffer
individualized harm" as a result of the
lesbian union.
On Tuesday, members of the
Cherokee Nation Tribal Council acted
preemptively to block the couple from
again trying to file their certificate,
petitioning the high court to issue a
declaratory judgment confirming that the
law against same-sex marriage applies
retroactively to the McKinley-Reynolds
According to the Tahlequah Daily
Press, the petition was signed by eight of
the 15 council members. The members
also asked the court to issue a temporary
injunction preventing the lower court
from accepting the women's paperwork,
insisting that the Cherokee Nation will
suffer irreparable harm if the documents
are allowed to be submitted, and possibly
accepted, by the court. ·
"Those of us listed on the petition
believe we were in a situation where we
could do one of two things," said
member Audra Smoke-Conner. "We
could either sit back and wait to see if the
couple tried to file the certificate, and if
they did, wonder whether the court clerk
would accept it. Or, we could act swiftly
to block the filing of the certificate."
rt for
Marriage Equal
Rises ain
Gaywire Release:
New York, NY (August 5, 2005): A
recent national poll, released Wednesday
by the Pew Research Center, reports
that support for marriage equality is at
its highest point since July 2003. For the
first time, a majority of Americans
(53%) are in favor of legal recognition
for lesbian and gay couples that would
offer many of the same rights and
responsibilities as non- gay married
couples, while support for ending
discrimination in marriage itself has
"rebounded" and continues to grow.
In a shift from some of the dips in
the past few months, fully 35% of
Americans said they support ending
discrimination in marriage and allowing
committed same-sex couples to marry,
while only 53% oppose. "This is exactly
what the right wing is afraid of," said
Evan Wolfson, executive director of
Freedom to Marry, the gay and non-gav
partnership working to win marriage '
equality nationwide. "If we stick with
the conversation and persist in engaging
the non-gay public on marriage equality,
the public will move to fairness."
''People have had a year of legal
marriage in Massachusetts to see how
ending marriage discrimination helps
gay and lesbian families and hurts no
one," continued Wolfson, author of
Why Marriage Matters: America,
Equality, and Gay People's Right to
Marry, which was recently re-released in
paperback by Simon &. Schuster. "The
long-term trend in Atμerica's civil rights
discussion, including this recent
rebound of public ~upti9.,:t for marriage
equality, which follows the ferment and
barrage of the past several months,
demonstrates the pO'~'.~t;of engaging the
public and showing t.Kem the realitv of
marriage equality, fail:i~r than rightwing
rhetoric and scare tactics. When it
comes to opening h~~s. ~d minds on
fairness and reaching the middle, seeing
is, in fact, believing.•,.~·~·- -
According to the Pew poll, support
for the freedom to marry, as well as for
civil union and other steps toward
marriage itself, has also increased among
most religious groups, especially among
white evangelical Protestants, from 26%
in December 2004 to 35% today. Polling
results show a continuing decline (from
35% in August 2004 to 29% today) in
support for a constitutional amendment
to permanently exclude lesbian and gay
couples, and their families, from the
rights, responsibilities, and protections of
Freedom to Marry is the gay and nongay
partnership working to win marriage
equality nationwide. Launched in 2003,
Freedom to Marry is headed by Evan
Wolfson, nationally recognized as a
central "architect of the marriage equality
movement." Freedom to Marry guides
and focuses this social justice movement
on a natiomvide level, serving as a
strategy and support center for national,
state, and local partners, a catalyst that
drives and shapes the national debate on
marriage equality, and an alliance-builder
fostering support from non-gay allies.
Some Marriage History
1948: Perez v. Llppold - Despite public
opposition, the California Supreme
Court became the first state high court to
declare a ban on interracial marriage
1965: Griswold v. Connecticut -
invalidated a Connecticut law
prohibiting the use of contraception by
married couples.
1967: Loving v. Virginia - U.S. Supreme
Court overturned laws prohibiting
interracial marriage. Polls showed 70
percent opposed.
" 1971: Baker v. Nelson - (Minnesota) The
· first case for ending discrimination in
marriage is brought in the United States.
1993: Baehr v. Lewin - In a landmark
...... continued page 12
Page 9

Page 14
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Subscribe to the S
Want the STAR delivered to your home or office?
12 issues for $27.95 will be mailed in a sealed envelope the 1st of each
month. Just complete the form below and send with a check or
moneyorder to:
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Tulsa, OK 74145
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Page 15
•Momma always 'said, Don't say you don't
like it until you've tried it!"
2 tbs. Butter
1 I 4 cup Sliced green onion
1/2 cup Chopped red bell pepper
1 Garlic Clove - minced
2 tbs. Flour
1 / 4 tsp. Black pepper
1 cup Mille
1/4 cup Fresh grated parmesan cheese
3/4 cup Fresh crabmeat
2 oz Shredded cheddar cheese
Heat oven to 350F. Grease 9 inch pie
pan. Melt butter in skillet over medium
heat. Add bell pepper, onions and garlic.
Cook till tender. Stir in flour and
pepper. Cook about 1 minute.
Gradually add milk until mixture boils.
Remove from heat and add parmesan
cheese. Fold in crabmeat. Pour mixture
in pie pan. Top with cheddar cheese.
Bake for 10-15 minutes until cheese
melts. Serve with toasted pita bread or
your favorite cracker.
TIP: Want it spicy - add a chopped
jalepeno pepper.
Chef john Patrick grew 11p in an Italian /amiiv
and !of.led to watch his mother cook. She' '
inspired him to attend culinary school Che(
John's most recent position was with Desen
Oaks Country Club in OKC and now resides
in T11/s4.
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Page 16
Page 17
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Page 18
The Post-G Debate
Openly gay writer David Leavitt,
author of The Lost Language of Cranes,
stirred up quite the maelstrom with his
recent opinion piece in The New York.
Times. In his column, Leavitt posited the
idea that gay books and bookstores are a
relic of the past, no longer needed by or
relevant to today's LGBT community.
He writes, "More and more, gay fiction
is giving way to post-gay fiction: novels
and stories whose authors, rather than
making a character's homosexuality the
fulcrum on which the plot turns, either
take it for granted, look a_t it as part of
something larger or ignore it altogether."
He goes on to claim that gay novels and
bookscores are, in fact, "obsolete."
Needless to say, that didn't go over
well with gay bookstore owners. They
countered that LGBT bookstores are
very much still needed, that while major
chains like Barnes and Noble or Bord~rs
may carry gay titles, they don't have the
vast selection of a gay bookstore nor
does their staff have the familiarity and
knowledge of those books. As Kim
Brinster, manager of the Oscar Wilde
Bookshop in New York City wrote,
"My staff and I coun: ourselves very
lucky ;:o encounter people throughout
the day from all over the world and our
own country wno come through the
store and are happy to be in a place
where we read the books we seH, know
where to find them, know what to
recommend and take the rime to be
Leavitt's opinion and the follow-up
from Brinster sparked quite the debate
on Rainbow Readership, an online
LGBT book group to which I belong.
Some agreed wholeheartedly with Leavitt
while others argued vehemently in
defense of gay bookstores.
Some argue that gay culture has
changed, and because of that, our books
have changed as well. As gays and
lesbians become more accepted and
increasingly mainstreamed, our books no
longer have to focus so much on being
gay. For many, it's just not the issue it
once was, so books about coming out or
accepting your sexuality are not as
needed. The new "post-gay novel" is
about someone who just happens to be
gay. His or her sexuality is not the
central focus of the story.
Whether gay or post-gay, LGBT
authors are currently experiencing a level
of acceptance we've never seen before.
Gay romance authors and reai-life
partners Scott Pomfret and Scott
Whittier (better known as ~
are enjoying scads of mainstream press,
getting interviews and articles in
everything from the New Yor~ Times to
the Boston Herald. Brem Harciogs:r,
author of the bestselling Young Adult
novel b and irs sequd The
Oak, has enjoyed
mainstream success and recognitio[! for
his nm·els. Two of the five finalists for
this vear's Booker Prize were gay-themed
nove"is, The Master by Colm Toibin and
The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst,
which actually won. There's no doubt
that some gay novels are generating
interest and sales, and in turn, finding
shelf space in mainstream bookstores.
Unfortunately, these success srories
are the exceptions, not the rule. For
every Brent Barringer there are ten more
authors whose books will probably never
find their way onto a shelf at Barnes and
Nob!e - no: because qf.any lack of
talen~, but simpiy bec;ause they're not on
B&N's radar. You can, however, find
them all at your neiM\;>orhood LGBT
bookstore. · , ..
So what does an author like Brem
Hartinger, someone who has experienced
mainstream success with his books, think
about tne need for gay. bookstores?
"Independent booksellers discover
"smaller" books, or idiosvncratic ones, or
........... continued next pai,_e -
ones with less obvious media hooks," he
explained. "They are not confined by
corporate business plans, which see
everything in terms of the bottom line, and
which, frankly, want to dumb everything
down for as mass an audience as possible.
Independent bookstores are the HBO and
Showtime of the literary world: they're
willing to take chances on far more risky
offerings. "Gay bookstores do this same
thing for gay books, which are almost by
definition "small" books, because they
target a niche audience. It's true that it's
now possible to find the higher-profile
gay books in some chain and non-gay
independent bookstores these days, and I
think that's great. But the market niche
is so small that gay titles are not
something the chains or online
booksellers are ever going to really
champion. There's just no big bucks in
it. And what about the niche-within-theniche
fringe gay titles? Forget 'em. The
chains will almost completely ignore
anything about transgender folks, or bi
folks, or leather dykes, or radical fairies.
"My first novel, Geography Club, had a
publicity budget of zero. It broke out
because gay and other independent
booksellers read it, preordered it, and
pushed it aggressively. As more and more
people read it and wanted it, word
filtered out ro the chains. But I give all
the credit to the independents for getting
the ball rolling in the first place.
"I don't fear the closing of gay
bookstores because of the loss of a safe
community space, or the ending of an
era. I fear the closing of gay bookstores
because it might very well make gay
books more generic, less diverse, and just
plain worse."
I can remember the first time I walked
into the Lambda Rising store in
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. It was an
amazingly affirming experience for a
young, recently-out gay boy. To see all
those books and rainbows in one place
like that was almost overwhelming, but
at the same time, I felt a part of
something bigger. Sure, there are some
people who don't "need" that experience,
but there are many who do. For those
who are out and have grown comfortable
with who they are, or for the growing
segment of kids who don't have to come
out because they're already comfortable
with who they are, maybe gay
bookstores and books about "being gay"
aren't needed. But let's not forget the
many thousands of people, kids and
adults alike, who are not out or who are
dealing with their sexuality. There are
plenty of people for whom a LGBT
bookstore is still an affirming and
comforting place. Not to mention those
who just like shopping in a safe
environment where they can ask
questions and get recommendations from
a knowledgeable staff.
Books about "being g:i.y'' are still
needed. That's not to say that I don't
enjoy books about someone who just
happens to be gay, but I also enjoy books
about coming out. I don't think it has to·
be either/ or. We still need gay
bookstores for a variety of reasons, but
especially to insure the continued quality
and diversity of our books - whether
gay or post-gay - so get out there and
support your local LGBT bookstore!
Buy-In ancl 25 cent draws!
all your ,-quests. Doors Open at 8 PM.
Page 21
iz Highleyman
______ ..._ _____ ,....._
Sufnmttry;:· Past Out is a .retrospective
·. of key moments,. · and
subjects"inLGBrt h~to,&: Each ..
. installmen ·· ':'Mt:tt>life by
exf?lori . . .. ;6f ih~gaypast
and.its• impact ori:;~e'queerjn:eseht..
prosp.tuteflfec~u~6 tlfey,:ia'illdti?rge
· other jol5s. l'The Tcnaerlofa was Jm:o
as the place Jo go for sex, · , and
late-night fun," · ·
schol~r Di. Susan. Stty:k~ · e
others had l:lie freedo · · · · · · · ·
thb transgeilder 'worn·
Turk Street was ·
Tenderloin's transge.
"Turk Sa#t was o
.recalled Amanda· S
· · the ro!
.~aywar girls" wi
A'.t tiie co .
between tricks 'and take tcmpor11ry.s
refuge from the violence they faced on
the streets. "Compton's was a great place
to meet," said Tamara Ching, who, like
St. Jaymes, was a frequent patron. "It was
our own little fairyland." ·
By 1966, San Francisco had a wellestablished
homophile community that
included the Daughters of. Bilitis, the
Tavern Guild, the Society for Individual
Rights, and the Council on Religion and
th~ Homosexual. While these gay and
lesbian organizations had had some
success in .reducing police harassment of
gay bars and had made inroads into the
city's political establishlnent, the street
que~ns and.disadvantaged queer youth
were largely left out of the picture. In
response, the. youth - with. the help of
progressive niinisttrs fro,m Glide
Memorial Methodist Cliurcb'. ~ formed i
.radical guecr group called Vanguard,
wliicb held. its. meetings at Compton?s.
·. In the spmig;9f 1966, new
nianageineti~ at Compton's began to
disco~ageth · · · ·· ~fyoung queens
and hustlers,. · y and often monev -
s~arid ,.
for transgcnder rights; "There was a lot of
.......... contintieil ne:trpage
Page 23
joy after it happened," recalled St.
Jaymes. "A lot of people went to jail, but
I don't give a damn. It needed to
Following the alteration, Compton's
began closing earlier and its business
never fully recovered; it was replaced by
a porn shop in 1972. But the event
proved to be a turning point for the local
transgender community. In the wake of
the riot, the police began leaving the
queens alone, and a sergeant in the
department, Elliot Blackstone, helped get
the laws against cross-dressing changed. A
new network of social services was
established, including city-funded health
clinics. The city began issuing new ID
cards reflecting transgender women's
preferred gender, enabling them to enroll
in school and get jobs.
A variety of social changes came
together in the late 1960s to set the stage
for the Compton's Cafeteria altercation
and. the later Stonewall riots, including
the civil rights movement, urban
renewal, the antiwar movement, and the
rise of youth counterculture. At about
the same time, the new availability of sex
reassignment surgery in the United States
and a better understanding of
transsexualism pioneered by Dr. Harry
Benjamin, who had an office near the
Tenderloin.- gave transgender people
new hope for a brighter future. "Gender
itself became a form of politics," argues
Stryker. The riot at Compton's was "part
of the same social upheaval that gave us
unisex fashions, glam rock, gay
liberation, and radical feminism."
For further information:
Carter, David. 2004. _Stonewall: The
Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution_
(St. Martin's).
Gay and Lesbian Historical Society.
1998. "MTF Transge1lcler Activism in the
Tenderloin and Bevond, 1966-1973:
Commentarv and I~t~ew with Elliot
Blackstone!' _GLQ:'/4.),urnal of
Lesbian and Gay Studi.cs_. Vol. 4, No. 2,
pp. 349-372.
Stryker, Susan and SiJ:vJ=ro:ian, Victor.
2005. _Screaming QuC;,fn.i;.:. The Riot at
Compton's Cafeteria,.,..,(fiim).
International Metropolitan
Denomination (MCC) Condemns
Expulsion of
New Orleans Church Group From
Roman Catholic facility
News Release:
August 12,2005
New Orleans - An intern;nu
Christian church group hm~ ,t,
voice to the current contron : •
surrounding a decision by 1.h: ,-:: 11,:u,
Catholic Archdiocese of Ne,\ ( :11 kano 'u
evict a predominantly-gay d,•:r
from meeting at a Roman 1 , •
Despite a signed rental le?""·
the facilities, Metropolitan 1
Church of Greater New Ork:i::'
(MCCGNO) was evicted bY
_Archdiocese because the sm:d: , 1 •.1,•:1:
group believes in same-sex •n,rP '::•:.
The Reverend Dr. Troy D i'::r, ,
Moderator of Metropolitan i ,, !',·,:n;,,,.
Churches, a Christian denon,1n
with churches in 23 countric:, 1 i"'
parent denomination of MU , : ··,i ;
said, "I am saddened that dK
Archdiocese is expelling the n:n t
lease-holding congregation, n,:-: 'r•
church building, but from ;,n \ DS
hospice. They are sending a du,·
to people with HIV that the Er:;,u,,
Catholic Church welcomes yrn!
or dying person, but not as, a
loving person. We've grown
church that will condescend 1;, ~•:-
but not have the simple cou•·t,,:
marry us."
"In fact, this is the contirnv'.:•,;,
pattern of hostility against ga:c• .rnd
lesbians by the }\rchdiocese," ,tkkd
Perry. "In 1973, in the afternu:1, ,h,.:
Upstairs Fire in which 12 nwd"r'.
Metropolitan Community Church·,
died, the Archdiocese refused , ,
the doors of any Roman Cath•
Church for us to hold memon.,'
Perry was not the only !\,I( 3 ,, 11,1,·:
to speak out on the controvn .\
The Reverend Jim Mituhk:, D:,,:,;t, ,r
of I..caciership Development and
Seminary Relations for the ,\iC'
denomination, added, "Here i,; \, ,
another act of overt hostility :1• .1H1<c ,c!i
···········-•·····'ontinut!d page-27
_Libby Post is the founding chair of
the Empire State Pride Agenda and a
political commentator on public radio,
on the Web, and in print media.
Lesbian Notions
by Libby Post
Walk Like
a Girl
In all of my 47 years, I've never forgotten
that day in sixth grade.
During recess, a group of girls, whom I
considered my friends, were determined to
make me walk like a girl. It was 1970. I was a
self-avowed tomboy. The Stonewall riots
may have been already happened, but I
didn't know from gay, straight, or anything
in bertveen - I was 12. But it seems mv
friends knew better. ·
They said I walked like a boy, carried my
books like a bov, dressed like a bov. Thev ·
were trying to change who I was. Who, as it happens, I ;tiU am. It was one ~f the ,
most devastating events of my young life. I broke down in class after recess.
Thankfully, my teacher took my fri~ds to task and not me.
I can only imagine the pain of 16-year-oid Zach Stark when his parents, not his
peers, were the ones telling him. he didn't walk the right way.
Zach is a young gay triari who created a small tidal wave with a blog entry that said
he was being sent by Mom and Dad to a "we can make you nor gay" camp run by
Love in Action International. He wrote that his parents "tell me that there is
something psychologically wrong with me ... I'm a big screw up to them ... who isn't
on the path God wants me to be on. So I'm sitting here in tears ... and I can't help it."
Love in Action's website (www.loveinaction.org) is clear about what was in store
for Zach. The group's goal is to erase Zach's realit'j. Under the heading of '~Exploring
the Homosexual Myth," I read the following: "There is no such creation as a 'gay' or
'homosexual' person. There is only homosexual attraction and behavior; accordingly,
there can be no change for a sexual identity that never existed in the first place."
Love in Action's rhetoric mirrors that of groups like Exodus, one of the first exgay
organizations to tout the psychobabble of repararive therapy (the practice of
trying to alter one's sexual orientation), and Focus on the Family's "Love Won Out"
conferences. What these groups believ~ is that acting on same-se~ attraction is just a
behavioral problem, and with reparative therapy and finding the love of Christ, all
can be cured.
Who are they kidding? No reputable therapist or medical pr today buys
this hogwash. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association, the n
Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American
Medical Association have all agreed that reparariv~ therapy does not work and is
harmful to the mental and physical health of lesbians and gay me.a..
But more frightening is the political traction the "ex-gay" mo:v,ement has achieved.
Just as the Christian Right's antigay agenda has been absorbed as fact by the majorit\'
of Republican elected officials and policy-makers, the fiction of ex-gay policies h;s ·
wound its way into our schools.
Consider this. Maryiand's Montgomery County p:.::b!ic sci.10ols wanted to develop
a health curriculum that provided pos:tivt; information for LGBT studems. Once the
word got out about the new curriculum, a group calJed PFOX, Parents and Friends
of Ex-Gays (how original), went to court saying the school district was "denigrating"
ex~gays. Bad enough that the school district '.Vas providing its srudents with oositive
information, but what got PFOX's knickers in a ~ea! tw:sc was that the stud~ms were
Lesbian Notions
given a list of LGBT positive re~gious
groups such as Dignity, More Light
Presbyterians, and Lutherans Concerned.
PFOX sued to make sure churches
teaching that homosexuality is wrong
would be included in the curriculum.
Their suit accused the school board of
"an irrational phobia of the ex-gay
community" and said that it "urges
censorship of ex-gay materials i1:- 01:11'
schools." Astoundingly, U.S. District
Judge Alexander Williams agreed with
Well, I'm sure the folks at
Montgomery County schools attempted
to do what professional educators do.
They sought out information that would
help their students, information that has
been supported by credible organizations
with good reputations. I'll bet they
didn't even know there was an ex-gay
"community." And that's because there
isn't one.
All this ex-gay rhetoric and action is
just another front for the Christian
Right's constant bombardment of our
right to exist, let alone gain th_e_ rights
aJ?.d responsibilities of other c1t1zens.
This suit is just another.example ofthe
lengths to which the right will g~ to
support their rhetoric that there 1s a
"war on Christianity" in this country.
But the realitv is this - for kids like
Zach, despite his, parents' efforts, his
sexual orientation is his sexual
orientation. No amount of reparative
therapy is going to make Zach walk a
different path in life. He knows he's gay
and doesn't have a problem with it.
Perhaps it's his parents who need some
therapy - to accept their son and love
him the way he is.
Quotable Quotes
"Any time you get four or five really
strong women doing desperate, dastardly
things, I think gay men get a big kick out
of it. The moment you put a woman in
an evening gown mowing the lawn, it's
just gay." -
"Desperate Housewives" creator Marc
Cherrv to AP Television News, July 16.
The show received 15 Emmy
nominations this year, more than any
show except 'Will & Grace," which
received the same number.
Out of Town
w~ekend farmers market, a Saturday arts
and crafts fair, and a Sunday flea market.
See Washington by Segway._
- In case you haven't yet laid eyes on
one of these quirky yet ingenious
contraptions, a Segway Human
Transporter is a two-wheel, sel~- .
balancing, personal transportation device
that moves according to the way you
move. Lean forward, it zooms ahead.
Lean back sharply, and it stops. City
Segway Tours offers incredibly fun fourhour
sightseeing excursions through the
District. These efficient little machines
are remarkably easy to use, and the
company's amiable staff gives everyb~dy
a helpful training session prior to settm?
off. Just keep in mind that passersby will
find you and your group of fellow
Segway-ers more interesting than most
of the city's sights - be prepared to pose
for plenty of pictures. When you're
riding around on a Segway, you become
one of Washington, D.C.'s, most offbeat
The Little Black Book
Alexandria Convention & Visitors
Association (703-838-4200 or 800-388-
9119, www.funsideofthepotomac.com).
City Segway Tours (877-SEG-TOUR,
www.citysegwaytours.com). CityZen
(Mandarin Oriental Washington, 1330
Maryland Ave., 202-787-6006). David
Greggory RestauLounge (2030 M St.
NW, 202-872-8700). Eastern Market (7th
St. and North Carolina Ave.,
www.easternmarket.net). Halo (1435 P
St. NW, 202-797-9730). Hamburger
Mary's (1337 14th St. NW, 202-232-
7010). International Spy Museum (800 F
St., 202-EYE-SPY-U .or 866-
SPYMUSEUM, www.spymuseum.org).
Jack's Boathouse (3500 K St., 202-337-
-9642, www.jacksboathouse.com).
Kimpton Hotels (800/KIMPTON,
www.kimptonhotels.com). Washington
Nationals (http://
washington.nationals.mlb.com). Sonoma
(223 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, 202-333-
2912). Washington, DC Convention &
Tourism Corporation (202-789-7000,
www.washington.org). Zaytinya (701
9th St. NW, 202-638-0800).
Page 25
Page26 Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
Well hello kittens-welcome back to uncle Mikey's
corner. Uncle spent this week attempting to
spend some much needed quality time with
delicious. As you all know, he is skillful, yet
remains in need of training. The drink factor
Kittens, if you are .. going to be my boy, than you
damn well better be able to handle a drink order,
as Liz would say. His drinks leaves uncle feeling
like a sour puss. Lets hope t..hat boy gets it right,
or else uncle ·will be forced to vote him off the
Dear Uncle Mikey,
My best friend is a female, who is divorced and
has one child. We have been friends since high school more than ten years now. We
have never let anything cC>me in-between our friendship, until now. I have tried to
help her since she is a single mom. She has a spoiled rotten child, who torments
anybody who comes within ten feet of him. He lies, whines, and in general aggravates
and brings nothing but drama. She is completely blind to his behavior. I do not know
how much more I will be able to take from this monster. I am really afraid this
demon child will ruin our friendship. Any thoughts?
Friend of Sam.
Dear fom,
Kitten, I am afraid you are in a most difficult .position. If you address this issue as you
have here, I am sure you will lose your friend. Uncle has learned through the years
you do not mess with their young, they will eat you alive. If you seriously want to
stick it out, than I would suggest genuine and compassionate communication about
her spawn of Satan. You must remember the feelings and bond of motherhood.
Good luck-Uncle
Uncle Mikey thought of children years ago when he was with his second husband,
who adored the little ankle bitters. However, I tried and tried, yet could not
accessorize a little darling for my own. Alas Mr. Tiddles shall be uncles only child.
Until they come out with a fashionable model of child who can mix a martini the
way uncle likes it that is.
Uncle Mikey,
I have been with my partner now for six years. When we got together, we were like
twins sharing the same interest. As time has progressed in our relationship, he has
become more. feminine in character, while he continues to become more of a flamer
every year. We joke about it but deep down, I wish he could cut back a little of the
dramatics in his personality. How can I tell him this without hurting his feelings?
Burned by the flame.
Dearest Burned,
Kitten, I would think about this wisely before discussing this. Your partner
obviously has achieved the comfort in your relationship where he feels he is truly
able to be himself. As individuals go we all age different while evolving into our own.
Allow the light of his flame to light your way through your journey, remembering
that he is still the man you feel in love with.
Uncle Mikey docs sex on the first date make me a slut?
Curiously guilty
Dearest Guilty, ............................... continued next page
Page 27
Only if you do it right puddin. Sex on the
second date with multiple partners, now were
I have a secret, which I feel it is time to tell. I
have been sleeping with the mister at our
church now for some time. He has been my
youth minister for sometime now, and my
feelings for him have grown. I told him I
loved him and he tells me that he is guilty of
misleading me, and insist we pray together to
be delivered. Well, I pray but I pray that he
will come to his senses and be with me, and
just except that, he is gay. He always comes
back for more, and I am sure he loves me,
and just confused. I believe in fighting for
what I want, however feel like I am wrong
somehow. What would you do?
The minister's boy
Kitten, I have not smoked for ten years, now
comes this future porn epic. Hold on I need
to get this damn thing lit. Assuming all
players here are old enough to be playing,
uncle give you props. I think you
misunderstood their line about brotherly love
kitten. I can feel the shifting in the land of
right wing everywhere. He is confused, you
are picking men up in church and he is
confused? Seriously kitten, if you love him
than only you can decide if this is healthy for
you. Chances are that he will never overcome
his guilt, and remain in his double-minded
ways, leaving you to sit in the pew of no sex.
Uncle encourages to remember the old
saying. If you love, someone set them free,
and if they return they were yours, if not, get
out while the getting is good! Kitten, I will
pray and ask mother Cher to be with you.
Well Kittens, that was better than chocolate.
Uncle shall take this time to wrap up yet
another session of here in unclesaTM comer of
Queerdom. Kittens as you go, remember this.
Judge not lest you are in f.i.bulous form to do
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles tool
Unck Mileey is 1t ch1tr1tcter from Fru'4nu writer
Mich1tel Hinzman. Mich.ul has hem writing/or ten
years. Utilizing his stsuim, and life expmmct to hdp
others in his community, through humor and sound
advia. Mich1tel applied his study oj psychology and
cre.tive writing, as well his o:tmsive badtground in
menu! health Dirn:t e1tre to bring a new styk and
1tpproach to helping others. Michael's other works e1tn
be 'Uie'llled at 'W'Wfll.gaylinkcontent.com.
· MCC from page-23
affirming gay people. I doubt the
Archdiocese would expel a congregation
affiliated with the United Church of
Christ or the Episcopal Church, qoth of
which accommodate the blessing of samesex
unions. It's time to stop using
religion as a mask for prejudice against
gay people."
Mitulski, a long-time AIDS activist,
added, "As a person living with HIV/
AIDS, let me say loud and clear: If the
Roman Catholic Church won't honor
our weddings, don't insult us by offering
to conduct our funerals."
Perry, who has championed
ecumenical relations and who met Pope
Benedict XV1 - then Cardinal Ratzingcr
- at the Bilateral Dialogue held during
Pope John Paul H's visit to Columbia,
South Carolina in 1987, said, "This type
of decision contradicts the Roman
Catholic Church's own commitment. In
1987, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
published its own statement, The Many Faces
of AIDS, and addressed the stigma too often
associated with people with HIV/ AIDS. The
statement said, "Made in God's image and
likeness, every human person is of
inestimable worth. All human life is sacred,
and its dignity must be respected and
protected." The Archbishop of New Orleans
should apply these same principles of respect
and protection to the congregii.tion of MCC
of Greater New Orleans, which includes
people living with HIV/ AIDS."
"We send our love and prayers and support
to the Reverend Dexter Brecht, senior pastor
of Metropolitan Community Church of
Greater New Orleans, and to all of the
congregii.tion there," said Perry.
"This action by the Roman Catholic
Archdiocese is yet another reminder that the
important work of Metropolitan Community
Churches is not yet done," Perry said of the
predominantly-gay Christian denomination.
"I am challenging our brothers and sisters in
other faith communities around New
Orleans to receive a special offering this
Sunday to help Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater New Orleans iocate and
move into a permanent worship space. Gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender people of
faith in New Orleans need to know they have
a permanent space in which to worship in
openness and authenticity, and free from the
prejudice and whims of homophobic
bishops." ---------
Page 28
Below: Mahmoud Asgari (16} and Ayaz Marhoni (18} were
hanged in Eda/at {Justice) Square in the city of Mashhad, in
north east Iran, on 19 July 2005.
Some reports say the
youths were hanged for gay
sex. The Iranian government
claims they were hanged for
the rape of a 13 year old boy,
reports Ramzi Isalam of the
LGBT human rights group
Fact: Iran executes lesbians
and gays. The Iranian
government has executed
4,000 homosexuals since
1979, according to estimates
in the rnid-1990s by the exiled Iranian gay rights group, Human.
Fact: The Iranian government often pins false charges on the victims of its
murderous policies in order to discredit them and discourage public protests.
"We are not prepared to give the violently homophobic Iranian government the
benefit of the doubt. It has previously lied to justify public executions. In any case,
the death penalty is a disproportionate punishment. It is barbaric and should be
abolished," added Mr Isalam.
"OutRage!s sources for this story include clandestine gay and lesbian activists
inside Iran, members of the democratic and left Iranian opposition, and the websites
of government-sanctioned news agencies in Iran," added Aaron Saeed of OutRage!
The Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran enforces Sharia law, which dictates the
death penalty for gay sex: variously including hanging, stoning, beheading or
dropping from a high place like a tall building or cliff-top.
The teenagers admitted to having gay sex, probably under torture, but claimed in
their defence that their crime was common and they were not aware it was
punishable by death. .
Prior to their execution, the teenagers were held in prison for 14 months and
severelv beaten with 228 lashes.
Th~ir length of detention suggests that they committed the so-called offences
more than a year earlier, when Mahmoud was 15 and Ayaz was 17. In other words,
both youths were minors at the time of the offence.
Ruhollah Rezazadeh, the lawyer of the youngest boy (16), had appealed that he
was too young to be executed and that the court should take into account his tender
age. He was quoted by the IRIN news agency as saying that "the judiciary had
trampled on its own laws, explaining that the Iranian courts usually commute death
sentences on children to five year jail."
Despite his pleas, the Supreme Court in Tehran ordered Mahmoud to be hanged.
Under the Iranian penal code, girls as young as nine and boys as young as 15 can be
"Three other young gay Iranians are being hunted by the police in connection
with the same so-called crime. They have gone into hiding and cannot be found. If
caught, they v,-ill probably also face execution," said Mr Saeed.
The allegation of rape may be a trumped up charge to undtrmine public
sympathy for the youths. The Iranian regime often resorts to smears and false
allegations to discredit people it has executed and to undermine human rights
campaigns, continued OutRage! campaign coordinator, Brett Lock
It couid be that the 13 year oid was a wii!ing participant but that Iranian law (like
:he laws of many western nations) deems that no person aged 13 is capable of sexual
consent and that therefore even consensual sexual contact is automatically deemed in
law to be stamtory rape. The use of rorture is routine in Iran .. These tw~ boys were
violently abused in prison, receiving more than 200 lashes. .. .. continued next page
l I I
Page 29
Iran execution continued:
Iran is a fascist-style tyranny based on a
fundamentalist version of Islam. We join
with progressive Muslims to denounce
the fundamentalists and to support
democratic and left Iranians striving to
topple the Ayatollahs.
OutRagel wholeheartedly supports
the struggle of the Iranian people to
overthrow clerical tyranny and to secure
democracy and human rights. _
Without an end to the fundamentalist
regime, there can never be justice for
LGBT people, women, trade unionists
and minority religions and nationalities
in Iran.
'The lack of liberai and left support
for the victims of the Iranian tvrannv is
truly shocking. We deplore the- abse~ce
of international solidarity with Iranians
fighting for freedom," concluded Mr
Lock. ------------
Quotable Quotes
''In Spain, where 90 percent of the
population is Roman Catholic, the
church came out swinging against
[marriage] rights for gays, using the
familiar line ·that gay marriage imperils
the traditional institution of marriage.
This has always been a difficult argument
to follow logically: Assuming that
marriage is the binding of two people in
a committed relationship, possibly to
create a family, gay marriage adds to the
institution. Even granting most religions'
insistence that the two people must be of
different genders, gay marriage does
nothing to discourage or belittle
heterosexual unions." -
Los Angeles Times editorial, July 6.
"I want our government, which has presided
over many positive changes for gay people
here in the U.K. - an equal age of consent,
partnership rights, the abolition of the rightly
reviled Clause 28 - to ensure that ending
violations of gay people's fundamental
human rights around the world becomes an
explicit issue in its diplomatic relations with
other countries. I strongly believe that when
thousands of us refuse to look away and stay
silent we make a difference to what
politicians do and say." -
Eiton John writing in England's The
Observer, July 3. ·
Chula Vista Mayor
Out of the Closet!
"I've considered myself pretty out since
about 1999 but I thought this was an
occasion to put any questions to rest. . ..
In my life since 1999 I've been very
honest and open about who I am. And
it's certainly not everything I am, but it's
an important part of who I am, and
certainly if Pride isn't the venue to be
overtly out, I don't know what is .... It's
something that I'm very comfortable
with and something that I'm very matterof-
fact about, and I think that's what you
saw here tonight." -
Chula Vista, Calif., Mayor Steve Padilla
to this column after coming out at a Gay
Pride. rally in San Diego, July 29. Chula
Vista - a San Diego suburb with 230,000
people is now the second-largest city
in America with an openly gay mayor,
after San Diego itself. Providence, R.I., is
next in line.
91 B.B35.78B7
or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
Delivering Quality, value, Integrity and
Trust in Affordable Advertising Service.

. :Cer11ury 21 Gold
Castle: ;Philanthropy
at its Finest
OKLAHOMA CITY_Rodney Burgamy
an.cl Jo~ Brennap. owners of Century 21
Gold C::astle, ~ve. two offices in the
Oklah<Sfu~ Citv Metro area. As owners
of the agency iliey have not onlv
successfully developed a thriving business
with outstanding customer service, but
have also . built a reputation for corporate
phil~Iitb.ropy that is being recognized
beyon4 th.e stllte's borders.
Wh~i} you meet both Rodney and Joe,
the. fifst things you notice are the bright
smiles and generous nature. They both
are true.southern gentleman whose
cnmrpltrii5rif to their clients is only
matched ~y. their . commitment to serving
their comih:iiitity. · That commitment is
demonstra,tfcF.in;/their long~time supporr
of Easter Se~ <G>kfahoma.
Founded , Easter Seals
Okfahom. . 'on is to enhance the
quality o(htb for children and adults
with disabilities so they may live with
equality, dignity and independence. In
eighty yea1;s · of operati~n, o;er 1.5
million Oklahomans have ieceived
seeyicc;s ran~ryg fwm'. scliq~J ~cr.eenin~.~ .· ·
outpatient.sμigeiic,s and ptJ!t;hlttcs of·
· Ea:s¢r S~s <
.. an on~site Chila
Dcvelopmeht Center .~ad :AdJJit'E>il.v .
Centet-hot\1,,of which are niti~n:hlii
recognizcil 'Fhis is the only
Intergenerational Care Facility in the
state to receive recognitions for both
programs. Easter Seals Oklahoma is a
United Way of Central Oklahoma
Member Agency.
As partners at the national level, Centurv
21 has raised millions of dollars each y~
for Easter Seals. This tradition has
remained strong in the twelve years that
Gold Castle has been in business--each
year striving to top the previous year's
goal. Last year, Century 21 Gold Castle
raised thousands of dollars for Easter
Seals Oklahoma-placing them among
the top Century 21 Agencies in the
region. They were also honored at this
year's Easter Seals Oklahoma Annual
Meeting for their long-time supRort of
the organization's efforts. .
Gold Castle has found a variety of
exciting ways to raise money and
awareness. of Easter Seals. They've had
casino nights, supported golf
tournaments and purchased a table at
Easter Seals Oklahoma's annual "A Blast
from the Past" event. However, the mosf
creative way Gold Castle supports Easter
Seals is through cell phones. They donate
$1 for every voicemail message ltft on
their cell phones. With a busyreal estate
of:fice-:-those dollars add up qajckly!
Burgamy stated,. "We· 3!e so proud fo be
affiliated with. Easter: Seals Oklahoma.
They do such good work· providing
services for Oklahomans with
disabilities. There' ~e' ii,d· many people in
need throughout p.Jl! <:otpmuriij:y-:I
really encourage p{qple to get involved
and support Eastii S~als' efforts!"
For more informatiin:. about Centurv 21
~oid Castle, c ·~ · ' · ey Butg~y,
Broker, at (405)
Page32 Page 33
Seo es
by Jack Fertig
"Be honest, Leo!"
~atum is in Leo quiocunx to U;anus in
Pisces until Oct. 7. Expect twitches in
religious institutions pointing to big
changes in a few years. Clashes between
tender egos and spiritual insights will hit
home. Mercury is in Virgo aspectiog
those slower planets, triggering
arguments that can sharpen insight into
these issues.
ARIES (Much 20 - April 19): Take some
friends to church - or synagogue, or
mosque, or whatever religious institution
you grew up with. The point is not to
convert them, but to get insights into
your own background and baggage.
What you least like hearing will prove
most helpful.
T~URUS (April 20 - May 20): Arguing
with the boss can be chalked up to fragile
egos. Yours is the only one you can keep
in check. What would your parents say?
And how would you like to respond?
Get that out of the way before handling
the boss.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Arguments
are almost inevitable now. Almost.
Worries about money (or self-worth?) are
the underlying triggers. Make sure you're
able to have someone - preferably an
older sibling or a "sister' - with whom
you can discuss those issues.
CANCER Q'uoe 21 - July 22): Sexual
issues are up for you. Remember you
have nothing to prove, and buying new
toys_ or fetish-wear won't help. If getting
old ts part of the problem, then being
mature and taking charge is the answer.
LEO Q'uly 23 - August 22): We all have
inner doubts and fears, and nobody's
perfect. What you really hate is that
imperfection is true of you, too. Be
honest and open with your partner or a
trusted friend. Not admitting your flaws
will magnify them and make you
VIB.GO(Augi;ist 23 - September 22):
Good friends can help settle your doubts
and worries, but also may confirm some
of them. As bad as things may be, your
worries just magnify the problems. You
need a reality check.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Being too creative at work can come
across as flaky or threatening to your
superiors. Keep communications open,
and welcome constructive criticism from
colleagues. Any entertainments or
morale-boosters you devise now should
be kept simple.
SCORPIO (October 23 November 21):
Challenged by new ideas? Retreating into
traditional beliefs will not help. That's
what "fundamentalism" is! Better to
accept the challenge. Arguing with a
teacher can help both of you to learn,
but stay respectful.
SAGITIARIUS (November 22
December 20): Pushing bevond vour
familiar sexual limits is OK, but 'be very
careful! Confused signals can get you into
dangerous situations. In any new kinky
activities, make sure to be clear about
safewords, proper instructions, etc.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January
19): Working on new erotic techniques
could open questions about person;!
morality and responsibility. Your
partner could goad you or be a drag;
there 1MiJI be some discomfort either
way. Communication, though an effort,
remains the answer always.
AQUARIUS Q'anuary 20 - February 18):
Sweetly listen to anything your partner
( or a close friend) has to say about
cleaning up your act. You don't have to
agree or follow the advice, but at least
consider it. It could catalyze a better
PISCES (February 19 - March 1g):
Showing off in sports or at the gym is
sure to get you hurt. Maintain a
moderate level of activity. If you need to
show off, focus on your artistic insights
and your ability to e~ress things beyond
most people's itnagiph1gs.
Jack Fertig bas,been fllorking as a
JJrofesional astro/j,ger since 1977 and is a
founding mem'lkr of tlie Association for
Astrological Networking.
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 states
business & oigani:zations.
Arkansas, Enreka Springs
Divenity Pride Events - • www.diversitypride.com
MCC Uving Spring - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - - - 479-571-1300
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 10041/2 Garrison Ave- 479-783-9988
Club 1022 - -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - - 479-782-1845
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Our House Lounge • 660 E. Grand Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street- - - :1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - 501-664-2744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - -www.dsra.org
Di1covety- - 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - 501-666-6900
The Factory - -412 Louisiana St.- - - - -501-372-3070
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
River of Ufe Church - 1709 N Walnut - -1 fAM
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231-0938
Kan1a1, Wichita (316)
Club Glader - 2828 E. 31st South - - 316-612-9331
J', Lounge - - - - - 513 E. Central - 316-262-1363
Our Fantasy- - • - • 3201 S. Hillside- - -316-682-5494
The Otherside- - -447 N. St Francis- 316-262-7825
Shatai - - - - - - - 4000 S. Broadway- 316-522--2028
Sidestreet Mens Bar -1106 S. Pattie- -316-267-0324
South 40 - - - - - 3201 S. Hillside - - - - -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - - -1507 S. Pawnee- - - - - 316-262-4530
That G.ty Group, W.S.U. - - - - - -- 316-978-7010
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - - 716 S. Main - - - - - - - 417-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ--2902 E 20th, - - -Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - - - - - 3715 Main St- - - - 816-561-2600
Club NV - - - - 220 Admiral Blvd- - 816-421-NVKC
DB Warehouse- -- 1915 M1in St- - - -816-471-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - - 816-561-0625
Side&tteet Bar - - - -413 E. 3rd-• - - - - 816-531-1775
Sidekicks Saloon - - 3707 Maii;l St- - 816- 931-1430
KOKOMO Campground- - - .: -. .: .417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - - --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
Liquors & Kid.cers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive - - - 417-864-4572
Priscilla's - - - 1918 S. Glenstone - - 417-881-8444
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial - - - - 417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City ( 405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39tb. Expwy - 405-947-2351
Finish Une -2200 NW 39th Expwy- - 405-525-0730
Gu6hera Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
HoilywoodHotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Oub - 1221 NW 50th- - - -405-843-1722
Jungle Reds - - - 2200 NW Expwy- - - 405-524-5733
Partners- - - -2805 NW 36th St - - - - - 405-942-2199
Piece To Remember-2131 NW 39th- -405-528-2223
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorw - - - - - - - -405-755-8600
Red Rock North-2240 NW39th St- - -405-525-5165
Sisters- - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - - -405-521-9533
The Rockies- -3201 N. May Ave - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - - -- - - 918-836-8700
Club Maverick- - 822 S. Sheridan - - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bb -- - 8807 E. Admiral Pl - -834-1051
Elite Boobtore --814 S. Sheridan- - - 918-838-8503
End Up Club- - - 424 S. Memorial- c -918-836-2480
Flamingos Qub- - -7915 E. 21st St - - -918-622-6339
GI.BT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E.41st- - - - 918-743-4297
The Detour- - - - • 7944 E. 2ht - - - - - - 918-270-2428
Club Majestic- - 124 N. Bonon - - - - - 918-584-9494
Renegades- - - - 1649 S. ~ - - - 918-585-3405
Prisc:illa's - - - - 792_5 E. 41st - - - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla's - 563~ V/. Skelly - - - - -918-446-6336
Pri~dna•, - - - -113# E. 11th - - - - -- - -918-43.8-4224
Priscilla's - - 2333 E. 7bt - - -' - -918-499-1661
Tulia CARES- -3507 E. Admital Pi- - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle- - • - -1338 E. 3rd- - - - - - - 9i8-592-1188
TNT's - - - - 2114 S. Memorial- - - - - 918-660-0856
Undeiguy.com • • -15 ~- Brady- - - - - 918-829-0824
Whittier News S~-- i 'N. Lewis- - 91g.592.0767
Yellow-Brick-Rd-· -2630 E. 15th- - - - 918-293-0304
Outlets wishing to distribute FREE copies of the STAR,
contact us at 918.835.7887 9am to 4pm mon - fri or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
Page 37
cART □□ N "Bitter Girl"
cARTooN "A Couple of Guys"
A Couple
of guys•
.- ., .. ,,:Sr~
email qualifications to
ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net ..
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153' ·
Tulsa, OK 74145
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Quality, Value;0 Itib!grity and
Advertising Service.
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Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2005] The Star Magazine, September 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 09,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/222.