[2005] The Star Magazine, October 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 10


[2005] The Star Magazine, October 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 10


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


October 01, 2005


Greg Steele
C.D. Ward
Josh Aterovis
Chef John Patrick
Matt Brooks
Libby Post
Paula Martinac
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman


The Star Magazine, September 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 9

The Star Magazine, November 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 11


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


Io last months editoriai I encouraged
men and women within our communitv
and the GLBT allied communicv to sta~d
up to the challenge of elective .~ffice in
the City of Tulsa and Tulsa County.
1bis month's "Heart to Heart" column
expands on the purpose of tlie subject
and the reason it is so importmt for us as
a minority group of people. . .
I hope everyone who picks up a copy
of this issue of the STAR will take rime
to read the Josh Aterovis article (page
18), become concerned and discuss the
issue with your friends, relatives; coworkers
and anyone who wil(li~ten.
Silence will not bring equai rights!
Below is an exsert from the column
that hopefully wilt peek your interest
enough to read his enlightening article.
"'It's up to us and our allies to
change. We must elect fair-mi .
women who will fight for equalify in our
legislative halls. We must encourage and
support those politicians who are ffri'ving to
protect and improve the lives of all
minorities. We need to applaud those vrave
· · ,, and groups who stand up
ina.tion and bigotry.
Most importandy, we need to make our
voices heard. Speak u-p for what ywoue believe
appalling silence. We . rd to allow
· · foundea on prejudice to go

And for the GLBT and Allied business
owners a good start may be to join the
newly re-organized "Tulsa Rainbow
Business Organization'' TuRBO.
CD. Ward /Editor in Chief
National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force Lauds Efforts of State and
Local Leaders
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 - The
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
hailed today's defeat of a proposed
Massachusetts constitutional amendment
seeking to ban same-sex marriage and
create civil unions. The measure was
defeated today by a vote of 157 to 39 by
the state Legislature meeting in a joint
constitutional convention, having passed
the body in March, 2004 bv a vote of
105-92. Had it passed tod;y, it would
have been on the statewide ballot in
November, 2006.
"Today's vote proves that dogged
grassroots organizing can change legislative
votes" said Matt Foreman, executive director
of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
"MassEqualiry and its campaign director
Marty Rouse have done an extraordinary job
and we are very proud to be on-the-ground
partners with them in preserving marriage
equality in the one state where it now exists."
"The reality of thousands of our marriages
in Massachusetts showed the utter fallacy of
our opponents' arguments and dire ·
predictions," Foreman said. "Not on!v did
the crops not wither, the Red Sox wo~ the
World Series and the Patriots took the Super
"This victory is especially sweet. The
Legislature's resounding defeat of the meanspirited
amendment to strip away our right
~o marry af:u:ms and echoes the courageous
stand of our state's Supreme judicial Court.
In its Goodridge decision, the Court conferred
full recognition of our famiiies' human
dignity and goodness and today, our
Legislature agreed," said Cambridge resident
Sue Hyde, a longtime Task Force staffer and
CG-founder and board member of
Lambda Legal Offers
Assistance to LGBT
Survivors of
Hurricane Katrina
Who Experience Discrimination -
Launches Toll- Free Hotline
NEW YORK, September 12, 2005 -
Today Lambda Legal announced
plans for outreach to LGBT survivors of
Hurricane Katrina who may experience
discrimination in services provided by
relief agencies because of their sexual
orientation, gender identity or HIV
"Tragedy does not discriminate and
neither should relief agencies," said Kevin
Cathcart, Executive Director of Lambda
Legal. "In our experience during the
aftermath of September 11, LGBT people
face compounded difficulties because on
top of the disaster they face
discrimination when it comes to
recognizing their relationships, leading to
even more hardship at the worst moment
Lambda Legal is reaching out to a
vari~ty of agencies, including gay and
lesbian centers near the area impacted by
the. hurricane and around the country,
asking them to distribute a flier outlining
forms of discrimination gay men,
lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people or
people with HIV · ence after
disasters. Lambda L unched a toll
free hotline {866-542-8336} for use by
displaced LGBT people to reach the
organization's Legal Help Desk. Lambda
Legal staff from the organization's South
Central Regional Office, located in
Dallas, are also working with LGBT
community leaders in Houston, where
much of New Orleans' gay community is
temporarily assembling.
Please contact us if you or people you
know are being:
* Kept out of or been mistreated bv a
shelter or other facilitv,; because of '"J ou~•
sexual orientation, gender identitv or
HTV . ✓
i status. .. ........ Conunued pg-9
Page 5
Travel Gui
Once the
mining and
Pittsburgh ha
· cent
, ed
software de
pollution ha
eradicated, a
industrial sit
films an
Out of Town
which celebrates the life of the late pop
art icon, who grew up in nearby
Oakland. Created inside an eight-story
1911 warehouse, the museum contains
more than 4.000 works and is an
outstanding,· engaging, and often very
funnv museum, laid out with abundant
co~r=nentary on Warhol's life (and his
homosexuality). Close by are the
Carnegie Science Center, the National
Aviary, and the Mattress Facto1:7, known
for its provocative, larger-than-life .
installations created by visiting artists m
South of downtown, the city rises
sharply above the Monongahela River
tow~rd Mt. Washington, a workaday
neighborhood with spectacular :iews of
downtown. Ride up the slope via the
historic Monongahela Incline, which
. leads to a viewing platform and a small
museum. A short drive east is the
bohemian South Side, a repository of
funky shops, galleries, and eateries that
once anchored Pittsburgh's Lithuanian
and Polish communities.
Still farther east of downtown,
Oakland was built from the gobs of
money aenerated during Pittsburgh's b .
industrial heydav and today contains
hospitals, unive;siries, and ·high-tech
firms. Forbes and 5th avenues anchor the
Universitv of Pittsburgh and formidably
endowed, Carnegie Mellon University
campuses. Be sure to visit the C~rnegie
Museums of Art and Natural History,
which contain well-conceived
architectural and decorative arts exhibits,
a cache of artifacts from ancient Egypt,
and the nation's third-largest dinosaur
coliecdon. Nearby Schenley Park, ideal
for 'a stroll. is anchored by the 1893
Phipps ca'nservatory, comprising 13
rooms of exotic flora.
East of Oakland is Shadyside, a
gentrified patch of neatly kep: yards and
attractive old homes, many ot them gayowned.
Ellswor~h Avenue (around the
5800 block) has several gay-popular
eateries and businesses, and more chichi
Walnut Street (along the 5500 block)
holds mid- to high-end chain stores.
It's a short drive east to Clayton, the
former estate of industrialist Henry Clay
Frick ir now consists of a magnificent
mansion and other historic
outbuildiogs,inciuding rhe Frick Art and
HiHorical Center, which has an
outstanding collection of European
m·aster paintings.
If you're looking for a bite t0 eat,
head b;ck w the Strip to dine at Kaya,
part of Pittsburgh's extremely "familyfriendly"
Big Burrito restaurant grou~ ..
Kaya presents creative Caribbe~n fooa tn
a noisv but fun warehouse settmg. There
are se~eral other great Big Burrito
hangouts around town, among them
Soba Lounge, a Pan-Asian fave in
Shadyside, and Casbah, ai: elegant but
whimsical spot in East Liberty
specializing in Mediterranean cuisine.
Off the lobbv of the Downtown
Courtyard Marri~tt, Sonoma Grille
presents innovative Wine Co:1ntry-_
inspired food, along with an mcredible
vino list. It's a great place to take a
special date. On Mt. Washin~ton,
consider the Monterey Bay Ftsh Grotto,
whose contemporary seafood fare (like
macadamia-crusted sea bass) draws almost
as many "wows" as the knockout skyline
The South Side has plenty of great
restaurants, among them City Grill, a
hallowed burger joint where the juicy
patties are hardwood-grilled in_ an oldfashioned
coal-fired oven. A btt more
refined and romantic, Le Pommier Bistro
serves exceptional but reasonably priced
country French fare. Nearby, swelldegant
Tuscany Cafe _ a cross. betw~en. a
java joint and a cocktail bar 1s a fa,•onte
spot for people-watching.
Known simply as the "Big O" by the
students and locals who pig out here,
Oakland's Original Hot Dog Shop doles
out huge portions of greasy food - french
fries hot dogs the size of full-grown
dachshunds at rock-bottom prices.
Shadyside's quintessentially queer video
lounge and cafe, 5801 is a hip but
friendly place for cocktails, good homestyle
cooking, and great conversanon.
For a hearty breakfast or lunch, pop
inside the friendly Square Cafe, a homey
neighborhood spot in the ~verse Regent
Square neighborhood s~rvmg hefty
sandwiches. omelets, Be,gtan waffles, and
buttermilk ·pancakes. In up-and-coming
Lawrenceville, Ray's Marlin Beach Bar
and Grill serves a ,.vide range of imponed
and microbrewed beers plus Caribbeaninspired
seafood and creative coi:nfort
fare, from chicken potpie to stutfed meat
loaf. .. ,.continued pg28
Page 7
One step closer to protections for
GLBT Americans.
September 14, 2005
WASHINGTON - The U.S. House of
Representatives today passed the Local
Law Enforcement Hate Crimes
Prevention Act by an overwhelming 223
to 199 bipartisan vote, taking a historic
step toward giving law enforcement the
tools they need to enforce and prosecute
hate crimes against gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender Americans. The measure
was passed as an amendment to H.R.
3132, the "Children's Safety Act."
"Hate crimes send a message of fear
and Congress answered with a powerful
law enforcement tool," said HRC
President Joe Solmonese. 'We must
ensure that some of the most heinous
crimes are fully prosecuted and enforced.
Members of the House, Democrats and
Republicans alike, historically signaled
todav that local law enforcement officials
dese~e the tools this bill would provide
toward fighting the scourge of hate
"Every American child deserves the
strongest protections from some of this
country's most horrifying crimes," said
Judy Shepard, mother of Matthew
Shepard and HRC board member. "The
House of Representatives answered our
call today by passing a bill that would
give law enforcement officials important
crime-fighting tools. This makes families
stronger. It makes America stronger."
Reps. Barney Frank, D-Mass.; Ileana
Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla.; John Conyers Jr.,
D-Mich.; Christopher Shays, R-Conn.;
and Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; are the
lead sponsors of the original bill, which
would add actuai or perceived sexual
orientation, gender, gender identity and
disability to federal hate crime laws. It
would give grants to the states to help
prosecute these crimes and allow federal
assistance in cases where needed to fully
prosecute hate crimes.
The measure enjoys strong bipartisan
support and is endorsed by more than
175 law enforcement, civil rights, civic
and religious organizations, including;
the National Sheriffs' Association,
Inttrnacional Association of Chiefs of
Police, U.S. Conference of Mayors,
Federal Law Enforcement Officers
Association and many others.
Poll after poll continues to show that
the American public supports hate
crimes legislation inclusive of sexual
orientation, including a Kaiser Family
Foundation poll released in November
2001 showing that 73 percent of
Americans supporting hate crimes
legislation that includes sexual
orientation and a Lake Snell Perry &
Associates poll in August 2002 showing
chat 68 percent of likely voters support
hate crimes laws for transgender
AIDS Alliance,
Katrina AIDS
Alliance Emergency
Ths fund will support the emergency
needs of families and young people living
with HIV/ AIDS served by Ryan White
CARE Act Title IV programs in
Louisiana and Mississippi. These
emergency funds will be disbursed
directly through local programs.
Money raised through the Katrina AIDS
Alliance Emergency Fund is being distributed
to Ryan White CARE Act Title IV clinics
and programs in the affected areas to meet
emergency needs of women, children, youth,
and families living with HIV and AIDS. This
inciudes programs and clinics in J.(arrinadevastated
areas, as w::11 as programs that are
absorbing displaced individuals and families
needing care.
About 8,000 peopie with HIV and
AIDS who were displaced by Hurricane
Katrina now face the massive challenge of
trying to manage their disease without
their doctors, their clinics and their
support systems. For more Info go to:
Page 8
* Denied access to needed HIV
medications or care
* Denied help, services or the ability to
assert legal nghts because you are ( or
were) in a same-sex relationship and not
* Kept from your or other family
members, or denied the ability to take
action on their behalf because you don't
have a formal legal relationship
* Asked to provide documents to prove
your relationship or ownership of
property when married people are not
* Turned away or mistreated by a private
or public relief agency based on religious
views about LGBT or HIV-affected
* Mistreated in temporary or permanent
foster care
* Denied the right to handle the affairs of
a deceased loved one
"If individuals or couples within the
LGBT or HIV community are denied
services because of their sexual
orientation, gender identity or HIV
status, I encourage them to call one of
our help desks around the countrv "
Cathcart said. · '
· Lambda Legal Help Desk Numbers:
Toll Free Hotline 866-542-8336
South Central Regional Office (Dallas):
. 214-219-8585 Southern Regional Office
(Atlanta): 404-897-1880 National
Headquarters (New York): 212-809-8585
Midwest Regional Office (Chicago): 312-
663-4413 Western Regional Office (Los
Angeles): 213-382-7600 A printable flier
is available by following the link on the
homepage at www.iambdalegal.org.
Lisa Hardaway 212-809-8585 ext.266;
Cell: 402-369-2104 Lambda Legal is a
national organization committed to
achieving full recognition of the civil
rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals,
transgender people and those with HIV
through impact litigation, education and
public policy work.
'Members of Congress are fighting for
more than 2 million federal workers while
a Bush appointee tries to chisel away at
protections,' said HRC President Joe
Sept. 15, 2005
WASHINGTON - Legislation that
would clarify existing law to ensure
protections from anti-gay discrimination
in the federal workplace was passed
today by a unanimous voice vote in the
House Government Reform Committee.
Introduced by Reps. Henry Waxman, DCalif.,
and Chris Shays, R-Conn., the
Clarification of Federal Employment
Protections Act became necessary after
President Bush's appointee at the Office
of Special Counsel began rolling back
protections in existence since the Carter
"Members of Congress are fighting
for more than 2 million federal workers
while a Bush appointee tries to chisel
away at protections," said HRC
President Joe Solmonese. "This measure
would halt the rollback of a law
preventing anti-gay discrimination that
has existed for three decades. Today's
vote was an important step toward
restoring these critical protections. Our
thanks extend to Representatives Henry
Waxman, Chris Shavs and Tom Davis
for their leadership.;'
For more than two decades, a federai
statute, the Civil Service Reform Act of
1978, has been interpreted to prohibit
discrimination based on sexual
orientation in the workplace for federal
empioyees. Special Counsel Scott Bloch.
who heads one of the federai agencies ·
responsible for investigating and settling
claims of workplace discrimination,
claimed at a Senate hearing in May tl:at
he lacks authority to investigate or ac;: on
continued page-32
Page 9
September 14 * October 23, 2005 The Cimarron Alliance Foundation. in
partnership with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and other communit"f,
civic and religious•baacd orgaoaations is pleased to bring to Okiaboma City an
exhibition on the Holocaust unique to Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Holocaust
ExbiQition • offered FREE to the pubiic - began Wednesday,
Sq,tcmber 14 and will remain through Satmday, October 23, 2005, in downtQwo
Oklahoml City at Untitled (ArtSpace], t NE 3rd Street. The gallery hours for the
exhibition will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 11am to
4pm; Friday 11am to 8pm and Sunday 1 pm m 4pm. For more information go
It's alJ liappe1:1ing at lhfi Ba.mlwi1 .l m1t fut· Yott! Open i 2noon fo 2am daily Page 1 l
de ents
We D<iit ti
EureRa Sprinqs. Adzansas
Nov 4, s.&. 6
It will be RAINING . ...
.Earl mheeler .
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Glenpool, OK 74Ql:3.. ·
.-, 918.291.EARL(3275)
615 E Memorial
(405) 755-8600
Springfield, MO
TLC Priscilla's
1918 S. Glenstone
(417) 881-8444
Tulsa, OK
7925 E 41st
(918) 627-4884
Tulsa, OK
5634 W. Skelly
(918) 446-6336
Tulsa, OK
11344 E. 11th
(918) 438-4224
Tulsa, OK
2333 E. 71st
(918) 499-1661
Page 13
Mister Sunshine
State: Gage Gatlyn,
I wins Mr. Gay USA,
Gage Gatlyn, Master Illusionist, a native
of Jacksonville, Florida traveled to
Hickory North Carolina Labor Day
weekend to compete in National
Pageant, Mr. Gay USA, FMI (For Male
Impersonators). Gage Gatlyn qualified
for USA, FMI in the Mr. NC, USA
Preliminary. After 3 scressfoi , yet funfilled
days at Club Cabaret, he was
named the new Mr. Gav USA, FMl
2006, and was rhe winner of every
category. His 1st Runner up is Cord
Long of Michigan and 2nd Runner up is
Devin Dame of Ohio. The title was
turned over by Chase Thompson of
The Competition included 17
contestants from 9 different states, and
they brought IT! It was hiswry in the
making for USA, FMI. Mr. Gay USA
just celebrated 20 years of the Gay
pageantry system.
When asked if she planed to be
traveling this year now that she holds a
USA Title, Gage replied, "I plan on
entertaining at every preliminary for Mr.
Gay USA, FMI, and even prelims and
National Pageants of other categories of
USA Unlimited Pageantry System. To
show the rest of the Nation that Drag
Kings are not what they used to be. The
standards ha,e changed and we are on the
road to sharing a stage with our sisters on
a regular basis:i: not just on Drag King
nights. Some of us work just as hard and
go through just as much to make the
illusion on that stage, therefore we
deserve the opportunity to be seen".
Gage Gatlyn will be performing at
Ben's Club 1022, Fort Smith, Saturday,
November 12th!
For more information and schedule go
to www.gagegatlyn.boilingpoint.us
Marsha Stevens in
J lin Oct. 1st
Famous for her song, "For Those Tears I
Died" Stevens became the first (and as of
2002, the only) major singer in the
contemporary Christian music subculture to
identify herself publicly .ts a lesbian .....
Christian Century Magazine has said that
Stevens bec~me "conservative Christianj~/s
worst nightmare a Jesus-loving, Biblebeiieving,
God-fearing lesbian Chrisrian."
Marsha will be performing at MCC
_Toplin 6pm Oct 1st. Page 15
"'Momma always said; Don't say you don't
lilie it until you've tried it!"
2 cups Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Cumin
1 tbsp Chili Powder
1/2 tsp Thyme
1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1/2 tsp White Pepper
Mix all ingredients together and set aside.
4 12-16 oz Salmon Filets (1/4-1/2 inch
1 cup Bro~n Mustard
2 tbsp Cream Horse Radish Sauce
Take brown sugar mixture and rub
gently over both sides of Salmon filets.
These may be cooked 2 wavs. Preferablv
grilled or broiled in an ove~. If grilling, '
cook for 15-20 minutes. If broiling, cook
for 10-12 minutes (about 165 deg
Mix brown mustard and horse radish
sauce together. Lightly brush on filets
during the last five minutes of cooking.
Save enough to serve on the side.
Serve fish over Spanish Rice of Rice Pilaf.
Hint: Serve with a nice Merlot
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 47.11
Joplin, Mo 64803
Sunday Service 6PM
conjunction with AIDS Project of the
ks, MCC Joplin offers fr~e HIV
g the last Sunday of each month
een 5PM and 6PM. For your
nvenience you can also call 206-6179 for
appointment. We use the Ora~sure
ethod which does not require the use of
and we offer complete
nfidentiality. You may :1lso request
oklets on AIDS for People of Faith
rough the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Seroing A Healthier Community"
Page 16
Mary Mary Quite Contrary,
How does your garden growl
What makes a garden? So powerful
are the impressions made by flowers
and foliage, it is tempting to think of
the_ garden as essentially a place in
which plants grow. Gardens are,
however, first and foremost for
people whose preferences and requirements
can be very different. You
might relish the idea of honing your
garde~ng s½:ills and making a special
collection ot plants. But creating a
pleasant, low maintenance setting for
outd_o_or !ivin~ is an equally legitimate
amb1t1on. At its most rewarding, a
garden is a highly personal creation,
one that happily reconciles your idea
of what is best for vou with the
potential of the are; that is available.
The way you want to use the
garden area affects the way vou
organize the space within it; boundaries.
This will be reflected in the
relative weight given to hard landscaping,
such as paving, walls, the
planted areas, or soft iandscaping. I
pr~fer it hard!, but a little soft is also
enjoyable, but if, for example, vou
want the garden to be an outd~or
room for entertaining, you will
probablf need a large area of paving
or decking. If your passion is plants
or you want to grow fruits or vegetables,
you might make do with
narrow paths crisscrossing planted
~rea~. A pond may be high on your
list tf you wish to attract wildlife into
your property. Once you have
thought through how you want to
use your garden and how to best
exploit the site you can start planning
how you want it to look.
In the following months we will
explore °:ore aspects of gardening,
plant vanety, maintenance and tips
fo~ a number of problem's that may
October is the month for mums and
pansies. My personal favorite variety
of chrysanthemum is "Salmon Faire;'
a beautiful florists mum with
pompom shaped salmon pink
flowerheads, 1 1 / 2 inches across in
late autumn. Pansies come in a large
variety of colors and are an excellent
choice for fall winter or spring color.
Pansies will winter in our region quite
well although snow will bring on a
dormant period. They prefer well
drained soil and will take full sun in
cool temperatures. So, if anyone calls
you a pansy, just say THANK YOU!
And on that note it's time to close
for now. I hope you will enjoy the
columns but remember ........ ..
"Yo,u mcaank lead a bar-to-culture, but you cant e her think"
Till next time, see you in the dirt.
Page 17
Josh Aterovis, Author
Opinions Founded
on Prejudice
The great Scottish judge and literarv
critic Francis J effrev once said ·
"Opinions fo~ndel on prejudi~e are
always sustained with the greatest of
violence." He was most likely referring
to the ferocity of a verbal argument, but
his sentiment holds true in every sense of
the word violence. As lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender issues have
come to the forefront on an international
scale, organized attacks and violence
against the LGBT communitv has
increased exponentially. ,
Several countries saw ·violence erupt at
their Pride events this year. In July, Erik
Shkapars, the executive direcwr Latvia's
capital Riga, canceled the city's pride
celebration, but a judge ruled that the
parade could go on. When several dozen
brave gays and lesbians showed up to
march through the cemer of the cicy
demanding justice for sexual minori<iP<
they found themselves vastly ·--~,
outnumbered by anri-gay demonstrators.
The protes::s turned violence when the
anti-gay crowd began throwiDg rotten
eggs and insults, and scuffles with the
police broke out.
A similar scene played out in Poland
a month earlier when more than 2500
people marched through the streets of
Warsaw in defian£.Lof the city's mayor;
who had also canceled all gay pride
celebrations. Once again, eggs and insults
were tossed, bur that time, marchers
were physically attacked by protestors.
Things got even uglier at Jerusalem's
pride parade. More than a thousand
protestors threw bottles of urine and
bags of feces at marchers. Three people
were stabbed in a series of attacked by
religious extremist.
In Australia, the Victorian Gay and
Lesbian Rights Lobby reports that
Violence and harassment against gays and
lesbians in Victoria is increasing to
"unacceptably high levels."
According to Human Rights First; in
France, violent hate crimes against gay
men more than doubled from 2002 to
Even in Canada, where gay marriage
was recently legalized, violence against
gays and lesbians has increased.
Criminologist and author Doug Janoff
says violence against homosexuals in
Canada is more "frenzied" and intense
than that perpetrated against other
victims of violent crime.
Unfortunately, the U.S. is at the
forefront of anti-gay attacks. This
summer was an especially violent one for
the LGBT community. In July alCl!le,
there were four separate LGBT-related
arson attacks around the country. On
July 9, a gay-friendly United Church of
Christ congregation in Middlebrook,
Virginia was damaged in a fire set after
the arsonist wrote a message on the
exterior of the church calling its
members sinners. Two weeks later, the
only gay club in Fayetteville, Arkansas
was torched for the second time in iess
than a month. Studio 716 was destroved
by the second blaze. A week later, a gay
club in Brownsville, Texas was gurted by
fire. Then, just davs ia;:er. a Florida
couple were the victims ~f a targeted hate
crime when their home was set ablaze
and "Die Fag" was spray painted on their
front steps.
It was a violent summer for gays in
New York City as well. There were
neariy one hundred attacks on gays in
the City this summer. In June and 1uly
alone there were 85 viole~t hate cri~e~
Continued next page: Page 18
against NYC gays and the number rose
almost ~aily in August. According to
the Ant1-V1olence Project, hate crime
against gays were about 6% above
average in 2004.
. In fact, violence against gays is on the
nse. on a natio_n.al level. According to the
National Coalition of Anti-Violence
Programs' _annuai report released in
April, reported anti-gay violence rose
4% between 2003 and 2004. Included in
the rise in incidents for the year was an
11 % increase in anti-LG BT ~urders. In
2003, NCA VP's report on hate violence
detailed a 26% increase in anti-LGBT
"This year's report has to be viewed
as a follow-up ro our report from a year
a~o," Clarence Patton, acting executive
director of the NCA VP said. "In the last
edition of this report it became all too
clear that with respect to violence the
nation's LGBT communities had '
entered a very new, :i.nd very dangerous
era in which all of us were under attack
at levels not seen in recent vears."
So what is at the root of this
increased hatred and violence against
LGBT peopl~? Certainly, it is partially
the resu_lt of increased visibility. Violent
attacks Jumped dramatically following
the Supreme Court's decision striking
down sodomy laws and Massachusetts's
allowing s~me-sex couples to marry.
They cono_nued to rise as many states
passed antt-gay ballot initiatives. the
President repeatedly called for ~
cons?tutional amendment banning gay
marnage, and the LGBT communitt
foun~ itself ~eing used as a wedge is;ue
by Right-Wmg politicians during the
2004 eiection process.
Some believe it's even more insidious
than mere exposure, however. The
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
lay the blame on conservative religious
"The literal blood of the thousands
of gay people physically wounded b·,
hate during 2004 is on the hands of jerry
Falwell, James Dobson, Tony Perkins
and_ so m~y others who spe-~ hate fo;
p~msan ¥am and personal enrichment,"
said NGLTF Executive Director Mat
He codd be right
S~dies have concluded that polincal
hate-dnven messages have been directly
connected to violence a=inst gav and
1 b
. 1 b- ,
es tan peop,e. Constant hate speech
from r~l~g10us leaders demonizing gays
and lesbians musr have the same effect.
E-..-ery time Falwell, Dobson.
Robertson, or Phelps denou~ce gavs as
sinners, they are so-wing the seeds ~f
bigotry and reinforcing the prejudice
many already feel towards LGBT
T~e most recent example of this
came rn wake of the devastation of
Katrina .• ~n evangelical Christian group
that calls itself Repent America made a
public statement blaming the hurricane
on gays. "Although the loss of lives is
deeply saddening, this act of God
destroyed a wicked citv." director
·Michael Marcavage said:
When will this cvcle of hate and
viol.ence end? Only ~hen good people
begm _ to stand up and fight back against
the bigotry and intolerance. As Dr.
~artin Luther King Jr. once wrote, "We
will have to repent in this generation
not merely for the hateful words and
actions of the bad people but for the
appa~ng silence of the good people."
Its up to us and our allies to bring
about change. We must elecr fairminded
men_ and women who will fight
for equality m our legislative halls. We
mu~t. encourage and support those
poli~c1ans who are striving to protect
and 1mprove the lives of all minorities.
We need to applaud those brave
religious leaders and groups who stand
up and denounce discrimination and
bigotry. Most importantly, we need to
make our voices heard. Speak up for
what you believe is right. Do not
b~come a part of the appalling silence.
We cannot afford to allow those
opinion founded on prejudice to go
Th~ ~iews expressed in this column are my
opinion~ only. :You don't have to agree with
them. I jUSt ask that you read them with an
open heart and mind.
Page 19
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Summary : Past Out is a retrospective
of key momen_ts, personalities, and
subjects in L<JBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life lry
exploring the div&sity of the gtt:y past
and its impact on the queer present.
What is the ,history of the .
Metropolitan Community Church?
Because they have often experienced
homophobia in their religions of origin,
LGBT people have formed lesbian and
gay groups within specific
denominations, as well as an entirely •
new LGBT religious organization, the•
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches (MCC).
MCC was founded by the Rev. Elder
Troy D. Perry, a defrocked Protestant
minister. Perry was licensed as a Baptist
preacher when he was 15, married at age
18, and became a pastor in two different
Pentecostal churches. In the early 1960s,
he came put as gay, leading to a. divorce
from his :wife and dismissal from the
ministry. At age 27, after having
attempted suicide following a failed love
affair with a man, Perry realized that
God loved .him as he was, and felt called
to start a new church to serve the gay
Perry held the first MCC service in
the living room of his suburban Los
Angeles home on Oct. 6, 1968. Twelve
people attended, including friends and a
few individuals who had seen an ad in
_ The Advocate_, then a local gay
newspaper. Perry's first sermon, "Be
True to You," was inspired by Polonius'
advice to his son in _Hamlet_.
The church expanded rapidly, and
within a few I)J.Onths had outgrown
Perry's living room. The budding
congregation first m.oved to a theater in
Hollywood, theri. bought and
refurbished a dilapidated building. Soon,
MCC congregations began to spring up
in other cities, including Chicago,
Honolulu, San Diego, and San Francisco.
In 1972, two dozen affiliates were·
formally organized as the Univ.ersal ·
Fellowship of Metropolitan Community
Churches, with Perry serving as
moderator .. The fellowship has since
grown to nltply 300 congregations
comprising sbme 43,000 members - in 48
states and more than 20 countries.
Not everyone was happy about the
new church's success .. In 1973, the Los
Angeles congregation's recently dedicated
building was burned down, the first of
some 20 arsons and fire-bombings at
MCC churches. Later that same vear, a
fire at a New Orleans gay bar us~d for
MCC services claimed the. lives ,of 32
people, including the pastor and nearly
half the congregation.
Perry always,intended that MCC
should be an ecumenical Christian
church, and {tom its first days it attracted
people frpm diverse religious
backgrounds. Drawing upon Pentecostal,
Episcopal, Presbyterian, and other ..
malnline Protestant traditions; MCC .
retains many tenets of Christian doc:trine,
but promotes a reading of the Bible :that
accepts gay people. "Jesus never orice .
mentioned or condemned : ·
homosexuality,:' wrqte Pe:1;tt. "Jesus spent
a lot of time talking-about Iov~ - and
that's something that's missingjti both
the rhetoric and actions of an~y;
religious,. groups." A few congregations
have taken . · · ·. .
the fello_;;;hip's ecw:neni~in • tp -~ n~vi
levd; San Francisco's MCC .. Bills itself as.
"a home for queer sp· · · ·
the first to .hold
Since the
clergy and Jay members'h~ve ta~en an
active role in the LGBT civiVrights .
movement. Tlie original MCC. was oom
in the midst of a · · of police
harassment of gay . Angeles,
which resulted in the arrest of one of
Perry's close friends'. In ·March 1977, •
Perry was among the first gay and lcsqi~
leaders to meet with White House staff.·· In
1981, MCC Toronto's.pastor, the Rev._
Brent Hawkes, held a month-long fast to
protest that city's raids on gay
bathhouses, and in 1987 Perry was among
the. LGBT leaders arrested during a ma$S
civil disobedience outside the Supreme
Court to protest the _Bowers vs.
Hardwick_ sodomy ruling . .. cont-next pg.
From the outset, MCC has recognized
the validity of gay and lesbian
relationships, and has played a key role
in the ongoing struggle for same-sex
marriage. Perry conducted MCC's first
same-sex union ceremony just months
after the church's first rn'eeting, and in
1970 filed the first-ever lawsuit
demanding that the state of California
recognize same-sex marriages. In
conjunction with the marches on
Washington in 1987, 1993, and 2000,
Perry conducted mass commitment
ceremonies for thousands of same-sex
couples. In January 2001, MCC
Toronto's Hawkes performed a wedding
for a gay and a lesbian couple following
the ancient tradition of banns, under
which marriages may legally be
performed without a license if the intent
to marrv is announced in advance and no
one obf ects. Although Ontario
authorities refused to record the
marriages, the action set in motion a
series of lawsuits that legalized same-sex
marriage throughout most of Canada.
When Perry founded MCC, he
expected that mainline churches would
change their teachings about
homosexuality, and that gay people
would then "go home" to their own
denominations. As it happened, the
failure of other denominations to fully
embrace LGBT people ensured MCC's
survival, and MCC's success, in turn,
helped spur some other religious
institutions to re-examine their views
concerning homosexuality. While debate
still rages within several denominations
over issues such as the blessing of samesex
unions and the role of LGBT clergy,
MCC continues to provide a welcoming
spiritual home for thousands of LGBT
people throughout the worid.
For further reading:
Perrv. Troy. 1972, 1987. _ The Lord Is
My Shepherd and He Knows I'm Gay _
(Liberty Press).
Perry, Troy, and Thomas Swicegood.
1990. Don't Be Afraid Anymore: The
Storv ;;f Reverend Troy Perry and the
Met~opolitan Commu~ity Chu:ches~
(St. Martin's).
Page 23
Page 24
_Libby Post is the founding chair of
the Empire State Pride Agenda and a
politicai commentator on pubiic radio,
on the Web, and in print media.
Lesbian Notions
by Libby Post
Is That a
Promise or a
, Threat?
Repent America, yet another Christian
Right we-take-the-Bible-as-literal-fact group,
reveis in its belief that Hurricane Katrina was
God's vengeance on New Orleans, a city,
according to the group's website, that "had
its doors wide open to the public celebration
of sin."
They're referring to "Southern
Decadence," an annual end-of-summer
extravaganza that, before Katrina hit, was
slated to bring in o,'er $100 million in
tourism dollars to New Orleans' business communiry.
That $100 million is part of what has become the· $640 billion lesbian and gay
market in this country. While smail compared to what the lesbian and gay market is
worth nationaily, $100 million spent in any city isn't anything to sneeze at. The gay
dollar is strong in all 50 states and getting stronger, much to the chagrin of those, like
the folks at Repent America, who blame us for everything that in their view is not
Christian and right.
Citing moral authority over corporate America, :he Christian Right has long tried
to keep businesses from supporting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
community. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) kick-starred various Christian
Right-based embargos with their boycott of Disney in 1997. SBC, along \vith the
American Family Association (AF A) and Focus on the Family, contended that the
roof on the house the mouse built provided shelter for the wrong type of people us.
All three accused Disney of pursuing a "homosexual agenda" in providing domesticpartner
benefits to employees and permitting Gay Days at their parks.
Eight years later, the Christian Right gave up. Plain and simple - it didn't work.
Disney thrived despite the boycott. Besides, I'm sure it was getting difficult for young
Southern Baptists to expiain to their kids why they couldn't go to see Mickey and
But the Magic Kingdom ·was only the beginning. Bush's re-election gave the
Christian Right a shot of adrenaline, and it's got;:en savvier about intimidating
business in this country. Instead of calling for an outright boycott, it just threatens
one - maybe the threats are more effective tnan the real thing.
As fast as you could say "economic sanctions,'' the _A.FA went after Procter and
Gamble for supporting gay rights legislation in Cincinnati last fall. P&G
underestimated the frenetic response of AFA members - they're said to have
mobilized 400,000 people througnout ;:he country •o sign boycott pledges to pressure
the corporate giant. In the long nm, some heads rolied at P&G, and gay ad dollars
dried up. It will be interesting to see if Crest or Tide is advertised during _ Will and
Grace_ or _Queer Eye_ thi~ season.
Concerned Women for America (CWA), another Christian Right front group, has
targeted Starbucks. It seems the java king has various quotes pnnted on its ubiquitous
green-and-white cups a~ part of its "T'he W'ay I See It" series One of the quotes is
from Armistead r-.faupin. author of __ Tales of the City_ The quote reads "My only
regret about being gay is that I repressed it so bng. I surrendered my vomh to the
people T feared \-:.:hen T could ha Ye been our there hJYing so1ncone. l)on ~t make that
Lesbian Notions
mistake yourself. Life's ;:oo damn short." CW A should take a lesson from Maupin -
life is to~J damn short and they should be worrying about qumes on coffee cups. But,
aias, it is the group's calling to uphold biblical teachings and thus organize against all
things gay. .
Need a vacation from all this Christian Right craziness? Go to the City of
Brotheriy Love which, by the way, is ,vhere Repent America is headquartered - and
you'll find thev actuallv want us there. The Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing
Corporation spent S1 ~illion on an ad campaign to lure lesbian and gay tourists to
the ·citv. It worked. After a 14-month campaign, the group found that we came, we
saw, a~d we spent! In fact, it seems we spend more money when we stay overnight
than our straight counterparts do. For every dollar that was spent to get us to the
city, the city's tourism coffers realized S153 - that's quite a return on investment.
So what are corporate America and the small-business community to do? Does
would-be moral authority trump the American Dream of making a profit?
In the long run, we ;re a capitalist nation, and money talks. Maybe it's time to
bring our the "Gay Money" rubber stamps from our memorabilia shoeboxes and start
using them again. Perhaps the next time you go to Starbucks you should let them
know you're a member of the LGBT community and you appreciate their support.
When the Christian Right threatens a boycott, write the corporate execs and tell
them not to capitulate. When you travel with your partner, send a clear message to
the hoteiier or B&B and book a room with a queen-or king-size bed, not two
doubles. They may not know you're queer when you book, but they'll certainly
know it when you check in!
\'{ie're worth $640 billion a vear in this coumry. Let's show corporate America
and the small-business community just how green the rainbow flag can be. By doing
so, we can help them ward off the likes of the Christian Right and reclaim the moral
high ground.
Quality web newsprint at affordable prices
405-478-4009 • 6725 N. Miramar Blvd. Okla City. OK 73111
Page 25
Rsk o
Advice Column!
October 2005
Salutations everyw-!iere Kittens. Uncle Mikey
once more on the s\;ene. You know, as the recent
developments in ou~\southern states occurred,
Uncle has found himself pondering, how our
wonderful country shall recover from the terrible
effects, of the real storm in our country, simply
called Bush. Between that and trying to get my
damn nails to dry evenly, a thought occurred to
me, Gay men have been saying it for years, No
more Bush!
Uncle Mikey:
I have been having this affair for six months. My boyfriend does not suspect a thing.
He thinks I a.m working a lot of overtime and he trusts me. I feel crappy, but
sexually, I was bored. Now, the man I have been seeing is demanding more and
threatening to tell my boyfriend if I do not give him what he wants. I don't want to
lose my boyfriend. I just do not know how to get myself out of this one? Help!
Lost Lover
Dearest Lover:
Kitten, Uncle must tell you, we reap ~ha.t we sow darling and I am afraid there is no
wa.y out of this without feeling the wrath of scorned love. The mature thing to do
would be to tdl your boyfriend what you have been up to. Devote yourself to him,
and making it anew, deal with this home wrecker as one. However, know this, once
you and your lover have made it through this turmoil of <lea.ling with Mr. Fata.I
attraction, you a.re next on the agenda. If you are serious a.bout earning back the trust,
you are going to have to take your medicine.
Good Luck Uncle
Kittens I have said it before and it stands true. Broken trust and love can be ~ended
with only the sincerest seeker. It is not a.n easy road however, one that you can find
redemption. You could also find a bunny in the p()t, so be warned. Uncle knows the
role of being betrayed, with husband number three, who held an insatiable appetite
for the delicacy of twinkalecious. Uncle, after buying himself a complete new
wardrobe, assured him the price is never bargain rates with this queen. He wa.s able to
manage his wondering eyes after that. The poor duck, did not know someone could
do such damage armed only with a gold card!
Dear Uncle:
I am so sick of gay people acting self-absorbed. It is no wonder why people think we
are such shallow people when most of them are. Why arc they?
I am sorry Kitten. Uncle caught his reflection in this new hat, which would make
Lady Kitty envious. Maybe I can ponder this later for you, after my tanning session
maybe. I must remember to give Sue Lee, a faithful hat-girl, a raise.
Dear Uncle:
Why do lesbians have such a mean streak in them? I have two friends and '\\c-henever
we go out, it is like walking on eggshells because they fight more than anyone I have
ever seen. I am almost over getting together with them at all. I fear where their
dramatics might lead with me in the middle. The Dike's friend
Dear Dike's Friend:
This is something Uncle has pondered, and in all truth, I think this is merely
Page 26
Ask Uncle Mikey:
good spirited foreplay. In truth, though
many may want to deny it, they arc
oassionate creatures. Kitten; think about
~ group of gay men at a dub. Eave you
ever seen a group of more .:han five gay
men get together without som~cme's
flame igniting? I did not think SC;. Li've
and let live. Encourage the two to
healthy physical activity in orcier to
sooth some of those pent up passions.
Maybe skydiving, I hear that bush diving
is almost a sport in itself; that is if its
done right.
Dear uncle:
My friend is a walking-breathing penis. I
mean he has no thoughts above the
waste. I have watched him sleep v.'ith
more men than I can count. I mean he
has at 26 years old, never had a
relationship that lasted longer than
orgasm. Brian is his hero from QAF, and
he thinks his lifestyle is all right. I keep
telling him that one day he is going to be
sorry for his behavior. How can I help
him see he needs something more in his
Plaver's friend
Dearest Kitten:
First things first, does he have a brother?
Ok I am som· Uncle must have drifted
the~c for a m~ment. Kitten, do I detect a
hint of jealousy in your words?
Alternatively, is it more that the item,
which is really fueling your desire, is just
that? Mavbe vou think vou are the one
to tame this ~ild stallio~. Uncle says go
for it, show him the benefits of
homemade desert in bed on a rniny day.
Kittens, live and let live, do we ha-,e to
continue to go over this. As long as
someone is open and honest with his or
her playmates, there is no harm in this
lifestyle. Playing safely and responsible,
is simply a choice. We are not all meant
for domestication; remember that!
Smooches Unde Mikey and Ticidles too!
Want more of Mikey? Visit Mikey's comer
at www.askunclemikey.com. Freelance
writer Michael Hinzman, joining
communities throughout Queerdom ...
New York's Gay
Penguins Split Up
(and one turns
By Benjamin Cohen
NEW YORK_One of New York's mo~t
famous gay couples has split up.
Silo and Roy two male chinstrap
penguins have been living together as
husband and husband for the past six
Since their relationship began, the
pair have successfully hatched and raised
an adopted chick, after they tried to
incubate a rock.
They also inspired six other gay
penguin couples at New York's Central
Park Zoo.
However, when Scrappy, a single
femaie arrived from Sea World Zoo in
San Diego, Silo's eye went wondering
and he moved out of his and Roy's nest
and moved in with Scrappy.
Quotable Quotes
"I nromise mv audience at least one J ,
shocking gay scene this year. People will
,vrite about thi~ once I'm done \Vith it.'.f'
"Desperate Housewives" creator 1viarc
Cherrv ro Oc1t mag:izinc, September
Page 27
Out of Town '·,"-,
Probably the most popular of the
downtown gay bars, Pegasus is a see-andbe-
seen dance-and-video lounge that's
especiaily popular for after-work
cocktails. The sprawling Pittsburgh
Eagle, in a barren industrial
neighborhood a 10-minute drive north of
downtown, draws huge crowds for
dancing on weekends. Donny's Place is a
lively· country-western dance bar with a
pool hall drawing a mixed-gender crowd.
Downstairs, there's a guy-oriented
basement nook known as Leather
Trendy types head to True Cafe and
Bartini, a snazzy lounge on the North
Side that exudes sophistication. Fans of
karaoke, pool, and videos congregate at
Images, an unpretentious and friendly
downtown spot, as well as the nearby
Liberty A venue Saloon, which serves
tasty pub fare, too. The low-keyed Reai
Luck Cafe sits a short walk from the
music clubs and restaurants in the Strip
and draws a mix of women and men.
Among accommodations, you can'{
beat either the location or the swank
decor of the Westin Convention Center,
which sits near Liberty Avenue's gay
nightlife and the Strip's rescaurams and
markets. But for sheer history, check
into the old-world Omni William Penn,
a 1916 beauty in the heart of downtown.
The excellent, mid-priced Courtyard
Marriott chain has two fine Pittsburgh
properties. In the Cultural District, the
Courtyard Marriott Pittsburgh
Downtown occupies four adjacent
historic buildings. A few miles east, the
Courtyard Marriott Shadyside/Oakland
is close to gay-popular shopping and
dining along Liberty and Ellsworth
A delightful South Side urban retreat,
the Victorian Morning Glory Inn is filled
with memorable touches, from an 1890
grand piano in the music room to lateafternoon
wine that you can enjoy on a
shaded terrace. Rooms have fine antiques,
tasteful fabrics, and luxe marble baths.
Another gay-friendly option, the Arbors
Bed & Breakfast occuoies a handsome
19th-century house o;;. 2 pastoral acres.
Rooms have cable TV with VCRs,
refrigerators, and unfussy but e!F-gant
On the North Side, the Priory is a highly
romantic inn created out of a comrcrted 1888
home for traveling Benedictine monks
and an 1852 German Catholic church.
Filled with Victorian antiques and
oozing character, the inn has a welltrained
staff committed to first-rate
service. Best of all, it's just a five-minute
walk from the wonderful Warhol
Museum. The iconoclastic pop artist
probably would have approved of
Pittsburgh's most gay-popular inn
occupying a former house of worship.
The Little Black Book
Arbors Bed & Breakfast (745 Maginn St.,
412-231-4643, www.arborsbnb.com).
Cafe Zao (649 Penn Ave., 412-325-7007).
Casbah (229 S. Highland Ave., 412-661-
5656). City Grill (2019 E. Carson St.,
412-481-6868). Courtyard Marriott
Pittsburgh Downtown (945 Penn Ave.,
Courtyard Marriott Shadyside/ Oakland
(5308 Liberty Ave., 412-683-3113,
www.courtyardshadyside.com). Donny's
Place (1226 Herron Ave., 412-682-9869).
5801 (5801 Ellsworth Ave., 412-661-
5600). Greater Pittsburgh Convention
and Visitors Bureau (877-LOVE-PGH,
www.visitpittsburgh.com). Images (965
Libertv Ave., 412-391-9990). Kaya (2000
Small~an St., 412-261-6565). Liberty
Avenue Saloon (941 Liberty Ave., 412-
338-1533). Monterey Bay Fish Grotto
(1411 Grandview Ave., 412-481-4114).
Morning Glory Inn (2119 Sarah St., 412-
Omni William Penn (530 William Penn
PL, 412-281-7100 or 800-THE-OMNI,
www.omnihotels.com). Original Hot
Dog Shop (3901 Forbes Ave., 412-687-
8327). Pegasus (818 Liberty Ave., 412-
281-2131). Pittsburgh Eagle (1740 Eckert
St., 412-766-7222). Pittsburgh
International Lesbian & Gay Film
Festival (412-232-3277, www.piigff.org).
Le Pommier Bistro (2104 E. Carson St.,
412-431-1901). The Priory (614. Pressley
St., 412-231-3338, www.thepriory.com).
Ray's Marlin Beach Bar and Grill (5121
Butler St., 412-781-6771). Real Luck Cafe
(1519 Penn Ave., 412-566-8988). Soba
Lounge (5847 Ellsworth Ave., 412-362-
5656). Sonoma Grille (947 Penn Ave.,
412-697-1336). Square Cafe (1137 S.
Braddock Ave., 412-244-8002).
Page 28
Minister Fired
provide witness that Mr. Urie has very
high women, gay and straight have
offered to standards and morals completing
his job with integrity and honesty"
Kenneth T: a straight man who helped
Mr. Urie with classes stated, "I may not
approve of Mr. Urie's life-style but
justice is justice and this is wrong. Never
at anytime did Mr. Urie conduct himself
other than professionally in the classes I
assisted with.''
"My concern is that at 55 years of age
and having been out since my 20's that
this could happen at this rime of my life.
I never thought a system that employees
so many people of alternate life-styles
would in fact use this as justification.
This system has an antidiscrimination
policy based on sexuai orientation clause
in their handbook yet does nothing to
protect it's staff members against being
held to a double standard." " I encourage
evervone to understand that they DO
NOT have protection under the law as
long as we remain second class citizens.
We MUST work in every state and at the
·Federal level to obtain the protection
that every citizen should have in housing,
business, marriage and the workplace."
"No one should ever be caught off guard
or surprised when discriminatory actions
take place as long as we are without the
same protections others have. It couid
happen t0 you." Urie said.
"Don't be surprised, yes they can do it."
Rev. Urie has ministered the all
affirming. predominantly GLBT
Christian church in Joplin for 8 years
and has worked tirelessly to improve
lives, to bring together the gay and
lesbian community in Southwest Missouri.
I have known Rev. Steve Urie for
several vears, have attended his services
and ha.;e seen first hand the charity and
giving in this man, from his heart. And
to my knowledge he has never drawn a
salary from the church. The community,
church and it's members are his life and a
fulltime job in it's own. Yet he was
dedicated to his teaching position with
Freeman Health Care Systems. This man
does not deserve to be stepped on by
anyone and especially by a company that
does riot enforce it's non-discrimination
policy with members of our community.
Steve has been unemployed since the
8'h of August and is unable to get a job
until this is cleared up with the Board of
Anyone wanting to help with the
legal expenses for Mr. Urie can send
contributions to:
Urie Legal Fund,
c/o P.O. Box 4711,
Joplin, MO 64803
It's a good time for our community
to give back to someone who has given
so much to us.
Page 29

Federal Workers
certain claims of sexual orientation -------.
discrimination from federal employees.
Liverpool to Back
Building of Gay
In April 2004, the White House released
the following statement: "Longstanding
federal policy prohibits discrimination
against federal employees based on sexual
orientation. . . . President Bush expects
federal agencies ro enforce this policy and
to ensure that all federal employees are
protected from unfair discrimination at
"From national park rangers to
emergency personnel, federal employees
fill important roles in American society.
The last thing they should have to worry
about is a bureaucrat in Washington
rolling back their employment
protections," said HRC President Joe
Solmonese. "Our work continues as we
fight for these critical protections,
including strongly advocating for an
Employment Non-Discrimination Act
that protects every gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender American from
workplace discrimination."
The Clarification of Federal
Employment Protections Act was
introduced June 30, 2005, by Reps.
Henrv Waxman, D-Calif., Chris Shays,
R-Co~n., Steny Hoyer, D-Md.; Barney
Frank, D-Mass.; Mark Foley, R-Fla.;
Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; Eliot Engei, DN
.Y.; Danny Davis, D-Ill.; and Jim
Kolbe, R-Ariz.
Quotable Quotes
"If George W. Bush gets one more
Supreme Court appointment, then a very
important decision, the Lawrence
decision, which says it was
unconstitutional to prosecute two
consenting men having sex in their
bedroom that would be overturned.
Tohn Roberts would overturn that. You
have Bush talking about how Scalia -
virulent homophobe ~ is such a good
model for him."
Gay U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass.,
to the Seattle Gay News, July 29.
By Ross van Metzke
LIVERPOOL, UK - The Liverpool City
Council voted unanimously Monday to
back the idea of creating a gay quarter in
the already liberal city.
The ambitious plan was first put
before the council earlier this month.
Now that the plan has received full
council support, the city planning
department has announced it will begin
to map out the neighborhood's
boundaries and ~ on a plan to attract
gay businesses to the area.
This marks the first time an LGBT
village has been specifically created by an
act of a city council. In most cities, gay
neighborhoods have historically sprung
up on their own, usually as the result of
several gay foc1.1sed businesses opening or
a boom in the real estate market .. In Liverpool, the village will be
planned out with a strip for businesses
and an area for housing surrounding it.
The group ofpeople who proposed the
plan said they did so out of a sense that
Liverpool needed a strong unified LGBT
community to economically help.
develop its decaying central core.
Although Liverpool has its fair share
of gay bars and clubs; they are currently
spread throughout the area .. With no
village as a focal point, Liverpool has yet
to host its own gay pride celebration.
Council members said they would
look to neighboring city Manchester as a
guide. Manchester has one of the most
vibrant gay communities in Europe and
annually attracts thousands of LGBT
visitors from around the world.
"We hope to get moving on it very
quickly and we want to talk to- businesses
who are already gay-friendly and. also the
gay community to get their ideas and
;uggestions about the way forward,"
councilor Peter Millea said, according to
365gay.com. "Liverpool has always had
gay-friendly bars, but they have never
worked together as part of a strategy."
Page 32
r 1
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Page 34 See es
by Jack Fertig
"Meditate, Aquarius!"
------.__,.. ,, ..
After a series of stressful quincunxes,
,quares, and oppositions, we finally get
some easy aspects! The Sun in Libra,
trine Neptune in Aquarius, focuses on
new takes on social and humanitarian
ideals. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in
Libra, semi-sextile Venus in Scorpio,
opens the gates of erotic charm. Keep
prophylactics handy. Whether you're
scouting for boys or girls, be prepared!
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Reiax and
enjoy the company of the one you love,
or audition candidates for that role.
Explore any sexual desires you've been
shy about expressing, and talk dreamily
about your ideals and hopes for the
TAURUS (Aprii 20 - May 20): If you
have any problems with co-workers, this
is an excellent time to work them out.
Your boss will be very sympathetic to
any suggestions you have, but may not
really understand them. Be very clear!
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You're
· more playful and jocular than usual these
days, and you could go over the top at
work. Behave! You're especially open to
new ideas. If there's any type of art you
"don't quite get," now's the time to give
it another try.
CANCER Oune 21 - July 22): Your
home could become Party Central now.
Invite some people over, whether for a
tasteful dinner or more erotic
entertainments. Be careful with
intoxicants. A good wine wfrh dinner is
lovely. Harder drugs at a play party are
not pretty!
LEO Ouly 23 - August 22): Your charms
are as seductive as they are poetic. If you
work on the poetry of them, everything -
and everyone - around you wiU faII into
place. Siblings (despite some initial
resistance) and neighbors are more
cooperative than usual.
VIRGO (August 23 September
22):Money flies into your pockets, but
leaves just as easily if you let it. Review
your budget for health and hygiene. A
close friend should ha-ve some good
money-saving tips.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
,\fercury and Jupiter lined up in your
sign make you dangerously open and
expressive. You could let some valuabie -
o/ passionate - secret slip. Go ahead and
let passion out. Y ou'l! win any games
you play for fun, but don't gamble away
your money!
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21):
Those dark, secret depths you're so
famous for are suddenly very open and
accessible - for you, at least. A little
getav.•ay with a confidante can help you
to gain great insights. Family religious
traditions pro,-ide some insight as well.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
December 20): Cultivating social comacts
now wiil pay off pretty quickly. Offering
help behind the scenes, as well as rolling
up your siceves and deaning up wherever
needed, will gee you on the fast track to
key positions.
CAPRICORN (December 21 January
19): Chat up the boss or anyone else who
can help you get ahead. A mysteriQUs
female colleague should be helpful. Be
open and honest about money troubles,
and your forthright attitude will pay om
AQUARIUS Ganuary 20 - February 18):
Meditation can clear the fog you're
experiencing. Then your philosophicai
farsightedness will help you see what
career moves to make now. A female
(and/or femme) superior will help you
focus on planning.
PISCES (Febn;ary 19 - March 19): Sexually,
you can get whatever you want (and nearly
whomever you want) now. However, it will
not come with discreet privacy. People wili
talk! Whether that amou:1ts to good publicity
or a tawdry scandal is up to you.
Jack Fertig has been working as a
profe,sional t15trologer since 1977 and is a
f01mding member of the Association for
Astrological ,Vetworking.
1 I I
1 ,4.,
I l
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 sr,.res
business & organb:{tion.s.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Event ~ ~ www.diversitypride.com
MCC Lli;-',.ng Spring - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Condom Sense - - - -418 W. Dickson- -479-444-6228
Curry's Video - - 612 N. College Ave- 479-521-0009
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Club 1022 - - 1022 Dodson Ave. - - - - 479-782-1845
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 G:u-rison Ave- 479-783-9988
Klub XLR8 - - - 917 N. "A" St - - - -479-?82-9578
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - 1010 E. Grand Ave -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street- - - -1021 Jessie Ril- -- - 501-664-2744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - -www.dsra.org
Disco...-ery- - - - 1021 Jessie Rd- - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetraclc5 - 415 Main St - -!'>!. LR.- 501-244-0444
The Factory -412 Louisiana St.- - -50!-372-30]0
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
River of Life Church 1709 N Walnut - -llAM
PSU-QSA.- -1701.S. Broadway- - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Club Giacier - 2828 E. 31st South 316-612-9331
J's Lounge 513 E. Central - - 316-262-1363
Our Fantllsy- 3201 S. Hillside- -316-682-5494
The Otherside- -447 N. St Francis- 316-262-7825
Shatai - - - - - - - 4000 S. Broadway- 316-522--2028
Sidcstreet Mens Bar -1106 S. Pattie- -316-267-0324
South 40 - - - - - 3201 S. Hillside - - - - -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - - -1507 S. Pawnee- - - - - 316-262-4530
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - ·_ - . 41""-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - 716 S. Main - - - - - - - -417-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - -Sn:i-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - • - - • • 3715 .Main St- - - 8i6-561-2600
Club NV - - - 220 Admiral Blvd- 816-421-NVKC
DB Warehou~e- -- 1915 Main St- - -816-471-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - -· - 816-561-0625
Sidcstreet Bar - -413 E. 3rd-· - • - 816-531-1775
Siddricks Saloon - 3707 Main Si-• 816- 931-1430
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground· - - - · - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercia!-873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive - . - 417-864-4572
Priscilla's - - - - 1918 S. Glcnstone - - - 417-881-8444
Oz Bar 504 E. Commercial - - - - - - 41?-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- --821 College- -417-864-0036
Rumors --1109 E. Commercial- - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK '.'4502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th Sr- - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405-947-2351
Finish Line - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Gushers Rem.urant-2200 ~W 39Exp405-525-0730
HollywoodHotci- 3535 NW 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habana Tnn 2200 NW 39th Exo- - - 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Club - 1221 NW SOth- - - -405-843-1?22
Jungle Reds - - • 2200 NW Exp·;-.ry- 405-524-5733
Partners- - - -2805 NW 36th St 405-942-2199
Prisdlia"s- 615 E. Memorial - - - - - . -405-755-8600
Red Rock Nonh-2240 NW39th St- -405-525-5165
Sisters-·· - 2120 NW 39th St -405-52.i-9533
The Rockles- - -3201 N. May Ave - , 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Ba:- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
B:i.mboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - - -- - 918-836-8700
Club :\faverick- 822 S. Sheridan - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks 8807 E. Admiral Pl - -834-1051
Elite Bockstore --814 S. Sheridan- 918-838-8503
End Up Club- - - 424.S . .Memorial- - -918-836-2480
Flamingos Club- - -7915 E. 21st St - -918-622-6339
GLBT Comm .. Cti- -5545 E. 41st- - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge-11730 E. 11:h- - - - -918-437-0449
Dewu:- - - -?944 E. 21st - • - - - - • • - 918-270-2428
Cbb Majesric- - 124 N. Bosron - - 918-584-9494
Renegades- - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Priscilla's - - - - - 7925 E. 41st- - . - -918-627-4884
Priscilia'5 563,1 W. Skelly - - - - -918-446-6336
P:iscilia's - 2333 E. 71st - · -918-499-1661
The Asylum - 1737 S. Memorial Dr• -918-622-2565
Tulsa CARES- -3507 E. Admiral Pl- 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle-- - -1338 E. 3rd - - - - - 918-592-1186
TNT's • 2114 S. Memorilli- -918-660-0856
Underguy.com - -15 E. Brady - 918-829-0824
\~·bittier News Srand- 1 N. Lewis- - 918-592~0767
.. Yellow-Brick-Rd- - ~.2630 E. 15th- - - 918-293-0304
Outlets wishing to distribute FREE copies of the ST AR,
contact us at 918.83 5. 7887 9am to 4pm mon • fri or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobaLnet
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cART □□ N "Bitter Giri"
Page 38
cART □ oN "A Couple of Guys"
A Couple
of guys•
•Old School•
r ')
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Star Media, Ltd, “[2005] The Star Magazine, October 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/221.