[2005] The Star Magazine, November 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 11
[2005] The Star Magazine, November 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 11
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
November 01, 2005
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
John Patrick
Matt Brooks
Steve T. Urie
Libby Post
Paula Martinac
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Josh Aterovis
John Patrick
Matt Brooks
Steve T. Urie
Libby Post
Paula Martinac
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
The Star Magazine, October 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 10
The Star Magazine, December 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 12
The Star Magazine, December 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 12
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
109 E.Comm .
Springfield, Mo 65803
Scott Crow,, Managipg;
M~Graw Da~isson. Stew
800. 0.3210
Langley, Oklahoma .
Diversity Pride
by Greg Steele
flags will be
flying high
over Eureka
Arkansas the
weekend of
November 4th-
6th. Diversity
Pride Events
Deborah Rose
and partner
have organized
a weekend
shindig for
everyone. Rose
said "It will be
raining guys,
gals and bears".
Fall Diversity Weekend is just one
of many events organized throughout
rhe year by Deborah's group and
other producers. Spring Diversity
Pride Weekend, April 7-8 2006 and
the fantastic Valenrines Dinner and
Dance February 17-18 2006 are just a
few getawa:y dates to plan for.
Highlights of the upcoming
weekend will include something for
the girls, CRAVE DJ Kiki Fri & Sat.
at Caribe Restaurant and Cantina.
Collide with JD Bryan for the guys,
GO GO Guy and Gal Dance Contest
with cash prizes. Then rhere's Diversity
Bears events with Bears, Beer &
BBQ at Foresr Hill Restaurant.
Moodswing Band will be belting out
some Country Western Retro at
Shawbee's Big Dawg Saloon 9pm Fri
& Sat. For those wanna be crooners
there's a Diversity Open Mic/Talent
search contest
Friday and Saturday.
Drag Kings
and Drag Queens,
what else could
you ask for! The
fabulous Robbie
Walker and many
other performers
· will be out to
entertain you.
You may even run
into IRIS.
For schedule's
and more information
on Diversity
Pride Events
weekend, check
out the
website at (www.diversitypride.com).
Also (www.eurekasprings.com/
alternative) for lodging and other
points of interest such as shopping,
shopping, shopping. And don't forget
Eureka Springs has some of the best
restaurants in the region.
It will be a biast off weekend in
this little gay friendlv city nestled in
the Ozark Mountains.
Drive carefully.
Page 3
by Greg Steele
With all the outing of gay pen~ .
ins, sheep, dogs and other species, is
tere a possibility there are gay . ~
turkeys? How would you know./:
you were eating one of our. own. l
mean the poor critters are Just. herded
into the slaughter pen,. h!1111andy
killed, I presume, plm;keo and
whisked off to Walmart. I. for one
will be asking the Walmart meat lady
'f turkey was gay! I refuse to
1 mv . "r-!1 bak~, fry, barbecue or boil a "=Y
We assume that all turkeys are
hetero, and it's OK to bake or fry
t a homophobic betero turkey, but
ec ., h d
what if your turkey was etero an
gay friendly?
This outing of animals and now
fowl is just not rig~t. It raises so .
many questions and create~ ~o many
problems and it's Thanksgtvmg ~o.r
god sake. Where are the Fowl Rights
people when you need them!
Have a Great Holiday!
Citing Dangers Posed By
Antigay 'Sodomy Laws',
Lambda Legal Voices
Concern Over Supreme
Court Nominee Harriet
Miers's Answers to Gay
Rights Survey
Lambda Legal fought in the courts for five ye.trs
to overturn the Texas "Homosexual Conduct"
law. We therefore find it very troubling that Ms.
Miers would twice assert that the law should
stand rather ihan be repealed
(New York, October 4, 2005) -
Statement from Kevin Cathcart,
Executive Director for Lambda Legal
regarding a survey Supreme Court
Nominee Harriet Miers answered on gay
rights while she was a candidate for
Dallas City Council.
"Harrier Miers's written answers,
while a candidate for Dallas City
Council, to a number of questions about
the rights of gays and lesbians merit very
close scrutiny. We would hope that the
general proposition that gay people
deserve the same civil rights as everybody
else isn't controversial. We nonetheless
take note that Ms. Miers agreed with the
proposition in 1989. What we find
particularly troubling, though, is her
contradictory statement that the Texas
"Homosexual Conduct" law which
made it a crime for gay people to engage
in sexual intimacy that was completely
legal for heterosexuals should not be
repealed. As Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor pointed out in her concurring
opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, this law
unjustiy discriminated against gay
people. Lambda Legal fought in the
courts for five years to overturn the
Texas "Homos;xual Conduct" law. Two
of our clients were led handcuffed from
one of their apartments in the middle of
the night and jailed as a result of it. We
therefore find it very troubling that Ms.
Miers would twice assert that the law
should stand rather than be repealed.
"This new evidence makes it even
more important that Harriet Miers's
nomination be subjected to rigorous
scrutiny during the Sena~e confirmation
process. We do not believe that her
statements in 1989 alone decide whether she
is qualified to a lifetime appointment to the
Supreme Court. At the same rime, we firmly
believe that a nominee is qualified only if she
demonstrates the necessary legal intellect,
experience and judicial temperament as well
as a clear commitment to fairness and
equality for all Americans. Ms. Miers's
support for a criminal law that openly
discriminated against gay people calls into
serious question whether she possesses this
commitment. The upcoming Senate
confirmation hearings will provide the
nominee with the opportunity to discuss her
current thinking and demonstrate whether
she is committed to fairness and equality for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
and all other Americans."
WASHINGTON - In collaboration with
Logo, the Human Rights Campaign is
sponsoring a six city sneak preview tour of
"Noah's Arc," the first African-American
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender series.
The Washington, D.C., preview takes place at
8 p.m. today in HRC's Equality Forum
· "We're proud to be promoting a show
that finally gives visibility to gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender African-Americans,"
said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "We
should all have the opportunity to see
ourselves in our media."
"The Human Rights Campaign's support
from the beginning of this show has really
helped bring it to life," said show creator
Patrick Ian Polk. "These sneak previews
represent anotner seep m the partnership we
began more than a year ago.'"
"This is a historic moment not only for the
African-American GLBT community, but for
the whoie GLBT community," say Chris
Wagely, marketing manage! for Logo.Other
sponsors include the Black AIDS Institute,
Comcast and Di!ectTV The series will
premiere on Logo Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2005.
A sneak pre,;iew took place la~: night in New
York C:ty. All previews except for the
OUT!'lest preview are free of charge.
Additionai previews wiH take place:
Page S
Jackson Hole ahd Telluride
_Jackson Hole, Wyoming~
Just south of Grand Teton National Park, in one of the most remote and
dra~aticall· scenic patches of the American West, Jackson Hole feels e~ual, parts ,
y · •·· ' chic On the surface it's less cutesv and overoeve10ped man
down- ome ana cowooy • '. , ' .. h · d
many upscale Rockies ski resorts, but you'll still fina plenty of ,ony s ops, inns, an
restaurants. n •. li 12 mil northwest of
Toe ski area, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, actuauj es • es ..
th• bustling town of Jackson. The resort area is surrounded by T~ton Vhlllage, a~
att..r. active duster of re. sorts, restaurants, · d s· · -rer1ate t e resort s and con os. k:lers apy ~
challenging and beautifully kept terrain. Page 6
Out of Town
Half of the 111 trails are expert, and 40
percent of them intermediate. A dozen
lifts serve the 2,500 acres of skiing, and
the vertical drop of 4,139 is the greatest
of any ski area in the nation.
Among Teton Village
accommodations, consider the cushv
Snake River Lodge, an inviting 88-r~om
hotel that's home to one of the region's
top resraurams, GameFish (where you
might sample port-marinated elk chops
with appie cider sauce), as well as the
magnificent Avanyu Spa. The lodge also
rents out 46 adjacent condos. Another
excellent option, Teton Village Lodge
also lies at the base of the ski resort and
consists of 80 upscale rental condos,
many with full kitchens, gas fireplaces,
and whirlpool tubs. No trip to Teton
Village is complete without a visit to the
Mangy Moose, a rollicking tavern and
live-music dub that draws both
regionally and nationally known talents
and serves up delicious buffalo burgers,
pizzas, and barbecue ribs. This is one of
the world's quintessential apres-ski
In the town of T ackson itself, vou'll
find a number of ieat restaurants: plus a
good many spots to buy everything from
high-end cowboy wear to top-of-the-line
ski gear. Enjoy a casual meal and some
top-notch lagers and stouts at Snake
River Brewing. Rendezvous Bistro serves
such delectable contemporary fare as
smoked swordfish carpaccio and steak
tanare. And set inside· a vintage house
downtown, the Blue Lion presents huge
portions of tasry Western favorites, such
as fresh-caught Idaho red trout and
grilled elk tenderloin. Among downtown
accommodations, the historic Won
Hotel exudes charm, with its imposing
1940s T;:ido:.:-style facade and richly
furnished rooms, pius the convivia: Sfrver
Dollar Bar and Grill.
Head up into the hills just west of
town to reach one of the \'vest's premier
resorts, Amangani, an ultra-op~lent
mouncaimop spread whose 40 paiati2l
suites start at $700 11ighth in season.
Massive windows lool~ o~t across Teton
Pass from this elegant sandstone-andredwood
building. Even if you don't stay
here, drop by for a meal at The Grill or
cocktails at the zinc-top bar.
From either Teton· Villal"e or the C'
to'l..vn of Jackson, it's a relatively short
and easy drive north into Grand Teton
National Park, and from there it's just
about 45 miles up to the southern
entrance of Yellowstone National Park.
To reach Jackson, your best bet is to fly
right into Jackson Hole Airport, which
has service from several major airlines,
including American, Delta, Northwest,
and United. Otherwise, it's a long drive
to Jackson from the nearest major cities
(300 miles from Salt Lake, 520 miles
from Denver).
_Telluride, Colorado_
Telluride is really two communities in
one. There's the historic and extremely
charming original town, which sits
nestled in a deep gorge at the base of
some of the finest ski terrain in the West.
And then there's the more modern
Mountain Village, which you can reach
either by driving 8 miles west and then
north of town or via a free gondola trip
up the mountainside (the ride takes 13
Telluride ski season begins around
Thanksgiving and runs through early
April; the area consists of 84 trails,
evenly balanced between advanced and
intermediate runs, with a smaller but still
considerable number of beginner slopes,
and there's a vertical drop of some 3,500
feet, with the area's peak elevation at
12,260. Skiers can navigate the mountain
via 16 lifts (more than half of them highspeed)
and dine at some 55 ski-in/ ski-out
restaurants. This is truly a world-class
Telluride Gay Ski Week was begun in
2004 and has rapidly developed an
enthusiastic following. In 2006 it runs
from February 26 through March 5, and
it coincides with the Telluride AIDS
Benefit, which is the recipient of the
week's proceeds. Festivities include a
variety of parties, from an outdoor
tubing shir:dig co an indoor pool-andJacuzzi
romp. The week culminates on
Oscar Night, so the final party includes a
fabulous viev,-ing of the Academy
One thing downtown Telluride has
pient:y of is superb restaurants, the best
of them helmed by iocai chef superstar,
Jake Linzinmeir. His latest creation,
which opened in December 2004, is
Chair 8, in the Camel's Garden Hotel, at
continued page-28 Page 7
Bold New Ads Aired
to Oppose Texas
Houston same-sex couples and families
speak from the heart about why marriage
HOUSTON, Oct. 12 - The Vote
Against the Amendment Campaign, a
project of the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force, today announced the release
of seven broadcast commercials in
opposition to Proposition 2, a proposed
amendment to the Texas constitution
that would prohibit any legal recognition
of same-sex relationships. The measure
will be on the ballot on November 8.
The seven television spots, which
begin airing today, feature several
Houston gay and lesbian families talking
about their love and the need for, and
importance of, marriage equality. While
there have been many television ads
opposing state anti-marriage
constitutional amendments over the last
few vears, this new series is the first time
sam;-sex couples have spoken directly
about why marriage matters.
"These groundbreaking ads will
introduce Houston voters to their gay
and lesbian neighbors and underscore
that this constitutional amendment will
hurt real people and real families," said
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Director of Organizing & Training Dave
Fleischer. "We think it is important to
speak to voters openly and honestly
about our lives and relationships. When
voters know who we are, many more of
them see the need for marriage equality
for gay families and consider standing
with us on the issue."
"It is imperative that Houstonians
understand the negative impact this
amendment will have on our Eves and
our families," said Rev. Carolyn Mobley
and Adrain Bowie, who appear in one of
the commercials. "We are not second-clas$
citizens, and we need the same rcso~rces and
rights availabie ro heterosexual couples to
protect our fan1iiies. 1
According to the U.S. Census, there
are 9,784 same-sex couples in the
Houston metropolitan area, with a total
of 42,912 same-sex couples in the st.ate of
Texas. The greater Houston metro area
ranks 44th out of the 331 metropolitan
areas defined bv the Census nationwide.
The Vote Against the Amendment
Campaign and the National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force are working in
partnership with the coalition of state
and local groups in Texas that are part of
the No Nonsense in November
"Our opponents have vastly greater
resources at their disposal and are relying
on myths and fear-mongering to hurt
Texas families. We appreciate the work
of the Task Force to show the truth
about who we are," said Glen Maxey, the
No Nonsense in November campaign
Proposition 2, which will be decided
on November 8, prohibits marriage, civil
unions and domestic partnerships for
same-sex families. The Task Force has
committed significant resources to
helping the lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender community educate voters
about the detrimental impact of these
divisive amendments. This commitment
inciudes training, voter identification,
organizing key communities, as well as
significant financial assistance.
To date, 18 states have amended their
state constitutions to preclude the
recognition of same-sex marriage, with
most of the amendments also forbidding
any legal recognition of same-sex
Quotable Quotes
"1 think the opponents of gay marriage
really fall into two categories. A smail
group of peopie just don't like gay
oeople. If you don't like one, you don't
like two. It's geometric. The larger
percentage are people who are generally
supportive of equal rights, as they have
been in Massachusetts, but hear these
predictions that it's going to be socially
very chaotic, and they figure, why take
the chance?" -
Gav U.S. Rep Barney Frank, D-Mass., to the
\feilesley {Mass.] ·ro~,.vnsman.
Page 8
Know The Law,
Then You Decide!
OUJI-CR 8-25
Where a person has no previous intent or
purpose to violate the law, but is induced
or persuaded by law enforcement officers
to commit a crime, he/ she is entitled to
the defense of entrapment, because the
law as a matter of policy forbids a
conviction in such a case.
On the other hand, where a person
already has the readiness and willingness
to break the law, the mere fact that a
police officer provides what appears to
be a &vorable opportunity is no defense.
If you should find from the evidence
that, before anything at all occurred
respecting the alleged offense involved in
this case, the defendant was ready and
willing to commit a crime such as that
charged in the information whenever
opportunity was offered and the police
merely offered the opportunity, the
defendant is not entitled to the defense of
If, on the other hand, you should find
that the defendant had no previous intent
or purpose to commit any offense of the
character here charged, and did so onlv
because he/ she was induced or persuaded
by some agent of the police, then the
government has seduced an innocent
person, and the defense of entrapment is
a good defense.
Committee Comments
This instruction is substantially similar
to that approved by the Court of
Criminal Appeals in Robinson v. State,
1973 OK CR 152, 507 P.2d 1296. .
overruled on other grounds, Mclnt~rjf v.
State, 1976 OK CR 226, 112, 554 P.2d
837, 841.
Entrapment occurs when the
planning and volitional conduct
associated with an offense are entire!, the
products of an officer or a person acting
under the direction of an officer, and the
officer or his agent procures the
c~m~ssion of the offense by a person
who, buc for the artifice of the officer,
Kiddie v. State, 1977 OK CR 301, 574
P.2d 1042; Dupree v. State, 1973 OK CR
53, 506 P.2d 974; McCan v. State, 1967
OK CR 222, 435 P.2d 419; Riddle v.
State, 1962 OK CR 98, 374 P.2d 634;
Crosbie v. State, 1958 OK CR 78, 330
P.2d 602; Savage v. State, 1956 OK CR
112, 304 P.2d 344; Bayouth v. State, 1956
OK CR 26, 294 P.2d 856; Lee v. State, 66
Okl. Cr. 399, 92 P.2d 621 (1939). See also
Jacobson v. United States, 503 U.S. 540,
(prosecution was required to offer
evidence of defendant's predisposition to
violate the !aw independent of the
government's acts and bevond a
reasonable doubt). Merely furnishing the
defendant with an opportunity to
commit a crime is not entrapment.
Hunnicutt v. State, 1988 OK CR 91, ,r 3,
755 P.2d 105, 107-08. The defense of
entrapment is not available unless the
officer or the person acting under his
direction first suggested perpetration of
the criminal act, or lured or persuaded
the defendant to partake of the criminal
Stevens v. State, 51 Okl. Cr. 451, 2 P.2d
282 (1931); Warren v. State, 35 Okl. Cr.
430, 251 P. 101 (1926).
The court has analyzed the availabilirv of
the entrapment defense as follows: O~e
who is instigated, induced, or lured bv
officer of law or other person, for ·
purposes of prosecution, into
commission of crime which he had
otherwise no intention of committing
may avail himself of the defense of
entrapment. Principle of entrapment
places no limitation on right of officers
to obtain evidence of any crime
originating in mind of a~orher; and an
officer may, when acting in good faith
with view to detecting crime. make use
of deception, tricker}~ or artifice.
Robinson, supra, 1973 OK CR 152, ,i 11,
507 P.2d at 1299 (citations omitted;
emphasis in original), overruled on burden
of proof, Mclnturjf v. State, 1976 OK CR
226, 1 12, 554 P.2d 837, 841.
Continued page-29 Page 9
de Events
We Do'It t!
Eureka Sprinqs. Adzansas
It. will be .RAINING . ...
. www.DiversityPride.com
Call for G Games
Poster Artists
IL_ The
Gay Games
in Chicago
won't just be
for athletes,
and their
fans. True to
its motto of
the Gay
Games will
give also give
artists an
opportunity ---m!i to showcase
ti½.eir talents.
Chicago Games, Inc. (CGI), the
organizers of the July 15 to 22, 2006 Gay
Games VII Sports & Cultural Festival,
has issued a Call for Artists to submit
designs for a series of commemorative
Gay Games posters. Selected designs will
be printed in a limited series on museum
quality paper and distributed to help
raise visibility and. funds for the Chicago
The Gay Games Arts Committee will
select winning artwork from designs
submitted by 15 November 2005. The
selection committee will be chaired by
well-known Chicago artist Bob Klunk
and Chicago artist, writer and poet CC
Carter. The winning artists will each
receive 50 artist proofs of their
completed poster and the designs will be
featured on the Gay Games Chicago
website at www.gaygameschicago.org.
Artists should submit artwork in the
highest resolution possible on CD-ROM
by 15 November 2005 to: Poster Art
Contest. Gav Games VII, 4753 N.
Br~ad<N;y, Suite 602, Chicago, IL
60640. All artwork submitted will be the
property of Chicago Games, Inc. to be
used in promotions, sales and all other
uses. No original artwork will be
returned. Artists will be required to sign
a release granting use of the artwork.
Specifications/Rules Final printed
poster artwork will be 18" wide by 24"
high. The logos of Gay Games VII and
our Global Sponsors, along with text
continued page-3 5
Page 12
615 E Memorial
(405) 755-8600
Springfield, MO
TLC Priscilla's
1918 S. Glenstone
(417) 881-8444
Tulsa, OK
7925 E 41st
(918) 627-4884
Tulsa, OK
5634 W. Skelly
(918) 446-6336
Tulsa, OK
11344 E. 11th
(918) 438-4224
Tuisa, OK
2333 E. 71st
(918) 499-1661
Page 13
Music, These
Girls It All!
A 5 piece all female band, Moodswing
has been together for one and half years.
They have played at many events
including Tulsa Pride Picnic, OKC Pride
Picnic, Tulsa's Mayfest, The Women's
Music Festival in Dripping Springs,
Texas and the Sooner State Rodeo in
Tulsa. And have proven to draw huge
crowds at many Tulsa and Oklahoma
City nightclubs.
Current members are:
Brenda Bobbit has been entertaining
since the tender age of 3. At 12, she
played with her father & Jimmy Dallas
in Kansas City. She performed in the
Fender's theater in Branson, played in
concerts with Jo Clark & the Fog_gy
River Bovs to name a few. Her hero 1s
Dottie &i.mbo. Her life long dream is to
iam with Dorrie someday.
· Paula Gokey Raised in Bowling
Green, Ohio. She started playing drums
when she was 13. She also plays guitar and
writes poetry. One of her poems has even
been published. She loves to practice
playing her drums and sometimes will
spend 5 hours listening & practicing
totally lost in the music. She will blow
vou awav when she plavs the drums. She
~ay be ~mall, but great· things do come in
small packages.
Schellve James is a singer/songwriter
and plays ,rhythm guitar. Scheliye is an
entertainer. She has great stage presence.
She joined the school band at age 10 &
played drums. But don't ask her to play
them now. She says it's been too long. Her
favorite artists are Sting & Lisa Marie
Preslev. She is a Cartoonist, Portrait artist
& wa; an OSU Graphic Design Girl
Mary King is a singer/ songwriter 2nd
plays guitar. She first st:1rted singing at :1ge
7. (She was frosty the snowman) Alw:1ys
shy and quiet growing up until the 7th
grade when her music teacher w:1s walking
past all the choir members listening to them
sing. Her teacher talked her into singing ll
solo in district contest and the rest is history.
Marv was in love with music &om th:1t point
on. She received 13 first place medals in
either solos or ensembles from the 7th grade
thru the rest of high school. She :1lso received
outstanding vocal music student in the 9th
Valerie Meador was born and raised near
Roanoke, VA. She started our playing drums
and singing in her family's gospel group at
the age of 8. Valerie's family (The Jimmy
Me:1dor Family) consisted of Mom & D:1d
and two older sisters. They recorded their
first album wl::en Valerie was 9 ye:1rs old.
Since then, she h2s played with several other
groups a:.d has played on several recordings.
Valerie's musica! background comes
primarily from her Dad. Vaierie says, "My
dad could ha,'c been a Bill Monroe."
Don't miss Moodswing's next concert
at the Diversity Pride Events weekend
Coumry /Retro dance in Eureka Springs.
November 4th & 5th at Shawbee's.
For booking information contact
Mary King 918-955-5890
Page 15
by Reverend Steve T. Urie
JOPLIN, MO_ What an event ~d in
Joplin, Missouri! October. 12, 200.'.l saw
the beginning of an amazmg growth for,
our community. The Straight and Gay
Alliance of Missouri Southern State
University successfully held its first
"Coming Out Event" on campus.
Although a close vote, the campus .
organization known as ~AG~ received
permission from the uruvers1ty to hold
the event. With booths on the campus
oval located in the center of the campus,
approval to use part of the li~r~ and
use of the Mills Anderson Cnmmal
Justice Center auditorium the event was
an enormous success.
A success first for the fact it even
happened. Secondly for the organization
representing the students and off campus
organizations including PR?MO (the
Personal Rights of Missounans . _
organization that is our communmes
political arm), AIDS Project o_f the
Ozarks, Alternatives Counseling
Associates, and Spirit of Christ
Metropolitan Community Ch~rch
coming together as a commuruty. Several
businesses provided products for ~ raffle,
students sold rainbow bead key chams
and cookies while Spirit of Christ MCC
received donated CD's from Marsha
Stevens and Shawn Thomas for the raffle
and for sale. Both of these very talented
performers are indeed people of faith but
also part of our G/L/B/T community
setting the example that 1f you make up
your mind to be who you are ... you can
in fact accomplish great things. Finally
this was a success for a surprisingly nonaggressive
response from the student
body and community at large toward the
The event was covered by the Joplin
Globe and two local television stations
including KOAM.
Workshops during the day incl~ded
"Pink Triangles" by H. James Megmley,
PhD. From Alternatives Counseling
Associates and the House of Hope in
Chattanooga; "Coining Out as a P7rson
of Faith" by Reverend. Steve T. Une
pastor of Spirit of Christ MCC with. a
predominantly G/L/B/T .con~~egauon;
"Coming out... the Expenence by
Daniel Boyer, Jr. representing SAGA and
a fourth workshop by H. James
Mcginley on "A .Transgendered Path."
Students and faculty from all walks of
life and sexual orientations visited the
booths and attended the workshops with
a positive response and show of support.
Only one student walked up to the
church table and asked "What about
Leviticus?" The response from one of the
church members was simply, "God loves
evervone." The student simply walked
away. No protest, no name calling, only
open dialogue. .
Several- people signed statements g?mg
to our State Senators and Representatives
encouraging them to support legal rights
for all Missourians. -
As a person of faith, a gay male and a
Joplinite I was proud of this ende~vor
and the fact that the students, straight,
gay, lesbian, bisexual, Transgendered
came together to start a proc~ss loo~
missing in our local commur~1ty. I_t 1s
difficult to come out to fam1ly, friends
and associates as a person of an alternate
sexual orientation but what a lot of
people don't understand is ~tha_t i.t is ?ften
difficult to come out as a Lhnsuan. ln
both situations you never know the
response. Many youth. ~oday qu.estion
and wonder for somethmg deeper.
Recently at the General Conference of
Metropolitan Community Ch1:1-rches the
youth and young aduits brought up an
interesting issue. "Why would we want
to be Christians? Christians are mean!"
Out of the mouths of babes and such
innocence this is a challe!'lge for people of
all faiths. The answer is found in the
simplicity of their response when ask
continued page-32 1
, Page ,o
A TisketA TasketA Girl And Her Basket.
Once upon a rime in a land far away, I
was considered quite a blossom. But as
years have passed the fruit has ripened on
the vine and the root has matured.
Is this a bad thing or a blessing ? Is
youth better than experience and wisdom,
or knowing what you want? I think
we must consider assessing what you
have at the stage your at. So, before you
can draw up a realistic plan for your life
as well as your garden, you need to make
a proper assessment of your site. It is a
good idea to spend some time over this.
You need to get an impression of whar
the garden is like at different rimes of the
day - which parts get the most sun; how
much shade is cast and where. If at all
possible, it is worth waiting to see what
different seasons of the year do so that
you discover the warmest and coldest
corners, it's wettest and windiest spots.
Every plot has it's good and bad points
yours may be very small, have impoverished
soil or be on steep sloping ground
but a challenging site can be the making
.of an interesting and highly individual
garden. In the light of what you discover,
you may fmd yourself abandoning
preconceived ideas of your ideal garden or
at least adopting them to suit the scale
and condition of your own particular
It's a matter of size. There are various
ways of making the best of the space in
your garden no matter how small or large
the site.
Large sites are often best treated as a
series's of compartments, the partitions
formed by hedges and other screening
devices. Vistas, focal points and the
occasional surprise.
Many small gardens are rich in
possibilities despite the limitations of size.
Concealing the boundaries by planting
around the edges and "borrowing" the
trees and shrubs of neighboring gardens
help to create a sense of space.
The shape of the site is just as important
as it's area and has implications for
the way the garden is designed. On a long
and narrow site of the kind common in
suburban areas, a straight path running
from end to end is likely to draw the eye
immediately to the fore boundary,
making the garden look smaller than it
really is.
The broad spaciousness of a wide
garden along the front of a house will
often be welcome and might be designed
·with organic shapes and flowing lines.
Well, with all this innuendo, I've just
about worn out my good "writing" hand,
so lets go on to the plants of November.
This month picks are large and
bountifol at your local markets, yes it's
bulbs, bulbs, bulbs. The bigger the bette::
I say. There's nothing better than the feel
of mature bulbs cupped in your hand
before being thrust imo the ground. Here
are a few basics, Tulips, Daffodils, Liiies.
Let's start with Tulips, or shall we tip
Lending unrivaled brilliance to the
spring borders, there are several different
groups of tulips that can provide color
from late winter to late spring, either as
annual bedding or as groups in borders.
continued page-32
Page 17
Josh Aterovis, Author
Saving the World One
Party at a Time
One of our closest friends recemlv
said to me, "You know, I always read
your column, and I enjoy it, b;t it's been
pretty heavy lately. I miss your fluffy
pieces.'' I thought about it and realized
that mv columns have tended a bit
toward the doom-and-gloom variety of
late. I've found it hard to focus on the
bright side when every week things seem
to get just a little worse for the LGBT
The truth is, however, I firmly
believe that what is going on in the U.S.
and all around the world for that
matter - is just the swing of the cultural
pendulum. It's a cycle we've seen before.
When things seem to be progressing jus;:
a little too far for the social conservative
to handle, they fight back. In the end,
though, what is right and fair always
wins out. The pendulum will swing
back Once it does, it'll never swing this
far again.
\X,'hy do I believe this with such
conviction? Because I see it piaying out
all around me. Even with all the hatemongering
going on right now even
with all the bigotry being spewed from
pulpits under the guise of religious
teaching, even with all the anti-gay
rhetoric masquerading as political
platforms, even with the President of the
United States openly working to ensure
that gays and lesbians remain second-class
citizens - we're making progress.
Just a generation ago, it would have
been unthinkable for gays and lesbians to
live openly the way so many of us do
today. Fifty years ago, the police
routinely raided gay bars and arrested
gay men, lesbians, and drag queens for no
other crime other than being in a gay
bar. Lives were destroyed simply by
having the arrest report printed in the
paper. Today, 31 states have hate crime
laws that include sexual orientation,
while ten also include gender identity.
Those same newspapers that once outed
innocent men and women now run
announcements for same-sex unions. Just
twenty years ago, not a single state had
laws protecting its LGBT citizens from
discrimination. Today, sixteen states
have some form of anti-discrimination
laws that include sexual orientation. Just
five years ago, it was unthinkable that
gays and lesbians couid get married in the
U.S., and now Massachusetts has samesex
marriage, Connecticut and Vermont
have civil unions, and California, DC,
Hawaii, Maine, and New Jersey have
domestic partner laws. We still-have a
ways to go before we reach full equality,
but we have undeniably made progress.
Everything I just described above is
law, and as we all know, laws can be
repealed. In fact, the Far Right is
working hard to fight many of those
same laws I just wrote about. But here's
the thing. They can fight it as hard as
they want, but they're fighting a losing
battle. Attitudes are changing, and that's
something no amount of hate-filled
propaganda can reverse.
~'hy are attitudes changing? Some of
i: can be attributed to the laws, perhaps.
It might make people confront their
beliefs and prejudices. We can probably
thank Will & Grace for some of it.
Studies have proven that positive
portrayals of gay characters on ;:devision
affect people's feelings towards gays and
lesbians. For the most part, though, I
think we can be grateful for those who
live their lives openly.
continued next page
Page 18
Jon and I live very openly. We often
eat out together, we shop together, we go
everywhere together. We just bought a
house and we were together at every step
of the process, from the first viewing to
the signing of the paperwork ( oh, so
much paperwork ... ). Not one~ have we
experienced any open discrimination. In
fact, it's usually just
the opposite. We've
found m~st people are
surprisingly accepting
if you give them the
chance. w-e've been
very open with our
new neighbors,
introducing each other
as partners, and we've
been welcomed into
the neighborhood with
open arms.
At our recent
housewarming partv, l
looked around at the
30 or so people who
had come out to wish
us happiness in our new home and I saw
a great diversity. It was an interesting
mix of straight and gay, young and old,
men and women, black and white. There
were straight couples, lesbian couples,
gay _couples, and singles both gay and
straight. Many of Jon's coworkers came.
Even my younger sister and her husband
were there.
. Sev:eral of our neighbors also came,
tncludmg an older couple who live across
the street. He plays kevboard for a local
Christian quartet. He'; been playing for
years, decades even. He told us he lost a
dear friend when Ray Charles passed
away last year. He and his charming wife
w~te among the first people to welcome
us to the street, and have even had us
over to their house alreadv. Last week. as
we sat in their living roo~, they subtlv
let us know that they were accepting ;f
our relationship. The word "gay" was
i;i.~ver used, but thev made themselves
perfectly clear. · ·
. Another person at the housewarming
was a woman who just had her first book
published at the age of 81. I had
interviewed her recently for the local
newspaper and we became friends in the
r,.rocess. After meeting with her several
tunes, I invited her to the party. She
made a comment about looking fom-ard
to. ~<;eting my wife. I'd spoken often
with ner about Jon, but it hadn't sunk in
that Jon was a man. I gently corrected
her and she seemed surprised. I wasn't
~ure if she would still come to the party,
out sure enough, there she was at our
door with a bottle of wine. As we
chatted later that evening, she told me
that she'd picked up my book at the
library. "I'm really
enjoying it," she told me.
"It's been a real
My sister is a very
conservative Republican
Christian. On the surface,
we couldn't be more
different, but she has always
been supportive of my
relationship with Jon. For a
while, she was the onlv one
who accepted Jon as a,
member of our family. Jon
and I love to entertain and
we often throw l:uge, rather
lavish parties. This was the
first one my sister and her
husband have attended. She
called me after the party and said, "You
know, l was looking around at evervone
there, and they didn't look like thei all
belonged there, but they all seemed to be
having fun. It was cool."
In many ways, that's· what it's :ill about. I
like to think th:.t, in our small wav we're
making a difference. Parties and g~;-togethers
may seem frivolous, but we're changing
hearts and minds ... and attitudes. People who
may_ not _oth_erwise be exposed to gays and
lesbians In tneir daily lives meet them in
person, socialize with them, and realize we're
no different from anyone else. As more and
more attitudes change, so will the laws.
Eventually, a generation from now, maybe
sooner, people will look back and wonder
what all the fuss was about. I'll be an old man
by then, telling stories to wide-eved
disbelieving youngsters about th; b;d old
days when gays were openly discriminated
against ... and I'll proudly tell them about our
parr in the revolution - saving the world one
party at a time.
Th~ 7:iews expressed in this column are my
ofzmons only. You tUJn't have to agree with
tJJem. I just ask that you read them with an
open heart. and mind.
Page 19
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Tulsa's Social Event
of the Year.
by Greg Steele
November 22, 2005
TULSA, OK_The limousines lined up
outside the Bamboo Lounge waiting to
unload the their cargo of Scar':;. The red
carpet was in place and the show was
about to begin.
Bamboo owner~ Terry and Stan were
overcome with joy with the return of the
coveted Miss Bamboo Crown. The
precious jeweled trophy had mysteriously
disappea1:ed ten month:~ ago and had just
been returned via p1:ivatc courier.
Reliable sources had tht: jewels travding
the world with a disgruntled looser of tht:
2005 pageant. But the priceless crown had
been returned and everyone was elated.
The show· could go on!
All pageant proceeds were donated to
years event
raised over
$400. Fundraising
and MC of the
show, Kris
Kohl, works
drclessiy year
round raising
funds for
organization in
Tulsa who
benefit people
with HP✓ and
(More photo's
Among the many stars and dignitaries in
attendance, where crooners Pat LaMorte
and Matthew Heath Fitzgerald. Matthew
entertained and graciously donated one o
bis freshly discarded jock strap for
auction, it brought $100. What a jester'
.:\ funtastic evening and all for a good
c:ms,~. Big appiause fc;r Stan, Terry, Kris
and all the fabulous entertainers.
campaign to boycott the state.
Ut Organizations ranging from the American
Mathematical Society to the U.S.
Conference of Mayors cancelled
conf~rences in Colorado. Aspen vowed to
con_ttnue enforcing its civil rights
ordmance, and Telluride passed a similar
measure in defiance of the new state law.
z Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective
of key moments, personalities, and
subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by
exploring the diversity of the gay past
and its impact on the queer present.
What was _ Romer v. Evans ?
The U.S. Supreme Court has a mixed
record when it comes to LGBT civil
right~. The court upheld state sodomy
laws m the 1986 _Bowers v. Hardwick
case, but reversed itself with the 2003 -
_Lawrence v. Texas_ decision. Whil~ it
permitted a private organization to
e~clude ~y members in the _Boy Scouts
01 America v. Dale_ case in 2000, the
court ruled that states may not ban
antidi~crimination laws that protect gay
and bisexual people in its 1996 _Romer
v. Ev~s_ ruling, the outcome of a long
legal battle over Colorado's Amendment
2 ballot initiative.
A conservative state with liberal
enc.laves, _Co~or~do'_s first law against
anttgay discnmtnatton was instituted by
the .resort town of Aspen in 1977,
~unng ~ dec~de that saw numerous gay
rtghts :ictones ~cross the country. .
Followmg the rtse of the religious right
in_ ~he 1980s, however, a group called
C1t1zens for Family Values introduced
an a°:endment that wouid prevent state
agenctes, municipalities, or school
districts from enacting laws or policies
whereby "homosexual, lesbian, or
bisexual orientation, conduct, practices
or relationships" would constitute th- '
. C
as~s for "any minority status, quota
preterences, protected status, or claim of
Although polls predicted the
initiative was headed for defeat, voters
passed Amendment 2 in November 1992
by a margin of 53 to 47 percent. The
outcome set off a flurry ;f protest and a
A coalition spearheaded bv Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund and
the American Civil Liberties Union filed a
laws~t ~gainst Amendment 2, arguing
that it violated the Equal Protection
Clause of the 14th Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution. In January 1993, Judge
Jef~ey Ba~ess ruled i~ their favor, issuing
an m1unct100 preventtng the initiative
from taking effect.
"For the judge to suggest that
a ... skewed sense of moralitv is not a basis
for denying rights to gays ~d lesbians -
I've been waiting to hear that all of my
life," exclaimed Richard Evans, a former
staff mem?er of Denver's Agency for
Huma~ Rights and Community Relations
who signed on as lead plaintiff in the suit.
Also joining as plaintiffs were the Boulder
Valley School District; the cities of
Denver, Boulder, and Aspen; tennis star
Martina Navratilova; and six other
Colorado Governor Rov Romer - who
personally opposed the am~ndment - and
Attorney General Gale Norton filed an
appe'.11~ arguing ~at Amendmenf 2 merely
prohibited granttng gays "special rights."
In July 1993, the Colorado Supreme
Co~rt uphdd Judge Bayless' ruling,
that. the amendment, ''bars gay men,
lesbta~s, an~ bi~exuals from having an
effecove voice m govemmentai affairs."
After a second failed appeal to the
Colorado high court, the state asked the
U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case
Since the Supreme Court reverses m~st
appeals it hears, its decision to accept the
case worried gay rights advocates a; thev
prepared for oral arguments scheduled for
October 1995. As part of his law firm's
pro bono legal work,_John G. Roberts Jr.
- who was named Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court in September 2005 -
assisted the plaintiffs' attornevs bv
playing the role of a conserv;tive ·justice
10 a practice mock trial. ·
On May 20, 1996, the Supreme Court
ruled by a 6-3 margin that Amendment 2
.................................. continued. next page.
was unconstitutional, declaring that "a
state cannot so deem a class of person a
stranger to its laws." Writing for the
court's majority, Justice Anthony
Kennedy rejected Colorado's contention
that the state had a legitimate
government interest in excluding
homosexual and bisexual people from
legal protection, suggesting the effort was
motivated by "a bare desire to harm a
politically unpopular group."
Justice Antonin Scalia Goined by thenChief
Justice William Rehnquist and
Justice Clarence Thomas) strongly
dissented, claiming that Amendment 2
was "a modest attempt by seemingly
tolerant Coloradans to preserve
traditional sexual mores against the
efforts of a politically powerful
minority." Evoking the culture war, he
expressed outrage that the court's ruling
"places the prestige of this institution
behind the proposition that opposition
to homosexuality is as reprehensible as
racial or religious bias.'·
The groundbreaking decision was rhe
first time in American history that the
Supreme Court had ruled in favor of
LGBT citizens. According to Lambda
Legal attorney Ruth Harlow, the ruling
coming 10 years after _Bowers_ set a
new precedent that helped LGBT
plaintiffs prevail in countless ensuing
civil rights and family law cases. "Now,
the presumption in most judges' minds is
that constitutional claims on behalf of
lesbians and gay men have legicimacy,
and that the government bears the
burden of justifying its antigay actions,"
she wrote in 1997.
\X,'hile _Romer_ stymied a wave of
attempts to overturn local
antidiscrimination laws, conservatives
soon shifted their focus to same-sex
marriage, culminating in the passage oc
11 ballot initiatives against gay marriage
in November 2004. Gi-ven the changes in
the Supreme Court's composition in
2005, the queer comm'.lni~y anxiously
awaits the high court's next move in the
arena of LGBT civil rights.
For further reading:
Murdoch, Joyce, anci Deb Price. 2(:01.
_Courting Justice: Gay Men and
Lesbians ,. the Supreme Court _ (Basic
Page 23
e Pride .Agenda and a
ntator on public radio,
d in print media.
Lesbian Notions
by Libby Post
Which way
Did They
Go, George,
Which Way Did They Go ?
Poor George. First, the man who really
calls the shots at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Karl Rove, had to go into hiding.
Remember? This past summer he'd been
implicated for exposing the name of Valerie
Plame, the covert CIA agent who also
happens to be the wife of former
Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who criticized
the administration over Iraq.
Then Katrina hit New Orleans and the
bankrupt morality of Bush cronyism was brought front and center. Michael Brown,
the incompetent whom Bush picked to head FE.MA (now considered the Feeble
Emergency Mimagcment .Agericy), acted out Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First"
routine as a one-inan play while thousands of poor, mostly African-American, New
Orleans residents lost everything.
'I'hen Tom DcLay, the House Majority Leader and Bush hatchet man on the Hill,
was indicted - not once, but twice, for campaign fraud and money laundering. As a
fellow Texan, DcLay has built a political operation in the Longhorn State that has
served George well, but that appears to be a matchstick structure soon to go up in
Then George needs to come up with a new Supreme, and in order to maintain the
gender balance (well, ~e gender configuration) at the Court, he nominates Hartiet
Miers, the White House counsel whose lack of judicial record (she's only been a
lawyer, not a ju~) has Bush's base up in arms.
The conservative cadte who anointed George the savior of the right expects him to
dance its dance and sdccr a Court nominee who will vote to strike down _Roe v.
Wade_, block any gay rights laws, and turn back the legal hands of time in this
country. Other than being a born-again, Miers, for the most part, is a blank slate, and
that's not OK for folks who want a guarantee that their brand of strict conservative,
constructionist constitutionality will be the order of the day.
Poor George. It's all starting to fall apart. What's a guy who hasn't had an original
thought in his life and who surrounds himseif with syncophantic yes-men and
women to do? He's losing his friends. He's losing bis credibility. He's losing his grip
on his political base. He's losing the public relations war. He's losing any claim to a
positive presidential legacy.
But his losses do not necessarily translate into gains for the iesbian and gay
community. Sure, it's great that individually we can walk around with a "we told you
so" attitude. I, for one, am proud that I still have my Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker
on my car. But how far can that really take us?
How can we, as a community and a potentially powerful political force, capitalize
on the crumbling of the conservative coalition?
First, we need to expose their politics as a sham. Katrina showed us that
compassionate conservatism is an oxymoron. While the right has formed anrigay
coalitions with black clergy throughout the country, those same clergy woke up the
day after Katrina to see a government they supported refusing and unable to help
their own people. Perhaps this is the right time for LGBT groups throughout the
............................................ continued next page.
Lesbian Notions
country to reach out to their local
Africa;_-American clergy to build new
bridges and work together to help our
domestic refugees down south. . . . .
Second, we need to raise the v1S1bility
of LGBT groups throughout the country
to show the compassion and concern
we've routinely shown for people
affected by disasters. From AID~ to ?/11
to Katrina, the LGBT community did
not sit on its hands and wait to be told
what to do. We're well aware of the need
to do something, to make change - after
all if we don't do things for ourselves,
n~ one is going to do it for us. . .
Thankfullv our action is just not hm1ted
to doing f~r ourselves - we underst~nd
that we need to bring our compasston
and concern beyond the borders of our
gay ghettos and to~ch the lives of
anvone anvwhere m need.
, Third ~e need to make it clear, over
and over' again, that we're here, we'.re_
queer, and we ain't goi?g away. Thi~ is
no time to seek refuge m a closet. We
need to be clear about who our families
are who our children are. We need to
wo~k on the midterm elections, side by
side with folks who share common goals,
and defeat those in the House and Senate
whose politics are not only dangerous to
us, but deleterious to the nation. We need
to run for office as well. Openly gay
elected officials do make a difference.
Having a seat at the table beats knocking
on the door anytime. And, yes, we may
just need to march on Washington as
If we do all this and work together, we
may be able 1:0 show George and his
cronies which way to go - out the door.
liewsprint at affonlabfe prices
405-478-4009 • 6725N. Miramar Blvd. Okla City, OK 73111
November 2005
Salutations and welcome to Uncle's comer
once more. Uncle here, coming to you on
location. I am soaking in the garden tub, whilst
my ever faithful boy Delicious dick-tates, my
every word. Say hello delicious, Oh I am just
teasing Kitten. He is terribly shy, unless it is in a
dark alley somewhere, and than the boy is a
Well, a quick look at the latest in the world,
while I enjoy these simply calming bubbles of
Freedom of speech took a U-tum during an
ugly widdle run in, via the straight world. I guess they are not even safe from their
own .kittens. What is this wodd coming to when just the right wing mentality gets
someone· thrown off an airplane, for offending someone? I mean, if that is the case, I
would t:'!,ck up frequent walking miles, as some of my playful wardrobe includes fun
summer T's, which well, lets just say, could kill a nun at twenty feet. Still, is it not a
right tci wear what we want? Did not the founding fathers pave the road for our
freedom to· speil our minds? I guess,.the error of Bush is ringing in more than just
natural disasters.
Well, a~ we all can see, "gay" has become the fad of iast year. Seen as mainstream
media attempts to once again, push our characters and causes from site, under the rug
we go. It is sad when whom you sleep with is just so last year. Uncle would think
that sexuality would be the last thing to become a fad. I wonder how the breeders
would feel if we were to tell them, they no longer could breed, as it is just so fifteen
agol Get the point sister?
Before uncle's water loses its steam, let us see what seekers in Queerdom have
brought me this week. This week Uncle received a special treat from Straightdom. It
seems even the straight boys are curious about Uncle's corner.
Uncle Mikey,
I have decided to come out of the second closet so to speak. I have chosen to accept
the fact that I am not a man, but women trapped in a gay mans body. I have decided
to utilize my trust, in order to have the operation. I am however nervous about
telling my mother, who took a very long time to accept I was gay. She finally realized
I would not change, and now, I fear this may be too much for her. My father passed
away a few years ago, · and she and I, are the only family we have in the world. Should
I just stay the way I am for her sake? What should I do?
Well Kitten,
Uncle has thought about this and here is what I offer. You show up to dinner
wearing her mommy's best string of pearls, evening gown and poof, probiem solved.
You now have your trust, her trust, and your freedom, to become whoever your
widdle heart desires. Ok, that was just wrong, smile kitten, uncle jest with you. Uncle
suggest that you get a support system, in which to build the strength and backing this
kind of transformation will demand, in order for you to brave the possibility of
rough waters ahead. However, bear in mind, you never know, mothers love can
overcome a lot more than given credit. Personally, I have always fancied finding
myself trapped by a gay mans body; Oh' wait you said trapped in didn.i'™t you. Well,
kitten, as uncle says, be you, the reai you, and allow others to deal with their own
baggage claims. Good luck, and let me know how it ail turns out.
Ask Uncle Mikey:
I am a straight guy who does not mind
homosexuals being who they are. I have
a friend who came out to me a couple of
years ago. We were able to remain
friends, as I think of him as my best
friend. However, there is a problem. He
gets weird when he drinks around me.
He starts kidding around with me, like
he would like to sleep with me, but he
knows I am not that way. I feel like he is
disrespecting me though I try every way
to respect his life choices. How can I get
that point across to him?
Friend of Dorothy's friend
Your letter arrived just in the dick of
time. I was just about to reform, before
your letter arrived giving us permission,
whew-close call. Silly boy, Cute
thougha : you do know that widdle
handle aged you, as well went out ages
ago. Communicate the very words you
have expressed here. Maybe he is
unaware of his offensive behavior, while
meaning no harm. Gay men is general are
more in touch with their emotions,
which at times can be affectionate in an
absolute harmless manor. If your friend
is truly a friend, he will graciously except
your concerns and correct the behavior.
Meanwhile, welcome to Uncles corner,
please feel free to take your pants off and
stav. awhile. Snicker.. snicker. I am a
Well Kittens, just as my bubbles are
quickly dissipating, I too must take my
leave. Until next time, remember; Uncle
welcomes any who can abide by the rule
of one; One society, one equality!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too!
Want more of Mikey? Visit Mikey's corner
at www.askunclemikey.com. Freelance
writer Michael Hinzman, joining
communities throughout Queerdom ...
Quotable Quotes
"Touether it is a process, this act of
b - coming out. But in corning our, we tree
ourseives and take power away from
those who would push us down"-~
Dr. H. james Menginley at the "Coming
Out Ev~m" SMSU Campus Oct 12,2005
"Momma always said, Don't say you don';
like it until you've tried it!"
1 cup Chopped celery
1/2 cup Chopped onion
1 /2 cup Butter
1 tbsp Sage
1/2 tsp Black pepper
8 cups Dried bread cubes (white &
1 pint Shucked oysters
1 - 1-12 cups Chicken broth
In a medium saucepan, combine
butter, celery & onions. Cook over
medium heat for about 5 minutes.
Chop oysters and add to mixture.
Cook an additional 3 minutes, set
aside. In a large mixing bowl. combine
bread cubes, sage and pepper. Add
oyster mixture. Add 1 cup chicken
broth and mix slowly. For more moist
stuffing add additional broth.
Pour mixture into a 13x9x2 pan. Heat
in oven at 350 degres for 15-20
HINT: Let bread set out overnight, then
cut into cubes. You may also add 4
chopped boiled eggs to stuffing
Out of Town
the base of Chairlift No. 8. In this retrohip
'70s-inspired space (complete with
shag carpeting and disco-ball lighting),
you might sample such avant-garde takes
on American comfon fare as "PB&J"
sandwiches (slathered with roasted-pecan
butter, fig jelly, and foie gras), and
lobster-and-Brie fondue. Other cool
Linzinmeir restaurants include Excelsior
Cafe for contemporary Italian cooking;
and the Blue Point Grill, which serves todie-
for steaks, chops, and seafood (as well
as cocktails in the adjacent, swanky Noir
Bar). ·
Downtown Telluride has a bunch of
great accommodations, among them
Camel's Garden Hotel, an intimate resort
hotel at the base of one of the main
chairlifts, with handsome modern rooms,
Italian-marble bathrooms with oversized
tubs, and a sumptuous full-service spa.
For a more authentic slice of historic
Telluride, book a room at the courtly
New Sheridan Hotel, a redbrick 1890s
property with 32 Victorian-inspired
rooms, a first-rate steak restaurant, and
one of the coolest bars in the area.
Mountain Village lacks character but
has astounding views and offers some
fine accommodations, such as the
Wyndham Peaks Resort, which is home
to the Golden Door Spa and abounds
with many other fine amenities. Or
consider ;taying at the classy Mountain
Lodge at Telluride, which comprises 86
well-outfitted rooms and suites as well as
10 larger log-and-stone cabins.
To reach Telluride, you have a variety
of options, although like Jackson, this is
a fairly remote part of the country, so
flying makes the most sense. Llttle
Telluride Regional Airport has direct
service on Great Lakes Airlines (affiliated
with United) from Denver, and on
America West Airlines from Phoenix,
but this facility tends to get snowed in
fairly often. Another good option is to
fly into Montrose (a 75-minute drive),
which has direct flights from Denver,
Houston, Newark, Los Angeles, Dallas,
and Chicago. As for driving, Telluride is
290 miles from Albuquerque, 360 miles
from Denver, and 410 miles from Salt
Lake City.
Of course, both Jackson Hole and
Telluride have much to offer, so if vou
can possibly find the time, consider,
spending haif your vacation in one town,
half in the other. It's a 550-rnilc drive
between the two towns, but there are
plenty of photo ops along the way. And
it's hard to imagine a more stylish and
exciting way to spend a week or two this
winter than to vacation in both of these
wonderful communities.
The Little Black Book
Jackson Hole:
Amangani (1535 N. East Butte Rd., 307-
734-7333 or 877-734-7333,
www.amangani.com). Blue Lion (160 N.
Millward St., 307-733-3912). Jackson
Hole Chamber of Commerce (307-733-
3316, www.jacksonholechambcr.com).
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (307-733-
2292 or 888-DEEP-SNO,
www.jacksonholc.com). Mangy Moose
(feton Village, 307-733-4913).
Rendezvous Bistro (380 S. Broadway,
307-739-1100). Snake River Brewing (265
S. Millward St., 307-739-2337). Snake
River Lodge (Teton Village, 866-975-
Teton Village Lodge (Teton Village, 307-
734--7111 or 800-801-6615,
www.destinationrockies.com). Wort
Hotel (Glenwood and Broadway, 307-
'733-2190 or 800-322-2727,
Blue Point Grill (123 S. Oak St., 970-728-
8862). Camel's Garden Hotel (250 W.
San Juan Ave., 970-728-9300 or 888-772-
2635, www.camelsgarden.com). Chair 8
(250 San Juan Ave., 970-728-8887).
Excelsior Cafe (200 W. Colorado Ave.,
970-728-4250). Telluride Ski Resort (800-
778-8581, www.te!lurideskiresort.com).
Mountain Lodge at Telluride (457
Mountain Village Blvd., 970-369-5000 or
www.destinationrockies.comj. New
Sheridan Hotel (231 W. Colorado Ave.,
970-728-4351 or 800-200-1891,
,vww.newsheridan.com). Wyndham
Peaks Resort (136 Country Club Dr.,
970-728-6800 or 800-WYNDHAM,
Page 28
Where the evidence indicates that
entr.apmcnt may have occurred, the ~s~ue
conccmfug the existence of the reqws1te
mental st:2tc to commit the crime charged
is reserved to the jury. SL.gel v. Suu,
1988 OK CR 284, 19, 766 P.2d 355,357
f'A question of cnmpment is generally
one for the jury, rather than for the
court."); Ryttns v. State, 1966 OK CR
153, 420 P.2d 556.
The Court of Criminal Appeals discussed
the defense of sentencing entrapment in
Leech v. Stttte, 2003 OK CR 4, 66 P.3d
987, and pointed out how OUJI-CR 8-25
should be modified .if the defense of
sentencing entrapment has· been raised. It
In a case where sufficient evidence is
presented to raise the issue of sentence
entrapment, tliis langwagc must be
modified to make it clear to the jury that
the issue is whether or not the defendant,
although intending to commit a lesser
offense, has been cntr.apped into
committing a greater offense. If the
defendant had no previous intent to
commit the greater crime or did not
become rcady,and willing to commit a
greater crime during the course of the
transaction, even though predisposed to
commit the lesser crime, then a finding
that law enforcement agents committed
sentencing. entrapment would require
that the defendant be found not guilty of
the greater crime, and guilty of the lesser
2003. OK CR 4,110, 66 P.3d at 990.
OUJI-CR 8-26
It is the burden of the State to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that n.o
entrapment occurred. If you find that the
State has failed to sustain th?,t · burden,
then the defendant must be found not
Committee Comments:
Since entrapme;nt is an affirmative
defense, the obligation to produce
evidence sufficient to raise the defense
remains with the defendant,
uniess the evidence adduced by the
prosecution has raised the issue. If the
defendant fails to present any evidence
that tends to prove that entrapment
occurred, or if the defendant's evidence is
insufficient as a matter of law, the issue
of entrapment is not presented and no
instruction should be given. If the
defendant presents sufficient evidence to
raise the defense of entrapment, or if the
defense is raised by the prosecution, an
instruction must be given in order to
apprise the jurors of the defendant's
theory of the case.
Once the defense of entrapment is
properly raised, the burden of proving
the nonexistence of the defense and the
predisposition of the defendant rests on
the State, and the jury must be so
Mclntur/J v. Suite, 554 P.2d 837 (Oki. Cr.
1976); Striplin v. State, 499 P.2d 446
(Oki. Cr. 1972). Note that Watson v.
Stttte, 382 P.2d 449 (Oki. Cr. 1962) and
Robinson v. Stttte, 507 P.2d 1296 · (Oki.
Cr. 1973), were specifically overruled on
the issue of burden of proof by Mcinturff,
No instructions concerning the
defendant's burden to come forward
with evidence, or the question of
whether the defendant has presented
sufficient evidence to warrant an
instruction, arc included because these
matters pertain to questions of law and
of trial procedure, both of which arc
beyond the legitimate concern of the
Quotable Quotes
"I have a brother and a sister who arc
gay. And they always were, they didn't
switch or change or anything. They
alwavs were like that. They were born
like that. I'm just for human rights, and
that's part of it. It's nobody's damn
business what people do. If people would
just keep dicir damn noses out of
everybody else's business, that would be
a good place to start. Just treat _
everybody the same and shut up. •H Do l
sound bitter?" -
Roseanne to the Palm Springs gay
publication The Bottom Line.
Page 29
Aunt Mattie:
Grown in fertile, well drained soil in sun
with shelter from strong winds. Plant
bulbs, 4:6 inches deep in late summer or
autumn:·1n our region just before first
Daffodils, with thousands to choose
from there are daffodils (narcissus) to suit
any border and they can also be natucilized
in grass. Careful selection will
providi;.,.color from late winter to late
spring. Plant bulbs at three to five times
their own depth in autumn, in sun or
partial shade in moist, fertile, well drained
soil. Dead head faded flowers, but after
flowering leave the foliage in place for at
least six· weeks.
lilies ate usually tall-growing and bear
showy often fragrant summer flowers,
occasionally in autumn. Grow in w~ll
drained soil and a sunny position. Plant
bulbs in early autumn to depth of two or
three times· their size on a bed of course
sand to ensure good drainage. •
Well talk about drained, I'm done! So
always remember,
"You can lead a hor-to-culture, but
you can't make her think"
Till next time, see. you in the dirt.
• • ,:✓
91 B.B35.78B7
or email: aza~ksstar@sbcglobal.net
Delivering Quality, Value, Integrity and
lh.Jst in Affordable AdYertising Service.
Rev. Steve Urie
what they wanted for themselves to
which they responded simply, ''We want
to follow Jesus!" Just this week talking
with high school students and students
on campus this same issue was raised
with the same response.
Yes as Dr. H. James Mcginley and I
commented individually arid together it
is a process, this act of coming out. But
in coming out, we free ourselves and take
power away from those who would push
us down. Now more than ever we need
to have more of this dialogue, more of
these events putting faces to who we are.
Letting our families, friends and
associates know that we are here and we
expect to be treated .equally without
threat of prejudice from anyone,
including our government. Dr. Mcginley
encouraged the formation of positive
support groups for all generations of
queer people and stressed the importance
of it needing to be more than just the gay
bar down the road.
May each of you set yourselves free!
Take the power away from those who
seek to silence you or to beat you down.
Take the first step; we are here to help
you; .. Be Freel
Rf!fl. Sfe.ui T. Urie is the j1dStcr of Spirit of
Christ MCC in Joplin, MissoNri. .A member
chMrch of Metropoliun C'1mm•nity Chffrd,es
with 2JO crmgreg,tticns 11round the fllOrfil.: Tbe
cb#rch jNSt cdebrdtai its eight 1t4r 11nnit.'m4ry
,nd is 411 it/firming ch#rch for people of alJ faith
fl14lks, mewl .md CNitMr,I diwnitia ,1nd btts a
sp«i4J. o#t.TNd, to the G/L/B/T co~mMnity ..
Testing the last Sunday of
each month between 5PM
and 6PM.
2902 E. 20th St.,
PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
Sunday Service 6PM
Your Invited to our Communi
Dinner Every Wed.
No one·
Subscribe to the STAR
Want the STAR delivered to your home or
12 issues for $24.95 will be mailed in a sealed
envelope the 1st of each month. Complete the
form below and send with a check or moneyorder
Ozarks STAR
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Page 33
Page 34
Seo es VIRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Communications go awry chis week. At
home, it's especially easy to gee locked
~nto needless disputes. If you dig in your
heels, you'll find yourself in quicksand.
Be ready to reiterate and clarify to save
by Jack Fertig
"Switch gears, Gemini!"
~-•. , .. ,,,,.
Three very difficult squares dominate
this week: Sarurn square Sun
(dissatisfaction and frail egos); Mercun'
square Uranus (loose lips and ,
provocation); and Mars square Neptune
(overindulgence and recklessness). If you
want to turn this terrible trio to vour
advantage, work hard, think ahead, and
be sensitive to others.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Think
carefully about your priorities, but if
you expect others to share them,
arguments will ensue. Plav with a few
new erotic kinks, but if y-◊u act like you
have something to prove, someone couid
get _hurt!
TAURUS ~Aprii 20 May 20):
Communicate! Your efforts at work are
111isunderstood, so stay in close contact
with your boss to keep your work on
track. If you think your work at home is
unappreciated, tell your partner that you
feel taken for granted. The apology could
be tremendousiy sexy!
GEMINI (May 21 June 20): Arguments
at work come way too easily. A
meditative time-out can help, and
remember that yes, the boss is the boss!
S,virch chose gears; instead of running
your mouth, keep your ears and brain
busy instead.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Our
community is riddled with sexual peer
pressure, ',vhic:1 is always stupid and is
now especiaily da:1gerous. Ditto booze
and drngs. Remember: "To thine own
,elf be t;:.ue." Stay close to your own ~ore
values; do what's healthy and right for
LEO (ju!y 23 August 22): Home is
where your controi issues are. How
much of chat did you get from your
parents? Be very careful to keep
communication with colieagues clear. Sex
play restores balance, but accidents are
likely nm.-. Be very careful.
LIBRA (September 23 October 22):
Friends and money don't mix at all now.
Dutch treat is good. Curb your erotic
impulses; weil, at least be careful! You're
wide open for all kinds of accidents.
Think ahead, but not coo far.
SCORPIO (October 23 November 21):
Stand up for credit when it's due, and
share it with your mentors. Exaggerated
pride and false modesty both lead to
disaster. If in doubt, lean toward
modesty. Advice on investments should
be politely ignored.
SAGITTARIUS <November 22
December 20): Ac~idencs are jumping out
at everybody, and you're a favorite target
for those gremlins. At home, be careful
to keep electricity and water far aoart. ·
Any retreat, even quiet meditatio~, will
help you stay out of trouble.
CAPRICORN (December 21 January
19): Your sexual expertise is a well-kept
secret - until now! Admit nothing, deny
nothing. If rumors get way out of hand,
just laugh, shake your head like it's all
news to you, and invite whomever you
like ro find out fur themselves.
AQUARIUS Qanuary 20 - February 18):
Keep your finances to yourself. Either
side of a loan can get you into trouble.
You have enough confusion aiready,
especially at home. Avoid domestic
arguments, but pay close attention so
you know what you're agreeing to!
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): There
are no secrets now. Your own business is
out where everyone can see it. Grace and
humor can keep you above scandaL A
proper response is always, "Who said
_what_? My goodnessi"
Jade Fertig has been working as a
professionai astrologer since 1977 and is a
founding member of the Association for
Astrological Networking.
Gay Games Posters
listings of some of our business sponsors,
will appear on the final product. Artists
may incorporate placement of these
logos in their submitted design, or they
may leave a 2" high space at the bottom
of their design for logo placement by
CGI. Artists may choose to use the Gay
G2.mcs VII logo in their design. The logo
may not be modified. Piease review the
Logo Acceptable Use Guidelines
available onlinc at
logo.php. For specifications on proper
use of the logo of the Federation of Gay
Games contact
Gay Games VII Sports and Cultural
Festival will take place July 15 to 22,
2006. Over 12,000 athletes from more
than 100 countries will compete in 30
sports ranging from softball to
dancesport, swimming to tennis. The
wceklong event will include band,
chcerleading and colour guard
performances, chorus, an ancillary arts
festival, and a series of communityorganised
social events and parties. The
opening ceremony is scheduled for 15
July at Soldier Field, the lakefront home
stadium of American-style football's
Chicago Bears. Closing ceremony will be
22 July at Wrigley Field, the home of
Major League Baseball's Chicago Cubs,
located in the heart of Chicago's largest
LGBT neighbourhood.
For the first time, the Gay Games in
Chicago will receive widespread
television coverage on the Q Television
Network. Early sponsors of Gay Games
VII indude PlanetOut/ Gay.com; Q
Television Network; Walgreens; Orbitz;
Sydney New Mardi Gras; McKnight
Kurland Baccelli; Human Rights
Campaign; M~te, Genre, Pink and
Girlfriends Magazines; Windy City
Media Group; and more than 80 business
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 states
business & organizations.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Event ~ ~ WWV{.diveisitypride.com
MCC Llving Spring -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteviile (479)
Condom Sense - - -418 W. Dickson- -479-444-6228
Currv's Video 612 N. College Ave- 479-521-0009
Arkansas, Fort Smith ( 479)
Club 1022 1022 Dodson Ave. 479-782-1845
Kinkeads- 1004 1 /2 Garrison Ase- - 479-783-9988
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - 1010 E. Grand Ave -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - -1021 Jessie Rd- - -501-664-2744
Diamond St>tc Rodeo Assoc.- - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - 1021 Jes~ie Rd- - - -501-666-6900
Sidetraclr.s - - 415 Mam St - -N. L.R.- 501-244-0444
The Factory -412 Louisian:t St.- - -501-372-3070
Kansas, Pittsburg ( 620)
River of Life Church 1709 N Walnut - -1 lAM
PSU-QSA- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Club Glacier - - 2828 E. 31st South 316-612-933!
j's Lounge - - - 513 E. Central - - 316-262-1363
Our Fanmy- - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - -316-682-5494
The Otherside- - -447 N. St Francis- 316-262-7825
Shatai - - 4000 S. Broadwoy- - 316-522--2028
Sidestreet Mens Bar -1106 S. Pattie- - -316-267-0324
South 40 - 3201 S. Hillside - - -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - - -150" S. Pawnee- - - - 316-262-4530
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Ca:npground - - - - - 417-683-9199
Miuouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - 716 S. Main - - - - 4i7-627-9035
MCC Sp•nt of Christ-2902 E 20th, - -Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Bud-::lics - - - · - - 3715 l,fain St - - 816-56i-2600
Club NV - 220 Admiral B!vd- 816-421-NVKC
DB W:irchouse- 1915 .'.fafo St-
Mis5ic B' ,- -8fl5 \\. 39th St- - - -
Sidcstrcct B~r - ~413 E. 3rd-
- -816-471-15:5
· 816-561-0625
- - 816-531-1775
Sid~kick~ S;;loon - - 3707 :,Iain St- - 816- 931-i430
Missouri, Lampe
- - 417-779-5084
Missonri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commeric2l- -869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Martha's Viney2rd- 219 W Olive - - 417-864-4572
Priscilla'5 - 1918 S. Glenstone - - 417-881-8μ4
Oz Bar 504 E. Commercial- - - - - 417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place-• --821 College- - · - -417-864-0036
Rumors --1109 E. Commercial- - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- -- - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405-947-2351
Fini$h Line - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
Ho!lywoodHotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Club - 1221 NW SOth- - -405-843-1722
Jungle Reds - 2200 NW Expwy- - 405-524-5733
Partners- - -2805 NW 36th St - - - 405-942-2199
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorial -405-755-8600
Red Rock North-2240 NW39th St- -405-525-5165
Sisters- 2120 NW 39th St - • -405-521-9533
The Rockies- -3201 N. May /\.ve - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918) .
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine· 918-836-8700
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston - - - 918-584-9494
Club Ma,erick- - 822 S. Sheridan -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks 8807 E. Admiral Pl -834-1051
Elite Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- 918-838-8503
End Up Ciub- 424 S. Memorial- - -918-836-2480
GLBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge-11730 E. 11th- - - -918-437-0449
Nite Spot - - -3007 E. Admiral Pl 918-834-3007
Priscilla's - - - 7925 E. 41st - -918-627-4884
PrisciUa's - 5634 W. Skelly - - -918-446-6336
Prisci!la's - - - -1 1344 E. 11th· - - - -- -918-438-4224
Priscilla's - - 2333 E. 71st - -918-499-1661
Renegades- - - 1649 S. Ma.in - - - • _918-585-3405
Tuisa CARES- -3507 E. Admiral Pi- 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle-• .;3~3 E. 3rd- - - - - 918-592-1188
TNT's - - - 2114 S. t .. {emorial- -918-660-0856
Vnderguy.com - - -15 E. Brady - 918-829-0824
\~"hittier News Stand- 1 N. LCwis~ - 918-592-0767
Yeilow-Brkk-Rd·· - -2630 E. 15th• - 918-293-0304
Outlets wishing to distribute FREE copies of the ST AR,
contact us at 918.835.7887 9am to 4pm mon. fri or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
Page 37
cARTooN "Bitter Girl"
Page 38
cARTooN "A Couple of Guys"
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Delivering Quality, Value, Integrity and
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It's all hapJ>tming at the Bamboo Just for You! Open 12noon to 2am daiiy
109 E.Comm .
Springfield, Mo 65803
Scott Crow,, Managipg;
M~Graw Da~isson. Stew
800. 0.3210
Langley, Oklahoma .
Diversity Pride
by Greg Steele
flags will be
flying high
over Eureka
Arkansas the
weekend of
November 4th-
6th. Diversity
Pride Events
Deborah Rose
and partner
have organized
a weekend
shindig for
everyone. Rose
said "It will be
raining guys,
gals and bears".
Fall Diversity Weekend is just one
of many events organized throughout
rhe year by Deborah's group and
other producers. Spring Diversity
Pride Weekend, April 7-8 2006 and
the fantastic Valenrines Dinner and
Dance February 17-18 2006 are just a
few getawa:y dates to plan for.
Highlights of the upcoming
weekend will include something for
the girls, CRAVE DJ Kiki Fri & Sat.
at Caribe Restaurant and Cantina.
Collide with JD Bryan for the guys,
GO GO Guy and Gal Dance Contest
with cash prizes. Then rhere's Diversity
Bears events with Bears, Beer &
BBQ at Foresr Hill Restaurant.
Moodswing Band will be belting out
some Country Western Retro at
Shawbee's Big Dawg Saloon 9pm Fri
& Sat. For those wanna be crooners
there's a Diversity Open Mic/Talent
search contest
Friday and Saturday.
Drag Kings
and Drag Queens,
what else could
you ask for! The
fabulous Robbie
Walker and many
other performers
· will be out to
entertain you.
You may even run
into IRIS.
For schedule's
and more information
on Diversity
Pride Events
weekend, check
out the
website at (www.diversitypride.com).
Also (www.eurekasprings.com/
alternative) for lodging and other
points of interest such as shopping,
shopping, shopping. And don't forget
Eureka Springs has some of the best
restaurants in the region.
It will be a biast off weekend in
this little gay friendlv city nestled in
the Ozark Mountains.
Drive carefully.
Page 3
by Greg Steele
With all the outing of gay pen~ .
ins, sheep, dogs and other species, is
tere a possibility there are gay . ~
turkeys? How would you know./:
you were eating one of our. own. l
mean the poor critters are Just. herded
into the slaughter pen,. h!1111andy
killed, I presume, plm;keo and
whisked off to Walmart. I. for one
will be asking the Walmart meat lady
'f turkey was gay! I refuse to
1 mv . "r-!1 bak~, fry, barbecue or boil a "=Y
We assume that all turkeys are
hetero, and it's OK to bake or fry
t a homophobic betero turkey, but
ec ., h d
what if your turkey was etero an
gay friendly?
This outing of animals and now
fowl is just not rig~t. It raises so .
many questions and create~ ~o many
problems and it's Thanksgtvmg ~o.r
god sake. Where are the Fowl Rights
people when you need them!
Have a Great Holiday!
Citing Dangers Posed By
Antigay 'Sodomy Laws',
Lambda Legal Voices
Concern Over Supreme
Court Nominee Harriet
Miers's Answers to Gay
Rights Survey
Lambda Legal fought in the courts for five ye.trs
to overturn the Texas "Homosexual Conduct"
law. We therefore find it very troubling that Ms.
Miers would twice assert that the law should
stand rather ihan be repealed
(New York, October 4, 2005) -
Statement from Kevin Cathcart,
Executive Director for Lambda Legal
regarding a survey Supreme Court
Nominee Harriet Miers answered on gay
rights while she was a candidate for
Dallas City Council.
"Harrier Miers's written answers,
while a candidate for Dallas City
Council, to a number of questions about
the rights of gays and lesbians merit very
close scrutiny. We would hope that the
general proposition that gay people
deserve the same civil rights as everybody
else isn't controversial. We nonetheless
take note that Ms. Miers agreed with the
proposition in 1989. What we find
particularly troubling, though, is her
contradictory statement that the Texas
"Homosexual Conduct" law which
made it a crime for gay people to engage
in sexual intimacy that was completely
legal for heterosexuals should not be
repealed. As Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor pointed out in her concurring
opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, this law
unjustiy discriminated against gay
people. Lambda Legal fought in the
courts for five years to overturn the
Texas "Homos;xual Conduct" law. Two
of our clients were led handcuffed from
one of their apartments in the middle of
the night and jailed as a result of it. We
therefore find it very troubling that Ms.
Miers would twice assert that the law
should stand rather than be repealed.
"This new evidence makes it even
more important that Harriet Miers's
nomination be subjected to rigorous
scrutiny during the Sena~e confirmation
process. We do not believe that her
statements in 1989 alone decide whether she
is qualified to a lifetime appointment to the
Supreme Court. At the same rime, we firmly
believe that a nominee is qualified only if she
demonstrates the necessary legal intellect,
experience and judicial temperament as well
as a clear commitment to fairness and
equality for all Americans. Ms. Miers's
support for a criminal law that openly
discriminated against gay people calls into
serious question whether she possesses this
commitment. The upcoming Senate
confirmation hearings will provide the
nominee with the opportunity to discuss her
current thinking and demonstrate whether
she is committed to fairness and equality for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
and all other Americans."
WASHINGTON - In collaboration with
Logo, the Human Rights Campaign is
sponsoring a six city sneak preview tour of
"Noah's Arc," the first African-American
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender series.
The Washington, D.C., preview takes place at
8 p.m. today in HRC's Equality Forum
· "We're proud to be promoting a show
that finally gives visibility to gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender African-Americans,"
said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "We
should all have the opportunity to see
ourselves in our media."
"The Human Rights Campaign's support
from the beginning of this show has really
helped bring it to life," said show creator
Patrick Ian Polk. "These sneak previews
represent anotner seep m the partnership we
began more than a year ago.'"
"This is a historic moment not only for the
African-American GLBT community, but for
the whoie GLBT community," say Chris
Wagely, marketing manage! for Logo.Other
sponsors include the Black AIDS Institute,
Comcast and Di!ectTV The series will
premiere on Logo Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2005.
A sneak pre,;iew took place la~: night in New
York C:ty. All previews except for the
OUT!'lest preview are free of charge.
Additionai previews wiH take place:
Page S
Jackson Hole ahd Telluride
_Jackson Hole, Wyoming~
Just south of Grand Teton National Park, in one of the most remote and
dra~aticall· scenic patches of the American West, Jackson Hole feels e~ual, parts ,
y · •·· ' chic On the surface it's less cutesv and overoeve10ped man
down- ome ana cowooy • '. , ' .. h · d
many upscale Rockies ski resorts, but you'll still fina plenty of ,ony s ops, inns, an
restaurants. n •. li 12 mil northwest of
Toe ski area, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, actuauj es • es ..
th• bustling town of Jackson. The resort area is surrounded by T~ton Vhlllage, a~
att..r. active duster of re. sorts, restaurants, · d s· · -rer1ate t e resort s and con os. k:lers apy ~
challenging and beautifully kept terrain. Page 6
Out of Town
Half of the 111 trails are expert, and 40
percent of them intermediate. A dozen
lifts serve the 2,500 acres of skiing, and
the vertical drop of 4,139 is the greatest
of any ski area in the nation.
Among Teton Village
accommodations, consider the cushv
Snake River Lodge, an inviting 88-r~om
hotel that's home to one of the region's
top resraurams, GameFish (where you
might sample port-marinated elk chops
with appie cider sauce), as well as the
magnificent Avanyu Spa. The lodge also
rents out 46 adjacent condos. Another
excellent option, Teton Village Lodge
also lies at the base of the ski resort and
consists of 80 upscale rental condos,
many with full kitchens, gas fireplaces,
and whirlpool tubs. No trip to Teton
Village is complete without a visit to the
Mangy Moose, a rollicking tavern and
live-music dub that draws both
regionally and nationally known talents
and serves up delicious buffalo burgers,
pizzas, and barbecue ribs. This is one of
the world's quintessential apres-ski
In the town of T ackson itself, vou'll
find a number of ieat restaurants: plus a
good many spots to buy everything from
high-end cowboy wear to top-of-the-line
ski gear. Enjoy a casual meal and some
top-notch lagers and stouts at Snake
River Brewing. Rendezvous Bistro serves
such delectable contemporary fare as
smoked swordfish carpaccio and steak
tanare. And set inside· a vintage house
downtown, the Blue Lion presents huge
portions of tasry Western favorites, such
as fresh-caught Idaho red trout and
grilled elk tenderloin. Among downtown
accommodations, the historic Won
Hotel exudes charm, with its imposing
1940s T;:ido:.:-style facade and richly
furnished rooms, pius the convivia: Sfrver
Dollar Bar and Grill.
Head up into the hills just west of
town to reach one of the \'vest's premier
resorts, Amangani, an ultra-op~lent
mouncaimop spread whose 40 paiati2l
suites start at $700 11ighth in season.
Massive windows lool~ o~t across Teton
Pass from this elegant sandstone-andredwood
building. Even if you don't stay
here, drop by for a meal at The Grill or
cocktails at the zinc-top bar.
From either Teton· Villal"e or the C'
to'l..vn of Jackson, it's a relatively short
and easy drive north into Grand Teton
National Park, and from there it's just
about 45 miles up to the southern
entrance of Yellowstone National Park.
To reach Jackson, your best bet is to fly
right into Jackson Hole Airport, which
has service from several major airlines,
including American, Delta, Northwest,
and United. Otherwise, it's a long drive
to Jackson from the nearest major cities
(300 miles from Salt Lake, 520 miles
from Denver).
_Telluride, Colorado_
Telluride is really two communities in
one. There's the historic and extremely
charming original town, which sits
nestled in a deep gorge at the base of
some of the finest ski terrain in the West.
And then there's the more modern
Mountain Village, which you can reach
either by driving 8 miles west and then
north of town or via a free gondola trip
up the mountainside (the ride takes 13
Telluride ski season begins around
Thanksgiving and runs through early
April; the area consists of 84 trails,
evenly balanced between advanced and
intermediate runs, with a smaller but still
considerable number of beginner slopes,
and there's a vertical drop of some 3,500
feet, with the area's peak elevation at
12,260. Skiers can navigate the mountain
via 16 lifts (more than half of them highspeed)
and dine at some 55 ski-in/ ski-out
restaurants. This is truly a world-class
Telluride Gay Ski Week was begun in
2004 and has rapidly developed an
enthusiastic following. In 2006 it runs
from February 26 through March 5, and
it coincides with the Telluride AIDS
Benefit, which is the recipient of the
week's proceeds. Festivities include a
variety of parties, from an outdoor
tubing shir:dig co an indoor pool-andJacuzzi
romp. The week culminates on
Oscar Night, so the final party includes a
fabulous viev,-ing of the Academy
One thing downtown Telluride has
pient:y of is superb restaurants, the best
of them helmed by iocai chef superstar,
Jake Linzinmeir. His latest creation,
which opened in December 2004, is
Chair 8, in the Camel's Garden Hotel, at
continued page-28 Page 7
Bold New Ads Aired
to Oppose Texas
Houston same-sex couples and families
speak from the heart about why marriage
HOUSTON, Oct. 12 - The Vote
Against the Amendment Campaign, a
project of the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force, today announced the release
of seven broadcast commercials in
opposition to Proposition 2, a proposed
amendment to the Texas constitution
that would prohibit any legal recognition
of same-sex relationships. The measure
will be on the ballot on November 8.
The seven television spots, which
begin airing today, feature several
Houston gay and lesbian families talking
about their love and the need for, and
importance of, marriage equality. While
there have been many television ads
opposing state anti-marriage
constitutional amendments over the last
few vears, this new series is the first time
sam;-sex couples have spoken directly
about why marriage matters.
"These groundbreaking ads will
introduce Houston voters to their gay
and lesbian neighbors and underscore
that this constitutional amendment will
hurt real people and real families," said
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Director of Organizing & Training Dave
Fleischer. "We think it is important to
speak to voters openly and honestly
about our lives and relationships. When
voters know who we are, many more of
them see the need for marriage equality
for gay families and consider standing
with us on the issue."
"It is imperative that Houstonians
understand the negative impact this
amendment will have on our Eves and
our families," said Rev. Carolyn Mobley
and Adrain Bowie, who appear in one of
the commercials. "We are not second-clas$
citizens, and we need the same rcso~rces and
rights availabie ro heterosexual couples to
protect our fan1iiies. 1
According to the U.S. Census, there
are 9,784 same-sex couples in the
Houston metropolitan area, with a total
of 42,912 same-sex couples in the st.ate of
Texas. The greater Houston metro area
ranks 44th out of the 331 metropolitan
areas defined bv the Census nationwide.
The Vote Against the Amendment
Campaign and the National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force are working in
partnership with the coalition of state
and local groups in Texas that are part of
the No Nonsense in November
"Our opponents have vastly greater
resources at their disposal and are relying
on myths and fear-mongering to hurt
Texas families. We appreciate the work
of the Task Force to show the truth
about who we are," said Glen Maxey, the
No Nonsense in November campaign
Proposition 2, which will be decided
on November 8, prohibits marriage, civil
unions and domestic partnerships for
same-sex families. The Task Force has
committed significant resources to
helping the lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender community educate voters
about the detrimental impact of these
divisive amendments. This commitment
inciudes training, voter identification,
organizing key communities, as well as
significant financial assistance.
To date, 18 states have amended their
state constitutions to preclude the
recognition of same-sex marriage, with
most of the amendments also forbidding
any legal recognition of same-sex
Quotable Quotes
"1 think the opponents of gay marriage
really fall into two categories. A smail
group of peopie just don't like gay
oeople. If you don't like one, you don't
like two. It's geometric. The larger
percentage are people who are generally
supportive of equal rights, as they have
been in Massachusetts, but hear these
predictions that it's going to be socially
very chaotic, and they figure, why take
the chance?" -
Gav U.S. Rep Barney Frank, D-Mass., to the
\feilesley {Mass.] ·ro~,.vnsman.
Page 8
Know The Law,
Then You Decide!
OUJI-CR 8-25
Where a person has no previous intent or
purpose to violate the law, but is induced
or persuaded by law enforcement officers
to commit a crime, he/ she is entitled to
the defense of entrapment, because the
law as a matter of policy forbids a
conviction in such a case.
On the other hand, where a person
already has the readiness and willingness
to break the law, the mere fact that a
police officer provides what appears to
be a &vorable opportunity is no defense.
If you should find from the evidence
that, before anything at all occurred
respecting the alleged offense involved in
this case, the defendant was ready and
willing to commit a crime such as that
charged in the information whenever
opportunity was offered and the police
merely offered the opportunity, the
defendant is not entitled to the defense of
If, on the other hand, you should find
that the defendant had no previous intent
or purpose to commit any offense of the
character here charged, and did so onlv
because he/ she was induced or persuaded
by some agent of the police, then the
government has seduced an innocent
person, and the defense of entrapment is
a good defense.
Committee Comments
This instruction is substantially similar
to that approved by the Court of
Criminal Appeals in Robinson v. State,
1973 OK CR 152, 507 P.2d 1296. .
overruled on other grounds, Mclnt~rjf v.
State, 1976 OK CR 226, 112, 554 P.2d
837, 841.
Entrapment occurs when the
planning and volitional conduct
associated with an offense are entire!, the
products of an officer or a person acting
under the direction of an officer, and the
officer or his agent procures the
c~m~ssion of the offense by a person
who, buc for the artifice of the officer,
Kiddie v. State, 1977 OK CR 301, 574
P.2d 1042; Dupree v. State, 1973 OK CR
53, 506 P.2d 974; McCan v. State, 1967
OK CR 222, 435 P.2d 419; Riddle v.
State, 1962 OK CR 98, 374 P.2d 634;
Crosbie v. State, 1958 OK CR 78, 330
P.2d 602; Savage v. State, 1956 OK CR
112, 304 P.2d 344; Bayouth v. State, 1956
OK CR 26, 294 P.2d 856; Lee v. State, 66
Okl. Cr. 399, 92 P.2d 621 (1939). See also
Jacobson v. United States, 503 U.S. 540,
(prosecution was required to offer
evidence of defendant's predisposition to
violate the !aw independent of the
government's acts and bevond a
reasonable doubt). Merely furnishing the
defendant with an opportunity to
commit a crime is not entrapment.
Hunnicutt v. State, 1988 OK CR 91, ,r 3,
755 P.2d 105, 107-08. The defense of
entrapment is not available unless the
officer or the person acting under his
direction first suggested perpetration of
the criminal act, or lured or persuaded
the defendant to partake of the criminal
Stevens v. State, 51 Okl. Cr. 451, 2 P.2d
282 (1931); Warren v. State, 35 Okl. Cr.
430, 251 P. 101 (1926).
The court has analyzed the availabilirv of
the entrapment defense as follows: O~e
who is instigated, induced, or lured bv
officer of law or other person, for ·
purposes of prosecution, into
commission of crime which he had
otherwise no intention of committing
may avail himself of the defense of
entrapment. Principle of entrapment
places no limitation on right of officers
to obtain evidence of any crime
originating in mind of a~orher; and an
officer may, when acting in good faith
with view to detecting crime. make use
of deception, tricker}~ or artifice.
Robinson, supra, 1973 OK CR 152, ,i 11,
507 P.2d at 1299 (citations omitted;
emphasis in original), overruled on burden
of proof, Mclnturjf v. State, 1976 OK CR
226, 1 12, 554 P.2d 837, 841.
Continued page-29 Page 9
de Events
We Do'It t!
Eureka Sprinqs. Adzansas
It. will be .RAINING . ...
. www.DiversityPride.com
Call for G Games
Poster Artists
IL_ The
Gay Games
in Chicago
won't just be
for athletes,
and their
fans. True to
its motto of
the Gay
Games will
give also give
artists an
opportunity ---m!i to showcase
ti½.eir talents.
Chicago Games, Inc. (CGI), the
organizers of the July 15 to 22, 2006 Gay
Games VII Sports & Cultural Festival,
has issued a Call for Artists to submit
designs for a series of commemorative
Gay Games posters. Selected designs will
be printed in a limited series on museum
quality paper and distributed to help
raise visibility and. funds for the Chicago
The Gay Games Arts Committee will
select winning artwork from designs
submitted by 15 November 2005. The
selection committee will be chaired by
well-known Chicago artist Bob Klunk
and Chicago artist, writer and poet CC
Carter. The winning artists will each
receive 50 artist proofs of their
completed poster and the designs will be
featured on the Gay Games Chicago
website at www.gaygameschicago.org.
Artists should submit artwork in the
highest resolution possible on CD-ROM
by 15 November 2005 to: Poster Art
Contest. Gav Games VII, 4753 N.
Br~ad<N;y, Suite 602, Chicago, IL
60640. All artwork submitted will be the
property of Chicago Games, Inc. to be
used in promotions, sales and all other
uses. No original artwork will be
returned. Artists will be required to sign
a release granting use of the artwork.
Specifications/Rules Final printed
poster artwork will be 18" wide by 24"
high. The logos of Gay Games VII and
our Global Sponsors, along with text
continued page-3 5
Page 12
615 E Memorial
(405) 755-8600
Springfield, MO
TLC Priscilla's
1918 S. Glenstone
(417) 881-8444
Tulsa, OK
7925 E 41st
(918) 627-4884
Tulsa, OK
5634 W. Skelly
(918) 446-6336
Tulsa, OK
11344 E. 11th
(918) 438-4224
Tuisa, OK
2333 E. 71st
(918) 499-1661
Page 13
Music, These
Girls It All!
A 5 piece all female band, Moodswing
has been together for one and half years.
They have played at many events
including Tulsa Pride Picnic, OKC Pride
Picnic, Tulsa's Mayfest, The Women's
Music Festival in Dripping Springs,
Texas and the Sooner State Rodeo in
Tulsa. And have proven to draw huge
crowds at many Tulsa and Oklahoma
City nightclubs.
Current members are:
Brenda Bobbit has been entertaining
since the tender age of 3. At 12, she
played with her father & Jimmy Dallas
in Kansas City. She performed in the
Fender's theater in Branson, played in
concerts with Jo Clark & the Fog_gy
River Bovs to name a few. Her hero 1s
Dottie &i.mbo. Her life long dream is to
iam with Dorrie someday.
· Paula Gokey Raised in Bowling
Green, Ohio. She started playing drums
when she was 13. She also plays guitar and
writes poetry. One of her poems has even
been published. She loves to practice
playing her drums and sometimes will
spend 5 hours listening & practicing
totally lost in the music. She will blow
vou awav when she plavs the drums. She
~ay be ~mall, but great· things do come in
small packages.
Schellve James is a singer/songwriter
and plays ,rhythm guitar. Scheliye is an
entertainer. She has great stage presence.
She joined the school band at age 10 &
played drums. But don't ask her to play
them now. She says it's been too long. Her
favorite artists are Sting & Lisa Marie
Preslev. She is a Cartoonist, Portrait artist
& wa; an OSU Graphic Design Girl
Mary King is a singer/ songwriter 2nd
plays guitar. She first st:1rted singing at :1ge
7. (She was frosty the snowman) Alw:1ys
shy and quiet growing up until the 7th
grade when her music teacher w:1s walking
past all the choir members listening to them
sing. Her teacher talked her into singing ll
solo in district contest and the rest is history.
Marv was in love with music &om th:1t point
on. She received 13 first place medals in
either solos or ensembles from the 7th grade
thru the rest of high school. She :1lso received
outstanding vocal music student in the 9th
Valerie Meador was born and raised near
Roanoke, VA. She started our playing drums
and singing in her family's gospel group at
the age of 8. Valerie's family (The Jimmy
Me:1dor Family) consisted of Mom & D:1d
and two older sisters. They recorded their
first album wl::en Valerie was 9 ye:1rs old.
Since then, she h2s played with several other
groups a:.d has played on several recordings.
Valerie's musica! background comes
primarily from her Dad. Vaierie says, "My
dad could ha,'c been a Bill Monroe."
Don't miss Moodswing's next concert
at the Diversity Pride Events weekend
Coumry /Retro dance in Eureka Springs.
November 4th & 5th at Shawbee's.
For booking information contact
Mary King 918-955-5890
Page 15
by Reverend Steve T. Urie
JOPLIN, MO_ What an event ~d in
Joplin, Missouri! October. 12, 200.'.l saw
the beginning of an amazmg growth for,
our community. The Straight and Gay
Alliance of Missouri Southern State
University successfully held its first
"Coming Out Event" on campus.
Although a close vote, the campus .
organization known as ~AG~ received
permission from the uruvers1ty to hold
the event. With booths on the campus
oval located in the center of the campus,
approval to use part of the li~r~ and
use of the Mills Anderson Cnmmal
Justice Center auditorium the event was
an enormous success.
A success first for the fact it even
happened. Secondly for the organization
representing the students and off campus
organizations including PR?MO (the
Personal Rights of Missounans . _
organization that is our communmes
political arm), AIDS Project o_f the
Ozarks, Alternatives Counseling
Associates, and Spirit of Christ
Metropolitan Community Ch~rch
coming together as a commuruty. Several
businesses provided products for ~ raffle,
students sold rainbow bead key chams
and cookies while Spirit of Christ MCC
received donated CD's from Marsha
Stevens and Shawn Thomas for the raffle
and for sale. Both of these very talented
performers are indeed people of faith but
also part of our G/L/B/T community
setting the example that 1f you make up
your mind to be who you are ... you can
in fact accomplish great things. Finally
this was a success for a surprisingly nonaggressive
response from the student
body and community at large toward the
The event was covered by the Joplin
Globe and two local television stations
including KOAM.
Workshops during the day incl~ded
"Pink Triangles" by H. James Megmley,
PhD. From Alternatives Counseling
Associates and the House of Hope in
Chattanooga; "Coining Out as a P7rson
of Faith" by Reverend. Steve T. Une
pastor of Spirit of Christ MCC with. a
predominantly G/L/B/T .con~~egauon;
"Coming out... the Expenence by
Daniel Boyer, Jr. representing SAGA and
a fourth workshop by H. James
Mcginley on "A .Transgendered Path."
Students and faculty from all walks of
life and sexual orientations visited the
booths and attended the workshops with
a positive response and show of support.
Only one student walked up to the
church table and asked "What about
Leviticus?" The response from one of the
church members was simply, "God loves
evervone." The student simply walked
away. No protest, no name calling, only
open dialogue. .
Several- people signed statements g?mg
to our State Senators and Representatives
encouraging them to support legal rights
for all Missourians. -
As a person of faith, a gay male and a
Joplinite I was proud of this ende~vor
and the fact that the students, straight,
gay, lesbian, bisexual, Transgendered
came together to start a proc~ss loo~
missing in our local commur~1ty. I_t 1s
difficult to come out to fam1ly, friends
and associates as a person of an alternate
sexual orientation but what a lot of
people don't understand is ~tha_t i.t is ?ften
difficult to come out as a Lhnsuan. ln
both situations you never know the
response. Many youth. ~oday qu.estion
and wonder for somethmg deeper.
Recently at the General Conference of
Metropolitan Community Ch1:1-rches the
youth and young aduits brought up an
interesting issue. "Why would we want
to be Christians? Christians are mean!"
Out of the mouths of babes and such
innocence this is a challe!'lge for people of
all faiths. The answer is found in the
simplicity of their response when ask
continued page-32 1
, Page ,o
A TisketA TasketA Girl And Her Basket.
Once upon a rime in a land far away, I
was considered quite a blossom. But as
years have passed the fruit has ripened on
the vine and the root has matured.
Is this a bad thing or a blessing ? Is
youth better than experience and wisdom,
or knowing what you want? I think
we must consider assessing what you
have at the stage your at. So, before you
can draw up a realistic plan for your life
as well as your garden, you need to make
a proper assessment of your site. It is a
good idea to spend some time over this.
You need to get an impression of whar
the garden is like at different rimes of the
day - which parts get the most sun; how
much shade is cast and where. If at all
possible, it is worth waiting to see what
different seasons of the year do so that
you discover the warmest and coldest
corners, it's wettest and windiest spots.
Every plot has it's good and bad points
yours may be very small, have impoverished
soil or be on steep sloping ground
but a challenging site can be the making
.of an interesting and highly individual
garden. In the light of what you discover,
you may fmd yourself abandoning
preconceived ideas of your ideal garden or
at least adopting them to suit the scale
and condition of your own particular
It's a matter of size. There are various
ways of making the best of the space in
your garden no matter how small or large
the site.
Large sites are often best treated as a
series's of compartments, the partitions
formed by hedges and other screening
devices. Vistas, focal points and the
occasional surprise.
Many small gardens are rich in
possibilities despite the limitations of size.
Concealing the boundaries by planting
around the edges and "borrowing" the
trees and shrubs of neighboring gardens
help to create a sense of space.
The shape of the site is just as important
as it's area and has implications for
the way the garden is designed. On a long
and narrow site of the kind common in
suburban areas, a straight path running
from end to end is likely to draw the eye
immediately to the fore boundary,
making the garden look smaller than it
really is.
The broad spaciousness of a wide
garden along the front of a house will
often be welcome and might be designed
·with organic shapes and flowing lines.
Well, with all this innuendo, I've just
about worn out my good "writing" hand,
so lets go on to the plants of November.
This month picks are large and
bountifol at your local markets, yes it's
bulbs, bulbs, bulbs. The bigger the bette::
I say. There's nothing better than the feel
of mature bulbs cupped in your hand
before being thrust imo the ground. Here
are a few basics, Tulips, Daffodils, Liiies.
Let's start with Tulips, or shall we tip
Lending unrivaled brilliance to the
spring borders, there are several different
groups of tulips that can provide color
from late winter to late spring, either as
annual bedding or as groups in borders.
continued page-32
Page 17
Josh Aterovis, Author
Saving the World One
Party at a Time
One of our closest friends recemlv
said to me, "You know, I always read
your column, and I enjoy it, b;t it's been
pretty heavy lately. I miss your fluffy
pieces.'' I thought about it and realized
that mv columns have tended a bit
toward the doom-and-gloom variety of
late. I've found it hard to focus on the
bright side when every week things seem
to get just a little worse for the LGBT
The truth is, however, I firmly
believe that what is going on in the U.S.
and all around the world for that
matter - is just the swing of the cultural
pendulum. It's a cycle we've seen before.
When things seem to be progressing jus;:
a little too far for the social conservative
to handle, they fight back. In the end,
though, what is right and fair always
wins out. The pendulum will swing
back Once it does, it'll never swing this
far again.
\X,'hy do I believe this with such
conviction? Because I see it piaying out
all around me. Even with all the hatemongering
going on right now even
with all the bigotry being spewed from
pulpits under the guise of religious
teaching, even with all the anti-gay
rhetoric masquerading as political
platforms, even with the President of the
United States openly working to ensure
that gays and lesbians remain second-class
citizens - we're making progress.
Just a generation ago, it would have
been unthinkable for gays and lesbians to
live openly the way so many of us do
today. Fifty years ago, the police
routinely raided gay bars and arrested
gay men, lesbians, and drag queens for no
other crime other than being in a gay
bar. Lives were destroyed simply by
having the arrest report printed in the
paper. Today, 31 states have hate crime
laws that include sexual orientation,
while ten also include gender identity.
Those same newspapers that once outed
innocent men and women now run
announcements for same-sex unions. Just
twenty years ago, not a single state had
laws protecting its LGBT citizens from
discrimination. Today, sixteen states
have some form of anti-discrimination
laws that include sexual orientation. Just
five years ago, it was unthinkable that
gays and lesbians couid get married in the
U.S., and now Massachusetts has samesex
marriage, Connecticut and Vermont
have civil unions, and California, DC,
Hawaii, Maine, and New Jersey have
domestic partner laws. We still-have a
ways to go before we reach full equality,
but we have undeniably made progress.
Everything I just described above is
law, and as we all know, laws can be
repealed. In fact, the Far Right is
working hard to fight many of those
same laws I just wrote about. But here's
the thing. They can fight it as hard as
they want, but they're fighting a losing
battle. Attitudes are changing, and that's
something no amount of hate-filled
propaganda can reverse.
~'hy are attitudes changing? Some of
i: can be attributed to the laws, perhaps.
It might make people confront their
beliefs and prejudices. We can probably
thank Will & Grace for some of it.
Studies have proven that positive
portrayals of gay characters on ;:devision
affect people's feelings towards gays and
lesbians. For the most part, though, I
think we can be grateful for those who
live their lives openly.
continued next page
Page 18
Jon and I live very openly. We often
eat out together, we shop together, we go
everywhere together. We just bought a
house and we were together at every step
of the process, from the first viewing to
the signing of the paperwork ( oh, so
much paperwork ... ). Not one~ have we
experienced any open discrimination. In
fact, it's usually just
the opposite. We've
found m~st people are
surprisingly accepting
if you give them the
chance. w-e've been
very open with our
new neighbors,
introducing each other
as partners, and we've
been welcomed into
the neighborhood with
open arms.
At our recent
housewarming partv, l
looked around at the
30 or so people who
had come out to wish
us happiness in our new home and I saw
a great diversity. It was an interesting
mix of straight and gay, young and old,
men and women, black and white. There
were straight couples, lesbian couples,
gay _couples, and singles both gay and
straight. Many of Jon's coworkers came.
Even my younger sister and her husband
were there.
. Sev:eral of our neighbors also came,
tncludmg an older couple who live across
the street. He plays kevboard for a local
Christian quartet. He'; been playing for
years, decades even. He told us he lost a
dear friend when Ray Charles passed
away last year. He and his charming wife
w~te among the first people to welcome
us to the street, and have even had us
over to their house alreadv. Last week. as
we sat in their living roo~, they subtlv
let us know that they were accepting ;f
our relationship. The word "gay" was
i;i.~ver used, but thev made themselves
perfectly clear. · ·
. Another person at the housewarming
was a woman who just had her first book
published at the age of 81. I had
interviewed her recently for the local
newspaper and we became friends in the
r,.rocess. After meeting with her several
tunes, I invited her to the party. She
made a comment about looking fom-ard
to. ~<;eting my wife. I'd spoken often
with ner about Jon, but it hadn't sunk in
that Jon was a man. I gently corrected
her and she seemed surprised. I wasn't
~ure if she would still come to the party,
out sure enough, there she was at our
door with a bottle of wine. As we
chatted later that evening, she told me
that she'd picked up my book at the
library. "I'm really
enjoying it," she told me.
"It's been a real
My sister is a very
conservative Republican
Christian. On the surface,
we couldn't be more
different, but she has always
been supportive of my
relationship with Jon. For a
while, she was the onlv one
who accepted Jon as a,
member of our family. Jon
and I love to entertain and
we often throw l:uge, rather
lavish parties. This was the
first one my sister and her
husband have attended. She
called me after the party and said, "You
know, l was looking around at evervone
there, and they didn't look like thei all
belonged there, but they all seemed to be
having fun. It was cool."
In many ways, that's· what it's :ill about. I
like to think th:.t, in our small wav we're
making a difference. Parties and g~;-togethers
may seem frivolous, but we're changing
hearts and minds ... and attitudes. People who
may_ not _oth_erwise be exposed to gays and
lesbians In tneir daily lives meet them in
person, socialize with them, and realize we're
no different from anyone else. As more and
more attitudes change, so will the laws.
Eventually, a generation from now, maybe
sooner, people will look back and wonder
what all the fuss was about. I'll be an old man
by then, telling stories to wide-eved
disbelieving youngsters about th; b;d old
days when gays were openly discriminated
against ... and I'll proudly tell them about our
parr in the revolution - saving the world one
party at a time.
Th~ 7:iews expressed in this column are my
ofzmons only. You tUJn't have to agree with
tJJem. I just ask that you read them with an
open heart. and mind.
Page 19
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Tulsa's Social Event
of the Year.
by Greg Steele
November 22, 2005
TULSA, OK_The limousines lined up
outside the Bamboo Lounge waiting to
unload the their cargo of Scar':;. The red
carpet was in place and the show was
about to begin.
Bamboo owner~ Terry and Stan were
overcome with joy with the return of the
coveted Miss Bamboo Crown. The
precious jeweled trophy had mysteriously
disappea1:ed ten month:~ ago and had just
been returned via p1:ivatc courier.
Reliable sources had tht: jewels travding
the world with a disgruntled looser of tht:
2005 pageant. But the priceless crown had
been returned and everyone was elated.
The show· could go on!
All pageant proceeds were donated to
years event
raised over
$400. Fundraising
and MC of the
show, Kris
Kohl, works
drclessiy year
round raising
funds for
organization in
Tulsa who
benefit people
with HP✓ and
(More photo's
Among the many stars and dignitaries in
attendance, where crooners Pat LaMorte
and Matthew Heath Fitzgerald. Matthew
entertained and graciously donated one o
bis freshly discarded jock strap for
auction, it brought $100. What a jester'
.:\ funtastic evening and all for a good
c:ms,~. Big appiause fc;r Stan, Terry, Kris
and all the fabulous entertainers.
campaign to boycott the state.
Ut Organizations ranging from the American
Mathematical Society to the U.S.
Conference of Mayors cancelled
conf~rences in Colorado. Aspen vowed to
con_ttnue enforcing its civil rights
ordmance, and Telluride passed a similar
measure in defiance of the new state law.
z Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective
of key moments, personalities, and
subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by
exploring the diversity of the gay past
and its impact on the queer present.
What was _ Romer v. Evans ?
The U.S. Supreme Court has a mixed
record when it comes to LGBT civil
right~. The court upheld state sodomy
laws m the 1986 _Bowers v. Hardwick
case, but reversed itself with the 2003 -
_Lawrence v. Texas_ decision. Whil~ it
permitted a private organization to
e~clude ~y members in the _Boy Scouts
01 America v. Dale_ case in 2000, the
court ruled that states may not ban
antidi~crimination laws that protect gay
and bisexual people in its 1996 _Romer
v. Ev~s_ ruling, the outcome of a long
legal battle over Colorado's Amendment
2 ballot initiative.
A conservative state with liberal
enc.laves, _Co~or~do'_s first law against
anttgay discnmtnatton was instituted by
the .resort town of Aspen in 1977,
~unng ~ dec~de that saw numerous gay
rtghts :ictones ~cross the country. .
Followmg the rtse of the religious right
in_ ~he 1980s, however, a group called
C1t1zens for Family Values introduced
an a°:endment that wouid prevent state
agenctes, municipalities, or school
districts from enacting laws or policies
whereby "homosexual, lesbian, or
bisexual orientation, conduct, practices
or relationships" would constitute th- '
. C
as~s for "any minority status, quota
preterences, protected status, or claim of
Although polls predicted the
initiative was headed for defeat, voters
passed Amendment 2 in November 1992
by a margin of 53 to 47 percent. The
outcome set off a flurry ;f protest and a
A coalition spearheaded bv Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund and
the American Civil Liberties Union filed a
laws~t ~gainst Amendment 2, arguing
that it violated the Equal Protection
Clause of the 14th Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution. In January 1993, Judge
Jef~ey Ba~ess ruled i~ their favor, issuing
an m1unct100 preventtng the initiative
from taking effect.
"For the judge to suggest that
a ... skewed sense of moralitv is not a basis
for denying rights to gays ~d lesbians -
I've been waiting to hear that all of my
life," exclaimed Richard Evans, a former
staff mem?er of Denver's Agency for
Huma~ Rights and Community Relations
who signed on as lead plaintiff in the suit.
Also joining as plaintiffs were the Boulder
Valley School District; the cities of
Denver, Boulder, and Aspen; tennis star
Martina Navratilova; and six other
Colorado Governor Rov Romer - who
personally opposed the am~ndment - and
Attorney General Gale Norton filed an
appe'.11~ arguing ~at Amendmenf 2 merely
prohibited granttng gays "special rights."
In July 1993, the Colorado Supreme
Co~rt uphdd Judge Bayless' ruling,
that. the amendment, ''bars gay men,
lesbta~s, an~ bi~exuals from having an
effecove voice m govemmentai affairs."
After a second failed appeal to the
Colorado high court, the state asked the
U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case
Since the Supreme Court reverses m~st
appeals it hears, its decision to accept the
case worried gay rights advocates a; thev
prepared for oral arguments scheduled for
October 1995. As part of his law firm's
pro bono legal work,_John G. Roberts Jr.
- who was named Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court in September 2005 -
assisted the plaintiffs' attornevs bv
playing the role of a conserv;tive ·justice
10 a practice mock trial. ·
On May 20, 1996, the Supreme Court
ruled by a 6-3 margin that Amendment 2
.................................. continued. next page.
was unconstitutional, declaring that "a
state cannot so deem a class of person a
stranger to its laws." Writing for the
court's majority, Justice Anthony
Kennedy rejected Colorado's contention
that the state had a legitimate
government interest in excluding
homosexual and bisexual people from
legal protection, suggesting the effort was
motivated by "a bare desire to harm a
politically unpopular group."
Justice Antonin Scalia Goined by thenChief
Justice William Rehnquist and
Justice Clarence Thomas) strongly
dissented, claiming that Amendment 2
was "a modest attempt by seemingly
tolerant Coloradans to preserve
traditional sexual mores against the
efforts of a politically powerful
minority." Evoking the culture war, he
expressed outrage that the court's ruling
"places the prestige of this institution
behind the proposition that opposition
to homosexuality is as reprehensible as
racial or religious bias.'·
The groundbreaking decision was rhe
first time in American history that the
Supreme Court had ruled in favor of
LGBT citizens. According to Lambda
Legal attorney Ruth Harlow, the ruling
coming 10 years after _Bowers_ set a
new precedent that helped LGBT
plaintiffs prevail in countless ensuing
civil rights and family law cases. "Now,
the presumption in most judges' minds is
that constitutional claims on behalf of
lesbians and gay men have legicimacy,
and that the government bears the
burden of justifying its antigay actions,"
she wrote in 1997.
\X,'hile _Romer_ stymied a wave of
attempts to overturn local
antidiscrimination laws, conservatives
soon shifted their focus to same-sex
marriage, culminating in the passage oc
11 ballot initiatives against gay marriage
in November 2004. Gi-ven the changes in
the Supreme Court's composition in
2005, the queer comm'.lni~y anxiously
awaits the high court's next move in the
arena of LGBT civil rights.
For further reading:
Murdoch, Joyce, anci Deb Price. 2(:01.
_Courting Justice: Gay Men and
Lesbians ,. the Supreme Court _ (Basic
Page 23
e Pride .Agenda and a
ntator on public radio,
d in print media.
Lesbian Notions
by Libby Post
Which way
Did They
Go, George,
Which Way Did They Go ?
Poor George. First, the man who really
calls the shots at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Karl Rove, had to go into hiding.
Remember? This past summer he'd been
implicated for exposing the name of Valerie
Plame, the covert CIA agent who also
happens to be the wife of former
Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who criticized
the administration over Iraq.
Then Katrina hit New Orleans and the
bankrupt morality of Bush cronyism was brought front and center. Michael Brown,
the incompetent whom Bush picked to head FE.MA (now considered the Feeble
Emergency Mimagcment .Agericy), acted out Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First"
routine as a one-inan play while thousands of poor, mostly African-American, New
Orleans residents lost everything.
'I'hen Tom DcLay, the House Majority Leader and Bush hatchet man on the Hill,
was indicted - not once, but twice, for campaign fraud and money laundering. As a
fellow Texan, DcLay has built a political operation in the Longhorn State that has
served George well, but that appears to be a matchstick structure soon to go up in
Then George needs to come up with a new Supreme, and in order to maintain the
gender balance (well, ~e gender configuration) at the Court, he nominates Hartiet
Miers, the White House counsel whose lack of judicial record (she's only been a
lawyer, not a ju~) has Bush's base up in arms.
The conservative cadte who anointed George the savior of the right expects him to
dance its dance and sdccr a Court nominee who will vote to strike down _Roe v.
Wade_, block any gay rights laws, and turn back the legal hands of time in this
country. Other than being a born-again, Miers, for the most part, is a blank slate, and
that's not OK for folks who want a guarantee that their brand of strict conservative,
constructionist constitutionality will be the order of the day.
Poor George. It's all starting to fall apart. What's a guy who hasn't had an original
thought in his life and who surrounds himseif with syncophantic yes-men and
women to do? He's losing his friends. He's losing bis credibility. He's losing his grip
on his political base. He's losing the public relations war. He's losing any claim to a
positive presidential legacy.
But his losses do not necessarily translate into gains for the iesbian and gay
community. Sure, it's great that individually we can walk around with a "we told you
so" attitude. I, for one, am proud that I still have my Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker
on my car. But how far can that really take us?
How can we, as a community and a potentially powerful political force, capitalize
on the crumbling of the conservative coalition?
First, we need to expose their politics as a sham. Katrina showed us that
compassionate conservatism is an oxymoron. While the right has formed anrigay
coalitions with black clergy throughout the country, those same clergy woke up the
day after Katrina to see a government they supported refusing and unable to help
their own people. Perhaps this is the right time for LGBT groups throughout the
............................................ continued next page.
Lesbian Notions
country to reach out to their local
Africa;_-American clergy to build new
bridges and work together to help our
domestic refugees down south. . . . .
Second, we need to raise the v1S1bility
of LGBT groups throughout the country
to show the compassion and concern
we've routinely shown for people
affected by disasters. From AID~ to ?/11
to Katrina, the LGBT community did
not sit on its hands and wait to be told
what to do. We're well aware of the need
to do something, to make change - after
all if we don't do things for ourselves,
n~ one is going to do it for us. . .
Thankfullv our action is just not hm1ted
to doing f~r ourselves - we underst~nd
that we need to bring our compasston
and concern beyond the borders of our
gay ghettos and to~ch the lives of
anvone anvwhere m need.
, Third ~e need to make it clear, over
and over' again, that we're here, we'.re_
queer, and we ain't goi?g away. Thi~ is
no time to seek refuge m a closet. We
need to be clear about who our families
are who our children are. We need to
wo~k on the midterm elections, side by
side with folks who share common goals,
and defeat those in the House and Senate
whose politics are not only dangerous to
us, but deleterious to the nation. We need
to run for office as well. Openly gay
elected officials do make a difference.
Having a seat at the table beats knocking
on the door anytime. And, yes, we may
just need to march on Washington as
If we do all this and work together, we
may be able 1:0 show George and his
cronies which way to go - out the door.
liewsprint at affonlabfe prices
405-478-4009 • 6725N. Miramar Blvd. Okla City, OK 73111
November 2005
Salutations and welcome to Uncle's comer
once more. Uncle here, coming to you on
location. I am soaking in the garden tub, whilst
my ever faithful boy Delicious dick-tates, my
every word. Say hello delicious, Oh I am just
teasing Kitten. He is terribly shy, unless it is in a
dark alley somewhere, and than the boy is a
Well, a quick look at the latest in the world,
while I enjoy these simply calming bubbles of
Freedom of speech took a U-tum during an
ugly widdle run in, via the straight world. I guess they are not even safe from their
own .kittens. What is this wodd coming to when just the right wing mentality gets
someone· thrown off an airplane, for offending someone? I mean, if that is the case, I
would t:'!,ck up frequent walking miles, as some of my playful wardrobe includes fun
summer T's, which well, lets just say, could kill a nun at twenty feet. Still, is it not a
right tci wear what we want? Did not the founding fathers pave the road for our
freedom to· speil our minds? I guess,.the error of Bush is ringing in more than just
natural disasters.
Well, a~ we all can see, "gay" has become the fad of iast year. Seen as mainstream
media attempts to once again, push our characters and causes from site, under the rug
we go. It is sad when whom you sleep with is just so last year. Uncle would think
that sexuality would be the last thing to become a fad. I wonder how the breeders
would feel if we were to tell them, they no longer could breed, as it is just so fifteen
agol Get the point sister?
Before uncle's water loses its steam, let us see what seekers in Queerdom have
brought me this week. This week Uncle received a special treat from Straightdom. It
seems even the straight boys are curious about Uncle's corner.
Uncle Mikey,
I have decided to come out of the second closet so to speak. I have chosen to accept
the fact that I am not a man, but women trapped in a gay mans body. I have decided
to utilize my trust, in order to have the operation. I am however nervous about
telling my mother, who took a very long time to accept I was gay. She finally realized
I would not change, and now, I fear this may be too much for her. My father passed
away a few years ago, · and she and I, are the only family we have in the world. Should
I just stay the way I am for her sake? What should I do?
Well Kitten,
Uncle has thought about this and here is what I offer. You show up to dinner
wearing her mommy's best string of pearls, evening gown and poof, probiem solved.
You now have your trust, her trust, and your freedom, to become whoever your
widdle heart desires. Ok, that was just wrong, smile kitten, uncle jest with you. Uncle
suggest that you get a support system, in which to build the strength and backing this
kind of transformation will demand, in order for you to brave the possibility of
rough waters ahead. However, bear in mind, you never know, mothers love can
overcome a lot more than given credit. Personally, I have always fancied finding
myself trapped by a gay mans body; Oh' wait you said trapped in didn.i'™t you. Well,
kitten, as uncle says, be you, the reai you, and allow others to deal with their own
baggage claims. Good luck, and let me know how it ail turns out.
Ask Uncle Mikey:
I am a straight guy who does not mind
homosexuals being who they are. I have
a friend who came out to me a couple of
years ago. We were able to remain
friends, as I think of him as my best
friend. However, there is a problem. He
gets weird when he drinks around me.
He starts kidding around with me, like
he would like to sleep with me, but he
knows I am not that way. I feel like he is
disrespecting me though I try every way
to respect his life choices. How can I get
that point across to him?
Friend of Dorothy's friend
Your letter arrived just in the dick of
time. I was just about to reform, before
your letter arrived giving us permission,
whew-close call. Silly boy, Cute
thougha : you do know that widdle
handle aged you, as well went out ages
ago. Communicate the very words you
have expressed here. Maybe he is
unaware of his offensive behavior, while
meaning no harm. Gay men is general are
more in touch with their emotions,
which at times can be affectionate in an
absolute harmless manor. If your friend
is truly a friend, he will graciously except
your concerns and correct the behavior.
Meanwhile, welcome to Uncles corner,
please feel free to take your pants off and
stav. awhile. Snicker.. snicker. I am a
Well Kittens, just as my bubbles are
quickly dissipating, I too must take my
leave. Until next time, remember; Uncle
welcomes any who can abide by the rule
of one; One society, one equality!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too!
Want more of Mikey? Visit Mikey's corner
at www.askunclemikey.com. Freelance
writer Michael Hinzman, joining
communities throughout Queerdom ...
Quotable Quotes
"Touether it is a process, this act of
b - coming out. But in corning our, we tree
ourseives and take power away from
those who would push us down"-~
Dr. H. james Menginley at the "Coming
Out Ev~m" SMSU Campus Oct 12,2005
"Momma always said, Don't say you don';
like it until you've tried it!"
1 cup Chopped celery
1/2 cup Chopped onion
1 /2 cup Butter
1 tbsp Sage
1/2 tsp Black pepper
8 cups Dried bread cubes (white &
1 pint Shucked oysters
1 - 1-12 cups Chicken broth
In a medium saucepan, combine
butter, celery & onions. Cook over
medium heat for about 5 minutes.
Chop oysters and add to mixture.
Cook an additional 3 minutes, set
aside. In a large mixing bowl. combine
bread cubes, sage and pepper. Add
oyster mixture. Add 1 cup chicken
broth and mix slowly. For more moist
stuffing add additional broth.
Pour mixture into a 13x9x2 pan. Heat
in oven at 350 degres for 15-20
HINT: Let bread set out overnight, then
cut into cubes. You may also add 4
chopped boiled eggs to stuffing
Out of Town
the base of Chairlift No. 8. In this retrohip
'70s-inspired space (complete with
shag carpeting and disco-ball lighting),
you might sample such avant-garde takes
on American comfon fare as "PB&J"
sandwiches (slathered with roasted-pecan
butter, fig jelly, and foie gras), and
lobster-and-Brie fondue. Other cool
Linzinmeir restaurants include Excelsior
Cafe for contemporary Italian cooking;
and the Blue Point Grill, which serves todie-
for steaks, chops, and seafood (as well
as cocktails in the adjacent, swanky Noir
Bar). ·
Downtown Telluride has a bunch of
great accommodations, among them
Camel's Garden Hotel, an intimate resort
hotel at the base of one of the main
chairlifts, with handsome modern rooms,
Italian-marble bathrooms with oversized
tubs, and a sumptuous full-service spa.
For a more authentic slice of historic
Telluride, book a room at the courtly
New Sheridan Hotel, a redbrick 1890s
property with 32 Victorian-inspired
rooms, a first-rate steak restaurant, and
one of the coolest bars in the area.
Mountain Village lacks character but
has astounding views and offers some
fine accommodations, such as the
Wyndham Peaks Resort, which is home
to the Golden Door Spa and abounds
with many other fine amenities. Or
consider ;taying at the classy Mountain
Lodge at Telluride, which comprises 86
well-outfitted rooms and suites as well as
10 larger log-and-stone cabins.
To reach Telluride, you have a variety
of options, although like Jackson, this is
a fairly remote part of the country, so
flying makes the most sense. Llttle
Telluride Regional Airport has direct
service on Great Lakes Airlines (affiliated
with United) from Denver, and on
America West Airlines from Phoenix,
but this facility tends to get snowed in
fairly often. Another good option is to
fly into Montrose (a 75-minute drive),
which has direct flights from Denver,
Houston, Newark, Los Angeles, Dallas,
and Chicago. As for driving, Telluride is
290 miles from Albuquerque, 360 miles
from Denver, and 410 miles from Salt
Lake City.
Of course, both Jackson Hole and
Telluride have much to offer, so if vou
can possibly find the time, consider,
spending haif your vacation in one town,
half in the other. It's a 550-rnilc drive
between the two towns, but there are
plenty of photo ops along the way. And
it's hard to imagine a more stylish and
exciting way to spend a week or two this
winter than to vacation in both of these
wonderful communities.
The Little Black Book
Jackson Hole:
Amangani (1535 N. East Butte Rd., 307-
734-7333 or 877-734-7333,
www.amangani.com). Blue Lion (160 N.
Millward St., 307-733-3912). Jackson
Hole Chamber of Commerce (307-733-
3316, www.jacksonholechambcr.com).
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (307-733-
2292 or 888-DEEP-SNO,
www.jacksonholc.com). Mangy Moose
(feton Village, 307-733-4913).
Rendezvous Bistro (380 S. Broadway,
307-739-1100). Snake River Brewing (265
S. Millward St., 307-739-2337). Snake
River Lodge (Teton Village, 866-975-
Teton Village Lodge (Teton Village, 307-
734--7111 or 800-801-6615,
www.destinationrockies.com). Wort
Hotel (Glenwood and Broadway, 307-
'733-2190 or 800-322-2727,
Blue Point Grill (123 S. Oak St., 970-728-
8862). Camel's Garden Hotel (250 W.
San Juan Ave., 970-728-9300 or 888-772-
2635, www.camelsgarden.com). Chair 8
(250 San Juan Ave., 970-728-8887).
Excelsior Cafe (200 W. Colorado Ave.,
970-728-4250). Telluride Ski Resort (800-
778-8581, www.te!lurideskiresort.com).
Mountain Lodge at Telluride (457
Mountain Village Blvd., 970-369-5000 or
www.destinationrockies.comj. New
Sheridan Hotel (231 W. Colorado Ave.,
970-728-4351 or 800-200-1891,
,vww.newsheridan.com). Wyndham
Peaks Resort (136 Country Club Dr.,
970-728-6800 or 800-WYNDHAM,
Page 28
Where the evidence indicates that
entr.apmcnt may have occurred, the ~s~ue
conccmfug the existence of the reqws1te
mental st:2tc to commit the crime charged
is reserved to the jury. SL.gel v. Suu,
1988 OK CR 284, 19, 766 P.2d 355,357
f'A question of cnmpment is generally
one for the jury, rather than for the
court."); Ryttns v. State, 1966 OK CR
153, 420 P.2d 556.
The Court of Criminal Appeals discussed
the defense of sentencing entrapment in
Leech v. Stttte, 2003 OK CR 4, 66 P.3d
987, and pointed out how OUJI-CR 8-25
should be modified .if the defense of
sentencing entrapment has· been raised. It
In a case where sufficient evidence is
presented to raise the issue of sentence
entrapment, tliis langwagc must be
modified to make it clear to the jury that
the issue is whether or not the defendant,
although intending to commit a lesser
offense, has been cntr.apped into
committing a greater offense. If the
defendant had no previous intent to
commit the greater crime or did not
become rcady,and willing to commit a
greater crime during the course of the
transaction, even though predisposed to
commit the lesser crime, then a finding
that law enforcement agents committed
sentencing. entrapment would require
that the defendant be found not guilty of
the greater crime, and guilty of the lesser
2003. OK CR 4,110, 66 P.3d at 990.
OUJI-CR 8-26
It is the burden of the State to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that n.o
entrapment occurred. If you find that the
State has failed to sustain th?,t · burden,
then the defendant must be found not
Committee Comments:
Since entrapme;nt is an affirmative
defense, the obligation to produce
evidence sufficient to raise the defense
remains with the defendant,
uniess the evidence adduced by the
prosecution has raised the issue. If the
defendant fails to present any evidence
that tends to prove that entrapment
occurred, or if the defendant's evidence is
insufficient as a matter of law, the issue
of entrapment is not presented and no
instruction should be given. If the
defendant presents sufficient evidence to
raise the defense of entrapment, or if the
defense is raised by the prosecution, an
instruction must be given in order to
apprise the jurors of the defendant's
theory of the case.
Once the defense of entrapment is
properly raised, the burden of proving
the nonexistence of the defense and the
predisposition of the defendant rests on
the State, and the jury must be so
Mclntur/J v. Suite, 554 P.2d 837 (Oki. Cr.
1976); Striplin v. State, 499 P.2d 446
(Oki. Cr. 1972). Note that Watson v.
Stttte, 382 P.2d 449 (Oki. Cr. 1962) and
Robinson v. Stttte, 507 P.2d 1296 · (Oki.
Cr. 1973), were specifically overruled on
the issue of burden of proof by Mcinturff,
No instructions concerning the
defendant's burden to come forward
with evidence, or the question of
whether the defendant has presented
sufficient evidence to warrant an
instruction, arc included because these
matters pertain to questions of law and
of trial procedure, both of which arc
beyond the legitimate concern of the
Quotable Quotes
"I have a brother and a sister who arc
gay. And they always were, they didn't
switch or change or anything. They
alwavs were like that. They were born
like that. I'm just for human rights, and
that's part of it. It's nobody's damn
business what people do. If people would
just keep dicir damn noses out of
everybody else's business, that would be
a good place to start. Just treat _
everybody the same and shut up. •H Do l
sound bitter?" -
Roseanne to the Palm Springs gay
publication The Bottom Line.
Page 29
Aunt Mattie:
Grown in fertile, well drained soil in sun
with shelter from strong winds. Plant
bulbs, 4:6 inches deep in late summer or
autumn:·1n our region just before first
Daffodils, with thousands to choose
from there are daffodils (narcissus) to suit
any border and they can also be natucilized
in grass. Careful selection will
providi;.,.color from late winter to late
spring. Plant bulbs at three to five times
their own depth in autumn, in sun or
partial shade in moist, fertile, well drained
soil. Dead head faded flowers, but after
flowering leave the foliage in place for at
least six· weeks.
lilies ate usually tall-growing and bear
showy often fragrant summer flowers,
occasionally in autumn. Grow in w~ll
drained soil and a sunny position. Plant
bulbs in early autumn to depth of two or
three times· their size on a bed of course
sand to ensure good drainage. •
Well talk about drained, I'm done! So
always remember,
"You can lead a hor-to-culture, but
you can't make her think"
Till next time, see. you in the dirt.
• • ,:✓
91 B.B35.78B7
or email: aza~ksstar@sbcglobal.net
Delivering Quality, Value, Integrity and
lh.Jst in Affordable AdYertising Service.
Rev. Steve Urie
what they wanted for themselves to
which they responded simply, ''We want
to follow Jesus!" Just this week talking
with high school students and students
on campus this same issue was raised
with the same response.
Yes as Dr. H. James Mcginley and I
commented individually arid together it
is a process, this act of coming out. But
in coming out, we free ourselves and take
power away from those who would push
us down. Now more than ever we need
to have more of this dialogue, more of
these events putting faces to who we are.
Letting our families, friends and
associates know that we are here and we
expect to be treated .equally without
threat of prejudice from anyone,
including our government. Dr. Mcginley
encouraged the formation of positive
support groups for all generations of
queer people and stressed the importance
of it needing to be more than just the gay
bar down the road.
May each of you set yourselves free!
Take the power away from those who
seek to silence you or to beat you down.
Take the first step; we are here to help
you; .. Be Freel
Rf!fl. Sfe.ui T. Urie is the j1dStcr of Spirit of
Christ MCC in Joplin, MissoNri. .A member
chMrch of Metropoliun C'1mm•nity Chffrd,es
with 2JO crmgreg,tticns 11round the fllOrfil.: Tbe
cb#rch jNSt cdebrdtai its eight 1t4r 11nnit.'m4ry
,nd is 411 it/firming ch#rch for people of alJ faith
fl14lks, mewl .md CNitMr,I diwnitia ,1nd btts a
sp«i4J. o#t.TNd, to the G/L/B/T co~mMnity ..
Testing the last Sunday of
each month between 5PM
and 6PM.
2902 E. 20th St.,
PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
Sunday Service 6PM
Your Invited to our Communi
Dinner Every Wed.
No one·
Subscribe to the STAR
Want the STAR delivered to your home or
12 issues for $24.95 will be mailed in a sealed
envelope the 1st of each month. Complete the
form below and send with a check or moneyorder
Ozarks STAR
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Tulsa, OK 74145
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Page 33
Page 34
Seo es VIRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Communications go awry chis week. At
home, it's especially easy to gee locked
~nto needless disputes. If you dig in your
heels, you'll find yourself in quicksand.
Be ready to reiterate and clarify to save
by Jack Fertig
"Switch gears, Gemini!"
~-•. , .. ,,,,.
Three very difficult squares dominate
this week: Sarurn square Sun
(dissatisfaction and frail egos); Mercun'
square Uranus (loose lips and ,
provocation); and Mars square Neptune
(overindulgence and recklessness). If you
want to turn this terrible trio to vour
advantage, work hard, think ahead, and
be sensitive to others.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Think
carefully about your priorities, but if
you expect others to share them,
arguments will ensue. Plav with a few
new erotic kinks, but if y-◊u act like you
have something to prove, someone couid
get _hurt!
TAURUS ~Aprii 20 May 20):
Communicate! Your efforts at work are
111isunderstood, so stay in close contact
with your boss to keep your work on
track. If you think your work at home is
unappreciated, tell your partner that you
feel taken for granted. The apology could
be tremendousiy sexy!
GEMINI (May 21 June 20): Arguments
at work come way too easily. A
meditative time-out can help, and
remember that yes, the boss is the boss!
S,virch chose gears; instead of running
your mouth, keep your ears and brain
busy instead.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Our
community is riddled with sexual peer
pressure, ',vhic:1 is always stupid and is
now especiaily da:1gerous. Ditto booze
and drngs. Remember: "To thine own
,elf be t;:.ue." Stay close to your own ~ore
values; do what's healthy and right for
LEO (ju!y 23 August 22): Home is
where your controi issues are. How
much of chat did you get from your
parents? Be very careful to keep
communication with colieagues clear. Sex
play restores balance, but accidents are
likely nm.-. Be very careful.
LIBRA (September 23 October 22):
Friends and money don't mix at all now.
Dutch treat is good. Curb your erotic
impulses; weil, at least be careful! You're
wide open for all kinds of accidents.
Think ahead, but not coo far.
SCORPIO (October 23 November 21):
Stand up for credit when it's due, and
share it with your mentors. Exaggerated
pride and false modesty both lead to
disaster. If in doubt, lean toward
modesty. Advice on investments should
be politely ignored.
SAGITTARIUS <November 22
December 20): Ac~idencs are jumping out
at everybody, and you're a favorite target
for those gremlins. At home, be careful
to keep electricity and water far aoart. ·
Any retreat, even quiet meditatio~, will
help you stay out of trouble.
CAPRICORN (December 21 January
19): Your sexual expertise is a well-kept
secret - until now! Admit nothing, deny
nothing. If rumors get way out of hand,
just laugh, shake your head like it's all
news to you, and invite whomever you
like ro find out fur themselves.
AQUARIUS Qanuary 20 - February 18):
Keep your finances to yourself. Either
side of a loan can get you into trouble.
You have enough confusion aiready,
especially at home. Avoid domestic
arguments, but pay close attention so
you know what you're agreeing to!
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): There
are no secrets now. Your own business is
out where everyone can see it. Grace and
humor can keep you above scandaL A
proper response is always, "Who said
_what_? My goodnessi"
Jade Fertig has been working as a
professionai astrologer since 1977 and is a
founding member of the Association for
Astrological Networking.
Gay Games Posters
listings of some of our business sponsors,
will appear on the final product. Artists
may incorporate placement of these
logos in their submitted design, or they
may leave a 2" high space at the bottom
of their design for logo placement by
CGI. Artists may choose to use the Gay
G2.mcs VII logo in their design. The logo
may not be modified. Piease review the
Logo Acceptable Use Guidelines
available onlinc at
logo.php. For specifications on proper
use of the logo of the Federation of Gay
Games contact
Gay Games VII Sports and Cultural
Festival will take place July 15 to 22,
2006. Over 12,000 athletes from more
than 100 countries will compete in 30
sports ranging from softball to
dancesport, swimming to tennis. The
wceklong event will include band,
chcerleading and colour guard
performances, chorus, an ancillary arts
festival, and a series of communityorganised
social events and parties. The
opening ceremony is scheduled for 15
July at Soldier Field, the lakefront home
stadium of American-style football's
Chicago Bears. Closing ceremony will be
22 July at Wrigley Field, the home of
Major League Baseball's Chicago Cubs,
located in the heart of Chicago's largest
LGBT neighbourhood.
For the first time, the Gay Games in
Chicago will receive widespread
television coverage on the Q Television
Network. Early sponsors of Gay Games
VII indude PlanetOut/ Gay.com; Q
Television Network; Walgreens; Orbitz;
Sydney New Mardi Gras; McKnight
Kurland Baccelli; Human Rights
Campaign; M~te, Genre, Pink and
Girlfriends Magazines; Windy City
Media Group; and more than 80 business
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 states
business & organizations.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Event ~ ~ WWV{.diveisitypride.com
MCC Llving Spring -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteviile (479)
Condom Sense - - -418 W. Dickson- -479-444-6228
Currv's Video 612 N. College Ave- 479-521-0009
Arkansas, Fort Smith ( 479)
Club 1022 1022 Dodson Ave. 479-782-1845
Kinkeads- 1004 1 /2 Garrison Ase- - 479-783-9988
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - 1010 E. Grand Ave -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - -1021 Jessie Rd- - -501-664-2744
Diamond St>tc Rodeo Assoc.- - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - 1021 Jes~ie Rd- - - -501-666-6900
Sidetraclr.s - - 415 Mam St - -N. L.R.- 501-244-0444
The Factory -412 Louisian:t St.- - -501-372-3070
Kansas, Pittsburg ( 620)
River of Life Church 1709 N Walnut - -1 lAM
PSU-QSA- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Club Glacier - - 2828 E. 31st South 316-612-933!
j's Lounge - - - 513 E. Central - - 316-262-1363
Our Fanmy- - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - -316-682-5494
The Otherside- - -447 N. St Francis- 316-262-7825
Shatai - - 4000 S. Broadwoy- - 316-522--2028
Sidestreet Mens Bar -1106 S. Pattie- - -316-267-0324
South 40 - 3201 S. Hillside - - -316-682-5494
Trends Bar - - -150" S. Pawnee- - - - 316-262-4530
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Ca:npground - - - - - 417-683-9199
Miuouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - 716 S. Main - - - - 4i7-627-9035
MCC Sp•nt of Christ-2902 E 20th, - -Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Bud-::lics - - - · - - 3715 l,fain St - - 816-56i-2600
Club NV - 220 Admiral B!vd- 816-421-NVKC
DB W:irchouse- 1915 .'.fafo St-
Mis5ic B' ,- -8fl5 \\. 39th St- - - -
Sidcstrcct B~r - ~413 E. 3rd-
- -816-471-15:5
· 816-561-0625
- - 816-531-1775
Sid~kick~ S;;loon - - 3707 :,Iain St- - 816- 931-i430
Missouri, Lampe
- - 417-779-5084
Missonri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commeric2l- -869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Martha's Viney2rd- 219 W Olive - - 417-864-4572
Priscilla'5 - 1918 S. Glenstone - - 417-881-8μ4
Oz Bar 504 E. Commercial- - - - - 417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place-• --821 College- - · - -417-864-0036
Rumors --1109 E. Commercial- - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- -- - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- -3535 NW 39th Expwy 405-947-2351
Fini$h Line - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
Ho!lywoodHotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Club - 1221 NW SOth- - -405-843-1722
Jungle Reds - 2200 NW Expwy- - 405-524-5733
Partners- - -2805 NW 36th St - - - 405-942-2199
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorial -405-755-8600
Red Rock North-2240 NW39th St- -405-525-5165
Sisters- 2120 NW 39th St - • -405-521-9533
The Rockies- -3201 N. May /\.ve - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918) .
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine· 918-836-8700
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston - - - 918-584-9494
Club Ma,erick- - 822 S. Sheridan -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks 8807 E. Admiral Pl -834-1051
Elite Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- 918-838-8503
End Up Ciub- 424 S. Memorial- - -918-836-2480
GLBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge-11730 E. 11th- - - -918-437-0449
Nite Spot - - -3007 E. Admiral Pl 918-834-3007
Priscilla's - - - 7925 E. 41st - -918-627-4884
PrisciUa's - 5634 W. Skelly - - -918-446-6336
Prisci!la's - - - -1 1344 E. 11th· - - - -- -918-438-4224
Priscilla's - - 2333 E. 71st - -918-499-1661
Renegades- - - 1649 S. Ma.in - - - • _918-585-3405
Tuisa CARES- -3507 E. Admiral Pi- 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle-• .;3~3 E. 3rd- - - - - 918-592-1188
TNT's - - - 2114 S. t .. {emorial- -918-660-0856
Vnderguy.com - - -15 E. Brady - 918-829-0824
\~"hittier News Stand- 1 N. LCwis~ - 918-592-0767
Yeilow-Brkk-Rd·· - -2630 E. 15th• - 918-293-0304
Outlets wishing to distribute FREE copies of the ST AR,
contact us at 918.835.7887 9am to 4pm mon. fri or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
Page 37
cARTooN "Bitter Girl"
Page 38
cARTooN "A Couple of Guys"
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It's all hapJ>tming at the Bamboo Just for You! Open 12noon to 2am daiiy
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2005] The Star Magazine, November 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 11,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/220.