[2005] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 05


[2005] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 05




The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


May 01, 2005


C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Michael Dee
Douglas Glenn
Steve T. Urie
Paula Martinac
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig


The Star Magazine, February 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 2

The Star Magazine, July 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 7


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Southeast Kansas
Western Arkansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


Green. Country will have a _Pride Parade 2005.
With lots of ium9.r1 floating ~round T-Town &peculating Tulsa would not organize a
parade this year, New TOHR and GLBT Center Oircct<>r; Greg Gatewood a11urcd
the STAR 1'~a•a Diversity Pride Feativa.l and Parade will h1tppeo. With Gatewood
coordinating die festival events and Rick Martin 1111 coordin,ator of the parade, the
many volunteer', and the efforts of PPL.AG, OYP and TOHR Tulsa should have a
pride celebration like no other.
Tulsa Oklahomans for Human rights (fOHR) will celebrate it's 25th anniversary
with this yea.rs events. TOHR sponsors the GLBT Center in Tulia and if you haven't
visited the center, check it out. A newly dedicated David Bobnett Cybercenter
donated by .the David Boboett Foundation ia very imprcnivc. Along with the 10 IBM
workstations many other improvement! arc happening at the center including
expanded community meeting rooms. Visit jhe website for more info www.tob.r.org
Tulsa's first Gayfl',ride event was in 1981 and was primuily picnic gatherings in a bar
parking lot. The fitat plll'llde was held in 1999 and became national new, because of
opposition from the Tulsa City Council Tulsa you have come a long way baby!
For Pride week cvcot11 schedule sec page 12.
Page 2
Page 3
Sunday May 29th. 2005
$300 Grand Prize
$150 1st Alternate
Sponsorship to Miss Gay Arkansas America
$50 Emry Fee
Must be 21 years of age
PARTYEVEFtY THURSDAY! . . . .. . . . . .
I l I ji I
Wed -Sun 9pm - 2am
716 W. Sycamore. F~ille AR 479-571-1300
Kansas Votes NO
Same Sex
April 5, 2005 - Washington, DC. The
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
condemned today's 70% to 30% vote
(with 72% of th~ precincts reporting) by
Kansans in favor of a constitutional
amendment banning the recognition of
same sex marriages and other, more
limited forms of partner recognition.
The Task Force said it was dismayed by
the continued, widespread silence and
inaction of so many faith and political
leaders and people of good will in
response to the wave of anti-gay
organizing that continues to sweep the
With today's vote, Kansas becomes the
18th state to amend its conscitution to
preclude the recognition of same-sex
marriage. Ten of the 18 amendments,
including that of Kansas, seek to preclude
the recognition of other forms of
relationships, such as domestic partnerships
and civil unions. Four states adopted
amendments prior to 2004 - Alaska, Hawaii,
Nebraska, and Nevada. It is possible that
another 12 to 14 states will have sllnilar
measures on the ballot between 'no~ and
The marriage amcndtnerit failed in
the City of Lawrence (home of the
U°!versity of Kansas) by a luge margin,
lostng in 35 of the Cit:is~.:1:9,.piecincts
and tying in 3. The . by :which it
carried in Shawnee. (where the
state's largest qgf · · . ted)
was smaller than (Shawnee
County/Topeka;· %).
Page 5
a 0 20 5
Friday June 3rd Doors@ 8pm
Miss Continental 2004
. Continental 2004
Mr. Contlmmtal 2003
Canada Conlinentll Pins 2004
. Page 6
Tulsa's 1st
Gay Rodeo
Smooth as Silk!
April 12, 2005
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK. .. Since October of 1976,
the first Gay Rodeo in Reno, Nevada, 25
Gay Rodeo Associations have sprung up
across the United States and Canada and
comprise the 'International/ Gay Rodeo
Association, IGRA. Gay Rodeo's are hefd
through out the year with a National
Final's to buckle and crown the season.
Men and Women from across the US and
Canada compete for points to have
the honor of an invitation to the
National Finals. Out of hundreds
who compete, only the top 20
point winner's from each competition
category will be invited.
It's a rough ridden, steer bustin,
serious event each year for these
dedicated gay men and women who
compete in rodeo competition.
The Gay Rodeo has become an
important part of the LGBT
community. Those who organize
and stage the events year after year
work night and day to bring you
the best show possible and the Sooner
State Rodeo Association SSRA, showed
there stuff in Tulsa this year with a grand
rodeo, a hell of a good time and great
The 2005 season ends in Dallas with
the Texas Gay Rodeo Association,
TGRA and the IGRA National Final's
November 10-13, 2005 in Dallas, Texas.
This will be the grand finally to a big year
for IGRA. Fan's from across the US,
Canada and around the globe will
converge on Dallas. It's the big event of
the year for contestants and rodeo
follower's. Rodeo lovers come in
campers, motor homes, limo's, buses and.
some just ride their
broncos. They come to
party hard , enjoy entertainment
and the thrill of
the action. If you have
never· been to a_ IGRA
rodeo, you've missed a
good dose of ou,r ~estem
· heritagi::. So, saddle up guys
_ and _gal~, get on.out to see
:sqme real cowb9ys &
cowgirls. ·
Kansas Gay Rodeo
Association, KGRA Rodeo
Wichi~ is the nex( competition'
scheduled for May
13-15, www.kgra.us
Following KG-RA will be the Oklahoma
Gay Rodeo Assoc. OGRA in Oklahoma
City on May 27-29.
Mood Swing perf.onnu1e;at .
Rodeo in Tulsa's new Livestock~~
Page 7
124.N.·Boston: ,.. ·Tulsa, OK ,... 918.584.9494
Tht.rsday Nights - Rachael Erikks - l'vlGA 2004
~~ l~IJg-.ts - Catia Lee Love - MGA 2000
Thursday and S(nday - 18 to enter; 21 to drink
Friday ~d_$.atl.rday_Dance Party-- 21 to enter
9 p till 2 ~ - Thu-sday - Sunday nights
KGRA, Rodeo Wichita
Buckles UP!
Press Release:
WICHITA, KS _KGRA will be hosting
Rodeo Wichita '05 on May 14 - 15, 2005
which is part of the Bud Light Rodeo
Series. Contestants from Oklahoma,
Texas, Arhnsas, Nebraska, Missouri,
Colorado as well as distant states will
compete for cash and the coveted Buckle.
There are 14 events each day that male
and females compete in. The rough stock
events like Bull Riding and Steer
Wrestling will test the skills of each
cowgirl and cowboy contestant. There
are horse speed events like Pole Bending,
Barrel Racing and "drag" events like
Goat Dressing which involves 2 team
members racing to put underwear on a
goat. You won't want to miss the
Wtld Drag Race, contestants in heels!
The rodeo is held in the indoor
Mattox Arena in Derby, Kansas with
vendor & concession space under the
Big Top (a 40' x 80' Tent). KGRA will
donate a portion of the profits to a
charity to be named by our Grand
Marshal. Our Grand Marshal for this
year is Linn Copeland, owner of the
Fantasy / South 40 Complex in
Wichita. Linn is a founding member of
KGRA and continues to be very
supportive. KGRA is one of 25 nonprofit
organizations in the USA &
Canada that operate under the
International Gay Rodeo Association
(IGRA) guidelines.
Visit the KGRA web site
www.kgra.us it has all the activities
listed with times for the rodeo. You
can also contact us
Page 9
91 ■ . ■ :18•■ 70Q
Join Us For the
Memorial Day Weekend
M 28th, 29th, 30th
Page 10
MAY 2005
by Andrew Collins
Even though Barcelona routinely
receives plenty of great press, it's
still vastly underrated, given just
how much the city has to offer. This
is a world-class metropolis, and
specifically a premier gay and lesbian destination, especially as Spain's government prepares to
legalize gay marriage by the end of 2005. Like Sao Francisco and Sydney, Barcelona combines
the sophistication of a bustling, urbane, and progressive city with mesmerizing natural and
physical beauty. Its many other ass.ets include superb contemporary cuisine, stunning architecture
spanning many centuries, friendly and approachable citizens, fashionable shopping,
copious hip gay cafes and nightclubs, excellent public transpomtion, reasonable prices
(compared with much of Europe), and a temperate, sunny climate.
Perched on the Mediterranean Sea in northeastern Spain, this stately city of 1.5 million
fringes the foothills of the Pyrenees. Barcelona is eminently walkable, and if you stay
anywhere near the gay area, you're within walking distance of most city attractions. Cabs are
also plentiful, affordable, and easy to hail from the street, and the city has an efficient and
clean metro system.
It's also a &idy accessible place for English-spealring visitors, as the vast majority of the
city's residents speak at least some English. Barcelona's mother tongue, Cat2.lan, is still widely
used, and many business names and signs are expressed in Catalan, but nearly everybody in
Barcelona also speaks Castilian Spanish (the national language). Additionally, Barcelona is
quite safe, but for the same problems with pickpockets and petty thievery that p~e a
number of European cities; violent crime is exceedingly rare.
Probably Barcelona's most striking feature, elaborate _Modemista_ architecture dominates
much of the city. The architect most associated with Barcelona, Antoni Gaudi, lived here from
the 1870s until his sudden death (he was rim over by a streetcar) in 1926. Definitely plan to
tour his masterpiece, Sagrada Familia, which looms high over the Barcelona skyline and can be
seen from virrually anywhere. Gaudi began work on this spectacular skyscraping cathedral in
1883, but it's not expected to be finished until 2015. You can also admire many of his works
by strolling through the Ei:z:ample neighborhood (especially along ritzy Passcig de Gracia,
famous for fine shopping), and also up to Park Guell, the most enchanting pule in the city,
replete with fairytale-like Gaudi spires, mosaic sculptures, staircases, and he~clies.
The Ei:z:ample extends from the city center up into the hilly residenrilll ~~cighborhoods of
interior Barcelona. Developers laid out this regal neighborhood of wide boulevards in the early
19th century, and Gaudi is just one of the fine architects who left his mark on the area. The
small section of the neighborhood nearest the Universitat plaza, sometimes nicknamed the
"Gai:z:ample," contains the bulk of the city's gay cafe and bar culture. To find these places, just
stroll along the handful of blocks intersected by Gran Via and stretching from the Urgdl to
the Universitat metro stops.
From Universitat you can walk just a few blocks east to the city's most prominent central
square, Placa Cataiunya, which is surrounded by department stores and hoteis. From here,· the
city's famed La Rambla leads down to the waterfront. This broad tree-lined boulevard. make,
for an engaging strol!, but it's also the most touristy section of the city, rife with overpriced
and unexceptional restaurants and shops.
Barcciona's waterfront and harbor (Port Vell) received a major facelift prior to the city's
hosting of the Summer Oiympics in 1992, and the entire shoreline has continued to improve
and develop ever since, with fine beaches, restaurants, shops, and marinas . ........ cont. pg-21
I !
Page 11
Overexposure to
Dancers can. lead to vision problems ...
. . . . JIii
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Here in our community you will
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Post Office Box 339
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Serving the tax and accounting
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Phone: (918) 747-5466
Email: KellyKirbyCPA@sbcglobal.net
GLBT CommdLity since
and ■venlna- a 'Week
Also Open Holidays
Page 15
Wichita's Gay
Communi Will
Parade Into The
21st Century
Press Release:
WICHITA, KS_On June 26, 2005,
Wichita's gay community will hold it's
first Pride Parade in more than five years.
Lineup for the parade will begin at
1:30pm, .v-ith the parade kicking off at
After suffering a devastating loss with
the Marriage Amendment, on April 5th,
a number of us decided it's rime for a
party!!! If you would like to join us for
the first Pride Parade of the new century,
in Wichita, then get a carload together,
and we "'rill save some room for you in
the lineup.
The parade route will run from
Central and Waco, to Central and St.
Francis, with a Post-Parade Party at the
finish line, featuring Parade Awards,
speakers, music, food and drinks, t-shirts,
and much more!!!
If you would like to enter a float or
car in the parade, please contact Mike
Bevier at 316-207-1717. The registration
feds $10 if paid before May 22nd, and
$20 after May 23rd. The registration
deadline is June 22, 2005.
Walkers are free and encouraged to
join in the Pride fun. So bring along your
family, friends, co-workers, pets, all are
welcome. Volunteers are greatly needed
and even more greatly appreciated.
Kansas is seriously behind the rimes,
and we could sure.use some help
bringing this state, kicking and
screaming, into the 21st Century.
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you can also call 206-6179 for
an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which does not require the use of
needles and we offer complete
confidentiality. You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
• through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Serving A Healthier C-Ommllnity"
Page 16 Star Scene
ut for a Hero
In 1984, Bonnie Tyler sang "I need a
hero" in her smash bit "Holding Out for
a Hero." The song was resui:rected last
year for the s~undtrack of Shrek 2. Its
message of despen1.tion is one many of us
can relate to these days, especially thoJe.
of us in the LGBT collltllunity. We need
heroes now more than ever.
Perhaps it was this lon~g that led to
the claim that our 16th president,
Abraham Lincoln, was gay. In ~s
recentlv released b,oo~ The Intimate
World' of AbrabarJJ, Lincoln, Dr. C.A..
Tripp makes his case that President
Lincoln was in &ct .a homosexual. He
uses letters and co~temporary: .~econd-,
hand accounts to•support·bis assertion:, ..
but even bis most. ardent supporters have
to admit that, far t:be·most part; the bt!lk
of bis evidence is .circumst2ntial at best.
I have to adtnit I'm more than a· little
uncomforbble ~th. this whole situation.
To me, it smacki ,;;f celebrity outing. I'm
not trying to say; that .Lincoln was
straight. I'm sii;ni?ly saying that I don't
really think it's i!J? to us. to make that
designation for him, especially
considering the fetms "homosexual" or
"gay'' hadn't even .been invented yet in
that context. It's presuo;iptuous of us to
assume that, were he alive today, Lincoln
would choose to identify himself as
homosexual. Are we th~ desperate for
gay heroes that we have to for~e the
designation on dead statesmen?'
That's not to say I don't understand
the need for someone to look up to. Dr.
Tripp's goal was admirable. _Gay youth
are especially hungry for an idol, and as
much as I eniov Sir Elton's talent, let's face it - he's, h, ardly a role mod e1' .
We don't need to invent gay heroes,
though. Why bother when we have
plenty who were openly and proudly
gay? .
The Equality Forum 1s an annual
event whose goal is to promote
understanding of the impact of ..
homophobia on individuals, fam~es and
society, and advance LGBT equality.
Each year, the Forum highlights a.
different nation. This year's focus 1s a
National Celebration in honor of the
fortieth anniversary of the historic first
public gay and lesbian d.emonstration in
front of Independence Hall and the
Liberty Bell in Philadelphia on July 4,
1965. The Celebration will salute those
pioneers and honor our LGBT .
luminaries with' a special program titled
"40 Years, 40 Heroes."
The week-long Cd~b,ration will
culminate on Sunday, May 1, with a full
schedule of events. Several screenings are
planned for "Gay Pioneers," a
docwrientuy about the start of the ~y
and lesbian' civil rights mov~ment. .The
documentary was produced by ~quality
Forum in collaboration with WHYY /
PBS and was ll21llep. "Best of the:. Y w''
by The A.dvo'<:ate. R.oundtal:M i:liscussions
featuring honorees sucli as Byan
Wolfson Kate K~ndall, ~tt Foreman,
' · ·· · · · 13ui:iey'Frank,
and . ulcd
. thr·. · e Gfu.iton
0 . '• . th will be pa,mcifouing m the tribute to e
40 Heroes · which will beJollowed by a
1 meet~arig,-~eet with the honorees in the
"Giy Icons Pavilion." Bishop. Gene_
Robinson will be leading .an 1nterfitlth
service in the afteriiooti. The finale will
be a concert at Independence Hall
headlined by Cyndi Latiper. All. events
are free. .
Over eigl:lty n,1:ional ~ ititema~onal
GLBT organi2ations. were· 10Volve1 .~
nominating the 40. Heroes. The cntcna
required thad:Qe no~ee .had to haye
made bis. or p~r ~ontpbutton bet:ll!C~~
1965 and . . . .
deceasecl, LGBT, . . . . ... ,
The nominations were th~ subt;n1~tdl to
a selection committee, which na'trowcd
the list to forty, then Equality Forum's
Board of. Directors approved the final
The end result is a satisfyingly diverse
collection of activists, role models, and
leaders . ......... continued next page
Page 19
"This is an impressive list from Bayard
Rustin to Barney Frank, MTV to Melissa
Etheridge, Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin
to Kevin Bourassa and Joe Varnell, Larry
Kramer to Andrew Sullivan," stated
Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director of
Equality Forum. "In honoring these
Heroes we acknowledge the paths they•
have paved for our equality."
Some of the names may be familiar
to you. Who doesn't know who Ellen
DeGeneres or Melissa Etheridge is?
Less well-known are people like
Bayard Rustin. He was a personal friend
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., helped
organize the National Demonstration at
the Lincoln Memorial that defined the
African-American Civil Rights struggle,
and was a life-long advocate for gay
Have you heard of Phyllis Lyon and
Del Martin? They were the first same-sex
couple married in the United States at a
ceremony in San Francisco on February
12, 2004. They were presented Women
of Courage Awards by the National
Organization for Women and their book
Lesbian/Woman was named one of the
twenty most influential women's books
of the past twenty years by Publisher's
Or what about Tim Gill? He's one of
only two openly gay individuals on the
Forbes 400 list and an active philanthropist
who provides millions of dollars
annually to LGBT and HIV/ AIDS
Then there's Leonard Matlovich, the
first service member to fight discrimination
against gays and lesbians in the
United States military. His headstone
reads. ''When I was in the military, they
gave :me a medal for killing two men, and
a discharge for loving one."
These are only a few of the forty
individuals being recognized for their
Obviously, we don't have to look far
to find role models. The problem lies in
educating our community, especially our
young people, about these heroes. We're_
living in times when our government and
a very vocal segment of our society are
actively opposed to anything remotely
homosexual. Teachers can lose their jobs
for simply telling their students they are
gay or lesbian. How can we expect them
· to teach about our gay heroes? No, until
things change, it's up to us to spread the
word. Equality Forum is to be applauded
for their efforts to educate and
acknowledge those who came before and
made a difference.
While we're recognizing the
contributions of our community's
notables, let's not forget the everyday
heroes. The gay moms and dads who
struggle every day to raise their children
in a culture that tells them their family i:,
of less worth than those of heterosexuals.
They, too, are heroes. The brave men
and women who live their lives openly
and proudly even in the "Red States."
They, too, are heroes. The soldiers
forced to serve in silence due to
government discrimination. They, too,
are heroes. The fearless teenagers who
come out in school despite the very real
threat of harassment and bigotry. They,
too, are heroes.
Every act of courage, whether
recognized by history or unseen by the
world. moves us closer to equality. We
don't ·have to hold out for our gay
heroes. They're all around. We just have
to learn to recognize them.
Quotable Quotes
"I really relate to the gay issue because
of the marijuana issue. Because what
Democrats are saying to gay people -
which is basically, 'Oh, what do you
care if it's just getting dvil unions? It's
basically the same thing as marriage -
just shut up and take it!' that's
basically what people say to me about
pot-smoking. They say, 'Bill, what do
vou care so much if it's illegal? You can
~ways step outside the restaurant after
dinner, I've seen you do it a hundred
times, and smoke your joint in the
allev.' And my answer to both of them
is 'Fuck you.' You go outside after
dinner and drink your brandy in the
allev. You call whatever is going on
under your roof a 'civil union."'
-1V talk-show host Bill Maher to The
Advocate, Feb. 15.
Page 20 Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
May 2005
Salutations, Uncle here bringing you another
in-depth look into all tings queer. Uncle is counting
down the days until pride kittens. Celebrating that
light which shines so bright from our community.
Yes, uncle is gearing up, stocking up on supplies,
while, preparing to endure endless parties, parades,
and celebrations. Uncle spends the weeks after
recouping from his yearly twist with the cause
kittens. I am a giver however, so do not fret, you
may just catch a glimpse of uncle if you look
carefully. I will be the one dancing on the poll,
L--------------' doing the sacred dance of the queenly, like the
queens before me. Yes, I shall uphold tradition and
vow to party until uncles proverbial bottom gives out.
While, we dream of the celebrations which await us, allow us to see what queer
seekers have brought uncles way this month.
Dear uncle Mikey .
I have made a mess with my friendship concerning my best friend. We have been
friends forever, sharing almost everything. We have lived together now for three
years since we graduated collage, and have seen the good and bad times go by us both.
Well, we were at home last weekend, and we both being between mates right now,
were drinking our sorrows away. He is straight and I gay. Though many said it
would never work, it has been heaven, and I have depended on this friendship to get
me through a lot. Well, I was drunk and horny, two combos which have proven
dangerous for me in the past. I lent in to him placing my hand on his goods, and
attempting to kiss him. I don't even know why I did it. He .has been distant and I fear
he is thinking of moving out while, he is reading more into this than there reaOy is. I
mean yes he is hot, and I wished on occasion, however, do not truly desire anything
more than the best friend he has been to me. How can I convince him this was
nothing more than a drunken weakness in my stupid lonely state?
Seriously sorry
Dearest Sorry,
Kitten, alas, this is a most serious issues, with consequences, which you may find
are inevitable. You broke his trust, and boundaries; which, are not so easily mended.
You have to give him time to deal with your actions. He is probably feeling betrayed
by you, since you are his best friend, knowing his sexuality, went ahead and broke
that trust. You may very well wind up looking for a flat mate sooner than you
dreamed. Uncle suggests giving him space, while, maybe writing a letter from your
heart. Allow him to deal with this in his time, and see where this goes. It is. difficuit
to come back from broken trust; however, determined one can overcome. So, hold in
there, and just hope for the best and prepare for the worst as they say. It is his
decision to make, and you will have to except the consequences of your actions.
Uncle also suggests you reconsider drinking habits, which get you into troubie.
Good luck- Uncle
Dear Uncle Mikey:
Dear Uncle:
Why are so many gay men so uptight? It seems that drama rolls whenever there are
more than two queers in one place. Does everything have to be a scandal?
The normal guy
i l f
Page 21
Dearest Normal,
Kitten, this is an easy one. Gay men
are fabulous beings, which by design
alone attract creativity, colorful
surroundings, and of course, diversity in
its finest. We do not look to some threepiece
suite with a bad haircut, to dictate
our life for us. We are ,what many only
dream of being. We enjoy life, and the
moment fate allows us. This however has
a most plaguing side effect, and that is
simply known; as drama. When you
have, as many beautifully diverse people,
as our community; New ideas springing
fourth, life passions being realized, and of
course the unique ability to stand in a
world of repression, while, remaining
true to yourself. There is bound to be
some backlash, and that is drama .. So, do
not judge so quickly my young one,
Drama is like anything else in life. Too
much can push someone over the edge,
while too little, can leave one in a bleak
existence at best. The drama lets you
know you are alive. So, enjoy it, while
keeping it rightfully in check.
Well Kittens, it seems our time has come.
Uncle sends warm mav kisses out to all
of his wonderful Kitt~ns. Remember this:
He, who does not ask permission to
exist, remains true to himself. While, the
others will ask for the rest of life, for a
ship, which will never come. Sink or
swim baby, I got my thong!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles
Uncle Mikey is a character from Fru&.na: writer
Michael Hinzman. Michael has mm 'Writing for ten
years. Utilizing his studies, and life experienCJ! to hdp
others in his community, through humor and sound
advice. Michael applied his study of prychology and
creative 'Writing, as well his extensive brtckground in
menu/ hMith Dirn:r caTI! to bring a new style and
approach whelping others. Mich11.d's other works can
be vieTDed at W'W'W.gaylinkcontent.com.
Out of Town from pg-10
It's a great area for a warm-weather stroll,
especially during the day, when you can
admire the sea.
To find the gayest section of beachfront,
head to the Barceloneta neighborhood Gust
west of the Olympic Port) and follow it as far
west as you can go, not far from the Sant
Sebastia cable-car tower. When you've had
enough of the beach, hop on the cable car,
which offers stunning views of the city and
harbor and deposits you right on the edge of
Montjuic, a verdant and hilly park. that's an
absolute highlight of any visit to Barcelona.
In the park, you can take funiculars (small
aerial trams) up to its highest point, where
Montjuic Castle (now a military museum but
for many years a fortress and prison) stands
sentry over the city. Or you can stroll
through the park's lower regions to explore
the lush botanical gitrdens and the wonderful
Fundado Miro, the art museum dedicated to
modern Spanish master Joan l\,fuo.
Another area where you should try to
spend at least one full afternoon is
Barcelona's centrally located Old City, which
feels nothing at all like the rest of the city,
with its extremely narrow lanes and
meticulo*sly preserved medieval architecture.
This neighborhood dates to the city's Roman
origins and contains several key landmarks,
from the magnificent cathedral to the city
history museum. If you have a bit of a foot
fetish, check: out the quirky Museu de!
Calcat, an entire museum dedicated to the
history of shoes.
In the neighboring (and also ancient) Born
and Sant Pere districts, you'll find the Museu
Picasso, whose thoroughly contemporary and
stark interior contrasts dramatically with the
building's medieval exterior. Exhibits here
focus heavily on Pablo Picasso's early years,
so if you're looking for his most &mous
works, you may be disappointed. Fans of
haute couru.re must not miss the
neighborhood's Museu Textil, whose
collections date back many centuries but
include pienty of fashions from the past
century, including some donated by chichi
Spanish designer Cristobal Balenciaga..
Just a bit farther east, Puc de ia
Ciutadeila is a delightful spot for a walk: (it's
not uncommon to see the occasional same-sex
couple meandering about the gardens); it also
contains the city's zoo and natural history
museum. On your way to the park, drop by
the small but fascinating Museu de la
Xocolata, which contains amazingly rendered
contin11ed pg-26
c as
been writing for the ~y and
lesbian press for more than 20
years. She served for three years
as the co-chair of the board of
directors of New York City's
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Community
Center, where she founded a
groundbreaking reading series
called "In Our Own Write."
Lesbian Notions
by Paula Martinac
MAY 2005
In a few weeks, anybody who's anybody in
the lesbian and gii.y movement will be headed
for Philadelphia to commemorate "the 40th
anniversary of the GLBT dvil rights
movement," as the celebration's official
website (www.equalityforum.com) bills the
You may be scratching your head now and
saying, "Fortieth anniversary? Philadelphia? I
could have sworn the Stonewall rebellion
took place in New York City in 1969."
And indeed, it did. However, an event that
is much less known but still of enormous
significance to the LGBT movement took
place four years _before_ Stonewall. On July
4, 1965, in front of Independence Hall in
Philadelphia, a group of gay men and lesbians _____________ ;...,it
staged what appears to have been the first
public protest on behalf of gay civil rights. Each year on Independence Day for the
next four years, the protestors held a demonstration at the same spot, called the
"Annual ~eminder." N~w, just a couple of months shy of the actual anniversary,
those lesbian and gay pioneers will be acknowledged with a star-studded celebration.
. The P~d~hia demonstration was notably different from Stonewall - peaceful,
qwct, and with 1ts own dress code of suits and ties for men and dresses and heels for
women. They marched in an orderly circle carrying signs with, messages such as
"Homosexual Citizens Want the Right to Make Their Maximum Contribution to
Society." Still, as longtime gay activist Frank Kameny correctly notes, those
conservatively dressed, law-abiding protestors "created the mindset for the expression
of dissent" that made the Stonewall rebellion possible.
Equality Foru.m's description of the anniversary celebration makes the distinction
between the two historic events even clearer, with the stress in Philadelphia on
"GLBT civil rights," as opposed to the "GLBT liberation" that arose from Stonewall.
And that's been the split in our movement since the 1960s, continuing in some
~easure to the present day. Tho_se activists who have pushed primarily for "gay civil
righ~s" have been more moderate and centrist in their approach to our movement,
seeking to fit gay people into the overall fabric of American life. On the other hand,
those who have pressed for "gay liberation" have often been in favor of more
sweeping change of U.S. institutions and policy.
It's noteworthy that we're commemorating the Philadelphia demonstration at this
particular point in our politicii life as a movement, when maay of us arc indeed
much closer to the suited activists of 1965 than to the queer rioters of Stonewall. We
have l~rge national organizations in Washington and New York that hold glitzy
fundraiscrs. A lot. of us name marriage and the right to serve openly in the military
among our concerns - hardly the goals of take-to-the-streets radicals. Some of us even
vote Republican. And a number of us have the disposabie income to spend on a jaunt
to Philadelphia to venerate our past.
Significantly, the May 1 event promises to be quite commercial, with a conformist
public face. It's not eyeo being held on the _acrual_ anniversary of the demonstration,
but i_n conjunction with the city's PrideFest of entertainment and parties. Among the
conttnued next page
1 Page 23
many side-events taking place is a dinner
honoring gay-friendly corporate giant
IBM. So if. celebrating our marketability
or the conservative tum our movement
has tak~o isn't for you, the Philadelphia
celebration probably isn't either. I myself
won't be attending.
At the same time, Equality Forum
should be commended for a couple of
importll.nt things that will come out of
this event. First is the fact that
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) will
d~dica~e a marker from the Pennsylvania
Histoncal and Museum Commission to
note the s~ot of the Philadelphia , .
dc:m<>ostratl()n. This in itself is cause for
celeb~tion, since there are so few
amgible remnants of the lesbian, and gay
To attempting to document LGBT
historic sites in a book called The
Queerest/P:~ces_, t f~und tha~ sadly,
~y buil~ assoC11lted with our
moveme1# ~ere .no longer extllot. What's·
more, his.t<>ric house museums connected ,
to &mous queers - like Walt Whitman, ,
for cx:unple - are often deeply "closeted"
about their &inous inhabitants. A
number o~ gay-related sit~s, especially in
Sao Francisco, have attained city status as
landmarks; but our only "out" national
historic site remains the Stonewall Ion
which .got its official designation unde;
the Clinton administration. Now, having
a state recognize the lesbian and gay
movement - with a marker near the spot
~e Declaration of Independence was
signed, no less - is of enormous
significance, particularly .in this
conservative political climate.
A Statement by
The Reverend Dr. Troy D. Perry
Moderator, Metropolitan Community
On The Elevation of
Cardinal Ratzinger
to the Papacy of the
Roman Catholic Church
April 19, 2005
, In 1987, Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson,
then Yic~-:Moderator of Metropolitan
Commumty Churches, and I met
Cardi.rial_ Ratzingcr at the Bilateral
:q~oguc held during Pope John Paul II's
VlSltJci Columbia, South Carolina.
, A,t that time, we were filled with
h<;>pc that the relatively new Pope John
Paul II. would usher in a new era of
,, · . God's gay, lesbian, bisexual
. . . transgendcr children. That did not hap·'-en. , , ~ ', ,, . In recent days, we h_eld out hope that
~. ~~~n of a new Pope would now
Bnng greater openness and acceptance to
the Roman Catholic Church. With
today's election, that did not happen.
In fact, over the past three decades
Cardinal Ratziogcr has served as the '
author_ of many of the Roman Catholic
Church's policies that embody overt
hostility to LGBT people and preclude
womeil from full participation in the life
of the Church.
We share a deep sadness that one of
the world's most homophobic religious
leaders has been elevated to the papacy,
and regret that his policies will continue
to <icvalμe the rich spiritual gifts of ,
LGBT people and women of faith.
. Second, the Philadelphia celebration
will,. I hope, help make people aware that
lesbwis and gay men have lived and ·
straggled for their rights in places other
than Greenwich Village and the Castro
Since so man~ of us don't live in gay ·
ghetto:es, but m suburbs and small towns
making our human faces visible is a huge'
part of the work that our movement is
now doing across the country.
, _.- My &ith teaches ttiat aU people can
change, so my prayers today are that the
c;yes 9f Cardinal Ratzingcr _. now Pope
~c=dict :XVI - will be opened to the
umgue giftedness and blessing that LGBT
~people can be to the Church. And my
~rar,crs_ today are with my brothers and
sisters m the Roman Catholic Church
and those ~ose lives will be harined by
c~h policies that treat LGBT people
with less than unconditional acceptance
and dignity.
P 25
Out of Town from pg-21
miniature sculptw:cs and dioramas made
cntirdy of chocolate (and no, you can't
nibble on them, as thcy'i:c safely ensconced
within glass display cases). Not far from the
Old City, the up-and-coming Raval district
contains the distinctive (and huge) Richard
Meier-designed Muscu d' Art Contcmporani
de Barcelona (MACBA), which houses an
esteemed collection of contemporary art.
Gty Barcdomans pursue clubbing and
bar-hopping with great vigor. Some good bets
in the Eixamplc indudc Ambar, Sweet; and
Z:dta's, the last being a bit darker and
cruisier than the others. Ambar is fun because
it has seveml. pool tables in back, and Sweet is
brightly lit and contemporary, drawing a
fashion-conscious crowd. D-Mer is the main
lesbian hangout; although women have a
notable presence at virtually all of the
predominantly male bars. The outrageous La
Diva presents wild c:lriig'ahows along with
pretty tasty food. Dietrich might just be the
hippest gay bar in.~,with a spotlighted
garden and a courtly interior. Both inen ~d
women frcqnent this spot; with .an especially
strong under-30 contingent. Bi-level Punto
BCN. is light and open, drawing the biggest
crowds early in th~ evening. And to you fans
of leather and Levi's, felat not - Batcdona has
its own very popular Eagle.
Among larger daqce clubs, the sexually
ch'1'ge<l Metro appeals to cruisy guys, owing
to its muc ofdarlt rooms offthc dance floor.
And then there ~c the three pulsing.Arena
nightclubs - Ar~ Clasoic, .A,r~ Madre, lllld
Arena VIP - wftlch all get going a bit aftct
midnight and throb until nearly 6 a.m, On
Fridays, Saturdays,. and Sunday, anybody
who love$ dariciμg and muscular men should
head to Salvation: · .
For a memotablc meal, drop by trendy
Porquesi, where you mightJ:rr.cod with lime,
coriander, tomato, and olive .. oil. The food is
reasonably priced (the colorful cocktails more
expensive), and there's a separate lounge filled
with white beds and pillows; Friendly La
Monyos is a cute and .ttendy cafe serving
bandadc and ,alt cod crepes, apple and
walnut aalad, and risotto with parmcaan and
cmcd ham. You can enjoy an absolutely
delicious meal and also b~c a fine mukct
of Spanish gow:met wines, olive oils, jams,
and chocolate, at Origcns 99.9o/e, which
celebrates all things culinary· and Cataian.
Snack on rabbit braised in chocolate, cod
tripe with snails, and other regional
Simple and hearty Cuban-inspired Spanish
&re, including great roast chicken and black
beans, is served at Cubaneo. Irreverent
Iurantia, a snazzy little cafe drawing an artsy
bunch, serves inexpensive pub &re, including
a ground-beef patty known as the "Fuck Mac
Burger." The restalltllilt Castto has a gay
following - it turns out fine Continental fare
at dinner. Tapas are more a Madrid ttadirion
than a Barcelona one, but the city does have
some excellent restaurants specializing in
these small plates of snacks, including Celler
de Tapas, a handsome space with clean lines
and several tables along the sidewalk. Crab
salad, marinated octopus, and anchovies with
garlic stand out on the lengthy menu. To
satisfy your sweet tooth, pop inside La
Valenciana, an old-fuhioncd cafe that serves
exceptional gdato,, coffees, and cakes.
Barcdona has a wealth of charming
accommodlltiona, from inexpensive gay
gueathouses to. some genuinely enchanting
historic palaces, such as the gorgeous Hotel
Balmes and the citf s true grandc dame, the
ultra-luxuricius Hote~'Majcstic, which
anchors the Ei:a:amplc's main shopping dtsg.
Right on the edge of the gay area, the sixfloor
Hotel Calcdonian has pleasant rooms
(some with terraces overlooking the street)
ar/,d friendly prices, a~ around 90 euroa.
Nearby, the mic;l-priccd Hotel Hl0
Univenitii.t has a convenient location • it's
clos~ to La Rambla, too. Free high-speed
Internet and a hip restaurant add to the
appeal. · •
Tops among gay and lesbian places, the 66-
room Hotd Axd ia an uber-cool boutique
property with futuristic minimalist rooms
and a terrific, helpful staff. The hotd's swish
restaurant; bathed in black and cranbctty-red,
~cries such creative fare as cardamom-dusted
'~o'nifish and watermdon soup with a dash
of rum. On Wednesday nights the Axel
throWll a big bash on its roof deck - it's a
favorite place for gay locals and guests of the
hotd to mingle.
Ho1tal Que Til ranb among the bc11t gay
budget opttons; it's on the edge of the gay uca and
contain, artful, simple room, with hand-painted
mural• and auper-low rate■ • Another excellent
choice, Frimda Ban:~na ~cupica an elegant
penthouse apartment with du:ee brightly famished
~oma and three big tcrmces affording great city
Yiewa. 'Thia smartly furnished guesthouge with a
young, amiable ataff ia one of aevc:rai top-notch gay
accommodations to open in re<:ent yean, a trend
that reflects Barcelona's continued 1111cccs1 u one of
the vot:!d'• hottest queer destinations.
by Jack Fertig
MAY 2005
"See foreign films, Leo!"
Saturn is quincunx to Pluto for a month,
which presents irritating challenges to
making deep adjustments. Mercury is
briefly aspecting both, offering ideas and
messages on how to use those challenges.
It's a great time for research projects,
especially in history, genealogy, and
ARIES (Much 20 - April 19): Normally,
problems at horn~ should be solved
there, .but solutions are now coming
from as far away as possible. Find a
foreign and/ or philosophical fount of
wisdom to offer new insights.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Words lie
heavily on your tongue - but what really
needs•saying? Take some time out for
meditation or another introspective
focus. That will just make you sexier, so
take time to play too and then who
needs _ words_ on your tongue?
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Loans to or
from friends will only make trouble
later. Get by on what you have and let
others do the same! You're especially
forceful and persuasive now, so you
shouldn't have trouble sticking to your
guns - and that will earn you great
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Working
too hard could make the boss suspicious
that you're after his or her job. The two
of you are due for a talk about your
duties and about how to work more
effectively. Relax effectively, too! Stress
from overwork can be dangerous.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): You're getting
into arguments too easily. Instead, try to
confront what's really bothering you.
Pick from a list of foreign films - for
entertainment, yes, but also for a clue to
what is really working your nerves.
VIRGO (August 23 September 22):
Power struggles are more easily won on
your home turf. Getting all involved in
your work space or usual hang-out is
OK, but nothing wins them over like a
home-cooked meal - or at least coffee
and treats at your place.
IJBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Asserting your authority in any matter
will only create more problems than it
solves. Simply and concisely spelling out
the facts of the matter at hand will
demonstrate your mastery of the
situation. Remember, _what's_ right is
more important than _who's_ right.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21):
Do.mestic arguments largely boil down
to problems around work and money.
Cut through the emotional drama and
get to practical issues. The real trick is
to respect everyone's emotions in the
SAGITI'ARIUS (November 22 - December
20): Ever-lucky Saj! While Saturn is giving
everyone else headaches, he's malcing you
the queen (OK, Butch or the king~ of
leather and fetishes. Just don't be too
assertive about it. Your natural confidence is
quite enough.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19):
Relationships feel especially problematic
now. Working it out together is ideal, but a
time-out may be in order. Whether family
traditions arc a source of the problem or
offer wise insight, digging around your roots
will help.
AQUARIUS (JanulltY 20 - February 18): If
something is bothering your tummy, it's
likely to be from the weight of something
you need to get off your chest. Even if there
are repercussions, difficult adjustments are
better than the sntus quo. Sing out; Louise!
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Your
profound creativity is blocked now.
Diverting your attention to work, especially
on money matters, will help .. Balancing your
checkbook or reviewing the household
budget is fine, but doing similar tasks at
work is better.
Jack Fertig has been worleing as a professional
astrofuger since 1977 and is a founding member
of the Association for Astro/ogic4l Networking.
He can be reached for consultations at 415-864-
8302, through his website 11.t
Page 28 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- NightclubsArkansas,
Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycunore- 479-571-130
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 Ganison Ave- -479-783-9988
Club 1022 - -1022 Dodson.Ave. - - - -479-782-1845
Arkansas, Bot Springs (501)
Club One Eleven- - - 111 Garden St- - - - -620-4111
Our House Lounge - 660 E. Grand Ave- -624-6868
Arkaa1as, Little Rock (501)
Back Street- - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - 501-664-2744
Discovery- - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - 501-666-6900
The Factory -412 Louisiana St.- - - - -501-372-3070
Kansas, Wichita (316)
J's Lounge - - - - 513 E. Central - - 316-262-1363
Our Pant:uy- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - -316-682-5494
The Comer- -- - - 3210 E. Osie - - - 316-683-9781
The Othenide- - -447 N. St Pt11t1cis- - 316-262-7825
Shat:tl - - - - - - - - 4000 S. Broadway- - 316-522--2028
Sidestreet Mens Bar -1106 S. Pattie- -316-267-0324
South 40 - - - - 3201 S. Hillside - - - -316-682-5494
Trend, Bar - -1507 S. Pawnee- - 316-262-4530
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's• • • • 716 S. Main•••••• -417-627-9035
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - - - - - 3715 Main St - - - - 816-561-2600
Belle Stu's- - - - 1321 Grand Ave- - - -816-421-1288
Club NV - - - - 220 .Admintl Blvd- - 816-421-NVKC
DB Warehouse- -- 1915 Main St- - - -816-471-1575
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - - - - 816--561-0625
Sidestreet Bar - - - -413 E. 3rd-.- - - - - 816-531-1775
Sidekicb Saloon - - 3707 Main St- - 816- 931-1430
Mlssowri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - - --417-831-4700
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar• 504 E. Commercial••••• -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - -417-864-Q036
Rumon • -1109 E. Commercial- - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox• - - -3535 NW 39th &pwy - 405-947-2351
Copa- - - - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- -405-525-0730
Pimh Line - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- - 405-525-0730
Hi-Lo Club - - 1221 NW 50th- - - -405-843-1722
Lido- - - - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Partners- - - - -2805 NW 36th St - - - - - 405-942-2199
Siatus- - - - - - 2120 NW 39th St - - - - -405-521-9533
The Rockies- -3201 N. May Ave - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill &: Bar- 3535 NW 39;:h-405-947-235,
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine• - -- 918-836-8700
Club Maverick- - 822 S. Sheridan - 918-835-3301
End Up Club- - - 424 S. Memorial- 918-836-2480
The Detour- - - - -7944 E. 21st - - - - 918-270-2428
Club Majestic- - 124 N. Boston - - - 918-584-9494
Renegades- - 1649 S. Main• - - - - 918-585-3405
Pb.y-Mor-Club- 1737 S. Memorial - - 918-838-9792
Tulsa Eagle- -1338 E. 3rd- - - - - - 918-592-1188
TNT's - - - - 2114 S. Memorial- - - - 918-660-0856
Yellow-Brick-Rd- -2630 E. 15th- - 918-293-0304
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
Ingrids Kitchen- -3701 N. Youngs- -405-946-8444
Topanga Grill&: Bar- 3535 NW 39th--405-947-2351
Joplin (417)
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground-- - -417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
HollywoodHotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn 2200 NW 39th Exp- - -405-528-2221
Natural State Naturists- - - - - - - - - -479-451-8066
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC living Spring- - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Arkansans for Human Rights-www.arhr.org
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - -www.dsra.org
Stonewitll Democratic Club--www.sdcar.org
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
River of Life Church - 1709 N Walnut - -11.AM
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita {316)
HOA-Mens Chorus - - - - - - - - - - - 316-618-0684
That Gay Group, W.S.U. - - - - - - - - - 316-978-7010
Kansas Gay Rodeo Assoc- - - - - www.lcgra.us
Missouri, Joplin ( 417}
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - • 6pm
UCCFP--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - - -10:30AM
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- 417-624-5788
Missouri Gay Rodeo Assoc • - - - - www.mgra.us
Page 29
Missouri, Springfield ( 417)
fuunbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison- 866-6206
Unitarian Univmalist Church - - 417-833-2723
APO- - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - - - - - - - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springfidd- - - - - - - - - -417-889-1059
PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Cathedral of Hope- 600 NW 13th St- 232-HOPE
The Center- 2135 NW 39th St. - - 405-524-6000
NLA-Tribal Fire - - - - - - - - www.tribalfueokc.com
OGRA- - - - - - - - - - - www.okgayrodeo.com
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - -POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
GLBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- - - - 918-743-4297
H.O.P.E. - - -- 2545 S. Yale- - - - - - 918-834-8378
MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
SSRA · - - - · - · - - • - www.soouerstaterodeo.com
TOHR- - - - PO Box 2687, Tulsa, OK 74101
Tulsa CARES- -3507 E. Admiral Pl- - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Rough Riders- -www.tulsaroughriders.com
-Business ServicesArkansas,
Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Events - - www.diversitypride.com
EurcbPride- • - - - - - - - - - ~.eurekapride.com
Kansas, Wichita
Total Massage- - · - - · Kenn- - - - - - . 316-204-0111
Missouri, Eureka
Shelter Insurance- --Greg Tainter• 636-938-5500
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-- -434-0077
Office Max- -440 Rangeline Rd- - - 417-623-1007
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's - • • • 1918 S. Glenstone - -417-881-8H4
Oklahoma, Broken Arrow
Spas N Such- - 808 N. 15th· - - --918-258-7727
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21 - -4301 NW 63rd #100 - 405- 840-2106
Jungle Reds - - - 2200 NW Expwy- - 405-524-5733
Piece To Remember-2131 NW 39th- -405-528-2223
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorial - - - 405-755-8600
Oklahoma, Tulsa {918)
Elite Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- - - - 918-838-8503
Kelly Kirby, CPA- 4815 S Harvard- - 918-747-5466
Undcrgi:cy:.com - · -15 E. Brady- - -918-829-0824
Priscilla(s - - · - - 7925 E. 41st - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla'.r- · · - 5634 W. Skelly - - - ·-918-446-6336
Priscilla;s,• - • -11344 E. 11th - - - - - 918-438-4224
Priscilli~ • - • - 2333 E. 71st - - • • - - 918-499-1661
Page 31
Page 30
cARTooN "A Couple of Guys"
Inn Segth -1-316-522-1880

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2005] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 05,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/219.