[2006] The Star Magazine, February 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 2
[2006] The Star Magazine, February 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 2
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
February 01, 2006
C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Asterovis
John Patrick
Matt Brooks
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post
Paula Martinac
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Andrew Hicks
Greg Steele
Josh Asterovis
John Patrick
Matt Brooks
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post
Paula Martinac
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Andrew Hicks
The Star Magazine, January 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 1
The Star Magazine, March 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 3
The Star Magazine, March 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 3
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
'VilJJJtines Day. February 14th
'Hiitot¥ of St;Valentines Day
,... · · · page~11
fierfifer .GLBT Magazine." ,:,/>\'::,~·:, ,, '\,\,\,'.", ', ,, ,·<·' ' ,
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Langley, Oklahoma
FEBRUARY, 20 □ 6
©Copyright 2006
Star Media, Ltd.
5103 S. Sheridan,# 153
Tulsa, OK 74145-7627
Editor in Chief
C. D. Ward
Contributing Writers:
Greg Steele, josh Aterovis
John Patrick, Matt Brooks.
Paul Wortman, Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post, Paula Martinac, Andrew Collins,
Donald Pile, Ray Williams, Michael Hinzman,
Jack Fertig, Liz Highleyman, Andrew Hicks
Tulsa Office - - - • • • • • -918-835-7887
or Email: ozarksstar@sbcgloba!.net
National Advertising Representative
Rlvendel! Media (212) 242-6863
· .. ·. Deadline for all advertising, articles and payment is the 20th of
· · each month for the next months issue.
12 issues $26.95 / singles $3.00 Check or Money Order
The Ozarks Star or the Star is p;;biished & distributed monthly as a community
· Ltd. of Joplin, Missouri. Publication of the name, photograph
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2008 the Ozarks S(a;.
Daily Specials
? s a week 6
the STAR, Okiahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine. Page4
'The road has potholes but equality is on the horizon,' said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.
WASHINGTON - Gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender Americans scored big wins in 2005,
according to a new report from the Human Rights
Campaign. The report "Equality from State to State:
GLBT Americans and State Legislation 2005" details
record-setting and historic state legislation affecting the
GLBT community over the past year.
"The road has potholes but equality is on the horizon,"
said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "This report proves
that as the national conversation over equality continues,
Americans come down on the side of fairness."
More state anti-discrimination bills passed in 2005
than in any other year. Eleven bills were passed in state
legislatures that established or strengthened statewide
anti-discrimination protections for the GLBT community.
While last year, 13 states amended their constitutions
to ban the protections and responsibilities of marriage for
same-sex couples, this year 15 states defeated attempts
to write discrimination into their state constitutions.
Another two states are likely to defeat marriage
amendments before the year ends.
"Last year saw same-sex couples and their families
disgracefully used as a political wedge issue," said
Solmonese. "When the fog of divisive politics recedes,
the real stories emerge of hard-working GLBT Americans
seeking equality and fairness wins."
California b.ecame the first state ever to pass a bill to
extend the freedom to marry to same-sex couples this
year. Unfortunately Republican Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger vetoed this important legislation.
Another historic milestone occurred in Connecticut as
well, where the instituted civil unions to provide statelevel
rights and responsibilities to long-term, committed
same-sex couples. The bill was signed by the state's
Republican governor, Jodi Rell.
Maryland and Colorado became the ninth and 10th
states to include gender identity and expression, and the
30th and 31st states to include sexual orientation in their
hate crimes laws. Again, both bills became law under the
states' Republican governors.
"The tremendous progress we've seen crosses party
lines and proves fairness need not have partisan
boundaries," said Solmonese.
HRC partners with statewide GLBT advocacy groups
across the country to advance pro-equality legislation
and beat back attacks on our families. In 2005, HRC
provided more than $820,000 directly to state
organizations, ballot campaigns and other work in the
states in addition to drafting bills, testifying in
statehouses, activating our members and providing
strategic assistance.
"Until every state treats its gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender citizens with dignity, respect and equality
under the law, our work as a community will not be
done," added Solmonese.
by Andrew Collins
oming Back to
Just months after Hurricane Katrina wroughc severe damage upon New
Orie.ans, many of the city's neighborhoods have sprung back to life,
including Uptown 's Magazine Street. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
azed out the
plane window on the
final approach into
Louis Armstron New
Orleans lnterna I
Airport, the
suburb er, and I
immediate d
roofs. Kenner lies
several miles west of
New Orleans, and it
was largely spared the
full brunt of ust's
devastating H cane
Katrina. But even this
far west, roug 100
days after the rm,
protective blue tarps
covered the roofs of
thousands of homes
beneath me. Still, I also
saw neon restaurant
signs, cars speeding al Veterans Boulevard,
airport hotels with full ing lots, and plenty of
ene of America's most dynamic, and
gay ities. New Orleans looked
w atso very much alive.
I had flown in for a quick four-day visit, because I'm
about to update and revise my guidebook Moon
Handbooks New Oileans, which actually covers all of
southern Louisiana. I pianned one night in St Tammany
Parish (aka New Orleans North Shore, because of its
iocation on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain), which
sustained major Katrina damage especialiy in the
easternmost town of Slide!i. Then I set aside a night to
visit Lake Charles, at the opposite end of the state, which
was pummeled by Hurricane Rita just 25 days after
Katrina. And finally, I saved my last two nights for New
Before ! get into the specifics, let me assure anyone
who ioves visiting Louisiana: Hurricane Katrina may have
itself.forever altered the appearance and even personality
of New Orleans, but the city's tourism-driven
neighborhoods - the French Quarter, Faubourg Marigny,
Uptown, the Garden Distiict, and the Central Business
District - have already bounced back with admirable, in
some cases amazing, vigor. The city is absolutely ready for
visitors - hundreds of hotels and B&Bs, restaurants, shops,
bars, and even quite a few attractions are up and running,
and dozens reopen each day. And if you're interested in
the rest of southern Louisiana, Baton Rouge and Lafayette
were spared by the storms, Lake Charies has almost fully
rebounded, and St. Tammany Parish is also making rapid
Now for the specifics, as of December 2005:
Hurricane Katrina leveled the greatest wind and storm
damage upon eastern New Orleans, and as I drove east
devastation is unbelievable.
from Faubourg
Marigny into the
adjacent (and
historic) Bywater
neighborhood, I
noticed a dramatic
difference in the
severity of
damage. The
floods that
resulted from
levee breaks
caused untold
damage to all of
eastern New
Orleans, but
flooding also
destroyed huge
swaths of the city
north of 1-10. I
spent a full
afternoon driving
through the worst
of the flooddamaged
and the
magnitude of
The perception seems to be that New Orleans' poorest
neighborhoods received the heaviest damage, and the
upscale ones were mostly spared, but this is a vast
oversimplification. In reality, the parts of the city that have
been decimated are largely residential, but they include
lower-income, middle-class, and upscaie areas, and they
encompass ali races.
What this means for visitors is that, indeed, the parts of
New Orleans you're probably most familiar with are the
parts now in the best shape" i sti!I noticed plenty of
moderate to miid hurricane damage in the French Quarter,
Uptown, and other prominent tourist-oriented areas, but
most of the worst messes had been cleaned up. indeed,
the citv has even olanned a scaled-down but stiil ambitious
Mardi Gras celebration for the last week of February (Mardi
Gras Tuesday falls on the 28th). For details on this event
log on to www.mardigrasneworieans.com, an exceilent
resource .
., .... continued nex page
Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Out of Town
Understandably, plenty of visitors to the city are curious
to learn about Katrina's wiath, and in December, Grny
Line New Orleans began offering a "Hurricane Katrina -
America's Worst Catastrophe" bus tour. This is not some
ghoulish romp exploiting the misery of others. Many Gray
Line employees lost their homes to the hurricane, and the
company is taking a sensitive approach to these tours,
which aim to educate visitors about the storm, and the
region's vanishing coastline, controversial levee system,
and oil and gas pipelines.
As for the city's fabled gay scene, most bars are up and
running, drawing plenty of big crowds. Famed bars like
Bourbon Pub, Cafe Lafitte in Exile, Oz, and Good Friends
are packed with revelers these days, and the lovably
raffish Clover Grill diner, long a fixture in the gay
community, had resumed 8 a.m.-to-mldnight hours as of
this writing. Other great gay-popular restaurants, such as
Marigny Brasserie, Peristyle, Bayona, and Elizabeth's are
serving up the same tantalizing New Orleans fare they
weie before Katrina. And Rue de la Course coffeehouse is
still a favOiite spot for a cup of java.
Finding a place to stay in town is becoming
increasingly easier, as more hoteis reopen, and fewer
properties are booked solid with relief workers. Gaypopular
mainstream hotels such as Hotel Monteleone,
International House, the Royal Sonesta, and the
Renaissance Arts Hotel (to name a few) have resumed
operations and have widespread room availability.
Another excellent option is to book a room at one of the
city's many gay-friendly B&Bs and inns. During my two
nights, I stayed at the delightful Elysian Fields Inn.
Owners Leigh and Jim Crawford bought the inn in summer
2005, and despite missing revenue during a nearly threemonth
closure and losing their beautiful sundeck to a
fallen tree, these folks have done a commendable job
reopening the inn and welcoming guests. Leigh and Jim
are gradually filling this handsome inn with music
memorabilia and local artwork. Other great gay-friendly
lodging choices include the historic Rathbone Inn, the
cozy Arts B&B, and the funky Fourteen Fifteen Creole
The North Shore of New Orleans, which consists
largely of St. Tammany Parish, has made a valiant
comeback, although parts of the town of Slidell will have
to be entirely rebuiit. The artsy community of Covington,
with its downtown of galleries, cafes, and cool shops,
looks better than ever. in nearby Abita Springs,
Longbranch had been slated to open the day after Katrina
hit and still managed a heroic September 16th opening.
It's quickly developed a reputation as one of the state's
hottest culinary venues, thanks to young star chefs Slade
and Allison Vines-Rushing.
Most of the state's Plantation Country (along the
Mississippi River) and Cajun Country were spared severe
storm damage and are going strong, including the bustling
city of Lafayette. Lake Charles, although it sustained
plenty of wind and water damage from Hurricane Rita,
looks good. The city did iose one of its top casinos,
Harrah's, indefinitely. But the L'Auberge du Lac casino
resort. which opened to much fanfare in 2005, has set a
new standard for gaming properties in the Gulf. This
Vegas-style stunner overlooks Lake Chailes, has severai
excellent restaurants, and draws plenty of top-name
And although Lake Charles doesn't have a tremendous
reputation as a gay destination, the city does have several
"family"-owned businesses. You can dance and mingle at
the gay disco, Crystal's. And you can enjoy a gi0at dinner
at gay-popular Pujo Street Cafe & Market, whose owners
also operate Aunt Ruby's B&B, a charming bed-andbreakfast.
Lake Charles is very much a city on the up, and
as it sits right along 1-10 between New Orleans and
Houston, it makes a great stopovei on any road trip
through southem Louisiana.
What does the future hold for New Orleans and other
storm-damaged parts of the state? Right now, if you ask
100 locals, you'll probably get 100 different answers. Many
speculate that New Orleans will never be quite the
convention destination and business powerhouse it was
before the storm, nor will the population mturn in fu!I. But
as a leisure destination, and one of the nation's fabled gay
getaways, the city's future looks good. There will be
obstacles to be sure, but New Orleans' inimitable spirit and
its tolerance of the unusual and the unexpected will sureiy
make it a wonderful vacation destination for decades to
In ef ense of Broke back
f; ounta1n
By Josh Aterovis
You might find it strange that I would be defending a
movie that has been almost universally lauded by
mainstream critics and has been a surprising box office
smash, even in rural areas. The film has been called
"groundbreaking", "landmark", and "unforgettable", and it's
raking in the awards - including the Golden Globe for Best
Picture. It's on the fast track to bring home a few Oscars as
well. So why does Brokeback Mountain need defending?
I've noticed a phenomenon over the years that you may
have noticed as well. Some people just don't want to like
something everyone else likes. They have to be different.
They like to feel they are somehow superior to the general
public. I've seen people who once championed an
underground band suddenly lose interest when the band
becomes successful. "They sold out," is the usual lame
excuse. Then there are those who love a TV show until it
climbs into the top ten in the Nielson ratings, ihen
suddenly, all they can do is find fault with it. It seems they
only want to root for the underdog. If something becomes
too popular, you can almost guarantee a backlash.
That backlash has begun for Brokeback Mountain, but
surprisingly, it's not coming from the mainstream press.
The most virulent criticism isn't even coming from the
Christian press. It's coming from the very people who
would have been crying from the rooftops if this movie
hadn't been well-received - the LGBT press. In recent
weeks, I've seen a raft of negative reviews surfacing,
almost all of them from gay movie critics.
So what's their beef? Some have griped that they're
tired of hearing the movie and its actors described as
brave. Let's be honest here. It was brave. No matter what
we wish the world was like, we're in a BushCo controlled
America right now, currently featuring a walloping good
anti-gay backlash. It was brave for these two young
heterosexual leading men to make a movie about gay love.
It would be wonderful if we were living in a world where
Ennis Del Mar was just another role, but realistically, we're
not. It was brave o(Heath Ledger to take the'role and
devote himself so wholly to the character. He deserves all
the awards that come his way.
There have been a host of other complaints -
everything from the slow pace to the perceived lack of
chemistry between the leads - but from what I can gather,
it all boils down to the fact that the movie doesn't have a
happy ending. Have they read the book? The movie is
based on a short story written by Annie Proulx and first
pubiished in The New Yorker. The story is set in the
herding country of Wyoming and opens in 1963, a time
before the word gay was even used in the mainstream and
cowboys certainly weren't supposed to love other cowboys.
The filmmaker. director Ang Lee, could not be true to the
story he was telling and have a happy ending. It's a
tragedy, and while it isn't a true story, it certainiy reflects
many people's real experiences.
Soon after the movie opened, I heard from a dear friend
of ours who has lived in Texas -and in the closet- all
his life. He grew up on a ranch during the decades in
which Brokeback Mountain is set. He had been to see the
movie and it had affected him deeply. It was a haunting
reminder of his youth, or as he put it "the pre-Stonewall era
when so many of us [like the characters] were forced to
build our closets during a period when hate crime laws
were not even thought about."
You know what? I think most of the criticism stems from
a lack of understanding about that period, the preStonewall
era. Recently, on a discussion list for LGBT
authors, someone posted one of these negative reviews. A
lively debate sprung up, and eventually the discussion
came around to the fact that far too many gay people know
nothing of the struggle gays faced in the 60s and ?Os.
Author Lori L. Lake stated it best when she wrote, "It
seems a sad fact that once a battle has been won or
changes made, the descendants of those who made
sacrifices and fought so hard do not always know of the
cost or the facts. Often the historical repercussions are
completely lost on a new generation. Some young women
nowadays have no clue about the struggle for rights that
women had to go ihrough for most of the 20th century.
Young blacks are often amazingly unaware of much of the
civil rights movement. And both gays and lesbians have
been known to look at me and say things like, 'Yeah, that
Stonewall stuff ... everyone talks about it, but I really don't
get what happened.' In defense of those in 'minority'
groups who do not know their own history, I would have to
say that it's all made more complicated by the fact that it's
not like the mainstream does much to promote the
knowledge. It's left to us to try to find out about the past
and make sure we don't have to repeat it."
And that's where I think Brokeback Mountain can be
invaluable. This film simultaneously shows us how far
we've come as a society ... and how far we still have left to
go. Yes, in most areas of the U.S., gay and lesbian
couples can live openly, but there are still many areas
where homophobia rules supreme - and I'm not just
talking about geographic areas. Think about professional
sports or the military. Many states have already passed or
are in the process of passing same-sex marriage bans,
and even our president advocates a Federal ban on gay
What I think Brokeback Mountain portrays very clearly
is the to!I homophobia takes on gay men and women. We
can use this film as a teaching tool to help people
understand our past and ensure our future. You have to be
a very cold person to waik out of the theater after seeing
this movie and not feel affected. It has the potential to
change hearts and minds, but we can't just sit back and
hope it accomplishes this on its own. We need to get out
there and talk about how homophobia has affected our
lives. We've all had our Brokeb·ack Mountains in our lives.
Some of us have overcome them - we climbed to the top
and we've seen the Promised Land - and some have
been dashed against the rocky slopes. Each and every
one of these stories is important. They make up the grand
and beautifui quilt that is the LGBT community and, for that
matter, America
In the end, what one thinks about Brokeback Mountain,
!ike any movie or book or television show, is nothing more
continued page-17
With all the wonderful "hype" about the new movie,
Brokeback Mountain, perhaps it's time to head for the
.hills and mountains and do some "cowboying". Perhaps
you too can find your "Jack or Ennis" except not have it
finish as it did in the movie!
Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, New Mexico
and even Texas would be great places to begin. Most of
the major cities in these States have western/cowboy
bars and on weekends they are a "hopin and a dancin".
As we all know there are two types of cowboys ... the
drug store type and the real type. The real types can be
found at rodeos and on the ranches far from the city life.
A great place to start would be to go
to the Cheyenne, Wyoming Frontier
Days Rodeo which is billed as the
"Grandaddy of them all". We were there
several years ago and they do have
hundreds of real cowboys that attend
the event. Cheyenne is a rather small
city so you either need to book a room
far in advanced or camp out at one of
the local campgrounds. This year it will
be held July 21 thru the 30th. It all
began in 1897 and just keeps getting
bigger year after year. You can check
for information at: http://
www.cfdrodeo.com/. Wyoming is one of
the very few States that does not have
any gay bars but during the big rodeo
days, everything and anything goes!
The International Gay Rodeo
Association, ( http://www.igra.com/) is a
great website to start looking for
individual State rodeos. Gay Rodeo had
its beginnings in 1976 at the National
Reno Gay Rodeo in Nevada. Over the next eight years
local rodeo associations were formed in Colorado,
Texas, California, and Arizona. In 1985, these four Gay
Rodeo Associations along with Oklahoma founded the
IGRA. From these beginnings, the IGRA has spread the
Rodeo spirit across the United States and into Canada.
Through a Convention of its Member Associations, the
IGRA has evolved a code of fellowship and good
sportsmanship including the provision of standardized
rules and resources for the production of rodeo events.
IGRA-sanctloned rodeos are hosted by local
associations each year and culminate in an IGRA Finals
Rodeo where the top 20 contestants in each event
compete for the title of IGRA International Champion.
The IGRA has expanded its enrichment activities to
include social Country & Western activities. Throughout
the year, the regional associations sponsor dance
competitions in preparation for the IGRA's annual
International Dance Competition featuring the best men
and women dancers from across the country,
The Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association,
http://www.okgayrodeo.com/ just completed their 20th
Annual Great Piains Rodeo last May and they are the 3rd
largest rodeo with the IGRA association. Congratulations
to them!
The Texas Gay Rodeo Association (http://
www.texasgayrodeo.org/) will have their Cowtown Rodeo
March 3 thru the 5th. For Colorado check out their
website at: http://www.cgra.net/ For New Mexico, check
out www.nmgra.com/. For Arizona go to: http://
www.agra-phx.com/ and for Nevada go to: http://
www.ngra.com/. And the Missouri Gay Rodeo's website
is: http://mgra.us/
Here are some dates for the different gay rodeos
coming up for 2006.
Road Runner Region,,! Rodeo Phoenix,
Arizona -January 13 - l 5,
IGR:\ University L:,s V cgas - February 1:' 19,
Cowtown Rode(> Fort \'(/orrh, Texas - !vfarch 3
Sunshine Stampede Fort Lauderdale, Florida
April 7 - 9,
Rodeo in The Rock Little Rock, Arkansas -
J\prii 28 30,
Greatc:r San Diego Rodeo Lakeside, C\ :\pril
28 30,
Gate,vay Regional Rodeo St. Louis, Missouri
May 5 - 7,
Heartland Rodeo Omaha, Nebraska - May 20 -
Great Plains Rodeo - Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma May 26 28. Rocky Mountain
Regional Rodeo - Dem·er, Colorado Julv 7 9,
Zia Regional Rodeo • Albuquerque, l\;;\1 -
,i\ugust 18 • 20,
MGRA Show i\ic Stare Rodeo l'.ama, City,
September l 3,
Bay Arca Ga\' Rode<> San Frnnci,co, Cf\ -
September IS • I - ,
Bighorn Rodeo - LJs Vegas. -"c,:ada - ()ctobcr 6 - 8,
So, whether you like to participate or just watch this
might be something new to do this year. And, you just
might meet your new Jack or Ennis! And always check
out www.purpleroofs.com to find the finest and best in
gay owned and gay-friendly accommodations,
Always have fun when traveling and for any questions on
travel, email Donald and Ray at gaytravelers@aol.com
or visit their webpage at: http:/www,hometown.ao!.com/
the STAR Oklahoma's Premie" GLBT Magazine Page ~o
The History of Saint
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman
Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday
to honour Juno. Juno was the Queen of the Roman
Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her as
the Goddess of women and marriage. The following
day, February 15th, began the Feast of Lupercalia.The
lives of young boys and girls were strictly separate.
However, one of the customs of the young people was
name drawing.
On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of
Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed
into jars. Each young man would
draw a girl's name from the jar
and would then be partners for
the duration of the festival with the
girl whom he chose.
Sometimes the
pairing of the childrnn lasted an
entire year, and often.they
would fall in love and wouid
I a t e r marry.Under the
rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in
many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius the
Cruel was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join
his military leagues. He believed that the reason was
that roman men did not want to leave their ioves or
families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages
and engagements in Rome.
· The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in
the days of Claudius II. He and Saint Marius aided the
Christian martyrs and secretly married couples, and for
this kind deed Saint Valentine was apprehended and
dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned
him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his
head cut off. He suffered martyrdom on the 14th day of
February, about the year 270. At that time it was the
custom in Rome, a very ancient custom, indeed, to
celebrate in the month of February the Lupercalia,
feasts in honour of a heathen god. On these occasions,
amidst a variety of pagan ceremonies, the names of
young women were placed in a box, from which they
were drawn by the men as chance directed.The
pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome
endeavoured to do away with the pagan eiement in
these feasts by substituting the names of saints for
those of maidens. And as the Lupercalia began about
the middle of February; the pastors appear to have
chosen Saint Valentine's Day for the celebration of this
new feast. ·
So it seems that the custom of young men choosing
maidens for valentines, or saints as patrons for the
coming year, arose in this way.
co,nin I
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RSVP Vacations Introduces
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Minneapolis, MN,_RSVP Vacations, the leading
presenter of gay and lesbian travel events, proudly
announces the first frequent traveler program designed
for LGBT travelers. RSViP rewards guests with points
based both on the dollar value of their travel packages
as well as the number of RSVP cruises, land tours and
resort vacations they have taken. Guests redeem points
for upgrades and free cabins on future sailings. Most
revolutionary is the RSViP program's Refer-a-Friend
feature. Frequent travelers who refer a first-time guest
to RSVP Vacations earn the same number of points as
their referral.
The full RSViP program launched on November 15,
2005. Membership levels are based on the number of
vacations a guest has taken with RSVP since January
2002. Exciting member benefits range from priority
notice of new events at the Bronze level to celebrity
cocktail parties, concierge service. and members-only
travel opportunities at the Platinum level. Fu!I details of
the program can be found at www.rsvpvacations.com,
where 500 free bonus points are available for signing
up for your RSViP number.
"The RSViP program is unprecedented," said Thomas
Roth, President of Community Marketing, Inc., a San
Francisco-based gay market research and
communications firm. "I commend RSVP, the original
gay vacation specialists, for retaining the competitive
edge in this increasingly competitive marketplace."
Roth also applauded the research that shaped this
new program. "RSVP asked and listened to their
customers, and RSViP is the result. Earning loyalty is
perhaps the single most important element in
successful LGBT marketing, and this new RSViP
program takes the industry to a whole new level."
"RSVP has consistently been an innovator in the field
of gay and lesbian travel," said Paul Figlmiller,
RSVP's President. "RSViP is designed to recognize
the thousands of loyal guests who travel with us year
after year and reward them when they bring their
friends along. I hope it inspires new guests to discover
the unique camaraderie and exceptional service of an
RSVP event."
About RSVP Vacations - Established in 1985,
RSVP was the originator of the gay and lesbian cruise
concept, and offers distinctive travel packages
designed for gay and lesbian travelers. More than
80,000 men and women have participated in RSVP's
big and small ship cruises, riverboat cruises, land
tours, and resort vacations. Destinations in 2006 will
include the Caribbean, Central America, the
Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Ireland, Mexico,
Tahiti, Peru, and Thailand. RSVP has offices in
Minneapolis, MN and London and is available through
travel agencies.
ay at the
Sponsored by PFLAG Oklahoma
by Greg Steele
Tulsa, OK_After several date changes, Nancy McDonald
has announced a new date of May 9th, 10:00 am to 2:00
pm. "The Capitol has been reserved for our Day at the
Legislature", McDonald said in a recent communique.
Tweive tables have been reserved and GLBT groups, yout
groups. HIV/AIDS groups are encouraged to attend and
bring materiai. Council Oaks Mens Chorale is expected to
entertain, food and drink will be available. Estimated cost
is $20 - $25 per Chapter. The purpose of the lobby is to
give legislators and opportunity to learn more about the
GLBT community. Group leaders wili aiso be meeting with
state senators and representatives.
For more information contact Nancy at:
Tu!sa PFLAG meets every 2nd Monday of each month at
Feiiowship Congregational Church. located at 29th and
Harvard. on the street just south of Bra urn's. Program time is
7:30pm, social time 6:45pm. More information is available
on their website: www.pflagtulsa.org
Iha STAR, Oklahoma's Pmmier GLBT Magazine.
Get Your Best Easter Bonnet
Out and Go To Washington!
WASHINGTON_ Outrageous bonnets and dresses may
not be ail that
gets attention
this Easter,
thousands of
those with
parents wil!
gather on the
White House
lawn for the
annual Easter
Egg Roll.
A group of gay
is urging gay and lesbian parents to join the Aprii 17
event, to highlight the similarities between themselves
and heterosexual families. While the event is months
away, the potential participation of gay famiiies has
already garnered White House attention. Sponsored by
The Family Prlde Coalition.
rial: ew pill bests
standa I
From PlanetOut Net\vork:
A new once-a-day HIV antiretroviral pill does a better job
of suppressing the virus, restoring immune function and
preserving body shape than the common treatment of
Sustiva plus Combivir, according to findings published in
the jan.19 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Researchers found the new pil!, which combines Viread,
Emtriva and Sustiva, did a better job in a three-year study
of HIV-infected subiects in reducing their viral load and
increasing CD4 celi counts without being as toxic to
patients as the combination of Sustiva and Combivir.
The finding is the first to show that one combination
regimen is superior to the other for initial HIV infection
Gilead, which produces Viread and Emtriva, funded the
rne 0zsr1<ss.i1AR sinc:e 2003 ·
10 eys to
by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Provided by: Chopra Blog
app1• ness
Physical well being is inseparable from emotional well
being. Happy people are healthy people. The wisdom
traditions of the world tell us that happiness does not
depend on what you have, but on who you are. As we
begin the new year, it may be worthwhile to reflect on
what really creates happiness in us. The following ten
keys, gleaned from the wisdom traditions, may give us
some insight.
Listen to your body's wisdom, which expresses itself
through signals of comfort and discomfort. When
choosing a certain behavior, ask your body,
"How do you feel about this?" If your body sends
a signal of physical or emotional distress, watch
out. If your body sends a signal of comfort and
eagerness, proceed.
Live in the present, for it is the only moment you
have. Keep your attention on what is here and
now; look for the fullness in every moment.
Accept what comes to you totally and completely
so that you can appreciate it, learn from it, and
then let it go. The present is as it should be. It
reflects infinite laws of Nature that have brought
you this exact thought, this exact physical
response. This moment is as it is because the
universe is as it is. Don't struggle against the
infinite scheme of things; instead, be at one with
Take time to be silent, to meditate, to quiet the
internal dialogue. In moments of silence, realize
that you are recontacting your source of pure
awareness. Pay attention to your inner life so
that you can be guided by intuition rather than
externally imposed interpretations of what is or
isn't good for you.
Relinquish your need for external approval. You
alone are the judge of your worth, and your goa!
is to discover infinite worth in vourself, no matter
what anyone else thinks. There is great freedom
in this realization.
When you find yourself reacting with anger or
opposition to any person or circumstance, realize
that you are only struggling with yourself. Putting
up resistance is the response of defenses
created by old hurts. When you relinquish this
anger, you wi!I be healing yourself and
cooperating with the flow of the universe.
Know that the world "out there" reflects your reality
"in here." The people you react to most strongly,
whether with love or hate, are projections of your
inner world. What you most hate is what you
most deny in yourself. What you most love is
what you most wish for in yourself. Use the
mirror of relationships to guide your evolution.
The goal is total self-knowledge. When you
achieve that, what you most want will
automatically be there, and what you most
dislike will disappear.
Shed the burden of judgment - you will feel much
lighter. Judgment imposes right and wrong on
situations that just are. Everything can be
understood and forgiven, but when you judge,
you cut off understanding and shut down the
process of learning to love. In judging others,
you reflect your lack of self-acceptance.
Remember that every person you forgive adds to
your self-love.
Don't contaminate your body with toxins, either through
food, drink, or toxic emotions. Your body is more than a
life-support system. It is the vehicle that will carry you on
the journey of your evolution. The heaith of every cell
directly contributes to your state of well being, because
every cell is a point of awareness within the field of
awareness that is you.
Replace fear-motivated behavior with love-motivated
behavior. Fear is the product of memory, which dwells in
the past. Remembering what hurt us before, we direct
our energies toward making certain that an oid hurt will
not repeat itself. But trying to impose the past on the
present will never wipe out the threat of being hurt. That
happens only when you find the security of your own
being, which is love. Motivated by the truth inside you,
you can face any threat because your inner strength is
invulnerable to fear.
Understand that the physical world is just a mirror of a
deeper intelligence. Intelligence is the invisible organizer
of all matter and energy, and since a portion of this
intelligence resides in you, you share in the organizing
power of the cosmos. Because you are inseparably
linked to everything, you cannot afford to foul the planet's
air and water. But at a deeper level, you cannot afford to
live with a toxic mind, because every thought makes an
impression on the whole field of intelligence. Living in
balance and purity is the highest good for you and the
Silver Labelffommy Boy Entertainmeni
Release Date: January 24, 2006
Ecleciic, Exclusive New Songs
Enrich Show's Third Season Soundtrack
Just as "The L Word" lights up over 6 million screens
weekly with its cast of vibrant. vivacious and vital
characters, so. do the show's soundtrack albums fire up
the iPods and CD players of loyal fans. Working
closely with Tommy Boy Entertainment executive and
Silver Lab~I co-founder, Rosie Lopez, the show's
creator Ilene Chaiken delivers yet another smart,
sensuous and soulful soundtrack, 'The L Word: The
Third Season." The two-CD set - which includes a
sixteen page booklet - embraces twenty-foUi songs
by a cherry-picked roster of stellar lesbian and
lesbifriendly artists, deftly incorporating a refreshing
variety of genres: folk, electro, country, soul, pop.
NOTE: "The L Word: The Third Season" premiers
January 8 and airs through the end of March!
by Paul Wortman
TULSA, OK_Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald took the stage
Friday night December 16th at the Bamboo Lounge Tulsa
with a show opener of "Living on Tulsa Time". He was
fantastic as always and the crowed agreed with roaring
Oklahoma's cowboy crooner filled the house with his
country music and exceptional good looks. This was his
first performance at the Boo, but has performed at Tulsa's
Club Mavericks, Renegades and Club Majestic. You can
catch his show in Oklahoma City at Club Rox and the
Boom Room.
He performed three sets with such hits as "All Jacked
Up'', "Who's your Daddy" and brought down the house
with "Live Like You Were Dying" Matthew also did a
melody of Cher hits and was fabulous.
Also performing their hearts out were his special guests,
Kris Kohl (our own
Tulsa diva) bringing in
the holiday season
with "Silver Bells" and
Tiffany Adams from
Oklahoma City, who
was hilarious with his
costume's. Both were
in full holiday spirit
and made the evening
very festive. All three
made for a wonderful
night of entertainment.
resides in Krebs,
Oklahoma with his
partner Jason. He has
entertained the gay
community for many years and recorded three CD's.
They can be purchased from his website,
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Brokeback Mountain:
than personal opinion. I left the theater deeply moved. I
felt almost overwhelmed with sadness for the !ives of the
two men portrayed on screen. but I also felt a sense of
thankfulness and hope. i was thankful for how far we've
come, that I am ab!e to openly live my life with partner
Jon, and i was hopeful that we might one day even be
able to get married legally.
As i write this column, e-mails are streaming into my
inbox with news about a Maryland Judge striking down the
State's gay marriage ban. in her decision, Baltimore City
Circuit Court Judge Brooke Murdock wrote that "while
tradition and societal va!ues are important," they're not
enough to justify a discriminatory iaw. Whiie the appeals
process will last for at least a year, and I'm sure there will
be a renewed call fo, a constitutional amendment and
cries of activist judges, it stili gives me a sense of hope
that we are progressing. Maybe one day, we'll iook back
at Brokeback !vfcuntain and wonder what all the fuss was
Battle of the Sexes
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. We've
all heard this little gem, implying that men and women
are just inherently different, and that difference extends
beyond mere plumbing. It's almost like we're from
different planets. Gay men have often bridged that gap
io form close relationships with straight women, but that
gulf still tends to exist between gay men and lesbians.
Why is that? Why can't we all just get along?
I think it was worse in past generations. The women
had their hangouts and organizations, the men had
theirs, and rarely did the twain meet. I do see
improvements, especially in the younger generations,
but I still see separation as well. That division bothers
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware is a gay-friendly beach
resort not far from where Jon and I live. We go there
quite often, especially during the summer. The last few
times we've gone to bars there, though, I couldn't help
but notice they targeted very specific groups. We went
to see a good friend's band, Red Letter Day, play at the
Frogg Pond a couple months ago. The Frogg Pond
tends to be somewhat of a mixed crowd, but it's known
as a lesbian bar and that was the primary clientele. Our
last trip to Rehoboth, we went to see a friend perform in
a drag pageant at Cloud 9. We saw a lot more dresses
there, but they were all on men. The boys far
outnumbered the few women present.
Lesbians have been a big part of our life. In fact,
we've always had more lesbian friends than gay male
friends. I even wrote a tongue-in-cheek column once
about why lesbians make better friends than gay men.
That's why it bothers me that there are few places we
can go as a group and none of us feel at least a little out
of place.
These days, our circle of friends tends to be very
diverse. As I was.Jooking at pictures from our New
Year's Eve party, it ieally struck me what a varied bunch
we are. We had gay men, lesbians, and straight people;
couples and singletons; young and old - all mixing and
mingiing and having a ball. Jon and I value this diversity;
each and every person brings something unique to our
lives. ! can't imagine it any other way.
This is maybe why I can't understand the tendency
for people to separate themseives into neat,
homogenized segments, where everyone in their
immediate circle looks and thinks just like them. I get it
that some people like to be around others who are like
them - birds of a feather and all that - but I think
sometimes, we carry it too far. Over and over, I notice
that, at least in the area in
which we live, our diverse group is pretty unique. Most of
the cliques and circles I see others form tend to be
almost all-male or all-female.
This separatist attitude is even affecting the way we
talk and write. I recently read an article about the
increasing use of the phrase "gays and lesbians" in the
media. It used to be that the word "gay" was an umbrella
term that included both gay men and women. Some
women, however, felt that "gay" had come to be more
associated with men and felt that "lesbian" needed to be
included as well. Why? Do we really need more divisions
within our community?
Why are we so divided?
To discover one possible reason behind our
separatism, we may have to look back at oui LGBT
history. According to an article on glbtq.com, which bills
itself as an encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, and queer culture, lesbian feminists
decided to create spaces over which they themselves
had autonomy after encountering misogynistic attitudes
and practices in the gay liberation movement and antilesbian
discrimination in the women's liberation
movement. These lesbian separatists subscribed to a
"radical feminist" philosophy that views gender difference
in terms of essentialism. Unlike the liberal feminisfs of
the mainstream women's movement, who argued that
gender was a social construction, lesbian separatists
contended that the differences between men and women
are rooted in nature. Thus, women naturally possessed a
female energy characterized by its warmth, nurturing,
and pacifist qualities. On the other hand, due to their
male energy, men were hard-wired to be aggressive,
competitive, and destructive. Because men could not, or
would not, ever change their ways, lesbian separatists
believed that it was necessary for women to exclude
them from their lives.
Could these beliefs and attitudes still linger today? I'm
sure they do, at least in some circles. I suspect,
however, that today's separatism is less about deliberate
exclusion based on sex and more about maintaining the
status quo. This is the way we've done things for
decades and no one wants to rock the boat.
Well, i say it's time to iock the boat.
It's time gay men and women come together as one.
Now, more than ever, we need to be united. Our
opponents are working together to ensure we do not
receive equal rights. Even the most disparate groups
have joined forces to keep us from enjoying equal
protection under the !aw, marriage rights, Oi even
something as simple as the right to visit our sick or dying
partners in the hospital. Surely, we have much more in
common than these fundamentai, conservative religious
groups. We certainly have more to lose. We will never
win equality unless we learn how to work together toward
our common goal.
Continued next page
It's not just about gays and lesbians, either. We also
need to embrace and accept our bisexual and
transgender brothers and sisters. LGBT needs to be
more than just a ubiquitous acronym. We need to stand
together against our common enemy - bigotry and
Yes, obviously men and women are different. It
doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. But I think
it's high time we stop obsessing over our differences
and focus on our commonalities instead. The first step
will be to end the separatism. Who will take the first
step? How about you? Don't wait for someone else.
What about me, you ask? I'm thinking about calling up
some of my lesbian friends this weekend and heading
out to the Frogg Pond and Cloud 9. It's time to break
down some barriers.
The views expressed in this column are my opinions only. You
don't have to agree with them. I just ask that you read them
with an open heart and mind.
By Marc Shoffman
The Los Angeles Police Department has become the
first law enforcement group to sponsor the Gay Games
after announcing its support for next summer's competition
in Chicago.
At least 12 officers have signed up to compete in the
2006 Gay Games VII and plan on wearing their police
uniforms during the opening ceremony, scheduled for July
The LAPD wili also be using the games as a
recruitment drive. Officer Michael Jolicoeur, who oversees
the department's gay and lesbian recruitment said: 'There
are two messages, we are hiring and they can be whoever
they are, no matter what that is."
Events wili include tennis, squash, racquetbail, diving,
water polo and wrestling.
Meanwhile the games, which aie open to anyone, have
already started courting controversy with gmups
threatening to boycott sponsors.
The 2006 Gay Games VII in Chicago is expected to bring
more than 100,000 people and millions of dollars in tourist
revenue to the city. Federation of Gay Games co-president
Robert Mantaci said: "Progress in Chicago is on track with
more sponsors, thousands of athletes already registered,
and. for the first time, television coverage of a Gay
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The;Otatks S:TAR.sinca 2003 Page 19
. '
i by Libby Post
"My Generation, Your Generation"
... lillilillililailoiliiiiliiioi.._ ..... _____ _
I had my first LGBT generation gap encounter about 20
years ago.
I was at a lesbian bar in New York City. I looked
around and didn't see anyone who looked like me. No
longer were jeans, button-down shirts, and vests the
lesbian fashion statement. These younger dykes were in
stiletto heels, designer clothes, and makeup.
"Lipstick lesbians," I thought, shook my head, and tried
to make the best of it. I dismissed them as apolitical, only
interested in being social, live-for-the-next-dance-party
gay girls. What can I say? I was young. But they were
As I've gotten older and hopefully a little wiser, I've
come to appreciate lipstick lesbians - who, by the way,
aren't always younger lesbians. Thirteen years older than
me, my partner, Lynn, wears makeup; I have to admit it's
one of the things that drew me to her. But beyond that, her
almost never leaving the house without at least a little
lipstick and powder has helped me to appreciate the
diversity of the lesbian community - young, middle-aged,
and senior, we all have something to bring to the table.
Recognizing we all have something of value as
members of the LGBT community regardless of our age is
at the crux of the very real generation gap our community
is experiencing today. On one hand, an LGBT generation
gap is one more indicator that we really aren't any
different than our straight counterparts. Just as there has
been a gulf in understanding between straight
generations, there is one between and among our various
generations. On the other hand, an LGBT generation gap
speaks to much more pressing issues than what today's
LGBT fashion trends.
The Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic Studies
(IGLSS), based at the University of Massachusetts at
Amherst Oust a stone's thmw from Lesbianville, a!so
known as Northampton), says we must overcome specific
communication challenges in order for all of us in the
LGBT community - across the spectrum of age - to work
together for positive change.
In the December 2005 edition of _Angles_, the
lnstitute's policy journal, Glenda M Russell, Ph.D., and
Janis S. Bohan, Ph.D., detailed their findings in an article
entitled "The Gay Generation Gap: Communicating Across
the LGBT Generational Divide." Not surprisingly, they
found that LGBT adults tend to project their own
experiences and beliefs onto our youth, and that our youth
think they've got all the answers.
The researchers singled out gay proms as one of the
ways us aider folks have projected our wants and desires
on our youth. These events, they say, seem to be designed
to meet the needs of the adult organizers who missed their
own proms, rather than the needs of today's LGBT youth.
One event was billed as 'The Night You Never Had,'' and
when a group of teens was asked about their same-sex
prom, one teen said the highlight of the evening was
seeing a newly out lesbian teacher dancing with her life
One of the other things we adults tend to do is to
presume that LGBT youth have been victimized. This is not
to say there isn't a lot of harassment of LGBT students in
our schools, but all you've got to do is read the story of
Kerry Pacer, the Advocate's Person of the Year, to see
how things have changed for our youth. Here's a lesbian
teen who took on her small, rural hometown of Cleveland.
Ga., and won. ·
The gay-straight alliance (GSA) Kerry started has since
been disbanded because the school board suspended all
extracurricular activity - presumably because of the GSA -
but Kerry has gotten her whole rural community talking
about LGBT issues.
Kerry became a very real face of the LGBT youth in her
town, where everyone knows everyone. Her organizing
brought Fred Phelps to town. After his hate-filled visit, the
local church leaders were forced to rethink their abject
homophobia, and her classmates their own prejudices. Her
sense of purpose and drive is summed up in the Advocate
article when she says, "I have to do this for the people that
come behind me and the people that can't do it.''
Kerry has set an example for her LGBT generation and
those that follow. She has also shown us veterans of LGBT
activism that our youth can stand up to the bullies and the
homophobes in a way that creates positive change for all
The IGLSS study also detailed LGBT youth's role in our
community's generation gap. Kerry's actions show us how
our youth, who have grown up with a different LGBT reality
(_Will and Grace, Queer Eye, same-sex marriage debate,
civil unions - you get the picture), can bring a fresh
perspective to the challenges the community faces. They
may be less bound by what we think works, but they also
don't necessarily have the historical perspective, relevant
experience, and access to resources that LGBT adults
have. Of course, they think, as all youth do, that the world
started when they became conscious of their surroundings
and that older people meddle.
When LGBT aduits and youth work together. talk
together, and move forward together while valuing each
other's experiences and opinions, a true bridae can be
built. What this study shows, what Kerry's achievements
show, and what the work of anyone who has done
organizing in the LGBT community shows is that ciear,
respectful, inclusive communication is the key to breaking
down this generation gap and moving our community
... year event organizers wiil welcome g
.. play ball and dance the night away. .
•· .bas.eball ouffit and come to play h.ard
. fec1tur~s.prizei;, food and fun. Tiokets
· aHheTulsa GLBT Community Center
around the city $15 Advance and $20 Altf.i€f
the Sleeping Beauty is an enchanting
choreographed by Russian
Marius Petipa, who worked
· Tchail<pvi5,ky:. Tchail<ovsky
he compg~ed the bctllet hi
, his benefactress; Mme.
poetic, s~ in~pir~tidn~I to c .....
··by .it.# w'ijen it was. finisfiecfin.
3,000 rubles and a bonus of 2 .. -_ ,:·.. . /··- ·-- ,.
such an excellent
b ,.
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the
diversity of the gay past and its impact on the queer
What was Germany's
Paragraph 175?
In eff~ct to~ ~or~ than a century, Germany's Paragraph
175, which cnminahzed homosexual activity between
men, sent thousands to their deaths and ruined the lives
of countless others.
In 1871. King Wilhelm I instituted a new penal code
after unifying several kingdoms to create the country of
Germany. Taken from the old 1794 Prussian code.
Paragraph 175 made "unnatural fornication between
persons of the male sex or by humans with animals"
punishable by imprisonment; the law never applied to
Paragraph 175 was repeatedly debated by legislators
and opposed by early gay rights pioneers such as Karl
Heinrich Ulrichs and Magnus Hirschfeld. Arguing that
homosexuals should not be punished for their innate
nat~re, Hirschfeld gathered 6,000 petition signatures
against the law. In early 1898, Social Democratic Party
leader August Babel introduced a repeal measure before
the Reichstag, but it failed by a large margin.
During the Weimar Republic era, a burgeoning queer
subculture developed in Berlin and other German cities.
Yet even during the "roaring '20s," some 1,000 men were
arrested under Paragraph 175 each year. In 1929. a
Reichstag judiciary. committee recommended liberalizaton
of the iaw, but the changes were still pending when Adolf
Hitler was appointed chancellor in January 1933.
Espousing traditional values and exploiting the oub!ic's
existing prejudices and fear of social change, Hitler soon
?onsolidated his poiitica! control. According to the Nazi
ideology of ~ationalism and racial superiority,
homosexuality was a symptom of decadence and a
danger to the state because it did not lead to procreation.
But the Nazis' homosociai cult of masculinity attracted
considera~!e su~picion. A?cusations of homosexuality
were empioyed in turf batties between various Nazi
factions, and were used by political opponents to discredit
the regime.
Hitler banned homosexual organizations, ordered the
closure of nig~tclubs that catered to gay men, 1esbians.
and transvestites, and haited the sale of publications with
h?_mophile or sexual content. The regime encouraged
c1t1zens to denounce suspected homosexuals, cultivated a
network of informants, and forced arrested men to name
others. An untold number of queer men and women went
into hi?ing, entered sham marriages, emigrated to safer
countries, or committed suicide.
In June 1935, the Nazis imposed a stricter version of
Paragraph 175, subjecting any man who "commits lewd
and lascivious acts with another male," or "permits himself
to be abused" for such acts, to 10 years of penal servitude.
In section 175a, the revised law defined forced sex sex
with a dependent or subordinate, sex with a youth ~nder
age 21, and prostitution as "severe lewdness " while
sect!_on 175b prohibited bestiality. Previously,' "unnatural
acts· had usually been interpreted as anal or oral
intercourse, but the revision prohibited any type of
homoerotic interaction. In the ensuing years, convictions
for homosexuality increased ten-fold, reaching a peak of
more t~an 8,500 in 1938, and an estimated 100,000 during
the entire Nazi era.
. While m~st men convicted of homosexuality were held
m regular prisons, others - especially repeat offenders -
were remanded to "preventive custody." Some received
reduced sentences if they agreed to undeigo castration. B
one estimate, between 5,000 and 15,000 men accused of
h?mosexuali_ty were sent to concentration camps,.where
about two-thirds died.
In the camps, these men were marked with the letter
"A," a bla?k dot, the number "175," or a pink triangle. They
were subJected to harsh conditions, including forced labor
in quarries and munitions factories. Former inmate Heinz
H~ger iater_told how he was made to watch a young gay
prisoner being tortured by drunken SS guards. who
sodomized him with a broomstick. Pierre Seei' saw his
lover Jo ripped to shreds by dogs. Some "175ers" were
used in medical experiments, including infection with
typhus fever and implantation of testosterone capsules to
"reverse hormonal polarity."
In April 1945, Allied forces defeated the Nazi regime,
but the ordeal was not over for men charged with
homosexuality. The Allied Military Government sent some
to regular prisons, while others were freed and later rearrested.
In 1950, East Germany reverted back to the pre-
1935 version of Paragraph 175, and the law was
eliminated in 1988. West Germany retained the Nazi
version untii 1969; the law was revised in 1973 to
criminalize only sex with minors under age 18. Paragraph
175 was voided entirely on March 10, 1994, when East an
West German laws were reconci_led following reunification.
For many years following World War 11, homosexual
~urvivors of the Nazi regime remained invisible, largely
oecause homosexuality was still iliegal. Not only weie thev
d~nied reparations, but many found it difficult to obtain jobs
with Paragraph 175 convictions on their record. With the
success of the gay rights movement in the 1980s and
1990s, however, some survivors began to speak out and
demand justice. On May 17, 2002, the German parliament
pardon~d all men convicted under Paragraph 175 during
the Nazi era - of whom only a handful were still alive - but
ieft intact an equal number of convictions imposed betwee;
1946 and 1969.
.... continued rio:xt page.
The Ozarks STAR since 2003
Past Out:
"I suspect that some people prefer to remain silent
forever, afraid to stir up the hideous memories," Pierre
Seel said a few years before his death in November 2005
at age 82. "As for myself, after decades of silence, I have
made up my mind to speak, to accuse, to bear witness."
For further information:
Epstein, Rob, and Jeffrey Friedman. 2000 (documentary).
_Paragraph 175_ (Telling Pictures).
Heger, Heinz. 1980, 1994. _ The Men with the Pink
Triangle: The True, Life-and-Death Story of Homosexuals
in the Nazi Death Camps_ (Alyson).
Grau, Gunter, and Claudia Schoppmann (eds). 1995.
_Hidden Holocaust?: Gay and Lesbian Persecution in
Germany, 1933-1945_ (Cassell).
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "Nazi
Persecution of Homosexuals, 1933-1945." Online exhibit
at www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/hsx.
, '<< •" '
As Valentine's Day approaches we begin to plan that
special surprise for that special someone (or to find that
special someone).
This months recipe is perfect for a quite romantic
evening. It worked well on my fifth husband and I have
· the bling to prove it! It's pink, festive and a bit tropical, a
perfect seduction specimen for a fun evening with that
heart throb. Try popping an old classic movie into the ....
DVD and sipping this love potion with some tasty snacks.!
You may be amazed at the results. ·
1 1./2 oz. dark rum
1 oz. cream of coconut
2 oz. pineapple juice
1 oz. cranberry juice
• 1. Fill mixing glass with ice .
.. 2. Add rum, cream of coconut, pineapple and cranberry
r into a highball glass filled with ice and garnish
• with a cheny.
Fort.he virgin version, simply leave out the rum. But
.· ·don't expect the same results.
· Love and cheers to all. Have a very successfui and
happy Valentine's Day.
Photo's by Chaz
Advice Column!
February 2006
Salutations Kittens Once more too Unc!e Mikey's take on
all things Queer. February here again, bringing us
another chance at being a twinkle in that someone's
special eye, this Valentines Day. While some believe in
saying it with roses, Uncle has aiways been fond of
unconventional tokens of affection. A bouquet of flavored
lubes and massage oils always brought a iittle warmth
my way. Yes, however you choose to say I love you, or
what was your name again, whatever the case may be,
Tis the month of lovin'. Let's see what others have on
their mind this chilly February.
Dear Uncle Mikey.
I am seriously thinking of asking the man I have been
with for a year now to marry me. I know a lot of guys do
not think even a commitment ceremony means much
since we lack the rights as those in the straight world;
however. I truly am in love with this man. He has brought
so much into my life, and I am ready to settle down and
spend my life with him alone. How should I pop the
Ready to Pop
Dearest Jiffy,
Kitten, have you come to the right place. You know you
just would not believe how many times I have used that
line. The key to a successful proposal is romance. This
is a serious question in which you want to convey the
intense love and commitment you hold for this person.
Personalize the moment with an activity you two share,
making it an unforgettable moment in time, one the two
of you will always share. Most of all do convey the love
you have in your heart for him. Ali other matters will fall
into place. Smooches_ Uncle Mikey
Uncles third husband popped at the bathhouse. Imagine
my surprise in the shower room, when he handed me
that shiny steel ring. That was a night, I will never forget.
I asked the gentleman I was entertaining in that moment
to hold the ring while I rewarded that man of mine. It was
a night the three of us never did forget. I swear I get all
misty just thinking of it.
Uncle Mikey,
I am twenty-four years old and an avid fan of the rodeo. I
want to work the circuit one day. However, none of my
friends shares my lust for the pastime and they give me a
hard time for it. I do not care for club hoping or the typical
gay lifestyle. How can I show them the pride and
adventure of this lifestyle?
Rodeo boy
Dear Rodeo Boy,
Kitten, the rodeo is an adventuresome good time.-You
cannot allow others to dictate your likes and dislikes.
Sometimes a man must stand-alone for what he desires
or believes in. If you want them to except your choices,
than you must have a solid conviction, which will magnify
your confidence through inner self. Uncle has loved
many a cowboy in his time, and yes, Virginia the south
will rise again! Saddle up young one its rodeo time.
Smooches Uncle Mikey
Uncle Mikey,
I feei like no one in the gay world understands me. I am
looking for someone to share my life. I want someone
who can find contentment in loving only one. I have been
hurt so many times, and so many men have walked over
me using me as their doormat. I do not think there are
truly any monogamous men left in the world, no wonder
the straight world sees us the way they do. We bring it on
ourselves. Am I the only one seeing this?
Tired of being gay
Dear Zinfandel,
Darling, may I offer you some serious to go with that
Wine? Sweetheart and I say this with all of the love in
Uncles heart, (taxes and fees not included. Excluded in
some states), you have to stop sounding like such a
victim if you truly want people to stop treating you as
though.! mean just by the time I finished your words; I
was ready to sleep with your best friend and steal your
escalade. Sometimes we must heip ourselves before we
can look or expect others to see us for who we really are
beneath the emotional mess we have allowed ourselves
to become. Of course, uncle means you by us. as I am
too fabulous to aliow victimization here. It sounds as if
you seriously need a makeover. Also, one last matter.
Kitten, we are not being gay. We are gay, don't allow
. ... comim,ed next page.
The Ozarks STAR since 2003 Page26
Ask Uncle Mikey:
self-loathing to become the next cross you carry.
Smooches- Uncle Mikey
Well Kittens, I fear I have just exhausted myself. i must
refresh, maybe have a twinky or two. You know, I am a
manabectic. It is important prescribed by my personal
physician of love, that I keep my romantic strength up.
Yea, that is it. Proving my love for Queerdom one man at
a time-Next!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too!
Want more of Mikey? Visit Mikey's corner at
www.askunclemikey.com. Freelance writer Michael
Hinzman, joining communities throughout Queerdom. ..
City Life:
9 1 B.B3 S.7B87
or email: m:arksstar(cvsbcglobal.nct
Delivering Quality, Value, Integrity and
Trust in Affordable Advertising Service.
To Be Or Not To Be
Oklahoma City Theater company presents Shakespear's
twisted comedy A Midsummer Nights Dream running
through Fe_bruary 19th• Catch performances on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday's at 8 pm, Sundays at 2
pm. Shakespeare's comedy about two couples in love
with the wrong partners, and how they are finally brought
together rightly, thanks in part to the bungiing work of
Puck, Shakespeare's famous mischievous fairy. Chaos
abounds in this most famous of Shakespeare plays. For
more information and ticket prices check out
Valentine Dinner for Two
"Shrimp Pilaf Florentine"
1 tablespoon olive oil.
1 small red bell pepper chopped.
3 green onions chopped.
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 1 /2 cups ORZO
2 teaspoons fresh dill weed.
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1 can chicken broth.
1 cup water.
2 cups shredded spinach.
10 oz frozen cooked shrimp, thaw and remove tails.
1i4 cup fresh grated Romano cheese.
Heat oil over medium heat, add bell peppers, onions and
garlic until ·vegetables are tender. Stir in past, dill weed,
lemon pee! chicken i::imti~ and water. Heat to boiling,
:·educe heat. cover and simmer for 8-10 minutes unti\ pasta
:s tender. Stir in sr::inacl1 and snrinm. Cook 2-3 rn;nutes
:i,ore Plate it 2nd spri,·1<:!e 'ii!th Romano cheese. Serve with
;.i\vocado r1alves.
Tf,e Ozarks STAR .since
Q Scopes
by Jack Fertig
''Trust your instincts, Aries!"
The Jupiter-Neptune square of late January continues
until April 6. That opens us to philosophical mysteries and
intuitive knowledge. It also invites ill-considered
experiments with drugs, and codependent excess. This
week, the Sun and Mercury conjoin Neptune, offering
some clarity on how you can make these next few months
more positive.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Are friends taking advantage
of you - or vice versa? There is a difference between
"benefits" and exploitation! In a generally confusing
period, this is the time to trust your instincts. Difficult
actions should be taken right now.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Relationships with
colleagues are going to be tricky for a while, and you may
easily be taken advantage of. Now is your time to be clear
about what you want and what you can rightfully expect.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You can't win any arguments
now, but you can heed the arguments of others to see
where your own reasoning could stand improvement.
Ideals need not be rational, but how you spell them out
must be.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): The stars promise fantasy
sex - but is it your dreams coming true, or just all in your
dreams? Being openly playful with your partner is easy -
up to a point - but you need to articulate your secret
desires if you want them to be fulfilled!
LEO (July 23 - August 22): The next few months are
generally confusing with regard to your relationships.
Family traditions offer insights, but there will be more
confusion along the way. What you learn right now in this
moment of clarity can help you through the upcoming
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): The rest of this
winter sees you being very vulnerable to infections -
anything from sniffles on up. Be careful whom you play
with and how! Now is the time to see where your weak
spots are and how to care for yourself better.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Can you afford your
amusements? This is the time to get creative and figure
out more economicai pieasures. Harness your talents,
and your fun need not seem extravagant. it could even
prove lucrative.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21 ): Family problems
loom large. First question: Who (or what) really is your
"family"? Second question: Why? Those aren·t easy to
answer, but this week offers clear insights to start working
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): A door to
the Twilight Zone has opened in your brain, and will be
around until April. If you need help coping, ask a Pisces
friend. Now is the time to articulate things that wil! at other
times be very hard to express.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): This is the time
to clear through any financial muddle. The next few months
are going to be a monetary maze, so get what insights you
can right now. They will help you get through the rest of it.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Who are you?
What are you? You're used to others wondering, but now
_you're_ in a season of quandary. New insights and
answers this week will open up more questions, but they'll
be better questions than the ones you're struggling with
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Inside your head is a
dangerous place for you to be, even at the best of times.
Now there's a light in that darkness. What you figure out
now may be key to solving the next few months of relative
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 states
business & organizations.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride EYem - - www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's fa·e View- - 36 N. Main- -479-253-02(10
CaribeRestaurante- -309 \X' VanBuren-- 253-8102
Henri's- -19 1 /2 Spring St - 4-;9.253.5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill-105 E VanBuren- -253-0400
MCC Lidng Spring - - 870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Condom Sense - -418 \'C Dickson- -479-444-6228
Curry's Video 612 N. College :\ve- 479-521-0009
Pass~ges 930 N. College Ave- - - - - - 479-442-5845
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinke2ds- 1004 1/2 Garrison A,·e- 479-783-9988
Red Rock Citv 917 K "A'" St. 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
_Jesters Lounge 1010 E. Grand :\vc -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street -lll21 Jessie Rd-
Diatnond Srntc Roden As.soc.Discovery-
- i021 Jessie Rd-
- - -5( 11-664-2744
- -50 i -666-6900
Sidetracks - 415 ~lam St -k LR.- Slll-244-0444
The Factory -'112 Louisiana St.- -501-372-3070
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Bro3dway- -
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Club Glacier 2828 E. 31st Sc,mh 316-612-9331
J's Lounge - 513 E. Central 316-262-1363
Our Fantas;·- - - - 3201 S, Hillside- - -316-682-5-,94
The Otherside- -447 N. St Francis- - 316-262-7825
Sharai 4000 S. Broacl\1.:ay- - .316-522--2028
Sidcstreet I\lens Bar -1106 S. Pattie- - -316-267-0324
South 4(1 - 3201 S. Hillside -'16-682-5494
Trends Bar - -15(17 S. Pawnee- - - ::' I 6-262-<l53C
Missouri, Ava
CanJs C,!:1yon Catnpgrc,und
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- 716S.i\iain
Missouri, Kansas Ci~ (816}
Missouri, Lampe
K( )K( ):,.1() C::,mpJ!rnund # ..
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boom·ille A,·e- - --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-8-:'3-2225
il!arrha's Vineyard- 219 \X" Olh-e - 417-864-4572
Priscilla's - - 1918 S. Glenstone 417-881-8444
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial - - - - 417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
J\!cPride- - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- -3535 N\X" 39th Expwy - 405-947-2351
Cristies Toy Box- 3126 N. May Ave - 405-946-4438
Finish Linc -2200 N\X' 39th Expwy- - 405-525-0730
G,1shcrs Restaurant-2200 N\X' 39Exp405-525-0730
HolkwoodHotel- 3535 t'I\X' 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 !'l\\" 39th Exp- - 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Club - 122! N\X' SOrh- -405-843-1722
Juni!k Red$ - - - 2200 NW" Expwy- 405-524-5733
P.:rrncrs- - -2805 N\X" 36th St 405-942-2199
Priscilb's- 615 E. Memorial -405-755-8600
Red Rock North-2240 N\X'39th St- - -405-525-5165
Sisters- - 2120 N\'\' 39th St - - - - -405-521-9533
The Rockies- - -32!11 N. May Ave - - - 405-947-9361
Top.mg.1 Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - - -- 918-836-8700
Club :\lajc<tic- 124 N. Boston 918-584-9494
Club Ma,·crick- 822 $. Sheridan - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks - 8807 E. Admiral Pl -834-1051
Eii1e Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comn1. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- -
I lidn.,·ay Lounge-11730 E. 11th-
\lidtov;n- 319 E. 3rd-
N1te Spot - -3(,l)7 E. Admirnl Pi
Pnscilla·, -,925 E. 41st
5634 \X Skdh·
P:tiscilla's - -11344 F·:. ti th
-9 i 8-627-4884
- - -918-446-63<1,
-9 l 8--!38-422'1
-9 18--199-1661
1649 S. \lain - - - - 9i8-585-3405
Ti.l!',a EagkT::'..:
i~3B F. 3rd
21 ;.j S. ~lc,n::rial-
- - J18-"J2-l !B8
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FEBRUARY, 20 □ 6
©Copyright 2006
Star Media, Ltd.
5103 S. Sheridan,# 153
Tulsa, OK 74145-7627
Editor in Chief
C. D. Ward
Contributing Writers:
Greg Steele, josh Aterovis
John Patrick, Matt Brooks.
Paul Wortman, Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post, Paula Martinac, Andrew Collins,
Donald Pile, Ray Williams, Michael Hinzman,
Jack Fertig, Liz Highleyman, Andrew Hicks
Tulsa Office - - - • • • • • -918-835-7887
or Email: ozarksstar@sbcgloba!.net
National Advertising Representative
Rlvendel! Media (212) 242-6863
· .. ·. Deadline for all advertising, articles and payment is the 20th of
· · each month for the next months issue.
12 issues $26.95 / singles $3.00 Check or Money Order
The Ozarks Star or the Star is p;;biished & distributed monthly as a community
· Ltd. of Joplin, Missouri. Publication of the name, photograph
business or organization in this publication is not to be
conall'Oed. as any indication of sexual orientatlcn or preferences of such person,
bul!fM:113 or organization.
Opj,nloos expressed by columnists, advertisers or Letters to the Editor are not
nooe~sarily the opinion of The Ozarks Star, its staff. the publisher or it's advertisers.
C~o~nt of advertisements and articles are the sole responsibi'.iiy of the advertiser and
/Qr;aiilhor. The Publisher of the Ozarks Star or Star reserves the right to refuse
advertising material for any reason what so ever. The Ozarks Star or Star and ail
likenesses there of are sole properties of Sta, Madia, Ltd. Al! material ii; copyright
2008 the Ozarks S(a;.
Daily Specials
? s a week 6
the STAR, Okiahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine. Page4
'The road has potholes but equality is on the horizon,' said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.
WASHINGTON - Gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender Americans scored big wins in 2005,
according to a new report from the Human Rights
Campaign. The report "Equality from State to State:
GLBT Americans and State Legislation 2005" details
record-setting and historic state legislation affecting the
GLBT community over the past year.
"The road has potholes but equality is on the horizon,"
said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "This report proves
that as the national conversation over equality continues,
Americans come down on the side of fairness."
More state anti-discrimination bills passed in 2005
than in any other year. Eleven bills were passed in state
legislatures that established or strengthened statewide
anti-discrimination protections for the GLBT community.
While last year, 13 states amended their constitutions
to ban the protections and responsibilities of marriage for
same-sex couples, this year 15 states defeated attempts
to write discrimination into their state constitutions.
Another two states are likely to defeat marriage
amendments before the year ends.
"Last year saw same-sex couples and their families
disgracefully used as a political wedge issue," said
Solmonese. "When the fog of divisive politics recedes,
the real stories emerge of hard-working GLBT Americans
seeking equality and fairness wins."
California b.ecame the first state ever to pass a bill to
extend the freedom to marry to same-sex couples this
year. Unfortunately Republican Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger vetoed this important legislation.
Another historic milestone occurred in Connecticut as
well, where the instituted civil unions to provide statelevel
rights and responsibilities to long-term, committed
same-sex couples. The bill was signed by the state's
Republican governor, Jodi Rell.
Maryland and Colorado became the ninth and 10th
states to include gender identity and expression, and the
30th and 31st states to include sexual orientation in their
hate crimes laws. Again, both bills became law under the
states' Republican governors.
"The tremendous progress we've seen crosses party
lines and proves fairness need not have partisan
boundaries," said Solmonese.
HRC partners with statewide GLBT advocacy groups
across the country to advance pro-equality legislation
and beat back attacks on our families. In 2005, HRC
provided more than $820,000 directly to state
organizations, ballot campaigns and other work in the
states in addition to drafting bills, testifying in
statehouses, activating our members and providing
strategic assistance.
"Until every state treats its gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender citizens with dignity, respect and equality
under the law, our work as a community will not be
done," added Solmonese.
by Andrew Collins
oming Back to
Just months after Hurricane Katrina wroughc severe damage upon New
Orie.ans, many of the city's neighborhoods have sprung back to life,
including Uptown 's Magazine Street. (Photo by Andrew Collins)
azed out the
plane window on the
final approach into
Louis Armstron New
Orleans lnterna I
Airport, the
suburb er, and I
immediate d
roofs. Kenner lies
several miles west of
New Orleans, and it
was largely spared the
full brunt of ust's
devastating H cane
Katrina. But even this
far west, roug 100
days after the rm,
protective blue tarps
covered the roofs of
thousands of homes
beneath me. Still, I also
saw neon restaurant
signs, cars speeding al Veterans Boulevard,
airport hotels with full ing lots, and plenty of
ene of America's most dynamic, and
gay ities. New Orleans looked
w atso very much alive.
I had flown in for a quick four-day visit, because I'm
about to update and revise my guidebook Moon
Handbooks New Oileans, which actually covers all of
southern Louisiana. I pianned one night in St Tammany
Parish (aka New Orleans North Shore, because of its
iocation on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain), which
sustained major Katrina damage especialiy in the
easternmost town of Slide!i. Then I set aside a night to
visit Lake Charles, at the opposite end of the state, which
was pummeled by Hurricane Rita just 25 days after
Katrina. And finally, I saved my last two nights for New
Before ! get into the specifics, let me assure anyone
who ioves visiting Louisiana: Hurricane Katrina may have
itself.forever altered the appearance and even personality
of New Orleans, but the city's tourism-driven
neighborhoods - the French Quarter, Faubourg Marigny,
Uptown, the Garden Distiict, and the Central Business
District - have already bounced back with admirable, in
some cases amazing, vigor. The city is absolutely ready for
visitors - hundreds of hotels and B&Bs, restaurants, shops,
bars, and even quite a few attractions are up and running,
and dozens reopen each day. And if you're interested in
the rest of southern Louisiana, Baton Rouge and Lafayette
were spared by the storms, Lake Charies has almost fully
rebounded, and St. Tammany Parish is also making rapid
Now for the specifics, as of December 2005:
Hurricane Katrina leveled the greatest wind and storm
damage upon eastern New Orleans, and as I drove east
devastation is unbelievable.
from Faubourg
Marigny into the
adjacent (and
historic) Bywater
neighborhood, I
noticed a dramatic
difference in the
severity of
damage. The
floods that
resulted from
levee breaks
caused untold
damage to all of
eastern New
Orleans, but
flooding also
destroyed huge
swaths of the city
north of 1-10. I
spent a full
afternoon driving
through the worst
of the flooddamaged
and the
magnitude of
The perception seems to be that New Orleans' poorest
neighborhoods received the heaviest damage, and the
upscale ones were mostly spared, but this is a vast
oversimplification. In reality, the parts of the city that have
been decimated are largely residential, but they include
lower-income, middle-class, and upscaie areas, and they
encompass ali races.
What this means for visitors is that, indeed, the parts of
New Orleans you're probably most familiar with are the
parts now in the best shape" i sti!I noticed plenty of
moderate to miid hurricane damage in the French Quarter,
Uptown, and other prominent tourist-oriented areas, but
most of the worst messes had been cleaned up. indeed,
the citv has even olanned a scaled-down but stiil ambitious
Mardi Gras celebration for the last week of February (Mardi
Gras Tuesday falls on the 28th). For details on this event
log on to www.mardigrasneworieans.com, an exceilent
resource .
., .... continued nex page
Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Out of Town
Understandably, plenty of visitors to the city are curious
to learn about Katrina's wiath, and in December, Grny
Line New Orleans began offering a "Hurricane Katrina -
America's Worst Catastrophe" bus tour. This is not some
ghoulish romp exploiting the misery of others. Many Gray
Line employees lost their homes to the hurricane, and the
company is taking a sensitive approach to these tours,
which aim to educate visitors about the storm, and the
region's vanishing coastline, controversial levee system,
and oil and gas pipelines.
As for the city's fabled gay scene, most bars are up and
running, drawing plenty of big crowds. Famed bars like
Bourbon Pub, Cafe Lafitte in Exile, Oz, and Good Friends
are packed with revelers these days, and the lovably
raffish Clover Grill diner, long a fixture in the gay
community, had resumed 8 a.m.-to-mldnight hours as of
this writing. Other great gay-popular restaurants, such as
Marigny Brasserie, Peristyle, Bayona, and Elizabeth's are
serving up the same tantalizing New Orleans fare they
weie before Katrina. And Rue de la Course coffeehouse is
still a favOiite spot for a cup of java.
Finding a place to stay in town is becoming
increasingly easier, as more hoteis reopen, and fewer
properties are booked solid with relief workers. Gaypopular
mainstream hotels such as Hotel Monteleone,
International House, the Royal Sonesta, and the
Renaissance Arts Hotel (to name a few) have resumed
operations and have widespread room availability.
Another excellent option is to book a room at one of the
city's many gay-friendly B&Bs and inns. During my two
nights, I stayed at the delightful Elysian Fields Inn.
Owners Leigh and Jim Crawford bought the inn in summer
2005, and despite missing revenue during a nearly threemonth
closure and losing their beautiful sundeck to a
fallen tree, these folks have done a commendable job
reopening the inn and welcoming guests. Leigh and Jim
are gradually filling this handsome inn with music
memorabilia and local artwork. Other great gay-friendly
lodging choices include the historic Rathbone Inn, the
cozy Arts B&B, and the funky Fourteen Fifteen Creole
The North Shore of New Orleans, which consists
largely of St. Tammany Parish, has made a valiant
comeback, although parts of the town of Slidell will have
to be entirely rebuiit. The artsy community of Covington,
with its downtown of galleries, cafes, and cool shops,
looks better than ever. in nearby Abita Springs,
Longbranch had been slated to open the day after Katrina
hit and still managed a heroic September 16th opening.
It's quickly developed a reputation as one of the state's
hottest culinary venues, thanks to young star chefs Slade
and Allison Vines-Rushing.
Most of the state's Plantation Country (along the
Mississippi River) and Cajun Country were spared severe
storm damage and are going strong, including the bustling
city of Lafayette. Lake Charles, although it sustained
plenty of wind and water damage from Hurricane Rita,
looks good. The city did iose one of its top casinos,
Harrah's, indefinitely. But the L'Auberge du Lac casino
resort. which opened to much fanfare in 2005, has set a
new standard for gaming properties in the Gulf. This
Vegas-style stunner overlooks Lake Chailes, has severai
excellent restaurants, and draws plenty of top-name
And although Lake Charles doesn't have a tremendous
reputation as a gay destination, the city does have several
"family"-owned businesses. You can dance and mingle at
the gay disco, Crystal's. And you can enjoy a gi0at dinner
at gay-popular Pujo Street Cafe & Market, whose owners
also operate Aunt Ruby's B&B, a charming bed-andbreakfast.
Lake Charles is very much a city on the up, and
as it sits right along 1-10 between New Orleans and
Houston, it makes a great stopovei on any road trip
through southem Louisiana.
What does the future hold for New Orleans and other
storm-damaged parts of the state? Right now, if you ask
100 locals, you'll probably get 100 different answers. Many
speculate that New Orleans will never be quite the
convention destination and business powerhouse it was
before the storm, nor will the population mturn in fu!I. But
as a leisure destination, and one of the nation's fabled gay
getaways, the city's future looks good. There will be
obstacles to be sure, but New Orleans' inimitable spirit and
its tolerance of the unusual and the unexpected will sureiy
make it a wonderful vacation destination for decades to
In ef ense of Broke back
f; ounta1n
By Josh Aterovis
You might find it strange that I would be defending a
movie that has been almost universally lauded by
mainstream critics and has been a surprising box office
smash, even in rural areas. The film has been called
"groundbreaking", "landmark", and "unforgettable", and it's
raking in the awards - including the Golden Globe for Best
Picture. It's on the fast track to bring home a few Oscars as
well. So why does Brokeback Mountain need defending?
I've noticed a phenomenon over the years that you may
have noticed as well. Some people just don't want to like
something everyone else likes. They have to be different.
They like to feel they are somehow superior to the general
public. I've seen people who once championed an
underground band suddenly lose interest when the band
becomes successful. "They sold out," is the usual lame
excuse. Then there are those who love a TV show until it
climbs into the top ten in the Nielson ratings, ihen
suddenly, all they can do is find fault with it. It seems they
only want to root for the underdog. If something becomes
too popular, you can almost guarantee a backlash.
That backlash has begun for Brokeback Mountain, but
surprisingly, it's not coming from the mainstream press.
The most virulent criticism isn't even coming from the
Christian press. It's coming from the very people who
would have been crying from the rooftops if this movie
hadn't been well-received - the LGBT press. In recent
weeks, I've seen a raft of negative reviews surfacing,
almost all of them from gay movie critics.
So what's their beef? Some have griped that they're
tired of hearing the movie and its actors described as
brave. Let's be honest here. It was brave. No matter what
we wish the world was like, we're in a BushCo controlled
America right now, currently featuring a walloping good
anti-gay backlash. It was brave for these two young
heterosexual leading men to make a movie about gay love.
It would be wonderful if we were living in a world where
Ennis Del Mar was just another role, but realistically, we're
not. It was brave o(Heath Ledger to take the'role and
devote himself so wholly to the character. He deserves all
the awards that come his way.
There have been a host of other complaints -
everything from the slow pace to the perceived lack of
chemistry between the leads - but from what I can gather,
it all boils down to the fact that the movie doesn't have a
happy ending. Have they read the book? The movie is
based on a short story written by Annie Proulx and first
pubiished in The New Yorker. The story is set in the
herding country of Wyoming and opens in 1963, a time
before the word gay was even used in the mainstream and
cowboys certainly weren't supposed to love other cowboys.
The filmmaker. director Ang Lee, could not be true to the
story he was telling and have a happy ending. It's a
tragedy, and while it isn't a true story, it certainiy reflects
many people's real experiences.
Soon after the movie opened, I heard from a dear friend
of ours who has lived in Texas -and in the closet- all
his life. He grew up on a ranch during the decades in
which Brokeback Mountain is set. He had been to see the
movie and it had affected him deeply. It was a haunting
reminder of his youth, or as he put it "the pre-Stonewall era
when so many of us [like the characters] were forced to
build our closets during a period when hate crime laws
were not even thought about."
You know what? I think most of the criticism stems from
a lack of understanding about that period, the preStonewall
era. Recently, on a discussion list for LGBT
authors, someone posted one of these negative reviews. A
lively debate sprung up, and eventually the discussion
came around to the fact that far too many gay people know
nothing of the struggle gays faced in the 60s and ?Os.
Author Lori L. Lake stated it best when she wrote, "It
seems a sad fact that once a battle has been won or
changes made, the descendants of those who made
sacrifices and fought so hard do not always know of the
cost or the facts. Often the historical repercussions are
completely lost on a new generation. Some young women
nowadays have no clue about the struggle for rights that
women had to go ihrough for most of the 20th century.
Young blacks are often amazingly unaware of much of the
civil rights movement. And both gays and lesbians have
been known to look at me and say things like, 'Yeah, that
Stonewall stuff ... everyone talks about it, but I really don't
get what happened.' In defense of those in 'minority'
groups who do not know their own history, I would have to
say that it's all made more complicated by the fact that it's
not like the mainstream does much to promote the
knowledge. It's left to us to try to find out about the past
and make sure we don't have to repeat it."
And that's where I think Brokeback Mountain can be
invaluable. This film simultaneously shows us how far
we've come as a society ... and how far we still have left to
go. Yes, in most areas of the U.S., gay and lesbian
couples can live openly, but there are still many areas
where homophobia rules supreme - and I'm not just
talking about geographic areas. Think about professional
sports or the military. Many states have already passed or
are in the process of passing same-sex marriage bans,
and even our president advocates a Federal ban on gay
What I think Brokeback Mountain portrays very clearly
is the to!I homophobia takes on gay men and women. We
can use this film as a teaching tool to help people
understand our past and ensure our future. You have to be
a very cold person to waik out of the theater after seeing
this movie and not feel affected. It has the potential to
change hearts and minds, but we can't just sit back and
hope it accomplishes this on its own. We need to get out
there and talk about how homophobia has affected our
lives. We've all had our Brokeb·ack Mountains in our lives.
Some of us have overcome them - we climbed to the top
and we've seen the Promised Land - and some have
been dashed against the rocky slopes. Each and every
one of these stories is important. They make up the grand
and beautifui quilt that is the LGBT community and, for that
matter, America
In the end, what one thinks about Brokeback Mountain,
!ike any movie or book or television show, is nothing more
continued page-17
With all the wonderful "hype" about the new movie,
Brokeback Mountain, perhaps it's time to head for the
.hills and mountains and do some "cowboying". Perhaps
you too can find your "Jack or Ennis" except not have it
finish as it did in the movie!
Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, New Mexico
and even Texas would be great places to begin. Most of
the major cities in these States have western/cowboy
bars and on weekends they are a "hopin and a dancin".
As we all know there are two types of cowboys ... the
drug store type and the real type. The real types can be
found at rodeos and on the ranches far from the city life.
A great place to start would be to go
to the Cheyenne, Wyoming Frontier
Days Rodeo which is billed as the
"Grandaddy of them all". We were there
several years ago and they do have
hundreds of real cowboys that attend
the event. Cheyenne is a rather small
city so you either need to book a room
far in advanced or camp out at one of
the local campgrounds. This year it will
be held July 21 thru the 30th. It all
began in 1897 and just keeps getting
bigger year after year. You can check
for information at: http://
www.cfdrodeo.com/. Wyoming is one of
the very few States that does not have
any gay bars but during the big rodeo
days, everything and anything goes!
The International Gay Rodeo
Association, ( http://www.igra.com/) is a
great website to start looking for
individual State rodeos. Gay Rodeo had
its beginnings in 1976 at the National
Reno Gay Rodeo in Nevada. Over the next eight years
local rodeo associations were formed in Colorado,
Texas, California, and Arizona. In 1985, these four Gay
Rodeo Associations along with Oklahoma founded the
IGRA. From these beginnings, the IGRA has spread the
Rodeo spirit across the United States and into Canada.
Through a Convention of its Member Associations, the
IGRA has evolved a code of fellowship and good
sportsmanship including the provision of standardized
rules and resources for the production of rodeo events.
IGRA-sanctloned rodeos are hosted by local
associations each year and culminate in an IGRA Finals
Rodeo where the top 20 contestants in each event
compete for the title of IGRA International Champion.
The IGRA has expanded its enrichment activities to
include social Country & Western activities. Throughout
the year, the regional associations sponsor dance
competitions in preparation for the IGRA's annual
International Dance Competition featuring the best men
and women dancers from across the country,
The Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association,
http://www.okgayrodeo.com/ just completed their 20th
Annual Great Piains Rodeo last May and they are the 3rd
largest rodeo with the IGRA association. Congratulations
to them!
The Texas Gay Rodeo Association (http://
www.texasgayrodeo.org/) will have their Cowtown Rodeo
March 3 thru the 5th. For Colorado check out their
website at: http://www.cgra.net/ For New Mexico, check
out www.nmgra.com/. For Arizona go to: http://
www.agra-phx.com/ and for Nevada go to: http://
www.ngra.com/. And the Missouri Gay Rodeo's website
is: http://mgra.us/
Here are some dates for the different gay rodeos
coming up for 2006.
Road Runner Region,,! Rodeo Phoenix,
Arizona -January 13 - l 5,
IGR:\ University L:,s V cgas - February 1:' 19,
Cowtown Rode(> Fort \'(/orrh, Texas - !vfarch 3
Sunshine Stampede Fort Lauderdale, Florida
April 7 - 9,
Rodeo in The Rock Little Rock, Arkansas -
J\prii 28 30,
Greatc:r San Diego Rodeo Lakeside, C\ :\pril
28 30,
Gate,vay Regional Rodeo St. Louis, Missouri
May 5 - 7,
Heartland Rodeo Omaha, Nebraska - May 20 -
Great Plains Rodeo - Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma May 26 28. Rocky Mountain
Regional Rodeo - Dem·er, Colorado Julv 7 9,
Zia Regional Rodeo • Albuquerque, l\;;\1 -
,i\ugust 18 • 20,
MGRA Show i\ic Stare Rodeo l'.ama, City,
September l 3,
Bay Arca Ga\' Rode<> San Frnnci,co, Cf\ -
September IS • I - ,
Bighorn Rodeo - LJs Vegas. -"c,:ada - ()ctobcr 6 - 8,
So, whether you like to participate or just watch this
might be something new to do this year. And, you just
might meet your new Jack or Ennis! And always check
out www.purpleroofs.com to find the finest and best in
gay owned and gay-friendly accommodations,
Always have fun when traveling and for any questions on
travel, email Donald and Ray at gaytravelers@aol.com
or visit their webpage at: http:/www,hometown.ao!.com/
the STAR Oklahoma's Premie" GLBT Magazine Page ~o
The History of Saint
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman
Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday
to honour Juno. Juno was the Queen of the Roman
Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her as
the Goddess of women and marriage. The following
day, February 15th, began the Feast of Lupercalia.The
lives of young boys and girls were strictly separate.
However, one of the customs of the young people was
name drawing.
On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of
Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed
into jars. Each young man would
draw a girl's name from the jar
and would then be partners for
the duration of the festival with the
girl whom he chose.
Sometimes the
pairing of the childrnn lasted an
entire year, and often.they
would fall in love and wouid
I a t e r marry.Under the
rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in
many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius the
Cruel was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join
his military leagues. He believed that the reason was
that roman men did not want to leave their ioves or
families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages
and engagements in Rome.
· The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in
the days of Claudius II. He and Saint Marius aided the
Christian martyrs and secretly married couples, and for
this kind deed Saint Valentine was apprehended and
dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned
him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his
head cut off. He suffered martyrdom on the 14th day of
February, about the year 270. At that time it was the
custom in Rome, a very ancient custom, indeed, to
celebrate in the month of February the Lupercalia,
feasts in honour of a heathen god. On these occasions,
amidst a variety of pagan ceremonies, the names of
young women were placed in a box, from which they
were drawn by the men as chance directed.The
pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome
endeavoured to do away with the pagan eiement in
these feasts by substituting the names of saints for
those of maidens. And as the Lupercalia began about
the middle of February; the pastors appear to have
chosen Saint Valentine's Day for the celebration of this
new feast. ·
So it seems that the custom of young men choosing
maidens for valentines, or saints as patrons for the
coming year, arose in this way.
co,nin I
To Eurella Sprin~s. Arllansas
,6 COUPLES/ Surprise your true lovel
SINGLES! Find your true love?!
At local favorite CAR/BE' Restaurante y Cantina
8PM DANCE ~ 'Golden Oldies' to Today's Hits/
Diversity Weekend
April 7-9, 2006
At our historic Auditorium
A hysterical comedy troupe,
born from "Second City" members
in Chicago/ They are determined to raise our spirits
and shake the Ozarks hills with laughter and gayetyl
For details & other DIVERSITY info:
EurekaPride.com and DiversityPr'
RSVP Vacations Introduces
RSViP, the First Rewards
and Loyal Program
Exclusively for Gay and Lesbian Travelers.
Minneapolis, MN,_RSVP Vacations, the leading
presenter of gay and lesbian travel events, proudly
announces the first frequent traveler program designed
for LGBT travelers. RSViP rewards guests with points
based both on the dollar value of their travel packages
as well as the number of RSVP cruises, land tours and
resort vacations they have taken. Guests redeem points
for upgrades and free cabins on future sailings. Most
revolutionary is the RSViP program's Refer-a-Friend
feature. Frequent travelers who refer a first-time guest
to RSVP Vacations earn the same number of points as
their referral.
The full RSViP program launched on November 15,
2005. Membership levels are based on the number of
vacations a guest has taken with RSVP since January
2002. Exciting member benefits range from priority
notice of new events at the Bronze level to celebrity
cocktail parties, concierge service. and members-only
travel opportunities at the Platinum level. Fu!I details of
the program can be found at www.rsvpvacations.com,
where 500 free bonus points are available for signing
up for your RSViP number.
"The RSViP program is unprecedented," said Thomas
Roth, President of Community Marketing, Inc., a San
Francisco-based gay market research and
communications firm. "I commend RSVP, the original
gay vacation specialists, for retaining the competitive
edge in this increasingly competitive marketplace."
Roth also applauded the research that shaped this
new program. "RSVP asked and listened to their
customers, and RSViP is the result. Earning loyalty is
perhaps the single most important element in
successful LGBT marketing, and this new RSViP
program takes the industry to a whole new level."
"RSVP has consistently been an innovator in the field
of gay and lesbian travel," said Paul Figlmiller,
RSVP's President. "RSViP is designed to recognize
the thousands of loyal guests who travel with us year
after year and reward them when they bring their
friends along. I hope it inspires new guests to discover
the unique camaraderie and exceptional service of an
RSVP event."
About RSVP Vacations - Established in 1985,
RSVP was the originator of the gay and lesbian cruise
concept, and offers distinctive travel packages
designed for gay and lesbian travelers. More than
80,000 men and women have participated in RSVP's
big and small ship cruises, riverboat cruises, land
tours, and resort vacations. Destinations in 2006 will
include the Caribbean, Central America, the
Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Ireland, Mexico,
Tahiti, Peru, and Thailand. RSVP has offices in
Minneapolis, MN and London and is available through
travel agencies.
ay at the
Sponsored by PFLAG Oklahoma
by Greg Steele
Tulsa, OK_After several date changes, Nancy McDonald
has announced a new date of May 9th, 10:00 am to 2:00
pm. "The Capitol has been reserved for our Day at the
Legislature", McDonald said in a recent communique.
Tweive tables have been reserved and GLBT groups, yout
groups. HIV/AIDS groups are encouraged to attend and
bring materiai. Council Oaks Mens Chorale is expected to
entertain, food and drink will be available. Estimated cost
is $20 - $25 per Chapter. The purpose of the lobby is to
give legislators and opportunity to learn more about the
GLBT community. Group leaders wili aiso be meeting with
state senators and representatives.
For more information contact Nancy at:
Tu!sa PFLAG meets every 2nd Monday of each month at
Feiiowship Congregational Church. located at 29th and
Harvard. on the street just south of Bra urn's. Program time is
7:30pm, social time 6:45pm. More information is available
on their website: www.pflagtulsa.org
Iha STAR, Oklahoma's Pmmier GLBT Magazine.
Get Your Best Easter Bonnet
Out and Go To Washington!
WASHINGTON_ Outrageous bonnets and dresses may
not be ail that
gets attention
this Easter,
thousands of
those with
parents wil!
gather on the
White House
lawn for the
annual Easter
Egg Roll.
A group of gay
is urging gay and lesbian parents to join the Aprii 17
event, to highlight the similarities between themselves
and heterosexual families. While the event is months
away, the potential participation of gay famiiies has
already garnered White House attention. Sponsored by
The Family Prlde Coalition.
rial: ew pill bests
standa I
From PlanetOut Net\vork:
A new once-a-day HIV antiretroviral pill does a better job
of suppressing the virus, restoring immune function and
preserving body shape than the common treatment of
Sustiva plus Combivir, according to findings published in
the jan.19 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Researchers found the new pil!, which combines Viread,
Emtriva and Sustiva, did a better job in a three-year study
of HIV-infected subiects in reducing their viral load and
increasing CD4 celi counts without being as toxic to
patients as the combination of Sustiva and Combivir.
The finding is the first to show that one combination
regimen is superior to the other for initial HIV infection
Gilead, which produces Viread and Emtriva, funded the
rne 0zsr1<ss.i1AR sinc:e 2003 ·
10 eys to
by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Provided by: Chopra Blog
app1• ness
Physical well being is inseparable from emotional well
being. Happy people are healthy people. The wisdom
traditions of the world tell us that happiness does not
depend on what you have, but on who you are. As we
begin the new year, it may be worthwhile to reflect on
what really creates happiness in us. The following ten
keys, gleaned from the wisdom traditions, may give us
some insight.
Listen to your body's wisdom, which expresses itself
through signals of comfort and discomfort. When
choosing a certain behavior, ask your body,
"How do you feel about this?" If your body sends
a signal of physical or emotional distress, watch
out. If your body sends a signal of comfort and
eagerness, proceed.
Live in the present, for it is the only moment you
have. Keep your attention on what is here and
now; look for the fullness in every moment.
Accept what comes to you totally and completely
so that you can appreciate it, learn from it, and
then let it go. The present is as it should be. It
reflects infinite laws of Nature that have brought
you this exact thought, this exact physical
response. This moment is as it is because the
universe is as it is. Don't struggle against the
infinite scheme of things; instead, be at one with
Take time to be silent, to meditate, to quiet the
internal dialogue. In moments of silence, realize
that you are recontacting your source of pure
awareness. Pay attention to your inner life so
that you can be guided by intuition rather than
externally imposed interpretations of what is or
isn't good for you.
Relinquish your need for external approval. You
alone are the judge of your worth, and your goa!
is to discover infinite worth in vourself, no matter
what anyone else thinks. There is great freedom
in this realization.
When you find yourself reacting with anger or
opposition to any person or circumstance, realize
that you are only struggling with yourself. Putting
up resistance is the response of defenses
created by old hurts. When you relinquish this
anger, you wi!I be healing yourself and
cooperating with the flow of the universe.
Know that the world "out there" reflects your reality
"in here." The people you react to most strongly,
whether with love or hate, are projections of your
inner world. What you most hate is what you
most deny in yourself. What you most love is
what you most wish for in yourself. Use the
mirror of relationships to guide your evolution.
The goal is total self-knowledge. When you
achieve that, what you most want will
automatically be there, and what you most
dislike will disappear.
Shed the burden of judgment - you will feel much
lighter. Judgment imposes right and wrong on
situations that just are. Everything can be
understood and forgiven, but when you judge,
you cut off understanding and shut down the
process of learning to love. In judging others,
you reflect your lack of self-acceptance.
Remember that every person you forgive adds to
your self-love.
Don't contaminate your body with toxins, either through
food, drink, or toxic emotions. Your body is more than a
life-support system. It is the vehicle that will carry you on
the journey of your evolution. The heaith of every cell
directly contributes to your state of well being, because
every cell is a point of awareness within the field of
awareness that is you.
Replace fear-motivated behavior with love-motivated
behavior. Fear is the product of memory, which dwells in
the past. Remembering what hurt us before, we direct
our energies toward making certain that an oid hurt will
not repeat itself. But trying to impose the past on the
present will never wipe out the threat of being hurt. That
happens only when you find the security of your own
being, which is love. Motivated by the truth inside you,
you can face any threat because your inner strength is
invulnerable to fear.
Understand that the physical world is just a mirror of a
deeper intelligence. Intelligence is the invisible organizer
of all matter and energy, and since a portion of this
intelligence resides in you, you share in the organizing
power of the cosmos. Because you are inseparably
linked to everything, you cannot afford to foul the planet's
air and water. But at a deeper level, you cannot afford to
live with a toxic mind, because every thought makes an
impression on the whole field of intelligence. Living in
balance and purity is the highest good for you and the
Silver Labelffommy Boy Entertainmeni
Release Date: January 24, 2006
Ecleciic, Exclusive New Songs
Enrich Show's Third Season Soundtrack
Just as "The L Word" lights up over 6 million screens
weekly with its cast of vibrant. vivacious and vital
characters, so. do the show's soundtrack albums fire up
the iPods and CD players of loyal fans. Working
closely with Tommy Boy Entertainment executive and
Silver Lab~I co-founder, Rosie Lopez, the show's
creator Ilene Chaiken delivers yet another smart,
sensuous and soulful soundtrack, 'The L Word: The
Third Season." The two-CD set - which includes a
sixteen page booklet - embraces twenty-foUi songs
by a cherry-picked roster of stellar lesbian and
lesbifriendly artists, deftly incorporating a refreshing
variety of genres: folk, electro, country, soul, pop.
NOTE: "The L Word: The Third Season" premiers
January 8 and airs through the end of March!
by Paul Wortman
TULSA, OK_Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald took the stage
Friday night December 16th at the Bamboo Lounge Tulsa
with a show opener of "Living on Tulsa Time". He was
fantastic as always and the crowed agreed with roaring
Oklahoma's cowboy crooner filled the house with his
country music and exceptional good looks. This was his
first performance at the Boo, but has performed at Tulsa's
Club Mavericks, Renegades and Club Majestic. You can
catch his show in Oklahoma City at Club Rox and the
Boom Room.
He performed three sets with such hits as "All Jacked
Up'', "Who's your Daddy" and brought down the house
with "Live Like You Were Dying" Matthew also did a
melody of Cher hits and was fabulous.
Also performing their hearts out were his special guests,
Kris Kohl (our own
Tulsa diva) bringing in
the holiday season
with "Silver Bells" and
Tiffany Adams from
Oklahoma City, who
was hilarious with his
costume's. Both were
in full holiday spirit
and made the evening
very festive. All three
made for a wonderful
night of entertainment.
resides in Krebs,
Oklahoma with his
partner Jason. He has
entertained the gay
community for many years and recorded three CD's.
They can be purchased from his website,
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Brokeback Mountain:
than personal opinion. I left the theater deeply moved. I
felt almost overwhelmed with sadness for the !ives of the
two men portrayed on screen. but I also felt a sense of
thankfulness and hope. i was thankful for how far we've
come, that I am ab!e to openly live my life with partner
Jon, and i was hopeful that we might one day even be
able to get married legally.
As i write this column, e-mails are streaming into my
inbox with news about a Maryland Judge striking down the
State's gay marriage ban. in her decision, Baltimore City
Circuit Court Judge Brooke Murdock wrote that "while
tradition and societal va!ues are important," they're not
enough to justify a discriminatory iaw. Whiie the appeals
process will last for at least a year, and I'm sure there will
be a renewed call fo, a constitutional amendment and
cries of activist judges, it stili gives me a sense of hope
that we are progressing. Maybe one day, we'll iook back
at Brokeback !vfcuntain and wonder what all the fuss was
Battle of the Sexes
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. We've
all heard this little gem, implying that men and women
are just inherently different, and that difference extends
beyond mere plumbing. It's almost like we're from
different planets. Gay men have often bridged that gap
io form close relationships with straight women, but that
gulf still tends to exist between gay men and lesbians.
Why is that? Why can't we all just get along?
I think it was worse in past generations. The women
had their hangouts and organizations, the men had
theirs, and rarely did the twain meet. I do see
improvements, especially in the younger generations,
but I still see separation as well. That division bothers
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware is a gay-friendly beach
resort not far from where Jon and I live. We go there
quite often, especially during the summer. The last few
times we've gone to bars there, though, I couldn't help
but notice they targeted very specific groups. We went
to see a good friend's band, Red Letter Day, play at the
Frogg Pond a couple months ago. The Frogg Pond
tends to be somewhat of a mixed crowd, but it's known
as a lesbian bar and that was the primary clientele. Our
last trip to Rehoboth, we went to see a friend perform in
a drag pageant at Cloud 9. We saw a lot more dresses
there, but they were all on men. The boys far
outnumbered the few women present.
Lesbians have been a big part of our life. In fact,
we've always had more lesbian friends than gay male
friends. I even wrote a tongue-in-cheek column once
about why lesbians make better friends than gay men.
That's why it bothers me that there are few places we
can go as a group and none of us feel at least a little out
of place.
These days, our circle of friends tends to be very
diverse. As I was.Jooking at pictures from our New
Year's Eve party, it ieally struck me what a varied bunch
we are. We had gay men, lesbians, and straight people;
couples and singletons; young and old - all mixing and
mingiing and having a ball. Jon and I value this diversity;
each and every person brings something unique to our
lives. ! can't imagine it any other way.
This is maybe why I can't understand the tendency
for people to separate themseives into neat,
homogenized segments, where everyone in their
immediate circle looks and thinks just like them. I get it
that some people like to be around others who are like
them - birds of a feather and all that - but I think
sometimes, we carry it too far. Over and over, I notice
that, at least in the area in
which we live, our diverse group is pretty unique. Most of
the cliques and circles I see others form tend to be
almost all-male or all-female.
This separatist attitude is even affecting the way we
talk and write. I recently read an article about the
increasing use of the phrase "gays and lesbians" in the
media. It used to be that the word "gay" was an umbrella
term that included both gay men and women. Some
women, however, felt that "gay" had come to be more
associated with men and felt that "lesbian" needed to be
included as well. Why? Do we really need more divisions
within our community?
Why are we so divided?
To discover one possible reason behind our
separatism, we may have to look back at oui LGBT
history. According to an article on glbtq.com, which bills
itself as an encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, and queer culture, lesbian feminists
decided to create spaces over which they themselves
had autonomy after encountering misogynistic attitudes
and practices in the gay liberation movement and antilesbian
discrimination in the women's liberation
movement. These lesbian separatists subscribed to a
"radical feminist" philosophy that views gender difference
in terms of essentialism. Unlike the liberal feminisfs of
the mainstream women's movement, who argued that
gender was a social construction, lesbian separatists
contended that the differences between men and women
are rooted in nature. Thus, women naturally possessed a
female energy characterized by its warmth, nurturing,
and pacifist qualities. On the other hand, due to their
male energy, men were hard-wired to be aggressive,
competitive, and destructive. Because men could not, or
would not, ever change their ways, lesbian separatists
believed that it was necessary for women to exclude
them from their lives.
Could these beliefs and attitudes still linger today? I'm
sure they do, at least in some circles. I suspect,
however, that today's separatism is less about deliberate
exclusion based on sex and more about maintaining the
status quo. This is the way we've done things for
decades and no one wants to rock the boat.
Well, i say it's time to iock the boat.
It's time gay men and women come together as one.
Now, more than ever, we need to be united. Our
opponents are working together to ensure we do not
receive equal rights. Even the most disparate groups
have joined forces to keep us from enjoying equal
protection under the !aw, marriage rights, Oi even
something as simple as the right to visit our sick or dying
partners in the hospital. Surely, we have much more in
common than these fundamentai, conservative religious
groups. We certainly have more to lose. We will never
win equality unless we learn how to work together toward
our common goal.
Continued next page
It's not just about gays and lesbians, either. We also
need to embrace and accept our bisexual and
transgender brothers and sisters. LGBT needs to be
more than just a ubiquitous acronym. We need to stand
together against our common enemy - bigotry and
Yes, obviously men and women are different. It
doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. But I think
it's high time we stop obsessing over our differences
and focus on our commonalities instead. The first step
will be to end the separatism. Who will take the first
step? How about you? Don't wait for someone else.
What about me, you ask? I'm thinking about calling up
some of my lesbian friends this weekend and heading
out to the Frogg Pond and Cloud 9. It's time to break
down some barriers.
The views expressed in this column are my opinions only. You
don't have to agree with them. I just ask that you read them
with an open heart and mind.
By Marc Shoffman
The Los Angeles Police Department has become the
first law enforcement group to sponsor the Gay Games
after announcing its support for next summer's competition
in Chicago.
At least 12 officers have signed up to compete in the
2006 Gay Games VII and plan on wearing their police
uniforms during the opening ceremony, scheduled for July
The LAPD wili also be using the games as a
recruitment drive. Officer Michael Jolicoeur, who oversees
the department's gay and lesbian recruitment said: 'There
are two messages, we are hiring and they can be whoever
they are, no matter what that is."
Events wili include tennis, squash, racquetbail, diving,
water polo and wrestling.
Meanwhile the games, which aie open to anyone, have
already started courting controversy with gmups
threatening to boycott sponsors.
The 2006 Gay Games VII in Chicago is expected to bring
more than 100,000 people and millions of dollars in tourist
revenue to the city. Federation of Gay Games co-president
Robert Mantaci said: "Progress in Chicago is on track with
more sponsors, thousands of athletes already registered,
and. for the first time, television coverage of a Gay
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. '
i by Libby Post
"My Generation, Your Generation"
... lillilillililailoiliiiiliiioi.._ ..... _____ _
I had my first LGBT generation gap encounter about 20
years ago.
I was at a lesbian bar in New York City. I looked
around and didn't see anyone who looked like me. No
longer were jeans, button-down shirts, and vests the
lesbian fashion statement. These younger dykes were in
stiletto heels, designer clothes, and makeup.
"Lipstick lesbians," I thought, shook my head, and tried
to make the best of it. I dismissed them as apolitical, only
interested in being social, live-for-the-next-dance-party
gay girls. What can I say? I was young. But they were
As I've gotten older and hopefully a little wiser, I've
come to appreciate lipstick lesbians - who, by the way,
aren't always younger lesbians. Thirteen years older than
me, my partner, Lynn, wears makeup; I have to admit it's
one of the things that drew me to her. But beyond that, her
almost never leaving the house without at least a little
lipstick and powder has helped me to appreciate the
diversity of the lesbian community - young, middle-aged,
and senior, we all have something to bring to the table.
Recognizing we all have something of value as
members of the LGBT community regardless of our age is
at the crux of the very real generation gap our community
is experiencing today. On one hand, an LGBT generation
gap is one more indicator that we really aren't any
different than our straight counterparts. Just as there has
been a gulf in understanding between straight
generations, there is one between and among our various
generations. On the other hand, an LGBT generation gap
speaks to much more pressing issues than what today's
LGBT fashion trends.
The Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic Studies
(IGLSS), based at the University of Massachusetts at
Amherst Oust a stone's thmw from Lesbianville, a!so
known as Northampton), says we must overcome specific
communication challenges in order for all of us in the
LGBT community - across the spectrum of age - to work
together for positive change.
In the December 2005 edition of _Angles_, the
lnstitute's policy journal, Glenda M Russell, Ph.D., and
Janis S. Bohan, Ph.D., detailed their findings in an article
entitled "The Gay Generation Gap: Communicating Across
the LGBT Generational Divide." Not surprisingly, they
found that LGBT adults tend to project their own
experiences and beliefs onto our youth, and that our youth
think they've got all the answers.
The researchers singled out gay proms as one of the
ways us aider folks have projected our wants and desires
on our youth. These events, they say, seem to be designed
to meet the needs of the adult organizers who missed their
own proms, rather than the needs of today's LGBT youth.
One event was billed as 'The Night You Never Had,'' and
when a group of teens was asked about their same-sex
prom, one teen said the highlight of the evening was
seeing a newly out lesbian teacher dancing with her life
One of the other things we adults tend to do is to
presume that LGBT youth have been victimized. This is not
to say there isn't a lot of harassment of LGBT students in
our schools, but all you've got to do is read the story of
Kerry Pacer, the Advocate's Person of the Year, to see
how things have changed for our youth. Here's a lesbian
teen who took on her small, rural hometown of Cleveland.
Ga., and won. ·
The gay-straight alliance (GSA) Kerry started has since
been disbanded because the school board suspended all
extracurricular activity - presumably because of the GSA -
but Kerry has gotten her whole rural community talking
about LGBT issues.
Kerry became a very real face of the LGBT youth in her
town, where everyone knows everyone. Her organizing
brought Fred Phelps to town. After his hate-filled visit, the
local church leaders were forced to rethink their abject
homophobia, and her classmates their own prejudices. Her
sense of purpose and drive is summed up in the Advocate
article when she says, "I have to do this for the people that
come behind me and the people that can't do it.''
Kerry has set an example for her LGBT generation and
those that follow. She has also shown us veterans of LGBT
activism that our youth can stand up to the bullies and the
homophobes in a way that creates positive change for all
The IGLSS study also detailed LGBT youth's role in our
community's generation gap. Kerry's actions show us how
our youth, who have grown up with a different LGBT reality
(_Will and Grace, Queer Eye, same-sex marriage debate,
civil unions - you get the picture), can bring a fresh
perspective to the challenges the community faces. They
may be less bound by what we think works, but they also
don't necessarily have the historical perspective, relevant
experience, and access to resources that LGBT adults
have. Of course, they think, as all youth do, that the world
started when they became conscious of their surroundings
and that older people meddle.
When LGBT aduits and youth work together. talk
together, and move forward together while valuing each
other's experiences and opinions, a true bridae can be
built. What this study shows, what Kerry's achievements
show, and what the work of anyone who has done
organizing in the LGBT community shows is that ciear,
respectful, inclusive communication is the key to breaking
down this generation gap and moving our community
... year event organizers wiil welcome g
.. play ball and dance the night away. .
•· .bas.eball ouffit and come to play h.ard
. fec1tur~s.prizei;, food and fun. Tiokets
· aHheTulsa GLBT Community Center
around the city $15 Advance and $20 Altf.i€f
the Sleeping Beauty is an enchanting
choreographed by Russian
Marius Petipa, who worked
· Tchail<pvi5,ky:. Tchail<ovsky
he compg~ed the bctllet hi
, his benefactress; Mme.
poetic, s~ in~pir~tidn~I to c .....
··by .it.# w'ijen it was. finisfiecfin.
3,000 rubles and a bonus of 2 .. -_ ,:·.. . /··- ·-- ,.
such an excellent
b ,.
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the
diversity of the gay past and its impact on the queer
What was Germany's
Paragraph 175?
In eff~ct to~ ~or~ than a century, Germany's Paragraph
175, which cnminahzed homosexual activity between
men, sent thousands to their deaths and ruined the lives
of countless others.
In 1871. King Wilhelm I instituted a new penal code
after unifying several kingdoms to create the country of
Germany. Taken from the old 1794 Prussian code.
Paragraph 175 made "unnatural fornication between
persons of the male sex or by humans with animals"
punishable by imprisonment; the law never applied to
Paragraph 175 was repeatedly debated by legislators
and opposed by early gay rights pioneers such as Karl
Heinrich Ulrichs and Magnus Hirschfeld. Arguing that
homosexuals should not be punished for their innate
nat~re, Hirschfeld gathered 6,000 petition signatures
against the law. In early 1898, Social Democratic Party
leader August Babel introduced a repeal measure before
the Reichstag, but it failed by a large margin.
During the Weimar Republic era, a burgeoning queer
subculture developed in Berlin and other German cities.
Yet even during the "roaring '20s," some 1,000 men were
arrested under Paragraph 175 each year. In 1929. a
Reichstag judiciary. committee recommended liberalizaton
of the iaw, but the changes were still pending when Adolf
Hitler was appointed chancellor in January 1933.
Espousing traditional values and exploiting the oub!ic's
existing prejudices and fear of social change, Hitler soon
?onsolidated his poiitica! control. According to the Nazi
ideology of ~ationalism and racial superiority,
homosexuality was a symptom of decadence and a
danger to the state because it did not lead to procreation.
But the Nazis' homosociai cult of masculinity attracted
considera~!e su~picion. A?cusations of homosexuality
were empioyed in turf batties between various Nazi
factions, and were used by political opponents to discredit
the regime.
Hitler banned homosexual organizations, ordered the
closure of nig~tclubs that catered to gay men, 1esbians.
and transvestites, and haited the sale of publications with
h?_mophile or sexual content. The regime encouraged
c1t1zens to denounce suspected homosexuals, cultivated a
network of informants, and forced arrested men to name
others. An untold number of queer men and women went
into hi?ing, entered sham marriages, emigrated to safer
countries, or committed suicide.
In June 1935, the Nazis imposed a stricter version of
Paragraph 175, subjecting any man who "commits lewd
and lascivious acts with another male," or "permits himself
to be abused" for such acts, to 10 years of penal servitude.
In section 175a, the revised law defined forced sex sex
with a dependent or subordinate, sex with a youth ~nder
age 21, and prostitution as "severe lewdness " while
sect!_on 175b prohibited bestiality. Previously,' "unnatural
acts· had usually been interpreted as anal or oral
intercourse, but the revision prohibited any type of
homoerotic interaction. In the ensuing years, convictions
for homosexuality increased ten-fold, reaching a peak of
more t~an 8,500 in 1938, and an estimated 100,000 during
the entire Nazi era.
. While m~st men convicted of homosexuality were held
m regular prisons, others - especially repeat offenders -
were remanded to "preventive custody." Some received
reduced sentences if they agreed to undeigo castration. B
one estimate, between 5,000 and 15,000 men accused of
h?mosexuali_ty were sent to concentration camps,.where
about two-thirds died.
In the camps, these men were marked with the letter
"A," a bla?k dot, the number "175," or a pink triangle. They
were subJected to harsh conditions, including forced labor
in quarries and munitions factories. Former inmate Heinz
H~ger iater_told how he was made to watch a young gay
prisoner being tortured by drunken SS guards. who
sodomized him with a broomstick. Pierre Seei' saw his
lover Jo ripped to shreds by dogs. Some "175ers" were
used in medical experiments, including infection with
typhus fever and implantation of testosterone capsules to
"reverse hormonal polarity."
In April 1945, Allied forces defeated the Nazi regime,
but the ordeal was not over for men charged with
homosexuality. The Allied Military Government sent some
to regular prisons, while others were freed and later rearrested.
In 1950, East Germany reverted back to the pre-
1935 version of Paragraph 175, and the law was
eliminated in 1988. West Germany retained the Nazi
version untii 1969; the law was revised in 1973 to
criminalize only sex with minors under age 18. Paragraph
175 was voided entirely on March 10, 1994, when East an
West German laws were reconci_led following reunification.
For many years following World War 11, homosexual
~urvivors of the Nazi regime remained invisible, largely
oecause homosexuality was still iliegal. Not only weie thev
d~nied reparations, but many found it difficult to obtain jobs
with Paragraph 175 convictions on their record. With the
success of the gay rights movement in the 1980s and
1990s, however, some survivors began to speak out and
demand justice. On May 17, 2002, the German parliament
pardon~d all men convicted under Paragraph 175 during
the Nazi era - of whom only a handful were still alive - but
ieft intact an equal number of convictions imposed betwee;
1946 and 1969.
.... continued rio:xt page.
The Ozarks STAR since 2003
Past Out:
"I suspect that some people prefer to remain silent
forever, afraid to stir up the hideous memories," Pierre
Seel said a few years before his death in November 2005
at age 82. "As for myself, after decades of silence, I have
made up my mind to speak, to accuse, to bear witness."
For further information:
Epstein, Rob, and Jeffrey Friedman. 2000 (documentary).
_Paragraph 175_ (Telling Pictures).
Heger, Heinz. 1980, 1994. _ The Men with the Pink
Triangle: The True, Life-and-Death Story of Homosexuals
in the Nazi Death Camps_ (Alyson).
Grau, Gunter, and Claudia Schoppmann (eds). 1995.
_Hidden Holocaust?: Gay and Lesbian Persecution in
Germany, 1933-1945_ (Cassell).
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "Nazi
Persecution of Homosexuals, 1933-1945." Online exhibit
at www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/hsx.
, '<< •" '
As Valentine's Day approaches we begin to plan that
special surprise for that special someone (or to find that
special someone).
This months recipe is perfect for a quite romantic
evening. It worked well on my fifth husband and I have
· the bling to prove it! It's pink, festive and a bit tropical, a
perfect seduction specimen for a fun evening with that
heart throb. Try popping an old classic movie into the ....
DVD and sipping this love potion with some tasty snacks.!
You may be amazed at the results. ·
1 1./2 oz. dark rum
1 oz. cream of coconut
2 oz. pineapple juice
1 oz. cranberry juice
• 1. Fill mixing glass with ice .
.. 2. Add rum, cream of coconut, pineapple and cranberry
r into a highball glass filled with ice and garnish
• with a cheny.
Fort.he virgin version, simply leave out the rum. But
.· ·don't expect the same results.
· Love and cheers to all. Have a very successfui and
happy Valentine's Day.
Photo's by Chaz
Advice Column!
February 2006
Salutations Kittens Once more too Unc!e Mikey's take on
all things Queer. February here again, bringing us
another chance at being a twinkle in that someone's
special eye, this Valentines Day. While some believe in
saying it with roses, Uncle has aiways been fond of
unconventional tokens of affection. A bouquet of flavored
lubes and massage oils always brought a iittle warmth
my way. Yes, however you choose to say I love you, or
what was your name again, whatever the case may be,
Tis the month of lovin'. Let's see what others have on
their mind this chilly February.
Dear Uncle Mikey.
I am seriously thinking of asking the man I have been
with for a year now to marry me. I know a lot of guys do
not think even a commitment ceremony means much
since we lack the rights as those in the straight world;
however. I truly am in love with this man. He has brought
so much into my life, and I am ready to settle down and
spend my life with him alone. How should I pop the
Ready to Pop
Dearest Jiffy,
Kitten, have you come to the right place. You know you
just would not believe how many times I have used that
line. The key to a successful proposal is romance. This
is a serious question in which you want to convey the
intense love and commitment you hold for this person.
Personalize the moment with an activity you two share,
making it an unforgettable moment in time, one the two
of you will always share. Most of all do convey the love
you have in your heart for him. Ali other matters will fall
into place. Smooches_ Uncle Mikey
Uncles third husband popped at the bathhouse. Imagine
my surprise in the shower room, when he handed me
that shiny steel ring. That was a night, I will never forget.
I asked the gentleman I was entertaining in that moment
to hold the ring while I rewarded that man of mine. It was
a night the three of us never did forget. I swear I get all
misty just thinking of it.
Uncle Mikey,
I am twenty-four years old and an avid fan of the rodeo. I
want to work the circuit one day. However, none of my
friends shares my lust for the pastime and they give me a
hard time for it. I do not care for club hoping or the typical
gay lifestyle. How can I show them the pride and
adventure of this lifestyle?
Rodeo boy
Dear Rodeo Boy,
Kitten, the rodeo is an adventuresome good time.-You
cannot allow others to dictate your likes and dislikes.
Sometimes a man must stand-alone for what he desires
or believes in. If you want them to except your choices,
than you must have a solid conviction, which will magnify
your confidence through inner self. Uncle has loved
many a cowboy in his time, and yes, Virginia the south
will rise again! Saddle up young one its rodeo time.
Smooches Uncle Mikey
Uncle Mikey,
I feei like no one in the gay world understands me. I am
looking for someone to share my life. I want someone
who can find contentment in loving only one. I have been
hurt so many times, and so many men have walked over
me using me as their doormat. I do not think there are
truly any monogamous men left in the world, no wonder
the straight world sees us the way they do. We bring it on
ourselves. Am I the only one seeing this?
Tired of being gay
Dear Zinfandel,
Darling, may I offer you some serious to go with that
Wine? Sweetheart and I say this with all of the love in
Uncles heart, (taxes and fees not included. Excluded in
some states), you have to stop sounding like such a
victim if you truly want people to stop treating you as
though.! mean just by the time I finished your words; I
was ready to sleep with your best friend and steal your
escalade. Sometimes we must heip ourselves before we
can look or expect others to see us for who we really are
beneath the emotional mess we have allowed ourselves
to become. Of course, uncle means you by us. as I am
too fabulous to aliow victimization here. It sounds as if
you seriously need a makeover. Also, one last matter.
Kitten, we are not being gay. We are gay, don't allow
. ... comim,ed next page.
The Ozarks STAR since 2003 Page26
Ask Uncle Mikey:
self-loathing to become the next cross you carry.
Smooches- Uncle Mikey
Well Kittens, I fear I have just exhausted myself. i must
refresh, maybe have a twinky or two. You know, I am a
manabectic. It is important prescribed by my personal
physician of love, that I keep my romantic strength up.
Yea, that is it. Proving my love for Queerdom one man at
a time-Next!
Smooches Uncle Mikey and Tiddles too!
Want more of Mikey? Visit Mikey's corner at
www.askunclemikey.com. Freelance writer Michael
Hinzman, joining communities throughout Queerdom. ..
City Life:
9 1 B.B3 S.7B87
or email: m:arksstar(cvsbcglobal.nct
Delivering Quality, Value, Integrity and
Trust in Affordable Advertising Service.
To Be Or Not To Be
Oklahoma City Theater company presents Shakespear's
twisted comedy A Midsummer Nights Dream running
through Fe_bruary 19th• Catch performances on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday's at 8 pm, Sundays at 2
pm. Shakespeare's comedy about two couples in love
with the wrong partners, and how they are finally brought
together rightly, thanks in part to the bungiing work of
Puck, Shakespeare's famous mischievous fairy. Chaos
abounds in this most famous of Shakespeare plays. For
more information and ticket prices check out
Valentine Dinner for Two
"Shrimp Pilaf Florentine"
1 tablespoon olive oil.
1 small red bell pepper chopped.
3 green onions chopped.
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 1 /2 cups ORZO
2 teaspoons fresh dill weed.
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1 can chicken broth.
1 cup water.
2 cups shredded spinach.
10 oz frozen cooked shrimp, thaw and remove tails.
1i4 cup fresh grated Romano cheese.
Heat oil over medium heat, add bell peppers, onions and
garlic until ·vegetables are tender. Stir in past, dill weed,
lemon pee! chicken i::imti~ and water. Heat to boiling,
:·educe heat. cover and simmer for 8-10 minutes unti\ pasta
:s tender. Stir in sr::inacl1 and snrinm. Cook 2-3 rn;nutes
:i,ore Plate it 2nd spri,·1<:!e 'ii!th Romano cheese. Serve with
;.i\vocado r1alves.
Tf,e Ozarks STAR .since
Q Scopes
by Jack Fertig
''Trust your instincts, Aries!"
The Jupiter-Neptune square of late January continues
until April 6. That opens us to philosophical mysteries and
intuitive knowledge. It also invites ill-considered
experiments with drugs, and codependent excess. This
week, the Sun and Mercury conjoin Neptune, offering
some clarity on how you can make these next few months
more positive.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Are friends taking advantage
of you - or vice versa? There is a difference between
"benefits" and exploitation! In a generally confusing
period, this is the time to trust your instincts. Difficult
actions should be taken right now.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Relationships with
colleagues are going to be tricky for a while, and you may
easily be taken advantage of. Now is your time to be clear
about what you want and what you can rightfully expect.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You can't win any arguments
now, but you can heed the arguments of others to see
where your own reasoning could stand improvement.
Ideals need not be rational, but how you spell them out
must be.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): The stars promise fantasy
sex - but is it your dreams coming true, or just all in your
dreams? Being openly playful with your partner is easy -
up to a point - but you need to articulate your secret
desires if you want them to be fulfilled!
LEO (July 23 - August 22): The next few months are
generally confusing with regard to your relationships.
Family traditions offer insights, but there will be more
confusion along the way. What you learn right now in this
moment of clarity can help you through the upcoming
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): The rest of this
winter sees you being very vulnerable to infections -
anything from sniffles on up. Be careful whom you play
with and how! Now is the time to see where your weak
spots are and how to care for yourself better.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Can you afford your
amusements? This is the time to get creative and figure
out more economicai pieasures. Harness your talents,
and your fun need not seem extravagant. it could even
prove lucrative.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21 ): Family problems
loom large. First question: Who (or what) really is your
"family"? Second question: Why? Those aren·t easy to
answer, but this week offers clear insights to start working
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): A door to
the Twilight Zone has opened in your brain, and will be
around until April. If you need help coping, ask a Pisces
friend. Now is the time to articulate things that wil! at other
times be very hard to express.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): This is the time
to clear through any financial muddle. The next few months
are going to be a monetary maze, so get what insights you
can right now. They will help you get through the rest of it.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Who are you?
What are you? You're used to others wondering, but now
_you're_ in a season of quandary. New insights and
answers this week will open up more questions, but they'll
be better questions than the ones you're struggling with
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Inside your head is a
dangerous place for you to be, even at the best of times.
Now there's a light in that darkness. What you figure out
now may be key to solving the next few months of relative
You can find copies of the
STAR at these 4 states
business & organizations.
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride EYem - - www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's fa·e View- - 36 N. Main- -479-253-02(10
CaribeRestaurante- -309 \X' VanBuren-- 253-8102
Henri's- -19 1 /2 Spring St - 4-;9.253.5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill-105 E VanBuren- -253-0400
MCC Lidng Spring - - 870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Condom Sense - -418 \'C Dickson- -479-444-6228
Curry's Video 612 N. College :\ve- 479-521-0009
Pass~ges 930 N. College Ave- - - - - - 479-442-5845
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinke2ds- 1004 1/2 Garrison A,·e- 479-783-9988
Red Rock Citv 917 K "A'" St. 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
_Jesters Lounge 1010 E. Grand :\vc -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street -lll21 Jessie Rd-
Diatnond Srntc Roden As.soc.Discovery-
- i021 Jessie Rd-
- - -5( 11-664-2744
- -50 i -666-6900
Sidetracks - 415 ~lam St -k LR.- Slll-244-0444
The Factory -'112 Louisiana St.- -501-372-3070
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Bro3dway- -
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Club Glacier 2828 E. 31st Sc,mh 316-612-9331
J's Lounge - 513 E. Central 316-262-1363
Our Fantas;·- - - - 3201 S, Hillside- - -316-682-5-,94
The Otherside- -447 N. St Francis- - 316-262-7825
Sharai 4000 S. Broacl\1.:ay- - .316-522--2028
Sidcstreet I\lens Bar -1106 S. Pattie- - -316-267-0324
South 4(1 - 3201 S. Hillside -'16-682-5494
Trends Bar - -15(17 S. Pawnee- - - ::' I 6-262-<l53C
Missouri, Ava
CanJs C,!:1yon Catnpgrc,und
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- 716S.i\iain
Missouri, Kansas Ci~ (816}
Missouri, Lampe
K( )K( ):,.1() C::,mpJ!rnund # ..
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boom·ille A,·e- - --417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
Liquors & Kickers- -1109 E. Commercial-8-:'3-2225
il!arrha's Vineyard- 219 \X" Olh-e - 417-864-4572
Priscilla's - - 1918 S. Glenstone 417-881-8444
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial - - - - 417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, McAlester
J\!cPride- - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - - - -405-601-7200
Club Rox- -3535 N\X" 39th Expwy - 405-947-2351
Cristies Toy Box- 3126 N. May Ave - 405-946-4438
Finish Linc -2200 N\X' 39th Expwy- - 405-525-0730
G,1shcrs Restaurant-2200 N\X' 39Exp405-525-0730
HolkwoodHotel- 3535 t'I\X' 39th Ex- 405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 !'l\\" 39th Exp- - 405-528-2221
Hi-Lo Club - 122! N\X' SOrh- -405-843-1722
Juni!k Red$ - - - 2200 NW" Expwy- 405-524-5733
P.:rrncrs- - -2805 N\X" 36th St 405-942-2199
Priscilb's- 615 E. Memorial -405-755-8600
Red Rock North-2240 N\X'39th St- - -405-525-5165
Sisters- - 2120 N\'\' 39th St - - - - -405-521-9533
The Rockies- - -32!11 N. May Ave - - - 405-947-9361
Top.mg.1 Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th-- 405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - - -- 918-836-8700
Club :\lajc<tic- 124 N. Boston 918-584-9494
Club Ma,·crick- 822 $. Sheridan - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks - 8807 E. Admiral Pl -834-1051
Eii1e Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comn1. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- -
I lidn.,·ay Lounge-11730 E. 11th-
\lidtov;n- 319 E. 3rd-
N1te Spot - -3(,l)7 E. Admirnl Pi
Pnscilla·, -,925 E. 41st
5634 \X Skdh·
P:tiscilla's - -11344 F·:. ti th
-9 i 8-627-4884
- - -918-446-63<1,
-9 l 8--!38-422'1
-9 18--199-1661
1649 S. \lain - - - - 9i8-585-3405
Ti.l!',a EagkT::'..:
i~3B F. 3rd
21 ;.j S. ~lc,n::rial-
- - J18-"J2-l !B8
Business or Organizations wishing to distribute FREE copies of the STAR,
contact us at 918.835.7887 9am to 4pm mon - fri or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
ti"FS .
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11730 E. 11th· Tulsa, OK
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ut going
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Applicants should have reliable transportation
Candidates should
forward their resume to:
or 5103 S. Sheridan Rd, #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2006] The Star Magazine, February 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 2,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/226.