[2010] Metro Star Magazine, May 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 5


[2010] Metro Star Magazine, May 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 5


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


May 01, 2010


James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vicente,
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Steven Petrow
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.


The Metro Magazine, April 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 4

The Metro Star Magazine, June 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 6


Online text








Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


boasts 2 Gay
Rodeo’s this year.
Sooner State
Rodeo (SSRA)
Tulsa wil! make a
comeback this fall
with the Autumn
Stampede. More
on page-3
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 5 Twitt÷rocom/MetroStarNews
President directs HHS to crack down on
hospitals barring lgbt partners
House ethics committee draft s.ays Congressional staffers with same-se~ spouses
must include them in annual financial ~isclosure statements; Family Research
Council says that violates DOMA
By Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
Obama issued a surprise memorandum
Thursday- night, April 15, calling for an end
to discrimination against gays and lesbians by
hospital visitation policies that limit visitom
to immediate family members.
The timing for release of the memo was a
litde odd- at 7:29 p.m. while the president
was onboard Air Force One enroute back to
Washington from a day of events in Florida.
arrived at the hospital, a hospital social
worker said they would not be able to visit
Pond, even though Langbehn and Pond had
executed a heal~ prox~ and Langbehn had a
friend fax the document to the hospital.
According to a press release from Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund, which
is representing Langbehn in a lawsuit against
the hospital, the president apologized to
Langbehn for what happened to her family.
After signing the memorandum onboard "It was very rewarding to hear ’I’m sorry,’
Air Force One, the president then called from the President because that’s what I
Washington State resident Janice ~gbehn have wanted to hear fro,m,,Jackson Memorial
tO express his sympathy for the lossi0fhet since the night Lisa died, Said ~gbehn
parmer of !8 y~s~Lis~Pond:;: m~ ..b..e..statement;" "I hopetha.t.t.a.ki"n"g these
.........Vo.d and Langbehn~ st0~~subject ~tepS make~ siireth~ no ~ily eve;:-h~ t6
~€ ~ p~6f\~\as~ rues; ~peri~nce’the pi@tm~re :thatlm ily4~as
illUsiradng one ~£~h~ Urgent ~blemST~ gone ith~o!agh." : i: ....
c ui les face becatise Can fid "Pres~denrObama.s.m...e.m..orandum directs
because some entities still refuse to respect !he,,secr~ 0fHealth and:Human Se~ices
their relationships, to ensure’ ~at hospitals which participate in
During a family vacation to Miami, Medicare and Medicaid "respeCt the rights of
Florida in February 2007, Pond collapsed patients to designate visitors" and ~llow those
with an aneurysm and was taken by visitors the same privileges as immediate
ambulance to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s family members.
trauma center. When Langbehn and their
........Continued See HOSPITALS Page-6
O ahoma Exempdor
£rom Federal Ha e
Crh es Law- stopped
"There are a couple of pastors who wear the
veil of Christianity who were pttshing this
legislation. As a Christian this offends me
because the Jesus I know doesn’t stand for
that." State Representative Mike Shelton.
By Victor Gorin
Contributing vcriter
Barak Obama signed the Mat~ew Shepard-
James Byrd Jr. Federal Hate Crimes
Prevention Act into law last October 22, it
was celebrated by the GLBT community and
their allies as a major civil rights victory that
was the result of almost a decade of loiJbying
efforts and activism. Although some states
already had hate crimes laws protecting the
GLBT community (Oklahoma not among
them) for the first time Arnericans in the
State RepresentativeMike Shelton. Pressphoto
GLBT community nationwide were
protected by hate crimes laws at the Federal
level. Also added by the same action were
Federal protection against hate crimes based
on gender and disability.
Both of Oklahoma’s Senators, Dr.Tom
Coburn and James Inhofe voted against the
bill, along with the entire Oklahoma
........Continued See HATE CRIMES Page-6
e MetroStarNews.com May 1,2010
Gay Rodeo an Oklahoma tradition
25th Great Plains Rodeo Rides Again In OKC
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
proud Memorial Day weekend tradition in
Oklahoma City when cowboys, cowgirls and
their fans celebrate the Great Plains Rodeo,
which now has the distinction of lasting a
quarter century. In keeping with long time
tradition, it will be held at the Oldahoma
State FairgroUnds.
From humbler beginnings, the first rodeo
came together when OGRA (Oklahoma
Gay Rodeo Association) joined up with the
Kansas and Missouri Ga~ Rodeo Associations
to form what was then the Great Plains
Regional Rodeo in August of 1986. Joined
by Arkansas in 1992 the event was moved
to the Memorial Day weekend. In 1999 the
4 associations split up to form their own
respective rodeos, thus the word "Regional"
was dropped to make the event simply
the Great Plains Rodeo it is today. This
rodeo ranks among the top 4 rodeos of the
entire International Gay Rodeo Association
circuit, which comprises over 20 rodeos. The
International Gay Rodeo Association is made
up of 28 state/provincial rodeo associations
in the United States and Canada, and OGRA
has been part of that organization since their
first convention was held in 1985.
O.G.R.A. was formed to provide a
welcoming environment for those interested
in the Western lifestyle without regard to sex
or sexual orientation, national origin, race or
any other form of prejudice. In other words, a
way to bring people together to enjoy country
and western life!
This year the fun kicks offThursday
May 27 with a Poolside Reception Party at
the Finishline from 6-8 p.m. for the Rodeo
sponsors and officials, followed by a stick
horse rodeo that’s sure to be hilarious. This
year will also feature a Stick Home Contest
in which organizations can enter a decorated
stick home, with votes for a winner that cost
$1 apiece. The winning organization will
receive a cash prize, and the stick horses will
be auctioned off for charity. For more
........Continued See RODEO Page-8

ere’s More Fun this
Fall at SS ’S 2010
Sooner State Stampede
By Victor Gorin
~m Dic~,,nan, SSRA President. Sta~Cphat:o
TULSA. OK As the OGI~’s Great
Plains Rodeo welcomes summertime fun,
this year more festivities jumpstart autumn
as SSRA ( Sooner State Rodeo Ass6ciation)
hosts another rodeo event, their 2010 Sooner
State Stampede. It will not only feature
traditiona! rodeo events, but also the fnn
trappi,~gs of gay rodeo such as wild drag and
goav dressing. It will mark SSI~k’s first rodeo
with fifll equestrian amenities.
t wvw¢.bridlecreekok.com). Sanctioned by
the International Gay Rodeo Association
I IGRA) this event promises to attract
westerners from all over Oklahoma and
SSRA was formed in 2002 to give men
~d women of rodeo and the western lifestyle
ofTutsa and eastern Oklahoma an association
by which to come together and celebrate
country culture. Like OGRA. SSRA is a
501c3 organization, and likewise is united
~br this cause without regard to race, sexua!
orientation, religion, national origin, or
any other prejudice one might encounten
SSP~ celebrates not only rodeos and horse
relaed activities, but also dogging, western
and square dancing. The}, are also active in
fundraisers that benefit various Oklahoma
charities. Each October they select their
royalty competitions for Mr. SSRA, Ms.
SSRA, plus Miss and MisTER SSRA, who
represent the organization at rodeos and
fundraising events. ~aeir current president is
Tulsan Tim Dickman.
~e winners from this event may go on to
compete at IGRA’s World Gay Rodeo Finals
held this year in Laughlin, Nevada October
2!- 24.
For more information about the event
check out ,a~vw.soonerstaterodeo.com tThe
host hotel will be the Ramada Tulsa Airport
East located at 1010 North Garnett Road,
telephone 918 437 7660
(ww~:ramadaairport.com). Be sure to
mention the Sooner State Stampede when
booking your room for a special rare.
Oklahoma Gay and
Lesbian Political Caucus
elects new o cers
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
O.G.L.EC. re-organizes, at their April
meeting newofficers were elected: The cochairs
are Steven Dubois & Jeanne Flanigan,
Secretary Victor Gorin and Treasurer Richard
As a revitalized organization they are
meeting at the Neighborhood Alliance
Building, 1236 N. 36th Street { N.W.
36thand Classen Boulevard) of Oklahoma
City at 7 p.m. the 2nd Monday of each
month, the next meeting on May 10. For~
more infBrmation e-mail Jeanne Flanigan at
Ok.glpc@Tahoo.com or call her at (405) 255
Openly Gay TeacherJoe
igley to be
trans£erred £rom U.S.
Grant High School
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
TeacherJoe Quigley. Gorin ?hoto
is a high school English teacher who made
history in Oklahoma City not only in the
school system but for the GLBT community.
He became well known when he was teaching
English at Northwest Ctassen High S&ool.
fighting for years to have the ~vords "sexual
orientation/gender identit3:’ included in the
Student Handbook to be among categories to
be protected from harassment and bullying,
His tenacious efforts almost cost him his
iob last August when the OKC School
Board voted to fire him. He not only won
reinstatement in District Court, but soon
after~vards th’e Oklahoma City School Board
finally voted in the inclusive language for the
Student Handbook.
Although he was reinstated, instead of
being returned to his original position at
Northwest Classen he was instead transferred
to U.S. Grant High School. U.S: Grant had
been on the Federal list of schools in need
of improvement and ~vas thus required to
restructure under the guidelines of the No
Child Left Behind Act. ~is would require
that 50% of the teachers be removed.
Joe Quigley was among the teachers to be
transferred, who will receive full pay and
benefits as substitute teachers for a 2
........Continued See O~IGLEY Pag_e-4

Keith Kimmel found
Dead in Norman March
31 following his arrest
by Tulsa Police
By Victor Gorin
TULSA, OK Keith Kimmel, an
activist with the GLBT com.munity was
found de~d Wednesday morning March 31
around 7:45 a.m. by Kerri Logsdon. He had
been staying at her home temporarily, and he
was found seated in front of her computer. In
a posting Monday on his Internet blog he had
written, "I am done trying to love a world
that has no love for me. I am done trying to
believe redeeming things about people who
have nothing redeemable about them." In
accordance with his wishes, after an autopsy
is performed his body would be cremated and
his ashes sent to his family in Indiana.
Tile preceding Friday night he had been
drinking at the End Up Club, and according
to statements he made was upset about a
relationship he had with a dancer there.
According to the dub owner Blake Mterman
Keith had been there earlier that evening,
left and then returned around 11:00 p.m. At
that point Mr. Kimme! was very intoxicated,
became very, combative and angry when the
bartenders refused to serve him at which
point the Tulsa police were called.
During his arrest he claimed to have been
physically and verbally abused at the club,
and that officers had hit his head several
times on the door frame of a patro! car. He
was taken to St. John’s Hospital where he
was given treatment ~br his injuries and bus
tokens to get him back to his car. He returned
to Norma~ the following da); and mailed a
complaint of police brutality to the Internal
Affairs Departmefii~ of the Tulsa police.
Keith ~mmel had been im,olved
with activist causes with the GLBT
community but ,was probably best known
for filing a lawsfiit against the Oklahoma Tax
Commission ~vhen they refused to issue him
a specialized license plate that stated IMGAY.
He had dismissed that lawsuit February 26,
stating that he would re-file it in Federal
court at a later time.
Mthough there was speculation as to what
really happened during his arrest, including
the possibility that his death might have been
caused by the injuries from that night, the
facts of his death are unknown at press time
pending the results of a future autopsy. Mr.
Mterman has urged caution stating," While
I do want to see justice served. I would urge
that as a community we wait until the final
verdicl comes in. giving the police and the
coroner’s office the proper time to do their
invesngation before we make any conjectures
or statements. After that comes out we as
a communitT can move forward and get
through this togethed"
Blake further related that business had
dropped since the incident, and stated that
he’d like to remind the community that his
establishment is still a peaceful party place.
On Monday afternoons beginning around
4:30 p.m. there is still a free dinner courtesy
of Midtown Meats located at 7924 E. 21st
Street in Tulsa, and has morphed into a
potluck supper. Tuesday nights still feature
draft beer specials from open til 7 p.m.
dose (understandably a busy day). The pool
tournament happens on \gednesday nights
at Bingo Thursday nights continues to be
a rocking event, and the weekend features
partying with the hot dancers. ~nis is
follmved by Sunday beer busts. Blake further
stated that business was picking up, and
invited the community to see for themselves
that the Endup is still a happening place to
come together.
Oklahomans for
Equality Award
Recipients 2010
TULSA, OK Each year OkEq recognizes
outstanding individuals who have both
helped change and shape our ever evolving
community. This year we are pleased to
announce the following winners. The awards
were presented at the 30th Anniversary
Equality Gala on April 24, 2010.
Life Time Achievement A,vard
20 years of service to the lgbt community
Kelly Kirby
Russell Bennett Spiritual Inclusion Award
Advocacy for interfaith and lgbt dialogue
Rabbi Charles E Sherman
Temple Israel
Community Hero
Advocacy work for lgbtq youth
Karen L. Davis
Senior Program Officer
Tulsa Community Foundation
and Tulsa Reaches Out
Community Hero
2004 Oklahoma Marriage Discrimination
Gay Phillips & Sue Barton
Sharon Baldwin & Mary Bishop
Volunteers of the Year
I.T. Team
Eric Vogelpohl
Don Satterthwaite
Andrew Hicks
Grand Marshal
2010 Pride Parade and Festival
Rev Marlin Lavanhar
Advocacy work for the global lgbt community
year period if they cannot be placed in a
permanent position, after which a teacher
could be dismissed without the procedures
of due process afforded tenured educators.
As Joe puts it, "I was deliberately placed in a
sChool where the District knew the teachers
would have to be reduced and I look at this
as yet another attempt to skirt the wilt and
judgment of the District Court."
The Oklahoma City Schoo! District has
appealed his reinstatement, a process that
could take as long as 2 years, so far incurring
over $200,000 in legal expenses as the district
faces a severe budget crisis. But so far Joe
Quigley can say this much. "In the future the
parents and taxpayers of the Oklahoma City
Public School District need to start paying
more attention to the teachers and less to the
highly paid administrators, because there is
documentation both anecdotal and in writing
that the taxpayers have been continually
ripped off in order to make administrators
look good at the expense of the education df
their students. "
Senator Rice: "GOP
Leadership Must Rebuke
Incendiary R etoric"
Oklahoma State SenatorAndrew Rice. File
2010 Senator Andrew Rice (D-Oldahoma
City) said today that the anti-government
rhetoric among some Republican state
legislators" has reached disturbing levels.
Rice pointed to comments by a Republican
legislator running for statewide office
who said on Wednesday that the federal
government is "tyrannical" and said he is
willing to take his challenge of the federal
government "to the max."
Rice said these comments are particularly
disturbing given the fact the remarks came
just days after the Republican state legislator
and others said tile state of Oklahoma should
create a citizen’s militia to protect Oklahoma’s
sovereignty from an "overreaching" United
State’s government.
"All elected officials have a tremendous
responsibility to be careful with the words
xve choose to use in public," Senator
Andrew Rice said. ’~t a time when more
and more people are using words that carry
violent connotations to express what may
be legitimate frustrations with government
policies, you would hope that elected officials
would refrain from feeding into that frenzy."
Rice said that non-partisan experts of
anti-government violence and terrorism
have recently expressed concerns about the
rhetoric. Rice pointed to comments by
David Cid, executive director of Oldahoma
City-based Memorial Institute for the
Prevention ofTerrorism, who was quoted
in the Oklahoma Gazette saying: "People
are angry and frustrated, and among those
who are angry mad frustrated, there is a small
number, but them are a number who will
pick up a gun."
Rice said examples of evidence of antigovernment
violence occurred both in Austin,
Texas and Michigan as one group threatened
violence against the government, and another
person acted out on his anger in an act of
domestic terrorism against the IRS, killing
one innocent citizen and himself.
’°I call on the Republican leaders of the
Legislature to rebuke this inflammatory
language ofsome of their members coming
just days before the 15th anniversary of
the Oklahoma City bombing," Rice said.
’~All Oklahomans should be offended to
hear any elected official use language that is
reminiscent to the anti-government language
used by Timothy McVeigh, especially leading
up to this painful time of year for our state."
Rice explained while McVeigh was on
death row awaiting his execution for the
murder of 168 innocent Oklahomans, he sent
a letter to a London newspaper titled: "Why I
bombed the Murrah building." In it McVeigh
explains: "I reached the decision to go on
the offensive - to put a check on government
abuse of power, where others had failed in
stopping the federal juggernaut running
amok," he said.
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Out magazine lists ’most
inEuential’ gays, lesbians
Ellen DeGeneres. GL_~L4D photo
Ellen DeGeneres is America’s "most
influential" gay man or woman, according to
Out magazine’s fourth annual "Power 50" list.
"Since DeGeneres replaced Paula Abdul
as a judge on Banerican Idol in February,
millions upon millions of viewers are getting
a double dose of the hugely popular talk
show host and 12-time Emmy winner," Out
said. "The American FLxpre~s and Covergirl
pitchwoman’S rcacb~ is nearly unparalteled~ ...
A passionate advocat( ~br marriage equalit)5
anavid opponent of’don’t ask, don’t tell,’
and staunch defender of animal rights,
DeGeneres’s enormous platform is many an
American’s gain."
Others near the top of the list include
MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow, CNN
anchor Anderson Cooper, singer Adam
Lambert, actor Nell Patrick Harris, Human
Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese
and U.S. Reps. Tammy Baldwin, Jared Polls
and Barney Frank.
For the full list, see out.corn/power50.
Effort to repeal Prop 8
fails to collect enough
signat es. Federal Prop
8 trial remains paused.
A grassroots effort to force a November
2010 ballot-box vote on repealing Proposition
8 failed to collect enough voter signatures by
the April 12~deadline to get the measure on
the ballot.
Groups pushing the 2010 repeal effort
faced an uphill battle from the get-go because
California’s gay-rights leadership refused to
support the project, believing that 2012 will
be a better year to return to the ballot.
The lead 2010 organization, Love Honor
Cherish, did not say" hmv many signatures it
did manage to collect. Just under 700,000
valid signatures would have been needed.
"Tnis is a heartbrealdng moment," said
LHC Executive Director John Henning.
"Despite the dogged efforts of hun&eds of
volunteers across California, we did not get
Wockner News Service
7he #’ial in the.f}dem! tawsu# to overturn
8 as a violation ofthe U.S. Constitution.{ms
been paused in San Francisco sinceJan. 2Z
Famous attorneys DavM Boles, r{~ht, and Ted
Olson are among the l.mwers argui,g the case
for the gay side, Photo @ Rex Wochner
the signatures we needed within the 150-day
window set by the state. Regrettably, Prop
8 will remain as a stain on our constitution
until at least 2012, and perhaps latel:"
Love Honor Cherish was one of 40 mosdy
grassroots groups working for a 2010 vote
within a coalition called Restore Equality
"Our signature-collection effort may
have fallen short, but we stand tall as being
the only statewide campaign that fought for
repealing Proposition 8 in 2010," said Sean
Bohac, chair of the Restore Equality 2010
Statewide Advisory Panel. "Our campaigners
carried the torch of Harvey Milk, who
showed that change only happens when we
get out of the bars and into the streets. Band
our efforts are reflected in the new polls
that show increased support for extending
marriage to all Californians."
Bohac told The San Diego Union-Tribune
that the number of signatures collected "was
not particularly close" to the 694,354 needed.
"We won’t be making, it public," he said.
Recent polls by d~e Public Policy Institute
of California and by the Los Angeles Times/
University of Southern California have
shown that, for the first time, a majority of
Californians now support same-sex marriage
-- suggesting that top gay rights groups
Equality California and Courage Campaign
may have made a misstep in refusing to
support the 2010 effort. EQCA and Courage
expressed fears that voters would not be ready
to reverse themselves just two years after rebanning
same-sex marriage.
But EQCA Executive Director GeoffKors
said the poll results haven’t caused the group to
second-guess its decision.
"Equality California still believes 20!2 is
the fight time to go to the ballot;’ Kors said.
"Those polls were not oflikely voters for the
2010 election. When you dig deeper into
those polls -- and our internal polls during the
same time period -- what’s clear is young voters
are the ones who move the most. And young
voters make tip a much larger percentage of
the electorate in a presidential race (2012)
than a gubernatorial race (2010), which is why
the L.A. Times said, after looking at their poll
numbers in the article, it’s clear why gay rights
groups wanted to wait until 2012, because
2010 doesn’t provide us the best opportunity
to win due to voter turnout."
Restore Equality 2010 said it now will join
up with the 2012 effort. Signature collecting
for that project is expected to begin in the
summer of 2011.
A California Supreme Court ruling
legalized same-sex marriage in May 2008 and
weddings began June ! 6, 2008. Tiae court
said preventing gay couples from marrying
violated the state constitution. Even more
groundbreakAng, the court also ruled that
sexual orientation is a "suspect classification"
-- which made aW type ofdiscrimination based
on sexual orientation constitutionally subject
to the strictest level ofscrutiny by California
California governmental entities now
have to prove they have a specific "compelling
interest" -- rather than a mere "rational basis" -
- when they treat GLB people differently in any
way. The change made it dramatically harder
for any level ofgovernment to defend itself in
any arena where gays, lesbians and bisexuals are
not treated the same as heterosexuals.
Some 18,000 same-sex couples married
in California before voters amended the state
constitution to re-ban same-sex marriage in
November 2008. N~e California Supreme
Court later ruled that Prop 8 was a valid
amendment to the constitution.
A federal lawsuit led by famous attorneys
David Boles and Ted Olson to overturn Prop
8 as a violation of the U.S. Constitution is
ongoing in San Francisco. The trial paused
on Jan. 27 after all testimony had been heard
but before closing arguments because Judge
Vaughn ~Walker said he wanted to review the
testimoW prior to hearing the attorneys’ final
The conclusion ofthe trial apparently has
been further delayed while gay’ groups that ran
the ballot campaign against Prop 8, who are
not parties to the federal lawsuit, fight an order
to turn over some of their e-mails from the
campaign period.
Protestors chained to W/site HousejSnce: PtSoto
b_yjohn Aravosis @A_MERICAblog
N~e LGBT community’s new activist
pit bulls, GetEQUAL, dramatically upped
the pressure on President Barack Obama on
April 19 and 20 over his failure to succeed in
keeping major campaign promises to LGBT
Although Obama has taken several small
steps seen as favorable or helpful to LGBT
Americans, he has yet to engineer the passage
of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act,
the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, or the
repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.
GetEQUAIJs latest broadside started April
:....Continued see Get_EQUAL - page 9
www.metrostamews.corn ~)~ETROSTAR 5
More specifically, the memo instructs
HHS to ensure that hospitals receiving federal
funds nor deW visitation based on sexual
orientation or gender identity, along.with the
usual categories of non-discrimination.
Human Rights Fund spokesman Michael
Cole said his organization had been ~vorking
with the Xg~hite House on the memo language
[’or some rime. He said he was unaware of any
particular reason for the timing.
"It was a long process for them to get the
memo language set and al! of their ducks in a
row," said Cole- so my impression is that this
was the point at which it was done."
The April 15 memorandum is the second
memorandum issued by the president to
specifically help LGBT people. In June 2009,
President Obama signed a memorandum to
the ONce of Personnel Management Director
requesting that the heads of all executive
departments and agencies "conduct a review"
of current benefits available to federal
employees within 90 days "to determine what
authority they have to extend such benefits
to same-sex domestic partners of Federal
employees" and submit a report on rMs to
Kevin Cathcart, executive director of
Lambda Legal, called the president’s hospital
visitation memorandum a "great leap forward
in addressing discrimination affecting LGBT
patients and their families."
"These measures are intended to ensure
that no family will have to experience what
the Langbehn-Pond family did that night at
Jackson Memorial Hospital," said Cathcart,
in a statement isstled Thursday night.
k federal district court judge dismissed
Lambda’s ta~vsuit on behalf of Langbehn,
saying there was no law requiring the hospital
to allow Lisa Pond’s partner to see her at the
hospital. On Monday, April 12, Lambda
issued a press release saying it had reached
an agreement with Jackson Memorial for
"qmproved policies that are more responsive
ro the needs of the LGBT community." But
Lambda said the agreement does "not provide
as much protection as may be needed in
critical sitnations."
Lambda noted that the president’s
memorandum calls on HHS to take steps to
ensure that hospitals respect legal documents
that some patients have to designate who
can make decisions for them if they become
incapacitated. It also requires HHS to report
back to the president in !80 days with
additional recommendations for actions
HHS can take "to address hospital visitation,
medical decision-maHng, or other health care
~ssues that ~?cr LGBT patients and their
Ironically, the pool reporter on board the
~ighr back to Washington reported there was
No news on the way back" from Florida.
Meanwhile. Roll Call a newspaper
specializing in covering Capitol Hill, reported
Thursday that the House Committee on
Standards of ONcia! Conduct has "drafted
rules that for the first time would define gay
married couples as ’spouses" for the purposes
of filling out their annual Congressional
financial disclosure forms."
The forms are used by members of
Congress and their staffs to make annual
discIosures of any additional sources of
income and investments by them and their
spouses and dependent children. The draft
rules propose requiring that any members or
staffwho have married same-sex spouses in
Washington, D.C. or aW of the states which
provide for equal marriage rights to include
information about their spouse’s finances, the
same as straight members and staff Inust do
about their legal spouses.
Roll Call quoted a spokesman for the
Family Research Council as saying the draft
rules violate the federal Defense of Marriage
Act (DO1VL&), which prohibits federal
recognition of same-sex marriages. The paper
noted that the draft rule had been removed
from the committee’s website.
The Committee’s webs!re currently lists
instructions for filling out the form for
calendar year 2008 disclosures even though
the forms due next month are for calendar
year 2009.
MissoOa bans anti-
LGBT discrimination
The City Council in Missoula, Mont.,
voted 10-2 on April 12 to prohibit
discrimination in employment and housing
on the basis of sexual orientation or gender
identity, the Missoulian reporte&
The vote came at 1:45 in the morning at
the end of a seven-hour meeting.
"Most of us can’t remember civil rights in
action," said Councilwoman Sficy Rye. "This
is it for us."
Gay man elected mayor
ofsmall Colorado town
An openly gay man, Ron Holland, was
elected mayor of Dillon, Colo., April 6.
He received 90 votes to an opponent’s 72
in the mountain town of about 800 people.
Holland, who is serving his first term on
the City Council, told the Summit Daily
News he was "ecstatic" over his victory.
Martina has breast
Mart!ha NavradIova. Ougames~hoto
Lesbian tennis legend Martina Navratilova
told People magazine April 7 that she has
breast cancer.
The ductai carcinoma was discovered early
and is expected to be fully curable.
"I cried," Navratilova said. "It knocked me
on my ass, really. I feet so in control ofmy life
and my body, and then this comes, and it’s
completely out ofmy hands."
"I went four years between
mammograms," she added. "I let it slide.
Everyone gets busy, but don’t make excuses. I
stay in shape and eat right, and it happened
to me. Another year and I could have been in
big trouble."
Navratilova will undergo six weeks of
radiation treatment starting in May.
Congresswoman Tammy
BaldWin On President -
Obama’s signing ofa.
memorand reNardmg
the visitation rights of
hospital patients
Congresswoman Baldwin. Woclowrphoto
WASHINGTON, DC (PR) "President
Obama’s decision to direct the Secretaryof
Healrah and Human Services to take steps to
ensure that hospitals participating in Medicare
or Medicaid respect the rights ofpatients to
receive visitors and designate others to make
decisions about medical care in the case ofan
emergency is the right one. It follows the lead
ofmany states and makes a strong statement
about who we are as a nation and what we
No one should face the distress oflying ill
or injured in a hospital bed with the loved one
you designate barred from your bedside for
any other than a compelling medical reason.
For too long, such access has been arbitrarily
denied many individuals, most especially to gay
mad lesbian Americans.
President Obama’s action tonight puts us
another step doser toward our goal ofequal
rights for all Americans and I appland his
Congressional Delegation, Passage of the
bill intensified conservative religious groups
who had campaigned against the Act and
this was particularly felt in Oklahoma,
although the legislation was hailed by the
GLBT community and civil rights activists
as a progressive measure long overdue. What
followed was an attempt to "opt Oklahoma
out" of this new protection, spearheaded by
State Senator Steven Russell ( Republican-
District 45) with State Senate Bil! 1965.
The bill actually began as an ordinary
measure to start a task force to research public
and private high school athletics, authored
by State Senator Harry Coates (Republicam)
and State Representative "Wes Hilliard
(Democrat). After the bill passed out of
committee, S.B. 1965 was altered by Senator
Russell who removed the original language.
He then added language that would have
prevented Oldahoma law enforcement from
cooperating ,vith Federal authorities when a
hate crime ~vas committed in Oklahoma. ~e
bill then passed the State Senate 39-6.
The ensuing publicity, including a GLBT
lobbying day at the State Capitol focused
mainly on this legislation, resulted in a
re-xvrite of the bill by Senator Russell in an
attempt to make it less offensive and passable.
The rewritten version permitted Federal
authorities to petition State District Courts
for evidence relating to an Oldahoma hate
crime if local law enforcement objected to
cooperating with the Federal authorities.
Among the groups opposed to this
legislation was the Oklahoma American Civil
Liberties Union. One of their lobbyists,
Tamya Cox, spoke to State Representative
Mike Shelton (Democrat District 97) who
"hated this bill, understood the implications
and issues of this from the onset, stated
that we had to do something." Mr. Shelton
persuaded the House author of the bill,
Representative Danny Hilliard to let him
have the bill. Once Mr. Shdton had control
of the bill he withdrew it, thus ldlling this
legislation. Although an unusual strategy, it
was an effective action he stated that he felt
he had to take because as he put it, ’~Mnything
that breaks down the opportunity ro protect
Oklahomans from harm is wrong. Legislation
and resolutions that hurt people only give
a black eye to our state." Although he has
received positive feedback for his action,
predictably he has received negative responses
as well, including some from the conservative
religious community. It hasn’t swayed his
resolve as he relates, "There are a couple of
pastors that wear the veil of Christianity who
were pushing this legislation. As a Christian
this offends me because the Jesus I know
doesn’t stand for that."
GLBT and civil rights activists are
continuing to monitor the situation in case
attempts are made to re-introduce this or
similar measures with another bill.
’uptcv - CivJJ Rights oCriminal
’ment o Family Law o Litigation
625 N. o l th street
Cit% OK 7 105
6 ~KTROSTAR May 1, 2010
contim es "First
ursday" Art Opening
and E ibit ofOriginal
Wbrks by MattJohnson.
Bebe gives her ’Best O£’
for Race!
The reigningD*agRace queen
goes though her list ofseason two
TULSA, OK (PR) The May
Oklahomans for Equality (Oldgq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists at the Dennis R.
Nei!l Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
Downtown Tulsa), will feature the Artistic
Nude Photography ofMatt Johnson. The
show begins with a reception on Thursday,
May 6th from 6-9pm and continues
throughout the month of May.
Oklahoman Matt Johnson, owner of
Johnson Studios, specializes in Artistic Nude
Photography and is based in Tulsa. Matt
has always had a deep appreciation for the
human form. He began his art expression
in the color pencil medinm sketching in the
pln-up type format in his teen years. Mfitt
is a neon bender by trade for a commercial
sign company. He has been married to his
wife Denise since 1987 and they have three
wonderful children. In 2006 his artistic
will drew him to the camera. Since then he
has been creating nude art using the lens of
a camera and his imagination through the
editing process.
After developing a diverse portfolio Matt’s
xvork was accepted into galleries in Eureka
Springs, Arkansas. He was the featured
artist in two different Eureka Springs gallery
shows in 2009. Matt is beginning to show
his work in his home town ofTulsa and is
scheduled for two separate gallery shows in
the upcoming months.
Matt’s friendly easy- going manner makes
his photo sessions comfortable, relaxed and
fun experiences for his models. They are
always thrilled with their images and often
come back for additional sessions.
allows Matt to continue to create new and
exciting images from his eyeto the computer
and then the paper. The show begins with
a reception at the Dennis IL Nei!l Equality
Center on Thursday, May 6th fi’om 6-9pm;
Matt’s art will be on displa~v through May
Founded by a dedicatedgroup ofvolunteers in 1980,
Oklahomansfar Equali~r/OkEq is Oklahoma’s oMestgay
rights o~nization. From testingfor HIV/AIDS and
hosting t/~e annual 7~dsa PHele and Diversi~ Celebration
m operati~ the Equadity Center and documenting the
~tha LGBTcommunity’s rich histor~ OkEq worksfor
socialjustice amtfidl inclusionfor Oklahoma’s lesbian, ga)~
bisccuai, and transgender (LGBT) citizens and their allies.
For more i*{~ormation, see wwt~;okeq.org
By Bebe Zahara Benet
Wasn’t it great to see me on the special
episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race this week? Well,
it was wonderful to sit down with RuPaul
and my season one sisters Ongina and Nina
Flowers to critique season two, but there was
still so much more to be said that I tlmught
I’d dedicate this week’s colttrnn to some ofmy
favorite moments that
we didfft get a chance
to talk about during
the show.
Funniest Moment:
There’s plenty to
choose from, but for
me it has got to be
Jujube during the
reading challenge. I
just loved everything
she said about
everybody - calling
Raven legendary- as
in "leg" and "dairy,"
snapping at Jessica
in Chinese and even
ta~ng smack about
Tyra’s grill - that
reading was hilarious!
A second runner-up moment was Pandora
Boxx playing CarolChanning in the "Snatch
Game" challenge. Ms. Boxx knows how to
mine a laugh.
Biggest Diva Moments: We had more ,
than a few moments to judge this season. 111
skip ranking catfights a~d assess in terms of
performance. I’d say the other Tyra coming
out as sophisticatedlady on a mad shopping
spree was a great diva moment, as was Jujube’s
peach dress in the Old Hollywood fashion
challenge. It was mentioned in the live show,
but it bears mentioning again - Raven’s gold
Cleopatra dress and blonde afro was really,
really fierc!! ~
Best Makeup: Oh honey! Give it to
Raven! I think Raven really s~vitched up her
makeup to go with different looks. Even , ,
~vhen she did the country girl or the rock n
roll look or the whole glamour thing she was
able to create a different persona through
makeup. She is really mastering the craft and
art of drag.
Best Runway: I will go with Jujube. I
really will! She walks with confidence, walks
with so much fierceness, so much attitude
and so much personality. I really love how she
does all levels of her presentation.
Best Lip-sync: It seems like I’m a fan of
Jujube! I love how she lip-syncs. Sometimes
she gives a little too much, but she is more
often right on the money. She is able to catch
the little things the artist does. She’s right on
point with it. ~aat’s someone who has studied
the music and knows what the whole song is
about. I also liked Raven’s lip-syncing. ~aere
is something about it that is a little sassy. I’d
give it to both of them.
Biggest \Vish: To see Jessica \~ild last
longer. She had so much potential! If she had
been given another chance I am convinced
there ~vould have been other things about her
~erfor,mance that would have made us all go
Catdh the finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race at
9pro (ET/PT) this Monday night on Logo
and visit LOGOonline.com to find out about
vievdng parties in your area. Until next week,
kisses and good luck!
www.metrostarnews.com ~et~oSTAR 7
H e tension
By Ronald Blake
Contributing ~X~riter
Photo: RonaM Blake, Certified Fitness
Ins~’uctor through ISSA International Sports
Sciences Association
The heart beats faster! Tixe blood vessels
constrict even more! Tixe h<art, lungs, and
brain ache for more help but it isn’t coming
fast enough! There is a shudder and then
complete blackness! This Edgar Allan Poe
moment of chimerical horror describes a
massive stroke for someone that suffered
one day too many from hypertension.
Gather round the campfire and H1 explain
this medical condition, its causes, and
preventative measures to avoid it.
Hypertension is high blood pressure and
one out of five people in our country are
experiencing it. Tile blood vessels constrict
and the heart has to pump harder to get that
blood delivered around the bod?,: The heart
begins to ,yemen from overload and the
constricted vessels become compromised over
Blood pressure changes all the time. It
won’t kill you to have high blood pressure
once in awhile though. Swerving to avoid the
reckless driver on the freeway, climbing five
flights of stairs quickly, or being startled by
the ghastliness of that first and last time drag
queen can all contribute to a spike in blood
pressure. Consistently visiting this elevated
zone is very much a problem. Many people
wofft feel any symptoms from this disease for
10 to 20 years and then it can strike like a
thief in the night.
There isn’t a specific cause of hypertension
but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lack of
culprits calling in and claiming responsibility
for this physiological terrorism. Heredity is
a card we are dealt at birth and is a frequent
contributor to this ugliness~ Hypertensive
parents bequeath their kids a two times
greater likelihood of having this disease
than for those kids of parents without
hypertension. That really sucks and all you
did was be born to the world!
Don’t grab the bottle and give up just yet
if you inherited these lousy hand-me-downs
from morn and pop. There are plenty of other
ways to cotlnteract the ill effects of high blood
pressure. Other causes of this nasty medical
condition are obesity, stress, smoking, and
improper diet and they are al! something you
can control.
Obese individuals are about twice as likely
tO be hypertensive as those men and women
,vho are aren’t in that overweight category.
I’m no Pd~odes Scholar but I think that means
if you exercise and stay lean then you decrease
your risk. That sounds like something you
can control!
S[ress can walk you down the aisle and
give you away to high blood pressure too.
Stop getting angry at all the little problems
in the world! A late bill, rush hour traffic,
the moth~r-in-law visit, and the ripped
underwear at 6AM aren’t worth your
emotional intensity. Relax and take a deep
breath when these moments occur. That
sounds like something you can control!
Smoking always constricts your blood
vessels and raises your blood pressure every
time. Cigarettes aren’t cheap and there are
smoking cessation programs al! over the place.
That sounds like something you can control!
Foods with excessive sodium, saturated
fat, or cholesterol are al! significant donors to
th~ election campaign for hypertension. This
candidate for office can’t win without your
donations. That sounds like something you
can control!
There are also drugs that can Be prescribed
to aid in your efforts against this evil force.
Don’t be scared by this villain of your
vessels! With adherence to these suggestions
you may live a healthy life and worry about
hypertension (Quoth the raven) nevermore!
This purloined letter was brought to you
by that guy who tore up the planks in the
house of Usher. That guy is Ron Blake and he
can be found descending into the maelstrom
at www.myblakefitness.com.
information about the contest contact the
rodeo’s co-directors, Klint Weiden ( 405 408
6140) or Paul Boyd (405 630-4388).
Following on Friday it gets wild with
a Poolside Cookout also at the Finishline
from 3-6 p.m., then it’s registration time
at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds from
6-9 p.m ( Barn #9)., with a cash bar and
snacks provided to make it go better, along
with entertainment from 6-8 p.m. Keeping
the night kicking along is the HomoRodeo
Mixer happening at the Finishline beginning
at 9 p.m., also a All Rodeo Royalty Show at
Phoenix Rising at 9 p.m. as well.
The Rodeo begins the following Saturday
at 8:00 P.m., and after a funfilled day of
events one can unwind or windup at the
Copa’s Texas Tea Party beginning at 6 p.m.
a grand tradition hosted by the Texas Gay
Rodeo Association. At 9 p.m. that same night
there will be a country concert at ~Amgles
featuring recording artist James Allen Clark
among other local muscians. That night the
stick horse contest winner will be announced,
and the stick horses auctioned off.
Then it’s Sunday morning coming
down as the rodeo begins the final day o£
competition, resuming at 8:00 a.m. at the
Fairgrounds. The Finishline that day will
feature a Head Country Barbeque at 6:00
p.m. with a hearty dinner for the price of
$12. followed by the Awards Ceremony at 7
p.m. a,varding bucldes, saddles and cash to
the winners of the rodeo.
To wind up the event Monday a Wind
Down Party will be held at Phoenix Rising
with a hamburger/~bt d6g c86koUt froln
Noon until 2 p.m., with drink specials and
funfilled recollections of the wild weekend.
~ Ifyou or an organization is interested
in being a vendor, contact Larry Foley at
~ne host hotel this year is the Hilton
Garden Inn, located at 801 S. Meridian.
Telephone (405 942 1400) with special rates
available until May 14 ifyou mention the
rodeo. Come join the fun!
For more information check out their
website at vcww.ogra.net.
8 ~Y~:OSTAR May 1, 2010
CMS now- pays for treatment ofHIV related facial
Disorder must cause depression for individuals to receive coverage
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) announced last month that it
will pay for facial injections for beneficiaries
who have facial lipodystrophy syndrome (LDS)
if, in fact, the person suffers from depression
secondary to the disorder. Reportedly,
individuals who take these medications and
experience facial LDS side effects may suffer
psychological effects related to a negative selfimage.
"Ofcourse I am depressed about the way
I look from the way my face looks now;’ said
Allen Leon, an OHahoma City man who has
the disorder. "Looks are very important to
everyone, not just gay people. People stare;
they can’t help it. I feel that I am judged by
people and I am uncomfortable when meeting
new people." The disorder is very stigmatizing.
LDS is a localized loss offat from the
face, causing an excessively thin, hollowed
appearance in the cheeks. In some cases, facial
LDS may be a side effect ofcertain kinds of
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group for
CMS. "These effects may lead people living
with HIV to discontinue their antiretroviral
therapies." Grade four (offour grades) leaves a
person the most emaciated-looking.
The injections are "fillers" that have
been approved by the U.S. Food & Drug
Administration (FDA) to be injected under the
skin in the face to help fill out its appearance
specifically for treatment offacial LDS. Data
show that these injections can improve patient
self-image, relieve symptoms ofdepression,
and may lead to improved compliance with
anti-HIV treatment. The average cost of the
injections is $500 for a two-vial treatment.
Most people require a total of three treatments.
Medicare coverage for the injections has
already begun.
This is an important milestone in Medicare
coverage for HIV-infection therapies by
helping people living with HIV improve
their self-image and treating side effects of
Lipotrophy by grade: Lipoatrophy withfat loss covering a wide area oftheface and the skin is living
directly on thefacial muscles.
medications (antiretroviral therapies) that
individuals receive as part ofan HIV infection
treatment regimen.
"Facial LDS can leave people living with
HIVlooking gaunt and seriously ill, which may
stigmatize them as part oftheir HIV-infecrion
status," said Dr. Louis B. Jacques, MD
medications. Compliance with anti-HIV
treatment can lead to better quality oflife and,
ultimately, improve the quality ofcare that
beneficiaries receive. For more information,
visit http ://,arww.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/
viewdecisionmemo.asp ?id=234.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender aging issues
take center stage at Congressional briefing on
Capitol Hill
WASHINGTON, (PR) April 21 The
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and
Services and Advocacy for LGBT Elders
(SAGE) are convening a National LGBT
Aging Roundtable this week in Washingxon,
D.C. In addition, the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force has organized a
congressional briefing on issues facing lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
people as they age. The briefing was held
April 22, 9:30-11 a.m. in Room 121 of the
CannonHouse Office Building on Capitol
The injustice facing many LGBT elders
was brought home just this week by the
painfut stoW of Clay Greene and Harold
Scull~ an elderly gay couple separated by
o~ci~s in Sonoma County, Calif., who also
sold their possessions despite the measures the
couple took to protect their relationship.
More details here.
"The needs of the oldest members of
our community have long been invisible to
many of us and ignored by most institutions
in our society," said Rea Carey, executive
director of the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force, which recently released Outing
Age 2010: Public Policy Issues Affecting
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
(LGBT) Elders. "LGBT elders remain a
highly vulnerable and largely invisible aging
population. We know that invisibility leads
to greater social isolation~ which can lead to
increased vulnerability in many areas. We
also know that discrimination across the
tifespan leaves LGBT people economically
and socially vulnerable as tlaey age. There are
many challenges but we also have concrete
recommendations on how aging advocates,
policy mak,e,rs and social service agencies can
meet them.
Scheduled speakers at Thursday’s
congressional briefing were Laurie Young,
aging analyst and interim director of Public
Policy and Government Affairs of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, who
discussed findings and recommendations in
Outing Age 2010; Hope Barrett, director of
Elder Affairs of the Howard Brown Health
Clinic; Harper Jean Tobin, policy counse!
of the National Center for Transgender
Equality; Joyce Pierson, elder rights advocate
and former staffofthe Elder Rights Project
of the National Center for Lesbian Rights;
and John Johnson, SAGE’S federal director of
governmental affairs.
"Most Americans already face challenges
as the~ age, but LGBT older adults have
the added burden of a lifetime of stigma;
relationships that generally lack legal
recognition; and unequal treatment under
laws, programs and services designed to
support and protect older Americans," said
Johnson. We must educate our elected
officials and the public about the facts:
that LGBT elders are more likely to live in
poverty, face social and community isolation,
and lack appropriate health care and longterm
SAGE recently released a groundbrealdng
report representing one of the first major
collaborations between LGBT advocacy
organizations and mainstream aging
organizations to comprehensively examine the
issues facing LGBT older adults.
Improving the Lives ofLGBT Older
Adults was co-authored by SAGE and the
Movement Advancement Project (MAP),
in partnership with the American Society
on Aging, the National Senior Citizens
Law ~er~ter, and the Center for American
Progress, with a foreword from the AARE
The report was formally rele,ased at the
~eri~n Society on ~ing’s national
conference, held last mont~ in Chicago, Ill.
"SAGE’S report outlines the issues and
offers solutions, providing a much-needed
roadmap for creating a society where all older
dults are treated with &gmty and respect,
said Johnson.
The LGBT elder population is growing,
with a large wave of openly LGBTbaby
boomers poised to seek aging-related services
over the next 25 years. Despite that, there is
virtually no government-sponsored research
on aFing that includes sexual orientation or
gender identity variables. This lack of data
results in policy and practices that ignore
the unique realities a~d needs of older
LGBT people, q-his is beginning to shift, as
the corigressional briefing and ISIealth and
Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’
announcement last fall of plans to establish
the first national LGBT elder resource center
19 at a fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer
in Los Angeles.
Activists David John Fleck, Dan Fotou,
Laura Kanter, Zoe Nicholson and Michelle
Wright paid their way into the event and then
repeatedly shouted at Obama about repealing
DADT as he tried to address the gathering.
We are going to do that. Hey. Hold on
a second! Hold on a second! We are going to
do that!" Obama responded. ’7~1 right. Guys.
Guys. All right. I agree. I agree. I agree....
What the young man was talking about was
we need to -- we need to repeal Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell, which I agree with and which we
have begun to do. But let me say this: When
you’ve got an ally like Barbara Boxer and
you’ve got an ally like me who are standing
for the same thing, then you don’t know
exacdy why you’ve got to holler, because we
already hear you, all right? I mean, it would
make more sense to holler that at the people
who. oppose it."
A few moments later, more shouting
"I’m sorr~ do you want to come up here?"
Obama said direcdy to a protester. "Can I just
say once again, Barbara and I are supportive
of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, so I don’t
know why you’re hollerin’."
Obama then stepped away from the
microphone and spoke with Boxer. He
returned to the mic and stated: "I just
checked with Barbara, so if anybody else
is thinking about starting a chant, B,arbara
i ’
r d dnt even vote for Dont Ask, Dont Tell in
the first p1ace, so you know she’s goi"ng to be
in favor of repealiiag Don’t ASk, Don’t Tell."
The protesters were eventually removed
from the room.
"President Obama has been AWOL on
DADT," said Fotou. "We had to remind him
of the promises he made to the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender community during
his campaign and several times during his
~residency--t,hat DAD.T, will be repealed
oecause, as he s stated, it s the right thing to
Added Wright, "We made it clear our
community will hold accountable our
president for unkept promises."
In response to Obama’s questioning why
gays are shouting at him over DADT, blogger
Andrew Sullivan explained: "Because, Mr.
President, it is not enough to be ’supportive’
o en&ng DontAsk, DontTell. When you
have the presidency and your party controls
both houses of Congress, it’s a matter of
having the political will to end it. Not all gay
people are HRC fundraisers. Some are even
risking their lives every day for this country;
in uniform, only to be treated like second
class human beings and citizens by their own
government. Their own government? That
means you, Mr. President and Senator Boxer."
The following da~ April 20, GetEQUAL
protesters returned to the White House for a
second round of handctffl:ing themselves to
the fence and getting arrested, a month after
the group’s initial action there.
This rime six people chained themselves
to the gates -- Lt. Dan Choi, Capt. Jim
Pietrangelo II, Petty Officer Larry Whitt,
Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen, Cadet Mara
Boyd and Cpl. Evelyn Thomas.
"We are handcuffing ourselves to the
White House gates once again to demand
that President,Obama sho,w lea,d,ership on
,r,epealing Dont Ask, Dont Tall, said Choi.
Ifthe president were serious about keeping
his promise to repeal this year, he would
put the repeal la%,uage in his defense
authorization budget. The president gave us
an order at the Human Rights Campaign
dinner (in October) to keep pressure on him
and we will continue to return to the W’hite
House, in larger numbers, until the president
keeps his promise to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell this year."
Thomas commented: "A few weeEs ago
I saw Lt. Dan Choi take dramatic action at
the White House and it made me realize that
I needed to do something to stand up for
all the black female soldiers who have been
discharged under DADT. Many people don’t
mow that we black women are discharged
disproportionately more than others under
At press rime, acco~&n~ to GetEQUB32s
Twitter feed: "All six servicemembers have
been taken into custody. They have served
their country again today, and they deserve
better than #DADT."
May1, 2010
12 S~!T~OSTAR May 1, 2010
ONLY ¥~11)
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14 ;~ET~©STAR May 1, 2010

Photo~ by Victor G.
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Angtes, Oklahoma City
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@ Ledo, Oklahoma City
By Chris ~zopardi
Glee: be Music, ~e Power o£Madmma
Gle~ We wet{ alrea&
episode! With Sue Sylvester doing
:! :I11ms out we can love you more, ~[he chee~ d0ach,adds
to one of muSic’s most delicious
uN- if not more
the Vete~fi ~ career classics
s~veet as weird ~s it sh0uld be, Out theater
doll Jonathan GroN- one of the Fox show’s fresh faces - joins the
res~ of the ~ast. on ?Like.a Virgin," and Mercedes injects some pf
intro and the choir} moving endrun~.
$6: i~ is, in ~act~ like a dream.. ......
Grade: B+
& Sweet To~,r
@ The End Up, Tulsa
supported on this 2008;09 tom; Madonngs mojo sdl! m~es fBr one
h4cl~ of a show. Over several hours :a couple on DVD; one on CD
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
Grade: ARufus
7Wainwright, M1 Days Are Nights: Songs for
Troubadours like Ruft~ Wainwright get off on being grandiose,
but what happens when you lose something you cant get back. You
scale it down. as he has ~er the recent dead{ of his mother. On his
@ Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa
16 NetroSTAR May 1, 2010
by Jack Fertig May 2010
"Your brain wants a chaRenge, Virgo!"
Saturn opposing Uranus is a longrunning
on-and-off aspect that’s
scattering minefields, challenging
us to change structures and goals
through the year. The Sun and Mars
are triggering those with sometimes
violent results. Ideological, "values"-
based attacks are likely at personal and
political levels.
ARIES (March 20- AprR 19):
Your competitive drive can become
obsessive, even self-destructive.
Looking good is not about conquest, but
moving on gracefully. Let go, meditate,
open your creative soul. You can’t do
that while guarding your turf as queen
of the mountain.
TAURUS (Apri~ 20- May 20):
Celebrate your birthday with your family
and your most creative friends, not
necessarily at the same party. Bringing.
them together may get a bit dramatic,
even catalytic. This could be a good
thing, or not. Think it through.
GEMIN~ (May 21- June 20): Meditation
will cool your heated brain and help you
to keep your mouth out of trouble. In
that calm solitude, think of ways your
home life can support your ambitions.
They don’t have to be at war with each
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Showing
off to your friends can get expensive
and become a source of fights. If your
love and admiration aren’t enough,
home-baked cookies should do it. If
they want more, they’re not really your
friends, and their arguments aren’t
worth the trouble.
LEO (Ju~y 23 -August 22): Whatever
you do is sure to get noticed. You do
realize that can be a mixed blessing!
Some humility would be in order, but
that doesn’t mean denying your actual
gifts and accomplishments. It’s just a
matter of keeping perspective.
V~RGO (August 23 - September 22):
Your brain wants a challenge. Find it in
a book; don’t go picking arguments. If
you want a good debate, hold yourself
back a bit and make an effort to really
hear what the other person has to say!
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Trying to keep up with peer pressure,
you could worry yourself sick. Balance?
It means they have to meet you half
way, too. Your real friends will do that.
Standing your ground is sexy.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Immediate concerns- work and
partnersh p - feel like distractions from
your creative engagement with the
world, building the future. In fact, those
quotidian details are exactly how we
do that. Try to channel that aggravation
into creative energy.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 20): Domestic drama
threatens to disrupt your plans at work.
If you can keep an even keel, handling
those unpredictable upsets could help
you gain confidence in your managerial
skills: Remember, a team leader is still
a team member!
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Maintain respect for
people even when their questions seem
abysmally stupid. It is tempting to mess
with their heads, or to mock them,
but mellow out that playful streak and
engage them. That could lead to fun for
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): Everybody needs to be concerned
about money these days. You may
be more worried than is necessary or
helpful. Don’t take it out on your family
or housemates. The first purpose of
discussion is to get problems into
PISCES (February 19- March
19): Flaws and frustrations in your
relationship, however minor, are now
feeling worse than they really are. You
could both make a list now to discuss
later. If you must trash someone, that is
what POliticians and celebrities are for.
Rev Steve T. Urie
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, M0 64804
Worship Sunday 6:00 PM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
1 2; 3 4 ’11 12 13
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Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, May 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 5, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/194.