[2010] Metro Star Magazine, November 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 11


[2010] Metro Star Magazine, November 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 11


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd;




Star Media, Ltd


November 01, 2010


James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Ronald Blake
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Philip Green
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Sikov
Steven Petrow
Rex Wockneer
D'Anne Witkowski
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.


The Metro Star Magazine, October 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 10

The Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 12


Online text








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More on page-6
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 11 Twitter.com/MetroStarNews ~ MetroStarNews.com FREE 1 NOVEMBER 1,2010
reaches out to GLBT Oldahomans
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Byrd Act of 2009 which expanded the
categories of Federal hate crimes to include
gender, disability, and sexual orientation and
gender identity.
On October 5 a panel discussion was held
at Church of the Open Arms which attracted
spectators from the GLBT community as well
as other social justice groups. Mr. Hamilton
introduced the panel, which included
Special Agents Jim Windsor and Doug
Strait, the Oklahoma City U.S. Attorney’s
Office Deputy Criminal Chief Kerri Kelly,
and Synthia Demons, a Senior Conciliation
Specialist with the U.S. Department of
Kerri Kdly began, pointing out exactly
what the expanded Federal Hate Crimes law
does and doesn’t do. It does not cover all
Anti-Gay Speech Prompts Teen
ByJeanne Flanigan
Metro Star Team
parents’ home in Norman on October
10. Zach had attended the City Council
meeting, and had endured more than 3
hours of testimony from Norman citizens
regarding the proclamation. While 24 of the
46 speakers were in support of it and given
equal time, the people who spoke against it
paraded negative, misguided, stereotypes of
the LGBT community before the Council.
This negativity bothered Zach for days
afterward according to his sister, Nikld.
Zach had endured bullying and
harassment in Norman North High School,
recalled his father, Van Harrington. Zach saw
the same disrespectful, sometimes hateful,
behavior and language used by adults at the
Council meeting that night.
Mr. Harrington, his wife Nancy; and
FBI SpecialAgentfim V~ndsor Community
Forum Speaker at Church ofthe Open Arms.
Gorin photo
OKI,~AHOMA CITY, OK __ "Hello, I’m
Jim Win&m; I’m with the FBI and I’d like to
talk to you."
\Vhen Scott Hamilton of the Cimarron
Alliance Foundation first heard this telephone
introduction, he reacted like most of us
would, somewhat apprehensive. What came
together was a positive event, showing an
increased interest by the Oklahoma office of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation about
hate crimes against people of the GLBT
community. Federal authorities were further
empowered by the Matthew Shepard James
race, religion, color, national origin)
2. The act is intentional (nor accidental
or due to negligence)
3. The act must have caused bodily harm,
or a weapon or incendiary device must have
be used with the intentional of causing bodily
4. The crime must somehow be connected
to interstate commerce.
The Act does not cover threats or hate
speech, which includes vandalism such as
anti-gay graffiti.
The last provision was somewhat complex
and not widely understood by the general
........Continued See FBI Page-7
Margaret Cox, Don Hawkins and Mick Schirron
among those honored at Cimarron A liance Awards
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
of activist work came together when one of
Oldahoma’s City’s most renowned activists
won yet another honor for a long legacy of
service. The activism of Margaret Cox began
with the Washington Urban League in 1964,
but since then she has been a fixture not only
for GLBT activism but in virtually every
avenue of social justice. She has served as
the coordinator for the Oklahoma National
Organization for Women (NOW) and Metro
OKC NOW. She is well known for her work
with the Oldahoma Coalition to Abolish the
Margaret Cox receives Lifetime Achievement
Award. Gorin photo
7 to 1 ro approve a proclamation declaring
October "LGBT History Month." The
Norman Human Rights Commission wrote
the proclamation after "much deliberation"
stated Norman Mayor, Cindy Rosenthal.
Co-Founders Kathy Williams and Laura
Belmonte ofThe Equality Network (TEN)
made a visit from Tulsa to Norman ro consult
with Council members and the Mayor. Emails
and newspaper articles declared this a
historic moment in Oklahoma. This action
gave hope to many that things are changing
in the state.
And then tragedy struck. Nineteen year
old Zach Harrington took his life at his
Zach was a musician and had been
awarded a $ !000 grant by PFLAG in 2009
to study music. He had been living in
Fayetteville, Arkansas. Although he was
6’4", he was more interested in music than
athletics, Van Harrington remembers. Some
of his classmates didn’t understand this and
harassed him. His Facebook page tells of a
private person with a sense of humor, a music
and movie lover who wants ro be told that he
is missed.
And he is missed. At a Candlelight Vigil
at 8 pm on October 13, at the Memorial
Garden on the South Oval at University
.........Continued See SUICIDE Page-6
Death Penalty, being arrested countless times
for that cause in acts of civil disobedience.
She has served as a Board Member and
Secretary of the Oklahoma chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union, and her
GLBT activism began in 1982 when she
joined the board of OKC’s Herland Sister
Resources. She was a major factor behind that
organization growing from small beginnings
to the institution it is today serving not only
on their board, but also as their-newsletter
editor and various officer positions. She
had been a part of the activist group Simply
Equal. Later she was elected to the Board
of Cimarron Alliance and later chaired
it, serving in many capacities including
acting as the Coordinator of Docents when
the Oklahoma Holocaust Remembrance
Exhibition-The Nazi Persecution of
Homosexuals came to Oldahoma City in
2005. Retired from state employment as
Director of the Oklahoma Public Relations
Board, she has recovered well from a recent
heart attack and is getting a much deserved
rest, but she came out to receive this honor.
Mick Schirron (center) and Don Hawkins
(right) receive Media Award with well wisher
(left)John Greet.
........Continued See AWARDS Page-6
2 November 1, 2010
Fashion Designer Johnathan Kayne; a proud role
By Robi!~ D-Townsend
Metro Star Team
Vibrant colors, shimmering
fabrics, and sparkling rhinestones
flooded the catwalk at Johnathan
Kayne’s ’Fashion for Food’ show
held last month benefiting
the Regional Food Bank of
Oldahomds (R~BO) Food for
Kids program. More than 200
guests attended this exclusive
fashion show which featured
the latest creations from this
nationally recognized fashion
designer. Kayne is a passionate
advocate for preventing
childhood hunger.
’q~ais is probably the proudest
moment in my life," said Kayne.
"This cause has been near and
dear to my heart because I was
one of those hunglT children
growing up." Kayne shared a time
in his young life when he was
overweight and did not always
have good food choices. He now
serves on the RFBO Celebrity
Council and is a known nation
wide for his great fhshion design.
r tal~es $200 to ~xed a ized natlona[~y ~r’/~ls e:¢ce~lent’~
chr0nidally hungB~ dementa¢ Johnathan Kayne raised thousands ofdoll~tb" to suppO~ the
school child through the RFBOS Regionat FoodBanh ofOklahoma Foodfor fi~Tdsprogram.
Food for Kids program. The Photo by Robin D-Townsend
event grossed more than $25,000 305 elementary schools in 42 counties across
for the cause.
This is the second year of I~yne’s annual
fashion show which was featured last year on
his TLC reality show Gown Crazy. The event
featured two runway shmvs - one featuring
Kayne’s latest designs and a finale show with
custom items modeled by local celebrities
including OKC news anchor and former Miss
America, Lauren Nelson.
The Food for Kids program provides
chronically hungry elementary school
children with backpacks filled xvith nonperishable,
kid-friendly food to eat over
weekends and holidays. Food for Kids serves
central and western Oldahoma, providing
backpacks to nearly 8,000 &ronically hungry
children each week during the school year.
There are 25 schools on the xvaiting list to
join the program.
"It is our desire that no child goes to
school Monday morning with hunger pains,"
said RFBO Executive Director Rodney
Bivens. "Vge currently serve nearly 8,000
hungry kids per week. We believe that when
hunger ends, learning begins." The RFBO
operating costs are 4% of all the funding they
receive. The National Center on Nonprofits
....... Continued See KAYNE Page 7
,uptcv * Ci"v"II Rights *Criminal
’ment * Family Law. Litigation
a city, OK 73 03
Sooner State Stampede
SSRA Rode back after 5
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
7~m Dickman, President ofSooner State Rodeo
Association. Staffphoto
TULSA, OK __ Cowboys and cowgirls
from across America came together the first
weekend of October as SSRA held their
Sooner State Stampede. Hosted at the Airport
East Ramada Inn, the party started there with
a show celebration, and continued with the
competition at the Bridle Creek Horse Ranch
and Resort north ofTulsa in the hamlet of
Sperry. The event was significant in that not
only did it bring GLBT western lifestyle folk
together from
since 2005.
N~e Sooner State Rodeo AssOciation
was first formed in 2002 to give the GLBT
and allied community ofTulsa and eastern
Oklahoma a new avenue for western lifestyle
expression. They hold fundraisers throughout
the year not only for themselves but also
various Oklahoma charities, and is one of
28 members of the International Gay Rodeo
Held for the first time at the Bridle Creek
Horse Ranch, the event featured standard
rodeo events but also those unique to gay
rodeo, naturally goat dressing and a wild drag
race. gc’ith over 60 contestants from across
America it proved to be quite an event.
"Clogger Bill" Francisco was this year’s
Grand Marshal, and he got involved with gay
rodeo over 20 years ago because as he puts
it, "The atmosphere, all the cowboys, al! the
events in the arena, I love it all." Also on hand
was the current reigning Mr. MGRA Kelly
Moore ( Missouri Gay Rodeo Association)
who had also been Miss MGRA in 2007, the
only person to ever capture both titles in that
Although the event had a wide diversity of
spectators, among the most interesting were
a heterosexual family who was there viewing
a rodeo of any kind for the first time, Gayla
and Todd Lackey, owners of Crazy Cat Tie
Dyes ~vith the children Jason and Althea.
Having previous experience with the GLBT
community through vending at several Pride
events, it was this event that gave them their
first taste of rodeo fun, Gayla stated, "I’m in
it mainly for the goat dressing. Vge thought
it’d be fun, so when we heard of the gay rodeo
we thought ’OmiGod’ let’s go!"
Lackey Family at thdrfirst Gay Rodeo. GoHn
Tim Dickman, SSRA President stated,
"The 2010 Rodeo was such a success and the
contestants enjoyed the accommodations
at Bridle Creek Horse Ranch and Resort
so much we are planning to hold our next
Rodeo in 2011 at this same facility."
The Sooner State Rodeo Association
welcomes all who are interested in the
country & western lifestyle. For more
information check out their website at www.
Candlelight Vigil Held
in Edmond’s Haler Park
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Stephanie Bolton and Bobby ~Iillican. Gorin
EDMOND, OK__ At 7 p.m October
12. at Hafer Park in Edmond, GATE held
their t lth Candlelight Vigil in honor of
fellow those who had difficulty coming
out, following, National Co,~ing Out Day
October 11. Coming Out , coming to
terms and being open about being GLBT
can be a special prob!em in Oklahoma, ofren
considered the buckle of the Bible Belt. Too
ofren people who become known to or even
perceived to be GLBT have faced ostracism
from friends and famil),, loss ofjobs and/or
homes, and sometimes have found their very
lives in jeopardy.
G.A.T.E. ( Gay Alliance for Tolerance and
Equality) is an official student group at the
University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond.
The group would also be marching in the
annual Homecoming Parade the coming
Saturday for the second time.
Speaking at the vigil were GATE President
Brandon White as well as the Cimarron
Alliance President Scott Hamilton. Also
speaking were individuals among the crowd,
this time numbering around 100, almost
triple the number of participants attending
last year. Just about summing up the
experience for everybody were two proud
participants, Bobby Millican and Stephanie
Bolton, a dear friend and straight ally. As she
puts it, " I am so proud ofmy friends who are
here proud of themselves."
Forced Offthe Edge of
Life’s Road
By James Nimmo
gay/straight alliance at the University of
Central Oklahoma, a medium size state
school in Edmond, OK, a bedroom town
nearly contiguous with Oklahoma City, had
a combination vigil/coming out day event
this past Tuesday, October 12, recognizing
the recent suicide ofZack Harrington and
National Coming Out Day. It was held in a
large public park in Edmond.
I couldn’t stay for all of it but what I did
see was a pretty good demonstration of being
comfortable with being gay or lesbian. One
of the leaders said the number was double
over last year. I’d say about 70 people were
there, mostly students in their early 20s, with
some teenagers and older adults in the mix.
I’ve known I was gay, though I didn’t
know the word, since 4th or 5th grade of
elementary school. The dictionary I used
talked about "self-pollution". \Vv~at a scream!
I was afraid it would somehow show tip
when I had to go to the doctor for a required
"We put way too much emphasis on
gender presentation and role playing when
kids are too immature to understand their
bodies and psychological needs. I think
we should look at human development the
same ~vay we look at other living organisms
that morph fi’om one stage to another with
radically different bodies. The outward shape
of our human bodies doesn’t change so much,
but the inner shape of our minds sure does--
or they SHOULD change--doffing the myths
and twisted beliefs we’re fed as children as we
develop from our own experiences.
Several of the public speakers at the
Norman City Council meeting mentioned
religious belief in their objection to the
GLBT History Month Proclamation, malting
another example of the ignorance many
people have about the separation of religious
views and civil policies under the First
Amendment. This was the meeting attended
by Zack Harrington and apparently forced
him off the edge of life’s road.
Civil rights are the guaranteed benefits
of being a citizen of this country. They are
not subject to examination by a review panel
to test if citizens are "worthy". Civil rights
are universal, inherent in the social contract
between citizen and government.
Though I am a believer in the right of
self-deliverance in the face 0£ inescapable
terminal illness, I’m nearly speechless and
~vordless in the face of the suicides caused
by the vehement, venomous vocabulary of
religious, flat-earth thinking spewed in public
meetings and the media.
I’m reduced to involuntary hea&shaking
when trying to understand how the insidious
poison of religion infiltrates young minds and
dissolves the normal urge to live.
Religion has al~vays been the mental fog
in the road of human progress, from Galileo
and Copernicus to stem-cell research to the
legal recognition of citizens without regard
for their sexual orientation.
It would appear that until more of us
recognize the futility of religion with the false
authority and violence it visits on innocent
people, we’ll see more GLBT suicides as
roadkill on the human highway.
The link below provides a video of the
ill-fated Norman, Oklahoma city council
Oklahoma’s Zach Harrington, 19,
Kills Himself After Hateful Town Meeting:
"First rsday" Art Opening and Exhibit ofOriginal Works
by artist Di epac
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Noveraber
Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature works from
Tulsa artist Di Klepac
Originally from Austin and living in Tulsa
I:or almost two decades, Di paints what she
reatly sees in her subject, bringing her unique
meaning to the art she creates. Her early
development was colored by watching her
sister paint in the family studio of her youth
in a subnrb of Austin.
Di’s use of color and
forceful strokes in
textured tempera reach
into the soul of her
subject matter and
pull out her views that
live on the canvas.
Her showings in the
Brady Arts District
have brought her
acclaim in the Tulsa art
The show begins
with a reception on
Thursday, November
4th fi’om 6-9pm and
continues throughout
the month. ~okeq.org
Founded @ a dedicamd~’ou~ ofvo&nmers
in 198& Oklahomam~r Equali~kEq is
Oklahoma~ oldestgay rights o,ganizmion. From
tesd,g~r HIVIAIDS and hosd,g the annual ~dsa
Pride and Dive*xi{y Celebration m &e,~,a,g the
Equalig @nt~r and documena*g the ~hg LGBT
communig} rich histo~)~ OkEq worL,s.~r socia]
justice andfid/ inch~sion~r Ok/ahoma) lesbian, g’9~
bisexual and t,unwnder (LGBD citizens and their
allies. For more i,:~rma~ion,
4 November ~, 20~0
Tulsa’s Jerry Straley captures the title ofOklahoma
Mr Leather 2011
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
1st runnerup Geqff~’ey ~omas, winnerJory Sou@ and 2nd runnerup Nathan Benne,: Go,in
TULSA, OK It was a festive weekend
for the leatherfolk who came together for the
Oklahoma Mr. Leather \Veekend when the
current reigning Oldahoma Mr. Leather Ron
Harwood would pass on his title. ~xe event
was hosted by the Super 8 which featured
meet and greets for the various officials and
spectators from throughout Oklalmma and
beyond, educational classes, and of course a
bar crawl.
The contest came together Saturday
October 9 at Club Maverick with contestants
Jerry Straley- the current Tulsa Mr. Leather,
Geoffrey Thomas and Nathan Benner. An
event of the Tulsa Uniforra and Leather
Seekers Association (TULSA), this occasion
marked the 22nd year of this competition. It
was emceed by Keith Hunt, Oldahoma Mr.
Leather of 2004 and signing interpretation
was provided by Oklahoma City~ \grill
Farm with many distinguished community
members on hand for the occasion.
There was also a silent auction benefitting
three charities, one of which is the Sharon
St.Cyr Fund which works to create programs
to provide hearing aids and interpre6ng
services for the deaf and hearing impaired
community. Funds also went to the Leather
Archives & Museum located in Chicago, and
also to the local Alternative Lifestyles Food
Bank which provides food baskets for those of
our community in need.
Receiving the Ford Pruitt Award was
Cathy Hill, named for 2 former outstanding
TULSA members, Danny Ford and Lee
Pruitt. This honor is awarded to an indMdual
who has gone above and beyond worldng
for the benefit ofT.U.L.S.A. and the leather
community overall.
The contest climaxed with Nethan Benner
as 1st runnerup, Geoffrey Thomas as 2nd
runnerup with Jerry Straley capturing the
title of Oldahoma Mr. Leather 2011. He
wil! go on to represent Oklahoma at the
International Mr. Leather Contest which will
take place in Chicago during the Memorial
Day weekend of 2011.
For rnore information check out their
website TULSA at www.tulsaleather.com
They welcome all who have an interest in
leather and its lifestyle.
Tuesday November 2--Your vote is crucial
STATE of OKLatHOMA__ On Tuesday November 2 you have an opportunity to be part
of determining the future of Old~mma and our nation. Many. of these races are almost certain
ro be extremely close. Candidates supporting our issues need our votes. It isn’t easy to take a
stand ~br the GLBT community in Oldahoma. When we make the effort to vo~e we show we
are worth their support.
Remember that the polls are open fiom 7 a.m. til 7 p.m. on Election Day November 2, but
also there is the op;ion of early voting a~ your CountT Election Board Friday October 29 lCrom
8 a.m. until 6 p.m., Saturday October 30 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m., and the following Monday
November 1 again from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.
By Rex Wockner
Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tel roller coaster
Gay ban back in force again
The Obama administration resuscitated
the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell gay ban Oct. 20
by convincing the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals to temporarily stay an injunction by
a federal district judge in Riverside, Calif.
U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips had
found the ban unconstitutional and barred
any further use of it worldwide effective Oct.
12. In response, the military stopped kicking
out openly gay and lesbian servicemembers
and began letting open gays and lesbians sign
up to enlist.
Activist Dan Choi, Wocknerphoto
But the Obama administration -
~dDADT ......
-- immediately beg~ figfitifi~ ~6 brifig ;h4
ban back to life, ultimately succeeding eight
days later.
The Justice Department argued that an
abrupt end to the ban would be harmful to
the military in myriad ways. Judge Phillips
was wholly unconvinced and refused to stay
her injunction. ~e 9th Circuit, on the other
hand, issued a brief stay -- until at least Oct.
25 -- while it considers issuing a longer stay.
~e administration also said it wants
Congress, not the courts, to end the ban. ~e
House of Representatives voted to end the
ban earlier this year but the Senate refused
after a filibuster by Sen. John McCain, RAriz.
~ere is no indication that the Senate
will change its mind when it returns to
XV~hington for the lame-duck session
following the No~ 2 elections, even though
the DADT repeal measure is a part of the bill
that funds the entire U.S. military for next
year. McCain’s filibuster also left the over~l
military funding measure unp~sed.
"Reall)~ what~ in my heart right now is
it’s going to be really hard for me to vote
for Barack Obama," prominent gays-inthe-
military activist Dan Choi said in an
interview. Choi re-enlisted in the Army at the
Times Square recruiting station in New York
on Oct. 19.
"Call me a one-issue person, but this is
re~ly pissing me off," Choi added. "~en
Congress has a law that~ unconstitution~,
it~ the job of the courts to cfll it
unconstitution~. ~at~ Civi~ day one.
Obamgs giving Dofft &k, Dofft Tell mouthto-
mouth resuscitation. For him to do that at
this point is upsetting, it~ dis~sting."
GetEQ~UAL Director Robin ~lcGehee. ~Vockner
GetEQUAL director Robin McGehee
called the government’s successful push for a
stay "a travesty."
"This ... brings the military’s
discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law back
from the dead," she said. "It is a travesty that
after numerous attempts, President Obama
and Attorney General Eric Holder will go
down in history as the administration that
breathed life back into Don’t Ask, Don’t
Te!l, The lives and careers of openly gay and
lesbian servicemembers are now back in the
crosshairs of our government and a renewed
commitment to discrimination falls squarely
in the hands of this White House."
.....Servicemembers United Executive
Director Alexander Nichol~ma said he’s
hopeful the stay will last just a few days.
"An objective look at the evidence before
the court clearly indicates that ending Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell would not harm military
readiness, but would rather enhance it," he
Human Rights Campaign President Joe
Sohnonese called DADT’S resurrection "a sad
day for all Americans."
"Today’s decision only furthers our resolve
to send this law to the dustbin of history and
also draws a spotlight on the administration
to make good on their pledge to end these
discharges that damage our national security,"
he said.
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
Executive Director Aubrcy Sarvis said the stay
dumped the ball back in the U.S. Senate’s lap.
. "Gay and lesbian servicemembers deserve
better treatment than they are getting with
this ruling," he said. "~XTe now must look
to the Senate next month in the lame-duck
session to bring about the swift certainty
needed here and to repeal this unjust law that
serves no usefuI purpose."
NY GOP governor
candidate rash
abou gays
Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate
for governor ofNew York, sounds like an oldschool
First, on Oct. 10, he said: "I didn’t march
in the.., gay pride parade this year. My
opponent did. And that’s not the example
that we should be showing our children,
and certainly not in our schools. And don’t
misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual
people in any way. That would be a dastardly
lie. My approach is live and let live. I just
think my children and your children would
be much better off and much more success~ful
getting married and raising a family, and
I don’t want them to be brainwashed into
thinking that homosexuality is an equally
valid or successful option. It isn’t."
The following day Paladino went on the
Today show and dug in his heels, telling Matt
Lauer: "They wear these Speedos and they
grind against each other and it’s just a terrible
thing.... Would you take your children to
a gay pride parade? I don’t think it’s proper
for them to go there and ~vatch a couple of
grown men grind against each other. I don’t
think that’s proper. I think it’s disgusting."
Video 1: tinyud.com/nogrindl. Video 2:
In an Oct. 12 editorial, The New York
Times called Paladino’s comments "bigoted"
and "shockingly irresponsible," given recent
anti-gay hate crimes and the spate of gay teen
"A week before Mr. Paladino’s comments,
police say three men in the Bronx were
tortured by a group of attackers who believed
they were gay," the newspaper wrote. "On
Oct. 1, Rutgers University held a memorial
service for a student who killed himself
after police said his sexual encounter with
a man was broadcast over the Internet by
two classmates. For Mr. Paladino to choose
this moment to make his utterly gratuitous
remarks suggests at the very least an
extraordinary level of insensitivity."
Later Oct. 12, Paladino issued a statement
that said, in part, "I sincerely apologize for
any comment that may have offended the
Gay and Lesbian Community or their family
Indiana motor vehicles
head arrested
The head of the Indiana Bureau of Motor
Vehicles, Andrew J. Miller, was arrested
Oct. 6 on a charge of public indecency
for allegedly masturbating in front of an
undercover cop in a cruisy public toilet in
Indianapolis. He resigned following the
Equality NC sends Froot
Loops to rep
Between Oct. 6 and ! 1, each donor to
Equality North Carolina had a personal
message and a box of Ketlogg’s Froot Loops
delivered to Republican state Rcp. Larry
The stunt was a response to Brown’s
having hit "reply to all" on an e-mail from
House Minority" Leader Paul Stare and
writing: "I hope all the queers are thrilled
to see him (House Speaker Joe Hackney
receiving an award from Equality NC). I
am sure there will be a couple legislative
fruitloops there in the audience."
"If it’s fruitloops Rep. Brown wants,, then
that’s what we’ll give him!" Equality" NC said.
.....More NATIONAL NEWS - page 6
November 1, 2010
Equality Ca i£ornia £or rejection ofBaja
marriage amendment
Gays announce marches in Mexicali and Tecate
LGBTpeopIe in Mexico’s Baja California state, where 77juana # located, are working to block a
state constitutional amendmentpassed by the legislature that zoould seemingly ban recognition of
same-sex ma.’iages. To be valid, the amendment requires ratification by a majority ofthe state’s
municipal councils. Same-sex matriage is legal in Mexico City, and the nation’s Supreme Court
has said that all31 Mexican states must recognize gay marriagesJ~om the capital ci~ Photo ofthis
year’s ~juana prideparade by Rex Wockner
Equality California Executive Director
Geoff Kors has joined calls for municipal
councils in Mexico’s Baja California state
to reject a state constitutional amendment
that seemingly bans recognition of same-sex
Meanwhile, local LGBT activists are
organizing marches on Oct. 16 in the U.S.
border city of Mexicali, the Baja state capital,
and on Oct. 24 in the border city ofTecate.
"It is extremely disappointing that there
is an effort to amend the state constitution
to not allow or recognize same-sex marriages
in Baja California," Kors said. "Mexico’s
Supreme Court has upheld marriage for
same-sex couples and further required that
legal same-sex marriages from Mexico City be
recognized throughout the nation. We call on
the municipal councils in Ensenada, Mexicali,
Rosarito Beach, Tecate and Tijuana to reject
this discriminatory effort by voting against
ratification of the constitutional amendment --
and to go on the record in support of marriage
equality for same-sex couples."
The unicameral state legislature, the
Chamber of Deputies, voted 18-1 on Sept. 29
to amend the state constitution to seemingly
prohibit recognition of same-sex marriages,
despite the fact that the federal Supreme Court
ruled this year that all 31 Mexican states must
recognize gay marriages fi’om Mexico City,
where they are allowed.
The vote came on the final day that the
right-leaning National Action Party (PAN) had
control of the legislature. On Oct. 1, the left-
Ieaning Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
took control of a majority of the chamber’s
seats, following elections thai: had been held in
The PAN move appeared to some observers
~:o be an attempt by the conservative party to
tauat the federal Supreme Court, although
some amendment backers claimed they only
hoped to prevent gay marriages from talcing
place in Baja.
The oddly worded amendment, however,
does not include any stated exception for
Mexico City marriages. It reads: "The State
recognizes and protects the institution of
marriage as a right of society oriented to
guarantee and safeguard the perpetuation
of the species and mutual support between
spouses, satisfying this only, through the
union of one man ~vith one woman." ("H
Estado reconoce y protege la instituci6n del
matrimonio como un derecho de la sociedad
orientado a garantizar y salvaguardar la
perpetuaci6n de la especie y ayuda mutua
entre los c6nyuges, satisfacidndose este
solamente, mediante la uni6n de un hombre
con una mujer.")
The amendment is not yet a done deal.
It requires ratification by the municipal
councils of at least three of Baja California’s
five political subdivisions -- Ensenada,
Mexicali, Rosarito Beach, Tecate and
Those councils will remain under PAN
control until Dec. 1, when new councilors
from the PRI party will take office and hold
a majority of council seats in the state’s
political subdivisions.
Ira municipal council fails to report the
result of its vote by approximately the end
of Octobel; the council will be counted as
having approved the amendment.
Local activists do not feel optimistic that
a majority of the currently PAN-controlled
councils will reject the amendment.
"We are looking at legal paths to
pursue this through the state human-rights
ombudsman, to demand that he appeal the
unconstitutionality of this amendment to
the Supreme Court ofJustice of the nation,"
said Armando Rodr~guez, coordinator of the
Mexicali Pride Committee.
Activist Gerardo M~puta from the
Tijuana GLBT Cultural Community
(COCUT) added: "g/e are getting the word
out given that the media here are keeping
this very under the radar and not giving it
necessary publicity. Xge are working hard
to spread the information, utilizing social
networks and bars and cafes. Vge are
.....Continued see BAJA - page 11
of Oklahoma’ Zach’s parents and sister joined
400 others to remember his life. While most
who stood in the circular garden did not
lmow Zach, many identified with his feelings
of frustration ~vith society.
Kay Holladay, founder of PFLAG
Norman, spoke about the importance of
GLBT people and their straight friends and
~hmily encouraging and supporting each
other. She said that standing up to bullies, or
the bullies of friends, can make a difference.
It can even save a life. She is the mother of a
gay son.
Mayor Rosenthral then read the
proclamation, which was followed by cheers
from the crowd. She told of the emails
that she and other council members had
received from around the world. Some were
affirming, but most are condemning the
council for
not insisting on respectful language and
behavior from those testifying. She said
"We voted yes for the proclamation. We let
everyone speak."
Other speakers, from the OU
GLBTQ student association, and President
of the Norman North High School GLBT
group confirmed this claim saying "They
didn’t have to stand up for us. They did the
right thing!" Severa! OU faculty and staff
members addressed the young people in
the circle, giving their names, department
locations, and an invitation to come and talk
anytime. Leaders of other organizations were
present including GATE, OGLPC, and the
OU Women & Gender Studies Department,
who co-sponsored the event.
Norman City Council members met
again October 12 for their regular meeting
and a few people come to talk about the
proclamation and how it was handled. All
of them ~vere congratulatory about the
proclamation. David Ray, an OU professor
and former City Council member, said that
they had "obviously researched the issues
and tallied to gay friends in drafting the
Norman resident Will Weir stated that
he found the protesters of the proclamation
"quite offensive in their use of stereotypes
for people." Larry Dillingham recalled
reading about the writing of the Constitution
in 1778, and how the concept of equal
representation of every citizen caused
heated debate. They called the British rule
a "tyranny of the majority," and created a
democracy where at leeast in theory everyone
is equal.
Dillingham said the cotincil was
exhibiting the "best use of the Constitution"
in drafting and passing the proclamation for
LGBT History Month.
City Council member Tom Kovach
pointed out that "when we allow ourselves
to speak hatefully, we lower the level of
discourse. Free speech does not allow hate
speech." Kovach then gave statistics on
GLBT harassment, bullying, and suicide from
the Trevor Project, a 24 hour hot line, and
online chat group, 1-866-4U-TREVOR
Also honored were Jeff Riles, a young
activist who captured this year’s Horizon
Award, and Dr. David Macey who received
their Torch Award.
State Representative ~like Shelton, Democrat
District 9Z Gorin photo
Tiae Legislator of the Year Award this
time was shared by two lawmakers, State
Representative Mike Shelton of OHahoma
City who almost singlehandedly stopped
legislation that would have opted Oldahoma
out of enforcement of Federal hate crimes
laws recently amended to include sexual
orientation as well as other newly added
categories. Nxe other was State Senator Judy
Eason-Mclntyre who also had tal~en many
positive stands for the GLBT community,
who could not be present but whose award
was accepted by Oklahoma City State
Representative Al McAffrey.
Don Hawkins and Mick Schirron received
the Media Award for their work owning and
operating the Gayly Oklahoman. Begun
by Don Hawkins and his partner of that
time, Ron Schaeffer, in 1983, the Gayly
was the premier news source for the GLBT
community. Their first issue’s main story was
the victory ofDon Hill and Scott Wilson
(then the owners ofAngles) when they
won their lawsuit suing Oldahoma City for
police harassment of their club, Growing
from a small monthly publication with a
circulation of 4000, the Gayly grew to later
boast of circulation of 10,000 and became a
bi-weekly publication in 1990. Ron Schaeffer
passed away in 1991. After becoming Don’s
partner in 1994, Mr. Schirron joined the
staffas their business manager while Don
acted as editor in chief. As presenter J.B.
Schulein explained, the Gayly was a news
lifeline for the GLBT community before
the days ofTwitter, Facebook or even the
Internet itself. Due to the changes in the
business and personal commitments Mick
and Don retired from the business, their
last issue January 15, 2006. Although the
Gayly was sold and reincorporated that same
year by Tulsans Andrew Hicks and the late
Heather Harp, it ceased publication again,
that last issue December ! 5, 2006 and passed
into histor): But with that in mind, the
Gayly had captured the attention of GLBT
archMsts with what is certainly the most
comprehensive resource of Oldahoma’s GLBT
history during a period of vast change. So far
a complete set of the Gaylys has been donated
to Tulsa’s Dennis R. NeiI1 Equality Center,
the Cimarron Alliance, and to the Oklalmma
Historical Society which is in the process of
preserving that archive electronically.
The guest speaker for the event was
Romaine Patterson, a longtime activist
who had tmown and befriended the late
Matthew Shepard in her native \Vyoming.
~e festivities concluded with an after party
at Angles featuring not only Ms.Patterson,
but entertainers Jozlyn V.&lch and Sonja
By Steven Petrow
&even Petrow is the author of"The Essential
Book ofGay Manners &Etiquette. "Send
him your questions at queeries@live.com.
"Teaching Kids of Gay Parents"
public. To give it clarity, she gave some
examples. If a gun was used in this type of
crime that would qualify because guns are
not manufactured in Oklahoma. If someone
followed someone onto an interstate highway
in the commission of a hate crime, that
would likewise qualify. Ifa hate crime took
place inside a business, that would qualify
as well. To further illustrate as an example,
the hate crime that victimized James Byrd
would have qualified as a Federal hate crime
as he was dragged to death on an interstate
highway. Ms. Kelly made the point that
while the act does signify progress, it does not
cover every situation of hate crimes against
GLBT persons or those of the other protected
Special Agent Jim Windsor was the next
speaker, and while he reiterated that the
expanded Federal hate crimes protection may
not cover every situation, it is progress and he
stated, "My goal clearly is prevention." kYC~ile
encouraging emergency calls concerning hate
crimes still to be directed to local authorities
via 911, he urged calling the FBI as well.
Even ifa hate crime has not yet happened,
if there is only suspicious behavior or threats
have been made the FBI wants to know about
them. He stated that frequently a visit from
FBI agents to those involved in threatening
behavior can often forestall trouble and/or
prevent hate crimes from happening. Synthia
Demons was the last speaker, who talked
about efforts by the Federal authorities to
promote mediation.
Scott Hamilton summed ir up stating,
" I have been incredibly impressed with the
FBI’s commitment to working with our
community, helping us understand what hate
crimes are, how to report them, and prevent
them from happening."
To report suspicious behavior to the
Oklahoma City FBI or for more information
contact their Oldahoma City Office at (405)
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November 1, 2010 9
O ahoma City holds State’s first Black Gay Pride
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Oklahoma Black Pride President ~adark Knight with Lar,y. Gorin photo
the weekend of October 14-17 the first
official Black Gay Pride Festival has held in
Oldahoma. Hosted by OKC’s Crowne Plaza
Hotel, the event coincided with the 2010
Fall Conference of Black and White Men
Together. The organization came together
in 2009 as part of a national movement
reminiscent of the Civil Rights Movement,
the Harlem Renaissance, but also inclusive of
the culture of the African Americans in the
GLBT community.
The Festival
attracted around
300 spectators, and
featured a party
at the Club Pulse
Event Center with
entertainer Tyra
Sanchez, a winner of
RuPaul’s Drag Race.
Also at the hotel
were many vendors
and groups doing
Why is there a
need for a special
group for African
Americans to
celebrate gay pride?
As the president of
the organization Mark
Knight puts it, "Although the gay community
is diverse, often the community doesn’t
address this diversity. That’s why we decided
to have a gay pride celebration that celebrates
being both black and gay, to celebrate our
culture and sexuality with our spin on it."
Black Gay Pride is an incorporated
organization in the process of obtaining
501c3 tax status, and they plan for this
festival to be an annual event. For more
information check out their website at www.
November 1, 2010
Openarms Youth Project
Inc. Elects New O cers
TULSA, OK (PR) __ In a special
meeting, the Board of Directors for
Openarms Youth Project Inc. elected new
officers for 2011-12. The new officers are:
Drew Diamond - President
Pam Anderson - Vice-President
Cheyenne Charles -Treasurer
Jared Vazquez - Secretary
Openarms is very proud to have Mr.
Diamond serving as the President at a time
when the youth ofTulsa and surrounding
areas face many challenges in school, at home
and life in general. His experience in law
enforcement and Conflict Resolution will be
a valuable asset to the board and the youth
served by Openarms.
As Openarms continues to grow serving a
greater number ofGLBTQyouth each week
with expanded programming and activities
this new leadership will focus Openarms on
continuing to provide a safe environment for
all the youth they serve. Openarms continues
to operate as the longest continuously
operating GLBTQyouth group for youth
ages 14-21 in the state.
Openarms is located at:
2015 B South Lakewood, Tulsa, OK 74112
Phone: 918-838-7104
Carpenter Square picks a
winner with Sordid Lives
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Square Theater has always been a point
of light for central Oklalaoma’s lovers of
unconventional drama, therefore it was not
surprising and an excellent choice when they
included the steamy tale "Sordid Lives" for
their 2010-2011 season.
With their start in 1984, Carpenter
Square began with their mission of alternative
theater in the Carpenter Paper Warehouse,
now the parking lot of the Oklal~oma County
Jail. From the beginning the theater had a bar
and patrons could enjoy their adult beverages
during the show, most unusual during that
time period. They later moved to a former
department store at N.W. 5th and Hudson,
where dedicated volunteers turned that
space into a 220 seat theater. They moved
again when the Arts Council of Oldahoma
City invited them ro Stage Center in 1997,
which was their home until flood damage last
summer made it
unusable. Finding
a temporary home
at the Bricktown
Hotel, their
theme for their
2010-2011 season
is Dramatically
Different, and
Sordid Lives
certainly fits that
category when
they brought that
cornfed classic
to campy life.
"Sordid Lives",
written by Del
Shores, premiered
This Cowboy just rode into town to
his first VIETRO BOX AD!
as a play in Los Angeles in 1996 and won 14
Drama League Awards. Later made into a
film in 2000, the movie got mixed reviews
but was nonetheless a cult classic, particularly
with the gay community and especially in
the South. Carpenter Square opened this
saga with the premier show benefitting Other
Options ( a charitable organization helping
those living with HIV), raising over $400 for
that organization. And the crowd was loud
and ready to party!
The plot was narrated by Bitsy Mae
Harling (Shelly Phelps- no relation to the
infamous Phelps family ofTopeka Kansas),
who brought the audience together in song.
The story centered around the death of
Peggy Ingram, the family matriarch who
died a steamy death in a seedy motel room
with G.W. Netherscott (Paul James), a
legless man who left his wooden legs on the
floor for Peggy to trip on and mortally hit
her head on the bathroom sink.. Coping
with her unfortunate death were her three
children, Latrelle Williamson (Elin Bhaird)
who was the mother of a closeted gay son Ty(
Brandt Sterling), the free spirited Lavonda
Dupree (Pat Tweed), and of course the
institutionalized cross dressing homosexual
"Brother Boy" Earl (Chris Castleberry).
Also dealing with the loss was Peggy’s sister
Aunt Sissy Hickey( Brenda Williams), who
only wanted to stop smoking and fell off
the wagon. In addition G.W. had to deal
with guilt because his wooden legs had
caused Peggy’s death, and the anger of his
wife Noleta ( Sue Ellen Reiman). Not taking
the situation well, Lavonda and Noleta
rob and terrorize the local saloon, where
G.W. was drowning his sorrows and his
friend Wardell Bubba Owens (Todd Clark),
who was Once the object of Brow:t-mr Boy’s
infatuation, was tending bar. They go on to
rob the local liquor store as well and wind
up in the county jail. Then Wardell ( with
a drastic change of heart) breaks Brother
Boy out of the institution where Dr. Eve
"Evil" Bollinger(Lilli Bassett) was trying to
cure him of his homosexuality with little
success. Although dysfunctional, the grand
finale was the funeral which did bring the
family together for a happy ending, and the
performance was truly a crowd pleaser.
The show will continue through
November 6, so don’t miss out on this campy
classic of down home fun. For tickets call
(405) 232 6500 or check out their website at
Oklahoma City School
Board again votes to
appeal Court Decision to
re-instate him
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
In May of 2009 the Oklahoma City
School Board voted 4-2 ( 1 absent and 1
abstained) to fire Joe Quigley, an English
teacher at North~vest Classen High School,
claiming that he had neglected his duties
and was insubordinate to district policies.
He is openly gay and a well lmown activist
who has carried a sign proclaiming him as
a gay teacher in many OKC Pride Parades.
He has been active for years on behalf of
students who are or perceived to be GLBT,
educating them on their rights and vcas
instrumental in getting the categories "real
or perceived sexual orientation or gender
identity,"! included in the Oklahoma City
Student Handbook as groups that are part
of the policy of prohibiting harassment and
bullying. It was widely perceived by the
GLBT and allied community that his firing
was actually due to this advocacy. The 2 votes
against his termination xvere Chairperson
kalgela Monson and board member Wilfredo
Santos Rivera.
With the help of his union, the American
Federation ofTeachers, Joe Quigley
successfully fought his termination. In
September of 2009 Oklahoma County
District Judge Barbara Swinton ruled in his
favor, ordering his reinstatement in a
scathing ruling that strongly criticized
the Oklahoma City School Board, even
apologizing to him for their treatment of
him. The Board appealed her decision, and
with a 6-2 vote decided not to reinstate or
pay him during the appeals process. (The 2
votes against appeal were again Chairperson
Angeta Monson and then Board member
Wilfredo Santos-Rivera). This followed with a
hearing in which the Oldahoma Civ School
Board would have to reinstate Mr.Quigley
immediately or be charged with contempt of
court. ~ae Board agreed to reinstate him, and
he began teaching at U.S. Grant High School.
When that school was forced to remove half
the teachers due to a mandated restructuring
plan under the No Child Left Behind Federal
law, Joe was reassigned to Douglas High
School, where he is teaching English at this
On October 6, Judge Carol M. Hansen
from the Court of Civil Appeals upheld Judge
Swintoffs lower court dec!sion, also ruling
that the District would be required to pay
the plaintiffs legal expenses. It is estimated
that already the legal expenses of the plaintiff
and of the district could already be well over
$250,000, money many have stated could
have been better spent for teachers and
school facilities. On Monday, the Oklahoma
City School Board then voted to appeal that
ruling to the Oklahoma Supreme Court. Mr.
Quigley has expressed that he feels that many
district employe.es have continued to treat
him unfairly while his case proceeds.
Myson Books stops
publishing books
Venerable gay publishing company
Alyson Books, owned by Advocate parent
company Here Media, has stopped publishing
books and will rework itself into aaa e-book
publisher, said Publishers WeeNy.
Authors under contract can have their
rights back or move to the online venture.
In August, Village Voice columnist
Michael Musto had complained that the
company was "holding my new book
Creep of he Month
By D’Anne Witkowski
D’Anne Witkowski has been gayforpay since 200~
She’s aj~eelance writer andpoet (believe it!). When she’s
not taking on the creeps ofthe world she reviews rock ~’
roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister
"Ann Coulter"
Perhaps it was Ann Coutter’s very public
referral to former Democratic presidential
candidate John Edwards as a "faggot"
that nabbed her an invitation to address a
conservative gay group, or maybe it was her
recent essay extolling the virtues of Ronald
Reagan and his battle against "government
endorsement of homosexuality."
Whatever the reason, Coulter, everybody’s
favorite anti-gay fag hag, appeared Sept. 21 at
her long-awaited Homocon gig: a fundraiser
for GOProud, a group of gay conservatives.
Anti-gay right-wingers were aghast that
Coulter would speak to such a depraved
group and some lamented that she’d gone
over to the dark side. But they needn’t have
worried. Even when talking to a group of
homos she has no problem not being very
nice to homos.
"Marriage is not a civil right. You’re not
black," Coulter told the group. "Blacks must
be looking at the gays saying, ’Why can’t we
be oppressed like that?’"
Ha, ha, ha. Get it? Because gays are all
rich and can afford to hire high-profile guest
speakers for their b@ fat, gay parties in New
York City. Sill), gays, always pretending to
have problems bigger than where their next
martini is coming from. Oh, and also there
are no black gays. LOL. WTE
It was "one of a series of racially insensitive
remarks that pervaded her speech," reported
Talking Points Memo. This should come as
no surprise since Coulter is widely perceived
to be a racist bitch (and yes, I realize that
"racist bitch" is not a strong enough term, but
I’m trying to be politically correct here).
So, ~vait - is Ann Coulter saying that cMl
rights only apply to black people? Apparently
so. According to TPM, she told "the crowd
that the 14th Amendment only applies to
lobbying ... the councils and (state) legislators
and (municipal) Councilors to express our
A£rican-Americans and that it does not, in
fact, apply to women, LGBT people or other
Kind of makes me wonder if she’s actually
read the 14th Amendment.
Keep in mind that Coulter was made part
of the event to lighten things up with her,
UlTI, humor.
"The gay left has done their best to take
all the fun out of politics, with their endless
list of boycotts and protests. Homocon is
going to be our annual effort to counter the
’no fun police’ on the left," said GOProud
Chairman of the Board Christopher Barron.
"I can’t think of any conservative more fun
to headline our inaugural part,/then the
self-professed ’right-wing Judy Garland,’ Ann
Really? You can’t think of a conservative
that’s "more fun" than Ann Coulter? Maybe
that means there really aren’t any "fun"
But what do I know? I’m a humorless
member of the gay left doing my best to take
all the fun out of politics, because of how the
gay left doesn’t appreciate how hilarious it is
that gays can’t get married. And don’t forget
the side-splitting debate around "Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell." And the laffs about hate crimes
legislation, or the fact that in many states it’s
OK to fire someone for being gay, or deny
them hospital visitation rights or a place to
live. Stop, my sides. No, seriously. Stop.
But hey, at least we’re not black, right? Am
I right? (Cricket chirping) Guys? What’s the
matter? Was it something I said?
Sigh. I guess I just don’t have Ann
Coulter’s silver-tongued wit.
point of view and make them understand that
this law is homophobic, and als0 (are) having
the support of the (state) ombudsman of
human rights."
~xe marches in Mexicali and Tecate
will be combo pride and protest marches.
Mexicali’s march is Saturday, Oct. 16, at 3
p.m., starting at Avenida Col6n and Calzada
Justo Sierra. Mexicali sits on the California
border 120 miles east of San Diego. Tecate’s
march is Sunday, Oct. 24, at 10 a.m. at
Parque Central. Tecate sits on the California
border 40 miles southeast of San Diego.
The only vote cast against the amendment
in the Chamber of Deputies carne from PRD
(Partido de la Revoluci6n Democr~tica)
Deputy Ana Maria Fuentes.
"It is our conviction that the basis
of human happiness is freedom and the
recognition of rights, that any restriction
imposed by one or various churches or some
particular morality that signifies restriction
of rights or persecution of people in the
fi’ee exercise of their sexual preferences
is profoundly wrong and has more to do
with the past and nothing to do with the
future," she said. "gge oppose that the more
conservative groups ... want to convert our
state into some sort of medieval island with
the double morality that comes with that."
The legislative chamber was filled with
equal numbers of LGBT people and their
opponents the day of the vote. Videos of the
vote and the chaotic aftermath can be seen at
tinyurt.com/bcgaymat2 and tinyurl.com/
November 1, 2010
Photo’s by Victor G.
Out &About in Oklahoma
@ SSRA Sooner State Stampede, Tulsa
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
November 1, 2010 ~’~{}$TAR
@ Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa
By Ed Sikov
Ed Sikov is the author ofDark Victory; ~e Life
ofBette Davis and other books aboutfilms and
"q ey Hate Me. q-hey Really Hate Me!"
~’as trying not to take it personally.
OK, I was taking it personally.
else had they all called to say they’d be at
the house in time for dinner on Friday but
no earlier? Therefore no cocktail hour(s). I
admit it: I’m an out-of-control control freal~.
I was making a perfect meal: Bobby Flay’s
barbecued salmon; Israeli couscous, which I
was spirting up with saffron and grill-roasted
red peppers; and a salad (from a bag - I can
be lazy about salads). We would start with
Pernod from the freezer, and dessert would be
a delightfully thick and creamy drink made
to order.
Then it hit me: they were avoiding
what I claimed was that week’s "cocktail du
weekend"! I’d stupidly sent out an e-mail
claiming that I’d found an obscure drink
recipe and would be making it on Friday. It
was called the Booger.
It was, of course, repulsive: half part
banana liqueur, half part coconut rum and
half part Midori. As if this combo wasn’t
wretched enough, Boogers get topped off
with Baileys Irish Cream. Shake with ice.
Strain. Drink. Vomit.
Bogus Boogers drove them away! The
puppies, Robbie and Kyle, both said they
were meeting friends for drinks at low tea
(wasn’t I their friend?). Craig preferred Top
o’ the Pines; he was meeting Paolo there for
martinis. Even Dan said he was stopping at
BarHarbor for a Campari and soda before
coming home. Did none of them have a sense
of humor? At least Kyle apologized before
bailing on me.
Dan arrived around 8:30. "\Where are the
snot shots?" he asked pleasantly. A growl was
my reply. He turned away from me toward "
the stairs, and I lost it. "Do you really think
I’d make that shit?" I barked. His face took
on that stricken look he gets when I bawl
him out for something he doesn’t understand.
~en I felt guilty. "It was just a joke, sweetie.
A bad joke. You know me. Would I ever make
a Booger?" "You just might," he said, "as some
sort of revenge."
~e other guys staggered in around 9:30,
all totally plastered. The barbecued salmon
was gummy, q-he couscous clumped. Only the
salad was any good, and that was because it
was still in the bag. I was seething. We ate in
silence. The puppies were too drunk to talk;
Craig was too caught up in his food; Paolo
,vas visibly frightened of me and my temper;
and Dan knew he was already on thin ice. We
both hated dinners like this; we called them
"Night of the Living Drunks." So I refused to
make the "cocktail du weekend." The Brandy
Alexanders would have to wait.
qhe Brandy Alexander
It’s strictly a dessert drink. Never order
one before dinner, or everyone will think
you’re too young to know any better or, if
you’re over 30, yotl simply have god-awful
2 parts brandy
1/2 part dark creme de cacao
1/2 part or more heavy cream
Nutmeg (optional)
Mix brandy, creme de cacao and cream m
a shaker filled with ice. Put on top and cap
and shake shake shake - create some froth.
Strain into a martini glass and sprinlde a little
nutmeg on top. I’m the type who keeps whole
nutmeg in a glass jar and uses a little nutmeg
grater; McCormick’s is almost as good,
though not nearly as pretentious.
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~ ~f$~ November 1, 2010 13
By JackFertig
2 9 le 11 12 :~3
November 2010
"Get sick and twisted, Leo!"
Mercury is trine to Jupiter, opening
the mind to wonderful new ideas and
observations. But both are in water
signs, so those new "ideas" will be
more artistic, intuitive and emotional
than togicat - and then Mercury trines
Uranus, sending those novel notions
into wild new directions..Avoid drugs
and booze. They’re just crutches for
people with no insight or originality.
ARIES (March 20- April 19): Speak
your mind! Granted, that often leads to
trouble, but now it should work out well.
You could start misunderstandings with
your friends, but trust your instincts to
clear up any trouble.
TAURUS (April 28 - May 20): Your
partner wants the best for you, but
taking his or her prods to your ambition
too seriously can create more trouble
than it will solve. Talk together about
long-range goals beyond your work. A
friend’s advice can be very helpful.
GEMIN~ (May 21- June 2(}): Impulsive
actions on your own will likely cause
arguments or accidents. Be very clear
about your goals, and enlist help from
your boss or the experts. They’ll be glad
to help you get ahead.
CANCER (June 2to Ju~y 22): Small
adventures, especially in sexual
experimentation, are likely to get you
into a terrible mess. Grander, more
daring experiments are a lot safer. The
real trick is to think ahead, be clear on
safety issues, and trust your instincts.
LEO (Ju~y 23 - August 22): Old
"tapes" from your upbringing can get in
the way of a healthy partnership. OK, let
go of "healthy" and get sick and twisted!
A good erotic catharsis can be the best
way to clear out the psychic junk.
VlRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Advice from your partner will likely
shock you, but all the more reason
to at least consider it very carefully.
Following that line of conversation with
your sweetie will also help you avoid
troublesome misstatements.
L~BRA (September 23 - October 22):
Money problems can be dealt with,
but not at the lottery or casino - and
"retail therapy" is just a euphemism for
"shopaholic." Analyze the situation and
work it out. A serious approach will find
inspired solutions.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Asserting your own integrity and
truly speaking your mind is sure to
shake up your family or tribe. As Mark
Twain said, you have to make people
laugh when you tell them the truth.
SAG~TTAR~US (November 22
- December 20): To unlock family
secrets, ignore your siblings. They’re
probably confused or lying. Parents are
more likely to reveal the truth, especially
when they would prefer not to. The truth
could be shocking; the fall-out even
more so. Is it worth it to know?
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): As the world moves
on, revising your ideas is sometimes
necessary. Do old ideas still serve your
core ideals? Philosophical and political
arguments with your friends can prove
very educational if you can approach
them with an open mind.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): Losing yourself in your work is a
good way to screw up the job. Review
your priorities and aims with your boss
or a trusted expert. Getting clear on this
issue is key to your advancement.
PISCES (February 19- March 19):
What comes out of your mouth may
surprise you more than your friends, but
pick your company carefully. Guarding
secrets may be like "trying not to think
about the elephant." Just keep your
mind and the conversation elsewhere.
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1 3 4 6 17 18
25 2(~ 27
33 34
30 ;31 32
56 57 58
t Femme’s Guide to the Universe author
5 Type ofroom at a bathhouse
10 ~est Side Story gang
t4 C~ of pride
t 5 ~e Scales, astrologically
16 Blade name
17 Cross-dressing comedian
19 "Legs" rock trio
20 Added to the scrapbook
21 DavidSedaris’ works
23 Family diagram
24 Morales of Resurrection Blvd.
25 Some sex-toy batteries
28 Cause ofApr. angst
29 7he Naked Civil Servant author Crisp
33 ’Tm all ears"
35 "Don we now gay apparel .:;"
36 Literature Nobelist Andrd
37 Collette of United States of~Tara
38 Working Girls director Borden
40 Vogue ~ompetit0r
41 Wdcome response after a mmbte
42 Access ending
43 Cut loose
1 Type of father Robert Reed played
2 "If I Only Brai~
3 Says fi~rther
4 Singer Bonnie
5 Pitch that isn’t straight
6 Hissy fits
7 My People author Abba
8 JFK in}b
9 Left no doubt
10 Ethel kg~aters, for one
11 Katharine~ Butch Cassidy role
12 Perry of Metropolitan Community-
13 Suckers
18 Queer, ro srraights
22 Writer3s enc.
24 Prefix with later,~
25 Top floor
26 It arouses two body openings
27 Where priests come together
30 Did some floor work
31 One who screws around
65 Angdina’s tomb-raiding role
66 Chooses not to come
67 All s Well That Well Solution page 15
~s are those
14 November 1, 2010
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Original Format




Star Media, Ltd; , “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, November 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 11,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 5, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/195.