[2010] Metro Star Magazine, June 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 6


[2010] Metro Star Magazine, June 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 6


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd; Tulsa, OK


June 01, 2010


James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Garland
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Sikov
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.


The Metro Star Magazine, May 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 5

The Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 7


Online text








Southwest Missouri
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VOLUME 7 ISSUE 6 Twi~er,com/MetroStarNews ® MetroStarNews,com JUNE 1, 2010
Coast to Coast, Border to Borde,; fi’om Enid, Oklahoma Cil)
"Simply Proud" the eme ofOklahoma City
Pride Parade t val° this year
By Victor Gorin
Contributing wrker
OKLAHObvL& CITY. OK Oldahoma
Ci@ Pride Festival and Parade is coming
together again this year a’; always, uniting the
GLBT communi~" of the OKC metroplex
and their friends for a }Sbulons weekend of
tim, fellowship, and fi_~r some fond reflection.
Going with it all this year are the Pride
Banners of Cimarron ~Nliance, which will fly
fi’om Oldahoma City lampposts of Classen
Boulevard fi’om June 8 to July 8 to highlight
the festivities.
It all begins with a Block Party
Friday June 25 on the N.W. 39th Street
Strip (beginning at NT~ 39th Street &
Pennsylvania Avenue), this time beginning at
8 a.m. and lasting until 4 p.m.
The Festival itself will take place again this
year in Memorial Park, located at N.W. 36th
& Classen Boulevard, opening on Saturday
June 26 at 10 a.m. and dosing at 10 p.m.
It will reopen the next day on Sunday June
27 at 10 a.m., closing down at 3 p.m. as the
Parade lineup begins. N~e festival will
feature a varietT of live entertainment, events,
vendors, and informational booths.
The Pride Parade will step off that Sunday
at 5 p.m. at Memorial Park, concluding
with the Grand Finale over the Hill past
Peunsylvania through the N.W. 39th Street
Strip. For 2010 this event was renamed the
Paul Thompson Memorial OKC Pride Parade
to honor his memory as one of Oklalaoma’s
most renowned activists for GLBT equality
and human rights in general. Mr.~-hompson
had also served for many years as the Male
Co-Chair ofOKC Pride, and had passed
away March 4 of this year.
The Festival and Parade commemorates
Gay Pride Week, which marks the Stonewall
Riots of 1969. Itwas June 28 of that year
when patrons of the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar
in New York City, fought baek against the
police after enduring endless harassment. This
was an event unprecedented in American
history where the police were forced to
barricade themselves in the very bar they
came to raid, and the rioting that followed
changed America forever. Straight people
were forced to deal with a gay community
that would no longer accept discrimination,
and the GLBT community was awakened to
........Continued See OKC PRIDE Page-8
Rev Lavanhar took long path to Tulsa Pride Grand
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing gZriter
Reverend Marlin Lavanba~ Pressphoto
TULSA, OK__ Although Reverend
Marlin Lavanhar was surprised and honored
to be named Grand Marshal ofJune’s Tulsa
Pride Parade and Festival, he has his sights set
beyond on a larger objective.
"For me it will be especially worthwhile if
the role allows me the platform to speak on
for the inclusion of all people, regardless of
orientation," said Lavanhar, senior pastor at
All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa.
Lavanhar has been a high-profile advocate
for the GLBT community in a state notably
light on supporters from the clergy for many
years. He has been a tireless supporter of
the local community during his 10 years at
All Souls and has made the inclusion of the
GLBT world key to his ministry.
"I realized early on that this wotdd be the
major civil rights issue over tl~e era of my
ministry," Lavanhar said.
Stil!, l,avanhar’s most recent high profile
effort was a rislo! one even for a clergyman
with a long history of championing human
rights. Just months ago, Lavanhar accepted
an invitation to speak at a conference in
Uganda that was a rallying point against
efforts by that African nation to approve
capital punishment as the sentence for
"We have a sister church in Uganda
and my colleague there was the conference
organizer," Lavanhar said. "The purpose is to
build grassroots resistance to the anti-GLBT
bil!. They asked me to speak. Honestly I had
to think about it."
There was real danger for the conference
organizers and those who attended.
........Continued See LAVANHAR Page-8

A LBT Comm ity Center
opens in Enid; Oklahoma!
773e Cenmr Enid, Oklahoma. Gorin photo
On Saturday April 24 the Center held their first
Stand Awards Ceremony ~br various Oldahoma groups
and individuals who have advanced the cause ofGLBT
equality. Among them was Pastor J,E Wickey’(pa~tor of
Crosswalk United Church of Christ), the M~t~ ~{~r ( m~dia
represent~ti0n ~fthe year)Victor Gorin (journalist oi~ the
year) and ,p,oetess Lisa Herald for her verses entitled "Sally
Sally Ket~ which was a bittersweet lament to that Oklahoma
legislator (to see her read it ~on youtube, type in Lisa Herald
Sally KemP. As an endorsement from beyond, the sky featured
a double rainbow as the ceremonies began.
rl~e Center is almost totally funded by loCal gay and gay
friendly indiViduals and organizations,, arid is appropriately
decorated with gay[icons tl~roughout history. Exi~ansion plans
are already being discussed, including possibly a homeless
shelter. Everyone and their talents are welcomed, so for more
information contact 800-878 5298.
Hate Crime victim leaves State
By Michael x~ Sasser
Contributing writer
TULSA, OK A young gay man who was beaten and
ENID. OK The town of Enid, Oklahoma lies 70 robbed in Claremore and then claimed to have been further
miles north of Oklahoma City, is the county seat of Ga~eld victimized in the subsequent weeks, has left Oklahoma for
County and thehome ofVance Air Force Base. Founded in another state.
1893. Enid has been nicknamed Queen Wheat City because
it has the third largest grain storage capacity in the world.
~I~aeir high school football team. the Enid Plainsmen, has a
longstanding powerful reputation, and the city at present
hasn’t a single gay bar.
Yet amid this setting of Conservatism, a gay scene has
"I just didn’t feel safe anymore," said Phillip Nelson; 24. "I
didn’t feel safe leaving my home. Things are better noxv."
Nelsons story captured local hgadlmes m M~rch when
he was assaulted outside his’Clm~em0re apartment by several
unknown assailants, and when his apartment was broken into
and vandalized. Prior to the more violent incidents, Nelson
Representative - Dis ric 88
Oklahoma Ci,y
Paid for by Committee to. Re’-Elect AI McAffrey 2010,
P.O. Box 60668, OKC 73148.
Recognizing ~he need fbr a welcoming place for the various
At 77~e Center: TJ Re),nolds, Nate Bowen, Bill), Igalke~ Brandon
Bidtve~!, Brandon Ratclifl;" Brandon Lopez, Lisa Heral~ Gorin
~5cets ofEnid’s GLBT community, members of the local
P-Flag chapter discovered a vacant site at ! 319 S. Van Buren.
v~qth the group’s determination and a willing landlord, it xvas
leased Mar& !0 and plans went full speed ahead to make it
alt happen.
~,lready several support groups meet at the Center
including no~ only Enid’s P-Flag but alsoa youth group, a
~ransgender support group, a group for bisexuals, and one
~or GLBT parents and &ildren. CoUnseling services are also
cond ucred tixere, with plans for a legal clinic, employmen~
assistance, and health services including HIV testing.
It’s aires@ a place where GLBT and friendly groups can
distribute their literature, and it i)atures a lot more than just
serious activity. Friday nights are dedicated to social activities
such as dances, open mic nights, & karaoke. Social clubs
meet there that are too numerous to mention that include a
chess club, a book club, a gardening club, etc to give some
"There is something not right there," Nelson said. "They’re
not there to protect people from hate crimes. They are iust
there to hide it under the carpet and to wait fbr it to go awa3~"
Nelson said he finds it most curious that there has been
no progress on the Claremore case because he was able to
provide an obvious, distinct clue as to the identity of one of
his attackers.
N~ings did not improve for Nelson after the story broke.
N~e former Rogers State University student found himself the
target of verbal abuse and hostility in school and around his
apartment complex.
Less than a month after the attack in Ctaremore, Nelson
said that he and a female friend were assaulted in a Tulsa
karaoke bar.
"A bunch of bikers got very- aggressive and hostile ~vith us,"
Nelson said. He said that he believed that the ,alleged harassers
recognized him from television news reports and that they
hurled antiagay epithets at he and his friend.
"\Ve’d been in there before and it wasn’t a problem,"
Nelson said.
This time, Nelson said, it was a problem. He claims that
he and his friend "barely escaped" when the bar management
sided with the aggressors and Nelson and his friend were
instructed to leave.
Nelson said Tulsa Police would not respond to his calls. He
said they did initially respond to his friend’s calls, but he was
not sure if anything ever came of it. His friend Could not be
reached for comment.
rrhe final straw for Nelson was when management asked
him to vacate his apartment iust weeks ago. Nelson believes
he was asked to leave because of his orientation and said that
management representatives had previously made anti-gay
comments to him.
Toby Jenkins, President of Oklahomans for Equality, said
that everyone xvho comes forward after an assault is a hero
and that he understands Nelson’s frustration with Claremore
"We admire his tenacity in staying after police to be
vigilant," Jenkins said; "All crime victims have to stay after
Nelson said he does not lmo,v if his move is permanent.
Interfaith Pride Memorial Service
By Victor Gorin
Contributing Writer
OIC&&HOMA CITY, OK __ Plans are underway for a
community wide service ofremembrance on tl~e evening of
Wednesday, June 16 at 7 p.m., right in the middle of GLBT
Pride Month. This service will be held at Epworth United
Methodist Church, located ar 1901 N. Douglas Avenue in
Oklahoma City.
The purpose of the service is to provide comfort ro those
experiencing grief, and to celebrate those who have touched
our lives, promising to be an uplifting occasion for everyone
who attends.
If you have lost a loved one--partner, relative, or friend
in the past year and want them remembered in this memorial
service, please e-mail their name to scott@cimarronalliance.
Bigger and better as
cdebrates 25
Grand Marshalls; fonnding members
By By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
(Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association) codirectors,
Klint Wieden and Paul Boyd have
had a busy year. Taking the responsibility on
to produce this annual event means planning
and implementing the entire event; taking
care setting the dates, securing the venue,
contracts, scheduling, securing sponsors,
appointing committees and so much more.
After all this work, the culmination of their
efforts are enjoyed when they direct the rodeo
itself during the entire weekend of the event,
which is each Memorial Day weekend at the
State Fairgrounds (Barn 8).
"Our goals for this year, our 25th
Anniversary Great Plains Rodeo is to make
it a memorable event ~vhile commemorating
our founding members and board," said
Wieden. "We want to increase both contest
participation as well as spectator attendance.
We have planned more entertainment during
rodeo weekend, more parties, and more
things leading up to the rodeo."
Mmualty OGRA is held in Oklahoma
City over the Memorial Day holiday, May 28-
30 for 20!0. Here is the lineup of events;
Thursday, May 27th, 6-8pro VIP
Reception pool side at ~e Habana Inn for all
of our rodeo sponsors and officials. After that,
The Finishline will be hosting a stick horse
rodeo with plenty of events using stick horses.
A stick horse decorating contest ~vill be on
display during rodeo registration and then
all day Saturday at the OGRA booth at the
rodeo-$1 per vote for the best decorated stick
horse with the proceeds going to charity.
Friday, May 28, 10am Board of
Directors Meeting; from 6pm - 9pm is
Rodeo Registration for contestants at
the fairgrounds, Barn #9 in the vendor
area. 7pm - OGP,~k Royalty Team will
be hosting "A Night of Royalty Nikki &
Mark" entertainment during registration, at
the Fairgrounds, Barn #8.10pm - OGRA
Royalty Team will be hosting "A Night of
Royalty Nikki & Mark" at PhoenLx Rising.
Saturday, May 29th, 8am Rodeo begins
with Calf Roping on Foot, Steer Deco, Break
Away Roping, Team Roping, Steer Riding,
Pole Bending. At high-noon is the Grand
EntD" witb~Bronc Riding, Chute Dogging,
Goat Dressing, Barrel Racing, Flag Race,
Wild Drag Race, Bull Riding and the Rodeo
will finish up around 5pm.
Texas Gay Rodeo Association will be
hosting the Texas Tea Party at the Copa
with entertainment and drink specials that
evening. OGP,ak and Angles will be hosting
a LIVE concert performance at Angles
from 9pro til! who knows when! Live vocal
performers are lined up featuring James
Allen Clark, a new Nashville recording artist,
along vdth several popular 16cal performers.
Winners of the Stick Horse Decorating
Contest and then auction offthe stick horses
to the highest bidder to help raise more
money for charity. ~
Sunday, May 30th; OGRA day 2 begins
with, Calf Roping on Foot, Steer Deco, Break
Away Roping, Team Roping, Steer Riding,
Pole Bending, and high-noon again brings the
Grand Entry with more Bronc Riding, Chute
Dogging, Goat Dressing, Barrel Racing, Flag
Race, Wild Drag Race & Bull Riding. At
5pm the Rodeo wraps up and we move to
the Finish line for a BBQ Dinner put on by
Head Country BB% and at 7pro, the Rodeo
Awards CeremoW at the Copa where they
~vill be awardingbucldes, saddles and cash
prizes to all of the winners of the Rodeo.
Monday, May 31st at noon will be a
Rodeo Wind-Down Party at Phoenix Rising
where the), will be serving hamburgers and
hotdogs along with drink specials, relaxing
and recounting all of the fun times of the
This year’ charity partners are Other
Options/Friends Food Pantry, Be The
Change, and Expressions Community
Service. "Several months prior to our rodeo, ’
usually in November we request letters from
qualifi/ing 501 (c)3 non-profit charities
stating vchy they want to be considered as one
of our charity partners," adds Wieden. "Then,
as a group, we discuss each organization and
look at their merits and what they do for the
community. We consider their financials and
the services they offer to our community, and
then vote on the ones we want to support."
The amount donated to these charities varies
each year based on participation, events and
overall donations.
"I just want to stress what a vital service
we provide for people in our community to
participate in a sport that they enjoy (rodeo)
while at the same time giving back to our
community in volunteer services as well as
financially," concludes Wieden. "Our local
charities that we support rely heavily on
donations from our local community and we
provide that link through a fun event such
as rodeo. We also help provide a positive
outlook to our city, and state as well by
our conduct and actions, hdping the gay
community at large to be more accepted by
everyday citizens."
The Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association,
Inc. (OGRA) is a nonprofit organization
and member of the International Gay Rodeo
Association, Inc. (IGRA) which is comprised
of 28 state/provincial associations throughout
the United States and Canada. OGRA is
proud to be the first association seated at
the first ever IGRA Convention in 1985
For more information check out the OGRA
website at www.ogra.net
Feast to Gain Funds for
TULSA, OK__Tulsa CARgS, a 50!(c)3
nonprofit organization is planning its first
"Feast with Friends®" fundraiser for Saturday,
July 24.
"Feast with Friends°" is an at-home
fundraiser where individuals and groups host
dinner parties in their homes, workplaces and
faith communities on Saturday evening, July
24. In exchange, their guests make a donation
to Tulsa CARES whose mission is "Delivering
social services to people affected by HIV/
MDS" in northeastern Oklahoma. After
dinner, all hosts and their guests are invited to
the fabulous "Dessert Extravaganza" from
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Central Community
Center, 1028 E. Sixth St. Non-alcoholic
beverages and dessert are provided to guests.
~ose not attending a dinner may participate
in the dessert event for a $10 donation at the
Tulsa CARES’ Executive Director, Sharon
Thoele hopes Feast with Friends ’\vill hdp us
bring to light the fact that the AIDS epidemic
is far from over, and ~ve need everyone’s help
to meet the enormous need that exists in our
"Old friends, ne~v friends, everyone and
anyone who wishes to support Tulsa CARES
is invited to participate in this event - it’s fun
and it’s a great excuse to gather with your
favorite people and help out a worthwhile
cause all at the same time," Thoelesaid.
"Tulsa CARES will use the proceeds to
support our programs as we assist people who
are living with this disease."
In-kind sponsors for the event are: Hla’s
Dell, QuikTrip, Tulsa Parks and Starbucks
Coffee Compan3a
For more information about hosting a
party or about the dessert event, contact
Ally McGinnis, Tulsa CARES resource
development coordinator by calling 834-4194
or by e-mail, allym@tulsacares.org.
Founded in !991, Tulsa CARES, a United
Way Member Agency, delivers services
to low-income people living with HIV/
AIDS. Services include case management
by professional social workers, access to
physicians and prescription assistance,
counseling services, housing assistance, a food
pantry with access to our registered dietician,
and many other forms of support. Tulsa
CARES’ mission is "Delivering social services
to people affected by HIV/AIDS." For more
information about Tulsa CARES, visit ww~v.
Tulsa couple
marry in
By Staff Editors
TULSA, OK__ Erin Taylor McClanahan
and Scott Andre Harper were married
on Friday, May 7th at the Polk County
Courthouse in Des Moines, Iowa at 10:30
AM. The Honorable Judge Robert Hanson
performed the ceremony. Witnesses were
Linda and Jamie Harper, brother and sister-
Erin McClanahan and Scott Harper at their
wed~ing reception May 8, 2010 at the Bamboo
Lounge ~dsa. Stajfphoto
in-law to Scott. The happy couple left Tulsa
on May 6 and made a rest stop in Osceola at
a casino called Terribles.
Following the nuptials on Friday, they
were offto Kansas City were they spent their
wedding night at Harrah’s Hotel Casino.
Then they went back to Tulsa for a rousing
reception at the Bamboo Lounge. The
beautifully planned reception including the
wedding cake, champagne, flowers and all the
trimmings was organized by Philip Simmons
and Tammy Randell.
It was a family affair with Scott’s mother
Evelyn, his brother and sister-in-law, Erin’s
sister Kristen and over 100 friends there to
congratulate and wish the couple a long and
happy marriage.
Although Erin and Scott’s Iowa marriage is
not legal in the State of Oldahoma, same sex
marriages are legal in five states, Connecticut,
Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Vermont, and Washington, D.C. Three states
recognize same sex marriage, New York,
Rhode Island, and Maryland.
Couples must first apply for a license
to marry in Iowa. You can download
an application at www.polkrecorde,:com/
marriages.htm or call 515-286-3160 in Des
Moines to request the documen~ be mailed
to you. Instructional handouts are available
from county officials, who also serve as
County Recorders in county courthouses.
No matter who
are on life’s jourm
Reeerend Ur. Kathy
3131 N. Pennsylvania,Oklah0 405.525.9555
4 June 1, 2010
Obama selects Supreme
Court nominee
The Human Rights Campaign "hailed"
President Barack Obama’s May 10 selection
of U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan as his
nominee to replace retiring Justice John Paul
Ste,,v.ens on the U.S. Supreme Court.
We are confident that Elena Kagan
has a demonstrated understanding and
cormnitment to protecting the liberty
and equality of all kanericans, including
LGBT Americans," said HRC President Joe
Gay cases that could come before the court
in the near future include the Proposition 8
federal case by famed lawyers David Boles
and Ted Olson and other same-sex marriage
cases, challenges to the anti-gay federal
Defense of Marriage Act andto the military’s
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban on gays who do not
stay in the closet, and cases targeting the new
federal hate-crimes law that is inclusive of
sexual orientation.
.As dean of Harvard Law School, ~C~gan
opposed the Solomon Amendment, a 1996
federal law that allows the secretary of defense
to deny federal grants -- including rmearch
grants -- to universities and colleges that
prohibit military recruiting on campfis.
Some schools banned military recruiters
because Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell amounts to
employment discrimination based on sexual
orientation, which violates the schools’
At Harvard, Kagan partially blocked
the recruiters in 2004 a~er a federal court
struck dmvn the Solomon Amendment, then
unblocked them after the U.S. Supreme
Court upheld tt~e amendment in 2005.
"~Ihis action (the arrival of military
r~cruiters on campus) causes me deep
distress," Kagan wrote in October 2003.
"I abhor the military’s discriminatory
recruitment policy. (It is) a profound wrong
-- a moral injustice Of the first order."
HRC’s Solmonese said, ’Sg[e applaud Elena
Kagan’s vocal opposition to the Solomon
Amendment andthe discriminatory Don’t
Ask, Dofft Tell law."
In April, CBSNews.com mistakenly called
Kagan "openlygay" and, in,,an addendum
to that post, also called her apparently
still closeted." ~e network later deleted
the column because of its "irresponsible
The ~gashington Post reported April 16
that an unnamed Obama administration
oi~cial said "ICxgan is not a lesbian." On May
13, Politico.corn reported that it had talked to
some of Kagan’s friends and they confirmed
that she is "not gay."
Richard Socarides, former President Bill
Clinton’s gay White House special assistant,
told CNN on May 10 that Kagan is "a
brilliant, pragmatic progressive xvho is intent
on hearing all sides to fashion a solution that
works for the most amount of people."
California Assembly calls
£or DADT repeal
The California Assernbly passed a
resolution 51-17 on May 13 urging repeal of
the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban on open gays in
the military.
The measure asps Congress to pass, and
President Barack Obama to sign, the Military
Readiness Enhancement Act of 2009, which
Wockner News Service
would dear the way for LGB service members
to come out of the closet.
"\Ve are proud of our state’s leadership
for championing fairness and equality in the
military," said Equality California Executive
Director Geoff Kors.
EQCA said Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has
led to the discharge ofsome t3,500 service
members, including some 800 specialists
serving in critical operations. More
than 300 language specialists have been
discharged under the policy, "resulting in a
critical shortage of qualified translators in
intelligence-gathering posts," the group said.
The California resolution now goes to the
state Senate, which had passed it last year, for
a concurrence vote.
Christian right leader
went to Europe with
Prop 8 £ederal trial likely
to conclude in June
~giiami New 7~mes’photo ofanti-gay activist
George Rekers and a rentboycom escort
returning together to _Miami International
Ai,portfi’om a European vacation.
Proposition8 is likely tofinal~ wr~p up in U.S.
Dist~ct Court in San ]~)ancisco on June i~ ~d
Olson, left; and David Boles are lead counsel~r
the gay side. Phow @ z~’x ~ckner
The trial in the federal lawsuit against
Proposition 8is likely to finally xvrap up
in U.S. District Court in San Francisco on
June 16, when Judge Vaughn \Valker has
tentatively scheduled closing arguments.
~ae trial has been paused since testimony
concluded on Jan. 27 because Walker said he
wanted to study the record before hearing the
attorneys’ final statements.
~lhe hiatus dragged on longer than expected
because of sldrmishes between the anti-samesex-
marriage side and the gay groups that ran
the campaign against Prop 8, who are not
parties to the case.
The same-sex-marriage opponents
demanded that Equality California and the
American Civil Liberties Union produce
various documents and e-mails from the
campaign period. EQ~A and the ACLU
fought the demand at length before relenting
on April 27.
Lawyers for the two groups said they
turned over 4,500 documents and "thousands
of e-mails" that seemed to fal! within the
purvie~v of an order Walker had issued.
The opponents also are attempting to strike
from the trial record some of the testimony
of one of their defendant-intervenors, Hak-
Shing William Tam. Walker told the antisame-
sex-marriage side to submit its motion
by May 6 and told the gay" side to respond to
it by May 10.
Appearing on the wimess stand Jan. 21,
Tam said: "I believe that if the term ’rnarriage’
.....Continued see PROP 8 - page 6
www.metrostarnews.com ~IET~OSTAR 5
George Alan Rekers, who co-founded
the anti-gay Fatally Research Council, was
photographed at Miami International Airport
On April 13 returning from a European
vacation xvith a male escort who says the two
met via rentboy.com, Miami New Times
reported May 4.
The escort, who has been called "Lucien,"
"Geo" and "Jo-vanni" in news reports, also
told various media outlets that he gave Rekers
daily massages in the nude during the trip,.
which included genital tonching. Lucien
showed CNN a travel contract between
the two men that mandated daily hourlong
massages, and told the network that Rekers
"basically got excited" during the massage
Rekers, 61, has used his professorgeorge.
com website and other online resources to
fight back against the "slanderous" reports,
saying he’s not gay and that nothing "illegal
or sexual" took place during his trip with
Lucien, 20. Rekers told multiple media .
outlets that he will acquire or has acquired a
lawyer and may or will sue for "defamation."
"I have been advised to retain the services
of a defamation attorney in this matter,
because the fact is that I am.not gay and
never have been," he told the Washington
Post on May 6.
On his website, Rekers wrote: "A recent
article in an alternative newspaper cleverly
gave false impressions of inappropriate
behavior because of its misleading innuendo,
incorrectly implying that Professor George
Rekers used the Rentboy website to hire a
prostitute to accompany him on a recent trip.
Contrary to Internet stories based on this
slanderous article, fo!lowing medical advice
Professor George Rekers requires an assistant
to lift his luggage in his travels becanse of an
ongoing condition following surger): ... Dr.
Rekers found his recent travel assistant by
interviewing different people who might be
able to’help, and did not even find out about
his travd assistants Internet advertisements
offering prostitution activity until after the
trip was in progress. ~ere was nothing
inappropriate with this relationship. Professor
.....Continued see RENT BOY - page 6
Pelosi promises votes on
both DADT and ENDA
this year
By Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
House ’Speaker Nancy Pelosi reassured
representatives of several LGBT organizations
this week that the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act (ENDA) and a measure
to repeal Dofft Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) will
get votes this year.
Pelosi made her comments in an
hour-long telephone conference call with
representatives of six LGBT groups on
One of those representatives, Kate
Kendell, executive director of the National
Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), said
Pelosi, "in no uncertain terms, without any
equivocation or evasion, stated several times
that ENDA was her priority and that it
would move in this Congress --and there was
no question."
Concern that ENDA might not get a
vote this Congress has been intensifying
for the past several weeks, as the number of
voting days in the House dwindles during
the last months of the 111 th Congress. Some
activists said the 2 I8 votes to pass the bill
are there but that the House !eadership had
not scheduled the bill for a vote. And many
were alarmed that the momentum to pass
a measure to repeal DADT rnay have been
seriously hobbled by missives from Defiense
Secretary Robert Gates and the Vc~nite House
year, on how repeal could be implemented.
But Kendell and others said Pelosi
committed to passing ENDA and repealing
DADT this year.
"St~e seems absolutely committed to
getting that done," said Mara Keisling,
executive director of the National Center
for Transgender Equali*T. Keisling, who
has been a key organizer of support for this
term’s ENDA, which includes a prohibition
of"gender identitT" discrimination, was
another one of the participants in Monday’s
conference call.
Keisling, who said the phone call took
place at about 1:30 p.m. eastern time, noted
that Pelosi talked about there being a "limited
amount of time" and many other things that
have to happen on the House floor before the
end of this session.
"While Pelosi "did not commit to a specific
datg’ for a vote on ENDA, said Keisling,
she lea the impression it could move in
committee as early as this week.
And Kendell said Pelosi reassured the
group leaders that, while a measure to repeal
DADT may move first, "she stated in no
uncertain terms that ENDA is moving and it
will move under her watch and it will move
in this Congress."
DADT could coine up as early as
next ~nursday, when the House begins
consideration of an annual bill on Defense
Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill
confirmed the call took place and said that,
in addition to Kendell and Keisling, the
participants included several Pelosi staff
members, Joe Solmonese, president of the
Human Rights Campaign; Geoff Kors of
Equality California; Toni Broaddus, executive
director of the national Equality Federation;
and Masen Davis, executive director of the
Transgender Law Center, a California legal
HRC spokesman Fred Sainz said
Solmonese was traveling Tuesday and could
not return a reporter’s call, but Sainz, too,
confirmed that Pelosi made a commitment
to vote on both ENDA and DADT repeal.
He noted this was the first time the Speaker
had had a conference call specifically xvith
representatives of LGBT organizations on this
Broaddus of the Equality Federation said
Pelosi "didn’t give us any dates" but "assured
us both bills are moving and that she’s very
committed to getting them through."
Several participants in the phone call said
Pelosi expressed concern about the likelihood
that Republicans will exercise their option,
as the minority party, to ask for a vote on a
"motion to recommit" "the bill to committee.
Such motions, which Republicans
have used recently ~to thwart Democratic
legislation, can force votes on whether to send
a bill back to committee with instructions
to either kill or amend it. The amendments
proposed on recent legislation have been
designed to both delete essential language
from the underlying bill and propose
language that could cause embarrassment for
any legislator to oppose. Such was the case
last on a bill to create more jobs. The raotion
to recommit sought to insert language
to prohibit paying any federal employee
"officially disciplined for violations regarding
the viewing, downloading, or exchanging of
pornography, including child pornograph>
6n ~ federai~mpute~ or whil~ ~erf0rmin~
official government duties." Democratic
leaders pulled the jobs bill when they saw that
a sufficient number of Democrats were voting
for the motion to recommit.
"I’m sure they’ll tiT that with ENDA,"
said Keisling, "but they’re going to try that
with every bill that comes along frorn now
So, supporters ofENDA and the DADT
repeal must ensure they have 2 ! 8 votes in
the House, not only to pass each measure
but also to defeat any such hostile motion
to recolnmit. A spokesman for Rep. Barney
Frank (DvMass.), who introduced ENDA,
said last week that Frank was urging LGBT
activists to continue and step up the lobby
effort to secure those votes. Frank was not
available for comment Tuesday, and Rep.
Tammy Baldwin’s office did not respond to a
request for comment.
But several participants in Monday’s
phone call said Pe!osi assured them she has
"no intention of losing either" ENDA or
DADT repeal.
Keisling and others said Pelosi was "very
clear" that one of the bills -but not both--
would see action before Memorial Day.
The House is slated to take up its annual
bill on Defense funding on Thursday and
Friday, May 27 and 28. Frank and others
have said that DADT repeal, like the hate
crimes measure that passed last yea,; would
come up during consideration of the DOD -
authorization bill.
Activists held a rally outside the Speaker’s
office in San Francisco and a press conference
in Washin~on, D.C., on Tuesday to keep the
pressure on for a vote. At the National Press
Club press conference, National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force Executive Director Rea
Carey said LGBT activists are "at the end of
our patience."
"We have done our work," saidCarey.
"We have provided the numbers and the
stories; and we have endured as we\’e watched
thousands of LGBT workers lose their
foothold in a struggling economy-- not
because of downsizing, or poor performance
or closed businesses but -- because of
prejudice ....
"So today, Congress must step up to its
responsibility, to fully accept its charge to
serve its constituents," said Carey. "To step
up to its moral obligation to preserve the
integrity of the very fabric of our nation
by providing an accessible workplace to all
Americans- regardless of sexual orientation
or gender identity."
Noting that activists have been trying
for 36 years to pass some form of federal
protection against discrimination against gay
workers, Carey demanded Congress pass the
bill "without delay."
Rekers was not involved in any illegal or
sexual behavior with his travel assistant."
As the story unfolded, Lucien learned of
Rekers’ history of anti-gay activism and then
decided to tell media outlets about the trip’s
alleged sexual component.
"It’s a situation where he’s going against
homosexuality when he is a homosexual,"
Lucien told New Times.
Gay activist XX~ayne Besen, whose Truth
\Vins Out group battles the anti-gay
movement, told New Times that Rekers’
"fingerprints are on almost every anti-gay
effort to demean and dehumanize LGBT
"His work is ubiquitously cited by lobby
groups that work to deny equality to LGBT
Americans," Besen said. "Rekers has caused
a great deal of harm to gay and lesbian
Reports said Rekers also is a member of the
board of the anti-gay National Association for
Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. He
also recently was paid tens of thousands of
dollars by the state of Florida to be an expert
witness against gay adoption. Florida is the
only state that bans gay people from adopting
across the board.
After Rekers testified in that case, Miami-
Dade County Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman
wrote: "Dr. Rekers’ beliefs are motivated
by his strong ideological and theological
convictions that are not consistent with
the science. Based on his testimony and
demeanor at trial, the court cannot consider
his testimony to be credible a0r worthy of
forming the basis of public policy."
Lucien told The Miami Herald he became
an escort to pay for college, but that he might
have to drop out now. He said Rekers paid
him $75 per day during the trip, which is less
than the $300-$500 he would have charged
for sex. He told CNN there Was no sexual
contact other than the massages.
In a message to the Joe.My.God. blog,
Rekers said no one should be surprised he was
found in the company of a male escort.
"Like Jesus Christ, I deliberately spend
time with sinners with the loving goal to try
to help them," Rekers wrote. "Like John the
Baptist and Jesus, I have a loving Christian
ministry to homosexuals and prostitutes in
which I share the Good News of Jesus Christ
with them.... If you talk with my trave!
assistant that the story called ’Lucien,’ you
will find I spent a great deal of time sharing
scientific information on the desirability of
abandoning homosexual intercourse, and I
shared the Gospel ofJesus Christ with him in
great detail."
Not everyone in the media bought that
"Here’s the basic idea about cases like this,"
MSNBC’s IL-tchel Maddow said May 7. "N~e
miserable denial and lying in your own sex
lives is your mvn miserable, in-denial, lying
business -- unless you make it the whole
country’s business by crusading against the
thing that is true about yourself that you hate
so much. Being gay cannot be cured. Being
a contemptible, pathetic hypocrite can be
cured.... Congratulations, you?ve made the
can be used beyond one man and one
woman, then any two person of any age or of
any relationships can use the same argument
and colne and ask for the term ’marriage.’
That would lead to incest. That would lead to
Tam said he had learned "in the Internet"
that af,er the Netherlands legalized same-sex
marriage in 2001, it went on to legalize incest
and polygamy. ~
"Another person in the organization found
it and he showed me that," Tam said. "I look
at the document and I think that was true."
~e gay side is represented by famous
lawyers Ted Olson and David Bole), who
attempted to prove that Prop 8 violates the
U.S. Constitutiol~’s guarantees of due process
and equal protection under the law.
Mindfu! of severa! precise legal
considerations or constructs, they tried to
show" that there’s no coherent reason for
the government to ban same-sex marriage,
that Prop 8 passed primarily because
California voters are prejudiced, that gays and
lesbians need government help to fight the
discrimination and persecution that continue
to harm them, that being gay is usually not
a choice and sexual orientation is usually
immutable, that gay couples’ children fare
as well as straight couples’ children, and that
so-called traditional marriage has undergone
transformations throughout history.
Passed by voters in November 2008, Prop
8 amended the California Constitution to
re-ban same-sex marriage just 4 1/2 months
after the state Suprelne Court legalized it.
Olson and Boies’ lawsuit is ultimately
aimeO at the U.S. Supreme Court, where it
could end up as soon as next year, af,er a stop
at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court ofAppeals. If
successful, the lawsuit could bring about the
legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide.
If unsuccessful, it could have the effect of
stopping the movement for same-sex marriage
-- which now is legal in five states and~
Washington, D.C. -- dead in its tracks for
possibly a generation.
The suit is without doubt a high-stakes
gamble, so much so that the gay rights legal
establishment initially opposed it and was,
as a result, blocked by Olson and Boles from
intervening once it became clear the case was
going to happen and was going to be a big
June 1,2010
Sooner State SoAball Association Games promise an
exciting S~mer
Contributing "~;qiter
Oklahoma Chaos Team ofOklahoma City. Godn photo
pu fhe °’
Sunday Services @ 11:00 AN
CC United 918-8~8-171~
A Metropolitan CommuNb/Church WWWom~et~saoorg
Ot~J_~!OMA CITY, OK __ Sunday
May 9 proved to be a beautiful spring day for
the Sooner State Softball Association ~raes as
they competed at Edmond’s Bickham Field.
Currently comprised of 16 teams, the alliance
provide~ a great opportunity to play ball for
serious or recreational softball players of the
GLBT community in the Oldahoma City
are~. The.Association has joined the North
Lm=bda Leag~e &~mmer
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Lambda League
Summer Bowling Started May t7th and
goes tlwoug}~ August %h. Games are each
Monday 7pro at Andy B~ Riverlm~es, 871 !
South Lewis ~Asa. No gaflae on Memorial
Day. %e Summer league is open to anyone.
~t’s a great way to make ftiends and have fun.
Cost is $14.00 each Monday and a one time
summer league membership fee of $20.00
For more information call 918-637-0889; or
emaiI: bubuinok@yahoo.com or beads4me@
Openarms Youth Center
Hosts Prom, Las Vegas
By Judy Gabbard
Contributing xg~’riter
TULSA, OK__ April 24, 20!0, Openarms
~k>uth Project hosted another successful
Prom Night. ~e theme was Las V%as S@e.
Tim GilIean and Ken Drape1; once again
achieved a successful night of food, dance and
entertainment riot area GLBT youth.
Approximately 80 yom-h were in
a~tendance, dressed in their own unique
finer> Parents and volunteers attended as
~ae highlight of every prom is to cast
American Gay Amateur Athletic Association.
Tulsais in the process of forming a league
as well, although a competition planned
between the two cities, the Turnpike
Challenge scheduled for May 15, was
rained out. For more information or game
schedules check out soonerstatesoftball.
com. or contact Recruitment Director Chad
Previ& at soonerstatesoftbalt@hotmail,Com.
Brenda "Grandma" Bolen and Kim
Whisenhunt. Judy G. Photo
votes and to crown the annual Prom King
and Queen. Openarms selected Royaltywas
beyond special. The 2010 Prom King is
Kim Whisenhunt and Prom Queen Brenda
Bolen. Brenda Bolen is the oldest volunteer
at Openarms Youth Centre: Brenda is a
youthful and loving individual who reaches
out to evewone who comes to the center and
is repectfully called "Grandma". King Kim
~/hisenhunt brings class to the King Crown,
and is highly respected by her peers.
Openarms Youth Center operates on
private donations, and is located at 2015-
B S. Lakewood in ~alsa, OK. For more
information or for donations contact Tim or
Ken, 918-838-7104
;uptcv o ~iVil Rights °Criminal
’ment o Family Law o Litigation
625 N.W. lSth Street
Citg, OK 73103
www.metrostarnews.corn ~ETROSTAR 7:
By D’~mne Witkowstd
Say you’ve had surgery that renders you
unable to carry luggage and you’re about to
go on a European vacation. What’s a person
to do? Wall, if you’re Family Research Council
co4Ounder and ex-gay therapy champion
George R~ekers, you look no fnrther than
RentBoy.com for a "travel assistant."
And then you get caught at the airport
with this hot young stud while pushing your
own luggage cart. Whoops.
~at’s right, yet another anti-gay so-called
Christian has been caught gay-handed.
Rekers doesfft seem to think so, however.
He’S stiddng very hard to his "travel assistant"
story. According to a statement on his
website, "Following medical advice (Rekers)
requires an assistant to lift his luggage in
his tra:zels because of an ongoing condition
follovdng surgery. His family, local friends,
and even another university professor
colleague have offered to accompany him on
trips to assist him in his travel."
Wow. It looks like he had a lot of people
he could have asked to accompany him on his
trip, and yet he still went with the prostitute
from RentBoy. Maybe his family, friends and
that mysterious other university" professor
don’t give good enough hand jobs.
"Rekers found his recent travel assistant by
intep4ewing different people who might be
able to help, and did not even find out about
his travel assistant’s tntemet advertisements
offering prostitution activiV until after the
trip was in progress," his website’s message
i reckon "interviewing different people"
means "I looked at lots of hot naked dudes
on RentBoy befi~re deciding on the one I now
refer to as my "travel assistant." It~ kind of
hard to believe that Rekers found out about
the RentBoy profile while the two were in
Europe together, unless of
course his so-called assistant said, "Oh, by the
way, want to see pictures of my penis online?"
Rekers claims that there "was nothing
inappropriate with this relationship" and
that he "was not involved in any illegal or
sexual behavior with his travel assistant." He
even went as far as comparing himself to
Jesus and John the Baptist saying he ,vas just
ministering to his sinner of a travel assistant
and trying to save his soul.
Needless to say, it’s all ldnd of hard to
swallow. Rekers can claim all he wants that
he isn’t gay has never been gay and just
wants to save the real gays from their evil gay
selves, but he is definitely one confused and
hypocritical little man.
Rekers has made a career out of
demonizing LGBT folks and doing
everything he can to mal(e this country less
safe for anyone who isn’t heterosexual. For
example, Rekers was paid real taxpayer dollars
to testify for the state in favor of Florida’s
anti-gay adoption ban.
It’s really not a surprise that so many folks
who are rabidly anti-gay have turned out to
be closeted and suffering even as they fight
to keep discrimination against LGBT people
written in this countr)?s laws. It’s as if they’re
thinking, "Gosh, this had better stay illegal
otherwise I’m going to do it al! day long."
You know what, Rekers? You don’t end
up at RentBoy.com by accident and you sure
as hell don’t hire a guy whose credentials
include a "large" and "uncut" cock as a "travel
assistant." I’m not a doctol; but I don’t think
foreskin is usually involved in carrying a
D’Anne Witkowski has been gayforpay dnce
2003. She’s a~eelance writer andpoet (believe
it:9. When she’s not l:aking on the creeps ofthe
worm she reviwws rock and roll shows in Detroit
with her twin sister.
MOREcolor 2010
E ibi ion to Benefit
OkIahomans for
Contours H by Laine Godsq
TULSA, OK (PR) __ 33he annual
MOREcolor fine art eydfibition organized by
Oklahomans for Equality (Ok~q) was one
of the first art shows in the state featuring
contemporary, and often edgy, art work.
Begun nearly 30 years ago, the show is still
one of the largest of its Idnd in Oklahoma, _
offering work by more than sixty artists.
MO~olor 2010 begins Thursday, May
27 with a free public opening reception
from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Centre; 621 East 4th Street
in downtown Tulsa, The show runs through
June 5 during the Equality Center’s hours,
3:00 PM to 9:00 PM Monday through
A unique feature of the MOREcolor event
is the way in which it works with artists.
Zhere are two categories; an Invitational
categoEr; in which established artists are
explicitly invited to exhibit, and a Juried
category, designed as a way for new artists to
join the exhibition. An uncommon aspect
of the show is that the organization gives
the artist 70% of the price of sold work,
compared with much lower percentages - or
nothing - in other area charitable art sales
and auctions. Audiences find works under
some of Oldahoma’s best-loved signatures, as
well as a number of exciting new works ftom
names they don’t yet kmmv.
"I-his year’s event features dance and
musical performances at various moments
during the opening on May 27~ featuring the
contemporary dance team Ari&:Nina:TuMM.
The exhibition is held in the Equality Center’s
3,000 square toot event center. For event
information, visit vaa~w.OkEq.org.
a sense of pride that could never be turned
back. In June of 1999 the site became a
National Historical Landmark, and reopened
as a bar in 2007.
That consciousness eventually reached
Oklahoma, and Oklahoma City held their
first Pride Parade in 1987. It was a humble
beginning when about a dozen brave souls
put it together not knowing if anyone would
show up, and around 400 marchers actually
did. Now a raajor event marking 23 years of
celebration and an OkJal~oma City tradition,
the celebrating is pulling together. For more
information contact their ,vebsite www.
Homosexuality is already punishable by
imprisonment and the Ugandan government
shows little interest in human rights.
Lavanhar, tho@, said he felt like it was a
call he had to accept.
"I’m 4! years old and I’ve never been
called upon to go overseas to risk my life for
freedom," he said. "In some ways this was
that kind of call."
After discussing it with his family,
Lavanhar made the trip to Uganda, spoke at
the conference and avoided any trouble.
"It was about being an ally - using my
power and privilege as an American and as
a minister to try to help," I.avanhar said. "It
was an amazing experience."
Lavanhar said that he has never seen
people living with such persecution and feat:
"it was a profound experience and the
people were so wonderful, so beautiful, so
kind," Lavanhar said. ~
Uganda, facing international attention,
has yet to pass the proposed law: Lavanhar
said there has been some evidence that the
government might instead pass a slightly
watered down version of the legislation.
The capital punishment component, for
example, might be dropped to acquiesce to
external pressure. But the core goal of the bill
- to assail a tiny portion of the population
- remains in play.
Lavanhar said that the Ugandan
government has scapegoated homosexuals
in a t~ical effort to draw attention from its
own failures elsewhere. The government has
characterized in{ernal homosexuality as some
sort of colonialist import from the west, and
ironically lined up behind Christianity which
is also a colonial import from the west to use
scripture as it s battering rmn against gays.
"It seems like they are waiting for
international attention to die down before
they vote," Lavanhm" said.
Lavanhar was lauded by Oklahomans
for Equality for his effort in Uganda, and
subsequently named Grand Marshal for Pride
"We wanted to honor this wonderfxil
man, and to let people know that they had
this straight minister from Oldahoma as
one of only two ministers who attended the
conference in Uganda," said Oklahomans for
Equality President Toby Jenkins.
For more information on Tulsa Pride or
Oklahomans for Equality, visit mvw.okeq.
OMahomans £or Equality celebrates 30th
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing writer
TULSA, OK __ Oklahomans for Equality
(OkEq) continues its celebration of 30 years
in existence with several events throughout
the summer.
Future Anniversary Celebration events
include a tribute concert with Eric Himan
at Tulsa Pride 2010 honoring the founders
of Oldahomans for Equality. On July
31st Oldahomans for Equality will host
a regional summit bringing together the
heartland LGBT groups for an afternoon of
networking and a rdationship building party.
On September 15, they will have a daylong
celebration for the
National LGBT
Center Awareness
Day and its 30th
President Toby
Jenkins said
that the latter
event should
be particularly
improved over
previous years.
"We’re in
a lot better
position this year,"
Jenkins said. "We
spent the entire
year building,,
Jenkins said
that the goal is to
have every- elected
officiat in the area
to at least visit the
EqualitT Center
for the occasion.
Ot’~q has
expanded and
thrived despite numerous challenges in a state
~;ar behind many others when it comes to
recognition of equal human rights.
Otdahomans for Equality was originally a
chapter of Oklahomans for Human Riglv;s,
based in OKC. Founder Dennis Neill learned
of OHR through his work with the ACLU.
He developed a friendship with Bill Rogers,
one of the [bunders ofOHR. Additional early
organizers were Bob Inglish, Mike Green and
Gary Durst. OHR amended their by-laws
in !979 to allow for chapters and beginning
in 1980 Nalsans began meeting in homes for
recruitment.The first newsletter was published
and the first public general meeting Was in
the basement of Harwelden M~sion on Jan
19, I981 which featured a lecture by a noted
psychiatrist from OU.
In 1985 the Tulsa chapter of Oklahomans
for Human Rights became independent
mad autonomous. They reorganized under
the name Tulsa Oldahomans for Human
Rights (TOHR). ~l-he organizatioffs monthly
membership meetings routinely attracted
100s of participants as the community saw
TOHR as the principal source of information
and support. TOHR hosted man}, nationally
known GLBT spokespersons. The Chicago
Resource Center gave TOHR two grants
which was the first time an Oklahoma GLBT
organization received out-of-state funding
and recognition.
TobyJenkins, President, OhZahomansfor Equali~ and
Ohlahoma State Rel~resenmtive AIMcA~ey at the 30th
Equality Gala, ~dsa. Photo by Lia Ingersoll, Mia Bella
In October 1996 TOHR opened
Tulsa’s first Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgendered Community Center at
1338 East 38th Street in the Brookside
neighboFhood ofTulsa. Vandalism was
common and landlords began to be
increasingly apprehensive about renting to
the gay community, In June 1997 TOHR
organized Tulsa’s first Gay Pride march with
60 participants. Year after year the Tulsa
City Council refused to grant the Tulsa Gay
community a parade permit. Finally in 1999
Tulsa’s first Diversity Parade was held on
Peoria Avenue in the Brookside neighborlmod
ofTulsa and
Rep. Barney
Frank, DMassachusetts,
as its first
Grand Marshal[
The parade
with the
Festival at
Tulsa’s Veteran’s
October 31 st
2005 TOHR
purchased the
Property at 621
E~t 4th Street
in downtown
,joining the
of the urban
core ofTulsa
County. In
2006 the
membership ofTulsa Oklahomans for
Equality approved the most recent name
change and became Oklahomans for Equality.
With the help ofTulsgs top architects and
designers 275 volunteers donated 7000 hours
to renovate an 18,000 square foot facility
now known as the Dennis R. Neill Equality
In June 2007 Oldahomans for Equality
(OlcEq) moved the Tulsa Pride Festival and
Parade to the premiere dmvntown venue
Centennial Park just 2 blocks south of the
Equality Center, solidifying the organization’s
commitment to the arts and entertainment
district ofTulsa.
In 2009 Oklahomans for Equality had
over 40,000 visitors utilizing the services and
programs at the Dennis R. Neill Equality
Through batdes with institutions, public
and private, through vandalism and threats
of violence, OkEq persevered to reach this
landmark anniversary. Several events this year
have already commemorated the occasion.
"When I realize hmv heroic and faithful
our founders and members have been for
three decades I am humbled to be at the helm
serving such a great organization," Jenkins
For more info~ation on OKEq, the Equality
Center or 30th anniversary events, visit www.okeq.
Nle David Bohnett Foundation _Awards ’Refresh’
Grants Totalling $500,000 To David Bohnett
CyberCenters Nationwide
Paul Moore, Program Manager at the DavM
Bohnett Foundation. Pressphoto
TULSA, OK (PR) __ In February
2010 Tne David Bohnett Foundation
announced they had selected the Dennis
R. Neill Equality Center in Tulsa to be
among the 24 LGBT Centers across the
United States to be recipients of the "Refresh
Grant"~ In establishing the CyberCenters,
technology entreprdneur and ~hilanthropist
David Bohnett’s vision was to provide
LGBT communities with a %Ared" hub
through which its members could network,
communicate, and explore educational,
professional and recreational opportunities.
To keep the CyberCenters up-to-date, in
2004, the "refi’esh" program was started,
where each CyberCenter is supplied with
brand new state-of-the-art equipment on a
consistent basis (approximately every three to
four years).
David Bohnett serves as Chair of the
David Bohnett Foundation, the head of the
private equity firm Baroda Ventures and was
the founder of GeoCities2com, an Internet
based media and e-commerce company in
1994. GeoCities was acquired by Yahoo!
in 1999. His goals are improving lives,
empowering indMduals and building viable
communities by connecting like-minded
people in meaningful ways. Also central
to Bohnett’s vision is his call to action to
aspiring philanthropists to begin their giving
by getting personally involved with causes
with which they identify so that they can
experience service first-hand.
"The Centers provide a safe environment
for members of the LGBT community 2_
from youth who may find themselves without
a support system--to seniors, who may have
little or no familiarity with computers," said
Michael Fleming, Excecutive Director for the
Bohnett Foundation. "In today’s increasingly
Internet-driven world, the David Bohnett
Cyber Centers have proven to be a lifeline for
people of all ages. We are happy to provide
regular ’refresh’ grants enabling groups
to keep pace with the many advances in
computer hardware and software."
Paul Moore, Program Manager at the
Foundation, who oversees the CyberCenter
program will be in Tulsa for the Grand
Opening of the newly refreshed David
Bohnett CyberCenter. The reception and
ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled
for Thursday May 27th at 6:30 pro. The
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center is located
at 621 East 4th Street in downtown Tul~a
The Dennis R Neill Equality Center’s
Technology Team Eric Vogelpohl and Don
Satterthwaite have installed the equipment
upgrades which include Lenovo al!-inone
A70z PCs customized bundle with
Microsoft Office software, Windows Pro
7 - 19" XWidescreen Monitors in addition
to Documate 5!0 Flatbed Scanners and
IBM Infoptint color laser printers. The
Equality Center serves as the headquarters
for Oklahomans for Equality and received a
David Bohnett CyberCenter Grant in 2003.
Dennis R. Neill with Sampson donated 10
new chairs for the computer stations. Over
39,000 visits were made to the Equality
Center in 2009 and more than 53% of
those individuals utilized the CyberCenter.
The CyberCenter is free and open to public
Monday through Friday 3pm to 9pm.
Tulsa 2010 Pride Events
Tulsa More Color Pride Art Show
May 27th - June 5th
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
More info at www.morecolorart.com
Equality Day at the Zoo
Saturday, May 29th :10am - 2pro
PFLAG Night at Circle Cinema
Tuesday, June 1st : 7pm
Pride Night at The LibraIT
Thursday, June 3rd: 7pm
Council Oak Men’s Chorale
Tulsa Downtown City-County Library
PFLAG Spaghetti Dim,er
Friday, June 4th: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Centennial Park- Community Building
Tulsa Pride OYP Youth Night
Friday, June 4th: 5pm -1 lpm
Centennial Park (6th &: Peoria)
Tulsa Pride Festival & Parade
Saturday June 5th:lOam- lOpm
Centennial Park (6th & Peoria)
Equality Night at Light Opera Oklahoma
Friday, June 1 lth: 8pm
Tulsa PAC
Pride Night At theWNBA
Saturday, June 19th: 7pm
Tulsa Shock At the BOK Center
Equality Night At the Philbrook
Tuesday, June 22nd
Philbrook Museum ofArt
w~gv.metrostarnews.com ~÷troSTAR 9
be Best Time
To Start
By Ronald Blake
Co~ributing ~rker
When should you start an exercise
program? ~xere are many choices: Saturday
the 22nd, Sunday the 30th, or Tuesday the
18th. Maybe you could aim for next year
in February or April. Time for a powwow
to decide the best time to begin the blood,
sweat, and tears program. We’ll write down
the possibilities and then pick a winner.
The first up for consideration is now. The
good part about starting now is that you will
actually start. The bad part about starting
now is that the holidays are here. You have
the Christmas shopping to do for five aunts,
four brothers, three best friends, two parents,
and that boyfriend in a pear tree. Then there’s
the office party, the hanging of the holiday
lights, and the ~xanksgiving vacation at
,grandma’s house in Indianapolis.
The secondoption is January. The good
part about starting in January is that you will
actually start. The bad part about January is
that you have those two classes you will be
taking at the community college. You need
those classes to finish the Masters Degree
program so you are eligible for a promotion.
Between a 40 hour work week and six credit
hours of business courses there Ittst ~snt t~me.
~ne third option is April. The good part
~bout starting in April is that you will actually
start. The bad part about April is that you are
taking that two week cruise in the Caribbean,
your morn is visiting from Michigan, and
your best friend from Indiana University’s
class of 1991 is making his way west to see
~ae fourth option is June. The good
part about starting in June is that you will
actually start. The bad part about June is that
you are attending your nephew’s graduation
in Evansville and your niece’s graduation in
South Bend. There are also the life insurance
. sales conventions in Schenectady, New York;
Eugene, Oregon; and Joplin, Missouri during
his upcoming summer.
The fiiih Option moves us to September.
7he good part about starting in September
s that you will actually start. The bad
~art about starting in September is that
~ou will travel to Texas for your college
roommate’s wedding, to Chicago for your
iister’s wedding, and to Savannah for the
commitment ceremony for the first guy you
~ad sexual relations with and become such
est friends With after the breakup.
Vghat’s a person to do? N~ere are five
options and none of them work. We are right
back to this time next year and I would bet
that your options ~hen will look just as bleak.
The answer is quite simply to just start now;
There is never a good dine to s~ar~ any fitness
Fb~d a way m ic~corporare fitness into your
daity rourbae. Make some changes, rearra~g¢
difl)rence between ~tarboaM and port. ~lhat
gw is Ron Blake and you can u~uallv find
hira &iAing aimlessly about On somebody
of water. Feel fi’ee to guide him back to
shore by e-mailing him on his sloop at www.
Controversial OKC
School Board Member
Gail Vines will run for
State House District 85
Vines, who currently represents District 2
on the Oklahoma City School Board has
announced that she is running to be a State
Representative for District 85, which is in
north~vest Oklahoma City and extends into
the suburban municipality of Nichols Hills.
The seat is currently held by Republican
David Dank, who was first elected in 2006.
Ms. Vines was first elected to her school
board position in 2005, re-elected without
opposition in 2009, and her actions later that
year stirred controversy when the Oklahoma
City School Board voted to fire openly gay
teacher Joe Quigley. She is well known not
only for her school board position, but also as
the co-owner of Flips’s Wine Bar & Trattoria,
a longtime Oklahoma City eatery and
Gall Vines abstained from voting on the
Quigley firing, stating that she didn’t have
enough information about the situation. After
Joe Quigley was ordered reinstated August
26 by the District Court, the Oldahoma
City School Board appealed that decision,
then voted September 14 not to reinstate
Mr.Quigley pending the appeal despite
the court order, and to stop his salary and
benefits. That vote was 6-2, this time with
Gall Vines voting for his termination.
In Memoriam
Chuck Nugent 1970-2010
TULSA, OK Chuck Nugent, a former
Yale and Cushing resident, passed away on
Monda); April 12, 2010, at his home in
Broken Arrow, OK at the age of 39 years.
The son of Charles L. Nugent and Leora
J. Johnson Barrows. Chuck was born on
May 20, 1970 in Upland, C_&. He came ro
Cusliing as a small child, later moving to Yale,
where he was raised and educated, graduating
from Yale High School.
Chuck was currently a volunteer for the
Dennis R. Neill Equali.ty Center in Tulsa,
where he enjoyed counseling individuals in
a crisis situation. Chuck was th£ Committee
Chair 0fthe Center Cinema program on
Friday evening. His hobbies included cars,
Survivors include his mother, Leora
Barrows of CUshi~; two sisters, Deanna
Couch and her husband Janaes ofYale and
Kristal Kuelll and her husband ToWof
Stillwater; four nephews; three nieces; a half
brother Steve Nugent; a half sister Pamela
Rogers, and other relatives and friends.
He was preceded in death by his father,
Charles Nugent and a half sister, Deborah
A memorial services was held Saturday
May 1 st at the Dennis R. Neill Equality
Center in Tulsa Oklahoma.
Memorial contributions may be made to
Oklal~omans for Equality; EO.’ Box 2687,
Tulsa, OK 74101
10 ~OSTAR June 1, 2010
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a~ks of~he So~
By Andrew Collins
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16 ~ET~©STAR June 1, 2010
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Photo~ by,Victor G.
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
Kelly Kirby receives Lifetime Achievement Award presented by
Nancy McDonald @ the 30 Anniversary Equality Gala,Tulsa.
Photo Metro Star Staff
@ Ledo, Oklahoma City
@ Alibis, Oklahoma City
@ Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa
John Southard (Equality Gala Co Chair), Ann Hampton Callawa);
Dennis Neill (Equality Gala Co-Chair) I~_ri Strand @ the Equality
Gala Tulsa, Photo by Liz Ingersoll, Mia Bella Images
Toby Jenkins President O!~q, Tulsa County Toby Jenkins President OkEq, Tulsa City
Commissioner Karen Keith District 2 @ the Councilor Maria Barnes District 4. @ the
Equality Gala ~ialsa. Photo by Liz Ingersoll, Equality Gala Tulsa. Photo by Liz Ingersoll, Mia
Images Belta Images
@ The End Up, Tulsa
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
18 %~÷troSTAR June 1, 2010
By EI Sikov
The "I Dodt Care~at .~uyone
Says" Classic Martini
"It’s early AJzheimer’s," I whined. I’d left
the duck breasts I’d planned to grill at home.
I’d have to rush to the grocery and buy some
more. And th~,’d have no time to marinat!!
"A]zheimer’s jokes arefft funny," Dan
"Chipotle-Grapefruit Duck is no .joke
"You k_now what I mean. And it’s not
funny. I know 2dzheimer’s. You don’t have
Alzheimer’s. So stop it." As Director of
Research at CogniTech, a pharmaceutical
company that developed new ~zheimer’s
treatments, Dau didn’t find fake whimpering
about forgotten duck amusing. "I’ll go get
more duck. You start the rest of the stuff."
Just as Dan was leaving, Chipper burst in.
Fie dropped his backpack on the floor and
spouted off. "That train was late - again! So,
I missed the 6:30 ferry and had to wait at
that bar in Sayville, with their watered-down
drinks, and.... Martini! Now!"
’TII make you one," I offered.
"Hell no!" Chipper snapped.. "Yours are
"I beg your pardon?"
"Your proportions suck." He stripped off
his sweaV T-shirt and sprinted to the liquor
cabinet. I admired his moist, wide, delightful
lats while resenting his stupid opinion as he
reached t:or the Beefeater.
"They da no~U I make the classic ma~tinL’:
I was
"If~u like a little gin With your
I watched Chipper in speechless rage as
he grabbed the cocktail shakm; filled it with
ice, poured in a full martini glass full of
Beefieater, then added precisely five drops of
d® vermouth and stirred wildly.
"If you want straight gin," I said coldl>
%vhy bother with that silly nod to tradition
and just go the W. C. Fields route? I’m sure
some perv in the Pines gets off on guys with
gin blossoms."
?Jag-off," Chipper muttered as he leR the
room clutching his martini. Chipper had
lived in New York for 20 years but reverted to
Pittsburgh slang when he got mad.
I was still stewing when Dm~ returned
vdth the duck and a botde of Sancerre. He
was accompanied by Paolo, who had stopped
at BarHarbor, right off the dock, for - yes - a
martini, the dregs of which he carried in a
red plastic cup. I offered to make him a real
martini in a real martini glass.
"Thanks, no," Paola said. ’Tll make my
"W/~? Aren’t mine good enough for you?"
"Good that you brought that up," he
said with business school tact. "I prefer my
"Here we go again," I snarled, then told
him about Chipper, who had shut himself
inside the room he shared with Paolo.
"It’s actually quite the reverse," Paolo
explained. "You should taste the vermouth
clearly. Otherwise there’s no point in adding
it." I watched in piqued fascination as Paolo
made a distinctly wet martini.
"Well," I huffed, ,if you want to drink
straight vermouth..." vchereupon Dan
swatted my behind, then shoved the paper
bag full of duck breasts into my ribs. "ShUt
up and grill."
This is a Cla~ssic Martini; Paolo aa~d
Chipper cm~ write their o,w damn columns:
4 parts Beet~ater gin (If you want to
use Absolut, fine; just don’t call it a Classic
1 part dry vermout!~
Fill shaker with ice. Pour liquors in. Just
let it sit on the counter to chill - no need
to shake. Stir just once, put the lid on, and
strain your Classic Martini into the proper
glass. Add an olive or a lemon twist; a cocktail
onion turns it into a Gibson.
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20 I~?~ETROSTAR June 1, 2010
By Jack Fertig
JUne 2010
"Be careful with your money, Pisces!"
Mars in Leo is triggering crises,
mostly in the form of fights and misunderstandings
that show where we
need to wrap things up and move on.
Clear away worries and doubts. Analyze
problems realistically to find novel
ARIES (March 28 - Apri~ 19): Asserting
yourself too forcefully can show people
not what you want them to see, but
things you’d rather they didn’t. Working
to be more truly yourself can be very
humbling. That humility will win you
great respect.
TAURUS (April 20 - Nay 20): Can a
person have too many friends? You
may find too much quantity and not
enough quality in your social circles.
Take some time alone to sort out in your
mind who are the ones you really want
in your tribe.
GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Examining
the provocations to arguments and
staying silent (one can dream!) can
prove more educational than actually
arguing. Review goals that have
recently been accomplished and think
carefully about your next steps.
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Are
your priorities and ideals proving
dysfunctional? Be willing to grow and
adapt. The time for planning career
moves is endiing. Make big, bold
choices or events will force difficult
changes. Even in those there may be
great opportunities. Maybe.
LEO (July 23 -August 22): Pressuring
your partner to make a decision will
backfire. Physical play - maybe, but
not necessarily sexual - will help work
off frustration. Be careful with the
rough stuff and keep your head clear.
Accidents. are looking to happen.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22):
You can meet somebody very hot and
sexy while doing charity work. Not a
mercy date, but another volunteer.
That milieu will also get you out of
your own head, which is a dangerous
place. Worry only undermines your own
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
What do you want tonight? What do
you want in 14 years? Answer the latter
question; then think hard about the first.
Somewhere in there is a clue about
your next big relationship, or necessary
changes in your current one.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): Demands at work are keeping you
from home and family. If that sounds
like a good thing, you need to make
changes around the house. Whatever
work offers that home doesn’t suggests
the changes you need to make.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
- December 20): The best way to avoid
arguments is to think twice about what
you’re hearing and about how others
might hear what you’re saying. Or
maybe you’d rather not avoid them. The
interchange can open you up to new
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Sex and money are the
biggest sources of domestic disputes.
Work on money issues first and be
willing to bend on sex. Take the initiative
on flexibility. Clearing the air can be
rough, but is necessary for a happy
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): With a little help from your partner
or a counselor, your money troubles
should alleviate soon. (Given the times,
that’s relative!). Acting spacey and lost
and trying to deny it could upset your
partner. Admitting to being vulnerable
and a bit confused will help.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Worrying about your health only makes
it worse. Take positive steps. Moderate
exercise is good; overdoing it is not.
Your ~nances should be going up, but
like that first rise on a roller coaster. Be
careful with mone
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June 1, 2010
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Star Media, Ltd, “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, June 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/192.