[2010] Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 7
[2010] Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 7
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
July 01, 2010
James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vincente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Silkow
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockner
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vincente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Silkow
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.
The Metro Star Magazine, June 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 6
The Metro Star Magazine, September 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 9
The Metro Star Magazine, September 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 9
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 7 Twitter.com/MetroStarNews ® MetroStarNews.corn JULY 1, 2010
.sa to
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing Writer
Tulsa Ci~ Council votes to include sexual orientation to ci~y policy. Photo by Mia Bella Images
Oldahom s
have a chance
difference By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
17th meeting.
While most rank and file GLBT
Oldahomans have no protection against
discrimination, Tulsa city employees will
enjoy codified defense.
"This makes such a strong statement to
the region on how Tulsa is a welcoming and
sensible island in a state that is often ridiculed
for being intolerant and unjnst towards
marginalized populations," said ~is Wilmes,
OHahomans for Equality (OkEq) Director of
The policy has been a long nine in coming
- 35 years, in fact.
In !975, then Mayor Robert Lafortune
commissioned a report that recommended
the city adopt this polic?; but the report was
rdected. In 1994 the Tulsa gay community
Commission has recommended that Tulsa
adopt an inclusive policy.
Wilmes and Oldahomans for Equality
worked in collaboration with Nancy
McDonald ofPFLAG Tulsa and Alice
Blue and Tommy Chesbro of the City of
Tulsa Human Rights Commission worked
with City Councilor GT Bynum and City
Councilor Maria Barnes to bring about the
formal vote by the Tulsa City Council.
"Tonight, PFLAG parents celebrate with
the LGBT community," said McDonald. "No
longer can a city employee be discriminated
against based on sexual orientation. The
majority of City Councilors are to be
applauded for their vision and vote for Tulsa
to be an inclusive city."
....Continued See CITY COUNCIL Page-11
BrittaW NovotW and
Kern to face off
November 2 for State
Ho se District 84
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
smoke has finally deared and the race is on.
Although the filing ended with 4 candidates
vying for the State House District 84 seat,
the two others will not be on the ballot.
Republican Garrick Voth was challenging
Sally Kern for her party’s nomination for
the General Election. Voth, a 34 year old
Oklahoma City resident who described
himself as a conservative Republican, also
Brittany Novotny andLt. Governor Candidate
Kenneth Corn. Pressphoto
described Ms. Kern as ignoring the needs of
her district. When publicity surfaced shortly
after the filing that he had been arrested in
election cycle is offering GLBT Oklahomans
and their allies a major opportunity to vote
for real change. Although Oklahoma has
the dubious honor of being the reddest state
in the country; we have never had so many
candidates to vote for who are either GLBT
or allied with us.
In this issue of the Metro Star there is a
candidate for District Judge (Jackie Short),
2 candidates for U.S. Representative District
5 (Tom Guild & Billy Coyle) and an
Oklahoma County Commissioner District
1 ( Willa Johnson) each directly asking for
your vote by advertising in the Metro Star.
running for State House District 71,
Democrat Amy Corley running for State
House District 53 and Democrat Mike
Shdton running for District 97. In the State
Senate we can vote to keep Andrew Rice
(Democrat District 46), who has always been
one of the GLBT community’s strongest allies
in the legislature. All of them face opposition
from Republican and/or Independent
candidates in the General Election.
Last but certainly not least, Brittany
Novomy is running against Sally Kern to
represent State House District 84. Sally has
made history and garnered international
attention as one of the most anti-gay
In addition there are 2 candidates running laxvmakers in the country. Brittany, has
who are 0penlygay, Tom Kovach running for already made history.as ~k]ahoma~s first
Stat~ Rep~es;~}~[ti~e Di~tricv ~4 and Andrew transgendered candida{e aud Sheis ready
Willi~ for Si~di~e Representative in District tO fight for GLBT equality. GLBT and
66. fair ~inded Voters of that district have
There are also 2 DemoCratic Candidates an Opportunity to give Ms. Novomy a
running for the Oklahom~ City State Ho~e vict(Jr} ~at W~uld likewise no doul~t get
DiStrict 93 seat allied with the GLBT
community, former legislator Wanda Jo
Peltier and Wilfredo Santos Rivera ( formerly
of the Oklahoma City School Board, one of
only 2 members who voted not to fire openly
gay teacher Joe Quigley.)
There are other candidates allied with
our community we will be able to vote for in
the General Election November 2. There is
our only openly gay State Representative Al
McAffrey- Incumbent Democrat District 88
of Oklahoma City, and our allies Democrat
Dana Orwig running for State House District
87 also of Oklahoma city, JeffTracy in Tulsa
international attention and give Oklahoma
a better image, besides getting better
representation. For more information or to
contribute to her campaign, her website is
On a further positive note, our allies
Anastasia Pittman ( Democrat District 99)
and Richard Morrissette (District 92) have
already been elected by acclamation ( no
opponents filed.)
Check out the voting instructions on page
9 if you need any information about voting
in this upcoming and future elections. The
GLBT community has never had as many
candidates seeking our vote, and it’s up to us
to make that worthwhile.
Will Rogers Park last September, charged
with attempting an act of public lewdness
with another man ( the case is still pending),
he withdrew from the race.
The other candidate was Ray Prewitt,
aged 40 and a resident of Bethany running
as an Independent. Ms. Kern successfully
challenged his eligibility before the Oklahoma
State Election Board, and he was stricken
from the ballot as he had not been registered
as an Independent at least 6 months before
the filing period as the law requires to be
Brittany faces a three time incumbent who
has for better or worse, undoubtedly attracted
national and even some international
notoriety. She replaced another conservative
Republican, Bill Graves who was likewise
famous for anti-gay sentiments, when she was
first elected in 2004. She was re-elected
without opposition in 2006, and defeated
Ron Marlett to win a third term in 2008. She
is married to Steve Kern, the Pastor of Olivet
Baptist Church and has 2 adult sons. She had
been a teacher at Oklahoma City’s Northwest
Classen High School, teaching American
Government and coaching the girl’s golf
team. She led opposition to the book "King
and King" being in the children’s section of
Oklahoma County libraries, daiming that the
American Library Association is "trying to
sexualize your children." She has made public
statements stating that homosexuals are a
bigger threat to our nation than terrorism,
resulting in countless public demonstrations
and demands for an apology; even generating
a phone call from Hlen Degeneres placed
........Continued See BRITTANY Page- 17
No matter who
are on life’s journ~
3131 ~. Pennsylvania,Oklaho
Straight but not narrow.
believe in equality for everybody
fight for that in Washington.
and I’ll
Bi!Iv Covle is orga nized, well
fUnded and his beliefs are right in
line with the fair minded
people of the Fifth District.
-Richard Ogden
Organized by:
leave a message please
Major Sponsors:
h o m a
New Report Shows Surprising
Gains for Gay O ahomans
P/~oto: Laura Belmonte, President ~e
Equa[i~ ~work (TEN).
(PRy June 16,
2010 __ g/ith the
Ttflsa City Council
poised to add sexual
orientation to its
policies fi3r public
employees, a new
report by the
TEN Institute, the
research arm ofThe
Equality Network,
reveals that *
several Oklahoma
already extend these
protections to their
gay employees.
Preliminary data
from an ongoing
project documenting
municipal policies
on lesbian, gay,
t.heir public
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens challenge longstanding
assumptions that LGBT Oklahomans have virtually
no legal protections at the local level.
"W~nen we began this research, we expected o.nly to
validate the widespread belief that few communities protect
their ~ ~ LGBT citizens
here. To Update: Late Thursday
surprise evening the Tulsa City
~bund Gounc~ "qoted 6-3 in
favor of adding sexual
orientation to the
nondiscrimination policy
v. for public employees....,
our great
mad joy, we
that maW
cities have
already LGBTpolicies
ofThe Equality
Del Cit)~ Altus, McAlestm; Miami, Noble, and Vinita al!
have nondiscrimination policies including sexual orientation
among the categories protected in the hiring, promotion, and
retention of public employees.
Another group of municipalities do not offer employment
protections for their LGBT public employees, but does
include sexual orientation in their anti’harassment personnel
policies. ~aese include Muskogee, Chickasha, and Perry.
Oklahoma City" is the only municipality xvith an ordinance
outlawing harassment, intimidation, or assault based on sexual
orientation. ~is protection is particularly significant because
the states hate crimes taw does not currently encompass sexual
Currently, there are no municipalities in Oklahoma that
include gender identity or expression anaong the protected
categories for either public employees 6r the general citizenry.
2qae study, also shows that Ponca City, Cushing, and
Sallisaw appear .to sanction housing discrimination against gay
people. For example, in defining what constitutes a disability,
Cushing’s housing ordinance states "’handicap’ does not apply
to an individmd because of sexual orientation or the sexual
preference of the individual or because that individual is a
transvestite." qThe Ponca City and Sail!saw housing ordinances
are worded similarly.
"~9{fe were stunned to discover such bizarre and offensive
assertions enshrined in public policy in 2010. These three
communities are clinging to the characterizations 0f LGBT
people that the medical and psychological establishments
rejected ahnost fi3rty years ago. \~ghile we agree wholeheartedly
that being gay is not a disability, we believe that allowing
landlords to bin" LGBT people from renting an apartment f6r
which they qualify as tenants is blatant discrimination." stated
TEN Institute will continue to analyze municipal policies
on LGBT Oklahomans and will integrate them into its
Municipal Equality Database. The pre.liminary findings
may be accessed at http:/l~aw~/v.scribd.com/doc/33127989/
~e E,q.uali~ Network. works, to achieve equali~y and to secure legal
*vmcuonjbr /esbmn ~y bzsexua[ and trans ender Oklahomans
d;~rough advocao,, coal~)on building, and in~i,idua/ empowerment in
the polidcalprocess..
3 GLBT Organizations honored
as U.S. Census Partners at the
O ahoma State Capitol
SundayJune 12
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
TobyJenkins receives the U.S. Census Bureau’s Partnership Award
on beaalfofOk~homansfor Equalio,. ~ his l@ is D,: Robert
Groves, National ~& Census Bm~au Direcm,; and w his right
Re~onal Dimcmr DennisJohnson. Gorin phom
OKLAHOMa\ CITY, OK __ In the Blue Room of
the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City maW
organizations were honored for their work helping the
U.S. Census Bureau obtain an accurate count with correct
information for 2010. A tradition every decade since the first
tally in 1790, the U.S. Census proves increasingly important
as the data gathered may determine ?vhere government
resources are allocated, where companies locate, as well as
countless other factors affecting the life quality ofAmericans.
Working to achieve this goal for 2010 the Bureau worked
with a wide variety of diverse organizations to help them
reach out to various demographics of society, especially those
who might be fearfu! or and/or otherwise reluctant to be
counted. In his address Dr. Robert Groves, the Director of the
U.S. Census Bureau, thanked the honorees for their efforts
that truly paid off, as this year’s operation is already ahead of
schedule and under budget. This involved a ~vide variety of
faith communities, social groups and advocacy organizations,
included among them alliances from the GLBT community:
This was significant also in that for the first time, GLBT
couples could be counted as married.
The three GLBT organizations honored that day were
Oklahomans for Equality from Tulsa, Oklahoma City’s
Cimarron Alliance, and the Metro Star. Feeling privileged
to be included among the honorees on behalf of Cimarron
Alliance, Director Scott Hamilton stated "XWe were so
honored to be part of it. XWe felt it was a big step forward.
The Census people were extraordinary partners, and were so
encouraging of our work in the community. I think that in
the long term the comraunity ,/viii benefit substantially from
the work that we were able to do."
OGRe’s riderless horse ceremoW
honors community leader
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
7he riderless horse ceremony lends respect th# year to Cookie
Arbuckle w/so diedApri119th , 2010. Picmred above (r to 0 #
K/int Weiden, co-director OGRA 2010 leading t]~e horse with
Lina Hineman and ~Ia,y Arbuckle. Photo by Denise Whithorne
(Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association) served the community
by hosting a better-than-ever event for their 25th annual
rodeo over Memorial Day xveek-end. Nais year’s rodeo charity
partners were midtown OKC based - Other Options/Friends
Food Pantry, Be The Change, and Expressions Community
Center. The amount donated to these charities varies each year
based on participation, events and overall donations.
"The event went just a smooth as it always does,’ said ....
Steve Sublet, a returning visitor to the annual event. ~’OGRA
has a history of being a well run rodeo and they sure proved
that again this year." Sublet is former IGRA (International
Gay Rodeo Association) Royalty as well as a performer who
has been selected for the 2011 season of’Americgs Got
The Riderless Horse Ceremony was dedicated to Other
Options and Friends Food Pantry founder Coolde Arbuclde
who died on April 19th of this year. "q]ae saddle is the one we
used in our family years ago when we showed Arabians," said
Mary Arbuckle, Coolde’s daughter who is now tile Executive
Director of Other Options and Friends Food Pantry. "The
colors symbolized - blue, for Oklahoma as mom died on ¯
April 19th, the green was for mother earth, which is where
we placed her ashes and the red was for the tireless work
morn did for the HIV/AIDS community." This ritual adds
such poignancy to the event which manually includes this
The history of the gay rodeo dates back to 1975 when
Phil Ragsdale of Rend, ix~, came up with this most creative
idea to raise funds. He thought an amateur gay rodeo would
be fun, raise money, and even erase a lot of gay stereotyping.
Over 125 people took part in this event and the winners were
crowned; first, "King of the Cowboys," second, "Queen of the
Cowgirls," and third, "Miss Dusty Spurs" (the drag queen).
It was great fun and a minor success. It wasn’t until 1985 that
gay rodeo came to Oklahoma.
The IGPvA has a rich history of supporting associations
that support their communities. They help other groups
provide quality events. Naey promote, in a positive way,
the GBLTQ country western lifestyle and support amateur
sportsmanship through participation, competition and
recognition. They are comprised of numerous regional Gay
Rodeo Associations from across the United States and Canada.
Openly- Gay
running for State
Represe tative in
Norman’s House
Dis ric 44
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
No,vnan CiO, Coucilman TOm Kovach
NORMAN, OK Tom Kovach ~vas ~
glad but not totally surprised ~vhen he
became the 2nd openly gay man elected to
the Norman City Council. He’d lived most
of his life in Norman, his family locating
there when he was only 1 1/2 years old. His
father was a philosophy professor at OU, and
after graduating from Norman High School
Tom earned a undergraduate degree in letters
from Oklahoma University. While attending
college he worked in a Safe,vay Store, and as
a union member there with the United Food
and Commercial Workers (UFCV¢) he won
his first election to be the Secretary/Treasurer
of his local. Later going on staff for the union
he found he enjoyed advocating for people.
He and a friend opened and operated a
successful bakery called Jason D’s, for over
!0 years. He then joined Astronomics, a
company that sells quality optics worldwide,
where he ~vorks today. Only two years ago
he joined the race to be on Norman’s City
Council to reprelent \Vard 2, and his victory
in 2008 not only made him the 2nd openly
gay person to serve on the Council, but the
4th openly gay elected official in Oklahoma
history. In 2010 he ~vas re-elected to his City
Council seat without opposition.
Tom is 47 and has been with his partner,
Will Weir, for over 11 years. He takes pride
that Will is listed as such on the Normaffs
city website, and credits Will for helping him
through the tough times and giving him the
strength for much of what he has been able to
Mr. Kovach believes his city council
experience will serve him well in the
Oldahoma Legislature. As he puts it, "My
ward is about 1/2 the size of the district,
and I’ve advocated for people and helped
constituents with their problems. You also
deal with larger issues that affect the whole
town. You learn how to work to make things
Pleasantly enough, he found that
his sexual orientation wasn’t much of a
campaign issue, and proved to be a nonissue
during his time in office. In 2010 his State
Representative Bill Nations would be forced
out of office due to term limits, so Mr.
Kovach decided he wanted to run for that
office where he felt he could make positive
change happen on the state level.
" I learned at the city council that one
person can make a difference, and even if
you’re in the minority speaking out can
help change direction. The s{ate is facing
monumental problems, especially the budget.
We are falling behind in many areas that
would make a state proud, such as education.
We’re last in the nation in the area of women’s
health and 1st in the rate ofwomen in prison
per capita. These are things we should be
working on, and when there is a problem
there is also an opportunity to address it,"
and he elaborated to say, "Instead they have
been scapegoating, Randy Terrill with the
Hispanics and Senator Russell trying to
exdude GLBT Oklahomans from Federal
hate crimes laws. You can’t just sit by and let
that go."
If elected he wants not only to be an
advocate for working Oklahomans. He is
also pro-choice, and as expected has stated he
xvill advocate in favor of equality for GLBT
Oklahomans. He has been endorsed by the
Victory Fund (a national organization that
funds campaigns of GLBT candidates), and
on July 27 he will face 3 Democrats in the
Primary Election. 2 are OU law students.
Emily Virgin who is 23 years old and Isaiah
McCaslin who is 26. The third Democrat is
Robert Murphy who is 52. This 4 way race
will result in a runoff if no candidate garners
50% of the vote. There are no independent
candidates, so the winner will face the sole
Republican in the race, Kent Hunt, in the
November 2 General Election.
Although Mr. Kovach feels he has a strong
following and is fairly confident, he stresses
that no election should be taken for granted,
and he isfft going to.
Friend ofOklahoma’s
GLBT Community Reelected
by Acclamation
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
rote Representative Anastasia Pittman
J~iend Rachelle Taylor (left). Gorin photo
Pittman, a longtime friend of not only the
GLBT community but also an advocate of
equality and justice for many progressive
groups and causes, has won re-election to the
Oldahoma State House of Representatives
with the closing of the filing period June 9
when she drew no opponents.
She represents District 99, first elected
to that position in 2006. Prior to holding
office she had earned a Bache!or’s Degree in
Journalism at Oklahoma University and a
Master’s Degree in Education and Behavioral
Science from Langston University in 2002.
She garnered legislative experience worldng in
the State Senate from 1999 through 2006 as a
clerk, media assistant and legislative assistant.
She has also worked as a Spanish instructor
and has hosted a radio talk show: She has
one child, Ayshia, and among her many
mi!estones she was honored as Legislator of
the Year in 2009 by the Cimarron Alliance.
Tom Guild-Democrat
for Congress
By By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
candidate filing is completed and political
season is upon us, community leader and
Professor Tom Guild, an Edmond Democrat
has filed for U.S. Congress. He hopes to
be the Democratic nominee to represent
Oklahoma’s Fifth District, which includes
most of Oldahoma County, and also
Pottawatomie and Seminole Counties. Guild
is currently the Secretary of the Oklahoma
County Democratic party.
"The 5th Congressional District has not
had a Congressman who represented all of the
district in quite some time,"
said Guild in an interview
with The Metro Star. "We
are becoming a very diverse
district and as time passes the
district will become even more
so. I’m the only candidate with
progressive values ~vho will be
open to the ideas and needs
of all of the people in our
Guild taught 27 years
at the University of Central
Oldahoma in Edmond,
where he was conferred the
title of professor emeritus by
the Board of Regents; and
three years at Oklahoma City
University. He taught political
science and legal studies
at UCO, and in the MBA
program at Oklahoma City
University. He earned a BA
in political science from OU
and his juris doctor degree
from SMU School of La~v.
Guild was a Robert Dean Bass
- Memorial Scholar ar OU and
the Maurice E. Purnell Scholar
at SMU.
Guild is proud of the
support he has received from
various diversity groups. "It
was gratifying at our first
campaign event we had leaders
from at least nine different
groups represented," added
Guild. "The diversity of that
event reflects the diversity of
our campaign and hmv we will
serve our constituents once
As a candidate who supports diversi~ Professor
TOm Guild will make his ,vtn at the 7he 5th
Congressional District seat in Oklahoma. 7he
seat is being vacated by Mary Fallin. Robin DTownsendphow
background, which includes 30 years of
teaching experience at the college level, taught
me how to value different people, different
cultures and different ideas and to work with
a wide range of individuals." In a previous
run for office, Guild had strong support from
a diverse coalition in the state’s largest county.
Guild plans to work hard to protect
and expand the middle class and make
the American dream a realistic possibility
for everyone in the 5th District. For
more information, please visit www.
"At Century 21 Gold Castle our BEST
proper#es are ourPEOPL
3627 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
By Samantha Fields and Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
An informal survey by the Washington
Post published June 18 asked a tiW number
ofwell-placed experts -six-- to say what they
think will happen if federal Judge Vaughn
Walker overturns California’s ban on same-sex
marriage. Two of the six pointed to existing
polling data to warn of the potential for a
negative impact.
Scott Keeter, director of survey research at
the Pew Research Center, said Pew’s previous
polling data predicts "bacldash." ~lose
polls, and others, have historically shown
LGBT victories in court lead to an increase
in public opposition to same-sex marriage.
It happened a~ter the U.S. Supreme Court
struck down state sodomy laws (in June
2003). It happened after the Massachusetts
Supreme Judicial Court ruled gay couples had
a constitutional right to marriage equality (in
November 2003). And even before ~Talker
issues his decision, said Keeter, polls indicate
the public opinion climate "remains chilly"
for same-sex marriage.
Joe Mathews, a senior fellow at the New
America Foundation, a political think tank,
said that, while public opinion is trending
m £wor of marriage equaht~, a d,ws~ve
court decision that gets too far ahead of
voters could prolong the fight over same-sex
marriage for a generation or more...."
"Ifjudges strongly support overturning
Prop 8 at each stage of the appeal, this
emerging judicial consensus that gay-marriage
bans are unconstitutional would speed
acceptance of such unions across the country,"
wrote Mathews. "But if Prop 8 is overturned
by a narrovdy and nastily divided U.S.
Supreme Court, say 5 to 4, such a decision
could conceivably do more harm than good."
So, where is public opinion on same-sex
marriage right now?
~¢o recent reports shed some light on
that, and some doubt.
First, the light: ~e 2010 Values and
Beliefs survey, which Gallup conducts every
May, indicated that 52 percent of adults
surveyed consider "gay and lesbian relations"
to be "morally acceptable," compared to 43
percent who said they are "morally wrong."
Five percent had no response or had some
other opinion. The results were based on
random telephone interviews with 1,029
adults conducted between May 3 and 6,
2010. Hie margin of error is plus or minus 4
percentage points.
¯ne 52 percent saying "morally
acceptable" was up three points over 2009,
when 49 percent said "morally acceptable."
And the percentage saying "mora!ly wrong"
was down four points -from 47 percent in
2009 {o 43 percent this year. (Five percent no
opinion or Other response in 2009.)
~is year was the first time since Gallup
began asking the question that more than 50
percent ofAmericans said they believe "gay
and lesbian relations" are morally acceptable.
"W~at’s different this year is that the
spread between ’morally acceptable’ and
’morally wrong’ is a whole lot bigger," says
Lee Badgett, a professor of Economics at
UMass Amherst, and the research director at
the Williams Institute for Sexual Orientation
Law and Public Policy at UCIA. It was a
nine-point spread this year, compared to only
a two-point spread last year.
"The question is," said Badgett, "will that
turn out to be a tipping point or not?"
Gallup polling data shows the "morally
acceptable" response has been on a steady
trend upward since 2004. It took a sixpoint
dive in 2004, .just six months after the
Massachusetts high court issued its landmark
marriage equality decision.
The percentage ofAmericans who
consider gay relations to be "morally wrong"
--43 percent-- is the lowest it’s been in a
decade. And also for the first time, a larger
percent of men said "morally acceptable" than
women ~- 53 percent of men and 51 percent
ofwomen now believe "gay and lesbian
relations" are morally acceptable.
The change in men’s attitudes was striking.
tn May 2006, 39 percent of men polled
said they felt "homosexual relations" were
morally acceptable. By this year, that number
had jumped to 53 percent. That’s a 14-point
iump, while, over the same period, acceptance
among women increased just 2 percent.
Gary Gates, a demographer at UCLA
who studies the LGBT population, cautions
against putting too much stock in one
poll But, he Says, "a varietT ofpolls have
been showing, depending on the wording,
increased amounts of acceptance towards
LGB and, in some cases, T people. That
acceptance has gone up in both men and
To a certain degree, the improvements
could have something to do with the fact
that Gallup’s wording changed in 2008, from
"homosexual relations" to "gay and lesbian
relations." According to Gates and Badgett,
people respond differently in polls on gay
issues depending on the way questions are
asked. Questions about "homosexuals" tend
to receive more of a negative reaction than the
same questions about "gays and lesbians."
~The closer you get to people having to
think about sex," said Gates, "the worse gay
people do in polls."
But experts agree, saying there is probably
no single reason for this change in how
men are polling, but rather a number of
contributing factors.
"Some of it is exposure," says Mark
Stevens, a psychologist at California State
University in Northridge. "Guys are growing
up where they have friends who are gaF: There
is a little bit more in the media, on the
And it’s kind of cool to be a little bit more
liberal and a little bit more accepting."
Gates agrees that exposure is likely a big
part of it, though not just for men.
"We know that a higher proportio~ of gay
people are being more open and being more
open at younger ages. And we do know that
1mowing gay people or having a relationship
with an LGBT person does actually have an
impact on people’s broader attitudes."
Age is, and always has been, a factor,
something that was clear in the surveys
results. Younger men (like younger women)
are generally more accepting than their
parents and grandparents.
In addition to the increase in acceptance
among men, the Gallup poll also found
improved attitudes towards gays and lesbians
anmng every other sub-group polled: from
Catholics to Protestants, Democrats to
Independents, moderates to conse,watives.
Though the degree to which those views
shifted differed greatly, it’s evident that
there is a stead}; gradual shift raking place
. in the way Americans view gay and lesbian
relationships and civil rights for gay people.
In fact, Gallup’s polling this year shows the
public views "gay and lesbian relations" as
more morally acceptable than doctor-assisted
suicide (46 percent) and less than having a
baby outside of marriage (54 percent).
But what about legalizing marriages for
same-sek couples?.
While the Gallup poll showed 52 percent
of people said they consider "gay and lesbian
relations" to be "morally acceptable" and 58
percent said those relations should be "legal,"
only 44 percent said such marriages should
be recognized. ~hat is up four points from
2009, and up 16 points since 1996, when
Gallup first began astdng about gay marriage
specifically. The Gallup polling on gay
marriage is now approximately where it was
for interracial marriage in the late 1970s and
early 1980s. The balance in favor interracial
marriage crossed its tipping point with the
1991 survey -when 48 percent approved and
42 percent disapproved marriage between
blacks and whites.
But do people’s attitudes necessarily
translate into how they are likely to vote on
an issue? Not as reliably a~s one might expect.
Political scientist Patrick Egan, who has
done considerable polling on gay-related
political issues, examined the results of 167
pre-election polls on 32 different ballot
measures concerning either same-sex marriage
or domestic partnerships. He found that preelection
polls "consi"stently underesn"m’ ated"
the number of people xvho would vote for a
ban on same-sex marriage -by all average of
seven points. And, "the share of the public
saying they intend to vote for or against these
measures typically chaiages very little over the
course" of the ballot measure campaigns.
This gap between how voters say they
will vote and what they actually do in the
voting booth does not appear to be a product
of wanting to give the a poll-t~er a socially
desirable response of supporting equality for
all, said Egan. He could find no evidence
for that. For instance, he said, in states ~vith
large gay populations, one would expect
many people who wanted to ban gay marriage
would tell a pollster that they were against the
ban. Voters in California, for instance, would
be more likely than voters in Mississippi to
say they ~vere going to vote against the ban
and then vote for it. But there was no such
correlation and no other evidence emerged in
Egan’s analysis to explain tile gap.
Still, it’s clear Americans are becoming
inc~reasingly open and accepting and experts
and polling data suggest this trend will
continue -unless something happens to set
opinion back.
"You never know how socie9, is changing,
and sometimes it’s not very obvious because
it’s very subtle," says Stevens. While the
reasons such a shift is occurn"ng now "mi"ght
not be necessarily explainable," he says, "it’s
really good to see."
State House candidate openly supports GLBT
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing Writer
Jefl~Tracy candidatefor Oklahoma House District 71 with wife Stacey and
son Eli. Pressphoto
TULSA, OK Hes stralg t, has a
beautiful family, wants to be the next District
71 State Rep. - and JeffTracy would be
supportive of GLBT issues even if he weren’t
already" committed to inclusion issues on
"I believe in equality issues but even if for
some reason I didn’t, I would still represent
the GLBT community’s concerns because you
don’t pick and choose who you represent,"
Tracy told the Metro-Star. "District 71 has
the highest density population ofGLBT
persons in Oklahoma. The support I have
received has been fantastic. I have the moral
obligation to support equality issues."
Tracy is the son of a police officer and a
Registered nurse. He is an Amarillo, Texas
native who graduated from the University of
Tulsa law school. He said that he has long
been interested in politics but finally decided
to run as a result of being parent of a son
almost two-year old.
"Being a parent cha.nges your perspective,"
he said.
At just 27 years old, the attorney hopes to
unseat Republican
Dan Sullivan in
what has historically
been a GOP
Tracy, though,
said the campaign is
going well.
"We’ve looked
at the numbers and
the numbers took
good for us," TracT
saKt. It s atway
tough to take on
an incumbent but
I believe that if you
have good idea, you
can do well."
Inclusion issues
aren’t the highest
profile issues in the
campaign. On his
website Tracy addresses issues of wastefu!
spending, education, healthcare and the need
to support the energy sector while developing
green job technology.
"I am so sick ofwhat’s going on in the
State Legislature," Tracy said. "They have no
concern for kids well-being. ~xey’re talking
about different abortion bills and carrying
guns at work."
Tract has built a warm relationship with
the GLBT community and recognizes that
this could be used against him.
"I know I will take flack for it - that’s
almost a given in Oklahoma," Tract said.
"But that doesn’t mean that they are right. It’s
a moral issue. We have the moral obligation
to respect people. If people don’t elect me
because of what I believe in, that’s fine. My
family will still love me. They won’t take away
my birthday. What would be worse is if I
didn’t remain true to what I believe in."
For more information on JeffTracy, State
House candidate, District 71, visit wvcw.
Attorney Richard Ogden appointed by Governor
Brad Henry to the Board of Regents
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Attorney Richard Ogden sworn in by Districtfi~dge Barbara
Swinton and wittnessed @partner Mike McLain. P~vss ghoto
OK3~&HOMA CITY, OK __ Attorney
Richard Ogden, an openly gay and longtime
activist for the GLBT community has been
appointed tothe Board of
Regents for the Regional
University System of Oldahoma
(RUSO) June 10, sworn in
by District Judge Barbara
Swinton. He is currendy
vice-president and manager
of the Mulinix Ogden Hall
~amdrews and Ludlam PLLC
Law Firm of Oklahoma CitT.
He has previously stowed as the
Chair of the Cimarron Alliance
AS a Regent, Mr. Ogden
is part of that governing
board responsible for the
hiring of university presidents,
employment and budgets along with other
aspects of administration pertaining to
Oldahomgs system of higher education.
Governor Henry expressed his confidence
stating, "Richard Ogden is a proven leader
with the judgment, skills and commitment
necessary to make a positive difference for
the universities and students in the RUSO
system. Richard has dedicated his life to
making Oldahoma a better place, and I know
he will be a great addition to the RUSO
board. I greatly appreciate his willingness to
serve that state in this capacity."
His appointment is for 9 years, serving
six regional universities, East Central
University (Ada), Northeastern State
University(Tahlequah), Northwestern
State University(Alva), Southeastern State
University" (Durant), Southwestern Oklahoma
State University(\Weatherford) and the
University of Central Oklahoma(Edmond).
As for Richard he is glad to serve stating, "I
would like to thank Governor Henry and the
leadership of the House and Senate for their
dedication and continued financial support
for higher education, especially during these
difficult economic times. I took forward to
worldng alongside my fellow regents and
regional university presidents, as well as the
governor and legislature. "
Billy Coyle-Democra t
for Congress
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Born in Oklahoma City in 1974, his family
moved to Florida when he wag a teenager
and he graduated from Fort Lauderdale
High School in 1993. He then enlisted in
the United State Marine Corps, made it
through boot camp at South Carolina’s Parris
Island, followed by 7 years of se~ice until
honorably discharged in 2001 at the rank of
E-5 Sergeant.
After graduating with a bachelor’s
degree from Florida State University, he
later returned tO Oklahoma City where he
graduated from the University of Oldahoma
Law School in 2003¯ He has since been a
practicing attorney’ with OKC’s Coyle Law
Firm. He is married, and his wife Heather is
an assistant district attorney for Oklalmma
County: Together they have a 2 year old son,
Understandably, veterans issues are
important to him. As he sees it, "Right now
we have veterans who are unable to get the
attention they deserve from the very country"
they fought for."
Another area is jobs. On this he states,
"We continue to have American jobs going
overseas while our elected officials have
become complacent. That’s wrong and un-
American. Very litde is Made in America and
I want that to change.
And while it may be rdatively easy to
be a straight family man in the Bible Belt,
he is among only a few candidates willing
to openly ask for the support of the GLBT
community in the reddest state in the
country. He has not only advertised in the
Metro Star, he is scheduled to speak to the
Oklahoma Stonewall Democrats, and has also
rented a booth to meet widi potentiad ;corers
at the Pride Festival al0ng wi~ ~ent~ i~
the Pride Parade. Asked if he feared the wrath
of Republicans and rightwingers he replied
¯ to this reporter, "I don’t care, they’re going to
pick on me anyway."
For more information about his
campaign, or hove to contribute and/or
volunteer Call 405 (600 9161) or access his
website wwcw.bill)~coyle2010.com
Billy, Heather and their son Jack. Press photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__ It isa first
for Oklahoma when we have not one, but
~vo candidates running for Congress that
are openly asking for the support of the
GLBT communitT. Billy Coyle, a veteran and
straight t~mily man is one of them, ready to
take on "Washington for what he believes is
dest,3,erately needed change. ,
This campaign is about the common "
,nan. I m not running because I nee
a job, nor am’I a politician looking for
a government career. I want to be a
Congressman looking out for the people
of O~dahoma, and Billy also added, I m
tired of big government, big insurance, and
big politics. I am convincedI can make a
SAGE (Servi°ceS &
Advocacy [’or GLBT
TULSA, OK (PRy __ The Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center is launching day time
programing for those who are retired or free
during the day.
OkEq ~vill be establishing a SAGE chapter
(Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
which is a national program geared toward
individuals over 50.
Each Tuesday the Center will open at
10 am for Coffee and Bagels followed by a
computer class taught by Don Satterth~vaite
at 1 t:00 am in the Cyber Center’. Lunch will
be provided at noon for a donation. At 1 pm
there will be a book Study on classical gay
authors such Edward Albee, Oscar Wilde,
James Baldwin, and Armistead Maupin.
"Pne Equality Center is located at 621 E. 4th
Street, Tulsa.
The following corresponence on ENDA
from Senator Coburn should be of interest to
your readers
Dear Editor A ick Tutoria{
on the Gay/Lesblan
Equality Decisions o£the
Kende! Powers Supreme Court
Moore, OK
Dear Mr. Powers,
or Frank Rich can be the Best Man at
my Marriage
Thank you for writing me about S. 1584,
the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
(ENDA). I enjoyed reading your message
and learning about your family’s history of
in~olvement with tt~is issue.
I hope that you wiil accept my sincere
apology {or the delay in my response. A
tenfold increase in mail volume has made
it difficult for me to stray current in my
correspondence. Even so, I am sorry to have
kept you waiting.
Let me be clear: I believe discrimination
is wrong and I am committed to fighting
prejudice. As a businessman and a family
physician, I believe employees should be
judged upon their individual merits and
work ethic, and should not be dismissed
without proper cause related to their actual
performance. I know we can agree that each
of us deserves to be treated with respect and
without bias. Nevertheless, I have concerns
about the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act (ENDA).
As currently drafted, the bill is
ovedy vague and broad, and will spur
by James Nimmo
O~tHOMA CITY, OK __ As the
time draws near for the final arguments of
Perry v. Schwarzenegger, aka the Prop 8
trial, we’ll come to the close of chapter four
in the ongoing saga ofAmerica’s love-hate
relationship with diversity, be it based on sldn
color, gender, or sexual orientation.
I’ve numbered this as chapter four
because there have been three previous
chapters in our gay/lesbian history that have
been decided by the United States Supreme
Court, the first one going against us, vdth the
subsequent two keeping us in the game.
Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) ruled 5-4
against us, claiming" ... a rig!~t to engage
in such conduct is ’deeply rooted in this
Nation’s history and tradition" or ’implicit
in the concept of ordered liberty’ is, at best,
facetiotts." ( http://tinyurl.com/jus3e )
Romer v. Evans (1996) reared its ugly
face in an attempt to further keep gay citizens
away from full indusion in the political and
needless liti~t~on. The bi!l~ text creates , ,.............
mcons~stencles w~m ex~st,ng te{aera~ civil , ~
for us, Justice Kennedy wrote ~hat {he passage
rights starutes. I am atso concerned that
a discrimination claim could be based
on ’real or perceived" sexual orientation
characteristics. ~][hese terms will require a
court to decide their raeaning. Issues such as
these require the Senate Health, Education,
Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee to
};arther study this legislation and amend these
vague terms so Congress does not abdicate its
legislative duty to the courts. In addition, ~
also am concerned that ENDA would impede
the religious liberties ol:’churches and of
other non-proifit religious groups. The current
religious exemption in the bill is not robust
enough and should be expanded.
tn addition, I believe states are already
appropriately working to address this issue. In
fact, thirty-one state~ have some form oflaw,
regulation or executive order that requires
protecting employees from discrimination
based on sexual orientation including some
states that protect transgendered individuals.
When a majority of the states have shown
a propensity to address an issue as they
see fit, Congress should not intervene and
unnecessarily preempt state law. I believe
government is at its best when it is closest to
the people and our states should continue to
decide how best to protect employees from
Again, thank you for writing me on this
issue. If you have any additional concerns,
please fed free to write again. I look forwad
to hearing from you in the future.
Tom A. Coburn, M.D.
United States Senator
of Colorado~ Amendment 2 disallowing any
recognition of gay people under the laws of
Colorado was unconstitutional.
He wrote in the ma ority opinion that
"laws of the kind now before us raise the
inevitable inference that the disadvantage
imposed is born of animosity toward the class
of persons affected." The Court implied that
the passage of.&nendment 2 was born of a
"bare...desire to harm a politically unpopular
group". ( http:/Itinyurl.com/49m9er )
Turning the page we get to tbe decision
striking down sodomy laws with the Supreme
Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas (2003)
that helped immensely in removing the
uncharged felon status every gay man and
woman carried with them as these laws were
selectively enforced to intimidate us in our
public and private lives. ( http://tinyurl.
com/br2tj )
The Prop 8 ruling, regardless of~vhich
gay or homo-hating party it favors, will
eventually make its way to the US Supreme
Court where for many years the decisions
have been 5-4 with the 5 going mostly to
the regressive sides of the arguments, be they
social justice or economic equality questions.
I was tickled pink when Olson and
Boles took up the clarion call from the Equal
Rights Foundation ( equalrightsfoundation.
org ) to make a full court argument on our
behalf~br civil rights in marriage. Even as the
purpose of the trial has been to reverse the
unconscionable passage ofCalf" fo~rm"a’s Prop 8
that disallows same gender marriage
after a favorable California Supreme Court
ruling, there’s no doubt in my mind that
the extensive media coverage and social
conversation of the nearly four-year hist~iry
of this latest action to remove gay/lesbian
discrimination has been effective in diluting
the homo-hating potions and superstitious
invectives thrown at us. The echoes of
previous court decisions that have been heard
across the country will prove too powerful for
the cobwebs of prejudice and animositT to
Frank Rich, op/ed columnist for the New
York Times and first pick for best man at my
marriage, has written an optimistic essay (
http:lltinyurt.com/38gornv ) I recommend
for anyone down in the dumps
over our on-again/off-again progress for civil
equality. Mr. Rich writes that approval of
same-gender marriage is higher now than the
approval for inter-racial marriage a year after
i{ was supported by a Supreme Court ruling
in 1967 (Loving vs Virginia), I think thanks
to the vastly easier modes of communication
now available with social networking and the
If Limbaugh can have Elton John sing at
his fi~urth marriage can my first marriage be
far behind?
* CiVi Rights *Criminal
’ment * Family Law * Litigation
625 13,th Street
: City’s, OK 73103
07.01.2010 ~’J’~R
Celebrations during
Hard Times Benefit
Our House Too
By Judy Gabbard
Contributing Writer
]:~rogr~m Director Steve [Vissen and 7E~,rT~
owner Margarita Chand~e~ Judy G. photo
TULSA. OK __ Xghen our :ountry and
particularly O~ahoma was in the grip.s of
severe hardship during the Great Depression,
people in their communities came together
for hard times dances, bake-offs and rummage
sales with the proceeds going to help those
in need. %ese events not only made things
better for the beneficiaries, but also gave a
spirit of community solidarity to those who
contributed as welI.
Carrying on this proud tradition is Our
House, Too. Located in Ttdsa at 203 N.
Nogales Avenue, assistance is available there
for people living with HIV/AIDS providing
household and toiletry needs, weekly meals,
food baskets and general support. The
weakened economy has affected charitable
organizations in Oklahoma and natiomvide,
with declining donations combined with
ever increasing needs. Our House, Too is
also feeling this dilemma, so in the spirit of
coming together as a community they are
organizing 3 events to generate awareness as
wall as raise much needed funds.
~ihere will be benefit shows at TNT’s on
both Friday Jtfly 2 at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday
September 4 also at 9:30 p.m., ~vhere you can
enjoy cold beer, fine drinks, tasty snacks and
great entertainment to support this worthy
cause. TNT’s is located at 2114 S. Memorial
Drive in Tnlsa.
In addition to these events is their Sixth
fimnual Drag Queen Bingo (bingo like your
mother never played). %is grand event of
course features female impersonators, but
also "all kinds of cmnpy fun. It all happens at
Tulsa’s CaMs Ballroom located at 423 Main
Street at 8 p.m. on Saturday August 21.
Our House too would like to thank
their Program Director Steve Nissen, TNT’s
owner Margarita Chandler and all those
who work hard to make these events happen
and keep Our House Too operating to serve
our community. Our House Too is a 501c3
organization so donations are tax deductible,
and 100% of donations received benefit
their clients. For more information about
their services, donating or volunteering, or
about these events contact Our House Too at
918 585 9552 or visit their website at www.
Obdahoma Tobacco
Domestic Abuse in the
GLBT Community
A secret shame £or us
"We learned that 40% of gay men
wind up in abusive relationships.
Clearly this is a huge problem we’re
just not talking about. I was excited to
see people come out for this workshop. It
,vas a chance to inform and educate, and
to hear firsthand ka~owledge from those
who had been in abusive relationships.
I hope this opens the door for more
conversations in our comrnunit):’ Scott
Hamilton. Cimarron Alliance Director
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Erin Walker OKC ~CA Director ofOutreach
and Vo&nteer S~ice~: Gorin photo
abuse has never been easy for our society to
talk about. Family loyalties ("what goes on
here stays here"), guilt of the victim ("If I’d
been a better ,vife, he wouldn’t hurt me")
and the ego of the abuser ("She made me
do it.’) When the women’s movement of the
late 1960s and 1970s brought what had been
and is still somewhat taboo out into the open
these were some of sentiments expressed.
However, at the very least some of these
beliefs are now being questioned, and there
are more options now for victims of abuse to
change their lives with more assurance that
they don’t need to feel ashamed to get help.
As the GLBT community has made
great strides towards equality, xvith open
relationships more widely accepted and
even marriage (a concept not even fathomed
only 20 years ago) what inevitably followed
were many problems and taboos coming
out of the closet as well. In response to this,
when Cimarron Alliance held their monthly
educational discussion group on June 3 they
focused on domestic abuse in the GLBT
community. ~eir special guest
was Erin Walker, the Director of Outreach
and Volunteer Services of the YWCA,
which has provided help for domestic
violence victims since the late 1970s.As she
pointed out during the discussion, domestic
violence in the GLBT community occurs
with relationships of all types of people and
lifestyles, rich and poor, various educational
levels, religions and cultures just as it does
among heterosexuals.
As Erin put it, "Domestic violence is an
equal opportunity epidemic." Erin pointed
out that as same sex relationships have
become better known, so has the veil of
secrecy been lifted about domestic abuse that
happens there as well.
Paula Sophia Schonauer. an Oldahoma
City police oi~cer and activist with the
GLBT community, has answered hundreds of
domestic disturbance calls during her 18 year
career with the department, including many
involving same- sex couples. Concurring with
Ms. Walker’s experience, she saw that the
dynamics were the same. Likewise through
the years she has seen increased awareness
and better handling of these situations by
law enforcement. Legislation such as the
Domestic Abuse Act has made procedures
easier for victims and does not differentiate
between heterosexua! or same sex couples.
Erin did relate that currently the ~VCA has
an excellent relationship with the Oklahoma
City Police Department. which is helpful
as domestic violence intervention is almost
always stressftd and frequently dangerous to
the o~cers responding as well..
While recognizing that abuse in same
sex relationships follows most of the same
patterns as their straight counterparts, there
are unique aspects as well. Often a controlling
partner will threaten to "out" their partner to
their employer or family, k has been reported
that occasionally police departments will take
same sex domestic violence calls less seriously
than those of heterosexuals. Whether valid of
not, people abused in same sex relationships
may fed they aren’t resources that can help
The YWCA maintains a 24 hour hodine
for victims of domestic abuse which has
expanded their services to include assistance
for same sex victims as well. As with any
caller, the listener at the hodine will try
to obtain as much information as the
caller wants to give, with priority on safety
planning. In the case of a lesbian in need of a
place to stay, she could be taken to a women’s
shdter. At present there are no facilities for
male victims, however a man in this situation
would not be turned away, in some cases a
hotel room could be provided as a temporary
Erin most stressed this point, " No
matter what type of relationship people
find themselves in, we want to reach all
communities, .especially those that are under
N~eir 24 hour hotline-- 800 522 SAFE.
Voter Registration in
© ahom
Eligibility: A person who is eligible to
register to vote must be at least 18 years old,
a United States citizen and a resident of the
State of Oklahoma.
How to Register: ~bu must fill out a
voter registration application form. Voter
registration applications are available at
your County Election Board, post offices,
tag agencies, libraries and many" other
public locations. You will be offered a voter
registration application when you get your
driver’s license and when you apply for
assistance at some government agencies. You
also may" down!oad an application form.
~bu must sign and date the oath printed
on t2qe form. "g’nen yon sign the voter
registration application form, you swear that
you are eligible to register to vote.
Changing Your Registration: Ifyou need
to change your name, your address or your
political affiliation, you must fill out another
voter registration application form. You may
change your registration at any time xvith
one exception. You may not change your
political affiliation during the period from
June 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any
even-numbered year. The last day on which
you may change your political affiliation
before the closed period is May 31; the first
day on which you may change your political
affiliation after the dosed period is September
Submitting Your Application: You may
mail your voter registration application to
the State Election Board, The card is already
addressed, but you must add a first-class
postage stamp. If you fill out your voter
registration application form at a tag agency
when you get your driver’s license or vchen
you apply for assistance at a government
agency, the agency will mail the form to the
State Election Board for you.
~,bter Identification Card: You do not
become a registered voter until the county
election board in the county where you reside
has approved your application. \~en your
application is approved, the county election
board will mail a voter identification card to
you. Your voter identification card lists your
name, address, political a~liation and the
polling plaee for your voting precinct. When
you receive your voter identification card,
look at it care~hlly and report any errors to
the county election board immediately. Keep
your voter identification card in a safe place
and always take it with you when you go to
If your voter registration application
cannot be approved, you wilt receive a letter
from the county election board. ~lhe letter
will tell you why your applicatior~ was not
approved and explain the steps you need to
take to become registered. You may be able
to return the letter with some additional
information, or you may need to fill out and
send in another voter registration application
Closed Primary System: Oklahoma has
a closed primary system. O~fly voters who are
registered members of a recognized political
party may vote for the party’s candidates
in primary and runoff primary elections.
Registered Independent voters may be
eligible to vote in party’s primaries and runoff:
primaries if authorized by the party.
However, nonpartisan judicial offices,
state questions and county questions often are
included in primary elections. All registered
voters, including Independents, are entitled
to receive those ballots. At general elections,
all voters receive the same ballot and may vote
for any candidate or question on the ballot.
When to Register: You may submit your
voter registration application form at any
time. However, voter identification cards
cannot be issued during the 24 days prior to
an election. If your registration application is
received by the county" election board during
the 24 days before an election, you will not
receive your voter identification card until
after the election.
tf you will become 18 during the 60 days
before an election, you may apply for voter
registration between 25 and 60 days before
the election.
Additional Information: For additional
information about voting in Oldahoma,
contact your local county election board or
the State Election Board.
Oklahoma State Election Board
PO Box 53156
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
(405) 521-2391
Download and print application: www.
Church ofthe Open
Arms to host
Homosexuality and
Scripture Confederence
of the Open Arms-UCC ( United Church
of Christ) of Oklahoma City is hosting a
Homosexuality and Scripture Study on
Sunday, July 18 from 4 pm until 6 p.m.
Tt~e Reverend Kathy McCallie will lead this
workshop, shmving ways to defend the belief
that homosexuality is neither sickness nor
sin. ~ae study will focus on the history of
the scriptures and the cultural settings of the
texts in the spirit of faith and understanding.
In particular "clobber passages" (scriptural
references used to demonize or "clobber"
GLBT folks) will be clarified. ~is conference
is flee, hmvever to RSVP is encouraged.
Childcare is available if reselwed no later
than July 12. To RSVP or to obtain more
information call (405) 525-9555 or check
out the church website at wccw.openarms,
org. ~he church is located at 3131 N.
Pennsylvania Avenue in Oldahoma City.
By Steven Petrmv
Stewen Petrow. is the author of"7~e Essential
Book ofGay Manners &Etiquette. "Send
him your questions at queeries@live.com.
Can I break up with my boyfriend by
By Ronald Blake
Contributing Xg~riter
RonaM Blake, Certified Fimess Inst~wtor
through ISSA International Sports Sciences
Sun Tzu ~vas a management conflict
philosopher and author who lived in a time
and land far, far away. He’had many grand
things he laid out in his writings but we shall
focus on only one of his wise sayings: "All
battles are won before they are fought." My
task today is to make this relevant to your
health and fitness mode in your life.
X~bu are on lunch hour and are driving
down the boulevard of broken diets and yo~
are hungry. %ree of your best work buddies
are in the car with you. "W’e don’t have much
time and we need to just grab something
now," is the consensus from the backseat and
shotgun positions. You’ve already !ost this
battle and you’ll end up eating out of that
fat trough with Ronald, Hamburglar, and
Grimace. This could have been avoided with
a little pre-lunch menu planning or the sack
lunch fi’om home.
You havefft run in over five years but you
used to be the All-Conference runner back
in your university day]. You grab those dusty
Asics shoes and decide to give that five mile
race the old college try at the old college
pace. You’ve already lost this battle and will
end up limping and muttering obscenities
for the next four score and seven hours while
you nurse that sore Achilles. This could have
been avoided with a gradual training regimen
and the purchase ofsome new shoes before
entering that Charity 5K race.
After one round ofJose Cuervo you
announce your retirement from cigarettes
beginning tomorrow. After three rounds of
Jose Cuervo you announce with mucho gusto
your intention to banish Joe Camel from your
life beginning tomorrow. After five rounds of~
Jose Cuervo you boisterously and vehemently
declare your partnership with nicotine to
be dissolved beginning tomorrow. You’ve
already lost this battle even before the seventh
round of Senor Tequila. This could have been
avoided by making a signed declaration to
stop smoking while you weren’t half in the
bag with agave juice. The sober prover of pen
to paper has a great effect on action.
Your class reunion is three months away
and you want to shed that freshman fifty that
you’ve put on since being named most likely
to blah, blah, blah in the Quill and Scroll
Yearbook. You’ve joined the health club and
you want Donna Dixbottom to rue the day
she turned you down to the prom. You’ll
show her the error of her ways with that great
body and that rented Sebring convertible.
You’ve already lost this battle and Ms.
Dixbottom will only treat you to a haughty
cursory glance at the festive soiree. You need
more than just a health dub membership and
a desire, You need a daily workout routine
and a trusty companion to guide you to your
fitness goals.
Think about what you want to accomplish
in life. You don’t need to be Chinese, have
a two syllable name, or be a philosopher to
achieve successes in your time. You only need
a well prepared plan and action.
Chmarron Alliance hosts art show to kick-offPride
month By By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
Pride in Art, an art show presented by Cimarron Alliance Foundation m kick-offPride
month, was held at the Istvan Gallery in Oklahoma City. Pictured above are (l to r)
foyer Cima,ron Board member Terry Gatewood andMargaret Cox, Cimarron Board
member andpast chair ofthe organization. Robin D-Townsendphoto
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__To ldck-off an art show, sale, and reception held earlier
LGBT Pride month, the Cimarron Alliance this month at OKC’S Istvan Gallery. The
Foundation hosted "Pride in Art," event showcased the creativity and diversity
among LGBT and LGBT-supportive artists.
The festive, casual evening also featured
entertainment provided by Mary Reynolds,
Louise Goldberg, and Jamie Bramble.
"We came to enjoy the art, celebrate
diversity and to support other organizations
that do the same," said John Greer, President
of the AIDS Walk of Oklahoma. "It is helpful
to businesses, the community and those in
need when the organizations work together in
support." A fundraiser for tile AIDS Walk wil!
be at the COPA on July 19th, from 6-10.
Pride in Art artists participating in
the show include: Jennifer Barron, Gary
Bates, Rick and Tracey Bewley, John Carter
(Orlando, FL), Sue Clancy (Norman), Sam
Echo!s, Ron Ferrell, Richard Ydeffman,
Christina Kovash, Kenny McCage, Monty
Milburn, Bernadette Martinez, Cindy Mason,
Louis Scott, Joe Slack, Sue Moss Sullivan,
Frank Troutman, Rhonda Polen X~ernick
(Nashville, TN), Cynthia Daniel Wolf- and
others. Each artist will provide up to five
pieces or original art for the show. Sales will
benefit both the artists and the Cimarron
Alliance Foundation. Event sponsors were
Premium Beers of Oklahoma - Bud Light,
Iguana’Mexican Grill, Istvan Gallery, and Art
Fusion Studios.
Since the incorporation of the Cimarron
Alliance Foundation, the organization has
operated under the leadership of a dedicated
volunteer Board of Directors. From the
very beginning, Cimarron’s Board has been
comprised of people within the LGBT
community and straight persons supportive
of the organization’s mission. For the past 13
years tile Cimarron Alliance Foundation has
served as a powerful resource for individuals
and organizations vcithin the LGBT
The mission of the Cimarron Alliance
Foundation is to support educational
efforts that validate personal identity,
promote public enlightenment, and advance
equality for LGBT Oklahomans. For more
information about Cimarron Alliance visit
"First " ursday" Art
Opening and Exhibit
ofOriginal Works:
Verisimilitude -New
Paintings by Michael
TULSA, OK (PR) _The July
Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature the Art of
Michael Christopher. "lhe show begins with a
reception on Thursday, July 1st from 6-9pm
and continues throughout the month.
Michael Christopher began figurative
painting as a young teen - dropped it by the
time he turned twenty - and started again
thirty years later. Michael’s other creative
pursuits have included professional acting,
theatrical production design, composing
incidental music for the theatre, writing
scores for musicals and an opera. Michael
helped organize the Tulsa Artists Coalition
and he founded the Tulsa Center for
Contemporary Art (TuCCA).
What started a few years ago as a handful
of illustrations for a graphic novel project
became a more serious return to painting.
The works in this show reflect an eye for
photorealistic rendering and a vision that
loves and understands the human form. ~xe
works in Verisimilitude spread open the time
frame, drawing on the idealized realism of the
early oil paintings, touching on themes from
his 1987 "Living Arts ofTulsa" shmv, Boys
in the Machine, infused with a poetry earned
from life as an artist working across many
The paintings in Verisimilitude raise
interesting questions about artistic values.
Some viewers have .expressed an initial
feeling of disappointment when learning
that the works, which seem so realistically
to be painted with a physical brush, were
really made in the computer as if the digital
medium is somehow beneath fine art. The
works are not from photographs, but using
drawing software similar to programs used
in architecture and engineering. After a
computer drawing is made it is "painted"
using brushes, smudge sticks and other tools,
each tool a small computer script written by
the artist. These digital paintings take at least
as long to create as "wet paint" works. This
new dimension within realism is one of the
fascinations that drove the creation of these
paintings. Follow the progress of new projects
and experience Michael’s art and music, at
2010 Primary Tues.
July 27° General E ection:
Tueso November 2. ese
Democratic candidates
gear up £or an important
campaign £or O ahom s
f t re:
Lt. Gov. Jari Askins
Attorney General Drew Edmondson
State Sen. Kenneth Corn
Jim Priest
Steve Burrage
~m Holtand (incumbent)
State Sen. Susan Paddack
Jerry Combrink
Larry Huff
Stephen Covert
Lloyd Fields (incumbent)
Jim Rogers
Mark )vgil~S ..... .....
District 2: Dan Boren (incumbent)
Jim Wilson
District 3: Frankie Robbins
District 5: Billy Coyle
Tom Guild
District 2: Sean Burrage (incumbent)
District 4: State Rep. Nell Brannon
Mark Cornell
District 6: Jay Paul Gumm (incumbent)
District 8: Roger Ballenger (incumbent)
District 10: Dale Christenson
District 14: Donna Spring, Daryl Roberts
District 16: John SparEs (incumbent)
District 18: Janice Aldridge
District 24: Susan Brooks, John Branum
District 26: ~Tom Ivester (incumbent)
District 32: Randy Bass (incumbent)
District 42: Mike Kelly
District 44: Randy Rose
District 46: Andrew Rice (incumbent)
District 48: Constance Johnson (incumbent)
Steven Davis, Mark E Temple, Clyde E.
District I: Dennis Bailey (incumbent)
District 2: Glen Bud Smithson (incumbent)
District 3: Jake Leming, James Lockhart,
Jarrod Ridenour, Matt Webb, David Hogan
Traci Barnes
District 4: Mike Brown (incumbent)
District 6: Chuck Hosldn (incumbent)
District 7: Larry Glenn (incnmbent)
District 8: Ben Sherrer (incumbent)
District 9: Eric Cullen
District 10: Nick Brown
District 12: Vc~ade Roussetot (incumbent)
District 13: Jerry McPeak (incumbent)
District 14: Brad Clinkenbeard
District 15: Ed Cannaday (incumbent)
Annie J. Goolsby
District t6: Jerry Shoemake (incumbent)
James Bo Delso
District 17: Brian Renegar (incnmbent)
District 18: Donald Condit, John M.
Freeman, Carolyn Hilt, Roger Shirly
District 19: R.C. Pruett (incumbent)
District 20: Paul Roan (incumbent)
District 21: Oden Grube, Chris Pierce,
Nathan Williams, Jerry Tomlinson
District 22: x.X/es Hilliard (incumbent)
District 23: Mark Manley
District 24: Steve Kouplen (incumbent)
District 27: Chris Odneal
District 28: Ed Smith
District 29: David Narcomey
District 30: Donna Marie Vogelpohl
District 32: Danny Morgan (incul-nbent)
District 34: Cory Williams
District 35: Rodger Ensign
District 36: Greg Brown
District 37: Ken Luttrell (incumbent)
District 43: J. E Hemminger
District 44: Isaiah McCaslin, Emily Virgin,
Tom Kovach, Robert Murphy
District 45: Wallace Collins (incumbent)
District 49: Samson Buck (incumbent)
District 53: Amy Corley
DiStric~ 56: Maya To~ralba
District 58: Wilson John Adamson
District 60: Purcy Walker (incumbent)
District 64: Michael J. Corrales
District 65: Joe Dorman (incumbent)
District 66: Eli Potts, David Phillips, Andrew
Thomas Williams, Melani Hamilton
District 68: Troy Zickefoose, Seth \gatkins
District 71: JeffTracy
District 72: Seneca Scott (incumbent)
District 73: Jabar Shumate (incumbent)
Kevin Matthews
District 77: Eric Proctor (incumbent)
District 78: Jeannie McDaniel (incumbent)
District 84: Brittany Novotny
District 85: Gall Vines
District 86: John Auffet (incumbent)
Jeff Collyge, William Fourkiller
District 87: Dana Orwig
District 88: AI McAffrey (incumbent)
District 89: Rebecca Hamilton (incumbent)
District 9 t: Hollis Harper
District 92: Richard Morrissette (incumbent)
District 93: Wilfredo Santos Rivera, Wanda
Jo Peltier, Jeff Pecld~am
District 94: Scott Inman (incumbent)
District 95: Michael A. Walker
District 97: Mike Shelton (incumbent)
District 98: Dennis V/. XWeese
District 99: Anastasia Pittman (incumbent)
District 101: Johnny Laudermilk
Creep of he Month ByD’AnneWitkowski
"Family Research CounciF’
yes. N~e fabled "Gay Agenda."
Having invested so much in the fight against
it, anti-gay groups will leap at anything that
they can hold up as proof that a sinister gay
agenda exists.
So when the Gay and Lesbian Activists
Alliance ofg[ashington, D.C., released
"Agenda: 2010," the Family Research Council
pounced, cla,vs out.
GLAA calls "Agenda: 2010" an "electionyear
briefing paper on local LGBT issues."
FRC calls it a veritable blueprint for a hostile
LGBT takeover.
In a June 16 W’ashington Update post,
FRC posits, "What’s left for homosexual
activists to do after they’ve trampled voters on
their way to the altar? tn Washington, D.C.,
where same-sex ’marriage’ is legal (for now),
the gay and lesbian crowd is just getting
warmed up."
The post is accompanied by a graphic
reading of the ’,Homosexual Agenda"
alongside a list of things like innocence,
family and public health. Through each item
is a blurry red line with a few drops of red
here and there. Presumably it’s supposed to be
spray paint (Vc~at, is the gay agenda written
on the xvall of an abandoned warehouse?) but
it cotfld also be blood. AIDS blood, of course.
"Apparendy, their updated political
agenda spans everything from classroom
infiltration to legalizing prostitution," FRC’s
message continues.
I have to ask- what does "classroom
infiltration" even mean? Sending in
undercover homos to high schools like a gay
"21 Jump Street?" And I have a follow-up:
"Will there be a reality show?
So just what is the "everything" this new
agenda covers?
"Local groups will try to elect more
homosexuals to places of power, push
in-school gay-straight alliances, support
D.C. sex-oriented businesses, defend adult
entertainment, grant special perks to crossdressing
prisoners, force same-sex adoption
and legalize sex tra~cldng," claims FRC.
\Voah: Sounds ambitious. But let’s address
some of these claims.
First of all, what FRC calls "cross-dressing
prisoners" are often actually transgender
people, some who have broken the law, others
who have been victims of crimes. "Ihe "special
perks" include not throwing them into jail
cells based solely on what’s between their legs.
GLAA also doesn’t want to see them "denied
appropriate health care, sexually assaulted,
abusively strip-searched, (or) placed in
protective custody that amounts to punishing
the victim," which are some of the current
"perks" of being a trann>
As for legalizing "sex tra~cMng," that’s
not quite it. GLAA does advocate legalizing
prostitution. While a controversial position,
they’re hardly calling for a sex-for-mone>
free-for-all. GLAA raises a lot of important
issues, i~cluding "survival sex," where people
- ~’requently gay runaways and transgender
people - turn to prostitution
out of desperation, when it’s the only option
they have left. Throwing them in jail doesn’t
address the core problems.
"If (policymal~ers) want to provide safer,
healthier and more sustainable alternatives
to survival sex, you can support the creation
of drop-in centers, transitional housing,
job training, counseling, addiction recovery
programs and other services for at-risk
populations," GLAA’s agenda reads.
Oooh, counseling and transitional
housing. Really racy stuff.
"Lots of people in this country mistalcenly
believe that this community will be satisfied
when it redefines marriage," FRC claims.
"That’s not the case. Homosexuals and
transgenders (sic) won’t be happy until they
sever every moral underpinning in America."
That’s right. Because LGBT people have
no morals and fantasize every night about
living in some kind of lawless neo-sexual
apocalyptic hellscape. You hear that, FRC? It’s
right here, in writing. It must be true. And
it must be true for all LGBT people ,vithout
exception. Feel free to use it in your next
fundraising letter. Tell your members we said,
Ttae occasion prompted OkEq to hold a
supportive Town Hall rally at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center.
"It is a great day to be gay in Tulsa
Oldahoma!" said OlcEq President Toby
Jenkins, echoing a slogan he has often
employed at Pride and on other occasions.
"This time I am serious."
While the city council vote has been
met with optimism throughout the GLBT
community, some residents still see the need
for progress.
"IfI get beat up tonight, will the police
actually come help?" pondered one young gay
Tulsa man who did not want to be identified.
"We can still be fired without cause and
we can still be abused and lmow there’s a
good chance authorities won’t be interested in
helping," said Rogers County’s Brett Peason.
"This is a great step but it doesn’t really affect
most people in the community."
Others suggested that the city should
address the issue of equal protection at
companies that do business with the city
- thus xvidening the scope of the new policy’s
Oldahomans for Equality said that it
would continue to press the City ofTulsa
to add gender identity to the employee
non-discrimination policy and also begin
the dialogue with other Tulsa County
OkEq encourages supporters of the new
policy to personally contact City Councilors
GT Bynum, Maria Barnes, Roscoe Turner,
Jack Henderson, Chris Trail and Bill
Christiansen and express appreciation.
Tulsa elected ot~cials can be contacted at
For D~r~c~ Judge Vote...QuMity &Experience
in 2010
$5,000 Face Value
$10,000 for accede a~
H~V Coverage
forby G~itd for Congress, PO Box @21, Edmond, OK 738~s
Photo’s by Judy G. Photography
Downtown Tulsa, Oldahoma June 5, 2010
.................................................................................Continued on page-!8
By Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins covers gay travelfor the New
Drk Times-owned website About.corn and is
the author ofFodor’s Gay Guide to the USA.
Exploring Coasta Maine
Maine’s classically quaint seaside towns
and breezy beaches seem tailor-made for a
rela~ing vacation and sure enough, the state’s
coastal sections are invaded by pleasure
seekers ai! summer. Prestigious, blue-blood
retreats like Kennebunkport and Camden
overflow with magnificent estates, while the
pristine scenery" ofAcadia National Park and
Camden Hills State Park draw scads of hikers
and bikers. Artsy and gay-popular Ogunquit
makes a wonderfully low-keyed alternative
m Provincetown. while hip Portland and upand-
coming Rockland offer sophisticated arts
and dining.
The state’s shoreline twists and turns for
an astonishing 3,478 miles - counting every
inlet, cove, and bay; only the states ofAlaska,
Florida and Louisiana can claim more miles
ofwaterfront. You could spend all summer
exploring the dozens of inviting hamlets up .
and down tile coast.
The southwestern edge of the state - just
70 miles from Boston and about 300 miles
from both Montreal and New York City - is
not only the most accessible, it has the most
to offer gay and lesbian travelers. The region
extends from the bustling outlet-shopping
hub of Kittery north through Ogunquit and
tip to Ken.nebunkport.
Fringed by a lovely 3-mile beach, tiny
Ogunquit first developed a discernible gay
following in the 1930s, with the opening of
one of the country’s first successful summer
theaters, the Ogunquit Playhouse. It still
presents first-rate theatrical productions
today. The gay presence grew in the ’60s,
when hippies and beatniks started regularly
renting cottages and homes here. By the
following decade the scene fully blossomed
with the opening of a gay guest house, as well
as a disco called Anabelle’s (still open but now
called 02).
U.S. 1 and Shore Road, the main drags
through the village, bustle with funky shops,
ar~ galleries, boutiques and several good
restaurants. It’s a very short walk to the beach
from iust about any point in town. Ogunquit
supports a pair of lively gay nightclubs, a
piano lounge, and several restaurants with
inviting bars. In a state xvhere beaches can
sometimes be pebbly or difficult to access,
Ogunquit has one of Maine’s most celebrated
ones - tile northern reaches of this fine,
golden spit of sand draw a predominantly
lesbian and gay crowd.
Consider an excursion south to Kittery’s
hundreds of mid- and high-end outlet shops.
Or check out York’s Stonewall Kitchen -
nearly 20 years ago, a local gay couple named
Jonathan KAng and Jim Stott started selling
their fabulous jams, mustards, relishes and
sauces at a farmers market. They soon formed
this now-internationally renowned emporium
and mail-order company of delicious gourmet
foods. For the best scenery on this trip, follow
Shore Road south from Ogunquit through
York’s Cape Neddick, where you can stop
[:or a picnic at the park that overlooks the
diguified Nubble Lighthouse (built in 1879).
There are about a dozen gay-oriented
accommodations in Ogunquit, most of
them male-owned but catering to a mLx of
women and men, Jtist a fe~v of the excellent
possibilities include Moon Over Maine
(http://www.moonovermaine.com), a fully
restored 1830s Cape-style house with perioddecor,
well-chosen art, and a great location
in the heart of the village; and the reasonably
priced Ogunquit Beach Inn (http://www.
ogunquitbeachinn.com), a handsome litde
1920s compound comprising a main house
with five guest rooms, as well as two cottages
with full kitchens (rented weekly). A bit more
upscale are the lovely Gazebo Inn (http://
www.gazeboguesthouse.com), a handsome
14-room property with two hot tubs and a
gym and sauna; and the beautifully situated
Rockmere Lodge (http://www.rockmere.
corn), which is just offthe famed Marginal
Way walking path - most rooms have ocean
Charming Portland lies within striking
distance of Ogunqnit, perfect ifyou need
a dose of urbanity. Don’t overlook this
youthful, progressive city as a base, either,
especially ifyou’d rather browse museums and
stroll along shop-filled streets than loi1 about
on the beach. Portland daims a dynamic arts
scene and some of the best restaurants in
Maine. You can also check out a few very fun
GLBT nightspots.
The city crowns a hilly peninsula,
surrounded by rivers and harbors - you’ll
see water from many points and find the
bulk of the city’s best restaurants, shops
and bars in the histgric Old Port district, a
warren of cobbled lanes and vintage redbrick
warehouses fringed by a phalanx of wharves.
A short drive or moderate walk puts you
square in Portland’s West End, where grand
sea captains’ mansions mingle with smaller
row houses. More than two decades of intense
rehabilitation have given the neighborhood
a graceful countenance, and lesbians and gay
men have restored many of these homes.
In the heart ofdowntown’s arts district,
the gay-friendly Eastland Park Hotel (http://
www.eastlandparldmtel.com) has tastefully
appointed rooms with handsome colonialinspired
furnishings - several units have
kitchens. Amenities include a well-equipped
fitness center, and a rooftop lounge with
great city views. More intimate gay-popular
options include the historic Inn at ParkSpring
(http://www.innatparkspring.com), which
Boats in Camden Harbor
is just steps from the Portland Art Museum
and six warmly furnished rooms; and
the Morrill Mansion B&B (http:/Avww.
morrillmansion.com), a 19th-century
mansion on a picturesque West End Street
- the seven tasteful room contains period-style
To see a less-developed side of the state,
it’s about a two-hour drive from Portland
- much of it along a very scenic stretch of
U.S. 1 - to the resort comnaunities along
western Penobscot Bay; including Rockland
and Camden. You’re not going to encounter
as many gay travelers out this way, but
there are a handful ofvery gay-friendly
accommodations. Maine’s Mid-Coast is
a place for quiet vacations, ideal if you’re
a hiker, photographer, fishing enthusiast,
or sailor. Camden is home to a fleet of
Windjammer sailing ships (http://www.
mainewindjammercruises.com), which can be
booked not only on multiple-day excursions
throughout the region but also for afternoon
jaunts along Penobscot Bay.
The craggy 1,000-ft peaks of Camden
Hills State Park are a regional highlight; you
can tread along more than 20 miles of rugged
nature and hiking trails through this dramatic
5,500-acte paradise, and overnight in a
112-site camping area. The once-workaday
town of Rockland has blossomed of late, with
several outstanding restaurants and cafes. The
key draw here is one of the foremost small
art collections in the nation, the Famsworth
Art Museum, which contains works by many
noted Maine painters, including the George
Bellows, Louise Nevelson, and the Wyeth
¯ The on-site Wyeth Center explores that
famous family of painters.
Rockland’s elegant, yet reasonably
priced LimeRock Inn, is operated by a
lmowledgeable and friendly couple Frank
Isganitis & EJ. Walter, who prepare a
delicious breakfast each morning. Rooms in
this handsome Queen Anne Victorian are
done in period style, but with such modern
perks as flat-panel TVs with HDTV/DVD
and clock radios with iPod docks. First-
Andrew Collinsphoto
rate restaurants and galleries are just steps
awa): The gay-owned Camden Harbour Inn
(http://www.camdenharbourinn.com), with
its spectacular location overlooking the town’s
harbor, is ideal for a luxury getaway - the 18
rooms and suites are sumptuously appointed,
and the on-site restaurant, Natalie’s, serves
exceptiofial contemporary American fare.
Still about 75 miles farther "down east"
(Maine lingo for in the direction of the
Canadian Maritimes - "down" refers to the
fact that longitude decreases as you travel
east), lies Mr. Desert Island. Here you’ll
find the resort town of Bar Harbor and the
adjacent 40,000-acre Acadia National Park.
A 27-mile Loop Road meanders through the
park, accessing trailheads and many scenic
vistas. Some.hiking trails climb up to 1,530-
foot Cadillac Mountain, the highest point on
the Eastern Seaboard, and still others hug the
granite-strewn shore. In Bar Harbor, the Abbe
Museum, set in the 1893 former YMCA
overlooking the village green, contains an
enormous trove of artifacts and exhibits that
trace the state’s Native American history.
Bar Harbor has dozens of motels, hotels
and inns, among them the gay-friendly
Anne’s White Column Inn (http://www.
anneswhitecolumns.com) and its sister
property, the larger and more elegant
Clefrstone Manor (http://www.cleftstone.
com). ~ae advantage ofAnne’s White
Column Inn is its close proximity to area
shopping and dining. One other excellent
LGBT-friendly option in Bar Harbor is the
Aysgarth Station (http://~vw~v.aysgarth.com),
which is quite affordable and located very
close to several good restaurants.
With so long a shoreline and so relatively
small a population, Maine offers one
precious commodity that’s all too rare in the
northeastern U.S.: space. Although parts of
the coast has been developed with mini-golf
centers and condo colonies, the majority of it
remains beautifully preserved and ideal for a
memorable getaway.
Demented Inc.’ Tour graces the Copa to promote
their new DVD ofmadness ’Memoirs ofDmentia"
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Jenna Zdia, Dmentia Divi~yl and OKC’s Bearded Lad3,. Gotqn photo
the 13th ofJune Rachae! Eik~’s Sunday
night show had a special treat as Dmentia
Diviw1 / a.k.a, director Glenn Storm) and
his sid&dck Jenna Telia performed and
promoted Dmented Inc’s new film, "Memoirs
of Dmentia.:" With Drnentia showing up in
the style of Dawn Davenport. she and Miss
Telia put on quite an act promoting this work
of art.
Nxis 90 minute film is not for everyone,
bur &finitely a must for those who love
artistic dysfunction, insanity and pure white
trash truly in the style ofJohn Waters, who is
credited with inspiring this epic. Various ideas
and concepts show up clearly with obvious
influences from the xT~qzard of Oz, the
infamous Female Trouble movie, the Rocky
Horror Picture Show, the classic Deliverance
fli& ~ a real squealer) among maW others.
With only 4 people in the cast, it tells the
story of mad Scientist Dr.Frankemveenie
who creates the lead hermaphrodite, she male
Dmenria Divinvl. Dmentiahas ahard life
running a bordello, fights off the advances of
Hillbilly Cousin Earl only to be impregnated
by Officer Baloney Pony. She sells her baby
for cat’fare to Cousin Earl, who falls for her
neighbor Petunia.. Meanwhile Officer Baloney
Pony happens into a gay bar, falls into a
slumber, and in his subsequent dream follows
the Yellow Bri& Road to see the Queen of
Zoe who tells him how he can come back to
earth as a gay man. All of these happy events
are entered into Miss Divinyl’s diary, who
wonders about her lost child. Will there be a
For cultist movie fetishists, this movie is a
Godsend. For more information or to order
this DVD check out www.Dmentedlnc.com.
deadCENTER film depicts reversal o£Cali£ornia
gay marriage law
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
Oldahoma City, OK In the film ’8:
The Mormon Propositioff’ a former Mormon
missionary. Director Reed Cowan depicts the
events supporting the passage of Proposition
8. He chose to leave our opinions but rather
chose to tell the story objectively without
opinions, which he felt the public cleady
wanted. ~e film was originally premiered
at the Sundance Film Festival and received
the longest standing ovation in the histmw of
that festival., despite that it was held in Utah
where Mormons number well above 60% of
the population.
"I am honored to present this film at
deadCenter", said Melissa Scaramucci,
deadCenter Board Member and Director/
Producer with Crazy Diamond Productions.
Scaramucci and the organizing group invited
Oldahoma’s own TEN ( The Equality
Network) to talk to the crowd about the fight
in Oklahoma toward equality for all.
For those who dofft remember, on June
17, 2008 the California Supreme Court ruled
that California’s ban on same sex marriage
was discriminatory, thus making same sex
marriages legal in that state. Following
this ruling thousands of gay couples got
legally married in California, but this new
matrimonial freedom would not last long.
Anti-gay groups hired companies to
obtain signatures to put Proposition 8 on
the ballot of the November 4, 2008 election.
Successful at obtaining enough signatures,
Proposition 8 was on the ballot and simply
stated, "Only a marriage beva,een a man and
a woman is valid or recognized in California."
This proposition passed~ not only ending
the right of same sex couples to marry in
California but also leaving the marriages
of those same sex couples ,vho had already
married in lega! jeopardy
~e film depicts the astonishing approach
of the Mormon Church and their leadership,
primarily from Utah, using their tax free
financial support to get this measure passed.
"Ihere is proof by documentation and video
Emotions ran high during thefight to allow gays
to retain the right to marry in California. Their"
~orts were in vain.
in the film that this information is not
fabricated. This documentary follows
the activities of the Mormon Church,
questioning the legality of their actions
supporting Proposition 8 as a tax free entity,
donating millions to promote its passage.
The passage of Proposition 8 was a
crushing defeat for gay rights activists who
had hoped that public opinion on dais issue
had shifted enough to help them defeat dais
measure. The film depicts addition irony in
that the Mormon Church claimed to take
this action in the name ofJesus Christ. This
exploration of the Chur& ofJesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints’ involvement in the passage
of Proposition 8 reveals their secretive,
decades long campaign against same sex
marriage. More information about the film
can be found at wv#;v.mormonproposition.
Business is booming for
Sean Hayes
Things were looking tough for Sean
Hayes for a minute there - his coming-out
interview in The Advocate came off as cranky
and too-late, and then that Newsweek piece
suggested he was too gay to be convincing
as the hetero leading man of the Broadway
revival Promises, Promises. It looked for a
second like he was damned if he did and
damned if he didfft. But the one-time Will &
Grace star is having the last laugh: He scored
a Tony nod for the show, reviews for his gig
as host of the Tony Awards were glowing, and
his prodnction company scored a hit with the
sitcom Hot in Cleveland, which premiered.
to high ratings on TV Land. Hayes will be
keeping his TV mogul hat firmty~in place,
with NBC Universa! signing a two-year deal
with Hazy" Mills (his company with Todd
Milline0 to develop new shows for network
and cable. (Yoglt recall Hayes showing off his
sitcom-creating acumen On Bravo’s Situation:
Comedy.) So yes, naysayers, this gu)?s
officially a litde more than "Just Jack~"
from her national TV talk show. During
July of2009 she issued her "OHahoma
Citizen’s Proclat~aation for Morality" at the
Oldahoma State Capitol in which she blamed
our nation’s troubled economy on "same
sex marriage, divorce, pornograph)~ sex
trafficking and other forms ofdebauchery’.
On economic issues she iS likewise far to the
right, opposing a minimum wage increase
in Oklahoma in 2006 ~vhen it was $5.15 an
hour, even requesting that a study be done
to see how people living on that wage could
better budget their money.
Although Brittany has already made
history by being the first transgendered
person to run for public office in Oklahoma,
she isn’t running for that reason. She has
publicly stated, " I understand that there
are going to be some folks who try to make
this election about the fact that my medical
history includes a gender transition, but I’m
running for office because I believe I’m the
best candidate to fight for jobs, education and
Born in Chickasha, Oklahoma, Ms.
Novomy graduated from the University of
Arts and Sciences of Oldahoma and went on
to get her law degree from the University of
California-Hastings and is now a practicing
attorney. She is an active member of the
Young Democrats, who elected her as a
national committeewoman and also honored
her as their 2010 Woman of the Year.
Oklahoma House District 84 indudes
parts of northwest Oklahoma City, Bethany
and Warr Acres. She’s ready for the fight and
feels "I think our chances are really great.
People are ready for a change."
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy G.
Out &Aboa~t in Oklahoma
@ Tulsa Eagle. Tulsa
Tasha Carrington and Billy Jackson per[orming to the smash
hit of Lady Antebelliums’. "Need You Now". tt was well
received by the overflow crowd in attendance. Photo by
Ernest Atchison
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Angles, Oklahoma City
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@ Tulsa Pride Parade 2010
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
Mayor Oscar Goodman oI~cially welcoming the award ~vinnmg celebrity
Gay Travel Columnists, Donald Pile and Ray Williams to Las Vegas.
@ Tulsa Pride Parade 2010
@ Tulsa Pride Festival 2010
@ Tulsa Pride Festival 2010
By Ed Sikov
for Me, Marg itff’
Craig was giddy on the ferry: "Margaritas
are my tCavorite drink!" He clapped his
dimpled hands in excitement and began singsonging,
"Goodie goodie gumdrops!" He was
still jolly because I had withheld my controlfre~
Msh plan. I had no intention of using that
sticky-sweet frozen concentrate he loved, and
I was too much of a food snob to even let the
bottled pigswill variety into the house. Once,
in a notorious act of radical foodie-ism, I
poured Sa!’s bottle of Yucatan Yuri’s Primo-
Papi Mix off the de&. Before I had a chance
to tel! an outrageous lie about Yucatan Yuri’s
whereabouts, Sal saw me, rushed outside in
a fuD4 and punched me in the shoulder. We
didn’t speak for a month.
"Vge need frozen concentrate, of course.
W-e do have orange liqueur...."
"I have to tell you something," I began,
but the two nasty Pomeranians owned by the
cable sex show hostess Raven Wren - who
apparently didn’t have enough smarmy gay
men around her in the city, so she bought
a place in the Pines - suddenly defined
the term "bad canine karma" by attacking
a distraught muscle-boy’s twin white Shih
Tzus. The ensuing screeching and yelping (by
Raven) drowned out further discussion.
Vge were in the grocery’s frozen foods
section with one of Craig’s giant-size
Cabbage-Patch-Ydds fists engulfing a can
of corn syrup with artificial lime flavor
when I yanked it out of his hand; declared,
%XZe’re not using that"; and threw it back
into the freezm: Craig looked stricken. "Let’s
make our Margaritas from scratch, OK?" I
demanded, none too consolingly. "I don’t
_want_ scratch," Craig whined; "I want my
Margaritas! V/hy are you so mean? Why
can’t I have what I want?" "l-hen came big
whopping tears streaming down his colossal
face, which rippled with despair.
whopping tears streaming down his colossal
face, which rippled with despair.
At first I was mortified. But I’m here
to tell you that mortification is preferable to
the near-suicidal guilt that followed. I Wasn’t
on the ferry any more so I couldn’t jump
off. I could do nothing but hate myself to
the bone. "Don’t cry! Get what you ~vant!
I’ll make Margaritas my way, and you make
yours your way." I pulled the can of frozen
concentrate out of the freezer. "See?" I said,
putting the wretched junk into our cart. Then
I took one of Craig’s soft hands in mine and
led him toward the unsweetened lime juice.
"Ihe Margarita, Two Ways
Craig’s way: Dump a can of children’s
frozen concentrate into a blender, add ice
and enough tequila to keep everyone from
realizing how crummy the drink tastes, and
press "ultra-high"; if you’re lucky you’ll forget
to put the top on the blender.
My way- makes four cocktails:
3/4-cup inexpensive white Tequila (it’s
dumb to waste fine tequila by drowning it in
a Margarita, but then I’m a cheapskate)
1/3-cup unsweetened lime juice
1/4-cup orange liqueur (we had Orange
Curacao on hand - you can use any tTpe)
l/4-cup Really Simple Syrul5 (you can buy
Simple Syrup ready-made, or you can boil
sugar and water and stand around staring at a
candy thermometer, or you can make Really
Simple Syrup by putting equal parts sugar
and water in a jar and shaking it until the
sugar dissolves)
Pour some flaked salt onto one small plate
and a thin layer of lime juice onto another.
Add all ingredients to a large cocktail shaker
with some ice; shake. Dip the rim of each
glass first in the juice and then in the salt,
then pour the Margaritas in the center.
AWeekend ofPageantry at Angles Newly Crowned
Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA Newcomer and Miss
Gay US ofA at Large
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Miss Gay US ofA Oklahoma at Large 2009 Lindsay Paige,
winner Bianca LeBlanc, April Reign Miss Gay US ofa A at
Large and 1st alternate Cordillia 3/Ionroe. Gorin photo
Calcote, Steve Davis and Nathan Thomas had
a busy weekend as they put on two pageants
back to back Friday June 11 and Saturday
June 12. Angles came back to life as the girls
competed for their titles, retaining the usual
glamour of yesteryear while also reflecting
changes in the field of female impersonation
in Oklahoma.
The trio of Calcote, Davis & N~omas
owns both pageants as well as the Mr[ Gay
Oklahoma US ofA Contest ( men competing
as hot men, not to be confused with Mr. Gay
US ofA MI, which is for male illusion). The
nationwide Gay US ofA system differs from
the Miss Gay America System in that while
that system does not allow surgical alterations
below the neck, the Miss Gay"
US ofA system allows unlimited
alterations except that one must
have male genitalia. The At Large
US ofA system in addition
requires that the contestants
weigh at least 200 pounds.
The weekend marked a
special occasion as the Miss Gay
Oklahoma US ofA Nexvcomer
contest was premiering with
their first pageant. Emceed by
the team of Rache! Erikks( Miss
Gay Oldahoma America 1994
and Miss Gay America 2004)
and Jozlyn Welch ( Miss Gay
Oklahoma US ofA at Large
2008), the winner was Carmen
Deveraux with 1st alternate
Ferrah Mikals. N~ey will both go
to on compete in the national
Miss Gay US ofA Newcomer
Pageant held August 11-13 in Indianapolis.
The following Saturday Lindsay Paige passed
on her title as Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA
at Large to Bianca LeBlanc, with Cordillia
Monroe as 1st alternate. That festive night was
emceed by the lovely Latina Tillie Laine, who
herselfwas a Miss Gay Oklahoma America in
1983. The winners of that contest will go on
to compete in the national Miss Gay US ofA
at Large Pageant which will also be held also
in Indianapolis October 6-8 of this year.
3-he Mr Gay US ofA Contest will be
held this upcoming August 25 at the Copa.
For information about that contest e-mail
Mr.Calcote at calcojack36@yahoo com.
E-.~ail- KylesBrd3@aol.eom
Chuck Breckenridge
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597 Magnetic Road
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Abutting Downtown,
::Bars, Clubs, Baseball, BOK Center, Tulsa Gay
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For more L.~fo~ation visit:
English Garden Paradise with
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web site with full information
With outer planets hanging out near the
cusps, Mercury entering Leo and Venus
into Virgo kick off a lot of issues. Being
cute, outspoken and constructively
cdticat (let’s hope!) wilt have broad
ramifications. Modesty, compassion and
forethought are atways good to check
before speaking.
ARIES (Narch 20- Apri~ 19): Playful
banter can help stimulate a better work
environment, but not [oo playful lest
your intentions are misunderstood.
Spontaneous provocation has its place,
but strategic consulting with colleagues
will probably prove more effective.
TAURUS (Apri~ 20 - Nay 20): Your
new playful streak could come off as
critical and bitchy. Sometimes a Bette
Davis impression just can’t make it
right. One should never let go of the
Golden Rule - but’cha are, Blanche!
Well, you easily could. Be extra mindful
and considerate!
GEN~N! {Nay 21- June 20): You have
a lot to say and it feels very important
to you. Your family and boss may
disagree. Look for a new perspective
and tweak your message a bit. Listen
to friends with radical, challenging
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Even if
changing jobs seems risky these days,
con sider taking the chance. Staying
where you are could be worse. Any
current dissatisfaction with your job
invites self-sabotage. Seek advice from
a friend experienced in the work you
want to do.
LEO (Ju~y 23 - August 22): However
you identify with your words, some
separation is good. Your partner can
help open you up to powerful new
ideas. Look past long-held notions to
your most basic values; it’s better to
take in those fresh notion s.
WRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Step out of the social whid for a bit.
Focus on taking care of yourself inside
and out. A new look should honor your
age, not hide it. Knowing your limits can
help you zero in on your strengths.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Conflicted about social opportunities?
You may be better off in quiet retreat
with fewer, better friends. Favor the
more productive and creative ones.
Save time and energy for your partner,
even if you don’t have one - yet.
SCORPIO (October 23- November
21): Balancing friendly conversations
with the boss, and maintaining
friendships with colleagues, and could
get you a huge promotion. Never forget
where you came from and that going up
the ladder helps you to pull others up
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 20): Showing off newfound
wisdom could quickly force you to admit
to the limits of your recent learning.
Instead, ask thoughtful questions of
a real expert. Don’t be shy! An outr4
creative approach could spark new
directions and insights for both of you.
CAPRICORN (December 21 -
January 19): Sex seems to be shifting
from practice to theory. That’s OK,
especially if you consider deeply what
it’s all about. Old messages on the topic
take sudden relevance. Tapes to erase?
Valuable but forgotten lessons? You
could be surprised.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
t8): Your sex life should be picking up
pretty well. What does your partner say
about that? A discussion on the topic is
at least in order. People do change and
grow. Even if everything is hunky-dory,
it’s good to talk.
PISCES (February 19 - March t9):
Being playful is important, but for now
focus more on the actual work and
responsibility of your relationship,
real or hypothetical. When you feel
uncertain and use your partner for
grounding that may be unfair to him or
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~’m p~oud of the
Stonewall Democrats on my 234th Birthday!
"We are at a moment now when liberalism is poised to have
its biggest impact since Roosevelt, because the conservative
movement has been thoroughly repudiated through reality."
"What mailers, as always, is not what we can’t do,
~ it,s what we can and must do."
Stonewall Democrats is a recognized group of the
Oklahoma and national Democratic Par~.
Working to educate voters and politicians about issues of the
comr~uni~y, we are working to make change and shape
NEXT MEETING iS TUESDAY JULY 6, 7:00 We meet the 7st Tuesday ofevery month at the
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 7 Twitter.com/MetroStarNews ® MetroStarNews.corn JULY 1, 2010
.sa to
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing Writer
Tulsa Ci~ Council votes to include sexual orientation to ci~y policy. Photo by Mia Bella Images
Oldahom s
have a chance
difference By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
17th meeting.
While most rank and file GLBT
Oldahomans have no protection against
discrimination, Tulsa city employees will
enjoy codified defense.
"This makes such a strong statement to
the region on how Tulsa is a welcoming and
sensible island in a state that is often ridiculed
for being intolerant and unjnst towards
marginalized populations," said ~is Wilmes,
OHahomans for Equality (OkEq) Director of
The policy has been a long nine in coming
- 35 years, in fact.
In !975, then Mayor Robert Lafortune
commissioned a report that recommended
the city adopt this polic?; but the report was
rdected. In 1994 the Tulsa gay community
Commission has recommended that Tulsa
adopt an inclusive policy.
Wilmes and Oldahomans for Equality
worked in collaboration with Nancy
McDonald ofPFLAG Tulsa and Alice
Blue and Tommy Chesbro of the City of
Tulsa Human Rights Commission worked
with City Councilor GT Bynum and City
Councilor Maria Barnes to bring about the
formal vote by the Tulsa City Council.
"Tonight, PFLAG parents celebrate with
the LGBT community," said McDonald. "No
longer can a city employee be discriminated
against based on sexual orientation. The
majority of City Councilors are to be
applauded for their vision and vote for Tulsa
to be an inclusive city."
....Continued See CITY COUNCIL Page-11
BrittaW NovotW and
Kern to face off
November 2 for State
Ho se District 84
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
smoke has finally deared and the race is on.
Although the filing ended with 4 candidates
vying for the State House District 84 seat,
the two others will not be on the ballot.
Republican Garrick Voth was challenging
Sally Kern for her party’s nomination for
the General Election. Voth, a 34 year old
Oklahoma City resident who described
himself as a conservative Republican, also
Brittany Novotny andLt. Governor Candidate
Kenneth Corn. Pressphoto
described Ms. Kern as ignoring the needs of
her district. When publicity surfaced shortly
after the filing that he had been arrested in
election cycle is offering GLBT Oklahomans
and their allies a major opportunity to vote
for real change. Although Oklahoma has
the dubious honor of being the reddest state
in the country; we have never had so many
candidates to vote for who are either GLBT
or allied with us.
In this issue of the Metro Star there is a
candidate for District Judge (Jackie Short),
2 candidates for U.S. Representative District
5 (Tom Guild & Billy Coyle) and an
Oklahoma County Commissioner District
1 ( Willa Johnson) each directly asking for
your vote by advertising in the Metro Star.
running for State House District 71,
Democrat Amy Corley running for State
House District 53 and Democrat Mike
Shdton running for District 97. In the State
Senate we can vote to keep Andrew Rice
(Democrat District 46), who has always been
one of the GLBT community’s strongest allies
in the legislature. All of them face opposition
from Republican and/or Independent
candidates in the General Election.
Last but certainly not least, Brittany
Novomy is running against Sally Kern to
represent State House District 84. Sally has
made history and garnered international
attention as one of the most anti-gay
In addition there are 2 candidates running laxvmakers in the country. Brittany, has
who are 0penlygay, Tom Kovach running for already made history.as ~k]ahoma~s first
Stat~ Rep~es;~}~[ti~e Di~tricv ~4 and Andrew transgendered candida{e aud Sheis ready
Willi~ for Si~di~e Representative in District tO fight for GLBT equality. GLBT and
66. fair ~inded Voters of that district have
There are also 2 DemoCratic Candidates an Opportunity to give Ms. Novomy a
running for the Oklahom~ City State Ho~e vict(Jr} ~at W~uld likewise no doul~t get
DiStrict 93 seat allied with the GLBT
community, former legislator Wanda Jo
Peltier and Wilfredo Santos Rivera ( formerly
of the Oklahoma City School Board, one of
only 2 members who voted not to fire openly
gay teacher Joe Quigley.)
There are other candidates allied with
our community we will be able to vote for in
the General Election November 2. There is
our only openly gay State Representative Al
McAffrey- Incumbent Democrat District 88
of Oklahoma City, and our allies Democrat
Dana Orwig running for State House District
87 also of Oklahoma city, JeffTracy in Tulsa
international attention and give Oklahoma
a better image, besides getting better
representation. For more information or to
contribute to her campaign, her website is
On a further positive note, our allies
Anastasia Pittman ( Democrat District 99)
and Richard Morrissette (District 92) have
already been elected by acclamation ( no
opponents filed.)
Check out the voting instructions on page
9 if you need any information about voting
in this upcoming and future elections. The
GLBT community has never had as many
candidates seeking our vote, and it’s up to us
to make that worthwhile.
Will Rogers Park last September, charged
with attempting an act of public lewdness
with another man ( the case is still pending),
he withdrew from the race.
The other candidate was Ray Prewitt,
aged 40 and a resident of Bethany running
as an Independent. Ms. Kern successfully
challenged his eligibility before the Oklahoma
State Election Board, and he was stricken
from the ballot as he had not been registered
as an Independent at least 6 months before
the filing period as the law requires to be
Brittany faces a three time incumbent who
has for better or worse, undoubtedly attracted
national and even some international
notoriety. She replaced another conservative
Republican, Bill Graves who was likewise
famous for anti-gay sentiments, when she was
first elected in 2004. She was re-elected
without opposition in 2006, and defeated
Ron Marlett to win a third term in 2008. She
is married to Steve Kern, the Pastor of Olivet
Baptist Church and has 2 adult sons. She had
been a teacher at Oklahoma City’s Northwest
Classen High School, teaching American
Government and coaching the girl’s golf
team. She led opposition to the book "King
and King" being in the children’s section of
Oklahoma County libraries, daiming that the
American Library Association is "trying to
sexualize your children." She has made public
statements stating that homosexuals are a
bigger threat to our nation than terrorism,
resulting in countless public demonstrations
and demands for an apology; even generating
a phone call from Hlen Degeneres placed
........Continued See BRITTANY Page- 17
No matter who
are on life’s journ~
3131 ~. Pennsylvania,Oklaho
Straight but not narrow.
believe in equality for everybody
fight for that in Washington.
and I’ll
Bi!Iv Covle is orga nized, well
fUnded and his beliefs are right in
line with the fair minded
people of the Fifth District.
-Richard Ogden
Organized by:
leave a message please
Major Sponsors:
h o m a
New Report Shows Surprising
Gains for Gay O ahomans
P/~oto: Laura Belmonte, President ~e
Equa[i~ ~work (TEN).
(PRy June 16,
2010 __ g/ith the
Ttflsa City Council
poised to add sexual
orientation to its
policies fi3r public
employees, a new
report by the
TEN Institute, the
research arm ofThe
Equality Network,
reveals that *
several Oklahoma
already extend these
protections to their
gay employees.
Preliminary data
from an ongoing
project documenting
municipal policies
on lesbian, gay,
t.heir public
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens challenge longstanding
assumptions that LGBT Oklahomans have virtually
no legal protections at the local level.
"W~nen we began this research, we expected o.nly to
validate the widespread belief that few communities protect
their ~ ~ LGBT citizens
here. To Update: Late Thursday
surprise evening the Tulsa City
~bund Gounc~ "qoted 6-3 in
favor of adding sexual
orientation to the
nondiscrimination policy
v. for public employees....,
our great
mad joy, we
that maW
cities have
already LGBTpolicies
ofThe Equality
Del Cit)~ Altus, McAlestm; Miami, Noble, and Vinita al!
have nondiscrimination policies including sexual orientation
among the categories protected in the hiring, promotion, and
retention of public employees.
Another group of municipalities do not offer employment
protections for their LGBT public employees, but does
include sexual orientation in their anti’harassment personnel
policies. ~aese include Muskogee, Chickasha, and Perry.
Oklahoma City" is the only municipality xvith an ordinance
outlawing harassment, intimidation, or assault based on sexual
orientation. ~is protection is particularly significant because
the states hate crimes taw does not currently encompass sexual
Currently, there are no municipalities in Oklahoma that
include gender identity or expression anaong the protected
categories for either public employees 6r the general citizenry.
2qae study, also shows that Ponca City, Cushing, and
Sallisaw appear .to sanction housing discrimination against gay
people. For example, in defining what constitutes a disability,
Cushing’s housing ordinance states "’handicap’ does not apply
to an individmd because of sexual orientation or the sexual
preference of the individual or because that individual is a
transvestite." qThe Ponca City and Sail!saw housing ordinances
are worded similarly.
"~9{fe were stunned to discover such bizarre and offensive
assertions enshrined in public policy in 2010. These three
communities are clinging to the characterizations 0f LGBT
people that the medical and psychological establishments
rejected ahnost fi3rty years ago. \~ghile we agree wholeheartedly
that being gay is not a disability, we believe that allowing
landlords to bin" LGBT people from renting an apartment f6r
which they qualify as tenants is blatant discrimination." stated
TEN Institute will continue to analyze municipal policies
on LGBT Oklahomans and will integrate them into its
Municipal Equality Database. The pre.liminary findings
may be accessed at http:/l~aw~/v.scribd.com/doc/33127989/
~e E,q.uali~ Network. works, to achieve equali~y and to secure legal
*vmcuonjbr /esbmn ~y bzsexua[ and trans ender Oklahomans
d;~rough advocao,, coal~)on building, and in~i,idua/ empowerment in
the polidcalprocess..
3 GLBT Organizations honored
as U.S. Census Partners at the
O ahoma State Capitol
SundayJune 12
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
TobyJenkins receives the U.S. Census Bureau’s Partnership Award
on beaalfofOk~homansfor Equalio,. ~ his l@ is D,: Robert
Groves, National ~& Census Bm~au Direcm,; and w his right
Re~onal Dimcmr DennisJohnson. Gorin phom
OKLAHOMa\ CITY, OK __ In the Blue Room of
the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City maW
organizations were honored for their work helping the
U.S. Census Bureau obtain an accurate count with correct
information for 2010. A tradition every decade since the first
tally in 1790, the U.S. Census proves increasingly important
as the data gathered may determine ?vhere government
resources are allocated, where companies locate, as well as
countless other factors affecting the life quality ofAmericans.
Working to achieve this goal for 2010 the Bureau worked
with a wide variety of diverse organizations to help them
reach out to various demographics of society, especially those
who might be fearfu! or and/or otherwise reluctant to be
counted. In his address Dr. Robert Groves, the Director of the
U.S. Census Bureau, thanked the honorees for their efforts
that truly paid off, as this year’s operation is already ahead of
schedule and under budget. This involved a ~vide variety of
faith communities, social groups and advocacy organizations,
included among them alliances from the GLBT community:
This was significant also in that for the first time, GLBT
couples could be counted as married.
The three GLBT organizations honored that day were
Oklahomans for Equality from Tulsa, Oklahoma City’s
Cimarron Alliance, and the Metro Star. Feeling privileged
to be included among the honorees on behalf of Cimarron
Alliance, Director Scott Hamilton stated "XWe were so
honored to be part of it. XWe felt it was a big step forward.
The Census people were extraordinary partners, and were so
encouraging of our work in the community. I think that in
the long term the comraunity ,/viii benefit substantially from
the work that we were able to do."
OGRe’s riderless horse ceremoW
honors community leader
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
7he riderless horse ceremony lends respect th# year to Cookie
Arbuckle w/so diedApri119th , 2010. Picmred above (r to 0 #
K/int Weiden, co-director OGRA 2010 leading t]~e horse with
Lina Hineman and ~Ia,y Arbuckle. Photo by Denise Whithorne
(Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association) served the community
by hosting a better-than-ever event for their 25th annual
rodeo over Memorial Day xveek-end. Nais year’s rodeo charity
partners were midtown OKC based - Other Options/Friends
Food Pantry, Be The Change, and Expressions Community
Center. The amount donated to these charities varies each year
based on participation, events and overall donations.
"The event went just a smooth as it always does,’ said ....
Steve Sublet, a returning visitor to the annual event. ~’OGRA
has a history of being a well run rodeo and they sure proved
that again this year." Sublet is former IGRA (International
Gay Rodeo Association) Royalty as well as a performer who
has been selected for the 2011 season of’Americgs Got
The Riderless Horse Ceremony was dedicated to Other
Options and Friends Food Pantry founder Coolde Arbuclde
who died on April 19th of this year. "q]ae saddle is the one we
used in our family years ago when we showed Arabians," said
Mary Arbuckle, Coolde’s daughter who is now tile Executive
Director of Other Options and Friends Food Pantry. "The
colors symbolized - blue, for Oklahoma as mom died on ¯
April 19th, the green was for mother earth, which is where
we placed her ashes and the red was for the tireless work
morn did for the HIV/AIDS community." This ritual adds
such poignancy to the event which manually includes this
The history of the gay rodeo dates back to 1975 when
Phil Ragsdale of Rend, ix~, came up with this most creative
idea to raise funds. He thought an amateur gay rodeo would
be fun, raise money, and even erase a lot of gay stereotyping.
Over 125 people took part in this event and the winners were
crowned; first, "King of the Cowboys," second, "Queen of the
Cowgirls," and third, "Miss Dusty Spurs" (the drag queen).
It was great fun and a minor success. It wasn’t until 1985 that
gay rodeo came to Oklahoma.
The IGPvA has a rich history of supporting associations
that support their communities. They help other groups
provide quality events. Naey promote, in a positive way,
the GBLTQ country western lifestyle and support amateur
sportsmanship through participation, competition and
recognition. They are comprised of numerous regional Gay
Rodeo Associations from across the United States and Canada.
Openly- Gay
running for State
Represe tative in
Norman’s House
Dis ric 44
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
No,vnan CiO, Coucilman TOm Kovach
NORMAN, OK Tom Kovach ~vas ~
glad but not totally surprised ~vhen he
became the 2nd openly gay man elected to
the Norman City Council. He’d lived most
of his life in Norman, his family locating
there when he was only 1 1/2 years old. His
father was a philosophy professor at OU, and
after graduating from Norman High School
Tom earned a undergraduate degree in letters
from Oklahoma University. While attending
college he worked in a Safe,vay Store, and as
a union member there with the United Food
and Commercial Workers (UFCV¢) he won
his first election to be the Secretary/Treasurer
of his local. Later going on staff for the union
he found he enjoyed advocating for people.
He and a friend opened and operated a
successful bakery called Jason D’s, for over
!0 years. He then joined Astronomics, a
company that sells quality optics worldwide,
where he ~vorks today. Only two years ago
he joined the race to be on Norman’s City
Council to reprelent \Vard 2, and his victory
in 2008 not only made him the 2nd openly
gay person to serve on the Council, but the
4th openly gay elected official in Oklahoma
history. In 2010 he ~vas re-elected to his City
Council seat without opposition.
Tom is 47 and has been with his partner,
Will Weir, for over 11 years. He takes pride
that Will is listed as such on the Normaffs
city website, and credits Will for helping him
through the tough times and giving him the
strength for much of what he has been able to
Mr. Kovach believes his city council
experience will serve him well in the
Oldahoma Legislature. As he puts it, "My
ward is about 1/2 the size of the district,
and I’ve advocated for people and helped
constituents with their problems. You also
deal with larger issues that affect the whole
town. You learn how to work to make things
Pleasantly enough, he found that
his sexual orientation wasn’t much of a
campaign issue, and proved to be a nonissue
during his time in office. In 2010 his State
Representative Bill Nations would be forced
out of office due to term limits, so Mr.
Kovach decided he wanted to run for that
office where he felt he could make positive
change happen on the state level.
" I learned at the city council that one
person can make a difference, and even if
you’re in the minority speaking out can
help change direction. The s{ate is facing
monumental problems, especially the budget.
We are falling behind in many areas that
would make a state proud, such as education.
We’re last in the nation in the area of women’s
health and 1st in the rate ofwomen in prison
per capita. These are things we should be
working on, and when there is a problem
there is also an opportunity to address it,"
and he elaborated to say, "Instead they have
been scapegoating, Randy Terrill with the
Hispanics and Senator Russell trying to
exdude GLBT Oklahomans from Federal
hate crimes laws. You can’t just sit by and let
that go."
If elected he wants not only to be an
advocate for working Oklahomans. He is
also pro-choice, and as expected has stated he
xvill advocate in favor of equality for GLBT
Oklahomans. He has been endorsed by the
Victory Fund (a national organization that
funds campaigns of GLBT candidates), and
on July 27 he will face 3 Democrats in the
Primary Election. 2 are OU law students.
Emily Virgin who is 23 years old and Isaiah
McCaslin who is 26. The third Democrat is
Robert Murphy who is 52. This 4 way race
will result in a runoff if no candidate garners
50% of the vote. There are no independent
candidates, so the winner will face the sole
Republican in the race, Kent Hunt, in the
November 2 General Election.
Although Mr. Kovach feels he has a strong
following and is fairly confident, he stresses
that no election should be taken for granted,
and he isfft going to.
Friend ofOklahoma’s
GLBT Community Reelected
by Acclamation
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
rote Representative Anastasia Pittman
J~iend Rachelle Taylor (left). Gorin photo
Pittman, a longtime friend of not only the
GLBT community but also an advocate of
equality and justice for many progressive
groups and causes, has won re-election to the
Oldahoma State House of Representatives
with the closing of the filing period June 9
when she drew no opponents.
She represents District 99, first elected
to that position in 2006. Prior to holding
office she had earned a Bache!or’s Degree in
Journalism at Oklahoma University and a
Master’s Degree in Education and Behavioral
Science from Langston University in 2002.
She garnered legislative experience worldng in
the State Senate from 1999 through 2006 as a
clerk, media assistant and legislative assistant.
She has also worked as a Spanish instructor
and has hosted a radio talk show: She has
one child, Ayshia, and among her many
mi!estones she was honored as Legislator of
the Year in 2009 by the Cimarron Alliance.
Tom Guild-Democrat
for Congress
By By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
candidate filing is completed and political
season is upon us, community leader and
Professor Tom Guild, an Edmond Democrat
has filed for U.S. Congress. He hopes to
be the Democratic nominee to represent
Oklahoma’s Fifth District, which includes
most of Oldahoma County, and also
Pottawatomie and Seminole Counties. Guild
is currently the Secretary of the Oklahoma
County Democratic party.
"The 5th Congressional District has not
had a Congressman who represented all of the
district in quite some time,"
said Guild in an interview
with The Metro Star. "We
are becoming a very diverse
district and as time passes the
district will become even more
so. I’m the only candidate with
progressive values ~vho will be
open to the ideas and needs
of all of the people in our
Guild taught 27 years
at the University of Central
Oldahoma in Edmond,
where he was conferred the
title of professor emeritus by
the Board of Regents; and
three years at Oklahoma City
University. He taught political
science and legal studies
at UCO, and in the MBA
program at Oklahoma City
University. He earned a BA
in political science from OU
and his juris doctor degree
from SMU School of La~v.
Guild was a Robert Dean Bass
- Memorial Scholar ar OU and
the Maurice E. Purnell Scholar
at SMU.
Guild is proud of the
support he has received from
various diversity groups. "It
was gratifying at our first
campaign event we had leaders
from at least nine different
groups represented," added
Guild. "The diversity of that
event reflects the diversity of
our campaign and hmv we will
serve our constituents once
As a candidate who supports diversi~ Professor
TOm Guild will make his ,vtn at the 7he 5th
Congressional District seat in Oklahoma. 7he
seat is being vacated by Mary Fallin. Robin DTownsendphow
background, which includes 30 years of
teaching experience at the college level, taught
me how to value different people, different
cultures and different ideas and to work with
a wide range of individuals." In a previous
run for office, Guild had strong support from
a diverse coalition in the state’s largest county.
Guild plans to work hard to protect
and expand the middle class and make
the American dream a realistic possibility
for everyone in the 5th District. For
more information, please visit www.
"At Century 21 Gold Castle our BEST
proper#es are ourPEOPL
3627 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
By Samantha Fields and Lisa Keen
Keen News Service
An informal survey by the Washington
Post published June 18 asked a tiW number
ofwell-placed experts -six-- to say what they
think will happen if federal Judge Vaughn
Walker overturns California’s ban on same-sex
marriage. Two of the six pointed to existing
polling data to warn of the potential for a
negative impact.
Scott Keeter, director of survey research at
the Pew Research Center, said Pew’s previous
polling data predicts "bacldash." ~lose
polls, and others, have historically shown
LGBT victories in court lead to an increase
in public opposition to same-sex marriage.
It happened a~ter the U.S. Supreme Court
struck down state sodomy laws (in June
2003). It happened after the Massachusetts
Supreme Judicial Court ruled gay couples had
a constitutional right to marriage equality (in
November 2003). And even before ~Talker
issues his decision, said Keeter, polls indicate
the public opinion climate "remains chilly"
for same-sex marriage.
Joe Mathews, a senior fellow at the New
America Foundation, a political think tank,
said that, while public opinion is trending
m £wor of marriage equaht~, a d,ws~ve
court decision that gets too far ahead of
voters could prolong the fight over same-sex
marriage for a generation or more...."
"Ifjudges strongly support overturning
Prop 8 at each stage of the appeal, this
emerging judicial consensus that gay-marriage
bans are unconstitutional would speed
acceptance of such unions across the country,"
wrote Mathews. "But if Prop 8 is overturned
by a narrovdy and nastily divided U.S.
Supreme Court, say 5 to 4, such a decision
could conceivably do more harm than good."
So, where is public opinion on same-sex
marriage right now?
~¢o recent reports shed some light on
that, and some doubt.
First, the light: ~e 2010 Values and
Beliefs survey, which Gallup conducts every
May, indicated that 52 percent of adults
surveyed consider "gay and lesbian relations"
to be "morally acceptable," compared to 43
percent who said they are "morally wrong."
Five percent had no response or had some
other opinion. The results were based on
random telephone interviews with 1,029
adults conducted between May 3 and 6,
2010. Hie margin of error is plus or minus 4
percentage points.
¯ne 52 percent saying "morally
acceptable" was up three points over 2009,
when 49 percent said "morally acceptable."
And the percentage saying "mora!ly wrong"
was down four points -from 47 percent in
2009 {o 43 percent this year. (Five percent no
opinion or Other response in 2009.)
~is year was the first time since Gallup
began asking the question that more than 50
percent ofAmericans said they believe "gay
and lesbian relations" are morally acceptable.
"W~at’s different this year is that the
spread between ’morally acceptable’ and
’morally wrong’ is a whole lot bigger," says
Lee Badgett, a professor of Economics at
UMass Amherst, and the research director at
the Williams Institute for Sexual Orientation
Law and Public Policy at UCIA. It was a
nine-point spread this year, compared to only
a two-point spread last year.
"The question is," said Badgett, "will that
turn out to be a tipping point or not?"
Gallup polling data shows the "morally
acceptable" response has been on a steady
trend upward since 2004. It took a sixpoint
dive in 2004, .just six months after the
Massachusetts high court issued its landmark
marriage equality decision.
The percentage ofAmericans who
consider gay relations to be "morally wrong"
--43 percent-- is the lowest it’s been in a
decade. And also for the first time, a larger
percent of men said "morally acceptable" than
women ~- 53 percent of men and 51 percent
ofwomen now believe "gay and lesbian
relations" are morally acceptable.
The change in men’s attitudes was striking.
tn May 2006, 39 percent of men polled
said they felt "homosexual relations" were
morally acceptable. By this year, that number
had jumped to 53 percent. That’s a 14-point
iump, while, over the same period, acceptance
among women increased just 2 percent.
Gary Gates, a demographer at UCLA
who studies the LGBT population, cautions
against putting too much stock in one
poll But, he Says, "a varietT ofpolls have
been showing, depending on the wording,
increased amounts of acceptance towards
LGB and, in some cases, T people. That
acceptance has gone up in both men and
To a certain degree, the improvements
could have something to do with the fact
that Gallup’s wording changed in 2008, from
"homosexual relations" to "gay and lesbian
relations." According to Gates and Badgett,
people respond differently in polls on gay
issues depending on the way questions are
asked. Questions about "homosexuals" tend
to receive more of a negative reaction than the
same questions about "gays and lesbians."
~The closer you get to people having to
think about sex," said Gates, "the worse gay
people do in polls."
But experts agree, saying there is probably
no single reason for this change in how
men are polling, but rather a number of
contributing factors.
"Some of it is exposure," says Mark
Stevens, a psychologist at California State
University in Northridge. "Guys are growing
up where they have friends who are gaF: There
is a little bit more in the media, on the
And it’s kind of cool to be a little bit more
liberal and a little bit more accepting."
Gates agrees that exposure is likely a big
part of it, though not just for men.
"We know that a higher proportio~ of gay
people are being more open and being more
open at younger ages. And we do know that
1mowing gay people or having a relationship
with an LGBT person does actually have an
impact on people’s broader attitudes."
Age is, and always has been, a factor,
something that was clear in the surveys
results. Younger men (like younger women)
are generally more accepting than their
parents and grandparents.
In addition to the increase in acceptance
among men, the Gallup poll also found
improved attitudes towards gays and lesbians
anmng every other sub-group polled: from
Catholics to Protestants, Democrats to
Independents, moderates to conse,watives.
Though the degree to which those views
shifted differed greatly, it’s evident that
there is a stead}; gradual shift raking place
. in the way Americans view gay and lesbian
relationships and civil rights for gay people.
In fact, Gallup’s polling this year shows the
public views "gay and lesbian relations" as
more morally acceptable than doctor-assisted
suicide (46 percent) and less than having a
baby outside of marriage (54 percent).
But what about legalizing marriages for
same-sek couples?.
While the Gallup poll showed 52 percent
of people said they consider "gay and lesbian
relations" to be "morally acceptable" and 58
percent said those relations should be "legal,"
only 44 percent said such marriages should
be recognized. ~hat is up four points from
2009, and up 16 points since 1996, when
Gallup first began astdng about gay marriage
specifically. The Gallup polling on gay
marriage is now approximately where it was
for interracial marriage in the late 1970s and
early 1980s. The balance in favor interracial
marriage crossed its tipping point with the
1991 survey -when 48 percent approved and
42 percent disapproved marriage between
blacks and whites.
But do people’s attitudes necessarily
translate into how they are likely to vote on
an issue? Not as reliably a~s one might expect.
Political scientist Patrick Egan, who has
done considerable polling on gay-related
political issues, examined the results of 167
pre-election polls on 32 different ballot
measures concerning either same-sex marriage
or domestic partnerships. He found that preelection
polls "consi"stently underesn"m’ ated"
the number of people xvho would vote for a
ban on same-sex marriage -by all average of
seven points. And, "the share of the public
saying they intend to vote for or against these
measures typically chaiages very little over the
course" of the ballot measure campaigns.
This gap between how voters say they
will vote and what they actually do in the
voting booth does not appear to be a product
of wanting to give the a poll-t~er a socially
desirable response of supporting equality for
all, said Egan. He could find no evidence
for that. For instance, he said, in states ~vith
large gay populations, one would expect
many people who wanted to ban gay marriage
would tell a pollster that they were against the
ban. Voters in California, for instance, would
be more likely than voters in Mississippi to
say they ~vere going to vote against the ban
and then vote for it. But there was no such
correlation and no other evidence emerged in
Egan’s analysis to explain tile gap.
Still, it’s clear Americans are becoming
inc~reasingly open and accepting and experts
and polling data suggest this trend will
continue -unless something happens to set
opinion back.
"You never know how socie9, is changing,
and sometimes it’s not very obvious because
it’s very subtle," says Stevens. While the
reasons such a shift is occurn"ng now "mi"ght
not be necessarily explainable," he says, "it’s
really good to see."
State House candidate openly supports GLBT
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing Writer
Jefl~Tracy candidatefor Oklahoma House District 71 with wife Stacey and
son Eli. Pressphoto
TULSA, OK Hes stralg t, has a
beautiful family, wants to be the next District
71 State Rep. - and JeffTracy would be
supportive of GLBT issues even if he weren’t
already" committed to inclusion issues on
"I believe in equality issues but even if for
some reason I didn’t, I would still represent
the GLBT community’s concerns because you
don’t pick and choose who you represent,"
Tracy told the Metro-Star. "District 71 has
the highest density population ofGLBT
persons in Oklahoma. The support I have
received has been fantastic. I have the moral
obligation to support equality issues."
Tracy is the son of a police officer and a
Registered nurse. He is an Amarillo, Texas
native who graduated from the University of
Tulsa law school. He said that he has long
been interested in politics but finally decided
to run as a result of being parent of a son
almost two-year old.
"Being a parent cha.nges your perspective,"
he said.
At just 27 years old, the attorney hopes to
unseat Republican
Dan Sullivan in
what has historically
been a GOP
Tracy, though,
said the campaign is
going well.
"We’ve looked
at the numbers and
the numbers took
good for us," TracT
saKt. It s atway
tough to take on
an incumbent but
I believe that if you
have good idea, you
can do well."
Inclusion issues
aren’t the highest
profile issues in the
campaign. On his
website Tracy addresses issues of wastefu!
spending, education, healthcare and the need
to support the energy sector while developing
green job technology.
"I am so sick ofwhat’s going on in the
State Legislature," Tracy said. "They have no
concern for kids well-being. ~xey’re talking
about different abortion bills and carrying
guns at work."
Tract has built a warm relationship with
the GLBT community and recognizes that
this could be used against him.
"I know I will take flack for it - that’s
almost a given in Oklahoma," Tract said.
"But that doesn’t mean that they are right. It’s
a moral issue. We have the moral obligation
to respect people. If people don’t elect me
because of what I believe in, that’s fine. My
family will still love me. They won’t take away
my birthday. What would be worse is if I
didn’t remain true to what I believe in."
For more information on JeffTracy, State
House candidate, District 71, visit wvcw.
Attorney Richard Ogden appointed by Governor
Brad Henry to the Board of Regents
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Attorney Richard Ogden sworn in by Districtfi~dge Barbara
Swinton and wittnessed @partner Mike McLain. P~vss ghoto
OK3~&HOMA CITY, OK __ Attorney
Richard Ogden, an openly gay and longtime
activist for the GLBT community has been
appointed tothe Board of
Regents for the Regional
University System of Oldahoma
(RUSO) June 10, sworn in
by District Judge Barbara
Swinton. He is currendy
vice-president and manager
of the Mulinix Ogden Hall
~amdrews and Ludlam PLLC
Law Firm of Oklahoma CitT.
He has previously stowed as the
Chair of the Cimarron Alliance
AS a Regent, Mr. Ogden
is part of that governing
board responsible for the
hiring of university presidents,
employment and budgets along with other
aspects of administration pertaining to
Oldahomgs system of higher education.
Governor Henry expressed his confidence
stating, "Richard Ogden is a proven leader
with the judgment, skills and commitment
necessary to make a positive difference for
the universities and students in the RUSO
system. Richard has dedicated his life to
making Oldahoma a better place, and I know
he will be a great addition to the RUSO
board. I greatly appreciate his willingness to
serve that state in this capacity."
His appointment is for 9 years, serving
six regional universities, East Central
University (Ada), Northeastern State
University(Tahlequah), Northwestern
State University(Alva), Southeastern State
University" (Durant), Southwestern Oklahoma
State University(\Weatherford) and the
University of Central Oklahoma(Edmond).
As for Richard he is glad to serve stating, "I
would like to thank Governor Henry and the
leadership of the House and Senate for their
dedication and continued financial support
for higher education, especially during these
difficult economic times. I took forward to
worldng alongside my fellow regents and
regional university presidents, as well as the
governor and legislature. "
Billy Coyle-Democra t
for Congress
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Born in Oklahoma City in 1974, his family
moved to Florida when he wag a teenager
and he graduated from Fort Lauderdale
High School in 1993. He then enlisted in
the United State Marine Corps, made it
through boot camp at South Carolina’s Parris
Island, followed by 7 years of se~ice until
honorably discharged in 2001 at the rank of
E-5 Sergeant.
After graduating with a bachelor’s
degree from Florida State University, he
later returned tO Oklahoma City where he
graduated from the University of Oldahoma
Law School in 2003¯ He has since been a
practicing attorney’ with OKC’s Coyle Law
Firm. He is married, and his wife Heather is
an assistant district attorney for Oklalmma
County: Together they have a 2 year old son,
Understandably, veterans issues are
important to him. As he sees it, "Right now
we have veterans who are unable to get the
attention they deserve from the very country"
they fought for."
Another area is jobs. On this he states,
"We continue to have American jobs going
overseas while our elected officials have
become complacent. That’s wrong and un-
American. Very litde is Made in America and
I want that to change.
And while it may be rdatively easy to
be a straight family man in the Bible Belt,
he is among only a few candidates willing
to openly ask for the support of the GLBT
community in the reddest state in the
country. He has not only advertised in the
Metro Star, he is scheduled to speak to the
Oklahoma Stonewall Democrats, and has also
rented a booth to meet widi potentiad ;corers
at the Pride Festival al0ng wi~ ~ent~ i~
the Pride Parade. Asked if he feared the wrath
of Republicans and rightwingers he replied
¯ to this reporter, "I don’t care, they’re going to
pick on me anyway."
For more information about his
campaign, or hove to contribute and/or
volunteer Call 405 (600 9161) or access his
website wwcw.bill)~coyle2010.com
Billy, Heather and their son Jack. Press photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__ It isa first
for Oklahoma when we have not one, but
~vo candidates running for Congress that
are openly asking for the support of the
GLBT communitT. Billy Coyle, a veteran and
straight t~mily man is one of them, ready to
take on "Washington for what he believes is
dest,3,erately needed change. ,
This campaign is about the common "
,nan. I m not running because I nee
a job, nor am’I a politician looking for
a government career. I want to be a
Congressman looking out for the people
of O~dahoma, and Billy also added, I m
tired of big government, big insurance, and
big politics. I am convincedI can make a
SAGE (Servi°ceS &
Advocacy [’or GLBT
TULSA, OK (PRy __ The Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center is launching day time
programing for those who are retired or free
during the day.
OkEq ~vill be establishing a SAGE chapter
(Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
which is a national program geared toward
individuals over 50.
Each Tuesday the Center will open at
10 am for Coffee and Bagels followed by a
computer class taught by Don Satterth~vaite
at 1 t:00 am in the Cyber Center’. Lunch will
be provided at noon for a donation. At 1 pm
there will be a book Study on classical gay
authors such Edward Albee, Oscar Wilde,
James Baldwin, and Armistead Maupin.
"Pne Equality Center is located at 621 E. 4th
Street, Tulsa.
The following corresponence on ENDA
from Senator Coburn should be of interest to
your readers
Dear Editor A ick Tutoria{
on the Gay/Lesblan
Equality Decisions o£the
Kende! Powers Supreme Court
Moore, OK
Dear Mr. Powers,
or Frank Rich can be the Best Man at
my Marriage
Thank you for writing me about S. 1584,
the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
(ENDA). I enjoyed reading your message
and learning about your family’s history of
in~olvement with tt~is issue.
I hope that you wiil accept my sincere
apology {or the delay in my response. A
tenfold increase in mail volume has made
it difficult for me to stray current in my
correspondence. Even so, I am sorry to have
kept you waiting.
Let me be clear: I believe discrimination
is wrong and I am committed to fighting
prejudice. As a businessman and a family
physician, I believe employees should be
judged upon their individual merits and
work ethic, and should not be dismissed
without proper cause related to their actual
performance. I know we can agree that each
of us deserves to be treated with respect and
without bias. Nevertheless, I have concerns
about the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act (ENDA).
As currently drafted, the bill is
ovedy vague and broad, and will spur
by James Nimmo
O~tHOMA CITY, OK __ As the
time draws near for the final arguments of
Perry v. Schwarzenegger, aka the Prop 8
trial, we’ll come to the close of chapter four
in the ongoing saga ofAmerica’s love-hate
relationship with diversity, be it based on sldn
color, gender, or sexual orientation.
I’ve numbered this as chapter four
because there have been three previous
chapters in our gay/lesbian history that have
been decided by the United States Supreme
Court, the first one going against us, vdth the
subsequent two keeping us in the game.
Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) ruled 5-4
against us, claiming" ... a rig!~t to engage
in such conduct is ’deeply rooted in this
Nation’s history and tradition" or ’implicit
in the concept of ordered liberty’ is, at best,
facetiotts." ( http://tinyurl.com/jus3e )
Romer v. Evans (1996) reared its ugly
face in an attempt to further keep gay citizens
away from full indusion in the political and
needless liti~t~on. The bi!l~ text creates , ,.............
mcons~stencles w~m ex~st,ng te{aera~ civil , ~
for us, Justice Kennedy wrote ~hat {he passage
rights starutes. I am atso concerned that
a discrimination claim could be based
on ’real or perceived" sexual orientation
characteristics. ~][hese terms will require a
court to decide their raeaning. Issues such as
these require the Senate Health, Education,
Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee to
};arther study this legislation and amend these
vague terms so Congress does not abdicate its
legislative duty to the courts. In addition, ~
also am concerned that ENDA would impede
the religious liberties ol:’churches and of
other non-proifit religious groups. The current
religious exemption in the bill is not robust
enough and should be expanded.
tn addition, I believe states are already
appropriately working to address this issue. In
fact, thirty-one state~ have some form oflaw,
regulation or executive order that requires
protecting employees from discrimination
based on sexual orientation including some
states that protect transgendered individuals.
When a majority of the states have shown
a propensity to address an issue as they
see fit, Congress should not intervene and
unnecessarily preempt state law. I believe
government is at its best when it is closest to
the people and our states should continue to
decide how best to protect employees from
Again, thank you for writing me on this
issue. If you have any additional concerns,
please fed free to write again. I look forwad
to hearing from you in the future.
Tom A. Coburn, M.D.
United States Senator
of Colorado~ Amendment 2 disallowing any
recognition of gay people under the laws of
Colorado was unconstitutional.
He wrote in the ma ority opinion that
"laws of the kind now before us raise the
inevitable inference that the disadvantage
imposed is born of animosity toward the class
of persons affected." The Court implied that
the passage of.&nendment 2 was born of a
"bare...desire to harm a politically unpopular
group". ( http:/Itinyurl.com/49m9er )
Turning the page we get to tbe decision
striking down sodomy laws with the Supreme
Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas (2003)
that helped immensely in removing the
uncharged felon status every gay man and
woman carried with them as these laws were
selectively enforced to intimidate us in our
public and private lives. ( http://tinyurl.
com/br2tj )
The Prop 8 ruling, regardless of~vhich
gay or homo-hating party it favors, will
eventually make its way to the US Supreme
Court where for many years the decisions
have been 5-4 with the 5 going mostly to
the regressive sides of the arguments, be they
social justice or economic equality questions.
I was tickled pink when Olson and
Boles took up the clarion call from the Equal
Rights Foundation ( equalrightsfoundation.
org ) to make a full court argument on our
behalf~br civil rights in marriage. Even as the
purpose of the trial has been to reverse the
unconscionable passage ofCalf" fo~rm"a’s Prop 8
that disallows same gender marriage
after a favorable California Supreme Court
ruling, there’s no doubt in my mind that
the extensive media coverage and social
conversation of the nearly four-year hist~iry
of this latest action to remove gay/lesbian
discrimination has been effective in diluting
the homo-hating potions and superstitious
invectives thrown at us. The echoes of
previous court decisions that have been heard
across the country will prove too powerful for
the cobwebs of prejudice and animositT to
Frank Rich, op/ed columnist for the New
York Times and first pick for best man at my
marriage, has written an optimistic essay (
http:lltinyurt.com/38gornv ) I recommend
for anyone down in the dumps
over our on-again/off-again progress for civil
equality. Mr. Rich writes that approval of
same-gender marriage is higher now than the
approval for inter-racial marriage a year after
i{ was supported by a Supreme Court ruling
in 1967 (Loving vs Virginia), I think thanks
to the vastly easier modes of communication
now available with social networking and the
If Limbaugh can have Elton John sing at
his fi~urth marriage can my first marriage be
far behind?
* CiVi Rights *Criminal
’ment * Family Law * Litigation
625 13,th Street
: City’s, OK 73103
07.01.2010 ~’J’~R
Celebrations during
Hard Times Benefit
Our House Too
By Judy Gabbard
Contributing Writer
]:~rogr~m Director Steve [Vissen and 7E~,rT~
owner Margarita Chand~e~ Judy G. photo
TULSA. OK __ Xghen our :ountry and
particularly O~ahoma was in the grip.s of
severe hardship during the Great Depression,
people in their communities came together
for hard times dances, bake-offs and rummage
sales with the proceeds going to help those
in need. %ese events not only made things
better for the beneficiaries, but also gave a
spirit of community solidarity to those who
contributed as welI.
Carrying on this proud tradition is Our
House, Too. Located in Ttdsa at 203 N.
Nogales Avenue, assistance is available there
for people living with HIV/AIDS providing
household and toiletry needs, weekly meals,
food baskets and general support. The
weakened economy has affected charitable
organizations in Oklahoma and natiomvide,
with declining donations combined with
ever increasing needs. Our House, Too is
also feeling this dilemma, so in the spirit of
coming together as a community they are
organizing 3 events to generate awareness as
wall as raise much needed funds.
~ihere will be benefit shows at TNT’s on
both Friday Jtfly 2 at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday
September 4 also at 9:30 p.m., ~vhere you can
enjoy cold beer, fine drinks, tasty snacks and
great entertainment to support this worthy
cause. TNT’s is located at 2114 S. Memorial
Drive in Tnlsa.
In addition to these events is their Sixth
fimnual Drag Queen Bingo (bingo like your
mother never played). %is grand event of
course features female impersonators, but
also "all kinds of cmnpy fun. It all happens at
Tulsa’s CaMs Ballroom located at 423 Main
Street at 8 p.m. on Saturday August 21.
Our House too would like to thank
their Program Director Steve Nissen, TNT’s
owner Margarita Chandler and all those
who work hard to make these events happen
and keep Our House Too operating to serve
our community. Our House Too is a 501c3
organization so donations are tax deductible,
and 100% of donations received benefit
their clients. For more information about
their services, donating or volunteering, or
about these events contact Our House Too at
918 585 9552 or visit their website at www.
Obdahoma Tobacco
Domestic Abuse in the
GLBT Community
A secret shame £or us
"We learned that 40% of gay men
wind up in abusive relationships.
Clearly this is a huge problem we’re
just not talking about. I was excited to
see people come out for this workshop. It
,vas a chance to inform and educate, and
to hear firsthand ka~owledge from those
who had been in abusive relationships.
I hope this opens the door for more
conversations in our comrnunit):’ Scott
Hamilton. Cimarron Alliance Director
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Erin Walker OKC ~CA Director ofOutreach
and Vo&nteer S~ice~: Gorin photo
abuse has never been easy for our society to
talk about. Family loyalties ("what goes on
here stays here"), guilt of the victim ("If I’d
been a better ,vife, he wouldn’t hurt me")
and the ego of the abuser ("She made me
do it.’) When the women’s movement of the
late 1960s and 1970s brought what had been
and is still somewhat taboo out into the open
these were some of sentiments expressed.
However, at the very least some of these
beliefs are now being questioned, and there
are more options now for victims of abuse to
change their lives with more assurance that
they don’t need to feel ashamed to get help.
As the GLBT community has made
great strides towards equality, xvith open
relationships more widely accepted and
even marriage (a concept not even fathomed
only 20 years ago) what inevitably followed
were many problems and taboos coming
out of the closet as well. In response to this,
when Cimarron Alliance held their monthly
educational discussion group on June 3 they
focused on domestic abuse in the GLBT
community. ~eir special guest
was Erin Walker, the Director of Outreach
and Volunteer Services of the YWCA,
which has provided help for domestic
violence victims since the late 1970s.As she
pointed out during the discussion, domestic
violence in the GLBT community occurs
with relationships of all types of people and
lifestyles, rich and poor, various educational
levels, religions and cultures just as it does
among heterosexuals.
As Erin put it, "Domestic violence is an
equal opportunity epidemic." Erin pointed
out that as same sex relationships have
become better known, so has the veil of
secrecy been lifted about domestic abuse that
happens there as well.
Paula Sophia Schonauer. an Oldahoma
City police oi~cer and activist with the
GLBT community, has answered hundreds of
domestic disturbance calls during her 18 year
career with the department, including many
involving same- sex couples. Concurring with
Ms. Walker’s experience, she saw that the
dynamics were the same. Likewise through
the years she has seen increased awareness
and better handling of these situations by
law enforcement. Legislation such as the
Domestic Abuse Act has made procedures
easier for victims and does not differentiate
between heterosexua! or same sex couples.
Erin did relate that currently the ~VCA has
an excellent relationship with the Oklahoma
City Police Department. which is helpful
as domestic violence intervention is almost
always stressftd and frequently dangerous to
the o~cers responding as well..
While recognizing that abuse in same
sex relationships follows most of the same
patterns as their straight counterparts, there
are unique aspects as well. Often a controlling
partner will threaten to "out" their partner to
their employer or family, k has been reported
that occasionally police departments will take
same sex domestic violence calls less seriously
than those of heterosexuals. Whether valid of
not, people abused in same sex relationships
may fed they aren’t resources that can help
The YWCA maintains a 24 hour hodine
for victims of domestic abuse which has
expanded their services to include assistance
for same sex victims as well. As with any
caller, the listener at the hodine will try
to obtain as much information as the
caller wants to give, with priority on safety
planning. In the case of a lesbian in need of a
place to stay, she could be taken to a women’s
shdter. At present there are no facilities for
male victims, however a man in this situation
would not be turned away, in some cases a
hotel room could be provided as a temporary
Erin most stressed this point, " No
matter what type of relationship people
find themselves in, we want to reach all
communities, .especially those that are under
N~eir 24 hour hotline-- 800 522 SAFE.
Voter Registration in
© ahom
Eligibility: A person who is eligible to
register to vote must be at least 18 years old,
a United States citizen and a resident of the
State of Oklahoma.
How to Register: ~bu must fill out a
voter registration application form. Voter
registration applications are available at
your County Election Board, post offices,
tag agencies, libraries and many" other
public locations. You will be offered a voter
registration application when you get your
driver’s license and when you apply for
assistance at some government agencies. You
also may" down!oad an application form.
~bu must sign and date the oath printed
on t2qe form. "g’nen yon sign the voter
registration application form, you swear that
you are eligible to register to vote.
Changing Your Registration: Ifyou need
to change your name, your address or your
political affiliation, you must fill out another
voter registration application form. You may
change your registration at any time xvith
one exception. You may not change your
political affiliation during the period from
June 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any
even-numbered year. The last day on which
you may change your political affiliation
before the closed period is May 31; the first
day on which you may change your political
affiliation after the dosed period is September
Submitting Your Application: You may
mail your voter registration application to
the State Election Board, The card is already
addressed, but you must add a first-class
postage stamp. If you fill out your voter
registration application form at a tag agency
when you get your driver’s license or vchen
you apply for assistance at a government
agency, the agency will mail the form to the
State Election Board for you.
~,bter Identification Card: You do not
become a registered voter until the county
election board in the county where you reside
has approved your application. \~en your
application is approved, the county election
board will mail a voter identification card to
you. Your voter identification card lists your
name, address, political a~liation and the
polling plaee for your voting precinct. When
you receive your voter identification card,
look at it care~hlly and report any errors to
the county election board immediately. Keep
your voter identification card in a safe place
and always take it with you when you go to
If your voter registration application
cannot be approved, you wilt receive a letter
from the county election board. ~lhe letter
will tell you why your applicatior~ was not
approved and explain the steps you need to
take to become registered. You may be able
to return the letter with some additional
information, or you may need to fill out and
send in another voter registration application
Closed Primary System: Oklahoma has
a closed primary system. O~fly voters who are
registered members of a recognized political
party may vote for the party’s candidates
in primary and runoff primary elections.
Registered Independent voters may be
eligible to vote in party’s primaries and runoff:
primaries if authorized by the party.
However, nonpartisan judicial offices,
state questions and county questions often are
included in primary elections. All registered
voters, including Independents, are entitled
to receive those ballots. At general elections,
all voters receive the same ballot and may vote
for any candidate or question on the ballot.
When to Register: You may submit your
voter registration application form at any
time. However, voter identification cards
cannot be issued during the 24 days prior to
an election. If your registration application is
received by the county" election board during
the 24 days before an election, you will not
receive your voter identification card until
after the election.
tf you will become 18 during the 60 days
before an election, you may apply for voter
registration between 25 and 60 days before
the election.
Additional Information: For additional
information about voting in Oldahoma,
contact your local county election board or
the State Election Board.
Oklahoma State Election Board
PO Box 53156
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
(405) 521-2391
Download and print application: www.
Church ofthe Open
Arms to host
Homosexuality and
Scripture Confederence
of the Open Arms-UCC ( United Church
of Christ) of Oklahoma City is hosting a
Homosexuality and Scripture Study on
Sunday, July 18 from 4 pm until 6 p.m.
Tt~e Reverend Kathy McCallie will lead this
workshop, shmving ways to defend the belief
that homosexuality is neither sickness nor
sin. ~ae study will focus on the history of
the scriptures and the cultural settings of the
texts in the spirit of faith and understanding.
In particular "clobber passages" (scriptural
references used to demonize or "clobber"
GLBT folks) will be clarified. ~is conference
is flee, hmvever to RSVP is encouraged.
Childcare is available if reselwed no later
than July 12. To RSVP or to obtain more
information call (405) 525-9555 or check
out the church website at wccw.openarms,
org. ~he church is located at 3131 N.
Pennsylvania Avenue in Oldahoma City.
By Steven Petrmv
Stewen Petrow. is the author of"7~e Essential
Book ofGay Manners &Etiquette. "Send
him your questions at queeries@live.com.
Can I break up with my boyfriend by
By Ronald Blake
Contributing Xg~riter
RonaM Blake, Certified Fimess Inst~wtor
through ISSA International Sports Sciences
Sun Tzu ~vas a management conflict
philosopher and author who lived in a time
and land far, far away. He’had many grand
things he laid out in his writings but we shall
focus on only one of his wise sayings: "All
battles are won before they are fought." My
task today is to make this relevant to your
health and fitness mode in your life.
X~bu are on lunch hour and are driving
down the boulevard of broken diets and yo~
are hungry. %ree of your best work buddies
are in the car with you. "W’e don’t have much
time and we need to just grab something
now," is the consensus from the backseat and
shotgun positions. You’ve already !ost this
battle and you’ll end up eating out of that
fat trough with Ronald, Hamburglar, and
Grimace. This could have been avoided with
a little pre-lunch menu planning or the sack
lunch fi’om home.
You havefft run in over five years but you
used to be the All-Conference runner back
in your university day]. You grab those dusty
Asics shoes and decide to give that five mile
race the old college try at the old college
pace. You’ve already lost this battle and will
end up limping and muttering obscenities
for the next four score and seven hours while
you nurse that sore Achilles. This could have
been avoided with a gradual training regimen
and the purchase ofsome new shoes before
entering that Charity 5K race.
After one round ofJose Cuervo you
announce your retirement from cigarettes
beginning tomorrow. After three rounds of
Jose Cuervo you announce with mucho gusto
your intention to banish Joe Camel from your
life beginning tomorrow. After five rounds of~
Jose Cuervo you boisterously and vehemently
declare your partnership with nicotine to
be dissolved beginning tomorrow. You’ve
already lost this battle even before the seventh
round of Senor Tequila. This could have been
avoided by making a signed declaration to
stop smoking while you weren’t half in the
bag with agave juice. The sober prover of pen
to paper has a great effect on action.
Your class reunion is three months away
and you want to shed that freshman fifty that
you’ve put on since being named most likely
to blah, blah, blah in the Quill and Scroll
Yearbook. You’ve joined the health club and
you want Donna Dixbottom to rue the day
she turned you down to the prom. You’ll
show her the error of her ways with that great
body and that rented Sebring convertible.
You’ve already lost this battle and Ms.
Dixbottom will only treat you to a haughty
cursory glance at the festive soiree. You need
more than just a health dub membership and
a desire, You need a daily workout routine
and a trusty companion to guide you to your
fitness goals.
Think about what you want to accomplish
in life. You don’t need to be Chinese, have
a two syllable name, or be a philosopher to
achieve successes in your time. You only need
a well prepared plan and action.
Chmarron Alliance hosts art show to kick-offPride
month By By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
Pride in Art, an art show presented by Cimarron Alliance Foundation m kick-offPride
month, was held at the Istvan Gallery in Oklahoma City. Pictured above are (l to r)
foyer Cima,ron Board member Terry Gatewood andMargaret Cox, Cimarron Board
member andpast chair ofthe organization. Robin D-Townsendphoto
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__To ldck-off an art show, sale, and reception held earlier
LGBT Pride month, the Cimarron Alliance this month at OKC’S Istvan Gallery. The
Foundation hosted "Pride in Art," event showcased the creativity and diversity
among LGBT and LGBT-supportive artists.
The festive, casual evening also featured
entertainment provided by Mary Reynolds,
Louise Goldberg, and Jamie Bramble.
"We came to enjoy the art, celebrate
diversity and to support other organizations
that do the same," said John Greer, President
of the AIDS Walk of Oklahoma. "It is helpful
to businesses, the community and those in
need when the organizations work together in
support." A fundraiser for tile AIDS Walk wil!
be at the COPA on July 19th, from 6-10.
Pride in Art artists participating in
the show include: Jennifer Barron, Gary
Bates, Rick and Tracey Bewley, John Carter
(Orlando, FL), Sue Clancy (Norman), Sam
Echo!s, Ron Ferrell, Richard Ydeffman,
Christina Kovash, Kenny McCage, Monty
Milburn, Bernadette Martinez, Cindy Mason,
Louis Scott, Joe Slack, Sue Moss Sullivan,
Frank Troutman, Rhonda Polen X~ernick
(Nashville, TN), Cynthia Daniel Wolf- and
others. Each artist will provide up to five
pieces or original art for the show. Sales will
benefit both the artists and the Cimarron
Alliance Foundation. Event sponsors were
Premium Beers of Oklahoma - Bud Light,
Iguana’Mexican Grill, Istvan Gallery, and Art
Fusion Studios.
Since the incorporation of the Cimarron
Alliance Foundation, the organization has
operated under the leadership of a dedicated
volunteer Board of Directors. From the
very beginning, Cimarron’s Board has been
comprised of people within the LGBT
community and straight persons supportive
of the organization’s mission. For the past 13
years tile Cimarron Alliance Foundation has
served as a powerful resource for individuals
and organizations vcithin the LGBT
The mission of the Cimarron Alliance
Foundation is to support educational
efforts that validate personal identity,
promote public enlightenment, and advance
equality for LGBT Oklahomans. For more
information about Cimarron Alliance visit
"First " ursday" Art
Opening and Exhibit
ofOriginal Works:
Verisimilitude -New
Paintings by Michael
TULSA, OK (PR) _The July
Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature the Art of
Michael Christopher. "lhe show begins with a
reception on Thursday, July 1st from 6-9pm
and continues throughout the month.
Michael Christopher began figurative
painting as a young teen - dropped it by the
time he turned twenty - and started again
thirty years later. Michael’s other creative
pursuits have included professional acting,
theatrical production design, composing
incidental music for the theatre, writing
scores for musicals and an opera. Michael
helped organize the Tulsa Artists Coalition
and he founded the Tulsa Center for
Contemporary Art (TuCCA).
What started a few years ago as a handful
of illustrations for a graphic novel project
became a more serious return to painting.
The works in this show reflect an eye for
photorealistic rendering and a vision that
loves and understands the human form. ~xe
works in Verisimilitude spread open the time
frame, drawing on the idealized realism of the
early oil paintings, touching on themes from
his 1987 "Living Arts ofTulsa" shmv, Boys
in the Machine, infused with a poetry earned
from life as an artist working across many
The paintings in Verisimilitude raise
interesting questions about artistic values.
Some viewers have .expressed an initial
feeling of disappointment when learning
that the works, which seem so realistically
to be painted with a physical brush, were
really made in the computer as if the digital
medium is somehow beneath fine art. The
works are not from photographs, but using
drawing software similar to programs used
in architecture and engineering. After a
computer drawing is made it is "painted"
using brushes, smudge sticks and other tools,
each tool a small computer script written by
the artist. These digital paintings take at least
as long to create as "wet paint" works. This
new dimension within realism is one of the
fascinations that drove the creation of these
paintings. Follow the progress of new projects
and experience Michael’s art and music, at
2010 Primary Tues.
July 27° General E ection:
Tueso November 2. ese
Democratic candidates
gear up £or an important
campaign £or O ahom s
f t re:
Lt. Gov. Jari Askins
Attorney General Drew Edmondson
State Sen. Kenneth Corn
Jim Priest
Steve Burrage
~m Holtand (incumbent)
State Sen. Susan Paddack
Jerry Combrink
Larry Huff
Stephen Covert
Lloyd Fields (incumbent)
Jim Rogers
Mark )vgil~S ..... .....
District 2: Dan Boren (incumbent)
Jim Wilson
District 3: Frankie Robbins
District 5: Billy Coyle
Tom Guild
District 2: Sean Burrage (incumbent)
District 4: State Rep. Nell Brannon
Mark Cornell
District 6: Jay Paul Gumm (incumbent)
District 8: Roger Ballenger (incumbent)
District 10: Dale Christenson
District 14: Donna Spring, Daryl Roberts
District 16: John SparEs (incumbent)
District 18: Janice Aldridge
District 24: Susan Brooks, John Branum
District 26: ~Tom Ivester (incumbent)
District 32: Randy Bass (incumbent)
District 42: Mike Kelly
District 44: Randy Rose
District 46: Andrew Rice (incumbent)
District 48: Constance Johnson (incumbent)
Steven Davis, Mark E Temple, Clyde E.
District I: Dennis Bailey (incumbent)
District 2: Glen Bud Smithson (incumbent)
District 3: Jake Leming, James Lockhart,
Jarrod Ridenour, Matt Webb, David Hogan
Traci Barnes
District 4: Mike Brown (incumbent)
District 6: Chuck Hosldn (incumbent)
District 7: Larry Glenn (incnmbent)
District 8: Ben Sherrer (incumbent)
District 9: Eric Cullen
District 10: Nick Brown
District 12: Vc~ade Roussetot (incumbent)
District 13: Jerry McPeak (incumbent)
District 14: Brad Clinkenbeard
District 15: Ed Cannaday (incumbent)
Annie J. Goolsby
District t6: Jerry Shoemake (incumbent)
James Bo Delso
District 17: Brian Renegar (incnmbent)
District 18: Donald Condit, John M.
Freeman, Carolyn Hilt, Roger Shirly
District 19: R.C. Pruett (incumbent)
District 20: Paul Roan (incumbent)
District 21: Oden Grube, Chris Pierce,
Nathan Williams, Jerry Tomlinson
District 22: x.X/es Hilliard (incumbent)
District 23: Mark Manley
District 24: Steve Kouplen (incumbent)
District 27: Chris Odneal
District 28: Ed Smith
District 29: David Narcomey
District 30: Donna Marie Vogelpohl
District 32: Danny Morgan (incul-nbent)
District 34: Cory Williams
District 35: Rodger Ensign
District 36: Greg Brown
District 37: Ken Luttrell (incumbent)
District 43: J. E Hemminger
District 44: Isaiah McCaslin, Emily Virgin,
Tom Kovach, Robert Murphy
District 45: Wallace Collins (incumbent)
District 49: Samson Buck (incumbent)
District 53: Amy Corley
DiStric~ 56: Maya To~ralba
District 58: Wilson John Adamson
District 60: Purcy Walker (incumbent)
District 64: Michael J. Corrales
District 65: Joe Dorman (incumbent)
District 66: Eli Potts, David Phillips, Andrew
Thomas Williams, Melani Hamilton
District 68: Troy Zickefoose, Seth \gatkins
District 71: JeffTracy
District 72: Seneca Scott (incumbent)
District 73: Jabar Shumate (incumbent)
Kevin Matthews
District 77: Eric Proctor (incumbent)
District 78: Jeannie McDaniel (incumbent)
District 84: Brittany Novotny
District 85: Gall Vines
District 86: John Auffet (incumbent)
Jeff Collyge, William Fourkiller
District 87: Dana Orwig
District 88: AI McAffrey (incumbent)
District 89: Rebecca Hamilton (incumbent)
District 9 t: Hollis Harper
District 92: Richard Morrissette (incumbent)
District 93: Wilfredo Santos Rivera, Wanda
Jo Peltier, Jeff Pecld~am
District 94: Scott Inman (incumbent)
District 95: Michael A. Walker
District 97: Mike Shelton (incumbent)
District 98: Dennis V/. XWeese
District 99: Anastasia Pittman (incumbent)
District 101: Johnny Laudermilk
Creep of he Month ByD’AnneWitkowski
"Family Research CounciF’
yes. N~e fabled "Gay Agenda."
Having invested so much in the fight against
it, anti-gay groups will leap at anything that
they can hold up as proof that a sinister gay
agenda exists.
So when the Gay and Lesbian Activists
Alliance ofg[ashington, D.C., released
"Agenda: 2010," the Family Research Council
pounced, cla,vs out.
GLAA calls "Agenda: 2010" an "electionyear
briefing paper on local LGBT issues."
FRC calls it a veritable blueprint for a hostile
LGBT takeover.
In a June 16 W’ashington Update post,
FRC posits, "What’s left for homosexual
activists to do after they’ve trampled voters on
their way to the altar? tn Washington, D.C.,
where same-sex ’marriage’ is legal (for now),
the gay and lesbian crowd is just getting
warmed up."
The post is accompanied by a graphic
reading of the ’,Homosexual Agenda"
alongside a list of things like innocence,
family and public health. Through each item
is a blurry red line with a few drops of red
here and there. Presumably it’s supposed to be
spray paint (Vc~at, is the gay agenda written
on the xvall of an abandoned warehouse?) but
it cotfld also be blood. AIDS blood, of course.
"Apparendy, their updated political
agenda spans everything from classroom
infiltration to legalizing prostitution," FRC’s
message continues.
I have to ask- what does "classroom
infiltration" even mean? Sending in
undercover homos to high schools like a gay
"21 Jump Street?" And I have a follow-up:
"Will there be a reality show?
So just what is the "everything" this new
agenda covers?
"Local groups will try to elect more
homosexuals to places of power, push
in-school gay-straight alliances, support
D.C. sex-oriented businesses, defend adult
entertainment, grant special perks to crossdressing
prisoners, force same-sex adoption
and legalize sex tra~cldng," claims FRC.
\Voah: Sounds ambitious. But let’s address
some of these claims.
First of all, what FRC calls "cross-dressing
prisoners" are often actually transgender
people, some who have broken the law, others
who have been victims of crimes. "Ihe "special
perks" include not throwing them into jail
cells based solely on what’s between their legs.
GLAA also doesn’t want to see them "denied
appropriate health care, sexually assaulted,
abusively strip-searched, (or) placed in
protective custody that amounts to punishing
the victim," which are some of the current
"perks" of being a trann>
As for legalizing "sex tra~cMng," that’s
not quite it. GLAA does advocate legalizing
prostitution. While a controversial position,
they’re hardly calling for a sex-for-mone>
free-for-all. GLAA raises a lot of important
issues, i~cluding "survival sex," where people
- ~’requently gay runaways and transgender
people - turn to prostitution
out of desperation, when it’s the only option
they have left. Throwing them in jail doesn’t
address the core problems.
"If (policymal~ers) want to provide safer,
healthier and more sustainable alternatives
to survival sex, you can support the creation
of drop-in centers, transitional housing,
job training, counseling, addiction recovery
programs and other services for at-risk
populations," GLAA’s agenda reads.
Oooh, counseling and transitional
housing. Really racy stuff.
"Lots of people in this country mistalcenly
believe that this community will be satisfied
when it redefines marriage," FRC claims.
"That’s not the case. Homosexuals and
transgenders (sic) won’t be happy until they
sever every moral underpinning in America."
That’s right. Because LGBT people have
no morals and fantasize every night about
living in some kind of lawless neo-sexual
apocalyptic hellscape. You hear that, FRC? It’s
right here, in writing. It must be true. And
it must be true for all LGBT people ,vithout
exception. Feel free to use it in your next
fundraising letter. Tell your members we said,
Ttae occasion prompted OkEq to hold a
supportive Town Hall rally at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center.
"It is a great day to be gay in Tulsa
Oldahoma!" said OlcEq President Toby
Jenkins, echoing a slogan he has often
employed at Pride and on other occasions.
"This time I am serious."
While the city council vote has been
met with optimism throughout the GLBT
community, some residents still see the need
for progress.
"IfI get beat up tonight, will the police
actually come help?" pondered one young gay
Tulsa man who did not want to be identified.
"We can still be fired without cause and
we can still be abused and lmow there’s a
good chance authorities won’t be interested in
helping," said Rogers County’s Brett Peason.
"This is a great step but it doesn’t really affect
most people in the community."
Others suggested that the city should
address the issue of equal protection at
companies that do business with the city
- thus xvidening the scope of the new policy’s
Oldahomans for Equality said that it
would continue to press the City ofTulsa
to add gender identity to the employee
non-discrimination policy and also begin
the dialogue with other Tulsa County
OkEq encourages supporters of the new
policy to personally contact City Councilors
GT Bynum, Maria Barnes, Roscoe Turner,
Jack Henderson, Chris Trail and Bill
Christiansen and express appreciation.
Tulsa elected ot~cials can be contacted at
For D~r~c~ Judge Vote...QuMity &Experience
in 2010
$5,000 Face Value
$10,000 for accede a~
H~V Coverage
forby G~itd for Congress, PO Box @21, Edmond, OK 738~s
Photo’s by Judy G. Photography
Downtown Tulsa, Oldahoma June 5, 2010
.................................................................................Continued on page-!8
By Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins covers gay travelfor the New
Drk Times-owned website About.corn and is
the author ofFodor’s Gay Guide to the USA.
Exploring Coasta Maine
Maine’s classically quaint seaside towns
and breezy beaches seem tailor-made for a
rela~ing vacation and sure enough, the state’s
coastal sections are invaded by pleasure
seekers ai! summer. Prestigious, blue-blood
retreats like Kennebunkport and Camden
overflow with magnificent estates, while the
pristine scenery" ofAcadia National Park and
Camden Hills State Park draw scads of hikers
and bikers. Artsy and gay-popular Ogunquit
makes a wonderfully low-keyed alternative
m Provincetown. while hip Portland and upand-
coming Rockland offer sophisticated arts
and dining.
The state’s shoreline twists and turns for
an astonishing 3,478 miles - counting every
inlet, cove, and bay; only the states ofAlaska,
Florida and Louisiana can claim more miles
ofwaterfront. You could spend all summer
exploring the dozens of inviting hamlets up .
and down tile coast.
The southwestern edge of the state - just
70 miles from Boston and about 300 miles
from both Montreal and New York City - is
not only the most accessible, it has the most
to offer gay and lesbian travelers. The region
extends from the bustling outlet-shopping
hub of Kittery north through Ogunquit and
tip to Ken.nebunkport.
Fringed by a lovely 3-mile beach, tiny
Ogunquit first developed a discernible gay
following in the 1930s, with the opening of
one of the country’s first successful summer
theaters, the Ogunquit Playhouse. It still
presents first-rate theatrical productions
today. The gay presence grew in the ’60s,
when hippies and beatniks started regularly
renting cottages and homes here. By the
following decade the scene fully blossomed
with the opening of a gay guest house, as well
as a disco called Anabelle’s (still open but now
called 02).
U.S. 1 and Shore Road, the main drags
through the village, bustle with funky shops,
ar~ galleries, boutiques and several good
restaurants. It’s a very short walk to the beach
from iust about any point in town. Ogunquit
supports a pair of lively gay nightclubs, a
piano lounge, and several restaurants with
inviting bars. In a state xvhere beaches can
sometimes be pebbly or difficult to access,
Ogunquit has one of Maine’s most celebrated
ones - tile northern reaches of this fine,
golden spit of sand draw a predominantly
lesbian and gay crowd.
Consider an excursion south to Kittery’s
hundreds of mid- and high-end outlet shops.
Or check out York’s Stonewall Kitchen -
nearly 20 years ago, a local gay couple named
Jonathan KAng and Jim Stott started selling
their fabulous jams, mustards, relishes and
sauces at a farmers market. They soon formed
this now-internationally renowned emporium
and mail-order company of delicious gourmet
foods. For the best scenery on this trip, follow
Shore Road south from Ogunquit through
York’s Cape Neddick, where you can stop
[:or a picnic at the park that overlooks the
diguified Nubble Lighthouse (built in 1879).
There are about a dozen gay-oriented
accommodations in Ogunquit, most of
them male-owned but catering to a mLx of
women and men, Jtist a fe~v of the excellent
possibilities include Moon Over Maine
(http://www.moonovermaine.com), a fully
restored 1830s Cape-style house with perioddecor,
well-chosen art, and a great location
in the heart of the village; and the reasonably
priced Ogunquit Beach Inn (http://www.
ogunquitbeachinn.com), a handsome litde
1920s compound comprising a main house
with five guest rooms, as well as two cottages
with full kitchens (rented weekly). A bit more
upscale are the lovely Gazebo Inn (http://
www.gazeboguesthouse.com), a handsome
14-room property with two hot tubs and a
gym and sauna; and the beautifully situated
Rockmere Lodge (http://www.rockmere.
corn), which is just offthe famed Marginal
Way walking path - most rooms have ocean
Charming Portland lies within striking
distance of Ogunqnit, perfect ifyou need
a dose of urbanity. Don’t overlook this
youthful, progressive city as a base, either,
especially ifyou’d rather browse museums and
stroll along shop-filled streets than loi1 about
on the beach. Portland daims a dynamic arts
scene and some of the best restaurants in
Maine. You can also check out a few very fun
GLBT nightspots.
The city crowns a hilly peninsula,
surrounded by rivers and harbors - you’ll
see water from many points and find the
bulk of the city’s best restaurants, shops
and bars in the histgric Old Port district, a
warren of cobbled lanes and vintage redbrick
warehouses fringed by a phalanx of wharves.
A short drive or moderate walk puts you
square in Portland’s West End, where grand
sea captains’ mansions mingle with smaller
row houses. More than two decades of intense
rehabilitation have given the neighborhood
a graceful countenance, and lesbians and gay
men have restored many of these homes.
In the heart ofdowntown’s arts district,
the gay-friendly Eastland Park Hotel (http://
www.eastlandparldmtel.com) has tastefully
appointed rooms with handsome colonialinspired
furnishings - several units have
kitchens. Amenities include a well-equipped
fitness center, and a rooftop lounge with
great city views. More intimate gay-popular
options include the historic Inn at ParkSpring
(http://www.innatparkspring.com), which
Boats in Camden Harbor
is just steps from the Portland Art Museum
and six warmly furnished rooms; and
the Morrill Mansion B&B (http:/Avww.
morrillmansion.com), a 19th-century
mansion on a picturesque West End Street
- the seven tasteful room contains period-style
To see a less-developed side of the state,
it’s about a two-hour drive from Portland
- much of it along a very scenic stretch of
U.S. 1 - to the resort comnaunities along
western Penobscot Bay; including Rockland
and Camden. You’re not going to encounter
as many gay travelers out this way, but
there are a handful ofvery gay-friendly
accommodations. Maine’s Mid-Coast is
a place for quiet vacations, ideal if you’re
a hiker, photographer, fishing enthusiast,
or sailor. Camden is home to a fleet of
Windjammer sailing ships (http://www.
mainewindjammercruises.com), which can be
booked not only on multiple-day excursions
throughout the region but also for afternoon
jaunts along Penobscot Bay.
The craggy 1,000-ft peaks of Camden
Hills State Park are a regional highlight; you
can tread along more than 20 miles of rugged
nature and hiking trails through this dramatic
5,500-acte paradise, and overnight in a
112-site camping area. The once-workaday
town of Rockland has blossomed of late, with
several outstanding restaurants and cafes. The
key draw here is one of the foremost small
art collections in the nation, the Famsworth
Art Museum, which contains works by many
noted Maine painters, including the George
Bellows, Louise Nevelson, and the Wyeth
¯ The on-site Wyeth Center explores that
famous family of painters.
Rockland’s elegant, yet reasonably
priced LimeRock Inn, is operated by a
lmowledgeable and friendly couple Frank
Isganitis & EJ. Walter, who prepare a
delicious breakfast each morning. Rooms in
this handsome Queen Anne Victorian are
done in period style, but with such modern
perks as flat-panel TVs with HDTV/DVD
and clock radios with iPod docks. First-
Andrew Collinsphoto
rate restaurants and galleries are just steps
awa): The gay-owned Camden Harbour Inn
(http://www.camdenharbourinn.com), with
its spectacular location overlooking the town’s
harbor, is ideal for a luxury getaway - the 18
rooms and suites are sumptuously appointed,
and the on-site restaurant, Natalie’s, serves
exceptiofial contemporary American fare.
Still about 75 miles farther "down east"
(Maine lingo for in the direction of the
Canadian Maritimes - "down" refers to the
fact that longitude decreases as you travel
east), lies Mr. Desert Island. Here you’ll
find the resort town of Bar Harbor and the
adjacent 40,000-acre Acadia National Park.
A 27-mile Loop Road meanders through the
park, accessing trailheads and many scenic
vistas. Some.hiking trails climb up to 1,530-
foot Cadillac Mountain, the highest point on
the Eastern Seaboard, and still others hug the
granite-strewn shore. In Bar Harbor, the Abbe
Museum, set in the 1893 former YMCA
overlooking the village green, contains an
enormous trove of artifacts and exhibits that
trace the state’s Native American history.
Bar Harbor has dozens of motels, hotels
and inns, among them the gay-friendly
Anne’s White Column Inn (http://www.
anneswhitecolumns.com) and its sister
property, the larger and more elegant
Clefrstone Manor (http://www.cleftstone.
com). ~ae advantage ofAnne’s White
Column Inn is its close proximity to area
shopping and dining. One other excellent
LGBT-friendly option in Bar Harbor is the
Aysgarth Station (http://~vw~v.aysgarth.com),
which is quite affordable and located very
close to several good restaurants.
With so long a shoreline and so relatively
small a population, Maine offers one
precious commodity that’s all too rare in the
northeastern U.S.: space. Although parts of
the coast has been developed with mini-golf
centers and condo colonies, the majority of it
remains beautifully preserved and ideal for a
memorable getaway.
Demented Inc.’ Tour graces the Copa to promote
their new DVD ofmadness ’Memoirs ofDmentia"
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Jenna Zdia, Dmentia Divi~yl and OKC’s Bearded Lad3,. Gotqn photo
the 13th ofJune Rachae! Eik~’s Sunday
night show had a special treat as Dmentia
Diviw1 / a.k.a, director Glenn Storm) and
his sid&dck Jenna Telia performed and
promoted Dmented Inc’s new film, "Memoirs
of Dmentia.:" With Drnentia showing up in
the style of Dawn Davenport. she and Miss
Telia put on quite an act promoting this work
of art.
Nxis 90 minute film is not for everyone,
bur &finitely a must for those who love
artistic dysfunction, insanity and pure white
trash truly in the style ofJohn Waters, who is
credited with inspiring this epic. Various ideas
and concepts show up clearly with obvious
influences from the xT~qzard of Oz, the
infamous Female Trouble movie, the Rocky
Horror Picture Show, the classic Deliverance
fli& ~ a real squealer) among maW others.
With only 4 people in the cast, it tells the
story of mad Scientist Dr.Frankemveenie
who creates the lead hermaphrodite, she male
Dmenria Divinvl. Dmentiahas ahard life
running a bordello, fights off the advances of
Hillbilly Cousin Earl only to be impregnated
by Officer Baloney Pony. She sells her baby
for cat’fare to Cousin Earl, who falls for her
neighbor Petunia.. Meanwhile Officer Baloney
Pony happens into a gay bar, falls into a
slumber, and in his subsequent dream follows
the Yellow Bri& Road to see the Queen of
Zoe who tells him how he can come back to
earth as a gay man. All of these happy events
are entered into Miss Divinyl’s diary, who
wonders about her lost child. Will there be a
For cultist movie fetishists, this movie is a
Godsend. For more information or to order
this DVD check out www.Dmentedlnc.com.
deadCENTER film depicts reversal o£Cali£ornia
gay marriage law
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
Oldahoma City, OK In the film ’8:
The Mormon Propositioff’ a former Mormon
missionary. Director Reed Cowan depicts the
events supporting the passage of Proposition
8. He chose to leave our opinions but rather
chose to tell the story objectively without
opinions, which he felt the public cleady
wanted. ~e film was originally premiered
at the Sundance Film Festival and received
the longest standing ovation in the histmw of
that festival., despite that it was held in Utah
where Mormons number well above 60% of
the population.
"I am honored to present this film at
deadCenter", said Melissa Scaramucci,
deadCenter Board Member and Director/
Producer with Crazy Diamond Productions.
Scaramucci and the organizing group invited
Oldahoma’s own TEN ( The Equality
Network) to talk to the crowd about the fight
in Oklahoma toward equality for all.
For those who dofft remember, on June
17, 2008 the California Supreme Court ruled
that California’s ban on same sex marriage
was discriminatory, thus making same sex
marriages legal in that state. Following
this ruling thousands of gay couples got
legally married in California, but this new
matrimonial freedom would not last long.
Anti-gay groups hired companies to
obtain signatures to put Proposition 8 on
the ballot of the November 4, 2008 election.
Successful at obtaining enough signatures,
Proposition 8 was on the ballot and simply
stated, "Only a marriage beva,een a man and
a woman is valid or recognized in California."
This proposition passed~ not only ending
the right of same sex couples to marry in
California but also leaving the marriages
of those same sex couples ,vho had already
married in lega! jeopardy
~e film depicts the astonishing approach
of the Mormon Church and their leadership,
primarily from Utah, using their tax free
financial support to get this measure passed.
"Ihere is proof by documentation and video
Emotions ran high during thefight to allow gays
to retain the right to marry in California. Their"
~orts were in vain.
in the film that this information is not
fabricated. This documentary follows
the activities of the Mormon Church,
questioning the legality of their actions
supporting Proposition 8 as a tax free entity,
donating millions to promote its passage.
The passage of Proposition 8 was a
crushing defeat for gay rights activists who
had hoped that public opinion on dais issue
had shifted enough to help them defeat dais
measure. The film depicts addition irony in
that the Mormon Church claimed to take
this action in the name ofJesus Christ. This
exploration of the Chur& ofJesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints’ involvement in the passage
of Proposition 8 reveals their secretive,
decades long campaign against same sex
marriage. More information about the film
can be found at wv#;v.mormonproposition.
Business is booming for
Sean Hayes
Things were looking tough for Sean
Hayes for a minute there - his coming-out
interview in The Advocate came off as cranky
and too-late, and then that Newsweek piece
suggested he was too gay to be convincing
as the hetero leading man of the Broadway
revival Promises, Promises. It looked for a
second like he was damned if he did and
damned if he didfft. But the one-time Will &
Grace star is having the last laugh: He scored
a Tony nod for the show, reviews for his gig
as host of the Tony Awards were glowing, and
his prodnction company scored a hit with the
sitcom Hot in Cleveland, which premiered.
to high ratings on TV Land. Hayes will be
keeping his TV mogul hat firmty~in place,
with NBC Universa! signing a two-year deal
with Hazy" Mills (his company with Todd
Milline0 to develop new shows for network
and cable. (Yoglt recall Hayes showing off his
sitcom-creating acumen On Bravo’s Situation:
Comedy.) So yes, naysayers, this gu)?s
officially a litde more than "Just Jack~"
from her national TV talk show. During
July of2009 she issued her "OHahoma
Citizen’s Proclat~aation for Morality" at the
Oldahoma State Capitol in which she blamed
our nation’s troubled economy on "same
sex marriage, divorce, pornograph)~ sex
trafficking and other forms ofdebauchery’.
On economic issues she iS likewise far to the
right, opposing a minimum wage increase
in Oklahoma in 2006 ~vhen it was $5.15 an
hour, even requesting that a study be done
to see how people living on that wage could
better budget their money.
Although Brittany has already made
history by being the first transgendered
person to run for public office in Oklahoma,
she isn’t running for that reason. She has
publicly stated, " I understand that there
are going to be some folks who try to make
this election about the fact that my medical
history includes a gender transition, but I’m
running for office because I believe I’m the
best candidate to fight for jobs, education and
Born in Chickasha, Oklahoma, Ms.
Novomy graduated from the University of
Arts and Sciences of Oldahoma and went on
to get her law degree from the University of
California-Hastings and is now a practicing
attorney. She is an active member of the
Young Democrats, who elected her as a
national committeewoman and also honored
her as their 2010 Woman of the Year.
Oklahoma House District 84 indudes
parts of northwest Oklahoma City, Bethany
and Warr Acres. She’s ready for the fight and
feels "I think our chances are really great.
People are ready for a change."
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy G.
Out &Aboa~t in Oklahoma
@ Tulsa Eagle. Tulsa
Tasha Carrington and Billy Jackson per[orming to the smash
hit of Lady Antebelliums’. "Need You Now". tt was well
received by the overflow crowd in attendance. Photo by
Ernest Atchison
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ Angles, Oklahoma City
@ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@ Tulsa Pride Parade 2010
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
Mayor Oscar Goodman oI~cially welcoming the award ~vinnmg celebrity
Gay Travel Columnists, Donald Pile and Ray Williams to Las Vegas.
@ Tulsa Pride Parade 2010
@ Tulsa Pride Festival 2010
@ Tulsa Pride Festival 2010
By Ed Sikov
for Me, Marg itff’
Craig was giddy on the ferry: "Margaritas
are my tCavorite drink!" He clapped his
dimpled hands in excitement and began singsonging,
"Goodie goodie gumdrops!" He was
still jolly because I had withheld my controlfre~
Msh plan. I had no intention of using that
sticky-sweet frozen concentrate he loved, and
I was too much of a food snob to even let the
bottled pigswill variety into the house. Once,
in a notorious act of radical foodie-ism, I
poured Sa!’s bottle of Yucatan Yuri’s Primo-
Papi Mix off the de&. Before I had a chance
to tel! an outrageous lie about Yucatan Yuri’s
whereabouts, Sal saw me, rushed outside in
a fuD4 and punched me in the shoulder. We
didn’t speak for a month.
"Vge need frozen concentrate, of course.
W-e do have orange liqueur...."
"I have to tell you something," I began,
but the two nasty Pomeranians owned by the
cable sex show hostess Raven Wren - who
apparently didn’t have enough smarmy gay
men around her in the city, so she bought
a place in the Pines - suddenly defined
the term "bad canine karma" by attacking
a distraught muscle-boy’s twin white Shih
Tzus. The ensuing screeching and yelping (by
Raven) drowned out further discussion.
Vge were in the grocery’s frozen foods
section with one of Craig’s giant-size
Cabbage-Patch-Ydds fists engulfing a can
of corn syrup with artificial lime flavor
when I yanked it out of his hand; declared,
%XZe’re not using that"; and threw it back
into the freezm: Craig looked stricken. "Let’s
make our Margaritas from scratch, OK?" I
demanded, none too consolingly. "I don’t
_want_ scratch," Craig whined; "I want my
Margaritas! V/hy are you so mean? Why
can’t I have what I want?" "l-hen came big
whopping tears streaming down his colossal
face, which rippled with despair.
whopping tears streaming down his colossal
face, which rippled with despair.
At first I was mortified. But I’m here
to tell you that mortification is preferable to
the near-suicidal guilt that followed. I Wasn’t
on the ferry any more so I couldn’t jump
off. I could do nothing but hate myself to
the bone. "Don’t cry! Get what you ~vant!
I’ll make Margaritas my way, and you make
yours your way." I pulled the can of frozen
concentrate out of the freezer. "See?" I said,
putting the wretched junk into our cart. Then
I took one of Craig’s soft hands in mine and
led him toward the unsweetened lime juice.
"Ihe Margarita, Two Ways
Craig’s way: Dump a can of children’s
frozen concentrate into a blender, add ice
and enough tequila to keep everyone from
realizing how crummy the drink tastes, and
press "ultra-high"; if you’re lucky you’ll forget
to put the top on the blender.
My way- makes four cocktails:
3/4-cup inexpensive white Tequila (it’s
dumb to waste fine tequila by drowning it in
a Margarita, but then I’m a cheapskate)
1/3-cup unsweetened lime juice
1/4-cup orange liqueur (we had Orange
Curacao on hand - you can use any tTpe)
l/4-cup Really Simple Syrul5 (you can buy
Simple Syrup ready-made, or you can boil
sugar and water and stand around staring at a
candy thermometer, or you can make Really
Simple Syrup by putting equal parts sugar
and water in a jar and shaking it until the
sugar dissolves)
Pour some flaked salt onto one small plate
and a thin layer of lime juice onto another.
Add all ingredients to a large cocktail shaker
with some ice; shake. Dip the rim of each
glass first in the juice and then in the salt,
then pour the Margaritas in the center.
AWeekend ofPageantry at Angles Newly Crowned
Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA Newcomer and Miss
Gay US ofA at Large
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
Miss Gay US ofA Oklahoma at Large 2009 Lindsay Paige,
winner Bianca LeBlanc, April Reign Miss Gay US ofa A at
Large and 1st alternate Cordillia 3/Ionroe. Gorin photo
Calcote, Steve Davis and Nathan Thomas had
a busy weekend as they put on two pageants
back to back Friday June 11 and Saturday
June 12. Angles came back to life as the girls
competed for their titles, retaining the usual
glamour of yesteryear while also reflecting
changes in the field of female impersonation
in Oklahoma.
The trio of Calcote, Davis & N~omas
owns both pageants as well as the Mr[ Gay
Oklahoma US ofA Contest ( men competing
as hot men, not to be confused with Mr. Gay
US ofA MI, which is for male illusion). The
nationwide Gay US ofA system differs from
the Miss Gay America System in that while
that system does not allow surgical alterations
below the neck, the Miss Gay"
US ofA system allows unlimited
alterations except that one must
have male genitalia. The At Large
US ofA system in addition
requires that the contestants
weigh at least 200 pounds.
The weekend marked a
special occasion as the Miss Gay
Oklahoma US ofA Nexvcomer
contest was premiering with
their first pageant. Emceed by
the team of Rache! Erikks( Miss
Gay Oldahoma America 1994
and Miss Gay America 2004)
and Jozlyn Welch ( Miss Gay
Oklahoma US ofA at Large
2008), the winner was Carmen
Deveraux with 1st alternate
Ferrah Mikals. N~ey will both go
to on compete in the national
Miss Gay US ofA Newcomer
Pageant held August 11-13 in Indianapolis.
The following Saturday Lindsay Paige passed
on her title as Miss Gay Oklahoma US ofA
at Large to Bianca LeBlanc, with Cordillia
Monroe as 1st alternate. That festive night was
emceed by the lovely Latina Tillie Laine, who
herselfwas a Miss Gay Oklahoma America in
1983. The winners of that contest will go on
to compete in the national Miss Gay US ofA
at Large Pageant which will also be held also
in Indianapolis October 6-8 of this year.
3-he Mr Gay US ofA Contest will be
held this upcoming August 25 at the Copa.
For information about that contest e-mail
Mr.Calcote at calcojack36@yahoo com.
E-.~ail- KylesBrd3@aol.eom
Chuck Breckenridge
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With outer planets hanging out near the
cusps, Mercury entering Leo and Venus
into Virgo kick off a lot of issues. Being
cute, outspoken and constructively
cdticat (let’s hope!) wilt have broad
ramifications. Modesty, compassion and
forethought are atways good to check
before speaking.
ARIES (Narch 20- Apri~ 19): Playful
banter can help stimulate a better work
environment, but not [oo playful lest
your intentions are misunderstood.
Spontaneous provocation has its place,
but strategic consulting with colleagues
will probably prove more effective.
TAURUS (Apri~ 20 - Nay 20): Your
new playful streak could come off as
critical and bitchy. Sometimes a Bette
Davis impression just can’t make it
right. One should never let go of the
Golden Rule - but’cha are, Blanche!
Well, you easily could. Be extra mindful
and considerate!
GEN~N! {Nay 21- June 20): You have
a lot to say and it feels very important
to you. Your family and boss may
disagree. Look for a new perspective
and tweak your message a bit. Listen
to friends with radical, challenging
CANCER (June 21- July 22): Even if
changing jobs seems risky these days,
con sider taking the chance. Staying
where you are could be worse. Any
current dissatisfaction with your job
invites self-sabotage. Seek advice from
a friend experienced in the work you
want to do.
LEO (Ju~y 23 - August 22): However
you identify with your words, some
separation is good. Your partner can
help open you up to powerful new
ideas. Look past long-held notions to
your most basic values; it’s better to
take in those fresh notion s.
WRGO (August 23 - September 22):
Step out of the social whid for a bit.
Focus on taking care of yourself inside
and out. A new look should honor your
age, not hide it. Knowing your limits can
help you zero in on your strengths.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):
Conflicted about social opportunities?
You may be better off in quiet retreat
with fewer, better friends. Favor the
more productive and creative ones.
Save time and energy for your partner,
even if you don’t have one - yet.
SCORPIO (October 23- November
21): Balancing friendly conversations
with the boss, and maintaining
friendships with colleagues, and could
get you a huge promotion. Never forget
where you came from and that going up
the ladder helps you to pull others up
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 20): Showing off newfound
wisdom could quickly force you to admit
to the limits of your recent learning.
Instead, ask thoughtful questions of
a real expert. Don’t be shy! An outr4
creative approach could spark new
directions and insights for both of you.
CAPRICORN (December 21 -
January 19): Sex seems to be shifting
from practice to theory. That’s OK,
especially if you consider deeply what
it’s all about. Old messages on the topic
take sudden relevance. Tapes to erase?
Valuable but forgotten lessons? You
could be surprised.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
t8): Your sex life should be picking up
pretty well. What does your partner say
about that? A discussion on the topic is
at least in order. People do change and
grow. Even if everything is hunky-dory,
it’s good to talk.
PISCES (February 19 - March t9):
Being playful is important, but for now
focus more on the actual work and
responsibility of your relationship,
real or hypothetical. When you feel
uncertain and use your partner for
grounding that may be unfair to him or
Community for
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~’m p~oud of the
Stonewall Democrats on my 234th Birthday!
"We are at a moment now when liberalism is poised to have
its biggest impact since Roosevelt, because the conservative
movement has been thoroughly repudiated through reality."
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Stonewall Democrats is a recognized group of the
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Working to educate voters and politicians about issues of the
comr~uni~y, we are working to make change and shape
NEXT MEETING iS TUESDAY JULY 6, 7:00 We meet the 7st Tuesday ofevery month at the
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 7,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 4, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/191.