[2011] Metro Star Magazine, January 1, 2011; Volume 8, Issue 1


[2011] Metro Star Magazine, January 1, 2011; Volume 8, Issue 1


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd


January 01, 2011


James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Ronald Blake
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Philip Green
Romeo San Vincente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Sikov
Steven Petrow
Rex Wockneer
D'Anne Witowski
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Judy G.


The Metro Star Magazine, December 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 12

The Star Magazine, June 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 6


Online text








Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


The STAR Exclusive Lily Tomlin Intervie~v
Front Cover March 2007......>
Oklahoma News Flash Backs -Page 3-4
Photo Flash Backs - Page 8 & 11
VOLUME 8 ISSUE 1 Twitter.corn!MetroStarNews ~ MetroStarNews.com ~EE ! JANUARY 1,2011
Ask, on’ Tel heads
By Rex Wockner
Obama plans to sign the bill quickly,
but that will nor end the ban. Gay
servicemembers will need to stay in the closet
for a few more months.
After Obama signs the measure, he and
the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff must certify that
the military is ready for the change and
that it will not harm military readiness or
effectiveness, unit cohesion, recruiting or
member retention.
Then after that DADT repeal will take
effect 60 days later. Xhe process is expected to
proceed relatively smoothly.
"No longer will patriots be forced to lie
in order to serve the country they love and
are willing to die f?r," said Human Rights
Campaign President Joe Solmonese. "~his
vote gy:the United Sta{es Senate will have
Presi&nt Barack Obama. ~Wockn~rphoto extremely pOsitive rippl~ effects well b~yo~d
" Dont Ask; Dont Tell. Our government has
,WA~SHINGTON, DC Don’t Ask, sent a powerful message that discrimination,,,
Dont %11, the military’s ba~on open gays, " on any level, should not be tolerated
lS "
headed for the dustbin of history. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
The Senate voted 65-31 on Dec. 18 to
authorize the policy’s repeal and sent the
measure to President Barack Obama for his
Eight Republicans joined all but one
Democrat in voting to repeal the ban. They
were Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe
of Maine, Scott Brown of Massachusetts,
Richard Burr of North Carolina, John
Ensign of Nevada, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Lisa
Murkowski ofAlaska and George Voinovich
of Ohio. Democrat Joe Manchin of West
Virginia did not vote.
Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis called on
the Pentagon to cease DADT discharges
during the months between now and when
repeal is finalized.
"I respectfully ask Defense Secretary
Robert Gates to use his a[tthority to suspend
all Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell investigations
during this interim period," Sarvis said.
"Until the president signs the bill, until
there is certification and until the 60-day
congressional period is over, no one should
........Continued See DADT Page-5
Enid P-Flag Presents the
2011 Winter Bal
ENID, OK On Saturday Night,
January 22, 2011 Enid’s Symphony Hall
will coine alive with the festivities of P-Flag’s
(Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
gala major event, the Winter Ball. N~e event
runs from 8 p.m. until midnight and will
include a live DJ, light food, a catered ba,;
and a professional photographer to take
photos of the partiers upon request. Tickets
for the Ball are $10 and can be ordered
by contacting Enid P-Flag. Xhis event is
sponsored by Cross~valk United Church,
Enid’s only official open and affirming
Since opening in March of this year a~
1319 S. Van Buren Enid’s GLBT community
center, which is named simply, "N~e Center",
has been busy and activities are growing.
Through the Center Enid’s P-Flag chapter
provides free counseling find mediation,
and recently added free rapid HIV testing.
Enid’s P-Flag is also partnering with other
organizations through their Bridge Building
Program for which GLBTWA youth and
young adults sign up to assist people in
need of help with tasks such as raking
leaves, putting up or taking down holiday
decorations, delivering hot meals or other
useful activities. Not only does this program
help provide needed volunteers, it also
connects GLBTQA youth and young adults
to the mainstream community and allows
them to share their stories of diversity as the
beneficiaries get to know them.
During this holiday season food has been
donated ftom the Center to the Horn of
Plenty, which is Enid’s largest food bank.
........Continued See ENID Page-15
to Retire
F .er &
By Victor Gorin
Metro Star Team
Chaz Ward Founder and Publisher ofthe 7hlsa based
Mewo Star Newspaper retires at 71.
TULSA, OK __ "It’s the right time to
retire. The business is changing and needs
younger blood with nexv ideas. It’s been
hard work but very rewarding to inform,
unite and entertain the GLBT community
of Oklahoma and the surrounding region."
Chaz Ward
When Mr. Ward decided ro start a GLBT
focused newspaper he did so with mixed
hopes, appropriate apprehensions, and small
beginnings. The purpose for starting this
enterprise as the Ozarks Star in 2003 was to
provide the unrepresented gay community
of southxvest Missouri, northeast Oklahoma
and northwest Arkansas with a viable voice.
It was just a digest size black and white news
and information magazine with just 12 pages,
four advertisers and a circulation under
700 distributed in Joplin and Springfield,
Missouri, Fayetteville, At’kansas, Pittsburg,
Kansas and Tulsa. Even then he lmew he
~vas getting into a challenging fidd where
countless entrepreneurs had come and gone
in that region alone. Then as now in this area
of the United States gay newspapers deal with
limited advertising revenue because so many
business owners are reluctant to be seen in a
gay focused publication. "The limited revenue
forced us ro rely on part time staff~vorking
primarily as a labor of tove, which makes ir
tough going," said Mr. \Yard.
He would also be dealing with
fear and animosity towards the GLBT
community, but he had seen toughe~~"
times. Growing up in Oklahoma City
as a teenager in the mid 1950s he
faced what was then a different world.
Oklahoma City had only one gay bat’,
the Mayflower, and even that oasis of
GLBT life was subjected to constant
police harassment for which there was no
recourse. Homosexuality was considered
a mental illness, sodomy laws were
tstilt on the books, and gay rights (let
alone marriage) weren’t even considered
worthy of discussion by mainstream
society. Understandably, along with
many other GLBT people, he moved
to California where the environment
was at least a little better, working in
management with a nationa! building
services firm until his retirement in
He then began buying and
remodeling old homes ro resell, one of
which he turned into a bed & breald’ast
in Joplin that he operated and where the
Ozarks Star was born in 2003. Although
he knew from firsthand observation
what he was getting into, he began his
publication xvith lots of encouragement from
the areas GLBT community. After selling the
bed and breakfast in 2004, he moved to Tulsa
and renamed the paper simply, "The Star."
At that time the largest publication was the
Gayly Oklahoman, which focused primarily
on local news, while the Star dealt more with
entertainment and syndicated columns.
When the Gayly ceased publication in
2006 after 22 years as the primary news
source for the GLBT community and a
restart failed that same year, The Star became
Oklahoma’s largest GLBT newspaper with
a new role to fulfill. Victor Gorin, formerly
with the Gayly Oklahoman, began working
at the Metro Star serving as Copy Editor,
writer, working in ad sales, photography and
distribution primarily for the Oklahoma City
area, joined by writers Robin Dorner and
Jeanne Flanigan. Also coming on board in
Tulsa were writer Michael Sasser, distributor
Bill Francisco and photographer Judy
Gabbard. Later becoming the Metro Star in
2007, the paper had grown to a circulation
of 4000 to 5000, changed from a magazine
to a tabloid, had gained credibility as a
viable source of news and information for
the GLBT community of Oklahoma which
included national news along with local
events and entertainment features.
........Continued See METRO STAR Page- 15
est Gay Rese
S~rvice Road
Follow us on Fac~book Major Credit Cards Accepted
2 January 1, 2011
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Paul ~ompson passes
Away Leaving a lifetime
( 93 o20 0)
Oklahoma Gay Rodeo
Association ~des Again
For 25th ye~ars the Oklahoma Gay Rodeo
Association has held this annual Memorial
Day weekend event which celebrates gay
cowboys & cowgirls with their friends. Held
as always at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds,
the rodeo is like any other with regular roping
and riding events, and unlike most others
with campy "Drag Races" and goat dressing
competitions. This rodeo now ranks among
the top 4 rodeos of the International Gay
Rodeo Association, which comprises over 20
rodeos in the United States and Canada.
Kelly Kirby receives the
Equality Oklahoma’s
Lifetime Achievement
Paul ~hompson was a well known activist
for the GLBT community, starting from the
early 1970s when he w~s arrested for public
lewdness for publicly kissing a man on the
neck. He fought his case and won, and he
continued the rest of his life working to
make things better not only" ~br the GLBT
community but also other marginalized
minorities. He had co-chaired OGLPC
fiom 1992 until tis death on March 4 o~:
this year. He also had co-chaired the OKC
Pride Parade and Festival for many years,
and was instrmnental in arranging the first
one in 1987. In addition he was a tireless
activist with the Oldahoma Democratic
Party:, was an active board member ~vith the
Oklahoma City chapter of the NAACP and
also served on the Martin Luther King Parade
Committee. His life made a major impact on
the lives and future of GLBT Oldahomans
and others seeking justice and equality.
Cimarron Alliance
Foundation acquires
new once and gets a
new Director
Cimarron Alliance dates back to its
original formation in 1995, beginning then
as a Political Action Committee striving
to promote gay or gay friendly candidates
and legislation in Oklahoma. In 1997 the
Cimarron Alliance Foundation was formed
in order to enable the organization to accept
tax deductible contributions and work
towards educational efforts for the GLBT
community and Oklahomans in general
about their issues.
They acquired their first office this year
at 729 N.W. 17th Street, and also hired
their first fulltime Executive Director, Scott
Hamilton. He strives to keep the Foundation
going strong during these tough times
stating, "You keep going because the needs
do not abate just because money is tight. If
you bdieve in social justice that doesn’t stop
until there is justice."
At their 30th annual Equality Gala
Banquet, Equality Otdahoma bestowed their
Lifetime Achievement Award on Kelly Kirby.
A veteran and successful businessman xvith
his own accounting firm, he was honored
for over 20 years of activism on behalf of
the GLBT community in Tulsa. Not going
overboard he stated modestly afterwards, "
I would have to say that at 56 years old the
word lifetime is a bit daunting."
Oklahoma City holds
their 23rd Annual Pride
Parade and Festival
From humble beginnings in 1987, the
Oklahoma Pride Parade and Festival once
again brought people together to parry,
reminisce, and stand together. N~is year it was
accompanied by the banners of Cimarron
Alliance displayed on the lampposts along
the parade route on Classen Boulevard. N~is
time it also began with an outrageously fun
block party on Friday night June 25th on the
39th Street Strip, follmved by the Festival in
Memorial Park Saturday and Sunday which is
the beginning point of the Parade. The Parade
~cked off on grand style at 5 p.m., much
glamorized by this year’s Grand Marshall,
Ginger Lamar.
Miss Lamar ( a,k,a, Queen Supreme,
Beauty with a Bite, Queen of the F---king
Universe) has been a mainstay in the OKC
entertainrnent scene for over 30 years. A wild
emcee never caught short for a wisecrack
or snappy comeback, she has delighted
audiences in a style all her own. Today she
still reigns as the emcee Saturday nights at the
Boom, a proud Oklahoma tradition that truly
did it her way.
Pride Parade and Festival
Celebrated in Tulsa
On June 5 Tulsa held their 14th Pride
Parade, followed by their biggest festival yet
in Centennial Park. N~is year their Parade
Marshall was the Reverend Martin Lavanhar,
Senior Pastor of Allsouls Unitarian Church
ofTulsa. He was honored for his courage
shown when he spoke at a conference in
Uganda rallying against efforts by that nation
to make homosexuali.ty a crime punishable by
the death penalty. Aiding a sister Unitarian
church in Uganda for this cause was a very
risky undertaking but he felt he had to make
a stand saying, "I’m 4! years old and I%e
never been called upon to go overseas to
risk my life for freedom. In some ways this
was that kind of call." When he returned
safely Toby Jenkins, the Director of Equality
Oldahoma stated, "We had to hono~ this
wonderful man, to let people know that
this straight minister fi’om Oldahoma was
only one of m,o ministers who was at this
conference in Uganda."
Enid gets their first
GLBT Commtmky
Center, and holds their
first Pride Celebration
One might not think a town like
Enid, well known for its conservatism,
grain elevators and their powerful football
team( the Enid Plainsman) as a place for
a gay scene, but yet this has emerged. Enid
High School has a Gay/Straight Alliance, a
local P-Flag Chapter ( Parents and Friends
of Lesbians and Gays), and now a GLBT
community center called simply the Center
at 1319 S. V3n Buren. Everything fi’om HIV
testing to dances are held there, ~long with
many groups now forming tip.
~ihis year Enid celebrated their 2nd Pride
Festival as Meadowlake Park came to life
with vendors and entertainers followed by an
evening firewor~ sho,a: This time over 400
people came to savor the solidarity and enjoy
the fun.
SSRA Rodeo -Back a~er
5 years in Grand Style
Back after 5 years, the Sooner State Rodeo
Association was again in full swing. Hosted
this time by the Ramada Inn East, the event
was held on October’s first weekend at the
Bridle Creek Horse Ranch and Resort in
Sperry. Founded in 2002, SSRA is a member
of the International Gay Rodeo Association.
0 Y
Join us Sundays at 6pro
3901 NW 63rd St
is still
’uptcv ® Civil Rights ~Criminal
’ment ® Family Law ® Litigation
January 1, 2011 i 3
School Board
As a well known activist who has proudly
marched in OKC’s Pride Parade carrying a
sign that says "Gay Teacher", Joe Quigley has
for years been a tireless advocate for equality
and safe schools for all students, including
those GLBT or perceived to be. For this he
has gained the respect and admiration of not
only the GLBT community but also that
of countless of fair-minded Oklahomans.
A teacher with the Oklahoma City School
District since 1994 with 10 years of
satisfactory appraisals, he was at Northwest
Classen High School when in May of 2009
the Oklahoma City School Board voted to
fire him. Although they claimed it was for
poor performance, Mr. Quigley and his
supporters saw it as a ruse to get rid of him
due to his advocacy for GLBT students.
With the help of the American Federation
ofTeachers he took them to court where
District Judge Barbara Swinton not only
ruled in his favor, but apologized to him
on behalf of how he was treated by the
district. The District appealed, and. Judge
Swinton’s ruling was upheld. The Oklahoma
City School Board has now appealed to the
Oklahoma Supreme Court. At this time
Mr.Quigley is now in a permanent position
teaching English at Douglass High School;
O ahoma attempts
Exemption from Federal
Hate Crimes Law
In October of 2009 Presiden{ obama signed
into taw expanded Federal Hate Crimes
protections to include real or perce@ed
sexual orientation or gender identity as well
as disabilit)’ and gender. Although this was
hailed by the GLBT community and other
activists as a long overdue step forward, it was
also condemned by some religious groups and
other conservatives nationwide who claimed
that this measure promoted homosexuality
and stifled fi’ee speech.
Oklahoma was no exception, and in
early 2010 State Senator Steve Russell
introduced legislation to exempt Oldahoma
from this provision, prohibiting Oklahoma
law enforcement authorities from
cooperating with the Federal government
investigating these ty-pes of hate crimes. After
overwhehning passage in the Senate, it went
to the State House of Representatives where
State Representative Mike Shelton, in a
brilliant procedure of legislative maneuvering,
got this legislation stopped. He had this to
say as to why-- "There are pastors who wear
the veil of Chrisrianity who support this
legislation. As a Christian this offends me
because the Jesus I know doesn’t stand for
that." Mr. Shelton later received Cimarron
Alliance’s Legislator of the Year Award, an
honor shared with State Senator Judy Eason
McIntyre ofTulsa.
Oldahoma Gay and
Lesbian Political Caucus
Moves from Surv "va
Mode back to Recovery
During late 2009 and into this year, the
Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian
Political Caucus ( known as OGLPC) was
in survival mode. Formed in the early 1980s,
the group had a long history of advocacy and
education for the GLBT community, and was
most famous for their voter guides mailed out
to GLBT voters and their allies. However,
during 2009 and into this year attendance
had fallen to the point that the group could
not function. Paul Thompson, who had been
the male co-chair of the group since 1992,
was trying to revive the group when he passed
away during March of this year.
Determined to carry on the legacy
of OGLPC, co-chairs Jeanne Flanigan
and Steven Dubois have been working to
rebuild the group, and to reform it as a
PAC ( Political Action Committee) that ~vill
enable OGLPC to do fulfill their goals more
They look forward greater milestones
Brittany Novomy
made history when
she ran against State
Representative Sally
Sally Kern had already made a name for
herself long before she sha@d a spotlight
with Brittany. First elected in 2004 as a
self described "Kernse~-~ative", she gained
international notoriety’ after a speech she gave
to a Republican gathering was secretly taped
and posted on youtube. This speech stated
that "gays are a bigger threat than terrorism or
Islam"and that "no societ~r" that has embraced
homosexuality has lasted for more than a few
decades."She led the charge to get the book
"King and King" ( ~ story" for children about
a gay prince) removed from the Children’s
Section of Oklahoma County- Libraries,
labeling it "obscene." She also graced
the front page of the Metro Star when she
presented her Proclamation for Morality at
the Oklahoma State Capitol, which claimed
that America’s economic woes were due to
"abortion~ pornography, same sex marriage,
sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births,
child abuse and other forms of debauchery."
In 2010 Brittany Novotny threw her hat
in the ring to give District 84 voters a choice.
An Oklahoma Cite~ attorney and activist
with the Young Democrats, she was the first
transgendered person ever to run for public
once in Oklahoma. However she made it a
point not to focus on that issue, but rather on
things that she felt mattered more for average
raional Oldahomans like jobs, education and
transportation that Sally had neglected due to
her focus of social issues. AJthough she lost to
Ms.Kern in the Red Sweep of the November
general elections, BrittaW still made history
and will no doubt make more in the future.
Tramps continues the
Proud Tradition ofHave
a Heart
An annual event of love happens .
appropriately each year around Valentine’s
Day at Tramps with their Have a Heart
Benefit Show and Auction. It began as the
creation of the late Larry Crosby, then a coowner
ofTramps and Sister Gall Addis who
was then with Catholic Charities’ Loaves and
Fishes Program, which provided meals ~’~r
those living with HIV.Although Larry has
passed away his sister, Canaille Rohn who
is still a part owner ofTramps, along with
the stat~" and many volunteers again made
this event a fabulous success. This year over
$8,000 was raised.
Richard Ogden sworn in
an Oldahoma Regent [
Openly gay attorney and longtime activist
Richard Ogden was appointed by Governor
Brad Henry to the Board of Regents of the
Regional University" System of Oklahoma on
June 10. He was sworn in by District Judge
Barbara Sxvinton.
As a regent Mr. Ogden will be part of that
governing board which is responsible for the
hiring of university presidents.
Tulsa adopts Non-
Discrimination Policy
for City Employees
On June 17 the Tulsa Cit-y Council voted
6-3 to adopt a nondiscrimination policy for
municipal employees on the basis of sexual
orientation, ,~though in 1975 then Mayor
Robert LaFortune commissioned a report
recommending adoption of this policy;
the report was rejected Iia 1994 the Tulsa
GLBT community participated in formal
hearings in favor of this policy, only to be
denied again. The Tulsa Human Rights
Commission had been recommending this
change for over 15 years. I~a-is Wilmes,
Oklahomans for Equality’s Advocacy Director
stated, "This makes such a strong statement
to the region on how Tulsa is a welcoming
and sensible island in a state that is often
ridiculed for being intolerant and unjust
towards marginalized populations." Tulsa now
joins other Oklahoma cities who have this
policy for their employees, Del City, Mtus,
McAlester,Miami, Noble and Vi.nita.
Tulsa School Board Votes
for GLBT clusive
During September the Tulsa School Board
voted unanimously to include GLBT persons
in their nondiscrimination/anti-bullying
policy for teachers, students and parents.
Tami Marler, a spokesperson for the Tulsa
Public Schools, stated that this change was
made in accordance with recommendations
by the Civil Rights Office of the U.S.
Department of Education. With this measure
they now join the school districts of Norman
and Oklahoma City ~vho also have this policy, .
although Oklahoma City’s policy goes further
in also protecting gender identity.
"At Century 2t Gold Castle our BEST
properties are our PEOPL~
3627 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
By Rex Wockner
Dan Choi hospitalized
Activist Dan Choi. Wocknerphoto
Leading Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell activist Dan
Choi said Dec. 14 that he was committed to a
veterans hospital psychiatric ward on Dec. 10,
the day after the U.S. Senate again refused to
authorize repeal of the DADT ban on open
gays in the military.
On Dec. 18, the Senate reversed course
and voted 65-31 to authorize the repeal. (See
separate story.)
In an on-the-record e-mail sent from his
iPhone, Choi said he had experienced "a
breakdown and anxiety, attack."
"(T)he failures of government and
national lobbying carry consequences far
beyond the careers and reputations of
corporate leaders, elected o~cials, high
powered lobbyists or political elites." Choi
wrote. "They ruin lives. My breakdown was
a result of a cumulative array of stressors
but there is no doubt that the composite
betrayals felt on Thursday, by elected leaders
and gay organizations as wel! as many who
have exploited my name for their marketing
purposes, have added to the result."
Choi was released from the hospital
several days later and sounded like himself in
a telephone interview with CNN on Dec. 18.
Activists hope to force
teaching ofgay history
A bill introduced in the California
Legislature by Sen. Mark Leno, D-San
Francisco, would require that LGBT people
be fairly and accurately included in school
teaching material.
~ihe measure is sponsored by Equality
California and the Gay-Straight Alliance
~ae bill also prohibits the State Board of
Education from using instructional material
that discriminates on the basis of sexual
orientation or gender identity.
EQCA said that if enacted, the law
"would add LGBT to the existing list of
underrepresented cultural and ethnic groups
(that) are covered by current la~v related to
inclusion in textbooks and other instructional
materials in schools."
"LGBT people should not be pushed into
the closefwhen it comes to what students
learn about history," said EQCA Executive
Director Geoff Kors. "Educating youth about
the contributions ofLGBT Californians and
our state’s rich diversity will help foster true
acceptance of LGBT students and will
ultimately create a safe school environment
for all students."
GSA Network Executive Director Carolyn
Laub added, "LGBT youth are denied a fair
education xvhen they are exposed to harmful
stereotypes in classroom materials and are
excluded from learning about their history."
Leno said that "most textbooks don’t
include any historical information about the
LGBT movement."
"Our collective silence on this issue
perpetuates negative stereotypes ofLGBT
people and leads to increased bullying
of young people," he said. "We can’t
simultaneously tell youth that it’s OK to be
yourself and live an honest, open life when we
aren’t even teaching students about historical
LGBT figures or the LGBT equal rights
UN secretary-general,
US ambassador attend
LGBT event
United Nations Secretary-General Ban
Yd,moon and the United States’ U.N.
ambassador. Susan Rice. joined a high-level
U.N. panel Dec. 10 that condemned anti-gay
violence and the criminalization of same-sex
The Human Rights Day event was hosted
by several nations and organized by the
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights
Commission, Human Rights Watch and
other organizations.
"Violence will end only when we
confront prejudice," Ban said. "Stigma and
discrimination will end only when we agree
to speak out. That requires all of us ro do our
part -- to speak out at home, at work, in our
schools and communities."
"Where there is tension between cultural
attitudes and universal human rights,
universal human rights must carry the day,"
he said. "Personal disapproval, even society’s
disapproval, is no excuse to arrest, detain,
imprison, harass or torture anyone -- ever.
... Human Rights Day commemorates the
Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights. It is
not called the Partial Declaration of Human
Rights. It is not the Sometimes Declaration
o~Human Rights. It is the Universal
Declaration, guaranteeing all human beings
their basic human rights, without exception."
Rice told the gathering: "The story ofmy
country is, in part, a story of the expanding
boundaries of rights and dignity -- of the way
that discrimination and prejudice have been
countered by acceptance and equality. I feel
dais deeply and I feel it very personally. Even
at a time of profound challenges at home
and abroad, we dare not give up on the great
causes of equality and fundamental rights.
And that includes the pursuit of full and
equal rights for the millions of people in this
country and around the world ,vho are gay,
lesbian, bisexual or transgender."
"Change," Rice said, "comes from people
... who refuse to move to the back of the bus.
It comes from the leaders, the activists, and
the ordinary men and women who believe
that all human beings have equal worth,
equa! dignity, equal consequence -- and
equal rights. This conviction underpins the
significant steps that the United States has
taken over the past two decades to advance
the human rights of all of those who are gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender."
The event was sponsored by U.N.
missions from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil,
Croatia, France, Gabon, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, and the United
States and by the Delegation of the European
Illinois passes civil-union
The Illinois Legislature passed a civilunion
bill Dec. 1 and Gov. Pat Quinn said he
will sign it into law.
Gay or straight couples wilt be able to
enter into a civil union starting in July. The
unions will carry the san~e state-level rights as
~ae vote in the Senate was 32-24. ~e
vote in the House of Representatives was
"(These days), legislator after legislator
talks about ’my gay daughter;’ ’my gay
brother,’" Equality Illinois Director of Public
Policy Rick Garcia told Windy City Times.
"The most politically powerful thing gay
people can do is to come out to family and
friends.... Illinoisans are middle-of-the-road,
very steadfast folks, so [ think {’this bill~
passage) bodes well for our community across
the country."
Freedom to Marry Executive Director
Evan Wolfson ~velcomed the new iaw as a
"step," but said "civil union is no substitute"
for marriage.
"States that have created civil union as
a means of both giving and withholding --
providing legal protections wMle withholding
the freedom to marry and all its meaning
-- have found that civil union falls far short of
marriage vcith al! its tangible and intangible
significance in our lives," Wolfson said.
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley
sounded a similar note Dec. 2, saying:
"Eventually marriage will take place. It has to
be.... We have to move faster."
Same-sex marriage is legal in Connecticut,
Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Vermont and Washington, D.C. In addition,
New York and Maryland recognize same-sex
marriages that take place elsewhere in the
nation or world.
Civil-union or domestic-partnership laws
that grant all state-level rights of marriage
are in place in California, Nevada, New
Jersey, Oregon and Washington. Laws that
grant same-sex couples some of the rights of
marriage are in place in Colorado, Hawaii
and Maine.
California is a further case unto itself.
Same-sex marriage was legal from June to
November 2008, when voters amended
the state constitution via Proposition 8 to
put a stop to it. The couples who married
then are still legally married, as are other
same-sex couples who live in California and
got married anywchere in the world before
Prop 8 passed. Gay couples who married
somewhere else after Prop 8 passed, or ~vho
marry elsewhere in the future, receive every
state-level right and obligation of marriage
in California except for the legal right to call
their marriage a "marriage" when they are in
California. They are not recognized under the
state’s domestic partnership law, but rather
are married.cou,p,les who are denied use of the
word "marriage.
January 1, 2011 5
O ahomans Eqt ality
hires new Execrative
~e Board of Directors of Equal:t).
Oklahoma hired Toby Jenkdns as their new
Execut@e Directoi; beginning his duties
October 1 .He had served on their Board
of Directors since 2008 and has a 13 year
history of volunteering for the organization.
He has been employed at the Tulsa County
Courthouse :[))r 18 years and has for the past 11
years served as the Civil Appeals Court Clerk
to the Oklahoma Supreme Court. He holds a
BS degree in Criminal Justice and a BA degree
in Biblical Linguistics and Pastoral Studies.
He also holds a masters degree in theolo~~
and has done graduate work in the Sociology
of Aging. He has 2 married children and a
granddaughter. He is glad to be there stating,
"It~ a great honor to work for an organization
that saves lives every day. I believe we must do
more tO address to needs of our community
and challenge them to step up to volunteer
Norm Teenager
commits Suicide af,er
Ci W Co nci Meeting
Abo t GLBT History
On September 27 the Norman City
Council voted 7-1 to approve a proclamation
~br GLBT History Month. The Norman
Human Rights Commission wrote the
proclamation after much deliberation, and
there was a great deal of positive publicity
concerning the Council’s action. Howevm;
this approval met with strong opposition
from some Norman residents who showed
up at that meeting to air their protests, many
using stereotypical and negat@e references to
This was wimessed by Zach Harrington,
a 19 year old gay Norman resident who had
heard similar sentiments when he had been
bullied as a student at Norman North High
School. Although his parents, Van and Nancy
Harrington and his sister Nikki were aware of
and supportive of his lifestTle, the sentiments
he heard expressed yet again apparently were
too much and he took his life at his parents’
home October 10. A candlelight vigil was held
for him October 13.
Margaret Cox, Don
& Mick
Schirron honored at the
Cimarron Alliance
Awards Gala
Margaret Cox was honored with the
Cimarron .Alliance Lifetime Achievement
Award for many years spent to help women
achieve equality through her work with
the Oklahoma Chapter of the National
Organization for \7~/omen, and for ~vork
helping the GLBT community through
Herland Sister Resources and Cimarron
Alliance. Also honored as Legislators of the
Year were State Representative Mike Shelton
and State Senator Judy Eason Mclntyre.
Don Hawkins and Mick Schirron
received the Media Avcard as former owners
of the Gayly Oldahoman, which began
operation in 1983 and was Oklahoma’s
longest lasting and largest GLBT
newspaper. Beginning as a monthly paper
with a circulation of 4000, it later grew to
a biweekly publication with a circulation of
10,000. Due to a changing business climate
and personal commitments, Mr. Hawkins
and Mr. Schirron sold the Gayly in 2006 to
Andrew Hiclcs and the late Heather Harp
ofTulsa. Although reincorporated, the
paper resumed operation in March 15 2006
and ceased publication in December 15 of
that same year. Currently the Oklahoma
Historical Society is copying an entire set of
the Gayly OHahomans on microfilm.
AIDS Walk O ahoma
"Each Step Brings Hope" was the theme
for the AIDSXX/-alk 2010 which took place
September I9 for the 12th year of this
event. Previously held in October, the date
,vas moved up and the location changed to
the Sonic Plaza in Bricktown, this time also
accompanied by a 5K run that morning.
Money raised from this event goes to help
those in the OHahoma City area infected
and/affected by HIM
Arnold ’%rna Lee"
Smith passes away at 83
As a longtime club owner, activist and
entertainer Arnold Lee Smith, best known
as Arna Lee, left a legacy of pride, hope and
fond memories for GLBT OHahomans.
He was a pioneer, spearheading efforts that
won Oklahoma City’s GLBT community
many freedoms they now take for granted.
When he was a club owner, with a club
called Lee’s Lounge in the early 1960s, he
endured relentless police harassment and
never backed down. Longtime partiers
remember police raids where he was arrested
along with his customers, and he would
bail them out along with himself and
re-open his bar that same night. Later he
opened Oklahoma’s first premier showbar,
the Roadhouse, where many big name
Oklahoma entertainers got their start. Later
he also owned a steamy dance club called
the Outrigger from 1979 until 1981.
After a sojourn in Florida, he opened
another bar complex also called nostalgically
the Roadhouse in 1995, which closed after
a year of operation, and then went partly
into retirement, still doing shows in various
clubs for many good causes. \ghen his heath
failed and he entered the Norman Veterans
Center Nursing Home, he passed away
October 3 I. He was missed by his many
friends, and honored because he madea
difference for the GLBT community of
be investigated or discharged under this
discriminatory law. :.. Certification and the
60-day congressional requirement must be
wrapped tip no later than the first quarter of
Sarvis called the repeal of the ban "the
defining civil rights initiative of this decade."
Lambda Legal Executive Director Kevin
Cathcart called the I7-year fight to overturn
the ban "a heroic political battle by LGBT
advocates who refused to give up."
In a statement Defense Secretary Robert
Gates said: "Once this legislation is signed
into law by the president the Department
of Defense will immediately proceed with
the planning necessary to carry out this
Change carefully and methodically, but
purposefully: This effort will be led by Dr.
Clifford Stanley, Undersecretary of defense
for personnel and readiness. The legislation
provides that repeal will take effect once
the President, the Secretary of Defense
and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff certify that implementation of the
new policies and regulations written by the
department is consistent with the standards
of military readiness, military effectiveness,
unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention
of the armed forces .... I will approach this
process deliberately and xvill make such
certification only after careful consultation
with the military service chiefs and our
combatant commanders and when I am
satisfied that those conditions have been met
for all the Services, commands and units. It is
therefore important that our men and women
in uniform understand that while today’s
historic vote means that this policy will
change, the implementation and certification
process will take an additional period of time.
In the meantime, the current law and policy
will remain in effect."
Obama issued-a statement that said:
"Today, the Senate has taken an hist~oric step
toward ending a policy that undermines
our national security while violating the
very ideals that our brave men and women
in uniform risk their lives to defend. By
ending Don’t Ask, Dofft Tell, no longer
will our nation be denied the service of
thousands of patriotic Americans forced to
leave the militao; despite years of exemplary
performance, because they happen to be ga}~
and no longer will many thousands more be
asked to live a lie in order to serve the country
they love. As commander-in-chief, I am also
absolutely convinced that making this change
will only underscore the professionalism of
our troops as the best led and best trained
fighting f6rce the world has ever known.
And I join the secretary of defense and the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; as well
as the overwhehning majority of service
members asked by the Pentagon, in knowing
that we can responsibly transition to a new
policy while ensuring our military strength
and readiness. It is time to close this chapter
in our history. It is time to recognize that
sacrifice, valor and integrity are no more
defined by sexual orientation than they are by
race or gendm; religion or creed. It is time to
al!ow gay and lesbian Americans to serve their
country openly."
"First ursday" Art
Opening and E ibit
of Original Works by
Tulsa World Editorial
Cartoonist o Bruce
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The January"
Oldahomans for Equality (OlcEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature works by Tulsa
World Editorial Cartoonist Bruce Plante.
Bruce lcnew, while growing up in
Texarkana, Ark., that drawing and humor
were in his future: He began drawing
cartoons in the second grade and began
performing standup comedy in the sixth
As a sophomore at the University
of Arkansas Bruce became the editorial
cartoonist for the Arkansas Traveler, the
school newspaper. He graduated the
University of Arkansas with a Bachelor of
Arts in 1977. In 1985, Bruce became the first
staffeditorial cartoonist for The Chattanooga
Times and held that position for 22 years.
On Oct. 22, 2007 Bruce was lured
away from Chattanooga to Tulsa, taking the
position of edit0i:ial cartoonist.for the Tulsa
World, replacing the late Doug Marlette.
In 1989, he creatdd Plante Ink syndicate
which distributes his editorial cartoons to 40
subscribers throughout the United States.
His cartoons have been reprinted in The New
York Times, USA Today;The %~ashington
Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los
Angeles Times, Newsweek, Newsweek
International (Europe), Newsweek Japan,
Playboy; Sports Illustrated, Discover, CBS,
CNN, college and high school textbooks and
even the Iowa Achievement Test.
In 1985, Bruce won Showtime’s Funniest
Person in Aa’aerica Contest. He performed
standup for 4 years for audiences as large
as 3,000 and speak~s to more than 30 civic
groups and schools every year.
The show begins with a reception on
~lt~ursday, JanualT 6th from 6-9pm and
continues throughout the month, www.okeq.
Free help
By Steven Petrow
&even Petrozv is tt§e author of"The Essential
Boot: ofGay Manners &Etiquette. Send
him your questions at qUeerieS@live.com.
"Too affectionate at the mall?"
is not to hook-up; you’re making a political
¯ Follow the leader: Breal~ only one rule
at a time. Don’t go rogue on your comrades,
(i.e. no name-calling, clashing with police).
° Be clean and kissable: Bring your breath
mints; you may be kissing a lot of strangers.
Don’t hog the best kissers. If everyone else is
moving on to a new partner, it’s time to let
Elton John to sing
against Prop 8
Elton John will perform a private concert
in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Jan. 19 to raise
money for the ongoing federal lawsuit against
Proposition 8, the voter-passed constitutional
amendment that re-banned same-sex marriage
in California.
~tle concert, to benefit the American
Foundation for Equal Rigi~ts, which hired
the gay side’s superstar attorneys, Ted Olson
and David Boles, will take place at the Green
Acres estate of billionaire political fundraiser
Ron Burlde.
"We are deeply honored to have the
support of Sir Elton John," said AFER Board
President Chad Griffin. ’!The American
Foundation for Equal Rights stands for the
enduring principle that all Americans are
created equal, and believes that ending statesanctioned
discrimination is a critical step we
must tal~e toward ending the hate crimes and
suicides that continue to claim the lives of
young Americans."
John has not always been a supporter of
same-sex marriage. On Nov. 12, 2008, eight
days after voters passed Prop 8, he told USA
Today: "What is wrong with Proposition 8 is
that they went for marriag.e Marriage is going
to put a lot of people off, the word ’marriage’.
... I dont want to be married. I m very happy
with a civil partnership. If BY people want to
get married, or get together, they should have
a civil partnership.... Heterosexual people get
married. We can have civil partnerships."
Prop 8 was struck down as
unconstitutional at the federal district court
level. The ruling is currently on appeal at the
U.S. 9th Circuit Court ofAppeals, which
heard oral arguments on Dec. 6.
For concert ticket information, e-mail
January 1, 2011 I 7
Tulsa Eagle Staffready to serve the crowd at thier 2009 New Years Eve Black &White Ball,
and did they ever!
Sooner &ate Softball Association Games promised an ex’citing summer 2010. Shown above is
Oklahoma Chaos Team ofOklahoma Ci~ Gorin photo
.............MORE Photo’s on page 11
8 January 1, 2011
in Owasso expands
ministry to gay
OWASS0;OK (PR)~ ~.Table
UCC h~ ~0urd~ and ~fi~ort for
G~TQS~yo~t~ ~i~i~)~e
Youth gr~U~ is c~i~ ~nPlace.
~ey m;et0n F~i~ay ev~fiings from
6:30pm t0 8~00pm. B~ginning the
3rd Monday in Janua~ they will have
k PF~G meeting from 7’8 p.m. Rev
Melinda Foster leads the congregation
and they meet at 202 S Cedar, Suite
E, Ow~so OK 74q55. Rev. Melinda
Foster can be reached at 918-693-
0458. For more information visit:
Comm ity Heroes
Oklahomans for Equality is now
taldng nominations to recognize
individuals or groups who have made
an impact on the work for equality
for the LGBT community. These
awards are presented at the annual
Equality Gala on April 30, 2011,
Tulsa Convention Center Ballroom.
The following awards are presented:
Lifetime Achievement Award-
Recognizes a lifetime dedication
tothe cause of equality for LGBT
community in O~ahoma. Past
recipients include Nancy McDonald,
Dennis Neill and Kelly Kirby.
This award is nor always presented,
Community Heroes- Recognize
~hose individuals and groups who have
represented or served our community
in the previous year. Many of these
hdroes have "taken a bullet" for our
cause. Past recipients include Council
Oak Mens Chorale, Jim Roth, Carol
Crawford, Tim Williams, and Kelly
The Russell Bennett Award
for Spiritual Inclusion - Presented
to a faith leader who leads and
supports affirming the faith of the
LGBT community in our local
congregations. Past winners include
Rev. Leslie Penrose, Rabbi Sherman
and Rev. Richard Ziglar.
Grand Marshal for the Tulsa Gay
Pride Parade June 11 th- Recognizes
an individual who has supported the
LGBT community in a courageous
and visible manner. Past recipients
have been 11 year old Noah Blatt
and the Rev Marlin Lavanhar for his
advocacy work for the gay community
in Uganda.
You can download a form at
pdf Please return completed form to:
Oklahomans for Equality PO Box
2687, Tulsa, OK 74101 or email paul.
Rev S eve uric
spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Sunday 6:00 PM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and Blessed Day!
January 1, 2011
Creep ofthe Month
By D’Anne Witkowski
D’Anne ~tkowski has been gayforpay since 2003.
Shes aJ~eelance zortter andpoet (believe ~t:9. When she’s
not taking on the creeps ofthe world she reviews rock ~’
toll shows in Detroit with her ~oin sister
"John McCain"
10 January 1, 2011
I wish I still had my dog-eared and
tattered copy of Conduct Unbecoming so I
could send it to John McCain. Not that he’d
bother ro read it. The U.S. military’s vicious
anti-gay history with its vcitch-hunts and
outright persecution of gay service members
probably isn’t of much interest to McCain.
Especially since "don’t ask, don’t tell" solved
everything. Don’t you dare try
to tell him anything different.
During a Nov. 28
appearance on "State of the
Union" with host Candy
Crowley, McCain actually
had the audacity to claim that
"don’t ask, don’t tell" is an
effective policy that doesn’t harm anyone, gay
or straight, and that the call for its repeal is
just politics.
"There was no uprising in the military," he
said. "There were no problems in the military
with ’don’t ask, don’t tell.’"
"If you were gay it was a problem,"
Crowley interjected.
"No it wasn’t," McCain snapped. "It’s
called ’don’t ask, don’t tell,’ okay? Ifyou don’t
ask them, you don’t ask somebody, and they
don’t tell."
Got that? It works. End of story.
Crowley tried to ask McCain something
else, but he cut her off.
"I understand your point of view. I
understand the poil~t of view by the majority
of the media," he said. "But the fact is,
this was a political promise made by an
inexperienced president or candidate for
presidency of the United States."
In other words, it’s all Obama’s fault. He’s
too young to know what a good idea it is to
discriminate against homos in the military.
Why, when McCain was Obama’s age he had
to walk 15 miles in the snow uphill both ways
in order to make a campaign promise likd
"The military is at its highest point
in recruitment and retention and
professionalism and capability," McCain
continued. "So to somehow allege that this
policy has been damaging the military is
simply false."
Tell that to the thousands of gays and
lesbians who have been booted out of the
military since "don’t ask, don’t tell" was
enacted. According to Servicemembers Legal
Defense Network, that number is upwards
~s"R’s cal~ed ’don’t ~
k, don’t te~,’ okay?
you don’t ask
Ithern, you don’t ask
IsorneSody, and they
~.on’t tell." ~
of 14,000. You may recall
that in 2002, amid a severe
shortage of Arabic-speaking
translators, the Army fired
six linguists trained in
Arabic simply because they
were gay.
Apparently McCain sees
this as some kind of success. "The fact is that
this system is working," he told Crowley.
McCain repeatedly stressed that he
wanted to know what the effect ~vill be of
letting gays serve openly - and that’s the
operative word, "openly." Because gays
already serve in the military, they just have
the weight of a government-mandated closet
on their backs threatening to tumble open
and ruin their careers ar any moment.
"I believe we need to assess the effect on
the morale and battle effectiveness of those
young Marines and’Army people I met at
forward-operating bases that are putting their
lives on the line every day," he said. Never
mind that some of these "young Marines and
Army people" are probably gay.
McCain Said he has had "a number of"
military folks come up ro him and say, "Look,
we fight together, we sleep together, we ear
together." His choice of anecdotes illustrates
one of the main concerns ofhomophobes:
that homosexuality is contagious, and the
best way to guard against it is to make sure
you never l~ow when and if it’s around you
and to punish gays and lesbians who dare
make such an enormous sacrifice to serve the
Miss Bamboo 2011 @ the Bamboo Lounge
~dsa November 2010. Staffphom
@A~tes OKC]anuary 2010. Godn photo
Hot Dancers @ 77~e End Up, ~dsa March
2010. ~affphoto
F ash Back
TobyJenkins, President, Oklahomansfor
Equality and Oklahoma State Representative
Al 3/IaAd~ey at the 30th Equality Gala, Tulsa.
Photo by Liz Ingersoll, Mia Bella [m~es
@the Copa, OKCfidy 2010. Gorin photo
@ Finishline, OKCJanua,y 2010. Gorin ghoto
@Alibis, OKCJune 2010. Godn ghoto
April 2010 Open Arms Youth Project hosts
P?vm Night. P,vm Queen, Brenda "G,andma"
Bolen and Prom I~%tg, Kim W,§#enhunt. Judy
G. Photo
Best Wishes For
Kel~ Kirby receives Lifetime Achievement
Award, p,~sented by N,znoy McDonald @ the
30Anniversary Equality Gala, ~dsa. Photo
3det,v Star Staff"
Ginger Lamar, Grand 3darshall 2010 OKC
Pride. Do,werphoto
Untertaine. @ Ledo. O {C 20 OI Gon,,
@ Club Majestic, TulsaJanuary 2010, fi~dy G.
Sooner State Rodeo Association at the 2010
Tulsa Pride Parade. Judy Gphoto
2011, From The Metro Star Team @ Club 209, ~dsaJanua,7 2010, Ju4y G.
Oklahoma Gay Rodeo Association @ the
Habana hzn Pool Party 3day 2010. Godn photo
By Rex Wockner*
Judges hint at Prop 8
case twists and turns
9t,§-Gtvuit Federal Court, APpoolphoto @Eric Risberg
The effort to undo California’s Proposition
8 inched forward Dec. 6 when a three-judge
panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals entertained nearly three hours of oral
arguments from the attorneys in the case.
In an ornate courtroom on the third floor
of San Francisco’s historic James R. Browning
U.S. Courthouse, amid murals, stained glass
and statues dating to 1905, the attorneys
replayed some of their main arguments and
the judges offered hints of where the case
might go.
The gay side’s lawyers, who include
famed attorneys Ted Olson and David Boles,
sought to defend U.S. District Judge Vaughn
Walker’s ruling from August that Prop 8
violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of
equal protection and due process.
They also argued that the parties who
brought the appeal to the 9th Circuit -- the
activists who created Prop 8 and the deputy
county clerk of Southern California’s dusty
Imperial County -- have no legal "standing"
to have mounted this appeal ofWalker’s
Those parties are trying to defend Prop
8 because all the public ot~cials who were
sued in the case -- including Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger and Attorney General (and
Gov.-elect) Jerry Brown -- have refused to
defend the voter-passed state constitutional
amendment that re-banned same-sex marriage
in November 2008 after it had been legal
for 4 1/2 months and after t8,000 same-sex
couples had married.
It is unclear if the court will grant the
Prop 8 proponents or Imperial County
standing to allow the appeal to move forward.
~e judges seemed unimpressed by Imperial
County’s desire to be let into the case. Among
other things, they seemed annoyed that the
deputy county clerk rather than the actual
clerk is pursuing the move.
As to whether the people who put Prop 8
on the ballot should be allowed to step into
the shoes of the state government and defend
a piece of the state constitution that the state
itself refuses to defend, the judges hinted
that they might bounce that question off of
the California Supreme Court to see hmv it
feels about the idea. If the 9th Circuit does
that, it could delay appellate rulings on both
the standing issue and the merits ofWalker’s
On the merits, Olson told the judges that
California has unconstitutionally "taken a
class of citizens and put them in a separate
California gives same-sex couples all the
of marriage under
a domesticpartnership
but prohibits
gay couples from
marrying. Under
another law. gay
couples who
go get married
somewhere else
also receive all
the California
rights of
marriage but
are prohibited
from calling
their marriage
a marriage
in California.
Yet other gay couples, who got married in
California or somewhere else before Prop
8 passed, are considered to be married in
California and are permitted to use the word.
It’s very messy.
All of this is discriminatory, Olson said.
It harms gay Californians. ~here is no legal
rational basis for it. It cannot be "justified,"
he said. "California has built a fence around
its gay and lesbian citizens and around the
institution of marriage," Olson told the
judges. "That is a violation of the equalprotection
clause and it’s a violation of the
due-process clause."
Attorney Charles Cooper for the Prop 8
proponents told the judges that his case in
defense of Prop 8 centers on "procreation."
In Coopers view, it is rational for the
state to limit marriage to men and women
because the reason marriage exists in the first
place is because sex between men and women
produces children. ~e state, he suggested,
has a unique interest in human unions that
are procreative.
At the end of the day, court-watchers were
talking about three things that piqued their
curiosity during the oral arguments:
* Will the case be delayed so the 9th
Circuit panel can sound out the California
Supreme Court on the question of whether
people who put initiatives on the ballot
should be able to defend those initiatives
when they are struck down by courts?
Regardless of whether the judges seek advice
from the California Supreme Court, the case
¯ cannot proceed if the 9th Circuit decides that
neither the Prop 8 proponents nor Imperial
County has legal standing to appeal. If they
do not, Walker’s ruling striking down Prop 8
would come back into force.
* In hearing the appeal of Walker’s ruling,
will the 9th Circuit rely solely on Walker’s
expansive trial record, which seems to
demolish most of the myths, lies, arguments
and opinions that historically have been used
to oppress gay and lesbian people? Or will
the 9th Circuit look at additional sources of
information and seek out other facts . ine
court hinted that it may review more than
just the District Court’s findings.
* And has the 9th Circuit perhaps hinted
that it plans to uphold \Valker’s decision but
in a way that would limit the case’s impac~ to
California, the only state that ever let gays get
married and then later took that right away
from them? The court spent a fair amount of
12 January 1, 2011
Ed Sikov is the author ofDark l/icto*_7; 7be Life
ofBette Davis and other books aboutf!lms and
"Kahlua, Cream and Fiasco:
-he White Russian"
My cold lasted another week, so
forget about literary reticence. Let the gross
descriptions fly: Shot spewed out of my nose
like raw scrambled eggs, only darke,; more
translucent, and graced by tiny bloblets of
blood. My lungs hacked up a hocker so gray
it could have come out of an old coal miner.
When I wasn’t wiping smears of sputura
off my hands, sheets and nearby skin mags,
! contemplated my recent poor behavior.
Dan was right: I’d become "an old-fashioned
asshole." Dan was nothing but affectionate
with me, even after I spat goose-shit-green
mucous onto his pillow while he slept. He
deserved better from me. So did my friends.
When I stopped being viral, I invited
Craig and Kyle to dinner. Surprisingl); Craig
didn’t hang up on me when I called. "I’m
sorry..." I began. He cut me off: "Listen,
dollface - I’ll forgive you anything as long
as you keep your tongue off my boyfriend."
"Right-O!" I sang out, amxiery turning me
strangely into Terry-Thomas in some British
war comedy. "How about dinner here on
Saturday? It’s Chicken Cacciatore and an
after-dinner drink that doesn’t suck." All was
Dinner xvas a disaster. Dan was late, so
I had to wield the vacuum cleaner and a
can of Pledge and set the table while trying
to make what turned out to be an absurdly
complicated "hunter’s style" chicken with
only half the ingredients the recipe called
for. (I hadn’t bothered with a shopping list.
"Calling Dr. Freud! STAT!") The result
was a greasy; taste-free horror - no wild
mushrooms, no fresh sage or thyme, clumpy
years-old garlic salt instead of garlic....
"Hunter’s style?" What were they hunting
- something outof Oliver Twist?
Having tasted the cacciatore, I downed
some Tormore Single Malt and became
morose. But when Dan waltzed in mere
minutes before Craig and Kyle were supposed
to show up, my irrepressible life force
returned. [ became hostile. Craig and Kyle
thus entered during the second act of _Who’s
Afraid ofVirginia Woolf_, with me playing
both George and Martha. I behaved terribly;
Dan was rightly embarrassed. I might have
summoned enough dignity not to spend the
whole evening staring at the gap between
Kyle’s bottom shirt button and his belt. a
space out of which a perfect tuft of soft hair
emerged. Craig noticed, much to his giee and
my continuing disgrace.
But dessert was fiibulous! Ttxe White
Russian is one of my favorite cream-based
cocktails because of its subtlety, simplicity
and relative lack of.sweetness. It’s got a little
Kahlua for a cafd au lair effect, vodka for
some kick and thick, chilled heavy cream
for the mouth-to-belly bliss that only cold
dairy fat can provide. Still, two rounds of
White Russians wasn’t enough to make up for
hurling lettuce fragments and bacon chunks
in Craig’s face after discovering that puppy
Kyle had been gobbled up by Jabba the Hut.
Am I still bitter? You bet your elephantine
ass I am.
~-he White Russian
1 part Absolut
1/2 part coffee liqueur
1 part chilled heaW cream
Put some ice in a shaker and add all
the ingredients; put the cap on and swirl it
around a bi{ rather than shake it. (After all,
you’re not trying to make liquor butter.) Pour
through strainer into a good-looking glass
and serve.
time discussing a 1996 case from Colorado in
which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a
state constitutional amendment that deprived
gay people of anti-discrimination protections
that Colorado governments previously had
extended ro them.
A "narrow" ruling against Prop 8 by the
9th Circuit could bring same-sex marriage
back to California but possibly thwart Olson,
Boles and the American Foundation for
Equal Rights’ desire to take before the U.S.
Supreme Court the proposition that samesex
couples have a constitutional right to get
married in all states.
Lesbian becomes Colorado
Supreme Court justice
Monica Marquez became the first openly
gay or l~sbian member of the Colorado~
Supreme Court when she was s~vorn in Dec.
Her partner, Sheila Barthel, helped her
put on her black robe at the ceremony.
Marquez, 41, previously served as deputy
attorney general.
Spacey won’t discuss
sexual orientation
Actor Kevin Spacey told The Daily
Beast on Dec. 15 that he’s not interested in
discussing his sexual orientation.
"I have not given up my right to privacy,"
Spacey said. "People have different reasons for
the way they live their lives. You cannot put
everyone’s reasons in the same box. It’s iust a
line I’ve never crossed and never will."
"You have to understand that people who
choose not to discuss their personal lives
are not living a lie." he continued. "That
is a presumption that people jump ro.... I
iust don’t buy into that the personal can be
political. I just think that’s horseshit."
e~il: bittergirl@qsyndicate,com ty.net
Chuck Breckenridge
%q~cther buying or selling
I’!1 work hard for you.
597 Magnetic Road
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
800-210-8401 479-244-6821
Abutting Downtown
Bars, Clubs, Baseball, BOK Centel; Tulsa Gay
Center. ~M]rordable Homes and Apartments.
For mo,:e Info~wmtion visit:
By Jack Fertig
Janua~ 20tl
"Take a cSance on ~ove, Gemini!"
Sun squaring Saturn adds the weight
of age and responsibility, but Venus
enters Sagittarius, leading affections
and aesthetics toward new adventures.
She gets in the middle of that square
offering frivolous escape that can too
easily complicate problems at hand, but
she also offers some creative solutions.
ARIES (Narch 20- Apri~ 19):
The responsibilities of work and
relationships can feel oppressive. A
romantic adventure is much needed. If
partnered, plan a getaway. If single, a
stern attitude can be sexy, but balance
it with playful warmth. (Think gym
TAURUS (Apri~ 20 - Nay 20}: As hard
as you’ve been working, you’re entitled
to a much-needed release. Find an
appropriate place to scream and let it all
out. If you really need to beat someone
there are eager victims. Just keep it
safe and consensual.
GEN~N~ (Nay 21o June 20): Play only
for funsies. Don’t take any bets. but
take a chance on love or a passionate
facsimile. Incredible sex is no basis for
a solid relationship. Take it one day at a
time and see what else there is.
CANCER (June 21o Ju~y 22): A strong
sense of responsibility at home can be
a millstone or a motivator. Go with the
latter. Once you drag your tush into
action, momentum will make the rest of
it a lot easier.
LEO (Ju~y 23 - August 22): Even you
may have inarticulate moments, but just
take them as a creative challenge. A
little playfulness can boost morale and
productivity. Too much, not so good. If a
few jokes and your dazzling smile aren’t
enough, turn it up slowly.
V~RGO (August 23 - September 22):
Your best investment of time, energy
and money is in your own home and
community. Think ahead before taking
on responsibilities. Spreading humor
and good will at home or close by will
help build your standing.
L~BRA (September 23 - October
22): The weight of the world seems to
be on your shoulders. Opportunities
can be hard to find, but they’re there!
A lighthearted chat with a sister
(genetic or otherwise) can help you get
SCORHO (October 23 - November
21): Life is tough, but don’t let current
troubles wear you down. When you
catch yourself worrying, channel that
into constructive thought toward a
solution. Stick to basics and remember
what’s important.
November 22
- December 20): The money crisis
will hit everyone. You may be worrying
too much on a personal level. Focus
on your personal assets, the kind
you would still have even if you were
penniless and naked. Never forget: You
almost always fare better than most.
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January- 19): You’re at the top of your
game, but what’s next? The answer to
that is not as urgent as it may seem.
Relax, indulge in a romantic or sensual
retreat, and the hard questions will gain
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): The world’s troubles are the
world’s, not necessarily your own.
Discussing global and personal worries
with friends will help balance it all out.
For answers to the world’s problems
and your own, look across borders and
HSCES (February !9- Narch 19):
Put your deep, dark imagination to
work. Even in a bleak future there are
opportunities. You can be inspired to
find them for yourself and to guide
others. Even if the light at the end of the
tunnel is an oncoming train you could
ride it out.
Community for
People iving
A 50I c (3) Not] Profit Organization
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
2 3 4 5 : 6 7 8
11 !2
24 25 26
53 54 55
57 58
"i[hree-men-in-a-tub event
Oral attention getter
So,s0 grade
14 Point of View intr0, at Gay.c0m
15 "Oh, ~,X?hat a Beautiful Morning" sin er
16 Prayer Stm~&r
!7 Hides ofhai~T guys?
t9 ~orkers under Barney Frank
20 He had a crush on Beatle John
1 Lettuce variety
2 US citizen
3 The king in N~e ~ng I. ~br one
4 Time for Frida
5 Fireplace rods
6 Bounds gaily
7 Deadly septe[
8 HIV exam, e.g.
9 One that reproduces without sex
34 "l~wo to one, }~r one
35 Cat on Tin RoOf
36 LacldngToc"ks ~,
37 E~rly g~atle song that expressed how 20-
Across irelt :
t3 ’60s radical org.
18 Type of tool
2! .M.use for Millay
24 My Cup Runneth Over s~nger
Whitrnan’s dooryard bloomers
the shaft
a hottie
14 January 1,201t
During the Metro Star’s time in
publication Oklahoma and America has
experienced great changes including two
major elections, inclusion of GLBT persons
among those with Federal Hate Crimes
protection, the OKC and Tulsa School
districts adopting policies protecting gay
students from harassment and bullying, the
tremendous growth of Oldahoma’s gay rights
advocacy organizations and at presstime
finally the end of legal discrimination for
GLBT Americans in the US military.
However as 2010 concludes on this
happy note Chaz \gard, at age 7t, has made
the decision to retire after publishing the
newspaper for over 7 years. "It’s time for me
to relax, I want to do some traveling, and will
continue to help advance total equality for
GLBT people."
In conclusion the Metro Star wishes to say
that they were proud to be part of the GLBT
community of Oklahoma and the region,
thanking our advertisers and readers for 7
great years. We come to a close xvith a recap
of the highlights of 2010, and in this last
issue we say thank you and we appreciate
the support everyone has given us.
Another endeavor has been their Cooking
for Ct~ange Program which has been selling
freshly made homemade tamales as a means
for fundraising. A dozen tamales are only
$24 and are available in pork, chicken or
vegetarian style. Contact P-Flag to order
P-Flag Enid also wants .to announce
that nominations are open for their 2011
Stand Awards, which are open to GLBTQA
individuals, businesses, organizations, media,
artists and other categories of Oklahomans
~vho have improved life for the GLBT
community in the state. They are also seeking
similar groups interested in partnering with
P-Flag as a Communty Parmer sponsor
to keep the work of the Center going and
growing. Enid P-Flag is a 501c3 organization
so contributions are tax deductible.
To contact Enid P-Flag one can call
toll free 1 800 878 5298, or logon pflag@
Flash Back
I~cmr & Chaz 200~
January 1, 2011

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2011] Metro Star Magazine, January 1, 2011; Volume 8, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 4, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/190.