[2009] Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 7


[2009] Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 7


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


July 1, 2009


Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
Greg Steele
James Nimmo
Jeanne Flanigan
Rex Wockner
Gerald Libonati
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Devre Jackson
Judy G.


The Metro Star Magazine, April 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 4

The Metro Star Magazine, August 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 8


Online text








Southwest Missouri
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The United States of America (50 states)


Oldahoma City’s Robin
Dorner oins Metro
Star team. She not only
brings her talent and
enthusiasm, but also
expertise gained from
overall life experience and
reporting. Seepage 5
by Rex Wockmer
not health coverage, which he said june 17 is not within his
power. That’s the good news -- all of it.
What hasn’t he done? Anything about Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell, anything about the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA),
anything about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
He’s done nothing about any of the stuff he promised the
gays before they rushed to the polls en masse last November
to make sure he won that election.
And, then, Mr. Obama’s Justice Deparmxent filed a
briefJune 1 ! in a federal same-sex marriage case that used
nearly eveW nasty homophobic argument in the book to
argue against letting gays get married. That was the straw
that broke the camel’s back and unleashed a flood of harsh
criticism from gay VIPs.
"I hold this administration to a higher standard than this
brief," Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese
wrote to Obama. "In the course of your campaign, I became
convinced -- and I still want to believe -- that you do, too....
This brief should not be good enough for you, The question
is;Mr. President-- do you bdieve that it’s
)bama. dec~des 22 which~not necessary ~ i
, ~ . to file a brief. It’s a horrific and hideous attack on LGBT
:. .......
[one thats good. He ~ssued
and he extended a few
spousal benefits ~ ~d~ employees’ Same’sex partners -- National Center for Lesbian Rights Executive Director
sick leave and long-term care insur~ce; for example, but
Kate Kendell on her Facebook page: "The filing by the
............ Continued See GAY TSUNAMI Page-24
Pro ect Pride Foundation
Director Under Investigation For
By Victor Gorin
OKLAMOMA CIT~; OK__ On May 16, Robert
Jordan Chiles was dected to a position on the Oklahoma
State Democratic Party’s Central Committee as part of the
Affirmative Action Committee. Ivan Holmes, previous chair
of the Oklahoma State Democratic Party stated to the Metro
Star, "Robert ovces the party for tickets he purchased for the
luncheon at the State Convention along with advertising in
the program. He said he would pay that immediately
and he hasn’t as ofyet, so vce will pursue this issue." If he
doesn’t resign his position, party officials are ready to begin
impeachment proceedings.
In May Mr. Chiles placed an advertisement in the Metro
Star which ran in the June 2009 isme; soliciting funds for
his Project Pride Foundation, presented as an organization
working to advance GLBT rights and hdp people living with
HIV. This advertisement was paid for with a check that was
returned unpaid by his bank. Mr. Chiles was given numerous
opportunities by phone and email to cover the check with no
results. It has since been turned over to the Oldahoma County
District Attorney for collection and possible prosecution.
........... Continued See PROJECT PRIDE Page-17
T lsa Pride Se s New
By Michael \~ Sasser
TULSA, OK__Tt~a Pride’s Diversity Festival and Pride
Parade engaged a record number of participants on June 6th,
both in terms of spectators and participants.
"I think it exceeded expectations," said Oldahomans for
Equality President Toby Jenkins. "We were worried whether
the format and schedule might scare people or would be
comfortable for people to participate in. Our Pioneer
Breakfast far, far exceeded expectations. N~e police tell us
there were 23,000 people at the festival which is the largest
single-day attendance for an event we have ever had."
Jenkins said the festival also included over 70 vendors and
booths, twice the number as last year; and there vcere three
times the number of parade entries as last year.
"The parade yeas larger, there were more floats and more
groups," If there was a down side, it ~vas that in the nev¢ event
format debuting this year, there were fewer spectators along
the parade route.
........... Continued See TULSA PRIDE Page-6
July 2009
A good time
By Robin Domer-Townsend
OGRA [)~ddent RTint Wied}n, Robin Dornerphoto
OKLk(HOMA CI~/, OK Every ),ear as Memorial
Day weekend rolls around, the Oklahoma Gay Rodeo is held
in Oklahoma City. Their goal as a social organizarion is to
host an annual-gay rodeo in Oklahoma City, assist in western
related events and contribute to charitable organizations. This
year~ motto is. ’~A Bucking Good Time."
The mission ofOGRA (Oklahoma Gay Rodeo
Association) is to act as a non-profit organization, to perform
charitable duties for the surrounding area through fundraisers,
rodeo performances, etc., for any particular charitable
organization the general membership of the association shall
"Xhat is the main goal of]OGRA; to raise money for
charity," said Klint Wieden, OGRA President. "Each year we
give primarily to two different charities ~vhich provide services
to those living with HIV or AIDS." This year’s beneficiaries
of the event are Other Options/Friends Food Pantry and
RAIN Oklahoma. Each of these organizations will receive a
charitable contribution from OGRA once the dollar amount
for donation has been calculated. "Usually it is around $3,500
for each organization," adds Wieden.
"Wieden grew up on a big ranch in north~vest Oklahoma
on thousands of acres. His family raised cattle, ran horses
and performed all general ranching duties and his family
was always involved in the rodeo. "I also love doing charity
work. It is a necessary thing," he adds. "I enjoy the causes xve
stand for at OGRA and bringing the two together; rodeo and
chariw, well, it’s a great thing for me."
OGP,A is a nonprofit organization and member of the
International Gay ;Rodeo Association, Inc. (IGRA) which is
comprised of 28 state/provincial associations throughout the
United States and Canada. The purpose for organizing OGRA
was to prov;ide a harmonious enviromnent for those interested
in the western lifestyle to express themselves through rodeo,
dance and other £~mity social activities barring al! prejudices
related to sex, nation~ origin, sexual orientation, religion, race
or any other prejudices. Overall, the IGRA has raised millions
ofdoltars ~br charities across the country.
Next year is a very big year for the OGRA as they will
celebrate their 25th anniversary. "Even more is in store for
next year’s event," furthers Wieden. "We will have a special
limited edition designer ’trophy buckle’ made. Each of the 25
buckles will be numbered and sold to raise even more money
for the charities ,are help."
Wieden and the board of the OGRA wish to thank all of
their sponsors and volunteers, but offer a special thanks to
Premium Beers of Oklahoma and the Copa/Finish Line which
each contributed more than $10,000 this ),ear. For more
information about OGRA please visit www.ogra.net.
Diversity Business
Assodates; proud to do
in OKC
By Robin Dorner-Townsend
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Since 2004, the Diversity
Business Association (DBA) has been a "proud’ organization
representing many businesses and prot)ssions in the
Oklahoma City metro area. As an organization primarily for
gay and gay-friendly businesses, DBA is a diverse group; thus
the name "Diversity Business Association."
DBA is not an organization iust for the gay, lesbian.
bisexual or transgender (GLBT} community. It is an open
minded, diverse group of individuals from all walks of life.
"Why not do business with people who want to do business
with you?", is their organizational motto. With nearly 150
members, the Diversity Business Association does mean
"DBA has become Oklahoma City’s fastest growing GLBT
organization and with good reason," says Monty Milburm
President ofDBA. "We offer a casual yet business oriented
environment for our members to connect with and do
business with people that want to do business with them. It is
these connections that help all of us succeed in good and bad
Each month, usually two business connection meetings are
held where members meet to network and exchange business
cards, ideas, and get together for fun events also. There are
luncheons, educational meetings and after hour mixers which
bring the group together for people ~vho want t6 do business
with like-minded people.
Membership fees for DBA are some of the best in this
area for an organization of its ~nd. An individual business
membership is $49 per year and corporate memberships (for
up to 10 people) are $450. Unlike most organizations, DBA
has a student or ’social’ membership f)e for $25 per year. N~is
allows the businesses in the area who are gay or gay-friendly to
benefit from like-minded people seeking to do business with
this diverse group.
The goal of DBA is to be a positive organization in the
GLBT community and the Oklahoma City community as
a whole. DBA will have a booth at the upcoming Gay Pride
events to be held at Memorial Park in Oklahoma City on June
27th & 28th and invites everyone to come and visit to see
what they are all about.
"I would like to encourage you to visit often, check out
our calendar and consider joining. We encourage positive
competition and celebrate each member’s success," adds
Milburn. "t am proud to serve as President of such a fine
organization. We really do mean business."
For more information about DBA, please email them at
contact@dbametro.org or visit vvw~.dbametro.org. It is best to
use Internet Explorer when visiting this site.
Impressive Youth Leads Tulsa’s
Gay Pride Parade
By Judy Gabbard
Noah Blatt GrandMarshall ~dsa Pride Parade. Judy G. photo
TULSA, OK The Grand Marshal! ofTulsds Annual
Pride Parade xvas not a celebrity or an individual with a crown
of jewels: this Grand Marshall was a nine year old young man
named Noah Blatt. Noah Blatt is a perfect example ofwhat
the words "Diversity" and "Acceptance" represent in the
contin~l struggle of gay rights.
Told to me by a representative of Oldahomans [br
Equality, Noah Blatt first came m the attention of the
committee members at Tulsa’s Equality Center, when
he hand delivered a letter and a donation. In the letter,
Noah explained that as an assignment he was to chose an
organization that he rahought was making a difference, His
mission was to acknowledge that organization and donate
to its support. Noah has continued to contribute part of his
weekly allowance in support ofTulsa’s Equality Center.
Toby Jenkins, Tulsa’s Equality committee President, said,
that when it came time to select the Grand Marshall for the
Pride Parade, no other individual was as deserving as Noah
Noah’s revelation, revealed in his letter, that xvhen same
sex couples love each other and want to marry, there shotdd
be no one allowed to stand in their way. Simple truth uttered
from one so young shows that the continuing struggle for gay
rights is making an impact on public opinion.
In a short interview with Noah Blatt, I met a gentle young
man with a view of the world that maW lose when they grow
up. Noah is determined to hang on to his beliefs and make
his opinions known. Noah’s room and dad are hard working,
well educated parents who have a!lo~ved their child to develop
his own views of human behavior.
Mr and Mrs Blatt support their young son’s ideas and
know that it takes only one person to start a movement
towards human rights.
Noah was introduced to the public at the Pride Festival
held at Centennial Park, located at 6th and Peoria, and
severalo awards were bestowed upon him. The greatest prize
was a view into the future possibilities of our youth. The
importance of bestowing understanding, love, guidance and
attention to our younger population was made evident in such
a small package, Noah Blatt.
www.rnetrostarnews.com ~®troSTAR 3
By Victor Gotin
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK On April 6 Keith KimmeL
like maW other Ol-dahomans since 1967, applied for a
personalized license plate for his !992 Dodge pickup truck.
However. he ran into an obstacle because his message
was ’TM GAY". His request was denied. Kathy Green, a
supervisor in the Motor Vehicle Division, stated that his
request was denied due to a Oklahoma Tax Commission Rule
710:60-3-150 (d) which states "No license plate will be issued
-which may be offensive to the general public." However, she
did not state why she deemed that his message fit into that
Mr. Kimmel appealed this decision, and his case was heard
by Administrative Law Judge Jay Harrington in Oklahoma
City on May 7. A favorable ruling, in which Judge Harrington
recommended that Keith be allowed his I’M GAY plate, was
released on June 18, jttst a week before Gay" Pride celebrations
ldcked off in Oklahoma City.
Attorney Brittany M. Novomy, who represented him on
this case had this statement, "This decision is an indication
that we do still live in a society that respects the rule of law,
and when we feel our civil rights have been violated we know
we can turn to our legal system to remedy the situation. I
believe it is also a signal that despite its national reputation,
Oldahoma has outstanding women and men in the legal
profession who put the law ahead of old prejudices."
The Oklahoma Tax Commission may accept or reject
this recommendation. Talking with Mr.Kimmel he stated,
"I think the judge reviewed the case carefully,, made a good
decision and I hope the commission will do the right thing
and let me have nay plate." If the Oklahoma Tax Commission
doesfft fol!ow- through and allow his plate he plans to pursue
additional legal action.
BillyJackson and Michael[ Friday
ioined their lives together
By Victor Gorin
Bil{rJackson &Michael Friday at their Holy[ Union wid~ t/.,eir
.iF[ends Luq andMidn@t. Godn photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ Billy Jackson and Michael
Friday joined their lives together Sunday, June 14 in Norman
at Thunderbird Chapel. Lovers of the country lifestyle, both
are active in OGRA, Michael as the mernbership chair and
Billy who is running for Mr. O.G.R~k. next year. Tney are
setding down together on the outskirts of Noble where
Michael, as a member of the Orchid Society, will be able to
pursue his hobby. The Holy Union was offidated by Pastor
Neill Spurgin of Exp~:essions Community Fellowship, where
both Billy and Michael are members. Let’s wish them a
wonderful life together.
Annual Hot Young Hollywood
Party to benefit R.A.I.N.
Oklahoma August 7
Angles to host annual Hot Young Hollywood PaW to benefit
RAIN Oklahoma. Oklahoma CiF’ HIVNon-profit agent/.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (PR) __ August 7 2009
N~e Hot Young Holly~vood Party is an annual fundraiser for
RAIN Oklahoma, acting as a spotlight for local GLBT owned
& friendly businesses. RAIN Oklahoma will be honoring four
Oklahomans for their outstanding leadership and activism.
The event will be a fun filled evening with fashion
shmvs from well-known designers such as Cadillac Cowboy;
Nicole Moan, GLAMNERD, Riot Rockett and Debauchery
Clothing, plus live performances from Oklahoma City;s own
Eric Bramble and others. Definitely an event not to be missed!
Rafiqe ticket sales provided much of the $2500 raised at
last year’s party. I~mt year sponsor donated items included a
necklace donated by Mitchener & Farrand Jewelers, a "makeover"
prize package .from Velvet Monkey Inc., dinner for two
at 1492, and a Marc-by-Marc Jacobs bag among many other
For the RAIN Leadership Award, campus GLBT groups
made nominations from OCU, UCO, OU, OSU OKC AND
UT as well as the GLBT group of DELL and the Cimarron
Alliance Foundation. The goal of our nominees is to increase
the quality of life for all Oklahomans.
RAIN Oklahoma is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit agency,
depending on private donations and the support of the
community to continue providing high quality of services.
RAIN Oklahoma offers a wide array of services from free HIV
testing and counseling, community outreach projects, Ryan
White Case Management, ADVANTAGE Medicaid waiver
services & Transitional Housing. RAIN Oklahoma’s
mission is to compassionately serve indMduals and
communities impacted by HIV/AIDS through
education, volunteerism and coordinated access to
healthcare & support services.
We accept all donations; Gift Certificates, Checlcs,
Merchandise and/or services. Donors will be recognized
in the program.
For additional information on The Hot Young
Holbavood Party, please contact the Hot Young
Holl)wcood Committee:
Kendet R. Powers, CTR Agent
RAIN Oklahoma
Vicld Banta
Vicki Banta the Partyoligist
Kai R. Dameron
Rain Oldahoma, CTR Coordinator
405/232/2437 xt 123
Giving back: MAC Cosmetics
’Viva Glam’ line supports HIV!
AIDS organizations
By Robin Dorner-Townsend
Inf!’ont ofthe Iguana Lounge in Automobile Alley in downtown
Oklahoma Ci~, the 3¢IAC cosmetics staffin Oklahoma City show
their support in theform of"a big check"for Other Options and
Friends Food Pantry. Thefundraising event "51 Toast to Life"
was heldfor the non-profit organization at The Iguana Lounge
in April The Iguana showed its support ofthe Other Options
organization by undenvHting the charitable event.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Since 1989, Other
Options has been on the forefront of prevention, education,
and assistance of those in need who are living ~vith HIV
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Autoimmune
Deficiency Syndrome). The organization was Formed as anonprofit
whose missi6n" included al! services which hdp persons
living with the disease but currently their primary focus is that
of food services, nutrition and education.
Mary Arbuckle, Director of Other Options works to
assist the clients they serve, organizes donations and among
many other taslcs, she also writes grant applications for the
organization. "It’s a .....Continued see MAC page 24
July 2009
Leather Camp Vwill
be running in Wichita
gg~IICHITA, KS (PR) __ August 14
- 16, 2009. Early bird registration is active
until July" 21st at a rate of $75.00. After July
21st, the package cost xvill be $85.00. The
Clarion Hotel will hots the event with a room
rate of $79.00 per night. Rooms need to be
booked directly through the hotel. Ask for
the WOOLF rate to get the discount.
~qere are lots of great classes for this years
event. Presenters include ~qaipmaster Bob
and Bootpig, Graydancer, Sir Olivier and pup
sparlg~, Mason and Michelle. In addition, we
will be having our Central Hains Regional
contests for Central Plains LeatherSirlboy and
CommunivA Bootblack as well as our loc~
WOOLF contests for Mr. and Ms. WOOLF
and Kansas boy/girl. All of the contests
will be judged by International LeatherSir
2009, Sir Raul, International Leatherboy
2009, boy bill, Central Plains LeatherSir
2009, Master Sam Sampson, Central Plains
Leatherboy 2009, pup sparkle, Central
Plains Community Bootblack 2009, boy
blu, Great Plains Leatherboy 2008, boy mike
and Rev. Jackie Carter of the Metropolitan
Community Church ofWichita. The
weekend ~vill be emceed by Tom Stice.
For more information and to register for the
weekend and book your hotel room, please
visit www.wichitaleatherpride.com.
Robin DornerJoins Metro Star Staff
Robin Dorner-Tmvnsend. Staff photo
well kmown in Oklahoma City and beyond as
a fun loving reporter and activist. Ms. Dorner
Born in Wichita, she graduated from
Kansas Newman College in that same
city to become a Registered Nurse. She
moved to Oklahoma City in 1983 when
jobs for RNs were plentiful. She worked
in various positions as a dialysis nurse,
in home health and hospice settings,
and case management. She is a happily
married heterosexual, celebrating 15
years together with Ken Townsend,
her soulmate who is in the oil & gas
In 2004 she earned a Bachelor’s
Degree in Health administration,
followed by a Master’s Degree in
Business Administration in 2006.
After this milestone, seeking a different
direction, she branched out into
journalism with the City" Sentinel.
broadening their horizons when she
covered many events of the GLBT
community. She first became involved
with our community during the !990s
when she volunteered as a nurse for
the Triangle Association vdth D~:Larry
Prater. who operated a free AIDS
clinic. Relating ~o that experience she
stated that "I loved it, not only as a nurse
but also from the love, camaraderie and
acceptance I found in the gay community."
Her involvement in the community grew,
and she later became a boai~d member of
has just joined the Metro Star team. She will the Cimarron Alliance Foundation. She is a
be repo~ting local news and ~ents and wil! former board member and current member of
handle OK~’~C ad sales al6nFwithRikGOdbev Diversity Bttsiness Association of Oklahoma
and Victor Gorin. She is also an accomplished City, and is her husband Ken. She does
~h0togr~pher. She n0{ 0hly brings 1{~} taleh{ vohmteer work for Other OptiOns, and looks
~nd enthusiasm, but alSO ~ert~e gained forward to working with the Metro Star. We
f om oCe llife ep0mng welcome her a oard .
the City Sentinel ( fbrmeriy the Mid City
www:metrostarnews.com &~et~’oSTAR 5
Dont Shop - Adop
By Michael ~{~. Sasser
Tulsa author Clara Nipper. Press photo
TULSA, OK __ Tulsa author Clara
Nipper never read mysteries, thrillers or true
crime books, so when - on a dare from her
partner - she set out to write in the genre,
they set the mood and picked up the stylized
approach by camping out in their home.
lowering the air conditioning and watching
classic noir films such as Double Indemnity,
Laura and the more-modern Body Heat.
"They were terrific," said Nipper. "I took
some inspiration from them."
Nine months in the writing, Nipper
completed her first novel, the stylish Femme
Noi~; a tide that aptly describes both the book
and the innovative genre of lesbian literature.
"I was writing "chick stories’ and my
partner told me that since that wasn’t ,going
an?~vhere I should try something new,
Nipper said.
So, Nipper crafted a character that was
the "total opposite" of her. "She is tall and
lean, black and bald, and a total womanizer
- a slut. I wondered if I could wrire an entire
book about her. And, I thought, yes I could."
The rest is now history. Femme Noir is
being published by Bold Stroke Books.
In the book, Nora Delaney is Nipper’s
protagonist. The hard-boiled, hypersexualized
womanizing college basketball
coach chases the case of her murdered exlover
from LA to Tulsa only to be waylayed
by a gorgeous, gin-swilling skirt who has
information as well as an appetite for women
like Nora.
The book contains classic noir elements
and Nora is cut from the same cloth as many
classic, troubled genre protagonists - except
that she is a woman. Hailed by maw for its
unique and interesting voice, the book is also
sexually graphic and unapologetic.
"’gq~en my father got a copy of the book.
I wrote in it ’please don’t read this’." Nipper
said. "I hope he hasn’t.
Tulsa native Nipper is veU much unlike
her lead character.
"I was straight most of my life," said the
Tulsa CountT Courthouse clerk. "I was always
open with sexuality and thought that if it felt
good, do it. I’ve only had t-wo girlfriends in
nay life. My first girlfriend was the one who
said "you should try this’ and I said ’sure, let’s
give ir a try.’ It was tumultuous except for the
sex tbr the next two years. I have been with
nay current partner for 13 years."
Nipper had been "spiritually" a writer her
entire life, from the time she xvrote a short
story in grade school that a teacher insisted
on turning into a slide show.
"The best advice I ever got was to write
one page a day and after a year, you ~voutd
have 365 pages," Nipper said. "qhe road
to publishing has been rocky, but my
publisher now is terrific. They do so much to
support authors and offer opportunities and
Femme Noir’s sequel, I4dss of Noir,
is already under contract. It’s set in New
Orleans and will continue to stretch the
parameters ofsexuat representation.
"I’ve already shocke,~,! and appalled some
lesbmns, N~pper stud. I th~nk that means
am on the right track."
For more information on Nipper and
Femme Noir, visit www.claranipper.com.
"Most people waited for the parade at
[Centennial Park], and it was packed there".
A shuttle system taking parade-path
spectators to the park might be one thing
added for future Pride festivals. For the most
part, though, the new event structure was
very much a success.
"The fireworks, the ferris wheel and the
concert were all huge successes." Jenkins said.
Jenkins noticed a few things in particular
this year. Employees of Spaghetti Warehouse
on Brady Street came out to cheer ~or the
parade. At Centennial Park. the crowd
included a notable number of straight couples
and individuals, including maW attending
their first-ever Pride event with or without a
GBLT relative or friend.
"I thought, ’Wo~v. ~vhen did it become
cool to go to Pride?" "-We also had a tot
of seniors there. One mother said she
was impressed at how family-friendly the
environment was. I wish I could say that was
something we tried to do. but it’s just a sign
of the evolution of the community."
Police commented on how busy the Kid
Zone was with approximately 700 children of
GLBT families and straight participants.
This year’s n~w policy against ice chests
and bringing in outside food and beverages
also worked out. Jenkins said no one had to
go to the hospital and police told him that
for the first time there was no one who they
considered acting publicly drunk to the point
of being a nuisance.
Vendors also told Jenkins they had done
well at the event. Jenkins hopes that means it
will be possible to continue expansion of the
event in the future with more participants.
Although the parade route saw the typical
number of protestors, there was only one
notable at the festival itself.
Annie Bryce drove an hour to attend her
first Tulsa Pride event.
"I was very impressed at how nice it was
and, really, how nice the people were - men,
women, gay and straight even," she said.
Cashen" Stewart attended the Pride
Festival, largely for the parade, He thinks the
eve,n,t could still be improved.
I think there should be a bit more things
to do at Pnde that are more mteracuve, he
lenkins said that other smaller cities
aro{md Oldahoma also having Pride events,
such as Enid for the first time ever in July, is
evidence of empowerment.
"People are feeling safe enough to have
festivals - that’s a good sign."
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July 2009
So, ust What is the True
Definition-ofMarriage ?
by James Nimmo
OY._LM-IOMA CITY. OK As a semiprofessional
musician I provided music at the
same-gender marriage recently of two friends
of mine, the latest ceremony of uncountable
services I’ve played, t’rn also a committed
atheist and rather hard-boiled when it comes
to asking [or divine intervention, as well
as the invention of skT-oriented deities for
whatever reason. I support everyone’s private
pursuit of their interests in accordance with
the First Amendment as long as infringement
of my own legally supported rights isn’t
There was no doubt of the sincerity of the
participants in this religious ceremony. There
were prayers, vestments, and liturgy common
to any other Christian denomination
marriage ceremony. Had you been
blindfolded and dropped into this touchingly
simple outdoor service, uncoached and
uninformed, you would not have been able to
distinguish this wedding from the thousands
being conducted in the rest of the country on
any Saturday afternoon.
Jaded as I am about religion, I did get a
little misty-eyed when the minister spoke-of
the hands being held by the two grooms. As
these ceremonies of commitment go the hope
is always for a devoted and determined future
of mutual and exclusive support through a
lifetime of as many years o?iife as our genetic
desdny wil1 give us. He described these hands
as they are now. young and strong brushing
away ~ears of joy and sorrow, touching in
moments of intimacy, and when old and
wrinkled they’ will sti!l be the hands we want
touching us in times of need.
~ view myself as a married man wittl a
partner of 32 years, and 1 can identi~! with
the sentiments and intentions the minister
outlined in his .;ermon. By what fiat of
bigoted ignorance can anyone deny me and
millions of other gay and Lesbian Americans
this legaI right of marriage just because
the gender of the two people is the same,
choosing to share their bounty and their
concerns for as long as they’re able, be it one
year or hopefully- a long lifetime? How is that
any different from what opposite-gendered
people choose to do?
To answer my own title, I think marriage
is the ability of two responsible people
committed to each othm; with a seriousness
of purpose, for as long as they are able to
hones@ maintain the relationship, with or
without the imprimatur of religion.
At one time I was a proponent of
going nicker the recognition of our gay/
Iesbian equality one right at a time. But
at approximately 1,400 indMdual rights
bestowed with a completed marriage
license, there arefft enough years for
even Methuselah to see the success of the
movement. I now see that only a dedicated
Federal lawsuit, such as the one being
brought by Ted Olson and David Boles (
http://tiwurl.com/q6hvip ), will give us
the trne definition of marriage we gay and
Lesbian citizens need to live our lives with the
choice so casually enjoyed by straights.
Politics M es for
Strange Bedfellows
by James Nimmo
exciting to be a gay/lesbian activist these days.
Our civil rights movement has been focused
on California which has been performing
a line dance with basically the lovers of
romance and civil rights in one line and the
haters of diversity and inclusion in another.
With the survival of Prop-Hate in
California in late May there are now thirty
states that prohibit same-gender marriage
by constitutional amendment; thirty-seven
prohibit it by statute. Some states even went
double-dipping in their vehemence against
gays and lesbians with both.
But on the sunny side, as of this writing,
there are five states that allow same-sex
marriage with three states promoting samegender
unions. ( http:lhinyurt.comlmq8fev )
I’m not too hot with arithmetic but even
I can tell there is some overlapping of statutes
and amendments with a minority of states
still sitting on the sidelines, waiting and
Waiting for what? Maybe the same thing
I’ve been waiting for. A team of lawyers,
financial supporters, and plaintiffs willing
to put this momentous issue into it’s proper
frame: Shall the United States continue
with this jurisprudence crazy, quilt of rich
progressive action and tawdry, shortsighted
discrimination or blanket the country with
one legal rtding that allows all adults to make
their own decisions for their future regardless
of gender, religion, or geographic location?
That’s where the odd bedfellows Ted
Olson and David Boles come in. These two
lawyers, fmnous for being on opposing sides
of the Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case that
by a one-vote margin put the Bush/Cheney
ticket in the White House have filed a
Federal lawsuit to place an injunction on the
California Supreme Court decision upholding
the anti-marriage equality amendment lmown
as Proposition 8.7heir plan is to carry this
lawsuit up the chain of Federal courts to
the US Supreme Court if necessary in order
to have a definitive ruling as to whether
or not same-gendered people are covered
under the 14th Amendment of the Federal
Constitution, specifically the clause that all
citizens are entided to the full protection of
the laws. ( http://tinyurt.com/dypxfp )
Many of the main stream civil rights and
gay/lesbian advocacy organizations ( The
American Civi! Liberties Union, Lambda
Legal, the National Center for Lesbian
Rights, Freedom to Marry, Gay & Lesbian
Advocates & Defenders, the Human Rights
Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force, the Equality Federation, and the
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
are aghast at the audacity of this plan
sponsored by the American Foundation for
Equal Rights. ( http:/Itinyurl.comlld6a2w )
I’m no legal eagle but I’m literate, folio~w
the news, and can reason, tn addition, my
partner and I were among 12 other plaintiffs
in the attempt by Oklahoma’s chapter of the
ACLU to derail the 2004 Okie version of
Prop. 8, known as State Question 71 ! that
passed with a 70+% majority vote.
The legal strategy being used by the
As t see it, ~here are two important
precedents (an important aspect of
jurisprudence? from the Supremes that
recognize our gay/lesbian citizenship. They
are: Lawrence v. Texas ( http://tinyurl.
com/br2tj t that eliminated sodomy laws
by overturning Bowers v. Hardwick (http://
tinyurl.com/jus3e ), and the Romer v. Evans
decision overturning Colorado’s infamous
Amendment 2 dewing gay/lesbian citizens
protection of state laws( http://tinyurl.
com/49m9er ) wherein Justice Kennedy
famously wrote that "[Amendment 2] is at
once too narrow and too broad. It identifies
persons by a single trait and then denies them
protection across the board. The resulting
disqualification of a class of persons from die
right to seek specific protection from the law
is unprecedented in our iurisprudence."
Let me add that Justice Kennedy is
the famous "swing vote" on many Court
decisions that are decided by a single vote.
Though there have been changes in the names
of the j ustices over the years, the legal balance
of the Court is still the same: four living in
the 18th century, four in the 21st century,
with one bridge between them.
If politics makes for strange bedfellows
and change is die buzz word for this political
season, then I think it’s time to change
the sheets. As these two well experienced
attorneys have wedded dlemselves to marriage
equality, I wish them a happy honeymoon.
Live long and prosper, Olson and Boles!
Joplin First Pride in
over ten years
JOPHN. MO (PR) In January of this
year Rev. Steve Urie of Spirit of Christ MCC
asked for volunteers to h~ad up a committee
commissioned with the task of planning and
bringing together Joplin’s first Pride Event in
over ten years. Out of that was born Joplin:
Out & About, a collaborative committee
made up of people from Spirit of Christ
MCC, AT&T and other GLBT groups and
members from the community. A target date
was set and the planning began.
¯homas, Joanna, Darrell, Jeff, Heath,
Shauna and Shea with the intermittent help
of others handled the tough iob of keeping it
all together.
Tne final result was several events through
the week including a Karaoke Night, Movie
Night and finally Joplin’s Out & About Event
in the park.
Just ten years ago you would find law
enforcement setting traps to catch men in the
park cruising. This year with la~v enforcement
patrols protecting the event; the community
celebrated with groups from Springfield,
Galena, Tulsa, the greater Joplin area and as
far away as NWArkansa~s, Weir and Topetca,
Kansas taking pride and respect to a new
high level for the community. Private and
non-profit vendors started signing on as did
other local groups including UCC Family
Fellowship, Joplin Gays Yahoo Group, Joplin’s
GLBT Corporate Center, the support group
fi-om AT&T, Planned Parenthood, PROMO,
the Pla-Mor Lounge and APO’s local and
Springfield’s offices. The Metro Star played
an important part in providing sponsorship
and coverage of the event. The Topet~
Transgendered Alliance was represented by
Steve/Lila & spouse Joy also members of
MCC Topeka. Entertainment was provided
by a band as well drag queens from Joplin
and Springfield. The Gto Center from
Springfield, MO showed up in support of
the Event, helped with Sponsorship and
provided information about their services. We
thank everyone who sponsored, supported,
participated and just plain attended this
Rev. Steve Urie &long time partner Heath with
festival voluntee~ Staffphoto
Held in Joplin’s McClellan Park June 13th
and with over 250 people from the GLBTQ
community this was a success for our
community. Friends, family supporters and
the straight community including children
and some well behaved canines came together
to show that we can be one community that
we can work together, play together and
respect each other. From Gay Bingo to the
sale of Pride Jewelry, entertainment ro fbod.
free HIV testing to information, and with
MC Brandon everyone had a great time. In
addition several boxes of food were donated
t~br APO clients through the Angel Food
Ministries program.
Lots ofentertainment, & good lookingguys and
gab atjoplin Pide Yestiva~ Staffphoto
We would like to thank Naomas for
his dedication and tenacity in keeping it
together; Joanna for gathering equipment,
supplies, support mad being one foot soldier
you couldn’t top, Darrell for writing the
first GLBT Joplin History Booklet, Jeff
for putting the boolde.t togethm; Heath
for cooking his heart out and all the
volunteers that brought it together. With the
encouragement of the community at large
already pouring in this may have been Joplin’s
first Pride event in recent history but clearly
won’t be its last.
Wockner News Service
New Hampshire legalizes
same-sex marriage
New Hampshire legalized same-sex
marriage June 3 when Gov. John Lynch
signed three bills, including one that had
cleared the Legislature just an hour eadier.
3-he bills open marriage to same-sex
couples starting Jan. 1 and protect certain
rights of religious organizations, associations
and societies that oppose gay marriage.
"Today is a historic day for all Granite
Staters," said Mo B~ley, executive director
of the New Hampshire Freedom to Marry
Coalition. "We applaud Gov. Lynch, (House)
Speaker (Terie) Norelli, (Senate) President
(Sylvia) Larsen and the leadership of the
General Court (legislature) for making sure
that all loving, committed couples have the
freedom to marry. Today, our shared values of
individual liberty, freedom and fairness have
been upheld:"
The final bill, tsveaking religious
protections, passed the Senate 14-10 and
th.e House 198-I76. Lynch had required
tile additional language as a condition of his
agreeing to let gays marry.
In announcing his support for same-sex
marriage on May 14, Lynch said: "At its
core, (this bill) simply changes the term ’civil
union’ to ’civil marriage.’ Given the cultural,
historical and religious significance of the
word marriage, this is a rneaningfu! change.
I have heard, and I understand, the very real
feelings of same-sex couples that a separate
system is not an equal system. That a civiI law
that differentiates between their committed
relationships and those of heterosexual
couples undermines both their dignity and
the legitimacy of their families."
Tl~e measures signed into law will repea!
the state’s civil-union law effective Jan. 1,
2011, and prohibit any new civil unions after
Jan. 1, 2010.
Same-sex marriage is legal in five other
U.S. states: Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Iowa, Vermont (starting in September)
and Maine (starting in Septembe0. Nlere
also are 18,000 same-sex couples legally
married nnder California law, though no
more will be allowed to marry until voters
repeal Proposition 8, the state constitutional
amendment passed last November, or until
the U.S. Supreme Court strikes it down Or it
is blocked by comx injunction. Gay groups
are planning a ballot initiative to delete
Prop 8, and a federal lawsuit has been filed
charging that Prop 8 violates the due-process
and equal-protection clauses of the U.S.
Constitution. The lawsuit also says Prop 8
relegates gays and lesbians to second-class
citizenship and discriminates based on gender
and sexual orientation. It further seeks an
injunction allowing same-sex marriage to
resttme in California pending resolution of
the case.
Hi ary Clinton issues
pride month statement
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a
Gay Pride month statement June 1.
She wrote: "Forty years ago this month,
the gay rights movement began with the
Stonewall riots in New York City; as gays and
lesbians demanded an end to the persecution
they had long endured. Now, after decades
of hard work, the fight has grown into a
global movement to achieve a world in which
al! people live free from violence and fear,
regardless of their sexual orientation or gender
"In honor of Gay and Lesbian
Pride Month and on behalf of the State
Department, I extend our appreciation to the
global LGBT community for its coui’age and
determination during the past 40 years, and I
offer our support for the significant work that
still lies ahead.
"At the State Department and throughout
the Administration, we are grateflal for
our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
employees in Washington and around
the world. They and their families make
many sacrifices to serve our nation. Wneir
contributions are vital to our efforts to
establish stability, prosperity and peace
"Human rights arc_- at the heart of those
efforts. Gays and lesbians in many parts of
the world live under constant threat of arrest,
violence, even torture. The persecution of
gays and lesbians is a violation ofhuman
rights and an affront to human decency,
and it must end. As Secretary of State, I
will advance a comprehensive human rights
agenda that includes the elimination of
violence and discrimination against people
based on sexual orientation or gender
"N~ough the road to full equality ibr
LGBT Aalaericans is long, the example set by
those fighting for equal rights in the United
States gives hope to men and women around
the world who yearn for a better future for
themselves and their loved ones[
"This June, let us recommit ourselves to
achieving a world in ~vhich all people can live
in safety and freedom, no matter who they
are or ~vhom they love."
Clinton also is preparing to grant spousal
benefits and protections to diplomats’ gay
partners, she said in a recent letter to the
group Gays and Lesbians in Foreign ~aqZairs
The pack,age will include medical and
emergency evacuation, travel reimbursement,
shipment of household effects, use of U.S.
government medical facilities abroad, isstlance
of diplomatic passports, visa assistance, and
security and language training.
Not included are health insurance,
retirement benefits and certain other perks.
Nevada Legislat e
overrides governor’s veto
ofpartnership bill
Nevada’s Senate and Assembly on May 30
and 31 overrode Gov. Jim Gibbons’ May 25
veto of a domestic-partnership bill.
Tne new la~¢ extends to same- and
opposite-sex registered domestic parmers
nearly all state-level rights and obligations of
The override came without a vote to spare
in both the Senate (14-7) and the Assembly
(28-!4). In the Senate, 10 Democrats and
four Republicans voted for tile override, and
five Republicans and two Democrats voted
against it.
Gibbons had claimed the bill ran afoul
of a 2002 state constitutional amendment
that defines marriage as between a man and
a woman. He also argued that gay couples
could go sign private contracts if they
desired the protections of marriage for their
"The significance here is it literally equates
’domestic partner’ with ’spouse’ under
Nevada state la**;" Michael Ginsburg of the
Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
told Las Vegas correspondent Steve Friess.
"You have the flail force of the law behind you
nox~: When you’re in the hospital, forced to
ma~e decisions for your partner, all you have
to say is, ’This is nay spouse,’ and that carries
tremendous weight."
.am Lambert
Photo: American Idol runner up Adam Lambert
Who kalew? American Idol sensation and first
runner-up Adam Lambert is a homosexual.
"I don’t think it should be a surprise for
anyone to hear that I’m gay," Lambert told
Rolling Stone June 9. "I’ve been living in Los
Angeles for eight years as a gay man. I’ve been
at clubs drunk malting out with somebody in
the corner."
"Right after the finale, I almost started talldng
about it to the reporters, but I thought, ’I’m
going to wait for Rolling Stone, that wil!
be cooler,’" he said. "I didfft want tile Clay ’
Aiken thing and the celebrity-magazine
bullshit. I need to be able to explain myself in
’Tin proud ofmy sexuality. I embrace it. It’s
just another part of me."
Lambert noted, however: "I’m trying to be a
singer, not a civil rights leader."
July 2009
State Dept. to give gay
couples spousal benefits
U.S. Secreta,y of&am HillaO, Clinton
is prepari,g to grant spousal ben~ts and
protections m diglomau’gay gartne,s. Photo by
Rex l)~ckner
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
is preparing to grant spousal benefits and
protections to diplomats’ gay partners, she
said in a recent letter to the group Gays and
Lesbians in Foreign M~airs Agencies.
"Like all families, our Foreign Service
t~milies come in different configurations; all
are part of the common fiabric of our post
communities abroad," Clinton wrote. "The
department will provide these benefits for
both opposite-sex and same-sex partners
because it is the righ~ thing to do’
~Ihe benefits will indude medical and
emergency evacuation, travel reimbursement,
shipment ofhousehoid effects, use of U.S.
government medical facilities abroad, issuance
of diplomatic passports, visa assistance, and
security and ,language training.
NOt induded in the package are health
insurance, retirement benefits and certain
other perks.
"This is a remedy that is long overdue,"
said Human Rights Campaign President
Joe Solmonese, "For too many years, LGBT
Foreign Service officers have been forced to
choose between serving their country and
protecting their families."
Dick Cheney endorses
same-sex marriage
Former Vice President Dick Cheney came
out in support of same-sex marriage June 1
more clearly than he has in the past.
Asked about the issue at the National
Press Club, Cheney responded: "I think
freedom means freedom for everyone. And,
as many ofyou know, one ofmy daughters is
gay, and it’s something that we’ve lived with
for a long time in our family. I think people
ought to be free to enter into any kind of
union they wish, any kind of arrangement
they wish. The question of~vhether or not
there ought to be a federal statute that
governs this, I don’t support. I do believe
that historically the way marriage has been
regulated is at the state level -- ~his has always
been a state issue -- and ~ think that’s the
way ff ough~ to be handled ~oday, that is.
on a state-by-aa~c basis. D~ffbrem ;tares
make d~ff~t’ren~ decision But [ don’t haw
prob{cm with that ~ think people ought to
get a shot at d~at. And they do a~ present."
Cheney has made very similar comments
before, but they did not go quite as far.
In 2004, for example, he said: "I believe
today that freedom does mean freedom for
everybody. People ought to be free to choose
any arrangement they want. It’s really no
one else’s business. ~nat’s a separate question
from the issue of whether or not government
should sanction or approve or give some
sort of authorization, if you will, to these
relationships. Traditionally, that’s been an
issue for the states. States have regulated
marriage, ifyou will. That would be my
preference. In effect, what’s happened is that
in recent months, especially in Massachusetts,
but also in California, but in Massachusetts
we had the Massachusetts Supreme Court
direct the state of-- the legislature of
Massachusetts to modify their constitution to
allow gay marriage. And the fact is that the
president felt that it was important to make
it clear that that’s the wrong ~vay to go, as
far as he’s concerned. Now, he sets the policy
for this administration, and I support the
Americans do not
support ’Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell’
Americans overwhelmingly want to see
the military’s "Don’t Ask, Do~t Tell" ban on
open gays repealed, a new Gallup poll has
Sixty-nine percent told pollsters it’s time
for the ban to go -- including 58 percent of
Republicans, 58 percent of self-described
co~iservatives and 60 percent 0fwee~y
Eighty-sLx percent of liberals oppose the
DADT policy, along with 82 percent of
Democrats and 78 percent of people between
age 18 and 29.
Even people over age 65 (60 percent),
Southerners (57 percent) and people who
didn’t finish high school (57 percent) said it’s
time to dump the ban.
Said Gallup: "President Barack Obama
will be well-positioned to forge ahead with his
campaign promise to end the military ban on
openly gay service members."
Gallup polled 1,105 adults nationwide
between May 7 and 10. The organization
said it was 95 percent confident that the
maximum margin of sampling error was plus
or minus 3 percentage points.
Schwarzenegger, Legislature may slash HIV funding
Gay and HIVadvocates rallied at *~e state Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., on time i 0 against
draconian cuts in HIVfi~ndingproposed by Gov. Arnold Schwar~enegger and under consideration
by the Legislature. Wockner Newsphoto by Charlie Peer/Ou~vord Magazine
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
has proposed, and the California Legislature
is considering, draconian cuts to all types of
HIV-related funding in the nea>bankrupt
In the worst-case scenario, which is still
not off the table, slashes to the AIDS Drug
Assistance Program could result in thousands
of Californians who make less than $41,600
per year losing access to the statelprovided
drugs that suppress HIV and keep them dive.
In the apparent best,case scenario, not all
HIV drugs would be available via ADAP and
patients would have to pay part of the cost 0f
the ones they could geta That is problematic
because some HIVvposirive people have
developed resistance to some HIV drugs, and
need access to the full arsenal of therapies to
stay alive.
Further, the current plan apparendy
completely eliminates state funding for the
tests that determine if a patient is responding
to treatment -- such tests as CD4 counts,
viral-load measurement and drug-resistance
These tests are essentially mandatory in -
HIV treatmm~t. Doctors use them so they
can change a nonresponsive patient’s drug
combination to another combo that works in
that patient -- before the patient’s immune
system breaks down further and the patient
develops a life-threatening opportunistic
The current plan apparently also
dramatically ~lashes handing for education,
prevention, counseling and testing programs.
Some 35,000 working- and middleclass
Californians who don’t make enough
money to pay for their own treatment could
be adversely or dangerously affected by the
possible cuts to ADAP and elimination of
monitoring testing.
Gay and HIV advocates have strongly
denounced the budget proposals, and a
large rally was held at the state Capitol in
Sacramento on June 10.
Lesbian couple marries
on Indian reservation
A lesbian couple married on the Coquille
Indian reservation in Coos Bay, Ore., May
24. It was believed to be the first such
marriage in the U.S.
~ae Coqui!te tribe passed a la~v legalizing
same-sex marriage more than a year ago, but
it just now took effect.
Kitzen Branting, 26, and Jeni Branting,
28, tied the knot in the tribe’s meeting hall.
Their marriage will not be recognized by
the state of Oregon, but will be legal on the
property of the tribe, which is a sovereign ~
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Wockner News Service
50,000 at EuroPride
Some 50,000people ~rned outfor the EuroPrideparade, hem in Zurich this year on June
~ Photo by Nikolai Alekseev, GayRussta.ru
Some 50,000 people turned out for the
EuroPrkle parade, hdd in Zurich this year
on June 6.
Openly lesbian Zurich Mayor Corine
Mauch joined in.
Next year, the parade ventures behind
the former Iron Curtain to Warsaw -- a city
that as recently- as 2005 tried to ban pride,
only to be later rebuffed by the European
Court of Human Pdghts.
Meanwhile, Rom& gay pride parade
dr~ more than 100,000 participants June
13~ with a demand fbr legalization of
same-sex marriage and equa! rights for gay
Some 1,500 people marched in Warsaw
on June 13, also demanding legalization
of same-sex partnerships. "l-he parade, on
central Marszalkowska Street, attracted fewer
than !00 counterprotesters, who shouted
anti-gay vitriol.
Five hundred people marched in Zagreb,
Croatia, on June t3. Police kept about
50 snarling anti-gays from disrupting the
20,000 march
Tel Av v
Around 20,000 people joined Tel Aviv’s
! lth gay pride parade June 12.
The march ended with a beach ’~edding"
of five gay" couples. Same-sex marriage is not
legal in Israel.
Some top rabbis had urged Prime
Minister Beniamin Netanydau m try to ban
the parade. They called it an abomination.
A few religious right-wingers picketed
the march, which was paid for by the city
’Tel Aviv is more secular than Jerusalem,
where the pride parade routinely leads large
numbers of religious folks ~o wail and gnash.
Last year’s parade in Jerusalem featured
3,000 naarchers and 2,000 cops to protect
them. They walked al! of @ur blocks.
~n 2007, the Jerusalem parade traveled
about 500 meters before ultra-Orthodox
protesters shut it down, despite the presence
orS,000 police o@cers. Prior to the parade,
police arrested a man with a bomb. The postparade
rally was canceled because striking
firefighters refused to provide a required
In 2005, a counterdemontrator stabbed
three marchers at Jerusalem’s marcia and later
was convicted of attempted murder. ~ae
victims’ iniuries were not serious.
Moscow gays want to
picket Obama
Moscow Pride founder Nikolai Mekseev
says members of his group will attempt to
stage a picket in favor of same-sex marriage at
the U.S. Embassy on July 7 during President
Bara& Obama’s visit.
It is unlikely the activists will receive city
permission to do so. Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has
banned pride parades for the past four years
and sent riot police to aggressively arrest those
who ignored the bans.
Luzl~ov has called gay parades
"demonic," "satanic" and "weapons of mass
destruction." He also has said the bans are for
gays own good so that "radical Christians"
don’t have a chance to "kill them."
Mekseev is hopet~fl that he’ll be able to
pull off the picket regardless because "the
presidential media pack wilt be in town."
Mayor Luz ov lashes
out at gays
Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has again
lashed out at gays, calling them "homos" and
calling gay pride parades "demonic."
Appearing on a TV program June 2,
Luzhkov reportedly said: "Niere are two
reasons gay pride parades are unacceptable in
Moscow: First and foremost, public morality
.does not accept such parades, public morality
does nor accept those homos."
Secondly, he said: "If they gather together,
assuming they are allowed to hold a parade,
other people will simply kill them. ~here
are radical Christians in Moscow who stand
strongly against such demonic manifestations,
as they say.
"There were attempts made (in May’) to
hold the gay parade during the Eurovision
Song Contest in Moscova We had to isolate
about 19 radical Christians who intended to
attack those homos.’
On May, 16, riot police broke up an
attempt to stage the fourth annual gay
pride parade in Moscov~; arresting up to 80
participants, including gay leader N@olai
Ale~eev, British gay leader Peter %tchell and
Chicago gay activist Andy Thayen
Luzhkov previously has called gay pride
parades "satanic" and "weapons of mass
destruction," and has o@cially banned them
each ),ear.
Lithuanian Parliament
votes ’no promo
homo’ law
Lithuania’s parliament, the Seimas,
approved a measure on first reading June
4 that bans references to homosexuality in
schools and in public information that can be
visible to children. Tne bill still has to dear a
final vote.
The tally was 57-2 with 8 abstentions.
Many MPs missed the vote.
Amnesty International said the "Law
on the Protection of Minors Against the
Detrimental Effect of Public Information’~
would classify "homosexuality alongside
issues such as ... the display of a dead or
cruelly mutilated body of a person, and
information that arouses fear or horror, or
encourages self-mutilatisn or suicide."
Nicola Duckworth, Amnesty’s Europe
and Central Asia program director, said the
proposed law "denies the right to freedom of
expression and deprives students’ access to the
support and protection they may need."
China sees its first gay
pride week
China saw" its first-ever gay pride week
June 7-14 in Shanghai.
Events included movies, plays, art
exhibits, panel discussions, swimming and
badminton competitions, and a big party,
thouglx at least one play" and one film were
ordered canceled by authorities.
Some 500 people attended a barbecue/
drag shiny/fashion show/hot-body contest on
June 13.
Organizers decided against holding a
parade, saying it iust didn’t seem to be legally
possible, according to China Daily:
"Shanghai Pride is a community-building
exercise," co-organizer Tiffany Lemay told
the English-lang~aage paper. "We hope
to raise awareness of issues surrounding
homosexuality, raise the visibility of the
gay community, help people within our
community to come out, and build bridges
between the gay and straight communities."
Northern Irish LGBs
report high level ofhate
Twenty-one percent of gay and bisexual
men and I8 percent of lesbian and bisexual
women iri Northern Ireland say they\,e been
the victim of a homophobic hate crime or
incident in the past three years.
The figure comes fi’om a survey of I,t43
LGB people catrried out by the Rainbow
Project with funding from the Police Service
of Northern Ireland.
Tne study found that 64 percent of such
incidents were not reported to police and 30
percent resulted in physical injui3:
ebec to 1attach
strategy against
Quebec Justice Minister Kathleen Well
has announced the Canadian province will
implement a comprehensive strategy against
homophobia before the end of the year.
She broke the news at a May I7 rally
marking the International Day Against
Homophobia (IDAHO).
"We see it as a major step forward here
since doing so, Quebec will ackmowledge
officially that homophobia -- and not
homosexuality -- is a social problem and
take action, instead of passively banning
discrimination, said Magazine ]~tre Editor
Andrd Gagnon.
"As far as I know, it will be the first
government in the world to adopt such
a strategy that will cover all its spheres of
intervention," he said.
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Ruling: English adoption agencies
cannot discriminate
The Charities Commission of England and Wales ruled
June 2 that adoption agencies cannot discriminate against gay
The commission cited the Equality Act (Sexual
Orientationl Regulations 2007, which ban discrimination
based on sexual orientation.
Violation of the law would lead to a loss of charity status
and public funding.
The ruling came in a case involving the Catholic Care
charity in Leeds, which wanted to amend its official statement
of objectives with the commission to exclude consideration of
gay couples.
Denmark is not gay nirvana
Denmarlq the first nation in the world to legalize gay
partnerships, in 1989, still has a problem with homophobia.
Eighteen percent of GLBT people in Copenhagen and
8 percent in other parts of the country say they’ve been
discriminated against based on their sexual orientation in
the past year, according to a report from the Center for
Alternative Social Analysis.
GLBT people between ages 16 and 29 reported more
problems than older people.
A total of 3,400 homophobic incidents were reported to
police in 2008, the study said.
A report in the Politiken newspaper said gay businesses
also have been targeted.
Copenhageds oldest gay ba~; Centralhiornet. had rocks
thrown through its windows six times in 2008. Patrons also
have been bombed with eggs through the bar’s open door.
Australian prison OKs gay
con}ugal visits
Xhe Alexander Maconochie prison in Australia’s Capital
Territory has decided to let gay inmates receive conjugal visits
six times a year.
The policy applies to prisoners who are ~vell-behaved and
whose partner is not also incarcerated at the facility.
Reports said that the state of Victoria. where Melbourne is
located, is the only other place in Australia where gay inmates
can have sex dates with their partners.
Bosnian churches oppose antidiscrimination
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Interreligious Council is
opposing a.bill to ban discrimination based on sexual
orientation, claiming it will lead to legalization of same-sex
The measure has passed first reading in the House of
A national law banning discrimination based on sexual
orientation is a requirement for any nation that wants its
citizens to be able to travel within the European Union
without obtaining a visa.
Nae Interreligious Council is composed of representatives
of the nation’s Roman Catholics, Muslims, Jews and
Orthodox Christians.
Balkanlnsight.com said it is unttsual for the council "to
agree on any concrete actions and (it) often has been blocked
by internal boycotts."
.Gay marriage campaign launched
m Portugal
The Movement for Equality in Access to Civil Marriage
launched on May 31 in Lisbon, Portugal.
More than 1,000 people signed onto the campaign,
including politicians, well-known actors, pop singers and
businesspeople, and Nobel Prize winner Josd Saramago, who
was honored for literature in 1998.
The campaign’s manifesto, which nmv can be signed by
anyone in Portugal, states, in part: "Equal access to civil
marriage is a matter of justice that deserves the support of all
people who oppose homophobia and discrimination.... We
citizens who believe in equal rights, dignity and recognition
for all of us -- for our families, friends and colleagues -- join
our voices to express our support for equality.
"We call this change necessary, fair and urgent because we
know that the current situation of inequality divides society
between those who are included and those who are excluded,
between persons who are inside and marginalized persons....
We now have an opportunity to end one of the last unjustified
(instances of) discrimination written in our law."
Peru gay police ban less stringent
than reported
Peruvian Interior Minister Mercedes Cabanillas says recent
news reports that gays have been banned from being police
officers were not quite right.
Mid-May reports said cops who have sex with people of
the same sex would be banned because they cause scandal and
denigrate the police’s image.
But Cabanillas says the new law, which took effect May
12, will only ban gay cops if their gay-related public behavior
is scandalous or damages the image of the institution.
She said the ministry has no desire to "get in anyone’s bed"
and that officials only wish to target unseemly, embarrassing
or scandalous occurrences or attitudes related to sexual
orientation that happen in the public sphere.
Gay groups said the taw is problematic and discriminatory
either way because ir seems to suggest that certain public
expressions of homosexuality are more likely ro run afoul of
the law than similar public expressions of heterosexuality.
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights
Commission and Movimiento Homosexual de Lima have
launched a letter-~vriting campaign to Peru’s public defender,
=’asldng her to file an Action of Unconstitutionality with the
Constitutional Court to cl!allenge the so-called ’offense’ of
same-sex relations and its associated penalty."
"We write to express our concern over Law 29356, vchich
establishes a new disciplinary code for the Peruvian police,
and stipulates in Article 34 that it is a serious offense to ’have
sex with people of the same gender that causes scandal or
undermines corporate image,’" a sample letter says in part.
"This law is a clear violation of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and the Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights -- both of which have been signed by Peru. This
regressive law also violates the Andean Charter, a regional
treaty ratified by Peru in 2002.... Finally, Law 29356
is inconsistent with human rights principles that are
already, codified in Peruvian law. On December 1, 2004,
a new Constitutional Procedures Code, approved by
Parliament, modified constitutional procedures to recognize
discrimination based on sexual orientation."
Australian benefits agency
recognizes gay de facto couples
Centrelink, the Australian government’s social-benefits
agency, will treat gay de facto couples as married for benefits
purposes starting July 1.
While the move increases equality, it also will result in
a loss of benefits for some coupled gays, who previously
qualified based on their individual income.
Centrelink assistance encompasses such things as health
care, prescription drugs., unemployment payments, disaster
aid,,rent subsidies, aid to single parents and a wide range of
other benefits and welfare programs.
"From 1 July 2009 changes to legislation wilt mean that
customers who are in a same-sex de facto relationship will be
recognised as partnered for Centrelink and Family Assistance
Office purposes," says the agenc)?s Web site. "All customers
who are assessed as being a member of a couple will have their
rate of payment calculated iri the same way."
Colombian policeman added to
partner’s health insurance
The Board of Health of Colombia’s National Police
granted health-insurance benefits to the partner of a gay
officer May 14.
The extension of coverage to Fabifin Mauricio
Chibcha Romero followed a January ruling by the nation’s
Constitutional Court that granted marital rights to commonlaw
same-sex couples in areas that indude civil service,
contracts ~vith the government, housing protection and
assistance, immigration, social security, death indemnification,
and criminal noninctimination.
~Pne activist group Colombia Diversa said the ruling
encompassed all the "civil, political, social, economic, criminal
and immigration rights ... of a common-law union, minus
Chibcha also gained access to police housing subsidies and
vacation dubs.
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Viognier [vee-oh-nay]
For those who haven’t experienced
Viognier, the first glass is quite a revelation.
This wine will embody al! Or some of the
following: honeysuckle, citrus blossoms,
t~,chee, ripe melon, freshly picked.peaches
6r apricots and ripe pear. Winemaker Craig
Williams, from Josep~ ~nhe~s Vin~;a,~s, s~s
Viognier contains floral compounds called
~Terpens. Tl~ey are also found in Muscat and
Pdesling. So, think of the most aromatic
Muscat or Riesling you’ve ever encountered,
then concentrate it and you have Viognier.
The majoriV of French Viogniers are
sold as Vin de Pays in the Languedoc. In the
Rl~one wine region, the grape is o~en blended
with Roussanne, Marsanne and Grenache
blanc. In the Northern part of Rhone, the
grape is sometimes blended with Chardonnay.
Since the late 1980s, plantings ofViognier
in the United States and Cagada have
increased dramat,ically. The Rhone R~angers
of the mid 1980 s help spark the increased
interest in Viognier in California and now
Californigs Central Coast is the leading
Looking some good summerwtt te wines. > ~ Marcheregiono~:~yand~ to
monm, we are art a ou- < fthe}lord
most widet l~ted white
wpicNly Sauvignon blanc ~ Macab~o. Xg Mar&etti~07 it~~ ~" *~ ,~.
,..... ?~ P ~ , [, desiunated "Rueda V?rdejo must contaifi Fazi,B; t~gli~ ~007 Italy >::~
wine grape, veraemo is cl~slHeo as a noble o - ....
or classic grape. On the PortuDtese mainland,
85% Verdejo, and are oAen 100% Verde’o....... *..........
it is recommended in the DAO region and
Verdejo winm are aromatic, often ~oA . ~d[as ~wws, Isay go to your favorite wing/~
and Rdl-bodied. %ey can be somewhat ~k questions ~d purchase a bottle or
with the production of white port. Some
Portuguese locales call this Gouveio. The
Godello grape grown in northwest Spain is
believed to be the same variety as Verdelho.
%e grape has been successful in the vineyards
ofAustralia, particularly the Hunter \~lley
region, Langhorne Creek and the Swan
Xga!le?: Australian versions of Verdelho are
noted for their intense flavors vdth hints of
lime and honeysuclde. California is producing
more of this varietal as ,sell.
St. Amant 2006 California
Marquis Philips 2007 Australia
Verdejo [ver-day-ho]
This is a variety of wine grape that has long
been grown in the Rueda winegrowing region
of Spain. The grape originated in North
Africa, and was spread to Rueda in about
the 1 lth Century. For most of this time
Verdejo was generally used to make a strongly
oxidized, Sherry-like wine, In the 1970s the
reminiscent of Sauvignon blanc
warm climate.
Gar~i Grande 2007 Spain
Marquis de Riscal 2007 Spain
: Share some food& wine with friendd
a~d ehe~k this out for yourself.
’,Wines fi’om the French
to the east ofTours are made in
range of styles fi-om the Chenin
Vintages in the Loire are variable,
best years Vouvray can produce
very long-lived white wines.
It turns out that most chenin blanc
1970s what most
generic, alcoholic" "
by corporations
consumed in
rather than wine
chenin blanc is
exhibiting a nutty,
Pichot 2007
Nais writer is one ofthe managers at the Grand
Vin wine shop at Utica Square. He also bar tends
and hosts wine & food events around town known
as the Wine Enthusiasts ofTulsa.
/ www. la~neSpecta-
months recipe courtesy of:
1 Cup Mayonnaise
4 Eggs
1 V2 Cup Japanese Breadcrumbs
2 T Granulated Garlic
2 T Onion Powder
2 - I lb Cans Jumbo Lump Crab Meat
(Indonesian or Philippine)
2 - 1 lb Cans Bacldin Crab Meat
(indonesian or Philippine)
Mix first 5 ingredients together by hand.
Drain Crab meat cans ofwater. Fold in
Baclcfin crab meat first and then gently fold
in jumbo lump crab meat being careful
not to break up the lumps. If mixrure
is too wet. add 1A cup more ofJapanese
Breadcrumbs. Mixture should barely
hold together. DO NOT PU/T .~NY
drizzle on top of the crab cakes will give ir
all of the seasoning it will need.
Preheat a skillet over medium-high heat
with half an 20 inch of corn oil. Once the
mixture is made, take a 4 ounce scoop and
pack in the crab cake mixture. Carefully
place the flat side of the crab cake down
in the oil for approximately ! - 2 minutes
until golden brmvn. Place the crab cake on
a pre-greased baking sheet, fried side up.
These can now be held for up to 5 days in
the refrigerator or finished offin the oven
1 Cup Mayonnaise
2 T Old Bay
Dash ofGranulated Garlic
% Cup Heavy Cream
the ba~
12 July 2009
Big-screen beckons Nell Patrick Harris
xYvq~ite hosting this year’s Tony Axvards, Nell Patrick Harris
joked about his second-class status as a "TV guy." But he’s
atready proven he’s hilarious on the big screen in the Harold
& Kumar movies, so now that second-tier status is about to
change with two new film projects on the horizon. Harris
has joined the cast of Beastly, the new film from gay director
Daniel Barnz (Phoebe in Wonderland) that Romeo’s already
reported on here, but the How I Met Your Mother star wilt
also be playing a lead role in The Best and the Brightest.
Harris plays a husband - way to break that gay-actor-curse
NPH - from Ddaware whose wife goes bananas about social
status when they move to New York City and try to get their
kid into an elite kindergarten. Amy Sedaris, John ~
and Kate Mulgrew al~0 star in ~he latter;
hit theaters before the end of 20!0.
How to make a monster musicaJ
More and more movies are being made from poptflar
childhood toys, from dolls (Kit Kittredge: An American
Girl) to action figures (Transformers) tO even board games
(Clue). But now we’re getting a movie musical based on a toy
that doesn’t even exist yet and will presumably be marketed
alongside the film itself. Gay super-producers Craig Zadan
and Nell Meron are reuniting with Hairspray composerlyricist
Marc Shaiman and lyricist Scott gc’ittman to make
an original screen musical around an as-yet-unnamed Mattel
monster toy. Every~daing’s being kept very much on the
hush-hush, but the one thing that’s been revealed is that the
property will "add a fresh twist to monster lore." No word
yet on when this new musical will go into production, but
Romeo bets five bucks that if the movie and the toy do well,
an eventual Broadway adaptation is inevitable. And TV
show. And more toys. And sequels. And ...
Jake Gyllenhaal andAnne Hathaway Focus Features photo
Brokeback spouses reunite
Granted, the romance between Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway in
Brokeback Mountain was a tragic one involving the closet and deception and
death, but these actors are determined to give it another go in a movie where he
won’t be playing a gay cowboy. Love and Other Drugs will feature Gyllenhaal
as a pharmaceutical sales rep for Pfizer during the time when a revolutionary
litde blue pill was hitting the market (the film is based on the book Hard Sell:
Tne Evolution ofa Viagra Salesman) while Hathaway will play a woman with
Parldnson’s with whom he begins a relationship after they meet on a sales
call. Ed Zwick (Glor~ Defiance) is set to direct, with Shooting set to happen
possibly as early as this fall. A movie about Viagra may make audiences stand at
attention, but if the film lasts more than four hours, please, call your doctor.
Romeo San PTcente hopes the monster-toy musical will be like the Dra~dapuppet rock operaj~om
_ForgettingSarah Marshall_, complete withfull-fl’ontal male nudity. He can be reached care of
thispublication or at DeeplnsideHollywOod@qsyndicate.com.
~LSA, 0g (PR). Continuing
the m0fithl9 ShOwcase of local artists a
the Equality Center (621 E. 4th Street in
Downtown Tulsa ~ right next to Living Arts
(Ok )
will feature Tulsa Artist Michael Cooper with
an opening show and reception on Thursday,
July 2nd from 6-gpm and continuing
throughout the month ofJuly.
Michael Cooper is an emerging artist
in the Oldahoma scene, specializing
in journalistic art, music, and portrait
photography. In 2008 he joined Urban Tulsa
Weekly as a staff photographer and has seen
his work published in notable other Okie
publications, induding Oklahoma Gazzette
and Oklahoma Today Magazine. In his own
words, "I have two eyes and one lens, and
they battle each other for experiences daily.
The way I see it - few people get to live their
passion, and being an artist is mine. I’m just
trying this road of exploration out, and I
hope you’re there along for the ride".
www.metrostarnews.corn gg{<~{:a~oSTA,R 13
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14 ;~÷troSTAR July 2009
www.metrostamews.com ~÷troSTAR 15

"As in one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in the country"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
[)how: Gables Bed andBreakfizst
Visiting Philadelphia for the first time
-was certainly, a very exciting and interesting
time for us. We knew ahead of time al!
about the historical things to see and do but
had no idea what else to expect. We first
checked into The Gables Bed and Break~st
which has been owned for the past 16 years
by ~rren Cederholm and Don Caskey.
Located in the University part of the city, it is
a grand old Victoria home full of wonderful
antiques from top to bottom. ~e house has
a "wrap around" porch for guests to sit and
have drinlcs and snacks or just to view the
sights and sounds of the area. Each room is
beautifully decorated in antiques. A full, and
we do mean FULL sit down breakfast in the
~orma! dining room is served each morning.
XYge are not talking doughnuts and coflree but
a fail sit down brealNast. This was a perfect
way to talk with the other guests to find out
what others did the day" be~bre or were going
to do that day. "While there we met guests
from California, Alabama and all over. Many
of the guests alwws stay there when visiting
Philadelphia. Warren and Don are graciotts
hosts and. al%r 16 years of taking guests into
their lovely home, they seem to have been
able to do it the right way< Another great
thing about staying at The Gables is that the
trolley system runs right in front of their
house and you can take it downtown in just
minutes, and it runs about every 20 minutes
a!l day 10ng. The), have ample off-street
parking behind their house which is a big
To begin your day, take the trolley
downtown. From that point you can take
another bus or ,valk south to the famous
historical district of Philadelphia and visit
all the places there. No trip to Philadelphia
would be complete without visiting the
Liberty Bell and the other historical places
that are located within a few blocks of there.
Philadelphia is proud of their art museums as
well they, should be. ~-he Philadelphia
Museum of Art is a first class museum and
is a MUST for anyon& visit to the cits: A
few blocks away is the Rodin Museum which
houses more Rodin sculptors any~vhere except
for Paris. There are maW other museums to
visit also.
Ofcourse every visitor to Philadelphia
must try one of their famous Philly
Cheesesteak sandwiches for lunch. There
are a lot of gay bars in the ’~gayborhood"
area of the city which is iust a few blocks
west of downtmvn and easily ~vithin ~valking
distance from the public transportation.
Knock was our very favorite bar there. It is
what a gay bar should be all about....... A
clean bar where the owner/management/staff
is super friendly; wl~ere the customers are
super friendl> where you can walk in and
really enioy yourself, located righ~ on the
corner of Locust St. and I2th Street. They
also have an excellent res~urant located in
the bar. ~Pnis is one of the finest restaurants
in the city ~vith fine white linen tablecloths
and napkins on every table. Jim the Maitre
’d is extremely professional. The servers are
very professional. They have a huge menu
offering the very finest of cuisine. Owned by
Bill Wood, this bar/restaurant is extremely
popular with both people ~vho live in the city
as ~vell as travelers.
We were fortunate during our stay to
see the Broadway pla}~ Grey Gardens which
is about the life of the aunt and cousin of
Jackie Kennedy- Onassis. They lived in a 24
room house in the Hamptons on Long Island
but were extremely poor and let their house
run down something horrible. Mother and
daughter loved (and hated) each other but
were bound to live with each other until the
mother finally died. There was a movie made
about their lives and HBO came out with
another movie a couple of months ago. Both
live theatre as well as the visua! arts are a huge
makeup in Philadelphia.
You could easily spend a whole ~veek
in this beautiful city and still not see
everything. The architecture is unbelievably
tremendous. On weekends, the Penn Landing
downtown is full of vendors and local
artists. Philadelphia is certainly a city that is
welcoming gay travelers with open arms.
There are just a handful of cities that you
must visit in the country and Philadelphia is
certainly" on our short list. Most cities you
still need a car to travel around however not
in this city. They have such a great public
transportation system and is extremely safe
and clean. Why can’t all cities do this?
For more information on Philadelphia,
visit: www.gablesbb.com and they are
located at 4520 Chester Avenue. Phone:
215.662. ! 918. ?dso visit w~v<ka~ockphilly.
Another great website to visit
is: http://www.gophita.com/c/your_
gay~friendly_philadelphia/4.html and wwcw.
On a personal note, we want to thank
Bruce Yelk, Director of Human Resources
& Gay Marketing, Greater Philadelphia
Tourism marketing Corportation and to our
friend Buster Stevens who hosted a wonderful
dinner for us xvhile we were visiting.
Photo: Famous Liber~_y Bell Philadelphia, PA
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
Wayne Fuller reported on gossipboy.com, an
Oklahoma internet news service focused on
the GLBT community, that Mr. Chiles had
been convicted of Obtaining Money by False
Pretenses in McClain County in 2006, for
which he received a 2 year deferred sentence
now completed. Since then a warrant for
his arrest was issued for the same offense
in Pontotoc County, which was in effect
when he was elected to his Democratic Party
Robert Chiles, Director &Founder ofPrject
Pride Foundation ofOklahoma. Gorin photo
On June 8, represented by attorney Gordon
Melson, he appeared in court in Pontotoc
Count-5: An agreement was reached ~vith
the warrant withdrawn, and Robert ~vould
have until August 27 to make restitution to
the parties involved.
On June 3, when cast members from the
national tour of "The Drowsy Chaperone"
did a benefit at Tulsa’s Renegades Club for
Until There’s a Cure, an organization helping
those with HIV. Mr. Chiles presented them
with a large check payable to that organization.
It likewise would not clear his bank.
Mr. Chiles had been contacted by that
organization and he promised them a cashier~
check which was not received as of press time.
Following this, Mr. Chiles had asked the
Red Ribbon Revue, a monthly benefit show
performed at Renegades, to do a benefit for
his Foundation. In a statement to gossipboy.
corn Renegades entertainer Tabitha Taylor
stated, "I’m glad this was caught before we
did a fundraiser with the name attached."
www.metrostamews.com ~÷{~oSTAR 17
18 July 2009
,~.metrostarnews.com ~®~°~STAR t9
By Camper English
Crafting the Cosmopolitan
~he Cosmopolitan is one tasty
cocktail and probably most popular drink
created in the last 30 years, but it is not
magically original. The recipe calls for lemon
vodka, lime iuice, orange liqueur, and a splash
of cranberry for color. Minus the cranberry,
the drink follows the formula of spirit plus
lime plus orange liqueur. If that spirit is
tequila, that’s a Margarita. If it’s unflavored
vodka, that’s a Kamikaze.
In fact. the prevailing theory on the
creation of the Cosmopolitan is that it ,vas a
spin-offofthe Kamikaze created by a Miami
named Cheryl
Cook in 1985
or !986.
She said the
Cosmo is. ~
"Merely a ~
with Absolut
Citron and
a splash of
But her
version called
for Rose’s lime
juice, a bottled
lime juice
that’s a poor
for freshsqueezed,
and triple
sec, which
usually refers to the low-end orange liqueurs
that are poor substitutes for Cointreau. These
items are often served at high-volume bars
that want to save money on (admittedly
pricey) orange liqueur and don’t want their
bartenders taldng the time to squeeze limes
for each drink.
But I find the Cosmo-to be intolerable
~vithout them. So too did Toby Cecchini, a
New York bartender credited with finessing
the drink into its best form. Someone told
Cecchini about the drink, but in their version
it was made with unflavored vodka, Rose’s
lime, and the red-colored syrup grenadine.
He liked the look of the drink - soft pink and
served in a Martini glass - and experinaented
~vith ingredients to make the flavor match the
fashion. In the end, his version came out just
like Cheryl Cook’s version, but with better
This version caught on like wildfire
in New York. causing Cecchini and other
bartenders to make them by the thousands.
In the era of bottled sour mix and vermouthflee
Martinis. this drink seerned highmaintenance
enough for Cecchini to call
them "labor-intensive pink monstrosities."
~e trick to making a good pink
monstrosity; even if you have the proper
ingredients, is getting the ratio of them. right.
Apparently this is a problem for bartenders
~oo - i’ve had Cosmopolitans i~ every shade
from c!¢ar to deep red. When I make them at
borne, I’m ~o~- laz/to Ioot up ~[~e recipe so I
}ust ake ir ,,~ ingredient ar a vitae: ~ couo~e
ounces of Charon a smat~ splash of Cointreau.
and a large quantity of’lime.
(I like them tart.) I make mine in keeping
,vith Cheryl Cook’s original instructions
of ~jttst enough cranberry to make it oh so
pretty in pink."
That’s my starting point, anyway. One
thing I’ve learned making this drink is that
cranberry juice, like slimming black clothing,
hides many sins. Even if you get the initial
ratios of liquor and juice all wrong, or have to
resort to bottled lime )uice and bottom-shelf
triple sec, you can always make a drinkable
version of this drink. Just keep adding
cranberry until it’s good.
Vodka, Now Available in Juniper Flavor
I like to think of"bathtub gift" as
"Martinis by the poo!." but that’s not where
the expression originated. It came about
during Prohibition xvhen people would
"make" their own gin by adding mail-order
juniper flavoring to lowquality
alcohol to help mask its
awfulness. 2the weird tiring is, gin
cocktails were awfully popular
back then.
Today it is still legal to make
gin this way- not in the bathtub.
but by adding juniper oil and
other flavors to a neutral spirit
like vodka. Thankftdly, most of
the gins with which we’re familiar
don’t do it like that. Gin usually
starts with high-proof neutral
spirit made from grains like corn,
wheat, and rye. The gin distiller
then selects a range of botanicals
or botanical oils to infuse into the
spirit, then redistills everything
There are many different
distilling methods gin makers
employ, but this is probably only
interesting to folks like me ~vho
spend our spare time hanging out
in distilleries on vacation. More interesting
are the types of botanicals that go in to gin.
Traditional brands like Beefeater, Plymouth,
and Tanqueray contain many ingredients like
citrus peels, coriander, cinnamon, and cassia
bark. Newer gins on the market like Bombay
Sapphire, Hendrick’s, and Martin Miller’s also
include things like lavender, ginseng, rose,
and green tea. All gins, by definition, must
contain jtmiper (berries that smell like pine
trees) as a dominant flavor, but the newer
ones tend to put less of it in.
While vodka lovers and gin lovers are
usually different sorts of people (though
I find versatility provides more options in
the bedroom and the liquor cabinet)~ when
it comes right down to it gin is really just
juniper-flavored vodka. Ifyou’ve got vodka
drinkers over for cocktails and you only
have gin left, just tell them their drinks are
made with "botanical vodka." If you’re in
the opposite situation, tell them the vodka is
"diet gin." Lying to your guests is the most
entertaining part of entertaining them.
The combination and concentration
of the juniper, spices, citrus, and other
botanicals is what gives each gin its unique
flavor and makes it a better or worse fit for
different cocktails. Some modern gins are
so very citrusy and floral that they can be
too perfumey for a Martini. (Hey, this drink
smells like grandma!} On the other hand.
when you add an intensely juniper-heaW
gin ro a Gimlet or other mild cockt ills.
s~metimes all you ~aste b rhe juniper. (Hey,
this drink smells like where ~ ~andma is
The trick is finding the right fit for each
gin fqr your mouth. I prefer the old-style
gins in a Martini, Aviation, Pink Gin, and
Negroni. With the more-floral, less-juniper
gins I like the Salty Dog, Gimlet, White Lady,
and Vesper.
But I find that no matter what kind of gin
you have in the house you can always add it
to tonic water and it will taste just fine. Tonic
is the mixer that swings both ways.
Camper English is a cocktails andspirits
writer andpublisher ofAlcademics.com.
Miss Gay Oklahoma
2009 Crowned in OKC
By Victor Gorin
Left: 2008 Miss Gay Oklahoma Adrienne
Fischer, 1st altetmam Samantha West, Shantd
l~£andalay &Miss Gay America Victoria
DePaula. Gorin Photo
worked their hearts out, hoping to be the next
Miss Gay Oklahoma. Emceed by former Miss
Gay America 2006 Nicole Dubois & former
Miss Gay Oklahoma 2005 Pure Chocolate
(as Steven), it got wild Saturday night as it
wound down to 5 finalists with their friends
cheering on their favorites.
That fun fabulous contest came to a
conclusion on Saturday night June 13 when
Shantel Mandalay finally won the title of Miss
Gay Oklahoma America after many years
of pursuing that dream. A proud 3rd grade
teacher who also coaches Special Olympics,
Miss Mandalay and her entourage wowed the
audience with a fast stepping dance routine
to the C&W classic "The Devi! went down to
Georgia" that brought the house down.
It was also an emotional time for the
current reigning Miss Gay Oklahoma
Adrienne Fischer when she passed on her
tide, joining many other former Miss Gay
Oklahomas who were there for the occasion.
Together with 1st alternate Samantha \Vest.
Shantel will be eligible to compete in the
national Miss Gay America competition to
be held this year in St.Louis October 28.-
November 1.
festive weekend June 11-13 at Angles in
Oklahoma City when once again the girls
~:mSTAR July 2009
@ Angles, Oklahoma City
@ OGRA Pool Party, OKC
@Club Majestic, Tulsa
@Club 209, Tulsa
Photo’s by Victor G. & Judy G.
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@ The Copa Oklahoma City
@ The Ledo, Oklahoma City
@ Finishlinel Oklahoma City
@ OGRA Rodeo, OKC
Tulsa Pride 09 Parade
@ Tulsa Eagle, Tulsa
@ Tulsa Pride 09 Parade
www.metrostarnews.com , <,STAR 23
Oban~a administration defending DOMA
is shocking and unsetding. Clearly, our selfdescribed
’fierce advocate’ needs significant
additional pushing and pressure from all of
Popular blogger John Aravosis: "A
Democratic president of the United States of
i~erica, in the year 2009. and an African-
B~nerican child of inter-racial parents no less,
gave his la~wers the go ahead ro compare
our marriages to incest on the same day that
42 years ago the Supreme Court ruled in
[ais parents’ favor in Loving v. Virginia....
We demand our rights, and we expect this
president, who promised them in exchange
[or millions of our votes and millions of
our donations, to deliver. And so help me
God, we will continue to hold this president
accountable for his broken promises and his
Lambda Lega!’s Legal Director Jon
Davidson: "X~at they need to be asked
is why they gratuitously went out of their
-way ~o make the outrageous arguments
they unnecessarily included such as that
DOM2~ does not discriminate based on
sexual orientation or that the right ar issue
is not marriage but an unestablished rigi~t
~o ’same-sex marriage or
that DOMA is somehow
iustified in order to protect
taxpayers ~;ho don’t want
their tax do!lars used
ro suppor~ lesbian and
gay couples iwhile it~
apparently fine to make
lesbians and gay men pay
the same rm,:es but be
&nied the benefits provided
heterosexual couples) .... I
am seething mad."
Top Clinton aide
R5chard Socarides: "It had
such a buckshot approach
ro it, a veritable kitchen
sink of anti-gay legal theories, that it seemed
expressly designed to inflict maximal damage
ro our rights. Instead of malting nuanced
arguments which took into account the
president’s oi?-stated support for repealing
DO1VLA -- a law he has called ’abhorrent’ --
the brief seemed to embrace DOMA and all
its horrific consequences,"
Equality California Executive Director
Geoff Kors: "We ... call on President Obama
m order the Justice Department ro file a
supplemental brief reversing its position and
instead urging the repeal of DOMA."
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Executive Director Rea Carey: "The malicious
and outrageous arguments and language
used in the Department ofJustice’s marriage
brief is only serving to inflame and malign
the humanity of same-sex couples and our
Gay writer Dan Savage: "If this shit is
’fierce advocacy,’ Mr. President, we’ll take
benign neglect.7
CBS News: "The anger from gay rights
advocates toward President Obama is starting
to boil over."
~!~e Wall Street Journal called Sotmonese’s
letter to Obama "scathing."
The New York Times editorialized: "The
Obama administration, which came to office
promising to protect gay rights but so far has
nor done much, actually struck a blow" for the
other side last week.... If the administration
does feel compelled to defend (DOMA), it
should do so in a less hurtful wa~: ... There
writer Dan
/ Savage: "If ’\
dais shit is ’fierce
advocacy; Mr.
President, we’ll
take benign /
\... neglect."
was no need to resort to specious arguments
and inflammatory language to impugn samesex
marriage as an institution."
Plans apparently are shaping up for a
gay March on Washington in October,
spearheaded, it appears, by veteran activist
Cleve Jones, the man who created the
NAMES Proiect AIDS Memorial O~ilt."The
President is in serious danger of motivating
a huge mass of gay people to stream into
\Ygashington for the simple ioy of standing in
front of the White House and giving him a
piece of their minds," wrote syndicated gay
columnist \gayne Besen.
"For what seemed Iike forever, Democrats
told us that when the big bad Republicans
went away, our lives would improve," Besen
said. "XN~ell, the Republican nightmare is over,
so why do I still feel like I’m in the middle of
a political Friday the 13th movie? ... As far
as I’m concerned, if the donkeys can’t detiv(r
now, they can Idss my ass."
On June 17, when Obama "delivered"
to federal employees a smattering of spousal
benefits, via issuance of a "memorandum," he
did again denounce DOblA.
"I think we all have to acknowledge this
is only one step," the president said.
the steps we have not yet t~en is to repeal the
Defense of Marriage Act. I
believe it’s discriminatory,
I think it interferes ,vith
states’ rights, and we will
work with Congress ro
overturn it. \rUe’re gor more
work to do to ensure that
government treats all its
citizens equally, to figh~
iniustice and intolerance in
all its forms, and to bring
about that more perfect
union. I’m committed
to these efforts, and I
pledge to work tirelessly
on behalf of these issues in
the months and years to
Obama also expressed support for the
Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations
"Under current law, we cannot provide
same-sex couples with the full range of
benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married
couples," he said. "That’s why I’m proud
to announce rny support for the Domestic
Partners Benefits and Obligations Act, crucial
legislation that will guarantee these rights
for all federal employees. I want to thank
Rep. Tammy Baldwin, who is behind me
somewhere -- there she is, right there -- for
her tireless leadership on this bill and in the
broader struggle for equality. I want to thank
Sen. Joe Lieberman -- Joe is here -- as well
as Susan Collins for championing this bill
in the Senate, and Rep. Barney Frank for his
leadership on this and so many other issues."
Sounds good, but gay activists ~veren’t
impressed. They want action.
"We commend President Obama ana his
administration for taking this beginning step
to level the playing field but we look forward
to working with him to repeal the Defense of
Marriage Act, overturn ’Dofft Ask, Don’t Tell’
and guarantee the entire American worl6brce
is free from discrimination," said HRC’s
The Associated Press said, "His (Obama’s)
critics -- and there were many -- saw
Wednesday’s incremental move to expand gay
rights as litde more than pandering to a
reliably Democratic voting bloc."
Lamb& Legal Executive Director
Kevin Cathcart: "While ending any of
the discrimination against gay and lesbian
federal employees is a welcome step, today’s
... announcement falls far short of our hopes
and expectations. President Obama dearly
understands how important it is for people
to have health insurance coverage ro protect
their loved ones and this plan does not
provide that. Lambda Legal is representing
Karen Golinsldi, a federal employee who
works for the judicial branch and who is
seeking health insurance coverage for her
same-sex spouse. A federal judge has already
issued an administrative decision in that
matter, concluding that, within the existing
roles, the federal government can choose
to provide health insurance for same-sex
partners. Vie think they should.... The day is
long past for incomplete, piecemeal fixes that
leave hard-worldng families uninsured and
People For the American W’ay President
Michael B. Keegan: "Today’s presidential
memorandum is a very small step in the right
direction, but it’s a token, and tokens are no
longer enough. DOMA stands in the way of
real progress for same-sex couples nmv denied
federal recognition and protection, and its
repeal is tong overdue. President Obama has a
unique ability to provide the moral leadership
to ensure that all Americans are treated
equally under the law. but so far he has failed
to exercise it. We urge the president to live
up to his own rhetoric about being a ’fierce
advocate’ fbr gay and lesbian Americans.
Taking action on his pledge to repeal DOMA
would be ~vorthy of the vision that he held
out to Americans during his campaign
NGLTF’s Carey: "This presidential
memorandum today will extend some
selected protections to the same-sex partners
and families of federal employees.... This
memo is one building block toward full
equality, and much more remains to be done
in order for the administration to live up to
the promises of equality the president made
as a candidate on the campaign trail.... We
also call on the president to take additional
steps that will have a positive impact on our
health, our livelihoods and our families’ safety
that do not require legislative action. These
include reversing the standing policy of the
U.S. Census Bureau to manually un-marry
any same-sex couple who lawfully states they
are married on the 2010 census, extending
employment protections to federal employees
based on gender identity, and reversing the
regulations that continue to throw roadblocks
in the way of HIV-positive individuals who
want to travel to this country."
NCLR’s Kendell: "The policy announced
today by the president committing to a
federal ~vorkplace free from discrimination is
a step in the right direction but inadequate
and long overdue. It leaves out millions
ofAmerieans who do not work for the
federal government and fails to include key
benefits including health insurance. When
running for office, then candidate Obama
called equality for LGBT people a ’moral
imperative.’ We will continue to demand
this administration live up to the president’s
promise of achieving ’full equality for the
millions ofLGBT people in this country.’"
The language is strong and the front is
unified. Nae White House clearly is listening,
but when will our "fierce advocate" act?
Writing on his house.gov Web site June
16, gay U.S. Rep. Jared Polls, D-Colo., said:
"I am a proud Democrat, as are many in the
LGBT community, and I believe we must
hold our leaders accountable. The Obama
Administration made a HUGE mistalte in the
DOMA brief. If they keep malting mistakes
like this. they risktosing the support of the
GLBT community forever, although I do
not believe we are at that point yet. President
Obama needs to honor his promise ro repeal
this ... hateful and divisive law. As the New
York Times editorialized yesterday, ’busy
calendars and political expediency are no
excuse for malting one group of Americans
wait any longer for equal rights.’"
labor of love really," said Arbuckle. "We ate
like a family here." The organization serves
men, women and children. "XWe have about
30-40 children who may be infected or have
parents who are," adds Arbuclde.
Recently, Arbuckle submitted a grant
application to the }v’La,C-AIDS Fund which
is an organization established in 1994 that
globally supports all persons lMng with
HIV/AIDS. "It is a passion for our company
and our staff," said Armando Ortiz, MAC
Retail Manager at Penn Square Mall. "We
refer to this as the heart and soul ofMAC
Cosmetics. MAC stands for Make-up, Art
and Cosmetics.
"Our Viva-Glam program is where the
monies come from," adds Ortiz. "We give
back 100% of the selling price back to the
community. This program is really something
we embrace in our company." MAC
Cosmetics has been in business since I984
and has donated over $t35 million dollars to
date through the MAC-AIDS Fund.
Other Options has changed some over
the years and now focuses primarily on their
Friends Food Pantry. "The other services are
provided so well by other organizations in the
city that we focus on the nutritional program
now," said Mary Arbuckle, Director of the
Other Options organization. "\ge work well
together with RAIN Oklahoma, the OU
Infectious Disease Clinic, and other local
organizations so our clients can ger all the
hdp they need and so there is less duplication
of services."
Friends Food Pantry is exclusive to the
HIV and MDS community. Clients come to
the srore to shop each week. "We give them
a shopping cart and let them select their own
items, which is different than most food
banks," adds Arbuckle. "We want to empower
their mind; we don’t want them to feel like
it’s a charity." Arbuckle says they plan ro
spend the majority of the MAC-AIDS grant
on their Boost program, which provides the
high-prorein Boost drink to those in most
need of the nutritional supplement.
Donations to Other Options are always
~velcomed and appreciated. For more
information about Other Options or the
Friends Food Pantry, please call (405) 946-
by Jack Fertig July 2009
"Pay attention, Cancer!"
Saturn square Mercury would normally
bring out everyone’s inner critic, but
with Saturn in Virgo and Mercury in
Gemini, bitchy outbursts are to be
expected. If you’re feeling brilliant, write
it down and think twice before saying
it aloud. Take a long view and look for
opportunities for self-improvement,
ARIES (March 20 - Apri~ 19): Stay
focused on work. Any personal remarks,
especially about colleagues, are sure
to get you into trouble. Your critical
analyses and recommendations for
improvement are probably a bit off the
mark, but at least they show you’re
paying attention.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Avoid
gambling and investments in any
game play strictly for funsies. Focus on
developing skill at your sport or hobby.
That’s an uphill slog, too, but something
that’s just fun now can have practical
value down the road.
GEMiNi {May 21- June 20): If you get
any criticism from family or roommates,
thank them for sharing and think about
what they say. There may be something
to it. Responding in kind will only start
an a~ui argument.
CANCER (June 21~- July 22): Pay
attention where you’re walking or
driving. Distractions inside your own
head can cause awful accidents. Be
aware of your surroundings, and you
can find better ways to bang up against
LEO (Ju~y 23 - August 22): You’re
inclined to be very critical of someone’s
political values, so why not focus on
your own? In this era of diminishing
resources, we all need to step back
and re-think things. Brainstorming
with friends will help you update your
VlRGO (August 23 - September 22)
The sharp edge of your wit is very
much in evidence. Keep it focused
on practical matters and attention to
your own health and well-being. When
tempted to speak of others, make extra
effort to keep it kind and constructive.
L~B~ (September 23 - October
22): There’s always room for selfimprovement,
but don’t beat yourself up
with your faults, which you’re now likely
to exaggerate anyway. A creative focus
for your inner critic could help you to be
more realistic.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November
21): As your brain races around sex,
you may want to look beyond simple
gratification. That has its time and
place, but think seriously about your
relationships and what you’d want to be
doing - and with whom - in 20 years.
SAG!TTARIUS (November 22
- December 20): You will get into
arguments. Stay focused, principled
and respectful. The way you press
your point can earn you a great deal
of respect. Stay clear on details and
graciously accept correction when it’s
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Take it slow and easy.
Pay attention to details and you’ll have
fewer accidents and arguments at
work. Sex seems a great release for
stress, but is it really? Focus on what’s
important at work and at play.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): You may be losing yourself helping
others, and fun may feel more like work.
An analytic approach to techniques of
craft, sport and/or pleasure reconciles
the latter. Being ruthless and selfish for
a bit is now good for you.
PISCES (February 19 - March
19): Domestic criticisms are nearly
inevitable. Being self-critical will help
keep you out of arguments, but give
yourself credit as well as blame. Your
partner’s shortcomings on that score
are highlighted because of your focus.
If you must say something, be kind and
Community for
People iving
A 50’f c (3) Non t rofit Or~nizadon
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyda~:
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry for those "who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
would like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
112 3 4
~5 6 7 8 9 ~10111213
~ 15
17 18 19
66 67 68
69 70 7I
43 Ausmas capital( to Aust ~ans
~ ’Watcha~Liberg~ game h~re
18 Irritating : ,
50 of Seventeefi :
52 :l~i~---~"s home Stat~ (abgr:};
~3 cone Out ~nthe b~a~h
5~ ~Evbr~tt S Monkey Zetterland
58 E~d of the a~eadline ~
52 Adult filly
69 %v0some
70 Second name in cross-dressing
7! Doest" own
33 Prefix with
35 In the sack
38 "Lead into temptation"
39 Casey J0n~s, e.g.
40 GOt excited ,
41 Hollinghurst s 7~e Swimming~Pool
42 Edmontons province
45 Many a place near Aspen
46 Ball {vh£ckers, in Ping-Pong
47 U-turn from SSW ~9 Gate design,
1 C. Marlowes tongue
55 Golfer Sam
57 Overhand stroke, for Mauresmo
59 It gets spilled at wild parties
60 Beat it
61 Peruvian native
65 Quit, with "out"
Solution page 26
We :welcome ~[etters fro ers. Shorter letters are more likely to be printed, as are those
that addreks ohly a Singte topiC, Letters are subject to editing for lefigt|i and clarity. In-
ClYde your hO~ addr~s} an~ ~,~time phone fiumber fo~-~;efifidatiDm Send l{~rs to the
4ditor~ pFe ly:~ ii (~iam£ws@sl;cglobal.ndt)~ Le{ters als~ may be mailed (Metro
Stem P~ Box 5~i 7’18, TulSa, IOK 7~ 158)
~wcw.metrostarnews.com ;~8÷troSTAR 25
Stage Performance To
Benefit C arron Alliance
OK~AI-IOMA CITY, OK (PR) __ lheatre
lovers are invited to attend an upcoming
performance of a Carpenter Square Theatre
production with proceeds benefiting the Cimarron
Alliance Foundation.
Carpenter Square’s Thursday, July 2, production
of"The Little Dog Laughed" will benefit Cimarron
and cimarronAP,TS! The show begins at 7:30
p.m. Tickets, at a discount, are $15 and can be
purchased £nline at: CAF
Carpenter Square provides the following
synopsis of tl~e show: Mitchell Green is a handsome
young movie actor who is on the verge of major
stardom. His agent can’t seem to keep him in
the closet due to his "slight recurring case of
homosexuality." And as if that’s not enough, he falls
in love with his most recent "rent boy" and wants
to announce it to the world. Helping him navigate
Holl.~;~vood’s choppy waters, his shark of an agent
Diane does everything she can to keep him away
~?om the rent boy and the rent boy’s girlfriend
(wait, the rent boy has a girlfriend?), but it’s not
smooth sailing.
Ticket sales are limited to 200, so buy )!our
rickets early!
Jamie Fo~
Jul 9, 2009 at BOK Center
Ticket Prices: $69.75 and $59.75
"l~is summer heats tip with a tour from one of the
Imrtest artists to move fi:om the big screen to the
stage. Jamie Foxx begins a summer tour in July and
makes Tulsa one of the first stops.
eridm Idols Live
Jul 24, 2009 at BOK Center Tulsa
Tickets Prices: $69.50, $55.50, $40.50
Fans ofAmerica’s #1 show will once again have the
chance to catch their favorite "Idols" performing
live in concert, as the top 10 contestants from
American Idol season 8 hit the road in the highly
anticipated summer tour.
Ju130, 2009 at BOK Center
with ZZ TOP
July 30 @ 7:30pro
Ticket Prices: $129.50, $89.50, $49.50
PERRY (guitar), BP4\D ~WHITFORD (guitar),
(drums)--made history last year when Activision
released Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, marldng the
first music-based game built around the legendary
music of Aerosraith.
Kdth Urban
Aug 7, 2009 at BOK Center @ 8:00pm
Keith Urban with Sugarland
Ticket Prices: $77, $47 and $20
Grammy Award winner Keith Urban, one of the
industry’s raost explosive and critic~dly hailed live
acts, will be stopping at the BOK Center on Friday,
August 7th fi~r his "Escape Together ~otld Tour"
together with KC Masterpiece° and Kings~rd°
featuring multi-platinum superstars Sugarland.
Webs#e- www.kylecomics.com E-Mail- KylesBnB@aol,com
bi~er gir!
2{3 @~:{:~oSTAR July 2009
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www.metrostarnews.com ~÷troSTAR 27
28 July 2009

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2009] Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2009; Volume 6, Issue 7,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/133.