[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, April 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 4
[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, April 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
Ozarks Pride's first issue began in January of 2004. Then follows Ozarks Pride (2004), The Star (2005), and The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Ozarks Pride
Ozarks Pride
April 1, 2004
C.D. Ward
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Ozarks Pride Magazine, March 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 3
Ozarks Pride Magazine, May 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 5
Ozarks Pride Magazine, May 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 5
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Volume 1 Issue 4
"It's A Life, Not A Lifestyle" April 1, 2004
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Daily Craziness
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Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 2 April 1, 2004
Ozarks Pride
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243
Joplin, Missouri 64804-3128
Editor: C.D. Ward (editor@ozarkspride.com)
Member: National Lesbian Gay Journalist Association
Contributing Writers:
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Ryan T. Raymond
Steve T. Urie - page 2
Editor's Page -page 3
Know Your Rights- Page 4
Gay Travelers- Page 7
Gay Military Discharges Plummet- page9
Ozarks Pride Out Cruzin- page 10
Destination New Orleans- page 13
Classifieds-page 18
Community Directory- page 19
Advertising Rates:
Card Size Ad- $12.00 per issue (3 Month Minimum)
Subscription- $10.00 (3 months)
Classifieds- $6.00 first 15 words- 25cents each
Email: advertising@ozarkspride.com
Phone (417) 437-2275 for larger and full page ad
Deadline for a!! advertising, articles and
payment is tile 20th of each month for the
next months issue.
Ozarks Pride Magazine ia publiahed & diatributed monthly as a
community service by Ozarh Pride Group of Joplin, Missouri.
Publicalion of the name, phologniph or likeoeas oi any person,
business or organization in this publication is not to be con1truod as
any indicaUon of sexual orientation or preference• of auch ptrson.
business or organization.
Opinions expressed by columnists. advertisers or Leflory to th& Editor
ore oot nece5larily tho opinion of Ozarli• Pridt IJ!genno, ,1, 1/0/f, tho
publlsher or it'l sdvorlisors.
Content of ldve1ti,ements and arUcies are the to.lo re1ponaibl:lty of
the advertiser ar.d /or aathor. The Publisher oi Ozaits Prid• l.lagozine
mservei the right to refu6e advertising malerial for any re.1son what so
ever. Ozs~3 Pride and all likenesses thera of are sole propertioa o:
GO OUT ...
I was reminded recently that many
people throughout history have had to
fight for their freedoms and we MUST
TAKE A STAND just as they did. Taking
a stand to protect our rights as people that
God has blessed. I would like to think that
our Creator has not put us on the back
burner but has indeed saved the best for
last. A group of people that within it's
very core is made up of all the tribes on
earth. A group of people that is made up
from every minority group around the
world but living right next door to you!
Yes fromBiblical times to today,
humankind has been the cause of putting
people down, taking advantage of those
they felt didn't fit in and allowing
themselves to allude that it is God's will.
They have taken up the God battle flag to
take slaves, to put down women, to put
down people of color and now to put
down our community.
Peter, Paul and Mary sing a song
about a Jewish group that suffered greatly
for their freedoms but set God's light into
action for all people. In that song they ask
that we not let the "light go out" and this
song was part ofthemusic during the
Civil Rights Movement during the 60's. I
believe that we must take up that banner
today, that our response to the world
should be that we are not, will not let the
light go out until all people everywhere
are allowed to exercise their rights.
Cominued Steve T. Urie page-16
Ozarks Pride
"Gay By God"
The following is a true story that
depicts the struggle so many of us have,
or have had with the subject of being
openly Gay and our spiritual beliefs.
Many believe God made us Gay
purposely, as he made every living
creature. As my pastor said, " Who in
this community would ever choose to be
Gay? Who would ever choose the
prejudice, the discrimination and abuse
we've all experienced?"
C. D. Ward
"Just As I Am"
By Gabe Norman
These words may be familiar to many
of you. But if you are like me and were
raised in a traditional fundamentalist
small town church, they can have a ring
ofHypocreaceae. Every Sunday at the
end of the service my Grandmother's
pastor would ask anyone who wanted to
have a closer walk with God to come
forward while the choir sang " Just As I
Am". One Sunday morning when I was
about thirteen, I decided to accept the
pastor's invitation and started my walk
up to the alter to begin my closer walk
with God. I was nervous, scared, and
very emotional. I knelt down and asked
God to come into my heart and life, and
to take me just as I was, and I did feel a
peace and joy come over me at the time,
however my joy was short lived because
my Grandmother's pastor who I thought
was my pastor too, would soon inform
me that ifl wanted to be a Christian I
would have to do some changing. So
what happened too "Just As I Am".
Continued editors page -5
"Sense of Family"
I was shocked and saddened
today when I read the article on gay
marriage ("Proposal on gay marriage
advances," Globe, Jan. 28). Rep.
Kevin Wilson, who is a Republican
from the city I live in, who worked
with my father before he was
elected, said, "Families are breaking
My interpretation of this is not a
good one. Gays and lesbians are not
the reason families are breaking
down. We have a strong sense of
family, love and commitment. I
wonder if any of these
representatives have any gay people
in their families, or know of any gay
people. They seem to be afraid of
what they don't know and
understand. Once we let fear run our
lives and our country, we are no
better than those who lived in Iraq
under Saddam Hussein.
It seems like everything that goes
wrong in the world, there has to be
something or someone to blame. It
seems to me that Mr. Wilson would
like to blame us for the breaking
down of family values. Family is just a
word, but the feeling the word means is
what is important. Love is just a word,
but the connection it makes is powerful.
Marriage is just a union between two
people; it is just a word. The connection
that those two people have with the
words "marriage," "love," and "family" is
what really matters.
Austin Letts
Neosho, MO
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page4 April 1, 2004
Want a VOICE in your community?
We welcome your opinion , commentary, and
your input. This publication is about building
Community unity, and you are a part of
making this happen.
We want you to speak out!
Mailing address:
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243,
Joplin, MO 64804-3128
Email: editor@ozarkspride.com
NOTE: All letter's to the editor and articles
submitted must include your name and phone
number for verification purposes only.
Mission Statement: To provide a GLBT
community voice to SW 1:fissouri, SE Kansas,
NE Oklahoma, NW Arkansas. Our mission is
to unite a fragmented community reluctant to
speak out for their rights and to voice
concerns. This region has a huge GLBT
population without representation.
Fairfield Inn
By Marriott
3301 South Rangeline Road
Joplin, MO 64840
Reservation (417) 624-7800
Email: ffijpln@aol.com
Woody's Manhattan
Hair & Nail Salon
509 Main* Joplin, MO 64801
:\.ppointments (417) 623-3500
From ACLU Ozarks Chapter:
Continue from OP March issue:
Do not resist arrest or try to run away.
Keep your hands where the police can
see them. Never touch a police officer.
Stay calm and speak politely.
Ask for a lawyer immediately. Do not
talk to the police without your lawyer.
Never lie to the police. Exercise your right
to remain silent Do not make any
statements or answer any questions
except to give your name and address
and to ask why you have been arrested.
Also, do not sign anything and do not
agree to talk to the police.
You have the right to contact a lawyer,
or to contact someone in your family who
can ask for a lawyer for you. Tell the
police that you do not wish to speak to
anyone until you have a lawyer.
In Missouri, the police cannot hold a
person for more than 20 hours without a
judge setting bail. A judge will set bail at
your first court appearance. The judge will
also appoint an attorney to represent you
if you cannot afford to hire an attorney.
The police may keep you in a jail cell. Do
not talk with anyone about your case. This
includes people who are in the cell with
you. Talk about your·case only with your
If the police knock and ask to enter
your home, you don't have to admit them
unless they have a warrant signed by a
judge. However, in some emergency
situations (like when a person is
screaming for help inside, or when the
police are chasing someone) officers are
allowed to enter and search your home
without a warrant. If you are arrested, the
police can search you and the area close
by. If you are in a building, "close by"
usually means just the room you are in.
More on ACLU Ozarks Chapter website:
Ozarks Pride Page 5 April 1, 2004
Editors page ji-om page-3
Well, I gave it a try I poured myself into
church, going at least four times a week,
praying, reading my bible and trying my
best not to fantasize about my next door
neighbor Eddie or Michel J. Fox on TV, but
try as I might I gave into temptation more
often than not. Each time I fell into
temptation I felt guilt and would pray for
God to take away the evil desires that I had.
At about seventeen I decided to confide in
my pastor's wife about my feeling's for
other boy's. The next Sunday I was in for a
shock the pastors sermon was on Sodom
and Gomorrah and at the end of the service
their was no singing of "Just As I Am".
This time it was the pastor asking anyone
who might be struggling with homosexual
tendencies to come forward, I was so hurt . I
knew that this sermon had been preached
for me. I left church that day and never went
back. When my Grandmother asked what
had happened I told her I didn't want to talk
about It. I was so hurt and confused, and I
felt like God had abandoned me because I
couldn't change. So church was out and
sinning was in.
I started partying. My parents were both
alcoholics so they didn't care. As long as I made
it to school every day and kept my grades up, I
was given full reign of my own life. I started
drinking, smoking pot and running with my wild
cousin's. I had gone from a Jesus freak to just
plain freak. I left Christianity and all it's false
promises behind. Over the years I tried many
different spiritual paths from Buddhist, Hindu,
and even Wica, which by the way is a real
positive spiritual path. I eventually ended up at
Unity which is a church but not a hell fire and
damnation church. They teach that Jesus is a role
model for all of us and that we should try to be
more like him and love one another. They also
teach that God loves all his created people and
that he loves them just the way they are and so
should we.
After many years at Unity, with three years on
the board of director's, serving as church treasure
and leading the song service, the head of
prejudice raised it's ugly head in the bastion of
what I thought was the most tolerant of all
churches, yes Unity. The board received a letter
of concern at one of our monthly meeting's. Not
knowing what it was about, I opened and read it
to the other's. It was a letter of concern about the
growing number of homosexual's in our church. I
was once again shocked and hurt and found it
hard to continue participating in the services.
Although I have put this one negative experience
behind me and I do believe in the positive
teaching's of Unity principles, but also feel that
not all of there member's practice what they
preach ..
So where to now? About si..'l: years ago a group
started meeting on Sunday night's at the Unity
building. It was a Christian group that mainly
ministered to the gay and lesbian community.
While still at Unity I visited their services and it
was always nice. I did feel a little uncomfortable,
because even though I had found a place where I
could worship my creator and take time to give
thanks for all the good in my life, I felt there were
area's I would have to change in order to become
a active member of this group. For you see over
the years since I left my grandmother's church I
have come to believe that God does love me just
as I am. It doesn't matter if I'm Gay, Straight or
any other way. If I want to go out to the bar and
have drink's and da,,ce then that shouldn't be a
problem either, and you know what, it isn't!
My grandmother's church may have called
some areas of my life heathenish, and
grandmother felt going to a bar on Saturday night
and then going to church on Sunday was just plain
wrong . Well I'm not living in my grandmother's
narrow world anymore. It took me several years
to let go of all my excess baggage and I wouldn't
allow myself to participate in any Sunday night
church services, I do try and live my life by the
Golden Rule. I enjoy going to the bar and having
fun with my friend's and I also enjoy going to
church on Sunday. I have finally found a place
where I rnn do this , although I do have my fault's.
I have been assured by Pastor Steve Urie that I am
welcome at any time and that he understands what
a large role in the community the bar play's for
many of us and that if I want to go have drink's
and fun with my friend's on Saturday night I
would still be welcome to particip:i.te in the
Sunday service. As God accepted people, Spirit of
Christ MCC welcomed ME JUST AS I AM.
Miss Universe Transsexual
Entry Update.
As reported in OP March issue Chen
Lili received the OK to enter the Miss
Universe Pageant to be held in Ecuador
June 1, 2004. First she must win the
contest in her southeast Chinese Province
Miss Universe pageant official now
have reversed their decision and refused
Transsexual Chen Lili's entry. Although
Miss Lili's was allowed by the Chinese
Government to change gender registration,
Chen Lili will not be allowed to compete
for the Miss Universe crown.
Aunt Bea's Infamous Recipes!
Sock it Too l\l[e, Pea1111t B11tter Cheesecake!
16 ounces cream cheese
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup plain yogurt
1 teaspoon real vanilla
1 /2 cup peanut butter
2 tablespoons chopped peanuts
1 I 4 cup honey
1 graham cracker crust
In a missing bowl, combine all ingredients
e:xccpt crust and chopped peanuts. Blend until
very smooth. Pour into crust and top with
chopped peanuts. Chill three hours before serving.
S ottrre: IP1Jllll. dofo. com · Your allowed to drink 1 / 2
bottle of wine while preparing.
Ozarks Pride 7
"Traveling in the gay friendly world"
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Of course we ALL love the movies and the older they are the
more we seem to like them. On our trips to California we get to
bask in the glory of old time Hollywood when we stayed at the
SECRET GARDEN Bed and Breakfast
(www.secretgardenbnb.com) nestled at the base of the famous
Hollywood Hills just steps off Laurel Canyon up from Sunset
Boulevard. Raymond Bilbool, the owner was the maitre d' at the famous Chassen's
Restaurant for many years before it closed. The Secret Garden is an absolutely wonderful
Bed and Breakfast located in a 1923 opulent Spanish-Moorish style, pink mansionette.
What more could you ask for? Push the code numbers and the iron gates open for you to
drive your auto onto the grounds.
As you climb the steps to the front door you are first taken aback by the huge front foyer
of the house. The common rooms comprise of a lovely restful music/reading room complete
with a Grand piano with a magnificent Sevres urn sitting on it. There is a stately and
charming living room , bright and airy dining room and a sunny intimate breakfast room.
Lined down the hallway is black and white autographed photos of the stars of yesteryear.
The back yard/patio is filled with tropical plants and cacti and a perfect place for some
solitude or to read a book. The backyard also has a huge aviary filled with beautiful birds.
When all the rest of the world is in a mad frenzy, here you are in this "secret garden" and it is
FABULOUS! The Secret Garden has 5 individual guest rooms, each with their own private
bath and there is a bungalow guest house in the back yard complete with an old fashioned
sleigh bed, slated tile floors and a Jacuzzi inside. A full sit-down gourmet breakfast is
served each morning. A leisurely walk around the neighborhood gives you a sense that you
really are living in the golden age of Hollywood with the many splendid houses with their
private gardens.
And then there is the owner, RAYMOND! who is one of the most FABULOUS people
that we have ever met! Raymond being at Chassen 's Restaurant for so many years is full of
''Hollywood stories" and is really a perfect host. He is fun, funny, witty, interesting and
really knows how to make his guests feel right at home. His four footed companions,
Veronica, Lucy and Ethel "purrs" around the house checking on the guests. His guests
return year after year after year.
On our first visit, there was a very eclectic group of guests including some from
Manchester, England, Ohio, Florida and New York City. Raymond, the owner Jet us have
our dear friend, the Countess Alexis for wine and cheese one evening while we were there
and then insisted that we have her back Sunday morning for breakfast with the other guests.
And what a grand breakfast it was, complete with jumbo Beluga Caviar! The Countess
Alexis "held court'' at the breakfast table in only the way that a true lady can. She was
naturally dressed proper for the occasion in a huge hat and large rimmed sun glasses and
wearing lots of jewelry. All the guests, both straight and gay loved her. We first met the
Countess two years ago when we were in Hollywood and enjoyed her company immediately.
She owns an antique shop at 8246 Santa Monica Boulevard called THE SCARLET
EMPRESS, named after the 1934 Marlene Dietrich movie. TV and movie stars are among
her many clients. We purchased a fabulous set of 8 Cut glass stems, signed Hawkes at her
shop . ....
Continued page- /4 gay travelers
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 8 April l, 2004
504 E. Commercial, S , MO (417) 831-9001
Open Mon t to 1 :30 AM
What's Hot @ The OZ in April !
April 10- Blackout Party w/DJ Rob
April 17 -The OZ Turnabout Show
Men On Drag- Comedy Drag
Show Beards and .Moustaches,
Pumps & Wigs ...
April 24- White Party w/DJ Rob ·
Daily Happy Hours 4 to 8PM.
.25 Well & Longnecks
Happy Hour All Night.
You Can Drink Wells.
Every FRI and SAT HOT MALE DANCERS! Only $3.00 Cover.
Drink Specials on Sat.
The advertisement of
Paul Jo David's New
CD release in the
March issue of OP
stated the CD could
be purchased at Great
flm.Ja,~ f/Ja,titf Expectations on 15th
Street, Joplin, MO.
Due to personal reasons, Mr. Mike Curry, owner
decided not to carry the release. According to
Paula-Jo, Mr. Curry objected to the record label
"Pride Christian Music". Pride Christian Music is
a Homosexual based record label.
The CD "Jesus My Faith Addiction Through It
All" can be purchased by calling (417) 781-4912
or email paulajo.evans@sbcglobar.net. On-line at
www.woodstocked.com and will be available
soon from MCC Joplin at www.mccjoplin.com.
WASHlNGTON - Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.,
delivered "powerful" testimony today against
a discriminatory change to the Constitution,
according to the Human Rights Campaign. In
testifying before the full Senate Judiciary
Committee, Rep. Le"'is joined Rep. Barney
Frank, D-Mass., constitutional scholar Cass
R. Sunsteu1 and Phyllis Bossin, chair of the
Family Law Section of the American Bar
,,\ssociation in opposition to changing the
Constitution to be a tool for discrimination.
"I am opposed to any amendment that
seeks to write discrimination into the
Constitution," Lewis testified. "I believe
amending the Constitution 011 this issue is an
irrational and radical step that seeks to
undermine the civil rights of our citizens."
"No matter how it's worded, it's wrong to
change the Constitution to discriminate
against millions of Americans," said HRC
President Cheryl Jacques.
Joh11 Le1tis co11ti11Md page-15
As War Continues, Gay
Discharges Plummet To
Lowest Level Since 1995
Gaywire Release March 24, 2004
New Report Details Experiences of
Gay Soldiers in Middle East &
Analyzes Decade-Long Movement to
Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Washington, DC -As the United States
military continues to wage war in Iraq and
Afghanistan, discharges of lesbian and
gay military personnel plummeted 17% in
FY2003, according to a new report from
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
(SLDN). Conduct Unbecoming, an annual
review of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" law, finds that gay-related discharges
fell to 787 last year, down from 906 in
2002. The 2003 figures mark a 39%
decrease in discharges since 2001, the
year before current conflicts in the
Middle East began. The number also
represents the fewest gay discharges
since 1995.
"Gay discharge numbers have
dropped every time America has
entered a war," the report says, "from
Korea to Vietnam to the Persian Gulf to
present conflicts." It goes on to note
that "more of our allies have dropped
their bans, and our American troops are
fighting alongside openly lesbian, gay
and bisexual allied personnel in the war
on terrorism."
In the end, however, the report finds
that "there is ... no fair way to .
implement 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' or any
policy of discrimination. The truth is
evident and overwhelming: there is no
evidence to support the gay ban.•
"Repealing this law is in the best
interest of our military, our service
members and all Americans•, said SNDL
Exec. Osburn.
Volume l Issue 4 Page 12 April l, 2004 Ozarks Pride Page 13 April l, 2004
Destination New Orleans
" Gay Mecca , Big Easy"
By OP contributing writer T. J. Kelly
Conclusion frotJJ March OP:
To pick up where I left off in last
month's issue, I will begin telling you
about the Garden District in New
Orleans proper. Running from Magazine
Street to St. Charles Avenue and Jackson
Avenue to Louisiana Avenue, the Garden
District is brimming of new and old
world shopping, dining and architecture.
It began as a large plantation owned by
the Livaudais family, which was flooded
in the early 1800's by a break in the
Mississippi river levy. The flood laid
several feet of alluvial silt from the river
across the entire plantation enriching the
soil causing lush foliage and flora to
grow. In the mid 1820's the plantation
was sold to New Orleans entrepreneurs
and divided into modest land lots. Most
homes in the district date from the
1840's to the 1870's. It became a haven
for new world, pre-Civil War aristocracy.
Most homes are of the Greek revival or
Italianate styles of architecture incorporating
Corinthian style columns and rod
iron balconies, with beautiful flower
gardens and foliage surrounding the
property. The entire area flourished as a
well-to-do neighborhood until early
1900. Through restoration most of the
Garden District looks as it did in 1900.
Many celebrities, including author Anne
Rice and musician Trent Reznor, own
homes in the Garden District neighboring
everyday people who purchase the
homes as restoration projects. Walking
tours of the garden district are abundant,
but picking up a free guide to the streets
and homes at and tourist kiosk and
touring yourself is less restrictive and
puts you on your own schedule. Magazine
Street is also full of shopping, cafes,
restaurants, galleries and bars.
Continued next column:
At 6 miles long and consisting of
(literally) l 00's of establishments, there is a
little something for everyone. For great
New Orleans-style seafood and a cozy
atmosphere Casamentos is a great place to
eat or for a Mediterranean meal (including
Italian wood fire pizza) Mystic Cafe is a
great stop for food or a coffee and dessert.
If you are looking for a bar, and are a beer
drinker, The Bulldog (reminiscent of the
great Bulldog cafe in Amsterdam) is a great
stop. Boasting 200 beers on tap and 250 in
a bottle, the Bulldog is probably New
Orleans premiere Beer Pub. If you need to
do some everyday shopping, you can hit an
A&P for groceries, get your dry cleaning
done, pickup some personalized stationary
and grab a latte all in the same couple of
Another interesting facet of New
Orleans is the close proximity of intact
plantations. Tours for these magnificent
homes can be relatively inexpensive and
very convenient. You can choose to be
picked up in the city or drive yourself. An
abundance of information can be found in
the larger hotel lobbies and at tourist kiosks
across the city. Times and dates of tours
can vary greatly from plantation to
plantation, but can be very accommodating
to a busy schedule.
The Gay scene in New Orleans is
nothing to be missed either. New Orleans is
probably best known to the gay community for
its "Southern Decadence" celebration, described
by Rust LaRoux as "Gay Mardi Gras with a
little Rio Latin flare". Southern Decadence is a
week long party with the climax event, the
Southern Decadence Parade, the Sunday before
Labor Day. The most gay fun to be had is
probably in an area known as the "Fruit Loop"
from the 700-800 block of Bourbon Street to St
Anne Street. Here you can find many clubs,
bars, cafes, grocers, delis. pride stores and
much more all catering to the GLBT
Continued page 15
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 14 April 1, 2004
Gay Travelers-from page 7
The Countess Alexis has a most colorful
history in several foreign countries including
South America, France and Germany and has
certainly made a name for herself in the United
States. HE was one of the original stars of La
Cage in Paris. She lives in the penthouse suite
in one of the stately apartments just off Sunset
Boulevard where a former movie star lived
many years ago. It is just a delight to listen to
her relate the old days of Hollywood when
things were marvelous and grand. One
NEVER knows who one will meet as guests
come from all over the world to stay at the
Secret Garden.
On our next visit there Raymond had yet
another dinner party for us and invited the
Countess. A GRAND time was had by all with
LOTS of"bitchiness" all evening around the
dining room table. It was FABULOUS! You
simply HAD to be there to take in all the
On our last visit there, the Princess Sophia and
her gentleman friend, Nathan from Germany
were guests and they both were just
FABULOUS! Again, Raymond the owner had
a lovely sit down dinner party for us in his
tropical garden. The guests were a very
eclectic group of Hollywood "fun" people.
One of our favorites was Marcia, or was it
Madge?. Anyway, she was delightful. We can't
wait to see her again. Also in attendance was
one of the most charming young ladies that we
have EVER met.... Kelly, who was a real treat!
The Countess Alexis also had a special party
for us at her antique shop one evening. The
elite of Hollywood turned out for that party. It
is FABULOUS! We always enjoy visiting
West Hollywood.
Of course while in Hollywood, you do
need to visit some of the sights and sounds
including the famous cemeteries of the stars,
the Hollywood Sign up in the hills, Paramount
Picture Studios, Hollywood Walk of Fame,
Hollywood Wax Museum, Hollywood History
Museum. Mann's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood
Entertai~rnent Museum. Also be sure to take a
tour of the Hollywood Bowl and take a walk
down Sunset Boulevard. You may just see
Norma Desmond lurking around some comer.
Nex; column .
Another major museum to visit is the
Blvd. This is a must sec visit for any gay
traveler to the Los Angeles area. It is located
next door to the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Behind the museum is the Memorial Plaza
which is dedicated to the many victims of
prejudice over the years. There is a special
walkway remembering gays and lesbians.
If you are really into old movies as we are,
then plan a trip to West Hollywood and see for
yourself this glorious and grand mecca of
yesteryear. West Hollywood is SO gay. Their
zip code is 90069! We have returned to the
Secret Garden many times. The owner,
Raymond is so wonderfully fabulous. Too bad
more people cannot be as generous and caring
as he. He is truly a REAL GEM!
For more information on the SECRET
GARDEN go to: www.secretgardenBnB.com
or email them at sgbnb@aol.com or email
Donald and Ray at: gaytravelers@aol.com or
visit their web page at:
Joe Brennan a~d Rodney Burgamy
4301 NW 63rd, Suite JOO-Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Advertising with
Ozarks Pride
Magazine shows
you support our
community and we
support those who
support us.
Advertising as low as
$12.00 per issue.
Sec advertising rates
on page 2.
Ozarks Pride Page 15
New Orleans continued from page 13:
A local hang out is the Quartermaster
grocer and Nelly Deli just 2 blocks from
the beg-inning of the "Fruit Loop" 011
Bourbon Street. On Bourbon Street at
the comer of the 800 block is the
Bourbon Street Bar and Parade Disco
for a bar atmosphere or clubbing
through the doors to the disco side of
the establishment. A fair warning ... most
of the gay establishments enforce a strict
dress code (depending on the place) and
many have a 2-drink minimum. With
this in mind you know that the vagrants
and drink-beggars are not welcome and
can make for a more pleasing time. If
you are looking for a little off-Bourbon
Street fun, North Rampart and Elysian
fields are the best places to bar hop and
have a wide variety of clubs. With such
wide variety of things to see and do in
the New Orleans Gay Scene, I would
recommend the following website for
more detailed infonnation;
www. a '11 worleans >uide.corn. This
website includes everything from airfare
and hotel accommodations to bar
information and phone numbers.
As with any major city, traveling can
be a great learning experience and tons
of fun, but can also be dangerous.
People in touristy cities prey on tourists
and can usually spot one a mile away. If
you decide to travel to New Orleans try
to keep your wits about you, never carry
a lot of cash, keep emergency credit
card and bank card phone numbers in
your hotel room, keep an emergency
stash of travelers cheques and spare ID,
always travel with a companion and
"play" safe. But most of all have fun.
April 1, 2004
John Lewis from page-8
"\Vith years of experience fighting for the
values ~f equality, Congressman Lewis is
an extraordinarily powerful voice against
writing discrimination into the
Lewis went on to say that "restricting
rights of certain individuals would set a
dangerous and historical precedent."
Frank also spoke eloquently about how
the amendment would limit the ability of
a state and its citizens from making their
own marriage policy.
There is broad opposition to this effort,
including Republicans Bob Barr and Alan
Simpson, the NAACP, the Mexican
American Legal Defense and Educational
Fund, the National Women's Law Center
and the American Bar Association.
"We thank Senators [Dianne] Feinstein,
[Richard] Durbin, [Edward M.] Kennedy
and [Russ] Feingold -who also spoke at
today's hearing for their unwavering
opposition to changing the Constitution on
this issue," added Jacques.
The Human Rights Campaign is the
largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgcnder political organization with
members throughout the country. It
effectively lobbies Congress, provides
campaign support and educates the public to
ensure that LGBT Americans can be open,
honest and safe at home, at work and in the
Quotable Quotes
"I have only this advice to offer those of
you who oppose gay marriage:
Don't marry a homosexual! If your
a man and don't want to marry another
man, then for crying out loud, stick to
your guns. That would be a terrible idea.
You would be miserable. Same for
women. Marry someone of the opposite
sex if that's your preference''.
Beth Quinn
Times Hearld-Record NY
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 16 April 1, 2004
Steve Urie from page-2 .
A recent editorial in the Joplin Globe h1t
the nail on the head. A Webb City citizen
told the world who she was, who her
partner was, how long they had been in a
committed relationship and the example
she sets in the community at large. She
did not out anyone, she did not accuse
anyone, and she did not attack anyone.
She simply said here we are. We are the
people who take care of you, who clean
for you, who provide services for you,
·who work, live and play right next door to
you and we have rights also. . What an
excellent article.
I want to encourage all of you to
accept and follow this example. We can
stand up for ourselves by letting them
know who we are. We don't have to
attack back just because someone with less
intellect or under some misguided
teaching attacks us. That puts us in a no
win situation. By setting the positive
example it is a win, win situation. But you
and I have to be willing to do it. It's just
like voting ... it is just the right thing to do.
To be at peace with yourself and set a
positive example. We talk about the
straight community and they talk about us.
We need to talk to the straight community.
When I acknowledged that I was the
pastor of a church serving the GLBT
community, I put myself up for ridicule and
possible harm. What happened instead was an
open awareness with my family, friends and
co-workers that I am still just one of them.
Even my physician said he was proud of me. I
have been teased a lot at work but it has been a
good tease and it has increased the awareness
of what happens to us when we do just stand
up to be counted. Do it! It is the right thing to
do! Truth is difficult to fight as long as you use
it Don't let the light go out. .. we didn't in the
60's and we can't in the new millennium.
Have a great month ...
Trial Begins in ACLU
Lawsuit Challenging
Arkansas Policy
Preventing Gay People
from Foster Parenting
March 23, 2004
LITTLE ROCK Trial opens today in the
American Civil Liberties Union's challenge
to an Arkansas policy that prevents gay
people and anyone living in a household
with a gay adult from being foster parents in
the state. The trial will be held in the Circuit
Court of Pulaski County.
"By enacting a policy that bars gay
people from being foster parents, the Child
Welfare Agency Review Board has
sacrificed the interests of foster children in
order to make a misguided political
statement against gay people," said Rita
Sklar, Executive Director of the ACLU of
Arkansas. "This trial will expose that
hypocrisy for exactly what it is."
"Policy affecting the lives of Arkansas'
foster children should be based on what's
best for the children, not baseless myths,"
said Leslie Cooper, a staff attorney with the
ACLU's Lesbian and Gay Rights Project.
"This ban flies in the face of years of sound
research on the children of gay parents and
the positions of every national child welfare
The trial is expected to last two days.
Cooper and James Esseks of the ACLU's
LGBT Rights Project, Grif Stockley of the
ACLU of Arkansas, and cooperating
attorneys David Ivers and Emily Sneddon
represent the plaintiffs.
For the entire story and updates, go to:
Volumn 1 Issue 4
Page 17
Springfield, MO
There's a new group
in town - Pozitive
Force and they
want to make a dent
in the number of gay and bisexual men
getting infected with HIV in this area.The
group started aboutyearat the suggestion
of some clientsAIDS Project of the Ozarks
(APO).They wanted to know what they
could do to help with prevention.
Prevention efforts include putting up
HIVposters at gay bars in Springfield and
Joplin to create awareness for bar
patrons& condom distribution at those
same bars.Pozitive Force also sets up
information tables at community events.
Public speakingliving with HIVis presented
at area schools, meetings and churches.
Pozitive Forceonly encourages but also
helpsto get tested at.In Joplin free,
confidential HIVis available not only at
theHealth Department but
alsoappointment at the Spirit of Christ
M.C.C. church.
Pozitive Force is leading the nation in
prevention outreach by tapping into
cyberspace.Internet interventions through
various chat rooms used by men who
have sex with men has been a successful
venue.Pozitive Force's success is being
closely monitored by other groups
aroundcountry who are modeling there
prevention efforts after those of Positive
Positive Force is comprised of
personswith the HIV virus, health care
professionals and concerned individuals
from all walks of life who want to make a
difference.A Joplin chapter is forming.In
Joplin contact Gary at (417)623-4687. If
you'd lik~ to be a part of this group, in
Springfield call Jim House at APO
(417)881-1900 or Caryn Burk at the
Springfield/Greene County Health Dept.
(417)864-2044 for information on the next
April 1, 2004
An 01' Co1m111111ilv Sm-ice
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV testing
the last Sunday of each month between 5PM
and 6PM. For vour convenience you can also
call 206-6179 for an appointment. We use the
Ora-sure method which does not require the
use of needles and we offer complete
confidentialitv. You may also request
Booklets on ;\IDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Serving A Healthier Community"
Quotable, Quotes
"Ifwe are to prevent the meaning of
marriage from being changed forever,
our nation must enact a constitutional
amendment to protect marriage in
America. Decisive and democratic
action is needed, because attempts to
redefme marriage in a single state or
city could have serious consequences
throughout the country. The
Constitution says that full faith and
credit shall be given in each state to the
public acts and records and judicial
proceedings o every other state. Those
who want to change the meaning of
marriage will claim that this provision
requires all states and cities to
recognize same-sex marriages
performed anywhere in America."
President George W. Bush, Feb. 24.
Volumn 1 Issue 4
River Of Life Church
PO Box 1578,
.v .. Pittsburg, KS. 66762
' · astor: George David
Phone: (316) 461-2668
Services: Sunday's 11am
Email: geo592k@sbcglobal.net
Timmo11s Chapel PSU
Full GO :PEL all affinnin .
Advertising In Gay Media
By Greg Steele
Gay's and Lesbian's tend to buy from those
who advertise in the gay media. Major
companies from around the world are
jumping on the advertising bandwagon of
GLBT directed print and internet. All of a
sudden our buying power has been
discovered and here are a few reasons why.
How large is the U.S. gay market?
Kinsey says about 18. 7 5 million
Simmons says about 21 million
NORC says about 15 million.
These three sources averaged out equal 18. 25
Greenfield Online's research of the gay
market reports that: 78 percent of gay
online users prefer to buy from companies
that advertise to the gay market. 71 percent
of gay online users have made credit card
purchases online 43 percent of gay online
users identify Gay.com as their favorite
website. Average household income for
gays & lesbians $57,000.
Simmons' research reports: 71 percent
male/29 percent female 77 percent "believe
in indulging in themselves. 59 percent buy
themselves whatever they want. 65 percent
identify themselves as having to have the
"latest". The US Gay community has a
buying power of over 800 billion.
Place your classified ad here for only
$6.00 for the first 15 words, and only 25 cents
for each additional word .................... .
Ozarks Pride Magazine On-Line.
Check out our website for Daily breaking
GLBT news. WW\V.ozarkspride.com
Need A House Mate: Advertise here for
only $6.00 first 15 words, 25 cents for each
additional word.
Weekend Get-A-Way: Want to escape
for the weekend? Meet some new people?
Try Faces Guesthouse, Joplin, MO. Private
bath w/queen bed start at $75.00 night,
breakfast included. Resv. required. (417)
Congratulate that special
person with a
" Eed Wlshes4.d"
in Ozarks Pride Magazine.
Only $10.00 for 1/Sth Page unit.
Birthdays, I Love You,
Anniversaries, Thank You's
Mail to:: Ozarks Pride Magazine,
2401 E. 32nd St, Suite 10-243,
Joplin, MO 64804
Ozarks Pride Page 19 April 1, 2004
Volunteers Needed: What's
going on in the communities of
Springfield, Eureka Springs,
Fayetteville, Rogers, Fort Smith, Tulsa,
Miami, Pittsburg? Send us your scoop.
Solicit your business owners to
advertise in Ozarks Pride Magazine.
Mail address: 2401 E. 32nd St.,
Suite 10-243,Joplin, MO 64804.
Deadline for all inclusion is the
20th of each month for next
months issue.
House For Sale: List your
property for sale in Ozarks Pride
1010 E. 20th
Joplin MO64804
Vicki Bonnson 417-434-0077
Four States Community Directory
s----Fayetteville, AR--(479)442-3052
Studio 716--Fayecteville, AR--(479)571-1300
Ree's:----:Joplin, MO---(417)627-9035
Edge-----Springfield, MO--(417)831-4700
Martha's Vinerard--Springficld, MO--(417)831-6144
Oz------Springfield, MO-(417)83\.9001
Ronisuz Place--Springfield, MO-.(417)864-0036
Bamboo Lounge--Tulsa, OK--(918)836-8700
The End lJP----Tulsa, OK--(918)282-6503
Heads & Tails--Tulsa, OK--(918)6607878
Club Majcstic---Tulsa, OK--(918)584•9494
Renegades;---- Tulsa, OK--(918)585,3405
Play-Mor•Club--Tulsa, OK--(918)838•9792
Silver Star Saloon--Tulsa, OK--(918)838-4234
TNT's-----Tulsa, OK--(918)660-0856
Tool Box----Tulsa, OK--(918)584-1308
Faces Guesthouse B&B Joplin, i\1O(417)621-9915
Fairfield Inn by Marriott-Joplin, MO(417)624-7800
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, Joplin, MO-7PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, Joplin, MO-10:30AM
River of Life Church-Timmons Chapel PSU-Pittsburg,
MCC United Tulsa• 1623 N. i\faplewood-918-838-1715
MCC Living Spring•Eureka Springs, AR-870-253-9337
Rainbow Christian Church-Springfield, MO-417-866-6206
-Aids Project of the Ozarks-
513 Kenrnckr,Joplin, 1110 'l 7-624-5788
1901 E. Bennett, suite D, Springfield, MO 417-881-1900
-Business Services-
Penny Smart, Hair Salon-Joplin, MO--(417)623-3500
Mas5agc By Rachael-Joplin, MO---(417)438-3664
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-(417)434-0077
Mystic Creatiom--Pittsburg, KA-- (620)231•6790
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PC-Tulsa, OK--(918)747-5466
Century21-Oklahoma City, OK--(405) 840-2106
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 20
71 6 S. MAIN ST. JOPLIN, M □
{41 7) 627-9035
April I, 2004
"It's A Life, Not A Lifestyle" April 1, 2004
71-1300 ·www.studio716.net
Daily Craziness
NightPlus .. $1.75 Longnecks& $2
Well Drinks
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Plus- $5.00 Beer Bust Till Midnight
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Members Packed Crowd.
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Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 2 April 1, 2004
Ozarks Pride
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243
Joplin, Missouri 64804-3128
Editor: C.D. Ward (editor@ozarkspride.com)
Member: National Lesbian Gay Journalist Association
Contributing Writers:
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Ryan T. Raymond
Steve T. Urie - page 2
Editor's Page -page 3
Know Your Rights- Page 4
Gay Travelers- Page 7
Gay Military Discharges Plummet- page9
Ozarks Pride Out Cruzin- page 10
Destination New Orleans- page 13
Classifieds-page 18
Community Directory- page 19
Advertising Rates:
Card Size Ad- $12.00 per issue (3 Month Minimum)
Subscription- $10.00 (3 months)
Classifieds- $6.00 first 15 words- 25cents each
Email: advertising@ozarkspride.com
Phone (417) 437-2275 for larger and full page ad
Deadline for a!! advertising, articles and
payment is tile 20th of each month for the
next months issue.
Ozarks Pride Magazine ia publiahed & diatributed monthly as a
community service by Ozarh Pride Group of Joplin, Missouri.
Publicalion of the name, phologniph or likeoeas oi any person,
business or organization in this publication is not to be con1truod as
any indicaUon of sexual orientation or preference• of auch ptrson.
business or organization.
Opinions expressed by columnists. advertisers or Leflory to th& Editor
ore oot nece5larily tho opinion of Ozarli• Pridt IJ!genno, ,1, 1/0/f, tho
publlsher or it'l sdvorlisors.
Content of ldve1ti,ements and arUcies are the to.lo re1ponaibl:lty of
the advertiser ar.d /or aathor. The Publisher oi Ozaits Prid• l.lagozine
mservei the right to refu6e advertising malerial for any re.1son what so
ever. Ozs~3 Pride and all likenesses thera of are sole propertioa o:
GO OUT ...
I was reminded recently that many
people throughout history have had to
fight for their freedoms and we MUST
TAKE A STAND just as they did. Taking
a stand to protect our rights as people that
God has blessed. I would like to think that
our Creator has not put us on the back
burner but has indeed saved the best for
last. A group of people that within it's
very core is made up of all the tribes on
earth. A group of people that is made up
from every minority group around the
world but living right next door to you!
Yes fromBiblical times to today,
humankind has been the cause of putting
people down, taking advantage of those
they felt didn't fit in and allowing
themselves to allude that it is God's will.
They have taken up the God battle flag to
take slaves, to put down women, to put
down people of color and now to put
down our community.
Peter, Paul and Mary sing a song
about a Jewish group that suffered greatly
for their freedoms but set God's light into
action for all people. In that song they ask
that we not let the "light go out" and this
song was part ofthemusic during the
Civil Rights Movement during the 60's. I
believe that we must take up that banner
today, that our response to the world
should be that we are not, will not let the
light go out until all people everywhere
are allowed to exercise their rights.
Cominued Steve T. Urie page-16
Ozarks Pride
"Gay By God"
The following is a true story that
depicts the struggle so many of us have,
or have had with the subject of being
openly Gay and our spiritual beliefs.
Many believe God made us Gay
purposely, as he made every living
creature. As my pastor said, " Who in
this community would ever choose to be
Gay? Who would ever choose the
prejudice, the discrimination and abuse
we've all experienced?"
C. D. Ward
"Just As I Am"
By Gabe Norman
These words may be familiar to many
of you. But if you are like me and were
raised in a traditional fundamentalist
small town church, they can have a ring
ofHypocreaceae. Every Sunday at the
end of the service my Grandmother's
pastor would ask anyone who wanted to
have a closer walk with God to come
forward while the choir sang " Just As I
Am". One Sunday morning when I was
about thirteen, I decided to accept the
pastor's invitation and started my walk
up to the alter to begin my closer walk
with God. I was nervous, scared, and
very emotional. I knelt down and asked
God to come into my heart and life, and
to take me just as I was, and I did feel a
peace and joy come over me at the time,
however my joy was short lived because
my Grandmother's pastor who I thought
was my pastor too, would soon inform
me that ifl wanted to be a Christian I
would have to do some changing. So
what happened too "Just As I Am".
Continued editors page -5
"Sense of Family"
I was shocked and saddened
today when I read the article on gay
marriage ("Proposal on gay marriage
advances," Globe, Jan. 28). Rep.
Kevin Wilson, who is a Republican
from the city I live in, who worked
with my father before he was
elected, said, "Families are breaking
My interpretation of this is not a
good one. Gays and lesbians are not
the reason families are breaking
down. We have a strong sense of
family, love and commitment. I
wonder if any of these
representatives have any gay people
in their families, or know of any gay
people. They seem to be afraid of
what they don't know and
understand. Once we let fear run our
lives and our country, we are no
better than those who lived in Iraq
under Saddam Hussein.
It seems like everything that goes
wrong in the world, there has to be
something or someone to blame. It
seems to me that Mr. Wilson would
like to blame us for the breaking
down of family values. Family is just a
word, but the feeling the word means is
what is important. Love is just a word,
but the connection it makes is powerful.
Marriage is just a union between two
people; it is just a word. The connection
that those two people have with the
words "marriage," "love," and "family" is
what really matters.
Austin Letts
Neosho, MO
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page4 April 1, 2004
Want a VOICE in your community?
We welcome your opinion , commentary, and
your input. This publication is about building
Community unity, and you are a part of
making this happen.
We want you to speak out!
Mailing address:
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243,
Joplin, MO 64804-3128
Email: editor@ozarkspride.com
NOTE: All letter's to the editor and articles
submitted must include your name and phone
number for verification purposes only.
Mission Statement: To provide a GLBT
community voice to SW 1:fissouri, SE Kansas,
NE Oklahoma, NW Arkansas. Our mission is
to unite a fragmented community reluctant to
speak out for their rights and to voice
concerns. This region has a huge GLBT
population without representation.
Fairfield Inn
By Marriott
3301 South Rangeline Road
Joplin, MO 64840
Reservation (417) 624-7800
Email: ffijpln@aol.com
Woody's Manhattan
Hair & Nail Salon
509 Main* Joplin, MO 64801
:\.ppointments (417) 623-3500
From ACLU Ozarks Chapter:
Continue from OP March issue:
Do not resist arrest or try to run away.
Keep your hands where the police can
see them. Never touch a police officer.
Stay calm and speak politely.
Ask for a lawyer immediately. Do not
talk to the police without your lawyer.
Never lie to the police. Exercise your right
to remain silent Do not make any
statements or answer any questions
except to give your name and address
and to ask why you have been arrested.
Also, do not sign anything and do not
agree to talk to the police.
You have the right to contact a lawyer,
or to contact someone in your family who
can ask for a lawyer for you. Tell the
police that you do not wish to speak to
anyone until you have a lawyer.
In Missouri, the police cannot hold a
person for more than 20 hours without a
judge setting bail. A judge will set bail at
your first court appearance. The judge will
also appoint an attorney to represent you
if you cannot afford to hire an attorney.
The police may keep you in a jail cell. Do
not talk with anyone about your case. This
includes people who are in the cell with
you. Talk about your·case only with your
If the police knock and ask to enter
your home, you don't have to admit them
unless they have a warrant signed by a
judge. However, in some emergency
situations (like when a person is
screaming for help inside, or when the
police are chasing someone) officers are
allowed to enter and search your home
without a warrant. If you are arrested, the
police can search you and the area close
by. If you are in a building, "close by"
usually means just the room you are in.
More on ACLU Ozarks Chapter website:
Ozarks Pride Page 5 April 1, 2004
Editors page ji-om page-3
Well, I gave it a try I poured myself into
church, going at least four times a week,
praying, reading my bible and trying my
best not to fantasize about my next door
neighbor Eddie or Michel J. Fox on TV, but
try as I might I gave into temptation more
often than not. Each time I fell into
temptation I felt guilt and would pray for
God to take away the evil desires that I had.
At about seventeen I decided to confide in
my pastor's wife about my feeling's for
other boy's. The next Sunday I was in for a
shock the pastors sermon was on Sodom
and Gomorrah and at the end of the service
their was no singing of "Just As I Am".
This time it was the pastor asking anyone
who might be struggling with homosexual
tendencies to come forward, I was so hurt . I
knew that this sermon had been preached
for me. I left church that day and never went
back. When my Grandmother asked what
had happened I told her I didn't want to talk
about It. I was so hurt and confused, and I
felt like God had abandoned me because I
couldn't change. So church was out and
sinning was in.
I started partying. My parents were both
alcoholics so they didn't care. As long as I made
it to school every day and kept my grades up, I
was given full reign of my own life. I started
drinking, smoking pot and running with my wild
cousin's. I had gone from a Jesus freak to just
plain freak. I left Christianity and all it's false
promises behind. Over the years I tried many
different spiritual paths from Buddhist, Hindu,
and even Wica, which by the way is a real
positive spiritual path. I eventually ended up at
Unity which is a church but not a hell fire and
damnation church. They teach that Jesus is a role
model for all of us and that we should try to be
more like him and love one another. They also
teach that God loves all his created people and
that he loves them just the way they are and so
should we.
After many years at Unity, with three years on
the board of director's, serving as church treasure
and leading the song service, the head of
prejudice raised it's ugly head in the bastion of
what I thought was the most tolerant of all
churches, yes Unity. The board received a letter
of concern at one of our monthly meeting's. Not
knowing what it was about, I opened and read it
to the other's. It was a letter of concern about the
growing number of homosexual's in our church. I
was once again shocked and hurt and found it
hard to continue participating in the services.
Although I have put this one negative experience
behind me and I do believe in the positive
teaching's of Unity principles, but also feel that
not all of there member's practice what they
preach ..
So where to now? About si..'l: years ago a group
started meeting on Sunday night's at the Unity
building. It was a Christian group that mainly
ministered to the gay and lesbian community.
While still at Unity I visited their services and it
was always nice. I did feel a little uncomfortable,
because even though I had found a place where I
could worship my creator and take time to give
thanks for all the good in my life, I felt there were
area's I would have to change in order to become
a active member of this group. For you see over
the years since I left my grandmother's church I
have come to believe that God does love me just
as I am. It doesn't matter if I'm Gay, Straight or
any other way. If I want to go out to the bar and
have drink's and da,,ce then that shouldn't be a
problem either, and you know what, it isn't!
My grandmother's church may have called
some areas of my life heathenish, and
grandmother felt going to a bar on Saturday night
and then going to church on Sunday was just plain
wrong . Well I'm not living in my grandmother's
narrow world anymore. It took me several years
to let go of all my excess baggage and I wouldn't
allow myself to participate in any Sunday night
church services, I do try and live my life by the
Golden Rule. I enjoy going to the bar and having
fun with my friend's and I also enjoy going to
church on Sunday. I have finally found a place
where I rnn do this , although I do have my fault's.
I have been assured by Pastor Steve Urie that I am
welcome at any time and that he understands what
a large role in the community the bar play's for
many of us and that if I want to go have drink's
and fun with my friend's on Saturday night I
would still be welcome to particip:i.te in the
Sunday service. As God accepted people, Spirit of
Christ MCC welcomed ME JUST AS I AM.
Miss Universe Transsexual
Entry Update.
As reported in OP March issue Chen
Lili received the OK to enter the Miss
Universe Pageant to be held in Ecuador
June 1, 2004. First she must win the
contest in her southeast Chinese Province
Miss Universe pageant official now
have reversed their decision and refused
Transsexual Chen Lili's entry. Although
Miss Lili's was allowed by the Chinese
Government to change gender registration,
Chen Lili will not be allowed to compete
for the Miss Universe crown.
Aunt Bea's Infamous Recipes!
Sock it Too l\l[e, Pea1111t B11tter Cheesecake!
16 ounces cream cheese
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup plain yogurt
1 teaspoon real vanilla
1 /2 cup peanut butter
2 tablespoons chopped peanuts
1 I 4 cup honey
1 graham cracker crust
In a missing bowl, combine all ingredients
e:xccpt crust and chopped peanuts. Blend until
very smooth. Pour into crust and top with
chopped peanuts. Chill three hours before serving.
S ottrre: IP1Jllll. dofo. com · Your allowed to drink 1 / 2
bottle of wine while preparing.
Ozarks Pride 7
"Traveling in the gay friendly world"
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Of course we ALL love the movies and the older they are the
more we seem to like them. On our trips to California we get to
bask in the glory of old time Hollywood when we stayed at the
SECRET GARDEN Bed and Breakfast
(www.secretgardenbnb.com) nestled at the base of the famous
Hollywood Hills just steps off Laurel Canyon up from Sunset
Boulevard. Raymond Bilbool, the owner was the maitre d' at the famous Chassen's
Restaurant for many years before it closed. The Secret Garden is an absolutely wonderful
Bed and Breakfast located in a 1923 opulent Spanish-Moorish style, pink mansionette.
What more could you ask for? Push the code numbers and the iron gates open for you to
drive your auto onto the grounds.
As you climb the steps to the front door you are first taken aback by the huge front foyer
of the house. The common rooms comprise of a lovely restful music/reading room complete
with a Grand piano with a magnificent Sevres urn sitting on it. There is a stately and
charming living room , bright and airy dining room and a sunny intimate breakfast room.
Lined down the hallway is black and white autographed photos of the stars of yesteryear.
The back yard/patio is filled with tropical plants and cacti and a perfect place for some
solitude or to read a book. The backyard also has a huge aviary filled with beautiful birds.
When all the rest of the world is in a mad frenzy, here you are in this "secret garden" and it is
FABULOUS! The Secret Garden has 5 individual guest rooms, each with their own private
bath and there is a bungalow guest house in the back yard complete with an old fashioned
sleigh bed, slated tile floors and a Jacuzzi inside. A full sit-down gourmet breakfast is
served each morning. A leisurely walk around the neighborhood gives you a sense that you
really are living in the golden age of Hollywood with the many splendid houses with their
private gardens.
And then there is the owner, RAYMOND! who is one of the most FABULOUS people
that we have ever met! Raymond being at Chassen 's Restaurant for so many years is full of
''Hollywood stories" and is really a perfect host. He is fun, funny, witty, interesting and
really knows how to make his guests feel right at home. His four footed companions,
Veronica, Lucy and Ethel "purrs" around the house checking on the guests. His guests
return year after year after year.
On our first visit, there was a very eclectic group of guests including some from
Manchester, England, Ohio, Florida and New York City. Raymond, the owner Jet us have
our dear friend, the Countess Alexis for wine and cheese one evening while we were there
and then insisted that we have her back Sunday morning for breakfast with the other guests.
And what a grand breakfast it was, complete with jumbo Beluga Caviar! The Countess
Alexis "held court'' at the breakfast table in only the way that a true lady can. She was
naturally dressed proper for the occasion in a huge hat and large rimmed sun glasses and
wearing lots of jewelry. All the guests, both straight and gay loved her. We first met the
Countess two years ago when we were in Hollywood and enjoyed her company immediately.
She owns an antique shop at 8246 Santa Monica Boulevard called THE SCARLET
EMPRESS, named after the 1934 Marlene Dietrich movie. TV and movie stars are among
her many clients. We purchased a fabulous set of 8 Cut glass stems, signed Hawkes at her
shop . ....
Continued page- /4 gay travelers
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 8 April l, 2004
504 E. Commercial, S , MO (417) 831-9001
Open Mon t to 1 :30 AM
What's Hot @ The OZ in April !
April 10- Blackout Party w/DJ Rob
April 17 -The OZ Turnabout Show
Men On Drag- Comedy Drag
Show Beards and .Moustaches,
Pumps & Wigs ...
April 24- White Party w/DJ Rob ·
Daily Happy Hours 4 to 8PM.
.25 Well & Longnecks
Happy Hour All Night.
You Can Drink Wells.
Every FRI and SAT HOT MALE DANCERS! Only $3.00 Cover.
Drink Specials on Sat.
The advertisement of
Paul Jo David's New
CD release in the
March issue of OP
stated the CD could
be purchased at Great
flm.Ja,~ f/Ja,titf Expectations on 15th
Street, Joplin, MO.
Due to personal reasons, Mr. Mike Curry, owner
decided not to carry the release. According to
Paula-Jo, Mr. Curry objected to the record label
"Pride Christian Music". Pride Christian Music is
a Homosexual based record label.
The CD "Jesus My Faith Addiction Through It
All" can be purchased by calling (417) 781-4912
or email paulajo.evans@sbcglobar.net. On-line at
www.woodstocked.com and will be available
soon from MCC Joplin at www.mccjoplin.com.
WASHlNGTON - Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.,
delivered "powerful" testimony today against
a discriminatory change to the Constitution,
according to the Human Rights Campaign. In
testifying before the full Senate Judiciary
Committee, Rep. Le"'is joined Rep. Barney
Frank, D-Mass., constitutional scholar Cass
R. Sunsteu1 and Phyllis Bossin, chair of the
Family Law Section of the American Bar
,,\ssociation in opposition to changing the
Constitution to be a tool for discrimination.
"I am opposed to any amendment that
seeks to write discrimination into the
Constitution," Lewis testified. "I believe
amending the Constitution 011 this issue is an
irrational and radical step that seeks to
undermine the civil rights of our citizens."
"No matter how it's worded, it's wrong to
change the Constitution to discriminate
against millions of Americans," said HRC
President Cheryl Jacques.
Joh11 Le1tis co11ti11Md page-15
As War Continues, Gay
Discharges Plummet To
Lowest Level Since 1995
Gaywire Release March 24, 2004
New Report Details Experiences of
Gay Soldiers in Middle East &
Analyzes Decade-Long Movement to
Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Washington, DC -As the United States
military continues to wage war in Iraq and
Afghanistan, discharges of lesbian and
gay military personnel plummeted 17% in
FY2003, according to a new report from
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
(SLDN). Conduct Unbecoming, an annual
review of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" law, finds that gay-related discharges
fell to 787 last year, down from 906 in
2002. The 2003 figures mark a 39%
decrease in discharges since 2001, the
year before current conflicts in the
Middle East began. The number also
represents the fewest gay discharges
since 1995.
"Gay discharge numbers have
dropped every time America has
entered a war," the report says, "from
Korea to Vietnam to the Persian Gulf to
present conflicts." It goes on to note
that "more of our allies have dropped
their bans, and our American troops are
fighting alongside openly lesbian, gay
and bisexual allied personnel in the war
on terrorism."
In the end, however, the report finds
that "there is ... no fair way to .
implement 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' or any
policy of discrimination. The truth is
evident and overwhelming: there is no
evidence to support the gay ban.•
"Repealing this law is in the best
interest of our military, our service
members and all Americans•, said SNDL
Exec. Osburn.
Volume l Issue 4 Page 12 April l, 2004 Ozarks Pride Page 13 April l, 2004
Destination New Orleans
" Gay Mecca , Big Easy"
By OP contributing writer T. J. Kelly
Conclusion frotJJ March OP:
To pick up where I left off in last
month's issue, I will begin telling you
about the Garden District in New
Orleans proper. Running from Magazine
Street to St. Charles Avenue and Jackson
Avenue to Louisiana Avenue, the Garden
District is brimming of new and old
world shopping, dining and architecture.
It began as a large plantation owned by
the Livaudais family, which was flooded
in the early 1800's by a break in the
Mississippi river levy. The flood laid
several feet of alluvial silt from the river
across the entire plantation enriching the
soil causing lush foliage and flora to
grow. In the mid 1820's the plantation
was sold to New Orleans entrepreneurs
and divided into modest land lots. Most
homes in the district date from the
1840's to the 1870's. It became a haven
for new world, pre-Civil War aristocracy.
Most homes are of the Greek revival or
Italianate styles of architecture incorporating
Corinthian style columns and rod
iron balconies, with beautiful flower
gardens and foliage surrounding the
property. The entire area flourished as a
well-to-do neighborhood until early
1900. Through restoration most of the
Garden District looks as it did in 1900.
Many celebrities, including author Anne
Rice and musician Trent Reznor, own
homes in the Garden District neighboring
everyday people who purchase the
homes as restoration projects. Walking
tours of the garden district are abundant,
but picking up a free guide to the streets
and homes at and tourist kiosk and
touring yourself is less restrictive and
puts you on your own schedule. Magazine
Street is also full of shopping, cafes,
restaurants, galleries and bars.
Continued next column:
At 6 miles long and consisting of
(literally) l 00's of establishments, there is a
little something for everyone. For great
New Orleans-style seafood and a cozy
atmosphere Casamentos is a great place to
eat or for a Mediterranean meal (including
Italian wood fire pizza) Mystic Cafe is a
great stop for food or a coffee and dessert.
If you are looking for a bar, and are a beer
drinker, The Bulldog (reminiscent of the
great Bulldog cafe in Amsterdam) is a great
stop. Boasting 200 beers on tap and 250 in
a bottle, the Bulldog is probably New
Orleans premiere Beer Pub. If you need to
do some everyday shopping, you can hit an
A&P for groceries, get your dry cleaning
done, pickup some personalized stationary
and grab a latte all in the same couple of
Another interesting facet of New
Orleans is the close proximity of intact
plantations. Tours for these magnificent
homes can be relatively inexpensive and
very convenient. You can choose to be
picked up in the city or drive yourself. An
abundance of information can be found in
the larger hotel lobbies and at tourist kiosks
across the city. Times and dates of tours
can vary greatly from plantation to
plantation, but can be very accommodating
to a busy schedule.
The Gay scene in New Orleans is
nothing to be missed either. New Orleans is
probably best known to the gay community for
its "Southern Decadence" celebration, described
by Rust LaRoux as "Gay Mardi Gras with a
little Rio Latin flare". Southern Decadence is a
week long party with the climax event, the
Southern Decadence Parade, the Sunday before
Labor Day. The most gay fun to be had is
probably in an area known as the "Fruit Loop"
from the 700-800 block of Bourbon Street to St
Anne Street. Here you can find many clubs,
bars, cafes, grocers, delis. pride stores and
much more all catering to the GLBT
Continued page 15
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 14 April 1, 2004
Gay Travelers-from page 7
The Countess Alexis has a most colorful
history in several foreign countries including
South America, France and Germany and has
certainly made a name for herself in the United
States. HE was one of the original stars of La
Cage in Paris. She lives in the penthouse suite
in one of the stately apartments just off Sunset
Boulevard where a former movie star lived
many years ago. It is just a delight to listen to
her relate the old days of Hollywood when
things were marvelous and grand. One
NEVER knows who one will meet as guests
come from all over the world to stay at the
Secret Garden.
On our next visit there Raymond had yet
another dinner party for us and invited the
Countess. A GRAND time was had by all with
LOTS of"bitchiness" all evening around the
dining room table. It was FABULOUS! You
simply HAD to be there to take in all the
On our last visit there, the Princess Sophia and
her gentleman friend, Nathan from Germany
were guests and they both were just
FABULOUS! Again, Raymond the owner had
a lovely sit down dinner party for us in his
tropical garden. The guests were a very
eclectic group of Hollywood "fun" people.
One of our favorites was Marcia, or was it
Madge?. Anyway, she was delightful. We can't
wait to see her again. Also in attendance was
one of the most charming young ladies that we
have EVER met.... Kelly, who was a real treat!
The Countess Alexis also had a special party
for us at her antique shop one evening. The
elite of Hollywood turned out for that party. It
is FABULOUS! We always enjoy visiting
West Hollywood.
Of course while in Hollywood, you do
need to visit some of the sights and sounds
including the famous cemeteries of the stars,
the Hollywood Sign up in the hills, Paramount
Picture Studios, Hollywood Walk of Fame,
Hollywood Wax Museum, Hollywood History
Museum. Mann's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood
Entertai~rnent Museum. Also be sure to take a
tour of the Hollywood Bowl and take a walk
down Sunset Boulevard. You may just see
Norma Desmond lurking around some comer.
Nex; column .
Another major museum to visit is the
Blvd. This is a must sec visit for any gay
traveler to the Los Angeles area. It is located
next door to the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Behind the museum is the Memorial Plaza
which is dedicated to the many victims of
prejudice over the years. There is a special
walkway remembering gays and lesbians.
If you are really into old movies as we are,
then plan a trip to West Hollywood and see for
yourself this glorious and grand mecca of
yesteryear. West Hollywood is SO gay. Their
zip code is 90069! We have returned to the
Secret Garden many times. The owner,
Raymond is so wonderfully fabulous. Too bad
more people cannot be as generous and caring
as he. He is truly a REAL GEM!
For more information on the SECRET
GARDEN go to: www.secretgardenBnB.com
or email them at sgbnb@aol.com or email
Donald and Ray at: gaytravelers@aol.com or
visit their web page at:
Joe Brennan a~d Rodney Burgamy
4301 NW 63rd, Suite JOO-Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Advertising with
Ozarks Pride
Magazine shows
you support our
community and we
support those who
support us.
Advertising as low as
$12.00 per issue.
Sec advertising rates
on page 2.
Ozarks Pride Page 15
New Orleans continued from page 13:
A local hang out is the Quartermaster
grocer and Nelly Deli just 2 blocks from
the beg-inning of the "Fruit Loop" 011
Bourbon Street. On Bourbon Street at
the comer of the 800 block is the
Bourbon Street Bar and Parade Disco
for a bar atmosphere or clubbing
through the doors to the disco side of
the establishment. A fair warning ... most
of the gay establishments enforce a strict
dress code (depending on the place) and
many have a 2-drink minimum. With
this in mind you know that the vagrants
and drink-beggars are not welcome and
can make for a more pleasing time. If
you are looking for a little off-Bourbon
Street fun, North Rampart and Elysian
fields are the best places to bar hop and
have a wide variety of clubs. With such
wide variety of things to see and do in
the New Orleans Gay Scene, I would
recommend the following website for
more detailed infonnation;
www. a '11 worleans >uide.corn. This
website includes everything from airfare
and hotel accommodations to bar
information and phone numbers.
As with any major city, traveling can
be a great learning experience and tons
of fun, but can also be dangerous.
People in touristy cities prey on tourists
and can usually spot one a mile away. If
you decide to travel to New Orleans try
to keep your wits about you, never carry
a lot of cash, keep emergency credit
card and bank card phone numbers in
your hotel room, keep an emergency
stash of travelers cheques and spare ID,
always travel with a companion and
"play" safe. But most of all have fun.
April 1, 2004
John Lewis from page-8
"\Vith years of experience fighting for the
values ~f equality, Congressman Lewis is
an extraordinarily powerful voice against
writing discrimination into the
Lewis went on to say that "restricting
rights of certain individuals would set a
dangerous and historical precedent."
Frank also spoke eloquently about how
the amendment would limit the ability of
a state and its citizens from making their
own marriage policy.
There is broad opposition to this effort,
including Republicans Bob Barr and Alan
Simpson, the NAACP, the Mexican
American Legal Defense and Educational
Fund, the National Women's Law Center
and the American Bar Association.
"We thank Senators [Dianne] Feinstein,
[Richard] Durbin, [Edward M.] Kennedy
and [Russ] Feingold -who also spoke at
today's hearing for their unwavering
opposition to changing the Constitution on
this issue," added Jacques.
The Human Rights Campaign is the
largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgcnder political organization with
members throughout the country. It
effectively lobbies Congress, provides
campaign support and educates the public to
ensure that LGBT Americans can be open,
honest and safe at home, at work and in the
Quotable Quotes
"I have only this advice to offer those of
you who oppose gay marriage:
Don't marry a homosexual! If your
a man and don't want to marry another
man, then for crying out loud, stick to
your guns. That would be a terrible idea.
You would be miserable. Same for
women. Marry someone of the opposite
sex if that's your preference''.
Beth Quinn
Times Hearld-Record NY
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 16 April 1, 2004
Steve Urie from page-2 .
A recent editorial in the Joplin Globe h1t
the nail on the head. A Webb City citizen
told the world who she was, who her
partner was, how long they had been in a
committed relationship and the example
she sets in the community at large. She
did not out anyone, she did not accuse
anyone, and she did not attack anyone.
She simply said here we are. We are the
people who take care of you, who clean
for you, who provide services for you,
·who work, live and play right next door to
you and we have rights also. . What an
excellent article.
I want to encourage all of you to
accept and follow this example. We can
stand up for ourselves by letting them
know who we are. We don't have to
attack back just because someone with less
intellect or under some misguided
teaching attacks us. That puts us in a no
win situation. By setting the positive
example it is a win, win situation. But you
and I have to be willing to do it. It's just
like voting ... it is just the right thing to do.
To be at peace with yourself and set a
positive example. We talk about the
straight community and they talk about us.
We need to talk to the straight community.
When I acknowledged that I was the
pastor of a church serving the GLBT
community, I put myself up for ridicule and
possible harm. What happened instead was an
open awareness with my family, friends and
co-workers that I am still just one of them.
Even my physician said he was proud of me. I
have been teased a lot at work but it has been a
good tease and it has increased the awareness
of what happens to us when we do just stand
up to be counted. Do it! It is the right thing to
do! Truth is difficult to fight as long as you use
it Don't let the light go out. .. we didn't in the
60's and we can't in the new millennium.
Have a great month ...
Trial Begins in ACLU
Lawsuit Challenging
Arkansas Policy
Preventing Gay People
from Foster Parenting
March 23, 2004
LITTLE ROCK Trial opens today in the
American Civil Liberties Union's challenge
to an Arkansas policy that prevents gay
people and anyone living in a household
with a gay adult from being foster parents in
the state. The trial will be held in the Circuit
Court of Pulaski County.
"By enacting a policy that bars gay
people from being foster parents, the Child
Welfare Agency Review Board has
sacrificed the interests of foster children in
order to make a misguided political
statement against gay people," said Rita
Sklar, Executive Director of the ACLU of
Arkansas. "This trial will expose that
hypocrisy for exactly what it is."
"Policy affecting the lives of Arkansas'
foster children should be based on what's
best for the children, not baseless myths,"
said Leslie Cooper, a staff attorney with the
ACLU's Lesbian and Gay Rights Project.
"This ban flies in the face of years of sound
research on the children of gay parents and
the positions of every national child welfare
The trial is expected to last two days.
Cooper and James Esseks of the ACLU's
LGBT Rights Project, Grif Stockley of the
ACLU of Arkansas, and cooperating
attorneys David Ivers and Emily Sneddon
represent the plaintiffs.
For the entire story and updates, go to:
Volumn 1 Issue 4
Page 17
Springfield, MO
There's a new group
in town - Pozitive
Force and they
want to make a dent
in the number of gay and bisexual men
getting infected with HIV in this area.The
group started aboutyearat the suggestion
of some clientsAIDS Project of the Ozarks
(APO).They wanted to know what they
could do to help with prevention.
Prevention efforts include putting up
HIVposters at gay bars in Springfield and
Joplin to create awareness for bar
patrons& condom distribution at those
same bars.Pozitive Force also sets up
information tables at community events.
Public speakingliving with HIVis presented
at area schools, meetings and churches.
Pozitive Forceonly encourages but also
helpsto get tested at.In Joplin free,
confidential HIVis available not only at
theHealth Department but
alsoappointment at the Spirit of Christ
M.C.C. church.
Pozitive Force is leading the nation in
prevention outreach by tapping into
cyberspace.Internet interventions through
various chat rooms used by men who
have sex with men has been a successful
venue.Pozitive Force's success is being
closely monitored by other groups
aroundcountry who are modeling there
prevention efforts after those of Positive
Positive Force is comprised of
personswith the HIV virus, health care
professionals and concerned individuals
from all walks of life who want to make a
difference.A Joplin chapter is forming.In
Joplin contact Gary at (417)623-4687. If
you'd lik~ to be a part of this group, in
Springfield call Jim House at APO
(417)881-1900 or Caryn Burk at the
Springfield/Greene County Health Dept.
(417)864-2044 for information on the next
April 1, 2004
An 01' Co1m111111ilv Sm-ice
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV testing
the last Sunday of each month between 5PM
and 6PM. For vour convenience you can also
call 206-6179 for an appointment. We use the
Ora-sure method which does not require the
use of needles and we offer complete
confidentialitv. You may also request
Booklets on ;\IDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"Serving A Healthier Community"
Quotable, Quotes
"Ifwe are to prevent the meaning of
marriage from being changed forever,
our nation must enact a constitutional
amendment to protect marriage in
America. Decisive and democratic
action is needed, because attempts to
redefme marriage in a single state or
city could have serious consequences
throughout the country. The
Constitution says that full faith and
credit shall be given in each state to the
public acts and records and judicial
proceedings o every other state. Those
who want to change the meaning of
marriage will claim that this provision
requires all states and cities to
recognize same-sex marriages
performed anywhere in America."
President George W. Bush, Feb. 24.
Volumn 1 Issue 4
River Of Life Church
PO Box 1578,
.v .. Pittsburg, KS. 66762
' · astor: George David
Phone: (316) 461-2668
Services: Sunday's 11am
Email: geo592k@sbcglobal.net
Timmo11s Chapel PSU
Full GO :PEL all affinnin .
Advertising In Gay Media
By Greg Steele
Gay's and Lesbian's tend to buy from those
who advertise in the gay media. Major
companies from around the world are
jumping on the advertising bandwagon of
GLBT directed print and internet. All of a
sudden our buying power has been
discovered and here are a few reasons why.
How large is the U.S. gay market?
Kinsey says about 18. 7 5 million
Simmons says about 21 million
NORC says about 15 million.
These three sources averaged out equal 18. 25
Greenfield Online's research of the gay
market reports that: 78 percent of gay
online users prefer to buy from companies
that advertise to the gay market. 71 percent
of gay online users have made credit card
purchases online 43 percent of gay online
users identify Gay.com as their favorite
website. Average household income for
gays & lesbians $57,000.
Simmons' research reports: 71 percent
male/29 percent female 77 percent "believe
in indulging in themselves. 59 percent buy
themselves whatever they want. 65 percent
identify themselves as having to have the
"latest". The US Gay community has a
buying power of over 800 billion.
Place your classified ad here for only
$6.00 for the first 15 words, and only 25 cents
for each additional word .................... .
Ozarks Pride Magazine On-Line.
Check out our website for Daily breaking
GLBT news. WW\V.ozarkspride.com
Need A House Mate: Advertise here for
only $6.00 first 15 words, 25 cents for each
additional word.
Weekend Get-A-Way: Want to escape
for the weekend? Meet some new people?
Try Faces Guesthouse, Joplin, MO. Private
bath w/queen bed start at $75.00 night,
breakfast included. Resv. required. (417)
Congratulate that special
person with a
" Eed Wlshes4.d"
in Ozarks Pride Magazine.
Only $10.00 for 1/Sth Page unit.
Birthdays, I Love You,
Anniversaries, Thank You's
Mail to:: Ozarks Pride Magazine,
2401 E. 32nd St, Suite 10-243,
Joplin, MO 64804
Ozarks Pride Page 19 April 1, 2004
Volunteers Needed: What's
going on in the communities of
Springfield, Eureka Springs,
Fayetteville, Rogers, Fort Smith, Tulsa,
Miami, Pittsburg? Send us your scoop.
Solicit your business owners to
advertise in Ozarks Pride Magazine.
Mail address: 2401 E. 32nd St.,
Suite 10-243,Joplin, MO 64804.
Deadline for all inclusion is the
20th of each month for next
months issue.
House For Sale: List your
property for sale in Ozarks Pride
1010 E. 20th
Joplin MO64804
Vicki Bonnson 417-434-0077
Four States Community Directory
s----Fayetteville, AR--(479)442-3052
Studio 716--Fayecteville, AR--(479)571-1300
Ree's:----:Joplin, MO---(417)627-9035
Edge-----Springfield, MO--(417)831-4700
Martha's Vinerard--Springficld, MO--(417)831-6144
Oz------Springfield, MO-(417)83\.9001
Ronisuz Place--Springfield, MO-.(417)864-0036
Bamboo Lounge--Tulsa, OK--(918)836-8700
The End lJP----Tulsa, OK--(918)282-6503
Heads & Tails--Tulsa, OK--(918)6607878
Club Majcstic---Tulsa, OK--(918)584•9494
Renegades;---- Tulsa, OK--(918)585,3405
Play-Mor•Club--Tulsa, OK--(918)838•9792
Silver Star Saloon--Tulsa, OK--(918)838-4234
TNT's-----Tulsa, OK--(918)660-0856
Tool Box----Tulsa, OK--(918)584-1308
Faces Guesthouse B&B Joplin, i\1O(417)621-9915
Fairfield Inn by Marriott-Joplin, MO(417)624-7800
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, Joplin, MO-7PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, Joplin, MO-10:30AM
River of Life Church-Timmons Chapel PSU-Pittsburg,
MCC United Tulsa• 1623 N. i\faplewood-918-838-1715
MCC Living Spring•Eureka Springs, AR-870-253-9337
Rainbow Christian Church-Springfield, MO-417-866-6206
-Aids Project of the Ozarks-
513 Kenrnckr,Joplin, 1110 'l 7-624-5788
1901 E. Bennett, suite D, Springfield, MO 417-881-1900
-Business Services-
Penny Smart, Hair Salon-Joplin, MO--(417)623-3500
Mas5agc By Rachael-Joplin, MO---(417)438-3664
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-(417)434-0077
Mystic Creatiom--Pittsburg, KA-- (620)231•6790
Kelly Kirby, CPA, PC-Tulsa, OK--(918)747-5466
Century21-Oklahoma City, OK--(405) 840-2106
Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 20
71 6 S. MAIN ST. JOPLIN, M □
{41 7) 627-9035
April I, 2004
Original Format
Ozarks Pride, “[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, April 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 17, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/134.