[1999] Tulsa Family News, October 1999; Volume 6, Issue 10
[1999] Tulsa Family News, October 1999; Volume 6, Issue 10
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
October 1999
James Christjohn
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, September 1999; Volume 6, Issue 9
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
European Union to British
Army: No More Gay Ban
STRASBOURG, France (AP) - The European Court of
HumanRights ruled latein September that Britain’ sban
on homosexuals in the armed forces is a breach of
humanrights. The court found in favor ofthreemenand
a woman who were discharged from the British armed
forces in line with its absolute ban on homosexual
personnel after they admitted their sexual orientation.
The court said the British policyyciolated Article 8 of the
European Convention on Human Rights which defends
the right to respect for private and family life.
"The Court considered the investigations, and in
particular the interviews Of the applicants, to have been
exceptionally intrusive," thc European court said in a
statement. "The investigations conducted into the
applicants’ sexual orientation together with their
discharge from the armed forces constituted especially
grave interferences with their private lives," it said.
The verdict cannot force a-change of law, but the
applicants considered it a step towards ending
discriminationin thearmedforces. Defense Sec. George
Robertson said other existing cases involving Gays in
the British armed forces will be put on hold while the
government studies the implications of:the ruling.
Gay Demos Organize
TULSA- Local. Democratic Party activists will hold an
organizational meeting for a Tulsa chapter of the the
National Stonewall Democratic Federation on Sunday,
October 24th, at 4pro at the Tulsa Gay Community
Services Center (the Pride Center), at 1307 East 38th
Street, 2nd floor..
Stonewall Democrats, acaucus within the Democratic
Party works to secure the rights ofall people, regardless
’of sexual orientation or gender identity and serves as a
voicewithin the DemocraticParty for Lesbians andGay
men. Organizers noted in their press release that the
Oklahoma,Democratic party is rather conservative with
regard to civil rights for Gays and Lesbians and seek to
educate state party leadership about Lesbian and Gay
They list the following specific goals of the National
Stonewall Democratic Federation as:
(1) mobilizing voters through a national grassroots
network of Gay and Lesbian Democratic clubs and
individuals to advance the fight for Gay and Lesbian
civil rights;
(2) improving the record of the Democratic party by
- pressing it further inthe direction of full recognition of
the rightsofGay men, Lesbiansand Bisexuals to befree
from prejudice;
(3) educating voters on the vast difference that exists
between the two major parties on our issues, and the
importance of voting Democxatic as the most effective
way to achieve our goals;
(4) fighting the anti-Gay rhetoric of the Republican
conservative-wing, which has increasingly become the
instrument of those d~dicated to denying us our rights.
The organizers are encouraging those who share
these values to come to the October 24 meeting which
will feature membersfromthenewlyformedOklahoma
City Stonewall Democrats chapter. Paul Barby,whoran
as an openly Gay candidate for US Congress in
Oklahon~a’s 6th district will speak.
For more information, telephone Start Simpson at
582-6557. ~
:.Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsane, Our Families + Friends
¯ Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
i Tulsa Area United. W .y Fun.ds
Support Anti-Gay D,scr, minat,on
: TULSA (TFN) - In a recent promotional piece printed and
¯ inserted in The Tulsa Worm for free, Tulsa Area United Way
(TAUW) touted its strong points. TAUWclaims to be thelargest
¯ non-governmental funder of health and human services.in the
¯¯ Tulsa area, funding some 231 programs at 68 member agencies.
TAUW also claims to have a lower than 10% overhead as
¯ compared to overhead of up to 40% declared acceptable by the
¯ National Charity Information Bureau.
¯ Joe Cappy, chairman/CEO and president of Dollar/Thrifty
Automotive Group, in the Tulsa World insert, claimed, ’q’ulsa
¯ Area United Way gives each of us a sensible, cost-effective
¯ approach to helping the people in our community who need it
¯ most..." ¯
But there are those who take issuewith some aspects of United
Way s funding,, partacularly that of the Indian NaUons Council of
¯ the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The BSA is one of the earliest
¯ organizations funded in Tulsa by the predecessors to the current
: United Way but the Scouting organization has been under fire
¯ nationally for its anti-Gay policies. The BSA claims the Scout
¯ pledge to be "morally straight" refers to being heterosexual and
¯ .therefore bans Gay youth from being Scouts or Gay men from
being Scoutmasters on the grounds that to be Gay is intrinsically
¯ to be "morally non-straight."
¯ Recently, the BSA lost a legal challenge to thi s anti-Gay policy
¯ brought under New Jersey state law. Former Eagle scout James Dale won his lawsuit but in response to questions from The Tulsa
¯ World,aspokespersonfortheTulsa-basedIndianNafionCouncil
of the BSA r~affirmed the ban in this area.
¯ And when TAUW kicked off its 75th anmversary campaign,
¯ running from Sept. 10th to Nov. 1 lth with a goal of raising
$21,497,725.00, some of these individuals said no to helping
¯ United Way because of the funding for an organization which
blatantly discriminates.
¯ Most ofthe individuals who spoke asked to remain anonymous
¯ citing fears ofretaliationfromTAUWor risk to their employment
¯ by public.ly speaking ~bout Lesbian and Gay issues in’h city with
fewprote~tious again~wolkplace discriminationbasedon sexual
¯ One Gay couple, both of whom are public
¯ employees, had slightly different reactions to the
issue of funding for the Boy Scouts.-One noted that
¯ "we’re so used to it, thatwedon’ t think about it"but
¯ he added that it’s "time when United Way needs to
start analyzing what they’re doing."
: However, his parmer noted that the organizations
¯ his employer was set to help for United Way’s Day
¯ of Caring were the Boy Scouts and the Salvation
Army, both organizations which he claims
¯ discriminate against Gay people. He notified his
¯ employer that he would not participate in the Day
¯ ofCaring because of those organization’ s anti-Gay ¯
¯ Another couple, Lesbian, said that it was a"tough
¯ question." One women, again who requested
¯ anonymity because of her job (she is a teacher), ¯
characterized the Boy Scouts’ policy as
¯ reprehensible but noted too that United Way funds
¯ the YWCA, an organization which has a non-
" discrimination policy which includes "sexual
¯ orientation." Her partner added that TAUW also
¯ funds Youth Services of Tulsa (YST) which has
¯ programs that benefit Lesbians and Gay men but ¯
she also acknowledged that YST hadkept those
¯ programs "closeted,"i.e. not publicized because of
¯ fears that UnitedWay fundingmight be withdrawn,
despite the fact that the failure to publicize the
¯ program significantly limitedYST’s ability toreach
¯ those whom the program was intended to help.
: Tulsa Area United Way’s marketing
representative, Beth Kuehnert was asked to explain
¯ TAUW’s continued funding for the BSA and
¯ initially, in a cordial and civil conversation, Ms.
Kuehnert said she was not aware of the Boy Scouts’
position nor see TA UW, p. 12
¯ Community Center News Eureka Springs Holds
Community Meeting 111 6. Diversity Celebration
TULSA - Organizers of the First Annual Community Center ¯ EUREKA SPRINGS - Fall is around the comer,
¯ Film Festival to be held on Oct. 7-9, Tulsa’s Gay Commtmity : andintheOzarks,it’salmosttimefor thebi-annual
¯ Center andits parent organization, TulsaOklahomaus forHuman " Diversity Celebration Weekend in Eureka Springs,
: Rights (TOHR) will show both Lesbian and Gay films, both : Ark. ! Organizers say this event, scheduled forNov.
’. feature length and shorts beginningat 5:30 onThurs, and Fri. and " 5-7, will be bigger and better than ever!
: from 2pm on Sat. and Sun. ¯ Metropolitan Community Church’s Friday night
¯ In addition, theCenterwillhostTOHR’sfirstComingOutFair " dance and camival will kick off the weekend at the
: "Discovering Yourself" from noon to 6pro on Sat. Oct. 9th. A " top of the Basin Park Hotel. On Saturday morning,
." record number of community organizations have committed to " strollthestreetsofEurekaonahistoric(andcolorful)
¯ particil~ating in the Coming Out Fair. . walking tour, canoe on the White River, or hike in
¯ GregGatewood,TOHRboardpresident,noted that at the Sept. ." Lake Leatherwood Park. ¯
.14th commlmity wide meeting held at the Center about 35 " Intheearlyaftemoon,bringthekidstoa"family"
ihdividuals attended and the representatives decided through a family picnic at Harmon Park, sing like you’re in
i largely consensus process to convene a commlmity council of the shower at karaoke, or listen to the sounds of
¯ organizations, churches and businesses. The group also decided : localandvisitmgGay/Lesbianmusiciansatseveral
toaskTOHRto co-ordinate theproposedbi-monthlymeetings to " different venues around town. And please be sure
: exchange information and ideas. . to visit all the wonderfully unique shops, and
¯ Marty Newman, a Human Rights Campaign board member, : support the Diversity Cooperative businesses of
¯ who along with TOHR co-founder Dennis Neill, called the first " Eureka Springs.
: meeting this summer, expressed his satisfaction with the Sept. " Then, after a delightful dinner (it’s Eureka
- ". meeting and the general progress of the process. Newman-noted ¯ Spri.ngs’ Food and Wine Festival this weekend,
¯ thatTulsaPFLAG chapter co-founder,Nancy McDonaldattended ¯ too),work offthosecaloriesattwofantasticdances.
¯ the meeting and that Mrs. McDonald recalled that TOHRs by- : AtCenterStage, DJ Jonwillraisetheroofwithhigh
." laws had at one time had a provision for a community advisory ¯ energy club music. And the Basin Park Hotel
¯ council. Meeting co-convener Dennis Neill, an attorney, was ¯ Ballroom will come alive with electrifying
i given the task of drafting a contract to clarify the relationship " performances by "Barnes", a dynamic GLAMA-
¯ betweenthevariousgroups.Formoreinformationaboutthenext ~ winningsinger/songwriter seeEureka, p. 14
community meeting, call the Community Center at 743-4297. ."
: Also, the CommunityCenter will be the site ofanall-community ¯
¯ Halloween Costume Ball to be held on Saturday, Ocotober 30th, :
¯ 8pm at 1307 East 38 Street, 2nd floor. The event will be BYOL "
¯ but soft drinks and ice will be provided. :
: Organizers suggest that while this is a costume party, a loud ¯
¯ shirt and simple mask will-do. Guests should not feel compelled :
: to spend a lot of money, just to use a little imagination. The :
: sponsors, Prime Timers of Tulsa, stated that the purpose of the :
_" party is for all groups connected with the Pride Center to have an
¯ opportunitytogettoknowonemlother, andhelpbuildcommunity, i
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
Burger Sisters Restaurant, 1545 S. Sheridan
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan ........ 834-4234
"*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*TNTrs, 2114 S. Memorial 660-0856
*Tool, :Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital CelIular 74%1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E; 21 610-8510
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Barnes & Noble Booksdlers, 5231 E. 41 665-4580
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-13902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sher~llan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1 610-0880
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jadox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey,’ Country Club Barbering 747-0236
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening 582-8460
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 743-4297
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
*Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard 835~5563
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*WhittierNews Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist,2545 S.Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*CouncilOak Men’s Chorale 748-3888
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlink, net
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche,
Lamont Lindstrom, Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1 st of each month, the entire contents of this
~blicaatnidonmaaryenportobteecrteedprboyduUcSedcoepityhreirgihntW19h9o8leboyrTin~part without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless ot.herwjse no,ted,,~must
be signed & becomes the sole property of T~
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
lYoints. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Free SpiritWomen’s Center, call for location& info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral P1. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*OSU-Tulsa (formerly UCT, formerly Rogers U. whoever...)
*Our House, t 114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
+Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430S. Boulder 583-7171
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tul sa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc.
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Commumty College Campuses
*Tulsa Gay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Cotmtry AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
*Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
*White Light, 1 Center St.
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave.
*Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
* is where you can ftndTFN. Notall areGay-ownedbutallare Gay-friendly.
Holy Union
Alan Williams and Gregory Casillas
celebrated a Holy Union Ceremony on
Friday, September 24, 1999, in Eureka
Springs, AR. Presiding over the intimate
union was Reverend Vivian Juett. The
commitment ceremony was witnessed by
Zoe Dearing and Nancy Ermding.
After traveling to Dallas, TX, San
Francisco, CA and Nashville, TN to
celebrate with friends and family, the
couple will reside for’a short period in
Dr. W. Malcolm Jacox, a veterinarian
well known in the community for his
kindness and gentleness with both his
animal patients and their caregive~s, died
Sept. 22. Services were held at Floral
Haven Memorial Gardens Mausoleum on
Sept. 25. He will be greatly missed by
many both in and out of the Gay
He is survived by his family and his
longtime companion. Those who wish to
honor his memory are encouraged to
support a charity of their choice.
Condolences may be sent care of Jacox
Animal Clinic, 2732 East 15th, Tulsa
Mr. Tulsa ¯
Leather 2000
The Mr. Tulsa Leather 2000 contest was
held September 10, 1999, at the Silver
Star Saloon in Tulsa, Oklahoma.The
evening included a benefit for Miss Gay
Mid America, Catia Lee Love. Love will
participate in the Miss Gay America
Four contestants participated in the
contest: Jay Fleming, Kelly Kirby, Dayvid
Montross, and Tony Hall, all of Tulsa
Oklahoma. Themencompeted in Personal
Interview, Street Wear, Swimwear/
Physique, and Full Leather Image events.
The judging panel consisted of: Ron
Greenwood, Mike Ryan, Ed Smith, John
McCuistian, Don Lawrence, all also from
Tulsa. The tally master was James Murray,
Mr. Tulsa Leather 1997.
The winner of the contest was Jay
Fleming of Tulsa. Jay is a past "Mr Gay.
Leather Long Beach 1987" and the 20th
Elected Emperor, Greater California
Empire. Fleming will compete for the
Oklahoma Mr. Leather 2000 title on
October 22-24, 1999.
Heis an event promoter for such events
in Tulsa as Mayfest, Gatesway Balloon
Festival and chairmanof Street Party 2000;
benefiting Street School and Tulsa at risk
Contestproducer, Ric Poston,MrTulsa
Leather 1999 and the Oklahoma Mr
Leather 1999, said of Fleming, "he is an
outstanding citizen and will be a great
representative for the Tulsa Leather
Community." The first runner up was
Kelly Kirby and the 2nd runner up was
Dayvid Montross.
For more information on OML2000,
check the T.U.L.S.A. website at
Editorial: Un!ted Our Way
by Tom Neal, editor andpublisher
This year is the 75th anniversary of a program of
charitable giving in Tulsa which has become known as
Tulsa Area United Way (TAUW). Tulsa’s United Way
supports some 231 programs offered by 68 member
agencies and hopes to raise over $21 million and help
perhaps 250,000individuals this year. Obviously, all this
is worthy.
For example, oneof the I’d suggest that
agencies which TAUW supports is Tulsa instead of letting
"C.A.R.E.S., formerly and" TAU~V’ sllee its tare
moreaccuratelyknown as
the HIV Resource
Consortium. Tulsa Area
UnitedWayalso funds the
Community Service
Council that manages the
Tulsa Community AIDS
Project, one of the most
effective funding sources
for fighting HIV infection
and for providing care for.
individuals with HIV
relatedillnesses. These are
worthy organizations - as
are many, many others
which TAUW funds.
However, along withthe
many good organizations
which TAUW funds is
another. Thatis the Indian
Nations Council of the
Boy Scouts ofAmerica. It
off the top, glve your
dolhrs dlreetly to
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. or
other or~an{zatlons in
our eommunlty...
groups that really do
give a damn about
us. Let’s stop using
our dollars and those
of our families and
friends to support
United Way’s
prejudlee and
eowardlee. Let us be
unlt,~ our way.
is the official policy of the Boy Scouts, both locally and
nationally, to discriminate on the basis of sexual
orientation. They’ve been rather explicit about this.
The last time the Indian Nations Council of the Boy
Scouts of America voiced this policy locally was in
August when James Dale, a former Scout in New Jersey,
successfully challenged the BSA’s apartheid policies
under New Jersey state law and won. A local BSA
representative however reiterated-its support for BSA
Now as a former Boy Scout, I’m hardly hostile to the
true values of the organization. But I do not believe that
thephrase, "morally straight," ori_ginating around th_etum
of the century, ever, ever could be thought to refer to
heterosexuality, using an interpretation of the word
"straight" whichnever existed until at leas t some 60 years
later. However I recognize that it is the prerogative under
current federal, state and local law, of the BSA to engage
in invidious discrimination if it chooses to do so. It is
reprehensible behavior but it is quite legal.
However, even if this bigoted conduct is legal, there is
no justification for Tulsa Area United Way to use the
funds it receives from the community as a whole to
subsidize the systematic discrimination of the Indian
Nations Council of the Boy Scouts of America. After all,
if we were to substitute "no Jews allowed" or "no Blacks
allowed" lot"no fags allowed," I would hardy have to be
writing this essay.
Part of why TAUW still funds this apartheid
organization is an accident of history. The Boy Scouts
have been funded for most of TUAW’s existence. Back
in thoseearly days theBSA was one ofafew organizations
that did address youth issues. That is no longer so. Andin
contrast with the BSA, the Girl Scouts, for example, have
explicitly said that sexual orientation is not relevant to
participation in their organization and they have a nondiscrimination
Now if Tulsa Area United Way had a comprehensive
non-discrimination policy, they might have some greater
degree of credibilityas an organization committed to fair
treatment of all. But they don’t.
Infact, Ms. "duck’n’cover" KathleenJ. Coan, president
and chief professional officer, is so gun-shy of the issue
she’s managed not to returnphone calls to this newspaper
for nearly four years -now that’s what I call real
professional conduct (though in fairness, Ms. Coan did
take aphone call once whenTFN was calling on deadline
and her p.r. person was unavailable) But it does call into
question, Ms. Coan and TAUW’s commitment to all of
Tulsa’s communities when she seems primarily willing
to talk to non-minority news orggnizations, for example,
." The Tulsa World- not frequently known for challenging
¯ the Tulsapower establishment, often inseparable from it.
." And what is more troubling about the unexamined
¯ decision to continue to fund the Indian Nations Council
¯ of the Boy Scouts of America by TAUW is the lack of ¯
leadership from TAUW’s board of directors.
¯ A number of TAUW board members come from
¯ corporations that claim that they do not discriminate on
." sexual orientation. Foremost among these are Public
~ Service Company of Oklahoma, Dollar Thrifty
¯: Automotive Group, Inc. and Bank of America, and yet,
somehow, not one of these very highly paid and
: presumably ratberintelligent men seem to havemade the
_" connection between their own corporate policies
¯ emphasizingfairness andTAUW’s supportfor ablatantly ¯
bigoted program. Or perhaps they’vejust not"counected
." the dots." Or perhaps, they’re hoping thatnoone will ever
¯ hold them responsible. ¯
Regardless, until Tulsa Area United Way see fit to
: begin to treat Lesbian and Gay Tulsans as equal human
: beings by adding sexual orientation to its non-
,. discrimination policies and chooses not to fund
¯ organizations which discriminate, the best bet is for us to
¯ not to contribute to Tulsa Area United Way but to take
." those same dollars and to give them directly to worthy
¯ organizations.
¯ I’d suggest that instead of letting TAUW slice its take
¯ off the top, give your dollars directly to Tulsa C.A.R.E.S.
¯. or other organizations in our community, like the
¯ community center, or the Cimarron Alliance or PFLAG,
¯ groups that really do give a danm about us. Let’s stop
¯ using Our dollars and those of our families and friends to
¯ support UnitedWay’s prejudice and cowardice. Let us be
¯ united our way. ¯
TulsaFamily News editorandpublisherTomNealhas
¯ volunteeredonaUnitedWayfundsdistributioncommittee
¯ on services for semor citizens tn the Tulsa area. ¯
Unfortunately, hefound thatTulsaArea UnitedWay staff
went out of their way to censor and suppress questions
¯ about how well member agencies were serving Lesbian
¯ and Gay seniors, even when the agencies were willing to ¯
answer the questions and despite TAUW claims that
¯ their evaluationprocess is "volunteer driven." Neal also
¯ has asked to serve on the funds distribution committee
¯ which looks at the funding for the Boy Scouts Indian ¯
Nations Council but, for some reason, keeps getting
¯ reassigned to senior services - imagine that.
First and foremost, let me put your mind at rest about
¯ two of our regular columnists, our fabulous Do-It-
" Yourself-Dyke, Mary Schepers and Tulsa City-County
¯ Library book reviewer, Barry Hensley. Both columns
¯ will resume next month.
¯ An,other upcoming event is the annual World AIDS ¯
Day Memorial Service. This year’s event will be at
¯ Mount Zion Baptist Church under the auspices of the
¯ Rev. Calvin McCutchen, Sr., one of Tulsa’s most ¯
distinguished religious leaders. The date, as always will
¯ be Dec. 1st which is a Wednesday but the details of the
~ march and precise time of the service will be announced.
¯ It is expected that Council Oak Mens Chorale who had ¯
their first ever performance at a World AIDS Day
¯ Memorial Service will again lend their talents. The event
. is being co-ordinated by Diane Zike, former executive
¯ directorof Interfaith AIDS Ministries andBeverlyDenton ¯
Galbreith. For more information, call 438-2437. - TN
An nouncements Policy
Tulsa Family News will provide space for holy union
¯ ceremony, mamage ceremony, birth, adoption and death
" announcements on a space available basis. Photos are
~ wdcome, though we cannot promise placement or return
¯ them, so please send copies to TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa
¯ 74159.
¯ Letters Policy ¯
Tulsa Family News¯ welcomes letters on issues which
¯ we’ve covered or on issues you think need to be considered.
You may request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters must be signed &h.ave phone numbers, or be hand
~- delivered. 200 word letters are preferred. Letters to other
~ publications will be printed as is appropriate.
Drug-resistant Strains
of AIDS Virus Rising
CHICAGO (AP) - Highly drug-resistant strains of the
AIDS virus are on the rise, showingupin as many as 4.5%
ofnewlyinfectedpatients in twonew studies. "Resistance
is slowly increasing," said Dr. Roger J. Pomerantz, an
expert not involved with either study, "If you were
looking at this five years ago, you would see zero."
The studies - published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) - involve mostly Gay
white men. Resistance, however, may be more prevalent
in other groups, such as drug users and their sex partners,
About 40,000 new HIV infections occur yearly in the
United States. In recent years, powerful drug cocktails
have subdued the virus to undetectable levels in many
patients. But studies have found the virus persists or
comes roaring back in 10% to 50%.
The complicated drug regimen has proved difficult to
adhere to, and many patients who missed doses or quit
taking theirmedicines developed drug-resistantinfections
that are now being passed’along to others.
"I wasn’t that surprised. This is what happens in
infectious disease," said Pomerantz, director of the Center
for Human Virology at Jefferson Medical College in
HIV is still so new that scientists disagree even about
how to define resistance. And since both studies used
laboratory tests, no one really knows how the definitions
will translate into patient care. Giving high doses of a
drug may be enough to overwhelm a virus’ resistance,
Pomerantz said.
In one study, researchers at the University ofCalifornia
at San Diego defined resistance as a 10-fold increase in
HIV’s ability to withstand a drug when compared with a
laboratory strain. That study, led by Dr. Susan J. Little.
tested 141 patients - in San Diego, Los Angeles, Dallas,
Denver and Boston- and found that three (2%) had HIV
with at least 10-fold greater resistance to one or more
drugs. An additional 36 patients (26%) had HIV that was
2.5 to 10 times more resistant.
In the other study, researchers at Rockefeller University
in New York defined resistance as a threefold increase in
HIV’s ability to withstand a drug. That study, led by Dr.
Daniel Boden of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research
Center, tested 80 subjects in New York and Los Angeles.
Of 67 in whom resistance could be tested, three (4.5%)
had HIV that was highly resistant- fivefold resistant- to
multiple drugs. The subjects were among 18 (26.8%)
with HIV that was at least threefold resistant to at least
one drug.
Testing every newly infected patientfor drugresistance
would be impractical because the tests cost several
thousand dollars and are difficult to interpret, Pomerantz
said. But if a patient takes a drug cocktail faithfully and
it isn’t working, testing should be considered to see how
the combination of medicines might be reformulated, he
Don’t Go to Sleep Yet
For a while, it seemed that there mightbe a light at the end
of the tuunel of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. And for many
¯ things are better than they used to be: to become HIV
¯ positive is not immediatdy to know that your death was
likely six months away like it was in the 80s.
But the news report above from The Associated Press
¯ should slam home the message that we cannot be
¯ complacent; we must continue to educate ourselves and
¯ our children about protecting themselves against HIV
¯ infection, through all appropriate means: safer sex with
¯ its reduced risk, no sex, i.e. abstinence where appropriate
¯ and through the strengthening of longterm relationships ¯
through their legal recognition not only for heterosexuals
¯ but for Gay men and Lesbians.
¯ The best way to deal with AIDS is to prevent further
¯ infections but also to insist on adequate funding for ¯
proper care for those who are already infected and more
¯ funding for more successful treatments for AIDS.
¯ Please, please be safe, hdp those still in need and
¯ remember those whom we have lost. -Tom Neal
Accused Killer of Gay
Soldier To Stand Trial
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) - An Army private
charged with premeditated murder in the. beating
death ofafellow FortCampbell soldierwill stand trial
at a general court-martial, the Army said Sept. 24th.
Thecharge against Pvt. CalvinN. Gloverwas referred
to court-martial by Maj. Gen. Robert T. Clark, Fort
Campbell’ s commanding gelleral. Clark reviewed an
iiiv~tigative hearing he~’d in August for Glovet and
rexx:ived recommendations from the investigating
officer, brigade commander and staffjudge advocate.
The hearing was similar to a civilian grand jury
investigation. Glover, of Sulphur, Okla.,is charged in
the death of Pfc. Ban-y L. ,Winchell, of Kansas City,
Me. No date has been set for G10ver’s courtmartial,
which will be open to the public. The courtmartial
is scheduled to be at Fort Campbell.
According to Army investigators, the 21-year-old
Winchellwas beaten with abaseball batinhis barracks
on July 5 and died the following day at Vanderbilt
University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn. Gay
civil-rights advocates say anti-Gay sentiment m,ay
have been behind, or at least contributed to, me
ldlling. Winehell was perceived as Gay by some
soldiers in his mlit and friends contend he was
beginning to explore his homosexuality when he
Another investigative hearing was held several
weeks ago for Spec. Justin R. Fisher, who is accused
of being an accomplice in Winchell’s death. Fisher,
of Lincoln, Neb., is accused of .encouraging Glover in
the attack and lying to Army ii~qestigators about his
iiavolvement. No decision has been made yet on
whether Fisher’s case should proceed to a courtmartial,
an Army official added. Both Glover and
Fisher are being held at Fort Knox.
Gay Priest Resigns
NEWARK,N.J. (Ap)-AGaypriestwhoseordination
divided the Episcopal church has left theparish where
he ministered for six years, blaming the controversy
that surroundedhim. Rev. Barry Stopfel said the furor
strained his relationship withhis partner, andpreached
his last sermon at St. George’ s Church in Maplewood
at the end of September. "My ministry has not been a
typical one," Stopfel toldThe Star-Ledger ofNewark,
N.J. in a story published recently. "It has been deeply
gratifying but very stressful, and ithas taken its toll on
me and our marriage."
When Stopfel was ordained as a deacon in 1990,
conservative Episcopal bishops filed heresy charges
against Newark Bishop Walter Righter. Righter’s
trial was averted, but a church court in 1996 ruled that
church doctrine does not explicitly bar the ordination
of practicing homosexuals. The division, however,
remained between the church’s conservative and
liberal factions. Stopfel, 51, andhis partner aremoving
to a 25-acre farm in an Amish area of Pennsylvania,
where he said he will write a book.
Methodist Minister
Faces 2nd Church Trial
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -The Rev. Jimmy Creech, who
faces another church trial for performing a Gay union
ceremony, said the churchlaw against suchceremonies
amounts to institutional bigotry againstGayChristians.
Reached at his Raleigh, N.C., home, Creech said he
was disappointed but not surprised with.a church
committee’s deci~i0n ordering him to stand trial.
Nebraska United Methodist Church Bishop Joel
Martinezannouncedthfit theformerNebraskaminister
will stand trial for Officiating a Chapel Hill, N.C.
ceremony fortwo meninApril.AMarch 1998 church
trial cleared Creech of violating church law for a
similar 1997 ceremony involving two women. At
least two complaints were filed as aresult of the April
ceremony. Atissuein Creech’s 1998 trial was whether
thechurch’s ban on same-sex unionswas a pastoral
guideline or church law. The church has since
established the ban is church law.
Creech said the trial will be "a detriment to the
church." "It’s a waste of time and money. The trial is
an actofviolence againstLesbians, Gays andbisexual
people," Creech said. While Creech said he admits he
violated the churchlaw byperforming the Chapel Hill
ceremony, the immorality of this law makes him
innocent of violating the order.and discipline of his
denomination, ofwhichheis accused. "I think thelaw
itself is a violation of the highest ethical standards of
the United Methodist Church," Creech said. Creech
said thechurch’ s positiononGayunions is comparable
to racism. "How can such an encumbered church
witness to the grace bf God?" he asked.
Martinez’s assistant, Rev. Mel Luetchens, said
Martinez will .appoint another bishop as presiding
authority for the case. A jury of 13 ministers will
[ecide Creech"s fate. Ministers will lead the defense
and theprosecution.Thetrial likely will beinNebraska
in the next couple of months,-Luetchens said. If
convicted Creech faces a wide range of possible
)unishments, including dismissal from the United
Methodist clergy.
Creech is on voluntary leave of absence after.
Martinezdeclined toreappointhim pastorofOmah.a’s
First United Methodist Church after the earher
controversy. He remains part of the Nebraska
conference and is answerable to Martinez.
Vermont JudgeJudged
By His Wife’s Vote
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - A group opposed to
same-sex marriage; "Take it to the People," says a
as he reviews a pending case.
"Take it to the People" says the wife ofJusticeJohn
Dooley voted in June as a member of the Governor’s
Commission on Women to give an award to the three
same-sex couples who are challengxn.g Vermont
marriage law. Sandra Dooley’s vote raises questions
about whether the justice is impartial in the case now
before the Vermont Supreme Court, said Ruth
Charlesworth of Burlington, a member of the antimarriage
group. "I think it is outrageous that the wife
of the Supreme Courtjusdce should come out (with a
public stand) when this issue isn’t yet decided,"
Charlesworth said. ’‘This isn’t fair to the citizens of
Thecourtis considering alawsuit seeking to overtmal
the state’s refusal to issue marriage licenses to samesex
couples. Despite its concerns, ’’Take it to the
People" hasn’tformally requested thatJustice Dooley
disqualify himself from the case.
Judith Sutphen, executive director ofthe Governor’ s
Commission on Women, said Sandra Dooley has
been on the commission for 15 years. Theorganization
has supported allowing same-sex couples to marry
since. 1996 - before the lawsuit brought by two Gay
men and four Lesbian women was appealed_ to the
Supreme Court, Sutphen said.
Commissioners have the right to take independent
votes on issues, Sutphen said. "A wife has a right to
vote as she chooses, as does a husband," she said.
"The votes of one spouse don’t necessarily reflect the
. judgment or opinion of the other spouse."
"Take it to the People" argues that rules of judicial
¯ conduct sayjudges should disqualify themselves when
their spouses have interests that could be substantially
: affected by the proceeding. The lawyers at the office
." of the attorney general who are defending the state’s
mamage lawweren’t available to comment.
-" Beth Robinson, an attorney representing the three
: couples in the Supreme Court appeal, said she felt
confident the deliberations would be fair. "We have
: no reason to question Jusdce Dooley’s ability to
~ impartially judge this case on its legal merits,"
: Robinson said. "Justice Dooley and his wife are two
¯ different people with two different jobs to do."
¯ Judge Dismisses Same-
Sex Marriage Lawsuit
ANCHORAGE (AP) - A judge has dismissed a
lawsuit filedby twoAnchoragemenwho claimed that
: the state’s marriage laws discriminated against them.
¯ Judge Peter Michalski took the action late in
¯ September, nearly a year after Alaska voters
¯ overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment
¯ limiting marriage to a union of one man and one
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The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
Jay Brause and Gene Dugan had claimed in their
lawsuit that it was discriminatory to not allow samesex
couples the same health insurance and other
benefits that married and unmarried heterosexual
couples enjoy. It was their lawsuit that spurred the
pbtition drive that put the same-sex marriage
amendment before voters last November.
Bob Wagstaff, the lawyer representing the two
men, says the case will be appealed to the state
Supreme Court. Wagstaff says his clients’ lawsuit is
at its heart an equal-rights case, not a Gay marriage
Town Considering
Partners Registry
ASHLAND, Ore: (AP) - Same-sex couples can’t get
married in Oregon, but in this town, they may soon be
able to get registered. The City Council is likely to
consider settingupsucharegistry for domesticpartners
at its upcoming meeting Oct. 5. City Attorney Patti
Nolte said he is unaware of a similar registry in
The registry would allow domestic partners - two
unmarried people age 18 or older who live togetherto
document that relationship. Gay couples cannot
marry under Oregon law, which recognizes marriage
as the union of a manand a woman.
"I believe it is appropriate that AglJland, as a caring
community, should lead the way," said Neil Sechan,
speaking for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Political Caucus of Southern Oregon.
The local chapter of Parents, Family and Friends of
Lesbians and Gays are also backing the proposed
Mayor Cathy Shaw said she believes a registry
would have limited effect on unmarried couples,
whether heterosexual or same-sex. "I would be
incredibly proud to be mayor of a community that
provides this service," she said recendy. "I am a great
believer in the institution of marriage... I understand
why this community is asking us to do this -.how
importantit.is to be able to celebrate in an official way
your commitment to another person.’"
Rosemary Dunn Dalton, also speaking for the
caucus, said a registry would let unmarried couples
establishrelationships for purposes ofvisitation rights
in hospitals and other institutions. She said a registry
would provide proof of partnership for businesses
offering benefits to domestic partners.
The Oregon Court ofAppeals decided last year that
if local governments offer benefits to domestic
partners, they cannot deny benefits to same-sex
couples because of the constitutional guarantee of
equal protection. The court did not nile on Oregon’s
legal definition of marriage. Ashland is among the
local governments that have extended benefits to
same-sex couples to comply with the ruling.
A proposed ballot measure, to write the definition
of marriage into the state constitution and bar benefits
to unmarried couples, died in the 1999 Legislature.
Albuquerque To Vote
On Discrimination Ban
ALBUQUERQUE (AP) - Lillian Mueller says she
Gays in Albuquerque have lost their jobs and been
denied housing because of their sexual orientation.
Mueller, the mother of a Gay son and president of the
local chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of
Lesbians and Gays, has formed a new group called
TheCampaignforHumanRights. The group’s purpose
is to mobilize support for a proposed amendment to
the Albuquerque city charter that would add sexual
orientation and mental disability to the antidiscrimination
The issue will be on the Oct. 5 municipal election
ballot. The charter now bans discrimination based on
race, religion, sex and national origin. "It’s not a
question of special rights," she said. "It’s a question
of equal rights.’"
Butthe Christian Coalition ofNew Mexico strongly
opposes the charter amendment because it believes
"the Gay lifestyle" is wrong. Mark Burton, Christian
Coalition executive director, said his group will alert
people in voters guides that go to about 300 churches.
"It’s not a behavior that we want to have a
nondiscrimination policy for," he said. "It’s a health
haTard. It spreads AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases,
so there’s no reason to endorse a behavior that’s
dangerous and hazardous."
Albuquerque added a human rights section to its
charter in the early 1970s. The state Legislature in
March rejected a bill that would have outlawed
discrimination based on sexual orientation. It was the
"third time such a measure was killedin the House. The
bill would have expanded the state’s Human Rights
Act to cover sexual orientation, malting it il!egal’to
discriminate on that basis in matters of empld’yment,
housing, credit, public-accommodations and’union
Eleven states and more than 170 local governments
include sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination
statutes, supporters Of the bill say. The cify of
Albuquerque bars Such discrimination against its
employees and when providing public services.
Alleged Killers of Gay
Men Must Stand Trial
REDDING, Calif. (AP) - Two brothers accused of
murdering a Gay couplemust stand trial and may face
the deathpenalty ifconvicted, ShastaCounty Superior
Court Judge James Ruggiero has ruled.
Benjamin M. Williams, 31, and James T. Williams,
29, will each be tried on two counts of murder and
related charges. The brothers are accused of killing
Gary Matson, 50, and Winfield Scott Mowder, 40, in
July. They are also suspects in June arson fires that
caused more than $1 million in damage to three
Sacramento-area synagogues. Matson and Mowder
were found shot to death in their bed July 1 in rural
Happy Valley, about 165 miles north of Sacramento.
The Williams brothers, being held without bail,
have pleaded innocent to first-degreemurder and four
robbery, burglary and auto theft charges. The judge
ruled that prosecutors can seek the death penalty, a
decision that hasn’t been made.
Prep School Attacker
Free Until Trial
GREENFIELD, Mass. (AP) - A Tennessee youth
accused of using a knife to cut anti-Gay slur into the
back of a fellow prep school student can continue
college classes while awaiting trial, a judge said.
Matthew Rogers, 20, of Franklin, Tenn., pleaded to
charges of assault with a dangerous weapon.
Franklin Superior Court Judge Lawrence Wemick
continued bail at $10,000 cash or $50,000 bond on
condition Rogers live with his parents or at the
University of Mississippi where he is taking classes.
Before his arrest, Rogers had held an appointment to
the U.S. Naval Academy.
Rogers and another student at the Northfield Mount
Hermon School, Jonathan Shapiro, 18, of Keene,
N.H., were initially charged in Greenfield District
Court following the May 27 incident. The two are
accused of slashing the word "HOMO" in shallow
cuts on the back of a 17-year-old student during a
dispute over music. Authorities said no one actually
believed the victim was Gay. The argument arose
over the rock band Queen and the characterization of
its music as "Gay."
Promoters of Community
Center To Respond
ELK CITY, Idaho (AP) - Promoters of a community
education and performing~center expect to respond
to charges by critics of the ~roposed c~nter who fear
it could be used by homosexuals and become a place
where teen-age girls get abortions. Plans to build the
center have created division in the town of about 400
in remote Idaho County. Objections to the center
range from locating it on school property to the fear
homosexuals will use it to stage performances and
teen-age girls getting abortions there. Critics have
said since the center would be on public land there
could not be restrictions placed on who uses it.
New AIDS Drug
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A medicine
developed in North Carolina that blocks
the AIDS virus from getting inside cells is
showing promise among patients whofail
to respond to standard AIDS drugs. The
medicine, code-named T-20, is still in
early-stage testing, but researchers said it
could offer a reprieve for those who have
run out of options.
"It looks quite good," said Dr. Michael
Saag of the University of Alabama. "We
are looking at something with a.totally
different method of. action. It is an
important, potent new option."
T~20 was discovered at Duke
University. It is being developed by
Hoffmatm-La Roche Inc. and Trimeris
Inc., a small biotech company in Durham,
Thedrug is the furthest along of a new
class of AIDS medicines called fusion
inhibitors. They work by thwarting the
virus’s ability to fuse with blood cells and
insert their genetic material into them.
However, the treatment has one large
drawback compared with other AIDS
drugs: Instead of being a pill, it must be
injected twice daily. Nev~rtbeless, Saag
said patients in advanced stages of AIDS
are willing to give themselves shots, and
they seem to tolerate the drug well.
The results were reported by Dr. Jay
Lalezari of Quest Clinical Research in
SanFrancisco atameeting ofthe.,Aga,erican
Society for Microbiology.
Other AIDS drugs work principally by
thwarting the virus’s ability to stitch its
genetic material into cells it has invaded
orbyblocking its ability to dispersemature
copies of itself.
Doctors gave T-20 to 55 people who
had high levels of the AIDS virus despite
trying many different combinations of
AIDS medicines. While these standard
drugs have proved to be life savers for
many with AIDS, they do not work for all
Doctors administered T-20 in
combinationwith other drugs, eventhough
the patients’ HIV was resistant to the
older medicines. After four months of
treatment, virus levels fell significantly in
33 of the volunteers. In 20 of them, the
virus fell to levels too low to bemeasured.
Saag cautioned that the treatment is
unlikely to work forever. But he said
doctors hope it will dday rebound of the
virus for perhaps-a year.
T-20 is part of the protein thatmakes up
the AIDS virus’ outer coat. Ordinarily it
comes into play with another peptide- T-
21 - as the AIDS vinm grabs onto blood
cells andprepares to enter them. Scientists
found that flooding the body with extra
copies of T-20 gums up this attachment
Another AIDS study released at the
meeting found that treatment very early in
the course of an AIDS infection does not
wipe out the virus entirely, as some had
Dr. Martin Markowitz of the Aaron
Diamond AIDS Research Center in New
York City reported on four patients who
started treatment within seyen to 90 days
of catching HIV. All signs of their virus
disappeared, andthey chose to stop therapy
after three years:
Thevirus reappeared within two to three
weeks, One patient went back on
treatment, but the three others stayed off.
After shooting up, their virus levds fell
again to low butdetectable levds.
Researchers said the results raise the
possibility that in such situations, the
¯ body’s immune system may be able to
k~p I-HV in check without completely
eliminating it. Are You Gay or Bisexual?
: Satcher Looks at Are You Native American?
:¯ Kids’ Health , . ,
Tulsa s Two-Sp,r,ted ,nd,an Mens
: ROBINSVILLE, Miss. (AP) - U.S. ¯ SurgeonGeneralDavidSatcherhasissued Support Group is here for you!
¯ a warning about the health of America’s
¯ children. Satcher, speaking to a health ¯ Evening support group meetings
: association recently in Tunica County,
said children are growing fatter, lazier,
¯ Relationship workshops
¯ more sexually active and increasingly ¯ Short trips, outings and retreats
¯ addicted to toxic substances. ¯ Free HIV testing
¯ Satcher, former president of Meharry
¯ Medical College in Nashville, .Tenn.,
-spoke tO 400 public health care workers
¯ and advocates at the annual meeting of the
¯ Mississippi Public Health Association.
¯ Regarding the disparity in health care,
¯ Satcher said that in the last 10 years
minorities, women and children have
: fallen behind in many areas.
¯ Satcher said progress has been made in
¯ dealing with infectious diseases and there
¯ has been a decrease in the number of ¯
cancer cases, injury-related deaths and
adult smokers. However, the munber of
: teen-age smokers has risen_rapidly, Satcher
¯ said.
Obesity has become a virtual epidemic
¯ among both adults and children, Satcher
said. The current generation of children
¯ and teen-agers is the most inactive the
country has ever had.
One of the results of that inactivity has
¯ been an increase in Type 2 diabetes in
¯ children. In the past, physicians were told
never to look for Type 2 in individuals
¯ - under40 years old, Satcher said. Now, the
disease is occurring in children under the
age of 10. Emphasis must be placed on
physical activity and on diet, Satcher said.
The American diet consists mainiy offats
and sugars, he said. In one year, the average
American will consume 156 pounds of
added sugar.
Weneedto promotehealthy lifestyles,
Satcher said. "We need to promote
physical activities. We need to promote
nutrition and avoidance of toxins like
tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. We
need to promote responsible sexual
40% of college students and 30% of
high school students are binge dri.nking,
Satcher said. That has contributed to an
increase m automobile accidents and
irresponsible ~exual behavior.
"Weneed to talkmorewith ourchildren
aboutwhatit means tobesexually active,"
Satcher said. "When we don’ t teach sex in
¯ the schools, at home and in the churches,
¯ but they do teach it out on the streets or ¯
after school when there are no adults
¯ around, our children aren’t going to
¯ become responsible, sexual adults."
¯ His warning was directed not just to
teen-agers, but to all people. Every day,
16,000 peoplebecomeinfected with HIV,
¯ the virus that causes AIDS. In the years
: since the disease’s discovery, HIV has
¯ infected 50 million people and resultedin
14 million AIDS-related deaths.
¯ "In my opinion AIDS is the worst
: epidemic since the plague of the 14th
: century or maybe the influenza epidemic
," of 1918," Satcher said. "AIDS is
: increasingly a disease o,,f people of color,
¯ women and the young.
: African Americans account for almost
: 50% of new cases; Hispanics, 20%; and
¯ women, 25%. Not enough is being done
to prevent the disease, Satcher said, even
though people know how to stop the
¯ spread.
For information call Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project
at 582-7225 Ext. 208 or 218
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AIDS Czar at
Detroit AIDS Walk
DETROIT (AP) - Federal AIDS czar
SandyThurmanandMayorDennis Archer
led thousands of walkers in a fund-raising
event for programs that help treat people
infected with the deadly disease. The
Detroit event was one of 12 statewide
sponsored by AIDS Walk Michigan.
"Walk on walkers!" Thurman shouted
to cheering participants at Hart Haza,
where the3.1-milewalkbeganandca_rex!..
Many held helium balloons and signs
with messages such as "AIDS has many
Despite the cheery atmosphere and
warm sunshine,Thurman broughta chilly
message about the disease, which she said
will have infected 100 million people
worldwide by 2005. "We’re at the
beginning of an epidemic, not the end of
an epidemic, with no vaccine, no cure,"
she told reporters before the walk began.
"It’s not going to be over next week. It’s
not going to be over in 10 years. It’s
probably not going to be over in my
A sign of hope is the success of anti-
AIDS drugs that are keeping thousands of
people infected with the HIV virus free
from symptoms. ButinmanyThirdWorld
natxon~, including much of AIDSdecimated
Africa, the medicines remain
unaffordable and the publichealth system
inadequate, she said.
This is the second year of a coordinated
AIDS WalkMichigan. Lastyear, 10 walks
statewide raised $2~0,000,
This year, walks also tookplace Sunday
inAnnArbor, BerrienCounty, Flint,Grand
Rapids, Holland-Saugatuck, Kalamazoo,
Lansing, Muskegon, Port Huron,
Saginaw-Midland-Bay City and Traverse
But organizers sdid/he ~)etro’it event
was particularly important because of the
high rate of AIDS in the city. With about
10% of the state’s population, Detroit has
nearly half of the reported AIDS cases,
they said.
"It’s the No. 1 killer of young African-
American males and the No. 2 killer of
young black females," said Detroit
Episcopal Bishop R. Stewart Wood Jr. as
he set out on the walk.
Wood’s diocese, which has 35,000
members from Lansing to the Ohio line,
has not been immune from the effects of
"Every one of our congregations has
been touched by AIDS - members or
loved-ones who have the disease. We’ve
lost two of our clergy to AIDS," he said.
Teresa and Bill Snell came in from
Wayne County’s Redford Township to
walk in this year’s walk, taking turns
pushing 15-month-olddaughter Courtney
in a three-wheeled jogger’s stroller.
They raised a total of $49, most in
pledges of $2 to $3, for their part in the
walk. The 20 walkers from Mrs. Shell’s
agency, the Detroit Hispanic Development
Corp., raised $1,500 for. the fight, against
AIDS. "It affects so many people and
families around you," she said. "I don’t
know anyone who has died,.of AIDS, but
I do know that it is something that affects
all kinds of people," her husband said.
"It’s something that’s got to be stopped."
Award Given to
African Groups
NEW YORK (AP) - The world’s largest
humanitarian prize - $1 million - was
awarded to an organization whose
accomplishments include bringing health
care to the Maasai and Turkana, two of
Africa’s nomadic tribes.
The Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian
Prize, awarded to the African Medical
and Research Foundation, will give the
organization funds it needs for additional
work in AIDS and malaria prevention. It
will also helppay to trainmore health care
’q’his million will go along way and it
will allow us tokeepmanyprojects afloat,"
saidJohn R. Batten, director ofthe Nairobi,
Kenya-based AMREF, who accepted the
prize at a ceremony in New York on
Startedin 1957as aprogram thathelped
needy Africans get specialized medical
care- particularly reconstructive surgery
- AMREF now provides health care
services to 21 African countries. Programs
are run from offices in Kenya, Tanzania,
Uganda and South Africa. This year’s
budget was $19 million.
Over the years, AMREF built a twoway
radio network that boosted hospital
communications in East Africa,
spearheaded the use ofinsecticide-treated
mosquito nets to reduce childhoodmalaria
deaths and performed more than 40,000
It also has trained thousands of health
care workers and specialists and brought
services to the most remote corners of
Africa, including to tribes that roam the
What sets AMREF apart from most
international non-governmental organizations
is that more than 95% of its
employees are Africans.
’q’he approach we use in tackling all of
theseproblems is community-based," said
Peter Muchiri Ngatia, director for
AMREF’s Uganda office. "Some
prdl~lems "in A~r~ca, such as AIDS and
HIV, areaggravatedby cultural practices."
Much of the prize, which will be spent
over three years, will be directed at two of
Africa’s biggest killers - AIDS and
"AMREF’s success in building an
African-led and African-run health care
system that is accessible to all provides a
strong model for aid agencies around the
world," said Barron Hilton, chairman of
Hilton Hotels Corp. and a board member
of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
AMREF was selected out of 225
nominations made by members of the
international community, including
diplomats, foundation leaders and
Once nominations are made, the Hilton
foundation researches the organization
and performs On-site visits. After that,
selections go to an independent
international jury.
Last year, Medecins Sans Frontieres,
or Doctors Without Borders - the largest
independent international medical aid
organization - won the prize.
¯ Feds Pushingf0r
: Name"Reporting
¯ FRANKFORT, Ky~ (AP):-, The General
Assembly could be asked to require
: doctors treating people infected with the
: virus that causes AIDS to report them by
¯ name. It is the only way to ensure that
: federal money for AIDS treatment and
" program keeps flowing, a task force’s
~ reasoning goes.
: "The practicality is this," Dr. Anna
¯ Huang, see Health, p. 11
byJames Christjohn, entertainmentQueen
By the time you read this, the film will
be gone (thanks toWoodlandHills Cinema
for bringing it to us!), but as it will be a
great stocking stuffer - no catty remarks,
please - I will review it for your reading
pleasure anyway. And since I’ve never
worried about timeliness
before, why start now?
"Get Real" was a
wonderful film about a 16
year old Gay boy in
England, and the process
of "coming out" - he runs
into an older boy at his
school, and they find
themselves in "love", or
what seems to be love.
Only one problem: The
older boy is ashamed of
his Gayness, and wants
everything kept "hushhush."
Needless to say, many
poignant moments ensue,
all of which rang true for
me and the other person
viewing the film with me.
Much was true to life,
although much of it was kind of "what if
I had come out at 16 instead of 21"
speculation for me. I was a late bloomer,
what can I say? Speaks a lot for "the
At any rate, I found the film absorbing
and realistic, in many aspects. As my
friendpointed out, "Yes, but there were so
many’cinematicmoments.’ "Myresponse
was, "yes -and ? - life is made of
’cinematic moments.’ Sometimes we’re
lucky enough to havelots of them." I
pointed out several ’cinematic moments’
that we shared that he’d forgotten, and he
conceded the point.
He also took umbrage with the ending,
whichwas realistic. (Warning: Don’tread
beyond this point to the next paragraph if
you haven’t seen it and don’t want it
He wanted a more romantic ending
¯ (ironic, given his criticism only moments
before of the "cinematic moments"). The
¯¯ boys split, our hero deciding against a
futurebased on deceptionand hiding with
: one so.uncomfortable with himself.
¯ To me, that was a happy ending - he
: was strong enough to standup for whathe
believed, both in a public
And of course, no
column written by
yours truly would
be complete
without a
mention of
"You Know Who."
And if you
don’t know, then
you’ve not been
reading this
seetion regularly,
now have you?
and personal sense, and
wasn’t willing to "settle"
for less.
Yes, the sappy ending
have been ok, and his
rationalewas that so many
mowes with Gay
characters end up with
depressing endings that
he’d have liked to have
seen an alternate ending
where both come out and
live happily ever after.
Yeah, maybe it. would
have been nice, but I
applaud the author and
producer’s strength to
stick with this ending.
And to me, it was a
happy ending of sorts. All
¯ depends on perspective, I suppose. At any
¯ rate, The activg was top-notch, the ¯
characters were real, and it is definitely a
¯ film destined to be at the top of my DVD
¯ wish list."
: "Beauty and the Beast" ended its run on
¯ aninterestingnot.e.Abeautifulproduction,
¯ albeit with sometechnieal difficulties (the.
: first week’s shows were in reality
: "previews", in which technical errors are
: more or less expected and worked out)
¯ such as bad timing on the lighting,
¯ °
reveahngcharacter’ s "di° sappearances"to
¯ beactors running inand out oflights when
¯ it should bedark, beasts transforming into
: princes and getting stuck in mid-
’ transformation by malfunctioning
¯ "magic" ("this spell canceled due to
¯ technical difficulties") and mysterious
¯ illnesses taking out cast members.
". see Beast, p. 14
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by John Curran
ATLANTIC CITY - The flowers and
dime-store crown were real. Nearly
everything else was fake, from the
eyelashes to thecleavage tothetip-synched
WelcometoAtlantic City’ s otherbeauty
pageant, the one for men dressed in drag.
Seven blocks and a world away from the
stage where Miss America 2000 was
crowned, the Miss’d America Pageant
lampooned its famous older sister with a
raucous, gender-bending spoof funny
enough to bust a girdle.
Held annually on the night after Miss
America’s crowning, Miss’d America
provides a sarcastic antidote to the applepie
sincerity of the real pageant. The
swimsuit competition? A display of
chunky thighs and muscular arms. The
musical production numbers? Over-thetop
atrocious. The evening wear contest?
Outright hysterical.
The only serious thing Sunday was the
cause: Theeventraisedmorethan $15,000
for support programs run by the South
Jersey AIDS Alliance. "It’s the wildest
show this side of the Boardwalk," said
Bill Mattel, the alliance’s former chief
Wild, indeed. There was Miss Sallotta
¯ Tea, who squeezed 240 pounds into a
: sequined black cocktail dress and opera-
" length black gloves. Down the runway
¯ wentMissTea, pushing acartloadedwith ¯
goodies and warbling a versionofthe title
: song from the musical "Cabaret." "Life is
¯ abigb,uf,fet, myfriend. Socometothebig
buffet, sang Miss Tea.
Then there was Miss Tenee, a 6-foot-3
: inch, 205-pounder, who began a talent
¯ segment in a purple Afro wig and brown ¯
velour dress. That soon disappeared,
: revealing a silk chemise. Miss Tenee won
: the crown, was given a dozen roses and
¯ headeddown the bulb-adornedrunway as
the crowd sang a reworked version of
". "There She Is," the Miss Americastandard.
¯ The capacity 600-person crowd was a ¯
mix of Gay and straight, casino workers
and local politicians, Miss America
¯ Pageant hairstylists and female
¯ impersonators. ,
Not that there wasn t some authenticity
to the proceedings. Miss America 1998
: Kate Shindle, who spent her reign
¯ promoting AIDS advocacy and needle
: exchanges, sang "My Man" during the
: show. "As far as I’m concerned, what’s
: any pageant without a former Miss
¯ Whatever singing StreisandT’ she said.
7, 8, 99
9 9 9
"You don’t
have to know
ballet to
love ballet.
You just have
to try it."
:Mixed Repertory includes two Oklahoma premieres
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595 (Welcoming)
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United
Service, l lain, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lain, 205 W. King (east of N. Denver), Info: 582-3088
Unity Church of Christianity
Services: 9:15 & 11:00 am, 3355 S. Jamestown, 749-8833
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 6pm, call Shawn at 243-5190.
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each mo. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals - call for times, info: 748-3888.
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Commuuity of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pm, 2545 S. Yale
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm,’3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/eachmo. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Commmlity of Hope, 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd t, ~i~ _
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info:298-0827
Gal-A-Vanting, Women~ Social & Cultural Group
Call for info: Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long rides & short ddes from
Zeigler Park. Long & short rides from Tulsa Gay Commtmity Center. Write for info:
PUB 9165. Tulsa, OK 74157
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
by George Bria
POUND RIDGE, N.Y. (AP) - Gardening
~njoys suchaserenereputation thatgetting
njure~ at it seems almost laughable: Yet
anoverzealous greenthumbcanalsomean
a sore elbow.
Thecasualtyhsts are. swelled, ofcourse,
by the power eqmpment
ix~juries oaten stiffered through
¯ in’attention or failure to wear
,:protective gear~ But.whatwe’re
talking about here is soreness,
strains and sprains.
A common ailment is
tendonitis. You can get tennis
elbow just pulling weeds, the
repetitive squeezing motion
inciting inflzmmation.
Back muscle spasm is
another trauma that threatens
the wheelbarrow lifter or the
person who bends abruptly or
improperly to perform some
taskinflowerbed or vegetable
patch. Sometimes it just
happens without an easily
pinpointed cause.
Having suffered both these
: abdominal muscles," Pearlman says. "In
¯ essence, thesemuscles act as"guy wires,"
¯ to keep your baekmhne. She prescn
a series of abdominal strengthening
: exercises and also exercises to condition
¯ other muscles related to the back.
: If, in spite of all this, back spasm
suddenly strikes, Pearlman
says stop your garden work
immediately, head for the
house and lie down on an ice
pack for 20 minutes. That’s
just a beginner. Then do some
exercises and maybe take a
pain reliever. Repeat the
sequence four or five tames
during the first day. In two or
three days you should be
better, she says, and if not,
think of going to a doctor.
Pearlman prescribes a
variety of push-ups and
weight-lifting exercises to
-strengthen arms. One. way to
strengthen hands, she says, is
repetitive squeezing of a
semisoft rubber ball.. Aside
from strengthening exercises,
"Lets get
down to earth
and be real;’
Pearlman says,
"gardening is
an active,
contact "sport."
"When is the
last time you
sat still in your
- Barbara
ailments from my gardening, I can testify :
they’re just as painful as if you got them "
on the tennis court, as I did, or from some °
other sport or at work. To add to potential
miseries, a bad elbow you got in tennis
might heal only to flare up again in the
garden. Tendonitis can hit the shoulder,
too,andoften does. There are conditioning
exercises youcan do, andprobably should
do, to prevent injuries, but in my
experience inflanu~tory ailments like
tendonitis sometimes seem to happen
One day you’re fine after w.eedigg an,d.
anotherday you develop pain tlaat doesn t
go away. The same thing happens to a
pitcher or a hard-serving teums player
despite conditioning. Proven therapies,
involving drugs, exercises or even surgery,
exist to heal such injuries but preventing
them from happening in the first place is
something else.
Nevertheless, suggestions exist, and a
good book has just come out aimed at
conditioning youto minimize the chances
of getting hurt while gardening.
"Gardener"s Fitness" by Barbara
Pearlman (Taylor Publishing Co., $12.95,
paperback), a Manhattan fitness expert
and a gardener, prescribes exercises,
proper posture and attire and relaxation
teclmiques. The 151-page book contains
easy-to-follow instructions and helpful
"Lets get down to earth and be real,"
Pearlman says, "gardening is an active,
contact "sport." "When is the last time
you sat still in your garden?" she asks, "If
you’re not hauling heavy rocks, you’re
pushing a wheelbarrow, toting tools,
dragging the hose, or whacking weeds.
You’re in perpetual motion, unless of
course your idea of gardening is planting
:apot of~etunias orp~msies onyourpaso?’
Pearlman identifies tlie body parts mat
workhardestinthe garden as arms,: ,,l~ees,
hands "and, abov,~ all, your back,. Back
pain,"shesays,~s the gardener sbugaboo.
Unless your back is made of steel (in
which case, youprobably can’.t g.etinto ,al,1
the contorted positions gardemng cans
for) at some point during the season, your
back is bound to protest."
’The very best defense against back
painis agoodoffense, whichmeans strong
knee fitness involves proper squatting in
the garden, Pearlman says. This means
keeping your heels flat, otherwise far
: much pressure is placed on your knees."
: "Knowing how to bend over andhow to
¯¯ lift an object (or yourself) the correctway
is crucial to gardening," Pearlman says.
: ’The chance of straining your back is far
: greater if youneglect tobendyourknees."
¯ When carrying things, she says, "you ¯
should use the strongest and largestjoints
and muscles (those in your arms) for the
." job to avoid direct pressure on your
¯ smallestjointsandweakestmuscles (those
: in your hands and fingers.)"
¯ "There is a right way and a wrong way
to move when you garden and malting th,e,
¯ right moves makes good garden sense,’
". Pearlman says. "It’s as simple as that."
¯ JOHANNESBURG, South Mrica (AP)-
¯ A provincial blood donor service has
¯ started turning away black blood donors
¯ between 18 and 35 years because of the
: high risk of infection from AIDS and
¯ other diseases, E-TV reported in
: September.
¯ Eric Saunderson, head of the Natal
BloodTransfusion Service, confirmedthat
the agency is importing blood from
Hollandand theWestern Cape, a province
with a lower rate of HIV infections.
¯ "Ourresponsibility is to thepatient, and
¯ it’s the right of every patient to have the ¯
safest blood possible," Saund~rson said
¯ in the television interview.
¯ Ronald Louw, a spokesman from the ¯
Gay and Lesbian Coalition, denounced
the practice of apartheidblood collection.
¯ ’q’his is discrimination," he said.
¯ About 8% 0f all South Africans are ¯
HIV positive,~a rate that reaches up to
25% in some communities in KwaZulu-
¯ Natal, where the Natal service is located,
¯ and elsewhere in the country. But a racial
: breakdown of the infection rate was not
¯ known.
Black Blood
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by Anthony Breznican
Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The aggressive
roles of men in sports, movies and
television can cause boys to equate
violence with masculinity,
according to a report released
today byachildren’s advocacy
A survey of 1,200 boys,
ranging from 10- to 17-yearsold,
revealed their favorite
entertainment often depicts
brutality as a heroic way to
solve~problems, said Harvard
psychologistWilliam Pollack,
who helped analyze the study
for ChildrenNow. "It’s gender
straight-jacketing," Pollack
said. ’q~hese boys believe that
in order to be a real man- like
the ones in the media - they
have to be violent and
characters and sports figures
viewed by the participants
committed brutal or defiant
acts or demonstrated antisocial
behavior such as
ridiculing or lying, Pollack
The study was released at the start ofthe
group’ s anntml conferencein Los Angeles.
Children Now, an independent advocacy
group for children in Oakland, plans to
use the findings to call on entertainment
executives to promote a more
compassionate image of men, said Lois
Salisbury, president of the organization.
According to Ms. Salisbury, the
kickboxing crimefighter on "Walker,
Texas Ranger" on CBS and the
sensationalized crashes and arrests on
Fox’s "World’s Wildest Police Videos"
were among the worst for reinforcing
negative stereotypes ofauthoritativemen.
"Theyjust glorify heavy-handed tactics,"
she said.
She also speculated that professional
wrestling’s blend of scantily dad women
a University ofLouisville assistantmedical
professor, said: without federal money,
only people with insurance will have
access to the relatively few doctors with
experience in AIDS treatment.
"I think we’re at a point the legislation
needs tobe considered,"Huangsaidduring
a public hearing by the legislature’s Task
"It’s gender
Pollack said.
"These boys
believe that in
order to be a
real man - llke
the ones in the
media - they
have to be
violent and
- William
: and muscle-bound fighters could cause
¯ relationship problems for adolescent boys
"_ who might imitate the behaviors they see
¯ acted out by the wrestlers when trying to
: woo women. ’The image is that men are
meant to be defined by anger
and violence and power and
sex," Ms. Salisbury said.
’There is very little roomfor a
range of behaviors such as
compassion and
She points to ABC’s ’¢Fhe
Drew Carey Show" as an
example ofaprogram that has
very little violence and draws
itshumorfrom the crew-cutted
comedian’s portrayal of
schlepping throughamundane
job. "He’s stuck in ajob that’s
going nowhere and the whole
basis (of the show) is that he is
¯ . . a loser," Ms. Salisbury
said. "That tells boys that the
only place to be is at the top.
Otherwise, you’re to be
laughed at."
Michael J. Gerson, a
psychologist and lecturer at
Loyola Marymount
University, criticized Children Now for
¯¯ drawing what he characterized as an
elementary conclusion about the effects
¯ of media violence on young people.
¯ "Researchers canunderestimate the ability
of children to make distinctions between
¯ fantasy andreality,"Gerson said.’~A child
¯ may s~oot his fingers like a gun, but he
doesn t have to develop a killer mentality
¯ or wish to be destructive." i-iowever,
¯ Gerson saidChildren Now was correct in ¯
proposing that the blending of sex and
violence can confuse adolescents who
¯ should instead associate gentleness with
¯ intimacy. "I do object to movies where the
¯ girl and the guy get into the back seat of
the car and a Miler pops out and cuts them
¯ in half with a chain saw," Gerson said.
¯ "That can cause problems."
Force on HIV/AIDS Prevention, Services "
and Financing. "
Thirty-three states require people !
infected with HIV, the human ¯
immundeficiency virus, to be reported by "
name. The federal government is :
pressuring all other states, including ¯
Kentucky, to follow suit. Those that balk ¯
could lose federal funding for AIDS, the "
task force says in a report. ."
The recommendation brought a fierce ¯
response aboutprivacy-evenamong task "
force members - at the public hearing. "I "
call it blackmail," said Barry .Norris, a ,"
task force member from Louisville. But, ¯
Norris asked, what choice does Kentucky "
have. Do we just not take themoney9... °
¯ Do we make a principled stand?" Jeff ."
Vessels, executive director of the ¯
American Civil Liberties Union in "
Kentucky, said states should challenge
the federal agencies. "It’s a terrible thing
that we have to sacrifice so much privacy
in the name of money," Vessels said.
An AIDS patient said the stigma of the
disease would drive many people
underground. "For the fear of reporting
their names, they simply will not go get
tested," Michael Seidler of Louisville
Thestate keepsrecords ofAIDS patients
by name, but not of people infected with
ttIV..For that reason, the state’ s reports of
HIV infection are considered suspect by
federal record keepers at the Centers for
Disease Control. Mollie’Adkins, of the
Kentucky Department for Public Health,
said name reporting is the most reliable
way yet found to ensure cases are not
duplicated and statistics are not inflated.
Names would he maintained, in a state
database, not passed along to the CDC.
The task force also says the legislature
should restrict access to the information
and enact stiff penalties for breaches.
Seidler, the AIDS patient, said that was
wishful thinking. Computer hackers got
into Florida’s HIV-test database, he said.
"Ifyoucan guarantee somethinglike that’ s
not going to happen..." Seidler said, "by
all means go outand get tested yourselves."
by Esther Rothblum, Ph.D.
Do Lesbians drink more alcohol than
heterosexual women? In the not-toodistant
past, the Lesbian bar
was one of the only places " ~ome d the
where Lesbians could go to
early studies
meet other women. On the
otherhand,many Lesbianbars su~,rested that
h~iVe Closed down, indicating
Pdr.einrhkainpgs lt~hsast aLndeshbaivaensot-haerer- upd-toLoensblei~atnhlsrdplaces
to socialize,
To find out more about
Lesbians and alcohol-use, I
interviewedDr. TondaHughe~
in the Department of Nursing
at the University of Illinois at
Chicago. ,Some of the early
studies suggested that up .to
one third of Lesbians were
serious alcohol abusers," she
said, "but often these
researchers collected their data
from Lesbians in bars. So itis
not surprising that this method
found a large number of
Lesbians who were heavy
drinkers. I think that that is
why we have the bdief that
Lesbians are atriskfor alcohol
Nevertheless, Dr. Hughes
believes that Lesbians drank
more than heterosexual
women in the 1960s and 70s.
"Lower rates of drinking
among Lesbians now is partly
due to changes in drinking in
the whole population, to more
health consciousness, and to
the AIDS crisis, which has
alertedus to the risks ofalcohol
and drug use," she said. She
also felt that Lesbians used to
drink more during the coming
out process, in order to deal
with social anxiety and stigma
involved in meeting other women and
coming to terms with being a Lesbian.
In a study conducted in Chicago, New
York City, and Minneapolis/St. Paul in
the mid-1980s with more than Lesbians,
Lesbians overall were no more likely to
reportalcohol-relatedproblems than we.re °
heterosexual women. Only Lesbians in
the 50-60 year old age range reported ¯
more alcohol problems than did their "
heterosexualcounterparts. Dr. Hughes has ¯
conductedaseries of studies withLesbians "
and heterosextml women that focus on °
various mental health factors, including ¯
alcohol use and abuse.
Her results indicate that Lesbians these "
days are no more likely to drink heavily "
than are heterosexual women. In fact,--
Lesbians were more likely to report ¯
abstaining from alcohol altogether for the "
past year than were heterosexual women.."
Most of the Lesbian and-heterosexual ¯
womeninher sample drank alcohol at low "
levels. White Lesbians, however, drank "
morethandid AfricanAmericanor Latina ¯
"Interestingly, there are more Lesbians ."
who report that they are in recovery, "
though" she added. Only 2% of."
heterosexual womenhadbeenin treatment
for alcohol or in 12-step programs,
compared with 17% of Lesbians--a large "
difference. This may be the result of prior ¯
heavy drinking among Lesbians. Or it "
may be thht Lesbians are more aware of "
were serious
she said, ’but
often these
co||ected tbelr
data [rom
Lesblans ;n
bars. So it’s
not surprlslng
that this
method [ound
o[ Lesbians
who were
heavy drinkers.
I think that
that is why we
bare the belld
that Lesbians
are at r~sk [or
alcohol abuse.’"
~ substanceuse issues than areheterosexual
¯ women. Oneofthe questionsinthesurvey
is "Have you ever wondered if you had a
drinking problem," and 47%
of Lesbians answered "yes" to
this item compared with only
14% of the heterosexual
women. This finding again
hints at heavy alcohol use in
Finally, there was a trend for
older Lesbians to report more
drinking, and these are the
Lesbians who were adults
during earlier times when
drinking was more part of the
Lesbian commurtities.
Dr. Hughes is interested in
exploring patterns of drinking
across various age groups of
Lesbians. Specifically, she is
interested in whether older
Lesbian~ who were adults
during earlier times when
drinking was more part of the
Lesbian cotumunities are
continuing to drink heavily.
She is also interested in the
question of how Lesbians and
their partners moderate each
others drinking, because
research on heterosexuals
shows that partners’ drinking
is a major factor in how much
people drink. We still know
very little about all Ihe factors
that increase or decrease
Lesbians’ risk for alcohol
abuse or alcohol-related
Esther Rothblum is Professor
of Psychology at the
University of Vermont and
Editor of the Journal of
Lesbian Studies. She can be
reached at Dewey Hall, Univ.
of Vermont, Burlington, VT,
¯ emaih esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
of The Tulsa Worldnews story about the
New Jersey ruling. Ms. Kue.lmertpromised
to check into the issue and to telephone
back the next day.
TAUWenjoys significant supportfrom
some of Tulsa’s most well known
corporations. Debbie Graham ofQuikTrip
Corporation said that her organization
had supported UnitedWayformany years
because it helps a vast variety of agencies
but-that QuikTrip doesn’t get involved in
"the politics of individual agencies."
And while Ms. Graham could not
confirm that Quik Trip has a nondiscrimination
policy which explicitly
includes "sexual orientation," she noted
that it is their practice not to discriminate.
Quik Trip had provided promotion of
the United Way campaign in the form of
a printed solicitation for support on Quik
Trip paper bags.
Emily Gill of Dollar Car Rental did
confirm that her company and its parent
group, Dollar/Thrifty Automotive Group
(DTAG) which Mr. Cappy chairs, does
have an explicitnon-discrimination policy
butMs. Gill wasunable to address whether
any one atDTAG saw any conflictbetween
their internal non-discrimination policy
and see TA UW, p. 13
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by Lamont Lindstrom, Phdg.
Last snmmer I wentto afriend’ s fiftieth
birthday p~arty.,] I think actually it was at
least his tbir or even fourth fiftieth
birthday. He is de_t,_e~_.ined.n_o,t to get any
older. Freezingone s agent50ts somewhat
more mature than those of us who fixate
on 30, or even 25. Another birthday boy I
know is at 28 and holding. Andmy friend
Steve- who is 33 and gorgeous - always
shaves five or six years off his age on
those tempting messages he leaves on
telephone dating, lines.
Welcome to America.
Growing up around here is
good. But growing old can be
a problem. We all know about
the bittersweetness of
birthdays. Next time you are
in a card store, have a look at
those nasty if cruelly funny.
cards that we are encourag
to giveanyoneunlueky enough
to have turned 40. Women
complain that the onusof age
falls most heavily on them.
Men, as they wrinkle, gray;
and sag, at least might bope.~o
grow to be distinguished.
Women, on the other hand,
age into grannies and crones.
My sly friends who have
recycled or lost a few of their
blrdadays, however, don~t
seem to be waiting eagerly for
distinguished, silver-haired
maturity. They, too~ would
rather stay young and juicy.
Theexplosion of men’s hair dye, plastic
surgery, and youthful herbal supplement
commercials flashing daily on my
television screen suggest an increasingly
desperate age-panic among all of us, no
matter our gender.
When I was 24, I lived on Tanna, an
isolated South Pacific island. Everyone
there is related to everyone. Newcomers
- quickly receive "fictive kin" identities in
order better to fit into village life. Soon
after I arrived, all the kids began calling
me kaha - "grandpa." I was taken aback
by this. Why, back then, I had hardly any
gray hair after all! OnTanna, though, as in
most places on earth, ageis pr_estigio.us..
Those kids were doing me abig favor wttla
that grandpa thing. Myislandfriend Nariu,
who was hardly older than me, within a
few years had started referring to himself
(and me) as "’we old men." Nariu was
ambitious and since old men ran his
society, he was determined to become a
senior citizen as soon as he could.
American fears of aging clearly have
much to do with how years connect up
with power and prestige. I sometimes ask
my university students when they think
adulthood begins. When do you truly
become an adult? They tend to place this
somewherein the20s-afew years bey.ond
their own age. Most Americans associate
adulthood with economic independence:
having one’s own job, paying 0n.e’s.o.wn
bills. We see some 35-year-old still hvlng
with mother as sadly still a little juvenile.
I also askmy youthful students for their,
defimtmns of nnddle-aged and old.
Answers here are more variable. (Some
startmiddleage-at30.) Generally, though,
true oldness connects with retirement.
Once we leave the workplace for good,
we lose salary, power, prestige, and any
final fleeting claims to youth. People
throughoutmost of the world can’t wait to
get old. The older they are, the more
¯ authority and influence they have within
their fzmilies and societies. Here, if you
: want to be president at age 69, like Ronald
¯ Reagan you’d better pour on that black
¯ hair dye.
. Gay menmay bemore panickedby age
: than most Americans. We have all heard
: bitter complaints about our agi_sm ~ a~,d
lookism- and such gripes are often samy
: justifiedbypersonal experience. (Lesbian
¯¯ society is,l~___ha,p_s kinder to it_s wrin.kl,ed
sisters ) It s fun to read the age limitalmns
in classified personal ads.
"Gay men may Most of the lovelorn are ISO
sweet-youngthings. Notmany
be more want to date those of well-.
panicked by
age than most
We have all
heard bitter
a~out our
agism -- and
lookism - and
such gripes are
often sadly
justified by
aged .and mature vintage.
Many ads have upper age cutoffs
- commonly 30 or 35 or,
morerarely, 40. Some seekers
are willing to date over a
decade’s span-five years
younger to five years older
than themselves. Many 40-
somethings speei-ficaldl’y
request none but the 20-
something... Good luck...
More gray hair on the way for
you, I think.
Or there is the daddy niche:
bears and cubs. A few
yonngish personal advertisers
won’ t touch anyone
underneath 45 or 50. They
want~eir daddy. At.leastthere
remarns, here m .agist
American, one specialized
market opporUmity for mental, ,facial,,and
financial maturity. So you can atways ouy
a youth if you can’t have youth yourself
Then there are the age-blind. They "go
bv~t_he s,n_i_r_i t. "Thev_o_romisetodateanyone
18 to 88, or so they say. I logged onto a 61-
vear-old’s personal page on the Internet.
"Ageis only a state of mind,"it said. Yeah
right. Are you from Tanna or America?
Check out your mirror. But I’m taking
notes. Those birthdays keep rolling. And
next year the cake might set off the smoke
Lamont Lindstrom. Ph.D. teaches
anthropology at ~he University of Tulsa?
the discriminatory policies of the BSA
and United Way’s failure to pledge not to
discriminate. Ms. Gill promised aresponse
after consulting with others in her
organizationbutfailed to respondby press
Likewise, Jean Johnson, Bank of
America’s southwestern press
spokesperson, pointed out that the bank,
with its origins in San Francisco, has
some of themostprogressive policies, not
only pledging not to discriminate but also
¯ prowiding domestic partner benefits to
¯ their employees. She added that Bank of
] America is one of United Way’s largest
~ supporters on a national level. Roger
¯ Whaley ofBank of America serves on the
~ board of directors of TAUW.
: The Tulsa Area United Way campaign
enjoys further promotional sup.port fr,.om
Tulsa area television stations. Accoromg
’. to the staffperson at KOTV, Channel 6,
: the stations which represent the major
~ networks and Fox all agree to do public
¯ service announcements.
" Pat Baldwin of KTUL, Cbannel 8 who
¯ is a member see TAUW, p. 14
The regular Belle’s father was
hospitalized during the run, and at the last
matinee, folks in the audience neverknew
of the backstage drama going on. The
Beast became ill at the end of the first act
(where he flings himself across a balcony
In despair of ever being loved, and the
curtain falls). When the backstage crew
revolved the set to help him down, they
found the actor playing the Beast hanging
over the balcony - passed out cold. They
revived him, and he decided to go on with
the show:
However, you could never tell from the
audience that anything was wrong. After
the performance, he was whisked to the
hospital as soon as the curtain fell. It
appears he may have been suffering from
a bleeding ulcer.
The understudy went on that evening,
and I hear he did well, despite misgivings
on the part of some of the crew and other
castmembers-not tomentionhehimself!
I was sorry to see the troupe leave - they
were such nice folk.
October events at the Performing Arts
Center (596-7111 for tix) include Tulsa
Ballet’ s "AnnaKarenina", Oct 1-3; Sabella
Oct 2; The Celtic Series with Natalie
McMaster, Oct 8-9; Tulsa Opera’s
"Carmen, Oct 16-24; ATC’s Titanic
mystery, "Scotland Road", Ok 22-30;
and The Phil’s pops concert, "Sound and
Sorcery" Oct 29-30.
I look forward to the arrival of Petula
Clark as Norma Desmond in "Sunset
Boulevard." However, I still think Carol
Bumett should tour with the show; that
would bea .fresh interpretation in many
respects. The reviews I’ve read and heard
from friends thus far have reassured me
we are in for an excellent show. The
magicin themaking will arriveNovember
23 -28.
And of course, no column written by
yours truly would be complete without a
mention of"YouKnow Who."Andifyou
don’tknow, then you’ve not been reading
this section regularly, now have you?
Shame on you!
The ever-ethereal Stevie Nicks made a
stumling appearance on the top-rated
Sheryl Crow and Friends concert on the
,Fox network, and it was interesting to
note that she garneredthemostenthusiastic
audience response of the eminently
talented bunch.
"Gold Dust Woman" never sounded
better, and according to the rumor mill,
her new CD’s in the can, awaiting release.
Sheryl Crow produced theCDin between
tours. Also, Lesbian Icon, Melissa
Etheridge, if you follow the Tulsa World
columns, is rumored to be scheduling a
Tulsa appearance. We’ll be awaiting word
on that situation.
And "heart-and-other-body-partsthrob"
Ricky Martin will be in Dallas
November 4th. Ay cammba!
of the board of directors of Tulsa Area
UnitedWay, failed to respond to the voice
mail asking him to call.
In contrast, Bud Brown, new general
manager ofKOTV, Channel 6, noted he’d
only been in Tulsa for 3 weeks, and had
not seen the Tulsa World article in which
the Boy Scouts reaffirmed their anti-Gay
stance but he noted that his corporation,
The Belo Corporation which owns the
Dallas Morning News, WFAA in Dallas
and a number of other television_ stations,
: is "very clear...very firm" on their
¯ corporatenon-discriminationpolicy which
includes "sexual orientation."
: Greg Gatewood, president of Tulsa
¯ Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR),
was one .Gay person willing to have his
: name used though he emphasized that he
¯ was speaking as an individual not for
TOHR. Gatewood saidhefeltUnitedWay
: did a lot of good, funding for example,
¯ TulsaC.A.R.E.S.andotherorganizations,
and that he’d given to United Way in the
: past. However, he added that he did not
¯¯ agreewith theBoy Scouts’ policy and that
he’d like to see United Way open a
: discussionwith theGay community about
¯ the Boy Scouts, trying to f’md common
¯ ground. He added thathe’dlike to include ¯
the Boy Scouts in that dialogue also.
He suggested that instead of asking
¯ Tulsa Area United Way to stop funding
¯ the Boy Scouts that TAUW should be
: asked to fund an organization which
: provides services to Tulsa’s Lesbian and
: .Gay communities. Gatewood emphati-
¯ tally agreed thatTAUW shouldamendits
: ownnon-discrimination policy to include
¯ "sexual orientation."
: A prominent member of Tulsa’s Gay
¯ community, Vernon Jones, partner of the
late Phil Wiley and civil rights and HIV/
¯ AIDS issues activist, recalled that Tulsa
¯ Area United Way also has a history of
: racial discrimination. He remembers
newspaper articles from his youth
¯ reporting on how TAUW refused to fund
¯ agencies which served Tulsa’s Black
¯ commtmity. Jones,likeothers appreciated
TAUW’s support for HIV/AIDS services
¯ " but thought United Way should not fund.
the BSA.
Beth Kuehnert, Tulsa Area United
Way’s marketing representative, did not
call back as she promised. When asked
about this by telephone, she accused Tulsa
Family News of calling and harassing
United Way supporters, naming one in
particular. Ms. Kuehnert was informed
that a news story required speaking with
more than just her and that all contacts
with United Way supporters had been
through their designated press
representatives and clearly identified as
news inquiries and had been quite cordial.
And despite earlier promises to try to
answer questions about United Way’s
decision to fund .the Boy Scouts, Ms.
Kuehnert now stated that "I’m not going
to ask this question in the middle of the
campaign.., the decision [to fund the Boy
Scouts] was made in the spring [last
When TulsaFamilyNews contacted the
UnitedWay corporate supporter who had
allegedly been the subject of TFN
harassment,TFN was told that they’d said
nothing of the sort but only that they’d
called Tulsa Area United Way president
and chief professional officer, Kathleen
¯ Coon, to say that the issue of funding the
: Boy Scouts had been raised.
¯ This corporate spokesperson
characterized the conversation with TFN
¯ as very civil and cordial.
At press dine, Tulsa Family News had
¯ made either three or four phone calls over
: at least a four year period to Tulsa Area
~ United Way president Kathleen Coan
¯ requesting the courtesy of a return phone
¯ call.
¯ To date, Ms. Coon, despite an apparent
¯ ready accessibility to The Tulsa World
¯ and other non-minority news orgam-
." zations, has refused to return any calls.
¯ For a related editorial, please see
; United Our Way, p. 3.
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(and former lead singer of "lnae Nylons),
whose sound is an eclectic hybrid of
electronicpop witharock ’n’ roll swagger,
and the fabulous "Doris Daze", an allwomen’s
pop/rock band that is currently
making a big splash in Dallas. (Check out
these websites, www.mp3.com/dorisdaze
and www.loudboybarnes.com, to get a
taste of their music.)
And it’s not over yet! Don’t dare miss
the dance and drag show on Sunday
afternoon at Center Stage. Besides the
always exciting, always surprising
performances of Domonique Daniels,
.Carla Renee, Miss Helga, Tara T’Neil,
and Tabitha Taylor of Tulsa, Okla., and
our ever-popular DJ, Jon Caswell,
"Barnes" will make a guest appearance!
So call your friends, select your
wardrobe, and make your lodging
reservations now!! You won’t want to
miss this weekend!!! Call The Emerald
Rainbow at (501) 253-5445 or visit
www.shimaka.com!eureka/diversity to get
a full schedule of activities.
2:30 pm - 5:00 pin"Family" musicians
perform at Mud St. Espresso Cafe on
Main St.
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm More entertainment
at the Kaffeehaus Aroma in Basin Park
8:00 pm - 12:30 am M.CC. of the
Living Spring hosts Carnival Under the
Rainbow - Dance and Game Night. Game
booths- will raise funds for local projects
and organizations while Jon Caswell spins
an eclectic mix of dance music. A great
way to kick off the weekend! Basin Park
Hotel Ballroom. Cover: $4.50 per person,
$7.50 per couple. Must be 21.
10:00 am - Noon Catch the end of the
fall colors canoeing down the beautiful
White River. Call the Dam Store at (501)
253-6154 for details. $22!canoe.
10:30 am - Noon Enjoy a "colorful"
historic walking tour wi~ Bill. Meet at
Sweet Springs on upper Spring St. next to
Rogue’s Manor. No charge.
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Bring the kids to a
"family" family picnic at Harmon Park.
Food and games. Call Samuel Strickland
for details (501) 253-7837. Children of all
ages welcome. No charge.
Be sure to check out the unique shops
andrestaurants listed in the Eureka Springs
Diversity Cooperative. Let them know
you’re here for Diversity Weekend!
1:00 pm - 4:00 pro, Did you bring your
singing voice? Give Karaoke a whirl with
Lita at the Hole in. the Wall off Center St.
No cover.
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Give your feet a
break, and listen to some great musicians
at Mud St. Espresso Cafe and Kaffeehaus
Aroma. Tips appreciated.
9:00 pro- 1:00 am Party, party, party!!
Dance, dance, dance!! Come on out to
Center Stage, and dance like you mean it
to Jon’ s high energy club tunes;ORShake
your booties at the Basin Park Hotel
Ballroom to the live performances of
dynamic GLAMA-winning L.A. Singer/
songwriter Barnes, and the fantastic pop/
rock Dallas-based women’s band Doris
Daze. (Both will have their CDs available
for sale.) Must be 21! Cover charges:
Center Stage only - $5 per person. Basin
Park only - $10 per person. Both venues -
$13 per person. What a nightt !
2:00 pm - 6:00pmYou can’t leave yet!!
Meet us again at Center Stage for our tea
dance and drag show. Those girls from
Tulsa, those talented, and always
fantabulous entertainers, Domonique
Daniels, Carla Renee, Miss Helga, Tara
T’Neil and Tabitha Taylor will knock
your socks off with their dazzling
performances, while Jon graces us with
his DJ magic once again. AND, to add to
the excitement, Barnes will be there to
sharehis terrificvoice andpowerful music
in a Special guest set. Must be 21! Cover:
$5 per person.
7:00 Inn M.C.C. of the Living Spring
Service at 17 Elk St. Call (501) 253-9337
for information. All are welcome!
* Friday night from 10 p.m. ’til close,
Clary and K.J. will havelive entertainment
and dancing at Center Stage.
* If you’re feeling adventurous (and a
little brave), you may want to check out
the Ghost Tours at the Crescent Hotel.
They start at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, and last for
approximately anhour andfifteenminutes.
Discounted price of $8 per person to
anyone wearing a purple"Eureka Springs
Celebrating Diversity" button (available
for half a buck at The Emerald Rainbow).
Call (501) 253-8030 or 2428 for details.
* In keeping with both themes this
weekend, Judy at Pond Mountain Lodge,
is hosting a "family" wine tasting, with
hors d’oeuvres, from 5 to 7 p.m. on
Saturday. Admission is a favorite boftle
of wine from your state or $10 per person.
Pond Mountain is on Hwy 23S about two
miles from its intersection in town with
Hwy 62. Call (800) 583-8043 for
* After the dances on Friday and
Saturday nights, Basin Block Cafe (across
from Basin Park Hotel) will be open for
breakfast from midnight ’til 3 a.m.
* This weekend is also Eureka Springs’
Food and Wine Festival, and many of the
town’s fine restaurants are offering special
menus, from light fare to exquisite multicourse
dinners. If you’re interested, call
at (501) 253-8737.
Be sure to stop byThe EmeraldRainbow
to pick up your Diversity Cooperative
booklet and discount coupons from some
of the Coop’s businesses!
And please join us at our next Eureka
Springs Diversity Celebration Weekend
on April 7, 8 &9, 2000 ! ! ! Keep an eye on
www.shimaka.com/eureka~diversity for
The Eureka Springs Diversity
Celebrationweekendis producedby Linda
Williams and M.C. Delahanty and
sponsored by The Emerald Rainbow and
the businesses of The Eureka Springs
Diversity Cooperative,
Classifieds - how to work them:
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Ads will run in the next issue after receipt.
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Army: No More Gay Ban
STRASBOURG, France (AP) - The European Court of
HumanRights ruled latein September that Britain’ sban
on homosexuals in the armed forces is a breach of
humanrights. The court found in favor ofthreemenand
a woman who were discharged from the British armed
forces in line with its absolute ban on homosexual
personnel after they admitted their sexual orientation.
The court said the British policyyciolated Article 8 of the
European Convention on Human Rights which defends
the right to respect for private and family life.
"The Court considered the investigations, and in
particular the interviews Of the applicants, to have been
exceptionally intrusive," thc European court said in a
statement. "The investigations conducted into the
applicants’ sexual orientation together with their
discharge from the armed forces constituted especially
grave interferences with their private lives," it said.
The verdict cannot force a-change of law, but the
applicants considered it a step towards ending
discriminationin thearmedforces. Defense Sec. George
Robertson said other existing cases involving Gays in
the British armed forces will be put on hold while the
government studies the implications of:the ruling.
Gay Demos Organize
TULSA- Local. Democratic Party activists will hold an
organizational meeting for a Tulsa chapter of the the
National Stonewall Democratic Federation on Sunday,
October 24th, at 4pro at the Tulsa Gay Community
Services Center (the Pride Center), at 1307 East 38th
Street, 2nd floor..
Stonewall Democrats, acaucus within the Democratic
Party works to secure the rights ofall people, regardless
’of sexual orientation or gender identity and serves as a
voicewithin the DemocraticParty for Lesbians andGay
men. Organizers noted in their press release that the
Oklahoma,Democratic party is rather conservative with
regard to civil rights for Gays and Lesbians and seek to
educate state party leadership about Lesbian and Gay
They list the following specific goals of the National
Stonewall Democratic Federation as:
(1) mobilizing voters through a national grassroots
network of Gay and Lesbian Democratic clubs and
individuals to advance the fight for Gay and Lesbian
civil rights;
(2) improving the record of the Democratic party by
- pressing it further inthe direction of full recognition of
the rightsofGay men, Lesbiansand Bisexuals to befree
from prejudice;
(3) educating voters on the vast difference that exists
between the two major parties on our issues, and the
importance of voting Democxatic as the most effective
way to achieve our goals;
(4) fighting the anti-Gay rhetoric of the Republican
conservative-wing, which has increasingly become the
instrument of those d~dicated to denying us our rights.
The organizers are encouraging those who share
these values to come to the October 24 meeting which
will feature membersfromthenewlyformedOklahoma
City Stonewall Democrats chapter. Paul Barby,whoran
as an openly Gay candidate for US Congress in
Oklahon~a’s 6th district will speak.
For more information, telephone Start Simpson at
582-6557. ~
:.Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulsane, Our Families + Friends
¯ Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
i Tulsa Area United. W .y Fun.ds
Support Anti-Gay D,scr, minat,on
: TULSA (TFN) - In a recent promotional piece printed and
¯ inserted in The Tulsa Worm for free, Tulsa Area United Way
(TAUW) touted its strong points. TAUWclaims to be thelargest
¯ non-governmental funder of health and human services.in the
¯¯ Tulsa area, funding some 231 programs at 68 member agencies.
TAUW also claims to have a lower than 10% overhead as
¯ compared to overhead of up to 40% declared acceptable by the
¯ National Charity Information Bureau.
¯ Joe Cappy, chairman/CEO and president of Dollar/Thrifty
Automotive Group, in the Tulsa World insert, claimed, ’q’ulsa
¯ Area United Way gives each of us a sensible, cost-effective
¯ approach to helping the people in our community who need it
¯ most..." ¯
But there are those who take issuewith some aspects of United
Way s funding,, partacularly that of the Indian NaUons Council of
¯ the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The BSA is one of the earliest
¯ organizations funded in Tulsa by the predecessors to the current
: United Way but the Scouting organization has been under fire
¯ nationally for its anti-Gay policies. The BSA claims the Scout
¯ pledge to be "morally straight" refers to being heterosexual and
¯ .therefore bans Gay youth from being Scouts or Gay men from
being Scoutmasters on the grounds that to be Gay is intrinsically
¯ to be "morally non-straight."
¯ Recently, the BSA lost a legal challenge to thi s anti-Gay policy
¯ brought under New Jersey state law. Former Eagle scout James Dale won his lawsuit but in response to questions from The Tulsa
¯ World,aspokespersonfortheTulsa-basedIndianNafionCouncil
of the BSA r~affirmed the ban in this area.
¯ And when TAUW kicked off its 75th anmversary campaign,
¯ running from Sept. 10th to Nov. 1 lth with a goal of raising
$21,497,725.00, some of these individuals said no to helping
¯ United Way because of the funding for an organization which
blatantly discriminates.
¯ Most ofthe individuals who spoke asked to remain anonymous
¯ citing fears ofretaliationfromTAUWor risk to their employment
¯ by public.ly speaking ~bout Lesbian and Gay issues in’h city with
fewprote~tious again~wolkplace discriminationbasedon sexual
¯ One Gay couple, both of whom are public
¯ employees, had slightly different reactions to the
issue of funding for the Boy Scouts.-One noted that
¯ "we’re so used to it, thatwedon’ t think about it"but
¯ he added that it’s "time when United Way needs to
start analyzing what they’re doing."
: However, his parmer noted that the organizations
¯ his employer was set to help for United Way’s Day
¯ of Caring were the Boy Scouts and the Salvation
Army, both organizations which he claims
¯ discriminate against Gay people. He notified his
¯ employer that he would not participate in the Day
¯ ofCaring because of those organization’ s anti-Gay ¯
¯ Another couple, Lesbian, said that it was a"tough
¯ question." One women, again who requested
¯ anonymity because of her job (she is a teacher), ¯
characterized the Boy Scouts’ policy as
¯ reprehensible but noted too that United Way funds
¯ the YWCA, an organization which has a non-
" discrimination policy which includes "sexual
¯ orientation." Her partner added that TAUW also
¯ funds Youth Services of Tulsa (YST) which has
¯ programs that benefit Lesbians and Gay men but ¯
she also acknowledged that YST hadkept those
¯ programs "closeted,"i.e. not publicized because of
¯ fears that UnitedWay fundingmight be withdrawn,
despite the fact that the failure to publicize the
¯ program significantly limitedYST’s ability toreach
¯ those whom the program was intended to help.
: Tulsa Area United Way’s marketing
representative, Beth Kuehnert was asked to explain
¯ TAUW’s continued funding for the BSA and
¯ initially, in a cordial and civil conversation, Ms.
Kuehnert said she was not aware of the Boy Scouts’
position nor see TA UW, p. 12
¯ Community Center News Eureka Springs Holds
Community Meeting 111 6. Diversity Celebration
TULSA - Organizers of the First Annual Community Center ¯ EUREKA SPRINGS - Fall is around the comer,
¯ Film Festival to be held on Oct. 7-9, Tulsa’s Gay Commtmity : andintheOzarks,it’salmosttimefor thebi-annual
¯ Center andits parent organization, TulsaOklahomaus forHuman " Diversity Celebration Weekend in Eureka Springs,
: Rights (TOHR) will show both Lesbian and Gay films, both : Ark. ! Organizers say this event, scheduled forNov.
’. feature length and shorts beginningat 5:30 onThurs, and Fri. and " 5-7, will be bigger and better than ever!
: from 2pm on Sat. and Sun. ¯ Metropolitan Community Church’s Friday night
¯ In addition, theCenterwillhostTOHR’sfirstComingOutFair " dance and camival will kick off the weekend at the
: "Discovering Yourself" from noon to 6pro on Sat. Oct. 9th. A " top of the Basin Park Hotel. On Saturday morning,
." record number of community organizations have committed to " strollthestreetsofEurekaonahistoric(andcolorful)
¯ particil~ating in the Coming Out Fair. . walking tour, canoe on the White River, or hike in
¯ GregGatewood,TOHRboardpresident,noted that at the Sept. ." Lake Leatherwood Park. ¯
.14th commlmity wide meeting held at the Center about 35 " Intheearlyaftemoon,bringthekidstoa"family"
ihdividuals attended and the representatives decided through a family picnic at Harmon Park, sing like you’re in
i largely consensus process to convene a commlmity council of the shower at karaoke, or listen to the sounds of
¯ organizations, churches and businesses. The group also decided : localandvisitmgGay/Lesbianmusiciansatseveral
toaskTOHRto co-ordinate theproposedbi-monthlymeetings to " different venues around town. And please be sure
: exchange information and ideas. . to visit all the wonderfully unique shops, and
¯ Marty Newman, a Human Rights Campaign board member, : support the Diversity Cooperative businesses of
¯ who along with TOHR co-founder Dennis Neill, called the first " Eureka Springs.
: meeting this summer, expressed his satisfaction with the Sept. " Then, after a delightful dinner (it’s Eureka
- ". meeting and the general progress of the process. Newman-noted ¯ Spri.ngs’ Food and Wine Festival this weekend,
¯ thatTulsaPFLAG chapter co-founder,Nancy McDonaldattended ¯ too),work offthosecaloriesattwofantasticdances.
¯ the meeting and that Mrs. McDonald recalled that TOHRs by- : AtCenterStage, DJ Jonwillraisetheroofwithhigh
." laws had at one time had a provision for a community advisory ¯ energy club music. And the Basin Park Hotel
¯ council. Meeting co-convener Dennis Neill, an attorney, was ¯ Ballroom will come alive with electrifying
i given the task of drafting a contract to clarify the relationship " performances by "Barnes", a dynamic GLAMA-
¯ betweenthevariousgroups.Formoreinformationaboutthenext ~ winningsinger/songwriter seeEureka, p. 14
community meeting, call the Community Center at 743-4297. ."
: Also, the CommunityCenter will be the site ofanall-community ¯
¯ Halloween Costume Ball to be held on Saturday, Ocotober 30th, :
¯ 8pm at 1307 East 38 Street, 2nd floor. The event will be BYOL "
¯ but soft drinks and ice will be provided. :
: Organizers suggest that while this is a costume party, a loud ¯
¯ shirt and simple mask will-do. Guests should not feel compelled :
: to spend a lot of money, just to use a little imagination. The :
: sponsors, Prime Timers of Tulsa, stated that the purpose of the :
_" party is for all groups connected with the Pride Center to have an
¯ opportunitytogettoknowonemlother, andhelpbuildcommunity, i
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
Burger Sisters Restaurant, 1545 S. Sheridan
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan ........ 834-4234
"*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*TNTrs, 2114 S. Memorial 660-0856
*Tool, :Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital CelIular 74%1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E; 21 610-8510
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Barnes & Noble Booksdlers, 5231 E. 41 665-4580
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-13902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sher~llan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1 610-0880
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jadox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey,’ Country Club Barbering 747-0236
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening 582-8460
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 743-4297
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921,747-4746
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Paul Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
*Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard 835~5563
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*WhittierNews Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center. 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*CommunityofHopeUnitedMethodist,2545 S.Yale 747-6300
*Community Unitarian-Universalist Congregation 749-0595
*CouncilOak Men’s Chorale 748-3888
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa- Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlink, net
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Barry Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche,
Lamont Lindstrom, Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers
Member of The Associated Press
Issued on or before the 1 st of each month, the entire contents of this
~blicaatnidonmaaryenportobteecrteedprboyduUcSedcoepityhreirgihntW19h9o8leboyrTin~part without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless ot.herwjse no,ted,,~must
be signed & becomes the sole property of T~
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
lYoints. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Free SpiritWomen’s Center, call for location& info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral P1. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*OSU-Tulsa (formerly UCT, formerly Rogers U. whoever...)
*Our House, t 114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
+Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665-5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430S. Boulder 583-7171
TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tul sa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc.
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Commumty College Campuses
*Tulsa Gay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Cotmtry AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates
*Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
MCC of the Living Spring
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East
*White Light, 1 Center St.
*Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave.
*Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 E. 32, Ste. U134
* is where you can ftndTFN. Notall areGay-ownedbutallare Gay-friendly.
Holy Union
Alan Williams and Gregory Casillas
celebrated a Holy Union Ceremony on
Friday, September 24, 1999, in Eureka
Springs, AR. Presiding over the intimate
union was Reverend Vivian Juett. The
commitment ceremony was witnessed by
Zoe Dearing and Nancy Ermding.
After traveling to Dallas, TX, San
Francisco, CA and Nashville, TN to
celebrate with friends and family, the
couple will reside for’a short period in
Dr. W. Malcolm Jacox, a veterinarian
well known in the community for his
kindness and gentleness with both his
animal patients and their caregive~s, died
Sept. 22. Services were held at Floral
Haven Memorial Gardens Mausoleum on
Sept. 25. He will be greatly missed by
many both in and out of the Gay
He is survived by his family and his
longtime companion. Those who wish to
honor his memory are encouraged to
support a charity of their choice.
Condolences may be sent care of Jacox
Animal Clinic, 2732 East 15th, Tulsa
Mr. Tulsa ¯
Leather 2000
The Mr. Tulsa Leather 2000 contest was
held September 10, 1999, at the Silver
Star Saloon in Tulsa, Oklahoma.The
evening included a benefit for Miss Gay
Mid America, Catia Lee Love. Love will
participate in the Miss Gay America
Four contestants participated in the
contest: Jay Fleming, Kelly Kirby, Dayvid
Montross, and Tony Hall, all of Tulsa
Oklahoma. Themencompeted in Personal
Interview, Street Wear, Swimwear/
Physique, and Full Leather Image events.
The judging panel consisted of: Ron
Greenwood, Mike Ryan, Ed Smith, John
McCuistian, Don Lawrence, all also from
Tulsa. The tally master was James Murray,
Mr. Tulsa Leather 1997.
The winner of the contest was Jay
Fleming of Tulsa. Jay is a past "Mr Gay.
Leather Long Beach 1987" and the 20th
Elected Emperor, Greater California
Empire. Fleming will compete for the
Oklahoma Mr. Leather 2000 title on
October 22-24, 1999.
Heis an event promoter for such events
in Tulsa as Mayfest, Gatesway Balloon
Festival and chairmanof Street Party 2000;
benefiting Street School and Tulsa at risk
Contestproducer, Ric Poston,MrTulsa
Leather 1999 and the Oklahoma Mr
Leather 1999, said of Fleming, "he is an
outstanding citizen and will be a great
representative for the Tulsa Leather
Community." The first runner up was
Kelly Kirby and the 2nd runner up was
Dayvid Montross.
For more information on OML2000,
check the T.U.L.S.A. website at
Editorial: Un!ted Our Way
by Tom Neal, editor andpublisher
This year is the 75th anniversary of a program of
charitable giving in Tulsa which has become known as
Tulsa Area United Way (TAUW). Tulsa’s United Way
supports some 231 programs offered by 68 member
agencies and hopes to raise over $21 million and help
perhaps 250,000individuals this year. Obviously, all this
is worthy.
For example, oneof the I’d suggest that
agencies which TAUW supports is Tulsa instead of letting
"C.A.R.E.S., formerly and" TAU~V’ sllee its tare
moreaccuratelyknown as
the HIV Resource
Consortium. Tulsa Area
UnitedWayalso funds the
Community Service
Council that manages the
Tulsa Community AIDS
Project, one of the most
effective funding sources
for fighting HIV infection
and for providing care for.
individuals with HIV
relatedillnesses. These are
worthy organizations - as
are many, many others
which TAUW funds.
However, along withthe
many good organizations
which TAUW funds is
another. Thatis the Indian
Nations Council of the
Boy Scouts ofAmerica. It
off the top, glve your
dolhrs dlreetly to
Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. or
other or~an{zatlons in
our eommunlty...
groups that really do
give a damn about
us. Let’s stop using
our dollars and those
of our families and
friends to support
United Way’s
prejudlee and
eowardlee. Let us be
unlt,~ our way.
is the official policy of the Boy Scouts, both locally and
nationally, to discriminate on the basis of sexual
orientation. They’ve been rather explicit about this.
The last time the Indian Nations Council of the Boy
Scouts of America voiced this policy locally was in
August when James Dale, a former Scout in New Jersey,
successfully challenged the BSA’s apartheid policies
under New Jersey state law and won. A local BSA
representative however reiterated-its support for BSA
Now as a former Boy Scout, I’m hardly hostile to the
true values of the organization. But I do not believe that
thephrase, "morally straight," ori_ginating around th_etum
of the century, ever, ever could be thought to refer to
heterosexuality, using an interpretation of the word
"straight" whichnever existed until at leas t some 60 years
later. However I recognize that it is the prerogative under
current federal, state and local law, of the BSA to engage
in invidious discrimination if it chooses to do so. It is
reprehensible behavior but it is quite legal.
However, even if this bigoted conduct is legal, there is
no justification for Tulsa Area United Way to use the
funds it receives from the community as a whole to
subsidize the systematic discrimination of the Indian
Nations Council of the Boy Scouts of America. After all,
if we were to substitute "no Jews allowed" or "no Blacks
allowed" lot"no fags allowed," I would hardy have to be
writing this essay.
Part of why TAUW still funds this apartheid
organization is an accident of history. The Boy Scouts
have been funded for most of TUAW’s existence. Back
in thoseearly days theBSA was one ofafew organizations
that did address youth issues. That is no longer so. Andin
contrast with the BSA, the Girl Scouts, for example, have
explicitly said that sexual orientation is not relevant to
participation in their organization and they have a nondiscrimination
Now if Tulsa Area United Way had a comprehensive
non-discrimination policy, they might have some greater
degree of credibilityas an organization committed to fair
treatment of all. But they don’t.
Infact, Ms. "duck’n’cover" KathleenJ. Coan, president
and chief professional officer, is so gun-shy of the issue
she’s managed not to returnphone calls to this newspaper
for nearly four years -now that’s what I call real
professional conduct (though in fairness, Ms. Coan did
take aphone call once whenTFN was calling on deadline
and her p.r. person was unavailable) But it does call into
question, Ms. Coan and TAUW’s commitment to all of
Tulsa’s communities when she seems primarily willing
to talk to non-minority news orggnizations, for example,
." The Tulsa World- not frequently known for challenging
¯ the Tulsapower establishment, often inseparable from it.
." And what is more troubling about the unexamined
¯ decision to continue to fund the Indian Nations Council
¯ of the Boy Scouts of America by TAUW is the lack of ¯
leadership from TAUW’s board of directors.
¯ A number of TAUW board members come from
¯ corporations that claim that they do not discriminate on
." sexual orientation. Foremost among these are Public
~ Service Company of Oklahoma, Dollar Thrifty
¯: Automotive Group, Inc. and Bank of America, and yet,
somehow, not one of these very highly paid and
: presumably ratberintelligent men seem to havemade the
_" connection between their own corporate policies
¯ emphasizingfairness andTAUW’s supportfor ablatantly ¯
bigoted program. Or perhaps they’vejust not"counected
." the dots." Or perhaps, they’re hoping thatnoone will ever
¯ hold them responsible. ¯
Regardless, until Tulsa Area United Way see fit to
: begin to treat Lesbian and Gay Tulsans as equal human
: beings by adding sexual orientation to its non-
,. discrimination policies and chooses not to fund
¯ organizations which discriminate, the best bet is for us to
¯ not to contribute to Tulsa Area United Way but to take
." those same dollars and to give them directly to worthy
¯ organizations.
¯ I’d suggest that instead of letting TAUW slice its take
¯ off the top, give your dollars directly to Tulsa C.A.R.E.S.
¯. or other organizations in our community, like the
¯ community center, or the Cimarron Alliance or PFLAG,
¯ groups that really do give a danm about us. Let’s stop
¯ using Our dollars and those of our families and friends to
¯ support UnitedWay’s prejudice and cowardice. Let us be
¯ united our way. ¯
TulsaFamily News editorandpublisherTomNealhas
¯ volunteeredonaUnitedWayfundsdistributioncommittee
¯ on services for semor citizens tn the Tulsa area. ¯
Unfortunately, hefound thatTulsaArea UnitedWay staff
went out of their way to censor and suppress questions
¯ about how well member agencies were serving Lesbian
¯ and Gay seniors, even when the agencies were willing to ¯
answer the questions and despite TAUW claims that
¯ their evaluationprocess is "volunteer driven." Neal also
¯ has asked to serve on the funds distribution committee
¯ which looks at the funding for the Boy Scouts Indian ¯
Nations Council but, for some reason, keeps getting
¯ reassigned to senior services - imagine that.
First and foremost, let me put your mind at rest about
¯ two of our regular columnists, our fabulous Do-It-
" Yourself-Dyke, Mary Schepers and Tulsa City-County
¯ Library book reviewer, Barry Hensley. Both columns
¯ will resume next month.
¯ An,other upcoming event is the annual World AIDS ¯
Day Memorial Service. This year’s event will be at
¯ Mount Zion Baptist Church under the auspices of the
¯ Rev. Calvin McCutchen, Sr., one of Tulsa’s most ¯
distinguished religious leaders. The date, as always will
¯ be Dec. 1st which is a Wednesday but the details of the
~ march and precise time of the service will be announced.
¯ It is expected that Council Oak Mens Chorale who had ¯
their first ever performance at a World AIDS Day
¯ Memorial Service will again lend their talents. The event
. is being co-ordinated by Diane Zike, former executive
¯ directorof Interfaith AIDS Ministries andBeverlyDenton ¯
Galbreith. For more information, call 438-2437. - TN
An nouncements Policy
Tulsa Family News will provide space for holy union
¯ ceremony, mamage ceremony, birth, adoption and death
" announcements on a space available basis. Photos are
~ wdcome, though we cannot promise placement or return
¯ them, so please send copies to TFN, POB 4140, Tulsa
¯ 74159.
¯ Letters Policy ¯
Tulsa Family News¯ welcomes letters on issues which
¯ we’ve covered or on issues you think need to be considered.
You may request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters must be signed &h.ave phone numbers, or be hand
~- delivered. 200 word letters are preferred. Letters to other
~ publications will be printed as is appropriate.
Drug-resistant Strains
of AIDS Virus Rising
CHICAGO (AP) - Highly drug-resistant strains of the
AIDS virus are on the rise, showingupin as many as 4.5%
ofnewlyinfectedpatients in twonew studies. "Resistance
is slowly increasing," said Dr. Roger J. Pomerantz, an
expert not involved with either study, "If you were
looking at this five years ago, you would see zero."
The studies - published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) - involve mostly Gay
white men. Resistance, however, may be more prevalent
in other groups, such as drug users and their sex partners,
About 40,000 new HIV infections occur yearly in the
United States. In recent years, powerful drug cocktails
have subdued the virus to undetectable levels in many
patients. But studies have found the virus persists or
comes roaring back in 10% to 50%.
The complicated drug regimen has proved difficult to
adhere to, and many patients who missed doses or quit
taking theirmedicines developed drug-resistantinfections
that are now being passed’along to others.
"I wasn’t that surprised. This is what happens in
infectious disease," said Pomerantz, director of the Center
for Human Virology at Jefferson Medical College in
HIV is still so new that scientists disagree even about
how to define resistance. And since both studies used
laboratory tests, no one really knows how the definitions
will translate into patient care. Giving high doses of a
drug may be enough to overwhelm a virus’ resistance,
Pomerantz said.
In one study, researchers at the University ofCalifornia
at San Diego defined resistance as a 10-fold increase in
HIV’s ability to withstand a drug when compared with a
laboratory strain. That study, led by Dr. Susan J. Little.
tested 141 patients - in San Diego, Los Angeles, Dallas,
Denver and Boston- and found that three (2%) had HIV
with at least 10-fold greater resistance to one or more
drugs. An additional 36 patients (26%) had HIV that was
2.5 to 10 times more resistant.
In the other study, researchers at Rockefeller University
in New York defined resistance as a threefold increase in
HIV’s ability to withstand a drug. That study, led by Dr.
Daniel Boden of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research
Center, tested 80 subjects in New York and Los Angeles.
Of 67 in whom resistance could be tested, three (4.5%)
had HIV that was highly resistant- fivefold resistant- to
multiple drugs. The subjects were among 18 (26.8%)
with HIV that was at least threefold resistant to at least
one drug.
Testing every newly infected patientfor drugresistance
would be impractical because the tests cost several
thousand dollars and are difficult to interpret, Pomerantz
said. But if a patient takes a drug cocktail faithfully and
it isn’t working, testing should be considered to see how
the combination of medicines might be reformulated, he
Don’t Go to Sleep Yet
For a while, it seemed that there mightbe a light at the end
of the tuunel of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. And for many
¯ things are better than they used to be: to become HIV
¯ positive is not immediatdy to know that your death was
likely six months away like it was in the 80s.
But the news report above from The Associated Press
¯ should slam home the message that we cannot be
¯ complacent; we must continue to educate ourselves and
¯ our children about protecting themselves against HIV
¯ infection, through all appropriate means: safer sex with
¯ its reduced risk, no sex, i.e. abstinence where appropriate
¯ and through the strengthening of longterm relationships ¯
through their legal recognition not only for heterosexuals
¯ but for Gay men and Lesbians.
¯ The best way to deal with AIDS is to prevent further
¯ infections but also to insist on adequate funding for ¯
proper care for those who are already infected and more
¯ funding for more successful treatments for AIDS.
¯ Please, please be safe, hdp those still in need and
¯ remember those whom we have lost. -Tom Neal
Accused Killer of Gay
Soldier To Stand Trial
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) - An Army private
charged with premeditated murder in the. beating
death ofafellow FortCampbell soldierwill stand trial
at a general court-martial, the Army said Sept. 24th.
Thecharge against Pvt. CalvinN. Gloverwas referred
to court-martial by Maj. Gen. Robert T. Clark, Fort
Campbell’ s commanding gelleral. Clark reviewed an
iiiv~tigative hearing he~’d in August for Glovet and
rexx:ived recommendations from the investigating
officer, brigade commander and staffjudge advocate.
The hearing was similar to a civilian grand jury
investigation. Glover, of Sulphur, Okla.,is charged in
the death of Pfc. Ban-y L. ,Winchell, of Kansas City,
Me. No date has been set for G10ver’s courtmartial,
which will be open to the public. The courtmartial
is scheduled to be at Fort Campbell.
According to Army investigators, the 21-year-old
Winchellwas beaten with abaseball batinhis barracks
on July 5 and died the following day at Vanderbilt
University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn. Gay
civil-rights advocates say anti-Gay sentiment m,ay
have been behind, or at least contributed to, me
ldlling. Winehell was perceived as Gay by some
soldiers in his mlit and friends contend he was
beginning to explore his homosexuality when he
Another investigative hearing was held several
weeks ago for Spec. Justin R. Fisher, who is accused
of being an accomplice in Winchell’s death. Fisher,
of Lincoln, Neb., is accused of .encouraging Glover in
the attack and lying to Army ii~qestigators about his
iiavolvement. No decision has been made yet on
whether Fisher’s case should proceed to a courtmartial,
an Army official added. Both Glover and
Fisher are being held at Fort Knox.
Gay Priest Resigns
NEWARK,N.J. (Ap)-AGaypriestwhoseordination
divided the Episcopal church has left theparish where
he ministered for six years, blaming the controversy
that surroundedhim. Rev. Barry Stopfel said the furor
strained his relationship withhis partner, andpreached
his last sermon at St. George’ s Church in Maplewood
at the end of September. "My ministry has not been a
typical one," Stopfel toldThe Star-Ledger ofNewark,
N.J. in a story published recently. "It has been deeply
gratifying but very stressful, and ithas taken its toll on
me and our marriage."
When Stopfel was ordained as a deacon in 1990,
conservative Episcopal bishops filed heresy charges
against Newark Bishop Walter Righter. Righter’s
trial was averted, but a church court in 1996 ruled that
church doctrine does not explicitly bar the ordination
of practicing homosexuals. The division, however,
remained between the church’s conservative and
liberal factions. Stopfel, 51, andhis partner aremoving
to a 25-acre farm in an Amish area of Pennsylvania,
where he said he will write a book.
Methodist Minister
Faces 2nd Church Trial
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -The Rev. Jimmy Creech, who
faces another church trial for performing a Gay union
ceremony, said the churchlaw against suchceremonies
amounts to institutional bigotry againstGayChristians.
Reached at his Raleigh, N.C., home, Creech said he
was disappointed but not surprised with.a church
committee’s deci~i0n ordering him to stand trial.
Nebraska United Methodist Church Bishop Joel
Martinezannouncedthfit theformerNebraskaminister
will stand trial for Officiating a Chapel Hill, N.C.
ceremony fortwo meninApril.AMarch 1998 church
trial cleared Creech of violating church law for a
similar 1997 ceremony involving two women. At
least two complaints were filed as aresult of the April
ceremony. Atissuein Creech’s 1998 trial was whether
thechurch’s ban on same-sex unionswas a pastoral
guideline or church law. The church has since
established the ban is church law.
Creech said the trial will be "a detriment to the
church." "It’s a waste of time and money. The trial is
an actofviolence againstLesbians, Gays andbisexual
people," Creech said. While Creech said he admits he
violated the churchlaw byperforming the Chapel Hill
ceremony, the immorality of this law makes him
innocent of violating the order.and discipline of his
denomination, ofwhichheis accused. "I think thelaw
itself is a violation of the highest ethical standards of
the United Methodist Church," Creech said. Creech
said thechurch’ s positiononGayunions is comparable
to racism. "How can such an encumbered church
witness to the grace bf God?" he asked.
Martinez’s assistant, Rev. Mel Luetchens, said
Martinez will .appoint another bishop as presiding
authority for the case. A jury of 13 ministers will
[ecide Creech"s fate. Ministers will lead the defense
and theprosecution.Thetrial likely will beinNebraska
in the next couple of months,-Luetchens said. If
convicted Creech faces a wide range of possible
)unishments, including dismissal from the United
Methodist clergy.
Creech is on voluntary leave of absence after.
Martinezdeclined toreappointhim pastorofOmah.a’s
First United Methodist Church after the earher
controversy. He remains part of the Nebraska
conference and is answerable to Martinez.
Vermont JudgeJudged
By His Wife’s Vote
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - A group opposed to
same-sex marriage; "Take it to the People," says a
as he reviews a pending case.
"Take it to the People" says the wife ofJusticeJohn
Dooley voted in June as a member of the Governor’s
Commission on Women to give an award to the three
same-sex couples who are challengxn.g Vermont
marriage law. Sandra Dooley’s vote raises questions
about whether the justice is impartial in the case now
before the Vermont Supreme Court, said Ruth
Charlesworth of Burlington, a member of the antimarriage
group. "I think it is outrageous that the wife
of the Supreme Courtjusdce should come out (with a
public stand) when this issue isn’t yet decided,"
Charlesworth said. ’‘This isn’t fair to the citizens of
Thecourtis considering alawsuit seeking to overtmal
the state’s refusal to issue marriage licenses to samesex
couples. Despite its concerns, ’’Take it to the
People" hasn’tformally requested thatJustice Dooley
disqualify himself from the case.
Judith Sutphen, executive director ofthe Governor’ s
Commission on Women, said Sandra Dooley has
been on the commission for 15 years. Theorganization
has supported allowing same-sex couples to marry
since. 1996 - before the lawsuit brought by two Gay
men and four Lesbian women was appealed_ to the
Supreme Court, Sutphen said.
Commissioners have the right to take independent
votes on issues, Sutphen said. "A wife has a right to
vote as she chooses, as does a husband," she said.
"The votes of one spouse don’t necessarily reflect the
. judgment or opinion of the other spouse."
"Take it to the People" argues that rules of judicial
¯ conduct sayjudges should disqualify themselves when
their spouses have interests that could be substantially
: affected by the proceeding. The lawyers at the office
." of the attorney general who are defending the state’s
mamage lawweren’t available to comment.
-" Beth Robinson, an attorney representing the three
: couples in the Supreme Court appeal, said she felt
confident the deliberations would be fair. "We have
: no reason to question Jusdce Dooley’s ability to
~ impartially judge this case on its legal merits,"
: Robinson said. "Justice Dooley and his wife are two
¯ different people with two different jobs to do."
¯ Judge Dismisses Same-
Sex Marriage Lawsuit
ANCHORAGE (AP) - A judge has dismissed a
lawsuit filedby twoAnchoragemenwho claimed that
: the state’s marriage laws discriminated against them.
¯ Judge Peter Michalski took the action late in
¯ September, nearly a year after Alaska voters
¯ overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment
¯ limiting marriage to a union of one man and one
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The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
Jay Brause and Gene Dugan had claimed in their
lawsuit that it was discriminatory to not allow samesex
couples the same health insurance and other
benefits that married and unmarried heterosexual
couples enjoy. It was their lawsuit that spurred the
pbtition drive that put the same-sex marriage
amendment before voters last November.
Bob Wagstaff, the lawyer representing the two
men, says the case will be appealed to the state
Supreme Court. Wagstaff says his clients’ lawsuit is
at its heart an equal-rights case, not a Gay marriage
Town Considering
Partners Registry
ASHLAND, Ore: (AP) - Same-sex couples can’t get
married in Oregon, but in this town, they may soon be
able to get registered. The City Council is likely to
consider settingupsucharegistry for domesticpartners
at its upcoming meeting Oct. 5. City Attorney Patti
Nolte said he is unaware of a similar registry in
The registry would allow domestic partners - two
unmarried people age 18 or older who live togetherto
document that relationship. Gay couples cannot
marry under Oregon law, which recognizes marriage
as the union of a manand a woman.
"I believe it is appropriate that AglJland, as a caring
community, should lead the way," said Neil Sechan,
speaking for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Political Caucus of Southern Oregon.
The local chapter of Parents, Family and Friends of
Lesbians and Gays are also backing the proposed
Mayor Cathy Shaw said she believes a registry
would have limited effect on unmarried couples,
whether heterosexual or same-sex. "I would be
incredibly proud to be mayor of a community that
provides this service," she said recendy. "I am a great
believer in the institution of marriage... I understand
why this community is asking us to do this -.how
importantit.is to be able to celebrate in an official way
your commitment to another person.’"
Rosemary Dunn Dalton, also speaking for the
caucus, said a registry would let unmarried couples
establishrelationships for purposes ofvisitation rights
in hospitals and other institutions. She said a registry
would provide proof of partnership for businesses
offering benefits to domestic partners.
The Oregon Court ofAppeals decided last year that
if local governments offer benefits to domestic
partners, they cannot deny benefits to same-sex
couples because of the constitutional guarantee of
equal protection. The court did not nile on Oregon’s
legal definition of marriage. Ashland is among the
local governments that have extended benefits to
same-sex couples to comply with the ruling.
A proposed ballot measure, to write the definition
of marriage into the state constitution and bar benefits
to unmarried couples, died in the 1999 Legislature.
Albuquerque To Vote
On Discrimination Ban
ALBUQUERQUE (AP) - Lillian Mueller says she
Gays in Albuquerque have lost their jobs and been
denied housing because of their sexual orientation.
Mueller, the mother of a Gay son and president of the
local chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of
Lesbians and Gays, has formed a new group called
TheCampaignforHumanRights. The group’s purpose
is to mobilize support for a proposed amendment to
the Albuquerque city charter that would add sexual
orientation and mental disability to the antidiscrimination
The issue will be on the Oct. 5 municipal election
ballot. The charter now bans discrimination based on
race, religion, sex and national origin. "It’s not a
question of special rights," she said. "It’s a question
of equal rights.’"
Butthe Christian Coalition ofNew Mexico strongly
opposes the charter amendment because it believes
"the Gay lifestyle" is wrong. Mark Burton, Christian
Coalition executive director, said his group will alert
people in voters guides that go to about 300 churches.
"It’s not a behavior that we want to have a
nondiscrimination policy for," he said. "It’s a health
haTard. It spreads AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases,
so there’s no reason to endorse a behavior that’s
dangerous and hazardous."
Albuquerque added a human rights section to its
charter in the early 1970s. The state Legislature in
March rejected a bill that would have outlawed
discrimination based on sexual orientation. It was the
"third time such a measure was killedin the House. The
bill would have expanded the state’s Human Rights
Act to cover sexual orientation, malting it il!egal’to
discriminate on that basis in matters of empld’yment,
housing, credit, public-accommodations and’union
Eleven states and more than 170 local governments
include sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination
statutes, supporters Of the bill say. The cify of
Albuquerque bars Such discrimination against its
employees and when providing public services.
Alleged Killers of Gay
Men Must Stand Trial
REDDING, Calif. (AP) - Two brothers accused of
murdering a Gay couplemust stand trial and may face
the deathpenalty ifconvicted, ShastaCounty Superior
Court Judge James Ruggiero has ruled.
Benjamin M. Williams, 31, and James T. Williams,
29, will each be tried on two counts of murder and
related charges. The brothers are accused of killing
Gary Matson, 50, and Winfield Scott Mowder, 40, in
July. They are also suspects in June arson fires that
caused more than $1 million in damage to three
Sacramento-area synagogues. Matson and Mowder
were found shot to death in their bed July 1 in rural
Happy Valley, about 165 miles north of Sacramento.
The Williams brothers, being held without bail,
have pleaded innocent to first-degreemurder and four
robbery, burglary and auto theft charges. The judge
ruled that prosecutors can seek the death penalty, a
decision that hasn’t been made.
Prep School Attacker
Free Until Trial
GREENFIELD, Mass. (AP) - A Tennessee youth
accused of using a knife to cut anti-Gay slur into the
back of a fellow prep school student can continue
college classes while awaiting trial, a judge said.
Matthew Rogers, 20, of Franklin, Tenn., pleaded to
charges of assault with a dangerous weapon.
Franklin Superior Court Judge Lawrence Wemick
continued bail at $10,000 cash or $50,000 bond on
condition Rogers live with his parents or at the
University of Mississippi where he is taking classes.
Before his arrest, Rogers had held an appointment to
the U.S. Naval Academy.
Rogers and another student at the Northfield Mount
Hermon School, Jonathan Shapiro, 18, of Keene,
N.H., were initially charged in Greenfield District
Court following the May 27 incident. The two are
accused of slashing the word "HOMO" in shallow
cuts on the back of a 17-year-old student during a
dispute over music. Authorities said no one actually
believed the victim was Gay. The argument arose
over the rock band Queen and the characterization of
its music as "Gay."
Promoters of Community
Center To Respond
ELK CITY, Idaho (AP) - Promoters of a community
education and performing~center expect to respond
to charges by critics of the ~roposed c~nter who fear
it could be used by homosexuals and become a place
where teen-age girls get abortions. Plans to build the
center have created division in the town of about 400
in remote Idaho County. Objections to the center
range from locating it on school property to the fear
homosexuals will use it to stage performances and
teen-age girls getting abortions there. Critics have
said since the center would be on public land there
could not be restrictions placed on who uses it.
New AIDS Drug
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A medicine
developed in North Carolina that blocks
the AIDS virus from getting inside cells is
showing promise among patients whofail
to respond to standard AIDS drugs. The
medicine, code-named T-20, is still in
early-stage testing, but researchers said it
could offer a reprieve for those who have
run out of options.
"It looks quite good," said Dr. Michael
Saag of the University of Alabama. "We
are looking at something with a.totally
different method of. action. It is an
important, potent new option."
T~20 was discovered at Duke
University. It is being developed by
Hoffmatm-La Roche Inc. and Trimeris
Inc., a small biotech company in Durham,
Thedrug is the furthest along of a new
class of AIDS medicines called fusion
inhibitors. They work by thwarting the
virus’s ability to fuse with blood cells and
insert their genetic material into them.
However, the treatment has one large
drawback compared with other AIDS
drugs: Instead of being a pill, it must be
injected twice daily. Nev~rtbeless, Saag
said patients in advanced stages of AIDS
are willing to give themselves shots, and
they seem to tolerate the drug well.
The results were reported by Dr. Jay
Lalezari of Quest Clinical Research in
SanFrancisco atameeting ofthe.,Aga,erican
Society for Microbiology.
Other AIDS drugs work principally by
thwarting the virus’s ability to stitch its
genetic material into cells it has invaded
orbyblocking its ability to dispersemature
copies of itself.
Doctors gave T-20 to 55 people who
had high levels of the AIDS virus despite
trying many different combinations of
AIDS medicines. While these standard
drugs have proved to be life savers for
many with AIDS, they do not work for all
Doctors administered T-20 in
combinationwith other drugs, eventhough
the patients’ HIV was resistant to the
older medicines. After four months of
treatment, virus levels fell significantly in
33 of the volunteers. In 20 of them, the
virus fell to levels too low to bemeasured.
Saag cautioned that the treatment is
unlikely to work forever. But he said
doctors hope it will dday rebound of the
virus for perhaps-a year.
T-20 is part of the protein thatmakes up
the AIDS virus’ outer coat. Ordinarily it
comes into play with another peptide- T-
21 - as the AIDS vinm grabs onto blood
cells andprepares to enter them. Scientists
found that flooding the body with extra
copies of T-20 gums up this attachment
Another AIDS study released at the
meeting found that treatment very early in
the course of an AIDS infection does not
wipe out the virus entirely, as some had
Dr. Martin Markowitz of the Aaron
Diamond AIDS Research Center in New
York City reported on four patients who
started treatment within seyen to 90 days
of catching HIV. All signs of their virus
disappeared, andthey chose to stop therapy
after three years:
Thevirus reappeared within two to three
weeks, One patient went back on
treatment, but the three others stayed off.
After shooting up, their virus levds fell
again to low butdetectable levds.
Researchers said the results raise the
possibility that in such situations, the
¯ body’s immune system may be able to
k~p I-HV in check without completely
eliminating it. Are You Gay or Bisexual?
: Satcher Looks at Are You Native American?
:¯ Kids’ Health , . ,
Tulsa s Two-Sp,r,ted ,nd,an Mens
: ROBINSVILLE, Miss. (AP) - U.S. ¯ SurgeonGeneralDavidSatcherhasissued Support Group is here for you!
¯ a warning about the health of America’s
¯ children. Satcher, speaking to a health ¯ Evening support group meetings
: association recently in Tunica County,
said children are growing fatter, lazier,
¯ Relationship workshops
¯ more sexually active and increasingly ¯ Short trips, outings and retreats
¯ addicted to toxic substances. ¯ Free HIV testing
¯ Satcher, former president of Meharry
¯ Medical College in Nashville, .Tenn.,
-spoke tO 400 public health care workers
¯ and advocates at the annual meeting of the
¯ Mississippi Public Health Association.
¯ Regarding the disparity in health care,
¯ Satcher said that in the last 10 years
minorities, women and children have
: fallen behind in many areas.
¯ Satcher said progress has been made in
¯ dealing with infectious diseases and there
¯ has been a decrease in the number of ¯
cancer cases, injury-related deaths and
adult smokers. However, the munber of
: teen-age smokers has risen_rapidly, Satcher
¯ said.
Obesity has become a virtual epidemic
¯ among both adults and children, Satcher
said. The current generation of children
¯ and teen-agers is the most inactive the
country has ever had.
One of the results of that inactivity has
¯ been an increase in Type 2 diabetes in
¯ children. In the past, physicians were told
never to look for Type 2 in individuals
¯ - under40 years old, Satcher said. Now, the
disease is occurring in children under the
age of 10. Emphasis must be placed on
physical activity and on diet, Satcher said.
The American diet consists mainiy offats
and sugars, he said. In one year, the average
American will consume 156 pounds of
added sugar.
Weneedto promotehealthy lifestyles,
Satcher said. "We need to promote
physical activities. We need to promote
nutrition and avoidance of toxins like
tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. We
need to promote responsible sexual
40% of college students and 30% of
high school students are binge dri.nking,
Satcher said. That has contributed to an
increase m automobile accidents and
irresponsible ~exual behavior.
"Weneed to talkmorewith ourchildren
aboutwhatit means tobesexually active,"
Satcher said. "When we don’ t teach sex in
¯ the schools, at home and in the churches,
¯ but they do teach it out on the streets or ¯
after school when there are no adults
¯ around, our children aren’t going to
¯ become responsible, sexual adults."
¯ His warning was directed not just to
teen-agers, but to all people. Every day,
16,000 peoplebecomeinfected with HIV,
¯ the virus that causes AIDS. In the years
: since the disease’s discovery, HIV has
¯ infected 50 million people and resultedin
14 million AIDS-related deaths.
¯ "In my opinion AIDS is the worst
: epidemic since the plague of the 14th
: century or maybe the influenza epidemic
," of 1918," Satcher said. "AIDS is
: increasingly a disease o,,f people of color,
¯ women and the young.
: African Americans account for almost
: 50% of new cases; Hispanics, 20%; and
¯ women, 25%. Not enough is being done
to prevent the disease, Satcher said, even
though people know how to stop the
¯ spread.
For information call Tulsa Native American AIDS Prevention Project
at 582-7225 Ext. 208 or 218
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AIDS Czar at
Detroit AIDS Walk
DETROIT (AP) - Federal AIDS czar
SandyThurmanandMayorDennis Archer
led thousands of walkers in a fund-raising
event for programs that help treat people
infected with the deadly disease. The
Detroit event was one of 12 statewide
sponsored by AIDS Walk Michigan.
"Walk on walkers!" Thurman shouted
to cheering participants at Hart Haza,
where the3.1-milewalkbeganandca_rex!..
Many held helium balloons and signs
with messages such as "AIDS has many
Despite the cheery atmosphere and
warm sunshine,Thurman broughta chilly
message about the disease, which she said
will have infected 100 million people
worldwide by 2005. "We’re at the
beginning of an epidemic, not the end of
an epidemic, with no vaccine, no cure,"
she told reporters before the walk began.
"It’s not going to be over next week. It’s
not going to be over in 10 years. It’s
probably not going to be over in my
A sign of hope is the success of anti-
AIDS drugs that are keeping thousands of
people infected with the HIV virus free
from symptoms. ButinmanyThirdWorld
natxon~, including much of AIDSdecimated
Africa, the medicines remain
unaffordable and the publichealth system
inadequate, she said.
This is the second year of a coordinated
AIDS WalkMichigan. Lastyear, 10 walks
statewide raised $2~0,000,
This year, walks also tookplace Sunday
inAnnArbor, BerrienCounty, Flint,Grand
Rapids, Holland-Saugatuck, Kalamazoo,
Lansing, Muskegon, Port Huron,
Saginaw-Midland-Bay City and Traverse
But organizers sdid/he ~)etro’it event
was particularly important because of the
high rate of AIDS in the city. With about
10% of the state’s population, Detroit has
nearly half of the reported AIDS cases,
they said.
"It’s the No. 1 killer of young African-
American males and the No. 2 killer of
young black females," said Detroit
Episcopal Bishop R. Stewart Wood Jr. as
he set out on the walk.
Wood’s diocese, which has 35,000
members from Lansing to the Ohio line,
has not been immune from the effects of
"Every one of our congregations has
been touched by AIDS - members or
loved-ones who have the disease. We’ve
lost two of our clergy to AIDS," he said.
Teresa and Bill Snell came in from
Wayne County’s Redford Township to
walk in this year’s walk, taking turns
pushing 15-month-olddaughter Courtney
in a three-wheeled jogger’s stroller.
They raised a total of $49, most in
pledges of $2 to $3, for their part in the
walk. The 20 walkers from Mrs. Shell’s
agency, the Detroit Hispanic Development
Corp., raised $1,500 for. the fight, against
AIDS. "It affects so many people and
families around you," she said. "I don’t
know anyone who has died,.of AIDS, but
I do know that it is something that affects
all kinds of people," her husband said.
"It’s something that’s got to be stopped."
Award Given to
African Groups
NEW YORK (AP) - The world’s largest
humanitarian prize - $1 million - was
awarded to an organization whose
accomplishments include bringing health
care to the Maasai and Turkana, two of
Africa’s nomadic tribes.
The Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian
Prize, awarded to the African Medical
and Research Foundation, will give the
organization funds it needs for additional
work in AIDS and malaria prevention. It
will also helppay to trainmore health care
’q’his million will go along way and it
will allow us tokeepmanyprojects afloat,"
saidJohn R. Batten, director ofthe Nairobi,
Kenya-based AMREF, who accepted the
prize at a ceremony in New York on
Startedin 1957as aprogram thathelped
needy Africans get specialized medical
care- particularly reconstructive surgery
- AMREF now provides health care
services to 21 African countries. Programs
are run from offices in Kenya, Tanzania,
Uganda and South Africa. This year’s
budget was $19 million.
Over the years, AMREF built a twoway
radio network that boosted hospital
communications in East Africa,
spearheaded the use ofinsecticide-treated
mosquito nets to reduce childhoodmalaria
deaths and performed more than 40,000
It also has trained thousands of health
care workers and specialists and brought
services to the most remote corners of
Africa, including to tribes that roam the
What sets AMREF apart from most
international non-governmental organizations
is that more than 95% of its
employees are Africans.
’q’he approach we use in tackling all of
theseproblems is community-based," said
Peter Muchiri Ngatia, director for
AMREF’s Uganda office. "Some
prdl~lems "in A~r~ca, such as AIDS and
HIV, areaggravatedby cultural practices."
Much of the prize, which will be spent
over three years, will be directed at two of
Africa’s biggest killers - AIDS and
"AMREF’s success in building an
African-led and African-run health care
system that is accessible to all provides a
strong model for aid agencies around the
world," said Barron Hilton, chairman of
Hilton Hotels Corp. and a board member
of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
AMREF was selected out of 225
nominations made by members of the
international community, including
diplomats, foundation leaders and
Once nominations are made, the Hilton
foundation researches the organization
and performs On-site visits. After that,
selections go to an independent
international jury.
Last year, Medecins Sans Frontieres,
or Doctors Without Borders - the largest
independent international medical aid
organization - won the prize.
¯ Feds Pushingf0r
: Name"Reporting
¯ FRANKFORT, Ky~ (AP):-, The General
Assembly could be asked to require
: doctors treating people infected with the
: virus that causes AIDS to report them by
¯ name. It is the only way to ensure that
: federal money for AIDS treatment and
" program keeps flowing, a task force’s
~ reasoning goes.
: "The practicality is this," Dr. Anna
¯ Huang, see Health, p. 11
byJames Christjohn, entertainmentQueen
By the time you read this, the film will
be gone (thanks toWoodlandHills Cinema
for bringing it to us!), but as it will be a
great stocking stuffer - no catty remarks,
please - I will review it for your reading
pleasure anyway. And since I’ve never
worried about timeliness
before, why start now?
"Get Real" was a
wonderful film about a 16
year old Gay boy in
England, and the process
of "coming out" - he runs
into an older boy at his
school, and they find
themselves in "love", or
what seems to be love.
Only one problem: The
older boy is ashamed of
his Gayness, and wants
everything kept "hushhush."
Needless to say, many
poignant moments ensue,
all of which rang true for
me and the other person
viewing the film with me.
Much was true to life,
although much of it was kind of "what if
I had come out at 16 instead of 21"
speculation for me. I was a late bloomer,
what can I say? Speaks a lot for "the
At any rate, I found the film absorbing
and realistic, in many aspects. As my
friendpointed out, "Yes, but there were so
many’cinematicmoments.’ "Myresponse
was, "yes -and ? - life is made of
’cinematic moments.’ Sometimes we’re
lucky enough to havelots of them." I
pointed out several ’cinematic moments’
that we shared that he’d forgotten, and he
conceded the point.
He also took umbrage with the ending,
whichwas realistic. (Warning: Don’tread
beyond this point to the next paragraph if
you haven’t seen it and don’t want it
He wanted a more romantic ending
¯ (ironic, given his criticism only moments
before of the "cinematic moments"). The
¯¯ boys split, our hero deciding against a
futurebased on deceptionand hiding with
: one so.uncomfortable with himself.
¯ To me, that was a happy ending - he
: was strong enough to standup for whathe
believed, both in a public
And of course, no
column written by
yours truly would
be complete
without a
mention of
"You Know Who."
And if you
don’t know, then
you’ve not been
reading this
seetion regularly,
now have you?
and personal sense, and
wasn’t willing to "settle"
for less.
Yes, the sappy ending
have been ok, and his
rationalewas that so many
mowes with Gay
characters end up with
depressing endings that
he’d have liked to have
seen an alternate ending
where both come out and
live happily ever after.
Yeah, maybe it. would
have been nice, but I
applaud the author and
producer’s strength to
stick with this ending.
And to me, it was a
happy ending of sorts. All
¯ depends on perspective, I suppose. At any
¯ rate, The activg was top-notch, the ¯
characters were real, and it is definitely a
¯ film destined to be at the top of my DVD
¯ wish list."
: "Beauty and the Beast" ended its run on
¯ aninterestingnot.e.Abeautifulproduction,
¯ albeit with sometechnieal difficulties (the.
: first week’s shows were in reality
: "previews", in which technical errors are
: more or less expected and worked out)
¯ such as bad timing on the lighting,
¯ °
reveahngcharacter’ s "di° sappearances"to
¯ beactors running inand out oflights when
¯ it should bedark, beasts transforming into
: princes and getting stuck in mid-
’ transformation by malfunctioning
¯ "magic" ("this spell canceled due to
¯ technical difficulties") and mysterious
¯ illnesses taking out cast members.
". see Beast, p. 14
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by John Curran
ATLANTIC CITY - The flowers and
dime-store crown were real. Nearly
everything else was fake, from the
eyelashes to thecleavage tothetip-synched
WelcometoAtlantic City’ s otherbeauty
pageant, the one for men dressed in drag.
Seven blocks and a world away from the
stage where Miss America 2000 was
crowned, the Miss’d America Pageant
lampooned its famous older sister with a
raucous, gender-bending spoof funny
enough to bust a girdle.
Held annually on the night after Miss
America’s crowning, Miss’d America
provides a sarcastic antidote to the applepie
sincerity of the real pageant. The
swimsuit competition? A display of
chunky thighs and muscular arms. The
musical production numbers? Over-thetop
atrocious. The evening wear contest?
Outright hysterical.
The only serious thing Sunday was the
cause: Theeventraisedmorethan $15,000
for support programs run by the South
Jersey AIDS Alliance. "It’s the wildest
show this side of the Boardwalk," said
Bill Mattel, the alliance’s former chief
Wild, indeed. There was Miss Sallotta
¯ Tea, who squeezed 240 pounds into a
: sequined black cocktail dress and opera-
" length black gloves. Down the runway
¯ wentMissTea, pushing acartloadedwith ¯
goodies and warbling a versionofthe title
: song from the musical "Cabaret." "Life is
¯ abigb,uf,fet, myfriend. Socometothebig
buffet, sang Miss Tea.
Then there was Miss Tenee, a 6-foot-3
: inch, 205-pounder, who began a talent
¯ segment in a purple Afro wig and brown ¯
velour dress. That soon disappeared,
: revealing a silk chemise. Miss Tenee won
: the crown, was given a dozen roses and
¯ headeddown the bulb-adornedrunway as
the crowd sang a reworked version of
". "There She Is," the Miss Americastandard.
¯ The capacity 600-person crowd was a ¯
mix of Gay and straight, casino workers
and local politicians, Miss America
¯ Pageant hairstylists and female
¯ impersonators. ,
Not that there wasn t some authenticity
to the proceedings. Miss America 1998
: Kate Shindle, who spent her reign
¯ promoting AIDS advocacy and needle
: exchanges, sang "My Man" during the
: show. "As far as I’m concerned, what’s
: any pageant without a former Miss
¯ Whatever singing StreisandT’ she said.
7, 8, 99
9 9 9
"You don’t
have to know
ballet to
love ballet.
You just have
to try it."
:Mixed Repertory includes two Oklahoma premieres
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595 (Welcoming)
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Metropolitan Community Church United
Service, l lain, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass - 1 lain, 205 W. King (east of N. Denver), Info: 582-3088
Unity Church of Christianity
Services: 9:15 & 11:00 am, 3355 S. Jamestown, 749-8833
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 6pm, call Shawn at 243-5190.
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pro, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2rid Mon/each mo. 6:30pro, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals - call for times, info: 748-3888.
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Commuuity of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pm, 2545 S. Yale
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm,’3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/eachmo. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Commmlity of Hope, 1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd t, ~i~ _
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info:298-0827
Gal-A-Vanting, Women~ Social & Cultural Group
Call for info: Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long rides & short ddes from
Zeigler Park. Long & short rides from Tulsa Gay Commtmity Center. Write for info:
PUB 9165. Tulsa, OK 74157
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
by George Bria
POUND RIDGE, N.Y. (AP) - Gardening
~njoys suchaserenereputation thatgetting
njure~ at it seems almost laughable: Yet
anoverzealous greenthumbcanalsomean
a sore elbow.
Thecasualtyhsts are. swelled, ofcourse,
by the power eqmpment
ix~juries oaten stiffered through
¯ in’attention or failure to wear
,:protective gear~ But.whatwe’re
talking about here is soreness,
strains and sprains.
A common ailment is
tendonitis. You can get tennis
elbow just pulling weeds, the
repetitive squeezing motion
inciting inflzmmation.
Back muscle spasm is
another trauma that threatens
the wheelbarrow lifter or the
person who bends abruptly or
improperly to perform some
taskinflowerbed or vegetable
patch. Sometimes it just
happens without an easily
pinpointed cause.
Having suffered both these
: abdominal muscles," Pearlman says. "In
¯ essence, thesemuscles act as"guy wires,"
¯ to keep your baekmhne. She prescn
a series of abdominal strengthening
: exercises and also exercises to condition
¯ other muscles related to the back.
: If, in spite of all this, back spasm
suddenly strikes, Pearlman
says stop your garden work
immediately, head for the
house and lie down on an ice
pack for 20 minutes. That’s
just a beginner. Then do some
exercises and maybe take a
pain reliever. Repeat the
sequence four or five tames
during the first day. In two or
three days you should be
better, she says, and if not,
think of going to a doctor.
Pearlman prescribes a
variety of push-ups and
weight-lifting exercises to
-strengthen arms. One. way to
strengthen hands, she says, is
repetitive squeezing of a
semisoft rubber ball.. Aside
from strengthening exercises,
"Lets get
down to earth
and be real;’
Pearlman says,
"gardening is
an active,
contact "sport."
"When is the
last time you
sat still in your
- Barbara
ailments from my gardening, I can testify :
they’re just as painful as if you got them "
on the tennis court, as I did, or from some °
other sport or at work. To add to potential
miseries, a bad elbow you got in tennis
might heal only to flare up again in the
garden. Tendonitis can hit the shoulder,
too,andoften does. There are conditioning
exercises youcan do, andprobably should
do, to prevent injuries, but in my
experience inflanu~tory ailments like
tendonitis sometimes seem to happen
One day you’re fine after w.eedigg an,d.
anotherday you develop pain tlaat doesn t
go away. The same thing happens to a
pitcher or a hard-serving teums player
despite conditioning. Proven therapies,
involving drugs, exercises or even surgery,
exist to heal such injuries but preventing
them from happening in the first place is
something else.
Nevertheless, suggestions exist, and a
good book has just come out aimed at
conditioning youto minimize the chances
of getting hurt while gardening.
"Gardener"s Fitness" by Barbara
Pearlman (Taylor Publishing Co., $12.95,
paperback), a Manhattan fitness expert
and a gardener, prescribes exercises,
proper posture and attire and relaxation
teclmiques. The 151-page book contains
easy-to-follow instructions and helpful
"Lets get down to earth and be real,"
Pearlman says, "gardening is an active,
contact "sport." "When is the last time
you sat still in your garden?" she asks, "If
you’re not hauling heavy rocks, you’re
pushing a wheelbarrow, toting tools,
dragging the hose, or whacking weeds.
You’re in perpetual motion, unless of
course your idea of gardening is planting
:apot of~etunias orp~msies onyourpaso?’
Pearlman identifies tlie body parts mat
workhardestinthe garden as arms,: ,,l~ees,
hands "and, abov,~ all, your back,. Back
pain,"shesays,~s the gardener sbugaboo.
Unless your back is made of steel (in
which case, youprobably can’.t g.etinto ,al,1
the contorted positions gardemng cans
for) at some point during the season, your
back is bound to protest."
’The very best defense against back
painis agoodoffense, whichmeans strong
knee fitness involves proper squatting in
the garden, Pearlman says. This means
keeping your heels flat, otherwise far
: much pressure is placed on your knees."
: "Knowing how to bend over andhow to
¯¯ lift an object (or yourself) the correctway
is crucial to gardening," Pearlman says.
: ’The chance of straining your back is far
: greater if youneglect tobendyourknees."
¯ When carrying things, she says, "you ¯
should use the strongest and largestjoints
and muscles (those in your arms) for the
." job to avoid direct pressure on your
¯ smallestjointsandweakestmuscles (those
: in your hands and fingers.)"
¯ "There is a right way and a wrong way
to move when you garden and malting th,e,
¯ right moves makes good garden sense,’
". Pearlman says. "It’s as simple as that."
¯ JOHANNESBURG, South Mrica (AP)-
¯ A provincial blood donor service has
¯ started turning away black blood donors
¯ between 18 and 35 years because of the
: high risk of infection from AIDS and
¯ other diseases, E-TV reported in
: September.
¯ Eric Saunderson, head of the Natal
BloodTransfusion Service, confirmedthat
the agency is importing blood from
Hollandand theWestern Cape, a province
with a lower rate of HIV infections.
¯ "Ourresponsibility is to thepatient, and
¯ it’s the right of every patient to have the ¯
safest blood possible," Saund~rson said
¯ in the television interview.
¯ Ronald Louw, a spokesman from the ¯
Gay and Lesbian Coalition, denounced
the practice of apartheidblood collection.
¯ ’q’his is discrimination," he said.
¯ About 8% 0f all South Africans are ¯
HIV positive,~a rate that reaches up to
25% in some communities in KwaZulu-
¯ Natal, where the Natal service is located,
¯ and elsewhere in the country. But a racial
: breakdown of the infection rate was not
¯ known.
Black Blood
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by Anthony Breznican
Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The aggressive
roles of men in sports, movies and
television can cause boys to equate
violence with masculinity,
according to a report released
today byachildren’s advocacy
A survey of 1,200 boys,
ranging from 10- to 17-yearsold,
revealed their favorite
entertainment often depicts
brutality as a heroic way to
solve~problems, said Harvard
psychologistWilliam Pollack,
who helped analyze the study
for ChildrenNow. "It’s gender
straight-jacketing," Pollack
said. ’q~hese boys believe that
in order to be a real man- like
the ones in the media - they
have to be violent and
characters and sports figures
viewed by the participants
committed brutal or defiant
acts or demonstrated antisocial
behavior such as
ridiculing or lying, Pollack
The study was released at the start ofthe
group’ s anntml conferencein Los Angeles.
Children Now, an independent advocacy
group for children in Oakland, plans to
use the findings to call on entertainment
executives to promote a more
compassionate image of men, said Lois
Salisbury, president of the organization.
According to Ms. Salisbury, the
kickboxing crimefighter on "Walker,
Texas Ranger" on CBS and the
sensationalized crashes and arrests on
Fox’s "World’s Wildest Police Videos"
were among the worst for reinforcing
negative stereotypes ofauthoritativemen.
"Theyjust glorify heavy-handed tactics,"
she said.
She also speculated that professional
wrestling’s blend of scantily dad women
a University ofLouisville assistantmedical
professor, said: without federal money,
only people with insurance will have
access to the relatively few doctors with
experience in AIDS treatment.
"I think we’re at a point the legislation
needs tobe considered,"Huangsaidduring
a public hearing by the legislature’s Task
"It’s gender
Pollack said.
"These boys
believe that in
order to be a
real man - llke
the ones in the
media - they
have to be
violent and
- William
: and muscle-bound fighters could cause
¯ relationship problems for adolescent boys
"_ who might imitate the behaviors they see
¯ acted out by the wrestlers when trying to
: woo women. ’The image is that men are
meant to be defined by anger
and violence and power and
sex," Ms. Salisbury said.
’There is very little roomfor a
range of behaviors such as
compassion and
She points to ABC’s ’¢Fhe
Drew Carey Show" as an
example ofaprogram that has
very little violence and draws
itshumorfrom the crew-cutted
comedian’s portrayal of
schlepping throughamundane
job. "He’s stuck in ajob that’s
going nowhere and the whole
basis (of the show) is that he is
¯ . . a loser," Ms. Salisbury
said. "That tells boys that the
only place to be is at the top.
Otherwise, you’re to be
laughed at."
Michael J. Gerson, a
psychologist and lecturer at
Loyola Marymount
University, criticized Children Now for
¯¯ drawing what he characterized as an
elementary conclusion about the effects
¯ of media violence on young people.
¯ "Researchers canunderestimate the ability
of children to make distinctions between
¯ fantasy andreality,"Gerson said.’~A child
¯ may s~oot his fingers like a gun, but he
doesn t have to develop a killer mentality
¯ or wish to be destructive." i-iowever,
¯ Gerson saidChildren Now was correct in ¯
proposing that the blending of sex and
violence can confuse adolescents who
¯ should instead associate gentleness with
¯ intimacy. "I do object to movies where the
¯ girl and the guy get into the back seat of
the car and a Miler pops out and cuts them
¯ in half with a chain saw," Gerson said.
¯ "That can cause problems."
Force on HIV/AIDS Prevention, Services "
and Financing. "
Thirty-three states require people !
infected with HIV, the human ¯
immundeficiency virus, to be reported by "
name. The federal government is :
pressuring all other states, including ¯
Kentucky, to follow suit. Those that balk ¯
could lose federal funding for AIDS, the "
task force says in a report. ."
The recommendation brought a fierce ¯
response aboutprivacy-evenamong task "
force members - at the public hearing. "I "
call it blackmail," said Barry .Norris, a ,"
task force member from Louisville. But, ¯
Norris asked, what choice does Kentucky "
have. Do we just not take themoney9... °
¯ Do we make a principled stand?" Jeff ."
Vessels, executive director of the ¯
American Civil Liberties Union in "
Kentucky, said states should challenge
the federal agencies. "It’s a terrible thing
that we have to sacrifice so much privacy
in the name of money," Vessels said.
An AIDS patient said the stigma of the
disease would drive many people
underground. "For the fear of reporting
their names, they simply will not go get
tested," Michael Seidler of Louisville
Thestate keepsrecords ofAIDS patients
by name, but not of people infected with
ttIV..For that reason, the state’ s reports of
HIV infection are considered suspect by
federal record keepers at the Centers for
Disease Control. Mollie’Adkins, of the
Kentucky Department for Public Health,
said name reporting is the most reliable
way yet found to ensure cases are not
duplicated and statistics are not inflated.
Names would he maintained, in a state
database, not passed along to the CDC.
The task force also says the legislature
should restrict access to the information
and enact stiff penalties for breaches.
Seidler, the AIDS patient, said that was
wishful thinking. Computer hackers got
into Florida’s HIV-test database, he said.
"Ifyoucan guarantee somethinglike that’ s
not going to happen..." Seidler said, "by
all means go outand get tested yourselves."
by Esther Rothblum, Ph.D.
Do Lesbians drink more alcohol than
heterosexual women? In the not-toodistant
past, the Lesbian bar
was one of the only places " ~ome d the
where Lesbians could go to
early studies
meet other women. On the
otherhand,many Lesbianbars su~,rested that
h~iVe Closed down, indicating
Pdr.einrhkainpgs lt~hsast aLndeshbaivaensot-haerer- upd-toLoensblei~atnhlsrdplaces
to socialize,
To find out more about
Lesbians and alcohol-use, I
interviewedDr. TondaHughe~
in the Department of Nursing
at the University of Illinois at
Chicago. ,Some of the early
studies suggested that up .to
one third of Lesbians were
serious alcohol abusers," she
said, "but often these
researchers collected their data
from Lesbians in bars. So itis
not surprising that this method
found a large number of
Lesbians who were heavy
drinkers. I think that that is
why we have the bdief that
Lesbians are atriskfor alcohol
Nevertheless, Dr. Hughes
believes that Lesbians drank
more than heterosexual
women in the 1960s and 70s.
"Lower rates of drinking
among Lesbians now is partly
due to changes in drinking in
the whole population, to more
health consciousness, and to
the AIDS crisis, which has
alertedus to the risks ofalcohol
and drug use," she said. She
also felt that Lesbians used to
drink more during the coming
out process, in order to deal
with social anxiety and stigma
involved in meeting other women and
coming to terms with being a Lesbian.
In a study conducted in Chicago, New
York City, and Minneapolis/St. Paul in
the mid-1980s with more than Lesbians,
Lesbians overall were no more likely to
reportalcohol-relatedproblems than we.re °
heterosexual women. Only Lesbians in
the 50-60 year old age range reported ¯
more alcohol problems than did their "
heterosexualcounterparts. Dr. Hughes has ¯
conductedaseries of studies withLesbians "
and heterosextml women that focus on °
various mental health factors, including ¯
alcohol use and abuse.
Her results indicate that Lesbians these "
days are no more likely to drink heavily "
than are heterosexual women. In fact,--
Lesbians were more likely to report ¯
abstaining from alcohol altogether for the "
past year than were heterosexual women.."
Most of the Lesbian and-heterosexual ¯
womeninher sample drank alcohol at low "
levels. White Lesbians, however, drank "
morethandid AfricanAmericanor Latina ¯
"Interestingly, there are more Lesbians ."
who report that they are in recovery, "
though" she added. Only 2% of."
heterosexual womenhadbeenin treatment
for alcohol or in 12-step programs,
compared with 17% of Lesbians--a large "
difference. This may be the result of prior ¯
heavy drinking among Lesbians. Or it "
may be thht Lesbians are more aware of "
were serious
she said, ’but
often these
co||ected tbelr
data [rom
Lesblans ;n
bars. So it’s
not surprlslng
that this
method [ound
o[ Lesbians
who were
heavy drinkers.
I think that
that is why we
bare the belld
that Lesbians
are at r~sk [or
alcohol abuse.’"
~ substanceuse issues than areheterosexual
¯ women. Oneofthe questionsinthesurvey
is "Have you ever wondered if you had a
drinking problem," and 47%
of Lesbians answered "yes" to
this item compared with only
14% of the heterosexual
women. This finding again
hints at heavy alcohol use in
Finally, there was a trend for
older Lesbians to report more
drinking, and these are the
Lesbians who were adults
during earlier times when
drinking was more part of the
Lesbian commurtities.
Dr. Hughes is interested in
exploring patterns of drinking
across various age groups of
Lesbians. Specifically, she is
interested in whether older
Lesbian~ who were adults
during earlier times when
drinking was more part of the
Lesbian cotumunities are
continuing to drink heavily.
She is also interested in the
question of how Lesbians and
their partners moderate each
others drinking, because
research on heterosexuals
shows that partners’ drinking
is a major factor in how much
people drink. We still know
very little about all Ihe factors
that increase or decrease
Lesbians’ risk for alcohol
abuse or alcohol-related
Esther Rothblum is Professor
of Psychology at the
University of Vermont and
Editor of the Journal of
Lesbian Studies. She can be
reached at Dewey Hall, Univ.
of Vermont, Burlington, VT,
¯ emaih esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
of The Tulsa Worldnews story about the
New Jersey ruling. Ms. Kue.lmertpromised
to check into the issue and to telephone
back the next day.
TAUWenjoys significant supportfrom
some of Tulsa’s most well known
corporations. Debbie Graham ofQuikTrip
Corporation said that her organization
had supported UnitedWayformany years
because it helps a vast variety of agencies
but-that QuikTrip doesn’t get involved in
"the politics of individual agencies."
And while Ms. Graham could not
confirm that Quik Trip has a nondiscrimination
policy which explicitly
includes "sexual orientation," she noted
that it is their practice not to discriminate.
Quik Trip had provided promotion of
the United Way campaign in the form of
a printed solicitation for support on Quik
Trip paper bags.
Emily Gill of Dollar Car Rental did
confirm that her company and its parent
group, Dollar/Thrifty Automotive Group
(DTAG) which Mr. Cappy chairs, does
have an explicitnon-discrimination policy
butMs. Gill wasunable to address whether
any one atDTAG saw any conflictbetween
their internal non-discrimination policy
and see TA UW, p. 13
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by Lamont Lindstrom, Phdg.
Last snmmer I wentto afriend’ s fiftieth
birthday p~arty.,] I think actually it was at
least his tbir or even fourth fiftieth
birthday. He is de_t,_e~_.ined.n_o,t to get any
older. Freezingone s agent50ts somewhat
more mature than those of us who fixate
on 30, or even 25. Another birthday boy I
know is at 28 and holding. Andmy friend
Steve- who is 33 and gorgeous - always
shaves five or six years off his age on
those tempting messages he leaves on
telephone dating, lines.
Welcome to America.
Growing up around here is
good. But growing old can be
a problem. We all know about
the bittersweetness of
birthdays. Next time you are
in a card store, have a look at
those nasty if cruelly funny.
cards that we are encourag
to giveanyoneunlueky enough
to have turned 40. Women
complain that the onusof age
falls most heavily on them.
Men, as they wrinkle, gray;
and sag, at least might bope.~o
grow to be distinguished.
Women, on the other hand,
age into grannies and crones.
My sly friends who have
recycled or lost a few of their
blrdadays, however, don~t
seem to be waiting eagerly for
distinguished, silver-haired
maturity. They, too~ would
rather stay young and juicy.
Theexplosion of men’s hair dye, plastic
surgery, and youthful herbal supplement
commercials flashing daily on my
television screen suggest an increasingly
desperate age-panic among all of us, no
matter our gender.
When I was 24, I lived on Tanna, an
isolated South Pacific island. Everyone
there is related to everyone. Newcomers
- quickly receive "fictive kin" identities in
order better to fit into village life. Soon
after I arrived, all the kids began calling
me kaha - "grandpa." I was taken aback
by this. Why, back then, I had hardly any
gray hair after all! OnTanna, though, as in
most places on earth, ageis pr_estigio.us..
Those kids were doing me abig favor wttla
that grandpa thing. Myislandfriend Nariu,
who was hardly older than me, within a
few years had started referring to himself
(and me) as "’we old men." Nariu was
ambitious and since old men ran his
society, he was determined to become a
senior citizen as soon as he could.
American fears of aging clearly have
much to do with how years connect up
with power and prestige. I sometimes ask
my university students when they think
adulthood begins. When do you truly
become an adult? They tend to place this
somewherein the20s-afew years bey.ond
their own age. Most Americans associate
adulthood with economic independence:
having one’s own job, paying 0n.e’s.o.wn
bills. We see some 35-year-old still hvlng
with mother as sadly still a little juvenile.
I also askmy youthful students for their,
defimtmns of nnddle-aged and old.
Answers here are more variable. (Some
startmiddleage-at30.) Generally, though,
true oldness connects with retirement.
Once we leave the workplace for good,
we lose salary, power, prestige, and any
final fleeting claims to youth. People
throughoutmost of the world can’t wait to
get old. The older they are, the more
¯ authority and influence they have within
their fzmilies and societies. Here, if you
: want to be president at age 69, like Ronald
¯ Reagan you’d better pour on that black
¯ hair dye.
. Gay menmay bemore panickedby age
: than most Americans. We have all heard
: bitter complaints about our agi_sm ~ a~,d
lookism- and such gripes are often samy
: justifiedbypersonal experience. (Lesbian
¯¯ society is,l~___ha,p_s kinder to it_s wrin.kl,ed
sisters ) It s fun to read the age limitalmns
in classified personal ads.
"Gay men may Most of the lovelorn are ISO
sweet-youngthings. Notmany
be more want to date those of well-.
panicked by
age than most
We have all
heard bitter
a~out our
agism -- and
lookism - and
such gripes are
often sadly
justified by
aged .and mature vintage.
Many ads have upper age cutoffs
- commonly 30 or 35 or,
morerarely, 40. Some seekers
are willing to date over a
decade’s span-five years
younger to five years older
than themselves. Many 40-
somethings speei-ficaldl’y
request none but the 20-
something... Good luck...
More gray hair on the way for
you, I think.
Or there is the daddy niche:
bears and cubs. A few
yonngish personal advertisers
won’ t touch anyone
underneath 45 or 50. They
want~eir daddy. At.leastthere
remarns, here m .agist
American, one specialized
market opporUmity for mental, ,facial,,and
financial maturity. So you can atways ouy
a youth if you can’t have youth yourself
Then there are the age-blind. They "go
bv~t_he s,n_i_r_i t. "Thev_o_romisetodateanyone
18 to 88, or so they say. I logged onto a 61-
vear-old’s personal page on the Internet.
"Ageis only a state of mind,"it said. Yeah
right. Are you from Tanna or America?
Check out your mirror. But I’m taking
notes. Those birthdays keep rolling. And
next year the cake might set off the smoke
Lamont Lindstrom. Ph.D. teaches
anthropology at ~he University of Tulsa?
the discriminatory policies of the BSA
and United Way’s failure to pledge not to
discriminate. Ms. Gill promised aresponse
after consulting with others in her
organizationbutfailed to respondby press
Likewise, Jean Johnson, Bank of
America’s southwestern press
spokesperson, pointed out that the bank,
with its origins in San Francisco, has
some of themostprogressive policies, not
only pledging not to discriminate but also
¯ prowiding domestic partner benefits to
¯ their employees. She added that Bank of
] America is one of United Way’s largest
~ supporters on a national level. Roger
¯ Whaley ofBank of America serves on the
~ board of directors of TAUW.
: The Tulsa Area United Way campaign
enjoys further promotional sup.port fr,.om
Tulsa area television stations. Accoromg
’. to the staffperson at KOTV, Channel 6,
: the stations which represent the major
~ networks and Fox all agree to do public
¯ service announcements.
" Pat Baldwin of KTUL, Cbannel 8 who
¯ is a member see TAUW, p. 14
The regular Belle’s father was
hospitalized during the run, and at the last
matinee, folks in the audience neverknew
of the backstage drama going on. The
Beast became ill at the end of the first act
(where he flings himself across a balcony
In despair of ever being loved, and the
curtain falls). When the backstage crew
revolved the set to help him down, they
found the actor playing the Beast hanging
over the balcony - passed out cold. They
revived him, and he decided to go on with
the show:
However, you could never tell from the
audience that anything was wrong. After
the performance, he was whisked to the
hospital as soon as the curtain fell. It
appears he may have been suffering from
a bleeding ulcer.
The understudy went on that evening,
and I hear he did well, despite misgivings
on the part of some of the crew and other
castmembers-not tomentionhehimself!
I was sorry to see the troupe leave - they
were such nice folk.
October events at the Performing Arts
Center (596-7111 for tix) include Tulsa
Ballet’ s "AnnaKarenina", Oct 1-3; Sabella
Oct 2; The Celtic Series with Natalie
McMaster, Oct 8-9; Tulsa Opera’s
"Carmen, Oct 16-24; ATC’s Titanic
mystery, "Scotland Road", Ok 22-30;
and The Phil’s pops concert, "Sound and
Sorcery" Oct 29-30.
I look forward to the arrival of Petula
Clark as Norma Desmond in "Sunset
Boulevard." However, I still think Carol
Bumett should tour with the show; that
would bea .fresh interpretation in many
respects. The reviews I’ve read and heard
from friends thus far have reassured me
we are in for an excellent show. The
magicin themaking will arriveNovember
23 -28.
And of course, no column written by
yours truly would be complete without a
mention of"YouKnow Who."Andifyou
don’tknow, then you’ve not been reading
this section regularly, now have you?
Shame on you!
The ever-ethereal Stevie Nicks made a
stumling appearance on the top-rated
Sheryl Crow and Friends concert on the
,Fox network, and it was interesting to
note that she garneredthemostenthusiastic
audience response of the eminently
talented bunch.
"Gold Dust Woman" never sounded
better, and according to the rumor mill,
her new CD’s in the can, awaiting release.
Sheryl Crow produced theCDin between
tours. Also, Lesbian Icon, Melissa
Etheridge, if you follow the Tulsa World
columns, is rumored to be scheduling a
Tulsa appearance. We’ll be awaiting word
on that situation.
And "heart-and-other-body-partsthrob"
Ricky Martin will be in Dallas
November 4th. Ay cammba!
of the board of directors of Tulsa Area
UnitedWay, failed to respond to the voice
mail asking him to call.
In contrast, Bud Brown, new general
manager ofKOTV, Channel 6, noted he’d
only been in Tulsa for 3 weeks, and had
not seen the Tulsa World article in which
the Boy Scouts reaffirmed their anti-Gay
stance but he noted that his corporation,
The Belo Corporation which owns the
Dallas Morning News, WFAA in Dallas
and a number of other television_ stations,
: is "very clear...very firm" on their
¯ corporatenon-discriminationpolicy which
includes "sexual orientation."
: Greg Gatewood, president of Tulsa
¯ Oklahomans for Human Rights (TOHR),
was one .Gay person willing to have his
: name used though he emphasized that he
¯ was speaking as an individual not for
TOHR. Gatewood saidhefeltUnitedWay
: did a lot of good, funding for example,
¯ TulsaC.A.R.E.S.andotherorganizations,
and that he’d given to United Way in the
: past. However, he added that he did not
¯¯ agreewith theBoy Scouts’ policy and that
he’d like to see United Way open a
: discussionwith theGay community about
¯ the Boy Scouts, trying to f’md common
¯ ground. He added thathe’dlike to include ¯
the Boy Scouts in that dialogue also.
He suggested that instead of asking
¯ Tulsa Area United Way to stop funding
¯ the Boy Scouts that TAUW should be
: asked to fund an organization which
: provides services to Tulsa’s Lesbian and
: .Gay communities. Gatewood emphati-
¯ tally agreed thatTAUW shouldamendits
: ownnon-discrimination policy to include
¯ "sexual orientation."
: A prominent member of Tulsa’s Gay
¯ community, Vernon Jones, partner of the
late Phil Wiley and civil rights and HIV/
¯ AIDS issues activist, recalled that Tulsa
¯ Area United Way also has a history of
: racial discrimination. He remembers
newspaper articles from his youth
¯ reporting on how TAUW refused to fund
¯ agencies which served Tulsa’s Black
¯ commtmity. Jones,likeothers appreciated
TAUW’s support for HIV/AIDS services
¯ " but thought United Way should not fund.
the BSA.
Beth Kuehnert, Tulsa Area United
Way’s marketing representative, did not
call back as she promised. When asked
about this by telephone, she accused Tulsa
Family News of calling and harassing
United Way supporters, naming one in
particular. Ms. Kuehnert was informed
that a news story required speaking with
more than just her and that all contacts
with United Way supporters had been
through their designated press
representatives and clearly identified as
news inquiries and had been quite cordial.
And despite earlier promises to try to
answer questions about United Way’s
decision to fund .the Boy Scouts, Ms.
Kuehnert now stated that "I’m not going
to ask this question in the middle of the
campaign.., the decision [to fund the Boy
Scouts] was made in the spring [last
When TulsaFamilyNews contacted the
UnitedWay corporate supporter who had
allegedly been the subject of TFN
harassment,TFN was told that they’d said
nothing of the sort but only that they’d
called Tulsa Area United Way president
and chief professional officer, Kathleen
¯ Coon, to say that the issue of funding the
: Boy Scouts had been raised.
¯ This corporate spokesperson
characterized the conversation with TFN
¯ as very civil and cordial.
At press dine, Tulsa Family News had
¯ made either three or four phone calls over
: at least a four year period to Tulsa Area
~ United Way president Kathleen Coan
¯ requesting the courtesy of a return phone
¯ call.
¯ To date, Ms. Coon, despite an apparent
¯ ready accessibility to The Tulsa World
¯ and other non-minority news orgam-
." zations, has refused to return any calls.
¯ For a related editorial, please see
; United Our Way, p. 3.
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taste of their music.)
And it’s not over yet! Don’t dare miss
the dance and drag show on Sunday
afternoon at Center Stage. Besides the
always exciting, always surprising
performances of Domonique Daniels,
.Carla Renee, Miss Helga, Tara T’Neil,
and Tabitha Taylor of Tulsa, Okla., and
our ever-popular DJ, Jon Caswell,
"Barnes" will make a guest appearance!
So call your friends, select your
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reservations now!! You won’t want to
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2:30 pm - 5:00 pin"Family" musicians
perform at Mud St. Espresso Cafe on
Main St.
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm More entertainment
at the Kaffeehaus Aroma in Basin Park
8:00 pm - 12:30 am M.CC. of the
Living Spring hosts Carnival Under the
Rainbow - Dance and Game Night. Game
booths- will raise funds for local projects
and organizations while Jon Caswell spins
an eclectic mix of dance music. A great
way to kick off the weekend! Basin Park
Hotel Ballroom. Cover: $4.50 per person,
$7.50 per couple. Must be 21.
10:00 am - Noon Catch the end of the
fall colors canoeing down the beautiful
White River. Call the Dam Store at (501)
253-6154 for details. $22!canoe.
10:30 am - Noon Enjoy a "colorful"
historic walking tour wi~ Bill. Meet at
Sweet Springs on upper Spring St. next to
Rogue’s Manor. No charge.
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Bring the kids to a
"family" family picnic at Harmon Park.
Food and games. Call Samuel Strickland
for details (501) 253-7837. Children of all
ages welcome. No charge.
Be sure to check out the unique shops
andrestaurants listed in the Eureka Springs
Diversity Cooperative. Let them know
you’re here for Diversity Weekend!
1:00 pm - 4:00 pro, Did you bring your
singing voice? Give Karaoke a whirl with
Lita at the Hole in. the Wall off Center St.
No cover.
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Give your feet a
break, and listen to some great musicians
at Mud St. Espresso Cafe and Kaffeehaus
Aroma. Tips appreciated.
9:00 pro- 1:00 am Party, party, party!!
Dance, dance, dance!! Come on out to
Center Stage, and dance like you mean it
to Jon’ s high energy club tunes;ORShake
your booties at the Basin Park Hotel
Ballroom to the live performances of
dynamic GLAMA-winning L.A. Singer/
songwriter Barnes, and the fantastic pop/
rock Dallas-based women’s band Doris
Daze. (Both will have their CDs available
for sale.) Must be 21! Cover charges:
Center Stage only - $5 per person. Basin
Park only - $10 per person. Both venues -
$13 per person. What a nightt !
2:00 pm - 6:00pmYou can’t leave yet!!
Meet us again at Center Stage for our tea
dance and drag show. Those girls from
Tulsa, those talented, and always
fantabulous entertainers, Domonique
Daniels, Carla Renee, Miss Helga, Tara
T’Neil and Tabitha Taylor will knock
your socks off with their dazzling
performances, while Jon graces us with
his DJ magic once again. AND, to add to
the excitement, Barnes will be there to
sharehis terrificvoice andpowerful music
in a Special guest set. Must be 21! Cover:
$5 per person.
7:00 Inn M.C.C. of the Living Spring
Service at 17 Elk St. Call (501) 253-9337
for information. All are welcome!
* Friday night from 10 p.m. ’til close,
Clary and K.J. will havelive entertainment
and dancing at Center Stage.
* If you’re feeling adventurous (and a
little brave), you may want to check out
the Ghost Tours at the Crescent Hotel.
They start at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, and last for
approximately anhour andfifteenminutes.
Discounted price of $8 per person to
anyone wearing a purple"Eureka Springs
Celebrating Diversity" button (available
for half a buck at The Emerald Rainbow).
Call (501) 253-8030 or 2428 for details.
* In keeping with both themes this
weekend, Judy at Pond Mountain Lodge,
is hosting a "family" wine tasting, with
hors d’oeuvres, from 5 to 7 p.m. on
Saturday. Admission is a favorite boftle
of wine from your state or $10 per person.
Pond Mountain is on Hwy 23S about two
miles from its intersection in town with
Hwy 62. Call (800) 583-8043 for
* After the dances on Friday and
Saturday nights, Basin Block Cafe (across
from Basin Park Hotel) will be open for
breakfast from midnight ’til 3 a.m.
* This weekend is also Eureka Springs’
Food and Wine Festival, and many of the
town’s fine restaurants are offering special
menus, from light fare to exquisite multicourse
dinners. If you’re interested, call
at (501) 253-8737.
Be sure to stop byThe EmeraldRainbow
to pick up your Diversity Cooperative
booklet and discount coupons from some
of the Coop’s businesses!
And please join us at our next Eureka
Springs Diversity Celebration Weekend
on April 7, 8 &9, 2000 ! ! ! Keep an eye on
www.shimaka.com/eureka~diversity for
The Eureka Springs Diversity
Celebrationweekendis producedby Linda
Williams and M.C. Delahanty and
sponsored by The Emerald Rainbow and
the businesses of The Eureka Springs
Diversity Cooperative,
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Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1999] Tulsa Family News, October 1999; Volume 6, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/592.