[1999] Tulsa Family News, September 1999; Volume 6, Issue 9


[1999] Tulsa Family News, September 1999; Volume 6, Issue 9


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


September 1999


James Christjohn
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers


Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, August 1999; Volume 6, Issue 8


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


United +AmericanAirlines
To Offer Partners’ Benefits
WASHINGTON - In a bold move with global
ramifications for Gay and Lesbian workplace equality,
United Airlines - the world’s largest airline - became
the first major U.S. airline to offerfull domestic partner
benefits, according to a press release from the Human
Rights Campaign (HRC). United Airlines announced
the decision on July 30.
’q’his enormous victory will have a global impact in
helping to create fair and equitable workplaces for Gay
and Lesbian people," noted HRC Executive Director
Elizabeth Birch in a statement released early in August.
"We congratulate Unitedforjoining therapidly growing
legion of compames who realize that treating all
employees with dignity andrespect is goodfor business.
United has definitely earned their wings. This is a noble
challenge to other carriers to now align their benefits
packages to reflect fairness and equality for every
As a result of United’s action, Equal Benefits
Advocates, a San Francisco-based group, declared an
end to the educational boycott of United. That
organization called the.boycott in Febrtmry to .raise
public awareness of United’s lawsuit, see United, p. 2
Arizona Legislator Takes
On "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell"
by Melanie Carroll, Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK - "Don’t ask, don’t tell?" Doesn’t work. ¯
That’s the word from an openly Gay Arizona legislator "
and Army Reserve officer being investigated for :
dischargeby the military. State Rep. Steve May,inNew ¯
York recently for a meeting of the Log Cabin
Republicans, a Gay political group, called for an end to .
the military’s policy on Gays.
"A.t a time when recruiting and retentionis becoming ¯
a serious problem, and some members of Congress are .
discussing a reinstatement of the draft, how much "
longer will we degrade our military readiness by ¯
discharging competent, qualified, trained men and ¯
women?... This policymustcome to an end,"May said. "
A spokesman for the Army Reserve confirmed an "
investigation of May is under way; it started Aug. 7. ¯
’¢foday I am facing discharge proceedings because I ¯
have refused to lie about who I am," May said. While
never discussing his sexual orientation with military ¯
officials, he was open about it when seeking election ¯
last year. May, who still serves in the Army Reserve
once a month, saidhe willlikely be discharged when the "
Army’s investigation is complete. - ¯
Sen. John McCain, a former POWl said thereis room :
in the GOP for openly Gay _r,ep,r.,e.sen,t~tives, but,add,~e~,’ "
that besupports [he fiiiiitary s ’dOn t ask~ don t tell’ "
policy. "We should in our party refrain from ¯
discrimination in any form,.M.cC.aan.satd. As-forMay, :
"he’s a fine man," McCain added. "I have the greatest
respect for him?’ Yet, as a member of the:mili~,May
is subject to constraints growing out of the natur~ ~t~the
military service, McCain said. Hesaid that sincesoIdiers ¯
must live in place and with people not of their own . :
choosing, the policy regarding a soldierrs Sexual _"
orientation makes sense.
Stacey Sobel, a senior attorney with the Washingtonbased
Service Members Legal Defense Network, is
representing May against the Army Reserve.
see Officer, p. 2
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tuleans, Our Families + Friends
Tulsa’s Largest Circulation Community PaperAvailable In More Than 75 City Locations
Congressi,onal Committee
Hears Tulsans On Hate Crimes
Rights Campaign (HRC), the
nation’s largest national
Lesbian and Gay political
organization, with members
throughout the country, brought
Tulsa hate crime victims Tony
Orr and his partner Tim
Beaucamp to Washington in
early August to testify?before
the hearing ot the House
Judiciary committee on the
.faced for a stonger federal
response to hate crimes,
specifically asking the House of Representatives to pass the Hate
Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA).
InSeptember 1997, Orr and Beaucamp were standing at an
ATM at State Bank in the Brookside neighborhood when three
men approached them. They called the two men "faggots" and
proceeded to brutally beat them.
Orr suffered a concussion and received stitches for the many
gashes onhis head. Bcauchampreceivedpermanentnerve damage
after the orbital bone around his eye was broken.
Speaking at a press conference before the Congxessional
hearing, HRCexecutive director Elizabeth Birch introduced Orr,
saying, "we urge Congress to listen to the courageous men and
women who came forward today to speak ofthe unspeakable hate
cr~mes that irreversibly changed their lives.., it is clear that hate
crimes are a national problem and now is the time for Congress
to embrace real solutions. The House should follow the Senate’s
lead and pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA)."
To demonstrate the reai-life impact of these crimes, Birch
introduced "A Decade of Violence: Hate Crimes Based on
Sexual Orientation," a newly published report by the Human
Rights Campaign and the Southern Poverty Law Center. The
report details the rise in hate crimes and the impact it has on its
victims and society.
Tulsan Orr noted, "people like us in communities all across this
country need some place to turn seeCongress,p.lO
Tony Orr & Tim Beauchamp
¯ ’Jenny Jones’ Murderer Guilty
¯ PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) - A jury rejected a claim that Jonathan
¯ Schmitz was driven to kill a Gay.acquaintance because of his
unrelenting and unwanted advances, starting by revealing a crush
on a talk show. "If he was Gay and a woman had approached him
that way, would it have been right for him to kill her because she
put anote and a flashing light in his door?" askedjuror Kimberley
Schmitzwas convicted inlate August of second-degree murder
in the death of Scott Amedure,who had appeared with him on
’q’he Jenny Jones Show." It marked the second time that a jury
hadfoundhim guilty of that charge. The first conviction was later
overturned"We wanted to send a message that it’s not all right to
act this way," juror Ted Hight said.
Schmitz’s second trial avoided the debate over the role played
by Ms. Jones’ show, which was amajor part of acivil trial against
the-show and Schmitz’s first murder trial. Instead, the jury
debated Schmitz’s state of mind. As the verdict was read,
Schmltz, 29, hung his head, stared down and clasped his hands
under his chin.
Schmitz’s first conviction for second-degree murder in 1996
resulted in a sentence of 25 to 50 years in prison; the Verdict was
thrown out on appeal due to an error in jury selection. Oakland
County Assistant Prosecutor Donna Pend~rgast Raid ~he Would
ask for the same penalty when Schmitz is sentenced Sept. 14. "I
always knew if thejury followed the law it would come back with
this verdict," she said
Schmi tz’s attorney, Jerome Sabbota, sought a le~s~r verdict Of
manslaughter, saying that Amedure continued to pursue Schmitz
to the point Schmitz "lost all reason." The segment never aired.
He said Amedure lied to Schmi tz about the show, entitled "Same-
Sex Secret Crushes," and set Schmitz off byleaving a suggestive
note and blinking construction lightonhis door. Amedure "never
let up and he never backed off. He created a situation when any
reasonable person would have snapped," Sabbota said.
The facts in the case were not disputed in the four-day trial. On
¯ March 6,1995,Amedure revealed his crush on’q’heJenny Jones
Show," along with a sexual fantasy. Schmitz told him he was
." heterosexual. The two flew back to Detroit together and stayed
." out late drinking with a mutual friend, Donna Riley.
: Onthe morning of March 9, 1995, see Jones, p. 15
¯ Community Center News
¯ TULSA - Tulsa’s Gay Community Center and its
parent organization, Tulsa Oldahomans for Human
¯ Rights (TOHR) have announced a full schedule of
¯ events for the next several months. On Sept. 11,
¯ TOHRandParents, Families &Friends ofLesbians &Gays (PFLAG) will hold aGarage Sale to benefit
¯ both groups. The sale will run from 7am to 4pm at
¯ 5303 E. 27th Place atDarlington. Donations of sale ¯
items may be left at the Center up to Sept. 8.
Later, on Sept. 25, TOHR along with many
¯ others will host a Feast for Friends dinner which
¯ supports THENAMES PROJECT, theAIDS Quilt
; organization. TOHR’s dinner at the "Double T
; Ranch" will begin at 5pro and a $15 donation is
¯ requested. Those who cannot attend a dinner can
¯ join the dessert finale at the Southern Hills Marriott
; at 8:30. Into: TOHR, 743-4297 or THE NAMES
; PROJECT, 748-3111.
¯ Along with the First Annual Film Festival on
Oct: 7-9 (see TFN’s Entertainment column which
begins on page 8for more details as well as the
Film Festival ad on page 8), the Center will host
¯ TOHR’s first Coming Out Fair "Discovering ¯
Yourself" from noon to 6pro on Sat. Oct. 9th.
; TOHR is also kicking off a new project, the
CommUnity Pages, which is a Gay & Lesbian
; "yellow" or "pink" pages, or directory to Gay and
¯ Gay-friendly businesses and organizations.
; Tulsa formerly had such a directory called "Gay
Tulsa" which was published by former resident,
Kharma Amos. Amos, however, moved to the
; Northwest to attend seminary and for a number of
; years, no directory has been published. (Editor’s
¯ note:TulsaFamilyNewsalsoprovidesfreelistings
¯ in its directory to those who request them.) ¯
TOHR volunteers will be soliciting advertisers
¯ this fall and hope to publish a community directory
; early next year. Those interested in being listed or
¯ advertising should contact TOHR board member,
¯ Kerry Lewis, at POB 2687, Tulsa 74101 or by email
at pride_center@yahoo.corn
¯ Wichita: No GaysAIIowed
Tulsa Big Bros: No Prob.
¯ Sedgwick County Big Brothers Big Sisters went
¯ asking for mentors for a new program, everyone
¯ was invited to participate. Everyone exceptmembers
¯ of Ten Percent, a campus Gay and Lesbian group. ¯
Big Brother Big Sisters of Sedgwick County
¯ began its search for mentors by sending letters to
¯ Wichita State University student organizations. ¯
Thoughit wasn’t supposed to,Ten Percentreceived
¯ a letter soliciting volunteers. The letter said Big
: Brothers Big Sisters clients were "waiting for a
¯ mentor like you."
However, Ten Percent, which describes itself as
: a"campus organization for Lesbian, Bisexual,.Gay
: and Transgendered university students and their
¯ friends and allies," didn’t fit Big Brothers Big
¯ Sisters’ policy. The youth group does not allow
¯ Gay men or Lesbians to serve as mentors.
¯ Casey Ritchie, spokesman for Big Brothers Big
: Sisters, said theletter was part of a mass mailing to
¯ all Wichita State University groups. "We simply
¯ feel it’s not in the best interest of the youths we
: serve to put them in the middle of any potential
¯ controversy," Ritchie said.
The letter was addressed to Chris Taylor, vice
¯ president of the 50-member group, whose name is
¯ based on studies that suggest that 10% of the
: nation’s population is Gay. see 10%,p. 3
D-I-Y-D P. 11
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, !742 S. Boston
Burger Sisters Restaurant, !545 S. Sheridan
*Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House. 3509 S. Peoria
*Jason’s Deli, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial . ~
*Tool~Box, t338 Ei 3rd ’:~ ~ ~ ~ -
583 -6666
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS, Digital Celhdar 74%1508
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000
Kent Balch & Associates, Health& Life Insurance 747-9506
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 5231 E. 41 665-4580
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books &Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665
Brookside Jewdrv, 4649 S. Peoria- 743-5272
*CD Warehouse,’3807c S. Peoria 746-0313
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
*Dec¯ to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’s Gallery, 13 Brady 587-2611
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503
*Ross Edward Salon ~’- 584-0337, 712-9379
*Floral Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595
Four Star Import Automotive, 9906 E. 55th P1. 610-0880
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709
Gay & Lesbian Affordable Daycare 808-8026
*Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21st 742-1460
Leaune M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’s Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
The Keepers, Housekeeping & Gardening 582-8460
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kdly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
Puppy Pause II, 1060 S. Mingo 838-7626
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1401 E.. 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2rid floor 743-4297
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-593.2
Richard’s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
*Scribner’s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
Patti Tay, Car Salesman 260-7829
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club; 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
*Venus Salon, 1247 S. Harvard 835-5563
Fred Wdch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria 743-2363
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159 587-7314
Bless The Lord at All Times Christian Center, 2207 E. 6 583-7815
*B/L/G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr. 583-9780
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston 585-1201
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th P1. & Florence
*ChurchoftheRestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood 587-1314
*Community ofHope United Meth~tist, 2545 S. Yale 747-6300
*Conmmnity Unitarian-UniversalistCongregation 749-0595
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale 585-COMC (2662)
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware 712-1511
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31 . 742-2457
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & G.ay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475 355-3140
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615
POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: TulsaNews@ earthlinlcnet
Publisher + Editor:
Tom Neal
Writers + contributors:
James Christjohn, Barry Hensley; J.-P. Legrandbouche,
Lamont Lindstrom, Esther Rothblum, Mary Schepers
Member of The Associated Press
I ssued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents of this
,publication are protectedby US copyright 1998 by rJ,~ {:_~/’L@..
¯~~tnd ma’y: fiot~b~ r~l~rtc[ub~d e~th~ in~hoq~b’r in part vc~flioiit
~ written permi~si0n ~om ~th~ publisher:" l~bfi~a~ion of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sekual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted, must
be signed & becomes the sole property of T~-4~ {:~ N=u4.
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at disfribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*Free Spirit Women’ s Center, call for location &info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827
Friends in Unity Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-6611
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. NorWood
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437
*MCC United, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral P1. 748-3111
NOW, Nat’l Org. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*OSU-Tulsa (formerly UCT, formerly Rogers U. whoever...)
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 749-4195
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159 665:5174
*Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 584-2325
O’RYAN, support group for 18-24 LGBT young adults
O’RYAN, Jr. support group for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
*St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
*Tulsa Area United Way, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
TNAAPP (Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 4616 E. 15 595-4105
Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights, c/o The Pride Center
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform]Leather Seekers Assoc.
*Tulsa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
*Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Tulsa Gay Community Center, 1307 E. 38, 74105
Unity Church of Christianity, 3355 S. Jamestown
*Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Jolmstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
*Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
*Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
¯ ~ HINtesting~every other Tues, 5:30,8:30, call ~for dates....
*Autumn Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23 501-253-7734
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main 501-253-7457
DeVito~s Restaurant, 5 Center St. 501-253-6807
*Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St. 501-253-5445
MCC of the Living Spnng 501-253-9337
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POE 429 501-253-2776
Old Jailhouse Lod~ng, 15 Montgomery 501-253-5332
Positive Idea Marketing Plans 501-624-6646
Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East 50!-2531-6001
*White Light, 1 Center St. _ 501-253t4074
*Edi~a’s, 9 S. School Ave. 50i-~42-2845
*Spirit of Christ MCC, 2639 ~5.. 32, Ste. U134 417 6’2Lq-4696
* is where you can find TFN. Not allare Gay-owned bu~ll are Gay-friendly.
"It’ s ironic that his qualities ofintegrity
and honesty got him elected in Arizona.
Now thosequalitiesaregettinghimkicked
¯ out of the Army Reserve," Sobel said.
¯ Sobel added that since the
implementation of"don’t ask, don’t tell,"
in 1994 the number of people discharged
¯ from the armed services has increased.
¯" "This demonstrates that the policy is not
working," Sobel said. Lastyear the Army
¯ discharged 1,149 members of the armed
¯ fo.r..ccs ~or being G.ay~,ua.der. ’~do!~t. ask,.
~" don’Lt~ll." In 1~97, idi~lhw f6i~ 997
~: ~eopte-0ut of die miii~_y. In 1994; 6i7
:,’. ~eople were dismissed.
May, a lieutenant trained in nuclear,
chemical and biological warfare defense,
also is qualified as a paratrooper. He is
second-in-command of the 348th
Transportation Company.
"The boycott was a success and now it’s
over,;’ Jeff Sheehy, founder of Equal
Benefits Advocates, told HRC. "We are
grateful thatHRC supported this action;it
really made a difference. Together, we
liave sent amessage to corporateAmerica
that this issue is important to our
"Wehave changed the world, and given
that United is providing worldwide
benefits, that is not hyperbole," said San
Francisco Supervisor Mark Leno. "I want
to commend and recognize HRC’s early
and immediate support upon our request
to honor the Equal Benefits Advocates in
their designing of the boycott. Theboycott
certainly played arole in the outcome, as
did the courts."
United’s domestic partner benefits
package will offer a full range ofcoverage
toGayandLesbian couples. Thesebenefits
include medical and dental benefits, life
insurance, pension survivor rights,
bereavement and medical leave and flight
discounts. Heterosexual domesticpartners
will only receive non-economic benefits
such as bereavement or medical leave and
flight discounts. The decision will affect
97,000 United employees worldwide.
According to the SanFrancisco Chronicle,
the airline said their domestic partnership
program will not go into effect until May.
United came under heat from Gay and
Lesbian advocates this year for.joining in
a lawsuit to stop San Francisco from
making them comply with a local
ordinance that said they must offer
domestic partner benefits in order to do
business in the city. United argued that
they did not have to comply with the
ordinance because they were a national
company that only had to follow federal
government mandates.
U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilkin
recently ruled that the airlines had to
provide "soft benefits" such as
bereavement or medical leave. However,
they did not have to offer employees
economic benefits, such as pensions or
health insurance. Theairlines, represented
by the Air Transport Association, are
appealing the ruling.
Letters Policy
Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on issues
which we’ve covered or on ~ssues you think
need to be considered. You may request that
your name be withheld but letters must be
signed & have phone numbers, or be hand
delivered. 200 wordletters are preferred. Letters
to other publications will be printed as is
Guest Editorial: Keeping Gay Kids Safe Too
l~y Kerry Lobel, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
More than 50 million young people in grades K~ 12 trek
back to school this month. They bring with them the
concerns of their parents and their communities over the
issue of school safety. Seeing the flood of back-to-school
stories on the local news, I sense that something - or
someone - is missing from this picture.
Specifically, five million someones. That’s thenumber
ofestimatednumberofGLBTQ (Gay, -Lesbian, Bisexual,
transgendered or
questioning) students in
"our public schools. For
them, safetyis aneveryday
Let’s consider some
- 28% Of Gay, Lesbian
and Bisexual youth drop
out of school because of
harassment and verbal
attacks, according to a
study conducted by the
U.S. DepartmentofHealth
and Human services.
- 22% ofboys and29%
of girls perceived as Gay
or Lesbian have reported
physical attacks by
students, according to
another study by the same
-80% of Gay and
Lesbian teens report
feelings of severe social
isolation at school,
What can you do?
Demand that your
school dlStrlet adopt
pollees that protect
students and teachers
from harassment and
discrimination; p~-ovlde
staff with workshops
and training; support
eurrio~la that includes
information about the
llv~s and contributions
of GLBT people; and
allow for the formation
of Gay-Stralght
Ai~’~anees. , .
according to statistics provided by the Gay, Lesbian, and
Straight Education Network.
Right now, our nation is having a public discussion
overwhat to do about violence in the schools. President
Clinton held a summit. Columbine, Colorado officials
put in place a policy of "zero tolerance" for harassment
and taunting. Many are pointing fingers at the
entertainment industry or the gunindustry or the Interact.
Republicans and Democrats, in typical fashion, are
pointing fingers at each other.
But once again, our voices are left out of the debate.
Our voices are enriched by painful experience, for who
among us can forget the frequency with which epithets
like "fag" and "dyke" are casually tossed around on the
playground, in the school cafeteria, inthe locker room,
Nevertheless, airlineindustry experts expect Other airlines
to follow United s lead~
¯ even in the school classroom.
¯¯ What can be done?
The good news is progress can- and is - being made to
¯ protect our schoolchildren. In the state of New York, for
." example, legislators this summer filed (but have not yet
¯ passed) the Dignity for All Students Act, which would
¯" direct schools to adopt policies to create a safe school
environment for all students. The proposal would revise
: state curriculum requirements to include human relations
¯ education. This curriculum Would enable students to
¯" :foster an appreciation- of people of different sexmd
¯ orientations as well as different racial or religious
In the state of California, legislators defeated similar
legislation by one vote. That was disappointing, but the
bill progressed further than ever before, and I amhopeful
California and New York will join Connecticut,
Massachusetts and Wisconsinin protecting their students.
Across the country, hundreds of school districts have
examined ways to keep young people safe. Perhaps some
ofyoureading this columnhavejoined in this effort. I like
to say that equality begins at home- and there’s no better
place to join the battle for GLBT equality thzn at your
local school district.Groups such as the National Youth
Advocacy Coalition (www.nyacyouth.org) and the Gay,
Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
(www.glsen.org) are already working across the country
to improve the lives of GLBTQ youth.
What can you do? Demand that your school district
adopt polices that protect students and teachers from
harassment and-discrimination; provide staff with
workshops and training; support curricula that includes
information about the lives and contributions of GLBT
people; and allow for the formation of Gay-Straight
alliances and other clubs that address homophobia and
heterosexism in school.
As the award-wiuning documentary producer Debra
Chasnoff ("It’s Elementary") taught us, children are not
bornwith bigotry andintolerance- they learn it. Wouldn’t
it be wonderful, if we used back-to-school season as a
platform to address safety for our children?
Five million children are waiting for us to act.
Founded in 1973, the National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force works to eliminateprejudice, violenceandinjustice
against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexualandtransgenderedpeople
at the local, state and national level. Aspart ofa broader
socialjustice movementforfreedom,justice andequality,
NGLTF is creating a world that respects and celebrates
the diversity ofhuman expression and identity Where all
people mayfully.participate in society.
According to the Chronicle, a spokesman for the Air
Transport Association said that although none of the
group’s members except United is offering the benefits,
they probably will, even as they press for appeal
Just a few days after United Airlines announced ~ts
decision, AmericanAirlines officials informed theHuman
Rights Campaign that they would become the second
major U.S airline to offer domestic partner benefits to
Gay and Lesbian employee~ worldwide.
-.HI~ ~ s Birch~said of,American Airlines’ decision, "W~
are witnessing history and the beginning of a new era of
fairness for Gay and Lesbian airline workers. United’s
landmark decision has clearly had a domino effect, where
walls.of discrimination-.are:falling each day." And Birch
added, "American Airlines is HRC’s official airline and
we ate enormously proud that they have taken this
important step."
American’s domestic partner benefits package will
offer a full range of coverage to the partners of Gay and
Lesbian workers. These benefits include medical and
dental insurance, life insurance, pension survivor fights,
bereavement and medical leave and flight discounts. The
decision will affect more than 100,000 American and
American Eagle employees worldwide.
American and United Airlines join a greater trend in
corporate America where employers are increasingly
offering domestic partner benefits to Gay and Lesbian
employees. Overall more than 2,800 U.S. employers
currently offer domestic partner benefits, according to
HRC’s WorkNetprojectwhich tracks this trend. Currently
70 Fortune 500 companies offer these benefits, including
AT&T, Chase Manhattan Bank Corp., General Mills,
IBM, Mobil Oil,TimeWarner, and Walt DisneyCompany.
In addition, more than 99 colleges and universities, 73
state and local governments and hundreds of non-profit
organizations and trade umons are currently offering
domestic partner benefits, according to HRC’s WorkNet.
I-IRC’ s WorkNet project, which also assists companies
in implementing domestic partner benefits and with other
workplace issues, worked closely with GLEAM, the Gay
employee group atAMRCorporation, the parentcompany,
of American Airlines in formulating the policy.
Taylor said the group would use the incident to try to get
Big Brothers Big Sisters’ policy changed.
However, in contrast to the Wichita group, Tulsa’s Big
Brothers Big Sisters has no "’across the board" ban on
Lesbians or Gay men acting as mentors. The group’s
spokesperson, Martha Desmond, Community Relations
Director, did note that the issue probably would come up
in the screening interview and would be shared with the
child’s parent. She said she was not aware of the issue
having arisen before. According to executive director,
John Jacobs, the agency’s overriding concern had to be
the best interest of the child, especially since most of the
children served by the program may already have
challenges which they face. Also, Jacobs stated that while
a parent might veto a potential mentor because he or she
is Gay, a parent, for obvious reasons, may also chose to
take into consideration matching race, or religion or a
nnmber of Other factors as well.
¯ Call me foolish or
[ naive if you llke, but I
¯ still hope {or
an Oklahoma that
¯ could stand up to any
other state in our
nation in justice, in
equal opportunity, in
: decent education. I
¯ believe our people are
¯ up to it. I just wish we
had leaders who were.
by Tom Neal, editor & publisher
A few years ago, my father and I prevailed upon Sen.
Don Nickles to meet with us about Gay &Lesbian issues,
and we trekked over to Oklahoma City one warm winter
day. We figured with one conservative Republ,ican and
one progressive Democrat, one straightman and one Gay
one, we were presenting a bipartisan view on civil rights
issues. We were scheduled for 15 minutes and gotnearly
When all was said and
done, Oklahoma’s senior
senator, hardly surprisingly
had not changed his
mindone little iota, though
he was quite civil. All we
got out of the meeting was
the c~mpliment that "you
are a good spokesman for
your cause." Gee thanks.
So it’s not as though I
really thought any
constituent comment
made to his office would
make a difference, but
periodically I like to try to
bdieve in our American
democracy: that if you
have faith and speak the
truth, that eventually right will prevail, despite the ample
evidence ofmostofourhistory whereminority Americans
are involved, be we Black, Indian, Female or Gay, or any
combination thereof.
But after reading one or another bits of tripe from the
senator about the recess uomination by Pres. Clinton of
openly Gay ambassador James Hormel, I figured I should
at least not let Mr. Nickles believe that all Oklahomans
agreed with him.
I called. I left a~ message.
I didn’t think much more about it.
That was until I got a form letter from our senator
saying how he agreed withmy position and in which letter
proceeded to trash Hormel.
Obviously that was not my position.
Now mind you, this sort of inverse idiocy ~s just the sort
of thing we’ve come to expect from Oklalaoma’s jtmior
senator, Jim Inhofe, of pornographic office computer
fame. Sen. Inhofe, who sings the praises of private
enterprise although he’s lived off the public dole most of
his ilfe, ts reputed by thosein this town who should know.
not to be particularly bright. And I can say from first hand
experience, that he’s rude to constituents. So the simple
incomp.etence of getting a constituent’ s~position enurely
wrong is somewhat expected from his office.
But from Nickles, we should be able to expect a bit
more. But then again, I also still believe in democracy.
So of course, I called again to ask if it’s possible for
Nickles’ office to do better. Because surely, surely no
matter how much evil been done in this state in one way
or another, nothing could have been so bad that we
deserve two Inhofes!
Nickles" staff did begrudgingly ad~nit that maybe they
should have gotten it right. But they made the claim that
they really don’t have to represent all the c~tizens of
Oklahoma, that all Nic.kles has to .do is ,to represent
whatever he said in his campaign that gothim elected and
that was enough. So forget about whatever you may have
believed about representative democracy, about the need
for elected officials to find solutio~as for all their
constituents, it’s winner take all and the rest be damned.
I can’t believe that this approach is in our state or
nation’s best ~nterests. I believe that Americans and
Oklahomans in particular, are fair-minded people who
would respond to leaders who sought compromise and
consideration for all instead of the "leaders" wehave who
wallow in prejudice and bigotry to fill their campaign
coffers and get elected (mind you, I’m not picking just on
Republicans, too many Oklahoma Democrats are just as
bad, the only difference is Democrats just don’t talk as
dirty about you when they’re stabbing you in the back).
Call me foolish or naive if you like, but I hope for an
Oklahoma that could stand up to any other state in our
nation injustice, in equal opportunity, in decent education.
I believe our people are up to it.
I just wish we had leaders who were.
Colorado Springs Holds¯
Gay Pride Parade & Rally
COLORADO SPRINGS, Cold¯ (AP)-Two-year-old :
Kyle wore a T-shirt that said "I love my Gay ¯
mommies," and knows 25-year-old Jennifer "
Porterfield as "mommy" and 32-year-old Becky "
Lewton as "mama." Each year Porterfield gets a card ¯
on Mother’ s Day and Lewton gets breakfast in bed on
"Becky’s Day." "We’re no different than a straight "
family," Lewton says. "We argue about the same "
stuff. Believe me." . "
They were among.those p.articipating .in the. m,n,th "
annual Colorado Spnngs PrideFest parade and ratly, "
held on the last Sunday in August. At the end of the ¯
parade, police estimated between 3,500 and 4,500 ¯
people filled Acacia Park for a celebration sponsored "
by the Pikes Peak Gay &Lesbian Community Center. "
"We’reteachers. We’relawyers. We’reprofessional "
pa,,,,,l~" Lewton said. "(The oarade) is certainly not ¯
s’~xV’t~l thing, and thats"- wha’t people think it is."
About a dozen protesters, some holding placards i
and a couple of them carrying crosses; stood at one ¯
street comer as the parade passed. Police reported no ¯
The .rally capped a week that brought Gay.iss..ues
into the headlines in Colorado Springs, including
those triggeredby ameeting oftheNational Religious
Focus on the Family Christian ministry xor aueg y
"inflammatory" rhetoric about homosexuality.
Focus respondedonSundayin~tfull-pagenewspaper
ad that said its staff members who attended the
conference had hopes of establ}shing dialogue but
were blind-sided by the accusataon.
Focus, and the Christian Coalition of Colorado,
also had criticized Colorado Springs Mayor Mary
~Lou Makepeace for sigmng a proclamation
recognizing Gay-Pride week.
ButCity Councilman Richard Skorman marchedin
the parade and told the crowd at the park the mayor
would have faced controversy regardless of her
response to PrideFest organizers’ request for the
The banners in the parade heralded civil,rights
groups, support groups, Gay pageant winners and
Gay-friendly churches, includingFirstCongregational
Church, All Souls Unitarian Church and Pikes Peak
Metropolitan Community Church.
The handful of protesters staked out the no,rthw.e,st
comer of Platte Avenue and Tejon Street wlaere me
six-block parade terminated. Parade participants
occasionally taunted and blew kisses to the protesters
who called for the marchers to "’repent."
Missoula Gets First Gay
Community CenterAgain
MISSOULA (AP) - Wanting to show they’re "just
next-door people," volunteers will open a downtown
Gay and Lesbian community center here Wednesday¯
Founders of the Wes tern MontanaGay and Lesbian
Community Center have Seen raising money for the
project since last fall and now have about $19,000
from 50 paid members.
But finding an affordable rent in Missoula’ s visible
down~own axea wa.s ~ bigger challenge than raising
the money, supporters said. With a rent budget of
$800 a month and their goal focused on downtown,
themembers havebeencombing thereal-estate market
formonths:: ...... -, ’ -: - -’ ’-~. ":.
What they ended up with is a two-room office state
wi~ hardly=the room for a dance or even a public
lectfire. But it’s a start, said Cat Carrel, one of the
lcadera~pf the effort. ’qlais is a start-up space," she,,
said,"and itrsa good first start-up. Wecan get goln~.
Missoula last had a Gay and ,L~,,sbian commumty
~enter during the first half of the 80s, when the nowdefunct
organization."Out in Montana" hadoffices in
the Wilma Building in downtown Missoula. After 15
years without asocial and service-oriented center; the
town’ s Gays and Lesbians wanted aplace to meet that
was not a bar, said Randy Chancy, executive director
of the Missoula AIDS Council.
The center’s fledgling efforts had a wide variety of
allies, from student groups at the Uni~iersity of
Montana to several area churches. Early in the effort,
the center got a $1,000 grant from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. The money will go
toward a Healthy Lifestyles Program, which .will
include health and mental health support serwces,
stress reduction and education about sexually
transmitted infections.
The Gay Outdoors group, Gays and Straights
Together, and other organizations will also use the
community center as their headquarters.
’°I’he idea is to have our space available for other
groups, and to use our office for as a resource to bring
other groups together," said volunteer Casey Charles.
The group has also drawn a $5,000 grant from
Broadway Cares, a fund of ~the actors’ equity
organization inNew York. It willhelp starta speakers’
bureau and foster work on HIV prevention.
The center will have security measures in place, but
its members stress they’ve had no trouble with
opposition to the center.
OtherMontanacities have services forGay, Lesbian,
bisexual and transgender people, but the. closest
community centers are in Spokane and Boise.
The group is working on bylaws and hopes to have
a board of directors in place by the end of the year.
Utah Bans Unmarried
Foster Parents
OGDEN, Utah (AP) -The s tate Division of Child and
Fnmily Services has adopted apolicy to bannnmarried
couples from providing state-sponsored foster care.
The new policy, adopted Friday, August 27th, by a5-
2 vote by the DCFS board, defies standards set by the
Child Welfare League of America, a professional
association representing more than 1,000 voluntary
and public agencies.
Board chairman Scott Clark, the drivingforcebehind
the decision, said unmarried, unrelated adults living
together abuse children more often than married men
and women. "I read in the newspaperjust last night of
two cases in which boyfriends abused the children in
their girlfriends’ homes," Clark said.
In the past, Clark has also referred to Gay couples
- who, because they cannot m.ar~,,_, w!ll be b~ar~,e~,,
from fostercare-as contributing to gendercontusion
of children in their care.
Only twoboardmembers, Regnal GarffandVirgrnia
Higbee, opposed Clark’s recommendations. They
argued the new rule would narrow the field of foster
parents, who are already outnumbered nearly 2-to- 1
by children in state custody who need homes.
Garff, a retired juvenile court judge, also criticized
Clark’s example because neither of the cases sited
involved foster children. "I am relterating my
opposiuon to this whole thing.., that example is
poorly conceived and poorly argued," he said.
The changebrings matches similar state restncuons
passed earlier this year for adoptive parents.
But groups like the Child Welfare League of
¯ America, the American Bar Association and the
¯ American Civil Liberties Union have opposed such
policies. Opponents say too many quesuons are left
¯ unanswered by the policy. For example, there is no
¯ provision for common-law marriages, which go into
¯¯ effect after seven 3,ears. And it is unclear if the rules
apply when an unrelated adult rents living space from
a foster or adoptive paxent.
¯ The Child Welfare League is so staunch ih its
¯ opposition that the association recently sent DCFS Director Ken Patterson aletter asking its end°rsement
be removed from the agency’s po!icy manual...Th,e
¯ board gwiftly a~ounrt0datedthat reituestb~removing
¯ thephrase that refers toDCFS policy as "in accordance
with the standards of the Child Welfare League of
¯ America."
¯ Gay Pastor’s Church
: Work Continues in Ames
¯ AMES, Iowa (AP) -Though technically an outcast in
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Steve
¯ Sabin’s ministry continues at Lord of Life Lutheran
The ELCA has removed Sabin from its roster of
] ministers because he has a Gay parmer. The church
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Local- Long Distance
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-1307 E. 38th, 2rid floor
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POB 3150, Tulsa, OK, 74101
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Saint John
4200 S. Atlanta Place, 742-7381
Saint Dunstan
5635 East 71st, 492-7140
501 S. Cincinriati, 582-4128
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
earlier this month voted to keep its ride requiring
homosexual ministers to remain celibate. "My call
right now is ministry at Lord of Life," Sabin said.
"I’m going to stop holdingmy breath for the ELCA to
come along."
When Sabin was.removed from the church’s list of
ordained ministers last year, the 150-member
congregation supported him. By keeping him as their
pastor, the congregation risks .expulsion from the
While Bishop Philip Hougen of the Southeastern
Iowa Synod said he is "uncomfortable" with Sabin as
Lord of Life’s minister, he has not asked the Synod
Council to expel the congregation. ’To remove them
in,order tomakesome sort ofpoint about purity seems
t0be~to benot worth the effort," Hougen said. "I don’t
want to cause any more pain."
At the Churchwide Assembly earlier this month in
Denver, ELCA leaders passed a resolution that
reaffirmed previous assembly statements that
committed the church to continuing discussion of the
issue of ordination of Gays and Lesbians. "How long
do you have to keep studying it?". Sabin asked last
Sabin, who has two daughters, was ordained as a
minister in 1985 andbecame pastor at the Lord of Life
Church inAmes later that year. He was married at the
time, but the 10-year marriage ended i.n 1990. Sabin
began living with Karl von Uhi abont four years ago.
Former Lesbian Couple
Must Share Custody
GOLDEN, Colo. (AP) - A district judge has ordered
a former Lesbian couple to share custody of a 10-
year-old girl they raised, but ruled the youngster must
live in New York with her biological mother during
the school year.
Jefferson County DistrictJudge Christopher Munch
said he based the decision on what he considered the
best interests of the child. The youngster will spend
summers and school vacations in Colorado.
He noted she will be able to make friends and attend
a neighborhood school in Albany, but if she remains
in Colorado, she will have to commute daily from
Aurora to Jefferson County, rougtfly a ’40-mile round
trip, Munch said. "(Gift M) will be living in a race
middle-class, rural to suburban home with her morn
and stepdad," Munch said.
Thejudge emphasized that he did not consider the
past rdationship of the two women or their sexual
orientation when he made the decision.
Identifiedin court papers as "Gift M," the youngster
was raised by Leaune Bueker, her "psychological"
mother, and Kelly Cunningham, her bio1ogicat mother,
until the two women separated two years ago.
The womenwere awardedjoint custody in February
1998, but the arrangement became complicated when
Ms. Cunninghammarried Michael Naylor andmoved
to Albany. Ms. Bueker remains single. Mrs. Naylor
"was pleased with the decision. "The judge gave
appropriate (onsiderat~on to the facts and came up
with a. decision that was difficult to make," said
attorney Ron Litvak. Ms. Bucker declined comment.
Sen. Hatch Apologizes to
Blacks But Not To Gays
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Sen. Orrin Hatch said
Wednesday hehad been "inarticulate" and apologized
to NAACP officials for a statement in which he
compared Gay civil rights with black issues.
. The Utah Republican, who is a GOP presidential
candidate, came under fire earlier this month for
saying,"People of color can’t do anything about their
color." Hatch continued: "I do believe Gay people
have a choice to live within the legal rules or not.
That’s why we have civil-rights laws to protect
African-Americans from discrimination."
JeanettaWilliams, presidentof the SaltLakebranch
of the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, called Hatch’s remark "a poor
articulation of what he was trying to say."
Heather Barney, a Hatchspokeswoman, said Hatch
"apologized for being inarticulate." "He did note that
he was coming from a strictly legal perspective, that
there is judicial precedent that the courts have treated
race as distinct from sexual orientation, which is the
point h~ was making," Barney said.
Darin Hobbs of the Gay and Lesbian Political
Action Committee in Salt Lake said Hatch did the
right thing by apologizing to the NAACP. Next, he
saidHatch shouldapologize to Utah’s Gaycommunity.
"The senatoris unable to recognize the commonalities
between homophobiaandracism," Hobbs said. "Both
are bigotries rooted in fear and ignorance."
Williams and Edward J. Lewis, president of the
NAACP tri-state conference for Utah, Nevada and
Idaho, said they felt Hatch’s’apology was sincere.
They were scheduled to meet with Hatch at 1 p.m.
but di’dn’t arrive at his Salt~Lake office until-an hour
later. Hatch pushed back other meetings and talked
with them for 45 minutes. "The importance of this
meeting was we established a need to sit down and
have a dialogue with him," Lewis said.
Williams said she also discussed concerns about
Hatch’s voting record on civil-rights issues. She said
Hatch made no promises but agreed to consider the
NAACP’s views. Hatch and Sen. Bob Bennett, RUtah,
received F’s in the NAACP’s latest
congressional report cards.
Also, Bennett apologized to theNAACPfor saying
Texas Gov. George W. Bush would win the GOP
presidential nomination unless "some woman comes
forward, let’s say some black woman ~omes forward,
with an illegitimate child that he fathered."
Comparing the remarks by the two senators, Lewis’
said: "On,e, was more severe, but they were both in the
same pie.
Williams and Lewis said Hatch and his wife, Elaine,
are lifelong NAACPmembers. Hatch co-sponsored a
bill to award civil-rights pioneer Rosa Parks the
Congressional Gold Medal, whichis Congress’ highest
Barney said Hatch has enjoyed a good relationship
with the NAACP. "His door has always been open to
Jeanetta and the NAACP," she said. "They meet
regularly and he is proud of some of the things he has
been able to accomplish which benefit minority
communities in Utah."
Hatch has previously raised the ire of Gay civilrights
groups. In 1988, he called the Democratic Party
"’the party of homosexuals; they are the party of
abortion." InJune, he told delegates to the Republican
state convention they could be proud because "we
don’t have the Gays and Lesbians with us."
Gay Couple Murdered
After Recording Message
REDDING, California (AP) - Two brothers killed a
Gay couple after forcing them to record an answering
machine message saying they had suddenly become
ill and were leaving town for medical help, authorities
say. Benjamin Williams, 31, and James Willianas, 29,
could face the death penalty ifconvicted of murdering
Gary Matson, 50, and Winfield Mowder, 40. The men
were found shot to death in their bed July 1. in rural
Happy Valley near Redding, northeast of San
Francisco. The suspects have pleaded innocent.
According to the court documents, sheriff’s deputies
went to the victirrisr home after Matson’s relatives
thought the answering machine message sounded
forced and odd, and may have been someone else’s
voice. The message said the. victims were headed to
San Francisco to see "a specialist friend"for medical
help and would return "in about a week."
"Off the message, it’s evident that the person who
recorded themessageis under distress andwas possibly
forced to make the recording," officers said. In the
background, another voice can be heard saying, "just
calm down."
Based on information from Matson’s father and
brother, investigators said the message was recorded
"very dose" to the time of the slayings. Thedocuments
were unsealed following a legal challenge by several
news organizations.
Evidence in the brothers’ homes also allegedly
links themto the arson ofthree California synagogues.
Those fires caused more than $1 million in damages.
Authorities also found handouts from the World
Church of the Creator, a white supremacist group,
which preaches extreme racial and religious views.
AIDS Deaths
ATLANTA (AP) - Two years after
powerful new drugs brought a sharp drop
in AIDS deaths nationwide, new
government figures released today show
the declinein AIDS deaths slowed sharply
a year later. AIDS killed 17,047 people in
the United States last year - a decline of
20% from 1997. From 1996 to 1997, the
drop in deaths was a much more dramatic
42%, which health officials attributed to
the effectiveness of new drugs.
"As we anticipated, we are now seeing
the first signs ofa slowing in this trend,’"
said Dr. Helene Gayle, director of HIV
prevention for-the federal Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, said
during the National HIV Prevention
Conference. "In a period of only two
years, new combination therapies cut the
annual level of death in half," she said.
"But for the time being, it appears that
much of the benefit of these new therapies
has beenrealized." In 1995, 49,351 people
died from AIDS in the United States. By
1996, that dropped to 36,792, and the
number was down to 21,222 in 1997.
TheCDClisted several possible causes
for the slowdown in reductions of AIDS
deaths. Most people who know they have
HIV are already being treated, Gayle said.
Drug resistance among some AIDS
patients causes the treatment to fail, and
other patients fail to keep up with, the
complicatedjuggling of pills they,have to
take for the drugs to be effective. New
HIV infections in 1998 were estimated at
roughly 40,000 - a number that’ s held
steady for the past decade.
The CDC said AIDS continues to kill
blacks in higher numbers than other racial
groups. Blacks, who make up about 13%
of the population, accounted for 49% of
AIDS deaths in 1998. Thirty-two% of
deaths were among whites and Hispamcs
made up 18%. "In many ways, the story of
how well we do in HIV and AIDS will be
told by how well we do with the African-
American population," Gayle said.
The three-day conference, organized
by theCDCand 17 other agencies, features
2,000 scientists, doctors, researchers and
advocates addressing efforts to monitor
and prevent the spread of HIV, the virus
that causes AIDS.
Gayle and others opened the conference
by warning against complacency. "It’s
becoming increasingly difficult to get
people to pay attenuon to HIV prevention
and that in and of itsdf is a primary reason
for this conference," she said.
Since the 1980s, more than 300,000
have died of AIDS. The recent success of
some treatments have made some people
complacent about the disease. "Despite a
growing complacency about the need for
HIV prevention, HIV remains a serious
disease that is still very much with us and
there is a greater need for HIV prevention
today more than ever," she said.
Black Churches To
Step Up AIDS Fight
BOSTON (AP) - Local black religious
leaders plan tomeetwith state Department
of Public Health officials and members of
the AIDS Action Committee to discuss
ways to better educate their congregations
about the disease. The meeting, involving
26 black leaders, signals a change in the
black church’s approach to AIDS,
religious scholars and activists told the
Boston Globe.
They said the conservative theological
views about homosexuality, intravenous
drug use and premarital sex held by many
black religious leaders have led them to
shy away from the issue.
But leaders are now seeing they must
pay attention to the disease because of
their obligation to help people in need,
according to Pemissa Seele, founder of
the New York-based Balm in Gilead
ministry. The ministry raises AIDS and
HIV awareness among black
congregations nationwide. "Their
responsibility to save lives has nothing to
do with their theology on homosexuality
or sex outside marriage," Seele said.
"We’re talking about two different
In the Boston area, only about 90 of450
black churches promote HIV awareness,
the Globe reported. Meanwhile, blacks
account for 26% of all AIDS cases in
Massachusetts, though they make up only
6% of the population. Nationally, AIDS is
the leading cause of death for black men
and women ages 25 to 44.
Rev. Conley Hughes, pastor ofConcord
Baptist Church in Boston’s South End,
said thechurchcanbe apowerful influence
in the fight against AIDS because it has
historically been an institution blacks
could count on. Many blacks consider the
church society’ s most credible source of
authority, Hughes said.
Vaccine Progress
BALTIMORE (AP) - Doctors and
scientists from 20 countries gathered in
Baltimore las t month for a conference to
. discuss progress made in the effort to find
an AIDS vaccine. The annual meeting,
which began years ago as an informal
gathering of Dr. Robert C. Gallo, codiscoverer
of the AIDS virus, and his
colleagues, has grown into one of the
largest AIDS conferences in the w6rld.
More-than 1,000 physicians, scientists
and others are expected to attend the
conference, hosted by Gallo and the
University of Maryland’s Institute of
Humafi Virology, which he directs. "It is
possible that the components for a
reasonably successful vaccine are almost
there, in our hands, but we don’ t know it
yet," Gallo told The(Baltimore) Sun. ’Tm
much more positively inclined than a year
or two ago." However, it could be years
before a vaccine is developed.
At the conference, Gallo expected one
of the more significant discussions to deal
withTat, or transactivating protein, which
is made by HIV. Researchers have found
that Tat plays akey role inHIV spreading.
"You can regard it as one of the missiles
from HIV infection that leads to the
problems in the immune system and
facilitates the virus’ spread," said Gallo,
who has done some of the work.
Researchers have -shown that
vaccinating monkeys against Tat lowers
the amount of the virus and lessens the
immune system’s impairment.
Gallo and his collaborators have tested
Tat in humans for safety, both as a
preventive vaccine and as a therapeutic
one. He said his group’ s strategy will be to
create a sort of vaccine cocktail, by
combining aninactivatedTatprotein with
another vaccine approach.
Over the past 10 years, more than 40
preventive AIDS vaccines have been
tested worldwide involving about 10,000
volunteers. Only oneAIDS vaccine, made
by the California company VaxGen, is
headed for the-testing stage that will
determine if it prevents HIV.
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¯Transplants for HIV
Patients Possible
PITF~BURGH (AP) - Only a handful of
medical centers around the world are
willing to transplant organs in HIVpositive
patients - a- controversial
procedure both in terms ofmedical success
and societal acceptance. But surgeons at
an international liver transplantation
conference saidmuch ofthat could change
as aggressive new therapies like the socalled
AIDS "cocktail" allow people
infected with HIV to live longer.
"As far as I’m concerned, they’re all
patients," said transplant surgeon Dr. Nigel
Heaton of King’s College Hospital in
London, where four HIV patients have
been given transplants. "I don’t believe in
social reasons for exclusion."
What he does want is data - hard
numbers that will prove or disprove the
theory that transplants can help people
infected with HIV. Key toHIV transplants
i s finding patients who are healthy enough
to qualify and are willing to take care of
their new organs once they get them.
Another key is controlling hepatitis C,
which is often found in HIV patients and
invariably reinfects the new liver once i~
has been transplanted.
At this point, there is very little data on
transplantation for patients infected with
HIV, the virus which causes AIDS, and
no papers have been published, experts
said. Only recently have a select few
surgeons performed the procedure
knowingly, although there is some
historical data from before patients were
checked for HIV infections. "’People think
we’re crazy for doing it," said Dr. John
Fung, head’of the Um~ersity ofPittsburgh
Medical Center’ s transplant center.
But early indications show that liver
transplantation is effective in reversing
the complications of end-stage organ
failure m some HIV-positive patients,
Fung said. He presented findings at the
conference on four HIV patients who
underwent the procedure between
September 1997 and March 1999. In all
the cases, the liver transplants reversed
the distinguishing characteristics of
chronic liver failure, including fluid
retention, muscle wasting, fatigue and
jaundice. HIV traces remained
undetectable with patients who continued
the drug combination with protease
inhibitor and none developedopportunistic
infections, Fung said.
Medical experts often question Fung
and others about the.use of scarce resources
- in this case, healthy human organs- and
the safety of surgeons operating on HIV
Calif. A! ow
Needle Exchange
SACRAMENTO,Calif. (AP)- Tryi:n~ to
slow the spread of AIDS, the Legislature
sent Gov. Gray Davis a,bill that would let
cities and counties setup n~dle-exchange
pro~s for ~g addicts. Cmwent state
law b~s such progrmns butfour CNifo~a
cities - Berkeley, Los Angeles, San
Fr~cisco and Santa Cruz - ~d M~n
County have adopted emergency
ordi~s ~lowing needle exchm~ges.
Davis’ office said the Democratic
governor has not taken a position on the
Nll, wNch passed the state Senate.
At le~t 15 o~er states have authorized
~e exch~ge progr~s operating in more
th~ twi~ that m~y states, according to
AssemNy~vomanKe~ M~zoni’s office~
Supporters of her proposN sNd studies
have shown exchange progrmns redu~
the spread of the A IDS vires.
There lmve been atleast six o~erneedleexch~
ge bills intr~uced in ~ifo~a
since 1993. They either died in the
Legislature or were vetoed by then-
Repubti~ Gov. Pete Wilson.
infected patients in a procedure that
Chemist Gets $7 m.
For AIDS Research
Rutgers University chemist who helped
researchers study the most lethal part of
the AIDS virns will get nearly $7 million
in federal fnnds to continue his work. Dr.
Edward Arnold has won an award from
the National Institutes of Health that will
double federal suppor~ of his research.
The prize, called MERIT for Method ~o
Extend Research in Time, will extend his
funding from a five-year grant for $3.4
million to a grant spanning 10 years and
providing nearly $7 million.
His work is aimed at developing longerlasting
drugs to fight the deadly AIDS
virus. "The whole philosophy of research
is the more you know, the better chavce
you have to fight something," Arnold told
the East Brunswick Home News Tribune.
The new funding will aid his study of a
protein called reverse transcriptase, or
RT. The protein plays a key role in the
virus’ early life cycle, giving itinsm~ctions
to duplicate its deadly properties. It is the
involves a lot of blood . . molecule targeted by anti-AIDS drugs
S0cietallv sorn0 ~o,,~,i,~ ,~;.J ~,.,, ¯ includingAZT, DDI, Nevirapineand3TC.
whether org~a~s sho~d~’tiao~’~ : The virus colnmonly mutates so quickly
lifestyle choices may have led to their " that it becomes irmnune to drugs. Arnold
infection, said the doctors, who prefer that
medical reasons determine who gets a
Recently, the University of California
in San Francisco received a $1 million
grant to perform transplants on HIV
patients. The state money will fund
transplants for 10 people, and doctors
hope the information will help build a
database to determine if the operation can
be a medical success in HIV patients. "I
think there is a great deal of trepidation in
the medical community, and I don’ t think
it’s ill-founded at all," said Peter Stock,
associate professor of surgery at UCSF.
"We have to be very cautious."
While some insurance companies in the
." is trying to devise a way to see what drug
resistance looks like. Heis mapping three-
. dimensional pictures of the RT protein,
_" getting a look at its detailed atomic
" structure. Such views can help researchers
¯ see how the virus interacts with" drugs.
". "We need to understand how drugs can
¯ fail," Arnold said. "If we can do that, we
- can be more aware of how to design them
.* - how to avoid those hurdles."
¯ His work first gained prominence in
1992 when he and others created a threedimensional
computer model of the RT
protein. Arnold’ s workis also focusing on
the design and development of an AIDS
vaccine, something that has eluded
researchers thus far.
by James Christjohn
TFN entertainment writer
Hey there, hi there; ho there! Whereho?
There ho? Who you callin’ a ho? Sorry,
just had to. Something about Disney
inspires that kind of mania, especially
after having lived with a Beast for so long.
(editor’s note: aren ’tlucky
the Beast is occasionally
Speaking of beasts,
Beauty and the Beast is
here! They’ve been
building sets, chopping
sets, recreating and creating
costumes for a month
now, working 15 hour
days[ And it looks to be
faaaabulous ! Especially
those moving pillars., I
LOVE those moving
pillars t There’s just something
so intrinsically...
phallic about moving
pillars ! I want somefor my.
house! Really the- magic
begins September 7 and
runs through the 19. And
the conductorand assistant
conductor, James and Brent, are very
handsome and char~i,"ng men, so say hi if
you can when they re out on ~e town!
Call 596-7111 for tix.
Lynn Flewdling has written one of the
best series of Gay fantasy novels to come
along since Mercedes Lackey’s "Last
Herald Mage" trilogy. "Luck in the
Shadows", which I’ve written of before;
"Stalking Darkness", and the just out
"Traitor’s Moon" follows the trail of
intrigue and romance of Seregil and Alec,
the main protagonists.
I recommendthe books highly to anyone
¯ with or without an interest in the genre.
They have everything: magic, intrigue,
romance, murder, and just about
everything else you can think of, in a
artistically perfect package. The events
and characters are such that you hate the
book to end, and the characters stay with
I wondered ff the
average fantas~ r~.a+der
would follow that far
- they have, and
¢ladly for
the most part.
I eet letters from
straiCht Curs
sayln~ essentially
"I shouldn’t be ok with
t~s, but I amP’...
Others ~ve sald it
made it ~sler to talk
~th Gay relatives.
youlong after the lastpage
is turned.
~Lynn was gracious
enoughto spare some time
for some questions while
working on the new book,
"The Bone Doll’s Twin:"
JC: I have enjoyed the
Nightrunner series. Your
characters are so welldrawn,
that theyseem real
enough to wonder what
they’re up to long after the
book isfinished.
LF: I’m so glad to hear
that the story and the
characters work for you.
That’s high praise indeed.
That’s how I feel about
my favorite books.
JC: What inspired you
to write these characters
as "Gay" men (Seregil & Alec, the
protagohists) ?
LF: Well, as I recall, I wanted to create
"a hero that challenged the stereotypical
molds set by Eddings. or Jordan (well
known fantasy writers). Hence his
profession and methods. The Gay part -
not: sure. Partly the mold breaking, bu~
mostly just how he wanted to be. Perhaps
he’s my animus? Whatever the case, the
characterjust cameout that way and I love
him. Alec was more ofa conscious choice.
I could see where it was all headed,
see Fantasy, p. 14
by.TFN staff
As we move into the fall, Oklahoma’s
arts calendar is increasingly busy. On
Sept. 11, at 8pm at Holland Hall’ s Branch
Theatre, Richard Gere Productions, the
Loseling Institute and Unity Church of
Christianity and Unity Center of Tulsa
present "The Mystical Arts of Tibet"
featuring the Drepung Loseling Monks.
This group ofmonks have performed with
composer Phillip Glass, and performers
such as Paul Simon, Natalie Merchant,
the Beastie Boys and others. For tickets,
call 582-6624 or 749-8833.
Already open at Gilcrease is an exhibit
of Inuit artwhich will be shownuntil Nov.
7th. The .works, which include sculpture,
prints and tapestries, draw on a private
collection which has never before been
publicly exhibited. Pieces from
Gilcrease’s-collection will complement
the exhibit. Gilcrease anthropology
curator, Jason Jackson, suggested that
these works will appeal to those who
appreciate traditional Native American
art as well as those who like modem art
coming outofwestern Europeantmditions.
hffo: 596-2700.
Local youth activist Emily Sizemore is
one of the organizers of Arts for AIDS, an
event scheduled for Sept. 25th. They are
looking for singers, other musicians,
writers, actors, visual artists, etc. If
interestedinparlicipating, please call 361-
That same evening, the Tulsa
Philharmonic will open see Arts, p. 14
"It’s Elementary"
Tolerance Film Provokes Debate
CHICAGO/TULSA (AP/TFN) - Thirdgraders
in New York debate the idea of
Gay mamage. Storytime for first- and
second-graders ata school in Cambridge,
Mass., includes the book "Asha’ s Mums"
about a little girl who has two Lesbian
mothers. Eighth-graders in San Francisco
fire questions at a Gay man and Lesbian
who visit their classroom. All areexcerpts
from a controversial documentary, "It’s
Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues In
School," which first caused a stir when
several public television stations decided
to air it this summer.
Now it’s being used by many schrol
districts nationwide as a training tool for
teachers, most recently in Chicago -
unifying what some say is a growing
move to incorporate Gay and Lesbian
issues into curriculum, from elementary
to high school.
Critics say talkabout suchissues belongs
at home. But others say it’s a matter of
dealing with issues that students already
see every day innewspapers,ontelevision,
in movies - and maybe even in their own
communities or classrooms.
"Both schools and families have to
address the issue somehow because it’s
there - and it’s not going back into the
closet," says Tony D’Augelli, a
psychologist at Penn State’s College of
Health and Human Development who
studies Gay youth ~sues. see Elem.,p.15
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~c~~h~d Gere Productions & the Loseling Institute present
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of Drepung Loseling Monastery
September 11, 8 pm
Branch Theatre, Holland Hall School
5666 East 81 st Street
Jointly sponsored by Unity Church of
Christianity and Unity Center of Tulsa
Call 749-8833 for tickets.
T 0 H R
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Hope (Welcoming), Service ~ 6pro, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lam, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595 (Welcoming)
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Sbiviee - t 1am, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-13 I4
Metropolitan Community Church United
Service, llam, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc~
Sunday School - 9.’45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210b So. Norwood
Parish Church of St. Jerome (Evangelical Anglican Church in America)
Mass --11am, 205 W. King (east of N. Denver), Info: 582-3088
Unity Church of Christianity
Services: 9:15 & 11:00 am, 3355 S. Jamestown, 749-8833
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & .Riverside, 6pm, call Shawn at 243-5190.
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (east of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pm. 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd Mon]each mo. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S. Harvard
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, call for meeting date, noon, 585-5551
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals - call for times, info: 585-COMC (2662)
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, call for next meeting date. 1430 S. Boulder, 585-5551
Live And Let Live, Community of Hope United Methodist, 7:30pm, 2545 S. Yale
Multicultural AIDS Coalition, call for next meeting date.
Urban League, 240 East Apache, 584-0001
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210b So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pro, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pro 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
¯ Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-232.5
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
SafeHaven, Young Adul{s Social Group, 1 st Fri/each mo. 8pm, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: .585-1800
Lambda A-A, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 298-0827
Gal-A-Vanting, Womens Social & Cultural Group
Call for info: Kathy at 322-6322, or Barb at 459-6825.
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Long rides & short rides from
Zeigler Park. Long & ~hort rides from Tulsa Gay Community Center. Write for info:
POB 9165, Tulsa, OK 74157
Ifyour organization is not listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Associated Press - Your lawn crunches ¯
like potato chips.when you walk on it..
Even your older trees are showing stress. :
Although you mightbe tempted to coddle _"
your plants, you can kill them with too ¯
muchkindness, say experts inPenn State’ s :
College of Agricultural Sciences. *-
"Pruning, fertilizing and
watering can fool plants.into
thinking it’s springtime and
trigger new growth," said
Robert Nuss, professor of
ornamental horticulture. "New
growth won’t have time to
mature before the frost. Not
only will you kill it, but you’ll
use up next year’s buds."
"If you have a landscape
contractor or arborist do your
work, there’s only so much
they’ll want to do during a
drought," said Rick Johnson,
associate extension agent in
Delaware County. "Since
normal plant care practices
might be harmful under
drought conditions, under-
"Focus your
on plants you
~n do
some~blng about,
llke ornamentals,"
ke added.
"With lawns, it’s
just a waiting
game until the
rMn and cool
w~ther return."
stand that these contractors may advise
against them."
Nuss and others offer some specific
suggestions. "Grasses gO into a semidormant
state and become vulnerable
when it’s dry," said Peter Landschoot,
associate professor of turfgrass science.
"Now that the water’s been turned off,
you should limit activities and traffic on
lawns as much as .possible. Come
September (October in Oklahoma) - if
we get rain and cooler weather- you can
fertilize and overseedto getsomerecovery.
Ifwe don’t get enough rain in September,
wait tmtil next spring to oversee&’"
"Focns your watering efforts on plants
you can do something about, like
ornaments," he added¯ "With lawns, it’s
just a waiting game until the rain and cool
weather return.’"
"Pruning’s a gamble," said Nuss. "If
you’re sure the parts are dead - if they’re
brittle and dry - go ahead and cut back to
the live tissue. This will promote some
healing and help the plants aesthetically.
Butremember, ffweget somerain,proning
can trigger growth in the buds."
"Fertilizers are salts - even organic
materials such as manure -and salts can
bum roots," Nuss said. "If you want to
give plants nutrients, wait until October
(late November or December here) when
they’re fully dormant."
"Watering is key for woody plants,"
Nuss said. "When the top 1-11/2 inches of
soil are dry, water down to 8-10 inches -
to the root zone," he said. "You can
accompllsh~ this by dire~t, slow watering.
Trickle water on very slowly so it soaks
into the soil, with no rtmoff. Also, when
you water at night, you lose less to
But watering has its dangers. "If you
overwater in areas with heavy soil or slow
drainage, you can saturate the root zone
and force out the air," Nuss says. "This
can suffocate the roots and kill them."
Whenroots die, you’ll _see top wilting in
¯ the plant, Nnss says. "Mostpeopleinterpret
this as a lack of water, add even more and
aggravate the problem. After watering,
most plants should recover overnight. But
if the plant remains wilted, you may have
root damage from overwatering."
For new plantings, Nuss recommends
keeping the initial root ball moist. "Water
bevond the planting hole, not just at the
base of the plant," he said. "That way, you
don’t drown the roots, and new roots have
moist soil to move ~nto."
Mulching is the next best solution to
watering, Nuss says. "But be sure to water
under mulch, not on top of it. It takes at
least an inch ofrain to get through organic
mulch." In extreme conditions,
Nuss said covering the
soil surface with black plastic
will retain extra moisture.
"You.can hide the plastic with
organic mulch," he says.
To supplement watering, use
gray water (from such uses as
cooking and the laundry rinse
cycle) on ornamentals, Nuss
said. "But move from tree to
tree soyoudilute it. Also, don’t
use water that contains
chlorine bleaches or laundry
softeners. For health reasons,
don’t use gray water on leafy
vegetables or root vegetables.
"With a drought this serious,
I’d focus watering on highvalue
plants and shrubs," Nuss
¯ said. "Savefresh waterforyour vegetables,
¯ use gray water on the ornamentals, and
don’t water your flowers. Flowers are
¯ going to die with the. first frost anyway."
"Droughts have a negative effect on
most insect and mite pests that attack
: landscape plants," says Greg Hoover,
extension entomologist. "Because of last
year’ s drought, forinstanee, wehavefewer
adult Japanese beetles this year, and
probably will see even fewer next year."
But hot, dry weatherfavors two different
groups of insect and mite pests. "Woodboring
insects successfully attack trees
and shrubs that are stressed," Hoover said.
"If you don’t have water restrictions, the
bes~ thing you can do for woody plants is
water them. Supplement watering with
rainfall collected in buckets or barrels, or
water from dehumidifiers."
"The two-spotted spider~mite, acommon
pest on garden and landscape plants, also
thrives in hot, dry weather," Hoover said.
"The winged euonymus - what some
people call ’burning bush’ -is particularly
vulnerable. When indicated, use an
appropriate miticide on infested plants."
Hooverrecorfimends using wetpowder
insecticide formulations. ’q’hey’re less
likely to damage plant tissues during hot,
dry Weather when used according to label
whenjustice is not served. We need to be
able to appeal to a higher authority’when
localities and states do not-for whatever
reason- fully investigate and prosecute a
hate crime. On behalf of hate crimes
victims everywhere, I urge Congress to
pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act."
On" added, "we were targeted because of
who we are, not for any other reason...
they were trying to send a message that
"our kind’ are not welcome in Tulsa and
deserve to be beaten or die. It is time to
send a message that what is not welcome
are hate crimes."
Under current law, a hate crime can be
federally prosecuted only if the victim is
targeted on the basis of race, religion,
color or national origin, while on federal
property or while exercising a federally
protectedright, such as vodng or attending
school: see Congress, p. 11
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¯Paint Condition May Affect Outcome
Four Star
by Mary Schepers, Do-It-Yourself-Dyke :. Sometime, a lot.of surface rust and less
Thelazy, unbearably hot days of summer ¯ paint is actually a blessing. You have
arewaning, andwiththemuchanticipated ~ options at this point: either follow your
coolness returns the inclination to sit DIYD’s safety procedures and use an
outside, to see and be seen. And wouldn’t ," abrasive wheel on your drill to work off
you like to be seen as hip and
beyond cool in your authentic,
retro and increasingly collectiblelawnfurniture?
you would. It’s a great
complement to your authentic
Hawaiian shirt and kicky
cocktail or iced tea glasses. Be
fabulous to the hilt, darlings,
or stay at home!
Fortunately, not everyone
has tumbled onto the fact that
those steel lawn chairs that,
until ten years ago, decorated
many a grandma’s porch or
front lawn are highly
collectible. And they
comfortable and easy t~o
maintain. Garage sales andthe
more junky variety of antique
stores can still offer a bargain;
where you might pick up a
rocker or glider for as little as
five to fifteen dollars.
Otherwise, prepare to pay
upwards of thirty dollars. Your DIYD
know what she’ll choose! Economize on
the chairs and tempt a sweet lady with a
lovely cocktail and still have change.
Yours is a most practical, yet romantic,
.Check some of the basics out when
buying a chair. Water and rust tend to
congregate in certain places. Checkriveted
areas as well as the runners that contact
the ground for excessive rust. Stay away
from anything that is too rotten or any
spots that look like the metal has started to
buckle and pinch. There’s a proper time
and place for buckles and pinches, but it’s
not on your lawn furniture. Or perhaps it
will be...
Minor rust holes on the runners are not
unusual as long as the runner is still
relatively strong. Find that welder and
have a new half round piece welded on for
about fivedollars, unless you know ofone
who can sit with you on your soon-to-beseductive
glider. Quid pro quo can be so
Paint removal can be a real chore.
the rust and paint (trust your
¯.. The palntln~ DIYD on this one: it isn’t
anything like a big vibrator.
is where you e.an Jollies are definitely limited);
really express or take it down to the friendly
yourselves with Dip ’n Strip furniture
refinisher and pay a modest
color, color, color! stun to have it done for you.
Go wild with The DIYD strongly recommends
the latter, if only for
those hold colors the reason that people tendeo
- it pays to fo paint these chairs with leadbased
paints, and inhaling the
advertise! dust is quite dangerous.
Or irritate l~he Got most of that loose paint
and rust off now? Oh, you’re
neighbors with a doing so well! As you may
hot pink that remember from painting our
matches your enthusiastic dyke vigorously
lawn ~larnln~oes. shaking her can of Rust-OLeum
Well, girlfriend, it is
The possibilities your time to shine!
are endless! Put your stripling chair on
newspaper and put on the coat
¯ of spray primer. Darlings, I know you’re
: coIor conscious, but it doesn’t matter if
¯¯ you use the red or the gray primer. It really
doesn’t. Please follow the directions on
¯ the can. Keep the can about 10 inches
¯ away from yourwork, use a slow side to
: sidemotion, andrememberthatthreelight ¯
coats are better than one heavy one that
¯ willrun and trailandjust ruin your look of
¯ urban sophistication. Put an extra coat on
¯ curces and any other rust:prone areas.
¯ Use a minimum of three color coats to
¯ finish the project.
¯ The painting is where you can really
¯ express yourselves with color, color, color !
¯ Go wild with those bold colors -it pays to
: advertise! Or irritate the neighbors with a
¯ hot pink that matches your lawn ¯
flamingoes. The possibilities are endless !
¯ And if you don’t like the color, paint over
it. It’s a tradition with this sort offurniture.
¯ Consider it your cultural contribution ¯
to the neighborhood, and fix your DIYD a
¯ cocktail when you are done. She prefers
¯ Manhattans !
¯ Two cherries, of course. Ciao, Bella!
The Hate Crimes Prevention Act would
address these limitations by allowing
federal involvement when necessary and
thereby helping to forge and strengthen a
lasting partnership between state and
federal law enforcement officials m
fighting hate crimes. The Hate Crimes
Prevention Act limits the federal
governrnent’ sjurisdiction to only themost
serious violent .crimes directed at persons,
not property crimes.
Lead House sponsors ofthe Hate Crimes
Prevention Act are Reps.. John Conyers,
D-Mich; Mictiael Forbes, D-N.Y.; Connie
Morella, R-Md;TammyBaldwin, D-Wis.;
and House Minority Leader Richard
Gephardt, D-Mo. The Hate Crimes
Prevention Act was passed by the Senate
this summer as an amendment to the
Commerce, State, Justice Appropriations
Bill. President Clinton has-promised to
sign HCPA into law if it is passed by
¯ Congress.
This bill would allow states with
inadequate resources to take advantage of
¯ Department of Justice resources and
personnel in limited cases that have been
¯ authorized by the Attorney General. The
Hate Crimes Prevention Act has broad
¯ bipartisan backing and support from
notable law enforcement agencies and
state and local leaders, including 22 state
¯ attorneys general, the National Sheriff’s
¯ Association, President Bush’s former
Attorney General Dick Thoruburgh, the
Police Foundation and the U.S.
¯ Conference of Mayors.
¯ Hate.crimes basedon sexual orientation
were up 8% in 1997, according to the
¯ latest FBI statistics. Sexual orientation
," was the third highest category of hate
¯ crimes behind race and religion and
¯ represented 14% of all hate crimes
¯ reported. Currently, hate crimes
¯ monitoring and enforcement consists of a ¯
patchwork of laws that offer citizens
¯ varying see Congress, p. 12
by Esther Rothblum, Ph.D. get cervical cancer." Two women even
Dr. Sue Wilkinson is currently reported that they were considered
conducting the first national survey of "virgins" by the medical profession
Lesbian health in the United Kingdom because they had had sex withwomen but
with doctoral student Julie Fish. The" not with men!
survey managed to contact Lesbians in But the pap smear is not a comfoitable
almost every postal district of the United procedure for many women, and may be
Kingdom, from the southern particularly painful, uncomtip
of England to the islands Cervical cancer fortable, unusual or trauoff
northern Scotland. Over. appears to l~e matizing for Lesbians. 38% of
1,000 Lesbians answered the Lesbians in the U.K. study
questionnaire, which focused .connected. with reported .that they. had never
on breast cancer, mammo- sexual activity, had a cervical smear for this
grams, breast self-exam, particularly reason. One Lesbian reported
cervical cancer, and pap that she viewed a speculum as
staears, penetrative sex "a huge metal crocodile."
I recently spoke with Sue wlt]~men. Tl~is Othershadheardhorrorstories
about the early results of this . from friends and partners that
studY, Which focus oncervica1 Is why Lesi~ians the procedure was aversive,
screemng. Unlike many lmve traditionally humiliating, or painful.
cancers, cervical cancer has ]~een vlewed as Finally,, Lesbians raised
an early warning stage, with questions about havingamale
abnormal cells present. This is at low rls]~ for health provider "pokingwhy
women are told to have cervical cancer, around in my body,"
regular pap smears (or cervical specifically, in the vagina. Or
smears, as they’re called in the.
But Lesglans
they were concerned that the
U.K.). may lmve ]~ad health care provider con-
SueandJuliefoundthat 12% sex with men ducting the procedure would
of Lesbians eligible for result in questions about their
cervical screening had previously, and/ sexual activity or would
NEVERhadapap:mear.This or t]aey may ]~e assume they were heterois
higher than comparable U.S. sexual.
figures of 5% found by the ha’~cln~ sex with This important study raises
National Lesbian Health Care men evenw]a~le some questions about cervical
smears. DoLesbians whohave
However,Surveiynthisthefiguremid-19lo80w’Se.isr eallln~ t]aemselves
than that of 17% for women in Lesl~ans. smears at all, or need pap
the general U.K. population Cervical cancer smears less often? How can
who report never having had a
cervical smear. What is is not well
pap smears be performed in a
matter that is more positive
surprising about these low understood, so for Lesbians?
figures for womenin the U.K.
is that the U.K. has national Fish can be contacted at the
women, Sue Wilkinson and Julie
health service. Pap smears are Lesl~ians, may l~e Department of Social
free, and women receive a at rls]~ for other Sciences, Loughborough
reminder letter every five
years,withtwoorthreefollow- reasons unrelated
University, Loughborough
LE11 3TU United Kingdom.
uplettersiftheydon’tcomein tosexualaetlvity. - Esther Rothblum is
for the pap sinear, Professor ofPsychology at the
When Sue andJulieexaminedLesbians’ ¯ University of Vermont and Editor of the
written comments about cervical Journal of Lesbian Studies. She can be
screening, they found that one reason for " reached at John Dewey Hall, University
non-attendance was lack of time. "But " of Vermont, Burlington, VT. E-maih
apart from that, it looks as though the two ¯ esther.rothblum@uvm.edu.
main categories of response are-that "
Lesbians feel they don’t need a smear and °
secondly, negative aspects of the ¯
procedure," said Sue, "they imagine the "
procedurewillbepainful,orembarrassing, ° levels of legal protection depending on
or thatthey will encounterheterosexism." where they live. Twenty-two states and
Cervicalcancerappearstobeconnected " the District of Columbia have hate crimes
with sexual activity, particularly " laws that include sexual orientation.
penetrative sex with men. This is why ¯ Twentystateshavelawsthatdonotinclude
Lesbians have traditionally been viewed- ¯ sexual orientation. Eight states have no
as at low risk for cervical cancer. But " hate crimes laws at all.
Lesbians may have had sex with men ¯ SpeakingwithTFN, Orr&Beauchamp
previously, and/or they may be having ¯ expressed their disappointment with how
sex with men even while calling Tulsa district attorney staff members
themselves Lesbians. " handled theprosecution of their attackers.
Cervical cancer is not wall understood, ° They indicated that had Orr not had
so women, including Lesbians, may be at ¯ .professional experience as a journalist,
risk for other reasons unrelated to sexual : specifically covering crime stories, they
activity, In the U.K. study, about 40% of : likely would have given up in frustration
Lesbians felt they did not need a cervical : while trying to get information abouthow
screen because they had never had ¯ the case was going. Their perception
intercourse. Many Lesbians wrote that : remains that Tulsa DA considered the
they had specifically been told this by a " assault to unimportant because they are
doctor or nurse. Examples of this were: : Gay men.
’¢I’he doctor has decided that I do not ¯ Orr noted that finally they contacted
require one as I am a Lesbian and have " Susan Ellerbach, managing editor of The
never had a sexual relationship with a : T.ulsaWorld, andthatoulyafterTheWorM
man," or "the nurse informed methat it : wrote about their experience, and having
was virtually unheard of for a Lesbian to to out himself see Congress, p. 13
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by Lamont Lindstrom, Ph.D. .
My lawn is wilting. So are a lot of my
friends’ relationships. Maybe it’s the
wicked summer heat that makes people
touchy and irritable. Recent casual gossip ¯
nearly broke up my friend Shawn and his ".
lover. The boyfriend walked when he ¯
heard stories of Shawn’s previous exploits. ¯
Emotionally, he couldn’t handle knowledgeofhis
lover’s onetimerelations with :
other guys.
We’ve got a name for that emotion: ¯
sexual jealousy. Shawn’s
tmhappiness prompted me to
think about the green emotion.
Jealous feelings, and their
sorry consequences, are an
endlessly fascinating motif in
popular novel and film.
Besides, most of us have
experienced jealously in
person. We’ve learned to use
the word to label a peculiar
mental state and aching body
sensation sparked by our love
The word has been around
for years. English speakers of
the 12th century borrowed
’jealousy’ from Old French.
And those speakers on the
continent previously had
adopteditfrom the Latinzelus,
derived from the even more
ancient Greek zelos, that
originally m,,eant something
like ardor or "fervor."
Jealousy andzeal-andjealous
and zealot - are linguistic
cousins, all derived from the
upheaval and intensity.
Jealousy’ s deep cultural and
linguistic roots indicate the
popularreachofboth emotion andconcept.
We use a language of jealousy to
understand why Shawn’s boyfriend
dumped him. Whose lips were kissing
Shawn before his? Whose arms had
already held that waist? Yet,
anthropologists debate the facts ofhuman
emotion. Can we say that there are
emotions that we all feel because we are
human? If so, which ones? Love, hate,
happiness, sadness, fear, anger? Are there
other emotions that people in one culture
cultivate and learn to feel thatareunknown
or less important m other societies? Just
how normal - and how universal - are
feelings such as sexual jealousy?
Those anthropologists of the
sociobiological persuasion often figure
that jealousy ~s indeed a human universal
¯ with an adaptive function. Men are never
completely sure that the baby a woman
carries is theirs. Jealousy works = so goes
the story - to motivatemen to police their
women in order to better the odds that
the.y have fathered her babies. An),
easygoing man withdut Some yet~to-beidentified
gene for.jealousy would have
contributed less to thehuman gene pool in
that he may not have fathered the children
he thought he did.
Butwhatof women?They always know
that they are the mothers of their children,
so what should they care if the guys mess
around elsewhere? Andwhat of Shawn?
It’s unlikely thathis boyfriendwas jealous
because of evoluationary womes that a
rival would make him pregnant.
We could argue that our bodies have an
inbnilt heritage of emotions, includln.
jealously, nomatterwho arelovers happen
to be. Still, other anthropologists argue
that our body feelings are only half the
story. The other half - perhaps the more
important half - is the way we have of
labeling, understanding, and talking about
those feelings. We sense a rush of
chemicals through our brains and body,
butwe can’tknow what is happening to us
until we put these feelings into words.
Anddifficult cultures have different ways
of.classifying and interpreting those same
chemical flushes.
debate the facts
ofhuman emotion.
Can we say that
emotions that we
all feel because
we are human?
If so, whleh ones?
Love, bate,
sadness, f~r,
Are there other
emotions that
people in one
culture eultlvate
and learn to feel
that are
unknown or less
important in
other soeieties?
You may have heard of the
German emotion
schadenfreude - which is
pleasurefelt atsomeoneelse’ s
misfortune. Many of us also
take pleasure from other’s
misfortunes, but English has
nowordthat specifically labds
this twisted enjoyment. Does
this lin,g,nistic gap mean that
wedon t sense this pleasure as
deeply as do Germans?
And even if jealousy is a
human universal, it may be
that some ofus experience the
feeling more intensely. Gore
Vidal reports in his
autobiography Palimpsestthat
he and his lover never have
sex. This he finds this on the
street. His "lover," instead,
provides breakfast
conversation and other forms
of sexless companionship.
Clearly, many couples have
created similar "open"
relationships inwhich they are
able to at least mute any
feelings of sexual jealousy,
Some occasionally have
campaigned to open up all
During the 1960s, many
: preached and sometimes practiced "free
love."They hopedto stifle sexualjealousy
¯ in order to rework the economy of
¯ relationships. No one was meant to own
anyone else. No one ought get jealous.
Sex was healthy recreation, freedom, even
¯¯ spiritual; jealousy was wrongly
possessive, limiting, and neurotic.
¯ It was no dice, though. For most of us,
¯ jealousy remains the flip side of love- or
of love American-style anyway. The
babyboomers failed to stamp outjealousy
¯ because they could not remake the
¯ associated emotion of love. It remains ¯
¯ might) hard to love and not get jealous. If
you don’t feel jealous, can you really be in
love? It is plausible that humans in other
¯ places and at other times have experienced
¯ and understood the body flashes that we
] call jealousy in various ways. But around
¯ here, don’t let me catch you messing
¯ around!
Lamont Lindstrom teaches anthro-
¯ pology at the University of Tulsai:
¯ profesgionally, did local law enford~ment;
¯ take the casemore seriously. SpecifiCally, ¯
two of their assailants had not been made
: to perform their sentences whichinduded
community service and a fine to the court.
¯ Orr and Beauchamp also stated that it is
typical in assaults of this type for the
~ victims to receive compensation for their
¯ losses due to the assault, and that they ¯
specifically requested compensationfrom
¯ theDistrictAttomeys, see Congress, p.14
butwonderedifthe averagefantasy reader
would follow that far - they have, and
gladly for the most part.
I get letters from straight guys saying
essentially "I shouldn’t be ok with this,
but I am!" even if it makes them a little
uncomfortable any-way. Others have said
it made it easier to talk with Gay relatives.
Ifmy stories have anysocial value, perhaps
it’s .that. Mostly, I just follow my muse
where~she leads and hope it works.
JC: Andhow haveyou managed to do it
so well?
LF: Love is love.
JC:Andhow doyou keep trackofall the
.intrigues? My head is spinningfrom what
l’ve gotten through in "Traitor’s Moon!"
LF: Copious notes and charts on the
wall. I see that Bantam (though they cut
my glossary, now available on.my web
page) left a blank page at the ends. I hope
people will use it for notes, like I did
reading "Trainspotting." The next book,
’‘The Bone Doll’s Twin" goes back in
history to one of the. Skalan queens, but
there will bemoreNightnmners, too. A&S
are already prowling restlessly about my
brain, hungry for more work.
JC: 1 understand you’re appearing at
Gaylaxicon, a sci-fi convention for Gay
and Lesbian fans of the genre in
Alexandria, Virginia.
LF: Gaylaxicon promises to be a lot of
fun. I’ve had a lot of contact with the
organizers and they are simply the best
I’ve ever dealt with. Hope to teach a
writing workshop forthemwhile I’m there.
JC." Have you heard of Loreena
McKennitt? Her music and appearance
reminds me ofsome ofyour "aurenfaie"
LF: Aurenfaie? I’ll claim her. "Mask
and Mirror" is my personal favorite of all
her disks. My husband is a great fan of
female vocalists and has amassed quite a
collection, which I dip into. (My tastes
seem torunmore to GeorgeThoroughgood
and Melissa Etheridge a lot of the time,
along with someLeonardCohen and Rufus
Wainwright, a new discovery.)
JC: Andon thatmusical note, l ’d like to
say thank you to Lynnfor sharing some of
her inspirations, writings, and - methods
behind the madness’ with us.
!ts 51 st season wiihpianist John Browning
m a program featuring Brahms,
Tchaikovsky and Berlioz. Prior to the
concert at 7pm, long time radio man and
the voice of the OK Mozart Festival
(Simon Estes - he’s the bestest!) Edward
Dumit will lead "Musical Moments" a
pre-concert discussion. For more
information, call the Phil at 747-7445.
Also at the end of Sept. Heller Theatre,
one of Tulsa’s theatre companies that
actually interested in newer works (as
opposed-to recycling the same old stuff,
again and again and again), are presenting
"Dallas to LaGuardia R.T." on Sept. 23-
25 and Sept.. 30-OcL 2, a play about a
couple that misses a flight and winds up
invited to stay .over with complete
strangers. Later in Oct. Heller will present
"Fortinbras" revisiting Hamlet in a
contemporary political context.
Early in Oct. the Oklahoma Center for
Poets and Writers presents its Celebration
of Books on Oct. 1-2 at OSU-Tulsa with
a remarkable assemblage of artists, even
including some Gay ones. Some names
include Michael Wallis, William
¯¯ Bernhardt,GuyLogsdgn,CliftonTaulbert,
Eddie Faye Gates, C.J. Cherryh, Rich
¯ Fisher and folksinger Michael Martin
." Murphey. Info: 594-8215.
¯ Alsoin Oct. the Performing Arts Center
Trust presents Sabella, featuring"global"
¯ music on Oct. 2 and on Oct. 8th & 9th,
¯ TPACT’s Celtic series (now so popular that they’ve added 2nd performances, and
alas, forgotten their friends who helped
¯ them before the Celtic series got so
popular) will start with Natalie
¯ MacMaster,fiddler extraordinaire. I don’t
think any of the Celtic series artists I’ve
¯ seen have ever been bad, so check it out.
." And on that same busy weekend, both
¯ Tulsa’s and Oklahoma City’s Gay
¯ communities are presenting arts events in ¯
honor of National Coming Out Day.
¯ OUTART’99inOKCwillfeature 10new
." release films, two plays, a music special
¯ and visual artists. The Gala opening, A ¯
Black Tie Dinner and A Movie, Friday,
¯ Oct. 8th will present the southwest
: premiere of the film"Edge of Seventeen"
¯ as well as a buffet dinner and wine bar. ¯
For more information or tickets, see the
¯ advertisement on page 16, or call 405-
¯ 752-2762 or 800-722-8866.
¯ That same busy weekend, TOHR and
the Gay Community Center will hold
¯ TOHR’s first film festival at the Center.
¯ The first film will be shown at 7:30pro on
Thursday~ Oct. 7 with films also being
¯ shown on Fri. evening and on Sat.
¯ afternoon and evening. Call 743-4297 for
¯ more information.
: It also appears that local presentation of
¯ Gay and Lesbian films may show back up
on a big screen. AMC Southroads 20 will
¯ present a Lesbian themed film, "Better ¯
Than Chocolate" on Sept. 10, and a Gay
¯ film, "Trick" on Oct. 1st. The key to
¯ getting theseon aregular basis is to support
the theatre that takes the risk. S o vote with
your dollars !
None was ever received. In fact,-this
¯ became an issue in Orr’s Congressional
testimony. Rep. Mary Bonn, widow of the
¯ late Sonny Bonn, attacked err and
¯ Beauchamp saying that the Tulsa District
¯ Attorneys office claimed that they had ¯
been uncooperative with th DA and had
¯ notfilled out the forms necessary toreceive
¯ compensation..Orr and Beauchamp
¯ counter that not only-did they not receive ¯ the forms, thry did not even know of their
existance until Bonn raised the issue.
¯ Commenting to TFN, Human Rights
¯ Campaign Political Director Winnie
Stachelberg said, "I urge "the Gay and
¯ Lesbian community ofTulsa to act now in
¯ support of this bill (HCPA), so that
incidents like these are prevented.... i~t is
¯ important that the; Gay and LeSbian
¯ community of Oklahoma is protected at a
federal if not at a state level.’"
Want to get involved?
Need to get tested for HIV?
Need a Coming Out Support Group?
Call 743-GAYS (4297)
Tulsa Gay Community
Services Center
" 1307 E. 38th at Peoria, 2rid floor
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Discreet ° Confidential ¯ Easy
¯ their own training - they do haw ay
: about curriculum. Ifnothing .else, ~ ays
: parents can ask to have their , v~.:~
Chicago school officials- who stress ¯ excused from a lesson the-: find
that "It’s Elementary" will not be shown . objecttonable: SaysP~,~shall, Mywarm g
to students -are atadskittishabouttalking to parents would be: Beware.’ "
about, their plan. They confirm that the In Oklahoma, there’s been no public
district’s 589principals will view thefilm " outcry about "It’s Elementary" because
beginning in September and receive a " the Oklahoma Educational Television
copy of the Video for their schools - a plan
¯ Associationhas chosen not to air thepiece.
funded by Lesbian tennis star Billie Jean " Malcomn Wall, executive director of
King.But several teacherswho vealready " OEFA, claimed that OETA’s decision
viewed the film on their-own declined to : not toair theprogram was not based onthe
be interviewed out of feat of criticism,
content, i.e. Gay & Lesbian issues but
A city official who helped get the film " rather that OETA is offered far more
- in part due to backing from chicago " programs thaJa it can ,possibly. air. He
Mayor Richard Daley ~ .into the dis~t characterized it as.a routine passing over.
was more forthcoming. She says the " However, Wallis relatively new at OETA
decision was aimed at fostering tolera9,ce ¯ and the association has had a history of
and, in turn, preventing violepce ag..mns,t " mostly refusing to air programs with
Gayand Lesbian students. "It’s pmcttcm. Lesbian and Gay content. One notable
Itmakes good sense. It’s about safety_, for " exception was the airing of an award
children.Idon’tthinkanybody,regardless winning program, "Breaking the Code"
of their religious background, can argue ¯ about the Gay man who broke the Nazi
with that," says Mary Morten, Daley’s ¯ messagecodeinWorldWarlI. However,
liaison on Gay and Lesbian issues. " OETA first refused to air this program
School officials in San Francisco, who ] and did so only after being pressured by
are also using "It’s Elementary" have ¯ Oklahoma City’s Gayly Oklaho_.man
gone as far as imposing a ban on anti-Gay newspaper and Tulsa Family News. "they
slurs. "Go stand on a playground. I " also waited to air the program later in the
guarantee you that you will hear within " summer of 1998 after the Oklahoma
Ru.n.ut.es..ra.os..~a.yin~",,,’Oh, that’s so Gay¯ ¯ Legislature was out of session, instead of
What at(you a fag? says KevinGogin, airing in May or June like many PBS
director of support services for sexual : affiliates did.
minority youth for the San Francisco ."
Unified School District who regularly ¯
speaks to teachers and principals
nationwide. ¯
Moves to address Gay and Lesbian " Schmitzarrivedhometofindthenoteand
issues in the classroom are not, however, " light in his doorway from Amedure.
without opponents, among them tough- Schmitz withdrew money from his bank,
talking radio talk show host Dr. Laura " bought shells and a shotgun and drove to
Schlessinger and several religious groups " Amedure’s mobile home. Schmitz went
who have made "It’s E"lementary" a "¯ inside to see if Amedure was home, then
went back to his car, got the gun and shot
priority target.
Patti Johnson - a member of the " ~maedure twice in the chest- all while
Colorado Board of Education who has
spoken out against use of the filmin her shirt from his job as a waiter.
state - says she agrees with having a no- Pendergast told jurors that Schmitz
slur policy but says some teachers are " werreactedtomereembarrassment."The
going too far. "I don’t thinkyou have to go
ouly reason that murder is an issue is that
into bl , deep explanattons, especlall.y
Scott Amedurewas Gay and (Schmitz’s)
when kids are little, Johnson says. It s manhood, so to speak, was insulted on
kind of like when you want to stop a 2- national TV," she said. "Wall, you know
year-old fromrunninginto the street. T.hey
what? Get over it." Jurors said while some
don’t always understand death or dying, agreed with. Sabbota at first, they
But they understand a quick swat on the
eventually decided that Schmitzacted too
slowly for the crime to be an actofpassion.
One official at the Washington-based "There was just way too much time
Family Research Council, calls the film
involved for a reasonable person to make
,,anindoctrinationtool-plainandsimple." some choices," said juror Bruce Sole.
Sabbota said he would appealthe
"Whyareyoucreating aresource to create
abei~htened sensitivity.., on a behavior verdict, saying Oakland County Circuit
choice that is cons!,,dered problematic to a
Judge Wendy Potts should ,have letjurors
whole lot of folks? ’ asks JanetParshall, a hear about Schmitz’s history of mental
former teacher and spokeswoman for the illness andalcoholism. Hehadbeentreate~t.
nonprofit organization which is known " for manic depression and tried to comnnt
for its anti-Gay policy positions. ,
suicide four times in the years before the
Filmmaker Debra Chasnoff says she s killing. "We knew it was an uphill battle
simply providing resources to teachers from the start," Sabbota said.
whoalready have to deal with such issues Ms. Jones and the producers of the
in the classroom. "It just doesn’t work to show were not called to testify, as they
say, ’We’re ,going to all be race to one
another; don t use those words here.’ I the civil case awarded Amedure’s family
thinkyouneed to explain who those words $25million; that verdictis being appealed.
are hurtful to," says Chasnoff, director Jurors said the show played a role in the
and co-producer of "It’s Elementary. kilhng,butwas not the sole cause. I think
The debate is not likdy to end soon. most of us felt it Was a whole series of
Thisfall,Chasnoff’s SanFrancisco-based events, H~,ht sal .
media center also will begin distributing a After seven jurors spoke to the media,
curriculum guide for.elementary teachers Amedure’s father, Frank Amedure St.,
that includes lessons they can incorporate shook hands with each one. "ijust want to
into discussions about Gay and Lesbian thank the jury. God bless you," he said.
Schrmtz’s father, Allw~ Sc~unitz, said
1ssues. " Such moves frustrate Parshall, who he didn’t ka~ow what to think about the
notes that - w~le parents don’t ha;’e verdict. "T~crc’s no wwcaer~, or losers
much control over what teachers use lot here," he said. "’Everybody loses."
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Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1999] Tulsa Family News, September 1999; Volume 6, Issue 9,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/591.