[2006] The Star Magazine, October 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 10


[2006] The Star Magazine, October 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 10


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


October 01, 2006


C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Kay Massey
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Victor Gorin
Greg Gatewood
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinsman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman


The Star Magazine, September 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 9

The Star Magazine, November 1, 20006; Volume 3, Issue 11


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


2 the STAR C) .. -rohcr 2oncthe
STAR (Jcrohc-r 2006 3
The STAR is published by
Star Media, Ltd.
5103 S. Sheridan,# 153
Tulsa, OK 74145-7627
Editor in Chief, C. D. Ward
Contributing Writers:
Greg Steele, Josh Aterovis, Douglas Glenn,
John Patrick, Michael Dee,
Kay Massey, Paul Wortman, Carlotta Carlisle,
Victor Gorin, Greg Gatewood
Libby Post, Andrew Collins, Donald Pile,
Ray Williams, Michael Hinzman, Jack Fertig,
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward, Victor Gorin.
Tulsa Office - - - - - - - - -918-835-7887
or Email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
(Tulsa Metro) Michael Leach- - - - - 918-640-2049
(Oklahoma City Metro) Vicior Gorin 405-947-2048
(Northwest Arkansas) Kay Massey- 4 79-586-1062
National Advertising Representative
Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863
Deadline for ali advertising, articles and payment is
the 18th of each month for the next months issue.
12 issues $26.95 / singles $3.00 Check or
Money Order
The Ozarks Star or the Star is published & distrii:nucd mm1thiy
as a c0Jlu11unity service by Star !vfrdi.1, Ltd .. Publica.tion of
the name-: photograph or likcnc,;s of any pcr,on, husint·s,; or
org~nization in this publication is not rn be construed as .1ny
indication of sexual orieotarion or prefcrtncc., <.:f 5uc:h per!-0:-1,
businc~s or organi1ation. -
t)pinions expressed by cnlumni-,t.'i, J.dn.:rtiscr:. or Lt:ttt:r:.t 10 the
Editor arc n,·H nece~,;,~riiy rh{.'. opinion of'Ihc ()z~Hks Sue ir.-.
staff. th~ puhlisher \Jr ir's advertiser~- Content of :1Jn~ni~crncnt-"
and anid~s arc tb.: soi~ rcspvnsibi!iry of dtc s1dnTti~cr ,1nd /n:
author. The P1iillish~r o( thL ();;.1rk.-. Sur or ~c~r rc~~rvc:; d1t riJ;ht
to refuse advertising nuteriai fr>r .u;y rc:,!~on ;vh,at .so c:cc 'ihc
();;arks Sur or ~t.tr anJ all lik;_·no::.s.;-c-;. '11<.:rc of :u,.: .sol 1•
0f Srar l\kdi.1, Lt.d. :\H rn:Ht:ri::l CU}')Tig,h~ 2006
Designed with Pride, Prinkd in Ok!ahom:1, l'',A
JON THE COVER J1r:: Verraros, Americar :do! 1
Banning Books by Intelligent Design:
''in the filrn. I-Titler Youth re,:dcd in
ra~sacking the school ~1nd thought nothing
of throv;ing ac1dc111k frccdo1n into th~ fire·'
New! Lots of news from the Adzansas
GLBT Communitv. BOO BASH for
Capitol Pride at Sidetracks.
Summer OiV(:rsitT \Y/eekend. EUREKA'
A rttrnspecrive of LG BT History. 1728:
.Notorious transvestite Chevalier
d'Eo11 is bom in Burgundy, Fmnce.
Gav Travelers '·\'{'dcomc to Arizona''
Otit of Town "Vmcotffer, BC"
!\1ikc\' rcco\·crs frorn a Ion: afE1ir of epic
prop~nion~. I n1c,ff1 ,vhc\V, that tna;1 \v.is
juq too n1uch. It ,,·~1s likl' being at the l)(~
and trying lO take th~n extra dip, knn\v!ng
your body, just ,n)uldn't h~u:dic it.
T.O.H.R. in The News
Lesbian Notions ...
OUT in lvkansas ..
Past Out
Tulsa GLBT Ce:·ite:- !\Jews.
Dining In
Star Scene
... 6
. 15

Gold Castle
"At Century 21 Gold Castle our
BEST properties are our PEOPLE"
4301 NW 63rd, Suite 100
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
c21 goldcastle.com
Let us he '•
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Proud~y serving 1Ulsa &:: ()1<(:'s GL.B1~ C!.Jrnmunities since 1982
6 the STAR.
Isa Mayor Kathy
ylor pond es
. H. R. ncerns.
TULSA, OK_ Laura Belmonte, President, Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights rook the initiative in expressing tne concerns of the
GLBT communities exclusion of civil rights protections in Tulsa.
The following is Dr. Belmonte's letter to Mayor Taylor and :he
Mayor's response.
Dear Mayor Taylor:
I am writing in regard to your call for Tulsans to extol the
virtues of our city in an effort to generate national interest in
our amenities and opportunities. While ! agree entirely with
your faith in Tulsa, I would also like to discuss a much-deserved
negative aspect of Tulsa's reputation.
Many thoughtful citizens think our city is doomed if it does
not take steps to protect and celebrate its diversity. This
is particularly true in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
(GLBT) community. By some indices, Oklahoma
ranks 45th in the nation in terms of inclusion and civil rights
protections for gay people. While Manford and Oklahoma
County have amended their non-discrimination ordinances
to encompass sexual orientation, Tulsa has not taken this
vital step despite the fact that the city's Human Rights
Commission first began recommending such a change in
As you undoubtedly know. GLBT people are an integral element
of this city. We own dozens of businesses and employ
thousands of people. We are doctors. lawyers, teachers,
firefighters, poiice officers, and every other occupation
under the sun. Eighty-six percent of Fortune 500 companies
now explicitly protect their GLBT employees. Despite
widespread and iegitimate concern for the city's economic
future, Tulsa has refused to join over 300 cites across the
United States including Cincinnati and Salt Lake City who
have expanded their non-discrimination policies to ensure
that sexual minorities are judged solely on their merits as
employees, tenants, and customers.
in my capacity as a piOfessoi at Okiahoma State University,
I have seen dozens of extremely promising gay people flee
our state or refuse job offers mainly because of the region's
reputation as a stronghold of intolerance. These individuals
include a Rhodes Scholar nominee, two Goldwater Fellows,
and Ph.D.s from universities including Harvard, Yale, and
Stanford. These are precisely the type of professionais we
must keep in and draw to Tulsa if we are to buiid the city to
which we aspire.
You have broad support in the GLBT community and we
very much hope you ,vii! rectify this giaring flaw in fabric of
our city .
Laura .A... Belmonte. Ph.D
President. Tu!sa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Chair. Say No to Hate Coa!ition
9:00 arn
Photo: Al McAffrey and Kayne Gillaspie by
Victor Gorin
OKI.AHO!v1A CITY, OK_ September 7, a
verv successful fundraiser for the Okiahoma
Sto~cwall Democrats \Vas held at the home
Al l,fcAffrey, who was recently elected
as a State Representative for State House
District 88. Mr. McAJfrey 's election made
history as he is tl1e first openly gay person
to be elected to the Oklahoma Legislature.
Pictured witl1 Al is celebrity guest Kayne
Gillaspie, who also did our state proud on
Bravo's reality TV show Project Runway.
OKLAHO1v1A CITY, OK_1he womyn of
Herland have scheduled cheir Fall Retreat
for the weekend of October 27, 28 and 29.
This year it will be held at Eufala State Park
and .;,iii feature a costume contest, sports
activities, a potluck dinner and a concert
featuring O~hi, a special drummer from
Washington srate.
Heriand's Spring and Fall Retreats have
been held since 1985,and that function
of Herland is their only activity that is for
women only. For over 20 years women have
enjoyed this celebration of empowerment
and feilowship. One can register for the
Retreat on!ine at v,v.-v,.herlandsisters.org or
caii (405l 521 9696.
Photo by: Scott Asi1ton
Jim Verraros,
Actor, Recording
Artist Scheduled To
Attend OUT-OK-5
Film Festival.
TULSA, OK_Jim Verraros, American Idol
Finalist, recording artist of the hit recording
"Rol!ercoaster" and star of the award winning
movie, "Eating Out" is scheduled to
appear in Tulsa and Oklahoma City for the
Out OK Film Festival. One of the featured.
fiims to show is the sequei to Eating Out,
called Sloppy Seconds. Jim was cast to
return as Kyle in a leading role.
Jim ,von the hearts all across America as a
featured performer on the 2002 American
Idols Live Tour, but his popularity really
soared after he came "out" in The Advocare
in January 2003. Jim's young fans, both
gay and straight, nor only embraced the
disclosure, bm verily celebrated it, p~oudly
signaling the broader acceptance of gays
among the next generation.
In addition to "Eat\ng Out-2: Sioppy Seconds''
The Oklahoma GLBT International
Film Festival opens with Srewart Wade's
deiightfui!v romamic comedv of errors,
·'ro· r::--Fii f)ATL''' 'W; h ·1· ·{,_,; " peri'o•· .. -.,..,, .a. t' -.. ,, ... , _,_ ~ .L . .1.Ld ll~J...-.,.OuS .tJ. ~'•
rnances from -\Xlilson Cruz So-(~alled
Lif.~, J'-.Joah:-s lire), ()scar-norninatcd Sally
Kirkland, Jonathan Silvt.~nnan, ninede's recn
singing sensation I)cborah C;ibson, and
Jonathan Bray. -n1e l::estival runs ()ctnbcr]
1-15~ 22 (l-i1ls:1) and C)ctober 19-~21
also be in "'"'"""''"
the STAR 7
Tulsa's Kris Kohl Host's Bryan
hite Benefit Show.
by Greg Steele
Photo: "Cowboy Crooner" Matthew Heath Fitzgerald.
TULSA, OK_On September 17th, Kris Kohl brought out his top
guns to the Bamboo Lounge Tulsa and raised dose to $500 for the
Bryan White AIDS Fund. Special Guest Entertainers induded Marthevf
I-ieath Fit-zgerald n Oklahoma's Cov1boy c.:roonern, ~frudy Tyler
'' The First Miss Gay Oklahoma Emeritus". Mona Lon .Miss
8 the STAR
Bamboo 2006", Singer's Sam and Lester, Clog Dancer Jay Whiteside
and many other great performers. All donated their time and
talent to this very worthy charity.
The OSU Internal Medicine Speciality Services Department in
Tulsa is one of five State non-profit organizations that administer
the Bryan White Aids fund. They cover 37 Counties in Oklahoma.
With 150 new patients lase year, administraror Midge Elliot told
che STAR in an interview that they are expecting many more for
this year. "45% are minority and 35% are from rural area's. We
help with medical, medicine, dental, transportation and other
necessities as funds wiil allow." she said. " Our mission is to ensure
rhac persons living with HIViAIDS in Eastern Oklahoma have access
to high quality, comprehensive primary medical care, specialty
care, and care coordination services delivered through OSU-COM's
uniquely meaningful, compassionate and state-of-;:he-art programs
and providers in one accessibie location".
The Federal Health Resources Adminiscration manages the Ryan
White Aids Fund and distributes to Oklahoma, who in turn allocates
the money to the state's five approved organizations based on
the number of patients in their care. Both the Health Resources Adminiscration
and the State of Oklahoma's grants have been reduced
drasticaliv since che Bush Administration cut funds to Brvan White
Fund. "Our funds are flat and we are depending on the fund raising
effom of organizations and individuals to keep our door's open,"
Elliot told us.
For more information er how to give a tax deductible contribution
direcc!y to OSU Internal Medicine Speciality Services contact
Midge Eiiiot at 918-382-3507. The clinic is located at 635 West
11th street, east of the Tulsa ]legional Hospitai in Tulsa.
}yfore 1--:JhotoS_frorn the Ben~:fir Shou1 in ST..4.R Scene-page 24-25

by Libby Post
Banning Books Intelligent
One of the movies I rented when I got my first VCR (actually, it was
a SONY Beta recorder - remember those?) was Julia. The story was
based on a chapter from Lillian Hellman's memoir Pentimento.
1l1e title character was a childhood friend of Hellman's who became
a leader in the resistance to Hitler's reign of persecution, censorship,
and murder. The scene that has srayed with me all these years is the
massive bonfire in the courtyard of a European university. Not a
typical coilege celebratory bonfire, this conflagration was composed
of books and papers from the school's library and the offices of its
In the film, Hitler Youth reveled in ransacking the school and
thought nothing of throwing academic freedom into the fire. \'v'hen
one of the professors tried to get in their way, he was thrown over a
railing and killed.
Today we have our own version of Hitler's reign of terror on
academic freedom and thought. It's the radical Christian right's
persistent crusade to ban books from public and school libraries,
and its unfathomable drive to integrate "intelligent design" into our
children's classrooms.
The list of examples is endless. just check out the ,,\merican Librar,
Association's website (www.aia.;>rg), the section about their annual
"Banned Books Weck" (Sept. 23-30), to get an incredible sampling
of the stupidity going on in today's schools and libraries.
In Tacoma, Wash., the school district banned _The Geography
Club_, a gay-themed book about high school bullying and tolerance,
because paren-.:s complained that the protagonist, a gay teen, hooked
up with another <1ueer student oniine and that they e,;enrnally met
face to face.
Tacom;; Schoel Supcrintendcn: Patti Banks wici rl1e two p:.rcms
'.d10 rec1uested the borJk be removed from the school library, "\X'c
·:rnnt to send a strong, cor:sistem message to all our studcn':s that
meet:Jmr ii:di\0 iduals :ia the Imcrnet ;s e~tremelv :ugh-risk behaY:or.
To the ~xtent that this book might contradict cha:: ~essage, I ha,T
determined it should not be jn our libraries, in spite of other positivc
aspecrs a strong :anriharassmcnt thcrne).''
Gee thanks, Patti. \"ou'H buckle to the concerns of t\.VO parents
\vhilc dcpri.,,_--ing hundreds of srudcnts of the book1s real message
~· that bullying and harassing L(;B'T' students isn't acceptable.
Jn response; the book\, author~ Brent f'~larringcr, ~~vho hails fron1
T'acon1a~ said, ~•1·hc reason gay teen~ arc dra,vn to the Internet is
that's a safe place u; explore their identity \Vithout harassed or
builicd. lt\ ironic n1y boc,k_ 1.1.-ould be pulled for this reason~ cuntrib
uung to rh1s
10 ttle STAR
Parents Protecting the Minds of Chiidren. "Il1is Fayetteville, Ark.based
site explains that it doesn't want to pull books from ,he
shelves, just give parents control over what their kids can read.
While these folks have a problem with any book that deals openly
with sexuality, hetero or homo, all you have to do is click through
the site and you'll see just how obsessed they are with books that
paint a positive picture of LG BT lives. The bottom line for them is
rather succinct. In big bold letters, the site deciares, "For those who
didn't already know, now you know what Diversity Means!!! The
promotion ;f the homosexual agenda!!:"
If banning books wasn't enough for radical Christian righr parents,
they also want to integrate intelligent design (ID) imo biology curricula
al! over the country. No, inteliigent design isn't a new show
on HGT\~ It's the push to bring creationism back to our schools
- teaching that the world started with Adam and Eve (cenainiy not
Adam and Steve) and that Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a theory
and never proven.
'The drive for intelligent design lost some steam when, after the
Dover, Pa., school board instituted it, a U.S. District Court judge
threw it our. In handing down his decision, U.S. District Judge
John E. Jones Iii wrote that "overwhelming evidence at rriai established
that ID is a religious view, a mere re-labeling of creationism,
and not a scientific theory." Jones found intelligent design failed
as a scientific theory because it can't be tested. Lucky for Dover's
students, their parents found that the school board failed as citizen
educators and voted all the members who supported ID out of office
last year.
Despite the ruling and the rout, bills to mandate ID as part of a
state's biology curricula continue to be introduced. In Ol<lahoma, a
bill has passed the state Assembly and now heads to the state Senate.
A leading radical Christian right wing nut, New York State Assemblyman
Dan Hooker (who thankfolly is not running for re-election
- instead he's serving his country in Iraq) is the soie sponsor of an
ID bill. Since the state Assembly is controlled by the Democrats, the
bill will go absolutely nowhere.
If only that were true for the rest of Hooker's compatriots across the
coun;ry, who have found our library sheh·es ;md our school rooms
to be 2-venues for their unique brand of censorship. Like ~he Hitler
Youth who burned those books in Julia, the radical Chriscian right
also thinks ii: has God on its sicie.
Berland Fall Womya.'s Retreat
Eufaula State Park
Fri.-Sun .. , October 27-29, 2006
Visit v;•.vw.heriandsisters.org fur cornp!ete
de~ils· and a registration form.
For m~e retreat info, ca!! Laura at (405) 602-1538.
Berland Si•ter Resource"
2312 NIN 39th St., OKC, OK 73112
Open Saturdays trom 1~Spm
(405) 521-9696
Michael Hinzman, author, columnist, and
student oflife, joined rhe Ozarks STAR
family in November 2004. This issue
makes his 24th 'Ask Uncle Mikev" column
published in the STAR. Uncle ~Aikey is our
longest consecutive running non-syndicated
column. As one of rhe most popular with
our readers, we thought vou would eniov
meeting the man behinci rhe big hat. ' ,
Michael hails from the middle-beit of Ohio,
where Michael continues his efforts to bring
humor and comic relief to ,he community.
Michael's goal and passion. second only w
his career in medidne. is :hat of being a
celebrated author. His goal became a reality
in May of 2005 with the publication of his
first novel ''l)rago1nir,'~ available at n1ost
rnajor book retailers. 1v1ichael pushes to
succeed in the ,vodd of \\Titers. Published
through several -venues, Iv1ichael's ~.. .v orks arc
in onlinc publications as -.,veil as in print.
::!~~=:jii~~~:::~~e~:~!~11::.!;1 !D SCYCta! ;;~:rs
Lv1ichacl ha:;; been
as he continues his
""\JJ;,,.}~f•rg VJO!~cL; to(•
rain his reader:-: ,virh an''","'"-'"'"''.,,
following. " I love to make others
laugh, think, and in general look at
life through a different perspective."
Michael is continuing his education
in the Psychology and Nursing
fields. Michael is a current member
of the Alpha Beta Gamma's National
Honor Society. It is Michael's
experience and twisted
view of life's
issues ;:hat enables Michael to laugh at life's
trials faced by those in rhe GLBT community.
Michael supports the community throughout
manv ch,uitable oudets. An active
sponsor ~f the Life Share Program, \'!ichad
has volunteered his time in order to promore
the much-needed demand for blood
donations. 1vfichael also works with various
charities such as local food banks, Aids
events: youth n1.cntoring, and the specific
field deaiing "vith disabled n1en1ber~ of the
memallv retarded poouiadon. .Michael has
worked 'with the me~ta!iy ii! since 199 J ,
as 'Nell the medically fragile and rnentally
retarded. }.,:fichael encourages others to
back to the con1n1unity bringing
.._:t:s._, ~A ;1il.._ lJre.:1.king U.cJ\-01.
When Michael has down time, he joins his
loving partner Daryl, currently celebrating
their sixth year together. Michael is the
proud father of five beautiful children from
his brief, yet productive, time in the heterosexual
community. Family time is spent
camping, boating; as well enjoying many,
other family oriented activities. Full time
fathers raising their three eldest children,
Mikayla, Michael and Jacob, while the exwife
raises the two youngest; proving that
amilies of diversity can and do succeed.
oined in their extended family circle
by Vicky, AKA-Namn, inspired by her
endless contribution and inspirational
Michael continues to demonstrate
that life does not end with the
dreaded passing of the Twinky-
T wenties. Michael, a 34 year old,
enjoys the pursuits of happiness
in all aspects oflife. Michael's
firm belief; that ones only limit
is ones own will and imagination,
as seen in his continuous
uest. Finding life better in
the second half after surviving
his own 20 something
drama affliction, common•
ly known as the dubbers.
Michael also utiiizes
his character, Uncle
Mikev, in charitv
events withil~ the comdiunity,
in order to bring awareness to gay
issues; equal rights, aids benefits, and the
staggering homeless popuiation within the
gay yomh of America.
'The editor of the S'l;\R congratuiates
]\1ichaci on his 24th issue of 'Ask Uncle
M:kel and extends a huge ''Thank You for
your unwavering support.''
Feedback can be sent to f.!ichael at \vordsbyr~
i~e(~>ao).c~m,: tv1i~hael \\:elcorne! :ny
and :tll feedback Jrorn his readers ana to!kr,
vers and critics alike.
the STAR 11
NW Arkansas GLBT Communi
Center Granted Non
Profit Status.
BENTONVILLE, AR_On August 9th, 2006, the Northwest Arkansas
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trangendered Community Center,
Inc. in Bentonville, Arkansas was granted 501/c)3 Non Profir
tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue service. This action was
retroactive to May 16, 2006.
1he NWA GLBT Community Center recognizes rhe need in
Northwest Arkansas to:
CONNECT: Unite and organize a GLBT community that is fragmemed
and often times disconnected.
SUPPORT: Cultivate a healthy and thriving community for NWA
PROTECT: Ensure the safety, civil righrs and liberties of all NWA
EDUCATE: Bring awareness and education to al! NWA community
INVOLVE: Create fun and exciting community events and activities
for NWA GLBTs.
CENTRALIZE: Establish a brick and mortar GLBT Community
Center in NW A.
The website for the NWA GLBT Communiry Center can be viewed
at: www.nwaglbtcc.org
Tax deductible donations may be sent to the N\VA GLBT Community
Center at:
PO Box 1161 Bentonviile, Ar 72712-116L
om1" ng
SPIUNGDALE, AR~ Coleen comes from Massachusetts to Arkansas
on her Midwest Tour. She is a voice for social justice. and has a
soundtrack for social'activism. You'li be cmem.:n~d bv her skillful
biend of up-beat rhythm guitar and thought-provoki1.lg Her
music brings poiitical issues to light in an accessible and poetic way.
!vfore than jmr another acoustic crooner. Colleen jameson :s the real
deal: the p<;crry of life's sorrcJ\VS set against the 1nelody of litC's joys.
Colleen not only sings about social justice, she has n1ade it her
profession. Working in snelters and with ur,dcr-sen·ed popuhtiom.
C:oHeen writes about real issues our of her O\"-'f1 ,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,-.·•
Jonathan is a t~orth,vest A.rkansas entertainer that has been :~:!c01~~; f~: :~:1~~~11:~:~:1;; ::~lomplished j ;,::;itl~;1;;,\J;~;d,
(:I)~ w1-hc Player & The Pawn" V./3.S part of the official c;L:\.l\.1) "VIP
bag that each attendee received, 'The event v,,ras held on
10th in San Francisco: f'~cver having an)''" fc;rrnal
plays car and sdll docs nor: read sheet nn1sic, ]t
12 the STAR.
when jonathan bought an old, beaten-up, wooden up,ight, that
he started to compose music and lyrics of his own. Jonathan was
fearnred in the August issue of Celebrate Arkansas magazine.
Enjoy an Exciting Revue of Artistic Talem for National COMING
OUT Dav suggested donation is $5.00 ar the door
All proceeds benefit the N\Y/A GLBT Communiry Center
PO Box 1161 Bentonville, AR 72712 W\,w.rrwaglbtcc.org
Concert is \Y/ednesday October 11, 200.6 6:00 pm Jones Center
Auditorium &Chapel, 922 East Emma, Springdale, Arkansas.
By Jeremy Pena
October is going to be the start of something spectacuiar for GLBT
writers in Arkansas. A new group for GLBT writers is forming rnd
aH writers from all genres are welcome ro join in. We wcicome all
wrirers, published and non-published. From fiction writers to poets,
songwriters to writers iooking for ideas of where to begin.
'TI1e focus of the group is for socializing with other writers and
discussing various genres and writing styles, to support \'.Titer; in
the GLBT community with any necessary information needed with
regards to pubiishing their works, and sharing our works wirh each
Each month there will be a focus on a specific genre ranging from
fiction to poetry. We will be focusing on novel writing in October to
prepare for a month-long event in November. Nation,;! Novel Writing
1Vlonth will begin No\·ember l and end at midnight November
31. Check out rhe websitewww.NaNo\VriMo.org for more dernils
and updates. Sign-ups for the event begin in October. You will also
find writing prompts each month focusing on our ~opic for i:hc
month on our group sire. 'The first writing prompr is on the site to
ge, re,;dy for our first gathering.
We wili also be focusing 0!1 writing for various publications in the
area and possibly raking on some addition.al n::sponsibiiitic:- to the
( :ommunity Center newsletter in the future.
A.nyonc interested can find more inforn1arion and join the group
on our yahoo groups site at http:/ /groups.yahoo.con1/groups/AJlGl.
--I11cn: .. .,,;ill be two n1eetings in ()ctober and ,veekiy n1ecrings in Novernber
to support rhc participants in this noYel c·\t<.:nt. lv1ectrin1t.::
s and h.1cations -..viil he posted on calendar on rhe group
sire and rcn1indcrs ~Nill be sent via c-rnail to group 1nern.bers.
·\:,:te look f(>r\vard to
v.., nrL<
you at our and your
Capitol Pride Boo Bash
Halloween Fund-Raiser
LITTLE ROCK, AR_Sidetracks bar will host Boo Bash, a Halloween-
themed fund-raising event to benefit Little Rock Capital Pride
on October 28th. Festivities will include prize drawings, costume
contesrs, drink specials and a silent auction of items donated by
many area businesses and groups. According to Kamrin Dodd,
fund-raising chair for LRCP, "Sidetracks is well-known for its ghost
sightings and other-worldly occurrences which makes it the perfect
location for our Halloween event. We look forward to a fun evening
that will help support Capital Pride."
NWA Ghost Connection which recently investigated Sidetracks
states, "the building was originally the home of two businesses; a
dirt-floored bar and a brothel. The bar was so dangerous and rough,
it was off limits to the military. The brothel, run by a woman
named Miss Birdie, was a popular night spot due to the building's
location near the railroads.
Early in the l 920's, rhe brothel became the site of an unfortunate
murder. A patron from the bar next door had fallen in love with
one of Miss Birdie's "employees," a 13-year-old girl named Anastasia.
When another man told the love-srruck patron that he had
just "been with" Anastasia, he stormed Birdie's ·establishment and
searched out Anastasia. Upon finding her, he slit her throat, tossed
her body over the baicony, and escaped out the window. 1his murder
was the demise of Birdie's, causing the establishmem to close. In
1923, the building became the home of a mortuary. The undertaker
used the building's basement for all of his embalming procedures.
According ro legend, when the mortuary closed, the undertaker left
all his equipment, ?.nd who knows what else in the basement.
During prohibition, the building housed a "newspaper stand"; a
cover for selling illegal liquors and beer. In an ironic turn of events,
rhe love struck patron who killed Anastasia years earlier was murdered
at the same location. He had his throat slit after getting into
an argumem with another man.
According to Phiilip. the O\V!ler of Sidetracks, there have been
several noted paranormal occurrences since he took over. They
have wic1cssed anyd1ing from water running, lights flickering: and
objects moving arot1:id the bar. On one occasion, a glass shelf containing
crystal stemware feil :o the floor, shattering the crystal. The
5hdf however. did no: break. Witnesses have seen the break.er box
opening and closing repeai:ediy, and occasionally the computer turns
itself on, typing aE som of icners and figures on the screen. Phillip
believes the ghosts of 1\nastasia and her love-stricken murderer stiii
haunr Sidetracks to this day.n
Little }lock (:apit:a.l Pride (http:/ h.vv.,.,vJirderockcapitalpride.org/ ) is
a 501 3 non-profit organization ,nhose rnission is ro host events
that honor the history a~d diversity of Gav. Lesbian) Bisexual and
Tfansgender · individuals i;1 the s;~;te of .A.rkansas and sur!
Oun<l~.ug J.t.~a:, 1Jud. r...r,.,,~ttc wirhi:1 the GLB'l" commun~ty :u,d
its allies by providing sociaJ support and enhancing ;nvareness of the
past an~1~:~~,~~:::, :J~~t~!,~;:~~::~~ i~~~!i!~' ;~~~;,~::~l~;~;;~!~ri~~rnl;
rkansas & Oklahoma~s tnost read GLBT Magazine
NOV 3-5, 2006. "THE FIRST
This Fall is going to be a little different in Eureka Springs,
Arkansas. There are some new and intriguing events.
By presenting a lesbian and gay man comic, once again Diversity
Pride Events hopes to entertain and unite our community. We can't
release the names yet, but DPE is very excited to have drawn such
talented and uplifting performers to the Ozarks region. Tickets will
soon be available online at DiversityPride.com
FIRST 'Ti-Talk' "Everything you wanted to know about... the 'T'
& T in GLBTI (Transgender, Transsexual and lntersex)., ... but _
were afraid to ask!" All glbti and pflag welcome. This is the first
of an ongoing series of "Talks" to educate and socialize within our
community. Plans for future talks will be fur, and about, Bisexuals,
Lesbians, Gay men. ''It's amazing how much we really don't know
about each other, savs Diversitv Pride Events, Deborah Rose. We
are fortunate to hav~ some wo;1derful people who have volunteered
to guide these talks and to foster a greater understanding of the true
diversity and size of our community. God was far more creative than
peopie ~ealize!" ·
SHINE' 1he Diversity Bikers 'Show N' Shine' will start at 12:30
PM at Roadway Inn. Bikes will be judged in two categories, Best in
Show and Best 'Pride Dressed'. 1l1ere will be a First Place and Run- '
ner-up in each category.
This will be the first Diversity Bikers Charity 'Poker Run', A portion
of the proceeds, along with stuffed animals andior cash donations
will be sent for Toys for Kids of deployed service members to heip
out with the holidays.
the Diversity Bears this past Summer Diversity 'X'eekend and fell in
love with the Eureka Sp;:ings communit'/. So, Diversity Pride Events
has brought him back ro "jolly things up around Eureka" and MC
the 'GO-GO GUY & GA[ Dance Comest at the 'Golden Oldies'
Dance & Cabaret at Caribc\ on Saturday Nighr afrer rhc shov: at
the AUD.
And by the v...;ay~ you~H see son1e red cans around to\\-'H to collect
donations for those Kids of deployed service rnembers. I"\Jo n1atter
v:here you stand poiiticaHy, re1~,e~ber it's for rhe kids. So, dig into
your pocket and get rid of rhat loose change for a s•Neet cause (and
loose bills are weico::nc Sho,v rhen1 our con1,munity has a big
COt-~TA{~]~ Ii'•JF(): [)I'✓ E!tsrr·~y PRJI)E EVEt,rrs
Deborah Rose 479-253-2555
tile STAR
Summary : Past Out is a retrospect:i,·e
of key moments, personalities, and
subjects in LGBT hiswry. Each
installment brings the past to life by
exploring rhe diversity of the gay past
and its impact on the queer present.
1728: Notorious transvestite Chevalier
d'Eon is born in Burgundy, France.
Who was Chevalier d'Eon?
Chevalier d'Eon, an 18th-century spy and
diplomat who inspired sexologist Havelock
Ellis to coin the term "eonism" for crossdressing,
was the subject of much spernlation
about his gender both during his
lifetime and in the decades since his death.
Charles Eon de Beaumont was born in
the Burgundy region of France in October
1728, the child of an attornev and a noblewoman.
In a ghostwritten l 779 autobiogrnphy,
d'Eon claimed he was born a girl, but
was passed off as a boy in order to ~suage
his father's grici over a son who !1ad dieci.
and to c!a;m an inhe~.tancc de,ignated for a
male heir. -'Mv father wanted m~ to become
a bad boy and my mother wanted me rn becom::
a good girl,'. he wrote. Later researchers
say he was born male. but his mother
often dressed hi.rn as a girl.
An excellent student, d'Eon graduated in
17 49 from (~c•Hege J\1azarin in Paris} where :::~~!i::j :::;~;':~:c:(~(;;~:~~~::::~~~~;:::: !:;
rhc city's fiscal deparrrnent and a.s a royal
censor. 'I hough slender and sorr1e\vhat delicate
in appearance, there is Hrdc indication
that d'Eon \Vas regarded as particularly
14 the STAR
effeminate as a young aduh.
D'Eon joined a secret network of spies
working for King Louis XV, and in~ i 7 56,
the king sent him on a mission to re-esrablish
an alliance with Empress Elisabeth of
Russia against the rival Hapsburg monarchy.
It was widely rumored that d'Eon disguised
himself as a woman to win the empress's
confidence (according to one version, the
king hit upon the idea after mistaking a
cross-dressed d'Eon for a !adv at a masquerade
ball); there is little c~ntemporary
evidence, however, ro support this tale.
In the early i 760s, d'Eon returned to
France and became a captain of the dragoons,
a light cavalry regiment. After he
was wounded in battle toward the end of
the Seven Years' War, he was awarded the
Cross of Saint-Louis and given the rank
of Chevalier. D'Eon then wem: to London,
where he worked as a diplomatic
minister. During this time. he enjoyed
a lavish lifestyle, amassed a large librar:\
and cemented his connections
bestowing gifts from his
family's vineyards.
a few
that he w;;s
about to be
rcn1oved frotn
his position by
a new an1bassad.
or; clain1ed in a
letter to the king
that the ambassador
had atten1ptcd
dn1n an<J kidnaD hirn: he :1is~}' published :.t book. of secret diplon1aric
correspondence, \vhich led ro his exile in
bv ✓
large sums that d'Eon was really a woman,
or. alternarivelv, undoubtedlv a man; still
others though; he was a hen~aphrodite. In
1777, an English court entered the fray to
settle a bet, ruling that d'Eon was a woman;
rhe judge, disgusted at having to deal with
such a case, said he wished he cot.id m,ike
both parties lose. More recently, biographer
Gary Kates posited :hat d'Eon rebvemeci
himself as a woman afcer he had made
political enemies in high places and gotten
himself deeply in debt. For his part. d'Eon
seemed to relish the confusion, sometimes
claiming to have been bori: male, sometimes
After iiving with his mother for a time at the
family estate in Tonnerre, d'Eon returned
to England in 1785. He embraced Cnristianit:
y and, according to Kates, seemed to
regard living as a woman as a for:n of "moral
purification." D'Eon never married. and
there is no record or· any sexuai relations11ips
wirh either women or men. Alt;.,<'ugh d'E;n
continued to dress as a woman, Iflos: reoorts
suggest he did not pass vcrv convind112.iv.
lv1ember of Parliament Ho~ace \Yia!pol~,
nored that "her hands and arms see;11 not to
have participated oc the change of sexes, but
are fitter to carry.~ chair than a fun."' Added
nobiem;;.n James Boswell, "She appeared rn
me a man in woman's clothes."
In 1796. d'Eon w2s seriously wounded
in a fencing match. Aithough an amopsy
after his death in }vfa\· 1810 revealed
ihat d'Eon was a bi~logically normal
maie, he has ncverthdess rce1ained a
subject of considerabic fascination:
Was d'Eon a uansgender woman
who spent half her life as a man.
or a ~an who 5JY.:nt half his life
as a \.vorn.an?
For further reading:
[fEon de Bcaun1onr~ c:haries
(2001). 'Jhc fv1aiden of
'fonncrrc: 'Ihc \/icissitudcs
of rhe (~hevalicr and
;.,,. the c:hcvalien:
I-<:atcs, (;ary. 1995, 200].
a "'•~?on1an: /\. ~Ede of Political ::ll1(1
Photo: The new community center coming soon.
October National GLBT
History Month
Each June, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgender (GLBT) and allied community
ceiebrares our pride and diversity. It is
a time for parades and parties to celebrate
ourseives, our accomplishments and the
adv«nccs towards GLBT cquaiity. Each
October, we again cdebrate our communitv
· bur from a historical perspective. Octobe;
is recognized as GLBT History Month. In
1979, the first National Marci1 on \Vashington
for Lesbian & Gay Rights rook place.
Tens of thousands of G LBT individuals and
families crov:ded the nation's front yard, the
National Mail, to demand equality: In 1987,
another March on \'vashingwn occurred on
October l i th. The day is now recognized as
Nation .. ! Corning Out Day. 'Jhesc arc the
m;.in reasons whv Oc~ober was chosen as
GLBT History i,1omh. .
()kL1horna bas a rich and varied historv of
the GLBT & ;;,llied community. In 1980,
:1 sn1ail group of people concerned about
human rights and equaiitv for (;LB~r
()klahornans found~d ()klal1ornans for
~:~~f :m~~::::.i1Ii·~~:~;(f EI 1:,:if
In the 1980's~ll)li.R.
advent of HIV/AIDS, TOHR sent a medical
professional to health conferences to
remrn and advise the community on the
transmission of the virus. TOHR then
opened Northeast Oklahoma's first anonymous
HIV Testing Clinic, becoming a state
leader in HIV/AIDS testing and education.
In 1998, H.O.P.E. (Health Outreach, Prevention
and Education) became a separate
organization, allowing both H.O.P.E. and
TOHR to focus on their respective areas.
The new millennium broualu rapid arowth t> t>
for TO HR. Individual support expanded
programming and communitv involvement.
TOHR began its capitctl campaign,
"The Pyramid Project" in late 2000 while
being honored as ~n "OutGiving InCommunity"
host site for 200 l. "OutGiving"
allowed continued growth in education and
outreach as TOHR hosted the Denver-based
Gill Foundation's resource and community
building program. In 2001, TOHR was ·
selected as a "FastTrack" program, setting a
foundation for further growth to take the
community to the next level.
TOHR opened the first Tulsa GLBT Community
Center in October 1996. 1he Center
quickly became a community gathedng
spot with social and support groups, the
PRIDE Store, the Nancy McDonald Rainbow
Library, TV lounges and more. Two
locations later, the Tulsa GLBT Communitv
Center is now located at 5545 E 41st Stree(
in Highland Plaza. Open Monday through
Saturday from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM, the
Center is growing in nearly every direction
and will welcome visitor number 10,000 for
the year by December.
The Tulsa GLBT Communitv Center is also
home to the Tulsa GLBT Hi;wry Project.
Begun in 2002, the Tulsa GLBT Hiswrv
Projecr uncovers, preserves and presents, the
rich contributions of Gav, Lesbian, Bisexual
and Transgendcr peopie ~,ithin the state
of Oklahoma. As we continue to fight for
a future society that more opcniy accepts
diversity and extends equal rights to all, the
sacrifices., contributions and dedication of
the GLBT community and its many SUD·
porters can be understood and apo;ccia;:ed
thr?ugh a:1 i?'portant source ofi~spiration
a n<t kno,v!edge.
·ro celebrate (;I.Jrr I-Iistorv J\.,1onth, T'C)HR
and the 'Ih!sa GLBI' Hist;ry Project are
~~;;;c:;~~! ~;~~;;~ f~1~:rj;;J::~~:~:~~ !il~-
"Center C:inen1a" 1he ()ctober c:~ruer
<:inetna line up of fi!nls includes fi!rn:i
covering the historical momems, places and
people of the GLBT & allied community.
First up is "The Times of Harvev Miik" ~n
Friday, October 6th at 7:00 Plvf. The film
highiights the life and tragic death of the
"Mayor of Castro'' - Harvey Milk, the first
openly gay member of San Francisco's Board
of Supervisors who was assassinated by
Dan White. Next up on the list is "Stonewall"
on Friday, October 13th at 7:00 PM.
"Stonewall" chronicles the events leading
up the famous riots commonly referred
to as the beginning of the modern GLBT
rights movement. 1he history of Fire Island
is documented next on Frid;y, October
20th with "When Ocean Meets Skv." 1he
film traces the history of the gay e1{clave
and how it became the social hotspot of the
Northeast. Last, but cerrainlv not least, is
the classic "Rocky Horror Picture Show."
The cult-classic shows at 7:00 PM on Friday,
October 27th - just in time for the unofficial
national gay holiday of Halloween.
AIDS Walk 2006 Tulsa
The history of the GLBT & allied community
has b~en greatly affected by HIV/AIDS.
Each year, the community comes together
to remember those lost while continuina
. t>
t e struggle to end this terrible disease. All
in the area who want to raise awareness of
HIV/AIDS and help meet the needs for
HIV prevention and care, are encouraged
to participate in AIDS Walk Tulsa 2006 on
Saturday, October 7 th. The festivities begin
at 9:00 AM at Veterans Park, 1875 S Boulder,
with the walk stepping off at 9:45 Alv1.
Refreshments and awards will be presented
to rhe top individuals and teams following
the 2-miie walk. Tulsa's 14th annual walk
raises funds to supporr direct HIV/ AIDS
services in Tulsa and receives matching
funds from a National AIDS Challenge
Grant. The Tbisa AIDS Walk is a pro{~cc
of the Community Service Co~:nci! or
rv'r eater ~1· i .l ls a, :,'-l-l 1v' er sponsors are th. e Gay &
Lesbian Fund forTuisa and Starbucks Coffee.
Bronze sponsors arc (:iao, Baby!~ Evan
Tayior Photography, MAC AlDS {und,
1'viiss Jackson's Nenvork-I. Ti1lsa PFLA..C;
andTul.sa Oklahomans for Human Right~
CTC)HR). Please visit 1.v\V\'l.aids\vaiktul~a. :i:!
;~'./~~;information ;.nd to sign up for
OUT OK 5 Film Festival ,:.:untiu.,ul
the STAR 15
(1 OZ) .... ·.. . . .• . . .· ..
(1/2 OZ) HALFc$ HAL;F .
1. Chill a martini glass with ice· and
2. Combin.e ali ingredients.with lee in
shaker and shake Y~ry .well. · · ·
3. · Strai.n int<> martini gla~s and g~rnisti
with a fresti raspberiy. .
l 6 the STAR
OUT OK, the longest-running GLBT film
festivai in Oklahoma returns for another
outrageous year of celluloid fun. From
October 11-22, OUT OK unleashes firstrun,
independem, gay movies in Tulsa and
Oklahoma CitY. In addition to the verv
popuiar ABSOLUT RUBY RED Cock.tail
Parties, OUT OK is proud to announce
CLUB 209's "In Concert with FUNNY
KINDA GUY", following the screening of
the riveting Scottish documentary of the
same name. Direct from Scotland, Simon,
a post-op trans person will serenade us with
his tender, jazz /folk -inspired tunes, which
have captured the Glasgow music and dub
scene by storm.
With more tears and more tears of joy,
OUT OK is evolving, growing, and expanding.
There are more screening days,
more movies, and more beautiful actors
and ralented filmmakers. OUT OK opens
with Stewart Wade's delightfuily romantic
comedy of errors, COFFEE DATE. As
a practicai joke, gorgeous straigh~ man,
Todd, is sent on a biind date with hard and
hot gay man, Kelly. With hilarious performances
from Wilson Cruz (Mv So-Called
Life, Noah's Arc), Oscar-nomi~ated Sallv
Kirkland (Anna, Bruce Almighty), Jona~han
Silverman (Weekend at Bernie's, Death Becomes
Her), nineties teen singing sensation
Deborah Gibson, and Jonathan Bray (King
of Queens, The Practice), dating will never
be the same. Director and actors will be in
Arguably the first gay sequel, writer/director
Q.Allan Brocka returns with EATING
Phillip J. Bartell re-introduces Brocka's zany
cast of hot sex kittens, Gwen and Tiffani,
man-whore Marc, awkward gay boy Kyle
Oim Verraros -American Idol I). and a hot
bubbling menu of All-American beef and
succulem slabs of Grade-A man. To win
the bulging hearr ofTroy (Marco Dapper),
the new hunk in town, Kyle pretends ro be
straight, only to find himself joining the
campus ex-gay support group and landing
a vivacious girlfriend. Kyle's ex-boyfriend,
~-..farc (Brett Chukerman) is horrified at the
plan and decides to pursue Troy with his
own tactics. Ivfore raucous. More raunchy.
More mouth-watering fun. Fine-dining at·
its dirtiest-best! Actors will be in attendance.
For more information on OUT OK.
please visit wv,rw.out-ok.com or contact
Phiiip Au at 9 l 8.682A654, ext. 3 or pau@
www. □ ZARKSSTAR.C □ M

by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
A colorful tapestry of culrures - from Hispanic and Native
American to the legendary Wild West - is woven throughout southern
Arizona, a land that thrived under
the flags ofboch Spain and Mexico
before becoming part of the U.S.
South of Flagstaff in the beautiful
Verde Valley area of north central
Arizona, Sedona including Jerome and
Prescott is red rock country. Many gay
men and lesbians - once they experience
the friendly atmosphere and small town
charm of Sedona - decide to relocate
here permanently. Women will find numerous
lesbian-owned accommodations.
Although Arizona is a landlocked
state, its desert dwellers cool off in the
warm waters of the state's many iakes. In
fact, Arizona boasts one of the highest
rates of boat ownership in che nation.
Home to che world-famous London
Bridge, Lake Havasu is both a water
lover's paradise and a desert lover's
dream. More than 400 miles of stunning
coasdine offers exceptional water sports,
including fishing and skiing, kayaking,
jet-skiing and houseboating. 1he western
region of the Seate can be amazing.
Northern Arizona is the Southwest at its best. It is a photographer's
paradise, a shopper's delight, a hiker's exploration, a history
buff's treasure trove of cultures and a boater's bonanza. Although
only a matter of hours from Phoenix deserts. Northern Ariz~ma can
be a world away in dimace. With elevations up to n:ore than 12.000
feet. If vou have never visited the Grand Canvon. ir trulv is one cf
the wo:iders of America. Stay at the historic f] ·i~n·ar c.,;c nii::lu. 'lh,
sccnic beauty is beyond description. If you ,ire h:mh0 cno~:gh to ukc
the mule excursion to the bottom. then bv all !1H.:ans de ,o. Or!1-
erwise jus~ stay at rhe hotel and have a drink. look 0L.r t11c wi!1d0".\'
and ~-icw rhe scenery_
\'(le have been to ali five areas and alw«y; l:aH a ;·::n:
ime. AE auto is an absolute :VfUST when visitini:: ;\;-i:wn,i :tr.d he:
St;RE a1:d keep plenty of gas in ,·ot:r ,ankl h I, t:!11:c: le·, abk
I'()\" n'an•, 0-"V owned· Band B's ~lv-r,• -r,· ;11 4ri"()Jl'.' nl,., d-,:-· 01, ! ~ • •>} b<.t,/ ~ ~A ,al.,.,,..., ,1_...., ! _a•'• ,_{ t ~-·• -~,.....,~ •
that arc cxtrcrneiy gay-friendly. Even in the ~tnaH 1cv.-n~, gJ~- iifr· i:cvenn,,
Among our favorite places to stay in Arizona arc: LUNA VISTA
B And B in Rimrock (just South of Sedona) Kala and Frank are two
of the most wonderful people in the wori<l .. http:/ /www.iunavistabandb.
com/ An utterly "beyond FABULOUS experience s~aying
there. The ROYAL ELIZABETH B and B in Tucson is wonderful.
Jeff and Chuck know how to keep their guests returning year after
vear. http:/ /www.royalelizabeth.com/ and "The Casa de San Pedro
in Hereford is great: Karl and Patrick have done a wonderful job.
http:/ /www.bedandbirds.com/
In Phoenix, there are literaliy dozens uf gay bars to choose from
so just check out your bar guides before going. Whatever yom into,
there is perfect bar just for you:
There is a very strong gay community
in Arizona and some of the resources
can be found by going ro these:
http:/ /v1'ww.azpride.orgi. http:/ /www.
prescottpridecenter.com/ , http:/ /www,
cochise-pride.net/ , http:/ /www.flagstaffpride.
org/ and http:/ /wwv,. tucsonpride.
com/ Their local gay newspaper is a great
source for information: http:/ hvww,
Always remember to haYe a good
time when traveling and TALK TO EVERYBODY
! And, "don't cry because it's
over, SMILE because it happened and
you were a part of it!
by Donald Pile and R:;y Williams
~lfavcling is incant to be fi.111. exciting and interesting, and if you
do vour homework ahead ,)f tl:nc it can keep :;Pu ;~,)m gett;:1g into
,rouble in so many vvays. Flyins has ,l~v,ays :1ecn a prob\tm and it of
course has gotrcn rnuch ,vorse since 9/11. If you are Hying sornc\
t·hcrc you just rI.i\VI--: to reaiize th~u you arc ill the rncrcr of the
airiin,:: '~?herhe, c:d,m:d. car:cc;ed o~ whatever d·,crc is i;CTl-iTNC
ti1.1~ vou can do about i! 'Jhen:forc. take 1 bouk . .:;·,,s,·.vnrd puzzlc.
1nag<l.zine, playing card~ or vlhatcver and ju.st ;,go \-Vith rhc flo\v,-
~....jo nt:ed to get upset o,:cr !->On1cthing d1~1t ~;ou have ab:-,oiurely no
cnrurol ov::1a-Yd!ing and and get ring up.,cz i:-- jusr not :1n
option_ /iirpurt food i~ v~:r;--- expensive and not ~dl rhat goqd :-,n tJkc
,dong .-;na1..:k~ or even a ~.u1d\vich ti) l'~U. For n1on: requeq
18 the STAR Arkansa:,; 8. Ok!21;oma's most read GLST lv/agazine
Gay Travelers:
an emergency aisle seat. Don't sit in rhe front of the emergency aisle
or in front of the bulkhead where seai:s may nor recline. If your
luggage gets lost or your flight is canceled, then complain RIGHT
AWAY! Don't wait a couple of days afterwards to complain.
Know how you are going to get into a city before arriving at the
airport. Mose ~ities ha\·e wonderful bus service into their downtown
area but some don't. So be sure to find out BEFORE you get there.
Otherwise a taxi ride an be terribly expensive. Of course anorher
aiternative is ro rem an auto.
If you are renting an auto for your trip, be sure and book it online
as there is a tremendous savings by booking on line rather than
calling their 800 number. Always double check to see if your auto
insurance covers your rental auto. If not, almost all Gold and Platinum
Visa and Master Cards cover the insurance. Always opt om
for filling your own gas thank when returning the auto to the rental
office. And if at all possible, NEVER rent an auto at the airport.
You will get stuck ~ith extra taxes that is imposed there. If you are
driving check with your auto club, (AAA, Costco, American Express
or whatever) and they will send you free maps and coupons for your
travels. Needless to say, if you are driving. NEVER have liquor in
your auto. Lock it in the trunk!
A~ we have mentioned in previous columns, NEVER let a
botcl/ motel/ resort make a copy o!.' your ciriver's license when you
check in. NEVER! Be happy to show them your l.D. bur never let
them make a copy of it. With that copy of your driver's license and
your credit card information any employee has ;:he means and in•
formation to pass along to anyone who wants to steal your identity.
This i5 ger:ting to be a real problem with hotels and motels. Just ask
to speak to the manage: on dt1ty and explain why you will be bppy
co show them your I.D. Howeve:, you will not iet them make a copy
r· 0. It.
If you ,vane to go to bars, find our where they are located before
vou rake off on vour travels. Find the exact locations and hours
for :he bars. The mo;e pre-planning you do the better things will
work for you: trip. \'X,'hether you're going :o be in a city for iust one
day or a week or more, plan ahead and make a scheduie before you
lem:c home. :\luseums, galleries ;md shops are closed different days
or the week. Always purchase :i local newspaper \vhen you get into
a city. They wii: usually have a full foting of things m do and e,·en
sp{.'.cials at local restaurants
Spc:iking of restamai1ts, it 1s always much less expensive re dine
late in che afrernoon ,!r l::mch menu prices rat.hc:r than a couple of
hoc.rs late: at dinf!er time. Alwavs remember the "special of the
dav'' no ione:-er rncans th~t the ,Price is lo'-;;¥cr. i\hvays ask ho\v tnxi.Ch
iris .. It's Y()'i_rR money ~'.1 don't frci embarrassed about asking the
\\/e _r\.LSfA :{S pal· for on our trips \vith a credit card.
'Then \vhcn ~.rour l;ill,comes in, Pl/\·- -rI-fE r:tJLL ,:\1vI()L7NT l By
:;,;;~:~c\::: l: ;r~;l:~;~;~~c~;;::~ ct:;;: }::~~.f;r:t:1:::t ~:: ~-~::o~;;,\;
\1j1en a busi~1cs~ charges 50 cents or eve:n a dolbr to use your credit
card. cannot leiJlly do this ::nd •~vhen this docs happen~ call
your credit card ct ,rnpany irrnncdiatcly and rhcY ~. ., :iH rcin1bur:-e you
and fik
One time our bill showed oniy a total when we got our receipt.
When we go: home and checked our credit card account on !ine,
we found thev had made a mistake and h,,d overcharged an even
$1,000.00 to.our bill. With a phone call to our credit card company
it was taken care of immediatelv. h was just an honest mistake but it
was a mistake. It is very wise co' take cw~ different credit cards with
you when traveling.
Alwavs have fun when rraveiing, meet new people, see new
things an'd taste new food so that when you rerurn home you can
honestly say that you had a great time. Otherwise it is just money
wasted. Whether rraveling across rhe country or merely a few miles
away, traveling can be fun and exciting. Just don\ go imo the city
with the attitude of"Here I am. What do you have for me?" Everything
about your cravels is not going co be perfect so don't dweil on
it. There weather, the bars or the restal!rants might not be what you
expected so go to another bar or another resrauran:. Lite is too short
to stay someplace not to your liking.
For informadon about traveling e,nail Donaid and Ray at gayrravclers@
aol.com or visit their webpage at: hn:p:/ lwww.::ometown.ao1.
com/ gayrravelers.
Gold Castle
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BEST properties are our PEOPLE"
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Oklahoma City, OK 73116
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the STAt~ 10 j ,_;
One of the most beautiful cities in lvonh America, Vancouver is a
progressive, dynamic, and gay-popular vacation destination. (Photo by
john Sinai, courtesy of Tourism Vancouver)
October 2006
by Andrew Collins
British Columbia
In V,noo""'• one of tl,, wodd', mos, smnning does, yon an
kayak in English Bay in rhe morning before skiing down Grouse
Mountain later that afternoon - indeed, few cities offer better access
to the great outdoors. The city's glimmering. postmodern city center
anchors a peninsula jutting into the rippling Strait of Georgia, irs
shoreline sculp,ed by bays and inlets. From just about anywhere on
this peninsula, you're within walking distance of two beaches, leafy
Stanley Park, the ultra-gay Davie Village district, and several similariy
diverring neighborhoods. It's for ail these reasons that VancouYer
- whid: is aiso in a country that has legaiized same-sex marriage
- has emerged as one'{)f ~he most wonderful gay destinations in the
For Americans, visiting Vancouver :s quite easy. 'The city is just a
three-hour drive north of Seattle, and it aiso has direct flights from
nutnerous U.S. cities. just keep in Inind that in a couple of years;
you ,vill be required to show a valid passport Vi;hen crossing the
border (right !HW,, technically. you can get by with a driver·, license
but if you don't have a passport. you're likely to be pulh:d aside and
questioned thoroughly). Pi.lso keep in rnind that the lJ.S. dollar has
becon1e increasingly ,veak agajnst the C:anadian doilar in recent
years {US$ I equaled CAi'~$ l. l l as of mid-Septcmb(:f 2!106). ~o
iravding to Vancouver isn't quite the bargain it ~1.vas a couple of years
ago. StHL overalL it's less expensive than New "'Yorkl S;Jn Franc1scoJ
London: and many other place::- of .,,.,a,,w,~ popularity.
Vancouver is a highly progressive place - feminists, lesbians, and
gays piay a prominent role in local politics, have helped rejuvenate
several flagging neighborhoods, and support a compact but potent
restauram and club scene. The West End, which abuts Downtown
and was a prostitution-ridden eyesore in ;:he 1980s, is ;:he city's
main gay commercial and residential sector. You'll find most of the
gay nightlife and social scene along a roughly eight-block stretch of
Davie Street known as Davie Village. Farther north, Davie intersects
with another lively strip of cool shops and restaurants, Denman
Street. At this intersection, you're just steps from sparkling English
Bay Beach, a fine spot to catch a few rays on a warm afternoon.
Davie Viliage is a terrific neighborhood for eating and bar-hopping.
Bin 941 exemplifies the growing popularity of tapas-styie restaurants
in Vancouver. Try the mussels steamed ,vith habanero chi!es.
kafir-lime leaf, and cypress-honey lager, and enjoy a local vimage
from the fabulous wine list. The campy and affordable Cafe Luxy
serves humongous portions of pasta, and nearby Hamburger 1v1ary's
is a fun, !ate-night bet for burgers, fries, and diner fare. Near where
Davie meets Denman, you can sample inventive Pacific Northwestern
cuisine at the Raincit'/ Grill, where dishes like grilled bison strip
loin wirh lentil-and-braised-rib ragout await you. Grab an espresso
nearby at gay-popuiar Delany's or up the street at Melriches, which
is just around the corner from the acclaimed queer book and gift
shop, Little Sisters.
Later in the evening, check out Davie Street's gay bars, the most
popular being Celebrities and the Odyssey, which both draw young,
stylish crowds. Both spots pull their share oflesbians, but Celebrities
is the more diverse of the two. 'The Odvssey has a festive patio
and a great little dance floor. Other fun drinki~g spots along.Davie
include Oasis (an attractively decorated piano cabaret and resrnurant),
Pumpjack (a neighborhood pub with a leather-and-Levi's
vibe), 1181 (an ultra-chichi martini lounge drawing a well-coiffed
crowd), Fountainhead Pub (a fun sports bar with a great patio), and
Numbers (a lovably dive-y cruise bar with three levels). If you're
looking for action, drop by one of the city's popular bathhouses.
F212 Steam or M2M Playspace. 1hc latter is part of the saucy (but
quite affordable) Fahrenheit Hotel, a men's sex-plex with privare
rooms and a steamy vibe (there are rooms on one floor that are
geared more toward guests who want to keep their clothes on and
get a good night's sleep).
1here are severai gay-friendiy bed-and-breakfasts and ho,ds in the
neighborhood, the upscale West End Guest House being among the
best, wii:h its beautifullv decorated Edwardian rooms. Another luxurious
B&B that's highly appealing is O'Canada House, whose rooms
have spacious tile b:.,fa and TVs with VCRs. A bit less prlcey but
,till with ample charm, handsome furnishings, friendiy hosts, and
a great location near Davie Village, Ndson House has six inviting
guest rooms. You'll find 195 spJci<Hs. contemporary s:.:ites with full
kitchens and moderate rates at the Sandman Suites, a popuhr fuliseriice
hotd right in the heart of Davie Village ame:iirie, include
the popular Moxie's Grill restama:u, a spa, and a fitness cenrer. If
v(n/rc on a budget~ the Inn at False C:reck Qualitr Hotel is a repu~
:-,;1~·1·,.~ d,.... ... ,,i alI()'d'1·0· 1',c• ---n' ai1·, ,')pt;O-P n,-, the ,,r-l.,.e (~.F-D-;:~,,',r> 1/ii1'•1cr{"' ~ t,(,.u" ,_...,, ,_!Ji l (,. ._ ~ ~ . > ~i ... ~ ~/ .. ,._ ... us~- , .... ·~ .,_ ~~ ,;._b_,
Just steps fron1 the ~WC-st End discover the beautiful, rugged
Stanley Park, \.vhich occupies a peninsula of 1T101T than 1,000 un~
spoiicd acres of lush greenery, fi)rcsts of cedar ~1nd [)oug!as fir. sandy
beaches, and panorarnic n1aritfrne vistas.
20 Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT A1agazme
From here it's a short drive to North Vancouver, home to Grouse
Mountain ski area. For a great photo-op, stop by the nearby 450-
foot-long Capilano Suspension Bridge, which swings gently (for the
most part) 230 feet above the river below it.
Back in the city center, you'll find some of the city's best upscale
shopping along Robson Street, and you can enjoy a more historic
aspect of Vancouver by wandering through Gastown, the site of
Canada's transcontinental railroad terminus. The neighborhood
boomed throughout the late 1800s, foundered by the middle of this
century, and became a model for urban restoration in the '60s and
'70s. Today you can stroll along Gastown's main cobbled thoroughfare,
Water Street, past dozens of somewhat touristy shops and
Just a few blocks from Davie Village you'll find Yaletown, where
Vancouver's fine-arts-and-fashion elite have converted dozens of
early 20th-century warehouses into chic restaurants, galleries, and
shops (including the stellar gourmet food market, Urban Fare, an
excellent place to pick up picnic supplies). This hip district is also
home to the city's coolest hotel, the Opus, which also happens to be
one of North America's most gay-friendly addresses. 1his swank yet
unpretentious property with 96 rooms and suites is a favorite haunt
of visiting celebrities, who appreciate the super-efficient staff: boldly
designed rooms, and cool lobby lounge. Don't miss the hotel's
sensibly chic restaurant, Elixir, a postmodern vision of a Parisian
bistro noted for its brunches (try the duck hash with poached eggs
and sourdough bread) and superb contemporary cuisine, including
a knockout pan-roasted halibut with wild mushrooms and trufflemarjoram
Another cool Yalctown address for sophisticated chow and memorable
people-watching is Blue Water Cafe, whose speciaities include
a sampler of f0tir ceviches with salmon, halibut, rnna, and scallops,
and a wonderful entree of local sablefish caramelized with soy and
sake. A block away, slick Glowbal Grill & Satay Bar can be forgiven
for its slightly pretentious and gimmicky ambience, because this
plays turns out delicious food, including tequila lamb satay with
lime-mint glaze, and spaghetti with truffles and Kobe meatballs.
From Yaletown, you can catch a water taxi to Granville Island, once
the shipping and processing center for the city's logging industry,
and now yer another successful urban renovation with a mammoth
public market and many galleries and artisrs' studios.
It's a 15-minm:e drive east of the citv cemer to Commercial Drive,
a neighborhood thai:'s been reborn in i:he past decade as the cit/s
lesbian hub. Here you'll find several v,roman-owned shops, including
\X!omyn's 'Ware, the definite source: for women's sex coys, lube,
and fetish ',Near. Most afternoons anci evening:,;, you'll see cute dvkes
passing time at the neighborhood's several shabby-chic coffeeho'uses.
lhis is aiso a great area for affordable, he;,Jthfui cuisine. Exceilent
options indude globallv inspired Stella's Tap & Tapas Bar and Havana,
a grea, source for' deli~ious Larin-inf;sed far~.
Finally, if you're looking for some outside fun on a sunny day? rnake
i:he 20-minute drive to \\'est Vancouver to 'Wreck Beach, which is
right by the campus of the l}niversity of British Colun1bia. l'-lot
especia!iy sandy or accessible (you must hike down a steep l 00-foot
trail), it's the cit}'~'s only more-or-less sanctioned nude beach (at ieast
the illegalig.r of Jetting it all hang out is overlooked by authorities).
-n1c south end of""Wreck Beach (to get there ~Yilol.,v the for trail
vvww. ozarksstar: com
number 6) is predominantly gay, and depending on your vantage
point, the views from this secluded swath of sand can be amazing,
whether you're admiring nature - or naturists.
health ouu-eaoh pmvention educaflon7 Inc.
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the STAR 21
he reamhelmet
ould Emily Post
Recently, the CBS News \Vebsite posed the following hypothetical
scenario and question: "Strangers on a Plane: The stranger sitting
next ro you on a plane ieans over to reads your magazine, takes off
his shoes and socks, or keeps chatting when all you want to do is
nap. The guy in front of you cranks his seat all the way back, while
th: k!~ behind you kicks your seat. What's a polite passenger to
do'. ...
(PRWEB) September 12, 2006 -- Recent!v, the CBS News Website
posed the f<:!lowing hypothetical scenario.and question: "Strangers
on a Plane: l11e stranger sitting next to you on a plane leans over ro
reads your magazine, takes off his shoes and socks, or keeps chat~
i'.1g when all you want to do is nap. The guy in front of you cranks
n1s seat all the way back. while the kid behind you kicks vour seat.
What"s a polite passenger to do? ... " ·
Reporter Tracy Smith, aided by travel journalist Val D'Elia of
TravelWlth Val.com, offered some solutions on the Qune 24, 2006)
Sawrday Early Show. Val, who has endured her share of annoying
strangers on a plane, suggested that one solution to che problem was
~o make use of the Dreamhclmet.
Want the STAR delivered to your home or business?
12 issues for $26.95 will be mailed in a sealed envelope
the 1st of each month. Complete the form
below and send with a check or moneyorcler to:
Ozarks S1.l\R
5103 S. Sheridan Rd., #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
(Single Copies $3.00 per issue)
22 the STAR
Although the report suggested no specific reasons, it appears that average
air travelers of today are less likely to resemble Beaver Cleaver
and_family or Mr. Rogers, and more closely fit the profile of soccer
hooligans and players, or rapper wannabes and entourage. The
upshot is tha::, chances are, your fellow air passengers wi!l exhibit
less manners and grosser social graces than those of an eadier epoch,
when people sought the advice of Emily Post.
A changed view of air travel, from being something awesome and
novel, like going on a grear adventure, to being commonplace, like
riding the bus, may be partly to blame fur more hang-ioose social
behavior aboard. It also may be true that che average American really
does exhibit less well-mannered behavior, in any situation, than
his parents did.
On an airplane, you are a sort of captive participam. Situations can
occur at any time from which you might wish to make a gracefui
exit. So how can a Dreamhelmet save you from this kind of uncomfortable
social dilemma? ,
The Dreamhelmer is a combination sleep-mask pillow that blocks
!ighr and mufHes sound. It has sound-blocking foam sewed into the
pilk,w portion which covers the ears. The Drcamhelmer allows its
user to iean against the plane window or seatback (or uave!incr companion's
shoulder) and fa!] asleep. The pillow portion offer; s:rne
neck support. Secrer pockets located near the temple hide money,
valuables, foidable reading glasses, soft foam earpl~1gs (provided), or
an alarm watch so as not to oversleep.
Putting on your Dreamhelmet is like hanging out a ''Do Not
Disturb" sign. It is a polite, but effective, wav to let others know
you have retreated into your own space, no longer want to communicate,
and do want peace and quiet. It is not necessarv to do or sav
anything rude to anyone. It not only works for Val, b~r we think i;
is also what Emily Post would have done.
Dre:1mhelmet lets you sleep by blocking light with a generous sleep
mask and cradling your head in a soft cotton sound-blocking pillow.
Many amactive fabrics please all tastes. Dreamhelmets cost $29.95
plus $4.95 posrage The direct 24 hour telephone order number is
More OUT in Arkansas
A gay reading group forms,
by Amos Lassen
LITTLE ROCK, AR_Two years ago a group of gay men met and
organized "The Oscar Wilde Reading Group" which had several sessions
and then became defunct. When I moved to Little Rock after
Katrina, I tried to find a sense of communitv and whiie at Wordsworth
and Company Books, I noticed the ;nnouncement about
the reading group. I called and went to the next meeting. Little did
I know then, that this meeting was to be the last of the Oscar Wilde
group. I was determined that this was not going to happen. After
rwo unsuccessful attempts to get a group together, I finally decided
to hit the bars, the coffee shops and the bookstores and posted an
announcement of a new group to be formed. We finally met in
June--only 2 members of "Oscar Wilde' and a bevy of new faces
set up our organizational framework. Our first two meetings saw us
outgrow our meeting place at Sufficient Grounds in Hillcrest. So we
established the name "Literary Pride" and for our third meeting we
moved into one of the member's homes. 'We began our reading with
"Grief" by Andrew Hollerana book that explains that by grieving we
are keeping alive the memory of those we have loved and lost. Our
second book was ".My Lives" An Autobiography by Edmund White,
a tell ali no hoies barred life story of the pre-eminent gay writer alive
today as he took us on a whirlwind tour of his life as an out gay
Each member has the opportunity to choose a book and the choice
simply alternates from person to person. Reviews of new books appear
regularly at littlerockpride.com.
1be beauty of Literary Pride is that the group is completely independent
of everything else and aside from enjoying reading, we also
enjoy getting together and just talking. Friendships have been made
and the excitement that each meeting generates is exciting. The
books we read are mainiy just a jumping off point to rhe discussions
of matters that affect gay life today. It is such a wonderful feeling for
us to come toged1er with the sole purpose being our enjoyment of
being together.
This year Literary Pride will participate in the Arkansas Literary Festival.
For the first time, gay literature will be part of the festival and
we are presently working to bring authors imo Arkansas for the festival.
We have just received word that one of the finest gay authors
writing today will honor us by attending the Festival. ANDREW
HOLLERAN, author of the gay classic "Dancer from the Dance'' as
well as "Nights in Aruba" and "'The Beauty of Men".
lhe group is open to anyone ( regardless of sex:uaI orientation and
gender) who wishes to participate. The only expense you may
have is the price of the book and members get a discount at a iocal
bookstore. 'Xie are looking forward w a greac year of activity. More
information can be gained by dropping me a line at alassenamos@
yahoo.com. Membershio is alwavs ooen and we look forward to
~vekoming a!L • , '
"San Francisco searcher
roundbre ng
Stren hen
terns in HIVt1.
ents "
Study Featured in Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndromes August issue and Presented at 16th International
Worid AIDS Congress
TORONTO, CANADA_Micronutrient supplementation increases
CD4 count in HIV-infected individuals on highly active antiretroviral
therapy (HA.ART), according to a study published in the
August 15th issue of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndromes. These results were presented at the 2006 World AIDS
Conference in Toronto on August 14th.
The study, authored by Jon D. Kaiser, M.D., demonstrates tl1at the
patients adding a micronuuient supplement while taking HA.ART
are able to increase their CD4 cell count by 24%, compared to no
change in the placebo group. CD4 cells act ro protect the body
against viral, fungal, and protozoal infections. When an individual is
HIV-infected, the virus continually kills CD4 cells. Over time, the
body is unable to replace the lost cells and their number declines,
making the body more susceptible to infections.
With twenty years of HIV treatment experience, Dr. Kaiser has investigated
many antioxidant combinations. "There have been several
recent clinical trials which show HIV-infected patients who begin to
take micronutrient supplements have improved clinical
outcomes,'' said Dr. Kaiser. "This most recem study proves to the
medical community that micronutrient supplementation holds
significant promise as a vital part of standard medical
creatment for people with HIV/AIDS."
Success of antiviral therapy ro date has been limited by a wide range
of debilitating side effects. The micronutrient supplement tested was
also shown to decrease one of the common side effects of antiviral
therapy, peripheral neuropathy, by 42% compared to a 33°10 decline
in the placebo group.
"!he abiiity of this micronutrient formula ro strengthen the immune
systems of people wirh HIV/AIDS - at substantiallv lower cost than
tl1at of anti'...,iral medication could potentially stabilize the health
of millions of people in the developing world until access to antiretroviral
medications improves.
Co-authors indude Adriana M. Campa, Ph.D., Joseph P. Ondercin,
PA-C, Gifford S. Leoung, I,1.D., Richard F. Piess. Ph.D., and
Jvfarianna K. Baum. Ph.D. The scudv was funded by Bristol-Myers
TheSTAR 23

Salutation kittens and loyal love slaves! This mooch Uncle
Mikey recovers from a love affair of epic proportions. I mean
whew, that man was just too much. It was iike being at the
DQ and trying to take that extra dip, knowing your body,
just wouldn't handle it. I mean; it just was not right. While
appealing, some mountains just are not meant to be climbed.
Sadly, I had to cut chat stallion ioose, sending him back into
the wild. I hope he does not do any damage; ralk about putting
your eye out.
I bet the censors arc just on the edge of their seats. I guess, I do
sound a little like a prom date gone bad. That man of substantial
lovin' made more of an impression than I realized. Kitcens, I tried,
really I did. You just cannot gee a twelve in a size ten; I don'c care
how you work it.
Uncle Mikey here once more to spread his wisdom, thought provoking
views, and midnight iove to those who qualify. Yes, like a
true timeless treasure, Uncle is on the scene looking out for those
in Queerdom. Let's get to it as my eighth husband wouid say, the
romantically challenged to say the lease, But I digress.
Dear Uncle },1ikey,
I am an older gay man with 2 children. Because, I take care of
myself, most people do not realize my children are in college. At
my oldesr son's lase cdllege break, he brought home one of his frat
brothers. His friend was a Greek god and I could not stop acting
iike a high school girl around him. I chink he was enjoying
the attention and was flirting with me by the end of the first day.
Because I was so bothered by this beautiful young man, I could not
sleep. Around 2:00 AM in the morning. I recreated to the kitchen
to try to drown my sexual frustration in some orange sherbec.
'When I turned around from the freezer, there was my soP:s friend
in nothing but his birthday suit. I was so shocked; (dropped the
sherbet on the floor. He chuckled and told me that it was all right
that my son had told him all about me and that's why he was there.
he wanted to be with an older man that looked as good as I did. I
couid no longer concroi mvseif and p!ay·ed out mv ~ildesr famasv ,t A / ,-
right there in the kitchent with my son asleep upstairs!
26 theSTAR
I have never done anything like this before and am feeling
tremendously guilty for my lack of seif-control. I am also flattered
because of having a 23 year old come onto me. I am feeling like a
troll! Unde Mikey help! How do I handle this flood of emotions?
Scarcer Troll
Dearest ST:
Darling, troll, I think not. Greek Gods would not mingie; I see the
start of a player extraordinaire. As for the sleeping lamb. this is not
an issue; all were consenting, and aware. I imagine some more
than others however, that is just the icing the way I see it. Enjoy
and cherish the memory of your fling in the night, it shall keep you
warm on those blustery winter eves.
Smooches-Mikey ·
Honey, Uncle can tell you from personal experience, a Twink in the
twilight can keep those batteries charged for a forcnighr. Oh my
nerves, I must have another drink before we go on. I hope chat
houseboy of mine has those batteries charged by now.
Dear Uncle Mikey,
Mv bovfriend has friends who like to partv. He has asked me what
I ~ould think about attending a sex p;rty., where we would not intermingle;
simply perform rhe act in front of each other .. He thinks
this would be hoc, while I think I would be too self-conscious to
enjoy it. Should I do it, as he says it is my duty?
Sexually confused
Dearest confused,
Confused, about what to wear? Kitten, some are bold and risk
takers. The proposal could have been worse, however the decision
remains solely yours. You must decide what you are comfortable
with, making it know you are not going to participate in something
you do nor want. Often couples will find themselves at the road,
where the desires divide the mind. It is important to find a common
ground, where both desires addressed respectfully, allow
personal growth and majority.
Dear Uncle Mikey,
Do you know of any really good sex positions?
Dear Young one,
Do you know of any bad ones?
\'veil Kittens, I must take my ieave hmvever before I do remember
chis; Uncle's law in the sexu;l behavior- Harm none do what ye
wiii, do it well and thee wiil gee rhy fill. Safety comes before the
deed; wrap that meat before pumping chat steed. Smooches-Uncle
Mikey and Tiddles too!
Write to 1Jncic !vHkey at uncien1ikey4you@ao!.co1n
\¥ith those quandaries you dare not ask anyone else, take it to the
gay guru!
"The Laramie Project" A
Play About The Affect of
Mathew Shepard's Death.
Project," rhe ground-breaking drama by
Mo'ises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theatre
Project, will be performed by the William
Ing~ Center for the Arts Theatre Department
at Independence Community College,
Independence, Kansas.
Featuring an all-student cast, "The Laramie
Project" runs 1hursday through Saturday
Oct. 12-14 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday Oct.
15 at 2:30 p.m. at the William Inge 'Theatre
at ICC.
The Inge TI1eatre and the ICC is campus is
located south of the town of Independence.
From Main and I 0th Streets, proceed on
South I 0th Street for two miles and turn
right on Road 58. The thearre and campus
is on the right.
Scats mav be reserved by calling (620)
332-5492 and tickets will be hdd at the box
office for patrons until 20 minutes prior to
curtain, after which they are released for
general sale, Seating is general admission.
Tickets are $6 general admission.
"The Laramie Project'' premiered in 2000
and is the moving drama about the residents
of Laramie, Wyoming, and what rhey went
through following the 1998 murder of
Mathew Shepard, a gay college student.
Director is Perer Ellenstein, artistic director
of the Wiiliam Inge Cencer for the Arts.
Independence, Kansas, is located at the
iunction of Highways 75 and 160 in south~
ast Kansas. It is located 90 miles north of
Tulsa, 90 miles west of Joplin, 120 miies
south of Kansas City, and 120 miles southeast
The 2006-07 Mainstage seawn li1:: ICC
' · · ! 0 piays COfitlOUe Wlt 1 t1h._ e L•• 0 .n....1 C-d jv .. ..f 1u1 °~· -
Servant of Two \fasrers" Dec 7 - i 0 :md the
, 1 HT mus1ca1 r f appy E--;,d ,· • on ertola_ no re':-'.-.l:-"•
and Kurt Weill, March 15-18, 20<F. lhc
I(:C theater dcpartn1cnt b noted as one of
the outstanding r,;vo-year college thean:r
p·~ograms in th~ tvtid,vest. Spring 2006
~ ... ,,dua:rPs were accepted for transfer to lb~ Bo;to~ Conser:,axory, E1n.crson c:ol- ,''° g---· '•.. ""•p-hens c·O 1b1t •.g•c~. •..: tn r..1... .11.~ ,.. e r... t...,;,.1,a. ...., a. . 5, i..j, ,S-ch~;;i:;f th~ Arts~ Fo~ rnore inforn1ation:
Gay & Lesbian
History Month celebrated
at Missouri
State University
SPRINGFIELD, MO_Dudng October,
Gay & Lesbian History Month wiil ~e .
celebrated on the Missouri State Umvermy
Springfield campus.
Events are planned for the celebration,
including a reception honoring the second
birrhdav of OLGA (Ozarks Lesbian &
Gav Ar~hives), a discussion of health issues
aff~cti~g gay men ~nd le~bians, an ~~plor~tion
or how the M1ssoun State pub11e affaus
mission with its emphasis on communiry
building encourages or discourages mino~iry
inclusion, and an "out on campus" in wl11ch
students, staff, and faculty discuss life at
Missouri State for openly gay people.
With the inauguration of a new administradon
at Missouri State, gay people are
hopeful that this year's program will be
supported campus wide. Holly B:ggett,
History Professor and President ot Lambda
Alliance, one of the co-sponsoring organizadons,
said that she hopes 1',1issouri State will
adopc a new attitude toward gay peopl_e.
"1here is a sense for many reasons havmg to
do with diversiry, hiring and accreditation.
mainstreaming the University, and just common
sense, that the Administration is now
encourai:dng gay men and lesbians to be visible
and\o play an active role on campus."
In addition to rhe Lambda Alliance which
advocates fair treatment for gay and lesbian
neoole ar MSU, Gay & Lesbian History
}.fo~th is sponsored by the MSU History
Departmem, and the MSU College of Humanities
and P:1biic Affairs.
·r·h•·o«o·l, r:"}' & I "Sbi;,n History Month, .l -~ ....._!-,._1 •-_,~,, ~>,- r •• r
rhe U1;iversicv is folfiliing irs goai of seiking
;; produce civil and educated citizens in a
metropolitan co1n1nunity.
I=or rnore infr1nnation contact Holly
Pn.:sidcnt. Oifce; 417-836-5206
Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT ,i.,fagazine
Phone Home campaign!
WASHINGTON. DC_h's a campaign
to mobiiize fair-minded people everywhere
in the fight against the anti-~_GBT co~stitutional
amendments that will be on tl1e
November ballot in eight states: Arizona,
Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and \'?isconsin.
If vou come from or know anyone in any of
th;se states and surely you do then you can
take action today.
Just go to the campaign \Y/eb site, ww~w.
PhoneHome2006.org, where you'll find all
the tools you need to quickly and easily contact
vour relatives, friends, classmates and
for~er co-workers in these states and cell
them vou need them to do the right thing
on N~v. 7. You can also donate to the state
campaigns through this site.
Community for
Peopie living
()ur House. Too offers a variety of
activities for people v:ho are HI\/+ and
or living 'Nith A.IDS to heip combat the
social isolation that rnany of our
dE;f ~;~~}if ~::~1=ti:~;e ~~;~~-
and or Hving v.tith ,A.JDS "Nho cannot
afford to ourchase these iteff:s for
thernseh1~s. VVe invite anyone ;,vho
•Nould !Ike to voiunteer or provicit? fi~.
nanciai assistance to piease contact
us by phone 918--585-9552 or
Q Scopes
by Jack Fertig
"Don't argue, Leo - entertain!"
Mars is already a bit weakened and lacking focus in Libra,
although normally that sign makes him a better team
player. As he trines Neptune in Aquarius, hedonistic indulgences
come easily, but directed, productive activity is
harder. Yoga, martial arts, or other activities tied to balancing
spirit will help.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Your partner wants to spend
more time alone with you, but you're feeling more openly
social. There's time for both; be considerate of your partner.
If you're single and looking. try a sporting event. Having
some friends along could help the search.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Lately, you've been uncertain
about what you want to be when you grow up. You can
take some satisfaction that your current job - and especially
your ability to work with others - will eventually help you find
your way to the top.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Try out new and different
entertainments. Iranian movies? Dervish performances?
Kinky experiments you haven't gotten around to yet?
Something with a spiritual twist will be most interesting. Be
very open to new possibilities as they offer themselves.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Never mind the bedroom
- take the fun to the kitchen! There you can imagine brilliant
new uses foi some of the utensils, and find great ingredients
for fun. If you don't have privacy there, pack a picnic
LEO (July 23 -August 22): The more forcefully you express
your points. the more illogical they seem to others.
If you can argue effectively a!ong emotional lines, using a
dramatic style, your lack of logic may not matter. Better yet,
don't argue. Just entertain!
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Watch out for nervous
tension over any problem, especially money. Nothing
will be solved now. but you can get a sense of how to be
more effective working with others, which wiil he!p in the
long run.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): You're unusually energetic
and playfui these days. Be cautious: know your own
!imits and those of your playmates. You're sure to stumble
over them anyway, so just be careful that nobody gets hurt
and that necessary apologies are madei
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Either as a longterm
project or just for a few hours. make your bathroom
into a place of elegant pleasure where you can enjoy a
long, hot, relaxing soak. That's always a healing divertissement,
and now it's an absolute necessity!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): You have
a sudden burst of energy for either social activity or politics;
stick with the social. !n politics you'll oniy wreak confusion
now. But at other occasions, your whimsical touch should
prove a huge asset!
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): You need reassurance
about where you're going in life and why. A little
confusion is good if it opens you to deeper understanding.
Talk with your boss - or a professional - about your goals
and your purpose.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): You're craving
adventure, but what kind? Let it be an adventure in trust.
Try to give up being a control queen long enough to let a
friend iead you somewhere entirely new. That doesn't necessarily
mean sex, but don't rule it out!
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): One fish is swimming
toward mad !ust, the other toward quiet retreat. Invite your
sexiest friend(s) to an erotic retreat where you car.i alternate
games of strip Twister with meditation, massage, and
shared baths.
Testing appointmcm 4 '. 7-529-8480.
2902 E. 20th St.,
PO Box 4711
jopbn, fvio 64803
'...." .. \[1. .•.r,.T.l_ :: ·RD.,-1..!:. \.. . ·vi · 1,~,,_·,~· ,.1..'. JCe,. _.9 ·h ")(,\j ,r,\ d7. .. ''l
28 Advet1ising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Arkansas, Bentonville/Rogers (479)
NWA GLBT Ctr - - - www.nwaglbtcc.org- - - - - --479-586-1062
Barnes & Noble Bks - - 261 N. 46th St., Rogers- - -479-636-2002
Arkansas, Eureka Springs (479}
Diversity Pride Event - - - - - - - - - - - - -www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye View- - - - 36 N. Main- - - - - - - - - -479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante- - - - 309 W Van Buren- - - - - -479-253-8102
Henri's - - - - - - - 19 1i2 Spring St - - - - - - - - - - - -479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill- - - 105 E VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Swiss Holiday Resort- Hwy 62 at Hwy 23 So.- - - - 888-582-8464
Spexton- - - - - - - - 178 Spring Street - - - - - - - - -479-981-6060
Tiki Torch- - - - - - - - 75 S. Main Street- - - - - - - -479-253-2305
Tradewinds Lodge -141 W. VanBuren- - - - - - - - - 800-242-1615
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Common Ground Restaurant- - - 412 W. Dixon - 479-442-3515
Condom Sense - - - - - - - - 418 W. Dickson- - - - - -4 79-444-6228
Curry's Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-521-0009
Passages - - - - -930 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-442-5845
Pride Street Live- - 523 W. Poplar St-- - - - - - - - - - 4 79-587-0557
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave-- - - - - - - - - - - -479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- - - - - - -1004 1 /2 Garrison Ave- - - - - - - 4 79-783-9988
Red Rock City - - -917 N. "A" St. - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - - - 1010 E. Grand Ave - - - - - - - 501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - - - 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - - - 415 Main St- -North LR.- - - - - - - -501-244-0444
The Factory - : - - - - 412 Louisiana St.- - - - - - - - 501-372-3070
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club- - - - - - 384 Grant Ave. - - - - - - - - -785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- -1701 S. Broadway- - - - - - - - - - - - - -620-231-0938
River of Life Church.- -1709 N. Walnut- - - - - - - - -Service 11AM
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - - - - 316-682-5494
Priscilla's- - - - - 6143 W Kellogg Dr- - - - - - - - - 316-942-1244
Ciub Giacier- - - - - - - - - 2828 E. 31st South- - - - - 316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava (417)
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - - - - - -Sat Service-9:30AM
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
40th Street Inn- - -www.40thstreetinn.com- - - - - -816-561-7575
Concourse Park B&B - - 300 Benton Blvd - - - - - -816-231-1196
Hydes KC Gym & Guest Hs - \A.'\Nw.hydeskc.com - 816-561-1010
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - - - - - - - - - - - -816-561-0625
Missouri, Lampe (417)
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- - - - - 424 Boonville Ave- - - - - -- - - - - - 417-831-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical- - - - - - - - -417-869-3978
Martha's Vineyard- - 219 W Olive - - - - - - - - - - - 417-864-4572
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid (580)
Hastings Books- - - -104 Sunset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-242-6838
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - -4810-A West Garriott- - - - - - - 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton (580)
lngrids Bookstore- - - - -1124 NW Cache Rd- - - - - -580-353-1488
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - - - - - - - POBox 1515, - - - - - McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642- - - - - -405-495-1111
Blue Dog Liquor- - - - - - -4015 N. Penn - - - - - - - - -405-606-7000
Boom Room- - - - - - - 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - - - - -405-601-7200
Border's Books- - - - - - 3209 NW Expressway- -- - - 405-848-2667
CD Warehouse- - - - - - 4001 N. Penn - - - - - - - - - - 405-525-7766
Club Rox- - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Christie's Toy Box- - - - -3126 N. May Ave - - - - - - - 405-946-4438
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave- - - - - - -405-672-6459
Hollywood Hotel- - - - 3535 NW 39th Exp - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Hi-Lo Club - - - - - - -1221 NW 50th- - - - - - - - - - - -405-843-1722
Naughty But Nice - - - - 3121 SW 29th St- - - - - - - -405-681-5044
Partners- - - - - - - - - 2805 NW 36th St - - - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Pec's- - - - - - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expw - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St- - - - - - - - - - - 405-525-5165
Rudy's Place-- - - - -3535 NW39th Expw- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Phoenix Rising - - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - -- - - - - -405-601-3711
The Park- - - - - - - - 2125 NW 39th St - - - - - - - - - -405-528-4690
The Rockies- - - - - - 3201 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- - - 3535 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Tramps- - - - - - - - - - - -2201 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - - -405-521-9888
Ziggy's- - - - - - - - - - - - 4005 N. Penn- - - - - - - - - - -405-521-9999
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- - - -7204 E. Pine - - -- - - - - - - - - -918-836-8700
Border's Book Store- - - 2740 E. 21st- - - - - - - - - - - 918-712-9955
Border's Book Store - - - 8015 S, Ya!e - - - - - - - - - - 918-494-2665
Club 209 - - - - - - - 209 N. Boulder - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Majestic- - - - - - - 124 N. Boston - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Maverick- - - - - 822 S. Sheridan - - - - - - - - - -9i8-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- - - 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - - - - - - - -918-834-1051
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 5545 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge- - - 11730 E. 11th- - - - - - - - - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic- - - - - - - 3540 E. 31st- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-749-8378
Jazz's Lounge- - - - - - 426 S. Memorial - - - - - - - - - 918-836-8544
Midtown- - - - - - - - - - 319 E. 3rd- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-3112
Nite Spot - -- - - - - -3007 E. Admiral Pl - - - -- - - - - - 918-834-3007
Openarms Youth Projt- - - 2015 S. Lakewood- - - - -918-838-7104
Our House, Too - - - -203 N Nogaies Ave- - - -- - - - -918-585-9552
Priscma·s - - - - - - - - -7925 E 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscii!a's - - - - - - - - 5634 W. Ske!iy- - - - - - - - - - - 918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - - - - - - 1134,1 E. 11th - - - - -918-438-4224
Priscii!a's - - - - - - - - - 2333 E. ?1st- - - - -- - - - - ~918-499-1661
Renegades- - - - - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Rob's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- - - - - - - 918-627-1505
St Michaels Aliev- - - - - -3324-L E 31st- - - - - - - 918-7 45-9998
Sterling & Co. Sa!on- - -1606 E.15t!l St.-· - - - - - - 918-742-9999
Titan's Lounge - - 6373-C E 31st St- - - - - - 9rn-836-0299
Tulsa CARES· - - - 3507 E. Admira! Pl- - • - - - - - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Central Library•• - - 400 Civic Center• - - 918-596-7977
Tulsa Eagle· - • - -1338 E. 3rd • - •· - • - - - • - - - -918-592-1188
TNT's - - - - - - • 2114 S. Memcriai- - • - - •· - • - 918-660-0856
YeHow-Brick-Rd- - 2630 E. 15th- - - - - - c, - 918-293-0304
\\~~;~i#~~~:,?~:'.f?;~~¥#~,~?~~ .~i~~~~g,t~?:,~listdbutt\ ~1r~.E ~1:>pJes of ,d:t .~Ti~R, .. contact us at 91 itS35;7887 9anito 4pm mon - fri or email: ozaiksstar@sbcglobaLnet 29

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New and Historic Homes forS~le and Rent.
Walk to Brady Arts District, Shovis,
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For more info Go to:
1st Annual Gala Celebration
"Linking Togei:her as One"
Friday, Deceinber 15th, 2006 7:00
P.1'.1. Clarion Inn Favettevi!le
1255 So. Shiloh, Fayetteville AR
72701 , '
For more informacion:
Nj55 lorch Tulsa USofA
October 27th, 2006
Openarms Youth Project
Calling all Contestants
Entry fee $50.00
Official Prelim. to
Miss Oklahoma USofA
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or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
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Get results with STAR Classifieds!
Sunday Champaqne Brunch
All you can eat soup and salad bar l lam-2pm
Monday & Tuesday
Well Martinis $2.50 4pm-7pm
Best Prime Rib in Town'
Friday & Saturday Nights
Bar favorites, restaurant favorites and many
new items for your enjoyment pleasure
* Plus tax, excludes suites
,.; -
\ 1
Sun 7pm - 2am,
Tues-Thurs 7pm-9pm wear your leather
and get your well drinks for $2.50
Sun Thur, 7pm-2am
Fri and Sat, 4pm-2am
Rudy's Place is a non-smoking
Early for cocktails. late for a night cap
With Whitney Paige
Wednesday Nights with Taylor Brayns
Sign up at 9:30pm, Starts at 10pm
Finals Audience Votes (the more people
you bring the more votes you get)
Saturday Nights
with Shantel Mandalay at l 0pm
Friday. Oct. I >th & 27th at 9:30pm
Sunday Novei11ber J 2. 2006
I st Prize: $1,000.00 PLUS $500.00 credit
towards Kayne Original Gown

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2006] The Star Magazine, October 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/242.