[2006] The Star Magazine, July 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 7
[2006] The Star Magazine, July 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 7
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd.
July 01, 2006
C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
John Patrick
Micheal Dee
Kay Massey
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Micheal Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
Teresa Goodrich
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
John Patrick
Micheal Dee
Kay Massey
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Micheal Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Victor Gorin
Teresa Goodrich
The Star Magazine, June 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 6
The Star Magazine, August 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 8
The Star Magazine, August 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 8
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
To Our Tulsa Pride Festival
TULSA, OK_ \Xlhat a rantastic turn out for Tulsa Pride held June
10, 2006. In spite of the sweltering heat thouFands turned out to
celebrate Tulsa's "Pride Not Prejudice" Festival. Thanks to th& hundreds
who stopped by the STAR booth to say hello and to those
who entered our Pride Give-A-Way drawing.
The $40.00 Gift Certificate donated by Earl Wheeler of Glenpool
Flowers and Gifts in Glenpool, OK who has served the Tulsa
Metro area for 22 years went to Tom Votaw of Tulsa.
A 540.00 Gift Certificate from St. Michael's Alley Restaurant, a
wonderful dining experience located at 3324L E. 31st Street in Tulsa
was won by Da\·id Bryan of Tulsa.
The RCA DVD Player contribution from Michael Leach and the
STAR went ro Aaron Christensen of Tulsa. Thank you 1ficnael for
all your help and contributions.
Ralph Smith's name was drawn for the free 1 year subscription ;:o
the STAR.
( 1 ) - 6
l2roudly serving 1UJsa & OKCls (Jl.,B''f communities since 198
Arkansas & Oklahoma's Most Read GLBT Magazine.
Responds to lnhofe
· "No Gay" Claims
(\'.\'edm.:sday,June -::, 200:j)
"As you see here, and I think this is
maybe the most important prop we'll
have during the entire debate, my wife
and I have been married 47 years.
We have 20 kids and grandkids. I'm
really proud to say that in the recorded
history of our family, we've never had
a divorce or any kind of homosexual
-United States Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
"Championing family values means more
than repeating rhetoric. It means that we
must value ail members of the American
family," said Jo Wyrick, NSD Interim Executive
Director. "I remember being taught
by scripture that love is kind, it does not
boast. Unfortunately, the Senator's words
were nor kind and through his boasting,
Senator Inhofe has further demonstrated
that Republicans are choosing to only offer
political rhetoric designed to appease campaign
donors rather than serve to actually
secure the stability of the family."
Senator Inhofe made his statements late
yesterday on the floor of the United States
Senate as pan of a Republican effort to
lobby public opinion on the issue of the
Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA)
which the Senate will vote on today. The
measure is expected to fail, and is opposed
by the majority of Americans according to
recent opinion polls.
Tnis is not the first time tha~ Senator Inhofe
i:tas issued aggressive anti-gay srarements
from the Senate. In 2004, the Republican
from Oklahoma made it clear to reporters
that he ·.,ouid never hire an openly-gay
Republican. Responding to allegations rhat
a member of his staff was g:w, Senator
Inhofe toid the C:iicagc Trib~.ne that the
allegations were fab:e since he wouldn'~ hire
a gay applicant .a due to the possibility of a
conflict of agenda.''
J\i2ny prornioent Republicans have been
noted t(J include openly-gay members
of their imn1ediate family including 1/ice
Alan Keyes.
the STAR 5
What Does Pride
Mean to You?
Every June, the debate begins: Is Gay Pride still imponant? Do we
need the parades and festivals? Is a month to celebrate homosexualitv
really necessary? Many claim that these public dispiays of all
thi~gs ga)· do more· harm than good. Yet, in these times of widespread,
government-sanctioned homophobia, pride events are more
popular rhan ever. What gives?
The simple answer may be that pride is empowering. Many gays
and lesbians feel isolated in a heterosexual world, bur pride eYents
remind rhem that the\· are far from alone. Being surrounded by
thousands of other p~ople like them is an affirming feeling.
The answer really isn't that simple, rhough. The truth is pride means
different thine:s ro different people. Pride doesn't last for only one
monrh a vear ~and it isn't always about waYing a rainbow flag. \'l~'ith
this in mind, I decided to inte~iew four young, openly gay men.
The conversarions were informal and far from scientific, but I discovered
some interesting similarities in their answer~.
Ley came out between the ages of 13 and 14, Brandon at 14, Matt
at 15, andJonarhan at 17. All four boys reported that thefd always
;ust know rhev were gav from their earliest memories. "I ngured J • V 0
something was different around fifth grade," Ley explained, "but
didn't put a word ro it umil sixth or sevenrh grade, and didn'! accept
that it really applied to me unril eighth grade.''
Their experiences are far from unique. According to Caitlin Ryan,
director of adolescent health initiative~ at San Francisco State
Universirv, who is conducting a long-term study of gay, lesbian, and
bisexual youths and their families, the average age for coming out
is dropping at a rapid rate. For many years, most gay men came out
between the ages of 19 and 23. Some srndics report that age has
dropped ro 14, and it's getting younger ail tl>e time.
A recent Time Magazine article offered more insight. Forty vears
ago, most gay males said they knew :hey were gay at age 14. Mal?
teens today say they've known since they were at least 10 years old.
What bro ugh~ about tJ::iis drastic drop? Experts disagrez on_ t~e
details, but most agree it's a resuit of incrca5ed exposure. K;cts are
aware of what it means to be gay much car:ier today ti1an m d:e
past. That means, as Ley described, they are able to put a name to
their feelings of being differe<J~ at rou!1ger ages.
:\fatt said he had labeled himself ··gav'' by the time he was 10. Still,
e"',rcn in his case "lvherc he had no quahns about gay, it rook
him five vcars to come out \'\fhy th<: delay?
E,\'en though kids are ccnning to terms '\.Vith their sexuality a.t n1uch
:~,:~~~: :::~, (:~,:~:;: t::!~onside/~h:
;i!:::;~:~e,:/f it's s~;;:n~:r
and fan1ily., thlnk ho\\' rnuch harder it is for a young teen. ,..rhc
prospect of getting kicked our of your horne ar t".vel .. \,~t· or thirteen i~:.
rnuch more young
"! was just sick of holding the secret in;' Matt told me. "It felt like
a giant weight on my shoulders that was constantly forcing me to
lie and cheat the people I loved. I finally cold myself that people's
opinion of me might change, but only for the better. The friends
that I might iose (which happened ro be none, rhankfully), would
nor be missed because they obviously did not love me in the way
that I loved them.''
Jonathan, who brags he was almost kicked out of first ~ade for
kissing a boy, came out for similar reasons he wanted to be honest
with his friends about who he was dating. "I didn't want to be
someone who couldn't be happy about a date and giggle with my
friends because I wasn't out. I wamed rhem to cheer me on, and tell
me that it ,vas gonna be fun, and ask me questions about the guy."
Brandon boiled it all down to a simple: "It just felt right."
The key to each of these boys coming out at such an early age was
pride. They were confident enough in who they were to share that
with those around them. W1rnt I found most interesting, however,
was the way pride :neant something slightly different to each of
To Ley, it meant not being scared ro be who you are.
for Brandon, being proud meant standing up for a worthy cause.
To him. pride was more about celebrating our accomplishments and
looking forward to where we want w be.
Jonathan took a more personal approach. "Pride means living life
- with all its obstacles and hardship and stereotypes and still have
the abil.itv to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're still
here. No· matter who vou love or what brand of clothing you use to
define yourself, nothi~g can change you. You are you -- and if I can
say that to myself, that's pride."
Matt's response perhaps best sums up the changing attitudes about
pride. "Pride, for me, is a very important thing. No matter what
asoect it is, you have ro be proud of who you are. If they had
an' "Americ~n Mutt" Pride Month, or a "Brown Hair and Brown
Eves" Pride Month, I'd be out waving my flag. Gay Pride Month
i/no different. It's ;us;: another aspect of myself, a tiny portion of
·Nhat makes me unique. r\ lot of peopie don't see the necessiry of
gav pri~11 e b ecausc 1· r t,s e1' rh er too out t h ere (.t o o queeny, •, oo " g ay " ,
wi1atever), or it's not necessary because throwing a rainbow flag
around doern't accomplish anything. Bu~ being proud of who you
a:e is1,'t nccessarilv about proactively accorr:plishing something. h's
about letting the public know that you are happy with yourself aad
cvernl:ing about \"<>u. But it's not reaiiy about other peop:e I'm
1Jro,~d of ·:,,.+10 I a~. reg-ardless oi h<Jw others feel. Cnfortunatdy,
I\·~ become ·-:en· mud; rer:10.-ed from a lot of the "traditioaal'' gay
pnde. l no longer attend the meetings of the Pride 1\lliance at my
... nor d\) I 1;articioate in the Pride Parades. lt's not that Pm no
longer proud -- l;elt I'~ here and I'rn queer, baby! Ifs much more
ab(;{Jt the fiicr that rm at a po1nt in 1ny life .., vhere rm trying to ~:~);:~:;n other ~::~:.~c;:~~:dl~;:s;:~·r!:Y:~:~ll:,!;}~t;~~;v~~~~ ::~ ;;~~
0 Advettising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Heart to Heart
Pride means many things to different
people. The parades and festivals are still
meaningful to many, while others prefer a
more personal approach. \Vhatever it means
to you, find a way to celebrate it!
* Tulsa Rough
Riders Fundraise
TULSA, OK_Tulsa Rough Riders through
various fund-raising events during ;:he
month of June raised $236.00 for charity.
The events proceeds will be given to St.
Joseph Residence organization of Tulsa. St.
Joseph Residence is an assisted living cemer
for low income people living with AIDS.
The group presented the proceeds to the
Director of St. Joseph Residence during
Pride Month 2006.
Tulsa Rough Riders recently presented
"colors" to the Tulsa Eagle, making it
the "HOME" bar for the club. \'fay to go
"Homophobia is
a crime,"
An estimated 2.4 miliion peopie took to
the streets of Sao Paulo (wer :he weeicenci
to celebra:e the Brazilian city's 10th annua]
Gay Pride paracie, the Associated Pres~
l~he thetne for this year's event \Vas ''J:iomophobia
i~ a ,. to highiight propo,ed
anti-discrin1ination la~.vs. Discritnination is
still widespread across Brazil. Eighty-enc
Brazilians '\Vere ki!led 1a~t ';:,7ear because of
their sexual orientation} activ'"ists say,
Proposed la,;;vs vlou]d aHo\v san1e-sex civil
uni~ns throughout Brazil; are nu\1,~
permitted ortly in the southernmost state of
Rio CJrande do Sul.
Salt Lake City
Police Set Up
Recruiting Booth
at Gay Pride Event.
by Tonya Papanikolas
SALT LAKE CI1Y, UT_From baton-like
performers to floats that encouraged wlerance,
the Gay Pride parade was a colorful
"The parade is a chance for people to get
up and express who they are in a very public
Law enforcement agencies were there not tO
keep the crowd under control, rather they
used the festival as a recruiting wol.
For severai years now, police officers and
gay community members have joined
together to work on a public safety committee
that addresses issues of understanding
between the two groups, but this is the first
time police agencies have formally recruited
at a Gay Pride event.
Police officers told us they've traditionally
been weak in recruiting from the gay
and lesbian community and they want this
community w feel comfortable with law enforcement.
To do that, they say gay, lesbian,
bisexual and cransgender people need to be
The Gav Pride Festival ar the Citv and
County ·building boasted music, food and
a lot of different vendors. This year, police
officers wanted a booth.
Capt. Kyle Jones, Salt Lake Police Department:
"The iirsr purpose is to let the gay
and lesbian communitV know that police departmen~
s in this valley are gay-friendly. Our
:,econci purpose is to do some recruiting."
Seven different police departments and
dispatch centers sent representatives to give
out information and talk t0 people about
iobs manv in the g·;r,1 and lesbian community
have traditionaliy·;b\ed av.-:-ay from or feit ~
locked out of.
Brian Reeder: ''The police force, it's gener~
lly somethi?g y::;u don~t _fe~l is frien~ly rt)
the gay< and 1esb1an populanon. But tney
seern to be. S<J that7s a
Capt.. Kyie Jones: "I think t'.1ere's an impression
that police officers are homophobic.
Years ago that may have been the case,
but it's not tl1e case now.''
The booth drew a lot of people curious to
see what police were doing there.
Todd Crane: "I think it's awesome. I think
we need to have more community im-olvement
with the police."
Others were truiy interested in law enforcement
jobs. Terry Reid: "I'd apply. I'd apply
for a dispatcher."
Brian Reeder: "Now that I know they're
willing to openly accept gay and lesbian
people, it's definitely a career option I
wouldn't rule out."
Terry Reid: "I applaud them. That's great.
That is great. I think we need to break down
these walls and get diversity"
The police departments say the more gay
and lesbian officers they have working for
them, the more the gay community will feel
its issues are represented. Police want ro
send a clear message.
Capt.. Kyle Jones: "We don't care about
who you are or who your partner is. We care
about, can you do good police work?"
The festival coordinator said that the Gay
Pride movement began in New York in
1969 when gay people got fed up with
police harassment in bars and started rioting
and fighting back. So, he said to haYe officers
here at the Festival this year sho-ws how
far the reiationship has come.
Quotable Quotes
In ]\iash-,-ille, 16 billboards went up \Vtth
this quote: '-(Jay and lesbian people have
families, and their families should haYe
protections, v.rhether by marriage or civil
union. :\ constitmionai amendment banning
sarne~sex marriages is a forrn of g;.1y bashing,
and it '\Vou}d do ar all ro ntotect
traditional marriages."' ...... .
Coretta Scott King 2004
theSTAR 7
Con atulation to andy Cayne,
by Greg Steele
Photo's by Chaz
; .::::::/ ,:,
. TULSA, OK_Held at Club Majestic in Tulsa, OK, this years
· · Miss Oklahoma Continental pagaent wasn't just another
· drag show. With the Eiffel Tower as a back drop, the show
. had a definite Gay Parisian theme. The opening number
· displayed more feathered ladies than the Moulin Rouge.
.. It was quite spectacular! The five contestants competed
· in four categories. Talent, Swimwear, Evening Gown and
. · Cayne, a native
Tulsan residing
in Dallas, TX
swept three of
· the four catego-
. ries with Mendigan
!man Star
winning a well
deserved talent
· trophy.
Mendigan Iman
Star from Arkan-
. sas won First Alternate.
Alternate winner
was Mya Mokha
· Iman from Oklahoma.
A special award was given to Tulsa's own Miss G~y
Oklahoma America 2006, Tabitha Tayior for the best
show production, an episode of Twisted Theatre. ·
Billed as the most fascinating pageant in Oklahoma, the
Miss Oklahoma Continental Pageant is open to contestants
from all states to compete. Contestants in this
years show hailed from Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma.
The pageant is a franchise of JF Enterprises of Chicago
Illinois and is in it's 27th year. Oklahoma Continental is
owned and operated by promoters James and Monica
Freeman of Tulsa.
If you missed this years show it will be avaiiable on DVD
soon. The 2004 and 2005 pageants are currently available
on DVD and can be purchased through the website
listed below,
Previous years Oklahoma Continental winners were:
Miss & Mr. Oklahoma Continental 2005 - 2006
Ebony Hall - Daniel Xavier
Miss Oklahoma Continental P!us 2004-2005
Domonique Daniels,
For more information visit the Miss Oklahoma Continental
website at: www.okcontinental.etechsolution.ca
Ph,;t;J L.·fL w Right. ;'\[iss Oklahoma r:cntmental 2005 !fall, ~\f1,,
( lldai1om:, Conrinentii 2006 "Kandy Cavne'·, ,'\,f1s, Continentai 0i2.::ionaL 21;!1!,
"Dunani(pe Shappelle"
By Kay Massey
Springfield Pride Block Party, Photo by Teresa Goodrich.
BENTONVIILE, AR~The Northwest Arkansas (N\X'A) GLBT
Community Center, a newly formed community outreach organization
in Bentonville/Rogers, decorated their van for the drive from
Rogers, AR to Springfield, MO on June 18th to prove their community
pride, as ,;veil as to advertise Springfie!d1s Pride Festival tl1at
ended pride week "'Nith a bang . .l\. Block Par~y was staged on
Commercial street which is also the location of the Gay and Lesbian
Community Center of the Ozarks (GLO). The event was well
attended by over 2,000 people. There were drag Icing and queen
shows all day long. Some of the speakers addressing the crowd
were the Mayor of Springfield Thomas J.. Carlson and Midge Potts,
a transsexual running for US Congressional seat in Missouri's 7th
district against Roy Blunt, as well as many others.
'While all of the action was going on in the street, inside the Gay
and Lesbian Community Center of the Ozarks (GLO) a silent
auction was being held to financially support the Center. Another
fund raiser earlier in the week for the GLO Center, by Queen City
Cab3:tet. Queen City Cabaret brought in $8,000 for the community
center. The money will be used for the organization's operating
The GLO Center took over the Annual Pride festival recentiy after
ShoMeMoPride, the previous organizer, went defunct and turned
the Festival over to the GLO Center. The GLO Center and Springfield
MO Pride coordinated efforts to put on one heck of a show
this year in support of Springfieid Pride.
NWA GLBT Community center had a large banner for e,eryone
in attendance to sign as a pledge of suppor: to t,'Je GLO Center
for the nexr 12 months. The banner was filled ',virh signatures by
attendees throughout the day and \Vas presented to the centers nev.r
Director Bill Harmon by Kay Mas$ey and CaroI Ri,;crs, Co-Directors
of the NWA GLBT Commi.:.nity Center, at the end of the
event. The banner ~~vill hang inside of the GLl) (:enter until next
:fear's Pride Event as a reminder of Pride 1n Springfield, and as a
pledge of support tcJ the GL() CenteL
Be seen with the SIAR, Advertise with us! 9
by Libby Post
JULY 2006
TWO Is Better Than, "Won"!
If Wayne Besen has his way, the "ex-gay" myth will be no more.
The author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals
and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth_ launched a new organization
recently, Truth Wins Out (f\X'O), at the National Press Club in
\'vashington, D.C Named as a direct challenge to the Love Won
Out conferences sponsored by Focus on the Family, 1WO's mission
is to expose the lies and deceit of the "ex-gay" movement and to
strip the Radical Christian Right of its "love the sinner, hate the
sin" facade.
"The ex-gay ministry is the heart and the Achilles heel of the
Christian Right," Besen told me in a recent interview. "They use
these ministries - like Exodus International to shield their hate.
By [TWO] showing the ex-gay movement for what it really is, the
Christian Right wiil have to return to fire and brimstone. We want
Americans to know this is a hoax like selling swampland to senior
citizens in Florida. Right now it's a monologue, and they're doing all
the talking. We're going to make our ,·oices heard to the American
people loud and clear."
With the White House in the pocket of the Radical Christian Right,
the rhetoric of "ex-gayness" has become a GOP political truth.
\'vhen Bush held his press conference in early June to push for the
Marriage Protection Amendment, which would codifv discrimination
into the U.S. Constitution, Alan Chambers, Exoclus' president,
and Randy Thomas, its director of membership, stood by his side.
Their presence increased and solidified the political capital of their
lies and deception.
In a press release issued after being invited to the Wnite House but
before tl1e oress evem;,Chamoers said, "The lives of thousands of
former homosexuals, like me, verifv that homosexualitv is not an
immutable trait, therefore marriag; is not a civii right r~ be casuaily
granted to any group who demands it. Nor is it a rdationai right of
passage w Ix: awarded to those demonstrating a comrnitted, emotionai
bond. t;bmatdy. tbs debate is about nothing !es, than tile
preservation of future gcnerations.H
~' 01;1~one needs' :. ~o 1l et ('' • . • • 'd' r .. ~nam.bers 1n o~ a secret - \Ve~ve: bec~1 a~ 1ng
to tuture generations tor qu1te some nme no\V :and haYe r:.1.1sed son1e
1~J1 ;(:~ !'.:;;~~:~:t:l~:~d
that deny gays and lesbian$ \vho are out and proud the abiJity to
\Valk do,vn the aisle? Belie\'(' rnc., I7rn for him Ch·1rnber~; i:.::
one of those folks \vhosc I,,(;J~T
re;.-okc iong ag<;,
10 the STAR
card I'd h,ri.'c liked to
But it seems to me that Chambers is realh- it!St a cioseted bisexual
clearly, he can do it with men and wom~:1, - and that's his prerogacive,
But by telling gay men and lesbians that we can enjoy "freedom
from homosexuality through the puv.rer of Jesus Cl:rist:' and bv
making a political crusade our of it, he has crossed ~t proYerbia:
line in the sand and needs to be met '.vith equal ferocity.
TWO and Besen are definitely up w that task.
"I think we need to get a lot more aggressive in tl1e movement,''
said Besen. "\Ve hai.e a tendency to ignore the attacks under the
premise of raking tl1e high road. I think our community is fed up
with being swift-boated [a referen,ce to how John Kerry's campaign
was sabotaged bv Republican operatives who claimed to be Viet
Nam vets and undermined the senator's war record].
"TWO is the group that will fight back. We'll make sure our community
cannot be collectively character-assassinated," said Besen.
"\Ve wam to be rhe war room for our movement to resnond to the
Radical Right." •
Right now, TWO is just Besen and some volunteers \vho soend
their rime researching and gathering the information they ~vill
need to continue to debunk rhe fallacy of ex-gayness. He intends
to move the operation to Washington, D.C., bur keep his-present
Miami office so he can maintain what he calls "the Florida turnpike
connection" between T\"(10 and Exodus' headquarters in Orlando.
Not wanting to become an LGBT organizational behemoth, 1WO
still needs to be supported by rhe community go to www.truthwinsout.
org, watch some of the unbelievable video clips of "ex-gay,"
born-again therapist Richard Cohen, and then click on "contribute"
and do the right thing.
"Truth Wins Out will put a laser-like focus on this issue things will
happen because we cause them to."
Spoken like a man who believes in the poy;er of the LGBT community
a power that still has not been fully realized, but with Besen's
help will stop the insanity of people nati!1g themselves because of
whom they love. When tl:at happem, then love and truth reallv do
win! ·
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the STAR 11
th" ampa~ n
New Epidemic
NEW YORK, NY_On rhe discovery of
AIDS 25th anniversary in June, the gay
community is grappling with a new epidemic
a dramatic increase in the use of what
many consider to be the most dangerous
drug in the United Stares Crystal Meth.
In an effort to combat abuse of this highly
addictive drug,
New York
City's Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual
& Transgender
(the Center)
the launch
· of a new ad
campaign with
the message:
"Silence= Meth."
The phrase "Silence=Meth'' is a slightly
modified but equally haunting reinterpretation
of ACT UP's famous "Silence=Death"
campaign during the 1980s AIDS crisis,
when posters bearing the words
"Silence=Death'' were plastered throughout
New York City. The posters became a wakeup
call to action for those most vulnerable
to AIDS - gay and bisexual men.
"Twenty-five years ago our community refused
to be siiem about AIDS," said Richard
Burns, Executive Director of r;1e Center.
'Just as the ACT UP caippa;gn a;erted tl1e
gav community to AIDS in the 1980s and ✓ ✓
90s, the Ce;:iter's 'Silence=Meth' campaign
will focus attention on the danger of Crystal
Meth and what the entire community mt.st
do to he'.p prevent abuse and addiction to
,his drug."
1\ffecting all races, age~ and sexual onent:.1~
cions, <:rystal IV1eth is a po\\.·erful rnood •alteriag
stimulant that has been ~weeping
through com1nunitics across the United
States" In Niarch 2006, (~ongrcss passed the
(~ombat r"letharnphctamine 1\ct, ,..vhich restricts
the sale nf nver--the-courner coJd and
cant pseu<loephcdrinc~ an
12 the STAR
med to illegally manufacture Crysta! Meth.
Although seizures of "Moonshine Metn"
labs ha,-e slowed slightly under the new law,
the drug still holds a right grip on many
commwtities across the country including
New York's community of gay and bisexual
"The ACT
UP ads put
our government
notice that
the gay
and lesbia!1
would no
longer tolerate
its silence
on the
of AIDS.
Today, we
need to keep talking within our community
about hm01 co address rhc impact of meth
use and we also need to hold government
accountable for giving us the necessary
resources to effectively implement meth
prevention and ,reatment," said Barbara
Warren, the Center's Director for Organizarional
Development, Planning and Research.
"Crvstal fvieth nor only affects the user, but
eve;vone in the user's iife friends, family,
cow~rkers, community and society. No one
can afford to be sile:1t about Me:h."
"The 25-year separation of rbe t\vo campai<'
ns is panic;.;.larlv relevant because the
epidemic; are so ci~>sely connected;· Burns
said. ''The relationship between Crysta!
;\!eth and HIV/AIDS has become clearer
o;·er the past fevv years with studies showing
that Crvstal Meth u~ers are :11ore likely w
engage· in unsafe sex and that f1 IV-:___positive
n,1:.::n are 1nore likely to use: c:rystaJ ,~..,,feth."
In a 2006 survey of gay and bisexual 1ncn in
approxitnatcly one in four
indicated the use of C:rystal ~feth in the period
of srx r11onth$ pnor to tlie assessn-1(~nt
In a "~.,, •. ,n,• 0
In addition to its counseling services, the
Center has addressed the Crystal Meth crisis
through its community forums, education
campaigns, public polic~ advocacy efforts,
and independent research. Congress demonstrated
in 2005 its support of tr..e Center
by allocating federal funds for the expansion
and enhancement of the Center's Crystal
J\Ieth prevention and counseling programs.
The announcement of the "Silence=Jvfeili"
campaign came just before June's National
Gay Pride Month - an event marked by the
annual parade through New York City on
the last Sunday of the month.
New Nutrient-Based
Approach Shows
Promise Against
Deadly Bird Flu
Clinician and Researcher Dr. Tim Guilford
is investigating a promising new treatment
for bird flu, which has potential for substantially
reducing the mortality rate associated
with H5N1 infections. Dr. Guilford explains
his strategy in layman's terms during
interview with Dr. Shoshana Zimmennan of
Bird Flu Beacon.
Los Altos, CA (PRWEB) June 6, 2006 -One
of the main causes of concern about
HSNl Avian Influenza (bird flu) is that
approximately 1/2 of the confirmed cases
have died. Experts attribute this mortality
rate to an unfortunate immune response
called a "cytokine storm." This ofte:1 fatai
side-effect is triggered when a virus gets
past ~he frontline defenses and rhe immune
system over-reacts. Dr. Guilford iikei;s this
occurrence to urban v,1arfare, in \Vhich the
,veapon:.-; used to take our the enemy also
inflict hca·v}~ civilian casualties. •~"Without
instructions tc back <Jff, the immune system
not only destroys the virus but the tissues
around the virus, causing such acute respiratory
distress (/tR~DS) that the i1ninunc sysrcrn
can readily kill the infected indi\tidual as
..._-,,.~eJi as the ,-irus.'~
the process in sorne\vhat more
ciinlcai tern1s, l)L (;uilford says~ '~In pan-
Continued next page . ..
Your Health:
TNF (tumor necrosis factor) from immune
and epithelial cells to help kill the virus.
However, the virus produces a protein that
causes the energy producing mitochondria
of the cell, located in the cell's nucleus, to
become suddenly sensitized to TNF. This
causes the mitochondria to break down
and release substances that trigger rapid
cellular death. While fighting a virus, excessive
TNF can simultaneously attack cellular
membranes and inrercellular biochemical
machinery. When enough of these mechanisms
are compromised in the lungs, Acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) occurs,
and it is ARDS that can lead to death
from bird flu."
Dr. Guilford notes the need to both
strengthen the body's frontline defenses and
to inhibit the damaging effects of a largescale
release of cytokines. He points out,
"There is accumulating e,--idence indicating
TNF is modulated by antioxidants in
normal tissues, especially the antioxidant
called reduced glutathione. People \¥1.th
acute respiratorv distress svndrome have
been test~d to be low in reduced Rlutathione
in lung fluid.'' ~
These findings have put Dr. Guilford onto
the trail of a potentially effective treatmem
for the disastrous effects of HSN1 infection.
He is currently investigating the use of
liposomal encapsulated reduced glutath.ione
to maintain normal glutathione levels. He
says, "Medical research w date has previously
focused primarily on stopping replication
and proliferation. However, if glucathione
can be shown in clinical studies ro modulate
the cytokine storm, it will prove to be an effective
and inexpemive approach to dealing
with virai infect.ions. Currently we have ver:
few medical tools for the cvt;kine storm. ,
and tbs approach appears promising." ·
* Photos Needed for
World AIDS D Remembrance
l)ay P~men1brance Service v1iU be held
Thursda); 1'1overnber 30, 2006 at l\1avflo'..ver
Congregational Church 3901 N\:\' 6.3rd
Street, Oldahoma City, OK 73116. There
,;viU be a reception foUo,.,-ving the service.
or colleague of yours has died of AIDS,
please send a photograph(s) of this special
person in a jpeg or TIF format to the following
e-mail address to be added to this
presentation: patta1@cox.net For more
information about this presentation, please
e-mail Pat Hernandez at patta1@cox.net.
Startling statistics-
- Nearly 5,000 Oklal1omans are currently
living witl1 HIV/ AIDS. This number d~es
not include those individuals who are infected
but unaware of their infection.
- 15- to 24-year olds make up the largest
number of HIV infect.ions in the world.
- African Americans are disproportionately
affected by HIV: thev account for 33% of
total AIDS cases in the U.S., while comprising
only 11 % of the U.S. population.
Approximately 40 million people worldwide
are living with HIV/ AIDS.
- More tnan 25 mill.ion people ,vith HIV/
AIDS have died since the first AIDS cases
were identified in 1981.
- The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevent.ion (CDC) estimate that more than
one mill.ion people in the U.S. are living with
HIV infect.ion, one-quarter of whom are
una,vare of heir infection.
Join our efforts for a healthier Oklahoma.
For more information about World AIDS
Day and how you can become involved, go
to ,vww.aidswalkokc.org.
by Michael Dee
'.'Different strokes for different folks'' is· the
old .saying that my grandmother used to teli
me sometimes. This is.altfine and dandy
but if you do want to be all that diff ercnt
then you have to stiffer. the consequences.
You can wear any kind of hairstyle that you
want but if you can't find a decent job due
to your hairstyle then perhaps you need. to
re-evaluate your self The same thing about
clothing .What employer wants to hire ·
somebody who doesn't fit into .their idea of
what they Wa.D;t t:hen: company to· represent.
The same widigoing out to din!"lei: or to a ·
bar. . t:hing to weai:
to a' Jot Of QUVS • ·.· .
and gals:wea~gWetnto H:te··oars: ~r one
. . . :r for.
, . . . yrhor~~;!;~~tt l:Ioestb dress shabbv. . . . . ·• · . . .
~~. · t'waiit 'to
fort·to. thetitselves lbl)kS~er. ' ... ·.. ... ) ..
I doti't care if vour ·
dragor"dr~ir' ·
.best. As a ma
in ieath(ll' and
E~~r notice •
· feans? It nsed
~e .t~ :go to th
gr<:at I ~~;..is· o
noticed that .
~ndlooks HOT!' Wh, ..
in the Mid:w:est? ·
,', ,,', ' ;,'' ::>, ', ,;',~i' ,,,,':',:< ,,:
»;'};to wnnts to go t.o a hru: and see a burich
of ~!eazy q..~ssedpeople withbasebill d:ps
on (and sometipies bac'.kwa!i:ls) . .Guess ..
thattlicy ~e ttving · · ·. , · ·
Well, th~y are ~otl
enough reputation the .,,.ray it is without us ·
contributfo£ to it more. Be nroua of who , ',' ':' '. i: ..-. 'j:. '1./", ,,,'~y ,,', ''.',',,"t:" :>>,;' ';::., ' you are anct maxe tne Dest out of lite..
Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine * 13
ast Out
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity
of the gay pasr and its impact on the queer ptesent.
How queer was the Weimar era in Germany?
The era of ti1e \X'eimar Republic (1918-1933) ,vitnessed a flourishing
of the arts, liberalization of sociai attitudes, and the emergence
of a vibrant queer culture in Berlir. and other German cities. But
a conservative backlash, economic depression, and the rise of the
Nazi regime reYersed this progress after little more than a decade.
Like much of Earope, Germany was devastated by \X'orld \Var I.
Hungry for peace and cager for change, the country ousred the
monarchy of Kaiser \Vilhelm II in November 1918 and instituted a
parliamcman· democracy led b:i the Socialists. The following year,
the legislature drafted a ne,v comtiturion granting gender and class
equality, prirncy rights, and indi\·idual liberries such as freedom of
speech and assembiy.
Thus beg;m an era of rcmarirnble artistic and intellec.:ual ferment.
The realms of literature, drama, music, architecture, and ,he new
medium of iilm expioded. Philosophy and political theory enjoyed
a renaissance as weil. and medicine and science flourished, with new
advances in fields ranging from psychology to physics.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, a:1d transgender people were in the thick
of these de,·eiopme!lts. By this rime, G~rn{any already had the
strongest gay righ,s mm·emcnt in the worid. In 1897, Dr. Magnus
Hirschfeld and ethers had founded the Scientific ffomanitaria!1
Commit:ec the first:-c\·er i10me,sexrn,; rights group devoted to ~eform
of Paragraph 1 the (;cnnan ]a\v criminalizing sex ben.veen
men. In 1919, Hirschfeld opened the imtirnte for Sexual Science in
Ber~i:1, which h(,used i library, rnuseu;n, .1:1d c;inic. The mcvemc!·:t
\Vas even large (~nough t<, have internal schis1ns: 1\dolf Brand's
Gemeinsc!uft dcr Eigenrn (Comm;;nitv •.if Seif-( hvners), tot;ndcd
in 1903, cckbratcd :~;;sculmc culture a~d rejected Hi;·schfdd'~
medicaiizcd Yicrr of hon1osexuality.
c;ay social life fiouri~~hcd dunng the 1920~. \X>'hilc there v;ere hubs
of activity in cities such as :\.lunich, and (:olognc'.} Berlin
",.l?as \Virhout doubt rbc center of cp.1ecr culture. ;\nracted by the
heady attnosphere ,c1nd a ">;~vcak currency that n1ade li\~ing relatively
cheap, gay::: and lesbians flocked to the capital frorn across (;ennany
and around the \vorld. one --•en""''''' there ~~\~ere 35!\000 gay men
14 the STAR
pher Isherwood's Goodi)yc to Berlin (1 ?39\ \vhich inspired the
play and film _Cabaret_. Berlin boasted dozens of g:1y, lesbian, and
transvestite nightclubs, leading Hieschfc1l'd to note thar "Cranians
[his term for homosexuals] }ia;-e been $Ceo arri,·ing frcm the depths
o: the provinces weeping rears of JG,· ,,t the sight nf rhis spectacle."
Manv sue!: Yenues ·.,ere concentrateci in the Schoneberl! and Nollend~
rfpiatz neighborhoods, which ,emain centers elf g,~y lire today.
One of these, the Eldorado :~ightc!ub on :;\fotzstrn,se, sported
large signs over the entrance announcing "\·ou've ;:()und it1" and
"It's OK Herc!'' In addition, there were numer<ms cafes, bathhouses,
fetish clubs, bookstores, theaters, anci hotels rn,,m- op::::ated D\'
gay entrepreneurs as well as an c:stimateci 2,00() male, pr~1srimtcs. ·
Lesbian and bisexual '.':omen ,,·ere acfr,c in mixed-gender homosexual
organizatiom such as the League for H .. 1man Rights, ac' well
as in the burgeoning \,·omen's mo\·ement, '.wirkicg for cduca!ional
reform and the right to employment o .. :tside the l;<!me. B:; one
estimate, there were some 50 lesbian \Tm1es and organizations in
Berlin, including bars often frequented by burch/ t'em:ne couples
- salons, bowling clubs, and li-,-ing collecti-,es. Se0:cn'il well-kn,rwn
lesbian literary figures called t!:e city home, 1Ecluding w:iter
Christa \'('insloe (author of the noYei that .._,:as r.he basis of the Elm
\fa[dchen in Cniform) and American joumaiist Don rhy Thompson.
The new press fo:edorn enc<ll!ragec rhe cstablishn:em of some 3(1
queer iiternry and political publicatioGs, ,d1ich were sold Oj)enly
on newsstands and boasted a combiced circulation in the millions.
Among these \.Vere Branci\, Der Eigene (One's Own1 thought to
be the first-eYer gay mag .. zinc - Die freundsd:aft (Fncmisbr:), Die
Insel (fbe Island), Frnucnliebe ,.1.Xomen's LmT), a,1d Garconne.
But many Germans, disturbed b,· the era's cuh,ral chan(.'.es and economic
h;rciships. yearned for a ;eturn t,J uad:tiona! -.-ah;cs. Religious
conservatives decried si1ifting gender roles and pcrcei-.:.:d \ ices ,uch
as homosexuality, pornography, and abortion. "'T'hc nation's problems
were blamed on Communists, f c·x,, feminists, and hcmosexuals.
· ·
Adolf Hitler exploited these fears and preiudices to consolidate his
political power, aided by factionalism on ,he left. He was appointed
chance!lor in January 1933, a:1d the staged Retch~tag tire the folkr,
ving momh pro;·1ded a pretext for su,pcndin,',': ci·:•il hbcrtlcs. Ir:
Iv1ay, the Inscitute for Sexuai Science was ,ackcd ard its :rnnerials
burned bv right-wing: youth. Homosexual pabhcations ,,ere banned
and venues \Vere shurtert:d; the F~ldorado ~,.vas conYcrted into a Kazi
propaganda ccn:er.
In l 935~ Paragraph 175 \vas strcngtl1\.~ned. An cstin1atcd 5J)00 to
~5,(~(!0 a~cu:ed ho1n,?~cxual r:1cn ,·vcre sent tn conccntrauon carnps.
/\mid this ciltnate ot tear and an untt)ld nun1.ber of gutcr
grated to safer ccn.uurirst or con-H11ittcd suicide.
Yanishcd into a srili greater
s Brief
s Possible"
by Steve of Oklahoma.
Bv Victor Gorin
In order to vote in the upcoming July
25 Oklahoma Primary election, you must
be registered to vote bv JL,ne 30. If you are
registering by mail your card must be postmarked
that day or sooner.
Oklahoma has a closed primary system,
so Democrats can only vote for the Democratic
candidates, and Republicans may only
vote for Republican candidates in that election
to choose their respective nominees for
the General Election.
Within Oklahoma County there are 2
GLBT candidates running for office in the
Primary Election on the Democratic side,
Rhonda Rudd for State Senate District 46
and Al McAffrey for State House District
If there are runoff elections, they will
happen August 22. In order to vote in tha::
election you must be registered by July 28.
In order to vote in the November 7
General Election you must be registered by
October 13.
Remember that you can register at any
county election board or tag agency in
Oklahoma, and other locations as well.
Registration has never been easier, and after
registration you \\'ill receive your voting
card in the mail which will have your polling
place on it.. If you have been convicted
of a felony you can still register ro vote if
you are not serving time either in lockup,
probation or parole (off paper). Other than
that, you only need to be a US citizen ,vho
has attained 18 years of age or will turn 18
before the next election.
If you are already registered, you don't
need to register again unless you have
moved or haven't voted for 4 years. If
you have moved since you last voted and
registration is still open you may register for
your new address, or you can vote in your
last polling place and register for your new
address at thi1t time. Remember that within
the same county voting system you cannot
change your party affiiiacion bet'.veen June
l and August 31. Also be aware that if y.:,u
register Independent, you belong to no
party and will not be abie w v(ne in primary
elections. If in doubt caJJ your county elec-•
rion board :and can confirm your status.
/tiso remen1ber that even if registration is
closed before an election, you may rnaiJ or
n..1rn in a voter application card and -...-ote in
elections foHow~ing the one
\'{lith each state\v-ide tJt
before those elections you may Yote at your
Election Board H a.n1. until 6 p.1r1. 1
the next day Saturday from 8 a.m. until 1
p.m. and the following Monday from 8 a.m.
until 6 p.m. Polls are open on election days
for 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Other assistance is available in the form
o!' absentee voting and other forms of
speciai assistance if that is needed. Your
participation is vital, especially ,vith the
current political climate in America. Please
exercise your right and duty to vote.
Community for
People living
Non Profit (}rganization
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for peop!e who are HIV+ and
or living 'Nlth AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry fur those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS 'Nho cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone V✓ho
wouid iike to voiunteer or provide fi ..
nancial assistance to piease contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
the STAR 15
By Greg Steeie
Micah Barnes
Singer, Musician, \/'✓ riter
Micah Barnes to headline
"Summer Diversity
Weekend" in Eureka
Springs, Arkansas.
EUREKA SPRINGS, AR_lf you missed the
Spring Diversity Festival in Eureka Springs
with the GAYCO show, this is another great
opportunity to get out of town and enjoy some
fantastic entertainment, good food or just relax
for a very fun weekend. The Summer Diversity
Weekend kicks off August 4th and runs
through the 6th. Micah Barnes will headline
the weekend with a performance at the Old
Auditorium in downtown Eureka Springs,
Sat. August 5th.
The LA Weekly said Barnes is ·'Bowie meets
Brecht in a dark alley". The Bay Area Reporter
rote "Barnes' vocals combine the dramatics
Freddie Mercury, the passion of Eddie Vedder,
the mournfulness of Morrissey with the
sweetness of Micheal Stipe". "Micah Barnes
eludes all the musical cliches. His lyrics, often
dryly comic, are a product of his quick intelligence,
a mischievous sense of humour, and
a bubbling show biz savvy." - The Globe and
For more information and updates on Diversity
Weekend go to: www.diversitypride.com or
Festival, A Musical Success!
TULSA, OK_What a line up of entertainment at Tulsa's Pride
Festival or: June 10th. The talent was awesome. exceeding
rnost performances that I've paid to see! Th;s years entertainers
will be a hard act to follow for next years troops. Tulsa·s Tabitha
Tayior (photo at right) 'tv1iss Gay Okiahoma Ame~ica' is a sor:gstress
we ca:i a!i be proud of. A tremendous entertainer· Fro,n
r'oon to five o ciock they sang and p!ayed in unbearable heat
~rhe Council Oaks VVornens Chorale. Council Oaks lv1ens c:11t>·
cale, !v1ary King1 iviark [)odson and rnany CJthers ,,11; io 1.:;11~ei tairh-jc'.
a:12 crovvci
~ ~
by Donald Pile & Ray Williams
ay men's resorts seem to be
everywhere and it is often very hard to find a
resort that is strictly for Lesbians. We have
found two really great ones and they are located
on both ends of the country. For Lesbians
wanting to get a way from it all and travel
we highly suggest these two places.
PEARL'S RAINBOW, the Distinctive
Resort for Women in Key West, Florida, offers
the perfect escape from the everyday world
for lesbians and gay-friendly women. Just two
blocks from the southernmost point in the continental
United States, they offer guesthouse
ambience, bed & breakfast chann, and resort
amenities in a collection of historic, renovated
buildings set amid tropical landscaping .
. . ... . . . . . .. . . . Continued page-18
Out on Vacation
Photo: Pearl's Rainbow Lesbian Resort
And their superb staff will make vour vacation
unforge~table. The,' offer 38.rooms
and suites in their 5 historic buildings.
They have 2 heated swimming pools and 2
outdoor hot ~ubs. The extensive sunny and
shady decks. The Strand
Restaurant serves breakfast
daiiy with Brunch on Sunday
and Chef Lisa's Dinner
in the Strand on weekend
e,0enings. Tl:ev also ha,·e
Pearl's Patio which is :heir
outside poois1de bar and
Their :ooms range from
the simple re the debxe, 2E
v.,ith features you'd expect
in any hotel. Thick, thirst;towe,~
and quality tropical
t(Jiictries pamper ycu. 1\
C()mplirr1entary light continental
breakfast starts yuur
tnorning, and fuli cooked
breakfasts are al~~o a"',.,~ailable
daily. J\ .. poolside bar
pools rejuvenate you. Hot cubs melt your
cares away. Chef Lisa Haas prepares breakfast
in The Strand restaurant, and dinner on
Friday and Saturday e·.,enings featuring her
eclectic island cuisine. All in a comfortable,
welcoming atmosphere just for women.
They are located at 525 United Scree;: Key
West, Florida 33040. Their toll free ;;umber
is (800) 749-6696 and their website is: V>'WW.
pearlsrainbo\\,com. To get to Key \X,'est,
iris best to fly into Ft. Lauderdale (rather
than rvliami) and then rent an amo and take
off for a fabulous scenic (and scarv) drive
thru all the Keys until you finallv K~v West.
After arriving in Key \'{fest, park you~ auto
and you can walk anywhere in town.
On the West Coast, try the Casitas
Laquita in Palm Springs. Owned by Denise
Roberson and Joanna Funaro, this ~vomen's
resort is wonderful. Once you enter the
gate you are in a different world of peace
and tranquility. It is located on 12 acres of
private spiritual grounds. The mountain
views are truly breathtaking'. They have
several choices of accommodations including
casitas or one and two bedroom suites.
Photo: Casitas Laquita in Palm Springs
Ail accommodations comes with T\~ phone,
a Full kitchen and data ports so vou can
check your email or surf the web. The
rooms are decorated with tribal arcifacts and
each room is different and it would reallv be
hard to decide which to s!ay in. Everything
here is spotlesslv clean. They have a total
of 15 ditlerent ;ccommodations m choose
from. Our favorite was the one bedroom
suite with its own prirnte backyard for your
own personal use or for your guests.
Doreen is the manager when the owners are
out of tO\vn and she is EXCEPTIONAL!
She is a real dear! For more informacion
about Casitas Laquitas, check out their
website at:www.casitaslaquirn.com. Their
toll free number is 877-203-3410. And
when in Palm Springs, BE SURE and
dine at ~feb:yn's Restaurant located in the
Ingeleside Inn just west of downtown. The
owner, Mel Haber and his srnff are extremely
gayilesbian friendlv.
For all of our Lesbians sisters, we HIGHLY
recommend these tv,ro resort~ where vou
will feel VERY comfortable and retu;n
home with memories forever! The staff
of both of these
resorts will be more
than happy to give
you any and all information
O!l what
is happening in the
For any questions
about gay traveling,
email Donald and
Ray at gaytravelers@
aol.con1 or
'l .. ~isit their \1,rebpage
at: http:// \V\l/Vv:
com/ gaytravelers
~ 1m ill©oo~~
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
"Dania Beach, Florida"
Visit the "New and Exciting" Dania Beach, Florida ,vhich is a
GREAT alternative to Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach and just
minu~es from either. Reiax and party in Dania Beach and enjoy their
small town atmosphere. Dania Beach is fast becoming THE place
to stav in Southea~t Florida and for gays the LIBERIT SUITES is
the ONLY place ~o stay!
Dania Beach locateci right on the Atlantic Ocean is a wonderful geta-
way for people living in the Midwest. It
is just a close drive
~o Ft. Lauderdale
or to South
Beacn but much
iess expensive
than either. The
city of only 28,000
is extremely gay
friendly and filled
with lots of antiques
and gift shops. With
its ideal location,
warm and sunny
climate and wide
range of ameniries
and attracrions, the
Greater Dania Beach
area has something
for evervone. Situated
between' Ft. Lauderdale
and Hollywood, Dania
Beach is minutes from
class arc museums, con- certs, plays, festivals, and other
cultura'. events. Professional sports ranging from football to hockey
to rodeo are also readily avail;ble. DaniJ Beach itself hosts a Jai Alai
fronton, a local perfor~,i~g arts theater, a natural hisron· museum
and rhe IGFi'>.Fishing Hallo~· fame.
Dania Beach is int:ernationaJJv kno,vn for its marine industrr l\1annas,
· reoair and storage facifaics, prominent shipbuilding compan,::s.
a!1d d;ckage for crnioe lines and other vessels are found all o·:er
Dania Beach'$ numerom waterways and canal~. Port Everglade~.
which spans over 2100 acres and occupic, part of Hoih'wood,
Dania Beach and Ft. Lauderdale, i~ (;!H: ,he 11;1.tio:1's ;:cp ,eaport:0,
~:t:~e~~:(~:·!~~:a~~~~:-T.~~~:::t;i\::~:~~~~;~:(:~~?:/~:~;;:,;:~;l~;~t( lfl
I)an1a Beach area plays ho~t to the largc~t nautlcal SY,iap shop, the
Dania ?vfarine Flea \'iarket.
Thanks to Joseph Van Eron and Jack Zimmerman who own the
Libert\· Apartments & Garden Suites, it h:as even gotten more gayfriendiv.
These two e-entle!rcen ha-;e literally turned the enrire cir,
a:ound in it's th.inki;;g a, far as a gay tourist center.
The Libert, Suites is locared at 1501 and across the street at 1500
S. \v'. Seco~d Avenue w~1ich is just one block \'fest of :he main
rughway thru the center_ of to':vn. It is the pe~frct p~ace for gays ,in
the Midwest to go to relax and haYe a great nme. \X-e get so urea
of "simple rooms" when ,ve travel. But at the Liberty Suites, all
rooms are aparcmen:s complete with kitchens, full size refrigerators,
ovens, microwave, dishwasher, coffee maker, cooking utensils
and complete with desk, linens, china, housewares and anything
eise oossible that vou wo'.l!d need. The bedrooms are huge and so
are tlle living ro~rns and they are decorated beautifully.
Just fly or drive dm.vn and you
can move right in for
a week, a month or
e. Your suitcase
l of bathing suits
is all you need.
Every apartment
mes with your
wn private teiene
and Cable
VCR. For
than wl:at
t accommoons
a simple
mat the
u can get a
huge apartment
for less than
that! Grocery
and liquor stores
are within walking distance. We always
go to the fresh produce market~ and buy the freshest grapefruits
and ora:1ges. Since almost e:erybody in Florida loves to walk, 1t ts
about a mile from che beach and what .1 ;vonderful walk it is. And
most important, the Liberty Suites is pet friendiy so bring your
pets wifi~ you. Did we mention about their off street parking?_Dici
~ve mentio,. their on-site laundry facilitiesr _l(,e and Jack r:.ave cione
C\'ervthin_g perfect S() that you \Vill ha~,,rc a \-ery relaxed and carefree
\X'e baYe staved at the Liberty Suite5 fo~ i:he past fe,,.' years and it
iust keq)$ e;~mng better :;ni lx:tter The grea;:est thing is that you ;;~,~~;1;~:~~~;;7~1::::: ;::~;'ri:r.::::::~~ii::'.l!.'.:i'.:~~:::
~c~";-;/>t:~:·a I2: ~~'.:i~~:~;i~,~~~,:~:;~ ~~'. ~;,~~~;~a~e;~e;,l~::1 :~:~/:~:;:.~::at~
~;~e ti~:.i~:~~~~r~~:~~ ~1~~!~~;~:·~~;,~~,~~;,::,:;_<,_~,:;:t: ,ibm~-1
i\1 pL1cc to lire 1.vher; ;nv:1y fron1 hornc'·. Joe and Jack
..... ,. .... C(J~·rr1·--~l:r1:I) page 22
Arkansas & Oklahoma s most read GLBT Magazine 19
Photo below; A view of one of the several glaciers you'E see while
traveling on the Alaska Railroad's Glacier Discovery Train. (Photo
by Andrew Collins)
July 2006
by Andrew Collins
Anchorage, Alaska
Although it's a bit less than a century old, Anchorage has deveioped
into Alaska's largest city, with a population of about 260,000.
It's also an excellent jumping-off point for countless adventures
into the surrounding wilderness, from sea kavaking in Prince William
Sound to hiking at Denali National Park to skiing at i\lveska
Prince Resort in nearby Girdwood. But don't overlook the city
itself, a lively cultural hub v.'ith great shopping and dining and
immediate access to tl1e great outdoors. It's also the heart of the
state's relativelv nascent but increasingly Yisibie gay scene.
Summer is the most popular time to come, ·.vhen Anchorage
abounds with flowers in private and public gardens as well as in
wi!1dow boxes and hanging baskets on porches. The sun ri~e~
around 4:30 in the morning and doesn't set again umil almost midnignt,
allowing for ample time eacl: day to ~ec the sight~. But snowsports
Eans and bargain-seekers migh1 wane to consider 2 winter
,·isit, when hotel rates drop precipitouslv along ,.vid1 temperatures
(expecr January highs tif about 2G to 25 degr::c:s, Ycrsu,; 60- to 65-
degree high~ in July).
J\.nchoragc -...von't likely dazzle you~ dcAvnto\vn '\Vas largely destroyed
aunng a mar:sive 1964 ca:thquake, and much c,f the reconstru~
tion leaves a lot to be desired aesthetically. But it's nonctheiess
;h~u~:;~~;::~ ~;:t::::t~~~~~~ t~,:;ed:~t~:;~:tj !\la~ka ~~~~~;1!or
J\nchoragc Syrnphony ()rchestra~ 1\nchoragc ()pcra, and J\laska
Chamber Singer~
'The A.nchorage Ivfuscurn of }1istory and J\rt is a \vorld-class facil\
Vith an extensive tro,te of art and artifacts th~n trace the
of the region
UF '""hrcugh th<~ rr-c,rl:•rr- ·1,;n. ·\n,J the /\.. hi.ska
you can learn abcjut rbc state's
csbii)ir·,s rki-:;.:r•.: v;d .::en11n:lf"-. and
Anchorage has long drawn outdoorsy types, as there are plenty of
ways to get your blood pounding ,vithin city limits, and you're also
,vithin driving distance of many great destinations for recreation
and nature-watching. You can hike miles of trails at Chugach Staie
Park, which fringes the city and extends for some 60 miles into
rhe wilderness to the south, offering climbs to numerous peaks
with elevations as high as 8,000 feet. Another grea~ venue is Eagle
River Narure Center, which offers hikes, naturalist programs, and
bird-watching outings among many o~her activities that showcase
the region's abundant flora and fauna. And that's just scratching the
surface don't overlook the Alaska Zoo (an excellent place to see
black bears up close) and the Alaska Botanical Gardens.
From a culinary standpoint, Anchorage has truly blossomed of late.
There are certain foods that appear routinely on area menus, parricularly
reindeer (often in the form of sausage), eik, and other area
game along with plenty of local seafood, from wild salmon to raw
ovsters to fresh berries. Kincaid Grill has been a pioneer in creatIYe
r~gional dining, as chef Al Levinsohn is constantly coming up with
excitine: new takes on Alaskan cuisine, from Kodiak scallops sen-ed
with a;; Asian ponzu sauce and stir-fried veggies to roasted balibut
Nicoise with olive tapenade. Another top choice is Sack's, a slick
contemporary dining room filled ,vith modern art and ser-·ing such
inno·,ative creations as pan-seared New Zealand rack of lamb ·.vith
blueberry-port demig!ace. Grab a table along the sidewalk in good
You'll find sophisticated contemporary cuisine at Mick's at the Inlet,
including a knockout elk chop ,vith goat cheese brioche pudding,
Bearnaise sauce, and a berry relish, and roasted skatefish wing with
blood oranges, fennel, chives, and olive oil. Drop by Cafe Savannah,
a cool little capas restaurant and wine bar with authentic Spanish
cooking, for the likes of Portobello mushrooms stuffed with chorizo
and Manchego cheese, and calamari with lemon-garlic aioli.
For a light meal and great people-watching and mingling, check
our Glacier Brewhouse, which is known as much for its delicious
house-brewed oatmeal stout and red-currant Iambic beer as for
tastv comfort food, such as seared ahi runa and Thai chicken pizza.
Ga-;-friendlv Sassafras Coffeehouse is a fine spot for a ligh! meal,
coffee. and ·free wireless Internet - it's right across the street from
Nord;trom's, by downtown's 5th Avenue Ma!L Try the rurkey-bacon-
avocado wrap.
;\Jso a block from the mail, Cyrano's Theatre Company cc)mprises
a performance space, arty bookstore, and pctic cafe (calied Twig's)
,;vhere you can grab a chicken-pecan salad or a ci.;p ()f seafood
chowder. The ,.heater p:oduces ,;.,ell-acted piavs throughou: the y;car
and has a strong gay following. The queer nightlife scene 1s limired
~~f ~~;;,:Eif £~:v!~i~!;~;::i::~:::::~'.:'.:,:~:~:;.1.~,
male-oriented and cruisy Raven~ ,vh.ich is JUST arc,uncl the corner.
I"herc arc several accomrnodations here that 1narkct to gay
n,:1wr~, among 1hem the i\laskan Leopard B&~~-;:;,1,:.::;t~~)i~:~sc:
crepes and sourdough \t,~affies arc a1r1ong the
and delicious breakfasts for \1/hich the inn bas a
20 Arkansas & Oklahoma ·s mo.st read GLBT Magazine
loyal following, and the owners can also organize a wide range of
wildlife tours throughout the surrounding area. Just on the edge
of downtov;n, the gay-owned \X'ildflower Inn contains three guest
rooms wit!:: sophisticated but comfy furnishings, including a beautiful
J\ifission-style bed in one and TV /VCRs in all of them (plus
Wi-Fi throughout r.he house). It's a great choice if you want to be
within wa!bng distance of museums, restaurants, and nightlife.
Another highly popular gay-owned property downtown is the
Copper \X'hale Inn, an urbane late-1930s house (a rare survivor of
the '64 quake) with 15 rooms, most of them affording panoramic
vistas of the surrounding mountains and Cook Inlet. Of larger
mainstream properties, one of the most luxurious is the Marriott
i\.nchorage Downtown. This airy, contemporary high-rise offers
dramatic views of the distant wilderness but also affords easy access
to local sights and restaurants.
You can make a number of excellent day trips or short overnights
from Anchorage. One of tne best full-service resorts in Alaska is
the luxurious ,'\lyeska Prince Resort, in the small village of Girdwood,
a 45-minute drive south of the city. In winter, it's the state's
top venue for downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding,
snowmobiling, snow-tubing, and sledding. You can also take the
aerial tram up to ;\ft. Alyeska, ·.vhich has a restaurant at the top. In
summer, you can book a tandem paragliding ride off the rop of the
Anorher option is the two-and-a-half-hour drive m Seward, a
slightly gritty old fishing town on the Kenai Peninsula. It's gradually
developed into a popu.iar cruise port and leisure destination,
thanks to its proximity to aarure and also the Alaska Sealife Center,
a marine-life research facility where visitors can observe the habitats
of 2,000-pound Sre!lar sea lions, diving puffins, and dancing King
crabs, among other creatures native to this region.
Just outside of Seward, you can visit Exit Glacier - in facr, you can
practically drive your car right up to the edge, as it's the most accessible
glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park, which encompasses
more than 900 sguare miles. From the parking area it's a flat 15-
minute hike to the foot of the glacier. where you can get some great
up<lose pnotograph~ of this hulking, slowly retreating mass of ice.
Downtown Se,;rnrd has a handful of restaurants and som·e1ur
shops, mostly aiong 3rd and ~th .JTem,es. anci the community also
has plenty of tour oper,,tors offe:ing kayaking trips, fligh::seeing
excursions, and sailing ad\'cntures.
Perhaps the n1ost dramatic ,,vay to get ar<)und the region, especially
if you're a fan of "Vintage trains1 is to book {:>ne of the popular sightseeing
runs on the Alaska Railroad. There are extensive wurs lasting
frotn t\VO to 10 days through the J)eoali National Park's backcountry
and up into the /\.retie Cjrcic, as \veU as easy day trips that depart
,Anchorage :ind take you through rugged Chugach Forest, past soar ..
ing glaciers and 3cross \vildHo,ver-stre~v.;n meado\vs. f'vfany of these
trains ha~.re giass-dome alloYving incredible photo ops. These
coiorfu1 jaunts n;1rratcd by experienced naturalists offer the perfect
chance to
Arkansas & Okiahoma 's most ;ead GLBT Magazine 21
are true gay icons in the community and they deserve e~·ery bi~ of
recognition that they get. They have both worked extremely hard ar
building up Dania Beach and the whole communiq-, both gay and
straight, are so proud of them.
So the next time you are ready to take off for a week or more,
check out the Liberty Suites at: http:/ f,,vww.LibertySuites.com.
Their toll free telephone number is 877-927-0090 and their fax
number is 954-342-8944 or you can email them at: JJ@LibertySuites.
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12 issues for $26.95 will be mailed in a sealed envelope
the 1st of each month. Complete the form
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Ozarks STAR
5103 S. Sheridan Rd., #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
(Single Copies $3.00 per issue)
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22 the STAR
Travel Plans
Dougias Glenn
As much as I like ;:o talk to a real person it just doesn't pay anymore
to do so. Take booking flight for instance. When I callee! my
favorite airlines recently to book a flignt I was told rhat if I booked
on line there would be no charge but if I did book over the phone
that there \Vould be a $10.00 charge. And this was the airline company
I was talking with! Talk about a rip-off! They want me to fly
with them, give them my hard earned money but then they \Vant ro
charge me for calling them and purchasing a ticke~! Well, needless to
say, I DID go on-line and book the flight and saved myself S10.00.
However it really irritated me to no end to ha\·e to do that.
\'\'hen I did go on line I was amazed at the different prices for
different times of the day. First and last flights of the day \\:ere iess
expensive and flying in the middle of the week (Tuesday, \\'.'ednesday
and Thursday) had cheaper rates also. Saturdays seerns ~o have
cheaper rates also. But forget about flying out :\1onday morrijng
or Friday afternoons as that is \vhen ail tbe businessmen do there
I have found to always book directly \vith the airlines rather
than going thru a second source such 2.s a booking site. linles~ you
read the small print you wind up paying services charges that completely
wipes any savings tha, you think that you arc getting. When
I was going traveling overseas I sometimes use a m,vcl agency but
they also charge anymore. \Vhat happen.ed t0 sen-ice? A good \veb•
site to check out for best air fares and that is: http:/ iairconsumer.
ost.dot.gov / publications /bestfare.htm
It used to be that flying was so much fun but now it is such a
hassle, with parents and their children screaming and yelling and
shoving and pushing and well, guess you kinda get mv drift. Now it
is a total nightmare to just get a seat. But, since other than d,+,ing
that is the only alter:1afr1e I just ha,,e to grin and bear it. I alwa;·:,
taKe a good book or a couple of good magazines to read because
you never know when there might oe a delay.
(Jood luck v1ith your flight'.
Earl Wheeler
437 E. 141st Street
Glenpool, OK 74033
918.291.EARL (3275)
Serving the Tu!sa Metro Area for over 21 Years with PRIDE!
~rders by 12noon guaranteed same day delivery.
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Your order is treated with
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TheSTAR 23
Salutations Kittens--Uncle Mikey here fresh from the pages of yet
another fabulous pride season, and what a season it is. Ende Mikey
is hurriedly gathering his second wind in time for the fourth. I
would like to rhank the many men who made this season so enjoyable,
and will be sending out thank vou notes accordingly. To all
those tasty treats ready for the independence celebration- heyyy!
Dear Uncle Mikey,
My boyfriend and I attended pride as a couple this year for the first
time. We agreed that we were building a monogamous relationship
which went straight out the window two hours into it. He acted as
if I were keeping him from having a good time and then we got
into a fight in the middle of the after pride events. I feel as though
this is a sign and that he is not that serious about me after all. He
ended up in our suite with another man, and asked me to join as if
there was nothing going on. What's the deal, am I wrong to think he
crossed a line?
Pride drama
Dearest Pride-drama,
Kitten, Uncle feels your pain but aliow me a moment to giYe you
another POV Even the ~ost -.veil intentio!l men in the world can
fall Drey to the OYer abundant bou:;r,c at a oride event. Fact: He
oro~ght his game home to shire wi:h his beloved, which oi:rvious!:,
suppor~s a lack of coRJmi.:nicacion here. \'fhat man is going ,o bring
home a trick- Unle~s he i$ simply a drama seeker, this action tells
r:1e tnere needs to be more cohc~iYe communication. Kitten, I couid
nor help but catch that mu didn't teE the nory o+ rejecting this
blunder, feeEng that it was a night tc remember for all., not thac 1
am judging. I \Vouid rnost assuredly address this J~sue ho,;_1f·e·\"er, if it
\Vere me~ 1 \Vould haYe taken pictures for our anniversary a]bu1n,
Smooches- t :. Mikey
Dear l]ncle l\1ikey~
places. f-le \1.ras passionate, attentive, grv'ing, intense sexy
and sc; romantic he absolutely rook 1ny breath. L.ooking into hi5
eye:::. 1 feit alive. ;lnd :as if \VC \\~ere S(•tne h.o\v C(:.innected. J feH
26 the STAR
name, and do not know where to 6nd him. I don't'k.now ,vhat to
do? My friends think I am making it up, but this man took me mind
body and soul. What can I do?
Lookjng for Gabe
Dearest Looking,
Kitten, you have fallen pray ro '.vhat Cncle c,;lls, rhe goiden-boot1·call.
The hottest, sweatiest, most passion you have ever felt before
as in your fe,·erish adolescem dreams. Hown·cr, this was a one time
shot-~ao pun intended. You have to except this and move on holding
this night as cherished moment in time. Kitten, I have known
this occurrence before.
Uncle had a friend we will call Steve, well Steve hGoked up with a
one name woeder who rook him w such pas$ionate heights he acruaHy
cried recalling the night t0 me. He became obsessed wicl1 finding
this trick in the night while losing site cf realty. He neglected his
job, his friends, his entire existence became a search for this man
of many orgasms. It was so sad, we tried e~;crything including an
intervention, when we realized ,ve lost him to this unknown sende~
of passions embrace. \'?ell, iong story short, be lost nis jobs, ignored
his friends, his apartment! Kitten, it was rent comrolleci., I swear it
brings a tear to my eye still yet.
3'foral: Kitten, if this man is meant to be than he shall return, i10we\
·er do not get hung up no matter ho\;• nung he was. I ,et it go while
moving forward chalking the nig!:t up for what it was, a wonderfu:
Golden-booty-call, you shali tell generations to come Queerdom.
Kitten, it is better to ha,-e hit that than to neYer ha,:e known it at all!
Smooches-U. Ivlikey
Uncle :,Iikey,
Is a threeso~e with your brother-in-law and boyfriend wrong?
Seriously considering it.
Dearest considering,
Not with the right lighting and mocivation. Bon appetite!
Ki~tens- A quick noteworthy mome::11:. Look ~o the right of Uncles
corner here. Al! I can say is yummy! Hey john and Paul...A delicious
recipe for a tasty meal, a sweet drink to wash it down and !wo cute
d , h - . . d 11 csserts, ,v at a recipe 1n eea:
Kittens, Uncle mus, once mo:-e take m,· leave, (1uicker than a trick
dot,:n the fire escape. I have to send n1y faithful house-boy to get
Cacies buli-; deln-er•, of Gatorade. [ swear sm~1mer heat has such an
effect <)11 lJncle. S01ne say sununcr furt~ I say summer ioYe. lJncle
\\~ant~ to remir1d one and aH to piay safe during the stunmer sizzic.
Remember to iove yourself, and luve one another; se':~:-cral times a
day if you ~. .v ;,inr to get really gc,od! I-iappy fourth (}uccrdorn--1
salure yc,u, in more \vays than one.
Sn1ooches l]ncle :vljkey and 'Tiddics too.
10 Large Potatoes.
1 cup chopped Celery.
1 cup chopped red onion.
1/2 cup chopped sweet pickles.
4 Boiled Eggs.
1/2 cup Real Mayonnaise.
1/2 cup Ha!f & Half cream.
1 Tablespoon Season Salt.
1/2 Tablespoon White Pepper.
In a large pot boil potatoes until tender.
Rinse with cold water, peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
In a large bowl add potatoes, seasoning, mayonnaise
and cream. Mix very weil, then add celery, onions, pickles,
Mix together boiled eggs then add to bowl. Chill for
about 2 hours and serve.
This months recipe is a delicious martini.
Serve these up some evening for
a nice cocktail hour (or 2 or 3). Jazz r
music goes very well with martinis so I
suggest a little Diana Krall on the stereo
and you'll have a great and enjoyable
(6 parts) Absolute Citron Vodka
(2 dashes) Dry Vermouth
Fresh Lemon
Granulated Sugar
1 Rim a chilled martini glass with sugar.
2. Combine Vodka, Vermouth and fresh
squeeze of !emon with ice in shaker and
shake well.
3. Strain into martini glass and garnish with
a !emon twist
4. EN,JOY !!!
Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine 27
by Jack Fertig
JULY 2006
"Be ready for adventure, Cancer!"
Mars opposing Neptune makes chemical overindulgence
easy and dangerous, especially when you're
showing off. Venus in Gemini encourages flirtations,
but she's square Uranus in Pisces, so confused signals
can build false expectations. Or maybe you reaily
do want more than you admit.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): You can't win in games or investments
now, but you can have lots of fun with the former
if you aim for idealistic benefits rather than mere victory.
Idealism in community service will make you a winner in
ways no game can match.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Trying to look good at work
will backfire. Just do your job and let accomplishment
speak for itself. Calling in o!d debts could yield some happy
surprises. It's also a great time for new pen pals or oniine
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You're suddenly looking awfully
good, and you can use that for promotions or raises.
Take pride in your listening skills and flexibility, and stay out
of arguments! Anything you say will be held against you.
CANCER (June 21 00 July 22): No insurance or real estate
deais for you this week! Sex mixed with booze or drngs is
a dangerous combo - isn't it better when you're really all
there? Be ready for adventure in both flesh and spirit. The
world is opening to you in new ways.
LEO (July 23 $ August 22): Your adoration of the limelight
is annoying your co-star and aggravating misunderstandings.
Humility is your best feature, when you can manage it.
Discretion and social service wiil prove surprisingly beneficial
to your-sex life.
V!RGO (August 23 - September 22): Calm down, meditate,
and re!ax your fraglle nerves. Work is going better
than it seems. and you're sure to get noticed with some
support from your colleagues. Even if you're having some
awful snafus, others will understand and forgive.
LIBRA (September 23 00 October 22): You're ready for adventure,
but it could easily be a misadventure, and that's a
drag. Focus that urge for innovation at work where it's more
likely to make you shine. ~
SCORPIO (October 23 00 November 21): Past or present
issues with your parents seem especially complex now and
can creep into dealings with authority figures. Sexual role
play can shed some iight on those dynamics. Otherwise,
the boss isn't your mommy or daddy, and vice versa. Stay
present in the moment.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 $ December 20): You're
especially prone to exaggerate now and overwhelm people
with stories. Keep the truth clean and simple, but freely
regale your friends with wild yarns and jokes. Your spin on
legends and folk tales can be surprisingly seductive.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Your sexual
charm is strong, but has to be played carefully. Knowing the
right time and place for it is the trick. Your current attack of
klutziness may actually help a bit, giving you an endearing,
vulnerable quality.
AQUARIUS (January 20 $ February 18): Your partner's
wishes are much clearer than yours. That's making you feel
put down, but you just need to articulate. Sing out, Louise!
Pleasures that seem indulgently expensive are really accessible
if you budget and plan.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Be careful of hubris.
Fall back on your usual modesty at work. Fun and games
at home are where you now excel and can crow shamelessly.
Surprise some friends with new recipes and afterdinner
., <
Testing the last Sunday of each month
between SP},f and 6PM.
2902 E. 20th St.,
PO Box 4'11
Jc)plin, :\.fo 64803
Sunday Sernce 6P\1
28 Advertising in the STAR is Just good business cents.
Arkansas, Bentonville (479)
NWA GLBT Ctr - - - - www.nwaglbtcc.org- - - - - - --479-586-1062
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Event - - - - - - - - - - - - - -www. ersitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye View- - - - - 36 N. Main- - - - - - - - - -479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante- - - - 309 W VanBuren- - - - -479-253-8102
Henri's - - - - - - -19 1/2 Spring St - - - - - - - - - - - -479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill- - - 105 E VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Swiss Holiday Resort- Hwy 62 at Hwy 23 So.- - - 888-582-8464
Spexton- - - - - - - - 17B Spring Street - - - - - - - - -918-829-0824
Tiki Torch- - - - - - - - 75 S. Main Street- - - - - - - - -479-253-2305
Tradewinds Lodge -141 W. YanBuren- - - - - - - - - 800-242-1615
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Common Ground Restaurant- - - 412 W. Dixon - -479-442-3515
Condom Sense - - - - - - - - 418 W. Dickson- - - - - -4 79-444-6228
Curry's Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-521-0009
Passages - - - - - -930 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-442-5845
Pride Street Live- - 523 W. Poplar St-- - - - - - - - - - 479-587-0557
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave-- - - - - - - - - - -479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- - - - - - -1004 1i2 Garrison Ave- - - - - - - 479-783-9988
Red Rock City - - -917 N. "A" St. - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - - - 1010 E. Grand Ave - - - - - - - 501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - - - - - - - -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - - - 415 Main St - -North L.R.- - - - - - - -501-244-0444
The Factory- - - - - - 412 Louisiana St.- - - - - - - - - 501-372-3070
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club- - - - - 384 Grant Ave. - - - - - - - - -785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - - - - - - - - - -620-231-0938
River of Life Church.- - 1709 N. Walnut- - - - - - - -Service 11AM
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - - - - 316-682-5494
Priscilla's- - - - - 6143 W Ke!iogg Dr- - - - - - - - - - - 316-942-1244
Club Glacier- - - - - - - - - 2828 E. 31st South- - - - - 316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava (417)
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - - - - - - 716 S. Main - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816}
40th Street Inn- - - -www.40thstreetinn.com- - - - - -816-561-7575
Concourse Park B&B - - 300 Benton Blvd -- - - - -816-231-1196
Hydes KC Gym & Guest Hs - 1.-N.w.hydeskc.com - 816-56H010
Missie B's- - - -805 W 39th St- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -816-561-0625
Missouri, Lampe (417)
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- - - - 424 Boonv!HeAve- - - - - - - - - - -417-83i-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical- - - - - - - -417-869-3978
Martha's Vineyard- - - 219 W Oiive .. - -- - - - - - - - - 417-864-4572
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's - - - - 1918-S Glenstone - - - - - - - - - - - -417-881-8444
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid (580)
Hastings Books- - - -104 Sunset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-242-6838
Prisciiia's- - - - - - - - -4810-A West Garriott- - - - - - - 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton (580)
Triangies- - - - - - - - - - -29 SW "D" Ave - - - - - - - - 580-351-0620
ingrids Bookstore- - - - - 1124 NW Cache Rd- - - - - -580-353-1488
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - - - - - - - POBox 1515, - - - - - McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642- - - - - -405-495-1111
Boom Room- - - - - - - 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - - - - -405-601-7200
Border's Books- - - - - 3209 NW Expressway- -- - - 405-848-2667
Club Rox- - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Christie's Toy Box- - - -3126 N. May Ave - - - - - - -405-946-4438
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave- - - - - - - -405-672-6459
Fat Cat Bingo- - - - - - 3130 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - -405-942-8875
Hollywood Hotel- - - - 3535 NW 39th Exp - - - - -405-947-2351
Hi-Lo Club - - - - - - - 1221 NW 50th- - - - - - - - - 405-843-1722
Partners- - - - - - - - - 2805 NW 36th St - - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Pec's- - - - - - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expw - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - 615 E. Memorial- - - - - - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St- - - - - - - - - - - 405-525-5165
Rudy's P!ace-- - - - -3535 NW39th Expw- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Phoenix Rising - - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - -- - - - -405-601-3711
The Park- - - - - - - - 2125 NW 39th St - - - - - - - - - -405-528-4690
The Rockies- - - - - - 3201 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- - - 3535 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Tramps- - - - - - - - - - - -2201 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - - -405-521-9888
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- - - -7204 E. Pine - - -- - - - - - - - -918-836-8700
Border's Book Store- - 2740 E. 21st- - - - - - - - - - 918-712-9955
Border's Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale - - - - - - - - - - 918-494-2665
Club 209 - - - - - - - 209 N. Boulder - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Majestic- - - - - - - 124 N. Boston - - - - - - - - 918-58'i-9494
Ciub Maverick- - - - - 822 S. Sheridan - - - - - - - - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- - - 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - - - - - -918-834-1051
Elite Bookstore - - - - -814 S. Sheridan- - - - - - - - - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 5545 E. 41 st- - - - - - - - - - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge- - - - - 11730 E. 11th- - - - - - - - - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic- - - - - - - 3540 E. 31st- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-749-8378
Jazz·s Lounge- - - - - - 426 S. Memorial - - - - - - - - - 918-836-8544
Midtown- - - - - - - - - - 319 E. 3rd- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-3112
Nite Spot - -- - - - - -3007 E. Admiral Pl - - - -- - - - - - 918-834-3007
Our House, Too - - - -203 N Nogales Ave- - - -- - - - -918-585-9552
Prisci!la's - - - - - - - -7925 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla's - - - - ·· - - 5634 W. Skelly- - - - - - - - - - 918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - - - - - - 11344 E. 11th - - - - -- - - - - - - -918-438-4224
Priscilla's - - - - - - - - - 2333 E. ?1st- - - - - -- - - - - - -918-499-1661
Renegades- - - - - - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Rob's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- - - - - - - 918-627-1505
Sterling & Co. Saion- - -1606 E.15th St- - - - - - - - - 918-742-9999
Tulsa CARES- - - - 3507 E. Admiral Pi.- - - - - - - - - - 9"18-834-4194
Tuisa Eagie- - - - -1338 E 3rd - - - - - - - - - - - - -918-592-1188
TNT's - - - - - - - 2114 S. Memoriai- - - - - - - 918-660-0856
Whittier News Stand- - 1 N. Lewis- - - - - - •· - - - - 918-592-0767
~le!iO\\f-Brick-Rd- - - - - - - 2630 E. 15th~ - - - - - - ~ ~ 918-293-0304
ute FREE copies of the ST:.A,.R.
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C:..tOS~P i-rs PooR'S''
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Be Seen VVith The Star
Night club for sale Aprox 3000 sq. ft. occupancy
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month Rental.
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Tracy Whyburn Keller Williams
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The Northwest Arkansas Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
Community Center is a
group of !Ike-minded individuals
who have come together to create
a nonprofit GLBT Community
Center in Northwest Arkansas.
11730 E. 11th - Tulsa, OK
Wed. Showtime with Bobby
e, Miss Tulsa of America
Special Guest 10:30PM
Open Tues-Sun 2pm-2am
Closed on Monday's
qualifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
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Oklahoma City business owner
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Gil Ray
passed away peacefully on
Friday June 16th at 3:42 AM
after a long illness. He had requested
, , , , ,, " ~, ,..,..,.,~_,,_,._~,,~'fi'i,•i("•'ff•..-.-•H ...... ,.._,,.,,,11•"ll'~lo•"""""•'••.,..,.,◄~·-.1 __ ,, •• ,,,.._,..,_ • ..,-• .,.~ ......... .: • ..,.~ ... ._...,¥,.,,..,._,...,_,~,,,.,..,_..,..,___..~ ... I JEXPllit:S:) ~OHOLIC BEVERAGE LAWS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION)
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OKL,'.\HtJHi\ C HV,_;,;_ . tJK /Sll2 ____________ LEWI:i 1:WR,.;ICK GROUP I NC
11 ( )
To Our Tulsa Pride Festival
TULSA, OK_ \Xlhat a rantastic turn out for Tulsa Pride held June
10, 2006. In spite of the sweltering heat thouFands turned out to
celebrate Tulsa's "Pride Not Prejudice" Festival. Thanks to th& hundreds
who stopped by the STAR booth to say hello and to those
who entered our Pride Give-A-Way drawing.
The $40.00 Gift Certificate donated by Earl Wheeler of Glenpool
Flowers and Gifts in Glenpool, OK who has served the Tulsa
Metro area for 22 years went to Tom Votaw of Tulsa.
A 540.00 Gift Certificate from St. Michael's Alley Restaurant, a
wonderful dining experience located at 3324L E. 31st Street in Tulsa
was won by Da\·id Bryan of Tulsa.
The RCA DVD Player contribution from Michael Leach and the
STAR went ro Aaron Christensen of Tulsa. Thank you 1ficnael for
all your help and contributions.
Ralph Smith's name was drawn for the free 1 year subscription ;:o
the STAR.
( 1 ) - 6
l2roudly serving 1UJsa & OKCls (Jl.,B''f communities since 198
Arkansas & Oklahoma's Most Read GLBT Magazine.
Responds to lnhofe
· "No Gay" Claims
(\'.\'edm.:sday,June -::, 200:j)
"As you see here, and I think this is
maybe the most important prop we'll
have during the entire debate, my wife
and I have been married 47 years.
We have 20 kids and grandkids. I'm
really proud to say that in the recorded
history of our family, we've never had
a divorce or any kind of homosexual
-United States Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
"Championing family values means more
than repeating rhetoric. It means that we
must value ail members of the American
family," said Jo Wyrick, NSD Interim Executive
Director. "I remember being taught
by scripture that love is kind, it does not
boast. Unfortunately, the Senator's words
were nor kind and through his boasting,
Senator Inhofe has further demonstrated
that Republicans are choosing to only offer
political rhetoric designed to appease campaign
donors rather than serve to actually
secure the stability of the family."
Senator Inhofe made his statements late
yesterday on the floor of the United States
Senate as pan of a Republican effort to
lobby public opinion on the issue of the
Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA)
which the Senate will vote on today. The
measure is expected to fail, and is opposed
by the majority of Americans according to
recent opinion polls.
Tnis is not the first time tha~ Senator Inhofe
i:tas issued aggressive anti-gay srarements
from the Senate. In 2004, the Republican
from Oklahoma made it clear to reporters
that he ·.,ouid never hire an openly-gay
Republican. Responding to allegations rhat
a member of his staff was g:w, Senator
Inhofe toid the C:iicagc Trib~.ne that the
allegations were fab:e since he wouldn'~ hire
a gay applicant .a due to the possibility of a
conflict of agenda.''
J\i2ny prornioent Republicans have been
noted t(J include openly-gay members
of their imn1ediate family including 1/ice
Alan Keyes.
the STAR 5
What Does Pride
Mean to You?
Every June, the debate begins: Is Gay Pride still imponant? Do we
need the parades and festivals? Is a month to celebrate homosexualitv
really necessary? Many claim that these public dispiays of all
thi~gs ga)· do more· harm than good. Yet, in these times of widespread,
government-sanctioned homophobia, pride events are more
popular rhan ever. What gives?
The simple answer may be that pride is empowering. Many gays
and lesbians feel isolated in a heterosexual world, bur pride eYents
remind rhem that the\· are far from alone. Being surrounded by
thousands of other p~ople like them is an affirming feeling.
The answer really isn't that simple, rhough. The truth is pride means
different thine:s ro different people. Pride doesn't last for only one
monrh a vear ~and it isn't always about waYing a rainbow flag. \'l~'ith
this in mind, I decided to inte~iew four young, openly gay men.
The conversarions were informal and far from scientific, but I discovered
some interesting similarities in their answer~.
Ley came out between the ages of 13 and 14, Brandon at 14, Matt
at 15, andJonarhan at 17. All four boys reported that thefd always
;ust know rhev were gav from their earliest memories. "I ngured J • V 0
something was different around fifth grade," Ley explained, "but
didn't put a word ro it umil sixth or sevenrh grade, and didn'! accept
that it really applied to me unril eighth grade.''
Their experiences are far from unique. According to Caitlin Ryan,
director of adolescent health initiative~ at San Francisco State
Universirv, who is conducting a long-term study of gay, lesbian, and
bisexual youths and their families, the average age for coming out
is dropping at a rapid rate. For many years, most gay men came out
between the ages of 19 and 23. Some srndics report that age has
dropped ro 14, and it's getting younger ail tl>e time.
A recent Time Magazine article offered more insight. Forty vears
ago, most gay males said they knew :hey were gay at age 14. Mal?
teens today say they've known since they were at least 10 years old.
What bro ugh~ about tJ::iis drastic drop? Experts disagrez on_ t~e
details, but most agree it's a resuit of incrca5ed exposure. K;cts are
aware of what it means to be gay much car:ier today ti1an m d:e
past. That means, as Ley described, they are able to put a name to
their feelings of being differe<J~ at rou!1ger ages.
:\fatt said he had labeled himself ··gav'' by the time he was 10. Still,
e"',rcn in his case "lvherc he had no quahns about gay, it rook
him five vcars to come out \'\fhy th<: delay?
E,\'en though kids are ccnning to terms '\.Vith their sexuality a.t n1uch
:~,:~~~: :::~, (:~,:~:;: t::!~onside/~h:
;i!:::;~:~e,:/f it's s~;;:n~:r
and fan1ily., thlnk ho\\' rnuch harder it is for a young teen. ,..rhc
prospect of getting kicked our of your horne ar t".vel .. \,~t· or thirteen i~:.
rnuch more young
"! was just sick of holding the secret in;' Matt told me. "It felt like
a giant weight on my shoulders that was constantly forcing me to
lie and cheat the people I loved. I finally cold myself that people's
opinion of me might change, but only for the better. The friends
that I might iose (which happened ro be none, rhankfully), would
nor be missed because they obviously did not love me in the way
that I loved them.''
Jonathan, who brags he was almost kicked out of first ~ade for
kissing a boy, came out for similar reasons he wanted to be honest
with his friends about who he was dating. "I didn't want to be
someone who couldn't be happy about a date and giggle with my
friends because I wasn't out. I wamed rhem to cheer me on, and tell
me that it ,vas gonna be fun, and ask me questions about the guy."
Brandon boiled it all down to a simple: "It just felt right."
The key to each of these boys coming out at such an early age was
pride. They were confident enough in who they were to share that
with those around them. W1rnt I found most interesting, however,
was the way pride :neant something slightly different to each of
To Ley, it meant not being scared ro be who you are.
for Brandon, being proud meant standing up for a worthy cause.
To him. pride was more about celebrating our accomplishments and
looking forward to where we want w be.
Jonathan took a more personal approach. "Pride means living life
- with all its obstacles and hardship and stereotypes and still have
the abil.itv to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're still
here. No· matter who vou love or what brand of clothing you use to
define yourself, nothi~g can change you. You are you -- and if I can
say that to myself, that's pride."
Matt's response perhaps best sums up the changing attitudes about
pride. "Pride, for me, is a very important thing. No matter what
asoect it is, you have ro be proud of who you are. If they had
an' "Americ~n Mutt" Pride Month, or a "Brown Hair and Brown
Eves" Pride Month, I'd be out waving my flag. Gay Pride Month
i/no different. It's ;us;: another aspect of myself, a tiny portion of
·Nhat makes me unique. r\ lot of peopie don't see the necessiry of
gav pri~11 e b ecausc 1· r t,s e1' rh er too out t h ere (.t o o queeny, •, oo " g ay " ,
wi1atever), or it's not necessary because throwing a rainbow flag
around doern't accomplish anything. Bu~ being proud of who you
a:e is1,'t nccessarilv about proactively accorr:plishing something. h's
about letting the public know that you are happy with yourself aad
cvernl:ing about \"<>u. But it's not reaiiy about other peop:e I'm
1Jro,~d of ·:,,.+10 I a~. reg-ardless oi h<Jw others feel. Cnfortunatdy,
I\·~ become ·-:en· mud; rer:10.-ed from a lot of the "traditioaal'' gay
pnde. l no longer attend the meetings of the Pride 1\lliance at my
... nor d\) I 1;articioate in the Pride Parades. lt's not that Pm no
longer proud -- l;elt I'~ here and I'rn queer, baby! Ifs much more
ab(;{Jt the fiicr that rm at a po1nt in 1ny life .., vhere rm trying to ~:~);:~:;n other ~::~:.~c;:~~:dl~;:s;:~·r!:Y:~:~ll:,!;}~t;~~;v~~~~ ::~ ;;~~
0 Advettising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Heart to Heart
Pride means many things to different
people. The parades and festivals are still
meaningful to many, while others prefer a
more personal approach. \Vhatever it means
to you, find a way to celebrate it!
* Tulsa Rough
Riders Fundraise
TULSA, OK_Tulsa Rough Riders through
various fund-raising events during ;:he
month of June raised $236.00 for charity.
The events proceeds will be given to St.
Joseph Residence organization of Tulsa. St.
Joseph Residence is an assisted living cemer
for low income people living with AIDS.
The group presented the proceeds to the
Director of St. Joseph Residence during
Pride Month 2006.
Tulsa Rough Riders recently presented
"colors" to the Tulsa Eagle, making it
the "HOME" bar for the club. \'fay to go
"Homophobia is
a crime,"
An estimated 2.4 miliion peopie took to
the streets of Sao Paulo (wer :he weeicenci
to celebra:e the Brazilian city's 10th annua]
Gay Pride paracie, the Associated Pres~
l~he thetne for this year's event \Vas ''J:iomophobia
i~ a ,. to highiight propo,ed
anti-discrin1ination la~.vs. Discritnination is
still widespread across Brazil. Eighty-enc
Brazilians '\Vere ki!led 1a~t ';:,7ear because of
their sexual orientation} activ'"ists say,
Proposed la,;;vs vlou]d aHo\v san1e-sex civil
uni~ns throughout Brazil; are nu\1,~
permitted ortly in the southernmost state of
Rio CJrande do Sul.
Salt Lake City
Police Set Up
Recruiting Booth
at Gay Pride Event.
by Tonya Papanikolas
SALT LAKE CI1Y, UT_From baton-like
performers to floats that encouraged wlerance,
the Gay Pride parade was a colorful
"The parade is a chance for people to get
up and express who they are in a very public
Law enforcement agencies were there not tO
keep the crowd under control, rather they
used the festival as a recruiting wol.
For severai years now, police officers and
gay community members have joined
together to work on a public safety committee
that addresses issues of understanding
between the two groups, but this is the first
time police agencies have formally recruited
at a Gay Pride event.
Police officers told us they've traditionally
been weak in recruiting from the gay
and lesbian community and they want this
community w feel comfortable with law enforcement.
To do that, they say gay, lesbian,
bisexual and cransgender people need to be
The Gav Pride Festival ar the Citv and
County ·building boasted music, food and
a lot of different vendors. This year, police
officers wanted a booth.
Capt. Kyle Jones, Salt Lake Police Department:
"The iirsr purpose is to let the gay
and lesbian communitV know that police departmen~
s in this valley are gay-friendly. Our
:,econci purpose is to do some recruiting."
Seven different police departments and
dispatch centers sent representatives to give
out information and talk t0 people about
iobs manv in the g·;r,1 and lesbian community
have traditionaliy·;b\ed av.-:-ay from or feit ~
locked out of.
Brian Reeder: ''The police force, it's gener~
lly somethi?g y::;u don~t _fe~l is frien~ly rt)
the gay< and 1esb1an populanon. But tney
seern to be. S<J that7s a
Capt.. Kyie Jones: "I think t'.1ere's an impression
that police officers are homophobic.
Years ago that may have been the case,
but it's not tl1e case now.''
The booth drew a lot of people curious to
see what police were doing there.
Todd Crane: "I think it's awesome. I think
we need to have more community im-olvement
with the police."
Others were truiy interested in law enforcement
jobs. Terry Reid: "I'd apply. I'd apply
for a dispatcher."
Brian Reeder: "Now that I know they're
willing to openly accept gay and lesbian
people, it's definitely a career option I
wouldn't rule out."
Terry Reid: "I applaud them. That's great.
That is great. I think we need to break down
these walls and get diversity"
The police departments say the more gay
and lesbian officers they have working for
them, the more the gay community will feel
its issues are represented. Police want ro
send a clear message.
Capt.. Kyle Jones: "We don't care about
who you are or who your partner is. We care
about, can you do good police work?"
The festival coordinator said that the Gay
Pride movement began in New York in
1969 when gay people got fed up with
police harassment in bars and started rioting
and fighting back. So, he said to haYe officers
here at the Festival this year sho-ws how
far the reiationship has come.
Quotable Quotes
In ]\iash-,-ille, 16 billboards went up \Vtth
this quote: '-(Jay and lesbian people have
families, and their families should haYe
protections, v.rhether by marriage or civil
union. :\ constitmionai amendment banning
sarne~sex marriages is a forrn of g;.1y bashing,
and it '\Vou}d do ar all ro ntotect
traditional marriages."' ...... .
Coretta Scott King 2004
theSTAR 7
Con atulation to andy Cayne,
by Greg Steele
Photo's by Chaz
; .::::::/ ,:,
. TULSA, OK_Held at Club Majestic in Tulsa, OK, this years
· · Miss Oklahoma Continental pagaent wasn't just another
· drag show. With the Eiffel Tower as a back drop, the show
. had a definite Gay Parisian theme. The opening number
· displayed more feathered ladies than the Moulin Rouge.
.. It was quite spectacular! The five contestants competed
· in four categories. Talent, Swimwear, Evening Gown and
. · Cayne, a native
Tulsan residing
in Dallas, TX
swept three of
· the four catego-
. ries with Mendigan
!man Star
winning a well
deserved talent
· trophy.
Mendigan Iman
Star from Arkan-
. sas won First Alternate.
Alternate winner
was Mya Mokha
· Iman from Oklahoma.
A special award was given to Tulsa's own Miss G~y
Oklahoma America 2006, Tabitha Tayior for the best
show production, an episode of Twisted Theatre. ·
Billed as the most fascinating pageant in Oklahoma, the
Miss Oklahoma Continental Pageant is open to contestants
from all states to compete. Contestants in this
years show hailed from Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma.
The pageant is a franchise of JF Enterprises of Chicago
Illinois and is in it's 27th year. Oklahoma Continental is
owned and operated by promoters James and Monica
Freeman of Tulsa.
If you missed this years show it will be avaiiable on DVD
soon. The 2004 and 2005 pageants are currently available
on DVD and can be purchased through the website
listed below,
Previous years Oklahoma Continental winners were:
Miss & Mr. Oklahoma Continental 2005 - 2006
Ebony Hall - Daniel Xavier
Miss Oklahoma Continental P!us 2004-2005
Domonique Daniels,
For more information visit the Miss Oklahoma Continental
website at: www.okcontinental.etechsolution.ca
Ph,;t;J L.·fL w Right. ;'\[iss Oklahoma r:cntmental 2005 !fall, ~\f1,,
( lldai1om:, Conrinentii 2006 "Kandy Cavne'·, ,'\,f1s, Continentai 0i2.::ionaL 21;!1!,
"Dunani(pe Shappelle"
By Kay Massey
Springfield Pride Block Party, Photo by Teresa Goodrich.
BENTONVIILE, AR~The Northwest Arkansas (N\X'A) GLBT
Community Center, a newly formed community outreach organization
in Bentonville/Rogers, decorated their van for the drive from
Rogers, AR to Springfield, MO on June 18th to prove their community
pride, as ,;veil as to advertise Springfie!d1s Pride Festival tl1at
ended pride week "'Nith a bang . .l\. Block Par~y was staged on
Commercial street which is also the location of the Gay and Lesbian
Community Center of the Ozarks (GLO). The event was well
attended by over 2,000 people. There were drag Icing and queen
shows all day long. Some of the speakers addressing the crowd
were the Mayor of Springfield Thomas J.. Carlson and Midge Potts,
a transsexual running for US Congressional seat in Missouri's 7th
district against Roy Blunt, as well as many others.
'While all of the action was going on in the street, inside the Gay
and Lesbian Community Center of the Ozarks (GLO) a silent
auction was being held to financially support the Center. Another
fund raiser earlier in the week for the GLO Center, by Queen City
Cab3:tet. Queen City Cabaret brought in $8,000 for the community
center. The money will be used for the organization's operating
The GLO Center took over the Annual Pride festival recentiy after
ShoMeMoPride, the previous organizer, went defunct and turned
the Festival over to the GLO Center. The GLO Center and Springfield
MO Pride coordinated efforts to put on one heck of a show
this year in support of Springfieid Pride.
NWA GLBT Community center had a large banner for e,eryone
in attendance to sign as a pledge of suppor: to t,'Je GLO Center
for the nexr 12 months. The banner was filled ',virh signatures by
attendees throughout the day and \Vas presented to the centers nev.r
Director Bill Harmon by Kay Mas$ey and CaroI Ri,;crs, Co-Directors
of the NWA GLBT Commi.:.nity Center, at the end of the
event. The banner ~~vill hang inside of the GLl) (:enter until next
:fear's Pride Event as a reminder of Pride 1n Springfield, and as a
pledge of support tcJ the GL() CenteL
Be seen with the SIAR, Advertise with us! 9
by Libby Post
JULY 2006
TWO Is Better Than, "Won"!
If Wayne Besen has his way, the "ex-gay" myth will be no more.
The author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals
and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth_ launched a new organization
recently, Truth Wins Out (f\X'O), at the National Press Club in
\'vashington, D.C Named as a direct challenge to the Love Won
Out conferences sponsored by Focus on the Family, 1WO's mission
is to expose the lies and deceit of the "ex-gay" movement and to
strip the Radical Christian Right of its "love the sinner, hate the
sin" facade.
"The ex-gay ministry is the heart and the Achilles heel of the
Christian Right," Besen told me in a recent interview. "They use
these ministries - like Exodus International to shield their hate.
By [TWO] showing the ex-gay movement for what it really is, the
Christian Right wiil have to return to fire and brimstone. We want
Americans to know this is a hoax like selling swampland to senior
citizens in Florida. Right now it's a monologue, and they're doing all
the talking. We're going to make our ,·oices heard to the American
people loud and clear."
With the White House in the pocket of the Radical Christian Right,
the rhetoric of "ex-gayness" has become a GOP political truth.
\'vhen Bush held his press conference in early June to push for the
Marriage Protection Amendment, which would codifv discrimination
into the U.S. Constitution, Alan Chambers, Exoclus' president,
and Randy Thomas, its director of membership, stood by his side.
Their presence increased and solidified the political capital of their
lies and deception.
In a press release issued after being invited to the Wnite House but
before tl1e oress evem;,Chamoers said, "The lives of thousands of
former homosexuals, like me, verifv that homosexualitv is not an
immutable trait, therefore marriag; is not a civii right r~ be casuaily
granted to any group who demands it. Nor is it a rdationai right of
passage w Ix: awarded to those demonstrating a comrnitted, emotionai
bond. t;bmatdy. tbs debate is about nothing !es, than tile
preservation of future gcnerations.H
~' 01;1~one needs' :. ~o 1l et ('' • . • • 'd' r .. ~nam.bers 1n o~ a secret - \Ve~ve: bec~1 a~ 1ng
to tuture generations tor qu1te some nme no\V :and haYe r:.1.1sed son1e
1~J1 ;(:~ !'.:;;~~:~:t:l~:~d
that deny gays and lesbian$ \vho are out and proud the abiJity to
\Valk do,vn the aisle? Belie\'(' rnc., I7rn for him Ch·1rnber~; i:.::
one of those folks \vhosc I,,(;J~T
re;.-okc iong ag<;,
10 the STAR
card I'd h,ri.'c liked to
But it seems to me that Chambers is realh- it!St a cioseted bisexual
clearly, he can do it with men and wom~:1, - and that's his prerogacive,
But by telling gay men and lesbians that we can enjoy "freedom
from homosexuality through the puv.rer of Jesus Cl:rist:' and bv
making a political crusade our of it, he has crossed ~t proYerbia:
line in the sand and needs to be met '.vith equal ferocity.
TWO and Besen are definitely up w that task.
"I think we need to get a lot more aggressive in tl1e movement,''
said Besen. "\Ve hai.e a tendency to ignore the attacks under the
premise of raking tl1e high road. I think our community is fed up
with being swift-boated [a referen,ce to how John Kerry's campaign
was sabotaged bv Republican operatives who claimed to be Viet
Nam vets and undermined the senator's war record].
"TWO is the group that will fight back. We'll make sure our community
cannot be collectively character-assassinated," said Besen.
"\Ve wam to be rhe war room for our movement to resnond to the
Radical Right." •
Right now, TWO is just Besen and some volunteers \vho soend
their rime researching and gathering the information they ~vill
need to continue to debunk rhe fallacy of ex-gayness. He intends
to move the operation to Washington, D.C., bur keep his-present
Miami office so he can maintain what he calls "the Florida turnpike
connection" between T\"(10 and Exodus' headquarters in Orlando.
Not wanting to become an LGBT organizational behemoth, 1WO
still needs to be supported by rhe community go to www.truthwinsout.
org, watch some of the unbelievable video clips of "ex-gay,"
born-again therapist Richard Cohen, and then click on "contribute"
and do the right thing.
"Truth Wins Out will put a laser-like focus on this issue things will
happen because we cause them to."
Spoken like a man who believes in the poy;er of the LGBT community
a power that still has not been fully realized, but with Besen's
help will stop the insanity of people nati!1g themselves because of
whom they love. When tl:at happem, then love and truth reallv do
win! ·
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Aug 4-6, 2006
Swiss, Holiday Resort
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Great Sunday - Thursday Rates
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• Friendliest atmosphere in Eureka Springs • Family
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for guests • Continental breakfast • Meeting room to
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Call for toil free reservations:
1-8 - 4
P.O. Box 430 • Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
the STAR 11
th" ampa~ n
New Epidemic
NEW YORK, NY_On rhe discovery of
AIDS 25th anniversary in June, the gay
community is grappling with a new epidemic
a dramatic increase in the use of what
many consider to be the most dangerous
drug in the United Stares Crystal Meth.
In an effort to combat abuse of this highly
addictive drug,
New York
City's Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual
& Transgender
(the Center)
the launch
· of a new ad
campaign with
the message:
"Silence= Meth."
The phrase "Silence=Meth'' is a slightly
modified but equally haunting reinterpretation
of ACT UP's famous "Silence=Death"
campaign during the 1980s AIDS crisis,
when posters bearing the words
"Silence=Death'' were plastered throughout
New York City. The posters became a wakeup
call to action for those most vulnerable
to AIDS - gay and bisexual men.
"Twenty-five years ago our community refused
to be siiem about AIDS," said Richard
Burns, Executive Director of r;1e Center.
'Just as the ACT UP caippa;gn a;erted tl1e
gav community to AIDS in the 1980s and ✓ ✓
90s, the Ce;:iter's 'Silence=Meth' campaign
will focus attention on the danger of Crystal
Meth and what the entire community mt.st
do to he'.p prevent abuse and addiction to
,his drug."
1\ffecting all races, age~ and sexual onent:.1~
cions, <:rystal IV1eth is a po\\.·erful rnood •alteriag
stimulant that has been ~weeping
through com1nunitics across the United
States" In Niarch 2006, (~ongrcss passed the
(~ombat r"letharnphctamine 1\ct, ,..vhich restricts
the sale nf nver--the-courner coJd and
cant pseu<loephcdrinc~ an
12 the STAR
med to illegally manufacture Crysta! Meth.
Although seizures of "Moonshine Metn"
labs ha,-e slowed slightly under the new law,
the drug still holds a right grip on many
commwtities across the country including
New York's community of gay and bisexual
"The ACT
UP ads put
our government
notice that
the gay
and lesbia!1
would no
longer tolerate
its silence
on the
of AIDS.
Today, we
need to keep talking within our community
about hm01 co address rhc impact of meth
use and we also need to hold government
accountable for giving us the necessary
resources to effectively implement meth
prevention and ,reatment," said Barbara
Warren, the Center's Director for Organizarional
Development, Planning and Research.
"Crvstal fvieth nor only affects the user, but
eve;vone in the user's iife friends, family,
cow~rkers, community and society. No one
can afford to be sile:1t about Me:h."
"The 25-year separation of rbe t\vo campai<'
ns is panic;.;.larlv relevant because the
epidemic; are so ci~>sely connected;· Burns
said. ''The relationship between Crysta!
;\!eth and HIV/AIDS has become clearer
o;·er the past fevv years with studies showing
that Crvstal Meth u~ers are :11ore likely w
engage· in unsafe sex and that f1 IV-:___positive
n,1:.::n are 1nore likely to use: c:rystaJ ,~..,,feth."
In a 2006 survey of gay and bisexual 1ncn in
approxitnatcly one in four
indicated the use of C:rystal ~feth in the period
of srx r11onth$ pnor to tlie assessn-1(~nt
In a "~.,, •. ,n,• 0
In addition to its counseling services, the
Center has addressed the Crystal Meth crisis
through its community forums, education
campaigns, public polic~ advocacy efforts,
and independent research. Congress demonstrated
in 2005 its support of tr..e Center
by allocating federal funds for the expansion
and enhancement of the Center's Crystal
J\Ieth prevention and counseling programs.
The announcement of the "Silence=Jvfeili"
campaign came just before June's National
Gay Pride Month - an event marked by the
annual parade through New York City on
the last Sunday of the month.
New Nutrient-Based
Approach Shows
Promise Against
Deadly Bird Flu
Clinician and Researcher Dr. Tim Guilford
is investigating a promising new treatment
for bird flu, which has potential for substantially
reducing the mortality rate associated
with H5N1 infections. Dr. Guilford explains
his strategy in layman's terms during
interview with Dr. Shoshana Zimmennan of
Bird Flu Beacon.
Los Altos, CA (PRWEB) June 6, 2006 -One
of the main causes of concern about
HSNl Avian Influenza (bird flu) is that
approximately 1/2 of the confirmed cases
have died. Experts attribute this mortality
rate to an unfortunate immune response
called a "cytokine storm." This ofte:1 fatai
side-effect is triggered when a virus gets
past ~he frontline defenses and rhe immune
system over-reacts. Dr. Guilford iikei;s this
occurrence to urban v,1arfare, in \Vhich the
,veapon:.-; used to take our the enemy also
inflict hca·v}~ civilian casualties. •~"Without
instructions tc back <Jff, the immune system
not only destroys the virus but the tissues
around the virus, causing such acute respiratory
distress (/tR~DS) that the i1ninunc sysrcrn
can readily kill the infected indi\tidual as
..._-,,.~eJi as the ,-irus.'~
the process in sorne\vhat more
ciinlcai tern1s, l)L (;uilford says~ '~In pan-
Continued next page . ..
Your Health:
TNF (tumor necrosis factor) from immune
and epithelial cells to help kill the virus.
However, the virus produces a protein that
causes the energy producing mitochondria
of the cell, located in the cell's nucleus, to
become suddenly sensitized to TNF. This
causes the mitochondria to break down
and release substances that trigger rapid
cellular death. While fighting a virus, excessive
TNF can simultaneously attack cellular
membranes and inrercellular biochemical
machinery. When enough of these mechanisms
are compromised in the lungs, Acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) occurs,
and it is ARDS that can lead to death
from bird flu."
Dr. Guilford notes the need to both
strengthen the body's frontline defenses and
to inhibit the damaging effects of a largescale
release of cytokines. He points out,
"There is accumulating e,--idence indicating
TNF is modulated by antioxidants in
normal tissues, especially the antioxidant
called reduced glutathione. People \¥1.th
acute respiratorv distress svndrome have
been test~d to be low in reduced Rlutathione
in lung fluid.'' ~
These findings have put Dr. Guilford onto
the trail of a potentially effective treatmem
for the disastrous effects of HSN1 infection.
He is currently investigating the use of
liposomal encapsulated reduced glutath.ione
to maintain normal glutathione levels. He
says, "Medical research w date has previously
focused primarily on stopping replication
and proliferation. However, if glucathione
can be shown in clinical studies ro modulate
the cytokine storm, it will prove to be an effective
and inexpemive approach to dealing
with virai infect.ions. Currently we have ver:
few medical tools for the cvt;kine storm. ,
and tbs approach appears promising." ·
* Photos Needed for
World AIDS D Remembrance
l)ay P~men1brance Service v1iU be held
Thursda); 1'1overnber 30, 2006 at l\1avflo'..ver
Congregational Church 3901 N\:\' 6.3rd
Street, Oldahoma City, OK 73116. There
,;viU be a reception foUo,.,-ving the service.
or colleague of yours has died of AIDS,
please send a photograph(s) of this special
person in a jpeg or TIF format to the following
e-mail address to be added to this
presentation: patta1@cox.net For more
information about this presentation, please
e-mail Pat Hernandez at patta1@cox.net.
Startling statistics-
- Nearly 5,000 Oklal1omans are currently
living witl1 HIV/ AIDS. This number d~es
not include those individuals who are infected
but unaware of their infection.
- 15- to 24-year olds make up the largest
number of HIV infect.ions in the world.
- African Americans are disproportionately
affected by HIV: thev account for 33% of
total AIDS cases in the U.S., while comprising
only 11 % of the U.S. population.
Approximately 40 million people worldwide
are living with HIV/ AIDS.
- More tnan 25 mill.ion people ,vith HIV/
AIDS have died since the first AIDS cases
were identified in 1981.
- The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevent.ion (CDC) estimate that more than
one mill.ion people in the U.S. are living with
HIV infect.ion, one-quarter of whom are
una,vare of heir infection.
Join our efforts for a healthier Oklahoma.
For more information about World AIDS
Day and how you can become involved, go
to ,vww.aidswalkokc.org.
by Michael Dee
'.'Different strokes for different folks'' is· the
old .saying that my grandmother used to teli
me sometimes. This is.altfine and dandy
but if you do want to be all that diff ercnt
then you have to stiffer. the consequences.
You can wear any kind of hairstyle that you
want but if you can't find a decent job due
to your hairstyle then perhaps you need. to
re-evaluate your self The same thing about
clothing .What employer wants to hire ·
somebody who doesn't fit into .their idea of
what they Wa.D;t t:hen: company to· represent.
The same widigoing out to din!"lei: or to a ·
bar. . t:hing to weai:
to a' Jot Of QUVS • ·.· .
and gals:wea~gWetnto H:te··oars: ~r one
. . . :r for.
, . . . yrhor~~;!;~~tt l:Ioestb dress shabbv. . . . . ·• · . . .
~~. · t'waiit 'to
fort·to. thetitselves lbl)kS~er. ' ... ·.. ... ) ..
I doti't care if vour ·
dragor"dr~ir' ·
.best. As a ma
in ieath(ll' and
E~~r notice •
· feans? It nsed
~e .t~ :go to th
gr<:at I ~~;..is· o
noticed that .
~ndlooks HOT!' Wh, ..
in the Mid:w:est? ·
,', ,,', ' ;,'' ::>, ', ,;',~i' ,,,,':',:< ,,:
»;'};to wnnts to go t.o a hru: and see a burich
of ~!eazy q..~ssedpeople withbasebill d:ps
on (and sometipies bac'.kwa!i:ls) . .Guess ..
thattlicy ~e ttving · · ·. , · ·
Well, th~y are ~otl
enough reputation the .,,.ray it is without us ·
contributfo£ to it more. Be nroua of who , ',' ':' '. i: ..-. 'j:. '1./", ,,,'~y ,,', ''.',',,"t:" :>>,;' ';::., ' you are anct maxe tne Dest out of lite..
Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine * 13
ast Out
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity
of the gay pasr and its impact on the queer ptesent.
How queer was the Weimar era in Germany?
The era of ti1e \X'eimar Republic (1918-1933) ,vitnessed a flourishing
of the arts, liberalization of sociai attitudes, and the emergence
of a vibrant queer culture in Berlir. and other German cities. But
a conservative backlash, economic depression, and the rise of the
Nazi regime reYersed this progress after little more than a decade.
Like much of Earope, Germany was devastated by \X'orld \Var I.
Hungry for peace and cager for change, the country ousred the
monarchy of Kaiser \Vilhelm II in November 1918 and instituted a
parliamcman· democracy led b:i the Socialists. The following year,
the legislature drafted a ne,v comtiturion granting gender and class
equality, prirncy rights, and indi\·idual liberries such as freedom of
speech and assembiy.
Thus beg;m an era of rcmarirnble artistic and intellec.:ual ferment.
The realms of literature, drama, music, architecture, and ,he new
medium of iilm expioded. Philosophy and political theory enjoyed
a renaissance as weil. and medicine and science flourished, with new
advances in fields ranging from psychology to physics.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, a:1d transgender people were in the thick
of these de,·eiopme!lts. By this rime, G~rn{any already had the
strongest gay righ,s mm·emcnt in the worid. In 1897, Dr. Magnus
Hirschfeld and ethers had founded the Scientific ffomanitaria!1
Commit:ec the first:-c\·er i10me,sexrn,; rights group devoted to ~eform
of Paragraph 1 the (;cnnan ]a\v criminalizing sex ben.veen
men. In 1919, Hirschfeld opened the imtirnte for Sexual Science in
Ber~i:1, which h(,used i library, rnuseu;n, .1:1d c;inic. The mcvemc!·:t
\Vas even large (~nough t<, have internal schis1ns: 1\dolf Brand's
Gemeinsc!uft dcr Eigenrn (Comm;;nitv •.if Seif-( hvners), tot;ndcd
in 1903, cckbratcd :~;;sculmc culture a~d rejected Hi;·schfdd'~
medicaiizcd Yicrr of hon1osexuality.
c;ay social life fiouri~~hcd dunng the 1920~. \X>'hilc there v;ere hubs
of activity in cities such as :\.lunich, and (:olognc'.} Berlin
",.l?as \Virhout doubt rbc center of cp.1ecr culture. ;\nracted by the
heady attnosphere ,c1nd a ">;~vcak currency that n1ade li\~ing relatively
cheap, gay::: and lesbians flocked to the capital frorn across (;ennany
and around the \vorld. one --•en""''''' there ~~\~ere 35!\000 gay men
14 the STAR
pher Isherwood's Goodi)yc to Berlin (1 ?39\ \vhich inspired the
play and film _Cabaret_. Berlin boasted dozens of g:1y, lesbian, and
transvestite nightclubs, leading Hieschfc1l'd to note thar "Cranians
[his term for homosexuals] }ia;-e been $Ceo arri,·ing frcm the depths
o: the provinces weeping rears of JG,· ,,t the sight nf rhis spectacle."
Manv sue!: Yenues ·.,ere concentrateci in the Schoneberl! and Nollend~
rfpiatz neighborhoods, which ,emain centers elf g,~y lire today.
One of these, the Eldorado :~ightc!ub on :;\fotzstrn,se, sported
large signs over the entrance announcing "\·ou've ;:()und it1" and
"It's OK Herc!'' In addition, there were numer<ms cafes, bathhouses,
fetish clubs, bookstores, theaters, anci hotels rn,,m- op::::ated D\'
gay entrepreneurs as well as an c:stimateci 2,00() male, pr~1srimtcs. ·
Lesbian and bisexual '.':omen ,,·ere acfr,c in mixed-gender homosexual
organizatiom such as the League for H .. 1man Rights, ac' well
as in the burgeoning \,·omen's mo\·ement, '.wirkicg for cduca!ional
reform and the right to employment o .. :tside the l;<!me. B:; one
estimate, there were some 50 lesbian \Tm1es and organizations in
Berlin, including bars often frequented by burch/ t'em:ne couples
- salons, bowling clubs, and li-,-ing collecti-,es. Se0:cn'il well-kn,rwn
lesbian literary figures called t!:e city home, 1Ecluding w:iter
Christa \'('insloe (author of the noYei that .._,:as r.he basis of the Elm
\fa[dchen in Cniform) and American joumaiist Don rhy Thompson.
The new press fo:edorn enc<ll!ragec rhe cstablishn:em of some 3(1
queer iiternry and political publicatioGs, ,d1ich were sold Oj)enly
on newsstands and boasted a combiced circulation in the millions.
Among these \.Vere Branci\, Der Eigene (One's Own1 thought to
be the first-eYer gay mag .. zinc - Die freundsd:aft (Fncmisbr:), Die
Insel (fbe Island), Frnucnliebe ,.1.Xomen's LmT), a,1d Garconne.
But many Germans, disturbed b,· the era's cuh,ral chan(.'.es and economic
h;rciships. yearned for a ;eturn t,J uad:tiona! -.-ah;cs. Religious
conservatives decried si1ifting gender roles and pcrcei-.:.:d \ ices ,uch
as homosexuality, pornography, and abortion. "'T'hc nation's problems
were blamed on Communists, f c·x,, feminists, and hcmosexuals.
· ·
Adolf Hitler exploited these fears and preiudices to consolidate his
political power, aided by factionalism on ,he left. He was appointed
chance!lor in January 1933, a:1d the staged Retch~tag tire the folkr,
ving momh pro;·1ded a pretext for su,pcndin,',': ci·:•il hbcrtlcs. Ir:
Iv1ay, the Inscitute for Sexuai Science was ,ackcd ard its :rnnerials
burned bv right-wing: youth. Homosexual pabhcations ,,ere banned
and venues \Vere shurtert:d; the F~ldorado ~,.vas conYcrted into a Kazi
propaganda ccn:er.
In l 935~ Paragraph 175 \vas strcngtl1\.~ned. An cstin1atcd 5J)00 to
~5,(~(!0 a~cu:ed ho1n,?~cxual r:1cn ,·vcre sent tn conccntrauon carnps.
/\mid this ciltnate ot tear and an untt)ld nun1.ber of gutcr
grated to safer ccn.uurirst or con-H11ittcd suicide.
Yanishcd into a srili greater
s Brief
s Possible"
by Steve of Oklahoma.
Bv Victor Gorin
In order to vote in the upcoming July
25 Oklahoma Primary election, you must
be registered to vote bv JL,ne 30. If you are
registering by mail your card must be postmarked
that day or sooner.
Oklahoma has a closed primary system,
so Democrats can only vote for the Democratic
candidates, and Republicans may only
vote for Republican candidates in that election
to choose their respective nominees for
the General Election.
Within Oklahoma County there are 2
GLBT candidates running for office in the
Primary Election on the Democratic side,
Rhonda Rudd for State Senate District 46
and Al McAffrey for State House District
If there are runoff elections, they will
happen August 22. In order to vote in tha::
election you must be registered by July 28.
In order to vote in the November 7
General Election you must be registered by
October 13.
Remember that you can register at any
county election board or tag agency in
Oklahoma, and other locations as well.
Registration has never been easier, and after
registration you \\'ill receive your voting
card in the mail which will have your polling
place on it.. If you have been convicted
of a felony you can still register ro vote if
you are not serving time either in lockup,
probation or parole (off paper). Other than
that, you only need to be a US citizen ,vho
has attained 18 years of age or will turn 18
before the next election.
If you are already registered, you don't
need to register again unless you have
moved or haven't voted for 4 years. If
you have moved since you last voted and
registration is still open you may register for
your new address, or you can vote in your
last polling place and register for your new
address at thi1t time. Remember that within
the same county voting system you cannot
change your party affiiiacion bet'.veen June
l and August 31. Also be aware that if y.:,u
register Independent, you belong to no
party and will not be abie w v(ne in primary
elections. If in doubt caJJ your county elec-•
rion board :and can confirm your status.
/tiso remen1ber that even if registration is
closed before an election, you may rnaiJ or
n..1rn in a voter application card and -...-ote in
elections foHow~ing the one
\'{lith each state\v-ide tJt
before those elections you may Yote at your
Election Board H a.n1. until 6 p.1r1. 1
the next day Saturday from 8 a.m. until 1
p.m. and the following Monday from 8 a.m.
until 6 p.m. Polls are open on election days
for 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Other assistance is available in the form
o!' absentee voting and other forms of
speciai assistance if that is needed. Your
participation is vital, especially ,vith the
current political climate in America. Please
exercise your right and duty to vote.
Community for
People living
Non Profit (}rganization
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for peop!e who are HIV+ and
or living 'Nlth AIDS to help combat the
social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
Pantry fur those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS 'Nho cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone V✓ho
wouid iike to voiunteer or provide fi ..
nancial assistance to piease contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
the STAR 15
By Greg Steeie
Micah Barnes
Singer, Musician, \/'✓ riter
Micah Barnes to headline
"Summer Diversity
Weekend" in Eureka
Springs, Arkansas.
EUREKA SPRINGS, AR_lf you missed the
Spring Diversity Festival in Eureka Springs
with the GAYCO show, this is another great
opportunity to get out of town and enjoy some
fantastic entertainment, good food or just relax
for a very fun weekend. The Summer Diversity
Weekend kicks off August 4th and runs
through the 6th. Micah Barnes will headline
the weekend with a performance at the Old
Auditorium in downtown Eureka Springs,
Sat. August 5th.
The LA Weekly said Barnes is ·'Bowie meets
Brecht in a dark alley". The Bay Area Reporter
rote "Barnes' vocals combine the dramatics
Freddie Mercury, the passion of Eddie Vedder,
the mournfulness of Morrissey with the
sweetness of Micheal Stipe". "Micah Barnes
eludes all the musical cliches. His lyrics, often
dryly comic, are a product of his quick intelligence,
a mischievous sense of humour, and
a bubbling show biz savvy." - The Globe and
For more information and updates on Diversity
Weekend go to: www.diversitypride.com or
Festival, A Musical Success!
TULSA, OK_What a line up of entertainment at Tulsa's Pride
Festival or: June 10th. The talent was awesome. exceeding
rnost performances that I've paid to see! Th;s years entertainers
will be a hard act to follow for next years troops. Tulsa·s Tabitha
Tayior (photo at right) 'tv1iss Gay Okiahoma Ame~ica' is a sor:gstress
we ca:i a!i be proud of. A tremendous entertainer· Fro,n
r'oon to five o ciock they sang and p!ayed in unbearable heat
~rhe Council Oaks VVornens Chorale. Council Oaks lv1ens c:11t>·
cale, !v1ary King1 iviark [)odson and rnany CJthers ,,11; io 1.:;11~ei tairh-jc'.
a:12 crovvci
~ ~
by Donald Pile & Ray Williams
ay men's resorts seem to be
everywhere and it is often very hard to find a
resort that is strictly for Lesbians. We have
found two really great ones and they are located
on both ends of the country. For Lesbians
wanting to get a way from it all and travel
we highly suggest these two places.
PEARL'S RAINBOW, the Distinctive
Resort for Women in Key West, Florida, offers
the perfect escape from the everyday world
for lesbians and gay-friendly women. Just two
blocks from the southernmost point in the continental
United States, they offer guesthouse
ambience, bed & breakfast chann, and resort
amenities in a collection of historic, renovated
buildings set amid tropical landscaping .
. . ... . . . . . .. . . . Continued page-18
Out on Vacation
Photo: Pearl's Rainbow Lesbian Resort
And their superb staff will make vour vacation
unforge~table. The,' offer 38.rooms
and suites in their 5 historic buildings.
They have 2 heated swimming pools and 2
outdoor hot ~ubs. The extensive sunny and
shady decks. The Strand
Restaurant serves breakfast
daiiy with Brunch on Sunday
and Chef Lisa's Dinner
in the Strand on weekend
e,0enings. Tl:ev also ha,·e
Pearl's Patio which is :heir
outside poois1de bar and
Their :ooms range from
the simple re the debxe, 2E
v.,ith features you'd expect
in any hotel. Thick, thirst;towe,~
and quality tropical
t(Jiictries pamper ycu. 1\
C()mplirr1entary light continental
breakfast starts yuur
tnorning, and fuli cooked
breakfasts are al~~o a"',.,~ailable
daily. J\ .. poolside bar
pools rejuvenate you. Hot cubs melt your
cares away. Chef Lisa Haas prepares breakfast
in The Strand restaurant, and dinner on
Friday and Saturday e·.,enings featuring her
eclectic island cuisine. All in a comfortable,
welcoming atmosphere just for women.
They are located at 525 United Scree;: Key
West, Florida 33040. Their toll free ;;umber
is (800) 749-6696 and their website is: V>'WW.
pearlsrainbo\\,com. To get to Key \X,'est,
iris best to fly into Ft. Lauderdale (rather
than rvliami) and then rent an amo and take
off for a fabulous scenic (and scarv) drive
thru all the Keys until you finallv K~v West.
After arriving in Key \'{fest, park you~ auto
and you can walk anywhere in town.
On the West Coast, try the Casitas
Laquita in Palm Springs. Owned by Denise
Roberson and Joanna Funaro, this ~vomen's
resort is wonderful. Once you enter the
gate you are in a different world of peace
and tranquility. It is located on 12 acres of
private spiritual grounds. The mountain
views are truly breathtaking'. They have
several choices of accommodations including
casitas or one and two bedroom suites.
Photo: Casitas Laquita in Palm Springs
Ail accommodations comes with T\~ phone,
a Full kitchen and data ports so vou can
check your email or surf the web. The
rooms are decorated with tribal arcifacts and
each room is different and it would reallv be
hard to decide which to s!ay in. Everything
here is spotlesslv clean. They have a total
of 15 ditlerent ;ccommodations m choose
from. Our favorite was the one bedroom
suite with its own prirnte backyard for your
own personal use or for your guests.
Doreen is the manager when the owners are
out of tO\vn and she is EXCEPTIONAL!
She is a real dear! For more informacion
about Casitas Laquitas, check out their
website at:www.casitaslaquirn.com. Their
toll free number is 877-203-3410. And
when in Palm Springs, BE SURE and
dine at ~feb:yn's Restaurant located in the
Ingeleside Inn just west of downtown. The
owner, Mel Haber and his srnff are extremely
gayilesbian friendlv.
For all of our Lesbians sisters, we HIGHLY
recommend these tv,ro resort~ where vou
will feel VERY comfortable and retu;n
home with memories forever! The staff
of both of these
resorts will be more
than happy to give
you any and all information
O!l what
is happening in the
For any questions
about gay traveling,
email Donald and
Ray at gaytravelers@
aol.con1 or
'l .. ~isit their \1,rebpage
at: http:// \V\l/Vv:
com/ gaytravelers
~ 1m ill©oo~~
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
"Dania Beach, Florida"
Visit the "New and Exciting" Dania Beach, Florida ,vhich is a
GREAT alternative to Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach and just
minu~es from either. Reiax and party in Dania Beach and enjoy their
small town atmosphere. Dania Beach is fast becoming THE place
to stav in Southea~t Florida and for gays the LIBERIT SUITES is
the ONLY place ~o stay!
Dania Beach locateci right on the Atlantic Ocean is a wonderful geta-
way for people living in the Midwest. It
is just a close drive
~o Ft. Lauderdale
or to South
Beacn but much
iess expensive
than either. The
city of only 28,000
is extremely gay
friendly and filled
with lots of antiques
and gift shops. With
its ideal location,
warm and sunny
climate and wide
range of ameniries
and attracrions, the
Greater Dania Beach
area has something
for evervone. Situated
between' Ft. Lauderdale
and Hollywood, Dania
Beach is minutes from
class arc museums, con- certs, plays, festivals, and other
cultura'. events. Professional sports ranging from football to hockey
to rodeo are also readily avail;ble. DaniJ Beach itself hosts a Jai Alai
fronton, a local perfor~,i~g arts theater, a natural hisron· museum
and rhe IGFi'>.Fishing Hallo~· fame.
Dania Beach is int:ernationaJJv kno,vn for its marine industrr l\1annas,
· reoair and storage facifaics, prominent shipbuilding compan,::s.
a!1d d;ckage for crnioe lines and other vessels are found all o·:er
Dania Beach'$ numerom waterways and canal~. Port Everglade~.
which spans over 2100 acres and occupic, part of Hoih'wood,
Dania Beach and Ft. Lauderdale, i~ (;!H: ,he 11;1.tio:1's ;:cp ,eaport:0,
~:t:~e~~:(~:·!~~:a~~~~:-T.~~~:::t;i\::~:~~~~;~:(:~~?:/~:~;;:,;:~;l~;~t( lfl
I)an1a Beach area plays ho~t to the largc~t nautlcal SY,iap shop, the
Dania ?vfarine Flea \'iarket.
Thanks to Joseph Van Eron and Jack Zimmerman who own the
Libert\· Apartments & Garden Suites, it h:as even gotten more gayfriendiv.
These two e-entle!rcen ha-;e literally turned the enrire cir,
a:ound in it's th.inki;;g a, far as a gay tourist center.
The Libert, Suites is locared at 1501 and across the street at 1500
S. \v'. Seco~d Avenue w~1ich is just one block \'fest of :he main
rughway thru the center_ of to':vn. It is the pe~frct p~ace for gays ,in
the Midwest to go to relax and haYe a great nme. \X-e get so urea
of "simple rooms" when ,ve travel. But at the Liberty Suites, all
rooms are aparcmen:s complete with kitchens, full size refrigerators,
ovens, microwave, dishwasher, coffee maker, cooking utensils
and complete with desk, linens, china, housewares and anything
eise oossible that vou wo'.l!d need. The bedrooms are huge and so
are tlle living ro~rns and they are decorated beautifully.
Just fly or drive dm.vn and you
can move right in for
a week, a month or
e. Your suitcase
l of bathing suits
is all you need.
Every apartment
mes with your
wn private teiene
and Cable
VCR. For
than wl:at
t accommoons
a simple
mat the
u can get a
huge apartment
for less than
that! Grocery
and liquor stores
are within walking distance. We always
go to the fresh produce market~ and buy the freshest grapefruits
and ora:1ges. Since almost e:erybody in Florida loves to walk, 1t ts
about a mile from che beach and what .1 ;vonderful walk it is. And
most important, the Liberty Suites is pet friendiy so bring your
pets wifi~ you. Did we mention about their off street parking?_Dici
~ve mentio,. their on-site laundry facilitiesr _l(,e and Jack r:.ave cione
C\'ervthin_g perfect S() that you \Vill ha~,,rc a \-ery relaxed and carefree
\X'e baYe staved at the Liberty Suite5 fo~ i:he past fe,,.' years and it
iust keq)$ e;~mng better :;ni lx:tter The grea;:est thing is that you ;;~,~~;1;~:~~~;;7~1::::: ;::~;'ri:r.::::::~~ii::'.l!.'.:i'.:~~:::
~c~";-;/>t:~:·a I2: ~~'.:i~~:~;i~,~~~,:~:;~ ~~'. ~;,~~~;~a~e;~e;,l~::1 :~:~/:~:;:.~::at~
~;~e ti~:.i~:~~~~r~~:~~ ~1~~!~~;~:·~~;,~~,~~;,::,:;_<,_~,:;:t: ,ibm~-1
i\1 pL1cc to lire 1.vher; ;nv:1y fron1 hornc'·. Joe and Jack
..... ,. .... C(J~·rr1·--~l:r1:I) page 22
Arkansas & Oklahoma s most read GLBT Magazine 19
Photo below; A view of one of the several glaciers you'E see while
traveling on the Alaska Railroad's Glacier Discovery Train. (Photo
by Andrew Collins)
July 2006
by Andrew Collins
Anchorage, Alaska
Although it's a bit less than a century old, Anchorage has deveioped
into Alaska's largest city, with a population of about 260,000.
It's also an excellent jumping-off point for countless adventures
into the surrounding wilderness, from sea kavaking in Prince William
Sound to hiking at Denali National Park to skiing at i\lveska
Prince Resort in nearby Girdwood. But don't overlook the city
itself, a lively cultural hub v.'ith great shopping and dining and
immediate access to tl1e great outdoors. It's also the heart of the
state's relativelv nascent but increasingly Yisibie gay scene.
Summer is the most popular time to come, ·.vhen Anchorage
abounds with flowers in private and public gardens as well as in
wi!1dow boxes and hanging baskets on porches. The sun ri~e~
around 4:30 in the morning and doesn't set again umil almost midnignt,
allowing for ample time eacl: day to ~ec the sight~. But snowsports
Eans and bargain-seekers migh1 wane to consider 2 winter
,·isit, when hotel rates drop precipitouslv along ,.vid1 temperatures
(expecr January highs tif about 2G to 25 degr::c:s, Ycrsu,; 60- to 65-
degree high~ in July).
J\.nchoragc -...von't likely dazzle you~ dcAvnto\vn '\Vas largely destroyed
aunng a mar:sive 1964 ca:thquake, and much c,f the reconstru~
tion leaves a lot to be desired aesthetically. But it's nonctheiess
;h~u~:;~~;::~ ~;:t::::t~~~~~~ t~,:;ed:~t~:;~:tj !\la~ka ~~~~~;1!or
J\nchoragc Syrnphony ()rchestra~ 1\nchoragc ()pcra, and J\laska
Chamber Singer~
'The A.nchorage Ivfuscurn of }1istory and J\rt is a \vorld-class facil\
Vith an extensive tro,te of art and artifacts th~n trace the
of the region
UF '""hrcugh th<~ rr-c,rl:•rr- ·1,;n. ·\n,J the /\.. hi.ska
you can learn abcjut rbc state's
csbii)ir·,s rki-:;.:r•.: v;d .::en11n:lf"-. and
Anchorage has long drawn outdoorsy types, as there are plenty of
ways to get your blood pounding ,vithin city limits, and you're also
,vithin driving distance of many great destinations for recreation
and nature-watching. You can hike miles of trails at Chugach Staie
Park, which fringes the city and extends for some 60 miles into
rhe wilderness to the south, offering climbs to numerous peaks
with elevations as high as 8,000 feet. Another grea~ venue is Eagle
River Narure Center, which offers hikes, naturalist programs, and
bird-watching outings among many o~her activities that showcase
the region's abundant flora and fauna. And that's just scratching the
surface don't overlook the Alaska Zoo (an excellent place to see
black bears up close) and the Alaska Botanical Gardens.
From a culinary standpoint, Anchorage has truly blossomed of late.
There are certain foods that appear routinely on area menus, parricularly
reindeer (often in the form of sausage), eik, and other area
game along with plenty of local seafood, from wild salmon to raw
ovsters to fresh berries. Kincaid Grill has been a pioneer in creatIYe
r~gional dining, as chef Al Levinsohn is constantly coming up with
excitine: new takes on Alaskan cuisine, from Kodiak scallops sen-ed
with a;; Asian ponzu sauce and stir-fried veggies to roasted balibut
Nicoise with olive tapenade. Another top choice is Sack's, a slick
contemporary dining room filled ,vith modern art and ser-·ing such
inno·,ative creations as pan-seared New Zealand rack of lamb ·.vith
blueberry-port demig!ace. Grab a table along the sidewalk in good
You'll find sophisticated contemporary cuisine at Mick's at the Inlet,
including a knockout elk chop ,vith goat cheese brioche pudding,
Bearnaise sauce, and a berry relish, and roasted skatefish wing with
blood oranges, fennel, chives, and olive oil. Drop by Cafe Savannah,
a cool little capas restaurant and wine bar with authentic Spanish
cooking, for the likes of Portobello mushrooms stuffed with chorizo
and Manchego cheese, and calamari with lemon-garlic aioli.
For a light meal and great people-watching and mingling, check
our Glacier Brewhouse, which is known as much for its delicious
house-brewed oatmeal stout and red-currant Iambic beer as for
tastv comfort food, such as seared ahi runa and Thai chicken pizza.
Ga-;-friendlv Sassafras Coffeehouse is a fine spot for a ligh! meal,
coffee. and ·free wireless Internet - it's right across the street from
Nord;trom's, by downtown's 5th Avenue Ma!L Try the rurkey-bacon-
avocado wrap.
;\Jso a block from the mail, Cyrano's Theatre Company cc)mprises
a performance space, arty bookstore, and pctic cafe (calied Twig's)
,;vhere you can grab a chicken-pecan salad or a ci.;p ()f seafood
chowder. The ,.heater p:oduces ,;.,ell-acted piavs throughou: the y;car
and has a strong gay following. The queer nightlife scene 1s limired
~~f ~~;;,:Eif £~:v!~i~!;~;::i::~:::::~'.:'.:,:~:~:;.1.~,
male-oriented and cruisy Raven~ ,vh.ich is JUST arc,uncl the corner.
I"herc arc several accomrnodations here that 1narkct to gay
n,:1wr~, among 1hem the i\laskan Leopard B&~~-;:;,1,:.::;t~~)i~:~sc:
crepes and sourdough \t,~affies arc a1r1ong the
and delicious breakfasts for \1/hich the inn bas a
20 Arkansas & Oklahoma ·s mo.st read GLBT Magazine
loyal following, and the owners can also organize a wide range of
wildlife tours throughout the surrounding area. Just on the edge
of downtov;n, the gay-owned \X'ildflower Inn contains three guest
rooms wit!:: sophisticated but comfy furnishings, including a beautiful
J\ifission-style bed in one and TV /VCRs in all of them (plus
Wi-Fi throughout r.he house). It's a great choice if you want to be
within wa!bng distance of museums, restaurants, and nightlife.
Another highly popular gay-owned property downtown is the
Copper \X'hale Inn, an urbane late-1930s house (a rare survivor of
the '64 quake) with 15 rooms, most of them affording panoramic
vistas of the surrounding mountains and Cook Inlet. Of larger
mainstream properties, one of the most luxurious is the Marriott
i\.nchorage Downtown. This airy, contemporary high-rise offers
dramatic views of the distant wilderness but also affords easy access
to local sights and restaurants.
You can make a number of excellent day trips or short overnights
from Anchorage. One of tne best full-service resorts in Alaska is
the luxurious ,'\lyeska Prince Resort, in the small village of Girdwood,
a 45-minute drive south of the city. In winter, it's the state's
top venue for downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding,
snowmobiling, snow-tubing, and sledding. You can also take the
aerial tram up to ;\ft. Alyeska, ·.vhich has a restaurant at the top. In
summer, you can book a tandem paragliding ride off the rop of the
Anorher option is the two-and-a-half-hour drive m Seward, a
slightly gritty old fishing town on the Kenai Peninsula. It's gradually
developed into a popu.iar cruise port and leisure destination,
thanks to its proximity to aarure and also the Alaska Sealife Center,
a marine-life research facility where visitors can observe the habitats
of 2,000-pound Sre!lar sea lions, diving puffins, and dancing King
crabs, among other creatures native to this region.
Just outside of Seward, you can visit Exit Glacier - in facr, you can
practically drive your car right up to the edge, as it's the most accessible
glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park, which encompasses
more than 900 sguare miles. From the parking area it's a flat 15-
minute hike to the foot of the glacier. where you can get some great
up<lose pnotograph~ of this hulking, slowly retreating mass of ice.
Downtown Se,;rnrd has a handful of restaurants and som·e1ur
shops, mostly aiong 3rd and ~th .JTem,es. anci the community also
has plenty of tour oper,,tors offe:ing kayaking trips, fligh::seeing
excursions, and sailing ad\'cntures.
Perhaps the n1ost dramatic ,,vay to get ar<)und the region, especially
if you're a fan of "Vintage trains1 is to book {:>ne of the popular sightseeing
runs on the Alaska Railroad. There are extensive wurs lasting
frotn t\VO to 10 days through the J)eoali National Park's backcountry
and up into the /\.retie Cjrcic, as \veU as easy day trips that depart
,Anchorage :ind take you through rugged Chugach Forest, past soar ..
ing glaciers and 3cross \vildHo,ver-stre~v.;n meado\vs. f'vfany of these
trains ha~.re giass-dome alloYving incredible photo ops. These
coiorfu1 jaunts n;1rratcd by experienced naturalists offer the perfect
chance to
Arkansas & Okiahoma 's most ;ead GLBT Magazine 21
are true gay icons in the community and they deserve e~·ery bi~ of
recognition that they get. They have both worked extremely hard ar
building up Dania Beach and the whole communiq-, both gay and
straight, are so proud of them.
So the next time you are ready to take off for a week or more,
check out the Liberty Suites at: http:/ f,,vww.LibertySuites.com.
Their toll free telephone number is 877-927-0090 and their fax
number is 954-342-8944 or you can email them at: JJ@LibertySuites.
Want the STAR delivered to your home or business?
12 issues for $26.95 will be mailed in a sealed envelope
the 1st of each month. Complete the form
below and send with a check or moneyorder to:
Ozarks STAR
5103 S. Sheridan Rd., #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
(Single Copies $3.00 per issue)
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Start Date:
22 the STAR
Travel Plans
Dougias Glenn
As much as I like ;:o talk to a real person it just doesn't pay anymore
to do so. Take booking flight for instance. When I callee! my
favorite airlines recently to book a flignt I was told rhat if I booked
on line there would be no charge but if I did book over the phone
that there \Vould be a $10.00 charge. And this was the airline company
I was talking with! Talk about a rip-off! They want me to fly
with them, give them my hard earned money but then they \Vant ro
charge me for calling them and purchasing a ticke~! Well, needless to
say, I DID go on-line and book the flight and saved myself S10.00.
However it really irritated me to no end to ha\·e to do that.
\'\'hen I did go on line I was amazed at the different prices for
different times of the day. First and last flights of the day \\:ere iess
expensive and flying in the middle of the week (Tuesday, \\'.'ednesday
and Thursday) had cheaper rates also. Saturdays seerns ~o have
cheaper rates also. But forget about flying out :\1onday morrijng
or Friday afternoons as that is \vhen ail tbe businessmen do there
I have found to always book directly \vith the airlines rather
than going thru a second source such 2.s a booking site. linles~ you
read the small print you wind up paying services charges that completely
wipes any savings tha, you think that you arc getting. When
I was going traveling overseas I sometimes use a m,vcl agency but
they also charge anymore. \Vhat happen.ed t0 sen-ice? A good \veb•
site to check out for best air fares and that is: http:/ iairconsumer.
ost.dot.gov / publications /bestfare.htm
It used to be that flying was so much fun but now it is such a
hassle, with parents and their children screaming and yelling and
shoving and pushing and well, guess you kinda get mv drift. Now it
is a total nightmare to just get a seat. But, since other than d,+,ing
that is the only alter:1afr1e I just ha,,e to grin and bear it. I alwa;·:,
taKe a good book or a couple of good magazines to read because
you never know when there might oe a delay.
(Jood luck v1ith your flight'.
Earl Wheeler
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Glenpool, OK 74033
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TheSTAR 23
Salutations Kittens--Uncle Mikey here fresh from the pages of yet
another fabulous pride season, and what a season it is. Ende Mikey
is hurriedly gathering his second wind in time for the fourth. I
would like to rhank the many men who made this season so enjoyable,
and will be sending out thank vou notes accordingly. To all
those tasty treats ready for the independence celebration- heyyy!
Dear Uncle Mikey,
My boyfriend and I attended pride as a couple this year for the first
time. We agreed that we were building a monogamous relationship
which went straight out the window two hours into it. He acted as
if I were keeping him from having a good time and then we got
into a fight in the middle of the after pride events. I feel as though
this is a sign and that he is not that serious about me after all. He
ended up in our suite with another man, and asked me to join as if
there was nothing going on. What's the deal, am I wrong to think he
crossed a line?
Pride drama
Dearest Pride-drama,
Kitten, Uncle feels your pain but aliow me a moment to giYe you
another POV Even the ~ost -.veil intentio!l men in the world can
fall Drey to the OYer abundant bou:;r,c at a oride event. Fact: He
oro~ght his game home to shire wi:h his beloved, which oi:rvious!:,
suppor~s a lack of coRJmi.:nicacion here. \'fhat man is going ,o bring
home a trick- Unle~s he i$ simply a drama seeker, this action tells
r:1e tnere needs to be more cohc~iYe communication. Kitten, I couid
nor help but catch that mu didn't teE the nory o+ rejecting this
blunder, feeEng that it was a night tc remember for all., not thac 1
am judging. I \Vouid rnost assuredly address this J~sue ho,;_1f·e·\"er, if it
\Vere me~ 1 \Vould haYe taken pictures for our anniversary a]bu1n,
Smooches- t :. Mikey
Dear l]ncle l\1ikey~
places. f-le \1.ras passionate, attentive, grv'ing, intense sexy
and sc; romantic he absolutely rook 1ny breath. L.ooking into hi5
eye:::. 1 feit alive. ;lnd :as if \VC \\~ere S(•tne h.o\v C(:.innected. J feH
26 the STAR
name, and do not know where to 6nd him. I don't'k.now ,vhat to
do? My friends think I am making it up, but this man took me mind
body and soul. What can I do?
Lookjng for Gabe
Dearest Looking,
Kitten, you have fallen pray ro '.vhat Cncle c,;lls, rhe goiden-boot1·call.
The hottest, sweatiest, most passion you have ever felt before
as in your fe,·erish adolescem dreams. Hown·cr, this was a one time
shot-~ao pun intended. You have to except this and move on holding
this night as cherished moment in time. Kitten, I have known
this occurrence before.
Uncle had a friend we will call Steve, well Steve hGoked up with a
one name woeder who rook him w such pas$ionate heights he acruaHy
cried recalling the night t0 me. He became obsessed wicl1 finding
this trick in the night while losing site cf realty. He neglected his
job, his friends, his entire existence became a search for this man
of many orgasms. It was so sad, we tried e~;crything including an
intervention, when we realized ,ve lost him to this unknown sende~
of passions embrace. \'?ell, iong story short, be lost nis jobs, ignored
his friends, his apartment! Kitten, it was rent comrolleci., I swear it
brings a tear to my eye still yet.
3'foral: Kitten, if this man is meant to be than he shall return, i10we\
·er do not get hung up no matter ho\;• nung he was. I ,et it go while
moving forward chalking the nig!:t up for what it was, a wonderfu:
Golden-booty-call, you shali tell generations to come Queerdom.
Kitten, it is better to ha,-e hit that than to neYer ha,:e known it at all!
Smooches-U. Ivlikey
Uncle :,Iikey,
Is a threeso~e with your brother-in-law and boyfriend wrong?
Seriously considering it.
Dearest considering,
Not with the right lighting and mocivation. Bon appetite!
Ki~tens- A quick noteworthy mome::11:. Look ~o the right of Uncles
corner here. Al! I can say is yummy! Hey john and Paul...A delicious
recipe for a tasty meal, a sweet drink to wash it down and !wo cute
d , h - . . d 11 csserts, ,v at a recipe 1n eea:
Kittens, Uncle mus, once mo:-e take m,· leave, (1uicker than a trick
dot,:n the fire escape. I have to send n1y faithful house-boy to get
Cacies buli-; deln-er•, of Gatorade. [ swear sm~1mer heat has such an
effect <)11 lJncle. S01ne say sununcr furt~ I say summer ioYe. lJncle
\\~ant~ to remir1d one and aH to piay safe during the stunmer sizzic.
Remember to iove yourself, and luve one another; se':~:-cral times a
day if you ~. .v ;,inr to get really gc,od! I-iappy fourth (}uccrdorn--1
salure yc,u, in more \vays than one.
Sn1ooches l]ncle :vljkey and 'Tiddics too.
10 Large Potatoes.
1 cup chopped Celery.
1 cup chopped red onion.
1/2 cup chopped sweet pickles.
4 Boiled Eggs.
1/2 cup Real Mayonnaise.
1/2 cup Ha!f & Half cream.
1 Tablespoon Season Salt.
1/2 Tablespoon White Pepper.
In a large pot boil potatoes until tender.
Rinse with cold water, peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
In a large bowl add potatoes, seasoning, mayonnaise
and cream. Mix very weil, then add celery, onions, pickles,
Mix together boiled eggs then add to bowl. Chill for
about 2 hours and serve.
This months recipe is a delicious martini.
Serve these up some evening for
a nice cocktail hour (or 2 or 3). Jazz r
music goes very well with martinis so I
suggest a little Diana Krall on the stereo
and you'll have a great and enjoyable
(6 parts) Absolute Citron Vodka
(2 dashes) Dry Vermouth
Fresh Lemon
Granulated Sugar
1 Rim a chilled martini glass with sugar.
2. Combine Vodka, Vermouth and fresh
squeeze of !emon with ice in shaker and
shake well.
3. Strain into martini glass and garnish with
a !emon twist
4. EN,JOY !!!
Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine 27
by Jack Fertig
JULY 2006
"Be ready for adventure, Cancer!"
Mars opposing Neptune makes chemical overindulgence
easy and dangerous, especially when you're
showing off. Venus in Gemini encourages flirtations,
but she's square Uranus in Pisces, so confused signals
can build false expectations. Or maybe you reaily
do want more than you admit.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): You can't win in games or investments
now, but you can have lots of fun with the former
if you aim for idealistic benefits rather than mere victory.
Idealism in community service will make you a winner in
ways no game can match.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Trying to look good at work
will backfire. Just do your job and let accomplishment
speak for itself. Calling in o!d debts could yield some happy
surprises. It's also a great time for new pen pals or oniine
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You're suddenly looking awfully
good, and you can use that for promotions or raises.
Take pride in your listening skills and flexibility, and stay out
of arguments! Anything you say will be held against you.
CANCER (June 21 00 July 22): No insurance or real estate
deais for you this week! Sex mixed with booze or drngs is
a dangerous combo - isn't it better when you're really all
there? Be ready for adventure in both flesh and spirit. The
world is opening to you in new ways.
LEO (July 23 $ August 22): Your adoration of the limelight
is annoying your co-star and aggravating misunderstandings.
Humility is your best feature, when you can manage it.
Discretion and social service wiil prove surprisingly beneficial
to your-sex life.
V!RGO (August 23 - September 22): Calm down, meditate,
and re!ax your fraglle nerves. Work is going better
than it seems. and you're sure to get noticed with some
support from your colleagues. Even if you're having some
awful snafus, others will understand and forgive.
LIBRA (September 23 00 October 22): You're ready for adventure,
but it could easily be a misadventure, and that's a
drag. Focus that urge for innovation at work where it's more
likely to make you shine. ~
SCORPIO (October 23 00 November 21): Past or present
issues with your parents seem especially complex now and
can creep into dealings with authority figures. Sexual role
play can shed some iight on those dynamics. Otherwise,
the boss isn't your mommy or daddy, and vice versa. Stay
present in the moment.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 $ December 20): You're
especially prone to exaggerate now and overwhelm people
with stories. Keep the truth clean and simple, but freely
regale your friends with wild yarns and jokes. Your spin on
legends and folk tales can be surprisingly seductive.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Your sexual
charm is strong, but has to be played carefully. Knowing the
right time and place for it is the trick. Your current attack of
klutziness may actually help a bit, giving you an endearing,
vulnerable quality.
AQUARIUS (January 20 $ February 18): Your partner's
wishes are much clearer than yours. That's making you feel
put down, but you just need to articulate. Sing out, Louise!
Pleasures that seem indulgently expensive are really accessible
if you budget and plan.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Be careful of hubris.
Fall back on your usual modesty at work. Fun and games
at home are where you now excel and can crow shamelessly.
Surprise some friends with new recipes and afterdinner
., <
Testing the last Sunday of each month
between SP},f and 6PM.
2902 E. 20th St.,
PO Box 4'11
Jc)plin, :\.fo 64803
Sunday Sernce 6P\1
28 Advertising in the STAR is Just good business cents.
Arkansas, Bentonville (479)
NWA GLBT Ctr - - - - www.nwaglbtcc.org- - - - - - --479-586-1062
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride Event - - - - - - - - - - - - - -www. ersitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye View- - - - - 36 N. Main- - - - - - - - - -479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante- - - - 309 W VanBuren- - - - -479-253-8102
Henri's - - - - - - -19 1/2 Spring St - - - - - - - - - - - -479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill- - - 105 E VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Swiss Holiday Resort- Hwy 62 at Hwy 23 So.- - - 888-582-8464
Spexton- - - - - - - - 17B Spring Street - - - - - - - - -918-829-0824
Tiki Torch- - - - - - - - 75 S. Main Street- - - - - - - - -479-253-2305
Tradewinds Lodge -141 W. YanBuren- - - - - - - - - 800-242-1615
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Common Ground Restaurant- - - 412 W. Dixon - -479-442-3515
Condom Sense - - - - - - - - 418 W. Dickson- - - - - -4 79-444-6228
Curry's Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-521-0009
Passages - - - - - -930 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-442-5845
Pride Street Live- - 523 W. Poplar St-- - - - - - - - - - 479-587-0557
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave-- - - - - - - - - - -479-587-9512
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- - - - - - -1004 1i2 Garrison Ave- - - - - - - 479-783-9988
Red Rock City - - -917 N. "A" St. - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - - - 1010 E. Grand Ave - - - - - - - 501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - - - - - - - -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - - - 415 Main St - -North L.R.- - - - - - - -501-244-0444
The Factory- - - - - - 412 Louisiana St.- - - - - - - - - 501-372-3070
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club- - - - - 384 Grant Ave. - - - - - - - - -785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - - - - - - - - - -620-231-0938
River of Life Church.- - 1709 N. Walnut- - - - - - - -Service 11AM
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our Fantasy/South40- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - - - - 316-682-5494
Priscilla's- - - - - 6143 W Ke!iogg Dr- - - - - - - - - - - 316-942-1244
Club Glacier- - - - - - - - - 2828 E. 31st South- - - - - 316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava (417)
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - - - - - - 716 S. Main - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816}
40th Street Inn- - - -www.40thstreetinn.com- - - - - -816-561-7575
Concourse Park B&B - - 300 Benton Blvd -- - - - -816-231-1196
Hydes KC Gym & Guest Hs - 1.-N.w.hydeskc.com - 816-56H010
Missie B's- - - -805 W 39th St- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -816-561-0625
Missouri, Lampe (417)
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- - - - 424 Boonv!HeAve- - - - - - - - - - -417-83i-4700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical- - - - - - - -417-869-3978
Martha's Vineyard- - - 219 W Oiive .. - -- - - - - - - - - 417-864-4572
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's - - - - 1918-S Glenstone - - - - - - - - - - - -417-881-8444
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid (580)
Hastings Books- - - -104 Sunset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-242-6838
Prisciiia's- - - - - - - - -4810-A West Garriott- - - - - - - 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton (580)
Triangies- - - - - - - - - - -29 SW "D" Ave - - - - - - - - 580-351-0620
ingrids Bookstore- - - - - 1124 NW Cache Rd- - - - - -580-353-1488
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - - - - - - - POBox 1515, - - - - - McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642- - - - - -405-495-1111
Boom Room- - - - - - - 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - - - - -405-601-7200
Border's Books- - - - - 3209 NW Expressway- -- - - 405-848-2667
Club Rox- - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Christie's Toy Box- - - -3126 N. May Ave - - - - - - -405-946-4438
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave- - - - - - - -405-672-6459
Fat Cat Bingo- - - - - - 3130 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - -405-942-8875
Hollywood Hotel- - - - 3535 NW 39th Exp - - - - -405-947-2351
Hi-Lo Club - - - - - - - 1221 NW 50th- - - - - - - - - 405-843-1722
Partners- - - - - - - - - 2805 NW 36th St - - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Pec's- - - - - - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expw - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - 615 E. Memorial- - - - - - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St- - - - - - - - - - - 405-525-5165
Rudy's P!ace-- - - - -3535 NW39th Expw- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Phoenix Rising - - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - -- - - - -405-601-3711
The Park- - - - - - - - 2125 NW 39th St - - - - - - - - - -405-528-4690
The Rockies- - - - - - 3201 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- - - 3535 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Tramps- - - - - - - - - - - -2201 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - - -405-521-9888
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- - - -7204 E. Pine - - -- - - - - - - - -918-836-8700
Border's Book Store- - 2740 E. 21st- - - - - - - - - - 918-712-9955
Border's Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale - - - - - - - - - - 918-494-2665
Club 209 - - - - - - - 209 N. Boulder - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Majestic- - - - - - - 124 N. Boston - - - - - - - - 918-58'i-9494
Ciub Maverick- - - - - 822 S. Sheridan - - - - - - - - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- - - 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - - - - - -918-834-1051
Elite Bookstore - - - - -814 S. Sheridan- - - - - - - - - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 5545 E. 41 st- - - - - - - - - - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge- - - - - 11730 E. 11th- - - - - - - - - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic- - - - - - - 3540 E. 31st- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-749-8378
Jazz·s Lounge- - - - - - 426 S. Memorial - - - - - - - - - 918-836-8544
Midtown- - - - - - - - - - 319 E. 3rd- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-3112
Nite Spot - -- - - - - -3007 E. Admiral Pl - - - -- - - - - - 918-834-3007
Our House, Too - - - -203 N Nogales Ave- - - -- - - - -918-585-9552
Prisci!la's - - - - - - - -7925 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - -918-627-4884
Priscilla's - - - - ·· - - 5634 W. Skelly- - - - - - - - - - 918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - - - - - - 11344 E. 11th - - - - -- - - - - - - -918-438-4224
Priscilla's - - - - - - - - - 2333 E. ?1st- - - - - -- - - - - - -918-499-1661
Renegades- - - - - - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Rob's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- - - - - - - 918-627-1505
Sterling & Co. Saion- - -1606 E.15th St- - - - - - - - - 918-742-9999
Tulsa CARES- - - - 3507 E. Admiral Pi.- - - - - - - - - - 9"18-834-4194
Tuisa Eagie- - - - -1338 E 3rd - - - - - - - - - - - - -918-592-1188
TNT's - - - - - - - 2114 S. Memoriai- - - - - - - 918-660-0856
Whittier News Stand- - 1 N. Lewis- - - - - - •· - - - - 918-592-0767
~le!iO\\f-Brick-Rd- - - - - - - 2630 E. 15th~ - - - - - - ~ ~ 918-293-0304
ute FREE copies of the ST:.A,.R.
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t..UNCH DATE: ...
't)l:'-AR PA-<'f?ot-15,
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C:..tOS~P i-rs PooR'S''
-(tlAMt<S f'oR Yo'-'FZ,
,,, BuSiN~$.
rH.t'F, 15 >'OVR FAVt.V.'." Y
Be Seen VVith The Star
Night club for sale Aprox 3000 sq. ft. occupancy
around 200 has storage building and small hou,e
on the property. S210.000
Great entertaining home on 15th street by fair
Grounds 4 bedroom 1.5 baths Large Su:uoom
with 10 person Hot Tub Hard wood floors
crown moiding L'1-rge Master Bedroom Aprox.
2050 sq. 5:. House is like new. $159.500
3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 Edng 2 Car To~ally Up·
dated in South Tulsa 58,b Sheridan
area For Sale or Lease $145.000 or $1,200 per
month Rental.
3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 Livi,ig 2 Car with Pool 58th
Place and Sheridan aprox 1850 sq. ft. $140.500
Condo"s for rem 66th and Peoria area 1 Bedroom
I Bath with small Dea $500.00 Fireplace
cover parking month plus eclectic.
Condo"s for rent 66th and Peoria area 2 Bedroom
2 Bath Fireplace co,·ercd parking
S550.00 plus eiectric.
Tracy Whyburn Keller Williams
Realtors 496-2252 Cell 625-6377
The Northwest Arkansas Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
Community Center is a
group of !Ike-minded individuals
who have come together to create
a nonprofit GLBT Community
Center in Northwest Arkansas.
11730 E. 11th - Tulsa, OK
Wed. Showtime with Bobby
e, Miss Tulsa of America
Special Guest 10:30PM
Open Tues-Sun 2pm-2am
Closed on Monday's
qualifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
Tulsa, OK 74145
Get results with STAR Classifieds!
,',',', ',''
,,,'" ,.,.
ports, Hot Stone
liriic ·· ... ··.
ings an,:f We:~kends
Oklahoma City business owner
and beloved community friend
Gil Ray
passed away peacefully on
Friday June 16th at 3:42 AM
after a long illness. He had requested
, , , , ,, " ~, ,..,..,.,~_,,_,._~,,~'fi'i,•i("•'ff•..-.-•H ...... ,.._,,.,,,11•"ll'~lo•"""""•'••.,..,.,◄~·-.1 __ ,, •• ,,,.._,..,_ • ..,-• .,.~ ......... .: • ..,.~ ... ._...,¥,.,,..,._,...,_,~,,,.,..,_..,..,___..~ ... I JEXPllit:S:) ~OHOLIC BEVERAGE LAWS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION)
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Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2006] The Star Magazine, July 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 7,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/228.