[2006] The Star Magazine, June 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 6


[2006] The Star Magazine, June 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 6


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd.


June 01, 2006


Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
Bunky Walters
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Paul Wortman
Carlotta Carlisle,
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Victor Gorin


The Star Magazine, May 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 5

The Star Magazine, July 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 7


Online text








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The United States of America (50 states)


Little Rock, Tulsa, Oklahoma City,
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STA.R Tra,

Familv Pride Spaghetti Dinner
Friday, June 2 @ 6 PM
Fellowship Congregational Church UCC
Gav Dav@the zoo
Saturday, June 3@ 11 AM - 3 PM
Tulsa Zoo & Living Museum
Saturday, June 3 @ 8 PM
Fellowship Congregational Church UCC
Interfaith Senice
Sunday, June 4 @ 4 PM
All Souls Unitarian Church
Fish Can't Flv
Monday, June 5 @ 7:30 PM
Circle Theatre
East Village Art Show
-Tuesday, June 6 @ 5 - 9 PM
Tulsa GLBT Community Center
Dressed to a T
Wednesday, June 7 @ 7 PM
OpenArms Youth Project
Singing with Pride
Thursday, June 8 @ 7 PM
Tuisa Central Library
Diversitv Gala 2006
Friday, June 9 @ 6 PM
Gilcrease Museum
Tulsa GLBT Pride Parade
Saturday, June 10@ 11 AM
Cherry St. to Main St. to Veterans Park
Tulsa GLBT Pride
Saturday, June 10@ 12 PM
Veterans Park
187 5 S Boulder
Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents. 3
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( 1 ) -5 6
Proudly serving Tulsa & OKC's GLBT cornmu,1ir;cs since 1982
4 Arkansas & Oklahoma's Most Read GLBT Magazine.

Deadly Silence
We've all heard it before, but have you e-ver really stopped to think
how true it is? In so many cases, silence can be literally lethal. Think
about unreported abuse, an o-,erlooked cry for help, an ignored
In the Darfur region of Sudan, a human tragedy is taking place
and there has been precious little said or done about it. So far, that
silence has taken 400,000 lives. How did it get to this point?
In 2003, warfare broke out in the African nation when two loosely
allied rebel groups attacked militarv installations. \X'hile these atta~ks
were quickly followed by peace ag~eements, brokered by the Cnited
States, the government funded militia groups called the "Janjaweed"
to eliminate those considered disloyal to the S!.!danese government.
Over the next three years, the rest of the world has largely ignored
the atrocities committeci by the government-sanctioned Janjaweec:.
Thus far, according to reports by the World Food Program, the
United Nations, and the Coalition for International Justice, 3.5 million
people are now hungry, 2.5 million have been displaced due to
violence, and 400,000 people have died in Darfur. Rape has become
one of the most common ,vavs to artack the women ar,d children
of Darfur, once they have be;n driven from their homes. Now, the
threat of famine is dosing in or, the already desperate people of
Meanwhile, the government of Sudan does nothing ~o stop the
genocide. Many Janjaweed have been integrated into the army and
police. No one has been charged with any crime, and their actions
are not being challenged. There remains a state of total impunity.
In 2005, the United Nations finaEy took action ag~.inst Sudan, referring
the situation to the International Criminal Court. Howe-;er,
nothing more has happened since chat m!!e, and tb:: US nas ~raved
scraogeiy siient for a country tha;: daims to stand against :yrarn{y
and injustice. Our media has said very litt:e about th.c conflict, :md it
hasn't bee:1 a high priority for our go;,ernmem, although Ccmgre,s
is considering humanitarian and peacekeeoing funcling. The silence
has indeed been deadly. ,. ' · "
That silence wiU be ending on Sundav, 1\pril 30~ ho~:.le\~er. /\ R.alh:
to Stop Genoc:de is planr{eJ for 2 4:30 pm on rhe National J\.J:;il
between 3rd and 4th Streets in front of the I.JS (~apttoL S01nc of
the speakers scheduled to appear at the rally jnclude Barack ()barna,
Nancy Pelosi, (;eorge (]ooncy, Russell Si1nn1ons~ l(\\a~si ~lfume,
and many more. Il1e e,.7ent is intended ro dnr,.\' attention to the
critical ~iri1arion in I)arfut- ()rganiz•.::rs are expecting hundreds of
thousands to ;1ttend, after ()prah \"'Cinfrey rhe
raUy on her talk sho\1--.
This bre~king o~ the silence is only the !1rst step, however. We must
continue to pmh President Bush and ::he internati(mai community
to take the steps necessary to end the genocide and builci a lasting
What does ali this ha,·e to do ,,·ith gay issues? Personally, I believe
the LGBT community should be acti,·e in this battle. After
all, who knows more abour the poisonous effects of silence tl1an
us? \Y/e\·e been forced into silence for centuries, and the results
have often been fatal. \\?e'l'. never know how m~ny gay and iesbian
people chose to end ti1eir lives rather tnan continue living in the
dark silence of tl:e closet. How many more haYe been killed directly
because of their refusal to stay quiet? ·
I1:_ fact, we kno\J: so much about tl1e subject, ~en years ago a group
ot college students started :he National Day of Silence to protest
rhe silence most gav students and teachers are forced into, and the
ignored history and contributions of LGBT people. The students
refused to speak for an entire ciay. The evem quickly grew from
year to year. On Wednesday, April 26, 2006, ten vears after the Dav
of Silence began, an estimated 500.000 students.at 4000 colleges ·
and high schools participated. Ir has become the largest student-led
protest in historv.
How does it work) Participants usually wear red shirrs, often stickers
identifying ,hem as participants, :me! always hand our papers
called speaking cards, which explain why they are not speaking. The
card~ read: "Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I
am participating in the Dav of Silence, a national vouth movement
protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexu~l and transgender
peopie and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence,
which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I
believe that ending the silence is the first step to\vard fighring these
injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing todav. What
are you going to do to end the silence?" ·· ·
Whiic things have certainly improved for LGBT teens, even in the
ten years since the Nationai Da\· of Silence srarted, we still cannot
afford to be silent. The co~servaci\·e antigay forces are hard at
work to drive us back into ~ne closer. In fact, last year, they began
a program called the Day of Truth. lJnjike the National Dav of Silence,
the Christian organizers of the Day of Truth encour~ge their
par:icipants to speak out -- against the gay and lesbian students and
their aiiies. Their goal is to "coumer the promotion of the homosexuai
agenda anci express an opposing viewpoint from a Christian
Strate611cally, the Day of Truth i$ heid the daY after the Dav of
Silence and, as of this year. has become an a,nnual e\"ent. Their
participants arc also encouraged to \Vear t-shirts and pass out cards.
'rheirs reads: HJ arn speaking the 'Truth to break the silence. Silence
proclaiming the 1'ruth in hurts \Vill be halted~ hearts ,vill be
healed~ and hves ....-viH be s~P'lccL'~
ironic that that silence is
not freedo1n .. but a constraJnr -- an the
missed the point of the Day
of Silence. tbc in their nJsh tr)
R V Advertising in the SIAR is just good busine,.5s cents.
Heart to Heart
The good news is, as the Day of Silence
continues to grow, I firmly believe our
opposition ,vill fail. Sometimes it takes a
·while for justice and equality to take hold,
bm: in the end, it alrr,ost always does. It can
only happen when enough people refuse
to remain silem. One voice crying in the
\vilderness is easily overlooked. Many yoices
raised together are much harder to ignore.
Speak up. Speak out. Silence is deadly.
This is an official Reportable
Health Information
and Notification in Oklahoma
(RHINO) Health
Alert Network Advisory
ercen ge O ~asesTnlYfSIDnTuTsa'"
Reaches 91%
The Oklahoma State Departmeni of Health
(OSDH), HIV/STD Service, continues to identify
an Increased number of syphilis cases in Tulsa
County among men who have sex with men
From January 1 to March 10, 2006, 11 early
syphilis cases were identified in Tulsa County.
Of those cases, 10 (91 %) occurred in MSM.
In addition, Tulsa Couniy likely will see an increase
In the annual number of Syphilis cases
for the second vear in a row. In 2005, Tulsa
County reported 14 cases of which 8 (57%)
were In MSM and in 2004, 13 cases of which 7
(54%) were In MSM. 65% of cases diagnosed
with syphilis were co-infected with HIV.
This increased activity in the MSM population
of Tulsa County continues to be a significant
concern for public health officials and suggests
a continued demographic shift in the
populations most at risk for developing syphilis
in Oklahoma. Early detection and treatment
prevents further damage syphilis may cause to
the body and may also reduce the risk for HIV
transmission. Consequently, persons at high
risk need to be aware and seek testing. Risk
factors Include having multiple sexual partners,
using intravenous drugs, having sex without
barrier protection, and being infected with HIV.
Health care providers should consider expandIng
their screening and prevention efforts particularly
among the MSM population. Prompt
reporting by providers to the Oklahoma State
Department of Health is essential in preventing
further spread of syphilis. Since January 1,
2006, six of the eleven (55%) new early syphilis
cases have been identified through OSDH's
contact investigation.
Early syphilis cases can be treated with single
doses of Benz:athine penicillin, which is avaiiable
at the Tulsa Health Deoartmeni. Health
care providers may contact.the OSDH HIV/STD
Service at (405) 271-4636.
Quotable Quotes
Tom Reilly a Democratic candidate for
Massachusetts governor, initialiy opposed
gay marriage, but later became a supporter.
saying he has seen that the samesex
unions have not hurt the State
More than 7,000 gay couples have wed in
Massachusetts since same-sex marriages
1Nere aliowed beginning in May 2004.
Sanctioned Events
"Pride First Night"
Monday, June 19th
Featuring the comedy of
Danny McWilliams, Doors open at 6pm,
Dinner at 7, show at 8 at the Copa - $35 with
Silent Auction - Proceeds go to OKC Pride.
Sponsored by Oklahoma Leather Guard.
Leather Pride Night
Friday, june 23
Phoenix Rising
Sponsored by NLA-OKC
-, Herland Sisters Picnic
Saturday, June 24
5 pm at Herland
Pride Festival
Saturday, June 24,
noon - 10 pm
Featured Band - Betsy and The Edge, 8 pm
Sunday, June 25,
noon - 5 pm
Large Children's Play Area, Two Stages of Live
Entertainment, PRIDE IDOL Contest on Saturday,
Dog Contest Sunday, Great Food, Refreshing
Beverages, a Host of Pride Items!
Parade Step-Off
Sunday, 5 pm
Sponsors as of May 10 ~' A!! rights reserved. OKC Pride, !nc copyright 2006
Advertising in the ST,4R is just good business cents.
Be seen with the STAR. Advertise with us! 9
by Libby Post
JUNE 2006
"Do The Paoerwork"
The man who sat across from me was good-looking and in
his mid-30s a corporate type who was crying as he ate his
bagel. Almost six momhs after losing his 41-year-old partner,
Rich Janulis, to a bad heart, Jim Salengo's pain is paipable. I
couldn't keep from welling up myseif.
They had been together for 13 years. They owned a house
together. Rich, who worked at the New York State AIDS
Institute, listed Jim as his domestic partner so that the latter
could o-et health insurance from the state while between jobs. . b
Thev, had built a life that was full of friends, family, , and fabulous
times together.
Thev had even taken the steps necessary to protect each other
in the event one of them would die. Thev took the steps but
never completed the journey. The day Ri~h died, none of the
paperw-ork the v.rills, the power~ of attorney, the medical
proxies had been signed. In the eyes of the law,Jim didn't
exist as Rich's partner.
Through Jim's tears came the anger he has felt for the past
six months. He's not angry with Ri.ch for dying; he's angry
because, despite 13 years together, their relationship wasn't
valued by anyone or anything "official."
Because Rich died at home, the police had to be called. "They
asked me if I was his roommate," Jim told me. "I told them,
'No, we're partners.' \Vhen I read the police report, it said
roommate." Jim's tear_;,; fl.owed.
Then it was dme to determine who was Rich's next of kin
- because the legal paperwork bad never been completed,
the designation went to Rich's mocher, who told Jim not
to ,vorn;, she would make sure he got what he deserved. If
't-v1om thought Jim dc'>er,cd hcarta~hc, pain, guilt, confusion,
and frustration,, ";v/cll, she made good <)11 her word. Instead of ::;~r:;;~J;,::~ ~tl:~~s~l;n;):~~1~:;~;);~J:~o:c;i~~:~ti~~~~
back pay and unpaid vacation. She also just left him tv/isting
1n the \Vlnd crnot1onally.
has been clearheaded
10 the STAR
Comptroller's office whicl~ would be distributing what the
state owed Rich would be a sympathetic ear.
,-1is resourceful as a \voman on a mission can be, Jackie
worked the svstem, and those funds went to the ~state and
not to the m;ther. Since Jackie was appointed by the court
as the estate's co-executor, there's some hope Jim will get
what he reallv deserves - the same benefits and respect rhat ;,,
heter-osexuai'survivor would have gotten in a similar scenario. ~
Much more complex and internecine than there's space for
in rhis column, the story comes back to Jim, who continues
to wipe his eyes in between bites. He tells me of their best
friends from Massachusetts two gay men who \Vere planning
a big wedding with Rich and Jim as their best men. They
called it off. It just wouldn't be the wedding they had hoped
for \Vithout both Rich and Jim to share in the special day.
He looked at me and asked why. \X'hy has it been so difficuit
for him to be seen as Rich's legal partner? \X'hy have he and
Jackie had to jump through hoops? \X'hy aren't our relationships
We all know the answers to those questions, and so did he.
He wanted to know what he could -do with his anger. I rold
him he could be a poster child for the same-~ex marriage
fight. "Maybe it's time to get involved," i1e said.
Jim's story is the story of so many in the lesbian and gay
community. Together for years, we never take the rime to put
our affairs in order. We think "nothing is going to happen,"
and we figure we can cake care or it next month, after we get
back from vacation, after Christmas, when we find a supportive
attorney, when we have the time.
\'fell I sav there's no rime like the present. If vou love each
othe~ ancr'are in it for the long haul, do yours;lf a favor - get
the paperv..-ork done. As the community continues to grow
and we get older, having all the iega! and estate-planning work
compiet~ is essential if we are going to protect each other. If
you own a home together, make sure both cf your names arc
on the deed. Luckily for Jim, both his and Rich's names were.
Othcnvise, he could have los: the house
Sit down with your partner and have the discussion -· \vho
gets what in the event either of you die. :\fak:: sure part::1crs
~xc listed as beneficiaries on pensions and !ifc insurance
poiicies, Do the research needed in your state to rnakc sure
~rrangen1cnts are iron-clad.
Jim Roth
Candidate for Oklahoma
County Commission
Jim Roth is running for re-election for the
position of Oklahoma County Commissioner
for the 1st District, for which he was
first elected in 2002.
He was the first openly gay candidate to
be elected to public office ir, Oklahoma
Coumy,Jim has served as the President of
the National Association of Civil County
Attorneys, and is the only person in Oklahoma
County hisrory to serve as a board
member of the Nati~nal Association of
Counties. He is also a member of several
other professional and civic organizations
including the Oklahoma, Kansas and
American Bar Associations, Kiwanis Club,
Rotary International, and the Chamber of
Commerce in Choctaw, 1\fidwest Citv and
the Capitol area. ·
\X'hile in office Jim has had many accomplishments.
Jim, along with other members
of county government, implemented a nondiscrimination
policy for Oklahoma Coumy
employees tha.: incl~des gays and lesbians. ·
Jim is also fighting to prevent Oklahoma
County Public Libraries from deleting
gay themed books from their shelves. He
co-chaired a committee that brought the
United States Holocaust 1-fuseum's traveling
exhibit, The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals,
to O~Jahoma City.
In addition he also sanctioned a five year
road and bridge construction program that
,vill repair infrastructure ,vithin his discric:,
and while his predecessor only got one
direction District One has built 8. Looking
to the future, Jim has begun an initiative
program, CURE (County Urban Rivitilization
Effort) which \vill heip increase home
o,vnership by first time home buyers. Jim
has also ·worked tirelessly to assist our senior
citizens and ensure their golden years.
Jim's reputation as a person of integrity,
honesty, trustworthiness and professionalism
has garnered support from his constituents.
His positi,·e attitude and deep-rooted
values add to his success as a commissioner.
The Victory Fund is proud to support Jim
in his re-election effort. Help Jim continue
his effective and positiYe fight for equality
and a better Oklahoma County.
Individuals interested in helping Jim Roth
win in 2006 may contact the Campaign at:
roth4commissioner@cox.net or go online at
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Call for rates, weekend specials, or extended stay
the STAR 11
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights
Campaign's fight against the Federal Marriage
Amendment hit full swing this week as
the date for the Senate vote approaches.
With a vote scheduled the week of June
5, HRC launched an ad campaign in press
targeting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
Americans, urged
more than 250,000
fair-minded Americans
to act against the
amendment, released
an online video aimed
at encouraging action
by highlighting the
radical right's discriminatory
and continues to lead
the Coalition Against
Discrimination in the
Constitution, a coalition
of more than 120
groups in fighting the
"This June the right wing will attempt w
make GLBT people second-class citizens
forever. Fight the Federal Marriage },mendment.
Scheduled Vote June 5."
With ads set to run as soon as this week, the
campaign features ads in ar least 26 publica-
The e-mail Action Alert, titled ''Countdown
Bay Area Reporter (San Francisco), San
Francisco Bay Times, Seattle Gay News,
Washington Blade.
to the Vote," begins:
"In five weeks, the United States Senate
will decide whether or
not to make gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender
Americans second-class
citizens in our nation's
Constitution. Where do
your senators stand?
"One month and
counting until the
Senate wastes more
time on singling out a
group of Americans
for discrimination.
The time to act is now
and every day to the
vote," said HRC President
Joe Solmonese.
"Our ads and posteard
campaign are just
pieces of the puzzle
M1..;, .. .1utiite-,-..~ ... -.,;it•oe--..OIML
"As early as June 5, d-1e
Senate will vote on the
discriminatory Federal
Marriage Amendment
in an attempt to write
discrimination into the
Constitution. The Human
Righrs Campaign
has launched an aggressive
campaign to stop
them. Click here to take
action now ....
...iw_oW_w.J ___ t,;p,,b WILL ATTEMPT TO MAKE
--•-~.rt.~\l!Qt•ia~btiliof•tbt bl•....._, GLBT PE PLE "Despite the fact that
the American people
want Congress to
focus on skyrocketing
gas prices, the war in
Iraq, and health care,
-,,,. H_, R,g•i, Cor.pojg• • ~ ""c.-. Hli
and -.c:rca tbe~ln l'IQltff 1w ~Mir• _l _ ,,..111-IIIINIIIIOH••:ht SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS
v.a. Ctai,1(1:~ 8t.c ..,_ Qlllll' do 11 .-.:-. ,ott.
tt U)QON Jo~ t.)W'JO'M....,,.,_i:i,ta#ld "Pf--t.,..~u..,..,__..,..,......,,
•ntmpC to PA Olll;ftlllil'.-,10., lrJtio .,.._~IQll'l.
2)AI.I.RT~ tri.fllldltMdflp,ly'1o N ~ •Ad•
311'110111 rr IN°" - 1\,ad,J"1 E-~-i'>"'
t~ QC of,_. to ~,-.r IIVH ~-...,_WI
Cot,gt._ W.-:iiot ye# oppci,allio,, ¥ 20l/2:2 .. 4!21,
'IOIJR.V-Ill Cllrnc.1.1
. right-wing leaders in
in motivating fairminded
Americans to
take action against the
amendment. While
we're on Capitol Hill
day in and day out
lobbying against any
; Congress continue t0
pursue a discriminatory
anti-GLBT agenda.
Prompted by anti-gay
Senator Rick Samorum.
Senate Majority Leader
Bill Frist announced his
intention t0 force a vote
on the so-called Federal
!vfar:iage Amendment
during the week of hme
effort to put discriminatibn in our Constitution,
it's vitai that oack home aH fair-mincied
Americans are doing their part to make their
voices heard."
The online video features clips of anti-gay
rhemric from President Bush. Sens. Ri~k ·
Samorum and John Cornyn, the Rev. Pat
Robertson anci Bill O'Reillv. among 'Ot~1er~.
in reference to the amendmern and a:;ks
viewers to go to HRCs website to fight
back. View tne video.
The print ad includes a of Sens. !lick
Santorum and l~iU Frist \dth the foHo\ving
12 the STAR
rions in two dozen cities acro~s the nation,
Tne Advocate (nationwide). Southern Voice
(Atlanta), Bay Window~ (New England), Q
Notes ;,Charlotte, N.C.), Windy City Times
(Chicago), Outl•Jok News (Columbus), Dalias
Voice, ()uc Front (Denver), Bct\'vcen the
lines (Detroit) .. Houston \ 7oice, Frontiers
(Los Angeles), Lavender :Viagazine (Minneapolis/
St. Paul), Gay i'-~c\vs (1'-..Je .. \,v
York), Ne,,; York Blade, Orange County
Blade, \J?a.tennark (()rlando)~ Bottom t,inc
(Palm Springs), Philadelphia c;ay ~~e\VS,
J::cho {)?hoenix/Tucson)~Just Chn
land), Q Salt Lake, Pillar
& L,esb1an l~inics
_-'\moag the grassroots efforts :n which the
e-maii asks s;,ipporters w participate is a
campai1:-,rn asking indi0:iduals to sig,1 pr>stcards
that. the Human Rights Campaign will
hand-deb·er to senators and representati.-es
asking then1 to vote no on the Federai lVfar·~
riage :\mcndment.
The Human Right, Campaign a;so continues
to lead the efforts of the (:oalirion
Discrimination 11.1 the
a coalition (Jf rr1orc tl1an 120 civil
crvi! 1iberties; labor and
nrganizations d1at are to defeat the

ast Out
Liz Highle:1nan
Summary : Pasr Out is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT history. Each
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity
of the gay past and its impact on the queer present.
Who was Aileen Wuornos?
Despite her grisly crimes, Aileen Wuornos branded bv the media
as a lesbian serial killer garnered sympathy from som~ due to her
tragic life and her futile quest for love.
I 11 1989, \X'uornos found a new ,vay to ob:ain money killing and
robbing middle-aged men who pickd ner up for sex along highway
I-75. She first mardered eiectronics-shop owner Richard Mallorv
in December, shooting him multiple ti~es ,vith a .22-caliber pis~o~.
O;·er several months in 1990, she killed at least nve more men,
including a sausage salesman, a police officer, and a missionary.
On July 4, \vuornos and ~vfoore ran off the road in a stolen car
oelonging co one of the dead men; they flea on foot, but were
identified by witnesses. Police traced the women through motel
receipts, a bloody handprint on the abandoned car, and thumbprints
Wuornos lefr on file when selling victims' belongings at pawnshops.
Two detectives cornered \'vuornos on Jan. 9, 1991, at a Port Orange
biker bar called the Last Resort and arrested her on an outstanding
warrant. The next day, authorities located Moore, who was visiting
her sister in Pennsylvania. She agreed to coopera.:e, persuading
\X'uornos to confess to the murders during taped telephone
conversations. r-Ioore never contacted \X!uornos in prison, and ~he
las;: rime they saw each other was when Ivfoore testified against
',Y,Iu ornos l. !l court.
\'<7uornos' arrest set off a media circus. Within two weeks, she and
her first attorney had sold movie rights co her storv, while three
leading investigators in the case were also negotiating with Hollywood.
After hearing about Wuornos on the news, a born-again
Christian woman, Arlene Pralle, said Jesus told her to contact Wuornos
in prison. Praile appeared on talk shows pleading on Wuornos'
behalf, and eventually legaily adopted her.
Wuornos was born Feb. 29, 1956, in Rochester, Mich. Her father,
whom she never knew, was a convicted child molester who hung
himself in prison. Her teenage mother abandoned Wuornos and
her older brother, leaving them in the care of their maternal grandparents.
Subject to emotional and physical abuse, W'uornos beca!De
sexually. active at an early age, trad- ..----------------------- Wuomos initially claimed ail the killings ·.vere
ing sex for money, cigarettes, and done in self-defense. In particular, she said
drugs. At age 14, she gave birth to Mallory had raped, sodomized, and tortured
a baby whom she was forced to put her. A.x her January 1992 trial, however, her
up for adoption. Her grandmother testimony was inconsistent and prosecudied
soon after, and Wuornos tors cast doubt on her credibility. She was
dropped out of school, left home, found guilty and sentenced to death, despite
and began eking out a living as a expert testimony that she was mentallv ill. In
prostitute. the months ahead, she pleaded guilty ;)r no
comest to five other murders. It was nor until
the following November that an investigative
reporter reYealecl that Mallorv had served time
for vioieat ~cxual assault.
\'i/uornos was arrested repeatedly
for violations such as drunk driving,
assault, and theft, once holding up
a convenience store clad only in a
bikini. When her brother died of
cancer in 1976, Wuornos received
a $10,000 life insurance payment,
which she soon squandered. She
was married briefly to a wealthy
elderly man, but h~ had the m;rriage annulled due to her abusive
behavior. By age 20, she had settled in Florida, ,vherc si·,c crmtinuec!
to commi:: increasin.e:lv serious crimes under a varierv of :iliases.
In the sun11ner of 1986, \\i/uornos - kncAvn a~ I~ee - 1net
Moore at a Daytona gay bar. !vfoore, then 24, had left her hon1~
town 111 Ohio due w friction with he;- iamih· on:r her sexuality_
'Though \X'\1ornos did not consider herseif ~ lesbian, the tv?o ~vorn-
:;,:;:~Jt:~,::;;J~~i 1~:t ,~:~a;:;1~::·;~5c~!~~:::i:a~1::~i;;~:;~:~::1
fiv~ years: W:.:ornos regarded ~1oorc a, her wift~ ~nd ~..-., ".,.,,,, her
as best she could \Vith earnjngs frcnn prostitution.
biographer~ue Russell~ wil1c real driYtng force in L,ee}s life \:vasn't
14 the STAR
Afrcr nearly a decade on death roVJ, Wuo;:nos
sought to end her appeals. She dropped her
earlier clairns of sc:f-defense, writing :n a 2001
:ettcr tc, the Florida Supreme C,;ur::""I'm oac
\ 1/ho seriously hates hurnan life and ,.vould kill
;!gain.'' She died bv icthal injection 0:1 Ocr. 9, 2002.
·n:,Jut~u;.~:~;;t~::t~~~:!:~i,:/;~~ ;~;:~1~;~B~1
of rjme
11~~:~~:::' :i;:~1~.~~;·~ti):2~~~:t::~1:~:~:~:~ ;~:~;;,:~ ~:~;~;~l
though 1nost r1f ht:r had been ~,J/ith rncn. Some defcnd·-
cr~ n1aintaln that '(fuornos \1 .. +:1s a Ylctirn r)f her abusiv-c chHdhood,
predator}- ,.,-~,-,,,, __ ,, rnedia~ and an uniust legal system. ()rhher
1.~ain search for lo-,,.~c.
Phom: Cast of the Bobby Page Sho,,, Steve's Hideaway, Tulsa
Bene£tSJlo'Ys;;!5ag~an;,J~und-rai$er's,,thcs~·gitls w6rlc their
1:footie · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · bt:.t the
, r·,\\"'
Iser «.. ~ ..
beautiful with each rl.i·
,, ,',, ,','
',' •/'</:',., ' 'i'p' ,:: ,,,, :,,:, \\:~:-'",;",:~ Wener~ 111 Okiahoma·~t2Ull}~'
fabulous divli's. So okk
yorirlocai Girl muJio~ist.
.. ·· thebrag
For the past
fo,.Jr years.
and support
td tb support our
'fi'''" ~. "' •-1 .,, .. ,,,.. ,;:,, ',,,•' N ",·:·,•.,',',l,>",,/h' '"·1 l·,:i 1 ~
'~/~ .!~~~~ fO~p~~ .tP~ ~9il?Ffll~-~~~~.·.~.e; ;~B~~~-· s1:1p,vs.1n
O~at,o·nj~. :(:ity~ ·~lS~t a~.~·: f}a~~ .·9}1~.~~~>"'p¢?t~~r~~tee · ~Lie
aCcurat.j. dUc 'ti,. t~~trurri~.I?v-e gOr..a:.1)~2<!iChe ':t.Ji1 ·.dori~f have a
BAMBOO LOUNGE: Kriss Kohl and friends the 3rd Sunday of
each month at 8pm.
CLUB MAJESTIC: Caria Lee Lo\·e on Sunday's 10pm. .\liss Oklahoma
Continental Pageant June 2nd 9pm.
STEVE'S HIDEAWAY: The Bobby Page Open Talent Show
\'\;ednesday's 10:30pm
RENEGADES: Tabitha TaylC>r, Caria Lee Lcwe, Liberty Leigh
check wiri1 Ciub Renegades for dates and times.
BOOM ROOM: J\lis~ Ginger Lamar, Sunday's 10:30 PM.
CLUB ROX: The ;\lison Scott Sho,;,; 2nd Saturday each momh,
9:30 P:vl, Shantei MandDclay Show follows. !\Iiss Arnold Lee l)resents,
!st and 3rc! Sunday's each month, 7:30 PivL
Hilo CLUB: The Tony Sinclair Drai! Show, EYery Frida\· 10:30 PM.
TRIANGLES: Vicki('. Dillard, Isabe!ia V,,:1eartier, l\Iici1a Eriks and
Kia Paige, Every Friciay and Saturday 11:30 PM drag time.
Be y Smi le
Forms ew Band
pc:·?:·crn1cd hLr ia3t ,1.-ith the grc•up ar (Jub :rvia ... ,~ericks 'fuisa on
?viay 19th. liets\~\ nc\v band \\.·iH be ·'"13ets\- and 'The
-rh~ hand 1ncff;bcrs are~ of course. Bcrsy on •.. - ocals and bas::- guitilr~
for \\\nonn;1) on Yoc2!'.'1 .c1nd
nounccd. 'The frJnncd Juth.'
uf fun and
the STAR 15
4, 5 & 6
Eureka Springs, AR
Calling All

MK .
tl>'.A. Jtf£! . .
Ya/I Gotta Wear somtJ
PINK on SAT Night!
ea . w.
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and Annual
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& DiversityPride
Tulsa's Diversity Gala 2006
TULSA OK IMAGINE the most elegnnt party, set in the
1920's in the beautiful Osage Hiils of Tulsa. for Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) celebritries from
around the world. Well, that is what Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human Rights (TOHR) will be hosting Friday, June 9, 2006
at the Gilcrease Museum.
The evening will in part serve to recognize State Senator
Bernest Cain for his lifelong commitment to protecting the
human rights of ail peop! of Oklahoma. Senator Cain will
be receiving TOHR's Lifetime Achievement Award, a special
honor for those wt-io have provided ongoing leadership
and support in the GtBT & allied community.
Lynn Jones, retired Major with the Tuisa Pol!ce, as thi~ .
year's event chair and Nancy and Or. Joseph_ Mc£?ona,a ~s
Honorary chairs, would love to welcome you to this grana
The evening benefits the community programs and services
of Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights. Twenty-six
years ago. a smali group of individuals started an organization
seeking equality for gays and lesbians. Thanks to you
and others, TOHR has grown into the largest and oldest
GLBT organization in the state of Oklahoma. Thls year.
2006, will find us in the permanent TOHR-owned Tulsa
Glenpool Flowe~ GP Gifts
Earl Wheeler
437 E. 141st Street
Glenpool, OK 74033
918.291.EARL {3275)
Floral Arrangements For .•\I! Occasions & Hoiidays
Serving the Tulsa Metro Area for over 21 Years with PRIDE!
prders by 12noon guaranteed same day delivery.
Your order is treated with
the upmost confidentiaiity.
GLBT Community Center, an 18,000 square foot facility at
4th & Kenosha in Tulsa's East Village, within walking distance
to downtown and the Brady Arts District - all vibrant
urban spaces.
TOHR will provide even more community-oriented services
in the new Tulsa GLBT Community Center. Director Greg
Gatewood, Oklahoma's only full-time GLBT advocate,
with the help of an ever-increasing number of volunteers,
supervises over 20 programs i~cluding the Tu_lsa G_LBT
Community Center (the Center). The Center 1s on track
to welcome over 10,000 individuals this year. The Tulsa
GLBT Information Line fields over 3,000 calls annually
while the Nancy McDonald Rainbow Library now has over
4,000 GLBT titles on the shelves. The David Bohnett CyberCenter,
with 10 on-line computers, provides free internet
access and computer use to over 250 people per month.
The expanded Center wiil allow for additional programs and
iarger events to serve not only the GLBT & allied c~mmunitv,
but the entire Tulsa metro area. The expandea Center
will include leased retail space, creating the potentiai for a
GLBT neighborhood - something our community has been
seeking for years.
•'imaaine." You can reserve a table for your friends and
family or business associates. as weil as indi~~dual se~ts
here. Please feei free to cail 918.743.4297 With questions
or for more information,
16 ~4dverlising in the ST4R is just good business cents.
New Asian Gay and Lesbian
Travel Guide - page 22
The Caribbean,
Homo-Phobia In Paradise!
By Douglas Glenn
With e,·eryone traveling these days one
would think chat most everyplace would be
very gay-friendly ..... or at least one would
think that would be the case. Most small
foreign countries have travel as their main
source of revenue. They like to fill up their
hotels, bars,
and shops
with American
Did anyone
read the
Time magazine
a few weeks
ago calling
the "most
place on
Earth"? According
Rebecca Schiefer of the United States based
Human Right Watch, ''.Jamaica is the worst
any of us has ever seen".
Not only is Jamaica homophobic but nearby
Islands of St. Maarten and
the Bahamas have had their
fair share of gay bashing.
If this were just an isolated
event we might look upon
it differently but it seems as
though the governments of
these Islands are absolutely
doing nothing about it. 0~
April 6, two CBS Nev,'!) employees
were attacked and severely beate2.
by a group of men on the Cario::)ean island
of St. Maarten where they were vac:,tioning
in what is described at as homophobic
attack. WFOR television in I',fiami reports
tbat Richard Jefferson, a senior prod~ccr for
che CBS Nightly News and his friend R::an
Smith a prociucer-researcher for 48 Hours
were attacked as they left a pcpular bar
after an altercation with the men earlier that
night inside the dub. The :mackc:rs allegedly
hurled homophobic insults at the two and
they were beaten ,vith a tire iron. Both n1en
were rns?ed to a iocai ho:piraL ~eff:r_S')D
susta.1.qect severe cuts on the baci( ot hts
head and his lov~1er back. Smith suffered a
fractured skull and possible neurological
Io Jamaica, Jamaican Aids activists, Steve
Harvey, an openly gay man was abductive
from his home and police reported his body
was found
miles away
in a wooded
area with
gun shots ro
his head and
In ~hssau,
Bahamas the
in theaters. The Rainbow Alliance, a gay
rights group, called the ban a "farce," and
said most Bahamians reject the idea that a
"small group of appointed individuals ? can
provide the moral compass for the entire
All Americans
need to be protected
when traveling, not
only gays a;;d lesbians
but everyone. ·'\/./e
have a right to travel
in a safe environment,
after all this is the 21st
centu::y! Life is too • short te> take a chance on going somewhere
vour not wanted. Gays and lesbians simply
need to take their travel doHars elsewhere.
There are reallv pientr of places ri211t here
in the !Jni:ed St;tes t~> tra~·d wher~: we can
enjoy ourselves without being haras$ed. If
you really need to go to an Island, then Ha·
bars~ restaurancs as \vell a$ gay and lesbh1n
accomn1odations including several Bed and
Breakfasts. Gays cerrainly don)t haYe to
go on vacation 1:his year but it
won't be Jamaica or St. Maartens or the
Bahamas! I want to have a stress-free travel
vacation and don't ,vant to !rn,·e to worrY
about anything! ·
Which islands are gay-friendly
Planet OUT TtaYel Columnist Kenneth
Kiesnoski reporrs, while a chain of gayfriendly
island destinations encircles tl1e
globe, there has traditionailv been one missing
link any Caribbean isie.
That is, until now. Despite a welJ-deser·,:ed
reputation for entrenched homophobia,
frequent discrimination against gay citizens,
and even open hostility to gay and lesbian
travelers, there are signs that at least a handful
of Caribbean destinations are changing
their tunes.
Gay-friendly-isn Caribbean:
Whether prompted by economic consider·
ations or internal or external pressures -- or,
in some cases, ail three -- island nations
such as St. Lucia, the Netherlands Antilles
and the Cayman Islands arc, if not openlv
courting gay travelers, at least chalie~ging
reputations for rampant homopi1obia. The
U.S. Territories of Puerto Rico, St. Croix
and the GS Virgin Islands still offer the
closest approximations of gay life in the
Caribbean travel veteran Alan Chastanet,
o-wner of S,. Lucia's Coco Resorts and vice
president of the island's hotel and tourist
board, said that as far as he and his hospita;ity
colleagues are concerned. homosexualitv
is a "non-issue." But even in hospitable Ca~
ribbcan island destinations. gay-specific or
gay-exciusive resorts and nightiife tend tu be
thin on the grcund, save perhaps in Puerto
Rican metropolis San Juan.
f-fere are a fe\1/ of the report card grades
from Ed Sah·ato and Ke'r,neth Kie~noski
Caribbean travel ,,Titer.
St. Barts: /\- St. Kitts/Ncv1s: B-·
Puerto Rico: 137 Cayn1an Islands: c: +
Curac,:ao: B+ S~. L:cia: C +
(;uadcloupc: B
Lvlartinique: J)
~\rnh~~· FL
c;rcnada: C
~ llil ffi:©[&Y~~
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
"Camping it up" got a whole new meaning after we discovered
the CAlvIPIT OUTDOOR RESORT in Fennville, Michigan, just 7
miles south of Saugatuck/Douglas, Michigan. It is about a 2 hour
drive from Chicago and is just a couple miles from Lake Michigan.
Campit is the :tvfidwest's largest and nicest gay and l
outdoor resort. Campit was establis
40 years ago and bec;me a gay and
lesbian campground 27 years ago.
The currem owners, Sally Howard
and :Michael O'Connor purchased
rhe campground in 2000. To clarify
things, :tvfichael ;s a wonderful gay
man and his business partner Sally is
a wonderful lesbian. They are excellent
hands-on owners. The owners KNOW
how to treat their guests and that is the
reason their guests keep coming back
year afi:er year after year. The owners
are constantly making new and exciting
changes including remodeling to the Outdoor
Resort. They added a privacy fence
all around and another 3 dozen camping
sires ha-:;e been aclded. A couple of years ago they added a
large swimming pool, bath house and recreation hall.
Campit Campground is completely secluded from the rest of
the world and you could easily stay there for days without ever leaving
che grounds. But if you wish to, the gay villages of Saugatuck
and Douglas, Michigan are just 7 miles north where there are numerous
gay businesses including antiques shops, gift ships, gay bars,
a fitness cemer and gay restaurants.
Campit Campground is composed of RV and tent sites. In addition
to tl1e Bunkhouse Bed and Breakfast you can rent a log cabin
or a traiier. There are total of over 50 "seasonal" RV, trailer and tent
sites. The Band B has 5 rooms, air-conditioning and serves a contintntal
breakfast. Guests choosing to stay in the Bunkhouse B and
B have ful] use of the campground facilities. In addition there is a
iog cabin that is available f~; renting. There are more than 23 acres
of wooded and open areas, a bath house with toilets and showers.
~rails and a piayground. They have an "adult's only" policy except
on "Family Pride \\:'eek". They are special tenting areas for nudists,
women. leather, etc. They have a camp store with snacks, beer, firewood,
ice and propane. The Campit is PERFECfL Y SPOTLESS!
You won't find any trash, bottles or beer cans thrown around the
grnunds. AU of a:he guests ::hink of this as r:heir second home.
Can yeu possibly think rJi a better way to have a great vacation
than ro g'l to :m all gay and lesbian campground resort? Getting
back ,o nature? Buiklmg a campfire, roasting marsh mellow~? Snug-
Yvith yGnr lo·ver in a tent under the stars? Isn't that romantic?
Taking a hike in the woods? Swimming at their huge pooi or sun~
bathing? Even it you were not really into camping this would make
an ideal alternative for your next trip.
\X'hen we toured the campground it was unbelievable how many
people were there. Hundreds! Everyone was so Eriendiy. There is
truly a camaraderie going on there between all the guests. Many of
them are "seasonal" guests that park their RV's and trailers all year
long and come only on weekends from miles away and many of
their guests comes from Detroit, Chicago and Indiana as well as
ocher States.
They have special theme
weeks each summer including
Summer \X:'omen's Weekend,
Bears in the Woods, Commitment
Ceremony, Leather
weekend, Seasonal Gardening/
Landscaping, Family
pride week and of course
their famous Christmas in
Juiy weekend. The summers
on Lake :Michigan
are exo:emely cool and
at night you will neeci a
Since this is a private resort,
membershio is mandatorv. However memberships
can be purchased fo~ as little as ${0.00 a year. The~ have
over 3200 members! Sally and Michael have put the emphasis on
their guests, making them feel like a family. The guests are what it's
all about. How many .times have you stayed at a resort or ho:el only
to be treated like a number? Not here! le is like a close-knit fum:ly. It
is the friendliest place that we've ever been. All of the guests enjoy
being around other people. It is certainly not a bar-like atmosphere
where everyone just stands around looking at each other. Everyone
here TALKS wich everyone and interacts. The personality of the
owners and staff of course play a large pan in all of this.
As most of our readers know, we are NOT "campers in the
·woods" however the next time we go co Saugatuck/Douglas, }\fichigan
in the summer we will certainiy stay ar thei:: Bunkhouse B and B
or in one of their log cabins.
The Campit is open from mid-April chru October. Their roll
free telephone number is: 877-CAlvfPIT 1. Check om their website
at: ,v,vw.campitresort.com or email ::hem at reservacions@campitresort.
com. On a personal note, we recommend the CAi\IPIT
very highly. Everything is done the ngn.t way there. The owners arc
extremely professional and conduct tl1eir busmesf in the righ, '-CW.
Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine 19
b:-he Gay Games are expected to draw more than 11,000 participants
land countless more spectators to the vibrant city of Chicago in July.
Chicago: Host of
ames II.
For one week beginning on July i 5, Chicago will host what has
become rme of the most prominent gay and lesbian gatherings in
the worid, the Gay Games, which are expected to draw more than
1 1.,000 participants and countless more specta.:ors. America's i:hirdlarges:
city. Chicago has become one of rhe top gay destinations in
the country, known for its cxception,cl museums, restaurants, hotels,
arcnitecture, and performing ar.:s.
Even i[ you're in to·.\·n primariiy to play in or '.v:itch tl:e Games,
try to sec aside at least an afternoon to visit a fe,v il:ey attracrions
in the Loop, :he central business district ,hat ccmains Chic,gc's
most notev.ortny mu~et1:ns and archtectural mauels, including the
k~•.•iathan ;\farshaii Field & Co. department store, the Chicago Architecture
Foundaticn Shop and Tim;- Center (which gives ex.cellcnt
waikmg tours). and Grant Park. Don't miss the superb Art Imrjn:,::
of <:hicago, \vhosc a~tonishingly cotnprehensive collection spans ~~~;c~::::1t;~ :~;~it;::::_ ;~1~):.:;~~:~i: ii:\1~(,;s:)~1:E~:;::r~~1:1i~i~!~;~.;;·
{)ther (;rant Park tnusts include the John (1. Shedd 1\quariurn and
the sirniiariy hurnongous Field Ivluscutn f)f T'.Jatural 1-listory.
I~orth of the J.,OOf\ you'll find a collcctit.n1 of lively and eclectic
neighborhood~ - sorne nch •:.,:ith_ and others
kncnvn for shopp1ng and fancy ;ipartmtnts and hotels In R.i•.Tr
f,Jc.,rth~ l\1icb1~an ATenuc rhe ?v1agnificent i\1i1c) cornparcs \Vith
the finest ~-\1ncrica.n ;ind I:uropr:~;.u1 shopping districts. Still f:1rthcr
north hnci 1 l~!OO-acre Lin.cn]n P::u:k, \vbich ha~ St:\-cn;J n1t1scu.
1ns ;;~ \vcH as the sn1all but
arts and ofthcat ane1
Chicago's gayest neighborhoods, Lake·.'iew and 1\ndersonville, lie
'.vell north of dowmown and pulse with hip shops, see-anci-beseen
restaurants, and chic iounges and clubs. In hopping Lakeview,
J\Iatsuya sen-es excellent sushi and Japanese fare, includine- such
knock~out ,tarrers as deep-fried chicken ,vings a~d whitefi~h with
smelt roe. Although many imitators have opened nearby, \Iia Francesca
remains the best place in the neighborhood for sophisticated
but simple Northern Italian fare. HB is a cozy spot that features the
crearive dowr~home cookin' of the Food Network's much-loved
"Hearty Boys," Steve McDonagh and Dan Smith. X/0 is a s,vanky
newcomer that serves up a tantalizing three-course champagne
brunch, plus such innova.:ive crearions as grilled short ribs with
Vietnamese cabbage salad, and seared sea scallops with pumpkin
dumplings. ~!oxie is a trendy place for tasty tapas, designer cocktails,
and great people-watching it draws a mix of the neighborhood's
gay and straight folks.
You could survive solely on the flaky, freshiy baked cinnamon rolls
tnat accompany every meal at the haliowed Swedish diner Ann
Sather, which ha~ several gay-popular locations. Athietes seeking
healthy food should head for the Chicago Diner, which specializes
in creative vegan and vegetarian fare and serves delicious baked
goods. An attracti;-e little Thai restauram where the rice and noodie
dishes are delicious and cheap,Joy's Noodles serves a terrific ginger
chicken with a iragram bean sauce. If you're a jaya junkie, keep in
mi!1d that the cozy Lai;:cvie,\· outpost of the Caribou Coffee chain
is known ioca!iy as "Cari-bo," and "Queeribou" tlia, snould cell
you all you :1eed to know about the crowd.
Boys' Town is the heart of the city's gay-male nightlife scene. The
guppie bar Roscoe's is practically a Chicago institution, fun for
dancing and cruising any night of the week. A 6:iuy 5'Uzzling Bud
longnecks and another sipping cosmos can feel right at home
cogether at Cocktail, an intimate storefront bar where friends often
meet up before heading out to larger clubs. Chicago's classic standand-
model ,.cideo bar, SideTrack has plenty of rooms for mingling.
Hydrate is one of the hippest gay bars in town, great for after-work
ccc;.,_taiis or late-night dancing and cruising. A swank, smoke-free
lounge k:10'.\'n :or its colorful cocktails and slick crowd, ivtinibar
orened in fall 2005 and has become a favorite after-work spot. A
circuit-bov fr.,orite on \Veekends, Circuit pulses with a feverish
late-nigh~ dance crmni c•:en at midweek, ·.vhen ! ,atin nights are a
hit. T1~~ srdish Berlin disco draws a decidedlr fonkic:- a;d mor..:
altcrnati·n::- cro\vd than most of the preppy haunts in J,,ake-vie\\ ...
~carby Spin is an eclectic gay ciub \vith an aU-Jges crO\\,.d and fun
oance rnus1c
C:hadic':--: brings 1n fan5 c>f cou:ntry-\vcstcrn n1usic, \,vhilc the Gent:r\'
;~:r IIaJ~,ed is ,, B(::s~~~~;~-~~l~:~~;;1:1~fS~~::·:~:~v:r,~~i:~:~k!~~~o
Con1tTiodities Exchange~ check out the
ab(>Ut this
-I ~C:\-l's types cruise the C:cH Block. l'~orth of Boys' 'To\1/n
friendliest and rnost diverse bars,
20 Arkansas & Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine
restaurant, Tweet, which is known for its festive brunch and for
tasty organic fare. Another fun Uptown hangout is the Crew Bar,
which draws sports fans (there are 16 televisions airing big games)
and serves delicious food, too
One of the granddaddies of Chicago clubs, the Jeffrey Pub anchors
the South Shore African-American gay community. In the artsy, alternative
Bucktown and Wicker Park neighborhoods, virtually all of
the area's smoky, hipster-infested bars draw a share of the lavender
set, especially the Rainbo Club, a favorite of art students, rockers,
and slackers. Cafe Absinthe draws a grunge-y bunch but ranks
among Chicago's most esteemed neighborhood eateries. Francophiles
swear that Le Bouchon cooks up tl1e most authentic French
bistro fare this side of the Atlantic. For delicious Cuban and Latin
American food, book a table at kicky and gay-popular Cafe Bolero.
And head to hip del Toro for tasty, relatively affordable Spanish
tapas in an snazzy space v,;:ith Art Nouveau-inspired decor.
Funky Andersonville is the heart of the lesbian scene as well as
just being an all-around-cool neighborhood with a fast-emerging
dining repurarion. A lively and atmospheric bistro with a decidedly
queer following, Tomboy serves tempting fare like pan-seared duck
with crimini mushrooms and a port glaze. T's is a friendly, gay-popular
restaurant and bar - its Retro '80s Women's Night on Tuesdays
is a hit. You could spend the whole night at Star Gaze, the neighborhood's
top lesbian club, which serves dinner and also has DJs
on weekends, lesbian comedy and live-music nights, and a convivial
beer garden. And there's Atmosphere, a lively Andersonville dance
bar and lounge with a mixed gay male and lesbian crowd.
The neighborhood also has a few men's (mostly hard-core) leather
bars, such as the Chicago Eagle, which is attached to a bathhouse
and decorated like a motorcycle garage. If you have a place in your
heart for fitted jocks and Tom of Finland drawings, don't miss the
city's Leather Archives and Museum, which is packed \I.1th erotica,
fashion, and fascinating memorabilia from various international
leather contests.
Until recently, standard chain hotels dominated the lodging landscape
in Chicago, but quite a few hip hoteis have opened in the
past several years, including three run by the gay-friendly Kimpton
group: the French deco-inspired Hotel Monaco, the stylish and musically
themed Hotel Allegro, and the swell-elegant Hotel Burnham,
which is sec in the histodc 1894 cast-iron Reliance Building. The
superb Atwood Cafe occupies the ground floor. Another option
that offers style and luxury plus a fun attirude is the Hard Rock Hotel,
which is se~ inside the landmark 4(Lsrory Carbide and Carbon
Building, a fashionable property that's also home to the popular
China Griil.
lip near Boys' ·ro\l/11 there are fev:cr lodging options., but an excellent
resource 1s the gay-friendly ':'~eighborhood Inns group, which
runs a trio of boutique hotels ~wid1 charming roo1ns and great locariom,
City Suites sits along busy Belmom Avenue, closest to the dming
and club action, ~vhHe the more ron1anric f,1a1estic and ~ 7illo\-vs
hotels are set along peaceful resldential streets a fe\\~ blocks from
the accion. The city also has a handful of great inns and B&Bs, including
the gay~o,;vned Flemish f1ousc of Chicago, :.i restored 1890s
ro\v house with fiye handsomelv furnished bedrooms in the
tony r:old ('1:v1~: 1· ne1g11!),xJ-,o,:x1
Ultimately, the Gay Games will provide a wonderful opportunity for
Chicago to show off its world-class attractions, and for travelers to
get w know - or become reacquainted with - the great "City by the
Arkansas & Okiahoma's most read GLBT A4agazine 21

New Gay and Lesbian Travel
Guide To Singapore, Malaysia &
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia_The l.'topia Guide to Singapore,
Malaysia and Indonesia, launched in late April, is the first such guide
for the three countries, said Utopia Guides editor John Goss.
'We are simply shining a light on an aspect of society that exists in
every country around the globe, but one that has been mostlv in the
shadows here in Asia," Goss told The Associated Press via e-mail
from the Thai capital, Bangkok, where l'topia Guides is based.
The first e,:er travel guide to gay and lesbian life in Singapore,
Malaysia and Indonesia. Listings include organizations, bars, discos,
accommodations, spas, restaurants, and more. A speciai seccion of
the book highlights groups, clubs, and businesses that are especially
welcoming for women. Enjoy hundreds of san·y comments and
recommendacions from local Utopians and gay travelers alike. The
Utopia Guide to Singapore, I'vfaiaysia & Indonesia offers a landmark
first iook at Southeast Asia's vibrant gay and lesbian scene.
Although there are many unigue a!tracttons for the gay and lesbian
travel in Asia, the following travel advisory is listed on Utopia
Guide's web-site.
Advisory: Gay life in Malaysia, as in other Asian countries, is blossoming
despite conservative religion-based discrimination and
outdated colonial-era laws. Former Deputy Prime :Minister, Aff,var
Ibrahim, was famously removed from office by a ~rumped-up
sodomy conviction that was reversed by Malaysia's high court in
2004. Muslims, both locai and visitors, are also subiecr to religious
law which may (though rarely does) punish gay or lesbian sexual
activity with flogging and male trans,·estism with imprisonment.
Even though religious law does not apply to non-.Muslims, Isiam is
the state religion under Malaysia's constitution and thas homosexuai
citizens face official discrimination. Police may arrest any person
(Muslim or not) for sex in a pubiic place .;i.e. cruise spots), so visirors
are well-advised to respect Malaysian law and customs while
they are guests in the count:y. Having said that, police generall;·
have not de:ained forfigners ciuring raids on :ocal gay businesses,
focusing instead on ethnic Maiay customers, almost 1 orJ\ n of ·.vhom
are considered :t,foslim a: birth by :a,,·. For more information go to:
,vww .. utopia~asia.com
22 the STAR
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5555 E. 71st SL, Sldk 9102
Tlllu,, OK 74136
b,dq,e,,daa.Member Brolter_
Have a great birthday on June 4th from
Stan, Terry, Loren, Chaz and ail your
friends at the BOO!
Salutations ... Kittensl Uncle Mikey here with the Queer Yiew.
Summer is upon us. It is time once again for a more meaningful
social season. The ·white parties, raves, and galas, ,vhat wil1 I wear
kittens? I hope that my imported baby gamr swimsuit is ready in
time. I know what vou are thinicing, but he gaye his life willingly.
Now for the mailbag'.
Dear Uncie i\likey,
I ha,·e been seeing this guy for some time now and though 1 really
like him, I do not see a future for us. He wants to settle down and I
do not want to settle for anything less than fabulous, fast and flirty.
I have asked him to join me in rhe party know!l as my life, but he
wm not even try. I think that men were meant to single their earthly
pleasures. Should I just drop him, or continue to sway him my ,vav?
Hopeless Sex Da·wg
Dearest Pooch,· Unlcasheci,
Kitten it sounds as if the two of you are oil and water. You should
respect yourself as weil your man and tell him, your true imentions,
so that he will realize he is not going to change you, as he obviously
must fee!. This will a1lo·.\· him to search for a meaningful relationship,
whilst you concur your next boo:y-cal:.
U:1cle Mikey
I think \'OU are :,o fonny \vith you:- advice. Howe\·er, you seem to
ride the· fence \Vith mu;· advic~, Sometimes ,·::)U sav it is ok to play
and then other tin1es you act as though you are for the monogamy
thang. What gi\·es) \X'here do nm stand on this i~:::ue,
Just curious
Dearest Cufrms,
How did v(•u knov.c thn called i,. err l 1~1ca!l me. Big \.i? An.:: ,;ou a
~t~~~ i:::· ~~~!';tb:~:at7:,t:~~~~~~:~;~~r~;~~;: t~i~~c;_ ~~;;_'.~~a;ti;ecs
Queerdon1 ,,,.hen you ,vcrc but a men.:: drip on your daddy'~ leg.
lincle lives his life his O\V!l rules and an~:.:;,1,rers t() no one, Tn oti1er·
,vords .. until B1g !vfikey inv·ites vou rn-erJ
the ;Joor. ·\X'c'H caH
26 the STAR
Dear Cncle,
My friends are giving me crap because I have dropped out of college.
I ,vas tired of school and don't see why I should even iirijsh
,vhen I am making a killing as a bar entertainer/stripper. When I'm
in my g-scring, th; older ~en just fling their money ar me. I don't
feel that college is for e,uybody and :hink my time is better in the
field rather than studying abo:it it. \'<'hat do you ~hink?
• The Tv,inkstcr
Dear Twinkstcr,
Kitten, you might ·want to come from under that disco ball to hear
this. \•?hilst the reward of youth mighr be favoring you now, realize
this to shall pass. The skin does wrinkle; the •;ouch does fade, and
ves - young 1)layer, time will trump your spade! Falling back on tha~
college degree does not sound so bad when you think about it. I
mean I suppose even rhe retirement gay villas need some form of
entertainment, rhough I fear the dollars v.1.ll siow, and ~he change
·,,,jll jingle the bails. I would suggest tha;: you give some serious
thought to this matter, whilst you are shaking that monev-maker.
Uncle Mikey
Dear Uncle,
\\'.'hat do vou think about Gav cruises? Are :hey really •,vorti1 it=' I
am thinki~g abou;: going on ~ne, our am re!ucram to spend chat
kind of money, only .:o have a bad time. What do you think?
Man on a cruise
Dearest Kitten,
All aboard! Kinen, Uncle has seen his si1are of sunsets over the
horizon through the waves of the watery front. I can honestly say
I ne,;er had a bad one yet. I ha\·c had my share of loved shipmates;
hell, I have even had a fe\v seamen. I would suggest that if you have
never been, you go prepared, and ready ro party dl the ships whore
blows ashore1
Dear .i\fikev,
Can you h~ve too much pride? I have a friend who is a walking
rainbow parade. They see him coming from a mile away: l iusc don't
see why someone neecis to make everything a gay issue. I mean that
oniy gives the straight v.:-orki ammunition at our community.
Dear lligh:y,
There is a reas,m whr rigbty is :ighcy and lefty i:, looser One can
ne,;cr !,ave enm:gh pride. As far as gi,0:ng ammunition, this ;s a
~~:i;;:ti/J;~~i<~:>~ fc::l~,}j:;~js~~~i;:;,~ tl~c;!~;~ ~;::;~!!:~ t!:~;l;:se
(;then;~ icss you rake their Yery funda1nental freed()m 4'";.vay. In other
\'•.:ords tighty, and let the sun shine on those pasty of
vours. 1 tis sun1n1er - t\Yinks for
l 1ncle
\X'cH kitt::ns thai .• ,~Jout\;:f~1pb t,p ~:.~~~ :._f:.sicn v, :.,h \UL11
{~uee·n- J(itr-en~\ loYt one another, and rer:nernber
in bulk.
Grilled Rosemary Chicken w/
Drunken Mushrooms.
1 Whole fryer chicken.
6 large portabello mushrooms.
3/4 cup white wine.
1 /2 stick of butter.
1 teaspoon rosemary (Prefer Fresh)
1 /2 teaspoon lemon pepper.
Fire up the grill, split chicken in half, melt
butter in saucepan, baste chicken with
butter. Mix spices together and season
the chicken. Take a strip of foil and make a packet,
chop mushrooms into quarters, place into packet and
pour wine over mushrooms, set on the grill. Cook
chicken for about 25 minutes or when temp ieaches
165 degrees. Remove chicken and mushrooms. In a
large plate, plate both chicken halves, pour mushrooms
and wine on top and serve.
We have worked hard & we're not going back!
How about a drink recipe this month that
is light and refreshing. Made with chardonnay
this goes very well with poultry and
pastas. You can mix up a whole
Pitcher for get togethers and be all set for
Enjoy this one for laid back evenings at
home with good friends.
(4 oz) Chardonnay
(4 oz) 7-Up
(1/2 oz) Pineapple juice
(1/2 oz) Grapefruit juice
(1/2 oz) Lime juice
1, Mix all of the above and stir well with ice
2. Pour into a highball glass.
3. Garnish with a fresh lime wheel.
Oklahoma's most read GLBT Magazine 27
Q Scopes
by Jack Fertig
JUNE 2006
"Review your budget, Pisces!"
Venus just entered Taurus, drawing our attention
to sensuality and comfort. Soft and comfy is in,
and shock value is out - or so says Venus. But
the Sun is in Gemini aspecting Jupiter in Scorpio,
drawing out secrets and offering titillation. Ideally,
it's time to invite some friends over for a cozy
evening with an early John Waters movie.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Trying new looks on impulse
is fun, but now shop for quality you can count on. Your wit
is turning quite wicked, sure to get you into a steamy situation
or just hot water. A time and a place for everything,
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Thrift shops serving charities
hold hidden treasures for you. Economy is good, and may
be difficult to discuss with your partner, but the two of you
need to sort out financial issues. Just outline the situation
now, and answers will come later.
GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Bringing treats or favors to a
meeting is obviously manipulative, but it works, especially
now. Don't bother being coy or discreet. Joke about it and
put your aims up front. Honest manipulation works better
than subterfuge.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Your reputation is strong,
but it wouldn't hurt to focus on appearances. Charity work
opens opportunities for pleasure. That doesn't mean mercy
sex! People who share your passions for improving the
world can share ottier passions as wel!.
LEO (Juiy 23 ® August 22): You are very persuasive now,
more through gentle charm than the force or logic of your
arguments. New friends can shake up your perceptions of
who is "family." Be flexibie and open to that lesson!
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Your erotic sensuality,
usually underrated, comes to the foie now and could
become quite a topic of discussion! SUil, it's not what you
want to hear about over the water cooler. Pay attention.
and keep the talk at work focused to your advantage.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Little arguments or
critiques easily get under your skin and dig up very deep issues.
Accept the chalienge to deal with them constructively.
Now is the time to iron out any problems in your relationship
and/or strengthen any commitments.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Good health
habits and exercise regimens started now will be easier
to maintain. Results come in time, although slowly. Good
safe-sex habits will come in handy! Erotic adventures will
offer interesting challenges, so don't be shy.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): Listen for
hidden motives, but be careful you don't go over the edge
into paranoia. A romantic retreat or an artistic, constructive
outlet will help you stay grounded and keep perspectiye.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Your instincts
for teamwork are unusually sharp now. Trust your intuition,
but be very flexible and accommodating in the actual task
at hand. Reward your efforts with cozy comforts and homey
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Playful impulses
at work should be sublimated to creative labors. You're
being watched more than you know, and your actions can
be easily misinterpreted. Don't explain your efforts unless
asked, but allow every opportunity to be asked!
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Your ethnic roots are
showing. Affecting the accent of your forebears could be
very seductive or lead you into an interesting exchange of
ideas. Review your budget and financial plans.
28 Advertising in the STAR is just good business cents.
Arkansas, Bentonville (479)
NWA GLBT Ctr - PO Box 1161 Bentonville-72712--479-586-1062
Arkansas, Eureka Springs 9)
Diversity Pride Event - - - - - - - - - - - -www.d ersitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye View- - - - - 36 N. Main- - - - - - - - - -479-253-0200
Caribe Restaurante- - - - 309 W VanBuren- - - - -479-253-8102
Henri's - - - - - - 19 1/2 Spring St - - - - - - - - - - -479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill- - - 105 E VanBuren- - - - - -479-253-0400
MCC Living Spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Swiss Holiday Resort- Hwy 62 at Hwy 23 So.- - - - 888-582-8464
Spexton- - - - - - - 17B Spring Street - - - - - - - -918-829-0824
Tiki Torch- - - - - - - - 75 S. Main Street- - - - - - - - -479-253-2305
Tradewinds Lodge -141 W. VanBuren- - - - - - - 800-243-1615
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Common Ground Restaurant- - - 412 W. Dixon - - 479-442-3515
Condom Sense - - - - - - - 418 W. Dickson- - - - - -479-444-6228
Curry's Video - - - 612 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - - -479-521-0009
Passages - - - - - -930 N. College Ave- - - - - - - - -479-442-5845
Pride Street Live- - 523 W. Poplar St-- - - - - - - - - - 4 79-587 -0557
Tangerine Club - -21 N. Block Ave-- - - - - - - - - - -4 79-587-9512
• Arkansas, Fort Smith (479j
Kinkeads- - - - - - -1004 1 /2 Garrison Ave- - - - - - - 4 79-783-9988
Red Rock City - - -917 N. "A" St. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesters Lounge - - - 1010 E. Grand Ave - - - - - - - 501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - - -501-6642744
Diamond State Rodeo Assoc.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.dsra.org
Discovery- - - - - 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - - - - - - - - -501-666-6900
Sidetrncks - - - 415 Main St - -North LR- - - - - - - -501-244-0444
The Factory - - - - - - 412 Louisiana St.- - - - - - - - - 501-372-3070
Kansas, Junction City (785)
Xcalibur Club- - - - - - 384 Grant Ave. - - - - - - - - -785-762-2050
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
PSU-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- - - - - - - - - - - - -620-231-0938
River of Life Church.- - 1709 N. Walnut- - - - - - - - -Service 11 AM
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our FantasyiSouth40- - - - - 3201 S. Hillside- - - - - 316-682-5494
Priscilla's- - - - - 6143 W Kellogg Dr- - - - - - - - - - - 316-942-1244
Club Glaciei- - - - - - - - 2828 E. 31st South- - - - - 316-612-9331
Missouri, Ava (417)
Catus Canyon Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - - - - - - 716 S. Main - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-627-9035
MCC Spirit of Christ- - -2902 E 20th, - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
40th Street Inn- - - -www.40thstreetinn.com- - - - - -816-561-7575
Concourse Park B&B - - 300 Benton Blvd -- - - - - -816-231-1196
Hydes KC Gym & Guest Hs -www.hydeskc.com - 816-561-1010
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -816-561-0625
Missouri; Lampe (417)
KOKOMO Campground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- - - - 424 Boonville Ave- - - - - -- - - - - - 417-831-4 700
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -518 E. Commerical- - - -417-869-3978
Martha's Vineyard- - - 219 'N Olive - - - - - - - - 417-864-4572
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilia's - - - - 1918-S Glenstone - - - - - - - - - - -417-881-8444
Ronisuz P!ace- - --821 College- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Enid (580)
Hastings Books- - - -104 Sunset - - - - - - - - - - - - - 580-242-6838
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - -4810-A West Garriott- - - - - - - 580-233-5511
Oklahoma, Lawton (580)
Triangles- - - - - - - - - -29 SW "D" Ave - - - - - - - - - 580-351-0620
lngrids Bookstoie- - - - - 1124 NW Cache Rd- - - - - -580-353-1488
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - - - - - - - POBox 1515, - - - - McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
American Crossroads B&B - POBox 270642- - - - - -405-495-1111
Boom Room- - - - - 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - - - - -405-601-7200
Border's Books- - - - 3209 NW Expressway- -- - - 405-848-2667
Club Rox- - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Christie's Toy Box- - - - -3126 N. May Ave - - - - - - - 405-946-4438
Eastern Ave Video- - -1105 S Eastern Ave- - - - - - - -405-672-6459
Fat Cat Bingo- - - - - - 3130 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - -405-942-8875
Hollywood Hotel- - - - 3535 NW 39th Exp - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Hi-Lo Club - - - - - - - 1221 NW 50th- - - - - - - - - - - - 405-843-1722
Partners- - - - - - - - - 2805 NW 36th St - - - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Pec's- - - - - - - - - - -3535 NW 39th Expw - - - - - - - -405-942-2199
Priscilla's- - - - - - - - 615 E. Memorial- - - - - - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Red Rock North- - - 2240 NW39th St- - - - - - - - - - - 405-525-5165
Rudy's Place-- - - - -3535 NW39th Expw- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Phoenix Rising - - - - 2120 NW 39th St- - - - -- - - - - -405-601-3711
The Park- - - - - - - - 2125 NW 39th St - - - - - - - - - -405-528-4690
The Rockies- - - - - 3201 N. May Ave - - - - - - - - 405-947-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- - 3535 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - -405-947-2351
Tramps- - - - - - - - - - -2201 NW 39th-- - - - - - - - -405-521-9888
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918) ·
Bamboo Lounge- - -7204 E. Pine - - -- - - - - - - - - -918-836-8700
Border's Book Store- - - 2740 E. 21st- - - - - - - - - - - 918-712-9955
Borde;'s Book Store - - - 8015 S. Yale - - - - - - - - - - 918-494-2665
Club 209 - - - - - - 209 N. Boulder - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Majestic- - - - - - - 124 N. Boston - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-9494
Club Maverick- - - - - 822 S. Sheridan - - - - - - - - - -918-835-3301
Dreamland Bks -- - - 8807 E. Admiral P! - - - - - - - - -918-83.1.-1051
Elite Bookstore - - - - -814 S. Sheridan- - - - - - - - - - 918-838-8503
GLBT Comm. Ctr- - - - 5545 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - - 918-743-4297
Hideaway Lounge- - - - - 11730 E. 11th- - - - - - - - - -918-437-0449
HOPE Clinic- - - - - - - 3540 E. 31st - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-749-8378
Jazz's Lounge- - - - - - 426 S. Memorial - - - - - - - 918-836-8544
Midtown- - - - - - - - - - 319 E. 3rd- - - - - - - - - - - - - 918-584-3112
Nite Spot - -- - - - - -3007 E. Admiral Pl - - - -- - - - - - 918-834-3007
Priscma·s - . - - - - - - -7925 E. 41st- - - - - - - - - - - -918-627-4884
Prisci!ia·s - - - - - - - - 5634 W. Skeiiy - - - - - - - - 918-446-6336
Prisci!ia s - - - - - - - -11344 E. 11th - - - - -- - - - - -918-438-4224
Pr:sciJla's - - - - - - - - - 2333 E. 71st- - - - -- - - - - - -918-499-1667
Renegades- - - - - - 1649 S. Main - - - - - - - - - 918-585-3405
Rob1s Records- - -2909 S; Sheridan Rd- - ,. ,. - - - - - 918-627-~1505
Tulsa CARES- - - - 3507 E Admiral Pl- - - - - - - 918-834-4194
Tulsa Eagle- - - - -1338 E. 3rd - - - -
TNTs •· - •· - - - 2114 S. Memorial-
\Vhittier News Stand- - , N. lewis- - - - •· •· - - •·
Yellow-Brick-Rd- - - - 2630 E 15th- - - ·· -
-- - 918-660-0856
- - - 918-592-0767
- 918-293-0304
,9~~~tl~~S ~van~gt~ 'd.iSttibute ,~'~, toP,i~~. Of th~ ~Ti,,R,
1~,~~5;7887 9am to 4pm n1on - fri-or email: ozar-ksstar@sbcg!obal.11et
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Great entertaining home on 15th street by fair
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3 Bedtoom 2 Bath 2 Living 2 Car Totally Updated
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Condo'·s for rent 66th and Peona area 2 Bedroom
2 Bath Fireplace covered parking
$550.00 plus eicGric.
Tracy Whyburn Keller Williams
Realtors 496-2252 Cell 625-6377
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Star Media, Ltd, “[2006] The Star Magazine, June 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/229.