[2013] OKEQ Weekly eNews, 28 March 2013
[2013] OKEQ Weekly eNews, 28 March 2013
Oklahomans for Equality Weekly eNews, 28 March 2013
An email newsletter from Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ) for the week of March 28, 2013, 12 pages. Primarily details upcoming events and programs.
Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ)
Email Body
Welcome to the eNews. It's Marriage Equality Week at OkEq. Be sure to check out all the events we have on schedule for the week. eNews Staff Oklahomans for Equality
The eNews for the week of March 28th, 2013 is brought to you by EBA Member Business:
Be Our Voice, Give a Day
In honor of 15 years together and their marriage in NYC on 3-19-12, Kenneth Joslin and Mark Linholm have donated to OkEq's Be Our Voice, Give a Day campaign and sponsored the Equality Center for the day of Tuesday, March 19th, 2013.
Kenneth and Mark are pictured below in Times Square with Mark's daughter Audrey.
Birth Announcement
Congratulations from Oklahomans for Equality
Rebeka Radcliff & Kim McDonald welcomed their first child last month. Jordan Everett McRad was born a bouncing 8lbs 6oz on February 20th, 2013 at 11:00 am. Jordan's mommies stay busy admiring him and working in social services in the Tulsa area. The couple were married in September 2010 in Montreal, Canada and held their reception at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
Marriage Equality Week
March 25th - 30th, 2013
Homebuyer Education Class
Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 6:30 pm
Dennis R Neill Equality Center
Oklahomans for Equality will be hosting a free Homebuyer Education Class on Thursday, March 28th, 2013 at 6:30 pm. Join us to learn about the home buying process. The class will be conducted by Shane Allbee (Theinsurancecrew), Anthony Carr ( Keller Williams Realty) and Jason Dieckman (Bank of the Wichitas Mortgage Company).
There is no admission fee for this informational class. Learn the basic steps to homeownership: Lender/Realtor/Insurance and the basics to knowing "Your Credit". The class will include a Q&A session. Participants will be provided with a packet to get started. Seating will be limited so send an RSVP to OkEq Program Coordinator Mary Jones mary.jones@okeq.org.
OUTlaw Legal Workshop
Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 7:00 pm
OkEq hosts the OUTlaw Legal Workshop on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Facilitator Conor Cleary, an associate at Hall, Estill, Hardwick, Gable, Golden & Nelson, P.C., leads the topic discussions which will change each meeting. The discussion will be followed by an open Q&A session. As part of Marriage Equality Week, the OUTlaw Workshop will recap the hearings on the Defense of Marriage Act and Prop 8.
Within Our Reach
Saturday, March 30th, 2013; 1:00 - 5:00 pm
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
Oklahomans for Equality in
collaboration with Family &
Children's Services will be
offering "Within Our Reach" a
free, fun, educational couples
relationship enhancement
workshop. It is intended to help couples build on existing strengths and teaches important skills to create safe and stable relationships. In addition, couples will learn how to communicate effectively, work as a team to solve problems, manage conflicts without damaging closeness, and preserve and enhance love, commitment and friendship.
Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, please call Carrie at 918.560.1243 or email clittle@fcsok.org
First Thursday Art Reception
Thursday, April 4th, 2013; 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Equality Business Alliance
Upcoming Events
Join the Equality Business Alliance EBA Business Directory
EBA on Facebook
The April Monthly Mixer Meeting will be on Monday,
April 8th, 2013 at 6:00 pm, hosted by Steven Michael's
Photography and held at Living Arts of Tulsa. Please RSVP and send an invite to everyone on your friends list. Walk ins are welcome. This event is open to members and non-members alike. Bring plenty of business cards and be prepared to give a 2 minute commercial about your business.
Living Arts of Tulsa
307 E. Brady, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120
The April Monthly EBA Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the Equality Center. This meeting is open to members and non- members, however you must be a paid member to speak or vote on agenda items. This is your chance to steer the organization so all members are encouraged to attend. If you have an item you want on the agenda, please have it send to eba@okeq.org by Monday April 8th.
Guys Dine Too
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013; 6:30 pm
The April meeting of Guys Dine Too will be at Sonoma Bistro and Wine Bar Tuesday, April 2nd around 6:30 pm.
Sonoma Bistro is located at 3523 S Peoria Ave
Guys Dine Too is a social program for Gay Men, and their male Allies/friends, and meets at a different restaurant every month.
Please RSVP to Richard Haley at gaydine2@yahoo.com if you plan on attending.
MOREcolor Artist Submissions
Call for entries; Opening Night June 13th, 2013
Calling all interested artists ages 18 and over, we are now open for submissions for the annual MOREcolor Fine Arts Exhibition 2013, a highly anticipated feature of the Tulsa Pride celebration.
We strive to be very artist friendly, while providing a venue for cutting edge artistic vision, expressed through all media, including performance and installation creations.
The Festive and always surprising Opening Night reception will be held June 13th, 2013 at the Dennis R Neil Equality Center. It is free and open to the public. For the 1st time this year, there will be a Juror's award as well as a People's Choice award.
For submission details go to MOREcolorart.com
Tulsa Pride 2013
Tulsa Pride 2013 is now accepting registrations for Volunteers and Exhibitors, Food Vendors and Parade Entries at
www.tulsapride.org Pride Planning Meeting
Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 7:30 pm
Dennis R Neill Equality Center
Tulsa Pride will have a planning meeting Thursday, March 28th at 7:30 pm at the Equality Center. Meetings are open to the public and anybody interested in helping is encouraged to attend.
Pride Idol
Saturday, March 30th, 2013; 9:00 pm
New Age Renegade 1649 S Main St
Calling all entertainers! Here's your shot. The winner of Tulsa Pride Idol will win a spot on the Tulsa Pride Main Stage during the Tulsa Pride Street Festival. Drag, live vocals, spoken word, whatever! One night of competition, Saturday March 30th at New Age Renegade, Hosted by Tabitha Taylor. For rules and regulations and for additional information visit Tulsa Pride on Facebook.
6th Annual Turn About Show
Monday, April 1st, 2013; 8:00 pm
Club Majestic
124 N Boston Ave
Come out and see your favorite LGBT bar owners and staff like you've never seen them before. Monday April 1st, Doors open at 8:00 pm, No Cover Charge! Raffles and Door Prizes. Proceeds benefit Tulsa Pride. 18 to Enter, 21 to Drink!
Save the Date! OkEq Equality Gala
Saturday, May 4th, 2013; 6:30 pm
The Annual OkEq Equality Gala has a new home on Facebook
And be sure to join us on Saturday, May 4th, 2013!
Tulsa LGBT Softball Keeps Growing
Opening Day on Sunday April 7th, 2013
Tulsa Metro Softball League is kicking off their 5th Spring Season on April 7th, 2013. To date, the league has 14 registered teams and expects to have more than 160 players. They're inviting everyone to get in on the action!
TMSL also has several sponsorship opportunities available for their upcoming spring season and their two big tournaments this summer. To learn more about sponsorship and to get signed up to play visit TulsaMetroSoftball.com
The eNews for the week of March 28th, 2013 is brought to you by EBA Member Business:
Flying Solo - Singles Night OUT
2nd and 4th Fridays; 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Dennis R Neill Equality Center
OkEq is hosting a new singles group for the LGBT community looking to meet new people and try new experiences. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month. Hosted by PENNY SLOTS AND JIMMIE NEUTRON, the Superheroes of Love. Event will be ages 21 and over. Next meet is Friday, April 12th, 2013
Tulsa Growl 2013
May 3rd - 5th, 2013
The Green Country Bears are proud to sponsor Tulsa Growl II on May 3rd - 5th, 2013. Tulsa's Best Bear Run will be an event filled weekend so be sure to visit www.tulsagrowl.com and check out the entire schedule and to register.
Suzanne Westenhoefer
Saturday, April 13th, 2013; 8:00 pm
IDL Ballroom 230 E 1st St Tulsa, OK 74103
Come on out to the IDL Ballroom in Downtown Tulsa and enjoy a night with the Funniest. Lesbian. Ever. Suzanne Westenhoefer. She's bad... and she knows it. She's also rip-roaring hilarity wrapped up with a silver bow and a gift tag that says, "Just Try Me".
Doors open at 7:00 pm Show starts at 8:00 pm Seating is limited
For more info and to purchase tickets, call
918.798.3647 or visit here
Proceeds benefit Therapetics Service Dogs of Oklahoma. Therapetics works to enhance the lives of individuals living with physical disabilities by providing them with highly trained service dogs. For information on Therapetics visit www.therapetics.org.
LifeLine Screening at Circle Cinema Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 7:30 pm
Circle CInema
10 South Lewis Avenue Tulsa, OK 74104
Circle Cinema and the
OpenArms Youth Project want
to invite you to a screening
of LifeLine, a 25 minute documentary about The Trevor Project and LGBTQ youth suicide prevention. The film will screen at Circle Cinema on Thursday, March 28th, 2013. Doors open at 7:30 and the screening will begin shortly after. The concession stand will be open and a $5 suggested donation will be asked for at the door with all proceeds going to Tulsa's Openarms Youth Project.
Rev. Bob Lawrence Book Study
Every Thursday starting April 4th, 2013; 7:00 pm
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
The Tulsa Interfaith Alliance will be hosting Jay
Bakker (son of Jim and Tammy Faye) on May
16th, 2013. Rev. Bob Lawrence will be leading
a study of his most recent book "Faith, Doubt
and Other Lines I Have Crossed: Searching for the Unknown God". Space is limited. Please sign up with Rev. Bob at uccrevbob@gmail.com or Mary Jones at mary.jones@okeq.org
Tulsa Theatres present "8"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 25th - 27th, 2013; 7:30 pm
Theatre Tulsa's New Stage, with license from the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) and Broadway Impact, is proud to announce a one- weekend-only reading of "8," a play chronicling the historic trial in the federal constitutional challenge to California's Proposition 8.
The script was written by Academy Award-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, who penned the Academy Award-winning feature film "Milk" and the film "J. Edgar". Black's "8" is based on the actual words of the trial transcripts, first-hand observations of the courtroom drama and interviews with the plaintiffs and their families.
The production and casts will combine the talents of three local theatres, Theatre Tulsa's New Stage company, Odeum Theatre Company and Theatre Pops.
The production will run one weekend, April 25th - 27th, 2013 at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center's Liddy Doenges Theatre. All performances are at 7:30 pm.
To purchase tickets, visit myticketoffice.com
TU High School GSA Visit Day
Saturday, April 6th, 2013; 10:00 am
Pride at TU is presenting a day for queer students, allies and their parents to come see the University of Tulsa campus through queer eyes.
Saturday, April 6th, 2013 10:00 am - 11:00 am: An official Campus tour led by student University Ambassadors that will highlight the Little Blue House, the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and other LGBTQ relevant spaces.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Being Queer on Campus Panel - TU students, faculty and staff present an honest discussion of the campus climate and what it's like to be out on campus.
Please RSVP and/or direct questions to Zachary Harvat, president of Pride at TU, at zachary-harvat@utulsa.edu
Gamily Picnic Day at the Tulsa Zoo
Saturday, April 21st, 2013; 2:00 pm
Gamily is planning a picnic day at the Tulsa Zoo be held on Sunday, April 21st, 2013 at 2:00 pm. It will be a BYOL: Bring Your Our Lunch event. The Mohawk Park picnic area is free to the public and Gamily will have area to eat lunch and play before enjoying the Zoo. Discount tickets for Zoo entry are available at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center for $4.00 and will not be sold on the day of the event. So pick up your tickets today. For more information email Gamily@okeq.org
Tulsa National Organization for Women
Sunday, April 7th, 2013; 2:00 pm
Tulsa's National Organization for Women is a new local chapter of the National Organization for Women. NOW has six priority issues that include: reproductive justice, LGBT rights, racial rights, constitutional equality and violence against women. Tulsa NOW is recruiting new members and officers to perform outreach and education in the eastern Oklahoma area.
On April 2nd, Tulsa NOW will be joining Planned Parenthood of the Heartland Tulsa office at the Oklahoma Capitol for a statewide lobby day. If you are interested please visit Facebook. For registration, please visit here. You can also e-mail Annie Norman for more information at: annie.norman@ppheartland.org.
Tulsa NOW will meet at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center on April 7th, 2013 at 2:00 pm. Feel free to bring a friend and a snack.
Dining Out for Life
Thursday, April 25th, 2013; Lunch and Dinner
H.O.P.E. is preparing for their Annual DINING OUT FOR LIFE in Tulsa. This year the community will come together on Thursday, April 25th, 2013 to support HIV prevention, testing, and education. Each participating restaurant will give at least 25% of the proceeds from the evening to H.O.P .E.
Get a group of friends together, go out to eat, and support HIV prevention.
The more you eat and the more people you invite out to eat, the more money is donated to H.O.P.E.
For a list of participating restaurants, please visit
Tulsa Two Spirits Society Gathering
April 19th - 22nd, 2013
Osage Hills State Park
2131 Osage Hills State Park Road Pawhuska, OK 74056
The gathering's program will include workshops on traditional and contemporary Native American culture, Pow Wows, stompdancing, celebrations, Native faith, and other related activities. No alcohol, drugs or guns will be allowed.
The Tulsa Two Spirits Society is "a non-profit Native American LGBT Collective. We seek to affirm and embody positive traditional and modern Two Spirit identities, and in so doing, be valued members of our communities".
For more information or to register for the gathering, please visit t h e Tulsa Two Spirits Gathering section on the OkEq website or download the registration form here.
No Walls Entertainment Group Rehearsals
Performances May 31st, June 1st-2nd, 7th-9th; 2013
Each character in No Walls Entertainment Group's production of "An Adult Fairytale" is faced with overcoming fear and failure, the draw of death and the difficulties of daily living. No Walls Entertainment Group would like to invite you to join the rehearsals at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center on Sundays between now and the time of performances. The group meets from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. No experience is necessary, the mission is to give people the opportunity to experiment with being on stage with a supporting
acting group. If you are interested in being part of our project please contact Ty Tyson 918.850.9438 for details or just show up at rehearsal.
CODE: An OML 2013 Fundraiser
Saturday, April 6th, 2013; 10:00 pm
On April 6th, 2013 the Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers Association (T.U.L.S.A.) will sponsor a fundraiser at the Tulsa Eagle for the current Oklahoma Mr. Leather 2013, Nate Benner. Nate will be the representative from Oklahoma at the International Mr. Leather 2013 competition to be held in Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend. All proceeds from this evening will go directly to his travel fund.
T.U.L.S.A. would love everyone to come and help support Nate, OML 2013, on his journey to Chicago for IML. Adherence to dress code is not mandatory, but HIGHLY encouraged. The event starts at 10:00 pm.
Equality Center Pride Store
Tulsa Pride 2012 T-Shirts are only $5! Get them now before they are gone forever!
Nancy and Joe McDonald Rainbow Library
'Prairie Storm' by Lynn E Lisarelli
You may check out this addition to our comprehensive resource library at
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
In the spring of 1890, Ann Johnson, injured and on the run from a group of men who claim that she murdered a child in the town of Sutter's Ford, finds shelter and healing at the cabin of Devorah Lee, a widow living alone on the Kansas Prairie with her child, Melissa.
Ann begins to develop strong feelings for Devorah, and although Devorah returns those feelings, she is hesitant and unsure about this new awakening in her heart. Ann faces two obstacles in her journey toward wholeness: competing with the local doctor for Devorah's affection, and struggling with the repressed memory of the real killer's identity. Will Ann Remember in time to save Devorah's child from being the next victim?
Check for this selection and more by visiting our library database online
Nancy and Joe McDonald Rainbow Library
Click above to volunteer your time with Oklahomans for Equality
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
Hours: Mon - Sat 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm| Sun 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Oklahomans for Equality | 621 E. 4th Street | Tulsa, OK 74120 | 918.743.4297 www.okeq.org
The eNews for the week of March 28th, 2013 is brought to you by EBA Member Business:
Be Our Voice, Give a Day
In honor of 15 years together and their marriage in NYC on 3-19-12, Kenneth Joslin and Mark Linholm have donated to OkEq's Be Our Voice, Give a Day campaign and sponsored the Equality Center for the day of Tuesday, March 19th, 2013.
Kenneth and Mark are pictured below in Times Square with Mark's daughter Audrey.
Birth Announcement
Congratulations from Oklahomans for Equality
Rebeka Radcliff & Kim McDonald welcomed their first child last month. Jordan Everett McRad was born a bouncing 8lbs 6oz on February 20th, 2013 at 11:00 am. Jordan's mommies stay busy admiring him and working in social services in the Tulsa area. The couple were married in September 2010 in Montreal, Canada and held their reception at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
Marriage Equality Week
March 25th - 30th, 2013
Homebuyer Education Class
Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 6:30 pm
Dennis R Neill Equality Center
Oklahomans for Equality will be hosting a free Homebuyer Education Class on Thursday, March 28th, 2013 at 6:30 pm. Join us to learn about the home buying process. The class will be conducted by Shane Allbee (Theinsurancecrew), Anthony Carr ( Keller Williams Realty) and Jason Dieckman (Bank of the Wichitas Mortgage Company).
There is no admission fee for this informational class. Learn the basic steps to homeownership: Lender/Realtor/Insurance and the basics to knowing "Your Credit". The class will include a Q&A session. Participants will be provided with a packet to get started. Seating will be limited so send an RSVP to OkEq Program Coordinator Mary Jones mary.jones@okeq.org.
OUTlaw Legal Workshop
Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 7:00 pm
OkEq hosts the OUTlaw Legal Workshop on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Facilitator Conor Cleary, an associate at Hall, Estill, Hardwick, Gable, Golden & Nelson, P.C., leads the topic discussions which will change each meeting. The discussion will be followed by an open Q&A session. As part of Marriage Equality Week, the OUTlaw Workshop will recap the hearings on the Defense of Marriage Act and Prop 8.
Within Our Reach
Saturday, March 30th, 2013; 1:00 - 5:00 pm
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
Oklahomans for Equality in
collaboration with Family &
Children's Services will be
offering "Within Our Reach" a
free, fun, educational couples
relationship enhancement
workshop. It is intended to help couples build on existing strengths and teaches important skills to create safe and stable relationships. In addition, couples will learn how to communicate effectively, work as a team to solve problems, manage conflicts without damaging closeness, and preserve and enhance love, commitment and friendship.
Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, please call Carrie at 918.560.1243 or email clittle@fcsok.org
First Thursday Art Reception
Thursday, April 4th, 2013; 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Equality Business Alliance
Upcoming Events
Join the Equality Business Alliance EBA Business Directory
EBA on Facebook
The April Monthly Mixer Meeting will be on Monday,
April 8th, 2013 at 6:00 pm, hosted by Steven Michael's
Photography and held at Living Arts of Tulsa. Please RSVP and send an invite to everyone on your friends list. Walk ins are welcome. This event is open to members and non-members alike. Bring plenty of business cards and be prepared to give a 2 minute commercial about your business.
Living Arts of Tulsa
307 E. Brady, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120
The April Monthly EBA Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the Equality Center. This meeting is open to members and non- members, however you must be a paid member to speak or vote on agenda items. This is your chance to steer the organization so all members are encouraged to attend. If you have an item you want on the agenda, please have it send to eba@okeq.org by Monday April 8th.
Guys Dine Too
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013; 6:30 pm
The April meeting of Guys Dine Too will be at Sonoma Bistro and Wine Bar Tuesday, April 2nd around 6:30 pm.
Sonoma Bistro is located at 3523 S Peoria Ave
Guys Dine Too is a social program for Gay Men, and their male Allies/friends, and meets at a different restaurant every month.
Please RSVP to Richard Haley at gaydine2@yahoo.com if you plan on attending.
MOREcolor Artist Submissions
Call for entries; Opening Night June 13th, 2013
Calling all interested artists ages 18 and over, we are now open for submissions for the annual MOREcolor Fine Arts Exhibition 2013, a highly anticipated feature of the Tulsa Pride celebration.
We strive to be very artist friendly, while providing a venue for cutting edge artistic vision, expressed through all media, including performance and installation creations.
The Festive and always surprising Opening Night reception will be held June 13th, 2013 at the Dennis R Neil Equality Center. It is free and open to the public. For the 1st time this year, there will be a Juror's award as well as a People's Choice award.
For submission details go to MOREcolorart.com
Tulsa Pride 2013
Tulsa Pride 2013 is now accepting registrations for Volunteers and Exhibitors, Food Vendors and Parade Entries at
www.tulsapride.org Pride Planning Meeting
Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 7:30 pm
Dennis R Neill Equality Center
Tulsa Pride will have a planning meeting Thursday, March 28th at 7:30 pm at the Equality Center. Meetings are open to the public and anybody interested in helping is encouraged to attend.
Pride Idol
Saturday, March 30th, 2013; 9:00 pm
New Age Renegade 1649 S Main St
Calling all entertainers! Here's your shot. The winner of Tulsa Pride Idol will win a spot on the Tulsa Pride Main Stage during the Tulsa Pride Street Festival. Drag, live vocals, spoken word, whatever! One night of competition, Saturday March 30th at New Age Renegade, Hosted by Tabitha Taylor. For rules and regulations and for additional information visit Tulsa Pride on Facebook.
6th Annual Turn About Show
Monday, April 1st, 2013; 8:00 pm
Club Majestic
124 N Boston Ave
Come out and see your favorite LGBT bar owners and staff like you've never seen them before. Monday April 1st, Doors open at 8:00 pm, No Cover Charge! Raffles and Door Prizes. Proceeds benefit Tulsa Pride. 18 to Enter, 21 to Drink!
Save the Date! OkEq Equality Gala
Saturday, May 4th, 2013; 6:30 pm
The Annual OkEq Equality Gala has a new home on Facebook
And be sure to join us on Saturday, May 4th, 2013!
Tulsa LGBT Softball Keeps Growing
Opening Day on Sunday April 7th, 2013
Tulsa Metro Softball League is kicking off their 5th Spring Season on April 7th, 2013. To date, the league has 14 registered teams and expects to have more than 160 players. They're inviting everyone to get in on the action!
TMSL also has several sponsorship opportunities available for their upcoming spring season and their two big tournaments this summer. To learn more about sponsorship and to get signed up to play visit TulsaMetroSoftball.com
The eNews for the week of March 28th, 2013 is brought to you by EBA Member Business:
Flying Solo - Singles Night OUT
2nd and 4th Fridays; 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Dennis R Neill Equality Center
OkEq is hosting a new singles group for the LGBT community looking to meet new people and try new experiences. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month. Hosted by PENNY SLOTS AND JIMMIE NEUTRON, the Superheroes of Love. Event will be ages 21 and over. Next meet is Friday, April 12th, 2013
Tulsa Growl 2013
May 3rd - 5th, 2013
The Green Country Bears are proud to sponsor Tulsa Growl II on May 3rd - 5th, 2013. Tulsa's Best Bear Run will be an event filled weekend so be sure to visit www.tulsagrowl.com and check out the entire schedule and to register.
Suzanne Westenhoefer
Saturday, April 13th, 2013; 8:00 pm
IDL Ballroom 230 E 1st St Tulsa, OK 74103
Come on out to the IDL Ballroom in Downtown Tulsa and enjoy a night with the Funniest. Lesbian. Ever. Suzanne Westenhoefer. She's bad... and she knows it. She's also rip-roaring hilarity wrapped up with a silver bow and a gift tag that says, "Just Try Me".
Doors open at 7:00 pm Show starts at 8:00 pm Seating is limited
For more info and to purchase tickets, call
918.798.3647 or visit here
Proceeds benefit Therapetics Service Dogs of Oklahoma. Therapetics works to enhance the lives of individuals living with physical disabilities by providing them with highly trained service dogs. For information on Therapetics visit www.therapetics.org.
LifeLine Screening at Circle Cinema Thursday, March 28th, 2013; 7:30 pm
Circle CInema
10 South Lewis Avenue Tulsa, OK 74104
Circle Cinema and the
OpenArms Youth Project want
to invite you to a screening
of LifeLine, a 25 minute documentary about The Trevor Project and LGBTQ youth suicide prevention. The film will screen at Circle Cinema on Thursday, March 28th, 2013. Doors open at 7:30 and the screening will begin shortly after. The concession stand will be open and a $5 suggested donation will be asked for at the door with all proceeds going to Tulsa's Openarms Youth Project.
Rev. Bob Lawrence Book Study
Every Thursday starting April 4th, 2013; 7:00 pm
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
The Tulsa Interfaith Alliance will be hosting Jay
Bakker (son of Jim and Tammy Faye) on May
16th, 2013. Rev. Bob Lawrence will be leading
a study of his most recent book "Faith, Doubt
and Other Lines I Have Crossed: Searching for the Unknown God". Space is limited. Please sign up with Rev. Bob at uccrevbob@gmail.com or Mary Jones at mary.jones@okeq.org
Tulsa Theatres present "8"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 25th - 27th, 2013; 7:30 pm
Theatre Tulsa's New Stage, with license from the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) and Broadway Impact, is proud to announce a one- weekend-only reading of "8," a play chronicling the historic trial in the federal constitutional challenge to California's Proposition 8.
The script was written by Academy Award-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, who penned the Academy Award-winning feature film "Milk" and the film "J. Edgar". Black's "8" is based on the actual words of the trial transcripts, first-hand observations of the courtroom drama and interviews with the plaintiffs and their families.
The production and casts will combine the talents of three local theatres, Theatre Tulsa's New Stage company, Odeum Theatre Company and Theatre Pops.
The production will run one weekend, April 25th - 27th, 2013 at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center's Liddy Doenges Theatre. All performances are at 7:30 pm.
To purchase tickets, visit myticketoffice.com
TU High School GSA Visit Day
Saturday, April 6th, 2013; 10:00 am
Pride at TU is presenting a day for queer students, allies and their parents to come see the University of Tulsa campus through queer eyes.
Saturday, April 6th, 2013 10:00 am - 11:00 am: An official Campus tour led by student University Ambassadors that will highlight the Little Blue House, the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and other LGBTQ relevant spaces.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Being Queer on Campus Panel - TU students, faculty and staff present an honest discussion of the campus climate and what it's like to be out on campus.
Please RSVP and/or direct questions to Zachary Harvat, president of Pride at TU, at zachary-harvat@utulsa.edu
Gamily Picnic Day at the Tulsa Zoo
Saturday, April 21st, 2013; 2:00 pm
Gamily is planning a picnic day at the Tulsa Zoo be held on Sunday, April 21st, 2013 at 2:00 pm. It will be a BYOL: Bring Your Our Lunch event. The Mohawk Park picnic area is free to the public and Gamily will have area to eat lunch and play before enjoying the Zoo. Discount tickets for Zoo entry are available at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center for $4.00 and will not be sold on the day of the event. So pick up your tickets today. For more information email Gamily@okeq.org
Tulsa National Organization for Women
Sunday, April 7th, 2013; 2:00 pm
Tulsa's National Organization for Women is a new local chapter of the National Organization for Women. NOW has six priority issues that include: reproductive justice, LGBT rights, racial rights, constitutional equality and violence against women. Tulsa NOW is recruiting new members and officers to perform outreach and education in the eastern Oklahoma area.
On April 2nd, Tulsa NOW will be joining Planned Parenthood of the Heartland Tulsa office at the Oklahoma Capitol for a statewide lobby day. If you are interested please visit Facebook. For registration, please visit here. You can also e-mail Annie Norman for more information at: annie.norman@ppheartland.org.
Tulsa NOW will meet at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center on April 7th, 2013 at 2:00 pm. Feel free to bring a friend and a snack.
Dining Out for Life
Thursday, April 25th, 2013; Lunch and Dinner
H.O.P.E. is preparing for their Annual DINING OUT FOR LIFE in Tulsa. This year the community will come together on Thursday, April 25th, 2013 to support HIV prevention, testing, and education. Each participating restaurant will give at least 25% of the proceeds from the evening to H.O.P .E.
Get a group of friends together, go out to eat, and support HIV prevention.
The more you eat and the more people you invite out to eat, the more money is donated to H.O.P.E.
For a list of participating restaurants, please visit
Tulsa Two Spirits Society Gathering
April 19th - 22nd, 2013
Osage Hills State Park
2131 Osage Hills State Park Road Pawhuska, OK 74056
The gathering's program will include workshops on traditional and contemporary Native American culture, Pow Wows, stompdancing, celebrations, Native faith, and other related activities. No alcohol, drugs or guns will be allowed.
The Tulsa Two Spirits Society is "a non-profit Native American LGBT Collective. We seek to affirm and embody positive traditional and modern Two Spirit identities, and in so doing, be valued members of our communities".
For more information or to register for the gathering, please visit t h e Tulsa Two Spirits Gathering section on the OkEq website or download the registration form here.
No Walls Entertainment Group Rehearsals
Performances May 31st, June 1st-2nd, 7th-9th; 2013
Each character in No Walls Entertainment Group's production of "An Adult Fairytale" is faced with overcoming fear and failure, the draw of death and the difficulties of daily living. No Walls Entertainment Group would like to invite you to join the rehearsals at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center on Sundays between now and the time of performances. The group meets from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. No experience is necessary, the mission is to give people the opportunity to experiment with being on stage with a supporting
acting group. If you are interested in being part of our project please contact Ty Tyson 918.850.9438 for details or just show up at rehearsal.
CODE: An OML 2013 Fundraiser
Saturday, April 6th, 2013; 10:00 pm
On April 6th, 2013 the Tulsa Uniform and Leather Seekers Association (T.U.L.S.A.) will sponsor a fundraiser at the Tulsa Eagle for the current Oklahoma Mr. Leather 2013, Nate Benner. Nate will be the representative from Oklahoma at the International Mr. Leather 2013 competition to be held in Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend. All proceeds from this evening will go directly to his travel fund.
T.U.L.S.A. would love everyone to come and help support Nate, OML 2013, on his journey to Chicago for IML. Adherence to dress code is not mandatory, but HIGHLY encouraged. The event starts at 10:00 pm.
Equality Center Pride Store
Tulsa Pride 2012 T-Shirts are only $5! Get them now before they are gone forever!
Nancy and Joe McDonald Rainbow Library
'Prairie Storm' by Lynn E Lisarelli
You may check out this addition to our comprehensive resource library at
the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
In the spring of 1890, Ann Johnson, injured and on the run from a group of men who claim that she murdered a child in the town of Sutter's Ford, finds shelter and healing at the cabin of Devorah Lee, a widow living alone on the Kansas Prairie with her child, Melissa.
Ann begins to develop strong feelings for Devorah, and although Devorah returns those feelings, she is hesitant and unsure about this new awakening in her heart. Ann faces two obstacles in her journey toward wholeness: competing with the local doctor for Devorah's affection, and struggling with the repressed memory of the real killer's identity. Will Ann Remember in time to save Devorah's child from being the next victim?
Check for this selection and more by visiting our library database online
Nancy and Joe McDonald Rainbow Library
Click above to volunteer your time with Oklahomans for Equality
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
Hours: Mon - Sat 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm| Sun 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Oklahomans for Equality | 621 E. 4th Street | Tulsa, OK 74120 | 918.743.4297 www.okeq.org
Oklahomans for Equality (OKEQ), “[2013] OKEQ Weekly eNews, 28 March 2013,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/811.