[1994] Tulsa Family News, February-March 1994; Volume 1, Issue 3


[1994] Tulsa Family News, February-March 1994; Volume 1, Issue 3


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 was issued between December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September of 2001.

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Tulsa Family News




Tom Neal


February-March 1994


James Christjohn
Kharma Anos
Wynn Bensinger
Dani Pati


Tom Neil/Tulsa Family News


Tulsa Family News, January 15-February 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 2


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


.................... _ February ~March 1994, Volume 1I’ssu.e_3
a s :have th~se aileged complaint’s ~re
aecuged the Tul~Poliee Dept. nmh0fiOfed at press time Wh~fi Ci V~t~[]~]~=~i~ at aft open forum
t Tulsa F~ily News on Thurs, t.... misconduct~ specifically; i~fo~ed that .,iJ:
with officers were ~ilty of miscon~
Good News lot Tulsa
The Mayor ~ill be welcomed by the Reverend Alice J0nes, Robert Council District Six
Crow of Simply Equal and TOn{ Neal, publisher of Tulsa Family by Kharma Anos
i ,family&friendsoftheTulsaLesbian/Gay/Bisexual In a candid interview with
~s are inVitdd to hear and to question our mayor. Tulsa Family News, Suzanne
men than for hetero: TFN asked Ch: Palmer what ..... .... Marler~Republican candi&ate for
sexu¯ als; and also of c0mmitting sort of enforcement efforts were directed at heterosexual activity
by citi- in the: were
zens arrested and by other ob- there an)
o~the behavior ofTulsa ficers hanging out in the
, male officers by ....
to have parkUsers? Ch, Palmer w~ un,
: Further, See Police ACcused, page 6
~he 0ffiC: ........
district Six City Council, adlressed
the problem ofdiscrimination
againstGay, Lesbian, and
Bisexual people in the city of
Tulsa¯ Suzanne firmly believes
that "Discrimination is wrong,
no matter who the victim,,’ In
fact, she says there could be no
possible argument for its justification.
When asked if that included
discrimination on the
basis of Sexual Orientation,
Suzanne wasted no time in answering
.... See M~He~ p~ge 7
my oft ’ery
was made
abe had his hand Superintendent
agency agreed to investigate Schools; Here is what he had to TN: OK. Racism is not gone,
~ , ,,_~ ..... " say regarding Gay and Lesbian and we do a lot of work tO ia3’ to
comfort with public sexuality, ~[~~’~~,~[~ issues in our schools: promote tolerance, totry toedusuggesting
that he & theofficer :imnressive Ratinr s TN: What we re interested in care people, to try to hopefully
should go to an apartment or ..... r-
;" Pi3~ TV is how the public schools are change [heir hearts but obviotherprivate
setting. The officer
NEW YORK -- The o- "
Gay & Lesbian Civil
Rights: ~, New Issue,With
Dist:3R~~!~pnD~arrell Gilbiie~ri~t
(Gii aS:t se
~ent. ~r the ~a~ ~d ~s2
bian community before the
M~ch 1st generN election:
Tulsa Fami[~ News: The city’s
human rights commission is
studying a possible civil rights
ordin~ce to include protections
for gays ~d lesbians. What are
yo~ ~oughts?
Gilbert: The Gay ~d Lesbi~
version of Armistead Mau’-in’s
dealing with providing services ously }hose are issues that just has every right as an american
said he had no place to go. The ,,,v.~.... ~ :...... T. to Lesbian and Gay students in have,n t gone away. Likewise, citizen. But I do not support mi-
.a,,,~ ,~I me ~lty scorea lm
citizen the,n pldced his fiand on . , . ? ... . - thepubli,c,schoolsystemln_o},her there stremendousprejudiceand nority status [for gays and
the officers,, ~hi~t! and was,,ar- pr~es.s~vm.y ~n.the p.~mse~.n ratings places, ~multiculturalism is bigotry that LeSib~’an and! Gay lebians] because of my Chrisrested
for sexual battery, a .o~ zv mIaJor metrop.om.a.n.mar- seen as including Gays and Les- people experiencel There are tian background. But you still
felony crime not to exceed 5 l~et_s in this countl3,. ~T~!e~s got bians, inTulsa, I guOss it’s been school systems, particularly in wouldn’t treat them differently
years in prison. Despite its mis- a 3-m"gnt avera~ge ot 4~. - or: defined more narrowly, having New York and Los Angeles that as a citizen.
leadingname, Sexua~battery can some 4 million households. For to do with race exclusively.How have been trying to promote tel, See Gilbert, page 7
occur When the slightest ~buch comparison, the average rating i~isthatyouseemulticu}turalism, erance for all people, including _ _ .
occursonany.partdf.the~dy, if for network TV shows in the I d like to know if you re famil- Lesbian and Gay people~ Ho~ Stepping Forward:
thearrestingofficerbelievesihat same evening time period this iarwithareportthatwa~doneby doyouaddresstheissu~ofpreju- Candid Talk with
there, is "le~vd & l~scivious in- season was 2.3. "Tales" also Dr. Louis Sullivan under the dic~andtoleranceforGayI~o~le doe Williams
tent. This citizen claims ihat turned in the 2nd highest ratings Bush administration. It studied within the educational system? by TomNeal& James Christjohn
any lewd and Iasci)iot~s intent of any PBS production this sea- te~n suicide and found that Les- How are we in terms of our edu- Late last year, TFN reporter
was initiated by the police offi- son "i’li~ highest rated PBS pro- bian and Gay youth were at sig- cational system? Tom Neal ~poke with Joe W!Icer.
duciion this season was "I’ll Fly nificantly higher risk of suicide JT: I haven’t re,a.lly looked at liams, who is running for tile
This citizen claimed that in Away Then and l~l’ow" x~hich becanseofthediscriminationand that, and I haven t really been District 1 city Council seat. His
court this omcer lied about hiS a.~ir; October . prejudice they experience. Ob- confronted with that issue in my opinions reflected a healthy reand
the citizen’s conduct: The P~litical’Fallout vi0usly, Lesbian and Gay youth experience as an edUcator; all spect for diversity, and a strong
officer told the court that the wa<i.tlNGTOi~ writin- in are at risk for STD’s, in pa}ticu- students should be given an op- sense of fairness for all people.
cm¯ -zen walked up to h~¯ m, began ...".~.",.a;....a o~a,-’--’n ~, ¯ ¯ " ’ " w run- M’-rton lar HIV mfecuon. All of these portumty, and that s what I will When asked wh.y he as ,
byaskingtheofficerifhewanted .,.a. s~,,...,~.,~,.~ ,.,,~.:,, , q.y ; areissuesthatthepublicschools focus on. We need to have cul- ning, herepliedthathehasfouna
¯ NonoracKe, execuuve ealtor el ..... . ¯ ,, "
a blow ob and then grabbed ^ ~ . ~n Tulsa, on some level or an, tural awareness ~n the school thatffyou makeacomm~tment
tiae ~ffic~r’s ~,enitals Ro!l Cal!; pred~cted,,that thee 0ih~r n~d to address Would systems. In order to do that, you to achieve certain things, indi-
On Feb. 2,~hief ~on PaImer Clint°0ad~inistrati°n maY su!i;, like{0 fiiad~Ut~iiether’y0u think h~ve to have some experiences viduals can make a difference."
stated that this sort of law en- fer,the political consequences so, too: ; that will allow that td happen, ’ "Any time a change takes place,
forcement effol~ is not a high of the PBS network airing of iT" Well mY basic ohiloso- for all children and all pedple; I it will require people willing to
priority, but is done in respon’~e "Tales of the City" earlier in phy iS that were establishing think ~ple Should be able step forward. Inste.ad of comte
’citi~e~ ~omplaints. Several January ~hqn Coogm_~s :r~con- some schoo! system to ensure an .See Thotnpson, page 8 See Wilhams, page 6
reques ,t~e Chief and to venes. Kt~ndra~Re !, described internati0nally SUperior educalvl@
0i:S:a)~ge s press aide; Jim Seb~ies;:p~ge7 don for a/! c[iildr~fi. ’. Ail kids Tulsa Family News, February 1994 - March 1994, page !
Sexwith the Tulsa Police L e t t e. r S .... TULSA FAMilY NEWS Let’s talk about sex, in par- of deep-rooted prejudice in the Publisher/Editor Assistant Editor
ticular, sex in public places.The department, as well as raising Tales of the City Tom Neal lames Christjohn
reality is that people have sex in issues of possible law-breaking Dear Editor; 918-832-0233, POB 4140, TUlsa, Oklahoma 74159
public places. Some of this be- by those supposed to be uphold- In recent days, OETA channel Issued on the 15th of each mon~, the entire contents of this publicahavior
is heterosexual and some ing the law. 11 showed Armistead.Maupin’s tion are protected by US copyright 1994 by Tulsa Family News and may
of it is homosexual. All of it is We call on the Mayor and the "Tales of the City". The first not be reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission
inapprbpriate. All of it is illegal, chief of police to investigate responses I heard from the gay _ from the publisher. Publication. of a name or photo in no way indicates
There are public parks in Tulsa these operations in detail to as- and lesbian community were or reflects that person’s sexual orientation.
thatareknownasmeetingplaces sure Lesbian and Gay citizens upset and disappointment that Correspondence is assumed’t0 be for publication unless Otherwise
wantf.°!r0~nto Save~w=h°....." oh the munitioesuthratcOm-are
language and content were cen- notedcorrespondanbceecaonmdeS:shouldthebesOlesentProtpheretYatoddress°fTulSaabove.Family NewL All
sex with each not being sored. -
other. Thisfact- Mayor. and .the. singled out for The second wave of reaction Tulsa Family News is aevent & entertainment newspaper distributedmay.
be repug- ch ief Of police to selective en- was from thereligiousright, who free of charge in local businesses and organizations.
nant to many investigate...to forcement of were outraged that it was shown
heterosexuals, assure Lesbian the law, or for at all. I have heard that the sta-
Itisalsorepug- g e n e r a 1 tion received over 4001etters of
nant to many and Gay citizens harassment, protest. I wonder how many of
Gay men &
Lesbians. that our eommuni- Wecallonboth those"onourside"wrotetocomof
these offi- mend ,OETA for showing the
Wecan&do ties are not being cials to work series?
Bars & Restaurants
ask our police singled out for with minority We have been given to under- *The Alley, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896
officers to dis- communities, stand that thelocalPBS station *Cherry St. Bakery, 1344 E. 15 583-8398
courage public selective enforce- in particular, did not want to air "Tales.." at *Deep Elm, 61st & Memorial 250-0933
sexuality so ment Of tile law.,, with ours, to all, and are. now able to say *Laff’S, 31t E. 7th 583-5233
that the major- solve together ’I told you so’. *Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th - 749-1563
ity of us can actual and per- ...... What those of us in the gay *Paradise Bar & Grill, 12570 E. 21 234-9007
enjoytheparkswithourspouses, ceived commhnity problems, andlesbiancommunity, andour *SilverStar Saloon, 1565 Sheridan 834-4234
friends and families without ha- Finally, we call on the Mayor to friends and families who sup- *Renegade, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
rassment or.embarassment. But issue an executive, order ban- port human rights, must do is to
we remember also that it is not ning discrimination based on *TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial 660-0856
illegal in Oklahoma for two per- sexual orientation among all city send a letter (not just phone)
sons to meet each other in a park employees. We call on Chief
stating that you believe in free-
*Time n’Time Again, 1515 S. Memorial 664-8299
so long as they are of age and go Palmer to institute immediately
domofspeechandhumanrights, *Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd, . 584-1308
elsewhere iftheydo anything, cultural awareness training for and that you support the show- *Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Le~ffi~ 582-2400
It is in this context that we police officers, both in-service ing of programs like "Tales of Businesses/Services
consider, the= allegations raised andattheacademy, that includes " the City". And include a contri- Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Suite 102 254-2100
by some citizens. Each of these - sexual orientation issues. With bution of.whatever amount you *Indian Terr. Coffee Company 1613 E. 15 587-1633
persons, some speaking anony- Lesbian & Gay police, officers - can manage. Galerie Europa, 203 N. Main 592-2787
mously, others on the record, and a c~ty commitment not to .We have in our community Harry & Mrs. Jones, 1617 E. 15 582-_1617
none0f whomkno’w the other, discriminate, then can Tulsa’s the tendency to criticize politi- Jared’s~ 1602 E. 15 :,..~:.:z~=~%- 582-3018
tell simitar:stOries~ And-these _LesbianandGay~itizen~startto -: ~;cal~!gaders:who"don’~.t-~standup .... ~ K~eii’~s, ~Flow~rs,- 1635 ,.E.,=~=~:~:~’ . .......599~8070
stories aretoO consistent to. be tm" stTulsas’ fin" estag" ax"n, fo~ru"s", an~d" to be outr"aged when *Living -Arts of Tulsa, 224 N, Main 585-1234
dismissed. Their charges Speak Tom Neal, publisher we don’t get full and favorable.
porlrayals in the public media. *Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI - - - 664-2951
Yet how many ofus are willing Novel Idea Discourit Books
to take any risk at all? Do we 7104 S. Sheridan. ~92-0335
On January 29th on C-SPAN, the Coral Ridges Ministries Confer- risk our jobs the way we expect . 3356 E. 51 747-67 t 1
enceheldinF~Lauderdale, Florida was broadcast to thousands of ~political leaders to for the sake *Phun Stuph, 1519 E. 15 584-7486
households across thenation. The purpose of the conference was to ~ofgayandlesbianrights?Dowe Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo 838-7626
urge Christians to "reclaim America" for Christ. However, the goals even risk a Small degree of per- *Tomfoolery, 1565 S. S heridan 832-0233
of this conference cannot be said to have anything to do with Jesus sonal discomfort when coming Zat’s, 3708 South Peoria 742-6909
Christ or with compassion, acceptance and love that Christ spoke of out to people around us who Organizations
vociferously. . probably know already? ACT-UP, POB 532 74101
What they should have called the conference was "How to Impose PBS operates on public ~up-
Your Morals on the Nation and Disregard Anyone Who Does Not port. tf they believe that airing a
Names Proj. POB 31.81 74101 748-3111
Wholeheartedly Agree With You." The keynote speaker for the show will lose that support, they P-FLAG POB 52800 74152 749-4901
conference was the former Vice President of the United States, Mr. won’t air it. If we don’t speak *HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-1
Dan Quayle. Notonly has Dan recently learned how to spell"Potato", out, we don’t have any right to TOHR Gay Line Inf0. 743-4297
but he has also learned how to put-words like "tradition", "family complain if we never again see Stianti Hotline 749-7898
values", "moral", end"ethical" together to form a moving speech. He
urged Christians to go back to their home towns and no longer be part
any positive gay/lesbian shows BiL/G Alliance, University of Tulsa. 583-9780
of the "silent majority", but instead to speak out about the principals
on PBS. We will have helped Oklahoma AIDS .Hodine 800-535-2437
"upon which this nation was built." The principals he was talking
cause that possible scenario by Other
about were the principals-that construct the "traditional family’~. our silence. *Chapman Student Center, .University of Tulsa 631-0000
Perhaps a more appropriate tide for his speech would have been "To Paul Thompson,Co-chair *Tulsa City Hall, Cafeteria Vestibule . _ : .
Heck With Love And Acceptance, Let’s Keep Dysfunction Alive!" Oklahoma Gay & Lesbian *University Center .at Tulsa
Among other things, Dan noted that Christians need to fight to keep Political Caucus Professionals
Gays and Lesbians from having the same sanctified relationships as Assistant editor’s note: We are
heterosexuals, all too ready to criticize, as Mr. Theodore Campbell, MSW, 1560 E 21 743-1000
After receiving an extended standing ovation, Dan Quayle turned Thompson points out. We need Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
the microphone over to Dr. James Kennedy, who ended theevening’s to remember that it is just as Tim Daniel, Attorney " . 352-9504, 800-742-9468
festivities by stating that he doesn’t hate anyone, but hehas a moral important to praise positive ac- Bill Hinkle, Attorney . 587- i~500
obligation to help save people who are "chained to their sins." tions, as well as point out the Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011, 74159 747-5466
Although th~s type of ~gnorance can be amusing to all of us, t s negative. Let OETA know that. John Kirk, Realtor 747,5800, 745-2245
really a very serious and frightening thing. At virtually any time they did well in spite of them- Tom Neal, Designer, Buildings/Gardens/Graphics 832-0233
during the day from anywhere .in the world, people can tune in to selves! .... Religious Organizations
television or radio programs that are motivating people to do all in The address: *Family of Faith MCC, 500 W. ’A’ Jenks 298-4622
their power to stop ’sin’ and ’immorality’ from infiltrating society - OETA
allinthe"nameofGod".It’seasytounderstandhowsomanypeople 811N. SheridanRd.
Affirmation (Methodist) 742-8213
can be so uninformed and so filled with hatred. Tulsa, OK 74115 *MCCof Greater Tulsa, 1623Maplewood 838-1715
What recourse do we have? we can dothe same thing any group of PBS comment line: Dignity/Integrity 298-4648
people mustdo when faced with ignorance.Wecan educate ourselves *Caqter.b:ury. Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
and those around us. We can’t continue to sit around hiding and
waiting for someone else to speak up for us. It’s time we take the
initiative and responsibility for defending ourselves.
Tulsa Family News, February 1994 - March 1994, page 2
-Tulsa Oklahomans fOr Human Rights
February/March 1994 Volume 14 Number 3
PO Box 52-729 TulSa OK 74152
Serving G~een . Country’s Lesbia~ Gay and
Communities in our i4th
Tulsa’s Gay & Lesbian
Information and RefferalLine
¯ TOll 1 -! EI PL:I N4=
elcome to the new format for new this past year, a. picnic and dance in
the TOHR Reporter. We enter this venture. Bait!ett ¯Square. Our membership meetwith
Tulsa Family News to help bring ings, held the firstTuesday ofeach month,
Tulsa news to our members~ and to bring include specialguest Speakers and updates
TOHR info to the larger community, on local happenings._. .. .
For those of you unfamiliar with ~- -~ -Please join us for our next gathering on
TOHR, we are in.our 14th.year as acorn- Tuesday, March 1st, at 6:30pro foroursomunitybased
organization . serving the cial time followed by our meeting
needs oflesbian and gay Tuisan’ s. Among commencing promptly at 7:00pro: Locaother
things, weprovideaGayInformafion tion is 4154. S. Harvard, Suite H-l,
Line (743-GAYS) and an HIV Testing downstairs in the"Gathering Place."
Clinic. We hav. e. been a ~oice for Tulsa’ s We look forward to seeing you then!
gay community to the mainstream media
and press and to city, county and state government.
We sponsor social activities such as our
annual TOHR Follies, Benefit Auction,
Christmas Party, swimming parties and,
by Kelly Kirby, President, TOHR
74.3-4 .2A9Y7S
New in Town? Having Problems? Need ~Referrals?
The TOHR Gay Information Line is-here-for you. -
" We offer a wide variety ofreferrals free ofCharge, _
from legal and medical to AIDS. TOHR and bar information.
The HelpLine is staffed?days a week, 8-10PM
¯Volunteers are always welcome!
TOHR fields calls for an on-going discrimination survey. If you, or someone
you know, are being discriminated against, please contactthe HelpLine at 743-4297.
Also,TOHRtracks hate crimes statistics. Ifyouare, or someone yo9 knowis, a victim
of a hate crime this information is very valuable. Please call theHelPLine.
And ifyou move orare having problems receiving yourTOHRmailings ogthe Tu/sa
Family News, call to provide a change of address or to ~verify you~ add~ss.
T gT.I NG:-:CL:I
Thursday 7,8:30.pm
4154 ~., Harvard, SuiteH-1 .
~ :: :~ -Quadrangle,Building~
cornerof41st andHa...~...ard, SWcOrner ofbffice complex
AService ofTulsa Oklahomansfor. Human Rights -
Finger Stick Method
Volunteers Always Welc6~e
For and by but not limited to Lesbian, G~s,
.Tulsa Family News, Febr~ary~March 1994, page 3
News Briefs-News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News BriefsNews Briefs News
Gays Battle Anti-Straight any discrimination within the lenging its constitutionality is~ Chiola, running forqhe Cook
D [ S c r i m i n a t i 0 n agency based on sexual orienta- pending, but the AHA council County, Ill.,.¯Circuit Court;
TAMPA, Fla. - A gay rights tion, and agree to hire Dana decided to move its 1995 con- Victor~h Sigler, running for the
group, the Human Rights Task Tillson, a 32-year-old San Fran- vention until the referendum is Dade County, Fla., Court; and
Force ofFlorida, has been cham- cisco private investigator whose declared unconstitutional. Ken Wolf, who is running for a
pioning the case of 4 straight application had been rejected Catholics Blast .Bishops seat on the Ft. Lauderdale,Fla., -
womenfiredfromtbeLateShow because she is a lesbian. CHICAGO - Three Catholic City Commission.
bar in New Port Richey, Fla., Adobe Offers Benefits groups have .taken the U.S. Gay Marriage in Hawaii
after the owner of the club de- MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Catholic Conference of Bish6ps HONOL~U~::;When. the .Hacided
t~>tum it intQ a barcatedng The gay newspaper OutNow! in to task for its opposition to fed- wail Legislature reconvenes this
to gay men,~cl~fiining the ng~b SanJose, Calif.,reportsthatcom~ emlly-spons.ored television and month for its J994 session, one
customers wouldn ~t f~el c6~n- puter manufacturer Adobe Sys- radio public service announce- of the measures that will come
fortalSie~ith straight~aitreSges " tems of Mtn. View is thelatest merits promoting condom use~ before the lawmakers will be a
andbarienders. ="~Ve ve always high-tech :firm :to extend com- Leaders of the National Coali~ proposed bill offeredby conserknownthat.
thiskindofdiscrimi- pany-benefits to-the domestic-- tionofAmericanNuns;Catholic vativesthatwouldexpliciflypro=
nation is wrong no matter .who partners of its workers. The new ~Advocates for Lesbian and Gay. hibit same-sex marriages. The
it’s directed againsL" saidTodd benefits program went into ef- Rights and Chicago Catholic state Supreme Court ruled more
Simmons of the task force. "No fect at Adobe on Jan. 1 and is Women joinedwith AIDS edu- than a year ago that~ same-sex
one deserves to lose their job available to both same-sex and cators in scolding the bishops, couples may not be denied marbecause
of their sexual orienta- - .op~p0site-sex coupleS, whoearlierinJanuarydenounced riage licenses unless the state
tion, particularly when it has Historians Cancel ’95 as"immoral and murderous" the can prove a compelling stateinabsolutely
no relevance to the Convention in Cincinnati just-announcedTVandradioads terest in prohibitingthem from
iob they’ve been hired to per- SAN-FRANCISCO ~-- The " encouraging the use of condoms gettingmarried.Alowercourtis
"form." country’s foremost historical or- to prevent the spread of HIV still reconsidering the case un-
Buttino-FBI Settlement ganization - the American His- infection among sexually active der the high court’s guidelines
SAN FRANCISCQ - A federal todcalAssociadon-hasformally y-ounger Americans. of stricter scrutmy, and many
court judge has’~approved a canceled its planned 1995 an- Carolina Anti-Gay Bills activists believe the earlier Su-
$205,000Settlementbetween the nual convention in Cincinnati, COLUMBIA, S.C. - The South preme Court ruling set the stage
FederalBureau. of investigation accusing thatcity ofdenying les- Carolina House has overwhelm- for Hawaii to become the first
and gay former agent Frank biansand gay men equal protec- ingly approved legislation that state to lega!ly Fecognize. gay
Buttino,’who charged in a years- tion under the law. The AHA’s wouldbar gays and lesbians from and lesbian ¯amazes.
long lawsuit against the federal governingcouncilvotedto move serving in the state National Arizona Antt-Gay Bill
.crime agency that his dismissal its January 1995 meeting to Chi- Guard, adopting children or act- PHOENIX, Ariz. - A proposed
in 1989 after 20 years of service cago or New York because rot- ing as foster parents; The mea~ state constitutional amendment
Was discriminai6ry. The agree- ers in Cincinnati in November sures, some of the most restric- that would ban legislation promentwas
approved by U:S. Dis- approved an amendment to the five’in years, were prompted by tecting gays andlesbians against
trict Judge Saundra Brown City charter barring civil rights several high-profile child-cus- discrimination has been intro-
.Armstrong and requires the FBI protectionsbased on sexual ori- tody casesinvolving lesbiansand duced by Rep; Rusty Bowers, a
entafion. A federal court has - gay men around the country as Conservative MesaRepublican,
to pay Buttino’s attorneys
$53,000 in legal fees involved in blockedenforcementoftheanti- ’ well as by the national debate in the Arizona legislature and
his court battle, pledge to stop gaymeasurewhilealawsuitchal, last year 0yetending the~Penta- senttotheHouseJudiciaryCom~
~" g0n ban~ mittee: Bowers Said ~he intro-
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ m,mm ¯ ¯ m.m ¯ ¯.. ¯ ¯," ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯~ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 1¯ Anti÷Gay A~dopti~nBill-~: ducedtheand:gaylegislatiOn~be-
~ " it " ~: =OL~YMPiA~~Wash; L~tieW~h~:~: eaus~ of:gay ~:rights.laws.passed ¯ = ington Legislature will consider , in Phoenix and Tucson that out-
¯ . . . = a-proposedbill this session that law .anti-gay bias. The Arizona
= ¯ would make it illegal to place a Traditional Values- Coalition
¯ ¯ foster child in a household with began gathering signatures for a
¯ ¯" 11 th & Mingo, 838,7626 ¯ a homosexual, bisexual, trans- similarstatewideanti-gay initia-
¯ ¯ sexual or transvestite. The pro- tive in December.
¯ Open esday" Saturday atSam. -- posed legislation was prompted " Sex Classes Evaluated
~ ¯ by the case of Megan Lucas, a WASHINGTON - Classes on
¯ _ - Call. forAppointments 22-year-oldwomanwhoisfight- sexuality and AIDS are offered
¯ Walk-ins Also Welcome. ¯ ing to regain custody of her 3- " in some 93% of all U.S. public
¯ ¯ year-old son who¯she had aban- ¯ high schoo!s, and the most effec-
¯ ¯ donedin 1990. Lucas started her _ tive courses combine informa-
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯= ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ " fight last year to regain custody tion on, abstinence along with
of the boy after learning he had theimportanceofusingcondoms
beenplaced in the foster care of and other contraception, accord-
Parklane BUilding Louis and Ross Lopton, 2 gay ing to sex. researcher Douglas
men, who are seeking to adopt Kirby in a report sponsored by
Secure Midtown/Riverside-Area the boy as their son. Washington the Kaiser Family Foundation.
One Bedroom Apartments is one of 6 states that permit The research indicated that, con-
Skyline views available, same-sex couples to adopt chil- trary to opponents of sex ed
dren. classes, the courses neither has-
$315, bills paid. 587-4640 Lesbian/Gay Candidates ten the start nor increase the fre-
WASHINGTON -The Gay & quency of sexual intercourse
" LesbianVictoryFund, theWash- among t.eens. Nor do the sex ed
ington-based network of politi- classes ¯crease the number of
cal campaign donors, has en- sexual-partners.
dorsed 6 more gay and lesbian Gay & Lesbian Americans
candidates .in .upcoming 1994 WASHINGTON - Activists
races. Theyinclude: Tony Miller, from around the country gathwho
isrunning for statewide of- ered in the nation’.s capital over
fice as California’s Secretary of theJan. 15-17 weekendtoiaunch Ken’-s Flowers State; Will Fitzpatrick, running Gay and Lesbian Americans,- a
¯ for a seat in the Rhode Island " "diverse, nonpartisan coalition
Senate; George Eighmey, run, of grassroot~a~l~ocates commit,
ning f_or a seat .in .the Oregon ted to civil fights for gay, les-
1635 E. 15th Street, 599-8070 House of Representatives; John " bian, _b,!sexual and transgender
Duran, running for a seat in the Ixople ’ in this country~ E~ected
Serving Tulsa’s California Assembly; Susan ~ts ihtefim officers ih the new
Leal; running.for a. seat on the group while it builds member-
Lesbian & Gay Communities -San Francisco Board of Super- ship, creates .local chapters
With Pride - Look for our Rainbow Flag visors.; and Barb Jones, who is around the Countryand firms up
. running for a seaton the Tempe, i[s structure were Kim Edwards
Ariz., City Council. The Victory as OutreaCh :Dir~ctoL JonCarl
Tulsa Family News, February 1994 -Marcht994, page 4 Fund had earlier endorsed Tom Lewis as Communications Specialist,
Steven Reichert as Net-
~work Coordinator, and Mickey
Wheatley as ChiefFinance Officer.
GLA Chapters quickly began
forming as the founding
membership returned .to their
home towns, and the first group
of local GLA chapters will be
formally announcedaround the
countryonValentine~s Day;Feb.
14, at.a-multiple-citynews conference
that-is being called
"Queers Across~rA-merica.".~
Bringing some unexpected
muscle to GLA were Bob Paris,
former Mr: America and Mr.
Universe, who in 1989 shook up
the professional bodybuilding
world by coming out and ex-
.changing marriage vows with
his husband and fellow physique
model.Rod Jackson. The Olympia,
Wash., couple -became the
first non-founding members to
join GLA following the official
formation of the group in mid-
For information aboutjoining
Gay & Lesbian Americans, contact
the organization at: PO Box
77533,Washington, D.C. 20013-
7533 or phone (202) 546-4124
or theorganization" s toll-free line
at 800-889-5111 or, for hightech
types, contact them through
their Intemete-mail address: glajoin@
queernet.org for membership
~upport For Activists.
ST.LOUIS-A group ofgay and
lesbian mental health workers in.
SL Louis has formedCPR(Counseling
Professio0al. Resou~r~es).~. ~
to pro’tide cou.n.seling and s.up~
port services~f0r activists wfi0
are experiencing the same sort
of post traumatic stress disorders
soldiers experience during
battle. "We want to offer services
that could address needs
before they escalate and overwhelm
individuals:There’s so
much emotionalfallout, and for
.an issue like this, where it really
is our life or death, we’ve seen a
~reat buildup." "
ime to Try Gay Meg?
NEW YORK - Time Warner
Inc. says that it is tentatively
considering publishing a magazine
targeted to gay and lesbian
readers, although the publishing
giant declined to give any details
of the possible magazine. Time
spokesman Peter Costiglio said
"It’s at a very preliminary, early
stage. There’s no timetable yet."
Nor would Costiglio discuss
what sort of magazine Time
might launch in a market where
no lesbian/gay periodical has yet
broken the 100,000 paid circulation
’Out There I1’ .Comedy
HOLLYWOOD - Tickled that
"Out There," Comedy Central’s
first gay and lesbian comedy
special, doubled its prime time
ratings, the cable network has
announced plans for "Out There
117 which will be taped before a
live audience in Manhattan during
the Gay Games IV (June 18-
25), Gay Pride Weekend (June.
24-26) and Stonewall 25-celebrati0n
in New York. The program
will be aired later in the
:News¯ Briefs NewsBriefs News Briefs News Briefs .News Briefs News Briefs News
NV Anti-Gay Initiative
CARSON CITY, Nev. :- Lon-
Mabon, founder of the anti:gay
OregonCitizens Alliance,j0ined
with Daisy Stanley of the newly
formed Nevada Citizens Alliance,
Tuesday, Jan: 25, in filing
a petition to prohibit the "presentati0n
of homosexuality as a
positive lifestyle" by .any government
institution in Nevada,
Theinitiative petition; similar to
thevoter,approved Amendment
2 in Coloradi~;needsonly 51,000
signatures to qualifyfor the ballot-
this November." Gov.’Bob
Miller had denounced the antigay
initiative as a ,message of
Mabon, however, snapped back
that Miller "’will ultimately pay
the price".
Jesse Helms vs.-U;N.
Senate voted 99-0 on Wednesday,
Jan. 26, to cut contributions
to the United Nations by $119
million this year and next unless
the federal government insures
that the international agency has
severed all ties with any .group
that endorses ~xfial-relatio~is
with children.The amendment
to a funding bill for the State
Dept. was offered by Sen. Jesse
Helms (R-N.C;), who railed
so, donrt expect a kiss-and-tellall
bio,.~ Smith Says;-because
Louganis "fervently hopes this
[Ms,sexual orientation] does not
become the primary focus of
media attention?, Revealing an
open secret? Ten years after his
cies to specify only "race, ag.e,
color, religion, national origin,
sex, veteran status, disability or
any other basis protected by federal,
state or local law" - discreetly
omitting "sexual orientation"
from the list.
Olympic fame? Afterthe outing Idaho ¯Anti-Gay Initiative
"ofJ. ~dgar-Hoover? NoL!ikely,...: BOISE, Idaho--Apollby Boise
TNT s Gay Celeb IAneup ~ State ~University’s Survey Re-
NEW. YORK ’.Just in case.you:~.: searchCenter found that 54% of
missed a truly, memorable-too-: .. like!.y..s.~te.~voters.opP0S~.~..t~:
ment in American cultural his;:~ :~ gay !mt!alave sponsorea oy. t e
tory, wwr’.~,,-,,,-t~.re.~a.n.tation of th.e,~ ..~ Idaho ¯-Citizens. A!!iance,. wh.ile.
1962 Rosalind Russell~Natahe _ 26%support themeasure which
Wood film ’~Gypsy~’ was comes before voters.in-Novem....
against the U.N. Economic &°~
SociatCoun~cil’srec0gnitionlast sexual exploitation of children
yearofthelnternatiofialLesbian ¯ orrepealofage:0f-cousentlaws.
& Gay Association 0LGA):be:- The vote; clearly aimed at excause
theNorthAmeri~anMan/ eluding:members 0f the North
:Boy Love.- Association ~ ¯ AmericanMan/B0y LoveAssn.
hostessed by supermodel ultradrag
queen RuPaul. Coming up
on the cable channel’s "Our Favorite
Movies" series being
hosted by celebs is-Barbra
Streisand’s"Funny Girl,"hosted
by comic, actress and lesbian
icon Sandra Bernhard.. By the
’way~ the statuesque platinum
blond bewigged RuPaul still insists-
that, even though he "loves
"Gypsy,’ he still wants to’do an
all-blackremake ofanother Roz
Russell classic, "Mame;~ "starring
moi, Of course."
No NAMBLAat UN March
mitteeofStonewall25 has voted
to bar from its March on. the
June any groups that advocate
ber. The pollsters said.the survey
has a 3.4% margin of error. A
full 20%. of those polled, how-.
ever, said they weren’t familiar
with the anti-gay ballot measure
and weren’t sure where they
stoodon it. Apoll commissioned
by. the Idaho Citizens Alliance
last November, but challenged
by fights activists, had indicated
63% of the state’s residents favored
the anti-gay measure.
’Domestic Par[ners’ Fly
JERUSALEM A gay-flight
attendant with Israel’ s E1 AI Airlines
has won a court ruling that
requires the air carder to extend
is in queer films. According to
Variety, the motion picture industry
trade paper’s just published
listing 6f the most proffiable
films released in 1993,"Jurassic
Park" came as last year’s
second most profitable film,
topped by "The Wedding Bansomebasic
questions about why
fraternities and sororities are appealing
to gays and lesbians,
what they gained from the experience,
what, if any, anti-gay experiences
they may haveencountered,
and similar topics. To obtain
a copy of the survey, write
quet.". Ahn Li’s film about a~ re- - to: Fraternity Research, PO Box
cially mixed yuppie gay cou~!e 15863, San Diego CA 92175. ’
whotryto.hoodwinkWei-Tung.S ~ CO Funflie.’,Boot~CamP’
parents~ from Taix~an into ..be- COLORADO SPRINGS,. Colo.
lieving he .i~. straightby miount-.ii_. Fi’~edo~iW-.atCh~.-a.~ligiq,us.
ing a fake wedding gro~s~,dmor~,(~ rightm~hi.@ing pubiiCau."0,’~~
than any film in 1993 compaored - r@0~ted fiaat th~:Coaiition ~
to itsexpenditures, Variety.says. .....Reviv,a! (COR),. located, in
The Hollywood- trade paper.re~ Sonoma County, Calif., is relopOrted
in its annual survey of
most profitable films that "The
Wedding Banquet, grossed a
staggering 23 times what it cost
to produc..e~ handily beating
Stephen Spielberg’s dinosaur
blockbuster "Jurassic Park,"
which earned only 16 times its
~roduction expenses. .
orority/Frat. Survey
SAN DIEGO, Calif. The San
Diego-based Fraternity Research
is conducting a confidential national
survey of lesbians and gay
men who are either currently undergraduate
or alumnimembers
caring to Colorado later this year
to open a "boot-camp training
school for radical world-changers"
where fundamentalists will
learn "hand-to-hand combat intellectually
and spiritually..."
COR, an extremist far:right fundamentalist
group has ties to farright
leaders Beverly LeHaye of
Concerned Women for America
and Donald Wildmon of the
American Family Assn. It also
advocates setting up a Chrisiianbased
government in the U.S.
and urges followers to "systematically
and effectively rebuild
to the unidentified gay worker’s of a university sorority or frater- theircivilization on Biblicalprindomestic
partner the- same an- nity. The survey is under the .ciples, thatincludethe mandated
nual free ticket the airline makes direction ofDouglas Case, a gay death ._l~=,,nalty for an assortment
available to the marfiedspouses .-~-. actavlst and currently Coordlna~ of sins. ranging from. dell -
. ofitsempl0yees.Thecourtru!ed° ’ tor of Fraternity & Sorority Life quencyandblasphemytohomo-
. thatin-refu~ing to,g_i~ie:the free-., at San Diego State University. - sexuality, adultery and:failure to
bie to the gay man s boyfriend it. The 32:question survey results .repay ~ bail
¯ was ,dolating the nation,s anti-i are aimeJl at Shedding light on bond.
¯ biaslaws, which includesexual .
that NAMBLA withdraw from only recently been granted conthe
Belgian-based association of sultative status in the UN’s Ecolesbian
and gay organizations, nomic & Social Council.
~Russlans Anti,Gay "~.... S~FI Supervisors. Take
SAN FRANCISCO - A report .... First InterState to-Task
by MarshaGessen for the-San
Francisco-based International
Gay & Lesbian Human Rights
Commission finds that in spite
of the repeal of Russia’s antigay
law in 1993, the country
remains a "land of terror" for
gays and lesbians: The report
charges that government officials
still have not accounted for
some 200 gay men sentenced to
labor camps for violating the
nation’s anti-gay law before it
was repealed, even though those
convicted in the past .were supposed
to be released under the
measure passedb~ the Russian
Parliament last year. The report
also says law enforcement officials
continue.to harass gays and
les,N~s,p.fison and~a_l~o..rca~p:.’
offl~i~iig ~stili .mi~izM[ iii~arcer2....
ateff:gayS ~d intimidate lesbi-~ .~
ans in their"cust0dy, and g~y .
bashingscoiitinuethrbughoutth6~ :"
country unchecked.
Louganis- Coming Out
NEW YORK - Gossip ColumnistLiz
Smithreports thatOlympic
gold medalistGregLouganis "
has signed abookdeal with Random
House for his biography in
which the reserved athleteturned-
entertainer will finally
discusshis homosexuality: Even
that. banking giant First Interstate
Bank, under pressure from
anti~.gay fundamentalists,had unceremoniously
dropped its personnel
policy barfing discrimination
based on sexual orientation,
the San Francisco Board of
Supervisors has sent a-sharply
critical letter to First Interstate
BankCorp president William
Siart, expressingits"disappointment"
in the bank’s decision.
"There is norestricti0n against
First Interstate Bank Corp’s prohibition
ofdiscrimination based
upon sexual orientation in all of
the states in which your subsidiaries
are located," the letter
states. "Such a policy would be
far more Consistent than allowingSuch
states where it is notprohibited~’~d.:
Las~ year First Interstate, Which
operates" banks in. 11 Western_
states, became th~’tatge_t~f-anti~ ,=,
gay fundamentalists:oafter
(2hristNet, a national computer
network for far-right Christians,
urged its subscribers and their
supporters to write to the bank
protesting FIB’s anti-bias policy
including sexualorientation; The
bank then quietly changed :its
president said, if elected,: he
would veto any repeal of.the
state’s sodomy statute because
he said. the law "is a symbolic ~/.
gesture of trad’m’onal values."
Texas gay rights activists said
they considered Bush’s corn:
ments to be the kind of pandering
to the religious right that lost
his father the 1992 presidential
’Harvey Milk’ - The Opera
snail’spacerate the Oliver Stone
proposed ~motion picture "The
Mayor of Castro Street" is mov-
~ ~ng, you may be able to catch the
opera based on the assassinatedgay
politician Harvey Milk’ s life
before it hits the big screen as a
biopic. Theopera- called simply
"Harvey-Milk"- is slated to premiere
atthe Houston Grand Opera
on Jan. 21, 1995,_followed
by a spring 1995-performance
by theNew York CityOpera and
a production~ by the San-Fram
cisco Opera in the fall of 1996.
The opera was commissioned
jointly by the three companies
and ~is the. work of composer
SteWart Wallace and librettist
Michael Korie.
1993’s.. Most Profitable
Film? Guess Again!
HOLLYWOOD -- Forget "Jurassic
Park," "Schindler’s LiSt,"
"Philadelphia,"-and similar .motion
picture box office-block:
bustt/s; the real profit in movies
Sensitive to the Challengesof
Gay, Lesbian:, Bisexual & "
Transgendered Individuals,
Couples & Families.
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 215
¯Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105
745-1111 . .
Certified:Public Accountant
Please Note New Address& Phone
PO.B¯ 1401. 1, Tulsa 74..,:t59.:M L1,,1 .
Faster refunds available
through electronic filing.
Tulsa Family News, February 1994 - March 1994, page 5
News Briefs-News Briefs News Briefs NewsBriefs News BriefsNews¯BriefS News
Gays Battle Anti-Straight
Di. scri m ination
TAMPA, Fla. - A gay fights
group, the Haman Rights Task
Force ofFlorida, has been championing
the case of 4 straight
women fired from the Late Show
bar in New Port Richey, Fla.,
after the owner of the club decided
to turn it intoa barcatering
to gay men,claiming the new
customers~wouldn~’~t~ feel ctm~
fortaSte~ith straight ~idtreSses
and~artenders. :"we Ve always
known thatthis kind ofdiscfimination
is wrong no matter *who
it’s directed against," saidTodd
Simmons of the task force. "No
one deserves to lose their job
because of their sexual orientation,
particularly when it has
absolutely no relevance to the
job they’ve been hired to perfOrm."
Buttino-FBI Settlement
court judge has’~approved a
$205,000settlement between the
Federal-Bureau of Investigation
and gay former agent Frank
Buttino,’who charged in a yearslong
lawsuit against the federal
crime agency that his dismissal
in 1989 after 20 years of service
was discriminatory. Th_e agreementwas
approved by U.S. District
Judge Saundra Brown
Armstrong and requires the FBI
to pay Buttino’s attorneys
$53,000 in legal fees involved in
any discrimination within, the
agenc~y based on sexual orientation,
and. agree to hire Dana
Tillson, a 32-year-old San Francisco
private investigator whose
application had been rejected
because she is a lesbian.
Adobe Offers Benefits
The gay newspaper OutNowt. in
SanJose, Calif, reports thatcom~
putermanufa~turer Adobe Systems
of Mtn. View is the.latest
high~techfirm :to extend company-
benefits to-the domestic
parmers of its workers. The new
benefits program went into effect
at Adobe on Jan. 1 and is
available to both same-sex and
.opp0site-sex coupleS.
Historians Cancel ’95
Convention in Cincinnati
country’s foremost historical organization
- the American Histodcal
Association- has formally
canceled its planned 1995 annual
convention in Cincinnati,
accusing thatcity ofdenying lesbiansand
gay men equal protection
under the law. The AHA’s
governingcouncil voted to move
its January 1995 meeting to Chicago
or New York because voters
in Cincinnati in November
approved an amendment to the
city charter barfing :civil rights
ePnrtoatfei0ctnio. nsAbafseedderoanl sceoxuuratl ohraisblocked
enforcement ofthe antilenging
its constit,utionality iS:"
’pending, but the AHA council
decided to move its 1995 convention-
until the referendum is
declared unconstitutional.
Catholics Blast ,Bishops
CHICAGO - Three Catholic
groups have taken the U.S.
Catholic Conference of Bishtps
to task for its opposition to federally-
spons.ored television and
radio public service announcements
promoting condom use~-
Leaders of the National Coalition
ofAmericanNuns, Catholic
-Advocates for Lesbian and Gay
Rights and Chicago Catholi~
Women joined-with AIDS educators
in scolding the bishops,
whoearlier inJanuary denounced
as "immoral and murderous" the
just-announcedTV andmdio ads
encouraging the use of condoms
to prevent the spread of HIV
infection among sexually active
younger Americans.
Carolina Anti-Gay Bills
COLUMBIA, S.C. - The South
Carolina House ha~ overwhelm-
- ingly approved legislation that
wouldbargayS and lesbians from
serving in the state National
Guard; adopting children or acting
as foster parents; The mea~
sures, some Of the most restrictive
in years, were prompted by
several high-profile chiM-custody
cases involving lesbiansand
gay men around the country as
well.aS by :the national debate
Chiola, running for :the Cook
County, IlL, Circuit C0urt;
Victoria Sigler, running for the
Dade County; Fla., Court; and
Ken Wolf, who is running for a
seat on the Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.,
City Commission.
Gay-Marriage in Hawaii
HONO~UI2U~-~When the HawaiiLegislature
reconvenes this
monthfor its49.94 session, one
of the measures that will come
before the .lawmakers will be a
proposed bill offered by conservatives
that wouldexplicitly pro~
hibit same-sex marriages. The
state Supreme Court ruled more
than a year ago that~ same-sex
couples may not be denied marriage
licenses unless the state
can- prove a compelling state interest
in pr0hibitingthem from
getting married. A lower court is
still reconsidering the case under
the high court’s guidelines
of stricter scrutiny, and many
activists believe the earlier Supreme
Court ruling set the stage
for Hawaii to become the first
state to lega!ly recognize, gay
and lesbian marrla~ges.
Arizona Ant,-Gay Bill
PHOENIX, Ariz~ - A proposed
state constitutional amendment
that would ban legislation protecting
gays and lesbians against
discrimination has been introduced
by Rep:Rusty Bowers, a
conservative Mesa Republican,
in the Arizona legislature and
his court battle~.pledge to stop gaymeasurewhilealawsuitchal~ lastyear overending thePenta- ~ senttotheH0useJudiciaryCom~
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯.= ¯ ¯¯ ¯
~ gon ban~ - mittee:.~Bowers Said heintro- St.Louishasf0rmedCPR(Coun-
¯ ¯ ¯=¯¯ =¯ =.:=¯ ¯ =. : ¯ .-.....,......... ¯ ~ o= ; An;t[,Gay~AdOption~,~:Bill~--:~ duced0theand÷gayl~gislafion~be-~ :,: se!ing ..~=.ofessio0,..M.-:.R~sou[~es) ....
~:,i-.~ ,~..~i;-, ~.~., ~-: ,--.-~’~-~ ~i", ~.~:~i÷~OL~MPi~sli~::’~ti~e~h’:;::",:~-"cau~e~of~gay~ghts:4aws.:Passed ~.~---to provide CO~,Bsdan.g:;.~and~.u.P7
"- ingtonLegi~lfiture:will con~idtr’~ in Phoeni.xandTueson that.out- ¯ port services"tbt acuv~sts who
¯ : 1: HI !.1 IV IO~,.LI ~:~d~’: :.tJ~...., ¯ aprop0se~-bill this-session that -.. ~ law_anti:gay .bias. The Arizona are experiencing the same. sort
¯ .~.~-" d ’ " : woul~i make it illegal to pla~e a Traditional Values. Coalition . of post traumatic stress disor-
¯¯ ¯ foster child in a household vcith began gathering signatures for a ders soldiers experience during 11 th & Mingo, 838-7626 " ¯ ¯ a homosexual, bisexmil, trans-
¯ ¯ sexual or transvestite. The pro-
- Open esday" Saturday atSam. - posed legislation was prompted-
¯¯ ~ " - = ¯ by the case of Megan Lucas; a Call for Appointments
¯ ~ - . 22-year-old woman who.is fight-
" Walk-ins Also Welcome. ing toregain custody of her~3-
¯ ¯ year-old son whom she had aban-
¯ ¯ doned in 1990. Lucas started her
of the boy after learning he had
beenplaced in the foster_.care of Parklane BUilding Louis and Ross L0pton, 2 gay
Secure Midtown/Riverside-Area men, who are seeking to adopt
the boy as their son. Washington
One Bedroom Apartments is one of 6 states that permit
Skyline views available, same-sex couples to adopt chil-
- dren.
$315, bills paid. 58%4640 Lesbian/Gay Candidates
Lesbian Victory Fund, theWashington-
based network of political
campaign donors, has endorsed
6 more gay and lesbian
candidates .in upcoming 1994
races. Theyinclude: Tony Miller,
who isrunning for statewide of. Ken’s Flowers fice as Califoruia’s Secretary of
State; Will Fitzpatrick, running
for a seat in the Rhode Island
Senate; George Eighmey, running
for a seat_in .the Oregon
1635 E. 15th Street, 599-8070 House- of Representatives; John " "
. Duran, running for a seat in the
Serving Tuisa’s California Assembly; Susan
Lesbian & Gay Communities
With Pride - Look for our Rainbow Flag
Tulsa Family News,.February 1994 -March 1994, page 4
similar statewide anti-gay initiative
in .December.
S~x Classes Evaluated
WASHINGTON - Classes on
sexuality andAIDS are offered
in some 93% of all U.S. public
high schools, and the mosteffecrive
courses combine information
on., abstinence along with
the importanceofusingcondoms
and othercontraception, accord:
ing to .sex researcher Douglas
Kirby..in a report sponsored by
the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The research indicated that, contrary-
to opponents of sex ed
classes, the Courses neither has- "
ten the start nor increase the frequency
of sexual intercourse
among teens. Nor do the sex ed
classes increase the number of
Gay & ¯Lesbian Americans.
WASHINGTON - Activists
from around the country gathered
in the natiOn’,s capital over
theJan215-17 weekend to launch
Gay and LeSbian Americans, a
"diverse, n0~partisan coalition
ofgrassrootsadvocates commit,
ted to civil rights for gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender
people" in this countryJ Elected.
as interim Officers in the new
Leal,. runningfor a: seat onthe group while it builds member-
-San Francisco Board of Super-- ship, creates :local chapters
visors.; and Barb Jones, who,iS arohnd(he Countryand firths up
running for a seaton the Tempei " it~~ structure were Kim Edwards
Ariz,, City Council. The Victory . as Outr:.~k~Direetor, JonCarl
Fund had earlier endorsed Tom ¯ Lewis as Communications Specialist,
Steven Reichert as Net-
.work Coordinator, and Mickey
Wheatley asChi~fFinance Officer.
GLA Chapters quickly began
forming as the founding
membership returned to their
home towns, and the first group
of local GLA chapters will be
formally announced around the
14, at.a-multiple-city nears conference
that :is being called
"Queers Across ,,America:".o
Bringing some unexpected
muscle to GLA were Bob Paris,
former Mr: America and Mr.
Universe, who in 1989 shook up
the professional bodybuilding
word by coming out and ex-
.changing marriage, vows with
his husband and fellow physique
model.Rod Jackson. The Olympia,
Wash., couple-became the
first non-founding members to
join GLA following the official
formation of the groupin mid-
For information about joining
Gay & Lesbian Americans, contact
the organization at: PO Box
77533, Washington, D.C. 20013-
7533 or phone (202) 546-4124
or the organization’s toll-free line
at 800-889-5111 or, for hightech
types, contact them through
their Intemete-mail address: glajoin@
queernet.org for membershi_
p details.
~upport For Activists
ST. LOUIS.-Agroup ofgay and
lesbian mental health workers in
battle: "We want to offer services
that could address needs
before they escalate and overwhelm
individuals:There’s so
much emotional fallout, and for
.an issue like this, where it really
is our life or death, we’ve seen a
~r_eat buildup."
ime tO.Try Gay Meg?
NEW YORK.- Time Warner
Inc. says that it is tentatively
considering publishing a magazine
targeted to gay and lesbian
readers, although the publishing
giantdeclined to give any details
of the possible magazine. Time
spokesman Peter Costiglio said
"It’s at a very preliminary, early
stage. There’s no timetable yet~"
Nor would Costiglio discuss
what sort of magazine Time
might launch in a market where
no lesbian/gay periodical has yet
broken the 100,000 paid circulation
’Out There I1’ Comedy
HOLLYWOOD - Tickled that
"Out There,’~ Comedy Central’s
first gay and lesbian comedy
special, doubled its prime time
ratings, the cable network has
announced plans for "Out There
IL" which will be taped before a
live audience in Manhattan during
the Gay Games IV (June 18-
25), Gay Pride Weekend (June
24-26) and Stonewall 25-celebrati0n
in New York. The program
will be aired later in the
Williams from page 6
ignorance". He feels there has
been devastation because of ignorance.
He wants to make
knowledge available to all, but
respects therights ofparents who
would object. He feels that parents
should have a right to veto
in terms of their own children,
but that "it’s appropriate thateducation
should be available" and
accessible to those who want it.
He thinks that 16 is an appropriate
age to make education available.
Williams does not feel that
education will encourage kids to
become more sexually active,
but allow them to make better
decisions about their activity and
its consequences.
"The kid’s going to do what
they want to do, and when kids
makedecisions, they don’tmake
them based on consequences for
the most part. But I hope that
they can make better decisions
when they make them, because
they understand how to make
,..discrimination is
wrong. If we don’t
putsome kind ofprotections
to say that
we’re not going to
let you take away
[rights].. ,then we’ve
really taken .the
wrong p0sitionr~
rant that
¯ about HIV. Teenagers~ he said,
need to make informed decisions
based on knowledge and understanding
of the consequences.
"I think knowledge is power,i
think knowledge is freedom, I
think knowledge leads to understanding",
Mr. Williams states.
Logic needs be be present on
both sides of an issue. "If I close
my mind, I really don’thave any
understanding at all. If you really
want to make good decisions,
even if you don’t agree
with all the other sides that you
hear, I think part of being a good
leader is to get as much information
as possible, as many diverse
opinions as you can, and if nothing
else, I think it makes you a
better person, and hopefully
makes you a better leader too.
Mr. Williams thinks that if the
Mayor has an opportunity to issue
a declaration banning dis-
- crimination on the basis ofsexual
orientation, then "She should do
that. There’s people who could
be excellent employees, and all
ot a sudden someone firids out
ten years later, that so-and-so’s
Gay. And then they make a decision
they can treat them different,
andrun them out and all that. "
Has nothing to do with their job
performance...The people that
work for me, I don’t hire them
because I want them to agree
with my political views, or my
religious views, or this and that.
I hire them because of their per-
.formance..With Clinton, I
.Marler ¯
from page 1
Suzanne is running for City
Council because she believes that
it is possible to make changes,
and to honestly represent all of
the people, in the city of Tulsa.
She believes that her opponent,
James Hogue, has not done that.
Suzanne’s goal is to make decisions
for the city of Tulsa that
make sense. As far as Suzanne
Marler is concerned, equal rights
make sense and it"Is apriority to
be able to guarantee equal rights
and equal representation to every
citizen in Tulsa."
Suzanne believes that discrimination
isa problem in Tulsa,
and it is necessary to add’ sexual
orientation’ to the non-discriminationpolicies
there is such obvious injustice
taking place, it.’s time we take
appropriate action to make sure
that it stops. That’s whatgovernment
should be about."
Williams, continued
thoughtheshouldn’t have backed
off [the ending of the Military
ban on Gays in the armed services].
Are we now doing to decide
that certain people can’t be
executives, now certain people
can’t be school administrators?
It goes on and on, and it comes
out to one reason; but no one
discusses performance:They!re
discussing everything but-that."
by Kharma Anos
Darla Hall, incumbent City
Council member from District
2, won the Democratic Party primary.
She will-face Republican
Gary Moore in the March first
election. When asked for an interview,
Councilor Hall said that
trying to run her business, City
Hall, and a campaign left her
little time to talk with people.
However, she was able to spare
a few minutes by phone.
After her initial question of
"What (do Gay issues) have to
do with the City Council?", Darla
answered questions about what
she woulddo to combat the problem
of discrimination based on
sexual orientation.That is a "very
difficult" issue to address, Darla
said. She is aware that Tulsa has
a large Gay, Lesbihn, and Bi-
Sexual population, but feels that
adding "sexual orientation" to
the nob-discriminatory policy of
the city "would be like passing a
law to protect you if you’re
Catholic." (Editor’s note: existing
law protects on all statuse~
exceptfor sexual orientation.)
Darla says that before she
would voteeither for or against a
Gilbertfrom page 1
TFN: Weunderstand thecommission
may not act, but will
instead ask the state to do so. Is
that yourunderstanding?
DG: We haven’t heard anything
about it yet, and I don’t
know how other council members
feel, or will act.
TFN: Are you aware that there
are no current protections for
gays and lesbians, even under
the E.E.O.C.? (fair empl. laws)
DG:I haven’t spent any time
studying this issue. In fact, I’ve
never been contacted by gays
and lesbians before.
TFN: Should there be any protections,
.even for employment?
DG: People have predujices.
There should be education.
Prejudice is a problem. This is a
moral value for a lot of people.
We need to be more tolerable
(sic) and treat them as ciuzens,
regardless of their preference. In
my office, every citizen has the
same voice.
TFN: Mayor Savage will address
a gay and lesbian group on
March 24th at the Tulsa Metropolitan
Community Church.
On that date, the mayor will be
asked to issue an executive order
measurethatw0uldprotectGays,, -to protect gay andlesbian city
she would have to thoroughly employees and contract workresearch
the issue. "Right now, ers. What is your comment?
my cup runneth over...I am. so DG:.I’msurethatwhoeverthe
busy that I only have time to Mayor is [following the electhink
about the [current]issues." tion] should act their conscience,
Tales from page 1
"’Tales" as "’featuring raunchy
language, fronta! nudity, samesex
kissing and drug use - all in
a positive light. But Congress
will be back soon, and PBS inevitably
will come in for legitimateattack."
Even before the 6-
hour "Tales" hit the airwaves,
however, Robert H. Knight of
the anti-gay Family .Research
Council attacked the series at
hearings held by the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting on
Jan. 12, calling the TV version
Of Armistead Maupin’s hit book
"a slick piece ofgay propaganda"
_and objecting to what he said
was "taxpayers [being] hit up to
pay for a national propaganda
exercise glorifying homosexual
Yes, you are
seeing double!
Tu.lsa’s only Gay
Gift Store -now
Gilbert. continued
and rightfully so. C i t i z e n s
sho.uld be treated equally, regardless
of their lifestyle outside
the job.
TFN: If there was a petition
drive in your district, and thousands,
of signatures supported
protection, how .would you act?
DG: I would act the same way
as I did about the half-penny
sales tax. If there were enough
s~gnatures, I would at
least consider it. The council
wants to protect the rights of all
citizens of Tulsa. ~
has 2 locations!
~ ~ ~:. ;. ~HIV’TESTINGC.LINIC~ ’ -
~,: : :. EV~E;RY "~HUR~iEVENIN~"~: 7!~8~:130 PM
sponsored by
TOHR, Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights
Finger Stick Method
Daytime Testing, Tuesday and Thursday, by Appointment
Call 749-4194
By & for but not exclusive to
the Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Communities
ALONE For more information about a Tulsa
based support/education group for
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or
questioning youth, 15-20 years old,
Tulsa Family News,.February 1994.~ March 1994, page 7
John Thompson
from page 1
cope and live with, respect one
another’s opinioris. I don’t separate
people out as Gays/Lesbi--
ans, especially as an educator;
I’m the Superintendent for all
k~ds, black, white! and all kinds
of things. But when you see a
certain kind of group being d!scrimin..
ated against; you must ~n-
TN:I think the thing that concerns
both young and adult Lesbian
and Gay-people, is that. an
approach that says, "Oh we’re
included in [with:out being mentioned
specificaHly]’, in effect
often renders us invisible and
doesn’t really address our issues.
Lesbians and Gay men have a
culture; have history..¥ou don’t
learn about the different people
who contributed who also were
sure, or try to make sure, tha.t..that Gay, I mean, you learn about
d~n’t happe~ and.try t6 make ’ ’em, but ~omehow nobody ev.er
surethfit~y a~e ffi~ienan equal gets around to mentioning me
opportumty as well as the other factthat, Oh,bytheway.2 .Its
students. That’s ~;here I Come a kindof way of ripping off our
from, I just want all kids to have
this opportunity:i
TN: So; if I understand you
properly, then certainly if it
comes to your atte’n.tion that Lesbian
and Gay 3~oung adults are
experiencing discrimination, either
from faculty, staff, or from
other students, then you would
institute steps to address those
JT: I think it’d be up to the
individual schools, as superintendent,
I can’t do it from my
office, and we’re getting into
site-based decision making. I
think that leaders at the schools
need tO b6-aware of those kindS
of situations. And I would hold
administrators and teachers accountable
for educating all kids,
and 1 repeat, you know, educat=-
ing all kids, and Fm not saying
just Gays & ISesbians. I’m talking
poor kids, rich kids, white
kids, educating all kids......
role models from our culture.
Our readers are very concerned
about a problem of invisibility.
I would think that that is setting
out inclusion for all people,
including specifically Lesbians
andGay men. I think that would
be part of the role of a Superintendent;.
to say everybody is included
here, especiall3i since
Lesbians andGay menhavechildren
and pay taxes.
JT: To be~very candid with you,
I’m ignorant to the point of being
able to walk into a building~
and identifyaGay person vs. the
one that’s not Gay, or Lesbian
and say this person’s Gay, and
this person’s not Gay...When I
taught Pythagorus’ Thb,orem, I
didn’t seeany difference in teaching
any child the same theorem.
I’m just ignorant to some of the
things you’re saying about special
kind of ’lesson, or .Special
way, orspecial kind ofapproach
that Gay people and LeSbians
have to be... I don’t understand
that. I just think that all children
are children, they have a brain,
When a child’s in
Tulsapublic schools;
we i~dI gonna work
with that child,, regardless
of any differences,
and when
we employ people in
that school district.
we expect to be
representative of
the culture... ~
they have a mind, they function,
-and what we try to do is educate,
vs. one that’s nota Lesbian...l is reach those children through
know a lot of people.2I’ve s~en themostappropriate way,fdeala
lot ofpeople come out of-the ing with their, needs: -I m just
closeLas they usedto.say, and ..........ha~ing some problems right
have-thoseoutwardappearances -: now..;
you can identify. But there’s so - TN: Let me give .you a spemany
other people who are. not- -t cific, then. Ifwe}re talking about
[identifiable], and you just canrt elementary, then wemay be dealwalk
into any particul~, culture. ingwith exclusiv.ely i_ssues of
Gay, Lesbian-& Bi-sexual Friendly.
People of Color are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications accepted until 4pm on Feb. 24th.
Please call Roger Morrig, 749-4194
Expert. leaning/Pre sing, "
Alterations & Drapery Cleaning
4951 So. Peori~i~ (across from the Camelot) 743-5967
Monday-Friday 7-6, Saturday 9-2
Same,day dry cleaning service on_ request.. ~
traditional education- math-"
ematics, reading, whatever. But
once we get to. ithe junior and
senior.high level, the curricula
expands, and in Tulsa, from my
recollection of being in Schools
here, you4eal with human sexuality
at some point. Now, human
sexuality, when it’s approached
exclusively from a heterosexual
context ’where it presumes that
everybody is heterosexual, is not
going to serve Lesbian and Gay :-
¯ kids; because it doesn’t even
’.~ speak to their reality~ And you’ re
right abOut visibility, Gay-and
Lesbian: people are not always
visible on sight, butChristians
aren’t, andJewsaren’ t, and there
are cultural differences there and
peoplerespectthose cultural differences.
Do you see where l’m
coming from?
JT: Yeah, I understand where
you’re coming from; I just have
to be very honest with you,-I am
not coming in to discriminate
against any child. When achild" s
in Tulsa public schools, we’re
gonna work with that child, regardless
of any differences, and
when we employ people in that
school district, we expect to be
representative ofthe culture that
we are. about. So I have some
real serious problems with separating
.people out. This Country
and say weare all put here on
earth to do the best wecan to live
together, and work together in
harmony...You’ll have to excuse
me, I’mnot a student of a lot~of
this discrimination that goes on
in our country...I don’tcare what:
you are, we create an environment
for children to learn. I’m
sorry, I can’t say anymore about
that. I don’t like to talk about our
ignorance. You have given me a
topic that I~hadn’ t -given a~lotof
thought to, and I think I deserve
an opportunity to think about it.
YOU haveraised some questions
that is something that we need to
consider .and think about.
I plan to put together some
advisory panels, to includepeople
from all walks of life.My
first six monthson thejob will be
doing a lot of listening and observing.
I really want to make
sure I’m in tune with what’s going
on in that particular school
district. You have raised some
questions thatprobably I haven’t
given a great deal of thought to,
because in some places-that’s
not the issue. Gays and Lesbians
have been in all cultures, but
they’ vebeen in thecloset. You’ re_
telling me in Tulsa that those
people are no longer willing to
do that and want to comeout and
speak for their rights and privihas
labeled so many people over ~ " leges as all otherAmerican citithe
years; we-have more labels- zens, and I’m telling you. that
for our children than any other we’re gonna educate our chiladvanced
culture in the world, dren, I’m a kid’s person; and I
IYmjust so tired ofheatingthem, love all kids. Letme putit to you..
I just want toput all that aside, like that. -
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Know Your_. Rightst
Tulsa Family News, February 1994 - March 1994,page 8 -
Health Briefs Health Briefs. Health BriefsHealth Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
Firing Costs Law Firm ~ gramsforAmedcans0~ierS0a~:. "
NEwYORK - .In a case with badly: needed=While"they set-to
striking, similarities, to the just-- to think they wi!l no~be,in_fected
releasedmotion picture Phila- by AIDS, .people over~:age 50
delphia; a New,York law :firm = haVe,consistenfly?acc0unt~d for
’that fired an AIDSqnfected law- 10% OfAIDS 6ases, with the toll
yerhasbeenorderedt0paymOre now at more than 33,000: .
than: $5,00,000 - to= the deceased ’ N-ee d I.e -Sw alp: s
attorney s estate by the state Di-, ¯ DOil’t Add Addiets
visi0nof~HuinanRights; iBaker . CHICAGO Impo~t;-new.
& McKenzie said it-would ap- .. evidence¯ backs-.up claims, that,
peal ’the decisi0n~ maintaining needle-’exchange.~ programs
ihatit.was;unaware ofGeoffrey aimed at preventing ~:IDS
Bower.’scondition when he wa’s- among drug users can?~li’amatifired
in 1986. The firm contends callycurb high-risk needle:sharthat
Bower was released, from
his-employment because of his
jobperformance. Bowers never
told anyone at the-law-firm that
he was gayor that he.had AIDS,
but doctors testified that he had
disfiguring lesions on his faceas
a result of Kaposi’s Sarcoma.
9 Cities Eligible for Funds
ST. LOUIS ~-By exceeding the
grim benchmark of 2,000 AIDS
cases, St. Louis is the latest of 9
U.S :cities tobecomeeligible for
federal grauts to help care for its
AIDS patients. TheDepartment
of Health and Human Services
awarded nearly $1~2 million to
the city to help¯pay the cost Of
out-patient services, meals,
medication~ counseling andother
services to residents with HIV/
AIDS. The agency awarded a
total of $t59.9 million in grants
to 34 metropolitan areas which
ing by IV. drugu,sers ~ without
attracting newdrug abusers, accotdingto-
two reports published
in the Jan~ I2issue of the Journal
of the American. Medical
Association~ A five-year research
project by the University
of Califomia at San Francisco
found that about 3% of the IV
drug injectors w_ho exchanged
needles in 1988 were new drug
¯ users, but that.by 1.993 that figure.
had.dropped to barely 1%.
According to theUCSFresearchers,
the study indicates such
needle programs do not contribute
to increased IV drug abuse.
¯ Another research effort, at New
York’s Beth Israel Medical Center,
also founda dramatic shiftin
the use of shared needlesamong
IV drug users, in 1984, theNew
York researchers found 51 percentof
¯ vet;
peop!e;.seem to be.getting the - .. jecting it. ~ ’" " :. ~ ~-
messageaboutAIDSprevention, New AIDS Ads in .N~
older Americans are largely ig- ~WYORK -~Th~Gay Men s
noting, safeguards against the ¯. Health CrisiSha~ mounted a new
disease~ a riew¯ medical survey s~bway AIDS preventiOn ad
Concludes.. To find out what ’ campaign in Manhattan~targe~-
older~Am~ricans ~aredoing to ~:in~--’youngerh0m0sexualsand
protect .themselves¯ against bisexuals: Tlie ads feature gay,
AIDS, Dr. Ron Stall.and Dr. Joe lesbian, and heterosexual ¢ouples
CataniaoftheUni~ei’~ity ofCali: kissing 0rembmcffig while ho!dfomia
atSan Francisco .studied ing ~ontlomsand Other protec- ’
more than 3~000 interviews-of tire de,rices. Official~-fro:m
people over the age of 50 taken GMHC, the largest AIDS ser~
.from large national surveys, vice organization in the country,
Some 10% 6f therespondents say the ads are more explicit
reported having multiple sex than whatthey have produced in
pai,tners or a bl~5odtralisfusi0h " the pastfor the general public
in the 1980’s before AIDS spokespersonforthecity’shealth
screening was widely available, department said the ads were no
Despite these risk factors, the more explicit than those used by
researchers say, olderAmeri~s Calvin Klein and other adverti~,
were 6 times less likely to~Use ers to p~0mote their products:..
co0doms and5 tim~s:~less likely AIDS Has. Hit 3,000,00.0
to undergO AIDS testing thah’. .Ii~GENEVA ~ Since AIDSwa~
younger people with simile,riSk- ~;!-. firstidentifiedm0re than 13 years
factors. Smllpointsoutthat, f0r-.~; ago; aft estimated 3 million
olderAmericans, there havebeen - ~ p~ple:worldwide-have develno
public health warnings, bpedl!ae full-i~lown disease, ac-
:"When have you ever seen an cording to the World Health Or-
AIDS poster with a wrinkled ganizarion;Inatwice-yearly re
face?" he asks. Also,. adds Dr. port,, the UN agency al~so, said
Mitchell Feldman, an assistant that some¯14million adult~ andl
professor of medicine at UCSF, million !children ha~e been indoctors
tend to ignore AIDS risk fectedwithHIV, the~,irus.that is "
factors, in older patients. ,!’They
assume older pe~le don thave
sex and arern0t at risk," he says.
"But :not only arethey ha~,ing
sex, theyare not-lakingprecantions."
He says education protions
since the previous report in
Federal Funds for
¯ ¯ NeedleProgram.s
administration is studying
whether or not itshould put-federal..
funding~ into needle exchange.
programs around the
country in-an effort to slow the
spread.of HI.V among iV drug
users, White HOUse AIDS advisor
Kri~stineGebbie told repo~-
ers. The~earemorethan 3 dozen
needle-swap programs ~in_. U.S.
cities;.m0st of them technically
illegal and poorly funded through
volunteer efforts.. Federal regulations
block the government
from funding such needle-exchange
programs without scientific
evidence that IV~needle
exchanges actually slow transmission
of the virus without in- Editorial in the Baltimore
creasing drug use. Late !ast year,. Sun ~bout the government’s
researchers published the most AIDS :awareness radio and.TV
comprehensive study to date on S~.l~,~. ~- "
needleexchangesandc0ncIuded ~ ~ =The Clinton administration
that the. needle-swap programs deserves credit for prying the lid
do in fact block transmissionand offof what previoUSadrriinistradon’t
~addnew addictsto the tionsmisto6kforacanofworms.
nation’s population. That .re- The fear that public service ads
search, Gebbie said, piompted . might promote promiscuity¯ - a
federal health.offiCials t0begin ¯ cause that.seems to thi~ive with
reevaluating federal fundi~ng for " or wi~i~’u?prom~otion- .kept’!he
the programs.
Q u o t e --U n q u o te ingiife~s~ixqng infoima~:oirffiih
"No one expects publi~ service
announcements to .stem the
tide of AIDS. But at least¯ the
Clinton administration is getting
aggressive about spreading what
we do know to be true: Using a
condom dramatically reduces the
chances of contracting the AIDS
young people who needlessly
were risking their lives. There
were no worms inthat can, ~3nly
vital, life-saving information.
Condoms do reduce risk. Intbrmation
about staying healthy
promotes health."
. Edi~torial in the Miami Ile~-
aM about AIDS info. spots.
; drawing,dancing &fun!
February 27, Sunday Showcase
Miss Gay Tulsa ~9~1, Bobby Sue So.mmers
Ashlev Mikkels, Rebecca Hunter
with Host Kris Kohl
February 27, 6pm, OGRA,Tulsa
Organizational meeting for Tulsa Chapter of
Oklahoma Gay RodeoAssociation -
March Events
March 12iI OGRA Fundraiser
:March 13, MDAFundraiser
March 27, Sunday Showcase withKris K0hl¯¯.
-Hours: Tuesi-Thurs. 4,2, Fri, & Sat. 7-2, Sun. 4-2
believed to cause AIDS..~ The
estimateSwere:-farhigher ith~ ~
pi’eviously repo.rted.~ s~tistiCs.
~l’hey repiesent ajump6f ahalf-.
million~in AIDS cd:ses,.~.-an’d.~a .... " ......... ~ ~ ~...... ¯
leap of 1 million in HIV infec- - TulsaFamily News, February 1994 - March 1994, page 9
American Theatre Co.
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
To be announced. 596-711 t
Heller Theatre
SHERRY’S TURN Feb. 17-20
NO EXIT Mar. 10-13
Sapulpa Community Theatre
Feb. 18-20
Spotlight Theatre
THE DRUNKARD Ongoing 587-5030
Theatre PODS
OUR TOWN FEB. 25-.27, MAR. 3-6 596-7111
Feb, 19-27
Mar:ll-20 596-7111
Theatre Tulsa-
Tulsa BalletTheatre
To beannounced. 596-7111
RIGOLETI’O Feb, 26, Mar. 3-8596-7111
Y L I,
Mardi Gras 94
For Shanti-Tulsa
The Mardi Gras tradition is
being brought to life by
SHANTI-Tulsa, with all proceeds
going to this AIDS-support
agency.. Mardis Gins 9
~vill be held in the rejuvenated
Brady District at Brady Street
Studios,20 E. Brady. Street; on
Saturday, February 19, from 8:00
p.m. until midnight.
There will be dancing costumes,
and cocktails, as well as
raffles:The raffles will be ongoing,
and local merchants and
friends of SHANT!-Tulsa have
donated many wonderful items
to be given as prizes. Start now
on your costumes, mark your
calendars, and plan on enjoying
this Mardi Gras ball with your
friends. Tickets are still S10.00
each, Patrons $25.00 each, and
raffle tickets are S1.00 each. For
more information, call
SHANTI-Tulsa- at 918-749,
SHANTI-Tulsa was established
in 1986 as a non-profit
organization for HIV+ persons,
persons living with AIDS, their
families and loved ones. Througha
network of volunteers,
SHANTI-Tulsa provides AIDS
information, support groups,
buddy programs, social activi-
¯ies, and a food pantry.
.-~ ¯¯, ¯ :¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 0 . ¯ ¯ oo ¯
" ~ " ’~~~ :~ ;"~ ~%:Le~bianiGaylBil
THEATRETULSA : Transgendered . "
~..Organizing Meeting Presents ¯ S~t..Feb. 26,11am ~ -
Life yith Fat ,er :"S"nlver Star:
March: II 20, call 587.8402 ¯ 1565
~ Into:
O’O O O lilt I O ¯ OO0
Celebrate his 85th
Birthday Tour!
Thursday, March 17
8 p.m.
Chapman Music Hall
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
~Tickets: $1.5, $20, $25, $35
Call. 596-7111
Tickets by Phone,
Tulsa Family News, February 19-94 - March 1994, page 10
Bobbie Sue S,ommers
A NEW QU.EEN REIGNS.! by Kris Kohl
Bobbie Sue Sommers is now Miss Gay Tulsa 1994, having won the
pageant held at the Silver Star. Kris Kohl stated that this year’s
competition.brought in a standing room only crowd-, and was most
successful in terms of raisingmoney for its cause, the AIDS fund of
Tulsa MCC. Kris is ~ery proi~d of the people and. businesses that
supported the pageant and donated flowers, ads, time, space, and
The winner of Miss Gay Tulsa, Bobbie Sue Sommers, added a
special thank you to her Sponsors, including the Silver Star Saloon,
Paradise, Deep Elm, and Tomfoolery. She says,"As your Miss gay
Tulsa, I fully plan to represent the title tO the best of my ability; and
proudly take it to Miss Ga~ ’Oklahoma." Runners-up were Ashley
Mikkels and Rebecca Hunter, HelenHolliday took home an award for
Community Service; and Bobbie Sue also scored in the Beauty,
Artistry, and-Sportswear categories. Pat Wilson, AKA "Sluticia",
won for Male Interview. " "
Kris Kohl extends a warm thank you toall ten contestants: Bobbie
Sue Sommers, Anita Mann~ Ivana B. Real,Constance.Monroe~Jd.
Gentry; Sensuous, RebecCa Hunter, St~phanie Ross; Sluticia
swamppussy, and Ashley Nikkels; and to all who made the event
posSible; .
Monroe Replaces Scott a:s
Miss Gay Tulsa-Metroplex
by DaM Pa~i "
Constance Monroehas .been. named "Miss Gay- Tulsa Metroplex"
for the remainder of 1994. This results from Fall0n.S~ott’s being
chosen as th~ current:reigning ’"Miss Gay Oklahoma, USA". A~,Miss
~alloh Sd0tt ~ obligationsid that tide w6uld supersede:that of ,Miss
"GayTulsa M~trop[~’i’, Central Pageant’s bo~d of governors have
:agreed that tliis iiction be taken, Moriroe will represent Central
Pageants, inc. at-the ~’MissGay Oklahoma America" pageaht this
¯ y~r, al0ngwithAnita Richards an,.,,d, JJ. Gentry:CentralPageantsalso
announces the crowning ofanew Mis~ Gree~i country ofOklahoma
’94" later this..spring. This pageant will be open to. all female
(Eduo s note: Central Pageam accompanied their press release
with copies _of legal documents establishing the corporation.)
2630 East 15th, Tulsa, 749-1563
.Dart Tournament,. Tuesdays, 8 pm
Pool Tournament, Fridays, 7:30
.Every. Friday’at 1.0:30, SHOW!
T .H E
Pathology ofSymbols
by Osage/Pawnee painter
~Norman Ak~rs, .-:
Th~T~lsaPhoto Collective. February
Two Tuesdays
Performance art
FebrUary 22.
Process in Clay
by Jorge Ortega
February 28-April 3.
Reception For
Ortega and Harris, March 10,
GI_ A-,,-.Y
March 1: .
Lecture ~ Wildflowers of-Oklahoma,
1:30, Bixby Library
March 1~3 ~5 8,i0,12
Noontime:B0ok Fair~
2p.m., Centr~fLibrary
March 2: . :
. Treasures oftheGilcrease, lp;m.,
Hardesty S0uth-Regional
Poets in Person;~! 0a.m.o 12p.m.,
Central Library.
March 7,14:
Books Sandwiched In, 12:10-
12:50 p.m., Central Library
March 9:
Cowboys. lp.m., Hardesty South
Regional Library
March 10:
GROUP, Hardesty South Regional
;dd cam
Does God Hate Gays?
Family of Faith Metropolitan
Community Church invites you
toa workshop, "Homosexuality
and the Bible"., Sunday, Feb. 20.
This workshop will begin at ap:
proximately lpm (after services)
at 500 W. ’A’ Street in Jenks.
This is the 1st ina series. Others
will be, "Sharing the Flame"
on Feb.. 27,and" The Blessing"
on March 20. For more info: call
298-4MCC (298-4622).
New Support Group
. Responding to the need for
peer support, counseling, and
social and informationalneeds of
;.~.couples living with HIV, a new
" Ug~oup is forming,.called"Standing
Together". Meetings are fa-
Cilitated by William and Jeff,
both train~ counselors. Tfier~ is
no cost. Meetings :every Thursday
atT:00 p.m. Forlocation,
call 743~2917.
"For me as a person, ’Life frontofhundredsofreaderswho tinued his cartooning as a col-
Underground’ Has been the best have been there before?" lege student. He now works at a
therapy a guy could ask for", He posted his firstcomic strip major Texas daily newspaper.
said Todd Camp of his monthly , , He is out at work, as well as
comic strip now aPl~,,,aring in I,,t~ ~mu’r,, ~in~ t~ ~nf[ being out regionally, via "Life
Tulsa Family News. I mean, -I,’,k,f,;X~i’~,o~’~v~fflil Underground". As.hesays,"If
- do it statew de r ght?" your love life;.(or lack thereof), :- :1...... Ym°~.r~sg°~e~°gt~t°~’geu,
: " : I Y ,, ; :-
the frustrations ofbeing Gay in a ; rt ’’ " " " ’ " right? Well, hes out;.inat.least
straight world, and the great : 6~?a bulletin board in the hall: two States now,"thanks:tO+~ulsa
mystery we call dating; all: in "wayofhis:high:scho01,andcon: ¯ FamilyNews..
-Gay.OWneddhdOperared " ii-: ’: . . :
Thank.you Tulsa,: for " .support!
21st & 129 East Avenue
Monday ~
Tuesday ~
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Satuday -
Sunday -
Feb. 19-
Feb. 26 -
March 5 -
March 12-
(Next to Homeland) Phone 234-9007
$3 Beer Bust, Everyday 4-7, $1.50 Pitchers, 9 to midnight.
Dart League, 8pro Paradise is looking for good players for 2 dart teams, call for info.
Pool Tournament, 8pm.
Bamboo Night with Singing/Dancing Star Gene Kernaghan. Music from the401s, 50’s & 60%
Ladies Night, with $1.25 Longnecks for the Ladies.
Talent Search ’94. Looking for Male/Female Dancers, Singers, Comics~-Cal!...the Paradise.
Male Dancers (Looking for Leather). Disco & Mixed music, 10pm. , ~
Showcase with Mersades, and special guest Stephanie Cassidy. And Dancers too!
AfterMarch 1st, Brunch,~.noon -2pm. Keyboards by Cool Breeze; Rita’s. Karaoke from 2-6pm~
Stephanie Cassidy with Erika Grant,We~idy Storm, Mersades. Male & Female Dancers, Mike & Sidney.
stephanie Cassidy withMersades, Fallon Scott,_ Stephanie Ross, & Male Dancers.
T~ger Lily Night (1 st Sat.). Tiger Lily with Stephanie Cassidy,_Mersades, Stephanie Ross,& Lola!
Hosts Mersades & Stephanie Cassidy, with Courtney, Michell Ross, & Dancer, Bobby!
Open daily till.2am,~.Fpod served during all open hours: Major credit cards accepted.
Tulsa Family News, February 1994 = March 1994, page 11
Every Thursday & Sunday, $50 give-away
Every Friday & .Saturday, $200 give,away
Each night between 1 0 & 12!
Beer BUst:
Thursday & Sunday, all night $5
Friday & Saturday, 9-1 2 $3
Domestic Longnecks
50¢, 9-1 0 pm, $1, 1 0-11 everynight
On Feb. 24, From Kansas City
-Dancer Doug Boyce
Comi.ngMarch 20th
First Class Male.
Dance Revue Graphics by Tulsa Family News

Original Format




Tulsa Family News, “[1994] Tulsa Family News, February-March 1994; Volume 1, Issue 3,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 6, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/463.