[1994] Tulsa Family News, March-April 1994; Volume 1, Issue 4
[1994] Tulsa Family News, March-April 1994; Volume 1, Issue 4
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September of 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics pf marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics, all at the local and national level.
This document is availble in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics pf marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics, all at the local and national level.
This document is availble in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
March-April 1994
James Christjohn
Kharma Amos
Kharma Amos
Tom Neil/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, February 15-March 14, 1994; Volume 1, Issue 3
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Serving Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay.& Bisexual Communities L O.ur Families of the Heart
3rd t=.me s
the charm?
an open forum sponsoredby "
March ~ ,~ April -|994:,.-¥olume !; Issue 4
W-e.l c o.. m
~? : Urban T.uls-a; a monthly enter~
tainrrientnewspaperreiterated its
.. policy of rEfusing-to accept advertising
that:-, uses the words
_... _: -: LesNan hr"Gay. The exception
is_ an-.ad: for- the
CliniC. Keith
Skrzypczak, edit0~& pubfisher,
Business Guild.. While the organizers
are still developing a formal.
mission statement, Tim
’Gillean of Budget Window..
Treatments &Mote :describes
_ April 15, 16 & 17
Plans for Tulsa’s 1 st Lesbian/
Tulsa Family News and hoste_d Mayor Susan Savage
by the Metropolitan Community
Church Of Greater Tulsa, 1623
North Maplewood(northwest of.
Sheridan & Pine).
This is a fulfillment ofapromise.
made inan interview ~lone in
the fall with Tulsa Family, News
had to.cancel her earlierdate of
February 24. .
The Mayor will be welcomed
by the Reverend Alice Jones and-
Tom Neal. Members, family &
friends ofthe TulsaLesbian/Gayl
Bisexual/Transgendered ~ c6m~
publisher, Tom Neal. Due toa mUnities are iriVited again to hear
family emergency, .the Mayor .- and to question our mayor.
. said that this. ad was.accepted
because heterosexuals might be
interestedin the service.
Pat Devlin, the owner of
Cherry St. novelty.shop, Phun
See NotWelcome, page 7
its goals as.providing a place for
Lesbian & Bay businesSowners
to meet each other for support,
sharing advice and resources, r
The first two meetin.~s have
See.RainboW Business" page 6
.Gay Film ~Festival have been
annoUnced byits .organizers. A
jointeffort between members of
TOHR. Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human -Rights and the BLGA,
Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay Ass0cia~
fion of the University of Tulsa
will be held April 15.17 in Lorton
Hall at theUnivers!ty of Tulsa.
See Film :Festival, page 8
:u I s a
Sava . allegedly held ~ thing from police haiassment-to ing. aswell as . Gay & Bisexual
up by family prob!ems,sent Jim - - .diScriminationinthe workplace, metropolitan :area was included threats motiva_ted by raceT reli~ communities to come together
East and Hi!ary Kitz torepresent --. Specific requests and sugges- in each_ bill. The insert was a. gion, nationatofiginor.other sta- to celebrate our pride, and this
her at the town meeting on Feb-. ¯ tions to the Mayor were to in- joint effort of the city of..Tulsa, tuses. It was notable for its inclu- year, the 25th anniversary of the
ruary 24. Apparently, this is the elude Gay and Lesbian sensitiv- the Tulsa Human. Rights Com- . sio" n of-the words, "sexuaton’en- Stonewall rebellion.
second time Mayor Savage has See Mayor Cancels, page 6 mission, theTulsaHumanRights . S~eNO’Hate, page 6 The picnic traditionally has
See Tulsa Picnic, page 6
Clinton Slams Anti-Gay Politics
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton has sent a letter to the.
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
condemning anti-gay rights effortg
that have cropped upin
nearly a dozen states and even
more cities and counties around.-
the country as what he called an
attempt to le~,ahze d~scr-rm~nation."
In the Feb, 14 letter, addressed
to William Waybourn, executive
director ofthe Victory Fund,
Clinton said the sponsors ofantigay
campaigns around the country
"are gravely-mistaken abo.u~t
the values that make our nation "
strong." "All people in our society
must enjoy the opportunity
to be judged on their merits,"
Clinton wrote. "Sadly, as you
point out, this simple principle
0fjustice has come under assault
in several states this .year-:" "
Clinton went on to write, "Those
who wguld legalize, discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation
or any other gr0unds :are
gravely mistaken about the val-
,,ues that make out-nati0n.str0ng.
The essential, right .tp. ,e,qua!ity
See Clin~on, pag.e 8
TFN: Tell us about the Pride said "Gee whiz, Janethere’s,;not
Picnic, and your involvement gonnabeaGayPridepicnic ,so
with it? then we took it over. The first
JR: When we first came t0¯ ~ year, there weren’t.really that
town, TOHR had been doing it. many people. The second year, I
And they dropped it. I really talk~d~,ithRoyandJimmyfrom
don’t know the circumstances, the To,olbox, to see if they
They dropped a lot of things ouldn:t help me.out a little bit.
around 19~.8, like the Southwest So.they-~can{e in with me and it
Invitatiohal, which we picked grew quite a bit the next year.
up. Every year it has grown some.
. But when I got;here,.!he girls Se_e Jane Roth~ page 7_
~ebruary 14, ~t994
~. William Weybour~
Gayand Lesbian Victory Fund
Seventh Floor
~$2 14~h Street,
Waahington, D.C. 20005
i d e
S um m i. t
On February 26 at the Silver
- Star SalOon in Tulsa. 18 representatives
from Lesbian/Gay/
Bisexual o.rganizations from
Oklahoma City, Norman.
Stillwater and Tulsa met to de.... o
velop plans for a State-wide meeting
Or conference to be held this
June. Oklahoma City organizers
had held a meeting on Feb. 6th at
which they "brainstormed" ideas
-for goals and possible outcomes
" Of d state-wide nieeting.
At the Tulsa meeting, Tulsa
representatiT.esproposedthat thismeeting
should be held in Okla-
See Pride Summit, page 8
Tulsa Family New~ March - April 1994, page 1
Good Idea Bad Attitude:
Youth Services of Tulsa’s
GayYoung Adults Program
Some months ago, Youth Services
of Tulsa. a United Way
agency, began .a program to help
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and ques,
ti0mng young adults by iproviding
a support group. Gay. youth
(using the term gay to indicate
aH the statuses above)are at
greater-risk than many other
youngadults. Government studies
have shown that gay youth
are 2 to 6 times more likely toattempt
suicide and may account
for 30% of completed suicides.
Low__self esteem, identity, conflicts,
isolation, and fami~ alienation,
all which can .be blamed
on the prejudice and bigotry of
our society, are factors in their
The problems for gay young
adults are real; the need for help
are real. Friends and members of
Tulsa’s Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual
communities should applaud
Youth Services for taking this
brave step. We should recognize
the "right-hearted-ness" of the
individuals involved. Lisa
Pottorf and others on staff, some
Gay, some not, are clearly committed
to doingtheright thing:
helping kids. Members of our
communities have also become
involved as volunteer facilitators.
Many others would probably
help if.they but knew about
the program.
- - There-inlies the problem,The
program, is .hamstrUng by. the.
fears, an~possibly, prejud{~e, Of
Youth Services’ top officers and
staff. Because of fear of backlash,
Youth Services hardly
wants any one to know about the
program but in the process risking
that those who need to know
See Gay Youth, page 7
Airline/Hotel Reservations
Ticket Pick-Up ¯ Cruise/Tour Packages
Group & Incentive Programs
"NO" Service Charge
l~xperienced Personnel
Packages Availablefor
Gay Games & Stonewall - 25
(918) 341-6866
Oklahoma’s Only LG.TJ~ Affiliate
(Internagional Gay Travel Assoc~aglon)
Tulsa Family News, March - April 1994, page 2
Several .times last night during
the forum with Mayor
Savage’s staff, I heard people
from the audience talking about
"Bible Thumpers". The fact that
MCC Tulsa allowed us to meet
in their church building should
demonstrate that all "Bible
thumpers" are not .bad people.
nor are they all anti-Gay. In fact,
there are more than two Christian
organizations in Tulsa that
specifically serve our commuriity.
AS we ask the world to put
aside its prejudices, shouldn’t
we also ask ourselves the same
thing? How many of us automatically
assume that if someone
is heterosexual. Republican,
and Christian, they are also anti-
Gay? Isn’ t that assumption based
on prejudice? As we as a community,
ask the people in our
society to change; let’ s also make
the necessary changes within
ourselves. As we. ask the people
in our society to give everyone a
chance regardless oftheir sexual
orientation, let’s also start giving
everyone around us a chance,
regardless of their sexual orientation,
religious affiliation, or
political partnership.
If we can do that, we will become
a better people.
Editor’s note: the letter above
was Submitted unsigned and
Publisher/Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer
Tom Neal James Christjohn Kharme Amos
918-832-0233’, POB 4140. Tulsa. Oklahoma 74159
Issued on the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
areprotected by US copyright 1994 by Tulsa Family News and may not
be reproduced either in.whole or in part without written permission from
the publisher. Publication of a name or photo in no way indicates or
reflects that person’s sexual orientation.
(~orr~l~0ndan~ is ]as~um~dtb’b~for ptiblicati~n iahless otherwise noted
and becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All correspondance
should be sent to the address above.
Tulsa Family. News is distributed free of charge in localbusinesses and
organizations. . .
without a phone number. While
TFN is happy to print letters
with.name withheld by request, *Indian Territory Coffee Com.pa-ny,
infUtiirei "unsigned letterk Will- Galerie ~...~-Europa, 203 N. Main....
no}be rep]:oduced~ .....~ "" ’~ " H,a~.~y &:-Mrs lon~s.;-<164q--El 15
Jared’s, 1602 E. " 15
Bars & Restaurants
*The .Alley, 3340 S. Peoria
*Cherry St. Bakery, 1344 E. 15
*Deep Elm, 61st & Memorial
*Laff’s, 311 E. 7~h
*Lola’s, 263.0 E. i 15th
*Paradise Bar & ~rill, 12570 E. 21
*SilverStar Saloon~ 1565 Sheridan
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time n’Time .Ag~i-n, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338~ E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 4~16 S. Lewis~
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102
*CDWarehouse, 6080 S. Sheridan
1613 E. 15
Dear TFN,
The angerl disappointment,
and feelings of betrayal that resuited
from Mayor Savage’s last
minute unavailability last night
are only natural. However, I am
concerned about what might result
if those feelings are not
handled in the appropriate way.
If we, as a community, harbOr
those feelings and allow them to
expand instead of doing the appropriate
thing and focusing that
negative energy into something
positive, it will be counter-productive
and detrimental to our
struggle for equal rights. We
cannot generate change by sitting
around being angry and feeling
sorry for ourselves. We can
generate change by taking action.
I understand that there are
those in our community who are
afraid to stand up and OUT because
they may lose their jobs,
their homes, or families. Isn’t it
sad that there has to be that fear?
But even thos’e people who have
that fear can write letters, can
make phone calls, can actively
vote, and can follow up on their
votes by talking with their representatives.
Wecannot expect our
government to take all of the
chances and do all of the work
while we sit around absorbed in
our own self-pity. We have to
show our governmental leaders
that we are willing to support
them before,, during, and after
See Letters, page 7
Ken?s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599.8070
*Living Arts of Tulsa, 224 N. Main 58.5-1234
*Mohawk Music, 615~7 E 51 PI 664-2951
Novel Idea DiscOunt Books
7104 S: Sheridan 492-0335
3356 E. 51 747-6711
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan 832-0233
Zat’s, 3708 oSouth Peoria 742-6909
ACT-UP, POB 532, 74101
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa. 583-9780
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard,Ste. H-1
NAMES PROJECT, POB 3181 74101 - 748-3111
Oklahoma AIDS Hotline 800-535-2437
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749~4901
Prime-Timers P.O. Box 52118, 74128
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
TOHR Gay Line (Info.) 743-4297
- Other
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa 631-0000
*Tulsa City Hall; Cafeteria Vestibule
*University Center at Tulsa
,._ Professionals
Theodore-Campbell, MSW, 1560 E 21 743-1000
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psylchotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Attorney 587-1500
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011~ 74159 747-5466
John Kirk, Realtor 747-5800. 745-2245
Tom Neal, Designer, Buildings/Gardens/Graphics 832-0233
Religious Organizations
*Family of Faith MCC, 500 W. ’A’ Jenks 298-4622
Affirmation (Methodist) 742-8213
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/integrity 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
Tulsa~ Ok~ahomans .for Hum-an Rights
March/April 1994 Volume 14 NUmber 4
PO’Box 52729 Tulsa OK 74152~
.The views expressed elsewhere in Tulsa
Family News are not necessarily the views
ofTOHR. Permission is granted to reprint
information contained within the TOHR
Reporter page along with other items, under
the byline,"submitted.by TOHR’" Contained
elsewhere in Tulsa Family News..
Janiee Nicklas, Senior Planner on - because ofher extensive work in the HIV/
llealth, Promotion, Community Service AIDS arena over the past several ~years.
CounoilufTulsa Ar~a United Way, Will be-~ Slic isa ’tremetidous asset to our commuspeaking
at-the April TOttR. meeting, nity and a wonderful spokesperson-for
about the Tulsa Community AIDS Part- persons-livingwith HIV & AIDS. :
nership (TCAP). TCAP, part of NCAP Please join us for this excitingpresen-
(National Community AIDS Partnersh!~p)~’ tation on Tuesday,. April 5, 1994 at the
expects to grant approximately 1/2 milhon Gathering Place, 4154 S. Harvard, Suite
dollars to organizations in the Tulsa MSA -|t~ We have a social time.starting at
over the next four years. Thisnew venture - 6:30pro and the meeting. commences.
will greatly benefit areas that currently promptly at 7:00pm~ TOHR, Tulsa’S
unserved or underserved, growing human rights community set3’ice
Janice brings a wealth of information organization, NEEDS YOU!
TOHR to Go-sponsor GaylLesbian Film Festival
April 15-17 have beenset as tentative and diverse showing of timely cultural isdates
for an extensive Gay/Lesbian Film sues and enterta’inment. Mark these dates
Festival to be held on the University of NOW and look for additional information
Tulsa campus. This should be an_exciting as the time draws near.
President’s Report
This marks the second issue of the
TOHR Reporter running within Tulsa
Family News. Feedback has been very
positive to this new format, getting more
local news to our membership as well as
TOHRnews to the larger community. Our
last meeting saw several new faces and
TOHR nee~ the support of all of Us. "
Mayor’s office ...... : .......,.. 596-2100
City of Tulsa Human Rights
Department ..................... 596-7818
Quik Trip (ask.for
President’s office) ........... 836-855 !
PSO (ask for
Carol t Iuff Hicks) ..... ~ ...... 599-2000
- Samson ~ompanies
(ask for Sentell Fox) ....... 583-t791
Currently TOItR i.~ working in:c6ali- - " .................. ’
ti0n with other groups towards the goal of- llaankthem for participating ~the Say
spurring our legislature-tuadd sexual o_o.’- N6 Tb I-!a-te educa,i~nai.e~i’~beeptentati0n
to Oklah0ma’s~ hate ¯ crim~es - ingthediversityof’~i6:ubmmiinit~_andfor
statUte:. This past niUnth" sh~’a itei~s~3i~ : -n6t toleratinj(li~it-( ilirected agaii~t any
No to Hate-pUblicity’campaign, sponsored ~grou,p, including gays and lesbians~ If
locally, which included a Tulsa utility bill you re afraid to identifyyourself, leaveout
insert with sexual orientation in its text. the speoitic reference to gays and lesbians,
The City of.Tulsa, along with the corporate
sponsors of the projeoL have received
afew negative phone calls about the campaign.
I urge you to show vonr personal.
support of the projeetby’tak]ng a few minutes
:to call:
but please take a few minutes to make the
calls. It’s important that these folks know
that ~ve appreciate the stand they have
taken. Feedback ofpublic opinion will
affect their future decisions.
by Kelly ~Kirby, President, TOHR
Gay Gale ndar ofEvents,COMING SOON!
TOHR is in the proo¢~ of o’olle~ting your. event, meeting or gathering.
"Calendar of Events’" items for publica- The "’Calendar" is intended to notify
tion in all area newspapers~..Please call the ¯ the lesbian~ gay, bisexual and transgen-
HelpLine 743-GAYS (4297) to promote dered community of happenings in town.
MI:-MRIi:I~SHIP APPI ICAIION u Yes.I want to be a Contributing member of- U I would like to volantec, help witl~: H~MBF.-.RS’ RI-:PR~_SENfAI-IVFS
Taisa Oldahomaas foi Human Rights.
Name .... Please accept l~)~mt ~.s described below: ~ LesbiatgG~y/B~sexual llelpl.ine Kclly Kirby....:.................................. President
..................... .~ $10Limited Income/Stadent Membership " rl HIV Counselor Ric Kirby ........................... 1st Vice President
Address _ .i ~ _ _ ~. $20~:.M.¢anbcuship" _ : - . ~ Executive Board Member . . Kathleen Golden .............;2nd Vice President
, ~.’,q 5 -. ~ ’ ~-,: i: :l~l~ $,3::5..: iH~M.M~o_,:. :~ .~y~ent Pl~ing and P.a~y- preparations,. ~. ,R:0be~. Crow ~........................~...........: Secretary
s~ "zip,: -- " -r3!~’~i~~-~r~~=- ~iv:::: 7: :f>..i::7. ~: ~10gtmV ~eeti~g s~,,t, ,:~ " .:- .....--’. Do~ .:...:.:.:...:.:....=....:.../:.::..~::::;......."X,~,,e~
Ruben Garcia ...;.......... Reporter Editor
Phone (i,pti~mal).: " .................. L3:~ Ia’n~axeivingTOHR.mailings : :..: Make-cheek pcg~ble .tO TulsdOklahomansf&. Owen ............................. HdpL ine Cootitinator
and the "Tulsa’Family News Human Righ~ Dbnatiqns contributed toTOttR ..................................... Activities Coordinator
Signature ......................................... ~3 I am not en the mailing I~t o~r set membership fees are T~, .Deah ctible.................................. Fundraislng Coordinator
.+ ]-ONIR IIV Tulsa’s Gay& Lesbian
Information and. Refferal Line.
. ANONNYM,OU:S... "+ 743-4 2"9Y7s r
+ Thursday 7-8:30pm & .* +
- Monday - hu.rsday.by Appointment -+
Confidenaal Counseling
Finger-Sack Method
4154 S. Harvard, Suite H-l
Quadrangle Building
SII" corner.of41st and Harvard, SW comer ofoffice compl~r
..~ Service of 7~tlsa OklahomansforHuman Rights
! olmtteers Always !~ielcome
/;br and by hut m~t limited toLesbians, Ga.vs, and Bis~ruals
The TOHR.Gay Information Line is here for you.
We offer a gvide variety ofreferrals free ofcharge,
from ¯legal and medical to AIDS. TOItR and bar information.
The ltelpLine is staffed 7 davs.a week, 8-10-PM
l.’ohtnteers are always welcome!
TOIIR fields calls for an ~m-going discrimination survey. If you, or someone
you know, are being di~riminated agaittst, please eonta~t the ttelpLit~ at 743-4297.
Also, TOHR tracks hate crimes statistics. If.you are, or someone you know ~ a+
victim of a hate crime this information is veD.’ valuable. Please cal! the HelpLine.
And if you move or are having problems receiving your TOHR mMiings ~ the 7"visa
Family News, call to pro~Ade a change of address or to verify yore-addr~s.
Tuba Family News, March--April 1994, page
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News.Briefs
Boycott Threat toGay
Marriages .in Hawaii
HONOLULU- Anti-gay forces
have apparently been flooding
the Hawaii Visitors Bureau with
letters and phone calls threaten,
ing an economic boycott of the
state if it permits same-sex marriages.
The head of the state?s
tourism office t01d legislators
that the agency has received over-~:
whelming numbers of calls and
lettersthreatening boycotts, of
conventions, vacations, family
reunions, and other visits to the
islands if Hawaii alloWg gays
and (esbians to marrY. Tourism
officials also noted ti{at they.had
received hardly any expressions
of support for. same,sex marriage~
and concluded that jr’state
courts.rule that/est~ian-and gay
nel protections. Now the bank
has agreed to put "sexual orientation"
back into its anti-bias
policies just weeks after politicians,
led .by San Francisco Supervisor
Susan Leal, and activists,
led by the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force. launched a
campaign to pressure the banking
giant to reinstate the old
policy. In a.letter to Leal, who
had written a stinging letter to
the bankto complain about the
change in FIB’s personnel-language,
¯Julius L. L0eser. senior
vice:president assistant .general
counsel at the bank, said~ "’For o
clarity, we will add language ~o
. ¯ our-written corporate policy to
state more-directly our existing
policy:.afiat will explicitly state
that we .Er0hibit discrimination
and harassment based on race.
marriages are legal under state a,~e color reli,,ion nationalorilaw.
it_would me~asurably dam~.-...-.~t~:.~.sex. ~ete~n st’atus, disabiiage
the state’s:important tour- ity and s~xualorientation.’"
ism industry. The agency can
contacted by writing: Hawaii
Visitors Bureau. 2270 ’Kalakaua
Avenue. Suite 80 L HoaOlulu HI
968.15 or by calling (808) 924-
’Seattle Times’ Extends
Benefits to Partners
SEATTLE - The Seattle Times
has become the 2nd major daily
newspaper in the U.S. to extend
health insurance and family leave
Amnesty En.ds Silence
rightsorganization Amnesty
International USA announced
the launching of a broad, siXmonth
campaign in the United
States to end government imprisonment,
torture and execution.
of gays and lesbians around
the world. The campaign, kicked
off in conjunction with the publication
of AI’s groundbreaking
omy laws only to homosexuals,
and the organization now says. it
"would consider an individual
imprisoned under these laws a
Prisoner of Conscience and~
would call for their immediate
and unconditional release." To
get copies of the report "Breaking
the Silence:’ send $8.00
(which includes shipping and
handling) tO: AIUSA, 322 Eighth
Avenue, New York NY 10001.
Poll: Jobs, Housing -Yes;
Marriage, Adoption - No
NEWYORK~Apolt, published
in the Feb. t4 issue ofNewsweek
underscores-Americans’ con-
.tinuing contradictory attitudes
about gays and lesbians. While
.the poll, conducted Feb. 3-4 for
the magazine-by.the Princeton
Survey Research Associates
based on_ telephone interviews
with 750 adUlts, found that 74%
endorse .employment anti-bias
protections forhomosexuals, and
81% think gays and lesbians
should have housing protections.
as Well, more than 60% said they
.oppOse same-sex marriages and
adoption rights for gays and lesbians.
Fewer than 0ne-third of
those polled support .marriage
and adoption rights for gays. Of
those surveyed, 43% said they
had a friend or acquaintance who
is horaosexual, while56% said
News Briefs News Briefs News
benefits to the partners of its gay report "Breaking the Silence: they didn’t know aflyone who is
Defeat in Missouri City
SPRINGFIELD, Mo, - In what
activists fear may be.a harbinger
of next November’s statewide
vote on a Missouri anti-gay constitutional
amendment, Springfield,
Mo., residents voted overwhelmingly
to repeal a city hate
crimes measure that includes
sexual orientation,. among other
categories. The vote was. 71%-
for- repeal to 29% against. The
repeal campaign was headed by
a local group Citizens for Decent
.Standards .which has close
ties with the statewide Arfiendmerit
Coalition, which ig backing
a state anti-gayconstitutiOnal
amendmentbased onColorado’s
Amendment 2 prohibiting any
gay rights measures inMisSouri.
Rights Battle Erupts in New
Mexico Legislature. "
N.C..Parade Gets. P.etmit
. CHARLOTTE, N.C.-TheFront
Page reportsthat the 8th annual
North Carolina Lesbian & Gay
Pride parade and rally has gotten’,
approval from city officials for
its scheduled. June 5 event in
spite ,of objection by an influential
Baptist minister. Organizers
of the. event, being held in Charlotte
for .the first time, will hold
the post-parade rally at Marshall
Park, located next to the First
Baptist Church. The church’s
pastor, Rev. Charles Page, had
objectOd that the event .doesn’t
ners of employees.Activists are
callingon people to contact Sony
USA officials to let them-know
the importance they. place on
Sony’s move, its refusal to take
the:anti-gay vote.seriously, and
its reluctance to publicly discuss
its domestic partners policies.
Oregon activists urge contacting:
RonSommer, Chairman,
Sony of America, Sony Drive,
Park Ridge. NJ 07656 FAX: "
201-930-2263; and James
Frische, SonyDigitaiAudioDisc
Corp., 1.8100 N~ Fruitridge Ave.,
Terre Haute, Ind. 47804 FAX:
812~466~i [ 2 "
Protections; ~Benefits at
BelI,NorthernlNorthern :
_T e ili e c o m.
-OTTAWA,~Sta!!.ing thisl year~.. " ....
Beli~b~0flh~m Research now in=~ ~5/ ’ ~
eludes s~xuai orientation in it~
equal employment opportuni/y~
ent corporation, Northern ~
Telecom.Ltd. implemented the -
new policy throughout all its
subgidiaries. And beginning in
July of this .year Northern
Telecom is extending domestic
partner benefits to Bell-Northern
Ltd. in Canada and Bell-
Northern USA. The Gay, Les~
bian, Bisexual Association has
also formed for Bell-Northern
Research/NorthernTelecom employees.....
"Front RUnner’ Sequel
and lesbian workers. The Bos-" -HumanRightsViolatio,nsBased
ton Globe_became thefirst daily . on Sexual Orientation,’ was arito
o-~t’Stich~ ’6~i~fi~; the~Vi~~ ~’~-: ~0un~d -~t ’~iress~"~onf~r~ne~
lage Voice,~-the p..op~lar :New ,:,held:~i~rnultaneousl~haSanF~,an~!’::~ "
York weekiy.:~lso:’indludes the": cisco~indWaghingt~n;D.C. "~tie
unmarried partners of its employees
in its benefits package.
First Interstate
Restores Anti-Bias
SAN FRANCISCO - First Interstate
BankCorp: which operates
banks in 13 Western states
from Oregon to Texas. has agreed
to reinstate nondiscrimination
language m ~ts personnel polictes
to include sexual orientation.
saying thewhole issue was
a"naisunderstanding:" In 1993,
under pressure from fundamentalist
groups in Utah and Arizona.
FIB changed its anti-bias
policy to include only"race, age,
color, religion, national origin,
sex. veteran status, disability or
any other basis protected by federal.
state or local law." Rights
activists said, because only ’one
state - California - has a gay
rights law, the change amounted
to FIB dropping its own person-
U.S. branch ofthe London-based
international human rights
Watchdog group said the intensive
campaign "places .the government
repression of gay men
arid lesbians squarely on the international
human rights agenda
., to put government on notice
tha( homosexuals are no longer
easy targets for human rights
abuses." "Breaking the Silence"
documents attacks against gays
and lesbians ranging from government-
backed rape and torture
to executions because-of individuals’
sexual orientation. The
report notes that in Romania,
gay men are routinely targeted
for police assaults and torture,
citing several cases of beatings
lasting as long as 13 hours. Similar
reports are cited in Great Britain,
the United States, Costa Rica
and Turkey. .The report also
notes that 5 U.S. states - Arkansas,
Kansas, Missouri, Montana
and Tennessee - apply their sod-
Kefi’s Flowers
1635 E. 15th Street, 5.99-8070
Serving Tulsa’s
Lesbian & Gay Communities
. With Pride - Look for our Rainbow Flag
Tulsa Family News, March - April 1994, page 4
gay or lesbian, When asked if ¯"representthe Valuesof0ur com- ~,N~.W, yORK
AIDS. hfid changed their f.eeling’ : .muni.t.Y.":But.qi~Yoffigia!s voted
erant of gays, while 31% said it thaiderailed a proposed city Or- nest=semng novel ~ane front
had made them less sympathetic, dinance adding sexual orienta- Runner, will be on 15ookshelves
Pollsters said the Survey had a 4
percent margin of error.
Pope Says ’Nope’ to
Lesbian/Gay Families
VATICAN CITY - A proposed
resolution before the European
Parliament calling for the legaP
ization of same-sex marriages
and allowing gay and lesbian
couples to adopt children drew a
quick - and negative ~ response
from Pope John Paul.. The pope,
speaking to a group of bishops
about thee need to. protect the
unity of the family, mentioned
the European Parliament resolution,
saying a growing number
.ofpoliticians are recognizingthe
importance of keeping families
together, but added, "not all of
them, however, as we have
seen...We can’t let .this pass."
The gay and lesbian marriage
and adoption resolution was introduced
Tuesday, Feb. 8.
tion to Charlotte’s anti-bias protections.
Sony Mulls Plant in
Springfield, Ore.
SPRINGFIELD, Ore. - Activ~
ists are raising warning flags over
plans by Sony Inc. to construct a
new compact disc plant in
Springfield, O?e., which in 1992
approved an anti-gay ballot ihitiative.
Springfield city council
members who backed the antigay
ordinance have said the legislationactually
would makethe:
town more appealing to businesses
that support "traditional
family values." Sony officials
have played down the. importance
of the anti-gay measure,
even though they acknowledged
to reporters that the finn .has an
anti-bias, policy that includes,
sexual orientation. Th.ecompany
refused, however, to say whether
it-recognizes the domestic partin
time for Gay Games IV this
June in New York. Warren’s
sequel; Hailan’s Race, contin-~
ues the story ofcharacters Harlan
Brown and Billy Sire. The author
calls fhe continuation "a
story about loss and healing,
about the courhge to love again."
Comic Targets Gays
ST. -LOUIS - Washington University
students and Officials are
trying to figure out how to respond
to a comic book drawn by
an unidentified student at the
university’s fine arts school depicting
a string of 27 grisly killings,
mostly of gay men. "Today
it’s fags, tomorrow it’ll be some
other idiotic fringe group that
pis~es me off;" thecomic’s murderous
character says. "Like I
said before, I am God. I decide
who lives and dies, and my hand
reaps the harvest?’ The grimly
explicit drawings depict its victims
.being shot, stabb~d, CUt in
Puppy Pause II "¯
¯ All Breeds Dog Grooming _,
llth & Mingo, 838-7626
Open Tuesday - Saturday at 8am. ¯
Call for Appointments. ¯
Walk.ins Also Welcome.
News Briefs NewsB.riefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News .Briefs News
half, disemboweled, and one way to prevent the disease, financially-successful far-right ~n anti-God message and pro-.
African-American woman being Chisum also co-authored a 1993 groups battling gay rights, a_bor- - moting homosexuality.
murdered with a "garden wea- measure that gave the state in- tion; gex education and similar CCABers .are following the in
sel." The creator of the comic surance department authority to social policy issues in this court- the -footsteps of Joseph Cham~
book writes in a chilling intro- regulate the selling of life insur- try. B. Allan Ross, a spokesman bers, a former Church of God
duction,"thethingthispromotes ance policies, by .people with for the boycott group, DomiNO minister and gay rights foe in
is hatred and contempt." School AIDS, the game viatical .s.ettle- . Pizza. Theory, said, "Focus on Charlotte,N.C:¢ who’s recently
along the electronic telecommunications
superhighway can really
be. AndersonandBenvenuti
attracted media attention earlier
inF.ebruary whe~; frustrated.with
trying to meeting women at
singles bars and classified ads.
officlalsand studentleadershave ,o ments that he.~s now.cashing ~n the Famdy is one of the ¯many pubhshed booklet, - Barney the they shelled out $3,000 .h r a
held .a.,seriesOf meetings, about .:~ on. AIDS ai~d gay,rigti~"~ti~-i ~ fronts.for thep~tieal and finan- " Pu~le Messiah;(’.~laims t~e. 6~
the co~ebook:~nd how to’;re- ~ :?ists ifi.~’~t~ll~Cfi~gfi~’~~ ~cial mac~inff ~eSpo~sibl~.fbr: .... foot PBS ~har~.~’teac~ing~:: ~freeway:.i~th~ge.arc~?M~ss
spon6:-t~ it ,:::,--~.- ,../.~ - ~- actions~’Jmdcabf6:~: ~::;~ ’ ~. ~: : ~ Amend~ent2 in.Colorado,’for, .-~ ¯:kidstfia~..w~ must ac~ep/e~er~;~
Mormons~CalledtO? ~:- -::~ Domestic Padnersfor whathappened~nClnc~nnat~,and oneas.they~e~.wh~-thert~y~re. 3, portrd~t:phor~ofthe,t~u~m~a~
~,_ ~..,-~ .z ......’ ~.~ . ~.-~-~ / - ¯ , : , : ¯ M~ss~pl. -C~nclnnat~ voters Tolerance, WhaI-a:conce t.~ln-..-. ~thes~m~le.messa~ EachSe0k
time for V~lentine’s Daf, th~~ :sembly~an~i~ch~ ’~at~ £(D-, ~’dr~’p~o~’]Tbq~i’n~l~q)h~’~g. . aft% all the ~u~licity about th~
Moron Church. has declared . Sylm~)announcedme~ntroauc- " tectionsbased6nsexual0fidnta- calledFlorid~ans~ which sounds warQn!~gafizingsame-segmar~ ./ tionofaproposedmeasureint~e . billbo~rd;:-a? high-tech hacker tion, modeled on’ COlorado’s like an anti=tooth decay ~ treat- -cracked their voice-mail access
riaggf!.and.urging th( ~ati0n"s 9 :~ California LegiSlature on Mon- Amendment: 2:’Locat residents ment,.NhHe people.fr0~_Tampa codeandchangedthemen’smes--
million church, members to de: day, Feb. t.4 to set ~p statewide in ovett~ Miss.; have mounted a
fend the "sacred family setting.". . domestic pa:tner registration.for .. campaign there .toforce a. non-
A pre~s release from Mormon unmarried opposite- and, same: ’ ’; ....."...... ¯
Church leaders said, "Marriage . ..., .~.~.,. .~ ......."profitfem~mstretre’ at, CamP .S~s- sex couples, the r~atz nm.womo ter S-irit ^ut -f~he area"’- ";’"
between’a man and.a woman is
¯ . . . /? ,~u u t uy any allow~zouples t~rfilepartnerreg- --’~..... ..~^~.... ,........~..~
ordained of God :to ¯fulfill. the " " , . -
." - lll~K~;allb -ll~k.¢~;b~a.ly O~baLlb~ trig .~
. lstrat~on forms wxth the Cahfo.r- . women who run tlie retreat are
eternal destiny.of his children, nia Secretary of :State’s.office.
are Called_ Tampans, which
..... ~sounds fike something altogether
Buffed Bruinto Bif Blazes
ATLANTA - As part of the U.S..
Forest Servicers celebi~gtion of
sage¯-and theirsex,ual orientalion
in the process. The hacker
left a .voice~mail greeti:ng lhat
.said, "Hi. Thanks for cal.ling.
We’re both looking for Mister
Right. If you’re a young: white
---lesbians:Ross said the DomiNO Smokey- the .¯Bear’s 50th birth- male responding to oucbillboard
This sacredfamily setting with Bothpartners, whethersame-sex n:~,~...... ~.........~’^-:^" -ad then ¯leave the followin- in father and mother fi~ly com. or opposxte sex~ would have.to day, the once-chunky daddy be~ , ¯ ~ .~a a~.¢,..,.i......~¢ino . . . .. ~ f.~.ti.~ ~ftor-the tone" Your m~ttedtoeachother.and.ton-g-h- bel8 ye~s of..ag.e:.or.old.er., not. . has u oateo ~1S a~, u y - ...... . . . . : . . . " .t.h.o.~~.m..l.n..n~P-l.=vT~....u.t.la~.f~....rn.yH=n,~d .im¯ ageP,~tran" s~lo~ln¯ gn,lm. se¯ liH=~n.’to" nnmo =lolo~h.n’o number ad- teoushvlngiofferstfiebesthope cu~ently m~led.or in another ~tho on~ntr~t ~xtlthin tha n~t - ¯ , ¯ ; .-
foravoidingmanyoftheillstfiat -registere’ddomesticp~tnership, ~’r_r~’~:~_~V~~’~:~Zr;" ~ gym~tone~-amma~ ~0.se .....
affli.ct.s~.e.ty.. Chu- rch o.ffici.als .hv.e together, shoe h.~an.~ ex.......... ...................... . PumPed-uP Pec.ks..an.d.c...sy..,...... ~-- o. .....- ......... g,. .c.ot.t o.rg.an.ize.rs.c.an.be.. r.ea.ched ~oo.od l.ooks.cou.ld h~~htmo.r-e¯ fires are w.elco.me to.leave.amc.ssa~.c stud the call to oppose gay and penses and not be telatedqn a ¯ ~.. :tmo~ .o~:o~n~ , ’ - .... ~........ - ....
lesbmn mama~~es,wa.s a result of.way tha.t., would leg.ally, btabrem., " .....-...............¯ .., .tha.n.the.old Smoke ever exun- .
71~Oml~ ~$10~~- ~u.~shed" But w.hen.YE..nc Z..or.n.,.a ..me.n s.a~d.th.e fa.ke.dm.es.sa.e
a court case m Hawan that could from gettlngm~ed understate .. - - - ..... ..... . ~ - = - : -, ¯ .... , .. .~,~- ~,., ~ a....r th- number
.~..o...~.t...~.._.~..o.~...o..~,,.-~r.o.¢.~...~~-H--~a .~..~... .. ._... - ¯ ~... - .,RICHMOND, .Va..... Lesb!an Ch~ca~o Tribune colummst, ae- . . ’ ’: " " ..... ’ " " : " " ....~ : he ¯ oiresponses they rece~x.eo
"=t’i"" m~i=H ’~........~_,,_~ ==.,_~ ~ ’ . morn Sh~on Bottoms returned ctded to t~ to-find out about t ....
=,~.P.... ~...... . .... . . .. ¯ ~= - : to-a Vlrgmla stat~ppea!s court .... ch~e in the brawny, b~:ln .s ~llRton e ds . g ,.
:AlOOg~ ~0~ ~nmg. - Reeogmze~Gay~Gro~p.- in:her fightto reg~n cust0dy:of " new :Solofle~- loo~ 2-:~higeled WASHINGTON:, Presi~nt"-
- In On :’Death gutures~..., .~BO!sE,~ia~:3~-~~ff6a~’,~,id~0 ~ -her 2~y~e~-old.s~n~ Tyler, Last -- pecks;cut abs~:buffed ~ebest-and
AUS~;~ Te~as:~:£. ~g.a~ghy.:i;;~~:;~;i~t~ff~J~es:,, :_ iy~h~i~e~~defl~eu~ ; i~;~.tfimmer~, tigh~e~a~:st~; h~-.xan ¯
......to le~ that state?Rep.:~men~ .. :~sanoffieiMc~puSg~0Up.~he . mother] Ka~ B~t0~s,:.w~_~- . ,.wOald~atJg~an~-fite. ~The-Ad;. " -~ules:ongays.and lesbians in the
:omy Statute;6~he:bbo~sznd.to - whichw0uldhave~ade~pus ..tember,;-Sh~0h Bott~ms,wh0 " ~ featur~ng:-the;- new .be~fcake ~:~dhange-a-p~0posed passag~ that¯
:iequir~ sehool~..tffteach that ab- . ¯¯funds and facifities a~Iable ~0:., .lives ~i~h.herio~et AprilWade, Smokey denied there.had in.fact
.sfi~n~eis,~hegn!y way to pre2 thegay.~oup;The.studen~sen~.... ackn0mledgedincour~thatthe2 been any change.. Eve~:~ore
. vent ~V¯infection,. is making a " tors h~ ’~gue~: ~at a ~college .::~:do.in~faet have¯sex, which.P~
¯ amazing, Zorn told ~dy ~ity - -.-~ate matter and homosexual orifidysum
ofmoney by¯investing ." grohp based?~01elyon~sexual.-~s0ns, sdid. iSillegal under.. .~ Timestha(.offiCialS~i~fi~e~o~,::-:-entati0nis riot a barto Se?vice
heawly m vmt~calsettlements of -. orientation ~sn..t neede~,at~-the~.... .~r,~ma s .sodomy. la~., ¯ Her ......est SerT~ce ~had~:t:w~c.e:contacted ~.., entry or continued service un-
¯..life insuiancepolieiesofpeople " scho01.Butld~hoAtt0~Gen, . conauct is immor-al," P~s0ns different.editorS at.tfie~aper.in ¯ less-mani.fested hy homosexual
:~ngof~S,~,qmet~mescalled eralL~ E¢’hoHa~k:fiag-’r~led. .ruled..,Thecoaduct render~ her an (ans?a~cdg~gut~i~fort,
"~ ~eath, futureS~ Chisum r~port- . denying the ~roup campusrec- " an Unfit p~ent:,,:-.-. ; .-. ¯ : :~-squeleh:gorn~S~-:st0~b0h’r~the:-.. :.onb~" sense.sam Nunn (D-Ga.)....
ediyhasinvestedS0me$2~,~ 0gnition -vioiate~. group- m~m- Barney - Pumle Menace .adw hirsutehuak. Rum6rrhagit -. Dan Coats:~(R,Ind.)and Strom
m the.wat~cal pro~am, which ~rs-F~rst~mendmentnghtsof - T~PA R- ~ ~m¢ W-~th ,-.that .Smokey may:be.e.ntermg ¯ :Thu~ond ..(R,S.C.),-wall now
gi~e.s.t.e~.m.a.l.ly.a.ll.p.a.tx.en.ts.a...f.re.e.s.~e.c.fi.a.nd..as.s~.m.t.lo.n:".: ." ." n~.t;~.-a..~-..-~.-~g.~.-.0-~.,-~..on.eof.the.ev.er-~.pu.l~b.~e.che.st..:~:~.fea.d::.Aoer"son"~s sexual on"en-
way to cash ~.n on.~e~.r hfe.tnsu.r........" . ’ " .’........ " has foxed callinP~ itse"lf Cit~i. -¯conte"sts so,’hot at.=oay ba.rs.:ev.er.y........ta[.~o.n ~s ~consi"dered a pe~rs’onal
.... ’~N0 dustie~ = No Pizza" zens Concer"ne¯ d A.~b.o.u.t Bar.ney... .¯ wh.ere.in h.ope,.- 0..f.b..e.i.ng., -s~.¯.tt.e..d..... a.n.d pri. ~a:~te¯m..at.te.r.an.d.is .not.a.
SANDIEGO ~ A San Diego,- That’s B~naey th.e..P.B..S.-.T.V. - byatalenfto-srcBouet arm.a.g.a-.. .-. ba~toserwc. een.t.r.y.o.rContmucd..
Calif.-based¯group hascalledfor pu~le dinosaur, hotRep. B~ney " z~ne. ., ~ - ~ serwce unless manflested by hoa
nationwide gay and .lesbian Frank of Mass.;thattbe good Hi~h-ToehSoxHal -- " -.- mosexual conduct." Rep. Ron
boycott of Domino’ s Pizza with fol~s of Tampa are Worried Orientation Cha~e
Dellums (DvCalif.), chai~mn of
Springs-basedFocus0n theFam:
ily, one of the largest and most
more than 5,000 locati0nsin the ’about, claiming they intend to SAN JOSE, Calif. -Noone ever
U.S. after Domino’s chief-ex~ _"expose,,Barneyfor what he re- said findingthat special Valenecutive
officer Tom..,Mo-riaghan ally. i.s... W~ a.~w.a.y~ thought tine Was easy. But two San Jose;
awardedthec0mpany,shiamafii........... .’ " ’ ¯
Barney was a cloyingly, super-" ’: " Calif.;’het~ros~(ial men’-sted,~, "
tarianawardt0Dr. James D0b2 saccharine cha.ract~r on.:a: " Anderson and "chriStianson,
head of the Colorad0~ Benvenuti;thirty¯so~efhingguys
with-strapping good looks -found
out..e.xac.tly how difficult love
children’s TV ¯show. but Citizens
Concerned say the.pbptilar
pre-historic Barney is.spreading
ance p01icies.at:~ a discount by
haming-the .pu~.clih~rs. 0f the
¯policies as beneficiaries. According
tothe Dallas Morning News,
Chisum’s investments have so
far netted him a t7% annual return.
Chisum is head ofthe Texas
Conservative C0a~ition, which
last year attempied.td.~av¢ a!l
state AIDS edu~at.ion fundg for
adults¯ transferred tO programs
for children and teens - w~io by
state education regulations can
only~ 1~ ~taug~h:.t~bs~r~ce ~~h¢
Window coverings of all types, accessories, silk
flowers, rugs, custom, upholstery & more
- all your interior needs.
Wembley Center "
7116South Mingo, Suite 102, 254,2100
the House Armed Services Committee
and a: leading liberal
Democrat, said the change was a
sign Glinton was ~’backpedaling’?
on the issue and that-it-’was a
tragic step backward that is catering
to the wrong forces."
as $1.99
" Tulsa Family¯ News; March - April.1994, page 5
Rainbow BUsiness
from page 1
had between 15" & 20. persons
attending with businesses re.presented
from retailers, bar-owners,
lawn-care provider~s to professionals,
such as graphics &
building designers, attorneys &
physicians. Officers will. be
elected at the next,meeting on
Monday, March :21 at 7pm,.For
more i~n~formation.-call,i, Ti’m
G~llean~at BudgetzWindow..-T.reatmentsi~~
More ar~ 254=21~00~:
from page 1
ity training among the training
currently being given-to Tulsa
police officers, to-advertise
Tulsa’s youth services as beinga
sale place for Gay and Lesbian
teens to-go, and to issue an executive
order that would protect
Gay and Lesbian city employees
from any type ofjob discrimination,
When questioned about current
operating procedures of the
City of Tulsa and -the Tulsa Police
Department. the Mayor’s
staff repeatedly asked for "specific
cases" of unfair.treatment.
Mr. East and Ms. Kitts indicated
a willingness, on the part of the
Mayor, to combat: injustice if
there were specific documented
cases that theCity could investigate.
Several people from the
audiencedid stay after the forum
to discuss specific incidents.
Several peopJe from the-audience
commended the office of
the Mayor for the February waterbill
inserts thatlisted sexual
:,.ofientati0n among the diversi-
- fieso£society. Mr..East saidthat
lhey had e×pefienced some cases
of negativefeedback from certain
citizens in Tulsa.
Mr. East and Ms. Kitz told the
audience that the Human Rights
Commission is studying the need
to include sexual orientation in
the non-discriminatory policy of
thecity. Before the Mayor takes
any action, she will probably wait
to find out what the recOmmendation
ofthe Commission is. Ms.
Kitzsaid that the Mayor is constantly
appointing people to various
boards, one of which is the
Human Rights Commission. She
indicated that there are current
vacancies, on that commission,
as well’ as On many other city
boards. Resumes can bb sent to
the Office of the Mayor.
Decisions decisions,.,,.
per mo;* air, AM/FM cassette
"47 payments at $169,~13,8501MSRPI $13,421 sale price, $500 down
$12,921 financed, last ~a[ment S5955i 151000 miles i~er’(ear t’ree; 12 i~er mile thereafter..
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per mo.* air, AM/FM cassette, auto
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ease, res dual $12,998. 15,000 miles per year free, cassette, graphic
15 ¢ thereafter, total of payments $12,558 w.a.c, equalize.r & dual air bags.
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*$1500 cap reduction $300 security deposit,- windows,locks,cruise, plus &
tag & tax due at inception, 42 mo. closed end leas’e, residual $14,099, more.
15,000 miles per year free, 15 thereafter, total of payments $12,558 w.a.c.
~.* lease
don carlton
4423 S. Memorial 665-6595
Tulsa Family News, March -April 1994, page 6
Jane Roth fro-, page 1
Last year, Johnand Stevefrom
the Silver Star came in with us. It
really helped because it takes a
lot ofpeople. Nobody else wants
to help .with the cooking, and
you’ve got all that stuff to do.
TFN: Doyou have an estimate
of how many people were there
JR: The.guys.at the gate said it
was approximately eleven to
twelve hundred. What Fd like to
do is .get a.little more inyglvement.
we .get a .lot of peopie who
say, "Well, everything’ s donated.
We’ll have shows or something
for donations." The beer’s donated,
the hotdogs were donated,
but they don’t realize our costs.
T.he park costs, the cooker costs,
porte-potties cost; the chiPS~ the
plates cost.:There’ Sjust so much
money involved, that one person
cannot.do it anymore, Ifwe could
get some volunteers; ff we could
get the equipment, that’d be
great, That’s why we’re starting
a little earlier this year.
Editor’s note: wealsoaskedJane .
to tell us a little about .herself
andher experiences.. "
TFN: .’~hat brought you tO
JR: .I read about the bar for
sale, andI came down tb to0kat
it. ,
¯ " TFN? Wla~i-e wereyou living
about40acres ofland down there nity; We"ve had a lot of different
and ended up staying there"for girls who have needed help and
about five years, then moved to we’ve, done fundraisers, and .
Watonga; lived in Kansas City they’ve got another one right
about twenty years, now we’re planning on doing
TFN: Have been involved in Something for....
mostly bar businesses? Any rimein your life, there’s
JR: Yeah. Over that periodof times that you-don’t expect. I
time I started in Kansas City, had a friend who was here from
then. opened my own in SanFranciscO~ndshementi0ned
Humansville; and Wato.nga. that she had.. :never see~a~.such a
’ Those were straight bars/You closeness in-a community: belearn
theropes all different ways. fore. !She Said.I musto b.e.,rea!ly
Our~,~rlsthereatT&T, they-re proud, and I-was so overpr0bably"
the m0si supp0~tiVe ....w.,.h.e..lm.. ed, ! ~as.just crying...~
:: bunch 6f~arii~h th~ii illa~,e ~ver " , !f ! s.a.y ~H-’ey, we~ need some-
~en-in ai~i c~in~muflity.:I got a thing, there ssome~rtsoutthe_re
callandwastoldthiswomanhad (who need help)’, they’ll say
just moved to Tulsa, she had no ’Well we’ll put this show toapartment,
she had no furniture, ,,ether,~, Jane.’
she had two children. !/_e made Our auctions ’seem. to work
a couple calls out, and I’m not betterthananything.Wehadone
kidding you, we hfid everything in September, and one. arotind
there by that night. Christmas, for a needy family.
¯TFN: Wow, one day. That is TFN! How do. you find out
oneof the reasons TFN wanted about who needs help?
t0’.talk with you. People go ¯ JR: There are ways offinding
around with a lotta stereotypes, peoplein need. Oneyear, Rocky
you know, "There’s this kinda from TOHR, he helped me. I
folk, and thatkinda folk, and think that was the first year l was
there’s bar pe0ple... In actuality, here, W~ had .the woman with
- there are good people all around the two childrem Jimmy and Roy
but we don’t hear about it. We also went With us to deliver. I
hope to change that, and raise think we had two pickup loads.
awhrenessof some of the good There was anotherfamily who
thatisdbne. That’sanincredible had a little boywho was really
story.. - sick; and their phone bills were
JR: Well, you kngw, every- " s0tremendous,justtryingtofind
body does what they Cando w!th doctors. Last year, we gave the
wllat they have:Now, me.~! m .proceeds to .shanti; who delivin.
the ba~business; AiidI danY:t ~r~ff£tii~ mon_ey to sever~ldiffer-
.. ent. families who needed fobd..
~b6ut i 6 kids ~in"the~ p~ogram
inow. Betterthan nothing, but the
best we can do? We think not.
In a meeting with Tulsa Family
News, Ms. Wiggins stated
Youth Services does not have a
timeline for reaching those who
need theprogram by going more
public, and will not make any
commitment tO consider developing
one. Futhermore, at that
Gay Youth
ft~om page2
about the program, Lesbian &
Gay youth, won’t find out either:
Tulsa Family News became
involved in this issue
inad.vertantly. A high school
q,uamtance was ¯approached
abotit advertising for one of his
businesse.s. He declined citing
,<~the-homophobia of the town in
-wh.ict~it~s located but suggested , same meetin.g~ MS,. Wiggins
-"~,thar:he::wouldlilke to pay for "mad~d-riUmO~r~0.f hgs’til~_ re=
;advertising :f6r;.this youth pro- riiarks aimed at the.Lesbian &
-’grams" -~ : ’ . ~-: Gag’(ommuniti~ she accused
Tulsa FamilyNews contacted us ofai.min~,:"brick~ats,~atYomh
:YouthServices arld the 0ff~rwas
accepted: The donor.later’asked cfifiz~d t]~T0~" not hd~ihg d~elif
his dollars could go to Youth 0ped anything fOr OU!: young
Services (in order to-get a tax adultsourselves, andco~plained
deduction) with Youth Services that "your communities" had
payingfortheadwithear-marked hardly raised any money for the
dollars (it is not Unusual for gifts program in: contrast to .her board
to be dedicatedl to a partio.ular of.directors, MS.. Wiggins.~uggested
that if we didn’t like what
the~, were doing, we should shut-
UP or start our own.
In response, Tulsa Family
News would liketo sugges[ that
"our communities" can hardly
support pi’ograms about .which
we haven’t been told. We would
add that the Lesbian/Gay compurpose).
This is where the problems
arose.Youth SerVices would not
honor what should have been
routine donor request. It tUrns
out that Youth Services n" ev"er
wanted the ads that they.approved
to run but did-SO because they
felt to-refuse the 0ff~r would
¯ people in thecommunity that are
: .justprejudiced. Theydon’t want
the guys around, the guys don’t
want~hg girls ar0un~,:and I.think
that" s so stupid. Everybody needs
everyb0dy.,~ ..-. . ’ ~’.
TFN: Do y0u: think Tuls,~t
needsa ciammunity center? .
J:,R: It does.i, but I don’.t-.krtow
ifit’.d w0rl(.~ we’ve:had.~ 10t of
different things, SO many different
things that have :failed t-hat
Jane Roth......" " "~ 0nhimterribly.Hegbtl~t~r~t~i~i~":NOHate ,.:
_f_r,Orh page 1 she said~ "My heai:t g~es out-to:.... . : .. ~ , . from page I
perspective on Tulsa s ommu- these kids, and is there any wa~ .~-tation" in the:;~.ntCiiCC. "~Vc arc
nities? ¯ " youcan dome and get them with- -a stronger’ Commtmitv because
~: I think the community is a out somebody kn~WingT" .. -- /of ouraccepkmce-of ~arions re:
10t more togetherthan it was,. I said that I kn0w,{~ 10t 0t; ,.- ie 0n~rac~s, sexual oicntat
from when I first came here. people that .Could . ~ake~’em:to & _ a~d naii0mil 0ri~in:" it went
You’re always gonna ha.ve afew meriting, if we Could .fi~d 0he,::if t0: say that luws~that target haw
we could find a meeting place -. crimes arc imp(~rtant but that
tb~ these kids. She said, "It’s - gh0fild also Ibcdg,ol~ our bcli’~’ls
hard for’em in school I:kh0w -. :
how Fdfeel if it had~been:oneof ,’~Ougm~essagc~,sbould;,~c
my own chddren ,The~boy.had -
come to her house;,and,s~e;said; ::.. th~l(d’i!’l~r~hces 5h;~t
~’My heart-went-ouvto ~i~¢and I o~c-oLus..a~un(~zo~.. : :¢.--
am not-Gay. Ithought thatma~ ~im East. prc~s, spokes
something.. The ,kids do need Ibr Tuls~fimyoriSusan Savage,
some lsupport]. ¯ -. indicated that a l~vpersons had
TFN: Whatdovou think,about called lo complain of the inclu:
a program that ~xists [for’Gay sion of "sexual orientation.’
peoplehavetfiedt~puttogether., kidsl, but refuses to advertiseor Those wishing to commcm
And why? Id0n t .knoff.~..still ~ . otfierwise :make themselves this essay may call the Nia.xor’s
we’ve got a lot more than what known. 6ven ~hen a donor .oI~ office at 596~41 I.
we.had when I first.came here. a l~rs to donate, money specifi5
lot more. - " " cally lbr that purpose’: The?e arc LetteFs lioml,,Ce 2
You know~ when.I firstcame cuwentlv sixteen:kids utilizinu thev take the initiative to stand
here .one of the.pe0ple that was the proffram. Do you think: .th~ ,_up ibr us.
the biggest help to me was Kris in al! ol~ Tulsa.- there are ,only Additionally, the. worst thing
Kohl. ~is was always donating si.xtcenGay kids? we can do is t¢;Ict disagreements
his time forbenefitS and stuff. . JR: That does not make sense and’ ar,e,’um,.-n.,.s.s,eparm¢" - us
He s been dora= ~t.e~er-s~nce I. to me. How arc the. kids sup- one another. It is not necessary
got here, and was probably.do- posed toknow about this’? When lk)r every Gay. Lesbian or Bfing
it b~fore i got here.~... ’ I have straieht x~:0mcn calline - sexual person to,agree on every
traps Of thecl0Setl and how easy
it i~ to i-afionali~e hiding.
Another thing Ms. Wiggins
refuses to answer is what, if any
timeline, Youth Services for taking
the program more public? If
they~could reach all the young
adults who need their help
through their current outreach
that would be fine. But ~hat outreach
is limited at present to putting
cards with their phone number
in library books that gay
youth might pick up and to the
beginnings of a word of mouth
built network of "sympathetic"
school counselors. The result is
there", perhaps our experience
and advice might be given a little
more respect,
Youth ServiCes is partially
funded by United Way.Some of
those dollars are Our dollars. They
are also receiving funding from
the state of Oklahoma. and some
of .those dollars are. definitely
ours: Sooner or later, Youth Services
is going-to have to get
brave and come out about serving
all youth, including ours.
Youth Services’ mission is not
¯and should not be restricted to
heterosexual youth-only.
Sunday March-13, MDA Benefit
Couple Dancing Workshop By Paula Hand
Sat. &Sun. March 26.& 27, $35 for. both days.
Learnthe Best in Country Da.ncing!- -
Sunday Show" case,"Mar.ch.!2.7i.i !!i .....
Anne Marie "Liza"
Ivana B. Real & Sadie Brooks
Hosted byKris Kohl
Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 4~2, Fri. & Sat. 7-2, Sun, 4-2
1565 S. Sheridan
: ~.~. Ttd_sa Family. News March -~ April ! 994, page
Clinton frompage l
must not be denied by ballot
initiative or otherwise." The
Clinton lettercame as a result Of
a request by the Victory Fund for
the~Clinton’s support in fighting
the anti-gay campaigns.
Waybourn’s letter was written
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
Trials Begin of Global
AIDS Vacci ne
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. - United
Biomedicallnc. has started clinical
trials.ofthe 1 st multi-component
syn!hetic AIDS vaccine
Silverman, AmFAR’s president,
agreed that he was hardly happy
with the Bush administration’s
-record on AIDS, but said
AmFAR had hoped the expresident’s
reach people "whom we might
on behalf of his own or~aniza- .designed~peclfically :to target
tion. as well as the HumaffRi~tits i~ae .e.xte~.~i~i-.~0rldwide vari-
- " Campaign Fund. the’ N~.t~fial ~: "ability o~7~I~:.2.ii virt)s..W~hil~
Gay & Lesbian Task For~vthe’~ .~thef cai~4idat~:-vaccines~:a?e ~
-lh;~ Ga~&LesbianAlliance~ga~st~;~ ~b~sed on~i~le;varmnt ol~me ¯ . ............ ...... - :~ ¯ .
~]’amation (GLAAD). a~d~’~: NOrth N~strai:n~. ~j’)~.~.
~4nts, Families & Prien~s 6~4ff~~ ,-¯virus; ~,~¢~cu~d"~i.fs;rff:? /
Heartstrings 101 is a musical theater event challen~in~ the audience- ~bianshndGavs(P-FEAG3~r~. sea?ch o~t~g:~bleculaf d~si~n.......t.i.o.ns in the ¯state. Drug addicts
to think about the realities of HIV & AIDS. ThecmTent tour is president’s backing brings a ofa"cocktait,:vaccinetargeting
designed Ibr young.adults and is a call to action to save a generation measure of hope to thos~, who- a range ofHIV- 1: strains existing who eXchangesex f0r-crack and
at risk.
Heartstring 101 is a pmgrana ofthe nationa.l Community AIDS
Partnership and is touring the country this spring as part-of a new
national youth mmamc. The perlkm]mncc on March _: will be a
~review lbr our community In preparation t~r an .egtended tour ih
1995 Which will visil T~dsa area colleges and universities. .
HIV infection is steadily increash~ in ad01escentsand voun~ adults
in our c~mmunitv. Aheadv more titan 1.100 cases of HIV & AIDS
have been dia~no~scd in tbe~ulsa area. Many of the cases ofAIDS are
reported among young adults between the ages of 20 and 29. indicatin~
that most 0f tlwm contraclcd the virus at a much earlier a~e.
~hc GatckOcpcr~ Pfrfdrmancc is lbr community leaders an~ other
are fighting in the.trenche~~ery
day to defeat these anti-ga,ymeasures.’"
Waybourn sai& ;’R v~-ill
sustain them through
battle¯ We are not alone."
Pride Summit
from page 1
homa City lbr geographical reasons.
The group also came to
consensus that this state-wide
meeting should be called the~
:around, the .glob~. The PhaSe
trialS, to deier~]’ne safety and
iriimunogenici(~~ is beiri~ Sl~O~i-
Sored-:by ,th~ ~.accirie ~lini~al
Trials Ne~ff~r.t4:of th6 U.S! National’
Institute of Allergy and
other~drugs ,are the main force
behindthe rising VD rate, officials
.said. According to state
. health statistics:, the syphilis rate
in Mississippi is 7 times,that of
the national average. AIDSex-
Infectious Diseases and is being, perts say a dramatic increase in
conducted at the Universit9 ~0f the syphilisrate portends¯, in the
Rochester and Johns Hop¯kins next few years~ a similar:sharp University. rise in new HIV infections as welli
Concerns Over Federal ~ - " "
" AIDS Funding " Calif°rniaissuesSafer
¯ Oral Sex Guidelines
Alterations & Drapery Cleaning
4951" So. Peoria, (across from the Camelot) 743-5967
Monday-Friday 7-6, Saturday 9-2
Same-day dry cleaning service on request.
l’u~s,~ I"amffy News. March - April 1994 .p.a.ge 8
.tate AIDS prevention and- care presentorsuspected; avoidrough
- to value our digersity, seeking
politiCal unity for common
goals, and in particular, recogniz(.
the strengtl~s and contributions
¯of race, gender and class,
Outcomes of the Summit may ..
"- - fn~tude h rapid ~l~onsen~twor~=
of GLB.T organizations, the creation
6t il ic~nt~al :i’esofrC~’prbvider,"-
a dii-~ctbry of organizations,
and a leadership caucus.
Outreach to:rural Lesbians and
Gay men is a topic of particular
For more information, call
Tulsa Family News at 832-0233.
efforts in rural states, and community,"
said Jeremy Landau, or vigorous oral sex; check for
executivedirectoroftheNational cutsin the mouth and genitals
Rural AIDS Network-. ~
before having oral sex; wash the
sex or._.qans before:arid after;:and
Bushes Bow Out of avoid~tushfffg ~rfl0ssing t~eth
AIDS Benefit
WAS HINGT0iN :2: iF:0~.irner .... : immedi:ate!y before Or after .ha,~-
Pi’egident.George Bush and wife .ing oral
Barbara have fo?mally .,With-¯ . -u~lan !nqulry~
drawn from a fundraising event
forAm., FAR (Ame.ric.an.Fou.ndation
f0rAIDS ReSearch) follow- -’:~-K~,r_~ ~-~;:,;~,,~or,’~ in_
~ng w~despread protests of their be,ng ,nv,ted to s,t on an honor
aryhostcommitteefortheevent, than 1,000-Canadians with the
Opponents said Bush’s support
in the fight against the epidemic virus got under way Monday,
was negligible When he was
I "This seems a little hypocrit!-[, president.R0s~m~irialBush’s
I cal to me, especially consider-~ chief Of st,aft, t01d the Washing~
ling where ABC had to kiss/ ton Post,- They have withdrawn.
I Roseannejust to keep her from / It.was more out..of courtesy so
I going tO .CBS." - Jay Leno/
they would not harrfi .the.fun&
[ about Roseanne’s lesbian kiss.I raising .event." Mervyn
Feb. 14~although the head ofthe
commission doesn’t expect to
..... make anyfindings availabi.e for
nearly 2-years. More than a thousand
hemophilia~cs and patients
receiving blood transfusions in
Canada are known to have been
infected since 1978, and some
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs_ Health
400 of them have since died..The government
commission, headed hy Justice Horace Crever,
will begin by holding hearings throughout the rcountry
during the next 8 months to gather infor~
mation and testimony. Although the commission
has a September 1994 deadline, Crever said he
does not expect a report to be ready before December
U.S.’Women Unaware of,
Sexual Health Risks
WASHINGTON- The overwhelming majority of
women surveyed, inthe U.S. believe they are safe
from sexually transmitted diseases,including AIDS~
according to a poll of !;000 women between .the
ages of 18,60. The survey, condiacted by the Ameri-
Can Medical womenrs Assn. and the Campaignfor
¯ .Vgomen~s Health, determined that.two-thirds,.ol~
U..S.:women know "almost nothing:’ aboutSTDs
other than .AIDS, .arid one-third know "almost.
n0thing?’ about, any STDs,, including.. AIDS. In..
addition~ some.50%bf womenbelievemonogamy
-is.effective protection against disease;fewer thaii"
one-third of the women surveyed use:condoms
during sex; and t:wo-thirds of the ~women under age
25. use condoms or abstain :from se~,.?This survey
confirms that women are uninformed, .unconcerned-and
not taking action in the.face of rising risk,, said Joan
Kuriansky of the Campaign for Women’s Health.
AIDSEpidemic Declining in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO.- San Francisco Health Department
officials have announced what may be the most significant
pieces of good news inthe grim recent history of the
AIDS epidemic. An analysis by health officials indicates
that the epidemic peaked in 1992 in this city, the first to
be hit by the disease that has killed more than 200,(300
Americans in the past 13 years. The Health Department
report indicates that the number of new A:IDS cases.
i’eported in i992 hit a high point of 3,326 and has begun
-slowly but.steadily to decrease. By t997, health dfficials
here now estim’d{e.there will ~ only I~204¯1 ~V :
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
reported. The report also indicates that the-number of
people living with AIDS in the city’crested at 9.109 in
1992 and projects that number will fall to 6.460. by 1997.
Health officials said the safe sex campaignslaunched bv
the’city’s gay community early in.the, epidemic were the
most important contributor to breaking the relentless
spread of HIV. In other larger U.S. cities, such as New
York and Los Angeles, ~prevention efforts were less
effective, they said. As a result, the number of new AIDS
cases there, and elsewhere around the country’, have
continued to grow annually.
The. Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership
(TCAP) is.seekin,,¢ applications.. "l’Olll co. n nt,. airy.
organizations/bE the pu~osc ol strc ~gt.hcn ng Tulsa" s
ability to meet the Challenge of HIV/AII)S. On the
merits of a proposal IY0m t~c Tuls~ area United Way
and the Community Scrv.icc Council. Tulsa was
chosen this year Ibr a ffiliation. Throu~la the National
Communi.ty AIDS Partncrst~ip Challenge Grant program;
the TACP will Ol’l~r ftmding l~r proposals
addressing the lbllowing cohccrns: H1VLMDS information
scrvi¢cs,,~art cular[~,.lhosc.~vhich
expand or enhance~tfic HIV/~?II~S h~i( ~i~c nt~rnlation
and rcl~f~il services c6~crauc cthrcfith’ avmlable
in Tulsa: HIV prcvcntion/cducath~n: ~crviccs
especially those whic~ target ytmth. ~ omt’n, minorities,
injection, dru_,, u~c¯ rs: Hlk’/..kll)S ca~c ~ci’viccs:
includmgdental ~trc. psycho~ocial ~iCcdk including"
counseling, transportation assistance, l i~ ing hcalth-
~ ily with HI~ and support: agcnc~ ,labili/ation: and
volan.teer development and coordination. I:cllcrs of
interest arc due by 5 (~)p.m.on March 251h. I
-Full proposals arc duc by 5 ~.m. 0n April 22nd. I
There will hc an inlbrmalion ~c~i6n trom tl_ IO a.m.
on ~arch 17th in the Collin~ R~,m. t:nitcd Way
Building. 1430 S. Boulder. Applicators mull bc
c~ted jn and scr~c pc0plc in the "l’ul,a~MS~-~ (Tulsa.
R(~gc~s.Wagoner. Creek. and ()sage ~’ounl~c~
If you are unable to attend thi~ meeting and ~ ould Ilk6
copies of the inlk~rmation, contat’t Sharon Pottier at 5S5-
5551 after Mardh 17lh:Scnd lett~r~, tt~ Jani~’~’ ~ikla~.
Project Director. TCAP. 1431) S. Boulder. l’ul~a ()K:
74119-3604. For more information, call NI~. Niklas at
Quote- Unquote
"The perverts ofthe ’50s arethe saints of the "90s.’"
~ Long-time lesbian activist Del Martin who,
along with her partner Phyllis Lyon. the Rev. Cecil
~Williams; and the Rev. Robert Cromey, received
’.’Liying Saints" awards :from. the Metropolitan
Cbmnianity Church.in San~ Francisco. -
Fri ds K pi/ g Fri ds. . ,
for details
Look for-us at our
Thursdays from 6: 0 - 9:00 pnt
the11"th $’[’reet Loeafio.
(Project Eeaeh.Otrt !!)
for details.
Tulsa Family News, March 2_ April i 994. page9
American Theatre Co.
BREAKING LEGS Mar. 25-Apr..2 596-7111
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
ALL MY SONS Mar.48~27 258-0077
Clark - , - , _-:.
To be~:affnounced. ~ 596-7111
Holler Theatre
NO EXIT Mar. 1(/213 746-5065
Sapulpa Community Theatre
TBA _,7-_169
Spotlight .Theatre
THE DRUNKARD Ongoing. 587-5030
.Theatre Pops
TBA 596-7111
Theatre Tulsa
Mar. 11-20
Apr. 8-1, 596-7111
THE WIZARD OF OZ Apr. l&2 596-7111
Tulsa Ballet Tlaeatre
THE MIGHTY CASEY Apr. 8-10 5i-)6-7111
Tulsa Junior College
CURSE.YOU. JACK DALTON Apr. 8-17 596-7111
Life With Father
Marc_h 11-20
Anne ofthe Thousand Days
April 8-17
Kelly Kirby
Certified Public Accountant
Please Note New Address & Phone:
POB 14011, Tulsa 74159-1011, 747-5466
Faster refunds available
through electronic.filing.
2630 East 15th Dart Tournament. Tuesdays; 8 prr
749- !-~63
poo! Tournament. Fridays, 7:30
~ Every Friday at t 0:30, SHOW!
AreYou Prime?
Tulsa Area Prime Timers are
on the move. TAPT began in
August. 1993, as the 27th chapter
of International Prime Timers.
Initially having 15 mem,
-bers. the organization now has
45 members: and is growing.
The purpose of TAPT is to
provide social and cultural/recreational
activities organized out
ofinterest surveys fromthemembership.
TAPT pUblishes a
monthly newsletter .\vith an activity
calendar/’or its members.
ACtivities range from dinin~ out
to get-togethers: swim parties and
Many members are planning
to attend the Dallas/Fort Worth
Prime Timers 4th anniversary
Celebration March 18-20.
Springtime is on its way, and
outdoor activities are being
planned. One overnight trip is
being organized for the 67 mile
train ride through the Ozark
If you are 40 or over, you may
write to: Tulsa Area Prime Timers,
P.O. Box 52118. Tulsa: Oklahoma.
Family of Faith is hosting a
workshop entitled "’The Blessing"
on. Wednesday. March 3.0.
The workshop Will b~ preceded
. bya potluck dinner.at 6:30. The
¯ %cus of the workshop.is to.talk
about how each 0f-~s can be a
blessing to those-in our lives,
and also how we canbe blessed
by our families and loved ones
For info., call 298-4622.
Theatre Notes
by Gerald Miller
Volunteerism and community
service is something whictiThea.
tre Tulsa deals in every day. It
is part of our mission as a community
~heater, and a mainstay
in our ability to prOduce shows.
We are-constantly surprised at
the number of people who want
to come and dip their toes in this
thing called theater. While I will
never discourage anyone from
that desire, I do want to pose the
question as to Why that
volunteerism and community
spirit doesn’t get translated into
other worthwhile efforts.
¯ Even as 1 pose that quesuon, I
do all that I can. or all that I once "
did. My "explanation’. (read :’~xcuse")
is TIME. Where I once
volunteered to walk my block
for the American Heart Association.
I don’t anymore. Where I
once was extremely active in
political volunteerism, I’m not
anymore. Where I once invested
time in civic committees, I don’t
The over-riding reason that I
don’t do these things anymore is.
the amount of time spent in my
duties with the theatre.. In all
honesty, part of the ieason that I
don’t make time for these efforts
due to the fact that in a couple of~
cases, I had a.di~heartening ex- .
perience, t let the individual
am acutely aware that I have to
make the experience as positive
and beneficial as I possibly can.
I also have to be constantly attuned
to the potential negative
incident. That means t spend a
lot oftime trying to guard against
that potential negative, and I am
sure that I’m not always successful.
Let me suggest for all of you
who have had the one negative
experience, or for those of you
who haven’t given yourselves
the opportunity of either the
negative or positive experience
of volunteerism, give another
shot~ or a’firgt shot. Keep in mind
that involvement is the only way
you can help shape the community
in which we all live.
YOU have a vast potential outlet
to suit your individual interests.
Tulsa is blessed with countless
community service organizations,
artistic outlets, religious
service organizations, community
committees, ed.ucational
outreach programs, and of
course, political activity. Somewhere
out there is a group that
needs your talents and time.
Get out there and get involved.
Don’t expect the .negative experience.
No matter how busy’your
life may be, there isa very selffulfilling
opportunity waiting for
you. You must be pro-active.
about your involvement.
Here’s what I commit to do
before the end of summer. I will
negative .experience-:drive me . find some non,theater:avenue
av,;~t)"f{om iill thdg~0d that those ’ and provide ¯time and money to
efforts represented, that group. I’ll report back to
As a person Who regularly so- you as which group it- was and
licits ¯volunteers, relies upo_n what I was able to do: Now, it’s
them, and appreciates them, I your turn!
Leaves of Grass
Health Center is an organization
dedicated to the enhancement of
health in body, mind. and spirit,
through counseling, play & art
workshops, retreats, and prevention
education towards the transformation
of consciousness.
LOGHC is located in the (oothills
of the Ozarks in-Northeastern
Oklahoma in Tahlequah.
LOGHC is-an association ofpr0-
fessionals who have counseling
expertise with all forms ofad-~
diction processes, stress illness,
people living with HIV/AIDS
and people affected by PLWA’ s.
education, and nutrition.
Director Jan Bauer also extends.
an invitation, as local representative
of the national organization,
’Old- Lesbians Orga-.
nizing for Change’, to Lesbians
House Share
GWF lookingfor
GF or couple
to share "
4 bedroom home.
$350/mo. incl.
utilities, washer, etc.
1/2 rent offfor yard
age 60 orolder to.acquaint with
with the OLOC organization and
who might enjoy participating
in an OLOC ageism c.onscioushess
raising group. OLOC is
committed to networking with
old lesbians everywhere to combat
ageism, and celebrate differences
and affirm the diversity of
our races, ethnicities, class back~
grounds, of herstories, and
present lives,
For further information on either
LOGHC or OLOC, call Jan
Bauer at 918-456-2448.
Saturday, April 2
Crestview Clubhouse
2323 East Sixth,Stillwater
Reception, 6pm, Dinner, 7pm,
Dance, 9:2am, RSVP by March 26
Speaker: Robyn Ochs, author/activist
GLBCA, 405-744-5252
040, Student Unio, Box ~01, Sti!!water 74078
!.I.~,~ l"ami/;" News, March April 1994. page lO
April 1-30
Display: Book Collectors Club
of Tulsa, 4th anti Denver.
April 2,5,7,9,11,14
Noontime Book Fair
1 la.m.-2p.m., 4th and Denver.
April 2
Workshop: Begin’g Genealggy
9:30a.m.- 12p.m.
1520 N.Hartford Ave.
Api-il 4 . .
Family Film Night, "Winnie The
Pooh and Tigger Too"
6:45p.m.-7:30p.m., 5 [3113! 91 st
April 4
Books Sandwiched In
12:10-12:50 p.m.
Aaronson Audit., 4th& Denver.
April 4, 11
Lecture: "Positive Parenting:
Meeting The Challen=e ,
6:15p.m.-7p.m., 551 E. 46th St
April 6
BookDiscussion, i :30p.m:, 3219
S. 113th W. Ave¢Santi Springs.
April 6
Lecture: "Tulsa’s Scandalous
Past.", 12:10p.m.- 12:50p.m.,
Aaronson Audit., 4th &Denver.
April 7
Lecture: "Herbs to Know ~and
Grow", 10:30a:m.-1 l:15p.m.,
3210 E.21st St.
April 8
Book Signing, William Sanders,
author of"The Next Victim", &
"’A Deathon RoUfe 66.........
7p.m., 1207 E.45th PI.
April 11 ,, .
G A, Y L.
6737 S. 85th:E.Ave.
April 1.1
Book Review, 2~2:50pira.,.Br0-:.: ..
ken Arrow Library, 300
Broadway .-
April 13
Lecture by Rev. Dr. John Wolfe
737 S. 85th
Sandra Z Hill, M.S.
Psychotherapy and
Clinical Consultation
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 2.15
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105
745i 1111
I F E S ........ T.....Y L E
21st..& ,129.East Avenue (Next.to Homeland)
234-9007 .
$3 Beer .Bust, Everyday 4-7, $1.50 Pitchers, 9. to midnight.
Mon. - Dart League 8pm.
Tues.- Pool Tournament, 8pm.
Wed.- Bamboo Night with Singing/Dancing Star,
Gene Kernaghan, 40’s, 50’s & 60’.s Music
Thurs. - Ladies Night, $1.25Longnecks
for the. Ladies.
Fri. - Male Dancers, Disco &::iMixed .music, 10pm.
Sat. - Showcase with Mersades; and. guest,
Stephanie Cassidy, And Dancers too!
Sunday Brunch, noon.-2pm,
Open daily till 2am, Food served during all open hours.
Maj0r; credit cards accepted..
"Tulsa Fantily.Ne.ws, March - April !994, page 11
Thursday-:& Sunday
The bestshows in
town - call for lineup!
Friday & Saturday
Music:--in town!
Coming March 20th,
First Ciass Male Dance Revue
Fourhot guys &.
One outrageous girl!
_Cheap-beer every-night!
Nightly beer busts!
Domestic Longnecks
50¢, 9-1.0 pm, $1,10-11
every night!
r I
toMfoo~ery.!.¯ ..
at the Alle_v .
"lllitis,,,- ~ur~l Oish-2am
Airl~.idt)iscol=" accepted.
Tulsa’s only ~
Lesbian/Gay Gift Store
April 3rd
The JimmyJames Show
..Tickets on sale now!
$5 advance, $8 at the door
3rd t=.me s
the charm?
an open forum sponsoredby "
March ~ ,~ April -|994:,.-¥olume !; Issue 4
W-e.l c o.. m
~? : Urban T.uls-a; a monthly enter~
tainrrientnewspaperreiterated its
.. policy of rEfusing-to accept advertising
that:-, uses the words
_... _: -: LesNan hr"Gay. The exception
is_ an-.ad: for- the
CliniC. Keith
Skrzypczak, edit0~& pubfisher,
Business Guild.. While the organizers
are still developing a formal.
mission statement, Tim
’Gillean of Budget Window..
Treatments &Mote :describes
_ April 15, 16 & 17
Plans for Tulsa’s 1 st Lesbian/
Tulsa Family News and hoste_d Mayor Susan Savage
by the Metropolitan Community
Church Of Greater Tulsa, 1623
North Maplewood(northwest of.
Sheridan & Pine).
This is a fulfillment ofapromise.
made inan interview ~lone in
the fall with Tulsa Family, News
had to.cancel her earlierdate of
February 24. .
The Mayor will be welcomed
by the Reverend Alice Jones and-
Tom Neal. Members, family &
friends ofthe TulsaLesbian/Gayl
Bisexual/Transgendered ~ c6m~
publisher, Tom Neal. Due toa mUnities are iriVited again to hear
family emergency, .the Mayor .- and to question our mayor.
. said that this. ad was.accepted
because heterosexuals might be
interestedin the service.
Pat Devlin, the owner of
Cherry St. novelty.shop, Phun
See NotWelcome, page 7
its goals as.providing a place for
Lesbian & Bay businesSowners
to meet each other for support,
sharing advice and resources, r
The first two meetin.~s have
See.RainboW Business" page 6
.Gay Film ~Festival have been
annoUnced byits .organizers. A
jointeffort between members of
TOHR. Tulsa Oklahomans for
Human -Rights and the BLGA,
Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay Ass0cia~
fion of the University of Tulsa
will be held April 15.17 in Lorton
Hall at theUnivers!ty of Tulsa.
See Film :Festival, page 8
:u I s a
Sava . allegedly held ~ thing from police haiassment-to ing. aswell as . Gay & Bisexual
up by family prob!ems,sent Jim - - .diScriminationinthe workplace, metropolitan :area was included threats motiva_ted by raceT reli~ communities to come together
East and Hi!ary Kitz torepresent --. Specific requests and sugges- in each_ bill. The insert was a. gion, nationatofiginor.other sta- to celebrate our pride, and this
her at the town meeting on Feb-. ¯ tions to the Mayor were to in- joint effort of the city of..Tulsa, tuses. It was notable for its inclu- year, the 25th anniversary of the
ruary 24. Apparently, this is the elude Gay and Lesbian sensitiv- the Tulsa Human. Rights Com- . sio" n of-the words, "sexuaton’en- Stonewall rebellion.
second time Mayor Savage has See Mayor Cancels, page 6 mission, theTulsaHumanRights . S~eNO’Hate, page 6 The picnic traditionally has
See Tulsa Picnic, page 6
Clinton Slams Anti-Gay Politics
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton has sent a letter to the.
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
condemning anti-gay rights effortg
that have cropped upin
nearly a dozen states and even
more cities and counties around.-
the country as what he called an
attempt to le~,ahze d~scr-rm~nation."
In the Feb, 14 letter, addressed
to William Waybourn, executive
director ofthe Victory Fund,
Clinton said the sponsors ofantigay
campaigns around the country
"are gravely-mistaken abo.u~t
the values that make our nation "
strong." "All people in our society
must enjoy the opportunity
to be judged on their merits,"
Clinton wrote. "Sadly, as you
point out, this simple principle
0fjustice has come under assault
in several states this .year-:" "
Clinton went on to write, "Those
who wguld legalize, discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation
or any other gr0unds :are
gravely mistaken about the val-
,,ues that make out-nati0n.str0ng.
The essential, right .tp. ,e,qua!ity
See Clin~on, pag.e 8
TFN: Tell us about the Pride said "Gee whiz, Janethere’s,;not
Picnic, and your involvement gonnabeaGayPridepicnic ,so
with it? then we took it over. The first
JR: When we first came t0¯ ~ year, there weren’t.really that
town, TOHR had been doing it. many people. The second year, I
And they dropped it. I really talk~d~,ithRoyandJimmyfrom
don’t know the circumstances, the To,olbox, to see if they
They dropped a lot of things ouldn:t help me.out a little bit.
around 19~.8, like the Southwest So.they-~can{e in with me and it
Invitatiohal, which we picked grew quite a bit the next year.
up. Every year it has grown some.
. But when I got;here,.!he girls Se_e Jane Roth~ page 7_
~ebruary 14, ~t994
~. William Weybour~
Gayand Lesbian Victory Fund
Seventh Floor
~$2 14~h Street,
Waahington, D.C. 20005
i d e
S um m i. t
On February 26 at the Silver
- Star SalOon in Tulsa. 18 representatives
from Lesbian/Gay/
Bisexual o.rganizations from
Oklahoma City, Norman.
Stillwater and Tulsa met to de.... o
velop plans for a State-wide meeting
Or conference to be held this
June. Oklahoma City organizers
had held a meeting on Feb. 6th at
which they "brainstormed" ideas
-for goals and possible outcomes
" Of d state-wide nieeting.
At the Tulsa meeting, Tulsa
representatiT.esproposedthat thismeeting
should be held in Okla-
See Pride Summit, page 8
Tulsa Family New~ March - April 1994, page 1
Good Idea Bad Attitude:
Youth Services of Tulsa’s
GayYoung Adults Program
Some months ago, Youth Services
of Tulsa. a United Way
agency, began .a program to help
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and ques,
ti0mng young adults by iproviding
a support group. Gay. youth
(using the term gay to indicate
aH the statuses above)are at
greater-risk than many other
youngadults. Government studies
have shown that gay youth
are 2 to 6 times more likely toattempt
suicide and may account
for 30% of completed suicides.
Low__self esteem, identity, conflicts,
isolation, and fami~ alienation,
all which can .be blamed
on the prejudice and bigotry of
our society, are factors in their
The problems for gay young
adults are real; the need for help
are real. Friends and members of
Tulsa’s Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual
communities should applaud
Youth Services for taking this
brave step. We should recognize
the "right-hearted-ness" of the
individuals involved. Lisa
Pottorf and others on staff, some
Gay, some not, are clearly committed
to doingtheright thing:
helping kids. Members of our
communities have also become
involved as volunteer facilitators.
Many others would probably
help if.they but knew about
the program.
- - There-inlies the problem,The
program, is .hamstrUng by. the.
fears, an~possibly, prejud{~e, Of
Youth Services’ top officers and
staff. Because of fear of backlash,
Youth Services hardly
wants any one to know about the
program but in the process risking
that those who need to know
See Gay Youth, page 7
Airline/Hotel Reservations
Ticket Pick-Up ¯ Cruise/Tour Packages
Group & Incentive Programs
"NO" Service Charge
l~xperienced Personnel
Packages Availablefor
Gay Games & Stonewall - 25
(918) 341-6866
Oklahoma’s Only LG.TJ~ Affiliate
(Internagional Gay Travel Assoc~aglon)
Tulsa Family News, March - April 1994, page 2
Several .times last night during
the forum with Mayor
Savage’s staff, I heard people
from the audience talking about
"Bible Thumpers". The fact that
MCC Tulsa allowed us to meet
in their church building should
demonstrate that all "Bible
thumpers" are not .bad people.
nor are they all anti-Gay. In fact,
there are more than two Christian
organizations in Tulsa that
specifically serve our commuriity.
AS we ask the world to put
aside its prejudices, shouldn’t
we also ask ourselves the same
thing? How many of us automatically
assume that if someone
is heterosexual. Republican,
and Christian, they are also anti-
Gay? Isn’ t that assumption based
on prejudice? As we as a community,
ask the people in our
society to change; let’ s also make
the necessary changes within
ourselves. As we. ask the people
in our society to give everyone a
chance regardless oftheir sexual
orientation, let’s also start giving
everyone around us a chance,
regardless of their sexual orientation,
religious affiliation, or
political partnership.
If we can do that, we will become
a better people.
Editor’s note: the letter above
was Submitted unsigned and
Publisher/Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer
Tom Neal James Christjohn Kharme Amos
918-832-0233’, POB 4140. Tulsa. Oklahoma 74159
Issued on the 15th of each month, the entire contents of this publication
areprotected by US copyright 1994 by Tulsa Family News and may not
be reproduced either in.whole or in part without written permission from
the publisher. Publication of a name or photo in no way indicates or
reflects that person’s sexual orientation.
(~orr~l~0ndan~ is ]as~um~dtb’b~for ptiblicati~n iahless otherwise noted
and becomes the sole property of Tulsa Family News. All correspondance
should be sent to the address above.
Tulsa Family. News is distributed free of charge in localbusinesses and
organizations. . .
without a phone number. While
TFN is happy to print letters
with.name withheld by request, *Indian Territory Coffee Com.pa-ny,
infUtiirei "unsigned letterk Will- Galerie ~...~-Europa, 203 N. Main....
no}be rep]:oduced~ .....~ "" ’~ " H,a~.~y &:-Mrs lon~s.;-<164q--El 15
Jared’s, 1602 E. " 15
Bars & Restaurants
*The .Alley, 3340 S. Peoria
*Cherry St. Bakery, 1344 E. 15
*Deep Elm, 61st & Memorial
*Laff’s, 311 E. 7~h
*Lola’s, 263.0 E. i 15th
*Paradise Bar & ~rill, 12570 E. 21
*SilverStar Saloon~ 1565 Sheridan
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114 S. Memorial
*Time n’Time .Ag~i-n, 1515 S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338~ E. 3rd
*Whittier Cafe, 4~16 S. Lewis~
Budget Window Treatments, 7116 So. Mingo, Ste. 102
*CDWarehouse, 6080 S. Sheridan
1613 E. 15
Dear TFN,
The angerl disappointment,
and feelings of betrayal that resuited
from Mayor Savage’s last
minute unavailability last night
are only natural. However, I am
concerned about what might result
if those feelings are not
handled in the appropriate way.
If we, as a community, harbOr
those feelings and allow them to
expand instead of doing the appropriate
thing and focusing that
negative energy into something
positive, it will be counter-productive
and detrimental to our
struggle for equal rights. We
cannot generate change by sitting
around being angry and feeling
sorry for ourselves. We can
generate change by taking action.
I understand that there are
those in our community who are
afraid to stand up and OUT because
they may lose their jobs,
their homes, or families. Isn’t it
sad that there has to be that fear?
But even thos’e people who have
that fear can write letters, can
make phone calls, can actively
vote, and can follow up on their
votes by talking with their representatives.
Wecannot expect our
government to take all of the
chances and do all of the work
while we sit around absorbed in
our own self-pity. We have to
show our governmental leaders
that we are willing to support
them before,, during, and after
See Letters, page 7
Ken?s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599.8070
*Living Arts of Tulsa, 224 N. Main 58.5-1234
*Mohawk Music, 615~7 E 51 PI 664-2951
Novel Idea DiscOunt Books
7104 S: Sheridan 492-0335
3356 E. 51 747-6711
Puppy Pause II, l lth & Mingo 838-7626
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan 832-0233
Zat’s, 3708 oSouth Peoria 742-6909
ACT-UP, POB 532, 74101
B/L/G Alliance, University of Tulsa. 583-9780
*HIV Resource Consortium, 4154 S. Harvard,Ste. H-1
NAMES PROJECT, POB 3181 74101 - 748-3111
Oklahoma AIDS Hotline 800-535-2437
P-FLAG, POB 52800 74152 749~4901
Prime-Timers P.O. Box 52118, 74128
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
TOHR Gay Line (Info.) 743-4297
- Other
*Chapman Student Center, University of Tulsa 631-0000
*Tulsa City Hall; Cafeteria Vestibule
*University Center at Tulsa
,._ Professionals
Theodore-Campbell, MSW, 1560 E 21 743-1000
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psylchotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504, 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Attorney 587-1500
Kelly Kirby, CPA, POB 14011~ 74159 747-5466
John Kirk, Realtor 747-5800. 745-2245
Tom Neal, Designer, Buildings/Gardens/Graphics 832-0233
Religious Organizations
*Family of Faith MCC, 500 W. ’A’ Jenks 298-4622
Affirmation (Methodist) 742-8213
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/integrity 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Center, University of Tulsa 583-9780
Tulsa~ Ok~ahomans .for Hum-an Rights
March/April 1994 Volume 14 NUmber 4
PO’Box 52729 Tulsa OK 74152~
.The views expressed elsewhere in Tulsa
Family News are not necessarily the views
ofTOHR. Permission is granted to reprint
information contained within the TOHR
Reporter page along with other items, under
the byline,"submitted.by TOHR’" Contained
elsewhere in Tulsa Family News..
Janiee Nicklas, Senior Planner on - because ofher extensive work in the HIV/
llealth, Promotion, Community Service AIDS arena over the past several ~years.
CounoilufTulsa Ar~a United Way, Will be-~ Slic isa ’tremetidous asset to our commuspeaking
at-the April TOttR. meeting, nity and a wonderful spokesperson-for
about the Tulsa Community AIDS Part- persons-livingwith HIV & AIDS. :
nership (TCAP). TCAP, part of NCAP Please join us for this excitingpresen-
(National Community AIDS Partnersh!~p)~’ tation on Tuesday,. April 5, 1994 at the
expects to grant approximately 1/2 milhon Gathering Place, 4154 S. Harvard, Suite
dollars to organizations in the Tulsa MSA -|t~ We have a social time.starting at
over the next four years. Thisnew venture - 6:30pro and the meeting. commences.
will greatly benefit areas that currently promptly at 7:00pm~ TOHR, Tulsa’S
unserved or underserved, growing human rights community set3’ice
Janice brings a wealth of information organization, NEEDS YOU!
TOHR to Go-sponsor GaylLesbian Film Festival
April 15-17 have beenset as tentative and diverse showing of timely cultural isdates
for an extensive Gay/Lesbian Film sues and enterta’inment. Mark these dates
Festival to be held on the University of NOW and look for additional information
Tulsa campus. This should be an_exciting as the time draws near.
President’s Report
This marks the second issue of the
TOHR Reporter running within Tulsa
Family News. Feedback has been very
positive to this new format, getting more
local news to our membership as well as
TOHRnews to the larger community. Our
last meeting saw several new faces and
TOHR nee~ the support of all of Us. "
Mayor’s office ...... : .......,.. 596-2100
City of Tulsa Human Rights
Department ..................... 596-7818
Quik Trip (ask.for
President’s office) ........... 836-855 !
PSO (ask for
Carol t Iuff Hicks) ..... ~ ...... 599-2000
- Samson ~ompanies
(ask for Sentell Fox) ....... 583-t791
Currently TOItR i.~ working in:c6ali- - " .................. ’
ti0n with other groups towards the goal of- llaankthem for participating ~the Say
spurring our legislature-tuadd sexual o_o.’- N6 Tb I-!a-te educa,i~nai.e~i’~beeptentati0n
to Oklah0ma’s~ hate ¯ crim~es - ingthediversityof’~i6:ubmmiinit~_andfor
statUte:. This past niUnth" sh~’a itei~s~3i~ : -n6t toleratinj(li~it-( ilirected agaii~t any
No to Hate-pUblicity’campaign, sponsored ~grou,p, including gays and lesbians~ If
locally, which included a Tulsa utility bill you re afraid to identifyyourself, leaveout
insert with sexual orientation in its text. the speoitic reference to gays and lesbians,
The City of.Tulsa, along with the corporate
sponsors of the projeoL have received
afew negative phone calls about the campaign.
I urge you to show vonr personal.
support of the projeetby’tak]ng a few minutes
:to call:
but please take a few minutes to make the
calls. It’s important that these folks know
that ~ve appreciate the stand they have
taken. Feedback ofpublic opinion will
affect their future decisions.
by Kelly ~Kirby, President, TOHR
Gay Gale ndar ofEvents,COMING SOON!
TOHR is in the proo¢~ of o’olle~ting your. event, meeting or gathering.
"Calendar of Events’" items for publica- The "’Calendar" is intended to notify
tion in all area newspapers~..Please call the ¯ the lesbian~ gay, bisexual and transgen-
HelpLine 743-GAYS (4297) to promote dered community of happenings in town.
MI:-MRIi:I~SHIP APPI ICAIION u Yes.I want to be a Contributing member of- U I would like to volantec, help witl~: H~MBF.-.RS’ RI-:PR~_SENfAI-IVFS
Taisa Oldahomaas foi Human Rights.
Name .... Please accept l~)~mt ~.s described below: ~ LesbiatgG~y/B~sexual llelpl.ine Kclly Kirby....:.................................. President
..................... .~ $10Limited Income/Stadent Membership " rl HIV Counselor Ric Kirby ........................... 1st Vice President
Address _ .i ~ _ _ ~. $20~:.M.¢anbcuship" _ : - . ~ Executive Board Member . . Kathleen Golden .............;2nd Vice President
, ~.’,q 5 -. ~ ’ ~-,: i: :l~l~ $,3::5..: iH~M.M~o_,:. :~ .~y~ent Pl~ing and P.a~y- preparations,. ~. ,R:0be~. Crow ~........................~...........: Secretary
s~ "zip,: -- " -r3!~’~i~~-~r~~=- ~iv:::: 7: :f>..i::7. ~: ~10gtmV ~eeti~g s~,,t, ,:~ " .:- .....--’. Do~ .:...:.:.:...:.:....=....:.../:.::..~::::;......."X,~,,e~
Ruben Garcia ...;.......... Reporter Editor
Phone (i,pti~mal).: " .................. L3:~ Ia’n~axeivingTOHR.mailings : :..: Make-cheek pcg~ble .tO TulsdOklahomansf&. Owen ............................. HdpL ine Cootitinator
and the "Tulsa’Family News Human Righ~ Dbnatiqns contributed toTOttR ..................................... Activities Coordinator
Signature ......................................... ~3 I am not en the mailing I~t o~r set membership fees are T~, .Deah ctible.................................. Fundraislng Coordinator
.+ ]-ONIR IIV Tulsa’s Gay& Lesbian
Information and. Refferal Line.
. ANONNYM,OU:S... "+ 743-4 2"9Y7s r
+ Thursday 7-8:30pm & .* +
- Monday - hu.rsday.by Appointment -+
Confidenaal Counseling
Finger-Sack Method
4154 S. Harvard, Suite H-l
Quadrangle Building
SII" corner.of41st and Harvard, SW comer ofoffice compl~r
..~ Service of 7~tlsa OklahomansforHuman Rights
! olmtteers Always !~ielcome
/;br and by hut m~t limited toLesbians, Ga.vs, and Bis~ruals
The TOHR.Gay Information Line is here for you.
We offer a gvide variety ofreferrals free ofcharge,
from ¯legal and medical to AIDS. TOItR and bar information.
The ltelpLine is staffed 7 davs.a week, 8-10-PM
l.’ohtnteers are always welcome!
TOIIR fields calls for an ~m-going discrimination survey. If you, or someone
you know, are being di~riminated agaittst, please eonta~t the ttelpLit~ at 743-4297.
Also, TOHR tracks hate crimes statistics. If.you are, or someone you know ~ a+
victim of a hate crime this information is veD.’ valuable. Please cal! the HelpLine.
And if you move or are having problems receiving your TOHR mMiings ~ the 7"visa
Family News, call to pro~Ade a change of address or to verify yore-addr~s.
Tuba Family News, March--April 1994, page
News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News.Briefs
Boycott Threat toGay
Marriages .in Hawaii
HONOLULU- Anti-gay forces
have apparently been flooding
the Hawaii Visitors Bureau with
letters and phone calls threaten,
ing an economic boycott of the
state if it permits same-sex marriages.
The head of the state?s
tourism office t01d legislators
that the agency has received over-~:
whelming numbers of calls and
lettersthreatening boycotts, of
conventions, vacations, family
reunions, and other visits to the
islands if Hawaii alloWg gays
and (esbians to marrY. Tourism
officials also noted ti{at they.had
received hardly any expressions
of support for. same,sex marriage~
and concluded that jr’state
courts.rule that/est~ian-and gay
nel protections. Now the bank
has agreed to put "sexual orientation"
back into its anti-bias
policies just weeks after politicians,
led .by San Francisco Supervisor
Susan Leal, and activists,
led by the National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force. launched a
campaign to pressure the banking
giant to reinstate the old
policy. In a.letter to Leal, who
had written a stinging letter to
the bankto complain about the
change in FIB’s personnel-language,
¯Julius L. L0eser. senior
vice:president assistant .general
counsel at the bank, said~ "’For o
clarity, we will add language ~o
. ¯ our-written corporate policy to
state more-directly our existing
policy:.afiat will explicitly state
that we .Er0hibit discrimination
and harassment based on race.
marriages are legal under state a,~e color reli,,ion nationalorilaw.
it_would me~asurably dam~.-...-.~t~:.~.sex. ~ete~n st’atus, disabiiage
the state’s:important tour- ity and s~xualorientation.’"
ism industry. The agency can
contacted by writing: Hawaii
Visitors Bureau. 2270 ’Kalakaua
Avenue. Suite 80 L HoaOlulu HI
968.15 or by calling (808) 924-
’Seattle Times’ Extends
Benefits to Partners
SEATTLE - The Seattle Times
has become the 2nd major daily
newspaper in the U.S. to extend
health insurance and family leave
Amnesty En.ds Silence
rightsorganization Amnesty
International USA announced
the launching of a broad, siXmonth
campaign in the United
States to end government imprisonment,
torture and execution.
of gays and lesbians around
the world. The campaign, kicked
off in conjunction with the publication
of AI’s groundbreaking
omy laws only to homosexuals,
and the organization now says. it
"would consider an individual
imprisoned under these laws a
Prisoner of Conscience and~
would call for their immediate
and unconditional release." To
get copies of the report "Breaking
the Silence:’ send $8.00
(which includes shipping and
handling) tO: AIUSA, 322 Eighth
Avenue, New York NY 10001.
Poll: Jobs, Housing -Yes;
Marriage, Adoption - No
NEWYORK~Apolt, published
in the Feb. t4 issue ofNewsweek
underscores-Americans’ con-
.tinuing contradictory attitudes
about gays and lesbians. While
.the poll, conducted Feb. 3-4 for
the magazine-by.the Princeton
Survey Research Associates
based on_ telephone interviews
with 750 adUlts, found that 74%
endorse .employment anti-bias
protections forhomosexuals, and
81% think gays and lesbians
should have housing protections.
as Well, more than 60% said they
.oppOse same-sex marriages and
adoption rights for gays and lesbians.
Fewer than 0ne-third of
those polled support .marriage
and adoption rights for gays. Of
those surveyed, 43% said they
had a friend or acquaintance who
is horaosexual, while56% said
News Briefs News Briefs News
benefits to the partners of its gay report "Breaking the Silence: they didn’t know aflyone who is
Defeat in Missouri City
SPRINGFIELD, Mo, - In what
activists fear may be.a harbinger
of next November’s statewide
vote on a Missouri anti-gay constitutional
amendment, Springfield,
Mo., residents voted overwhelmingly
to repeal a city hate
crimes measure that includes
sexual orientation,. among other
categories. The vote was. 71%-
for- repeal to 29% against. The
repeal campaign was headed by
a local group Citizens for Decent
.Standards .which has close
ties with the statewide Arfiendmerit
Coalition, which ig backing
a state anti-gayconstitutiOnal
amendmentbased onColorado’s
Amendment 2 prohibiting any
gay rights measures inMisSouri.
Rights Battle Erupts in New
Mexico Legislature. "
N.C..Parade Gets. P.etmit
. CHARLOTTE, N.C.-TheFront
Page reportsthat the 8th annual
North Carolina Lesbian & Gay
Pride parade and rally has gotten’,
approval from city officials for
its scheduled. June 5 event in
spite ,of objection by an influential
Baptist minister. Organizers
of the. event, being held in Charlotte
for .the first time, will hold
the post-parade rally at Marshall
Park, located next to the First
Baptist Church. The church’s
pastor, Rev. Charles Page, had
objectOd that the event .doesn’t
ners of employees.Activists are
callingon people to contact Sony
USA officials to let them-know
the importance they. place on
Sony’s move, its refusal to take
the:anti-gay vote.seriously, and
its reluctance to publicly discuss
its domestic partners policies.
Oregon activists urge contacting:
RonSommer, Chairman,
Sony of America, Sony Drive,
Park Ridge. NJ 07656 FAX: "
201-930-2263; and James
Frische, SonyDigitaiAudioDisc
Corp., 1.8100 N~ Fruitridge Ave.,
Terre Haute, Ind. 47804 FAX:
812~466~i [ 2 "
Protections; ~Benefits at
BelI,NorthernlNorthern :
_T e ili e c o m.
-OTTAWA,~Sta!!.ing thisl year~.. " ....
Beli~b~0flh~m Research now in=~ ~5/ ’ ~
eludes s~xuai orientation in it~
equal employment opportuni/y~
ent corporation, Northern ~
Telecom.Ltd. implemented the -
new policy throughout all its
subgidiaries. And beginning in
July of this .year Northern
Telecom is extending domestic
partner benefits to Bell-Northern
Ltd. in Canada and Bell-
Northern USA. The Gay, Les~
bian, Bisexual Association has
also formed for Bell-Northern
Research/NorthernTelecom employees.....
"Front RUnner’ Sequel
and lesbian workers. The Bos-" -HumanRightsViolatio,nsBased
ton Globe_became thefirst daily . on Sexual Orientation,’ was arito
o-~t’Stich~ ’6~i~fi~; the~Vi~~ ~’~-: ~0un~d -~t ’~iress~"~onf~r~ne~
lage Voice,~-the p..op~lar :New ,:,held:~i~rnultaneousl~haSanF~,an~!’::~ "
York weekiy.:~lso:’indludes the": cisco~indWaghingt~n;D.C. "~tie
unmarried partners of its employees
in its benefits package.
First Interstate
Restores Anti-Bias
SAN FRANCISCO - First Interstate
BankCorp: which operates
banks in 13 Western states
from Oregon to Texas. has agreed
to reinstate nondiscrimination
language m ~ts personnel polictes
to include sexual orientation.
saying thewhole issue was
a"naisunderstanding:" In 1993,
under pressure from fundamentalist
groups in Utah and Arizona.
FIB changed its anti-bias
policy to include only"race, age,
color, religion, national origin,
sex. veteran status, disability or
any other basis protected by federal.
state or local law." Rights
activists said, because only ’one
state - California - has a gay
rights law, the change amounted
to FIB dropping its own person-
U.S. branch ofthe London-based
international human rights
Watchdog group said the intensive
campaign "places .the government
repression of gay men
arid lesbians squarely on the international
human rights agenda
., to put government on notice
tha( homosexuals are no longer
easy targets for human rights
abuses." "Breaking the Silence"
documents attacks against gays
and lesbians ranging from government-
backed rape and torture
to executions because-of individuals’
sexual orientation. The
report notes that in Romania,
gay men are routinely targeted
for police assaults and torture,
citing several cases of beatings
lasting as long as 13 hours. Similar
reports are cited in Great Britain,
the United States, Costa Rica
and Turkey. .The report also
notes that 5 U.S. states - Arkansas,
Kansas, Missouri, Montana
and Tennessee - apply their sod-
Kefi’s Flowers
1635 E. 15th Street, 5.99-8070
Serving Tulsa’s
Lesbian & Gay Communities
. With Pride - Look for our Rainbow Flag
Tulsa Family News, March - April 1994, page 4
gay or lesbian, When asked if ¯"representthe Valuesof0ur com- ~,N~.W, yORK
AIDS. hfid changed their f.eeling’ : .muni.t.Y.":But.qi~Yoffigia!s voted
erant of gays, while 31% said it thaiderailed a proposed city Or- nest=semng novel ~ane front
had made them less sympathetic, dinance adding sexual orienta- Runner, will be on 15ookshelves
Pollsters said the Survey had a 4
percent margin of error.
Pope Says ’Nope’ to
Lesbian/Gay Families
VATICAN CITY - A proposed
resolution before the European
Parliament calling for the legaP
ization of same-sex marriages
and allowing gay and lesbian
couples to adopt children drew a
quick - and negative ~ response
from Pope John Paul.. The pope,
speaking to a group of bishops
about thee need to. protect the
unity of the family, mentioned
the European Parliament resolution,
saying a growing number
.ofpoliticians are recognizingthe
importance of keeping families
together, but added, "not all of
them, however, as we have
seen...We can’t let .this pass."
The gay and lesbian marriage
and adoption resolution was introduced
Tuesday, Feb. 8.
tion to Charlotte’s anti-bias protections.
Sony Mulls Plant in
Springfield, Ore.
SPRINGFIELD, Ore. - Activ~
ists are raising warning flags over
plans by Sony Inc. to construct a
new compact disc plant in
Springfield, O?e., which in 1992
approved an anti-gay ballot ihitiative.
Springfield city council
members who backed the antigay
ordinance have said the legislationactually
would makethe:
town more appealing to businesses
that support "traditional
family values." Sony officials
have played down the. importance
of the anti-gay measure,
even though they acknowledged
to reporters that the finn .has an
anti-bias, policy that includes,
sexual orientation. Th.ecompany
refused, however, to say whether
it-recognizes the domestic partin
time for Gay Games IV this
June in New York. Warren’s
sequel; Hailan’s Race, contin-~
ues the story ofcharacters Harlan
Brown and Billy Sire. The author
calls fhe continuation "a
story about loss and healing,
about the courhge to love again."
Comic Targets Gays
ST. -LOUIS - Washington University
students and Officials are
trying to figure out how to respond
to a comic book drawn by
an unidentified student at the
university’s fine arts school depicting
a string of 27 grisly killings,
mostly of gay men. "Today
it’s fags, tomorrow it’ll be some
other idiotic fringe group that
pis~es me off;" thecomic’s murderous
character says. "Like I
said before, I am God. I decide
who lives and dies, and my hand
reaps the harvest?’ The grimly
explicit drawings depict its victims
.being shot, stabb~d, CUt in
Puppy Pause II "¯
¯ All Breeds Dog Grooming _,
llth & Mingo, 838-7626
Open Tuesday - Saturday at 8am. ¯
Call for Appointments. ¯
Walk.ins Also Welcome.
News Briefs NewsB.riefs News Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News .Briefs News
half, disemboweled, and one way to prevent the disease, financially-successful far-right ~n anti-God message and pro-.
African-American woman being Chisum also co-authored a 1993 groups battling gay rights, a_bor- - moting homosexuality.
murdered with a "garden wea- measure that gave the state in- tion; gex education and similar CCABers .are following the in
sel." The creator of the comic surance department authority to social policy issues in this court- the -footsteps of Joseph Cham~
book writes in a chilling intro- regulate the selling of life insur- try. B. Allan Ross, a spokesman bers, a former Church of God
duction,"thethingthispromotes ance policies, by .people with for the boycott group, DomiNO minister and gay rights foe in
is hatred and contempt." School AIDS, the game viatical .s.ettle- . Pizza. Theory, said, "Focus on Charlotte,N.C:¢ who’s recently
along the electronic telecommunications
superhighway can really
be. AndersonandBenvenuti
attracted media attention earlier
inF.ebruary whe~; frustrated.with
trying to meeting women at
singles bars and classified ads.
officlalsand studentleadershave ,o ments that he.~s now.cashing ~n the Famdy is one of the ¯many pubhshed booklet, - Barney the they shelled out $3,000 .h r a
held .a.,seriesOf meetings, about .:~ on. AIDS ai~d gay,rigti~"~ti~-i ~ fronts.for thep~tieal and finan- " Pu~le Messiah;(’.~laims t~e. 6~
the co~ebook:~nd how to’;re- ~ :?ists ifi.~’~t~ll~Cfi~gfi~’~~ ~cial mac~inff ~eSpo~sibl~.fbr: .... foot PBS ~har~.~’teac~ing~:: ~freeway:.i~th~ge.arc~?M~ss
spon6:-t~ it ,:::,--~.- ,../.~ - ~- actions~’Jmdcabf6:~: ~::;~ ’ ~. ~: : ~ Amend~ent2 in.Colorado,’for, .-~ ¯:kidstfia~..w~ must ac~ep/e~er~;~
Mormons~CalledtO? ~:- -::~ Domestic Padnersfor whathappened~nClnc~nnat~,and oneas.they~e~.wh~-thert~y~re. 3, portrd~t:phor~ofthe,t~u~m~a~
~,_ ~..,-~ .z ......’ ~.~ . ~.-~-~ / - ¯ , : , : ¯ M~ss~pl. -C~nclnnat~ voters Tolerance, WhaI-a:conce t.~ln-..-. ~thes~m~le.messa~ EachSe0k
time for V~lentine’s Daf, th~~ :sembly~an~i~ch~ ’~at~ £(D-, ~’dr~’p~o~’]Tbq~i’n~l~q)h~’~g. . aft% all the ~u~licity about th~
Moron Church. has declared . Sylm~)announcedme~ntroauc- " tectionsbased6nsexual0fidnta- calledFlorid~ans~ which sounds warQn!~gafizingsame-segmar~ ./ tionofaproposedmeasureint~e . billbo~rd;:-a? high-tech hacker tion, modeled on’ COlorado’s like an anti=tooth decay ~ treat- -cracked their voice-mail access
riaggf!.and.urging th( ~ati0n"s 9 :~ California LegiSlature on Mon- Amendment: 2:’Locat residents ment,.NhHe people.fr0~_Tampa codeandchangedthemen’smes--
million church, members to de: day, Feb. t.4 to set ~p statewide in ovett~ Miss.; have mounted a
fend the "sacred family setting.". . domestic pa:tner registration.for .. campaign there .toforce a. non-
A pre~s release from Mormon unmarried opposite- and, same: ’ ’; ....."...... ¯
Church leaders said, "Marriage . ..., .~.~.,. .~ ......."profitfem~mstretre’ at, CamP .S~s- sex couples, the r~atz nm.womo ter S-irit ^ut -f~he area"’- ";’"
between’a man and.a woman is
¯ . . . /? ,~u u t uy any allow~zouples t~rfilepartnerreg- --’~..... ..~^~.... ,........~..~
ordained of God :to ¯fulfill. the " " , . -
." - lll~K~;allb -ll~k.¢~;b~a.ly O~baLlb~ trig .~
. lstrat~on forms wxth the Cahfo.r- . women who run tlie retreat are
eternal destiny.of his children, nia Secretary of :State’s.office.
are Called_ Tampans, which
..... ~sounds fike something altogether
Buffed Bruinto Bif Blazes
ATLANTA - As part of the U.S..
Forest Servicers celebi~gtion of
sage¯-and theirsex,ual orientalion
in the process. The hacker
left a .voice~mail greeti:ng lhat
.said, "Hi. Thanks for cal.ling.
We’re both looking for Mister
Right. If you’re a young: white
---lesbians:Ross said the DomiNO Smokey- the .¯Bear’s 50th birth- male responding to oucbillboard
This sacredfamily setting with Bothpartners, whethersame-sex n:~,~...... ~.........~’^-:^" -ad then ¯leave the followin- in father and mother fi~ly com. or opposxte sex~ would have.to day, the once-chunky daddy be~ , ¯ ~ .~a a~.¢,..,.i......~¢ino . . . .. ~ f.~.ti.~ ~ftor-the tone" Your m~ttedtoeachother.and.ton-g-h- bel8 ye~s of..ag.e:.or.old.er., not. . has u oateo ~1S a~, u y - ...... . . . . : . . . " .t.h.o.~~.m..l.n..n~P-l.=vT~....u.t.la~.f~....rn.yH=n,~d .im¯ ageP,~tran" s~lo~ln¯ gn,lm. se¯ liH=~n.’to" nnmo =lolo~h.n’o number ad- teoushvlngiofferstfiebesthope cu~ently m~led.or in another ~tho on~ntr~t ~xtlthin tha n~t - ¯ , ¯ ; .-
foravoidingmanyoftheillstfiat -registere’ddomesticp~tnership, ~’r_r~’~:~_~V~~’~:~Zr;" ~ gym~tone~-amma~ ~0.se .....
affli.ct.s~.e.ty.. Chu- rch o.ffici.als .hv.e together, shoe h.~an.~ ex.......... ...................... . PumPed-uP Pec.ks..an.d.c...sy..,...... ~-- o. .....- ......... g,. .c.ot.t o.rg.an.ize.rs.c.an.be.. r.ea.ched ~oo.od l.ooks.cou.ld h~~htmo.r-e¯ fires are w.elco.me to.leave.amc.ssa~.c stud the call to oppose gay and penses and not be telatedqn a ¯ ~.. :tmo~ .o~:o~n~ , ’ - .... ~........ - ....
lesbmn mama~~es,wa.s a result of.way tha.t., would leg.ally, btabrem., " .....-...............¯ .., .tha.n.the.old Smoke ever exun- .
71~Oml~ ~$10~~- ~u.~shed" But w.hen.YE..nc Z..or.n.,.a ..me.n s.a~d.th.e fa.ke.dm.es.sa.e
a court case m Hawan that could from gettlngm~ed understate .. - - - ..... ..... . ~ - = - : -, ¯ .... , .. .~,~- ~,., ~ a....r th- number
.~..o...~.t...~.._.~..o.~...o..~,,.-~r.o.¢.~...~~-H--~a .~..~... .. ._... - ¯ ~... - .,RICHMOND, .Va..... Lesb!an Ch~ca~o Tribune colummst, ae- . . ’ ’: " " ..... ’ " " : " " ....~ : he ¯ oiresponses they rece~x.eo
"=t’i"" m~i=H ’~........~_,,_~ ==.,_~ ~ ’ . morn Sh~on Bottoms returned ctded to t~ to-find out about t ....
=,~.P.... ~...... . .... . . .. ¯ ~= - : to-a Vlrgmla stat~ppea!s court .... ch~e in the brawny, b~:ln .s ~llRton e ds . g ,.
:AlOOg~ ~0~ ~nmg. - Reeogmze~Gay~Gro~p.- in:her fightto reg~n cust0dy:of " new :Solofle~- loo~ 2-:~higeled WASHINGTON:, Presi~nt"-
- In On :’Death gutures~..., .~BO!sE,~ia~:3~-~~ff6a~’,~,id~0 ~ -her 2~y~e~-old.s~n~ Tyler, Last -- pecks;cut abs~:buffed ~ebest-and
AUS~;~ Te~as:~:£. ~g.a~ghy.:i;;~~:;~;i~t~ff~J~es:,, :_ iy~h~i~e~~defl~eu~ ; i~;~.tfimmer~, tigh~e~a~:st~; h~-.xan ¯
......to le~ that state?Rep.:~men~ .. :~sanoffieiMc~puSg~0Up.~he . mother] Ka~ B~t0~s,:.w~_~- . ,.wOald~atJg~an~-fite. ~The-Ad;. " -~ules:ongays.and lesbians in the
:omy Statute;6~he:bbo~sznd.to - whichw0uldhave~ade~pus ..tember,;-Sh~0h Bott~ms,wh0 " ~ featur~ng:-the;- new .be~fcake ~:~dhange-a-p~0posed passag~ that¯
:iequir~ sehool~..tffteach that ab- . ¯¯funds and facifities a~Iable ~0:., .lives ~i~h.herio~et AprilWade, Smokey denied there.had in.fact
.sfi~n~eis,~hegn!y way to pre2 thegay.~oup;The.studen~sen~.... ackn0mledgedincour~thatthe2 been any change.. Eve~:~ore
. vent ~V¯infection,. is making a " tors h~ ’~gue~: ~at a ~college .::~:do.in~faet have¯sex, which.P~
¯ amazing, Zorn told ~dy ~ity - -.-~ate matter and homosexual orifidysum
ofmoney by¯investing ." grohp based?~01elyon~sexual.-~s0ns, sdid. iSillegal under.. .~ Timestha(.offiCialS~i~fi~e~o~,::-:-entati0nis riot a barto Se?vice
heawly m vmt~calsettlements of -. orientation ~sn..t neede~,at~-the~.... .~r,~ma s .sodomy. la~., ¯ Her ......est SerT~ce ~had~:t:w~c.e:contacted ~.., entry or continued service un-
¯..life insuiancepolieiesofpeople " scho01.Butld~hoAtt0~Gen, . conauct is immor-al," P~s0ns different.editorS at.tfie~aper.in ¯ less-mani.fested hy homosexual
:~ngof~S,~,qmet~mescalled eralL~ E¢’hoHa~k:fiag-’r~led. .ruled..,Thecoaduct render~ her an (ans?a~cdg~gut~i~fort,
"~ ~eath, futureS~ Chisum r~port- . denying the ~roup campusrec- " an Unfit p~ent:,,:-.-. ; .-. ¯ : :~-squeleh:gorn~S~-:st0~b0h’r~the:-.. :.onb~" sense.sam Nunn (D-Ga.)....
ediyhasinvestedS0me$2~,~ 0gnition -vioiate~. group- m~m- Barney - Pumle Menace .adw hirsutehuak. Rum6rrhagit -. Dan Coats:~(R,Ind.)and Strom
m the.wat~cal pro~am, which ~rs-F~rst~mendmentnghtsof - T~PA R- ~ ~m¢ W-~th ,-.that .Smokey may:be.e.ntermg ¯ :Thu~ond ..(R,S.C.),-wall now
gi~e.s.t.e~.m.a.l.ly.a.ll.p.a.tx.en.ts.a...f.re.e.s.~e.c.fi.a.nd..as.s~.m.t.lo.n:".: ." ." n~.t;~.-a..~-..-~.-~g.~.-.0-~.,-~..on.eof.the.ev.er-~.pu.l~b.~e.che.st..:~:~.fea.d::.Aoer"son"~s sexual on"en-
way to cash ~.n on.~e~.r hfe.tnsu.r........" . ’ " .’........ " has foxed callinP~ itse"lf Cit~i. -¯conte"sts so,’hot at.=oay ba.rs.:ev.er.y........ta[.~o.n ~s ~consi"dered a pe~rs’onal
.... ’~N0 dustie~ = No Pizza" zens Concer"ne¯ d A.~b.o.u.t Bar.ney... .¯ wh.ere.in h.ope,.- 0..f.b..e.i.ng., -s~.¯.tt.e..d..... a.n.d pri. ~a:~te¯m..at.te.r.an.d.is .not.a.
SANDIEGO ~ A San Diego,- That’s B~naey th.e..P.B..S.-.T.V. - byatalenfto-srcBouet arm.a.g.a-.. .-. ba~toserwc. een.t.r.y.o.rContmucd..
Calif.-based¯group hascalledfor pu~le dinosaur, hotRep. B~ney " z~ne. ., ~ - ~ serwce unless manflested by hoa
nationwide gay and .lesbian Frank of Mass.;thattbe good Hi~h-ToehSoxHal -- " -.- mosexual conduct." Rep. Ron
boycott of Domino’ s Pizza with fol~s of Tampa are Worried Orientation Cha~e
Dellums (DvCalif.), chai~mn of
Springs-basedFocus0n theFam:
ily, one of the largest and most
more than 5,000 locati0nsin the ’about, claiming they intend to SAN JOSE, Calif. -Noone ever
U.S. after Domino’s chief-ex~ _"expose,,Barneyfor what he re- said findingthat special Valenecutive
officer Tom..,Mo-riaghan ally. i.s... W~ a.~w.a.y~ thought tine Was easy. But two San Jose;
awardedthec0mpany,shiamafii........... .’ " ’ ¯
Barney was a cloyingly, super-" ’: " Calif.;’het~ros~(ial men’-sted,~, "
tarianawardt0Dr. James D0b2 saccharine cha.ract~r on.:a: " Anderson and "chriStianson,
head of the Colorad0~ Benvenuti;thirty¯so~efhingguys
with-strapping good looks -found
out..e.xac.tly how difficult love
children’s TV ¯show. but Citizens
Concerned say the.pbptilar
pre-historic Barney is.spreading
ance p01icies.at:~ a discount by
haming-the .pu~.clih~rs. 0f the
¯policies as beneficiaries. According
tothe Dallas Morning News,
Chisum’s investments have so
far netted him a t7% annual return.
Chisum is head ofthe Texas
Conservative C0a~ition, which
last year attempied.td.~av¢ a!l
state AIDS edu~at.ion fundg for
adults¯ transferred tO programs
for children and teens - w~io by
state education regulations can
only~ 1~ ~taug~h:.t~bs~r~ce ~~h¢
Window coverings of all types, accessories, silk
flowers, rugs, custom, upholstery & more
- all your interior needs.
Wembley Center "
7116South Mingo, Suite 102, 254,2100
the House Armed Services Committee
and a: leading liberal
Democrat, said the change was a
sign Glinton was ~’backpedaling’?
on the issue and that-it-’was a
tragic step backward that is catering
to the wrong forces."
as $1.99
" Tulsa Family¯ News; March - April.1994, page 5
Rainbow BUsiness
from page 1
had between 15" & 20. persons
attending with businesses re.presented
from retailers, bar-owners,
lawn-care provider~s to professionals,
such as graphics &
building designers, attorneys &
physicians. Officers will. be
elected at the next,meeting on
Monday, March :21 at 7pm,.For
more i~n~formation.-call,i, Ti’m
G~llean~at BudgetzWindow..-T.reatmentsi~~
More ar~ 254=21~00~:
from page 1
ity training among the training
currently being given-to Tulsa
police officers, to-advertise
Tulsa’s youth services as beinga
sale place for Gay and Lesbian
teens to-go, and to issue an executive
order that would protect
Gay and Lesbian city employees
from any type ofjob discrimination,
When questioned about current
operating procedures of the
City of Tulsa and -the Tulsa Police
Department. the Mayor’s
staff repeatedly asked for "specific
cases" of unfair.treatment.
Mr. East and Ms. Kitts indicated
a willingness, on the part of the
Mayor, to combat: injustice if
there were specific documented
cases that theCity could investigate.
Several people from the
audiencedid stay after the forum
to discuss specific incidents.
Several peopJe from the-audience
commended the office of
the Mayor for the February waterbill
inserts thatlisted sexual
:,.ofientati0n among the diversi-
- fieso£society. Mr..East saidthat
lhey had e×pefienced some cases
of negativefeedback from certain
citizens in Tulsa.
Mr. East and Ms. Kitz told the
audience that the Human Rights
Commission is studying the need
to include sexual orientation in
the non-discriminatory policy of
thecity. Before the Mayor takes
any action, she will probably wait
to find out what the recOmmendation
ofthe Commission is. Ms.
Kitzsaid that the Mayor is constantly
appointing people to various
boards, one of which is the
Human Rights Commission. She
indicated that there are current
vacancies, on that commission,
as well’ as On many other city
boards. Resumes can bb sent to
the Office of the Mayor.
Decisions decisions,.,,.
per mo;* air, AM/FM cassette
"47 payments at $169,~13,8501MSRPI $13,421 sale price, $500 down
$12,921 financed, last ~a[ment S5955i 151000 miles i~er’(ear t’ree; 12 i~er mile thereafter..
’94 Galant ES .5,05% apr, w.a.c.
per mo.* air, AM/FM cassette, auto
"41 payments of $225, $17.268 MSRP, S16367sale price, $500 down
last ~0a’(ment S8806, 15,000 miles I~er ~,ear freer 12 ¢ ~er mile thereafter.
’94 Diamante ES
$25,995, MSRP, Included:
"S300 security deposit, tag & tax due a_t inception, air., pow..er win.do.ws,:i.o.c._k.s.,
$1500 cap reduction, 42 mo. closed end cruise, alloy wneels, .~M/I-IV1
ease, res dual $12,998. 15,000 miles per year free, cassette, graphic
15 ¢ thereafter, total of payments $12,558 w.a.c, equalize.r & dual air bags.
’94 3000.GT
=$27,645, MSRP
dual air bags, air, tilt, power
*$1500 cap reduction $300 security deposit,- windows,locks,cruise, plus &
tag & tax due at inception, 42 mo. closed end leas’e, residual $14,099, more.
15,000 miles per year free, 15 thereafter, total of payments $12,558 w.a.c.
~.* lease
don carlton
4423 S. Memorial 665-6595
Tulsa Family News, March -April 1994, page 6
Jane Roth fro-, page 1
Last year, Johnand Stevefrom
the Silver Star came in with us. It
really helped because it takes a
lot ofpeople. Nobody else wants
to help .with the cooking, and
you’ve got all that stuff to do.
TFN: Doyou have an estimate
of how many people were there
JR: The.guys.at the gate said it
was approximately eleven to
twelve hundred. What Fd like to
do is .get a.little more inyglvement.
we .get a .lot of peopie who
say, "Well, everything’ s donated.
We’ll have shows or something
for donations." The beer’s donated,
the hotdogs were donated,
but they don’t realize our costs.
T.he park costs, the cooker costs,
porte-potties cost; the chiPS~ the
plates cost.:There’ Sjust so much
money involved, that one person
cannot.do it anymore, Ifwe could
get some volunteers; ff we could
get the equipment, that’d be
great, That’s why we’re starting
a little earlier this year.
Editor’s note: wealsoaskedJane .
to tell us a little about .herself
andher experiences.. "
TFN: .’~hat brought you tO
JR: .I read about the bar for
sale, andI came down tb to0kat
it. ,
¯ " TFN? Wla~i-e wereyou living
about40acres ofland down there nity; We"ve had a lot of different
and ended up staying there"for girls who have needed help and
about five years, then moved to we’ve, done fundraisers, and .
Watonga; lived in Kansas City they’ve got another one right
about twenty years, now we’re planning on doing
TFN: Have been involved in Something for....
mostly bar businesses? Any rimein your life, there’s
JR: Yeah. Over that periodof times that you-don’t expect. I
time I started in Kansas City, had a friend who was here from
then. opened my own in SanFranciscO~ndshementi0ned
Humansville; and Wato.nga. that she had.. :never see~a~.such a
’ Those were straight bars/You closeness in-a community: belearn
theropes all different ways. fore. !She Said.I musto b.e.,rea!ly
Our~,~rlsthereatT&T, they-re proud, and I-was so overpr0bably"
the m0si supp0~tiVe ....w.,.h.e..lm.. ed, ! ~as.just crying...~
:: bunch 6f~arii~h th~ii illa~,e ~ver " , !f ! s.a.y ~H-’ey, we~ need some-
~en-in ai~i c~in~muflity.:I got a thing, there ssome~rtsoutthe_re
callandwastoldthiswomanhad (who need help)’, they’ll say
just moved to Tulsa, she had no ’Well we’ll put this show toapartment,
she had no furniture, ,,ether,~, Jane.’
she had two children. !/_e made Our auctions ’seem. to work
a couple calls out, and I’m not betterthananything.Wehadone
kidding you, we hfid everything in September, and one. arotind
there by that night. Christmas, for a needy family.
¯TFN: Wow, one day. That is TFN! How do. you find out
oneof the reasons TFN wanted about who needs help?
t0’.talk with you. People go ¯ JR: There are ways offinding
around with a lotta stereotypes, peoplein need. Oneyear, Rocky
you know, "There’s this kinda from TOHR, he helped me. I
folk, and thatkinda folk, and think that was the first year l was
there’s bar pe0ple... In actuality, here, W~ had .the woman with
- there are good people all around the two childrem Jimmy and Roy
but we don’t hear about it. We also went With us to deliver. I
hope to change that, and raise think we had two pickup loads.
awhrenessof some of the good There was anotherfamily who
thatisdbne. That’sanincredible had a little boywho was really
story.. - sick; and their phone bills were
JR: Well, you kngw, every- " s0tremendous,justtryingtofind
body does what they Cando w!th doctors. Last year, we gave the
wllat they have:Now, me.~! m .proceeds to .shanti; who delivin.
the ba~business; AiidI danY:t ~r~ff£tii~ mon_ey to sever~ldiffer-
.. ent. families who needed fobd..
~b6ut i 6 kids ~in"the~ p~ogram
inow. Betterthan nothing, but the
best we can do? We think not.
In a meeting with Tulsa Family
News, Ms. Wiggins stated
Youth Services does not have a
timeline for reaching those who
need theprogram by going more
public, and will not make any
commitment tO consider developing
one. Futhermore, at that
Gay Youth
ft~om page2
about the program, Lesbian &
Gay youth, won’t find out either:
Tulsa Family News became
involved in this issue
inad.vertantly. A high school
q,uamtance was ¯approached
abotit advertising for one of his
businesse.s. He declined citing
,<~the-homophobia of the town in
-wh.ict~it~s located but suggested , same meetin.g~ MS,. Wiggins
-"~,thar:he::wouldlilke to pay for "mad~d-riUmO~r~0.f hgs’til~_ re=
;advertising :f6r;.this youth pro- riiarks aimed at the.Lesbian &
-’grams" -~ : ’ . ~-: Gag’(ommuniti~ she accused
Tulsa FamilyNews contacted us ofai.min~,:"brick~ats,~atYomh
:YouthServices arld the 0ff~rwas
accepted: The donor.later’asked cfifiz~d t]~T0~" not hd~ihg d~elif
his dollars could go to Youth 0ped anything fOr OU!: young
Services (in order to-get a tax adultsourselves, andco~plained
deduction) with Youth Services that "your communities" had
payingfortheadwithear-marked hardly raised any money for the
dollars (it is not Unusual for gifts program in: contrast to .her board
to be dedicatedl to a partio.ular of.directors, MS.. Wiggins.~uggested
that if we didn’t like what
the~, were doing, we should shut-
UP or start our own.
In response, Tulsa Family
News would liketo sugges[ that
"our communities" can hardly
support pi’ograms about .which
we haven’t been told. We would
add that the Lesbian/Gay compurpose).
This is where the problems
arose.Youth SerVices would not
honor what should have been
routine donor request. It tUrns
out that Youth Services n" ev"er
wanted the ads that they.approved
to run but did-SO because they
felt to-refuse the 0ff~r would
¯ people in thecommunity that are
: .justprejudiced. Theydon’t want
the guys around, the guys don’t
want~hg girls ar0un~,:and I.think
that" s so stupid. Everybody needs
everyb0dy.,~ ..-. . ’ ~’.
TFN: Do y0u: think Tuls,~t
needsa ciammunity center? .
J:,R: It does.i, but I don’.t-.krtow
ifit’.d w0rl(.~ we’ve:had.~ 10t of
different things, SO many different
things that have :failed t-hat
Jane Roth......" " "~ 0nhimterribly.Hegbtl~t~r~t~i~i~":NOHate ,.:
_f_r,Orh page 1 she said~ "My heai:t g~es out-to:.... . : .. ~ , . from page I
perspective on Tulsa s ommu- these kids, and is there any wa~ .~-tation" in the:;~.ntCiiCC. "~Vc arc
nities? ¯ " youcan dome and get them with- -a stronger’ Commtmitv because
~: I think the community is a out somebody kn~WingT" .. -- /of ouraccepkmce-of ~arions re:
10t more togetherthan it was,. I said that I kn0w,{~ 10t 0t; ,.- ie 0n~rac~s, sexual oicntat
from when I first came here. people that .Could . ~ake~’em:to & _ a~d naii0mil 0ri~in:" it went
You’re always gonna ha.ve afew meriting, if we Could .fi~d 0he,::if t0: say that luws~that target haw
we could find a meeting place -. crimes arc imp(~rtant but that
tb~ these kids. She said, "It’s - gh0fild also Ibcdg,ol~ our bcli’~’ls
hard for’em in school I:kh0w -. :
how Fdfeel if it had~been:oneof ,’~Ougm~essagc~,sbould;,~c
my own chddren ,The~boy.had -
come to her house;,and,s~e;said; ::.. th~l(d’i!’l~r~hces 5h;~t
~’My heart-went-ouvto ~i~¢and I o~c-oLus..a~un(~zo~.. : :¢.--
am not-Gay. Ithought thatma~ ~im East. prc~s, spokes
something.. The ,kids do need Ibr Tuls~fimyoriSusan Savage,
some lsupport]. ¯ -. indicated that a l~vpersons had
TFN: Whatdovou think,about called lo complain of the inclu:
a program that ~xists [for’Gay sion of "sexual orientation.’
peoplehavetfiedt~puttogether., kidsl, but refuses to advertiseor Those wishing to commcm
And why? Id0n t .knoff.~..still ~ . otfierwise :make themselves this essay may call the Nia.xor’s
we’ve got a lot more than what known. 6ven ~hen a donor .oI~ office at 596~41 I.
we.had when I first.came here. a l~rs to donate, money specifi5
lot more. - " " cally lbr that purpose’: The?e arc LetteFs lioml,,Ce 2
You know~ when.I firstcame cuwentlv sixteen:kids utilizinu thev take the initiative to stand
here .one of the.pe0ple that was the proffram. Do you think: .th~ ,_up ibr us.
the biggest help to me was Kris in al! ol~ Tulsa.- there are ,only Additionally, the. worst thing
Kohl. ~is was always donating si.xtcenGay kids? we can do is t¢;Ict disagreements
his time forbenefitS and stuff. . JR: That does not make sense and’ ar,e,’um,.-n.,.s.s,eparm¢" - us
He s been dora= ~t.e~er-s~nce I. to me. How arc the. kids sup- one another. It is not necessary
got here, and was probably.do- posed toknow about this’? When lk)r every Gay. Lesbian or Bfing
it b~fore i got here.~... ’ I have straieht x~:0mcn calline - sexual person to,agree on every
traps Of thecl0Setl and how easy
it i~ to i-afionali~e hiding.
Another thing Ms. Wiggins
refuses to answer is what, if any
timeline, Youth Services for taking
the program more public? If
they~could reach all the young
adults who need their help
through their current outreach
that would be fine. But ~hat outreach
is limited at present to putting
cards with their phone number
in library books that gay
youth might pick up and to the
beginnings of a word of mouth
built network of "sympathetic"
school counselors. The result is
there", perhaps our experience
and advice might be given a little
more respect,
Youth ServiCes is partially
funded by United Way.Some of
those dollars are Our dollars. They
are also receiving funding from
the state of Oklahoma. and some
of .those dollars are. definitely
ours: Sooner or later, Youth Services
is going-to have to get
brave and come out about serving
all youth, including ours.
Youth Services’ mission is not
¯and should not be restricted to
heterosexual youth-only.
Sunday March-13, MDA Benefit
Couple Dancing Workshop By Paula Hand
Sat. &Sun. March 26.& 27, $35 for. both days.
Learnthe Best in Country Da.ncing!- -
Sunday Show" case,"Mar.ch.!2.7i.i !!i .....
Anne Marie "Liza"
Ivana B. Real & Sadie Brooks
Hosted byKris Kohl
Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 4~2, Fri. & Sat. 7-2, Sun, 4-2
1565 S. Sheridan
: ~.~. Ttd_sa Family. News March -~ April ! 994, page
Clinton frompage l
must not be denied by ballot
initiative or otherwise." The
Clinton lettercame as a result Of
a request by the Victory Fund for
the~Clinton’s support in fighting
the anti-gay campaigns.
Waybourn’s letter was written
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health
Trials Begin of Global
AIDS Vacci ne
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. - United
Biomedicallnc. has started clinical
trials.ofthe 1 st multi-component
syn!hetic AIDS vaccine
Silverman, AmFAR’s president,
agreed that he was hardly happy
with the Bush administration’s
-record on AIDS, but said
AmFAR had hoped the expresident’s
reach people "whom we might
on behalf of his own or~aniza- .designed~peclfically :to target
tion. as well as the HumaffRi~tits i~ae .e.xte~.~i~i-.~0rldwide vari-
- " Campaign Fund. the’ N~.t~fial ~: "ability o~7~I~:.2.ii virt)s..W~hil~
Gay & Lesbian Task For~vthe’~ .~thef cai~4idat~:-vaccines~:a?e ~
-lh;~ Ga~&LesbianAlliance~ga~st~;~ ~b~sed on~i~le;varmnt ol~me ¯ . ............ ...... - :~ ¯ .
~]’amation (GLAAD). a~d~’~: NOrth N~strai:n~. ~j’)~.~.
~4nts, Families & Prien~s 6~4ff~~ ,-¯virus; ~,~¢~cu~d"~i.fs;rff:? /
Heartstrings 101 is a musical theater event challen~in~ the audience- ~bianshndGavs(P-FEAG3~r~. sea?ch o~t~g:~bleculaf d~si~n.......t.i.o.ns in the ¯state. Drug addicts
to think about the realities of HIV & AIDS. ThecmTent tour is president’s backing brings a ofa"cocktait,:vaccinetargeting
designed Ibr young.adults and is a call to action to save a generation measure of hope to thos~, who- a range ofHIV- 1: strains existing who eXchangesex f0r-crack and
at risk.
Heartstring 101 is a pmgrana ofthe nationa.l Community AIDS
Partnership and is touring the country this spring as part-of a new
national youth mmamc. The perlkm]mncc on March _: will be a
~review lbr our community In preparation t~r an .egtended tour ih
1995 Which will visil T~dsa area colleges and universities. .
HIV infection is steadily increash~ in ad01escentsand voun~ adults
in our c~mmunitv. Aheadv more titan 1.100 cases of HIV & AIDS
have been dia~no~scd in tbe~ulsa area. Many of the cases ofAIDS are
reported among young adults between the ages of 20 and 29. indicatin~
that most 0f tlwm contraclcd the virus at a much earlier a~e.
~hc GatckOcpcr~ Pfrfdrmancc is lbr community leaders an~ other
are fighting in the.trenche~~ery
day to defeat these anti-ga,ymeasures.’"
Waybourn sai& ;’R v~-ill
sustain them through
battle¯ We are not alone."
Pride Summit
from page 1
homa City lbr geographical reasons.
The group also came to
consensus that this state-wide
meeting should be called the~
:around, the .glob~. The PhaSe
trialS, to deier~]’ne safety and
iriimunogenici(~~ is beiri~ Sl~O~i-
Sored-:by ,th~ ~.accirie ~lini~al
Trials Ne~ff~r.t4:of th6 U.S! National’
Institute of Allergy and
other~drugs ,are the main force
behindthe rising VD rate, officials
.said. According to state
. health statistics:, the syphilis rate
in Mississippi is 7 times,that of
the national average. AIDSex-
Infectious Diseases and is being, perts say a dramatic increase in
conducted at the Universit9 ~0f the syphilisrate portends¯, in the
Rochester and Johns Hop¯kins next few years~ a similar:sharp University. rise in new HIV infections as welli
Concerns Over Federal ~ - " "
" AIDS Funding " Calif°rniaissuesSafer
¯ Oral Sex Guidelines
Alterations & Drapery Cleaning
4951" So. Peoria, (across from the Camelot) 743-5967
Monday-Friday 7-6, Saturday 9-2
Same-day dry cleaning service on request.
l’u~s,~ I"amffy News. March - April 1994 .p.a.ge 8
.tate AIDS prevention and- care presentorsuspected; avoidrough
- to value our digersity, seeking
politiCal unity for common
goals, and in particular, recogniz(.
the strengtl~s and contributions
¯of race, gender and class,
Outcomes of the Summit may ..
"- - fn~tude h rapid ~l~onsen~twor~=
of GLB.T organizations, the creation
6t il ic~nt~al :i’esofrC~’prbvider,"-
a dii-~ctbry of organizations,
and a leadership caucus.
Outreach to:rural Lesbians and
Gay men is a topic of particular
For more information, call
Tulsa Family News at 832-0233.
efforts in rural states, and community,"
said Jeremy Landau, or vigorous oral sex; check for
executivedirectoroftheNational cutsin the mouth and genitals
Rural AIDS Network-. ~
before having oral sex; wash the
sex or._.qans before:arid after;:and
Bushes Bow Out of avoid~tushfffg ~rfl0ssing t~eth
AIDS Benefit
WAS HINGT0iN :2: iF:0~.irner .... : immedi:ate!y before Or after .ha,~-
Pi’egident.George Bush and wife .ing oral
Barbara have fo?mally .,With-¯ . -u~lan !nqulry~
drawn from a fundraising event
forAm., FAR (Ame.ric.an.Fou.ndation
f0rAIDS ReSearch) follow- -’:~-K~,r_~ ~-~;:,;~,,~or,’~ in_
~ng w~despread protests of their be,ng ,nv,ted to s,t on an honor
aryhostcommitteefortheevent, than 1,000-Canadians with the
Opponents said Bush’s support
in the fight against the epidemic virus got under way Monday,
was negligible When he was
I "This seems a little hypocrit!-[, president.R0s~m~irialBush’s
I cal to me, especially consider-~ chief Of st,aft, t01d the Washing~
ling where ABC had to kiss/ ton Post,- They have withdrawn.
I Roseannejust to keep her from / It.was more out..of courtesy so
I going tO .CBS." - Jay Leno/
they would not harrfi .the.fun&
[ about Roseanne’s lesbian kiss.I raising .event." Mervyn
Feb. 14~although the head ofthe
commission doesn’t expect to
..... make anyfindings availabi.e for
nearly 2-years. More than a thousand
hemophilia~cs and patients
receiving blood transfusions in
Canada are known to have been
infected since 1978, and some
Health Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs_ Health
400 of them have since died..The government
commission, headed hy Justice Horace Crever,
will begin by holding hearings throughout the rcountry
during the next 8 months to gather infor~
mation and testimony. Although the commission
has a September 1994 deadline, Crever said he
does not expect a report to be ready before December
U.S.’Women Unaware of,
Sexual Health Risks
WASHINGTON- The overwhelming majority of
women surveyed, inthe U.S. believe they are safe
from sexually transmitted diseases,including AIDS~
according to a poll of !;000 women between .the
ages of 18,60. The survey, condiacted by the Ameri-
Can Medical womenrs Assn. and the Campaignfor
¯ .Vgomen~s Health, determined that.two-thirds,.ol~
U..S.:women know "almost nothing:’ aboutSTDs
other than .AIDS, .arid one-third know "almost.
n0thing?’ about, any STDs,, including.. AIDS. In..
addition~ some.50%bf womenbelievemonogamy
-is.effective protection against disease;fewer thaii"
one-third of the women surveyed use:condoms
during sex; and t:wo-thirds of the ~women under age
25. use condoms or abstain :from se~,.?This survey
confirms that women are uninformed, .unconcerned-and
not taking action in the.face of rising risk,, said Joan
Kuriansky of the Campaign for Women’s Health.
AIDSEpidemic Declining in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO.- San Francisco Health Department
officials have announced what may be the most significant
pieces of good news inthe grim recent history of the
AIDS epidemic. An analysis by health officials indicates
that the epidemic peaked in 1992 in this city, the first to
be hit by the disease that has killed more than 200,(300
Americans in the past 13 years. The Health Department
report indicates that the number of new A:IDS cases.
i’eported in i992 hit a high point of 3,326 and has begun
-slowly but.steadily to decrease. By t997, health dfficials
here now estim’d{e.there will ~ only I~204¯1 ~V :
Briefs Health Briefs Health Briefs
reported. The report also indicates that the-number of
people living with AIDS in the city’crested at 9.109 in
1992 and projects that number will fall to 6.460. by 1997.
Health officials said the safe sex campaignslaunched bv
the’city’s gay community early in.the, epidemic were the
most important contributor to breaking the relentless
spread of HIV. In other larger U.S. cities, such as New
York and Los Angeles, ~prevention efforts were less
effective, they said. As a result, the number of new AIDS
cases there, and elsewhere around the country’, have
continued to grow annually.
The. Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership
(TCAP) is.seekin,,¢ applications.. "l’Olll co. n nt,. airy.
organizations/bE the pu~osc ol strc ~gt.hcn ng Tulsa" s
ability to meet the Challenge of HIV/AII)S. On the
merits of a proposal IY0m t~c Tuls~ area United Way
and the Community Scrv.icc Council. Tulsa was
chosen this year Ibr a ffiliation. Throu~la the National
Communi.ty AIDS Partncrst~ip Challenge Grant program;
the TACP will Ol’l~r ftmding l~r proposals
addressing the lbllowing cohccrns: H1VLMDS information
scrvi¢cs,,~art cular[~,.lhosc.~vhich
expand or enhance~tfic HIV/~?II~S h~i( ~i~c nt~rnlation
and rcl~f~il services c6~crauc cthrcfith’ avmlable
in Tulsa: HIV prcvcntion/cducath~n: ~crviccs
especially those whic~ target ytmth. ~ omt’n, minorities,
injection, dru_,, u~c¯ rs: Hlk’/..kll)S ca~c ~ci’viccs:
includmgdental ~trc. psycho~ocial ~iCcdk including"
counseling, transportation assistance, l i~ ing hcalth-
~ ily with HI~ and support: agcnc~ ,labili/ation: and
volan.teer development and coordination. I:cllcrs of
interest arc due by 5 (~)p.m.on March 251h. I
-Full proposals arc duc by 5 ~.m. 0n April 22nd. I
There will hc an inlbrmalion ~c~i6n trom tl_ IO a.m.
on ~arch 17th in the Collin~ R~,m. t:nitcd Way
Building. 1430 S. Boulder. Applicators mull bc
c~ted jn and scr~c pc0plc in the "l’ul,a~MS~-~ (Tulsa.
R(~gc~s.Wagoner. Creek. and ()sage ~’ounl~c~
If you are unable to attend thi~ meeting and ~ ould Ilk6
copies of the inlk~rmation, contat’t Sharon Pottier at 5S5-
5551 after Mardh 17lh:Scnd lett~r~, tt~ Jani~’~’ ~ikla~.
Project Director. TCAP. 1431) S. Boulder. l’ul~a ()K:
74119-3604. For more information, call NI~. Niklas at
Quote- Unquote
"The perverts ofthe ’50s arethe saints of the "90s.’"
~ Long-time lesbian activist Del Martin who,
along with her partner Phyllis Lyon. the Rev. Cecil
~Williams; and the Rev. Robert Cromey, received
’.’Liying Saints" awards :from. the Metropolitan
Cbmnianity Church.in San~ Francisco. -
Fri ds K pi/ g Fri ds. . ,
for details
Look for-us at our
Thursdays from 6: 0 - 9:00 pnt
the11"th $’[’reet Loeafio.
(Project Eeaeh.Otrt !!)
for details.
Tulsa Family News, March 2_ April i 994. page9
American Theatre Co.
BREAKING LEGS Mar. 25-Apr..2 596-7111
Broken Arrow Community Playhouse
ALL MY SONS Mar.48~27 258-0077
Clark - , - , _-:.
To be~:affnounced. ~ 596-7111
Holler Theatre
NO EXIT Mar. 1(/213 746-5065
Sapulpa Community Theatre
TBA _,7-_169
Spotlight .Theatre
THE DRUNKARD Ongoing. 587-5030
.Theatre Pops
TBA 596-7111
Theatre Tulsa
Mar. 11-20
Apr. 8-1, 596-7111
THE WIZARD OF OZ Apr. l&2 596-7111
Tulsa Ballet Tlaeatre
THE MIGHTY CASEY Apr. 8-10 5i-)6-7111
Tulsa Junior College
CURSE.YOU. JACK DALTON Apr. 8-17 596-7111
Life With Father
Marc_h 11-20
Anne ofthe Thousand Days
April 8-17
Kelly Kirby
Certified Public Accountant
Please Note New Address & Phone:
POB 14011, Tulsa 74159-1011, 747-5466
Faster refunds available
through electronic.filing.
2630 East 15th Dart Tournament. Tuesdays; 8 prr
749- !-~63
poo! Tournament. Fridays, 7:30
~ Every Friday at t 0:30, SHOW!
AreYou Prime?
Tulsa Area Prime Timers are
on the move. TAPT began in
August. 1993, as the 27th chapter
of International Prime Timers.
Initially having 15 mem,
-bers. the organization now has
45 members: and is growing.
The purpose of TAPT is to
provide social and cultural/recreational
activities organized out
ofinterest surveys fromthemembership.
TAPT pUblishes a
monthly newsletter .\vith an activity
calendar/’or its members.
ACtivities range from dinin~ out
to get-togethers: swim parties and
Many members are planning
to attend the Dallas/Fort Worth
Prime Timers 4th anniversary
Celebration March 18-20.
Springtime is on its way, and
outdoor activities are being
planned. One overnight trip is
being organized for the 67 mile
train ride through the Ozark
If you are 40 or over, you may
write to: Tulsa Area Prime Timers,
P.O. Box 52118. Tulsa: Oklahoma.
Family of Faith is hosting a
workshop entitled "’The Blessing"
on. Wednesday. March 3.0.
The workshop Will b~ preceded
. bya potluck dinner.at 6:30. The
¯ %cus of the workshop.is to.talk
about how each 0f-~s can be a
blessing to those-in our lives,
and also how we canbe blessed
by our families and loved ones
For info., call 298-4622.
Theatre Notes
by Gerald Miller
Volunteerism and community
service is something whictiThea.
tre Tulsa deals in every day. It
is part of our mission as a community
~heater, and a mainstay
in our ability to prOduce shows.
We are-constantly surprised at
the number of people who want
to come and dip their toes in this
thing called theater. While I will
never discourage anyone from
that desire, I do want to pose the
question as to Why that
volunteerism and community
spirit doesn’t get translated into
other worthwhile efforts.
¯ Even as 1 pose that quesuon, I
do all that I can. or all that I once "
did. My "explanation’. (read :’~xcuse")
is TIME. Where I once
volunteered to walk my block
for the American Heart Association.
I don’t anymore. Where I
once was extremely active in
political volunteerism, I’m not
anymore. Where I once invested
time in civic committees, I don’t
The over-riding reason that I
don’t do these things anymore is.
the amount of time spent in my
duties with the theatre.. In all
honesty, part of the ieason that I
don’t make time for these efforts
due to the fact that in a couple of~
cases, I had a.di~heartening ex- .
perience, t let the individual
am acutely aware that I have to
make the experience as positive
and beneficial as I possibly can.
I also have to be constantly attuned
to the potential negative
incident. That means t spend a
lot oftime trying to guard against
that potential negative, and I am
sure that I’m not always successful.
Let me suggest for all of you
who have had the one negative
experience, or for those of you
who haven’t given yourselves
the opportunity of either the
negative or positive experience
of volunteerism, give another
shot~ or a’firgt shot. Keep in mind
that involvement is the only way
you can help shape the community
in which we all live.
YOU have a vast potential outlet
to suit your individual interests.
Tulsa is blessed with countless
community service organizations,
artistic outlets, religious
service organizations, community
committees, ed.ucational
outreach programs, and of
course, political activity. Somewhere
out there is a group that
needs your talents and time.
Get out there and get involved.
Don’t expect the .negative experience.
No matter how busy’your
life may be, there isa very selffulfilling
opportunity waiting for
you. You must be pro-active.
about your involvement.
Here’s what I commit to do
before the end of summer. I will
negative .experience-:drive me . find some non,theater:avenue
av,;~t)"f{om iill thdg~0d that those ’ and provide ¯time and money to
efforts represented, that group. I’ll report back to
As a person Who regularly so- you as which group it- was and
licits ¯volunteers, relies upo_n what I was able to do: Now, it’s
them, and appreciates them, I your turn!
Leaves of Grass
Health Center is an organization
dedicated to the enhancement of
health in body, mind. and spirit,
through counseling, play & art
workshops, retreats, and prevention
education towards the transformation
of consciousness.
LOGHC is located in the (oothills
of the Ozarks in-Northeastern
Oklahoma in Tahlequah.
LOGHC is-an association ofpr0-
fessionals who have counseling
expertise with all forms ofad-~
diction processes, stress illness,
people living with HIV/AIDS
and people affected by PLWA’ s.
education, and nutrition.
Director Jan Bauer also extends.
an invitation, as local representative
of the national organization,
’Old- Lesbians Orga-.
nizing for Change’, to Lesbians
House Share
GWF lookingfor
GF or couple
to share "
4 bedroom home.
$350/mo. incl.
utilities, washer, etc.
1/2 rent offfor yard
age 60 orolder to.acquaint with
with the OLOC organization and
who might enjoy participating
in an OLOC ageism c.onscioushess
raising group. OLOC is
committed to networking with
old lesbians everywhere to combat
ageism, and celebrate differences
and affirm the diversity of
our races, ethnicities, class back~
grounds, of herstories, and
present lives,
For further information on either
LOGHC or OLOC, call Jan
Bauer at 918-456-2448.
Saturday, April 2
Crestview Clubhouse
2323 East Sixth,Stillwater
Reception, 6pm, Dinner, 7pm,
Dance, 9:2am, RSVP by March 26
Speaker: Robyn Ochs, author/activist
GLBCA, 405-744-5252
040, Student Unio, Box ~01, Sti!!water 74078
!.I.~,~ l"ami/;" News, March April 1994. page lO
April 1-30
Display: Book Collectors Club
of Tulsa, 4th anti Denver.
April 2,5,7,9,11,14
Noontime Book Fair
1 la.m.-2p.m., 4th and Denver.
April 2
Workshop: Begin’g Genealggy
9:30a.m.- 12p.m.
1520 N.Hartford Ave.
Api-il 4 . .
Family Film Night, "Winnie The
Pooh and Tigger Too"
6:45p.m.-7:30p.m., 5 [3113! 91 st
April 4
Books Sandwiched In
12:10-12:50 p.m.
Aaronson Audit., 4th& Denver.
April 4, 11
Lecture: "Positive Parenting:
Meeting The Challen=e ,
6:15p.m.-7p.m., 551 E. 46th St
April 6
BookDiscussion, i :30p.m:, 3219
S. 113th W. Ave¢Santi Springs.
April 6
Lecture: "Tulsa’s Scandalous
Past.", 12:10p.m.- 12:50p.m.,
Aaronson Audit., 4th &Denver.
April 7
Lecture: "Herbs to Know ~and
Grow", 10:30a:m.-1 l:15p.m.,
3210 E.21st St.
April 8
Book Signing, William Sanders,
author of"The Next Victim", &
"’A Deathon RoUfe 66.........
7p.m., 1207 E.45th PI.
April 11 ,, .
G A, Y L.
6737 S. 85th:E.Ave.
April 1.1
Book Review, 2~2:50pira.,.Br0-:.: ..
ken Arrow Library, 300
Broadway .-
April 13
Lecture by Rev. Dr. John Wolfe
737 S. 85th
Sandra Z Hill, M.S.
Psychotherapy and
Clinical Consultation
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 2.15
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105
745i 1111
I F E S ........ T.....Y L E
21st..& ,129.East Avenue (Next.to Homeland)
234-9007 .
$3 Beer .Bust, Everyday 4-7, $1.50 Pitchers, 9. to midnight.
Mon. - Dart League 8pm.
Tues.- Pool Tournament, 8pm.
Wed.- Bamboo Night with Singing/Dancing Star,
Gene Kernaghan, 40’s, 50’s & 60’.s Music
Thurs. - Ladies Night, $1.25Longnecks
for the. Ladies.
Fri. - Male Dancers, Disco &::iMixed .music, 10pm.
Sat. - Showcase with Mersades; and. guest,
Stephanie Cassidy, And Dancers too!
Sunday Brunch, noon.-2pm,
Open daily till 2am, Food served during all open hours.
Maj0r; credit cards accepted..
"Tulsa Fantily.Ne.ws, March - April !994, page 11
Thursday-:& Sunday
The bestshows in
town - call for lineup!
Friday & Saturday
Music:--in town!
Coming March 20th,
First Ciass Male Dance Revue
Fourhot guys &.
One outrageous girl!
_Cheap-beer every-night!
Nightly beer busts!
Domestic Longnecks
50¢, 9-1.0 pm, $1,10-11
every night!
r I
toMfoo~ery.!.¯ ..
at the Alle_v .
"lllitis,,,- ~ur~l Oish-2am
Airl~.idt)iscol=" accepted.
Tulsa’s only ~
Lesbian/Gay Gift Store
April 3rd
The JimmyJames Show
..Tickets on sale now!
$5 advance, $8 at the door
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1994] Tulsa Family News, March-April 1994; Volume 1, Issue 4,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 6, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/464.