[1994] Tulsa family News, December 1993-January 1994; Volume 1, Issue 1
[1994] Tulsa family News, December 1993-January 1994; Volume 1, Issue 1
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued between Dec. 1993-January 1994.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, military, law, charity, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
December 1993-January 1994
Chris Thomas
Lee Moon
Donald Vaughan
Lee Moon
Donald Vaughan
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, September 2001; Volume 8, Issue 9
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 States)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 States)
Our Families ofthe Heart
posu reLawsuit. C oul d¯Give
Final . Biow >To Sodomy. Law
ByTomNeal~.Tulsa Family News reporter court tests..As a :different circumstances are
Aruling by Oklahoma district level judge, examined by the court, tbe application~of a
Melinda Monette on a civil lawsuit filed by ruling is better understond.
Dmmright attorney, TimDaniel, may strike Some of!the legal support for overturning
thekilfin~blowto Oklahoma’s,sodomy"law. sodomy lawswas lost in aUS Supreme Court
The lawsuit, seeks damages.from the estate of ruling, Bowers vs,:.Hardwick, also from 1986~
a Gay roanallegedly for knowingly expo.sing This case found that homosekUal .conduct is,
not protected under the USConstitution’s implied
right toprivacy. Legul
experts have characterized
~ Ibis 5.4.case aspoorly reasoned,
, by.sound legal principles.
FormerUS Jus~ce Powell~
- who provided the ~swing"
Volume 1, I~sue 1
the plaintiff to risk of HIV infection (human.
dining, the course of a two-
¯year Se~xual. relationship. It
is alleged that the decedent
with AlDS-(acqUired im~
mune deficiency syn.
New report cites anti-gay public
policy incidents in 41 states
in past year
GayNetNews Service
Anew rep0rt on anu~gay efforts across the
nation spotlights several dangerous strategies
being usedby anti:gay groUps,and showshow
scattered.victories can be turned into abroader
base ofSupport. "Hostile Climate:A State-by- ¯
State Report on Anti-GaY Activity" Was pre~
paredby Peopleforthe AmericanWay(PAW),
a300,000,membernon-partisan constitutional
liberties o~aniTation based in Wa~xhlngton,
According to PAW president Arthur J.
Krupp, "While national battles over guy fights
have captured, the limelight, dozens of 10w-
AA-.m e,r ca n
i :r.l i, n e s ?
November. 22, 1993
Mr. RobertCrandall, President
’We were extremely disapp6inted-to lean
irresponsibly-in its:treatment Of passengers
whoeitherhave orare perceived to have’AIDS
or HIV disease.
The latest incident of which we are aware,
that of the forcible arrest of Mr. Timothy
Holless from flight 50 out 0fChicago, is in our
View, deplorable~ Our understanding of-the
. status, and imowingly en- vote . to. continue to ~ofdecampaignsagainstbasiccivilfi~ts:for facts leads us to belive that there w_as-a pheguged
in sexual bchavio~ cdminalize private~ con~ guys and lesbians have beenprolif~gat~ nomenal°insensitivity to ithe needs. of :those
that exposed the plalnfiffto " sehsual homosexual .con- the local level:The Spread 0fanti-guyactivity - who suffer from AIDS, and.Seems to us as if
high-risk of infection.. Ex’ :,duct, has since.recanted his . has reached a point where:~0ns 0f;Amefi- American’S actionsmayhavebeen Vi0~five of
posinganotherl)ersont0~ vote, sayinghemadeamis- Cansfeartheirmostbasicfightsarebeingheld ¯ .boththeAirCarderAccessActandTitleIlIof
ofHIVinfectiouw.ith.ou.tf.all take; hostage to hate politics: " " the~cans withDisabi!iti~ ACt:
¯~losureis avi01afi0n of In his respo.ns¢ to attor- According to.the repott, 4! stat~s and.:the.. -" T0 addinsuit t0 th~ th~i:indign~.ty- of your
Oklahomalaw¶ . .. " neyTimCheek, .Mr. Daniel . ~. Districtgf Columbia have ekperienced anti- ~,a~n~tofMr~Holiess~i~SadVocacy
~ -Tnn.Cheek, attom~ey,de-, axguedthathiS..cfientshould gayactivitysincetheNo~e=mber1992el~ons..i: .:~ups ~nght. a re~:~!-tO)~e\~lment Of
fendingtheestateofthe..d.e.-. ’ not-10se ’~temost funda- Atota10f!32stateor!ocalbattlesarechronic!~i.. =.Mr. Holiess,. ~,Am.erk~ans<answer Wasihat~the
~ced¢.nt, :Challenged not.:the . mental-right, ltl~t of a fair intherePort,:~d.rangedfromattacksS..mt.e,wide ¯ :]ncidentdoes ~iot Warrant:a respon~e:!’Fnatis~.
faCtor)f the plalntiff~s~ ."i "- " . ~g in c0art:’.~use anfi~liseriminafion laws to.the vandalism of unaccep.table: ¯ ’ .... : . ....
bu[Challengedthep~:~S"?~..:: .:". :: :, i-. . ~ .. ...... the fient isGaylanden- . the home of Melbourne, .!0wa,.mayor Bill. We understand that. American>has:~l~lO-
-~ right,~i~u.;~~~,~::th~~,n.- "...."gu"g~:.in.:hsmose~ual,conduct~ [n challenging - Crews,.whohndpnbficlycome o.utjnstprior.to .gized ~,~H~.!.!e~;: By.’ that We-i~er,you
against natui~, <committed w~th ,mankind or doctl~ne..Daniel, adds that.whiletheBower~- ¯ ~ ~=~ ~ ~~" ~"~~=~I~I~: ~ " who ha~e:;or are perceived to have HIV or
withabeast,ispmi.~hablebyimprbonmentin vs; Hardwickdecision doeS allow thestate .of CUFERTINO,Calif.I:==~Wiili~ms0n C6~i~ty, hdDS. We expect s.hortlyfiom you a.clear
the penitentimT not exceeding ten years,..." Georgia to keepits "sodomy" law, it does not" T~xas, county commissioners who Snubbed statementofnon=di~nation and full-corn=
Legal scholal~ have questioned whether require Oklahoma to reinstate its "sodomy" Apple Comp~terInc.at.the end of Novemi~r pliance with all Federal antl~inadon
Oklahoma’s "sodomy"-statute still applies to. lawwhich has atready been foundto be uncon~ because ofits domestic pa11~er health benefits laws, and we expect you to abide by that unti=
homosexual.conduct. In 1986 in a case con= stitutlonal, package for gay and. lesbian employees re, discdndnation inthe future.
ceming hete~osexunl oonduct, )he law was IndgeMunettemledinfavorofTimDanieI’s versedtbemselvesaweeklateronDec.7. Just Rep.BameyFrank, D=MA
found to be ~nconstitutionaL In ¯Post vs; the client,.nding that the decision of Post vs. the aweckbefore,on Nov. 30, the commissionexs Rep. HenlT Waxman, D~CA
State 0fOk/ahoma;the Corot ofCrlminal Ap, _ State ofOklahoma do~s apply to homosexual had refused 3=2 to e~te~id a $750,000. tax Rep. Pat Schmeder, D-CO
peals ofOkla_homafound that"’natund repug= conduct. Thismeansthathomosexualconduct abatementto Apple because of the domestic Rep.G~ Studds, D;MA
nance’.[onthepartofmanyforcertalnsexual isno longer cdmin~li~zy,d in the state ofOlda- . parmersbenefits. The,second vote that give Rep.JamesOberstar, D-MN
acts] does not createcompelling,justification homa _unless a. higher court reverses .Judge Apple the. $1 million for: impmvements,-also Rep. John Lewis: D-GA
for:statereg||lntionof ?abnoimal.. :sexual~ . Monette’gd~ision: Atty. Cheeksaidhewould 3-2,involvedfiochangeinthecomputer~.mn,s Rep.John O!_ver,D-MA ¯
involving consentingaduitS,-and thus,.ap.pli: seeksucharuiingfromahigh’ercourt,uptothe ¯ pertuerspolicy, which Apple inSisted from the Rep~.Jolene~nsoeld, D-WA
: cation0f..;~[the~OK~mylaw].,..to alleg:,..State SupremeCunrt(if.~, IfJu~l_g,e_ : timetheissuef’nsteruptedherenearlyam0nth :Rep. AnnaG~.Eshoo, D-CA
_edly private; ..onk~.usual :aCtS-violated:, : M0nette’s ~ion. is upheld: iO~0mas.: + r "~O W~ not up for negotiation, "Our pofiCy
: Rep~ Th0nW~- Andrews,. D-MA
¯ de[endant~s~timtionald~ttopdvacy...:?: "s,o~!0_..~ay".law~bed~lyun~titutiom!. :~mainsdearandwedidnotwalver,"saidBil! . ~p!.l~’~’~0wens,~D-,~.MAA!
tomeYDa~dmgges.~.~ttl~ecase,Pon.- . .-andTn~Danl.erSplaintiffscasowillgototrial ~ . Keeo*_,_n, Apple’s spokexman in Texns~- ,We Rep: Jano:ttarman, t)-uA.
vs:.. the.State.of OMahoma; logid.ally.s~uld :. like any. other civil. dam~£eS case. At press . feel tlds poficy.is an .’,m!:~t component of : Rep.-_Tom I ~_ntos, D-CA
.apply.to-~~.con~= Wen ash=.-.: . time, nQ further action had occurred. An up- our business plan. It sa way to .~, and " Rep: Jerrold _N. ~a~i!~...,~D-NY
. ergsexualconductbutadd~ino~rsystemof, pealtoahigherCourtandfurtherrulingscanbe retain tlmbestandbrightestempl0yees; . Rep.Nancy Pelosi,D-CA
lawtheseissuesaredetetmin~by~ive: ex~..within, the next several munths. " . -GayNet News Service Rep.Marty Meehan, D,MA .
..... .... Rep. Neff.A~ble,ENtR
- -Tulsa P¯ubl re" -Pr"o,Gay-State-Educ..a..,-"Regulat,"ons Rep.:GoorgeMiller,~
Rep.N~Velazquez, .D=NY
- B~ TomNeat, Tulsa FamilyNews reporter. ~sm~;~oliti~orreugionsbeuefs, fa~y, co~u=t,~l~~se regmtionsarmbe- R~p.L~Schenk, D-CA
TheTuisapubHcSchoolSystem has ig- - social~)rcuitmal-baclq~ound,~ ~nningoftheschoolyearwithnllnewtencher Rep.Howm’dBe~man, D~CA
~for eightrmmths stamnon~iscrlmlna- ~:unfairly, a.. exclude .andy student conu’acts. . ¯ . . Rep. Lynn C.:Wooisey~ D-CA
’~ tion. reg_ula~ons. ~b~t_ ~!.ude ..lye~te~."onfo.r from pad¢ipa.~tion in. any program, b: deny Tu!~.~FatallyNewsy.keel.th¢off.~ceofStat¢ Washington,D.C, ¯
smdentsbasedonsexual~muon.OnMarch benefitsto.’anystud~nts, c~-grantunyadvan- Superintendent ofPublic Instm.ct!on, Sandy - The letter above was. sent after Timothy
18, tl~ OidahomaState ~vof-Edu, laget0 any~s~dent~..: ~ ..... ¯ Cran~tt,.for unexplanation ofhow it was that Holless was arrested and removed by for~
cation adupted.s~.0fpeaorm~-ce and. Jack ~ntious, ~nager> forH,,,~_ Re- the second ~gest schoo! disUict~in~ the Smt~ .from an-Am~can_A~r.’~.,~es flight on Novena-
" conduct forl teachers~ These~ standardswere sources-for Tulsa Public Schcols (TPS)told not only was not ,.m compliance with these bet 14bound from C~r.c~g0~toSan Fruncisco.
adopted asa result of HB 1017. - .. ’ Tulsa FamilyNewiLl~ sciiooi system had not _ regulation but didn t even seem to know about . Speaking with TulsaFamily.News, Gus
These standards state, -"the teacher must been aware of ther~gu.lations’before, Tulsa - them~ Press secretary forthe superintendent, Whitcomb of American- Airlines .pubic relastrive
to help each Student realiz¢:his or.her Family News called: Mr~ Pontius indicated !0hnDelanders, intitiallytookthisrequestbut tions department portrayed the mc~_n_t as
potential asawmhyand effectivememberof thatTuisa Public Schools would disfi-ibute the. --. failed to respond to further phone calls over merely an effort to insure -Mr. Holless wellsociety,,
the teacher:. .....shall not on.the basis regulations sometime before March 1994. In several weeks, being, see American, page 4
6mfr.ac.e., color,craeed, sexr, natioinalof-igin, . the Tulsa area, the Jenks school system,..in . .. ..~..... ....
, TulsaFamily News~ De¢embe~ 1993-January!994,-page~l ..
Hey,gir~ thatone’scute, isshefamily? Sald
withirony, sometimes, saidbymen,.or saidby
women (thoughmay~~qui=inthose~t
wools), tbem~mlngoff~ff/yforLesbinn.%Gay
:~.:~i;ii:n~n and Bisexnalx is fluid.
Fami/y is, yes, our blab/adoptive parents
i-!:~!ii!and siblings but famay is also that tribe of
’~i! women and men, sistersandbrothers (orper-
:~!~?"hapsjust sisters), who welcomed us.after we
realizedour diffe~nces fromtheheterosexual
.:i~;~:~More than many ~bes, we are a diverse
:~i~)gr0up.Wearesqmm~byissuesofgender, of
!!!’:~ra~, religion and ethnicity~ by class and by
~ age, and by physical beauty. Sometimes, like
biological families, We a~.cl’u~l and abusive
.... But at our best, despised though we nmy be
thatmuch ofthe restofthis country long seem
to have forgouen.
Forexample, Iwasinvolvedinseveralofthe’
nationalplanning meetings for thislast.March :
enWashington.Forall .th¢fmstrationandhard
work ofthe process, itwascharactmizedby an
effmt toempower and include persons of all
statuses; r’ac~, gender, transgsnder, age; sub-
Nooneelse inAmericaisevenseriously trying
democracy of this sort....ee~ainly, not our
gov~=mnent¯ ......
America:inSomeNative~e~icanmaditi0ns, .’ .
Men IWho loved Men: &W~.who loved
Womenwereknownus.Two-Spirits.They had:
special roles as ~aman* ~ thos~ who showed
the way, P~aaps, we .can showthe way io a
country tharoflon has failed to live theideals
it claim.~.
We must reO~m fami/y from those who
would take it fox~use only - who would
perve~tit for theirpolitical andmonetmy gain:
The family historically has been large and
messy,som~mes biological butjust as often
Tulsa Family News?
tied together by need and sometimes, love. It
has always included us, .Lesbian% Gay.men
and Bisex.als, though not always by those
as we know,being married doesn’t make you
Tulsa Directory-
* Asterisks indicate dis~tribution points
Bars & Restaurants
*The. Alley, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896
*Cherry St. Bakery, 1344 E, 15 583-8398
*Elearic Circus, 606 S. Elgin 587-8677
*LaWs, 311 E. 7th 583-5~33.
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 S. Sheridan
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*Time n’ Time Again, .1515 S. Memorial
*TNT’s 2114 S. Memorial 664-8299
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis, 582-2400
Retail Businesses/Galleries
*Indian Territory Coffee Company
1613E. 15 587-1633
Galerie Europa, 203 N. Main 592-2787
Harry & Mrs. Jones, 1617 E. 15
Jared’s, 1602 E. 15
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51Pl
Novel Idea Discount Books
7104 S. Sheridan
3356 E. 51
*Phun Stuph, 1519 E. 15
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S.
sUaight), Organizations
The family in America has rarely been what ACT-UP, POB 532 74101
theChristor[:ascistshave claimed.Weknowit Names Proj, POB 318 74101 748-3111
and they know it too. But dem0nizing us P-FLAG POB 5280074152 749-4901
serves theirpoliticalpurpose. This country has
a long and shameful history of slandering
various minorities; creating.an, enemy within
toplay offfolks’ fears so that a few could gain
wealth and political power.
We have demonized Native Americans,
Blacks~ Jews, Catholics, Asians and :others.
These days, Lesbians; GaymenandBisexuais
are the enemy ofchoice: and the coffersof the
Religious Right, the Christ~-Fas~ists are full.
So this is ~Tulsa Family News, news for our
f~mili~ of the heart; and for our families that
are biological, our brothers, sisters and parents~
Cousins, Uncles, and aunts.
This is the fn’st ofwhat I hope will be many
issues. Tulsa deserves to have its own event
and entertainment paper. News. from Oldahoma
City is of interest but is not enough.
Thispaper follows severalotherattemptsby
folks, whoml honor for theirhard work. Tulsa
FamilyNews can and will be there for Tulsaif
you help us. Let us know.what you like: Let us
.know ~wh~t.you don’t like. (gently, please).
Patronize the basinesses thai’sUpport us and
tell them that you saw their ad - there is a
can~eaionbeWeen your actions :a~I thispaperbeing
business owner, reach out to your community
Via advertising~. Lesbian and Gay bar owners
have long carried much of the weight ofhelping
the community.: it’s time for some of the
rest of us to sh~re the job. Thank.~.
Tom Nea],. publisher.
PS, anyone interested in aLesbian/Gay Indian
~ganization, drop a line:to Jesse, c/o TFN.
HIV Resource Consortium
*TOHR, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l-
Gay Line Info. 743-4297
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
B/L/G Alliance, Tulsa U. 583-9780
Oklahoma AIDSHotline . 800,535-2437
*Tulsa Central Library, 400 Civic Ctr.
*Chapman Student Ctr.. TU, 631-0000
Tom Neal
POB 4140
Tulsa, OklahOma 74159
Issuedon the 15th of each month, the entire
contents of this publication are protected by
US copyright 1993 by Tulsa Family News and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in
part without written permission from the
publisher. Publication of a name orphotO in no
way indicates or reflects thai person’s sexual
Correspondance is assumed to be for publication
unless otherwise noted and becomes the
sole property of Tulsa Family News. All
correspondance should be s.ent to the address
Tulsa Family’News is a event & entersmerit
newspaper distributed free of charge in
lo~fi businesses and organizations.
*University Center at Tulsa
Theodore Campbell MSW
1560 E 21 743-1000
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy
2865 E. Skelly, Ste. 215 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Atty.
352-9504 or 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Atty. 749-1586
Kelly Kifoy, CPA, 9933 E 16 663-9399
John Kirk, Realtor 747-5800, 745-2245
.TomNeal, Designer. 832-0233 .
Religious Organizations
*Family of Faith¯MCC, 500 W. ’A’ Jenks
298-4622 -
Mftrma~~,ti0n. (Meth0dis0 ~-_. - 742-82i3
*i~i~C --Tiil~a~ii623Nl@ldwood S38-1715
Dignity/Integrity :. 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Ctr. TU, 583,9780
Next Month -
First,in a Series: Interviews with
_City Council Candidateson Our Issues
New Feature: Local Heroes
Tnlsa’s Only Openly Gay-o~wned Gift Store
Pride Jewelry, Buttons, Stickers, Cards, Newsmagazines,
T-shirts & Sweatshirts & more for
Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals, Our Families & Our Friends
Kelly, H,
Certified Public Accountant
9933 East 16th, Suite 104
Tulsa 74128
Come f’md those.Holiday Gifts ~
at the Store where you know you’ll be treated like Family!
Family News, December 1993-January 1994, page 2
Faggots have day . W. Da n i.el
......- Theeditodalmpmd.cedabovcisfrom TheGrow$.~, Grovei Oklahomm Itwas fax~directly
to TulsaFa~’ly N~ws wi~ ~sSion to reprint.
Shouldwe laugh or~after rending.this editorialbyits publisher, M. Gerald Stone? The view
¯ is.so exlreme and so ignorant that at.first it is hard to takeit seriously.
Sadiy,.,though, werecog~ze.,thatM. Gegald Stone isnot being facetious. He’s serious when he
suggest that,sexbetween.males i~dI~0.~n~an~ of the HIV virus." It scem~ that Mr. Stone is
not one.to letl0years ofmedical e~idenceifrom amandtheWorld get in the way ofhis prejudice.
He adds that "faggots" should noi come,~gto the-government and the taxpayers.for help in
fighting the HIV epidemic.
Excuse us, Mr. Stone, but last wechecked, Lesbians & Gay melt Were still citizens. We know
that we ~e certainly paying our.fair ~are of taxes (probably more) and. we know it’s our
government too, no.manethowmuch that governmentirea~ U_s~as 3rd class~citizens. It’s ourright
. to:~all on+o.ur goyemme~it to fry-to prevent funhe~ suffe_~g byfinding~entforHWrelated
diseases, including wehopa.acure ultimately. Ifs our.fightto be~angry, at our.government who
during thepastdecade didsomuchless than itCouldhave donepreciselybecauseitwasdominated ..
bymen whothink like you-though mostofthem were somewhatmore subtle in expressing their ..
Now, we recognize t_ha_t it is:your right to express yourself and we defend that+right,no matter "
howchtwlish that opinion.is~But we.can’t help but.wonder 8S we.a_ppgoachrthi~:~.sesson ~ . i
when Jews celebrate the’miracle ofthe lamps, Pagans the lengthening oftheday, and Christians~
amrm who Called o,u.:fog ti0mpassion, c0uld.yon not put aside at!eastsome:ofy0_m:.ha.te~..-~d:~s~ !.
+Attorney at.+Law "
. Estate:Planning, Adopbons, PeP,~bnal Injury.
¯ Criminal Law, Bankruptcy, WorkersCompen~ation
1;800~742-9468 ~or 918-352~9504
128 ~East Broadway, Drumri ght;Oklah0ma :-.
, W~kend and evening appoin~ents areava. i.lab.le.,.
PartyFavors & Door.Prizes
SlOcouple, $6:single.
Champagne "
¯Afternoon Beer.Bust 4-7pm, Tues. - Fri.
Dancers on ~ursdays thro Decembe
Lookfor Miss Gay Tulsa in Janua_ry
+.. :-". +.l565!S.Sheridan,83&4234
: .Tutsa Family News; DecemBer 1993-~anuary !994, page
....Why Tulsa- .Fa?mily N.ew.s
Hey, girl, tholone’$cute, isshefa!!ly? Said. fled togethe~ by,need and sometimes, love. It
.:~: withkony,some|ime~,saidbymen,orsaidby has always included us, .I.~bianx, Gay.men
ii iwmnan (tlmughmaybuno~quiteinthoseexact.. and Bis~xual~ though not always by those.
~ i~ii ~:w0rds), t~mmningoff~ni/yforLeshians,Gay frames (spinsteranntsandbach_e~r, uncles, and
~::,!!~:.:mon and Bisexuals is fluid.- . " as we know,being marrieddoesn t make you
.~:i::;i~ Family is, yes, our birl~/adoplive patents, slraigh0~ ¯ ~-~ .... . . ’
:.ii!~iii~:i,and siblings but fomily is also ~tribe of The l~ami!yinAmcficahasrarely been what
!i!i>~:i:wemea and men, ~’~s~ers aMbrothers (o~per-_ ~ theChris.t~:Fascistshave claimed.Weknowit
¯?i~Impsju~t sisters), who welcomed us after we - and they know it too. But demonizing as
~~!(~..Wear~sqmm~byissues ofgender, of
~:~ race, religion a~l emnidty: by cla~s and by
.~ age, and by physical beauty. Sometimes, like
biological families, we a~e.cmel and abusive
to one another.
But atour besG despised thonghwemaybe
by HeteroAmerica, westrive for ideals
matmuch oftherestofthis cotmU-y long seem
to have forgotten.
Forexample, Iwasinvolvedin severalofthe
a long and shameful .history of slandering!
various ~tles~ creating.an ¢nemy within
toplay offfolks" fearsso that a fe~ could gain
w~alth and political power. .- "
We have demonized Native Americans,
. Blacks~ Jews, Catholics, Asiaus:.and <others.
These da~,s, Lesbians; Gay m¢nand Bisexuals
-a~ the enemy ofchoice; and.the coffers of the
Religious Right, the Christb:Fascists are full.
So this is.Tulsa Family News, news for our
families of the heart, and for our families that
are. biological, our brothers, sisters and parnational
planning meetings for.this lastMarch ’. ents~ Cousins, Uncles, andaunts.
onW:tghington.Forallthefmslrationandhard This is the f~st ofwhat I hope. will be many
workoftheproce~itwascharacterizedbyan issues. Tulsa deserves to have its own event
effoR toCmpower and include persons of all
statuses: race, gender, transgender, age, subcounnanitles:
students, leather, religions, etc.
Nooneelse inAmericaisevenseriouslyW!ing~
democracy of this sort....certainly, not our
and dntertainment paper.- News. from Oklahoma
City is of interest but isnot enough.
Thispaperfollows several otherattemptsby
folkswhom I honor for their-hard work; Tulsa
FamilyNews can and will be there for Tulsaif
govemm¢.nL ....yon help us, Let us !mow.what you like: Let us
And~.thisispart0four~iBto ~ :know "What~y0u .don’t: like: (gently, please).
America:insomeNativeAmericantraditi0ns,: ~ Patronize thebusinesses thaiSupport us and
Men :Who loved Men. & W0m~n.wh0 lOVed
Womenwereknownus,Two-Spirits.They had
special roles as ~aman.~ - those who showed
the way, Perhaps, we Canshowthe wayio.a ¯
country thatoflen has failed to five theidealS
it claim.x,
We must reclaim fa~i/y from those whowould
take R for their use only - who would
pervertit for theirpolitical andmonetary gain.
¯ne family historicaily has been large and
messy,.sometimes biological butjust as often
tell them that_ you saw their ad- there is a
connectionbetween your actions :and this paperbeinghere.
Andifyou areaLesbianotGay
business owner, reach out to your community
Via advertising: .Lesbian and Gaybar owners
have long carried much ofthe weight of belping
the community-it’s time for some of the
rest Of us to $hare the job, Thank.g,
Tom Heal, publisher.
IS, anyone interested in aLesbian/Gay Indian
.organization, drop a line’to Jesse, c/o TFN.
Kelly,, H,. rby--.
Certified Public Accountant
9933 East 16th, Suite 104
Tulsa 74128
Tulsa D recto y
* Asterisks indicate d~.tribution points
Bars& Restaurants
*The Alley, 3340 S. Peoria
*Cherry St. Bakery~ 1344 E: 15
*Electric Circus; 606 S. Elgin
*Laff’s, 311E. 7th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 S.
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*Time n’ Time Again, !515 S.. Memorial-
" ~. - . 660-0856
*TNT’s 2114 S. Memorial 664-8299 "
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd .584-1308
.*Whittier Care, 416 S~ Lewis, 582-2400
Retail Businesses/Galleries-
*Indian Territory Coffee Company
1613 E. 15 587-1633
Galerie Europa, 203 N. Main 592-2787
Harry & Mrs. Jones, 1617 E. 15
Jared’s, 1602 E. 15 582-3018
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
Novel Idea Discount Books
7104 S~ Sheridan 492-0335
3356 E. 51 747-6711
*Phun Stuph, 1519 E. 15 584-7486
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
ACT-UP, POB 532 74101
Names Proj, POB 318 74101 748,3111
P-FLAG POB 52800 74152 749-4901
HIV Resource Consortium
*TOHR, 4154 S..Harvard, Ste. H-1
Gay Line Info. 743-4297
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
B/L/G Alliance, Tulsa U, 583-9780
Oklahoma AIDS-Hotline 800-535-2437
*Tulsa Central Library, 400 Civic Ctr.
,Chapman Student Ctr.. TU, 631-0000
Tom Neal
POB 4140
Tulsa, OklahOma 74159
Issuedon the 15th ofeach month, the entire
contents of this pablication are protected by
US copyright 1993 byTulsa Family News and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in
part without written permission from the
publisher. Pubfication era name orphot0 in no
way indicates or reflects that person’s sexual
Correspendance i~ assumed to be for publica~
tion unless otherwise noted and becomes the
sole property of Tulsa Family News. All
correspondence should be s.ent to the address
Tulsa Fatally’News is a event & entertainment
newspaper dis~buted free of charge in
local businesses and organizations.
*University Center at Tulsa
Theodore Campbell, MSW
1560 E 21 743-1000
Sandra-J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy
2865 E. Skclly, Stc. 215 745-1111
-T’nn Daniel, Atty.
352-9504 or 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Atty. 749-1586
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 9933 E 16 663-9399
John’ Kirk, Realtor 747-5800, 745-2245
Tom Ncal, Designer: 832-0233
Religious Organizations
*Family of Faith MCC,, 500 W. ’A’ Jenks
~,~tio~n:(Me=0d" is0- .~ .’., .- 742-8213
)~C~2"T~I~ ¢,~623M~pld~ood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity. " 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Ctr.. TU, 583~9780
Next Month
First in a Series: Interviews with
.City Council Candidateson Our Issues
New Feature: Local Heroes.
Tulsa’s Only Openly Gay-o~wned Gift Store
Pride Jewelry, Buttons, Stickers,. Cards, Newsmagazines,
T-shirts & Sweatshirts& more for
Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals, Our Families & Our Friends
Come find those-Holiday Gifts ....
atthe Store where you know you’ll be treated like Family!
Tulsa Family News, December 1993- January 1994, page 2.
News Briefs News Briefs News BriefsNewsBriefs NeWs Briefs News BriefsNews Briefs News
Arrests in Anti-Gay Killing
NEWORI.EANS~Grat Gunderson, 24, Ronaid D. Graves, 24,and Mingo Graham, 23,-were
charged with Is,t-degree murder in the stabbing death of Joseph Balog of Gulfport, Miss., while
he was walking through the French Quarter ofNew Orleans earlier in November with a friend.
The second man was seriously .injured inthe attack while 4 or 5 men yelled anti-gay epithets.
Officials say they are looking for other suspects-in the killing. According to. police, neither the
dead man nor his unidentified friend were gay even thongh their attackers apparently believed
they were.
Previously Unknown WildeLove Letters Auctioned
LObiDON~Aanonymous bidderpurchased acollection oflove letters from authorOscarWilde
to Philip Griffiths for $27,580..The letters were written by Wilde to the wealthy young Griffiths
in the 1880s and included a photograph of the famous gay playwright. The brief affair between
the two men harriet been previously known about and the letters were offered for sale through
Christie’s auctioneers by adescendent of Griffiths~
LibraryBan on Out-of-Town Papers Anti-Gay?
TULSA, Okla. ~ The Tulsa.County library commission has voted to prohibit out-of-town
publications from being distributed at libraries, a move TomNeal, the Tulsa reporter.for the
Wichita, Kan.-bused gay paper The Parachute, says is aimed to excluding the gay publication
from distribution at the libraries. Library officials deniedthatwastheirmotive, noting that it will
continue.to carry TheGay/y Ok/ahoman,-which is pubfished in Oklahoma City. (Editor’s note:
The Tulsa City-.COunty Library does notdistribute The Gayly Oklahonmn at/d on/y carries one
copy in its downtownbranok)
-Clinton ’NotDone’ With Military Issue Yet?
discrimination onthe basis of sexual orientation; and
WHEREAS, the result ofthis potential harassment, and discrimination is the denial to some
Louisianians of.fights, privileges or benefits,, solely on the basis of personal.matters; and
WHEREAS;itisinappropriate forgovernmenteither to encourage or discourage, to condone
or condenm in the area of sexual orientation;
NOW THEREFORE I, EDWIN W, EDWARDS, Governor of the State of Louisiana, by
virtue of the authority.vestedin me.by the Constitution and laws of the §tate of Louisiana, do
hereby order:
SECTION 1 - No state agency or department shall discriminate on :the basis of sexual
orientation againstauy individual in the provision ofany services or benefits by such state agency
¯ or department. ~
SF_LTION 2, No state agency, or department shall discriminate on .the basis of sexual
orientation againstany individual in any matter pertaining to employmentby the state, including,
but.not limited.to(hiring, promotion, tenure, recruitment, and compensation. "
SF_L’~ON 3, All Contraets:forthe purchase of services by anystate agency or department
" shall be awarded withoutdiscriminationon the basis ofsexual orientation of the personsseeking
such contracts. Further, all such contracts shall include a I~ovision ths.t the contractor shall not
discriminate on.the basis of sexual orientation i_n any matter relating to employment.
SECTION 4 - This Order shall take effect immediately upon promulgation.
AIDS Scientist. Urges Vatican to Relax. Condom Rules
VATICAN C1TY~ Dr. Lnc Montagnier, the French co-discoverer. :of HIV,-has urged the
Catholic Church to ease its restrictions on thc~use of condoms inan effort to fight the.AIDS
epidemic. "I don’t-want to give lessons to the Church, but I do invite it tube more pragmatic
SEATILEwSeattle radio andTV stations reported that while resident Clinton was in the city and. tolerant," Montagnier said at a Vatican-sponsored gathering.
for a snmmR conference with-leaders of Asian and Padfic Rim nations in November, ajogger
who wus out mnnigg in the early morning mn into the President and commented that"You let
gays in the military, down, didn’t yonT’ Clinton reportedly repfied, somewhat enigmatically,
’We’re notdone yet."
Mass Test for AIDS Virus Planned at Concert
SEATILE:-- The Vancouver, Wash.-based Saliva Diagnostic S.ystems Inc.. will help gather
saliva samples ataBudapestrockconeerton Nov. 26 in whatthefirm says will be thelargestmass
AIDS testing everconducted. More than 1,000 samples willbe collected and analyzed using the
firm’s self-admiifiStered saliva test, which checks for the presence ofHIV. The samples will be
analyzed by theNational Institute ofHematology and Blood Transfusion in Budapest. According
to Dr, David Barnes, director of the firm’.s European offices, the mass testing .will be an
opportunity to demonstrate the usefulness of the company’s Omni-SAL device over standard
HIV blood tests..
¯ LAnti-Bias Executive Order in Louisiana
BATONROUGE, La.--LouisianaGuy. Edwin W. Edwards, has signed aproclamation barring
state agencies from discrimination based on sexual orientation in providing services, hiring,
awarding contracts or ia-~e practices of state contractors.
The text of Guy. Edwards’ executive order follows:
WHEREAS, a portionof the population of our State is subject to potential harassment and
Sandra J. Hill, M.S.
Psychotherapy &Clinical Consultation
Sensitive to the Challenges Of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &
Transgendered Individuals, Couples & Families.
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 215
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 745-1111
Novel Idea
Discount Books
7104 S. Sheridan, 492-0335
3356 E. 51st, 747-6711
Titles .ofInterest to.the
Lesbian & Gay Communities
Tulsa Family News, December1993- January 1994, page 4
Montagnier, himself a
Catholic, said,"If AIDS is a d_iabolicul disease,,no method to beat it can itself be considered
Black Clergy Urged to Battle AIDS
WASHINGTON--The Rev..George Stalling~, archbishop ofthe ImaniTemple, ha~ urged other
black ministers to overcome their moral concerns and assume a more active role in the battle
against AIDS. "Ifpreachers are apprehensive abontAIDSissues because they view it as a result
of sinful behavior, that is no excuse not to minister.to those, afflicted/’.Stallings said at a recent
meeting with Uulted Response to Black America~s :Needs ~AN),-Also at that meeting,
Stallings announced plans to develop an AIDS education program tO be used by the. clergy.
According to URBAN, ~the.reverend promised thatImani Temple wou!d ;~become a center for
blacktheological responsesto the AIDS criSisin auder-servedcommunitiesY Asimilar call for
the biack clergy.to assume a more active leadership role .in fightingthe epidemic was made in.
Phil~ulelphla ata meeting sponsored by the "Ecumenical !rife. AIDS Resource Center.
Erotica Booming in Sexually Perilous.Times
SANFRANCISCO~Accg.rding.to areport i~t:~th~N0~emberissue ~of2Ameficau Demograph-
.ic.s,=fears:about:AIDS andotherSeXually transmitted diseases have prompted Americans to curb
Hostile Climate, cont.frompage 1 : .-Human RightsCampaign i~und, said that the
is at the forefront of these efforts both.in
schools andelsewhere, according tothereport.
Anti-gay efforts in Arizona, Florida,.MissOuri,
and oregon have been spearheaded bymemhers
oftheChristiau Coalition,the Traditional
Values. Coalition, and the oregon Citizens
Alliance. By the Christian Coalition’s own
post-election tally, at least 66 right,wing ean-
. didates were elected to school beardsaeross
the nation, often using, misleading claims of
"homosexual-lesbianpropaganda"in curricula
to win election.
Anotherstrategy being usedby the religious
tight is to drive wedges between gays .and
other minority groups, including_ African-
.Americans and Jewish Americans. The term
"special tights" has been.appropriated for use
in these battles, in which opponentsClaim that
gays are not a "legitimate" ~minority group,
and that the straggles fought by these other
groups are being triviaiized by~the gay equaltights
National gay leaders were thankful that the
report had been released, but also spoke
strongly against the incidents, documented~
Peri Jude Radecic, executive :director of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, called
the report"shocking.’~ Radecic added that the
report "crystallizes the sobering reality thatwe
are fighting an unprecedented mobilization by
the Far Right, who are trampling over the
ideals offreedom and liberty in their pursuit of
political power." In the coming months, the
National Gayand Lesbian Task Force willbe.
working with other national, regi,onal~ and
local groups, gay and non-gay,-to turn back
this march of hatred which masquerades as
legitimate politics and threatens the
American valuesof fairness and decency,"
said Radecic.
Tim McFeeley, executive director ~,~ the
report ’~’is alandmark study, providing state by
statedocumentation oftheradical rightsagenda
of int01eiance, discriminhtion and violence."
Amid .the losses at both the local and state
.levels,-the.report also cites a few successes.
Minnesota became the eighth state in the nation
¯to bar :discrimination against gays in
housing, public accommodations, and employment.
The report saysthatone ofthe main
reasons for the success in Minnesota was thai
members of the group "Itrs Time Minnesota"
were able to marshall .the support of several
state religious leaders, including Catholic
bishops, l~daind the.anti-discrimination bill.
Thenationr s middle ground, "the undecided
American;" will be the next battleground in
the struggle for equal rights; says the report.
"Rising to this challenge;:~ thereportconcluded,
’.’gay rightssupporters in communities_across
the country are reaching out to broaden theh
alliances with the bUsiness community, with
Afriean-Americans and Hispanics; and.with
the main-line churches. The next cycle .will
reveal which side has made the most compelling
case to the Americanpublic."
American, cont. frompage I
Mr. Holless wasvisibly ill andwas carrying
a IV bag which fed a catheter, Mr.. Whitcomi:
said that the flight crew
asked Six times that Mr. Holless deplane temporari!
y for amore private conversationwhile
his medical records were checked. Mr. Holless
refused and was removed by Chicago police.
Several eyewitnesses indicated however thai
Mr. Hoiless was dragged from the plane,
screaming in pain.
Atpress-time, CongressmanFranktold Tulsa
Family News, that he had not yetreceived any
~espouse from American.
News Briefs News,Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News BriefsNewsBriefsNewsBriefs,News
their anything-goes sexual attitudes and behaviorsof the past. But spending on pornography, sex
toysandother sexually-relatedarticleshasbeen skyrocketing during thepast 10 years or so, says
asurvey by the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. "Because
of fears about sexually transmitted diseases,-people are having feWer partners," said Dr. Ted
McIlveana, president of.the Institute. "So now they’re buying paraphernalia."
’American Gladiator’ Comes Out
LOS ANGELES--Weare everywhere, gay fights activists are fond ofpointing out. Yet another
indicator of the reality of this small truism came for viewers ofthe "IV.program "American
Gladiators," ashow with apenchant forhunkyguys and galsinTtight spandex super-hero costumes
doing pretty silly things~simulating soft,core war-game conte~ts.During a chat with one of the
regular beefcake hunks on the.show called Turbo (yes, .that’s the kind of names they’re known
by), the interviewer asked him why he wears an earring. Turbo’s cool response: "Because I’m
gay."_The rest of the:interview went ahead without furtherreference to Turbo’s - or with a body
like that, maybe it should be ’~Mr. Turbo’s" - sexual.orientation. We suppose the next coming
out semi-star will have to be oue.0f the drivers On those strange monster-track programs.
NIH Agrees to Ask Women About Sexual Orientation in Study
WASHINGTON"According _tothe American.Association of Physicians for Human Rights,
an organiTation of gay andlesbian doctors, the National Institutes of Health has agreed to ask
about sexual orientation when it begins a massive study of women’s health issueS. The study,
Which will surveysome 160,000 women nationally, will be the largest study ofw0men’s health
everundertakenby the federalgovemment. It is scheduled to begin in January 1994. NIHagreed
to include questions about sexual orientation and behavior after AA HRand the National Center
for Lesbian Rights mounted an intensive lobbying campaign to convince the federal agency that
theremightbe increasedhealth risksamonglesbians thatwouldnotshowup in asurvey ofwomen
in general. Earlier this year; Suzanne Haynes, an epidemiology expert with theNational Cancer
Institute, reported increaseddSk factors.for breast cancer among lesbians, a study AA HR cited
in convincing NIH to ask about sexual Orientation in the upcoming $600 million federal survey.
-Shareholders Nix Cracker Barrel Anti-Bias Policy
LEBANON,.Tenn.--Shareholders of the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store chain ofrestaurants
voted against adopting an anti-bias poficy that would-include sexual orientation ai their annual
meeting atthe f’mnrs headquarters. Rights activists say a 1991 company policy of hiring only
.straights and fhing gays and lesbians remains in effect, a claim the chain denies.
¯ World’s lstLesbian Sperm Bank Planned _
OAKLAND, CaliL--’Leland Traiman, agay nurse,is in the processofopening the RainbowFlag
Health Services, which will.be tee world’s first lesbian-specific sperm bank. Traiman says the
medical service.will stock only Sperm donated by gaymen andthat the agency will encourage
from San Francisco.
The Barney. ’Homo Conspiracy, ¯
CHARLOTI’E, N.C. Josepll Chambers, a former Church of God minister and gayrights foe
in Charlotte, N.C.; is pubfishing a booklet identifying Barney; the PBS-TV purple dinosaur
currently the rage with the preschool set,.as a "new age demon’~ who promotes homosexuality.
Chambers, who was earlier.this year removed as pastor of the Paul Creek.Church ofG0d after he
had tried to claim ownership, of the.church and its property, has condemned Barney as "straight
out ofthe newage and the world ofdemons and devils." According to Chambers, whohas started
an anti-gay rights group known as Concerned Charlotteans,"Barney is teaching kids-thatwemust
accept everyone as they are ~. whether they;re homosexuals .or lesbians.r~ Chambers and.
Concerned Charlotteans, whose newsletter "Update" is r~gnl~!y crammed with anti-gay items,
are getting ready to publish a booklet, ,Barney the Purple Messiah," to elaborate on-the alleged
evil homosexual conspiracy behind the 6-foot purple children’s character.
Hawaii Lawmaker to Introduce Gay Marriage Ban
HONOLULU~State Rep, Tewance Tom has announced he will introduce a measure barring
same-sex marriage in Hawaii. Thestate Supreme Court earlier this yearruled that gay andlesbian
cou#es may have a constitutional right to legally marry unless that state can provea "compelling
state interest" in prohibiting same-sexmarriages. One gay male couple and2 lesbian couples sued
.after the state refused to issue marriage licenses for them.
Topeka Council. OKs Anti-Picketing Measure
TOPEKA, Kansas ~ The Top~kn, Kansas, City . Council has - approved an anti-picketing
ordinance aimed at restricting anti-gay protests - led by the Rev.:Fred Phelps - outside churches.
Phelps and his followers often picket other churches he sayssupport gay rights ~nd demonstrate
at funerals of people who have died. of AIDS with signs .reading ?God.hates fags." The council
passed a similar.measure earlier this year which was vetoed by Mayor Butch Felker. Felker Said
he is ancertain whether herll veto this measure or not.
LSU Coach Worried About.Homosexual Role Models
BATON ROUGE, La,-- LouiSiana State University basketball coach Dale Brown Thursday,
Dec: 9~ blamed a society thatholds up embezzlers, alcoholics and homosexuals as role.models
when asked about the arrest of2LSU football players on burglary charges. ’AVe gntto toughen
up our sy.stem in America,’" Brown-said. "The criminal gets away with everything in this
permissive society, Kids get good people to copy from - the television personalities that axe
homosexuals, the embezzlerS, the coaches that are drunks, ministers whoare false evangelists. So
kids are looking at society in general. And it’s a kind of sickness in society. Each person.needs
to clean up his mess, I guesS.". Brown’s statement c__~_,e at the end ofil news conference on the
LSUcampus whenhewasaskedabout the football team S discipline problems~ TwoLSUplayers.
thewo.men to.meetthesPermdonorbecause alotoflesbams don’twanttohavech!ldrenby uszng -..were arrested earlier on charges ofburglary and.unauthorized use of credit cards..Brown, m h~s
~ ano~n,,y~,,._ons donors,:and they!d.r’4therbe connected to ag_aymalehou~hold ~an toahe~erosexual 22ad year atL~U, frequently uses his position:for vad0us causes; including crusading against the
-,~.,..0ne,...Traiman says loca~ting~the spema,ban~.~whieh4s planneffto open-nextyear,:in Oakland death penalty~~:, ~ - ° -: ~- " -~ " . ~ ¯ .~ ..... . ¯ . ¯
:makes sensebecanse of ~elarge number-of lesbianS~believed-t0:.live in-the city ~ross the bay
" " " (c) 1993:by GayNet News Service
Adult Merchandise + Gag Gifts :
Novelties + T-Shirts + -Cards. :
¯ 1519. East ¯ 15th Street, Tulsa 584-7486 ¯¯
"¯ 10-6 "Monday-Saturday, Closed Sunday ."- ¯ ¯
¯ VisalMC accepted. ~ Under-New.=. ’ ....... ¯
mmmmmmmmmmlmmmm mmmmmmmmmm nmmmmmmmm
Friends Keeping Friends . . . Alive!
PROJECT REACH OUT is Proud to introduce
A Rap Group designed to meet the needs Of people living with HIV/AIDS. We
welcome all people regardless of their HIV status, age, race; religious beliefs, or sexual
expression. BEING AWARE focuses on positive thinking and~.with HIV...Not
dying from it.
For meeting ti~es and location~ pleasecall~ProjectReach Qutat298-4622, William
at 834-4386 or Rudy at 451-0219.. We look forward to hearing from you.
Anonymous & confidential HIV testing & counseling, Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm, or by
appointment. No cost, state certified staff. 5~ W. "A"SL Jenks
2~8~, 1 blk. no: of Main, next to Driver sLicense Bureau:
~ 416 S. Le~ls
(918) 5~2-2400
Tulsa Family News, December 1993.- January 1994, page 5
American Theatre Co.
POB .1265
Broken Arrow
Community Playhouse
I109 E. Memphis
Clark Theatre
11440 E~ Admiral
Heller Theatre
5328 S. Wheeling
S~tlight Theatre
1381 Riverside.Drive
Performing Arts.Trust
¯Tat~a BaUer
4512 S. Peoria
A Christmas Carol
December 10-23
WilSams Theatre, Perf. Arts Center
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
December 10=19
BA Community Playhouse
December 17-19
Clark Theatre
It’s Sad, So Sad, When an ElfGoes Bad
Clark Theatre
An Evening ofDance with Locomotion
January 7-10
Heller Theatre
The Drunkard.
December 18
January 8, 15
$7,50 " "
.. Jungle.Book .
January 8
Studio One, Performing ArtsCenter
The .Nutcracker
Paula. Poundstone--
by Lee Moon - IN - Boston
Offbeat, eccentric; quirky, hysterically
funny, a comedy watershed, an artist, and an
inventor, arejust a fewof the words and ways
that have been--used to describe Paula
Poundstone. She fits all ofthe.se descriptions
and then some, She alsopossesses an extraordinary,
insightful mind and a special talent for
interacting with her audience.
When PaulaMts the stage, she uses all of
those elements in her routines. She addresses
everything from cats (she has 5), to the Persian
GulfWar. "I figure if you go.to the bottom of
the whole thing, tenyears fromnow, it’ s gonna
turn out that some yellow ribbon salesman
somewhere was at the root of the entire thing.
I love the idea oftracing it. You know, you go
through the Pentagon, through the ambassadors,
through the Fanir of Kuwait, and then
there’s one little ribbon salesman basking in
the Sun...."
. She has her own topics as well. On grownups:
"Yon everwonderwhyadults are always
asking little kidswhat they want to.be when
they grow up.9 They’relooking for ideas!,
And on junk food: ’ "Driving a convertible
~changed my eating habits. I used to .eat
those Hostess Mini Gems with the white
powdered sugar on the sides. Now I find I’m
eating abalddoughnut with alot ofwhitejunk
on my face." She can tell you in exactly how
man~ states,Ring, Dings (which, she says;are
far superior to:Ho.H0"s) are sold, and the
nutritional ingredients of-Pop Tans.~("Pop
Tarts are a free taste treat. They are truly one
0flife’sfiuer pleasures. I don’tgo,anywhere
~ithout ~em. Ido ’era cold right from the "
With :her dead:on perception and deadpan
delivery,Panladisplays a remarkable ability
to see.things as they really are, notas they are.
The Pop Tart Queen
meant to 1~. Shesays her intention "isn’t to
upset or bother people; my intention is to
entertain. It’s not like I’m a historian or an
expert¯ on anything. Particularly recently, I
guess, I’ve made some effort to be pe!~tical,
but it’s also what interests me lately."
While on stage, her body language alone is
entertaining as she-drapes herself over the
stool¯, wraps herselfin the mike cord, or layson
the floor while deliVering her material. Because
ofher improvisational approach and the
relationship she develops with her audience,
each show is an experience - no two are alike.
Paulawas born in Alabama,("Thankfully, I
only spentonemonth there"), raised in Sudbury,
Massachusetts; moved to San Francisco at the
age of 19, and now resides in Los Angeles.
She creditsMassachusetts as the state where
she.received her first break. "It’s the typical.
story of almost every comedian: I was busing.
tables at a club in town and they started an
open-mikecomedyshow, andI thoughtImight
be able to do that. So I did." Based on the
audience response when she performed at
various clubs~ she felt that she bad found her
Despite frequent appearances on "The.Tonight
Show" and~-"Late Night with David
Letterman", the 1989 American Comedy
Award for Funniest Female. Stand-Up, numero6s
cable television specials, including
her own "One Night Stand - Cats, Cops and
(HBO’s "talk show With a twist"), and the
nomination foran ACE. Award, Paularemains
low-keyabouthersuccessand Shehas noplans
to star in a movie orTV serieS. "Ijustdo what
I d0~ I have never beent0 ambitions and one
to seek fame or status?" She-likes comed~
because it’s nice,easy work ~itrs really a
See"Poundstone, "page 7
sponsored by
’ TulsaOkl~omansFor Human Rights
.. --..4154 S. Ha~ardi Ste: Hal, Quadrangle Building
:..-SW Comer.of41Si&H~ard,SW Comerof office-building
" ........
Finge.rStick, .Method
iDaytime Testing, Tuesday and Thursday,by Appointment .Call 74.9-4194
. By &for but not exdusi e tOthe .Lesbian,.Gay &Bisexual:.Communities
Champagne, Party Favors & Door Prizes
$10 couple; $6 single.
Afternoon Beer Bust 4-Tpm,:Tues. - Fri. "
Dancers on .Thursdays thro’ December
Lookfor Miss¯ .Gay Tulsa in January
1565 S,
Poundstone, continuedfrompage 6
g.o~!job for me: I have no self-discipline. I
don’t even wr~.’te down myjokes and staff on
.pieces ofpaper like other people.. Everything
.tha._t~I.d.9.0~ s.tage..iS a. ~_.fl_~,;o!~_ Of.~ofhow.
I Spend mydays and nights.’ ....
Just how these days~and nights are spent is
Sheridan, 834-4234 ....
evident in her inaierial (she doesa funny
mutine-about the-ctmffort of airline travel),
and where she is performing. Always on .the
go, herappearances atclubs, colleges~benefitsand
events take heracross the conutry non7.
stop. She averages 45.-weeks a year On thE
road~ .... ..-
Aries (Mar..20-Apr. 19): Ron up the.windows,
gnutheengine, andgetamove,on.Ever ~
since you left the city limits, you’veno longer
been subject to the federally-mandated 55-
mph speed limit. That semi from,_To_,_pe__k_a._, is
crawling up onto your tail, and he s about to
crush you into a metal pancake if.you don’t
start moving as fast as you safely ca~_. The
officer willjust politely give you athumbs-up,
so don’t worry.
Taurus(Apr. 20-May20): These must not
newscaster at the fabledWKRPin Cincinnati.
Not only did he get kicked out of the locker
room because they thought he was gay, now
he"s gota whole city screaming to get him off
the air. Les knows better, though, and you
might t~his techniquenexttime there’s some
static on your dial: grab one of your Buckeye
News Hawk awards and tell Herb to sit on it.
Gem|hi (May 21-Jnn. 20): Let’s clear.one
thing up right away. I’m so direct with you
only because I care, not becans~ anyone’s
paying me.on the side to feed you false advice.
It’s tough, though, because some rather lu-
Crative offers have come myway, but I’ve
humbly placedmy honesty toward you ahead
ofmyneedtostopeating macaroni andcheese.
Not everyone elsemay be as magnaminous as
I, so be sure tobuys lots ofgrains ofsalt to take
with the advice yon receive.
Cancer (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): I hafta get something
offmychest aboutNAFTA. It was quite
a laffla see thatFerengi guy debating the vicepresident.
I toldmywhole stafftawatch, and it
quickly became obvious that hardly anything
_ rhymedwith NAFI’A. Consider your own
trade tariffs’right now; hecause someof them
maybe too high.and might.be inhibiting the
free fl0w of happiness across your borders. If
anyone offers ,you photos of Messrs. Smoot
and Hawley, just decline and say :that they
make a marvelous couple.
Leo 0nl. 23-Aug.,22): Here are myTop 3
reason~ (intellectual property lawspreventme
from doing: 10) why you should t~j. to have
more fun this.week: 3, Yon’vebeen abump on.
a log for so long you’re getting wood rot; 2.
That churning noise in your stomach has
nothing todo with mass quantities of melted.
processed cheese flav0r.product;andNumber.
One: Thanks to this advice, your world will be.-
flooded with people all having more, fun; and :
one 0fthem has a very special type of fun.all
- planned.out for you.
Virgo (AUg. 23=Sep, 22): You walk into the
waiting room, Ralph Edwardsjumps out from
behind the chair and screams, "This is your
life," and yourf|rstinstinct is to runback to the
parking lot, head between your legs. Since.
you’re probably, not (yet) a well-known star,
though, you can do better. Haven’t you been
iseoretly wishing for a sneak peek at the. next
couple.of chapters? Ofcourse, that may send
you packing for the parking lot, but at least
you’ll have a. chance to rewrite the book.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): Winter is"he~!
Grease those skids, oil those chains, brush
those gloves; and wash the mask. Someday
you may want to take up outdoor activities as
well but, in the meantime, be sure to.buy your
lift tickets early. The forecasters say it’ s going
tobean above,normal season,so startplanning
those controlled avalanches now to keep ev-
¯ erything under control..
Scorpio (Oct~ 23-Nov: 21): The ancient
" How.:.: !’To Buy rReal- .Es.tateTogether
by Donald Vaughan - will be economically rewarding; " "
¯ COUPLES.:.?A Gay & Lesbian Newsletter -will be.emoti0nally rewarding; "
This article is written from a real estate
lawyers poitit of vidw. Couples interested in
buying realestate together shouldconsulttheir
own legal,mx and f’manci~-advisors. -
Mostof us were brought up t6 believe that
owning a.houie~ with a husband or wife is a.
major part. of:the "great American dream."
Although Some ofus may Still end up with the
cottageonthe hill, formost ofusthe dream has
changed.-We, now are more interested in a
condo in an.urban center, a multifamily in a
city neighborhood, or a vacation home~ to say
nothing ofthe dream spouse’s change in gender.
Buyingreal estate with our Companion is
still a strongly-felt desire for many.of us. This
is the f~stin afour-part series ofarticleswhich
will explore~
- the process of deciding what type of property,
location,-search process and financing to
-negotiating and closing the deal, moving in, -
runningthe place & selling;
- the merits of co-tenancy or other legal
agreementswhich define the rights and obligationsof
the individual owners.
Is buying real estate together a good idea?
Thedecision to buy areal estate together often
times is the~major choice a couple makes after
establishing :their relationship. There generally
are-~ types of advantages and disadvantages
gay and lesbian couples need to con-..
sider in making this_decision.
Eager Would~be buyers tend to think of the
pros first: Buying rea~ estate...
- will give us a solid mteofreturn;
- will create equity for us;
.- will give us income tax benefits. .
And now that... "
-prices are a[ rock bottom, whynot?
- interest rates are much.lower, why not?
Real EState isastatus symbol-both in society
at large andourown community. On the other
hand consider the cons. Buying realestate can
cripple your incomes ifone of youloses your
job, nor is it a good way t0’shore up a troubled
relationship. It can be a lime commitment for
whichneitherofyou isready.ltcan accentuate
differences in taste and long-range,personal
goals. Ifyou break up dissolving~estate
assets can be messy, even with good agrec~
ments in place..
In the second article in this series, we will
discuss the general formulas, lenders use to
can c0mfo~ably afford. An accoantant or financial
advisor, can advise a couple as to appropriate
savings plans and di~sahility and life
insurance programs.which may limit the financial
risks involved. Co-tenancy agreements,
to be discussed inthe last article ofthis
.series; can.define whopays what:if problems
with the relationship develop. Buying property
together isa seriouscommitment; a detailed
plan going in always simplifies the
process, not to mention your sanity!-Location;
financing and looking for that winning piece.
of property will be in future issues.
John Kirk-
For All Your Real Estate Needs ....
Res.: (918)745-2245
¯ . Bus.: .(918)7~7-5800 " "
5727 South Lewis, Suite 120*Tulsa, OK. 74105 " " ’
John "
ways seem to be what you need this week. So iim¢ to mature, and the test is whether or not
I lit some. incense, turned down the lights, you can sit them and wait fortime to takeits
an’anged allmy stones in perfect concentric com~.-YourmOstinnnataminvestmentsmight
circles, andstarted to chant some Bulgarian just pm(ince the most intcresL
folk music. After [was politely reminded that Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): .Sometimes. I
Foley:s~d ,notapproveofsuch behavior in its wonder about people who think there’s nothfurniture
:idepartment, the answer appeared ingmoretolifethanquietcandielightdinn~rs,
.beforemyeyes.It’s absolutely crysta! clear for. gentle walks along the beach, and cuddling in
you this.week. It was therein front of me, frontofthetelevision. I wonder how nice that
almost in blackand white. "Elegantinxury can wonld be,.acWally. Every once in a while, it’s
be_ yours with low monthly payments." time to trim off the sirens, unload the ammm
Sagittarius (Nov..22rDec. 2.0,): What your nition, andtakeoffthe fatigues; somewbereon
.world needs n~ght now i~ a little more gay the other.side of your battle line is someone
cuitute. Fortanately, I have a few Petri dishes who wants nothing more than what yon want.
handy; and.you know exactly where to fred If you’re quiet enough, you might just hear
some of those peskycultures that have been them whisper.
festering on the fringes of your la,boratory. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar.- 19): Turn .on the
Now, let’sputthemunder this huge ultraviolet " Snuday~moming preachers (actually, please
light; grow them to te_n times theirnormal size, don’t, because it would only excite them), and
and then watch them explode in a mass of you’ll hear that our country is morally bank-
:protoplasmic self-con~ction.. S~p playing rapt.. They’re thinking of something totally
inthe lab, and create some new life in the real different, but yourown bank’s assets are critiworld
instead, cally low, and you need to take a serious look
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19): Tax,free atyour policy toward lending to foreign gov:
municipal bbnds. I~m not a registered broker -emments. Write off those uncollectible debts,
or agent,so I can’t say anything else.about open somenew branches, andmail outa few
them without running afoul of both the Secu- thousand free credit-card offers.
dries and Exchange Commission and the Gay
Astrologers’ Collective~ Local 1. But beware
that s6me investments can take a very long
Tulsa Family News, December 1993-January 1994, page 7
American Theatre Co.
POB 1265
Broken Arrow
¯ Community Playhouse
1109 E. Memphis .
Clark Theatre
11440 E. Admiral
Helier Theatre
5328 S. Wheeling
Spotlight Theatre
1381 Riverside.Drive
Perfo~ing Arts.Trust
101E; Third
A Christmas Carol
December 10-23
William~ Theatre, Perf. Arts Center
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
December 10-19
BA Community Playhouse
December 17-19
Clark Theatre
It’s Sad, So Sad, When an ElfGoes Bad
Clark Theatre
An Evening ofDance with Locomotion
January 7-10
Heller Theatre
December 18
Janna~r 8, 15
$7,50 ~ "
Jungle Book
January 8
" Studio One, Performing Arts Cent
Tulsa Ballet The Nutcracker .
4512 s. Peoria ~ December 16-23
749 .:
Ch~,.r~an Music HalL-Perf. A~Center
~North .... Ma Rose . -..
132N.Gr~nwood December 12÷18:
studio.O~, P=fom~g
a’ms sched~ isbrouoi-t toyon as as(~,~ of Z~eatre tulsa. l~ext perf--:
Tennessee Willlam.¢ The G/ass Menagerie, Jan, 21-30,Call 587-8402 for more info.
Paula. Poundstone----Th.e Pop Tart Queen
by Lee Moon - IN- Boston
Offbeat, eccentric; quirky, hysterically
funny, a comedy watershed, an artist, and an
inventor, arejust a fewof the words and ways
that have been-used to describePaula
Poundstone. She fits all of.the,se descriptions
and then some. She also possesses an extraordinary,
insightful mind a~d a special lalent for
interacting with her audience.
When Paulahits the stage, she uses all of
those elements in her routines. She addresses
everything from cats (she has 5), to the persian
GulfWar. "I figure if you go to the bottom of
the whole thing, tenyears fromnow, it’s gonna
turn out that some yellow ribbon salesman
somewhere was at the root of the entire thing.
I love the idea oftracing it. You know, you go
through the Pentagon, :through the ambassadors,
through the Emir of Kuwait, and then
there’s one little ribbon salesman basking in
the Sun... ".
She has her own topics as well. On grownups:
"You ever.wonderwhyadults ate always
asking little kids what they: want to.be when
they grow up? They’re looking for ideas!"
And on junk food: "Driving a convertible
has changed my eating .habits. I used to eat
those Hostess Mini Gems with the white
powdered sugar on the sides, Now Ifind I’m
eating abalddoughnut witha lotofWhitejunk
on my face." She-can tell you in exactly how
many states.Ring: Dings (which, she says; are
far superim" to Ho-H0"s)are sold, and the
nutritional ingredients of Pop Tarts.-("Pop
Tarts-are a f’me taste treat. They aretruly one
offife’Sfiner pleasures..I don’t go.anywhere
Withont.,em. I do ’era cold right from the
.I~.~ ).’< ....
- Withher dead-on perceptionand deadpan
delivery, :Paula displays a remarkable ability
-to see~hingsas they really am, notas they are.
meant to be. Shesays h~er intention "isn’t to
upset or bother people; my intention is to
entertain. - It’s not like I’m a historian or an
expert on anything. Particularly recently,. I
guess, I’ve made some effort to be peEtical,
but it’s also what interests me lately."
While on stage, her body language alone is
entertaining as shel-drapes herself over the
stool, wraps herselfin the mike cord, or lays on
the floor while delivering her material. Because
ofher improvisational approach and the
relationship she develops with her audience,
each show is an experience - no two are alike.
Paulawas born in Alabama~("Thankfully, I
only spentonemonth there"), raised in Sudbury,
Massachusetts; moved to San Francisco at the
age of 19, and now resides in Los Angeles.
Shecredits Massachusetts as the state where
shereceived her first break. "It’s the typical.
story of almost every comedian: I was busing.
tables at a club in town and they started an
open-mikecomedyshow, andIthoughtImight
be able to do that. So I did." Based on the
audience response when she performed at
various clubs, she felt that she had found her
Despite frequent appearances on "The.Tonight
Show" and~-"Late Night with David
Letterman", the¯ 1989 American Comedy
Award. for Funniest Female Stand,Up, numerot~
s cable television specials, including
her own "One Night Stand - Cats, Cops and
(HBO’s."talk show With a twist’~), and the
nomination foran ACEAward, Paularemalns
low-keyabouther success andShehasnoplans
to star in amovie or.TV series. "Ijust do What
I do. I have neverbeent0 ambitions and one
to seek fame or status;" She-likes comed~
because it’s nice,,easy work -- it’s really a
SeePoundstone, page 7
TulsaOkl~omans:For .Human Rights
4154S~ Harvard;. Ste. H,I,Quadrangle Building
¯SW Comer¯0f41st&H~ard,SWComerof office:building
" . FingerStick Method
., " Daytime Testing, Tuesday and, Thursday,by Appointment- Call 74!9’4194
~ By &for but not-exclusive tothe Lesbian, Uay""&- Bisexual~Communities
Family News; December 1-993:- Janua_~. 19i94,;page:6~
3340-South Peoria 2]To Enl~er 744’0896
Tu I sa., O~l. ahom.
ALL THE. PEOPLE GO Tulsa Family News, December1993- January 1994, page 8
posu reLawsuit. C oul d¯Give
Final . Biow >To Sodomy. Law
ByTomNeal~.Tulsa Family News reporter court tests..As a :different circumstances are
Aruling by Oklahoma district level judge, examined by the court, tbe application~of a
Melinda Monette on a civil lawsuit filed by ruling is better understond.
Dmmright attorney, TimDaniel, may strike Some of!the legal support for overturning
thekilfin~blowto Oklahoma’s,sodomy"law. sodomy lawswas lost in aUS Supreme Court
The lawsuit, seeks damages.from the estate of ruling, Bowers vs,:.Hardwick, also from 1986~
a Gay roanallegedly for knowingly expo.sing This case found that homosekUal .conduct is,
not protected under the USConstitution’s implied
right toprivacy. Legul
experts have characterized
~ Ibis 5.4.case aspoorly reasoned,
, by.sound legal principles.
FormerUS Jus~ce Powell~
- who provided the ~swing"
Volume 1, I~sue 1
the plaintiff to risk of HIV infection (human.
dining, the course of a two-
¯year Se~xual. relationship. It
is alleged that the decedent
with AlDS-(acqUired im~
mune deficiency syn.
New report cites anti-gay public
policy incidents in 41 states
in past year
GayNetNews Service
Anew rep0rt on anu~gay efforts across the
nation spotlights several dangerous strategies
being usedby anti:gay groUps,and showshow
scattered.victories can be turned into abroader
base ofSupport. "Hostile Climate:A State-by- ¯
State Report on Anti-GaY Activity" Was pre~
paredby Peopleforthe AmericanWay(PAW),
a300,000,membernon-partisan constitutional
liberties o~aniTation based in Wa~xhlngton,
According to PAW president Arthur J.
Krupp, "While national battles over guy fights
have captured, the limelight, dozens of 10w-
AA-.m e,r ca n
i :r.l i, n e s ?
November. 22, 1993
Mr. RobertCrandall, President
’We were extremely disapp6inted-to lean
irresponsibly-in its:treatment Of passengers
whoeitherhave orare perceived to have’AIDS
or HIV disease.
The latest incident of which we are aware,
that of the forcible arrest of Mr. Timothy
Holless from flight 50 out 0fChicago, is in our
View, deplorable~ Our understanding of-the
. status, and imowingly en- vote . to. continue to ~ofdecampaignsagainstbasiccivilfi~ts:for facts leads us to belive that there w_as-a pheguged
in sexual bchavio~ cdminalize private~ con~ guys and lesbians have beenprolif~gat~ nomenal°insensitivity to ithe needs. of :those
that exposed the plalnfiffto " sehsual homosexual .con- the local level:The Spread 0fanti-guyactivity - who suffer from AIDS, and.Seems to us as if
high-risk of infection.. Ex’ :,duct, has since.recanted his . has reached a point where:~0ns 0f;Amefi- American’S actionsmayhavebeen Vi0~five of
posinganotherl)ersont0~ vote, sayinghemadeamis- Cansfeartheirmostbasicfightsarebeingheld ¯ .boththeAirCarderAccessActandTitleIlIof
ofHIVinfectiouw.ith.ou.tf.all take; hostage to hate politics: " " the~cans withDisabi!iti~ ACt:
¯~losureis avi01afi0n of In his respo.ns¢ to attor- According to.the repott, 4! stat~s and.:the.. -" T0 addinsuit t0 th~ th~i:indign~.ty- of your
Oklahomalaw¶ . .. " neyTimCheek, .Mr. Daniel . ~. Districtgf Columbia have ekperienced anti- ~,a~n~tofMr~Holiess~i~SadVocacy
~ -Tnn.Cheek, attom~ey,de-, axguedthathiS..cfientshould gayactivitysincetheNo~e=mber1992el~ons..i: .:~ups ~nght. a re~:~!-tO)~e\~lment Of
fendingtheestateofthe..d.e.-. ’ not-10se ’~temost funda- Atota10f!32stateor!ocalbattlesarechronic!~i.. =.Mr. Holiess,. ~,Am.erk~ans<answer Wasihat~the
~ced¢.nt, :Challenged not.:the . mental-right, ltl~t of a fair intherePort,:~d.rangedfromattacksS..mt.e,wide ¯ :]ncidentdoes ~iot Warrant:a respon~e:!’Fnatis~.
faCtor)f the plalntiff~s~ ."i "- " . ~g in c0art:’.~use anfi~liseriminafion laws to.the vandalism of unaccep.table: ¯ ’ .... : . ....
bu[Challengedthep~:~S"?~..:: .:". :: :, i-. . ~ .. ...... the fient isGaylanden- . the home of Melbourne, .!0wa,.mayor Bill. We understand that. American>has:~l~lO-
-~ right,~i~u.;~~~,~::th~~,n.- "...."gu"g~:.in.:hsmose~ual,conduct~ [n challenging - Crews,.whohndpnbficlycome o.utjnstprior.to .gized ~,~H~.!.!e~;: By.’ that We-i~er,you
against natui~, <committed w~th ,mankind or doctl~ne..Daniel, adds that.whiletheBower~- ¯ ~ ~=~ ~ ~~" ~"~~=~I~I~: ~ " who ha~e:;or are perceived to have HIV or
withabeast,ispmi.~hablebyimprbonmentin vs; Hardwickdecision doeS allow thestate .of CUFERTINO,Calif.I:==~Wiili~ms0n C6~i~ty, hdDS. We expect s.hortlyfiom you a.clear
the penitentimT not exceeding ten years,..." Georgia to keepits "sodomy" law, it does not" T~xas, county commissioners who Snubbed statementofnon=di~nation and full-corn=
Legal scholal~ have questioned whether require Oklahoma to reinstate its "sodomy" Apple Comp~terInc.at.the end of Novemi~r pliance with all Federal antl~inadon
Oklahoma’s "sodomy"-statute still applies to. lawwhich has atready been foundto be uncon~ because ofits domestic pa11~er health benefits laws, and we expect you to abide by that unti=
homosexual.conduct. In 1986 in a case con= stitutlonal, package for gay and. lesbian employees re, discdndnation inthe future.
ceming hete~osexunl oonduct, )he law was IndgeMunettemledinfavorofTimDanieI’s versedtbemselvesaweeklateronDec.7. Just Rep.BameyFrank, D=MA
found to be ~nconstitutionaL In ¯Post vs; the client,.nding that the decision of Post vs. the aweckbefore,on Nov. 30, the commissionexs Rep. HenlT Waxman, D~CA
State 0fOk/ahoma;the Corot ofCrlminal Ap, _ State ofOklahoma do~s apply to homosexual had refused 3=2 to e~te~id a $750,000. tax Rep. Pat Schmeder, D-CO
peals ofOkla_homafound that"’natund repug= conduct. Thismeansthathomosexualconduct abatementto Apple because of the domestic Rep.G~ Studds, D;MA
nance’.[onthepartofmanyforcertalnsexual isno longer cdmin~li~zy,d in the state ofOlda- . parmersbenefits. The,second vote that give Rep.JamesOberstar, D-MN
acts] does not createcompelling,justification homa _unless a. higher court reverses .Judge Apple the. $1 million for: impmvements,-also Rep. John Lewis: D-GA
for:statereg||lntionof ?abnoimal.. :sexual~ . Monette’gd~ision: Atty. Cheeksaidhewould 3-2,involvedfiochangeinthecomputer~.mn,s Rep.John O!_ver,D-MA ¯
involving consentingaduitS,-and thus,.ap.pli: seeksucharuiingfromahigh’ercourt,uptothe ¯ pertuerspolicy, which Apple inSisted from the Rep~.Jolene~nsoeld, D-WA
: cation0f..;~[the~OK~mylaw].,..to alleg:,..State SupremeCunrt(if.~, IfJu~l_g,e_ : timetheissuef’nsteruptedherenearlyam0nth :Rep. AnnaG~.Eshoo, D-CA
_edly private; ..onk~.usual :aCtS-violated:, : M0nette’s ~ion. is upheld: iO~0mas.: + r "~O W~ not up for negotiation, "Our pofiCy
: Rep~ Th0nW~- Andrews,. D-MA
¯ de[endant~s~timtionald~ttopdvacy...:?: "s,o~!0_..~ay".law~bed~lyun~titutiom!. :~mainsdearandwedidnotwalver,"saidBil! . ~p!.l~’~’~0wens,~D-,~.MAA!
tomeYDa~dmgges.~.~ttl~ecase,Pon.- . .-andTn~Danl.erSplaintiffscasowillgototrial ~ . Keeo*_,_n, Apple’s spokexman in Texns~- ,We Rep: Jano:ttarman, t)-uA.
vs:.. the.State.of OMahoma; logid.ally.s~uld :. like any. other civil. dam~£eS case. At press . feel tlds poficy.is an .’,m!:~t component of : Rep.-_Tom I ~_ntos, D-CA
.apply.to-~~.con~= Wen ash=.-.: . time, nQ further action had occurred. An up- our business plan. It sa way to .~, and " Rep: Jerrold _N. ~a~i!~...,~D-NY
. ergsexualconductbutadd~ino~rsystemof, pealtoahigherCourtandfurtherrulingscanbe retain tlmbestandbrightestempl0yees; . Rep.Nancy Pelosi,D-CA
lawtheseissuesaredetetmin~by~ive: ex~..within, the next several munths. " . -GayNet News Service Rep.Marty Meehan, D,MA .
..... .... Rep. Neff.A~ble,ENtR
- -Tulsa P¯ubl re" -Pr"o,Gay-State-Educ..a..,-"Regulat,"ons Rep.:GoorgeMiller,~
Rep.N~Velazquez, .D=NY
- B~ TomNeat, Tulsa FamilyNews reporter. ~sm~;~oliti~orreugionsbeuefs, fa~y, co~u=t,~l~~se regmtionsarmbe- R~p.L~Schenk, D-CA
TheTuisapubHcSchoolSystem has ig- - social~)rcuitmal-baclq~ound,~ ~nningoftheschoolyearwithnllnewtencher Rep.Howm’dBe~man, D~CA
~for eightrmmths stamnon~iscrlmlna- ~:unfairly, a.. exclude .andy student conu’acts. . ¯ . . Rep. Lynn C.:Wooisey~ D-CA
’~ tion. reg_ula~ons. ~b~t_ ~!.ude ..lye~te~."onfo.r from pad¢ipa.~tion in. any program, b: deny Tu!~.~FatallyNewsy.keel.th¢off.~ceofStat¢ Washington,D.C, ¯
smdentsbasedonsexual~muon.OnMarch benefitsto.’anystud~nts, c~-grantunyadvan- Superintendent ofPublic Instm.ct!on, Sandy - The letter above was. sent after Timothy
18, tl~ OidahomaState ~vof-Edu, laget0 any~s~dent~..: ~ ..... ¯ Cran~tt,.for unexplanation ofhow it was that Holless was arrested and removed by for~
cation adupted.s~.0fpeaorm~-ce and. Jack ~ntious, ~nager> forH,,,~_ Re- the second ~gest schoo! disUict~in~ the Smt~ .from an-Am~can_A~r.’~.,~es flight on Novena-
" conduct forl teachers~ These~ standardswere sources-for Tulsa Public Schcols (TPS)told not only was not ,.m compliance with these bet 14bound from C~r.c~g0~toSan Fruncisco.
adopted asa result of HB 1017. - .. ’ Tulsa FamilyNewiLl~ sciiooi system had not _ regulation but didn t even seem to know about . Speaking with TulsaFamily.News, Gus
These standards state, -"the teacher must been aware of ther~gu.lations’before, Tulsa - them~ Press secretary forthe superintendent, Whitcomb of American- Airlines .pubic relastrive
to help each Student realiz¢:his or.her Family News called: Mr~ Pontius indicated !0hnDelanders, intitiallytookthisrequestbut tions department portrayed the mc~_n_t as
potential asawmhyand effectivememberof thatTuisa Public Schools would disfi-ibute the. --. failed to respond to further phone calls over merely an effort to insure -Mr. Holless wellsociety,,
the teacher:. .....shall not on.the basis regulations sometime before March 1994. In several weeks, being, see American, page 4
6mfr.ac.e., color,craeed, sexr, natioinalof-igin, . the Tulsa area, the Jenks school system,..in . .. ..~..... ....
, TulsaFamily News~ De¢embe~ 1993-January!994,-page~l ..
Hey,gir~ thatone’scute, isshefamily? Sald
withirony, sometimes, saidbymen,.or saidby
women (thoughmay~~qui=inthose~t
wools), tbem~mlngoff~ff/yforLesbinn.%Gay
:~.:~i;ii:n~n and Bisexnalx is fluid.
Fami/y is, yes, our blab/adoptive parents
i-!:~!ii!and siblings but famay is also that tribe of
’~i! women and men, sistersandbrothers (orper-
:~!~?"hapsjust sisters), who welcomed us.after we
realizedour diffe~nces fromtheheterosexual
.:i~;~:~More than many ~bes, we are a diverse
:~i~)gr0up.Wearesqmm~byissuesofgender, of
!!!’:~ra~, religion and ethnicity~ by class and by
~ age, and by physical beauty. Sometimes, like
biological families, We a~.cl’u~l and abusive
.... But at our best, despised though we nmy be
thatmuch ofthe restofthis country long seem
to have forgouen.
Forexample, Iwasinvolvedinseveralofthe’
nationalplanning meetings for thislast.March :
enWashington.Forall .th¢fmstrationandhard
work ofthe process, itwascharactmizedby an
effmt toempower and include persons of all
statuses; r’ac~, gender, transgsnder, age; sub-
Nooneelse inAmericaisevenseriously trying
democracy of this sort....ee~ainly, not our
gov~=mnent¯ ......
America:inSomeNative~e~icanmaditi0ns, .’ .
Men IWho loved Men: &W~.who loved
Womenwereknownus.Two-Spirits.They had:
special roles as ~aman* ~ thos~ who showed
the way, P~aaps, we .can showthe way io a
country tharoflon has failed to live theideals
it claim.~.
We must reO~m fami/y from those who
would take it fox~use only - who would
perve~tit for theirpolitical andmonetmy gain:
The family historically has been large and
messy,som~mes biological butjust as often
Tulsa Family News?
tied together by need and sometimes, love. It
has always included us, .Lesbian% Gay.men
and Bisex.als, though not always by those
as we know,being married doesn’t make you
Tulsa Directory-
* Asterisks indicate dis~tribution points
Bars & Restaurants
*The. Alley, 3340 S. Peoria 744-0896
*Cherry St. Bakery, 1344 E, 15 583-8398
*Elearic Circus, 606 S. Elgin 587-8677
*LaWs, 311 E. 7th 583-5~33.
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 S. Sheridan
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*Time n’ Time Again, .1515 S. Memorial
*TNT’s 2114 S. Memorial 664-8299
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
*Whittier Cafe, 416 S. Lewis, 582-2400
Retail Businesses/Galleries
*Indian Territory Coffee Company
1613E. 15 587-1633
Galerie Europa, 203 N. Main 592-2787
Harry & Mrs. Jones, 1617 E. 15
Jared’s, 1602 E. 15
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51Pl
Novel Idea Discount Books
7104 S. Sheridan
3356 E. 51
*Phun Stuph, 1519 E. 15
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S.
sUaight), Organizations
The family in America has rarely been what ACT-UP, POB 532 74101
theChristor[:ascistshave claimed.Weknowit Names Proj, POB 318 74101 748-3111
and they know it too. But dem0nizing us P-FLAG POB 5280074152 749-4901
serves theirpoliticalpurpose. This country has
a long and shameful history of slandering
various minorities; creating.an, enemy within
toplay offfolks’ fears so that a few could gain
wealth and political power.
We have demonized Native Americans,
Blacks~ Jews, Catholics, Asians and :others.
These days, Lesbians; GaymenandBisexuais
are the enemy ofchoice: and the coffersof the
Religious Right, the Christ~-Fas~ists are full.
So this is ~Tulsa Family News, news for our
f~mili~ of the heart; and for our families that
are biological, our brothers, sisters and parents~
Cousins, Uncles, and aunts.
This is the fn’st ofwhat I hope will be many
issues. Tulsa deserves to have its own event
and entertainment paper. News. from Oldahoma
City is of interest but is not enough.
Thispaper follows severalotherattemptsby
folks, whoml honor for theirhard work. Tulsa
FamilyNews can and will be there for Tulsaif
you help us. Let us know.what you like: Let us
.know ~wh~t.you don’t like. (gently, please).
Patronize the basinesses thai’sUpport us and
tell them that you saw their ad - there is a
can~eaionbeWeen your actions :a~I thispaperbeing
business owner, reach out to your community
Via advertising~. Lesbian and Gay bar owners
have long carried much of the weight ofhelping
the community.: it’s time for some of the
rest of us to sh~re the job. Thank.~.
Tom Nea],. publisher.
PS, anyone interested in aLesbian/Gay Indian
~ganization, drop a line:to Jesse, c/o TFN.
HIV Resource Consortium
*TOHR, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-l-
Gay Line Info. 743-4297
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
B/L/G Alliance, Tulsa U. 583-9780
Oklahoma AIDSHotline . 800,535-2437
*Tulsa Central Library, 400 Civic Ctr.
*Chapman Student Ctr.. TU, 631-0000
Tom Neal
POB 4140
Tulsa, OklahOma 74159
Issuedon the 15th of each month, the entire
contents of this publication are protected by
US copyright 1993 by Tulsa Family News and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in
part without written permission from the
publisher. Publication of a name orphotO in no
way indicates or reflects thai person’s sexual
Correspondance is assumed to be for publication
unless otherwise noted and becomes the
sole property of Tulsa Family News. All
correspondance should be s.ent to the address
Tulsa Family’News is a event & entersmerit
newspaper distributed free of charge in
lo~fi businesses and organizations.
*University Center at Tulsa
Theodore Campbell MSW
1560 E 21 743-1000
Sandra J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy
2865 E. Skelly, Ste. 215 745-1111
Tim Daniel, Atty.
352-9504 or 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Atty. 749-1586
Kelly Kifoy, CPA, 9933 E 16 663-9399
John Kirk, Realtor 747-5800, 745-2245
.TomNeal, Designer. 832-0233 .
Religious Organizations
*Family of Faith¯MCC, 500 W. ’A’ Jenks
298-4622 -
Mftrma~~,ti0n. (Meth0dis0 ~-_. - 742-82i3
*i~i~C --Tiil~a~ii623Nl@ldwood S38-1715
Dignity/Integrity :. 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Ctr. TU, 583,9780
Next Month -
First,in a Series: Interviews with
_City Council Candidateson Our Issues
New Feature: Local Heroes
Tnlsa’s Only Openly Gay-o~wned Gift Store
Pride Jewelry, Buttons, Stickers, Cards, Newsmagazines,
T-shirts & Sweatshirts & more for
Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals, Our Families & Our Friends
Kelly, H,
Certified Public Accountant
9933 East 16th, Suite 104
Tulsa 74128
Come f’md those.Holiday Gifts ~
at the Store where you know you’ll be treated like Family!
Family News, December 1993-January 1994, page 2
Faggots have day . W. Da n i.el
......- Theeditodalmpmd.cedabovcisfrom TheGrow$.~, Grovei Oklahomm Itwas fax~directly
to TulsaFa~’ly N~ws wi~ ~sSion to reprint.
Shouldwe laugh or~after rending.this editorialbyits publisher, M. Gerald Stone? The view
¯ is.so exlreme and so ignorant that at.first it is hard to takeit seriously.
Sadiy,.,though, werecog~ze.,thatM. Gegald Stone isnot being facetious. He’s serious when he
suggest that,sexbetween.males i~dI~0.~n~an~ of the HIV virus." It scem~ that Mr. Stone is
not one.to letl0years ofmedical e~idenceifrom amandtheWorld get in the way ofhis prejudice.
He adds that "faggots" should noi come,~gto the-government and the taxpayers.for help in
fighting the HIV epidemic.
Excuse us, Mr. Stone, but last wechecked, Lesbians & Gay melt Were still citizens. We know
that we ~e certainly paying our.fair ~are of taxes (probably more) and. we know it’s our
government too, no.manethowmuch that governmentirea~ U_s~as 3rd class~citizens. It’s ourright
. to:~all on+o.ur goyemme~it to fry-to prevent funhe~ suffe_~g byfinding~entforHWrelated
diseases, including wehopa.acure ultimately. Ifs our.fightto be~angry, at our.government who
during thepastdecade didsomuchless than itCouldhave donepreciselybecauseitwasdominated ..
bymen whothink like you-though mostofthem were somewhatmore subtle in expressing their ..
Now, we recognize t_ha_t it is:your right to express yourself and we defend that+right,no matter "
howchtwlish that opinion.is~But we.can’t help but.wonder 8S we.a_ppgoachrthi~:~.sesson ~ . i
when Jews celebrate the’miracle ofthe lamps, Pagans the lengthening oftheday, and Christians~
amrm who Called o,u.:fog ti0mpassion, c0uld.yon not put aside at!eastsome:ofy0_m:.ha.te~..-~d:~s~ !.
+Attorney at.+Law "
. Estate:Planning, Adopbons, PeP,~bnal Injury.
¯ Criminal Law, Bankruptcy, WorkersCompen~ation
1;800~742-9468 ~or 918-352~9504
128 ~East Broadway, Drumri ght;Oklah0ma :-.
, W~kend and evening appoin~ents areava. i.lab.le.,.
PartyFavors & Door.Prizes
SlOcouple, $6:single.
Champagne "
¯Afternoon Beer.Bust 4-7pm, Tues. - Fri.
Dancers on ~ursdays thro Decembe
Lookfor Miss Gay Tulsa in Janua_ry
+.. :-". +.l565!S.Sheridan,83&4234
: .Tutsa Family News; DecemBer 1993-~anuary !994, page
....Why Tulsa- .Fa?mily N.ew.s
Hey, girl, tholone’$cute, isshefa!!ly? Said. fled togethe~ by,need and sometimes, love. It
.:~: withkony,some|ime~,saidbymen,orsaidby has always included us, .I.~bianx, Gay.men
ii iwmnan (tlmughmaybuno~quiteinthoseexact.. and Bis~xual~ though not always by those.
~ i~ii ~:w0rds), t~mmningoff~ni/yforLeshians,Gay frames (spinsteranntsandbach_e~r, uncles, and
~::,!!~:.:mon and Bisexuals is fluid.- . " as we know,being marrieddoesn t make you
.~:i::;i~ Family is, yes, our birl~/adoplive patents, slraigh0~ ¯ ~-~ .... . . ’
:.ii!~iii~:i,and siblings but fomily is also ~tribe of The l~ami!yinAmcficahasrarely been what
!i!i>~:i:wemea and men, ~’~s~ers aMbrothers (o~per-_ ~ theChris.t~:Fascistshave claimed.Weknowit
¯?i~Impsju~t sisters), who welcomed us after we - and they know it too. But demonizing as
~~!(~..Wear~sqmm~byissues ofgender, of
~:~ race, religion a~l emnidty: by cla~s and by
.~ age, and by physical beauty. Sometimes, like
biological families, we a~e.cmel and abusive
to one another.
But atour besG despised thonghwemaybe
by HeteroAmerica, westrive for ideals
matmuch oftherestofthis cotmU-y long seem
to have forgotten.
Forexample, Iwasinvolvedin severalofthe
a long and shameful .history of slandering!
various ~tles~ creating.an ¢nemy within
toplay offfolks" fearsso that a fe~ could gain
w~alth and political power. .- "
We have demonized Native Americans,
. Blacks~ Jews, Catholics, Asiaus:.and <others.
These da~,s, Lesbians; Gay m¢nand Bisexuals
-a~ the enemy ofchoice; and.the coffers of the
Religious Right, the Christb:Fascists are full.
So this is.Tulsa Family News, news for our
families of the heart, and for our families that
are. biological, our brothers, sisters and parnational
planning meetings for.this lastMarch ’. ents~ Cousins, Uncles, andaunts.
onW:tghington.Forallthefmslrationandhard This is the f~st ofwhat I hope. will be many
workoftheproce~itwascharacterizedbyan issues. Tulsa deserves to have its own event
effoR toCmpower and include persons of all
statuses: race, gender, transgender, age, subcounnanitles:
students, leather, religions, etc.
Nooneelse inAmericaisevenseriouslyW!ing~
democracy of this sort....certainly, not our
and dntertainment paper.- News. from Oklahoma
City is of interest but isnot enough.
Thispaperfollows several otherattemptsby
folkswhom I honor for their-hard work; Tulsa
FamilyNews can and will be there for Tulsaif
govemm¢.nL ....yon help us, Let us !mow.what you like: Let us
And~.thisispart0four~iBto ~ :know "What~y0u .don’t: like: (gently, please).
America:insomeNativeAmericantraditi0ns,: ~ Patronize thebusinesses thaiSupport us and
Men :Who loved Men. & W0m~n.wh0 lOVed
Womenwereknownus,Two-Spirits.They had
special roles as ~aman.~ - those who showed
the way, Perhaps, we Canshowthe wayio.a ¯
country thatoflen has failed to five theidealS
it claim.x,
We must reclaim fa~i/y from those whowould
take R for their use only - who would
pervertit for theirpolitical andmonetary gain.
¯ne family historicaily has been large and
messy,.sometimes biological butjust as often
tell them that_ you saw their ad- there is a
connectionbetween your actions :and this paperbeinghere.
Andifyou areaLesbianotGay
business owner, reach out to your community
Via advertising: .Lesbian and Gaybar owners
have long carried much ofthe weight of belping
the community-it’s time for some of the
rest Of us to $hare the job, Thank.g,
Tom Heal, publisher.
IS, anyone interested in aLesbian/Gay Indian
.organization, drop a line’to Jesse, c/o TFN.
Kelly,, H,. rby--.
Certified Public Accountant
9933 East 16th, Suite 104
Tulsa 74128
Tulsa D recto y
* Asterisks indicate d~.tribution points
Bars& Restaurants
*The Alley, 3340 S. Peoria
*Cherry St. Bakery~ 1344 E: 15
*Electric Circus; 606 S. Elgin
*Laff’s, 311E. 7th
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 S.
*Renegade, 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*Time n’ Time Again, !515 S.. Memorial-
" ~. - . 660-0856
*TNT’s 2114 S. Memorial 664-8299 "
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd .584-1308
.*Whittier Care, 416 S~ Lewis, 582-2400
Retail Businesses/Galleries-
*Indian Territory Coffee Company
1613 E. 15 587-1633
Galerie Europa, 203 N. Main 592-2787
Harry & Mrs. Jones, 1617 E. 15
Jared’s, 1602 E. 15 582-3018
Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
*Mohawk Music, 6157 E 51 PI 664-2951
Novel Idea Discount Books
7104 S~ Sheridan 492-0335
3356 E. 51 747-6711
*Phun Stuph, 1519 E. 15 584-7486
*Tomfoolery, 1565 S. Sheridan
ACT-UP, POB 532 74101
Names Proj, POB 318 74101 748,3111
P-FLAG POB 52800 74152 749-4901
HIV Resource Consortium
*TOHR, 4154 S..Harvard, Ste. H-1
Gay Line Info. 743-4297
Shanti Hotline 749-7898
B/L/G Alliance, Tulsa U, 583-9780
Oklahoma AIDS-Hotline 800-535-2437
*Tulsa Central Library, 400 Civic Ctr.
,Chapman Student Ctr.. TU, 631-0000
Tom Neal
POB 4140
Tulsa, OklahOma 74159
Issuedon the 15th ofeach month, the entire
contents of this pablication are protected by
US copyright 1993 byTulsa Family News and
may not be reproduced either in whole or in
part without written permission from the
publisher. Pubfication era name orphot0 in no
way indicates or reflects that person’s sexual
Correspendance i~ assumed to be for publica~
tion unless otherwise noted and becomes the
sole property of Tulsa Family News. All
correspondence should be s.ent to the address
Tulsa Fatally’News is a event & entertainment
newspaper dis~buted free of charge in
local businesses and organizations.
*University Center at Tulsa
Theodore Campbell, MSW
1560 E 21 743-1000
Sandra-J. Hill, MS, Psychotherapy
2865 E. Skclly, Stc. 215 745-1111
-T’nn Daniel, Atty.
352-9504 or 800-742-9468
Bill Hinkle, Atty. 749-1586
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 9933 E 16 663-9399
John’ Kirk, Realtor 747-5800, 745-2245
Tom Ncal, Designer: 832-0233
Religious Organizations
*Family of Faith MCC,, 500 W. ’A’ Jenks
~,~tio~n:(Me=0d" is0- .~ .’., .- 742-8213
)~C~2"T~I~ ¢,~623M~pld~ood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity. " 298-4648
*Canterbury Ministry Ctr.. TU, 583~9780
Next Month
First in a Series: Interviews with
.City Council Candidateson Our Issues
New Feature: Local Heroes.
Tulsa’s Only Openly Gay-o~wned Gift Store
Pride Jewelry, Buttons, Stickers,. Cards, Newsmagazines,
T-shirts & Sweatshirts& more for
Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals, Our Families & Our Friends
Come find those-Holiday Gifts ....
atthe Store where you know you’ll be treated like Family!
Tulsa Family News, December 1993- January 1994, page 2.
News Briefs News Briefs News BriefsNewsBriefs NeWs Briefs News BriefsNews Briefs News
Arrests in Anti-Gay Killing
NEWORI.EANS~Grat Gunderson, 24, Ronaid D. Graves, 24,and Mingo Graham, 23,-were
charged with Is,t-degree murder in the stabbing death of Joseph Balog of Gulfport, Miss., while
he was walking through the French Quarter ofNew Orleans earlier in November with a friend.
The second man was seriously .injured inthe attack while 4 or 5 men yelled anti-gay epithets.
Officials say they are looking for other suspects-in the killing. According to. police, neither the
dead man nor his unidentified friend were gay even thongh their attackers apparently believed
they were.
Previously Unknown WildeLove Letters Auctioned
LObiDON~Aanonymous bidderpurchased acollection oflove letters from authorOscarWilde
to Philip Griffiths for $27,580..The letters were written by Wilde to the wealthy young Griffiths
in the 1880s and included a photograph of the famous gay playwright. The brief affair between
the two men harriet been previously known about and the letters were offered for sale through
Christie’s auctioneers by adescendent of Griffiths~
LibraryBan on Out-of-Town Papers Anti-Gay?
TULSA, Okla. ~ The Tulsa.County library commission has voted to prohibit out-of-town
publications from being distributed at libraries, a move TomNeal, the Tulsa reporter.for the
Wichita, Kan.-bused gay paper The Parachute, says is aimed to excluding the gay publication
from distribution at the libraries. Library officials deniedthatwastheirmotive, noting that it will
continue.to carry TheGay/y Ok/ahoman,-which is pubfished in Oklahoma City. (Editor’s note:
The Tulsa City-.COunty Library does notdistribute The Gayly Oklahonmn at/d on/y carries one
copy in its downtownbranok)
-Clinton ’NotDone’ With Military Issue Yet?
discrimination onthe basis of sexual orientation; and
WHEREAS, the result ofthis potential harassment, and discrimination is the denial to some
Louisianians of.fights, privileges or benefits,, solely on the basis of personal.matters; and
WHEREAS;itisinappropriate forgovernmenteither to encourage or discourage, to condone
or condenm in the area of sexual orientation;
NOW THEREFORE I, EDWIN W, EDWARDS, Governor of the State of Louisiana, by
virtue of the authority.vestedin me.by the Constitution and laws of the §tate of Louisiana, do
hereby order:
SECTION 1 - No state agency or department shall discriminate on :the basis of sexual
orientation againstauy individual in the provision ofany services or benefits by such state agency
¯ or department. ~
SF_LTION 2, No state agency, or department shall discriminate on .the basis of sexual
orientation againstany individual in any matter pertaining to employmentby the state, including,
but.not limited.to(hiring, promotion, tenure, recruitment, and compensation. "
SF_L’~ON 3, All Contraets:forthe purchase of services by anystate agency or department
" shall be awarded withoutdiscriminationon the basis ofsexual orientation of the personsseeking
such contracts. Further, all such contracts shall include a I~ovision ths.t the contractor shall not
discriminate on.the basis of sexual orientation i_n any matter relating to employment.
SECTION 4 - This Order shall take effect immediately upon promulgation.
AIDS Scientist. Urges Vatican to Relax. Condom Rules
VATICAN C1TY~ Dr. Lnc Montagnier, the French co-discoverer. :of HIV,-has urged the
Catholic Church to ease its restrictions on thc~use of condoms inan effort to fight the.AIDS
epidemic. "I don’t-want to give lessons to the Church, but I do invite it tube more pragmatic
SEATILEwSeattle radio andTV stations reported that while resident Clinton was in the city and. tolerant," Montagnier said at a Vatican-sponsored gathering.
for a snmmR conference with-leaders of Asian and Padfic Rim nations in November, ajogger
who wus out mnnigg in the early morning mn into the President and commented that"You let
gays in the military, down, didn’t yonT’ Clinton reportedly repfied, somewhat enigmatically,
’We’re notdone yet."
Mass Test for AIDS Virus Planned at Concert
SEATILE:-- The Vancouver, Wash.-based Saliva Diagnostic S.ystems Inc.. will help gather
saliva samples ataBudapestrockconeerton Nov. 26 in whatthefirm says will be thelargestmass
AIDS testing everconducted. More than 1,000 samples willbe collected and analyzed using the
firm’s self-admiifiStered saliva test, which checks for the presence ofHIV. The samples will be
analyzed by theNational Institute ofHematology and Blood Transfusion in Budapest. According
to Dr, David Barnes, director of the firm’.s European offices, the mass testing .will be an
opportunity to demonstrate the usefulness of the company’s Omni-SAL device over standard
HIV blood tests..
¯ LAnti-Bias Executive Order in Louisiana
BATONROUGE, La.--LouisianaGuy. Edwin W. Edwards, has signed aproclamation barring
state agencies from discrimination based on sexual orientation in providing services, hiring,
awarding contracts or ia-~e practices of state contractors.
The text of Guy. Edwards’ executive order follows:
WHEREAS, a portionof the population of our State is subject to potential harassment and
Sandra J. Hill, M.S.
Psychotherapy &Clinical Consultation
Sensitive to the Challenges Of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &
Transgendered Individuals, Couples & Families.
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 215
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 745-1111
Novel Idea
Discount Books
7104 S. Sheridan, 492-0335
3356 E. 51st, 747-6711
Titles .ofInterest to.the
Lesbian & Gay Communities
Tulsa Family News, December1993- January 1994, page 4
Montagnier, himself a
Catholic, said,"If AIDS is a d_iabolicul disease,,no method to beat it can itself be considered
Black Clergy Urged to Battle AIDS
WASHINGTON--The Rev..George Stalling~, archbishop ofthe ImaniTemple, ha~ urged other
black ministers to overcome their moral concerns and assume a more active role in the battle
against AIDS. "Ifpreachers are apprehensive abontAIDSissues because they view it as a result
of sinful behavior, that is no excuse not to minister.to those, afflicted/’.Stallings said at a recent
meeting with Uulted Response to Black America~s :Needs ~AN),-Also at that meeting,
Stallings announced plans to develop an AIDS education program tO be used by the. clergy.
According to URBAN, ~the.reverend promised thatImani Temple wou!d ;~become a center for
blacktheological responsesto the AIDS criSisin auder-servedcommunitiesY Asimilar call for
the biack clergy.to assume a more active leadership role .in fightingthe epidemic was made in.
Phil~ulelphla ata meeting sponsored by the "Ecumenical !rife. AIDS Resource Center.
Erotica Booming in Sexually Perilous.Times
SANFRANCISCO~Accg.rding.to areport i~t:~th~N0~emberissue ~of2Ameficau Demograph-
.ic.s,=fears:about:AIDS andotherSeXually transmitted diseases have prompted Americans to curb
Hostile Climate, cont.frompage 1 : .-Human RightsCampaign i~und, said that the
is at the forefront of these efforts both.in
schools andelsewhere, according tothereport.
Anti-gay efforts in Arizona, Florida,.MissOuri,
and oregon have been spearheaded bymemhers
oftheChristiau Coalition,the Traditional
Values. Coalition, and the oregon Citizens
Alliance. By the Christian Coalition’s own
post-election tally, at least 66 right,wing ean-
. didates were elected to school beardsaeross
the nation, often using, misleading claims of
"homosexual-lesbianpropaganda"in curricula
to win election.
Anotherstrategy being usedby the religious
tight is to drive wedges between gays .and
other minority groups, including_ African-
.Americans and Jewish Americans. The term
"special tights" has been.appropriated for use
in these battles, in which opponentsClaim that
gays are not a "legitimate" ~minority group,
and that the straggles fought by these other
groups are being triviaiized by~the gay equaltights
National gay leaders were thankful that the
report had been released, but also spoke
strongly against the incidents, documented~
Peri Jude Radecic, executive :director of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, called
the report"shocking.’~ Radecic added that the
report "crystallizes the sobering reality thatwe
are fighting an unprecedented mobilization by
the Far Right, who are trampling over the
ideals offreedom and liberty in their pursuit of
political power." In the coming months, the
National Gayand Lesbian Task Force willbe.
working with other national, regi,onal~ and
local groups, gay and non-gay,-to turn back
this march of hatred which masquerades as
legitimate politics and threatens the
American valuesof fairness and decency,"
said Radecic.
Tim McFeeley, executive director ~,~ the
report ’~’is alandmark study, providing state by
statedocumentation oftheradical rightsagenda
of int01eiance, discriminhtion and violence."
Amid .the losses at both the local and state
.levels,-the.report also cites a few successes.
Minnesota became the eighth state in the nation
¯to bar :discrimination against gays in
housing, public accommodations, and employment.
The report saysthatone ofthe main
reasons for the success in Minnesota was thai
members of the group "Itrs Time Minnesota"
were able to marshall .the support of several
state religious leaders, including Catholic
bishops, l~daind the.anti-discrimination bill.
Thenationr s middle ground, "the undecided
American;" will be the next battleground in
the struggle for equal rights; says the report.
"Rising to this challenge;:~ thereportconcluded,
’.’gay rightssupporters in communities_across
the country are reaching out to broaden theh
alliances with the bUsiness community, with
Afriean-Americans and Hispanics; and.with
the main-line churches. The next cycle .will
reveal which side has made the most compelling
case to the Americanpublic."
American, cont. frompage I
Mr. Holless wasvisibly ill andwas carrying
a IV bag which fed a catheter, Mr.. Whitcomi:
said that the flight crew
asked Six times that Mr. Holless deplane temporari!
y for amore private conversationwhile
his medical records were checked. Mr. Holless
refused and was removed by Chicago police.
Several eyewitnesses indicated however thai
Mr. Hoiless was dragged from the plane,
screaming in pain.
Atpress-time, CongressmanFranktold Tulsa
Family News, that he had not yetreceived any
~espouse from American.
News Briefs News,Briefs News Briefs News Briefs News BriefsNewsBriefsNewsBriefs,News
their anything-goes sexual attitudes and behaviorsof the past. But spending on pornography, sex
toysandother sexually-relatedarticleshasbeen skyrocketing during thepast 10 years or so, says
asurvey by the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. "Because
of fears about sexually transmitted diseases,-people are having feWer partners," said Dr. Ted
McIlveana, president of.the Institute. "So now they’re buying paraphernalia."
’American Gladiator’ Comes Out
LOS ANGELES--Weare everywhere, gay fights activists are fond ofpointing out. Yet another
indicator of the reality of this small truism came for viewers ofthe "IV.program "American
Gladiators," ashow with apenchant forhunkyguys and galsinTtight spandex super-hero costumes
doing pretty silly things~simulating soft,core war-game conte~ts.During a chat with one of the
regular beefcake hunks on the.show called Turbo (yes, .that’s the kind of names they’re known
by), the interviewer asked him why he wears an earring. Turbo’s cool response: "Because I’m
gay."_The rest of the:interview went ahead without furtherreference to Turbo’s - or with a body
like that, maybe it should be ’~Mr. Turbo’s" - sexual.orientation. We suppose the next coming
out semi-star will have to be oue.0f the drivers On those strange monster-track programs.
NIH Agrees to Ask Women About Sexual Orientation in Study
WASHINGTON"According _tothe American.Association of Physicians for Human Rights,
an organiTation of gay andlesbian doctors, the National Institutes of Health has agreed to ask
about sexual orientation when it begins a massive study of women’s health issueS. The study,
Which will surveysome 160,000 women nationally, will be the largest study ofw0men’s health
everundertakenby the federalgovemment. It is scheduled to begin in January 1994. NIHagreed
to include questions about sexual orientation and behavior after AA HRand the National Center
for Lesbian Rights mounted an intensive lobbying campaign to convince the federal agency that
theremightbe increasedhealth risksamonglesbians thatwouldnotshowup in asurvey ofwomen
in general. Earlier this year; Suzanne Haynes, an epidemiology expert with theNational Cancer
Institute, reported increaseddSk factors.for breast cancer among lesbians, a study AA HR cited
in convincing NIH to ask about sexual Orientation in the upcoming $600 million federal survey.
-Shareholders Nix Cracker Barrel Anti-Bias Policy
LEBANON,.Tenn.--Shareholders of the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store chain ofrestaurants
voted against adopting an anti-bias poficy that would-include sexual orientation ai their annual
meeting atthe f’mnrs headquarters. Rights activists say a 1991 company policy of hiring only
.straights and fhing gays and lesbians remains in effect, a claim the chain denies.
¯ World’s lstLesbian Sperm Bank Planned _
OAKLAND, CaliL--’Leland Traiman, agay nurse,is in the processofopening the RainbowFlag
Health Services, which will.be tee world’s first lesbian-specific sperm bank. Traiman says the
medical service.will stock only Sperm donated by gaymen andthat the agency will encourage
from San Francisco.
The Barney. ’Homo Conspiracy, ¯
CHARLOTI’E, N.C. Josepll Chambers, a former Church of God minister and gayrights foe
in Charlotte, N.C.; is pubfishing a booklet identifying Barney; the PBS-TV purple dinosaur
currently the rage with the preschool set,.as a "new age demon’~ who promotes homosexuality.
Chambers, who was earlier.this year removed as pastor of the Paul Creek.Church ofG0d after he
had tried to claim ownership, of the.church and its property, has condemned Barney as "straight
out ofthe newage and the world ofdemons and devils." According to Chambers, whohas started
an anti-gay rights group known as Concerned Charlotteans,"Barney is teaching kids-thatwemust
accept everyone as they are ~. whether they;re homosexuals .or lesbians.r~ Chambers and.
Concerned Charlotteans, whose newsletter "Update" is r~gnl~!y crammed with anti-gay items,
are getting ready to publish a booklet, ,Barney the Purple Messiah," to elaborate on-the alleged
evil homosexual conspiracy behind the 6-foot purple children’s character.
Hawaii Lawmaker to Introduce Gay Marriage Ban
HONOLULU~State Rep, Tewance Tom has announced he will introduce a measure barring
same-sex marriage in Hawaii. Thestate Supreme Court earlier this yearruled that gay andlesbian
cou#es may have a constitutional right to legally marry unless that state can provea "compelling
state interest" in prohibiting same-sexmarriages. One gay male couple and2 lesbian couples sued
.after the state refused to issue marriage licenses for them.
Topeka Council. OKs Anti-Picketing Measure
TOPEKA, Kansas ~ The Top~kn, Kansas, City . Council has - approved an anti-picketing
ordinance aimed at restricting anti-gay protests - led by the Rev.:Fred Phelps - outside churches.
Phelps and his followers often picket other churches he sayssupport gay rights ~nd demonstrate
at funerals of people who have died. of AIDS with signs .reading ?God.hates fags." The council
passed a similar.measure earlier this year which was vetoed by Mayor Butch Felker. Felker Said
he is ancertain whether herll veto this measure or not.
LSU Coach Worried About.Homosexual Role Models
BATON ROUGE, La,-- LouiSiana State University basketball coach Dale Brown Thursday,
Dec: 9~ blamed a society thatholds up embezzlers, alcoholics and homosexuals as role.models
when asked about the arrest of2LSU football players on burglary charges. ’AVe gntto toughen
up our sy.stem in America,’" Brown-said. "The criminal gets away with everything in this
permissive society, Kids get good people to copy from - the television personalities that axe
homosexuals, the embezzlerS, the coaches that are drunks, ministers whoare false evangelists. So
kids are looking at society in general. And it’s a kind of sickness in society. Each person.needs
to clean up his mess, I guesS.". Brown’s statement c__~_,e at the end ofil news conference on the
LSUcampus whenhewasaskedabout the football team S discipline problems~ TwoLSUplayers.
thewo.men to.meetthesPermdonorbecause alotoflesbams don’twanttohavech!ldrenby uszng -..were arrested earlier on charges ofburglary and.unauthorized use of credit cards..Brown, m h~s
~ ano~n,,y~,,._ons donors,:and they!d.r’4therbe connected to ag_aymalehou~hold ~an toahe~erosexual 22ad year atL~U, frequently uses his position:for vad0us causes; including crusading against the
-,~.,..0ne,...Traiman says loca~ting~the spema,ban~.~whieh4s planneffto open-nextyear,:in Oakland death penalty~~:, ~ - ° -: ~- " -~ " . ~ ¯ .~ ..... . ¯ . ¯
:makes sensebecanse of ~elarge number-of lesbianS~believed-t0:.live in-the city ~ross the bay
" " " (c) 1993:by GayNet News Service
Adult Merchandise + Gag Gifts :
Novelties + T-Shirts + -Cards. :
¯ 1519. East ¯ 15th Street, Tulsa 584-7486 ¯¯
"¯ 10-6 "Monday-Saturday, Closed Sunday ."- ¯ ¯
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Friends Keeping Friends . . . Alive!
PROJECT REACH OUT is Proud to introduce
A Rap Group designed to meet the needs Of people living with HIV/AIDS. We
welcome all people regardless of their HIV status, age, race; religious beliefs, or sexual
expression. BEING AWARE focuses on positive thinking and~.with HIV...Not
dying from it.
For meeting ti~es and location~ pleasecall~ProjectReach Qutat298-4622, William
at 834-4386 or Rudy at 451-0219.. We look forward to hearing from you.
Anonymous & confidential HIV testing & counseling, Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm, or by
appointment. No cost, state certified staff. 5~ W. "A"SL Jenks
2~8~, 1 blk. no: of Main, next to Driver sLicense Bureau:
~ 416 S. Le~ls
(918) 5~2-2400
Tulsa Family News, December 1993.- January 1994, page 5
American Theatre Co.
POB .1265
Broken Arrow
Community Playhouse
I109 E. Memphis
Clark Theatre
11440 E~ Admiral
Heller Theatre
5328 S. Wheeling
S~tlight Theatre
1381 Riverside.Drive
Performing Arts.Trust
¯Tat~a BaUer
4512 S. Peoria
A Christmas Carol
December 10-23
WilSams Theatre, Perf. Arts Center
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
December 10=19
BA Community Playhouse
December 17-19
Clark Theatre
It’s Sad, So Sad, When an ElfGoes Bad
Clark Theatre
An Evening ofDance with Locomotion
January 7-10
Heller Theatre
The Drunkard.
December 18
January 8, 15
$7,50 " "
.. Jungle.Book .
January 8
Studio One, Performing ArtsCenter
The .Nutcracker
Paula. Poundstone--
by Lee Moon - IN - Boston
Offbeat, eccentric; quirky, hysterically
funny, a comedy watershed, an artist, and an
inventor, arejust a fewof the words and ways
that have been--used to describe Paula
Poundstone. She fits all ofthe.se descriptions
and then some, She alsopossesses an extraordinary,
insightful mind and a special talent for
interacting with her audience.
When PaulaMts the stage, she uses all of
those elements in her routines. She addresses
everything from cats (she has 5), to the Persian
GulfWar. "I figure if you go.to the bottom of
the whole thing, tenyears fromnow, it’ s gonna
turn out that some yellow ribbon salesman
somewhere was at the root of the entire thing.
I love the idea oftracing it. You know, you go
through the Pentagon, through the ambassadors,
through the Fanir of Kuwait, and then
there’s one little ribbon salesman basking in
the Sun...."
. She has her own topics as well. On grownups:
"Yon everwonderwhyadults are always
asking little kidswhat they want to.be when
they grow up.9 They’relooking for ideas!,
And on junk food: ’ "Driving a convertible
~changed my eating habits. I used to .eat
those Hostess Mini Gems with the white
powdered sugar on the sides. Now I find I’m
eating abalddoughnut with alot ofwhitejunk
on my face." She can tell you in exactly how
man~ states,Ring, Dings (which, she says;are
far superior to:Ho.H0"s) are sold, and the
nutritional ingredients of-Pop Tans.~("Pop
Tarts are a free taste treat. They are truly one
0flife’sfiuer pleasures. I don’tgo,anywhere
~ithout ~em. Ido ’era cold right from the "
With :her dead:on perception and deadpan
delivery,Panladisplays a remarkable ability
to see.things as they really are, notas they are.
The Pop Tart Queen
meant to 1~. Shesays her intention "isn’t to
upset or bother people; my intention is to
entertain. It’s not like I’m a historian or an
expert¯ on anything. Particularly recently, I
guess, I’ve made some effort to be pe!~tical,
but it’s also what interests me lately."
While on stage, her body language alone is
entertaining as she-drapes herself over the
stool¯, wraps herselfin the mike cord, or layson
the floor while deliVering her material. Because
ofher improvisational approach and the
relationship she develops with her audience,
each show is an experience - no two are alike.
Paulawas born in Alabama,("Thankfully, I
only spentonemonth there"), raised in Sudbury,
Massachusetts; moved to San Francisco at the
age of 19, and now resides in Los Angeles.
She creditsMassachusetts as the state where
she.received her first break. "It’s the typical.
story of almost every comedian: I was busing.
tables at a club in town and they started an
open-mikecomedyshow, andI thoughtImight
be able to do that. So I did." Based on the
audience response when she performed at
various clubs~ she felt that she bad found her
Despite frequent appearances on "The.Tonight
Show" and~-"Late Night with David
Letterman", the 1989 American Comedy
Award for Funniest Female. Stand-Up, numero6s
cable television specials, including
her own "One Night Stand - Cats, Cops and
(HBO’s "talk show With a twist"), and the
nomination foran ACE. Award, Paularemains
low-keyabouthersuccessand Shehas noplans
to star in a movie orTV serieS. "Ijustdo what
I d0~ I have never beent0 ambitions and one
to seek fame or status?" She-likes comed~
because it’s nice,easy work ~itrs really a
See"Poundstone, "page 7
sponsored by
’ TulsaOkl~omansFor Human Rights
.. --..4154 S. Ha~ardi Ste: Hal, Quadrangle Building
:..-SW Comer.of41Si&H~ard,SW Comerof office-building
" ........
Finge.rStick, .Method
iDaytime Testing, Tuesday and Thursday,by Appointment .Call 74.9-4194
. By &for but not exdusi e tOthe .Lesbian,.Gay &Bisexual:.Communities
Champagne, Party Favors & Door Prizes
$10 couple; $6 single.
Afternoon Beer Bust 4-Tpm,:Tues. - Fri. "
Dancers on .Thursdays thro’ December
Lookfor Miss¯ .Gay Tulsa in January
1565 S,
Poundstone, continuedfrompage 6
g.o~!job for me: I have no self-discipline. I
don’t even wr~.’te down myjokes and staff on
.pieces ofpaper like other people.. Everything
.tha._t~I.d.9.0~ s.tage..iS a. ~_.fl_~,;o!~_ Of.~ofhow.
I Spend mydays and nights.’ ....
Just how these days~and nights are spent is
Sheridan, 834-4234 ....
evident in her inaierial (she doesa funny
mutine-about the-ctmffort of airline travel),
and where she is performing. Always on .the
go, herappearances atclubs, colleges~benefitsand
events take heracross the conutry non7.
stop. She averages 45.-weeks a year On thE
road~ .... ..-
Aries (Mar..20-Apr. 19): Ron up the.windows,
gnutheengine, andgetamove,on.Ever ~
since you left the city limits, you’veno longer
been subject to the federally-mandated 55-
mph speed limit. That semi from,_To_,_pe__k_a._, is
crawling up onto your tail, and he s about to
crush you into a metal pancake if.you don’t
start moving as fast as you safely ca~_. The
officer willjust politely give you athumbs-up,
so don’t worry.
Taurus(Apr. 20-May20): These must not
newscaster at the fabledWKRPin Cincinnati.
Not only did he get kicked out of the locker
room because they thought he was gay, now
he"s gota whole city screaming to get him off
the air. Les knows better, though, and you
might t~his techniquenexttime there’s some
static on your dial: grab one of your Buckeye
News Hawk awards and tell Herb to sit on it.
Gem|hi (May 21-Jnn. 20): Let’s clear.one
thing up right away. I’m so direct with you
only because I care, not becans~ anyone’s
paying me.on the side to feed you false advice.
It’s tough, though, because some rather lu-
Crative offers have come myway, but I’ve
humbly placedmy honesty toward you ahead
ofmyneedtostopeating macaroni andcheese.
Not everyone elsemay be as magnaminous as
I, so be sure tobuys lots ofgrains ofsalt to take
with the advice yon receive.
Cancer (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): I hafta get something
offmychest aboutNAFTA. It was quite
a laffla see thatFerengi guy debating the vicepresident.
I toldmywhole stafftawatch, and it
quickly became obvious that hardly anything
_ rhymedwith NAFI’A. Consider your own
trade tariffs’right now; hecause someof them
maybe too high.and might.be inhibiting the
free fl0w of happiness across your borders. If
anyone offers ,you photos of Messrs. Smoot
and Hawley, just decline and say :that they
make a marvelous couple.
Leo 0nl. 23-Aug.,22): Here are myTop 3
reason~ (intellectual property lawspreventme
from doing: 10) why you should t~j. to have
more fun this.week: 3, Yon’vebeen abump on.
a log for so long you’re getting wood rot; 2.
That churning noise in your stomach has
nothing todo with mass quantities of melted.
processed cheese flav0r.product;andNumber.
One: Thanks to this advice, your world will be.-
flooded with people all having more, fun; and :
one 0fthem has a very special type of fun.all
- planned.out for you.
Virgo (AUg. 23=Sep, 22): You walk into the
waiting room, Ralph Edwardsjumps out from
behind the chair and screams, "This is your
life," and yourf|rstinstinct is to runback to the
parking lot, head between your legs. Since.
you’re probably, not (yet) a well-known star,
though, you can do better. Haven’t you been
iseoretly wishing for a sneak peek at the. next
couple.of chapters? Ofcourse, that may send
you packing for the parking lot, but at least
you’ll have a. chance to rewrite the book.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): Winter is"he~!
Grease those skids, oil those chains, brush
those gloves; and wash the mask. Someday
you may want to take up outdoor activities as
well but, in the meantime, be sure to.buy your
lift tickets early. The forecasters say it’ s going
tobean above,normal season,so startplanning
those controlled avalanches now to keep ev-
¯ erything under control..
Scorpio (Oct~ 23-Nov: 21): The ancient
" How.:.: !’To Buy rReal- .Es.tateTogether
by Donald Vaughan - will be economically rewarding; " "
¯ COUPLES.:.?A Gay & Lesbian Newsletter -will be.emoti0nally rewarding; "
This article is written from a real estate
lawyers poitit of vidw. Couples interested in
buying realestate together shouldconsulttheir
own legal,mx and f’manci~-advisors. -
Mostof us were brought up t6 believe that
owning a.houie~ with a husband or wife is a.
major part. of:the "great American dream."
Although Some ofus may Still end up with the
cottageonthe hill, formost ofusthe dream has
changed.-We, now are more interested in a
condo in an.urban center, a multifamily in a
city neighborhood, or a vacation home~ to say
nothing ofthe dream spouse’s change in gender.
Buyingreal estate with our Companion is
still a strongly-felt desire for many.of us. This
is the f~stin afour-part series ofarticleswhich
will explore~
- the process of deciding what type of property,
location,-search process and financing to
-negotiating and closing the deal, moving in, -
runningthe place & selling;
- the merits of co-tenancy or other legal
agreementswhich define the rights and obligationsof
the individual owners.
Is buying real estate together a good idea?
Thedecision to buy areal estate together often
times is the~major choice a couple makes after
establishing :their relationship. There generally
are-~ types of advantages and disadvantages
gay and lesbian couples need to con-..
sider in making this_decision.
Eager Would~be buyers tend to think of the
pros first: Buying rea~ estate...
- will give us a solid mteofreturn;
- will create equity for us;
.- will give us income tax benefits. .
And now that... "
-prices are a[ rock bottom, whynot?
- interest rates are much.lower, why not?
Real EState isastatus symbol-both in society
at large andourown community. On the other
hand consider the cons. Buying realestate can
cripple your incomes ifone of youloses your
job, nor is it a good way t0’shore up a troubled
relationship. It can be a lime commitment for
whichneitherofyou isready.ltcan accentuate
differences in taste and long-range,personal
goals. Ifyou break up dissolving~estate
assets can be messy, even with good agrec~
ments in place..
In the second article in this series, we will
discuss the general formulas, lenders use to
can c0mfo~ably afford. An accoantant or financial
advisor, can advise a couple as to appropriate
savings plans and di~sahility and life
insurance programs.which may limit the financial
risks involved. Co-tenancy agreements,
to be discussed inthe last article ofthis
.series; can.define whopays what:if problems
with the relationship develop. Buying property
together isa seriouscommitment; a detailed
plan going in always simplifies the
process, not to mention your sanity!-Location;
financing and looking for that winning piece.
of property will be in future issues.
John Kirk-
For All Your Real Estate Needs ....
Res.: (918)745-2245
¯ . Bus.: .(918)7~7-5800 " "
5727 South Lewis, Suite 120*Tulsa, OK. 74105 " " ’
John "
ways seem to be what you need this week. So iim¢ to mature, and the test is whether or not
I lit some. incense, turned down the lights, you can sit them and wait fortime to takeits
an’anged allmy stones in perfect concentric com~.-YourmOstinnnataminvestmentsmight
circles, andstarted to chant some Bulgarian just pm(ince the most intcresL
folk music. After [was politely reminded that Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): .Sometimes. I
Foley:s~d ,notapproveofsuch behavior in its wonder about people who think there’s nothfurniture
:idepartment, the answer appeared ingmoretolifethanquietcandielightdinn~rs,
.beforemyeyes.It’s absolutely crysta! clear for. gentle walks along the beach, and cuddling in
you this.week. It was therein front of me, frontofthetelevision. I wonder how nice that
almost in blackand white. "Elegantinxury can wonld be,.acWally. Every once in a while, it’s
be_ yours with low monthly payments." time to trim off the sirens, unload the ammm
Sagittarius (Nov..22rDec. 2.0,): What your nition, andtakeoffthe fatigues; somewbereon
.world needs n~ght now i~ a little more gay the other.side of your battle line is someone
cuitute. Fortanately, I have a few Petri dishes who wants nothing more than what yon want.
handy; and.you know exactly where to fred If you’re quiet enough, you might just hear
some of those peskycultures that have been them whisper.
festering on the fringes of your la,boratory. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar.- 19): Turn .on the
Now, let’sputthemunder this huge ultraviolet " Snuday~moming preachers (actually, please
light; grow them to te_n times theirnormal size, don’t, because it would only excite them), and
and then watch them explode in a mass of you’ll hear that our country is morally bank-
:protoplasmic self-con~ction.. S~p playing rapt.. They’re thinking of something totally
inthe lab, and create some new life in the real different, but yourown bank’s assets are critiworld
instead, cally low, and you need to take a serious look
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19): Tax,free atyour policy toward lending to foreign gov:
municipal bbnds. I~m not a registered broker -emments. Write off those uncollectible debts,
or agent,so I can’t say anything else.about open somenew branches, andmail outa few
them without running afoul of both the Secu- thousand free credit-card offers.
dries and Exchange Commission and the Gay
Astrologers’ Collective~ Local 1. But beware
that s6me investments can take a very long
Tulsa Family News, December 1993-January 1994, page 7
American Theatre Co.
POB 1265
Broken Arrow
¯ Community Playhouse
1109 E. Memphis .
Clark Theatre
11440 E. Admiral
Helier Theatre
5328 S. Wheeling
Spotlight Theatre
1381 Riverside.Drive
Perfo~ing Arts.Trust
101E; Third
A Christmas Carol
December 10-23
William~ Theatre, Perf. Arts Center
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
December 10-19
BA Community Playhouse
December 17-19
Clark Theatre
It’s Sad, So Sad, When an ElfGoes Bad
Clark Theatre
An Evening ofDance with Locomotion
January 7-10
Heller Theatre
December 18
Janna~r 8, 15
$7,50 ~ "
Jungle Book
January 8
" Studio One, Performing Arts Cent
Tulsa Ballet The Nutcracker .
4512 s. Peoria ~ December 16-23
749 .:
Ch~,.r~an Music HalL-Perf. A~Center
~North .... Ma Rose . -..
132N.Gr~nwood December 12÷18:
studio.O~, P=fom~g
a’ms sched~ isbrouoi-t toyon as as(~,~ of Z~eatre tulsa. l~ext perf--:
Tennessee Willlam.¢ The G/ass Menagerie, Jan, 21-30,Call 587-8402 for more info.
Paula. Poundstone----Th.e Pop Tart Queen
by Lee Moon - IN- Boston
Offbeat, eccentric; quirky, hysterically
funny, a comedy watershed, an artist, and an
inventor, arejust a fewof the words and ways
that have been-used to describePaula
Poundstone. She fits all of.the,se descriptions
and then some. She also possesses an extraordinary,
insightful mind a~d a special lalent for
interacting with her audience.
When Paulahits the stage, she uses all of
those elements in her routines. She addresses
everything from cats (she has 5), to the persian
GulfWar. "I figure if you go to the bottom of
the whole thing, tenyears fromnow, it’s gonna
turn out that some yellow ribbon salesman
somewhere was at the root of the entire thing.
I love the idea oftracing it. You know, you go
through the Pentagon, :through the ambassadors,
through the Emir of Kuwait, and then
there’s one little ribbon salesman basking in
the Sun... ".
She has her own topics as well. On grownups:
"You ever.wonderwhyadults ate always
asking little kids what they: want to.be when
they grow up? They’re looking for ideas!"
And on junk food: "Driving a convertible
has changed my eating .habits. I used to eat
those Hostess Mini Gems with the white
powdered sugar on the sides, Now Ifind I’m
eating abalddoughnut witha lotofWhitejunk
on my face." She-can tell you in exactly how
many states.Ring: Dings (which, she says; are
far superim" to Ho-H0"s)are sold, and the
nutritional ingredients of Pop Tarts.-("Pop
Tarts-are a f’me taste treat. They aretruly one
offife’Sfiner pleasures..I don’t go.anywhere
Withont.,em. I do ’era cold right from the
.I~.~ ).’< ....
- Withher dead-on perceptionand deadpan
delivery, :Paula displays a remarkable ability
-to see~hingsas they really am, notas they are.
meant to be. Shesays h~er intention "isn’t to
upset or bother people; my intention is to
entertain. - It’s not like I’m a historian or an
expert on anything. Particularly recently,. I
guess, I’ve made some effort to be peEtical,
but it’s also what interests me lately."
While on stage, her body language alone is
entertaining as shel-drapes herself over the
stool, wraps herselfin the mike cord, or lays on
the floor while delivering her material. Because
ofher improvisational approach and the
relationship she develops with her audience,
each show is an experience - no two are alike.
Paulawas born in Alabama~("Thankfully, I
only spentonemonth there"), raised in Sudbury,
Massachusetts; moved to San Francisco at the
age of 19, and now resides in Los Angeles.
Shecredits Massachusetts as the state where
shereceived her first break. "It’s the typical.
story of almost every comedian: I was busing.
tables at a club in town and they started an
open-mikecomedyshow, andIthoughtImight
be able to do that. So I did." Based on the
audience response when she performed at
various clubs, she felt that she had found her
Despite frequent appearances on "The.Tonight
Show" and~-"Late Night with David
Letterman", the¯ 1989 American Comedy
Award. for Funniest Female Stand,Up, numerot~
s cable television specials, including
her own "One Night Stand - Cats, Cops and
(HBO’s."talk show With a twist’~), and the
nomination foran ACEAward, Paularemalns
low-keyabouther success andShehasnoplans
to star in amovie or.TV series. "Ijust do What
I do. I have neverbeent0 ambitions and one
to seek fame or status;" She-likes comed~
because it’s nice,,easy work -- it’s really a
SeePoundstone, page 7
TulsaOkl~omans:For .Human Rights
4154S~ Harvard;. Ste. H,I,Quadrangle Building
¯SW Comer¯0f41st&H~ard,SWComerof office:building
" . FingerStick Method
., " Daytime Testing, Tuesday and, Thursday,by Appointment- Call 74!9’4194
~ By &for but not-exclusive tothe Lesbian, Uay""&- Bisexual~Communities
Family News; December 1-993:- Janua_~. 19i94,;page:6~
3340-South Peoria 2]To Enl~er 744’0896
Tu I sa., O~l. ahom.
ALL THE. PEOPLE GO Tulsa Family News, December1993- January 1994, page 8
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1994] Tulsa family News, December 1993-January 1994; Volume 1, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed December 27, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/461.