[1993] The Parachute of Oklahoma, 1993; Volume 1, Issue ?


[1993] The Parachute of Oklahoma, 1993; Volume 1, Issue ?


Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.


The Parachute of Oklahoma was a monthly newspaper; the only publications available are August 1993-December 1993.

The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.

This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


The Parachute of Oklahoma




Chuck Breckenridge & Wayne D. (assistant publisher)




Orin E. Shank (general manager)
Cookie Arbuckle
Stephen Scott
Michael Camfield
Kevyn Jacobs
Scott Curry
Kim Ridenour
Tom Neal
Kelly Kirby
Paul Scott
Danny Heinsohn
Kim Watson
Ann Marie Lochner (volunteer)
J.T. Simpson (volunteer)
Donna Payne (volunteer)
David Stokes (volunteer)


The Parachute/Dennis R. Neill Equality Center


The Parachute


Online text








United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)


o~osed to one that
to serve in
based only on their statli
~ ’
Califor)fia, s: - Sen. Boren
recommend both allowing and rejecting
homosexuals in thd n~litavy.
I agree with cun’ent military leaders
who overwhelmingly support
the policy as proposed ih the
ate bill which 1S tli~ result ofmonthS
and Rand reports but that the ofstudy and expert testimony in the
Senator’s deci~ionwas also influ- Senate Armed Forces co~ittee.
enced by the testimony of’the Joint The~licy is in line with myrespon-
Chiefs of Staff. siNhty to vote in the best interests
Staff persons indicated that ofthd entire state and nation?’
Boren’svdtewasinpa~motivated When asked if anyone on
by the desire to prdt~t Congres~ Nickles’ staff actually hadvead the
smnalprerogative toregulate h~- military fit. ~ess stm Mr. Schultz
tary affairs from the Executive refused to answer "
Branch. They added that the Sen- that the ~
ate had been involved ment
fit to
.... wh) !i ~e~ t, ’k
most again, given the earlier study (in1978)i:)
ghts and the whole issue of discrimination in;
the Armed Forces which ~+been so
crimes, incredibly prominent lately? ls there
~, ~ that there is discrimination that
only to 6ur~mploy
here with the
Boren & Nickles
cont#medfrom page 1-b
unfairly and he was asked if the
Senator felt that they were fail, Mr.
Schultz refused to say more than
the Senator stands by the statement
above. When asked how the
Senator’s personal religious -views
may imquence his decision in these
issues, Mr. Schultz again stated
that the Senator stands by the statement
above. Mr. Schultz did confirm,
however, that Nickles is a
self-avowed, practising Roman
Nickles’ staffdid note that staff
persons had meetings with Lesbian
& Gay Oldahomans who were in
D.C. for the March on Washington
for Lesbian/Gay/Bi Equal
Rights. There were not any records
ofany meetings in Oklahoma. Nor
could they identify any meeting
where Nickles himself met with
Lesbian & Gay community leaders
or citizens.
Portions ofthe information in
this article were usedwithpermission
from the Tulsa office of the
Associated Press’.
171hS Main
Savage Talks
continuedfrom page 1-b.
pretations ofthem are pretty subjective. I
certainly have not had it pointed Out tome
that we in any way discriminate in either
our recruitment, our employment or our
promotion of people based upon their
sexual orientation....
TN: Is that something that you would
expect to come internallyfrom city sta~.
Yes, it may come from inside a
department...it may come from a city
councillor, it may come from an interest
group from the outside that brings to our
attention thatas theyobserveit....I have had
just about every issue except for that one
brought to my attention.
TN: I guess I’m kind of curious, do you
think that that would be a reflection ofa
not (having) a problem or ofpeople not
feeling protected in order to speak out?
I really couldn’t speculate on that...we
have spent the last couple of years focusing
very directly on an individual’s capability....
and tmining....(also) the police
department (has) under way diversity
tmining....for all of their officers....they
deal with every segment of the community
on a daily basis, they need to be
sensitive to cultural differences....
TN: Does the in-service training cover
Lesbian & Gay issues?
SS: ....I don’tknow the actual curriculum.
I suspect that it is one very much of how
do you interact with people regardless of
who they are....
TN: My reading ofthe city charter is that
currently the mayor has the power to
issue an executive order banning dis.
crimination on the basis ofsexual orientation?
Given that power, would you be
willing to....
Hilary Kitz: (the ad hoc task force of the
TulsaHumanRights Commission) is sayingthat
there’s stateprotection thatdoesn’t
1565 South Sheridan, Tulsa
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include sexual orientation and....what
they’re thinking about doing is looking at
supporting a change in the state law.
TN: It’s talking (the city charter) about
organization ofthe city, "the mayor may
by executive order...assign newfunctions
or duties to any division or
department..."and clearly one of those
functions could be to respect certain
principles and regulations in terms of
hiring, promotion, etc. the things thatyou
say already that the city is at least informally
SS: I think that we say that generally in
our personnel policy.
TN: But it’s not in any documentation,
and both the personnel dept. people and
the employees I interviewed understood
that there werenoprotectionsforLesbian
& Gay employees for on the job discrimination
or in terms of hiring....
SS: I don’t think we even through our
hiring practices are allowed to ask questions
that would reveal that kind of information.
TN: But sometimes that kind of information
is going to be visible or relevant and
certainly the Lesbian & Gay employees I
interviewed as backgroundfor this story
are scared to death ofretribution in their
SS: I try to steer away from generalizations
like that...and without the fact that
they, either through their supervisor or to
me have brought any of these concerns
forward (that) is pure speculation as far as
I am concerned....If in fact there is a
review underway with a proposedchange
in the state law, we’ll look at what is being
TN: You know that the city, and many
have, can go beyond state and federal
SS: I tend to look in dealing with policy
initiatives, changes, tend to try tobaseany
change, any policy direction on what has
been demonstrated as a need....In terms of
whether or not someone is hired or not
hired or promoted because of their sexual
preference, other than being asked the
question (by the reporter) it has not even
come to me as an issue. I do know that
there is this task force which is looking at
it from a community standpoint but in
terms of the City of Tulsa and its employment
practices, it has not been raised
even as a problem.
TN: Unfortunately, it’s a catch-22 situation
for Lesbian & Gay citizens who
lacking any protection, then (are at) risk
raising a complaint, since that kind of
discrimination is not illegal. What I’m
saying is the lack of complaint is not
necessarily the lack ofa problem.
SS: Well I agree with that but there has to
be some way to assess the extent of the
problem also before moving forward. In
terms of using this provision under the
city charter as a guide, I don’t know I
would have to ask for a legal assessment.
TN: If it were possible, would you be
willing to issue an executive order?
SS: I would give it consideration.
TN:...Probably there are about 37,000
Lesbian & Gay citizens in the city of
Tulsa, conservatively estimated. How
would youfeel as a candidate in submitting
to candidate .screening & con~dering
taking donationsfrom the Lesbian &
Gay communities,.openly, not openly?
SS:....I probably received 30 or more
questionnaires to complete on behalf of a
variety of interest groups....to the best of
my ability I completed every one I
received.....I would be just as open to
talking to any organized group....
TN: So would accept an invitation to a
LesbianlGay town hall meeting?
SS: I try to make myself available.
tlike.you h’ave :i:,~i ....
)eratofs ~: .
.. drawwinnersform the .Mr. Oklahoma Weekend Packaoe and Contestant Ok: Gay Rodeo Assoc,
~ [i ~itY. an.d.,M,r. ~u!sa .cont~.sts; ~on.t.es- ,, .~:informati~n. and ~pplications ~n be OSDH Certified HIVCounselor/Tester:
.ra..n.ts wm oe juagea on tnew " learner obtained from most" Oklahoma C’~ty and Educator, Simply Equal, Prid.e " . ~= :~ ~,,,,~,,~,=.~o, ..
~. , ,.... : ~ ,.~,~ .. .; andTu .b rs,.Ju..,,leRed, theTd- Network, Inc., Marched witl~ S/M
person. amy, .ano comm,u.nny tnv~.ot.v.e,.. -angle Association.~a.nd.th.e.HIV Re, .iLeather, FetishContingent~L0gistics ¯ ment. Specm/guests tn¢ludeLenny ~.: ~urce Consortium Or wdte to MR
Drummer 1993; Calvin Buckley, Mr. "~3147 " ".... many benem shows. [ i . ,i’ "
TeXas Drummer 1993; Artemis, Ms. " . i. " "i ¯ ¯ . IVIAKE THE SWITCH TODAY
’Texaskeather1993’, Rock Alexander, " ~ , .. : ’ "
Mr Gulf Coast Drummer 1992; Ron : .
Craft;. President Copper State. :-’ ~ ,
~;Leatherman’s Association; Tom Gen,
b~i Member Chicago Hellfire Club;- :.
and Ben .Enlow of Lawerence Kan= "
packages are z~ "
i; availab!efor$45,00i They include a = ~: ~ ~
:recepti0nl dinner, am Okiahoma~City ~ ! ~
;bus~ tour~(via ichartered bus) on. Fd~
" i~day nightl d!hnerand admissiontothe>i i ~.
c0ntest 0n ~:atU~ay, brunch
:,day, Mr:O~ahoma,LeatherWeekend :’ ’i
T~Shirt, and ddnk discount coupons ; [ " ’ "
~. at local €lubs::For guests desiring .... Miss, Oklahoma Leather. ~
’ ~i ~weekend, accommodations, .the. ’...~ .1_~_~_~ :
~::Habana:.lnn ts:offering:~[_o..oms o :,~_ : . . ::.~ ..: _~.:
:~ i :i -$40:00 (2 nights,.2 d~6!~~)~en’ ~ > ~in~ylu°°..K°ut, ..ri~ i~em.ale
~ purchased with a weekend package, noma Learner ~me no=her, =s a mem.
All her of Mr:Oklahoma Leather 94 Pro-
. > i _8oo_546_o556
;CATHOLICCHURCH" ~ ; ~~ :-~ ~ ~ :." ~- ..... .,~:-~
The Ecomeni~i C=h~ic~hur~:-~ The~ le.~emhip and ~ngr~ation; 0f The OASISFoU~a60~. ~Sfi~y
is.an independent~ and J~€iuSiQe d~-~..: ~,~~E~~I~.~; againto~he p[omoterofthe send
n0min~ionte~ingtheCatholic;fa~h.. ~;~~=~’~:~~,;~ an~uai.~laho~a~.AIDS.Walk. This
~th a.s~cial ~i~i~Wt0 I~sUans and ~.. ~;~;~~:. ~’~;’;:~n~ eventis a5K toUrof:d~ntown OKC:
gay.men~, b~t jS.0~ent0~l[.~0p~.e.. :_;~~:~;~a~:~~s~ Walkers.:are cha!lenged ~ to ~aise
.~;.~-~: ..~.lfy0u ar~re-~pi~p~mn~ . vitedto a~e~d andbdng~~ 0f.any~ ’ $20.00 or more ~rkilometer:
Lutheren~ Orthodox; :o~Roman /kind t0re~i~.a ~al.ble~ng 0n~ It is time. to..m~gnize that AIDS is
Cath!oicandfel! unwe!~or.di~~ -thisday;A~:~mivalispl~n~d~h~ affe~g aliofu~:~,Fmm.family memenfran~
i~d, you ~11 .find a loving .... displ~yp_fmm~]o~l.~t shops;; a-d~: hers, n~door neighbo~..-~nd
home inthe E ~.C, ~e~eGod’s love obedi~nce:demonstration:~,will:, be .. wo~e~, t~e HIV ~d~asedoes not
is un~nditionaL - given,.and:animals will be.available. - discdmin~e. By.pa~ici~ting in the
The.sacrame~s are:avail’ for adop~0n~ Anyone intere~ed in .. walk; :people,demOn~te their con,
able’to.all ba~iz~:~Chd~ians~.:and - having.a..~0th.or dippl~y.~t the car: . ~ms-for this:~ly;disease. The.
evewoneisen~urag~.to~.~akeof- niva. l-~(.g..m...b.-m.- em..,..v.e~t.,_ e.z...c-") ~,n,-c~._o-n- ¯ mone-y b,rough~t, t:n~~il’hm distributed
the Holy Eu~ad~-:no.cl0~.com~ " ta¯ ~-t..h--e~.-~cn.Urcn, ~:. o.r.t.u.n.. n-er~~m.o..~..ao-~ m....u..:~~.".~-m~-.,un~~z~:.~~.-.u~~ 0,-~anitzon
(942,6313), Plea~ be sure t ¯ .. . :~. ....... .
munion hem. O~ination tothe pde~-~ ~e or leash: our .~t ~s a-~ro-d zatlons offenngd~[e~AIDS ~l~s..
hood.~or diaconate is o~ntoall;..in~ at~or t~e0~ion~ - ~ v =..,~. - ThOse o~anizati0ns am: AIDS
cluding homo~xuals (no vow of~li..... O~. O~ober’24,-a~shop ~aste~ ~ho~ALMS.~(~Ii~n¯
bacy required) women and .men, on Finan~al Planni~; ~lls and: E~ ¯LOVe Ministering. ~up~n),~.Loaves
singleor ma~ed. The .E.C:C is not - t~es.~ll ~ held,at New Horizons. and.Fishe~, the NamesProje~,. Oa:
pro-a~ion,, b~ is. p~oi~ Vol- Gue~..s~akem O~ald Han~ and - sis:Re~ur~ Center, ~er O~ions,.
unta~ e~ha~asia ~o~ ~ons~ffer- - A~ates~ll-~ on hand to pm~nt.- - Inc..;- Oklah0maCi~Ama HIVIAIDS
~,, e~_ ~......N= az=,=’-’~= ~ ,~ = : much.ne~ info~at~n o~ the Coalition; Oklahoma ~ Hemophilia¯
,,,u--,~...............-....-........ - ..... -~ "- "....... -uesti0ns"A. =in Our Iovinn G~ does n~ eni0v .mp~._a~ zo_-pn~er q z~ ~: :. foundation; .Planned,~renthood 0f
~a~chin,.~o~e su~~ . ~ , ~oinner,.~innin~ ~1 :~m; Central Oklahoma, R~ ~Ro~ Men,
.~ne ~:p.u is pg~a~~. ~ll~in ~2:~pm. The Oklahoma
nominmion, ~n newcnu~o~n= CRy ~mmun~y is inv~ to ~end.
inga~the n~on. There am now CODA, a re~vew~ group for AIU~ Ne~om (UWAN),
churches~ in several ~ates... If you c~ependent people, is cu~ently ~ci~ion, and The ~nds Hour.
haver.a !~u~i~l church background, ¯ meeting. ~ N~..Ho~ons. on Tue~~ If~you ~11 not ~. able to.~end
you ~!1 feel ~ home in the E~m~ni; - --days at 7:00~: Anyone inte~- this year,- ~twould like tO help in the
calCatholic Church; Holy Trinity: in attending this 12step meeting is.
E.C.C is Iocated. at 2328 .N: very welcome tojoing the.group~.
*~=,.,~*h.r =,, *h= Uo,,A,*h., Z~ar~ NewHOdzons is interested in pmvid,
,.,~,~L,~,.~, ,,, -...........~.-,,~ "inn m~.~.tinn ~nRP.R for~ Woman’s
~hepping Oen_ter, pk~,h.o_m.~, city. ~;~r~-u-~" C~l~i~-an’~- ~ (~rt~m .and l
Massesa~ on.¯~unoayaz ~u:~u.a~..:. bugle corp. Anone interest,edinstarand~
Wed_nesoay~at!7:0Op~m,~, uap ~,. ~ing and organzinO thebe~ groups
(405)-942~,2604.~and~, leave.,-a-.pleasecallg~42-6313,: ’ . ~
messageand Wednesday at 7:00,pm. :-Regularchurch service ,are- lend at
Call (405) 942-2604 and leave ames- New, .Horizons .at-,11amon Sunday~
sage formore:inf0rmati0n~ f0i~ mb~e momigns.~ the add,ress is-3136
information, ?. ~. .- .~ - .. --Portland, in-OKC... ~-~--..-- ....
fight against A!DS, other oppor~unities
are-open to you. Please send.:
yourtax-deductible donation-to AIDS
Walk Oklahoma, P.O. Box 60958,
OKC< OK. 73146~0958. Also these
organizations are constant!y in need.
of volunteers., ~ If~you -areinterested
in volunteering, or wishadditional information
aboutthe AIDS Walk. You~
may call~405,.525-AlDS ~ "
forMen & Women~. ?
Eur Tan Beds .~.~.
50cents off T~s
$1.00 off Styles
with this ad.
General Gay & Lesbian Discussion Groups
Mondays,6:30 at Red Rock - New Group .starting ¯~Thursdays, 6:30 at Red Rock
Couples of Mixed, HIV Status
Contact Jim Carter for details.
YGLA; Young Gay & LesbianAlliance
~uesda.ys, 6:30 at O~is
for individuals
~ ofpanicipants.~o ensure gro~:compatibilityi
theirlov_~i~ones and IHV. Prevention Education.
R0ckMHC, 4400No
er znelr.-former empi0yer~sgroup ~".. participant:snoul~l-requeszreinstate~;. .... availabieunderthe policy!unlessac0n-
..... d~eene..ficiad~es to remain. ~~,~e~~,e~J~;~,n,.. ::,, .:co~.~age :is_~q;~ admini~ered, the-. , there is generallyno .further:coverage
AIDSFOR AIDS- ~ m.~e~l.~i.c~al plan until th_ey:becon~e e!i-, ment,-pay all, unpaid~OBF~pre- versionhad been
~ . IBY :Cookie Arbuckle gible for Medicare undertheage of. ~,ciaims. " " " ~: ’ ’ ConverSions-: . - ° ~
;, ,: leaming!aboutyour personai~finahces.: ’-- -tot_ a total=of 29 months., Theref0rei= ;. pmns include an option,toexteno~,!. group;planT~);~ere~:am no heaith~sta~:~::’-~:
¯ ;- ~,~ ~, ~,an l~-very empowedhgff~i~o.u~a-re!-!-~ ; :the, ~11,month se~ond continuation ::, ~ , group ~edical:be,e~for.a~jjmitedi; ~ mentSreq~estbd~zi~litheymust be ap..
-, ~,.,,; ~:,~..ing~care states,~,~tli~people in ¯ :i ?ciary ~who~:was ndt-.disabled when , ployee disabled, ~Whe~n~ their" :termination:Because~,~h#converSion
~~.: .iiir0nically they d,o not tal,k about.,-: corn,eSdisabiedandis una~etOcon,- :--direct]yrel~e~,~ to the:caU~;L0f~Ji~:;; ~ ~have both a disabilityeXtensi~Oft~h~=Tt
>~7~money and :money is Ihe. ultimate :~ tinue wotldng~ The employer termi, " " ability, are. cO~iered:.;The e~e~i~n ~ =efits and Conversion coverage at, the
, i ,’~form-of ernpowerment:,~ Financial¯ i hates!hem ,fi~om-the. a~ive group may be for~90 days~ onb yeari!: or-:,-isame~time:~.-~.he disability extension
¯ :,-~ -= planners int~rested,Lin working Jnthis ,~ medical~planand offersCOBF~: The ": ore depending upon thei~cbntract: clause~ysformedicalC0nditionsihat
:,~! market should approach O!her Op. ~: empl0xee~..then;e!e~S COB/~i ,and ~ There is no.,,charge ,fo!~’,~Ove~age_ caused th~disa~bility, while theconver,
- - ¯ tionsand learn, how-roger involv.~ed... ’applies for:iS0dal~Secu.~ybenefits,~. duringrth~extensidn. Disabilityex~. " sion pays ciai~not~relatedtb~the di~-
OOI offers a ~ri(shop entitled Fi- " (eitherSSDF,l:~Se~tForSSl~tle. tensions are different fromCOBRP, . . :ability. ,Whe~:;thedisabilityextension~
. nancia! Planning/c(~unseling for IIXVI). IfS0cial!~e~dtydetermines~. ~: Disabi!ity:-SecondContinuations. ends~ tile conversion:~.poiicycan, be: :
those who are ready to start the pro- i~ the disabilitystarted~onor befOr~lhe :The -Disability Continuation ~,is-a come the primalsource of coverage.
., cess needs to cali,for an appointment.. ~i! COBl~qualifying~ eVantis.the em:~ saparateanddiscreetform~of medi~- .ConversiOnmedical policies rarely con,:
We~,will be offering-sh,o~t articles in- ,,i~ pioyeewould be entitlediocontinue cal insurance-portability, : ’i rain the.same level,lof benefits ,that
the Parachute,lfo~the next several ~COBI~ coverage ,foran additional Afewwordsofwamingare :~ ¯were pro~ided ¯under the-group~plan
months.!fyou have a topicofchOice, 11 months..~e COBI~ planadmin: necessary. COBI~ must be elected . and,rtheycan be; expensive. - I~view
call~OOI !:andwe iwill: researchand = istratormum be nOtified of the SSA ~ priorto exercising a. "disability ex’ , 5.~: all conversion ~options to determine-"
wdte~he~articie~.......... ..... .-~ ._.,-: disability approval;Within 60 days of- : < tension;, howeveri~ disabi!ity~ e~eln~=."~ :L whether/it, is .affordable--and exactly
COBRA DISABILITY SEC- recelpt’~fthe.dete~inationlet~er~) ~.- sionsmay be ava.ilabie~afteP cO~. ~.-what’benefltSWould be provided. You
OND CONTINUATION (ELEVEN .-....¯- COBRA: ;.-’OVERLAPPI.NG --;. BRAends; The disability-extensi.on:., .may have~coveragegaps=.’ -.W.hlc.h-.yo.u’.ll~
ADDITIONAL MONTHS) Cobra allow WITH NEW GROUP INSURANCE must be requested-in wdting and needto-coverinSome~otheiPWay,¯ :=;~.~.
certain disables employees tocon- BENEFITS:.;COBRAcoveragemay you Should-ask the, claims depart~~. Toconvert group-medical insura~i~
tinue theircOBRA ~.veragdpast the be retained even-afte[ ~z COBRA " . ment for information about how. to .= ~- application must be. obtelnedfromthe
18-months cut-off, to 29 months. To participant had¯obtained new grOup apply for the extens!on. Since the ¯ employer plan administrator.Finally,i it
.-- be ;eligible for’. second continuation medical insurance coverage if the- extendedr coverage is only for re- ~ is important.:tO’ note .that- employees-
,~. Coverage, the COBRA beneficiary newemployees health plan.limits - lated mediCal~expenses caused.by ..~houldnevervoluntadlyquitebecause
. ~must have.-been~disables as.-deter- ~ coverage with respect-to pre-exists: .. ¯ the d’.Bability, it isimpe~ivethatthe~ .{they havebecomedisabled,~-Instead;
¯: -. .;mined by-the SocialSecudtyAdmin-.. ing ~nditionsi~ ~ ¯ .- ~; . :~-.. ~ physician fu!ly-discioseAheeXa~ ~ a medicalordisabilityleaVeofabsenCe
~ .~. -,~istration~SSA)atthetime0fthequali- ~i ?A~former~COB~participant ::~ cause 0fdi~sabi!ity.. (for examPle:~ should, berequestedT~otherwise
.fying event. COBRA ,premiums in~ may~request;~reinstatement of? co;.... :-AIDS, ~mcer or!heartdisease),.lt ~. employee,s dgM:.tolong:term¯disabii=~:
crease from !02% to 15(P~ dddng the BRA. coverage to cover healthcon- is important to have .all- disability_5:-~ity benefits and lifeoinsurarice m~ybe
extended.11 month pedod ofCOBRA .ditionsthat Weredenied as preexist-.: related, conditions~ included.:.in,. ~the ;;:~;jeopardiZed, ~;~ .-:~. ;- - < .>;;~.-~.~
cover¯age, ing conditions uoder a new group physici.an~s diagnoSis~nc~tjUSt;0ne-~.... . ~ ; ~ + i ....: ~;i/ ~ .~_
The intent ofthe secondco~, medical plan. While.the.new regula-.~:;, specific~glnessrOrConditiOn..once............;~ _- ~ : ~ .?; ¯.
tinuationjs to.allewdi~sab!ed.:.~BRA~. ;.i. !ions do not explain how retroactive th~!disabiiity extensio~hasexpired~ ¯
with alcohol and other drugs can be all
too ea . -of .. us..dieof.alcoh. olism.
than of HIV.: Play, But play like your
communi is dependin.g on you. Bis. "
Always growing. ¯ O ¯
Always safe. " OO0 .
A Service ofth~ Oasis Resource Center. ~0 ~o!Unteer ea!L405:~525-2437...... ..... ~
"Oklahoma’s Gay and Lesbian Information Source."
I picked u.pthe August edi.tio.n of th.e
Gayly ana nave read the article titlea:
OKC/March on Washington Trip
Filled With Mistakes.
I was one of the passengem.on
that van to D.C.. I find sedous aiscrepancies
regarding the accuracy of
all that has been reported’ by
Ms.Hand. I received the last available
seat on the van. I didn~ know
how was sponsoring the trip but
didn’t care since for this 37 year old
Okie this was a once in a lifetime
chance to be a part of this histodc
It was Tuesday evening when a
fdend told.me there might be an open
space on once of the vans. They
woul.d call aro.und .to se..e if anyt.hing
was ~eft. Weanes~ay afternoon i re--
ceived a phone call from Dale, from
the Tdangle office, telling me.I could
go on their van. I asked what,the fee
would be to. cover my part because I
am on disabi!ity I do have to budget
m.y money. ~ was told. .not to wo.rr~.
aDout thatnow Dutto take care or
when I returned. I was to contact
John Carter and that we would be
aware that I was coming.
Since I only had about 48 houm.
.to .prepare. for the. tr!p, and still not
De~lewng ~ was actually going, things
were hebtic to say the ]ea~’t. After
the trip had begun and we all st.arted.
to get to know each other is wnen
learned of various fund-misers that
had made it possible for the PWA’s
to make the trip. I was filled with a
tremendous gratitude, and was
minded of the many times I had given
,.m,on..ey at fund reisers for.things just
liKe thiS.
My fdend that told me about the
seat left on the .van informed me at
the time.that all I needed was enough
money for my own use, such .as fo.oki,
entertainment, souvenirs, etc.. Decause
everything else would be taken
care of such aslransportation and a
place to stay. I was never t.old that
would receive.any money to_De speno
while in D.C. that would have been a
Letters to the Editor
nice tou.ch but after being, involved
with funo reisers myself I would have
been very su.rprised if that kind of
money would have been left over to
-spendin such a waY. I was so glad
to get to go i would have slept under
the stars on the front lawn of the
White House.
I was not aware of howthe money
was raised for the trip mainly due to
the fact that dudng the pdor year I
had been serious]y ill from AIDS
complicatio.ns .and had been mostly
confined to pea.
But I refuse to be defeated by this
.virus.so. I c~...ntin.ued to fig.hi my.way
Pack to nealtn. !examinea my pnyslcal
and mental status anddetermined
that I would be able to manage
the long mad tdp. If I’d had any
indication that my health would
placed myself at risk or would have
been a burden to the other passengers
I would not have gone. I
I take argument with Ms. Hand’s
reporting of-the events surrounding
Jeff~ P_e.n,~o..n.s e.ventu.a.I hospital~atio.n
in u.u. If ! nao any lingenng aoubts
about my own ability to make the tdp
I was doubly concerned that Penson
was making the trip since he appeared
to be the one of us who might
need the most looking after. Penson
was on infusions but lie administered
his own treatment. Jefftold me himself
that he had ~ends in D.C. that
he would probably be staying with
and that his team of Dr’s ano nurses
were going to be in D.C. for the
March. I remember feeling relieved
that someone familiar with his history
and condition would be there if
he nbeded them.
I am also of the opinion that Kem
Wallace even though it Was apparently
not her given responsibility to
monitor the condition of those of us
with HIV and AIDS could and would
have administered first aid, and or
alerted the appropriate personnel in
the event of an emergency. I worked
for eight years in the health field specific..
ally in th.e area of emergency
meaicine ana quietly took it upon
myself to keep an eye on everyone.
just in case something came up that
I might be able to help w_ith. Every
so often I would ask how P’enson was
feeling but .he denied having any
problems. /~s a point in fact when
we arrived in D.C. the first .thing
Penson did was to take off at break
neck spe.ed rushing aroun.d the_capitol
complex area waving a large t-reedom
flag due to his excitement at
being inD.C., again for another rally.
He was told by at least m.yself .and
one other persbn that he snould s~ow
down or he would exhaust himself.
He simply would not listen. Furthermore,
lhelieve it would have been
negligence if John Carter had been.
the one to .do all the driving. If it haa
not been for Ms.Wallace and her
stamina we might all have been killed
in an acciden~ I give due creditto
Carter because he was a valuable
part of our group, t
But,-Ms.Hand, to single ou
and crucify_ Mary Arbuckle for every
single problem that popped up is
surely unjustifiable. It is true there
! sa.w no. .one 9o hu.ng.ry, t.h.ere was all
Kinas Ol iooapacKea in the van, we
stopped at about every fast food.
place between here and the east
coast, and stopped_ at .several.ni.c~.
restaurants, we stayea at the Hodday
Inn, where everyone had a place
to sleep. I could not keep quiet after
reading what I consider to he a vicious
two page attack on a person
that did the best shoe knew how. As
Ms.Arbuck has herself admitted, mistakes
were made, she admits she
should do many things differently.
Kenny Lackey
To The Editor of The Parachute:
When I read the letters published
in the September issue of The Parachute
regarding Paula Hand’s "attack"
and "bashing" of Mary Arbuckle and/
or Kem Wallace over their tdp for
PLWA’s to the MOW, I wondered if
the Gayly Oklahoman published different
regional editions. It appeared
some read a different article than I.
After reading these letters I notice
that Mary is a member of the staff of
your publication. ! question, the, if
these letters are not simply a reaction
of personal ~ends who feel compelledto
defend Mary’s integrity,
something which was never really
questioned. Loyalty to a friend is an
admirable trait. However if a friend
were to tell me he or she had a mistake
and wanted to apologize for it, I
think it would be a disservice to my
friend to dismiss the apology by ~ating
or implying, "Never mind, you are
perfect and infallible. From my read-
Ing of Paula’s article, Mary agree’s
some mistakes were made. I admire
Mary for that honestly and integrity.
I also admire her for wanting to offer
such a trip and her honest efforts to
make the arrangements.
I ask those who wrote the letters to
The Parachute if they are not, by failing
to acknowledge what Mary herself
has, denying her things she
asked for. In case any reader wonders,
Yes, I am a friend of Paula
Hand’s. i also know Mary as well as
her mother. I admire all three of these
women and respect their contributions
to our community. Although I
attended the March, I had not heard
anything about this controversy until
I read the article in the Gayly¯ Thus I
consider myself objective in my appraisal.
John Kalhoefer OKC
OGI~A I~o~jolh~: M~.OGI~A, Todd V,~sd,~, Ms.OGI~A Cobol
Mis~.OGI~A Vi~:to,,io AIII,~n. 1st I~unn¢,,s up w€,’€: I::)ot~.d Wilson,Mo,,tj A,,buckld,
¢,nd D~hjo
to move thing
serwce ;: forcefull
and Grant ....
I~ ;could have
iu but them Were
only two volunteers, Brace Britt and
and in
lu..... AssociationD~or. "Oklahoma’s gay.
to im cal factors am ne~ssary for proper
i i ~ ~bn~ activation of your immune system, lesbian, and bisexual communi~ is
d~ ~ vidu’ Th~se ~p00nds are produced by producing exceilehtwork, a~dit’s ,~mfk
." ~’, ~’ ^,r~ .~,~..€~ various ~ite bloodcells and acti- iahat all Oklahomans should have greater
, =, ~ ~, ~,.~ V,=u~-=o, ...... e individuals under ~xtreme vate other white blood cells to d , access to."
Let;tim world know, you are,.. printed on the highest qua Ity 100%
heavy cOtton ~ees and Tanksl
Avaitabe in blacL gray and white.
Basebal caps (with st t~h log0) also
available In b ~k& white only.
Shirts: $15.00
Caps: $12.00
(add ,~.00 for s & h.)
Mai/ check or money order to:
Meant To Be Fit
1001 R.W. 18th St.
Qklahoma City, OK 73106-6416
(credit card orders ca/# 1-800-546-8689
Visa, Mastat~ard, Discover, Ame~can
Express accepted.)
Hendcksen and will be directed by
_Deve_iopment Director _Mic.hae!
Camneld. The Will Rogers L;emer at
4322 N. Western in Oklahoma City is
the performance venue. Curtain time
is set at .8:00p.m. for each showing.
The goa~ of this p_roject is to raise
funds for ACLU/OK and increase
awareness and sensitivity about the
themes covered by the p.]ay. A portion
of the proceeds will be donated
to the OL~.r~ting costs of an AIDS hospice
in Oklahoma.
The Ho.spice features comedy,
conflict, high camp and deep philosophi.
cal undertones in one package.
The cnaracters all share a common
.... : " your I-IOm.E :Away [-r6~ homEl.
-AFine .~dging Establishment
80. Guest Rooms
Two Pools
Cable T.V.
ccr busts & Shows ~ Wednesday & Sunday
Male Dancers ridoy 8, SaturdoG
, " "HI°sh H~
.Live DJ, country dancing, beer b.t’|sts
West end, Habana Inn Complex
-pool & Darts-
Cards, Magazines; Leon, T-shirt,Gifts
’ Call fort rares a~d i~foamanotvl
(4015) 528-22,21.
Reservations Only
1-800-988-2221 ,
¯ .and
Proudly Present..... -
2800 N.W. 39th-
. . :, ,’ : + - - . +-" , i! -+.. , ~, . .: + L
Wichita, Kansas (316)
Bars & Restaurants
Buddies Country, 4000 .S. Broadway
Our Fantasy, 3201 So. Hillside 682-5494
South Forty, 3201 So. Hillside 682-5494
R & RBrass Rail, 2828 E: 31st
T:Room; !507 E. Pawnee " 262=9327"~
Harbor Restaurant, 3201 S. Hillside
68t’~2746 ~
Lassens Bar & Grill, 155 N. Market
The Upper Crust, 7038 E. Lincoln
Service &Retail Busineaea~
Visions & Dreams, 3414-Maple
Watermark Books, 149 N. Broadway
Queen Anne’s Lace 73324075
Dr. Laura Shook, D.C. 700N. Market
Roommates 262_844~.
Paradise Antiq. 430 E. Harry 269-4411
Land of Awes Info. Ser. POB 16782 67216
Adult Entree, 220 E. 21st 832-1816
Plato’s, 1306 E, Harry St~ 269-9036
T~B.~s, t516 S. Oliver 688-5343
Camelot Cinema, 1516 S. O1ive68~5343
Adult Entertainm’t Ctr 3721 S. Broadway
AduR Entertainm’t Ctr 7805 W. Kellogg
Adult Entertainm’t Ctr 2809 N. Broadway.
Adult Entree’ South, 8025S~ Btoadffay
Circle Cinema; 2570 S.- Seneca
Wichita/Sedgwick Cty., Health Dept.
1900 E. 9th 268-8441
Wichita Gay/Lesbian Alliance 942q786-
The Lesbian Celebration 683-7561
P-FLAG, POB 686, 67202 687-4666
Gay Information Line 269-0913
Wichita, Kansas (316)
Religious Organizations
Wic_hita Prais.e &" WorshipCtr. 651-6903
First Unitarian Church 684-3481
Mission of Faith Fellowship 539=0633
Junction City, Kansas
After Dark Video, 1206 Grant
Lawrence, Kansas (913)
Douglas County AIDS Project 843-0040
Lesbigay Services. 410-KS Union
Box 13. Kansas Univ. 66045
. 864-3091
Freedom Coalition. POB 1991 66044
Manahattan, Kansas (913)
AIDS Project 843-0040
Flint Hills Alliance, POB 2018, 66502
MCC, POB 4776, Topeka 67402
Bisexual & Gay & Lesbian Society
SGA Box 63, Kansas St.. Univ. 66506
Topeka, Kansas (913)
Bars & Clubs
Classics, 124 SW 8th 357-1960
Expressions, 110 SE 8 233-3622
Service & Retail Businesses
Adult Entertainment Ctr. 903 N. Kansas
Some Like It Hot 4732 S. Topeka Ave.
Topeka AIDS Project 232-3100
Gay/Les. Task Force, POB 38,’29, 66604
Mayors Task Force 234-6699
Gay Rap Line 223-6558
Manhattan Outreach 271-8431
HIV Affected Group 234-8562
Religious Organizations
MCC-Topeka, POB
Affirmation (Metho~ist)
4776, 66604
Tulsa, Oklahoma (918).
Bars & Restaurants
*Elec~e,Circus,606S. Elgin 587-8677
*Laff’s, .31..I E. 7th 583-5233
*Phoenix; 6328 S. Pegria 743-7062
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 S. Sheridan
-)R~negade; 1649 S. Main 585-3405
*Time n’ Time Again, 15i5 S. Memorial
" *TNT’s_ 2114 S. Memorial 664-8299
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd 584-1308
Service & Retail Businesses
*Tomfoolery, -1565 S. Sheridan
Kelly Kirby, CPA 663-9399
*Elite Goods, 814 &.Sheridan 838-8503
*Whittier Bkstore, 1.N: Lewis ~ 592-0767
*Dreamland,’8807 E.Admiral " 834-1051
*Indian Terr; Coffee ’Cb. 1613 E. 15th
587. 163¯¯.3
*Mohawk Music16157 E 51 PI 664-2951
*Tulsa Central Library, 400 Civic Ctr.
*Chapman Student Ctr. TU, 631-0000
ACT-UP, POB 532 74101
Names Proj. POB 318 74101 748-3111
P-.FLAG ,POB 52800, 74152 74924901
*TOHR, 4154 S. Harvard, Ste. H-I
Gay Line-Info. 74324297
Shanti Hotline ~ 749-7898
*STIR~ Tulsa.:U. student 6rg.:~583-9780
Oklahoma AIDS Hotline. 800,535-2437
Religious Organizations
*Family of Faith MCC~ 509 W. ’A’ Jenks
Affirniati0n ~Meth0dis0--’: 742-8213 "
*MCC=Tulsa,l623Maplewood 838-1715
Dignity/Integrity 29824648
*.Canterb,ry Minist~C~.;TU) .583_
!Emporia,. Kansas (316)
Gay& Lesbian Alliance for Resources &
Education, Box 65, EsU 66801
Salina, Kansas (316)
Alternative Lifestyles, POB 2532; 67402
Pink Triangle Parents of Kansas
POB 153; Falun, KS 67442
EUrekaSpr’gs, Ark. (501)
Bars & Restaurants
¯Center Street, 10 Center St. 253-8071
The HOP, 19 1/2 Spring St. 253-836I
Ermilio’s, 26 White St. 253~8806-
MCC of the Living Springs 253-9337
Bed & Breakfast
Rock Cottage, 10 Enenia St. 253-86.99
Dixie Cottage, 2 Prospect 253-7533
Southern Rose, 9 Benton St. 253-5800
Purple Iris. Inn, RR 6 253r8748
Pond Mountain, Rt.-1 253-5877
Maple Leaf Inn, 6Kingshgwy 253-68"/6
Service & Retail Businesses
Satori Arts, 81 Spring St. 253-9820
Crazy Bone, 37 Spring St. 253-6600
Corceili Studio, 159 Spring St. 253-7399
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Our House L0unge/Rest. 235 Broadway
624- 6868
Ft. Smith, Arkansas (50~)
. Court Garden. 305 Garrison 7~3-9822
B & B Lounge, 1004 Gitrrison 783~9347
Ron’s Place, 523 W. Poplar 442-3052
Wash. Cty~ AIDS Task Force 443-AIDS
~Q_ray/Lesbian Act’n Delegations 52124509
MCC of the Ozarks 443-4278:,
Parents-FLAG 756:84
Oklahoma City (4o5) -
Bars & Reatsurants
Angles, 2117 NW 39th 524-3431
Bilnkhouse, 2800 NW39th .943-0843
Coyote Club, 2120NW39th 521-9533
Finish Line & Gushers Bar & Grill
2200 NW 39 Expwy 525-0730
Hi Lo Club 1221-NW 50th
KA’s, 2024 NW 1 lth
Levi’s 2807 NW 36th
The Park, 2125 NW 39th
The Porthole, 3630NW39th
.Sneakers, 919 N. Virginia
Tramps; 2201 NW 39th
Wreck Roam; 2127 NV¢ 39th .
The Kitchen, 2124 NW-39th
_.La ¯ Roca .¯Mexican Restaurants
" SW.4th/Walker, 409 W. Reno &
~.7550 N. May
Service & Retail Businesses
Banana Products..... 341-8965
Exec. Travel, 2113 NW36th 521-9100
Hahana Inn, 22~10NW39th 528-2221
Hedand, 23 t2 NW 39th 521-9696
Jungle Red, 2200 NW 39th 524-5733
Lobo’s, 2131 NW 39th 528-5156
Deb Roberts, Entertainer 843-5624
Second Chance Credit 752-2209
Stephen Scott, Masseur 525-8689
Shirley Hunter, M.Ed/counselor
Larry Prater, MD, Psychiatry 232-5453
R@ligiou$ Or0anizslions¯-
New BeginningsMCC 3136 N. Portland
942 - 63 1 3
Dignity/Integrity, POB 25473 3604)414
Friends Meetihg - 632-7~7~
G.ay Chi’istian EeumTCouneil 528-5635
Light House MCC, 2522 N:-Sha_rtel~
Unitarian Church, 600 NW 13 .- 232-9224
947-5"384 ¯
,. Little RoCk, Arka as
Bars & Restaurants ....
Backstreet, 1021 Jessie Rd, Q - 666-6900
Micheal’s, 601 Center~. 376-8301
DiscoverylII, 1021 Jessie Rd. 664,4784
Silver Dollar, 2710 Asher Ave.
HPWA, POB~4379, 72204, 666-6900
-AIDS Sfipi3ort Group " 374-3605
RAIN-Arkansas 375-5908
The House- 374-3758
PALS, People of Alter. Lifestls 374-3605
Womens Project 372-5113
Parents-FLAG 821-4865
Service & Retail Businesses
Twisted Entertnmt, 7201Asher 568-4262
Shields-Marley Studios; 117 S. ¥1ctory
Travel by Philip 227-7690
Little Rock Connections 227:76~0
Springfield, l~lisso.ri (417)
Club 1105, 1105 E. Commercial
. " " . 831--9043.
Down Beat, 219 WI Olive 846-4572
Billy Jack’s, 720 S. Main 781-6453
2G’s Cha Cha Palace 722 S. Main
Oklah6niaCity (~5)
Organizations .:
ACLU, 1411Classen, Ste318 524-8511
HerlandSis.Res.2313 NW 39 521-9696
Names Project, POB 12185 625-6277
OASIS Resource Ctr, 2135 NW 39
OKGay Pol. Caucus POB61186 73146
OK Gay R~kleo Assoc. 943-0843
OKC Metro. Mens’ Chorus..
Pride Network 340-3575
RkIN 232~4372
ACT-UP/Queer Nation ¯ 447-4209-.
OU GaylLesbian/Bisexual Alliance
303 Ellison Hall, 633 Elm, Norman 73019
Womens’ Resource Ctr. 364~9424
AIDS Mastery 525-3636
AI-Anon (Gay) 947-3834
Alcoholics Anonymous 525-2437
OK AIDS Hotline 800-535-2437
Other Options 728-3222
Testing the Limits, 2136 NW 39th
Lawton,. Oklahoma (405)
HIV/AIDS Support 248-5890/351-2820
SW AIDS Network, POB 3924, 73505
Great Plains MCC, 1416 W. Gore
Enid, O-klahoma (405)
Phillips U. Gay/Lesbian Group 242-0628
Stillwater," Oklahoma (4o5)
Comm. AIDS Actign.Netv~ork 624-2=544
OSU Gay!Lesbian/Bisex Comm. Assoc:
S~nt Uni6n 040]B6x601,~74078"
Helpliiie" (MWTh:’8~10pm) 744:5252
American Civil Liberties
of Free Speech; :
American Civil Liberties
Guarantee you Equality-and
Support tho ACLU
Member or Making a Con~~tribution.
-to: ACLU,- 132 West
yo.ung,cT., forsafe ~. Bottoms
a plush.but versatile,~-scnd-photo
Bi N~M, 44, 5andsome, 5calthy,,
Vrec nersonal ads W0rldwide~ piano-pZayer,~i to . rela ~ i . . . social: feminine sissy GM/TV/TS in
~~r~--ea~ ~r free " to - play byear. ~!! :~t. .~~,.]only. i~"~]0y sports, NW Ark. for. fun,-friendship,
. ¯ --~ ~ . -...."~;~.,,.~.~,~:.~ ",~.......:~"~-~-~.~,~:--.~ - ........’. -- - ¯ monogmy.lsmokc; Box 142
.... i~IV+¯AID.qlnAi~i~lnal~ ~ireet reward tmmt:. 316~’6~1~03~;
- --’-" " .... ~OR RENT
¯ . . ~.y~USA
GwF, 30’s professional s~ks .Youa ranch band? Hwr rid~ tl~
same for stable z~lafionship. No ~d~o? If so, this’ late¯
drugs~ social dtiak~r only. ] lookiag masculine
~njoy spml~, -sharing .qni~t -. A~ustin,.~ Texas .wants to he~r
from;you. Box 141 .
~OWOM,-:#110~ 116. Tustin,
Anah~m~CA~:92807 Roommgtes smaring Wichita
for 5.-y~m~,:~:i~dlords can
"Dave" ~ aceountant:: Call,-regist~ without.any advance
Todd ~~OklahomaI City ASAP "fee. Tenantsmy register: as
~please. I m,ss you and ~d to
GAY DOLLARS Wanted: Locations. where gays
,.~Work .hard~r.oa-Wall S~trcet mayshare houging in Wichita, GWM..late 20’s s~vking gwm for
m-an,.mvestm~nt dubfollowing - " by ~ funand~friendshiP" Box 105-.
5% Gay/Lesbian Discount. 648. loyali.:: Slim -buildl~king ~ i
W. Diekson St. Fayettville~r~ -~e 25"47...Lct’s.gct togcflicr;
" Box i27 ’ ."
Amazingly aceurate,
compu~,terizcd compili’ty report
for fri~ds "& ~vers only
$25.00 or 6 mo.’s personal
Horoscope $29.95
Call today 1-800.460-STAR
SNEAKERS, Women’s bar, in
OKC, 2024N.W. 1 lth, speak to
Janlce or lVlichele at
GWM, 25 HIV+. sceks~ GWM
21-35 for friends.hip and
possible, .relationship. Serious
replies only. Send photo,phone.
Penpals welcome. Box 122
~WMmid20~s, .seeks, same for
~ ~ and. frien~p,
.Shy bottom GWM,~ 29,
bln/blu~, S~.king top 21 to 40
fora¯ relationship to builda life
together. Are you the one?
write .to: Box !35 .
Oklahoma City, OK:
Have’ home, need mate, country u g, oKc, s0,
s/p hair~ m~okex, trim ori~aI
equipment, top, levi,s-camping
canoing, gardening. Sceks.long
term paitncr. Box 117
Gay-malc,÷sceking male couples
for fun, mid 20’s. Send Photo’s
Box 109.
GWM 44 Professional very
hairy~ ~l~e smooth man lS:30-to
.traVel~d bemy sugar ~Y, ~’S
snmmcr-and beyond~I iPl~
send photo and phone. 0KC
area.please: Box 125.-

.If yOu were Rich,
whatw0uld you buy?
Ad~ss .. ......
P.O. Box. 11347
your re~p0nses Wm be
you wl~nthey are, re~ivcd.
1. Writ. your response, please it
in an envelope,, and.seal the
envelope. Be sureto.includza
way for the advertiser to get in
contact,with you.
2. On the scaled envelope, Write
the :-advertisers box number in
lower comer andaffix postage.
3. Place the -scaled envelope and
$2.00 inside a 2ndenv~lope,
seal, and address to "
Parachute P.O. ~x
11347,Wichita, Ks. 67202
Important Informatioh:
Ad: will Run only for the number of
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Original Format




The Parachute of Oklahoma, “[1993] The Parachute of Oklahoma, 1993; Volume 1, Issue ?,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/460.