[1984] OHR Reporter, January 1984; Volume 4, Issue 1
[1984] OHR Reporter, January 1984; Volume 4, Issue 1
Oklahomans for Human Rights
Oklahomans for Human Rights
Oklahomans for Human Rights
P.O. BOX 52729
Vol. 4, No. 1
The monthly business meeting and program for OHR will be
held on Monday evening, November 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the First
National Bank Auditorium, lower level, 4th and Main.
This month’s program will be the program originally scheduled
for December and the one described in the December newsletter.
Because of a conflict, another program--an AIDS update by Dr.
Jeff Beal--was substituted.
Dr. Marion Sugurdson, Ph.D. in Psychology, and Dr. Raphella
Sohier, Ph.D. in Health Sciences, will present a program dealing
with Sexual Identity. This promises to be a program you’.ll want
to hear. A question and answer session will follow the presenation.
Also, the January meeting will give you a chance to meet the
new officers. They will be installed and officially begin their
Don’t forget: OHR meetings are free and open to everyone.
come join us and bring a friend on Monday, January 9, at 7:00 p.m.
And what did you get for Christmas?
The bi-monthly Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) clinic will
be held on Friday, January 20, from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the
Tulsa Mining Company, llth and Wheeling.
The clinic is free and the results are strictly confidential.
Don’t give the gift that keeps on giving! Get checked on January 20.
An aerobics class is being offered again--and it begins this
month. If you have gobbled up too many calories during this holiday
season, make a resolution in 1984 to enroll in the OHR aerobics class.
Last October, approximately 20 fellows enrolled in t~e OHR
aerobics class and they "worked hard for the moneJro" (Actually it
only costs $20 bucks.) But now it’s your chance to join them as
a new session is about to begin.
The class will meet at Thoreau. Junior High School, 71st and
Memorial, The sessions will last six weeks and be on Tuesday and
Thursday eveninqs from 8:30 to 9:30 startinq on January lOth.
The class is open to both men and women. You can sign up
at the January lOth meeting or call Brian at 744-0174. Hurry as
space is limited’.
In 1983, OHR offered a chance for you to develop a new hobby--
watercolor painting. Several people enjoyed the class taught by
OHR member Ken Johnston. Ken, who has written three books on the
subject and teaches the course all over the country, will be offering
the class to anyone who wants to learn.
If you have been intrigued by watercoloring, now is the time
to pursue this interest and acquire a new skill. Ken emphasizes that
no previous watercolor or free-hand drawing experience is required!
Find out more about this beginner’s course at the January lOth
meeting. Space is limited so be there to sign up!
At the December meeting, some discussion was held dealing
with inviting some World/Tribunewritersto an OHR meeting so that
they may be "sensitized"about gay issues. It comes as no surprise
that stereotypes and negative perspectives continue to be presented
in Tulsa newspapers. The Executive Board has decided not to have
any reporters attend the OHR meeting until February.
Guidelines that will be followed--if they do attend-- include
no full names, places of employment, or other personal data; no
photographs; and no information will be given concerning OHR
financial data. If you have other suggestions, please let an officer know.
The OHR service project was a great success! Donations of food
and toys totalling nearly $I000 were delivered to needy families.
Turkeys, hams, canned food, and toys made Christmas brighter for many.
Rev. Alice Jones of MCC, the OHR Info Line, the YWCA Displaced
Homemakers Program, and Neighbor for Neighbor helped with need family
referrals. These included many single-parent families from our own
community. The committee prepared and mailed media information sheets
to newspapers, radio, and television stations, and to gay-related
publications describing the project.
Thanks go to the committee members, to MCC, and to Zippers and
the Bamboo, and to OHR members for their generous contributions.
TWO REMINDERS INFO LINE: The OHR Information Line receives over 4000 calls
per month. Volunteers are available seven nights a week to staff
the line. If you are interested in helping, call Jack at~495-1963.
OHR MEMBERSHIP: OHR membership costs only $1 per month and~uns
from July to July. Join now!
P.O. BOX 52729
Vol. 4, No. 1
The monthly business meeting and program for OHR will be
held on Monday evening, November 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the First
National Bank Auditorium, lower level, 4th and Main.
This month’s program will be the program originally scheduled
for December and the one described in the December newsletter.
Because of a conflict, another program--an AIDS update by Dr.
Jeff Beal--was substituted.
Dr. Marion Sugurdson, Ph.D. in Psychology, and Dr. Raphella
Sohier, Ph.D. in Health Sciences, will present a program dealing
with Sexual Identity. This promises to be a program you’.ll want
to hear. A question and answer session will follow the presenation.
Also, the January meeting will give you a chance to meet the
new officers. They will be installed and officially begin their
Don’t forget: OHR meetings are free and open to everyone.
come join us and bring a friend on Monday, January 9, at 7:00 p.m.
And what did you get for Christmas?
The bi-monthly Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) clinic will
be held on Friday, January 20, from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the
Tulsa Mining Company, llth and Wheeling.
The clinic is free and the results are strictly confidential.
Don’t give the gift that keeps on giving! Get checked on January 20.
An aerobics class is being offered again--and it begins this
month. If you have gobbled up too many calories during this holiday
season, make a resolution in 1984 to enroll in the OHR aerobics class.
Last October, approximately 20 fellows enrolled in t~e OHR
aerobics class and they "worked hard for the moneJro" (Actually it
only costs $20 bucks.) But now it’s your chance to join them as
a new session is about to begin.
The class will meet at Thoreau. Junior High School, 71st and
Memorial, The sessions will last six weeks and be on Tuesday and
Thursday eveninqs from 8:30 to 9:30 startinq on January lOth.
The class is open to both men and women. You can sign up
at the January lOth meeting or call Brian at 744-0174. Hurry as
space is limited’.
In 1983, OHR offered a chance for you to develop a new hobby--
watercolor painting. Several people enjoyed the class taught by
OHR member Ken Johnston. Ken, who has written three books on the
subject and teaches the course all over the country, will be offering
the class to anyone who wants to learn.
If you have been intrigued by watercoloring, now is the time
to pursue this interest and acquire a new skill. Ken emphasizes that
no previous watercolor or free-hand drawing experience is required!
Find out more about this beginner’s course at the January lOth
meeting. Space is limited so be there to sign up!
At the December meeting, some discussion was held dealing
with inviting some World/Tribunewritersto an OHR meeting so that
they may be "sensitized"about gay issues. It comes as no surprise
that stereotypes and negative perspectives continue to be presented
in Tulsa newspapers. The Executive Board has decided not to have
any reporters attend the OHR meeting until February.
Guidelines that will be followed--if they do attend-- include
no full names, places of employment, or other personal data; no
photographs; and no information will be given concerning OHR
financial data. If you have other suggestions, please let an officer know.
The OHR service project was a great success! Donations of food
and toys totalling nearly $I000 were delivered to needy families.
Turkeys, hams, canned food, and toys made Christmas brighter for many.
Rev. Alice Jones of MCC, the OHR Info Line, the YWCA Displaced
Homemakers Program, and Neighbor for Neighbor helped with need family
referrals. These included many single-parent families from our own
community. The committee prepared and mailed media information sheets
to newspapers, radio, and television stations, and to gay-related
publications describing the project.
Thanks go to the committee members, to MCC, and to Zippers and
the Bamboo, and to OHR members for their generous contributions.
TWO REMINDERS INFO LINE: The OHR Information Line receives over 4000 calls
per month. Volunteers are available seven nights a week to staff
the line. If you are interested in helping, call Jack at~495-1963.
OHR MEMBERSHIP: OHR membership costs only $1 per month and~uns
from July to July. Join now!
Oklahomans for Human Rights, “[1984] OHR Reporter, January 1984; Volume 4, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/413.