[1984] OHR Reporter, June 1984; Volume 4, Issue 6


[1984] OHR Reporter, June 1984; Volume 4, Issue 6


Oklahomans for Human Rights


Oklahomans for Human Rights




JUNE 1984
Vol. 4, No. 6
’Gay Pride Week’ Set for June 16-24
en fifteen years since a small group of
rioted in front of Stonewall Bar on
reef in Greenwich V~Iiage¯ A great deal
or American gays since that fateful June
s of gay awareness and pride have washed
ted States. Gay people in such diverse
Angeles, Aib~querque, Montgomery, Little
innati haveorganized to help themselves
¯ This month, gay people in every major
memorate Stonewall with Gay Pride Week
a lot to celebrate--and to be proud
We now have an active gay organization,
ons, a gay helpline, meetings, sports,
any other functions that are a direct
spirit of Stonewa11.
he activities now available in Tulsa are
to OHR and its dedicated members who
ry on, often in the face of apathy and
r Is Renewal Month
eck your OHR mailing label. In approxieeks,
most OHR memberships will expire.
OHR membership runs from July to July.
ailing lab~l reads "07-01-84" it’s time
ew. Since August 1980 an OHR membership
t the low, reasonable amount of $12.00.
.00 mainly goes to pay for the expenses
nd mailing the monthly newsletter to you
on’t you please take the time to renew?
vet joined OHR but you continue to refits
of the monthly newsletter, isn’t it
our part financially?
, the form in this newsletter and send it
,oft will be greatly appreciated.
The.general public is becomlng’increasingly aware
that gays are their own friends, neighbors, and children.
More and. more society is realizing that gay civil
rights is an issue that must be faced. It is !mperative
that gays work to maintain their hard-won personal
During this Gay Pride Week, we must set new
goals. There is still a great need for us to join closer
together. We must continue to work for each
other--and if some are unwilling1y to work actively,
they must support the efforts of others financially.
We must be more responsible for our fellow gays
--for elderly gays, gays in poor health, and gays who
still llve in loneliness and fear.
OHR needs your involvement, your ideas, and your
As you celebrate this 3rd annual Tulsa Gay Pride
Week, remember this little slogan: Pride and More in
Rodgers to Speak at Meeting
Bill Rodgers, a board member of the National Gay
Task Force, will speak at the monthly OHR meeting on
Monday evening, June 18.
Rodgers has served on the NGTF national board for
several years and he has a wide range of knowledge
concerning gay issues in this country. Rodgers will
speak to OHR members and friends about the current
status of the NGTF and the direction it has taken under
the directorship of Virginia Apuzzo, He will also
talk about current political issues and problems
everyone should be aware of. A question and answer
period will follow.
Rodgers, an Oklahoma city attorney, was a founder
of Oklahomans for Human Rights in Oklahoma City.
Don’t -miss this chance to hear an Oklahoma gay
leader. Please make plans to attend the June meeting
on Monday eveniDgt June 18, at 7:00 in the First National
Bank auditorium (lower level), 4th and Main.
The meetings are free and open to everyone.
JUNE 1984
Vol. 4, No. 6
’Gay Pride Week’ Set for June 16-24
It has been fifteen years since a small group of
harrassed gays rioted in front of Stonewall Bar on
Christopher Street in Greenwich Village. A great deal
has happened for American gays since that fateful June
evening in 1969.
The waves of gayawareness and pride have washed
across the United States. Gay people in such diverse
places as Los Angeles, Alb~querque, Montgomery, Little
Rock and Cincinnati haveorganized to help themselves
and each other. This mOnth, gay people in every major
city will commemorate Stonewall with Gay Pride Week
activities and celebrations.
Tulsa has a lot to celebrate--and to be proud
of--this June. We now have an active gay organization,
gay publications, a gay helpline, meetings, sports,
clinics, and many other functions that are a direct
result of the spirit of Stonewall.
Many of the activities now available in Tulsa are
attributable to OHR and its dedicated members who
faithfully carry on, often in the face of apathy and
occasional criticism.
July Is Renewal Month
Please check your OHR mailing label. In approximately
three weeks, most OHR memberships will expire.
Currently, an OHR membership runs from July to July.
If your mailing labbl reads "07-01-84" it’s time
for you to renew. Since August 1980 an OHR membership
has remained at the low, reasonable amount of $12.00.
It has never increased.
This $12.00 mainly goes to pay for the expenses
of printing and mailing the monthly newsletter to you
and others. Won’t you please take the time to renew?
If you have never joined OHR but you continue to receive
the benefits of the monthly newsletter, isn’t it
time you did your part financially?
Just clip the form in this newsletter and send it
in. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
The.general public is becoming increasingly aware
that gays are their own friends, neighbors, and children.
More and. more society is realizing that gay civil
rights is an issue that must be faced. It is imperative
that gays work to maintain their hard-won personal
During this Gay Pride Week, we must set new
goals. There is still a great need for us to join closer
together. We must continue to work for each
other--and if some are unwillingly to work actively,
they must support the efforts of others financially.
We must be more responsible for our fellow gays
--for elderly gays, gays in poor health, and gays who
still live in loneliness and fear.
OHR needs your involvement, your ideas, and your
As you celebrate this 3rd annual Tulsa Gay Pride
Week, remember this little slogan: Pride and More in
Rodgers to Speak at Meeting
Bill Rodgers, a board member of the National Gay
Task Force, will speak at the monthly OHR meeting on
Monday evening, June 18.
Rodgers has served on the NGTF national board for
several years and he has a wide range of knowledge
concerning gay issues in this country. Rodgers will
speak to OHR members and friends about the current
status of the NGTF and the direction it has taken under
the directorship of Virginia Apuzzo, He will also
talk about current political issues and problems
everyone should be aware of. A question and answer
period will follow.
Rodgers, an Oklahoma city attorney, was a founder
of Oklahomans for Human Rights in Oklahoma City.
Don’t miss this chance to hear an Oklahoma gay
leader. Please make plans to attend the June meeting
on Monday eveni~g~ June 18, at 7:00 in the First National
Bank auditorium (lower level), #th and Main.
The meetings are free and open to everyone.
’Gay Pride’ Activities
to be Held During Week ot
June 16-24
GAY PRIDE WEEK PICNIC at Chandler Park on
West 21st St.; 12 noon till S:O0 p.m.; hamburgers,
hot dogs, beer, so{t arinks for
sale; booths and games, etc.
SERVICES at Retropolitan Community Church;
1623 N. Maplewood; 11:00 a.m.
OHR presents BILL RODGERS, board member of
the National Gay Task Force; 7:00 p.m.; First
National Bank auditorium, lower level, 4th
and Main.
MOVIES at’Center Plaza Apartments, in Plaza
room, Ist floor of South Tower;.7:OO--"Who
Happens to be Gay" is "a documentary about a
cross section of people discussing their
lives, coming out, etc. 8:00~-"La Cage aux
Folles." If you haven’t seen it, don~t miss
OKLAHOMA at Discoveryland; the price for OHR
members and friends will be $5.95; showtime
is at 7:30 p.m. and those who want may bring
apicnic at 6:30; deadline for reservations
is Monday, June 11; call Brian at 744-0174 or
the Helpline at 592-5086.
MOVIES it~Cent~r Piaza Apartments;(see June
19 !isting); 7:00--"On Being Homosexual" is
the recent documentary shown on HBO. 8:00--’A
Woman’s Place is in the House." House of Representatlves,
that is. This documentary is
about Rep. E1alne Noble, a lesbian congresswoman
from Boston (and at the time the lover
of. famed gay author Rita Mae Brown). An interesting
film about her political career.
Happy Hour COCKTAILS at the Grapevine, Stonehorse
Shopping Center, 35th and Peoria; 6:00
to 8:00 p.m. Come unwind after your week’s
OHR~S MR. TULSA CONTEST; at Zlggy’s, 71st and
Yale; door opens at 6:30 p.m. and show begins
at 7:30 p.m.; advance tickets are $5.00 and
advance reserved seats are $6.50; tickets at
the door are $8.00. You may buy tickets at
the June 18 OHR meeting, from an officer, by
writing the post office box, or at Jared’s
Carriage Trade, 1602 East 15th.
NOTE: There are also activitles planned at
many Tulsa bars. Check the bars.to find out
their Pride Week functions.
The Bamboo Lounge
The Club
Seeker’s Choice
Tim’s Playroom
The Tool Box
Tulsa Mining Co.
OHR Gay Helpline
Zippers’ Gay Information Line
.7204 E. Pine
1219 S. Remorial
6710 E. Admiral Place
2252 E. 11th Street
1649 S. Rain Street
1902 E. 11th Street
4812 E. 33rd Street
1229 S. St. Louis Ave
1623 N. Raplewood Ave/74115
P.O. Box 52729/74152
Official Publication of
Oklahomans for Human Rights -- Tulsa Chapter
P.O. Box 52729
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74152
Membership in the Tulsa Chapter of Oklahomans for
Human Rights is only $12.00 per year. The membership
year suns from July to July.
A person may join today for only $12.00 and then
renew in July 1985.
Please do your part to help keep OHR a viable
part of Tulsa. Send in your check or write for a
brochure today!
( ) I am 18 years old or older.
( ) Membership fee of $
( ) Tax deductible contributlon of $
( ) Is this a renewal?
Dinner and
Bingo Party
6:30 p.m.
1229 S.StLol
OHRv s
7:30 p.m.
.6:30 p.m.
Btate Park
6:30 p.m.
19 MOVIES at
Center PI,
6:30 p.m.
at Discoveryland
7:30 p.m.
Center PI.
7:00 p.m.
at the
6:00 p.m.
Chandler Pk
Noon--5 pm
JUl~ 16 2~
Discussion Group
Meets Each Tuesday
A "Growth Group" has organized and meets each
Tuesday evening at 6:30 at the Family Mental Health
Services building, 1538 S. Sheridan (behlnd the Curtis
Mathes store).
The discussion group is free and is open to all
interested men and women who want to joimother group
members to discuss a variety of concerns--primarily
issues related to growth in relationships with family,
friends~ and lovers.
The group, led by Helpline referral counselor
Brent WOlfe, provides a comfortable way to communicate
experiences and share concerns.
Join the group next Tuesday evening. For more
information you may call Brent at 832-ig46 or Brian at
(Classified Ad rates $3.00, for the first .20
words. To place an ad, call Gary at 742-0401 or write
the post office box.)
Confidential interview with children 13 and over
who have gay fathers are needed for research by Dr.
Bozett, OU professor. Call work (405) 271-2305 or home
(405) 722-1048.
OHR member will help flood victims who wish to
file amended lg83 income tax returns. For information
call the Helpllne at 592-5086.
Call loll-free
[800] 22~-7044
In N.Y. State
(212] 807-6016
New Beer To Be
Marketed for Gays
T~ gay entrepreneurs have begun marketlng a new
’eer just for gays called "Wilde’s" beer. The new
pr--.llum lager is named after Oscar Wilde, the Irish
"riter and wit who is one of the most famous gay authors
of ali tlme.
The beer’s creators plan to pour 35% of the
beer’s profits back into gay communlty organizatlons.
Wilde’s beer is available in blue-and-silver labels
with a geometric design. It is currently being
test marketed in ali of San Diego’s 50 gay and lesbian
bars. Promotional slogans are "Our Own Beer!" and
"Just Between Us, It’s Wilde!"
The owners contracted with Pearl Brewing Company
in San Antonio to brew the special formula, which they
arrived at after much taste-testlng by gays in many
bars. If Wilde’s proves to be a success in San Diego,
the beer wili be introduced in gay bars in other clties.
Helpllne Needs You
"Until the health crisis is over, I think we’d better just hug like bunnies. ""
May and June have been filled with events and
activities for the gay community. The OHR Gay Helpline
tape provides up-to-date information on events to over
four thousand callers per month. Taped information is
available to callers 24-hours a day.
Additional information is provided by Helpllne
volunteers who work two two-hour evenlng shifts per
month. Volunteers are on duty each weekday evening and
for extended shlfts on weekends. Approximately 30 OHR
member/volunteers handle over 350 calls per month personally.
Helpllne volunteers are still needed. If you have
been thinking of finding a way to serveOHR and the
community, there is no better, more rewarding choice
than worklng as a Helpllne volunteer.
If you’re interested, please call Jack at
744-0174 or speak to any OHR board member.
Rathe Dazzle Dallas’ on
June 30th Weekend
The annual "Razzle Dazzle Dallas" will be held at
the Dallas Convention Center on Saturday evening, June
30, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. The Convention Center is on
South Griffin Street in downtown Dallas.
Razzle Dazzle Dallas was first held at the fairgrounds
in June 1979 as a party to celebrate Gay Pride
geek. Last year the 5th annual event drew over 4000
celebrants. But it has evolved from a social party to
a ma~or fundraiser to support community service organizatlons.
This year the organizers expect close to 6000’gay
people to attend in everything from blue ~eans to
black tie. Free beer and soft drinks are available
plus a cash liquor bar. You may dance to the music of
d.~. Shaun Buchanan from the Saintin NYC, play games
in the Casino area, enjoy Las Vegas performer Rusty
Narren, and visit the Boulevard and Bazaar area.
Free bus transportation is available from the
Cedar Springs and Throckmorton area and from the
Crew’s.Inn. Hotel and travel packages ,are available
through the Reservation Desk at 1-800-527-5818. Tickets
after June 1 are $15.00 and after June 2~ they are
$20.00. Please call or ~rite Razzte Dazzle Dallas, PO
Box 50031, Dallas, TX 75250.
Memorable t uotes
"Thank you, America. You’ve got good taste,
style, and you kno~ a good drag queen ~hen you see
one." --Boy George at the Grammy’s Rarch i, 1984.
"I vish he vouldn’t run. I vish he’d go live on
the ranch." --Reagan’s daughter, Patti Davis, in TIRE,
Narch 19, 1984.
"The gay movement uould get farther faster in the
realm of equal treatment by abandoning the specious
pose of ’sexual preference’ and candldly acknowledging
that it is as bound to its own orbit as the Earth is
to its etlipse. After a11, nothing that exists in nature
can rightly be called ’unnatural.’" --#ewspaper
columnlst Sydney Harris
Chip Carter, son of former President Jimmy Carter,
made an appearance at several gay bars in Louisville,
KY in support of Walter Rondale’s campaign for
the Democratic nomination for president.
Carter talked to bar patrons about Mondale’s support
of gay issues. He also passed out bu:tons and
urged patrons to attend the caucuses being held that
weekend in Kentucky.
A committee of the U,S. Conference of Mayors has
passed a resolution endorsing legal protections for
gay people.
After testimony by V~rg!nia gpuzzo of the NGTF,
the Committee o~ Human Development approVed, a resolution
reading: "Recognizing t.he right of all citizens,
.regardless of sexual .orientation, to full participation
in American society, the committee recommends ¯
that all levels of government adopt legal protections
for the rights of gay and lesbian Americans."
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Our friendly operators are ready to help you 24 hours, 7 days a week. And
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(918) 582-0061 (918) 2583526
Apuzzo to Speak at Rally
Ginny Apuzzo,. Executive Director of the National
Gay Task Force, has agreed to.speak at the National
March for Lesbian/Gay Rights on Sunday, July 15, in
San Francisco. The march will be held during the Democratlc
National convention and will focus the nationls
attention on the cause For. gay civil rights.
"Ms. Apuzzo is both a dynamic speaker and an extraordinary
activist for gay rights. We are very
pleased that she will be able to address our rally,"
commented Paul Boneberg, National March
~..Among the organizations endorsing the march are
the NGTF, Black and White Men Together, and various
local chapters of NOW, ACLU, etc.
March organizers are seeking 1000 indivldual
sponsors to donate $25 each. Donations may be sent to
National march for Lesbian/Gay Rights, 2301 Market
St., Suite A, San Francisco, CA 94114. For information
you may call (415) B63-5005.
Cowboys Plan Rodeo and Fair
The annual National Reno Gay Rodeo and Country
Fair will be held this year From July 19 to July 22 at
the Nevada State Fairgrounds, Reno, Nevada.
The Natlonal Gay Rodeo has become a major event
on the west coast. A lot of "wild" rodeo action takes
place each year along with the annual Horse Show, Western
Dance Festival, Country Fair Arts and Crafts
Booths, Western Entertainment, Dances, Boot Throwing
Contest, and Talent Contest.
This is a major event and begins with a Grand
Entry Parade with drill teams, horsemen, floats, and
vintage cars.,
For full details about entering, booth space,
contests, accommod~-~{ons, and reserved seats, please
call (702) 677-0742 or write Gay Rodeo, PO Box 2372,
Reno, Nevada 89505.
Couples’ Rights Case Set
In Columbia, Maryland, Steve Jacobs and John Le-
Bedda want to join the AAA Motor Club and take advantage
of the subsantlal discount for spouses. But they
can’t. Spousal discounts are only for married,
straight couples.
The National Gay Rights Advocates (NGRA’) is taking
AAA to court. Howard County in Maryland has a law
against discrimination based on sexual orientation and
marital status. It’s an ideal spot for the NGRA~s
opening round in its Couples~ Rights Legal Agenda.
On the opposite coast in San Diego, NGRA is challenging
AAA~s auto insurance policy. Leo Laurence and
Robert Zelmer, Jr., have applied For a 20% spousal
discount on AAA auto insurance. They have llved together
six years (longer than many married couples who
can get the discount).
NGRA hopes to win these cases and pave the way
for gay and lesbian couples to claim their rights to
family discounts. NGRA hopes to tackle other couplesI
rights cases and win rights to such things as pension
benefits, tuition discounts, hospital visitation
rights, health insurance~ income tax joint filing,
If you would llke to support NGRA in its efforts,
please send your pledges to NGRA, 540 Castro. St., San
Francisco, CA 94114 or call (415) 863-3624.
Join NGTF today.
Don’t miss the OHR MR. TULSA CONTEST!
Advance tickets are only $5.00 for general
admission or $6.50 for reserved seating.
.~ickets are $g.0Q at the dQor.



Oklahomans for Human Rights, “[1984] OHR Reporter, June 1984; Volume 4, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/412.