[1984] OHR Reporter, February 1984; Volume 4, Issue 2


[1984] OHR Reporter, February 1984; Volume 4, Issue 2


Oklahomans for Human Rights


Oklahomans for Human Rights




Oklahomans for Human Rights


Volume4 Number 2
Goodstein is familiar to most
people through his popular and controversial
hi-weekly ADVOCATE column
called ~Opening Space.~ He is also
the founder and one of the facilitators
of the Experience Weekend (previously
called The Advocate Experience),
a two-day learning and
self-discovery workshop with over
7500 graduates.
His accomplishments as a leader
in the gay movement have reflected
his firm belief in the U S. system
of government. Goodst&in was responsible
for creating the Gay Rights
National Lobby in 1976.
Super-Living: You Can Have the
Life You Want (Prentice Hall) is
Goodstein’s new book which tells how
to create abundance in
;relationships, money, health, and
According te OHR president Brian
Mumey, Goodstein will arrive in
Tulsa on February 13, speak to OHR
that evening, and hold a press conference
the next day before returning
to Los Angeles. "This is a meeting
that Tulsa gays shouldn’t miss.
The board hopes to have a very good
turnout for Goodstein. We’re encouraging
everyone to attend and bring
some friends with them," said Mumey.
David Goodstein, publisher of the After he acquired the news- The February meeting will be Mon-
ADVOCATE, will speak at the monthly magazine, he successfully changed day evening, February 13, in the
i OHR meeting on Monday, February 13. its direction from a Los First National Bank auditorium, 4th
Goodstein is president of Libera- Angeles-based newspaper to a nation- and Main. The business meeting
tion Publications, Inc., which pub- al news and feature magazine. The begins at 7:00 and the program at
lishes the ADVOCATE, the nation’s circulation more than doubled during
8:00 p.m.
leading gay newsmagazine, the process.
(918) 587-GAYS
Info Line Receives Over
4000 Calls Monthly
"l’m worried about getting AIDS.
Do you have any information on it?"
"What do I do about my lover who may
be an alcoholic?" "I may be transferred
to Tulsa. What’s gay life
llke there?"
These are just a few of the questions
OHR Information Line volunteers
handled during one week in
The Info Line records an average
of 4500 calls monthly, with trained
volunteers handllng over" 250 of
these calls personally. The question
most often asked relates to location
and atmosphere of local bars. However,
many callers ask for details
about OHR, while others need counsellng
or counseling referrals. Of
course, there are the usual number
of harrassment calls.
"I feel good after I’ve answered
a question, listened to someone with
a problem, or made someone feel less
lonely," said one volunteer. If you
want more information about the Info
Line or you would like to consider
joining the thirty other volunteers,
call Jack at 495-1963 or Brian at
Info Line Statistics
Callers 374 Male
151 Female
New Executive Board Sets
1984 Goals
"OHR has made a real difference
in my llfe. I hate to think what
life in Tulsa would be like for gay
people without OHR."
In a way, this statement by one
relatively new Tulsan and OHR member
says it all. OHR makes a real
difference in Tulsa. For many lesblans
and gay men, the OHR newsletter
is their only informational
link to the gay community. For
others, the OHR Helpllne makes the
difference between loneliness/despair
and contact with someone who
The 1984 OHR Executive Board has
dedicated itself to making this a
terrific year for OHR, for the entire
Tulsa gay community. Symbolic
of this effort is our first major
speaker of the year, David Goodstein,
publisher Of the ADVOCATE,
the nation’s leadlng gay newsmagazine.
We hope this will see standard
for the programs and projects we
undertake this year.
Look for continuing improvements
in the newsletter, the new outreach
efforts both to the gay and the
straight communities, for increased
membership, for programs both educational
and fun, ranging from our
Women’s Task Force to a terrific
special guest at the Mr. Tulsa contest.
This Executive ~oard will strive
to be creative, enthusiastic, and
energetic, yet realistic,
goal-oriented, and organized. Our
success will depend largely on
you--your ideas, your support, your
participation, your constructive
criticism, and when deserved, your
Where do we start?
JOIN ...if you are not an OHR
member, send in your check now. If
you are a member, share OHR with a
THINK ...what you can do to help
OHR reach more people and to improve
the programs. Let us know your
WORK ... in the many events we
have this year. Help with the garage
sale, volunteer for the Helpllne,
start a support group.
CARE ... ~bout yourself and also
about the needs, feelings, frustrations,
and ambitions of others. Help
OHR meet those needs.
You can help OHR make a
difference. It’s going to be a great
year. Be a part of it!
Brian, J L , Shelley, Norman
Chris, Richard, and Jack
-- Collectibles --
1513 East on tSth Street
Tulsa 74120
P.S. Hou~ --
Friday and Saturday
I I:~ a.m. -- 4:001).-*.
583.9020 I.~ I~.~ -- 4:~ p.~
Calls 150 Bar referral info
81 Counseling
69 OHR info
148 Harrassment
Total Calls for 3 months--13,693
Furniture, Consignments, Antiques
Estate Sales, & Light Hauling
~Jared Bruce
1602 E. 15th St. Bus: 582-3018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OHR Charters Bus to
Hear Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem, one of America’s
most famous spokespersons of the
feminist movement, will be speaking
at Oklahoma State University on Wednesday
evening, March 14.
National Organization for Women will
be sponsoring a bus to the event.
The round trip from Tulsa to Stillwater
will cost $7.00. The ticket to
hear Ms. Steinem will be $5.00
The bus will hold only kO people
so anyone wanting to go should make
reservations as quickly as possible.
Ms. Steinem travels extensively
as a lecturer and often appears on
television interview shows. She
helped found Ms. Magazine and has a
brand new book out called Outrageous
Acts and Everyday Rebelllons (Holt,
Rinehart ~ Winston).
Make your reservation by calling
Brian at 74~-017k or sign up at the
OHR meeting on February 13.
"’Swetheart Ball’"
to Benefit Sooner
Softball League
THE SWEEqHEART BALL, a fundralser
for the Sooner Softball. League, wil!
be held on Saturday evening, February
18, at B:O0 p.m. The benefit
will be at the Tulsa Home Builders’
Association building at ~3rd and
The gala benefit will feature pop-
,Ular dance music, a DJ, plus some
live entertainment during the evening.
A "Sweetheart" will also be
selected at the ball.
Advance tickets are $5.00 single
and $8.00 per couple. However, the
night of the Sweetheart Ball the
tickets will be $7.00 single and
$10.00 per couple at the door. Tickets
may be purchased at Tim’s Playroom,
the. Tulsa Mining Company, and
at the February 13th OHR meeting.
David Millison
7474 East Admiral Place
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115
ofW/alnut Creek
l~rk A. Trottier
(918) 481-1010
8156 S. Harvard Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136
(800) 227-3040 Nationwide
(800) 652-1880. California
Grilling toll-free is tne fastest and most convenient way to conduct your
subscription business with The ADVOCATE.
Our friendly operators are.ready to help you 24 hours, 7 days a week. And
when you call, you may charge your order to your VISA or Master Card, or
ask to be billed later.
Uttlclal Fubl].caI:lon OT uK~anoman’s for human ~zLJnL~ - ~u~ v.eF~cl
P.O. Box 52729
Tulsa, Oklahoma,7t,152,
3303 So. Peoria
Tulsa, OK 74105
We support O.H.R.& our community
Custom Framing Lay-A-Way
Tues - Thur til 6
Fri - Sat til 7:30
moulo you liKe go make a 6U[ILI’IUU--
tion to scientific knowledge? Now
you Have your chance.
If you are a gay person and have
a natural.brother qr~ sister who is
also gay or a brother or sister to
whom you have "come out,~I you are/~
needed for part of a serious study
on Gender Identity.
If you are willing to take p~rt
in this research, please call Dr.
Raphella Sohier, University of Oklahoma
College of Nursing, Tulsa
Medical College, 834-3464, ext. 295.
Just tell the secretary you would
like Dr. Sohler to call you.
The study requires,that you talk
about your childhood for 30 minutes
and answer a few questions in response
to two short narratives. Total
time will be about one hour.
Your identity will be known only
to Dr. Sohier, and the results of
the study will be made available to
you if you wish.
Membership in the Tulsa Chapter
of Oklahomans for Human Rights is
only $12.00 per year. The membership
runs from July to July.
A person may join now for only
$5.00 and renew in July for a full
year. Or $17.00 will make you a member
untii July Ig84.
Please do your part to help keep
OHR a viable part of Tulsa. Send in
your check or write for a brochure
STATE .................... ZIP
( ) I am 18 years oldg~-~l~e~]
’.(": ~) $12.00 r~embership fee
( a contribution of $
TO: Oklahoman~for Ht~man Ri~h’tS
P.O. Box 52729
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74152
Gay Newsmagazine
Available in Tulsa
.A new statewide gay newsmagazine,
the Gayly Oklahoman, is currently
available to Tulsans. Published in
Oklahoma City, the current issue is
3~ pages and contains ’articles on
local and national news, book reviews,
interviews, an events calendar,
and advertising.
The Gayly Oklahoman is free and
may be obtained at Tulsa gay bars,
the MCC, and the next OHR meeting.
Upcoming Events
to Watch For
* The annual OHR FOLLIES. Tentative
plans call for the show to be
held on March 18;
* At the OHR meeting a special announcement
will be made about the
1984 MR. TULSA contest.
* Don’t forget: OHR will hold a
Garage Sale in early spring. Be
thinking about articles you can donate.
"~’.lo!cal:.’~kap~r 6f Oignity/Integrity
is being ~d’rmeTd’%~d~heeds your
support. Dignit~,
For gay Catho~~’~’~T’ and I~f~"gr~ty7" an
~anization for .gay Episcopalians,
haVe’c~apters nationwide.
~ -The; two organizations are being
°~6~bined into).one chapter in Tulsa.
"~Or’t~en~ly the,~roup meets..the se.cgnd
the foGrth Thq.~sdays. However, some
discussion h~s been held regard~.g’
changing one,of the meeting nights
to Sunday.
Anyone i~t@r~.~t&O, in learning
more a’bout DiG ’ }h tegrity or who
’~~d- lik:e
me~ting may call Daphne at 583-7063.
Call toll-fr.ee In N.Y. State
[800] 221-7044 [212] 807-6016


1984-02 OHR Reporter Vol4, No2.jpg
1984-02 OHR Reporter Vol4, No2.jpg


Oklahomans for Human Rights, “[1984] OHR Reporter, February 1984; Volume 4, Issue 2,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 11, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/414.