[2006] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 5
[2006] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 5
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Star Magazine’s first issue began February of 2005. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) and The Ozark Star (2004). Follows is The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd.
May 01, 2006
Greg Steele
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
Bunkey Walters
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Paul Wortman
Carlott Carlisle
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Vicor Gorin
Josh Aterovis
Douglas Glenn
Bunkey Walters
John Patrick
Michael Dee
Paul Wortman
Carlott Carlisle
Libby Post
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Liz Highleyman
Chaz Ward
Vicor Gorin
The Star Magazine, April 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 4
The Star Magazine, June 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 6
The Star Magazine, June 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 6
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
• LS .. n
ona ale
Scott · row,· Man.:aging Broker
Mc raw Davisson ew:art, R.ealtors
• 1
Langley, Oklahoma
the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
The most important
direct-action you can
do is vote. Local and
state elections are this
r, with many close
ttles to be fought by
our strongest allies. In
rtnership with the
nal Association of
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender
(GLBT) Community Centers, the Tulsa GLBT Community
Center annouces Promote the Vote. This program
seeks to enhance the advocacy and organizing capacity
of GLBT community centers by creating a visible, vocal
and voting constituency. More importantly, it gives voice
and power to the members of the GLBT community who
are often made to feel invisible and powerless.
Primaries are fast-approaching with local and state
supporters of the GLBT community in close contests. If
you aren't registered to vote - do it today. You can get
registered to vote at the Tulsa GLBT Community Center,
5545 E 41 st Street in Highland Plaza. It's simple to do,
the form is very short and we'll even send it in for you.
Stop by today and r ter to vote in one easy step
- then vote in every e action. It's important for you and
future generations.
February 1, 2006
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a friend-of-the-court
brief toda}'. urging an Oklahoma court to dismiss charges
against a Soulhern · minister who was arrestea for
soliciting private sex another male.
'The Supreme Court has made it crystal clear that, when
it comes to their sex lives, ults are free to do
whatever the 8 Bell, Executive
Director of th klahoma. "Accordin to the police
report, Rev. Latham did nothing more tha e another
man to his hotel room for consensual sex. It is not a crime
merely to invite someone to have completely lawful sex. If it
were otherwise, every bar in the state may as well shut its
The Reverend Dr. Lonnie Latham was arrested on January
~. 2006,_ on the misdemeanor cha of "Off!:3ring to Engage
m an Act of ice ne
a ma! ted
r back to otel room for oral sex. It is not alleged
that Latham offered money in exchange for the sex
The brief filed toda in the District Court of Oklahoma
Coun argues , arges should be dismissed against
because non-commercial sex between consentate
is a constitutional!
ACLU it is a violation s
free speech guarantee for the state to criminal
that is mereiy an invitation to engage in lawful
Latham's arrest. which generated a s·
of media attention, forced him to resig
as a board member of the Baptist Generai
ut of To~n
MARCH 2006
by Andrew Collins
New exico
Q,Jt<::, Mexico's largest city, set dramatically at
the base of the soaring Sandia Mountains, makes a great
- and affordable - base for exploring the rest of the Land of
Enchantment. Albuquerque lies just 60 miles south of Santa
Fe and within an afternoon's drive of countless Indian
pueblos, beautiful hiking and biking spots, and challenging
ski areas. The "Duke City" (named for the city's founder, the
Duke of Alburquerque - the first "r" was later dropped) enjoys
a sunny, mild climate, and it's home to New Mexico's
only gay bars as well as a handful of gay-owned B&Bs and
restaurants. And thr9.ughout 2006, Albuquerque celebrates
its tricentennial with dozens of performances, events, and
museum instaliations that trace its rich and vibrant history.
Albuquerque's once dull downtown has undergone an
ambitious revitalization in recent years, with loads of new
shops, restaurants, and bars along or near the main drag,
Central Avenue between 2nd and 8th streets, and also
along parallel Gold Avenue. From here, it's a five-minute
drive to historic Old Town, which was laid out in 1706 and
contains Albuquerque's earliest buiiding, the San Felipe de
Neri Church, which fronts the serene, tree-shaded Plaza.
The wares for sale at the more than 200 crafts and art galleries
and boutiques in the area run the gamut from fine to
kitschy, and a few very good restaurants are nearby. For an
offbeat experience, step inside the small but venomous
American International Rattlesnake Museum, which contains
the world's largest assemblage of live rattlers.
Within a short stroll of Old Town you'll find a handful of
the city's most prominent attractions, including the recently
expanded Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, which
houses an astounding collection of Spanish Colonial artifacts,
plus traditional and contemporary regional art. Exhibits
on geology, volcanoes, and dinosaurs await you across
the street at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History
and Science. Also check out the Albuquerque Aquarium,
Rio Grande Zoo, and Rio Grande Botanic Garden. It's just
a short drive from Old Town to the Indian Pueblo Cultural
Center as well as the National Hispanic Cultural Center of
New Mexico, both of which have exhibits, cafes, and performances
related to their respective cultures.
Much of Albuquerque's gay scene is focused in the
retro-hip Nob Hill neighborhood, a short drive east of
downtown along Historic Route 66 (Central Avenue), which
glows with the neon signs of coffeehouses. bars, greasyspoon
diners, galleries, and boutiques selling everything
from cool home-furnishings to campy giftsCentral Avenue
fringes the southern edge of the University of New Mexico
(UNM), whose noteworthy attractions include the Maxwell
Museum of Anthropology and the University Art Maseum.
The city sprawls a bit, and you need a car to venture out
to some of the worthwhile outlying attractions. On the west
side of town, visit Petroglyph National Monument to view
some 25,000 rock drawings inscribed as far back as a thousand
years ago along the 17-mile-long West Mesa escarpment.
Drive east across town into the city's lofty foothills
for a chance to ride the Sandia Peak Aerial Tramway to the
crest of the 10,600-foot Sandia Mountains. The 2.7-mile
ride is the longest aerial tramway in the world. At the top
are observation decks, hiking trails, a visitor's center. and
the High Finance Restaurant.
On the north side of Albuquerque, you'll find the giamorous
new Sandia Casino resort, which in addition to
extensive gaming areas contains one of the city's best
restaurants (Bien Shur, on the resort's rooftop), a brandnew
luxury hotel and spa, and a golf course of considerable
The casino is close to Bailoon Fiesta Park, home to New
Mexico's most famous festival, the Albuquerque International
Balloon Fiesta. This colorful hot-air balloon gathering
- the world"s largest - takes place the first two weeks in October.
At any time of year you can visit the park's AndersonAbruzzo
international Balloon Museum, which opened in
fall 2005. There are also a number of outfitters throughout
Albuquerque offering hot-air balloon rides year-round; one
of the most reliable is Rainbow Ryders.
Albuquerque's already very good dining scene has
improved dramatically just in the past few years. in the
downtown area, don't miss gay-popu!ar Artichoke Cafe for
first-rate Continental cooking in a romantic yet casual ambience.
Thai Crystal is one of the city's top Asian restaurants,
while the cozy Goid Street Gaffe serves up some of the
........ Continued next page.
. Atw:efflsingin lfi~ STAIR/sjustgood business cents. Page6
Out of Town
best breakfasts around, plus iight lunch and dinner fare,
designer coffees, and delicious desserts. When in Old
Town, book a table at elegant Ambrozia Cafe & Wine Bar,
known for its quirky and inventive dishes, such as duck
meatloaf with truffted cream corn, and lobster corn dogs
with chipotle ketchup.
In Nob Hill, the swanky Zinc Wine Bar and Bis~ro
serves a memorable Sunday jazz brunch and terrific
French-inspired dinner fare - try the crisp uck-confit egg
rolls or mango creme brulee. Next door, y Fish serves
tasty proof that it's possible to find super-fresh and creatively
rendered sushi right in the heart of the des~rt.
Talented chef Jennifer James is one of the leading new
culinary stars of the Southwest, and you can sample her
deftly prepared food at Graze, which specializes in affordable
tapas-style small plates (she also owns the more formal
Restaurant Jennifer James, a few miles north). Across
the street, the upscale Gruet Steak House is run by the
city's acclaimed Gruet Winery, which produces S?me ?f the
nation's most respected champagne-style sparkling wines
as well as commendable pinot noirs and chardonnays.
Pre-clubbing gays and straights mix it ~ sophisticate~
Martini Grille which is lauded as much its tasty Amencan
fare as fbr the fancy drinks served up in the schnazzy
cocktail bar.
Hang out among UNM students and other local hipsters
at II Vicino, which serves out-of-this-world wood-fired
pizzas and filling calzones, plus a nice array of leafy dinner-
size salads. Try El Patio for some of the most authentic
(and fiery) New Mexican cooking in town - be sure to sit
on the tree-shaded The no-frills Frontier Restaurant
is a 24/7 institution for its breakfast burritos and
heavenly cinnamon buns - it's a real scene after the clubs
close. Another must-do in Albuquerque is coffee and dessert
at Flying Star, a bakery, restaurant, coffeehouse, and
wine bar all rolled into one, with five locations around town,
the gavest and coolest in Nob Hill and downtown.
Among Albuquerque's six gay nightspots, Pulse draws
th gest and wildest bunch for cruising and dancing
stive patio and compact but fierce dance floor.
Fans of line-dancing and two-stepping head to sprawling
Sidewinders Ranch, which is owned by the same folks as
Sidewinders in Palm Springs. Low-keyed Exhale (formerly
Renea's} is the only lesbian bar in the state, although it
pulls in of guys, too. The expansive Albuquerque
Mining ers to a diverse crowd with its several bars,
small dance area, and full volleyball court. The Albuquerque
Social Ciub, a garden-variety video bar across the
street from Pulse, attracts a fairly local following; guests
are pennitted in this private club but must purchase a
"membership" ( one year). The parking
lot at Foxes ith beat-up pickup trucks,
hints rish, and horny guys inside.
main entertainment
ue's lodging landscape is domin
hotels, you'll find some distinctive
historic properties and art-filled B&Bs, too. the
latter, the beautifully restored Mauger Esta sits
within easy walkin distance of downtown and Old Town.
Anne Victorian has an ornate
exterior, period antiques, wallpapers, and fabrics.
Another property is Hacienda Antigua,
a f ,ldadc>be hacienda northwest
of downtown, filled with claw-foot tubs, wood carvings and
Indian art, and beehive-shape kiva-style fireplaces.
the historic La
p grand dame,
opened in 1939 by Conrad Hilton (who honeymooned here
with Zsa Zsa Gabor). It's a stunning 10-story hotel in the
heart of downtown. A few blocks west, the art deco Hotel
Biue has simple but affordable rooms and a great location,
making it one of the city's best bargains.
Of the city's chain properties, the 17-story Albuquerque
Marriott is a commendable, upscale choice with great views
of the mountains. It's close to two shopping malls and a
short drive from gay nightlife. And a 20-minute drive north
of Albuauerque in the town of Bernalillo, the posh Hyatt
Regency Tamaya offers the most lavish accommodations in
the region. Amenities at this 500-acre resort on the. ~anta
Ana Pueblo include a world-class spa, horseback riding,
tennis, golf, superb restaurants, and ca_sino gaming. If
you're looking for sumptuous Palm Springs-style glamour
in the laid-back Duke City, look no further than this stunning
resort, the perfect place to celebrate an ultra-romantic
Southwest getaway.
The Little Black Book
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (www.balloonfiesta.
Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau (505-842-9918
or 800-284-2282, www.itsatrip.org; www.albuquerque300.
or deta que Tncentennial events).
Al uerque 1 Louisiana Blvd. NE, 505-881-
6800 or 800-334-208 , www.marriott.com).
uerque Mining Co. (7209 Central Ave. NE, 505-255-
que Social Club (4021 Central Ave. NE, 505-255-
Cafe & Wine Bar (108 Rio Grande Blvd. NW,
(424 Central Ave. 5-243-0200).
5 Central Ave., N 232-3474).
arvard St. SE, 50 '
Flying tar 2 Centr;3I Ave. S 633; also
downtown at 723 Silver Ave. SW 99).
Foxes Lounge (8521 Central Av 5-3060).
Graze (3128 Central Ave. SE, 50 .
Frontier Restaurant (Cornell Dr. SE and Cen al Ave. SE,
Gold Street Gaffe (218 Gold Ave. SW, 505-765-1633).
Gruet Steak House (3201 Central Ave. NE, 505-256-
WINE). Hacienda Antigua (6708 Tierra Dr. NW, 505-345-
5399 or 800/201-2986, www.hac~ier1da;ar ua).
Hotel Blue (717 Central Ave. NW, 505-9 2400 or 877-
878-4868 www.thehotelblue.com).
· Bernalillo, 505-
att.com ).
also 11225
t. NW. 505-242-
05 .
, - __ 755 or
-725-2477, WWW.
. NW, 505-343-1554).
1-25 at Tramway Blvd., 505-796-7500 or
.sandiacasino.com J.
nch (8900 Central Ave. :::;E, 505-275-1616).
09 Gold Ave. SW. 505-244-
and Bistro (3009 Central A . . 505-254-
WE DO IT DIFFERENT in Eureka Springs, Arkansas!
At our hlatoric
Auditorium •
For GLBT• & their
Stra Pals to
I (ov•r
.,. to ral•• our •plrlt• an e
th• Ozarlc• hlll• with lau11hter and GAYETYI
Plus more events TBAI
& Diversity
health outreach prevention education, Inc.
1-800-535-AI DS (2437)
Oklahoma's HIV/STD Hotline
* Free nonjudgmental HIV testing,· including the 20
minute OraQuick Test.
* Free Sypht1/is screening at .the GLBT Community
Centeron Tuesdaysf'roin 6-8pm
H~O.P.E. :resting Clinic ;
Mens·Outreach'P .....
In Tulsa at (918) .
or gays wanting to travel in the United States there are
main gay cities, Palm Spri , California and Ft.
le, Florida. Both cities ve a huge gay populah
are extremely gay friendly. Both have at least
f dozen gay resorts to stay and plenty of gay
restaurants, bars and shops.
n this column we will tell you about Palm Springs, Caliomia.
It is located about 120 miles East of Los Angeles.
hen flying in from the f:Aidwest or_ East you _can ei~her .
y directly into Palm Springs or fly into Ontario, California
hich is less expensive and is only about 50 miles \J\'est_
f Palm Springs. Since you will need to rent an auto It will
ve you money to fly to Ontario.
weather in Palm
ngs is beautiful all
r around except if you
't like weather over 100
grees then it is best not
July and August.
we love the dry heat
we love going there in
he summer when it is hot.
ecember thru April it is
very pleasant there.
e dozens of gay
stay however our
is the TERORT
and located
st of downtown
Palm Canyon
toll free phone
is: 1-866-837-7996.
and hosts, Tom
nd Doug Sems are
of the best -'<'hen it
to knowing how to
their guests.
he Terrazzo Resort has 12 guest rooms surrounding
heated swimming pool, (clothing optional) of course,
· · and tropical gardens. The resort has
s that includes the finest of linens,
dial phones, Lar TV, DVD, VCR CD player, indiclimate
control, speed Internet access, pre-
Judith Jackson bath amenities and wonderful soft
oiquet robes for their guests. All rooms comes with a
· , refrigerator, wet bar, hair dryer, iron and ironing
rd. Don't have your lap top with you? Don't worry. you
check your emails in their guest services room. Comentary
breakfast is served each momin_g outside at _the
. A complimentary gourmet lunch Is served daily
lside. Complimentary beverages and snacks are
available throughout the day. In addition to their Resort
they also have a condoiapartment just a few blocks from
the Resort which can rented on a monthly basis. Guests
renting that can take full advantage of the Resort amenities
including pool, etc.
This is truly a fabulous resort for the gay traveler. It is the
only gay resort in Palm Springs that we recommend. As
we travel around the country we have noticed that many
owners hire managers and that in itself can be a major
problem. Tom and Doug are the owners AND managers
and they control everything themselves to insure that each
guest gets full attention. And full attention to every detail is
what you at the Terrazzo. They have received many award
and citations for their hi ality of service and accommodations.
Tom and Doug ve their work and what they are
doing and it shows! Be sure to check out their web site.
Downtown is just a few short blocks from the Terrazz<?
and is filled with major shopping, museums, art galleries,
restaurants, bars and even an Indian Casino. They have
about a doz bars in Palm Springs and they run the
range from piano bars, disco bars and just about
any type of bar you are looking for. The one great thing
about staying in a major gay city is that the bars are always
busy! And we do mean ALWAYS! So even if you are kinda
shy you won't have any problems meeti someo~e in
o left Melvyn'
There is so much
to see and do in
Palm Springs. Lots
of museums to
visit, great restaurants
and tons of
·ng to do.
FOLLIES located
downtown at 128
So. Palm Canyon
Drive. It is a Las
Vegas type show
with singing, dancing
and plenty of
laughter. What
makes the show
so fabulous is that
all the performers
are over 55 and
they are GREAT!
There are numemus performing arts centers around the
city and plenty of concerts to go to. There are dozens and
dozens of restaurants in Palm Springs. After many years
of going there our very favorite 1s still Melvyn's Restaurant
located in the Ingleside Inn just a couple b!ocks West of
downtown at 200 W. Ramon. It is just like stepping back to
"Old Hollvwood". The food, the service and the atmosphere
Mel Haber, the owner knows how to keep h:s guests coming
back year after year. According to Life Styles of the. Ric.
and Famous it is rated one of the 10 best and we certainly
Continued next page:
the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine. Page 10
The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway is the largest vertical
cable in the country and the view from the top is magnificent.
Take your lunch with you and dine right in the mountains.
Other options for Palm Spri are hiking, tennis or
sightseeing in the Joshua National , the Living Desert
or visiting the local Indian grounds. But of course the main
reason to go to Palm Springs is for the people! And what a
FABULOUS collection of friends we have made there over
the years. Our best to Stefan, Millie, Jerry, Jim, Tyke and
Check out www.palmspringsgay.com before making your
travel plans. For more information about traveling, email
Donald and Ray at gaytravelers@aol.com or visit their webpage
at: http://www.hometown.aol.com/gaytravelers.
Willie Nelson
Releases New Gay
Cowboy Song.
NASHVILLE, TN_Willie Nelson released his new song titled
"Cowboys Are Secretly, Frequently (Fond Of Each Other)"
on Valentines Day February 14th 2006.
Are Secretly, Frequently (Fond Of Each Other)"
wa in 1981 by Texas-born, NYC resident musician/
songwriter Ned Sublette, long before gay cowboys were the
current topic of conversation. Nelson recorded the song last
ar during an iTunes Originals session at his Perdernales,
io. This is the first time Nelson's version has been
Dolly Parton did a song for "Transamerica," Emmylou
Harris cut a track for "Brokeback Mountain" and Willie
Nelson released a gay Valentine's song. Is country the new
gay genre?
HIV positive participants,
spectators to be welcomed into
United States during the 2006
Chicago Gay Games
'Designated Event Status· clears
U.S. entrance restrictions
SAN FRANCISCO A U.S. federal blanket waiver has
been approved allowing non-U.S. citizens living with HIV/
AIDS to travel to the United States to participate in or attend
the Gay Games 2006. The Federation of Gay Games
(FGG), an~ Chicago Ga~es, Inc. (CGI), announced today
that the waiver comes with federal approval of Designated
Event Status for Gay Games VII Sports & Cultural Festival
set for 15-22 July 2006 in Chicago, Illinois.
"Many people with HIV/AIDS and other life-affecting health
issues have competed and set Masters-division records at
past Gay Games, and we are happy that all participants
from outside the United States once again will be able to
travel freely to attend the Gay Games this summer," said
Kathleen Webster, co-president of the international Federation
of Gay Games.
HIV positive p · · nts and attendees of Gay Games
VII can now a a sin B-2 travel visa from
their local U.S. consulate. isa, valid 8-28 July 2006,
will be issued on a special form instead of being placed
permanently in the person·s passport.
"Achieving Designated Event Status demonstrates our
dedication to the Gay Games principles of Participation,
Inclusion and Personal Best™ and to our mission adfor
full acceptance and recognition of all LGBT
said Brian McGuinness, Gay Games Chicago
Executive Director. "We are grateful to Chicago Mayor
Richard M. Daley, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (DIL)
and the many CGI and FGG board, staff, volunteers
and allies for helping us meet this important commitment
to the HIV community."
Information regarding procedures on how to apply for the
B-2 visa at U.S. consulates in different countries will be
available shortly on the FGG Web site at \~":N';N-~aygames.
com) and the Chicago Gay Games eb site (www.
gaygameschicago . .erg).
For additionai information, lease contact Aimee Pine at
the ~hi Ga~es, Inc. o,ffic:esat (773) 907-2006 or by
email at mee.pme@gaygameschicago.org.
Grand Opening ai Fort Smith's
Newest Night Club.
By Bunky Walters
The pizza delivery guy walked in just after 8 p.m. amid
droningeleictnic drills, a symphony of cell phones and frenetic
But like an episode of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,"
everything was hammered, painted and plu in
by midnight for the grand opening of Red Rock C Fort
Smith's newest party venue, at 917 N. A St. ·
At 10 p.m., music was already blasting in beat to the din
of finishing touches being made inside the historic two-story
building with a red stone walls - hence the name of the
club. It's attractive yet calm exterior was in sharp contrast,
though, to the play pin being created inside.
Leading the whip-quick renovation was owner Andv
Osburn, who stayed cool as Crystal throughout the evening.
Osburn, by the way, also owns Kinkead's, just a
couple blocks away at 1004 ½ Garrison Ave.
When he wasn't lending a hand or answering his cell
phone, Osburn paused occasionally in the VIP lounge near
the cool metal grate-floored DJ booth, ave the
dance floor. By 11 p.m., some of his friend s
and Kansas City had arrived, and they made themselves
at home in the lounge, which was decorated with leather
chairs and ottomans situated around a large, wide-screen
TV. Roses and orchids were another elegant touch to the
Out the lounge door several steps away was the upstairs
bar area, which has a dance floor, as well. It was
packed with le by 11 :30 p.m., slinging back beer
and sipping them up alongside buttery
nipple and cocksucker shots were bartenders in black
dress shirts, with the word "Rockers'; spelled out in red on
each one.
Not long after midnight, a voice on the mic invited folks
to "shake their tail feathers." They promptly obliged, spilling
down the confetti-carpetted stairs to the new dance floor.
The anced to everything from Salt 'n' Pepa to Depeche
,de, s1~oc1tina b,oots and scuttling about to the
rhythm of the pounding bass. Every now and then, there
were quick whooshes from the fog machine, blanketing the
crowded dance floor.
And it mig~t hav~ been chilly outside,. but it didn't keep
a obv1ol!s gym _memberships from whipping
o d shaking their bottoms under the dazzling
disco lights of the club's exposed rafters.
Not that but I had a ball and a half that night
OK, two. te the nail-biting push of the
midnight deadline, the club threw a flawless party. And I
have no doubt they'!i continue to send folks in Fort Smith
· and sweating to awesome beats and fabulous
for many, many weekends to come.
Speaking of coming, you should. Red Rock City is open
9 p.m.-5 a.m. Thursday-Saturday and 6 p.m.-midnight
· , either call (479) 242-CITY or visit
_GLBT Magazine. . Page 1.2 ..
MARCH 11, 2006.
Above left to right: Kim Wood -Chairperson RRG, Shane
Carter - Channel 2 Meteorologist and Master of Ceremonies,
Pat Chernicky- President Tulsa C.A.R.E.S.
TULSA, OK_Aa in the past, a sea of red wili encompass
distinguished guests and friends of Tulsa C.A.R.E.'s
RRG, as they arrive at one of Tulsa's most elegant and
worthwhile affairs. Again this year, the event will be held
at Southern Hills Country Club on Saturday, March 11th.
Set in an atmosphere that only Southern Hills can create,
the room will be ablaze with fabulous flower arrangements
created by board member Toni Garner. Kim Wood, Gala
Chairperson and Peter Walter, realtor extraordinaire, Gala
Honorary Chairperson wiil welcome guests to a feast for
the senses that will include the finest cuisine by Southern
Hills Chef Devin Levine, complimented by fine wines. A
portion of the festivities wili include both a silent and live
auction offering stellar iist of antiques, furniture, original
artwork, masterfully created jewelry, private dinner parties,
special inteiest classes to name a few. A new feature
this year, a special raffle of fine jewelry created by Tulsa
C.A.R.E.S. board member Susan Sadler, wi!I be held during
the event. Ali attending are encouraged to "just wear red"
... the color of AIDS awareness and a symbol of compassion
for those affected by the disease.
The Red Ribbon Gala is the largest fundraising activity
for Tulsa C.A.R.E.S (Center for AIDS Resources, Education
and Support). Ani:i, this year the event has received a
tremendous "kick off'' for 2006 with the generous grant from
the George Kaiser Famiiy Foundation and Bank of Oklahoma
Foundation as Presenting Sponsor. A United Way
agency, Tuisa C.A.R.E.S has been in existence since 1991.
Executive Director , Sharon Thoeie, credits the generosity
of the board members and donors of the difference they
make for some of the community's most needy members.
She states: "the best part of the Red Ribbon Gala is that it
supports the ongoing efforts of Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. to provide
a safe haven for low-income men, women and children
with HIV/AIDS throughout northeastern Oklahoma.
2 marks the 15th anniversary of providing support services
to the individuals no one wanted to serve. Without the
proceeds from the Red Ribbon Gala our ability to provide
these crucial services would cease."
Board President, Patricia Chernickv, adds: "the RRG is not
only a fabulous evening of food, fun and friends, but the
money raised from the event provides the organization with
the financial resources to serve over 450 individuals. HIV
does not affect o up of people, it affects us all." RRG
Chairperson, Kim also contributes: "A tremendous
op · is provided through the RRG to provide support
to Isa CARES so that the organization can continue to
provide the services for those patients and families affected
by the devastating disease."
The Red Ribbon Gala begins at 6:30 p.m. with flowing red
cocktails, stimulating conversation and a Ii silent auction
and raffle. Dinner foilows at 7:30 p.m. w live auction
commencing around 9:00 p.m. Dancing to music provided
by "The Hero Factor" will begin at 9:45 p.m.
Tickets are $150.00 per person. Sponsorship packages
and reservations for priority seating are available. For more
information, contact Bruce Lewis at (918) 834-4194.
WASHINGTON - President Bush's budget proposal, released
yesterday, presents a mixed bag on HIV/AIDS, with
modest funding increases in care and treatment programs,
additional cuts in Medicaid and a dangerous increase in
abstinence-only programs that keep thorough, scientific
information out of the hands of those who need it most.
"For the sake of hundreds of thousands of Americans
living with HIV and AIDS, we can and we must do more,"
said Human Rights Campaign President joe Solmonese.
"We welcome the president's attention to the critical needs
facing HIV/AIDS programs, yet the new funding does not
make up for the years of shortcomings and huge proposed
cuts that may harm beneficiaries in other areas."
The largest proposed HIV/AIDS increase is for the president's
$188 million domestic AIDS initiative, with money
split between the Ryan White CARE Act and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
"We need a comprehensive and targeted strategy to
combat this virus - particularly in at-risk communities and
among people of color," said Soimonese. "Attention to this
continually growing trend is long overdue."
There are more African Americans among new AIDS cases,
people estimated to be living with AIDS and H!V-reiated
deaths than any other racial or ethnic group in the United
Continued .. Aids Budget-page 23
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Pack'em In At
Club Maverick!
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_ Mary, Schellye, Brenda, Paula, &
Valerie known as Tulsa's Moodswing Band certainly
have the art of entertaining down pat. With
st guitarist Betsy Smittle and the Boys, Brad
in, Mark Dodson, Eric Daughtery, and Mike
Busby, entertained a standing room only crowd
at Tulsa's Club Maverick on January 27th. Just
another example of the talent we in Oklahoma
are fortunate enough to have in our GLBTA community.
A five piece all female band, Moodswing has
been together for two years. They have played
at many events including Tulsa Pride Picnic,
OKC Pride Picnic, Tulsa's Mayfest, The Women's
Music Festival in Dripping Springs, Texas, the
Sooner State Rodeo in Tulsa and Diversity Pride ·
Fall Festivai in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. And
continue to draw big crowds at Oklahoma City
and Tulsa nightclubs.
They are currently working on their 2nd CD
and hope to release it this summer. Their 1st CD
"Moodswing" was cut two years ago.
The boys were fantastic! Si · a variety of songs,
delighted the crowd with their ta ent dUiing the band
intermission. A very professional group and a wonderfully
entertaining evening.
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Crystal Meth.u The
Satanic Brew Crippling
the Gay Communi
By jimmy pa!mieri
Crystal Meth ... The Satanic Brew Crippling the
Gay Community
Meth, Tina, speed, chalk, ice, rock, glass are all street
names for the dnJa meth amphetamine. This noxious
recipe of chemica s, that may include, but are not limited to.
ephedrine, crystai drain cieaner, bleach, battery acid and
nail poiish remover, among others, has the capability of
destroying lives more quickly than any iilicit drug currently
availabie. It is so addicting to some, that after the first try,
so strong is the craving to use again, that all else becomes
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Crystal meth has taken a strong hold on the gay and
iesbian community, with a particular ven ance on gay
males for a variety of reasons. The of meth make
the user less inhibited, and more euphoric in mindset. This
is particularly enticing to gay men, who may have been
admonished by their families, not accepted by their peers at
school, or have not fit into what even their own community
deems acceptable. Society has continually isolated s
and lesbians, leaving many with the desire or need
into some type of adopted crowd or fa1 Meth is sadly,
the common thread among many of the enfranchised.
Meth a!so has the distinct capability of making men more
libidinous, thereby making their feelings of inhibitions ali the
more exaggerated. This has created a devastating paralle!
between meth addiction, and HIV infection.
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A History of Violence
Anti-gay violence is on the rise -- not just in the U.S., but all
over the world.
!"- Swt:dish we~site lists 129 well-known gay individuals,
1~cluding pr(!minent actors, musicians, broadcasters, politicians
and priests, and calls for their death. Despite having
one of the world's toughest laws against the promotion of
hate, Sweden's _chief prosecutor says he is powerless to
shut down the site because it frames its death threats in the
form of Biblical quotes.
Britain is in the midst of a homophobic crime wave that
has esc~lated to the PC?int that police have urged the LGBT
?ommurnty to u~e _caution when going out. A young man
m Londonderry 1s rn danger of losing his eye after a recent
attack, and it wasn't the first time he'd been assaulted. A
g~y couf?le_ near London almost lost their home, and pos~
1bly th_eir life, w~en they discovered someone had pushed
1nc~nd1ary maten~I through their mail slot, starting a fire in
their hallw~y. Fortunately, they were able to extinguish the
nre before 1t spread. In another incident a lesbian couple
was pelted with snowballs that had sto~es and broken
glass embedded in them. Police say they believe there
have been dozens of other cases throughout the country
that have gone unreported. Officials believe that the
number of homophobic attacks on has increased with
the publicity over civil partnerships, ich became legal in
In_ New Bedford, Massachusetts, a community about 50
miles south of Boston, a violent attack rocked a lar
gay club. A young man, 18 year old Jacot1 RcJbic struck
a customer in the head with a hatchet before shoo two
others. As I'm writing this, Robida is still on the run ile
his victims remain in the hospital -- one in critical condition.
When police searched Robida's room, they discovered
Nazi a. The teen is being sought on charges of attempt
murder, assault and civil-rights violations.
What is behi~d this.increase in homophobic violence?
Almost certainly, as the British officials stated it's due to
increased publicity as gay rights issues have taken center
stage in countries all over the worid. It's nothi new. Mankind
h_~s a hist?ry of violence. especially concerns
~ trad1t1~:mally do~ntr?~d~n group trying to claim equality.
During the 60 s c1v1I nghts movement it was violence
ag~in~t blacks. '.he ignorant always resort to violence when
their status quo 1s threatened. When the people the bigot
has always demeaned and reviled suddenlv dare to stand
up for themselves and demand rights, the bigot will lash
It's no surprise th~ big~ts are worked up right now. Gay
are one of tne biggest issues in the world right now.
ng almost every state and country around the globe.
Almost every political race is influenced by gay rights, and
barely a day goes by when you don't see some LGBT-related
story in the media.
!n Canada_'s recent e_lec~ion, gay marriage was a crucial
issue. Dun_ng campaigning, qonservative leader Stephen
Harper claimed that overturning Canada's equal marriage
law would be one of his first priorities. The Tory Party did
win the election, but the results were less about rights
than a country unwilling to trust a scandal-ridde ral
;. Fortunately, with a minority government even smaller
he Liberals before them, the Conservatives will most
likely be unable to change the marriage law.
Continuing his homophobic policies, President Bush renewed
his attack on gay families in his recent State of the
Union Address. Addres · a joint session of Congress the
p~esident said that "ma ericans, especially parents,
still have deep concerns about the direction of our culture
and the health of our most basic institutions. They are '
concerned about unethical conduct by public officials. and
discouraged by activist courts that try to redefine marriage."
"Trying to draw comparisons between the reprehensible
~cts of ~nethic~I politicians with fair and independent
Judges 1s both ridiculous and wrong," said Joe Solmonese.
president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). ·
Not is it ridiculous, but by continually demonizing gay
and ian families, President Bush and other outspoken
ns fan the flames of hatred. if someone like
Jacob a already believes that gays are evil sinners
then hearing the president make antigay statements only
confirms that belief in his mind. The crusading Religious
t, with their fire and brimstone wailing, will I fL1rtt1er
rce those feelings. If he is already unbalan or prone
to violence, it's just a matter of time before that hate will
build to the point that it erupts into violence.
What can we do to stem the tide of violence?
There's an old proverb that says something along the lines
of "in order to avoid repeating history, we have to learn from
the past." If there's anything we can learn from the Black
civil rights movement, it's that we have to keep fighting
for equality. We can't let fear defeat us. We have to stand
up against the bigots and hatemongers and demand our
So how do we do that?
Vote! One of the easiest we can do to make a difference
is elect fair-minded, p ressive officials. The only way to
stop the homophobic cians is to get them out of office.
Support gay-positive legislation and defeat antigay measur~
s. Many st~~E:~ are brin9i gay i~sues to the polls. We
caf'! t afford to sit 1dly oy while ant1gay forces muster
!heir troops with military precision. State after state is passmg
same-sex marriage bans while other states struggle to
P'.3Ss.antidiscrimination laws. Our opponents are well-organized
and we!i-funded, so that makes it all the more important
that we pay attention, spread the word. and vote Also
don't be afraid to contact your representatives and let the~
~now your feelings_ o~ important issu~s. As HRC president
Joe _Solmones_e sa1_? rn,.reterence to the ~tt~cks at the gay
bar rn MassacnuseLts, When a man walKs rnto a bar, asks
Continued next page
if it's a gay bar and starts shooting, there couldn't be any
more glaringly obvious and enraging example that we need
uniform hate crimes law and that Congress has stubbornly
failed to act."
Come out and speak up! This is perhaps the hardest, yet
most important thing we can do as gay men and women.
Coming out is a powerful statement that has been proven
to change hearts and minds again and again. If you're
already out, speak up. If your friends, family, and coworkers
don't understand how these issues affect you, then how
can they care? The mor o know and understand
how homophobia adversely s their loved ones, the
more allies we'll have on our side.
I don't believe we are doomed to repeat history -- not if we
can learn from the past and work together to create a better
future. In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Nonviolence
is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions
of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression
and violence without resorting to oppression and violence.
Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which
rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation
of such a method is love." That message is as true today as
it was then. Let's learn from our history and move forward
in love.
The views expressed in this column are my opinions only. You
don't have to agree with them. I just ask that you read them \vith
an open heart and mind.
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Your Invited to our Communitv Dinner Everv \'(Ted.
0 ,.,. _\ ..._,. t _ d -·
6-pm Just ~4.0li. No one 1s curne awav. .
by Libby Post
MARCH 2006
The Bush administration's homophobia has gone
At the United Nations recently, the United States joined
with some of the most repressive governments to deny two
international LGBT gro vernmental organization
(NGO) observer status it comes to marginalizing
the LGBT community, this administration will cozy up with
Administration buddies like the American Family Association
and Focus on the Family have been joined on the
international scene by countries such as China, Zimbabwe,
and Iran. Yes, you read that right - Iran. We may demonize
that country publicly, but when it comes to privacy issues,
George is a political whore. He'll become political bedfellows
with anyone - an individual, an organization, or, in this
case, a country he considers our sworn enemy - to further
his radical°Christian right crusade against the LGBT community.
Who would have been hurt if the International Lesbian
and Gay Association (ILGA) and the Danish Association
of Gays and Lesbians (LBL) were allowed to speak for the
LGBT community at the United Natio.ns' Economic and
Social Council (ECOSOC), which advises the international
organization on economic and social issues?
After all, there are 634 NGOs affiliated with ECOSOC.
We're talking about groups like the Humane Society, the
American Jewish Congress, and Greenpeace. But we're
also talking ab like Focus on the Family, Feminists
for Life of ica, the National Right to Life Education
Trust Fund, and the Alliance for Marriage. I think it
would only be fair tq balance out some of the homophobic
political perspectives inherent in some of these organizations
with a few LGBT voices
But instead of a fair hearing - which ali othei NGOs
who have requested representation have gotten - ILGA's
and LBL's requests were summarily dismissed without
any discussion. The dismissal, which was done by the
ECOSOC NGO committee, happened after ILGA and LBL
went through the rather exhausting process that got them
to the point where they could even ask for a hearing. All of
this was preceded by the behind-the-scenes maneuvering
of Egypt and the Organization of Islamic Conferences to
exclude the two groups.
Rosanna Flamer Caldera, co-secretary general of ILGA,
which ents a worldwide network of more than 400
LGBT zations, considers the exclusion "a clear violation
of due process and an attempt to discriminate against
LGBT NGOs on procedural grounds."
Some may shrug their shoulders at the U.S. actions. But
as 40 LGBT and LGBT-allied organizations pointed out to
Secietary of State Condoleezza Rice in a Jan. 25 letter, the
United States voted yes when the entire ECOSOC body
voted in 2002 to include ILGA as an NGO.
The groups, including the Human Rights Campaign,
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Human Rights
Watch, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the
National Black Justice Coalition, asked Rice if it was now
our country's policy to "oppose consultative status for all
organizations working to promote the rights of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender people."
If it is, this flies in the face of the State Department's
own reporting on severe human rights violations based
on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. The
department's 2004 report on Iran chronicled the executions
of men. Its report on Zimbabwe noted that President
Ro Mugabe has consistently denounced gays and lesbians,
blaming them for "Africa's ills."
So the question begs to be answered - how can the
United States recognize human rights atrocities against
LGBT people in other countries, yet refuse to give those
who are repressed a voice in bringing that repression to
light? We were more than happy to give voice to the Chinese
students in Tiananmen Square who bristled against
the yoke of that country's communist regime. Today, we're
all about building democracy in Iraq. But let LGB
stand up and speak for themselves? Never. And how
make sure LGBT people won't be heard? We get into bed
with our political enemies. If ever there was a situation that
shows how morally bankrupt this administration is, this is it.
I don't think Condi's written a response yet. But this
year, there will be two great opportunities for the international
LGBT community to respond for ourselves and shed
light on the United States' complicity. ILGA's next world
conference will be in Geneva from March 27-April 3, the
same time the U.N. Commission on Human Rights will be
in that city, and where the Commission's on-going discussion
about sexual orientation and human rights is sure to
Later, in the summer, some 2,000 LGBT activists from
around the globe will converge in Montreal from July 26-29
for the International Conference on LGBT Human Rights,
which is sponsored by OutGames, an international LGBT
sporting event that takes place right after the conference.
"Our ultimate goal with this conference is to adopt what
we're calling the 'Montreal Declaration,' an unequivocal
affirmation that LGBT right are human rights," said Louise
Roy, CEO of the conference and OutGames. "Once
passed, we will do everything in our power to bring that
resolution to the United Nations."
It may be easy for our administration to ignore the
events in Geneva. But when thousands of LGBT folks
g miles north of our border, it wili be a bit more
d turn a blind eye to the injustices we face each
and every day and our collective resolve to stop them. Or,
at least, it should be.
EDITOR'S NOTE: One of Libby Post's firms, OutMarketing.
biz, has been retained by Outgames Montreal 2006 to
coordinate the event's United States' public relations activities.
This column expresses her opinion and not that of her
The 0zar1<s STAR since 2003
ast Out
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Our is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT historv. Each
, '
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity
of the gay past and its impact on the queer present.
February 1976 (30 years ago this month): British figure
kater John Curry wins an Olympic gold medal.
y is figure skating s
As the most artisti etic events, figure skating is
ely believed to be teeming with gay men - and, indeed,
of the most renowned elite male skaters have been
·sexual. But the sport's fey reputation is I
to the perceived gender nonconformity
It is impossible to know now whether early champion
ater~ such as Jackson Haines, a ballet dancer by training
o pioneered the modern artistic form of figure skating in
1860s, were queer. Lorrie Kim, creator of the Rainbow
website, has compiled a list of 20 elite gay male skatrs,
but only a few publicly revealed their sexuality while
ey were champion contenders.
American Ronnie Robertson, the 1956 Olympic silver
edalist, was exposed as his former coach Mi-
Kirby, in a memoir the of Robertson's
(2000). The "Nureyev of the Ice, reat Britain's John
reportedly made a little-noticed announcement that
e was press conference shortly before winning
e 19 c gold medal. The bronze medalist that
r, Toller ston of Canada. mentioned affairs with
men and women in his two- · :ihi,es; during
1973 World Championships, , he was se-
Czech skater Ondrej Nepela, who went on to best
red Cranston and win the title. In 1992, another
was next after Cu come out
during his competitive career; Hali ikely holds
re skater to appear
Fallen ngtime
nadian champion Brian Orser was out when
ex-boyfriend filed a palimony lawsuit.
The best-known queer figure skater, Rudy Galindo - who
"an openly gay trailer-trash
ached the highest levels of pairs skating
then-partner, Kristi Yamaguchi, when she decided
on singles competition. After several years of
, ances, a bout with alcohol and drug
and the loss of his brother and two coaches to
alindo went on to win the 1996 U.S. Nationals.
his own HIV diagnosis and the cement of both
Galindo has reoeatedlv challe, conservative
rid - for example: performing to "Somewhere
ainbov( and a medley of Village People songs,
ueer ehte male skaters have included U.S. naRobert
Wagenhoffer (who had long-term
mmantic relationships with former junior champion Billy
Lawe and professional show skater Sylvain Beauregard)
champion ice dancer and choreographer Rob McCall, '
1978-80 Canadian national champion Brian Pockar and
former Dutch n~tional champion Edward van Campen; all
but Beauregara and van Campen died of AIDS. Galindo
once estimated that 98 percent of elite male skaters are
~traight. But "in the real trenches of show skating," according
to openly gay skater Christopher Nolan, "guys are out
all over the place."
Many male figure skaters have described the harassment
they received for pursing a sport considered to be
queer. In reaction, skaters such as Kurt Browning, Philippe
Candeloro, and Elvis Stojko emphasized a macho image
and athletic .style !n the 199~s; others, including three-time
U.S. champion Michael Weiss, regularly show off their
wives and children. Current U.S. national champion and
top Olympic contender Johnny Weir has tripped the gaydar
of many with his flamboyant outfits and effeminate mannerisms,
though he has yet to explicitly state his sexual
Despite its queer reputation, the skating establishment
has long mandated strict gender roles. Although things
have come a long way since officials at the 1920 Olympics
scolded Theresa Weld for performing an "uni ke" jump
some judges still look askance at male skate o do too'
many spins and spirals. So strict are the gender conventions
that pie gold and bronze medalists Katarin
mas provoked shock by performing
in nontraditional costumes such as knee breeches and
full-length leotards, p~ompting t~e spo.rt's st governing
body, the International Skating Union (I to institute
a rule that female competitors must wear skirts that cover
their derrieres.
While male skaters are often assumed to be gay, the
sport's requisite femini renders queer women invisible.
There are no openly le or bisexual women skaters
among the elite ranks, though some of today's female
champion contenders are so young that it may be premature
to speculate about their sexuality. But a number
of queer women participate in nonelite adult competition.
including International Gay Figure Skating Union cofounder
Laura Moore, who started skating at age 32 after divorcing
her husband and coming out as a lesbian.
Ironically, no sport emphasizes the appearance of
hete~osexuality more tha~ competitive pair skating and ice
dancing. The ISU regulation that teams must consist of
"a man and a lady" has caused grief for elite skaters who
wish to perform with same-sex partners. The ISU does not
sanction events that do not adhere to its rules, but the inter
nati?nal_ Ice Skating Institute and son:ie national governing
~odIes, _includ I S1:ateis Figure Skating Associat;
on and offer sanctions or waivers for
the Gay Games and similar events. "[T]he thrili of seeing a,
op,enly gay pair team h_as nothi do with triple jumps,"
said Moore, who won tne 1994 y Games ice dance competition
with her partner, Linda Carney.
For further reading:
Brennan, Christine. 1996, _Inside Edge: A Revealing Journey
into the Secret World of Figure Skating_ (Anchor),
Galindo, Rudy, and Eric Marcus. 1997. Icebreaker: The
Autobiography of Rudy Galindo_ (Pocket Books).
Rainbow Ice - http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/
1930s and 1940s and their successors with 68 works by
artists Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, and David
Alfaro S ros as well as related works by Luis Nishizawa
and Gu r Gerzso. Mexican Masters expresses the
hopes, desires, idealism, and culture of early twentieth-century
Mexico through its artists. From the Mexican Revolution
and Spanish Civil War to the Second World War,
violent revolution and dramatic social change-both nationally
and internationally-shaped the ideals of Mexico and
its people. The Carrillo Gil Collection was molded by these
principles, and the works it includes portray not only the
artists' reactions to revolution, depression, and industrialization,
as well as the impact of religion and need for social
reform, but also the collector's. Mexican Masters pays
humble recognition to Mexico's violence, war, and suffering,
the United States Depression, and the artists' subsequent
impression of inhumanity in an industrialized nation. For
more information visit okcmoa.com.
Among the president's proposals:
Medicaid - our nation's largest provider of HIV/AIDS treatment
and care - would face cuts of $5 billion over five
years and $12 billion over 10 years, forcing those trimmed
from Medicaid rolls to seek care through programs that are
already overextended and under-funded.
also pro cutting $15 million
Nationa Institutes of Health and
increases abstinence-only education funding by $28 million.
State AIDS Drug Assistance Programs would receive $70
million under the president's plan to ease the waiting lists
IDS program would receive
a welcomed increase of $14 million et this is short of
what is necessary to meet s needs.
rge Congress to
edicaid instead of weaken it, and put sound
science over ideology in educational programs," added
in the
91 B.B35.7B87
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Advice Column!
Kittens, as the whirlwind month of love has once more
blown its course, Let us wipe the proverbial love awav
from our chin, and move forward. Uncle spent most of the
mont~ exhausted\y entertaining. A man briefly touched me;
so briefly, uncle did not realize he had already reached the
climatic point in the relationship. Alas Uncle finding himself
once more on the hunt while looking for a aood man. Leaving
me asking the uestion, how can someone be so bootylecious
and such ty at the same time? Hmm I have to
ponder that for a while.
After seeing the much taiked about "Brokeback", Uncle
f?und himself_ inspired to take riding lessons. After a positively
productive week at the horse farm, while working with
the trainer, Uncle has joined country riders everywhere. It
took sweat, and teacs. One must be dedicated while working
to achiev:3 ~ goal. ! have decided that next month, I may
graduate to ndmg a horse. You know what they say Rome
was not built in a day, baby steps! '
This mon~h Uncle has received several letters asking
abo~t ~e~mg revenge on a lover's betrayal. Well, Kittens,
Uncie Is Just shocked. A ay man, after revenge; it is just
n?.t donea€l Snicker s · Kittens, taking the higher road
w1il always allow you to mature into a well rounded. wonderfully
developed, lo · responsible adult. Uncle ·encourages
g~od karma, as w spiritual and personal growth.
That said, karma helps those who help themselves.
This month i dedicate my words of wisdom to a!I those
~ho h?ve found tha~ strange strap under the bed, hidden
ooots m the closet, text message from the blonde Twink in
the gym, who despite his physically delicious self, cant not
seem to manage a sentence stiUcture.
Since Uncle has given you pearls, let's get to the good
The following is an actual list of carefully planned out exercises
in revenge which uncle has used over the years. I am
sure the men who each were carefully inspired by, will have
a mo~ent of ~ecall whi!e reading a bit of their own history
here m Uncles corner m Queerdom. Each one primed for
specific levels of revenge. Kittens, a side dish served best
when cold, I believe I feel a bitte; wind blowing in as we
speak, bundle up kittens, it is going to be a rather frosty
month of march.
12) Sleep with his best friends. Expected, yet sucker punch
in the gut.
11) Take your self-shopping with his credit cards buying
yourself that well deserved, while also delicious, little outfit
you have always wanted. You have earned it. I mean the
time on your knees alone warrants it.
10) Delivering a message to his co-workers that the clinic
calla~ '.3nd you ~eed to speak to him _urgently, allowing all
gossIpmg hags m ear shot to hear this, will defiantly deliver
a certain message.
9) Informing the mother out of concern, of a horrible drug
problem. Of course, this being the reason you have to
leave him. •
8) Did I mention sleep with his closets and dearest friends?
Oh, come now don't look at me that way. You have been
eyeing them all along anyway.
7) Donate the bulk of his wardrobe to a nearby good will.
Charity begins at home.
6) During conversations of the extreme vibe of hostility he
is receiving from you, serve him a delicious cup of ex-lax
cappuccino. This will allow for a few moments of him-time
he so truly needs.
5) Go on Jerry and tell it all, going for the Emmy , for betrayed
love interest.
4) Enter local hook up site under his name, hooking up with
t~e _troll of all trolls,_ inviting h!m over unexpected by said
vIctIm of course. Kitten, helping others is important.
3) Ciean the oven with his favorite label, leavina it in a pot
on the stove. Cleanliness is next to cherliness. ~
2) Announce to all of your friends, your inability of coping
with on more night of his constant weeping after sex.
~) Deliver his t~ings, in a. box to his job with a note saymg
good-bye, makmg sure his favorite sex toys are leaking
onto the reception desk!
Well there, it is in a nutshell. All is fair in love and revenae
Kittens, I would wear a cup, this could be a full contact ~
sport d~pendinQ on the players involved. Those of you
?etermmed against bette~ advice, to foll~w this vengeful
Journey, now have your flight plan. Sock !t and rock it, until
the cockcrows, or feels your wrath, whichever one comes
first. Until next time, smooches from your favorite guru, and
Tlddles too!
The Ozarks $TAR'slnce 20f)3 ·.
Do Gays Have a Choice?
Whether homosexuality is a genetic redisposition or a
product of environmental factors haE; be,en hotly debated for
the past several decades. The heart of the matter is: Does
a person have a choice about his or her sexuality? Science
att~mpts to answer this compelling question in the feature
article "Do Gays Have a Choice?" in the February/March
issue of Scientific American Mind.
New York, NY (PRWEB) - Whether homosexuality is a
genetic predisposition or a product of environmental factors
has been hotly debated for the past several decades.
The he~rt of the matter is: Does a person have a choice
about his or her sexuality? Science atte answer this
com · g question in the feature article ays Have a
Cho . " in the February/March issue of Scientific American
Mind. In addition to learning the science behind the
matter, one may take the test and find out "How Gay Are
You?" on Scientific American Mind's Web site (www.sciammind.
According to the article's author, Robert Epstein, a Harvard-
trained PhD, sexual orientation is not a black or white
matter; rather, he concludes that sexuality falls on a continuum
with heterosexuality and homosexuality at opposite
ends. People may be attracted to members of both sexes
b · determined by both genetics and
their environment. n explains that genes determine
wh~re '!"~ start but society exerts tremendous pressure on
the md1v1dual to conform. Because the majority of people
are "straight," most of us become heterosexual.
The article also discusses the possibility of an individual
changi sexual orientation. Whereas some people have
as,serted that genes alone determine sexual orientation and
that changing from gay to straight is not possible, others
ha ued that homosexuality is a learned behavior and
th 10ic:e.Epi;tein V11r,tes that changing orientation is
possible for people whose sexuality lies toward the middle
of the Sexual Orientation Continuum, but for most gay people
such a switch would be very difficult if not impossible.
"Do Gays Have a Choice?" presents a new school of
thought that an individual's sexual orientation is not black or
white, straight or gay. Instead an individual's sexual orientation
falls along a continuum.
To take the sexual orientation quiz visit http://www.sciammind.
com, which will be available on Feb. 2, 2006
9 1 B.S35.78B7
or email: ozarksstar@sbcgiobaLnet
Irish Soda Bread
1 cup curants
2 cups unbleached flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoon caraway seed
1 /4 teaspoon salt
1 cup nonfat yogurt
1 cup nonfat milk
Heat oven to 375 degrees, soak curants in hot water for
about 5 minutes and drain. In a large mixing bowl, mix both
flours, baking soda, baking powder, caraway seed, salt and
curants, mix well. In a separate bowl mix yogurt plus milk
until smooth, slowly add wet ingredients to the dry mixture
until we\l blended. Flour hands and divide dough into 2
!oafs, slightly flatten dou onto a non stick baki sheet
a~out 8 inches. across. a X on top of each , bake for
about 30-35 minutes or untii you can tap on it and it sounds
hollow, and serve warm.
lip: Serve with French Onion Soup, it's great!
Q Scopes
by Jack Fertig
MARCH 2006
"Pay your debts, Aquarius!"
Mercury turning retrograde in Pisces spreads confusion,
and he's squaring Pluto. This makes people dig in their
heels, insisting they are right (which is usually wrong), or
it challenges cooler heads to do research. Venus in Capricorn
eases the stress; do your best to be mature and
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Avoid silly arguments by
focusing on your own problems and cleaning out your
baggage. The right balance of humility and confidence and
support from a woman in charge will help you get ahead.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Dares, challenges, and temptations
from friends should be considered very carefully, if
at all. Better to rely on your usual common sense. If you're
hu for a new experience, check out local museums or a
fore film.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): If you must make any public
presentations, double-check every detail, and be prepared
to handle any screw-ups with good humor. If you come
under attack, look for underlying motives. You could charm
an apparent enemy into becoming a very good friend.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): You're better off listening to
disputes than participating in them - unless you really want
intense criticism. Still, arguments could be educational, and
being very open-minded will make you look mighty attractive.
LEO (July 23 -August 22): Refresh yourself on safe-sex
information and techniques. Make sure to get the info first!
Other fun and games are especially risky now. Be very
careful of any sort of sporting injury.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Don't argue with your
partner about probl~ms around the home. Take a creative
approach and suggest constructive solutions, even if
they're only only a temporary fix. Or agree to start analyzing
problems so they can be solved later.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Most accidents
happen around the house, but home looks more like your
safety zone now. Still, be careful, and even more so out on
the streets. Stay focused when you drive. Don't let problems
distract you!
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21 ): A creative biock
could have · e repercussions. Write a letter to a sister
or aunt - or no·t yc,u have one, and even if you
don't maii. it. The exercise o writing wili help you to focus
on whatever is hanging you up right now.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): Your
natural reaction to problems at home is to stand firm and
counterattack. Resist that impulse. Shopping, preferably
with housemates, actually helps! Think ahead about what
you need, and take your time looking for it.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Although small
disasters abound, do your best to maintain a calm, mature
demeanor. Every problem has a solution. Track each one
to its roots; consult with whomever you must. The clean-up
process will uncover new strengths, and annoyances may
then prove blessings in disguise.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Dig up receipts
and records, but let any real work on your taxes wait until
late March. Trying to collect on debts from friends can be
even more contentious than usual. Let that wait, too! Paying
your own debts will save a lot of trouble.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Be careful of what you
say and where you say it. Your mouth could get you into
trouble with the boss or other authorities. Letting off steam
and preparing important arguments with friends will help.
But avoid those arguments unless they are absolutely
You cm :find. oopk-5 c-f ti:...::
S 'J'A Ji :i r rh er.e -1 .mm:!li
AR"'AN:'" .... ~ ICA.N!'tA;t
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride EYem - www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye Vie..- 36 N. Main- -479-253-0200
CaribeRcstaurante- -309 W VanBuren-- 253-8102
Henri's- - -19 1 /2 Spring St - - - 479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill-105 E VanBuren- -253-0400
MCC Linng Spring - - 870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Condom Sense - -418 W. Dickson- -479-444-6228
Curry's Video 612 N. College Ave- 479-521-0009
Passages 930 N. College Ave- - 479-442-5845
Tangerine Club - -21 S. Block Ave- -479-444-6100
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- - 479-783-9988
Red Rock City - - 917 N. "N' St. 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesrers Lounge 1010 E. Grand Ave -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - -1021 Jessie Rd- - -501-664-2744
Diamond Stare Rodeo Assoc.- - • v.-v.-w.dsra.org
Discovery- 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - • - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - 415 Main St - -N. L.R.- 501-244-0444
The Factory -412 Louisiana St.- - - - - -501-372-3070
Kansas,•Pittsburg (620)
PSu-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our FantaS\'- 3201 S. Hiliside- -316-682-5494
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- 716 S. Main - - - - . 417-62'7-9035
MCC Spirit of Chris,-2902 E 20th, - -Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Missie B's- -805 W 39th St- - 816-561-0625
Missouri, Lampe
KOKQ]'.fO Campg~ound- - - • - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonvilie P•.ve- - - • - --417-83;-4?!)')
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -5i8 E. Commerical- 369-3978
Liquors & Kid,ers- -i i09 E. Commerciai- 873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- 2'.9 W Olive -417 -864-4572
Priscilla's - - -1918 S. Gkcstone .. 417-881-8444
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial -
Ronisuz Place- --821 College-
Oklahoma, Lawton
riangles- - 29 SW "D" Ave- - 580-351-0620
Oklahoma, McAlester
fcPride- - - - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
merican Crossroads B¾B - POBox 270642-495-1111
om Room- 2807 NW 36th Sr- - 405-601-7200
lub Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy - 405-947-2351
risties Toy Box- 3126 N. May Ave - - 4 05-946-4438
stern Ave Video- 1105 S Eastern Ave- 405-672-6459
inish Line -2200 NW 39th fapwy- - 405-525-0730
ushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp - -4 05-525-0730
ollywoodHotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex- - - 405-947-2351
abana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- -405-528-2221
1221 NW SOth- - - - 405-843-1722
2200 NW Expwy- - - -405-524-5733
armers- - -2805 NW 36th St - - - 405-942-2199
riscilla's- 615 E. Memorial - - - - - -405-755-8600
d Rock North-2240 NW39th St- - - -405-525-5165
- - 2120 NW' 39th St --405-521-9533
e Rockies-• -3201 N. May Ave - - - 403-947-9361
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
amboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine -918-836-8700
order's Book Store-2740 E. 21st- - 918-712-9955
order's Book Store -8015 S. Yale -918-494-2665
lub Majestic- - 124 N. Boston - - - - - 918-584-9494
lub 1faverick- 822 S. Sheridan -918-835-3301
- 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - 834-1051
ire Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- - 918-838-85113
,z's Lounge- - 426 S. Memorial-
319 E. 3rd-
: -3007 E. Admi:al Pl
;iscilla's - - - 7925 E. 41 st - -
· scilla's - 5634 \X'. Skc:Jy -
risdla's - --1134 E. 11th -
- -918-437-0449
-918-7 49-8378
- 918-584-3112
-- 918-834-3007
- - 918-627 -4884
riscilla'~ 2333 E. 71 st - - - - -- -918-499-166 i
negades- - - - 1649 S. Main 918-585-3405
b's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- 918-627 -1505
;,,Isa CARE~- -3507 E. Admiral Pl- 918-834-4194
c1isa Eag:e- - - - - i 338 E. 3rd - - - 918-592-1188
1T\ - . - - 2i14 S Memoriai- - - - - 918-660-0856
Jexton Jcwdrv - - -15 E. Brady 918-829-0824
trier Ne\VS Stand- 1 N, Le,vis- ~ -918-592-0767
'ellow-Bricic-Rd- -2630 E. 15,h- - 918-293-031'.i
Yellow Brick Road
2630 E. 15th St, Tulsa, OK
Yes Munchkins, Kevie is
back as Manager!
Po.ol Tournament- Mondays
Dart Tournament- Thursdays
Now Servitig Chimay Ale 5.00
ft.1 bed room
Elect. 66th and
Aprox 1800 sq ft 2
Area sales price $128.000 Possible lease
purchase. ·
Night Club for saleAprox 2500 sq ft. plus
small house and large•storage building
11th mingo area
Tracy 918-625"6377 Keller Williams
I p
Llve Music March 17th,
King Fish Band, NO COVER
50 cent. pool tables. Shuffle Board.
Open Sunday @ 12:00 Noon
Open Monday-Saturday 11 am
11730 E. 11th Tulsa, OK
now 12noon to 2am
ed Monday.
Located in NW Oklahoma City
Full body deep tissue massage.
Call Mark
Experience Total Relaxation
guaiifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
Tulsa, OK 74i45
• LS .. n
ona ale
Scott · row,· Man.:aging Broker
Mc raw Davisson ew:art, R.ealtors
• 1
Langley, Oklahoma
the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine.
The most important
direct-action you can
do is vote. Local and
state elections are this
r, with many close
ttles to be fought by
our strongest allies. In
rtnership with the
nal Association of
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender
(GLBT) Community Centers, the Tulsa GLBT Community
Center annouces Promote the Vote. This program
seeks to enhance the advocacy and organizing capacity
of GLBT community centers by creating a visible, vocal
and voting constituency. More importantly, it gives voice
and power to the members of the GLBT community who
are often made to feel invisible and powerless.
Primaries are fast-approaching with local and state
supporters of the GLBT community in close contests. If
you aren't registered to vote - do it today. You can get
registered to vote at the Tulsa GLBT Community Center,
5545 E 41 st Street in Highland Plaza. It's simple to do,
the form is very short and we'll even send it in for you.
Stop by today and r ter to vote in one easy step
- then vote in every e action. It's important for you and
future generations.
February 1, 2006
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a friend-of-the-court
brief toda}'. urging an Oklahoma court to dismiss charges
against a Soulhern · minister who was arrestea for
soliciting private sex another male.
'The Supreme Court has made it crystal clear that, when
it comes to their sex lives, ults are free to do
whatever the 8 Bell, Executive
Director of th klahoma. "Accordin to the police
report, Rev. Latham did nothing more tha e another
man to his hotel room for consensual sex. It is not a crime
merely to invite someone to have completely lawful sex. If it
were otherwise, every bar in the state may as well shut its
The Reverend Dr. Lonnie Latham was arrested on January
~. 2006,_ on the misdemeanor cha of "Off!:3ring to Engage
m an Act of ice ne
a ma! ted
r back to otel room for oral sex. It is not alleged
that Latham offered money in exchange for the sex
The brief filed toda in the District Court of Oklahoma
Coun argues , arges should be dismissed against
because non-commercial sex between consentate
is a constitutional!
ACLU it is a violation s
free speech guarantee for the state to criminal
that is mereiy an invitation to engage in lawful
Latham's arrest. which generated a s·
of media attention, forced him to resig
as a board member of the Baptist Generai
ut of To~n
MARCH 2006
by Andrew Collins
New exico
Q,Jt<::, Mexico's largest city, set dramatically at
the base of the soaring Sandia Mountains, makes a great
- and affordable - base for exploring the rest of the Land of
Enchantment. Albuquerque lies just 60 miles south of Santa
Fe and within an afternoon's drive of countless Indian
pueblos, beautiful hiking and biking spots, and challenging
ski areas. The "Duke City" (named for the city's founder, the
Duke of Alburquerque - the first "r" was later dropped) enjoys
a sunny, mild climate, and it's home to New Mexico's
only gay bars as well as a handful of gay-owned B&Bs and
restaurants. And thr9.ughout 2006, Albuquerque celebrates
its tricentennial with dozens of performances, events, and
museum instaliations that trace its rich and vibrant history.
Albuquerque's once dull downtown has undergone an
ambitious revitalization in recent years, with loads of new
shops, restaurants, and bars along or near the main drag,
Central Avenue between 2nd and 8th streets, and also
along parallel Gold Avenue. From here, it's a five-minute
drive to historic Old Town, which was laid out in 1706 and
contains Albuquerque's earliest buiiding, the San Felipe de
Neri Church, which fronts the serene, tree-shaded Plaza.
The wares for sale at the more than 200 crafts and art galleries
and boutiques in the area run the gamut from fine to
kitschy, and a few very good restaurants are nearby. For an
offbeat experience, step inside the small but venomous
American International Rattlesnake Museum, which contains
the world's largest assemblage of live rattlers.
Within a short stroll of Old Town you'll find a handful of
the city's most prominent attractions, including the recently
expanded Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, which
houses an astounding collection of Spanish Colonial artifacts,
plus traditional and contemporary regional art. Exhibits
on geology, volcanoes, and dinosaurs await you across
the street at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History
and Science. Also check out the Albuquerque Aquarium,
Rio Grande Zoo, and Rio Grande Botanic Garden. It's just
a short drive from Old Town to the Indian Pueblo Cultural
Center as well as the National Hispanic Cultural Center of
New Mexico, both of which have exhibits, cafes, and performances
related to their respective cultures.
Much of Albuquerque's gay scene is focused in the
retro-hip Nob Hill neighborhood, a short drive east of
downtown along Historic Route 66 (Central Avenue), which
glows with the neon signs of coffeehouses. bars, greasyspoon
diners, galleries, and boutiques selling everything
from cool home-furnishings to campy giftsCentral Avenue
fringes the southern edge of the University of New Mexico
(UNM), whose noteworthy attractions include the Maxwell
Museum of Anthropology and the University Art Maseum.
The city sprawls a bit, and you need a car to venture out
to some of the worthwhile outlying attractions. On the west
side of town, visit Petroglyph National Monument to view
some 25,000 rock drawings inscribed as far back as a thousand
years ago along the 17-mile-long West Mesa escarpment.
Drive east across town into the city's lofty foothills
for a chance to ride the Sandia Peak Aerial Tramway to the
crest of the 10,600-foot Sandia Mountains. The 2.7-mile
ride is the longest aerial tramway in the world. At the top
are observation decks, hiking trails, a visitor's center. and
the High Finance Restaurant.
On the north side of Albuquerque, you'll find the giamorous
new Sandia Casino resort, which in addition to
extensive gaming areas contains one of the city's best
restaurants (Bien Shur, on the resort's rooftop), a brandnew
luxury hotel and spa, and a golf course of considerable
The casino is close to Bailoon Fiesta Park, home to New
Mexico's most famous festival, the Albuquerque International
Balloon Fiesta. This colorful hot-air balloon gathering
- the world"s largest - takes place the first two weeks in October.
At any time of year you can visit the park's AndersonAbruzzo
international Balloon Museum, which opened in
fall 2005. There are also a number of outfitters throughout
Albuquerque offering hot-air balloon rides year-round; one
of the most reliable is Rainbow Ryders.
Albuquerque's already very good dining scene has
improved dramatically just in the past few years. in the
downtown area, don't miss gay-popu!ar Artichoke Cafe for
first-rate Continental cooking in a romantic yet casual ambience.
Thai Crystal is one of the city's top Asian restaurants,
while the cozy Goid Street Gaffe serves up some of the
........ Continued next page.
. Atw:efflsingin lfi~ STAIR/sjustgood business cents. Page6
Out of Town
best breakfasts around, plus iight lunch and dinner fare,
designer coffees, and delicious desserts. When in Old
Town, book a table at elegant Ambrozia Cafe & Wine Bar,
known for its quirky and inventive dishes, such as duck
meatloaf with truffted cream corn, and lobster corn dogs
with chipotle ketchup.
In Nob Hill, the swanky Zinc Wine Bar and Bis~ro
serves a memorable Sunday jazz brunch and terrific
French-inspired dinner fare - try the crisp uck-confit egg
rolls or mango creme brulee. Next door, y Fish serves
tasty proof that it's possible to find super-fresh and creatively
rendered sushi right in the heart of the des~rt.
Talented chef Jennifer James is one of the leading new
culinary stars of the Southwest, and you can sample her
deftly prepared food at Graze, which specializes in affordable
tapas-style small plates (she also owns the more formal
Restaurant Jennifer James, a few miles north). Across
the street, the upscale Gruet Steak House is run by the
city's acclaimed Gruet Winery, which produces S?me ?f the
nation's most respected champagne-style sparkling wines
as well as commendable pinot noirs and chardonnays.
Pre-clubbing gays and straights mix it ~ sophisticate~
Martini Grille which is lauded as much its tasty Amencan
fare as fbr the fancy drinks served up in the schnazzy
cocktail bar.
Hang out among UNM students and other local hipsters
at II Vicino, which serves out-of-this-world wood-fired
pizzas and filling calzones, plus a nice array of leafy dinner-
size salads. Try El Patio for some of the most authentic
(and fiery) New Mexican cooking in town - be sure to sit
on the tree-shaded The no-frills Frontier Restaurant
is a 24/7 institution for its breakfast burritos and
heavenly cinnamon buns - it's a real scene after the clubs
close. Another must-do in Albuquerque is coffee and dessert
at Flying Star, a bakery, restaurant, coffeehouse, and
wine bar all rolled into one, with five locations around town,
the gavest and coolest in Nob Hill and downtown.
Among Albuquerque's six gay nightspots, Pulse draws
th gest and wildest bunch for cruising and dancing
stive patio and compact but fierce dance floor.
Fans of line-dancing and two-stepping head to sprawling
Sidewinders Ranch, which is owned by the same folks as
Sidewinders in Palm Springs. Low-keyed Exhale (formerly
Renea's} is the only lesbian bar in the state, although it
pulls in of guys, too. The expansive Albuquerque
Mining ers to a diverse crowd with its several bars,
small dance area, and full volleyball court. The Albuquerque
Social Ciub, a garden-variety video bar across the
street from Pulse, attracts a fairly local following; guests
are pennitted in this private club but must purchase a
"membership" ( one year). The parking
lot at Foxes ith beat-up pickup trucks,
hints rish, and horny guys inside.
main entertainment
ue's lodging landscape is domin
hotels, you'll find some distinctive
historic properties and art-filled B&Bs, too. the
latter, the beautifully restored Mauger Esta sits
within easy walkin distance of downtown and Old Town.
Anne Victorian has an ornate
exterior, period antiques, wallpapers, and fabrics.
Another property is Hacienda Antigua,
a f ,ldadc>be hacienda northwest
of downtown, filled with claw-foot tubs, wood carvings and
Indian art, and beehive-shape kiva-style fireplaces.
the historic La
p grand dame,
opened in 1939 by Conrad Hilton (who honeymooned here
with Zsa Zsa Gabor). It's a stunning 10-story hotel in the
heart of downtown. A few blocks west, the art deco Hotel
Biue has simple but affordable rooms and a great location,
making it one of the city's best bargains.
Of the city's chain properties, the 17-story Albuquerque
Marriott is a commendable, upscale choice with great views
of the mountains. It's close to two shopping malls and a
short drive from gay nightlife. And a 20-minute drive north
of Albuauerque in the town of Bernalillo, the posh Hyatt
Regency Tamaya offers the most lavish accommodations in
the region. Amenities at this 500-acre resort on the. ~anta
Ana Pueblo include a world-class spa, horseback riding,
tennis, golf, superb restaurants, and ca_sino gaming. If
you're looking for sumptuous Palm Springs-style glamour
in the laid-back Duke City, look no further than this stunning
resort, the perfect place to celebrate an ultra-romantic
Southwest getaway.
The Little Black Book
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (www.balloonfiesta.
Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau (505-842-9918
or 800-284-2282, www.itsatrip.org; www.albuquerque300.
or deta que Tncentennial events).
Al uerque 1 Louisiana Blvd. NE, 505-881-
6800 or 800-334-208 , www.marriott.com).
uerque Mining Co. (7209 Central Ave. NE, 505-255-
que Social Club (4021 Central Ave. NE, 505-255-
Cafe & Wine Bar (108 Rio Grande Blvd. NW,
(424 Central Ave. 5-243-0200).
5 Central Ave., N 232-3474).
arvard St. SE, 50 '
Flying tar 2 Centr;3I Ave. S 633; also
downtown at 723 Silver Ave. SW 99).
Foxes Lounge (8521 Central Av 5-3060).
Graze (3128 Central Ave. SE, 50 .
Frontier Restaurant (Cornell Dr. SE and Cen al Ave. SE,
Gold Street Gaffe (218 Gold Ave. SW, 505-765-1633).
Gruet Steak House (3201 Central Ave. NE, 505-256-
WINE). Hacienda Antigua (6708 Tierra Dr. NW, 505-345-
5399 or 800/201-2986, www.hac~ier1da;ar ua).
Hotel Blue (717 Central Ave. NW, 505-9 2400 or 877-
878-4868 www.thehotelblue.com).
· Bernalillo, 505-
att.com ).
also 11225
t. NW. 505-242-
05 .
, - __ 755 or
-725-2477, WWW.
. NW, 505-343-1554).
1-25 at Tramway Blvd., 505-796-7500 or
.sandiacasino.com J.
nch (8900 Central Ave. :::;E, 505-275-1616).
09 Gold Ave. SW. 505-244-
and Bistro (3009 Central A . . 505-254-
WE DO IT DIFFERENT in Eureka Springs, Arkansas!
At our hlatoric
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* Free nonjudgmental HIV testing,· including the 20
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In Tulsa at (918) .
or gays wanting to travel in the United States there are
main gay cities, Palm Spri , California and Ft.
le, Florida. Both cities ve a huge gay populah
are extremely gay friendly. Both have at least
f dozen gay resorts to stay and plenty of gay
restaurants, bars and shops.
n this column we will tell you about Palm Springs, Caliomia.
It is located about 120 miles East of Los Angeles.
hen flying in from the f:Aidwest or_ East you _can ei~her .
y directly into Palm Springs or fly into Ontario, California
hich is less expensive and is only about 50 miles \J\'est_
f Palm Springs. Since you will need to rent an auto It will
ve you money to fly to Ontario.
weather in Palm
ngs is beautiful all
r around except if you
't like weather over 100
grees then it is best not
July and August.
we love the dry heat
we love going there in
he summer when it is hot.
ecember thru April it is
very pleasant there.
e dozens of gay
stay however our
is the TERORT
and located
st of downtown
Palm Canyon
toll free phone
is: 1-866-837-7996.
and hosts, Tom
nd Doug Sems are
of the best -'<'hen it
to knowing how to
their guests.
he Terrazzo Resort has 12 guest rooms surrounding
heated swimming pool, (clothing optional) of course,
· · and tropical gardens. The resort has
s that includes the finest of linens,
dial phones, Lar TV, DVD, VCR CD player, indiclimate
control, speed Internet access, pre-
Judith Jackson bath amenities and wonderful soft
oiquet robes for their guests. All rooms comes with a
· , refrigerator, wet bar, hair dryer, iron and ironing
rd. Don't have your lap top with you? Don't worry. you
check your emails in their guest services room. Comentary
breakfast is served each momin_g outside at _the
. A complimentary gourmet lunch Is served daily
lside. Complimentary beverages and snacks are
available throughout the day. In addition to their Resort
they also have a condoiapartment just a few blocks from
the Resort which can rented on a monthly basis. Guests
renting that can take full advantage of the Resort amenities
including pool, etc.
This is truly a fabulous resort for the gay traveler. It is the
only gay resort in Palm Springs that we recommend. As
we travel around the country we have noticed that many
owners hire managers and that in itself can be a major
problem. Tom and Doug are the owners AND managers
and they control everything themselves to insure that each
guest gets full attention. And full attention to every detail is
what you at the Terrazzo. They have received many award
and citations for their hi ality of service and accommodations.
Tom and Doug ve their work and what they are
doing and it shows! Be sure to check out their web site.
Downtown is just a few short blocks from the Terrazz<?
and is filled with major shopping, museums, art galleries,
restaurants, bars and even an Indian Casino. They have
about a doz bars in Palm Springs and they run the
range from piano bars, disco bars and just about
any type of bar you are looking for. The one great thing
about staying in a major gay city is that the bars are always
busy! And we do mean ALWAYS! So even if you are kinda
shy you won't have any problems meeti someo~e in
o left Melvyn'
There is so much
to see and do in
Palm Springs. Lots
of museums to
visit, great restaurants
and tons of
·ng to do.
FOLLIES located
downtown at 128
So. Palm Canyon
Drive. It is a Las
Vegas type show
with singing, dancing
and plenty of
laughter. What
makes the show
so fabulous is that
all the performers
are over 55 and
they are GREAT!
There are numemus performing arts centers around the
city and plenty of concerts to go to. There are dozens and
dozens of restaurants in Palm Springs. After many years
of going there our very favorite 1s still Melvyn's Restaurant
located in the Ingleside Inn just a couple b!ocks West of
downtown at 200 W. Ramon. It is just like stepping back to
"Old Hollvwood". The food, the service and the atmosphere
Mel Haber, the owner knows how to keep h:s guests coming
back year after year. According to Life Styles of the. Ric.
and Famous it is rated one of the 10 best and we certainly
Continued next page:
the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine. Page 10
The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway is the largest vertical
cable in the country and the view from the top is magnificent.
Take your lunch with you and dine right in the mountains.
Other options for Palm Spri are hiking, tennis or
sightseeing in the Joshua National , the Living Desert
or visiting the local Indian grounds. But of course the main
reason to go to Palm Springs is for the people! And what a
FABULOUS collection of friends we have made there over
the years. Our best to Stefan, Millie, Jerry, Jim, Tyke and
Check out www.palmspringsgay.com before making your
travel plans. For more information about traveling, email
Donald and Ray at gaytravelers@aol.com or visit their webpage
at: http://www.hometown.aol.com/gaytravelers.
Willie Nelson
Releases New Gay
Cowboy Song.
NASHVILLE, TN_Willie Nelson released his new song titled
"Cowboys Are Secretly, Frequently (Fond Of Each Other)"
on Valentines Day February 14th 2006.
Are Secretly, Frequently (Fond Of Each Other)"
wa in 1981 by Texas-born, NYC resident musician/
songwriter Ned Sublette, long before gay cowboys were the
current topic of conversation. Nelson recorded the song last
ar during an iTunes Originals session at his Perdernales,
io. This is the first time Nelson's version has been
Dolly Parton did a song for "Transamerica," Emmylou
Harris cut a track for "Brokeback Mountain" and Willie
Nelson released a gay Valentine's song. Is country the new
gay genre?
HIV positive participants,
spectators to be welcomed into
United States during the 2006
Chicago Gay Games
'Designated Event Status· clears
U.S. entrance restrictions
SAN FRANCISCO A U.S. federal blanket waiver has
been approved allowing non-U.S. citizens living with HIV/
AIDS to travel to the United States to participate in or attend
the Gay Games 2006. The Federation of Gay Games
(FGG), an~ Chicago Ga~es, Inc. (CGI), announced today
that the waiver comes with federal approval of Designated
Event Status for Gay Games VII Sports & Cultural Festival
set for 15-22 July 2006 in Chicago, Illinois.
"Many people with HIV/AIDS and other life-affecting health
issues have competed and set Masters-division records at
past Gay Games, and we are happy that all participants
from outside the United States once again will be able to
travel freely to attend the Gay Games this summer," said
Kathleen Webster, co-president of the international Federation
of Gay Games.
HIV positive p · · nts and attendees of Gay Games
VII can now a a sin B-2 travel visa from
their local U.S. consulate. isa, valid 8-28 July 2006,
will be issued on a special form instead of being placed
permanently in the person·s passport.
"Achieving Designated Event Status demonstrates our
dedication to the Gay Games principles of Participation,
Inclusion and Personal Best™ and to our mission adfor
full acceptance and recognition of all LGBT
said Brian McGuinness, Gay Games Chicago
Executive Director. "We are grateful to Chicago Mayor
Richard M. Daley, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (DIL)
and the many CGI and FGG board, staff, volunteers
and allies for helping us meet this important commitment
to the HIV community."
Information regarding procedures on how to apply for the
B-2 visa at U.S. consulates in different countries will be
available shortly on the FGG Web site at \~":N';N-~aygames.
com) and the Chicago Gay Games eb site (www.
gaygameschicago . .erg).
For additionai information, lease contact Aimee Pine at
the ~hi Ga~es, Inc. o,ffic:esat (773) 907-2006 or by
email at mee.pme@gaygameschicago.org.
Grand Opening ai Fort Smith's
Newest Night Club.
By Bunky Walters
The pizza delivery guy walked in just after 8 p.m. amid
droningeleictnic drills, a symphony of cell phones and frenetic
But like an episode of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,"
everything was hammered, painted and plu in
by midnight for the grand opening of Red Rock C Fort
Smith's newest party venue, at 917 N. A St. ·
At 10 p.m., music was already blasting in beat to the din
of finishing touches being made inside the historic two-story
building with a red stone walls - hence the name of the
club. It's attractive yet calm exterior was in sharp contrast,
though, to the play pin being created inside.
Leading the whip-quick renovation was owner Andv
Osburn, who stayed cool as Crystal throughout the evening.
Osburn, by the way, also owns Kinkead's, just a
couple blocks away at 1004 ½ Garrison Ave.
When he wasn't lending a hand or answering his cell
phone, Osburn paused occasionally in the VIP lounge near
the cool metal grate-floored DJ booth, ave the
dance floor. By 11 p.m., some of his friend s
and Kansas City had arrived, and they made themselves
at home in the lounge, which was decorated with leather
chairs and ottomans situated around a large, wide-screen
TV. Roses and orchids were another elegant touch to the
Out the lounge door several steps away was the upstairs
bar area, which has a dance floor, as well. It was
packed with le by 11 :30 p.m., slinging back beer
and sipping them up alongside buttery
nipple and cocksucker shots were bartenders in black
dress shirts, with the word "Rockers'; spelled out in red on
each one.
Not long after midnight, a voice on the mic invited folks
to "shake their tail feathers." They promptly obliged, spilling
down the confetti-carpetted stairs to the new dance floor.
The anced to everything from Salt 'n' Pepa to Depeche
,de, s1~oc1tina b,oots and scuttling about to the
rhythm of the pounding bass. Every now and then, there
were quick whooshes from the fog machine, blanketing the
crowded dance floor.
And it mig~t hav~ been chilly outside,. but it didn't keep
a obv1ol!s gym _memberships from whipping
o d shaking their bottoms under the dazzling
disco lights of the club's exposed rafters.
Not that but I had a ball and a half that night
OK, two. te the nail-biting push of the
midnight deadline, the club threw a flawless party. And I
have no doubt they'!i continue to send folks in Fort Smith
· and sweating to awesome beats and fabulous
for many, many weekends to come.
Speaking of coming, you should. Red Rock City is open
9 p.m.-5 a.m. Thursday-Saturday and 6 p.m.-midnight
· , either call (479) 242-CITY or visit
_GLBT Magazine. . Page 1.2 ..
MARCH 11, 2006.
Above left to right: Kim Wood -Chairperson RRG, Shane
Carter - Channel 2 Meteorologist and Master of Ceremonies,
Pat Chernicky- President Tulsa C.A.R.E.S.
TULSA, OK_Aa in the past, a sea of red wili encompass
distinguished guests and friends of Tulsa C.A.R.E.'s
RRG, as they arrive at one of Tulsa's most elegant and
worthwhile affairs. Again this year, the event will be held
at Southern Hills Country Club on Saturday, March 11th.
Set in an atmosphere that only Southern Hills can create,
the room will be ablaze with fabulous flower arrangements
created by board member Toni Garner. Kim Wood, Gala
Chairperson and Peter Walter, realtor extraordinaire, Gala
Honorary Chairperson wiil welcome guests to a feast for
the senses that will include the finest cuisine by Southern
Hills Chef Devin Levine, complimented by fine wines. A
portion of the festivities wili include both a silent and live
auction offering stellar iist of antiques, furniture, original
artwork, masterfully created jewelry, private dinner parties,
special inteiest classes to name a few. A new feature
this year, a special raffle of fine jewelry created by Tulsa
C.A.R.E.S. board member Susan Sadler, wi!I be held during
the event. Ali attending are encouraged to "just wear red"
... the color of AIDS awareness and a symbol of compassion
for those affected by the disease.
The Red Ribbon Gala is the largest fundraising activity
for Tulsa C.A.R.E.S (Center for AIDS Resources, Education
and Support). Ani:i, this year the event has received a
tremendous "kick off'' for 2006 with the generous grant from
the George Kaiser Famiiy Foundation and Bank of Oklahoma
Foundation as Presenting Sponsor. A United Way
agency, Tuisa C.A.R.E.S has been in existence since 1991.
Executive Director , Sharon Thoeie, credits the generosity
of the board members and donors of the difference they
make for some of the community's most needy members.
She states: "the best part of the Red Ribbon Gala is that it
supports the ongoing efforts of Tulsa C.A.R.E.S. to provide
a safe haven for low-income men, women and children
with HIV/AIDS throughout northeastern Oklahoma.
2 marks the 15th anniversary of providing support services
to the individuals no one wanted to serve. Without the
proceeds from the Red Ribbon Gala our ability to provide
these crucial services would cease."
Board President, Patricia Chernickv, adds: "the RRG is not
only a fabulous evening of food, fun and friends, but the
money raised from the event provides the organization with
the financial resources to serve over 450 individuals. HIV
does not affect o up of people, it affects us all." RRG
Chairperson, Kim also contributes: "A tremendous
op · is provided through the RRG to provide support
to Isa CARES so that the organization can continue to
provide the services for those patients and families affected
by the devastating disease."
The Red Ribbon Gala begins at 6:30 p.m. with flowing red
cocktails, stimulating conversation and a Ii silent auction
and raffle. Dinner foilows at 7:30 p.m. w live auction
commencing around 9:00 p.m. Dancing to music provided
by "The Hero Factor" will begin at 9:45 p.m.
Tickets are $150.00 per person. Sponsorship packages
and reservations for priority seating are available. For more
information, contact Bruce Lewis at (918) 834-4194.
WASHINGTON - President Bush's budget proposal, released
yesterday, presents a mixed bag on HIV/AIDS, with
modest funding increases in care and treatment programs,
additional cuts in Medicaid and a dangerous increase in
abstinence-only programs that keep thorough, scientific
information out of the hands of those who need it most.
"For the sake of hundreds of thousands of Americans
living with HIV and AIDS, we can and we must do more,"
said Human Rights Campaign President joe Solmonese.
"We welcome the president's attention to the critical needs
facing HIV/AIDS programs, yet the new funding does not
make up for the years of shortcomings and huge proposed
cuts that may harm beneficiaries in other areas."
The largest proposed HIV/AIDS increase is for the president's
$188 million domestic AIDS initiative, with money
split between the Ryan White CARE Act and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
"We need a comprehensive and targeted strategy to
combat this virus - particularly in at-risk communities and
among people of color," said Soimonese. "Attention to this
continually growing trend is long overdue."
There are more African Americans among new AIDS cases,
people estimated to be living with AIDS and H!V-reiated
deaths than any other racial or ethnic group in the United
Continued .. Aids Budget-page 23
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the STAR, Oklahoma's Premier GLBT Magazine. Page 14
Pack'em In At
Club Maverick!
by Greg Steele
TULSA, OK_ Mary, Schellye, Brenda, Paula, &
Valerie known as Tulsa's Moodswing Band certainly
have the art of entertaining down pat. With
st guitarist Betsy Smittle and the Boys, Brad
in, Mark Dodson, Eric Daughtery, and Mike
Busby, entertained a standing room only crowd
at Tulsa's Club Maverick on January 27th. Just
another example of the talent we in Oklahoma
are fortunate enough to have in our GLBTA community.
A five piece all female band, Moodswing has
been together for two years. They have played
at many events including Tulsa Pride Picnic,
OKC Pride Picnic, Tulsa's Mayfest, The Women's
Music Festival in Dripping Springs, Texas, the
Sooner State Rodeo in Tulsa and Diversity Pride ·
Fall Festivai in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. And
continue to draw big crowds at Oklahoma City
and Tulsa nightclubs.
They are currently working on their 2nd CD
and hope to release it this summer. Their 1st CD
"Moodswing" was cut two years ago.
The boys were fantastic! Si · a variety of songs,
delighted the crowd with their ta ent dUiing the band
intermission. A very professional group and a wonderfully
entertaining evening.
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Crystal Meth.u The
Satanic Brew Crippling
the Gay Communi
By jimmy pa!mieri
Crystal Meth ... The Satanic Brew Crippling the
Gay Community
Meth, Tina, speed, chalk, ice, rock, glass are all street
names for the dnJa meth amphetamine. This noxious
recipe of chemica s, that may include, but are not limited to.
ephedrine, crystai drain cieaner, bleach, battery acid and
nail poiish remover, among others, has the capability of
destroying lives more quickly than any iilicit drug currently
availabie. It is so addicting to some, that after the first try,
so strong is the craving to use again, that all else becomes
Seek Shelter Today!
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Crystal meth has taken a strong hold on the gay and
iesbian community, with a particular ven ance on gay
males for a variety of reasons. The of meth make
the user less inhibited, and more euphoric in mindset. This
is particularly enticing to gay men, who may have been
admonished by their families, not accepted by their peers at
school, or have not fit into what even their own community
deems acceptable. Society has continually isolated s
and lesbians, leaving many with the desire or need
into some type of adopted crowd or fa1 Meth is sadly,
the common thread among many of the enfranchised.
Meth a!so has the distinct capability of making men more
libidinous, thereby making their feelings of inhibitions ali the
more exaggerated. This has created a devastating paralle!
between meth addiction, and HIV infection.
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Metro Diner
A History of Violence
Anti-gay violence is on the rise -- not just in the U.S., but all
over the world.
!"- Swt:dish we~site lists 129 well-known gay individuals,
1~cluding pr(!minent actors, musicians, broadcasters, politicians
and priests, and calls for their death. Despite having
one of the world's toughest laws against the promotion of
hate, Sweden's _chief prosecutor says he is powerless to
shut down the site because it frames its death threats in the
form of Biblical quotes.
Britain is in the midst of a homophobic crime wave that
has esc~lated to the PC?int that police have urged the LGBT
?ommurnty to u~e _caution when going out. A young man
m Londonderry 1s rn danger of losing his eye after a recent
attack, and it wasn't the first time he'd been assaulted. A
g~y couf?le_ near London almost lost their home, and pos~
1bly th_eir life, w~en they discovered someone had pushed
1nc~nd1ary maten~I through their mail slot, starting a fire in
their hallw~y. Fortunately, they were able to extinguish the
nre before 1t spread. In another incident a lesbian couple
was pelted with snowballs that had sto~es and broken
glass embedded in them. Police say they believe there
have been dozens of other cases throughout the country
that have gone unreported. Officials believe that the
number of homophobic attacks on has increased with
the publicity over civil partnerships, ich became legal in
In_ New Bedford, Massachusetts, a community about 50
miles south of Boston, a violent attack rocked a lar
gay club. A young man, 18 year old Jacot1 RcJbic struck
a customer in the head with a hatchet before shoo two
others. As I'm writing this, Robida is still on the run ile
his victims remain in the hospital -- one in critical condition.
When police searched Robida's room, they discovered
Nazi a. The teen is being sought on charges of attempt
murder, assault and civil-rights violations.
What is behi~d this.increase in homophobic violence?
Almost certainly, as the British officials stated it's due to
increased publicity as gay rights issues have taken center
stage in countries all over the worid. It's nothi new. Mankind
h_~s a hist?ry of violence. especially concerns
~ trad1t1~:mally do~ntr?~d~n group trying to claim equality.
During the 60 s c1v1I nghts movement it was violence
ag~in~t blacks. '.he ignorant always resort to violence when
their status quo 1s threatened. When the people the bigot
has always demeaned and reviled suddenlv dare to stand
up for themselves and demand rights, the bigot will lash
It's no surprise th~ big~ts are worked up right now. Gay
are one of tne biggest issues in the world right now.
ng almost every state and country around the globe.
Almost every political race is influenced by gay rights, and
barely a day goes by when you don't see some LGBT-related
story in the media.
!n Canada_'s recent e_lec~ion, gay marriage was a crucial
issue. Dun_ng campaigning, qonservative leader Stephen
Harper claimed that overturning Canada's equal marriage
law would be one of his first priorities. The Tory Party did
win the election, but the results were less about rights
than a country unwilling to trust a scandal-ridde ral
;. Fortunately, with a minority government even smaller
he Liberals before them, the Conservatives will most
likely be unable to change the marriage law.
Continuing his homophobic policies, President Bush renewed
his attack on gay families in his recent State of the
Union Address. Addres · a joint session of Congress the
p~esident said that "ma ericans, especially parents,
still have deep concerns about the direction of our culture
and the health of our most basic institutions. They are '
concerned about unethical conduct by public officials. and
discouraged by activist courts that try to redefine marriage."
"Trying to draw comparisons between the reprehensible
~cts of ~nethic~I politicians with fair and independent
Judges 1s both ridiculous and wrong," said Joe Solmonese.
president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). ·
Not is it ridiculous, but by continually demonizing gay
and ian families, President Bush and other outspoken
ns fan the flames of hatred. if someone like
Jacob a already believes that gays are evil sinners
then hearing the president make antigay statements only
confirms that belief in his mind. The crusading Religious
t, with their fire and brimstone wailing, will I fL1rtt1er
rce those feelings. If he is already unbalan or prone
to violence, it's just a matter of time before that hate will
build to the point that it erupts into violence.
What can we do to stem the tide of violence?
There's an old proverb that says something along the lines
of "in order to avoid repeating history, we have to learn from
the past." If there's anything we can learn from the Black
civil rights movement, it's that we have to keep fighting
for equality. We can't let fear defeat us. We have to stand
up against the bigots and hatemongers and demand our
So how do we do that?
Vote! One of the easiest we can do to make a difference
is elect fair-minded, p ressive officials. The only way to
stop the homophobic cians is to get them out of office.
Support gay-positive legislation and defeat antigay measur~
s. Many st~~E:~ are brin9i gay i~sues to the polls. We
caf'! t afford to sit 1dly oy while ant1gay forces muster
!heir troops with military precision. State after state is passmg
same-sex marriage bans while other states struggle to
P'.3Ss.antidiscrimination laws. Our opponents are well-organized
and we!i-funded, so that makes it all the more important
that we pay attention, spread the word. and vote Also
don't be afraid to contact your representatives and let the~
~now your feelings_ o~ important issu~s. As HRC president
Joe _Solmones_e sa1_? rn,.reterence to the ~tt~cks at the gay
bar rn MassacnuseLts, When a man walKs rnto a bar, asks
Continued next page
if it's a gay bar and starts shooting, there couldn't be any
more glaringly obvious and enraging example that we need
uniform hate crimes law and that Congress has stubbornly
failed to act."
Come out and speak up! This is perhaps the hardest, yet
most important thing we can do as gay men and women.
Coming out is a powerful statement that has been proven
to change hearts and minds again and again. If you're
already out, speak up. If your friends, family, and coworkers
don't understand how these issues affect you, then how
can they care? The mor o know and understand
how homophobia adversely s their loved ones, the
more allies we'll have on our side.
I don't believe we are doomed to repeat history -- not if we
can learn from the past and work together to create a better
future. In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Nonviolence
is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions
of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression
and violence without resorting to oppression and violence.
Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which
rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation
of such a method is love." That message is as true today as
it was then. Let's learn from our history and move forward
in love.
The views expressed in this column are my opinions only. You
don't have to agree with them. I just ask that you read them \vith
an open heart and mind.
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For more information and ticket sa!es cai! (918) 748-3888
or go to: www.counciloak.org
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by Libby Post
MARCH 2006
The Bush administration's homophobia has gone
At the United Nations recently, the United States joined
with some of the most repressive governments to deny two
international LGBT gro vernmental organization
(NGO) observer status it comes to marginalizing
the LGBT community, this administration will cozy up with
Administration buddies like the American Family Association
and Focus on the Family have been joined on the
international scene by countries such as China, Zimbabwe,
and Iran. Yes, you read that right - Iran. We may demonize
that country publicly, but when it comes to privacy issues,
George is a political whore. He'll become political bedfellows
with anyone - an individual, an organization, or, in this
case, a country he considers our sworn enemy - to further
his radical°Christian right crusade against the LGBT community.
Who would have been hurt if the International Lesbian
and Gay Association (ILGA) and the Danish Association
of Gays and Lesbians (LBL) were allowed to speak for the
LGBT community at the United Natio.ns' Economic and
Social Council (ECOSOC), which advises the international
organization on economic and social issues?
After all, there are 634 NGOs affiliated with ECOSOC.
We're talking about groups like the Humane Society, the
American Jewish Congress, and Greenpeace. But we're
also talking ab like Focus on the Family, Feminists
for Life of ica, the National Right to Life Education
Trust Fund, and the Alliance for Marriage. I think it
would only be fair tq balance out some of the homophobic
political perspectives inherent in some of these organizations
with a few LGBT voices
But instead of a fair hearing - which ali othei NGOs
who have requested representation have gotten - ILGA's
and LBL's requests were summarily dismissed without
any discussion. The dismissal, which was done by the
ECOSOC NGO committee, happened after ILGA and LBL
went through the rather exhausting process that got them
to the point where they could even ask for a hearing. All of
this was preceded by the behind-the-scenes maneuvering
of Egypt and the Organization of Islamic Conferences to
exclude the two groups.
Rosanna Flamer Caldera, co-secretary general of ILGA,
which ents a worldwide network of more than 400
LGBT zations, considers the exclusion "a clear violation
of due process and an attempt to discriminate against
LGBT NGOs on procedural grounds."
Some may shrug their shoulders at the U.S. actions. But
as 40 LGBT and LGBT-allied organizations pointed out to
Secietary of State Condoleezza Rice in a Jan. 25 letter, the
United States voted yes when the entire ECOSOC body
voted in 2002 to include ILGA as an NGO.
The groups, including the Human Rights Campaign,
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Human Rights
Watch, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the
National Black Justice Coalition, asked Rice if it was now
our country's policy to "oppose consultative status for all
organizations working to promote the rights of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender people."
If it is, this flies in the face of the State Department's
own reporting on severe human rights violations based
on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. The
department's 2004 report on Iran chronicled the executions
of men. Its report on Zimbabwe noted that President
Ro Mugabe has consistently denounced gays and lesbians,
blaming them for "Africa's ills."
So the question begs to be answered - how can the
United States recognize human rights atrocities against
LGBT people in other countries, yet refuse to give those
who are repressed a voice in bringing that repression to
light? We were more than happy to give voice to the Chinese
students in Tiananmen Square who bristled against
the yoke of that country's communist regime. Today, we're
all about building democracy in Iraq. But let LGB
stand up and speak for themselves? Never. And how
make sure LGBT people won't be heard? We get into bed
with our political enemies. If ever there was a situation that
shows how morally bankrupt this administration is, this is it.
I don't think Condi's written a response yet. But this
year, there will be two great opportunities for the international
LGBT community to respond for ourselves and shed
light on the United States' complicity. ILGA's next world
conference will be in Geneva from March 27-April 3, the
same time the U.N. Commission on Human Rights will be
in that city, and where the Commission's on-going discussion
about sexual orientation and human rights is sure to
Later, in the summer, some 2,000 LGBT activists from
around the globe will converge in Montreal from July 26-29
for the International Conference on LGBT Human Rights,
which is sponsored by OutGames, an international LGBT
sporting event that takes place right after the conference.
"Our ultimate goal with this conference is to adopt what
we're calling the 'Montreal Declaration,' an unequivocal
affirmation that LGBT right are human rights," said Louise
Roy, CEO of the conference and OutGames. "Once
passed, we will do everything in our power to bring that
resolution to the United Nations."
It may be easy for our administration to ignore the
events in Geneva. But when thousands of LGBT folks
g miles north of our border, it wili be a bit more
d turn a blind eye to the injustices we face each
and every day and our collective resolve to stop them. Or,
at least, it should be.
EDITOR'S NOTE: One of Libby Post's firms, OutMarketing.
biz, has been retained by Outgames Montreal 2006 to
coordinate the event's United States' public relations activities.
This column expresses her opinion and not that of her
The 0zar1<s STAR since 2003
ast Out
Liz Highleyman
Summary : Past Our is a retrospective of key moments,
personalities, and subjects in LGBT historv. Each
, '
installment brings the past to life by exploring the diversity
of the gay past and its impact on the queer present.
February 1976 (30 years ago this month): British figure
kater John Curry wins an Olympic gold medal.
y is figure skating s
As the most artisti etic events, figure skating is
ely believed to be teeming with gay men - and, indeed,
of the most renowned elite male skaters have been
·sexual. But the sport's fey reputation is I
to the perceived gender nonconformity
It is impossible to know now whether early champion
ater~ such as Jackson Haines, a ballet dancer by training
o pioneered the modern artistic form of figure skating in
1860s, were queer. Lorrie Kim, creator of the Rainbow
website, has compiled a list of 20 elite gay male skatrs,
but only a few publicly revealed their sexuality while
ey were champion contenders.
American Ronnie Robertson, the 1956 Olympic silver
edalist, was exposed as his former coach Mi-
Kirby, in a memoir the of Robertson's
(2000). The "Nureyev of the Ice, reat Britain's John
reportedly made a little-noticed announcement that
e was press conference shortly before winning
e 19 c gold medal. The bronze medalist that
r, Toller ston of Canada. mentioned affairs with
men and women in his two- · :ihi,es; during
1973 World Championships, , he was se-
Czech skater Ondrej Nepela, who went on to best
red Cranston and win the title. In 1992, another
was next after Cu come out
during his competitive career; Hali ikely holds
re skater to appear
Fallen ngtime
nadian champion Brian Orser was out when
ex-boyfriend filed a palimony lawsuit.
The best-known queer figure skater, Rudy Galindo - who
"an openly gay trailer-trash
ached the highest levels of pairs skating
then-partner, Kristi Yamaguchi, when she decided
on singles competition. After several years of
, ances, a bout with alcohol and drug
and the loss of his brother and two coaches to
alindo went on to win the 1996 U.S. Nationals.
his own HIV diagnosis and the cement of both
Galindo has reoeatedlv challe, conservative
rid - for example: performing to "Somewhere
ainbov( and a medley of Village People songs,
ueer ehte male skaters have included U.S. naRobert
Wagenhoffer (who had long-term
mmantic relationships with former junior champion Billy
Lawe and professional show skater Sylvain Beauregard)
champion ice dancer and choreographer Rob McCall, '
1978-80 Canadian national champion Brian Pockar and
former Dutch n~tional champion Edward van Campen; all
but Beauregara and van Campen died of AIDS. Galindo
once estimated that 98 percent of elite male skaters are
~traight. But "in the real trenches of show skating," according
to openly gay skater Christopher Nolan, "guys are out
all over the place."
Many male figure skaters have described the harassment
they received for pursing a sport considered to be
queer. In reaction, skaters such as Kurt Browning, Philippe
Candeloro, and Elvis Stojko emphasized a macho image
and athletic .style !n the 199~s; others, including three-time
U.S. champion Michael Weiss, regularly show off their
wives and children. Current U.S. national champion and
top Olympic contender Johnny Weir has tripped the gaydar
of many with his flamboyant outfits and effeminate mannerisms,
though he has yet to explicitly state his sexual
Despite its queer reputation, the skating establishment
has long mandated strict gender roles. Although things
have come a long way since officials at the 1920 Olympics
scolded Theresa Weld for performing an "uni ke" jump
some judges still look askance at male skate o do too'
many spins and spirals. So strict are the gender conventions
that pie gold and bronze medalists Katarin
mas provoked shock by performing
in nontraditional costumes such as knee breeches and
full-length leotards, p~ompting t~e spo.rt's st governing
body, the International Skating Union (I to institute
a rule that female competitors must wear skirts that cover
their derrieres.
While male skaters are often assumed to be gay, the
sport's requisite femini renders queer women invisible.
There are no openly le or bisexual women skaters
among the elite ranks, though some of today's female
champion contenders are so young that it may be premature
to speculate about their sexuality. But a number
of queer women participate in nonelite adult competition.
including International Gay Figure Skating Union cofounder
Laura Moore, who started skating at age 32 after divorcing
her husband and coming out as a lesbian.
Ironically, no sport emphasizes the appearance of
hete~osexuality more tha~ competitive pair skating and ice
dancing. The ISU regulation that teams must consist of
"a man and a lady" has caused grief for elite skaters who
wish to perform with same-sex partners. The ISU does not
sanction events that do not adhere to its rules, but the inter
nati?nal_ Ice Skating Institute and son:ie national governing
~odIes, _includ I S1:ateis Figure Skating Associat;
on and offer sanctions or waivers for
the Gay Games and similar events. "[T]he thrili of seeing a,
op,enly gay pair team h_as nothi do with triple jumps,"
said Moore, who won tne 1994 y Games ice dance competition
with her partner, Linda Carney.
For further reading:
Brennan, Christine. 1996, _Inside Edge: A Revealing Journey
into the Secret World of Figure Skating_ (Anchor),
Galindo, Rudy, and Eric Marcus. 1997. Icebreaker: The
Autobiography of Rudy Galindo_ (Pocket Books).
Rainbow Ice - http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/
1930s and 1940s and their successors with 68 works by
artists Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, and David
Alfaro S ros as well as related works by Luis Nishizawa
and Gu r Gerzso. Mexican Masters expresses the
hopes, desires, idealism, and culture of early twentieth-century
Mexico through its artists. From the Mexican Revolution
and Spanish Civil War to the Second World War,
violent revolution and dramatic social change-both nationally
and internationally-shaped the ideals of Mexico and
its people. The Carrillo Gil Collection was molded by these
principles, and the works it includes portray not only the
artists' reactions to revolution, depression, and industrialization,
as well as the impact of religion and need for social
reform, but also the collector's. Mexican Masters pays
humble recognition to Mexico's violence, war, and suffering,
the United States Depression, and the artists' subsequent
impression of inhumanity in an industrialized nation. For
more information visit okcmoa.com.
Among the president's proposals:
Medicaid - our nation's largest provider of HIV/AIDS treatment
and care - would face cuts of $5 billion over five
years and $12 billion over 10 years, forcing those trimmed
from Medicaid rolls to seek care through programs that are
already overextended and under-funded.
also pro cutting $15 million
Nationa Institutes of Health and
increases abstinence-only education funding by $28 million.
State AIDS Drug Assistance Programs would receive $70
million under the president's plan to ease the waiting lists
IDS program would receive
a welcomed increase of $14 million et this is short of
what is necessary to meet s needs.
rge Congress to
edicaid instead of weaken it, and put sound
science over ideology in educational programs," added
in the
91 B.B35.7B87
or email: ozarksstar@sbcglobal.net
Delivering Quality, Value, Integrity and
Trust in Affordable Advertising Service.
Advice Column!
Kittens, as the whirlwind month of love has once more
blown its course, Let us wipe the proverbial love awav
from our chin, and move forward. Uncle spent most of the
mont~ exhausted\y entertaining. A man briefly touched me;
so briefly, uncle did not realize he had already reached the
climatic point in the relationship. Alas Uncle finding himself
once more on the hunt while looking for a aood man. Leaving
me asking the uestion, how can someone be so bootylecious
and such ty at the same time? Hmm I have to
ponder that for a while.
After seeing the much taiked about "Brokeback", Uncle
f?und himself_ inspired to take riding lessons. After a positively
productive week at the horse farm, while working with
the trainer, Uncle has joined country riders everywhere. It
took sweat, and teacs. One must be dedicated while working
to achiev:3 ~ goal. ! have decided that next month, I may
graduate to ndmg a horse. You know what they say Rome
was not built in a day, baby steps! '
This mon~h Uncle has received several letters asking
abo~t ~e~mg revenge on a lover's betrayal. Well, Kittens,
Uncie Is Just shocked. A ay man, after revenge; it is just
n?.t donea€l Snicker s · Kittens, taking the higher road
w1il always allow you to mature into a well rounded. wonderfully
developed, lo · responsible adult. Uncle ·encourages
g~od karma, as w spiritual and personal growth.
That said, karma helps those who help themselves.
This month i dedicate my words of wisdom to a!I those
~ho h?ve found tha~ strange strap under the bed, hidden
ooots m the closet, text message from the blonde Twink in
the gym, who despite his physically delicious self, cant not
seem to manage a sentence stiUcture.
Since Uncle has given you pearls, let's get to the good
The following is an actual list of carefully planned out exercises
in revenge which uncle has used over the years. I am
sure the men who each were carefully inspired by, will have
a mo~ent of ~ecall whi!e reading a bit of their own history
here m Uncles corner m Queerdom. Each one primed for
specific levels of revenge. Kittens, a side dish served best
when cold, I believe I feel a bitte; wind blowing in as we
speak, bundle up kittens, it is going to be a rather frosty
month of march.
12) Sleep with his best friends. Expected, yet sucker punch
in the gut.
11) Take your self-shopping with his credit cards buying
yourself that well deserved, while also delicious, little outfit
you have always wanted. You have earned it. I mean the
time on your knees alone warrants it.
10) Delivering a message to his co-workers that the clinic
calla~ '.3nd you ~eed to speak to him _urgently, allowing all
gossIpmg hags m ear shot to hear this, will defiantly deliver
a certain message.
9) Informing the mother out of concern, of a horrible drug
problem. Of course, this being the reason you have to
leave him. •
8) Did I mention sleep with his closets and dearest friends?
Oh, come now don't look at me that way. You have been
eyeing them all along anyway.
7) Donate the bulk of his wardrobe to a nearby good will.
Charity begins at home.
6) During conversations of the extreme vibe of hostility he
is receiving from you, serve him a delicious cup of ex-lax
cappuccino. This will allow for a few moments of him-time
he so truly needs.
5) Go on Jerry and tell it all, going for the Emmy , for betrayed
love interest.
4) Enter local hook up site under his name, hooking up with
t~e _troll of all trolls,_ inviting h!m over unexpected by said
vIctIm of course. Kitten, helping others is important.
3) Ciean the oven with his favorite label, leavina it in a pot
on the stove. Cleanliness is next to cherliness. ~
2) Announce to all of your friends, your inability of coping
with on more night of his constant weeping after sex.
~) Deliver his t~ings, in a. box to his job with a note saymg
good-bye, makmg sure his favorite sex toys are leaking
onto the reception desk!
Well there, it is in a nutshell. All is fair in love and revenae
Kittens, I would wear a cup, this could be a full contact ~
sport d~pendinQ on the players involved. Those of you
?etermmed against bette~ advice, to foll~w this vengeful
Journey, now have your flight plan. Sock !t and rock it, until
the cockcrows, or feels your wrath, whichever one comes
first. Until next time, smooches from your favorite guru, and
Tlddles too!
The Ozarks $TAR'slnce 20f)3 ·.
Do Gays Have a Choice?
Whether homosexuality is a genetic redisposition or a
product of environmental factors haE; be,en hotly debated for
the past several decades. The heart of the matter is: Does
a person have a choice about his or her sexuality? Science
att~mpts to answer this compelling question in the feature
article "Do Gays Have a Choice?" in the February/March
issue of Scientific American Mind.
New York, NY (PRWEB) - Whether homosexuality is a
genetic predisposition or a product of environmental factors
has been hotly debated for the past several decades.
The he~rt of the matter is: Does a person have a choice
about his or her sexuality? Science atte answer this
com · g question in the feature article ays Have a
Cho . " in the February/March issue of Scientific American
Mind. In addition to learning the science behind the
matter, one may take the test and find out "How Gay Are
You?" on Scientific American Mind's Web site (www.sciammind.
According to the article's author, Robert Epstein, a Harvard-
trained PhD, sexual orientation is not a black or white
matter; rather, he concludes that sexuality falls on a continuum
with heterosexuality and homosexuality at opposite
ends. People may be attracted to members of both sexes
b · determined by both genetics and
their environment. n explains that genes determine
wh~re '!"~ start but society exerts tremendous pressure on
the md1v1dual to conform. Because the majority of people
are "straight," most of us become heterosexual.
The article also discusses the possibility of an individual
changi sexual orientation. Whereas some people have
as,serted that genes alone determine sexual orientation and
that changing from gay to straight is not possible, others
ha ued that homosexuality is a learned behavior and
th 10ic:e.Epi;tein V11r,tes that changing orientation is
possible for people whose sexuality lies toward the middle
of the Sexual Orientation Continuum, but for most gay people
such a switch would be very difficult if not impossible.
"Do Gays Have a Choice?" presents a new school of
thought that an individual's sexual orientation is not black or
white, straight or gay. Instead an individual's sexual orientation
falls along a continuum.
To take the sexual orientation quiz visit http://www.sciammind.
com, which will be available on Feb. 2, 2006
9 1 B.S35.78B7
or email: ozarksstar@sbcgiobaLnet
Irish Soda Bread
1 cup curants
2 cups unbleached flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoon caraway seed
1 /4 teaspoon salt
1 cup nonfat yogurt
1 cup nonfat milk
Heat oven to 375 degrees, soak curants in hot water for
about 5 minutes and drain. In a large mixing bowl, mix both
flours, baking soda, baking powder, caraway seed, salt and
curants, mix well. In a separate bowl mix yogurt plus milk
until smooth, slowly add wet ingredients to the dry mixture
until we\l blended. Flour hands and divide dough into 2
!oafs, slightly flatten dou onto a non stick baki sheet
a~out 8 inches. across. a X on top of each , bake for
about 30-35 minutes or untii you can tap on it and it sounds
hollow, and serve warm.
lip: Serve with French Onion Soup, it's great!
Q Scopes
by Jack Fertig
MARCH 2006
"Pay your debts, Aquarius!"
Mercury turning retrograde in Pisces spreads confusion,
and he's squaring Pluto. This makes people dig in their
heels, insisting they are right (which is usually wrong), or
it challenges cooler heads to do research. Venus in Capricorn
eases the stress; do your best to be mature and
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Avoid silly arguments by
focusing on your own problems and cleaning out your
baggage. The right balance of humility and confidence and
support from a woman in charge will help you get ahead.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Dares, challenges, and temptations
from friends should be considered very carefully, if
at all. Better to rely on your usual common sense. If you're
hu for a new experience, check out local museums or a
fore film.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): If you must make any public
presentations, double-check every detail, and be prepared
to handle any screw-ups with good humor. If you come
under attack, look for underlying motives. You could charm
an apparent enemy into becoming a very good friend.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): You're better off listening to
disputes than participating in them - unless you really want
intense criticism. Still, arguments could be educational, and
being very open-minded will make you look mighty attractive.
LEO (July 23 -August 22): Refresh yourself on safe-sex
information and techniques. Make sure to get the info first!
Other fun and games are especially risky now. Be very
careful of any sort of sporting injury.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Don't argue with your
partner about probl~ms around the home. Take a creative
approach and suggest constructive solutions, even if
they're only only a temporary fix. Or agree to start analyzing
problems so they can be solved later.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Most accidents
happen around the house, but home looks more like your
safety zone now. Still, be careful, and even more so out on
the streets. Stay focused when you drive. Don't let problems
distract you!
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21 ): A creative biock
could have · e repercussions. Write a letter to a sister
or aunt - or no·t yc,u have one, and even if you
don't maii. it. The exercise o writing wili help you to focus
on whatever is hanging you up right now.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): Your
natural reaction to problems at home is to stand firm and
counterattack. Resist that impulse. Shopping, preferably
with housemates, actually helps! Think ahead about what
you need, and take your time looking for it.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Although small
disasters abound, do your best to maintain a calm, mature
demeanor. Every problem has a solution. Track each one
to its roots; consult with whomever you must. The clean-up
process will uncover new strengths, and annoyances may
then prove blessings in disguise.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Dig up receipts
and records, but let any real work on your taxes wait until
late March. Trying to collect on debts from friends can be
even more contentious than usual. Let that wait, too! Paying
your own debts will save a lot of trouble.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Be careful of what you
say and where you say it. Your mouth could get you into
trouble with the boss or other authorities. Letting off steam
and preparing important arguments with friends will help.
But avoid those arguments unless they are absolutely
You cm :find. oopk-5 c-f ti:...::
S 'J'A Ji :i r rh er.e -1 .mm:!li
AR"'AN:'" .... ~ ICA.N!'tA;t
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Diversity Pride EYem - www.diversitypride.com
A Byrd's Eye Vie..- 36 N. Main- -479-253-0200
CaribeRcstaurante- -309 W VanBuren-- 253-8102
Henri's- - -19 1 /2 Spring St - - - 479-253-5795
Lumberyard Bar&Grill-105 E VanBuren- -253-0400
MCC Linng Spring - - 870-253-9337
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Condom Sense - -418 W. Dickson- -479-444-6228
Curry's Video 612 N. College Ave- 479-521-0009
Passages 930 N. College Ave- - 479-442-5845
Tangerine Club - -21 S. Block Ave- -479-444-6100
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 1/2 Garrison Ave- - 479-783-9988
Red Rock City - - 917 N. "N' St. 479-242-2489
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Jesrers Lounge 1010 E. Grand Ave -501-624-5455
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - -1021 Jessie Rd- - -501-664-2744
Diamond Stare Rodeo Assoc.- - • v.-v.-w.dsra.org
Discovery- 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - • - -501-666-6900
Sidetracks - 415 Main St - -N. L.R.- 501-244-0444
The Factory -412 Louisiana St.- - - - - -501-372-3070
Kansas,•Pittsburg (620)
PSu-QSA.- - 1701 S. Broadway- 620-231-0938
Kansas, Wichita (316)
Our FantaS\'- 3201 S. Hiliside- -316-682-5494
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- 716 S. Main - - - - . 417-62'7-9035
MCC Spirit of Chris,-2902 E 20th, - -Sun-6pm
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Missie B's- -805 W 39th St- - 816-561-0625
Missouri, Lampe
KOKQ]'.fO Campg~ound- - - • - - - 417-779-5084
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonvilie P•.ve- - - • - --417-83;-4?!)')
GLO Comm. Ctr- - -5i8 E. Commerical- 369-3978
Liquors & Kid,ers- -i i09 E. Commerciai- 873-2225
Martha's Vineyard- 2'.9 W Olive -417 -864-4572
Priscilla's - - -1918 S. Gkcstone .. 417-881-8444
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial -
Ronisuz Place- --821 College-
Oklahoma, Lawton
riangles- - 29 SW "D" Ave- - 580-351-0620
Oklahoma, McAlester
fcPride- - - - POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
merican Crossroads B¾B - POBox 270642-495-1111
om Room- 2807 NW 36th Sr- - 405-601-7200
lub Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy - 405-947-2351
risties Toy Box- 3126 N. May Ave - - 4 05-946-4438
stern Ave Video- 1105 S Eastern Ave- 405-672-6459
inish Line -2200 NW 39th fapwy- - 405-525-0730
ushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp - -4 05-525-0730
ollywoodHotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex- - - 405-947-2351
abana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- -405-528-2221
1221 NW SOth- - - - 405-843-1722
2200 NW Expwy- - - -405-524-5733
armers- - -2805 NW 36th St - - - 405-942-2199
riscilla's- 615 E. Memorial - - - - - -405-755-8600
d Rock North-2240 NW39th St- - - -405-525-5165
- - 2120 NW' 39th St --405-521-9533
e Rockies-• -3201 N. May Ave - - - 403-947-9361
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
amboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine -918-836-8700
order's Book Store-2740 E. 21st- - 918-712-9955
order's Book Store -8015 S. Yale -918-494-2665
lub Majestic- - 124 N. Boston - - - - - 918-584-9494
lub 1faverick- 822 S. Sheridan -918-835-3301
- 8807 E. Admiral Pl - - 834-1051
ire Bookstore --814 S. Sheridan- - 918-838-85113
,z's Lounge- - 426 S. Memorial-
319 E. 3rd-
: -3007 E. Admi:al Pl
;iscilla's - - - 7925 E. 41 st - -
· scilla's - 5634 \X'. Skc:Jy -
risdla's - --1134 E. 11th -
- -918-437-0449
-918-7 49-8378
- 918-584-3112
-- 918-834-3007
- - 918-627 -4884
riscilla'~ 2333 E. 71 st - - - - -- -918-499-166 i
negades- - - - 1649 S. Main 918-585-3405
b's Records- - -2909 S. Sheridan Rd- 918-627 -1505
;,,Isa CARE~- -3507 E. Admiral Pl- 918-834-4194
c1isa Eag:e- - - - - i 338 E. 3rd - - - 918-592-1188
1T\ - . - - 2i14 S Memoriai- - - - - 918-660-0856
Jexton Jcwdrv - - -15 E. Brady 918-829-0824
trier Ne\VS Stand- 1 N, Le,vis- ~ -918-592-0767
'ellow-Bricic-Rd- -2630 E. 15,h- - 918-293-031'.i
Yellow Brick Road
2630 E. 15th St, Tulsa, OK
Yes Munchkins, Kevie is
back as Manager!
Po.ol Tournament- Mondays
Dart Tournament- Thursdays
Now Servitig Chimay Ale 5.00
ft.1 bed room
Elect. 66th and
Aprox 1800 sq ft 2
Area sales price $128.000 Possible lease
purchase. ·
Night Club for saleAprox 2500 sq ft. plus
small house and large•storage building
11th mingo area
Tracy 918-625"6377 Keller Williams
I p
Llve Music March 17th,
King Fish Band, NO COVER
50 cent. pool tables. Shuffle Board.
Open Sunday @ 12:00 Noon
Open Monday-Saturday 11 am
11730 E. 11th Tulsa, OK
now 12noon to 2am
ed Monday.
Located in NW Oklahoma City
Full body deep tissue massage.
Call Mark
Experience Total Relaxation
guaiifications to
or mail to: 5103 S. Sheridan, #153
Tulsa, OK 74i45
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2006] The Star Magazine, May 1, 2006; Volume 3, Issue 5,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 10, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/240.