[2010] Metro Star Magazine, September 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 9
[2010] Metro Star Magazine, September 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 9
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd;
Star Media, Ltd
September 01, 2010
James Nimmo
Victor Gorin
Ronald Blake
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Sikov
Steven Petrow
Rex Wockner
D'Anne Witkovski
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
Victor Gorin
Ronald Blake
Michael W. Sasser
Robin Dorner-Townsend
Judy Gabbard
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Jack Fertig
Lisa Keen
Ed Sikov
Steven Petrow
Rex Wockner
D'Anne Witkovski
Keith Orr
Chris Azzopardi
The Metro Star Magazine, July 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 7
The Metro Star Magazine, October 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 10
The Metro Star Magazine, October 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 10
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
West Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Oklahoma’s Oldest LGBT Organizations Seal Partnership on page-3
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 9 TwiRer.com/MetroStarNews ..... MetroStarNews.com FREE I SEPTEMBER 1,2010
Roth, Askins, Edmondson speak at
Oklahoma Democratic Party event
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
California same-sex marriages Mocked
for several more months
By Rex Wockner
At the Democratic H, ofFame Dinner in
~bematorial candidate Lt. GovernorJari Askins (¢ (r)
andfo~Tner Cotporation Commissioner event emcee, Jim Roth. Robin D-Townsend
the Oklahoma Democratic Party 2010
Homecoming Rally and Activists Hall
of Fame Dinner, Attorney General Drew
Edrnondson made it "crystal clear" that he
supports Lt. Governor Jari Askins in the
race for Governor of Oldahoma. Opponents
in the primary dection, both candidates
maintained mutual respect noted statewide by
citizens as well as many media oudets. Asldns
won the nomination garnering 50.28% of the
"We have got to elect Jari Askins
Governor of this state, no question about it. I
support Jari Asldns without reservation, and
I will do everything I can to get her elected
governor of Oklahoma," Edmondson said
as he delivered a heartfelt speech supporting
Asldns fol!owed the intro by saying, "I am
truly proud to stand in front of you as your
candidate for Governor. It takes every one of
us, but together, we can make this happen.
........Continued See ODP Page-7
Cowboys and Cowgirls to invade Tulsa
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing Writer
TULSA, OK __ Oklahoma’s gay countrytinged
community is welcoming back the
Sooner State Rodeo Association (SSRA)
Rodeo this year with the 2010 Sooner
State Stampede, October 1 - 3 at the fully
equipped and handsome Bridle Creek Horse
Ranch and Resort in Sperry.
N~e Sooner State Stampede represents the
return of SSRA rodeo after several year hiatus.
~e International Gay Rodeo Association
(IGRA) sanctions the rodeo and it is one of
the most anticipated events for the regional
gay community. It is expected to attract a host
of competitors and fans for a fun celebration
of al! things western including both good
spirited competition and of course some great
~ousands march in. California Aug. 4 in celebration ofJudge Vaughn Walker) mding that
PropOsition 8 was unconstitutional. Photo @ DavidPoller
Circuit Court of Appeals on Aug. 16 blocked
any same-sex marriages from taking place
in California while proponents of the state’s
marriage ban appeal the Aug. 4 district-court
ruling that found Proposition 8 in violation
of the U.S. Constitution.
The appeals court said it will hear the case
the week of Dec. 6, and it set up an expedited
briefing schedule for the case’s attorneys.
The court also ordered the proponents of
the ban to prove that they have "standing" ro
appeal the decision made by District Judge
Va~ughn Walker.
The actual defendants in the case,
including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Attorney General Jerry Brown, have refused
to defend Prop 8, and the Court ofAppeals’
order seemed sympathetic to the idea that
proponents of the ban, as "defendantintervenors,"
are not properly situated to
appeal Walker’s ruling.
If they are not that could end the case
and same-sex marriage would again be legal
in California under Walker’s original ruling,
although a decision on standing could be
appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The
defendant-intervenors are the same people
who put Prop 8 on the ballot in 2008 to
overturn the state’s legalization of same-sex
"The 9th Circuit put the appeal on a
fast track and specifically directed the Prop
8 proponents to address ’why the appeal
should not be dismissed for lack ofArticle
III standing’ in their opening brief," said the
National Center for Lesbian Rights. "That
means the court will consider whether the
proponents of Prop 8 have the right to file an
appeal at the same time that it is considering
whether Judge Walker’s decision that Prop
8 violates the federal Constitution is legally
.........Continued See MARRIAGES Page-5
Headquartered in Tulsa, the Sooner State
Rodeo Association is a Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual
and Transgender non-profit organization
dedicated to performing charitable duties for
the surrounding area through fund-raisers,
horse shows, and rodeo performances. SSRA
was organized for individuals interested in
western related events such as rodeos and
horse shows, horseback riding, western/
square dancing, and clogging. SSRA bars
all prejudices related to sex, national origin,
sexual orientation, religion, race or any other
prejudice the organization may encounter.
Sooner State Rodeo Association was
founded in 2002 to give men and women
in the northeastern Oklahoma interested
in promoting and participating in rodeo
a new avenue of expression. They host
fundraisers for Tulsa area charities as well as
their own organization. SSRA holds royalty
competitions each October for Mr. SSRA,
Ms. SSRA, Miss and MisTer SSRA. Royalty
is an important part of their organization
as they represent SSRA at rodeos and
fundraising events.
SSRA is one of 28 member associations
of the IGRA. IGRA serves to foster the sport
of rodeo amongst other country and western
activities. IGRA along with its fellow
........Continued See RODEO Page-4
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2 September t, 2010
Now is the time to work for real and lasting ctange
"I am convinced that while our party is not perfect full equality for GLBT
Americans will come much faster with Democrats in charge. More than ever now
is the rime to be strong and continue to work for real and lasting change." Michael
Mitchell, Executive Director National Stonewall Democrats
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
National Stonewall Democrats Executive Director Michael ~a/iitchell zoith Oklahoma Stonewall
Democrats Secretary ~ctor Gorin
WASHINGTON, DC __ kanid the
excitement of marriage equality making new
history for the GEBT community and all
Americans, the Stonewall Democrats held
their National Convention in V/ashington
D.C. July 30-August 1 at the Capitol Hilton
Hotel. Drawing delegates from all over
the country, from New Jersey to Nevada,
as expected there was much discussion of
marriage equality on a natiomvide and state
by state basis, the military "Don’t ask don’t
Tell" policy still in place, and affirming
Stonewall’s alliance with organized labor
which includes giving their business to
unionized hotels, airlines and other goods and
services whenever possible.
Founded in 1997, the Stonewall
Democrats is America’s only grassroots GLBT
organization of the Democratic Party. They
are focused on malting change primarily in
three ways: Educating the GLBT community
about the differences between the political
parties, mobilizing the GLBT community to
get out the vote for fair-minded Democrats,
and to oppose the efforts of Republicans
when they attempt to roll back or obstruct
progress for the GLBT community while
working with the Democratic Party in
the struggle for equality. Viith over 90
chapters across the country including one
in Oldahoma City formed in 2001, their
members do the work of calling voters,
doing mailings and other assistance for good
candidates while working with local and state
Democratic Party officials.
Along with a tour of our capital city
and the White House, the delegates heard
from several noteworthy speakers including
the Executive Director of the Democratic
National Committee Jen O’Malley, along
with U.S. House Representative Jared
Polis ( Colorado’ Democrat District 2)
who is the Ist openly gay man elected to
Congress as a fi’eshman. %ey al]~ heard
from two of our proudest straight allies, U.S.
Representative Patrick Murphy (Democrat-
Pennsylvania District 8), who was the first
Iraqi war veteran to serve in Congress who
is an ardent opponent of the U.S. military’s
"Don’t ask Don’t Tell" policy along with
U.S. Representative Dina Titus ( Nevada
Democrat-District 3).
The meeting concluded Sunday August
1 with Executive Director Michael Mitchell
wishing the delegates well and encouraging
them in the work facing them in the fall
Speaking ofOklahoma
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
spent an afternoon at the campaign office of
Brittany Novotny, taping for an upcoming
segment ofAmerican Morning. Novomy is
the candidate who seeks to unseat Sally Kern,
the current representative of State House
District 84. Kern is known worldwide for a
speech when she told a group of supporters
that homosexuality is "The biggest threat that
our nation has, even more than terrorism or
Novotny said of Kern, "She has angered a
lot of people with the kind of divisive rhetoric
she has used. She has been out of touch with
the issues. We are at the bottom in teacher
....... Continued See NOVOTNY Page 7
AIDS Walk OKC A Tradition
ofHope Now at a new Time and
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
O.KLAHOMA CITY, OK When the AIDS virtu
first surfaced in the United States during the early 1980s it
not only cost many lives, it created a climate and fear and
resurrected homophobia that overshadowed a period of
increased acceptance of the GLBT community. The epidemic
was used by conservative religious and political leaders to
foster homophobia, even referred to as a "gay plague:" by
the late Reverend Jerry Falxvell. In answer to a lack of serious
action at first by government officials and mainstream society,
gay activists took the lead in the fight against AIDS, increasing
Funding for research and public education about HI.V. When
NBA Star Magic ~ohnson revealed that he had AIDS, more
straight allies joined this cause when it became obvious that
the virus did not discriminate.
Organizations formed in Oklahoma City to help those
at~cted by HIV, many ofwhich are with us today including
RAIN (Regional Aids Interfaith Network), Other Options,
and the Winds House. Vvrhat these agencies had in common
was a desperate need for funds, thus beginning AIDS Walk
~e first AIDS Walk OKC came together in 1998, and
it has grown to be one of Oklahoma City’s most prominent
annual events. Money raised from the ,valks is distributed to
various Oklahoma agencies helping those infected or affected
by HIV including not only the before mentioned agencies,
but also others involved including Planned Parenthood and
the Latino Community Development Agency. In previous
years it has been held in October beginning at the Crystal
Gardens, but this year there has been a change of time and
location with increased activity.
It all happens on Sunday September 19, beginning with
a 5K run sponsored by Dell. Registration for the run will
begin at 11:00 a.m., beginning in Bricktown at the corner
ofJoe Carter Drive and Rent Avenue, and the runners take
off at 12:30 that afternoon Registration to participate is $20
if purchased in advance, or $25 the day of the run. One car~
register online at www.aidswalkokc.org.
The AIDS Walk itself will take place that afternoon
beginning at Bricktowffs Sonic Plaza ( !ocated on the south
side of Rent Avenue across from the AT&T Brickmwn
Ballpark), and the theme this year is "Each Step brings
Hope." There is free reserved parking for participants, with
registration beginning at 12:30 p.m. with step 9fiat 2 p.m.
Before the walk one can check out vendors and service
organizations that xvill have booths for this event which is free
and open to the public.
For more information on how to participate contact info@
aidswalkokc.org. AIDS Walk OKC is a 501 c3"organization, so
all contributions are tmx deductible
State’s Oldest LGBT
Organizations Seal Partnership
PONCA CITY, OK (PR) __ On July 31, 2010 leaders
from Oklahoma City based Cimarron Alliance Foundation
and Tulsa based Oklahomans for Equality met in Ponca City
for the purpose of signing a Memorandum of Understanding
that creates a statewide partnership. These two organizations
are the state’s oldest advocacy and education groups for
Oldahoma’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
Combined, they have nearly a half-century of advocating for
this population.
According to Toby Jenkins, President of the Oldahomans
for Equality Board of Directors, the organizations have had
a cordial relationship for years. "\re have always had the
highest regard for Cimarron Alliance and they have been very
supportive of Oklahomans for Equality as welt. This past
year our organizations have had a very intentional approach
in working together. The time is right to formalize our
Scott J. Hamilton, Executive Director of Cimarron
Alliance, concurs with Jenkins. "For the past six months
our organizations have deve!oped an amazing working
relationship. Our missions are very complementary and we
hold OIcEq’s leadership in very high esteem. We believe that
we can accomplish far more together than either of us can on
our own.
Jenkins and Hamilton believe that this initiative will have
far-reaching benefits for Oklahoma’s gay community. It forms
the framework for more cohesive program development,
legislative work and, ultimately they believe, serving as a
powerful voice for LGBT Oklahomans throughout the state.
"We are not merging our organizations," said Hamilton.
"Instead, we are capitalizing on each other’s strengths and
experience to serve more people than ever before."
The choice of Ponca City as the location for the MOU
signing was, according to Jenkins, very intentional.
"We chose Ponca City because it is a neutral site, rich with
Oklahoma nationally recognized landmarks and history. On
September 16, 1893, the greatest land run in the history of
the state began right here in Ponca City. More than 100,000
eager land-seekers raced for claims. Their stories are of
endurance, hope, pride and determination, and are all of the
things our organizations represent," said Jenkins.
Hamilton echoed Jenkins’ sentiments and noted that
Ponca City is representative of many Oklahoma towns and
cities. "We love the history and symbolism here in Ponca
City. We could, though, have chosen any place from here
to Ardmore, from the Otdahoma Panhandle to the hills of
southeastern Oldahoma. Our goal today is to demonstrate
that Oklahomans for Equality and Cimarron Alliance
Foundation are dedicated to addressing the needs of every
LGBT adolescent, adult, and senior as well as their families,
friends and loved ones in Oklahoma" he said.
As important as this MOU is to both organizations,
Hamilton and Jenkins indicated this is only the first step
of a broader plan to include other organizations. "This
creates a statewide partnership that will broaden our reach
immediately," said Jenkins. "But as we move forward, we
envision inviting many other organizations to join with us,"
he continued.
"In time we will welcome LGBT groups and other allied
organizations to partner with us," said Hamilton. "~ais way
we gain strength and provide even greater empowerment and
support for individuals and groups. \Vgorking together there is
no limit to the advances we can make toward equali~ for all
Oldahomans," he concluded.
Oklahomans for Equality, originally called Oklahomans
for Human Rights, began in 1980. The organization seelcs
equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
individuals and fan~ities through advocacy, education,
programs, alliances and the operation of the Dennis R Neill
Equality Center.
The mission of the Cimarron Alliance Foundation,
founded in 1995, is to support educational efforts that
validate personal identity, promote public enlightenment, and
advance equality for LGBT Oldahomans.
The full Memorandum of Understanding can be viewed
at the organizations’ respective websites: okeq.org and
TEN Co’Founder Elected to
National Post ¯
Laura Belmonte, President The Equality
Nelwork (TEN)
TULSA, OK (PR) The Equality Network would like
to congratulate our co-founder and vice-president, Laura
Belmonte, on her election to the Board of Directors of the
Equality Federation, the national alliance of state-based
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organizations.
The Equality Federation announced the move during their
annual summer meeting in Baltimore, MD.
"I am honored to be elected by my colleagues from across
the country to serve on the Equality Federation Board of
Directors," Belmonte said. "As we continue taking important
steps toward equality here in Oklahoma, I am excited to
play an active role in building the LGBT equality movement
on the national level. Pro-LGBT victories in places like
Utah, Alabama, and South Carolina prove that the model
of statewide advocacy pioneered by Equality Federation
members works in challenging political climates. That is an
inspiration - and a charge for action - for those of us working
in the Sooner state."
The Equality Federation ~vorks to achieve equality for
LGBT people in every state and territory by building strong
and sustainable statewide organizations in state-based
movements. The Equality Network (TEN) is represents
Oklahoma in the national alliance.
The Equality Network works to achieve equality and
secure legal protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender Oldahomans through advocacy, coalition
building, and individual empowerment in the political
Ride Arc
TULSA, OK (PR) A special reception to honor and
meet Danielle Girdano will be held Saturday September 4th,
2010 6:00 pm at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, Tulsa.
Sponsored by PFLAG Tulsa and the Dennis R. Nell Equality
Center, Ride the Arc is a first-of-its kind multi-state bicycle
ride for equality and justice. Spearheaded by athlete Danielle
Girdano, Ride the Arc intends to publicize the need for equal
rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT)
people to raise awareness about the high GLBT suicide rate,
and to promote places ofwelcome and refuge and affirming
groups. Commencing in Minneapolis on August 9th, it will
end in Dallas on September 18, the eve ofDallas’s GLBT
Pride Weekend.
The 1,300 mile distance requires Danielle’s faith to guide
and sustain her as she trains for Ride the Arc. Danielle will
carry the message of love and inclusion every mile of her
ride. Join Danielle for the ride of her life, and help change
the world for GLBT people everywhere. For info: (www.
ridethearc.org) Make donations payable to Ride the Arc.
September i, 20i0 3
It’s About a Lot More than
Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern
is foaming at the mouth again. She declared
it "horrific" that this week’s ruling that
California’s ban on same-gender marriage is
After I gave an interview on KTOK
Radio this morning, she told the station that
"homosexuality- is a behavior and the question
must be asked whether all behaviors are equal.
Tlais is a behavior and it’s a behavior that has
been proven scientifically and statistically to
be a deadly behavior."
Ofcourse this is nonsense. One’s sexual
orientation is not a behavior. That’s aldn
to saying Sally’s brown hair is a behavior.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are
like height, eye color, right handedness; they
are all part of our makeup. But we shouldn’t
expect truth from Sally.
The website examiner.corn reported
earlier that Sally said gay marriage is a form
of"debauchery like abortion, porn6graphy,
sex trafficldng, divorce, illegitimate births and
child abuse." She even went so far as to blame
gay marriage on the nation’s economic woes.
And we all remember when Sally said that
LGBT folks pose a greater risk to the United
States than terrorism.
Friends, you can’t make this stuff UP" This
is the reality of where we are toda}:
t heard a syndicated radio host last night
talldng about a revolution because "activist
judges" are not abiding by the will of the
people. Odd, isn’t it, how only those judges
that make rulings not in line with ultra
conservatives are labeled as activists.
tf decisions of equality were left up to
the will of the people, ~’rican-Americans
would still be riding at the back of the bus
and women would stil! not have the right
to vote. If it truly is the ~vill of the people in
this country to deny rights to others and to
provide one level ofjustice for some people
and another level for others, then we’ve no
choice but to continue our procession to the
The claims that allowing same-gender
couples to marry violates the institution of
marriage mystifies me. How in the ~vorld can
my being married to another man impact
negatively the marriage of a straight couple?
Allowing two men or two women to marry,
offering them the same rights as any other
couple, strengthens the fabric of this country.
Ultimately, though, this is not about
marriage. It is about unequal treatment.
It is about withholding rights. It is about
denying liberty and justice and the pursuit of
happiness to millions ofAirier,cans.
And this takes gay marriage from a gay
issue to a human rights issue. Every good
person, regardless of sexual orientation or
gender identity, has a moral obligation to
stand firm for equality for all people. We need
every LGBT person and every family member
of a lesbian, gay ,nan, bisexual or transgender
person. We need honest legislators with
integrity and pastors with compassion. We
need educators and journalists and attorneys
who will not back away from what is right.
\re must work together, speak togethe,;
march together, vote together, and love
This is not about the future for LGBT
persons. It is about the future of our nation.
Scott J. Hamilton, Executive Director
Cimarron Alliance Foundation
Religion and Sex Best
Conducted by Consenting
Adults in Private
From the smallest crossroads one stop
light town to the largest state in the American
Union, religion has stood in the municipallegislative
door to stop the recognition of
gay/lesbian cM1 rights.
Ten countries now recognize and support
same-gender marriage. They are Argentina,
Canada, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Belgium,
Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and South Africa,
according to the International Lesbian and
Gay Law Association, (www.ILGLaw.org) .
Many of these countries govern their people
without the profound religious obeisance
that interferes with the passage of any
pro-gay/lesbian law, ordinance, or policy in
the United States, regardless of the level of
Our national myth of being founded on
equality is a shell game.
N~e real root of America’s founding was
the need for a fundamentalist sect to escape
to a region of the world where they could call
their own repressive religious shots without
the need to compromise with other faith
POVs. Eventually other denominations and
sects infected even the Puritan tradition.
Some colonies required membership and
tithing towards particular churches even if the
citizen choose not to attend services:
Rhode Island was the first colony to
recognize religious freedom of conscience.
Maryland had a back-and-forth struggle
regarding recognition of the Catholic and
Protestant faiths. Each side suppressed the
other when they had the POLITICAL power
to do so.
Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for
Religious Freedom from 1779 reads:
"[N]o man shall be compelled to frequent
or support any religious worship, place, or
ministry whatsoever; nor shall be enforced,
restrained, molested, or burthened in his
body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on ¯
account of his religiouS opinions or belief,
but that all men shall be free to profess, and
by argument to maintain, their opinions in
matters of religion, and that the same shall in
no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil
Tlae language of the Jefferson statute
clearly alludes to the suppression of
fi’eedom of conscience and the coercion
of property experienced in many of the
Colonies. Jefferson was so proud of this
accomplishment that the title is engraved, at
his direction, on his grave market; but NOT
the fact he was a president of the United
States. ( http://en.wildpedia.org/wikil
Freedom of religion )
Women are not mentioned in the
Constitution and were only recognized
nationally as legal voters in 1920 with
passage of the Nineteenth Ainendment.
African-Airier,can slaves and the indigenous
Americans were spedfically enumerated as
3/5ths of a person. Several American states
had educational tests or poll taxes to maintain
power over minorities who the majority
wanted disenfranchised from voting or
removed fi’om any other participation in the
governing process.
It’s no wonder gays and lesbians are
treated as non-entities in much of federal law.
4 September 1, 2010
Every minority in American history
has had to fight tooth-and-nail for legal
recognition under the law and our gay/lesbian
equality fight is no different.
I think the so called sacred "institution"
of marriage is as much a miasma as the myth
ofAmerica’s founding being based in equality.
There’s nothing sacred about it. gC~y do the
50 states allow completely~secular marriages
with absolutely no mention of religious faith?
Those non-religious marriages using only
a state marriage license are just as valid as
the recent marriage of Chelsea Clinton and
the spending of an estimated three million
The emotionalohopes and expectations
associated with marriage have long been
diminished by the actions of the heteros
My relationship with my partner has
lasted 33 years with total commitment toward
each other in spite of the failure of our state
and federal governments to give us aW of the
support that hetero couples receive in spite
of our paying more per centum of taxes than
hetero couples 0fthe same income level.
My partner and I want the same tax and
other economic benefits that the heteros are
Judge Vaughn \Valker’s Prop 8 opinion
is the very first major statement that plainly
addresses the religiously-bigoted and sociallyignorant
prejudices held against gays and
lesbians. ( http:/hinyurl.com/28jm16s )
Whether it’s called marriage or domesticpartner
benefits makes no difference to
us. I’ve long said our gay/lesbian equality
movement was using the xvrong word for
America’s profound sky-god-believing
majority" to accept. There’s no way too much
political, legal, and emotional water under the
bridge to recover the separation of church and
state argument regarding marriage equality.
We don’t need a religious blessing,
societal approval or the neighborhood
welcoine wagon to make a stop at our door in
order to be American citizens.
\Vge need ONLY the judicial and
legislative equality of law, that’s all, JUST
We’ll take care of our own private
emotional feelings towards one another,
thank you very rauch!
Keep religion confined along with sexual
activity in private among consenting adults.
James Nimmo
Oldalaoma City, OK
Obamacare Pre-existing
Condition Insurance
Now Enrolling
By Healthy Living Ne~vs
Some call it health reform, some
Obamacare, yet many with a pre-existing
heath condition and no health insurance
may call it a life saver. For them the xvait for
affordable health insurance may be over.
The Pre-existing Condition Insurance
Plan (PCIP), part of the new Affordable
Care Act, is now enrolling, enabling at last
chronically ill and uninsured individuals
access to affordable health insurance.
"For too long, Americans xvith preexisting
conditions have been locked out"
said Secretary Kathleen Sebdius. "The Pre-
Existing Condition Insurance Plan gives them
a new option - the same insurance coverage
as a healthy individual."
The PCIP provides an opportunity for
LGBT community members, many ofwhom
have been denied, or could not afford, health
insurance because of HIV, diabetes, cancer, or
other once exclusionary conditions.
Federally funded at $5 billion, PCIP is
slated to provide a broad range of health
coverage including primary and specialty care,
hospital care, and prescription drugs. Once
enrolled coverage begins immediately and will
provide limitless health insurance coverage,
low deductible with low co-payments, at least
in theory.
Early enrollment is being encouraged,
howevm; as PCIP’s popularity may be
substantial and there is concern that there
may not be enough funding to meet the
potential demand. By enrolling early you can
ensure that you won’t be put on a waiting
list. Ttae federal government and or states
will administer PCIP so enrollment costs and
eligibility, requirements may vary fi’om state
to state.
PCIP will run until 2014 when it will
be replaced by more affordable insurance
exchanges from which even members of
congress will have to purchase their insurance.
In the meantime, the AIDS Drug Assistance
and Ryan White programs will remain in
place, that is for as long as they are funded.
If you are in need of health insurance
coverage due to a pre-existing condition visit
healthcare.gov. As enrolhnent may require
proof of a pre-existing condition contact your
member organizations such as SSRA donate
thousands of dollars each year to charities.
Winners from this year’s rodeo ,nay go
on to compete at IGRA’s World Gay Rodeo
Finals in Laughlin, Nevada.
Its location, a terrific host hotel and a fun
calendar of events have buoyed anticipation
of the Sooner State Stampede. The Ramada
Tulsa Airport East~.l 010 North Garnett
is the host hotel, with Bridle Creek (www.
bridlecreekok.com) .just a few minutes away.
\vgith mention of SSRA, the hotel rate is just
The Sooner State Stampede fun starts on
Thursday, Sept. 30 with a 7pro - 9pro VIP
Party at Club 209.
Friday October 1, 6pm-9pm: Registration
at hotel and arena. 6pm-8pm: Entertainment
(All IGRA & Association Royalty are invited
to perform) 8pm-9pm: Live performance
by Gary Robert Strickland from Growing
Mylow. 9pm-til Homorodeo.com Meet &
Greet at Tulsa Eagle.
Saturday, October 2, 7:30pm: Buses
load at the hotel for the Bar Crawl. $5.00
admission 8:00pro: Bar Cravd
Sm~day, October 3, 7:00pro: Awards
Banquet at Club Majestic. In addition
to rodeo events the weekend features
entertainment and bus transportation.
For more information about the Sooner
State Roundup, admission and schedule of
events, visit ww~v.soonerstaterodeo.com.
By Rex Wockner
Media decides Prop 8 found himselfin an identical situation of
ruling on an issue that is related to his or her judge is gay sexual orientation.
Michelangelo Signorile, who has been
credited with inventing outing when he ~vas
a columnist at New York’s defunct OutWeek
magazine in 1989, said the Walker outing
was "a testament to how easily the media is
manipulated by the right into doing things
about which editors and reporters claim to be
staunchly opposed."
He said the Walker repor~ amounted to
"outrageous hypocri~ ... on the part of the
corporate medid’ because "even with proof
and evidence, news or~nizations reuse to
report on the secretly gay sexu~ orientation
of conservative, ~ti-~y politicians and
public figures when the ~rgument for their
exposure is made from the left."
U.S. District CourtJudge Vaughn Walker
Lady Gaga denounces
Arizona immigrants law
In a break with past practice on outing,
the U.S. mainstream media decided in early
August that U.S. District Judge Vaughn
Walker, who struck down Proposition 8
as unconstitutional, is gay, openly gay or
reportedly gay.
W’alker has never publiCly said ifhe~ gay
o~ s~raight. In the p~t~ U:S~ mainsffeam
media have avoided Outing people who’ve
chosen nor to out .themselves. .......
Most of the reports either attributed
Walker’s alleged gayness to other mainstream
reports or said it is common knowledge in
certain San Francisco circles. Some reports
flat-out called him "openly gay," without
attributing the assertion to any event or
~le Associated Press took the plunge on
Aug. 6, writing: "Rumors have circulated
for months that Walker is gay, fueled by the
blogosphere and a San Francisco Chronicle
column that stated his sexual orientation
was an ’open secret’ in legal and gay activism
circles. Walker himself hasn’t addressed the
speculation, and he did not respond to a
request for comment by ~e Associated Press
on Xhursday."
"l-he New York Times wrote, "Several
published reports have stated that the judge is
himself gay."
New York’s Daily News said, "The federal
judge who upended California’s samesex
marriage ban this week is now being
scrutinized by some for being gay himself."
Fox News called Walker "one of three
openly gay federal judges in the country," and
a CNN opinion piece called him "an~ openly
gay federal judge."
The Washington Post let a political analyst
call Walker "openly gay."
Anti-gay activists have suggested that
Walker’s purported gayness means he
shouldn’t have accepted the Prop 8 case, since
it deals with whether marriage is only for
straight people or also for gay people.
~i1~e anti-gay activists did not address ~e
fact that a heterosexual judge would have
Lady Gaga. Photo by Rex Wockner
Lady Gaga forcefully denounced Arizona’s
anti-immigrant law during a July 31 concert
in Phoenix.
Gaga said she had been asked tO boycott
Arizona "and I said, ’You really think that us
dumb fucldng pop stars are gonna collapse
the economy ofArizona?’"
"(We need to) actively protest prejudice
and injustice and the bullshit that is put on
our society," she said. "I will not cancel my
show. I will yell and I will scream louder and
I wil! hold you and we will hold each other
and we will peacably protest this state."
"Do not be afraid because if it wasn’t for
all of you immigrants, this country wouldn’t
have shit," the pop diva told concertgoers.
The law, lm0wn as S.B. !070, requires
pol!ce to check an individual’s immigration
status if an officer suspects the i;xdividual may
be in the U.S. illegally.
LGBT direct-action group GetEQUAL
had asked Gaga to take a stand against the
law, saying it makes it "a crime to be brown."
Gay people are much more likely than
straight people to oppose the la~,v, a Harris
Interactive poll found.
Sixty-three percent ofLGBT Americans
oppose the law and 45 percent of LGBT
Americans strongly oppose it. However, 60
percent of straight people support the law and
41 percent s.upport it strongly.
The poll also found that, because of the
law, 43 percent ofLGBT respondents are less
likely to vacation in Arizona and 36 percent
are less likely to attend a convention there.
The proponents’ opening brief is due Sepf.
17, the plaintiffs’ opposing brief is due Oct.
18 and the proponents’ reply brief is due Nov.
A decision that the proponents lack
standing could come in December. If the
9th Circuit Court decides the proponents
have standing and goes on to consider the
constitutionality of Prop 8, it would not be
expected to isstie a decision until sometime in
early 2011. Either decision could be appealed
to the U.S. Supreme Court. -
Meanwhile, the plaintiffs challenging Prop
8 could appeal the 9th Circuit’s current stay
to the U.S. Supreme Court right now but
have given no indication they will do so.
Robin Tyler, whose marriage to Diane
Olson was the first same-sex marriage in
southern California two years ago, said the
stay is deeply disappointing.
"We are tired of our emotions being
batted around like pingpong balls," Tyler said.
"Gays and lesbians are human beings, and
there is not one legal reason to delay same-sex
marriages in California. Martin Luther King
said, ’Justice delayed is justice denied.’ He
also said, ’Wait means never.’ Once again, our
hopes have been dashed."
NCLR Executig;e Director Kate Kende!l
said: "Every add~’ n~ o..n.a..l.day that cou.p.l.e.s.must
wait to marry again in California iS painful,
but despite the terrible disappointment for
the many couples whose right to marry has
been delayed yet again, today’s ruling includes
another significant victory for our side. The
court did the right thing by putting the case
on a fast track and specifically ordering that
Prop 8 proponents show why they have a
legal right to appeal. This ruling brings us
one step closer to ending the nightmare of
Prop 8 and restoring full equality for all
Lambda Legal called the stay "painful."
"We are saddened by the 9th
Circuit’s decision to maintain the stay
ofJudge Walker’s ruling that Prop 8 is
unconstitutional," said Jennifer Pizm; director
of the group’s Marriage Project. ’%7e very
much hoped to see same-sex couples again
free to celebrate their love and mutual
devotion through marriage starting later
this week. ~/e 1,mow this delay is painful for
couples in love, who have been denied their
basic rights for too long already."
She also said the 9th Circuit failed to
apply "the standard test for when a stay
should be ordered."
The test requires, among other things,
that an appellant prove a strong likelihood
of winning on appeal and that the appellant
would suffer an irreparable injury without
a stay. Judge Walker said the Prop 8
proponents failed to pass any part of the test.
The 9th Circuit’s order did not explain its
September 1, 20i0 i 5
O ahoma City Museum ofArt features Sketch to
Screen E ibition with Grand Finale
By Victor Gorin
Contributing Writer
"Ttxe work I have created for this show
hopes to evoke an experience of serenity,
energy and excitement for life - and silliness
out of the viewer. To summarize: this show is
an artistic collage of Seasons, Seasonings and
Sensations. I invite you to indulge and enjoy
my work."
° The show begins with a reception on
Thursda?; September 2nd fi’om 6-9pro and
continues throughout the month.
New Faces At Tulsa
Featured at the Skyline Terraceparty Oklahoma City Icon Ginger Lamarpictured with longtime
partnerf~): Gorin photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ Film history
aficionados got a real treat when the Okdah0ma
City Museum of Art featured their Sketch
to Screen-The Art of Hollyw~*0od Costume
Design E>~ibit May 6 thru August 15. Cocreated
by Film Curator Brian Hearn and
Associate Curator Jenni}~r ~os, the exhibit
featm’ed costumes from films ranging from
Gone with the Wind to Legally B!onde. The
project was 3 years in the making, obtaining
articles for exhibition from other museums
and private collections throughout the country,
but also including two local contributors,
the O~:dahoma Cowboy & Western Heritage
Museum and the Oklahoma History Museum,
whose items were featured in the western
section of ti~e exhibit: Accompanying thi~
event was a film series of movies with costumes
shown in the exhibit including not only Gone
with the Wind, but also classics like Dick
Tracy, Atonement, and a sing a long party with
Mama Mia.
Mama Mia was part of the climax of
the exhibition, which was the Last Call
Party" held Thursday August 12. That party
featured a costume contest emceed by
Johnathan Kayne, a famous gay fashion
designer, and a party with a live DJ on the
Skyline Terrace featuring 2 Oklahoma City
icons of female impersonation, Ginger
Lamar and Lexus Carrin~on.
The Oklahoma City" Museum of Art
is open Tuesday thru Saturday from 10
A.M. until 5:00 p.m. until October, with
Thursdays open until 9 p.m, with Sunday
hours from noon until 5 P.M. The museum
features an excellent restaurant, with dinner
& a movie package deals available. Museum
members aAso get discounts at Tulsds Circle
Cinema. For more information check
out their website is wv,¢aokcmoa.com,
telephone (405) 236 3100.
Art Opening and E ibit of Original Works:,
Photographs by Shelley McGoNn
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The September
Oldahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists at the Dennis R.
Neitl EqualitT Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature the Art of
Shelley McGoffin.
Shelley McGoNn is a Tulsa native. Her
art was originally inspired by her love of and
passion for food---eating it, cooldng it, looking
at pictures of it, collecting and displaying
plastic versions of it and talking about it. Her
first experiments with painting on canvas were
centered on exaggerated still life, food generally
the subject. Eventually she chose tO explore
the abstract art world of inner emotional
statements in this area Surrealism was always an
artistic inspiration to her Salvador Dali being
her main at~nity. Although her paintings are
not in the Surrealistic style, her abstract
works have a touch of their own surrealism.
Shelley’s art impacts her life thru its
ability to allow her to become a vessel into
which energy vibrations which did not
originate from her find a resonance. "The
act of painting a piece of art on canvas
is, for me a translation, a transmission of
my own inner passions onto a vessel thru
which I hope the viewer will experience an
intimate vibration of the energy originated
by and within me."
The current shmv for which she has
painted is all new material. It is differe~at
fi’om her previous works in that is draws
on her willingness and growing ability to
broaden her inspirational field and try new
stTles of abstract interpretation using vibrant
colors and images - channeling her spirit.uai
experiences with nature and equality.
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Tulsa Metro
Softball League, Tulsa’s only LGBT softball
league, is ge’aring up for its second fall season°
beginning September 19, 2010. Games vdll
play on Sundays in the early evening and last
through November 7, 2010.
This year TMSL has set up Fall Bal! to be
a relaxed social season enabling members to
mix & mingle and get to lmow one another.
It is also great for new members as it vcill
allow them to meet people, make friends,
and find or form a team for the competit@e
spring season!
Fall Ball registration will open on August
22, 2010. At 6PM on Sunday September 5th
TMSL will hold a "Draft" party at the Dennis
R. Neill Equality Center in Downtown Tulsa
where Volunteer Team Captains will select
players for one of eight teams from a "hat"
containing the tickets of all players registered
for Fall Ball. TMSL will provide team .jerseys
that players get to keep!
TMSL has three registration options for
1. Players may register on an individual
single player ticket.
2. Couples may register with and be
placed on the same ticket as their girlfriend/
boyfriend/partner which guarantees they will
be on the same team.
3. Single players may find a friend, register
as a "couple", and be placed on the same
ticket guaranteeing they will be on the same
Dues for TMSL Fall Ball 2010 are set at
$20.00 per player fi’om August 22, 2010 till
September 5, 2010. After the "Draft" late
registrations will be accepted with dues set at
$30.00 per player. Late registration will be
allowed until Opening Night, September 19,
2010 no registrations will be accepted after
Opening Night.
For more information on Fall
Ball & TMSL people can visit w~v.
TulsaMetroSoftball.com or emaiI at
Wang Yi, 7he Vertiginous Thrill ofExactitude
(William Forsythe)
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Tulsa Ballet artistic
director Marcello Angelini announced
today the addition of 12 new dancers to the
company’s roster for the 2010-2011 season.
"Tulsa Ballet brings the wood to our city,
not only in the global premieres we offer each
year, created by internationally recognized
choreographers, but in the ten nationalities
represented by our dancers," said Arlgelini.
The new dancers include:
Claudio Cocino joins the compaW
as demi-solist. From Turin, Italy, Cocino
trained at Teatro dell’ Opera di Roma and the
Royal Ballet School in London. In 2007, he
joined the Teatro Dell’Opera ballet company.
He won the L. Massine Positano prize for
the Art 0f Dance in Positano, Italy in 2009,
one of the most prestigious awards given to
rising stars or established dance personalities
in Italy.
Joining the corps de ballet are Forent
Bouyat - France, Jo@ Antonia Checa - Spain,
Alexandra Christian - U.S., Alex Harrison
- Great Britain, Rodrigo Hermesmeyer
- Brazil, Elise Miller - U.S., Gwdna~lle Poline
- France, Erin Pritchard - U.S., Jonathan
Ramirez - Colombia, Susanna Sal@ - Italy,
and Laura Suttle - Great Britain.
In addition, Kate Oderkirk - U.S. has
been promoted from demi-soloist to soloist,
and Sarah Jane Crespo - U.S. has been
promoted fi’om apprentice to the corps de
ballet. Ms. Crespo is the first dancer to join
the company from TBII, Tulsa Balle{’s preprofessional
ensemble. The company’s roster
now stands at 29 artists, while TBII boasts 12
pre-professional dancers recruited ft’om some
of the best American schools.
Tulsa Ballet is a professional ballet
company whose purpose is to serve as an
essential asset of its extended community
through internationally-acclaimed artistic
excellence and exemplary @ucation and
outreach. Regarded as one of the top
ballet companies in North America and
internationally recognized as a leader in the
field, Tulsa Ballet consistently brings the
finest works of the classical and contemporary
repertory to the Oklahoma stage, presenting
the same works and sharing the same worldrenowned
choreographers with the top
dance organizations in the World. For more
information, visit ~vw~a:tulsaballet.org.
By Ronald Blake
Contributing W-riter
Ronald Blake, Certified Fi*ness Instructor
through ISSA International Sports Sciences
10,000 Seeps!
The car won’t start. The bicycle has a flat
tire. Your neighbor left for work 20 minutes
ago. ~Pne bus line is 14 blocks away. The
number for the cab company has been busy
forever. Your pulse quickens, sweat beads
on your forehead, you furrow your brow,
and you realize you may have to ....WALK!
Loosen your tie and put on those sneakers
and "Walk Like a Man". It’s going to be
different today!
There is an exercise program called the
"10,000 Steps a Day" and today is YOUR
day to start. The goal of this program is to
get people to become more aware of their
health and fitness through the ancient art
of walking. That many steps each day are
equivalent to four or five miles traveled. Don’t
"WalkAway Renee" just yet! It can be done!
You will need a pedometer to measure
your steps. These $20 and under devices won’t
break your bank and they conveniently attach
to your waistband. Stay away from buying
one online since there is not any walking
involved in the process. Purchase one at any
of your loc,~ sporting goods stores. Then
you will simply need to start "\v-vralking on
$~i~!~in~!" .... .... .....
Forget what the modern world has taught
you about convenience and the on-demand
attitude. You will need to work to earn your
10,000 steps. It begins early in fl~e day and
in earnest as you yawn, stretch, and rub your
eyes after wrestling with your alarm clock.
Climb out of your bed and "\Valk Like an
Egyptian" to the bathroom on the other side
of the house to get your day moving right.
After you’ve showered, dressed, and
eaten you will be ready to change the way
you approach the world. You can walk to
work, walk to the bus, or drive to work
and park four blocks dmvn the street. You
vdll need to get creative and don’t be afraid
to try something different. There is always
somebody out there trying this walking thing
too and "You’ll Never Walk Mone."
Get to work and take the stairs instead
of the elevator. Get to your office and walk
around your desk as you yap on the phone
and earn your commissions for the week¯ Get
to your lunch break and walk with your coworkers
during the last half of the lunch hour.
Get to the last part of your work day and
meet your team members in person and not
through e-mail¯ Smile or whistle on your way.
It’s OK to "Walk This Way!" You have to earn
those steps someway and you might as well be
happy doing it!
When you arrive home, you can continue
to "Take a Walk on the Wild Side!" The
possibilities include walking the dog, walking
and talking on the phone, or just plain old
wa1~ng ~ith {he ~eighbm-~ f~ ~6~ ~Cise
and gossip[mongering.
The 10;000 steps program is something
that can be fun! It gives you that ehance
to strive for a daily goal and it can change
you profoundly! Get your pedometm; get
motivated, and you’ll want to go "Walkin’
After Midnight."
CNNtapesfor an upcomingAmerican
Morning. Photo by Robin Dorner
pay; there were 40 teachers in the Putnam
City School District alone that were laid off
and I never saw her [Kern] put forth any
legislation to stop this."
Novomy said the top three issues in
her campaign are helping small business,
insuring that all children have the best
education in Oldahoma and investing in our
transportation infrastructure.
"In a time where the economy is so bad,
we need to be doing things to help promote
bringing in businesses," said Novomy.
Reflecting on the goodness of this state and
the benefits of our lower cost of living she
added, "We’ve got great things to attract
people to Oklahoma."
The youngest of five siblings, Novotny was
born in Chickasha. She grew up in Oklahoma
City and graduated from Westmoore High
School in 1998. In 2002, Brittany graduated
Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. in Sociology
from the University of Science and Arts of
Oldahoma, earning her Jurist Doctorate from
the Hastings College of Law University of
California in 2005.
"It’s important that we work together,"
said Novotny. "This is really a campaign,about
all of us and our future as Oldahomans. In
July 2009 the Journal Record ran an editorial
stating that Kern is bad for business.
CNN’s American Morning offers political,
domestic and international stories. Most are
scripted segments including a heavy dose of
political news each morning. The program
mainly focuses on news to attract viewers,
who prefer a more straightforward morning
show. Its main competitor is the Fox News
American Morning is aired live every
weekday morning from 7 to 10 am (CST). As
of this writing, CNN’s air date of Novomy’s
interview is not known. Please visit the
Novotny website at www.brittany4hd84.com
for air time and date.
The results of this primary election should be
used as an example in every civics class that
every vote counts!" Askins thanked voters and
Edmondson for their support, reflecting on
her past political experiencequalifying her as
the best candidate for this office.
"We are privileged to have two candid,,ates
leading this state who are truly a class act,
said Jim Roth, former state Corporation
Commissioner who served as emcee for the
event. "We are so proud of the campaigns you
both ran."
Those inducted into the Activist Hall
of Fame were Jack Boyte, Miller Newman,
Charlie & Juanita King, Troy Green, Tommie
Lou Levi and Rev. Dr. John A. Reed Jr.
The general election will be Tuesday,
November 2nd. For more information about
voter registration, statewide candidates and
candidates in your area, please visit www.
Courtesy o£~vwcw.labrescue,net
but it sounds FUN!! In
tO live in a
says I would do best in
kids who will wrestle with me. I hope you
will put in your application and cm~e ~ut to
mee{ me I’ll give );ou a big Hig ..
Ifyou’d like to see Grammar or any of
th~ other adoptable dogs visit the Lab
Rescue Tulsa Oldahoma website at:
labre~Cue,net, All available dogs are listed
there. We also show our dogs t~e first
three Saturdays ofthe month, so watch
the website f6r the locations.
September 1, 2010 " 7
~~! ~nstant Ace
the Nation’s Top Gay
10 September 1, 2010
Photo’s by Victor G. and Robin D.
Out &About in Oklahoma
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa @ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@ 7he Democratic Homecoming andActivist Hall ofFame Dinner,
Oklahonm City
By Ed Sikov
Ed Sikov is the author ofDark Victory; 7he Life
ofBette Davis and other books aboutf!lms and
"Snobs invent Fire Island Iced Tea"
Six of us ~vere lined up in beach chairs
judging the gym rats on parade at the water’s
"Why does that guy have ’Bondi’ printed
on his ass?" I inquired. "I love Make Way for
Tomorrow, too, but it’s a strange film to be
referenced on a musclehead’s butt."
"It’s not Beulah Bondi, darling. It’s Bondi
Beach in Australia~" This came from my
3artner, Dan, who then turned on me: "Did
rou hear what Dr. Film Studies just said?" he
trumpeted to the others, who made snorting
noises at my expense.
Jack Fogg yawned, stretched, and said,
"Let’s make Long Island Iced Tea." "You
would drink that," his boyfriend Sammy
Jack became defensive: "What’s wrong
~vith Long Island Iced Tea?"
"People wilt think we’re from
Massapequa," Chipper explained.
"Or Hicksville," Paolo added. "Can you
imagine saying you’re from Hicksville? You
might as well be from East Jesus."
I agreed. "We’re maldfig ’Fire Island Iced
Tea’ because we’re on Fire Island, not Long
"What’s in it?" Sammy asked.
"We’re inventing it," I declared. "What
should be in our drink?"
"Lots of fruits," said Dan.
"And logs of alcohol," Pao!o added.
"It needs a fire component," Chipper said.
"What tastes hot?"
I had an inspiration: "Absolut Peppar!"
Chipper got into the spirit(s): "And
Citron for the fruit. And Orange Curacao.
And your inevitable lime juice."
"Why do you always have Orange
Curacao?" asked Jack, the reporter; he was
prone to interviewing people, which irritated
me, so I answered: "Because Blue Curacao
turns an orange Screwdriver the color of
"Aha," said Jack, buying my, made-up
reason. I’m dementedly jealous ofJack, so
I put a notch on the Ed vs. Jack scoreboard
I keep in my head.
Michelangelo’s David strolled by. "What
can we add t° represent him?" Dan asked.
"Coke Zero!" Sammy shouted to our
communal delight. ~-he pore; perfect hunk
thought we were laughing at him and glared.
We tried a fe~v recipes before we found
one that worked, which meant we were
hammered by dinnertime. I grilled the
Lemon-Dill Lamb-burgers to death. Dan
burned the buns. But Paolo, always under
control, pulled off a lovely Caprese Salad, and
since we bought a peach pie from the grocery
store, dessert was fine. "Where do these great
pies come from?" I once asked the Long
Island teenager behind the counter. "Poh’t
JefE.," she answ~ered, meaning Port Jefferson.
The accent alone proved why ~ve had to have
an "Iced Tea" of our own.
Fire Island Iced Tea
2-parts Absolut Peppar
2-parts Absolut Citron
I-part Beefeater
1-part cup tequila
l/2-part Orange Curacao
1-part or 1/3-cup unsweetened lime juice
3-parts Coke Zero or the soda of your
choice .
Fill a tall glass with ice and add liquors
and lime juice. Pour soda in gently to keep
the fizz. Note: The conventional drink is
called "Iced Tea" because the cola turns
the white liquors tea-colored. But I prefer
Limonata, the Italian le,hon soda, which
makes the drink taste like spicy lemofiade.
Use what you like, and dofft worry about
what color the result is. If it looks gross, put
it in an opaque plastic cup, stick a straw in it,
and nobody will know the difference.
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
@ Ledo, Oklahoma City
Join Metro Star Enews for BreakAng News Updates as they haj~pen. Keep
informed throughtout the monthr Join us at www.Metroatari’~ews.com
SSRA Member Don George, Tulsa
TULSA, OK __ The Metro Star Online
edition at www.metrostarnews.com is
updated daily with Top Local and National
Ne~vs stories that concern the GLBT
community. The \Vorld News feed module
will keep you informed about community
news from around the globe.
The Metro Star Online was one of the first
nationally to send out a News Bulletin on
the California Prop 8 ruling from Federal
Judge Vaughn Walker on August 4. Metro
Star Online was the chosen media to
release the signing of a Memorandum of
Understanding between Oldahomans for
Equality and Cimarron Alliance Foundation
on July 31.
Join today and we will keep you informed
and it’s FREE.
Chuck Breckenridge
~hether buying or selling
I’l! work hard for you.
’lecomics.com E-Mail- KylesBnB@aol.com
597 M~ Road
800-210-8401 479-244-6821
September 1, 2010 13
By Jack Fertig
September 20t0
"Just be yourself, VirgoV’
Venus and Mars dancing through Libra
while opposing Eris boost competition
and conflict. Mercury retrograding
past the Sun in Virgo brings egotisticai
miscalculations into the picture. Go
slow, easy and careful. Be the tortoise,
not the hare!
ARIES (March 20- April 19): Strive for
your best without comparing yourself
to colleagues. Can you be the best at
teamwork? Even efforts to cooperate
will highlight your ego, but as long as
you’re your own sharpest critic, that can
be good for you.
TAURUS (April 20- May20): Too
often you feel your best isn’t good
enough. Your efforts are appreciated.
Why do you shortchange yourself?
Playfully exaggerating those feelings
- and whatever comes up with them
- can help you get clarity.
GEMINI (May 21- June 20): "The family
that plays together slays each other?"
That’s not how it goes, but maybe you
should find your fun outside for now.
Either way, remember that standing
in your community is based more on
cooperation than being "the best" at
CANCER {June 21- July 22): Slips
of the tongue reveal what you really
think about your roots and your
current job and trajectory. Pick your
company carefully, being sure to have
a confidante you can trust. Also, use
these accidental insights to revise your
LEO (Ju~y 23 -August 22): Be very
careful of your facts and figures. You’re
likely to exaggerate the humiliation
of being caught in a mistake, but the
financial costs of errors can be much
more real than the cost to your ego.
VIRG0 {August 23 - September
22): Let others plan your birthday
party. You’re having too much trouble
managing details and they’ll fall all over
each other trying to make your bash
everything you deserve. Trying to look
sexy is sure to backfire. Just be yourself
and they’ll come running.
LIBRA {September 23 - October 22):
Worries about your relationship are at
least exaggerated and likely unfounded.
Go over them carefully, preferably with
your partner, strip away the needless
fears, and get a clearer vision of real
problems you can work on.
SCORPIO {October 23 - November
21): Friends are too eager to help, but
listen politely, if briefly. There might
be some good suggestions in all that
meshugas. Competing with colleagues
can drive you crazy. Focus on doing
your best. "You’ll accomplish more.
SAGITTARIUS/(November 22
- December 20): Your long-range plans
are not looking good. Normally you
would roll with that and adapt. Now it
looks more serious, That’s just worry,
but yes, some revisions need to be
made. Analyze problems now; solve
them next month.
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Work is looking good
if you can only keep your mouth out of
the way. Absorb information and others’
perspectives now. Take time to figure
that out before responding. Even if by
negative examples, your family offers
excellent lessons for building your
future. -
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): You may be able to convince
everyone you’re right, but something
at the heart of your argument is wrong.
Invite criticism. Open discussion and
testing your premises can help you
figure out where the flaw is. ’
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Money and sex are the two biggest
issues for couples to deal with, but
first get ego and miscommunications
out of the way. Humility and admitting
mistakes is necessary on both sides,
but you can only do for yourself.
3 4 5 i6 7 8 9 10
11 12 i13
28 29 30 ,31
32 33
! 38
54 W
60 61162
Community for
People iving
H V/A ©S
A 501. c (3) Non Profit Or~.~nizadon
Our House, Too offers a variety of
activities for people who are HIV+ and
or living with AIDS to help combat the
social isolation ~at many of our
people live through each and eve.-
day. We provide a Toilet~ and Household
Pantry for those who are HIV+
and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves_ ~te invite anyone who
would like to volun[eer or provide financial
assistance to please contacl
us by phone 9t 8-585-9552 or e-mail
35 End of the quip
39 Victor/Victoria actor [¥ter
40 Verdi’opera
41 Gay Hamilton
42 L-~am of Kinsey
44 Straw hat
46 Beginning ~o whiz
47 kA. lang’s~I Gal"
52 Barrie~ precipitation
53 Source ofth( quip
55 No no~e for a l;u~c~
58 V0d S uad° Character
59 Edmund to Colette?
ancestral home
12 Hoar
13 Alpine feedback
14 ~iily Elliot epithet
22’ Bdieve :n0t!",
23 Mil; Student b0#
26 Number 0fsidm to a gay, symbol
27 Transsexual Richards
28 Que n 0free hill
29 Dicks rtmning mate
30 Like Abner, before Viagra?
31 NB~ Sketch source
33 Stuff~ ~trides
34% eat; to UlrichS
35 Tart taste
36 Kindof colUmn
37 Ola comedian g orge
}8 Poet Teasd~e
!3 Like an~igayhnguage
~5 ~ii~d testacle?
18 P !fistname, in Goldfinge~
19 Greased th~ palm ofU
56 With title tO
il Fine point
53 George Burns film
~4 Gay p0rn director Fnmcis
55 Dangle like a package
Solution p~e 15
14 September 1, 2010
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Classified Text Classified
~ ~ELI
September 1, 2010 15
"What matters, as always, is not what we can’tdo,
Stonewall Democrats is a recognized group of the
Oklahoma and national Democratic Par~.
Working to educate voters and politicians about issues of the GBT
Tuesclay~ September 7,
meet the ~ st Tuesday ofevery month at the "
Oklahoma’s Oldest LGBT Organizations Seal Partnership on page-3
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 9 TwiRer.com/MetroStarNews ..... MetroStarNews.com FREE I SEPTEMBER 1,2010
Roth, Askins, Edmondson speak at
Oklahoma Democratic Party event
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
California same-sex marriages Mocked
for several more months
By Rex Wockner
At the Democratic H, ofFame Dinner in
~bematorial candidate Lt. GovernorJari Askins (¢ (r)
andfo~Tner Cotporation Commissioner event emcee, Jim Roth. Robin D-Townsend
the Oklahoma Democratic Party 2010
Homecoming Rally and Activists Hall
of Fame Dinner, Attorney General Drew
Edrnondson made it "crystal clear" that he
supports Lt. Governor Jari Askins in the
race for Governor of Oldahoma. Opponents
in the primary dection, both candidates
maintained mutual respect noted statewide by
citizens as well as many media oudets. Asldns
won the nomination garnering 50.28% of the
"We have got to elect Jari Askins
Governor of this state, no question about it. I
support Jari Asldns without reservation, and
I will do everything I can to get her elected
governor of Oklahoma," Edmondson said
as he delivered a heartfelt speech supporting
Asldns fol!owed the intro by saying, "I am
truly proud to stand in front of you as your
candidate for Governor. It takes every one of
us, but together, we can make this happen.
........Continued See ODP Page-7
Cowboys and Cowgirls to invade Tulsa
By Michael W. Sasser
Contributing Writer
TULSA, OK __ Oklahoma’s gay countrytinged
community is welcoming back the
Sooner State Rodeo Association (SSRA)
Rodeo this year with the 2010 Sooner
State Stampede, October 1 - 3 at the fully
equipped and handsome Bridle Creek Horse
Ranch and Resort in Sperry.
N~e Sooner State Stampede represents the
return of SSRA rodeo after several year hiatus.
~e International Gay Rodeo Association
(IGRA) sanctions the rodeo and it is one of
the most anticipated events for the regional
gay community. It is expected to attract a host
of competitors and fans for a fun celebration
of al! things western including both good
spirited competition and of course some great
~ousands march in. California Aug. 4 in celebration ofJudge Vaughn Walker) mding that
PropOsition 8 was unconstitutional. Photo @ DavidPoller
Circuit Court of Appeals on Aug. 16 blocked
any same-sex marriages from taking place
in California while proponents of the state’s
marriage ban appeal the Aug. 4 district-court
ruling that found Proposition 8 in violation
of the U.S. Constitution.
The appeals court said it will hear the case
the week of Dec. 6, and it set up an expedited
briefing schedule for the case’s attorneys.
The court also ordered the proponents of
the ban to prove that they have "standing" ro
appeal the decision made by District Judge
Va~ughn Walker.
The actual defendants in the case,
including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Attorney General Jerry Brown, have refused
to defend Prop 8, and the Court ofAppeals’
order seemed sympathetic to the idea that
proponents of the ban, as "defendantintervenors,"
are not properly situated to
appeal Walker’s ruling.
If they are not that could end the case
and same-sex marriage would again be legal
in California under Walker’s original ruling,
although a decision on standing could be
appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The
defendant-intervenors are the same people
who put Prop 8 on the ballot in 2008 to
overturn the state’s legalization of same-sex
"The 9th Circuit put the appeal on a
fast track and specifically directed the Prop
8 proponents to address ’why the appeal
should not be dismissed for lack ofArticle
III standing’ in their opening brief," said the
National Center for Lesbian Rights. "That
means the court will consider whether the
proponents of Prop 8 have the right to file an
appeal at the same time that it is considering
whether Judge Walker’s decision that Prop
8 violates the federal Constitution is legally
.........Continued See MARRIAGES Page-5
Headquartered in Tulsa, the Sooner State
Rodeo Association is a Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual
and Transgender non-profit organization
dedicated to performing charitable duties for
the surrounding area through fund-raisers,
horse shows, and rodeo performances. SSRA
was organized for individuals interested in
western related events such as rodeos and
horse shows, horseback riding, western/
square dancing, and clogging. SSRA bars
all prejudices related to sex, national origin,
sexual orientation, religion, race or any other
prejudice the organization may encounter.
Sooner State Rodeo Association was
founded in 2002 to give men and women
in the northeastern Oklahoma interested
in promoting and participating in rodeo
a new avenue of expression. They host
fundraisers for Tulsa area charities as well as
their own organization. SSRA holds royalty
competitions each October for Mr. SSRA,
Ms. SSRA, Miss and MisTer SSRA. Royalty
is an important part of their organization
as they represent SSRA at rodeos and
fundraising events.
SSRA is one of 28 member associations
of the IGRA. IGRA serves to foster the sport
of rodeo amongst other country and western
activities. IGRA along with its fellow
........Continued See RODEO Page-4
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2 September t, 2010
Now is the time to work for real and lasting ctange
"I am convinced that while our party is not perfect full equality for GLBT
Americans will come much faster with Democrats in charge. More than ever now
is the rime to be strong and continue to work for real and lasting change." Michael
Mitchell, Executive Director National Stonewall Democrats
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
National Stonewall Democrats Executive Director Michael ~a/iitchell zoith Oklahoma Stonewall
Democrats Secretary ~ctor Gorin
WASHINGTON, DC __ kanid the
excitement of marriage equality making new
history for the GEBT community and all
Americans, the Stonewall Democrats held
their National Convention in V/ashington
D.C. July 30-August 1 at the Capitol Hilton
Hotel. Drawing delegates from all over
the country, from New Jersey to Nevada,
as expected there was much discussion of
marriage equality on a natiomvide and state
by state basis, the military "Don’t ask don’t
Tell" policy still in place, and affirming
Stonewall’s alliance with organized labor
which includes giving their business to
unionized hotels, airlines and other goods and
services whenever possible.
Founded in 1997, the Stonewall
Democrats is America’s only grassroots GLBT
organization of the Democratic Party. They
are focused on malting change primarily in
three ways: Educating the GLBT community
about the differences between the political
parties, mobilizing the GLBT community to
get out the vote for fair-minded Democrats,
and to oppose the efforts of Republicans
when they attempt to roll back or obstruct
progress for the GLBT community while
working with the Democratic Party in
the struggle for equality. Viith over 90
chapters across the country including one
in Oldahoma City formed in 2001, their
members do the work of calling voters,
doing mailings and other assistance for good
candidates while working with local and state
Democratic Party officials.
Along with a tour of our capital city
and the White House, the delegates heard
from several noteworthy speakers including
the Executive Director of the Democratic
National Committee Jen O’Malley, along
with U.S. House Representative Jared
Polis ( Colorado’ Democrat District 2)
who is the Ist openly gay man elected to
Congress as a fi’eshman. %ey al]~ heard
from two of our proudest straight allies, U.S.
Representative Patrick Murphy (Democrat-
Pennsylvania District 8), who was the first
Iraqi war veteran to serve in Congress who
is an ardent opponent of the U.S. military’s
"Don’t ask Don’t Tell" policy along with
U.S. Representative Dina Titus ( Nevada
Democrat-District 3).
The meeting concluded Sunday August
1 with Executive Director Michael Mitchell
wishing the delegates well and encouraging
them in the work facing them in the fall
Speaking ofOklahoma
By Robin D-Townsend
Contributing Writer
spent an afternoon at the campaign office of
Brittany Novotny, taping for an upcoming
segment ofAmerican Morning. Novomy is
the candidate who seeks to unseat Sally Kern,
the current representative of State House
District 84. Kern is known worldwide for a
speech when she told a group of supporters
that homosexuality is "The biggest threat that
our nation has, even more than terrorism or
Novotny said of Kern, "She has angered a
lot of people with the kind of divisive rhetoric
she has used. She has been out of touch with
the issues. We are at the bottom in teacher
....... Continued See NOVOTNY Page 7
AIDS Walk OKC A Tradition
ofHope Now at a new Time and
By Victor Gorin
Contributing writer
O.KLAHOMA CITY, OK When the AIDS virtu
first surfaced in the United States during the early 1980s it
not only cost many lives, it created a climate and fear and
resurrected homophobia that overshadowed a period of
increased acceptance of the GLBT community. The epidemic
was used by conservative religious and political leaders to
foster homophobia, even referred to as a "gay plague:" by
the late Reverend Jerry Falxvell. In answer to a lack of serious
action at first by government officials and mainstream society,
gay activists took the lead in the fight against AIDS, increasing
Funding for research and public education about HI.V. When
NBA Star Magic ~ohnson revealed that he had AIDS, more
straight allies joined this cause when it became obvious that
the virus did not discriminate.
Organizations formed in Oklahoma City to help those
at~cted by HIV, many ofwhich are with us today including
RAIN (Regional Aids Interfaith Network), Other Options,
and the Winds House. Vvrhat these agencies had in common
was a desperate need for funds, thus beginning AIDS Walk
~e first AIDS Walk OKC came together in 1998, and
it has grown to be one of Oklahoma City’s most prominent
annual events. Money raised from the ,valks is distributed to
various Oklahoma agencies helping those infected or affected
by HIV including not only the before mentioned agencies,
but also others involved including Planned Parenthood and
the Latino Community Development Agency. In previous
years it has been held in October beginning at the Crystal
Gardens, but this year there has been a change of time and
location with increased activity.
It all happens on Sunday September 19, beginning with
a 5K run sponsored by Dell. Registration for the run will
begin at 11:00 a.m., beginning in Bricktown at the corner
ofJoe Carter Drive and Rent Avenue, and the runners take
off at 12:30 that afternoon Registration to participate is $20
if purchased in advance, or $25 the day of the run. One car~
register online at www.aidswalkokc.org.
The AIDS Walk itself will take place that afternoon
beginning at Bricktowffs Sonic Plaza ( !ocated on the south
side of Rent Avenue across from the AT&T Brickmwn
Ballpark), and the theme this year is "Each Step brings
Hope." There is free reserved parking for participants, with
registration beginning at 12:30 p.m. with step 9fiat 2 p.m.
Before the walk one can check out vendors and service
organizations that xvill have booths for this event which is free
and open to the public.
For more information on how to participate contact info@
aidswalkokc.org. AIDS Walk OKC is a 501 c3"organization, so
all contributions are tmx deductible
State’s Oldest LGBT
Organizations Seal Partnership
PONCA CITY, OK (PR) __ On July 31, 2010 leaders
from Oklahoma City based Cimarron Alliance Foundation
and Tulsa based Oklahomans for Equality met in Ponca City
for the purpose of signing a Memorandum of Understanding
that creates a statewide partnership. These two organizations
are the state’s oldest advocacy and education groups for
Oldahoma’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
Combined, they have nearly a half-century of advocating for
this population.
According to Toby Jenkins, President of the Oldahomans
for Equality Board of Directors, the organizations have had
a cordial relationship for years. "\re have always had the
highest regard for Cimarron Alliance and they have been very
supportive of Oklahomans for Equality as welt. This past
year our organizations have had a very intentional approach
in working together. The time is right to formalize our
Scott J. Hamilton, Executive Director of Cimarron
Alliance, concurs with Jenkins. "For the past six months
our organizations have deve!oped an amazing working
relationship. Our missions are very complementary and we
hold OIcEq’s leadership in very high esteem. We believe that
we can accomplish far more together than either of us can on
our own.
Jenkins and Hamilton believe that this initiative will have
far-reaching benefits for Oklahoma’s gay community. It forms
the framework for more cohesive program development,
legislative work and, ultimately they believe, serving as a
powerful voice for LGBT Oklahomans throughout the state.
"We are not merging our organizations," said Hamilton.
"Instead, we are capitalizing on each other’s strengths and
experience to serve more people than ever before."
The choice of Ponca City as the location for the MOU
signing was, according to Jenkins, very intentional.
"We chose Ponca City because it is a neutral site, rich with
Oklahoma nationally recognized landmarks and history. On
September 16, 1893, the greatest land run in the history of
the state began right here in Ponca City. More than 100,000
eager land-seekers raced for claims. Their stories are of
endurance, hope, pride and determination, and are all of the
things our organizations represent," said Jenkins.
Hamilton echoed Jenkins’ sentiments and noted that
Ponca City is representative of many Oklahoma towns and
cities. "We love the history and symbolism here in Ponca
City. We could, though, have chosen any place from here
to Ardmore, from the Otdahoma Panhandle to the hills of
southeastern Oldahoma. Our goal today is to demonstrate
that Oklahomans for Equality and Cimarron Alliance
Foundation are dedicated to addressing the needs of every
LGBT adolescent, adult, and senior as well as their families,
friends and loved ones in Oklahoma" he said.
As important as this MOU is to both organizations,
Hamilton and Jenkins indicated this is only the first step
of a broader plan to include other organizations. "This
creates a statewide partnership that will broaden our reach
immediately," said Jenkins. "But as we move forward, we
envision inviting many other organizations to join with us,"
he continued.
"In time we will welcome LGBT groups and other allied
organizations to partner with us," said Hamilton. "~ais way
we gain strength and provide even greater empowerment and
support for individuals and groups. \Vgorking together there is
no limit to the advances we can make toward equali~ for all
Oldahomans," he concluded.
Oklahomans for Equality, originally called Oklahomans
for Human Rights, began in 1980. The organization seelcs
equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
individuals and fan~ities through advocacy, education,
programs, alliances and the operation of the Dennis R Neill
Equality Center.
The mission of the Cimarron Alliance Foundation,
founded in 1995, is to support educational efforts that
validate personal identity, promote public enlightenment, and
advance equality for LGBT Oldahomans.
The full Memorandum of Understanding can be viewed
at the organizations’ respective websites: okeq.org and
TEN Co’Founder Elected to
National Post ¯
Laura Belmonte, President The Equality
Nelwork (TEN)
TULSA, OK (PR) The Equality Network would like
to congratulate our co-founder and vice-president, Laura
Belmonte, on her election to the Board of Directors of the
Equality Federation, the national alliance of state-based
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organizations.
The Equality Federation announced the move during their
annual summer meeting in Baltimore, MD.
"I am honored to be elected by my colleagues from across
the country to serve on the Equality Federation Board of
Directors," Belmonte said. "As we continue taking important
steps toward equality here in Oklahoma, I am excited to
play an active role in building the LGBT equality movement
on the national level. Pro-LGBT victories in places like
Utah, Alabama, and South Carolina prove that the model
of statewide advocacy pioneered by Equality Federation
members works in challenging political climates. That is an
inspiration - and a charge for action - for those of us working
in the Sooner state."
The Equality Federation ~vorks to achieve equality for
LGBT people in every state and territory by building strong
and sustainable statewide organizations in state-based
movements. The Equality Network (TEN) is represents
Oklahoma in the national alliance.
The Equality Network works to achieve equality and
secure legal protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender Oldahomans through advocacy, coalition
building, and individual empowerment in the political
Ride Arc
TULSA, OK (PR) A special reception to honor and
meet Danielle Girdano will be held Saturday September 4th,
2010 6:00 pm at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, Tulsa.
Sponsored by PFLAG Tulsa and the Dennis R. Nell Equality
Center, Ride the Arc is a first-of-its kind multi-state bicycle
ride for equality and justice. Spearheaded by athlete Danielle
Girdano, Ride the Arc intends to publicize the need for equal
rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT)
people to raise awareness about the high GLBT suicide rate,
and to promote places ofwelcome and refuge and affirming
groups. Commencing in Minneapolis on August 9th, it will
end in Dallas on September 18, the eve ofDallas’s GLBT
Pride Weekend.
The 1,300 mile distance requires Danielle’s faith to guide
and sustain her as she trains for Ride the Arc. Danielle will
carry the message of love and inclusion every mile of her
ride. Join Danielle for the ride of her life, and help change
the world for GLBT people everywhere. For info: (www.
ridethearc.org) Make donations payable to Ride the Arc.
September i, 20i0 3
It’s About a Lot More than
Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern
is foaming at the mouth again. She declared
it "horrific" that this week’s ruling that
California’s ban on same-gender marriage is
After I gave an interview on KTOK
Radio this morning, she told the station that
"homosexuality- is a behavior and the question
must be asked whether all behaviors are equal.
Tlais is a behavior and it’s a behavior that has
been proven scientifically and statistically to
be a deadly behavior."
Ofcourse this is nonsense. One’s sexual
orientation is not a behavior. That’s aldn
to saying Sally’s brown hair is a behavior.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are
like height, eye color, right handedness; they
are all part of our makeup. But we shouldn’t
expect truth from Sally.
The website examiner.corn reported
earlier that Sally said gay marriage is a form
of"debauchery like abortion, porn6graphy,
sex trafficldng, divorce, illegitimate births and
child abuse." She even went so far as to blame
gay marriage on the nation’s economic woes.
And we all remember when Sally said that
LGBT folks pose a greater risk to the United
States than terrorism.
Friends, you can’t make this stuff UP" This
is the reality of where we are toda}:
t heard a syndicated radio host last night
talldng about a revolution because "activist
judges" are not abiding by the will of the
people. Odd, isn’t it, how only those judges
that make rulings not in line with ultra
conservatives are labeled as activists.
tf decisions of equality were left up to
the will of the people, ~’rican-Americans
would still be riding at the back of the bus
and women would stil! not have the right
to vote. If it truly is the ~vill of the people in
this country to deny rights to others and to
provide one level ofjustice for some people
and another level for others, then we’ve no
choice but to continue our procession to the
The claims that allowing same-gender
couples to marry violates the institution of
marriage mystifies me. How in the ~vorld can
my being married to another man impact
negatively the marriage of a straight couple?
Allowing two men or two women to marry,
offering them the same rights as any other
couple, strengthens the fabric of this country.
Ultimately, though, this is not about
marriage. It is about unequal treatment.
It is about withholding rights. It is about
denying liberty and justice and the pursuit of
happiness to millions ofAirier,cans.
And this takes gay marriage from a gay
issue to a human rights issue. Every good
person, regardless of sexual orientation or
gender identity, has a moral obligation to
stand firm for equality for all people. We need
every LGBT person and every family member
of a lesbian, gay ,nan, bisexual or transgender
person. We need honest legislators with
integrity and pastors with compassion. We
need educators and journalists and attorneys
who will not back away from what is right.
\re must work together, speak togethe,;
march together, vote together, and love
This is not about the future for LGBT
persons. It is about the future of our nation.
Scott J. Hamilton, Executive Director
Cimarron Alliance Foundation
Religion and Sex Best
Conducted by Consenting
Adults in Private
From the smallest crossroads one stop
light town to the largest state in the American
Union, religion has stood in the municipallegislative
door to stop the recognition of
gay/lesbian cM1 rights.
Ten countries now recognize and support
same-gender marriage. They are Argentina,
Canada, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Belgium,
Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and South Africa,
according to the International Lesbian and
Gay Law Association, (www.ILGLaw.org) .
Many of these countries govern their people
without the profound religious obeisance
that interferes with the passage of any
pro-gay/lesbian law, ordinance, or policy in
the United States, regardless of the level of
Our national myth of being founded on
equality is a shell game.
N~e real root of America’s founding was
the need for a fundamentalist sect to escape
to a region of the world where they could call
their own repressive religious shots without
the need to compromise with other faith
POVs. Eventually other denominations and
sects infected even the Puritan tradition.
Some colonies required membership and
tithing towards particular churches even if the
citizen choose not to attend services:
Rhode Island was the first colony to
recognize religious freedom of conscience.
Maryland had a back-and-forth struggle
regarding recognition of the Catholic and
Protestant faiths. Each side suppressed the
other when they had the POLITICAL power
to do so.
Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for
Religious Freedom from 1779 reads:
"[N]o man shall be compelled to frequent
or support any religious worship, place, or
ministry whatsoever; nor shall be enforced,
restrained, molested, or burthened in his
body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on ¯
account of his religiouS opinions or belief,
but that all men shall be free to profess, and
by argument to maintain, their opinions in
matters of religion, and that the same shall in
no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil
Tlae language of the Jefferson statute
clearly alludes to the suppression of
fi’eedom of conscience and the coercion
of property experienced in many of the
Colonies. Jefferson was so proud of this
accomplishment that the title is engraved, at
his direction, on his grave market; but NOT
the fact he was a president of the United
States. ( http://en.wildpedia.org/wikil
Freedom of religion )
Women are not mentioned in the
Constitution and were only recognized
nationally as legal voters in 1920 with
passage of the Nineteenth Ainendment.
African-Airier,can slaves and the indigenous
Americans were spedfically enumerated as
3/5ths of a person. Several American states
had educational tests or poll taxes to maintain
power over minorities who the majority
wanted disenfranchised from voting or
removed fi’om any other participation in the
governing process.
It’s no wonder gays and lesbians are
treated as non-entities in much of federal law.
4 September 1, 2010
Every minority in American history
has had to fight tooth-and-nail for legal
recognition under the law and our gay/lesbian
equality fight is no different.
I think the so called sacred "institution"
of marriage is as much a miasma as the myth
ofAmerica’s founding being based in equality.
There’s nothing sacred about it. gC~y do the
50 states allow completely~secular marriages
with absolutely no mention of religious faith?
Those non-religious marriages using only
a state marriage license are just as valid as
the recent marriage of Chelsea Clinton and
the spending of an estimated three million
The emotionalohopes and expectations
associated with marriage have long been
diminished by the actions of the heteros
My relationship with my partner has
lasted 33 years with total commitment toward
each other in spite of the failure of our state
and federal governments to give us aW of the
support that hetero couples receive in spite
of our paying more per centum of taxes than
hetero couples 0fthe same income level.
My partner and I want the same tax and
other economic benefits that the heteros are
Judge Vaughn \Valker’s Prop 8 opinion
is the very first major statement that plainly
addresses the religiously-bigoted and sociallyignorant
prejudices held against gays and
lesbians. ( http:/hinyurl.com/28jm16s )
Whether it’s called marriage or domesticpartner
benefits makes no difference to
us. I’ve long said our gay/lesbian equality
movement was using the xvrong word for
America’s profound sky-god-believing
majority" to accept. There’s no way too much
political, legal, and emotional water under the
bridge to recover the separation of church and
state argument regarding marriage equality.
We don’t need a religious blessing,
societal approval or the neighborhood
welcoine wagon to make a stop at our door in
order to be American citizens.
\Vge need ONLY the judicial and
legislative equality of law, that’s all, JUST
We’ll take care of our own private
emotional feelings towards one another,
thank you very rauch!
Keep religion confined along with sexual
activity in private among consenting adults.
James Nimmo
Oldalaoma City, OK
Obamacare Pre-existing
Condition Insurance
Now Enrolling
By Healthy Living Ne~vs
Some call it health reform, some
Obamacare, yet many with a pre-existing
heath condition and no health insurance
may call it a life saver. For them the xvait for
affordable health insurance may be over.
The Pre-existing Condition Insurance
Plan (PCIP), part of the new Affordable
Care Act, is now enrolling, enabling at last
chronically ill and uninsured individuals
access to affordable health insurance.
"For too long, Americans xvith preexisting
conditions have been locked out"
said Secretary Kathleen Sebdius. "The Pre-
Existing Condition Insurance Plan gives them
a new option - the same insurance coverage
as a healthy individual."
The PCIP provides an opportunity for
LGBT community members, many ofwhom
have been denied, or could not afford, health
insurance because of HIV, diabetes, cancer, or
other once exclusionary conditions.
Federally funded at $5 billion, PCIP is
slated to provide a broad range of health
coverage including primary and specialty care,
hospital care, and prescription drugs. Once
enrolled coverage begins immediately and will
provide limitless health insurance coverage,
low deductible with low co-payments, at least
in theory.
Early enrollment is being encouraged,
howevm; as PCIP’s popularity may be
substantial and there is concern that there
may not be enough funding to meet the
potential demand. By enrolling early you can
ensure that you won’t be put on a waiting
list. Ttae federal government and or states
will administer PCIP so enrollment costs and
eligibility, requirements may vary fi’om state
to state.
PCIP will run until 2014 when it will
be replaced by more affordable insurance
exchanges from which even members of
congress will have to purchase their insurance.
In the meantime, the AIDS Drug Assistance
and Ryan White programs will remain in
place, that is for as long as they are funded.
If you are in need of health insurance
coverage due to a pre-existing condition visit
healthcare.gov. As enrolhnent may require
proof of a pre-existing condition contact your
member organizations such as SSRA donate
thousands of dollars each year to charities.
Winners from this year’s rodeo ,nay go
on to compete at IGRA’s World Gay Rodeo
Finals in Laughlin, Nevada.
Its location, a terrific host hotel and a fun
calendar of events have buoyed anticipation
of the Sooner State Stampede. The Ramada
Tulsa Airport East~.l 010 North Garnett
is the host hotel, with Bridle Creek (www.
bridlecreekok.com) .just a few minutes away.
\vgith mention of SSRA, the hotel rate is just
The Sooner State Stampede fun starts on
Thursday, Sept. 30 with a 7pro - 9pro VIP
Party at Club 209.
Friday October 1, 6pm-9pm: Registration
at hotel and arena. 6pm-8pm: Entertainment
(All IGRA & Association Royalty are invited
to perform) 8pm-9pm: Live performance
by Gary Robert Strickland from Growing
Mylow. 9pm-til Homorodeo.com Meet &
Greet at Tulsa Eagle.
Saturday, October 2, 7:30pm: Buses
load at the hotel for the Bar Crawl. $5.00
admission 8:00pro: Bar Cravd
Sm~day, October 3, 7:00pro: Awards
Banquet at Club Majestic. In addition
to rodeo events the weekend features
entertainment and bus transportation.
For more information about the Sooner
State Roundup, admission and schedule of
events, visit ww~v.soonerstaterodeo.com.
By Rex Wockner
Media decides Prop 8 found himselfin an identical situation of
ruling on an issue that is related to his or her judge is gay sexual orientation.
Michelangelo Signorile, who has been
credited with inventing outing when he ~vas
a columnist at New York’s defunct OutWeek
magazine in 1989, said the Walker outing
was "a testament to how easily the media is
manipulated by the right into doing things
about which editors and reporters claim to be
staunchly opposed."
He said the Walker repor~ amounted to
"outrageous hypocri~ ... on the part of the
corporate medid’ because "even with proof
and evidence, news or~nizations reuse to
report on the secretly gay sexu~ orientation
of conservative, ~ti-~y politicians and
public figures when the ~rgument for their
exposure is made from the left."
U.S. District CourtJudge Vaughn Walker
Lady Gaga denounces
Arizona immigrants law
In a break with past practice on outing,
the U.S. mainstream media decided in early
August that U.S. District Judge Vaughn
Walker, who struck down Proposition 8
as unconstitutional, is gay, openly gay or
reportedly gay.
W’alker has never publiCly said ifhe~ gay
o~ s~raight. In the p~t~ U:S~ mainsffeam
media have avoided Outing people who’ve
chosen nor to out .themselves. .......
Most of the reports either attributed
Walker’s alleged gayness to other mainstream
reports or said it is common knowledge in
certain San Francisco circles. Some reports
flat-out called him "openly gay," without
attributing the assertion to any event or
~le Associated Press took the plunge on
Aug. 6, writing: "Rumors have circulated
for months that Walker is gay, fueled by the
blogosphere and a San Francisco Chronicle
column that stated his sexual orientation
was an ’open secret’ in legal and gay activism
circles. Walker himself hasn’t addressed the
speculation, and he did not respond to a
request for comment by ~e Associated Press
on Xhursday."
"l-he New York Times wrote, "Several
published reports have stated that the judge is
himself gay."
New York’s Daily News said, "The federal
judge who upended California’s samesex
marriage ban this week is now being
scrutinized by some for being gay himself."
Fox News called Walker "one of three
openly gay federal judges in the country," and
a CNN opinion piece called him "an~ openly
gay federal judge."
The Washington Post let a political analyst
call Walker "openly gay."
Anti-gay activists have suggested that
Walker’s purported gayness means he
shouldn’t have accepted the Prop 8 case, since
it deals with whether marriage is only for
straight people or also for gay people.
~i1~e anti-gay activists did not address ~e
fact that a heterosexual judge would have
Lady Gaga. Photo by Rex Wockner
Lady Gaga forcefully denounced Arizona’s
anti-immigrant law during a July 31 concert
in Phoenix.
Gaga said she had been asked tO boycott
Arizona "and I said, ’You really think that us
dumb fucldng pop stars are gonna collapse
the economy ofArizona?’"
"(We need to) actively protest prejudice
and injustice and the bullshit that is put on
our society," she said. "I will not cancel my
show. I will yell and I will scream louder and
I wil! hold you and we will hold each other
and we will peacably protest this state."
"Do not be afraid because if it wasn’t for
all of you immigrants, this country wouldn’t
have shit," the pop diva told concertgoers.
The law, lm0wn as S.B. !070, requires
pol!ce to check an individual’s immigration
status if an officer suspects the i;xdividual may
be in the U.S. illegally.
LGBT direct-action group GetEQUAL
had asked Gaga to take a stand against the
law, saying it makes it "a crime to be brown."
Gay people are much more likely than
straight people to oppose the la~,v, a Harris
Interactive poll found.
Sixty-three percent ofLGBT Americans
oppose the law and 45 percent of LGBT
Americans strongly oppose it. However, 60
percent of straight people support the law and
41 percent s.upport it strongly.
The poll also found that, because of the
law, 43 percent ofLGBT respondents are less
likely to vacation in Arizona and 36 percent
are less likely to attend a convention there.
The proponents’ opening brief is due Sepf.
17, the plaintiffs’ opposing brief is due Oct.
18 and the proponents’ reply brief is due Nov.
A decision that the proponents lack
standing could come in December. If the
9th Circuit Court decides the proponents
have standing and goes on to consider the
constitutionality of Prop 8, it would not be
expected to isstie a decision until sometime in
early 2011. Either decision could be appealed
to the U.S. Supreme Court. -
Meanwhile, the plaintiffs challenging Prop
8 could appeal the 9th Circuit’s current stay
to the U.S. Supreme Court right now but
have given no indication they will do so.
Robin Tyler, whose marriage to Diane
Olson was the first same-sex marriage in
southern California two years ago, said the
stay is deeply disappointing.
"We are tired of our emotions being
batted around like pingpong balls," Tyler said.
"Gays and lesbians are human beings, and
there is not one legal reason to delay same-sex
marriages in California. Martin Luther King
said, ’Justice delayed is justice denied.’ He
also said, ’Wait means never.’ Once again, our
hopes have been dashed."
NCLR Executig;e Director Kate Kende!l
said: "Every add~’ n~ o..n.a..l.day that cou.p.l.e.s.must
wait to marry again in California iS painful,
but despite the terrible disappointment for
the many couples whose right to marry has
been delayed yet again, today’s ruling includes
another significant victory for our side. The
court did the right thing by putting the case
on a fast track and specifically ordering that
Prop 8 proponents show why they have a
legal right to appeal. This ruling brings us
one step closer to ending the nightmare of
Prop 8 and restoring full equality for all
Lambda Legal called the stay "painful."
"We are saddened by the 9th
Circuit’s decision to maintain the stay
ofJudge Walker’s ruling that Prop 8 is
unconstitutional," said Jennifer Pizm; director
of the group’s Marriage Project. ’%7e very
much hoped to see same-sex couples again
free to celebrate their love and mutual
devotion through marriage starting later
this week. ~/e 1,mow this delay is painful for
couples in love, who have been denied their
basic rights for too long already."
She also said the 9th Circuit failed to
apply "the standard test for when a stay
should be ordered."
The test requires, among other things,
that an appellant prove a strong likelihood
of winning on appeal and that the appellant
would suffer an irreparable injury without
a stay. Judge Walker said the Prop 8
proponents failed to pass any part of the test.
The 9th Circuit’s order did not explain its
September 1, 20i0 i 5
O ahoma City Museum ofArt features Sketch to
Screen E ibition with Grand Finale
By Victor Gorin
Contributing Writer
"Ttxe work I have created for this show
hopes to evoke an experience of serenity,
energy and excitement for life - and silliness
out of the viewer. To summarize: this show is
an artistic collage of Seasons, Seasonings and
Sensations. I invite you to indulge and enjoy
my work."
° The show begins with a reception on
Thursda?; September 2nd fi’om 6-9pro and
continues throughout the month.
New Faces At Tulsa
Featured at the Skyline Terraceparty Oklahoma City Icon Ginger Lamarpictured with longtime
partnerf~): Gorin photo
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK __ Film history
aficionados got a real treat when the Okdah0ma
City Museum of Art featured their Sketch
to Screen-The Art of Hollyw~*0od Costume
Design E>~ibit May 6 thru August 15. Cocreated
by Film Curator Brian Hearn and
Associate Curator Jenni}~r ~os, the exhibit
featm’ed costumes from films ranging from
Gone with the Wind to Legally B!onde. The
project was 3 years in the making, obtaining
articles for exhibition from other museums
and private collections throughout the country,
but also including two local contributors,
the O~:dahoma Cowboy & Western Heritage
Museum and the Oklahoma History Museum,
whose items were featured in the western
section of ti~e exhibit: Accompanying thi~
event was a film series of movies with costumes
shown in the exhibit including not only Gone
with the Wind, but also classics like Dick
Tracy, Atonement, and a sing a long party with
Mama Mia.
Mama Mia was part of the climax of
the exhibition, which was the Last Call
Party" held Thursday August 12. That party
featured a costume contest emceed by
Johnathan Kayne, a famous gay fashion
designer, and a party with a live DJ on the
Skyline Terrace featuring 2 Oklahoma City
icons of female impersonation, Ginger
Lamar and Lexus Carrin~on.
The Oklahoma City" Museum of Art
is open Tuesday thru Saturday from 10
A.M. until 5:00 p.m. until October, with
Thursdays open until 9 p.m, with Sunday
hours from noon until 5 P.M. The museum
features an excellent restaurant, with dinner
& a movie package deals available. Museum
members aAso get discounts at Tulsds Circle
Cinema. For more information check
out their website is wv,¢aokcmoa.com,
telephone (405) 236 3100.
Art Opening and E ibit of Original Works:,
Photographs by Shelley McGoNn
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The September
Oldahomans for Equality (OkEq) showcase
and exhibit of local artists at the Dennis R.
Neitl EqualitT Center (621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa), will feature the Art of
Shelley McGoffin.
Shelley McGoNn is a Tulsa native. Her
art was originally inspired by her love of and
passion for food---eating it, cooldng it, looking
at pictures of it, collecting and displaying
plastic versions of it and talking about it. Her
first experiments with painting on canvas were
centered on exaggerated still life, food generally
the subject. Eventually she chose tO explore
the abstract art world of inner emotional
statements in this area Surrealism was always an
artistic inspiration to her Salvador Dali being
her main at~nity. Although her paintings are
not in the Surrealistic style, her abstract
works have a touch of their own surrealism.
Shelley’s art impacts her life thru its
ability to allow her to become a vessel into
which energy vibrations which did not
originate from her find a resonance. "The
act of painting a piece of art on canvas
is, for me a translation, a transmission of
my own inner passions onto a vessel thru
which I hope the viewer will experience an
intimate vibration of the energy originated
by and within me."
The current shmv for which she has
painted is all new material. It is differe~at
fi’om her previous works in that is draws
on her willingness and growing ability to
broaden her inspirational field and try new
stTles of abstract interpretation using vibrant
colors and images - channeling her spirit.uai
experiences with nature and equality.
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Tulsa Metro
Softball League, Tulsa’s only LGBT softball
league, is ge’aring up for its second fall season°
beginning September 19, 2010. Games vdll
play on Sundays in the early evening and last
through November 7, 2010.
This year TMSL has set up Fall Bal! to be
a relaxed social season enabling members to
mix & mingle and get to lmow one another.
It is also great for new members as it vcill
allow them to meet people, make friends,
and find or form a team for the competit@e
spring season!
Fall Ball registration will open on August
22, 2010. At 6PM on Sunday September 5th
TMSL will hold a "Draft" party at the Dennis
R. Neill Equality Center in Downtown Tulsa
where Volunteer Team Captains will select
players for one of eight teams from a "hat"
containing the tickets of all players registered
for Fall Ball. TMSL will provide team .jerseys
that players get to keep!
TMSL has three registration options for
1. Players may register on an individual
single player ticket.
2. Couples may register with and be
placed on the same ticket as their girlfriend/
boyfriend/partner which guarantees they will
be on the same team.
3. Single players may find a friend, register
as a "couple", and be placed on the same
ticket guaranteeing they will be on the same
Dues for TMSL Fall Ball 2010 are set at
$20.00 per player fi’om August 22, 2010 till
September 5, 2010. After the "Draft" late
registrations will be accepted with dues set at
$30.00 per player. Late registration will be
allowed until Opening Night, September 19,
2010 no registrations will be accepted after
Opening Night.
For more information on Fall
Ball & TMSL people can visit w~v.
TulsaMetroSoftball.com or emaiI at
Wang Yi, 7he Vertiginous Thrill ofExactitude
(William Forsythe)
TULSA, OK (PR) __ Tulsa Ballet artistic
director Marcello Angelini announced
today the addition of 12 new dancers to the
company’s roster for the 2010-2011 season.
"Tulsa Ballet brings the wood to our city,
not only in the global premieres we offer each
year, created by internationally recognized
choreographers, but in the ten nationalities
represented by our dancers," said Arlgelini.
The new dancers include:
Claudio Cocino joins the compaW
as demi-solist. From Turin, Italy, Cocino
trained at Teatro dell’ Opera di Roma and the
Royal Ballet School in London. In 2007, he
joined the Teatro Dell’Opera ballet company.
He won the L. Massine Positano prize for
the Art 0f Dance in Positano, Italy in 2009,
one of the most prestigious awards given to
rising stars or established dance personalities
in Italy.
Joining the corps de ballet are Forent
Bouyat - France, Jo@ Antonia Checa - Spain,
Alexandra Christian - U.S., Alex Harrison
- Great Britain, Rodrigo Hermesmeyer
- Brazil, Elise Miller - U.S., Gwdna~lle Poline
- France, Erin Pritchard - U.S., Jonathan
Ramirez - Colombia, Susanna Sal@ - Italy,
and Laura Suttle - Great Britain.
In addition, Kate Oderkirk - U.S. has
been promoted from demi-soloist to soloist,
and Sarah Jane Crespo - U.S. has been
promoted fi’om apprentice to the corps de
ballet. Ms. Crespo is the first dancer to join
the company from TBII, Tulsa Balle{’s preprofessional
ensemble. The company’s roster
now stands at 29 artists, while TBII boasts 12
pre-professional dancers recruited ft’om some
of the best American schools.
Tulsa Ballet is a professional ballet
company whose purpose is to serve as an
essential asset of its extended community
through internationally-acclaimed artistic
excellence and exemplary @ucation and
outreach. Regarded as one of the top
ballet companies in North America and
internationally recognized as a leader in the
field, Tulsa Ballet consistently brings the
finest works of the classical and contemporary
repertory to the Oklahoma stage, presenting
the same works and sharing the same worldrenowned
choreographers with the top
dance organizations in the World. For more
information, visit ~vw~a:tulsaballet.org.
By Ronald Blake
Contributing W-riter
Ronald Blake, Certified Fi*ness Instructor
through ISSA International Sports Sciences
10,000 Seeps!
The car won’t start. The bicycle has a flat
tire. Your neighbor left for work 20 minutes
ago. ~Pne bus line is 14 blocks away. The
number for the cab company has been busy
forever. Your pulse quickens, sweat beads
on your forehead, you furrow your brow,
and you realize you may have to ....WALK!
Loosen your tie and put on those sneakers
and "Walk Like a Man". It’s going to be
different today!
There is an exercise program called the
"10,000 Steps a Day" and today is YOUR
day to start. The goal of this program is to
get people to become more aware of their
health and fitness through the ancient art
of walking. That many steps each day are
equivalent to four or five miles traveled. Don’t
"WalkAway Renee" just yet! It can be done!
You will need a pedometer to measure
your steps. These $20 and under devices won’t
break your bank and they conveniently attach
to your waistband. Stay away from buying
one online since there is not any walking
involved in the process. Purchase one at any
of your loc,~ sporting goods stores. Then
you will simply need to start "\v-vralking on
$~i~!~in~!" .... .... .....
Forget what the modern world has taught
you about convenience and the on-demand
attitude. You will need to work to earn your
10,000 steps. It begins early in fl~e day and
in earnest as you yawn, stretch, and rub your
eyes after wrestling with your alarm clock.
Climb out of your bed and "\Valk Like an
Egyptian" to the bathroom on the other side
of the house to get your day moving right.
After you’ve showered, dressed, and
eaten you will be ready to change the way
you approach the world. You can walk to
work, walk to the bus, or drive to work
and park four blocks dmvn the street. You
vdll need to get creative and don’t be afraid
to try something different. There is always
somebody out there trying this walking thing
too and "You’ll Never Walk Mone."
Get to work and take the stairs instead
of the elevator. Get to your office and walk
around your desk as you yap on the phone
and earn your commissions for the week¯ Get
to your lunch break and walk with your coworkers
during the last half of the lunch hour.
Get to the last part of your work day and
meet your team members in person and not
through e-mail¯ Smile or whistle on your way.
It’s OK to "Walk This Way!" You have to earn
those steps someway and you might as well be
happy doing it!
When you arrive home, you can continue
to "Take a Walk on the Wild Side!" The
possibilities include walking the dog, walking
and talking on the phone, or just plain old
wa1~ng ~ith {he ~eighbm-~ f~ ~6~ ~Cise
and gossip[mongering.
The 10;000 steps program is something
that can be fun! It gives you that ehance
to strive for a daily goal and it can change
you profoundly! Get your pedometm; get
motivated, and you’ll want to go "Walkin’
After Midnight."
CNNtapesfor an upcomingAmerican
Morning. Photo by Robin Dorner
pay; there were 40 teachers in the Putnam
City School District alone that were laid off
and I never saw her [Kern] put forth any
legislation to stop this."
Novomy said the top three issues in
her campaign are helping small business,
insuring that all children have the best
education in Oldahoma and investing in our
transportation infrastructure.
"In a time where the economy is so bad,
we need to be doing things to help promote
bringing in businesses," said Novomy.
Reflecting on the goodness of this state and
the benefits of our lower cost of living she
added, "We’ve got great things to attract
people to Oklahoma."
The youngest of five siblings, Novotny was
born in Chickasha. She grew up in Oklahoma
City and graduated from Westmoore High
School in 1998. In 2002, Brittany graduated
Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. in Sociology
from the University of Science and Arts of
Oldahoma, earning her Jurist Doctorate from
the Hastings College of Law University of
California in 2005.
"It’s important that we work together,"
said Novotny. "This is really a campaign,about
all of us and our future as Oldahomans. In
July 2009 the Journal Record ran an editorial
stating that Kern is bad for business.
CNN’s American Morning offers political,
domestic and international stories. Most are
scripted segments including a heavy dose of
political news each morning. The program
mainly focuses on news to attract viewers,
who prefer a more straightforward morning
show. Its main competitor is the Fox News
American Morning is aired live every
weekday morning from 7 to 10 am (CST). As
of this writing, CNN’s air date of Novomy’s
interview is not known. Please visit the
Novotny website at www.brittany4hd84.com
for air time and date.
The results of this primary election should be
used as an example in every civics class that
every vote counts!" Askins thanked voters and
Edmondson for their support, reflecting on
her past political experiencequalifying her as
the best candidate for this office.
"We are privileged to have two candid,,ates
leading this state who are truly a class act,
said Jim Roth, former state Corporation
Commissioner who served as emcee for the
event. "We are so proud of the campaigns you
both ran."
Those inducted into the Activist Hall
of Fame were Jack Boyte, Miller Newman,
Charlie & Juanita King, Troy Green, Tommie
Lou Levi and Rev. Dr. John A. Reed Jr.
The general election will be Tuesday,
November 2nd. For more information about
voter registration, statewide candidates and
candidates in your area, please visit www.
Courtesy o£~vwcw.labrescue,net
but it sounds FUN!! In
tO live in a
says I would do best in
kids who will wrestle with me. I hope you
will put in your application and cm~e ~ut to
mee{ me I’ll give );ou a big Hig ..
Ifyou’d like to see Grammar or any of
th~ other adoptable dogs visit the Lab
Rescue Tulsa Oldahoma website at:
labre~Cue,net, All available dogs are listed
there. We also show our dogs t~e first
three Saturdays ofthe month, so watch
the website f6r the locations.
September 1, 2010 " 7
~~! ~nstant Ace
the Nation’s Top Gay
10 September 1, 2010
Photo’s by Victor G. and Robin D.
Out &About in Oklahoma
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa @ The Copa, Oklahoma City
@ 7he Democratic Homecoming andActivist Hall ofFame Dinner,
Oklahonm City
By Ed Sikov
Ed Sikov is the author ofDark Victory; 7he Life
ofBette Davis and other books aboutf!lms and
"Snobs invent Fire Island Iced Tea"
Six of us ~vere lined up in beach chairs
judging the gym rats on parade at the water’s
"Why does that guy have ’Bondi’ printed
on his ass?" I inquired. "I love Make Way for
Tomorrow, too, but it’s a strange film to be
referenced on a musclehead’s butt."
"It’s not Beulah Bondi, darling. It’s Bondi
Beach in Australia~" This came from my
3artner, Dan, who then turned on me: "Did
rou hear what Dr. Film Studies just said?" he
trumpeted to the others, who made snorting
noises at my expense.
Jack Fogg yawned, stretched, and said,
"Let’s make Long Island Iced Tea." "You
would drink that," his boyfriend Sammy
Jack became defensive: "What’s wrong
~vith Long Island Iced Tea?"
"People wilt think we’re from
Massapequa," Chipper explained.
"Or Hicksville," Paolo added. "Can you
imagine saying you’re from Hicksville? You
might as well be from East Jesus."
I agreed. "We’re maldfig ’Fire Island Iced
Tea’ because we’re on Fire Island, not Long
"What’s in it?" Sammy asked.
"We’re inventing it," I declared. "What
should be in our drink?"
"Lots of fruits," said Dan.
"And logs of alcohol," Pao!o added.
"It needs a fire component," Chipper said.
"What tastes hot?"
I had an inspiration: "Absolut Peppar!"
Chipper got into the spirit(s): "And
Citron for the fruit. And Orange Curacao.
And your inevitable lime juice."
"Why do you always have Orange
Curacao?" asked Jack, the reporter; he was
prone to interviewing people, which irritated
me, so I answered: "Because Blue Curacao
turns an orange Screwdriver the color of
"Aha," said Jack, buying my, made-up
reason. I’m dementedly jealous ofJack, so
I put a notch on the Ed vs. Jack scoreboard
I keep in my head.
Michelangelo’s David strolled by. "What
can we add t° represent him?" Dan asked.
"Coke Zero!" Sammy shouted to our
communal delight. ~-he pore; perfect hunk
thought we were laughing at him and glared.
We tried a fe~v recipes before we found
one that worked, which meant we were
hammered by dinnertime. I grilled the
Lemon-Dill Lamb-burgers to death. Dan
burned the buns. But Paolo, always under
control, pulled off a lovely Caprese Salad, and
since we bought a peach pie from the grocery
store, dessert was fine. "Where do these great
pies come from?" I once asked the Long
Island teenager behind the counter. "Poh’t
JefE.," she answ~ered, meaning Port Jefferson.
The accent alone proved why ~ve had to have
an "Iced Tea" of our own.
Fire Island Iced Tea
2-parts Absolut Peppar
2-parts Absolut Citron
I-part Beefeater
1-part cup tequila
l/2-part Orange Curacao
1-part or 1/3-cup unsweetened lime juice
3-parts Coke Zero or the soda of your
choice .
Fill a tall glass with ice and add liquors
and lime juice. Pour soda in gently to keep
the fizz. Note: The conventional drink is
called "Iced Tea" because the cola turns
the white liquors tea-colored. But I prefer
Limonata, the Italian le,hon soda, which
makes the drink taste like spicy lemofiade.
Use what you like, and dofft worry about
what color the result is. If it looks gross, put
it in an opaque plastic cup, stick a straw in it,
and nobody will know the difference.
@ Finishline, Oklahoma City
@ Ledo, Oklahoma City
Join Metro Star Enews for BreakAng News Updates as they haj~pen. Keep
informed throughtout the monthr Join us at www.Metroatari’~ews.com
SSRA Member Don George, Tulsa
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The Metro Star Online was one of the first
nationally to send out a News Bulletin on
the California Prop 8 ruling from Federal
Judge Vaughn Walker on August 4. Metro
Star Online was the chosen media to
release the signing of a Memorandum of
Understanding between Oldahomans for
Equality and Cimarron Alliance Foundation
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September 1, 2010 13
By Jack Fertig
September 20t0
"Just be yourself, VirgoV’
Venus and Mars dancing through Libra
while opposing Eris boost competition
and conflict. Mercury retrograding
past the Sun in Virgo brings egotisticai
miscalculations into the picture. Go
slow, easy and careful. Be the tortoise,
not the hare!
ARIES (March 20- April 19): Strive for
your best without comparing yourself
to colleagues. Can you be the best at
teamwork? Even efforts to cooperate
will highlight your ego, but as long as
you’re your own sharpest critic, that can
be good for you.
TAURUS (April 20- May20): Too
often you feel your best isn’t good
enough. Your efforts are appreciated.
Why do you shortchange yourself?
Playfully exaggerating those feelings
- and whatever comes up with them
- can help you get clarity.
GEMINI (May 21- June 20): "The family
that plays together slays each other?"
That’s not how it goes, but maybe you
should find your fun outside for now.
Either way, remember that standing
in your community is based more on
cooperation than being "the best" at
CANCER {June 21- July 22): Slips
of the tongue reveal what you really
think about your roots and your
current job and trajectory. Pick your
company carefully, being sure to have
a confidante you can trust. Also, use
these accidental insights to revise your
LEO (Ju~y 23 -August 22): Be very
careful of your facts and figures. You’re
likely to exaggerate the humiliation
of being caught in a mistake, but the
financial costs of errors can be much
more real than the cost to your ego.
VIRG0 {August 23 - September
22): Let others plan your birthday
party. You’re having too much trouble
managing details and they’ll fall all over
each other trying to make your bash
everything you deserve. Trying to look
sexy is sure to backfire. Just be yourself
and they’ll come running.
LIBRA {September 23 - October 22):
Worries about your relationship are at
least exaggerated and likely unfounded.
Go over them carefully, preferably with
your partner, strip away the needless
fears, and get a clearer vision of real
problems you can work on.
SCORPIO {October 23 - November
21): Friends are too eager to help, but
listen politely, if briefly. There might
be some good suggestions in all that
meshugas. Competing with colleagues
can drive you crazy. Focus on doing
your best. "You’ll accomplish more.
SAGITTARIUS/(November 22
- December 20): Your long-range plans
are not looking good. Normally you
would roll with that and adapt. Now it
looks more serious, That’s just worry,
but yes, some revisions need to be
made. Analyze problems now; solve
them next month.
CAPRICORN (December 21
- January 19): Work is looking good
if you can only keep your mouth out of
the way. Absorb information and others’
perspectives now. Take time to figure
that out before responding. Even if by
negative examples, your family offers
excellent lessons for building your
future. -
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February
18): You may be able to convince
everyone you’re right, but something
at the heart of your argument is wrong.
Invite criticism. Open discussion and
testing your premises can help you
figure out where the flaw is. ’
PISCES (February 19 - March 19):
Money and sex are the two biggest
issues for couples to deal with, but
first get ego and miscommunications
out of the way. Humility and admitting
mistakes is necessary on both sides,
but you can only do for yourself.
3 4 5 i6 7 8 9 10
11 12 i13
28 29 30 ,31
32 33
! 38
54 W
60 61162
Community for
People iving
H V/A ©S
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Our House, Too offers a variety of
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day. We provide a Toilet~ and Household
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and or living with AIDS who cannot
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themselves_ ~te invite anyone who
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us by phone 9t 8-585-9552 or e-mail
35 End of the quip
39 Victor/Victoria actor [¥ter
40 Verdi’opera
41 Gay Hamilton
42 L-~am of Kinsey
44 Straw hat
46 Beginning ~o whiz
47 kA. lang’s~I Gal"
52 Barrie~ precipitation
53 Source ofth( quip
55 No no~e for a l;u~c~
58 V0d S uad° Character
59 Edmund to Colette?
ancestral home
12 Hoar
13 Alpine feedback
14 ~iily Elliot epithet
22’ Bdieve :n0t!",
23 Mil; Student b0#
26 Number 0fsidm to a gay, symbol
27 Transsexual Richards
28 Que n 0free hill
29 Dicks rtmning mate
30 Like Abner, before Viagra?
31 NB~ Sketch source
33 Stuff~ ~trides
34% eat; to UlrichS
35 Tart taste
36 Kindof colUmn
37 Ola comedian g orge
}8 Poet Teasd~e
!3 Like an~igayhnguage
~5 ~ii~d testacle?
18 P !fistname, in Goldfinge~
19 Greased th~ palm ofU
56 With title tO
il Fine point
53 George Burns film
~4 Gay p0rn director Fnmcis
55 Dangle like a package
Solution p~e 15
14 September 1, 2010
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Classified Text Classified
~ ~ELI
September 1, 2010 15
"What matters, as always, is not what we can’tdo,
Stonewall Democrats is a recognized group of the
Oklahoma and national Democratic Par~.
Working to educate voters and politicians about issues of the GBT
Tuesclay~ September 7,
meet the ~ st Tuesday ofevery month at the "
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd; , “[2010] Metro Star Magazine, September 1, 2010; Volume 7, Issue 9,” OKEQ History Project, accessed January 18, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/197.