[2008] Metro Star Magazine, August 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 8
[2008] Metro Star Magazine, August 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 8
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Metro Star’s first issue began in August of 2008. Before this issue was Ozarks Pride (2004), The Ozark’s Star (2004), and The Star (2005).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd;
Star Media, Ltd
August 01, 2008
Greg Steele
James Nimmo
Joey D.
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockneer
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blake
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Devre Jackson
Chaz Ward
James Nimmo
Joey D.
Victor Gorin
Rex Wockneer
Romeo San Vicente
Andrew Collins
Donald Pile
Ronald Blake
Ray Williams
Jack Fertig
Devre Jackson
Chaz Ward
The Star Magazine, July 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 7
The Metro Star, September 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 9
The Metro Star, September 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 9
Online text
Online text
Southwestern Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeastern Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
From the Editor
TULSA, OK __ You can still call us "The Star" although
we have a new name, the Metro Star. Tiae Ozarks Star is no
longer. With our primary focus on Oklahoma, we decided
the Ozarks name was no longer appropriate for our publication.
The State of Oklahoma and our t~vo major metropolitan
areas, OHahoma City and Tulsa, will continue to be our main
focus. The emerging Oklahoma cities of Lawton, McAlester,
Ardmore, Muskogee and Enid also have diverse communities
that are becoming more active. McPride in McAlester has
made a big difference in that area. We will continue to serve
them as well.
Some believe nevcs print publications have no future, that
electronic media has made the newspaper obsolete. I believe
there is need for both. To accommodate those thousands who
visit our website, we upload our entire paper each month, an
exact duplicate of the printed version. Many, including myself to ¯
Maybe you noticed we also have a new look. We’ve changed
from a magazine m a newspaper format, which will allow
us more print space and to increase circulation at a lower
increase in cost than the more costly magazine style. Those
staples were very expensive! x~lith the added space we now
can report more on national and international news that
normally you don’t find in the mainstream media. We will
continue to sp~ out on eqt~ rights issues and, promote
those leaders and organizations who openly support equality
Star Media, Ltd., publisher, was formed in Joplin, Missouri
in 2003. Vie distributed our first edition New Year’s Eve that
year. It was a black & white Readers Digest size of only eight
pages and printed from my home printer. We printed less
than a 1000 copies because the printer ran out of ink. There
were only 4 paid advertisers. XXre called it "Ozarks Pride". We
continued to print on my old Dell printer for several months
with my dear friend Sissy Blanchard folding and stapling from
the dining room table. Because people confused us with a
"Pride Organization" we changed the name to the Ozarks
Star. Tnat soon was referred to simply as "The Star". We
moved to Tulsa in December 2004.
Tulsa Pride~sets new
p~entfor major events
new ~home
for Pride
The qnal issue oftbe Ozarks Star Magazine, July 2008
Our distribution area in the beginning was Joplin, Springfield,
Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Pittsburg and Tulsa. To increase our
readership we expanded to Oklahoma City, Kansas City, and
Wichita and recendy discovered a former Tulsan who owns
Napoleon’s Itch Night Club in New Orleans that wanted to
distribute "~e Star so he and fellow Oklahomans in New
Orleans could keep up on our local news.
Now that we’ve made the transition and I’ve filled you in on
our past we hope you enjoy the Metro Star. With a new name,
a new design and an optimistic outlook we will go forward.
Thanks to those ofyou who have supported us in the past and
we welcome those who will support us in the future.
Editor in Chief
Wodd Pdde-Pages 9 &13
AUGUST 1, 2008
NEHART "I’m not sure what
homophobic means:’ Q ote
from CNN Interview!
By Metro Star staff
Oklahoma County Commissioner Bi ’eni Rinehart ~om
District 2, apracticingpublic homo ~hobe
OKI2kHOMA CITY, OK__ Oklahoma County Commissioner
Brent Rinehart appeared on CNN’s American
Morning July 21, to defend his anti-gay comic book that he
is sending out to registered Republicans in his district. Wher
asked if his comic book took mudslinging to a brand new
low, Rinehart replied, "Well, one person’s mudslinging, I
guess, is another man’s issues. Here in the state of Oklahoma
especially here in Oklahoma County, I believe that the homosexual
agenda is an issue in this campaign. I thought that
the cartoon book was a novel approach to telling a story for
the last three, 3 1/2 years."
Rinehart has been charged by Attorney General Drew Edmondson,
who is depicted in the book, with illegal campaign
financing for his 2004 campaign. He faces trial in September.
CNN ROBERTS: In fact, let me just highlight in a little bit
more detail your attack on Attorney General Drew Edmondson
here as depicted in this comic book. You’ve got him
holding a sign that says, "Gay rights now." And you write in
the balloon over a character here, "You remember that Drev¢
Edmondson is on record to force the Boy Scouts to accept
homosexuals as scout leaders, a pedifiles [sic] dream come
Tile Attorney General has said of this comic, ’~ drowning
man tends to thrash about." And the question is being raised=
is this some desperate and weird attempt at payback against
the attorney general because he has filed these charges
.............................Continued on Page-6
2 www.metrostarnews.com
New Arena
5h ne
New L ght
ByJoey D.
When walldng the halls of the nearly completed
BOK Center in dmvntown Tulsa, it is nearly
impossible to be awed by just how massive the
new 18,000 seat events center is. The building,
~vhich is o~en described by passers by as either
a space ship or a meringue pie, has become a
true addition tO the Tt~lsa skyline, with the
recently added lit "BOK Center" signs.
"This building is truly unique to Tulsa," says
Travis Horton ofTulsa Vision Builders, a joint
effort of Flintco and Manhattan Construction
Companies. "In keeping with Tulsa’s precedent,
a large portion of the project’s budget and
efforts went to ensuring that the building’s architecture
and appearance were truly unique."
Located at the corner of 3rd and Denver, the
BOK Center is literally a shining example of
downtmvn revitalization. "When Pelli (the
building’s architect) designed this building, he
wanted to incorporate light into it. There are
windows everDvhere in here. Even if it’s only a
sliver, no matter where you are in here you can
see a window?
Another feature incorporating light into th~
building that most people may never think
about is the terrazzo flooring that runs through
out the concourse. According to Horton, the
70% mother-of-pearl mixture was purposely
chosen by the architect to make the building
"Everything that has been done in here has had
his approval. Everythingyou see from the ceiling
panels to the stripes ofpaint on the walls
have been approved by him. He has a vision
to integrate light into this building,.but also to
m~e it feel very open;’ said HOrton.
~ae most noticeable and unique element of
the building is its sweeping glass "icon wall?
"If Pelli has a signature masterpiece, this would
have to be it," Horton says of the massive grid
of steel and reinforced glass. "I can’t think of
anything out there like it that is on this scale?
While innovative and impressive, Horton
also reassures that the wall is safe. "They have
impact tested it with two by?burs and even
subjected the model to jet-engine force winds
to make sure it will hold?
Just inside the glass shield is the building’s main
promenade and grand staircase, and grand they
are. The open aired promenade allmvs guests
to appreciate the magnitude of the building
and to bask in the art deco splendor of the
historic downtmvn buildings that surround it.
The Grand Staircase, raising from the ground
level to the main bowl searing, offers event
patrons a grand path to their seats, almost on a
royal scale.
The arena, which is being constructed with
funds from the Vision 2025 bond issue, is on
target for its grand opening August 30. The
ribbon cutting and open house will be followed
the next day by a community choir, starring
Sand Springs native and Broadway performer
Sam Harris. The first major act, The Eagles,
will take the arena stage September 6, followed
in the coming months by such acts as Celine
Dion, American Idols Live, Kenny Chesney
and Carrie Under~vood (just to nan~e a few).
For event updates visit www.bokcenter.com.
www.metrostarnews.com ~÷t~’oSTAR 3
Ok!ahomans for Equality
opens new exhibit,
Treegpeak, at the Dennis
R. Neill Equality Center
TULSA, OK__ The Dennis R. Neill Equality
Center art gallery will host it’s month~¢ First
Thursdays Meet’the-artist Reception from 6-
9pro, Thursday, August 7, for the opening of its
August exkibit TreeSpeak, featuring the,vorks
ofphotographer Shelly Ledford, and painter
Dawn DeMott.
~ne TreeSpeak Exhibit is being held specifically
in August to acknowledge the Katrina events
in New Orleans and to celebrate the rebirth of
the city. The works in the exhibit will be New
Orleans focttsed.
Shelly Ledford is a native Tulsan and graduated
from Northeastern State University with
a degree in Literature. She has held a variety of
photographic positions including staffphotographer
for Newspaper Printing Corporation,
MetLife and John Blanca Modeling agency and
currently owns Renaissance Photography.
In constant search for places xvhich vibrate a
high level ofuniversal energy, her ~vork reflects
areas such as New Orleans concentrating on
the above ground cemeteries, swamps and bayous
in and around New Orleans, Sedona, Italy,
Greece, Austria, England and Indonesia.
Quotable Quotes
In a passionate address to the Democratic
National Committee’s Gay and Lesbian
Leadership Council, Mrs. Obama delivered a
rottsing call-to-equality and put her husbas~d
on record as a fighter for the full equality
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
Americans. "Barack believes," she said, "that
we must fight for the world as it should be,
a world where xve ,vork together to reverse
discriminatory laws."
Invoking "those who marched and bled and
died, from Selma to Stonewall," Michelle
implored Democrats to continue those early
crusaders’ march "in the pursuit of a more
perfect union."
Sunday Services @ 11:00 AM
].623 N. Maplewood Tulsa, OK MCC United A Metropolitan CommuniW Church www.mcctulga.org
Expressions Community
Fellowship Relocates
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (PR) __ Expressions
Community Fellowship ha~s relocated
their facilities to the Landsbrook Event
Center, formerly The Church of the Servant,
5909 NW Expressway, Otdahoma City, OK
73132. It is west of MacArthur on Northwest
"~e new facility has recently been remodeled
and provides many new ~vonderful amenities
as well as plenty of room to grow and launch
our Children’s Ministr,,~’ said Pastor Neill
The Church meets ever), Sunday at 2:30pm.
For more information contact them at (405)
761-1878 or email expressionsokc@yahoo.
DBAT Will Host
DiversityJob Fair
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Diversity Business
Association ofTulsa (DBAT), a program of
Oklahomans for Equality, is hosting a
Diversity Job Fair on Tuesday, September
16th from 1:00 to 5:00pm at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center, 621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa. The event will bring together
lgbt job seekers and lgb{-friendly employers
in a safe and comfortable environment, allowing
for open dialogue and alleviating fears of
The Diversity Job Fair offers a unique opportunity
for diversity-conscious employers to
access the wealth of skilled and talented members
of the lgbt community. Additionally, job
seekers are given an unprecedented connection
to companies that are lgbt-friendly.
Employers are asked to have their area set up
by 12:30pm the day of the event. DBAT will
provide a table and t-wo chairs. Refreshments
will also be provided. The Equality Center has
wi-fi internet access.
For more information or if your company
is interested in participating in the job fair,
contact Susan Hartman at dbat@okeq.org or
call 918-698-2977.
to the new Miss Gay Okdahoma
America 2008, Adrienne Fischer
and 1st Alternate Shantel Mandalay.
Tulsa Couple to Marry
In San Diego.
Photo: Charles Johnston and Kelly Kirby
TULSA, OK__ Kelly W’ayne Kirby and
Charles Stanfill Johnston ofTulsa announced
they will be legally married on Saturday,
August 9, 2008. The wedding will take place
at Point Loma Lighthouse Bluff, Cabrillo National
Monument, in San Diego, California.
Officiating will be Rev. Doctor David Downing,
retired clergyman of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ). David was one of Kelly’s
youth pastors in Kansas when Kelly was a
"Vge are taking five of our six kids (ages 21-26)
and their significant others, my morn, and
Kelly’s two sisters. Several friends are joining
us in San Diego for the wedding’; Charles said.
The couple will be staying at the Park Manor
Suites Hotel, across the street from Balboa
Park, and will host a reception there after the
" he Hot Young
Hollywood Party" to
benefit R.A.I.N.
party ~vill be held at Angles OKC, August 8th
and will include fashion shmvs by Riot Rocket
and GLAMNERD. The highlight of the
evening will be a continuous raffle ofluxury
gifts *including a MARCJACOBS bag*
donated by some of the hippest restaurants
and shops in the metro. Keeping xvith the
"Hollywood" theme we will have a red carpet
and sponsor board for everyone to have their
picture taken with. Our sponsors include;
Tony Foss, Iguana, Velvet Monkey Two, 1492,
Nova, Tom &Jerrys, Blue7, Duo..
"This event was nay idea of a great give back
to this wonderful organization and its tireless
stalk"; said Kendel R. Powers, producer of the
All proceeds from the event to benifit
R.A.I.N. (Regional Aids Interfaith Network)
4 August 2008
Room Ra~es
Our Su#es
= High N~
wv,-~v.metrostamews.corn P~et~oSTAR 5
against you for campaign irregularities for
The comic book shows a couple discussing
Rinehart’s trials and tribulations as an Oklahoma
County Commissioner, how Rinehart
strives to accomplish better roads and bridges,
lower taxes, and promote family values but
is thwarted by public officials supported by
The comic books, which is sure to be a classic
in the annals of political history for the
GLBT community and Oklahoma, can be
downloaded from http://do~vnloads.newsok.
Zhe purpose for publishing the 16-page book
was to highlight his commitment to destroying
the queers. ~q~en asked whether it’s
relevant to his election, Rinehart insists that
it is, because we are in a cultural war. When
asked whether he’s homophobic, Rinehart
played (real) dumb: I’m not even sure as to
what homophobic means. But let’s just keep
in mind that we are in a cultural war, not just
here in the state of Oklahoma but nationwide."
CNN journalist, John Roberts does
not seem amused. You can tell when he does
a little grammar check: "We should also point
out that the word pedophile is spelled wrong
in the two times that’s it’s used in this comic
BRENT RINEHART: "OK. Again, it’s
getting a message out. It’s telling a story" of
hmv I got to where I’m at the last 3 to 3 1/2
years. No~a; no one has ever - now people can
talk about the homosexual aspects of this in
regards to how they’re depicted but no one
has ever said anything about the truthfulness
ofmy cartoon book. How it exposes Drew
Edmondson for his true agenda, and how it
exposes others here in county government for
their true agenda. No one and you know, you
can attack the spelling of pedophile. I have to
be honest with you, I don’t necessarily care if
I misspelled it or not",
T!~e following are quotes from a few of our
other elected officials. "It’s extremely pathetic
and very bigoted." Oklahoma County Sheriff
John Whetsel
’Tve really encouraged him on more than
one occasion to get professional help. He
really, needs it". Oklahoma County Assessor
Leonard Sullivan
"It’s typical Rinehart subterfuge to detract
from his poor job performance and likely
criminal misdeeds". Oklahoma Corporation
Commissioner Jim Roth
Once again Oklahomans has been embarrassed
by someone we elected to office. Will
this newest outrage provoke us to seriously
look at who we vote for? q-his election year
will soon tell. We must take the time to evaluate
a candidate’s ability to represent us and to
support equality for all citizens of this state.
Many are just not capable.
"Be sure and vote--your voice counts, and it’s
more important who our ,p,resident is than who
is our next American Idol. Cyndi Lauper.
By Victor Gorin
glndy Bell ofErasure and Cyndi Lauper at Oklahoma
City True Colours Taut:
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__ OnJune 23 the
Pride Weekend in Oklahoma City was especially
honored when the True Colours Tour came
to the Oklahoma City Zoo Amphitheater. Despite
the high heat of the afternoon, the show
rocked with opening act Girl in a Coma. The
show then mellowed into disco heaven with
the 80’S sounds ofAndy Bell ofErasure, bringing
back nostalgic memories of nights past vcith
some ofhis greatest tunes, "Blue Savannah," "A
little Respect; and bringing many to their feet
with his dance classic "Chains ofLove."
Mr. Bell did a duet with Cyndi Lauper before
music took an intermission ,vith comedienne
Margaret Cho whose ba~vdy humor extolled
what’s good about gay men and bad about the
Bush administration.
Then Joan Jett showed she still had her stuff,
performing classics older than many ofthe
young people dancing in the audience. V,rhen
she lead community singing with her signature
tune "I love Rock and Roll," ( a 1982 classic)
there was no shortage of rockers who enthusiastically
knew the words. This follmved with
the B-52’s, the wildly fun icons ofthe 80’s
,vho got their name from a hairdo named after
a bomber. The energy ran vdld as the audience
raved to their timeless numbers including
"Rock Lobster," "Private Idaho" "Roam"
and course "Love Shack" which predictably
brought the house dmvn.
All ofthis vcas held together by the perfect emcee,
Carson Kressley ( famous from television’s
QEeer Eye for the Straight Guy) whose wisecracks
(induding flirtations with the hunky
security guards) witticisms and audience interaction
kept the show rolling and lively between
Last but certainly not least was the dassy
campy icon who epitomized an era, Cyndi Lauper,
who not only has made her mark in music
history but also as a gay rights activist. Opening
with an electrified Statue ofLiberty torch and
the song "Change of Heart," she went through
her many hits, climaxing ofcourse with the
timeless anthem’Girls just want to have Fun."
OkEq Decries Anti-Gay
Vandalism in East Tulsa
TULSA, OK (PR), July 16th_Oklahomans
for Equality deplores the vandalism directed
at Robert Stoder, an openly gay resident of
east Tulsa. Such intimidation highlights the
urgent need for federal and state hate crimes
legislation protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LBGT) people.
Over the last week, anonymous vandals have
twice attacked Stoder’s propert): The assailants
set Stotler’s truck on fire and spray painted
"Gay Must Go" on the charred vehicle.
"No Oklahoman should be victimized because
of his or her sexual orientation;’ asserts Freddy
Owens, Executive Director ofOklahomans
for EqualiD: "All of Oklahoma’s lesbian, gay;
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens
should be free to live openly and safely. It is
far past time that our state legislature amended
our hate crimes la~vs to include the LGBT community:’
In 2006, the FBI reported 7,722 hate crimes
across the US, a 7.8% increase over 2005.
About halfwere due to racial hatred; 1,195
of the crimes - representing 15.5% - were due
to bias against LGBT people. 79 of the hate
crimes were reported in Oklahoma, but the
state hate crimes law does not cover sexual
orientation or gender identity and expression.
Earlier this year, state lawmakers introduced
four different bills attempting to strengthen
and broaden the Oklahoma statute. None of
the bills received a committee hearing. Oklahoma
remains one of only 17 states whose hate
crimes laws do not protect LGBT citizens.
Las Vegas Nights and
Lights! (aka- Drag
Q een Bingo)
Bingo like your mother never played.,.
This annual event and fur~draiser for Our
House Too will be held August 8th at the
Cain’s Ballroom. Female impersonators will
bring Las Vegas excitement for this, the fifth
year, beginning at 8:00p.m. and ending at
midnight. There will be glamorous costumes
and prizes. A live auction ~vill be held and, of
course, bingo! Female inapersonators will perform
glittering numbers from Las Vegas shows
to entertain the crowd.
Our House Too is a nonprofit organization
serving to eliminate the social isolation of
people living with HIV and AIDS in the Tulsa
area. In addition to providing monthly activities
and holiday celebrations, Our House Too
offers food baskets and a toiletry and household
pantry. Tickets for Las Vegas Nights and
Lights are $10 in advance or $15 at the door
per person. For advanced ticket sales call
585-9552 or 698-9997.
Directory ofLocal Animal Shelters
Tulsa Shelter 918-669-6299
Broken Arrow 918-259-8311
OKC 405 297 3104
Muskogee 918 686 7297
Stillwater 405 372 0334
Coweta 918-486 2137
Siloam Springs 479 524 6535
Claremore 918 341 1260
Sand Springs 918 246 2543
Jenks 918 299 6311
Owasso 918-272-4965
Sapulpa 918 227 2722
Norman 405 321 6725
Collinsville 918 371 1000
Courtesy ofwwv.labrescue.net
6 ~®t~’oSTAR August 2008
Wockner News Service
LI.& Senate votes to
repeal HI¥ travel/immigration
Key The U.S. Senate voted 80q6 on July 16
to repeal the nation’s ban on HIV-positive
foreign visitors and immigrants.
Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Gordon
Smith, R-Ore., secured a provision to repeal
the ban in the Senate’s legislation to reauthorize
PEPFIMR, the President’s EmergenW Plan
for AIDS Relief.
The measure now moves to a House-Senate
conference committee, then goes to President
George "\g~. Bush, who is eager to see PEPFAR
"We applaud the Senate l:or rejecting this
unjust and sweeping policy that deems
HIV-positive individuals inadmissible to the
United States," said Human Rights Campaign
President Joe Solmonese. "We call on
the leaders of the House and Senate to retain
the Kerry-Smith provision in conference and
ensure it is included in the fin!l legislation
sent to the president’s desk."
denounces effort to reban
same-sex marriage
California Gov. ArnoM Schwarzene~e,: Photo
by Rex Wockner
ABC, FX get high
marks from GLAAD
ABC and the FX cable network do the best
job of representing gay Americans, the Gay
& Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation said
July 14.
GLAAD’s Network Responsibility Index
tracks the quantity, quality and diversity of
images of GLBT people on television.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has
strongly denounced the attempt to amend the
California Constitution to re-ban same-sex
San Diego offers gaywedding
The San Diego Convention and Visitors
Bureau is holding a contest to give away a
six-day "dream vacation" to the city for a
same-sex couple to get married.
~ae sweepstakes, which ends Aug. 1, is open
to U.S. residents who are at least 25 years old.
"’g~e’re celebrating the new laws allowing
same-sex weddings in California," ConVis
said on its ~’eb site.
"Ever dreamed of being married in Paradise?
In a short story, tell us why you should win
the wedding vacation of your dreams in San
Diego. The best story will win a trip that includes
your marriage license, transportation,
accommodations, dining and entertainment."
"The HIV ban is ineffective, unnecessary,
and Simply bad public health policy," said
Rachel Tiven, executive director of Immigration
Equality. "It is especially harmful to gay
and lesbian families, who do not benefit from
the waiver available to opposite’sex couples.
The Senate’s change is welcome, and long
PEPFAR will send $48 billion to Africa over
the next five years to fight _AIDS, malaria
and tuberculosis. Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del.,
called the bill "the single most significant
thing the president has done."
Two policemen marry in
Northern California
Two male cops have gotten married in Northern
Santa Rosa police officer Chris Mahurin,
25, and San ILafael police officer Alex Holm,
25, tied the knot June 20 at Paradise Ridge
Winery in Santa Rosa.
"It’s just a dream come true," Holm’s mother,
Claire Ann Boyce, told the local Press
Democrat newspaper. "It makes me feel like
this generation is on its way to have what
everyone should have."
The state Supreme Court legalized same-sex
marriage May 15 and the weddings began on
June 16.
Appearing on TV’s Meet The Press on June
29, Schwarzenegger was asked: "You have a
lot of propositions on the ballot again this
fall. One of them wotfld mean a constitutional
ban on gay marriages. Do you support
"No, not at all," Schwarzenegger replied. "As
a matter of fact, I think the Supreme Court
made a decision there. It was apparently
unconstitutional to stop anyone from getting
married. It’s like 1948, the interracial marriage,
when the Supreme Court of California
has, you know, decided it was unconstitutional
and then later on the Supreme Court of the
United States followed, I think 10 or ! 2 years
later. So I tahink it is, it’s good that California
lead -- is leading in this way."
"I personally believe that marriage should be
between a man and a woman," the governor
added. "But at the same time I think that
my, you know, belief, I don’t want to force
on anyone else, so I think we should stay
with the decision of the Supreme Court and
move forward. There are so many other more
important issues that we have to address in
California. So I think to spend any time on
this initiative I think is a waste of time."
Desperate Housewives:
Lane. ABCphoto
ABC, wiffl shows like Brothers & Sisters,
Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty, received
the highest marks of the five broadcast
networks. NBC and Fox scored lowest.
Among 10 of the highest-rated cable channels,
FX aired the largest number of GLBTinclusive
hours of original programming,
while TNT offered the fewest.
GLAAD examined all primetime programming
-- 4,911 hours -- on the five major
broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox
and The CW) from June 1, 2007, to May 31,
2008. The group also reviewed all original
primetime programming -- 1,240 hours -- on
the 10 cable networks.
"Time and again we see that what people
watch on TV shapes how they view and treat
the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people around them," said GLAAD President
Nell Giuliano. "ABC and FX are ... showing
other networks that including images of our
community can go hand in hand with critical
and commercial success."
At the beach in San Diegoi Photo by Rex tgockner
The prize includes airline tickets; five nights
at a plush hotel; dinners at five fancy restaurants;
wine, cheese and chocolate tasting at an
upscale venue; tickets to the renowned Old
Globe Theatre; tickets to the GLBT Diversionary
Theatre; "passports" to Balboa Park’s
numerous museums; a massage at a swank
spa; a wedding license; and tickets to Fashion
~ae ceremony was conducted by gay state
Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco,
chief sponsor of the same-sex marriage bill
that t~vice passed the state Legislature only to
be vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The California Supreme Court legalized
same-sex marriage May 15 and the ruling
took effect June 16.
It was not the first time Schwarzenegger had
denounced the proposed amendment, but it
was the first time he has done so on national
Each of the 6,151 hours ofTV was reviewed
for any on-screen GLBT representations, and
networks were assigned a grade of excellent,
good, adequate or failing.
ABC and The CW rated good, with 24
percent and 21 percent of their primetime
programming hours inclusive of GLBT
representations. CBS rated adequate, with 9
percent. NBC and Fox .....continued Page-17
San Diego’s Balboa Park. Photo by Rex ~Vockner
See www.sandiego.org/pridetobe
............More U. S. Nexvs page 17
www.rnetrostarnews.com ~÷troSTAR 7
Photo by: Bill Gaddis
More summer sipping.
~~ere in midsummer, I find that
I am enjoying lighter meals with more
white wines over reds. Lately, my favorites
include a diverse variety from many parts
of the world. It’s been so hot that all I
wanna do is relax by the pool/s~vim & sip
some wine.
Here are some wines other than Chardonnay
or Sauvignon Blanc that embody the
laid backness ofsummer.
Mandra Rossa Fiano/Sicilia 2006
The Fiano grape comes frora the island of Sicily,
and, taken a gold medal at the International
Wine Challenge 2007, this botde was named
as ’Great Value White Wine of the Year; Here
is a medium bodied wine ~vith a fresh, floral
nose. "Ihe finish has a taste ofsucculent pear
and ripe melons.
Bongiovanni Arneis 2006
ItS hard to find sonaething that Piedmont produces
in a xvhite wine that’s just as exceptional
as those big Barolos and Barbarescos you read
about all the time. However, one of the notable
exceptions can be found in the white grape,
Arneis. This wine comes from the Langhegrowing
zone in Piedmont. Bright pear flavors
are the hallmark ofthis wine.
Zeveri Muller Thurgau 2006
This is a 100% Muller Thurgau from Trentino’s
Valle di Cerebra district in Northern Italy. The
fruit is sourced from five single vineyards. The
grapes are gently crushed and then macerated
at cold temperatures. This is a wine of finesse, Sineann Pinot Gris 2007
and elegance. At the palate it’s Sharp ~ Torbreck VCoodcutter’s Semillon
great finish oflight spices 2007 will become even
years ofageing. C- Ken Forrester Petit Chenin Blanc
Dr. Loosen Riesling ~ 0 Michd ~d Vouvray
This lighdy sweet, low-alc6h 8 5 percent) " _ !--ln~o as al"ways, ~I :say ~o to vour ~avorl" te wl"ne
Dr. Loosen Bros. German RJ , ngf~om Mo, shop, ask~ti0n~~’nd p(,rchase a bottle or
Saar-Ruwer is ideal for casual mmmertime two:~laare[some t~oo.a ~.wi.ne w.ir.e rr.leno.s a.no
quaffing. This wine has a creamy texture with
: cnecac tins out for yourself.
flavors ofhoney, apples, peaches;aa~,d miner,s.
Pair with spicy grilled chicken or ~’i food[ [
St. Amant Verdelho2005
This exotic Portuguese white varietal is a new D’
wine for this California vineyard. It’s a full bodied
wine that shmvs tropical fruit flavors that This writer also bar tends and hosts wine &
really come alive on your palate. ;" WfooindeeEvennthtsuksinaoswtsnoifnTtuolswan. as the
Garci Grande Verdejo 2006
F ..... References include: the ~IBC’s ofwine byJames Laube/www.
tom me l~ueoa region m ~pam, tins wine
shows a crisp green apples flavor/a must for www.FoodandV~ne.com
serious smnmer sipping. " "Www.Wikipedia.org
I~O~ ’ With Donald
This months recipe courtew
Phoenix, Arizona
*One ofthe many desserts at the restaurant"
The Pesto:
1/2 bunch ofbasil (leaves only)
1/3 cup ex. Virgin olive oil
Handfifl offresh pinoli nuts
1/4 cnp grated Parmigiana (Reggiana or
1 dove garlic smashed
pinch ofsalt
Pasta: (~ recommend fresh pasta only)
~OW gO:
In a processor, place the basil, parmigiana
and clove ofgarlic. Turn on the processor
and slowly drizzle in the oil. Add the pinoli
nuts and dash ofsalt. qqae paste should be
creamy but never add too much oil ! In a 4
quart pot, boil the water for the pasta, (112
lg. for 2 persons max.) When the water boils,
add 3 tal~lespoons ofsalt (preferably kosher.)
Add the pa~’ta. If fresh, 2 *:ninutes will do. If
you cannot find fresh pasta, dry pasta should
take approximately 8 minutes. ~ou do NOT
want to eat overcooked pasta. ~A1 dente," is
the only way to enjoy it. Reserve about an 1/8
ofthe pasta xvater to add while tossing your
pastawith the pesto sauce. Hint: Never add
more oil - it doesn’t work.
(Fresh fruit salad With lemon juice, sugar and
fresh mint)
Berries are a good choice. Strawberries,
blueberries, black and raspberries will always
~narry~vell. Melons, pears and app!es vary
texture and release flavors that don t blend
well with berries in this dish. Freshly squeeze
2 lemons and add 2 Tablespoons ofsugar
and wisk together. Blend and toss with the
berries, place in a dessert cup and garnish with
fresh mint.
8 ~e~ ~oSTAR August 2008
Police stop first Cuban
gay pride march
Police in Havana stopped Cuba’s first gay
pride parade before it could start June 25. But
the details of what exactly took place are far
fi’om clear.
Reports from activists in Miami said the
organizers were beaten and arrested around
10 a.m. as they arrived at Don Quixote Park
at 23rd and J streets in the Vedado neighborhood.
Fort Lauderdale’s Sun-Sentinel newspaper,
however, said the march was canceled just
before its start time by activist Mario Josd
Delgado Gonz~itez, who appeared at the park
to report that two other organizers had been
arrested a day earlier.
The Miami Herald, on the other hand, reported
that nine organizers were detained the
morning of the march, effectively aborting
the event.
The Spanish H-/eb site cubaencuentro.com
quoted Delgado as saying: "Cuban homosexuals
are victims of repression, we don’t enjoy
rights. HA~at we are doing has as its objective
the reclaiming of our rights. \re want equality
of opportunity, equality of assembly, and that
they dont expel its from parks, university
centers, schools and work centers."
With a theme of"You are not alone," the
group had planned to walk to the Ministry of
Justice and deliver demands to the government.
They sought an end tO ~nti-gay violence and
repression, an apology for the government’s
having incarcerated gays in work camps
decades ago, acknowledgment that gays have
been fired because of their sexuality, and a
review of cases where homosexuals have been
jailed for an offense apparently known as
"dangerous levels."
At the march’s end, the group planned to
proceed to a diplomatic residence to hold a
press conference and stage a concert.
Prior to the aborted mar&, Havana gay activist
Aliomar Janjaque had told the Sun-Sentinel:
"H/e want to raise awareness but we don’t
want to provoke a wave of repression against
the gay community. If there is a hostile reaction
from the government, we will stage a
much larger demonstration. "We will take to
the streets."
\[he Herald report said Janjaque was one of
the individuals detained before the parade’s
Wockner News Service
Boy George banned from
the U.S.
The United States has refused to give British
gay singer Boy George a visa to enter the
country because he faces trial in Britain for
allegedly chaining a male escort to a wall in
his apartment.
George had planned a summer U.S. tour and
also hoped to perform a free concert for New
York City’s Department of Sanitation, where
he worked cleaning streets in 2006 as punishment
for a drug offense.
George has pleaded not guilty in the ongoing
British case.
Gays march in 3 Indian cities
Lambda Istanbul eradicated
by court
Istanbul’s Beyoglu Court of First Instance has
formally eradicated the gay group Lambda
Istanbul, saying its existence contravened
societal norms of morality and decency.
Issuing its opinion this month in a case it
decided in May, the court declared: "While
members of the association are, as men and
women, subject to Article 10 of the Constitution,
which states that all persons are equal
before the law; since there are no constitutional
regulations regarding any other gender
identity besides man and woman, forraing an
association based solely on sexual orientation
and gender identity is against the essence and
the spirit of this Article, and the concept of
equality aimed by it."
The court continued: "It is observed that
encouragement and propaganda, in all levels
of the society, of the sexual orientation of the
members of the association through organizing
instructive programs are predominant in
the association’s aims, and that these activities
are likely to bring about a tyranny of a
minority over the majority, which is against
legal and constitutional regulations, and that
this would jeopardize the rights and freedom
of the family and children, as mentioned in
Article 41 of the Constitution, and the rights
and the freedom of the youth, as mentioned
in Article 58 of the Constitution."
The court proceeded to "dissolve" Lambda
Istanbul, saying the European Convention on
Human Rights allows obstruction of the right
to association "to protect public morality and
others’ freedom."
The court also found that Lambda’s bylaws
contravened a Turkish law that states, "No
association may be founded for unlawful or
immoral purposes."
Lambda Istanbul has been in existence since
1993 and had been officially registered for
two years. The group has continued to operate
since the ruling and is appealing the decision
to the Court of Cassation.
Some ZOO0 GLBTpeople stagedpride marches in the Indian cities ofCalcutta, Bangalore and
Delhifi~ne 29 -- thefirst such parades in the latter two cities. Delhiphoto by Sonali ~Gulati via
Woc]ener ~Vews
Some 2,000 GLBT people staged pride
marches in the Indian cities of Calcutta,
Bangalore and Delhi June 29 -- the first such
parades in the latter two cities.
About 500 people marched in Calcutta, 700
in the high-tech city of Bangalore and about
800 in Delhi.
"When the pride started (in Delhi), there
were about 100 people and it looked like
we were outnumbered by the media and the
police," said correspondent Vikram Doctor.
"By the time we started (marching), though
... more and more people were coming along
and getting attached to the end. I was walking
back and forth, trying to help with media
requests, and I got a sense of how large it
was growing ~vhen I realized in addition to
the main group carrying the flag upfront,
there was a second large group behind with
placards and doing dances -- and then a really
large group of stragglers behind."
Calcuttgs seventh parade focused heavily on
Section 377, the Indian law that bans gay sex
under penalty of up to 10 years in prison. A
court case, now at a crucial phase, could see
the law "read down" so it no longer applies to
consensual adult gay sex.
support from different stakeholders, media
included, in their struggle to be free from discrimination,
receive respect from all sections
of society, and function as equal participants
in a progressive and democratic India," organizers
said at the parade’s conclusion.
The Queer Media Collective issued a statement
saying that GLBT people in India today
find themselves at about the same point U~S.
gays were when the first pride parades began
in 1970.
"LGBT people face a lot of harassment
from the police," the group said. "Lesbians
are subject to violence and even forced to
commit suicide by their families. Gay men
are blacks-nailed by organized rackets that
involve members of the police. Bisexuals
are denied the chance to express same-sex
love and forced into opposite-sex marriages.
Transgenders are routinely arrested and raped
by the police. Same-sex couples who have
lived together for years cannot buy a house
together, have a joint bank account or will
their property to each other without being
challenged by their families .... Today in
2008, Queer Pride goes national as a sign that
the time for national change has come."
"India continues to stigmatize its transgender,
kothi, hijra, gay, lesbian, bisexual and other
communities of marginalized sexualities and
genders," organizers said. "Section 377 ...
encroaches upon a person’s democratic rights,
goes against the spirit of the Indian Constitution
and impedes life-saving sexual health
work among sexual minorities."
The parade was part of Rainbow Pride W’eek,
which also featured movies, a photo exhibit, a
panel discussion and a candlelight memorial
for people lost to anti-gay abuse or HIV.
"Clearly, Indian sexual minorities are not going
to settle for status quo and are garnering
Czech pride attacked, 20
The Czech Republic’s first gay pride parade,
held in the city of Brno, came under attack
from extremist and neo-Nazi protesters June
28 and at least 20 of the 500 marchers xvere
The 150 counterdemonstrators threw tear gas,
fireworks and eggs at the marchers.
Police and neo-Nazis clashed for about 45
minutes at the parade’s endpoint. About 15 of
the troublemakers were arrested.
www.metrostarnews.com g~®troSTAR 9
Oklahoma City GLBT community
and their friends celebrated
their annual Pride Parade and
Festival, truly.
By Victor Gorin
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Once again the GLBT community
and their friends celebrated their annual Pride Parade
and Festival truly, as the theme stated, "Coming ofAge." Paul
q’hompson recalled how it began 21 years ago, planned by
around a dozen people, not knowing ifany more people would
actually show up. q-he Ku Klux Klan had threatened to show
up however, ready to meet the Parade by the N.W. 39th Street
Safeway (now Homeland) with hostile confrontation. As the
original marchers still nostalgically recall, when the Klansmen
saw around 400 marchers coming over the hill they promptly
abandoned their mission and the rest is ongoing history.
Photo by Victor Gorin: Michael Cich ofOKCPride withJoe Salmonese, Director of
the nationalHuman Rights Campaign with hispartner BradLuna
As soon as the festivities are over, planning for the next Parade
and Festival begins. OKC Pride meetings take place the third
Monday ofevery month year round at 7 p.m. at the Neighborhood
Alliance Center (1236 N.W. 36th Street). Membership
dues to join OKC Pride are only $15 per year, which not only
supports the event but also gives you a vote in the organization.
At the August 18 meetingOKC Pride members will elect the
Board ofDirectors, which in turn will elect officers.
the OKC Pride Parade & Festival is a wonderful celebration
for our community, inevitably there are aspects ofit that
some won’t like, or improvements that could be made. As Patti
Thompson puts it. "The best way to implement the changes you
want to see is through participation. Ifyou have ideas, things
you’d like to change, things you liked that you want to stay the
same, this is the time to come forward and let us know. We are
open to all suggestions: OKC Pride is for the community, and
it’s what we make it. (Photo’s Page- 12)
Back to School Stylings
ByJoey De
TULSA, OK__ On August 4, one Tulsa salon will open its
doors and help area youth begin their new school year in style.
Monkey Bizness, located at 5942 S. Lewis, is offering complimentary
hair cuts to the students ofnearby Wright Elementary,
as well as to all area BLGT students.
The back to school day ofbeauty was the idea ofMonkey Bizness
stylist David Mitchell and friend Debbie Mayabb. "We
wanted to do something to help BLGT youth, but the more we
thought about it, the more we realized that we could so much
more; says Mayabb. "Every kid deserves a good start to the
school year. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they are."
But over the last 21 years as the world, America and Oklahoma
have changed, so has the Pride Festival and Parade. Whereas
during the first few years politicians were scared to even acknowledge
the event in a positive way, later public office holders
and wannabes proudly participate, glad to seek our votes. This
year’s Parade & Festival featured Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner
Jim Roth, State Representative A1 McAffrey, State
Senator Audrew Rice (seeking a U.S. Senate seat), Ron Marlett
who is seeking to unseat the infamous Sally Kern in State House
District 84.
Whereas in the beginning only bars, a few small gay owned
businesses and extremely progressive nonprofits wanted to be
associated with us, today mainstream businesses ranging from
Budlight to Best Buy were proud to seek our business. As it has
grown consistendy year after year, it has become an event not
only for our community but also takes its place among Oklahoma
City’s mainstream events. Whereas in the beginning it
was only positively covered in the Gayly Oklahoman, this year’s
celebration was positively covered by the Sentinel, the Oklahoma
Gazette, and even the Daily Oklahoman. For the first time
the Parade was held on a Friday evening with the biggest crowd
ever, follo~ved by the Festival in Memorial Park the following
Saturday and Sunday.
As the Pride Festival and Parade has gro~vn to be an event the
community celebrates and counts on, so have the responsibilities
ofmaking it happen. The event is organized by OKC Pride,
an organization with members who elect a Board ofDirectors,
who then elect a President (currently Paul Thompson) Vice-
President (office vacant)a Secretary (currently Victor Gorin)
and a Treasurer (Currently Patricia Miller). What truly makes
it come to life are the volunteers who toil long hours to make it
happen, something most spectators have no concept ofand take
for granted.
For the first time OKC Pride had a Volunteer Coordinator,
Miles Tompkins. While last year OKC Pride had around 20
volunteers, this year we had over 60, with a high percentage of
those new volunteers young people (under 30),
: co~munity
volunteer and
David ofMonkey
for the haircuts
just came to
us one day; ex-
"We approached
Trish, the
manager ofthe
salon, and she
loved the idea. When we asked all ofthe stylists, the support
could not have been more overwhelming:’ Mitchell says that
every Monkey Business stylist will be volunteering their day off
to help, free ofcharge.
"There are so many distractions for so many young people; says
Mayabb, "everyone here wants to help give these kids that extra
boost to succeed. It’s special for them to be able to come in to
a salon ofthis caliber and be taken care ofby the best.’ Mayabb
explains, listing offawards and recognitions that the salon’s team
have won, including an Emmy won by Mitchell.
The t~vo say that they worked with one ofMitchell’s clients, a
TPS principal, to identify nearby Wright Elementary as the beneficiary
due to economic status ofits students and proximity to
the salon. The salon will also be reaching out to BLGT students
through Youth Services ofTulsa and DYLN.
Haircuts will be offered from 10am until 4pm. All students will
have to bring an item proving they are enrolled in school.
The salon has also invited their clients, and the rest ofthe public, to
become involved with the effort through their "outfit-tree." They are
currendy seeking donations ofbasic school supplies and backpacks to
equip students for the first day ofschool.
Ifyou would like to help, contact Monkey Biziness at (918)749-5130
or visit them on ,~wv.360.tulsa.com under the beauty section.
10 ~t~oSTAR August 2008
celebrate our 25th anniversary pride celebration.
For more information & travel deals, visit
wxcw.metrostarnews.com [~etroSTAR 11
~en banded together to,r.aisemoney for
Under the direction of OYP S Mama Carol this
Con~ert was held atthe
Tulsa, OK.
Fdends of
@ Showtime
2qse RoyalNavy marchingm LondonsgaypmdeparadeJuly 5. ScotsGayphOm via ~ockner News
Halfa million at London Pride
Around halfa million people turned out
for London’s gay pride parade July 5, led
by Mayor Boris Johnson, who wore a pink
cowboy hat.
Members of the British Army, Royal Navy
and Royal Air Force marched in uniform.
The Ministry of Defence offered free travel
for servicemembers who wanted to attend
the parade.
Well-known activist Peter Tatchell carried a
poster with a doctored, gayed-up photo of
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
~madme~ad leads a regime that arrests,
jails; flogs, tortures and sometimes executes
gay people," Tatchell said.
MP Harriet Harman, minister of equality
and deputy leader of the Labour Party,
reportedly was booed as she spoke from die
main stage at Trafalgar Square.
Tatchell said the crowd was unhappy over
the UK’s treatment of gay asylum-seekers
from homophobic nations.
Prior to the parade, Prime Minister Gordon
Brown met with activists, including actor
Sir Ian McKellen0 at his residence.
They discussed homophobic bullying in
schools, and Browds spokesman said he was
"delighted" to have met with the group.
Italian gay man wins
100,000 euros for discrimination
A gay man on the island of Sicily won 100,000
euros (US$159,000) from the Italian governmentJuly
12 after the military and the Transport
Ministry discriminated against him.
Danilo Giuffrida came out as gay during his
military medical exam. Doctors later relayed
his coming-out to driver’s-license officials, who
then accused him ofhaving a sexual identity
disturbance, told him to retake his driving test
and, when he passed it, gave him a one-year
disabled-person’s license instead ofthe normal
10-year license.
A court determined the events amounted to
"sexual discrimination" and were unconstitutional.
It is likely the first ruling ofits sort in
Italian history.
"Discrimination against those in the army who
are lesbian, gay and bisexual does not give them
a chance to contribute or to play a full part
in the teams that are vital for our success on
operations;’ said Gem Richard Dannatt, chief
ofthe General Staff. "It is ... our absolute duty
to treat our fellow soldiers as vce would wish to
be treated ourselves."
Britain banned gays from the military until
2000. The Royal Navy and Royal Air Force are
already members ofthe Stonewall program.
British Armyjoins gayequality
The British Army has joined the gay group
Stonewall’s Diversity Champions program to
work toward increased equality for gay and
bisexual soldiers.
Some 120,O00people turned outfar Henna’s~
13th gayprideparadeJuly, 12.
www.metrostarnews.com ~4®troSTAR 13
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
’~b~zona Sunburst Inn
After leaving ~Zest Hollywood we drove to
Phoenix where the weather was HOT. In the
daytime it was 115 but at night it cooled down
to around 110! We checked in to the ARIZONA
SUNBURST INN which,aas sold about
a year and a halfago and Tim andJames have
remodeled and really changed the decor and
ambiance. Tney have done a vconderful job.
Both Tim and James are great hosts and they
make you at home. The room furniture is very
masculine. Since they have taken over they have
had many guests that have returned several
times. All rooms face the swimming po61 and
they also have a Jacuzzi. A morning breakfast is
ready whenever you want it. They have VflFI
for guests and a public computer for those who
forgot t° bring their lap top. They are located at
6245 North 12th Place, ideally located to all of
the major gay bars and businesses. Check out
their ~vebsite at: www.azsunburst.com. Their
toll free nmnber is 1-800 -974-1474. They
offer clothing optional stmbathing, swimruing
and spa. This is the ONLY place to stay
when visiting PhoenLx.
There are dozens and dozens of restaurants to
dine in Phoenix but our favorites are Marcellint
Pdstorante which has tO be one ofthe
finest Italian Restaurants that ~ve have had the
pleasure of dining. They are located at !301
Northern Avenue. Their website is: ~wv.marcellinoristorante.
com..Ifyou want true Italian
coo~ng in an exciting atmosphere with servers
who are the best then dine there. Tne mvners,
Sirna and Marcellino Verzino are as good as it
gets. Marcellino is the chef and his "beyond
Fabulous" wife Sima is the "hostess who really
is the mostess’! The combination of these two
people are magic! Call for reservations: 602.-
216-0004. For a real dining experience we just
can’t recommend dais restaurant enough.
You can’t dine at the same restaurant every day
so try TICOZ at 5114 North 7th Street. To
say that it is wonderfifl is an understatement.
ChefHolly creates the finest entrees and desserts
ever. It has a great ambiance, wonderful
service and their food presentation is as good as
it gets. They have a huge following and we can
certainly understand why! They have a great
Saturday and Sunday Brunch special and the
restaurant is always packed. They make some
ofthe finest drinks in the city. Check out their
website at www.ticozofarizona.com. For reservations
call 602-200-0160. Be SURE and save
room for dessert. Trust us on this one. They
are totally beyond Fabulous! They also mvn
another restaurant not too far away, SWITCH,
2603 North Central and their website is www.
switchofarizona.com and they serve wonderful
food there as well.
There are a lot ofgay bars in Phoenix for
vchatever you are into. Favorite bars includes
Charlies (the cowboy bar), Amsterdam, downtown,
Cell Block, the leather bar, Oz, Wild
Card, and we particularly enjoyed the KoBalt
at Park Central ~vhich has a piano bar sometimes.
Phoenix is the largest city (area wise) in
the country so you certainly need a car to get
around town. There are a lot ofneighborhood
bars around the city besides the large bars.
They also have a couple of bath houses, the
FLEX and the CHUTE. Most ofthe bars are
located between 7th Avenue and 16th Street
near Central Avenue.
~Ihe best place to find any bar or business in
Phoenix is in the ARIZONA PRIDE GUIDE,
vc~vw.arizonaprideguide.com. This informative
guide is free and tells about the entire state of
Arizona. It is distributed free all over the State
or you can have them send you one.Just check
out their website. The publisher Michael
McFall has done a absolutely great job. It is the
finest gay guide in any state that we have ever
There are a lot ofwonderful museums, galleries
and shopping in the Phoenix area.
Antique Marketplace is located at 4025 North
16th Street and sells a wide range ofantiques.
Next door is the Root Seller Gallery 8:
Apothecary that sells a large variety of artwork,
books, cards, herbs, music and more. The arts
are alive and well in Phoenix and there are a lot
oflive theatre, and musical productions.
Phoenix is surrounded by maW suburban cities
and our favorite is TEMPE. tt is the home of
Arizona State University and is one of the most
progressive cities in the nation. Check out their
website at: vibranttempe.com and click on
GLBT TEMPE. Michael Martin and Nancy
Black at the Convention and Visitors Bureau
are two of the nicest people you would ever
want to meet. Their revitalized downtown is
so vibrant.
Phoenix is a very friendly city and you are sure
to make lots ofnew friends. Other websites to
check out be~bre visiting Phoenix are:
¯aw~a~.gayarizona.com, w,a-,v.arizonaguide.com
and w~avisitphoenix.com. The major gay
publication is Echo, xwvw:echomag.com
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Donald and Ray were legally married in Palm
Springs, California, June 17th which was the
first day that same-sex marriage became legal
in California. "Ihey have been a gay couple
for 37 years)
As ofJune 17, 2008 the marriage laws in
California were changed to allow same-sex
couples to marry as well as heterosexual
couples. There is no difference in the forms
with the exception that in the same-sex marriage
forms, they list "Party A" and "Party
B" rather than bride and gr0bm. You can
apply for a marriage license at nearly dl the
county court houses in the state. A couple
of counties have refused to marry same-sex
couples and they are not allowed to marry
heterosexual couples as well. A special note:
For same-sex couples to be married in the
State of Massachusetts, they have to be legal
residents of that state. In California, there is
NO residency requirement. Anybody from
any state in the country can now be married
legally in California.
What you need...
Both parties must provide valid photo ID
If your ID does not contain your full legal
name you must provide a certified copy of
your birth certificate or a Social Security card.
Otherwise, a driver’s license is sufficient for
proof. If you have been divorced within the
last two years you must bring in a certified
copy of your divorce decree.
Both parties must appear to apply for and
pick up their marriage license. Different
counties xvithin the State of California charge
different prices and they vary from $55.00
to $70.00. They accept cash and debit cards
only. The license is valid for 90 days from
the date of issue. The license is typed tip and
given to you in about 30 minutes. Should
you desire to get married right there, they
offer a civil marriage ceremony right at the
court house. Naere is a fee of $35.00~ You
are taken into a private room and the clerk as
well as a wimess that they will provide in case
you. don’t take some with you goes thru the
marriage ceremony. The ending remarks are
"In as much as Donald and Raymond have
thus consented together in marriage, by virtue
of the authority vested in me by the State
of California as a Deputy Comrnissioner of
Civil Marriages for the County of l~verside, I
now pronounce you to be united in marriage.
After 37 years together, dais was
one of the finest sentences that we have ever
You do not need a blood test or health certificate.
There is no waiting period to get married.
The entire process from start to finish
takes less than one hour. Some couples prefer
to get the license and then plan a wedding
afterwards in a few days.
Eight states allow same-sex marriage alternatives:
In Connecticut, New Hampshire, New
Jersey and Vermont, same-sex couples can
enter civil unions and receive the same statelevel
benefits and responsibilities conveyed
in traditional marriages. Similarly, Oregon
residents can register as domestic partners and
receive all state marital rights. Couples in Hawaii,
Maine and Washington state can register
as domestic partners and receive many of the
most important marital rights.
Suggestion: Don’t fly out for the weekend
expecting to get married. The Court Houses
are open Monday thru Friday only.
14 NetroSTAR August 2008
,E,UREKA SPRINGS, AR;__ Eureka Springs is gearing up for its
Summer Diversty Festivel to be held August 1,2,3, 2008 ~vith
many events, shows and pool parties planned, including the now
famous PDA in die park, where all persons are invited to show
"Public Display ofAffection" for their spouse or partner.
Eureka Springs welcomed its 200th gay couple (Visiting from
Chicago) to register under the domestic partnership registration
law. History was made on May 14, 2007 when the Eureka
Springs City Council unanimously approved the "Domestic
Partner Registration (DPR). Although the document does not
entitle couples legal benefits as in a marriage, it does act as a
wonderful validation and acknowledgement oftheir relationship
and commitment to each other. This was a first for Arkansas
and hopefully, will inspire other registries throughout the
state and beyond. Persons from anT0¢here may register in Eureka
Visit www.diversitypride.com or ww~v.eurekapride.com for
more information.
AUg 1, 2008: Welcome Mixer at Marquee’s 7 - 9 PM (open for
dinner 4 - 10pm)
Aug 1, 08: Miranda Ray Performs at Jaek’s Place 10:00 PM
Aug 1, 08: Miranda Meridian Performs at Lumberyard 8:00 PM
Aug 1, 08: Diversity Bikers Brunch & Fun Run. Iron Horse
Stables at 10 AM then ride to the PDA
Aug 2, 08: PDA in Basin Park 12 Noon
Aug 2, 08: Bear Pool Party. 1 PM - ? at Tradewinds
Aug 2, 08: Diversity Bikers Raid the Pool Party & Fun Run
starting at Planner Hill Parking Lot 3:30 - 5 PM
Aug 2, 08: Miranda Ray Performs at Jack’s Place 10:00 PM
Aug 2, 08: Miranda Meridian Performs at Lmnberyard 8:00 PM
Aug 1-2, 08: Yards & Yards ofYard Sales
Aug 3, 08: Lucky 13 Cinema: Double feature "Across the Universe"
& "Wizard ofOz", music of"Dark Side ofthe Moon"
www.metrostarnews.com NetroSTAR 15
The Ledo, Oklahoma City
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@Angles, Oklahoma City
The Copa, Oklahoma City
@Club Majestic, Tulsa @ Finishline, Oklahoma City
by Jack Fertig
"Keep your balance, Aries!"
The most troublesome planets are stirring up discord
- Mars opposing Uranus, Mercury opposing Neptune.
Looking to Eris for the best aspects is like borrowing
sugar from Lucrezia Borgia! With everyone shooting
their mouths off and facts getting jumbled, focus on
careful listening and discernment.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Struggles at work might
make you feel you’re on the wrong team. What’s easier
to change - your job or your attitude? Time out, playful
relaxation, and self-care (massage? acupuncture?) are
needed to keep your balance.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): A~guments at home need
to be settled to avoid tension that can screw you up at
work. Friends who want to play may keep you from what
you really find entertaining and relaxing. Take time at
home to contemplate your goals in work and in life.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You probably can’t avoid
arguments this week, but you canopick and choose
them. Remember the simple, obvious rules: logic has
nothing tO do with religion or sex; authorities should be
criticized with extreme diplomacy and care; and friends
who will forgive anything are the best to hang with!
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Arguments about sex
can come up easily, especially if you’re unclear about
what you really want. You need some guidance, a new
philosophical or spiritual perspective. Explore those intangibles,
and the touchy-feely will be easier to work out.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Your partner (or Jack of
one) seems especially aggravating now, and your sexual
needs are not being propedy met - probably because
you are at some level reassessing them. A good political
argument may somehow kick your priorities and Needs
into better focus. .........
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Make a list of
your worries. Cross off the ones you can’t do anything
about, then list the steps you can take to deal with the
others. A partner’s input may be helpful. An amorous
retreat will be even more so. ....
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):.Nob0d~ else will
fix what’s bothering you, so what ape _you_ doing about
it? Big as some problems are, you can make a difference!
You could even bring friends into a volunteer effort
as if it were a social event.
SCORPIO ((~ctober 23 - November 21): "(our playful
jabs at social critique can get you a reputation. Will
hosts send you invitations due to real affection or out of
self-defense? Focus that acuity on working more effectively,
and you could accomplish a lot!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.ember 22 - December 20): Arguments
aren’t as likely to show that you’re right as much
as that you insist on "being right." A little humility and listening
can go a long way. Better yet, playful word games
are preferable to serious debate.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Arguments
about sex, sexuality, and gender issues can easily get
out of hand. If you must react as if your mother’s honor
were at stake, think of how she’d want you to be civil in
your debate.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Sexual values
and tastes change with age and experience. Although
that’s normal, staying in sync with your partner may be
the big challenge! Communication is always the key.
Be open to exploring differences as well as common
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Your ideas for
improvements at work are, um, intriguing. Discuss them
with a colleague or two, allowing that they may be a bit
off the wall. Still, they could be the seeds of much better
ideas. Focus on efficiency and economy.
16 MetroSTAR ,, August 2008
Massachusetts may OK
marriage for out-ofstarers
Massachusetts’ legislature is considering repeal
oi:a 1913 law that prohibits people from other
states from getting married there if the marriage
wouldn’t be allowed where they live.
’The law -- which stopped interracial couples
who couldn’t marry in their own states t~¥om
n~arrying in Massachusetts -- was resurrected
aider Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage
in 2004.
~e speaker of the House, the president ofth~
Senate and Gov. Deva! Patrick all support the
law’s repeal.
U2S. Census Bureau
won’t count married gays
~ae U.S. government will not count married
gay couples in the 2010 censtts, the San Jose
Mercury News reported July 12.
Brot,~ers &Sismrs actors Matthew Rhys (who
plays gay character Kevin Walker) and Sally
Field. GLAAD photo
repre.sentations. Lifetime and MTV ranked
adequate. A&E, Spike, TBS, TNT m~d USA
received failing grades.
The ful! report is at glaad.org/media/nri/
Instead, same-sex couples who accurately
report that they are married
will have their response tabulated by the
Census Bureau as if they had
checked "unmarried partners."
Same-sex marriage is legal in California and
Massachuset:tS[ in addition, New Yorkers who
m~r~ in those states or abroad are recognized
as married in New York state.
~ae Mercury News said the Census Bureau’s
decision was based on the federal Defense of
i~{arriage Act (DOMA) "and other mandates."
DOMA, signed into law by President Bill
Clinton in 1996, states, in part: "In determining
the meaning of any Act of Congress,
or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation
of the various administrative bureaus and
agencies of the United States, the word ’marriage’
means only a leg~d union between one
man and one woman ,as husband and wife,
and the word ’spouse’ refers only to a person
of the opposite sex ~vho is a husband or a
Gary Gates of the Williams Institute, a think
tank at the University of California Los Angeles
Law School, told the newspaper that the
bureau’s decision "goes against everything the
census stands fo,:"
"It’s a systematic hiding not only of married
gay couples, but gay couples as families,
which I would argue is a fundamentally
political decision," Gates said.
received failing grades for their 6 percent and
4 percent of programming hours with GLBT
Of the 10 cable networks evaluated, FX,
HBO and Showtime each received a grade
of good, with FX leading with 45 percent of
programming hours featuring GLBT
"Barack believes that ,ve must fight for
a world as it should be. A ,vorld where
together we work to reverse discriminatory
laws like D.O.M.A. (Defense of Marriage
Act) and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell," Mrs. Obama
said, addressing an audience of 250 people
at a fundraiser for the Democratic National
Rev Steve T. Uric
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 2® Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Worship Saturdays at t0:00 AM
Community Meal Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
MCC 0fthe Living Spring
t7 Elk Street
Eureka Spdngs, AR 72632
Worship Sundays at 6:00 PM
Have a God filled and BleSSed Day!
~Transsexnal Richards
www.metrostarnews.com ~et~oSTAR 17
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social isolation that many of our
people live through each and everyday.
We provide a Toiletry and Household
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and or living with AIDS who cannot
afford to purchase these items for
themselves. We invite anyone who
¯~/ould like to volunteer or provide financial
assistance to please contact
us by phone 918-585-9552 or e-mail
~rhether buying or selling
I’ll work hard for you.
Freelance Reporters
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N÷troSTAR 19
Advertisement paid for by friends OfRon Marlett.
"I’m Ron Marlett and I’m
running for State House
District 84 because I want
a chance to bring about
change that really matters
for my fellow Oklahomans:
good jobs, affordable
healthcare, a quality
educational system and
real freedom and equality."
need money and volunteers!
Ron Marlett
P.O. Box 854
Bethany, OK 73008
(405) 640-2069
From the Editor
TULSA, OK __ You can still call us "The Star" although
we have a new name, the Metro Star. Tiae Ozarks Star is no
longer. With our primary focus on Oklahoma, we decided
the Ozarks name was no longer appropriate for our publication.
The State of Oklahoma and our t~vo major metropolitan
areas, OHahoma City and Tulsa, will continue to be our main
focus. The emerging Oklahoma cities of Lawton, McAlester,
Ardmore, Muskogee and Enid also have diverse communities
that are becoming more active. McPride in McAlester has
made a big difference in that area. We will continue to serve
them as well.
Some believe nevcs print publications have no future, that
electronic media has made the newspaper obsolete. I believe
there is need for both. To accommodate those thousands who
visit our website, we upload our entire paper each month, an
exact duplicate of the printed version. Many, including myself to ¯
Maybe you noticed we also have a new look. We’ve changed
from a magazine m a newspaper format, which will allow
us more print space and to increase circulation at a lower
increase in cost than the more costly magazine style. Those
staples were very expensive! x~lith the added space we now
can report more on national and international news that
normally you don’t find in the mainstream media. We will
continue to sp~ out on eqt~ rights issues and, promote
those leaders and organizations who openly support equality
Star Media, Ltd., publisher, was formed in Joplin, Missouri
in 2003. Vie distributed our first edition New Year’s Eve that
year. It was a black & white Readers Digest size of only eight
pages and printed from my home printer. We printed less
than a 1000 copies because the printer ran out of ink. There
were only 4 paid advertisers. XXre called it "Ozarks Pride". We
continued to print on my old Dell printer for several months
with my dear friend Sissy Blanchard folding and stapling from
the dining room table. Because people confused us with a
"Pride Organization" we changed the name to the Ozarks
Star. Tnat soon was referred to simply as "The Star". We
moved to Tulsa in December 2004.
Tulsa Pride~sets new
p~entfor major events
new ~home
for Pride
The qnal issue oftbe Ozarks Star Magazine, July 2008
Our distribution area in the beginning was Joplin, Springfield,
Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Pittsburg and Tulsa. To increase our
readership we expanded to Oklahoma City, Kansas City, and
Wichita and recendy discovered a former Tulsan who owns
Napoleon’s Itch Night Club in New Orleans that wanted to
distribute "~e Star so he and fellow Oklahomans in New
Orleans could keep up on our local news.
Now that we’ve made the transition and I’ve filled you in on
our past we hope you enjoy the Metro Star. With a new name,
a new design and an optimistic outlook we will go forward.
Thanks to those ofyou who have supported us in the past and
we welcome those who will support us in the future.
Editor in Chief
Wodd Pdde-Pages 9 &13
AUGUST 1, 2008
NEHART "I’m not sure what
homophobic means:’ Q ote
from CNN Interview!
By Metro Star staff
Oklahoma County Commissioner Bi ’eni Rinehart ~om
District 2, apracticingpublic homo ~hobe
OKI2kHOMA CITY, OK__ Oklahoma County Commissioner
Brent Rinehart appeared on CNN’s American
Morning July 21, to defend his anti-gay comic book that he
is sending out to registered Republicans in his district. Wher
asked if his comic book took mudslinging to a brand new
low, Rinehart replied, "Well, one person’s mudslinging, I
guess, is another man’s issues. Here in the state of Oklahoma
especially here in Oklahoma County, I believe that the homosexual
agenda is an issue in this campaign. I thought that
the cartoon book was a novel approach to telling a story for
the last three, 3 1/2 years."
Rinehart has been charged by Attorney General Drew Edmondson,
who is depicted in the book, with illegal campaign
financing for his 2004 campaign. He faces trial in September.
CNN ROBERTS: In fact, let me just highlight in a little bit
more detail your attack on Attorney General Drew Edmondson
here as depicted in this comic book. You’ve got him
holding a sign that says, "Gay rights now." And you write in
the balloon over a character here, "You remember that Drev¢
Edmondson is on record to force the Boy Scouts to accept
homosexuals as scout leaders, a pedifiles [sic] dream come
Tile Attorney General has said of this comic, ’~ drowning
man tends to thrash about." And the question is being raised=
is this some desperate and weird attempt at payback against
the attorney general because he has filed these charges
.............................Continued on Page-6
2 www.metrostarnews.com
New Arena
5h ne
New L ght
ByJoey D.
When walldng the halls of the nearly completed
BOK Center in dmvntown Tulsa, it is nearly
impossible to be awed by just how massive the
new 18,000 seat events center is. The building,
~vhich is o~en described by passers by as either
a space ship or a meringue pie, has become a
true addition tO the Tt~lsa skyline, with the
recently added lit "BOK Center" signs.
"This building is truly unique to Tulsa," says
Travis Horton ofTulsa Vision Builders, a joint
effort of Flintco and Manhattan Construction
Companies. "In keeping with Tulsa’s precedent,
a large portion of the project’s budget and
efforts went to ensuring that the building’s architecture
and appearance were truly unique."
Located at the corner of 3rd and Denver, the
BOK Center is literally a shining example of
downtmvn revitalization. "When Pelli (the
building’s architect) designed this building, he
wanted to incorporate light into it. There are
windows everDvhere in here. Even if it’s only a
sliver, no matter where you are in here you can
see a window?
Another feature incorporating light into th~
building that most people may never think
about is the terrazzo flooring that runs through
out the concourse. According to Horton, the
70% mother-of-pearl mixture was purposely
chosen by the architect to make the building
"Everything that has been done in here has had
his approval. Everythingyou see from the ceiling
panels to the stripes ofpaint on the walls
have been approved by him. He has a vision
to integrate light into this building,.but also to
m~e it feel very open;’ said HOrton.
~ae most noticeable and unique element of
the building is its sweeping glass "icon wall?
"If Pelli has a signature masterpiece, this would
have to be it," Horton says of the massive grid
of steel and reinforced glass. "I can’t think of
anything out there like it that is on this scale?
While innovative and impressive, Horton
also reassures that the wall is safe. "They have
impact tested it with two by?burs and even
subjected the model to jet-engine force winds
to make sure it will hold?
Just inside the glass shield is the building’s main
promenade and grand staircase, and grand they
are. The open aired promenade allmvs guests
to appreciate the magnitude of the building
and to bask in the art deco splendor of the
historic downtmvn buildings that surround it.
The Grand Staircase, raising from the ground
level to the main bowl searing, offers event
patrons a grand path to their seats, almost on a
royal scale.
The arena, which is being constructed with
funds from the Vision 2025 bond issue, is on
target for its grand opening August 30. The
ribbon cutting and open house will be followed
the next day by a community choir, starring
Sand Springs native and Broadway performer
Sam Harris. The first major act, The Eagles,
will take the arena stage September 6, followed
in the coming months by such acts as Celine
Dion, American Idols Live, Kenny Chesney
and Carrie Under~vood (just to nan~e a few).
For event updates visit www.bokcenter.com.
www.metrostarnews.com ~÷t~’oSTAR 3
Ok!ahomans for Equality
opens new exhibit,
Treegpeak, at the Dennis
R. Neill Equality Center
TULSA, OK__ The Dennis R. Neill Equality
Center art gallery will host it’s month~¢ First
Thursdays Meet’the-artist Reception from 6-
9pro, Thursday, August 7, for the opening of its
August exkibit TreeSpeak, featuring the,vorks
ofphotographer Shelly Ledford, and painter
Dawn DeMott.
~ne TreeSpeak Exhibit is being held specifically
in August to acknowledge the Katrina events
in New Orleans and to celebrate the rebirth of
the city. The works in the exhibit will be New
Orleans focttsed.
Shelly Ledford is a native Tulsan and graduated
from Northeastern State University with
a degree in Literature. She has held a variety of
photographic positions including staffphotographer
for Newspaper Printing Corporation,
MetLife and John Blanca Modeling agency and
currently owns Renaissance Photography.
In constant search for places xvhich vibrate a
high level ofuniversal energy, her ~vork reflects
areas such as New Orleans concentrating on
the above ground cemeteries, swamps and bayous
in and around New Orleans, Sedona, Italy,
Greece, Austria, England and Indonesia.
Quotable Quotes
In a passionate address to the Democratic
National Committee’s Gay and Lesbian
Leadership Council, Mrs. Obama delivered a
rottsing call-to-equality and put her husbas~d
on record as a fighter for the full equality
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
Americans. "Barack believes," she said, "that
we must fight for the world as it should be,
a world where xve ,vork together to reverse
discriminatory laws."
Invoking "those who marched and bled and
died, from Selma to Stonewall," Michelle
implored Democrats to continue those early
crusaders’ march "in the pursuit of a more
perfect union."
Sunday Services @ 11:00 AM
].623 N. Maplewood Tulsa, OK MCC United A Metropolitan CommuniW Church www.mcctulga.org
Expressions Community
Fellowship Relocates
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (PR) __ Expressions
Community Fellowship ha~s relocated
their facilities to the Landsbrook Event
Center, formerly The Church of the Servant,
5909 NW Expressway, Otdahoma City, OK
73132. It is west of MacArthur on Northwest
"~e new facility has recently been remodeled
and provides many new ~vonderful amenities
as well as plenty of room to grow and launch
our Children’s Ministr,,~’ said Pastor Neill
The Church meets ever), Sunday at 2:30pm.
For more information contact them at (405)
761-1878 or email expressionsokc@yahoo.
DBAT Will Host
DiversityJob Fair
TULSA, OK (PR) __ The Diversity Business
Association ofTulsa (DBAT), a program of
Oklahomans for Equality, is hosting a
Diversity Job Fair on Tuesday, September
16th from 1:00 to 5:00pm at the Dennis R.
Neill Equality Center, 621 E. 4th Street in
downtown Tulsa. The event will bring together
lgbt job seekers and lgb{-friendly employers
in a safe and comfortable environment, allowing
for open dialogue and alleviating fears of
The Diversity Job Fair offers a unique opportunity
for diversity-conscious employers to
access the wealth of skilled and talented members
of the lgbt community. Additionally, job
seekers are given an unprecedented connection
to companies that are lgbt-friendly.
Employers are asked to have their area set up
by 12:30pm the day of the event. DBAT will
provide a table and t-wo chairs. Refreshments
will also be provided. The Equality Center has
wi-fi internet access.
For more information or if your company
is interested in participating in the job fair,
contact Susan Hartman at dbat@okeq.org or
call 918-698-2977.
to the new Miss Gay Okdahoma
America 2008, Adrienne Fischer
and 1st Alternate Shantel Mandalay.
Tulsa Couple to Marry
In San Diego.
Photo: Charles Johnston and Kelly Kirby
TULSA, OK__ Kelly W’ayne Kirby and
Charles Stanfill Johnston ofTulsa announced
they will be legally married on Saturday,
August 9, 2008. The wedding will take place
at Point Loma Lighthouse Bluff, Cabrillo National
Monument, in San Diego, California.
Officiating will be Rev. Doctor David Downing,
retired clergyman of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ). David was one of Kelly’s
youth pastors in Kansas when Kelly was a
"Vge are taking five of our six kids (ages 21-26)
and their significant others, my morn, and
Kelly’s two sisters. Several friends are joining
us in San Diego for the wedding’; Charles said.
The couple will be staying at the Park Manor
Suites Hotel, across the street from Balboa
Park, and will host a reception there after the
" he Hot Young
Hollywood Party" to
benefit R.A.I.N.
party ~vill be held at Angles OKC, August 8th
and will include fashion shmvs by Riot Rocket
and GLAMNERD. The highlight of the
evening will be a continuous raffle ofluxury
gifts *including a MARCJACOBS bag*
donated by some of the hippest restaurants
and shops in the metro. Keeping xvith the
"Hollywood" theme we will have a red carpet
and sponsor board for everyone to have their
picture taken with. Our sponsors include;
Tony Foss, Iguana, Velvet Monkey Two, 1492,
Nova, Tom &Jerrys, Blue7, Duo..
"This event was nay idea of a great give back
to this wonderful organization and its tireless
stalk"; said Kendel R. Powers, producer of the
All proceeds from the event to benifit
R.A.I.N. (Regional Aids Interfaith Network)
4 August 2008
Room Ra~es
Our Su#es
= High N~
wv,-~v.metrostamews.corn P~et~oSTAR 5
against you for campaign irregularities for
The comic book shows a couple discussing
Rinehart’s trials and tribulations as an Oklahoma
County Commissioner, how Rinehart
strives to accomplish better roads and bridges,
lower taxes, and promote family values but
is thwarted by public officials supported by
The comic books, which is sure to be a classic
in the annals of political history for the
GLBT community and Oklahoma, can be
downloaded from http://do~vnloads.newsok.
Zhe purpose for publishing the 16-page book
was to highlight his commitment to destroying
the queers. ~q~en asked whether it’s
relevant to his election, Rinehart insists that
it is, because we are in a cultural war. When
asked whether he’s homophobic, Rinehart
played (real) dumb: I’m not even sure as to
what homophobic means. But let’s just keep
in mind that we are in a cultural war, not just
here in the state of Oklahoma but nationwide."
CNN journalist, John Roberts does
not seem amused. You can tell when he does
a little grammar check: "We should also point
out that the word pedophile is spelled wrong
in the two times that’s it’s used in this comic
BRENT RINEHART: "OK. Again, it’s
getting a message out. It’s telling a story" of
hmv I got to where I’m at the last 3 to 3 1/2
years. No~a; no one has ever - now people can
talk about the homosexual aspects of this in
regards to how they’re depicted but no one
has ever said anything about the truthfulness
ofmy cartoon book. How it exposes Drew
Edmondson for his true agenda, and how it
exposes others here in county government for
their true agenda. No one and you know, you
can attack the spelling of pedophile. I have to
be honest with you, I don’t necessarily care if
I misspelled it or not",
T!~e following are quotes from a few of our
other elected officials. "It’s extremely pathetic
and very bigoted." Oklahoma County Sheriff
John Whetsel
’Tve really encouraged him on more than
one occasion to get professional help. He
really, needs it". Oklahoma County Assessor
Leonard Sullivan
"It’s typical Rinehart subterfuge to detract
from his poor job performance and likely
criminal misdeeds". Oklahoma Corporation
Commissioner Jim Roth
Once again Oklahomans has been embarrassed
by someone we elected to office. Will
this newest outrage provoke us to seriously
look at who we vote for? q-his election year
will soon tell. We must take the time to evaluate
a candidate’s ability to represent us and to
support equality for all citizens of this state.
Many are just not capable.
"Be sure and vote--your voice counts, and it’s
more important who our ,p,resident is than who
is our next American Idol. Cyndi Lauper.
By Victor Gorin
glndy Bell ofErasure and Cyndi Lauper at Oklahoma
City True Colours Taut:
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK__ OnJune 23 the
Pride Weekend in Oklahoma City was especially
honored when the True Colours Tour came
to the Oklahoma City Zoo Amphitheater. Despite
the high heat of the afternoon, the show
rocked with opening act Girl in a Coma. The
show then mellowed into disco heaven with
the 80’S sounds ofAndy Bell ofErasure, bringing
back nostalgic memories of nights past vcith
some ofhis greatest tunes, "Blue Savannah," "A
little Respect; and bringing many to their feet
with his dance classic "Chains ofLove."
Mr. Bell did a duet with Cyndi Lauper before
music took an intermission ,vith comedienne
Margaret Cho whose ba~vdy humor extolled
what’s good about gay men and bad about the
Bush administration.
Then Joan Jett showed she still had her stuff,
performing classics older than many ofthe
young people dancing in the audience. V,rhen
she lead community singing with her signature
tune "I love Rock and Roll," ( a 1982 classic)
there was no shortage of rockers who enthusiastically
knew the words. This follmved with
the B-52’s, the wildly fun icons ofthe 80’s
,vho got their name from a hairdo named after
a bomber. The energy ran vdld as the audience
raved to their timeless numbers including
"Rock Lobster," "Private Idaho" "Roam"
and course "Love Shack" which predictably
brought the house dmvn.
All ofthis vcas held together by the perfect emcee,
Carson Kressley ( famous from television’s
QEeer Eye for the Straight Guy) whose wisecracks
(induding flirtations with the hunky
security guards) witticisms and audience interaction
kept the show rolling and lively between
Last but certainly not least was the dassy
campy icon who epitomized an era, Cyndi Lauper,
who not only has made her mark in music
history but also as a gay rights activist. Opening
with an electrified Statue ofLiberty torch and
the song "Change of Heart," she went through
her many hits, climaxing ofcourse with the
timeless anthem’Girls just want to have Fun."
OkEq Decries Anti-Gay
Vandalism in East Tulsa
TULSA, OK (PR), July 16th_Oklahomans
for Equality deplores the vandalism directed
at Robert Stoder, an openly gay resident of
east Tulsa. Such intimidation highlights the
urgent need for federal and state hate crimes
legislation protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LBGT) people.
Over the last week, anonymous vandals have
twice attacked Stoder’s propert): The assailants
set Stotler’s truck on fire and spray painted
"Gay Must Go" on the charred vehicle.
"No Oklahoman should be victimized because
of his or her sexual orientation;’ asserts Freddy
Owens, Executive Director ofOklahomans
for EqualiD: "All of Oklahoma’s lesbian, gay;
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens
should be free to live openly and safely. It is
far past time that our state legislature amended
our hate crimes la~vs to include the LGBT community:’
In 2006, the FBI reported 7,722 hate crimes
across the US, a 7.8% increase over 2005.
About halfwere due to racial hatred; 1,195
of the crimes - representing 15.5% - were due
to bias against LGBT people. 79 of the hate
crimes were reported in Oklahoma, but the
state hate crimes law does not cover sexual
orientation or gender identity and expression.
Earlier this year, state lawmakers introduced
four different bills attempting to strengthen
and broaden the Oklahoma statute. None of
the bills received a committee hearing. Oklahoma
remains one of only 17 states whose hate
crimes laws do not protect LGBT citizens.
Las Vegas Nights and
Lights! (aka- Drag
Q een Bingo)
Bingo like your mother never played.,.
This annual event and fur~draiser for Our
House Too will be held August 8th at the
Cain’s Ballroom. Female impersonators will
bring Las Vegas excitement for this, the fifth
year, beginning at 8:00p.m. and ending at
midnight. There will be glamorous costumes
and prizes. A live auction ~vill be held and, of
course, bingo! Female inapersonators will perform
glittering numbers from Las Vegas shows
to entertain the crowd.
Our House Too is a nonprofit organization
serving to eliminate the social isolation of
people living with HIV and AIDS in the Tulsa
area. In addition to providing monthly activities
and holiday celebrations, Our House Too
offers food baskets and a toiletry and household
pantry. Tickets for Las Vegas Nights and
Lights are $10 in advance or $15 at the door
per person. For advanced ticket sales call
585-9552 or 698-9997.
Directory ofLocal Animal Shelters
Tulsa Shelter 918-669-6299
Broken Arrow 918-259-8311
OKC 405 297 3104
Muskogee 918 686 7297
Stillwater 405 372 0334
Coweta 918-486 2137
Siloam Springs 479 524 6535
Claremore 918 341 1260
Sand Springs 918 246 2543
Jenks 918 299 6311
Owasso 918-272-4965
Sapulpa 918 227 2722
Norman 405 321 6725
Collinsville 918 371 1000
Courtesy ofwwv.labrescue.net
6 ~®t~’oSTAR August 2008
Wockner News Service
LI.& Senate votes to
repeal HI¥ travel/immigration
Key The U.S. Senate voted 80q6 on July 16
to repeal the nation’s ban on HIV-positive
foreign visitors and immigrants.
Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Gordon
Smith, R-Ore., secured a provision to repeal
the ban in the Senate’s legislation to reauthorize
PEPFIMR, the President’s EmergenW Plan
for AIDS Relief.
The measure now moves to a House-Senate
conference committee, then goes to President
George "\g~. Bush, who is eager to see PEPFAR
"We applaud the Senate l:or rejecting this
unjust and sweeping policy that deems
HIV-positive individuals inadmissible to the
United States," said Human Rights Campaign
President Joe Solmonese. "We call on
the leaders of the House and Senate to retain
the Kerry-Smith provision in conference and
ensure it is included in the fin!l legislation
sent to the president’s desk."
denounces effort to reban
same-sex marriage
California Gov. ArnoM Schwarzene~e,: Photo
by Rex Wockner
ABC, FX get high
marks from GLAAD
ABC and the FX cable network do the best
job of representing gay Americans, the Gay
& Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation said
July 14.
GLAAD’s Network Responsibility Index
tracks the quantity, quality and diversity of
images of GLBT people on television.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has
strongly denounced the attempt to amend the
California Constitution to re-ban same-sex
San Diego offers gaywedding
The San Diego Convention and Visitors
Bureau is holding a contest to give away a
six-day "dream vacation" to the city for a
same-sex couple to get married.
~ae sweepstakes, which ends Aug. 1, is open
to U.S. residents who are at least 25 years old.
"’g~e’re celebrating the new laws allowing
same-sex weddings in California," ConVis
said on its ~’eb site.
"Ever dreamed of being married in Paradise?
In a short story, tell us why you should win
the wedding vacation of your dreams in San
Diego. The best story will win a trip that includes
your marriage license, transportation,
accommodations, dining and entertainment."
"The HIV ban is ineffective, unnecessary,
and Simply bad public health policy," said
Rachel Tiven, executive director of Immigration
Equality. "It is especially harmful to gay
and lesbian families, who do not benefit from
the waiver available to opposite’sex couples.
The Senate’s change is welcome, and long
PEPFAR will send $48 billion to Africa over
the next five years to fight _AIDS, malaria
and tuberculosis. Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del.,
called the bill "the single most significant
thing the president has done."
Two policemen marry in
Northern California
Two male cops have gotten married in Northern
Santa Rosa police officer Chris Mahurin,
25, and San ILafael police officer Alex Holm,
25, tied the knot June 20 at Paradise Ridge
Winery in Santa Rosa.
"It’s just a dream come true," Holm’s mother,
Claire Ann Boyce, told the local Press
Democrat newspaper. "It makes me feel like
this generation is on its way to have what
everyone should have."
The state Supreme Court legalized same-sex
marriage May 15 and the weddings began on
June 16.
Appearing on TV’s Meet The Press on June
29, Schwarzenegger was asked: "You have a
lot of propositions on the ballot again this
fall. One of them wotfld mean a constitutional
ban on gay marriages. Do you support
"No, not at all," Schwarzenegger replied. "As
a matter of fact, I think the Supreme Court
made a decision there. It was apparently
unconstitutional to stop anyone from getting
married. It’s like 1948, the interracial marriage,
when the Supreme Court of California
has, you know, decided it was unconstitutional
and then later on the Supreme Court of the
United States followed, I think 10 or ! 2 years
later. So I tahink it is, it’s good that California
lead -- is leading in this way."
"I personally believe that marriage should be
between a man and a woman," the governor
added. "But at the same time I think that
my, you know, belief, I don’t want to force
on anyone else, so I think we should stay
with the decision of the Supreme Court and
move forward. There are so many other more
important issues that we have to address in
California. So I think to spend any time on
this initiative I think is a waste of time."
Desperate Housewives:
Lane. ABCphoto
ABC, wiffl shows like Brothers & Sisters,
Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty, received
the highest marks of the five broadcast
networks. NBC and Fox scored lowest.
Among 10 of the highest-rated cable channels,
FX aired the largest number of GLBTinclusive
hours of original programming,
while TNT offered the fewest.
GLAAD examined all primetime programming
-- 4,911 hours -- on the five major
broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox
and The CW) from June 1, 2007, to May 31,
2008. The group also reviewed all original
primetime programming -- 1,240 hours -- on
the 10 cable networks.
"Time and again we see that what people
watch on TV shapes how they view and treat
the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people around them," said GLAAD President
Nell Giuliano. "ABC and FX are ... showing
other networks that including images of our
community can go hand in hand with critical
and commercial success."
At the beach in San Diegoi Photo by Rex tgockner
The prize includes airline tickets; five nights
at a plush hotel; dinners at five fancy restaurants;
wine, cheese and chocolate tasting at an
upscale venue; tickets to the renowned Old
Globe Theatre; tickets to the GLBT Diversionary
Theatre; "passports" to Balboa Park’s
numerous museums; a massage at a swank
spa; a wedding license; and tickets to Fashion
~ae ceremony was conducted by gay state
Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco,
chief sponsor of the same-sex marriage bill
that t~vice passed the state Legislature only to
be vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The California Supreme Court legalized
same-sex marriage May 15 and the ruling
took effect June 16.
It was not the first time Schwarzenegger had
denounced the proposed amendment, but it
was the first time he has done so on national
Each of the 6,151 hours ofTV was reviewed
for any on-screen GLBT representations, and
networks were assigned a grade of excellent,
good, adequate or failing.
ABC and The CW rated good, with 24
percent and 21 percent of their primetime
programming hours inclusive of GLBT
representations. CBS rated adequate, with 9
percent. NBC and Fox .....continued Page-17
San Diego’s Balboa Park. Photo by Rex ~Vockner
See www.sandiego.org/pridetobe
............More U. S. Nexvs page 17
www.rnetrostarnews.com ~÷troSTAR 7
Photo by: Bill Gaddis
More summer sipping.
~~ere in midsummer, I find that
I am enjoying lighter meals with more
white wines over reds. Lately, my favorites
include a diverse variety from many parts
of the world. It’s been so hot that all I
wanna do is relax by the pool/s~vim & sip
some wine.
Here are some wines other than Chardonnay
or Sauvignon Blanc that embody the
laid backness ofsummer.
Mandra Rossa Fiano/Sicilia 2006
The Fiano grape comes frora the island of Sicily,
and, taken a gold medal at the International
Wine Challenge 2007, this botde was named
as ’Great Value White Wine of the Year; Here
is a medium bodied wine ~vith a fresh, floral
nose. "Ihe finish has a taste ofsucculent pear
and ripe melons.
Bongiovanni Arneis 2006
ItS hard to find sonaething that Piedmont produces
in a xvhite wine that’s just as exceptional
as those big Barolos and Barbarescos you read
about all the time. However, one of the notable
exceptions can be found in the white grape,
Arneis. This wine comes from the Langhegrowing
zone in Piedmont. Bright pear flavors
are the hallmark ofthis wine.
Zeveri Muller Thurgau 2006
This is a 100% Muller Thurgau from Trentino’s
Valle di Cerebra district in Northern Italy. The
fruit is sourced from five single vineyards. The
grapes are gently crushed and then macerated
at cold temperatures. This is a wine of finesse, Sineann Pinot Gris 2007
and elegance. At the palate it’s Sharp ~ Torbreck VCoodcutter’s Semillon
great finish oflight spices 2007 will become even
years ofageing. C- Ken Forrester Petit Chenin Blanc
Dr. Loosen Riesling ~ 0 Michd ~d Vouvray
This lighdy sweet, low-alc6h 8 5 percent) " _ !--ln~o as al"ways, ~I :say ~o to vour ~avorl" te wl"ne
Dr. Loosen Bros. German RJ , ngf~om Mo, shop, ask~ti0n~~’nd p(,rchase a bottle or
Saar-Ruwer is ideal for casual mmmertime two:~laare[some t~oo.a ~.wi.ne w.ir.e rr.leno.s a.no
quaffing. This wine has a creamy texture with
: cnecac tins out for yourself.
flavors ofhoney, apples, peaches;aa~,d miner,s.
Pair with spicy grilled chicken or ~’i food[ [
St. Amant Verdelho2005
This exotic Portuguese white varietal is a new D’
wine for this California vineyard. It’s a full bodied
wine that shmvs tropical fruit flavors that This writer also bar tends and hosts wine &
really come alive on your palate. ;" WfooindeeEvennthtsuksinaoswtsnoifnTtuolswan. as the
Garci Grande Verdejo 2006
F ..... References include: the ~IBC’s ofwine byJames Laube/www.
tom me l~ueoa region m ~pam, tins wine
shows a crisp green apples flavor/a must for www.FoodandV~ne.com
serious smnmer sipping. " "Www.Wikipedia.org
I~O~ ’ With Donald
This months recipe courtew
Phoenix, Arizona
*One ofthe many desserts at the restaurant"
The Pesto:
1/2 bunch ofbasil (leaves only)
1/3 cup ex. Virgin olive oil
Handfifl offresh pinoli nuts
1/4 cnp grated Parmigiana (Reggiana or
1 dove garlic smashed
pinch ofsalt
Pasta: (~ recommend fresh pasta only)
~OW gO:
In a processor, place the basil, parmigiana
and clove ofgarlic. Turn on the processor
and slowly drizzle in the oil. Add the pinoli
nuts and dash ofsalt. qqae paste should be
creamy but never add too much oil ! In a 4
quart pot, boil the water for the pasta, (112
lg. for 2 persons max.) When the water boils,
add 3 tal~lespoons ofsalt (preferably kosher.)
Add the pa~’ta. If fresh, 2 *:ninutes will do. If
you cannot find fresh pasta, dry pasta should
take approximately 8 minutes. ~ou do NOT
want to eat overcooked pasta. ~A1 dente," is
the only way to enjoy it. Reserve about an 1/8
ofthe pasta xvater to add while tossing your
pastawith the pesto sauce. Hint: Never add
more oil - it doesn’t work.
(Fresh fruit salad With lemon juice, sugar and
fresh mint)
Berries are a good choice. Strawberries,
blueberries, black and raspberries will always
~narry~vell. Melons, pears and app!es vary
texture and release flavors that don t blend
well with berries in this dish. Freshly squeeze
2 lemons and add 2 Tablespoons ofsugar
and wisk together. Blend and toss with the
berries, place in a dessert cup and garnish with
fresh mint.
8 ~e~ ~oSTAR August 2008
Police stop first Cuban
gay pride march
Police in Havana stopped Cuba’s first gay
pride parade before it could start June 25. But
the details of what exactly took place are far
fi’om clear.
Reports from activists in Miami said the
organizers were beaten and arrested around
10 a.m. as they arrived at Don Quixote Park
at 23rd and J streets in the Vedado neighborhood.
Fort Lauderdale’s Sun-Sentinel newspaper,
however, said the march was canceled just
before its start time by activist Mario Josd
Delgado Gonz~itez, who appeared at the park
to report that two other organizers had been
arrested a day earlier.
The Miami Herald, on the other hand, reported
that nine organizers were detained the
morning of the march, effectively aborting
the event.
The Spanish H-/eb site cubaencuentro.com
quoted Delgado as saying: "Cuban homosexuals
are victims of repression, we don’t enjoy
rights. HA~at we are doing has as its objective
the reclaiming of our rights. \re want equality
of opportunity, equality of assembly, and that
they dont expel its from parks, university
centers, schools and work centers."
With a theme of"You are not alone," the
group had planned to walk to the Ministry of
Justice and deliver demands to the government.
They sought an end tO ~nti-gay violence and
repression, an apology for the government’s
having incarcerated gays in work camps
decades ago, acknowledgment that gays have
been fired because of their sexuality, and a
review of cases where homosexuals have been
jailed for an offense apparently known as
"dangerous levels."
At the march’s end, the group planned to
proceed to a diplomatic residence to hold a
press conference and stage a concert.
Prior to the aborted mar&, Havana gay activist
Aliomar Janjaque had told the Sun-Sentinel:
"H/e want to raise awareness but we don’t
want to provoke a wave of repression against
the gay community. If there is a hostile reaction
from the government, we will stage a
much larger demonstration. "We will take to
the streets."
\[he Herald report said Janjaque was one of
the individuals detained before the parade’s
Wockner News Service
Boy George banned from
the U.S.
The United States has refused to give British
gay singer Boy George a visa to enter the
country because he faces trial in Britain for
allegedly chaining a male escort to a wall in
his apartment.
George had planned a summer U.S. tour and
also hoped to perform a free concert for New
York City’s Department of Sanitation, where
he worked cleaning streets in 2006 as punishment
for a drug offense.
George has pleaded not guilty in the ongoing
British case.
Gays march in 3 Indian cities
Lambda Istanbul eradicated
by court
Istanbul’s Beyoglu Court of First Instance has
formally eradicated the gay group Lambda
Istanbul, saying its existence contravened
societal norms of morality and decency.
Issuing its opinion this month in a case it
decided in May, the court declared: "While
members of the association are, as men and
women, subject to Article 10 of the Constitution,
which states that all persons are equal
before the law; since there are no constitutional
regulations regarding any other gender
identity besides man and woman, forraing an
association based solely on sexual orientation
and gender identity is against the essence and
the spirit of this Article, and the concept of
equality aimed by it."
The court continued: "It is observed that
encouragement and propaganda, in all levels
of the society, of the sexual orientation of the
members of the association through organizing
instructive programs are predominant in
the association’s aims, and that these activities
are likely to bring about a tyranny of a
minority over the majority, which is against
legal and constitutional regulations, and that
this would jeopardize the rights and freedom
of the family and children, as mentioned in
Article 41 of the Constitution, and the rights
and the freedom of the youth, as mentioned
in Article 58 of the Constitution."
The court proceeded to "dissolve" Lambda
Istanbul, saying the European Convention on
Human Rights allows obstruction of the right
to association "to protect public morality and
others’ freedom."
The court also found that Lambda’s bylaws
contravened a Turkish law that states, "No
association may be founded for unlawful or
immoral purposes."
Lambda Istanbul has been in existence since
1993 and had been officially registered for
two years. The group has continued to operate
since the ruling and is appealing the decision
to the Court of Cassation.
Some ZOO0 GLBTpeople stagedpride marches in the Indian cities ofCalcutta, Bangalore and
Delhifi~ne 29 -- thefirst such parades in the latter two cities. Delhiphoto by Sonali ~Gulati via
Woc]ener ~Vews
Some 2,000 GLBT people staged pride
marches in the Indian cities of Calcutta,
Bangalore and Delhi June 29 -- the first such
parades in the latter two cities.
About 500 people marched in Calcutta, 700
in the high-tech city of Bangalore and about
800 in Delhi.
"When the pride started (in Delhi), there
were about 100 people and it looked like
we were outnumbered by the media and the
police," said correspondent Vikram Doctor.
"By the time we started (marching), though
... more and more people were coming along
and getting attached to the end. I was walking
back and forth, trying to help with media
requests, and I got a sense of how large it
was growing ~vhen I realized in addition to
the main group carrying the flag upfront,
there was a second large group behind with
placards and doing dances -- and then a really
large group of stragglers behind."
Calcuttgs seventh parade focused heavily on
Section 377, the Indian law that bans gay sex
under penalty of up to 10 years in prison. A
court case, now at a crucial phase, could see
the law "read down" so it no longer applies to
consensual adult gay sex.
support from different stakeholders, media
included, in their struggle to be free from discrimination,
receive respect from all sections
of society, and function as equal participants
in a progressive and democratic India," organizers
said at the parade’s conclusion.
The Queer Media Collective issued a statement
saying that GLBT people in India today
find themselves at about the same point U~S.
gays were when the first pride parades began
in 1970.
"LGBT people face a lot of harassment
from the police," the group said. "Lesbians
are subject to violence and even forced to
commit suicide by their families. Gay men
are blacks-nailed by organized rackets that
involve members of the police. Bisexuals
are denied the chance to express same-sex
love and forced into opposite-sex marriages.
Transgenders are routinely arrested and raped
by the police. Same-sex couples who have
lived together for years cannot buy a house
together, have a joint bank account or will
their property to each other without being
challenged by their families .... Today in
2008, Queer Pride goes national as a sign that
the time for national change has come."
"India continues to stigmatize its transgender,
kothi, hijra, gay, lesbian, bisexual and other
communities of marginalized sexualities and
genders," organizers said. "Section 377 ...
encroaches upon a person’s democratic rights,
goes against the spirit of the Indian Constitution
and impedes life-saving sexual health
work among sexual minorities."
The parade was part of Rainbow Pride W’eek,
which also featured movies, a photo exhibit, a
panel discussion and a candlelight memorial
for people lost to anti-gay abuse or HIV.
"Clearly, Indian sexual minorities are not going
to settle for status quo and are garnering
Czech pride attacked, 20
The Czech Republic’s first gay pride parade,
held in the city of Brno, came under attack
from extremist and neo-Nazi protesters June
28 and at least 20 of the 500 marchers xvere
The 150 counterdemonstrators threw tear gas,
fireworks and eggs at the marchers.
Police and neo-Nazis clashed for about 45
minutes at the parade’s endpoint. About 15 of
the troublemakers were arrested.
www.metrostarnews.com g~®troSTAR 9
Oklahoma City GLBT community
and their friends celebrated
their annual Pride Parade and
Festival, truly.
By Victor Gorin
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Once again the GLBT community
and their friends celebrated their annual Pride Parade
and Festival truly, as the theme stated, "Coming ofAge." Paul
q’hompson recalled how it began 21 years ago, planned by
around a dozen people, not knowing ifany more people would
actually show up. q-he Ku Klux Klan had threatened to show
up however, ready to meet the Parade by the N.W. 39th Street
Safeway (now Homeland) with hostile confrontation. As the
original marchers still nostalgically recall, when the Klansmen
saw around 400 marchers coming over the hill they promptly
abandoned their mission and the rest is ongoing history.
Photo by Victor Gorin: Michael Cich ofOKCPride withJoe Salmonese, Director of
the nationalHuman Rights Campaign with hispartner BradLuna
As soon as the festivities are over, planning for the next Parade
and Festival begins. OKC Pride meetings take place the third
Monday ofevery month year round at 7 p.m. at the Neighborhood
Alliance Center (1236 N.W. 36th Street). Membership
dues to join OKC Pride are only $15 per year, which not only
supports the event but also gives you a vote in the organization.
At the August 18 meetingOKC Pride members will elect the
Board ofDirectors, which in turn will elect officers.
the OKC Pride Parade & Festival is a wonderful celebration
for our community, inevitably there are aspects ofit that
some won’t like, or improvements that could be made. As Patti
Thompson puts it. "The best way to implement the changes you
want to see is through participation. Ifyou have ideas, things
you’d like to change, things you liked that you want to stay the
same, this is the time to come forward and let us know. We are
open to all suggestions: OKC Pride is for the community, and
it’s what we make it. (Photo’s Page- 12)
Back to School Stylings
ByJoey De
TULSA, OK__ On August 4, one Tulsa salon will open its
doors and help area youth begin their new school year in style.
Monkey Bizness, located at 5942 S. Lewis, is offering complimentary
hair cuts to the students ofnearby Wright Elementary,
as well as to all area BLGT students.
The back to school day ofbeauty was the idea ofMonkey Bizness
stylist David Mitchell and friend Debbie Mayabb. "We
wanted to do something to help BLGT youth, but the more we
thought about it, the more we realized that we could so much
more; says Mayabb. "Every kid deserves a good start to the
school year. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they are."
But over the last 21 years as the world, America and Oklahoma
have changed, so has the Pride Festival and Parade. Whereas
during the first few years politicians were scared to even acknowledge
the event in a positive way, later public office holders
and wannabes proudly participate, glad to seek our votes. This
year’s Parade & Festival featured Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner
Jim Roth, State Representative A1 McAffrey, State
Senator Audrew Rice (seeking a U.S. Senate seat), Ron Marlett
who is seeking to unseat the infamous Sally Kern in State House
District 84.
Whereas in the beginning only bars, a few small gay owned
businesses and extremely progressive nonprofits wanted to be
associated with us, today mainstream businesses ranging from
Budlight to Best Buy were proud to seek our business. As it has
grown consistendy year after year, it has become an event not
only for our community but also takes its place among Oklahoma
City’s mainstream events. Whereas in the beginning it
was only positively covered in the Gayly Oklahoman, this year’s
celebration was positively covered by the Sentinel, the Oklahoma
Gazette, and even the Daily Oklahoman. For the first time
the Parade was held on a Friday evening with the biggest crowd
ever, follo~ved by the Festival in Memorial Park the following
Saturday and Sunday.
As the Pride Festival and Parade has gro~vn to be an event the
community celebrates and counts on, so have the responsibilities
ofmaking it happen. The event is organized by OKC Pride,
an organization with members who elect a Board ofDirectors,
who then elect a President (currently Paul Thompson) Vice-
President (office vacant)a Secretary (currently Victor Gorin)
and a Treasurer (Currently Patricia Miller). What truly makes
it come to life are the volunteers who toil long hours to make it
happen, something most spectators have no concept ofand take
for granted.
For the first time OKC Pride had a Volunteer Coordinator,
Miles Tompkins. While last year OKC Pride had around 20
volunteers, this year we had over 60, with a high percentage of
those new volunteers young people (under 30),
: co~munity
volunteer and
David ofMonkey
for the haircuts
just came to
us one day; ex-
"We approached
Trish, the
manager ofthe
salon, and she
loved the idea. When we asked all ofthe stylists, the support
could not have been more overwhelming:’ Mitchell says that
every Monkey Business stylist will be volunteering their day off
to help, free ofcharge.
"There are so many distractions for so many young people; says
Mayabb, "everyone here wants to help give these kids that extra
boost to succeed. It’s special for them to be able to come in to
a salon ofthis caliber and be taken care ofby the best.’ Mayabb
explains, listing offawards and recognitions that the salon’s team
have won, including an Emmy won by Mitchell.
The t~vo say that they worked with one ofMitchell’s clients, a
TPS principal, to identify nearby Wright Elementary as the beneficiary
due to economic status ofits students and proximity to
the salon. The salon will also be reaching out to BLGT students
through Youth Services ofTulsa and DYLN.
Haircuts will be offered from 10am until 4pm. All students will
have to bring an item proving they are enrolled in school.
The salon has also invited their clients, and the rest ofthe public, to
become involved with the effort through their "outfit-tree." They are
currendy seeking donations ofbasic school supplies and backpacks to
equip students for the first day ofschool.
Ifyou would like to help, contact Monkey Biziness at (918)749-5130
or visit them on ,~wv.360.tulsa.com under the beauty section.
10 ~t~oSTAR August 2008
celebrate our 25th anniversary pride celebration.
For more information & travel deals, visit
wxcw.metrostarnews.com [~etroSTAR 11
~en banded together to,r.aisemoney for
Under the direction of OYP S Mama Carol this
Con~ert was held atthe
Tulsa, OK.
Fdends of
@ Showtime
2qse RoyalNavy marchingm LondonsgaypmdeparadeJuly 5. ScotsGayphOm via ~ockner News
Halfa million at London Pride
Around halfa million people turned out
for London’s gay pride parade July 5, led
by Mayor Boris Johnson, who wore a pink
cowboy hat.
Members of the British Army, Royal Navy
and Royal Air Force marched in uniform.
The Ministry of Defence offered free travel
for servicemembers who wanted to attend
the parade.
Well-known activist Peter Tatchell carried a
poster with a doctored, gayed-up photo of
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
~madme~ad leads a regime that arrests,
jails; flogs, tortures and sometimes executes
gay people," Tatchell said.
MP Harriet Harman, minister of equality
and deputy leader of the Labour Party,
reportedly was booed as she spoke from die
main stage at Trafalgar Square.
Tatchell said the crowd was unhappy over
the UK’s treatment of gay asylum-seekers
from homophobic nations.
Prior to the parade, Prime Minister Gordon
Brown met with activists, including actor
Sir Ian McKellen0 at his residence.
They discussed homophobic bullying in
schools, and Browds spokesman said he was
"delighted" to have met with the group.
Italian gay man wins
100,000 euros for discrimination
A gay man on the island of Sicily won 100,000
euros (US$159,000) from the Italian governmentJuly
12 after the military and the Transport
Ministry discriminated against him.
Danilo Giuffrida came out as gay during his
military medical exam. Doctors later relayed
his coming-out to driver’s-license officials, who
then accused him ofhaving a sexual identity
disturbance, told him to retake his driving test
and, when he passed it, gave him a one-year
disabled-person’s license instead ofthe normal
10-year license.
A court determined the events amounted to
"sexual discrimination" and were unconstitutional.
It is likely the first ruling ofits sort in
Italian history.
"Discrimination against those in the army who
are lesbian, gay and bisexual does not give them
a chance to contribute or to play a full part
in the teams that are vital for our success on
operations;’ said Gem Richard Dannatt, chief
ofthe General Staff. "It is ... our absolute duty
to treat our fellow soldiers as vce would wish to
be treated ourselves."
Britain banned gays from the military until
2000. The Royal Navy and Royal Air Force are
already members ofthe Stonewall program.
British Armyjoins gayequality
The British Army has joined the gay group
Stonewall’s Diversity Champions program to
work toward increased equality for gay and
bisexual soldiers.
Some 120,O00people turned outfar Henna’s~
13th gayprideparadeJuly, 12.
www.metrostarnews.com ~4®troSTAR 13
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
’~b~zona Sunburst Inn
After leaving ~Zest Hollywood we drove to
Phoenix where the weather was HOT. In the
daytime it was 115 but at night it cooled down
to around 110! We checked in to the ARIZONA
SUNBURST INN which,aas sold about
a year and a halfago and Tim andJames have
remodeled and really changed the decor and
ambiance. Tney have done a vconderful job.
Both Tim and James are great hosts and they
make you at home. The room furniture is very
masculine. Since they have taken over they have
had many guests that have returned several
times. All rooms face the swimming po61 and
they also have a Jacuzzi. A morning breakfast is
ready whenever you want it. They have VflFI
for guests and a public computer for those who
forgot t° bring their lap top. They are located at
6245 North 12th Place, ideally located to all of
the major gay bars and businesses. Check out
their ~vebsite at: www.azsunburst.com. Their
toll free nmnber is 1-800 -974-1474. They
offer clothing optional stmbathing, swimruing
and spa. This is the ONLY place to stay
when visiting PhoenLx.
There are dozens and dozens of restaurants to
dine in Phoenix but our favorites are Marcellint
Pdstorante which has tO be one ofthe
finest Italian Restaurants that ~ve have had the
pleasure of dining. They are located at !301
Northern Avenue. Their website is: ~wv.marcellinoristorante.
com..Ifyou want true Italian
coo~ng in an exciting atmosphere with servers
who are the best then dine there. Tne mvners,
Sirna and Marcellino Verzino are as good as it
gets. Marcellino is the chef and his "beyond
Fabulous" wife Sima is the "hostess who really
is the mostess’! The combination of these two
people are magic! Call for reservations: 602.-
216-0004. For a real dining experience we just
can’t recommend dais restaurant enough.
You can’t dine at the same restaurant every day
so try TICOZ at 5114 North 7th Street. To
say that it is wonderfifl is an understatement.
ChefHolly creates the finest entrees and desserts
ever. It has a great ambiance, wonderful
service and their food presentation is as good as
it gets. They have a huge following and we can
certainly understand why! They have a great
Saturday and Sunday Brunch special and the
restaurant is always packed. They make some
ofthe finest drinks in the city. Check out their
website at www.ticozofarizona.com. For reservations
call 602-200-0160. Be SURE and save
room for dessert. Trust us on this one. They
are totally beyond Fabulous! They also mvn
another restaurant not too far away, SWITCH,
2603 North Central and their website is www.
switchofarizona.com and they serve wonderful
food there as well.
There are a lot ofgay bars in Phoenix for
vchatever you are into. Favorite bars includes
Charlies (the cowboy bar), Amsterdam, downtown,
Cell Block, the leather bar, Oz, Wild
Card, and we particularly enjoyed the KoBalt
at Park Central ~vhich has a piano bar sometimes.
Phoenix is the largest city (area wise) in
the country so you certainly need a car to get
around town. There are a lot ofneighborhood
bars around the city besides the large bars.
They also have a couple of bath houses, the
FLEX and the CHUTE. Most ofthe bars are
located between 7th Avenue and 16th Street
near Central Avenue.
~Ihe best place to find any bar or business in
Phoenix is in the ARIZONA PRIDE GUIDE,
vc~vw.arizonaprideguide.com. This informative
guide is free and tells about the entire state of
Arizona. It is distributed free all over the State
or you can have them send you one.Just check
out their website. The publisher Michael
McFall has done a absolutely great job. It is the
finest gay guide in any state that we have ever
There are a lot ofwonderful museums, galleries
and shopping in the Phoenix area.
Antique Marketplace is located at 4025 North
16th Street and sells a wide range ofantiques.
Next door is the Root Seller Gallery 8:
Apothecary that sells a large variety of artwork,
books, cards, herbs, music and more. The arts
are alive and well in Phoenix and there are a lot
oflive theatre, and musical productions.
Phoenix is surrounded by maW suburban cities
and our favorite is TEMPE. tt is the home of
Arizona State University and is one of the most
progressive cities in the nation. Check out their
website at: vibranttempe.com and click on
GLBT TEMPE. Michael Martin and Nancy
Black at the Convention and Visitors Bureau
are two of the nicest people you would ever
want to meet. Their revitalized downtown is
so vibrant.
Phoenix is a very friendly city and you are sure
to make lots ofnew friends. Other websites to
check out be~bre visiting Phoenix are:
¯aw~a~.gayarizona.com, w,a-,v.arizonaguide.com
and w~avisitphoenix.com. The major gay
publication is Echo, xwvw:echomag.com
Always remember to have fun when traveling,
meet new people and talk to everyone!
By Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Donald and Ray were legally married in Palm
Springs, California, June 17th which was the
first day that same-sex marriage became legal
in California. "Ihey have been a gay couple
for 37 years)
As ofJune 17, 2008 the marriage laws in
California were changed to allow same-sex
couples to marry as well as heterosexual
couples. There is no difference in the forms
with the exception that in the same-sex marriage
forms, they list "Party A" and "Party
B" rather than bride and gr0bm. You can
apply for a marriage license at nearly dl the
county court houses in the state. A couple
of counties have refused to marry same-sex
couples and they are not allowed to marry
heterosexual couples as well. A special note:
For same-sex couples to be married in the
State of Massachusetts, they have to be legal
residents of that state. In California, there is
NO residency requirement. Anybody from
any state in the country can now be married
legally in California.
What you need...
Both parties must provide valid photo ID
If your ID does not contain your full legal
name you must provide a certified copy of
your birth certificate or a Social Security card.
Otherwise, a driver’s license is sufficient for
proof. If you have been divorced within the
last two years you must bring in a certified
copy of your divorce decree.
Both parties must appear to apply for and
pick up their marriage license. Different
counties xvithin the State of California charge
different prices and they vary from $55.00
to $70.00. They accept cash and debit cards
only. The license is valid for 90 days from
the date of issue. The license is typed tip and
given to you in about 30 minutes. Should
you desire to get married right there, they
offer a civil marriage ceremony right at the
court house. Naere is a fee of $35.00~ You
are taken into a private room and the clerk as
well as a wimess that they will provide in case
you. don’t take some with you goes thru the
marriage ceremony. The ending remarks are
"In as much as Donald and Raymond have
thus consented together in marriage, by virtue
of the authority vested in me by the State
of California as a Deputy Comrnissioner of
Civil Marriages for the County of l~verside, I
now pronounce you to be united in marriage.
After 37 years together, dais was
one of the finest sentences that we have ever
You do not need a blood test or health certificate.
There is no waiting period to get married.
The entire process from start to finish
takes less than one hour. Some couples prefer
to get the license and then plan a wedding
afterwards in a few days.
Eight states allow same-sex marriage alternatives:
In Connecticut, New Hampshire, New
Jersey and Vermont, same-sex couples can
enter civil unions and receive the same statelevel
benefits and responsibilities conveyed
in traditional marriages. Similarly, Oregon
residents can register as domestic partners and
receive all state marital rights. Couples in Hawaii,
Maine and Washington state can register
as domestic partners and receive many of the
most important marital rights.
Suggestion: Don’t fly out for the weekend
expecting to get married. The Court Houses
are open Monday thru Friday only.
14 NetroSTAR August 2008
,E,UREKA SPRINGS, AR;__ Eureka Springs is gearing up for its
Summer Diversty Festivel to be held August 1,2,3, 2008 ~vith
many events, shows and pool parties planned, including the now
famous PDA in die park, where all persons are invited to show
"Public Display ofAffection" for their spouse or partner.
Eureka Springs welcomed its 200th gay couple (Visiting from
Chicago) to register under the domestic partnership registration
law. History was made on May 14, 2007 when the Eureka
Springs City Council unanimously approved the "Domestic
Partner Registration (DPR). Although the document does not
entitle couples legal benefits as in a marriage, it does act as a
wonderful validation and acknowledgement oftheir relationship
and commitment to each other. This was a first for Arkansas
and hopefully, will inspire other registries throughout the
state and beyond. Persons from anT0¢here may register in Eureka
Visit www.diversitypride.com or ww~v.eurekapride.com for
more information.
AUg 1, 2008: Welcome Mixer at Marquee’s 7 - 9 PM (open for
dinner 4 - 10pm)
Aug 1, 08: Miranda Ray Performs at Jaek’s Place 10:00 PM
Aug 1, 08: Miranda Meridian Performs at Lumberyard 8:00 PM
Aug 1, 08: Diversity Bikers Brunch & Fun Run. Iron Horse
Stables at 10 AM then ride to the PDA
Aug 2, 08: PDA in Basin Park 12 Noon
Aug 2, 08: Bear Pool Party. 1 PM - ? at Tradewinds
Aug 2, 08: Diversity Bikers Raid the Pool Party & Fun Run
starting at Planner Hill Parking Lot 3:30 - 5 PM
Aug 2, 08: Miranda Ray Performs at Jack’s Place 10:00 PM
Aug 2, 08: Miranda Meridian Performs at Lmnberyard 8:00 PM
Aug 1-2, 08: Yards & Yards ofYard Sales
Aug 3, 08: Lucky 13 Cinema: Double feature "Across the Universe"
& "Wizard ofOz", music of"Dark Side ofthe Moon"
www.metrostarnews.com NetroSTAR 15
The Ledo, Oklahoma City
@ Bamboo Lounge, Tulsa
@Angles, Oklahoma City
The Copa, Oklahoma City
@Club Majestic, Tulsa @ Finishline, Oklahoma City
by Jack Fertig
"Keep your balance, Aries!"
The most troublesome planets are stirring up discord
- Mars opposing Uranus, Mercury opposing Neptune.
Looking to Eris for the best aspects is like borrowing
sugar from Lucrezia Borgia! With everyone shooting
their mouths off and facts getting jumbled, focus on
careful listening and discernment.
ARIES (March 20 -April 19): Struggles at work might
make you feel you’re on the wrong team. What’s easier
to change - your job or your attitude? Time out, playful
relaxation, and self-care (massage? acupuncture?) are
needed to keep your balance.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): A~guments at home need
to be settled to avoid tension that can screw you up at
work. Friends who want to play may keep you from what
you really find entertaining and relaxing. Take time at
home to contemplate your goals in work and in life.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You probably can’t avoid
arguments this week, but you canopick and choose
them. Remember the simple, obvious rules: logic has
nothing tO do with religion or sex; authorities should be
criticized with extreme diplomacy and care; and friends
who will forgive anything are the best to hang with!
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Arguments about sex
can come up easily, especially if you’re unclear about
what you really want. You need some guidance, a new
philosophical or spiritual perspective. Explore those intangibles,
and the touchy-feely will be easier to work out.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Your partner (or Jack of
one) seems especially aggravating now, and your sexual
needs are not being propedy met - probably because
you are at some level reassessing them. A good political
argument may somehow kick your priorities and Needs
into better focus. .........
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Make a list of
your worries. Cross off the ones you can’t do anything
about, then list the steps you can take to deal with the
others. A partner’s input may be helpful. An amorous
retreat will be even more so. ....
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):.Nob0d~ else will
fix what’s bothering you, so what ape _you_ doing about
it? Big as some problems are, you can make a difference!
You could even bring friends into a volunteer effort
as if it were a social event.
SCORPIO ((~ctober 23 - November 21): "(our playful
jabs at social critique can get you a reputation. Will
hosts send you invitations due to real affection or out of
self-defense? Focus that acuity on working more effectively,
and you could accomplish a lot!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.ember 22 - December 20): Arguments
aren’t as likely to show that you’re right as much
as that you insist on "being right." A little humility and listening
can go a long way. Better yet, playful word games
are preferable to serious debate.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Arguments
about sex, sexuality, and gender issues can easily get
out of hand. If you must react as if your mother’s honor
were at stake, think of how she’d want you to be civil in
your debate.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Sexual values
and tastes change with age and experience. Although
that’s normal, staying in sync with your partner may be
the big challenge! Communication is always the key.
Be open to exploring differences as well as common
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Your ideas for
improvements at work are, um, intriguing. Discuss them
with a colleague or two, allowing that they may be a bit
off the wall. Still, they could be the seeds of much better
ideas. Focus on efficiency and economy.
16 MetroSTAR ,, August 2008
Massachusetts may OK
marriage for out-ofstarers
Massachusetts’ legislature is considering repeal
oi:a 1913 law that prohibits people from other
states from getting married there if the marriage
wouldn’t be allowed where they live.
’The law -- which stopped interracial couples
who couldn’t marry in their own states t~¥om
n~arrying in Massachusetts -- was resurrected
aider Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage
in 2004.
~e speaker of the House, the president ofth~
Senate and Gov. Deva! Patrick all support the
law’s repeal.
U2S. Census Bureau
won’t count married gays
~ae U.S. government will not count married
gay couples in the 2010 censtts, the San Jose
Mercury News reported July 12.
Brot,~ers &Sismrs actors Matthew Rhys (who
plays gay character Kevin Walker) and Sally
Field. GLAAD photo
repre.sentations. Lifetime and MTV ranked
adequate. A&E, Spike, TBS, TNT m~d USA
received failing grades.
The ful! report is at glaad.org/media/nri/
Instead, same-sex couples who accurately
report that they are married
will have their response tabulated by the
Census Bureau as if they had
checked "unmarried partners."
Same-sex marriage is legal in California and
Massachuset:tS[ in addition, New Yorkers who
m~r~ in those states or abroad are recognized
as married in New York state.
~ae Mercury News said the Census Bureau’s
decision was based on the federal Defense of
i~{arriage Act (DOMA) "and other mandates."
DOMA, signed into law by President Bill
Clinton in 1996, states, in part: "In determining
the meaning of any Act of Congress,
or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation
of the various administrative bureaus and
agencies of the United States, the word ’marriage’
means only a leg~d union between one
man and one woman ,as husband and wife,
and the word ’spouse’ refers only to a person
of the opposite sex ~vho is a husband or a
Gary Gates of the Williams Institute, a think
tank at the University of California Los Angeles
Law School, told the newspaper that the
bureau’s decision "goes against everything the
census stands fo,:"
"It’s a systematic hiding not only of married
gay couples, but gay couples as families,
which I would argue is a fundamentally
political decision," Gates said.
received failing grades for their 6 percent and
4 percent of programming hours with GLBT
Of the 10 cable networks evaluated, FX,
HBO and Showtime each received a grade
of good, with FX leading with 45 percent of
programming hours featuring GLBT
"Barack believes that ,ve must fight for
a world as it should be. A ,vorld where
together we work to reverse discriminatory
laws like D.O.M.A. (Defense of Marriage
Act) and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell," Mrs. Obama
said, addressing an audience of 250 people
at a fundraiser for the Democratic National
Rev Steve T. Uric
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Worship Saturdays at t0:00 AM
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N÷troSTAR 19
Advertisement paid for by friends OfRon Marlett.
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Original Format
Star Media, Ltd; , “[2008] Metro Star Magazine, August 1, 2008; Volume 5, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed February 23, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/198.