[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, October 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 10


[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, October 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 10


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Ozarks Star’s first issue began in August of 2004. Before this Issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) then follows The Star (2005) and The Metro Star (2008)

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd


October 1, 2004


C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Randy Vineyard
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams


The Ozark Star Magazine, September 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 9

The Ozark Star Magazine, November 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 11


Online text








Western Arkansas, Eastern Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri, Southeast Kansas


"' I t e
716 W. Sycamore St., Fayetteville, AR. (479) 571-1300
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Volume 1 Issue IO Page2 October I, 2004
~Q ,f, /;--:_
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18th ~GRA ~~~;:Rodeo
October 14-1 7, 2004
Omaha, Nebiaska
( 402) 203-4680
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Ha and
Gay lodeo Association
The Ozarks Star Page 3 October 1, 2004
Davy u a ••
This is where they all get
1109 E. Conunereial Street
Springfield, Mo. 65803
n field's Diversit Club
Res ect Diversi Eve bod Welcome
We catering to the GLBT
and Gay Friendly Community
Open Mon-Sat 5 pm tol:30 am
Happy Hour 5-Spm CHEAP
T'ues-Pool Tournaments
Thurs.- Karaoke
Fri. and Sat.-All Night Dance Party!
No_v~rflBet2,0°~po4 the most
1mpqrtant~el~c::tion day
m our history.
It is essential that we and our allies all vote
for fairness and eguality.
With the ele~tion. orily days away, most of
the LGBT community seem to be unexcited.
Their main goal it appears, is to
defe~t Bush. r Republican candidates.
Iagre ·/Edwards ticket is
. .. give the LGBT
thope for success in
The follqwing:i/a .qiioJ~,from David
Shribrilan's Op /Ed a'.'tticle Sept. 12th His
topic was on how overzealous Bush
opponents cqajd ~wing the vote toward the
Republican side. , ·.· :
"By far the griafer 'litn e#kon the
De:rzocrats' side. ugh. the campaigns
are WO t soccer moms
and Nascar dads afi{i't/,:e/Giith.olic vote and
theptay'erfal vote;itHe -~tw 'gro~:of Bush
haters -:-' a ~r:etiqie <:oalitio,:,i ojz't}:Jj! 'f!)illful
· · - could emerge as liti importit_ntfai:tor in
the November balloting." · ;
"1bese voters could swing the election by
what they ~o an~ by what they don't do. If
they remain an important presence in the
streets - appearing as protesters at the
president's rallies; conducting marches
down city streets with flag-draped
Continued-see editor page 10
Page 5 October 1, 2004
A call for
behavior ...
improved responsibility ... a
level of understanding and
commitment to what is right.
We are in a struggle like none we have
seen before and the drastic behaviors we
are seeing only accent the overwhelming
lack of trust and understanding within us.
My neighbor and I jokingly joust with
one another over the upcoming election
for a new president, both of us seeing
the possibilities of a new future in
different ideologies. But we are able to
tease, joust and kid each other about our
differences. We both have our candidates
yard signs in place ... mine quite simply is
one sign for Kerry. Hers started with
two signs for Bush and an American flag.
How sad and what a commentary on the
state of things when I suddenly noticed
she now has eight Bush signs hi her yard.
Not unusual for a hard core activ-.ist
attitude but what caused this sudden rage
that resulted in no more kidding, no
more teasing, no more friendly jousting
'with each other. She and her family woke
the other morning to find that the
original signs had been burned as well the
American flag flying with them. When
she told me what had happened, I was
stunned. This behavior is not acceptable
and should not have happened but who
set the stage.
We had one convention where ideals
were presented and everyone cheered.
. On the other side of the coin we had one
convention where ideals were presented and
on almost every occasion everyone booed.
Yes they set the example but it is our
responsibility to choose the example we will
Politics and religion are topics that most
families and friends do not discuss because of
the total blaze they can ignite. There has been
an on-going campaign challenging both sides
of the political machine of this country ...
remember we are not a democracy but a
republic. We choose who we want to
represent us and trust them to act in our best
interest. We have an opportunity to voice our
opinions, wave our banners and vote. That is
the way to behave, not burning signs and flags
which others have an equal right to use as
their freedom of speech.
Equally we have an ongoing debate in our
local paper which will always take an
opportunity to create hostility if given half a
chance. Opposing points of view can clearly
be voiced without challenging the integrity of
the other party. Are Christians really attacking
other Christians? Christian means being
"Christ like" and my only question for all of
you in our community as well as the straight
community doing this is: What part of being
"Christ like" did you miss out on? I will not
attack anyone's belief structure or challenge
whether they are or are not Christians. I only
ask that you think about the debate and what
does it resolve. W'hat happens to our witness
when non-Christians read our rhetoric and
perceive it has hatred. We need to look deeply
at where we are, look at what separates the
issues and challenge the civcil issues where they
need to be and that's is not in our churches.
Too many wars have been fought with both
sides claiming God on their side mixing the
humanistic fallacies with our relationship with
our Lord.
continued page-26
Volume l .lssue.10
EvangelistJinuny Swaggart
Threatens To Kill Gays
National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force Responds
Statement by Matt Foreman,NGLTF
Executive Director:
"The leaders of major organizations
heading the campaign to deny same sex
couples equal marriage rights frequently
say that they do not hate gay people and
that they respect us as human beings. Just
last night in a national simulcast to
oppose same sex marriage, for example,
Focus on the Family President Dr. James
Dobson said, "I'm not here to cast
aspersions on homosexuals P/.. 2_ they need
our acceptance and respect ... We are not
hateful people."
The Task Force calls upon the leaders of
last night's simulcast - Dr. James Dobson
(Focus on the Family), Tony Perkins
(Family Research Council), Ted
Haggard (National Association of
Evangelicals), Richard Land (Director
of the Religious Liberties and Ethics
Division of the Southern Baptist
Convention) -: to immediately
denounce anti7gay ~olence and
specifically repudiate evangelist
Jimmy Swaggert's statement, "I've
never seen a man in my life I wanted
to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt
and plain: if one ever looks at me like
that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God
he died."
All lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people and all people of good will be
Read more on Sw;tggart's statement here:
www.365gay.com/ newscon04 /09 /
Photo by: Ray Williams
October 1, 2004
"Traveling in the gay friendly world"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Oklahoma City,
In our travels to both the East coast and the
West coast everyone always asks the same
question to us. Where to party in the
Midwest? We always tell them one of the best places to party in the Midwest is
Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City???? Yep, Oklahoma City is the major gay capital of
the Midwest. Hard to believe? Well perhaps, however unless you have been there you
certainly will not believe that in the Bible belt of Oklahoma is this fabulous gay mecca.
We have been going to Oklahoma City to party for over 20 years. The HABANA INN
resort there has been a gay resort for over 20 years. It is the Midwest's largest all gay
resort. It is a two story complex with over 175 rooms, most of which face one of the two
swimming pools. The rooms are spacious and extremely inexpensive. Their rates begin
at just $37 .95 per room. It is a totally gay resort. Lush tropical plants and trees
surround the pool areas. Gays from all over the midwest have been going there for years.
And it is busy 7 days a week, not just on weekends. Lounge around the pool area and
you are sure to meet that "someone special".
Within the resort complex they have a wonderful restaurant "Gushers" which has a great
ambiance and serves delicious food. Prices are inexpensive. We were just there last
month and had fresh fried shrimp for only $10.95 and a Rib Eye for only $14.95. And
all entrees comes with potato, salad and bread. The restaurant overlooks one of the pool
areas so you can enjoy the boys frolicking in the pool as you are dining. They also offer
sandwiches, soups, salads, pastas and appetizers. And a breakfast menu is available on
weekends. · ·
There are three bars in the Habana Inn complex which are completely different. COPA's
is a dance, disco and drag bar. Weekly they have strip shows, drag shows and comedy
shows. FINISH LINE is a country/western bar with plenty of country dancing. This is
the place to see the real cowboys in action. THE LEDO is a quiet piano bar. All of the
bartenders are super friendly and they all know how to make out oftowners feel right at
home. The owner of the bars and resturant is to be commended for his outstanding job of
always having "theme" nights and specials. The nights we were there, Long neck bottle
beer was two for one. When so many bar owners just sit back and. wait for customers to
come in, this owner attracts customers by having specials, etc. Why can't all bar owners
do things like this.
Also in the resort is JUNGLE RED, an adult gift shop with magazines, videos, cards,
gifts, leather, pride items plus a lot of decorative items for the home ... continued page - 26
Volume l Issue 10 Oetober 1, 2004 ~ The Oz,rrks Sta; Page 9 Oetobec I, 2004 ---A-d-ve-rt1-·sm-e-nt--------------------.~---,======================~-
Pine, Tulsa,
Wrangler's Corn in .....
Volume I Issue I 0 Page 10 October 1, 2004
Arkansas Marriage
Will be on the November 2,
2004 ballot
This citizen-initiated measure to amend the
constitution needed 80,570 signatures by July
2, 2004 to be placed on the 2004 ballot.
Approximately 200,693 signatures were
turned in on July 1, 2004. The Secretary of
State certified the signatures on July 23, 2004.
The measure would amend the state
constitution to r~ad, "Marriage consists only
of the union of one man and one woman.
Legal status for unmarried persons which is
identical or substantially similar to marital
status shall not be valid or recognized in
Arkansas, except that the legislature may
recognize a common law marriage from
another state between a man and a woman.
The legislature has the power to determine
editor from page-4
coffins meant to symbolize needless war
casualties - they could play directly into
Republican hands. They would allow the
president to portray his opponents as
unpatriotic elitists unwilling to support
American men and women in uniform in
war zones."
LGBT Political Power is strong and can be
a major force in the struggle for equality.
First we must work hard to elect those
candidates who are our allies. The Log
Cabin Republicans' decision to withhold its
endorsement from President Bush, the chief
advocate of the discriminatory Federal
Marriage Amendment, is a bold and welcome
decision. This is an unprecedented statement
against discrimination, an example of LGBT
Political Power in action.
VOTE November 2, 2004 for our Allies!
the capacity of persons to
marry, subject to this
amendment, and the legal
rights, obligations, privileges,
and immunities of marriage."
cactus Canyon Campground
And Resort
This measure will be on the
November 2, 2004 ballot.
The issue of same sex
marriage will be on the ballot
in ten and possibly eleven
states on November 2. In
addition to Kentucky and
Oregon, the states include
Arkansas, Georgia,
Mississippi, Montana, North
Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah and
the key battleground states of
Michigan and Ohio. Many
believe the issue is being used
to energize the far right and
evangelical vote to help
conservative and Republican
candidates, including
President Bush.
For Men In The Ozarks
ihe L.argu,t Men', C.ampground in the U'i'>i>-
Full RV Hookup's, Tent Sites, Cabins, Lodge Rooms,
Hot Tub/ sauna, Pool, Cafe, Theme Weekends,
Convenience Store, Clothing Optional.
Call 417-683-9199 or visit our website
The Ozarks Star Page 11
Q\(\ahoma' s C.o"'bo1
Matthew Heath-Fitzgerald
by st.a.If writer Greg Steele:
On April 16, 1979 in Shawnee, Oklahoma,
Matthew was born to Reverends Jerrell and
Sherry Heath.
Matthew ;,vas raised in various small towns
across Oklahoma, moving often due to his
parents role in the United Methodist Church.
He dreamed of a vocalist career all the way,
learning to sing along side his parents at
church functions and small events wherever
they were living.
Matthew considers himself a performer not a
karaoke singer. A popular attraction in the
Oklahoma City and Tulsa clubs, Matthew
travels the co~ntry performing. He recently
performed with Brian Black (brother of
country legend Clint Black) in his opening act
for the Cow Town Rodeo in Ft. Worth, Texas.
He is a regular at Club Rox and Boom Boom
Room in Oklahoma City. In Tulsa you can
catch Matthew's show at Club Maverick,
PlayMore Club and Renegades.
It was in 1999 a turning point occurred for
Matthew. He met what would become not only
his manager and best friend, but the man he
knew he'd spend the rest of his life
October 1, 2004
with,Jason. After a few brief dates, and a
long distance relationship, Matthew
proposed to Jason in February of 2000. It
was later in the vear 2000, he was asked to
record backgro~nd vocals for a Oklahoma
area cabaret artist, Tabitha Taylor, which
consisted of mainly lounge music. The
work he did on the album brought him
more recognition and he was asked to
perform in dubs around Oklahoma.
In March of 2002 Matthew independently
recorded his debut album in Branson,
Missouri. In April the album "l\1Y LOVE"
was released. Available at any Matthew
Heath-Fitzgerald performance, various
small shops in Oklahoma City & Tulsa, and
on the internet, "My Love" has proved to
sell very well and has boosted his listening
audience. In May 2002 Houston, Texas
radio station KPFT FM played the title cut
of the album on air, and reported to have
very good response.
Matthew's second album, a live recording in
Tulsa, Oklahoma Oune 2003) was released
in October of 2003. Matthew's Live album
was greeted with much responce and
opened the door for many more bookings
at clubs and rodeos around the country.
Matthew quickly became a favorite at clubs
in Oklahoma like The PlayMor in Tulsa and
The Copa in Oklahoma City and on the
evening of March 5th 2004, Matthew's
"Neon Rainbow" was released at his.
performance with Brian Black. "Neon
Rainbow" has quickly become Matthew's
best selling album to date.
Matthew is just another example of the
undiscovered talent in the 4 states region.
The Ozarks Star is proud to feature this
talented young man from Oklahoma,
working hard to make his community
proud. He resides with his partner Jason in
Krebs, Oklahoma.
For booking information and more on
Matthew's show schedule, visit his website
at www.heathfitzgerald.com
Volume l Issue 10 Page 12 October 1, 2004
Kerry-Edwards Ticket - The ost
ay S portive in American History
The Ozarks Star Page 13 October 1, 2004
Volume 1 Issue l 0 Page 14 October 1, 2004
This Is Shelter Country.
Here in our community you will find
Shelter Agent Greg Tainter. We're proud to
serve this community and our customers.
Call today and ask about our services.
Life-Worker's Comp.-Home-Auto-Fann-Business
Greg W. Tainter, LUTCF
Post Office Box 339
Eureka, Missouri 63025
Tel: (636) 938-5500
Fax: (636) 938-3539
Riderless Horse
Kansas City Sept 5, 2004
by Star writer Greg Steele
The crowded Wyandotte County
Fairgrounds Stadium went silent as
the lone horse entered the arena.
A wreath of red roses draped the
,._ __________________ __, shining saddle. The inverted boots
in the stirrups showed that the rider had passed from this
horse. The horse was in it's Sunday Best, feet polished and
adorned with a red ribbon. The red ribbon representing
honor for all who are no longer with us. As the audience
stood, you could see tears streaming down faces.
i\11 were aware of who the ceremony was hon,oring. Bobbie
St.Jeor, the Show Me State Rodeo director of 11 years had
tragically been taken in a traffic accident on July 2, 2004.
Bobbie had served as Director for 11 of 12 rodeos MGRA
had produced. At 67, Bobbie's tireless energy had lead the
MGRA to what was one of their best rodeo's ever. When it
came to MGRA, Bobbie expected the membership to abide
by the bylaws and do their job. In her honor MGR.A
selected Bobbie's longtime partner, Judy Holt as the 2004
Grand Marshal. Bobbie St.Jeor, Director
The Ozarks Star Page- 15 October 1, 2004
Volume 1 Issue 10 Page- 16 October 1, 2004
MG - Show-Me-State Rodeo
e. Dust ~e.tt\e.s.ee''
Photography by Chaz
September 5, 2004
by Star writer Greg Steele }
Kansas City ... Since October of 1976, the
first Gay Rodeo in Reno, Nevada, 24 Gay
Rodeo Associations have sprung up across
the United States and Canada and comprise
the International Gay Rodeo Association,
IGRA. Gay Rodeo's are held through out the
year with a National Final's to buckle and
crown the season. Men and Women from
across the US and Canada compete for
points to have the honor of an invitation to
the National Finals. Out of hundreds who
compete, only the top 20 point winner's
from each competition category will be
It's a rough ridden, steer bustin, serious event
each year for these dedicated gay men and
women who compete in rodeo competition.
,.__ ____________ ___, But "After '.fhe Dust Settles •... Legends
Are Born & Champions Are Crowned"
The Gay Rodeo has become an important part of our community. Those who organize and
stage the events year after year work night and day to bring you the best show possible and
the Missouri Gay Rodeo Association MGRA, showed there stuff in Kansas City this year
with a grand rodeo, a hell of a good
time and great entertainment.
Steve Hammond
Wild Oats Records recording artist.
The Ozarks Star Page- 17
The 2004 season ends in Omaha with the
Heartland Gay Rodeo Association, HGRA
and the IGRA National Final's October 14-17,
2004 in Omaha Nebraska. This will be the
grand finally to a big year for IGRA. Fan's
from across the US, Canada and far away
places will converge on Omaha. It's the big
event of the year for contestants and rodeo
October 1, 2004
follower's. The Rodeo Groupies come incampers,
motor homes, limo's, buses and
some just ride their broncos. They come to
party hard , enjoy the entertainment and the
thrill of the action. If you have never been to a
IGRA rodeo, you've missed a good dose of our
western heritage. So, saddle up guys and gals, get
on out to see some real cowboys & cowgiris.
Volume 1 Issue I 0
Ken Pool, Mr. Colorado Gay
Rodeo Association, CGRA 2004
October 1, 2004
Top Left to Right Jack Truman-candidate Mr.
'1GRA 2005,Judy Holt Grand Marshal 2004
Miss Mae- Miss MGRA 2004 & candidate for
Tvliss IGRA 2005, Mandy Barbarell - Miss
IGRA 2004 & Miss MGRA- 2003.
Volume 1 Issue 10 Page 20 October 1, 2004
Town dbi
by Randy Vineyard
Introducing "T-T own Tidbits" by Star writer Randy
Vineyard. Randy lives in Tulsa and will be covering the Star
Scene in and around the T-Town area. Randy has lived in Tulsa
since the age of two and wouldn't consider living anywhere else
and loves Tulsa's GLBT community.
Community Support & Loyalty!
On Halloween I v.,-ill celebrate 29 years of entertaining. Along
with me are, Anita Richards - 25 yrs, Courtney Farrell - 20 yrs, and Mr Robbie Walker 19
yrs. On my own wonderful journey I have made a life time of friends and have lost many to
AIDS as have all of us. I have been very honored to hold 11 titles, two of which were the
Oklahoma America and Oklahoma USo£A titles. I was also fortunate to represent you at 5
national competitions. During my career it has been a blessing to have performed over 3600
shows, 1000 of which were benefits. The last 8 years have not been easy, but there must be
a reason from ONE greater than my myself. My heart revolves around tl1is community and
it's fabulous people. You have in all reality, kept me alive. Entertaining you has given me life
and a reason to keep going, you have smiled, laughed, and cried with me, and along the way
enjoyed life. I thank you with all my heart and soul for sharing all these wonderful years of
life with me.
With the entertainment and benefit fall season upon us and the time we all get into that
giving spirit. I want to address a problem I see here in our community. There are nearly
70,000 GLBT people in our area. If we all stood together and gave $10.00 a month we
could raise $700,000.00 a year for our friends in need. We have hundreds of people within
the Tulsa area who have problems paying for food, and medications due mainly to HIV/
AIDS related illnesses. HOPE, Tulsa Cares, St Jerome, RAIN, Our House Too, all have
facilities and outreach programs to help. They are in constant need of volunteers and
financial support. Many people rely on these places for survival.· ·
At the moment every GAY owned dub in Tulsa is doing something to help our community
and keep it strong. We as a
GLBT voice and strength
need to stick together and
support OUR businesses
and those non-gay owned
business who support us.
We have 7 clubs in Tulsa that
have been GAY for between
5 to 41 years. The names and
o:-;vners have changed many
times, but they are still GAY,
and proud of it!
.... continued n,-25
t l
The Ozarks Star Page 21
Missouri Democrat
Running for US Senate in
Missouri, from Human Rights
A dedicated ally: Farmer became the first
woman Missouri state treasurer in 2000,
after having served eight years as a state
representative. Prior to holding elective
office, Farmer was executive director of a
neighborhood housing and neighborhood
nonprofit organization. Farmer supports
the Employment Non-Discrimination Act,
the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and ilie
Earlv Treatment for HIV Act. She firmly
opp~ses efforts to write discrimination into
the U.S. Constitution, such as the Federal
Marriage Amendment.
A word on her opponent: Christopher
"Kit" Bond (R) has held this seat since
1987. He scored a 17% rating on the last
HRC Congressional Scorecard. He opposes
both the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act and the Hate Crimes Prevention Act
and has voted against both bills in ilie past.
He supports the Federal Marriage
Amendment, an attempt to write
discrimination into the U.S. Constitution.
The race: As a longtime incumbent, Bond
has the upper hand in the race, but polls
show that Farmer is closing the gap
between them. Farmer has mounted a
serious challenge and needs as much
support as she can get in order to pull out a
vict~rv. Visit: www.hrc.org/candidates
October 1, 2004
Democratic hopefol!Jim Newberry on GAY
MARRIAGE: "Business partnerships between
partners who happen to be gay have always been
legally recognized. Legal recognition of civil
unions would be essentially the same thing.
Marriage, on the other hand, is a religious, or
moral concept for many of us. Its meaning
therefore should be determined locally, rather than
nationally." www.newberryforcongress.com
kla st
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Volume 1 Issue 10
Phone<: (4'17} 623-.. -007
Fax; (--4 .. 7) 623-"1'1159 en.a•~ c,nuiO!S!S40oopymax.QOm
Prints and Copies
Busin-a C&rd&
The Ozarks Star
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and lesbian
press for more than 20 years. She
served for three years as the cochair
of the board of directors of
New York City's Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Community Center, where she
founded a groundbreaking reading
series called "In Our Own \Vrite."
Page 23 October 1, 2004
Lesbian Notions
by Paula Martinac
October, 2004
Elect To Get
In response to the presidential-election debacle of
2000, in which both parties reported voting
irregularities in a number of key states, a group of
concerned Americans created a national,
nonpartisan voting-rights project called Election
Protection 2004. The general election is fast
approaching, but there's still time for gay people to
join in this volunteer effort to safeguard the
foundation of our democracy - the right to vote for
our representatives in government.
I don't need to preach to lesbian and gay readers about
the importance of voting - we go to the polls in much
higher percentages than the American people as a whole.
We understand all too well that whoever sits in the Oval
Office contributes heavily to setting the climate for gay
people in this country. And we know that by giving an
enthusiastic stamp of approval to the Federal Marriage Amendment, our current president has
officially sanctioned intolerance of lesbians and gay men.
But we may need to be reminded that, for many Americans, voting is an endangered right. And we
need to challenge the idea that discussing voting problems openly and trying to do something about
them is just "sour grapes" over the 2000 election or an unwillingness to "get over" its results (which
two of my colleagues in the gay media once accused me of). If you have any doubts about how vital it
is to question the accuracy and fairness of our voting system, just rent the documentary
_Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election_, which outlines in a succinct 50 minutes the
mistakes and abuses that led to widespread voter disenfranchisement in Florida four years ago.
The likelihood that the 2004 election will be a close one increases the risk of civil-rights violations,
especially in the swing states; indeed, there have already been warning signs of polling-place abuse.
During the primary in Florida last month, for example, poll watchers reported that many AfricanAmerican
voters were being turned away for not having identification, and without being informed
that they could, by state law, simply sign an affidavit attesting to their identity and then proceed to
vote. And that was just the primary - imagine how high the stakes will be for the actual presidential
election. ~
Also, Florida has once again undertaken a purge of convicted ex-felons from its voter rolls, as it did in
2000, when it disenfranchised thousands of voters who had no criminal records at all. It's no accident
that this multimillion-dollar effort, in a state headed by the president's brother, has targeted mostly
African Americans, who tend to vote Democratic.
Understandably, anxiety is running high among voring-rights activists, who worry in particular about
voting equipment. In Ohio, one of the top battlegrouad states, ......... continued page -25
Volume 1 Issue I 0 Page 24 October l, 2004
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San Vicente
October 2004
Keaton Surrenders to
Annie Hall is off to see the wizards not of
Oz, but of CBS. Oscar winner Diane Keaton
has signed on to star in and executive produce
a TV mm1e for the network based on Meg
Wolitzer's 2000 novel, _Surrender, Dorothv .
The story has nothing to do with tornados:witches,
or glittering fantasy worlds, but with
a vibrant 30-year-old Manhattanite named
Sara and her gay male best who rent a
summer place with friends. When Sara dies
suddenly in an auto accident, the aftermath
engulfs her circle of peers as well as her
eccentric grieving mother, played by Keaton.
Coming off the box-office success of
_Something's Gotta Give_, the busy Keaton
has three other projects currently in
development: Jim Sheridan's _Da Vinci's
Mother_, a crime caper called _Mad Monev_,
and one untitled feature. Surrender is dt,{e
to air in CBS's 2004-2005~eason. -
A Dickens of a Series
The new BBC _Doctor Who series
undertaken by _Queer as Folk_ creator
Russell T. Davies now has at least one other
openly gay creative person involved: British
actor Simon Callow. Callow, last seen in
HBO's _Angds in America_ and perhaps
most fondly remembered as the jolly heartattack
victim in _Four Weddings and a
Funeral_, will play Charles Dickens in the
hugely popular, newly revamped time-travel
series. This won't be the first time Callow has
played the creator of _A Christmas Carol_ on
screen - he took on the role in a 2001 TV
adaptation of _Hans Christian Andersen: My
Life as a Fairy Tale_. He'll be joining cast
members Christopher Eccleston (_28 Days
Later_) and pop singer Billie Piper for the
series, which ,viii no doubt end up reaching
these shores via BBC America. Stay tuned.
_Transit_ Tackles AIDS
During the last decade, while most media
outlets retreated from their coverage of the
global AIDS crisis, MTV remained boldly
committed to sometimes controversial
programming that addresses issues related to
HIV and young people. Now, as part of their
"Staying Alive" campaign, the music channel
has teamed up with the Swedish International
Development Corporation to produce a TV
movie titled _Transit_. The fictional film ,·viii
highlight the little-discussed nonfiction topic
of Europe's illegal sex trade, a business that
reaches well into the United States. It will
include safer-sex and HIV prevention
information and will be aimed at the network's
youthful demographic. Still in its early stages
and not yet cast, the film already has an air
date of December 1, 2005 World AIDS Day.
Soprano and X-Man Sign on the_Dot
_Dot_, the latest feature from lesbian director
Jamie Babbit (_But I'm a Cheerleader_), finally
has a full cast and a now lead. Up-and-comer
Camilla Belle (_The Patriot_, _Practical
Magic_) has replaced Thora Birch, and some
well-known names have joined in to tell the
story of a popular middle-class girl whose
family life is upended when a supposedly deaf
orphan teenager moves in. Edie Falco of
_Sopranos_ fame, Elisha Cuthbert (_The Girl
Next Door_), Shawn Ashmore of _X-Men_,
and _Saved!_ alum Martin Donovan will be
one big dysfunctional family when the indie
feature begins shooting next month in Austin,
Texas. Expect a flurry of film-festival
screenings before it hits art-house screens,
probably late next year.
_Romeo Sao Vicente never upended any middleclas$
girl's lives - he just W"Cnt shopping with them.
The Ozarks Star Page 25
Lesbian Notions from page-23
punch-card ballots - made notorious in
2000 for their high margin of error will be
used in 69 of 88 counties. One law professor
told the _Cincinnati Enquirer_ that a close
election in his state could spell an "election
night meltdown." Around the country, touchscreen
voting, which is being implemented in
many areas for the first time and which leaves
no paper trail, is also cause for trepidation.
Touted by many congressional Republicans as
the answer to all our voting problems, electronic
ballots completely and conveniently - eliminate
all possibility of recounts and put our most
cherished right at the mercy of the corporations
that manufacture the equipment and software.
All of this suggests that Nov. 2, 2004, might be
a pretty dark day for democracy. But the good
news is that there are concrete things we can do
now to try to aid the democratic process. Pirst,
to ensure that your own vote counts, familiarize
yourself in advance with your state's voting
procedures and your own rights, which can be
found on the website of your Secretary of State
or your county's Bureau of Elections. Then
expand your effort a little by committing to
"Take a Friend to Vote," a project of the League
of Women Voters, in which citizens pledge to
bring a neighbor, friend, or relative to the polls.
(For instructions, visit www.lwv.org.)
But to make an even greater contribution,
consider volunteering for Election Protection
(www.electionprotection2004.org), which aims
to train and deploy 25,000 citizens as poll
watchers in battleground states. TracFone is
providing phones and air time for poll workers
to report abuses or to consult with civil-rights
attorneys if problems arise. While lawyers and
law students are particularly needed for this
project, all concerned citizens are welcome to
volunteer for tasks like handing out votingrights
flyers in the days preceding the election.
If you live in Michigan, New Mexico,
Pennsylvania, or another swing state, or are able
to travel to one of them for Election Day, the
time you donate could have a big impact on the
accuracy of the election - and on the future
well-being of our democracy.
October 1, 2004
T-Town tidbits from pg-20
The PlayMor - Syrs, Yellowbrick -9 yrs, The Star
12yrs, TNT's 19yrs, Renegades - 20yrs,
ToolBox 22 years, and the Bamboo - 41 yrs.
\Then you go out to play and party please keep all
in mind, the GAY bars are very involved in giving
back to the community, to make all our lives a little
I have also noticed a growing number of people
who frown and look down on 'SHOWS' . If it
were not for the entertainers: Live vocalists, Male
Impersonators, Drag Queens and even the male
dancers, then who would you call upon to raise
money for all the different organizations that need
help? There are only a handful of entertainers who
will give their time, money, sweat and tears to raise
funds. So when you walk into a 'SHOW' especially
if it's a fund-raiser, find out what it is for before
you bitch!- It may just be for someone you know!
Currently we have several clubs that do things on a
regular basis to help keep our local charities alive,
tl1ey are:
Bamboo - weekly Sunday lunches 2-6pm, with
donations benefiting a different charity each
month. Mavericks - since opening early this year,
they have been hosts to a variety of events,
including Paul Wiekel's - Children with AIDS /
scholarship fund, and being the home of
T.U.L.S.A. and the Driller Bears, both
organizations giving to local and state
organizations. The Playmor - Helga's Heart to
Heart benefiting Our House Too, and May All be
Fed benefiting the St. Jerome, food pantry.
Renegades - Red Ribbon Revue hosted by
Tabitha Taylor, giving to local charities each
month. The STAR - with fund-raisers for different
places throughout the year, and for 12 years being
a community leader in giving to all the local GLBT
charities. The GAY clubs really are working for
YOU and don't forget the annual Kris Kohl
Christmas Stocking Stuffer event, is coming up to
help people, families, and children living with
AIDS along with many other benefits shows and
talented entertainers who are working hard to
make someone's life a little better ..
The Tulsa State Fair is in town, go h:ive a great
time and finish the day at your favorite GAY club!!
Till next time:
Volume 1 Issue 10 Page 26 October 1, 2004
Gay Travelers from page 7
Within a block of the Habana Inn resort you
will find about 6 more gay bars catering to
different tastes. A major grocery store is
just one block away as are several other
restaurants. A cab ride from the airport
costs less than $10.00. The HABANA INN
resort is located one block west of the
intersection of Penn and Interstate I-44 and
is extremely easy to find.
Plus, there are a lot of sights to see in
Oklahoma City. The Cowboy Hall of Fame
has artifacts from the early cowboy days
thru the television shows with lots of oil
paintings, watercolors and bronzes. The
Oklahoma City Memorial where the
bombing took place a few years ago is a
MUST to see. Art galleries and museums
are plentiful. About 80 miles to the west is
the Route 66 Higway Museum which is
extremely interesting. You will never forget
your wonderful experiences in Oklahoma
City. Everyone is so friendly. Oklahoma
City is indeed OK
For more information contact Donald and
Ray at: gaytravelers@aol.com or visit their
web page at: www.hometown.aol.com/
Steve Urie from page-5
They claim we have a "Gay Agenda" and
use the term to excite hatred ... we need to
look at that and have a tremendous laugh
not at them but ourselves that ,ve would
take that seriously. A "Gay Agenda" like
we could get together and decide on what
color to paint the walls, what drapes to
buy or even where are we going to eat out
Our civil rights are important and dear to
me as to you but let's separate the issues.
Don't get pulled into challenging their
status with the Lord. Democrat. ..
Republican ... Christian ... Non-Christian
person of faith ... or just a person. Let's
show our community we know the
difference in basic right anQ wrong.
For me, I now have a Bush and a Kerry
sign in the yard and once again my
neighbor laughs with me. Someone else
may question my relationship with God
but my Lord knows my name and that's
what counts.
Until next month ........ G?7wve
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711,
Joplin, Mo 64803
Jn conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you can also call 206-6179
for an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which does not require the use
of needles and we offer complete
You may also request Booklets on AIDS
for People of Faith through the PO Box
listed above.
The Ozarks Star Page 27
Joplin's MCC Church
Celebrates 7th Anniversary.
Will Host Concerts
by Greg Steele
MCC Joplin located at 2902 E. 20th Street
will celebrate their seventh anniversary on
October 15th with a dinner, music and
dancing at the Butcher Block. Steve T. Urie,
Pastor has lead the church from a meager
beginning to a thriving active force in the
LGBT community of Joplin. The Ozarks
Star congratulates Pastor Steve Urie and
applauds his contributions, his tireless
efforts in giving to the gay and lesbian
people of this area and in his example of
good citizenry. With his partner of 5 years
Heath Ross, they have together given the
Joplin area a sanctuary where all are
With Steve's efforts, Joplin has become a
major stop for Christian performers on
tour. Spiritual recording artists abound and
many have discovered Joplin's LGBT
community. Concert tour's travel the U.S.
bringing their eclectic styles of music to the
gay /lesbian and straight audiences.
Spirit of Christ MCC of Joplin has hosted
many entertaining artists over
their seven years of serving
Joplin's LGBT community and
will be hosting the dynamic
Marsha Steven on October 2,
at 6pm. This will be Marsha's
sixth appearance in Joplin. On
November 6th Paula Jo David
brings her exciting performance
to the stage at 6pm. In
the past year MCC and River
of Life Church in Pittsburg,
KS have booked other
notables such as
October 1, 2004
Shawn Thomas, Terry Lee Ousley and Sam
Sampson. Charlie Smith a frequent performer
in Joplin and Branson can be heard on most
Sunday's at MCC.The concerts are free to the
public and appreciation offering are accepted.
If you would like to congratulate Steve or give
an offering to the church the mailing address
PO Box 4711
Joplin, MO 64804.
Phone 417-206-6179
Web: www.mccjoplin.com
Martha's Vine~ard
219 W. Olive, Springfield, MO
Southwest 11issouri's Hottest
Entertainment Complex. Now
Celebrating 10 Years of Quality
www .marthascomplex.com
Volume 1 Issue 10 Page 28 October 1, 2004
by Jack Fertig October 2004
""Talk filth, Cancer!"
Jupiter, the planet of opportunities, is guincunx
gueer, erratic Uranus, offering brilliant chances
if you're willing to make adjustments through
weird surprises. The bigger the risk you take, the
better it should ,vork out for you.
ARIES (1farch 21 to April 20): Opportunities at
work can bring you into new political conflicts and
force you to re-evaluate long-term goals. Keep an
open mind on both fronts. The change of plans
will do you good.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Creative
collaboration opens up tremendous professional
opportunities but you have to make some
adjustments, perhaps some sacrifices, if this
dream is to come true. Be determined in your
dream, not obstinate in your rut.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Make connections
with the old country. Your etlinic heritage yields
amazing insights. Reviewing childhood religious
guestions and discussing old spiritual conflicts 'With
your parents will also prove liberating - in the long
run, if not immediately.
CANCER 0une 22 to July 22): There's a time and
a place for everything, so make the time and space
to talk pure filth and say the most shocking and
horrible things however morbid or politically
incorrect - that are on your mind. The purge will
prove empowering.
LEO 0uly 23 to August 22): OK, control gueen!
Let go of the purse strings just a little, and trust
your partner in financial dealings. You're not going
to be happy with the process, but the outcome
should be satisfying.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): Confusion
and surprises at work are sure to work in your
favor, as long as you're not afraid to stand up for
yourself. Be dear about what you want and willing
to give ground on small things to get ahead.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
You're on an artistic jag that knows no
limits. Whatever you do now ,;vil! need
revision later, but don't hold back! Your
craziest dreams and intuitions will inspire
great things. Go out on a limb, and, if it
breaks, spread your wings and fly!
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Old ghosts and demons from your childhood
can be tamed and put to productive use in
attaining your long-term goals. The more
you're willing to shake up your past, the more
you can use it to help build your future.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): Your motor-mouth turns to
surprising adv.intage, as knowledge you
weren't aware you had helps propel your
career. Exercise your "right brain;' delving
into the artistic or mystical to help the
process along.
CAPRICORN (December 21 to January
19): Opportunities to travel or continue your
education will have hidden expenses, but the
surprising benefits could be well worth it.
Consider all offers carefully. Any such
adventure can change your entire world!
AQUARIUS Oanuary 20 to February 18):
You're suddenly too sexy for anyone's good!
Offers and innovations you'd normally never
consider... well, "normally" is just out the
window. Your enthusiasm for novelty could
go overboard. Remember, there's a time and
a place for everything!
PISCES (February 19 to March 19): Take a
honeymoon with the one you love or a
getaway with a very trusted friend. You need
time and space away from reality to get real,
and you can't do it alone. Building intimacy
(sexual or otherwise) is essential now.
Jack Fertig has been working as a
professional astrologer since 1977 and is a
founding member of the Association for
Astrological Nettvorking. He can be reached
for consultations at 415-864-8302, through
his wehsir,4, b,,p;L m~ om
Volume 1 Issue 10 Page 29
"Merci Docteur Rey" Staring
Dianne Wiest and introducing
Stanislas Merhar. Directed by
Andrew Litvack.
This irrepressibly French comedy stars
mournful-faced Stanislas Merhar as a
young man struggling with his
homosexuality as well as with an
overbearing opera diva mother (played to
the histrionic hilt and beyond by Dianne
Weist). \Vhen Thomas witnesses a murder,
he goes on a search for the killer, falling
into an unlikely friendship with the
supremely neurotic Penelope Qane Birk.in),
an actress who has dubbed so many
Vanessa Redgrave films, she's come to
think of herself as a literal extension of
Redgrave. (Redgrave, in fact, makes an
appearance in one of the movie's juiciest
scenes, and inadvertently insults the poor
woman by exclaiming "How could they
give me such a tacky French voice?")
One of the most delicious surprises of the
fall movie season. A prescription for
hilarious, off the wall, witty mayhem."
-Bill Diehl / ABC Radio Network
October 1, 2004
Quotable Quotes
"You have to look at what Bush does, not
what he says. Talk is cheap. He expresses
empathy for military families and then
cuts their benefits. He names a proposal
the 'Clear Skies Initiative' that pollutes the
planet. He says he'll be a uniter and then
drives us apart. He steals the slogan 'No
Child Left Behind' and then breaks his
promise to fund his reforms. Truly, I
stand here flabbergasted at what is going
on in today's world. Never in my life have
I witnessed a president and an
administration that is so out of step with
the needs of the country, so threatening
to our future and so abusive in its use of
- Barbra Streisand receiving the Human
Rights Campaign's Humanitarian Award,
March 6.
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Bed & Breakfast: Ever dreamed of
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4 bath 3200sqft fully furnished in
Joplin, MO For Sale. Call Vicki Bronson
at Charles Burt Realtors 417-434-0077
Joplin MO64804
'Tbe Ozarks Star Page 31 October I, 2004
Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Organizations-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Ron's Place- - - 523 \V. Poplar- - - - - 479-442-3052
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - 479-571-1300
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Burnzee's- -2301 Towson Ave #C- --479-494-7300
Kinkeads- -10041/2 Garrison Ave- - - - -479-783-9988
Chm 1022 - -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - - - -479-782-1845
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's-• - - 716 S. Main - - - --417-627-9035
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Bell Star's - - -1321 Grand Ave- - - -816-421-1288
i\fissie B's- - - -805 \Y/. 39th St- - -816-561-0625
Sidestreet Bar - - - -413 E. 3rd- - - - 816-531-1775
Sidekicks Saloon - - 3707 Main St- - 816- 931-1430
Buddies - - - - - - - 3715 Main St - - -816-561-2600
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - - --417-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive - - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar- 504 E. Commercial- - - - • -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - - -1109 E. Commercial- - -417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Hi-Lo Club 1221 NW 50th- - -405-843-1722
Finish Line -2200 N\V 39th E;qJwy- - 405-525-0730
Chm Rox- - -3535 NW 39th Expwy -405-947-2351
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th- -405-947-2351
BoomBoom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- - -405-601-7200
Oklahoma, Tuba (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - - --918-836-8700
Club Maverick-• 822 S. Sheridan - 918-835-3301
Heads & Tails- 7944 E. 21st - - - 918-660-7878
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston -918-584-9494
New Age Renegades- -1649 S. Main - -918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial - -918-838-9792
Silver Star Saloon- -1565 S. Sheridan-918-834-4234
TNT's- - 2114 S. Memorial- - - -- - -918-660-0856
Tool Box- - -1338 E. 3rd- - - - - - - 918-584-1308
Yellow Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th - - -918-293-0304
Joplin (417)
Faces Guesthowe B&B - - - - - - -417-621-9915
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - - - 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - - - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground· - - - - 417-779-5084
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Avoca
Natural State Naturists- - - - - -- - - - -479-451-8066
Kansas, Pittsburg ( 620)
River of Life - 1709 N Walnut - - - - - - 11AM
PSU-QSA .... 1701 S. Broadway ... 620-231-0938
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - · - - -6PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - - - - - 10:30Alvf
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- - 417-624-5788
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Rainbow Christian Ch-837 \Y/. Madison-417-866-6206
Unitarian Universalist Church - - - - - - 417-833-2723
APO- - - - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - - - - - 417-864-4459
GLO Community Ctr- 518 E. Commerical-869-3978
PFLAG-Springfield- - - - - - - - - - - -417-889-1059
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- -POBox 1565, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
-Business Services-
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Body Swim Massage Therapy- - - - - - 417-825-5800
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-417-434 0077
RE/MAX - - - - - -Cathe Letts- 417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rangeline Rd- - - - -417-623-1007
The Lions Den - - - -Austin Letts - - - 417-623-87.67
Joan Szymanski- Beauty Consultant- - 417-673-1181
Night Things Boutique-719 MainSt- 417-659-9913
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Prii!cilla's - - • -1918 S. Glenstone - • 417-881-84-44
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21 · ·4301 NW 63rd #100 - - 405- 840-2106
Hollywood Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351 ,..,_
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- 405-528-2221
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorial- - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Oklahoma, Talsa
Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Harvard- - -918-747-5466
Underguy.com - - -825 E. 3rd - - - -877-7-BOXERS
Priscilla's - - • - - 7925 E. 41st - - . - 918-627-4884
Priscilla's - · - · 5634 W. Skelly· - - • • 918-«6-6336
Priscilla's· - - -11344 E. 11th· - • • - -918-438--4224
Priscilla's• - • • 2333 E. 71st- - - • - - -918-499-1661
Volume 1 Issue 10 32 October 1, 2004

Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, October 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/176.