[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, December 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 12
[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, December 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 12
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
The Ozark Star’s first issue began in August of 2004. Before this Issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) then follows The Star (2005) and The Metro Star (2008)
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Star Media, Ltd
Star Media, Ltd
December 1, 2004
C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Paula Martinac
Lady Bunny
Romeo San Vincente
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
Greg Steele
Paula Martinac
Lady Bunny
Romeo San Vincente
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig
The Ozark Star Magazine, November 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 11
The Ozark Star Magazine January 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 1
The Ozark Star Magazine January 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 1
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Eastern Oklahoma
Southeast Kansas
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Eastern Oklahoma
Southeast Kansas
The United States of America (50 states)
Event of the Year
3rd ~ualMiss
. Inside Page 16
Page 2
Our. first issue distributed on New Years
Eve 2003 was just eigh/'. ··., half were
color and half no color; copies where
banded 01,1t at Ree's Bar ln:Joplin and
several bars in Springfield. Ree's was the
first paid advertisement. We were so
excited, SW Missouri_ at last bad a gay
Chaz Jr., T. J Kelly and myself came up
with the idea one night in Ree's whil~
planning a beiiefit for the Community Free
Clinic. We needed to advertise the event,
but the only GI.BT publications \Vb.ere .
from Kansas City, Wichita, and The; !3-ayly.
We couldn't afford the ad's arid we_w~nted
more than just a printed piece of paper;_We
had often discussed the fact that the hi:ige
GLBT population in the region ha<L!?-9
representation or community voice_:/);'h:g~,
what you know today as the "Ozarks; Star"
was born.
Through the efforts of many people in the
past year, the Ozarks Star has become a
viable source 0£ community information
and news, not only locally, but from
;around the world. The SW Missouri, NW
Arkansas, Oklahoma, SE Kansas •GLBT
communities have become closer and_ people
. :tre traveling the region to places that \Vete
unknown a year ago. I have personally
made many wonderful new friendships and
acquaintances this year because of the ·
magazine. You are all sincerely appreciated.
May your heart be fifkd with h.ppiness and low
this holiday season and throu?}out the coming
year ................... C.D. Ward
A call for Action ...
We have just fought a tough and difficult
campaign to loose. And now there is no
time to stop, rest or even take time to
evaluate what just happed because now
we face a new challenge here in little
Joplin, Missouri or rather Webb City,
Missouri. A Webb City High School
student wore his pride shirt to school. It
seems that they have a dress code that
excludes clothing that promotes or
advertises products, causes or anything
that may cause a commotion. Yet
students were allowed to use bumper
stickers on clipboards, notebooks and
cars that promoted hate issue such as gay
marriage. It seems as though this dress
code is being enforced only when it is
convenient. One teacher asks what the
pride emblem meant, it was explained
and that teacher responded with, "cool".
Then one teacher decided to make it a
"commotion" by asking him if he
thought it was appropriate for school.
When he said there was nothing wrong
with the T-shirt he was sent to the school
office. He was given the option of
turning the shirt inside out or going
home. He was in the process of leaving
when a friend offered to exchange shirts
with him and they did. The friend stayed
the remainder of the day without being
challenged. Imagine that... consistency
between teachers and enforcement of
This has now gone to the ACLU for
review and at iast resort they will be
pursuing this through legal means. But
the ACLU has a nasty shirt tail they
can't shake and so does our community.
The Rev ( title used with reservation
)Fred Phelps of Kansas has decided to
protest all sinners at the Webb City High
School and surrounding churches that
allow God's love to seep in. Fred Phelps
has protested churches around the
country and is well known for his
hateful, almost Nazi approach in dealing
with anyone who does not agree with his
and only his view. At the funeral of
Matthew Shepherd he had a sign that
read, "God Hates Fags, Just Ask
Matthew, and he will answer from hell."
I am getting a lot of calls about this and
what stand the church is taking. I t.hink
the more we react to this man the more
fuel it gives him and by staying away we
steal his thunder. Some Queer business
leaders are hoping this will just go away,
The B-GLAD organization from MSSU
and the Young Democrats are planning a
"peaceful" counter protest. I believe
where we go from here is being the best
we can be. That means showing all
people that we are families in the best
since of the word.
Now let's put this in perspective and let's
keep it in HOPE! We must understand
the system and we need to remember
that our Government is not a democracy
but a republic ... basic Government 101.
We need then to take hope in our system
and know that even though it won't be
an easy four years there is hope. As Rev.
Troy Perry stated, "the hard work of
human rights has always been that of
many steps forward and some steps
backward." We have all heard the
verbiage; we lost the battle, not the war."
This is a set-back but it only means
We need to start with a definition of
family, morale values and put church
were it belongs while that doesn't mean
in war. I am sickened by the righteous
conservatives and those that oppose
human rights even in this country and
use God instead of serving God! We need
to a definition of family that promotes
varues that we can all share . .. cont-pg 15
Page 6
NGLTF_ Media Release
-Older Gays Involved in Caregiving
For Family Member At Rates Equal
To Or Exceeding Those in the
General Population
-But U.S. Policies on Aging Do Not
Reflect Needs of Older Gav
Caregivers, Study Finds ·
NEW YORK - Nearly half of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGB1) individuals
over 50 are heavily involved in caregiving,
both for members of the families they grew
up in and for same-sex partners and close
friends, according to a new study released
today by the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force Policy Institute, Pride Senior
Network, and the Fordham University
Graduate School of Social Service. In fact,
gay people over 50 may actually be
caregivers at a higher- rate than their
counterparts in the general population.
The largest-ever study of older gay people's
caregiving experiences, "Caregiving Among
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
New Yorkers" was released' by the Task
Force Policy Instirute at the SAGE National
Conference on Aging in the Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Trarisgender Communities,
held at New York University, today, June
18. (Caregiving is the extensive, hands-on
help with the tllSks of daily living for the
very sick or frail.)
"Far from shying away from family
responsibilities, this study shows that gay
people are equally if not more devoted to
&mily members and loved ones in need,"
said Matt Foreman, Task Force executive
Forty-six percent of the 341 LGBT New
Yorkers surveyed had been caregivers at the
rime of the survey or in the previous five
years, greater than the 44% rate among
people over 50 in the general population, as
estimated by the AARP. The average length
of a caregiving episode among survey
respondents was eight years: among the.
general population in the United States, the
average length of a caregiving episode is only
4.3 years.
"We are very appreciative of the Task Force's
effons in this study. The findings underscore
what we have learned from both caregivers
and care recipients in the LGBT
community," said Terry Kaelber, executive
director of SAGE, _Services & Advocacy for
LGBT Elders. "Ours is a community with a
strong history of caregiving to both our
biological and our chosen families. To
provide care on a regular basis can be an
overwhelming responsibility and there
simply ate not enough support mechanisms
in place for those people in a caregiving role.
More than one-third of the caregiving
respondents said that their non-gay siblings
expected more of them when it came to
providing care for older relatives precisely
because they were gay. Nearly one-quarter
(22%) of respondents provided assistance to a
blood relation for reasons ranging from
Alzheimer's to the frailty that comes with
old age. More than two-thirds of those
providing such cate were primary caregivers
for that family member. Half provided
assistance daily, and anotber 24% several
times a week.
Another quarter (24%) had been caregiv:ers
for same-sex partners or close friends. Fiftyeight
percent of those had provided assistllnce
on a daily basis; 23% provided care several
times per week. (Other key findings appear at
the end of this release.)
In spite of this, some respondents were
unable to be open about their own sexual
orientation with other family members. Not
surprisingly, nearly three-quarters of the
caregivers in this srudy reported high levels of
emotional stress related to caregiving, and
respondents were six times more likely to
report feeling depressed than the population
as a whole.
Worse, key poiicy frameworks that support
caregivers such as the federal Family and
Medical Leave Act, Social Security, and
Medicaid, as well as most state family leave
programs - discriminate against same-sex
partners who need to care for their loved
Continued page-25 ........... ..
1 l
Page 7 our ON VN:ATION
"Trav~ ill .. ., ~y frie■4ly werlj"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
2nd /,zstal/ment
(Photo: Donald and Ray with Claude,
the famous Swiss skier and his life pdrtner, Prince Fabien) After a fun time in West
Hollywood it was time to travel to Palm Springs for more fun, excitement, parties
and ? We AL WAYS have a grand time in Palm Springs. Our very special favorite
place to stay is the Fabulous TERRAZZO Resort, 1600 East Palm Canyon Drive.
Tom and Doug have done a remarkable job with their resort. That is why they have
so many repeat guests there all the time. They simply "DO THINGS RIGHT"!
We gave a party at the Terrazzo our second night there and it was attended by the
guests at the Terrazzo as well as dear friends who live in Palm Springs. When you
can give a party under the stars in Palm Springs and have so many wonderful and
exciting people there you have to have a grand time. Two wonderful artists were at
our party .... Robert Shafer and Giorgos Dimakis are extremely professional artists
who have a thriving business in Palm Springs. Their still life oil paintings are the
best that we have ever seen by a living artist. They both are tremendous. Their
studio/ gallery is downtown. Palm Springs. Also attending our party were Denise,
Joanna and the fabulous Doreen, all from the Casitas La.quite Resort in Palm
Springs. The following day we hosted Tom and Doug to lunch at Melvyn's which is
our very favorite restaurant in Palm Springs. Melvyn of course is a real gem. Brian,
the Maitre 'd and Miguel our waiter KNOW how to do things the right way. It is
always such a treat to experience such a fabulous dining experience as we always do
when we dine at Melvyn's. People have been coming to this restaurant for many
years simply because it is the "best of the best". Later that evening our dear friend,
Stefan Hemming hosted a party at his estll.te which is the former estate of the late
Liberace. A grand time was had by all and we got to meet new and exciting people.
Bradley who is one of the finest singers in the business graciously sang a few songs.
The next day two Swiss gentlemen checked into the Terrazzo Resort from Zurich,
Switzerland. One was the noted skier, Qaude and his life partner, Prince Fabien.
They had flown in to California and were touring several cities. They were very
interesting, good looking and extremely intelligent. We took them shopping at all
the fun places in Palm Springs and then we dined at the Cedar Creek Inn in the
evening. We ordered their very special Pasta dishes. What is money for if you don't
spend it? Another very interesting gentleman, Alf, originally from Germany also
was staying at the Terrazzo Reson. He now is living in the Northwest pan of the
United States. He is good looking, educated with a brilliant mind. He was very
interesting to talk with.
The next night, our dear friend Burt hosted a dinner party at LcValarise Restaurant.
Dining under the stars, we WERE the stars, and why not? Jim and Stefan even
performed a duet at the piano. Burt is one of the most energetic and interesting men
we have met . .................................... continued page-26
Page 8 me
Dame Edna Storms back to
Broadway in her newly minted
Following the national success of her previous lifeenhancing
and much loved shows which hllve been
buried beneath an avalanche of international awards,
Dame Edna returned to her private estate in her native
Australia to review the state of the world from her
unique point of view. During that time she crafted her
latest offering, which is set in an all-new theatrical
"Edna will glow from the stage in a series of never-before-seen gowns. She will sing,
dance, give psychic readings to astonished audience members, offer marriage counseling
and perhaps even heal," promises Tony Award-winning production designer
Brian Thomson.
"I'm glad you didn't ring a minute earlier because
I was. with my gynecologist," declares Dame Edna
Everage in lieu of hello, "and he said thli.t I was fit
for Broadway. He said, 'Edna, you've still got
your drives and juices, and you're all ready for
The Great White Way.' Mind you, it wasn't The
Great White Way he was looking at."
Dame Edna's Coffee Table Book, Dame Edna's Bedside
Companion and her seminal autobiography, My
Gorgeous Life, which is currently being adapting for the
stage and screen. Possibly Jewish, Dame Edna is a
widow, with three grown children.She spends her time
visiting world leaders and jet-setting between her homes
in Los Angeles, London, Sydney, Switzerland and
Martha's Vineyard.She is the Founder and Governor of
Friends of the Prostate and the creator of The World Prostate Olympics.
Date of Birth: February 17 Place of Birth: Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, Australill Sign:
Aquarius Occupation: Actor, Comedian, Writer, Composer, Painter Education:
Melbourne University, Griffith University (Honorary Doctorate)
Relations: Father: (construction manager), wife: Lizzie Sepnder, father-in-law:
Stephen Spender (poet), daughters: Emily Humphries (artist) and Tessa Humphries
(actress), son: Oscar Humphries Qournalist) Broadway Debut: 1963 (Oli'Oerl)
Barry Humphries as Dame Edna Everage
Out of drag (at right), Humphries made his Broadway
debut as understudy to Fagin in the original 1963
production of OlifJer!. As his drag alter ego, he's
become a superstar, earnitig a 2000 Tony Award for
Dame Edna: The Royal Tour.
Humphries is best known as his drag persona - the
purple haired, Melbourne housewife named Dame
Edna - that he created in connection with the
Olympic Games in 1956.
Page 9
Spirit of Christ Metropolitan_
Community Church
-¥ Presents In Concert
Shawn Thomas
A breath of fresh air in Christian
music, an energetic and dynamic
witnei::f:; in music for all affirming
• )t- communities. • .-
* iC * ....
uecember 18, 2004
6PM --¥
2902 E 20th Street
Unity of Joplin building
Page 10
MCC Comm,miutions
Dq,artmmt. Prtss
R~ Nowmber 4, 2004
MCC Leader
Lupe V~ld--.z
Elected Sheriff
of Dallas
County, Texas
~ Tq11s ~ On November 2, Lupe
Valdez, a longtime ~ember and lay
leader of Mcffi?politan Community
Churches, was elected as the new Sheriff
of Dallas
County in
The Dallas
Morning News
describes Lupe's
election as a
victory." An
article under the
headline "Vi,ldez
scores historic
victory" notes
that Lupe is the first woman and the
first Hispanic to be elected Dallas
County Sheriff in this heavily
Republican county.
As the Democratic candidate, Lupe
defeated the Republican candidate, who
was a three-decade veteran of the
sherifrs department. Prior to the
election, political observers favored her
opponent to win the election.
A major factor in Lupe's campaign
success was her more than 30 yean in
professional law enforcqgient. Lupe has
served as a corrections officer at both
county_ and federal levels, and has many
years experience as a US Special Agent.
Most recently she was a Senior Special
Agent with the US Department of
Homeland Security. Lupe retired from
fedeml law enforcement in January 2004
to run for the office of sheriff in Dallas
County. Toward the end of the
campaign, her opponent raised Lupe's
sexual orientation as an issue.
Cotnplaioing that she had received an
endorsement and contribution from the
Victory Fund, an organization that
supports openly gay or lesbian
candidates, Lupe's opponent suggested
that she would use the office of sheriff as
a platform to advance issues such as gay/
lesbian rights and same-sex marriage.
Lupe asserted that sexual orientittion
should have no bearing on the race, and
would play no role in how she ran the
In a profile on the candidates three days
before the election, the Dallas Morning
News reported that Lope is "openly gay"
and stated that "She is a member of the
Metropolitan Community Churches, a
worldwide fellowship of Christian
churches with a special outreach to gay
and lesbian communities."
In her victory statement to supporters
and the media on Tuesday night, Lupe
Valdez said, "We are an intcmational
county with people of all ethnic groups,
rich and poor, gay and straight, and this
is what I want to represent."
For more than 25 years, Lupe Valdez has
been an active lay leader in Metropolitan
Community Churches, serving MCC in
Dallas as a deacon and boa.rd member
and serving the denomination as Director
of Security for General Conferences
from 1989 to 2003. She currently serves
as a member of the Moderators
Nominating Committee and is an active
member of Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater Dallas.
Page 11 The Ozarks Star
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Scifi novel joi1:1s gay
marriage dibate.
•Lubbock:, Texas: .
When D:uatif Simo~J: · < .
Degraooo: A Science . . . trite
ih June 2004, he made thrc~'oftlie central
characters gay, and used them ·to·further
delve into contemporary issues, . .ipcludiog
. gay marriage. While th«:~•fir!lt e.<litlon
· (published J aowu:y 200.?f show~d gay
· marriage as legal and:a tioO:.J~sue, the
:Second edition further iii,'.i::9rporates.
. allels to anti-gay cr,us~des in real life.
. or example, one .o{tlie passages explains a series of coostituiiofuu amendments
tp.at supposedly protei::~ed society on the
planet V alchondp~ bu:(~ctuilly led to
:discrimination at:td, of
human rights.
.·. . . invading worl
fanatical and divisive as in the otigirWl, with characters using . . .
justify violence and oppression against each other and everyont else ..
A review appearing in the October 1, 2004 issue of X-Factor www.xfactor.com
explains how Degranoo's second edition explores gay man:iJtgc and other
contemporary issues, s~og that "Duane Simolke establishes his voice in gay genre
writing" with those explorations.
Though best known for his books, Simolke also writes for This Week In Texas . His
Web site http://duanesimoike.com includes Rainbow: Lubbock, an onlioe newsletter
for his fellow gays in Lubbock, Tens. With that location, he sees much of the antigay
debate, usually framed in religious or family arguments.
Page 15 The Ozarks Star
Steve Urie from pg-5
My family doesn't fit that box. My
family is the man I call my husband,
Heath and we have family values that we
can share and be proud of. We are in a
relationship, love each other, both work
and are dedicated to our jobs but take
time for each other. It is always a
struggle but we are attempting to be a
family role-model for your homosexual
people to follow.
Morale values are new to a lot of the
GLBT community and it is time to
bring them out of the closet and begin
discussions. We have been children far
too long and it is time to bring into the
light the ability to be honest with
ourselves to make a change. Mature
enough to recognize that the "Queer As
Folks" mentality is destroying our
community with alcohol, drugs and a
disease that we are still sharing with one
another. .. you know the one, "I'll never
catch." Let's name it while we here... the
HIV virus and the disease AIDS. And
let's include that low self-esteem that we
just love to poor me with. How long do
we have to be down on ourselves? And
where does church belong? Well, I don't
believe it is in the signs I hear about
across this country. The signs posted
outside of churches with pictures of our
military and the caption, "Our troops
doing God's work." This is religion at
its very worse. God doesn't need us
assigning God duties. It actually works
in reverse. Jesus stood with those that
no one would associate with and showed
them the way. I believe that if our
churches were paying attention to God's
will; they would be serving their
communities, feeding the hungry,
clothing people and providing shelter
for those without homes. The church
has a place and it is one of service. It
must be there for everyone and that is
when it is doing what it is suppose to
do. Not when it is being pushed and
pulled into action to destroy lives, Not
when it joins in a union with the
government. As a church we are to exist
for people, life, justice, community,
love and the true conscious of the
government. The church needs to bring
itself to a higher level, to share its God
given responsibilities and to let the world
sec how God's spirit is there for all
people. The church is a beacon of light
for al) people and we are to be those
beacons leading others to this great hope.
This is what Jesus would do and NO
Had the Democrats been just as verbal
and strong with our beliefs then we quit
possibly could have pulled it off. It isn't
that we have a weak faith, a lack of
commitment to God; it's that we don't
stand on the rock and say this is why we
support programs helping people and not
just the rich. What a schism. the
Republican Party has put into this great
country by telling churches they need to
fear us. Let them be put on notice .tfu.t
51% is not a landslide. Let them be put
on notice that we will not be used as a
wedge to divide this country. Let them
be put on notice that we arc who we are,
we are not going to be silenced and we
are going to be bold in not only our faith
but in our citizenry.
It is a great time of hope, a great time of
boldness and strength. I am going to
quote from an article by the Rev. Dr.
Peony Nixon (MCC Clergy). Do not
underestimate how difficult times might
be in the next few years. There will be
tactics, overt and covert, to squeeze us
out and shut us down. This is all the
more reason to be bold with whom we
During the Viet Nam war a lone
protester stood outside the White House
gates with a smgle candle. He was ask,
"Do you think you are going to change
the government with one candle?" and
his reply was, "No, but it will keep them
from changing me." I challenge you to
take part supporting B-GLAD and the
Young Democrats in their peaceful and
silent protest. Don't let the light go out!
Until 2005
The Ozarks Star
Toe ~ia Annual Miss Bamboo Pageant,
Wwsa's Social Event of the Year.
Bamboo 2005, NeiJyAnnMan}y)
Tulsa, OK November 13,2004
by Star Writer Greg Steele
The House was packed and the beauties filled
the Bamboo Lounge vying for the title of
Miss Bamboo 2005. As the winner was about
to be announced the crowd was silent, eyes
were tearing in anticipation. The nine
contestants held their breath with hands
clasped. Dickie Tucker fainted from the
pressure. The crown had arrived by Brinks
armored vehicle just in time. Now for the big
moment, Bamboo Co-owner Terry asked for
silence, and the winner is, Miss Nelly Ann
Manly. The crowd roared, as the press
photographers flashed their camera's. It had
been a great show. (left photo: Terry and Miss
The winner was deteonined by the amount of tips each collected. In t1.U'? was donated
to the nonprofit organization R.A.I.N ., a Tulsa
group dedicated to assisting people with H.I.V. and
A.I.D.S. The event raised $500.00. This was the third
year the charity pageant has donated to the group.
Terry and Stan, owners of the Bamboo Lounge said "
It's a worthy organization that out reaches to the
community. They provide food, rent and utility
assistance, transportation for medical treatment and
we have. a ball doing it." From a reporter's prospec-
. · tive, Stan (Photo at right)
· llad a damn good time
himself, we know how he
loves the spotlight! Everyone enjoyed his performance as
well. The MC for the night (Photo at left) did a fantastic job
_also keeping all those Pretty's in line.
In addition to the nights festivities, the H.O.P.E. organiza-
. contributed their time and effort with free H.I.V.
· g and handing out condom's to all who wanted. The
Ozarks Star congratulates Terry and Stan, job well done.
Page 18
. The Night Larry Kra11,1er
Dissed M&---And All the
Rest of You!
A Politidu Commentary:
November 15; :2004
New York City
A week ago Sunday we had the most gorgeous weather
ever. I sti:cilled·down to the piers, and as the sun shone
down. and th~ fall breeze tickled the trees playfully, I
thoug!it to myself; "See, there are still some things in
· fife worth fi#ig' for after Bush's victory. Before I got
caught up";'tnCatf election frenzy of emails and CNN I
• could tllke _the time· to enjoy a beautiful day-and I still
· ~n." But-9ot,-:for long. Not with Larry Kramer's speech
'The Tragedy Of Today's Gays" beckoning to me from
~ooper Union. I longed to escape the sunshine and
· nook into someone who could voice mv bitterness
more eloquently than I. Larry did not disappoint. I urge
you all to read his cntitc speech onlinc at
~.rodneycroome.id.au/other/0/, but here is my
attempt to sum up the major points of a long speech in
a short article.
I wasn't involved in ACT UP so I wasn't too familiar
with Mr. Kramer. I knew he'd kissed David Drake*
· but who hasn't? I'd been warned that he was very~
and extreme. I must be too, since I agreed with every
bitter, truthful word he had to say. His basic message to
gays? You arc just too f--lc:ed by this election,. and you're
just too f--kcd UP with crystal, barebacking and apathy
to confront your attackers, the conservative right. A
"vast right-wing conspiracy" was hatched in 1971 bv
Lewis Powell and financed by 9 rich families who ~ere
scared of hippies, war protesters, and civil rights
activists. The right saw their safe, conservative world
crumbling and began to implement a highly organized
plan to reinstate it. On November 3rd, after 35 vea.rs
the plan was successful and the conservative pre;iden~
co~grcss and supreme court are now poised to turn back the clock on civil rights to defeat any
gains. ~sys, women, blacks or ~en dissenters have made. ''The people (this plan) was written
for diet not then go off to a. ~sco o~ to the Pines, or into therapy or into drugs. They took the
P~ and th~y. have executed tt religiously every day and night for the IAst 35 years, initially
with 400 million dollars ... and some back-breaking, grinding, unglamorous work ·of civic
engagements c<>unty by county ... '.lley took the richest and most liberal nation in the world"
an~ ~ansfonned it so that no': 30% of li.mericans self-identify as conservatives, as opposed to
10¼ m 1971. And make no mistake; They hate us and they arc in a position of complete
An~ whcr,e is our plan to c~mbat them? In a shambles, as arc we. "Our org:tnizations stink"
ana are either powerless and or on the verge of financial collapse. When will the rich and
powerful gays step up to help? We. can't count on the government because they hate us and arc
gl~d that we're doing ourselves _in with AIDS and crystal. We're murdering each other by not
u5:1g condoms. 'W_c know that un~rotectcd sex causes AIDS and yet new infections are up
401/o. If we know n~ _to prevent tt and we aren't, then we arc bringing the .AIDS cri&is onto
o~rselves and are. refusing to accept responsibility for it. "Has it never occurred to you that not
usmg a condom ts tantamount to murder? ....... continued next page-19
p~ 19
It is in.credibly selfish not to at least have
thought that question ... make whatever
excuses you = to carry on in your state of
denial, but this is the fact of the matter." In
an extremely poignant moment Larry
pondered "Was it my sperm that killed them,
th9.t aid the trick? .It.is no longer possible for
m'e to avo'id the que';tion of myself. Hav~ you
ever wondered how many men you have
Instead of considering this crucial question,
we deny each other's hum_anity :1:nd define
each other as. sex objects, shallow whores who
are only looking for _the neit piece of nieat,
We're bright and talented but our. efforts are
focused primarily on partyu?.g arid sex. "I
have recently come to believe that gay men
and women arc tragic people. W c arc. so
wonderful, b_ut we are so fucked up." Our
brightness isn't being put to use. "How much
public service on behalf of your brothers and
sisters have you performed recently? Don't
tell me you ~on't know what to do ... if you
can find another ass to hump."
We've lost the war against AIDS with over 70
million expected to die worldwide. But gay
youth are in a stll.tc of denial and don't want
to lcun the lessons of their eiders. Larry
lashed out at the notion that protease
inhibitors are any sort of cure. "We like to
call it 'the cocktail'." But it's chemotherapy,
which either kills the disease or you, and is
very difficult to tll.ke, with many side effects.
"And you say, 'Can't I get stoned and try
barcbacking one last time?' ARE YOU OUT
OF YOUR F--KING MIND? You kida want
to die ... wcll, then die." Hell, youth won't
even acknowledge their elders, and how can
they have any sense of community without
any sense of their past? "Every moral code I
know of requires respect for the dead. You
disdain anyone older who was there ... but you
do not seem al:!le to fashion your future. To
distove~ what ybu want. You don't even ask
what you want. How can you not have
curiosity about your future as a gay
person? .. .! had
people to follow and many of you have not.
No baton was passed to you ... A large,
congealed mass of potentially superior beings
doc ,n't even know what to do with
thcn,selvcs or bother to learn their history.
So they dance. So they drug. So they go to
the internet to find more scx ... You don't
seem to be able to connect with anyone
beyond the basest way ... I'm not so proud of
us right now."
In a Q & A afterwards (which demonstrated
quite clearly how clueless some gay youth
are) someone mentioned the low current
attendance at ACT UP meetings. I had a
thought on how to get ACT UP and activism
going agsun-free crystal at the meetings! And
maybe barebacking how-to demonscrationsKIDDING!
Larry iaid out his bleak diagnosis
and ended with more questions than answers.
Milybc it's time for us to start thinking for
ourselves ... That baton's been passed now,
kids. You gonna drop fr? Or come out
swinging? Or go to the gym and cruise the
steam room? Or shop for your next circuit
party outfit? Or do another bump?
Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
December 2004
·~ December is here.again Kittens. It is such a special time of
ycllf, where hope spritigli ·in winter bottoms, Err, I mean
· blossoms. A time for hope of the New Y car and all it shall bring
us. Uncle Mikey truly l~vcs December best. It is also the time of
.year for Uncle Mikeya™s.annual Wet Jock contest, which is
· always a smash. The.winter fest that is Uncle MikcyaTMs life, will
surely spring forth new idvcnturcs hopefully filled with I
Tw:inkies - as I can not get enough of that cream filling. Is it ·I
Uncle Mikcv, or dd tl:tosc commercials with that Twinkie in
cowboy ~ do anything for anyone besides me? ffuuna something to ponder I guess.
V' ,'•, , ' ' '
Uncle hfttd a new house bov as I will of course have endless wk for the young man this year.
He attii.cs.triday. J'li?,d·him,1hippcd express mail. His name is Mr. Delight and I am hopeful.
Uncl~)fi¥§:;will keeR you posted on.how he works out:.All of my staff is lucky to have me. I
includ~ a. uitlform <:Httilig with matching rhincs.tonc collar. With all of these things springing
forth, let's sec what,sonic read.ca hitvc on their minds this holiday season.
Dear Uncle, I am at.a crossroads with a new relationship. We have been together for three
months now,. the longest l hlNc been trne · to someone. However, he is always acting like he has
something to hide. T do. not want to get crazy jealous, but I followed him one night where, I
saw him go into solllC,,guf! li..ousc ,!lld WIIS in . . · tw;o hours. I didn't tell him I saw him,
as I didn't·w'lUlt hirii to, get n:iAd. What should I JS{ I confront him, or do I just kceg quiet?
Monogamously confused.·
Dearest MC, Kitten, where do you buy your stalker equipment at? Is the reason you have
not been with anyone loogtt than three months possibly due to the &ct that you are out there
reenacting mission impossible? Dllfling, does the word stalker mean anything to you? How do
you even pretend to give someone ti:ust when you 11.fe following the poor dear around like
that? If you ate ever ro have a hc:;i.!thy lasting relationship some serious self evaluation is
needed to figure out why you are so insecure. You obviciudy have some issues with intimacy
and need to figure those: out .fir4t. Hop~ this man does not find out al:iout your private eye act,
and work on you fusi. .If someone is cheating it shall show itself in tinie. At least give him a
chance before you decide he is unfaithful .. Acting like a guest of the Jerry show will
quench love beforc.it,.eveμ has a.chance. Kitten, sort these matters out in hopes that
you will become a more trusting soul.
Smooches Uncle Mikey
Uncle sees this lrind of mistrust as. a factoring reason for infidelity in relationships. If you make
someone feel distrusted ou will encourage their straying ways; as they' already have
been. accu1ed. Leaving but .. .. · r.o be done. Trust is important to any relationship. If
trust is not there, it is but 11. tttnc bbioh: of drama just waiting fur the fuse to be lit.
Dear Uncle Mikey, I ·used to _have a. circle of friends that were pretty right. Now,
they have all settled into long-tcim (elationships leaving me arid the other guy out.
Now, I £ind myself lonely as I just do not think it is what I am looking for. They all
tdl me it is the very thing I need in my life is someone stable and act like there is
something wrong with me, as I don't want to settle down. Family life makes me
nauseous. Am I wrong for wanting to remain single?
Pia.yet at heart .................................... continucd next page-21
Page 21
(41 7) 627-9035
Dear Player heart:
There is something to be said for both
lifestyles. Uncle has enjoyed both sides of
the fence, and though Uncle has decided
that I have had my share of love, leaving
me now to enjoy a life of sampling the
delicacies of Gaydom, I. assure you nothing
is wrong with you. However, you do come
off a bit judgmental on their lifestyle of
choice. If they are happy with family life,
wish them well. Understand that it will
most likely bring a dividing barrier into the
friendship as they 11.fC moving .on with life.
If you arc lonely for your pals make some
new ones. And one last question here, have
you and the other guy thought fate may
have left you two alone for a reason? That's
something to think: on. Yau never know
where love will come from, keeping your
options open 1md the ability to see
opportunity is important even to players.
Smooches Uncle Mikey
Kittens never close your mind to the
possibilities that fate may offer us. Live life
under one rule and that is simpiy - be all
you can be; young queer. Play by the rules
of love and life, while being rruc to
Do not try to live life by others standards.
Make your own happiness.
It is as I was just telling a very dear friend of
mine, Sir Comesalot, you have to seize the
moment. Believe me he did and it was a night
we won't soon forget. Life is but several
moments of possibilities. It is the Player that
keeps his eyes wide open that will find those
winning moments that makes life worth
It seems my time has &dcd faster than a trick
at sunrise. Until we meet again. Remember
Kittens: When someone asks you this season
to help stuff their turkey. They 11.fe of course
referring to cooking darling, not sympathy
sex. Oh, was I embarrassed.
Merry Cht-istmas Kittens!
Smooches Uncle Mikey (and Tiddles too).
U nclclnikey4you@Aol.com,
Uncle Milcey is " character &om Freelance writer Michael
Hln:mum. Michael h2s been writing for ten yon.
Utili,cing his 1todle1, and life cxpctiencc to help others in
his community, through humor and sound advice.
Michael applied his study of p,ychology and creative
writing, u well his extensive background in mcn12l health
Direct cue to bring a n= s:ylc and approsch to helping
othcn. Mlch..,l's other worb cJU1 be viewed at
wn p71iorcon,cnt om.
Page 22
11 States Approve
Gay Marriage Ban
StaJe.m~!'}t fr_o.rn the. Reverend
Dr. Troy D~ Perry
Foundeir and Mor::terator of ' , ""<",/.",,,~;./
Ji':'• sap . . . . . .
approved ballot measures to limit the
rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender persons to equal protection
under the marriage laws.
In the midst of today's disappoint, we
take hope. The hard work of human
rights has always been that of many
steps· forward; · arid some steps
backward. The outcome of these ballot
measures is a setback:; but only a
temporary setback, in the forward
march of justice and equality for all
These votes are powerful reminders that
it is always wrong to put human rights
and equality to a public vote. Equality
under the law, by its very · t
be afforded to all people,
LGBT people, and must nctict be based
on public popularity.
History is a powerful teacher, and gives
us hope. Had African-Americans in the
U.S. had ro wait for a public vote, their
wait for equality undet the law would
have been even longer. Thank God for
the court system in the United States.
Just as the courts righted injustices
against our African-American brothers
. and sisters, we, too, take hope that the
· courts will ultimately rule that America
must live out the promise of its
.founding documents, of liberty and
justice for .all.
We Jalute the many LGBT people in
thos~ 11 sates who, along with our
family and friends,. turned out to vote
no, on thes:OC laws and who boldly
supi:iorted equality under the law.
Thanks to so many in our community
for. being willing, · yet again, to talk
· abou.t our filmilies and our lives. This
public conversation changes public
atti°:1-des and will change laws.
· Already today groups across the U.S.
are mobilizing to challenge the
con~titutionality of these ballot
measures in the courts. I strongly
.support these efforts, and encourage all
· ,peoele of goodwill to support these
challenges with your prayers,
cominitlnent and finances.
the Reverend Dr. Troy D. Perry
performed the first-ever public same-sex
wedding ceremony in the U.S. in 1969,
and in 1970 fil,ed the first-ever lawsuit in
the US. seeking legal recognition of samegender
marriages. He was. rrwrried under
Canadian law to bis partner of 20 years,
Phillip Ray DeBlieck, in July 2003.
"That [getting married] was better,
deeper, more meaningful than I
thought it would be. I never really
invested in marriage. I come from
the g-cneration of gays that were
like; that's the straight thing to do,
that's not a part of my life. So it
wds a long journey to doing that
and, once I did it, it's huge, and it's
really more than I ever imagined."
Singer Mclissa·Etheridge on her
marriage to actress Tammy Lynn
Michads, to the Memphis gay
magazine Family & Friends, August
i j
I 1
Page 23
Creator: Paula Maitinac _has
been writing for the gay and
lesbian press for more than 20
years. She served for three years as
the co-chair of the board of
directors of New York City's
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Community Center,
where she founded a
groundbreaking reading series
called "In Our Own Write."
by Paula Marti.nae
December, 2004
Overcoming the
Red-State Blues ...
"Why Kerry Lost." "Kerry Really Won." "23
Percent of Gays Voted for Bush." "How to
Immigrate to Canada." E-mail messages with
tormenting subject lines like these, sent by
various progressive groups and individuals,
have been landmg in my mailbox at a .&st and
furious pace. Despair on the left is widespread,
because so mariy of u~ considered this election
to be the most important one of our lives, and
now we're rushing .to analyze what the results
mean for our future.
Much of the spin from the 'left seems to follow
one of two sttancfs: citlicr-Ji.mcrieans are too
stupid to up.~ef~i . . . . . . . is sliding
into fascism, or clsi .... . .. failed to
give voters _a v#Hl~,~teipaf.ivc.fo Bush. That
"--------------~ st:.i.rk dichotomy iep,indi aie of those funny
"critical issues" books we read in high school history disses, .'the ones with titles like
"Napoleon: Revolutionary or Despot?" that never allowed for a gtay area in
between the two choices. · ·
Now, in our despondency over Kerry's loss and the passage of all those anti-gaymarriage
amendments, we may not be able to see any bright spots amid the gloom -
and believe it or not, there iire a few. And no, I haven't changed my name from
Paula to Pollyant1J1.; I went trawling for positive things to cling to so that I wouldn't
go insane, and I offer them here for you to cling to, too.
1. A number of openly lesbian and gay Democratic candidates either won historic
victories or made impressive ·showings in local nces in areas of the country where
they should have lost big - the red S1:ll.tes. Consider, in particular, three courageous
lesbian candidates. Nicole LeFavour won a seat in the Idaho House of
Represent:.i.tives, becoming the first out gay official in that conservative state. Julia
Boseman garnered a place _in the Stll.te .Senate of North Carolina and will .be its first
LGBT legislator. On Bush's home turf, Lupe Valdez becomes the o~t lesbwi Latina
sheriff of Dallas County, its higliest-nnking law-enforcement official. Keep in mind
that these states aren't just red;· they're deep criinson.
The courage of these women is precisely what we'll need to see more of in coming
months and years, since a big Republican win calls for a big progressive response.
That includes many more gay people running for office. Local nices matter greatly,
sini;:e laws that affect our daily lives ?ZC Im.de in · the atatc legislatures. But also, aa we
saw this year with the amAZing Batack Obama Jn Illiriois, local political bodies can
become steppingstones to natiomi office.
2. Another ray of hope is that there was no antigay backlash at the polls in
Massachusetts, the state that sparked same-sex marmge furor across the country.
Every Massachusetts state legislator who upheld gay marriage rights won. re-dection,
and the antigay House Speaker h11.s been replaced by one who supports gay rights.
The state's proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-aex marriage may be
scrapped. Could it be Bay Smters have realized that living next to married same~sex
couples is not very different from living next to unmarried ones? ... cont.-page-26
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San
December 2004
Carson Comes Down
It's going to be a very Carson Kres~ley
Christmas over at Bravo. The favonte
gay fashiooista of hetero · makeover
candidates .everywhere is hosting .his very
first holiday special for the network that
made him a stiu-. It's called _The .
Christmas Special Christmas Special_,
and no,i you djdn•t read .that incorrectly.
This will pay tribute. to all
specials that came
way _I Love the
1:'h~ A-Team_.
the Night Visitors_ are in this party mix,
with the quippy Carson n~~g ~. and
most .likely jmgling -: all. the !it ~e
wx:app.μig · co~es off Dl=cem_,. t, with f
what Js sure o
repeats until the
Star Coob Up _Kitchen Confidential_
His _Se:t and the.City_ la,;liel! ~P-~~.t t:4eir
time hanging out in .~nc · • · · · . after
another, but now. _Sex_
Stat is going . ~ . . -
his new project. A hebwd-the-scenes
comedy about life oit the other end of
the entree, _Kitchen Confidential_ - a
half-hour series based on the memoir of
the same name by Anthony
Bourdain executive chef at New York's
Les Hall;s · restaurant - will move straight
past the la.dies who lunch and into the
fast-paced kitchens where those $99
truffle-laden hamburgers get made. The
project is now in the hands of writers,
who'll translate Bourdain•s book for the
small screen; Stat himsdf will be
supervising the pil~t ~pth_ 20th Century
Fox Television and New line TV are on
board to produce, and Romeo's mouth is
already watering in anticipation.
Set It Off Again
The very c~l 1996 women-robbingbanks
drama _Set It Off_ ended in a hail
of bullets, with three of its four main
characters on ice. So ... sequel? Why not?
And that's exactly the plan that's in the
works over at New line, with producer
Darryl Taja setting up the ~~xt chapter
in that crime spree. The onginal film
staned Jada Pinkett Smith, Vivica Fox,
Kimberly Elise, and Queen Latifah
(playing a butch lesbian with nothing to
lose) as an all-female, gun-toting gang of
desperate women in need of qttlck cash.
But since Pinkett,-Smith's character was
the lone survivor when that movie's
credits rolled, it's unclear at this point if
the sequd will involve any of the original
felons. Hey, it worked in _Teen Wolf,
Too._ Sort 0£
Kathy Griffin•• Cup Runs Over
Comedian Kathy Griffin's legion, of gay
followem - tμe woman seems to have an
a.Im.oat rdigiou1 preference for her queer &n1
- will be happy to know that after her new
concert film, _Allegedly_, drops thi1 month
on DVD, their favorite funny lady baa a
multiplex'• worth of movies heading down
the pike. In the forthcoming_ Vegas Baby_,
Griffin plays 1omcthing called a "Shc-EJvis"
(really, don't aalt); in the Cinderella story
_Dirty Love .... she stars opposite Jenny
McCarthy and Csumcn Electra; the _Blue
Lagoon_-ish _Lovcwrccked_ secs her joining
cut memben Amanda Bynes and Lance Ba11;
and in the Charle• Matthau-directed _Her
Minor Thing_, Griffin will worlt opposite
_Saturday Night Live_'1 Rachel Dratch and
former _SNL_-er Victoria Jaclt,on.
Meanwhile, if you're too lazy to commit all
that to memory, you could juat catch her on
_Hollywood Squucs_.
Page 25
G,y C.rtgiversfrom jMge-6 .
"Government agencies serv10g elders
should target funding to the gay .
community, just as th~y mr,~et .~thruc
minority elder populations, SIU~
Marjorie Cantor, professor ementus at
Fordham University Graduate School
of Social Service and a principal ..
investigator of the study.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force Policy Institute is a think ~
dedicated to research, policy analysts
and strategy development. to ~ance
greater uncferstanding and equality for
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgcnder
SAGE, Services and Advocacy for Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgcnder
Elders, is the nation's oldest and ~~st
social service and advocacy orgaruzation
dedicated to gay, bisexual and
transgcnder seniors.
Some Additional Findings in Caregiving
Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender New Yorkers:
_ One in five caregivers surveyed relied
on a member of the clergy for
emotional support around issues rdatcd
to caregiving. In contraSt, less than 1 %
of family of origin caregiv~s, and .
approximately 15% of family of ch~tce
caregivers, relied on a gay commuruty
organization for support.
- At least one-third of caregivers said
that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgcnder (LGBT) community had. a
key role to play in providing support to
LGBT caregivers. When a.sk~d why_ the
gay community should help its_ seruor
members, most respondents s~d that .
the community was best a~ ~ fo~ tts
own, reflecting an underlying belief tn
the persistence of discrimination.
_ The LGBT community-based services
in which the respondents were mo~t
interested themselves were counsding
(26%), retirement, or a_s~i~tcd ~
communities (19%), VlStttng setv1ces
(19%), and assistance with thy-to-day
tasks (14%).
_ One in five respondents had children of
their own, and 7% were grandparents. Fortysix
percent of the respondents were between
50 and 59; 35¾ were between '60 and 69; 19%
were 70 and older.
Fifty-two percent of the respondents
were single; 40% were partnered.
- Tolhy, the population of gay ~e~ors
in America. is just under three million.
By 2030, as gay baby ~oon:iers head into
their sixties . and seventies, tt could be
nearly twice that.
The foil report can be found in the Task
Force publications library at
Quotable Quotes
"Sexual orgies eliminate social tensions
b aged
and ought to e encour .
_ U.S. Supreme Court Justice_ Ant?nio
Scalia speaking at Harvard Uruvers1ty
Sept. 28, according to The Harvard
Page 26 Gay Tramers from pdge 7
Another dear friend, Tyke gave a
brunch for us at his condo which is
decorated beautifully. Tyke also is an
artist and we got to see some of his
lovely oil. pain~. We love Tyke for
many reasons and one of them is that he
loves giving wi shirts! In the photo
above at Millie's party, we ate wearing
two of the shirts that he gave us.
The iast night we were in Palm Springs
Millie Bollin, the Grande Dame of Palm
Springs ll~ciety, gave us a party at her
estate attended by exceptionally
enjoyable people in Palm Springs. She is
a rare jewel. Fun, funny, educated,
intelligent, witty, great party hostess
and just a truly NlCE person. Her
neighbor, Princess Rcg4ia. attended as
well as lots of other interesting guests.
Millie has a won9erful dog and bird to
keep her company.
People! That is what it is all about.
Meeting new, fun, cxcitlng and
interesting people. Our special
THANKS for our wonderful time in
Palm Springs goes to Tom and Doug,
o~ers of the TERRAZZO Resort.
They ~ super guys and once you stay
with them .yo_u wili :w~i: tt> return
forcrer: Th6re ii onlyon~ bad tbfug
about.the.; · however. And that
•; You simply never.
And" BlG t#~'.Y.0'11.,to Jim Poyle ~s~~~~lt:\~::::~
in QUt tt'lfVe!s: Jinfcap.Ao an~g, and
WC do.mean ~G I :.He plays
the piatto SQ b~utifally anais'.onc of
the best.bartenders in'thc cc4ritry. He is
a gr~ businessman ~d all irourid
super nice guy. Th~s Jlgi fo.t: all you
have done.
So, next time yotit bored, whynot fly
out to Palm Springs, check ·illti:i· the
TERRAZZO Resort ahdhiive yourself
a wonderful and exciting time.
usbian Notions from pg-23
3. Although the mainstream media only
reported on the gay movement's
crushing defeats in 11 states, exit polls
conducted by the National Election Pool
(NEP) found that an astounding 60
percent of Americans support some sort
of legal protection for same-sex couples.
While only 25 percent said that
protection should take the fonn of
marriage, another 35 percent favored
civil unions.
Of course, "marriage lite" is not what we
want or deserve. Still, the NEP poll
numbers are encouraging because they
point to Americans' fundamental belief
in basic civil rights. And that belief is
what we must hang on to as we continue
the struggle for full equality under the
4. In Ohio, four major public universities
whose domestic-partner benefits have
been jeopardized by that state's anti-gaymarriage
amendment have vowed to
preserve those benefits until forced to do
otherwise. Gov. Robert Taft (R.) has also
opposed the antigay measure, fearing that
it "will make it more difficult for us to
retain and attract the young. talented
knowledge workers we need to advance
Ohio's prosperity." When straight
people begin to sec g,a.y rights as being in
their own· self-interest, it's .a sign that
we're making progtcss - even when it
looks like we've lost.
These few glimmers of hope may not
seem like much after such a huge blow;
but remember that. the path of social
change proceeds like a glacier - slow and
steac;ly. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth
Cady Stanton wo.rke.d their entire lives
for women's suffrage, but didn't live to
see it. Similarly, most of us who work
for equal marriage rights may never
enjoy ·them ourselves, but we will, in
fact, have helped to change the world.
Paula M,.rti,n4c is a Lambd4 Liter11rv
- · ~and
LesbianNoti<insf//xpyndite.com .
Seo es
by Jack Fertig
December 2004
"Cover yourself, Libra!"
Mercury turns retrograde this week,
while in quincunx to Saturn. New ideas
require testing, and most will fail - . but
don't let that deter you! The biggest
challenge is to be pragmatic, sensitive,
and above all, adaptable.
ARIES (Much 21 to April 20): Arguments
are hard to avoid! Religion and politics
always make discussions more interesting
than polite. This is especially so now at
home and with family. Staying open-minded
takes special effort, but if you can manage
that, you'll be ahead.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Expressing .
grief and frustration is hard, but worth the
effort. Those feelings will get worse before
they dear away, but opening channels no:w
will help. Confide in a dose friend,
preferably someone grandmotherly.
GEMINI ~ 21 to June 21): Money
problems can strain any relationship; Now
the stress is pretty rough. It is very
important to discuss these issues. Solutions
won't come this month, but communication.
shows awareness and willingness to work on
things, and that's enough for now.
CANCER (June 22 to July 22): You're
especially vulnerable now to contagious
respiratory problems. Stay warm and dry,
and choose your company carefully.
Whether or not you deserve blame for
miscommunications at work, take
responsibility for. fixing them.
LEO (July 23 to Augnst 22): Creative blocks
will pass, but never quickly enough.
Dreams, fears, and old f.unily disasteu can
be sources of inspiration, or can at leut help
you to undentand the bloc~. Face the
grim and dark. - better to appreciate the
merry and bright.
VIRGO (August 23 to Septcinb~ 22): . In
our communities, how we redefine "family"
among our friend~ has little in the way of ·
rules or precedent. Either category has its
assumed obligations - but what are they?
You need to adjust expectations there; look
for a little turbulence, but nothing serious.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
Anything you say can and will be held
against you! Cover yourself by
consulting with authorities; and double
check all references. Things will still go
wrong, but make sure where
responsibility lies and be prepared to
take responsibility as is appropriate.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Financial problems will pop up over the
next few weeks. Think carefully about
them. Take a long view to what can be done
now to ease the cuts. Education and travel
plans may have to be reconsidered.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): Who are you as a sexual
being? That question gets opened up to
profound exploration. Reconsider your
integrity, limits, and desires. You may back
away from some situations, but you will
ultimately find something better.
CAPRICORN (December 21 to January
19): Problems with your partner are largely
in your own head, but whatever worries
and doubts you have should be discussed.
Yeah, it can get pretty messy over the next
few weeks, but in the long run it will work
out for the better.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18):
Remember that friends and colleagues are all
fallibly human. Now they are quite
frustrating, pushing you to reconsider social
commitments and long-term goals. Think
slowly and carefully. It's time· for
adjustments, not radical breaks.
PISCES (February 19 to March 19): Your
reputation is 'about to take some knocks.
Accept the challellge to adapt. With a bii of
creative hard· work,· you can figure out a way
to establish .whatever connections and bona
£ides you need to get through this.
Jack Fertig has been working as a professional
astrologer since 19 77 and is a founding member
of the Association for Astrological Nef!Working.
He can be,~~ for consultations at 415-864-
8302, throtJgh his uiebrite at
http://f flf11'flJ.St4rjackcom
Page 28 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Lodging-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - - - 479-571-130
Ron's Pl11ce- - 523 W. Poplar- - - - 479-442-3052
Wild-On - - - - - -3570 W. 6th- - - - - - 479-521-9453
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkellds-10041/2 Garrison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 - -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - -479-782-1845
Arkuau, Hot Springs (501)
Club One Eleven- - - 111 Gllrden St- - - - -620-4111
Our House Lounge - 660 E. Gnnd Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -501-664-2744
Discovery- - - -1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - 501-666-6900
The Factory - -412 LoUWllllll St- - - -501-372-3070
Miao11rl, JopHa (417)
Ree's-••• 716 S. Main•• - -.. -417-627-9035
Mlssoarl, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - - - - - - 3715 Main St - - - - 816-561-2600
Belle Sw's- - - - 1321 Gr11nd Ave- -816-421-1288
DB Wll!ehouse- -- 1915 Milin St- - - -816-471-1575
Misr.ie B's- - -805 W. 39th St- - - - -- - 816-561-0625
Sidestreet Bu - - - -413 E. 3rd- - - - - 816-531-1775
Sidelcicb Sllloon - 3707 Milin St- - 816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boo~ville Ave- - - - - --417-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar• 50-4 E. Commercial• - • • • -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821. College- - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumon • -1109 E. Commercial- - -417-873-2225
Okluoma,•Oldakoma City (405)
Boom Rocim- 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - -405.:.601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- 405-947-2351
Copa- - - - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- -405-525-0730
Finish Line - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- - 405-525--0730
Hi-Lo Quh - - 1221 NW 50th- - - -405-843-1722
Lido- - - - - - - -2200 NW 39th_ Expwy- 4()5-5~~0730
Partners- - - - -2805 NW 36th St - - - - - 40.S.:942-2199
Sisters- - - - - - 2120 NW 39th s;. -----405!521-9533
The Rockies- - -3201 N. Ml!.Y Ave.- - - - 405-~7-9361
Topanga Grill&: Bar- 3535 NW 39th:-4()5-947-2351
. Oklaboma, Tuia (918)
Bamboo Lounp 720-4 E. Pine - • _..918-836-8700
Clnb Maverick-· 822 s. Sheridan - 918:835-3301
End Up Oub- - - 424 S. Memodal- - - 9111c-836-2480
Heads &"Tails- - 7944 E. 21st - • - - - - 9i8'660-7878
Club'~jestic- - 124 N. Botton - - - • -918'584-9494
Rencgadea- - - -1649 S, Main-• - - - -91if:5135.3405
Play-Mor-Oub- - 1737 S. Memorial - -918-838-9792
Silver Star- -1565 S. Sherid20 - - - - - -918-834-4234
Yellow Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th - - 918-293-0304
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Fairfield Inn by Marnett- - - - 417-624-7800
Catus Canyon Campground- - - . - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground· - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Hollywood.Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - -405-528-2221
Eareka Springs
MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Avoca
Natural State Nanni.st!- - - - - - - . -479-451-8066
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
Ri,cr of Life Church - 1709 N Walnut - -11.AM
PSU-QSA. . 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231--0938
Missouri, Joplin ( 417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, • - - • 6PM
UCCFF-204 N. Jack.on Ave, - - - - - -10:30.AM
.Aids Project O:i:atb- 513 Kentucky- 417-624-5788
Missouri, Spriagfleld (417)
Rllinbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison- 866-6206
Unitarian Univemlist Church - - - 417-833-2723
APO- - - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- - 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride • - - - - - - - - - - - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commericlll- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springfield- - - ~ - - - - - - - -417-889-1059
PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Cathedrlll of Hope~ - 600 NW 13th St- - 232-HOPE
The Center- - 2135 NW 39th St - - 405-524-6000
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - -POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklaboma, Talsa (918)
MCC United- -1623 N. Miaplewood- -918-838-1715
TOHR- c - - - - -'Fo Box 2687, Tulsa, OK 74101
GlBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- - •. - 918-743-4297
Page 29 The Ozarks Star
-Business Services,Missouri,
Shelter Insurance- -Greg Tainter- - 636-938-5500
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Body Swim Massage Therapy- - - • -417-825-5800
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-- -434-0077
RE/MAX- - - -Cathe Letts- - - - - -417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rllngeline Rd- - - - 417-623-1007
Joan Szymanski- Be11uty Consult,- - 417-673-1181
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's - • - • 1918 S. Glenstone • --417-881-8-4-4-4
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21 • -4301 NW 63rd #10Q- 405- 840-2106
Prucilla's- 615 E. Memorial - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Jungle Reds - - 2200 NW Expwy- • • 405-524-5733
Oklahoma, Taha
Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Huvard. - 918-747-5466
Underguy.i::om · · -825 E. 3rd- - - 877-7-BOXERS
Prucil_la's - - - - - 7925 E. 41st - - - - - -918~627~84
Priscilla's - ~ · · 5634 W. Sully - - • ·-918-#6--63~6
Priscilla's••• •11344 E. 11th•••• - 918-4iB-4224
Priscilla'ac • • - - 2333 E. 71st - - • • • - 918~~9-1661
"I was playing an Indian ~cseivation in
Montana somewhere, I looked out at the
audience and it was just truly awful. Real
American. Gothic - the old strong
farmers and wives, ind I started the act
by. askiμg: '.Aie there. any g.iy men in the
audi~hce? I want you right up at the
front.' And they made the show. Because
they laugh/' .
- Comedian Joan Rivers to London's
The Pink Paper, Oct. 1.
Page 30
Place r~tir d~sified lW. here. for only
$6.00 for the first. 15 '¥<>rdl,)Uld only 25
cents £of~ additional: word: ....... .
10 block:s'No~ of E>owntown
4bd, 4bth, formal dinning, large •
kitchen. library/ office, full
basement, zoned heat/ air., 3200 Sq.
Ft., beautifully restored, quiet
residential Roanoke adjacent. Priced
under $140,000.
$$Price Reduced$$
Call Vicki at Charles Burt
417-434-0077 or 800-782-7822.
Tlie Ozarki sj~f d~~Line:. Check 0oti'i:
our website· for i[?1\ily br~a,lring GLBT
news. www.ozarlcsstar;cbrll
• - • J ~-~
Nee~;l ... , . ... . ...
for only: $6:(fQ>first:15 woriis,
for each additional word.
Advertising Representative's
Part Time: For Kansas City, Springfield,
Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Arkansas, Kansas
and Joplin. Commission based
compe~sation. Work in the LGBTS
business community.
Mail qualifications to:
Ozarks Star
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243
Joplin, MO 64804.
Bed. & Breakfast: Own your own
B&B? Beautiful 4 bed 4 bath 3200sqft
fully furnished in Joplin, MO For Sale.
Call Vicki Bronson at Charles Burt
Realtors 417-434-0077
1010 E. 20th
Joplin M064804
' 1
Page 31
l I
1 l J
• I t e r n • t ! v e n l g h t ·c I u b
716 w,, sycamore Fayetteville, AR
479-571-1300 wwwatulllrRililwt
~PEN w4td-sun 9pm - ·2am
Event of the Year
3rd ~ualMiss
. Inside Page 16
Page 2
Our. first issue distributed on New Years
Eve 2003 was just eigh/'. ··., half were
color and half no color; copies where
banded 01,1t at Ree's Bar ln:Joplin and
several bars in Springfield. Ree's was the
first paid advertisement. We were so
excited, SW Missouri_ at last bad a gay
Chaz Jr., T. J Kelly and myself came up
with the idea one night in Ree's whil~
planning a beiiefit for the Community Free
Clinic. We needed to advertise the event,
but the only GI.BT publications \Vb.ere .
from Kansas City, Wichita, and The; !3-ayly.
We couldn't afford the ad's arid we_w~nted
more than just a printed piece of paper;_We
had often discussed the fact that the hi:ige
GLBT population in the region ha<L!?-9
representation or community voice_:/);'h:g~,
what you know today as the "Ozarks; Star"
was born.
Through the efforts of many people in the
past year, the Ozarks Star has become a
viable source 0£ community information
and news, not only locally, but from
;around the world. The SW Missouri, NW
Arkansas, Oklahoma, SE Kansas •GLBT
communities have become closer and_ people
. :tre traveling the region to places that \Vete
unknown a year ago. I have personally
made many wonderful new friendships and
acquaintances this year because of the ·
magazine. You are all sincerely appreciated.
May your heart be fifkd with h.ppiness and low
this holiday season and throu?}out the coming
year ................... C.D. Ward
A call for Action ...
We have just fought a tough and difficult
campaign to loose. And now there is no
time to stop, rest or even take time to
evaluate what just happed because now
we face a new challenge here in little
Joplin, Missouri or rather Webb City,
Missouri. A Webb City High School
student wore his pride shirt to school. It
seems that they have a dress code that
excludes clothing that promotes or
advertises products, causes or anything
that may cause a commotion. Yet
students were allowed to use bumper
stickers on clipboards, notebooks and
cars that promoted hate issue such as gay
marriage. It seems as though this dress
code is being enforced only when it is
convenient. One teacher asks what the
pride emblem meant, it was explained
and that teacher responded with, "cool".
Then one teacher decided to make it a
"commotion" by asking him if he
thought it was appropriate for school.
When he said there was nothing wrong
with the T-shirt he was sent to the school
office. He was given the option of
turning the shirt inside out or going
home. He was in the process of leaving
when a friend offered to exchange shirts
with him and they did. The friend stayed
the remainder of the day without being
challenged. Imagine that... consistency
between teachers and enforcement of
This has now gone to the ACLU for
review and at iast resort they will be
pursuing this through legal means. But
the ACLU has a nasty shirt tail they
can't shake and so does our community.
The Rev ( title used with reservation
)Fred Phelps of Kansas has decided to
protest all sinners at the Webb City High
School and surrounding churches that
allow God's love to seep in. Fred Phelps
has protested churches around the
country and is well known for his
hateful, almost Nazi approach in dealing
with anyone who does not agree with his
and only his view. At the funeral of
Matthew Shepherd he had a sign that
read, "God Hates Fags, Just Ask
Matthew, and he will answer from hell."
I am getting a lot of calls about this and
what stand the church is taking. I t.hink
the more we react to this man the more
fuel it gives him and by staying away we
steal his thunder. Some Queer business
leaders are hoping this will just go away,
The B-GLAD organization from MSSU
and the Young Democrats are planning a
"peaceful" counter protest. I believe
where we go from here is being the best
we can be. That means showing all
people that we are families in the best
since of the word.
Now let's put this in perspective and let's
keep it in HOPE! We must understand
the system and we need to remember
that our Government is not a democracy
but a republic ... basic Government 101.
We need then to take hope in our system
and know that even though it won't be
an easy four years there is hope. As Rev.
Troy Perry stated, "the hard work of
human rights has always been that of
many steps forward and some steps
backward." We have all heard the
verbiage; we lost the battle, not the war."
This is a set-back but it only means
We need to start with a definition of
family, morale values and put church
were it belongs while that doesn't mean
in war. I am sickened by the righteous
conservatives and those that oppose
human rights even in this country and
use God instead of serving God! We need
to a definition of family that promotes
varues that we can all share . .. cont-pg 15
Page 6
NGLTF_ Media Release
-Older Gays Involved in Caregiving
For Family Member At Rates Equal
To Or Exceeding Those in the
General Population
-But U.S. Policies on Aging Do Not
Reflect Needs of Older Gav
Caregivers, Study Finds ·
NEW YORK - Nearly half of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGB1) individuals
over 50 are heavily involved in caregiving,
both for members of the families they grew
up in and for same-sex partners and close
friends, according to a new study released
today by the National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force Policy Institute, Pride Senior
Network, and the Fordham University
Graduate School of Social Service. In fact,
gay people over 50 may actually be
caregivers at a higher- rate than their
counterparts in the general population.
The largest-ever study of older gay people's
caregiving experiences, "Caregiving Among
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
New Yorkers" was released' by the Task
Force Policy Instirute at the SAGE National
Conference on Aging in the Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Trarisgender Communities,
held at New York University, today, June
18. (Caregiving is the extensive, hands-on
help with the tllSks of daily living for the
very sick or frail.)
"Far from shying away from family
responsibilities, this study shows that gay
people are equally if not more devoted to
&mily members and loved ones in need,"
said Matt Foreman, Task Force executive
Forty-six percent of the 341 LGBT New
Yorkers surveyed had been caregivers at the
rime of the survey or in the previous five
years, greater than the 44% rate among
people over 50 in the general population, as
estimated by the AARP. The average length
of a caregiving episode among survey
respondents was eight years: among the.
general population in the United States, the
average length of a caregiving episode is only
4.3 years.
"We are very appreciative of the Task Force's
effons in this study. The findings underscore
what we have learned from both caregivers
and care recipients in the LGBT
community," said Terry Kaelber, executive
director of SAGE, _Services & Advocacy for
LGBT Elders. "Ours is a community with a
strong history of caregiving to both our
biological and our chosen families. To
provide care on a regular basis can be an
overwhelming responsibility and there
simply ate not enough support mechanisms
in place for those people in a caregiving role.
More than one-third of the caregiving
respondents said that their non-gay siblings
expected more of them when it came to
providing care for older relatives precisely
because they were gay. Nearly one-quarter
(22%) of respondents provided assistance to a
blood relation for reasons ranging from
Alzheimer's to the frailty that comes with
old age. More than two-thirds of those
providing such cate were primary caregivers
for that family member. Half provided
assistance daily, and anotber 24% several
times a week.
Another quarter (24%) had been caregiv:ers
for same-sex partners or close friends. Fiftyeight
percent of those had provided assistllnce
on a daily basis; 23% provided care several
times per week. (Other key findings appear at
the end of this release.)
In spite of this, some respondents were
unable to be open about their own sexual
orientation with other family members. Not
surprisingly, nearly three-quarters of the
caregivers in this srudy reported high levels of
emotional stress related to caregiving, and
respondents were six times more likely to
report feeling depressed than the population
as a whole.
Worse, key poiicy frameworks that support
caregivers such as the federal Family and
Medical Leave Act, Social Security, and
Medicaid, as well as most state family leave
programs - discriminate against same-sex
partners who need to care for their loved
Continued page-25 ........... ..
1 l
Page 7 our ON VN:ATION
"Trav~ ill .. ., ~y frie■4ly werlj"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
2nd /,zstal/ment
(Photo: Donald and Ray with Claude,
the famous Swiss skier and his life pdrtner, Prince Fabien) After a fun time in West
Hollywood it was time to travel to Palm Springs for more fun, excitement, parties
and ? We AL WAYS have a grand time in Palm Springs. Our very special favorite
place to stay is the Fabulous TERRAZZO Resort, 1600 East Palm Canyon Drive.
Tom and Doug have done a remarkable job with their resort. That is why they have
so many repeat guests there all the time. They simply "DO THINGS RIGHT"!
We gave a party at the Terrazzo our second night there and it was attended by the
guests at the Terrazzo as well as dear friends who live in Palm Springs. When you
can give a party under the stars in Palm Springs and have so many wonderful and
exciting people there you have to have a grand time. Two wonderful artists were at
our party .... Robert Shafer and Giorgos Dimakis are extremely professional artists
who have a thriving business in Palm Springs. Their still life oil paintings are the
best that we have ever seen by a living artist. They both are tremendous. Their
studio/ gallery is downtown. Palm Springs. Also attending our party were Denise,
Joanna and the fabulous Doreen, all from the Casitas La.quite Resort in Palm
Springs. The following day we hosted Tom and Doug to lunch at Melvyn's which is
our very favorite restaurant in Palm Springs. Melvyn of course is a real gem. Brian,
the Maitre 'd and Miguel our waiter KNOW how to do things the right way. It is
always such a treat to experience such a fabulous dining experience as we always do
when we dine at Melvyn's. People have been coming to this restaurant for many
years simply because it is the "best of the best". Later that evening our dear friend,
Stefan Hemming hosted a party at his estll.te which is the former estate of the late
Liberace. A grand time was had by all and we got to meet new and exciting people.
Bradley who is one of the finest singers in the business graciously sang a few songs.
The next day two Swiss gentlemen checked into the Terrazzo Resort from Zurich,
Switzerland. One was the noted skier, Qaude and his life partner, Prince Fabien.
They had flown in to California and were touring several cities. They were very
interesting, good looking and extremely intelligent. We took them shopping at all
the fun places in Palm Springs and then we dined at the Cedar Creek Inn in the
evening. We ordered their very special Pasta dishes. What is money for if you don't
spend it? Another very interesting gentleman, Alf, originally from Germany also
was staying at the Terrazzo Reson. He now is living in the Northwest pan of the
United States. He is good looking, educated with a brilliant mind. He was very
interesting to talk with.
The next night, our dear friend Burt hosted a dinner party at LcValarise Restaurant.
Dining under the stars, we WERE the stars, and why not? Jim and Stefan even
performed a duet at the piano. Burt is one of the most energetic and interesting men
we have met . .................................... continued page-26
Page 8 me
Dame Edna Storms back to
Broadway in her newly minted
Following the national success of her previous lifeenhancing
and much loved shows which hllve been
buried beneath an avalanche of international awards,
Dame Edna returned to her private estate in her native
Australia to review the state of the world from her
unique point of view. During that time she crafted her
latest offering, which is set in an all-new theatrical
"Edna will glow from the stage in a series of never-before-seen gowns. She will sing,
dance, give psychic readings to astonished audience members, offer marriage counseling
and perhaps even heal," promises Tony Award-winning production designer
Brian Thomson.
"I'm glad you didn't ring a minute earlier because
I was. with my gynecologist," declares Dame Edna
Everage in lieu of hello, "and he said thli.t I was fit
for Broadway. He said, 'Edna, you've still got
your drives and juices, and you're all ready for
The Great White Way.' Mind you, it wasn't The
Great White Way he was looking at."
Dame Edna's Coffee Table Book, Dame Edna's Bedside
Companion and her seminal autobiography, My
Gorgeous Life, which is currently being adapting for the
stage and screen. Possibly Jewish, Dame Edna is a
widow, with three grown children.She spends her time
visiting world leaders and jet-setting between her homes
in Los Angeles, London, Sydney, Switzerland and
Martha's Vineyard.She is the Founder and Governor of
Friends of the Prostate and the creator of The World Prostate Olympics.
Date of Birth: February 17 Place of Birth: Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, Australill Sign:
Aquarius Occupation: Actor, Comedian, Writer, Composer, Painter Education:
Melbourne University, Griffith University (Honorary Doctorate)
Relations: Father: (construction manager), wife: Lizzie Sepnder, father-in-law:
Stephen Spender (poet), daughters: Emily Humphries (artist) and Tessa Humphries
(actress), son: Oscar Humphries Qournalist) Broadway Debut: 1963 (Oli'Oerl)
Barry Humphries as Dame Edna Everage
Out of drag (at right), Humphries made his Broadway
debut as understudy to Fagin in the original 1963
production of OlifJer!. As his drag alter ego, he's
become a superstar, earnitig a 2000 Tony Award for
Dame Edna: The Royal Tour.
Humphries is best known as his drag persona - the
purple haired, Melbourne housewife named Dame
Edna - that he created in connection with the
Olympic Games in 1956.
Page 9
Spirit of Christ Metropolitan_
Community Church
-¥ Presents In Concert
Shawn Thomas
A breath of fresh air in Christian
music, an energetic and dynamic
witnei::f:; in music for all affirming
• )t- communities. • .-
* iC * ....
uecember 18, 2004
6PM --¥
2902 E 20th Street
Unity of Joplin building
Page 10
MCC Comm,miutions
Dq,artmmt. Prtss
R~ Nowmber 4, 2004
MCC Leader
Lupe V~ld--.z
Elected Sheriff
of Dallas
County, Texas
~ Tq11s ~ On November 2, Lupe
Valdez, a longtime ~ember and lay
leader of Mcffi?politan Community
Churches, was elected as the new Sheriff
of Dallas
County in
The Dallas
Morning News
describes Lupe's
election as a
victory." An
article under the
headline "Vi,ldez
scores historic
victory" notes
that Lupe is the first woman and the
first Hispanic to be elected Dallas
County Sheriff in this heavily
Republican county.
As the Democratic candidate, Lupe
defeated the Republican candidate, who
was a three-decade veteran of the
sherifrs department. Prior to the
election, political observers favored her
opponent to win the election.
A major factor in Lupe's campaign
success was her more than 30 yean in
professional law enforcqgient. Lupe has
served as a corrections officer at both
county_ and federal levels, and has many
years experience as a US Special Agent.
Most recently she was a Senior Special
Agent with the US Department of
Homeland Security. Lupe retired from
fedeml law enforcement in January 2004
to run for the office of sheriff in Dallas
County. Toward the end of the
campaign, her opponent raised Lupe's
sexual orientation as an issue.
Cotnplaioing that she had received an
endorsement and contribution from the
Victory Fund, an organization that
supports openly gay or lesbian
candidates, Lupe's opponent suggested
that she would use the office of sheriff as
a platform to advance issues such as gay/
lesbian rights and same-sex marriage.
Lupe asserted that sexual orientittion
should have no bearing on the race, and
would play no role in how she ran the
In a profile on the candidates three days
before the election, the Dallas Morning
News reported that Lope is "openly gay"
and stated that "She is a member of the
Metropolitan Community Churches, a
worldwide fellowship of Christian
churches with a special outreach to gay
and lesbian communities."
In her victory statement to supporters
and the media on Tuesday night, Lupe
Valdez said, "We are an intcmational
county with people of all ethnic groups,
rich and poor, gay and straight, and this
is what I want to represent."
For more than 25 years, Lupe Valdez has
been an active lay leader in Metropolitan
Community Churches, serving MCC in
Dallas as a deacon and boa.rd member
and serving the denomination as Director
of Security for General Conferences
from 1989 to 2003. She currently serves
as a member of the Moderators
Nominating Committee and is an active
member of Metropolitan Community
Church of Greater Dallas.
Page 11 The Ozarks Star
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Scifi novel joi1:1s gay
marriage dibate.
•Lubbock:, Texas: .
When D:uatif Simo~J: · < .
Degraooo: A Science . . . trite
ih June 2004, he made thrc~'oftlie central
characters gay, and used them ·to·further
delve into contemporary issues, . .ipcludiog
. gay marriage. While th«:~•fir!lt e.<litlon
· (published J aowu:y 200.?f show~d gay
· marriage as legal and:a tioO:.J~sue, the
:Second edition further iii,'.i::9rporates.
. allels to anti-gay cr,us~des in real life.
. or example, one .o{tlie passages explains a series of coostituiiofuu amendments
tp.at supposedly protei::~ed society on the
planet V alchondp~ bu:(~ctuilly led to
:discrimination at:td, of
human rights.
.·. . . invading worl
fanatical and divisive as in the otigirWl, with characters using . . .
justify violence and oppression against each other and everyont else ..
A review appearing in the October 1, 2004 issue of X-Factor www.xfactor.com
explains how Degranoo's second edition explores gay man:iJtgc and other
contemporary issues, s~og that "Duane Simolke establishes his voice in gay genre
writing" with those explorations.
Though best known for his books, Simolke also writes for This Week In Texas . His
Web site http://duanesimoike.com includes Rainbow: Lubbock, an onlioe newsletter
for his fellow gays in Lubbock, Tens. With that location, he sees much of the antigay
debate, usually framed in religious or family arguments.
Page 15 The Ozarks Star
Steve Urie from pg-5
My family doesn't fit that box. My
family is the man I call my husband,
Heath and we have family values that we
can share and be proud of. We are in a
relationship, love each other, both work
and are dedicated to our jobs but take
time for each other. It is always a
struggle but we are attempting to be a
family role-model for your homosexual
people to follow.
Morale values are new to a lot of the
GLBT community and it is time to
bring them out of the closet and begin
discussions. We have been children far
too long and it is time to bring into the
light the ability to be honest with
ourselves to make a change. Mature
enough to recognize that the "Queer As
Folks" mentality is destroying our
community with alcohol, drugs and a
disease that we are still sharing with one
another. .. you know the one, "I'll never
catch." Let's name it while we here... the
HIV virus and the disease AIDS. And
let's include that low self-esteem that we
just love to poor me with. How long do
we have to be down on ourselves? And
where does church belong? Well, I don't
believe it is in the signs I hear about
across this country. The signs posted
outside of churches with pictures of our
military and the caption, "Our troops
doing God's work." This is religion at
its very worse. God doesn't need us
assigning God duties. It actually works
in reverse. Jesus stood with those that
no one would associate with and showed
them the way. I believe that if our
churches were paying attention to God's
will; they would be serving their
communities, feeding the hungry,
clothing people and providing shelter
for those without homes. The church
has a place and it is one of service. It
must be there for everyone and that is
when it is doing what it is suppose to
do. Not when it is being pushed and
pulled into action to destroy lives, Not
when it joins in a union with the
government. As a church we are to exist
for people, life, justice, community,
love and the true conscious of the
government. The church needs to bring
itself to a higher level, to share its God
given responsibilities and to let the world
sec how God's spirit is there for all
people. The church is a beacon of light
for al) people and we are to be those
beacons leading others to this great hope.
This is what Jesus would do and NO
Had the Democrats been just as verbal
and strong with our beliefs then we quit
possibly could have pulled it off. It isn't
that we have a weak faith, a lack of
commitment to God; it's that we don't
stand on the rock and say this is why we
support programs helping people and not
just the rich. What a schism. the
Republican Party has put into this great
country by telling churches they need to
fear us. Let them be put on notice .tfu.t
51% is not a landslide. Let them be put
on notice that we will not be used as a
wedge to divide this country. Let them
be put on notice that we arc who we are,
we are not going to be silenced and we
are going to be bold in not only our faith
but in our citizenry.
It is a great time of hope, a great time of
boldness and strength. I am going to
quote from an article by the Rev. Dr.
Peony Nixon (MCC Clergy). Do not
underestimate how difficult times might
be in the next few years. There will be
tactics, overt and covert, to squeeze us
out and shut us down. This is all the
more reason to be bold with whom we
During the Viet Nam war a lone
protester stood outside the White House
gates with a smgle candle. He was ask,
"Do you think you are going to change
the government with one candle?" and
his reply was, "No, but it will keep them
from changing me." I challenge you to
take part supporting B-GLAD and the
Young Democrats in their peaceful and
silent protest. Don't let the light go out!
Until 2005
The Ozarks Star
Toe ~ia Annual Miss Bamboo Pageant,
Wwsa's Social Event of the Year.
Bamboo 2005, NeiJyAnnMan}y)
Tulsa, OK November 13,2004
by Star Writer Greg Steele
The House was packed and the beauties filled
the Bamboo Lounge vying for the title of
Miss Bamboo 2005. As the winner was about
to be announced the crowd was silent, eyes
were tearing in anticipation. The nine
contestants held their breath with hands
clasped. Dickie Tucker fainted from the
pressure. The crown had arrived by Brinks
armored vehicle just in time. Now for the big
moment, Bamboo Co-owner Terry asked for
silence, and the winner is, Miss Nelly Ann
Manly. The crowd roared, as the press
photographers flashed their camera's. It had
been a great show. (left photo: Terry and Miss
The winner was deteonined by the amount of tips each collected. In t1.U'? was donated
to the nonprofit organization R.A.I.N ., a Tulsa
group dedicated to assisting people with H.I.V. and
A.I.D.S. The event raised $500.00. This was the third
year the charity pageant has donated to the group.
Terry and Stan, owners of the Bamboo Lounge said "
It's a worthy organization that out reaches to the
community. They provide food, rent and utility
assistance, transportation for medical treatment and
we have. a ball doing it." From a reporter's prospec-
. · tive, Stan (Photo at right)
· llad a damn good time
himself, we know how he
loves the spotlight! Everyone enjoyed his performance as
well. The MC for the night (Photo at left) did a fantastic job
_also keeping all those Pretty's in line.
In addition to the nights festivities, the H.O.P.E. organiza-
. contributed their time and effort with free H.I.V.
· g and handing out condom's to all who wanted. The
Ozarks Star congratulates Terry and Stan, job well done.
Page 18
. The Night Larry Kra11,1er
Dissed M&---And All the
Rest of You!
A Politidu Commentary:
November 15; :2004
New York City
A week ago Sunday we had the most gorgeous weather
ever. I sti:cilled·down to the piers, and as the sun shone
down. and th~ fall breeze tickled the trees playfully, I
thoug!it to myself; "See, there are still some things in
· fife worth fi#ig' for after Bush's victory. Before I got
caught up";'tnCatf election frenzy of emails and CNN I
• could tllke _the time· to enjoy a beautiful day-and I still
· ~n." But-9ot,-:for long. Not with Larry Kramer's speech
'The Tragedy Of Today's Gays" beckoning to me from
~ooper Union. I longed to escape the sunshine and
· nook into someone who could voice mv bitterness
more eloquently than I. Larry did not disappoint. I urge
you all to read his cntitc speech onlinc at
~.rodneycroome.id.au/other/0/, but here is my
attempt to sum up the major points of a long speech in
a short article.
I wasn't involved in ACT UP so I wasn't too familiar
with Mr. Kramer. I knew he'd kissed David Drake*
· but who hasn't? I'd been warned that he was very~
and extreme. I must be too, since I agreed with every
bitter, truthful word he had to say. His basic message to
gays? You arc just too f--lc:ed by this election,. and you're
just too f--kcd UP with crystal, barebacking and apathy
to confront your attackers, the conservative right. A
"vast right-wing conspiracy" was hatched in 1971 bv
Lewis Powell and financed by 9 rich families who ~ere
scared of hippies, war protesters, and civil rights
activists. The right saw their safe, conservative world
crumbling and began to implement a highly organized
plan to reinstate it. On November 3rd, after 35 vea.rs
the plan was successful and the conservative pre;iden~
co~grcss and supreme court are now poised to turn back the clock on civil rights to defeat any
gains. ~sys, women, blacks or ~en dissenters have made. ''The people (this plan) was written
for diet not then go off to a. ~sco o~ to the Pines, or into therapy or into drugs. They took the
P~ and th~y. have executed tt religiously every day and night for the IAst 35 years, initially
with 400 million dollars ... and some back-breaking, grinding, unglamorous work ·of civic
engagements c<>unty by county ... '.lley took the richest and most liberal nation in the world"
an~ ~ansfonned it so that no': 30% of li.mericans self-identify as conservatives, as opposed to
10¼ m 1971. And make no mistake; They hate us and they arc in a position of complete
An~ whcr,e is our plan to c~mbat them? In a shambles, as arc we. "Our org:tnizations stink"
ana are either powerless and or on the verge of financial collapse. When will the rich and
powerful gays step up to help? We. can't count on the government because they hate us and arc
gl~d that we're doing ourselves _in with AIDS and crystal. We're murdering each other by not
u5:1g condoms. 'W_c know that un~rotectcd sex causes AIDS and yet new infections are up
401/o. If we know n~ _to prevent tt and we aren't, then we arc bringing the .AIDS cri&is onto
o~rselves and are. refusing to accept responsibility for it. "Has it never occurred to you that not
usmg a condom ts tantamount to murder? ....... continued next page-19
p~ 19
It is in.credibly selfish not to at least have
thought that question ... make whatever
excuses you = to carry on in your state of
denial, but this is the fact of the matter." In
an extremely poignant moment Larry
pondered "Was it my sperm that killed them,
th9.t aid the trick? .It.is no longer possible for
m'e to avo'id the que';tion of myself. Hav~ you
ever wondered how many men you have
Instead of considering this crucial question,
we deny each other's hum_anity :1:nd define
each other as. sex objects, shallow whores who
are only looking for _the neit piece of nieat,
We're bright and talented but our. efforts are
focused primarily on partyu?.g arid sex. "I
have recently come to believe that gay men
and women arc tragic people. W c arc. so
wonderful, b_ut we are so fucked up." Our
brightness isn't being put to use. "How much
public service on behalf of your brothers and
sisters have you performed recently? Don't
tell me you ~on't know what to do ... if you
can find another ass to hump."
We've lost the war against AIDS with over 70
million expected to die worldwide. But gay
youth are in a stll.tc of denial and don't want
to lcun the lessons of their eiders. Larry
lashed out at the notion that protease
inhibitors are any sort of cure. "We like to
call it 'the cocktail'." But it's chemotherapy,
which either kills the disease or you, and is
very difficult to tll.ke, with many side effects.
"And you say, 'Can't I get stoned and try
barcbacking one last time?' ARE YOU OUT
OF YOUR F--KING MIND? You kida want
to die ... wcll, then die." Hell, youth won't
even acknowledge their elders, and how can
they have any sense of community without
any sense of their past? "Every moral code I
know of requires respect for the dead. You
disdain anyone older who was there ... but you
do not seem al:!le to fashion your future. To
distove~ what ybu want. You don't even ask
what you want. How can you not have
curiosity about your future as a gay
person? .. .! had
people to follow and many of you have not.
No baton was passed to you ... A large,
congealed mass of potentially superior beings
doc ,n't even know what to do with
thcn,selvcs or bother to learn their history.
So they dance. So they drug. So they go to
the internet to find more scx ... You don't
seem to be able to connect with anyone
beyond the basest way ... I'm not so proud of
us right now."
In a Q & A afterwards (which demonstrated
quite clearly how clueless some gay youth
are) someone mentioned the low current
attendance at ACT UP meetings. I had a
thought on how to get ACT UP and activism
going agsun-free crystal at the meetings! And
maybe barebacking how-to demonscrationsKIDDING!
Larry iaid out his bleak diagnosis
and ended with more questions than answers.
Milybc it's time for us to start thinking for
ourselves ... That baton's been passed now,
kids. You gonna drop fr? Or come out
swinging? Or go to the gym and cruise the
steam room? Or shop for your next circuit
party outfit? Or do another bump?
Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
December 2004
·~ December is here.again Kittens. It is such a special time of
ycllf, where hope spritigli ·in winter bottoms, Err, I mean
· blossoms. A time for hope of the New Y car and all it shall bring
us. Uncle Mikey truly l~vcs December best. It is also the time of
.year for Uncle Mikeya™s.annual Wet Jock contest, which is
· always a smash. The.winter fest that is Uncle MikcyaTMs life, will
surely spring forth new idvcnturcs hopefully filled with I
Tw:inkies - as I can not get enough of that cream filling. Is it ·I
Uncle Mikcv, or dd tl:tosc commercials with that Twinkie in
cowboy ~ do anything for anyone besides me? ffuuna something to ponder I guess.
V' ,'•, , ' ' '
Uncle hfttd a new house bov as I will of course have endless wk for the young man this year.
He attii.cs.triday. J'li?,d·him,1hippcd express mail. His name is Mr. Delight and I am hopeful.
Uncl~)fi¥§:;will keeR you posted on.how he works out:.All of my staff is lucky to have me. I
includ~ a. uitlform <:Httilig with matching rhincs.tonc collar. With all of these things springing
forth, let's sec what,sonic read.ca hitvc on their minds this holiday season.
Dear Uncle, I am at.a crossroads with a new relationship. We have been together for three
months now,. the longest l hlNc been trne · to someone. However, he is always acting like he has
something to hide. T do. not want to get crazy jealous, but I followed him one night where, I
saw him go into solllC,,guf! li..ousc ,!lld WIIS in . . · tw;o hours. I didn't tell him I saw him,
as I didn't·w'lUlt hirii to, get n:iAd. What should I JS{ I confront him, or do I just kceg quiet?
Monogamously confused.·
Dearest MC, Kitten, where do you buy your stalker equipment at? Is the reason you have
not been with anyone loogtt than three months possibly due to the &ct that you are out there
reenacting mission impossible? Dllfling, does the word stalker mean anything to you? How do
you even pretend to give someone ti:ust when you 11.fe following the poor dear around like
that? If you ate ever ro have a hc:;i.!thy lasting relationship some serious self evaluation is
needed to figure out why you are so insecure. You obviciudy have some issues with intimacy
and need to figure those: out .fir4t. Hop~ this man does not find out al:iout your private eye act,
and work on you fusi. .If someone is cheating it shall show itself in tinie. At least give him a
chance before you decide he is unfaithful .. Acting like a guest of the Jerry show will
quench love beforc.it,.eveμ has a.chance. Kitten, sort these matters out in hopes that
you will become a more trusting soul.
Smooches Uncle Mikey
Uncle sees this lrind of mistrust as. a factoring reason for infidelity in relationships. If you make
someone feel distrusted ou will encourage their straying ways; as they' already have
been. accu1ed. Leaving but .. .. · r.o be done. Trust is important to any relationship. If
trust is not there, it is but 11. tttnc bbioh: of drama just waiting fur the fuse to be lit.
Dear Uncle Mikey, I ·used to _have a. circle of friends that were pretty right. Now,
they have all settled into long-tcim (elationships leaving me arid the other guy out.
Now, I £ind myself lonely as I just do not think it is what I am looking for. They all
tdl me it is the very thing I need in my life is someone stable and act like there is
something wrong with me, as I don't want to settle down. Family life makes me
nauseous. Am I wrong for wanting to remain single?
Pia.yet at heart .................................... continucd next page-21
Page 21
(41 7) 627-9035
Dear Player heart:
There is something to be said for both
lifestyles. Uncle has enjoyed both sides of
the fence, and though Uncle has decided
that I have had my share of love, leaving
me now to enjoy a life of sampling the
delicacies of Gaydom, I. assure you nothing
is wrong with you. However, you do come
off a bit judgmental on their lifestyle of
choice. If they are happy with family life,
wish them well. Understand that it will
most likely bring a dividing barrier into the
friendship as they 11.fC moving .on with life.
If you arc lonely for your pals make some
new ones. And one last question here, have
you and the other guy thought fate may
have left you two alone for a reason? That's
something to think: on. Yau never know
where love will come from, keeping your
options open 1md the ability to see
opportunity is important even to players.
Smooches Uncle Mikey
Kittens never close your mind to the
possibilities that fate may offer us. Live life
under one rule and that is simpiy - be all
you can be; young queer. Play by the rules
of love and life, while being rruc to
Do not try to live life by others standards.
Make your own happiness.
It is as I was just telling a very dear friend of
mine, Sir Comesalot, you have to seize the
moment. Believe me he did and it was a night
we won't soon forget. Life is but several
moments of possibilities. It is the Player that
keeps his eyes wide open that will find those
winning moments that makes life worth
It seems my time has &dcd faster than a trick
at sunrise. Until we meet again. Remember
Kittens: When someone asks you this season
to help stuff their turkey. They 11.fe of course
referring to cooking darling, not sympathy
sex. Oh, was I embarrassed.
Merry Cht-istmas Kittens!
Smooches Uncle Mikey (and Tiddles too).
U nclclnikey4you@Aol.com,
Uncle Milcey is " character &om Freelance writer Michael
Hln:mum. Michael h2s been writing for ten yon.
Utili,cing his 1todle1, and life cxpctiencc to help others in
his community, through humor and sound advice.
Michael applied his study of p,ychology and creative
writing, u well his extensive background in mcn12l health
Direct cue to bring a n= s:ylc and approsch to helping
othcn. Mlch..,l's other worb cJU1 be viewed at
wn p71iorcon,cnt om.
Page 22
11 States Approve
Gay Marriage Ban
StaJe.m~!'}t fr_o.rn the. Reverend
Dr. Troy D~ Perry
Foundeir and Mor::terator of ' , ""<",/.",,,~;./
Ji':'• sap . . . . . .
approved ballot measures to limit the
rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender persons to equal protection
under the marriage laws.
In the midst of today's disappoint, we
take hope. The hard work of human
rights has always been that of many
steps· forward; · arid some steps
backward. The outcome of these ballot
measures is a setback:; but only a
temporary setback, in the forward
march of justice and equality for all
These votes are powerful reminders that
it is always wrong to put human rights
and equality to a public vote. Equality
under the law, by its very · t
be afforded to all people,
LGBT people, and must nctict be based
on public popularity.
History is a powerful teacher, and gives
us hope. Had African-Americans in the
U.S. had ro wait for a public vote, their
wait for equality undet the law would
have been even longer. Thank God for
the court system in the United States.
Just as the courts righted injustices
against our African-American brothers
. and sisters, we, too, take hope that the
· courts will ultimately rule that America
must live out the promise of its
.founding documents, of liberty and
justice for .all.
We Jalute the many LGBT people in
thos~ 11 sates who, along with our
family and friends,. turned out to vote
no, on thes:OC laws and who boldly
supi:iorted equality under the law.
Thanks to so many in our community
for. being willing, · yet again, to talk
· abou.t our filmilies and our lives. This
public conversation changes public
atti°:1-des and will change laws.
· Already today groups across the U.S.
are mobilizing to challenge the
con~titutionality of these ballot
measures in the courts. I strongly
.support these efforts, and encourage all
· ,peoele of goodwill to support these
challenges with your prayers,
cominitlnent and finances.
the Reverend Dr. Troy D. Perry
performed the first-ever public same-sex
wedding ceremony in the U.S. in 1969,
and in 1970 fil,ed the first-ever lawsuit in
the US. seeking legal recognition of samegender
marriages. He was. rrwrried under
Canadian law to bis partner of 20 years,
Phillip Ray DeBlieck, in July 2003.
"That [getting married] was better,
deeper, more meaningful than I
thought it would be. I never really
invested in marriage. I come from
the g-cneration of gays that were
like; that's the straight thing to do,
that's not a part of my life. So it
wds a long journey to doing that
and, once I did it, it's huge, and it's
really more than I ever imagined."
Singer Mclissa·Etheridge on her
marriage to actress Tammy Lynn
Michads, to the Memphis gay
magazine Family & Friends, August
i j
I 1
Page 23
Creator: Paula Maitinac _has
been writing for the gay and
lesbian press for more than 20
years. She served for three years as
the co-chair of the board of
directors of New York City's
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Community Center,
where she founded a
groundbreaking reading series
called "In Our Own Write."
by Paula Marti.nae
December, 2004
Overcoming the
Red-State Blues ...
"Why Kerry Lost." "Kerry Really Won." "23
Percent of Gays Voted for Bush." "How to
Immigrate to Canada." E-mail messages with
tormenting subject lines like these, sent by
various progressive groups and individuals,
have been landmg in my mailbox at a .&st and
furious pace. Despair on the left is widespread,
because so mariy of u~ considered this election
to be the most important one of our lives, and
now we're rushing .to analyze what the results
mean for our future.
Much of the spin from the 'left seems to follow
one of two sttancfs: citlicr-Ji.mcrieans are too
stupid to up.~ef~i . . . . . . . is sliding
into fascism, or clsi .... . .. failed to
give voters _a v#Hl~,~teipaf.ivc.fo Bush. That
"--------------~ st:.i.rk dichotomy iep,indi aie of those funny
"critical issues" books we read in high school history disses, .'the ones with titles like
"Napoleon: Revolutionary or Despot?" that never allowed for a gtay area in
between the two choices. · ·
Now, in our despondency over Kerry's loss and the passage of all those anti-gaymarriage
amendments, we may not be able to see any bright spots amid the gloom -
and believe it or not, there iire a few. And no, I haven't changed my name from
Paula to Pollyant1J1.; I went trawling for positive things to cling to so that I wouldn't
go insane, and I offer them here for you to cling to, too.
1. A number of openly lesbian and gay Democratic candidates either won historic
victories or made impressive ·showings in local nces in areas of the country where
they should have lost big - the red S1:ll.tes. Consider, in particular, three courageous
lesbian candidates. Nicole LeFavour won a seat in the Idaho House of
Represent:.i.tives, becoming the first out gay official in that conservative state. Julia
Boseman garnered a place _in the Stll.te .Senate of North Carolina and will .be its first
LGBT legislator. On Bush's home turf, Lupe Valdez becomes the o~t lesbwi Latina
sheriff of Dallas County, its higliest-nnking law-enforcement official. Keep in mind
that these states aren't just red;· they're deep criinson.
The courage of these women is precisely what we'll need to see more of in coming
months and years, since a big Republican win calls for a big progressive response.
That includes many more gay people running for office. Local nices matter greatly,
sini;:e laws that affect our daily lives ?ZC Im.de in · the atatc legislatures. But also, aa we
saw this year with the amAZing Batack Obama Jn Illiriois, local political bodies can
become steppingstones to natiomi office.
2. Another ray of hope is that there was no antigay backlash at the polls in
Massachusetts, the state that sparked same-sex marmge furor across the country.
Every Massachusetts state legislator who upheld gay marriage rights won. re-dection,
and the antigay House Speaker h11.s been replaced by one who supports gay rights.
The state's proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-aex marriage may be
scrapped. Could it be Bay Smters have realized that living next to married same~sex
couples is not very different from living next to unmarried ones? ... cont.-page-26
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San
December 2004
Carson Comes Down
It's going to be a very Carson Kres~ley
Christmas over at Bravo. The favonte
gay fashiooista of hetero · makeover
candidates .everywhere is hosting .his very
first holiday special for the network that
made him a stiu-. It's called _The .
Christmas Special Christmas Special_,
and no,i you djdn•t read .that incorrectly.
This will pay tribute. to all
specials that came
way _I Love the
1:'h~ A-Team_.
the Night Visitors_ are in this party mix,
with the quippy Carson n~~g ~. and
most .likely jmgling -: all. the !it ~e
wx:app.μig · co~es off Dl=cem_,. t, with f
what Js sure o
repeats until the
Star Coob Up _Kitchen Confidential_
His _Se:t and the.City_ la,;liel! ~P-~~.t t:4eir
time hanging out in .~nc · • · · · . after
another, but now. _Sex_
Stat is going . ~ . . -
his new project. A hebwd-the-scenes
comedy about life oit the other end of
the entree, _Kitchen Confidential_ - a
half-hour series based on the memoir of
the same name by Anthony
Bourdain executive chef at New York's
Les Hall;s · restaurant - will move straight
past the la.dies who lunch and into the
fast-paced kitchens where those $99
truffle-laden hamburgers get made. The
project is now in the hands of writers,
who'll translate Bourdain•s book for the
small screen; Stat himsdf will be
supervising the pil~t ~pth_ 20th Century
Fox Television and New line TV are on
board to produce, and Romeo's mouth is
already watering in anticipation.
Set It Off Again
The very c~l 1996 women-robbingbanks
drama _Set It Off_ ended in a hail
of bullets, with three of its four main
characters on ice. So ... sequel? Why not?
And that's exactly the plan that's in the
works over at New line, with producer
Darryl Taja setting up the ~~xt chapter
in that crime spree. The onginal film
staned Jada Pinkett Smith, Vivica Fox,
Kimberly Elise, and Queen Latifah
(playing a butch lesbian with nothing to
lose) as an all-female, gun-toting gang of
desperate women in need of qttlck cash.
But since Pinkett,-Smith's character was
the lone survivor when that movie's
credits rolled, it's unclear at this point if
the sequd will involve any of the original
felons. Hey, it worked in _Teen Wolf,
Too._ Sort 0£
Kathy Griffin•• Cup Runs Over
Comedian Kathy Griffin's legion, of gay
followem - tμe woman seems to have an
a.Im.oat rdigiou1 preference for her queer &n1
- will be happy to know that after her new
concert film, _Allegedly_, drops thi1 month
on DVD, their favorite funny lady baa a
multiplex'• worth of movies heading down
the pike. In the forthcoming_ Vegas Baby_,
Griffin plays 1omcthing called a "Shc-EJvis"
(really, don't aalt); in the Cinderella story
_Dirty Love .... she stars opposite Jenny
McCarthy and Csumcn Electra; the _Blue
Lagoon_-ish _Lovcwrccked_ secs her joining
cut memben Amanda Bynes and Lance Ba11;
and in the Charle• Matthau-directed _Her
Minor Thing_, Griffin will worlt opposite
_Saturday Night Live_'1 Rachel Dratch and
former _SNL_-er Victoria Jaclt,on.
Meanwhile, if you're too lazy to commit all
that to memory, you could juat catch her on
_Hollywood Squucs_.
Page 25
G,y C.rtgiversfrom jMge-6 .
"Government agencies serv10g elders
should target funding to the gay .
community, just as th~y mr,~et .~thruc
minority elder populations, SIU~
Marjorie Cantor, professor ementus at
Fordham University Graduate School
of Social Service and a principal ..
investigator of the study.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force Policy Institute is a think ~
dedicated to research, policy analysts
and strategy development. to ~ance
greater uncferstanding and equality for
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgcnder
SAGE, Services and Advocacy for Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgcnder
Elders, is the nation's oldest and ~~st
social service and advocacy orgaruzation
dedicated to gay, bisexual and
transgcnder seniors.
Some Additional Findings in Caregiving
Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender New Yorkers:
_ One in five caregivers surveyed relied
on a member of the clergy for
emotional support around issues rdatcd
to caregiving. In contraSt, less than 1 %
of family of origin caregiv~s, and .
approximately 15% of family of ch~tce
caregivers, relied on a gay commuruty
organization for support.
- At least one-third of caregivers said
that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgcnder (LGBT) community had. a
key role to play in providing support to
LGBT caregivers. When a.sk~d why_ the
gay community should help its_ seruor
members, most respondents s~d that .
the community was best a~ ~ fo~ tts
own, reflecting an underlying belief tn
the persistence of discrimination.
_ The LGBT community-based services
in which the respondents were mo~t
interested themselves were counsding
(26%), retirement, or a_s~i~tcd ~
communities (19%), VlStttng setv1ces
(19%), and assistance with thy-to-day
tasks (14%).
_ One in five respondents had children of
their own, and 7% were grandparents. Fortysix
percent of the respondents were between
50 and 59; 35¾ were between '60 and 69; 19%
were 70 and older.
Fifty-two percent of the respondents
were single; 40% were partnered.
- Tolhy, the population of gay ~e~ors
in America. is just under three million.
By 2030, as gay baby ~oon:iers head into
their sixties . and seventies, tt could be
nearly twice that.
The foil report can be found in the Task
Force publications library at
Quotable Quotes
"Sexual orgies eliminate social tensions
b aged
and ought to e encour .
_ U.S. Supreme Court Justice_ Ant?nio
Scalia speaking at Harvard Uruvers1ty
Sept. 28, according to The Harvard
Page 26 Gay Tramers from pdge 7
Another dear friend, Tyke gave a
brunch for us at his condo which is
decorated beautifully. Tyke also is an
artist and we got to see some of his
lovely oil. pain~. We love Tyke for
many reasons and one of them is that he
loves giving wi shirts! In the photo
above at Millie's party, we ate wearing
two of the shirts that he gave us.
The iast night we were in Palm Springs
Millie Bollin, the Grande Dame of Palm
Springs ll~ciety, gave us a party at her
estate attended by exceptionally
enjoyable people in Palm Springs. She is
a rare jewel. Fun, funny, educated,
intelligent, witty, great party hostess
and just a truly NlCE person. Her
neighbor, Princess Rcg4ia. attended as
well as lots of other interesting guests.
Millie has a won9erful dog and bird to
keep her company.
People! That is what it is all about.
Meeting new, fun, cxcitlng and
interesting people. Our special
THANKS for our wonderful time in
Palm Springs goes to Tom and Doug,
o~ers of the TERRAZZO Resort.
They ~ super guys and once you stay
with them .yo_u wili :w~i: tt> return
forcrer: Th6re ii onlyon~ bad tbfug
about.the.; · however. And that
•; You simply never.
And" BlG t#~'.Y.0'11.,to Jim Poyle ~s~~~~lt:\~::::~
in QUt tt'lfVe!s: Jinfcap.Ao an~g, and
WC do.mean ~G I :.He plays
the piatto SQ b~utifally anais'.onc of
the best.bartenders in'thc cc4ritry. He is
a gr~ businessman ~d all irourid
super nice guy. Th~s Jlgi fo.t: all you
have done.
So, next time yotit bored, whynot fly
out to Palm Springs, check ·illti:i· the
TERRAZZO Resort ahdhiive yourself
a wonderful and exciting time.
usbian Notions from pg-23
3. Although the mainstream media only
reported on the gay movement's
crushing defeats in 11 states, exit polls
conducted by the National Election Pool
(NEP) found that an astounding 60
percent of Americans support some sort
of legal protection for same-sex couples.
While only 25 percent said that
protection should take the fonn of
marriage, another 35 percent favored
civil unions.
Of course, "marriage lite" is not what we
want or deserve. Still, the NEP poll
numbers are encouraging because they
point to Americans' fundamental belief
in basic civil rights. And that belief is
what we must hang on to as we continue
the struggle for full equality under the
4. In Ohio, four major public universities
whose domestic-partner benefits have
been jeopardized by that state's anti-gaymarriage
amendment have vowed to
preserve those benefits until forced to do
otherwise. Gov. Robert Taft (R.) has also
opposed the antigay measure, fearing that
it "will make it more difficult for us to
retain and attract the young. talented
knowledge workers we need to advance
Ohio's prosperity." When straight
people begin to sec g,a.y rights as being in
their own· self-interest, it's .a sign that
we're making progtcss - even when it
looks like we've lost.
These few glimmers of hope may not
seem like much after such a huge blow;
but remember that. the path of social
change proceeds like a glacier - slow and
steac;ly. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth
Cady Stanton wo.rke.d their entire lives
for women's suffrage, but didn't live to
see it. Similarly, most of us who work
for equal marriage rights may never
enjoy ·them ourselves, but we will, in
fact, have helped to change the world.
Paula M,.rti,n4c is a Lambd4 Liter11rv
- · ~and
LesbianNoti<insf//xpyndite.com .
Seo es
by Jack Fertig
December 2004
"Cover yourself, Libra!"
Mercury turns retrograde this week,
while in quincunx to Saturn. New ideas
require testing, and most will fail - . but
don't let that deter you! The biggest
challenge is to be pragmatic, sensitive,
and above all, adaptable.
ARIES (Much 21 to April 20): Arguments
are hard to avoid! Religion and politics
always make discussions more interesting
than polite. This is especially so now at
home and with family. Staying open-minded
takes special effort, but if you can manage
that, you'll be ahead.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Expressing .
grief and frustration is hard, but worth the
effort. Those feelings will get worse before
they dear away, but opening channels no:w
will help. Confide in a dose friend,
preferably someone grandmotherly.
GEMINI ~ 21 to June 21): Money
problems can strain any relationship; Now
the stress is pretty rough. It is very
important to discuss these issues. Solutions
won't come this month, but communication.
shows awareness and willingness to work on
things, and that's enough for now.
CANCER (June 22 to July 22): You're
especially vulnerable now to contagious
respiratory problems. Stay warm and dry,
and choose your company carefully.
Whether or not you deserve blame for
miscommunications at work, take
responsibility for. fixing them.
LEO (July 23 to Augnst 22): Creative blocks
will pass, but never quickly enough.
Dreams, fears, and old f.unily disasteu can
be sources of inspiration, or can at leut help
you to undentand the bloc~. Face the
grim and dark. - better to appreciate the
merry and bright.
VIRGO (August 23 to Septcinb~ 22): . In
our communities, how we redefine "family"
among our friend~ has little in the way of ·
rules or precedent. Either category has its
assumed obligations - but what are they?
You need to adjust expectations there; look
for a little turbulence, but nothing serious.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
Anything you say can and will be held
against you! Cover yourself by
consulting with authorities; and double
check all references. Things will still go
wrong, but make sure where
responsibility lies and be prepared to
take responsibility as is appropriate.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Financial problems will pop up over the
next few weeks. Think carefully about
them. Take a long view to what can be done
now to ease the cuts. Education and travel
plans may have to be reconsidered.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): Who are you as a sexual
being? That question gets opened up to
profound exploration. Reconsider your
integrity, limits, and desires. You may back
away from some situations, but you will
ultimately find something better.
CAPRICORN (December 21 to January
19): Problems with your partner are largely
in your own head, but whatever worries
and doubts you have should be discussed.
Yeah, it can get pretty messy over the next
few weeks, but in the long run it will work
out for the better.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18):
Remember that friends and colleagues are all
fallibly human. Now they are quite
frustrating, pushing you to reconsider social
commitments and long-term goals. Think
slowly and carefully. It's time· for
adjustments, not radical breaks.
PISCES (February 19 to March 19): Your
reputation is 'about to take some knocks.
Accept the challellge to adapt. With a bii of
creative hard· work,· you can figure out a way
to establish .whatever connections and bona
£ides you need to get through this.
Jack Fertig has been working as a professional
astrologer since 19 77 and is a founding member
of the Association for Astrological Nef!Working.
He can be,~~ for consultations at 415-864-
8302, throtJgh his uiebrite at
http://f flf11'flJ.St4rjackcom
Page 28 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Lodging-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. Sycamore- - - - 479-571-130
Ron's Pl11ce- - 523 W. Poplar- - - - 479-442-3052
Wild-On - - - - - -3570 W. 6th- - - - - - 479-521-9453
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkellds-10041/2 Garrison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 - -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - -479-782-1845
Arkuau, Hot Springs (501)
Club One Eleven- - - 111 Gllrden St- - - - -620-4111
Our House Lounge - 660 E. Gnnd Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Street - - - -1021 Jessie Rd- -501-664-2744
Discovery- - - -1021 Jessie Rd- - - - - - 501-666-6900
The Factory - -412 LoUWllllll St- - - -501-372-3070
Miao11rl, JopHa (417)
Ree's-••• 716 S. Main•• - -.. -417-627-9035
Mlssoarl, Kansas City (816)
Buddies - - - - - - - 3715 Main St - - - - 816-561-2600
Belle Sw's- - - - 1321 Gr11nd Ave- -816-421-1288
DB Wll!ehouse- -- 1915 Milin St- - - -816-471-1575
Misr.ie B's- - -805 W. 39th St- - - - -- - 816-561-0625
Sidestreet Bu - - - -413 E. 3rd- - - - - 816-531-1775
Sidelcicb Sllloon - 3707 Milin St- - 816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield (417)
The Edge- -424 Boo~ville Ave- - - - - --417-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar• 50-4 E. Commercial• - • • • -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821. College- - - - - - -417-864-0036
Rumon • -1109 E. Commercial- - -417-873-2225
Okluoma,•Oldakoma City (405)
Boom Rocim- 2807 NW 36th St- -- - - - -405.:.601-7200
Club Rox- - - -3535 NW 39th Expwy- 405-947-2351
Copa- - - - - - - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- -405-525-0730
Finish Line - -2200 NW 39th Expwy- - 405-525--0730
Hi-Lo Quh - - 1221 NW 50th- - - -405-843-1722
Lido- - - - - - - -2200 NW 39th_ Expwy- 4()5-5~~0730
Partners- - - - -2805 NW 36th St - - - - - 40.S.:942-2199
Sisters- - - - - - 2120 NW 39th s;. -----405!521-9533
The Rockies- - -3201 N. Ml!.Y Ave.- - - - 405-~7-9361
Topanga Grill&: Bar- 3535 NW 39th:-4()5-947-2351
. Oklaboma, Tuia (918)
Bamboo Lounp 720-4 E. Pine - • _..918-836-8700
Clnb Maverick-· 822 s. Sheridan - 918:835-3301
End Up Oub- - - 424 S. Memodal- - - 9111c-836-2480
Heads &"Tails- - 7944 E. 21st - • - - - - 9i8'660-7878
Club'~jestic- - 124 N. Botton - - - • -918'584-9494
Rencgadea- - - -1649 S, Main-• - - - -91if:5135.3405
Play-Mor-Oub- - 1737 S. Memorial - -918-838-9792
Silver Star- -1565 S. Sherid20 - - - - - -918-834-4234
Yellow Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th - - 918-293-0304
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Fairfield Inn by Marnett- - - - 417-624-7800
Catus Canyon Campground- - - . - 417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground· - - - - - - - 417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Hollywood.Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- - -405-528-2221
Eareka Springs
MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Avoca
Natural State Nanni.st!- - - - - - - . -479-451-8066
Kansas, Pittsburg {620)
Ri,cr of Life Church - 1709 N Walnut - -11.AM
PSU-QSA. . 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231--0938
Missouri, Joplin ( 417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, • - - • 6PM
UCCFF-204 N. Jack.on Ave, - - - - - -10:30.AM
.Aids Project O:i:atb- 513 Kentucky- 417-624-5788
Missouri, Spriagfleld (417)
Rllinbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison- 866-6206
Unitarian Univemlist Church - - - 417-833-2723
APO- - - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- - 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride • - - - - - - - - - - - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commericlll- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springfield- - - ~ - - - - - - - -417-889-1059
PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Cathedrlll of Hope~ - 600 NW 13th St- - 232-HOPE
The Center- - 2135 NW 39th St - - 405-524-6000
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - - - -POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklaboma, Talsa (918)
MCC United- -1623 N. Miaplewood- -918-838-1715
TOHR- c - - - - -'Fo Box 2687, Tulsa, OK 74101
GlBT Comm. Ctr- -5545 E. 41st- - •. - 918-743-4297
Page 29 The Ozarks Star
-Business Services,Missouri,
Shelter Insurance- -Greg Tainter- - 636-938-5500
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Body Swim Massage Therapy- - - • -417-825-5800
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-- -434-0077
RE/MAX- - - -Cathe Letts- - - - - -417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rllngeline Rd- - - - 417-623-1007
Joan Szymanski- Be11uty Consult,- - 417-673-1181
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's - • - • 1918 S. Glenstone • --417-881-8-4-4-4
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21 • -4301 NW 63rd #10Q- 405- 840-2106
Prucilla's- 615 E. Memorial - - - - - - 405-755-8600
Jungle Reds - - 2200 NW Expwy- • • 405-524-5733
Oklahoma, Taha
Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Huvard. - 918-747-5466
Underguy.i::om · · -825 E. 3rd- - - 877-7-BOXERS
Prucil_la's - - - - - 7925 E. 41st - - - - - -918~627~84
Priscilla's - ~ · · 5634 W. Sully - - • ·-918-#6--63~6
Priscilla's••• •11344 E. 11th•••• - 918-4iB-4224
Priscilla'ac • • - - 2333 E. 71st - - • • • - 918~~9-1661
"I was playing an Indian ~cseivation in
Montana somewhere, I looked out at the
audience and it was just truly awful. Real
American. Gothic - the old strong
farmers and wives, ind I started the act
by. askiμg: '.Aie there. any g.iy men in the
audi~hce? I want you right up at the
front.' And they made the show. Because
they laugh/' .
- Comedian Joan Rivers to London's
The Pink Paper, Oct. 1.
Page 30
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Call Vicki at Charles Burt
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Advertising Representative's
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Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Arkansas, Kansas
and Joplin. Commission based
compe~sation. Work in the LGBTS
business community.
Mail qualifications to:
Ozarks Star
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Joplin, MO 64804.
Bed. & Breakfast: Own your own
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Page 31
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~PEN w4td-sun 9pm - ·2am
Original Format
Star Media, Ltd, “[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, December 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 12,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 12, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/142.