[2005] The Ozark Star Magazine, January 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 1


[2005] The Ozark Star Magazine, January 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 1


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Ozark Star’s first issue began in August of 2004. Before this Issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) then follows The Star (2005) and The Metro Star (2008)

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Star Media, Ltd




Star Media, Ltd.


January 1, 2005


C.D. Ward
Greg Steele
Lady Bunny
Paula Martinec
Romeo San Vincente
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Michael Hinzman
Jack Fertig


The Ozark Star Magazine, December 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 12

The Star, February 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 2


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Eastern Oklahoma
Southeast Kansas
the United States of America (50 states)


···· 1~
Page 2
.i I I i
Miss Peggy Lee
A Career Chronicle
Robert Strom
Foreword by Keely Smith
Available Spring/Summer 2005
Peggy Lee holds a speciai place in the
history of American and jazz
music. From her bit n May 26,
1920, to her final recording on August
26, 1995, to the New Yorker's
obituary from February of 2002, these
chronological entries cover every
moment of her professiOnal life.
Detailed entries 'describe recordings
(both albums and songs), radio and
television appearances, her work in
films, and her songwriting efforts,
draw from interviews ·with Lee and
others, nightclub and concert reviews,
and a wealth of other sources.
Appendices list songs that Lee
performed and recorded and a selective
list of her CDs. The work concludes
with a bibliography and is illustrated
with many rare photographs.
About the Author
Author Robert Strom lives in San
Leandro, Caiifornia.
Are there not times you would
just like to ask exactly that?
How dare you?
How dare you drag me into
that argument?
How dare you refer to me in
that manner?
How dare you wear that?
How dare you color your hair
chartreuse? ·
More importantly how da::e you
show any one in our community
disrespect because you can't accept who
you are? Am I upset, YES!
Overwhelmingly so! You see when I
arrived back in j oplin in 1996. there
existed a J opjn Pride organization and
;:he first letter I read in tnei r newsletter
was from a young man ,vho ·.,:a~ tired cf
~he "prideiessne,s" of Jopl:n's Queer
Community Anci this vcung man was
moving away to where he hoped he
could find a community with some
This last t\vo \vceks has sh(nvn those
of us at the C)zark Star just ho-..v kY\V
people can reaHy be and the inability of
our con11nunit\~ to take pride in itself.
.r\ friend \vho i5 a mas~age therapist, a
legai, gcrvernn1cnt regulated, therapeutic
professional \V3S a~J~ to offer 1nore than
a massage. Sexual favors were requested
with a flippant "your family, aren't
you?" Another friend whose job is to
work closely with people living with
HIV, providing support in financial,
medical and social services was ask the
same thing ... "after all your gay!" Then
I received a phone call from someone
asking if we could get together? "Your
writing for a gay paper and don't you
preach at a gay church" so after all you
must be a homosexual and I have this
Well fantasize this! I am a gay male
not turned off by being called gay,
homosexual or faggot and am strong
being confident in myself and who I
am. I am in a loving relationship and
don't need fantasies from myself or
yours. I am a professional having spent
over thirty years in health care, having
written for two other gay oriented
magazines, having belonged to gay
support organizations, marched in
numerous protest, have won a battle to
get my job back after being fired for no
other reason but that I was gay. And
yes as a professional I am also the pastor
of the longest surviving gay
organization in Joplin, Missouri. I love
my congregation, my community and
wouid do anything for them. Do I
respect myself and am I happy with
whom I am. Absolutely!
Well fantasize this! My friend the
massage therapist is a professional
caring for her clients, maintaining the
highest standards of practice and caring
about her community. She respects
herselE, knows who she is and is willing
:o help anyone, anywhere she is. Does
she respect herself and is she happy
witl: whom she is, Absolutely!
Well fantasize this! My friend who
provides for the HIV communiry is a
professional :hat ioving cares for and
provides for her dien~s, their families
and makes every attempt co keep the
community safe. Does she respect
herself and :s she happy with whom she
is? l\bsoluteiv!
\X:eil fantasize this! A community
. ..continued-pg 15
Page 6
Dear Editor:
We received the Ozark's Star today
1st year anniversary! That is quite an
accomplishment and we are very proud
of you.
Besides writing the travel column for
you we have also got ro know you and
how truly a nice and generous person
you are. We know that only the very
best in life will prevail for you.
Again, congratulations on your 1st
anniversary. We are only glad that in
some small way we could have been a
part of it.
"Love, live, laugh ............. "
Donald Pile Ray Williams
The Gay Travelers
Dear Editor:
Congratulations on the 1st
anniversary of the Ozarks Star. We here
in Northwest Arkansas truly appreciate
your publication. You have made a
tremendous difference here in our area.
Keep up the good work.
Kelly Crissman
Studio 716
Dear Editor:
The owners and staff at REE'S Joplin
send our congratulations and
appreciations on your first year of
publication. The Ozarks Star is truly a
community asset. Thank You!
Richard, Dave, Terry, Kara, Gabe,
Austin, Robby and S.A.
REE's Nightciub, Joplin
'Denying these soldiers the
right to serve is wrong,' said
HRC Political Director
Winnie Stachelberg.
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights
Campaign lauded 12 soldiers and the
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
who filed suit today for the soldiers'
right to be reinstat~d in the U.S. Armed
Forces. All were forced to leave t-he
service under the "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" policy, which bans service by
openly gay, lesbian and bisexual soldiers.
"Denying these soldiers the right to
serve is wrong," said HRC Political
Director Winnie Stachelberg. "All have
served during the war on terror. All have
had their careers cut short because of a
discriminawry policy."
Stachelberg continued, "Our nation
needs qualified and experienced soldiers.
But under 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,'
nearly 10,000 soldiers including
docwrs, pilots, linguists and other highly
skilled soldiers - have been discharged.
We laud these 12 soldiers and the
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
for bringing this important case
The suit, Cook v. Rumsfeld, was filed
Dec. 6 in the U.S. District Court for the
District of Massachusetts and challenges
the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban's
constitutionality on privacy, due process,
equal protection and free speech grounds.
According to SLDN's press release, the
plaintiffs together have served more than
65 years in the armed forces, including
operations in the Middle East, and have
earned more than five dozen awards,
medals and commendations.
"American soldiers are risking their
lives for the freedoms of others while
being denied their own," added
Stacheiberg. "It's time for every soldier
to be treated equally."
The Human Rights Campaign is proud
to work w°lth SLDN and other groups on
behalf of gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender Americans in the military.
Visit: www.hrc.org.
"Traveling in the gay friendly world"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
The Golden Age"
There are dozens and dozens of reasons for
,__ _____________ _, traveling. Seeing new sights and sounds of a
new area that vou have never been to before is
fun but for us one of the finest rewards about traveli~g is meeting new and exciting
people. On our recent trip to West Hollywood we stayed at the Secret Garden Bed
and Breakfast, www.secrecgardenbnb.com where we always stay. The owner,
Raymond Bilbool is a fabulous host and that is why guests return all the time. And
because Raymond is so fabulous he gets a very eclectic group of guests that stay with
\)'./bile there we met Rick McKay, the New York City film maker. His new
movie, BROADWAY: The Golden Age recently came out and it is a truly outstanding
work of art. It is the most important, ambitious and comprehensive film ever
made about America's most celebrated indigenous art form. It is award-winning
filmmaker Rick McKay's journey over 4 continents and 5 years to find out whether
there had been a golden age of theatre and why it had never been documented. He
soon learned that great films can be restored, fine literature can be kept in print
but historic Broadway performances of the past are the most endangered. In their
own words and not a moment too soon "Broadway: The Golden Age tells the
stories of our theatrical legends, how they came to New York, and how they
created this legendary century in American theatre. This may be the last chance
that these stories may be documented, for unlike film and television, live theatre
exists only in the memories of those who were there watching, or more importantly,
creating this magic. The movie tells the stories of these legendary stars while
illustrating their tales with amazing, rare, archival performance footage and their
own home· movies and photos.
It is truly unbelievable how Rick McKay got interviews with all of these outstanding
talents. A few of rhe many, many theatre entertainers that he interviewed
are: Carol Channing, Angela Lansbury, Harold Prince, Stephen Sondheim, Carol
Burnett, Julie Harris, Carol Lawrence, Gwen Verdon, Nanette Fabray, Elaine
Srritch (who is our favorite), Marian Seldes (another big favorite of·ours), Uta
Hagen, Ben Gazzara, Robert Morse, Chita Rivera, Jerry Orbach plus dozens of
Rick has a very '.!!lcanny ability to bring om the best of these people while he
interviewed them and they all teli about their past experiences on the Broadway
stage. The movie is completely mesmerizing.
The movie has won ciozens of aw:uds induding: Audience Award at the Palm Beach
International Film Festival and Best Documentary at the San Diego Film Festival. Some o~
the critical reviews on the moYie are: "An essential record of Broadway history that every
theatre-goer MUST see .... " Qeffrey Lyons, NBC), "Do not miss this absolute stunner of a
film. TI1ere is magic in it:'' (Pete: Travers - RolJing Stone Magazice), "A rip-roari:1g good
time! iike 111 minutes of paradise\" (Robert Osborne-The Hollywood Reporter), "Magic. ..
McKay pusned his stars to remember things in astonishing detail. Sandwiched becween
archival stills and rare stage footage, these stars reveal themselves, ............ continued page-26
Page 8
Scattered over some 1 million
square kilometres of ocean, the Gay
& Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea
Islands were declared independent
from Australia in 2004.
The Patliitnieot of the Gay Kingdom presumes that the Coral Sea Islands are not
holdings of the Australian Government or the Commonwealth, as the Islands have
never bef().(e been peopled until the gay migration in 2004.
The ceding of the holdings of the Coral Sea Islands from the British Crown to the
Australian Government and the Commonwealths Coral Sea Islands Act of 1969 is
dubious as:'no British or Australian flag bas ever been raised in the territory, nor has
there ever: .~en any recording of anyone formally proclaiming the Coral Sea Islands
as part ,;,J .the British/ Australian Crown. In fact historically the only flag to ever fly
in the tt;m,tory is the gay rainbow flag which was formally raised on Cato Island (the
highest;'poilit in the 1 million square km territory) a plaque commemorating this
historic ·event reads
On the 14th day of June 2004. at this the highest point in the
Co . Parker Anderson raised the gay rainbow flag and claimed
the .;@laiitls,sof the Co~ Sea in his name as homeland for the gay and lesbian peoples
of tlie \v6tld. God Save our King!"
C~: The Island of Heaven, formally known as Cato Island, Queensland,
Australia. The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands offers a policy of
automatic citizenship to gays and lesbians, similar to Israel's right of return. For
more information go to the official website: www.gaykingdom.org.
Page 9
CONTACT US: 417·437·2275
SE SEEN WITH ,.-JwtE ST~-AR; AD~RTISE W ' ~,... .. ..
Page 10 Joplin Couple
Host Fifth
Christmas Open
by Star writer Greg Steele
Dec 5th, 2004
Tom Walton and Tim Baker held
their 5th open house Christmas
. .. .. . .. :;. . . . : Charity for "Aids Project of the
Ozark'~!' (M~P>) on Sunday December 5th. A crowd of more that 75 friends, neighbors
and family~m~inbers filled Tom and Tim's recently purchased home. Each guest
donated riori perishable household items such as laundry soap, bleach, toiletries, dish
soap,. paper t0wels and many other daily living essentials. All donations will be
distributed to A.PO members who depend .on APO and other organizations to survive.
Many memb.ers only source of income ,is Social Security monthly payments and a
meager amonnt of food stamps. The state food stamp program allows recipients to
purchase only food items, all other items that are necessary to function day to day are
out of poclcet expense. .
We who think nothing of buying a pack of bar soap don't realize people who p;y
rent and utilities. on $600 per month or less go without many of these goods.
Tim and Tom work very hard each year on their project, providing food and
beverage for the guest .to enjoy this once a year worthy event. Over 100 items were
collected this year. A great showing of Christmas Spirit by the Joplin GLBTA .community.
It's a party everyone looks forward too each holiday season, a time to see old
friends, make new acquaintances and to have a great time. More important to exercise
our giving spirit.
Congratulations to Tim and Tom on another successfui open house. You are truly
appreciated by your community.
You may contact "Aids Project of the Ozarks" at 417-624-5788 or Spirit of Christ
MCC Joplin at 417-206-6179 to contribute.
· Rodney Burgamy
Joe Brennan
www .c21-goldc::astle~mm
Page 11
a I t e
The Ozarks Star
V e
716 w. sycamore Fayetteville, AR
479-571-1300 www.studio716.net
OPEN wed-sun 9pm - 2am
c I u b
WEDNESDAYS: Cruisn' for rhe Hook-up on HUMP-DAYl Happy Hour $5
Beer Bust
THURSDAYS: Karaoke rill' 12 then it's the Piastic Thursday Dance Party with
FRIDAYS: Friday Night get WILD wid: DJ "JUX" & the Best Mix of HipHop,
Tech & YOUR requests all night long!
SUNDAYS: The Queens of NWA@ 11:30 Every Sunday & DJ "IRISH"
Spinning all night long!!
Page 12
4815 South Harvard Ave., Suite 424
Tulsa, OK 74135-3068
Phone: (918) 747-5466
Email: KellyKirbyCPA@sbcgiobal.net
or. King Size Bads.
Serving the tax and
accounting needs of the
GLBT Community since
Page 13
1s1as. Gien$t6ne ·
Office Licensed in Missouri,
Arkansas, Illinois &
This Is Shelter Country.
Here in our community you will
find Shelter Agent Greg Tainter.
We're proud to serve this community
and our customers. Call today
and ask about our services.
Life-Worker's Comp.-Home-Auto-Farm-Business
Greg W. Tainter, LUTCF
Post Office Box 339
Eureka, Missouri 63025
Tel: (636) 938-5500
Fax: (636) 938-3539
Page 15 The Ozarli:s Star
taking pride in itself, knowing that it can
and ·will rise above all things to make this
a community that includes everyone,
vou see it's not the "straight folk" that
~et us apart. It is our own inability to
take pride in ourselves, to respect
ourselves and to love ourselves.
It is the inability to have enough
pride, love and respect to support our
own community. It is the inability for
G/L/B/T owned or managed businesses
to offer support to the community they
expect to support them by using their
products or services. On a recent trip, I
found that the local MCC never has to
buy flowers for their Sunday events. The
local florist ( of course we know that
none of the florist in town are family )
take flowers that they know will not
remain fresh enough to sell and make
arrangements for the sanctuary for
Sunday and then has someone from the
church pick them up on Saturday. One
of the local motels always discounts the
cost of rooms for the church to have
guest speakers and performers coming to
town. The amazing thing here is that
thev are not members of the church but
see. the importance of supporting the
No one has the right to ask you for
sexual favors or knock on your door and
offer money for sex because they think
that is what all of us do. We do not live
in a "Queer As Folks" world but in a real
world that won't respect us till we
respect ourselves.
And while we are on it! Taking pride,
respect ·and loving ourselves includes
supporting our
community. I have lived
from the tip of Florida
to the northern parts of
California and have
for this magazine to continue it must
rely on support from businesses
advertising in it. Advertising in the Star
does not mean you are gay or lesbian or
in distinct variation of the sexual family.
Real Estate Agents, Hotels, Accountants,
Insurance Agents and others
have advertised here and the distribution
list has grown to 3,300 with a goal of
5 000 next month but will we still be
h~re? If you do have a business and are a
member of this community you should
be advertising in the Star. There is no
reason not to. There is every reason to.
Take pride, respect and love in
yourself and do the right thing.
Till Next Month. G?99unte
Steve Urie is the pastor of Spirit of Christ MCC
Joplin ,md is ii professional in the health care
industry. Dedicatd to helping others and
building community pride. Steve can be
contacted by email at: steve@ozarksstar.com
Quotable Quotes
"Barbra Streisand is not the only
'Babs' to have commanded the
attention of gay men. Barbara Bush
the Younger, 22-year-old daughter
of George W. Bush ... is fast
developing a reputation as a 'fag
hag' extraordinaire." -
The lead on a Nov. 4 article in the
New Haven (Conn.) Advocate.
never seen a community
magazine the quality of
the Ozark Star. Our
editor is doing a
CDoy CO~eOM8 8- t ffiUtgs <:Bouttque
wonderful job of putting
this magazine out there
for you and it is
distributed FREE. But
...... , .... ,.-ca...-,s..s
719 NII• --•• & W...'1 L..,_
.ilpli1, MO 64t0t Nu Sins
0,.. J--,, ,,..., 1~#1pm ~t IO#'it>l'II
P~ 16 2004's ~xiest Star Scene
Page 18
ceTea.ms Win
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARK. - Diversity Pride Events awarded $1000 each to the top
three 'GOLDEN OLDIES' dance teams during the annual Fall Diversity Weekend on
Saturday, November 6, 2004. Judges chose the best teams in three categories: (MaleFemale)
Don McClung and Sandy Miller, (Male-Male) Mark Short & Christopher
Jones and (Female-Female) Evelyn Chronister and Trini Kaukver. .
The Contest w-as the highlight of the GOLDEN OLDIES Dance that featured
music from the 1940's to the present, as spun by DJ Jason Watts. The event was
produced to provide a venue. for the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender)
/PFLAG (Parents, Friends; & Families of Lesbians and Gays) communities, to
promote parity for all-gcn~er dancing and to inspire dancers to think 'out of the box'
when they dance. "It's a great opportunity to explore fresh new dynamics in couple
dancing, says Producer Deborah Rose, "regardless of gender combinations or sexual
For a second and more CONTEMPORARY dance, Diversity Pride Events
brought in big city circuit DJ, Lydia Prim, who delighted men and women dancers
with her own special blend of tribal, trance and house music. Prim spins at top name
events from 'Provincetown's 4th of July, NewYork Pride to Jeffrey Sanker's
internationally renowned White Parties in Miami and Palm Springs, and is resident
DJ in many famous' clubs all. over the world. Prim expressed her appreciation of the
friendliness and generosity of the people of Eureka Springs and the high level of
professionalism of the producers and crew. Prim made it clear she wants to perform
in Eureka again.
Diversity Pride Events will next feature a special Valentine's Dinner and Dance for
the GLBT/PFLAG community on Saturday, February 19, 2005. To please dancers of
all ages, DJ Jason Watts will play favorite dance hits from the 1940's to 2005, with a
little bit of country mixed in! For more details, log on to
http:/ /www.diversitypride.com or call 479-253-2555
Based in the heart of the Ozarks, Diversitv Pride Events invites vou to visit our
little town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, for Fall & Spring Diversity Weekends,
romantic Valentines Geciways, special Concerts & other Pride Events. Diversity
Pride .Events is committed to producing quality events for Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals,
and Transgender (GLBTs) and Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gavs
(PFLAGs). .
Page 19
Gay Anti-Violence Programs
Decry ABC News Segment
on Shepard Murder
Sa' 20/20 Segments Intent is To
M Victim and Cause Pain
for mily and Community
New York • November 26, 2004 · Responding
to the airing of an ABC News 20/20 segment
on the murder of Matthew Shepard,
representatives of the National Coalition of
Anti-Violence Programs (NCA VP) called the
segment irresponsible, biased, shameful, and
The gist of the segment, which purports to
uncover evidence and details not raised or
discussed in the 1999 trial of Aaron
McKinney, one of the two men accused of
murdering Shepard, is diat the mu:der was
not hate-moti,ared, but instead motivated by
drug use.
"The fact is rhat ciiere 1s nothing significant
in che 20/20 progr201 tnat wasn't raised
during the trial," s:iid Clarence Plltton,
NCA VPs Acting Excn:tive Director. "One
has ;:o question th:c motivation of the show's
producer~ in no! only attempting :o engage in
revisionist h:story, but in doing so at this
pcint in time, as our nation's lesbian anci gay
community is fighring for its iife to :m extent
not seen in years.'~
According to data gathered by NC'\ VP,
anti-iesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
violence increased 26% nationaliy at the end
of 2003, and has continued to rise throughout
I ",vas in Laramie after i\ifattbe\v~s murder,
and at the trial his
acknowledged that
they killed him
because of his sexual
orientation, and
they in fact offered a
homosexual panic
defense," said Jeff
NCA VPs Board CoChair.
The 20/20
segment focus is on
the role the
"Crystal Meth"
played in the
behllvior of McKinney and Russell
Henderson, Shepard's killers.
"That drugs may have played a role in a
violent crime and in this murder is not
news," said Patton. He continued, "Everyone
knows that drugs and alcohol often play a
part in hate crimes llnd bias-related incidents,
as they do with most forms of violent crime
from domestic violence to rape and sexual
assault to murder. Drug llnd alcohol use by
perpetrators can fuel the intensity of the
violence in an any one incident, increase the
willingness of perpetrators to act out hateful
impulses, or be used as a intentionil
motivator to carry out a planned attack."
"However, such brutal and severe violence
and leaving someone to die tied to a fence is
not a marker of drug-fueled violence; it is a
marker of hate violence," added
"Had 20/20 actually wanted w do a fair
and balanced story on this or any other antigay
hate murder, they would have reached
out to experts on anti-gay hate violence • they
didnt; had they wanted to examine the
impact or prevalence of drug use in violent
crime or hate crimes, they would have
reached out to criminlll justice officials or
hate vioience victim advocates _.,jth expertise
:n those areas they didn't; rod those are
oniy two among many factors in determining
that the rea: goal of this story wasn't to
urrcar:h new informlltion or even report
adciitional context, but to malign the vicrim,
mortify his family and inflict pain on the
larger LGBT community that came to
icientify with Matthew, his life, and the fear
that we all :ive with as a comm..:nity under
attack," conciuded Patton.
http:/ /www.ncavp.org.
Page 20
Ask Uncle Mikey
Advice Column!
January 2005
Hello Kittens-another New Year is here. Out with the old
and in with the new, as it were. As a community, Uncle
encourages all you young and old queens and twinks alike
to make this, year of the queer. Strive for better things
while displaying our pride all year long. Uncle has made
his new years resolutions while pondering years gone by.
i.;._·..:::1.:...c. . _____ __:;=:....i Dear Uncle:
I am in a relationship that I do not know how to get
out 0£ I have been with her now for six years, and she does not know 1 have fallen
out of love with her. She is a fragile person, with a very bad self-image. When I think
of telling her I begin to feel guilty and chicken out of telling her, that there is
someone else in which my heart truly belongs too. I do not want to lose the
friendship, and would never want to hurt her, but I do not know what to do. Any
Lost interest
Dear Lost:
Kitten-First you must be true to ypurself, if you ever truly ·wish to love another.
In reality the worst drama have been developed by the best of intentions. You arc
prolonging the hurt, and increasing the amount she will feel. You are hurting her by
staying with her when you know inside that you do not love her. Allow her to find
love and yourself. As for the friendship, you better watch your back to begin with
and hope once she has calmed down, that she will be able to forgi:ve you. While
preparing for the fact, that she may never be able to do so. No matter what the
outcome you must be true "'-ith feelings of the heart, or risk dealing with the bitter
fruit of false affections.
As a lesbian goes, Cncle wouldn't cross one, if they paid me too. Telling someone
that you love them no matter who you are, is a bad thing. To tell a lesbian that you
love her when you do not, well, that is asking for it. The only one you are truly
hurting is yourself, as you will reap what you sew. Right now Lesbians everywhere
reading this are thinking to themselves, "It better not be you missy!"
Dear Uncle:
I am passive person by nature, and therefore in most of my relationships, find myself
in the passive role. This is perfectly all right with me, as it makes me happy. My
friends though have been riding me telling me I am a big queen. I am so over this in
my life, and frustrated with everyone sticking a label on me. I am who I am. flow can
I make everybody understand this is reaily who I am and am not trying to be some
stereotype? My one friend has a habit of saying look its just Jack, which annoys me
to no end. I most times <lo not say anything to him, but I am just on:r everybody
acting like there is something wrong with me. ·
Quite Queenly
Dearest Queenly,
Oh, gurrl- work it as if you own it. There is nothing wrong with being Flambeyant.
Uncle has had to deal with this very issue throughout his life. Some days I am
queenly and fabulous and others J am a bit butch. Mind you, Butch for Uncle is
getting the nail polish bottle opened. However, be who you are young queen, and
allow the light of your soul to shine bright. Allow these others to continue being a
negative Nancy. It is so discouraging to hear of Gay men judging another like this.
This is what the straight worid does to us, and that is tiresome in itself. However, do
nor try to live by labels, and stereotypes . ............. continued nex page
Page 21
(41 7) 627-9035 •
Remember fairies are what makes the
worid bright.
Hollywood smooches to you darlingTwo
snaps and a wink
Uncle encourages even the most of
Butch men out there w get in touch with
their queenly side. It is that balance
which aliows us to be the fabulous
people we arc. You never know until
you try.
\'{'ell, Kitrens, it is almost that time
again. Therefore, Uncle wishes you aU a
,cry Happy New year this 2005!
Remember Kittens: Holiday cheer
rnay con1e once a year, but the happy
<jueer comes all year. L'nti! we meet
again-Holiday smocchcs from Uncle
I\Iikcy and Tiddles !<Vi.
i)ndc ;\{ikcy i~ ~l ,::ht.r<Kt:,:,; from l1rcd:i;ic;;; "',Yrirt:r ~fo . .:hac!
Hinziniln- ;,.fich~d h:..5 been wzitinp; for ten ycazs.
Ucifo:int; bis 3-tud;e$, and life expnie11<:i:: to hdp od,~n; in
his cnmmuni;;:y~ through humor an<l ~oun<l 21,h-"ice.
.:.\lich~,d ~pplied hi~ study of p~ychology and crt~tivt"
-..n:iring, ;.~ wcH h1$- c:,:t<'nsivc background in m{;ni1?l he?,ich
Din:ct care 10 hr:in~t .:. m.:1.v :•tyk and :--ppro-adl w hdpm.g
athcrs, :\lkh.-d'$ other \Vorks cnn be ":icwe.<l M
Page 22
Message from Dr. Troy D. Perry
Founder and Moderator of
Metropolitan Community Churches
New LGBT Marriage and
Victories Around The
December 9, 2004
Around the world, the cause of LGBT partner
and marriage rights is moving forward!
LGBT people, along with our friends and
families, are celebrating four significant victories
this week for same-sex marriage.
Look at what has been achieved this week
CANADA We actually experienced two
·victories in Canada this week! Canada's
Supreme Court has ruled that the federal
government can broaden the definition of
marriage to include same-sex couples and that it can be applied across the nation.
In a related decision, the Court ruf ed that churches and religious officials cannot
be forced to perform same-gender marriages against their belief. MCC wholly
supports this riiling, believing that all religious groups should have the freedom to
practice the tenets of their faith. .
At this point, six provinces and one territory have made same-sex marnage legal
- and this ruling paves the way for same-sex marriage to be instituted across all of
Canada. A final vote in Parliament is set for early next year.
Once again, I salute the pioneering work of the Reverend Dr. Brent Hawkes and
the congregation of Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto. This church,
under Rev. Hawkes' leadership, won the first-ever legal case for same-sex marriage in
Ontario's Supreme Court, paving the way for nationwide LGBT marriage rights in
all of Canada.
1bis week's legal decision opens new possibilities for MCCers as we prepare to
gather in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in July 2005 for MCC's General Conference &
World Jubilee. Originally, MCC was prepared to exercise our prophetic voice hr
carrying our struggle for marriage equality to the holdout province of Alberta; it
now appe.ars that same-sex marriage may be fully legal in Alberta by the time our MCC
conference begins next year in Calgary! Praise God!
NEW ZEALAND 1bis week, New Zealand passed a national law giving LGBT
couples the same legal rights as married heterosexual couples. The new Civil Union Bill
allows same-sex couples to register their relationships with the government, and
grants legal equality. In many places, Civil Union Bills are an important st~p on the
way to foil marriage equality.
Earlier this year, in my role as Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches, I wrote
personal letters to every member of the New Zealand Parliament. I asked that they act to
protect the legal rights of their same-sex citizens by adopting the proposed Civil Union Bill. I
am gratified that those requests have been honored.
I want to salute the important and tireless work done by MCC leaders Neil Hellewell and
Tony Maskill of All Saints MCC in Christchurch, New Zealand. We owe them a debt of
gratitude for the incredible amount of work they put into this effort, along with Rev. Doug
McGee and the congregation of MCC Auckland, and Rev. Leigh Neighbor and the members
of Ecclesia MCC Manukau. Their hard work will make a real and profound difference in the
lives of thousands upon thousands of LGBT New Zealanders, and sets a noble example for
countries around the world . ........... continued page 25
Page 23
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and
lesbian press for more than 20
years. She served for three years as
the co-chair of the board of
directors of New York City's
Lesbian Notions
by Paula Martinac
Ja.nuary 2005
I'm not employed in a factory, office building,
or school; to start work every morning, all I do
is mosey upstairs to my home office and turn
on the computer - an enviable set-up,
considering many people's. way-less-than-ideal
working conditions. Still, I face a grave
occupational hazard, and it's bigger than carpal
tunnel syndrome: I ,am a lesbian journalist at a
time when the news- from the gay front has
been brutally devastating. Indeed, for those of
us who work in lesbian and gay media or
activism and must read the headlines every day,
the onslaught of "toxic news" is one of the
perils of our jobs. · ·
Psychotherapists say that the accumulation
of negative everi,ts has a particularly harmful
impact on mental health. For example, if you
--------------- have one love affair tum sour, it will hurt; but
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Community Center,
where she founded a
groundbreaking reading series
called "In Our Own Write."
if several relationships tank in a row, that can be injurious to your long-term
emotional health.
In a similar way, I've been feeling the snowballing effect of a number of terrible
gay-related news reports. No, not simply terrible, like the passage of 11 antigay
amendments in one day; the reports I'm referring to are more _Twilight Zone_-esque.
In fact, three recent stories made me feel like I had entered an alternate reality - or
maybe was living in a quasi-fascist state. Not coincidentally, all three of the stories
have to do with religion.
Story No. 1: "Methodist Jury Convicts Lesbian Minister." Of child abuse?
Embezzling church funds? No, Beth Stroud, a United Methodist Church minister,
was found "guilty" of living openly in a committed relationship with another woman.
Shocking! This decision was handed down by a church whose marketing slogan is,
hypocritically, "Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors."
Story No. 2: "Gay Civil Unions 'Grave Sign of Dehumanization,' Says Vatican
Cardinal." By that statement, Cardinal Lopez Trujillo, one of the Roman Catholic
Church's highest-ranking representatives, didn't mean that civil unions "dehumanize"
gay couples because they reduce them to second-class status something a civil-rights
lawyer might, in fact, argue. He meant that any form of legal recognition of same-sex
relationships - even if it isn't called marriage "dehumanizes" heterosexuals by
"inventing new, unacceptable notions of marriage," God's plan for the world. (I'm
guessing that Trujillo chose the word "dehumanizing" because he sees our next step as
trying to marry our pets.)
Story No. 3 (and this is the clearest "we live in a fascist state" example): "Two
Networks Reject Church Ad as Too 'Controversial."' Because it dishonored Judaism
or Islam or some other non-Christian religion? Because it avowed that "God Hates
Fags"? No and no again. The advertising message the United Church of Christ (UCC)
wanted to offer American television viewers, including lesbian and gay couples, was
"You're welcome here." CBS had an eerily _Pravda_-like explanation for its decision
not to accept the UCC spot: "The Executive Branch has recently proposed a
Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a
woman, [so] this spot is unacceptable for broadcast."
These stories nir me with unusual force, .......... co:itinued pagc-26
Deep Inside
by:Romeo Sao
January 2005
Mischa Barton
Meets Bf..l~caccio
It's probably just the tbing that
Mischa Barton wanted for Chrismukkah:
a chance to stretch her acting wings with
a movie role that has nothing to do with
her media-frenzied life as a star of _The
O.C._ And if negotiations continue to go
her way, audiences will get a chance to
see the teenage actor starring in a new
film adaptation of _The Dccamcron_
(the first since legendary gay director
Pier Paolo Pasolini's 1971 version). One
of the classics of world literatute,
Giovanni Boccaccio's story of a group of
10 young Florentines escaping the Black
Plague in the 1300s and telling each other
100 stories to pass the time remains as
entertaining and bawdy - and often
pretty queer - today as it did then. And
with nine more young, pretty actors
needed to fill in the cast, it could all tum
out to be more like a 14th-century
_O.C._ than anyone could have
Sarsgaard's Active Duty
Good thing military-themed movies
aren't playing the "don't ask, don't tell"
game, or _Jarhead_, the upcoming Desert
Storm drama from director Sam Mendes
(_American Beauty_j, would be short a
couple of key cast members. The newest
recruit to enlist in the cast is Peter
Sarsgaard, a young actor whose career so
far has been steeped in queer-themed
indie films like _Boys Don't Cry_,
_Kinsey_ - in which his bisexual
character beds both Liam Neeson and
Laura Linney - and the upcoming Craig
Lucas film, _The Dying Gaul_, in which
he plays gay. And Jake Gylleohaal, who
just learned what it's like to make out
with Heath Ledger onscreen io the
upcoming _Brokeback Mountain_, costars.
Who says military life and
queerness don't mix?
Ruffalo Yells for Stella
Audiences can't seem to get enough of
that troubled gay playwright Tennessee
Williams. His plays are constantly in
production somewhere, and every actor,
male and female, wants a chance to play
the roles the man wrote. So it's oo
surprise that yet another revival of _A
Streetcar Named Desire_ is in the works.
This time out, Mark Ruffalo will play
the brutish Stanley Kowalski and
Natasha Richardson will take on Blanche
Dubois. Previews begin in New York in
March, running through June 19. And
it's all going to 1:llke place at Studio 54,
former home of the _Cabaret_ revival,
which seems appropriate in some
discreetly old-school gay way.
From Small Sentence to Big Screen
When former _Sex and the City_
writers Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
wrote the sentence, "He's just not that
into you," little did they know how it
would all tum out. That one line, which
became an episode plot and then a bestselling
tongue-in-cheek dating guide
titled, yes, _He's Just Not That Into
You: The No-Excuses Truth to
Understanding Guys_, is now on its way
to the big screen. New Line can take the
credit for seeing the box-office potentiai
in this comic premise, and the · authors
were forward-thinking enough to
develop a plot line for a film before
selling the book rights, one in which a
female talk-show host becomes "sort of'
involved with a man who guests on her
show. No cast is set yet, but any number
of fresh-faced Hollywood ladies would
shine in something like this. Romeo
thinks the easily typecastable Kate
Hudson could use a hit right about now.
Just a thought. ------
Page 25
Rev. Troy Perry from page-22
A South African court has ruled this week
that same sex marriages must be recognized
in the same way as heterosexual marriages,
under the nation's constitution.
South Africa, as you may know, was
the first nation in the world to provide
legal p):otections for gays and lesbians in
its country's constitutio.n.
~'J:,ile the Supreme Court has ruled
in favor of LGBT equality, the
Parliament of South African must now
act to reform the nation's Marriage Act
to include same-sex couples.
I thank God for the many South
African MCCers who continue to do
important work on behalf of social
justice as an expression of their Christian
faith. In many ways, South Africa is a
beacon for all of us.
And our LGBT brothers and sisters in
Israel have achieved another victory for
etjuality and justice as a district court has
ruled that same-sex couples must have the
same rights as common law couples when
it comes to matters of property, taxation
and inheritance. Israel's attorney general,
Menachem Mazuz, will not appeal the
Th.is is another significant ruling that
moves our community closer to equality
under the law. According to this
decision, same-sex partners will be
recognized in matters of taxation and
real estate, and will also be able to
transfer gifts between themselves
without paying taxes.
The prayers of the ancient prophet
who prayed that "justice might roll
down as waters, and righteousness like a
mighty stream"' are being answered in
this birthplace of our faith.
While much of the media have focused
on the recent election losses in the
United States, we must look at the
bigger picture. Around the globe, many
nations are advancing the cause of
equality for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and
transgender persons.
With all the talk today about moral
values in the aftermath of the U.S. elections,
the reality is that the most noble moral
values of tolerance, acceptance, etJUality and
justice are being advanced in many places
around the globe.
My own country of the United States
must learn from the example of other
countries where equality is being
achieved for LGBT people.
I have. said many times that the
struggle of social justice work is that of
many steps forward, and some steps
backward. This is the journey towards
equality. I take heart this week that our
brothers and sisters .around the globe are
making giaht strides for us to follow.
During. this season of hope, we are
heartened by these international
advances, and reaffirm our faithful work
and prayers on. behalf of peace and justice
in all places.
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711
Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the
Ozarks, MCC Joplin offers free HIV
testing the last Sunday of each month
between 5PM and 6PM. For your
convenience you can also call 206-6179 for
an appointment. We use the Ora-sure
method which docs not require the use of
needles and we offer complete
confidcntiaiity. You may also request
Booklets on AIDS for People of Faith
through the PO Box listed above.
Spirit of Christ MCC Joplin
"&roing A Healthier Community"
Page 26 Gay Travelers from page 7
their art and their lives, all with so much
love and appreciation that, for a while
you wish you could have been a part of
something as bonding, fulfilling and
special· as Broadway's theater community
..... Broadway: The Golden Age
finally evolves into an indispensable
history of the hopes, fears, trials, defeats
and victories of those brave enough to
step into the limelight of a Broadway
stage and make it their home." (Dano
Gire, Chicago Daily Herald). Rex Reed
wrote "riveting, Heart-skipping, exhilarating..
the most enchanting movie I have
seen this year" and Leonard Maltin wrote
"you must see the wonderful film ... The
result is almost indescribably powerful
and moving". And to add to what these
critics have already said, we urge all of
our readers to purchase this movie on
DVD. It will be something that you will
cherish for years to come. •
We have seen the movie 4 times and
can't wait to see it again and again.
Anyone and everyone who is into
Broadway simply MUST see this movie.
And it is now out on DVD. The movie
is great however the DVD is even better
since there are several hours more in the
Director's Commentary, deleted scenes
and a sneak preview of his next movie,
BROADWAY: The Next Generation.
The movie is playing all over the United
States so be sure and check your local
theatre listings to find it. And by going
to: www.broadwaythemovie.com you
can read more about the movie and Rick
McKay. You can also purchase a copy of
the DVD by going to that website.
· Besides Rick McKay being a brilliant
filmmaker he is also a wonderful person
who is witty, charming, intelligent and
extremely fun and fuonv to be around.
So, when you are traveling talk to
everybody as you never know just who
you might meet. For any questions
about traveling in the gay friendly world,
email Donald and Ray at
gaytravelers@aol.com or visit their web
page at:
www .hometown.aol.com/ gaytravelers
Lesbian Notions from pg-23
because as a queer editor and writer I
have tried not to trample on people's
religious beliefs, especially those chat
diverge sharply from my own. Indeed, I
have written that I think our community
has failed to respect the strong religious
ideas many people of faith hold about
the "sanctity" of marriage, and that has
subsequently hindered our struggle for
Now here come three reports that
clearly illustrate the difficulty of
addressing people's religious beliefs headon,
given entrenched, institutionalized
homophobia. Io the first two stories,
prominent religious institutions chose to
debase gay people by equating our
relationships with crimes - either against
selectively applied church law, or (as in
Trujillo's case) against nature itself. If
that's not "spiritual violence" - as the
Rev. Mel White's Soulforce calls "the
misuse of religion to sanction the
condemnation and rejection of any of
God's children" I don't know what is.
The third story, though, is the real
eye-opener. In that instance, when a
religious sect sought to interpret Christ's
teachings with the simple, all-embracing
message of "You're welcome here,"
corporate America put a lid on the
attempt, deciding that the message was
just too contentious. (Read: Our .
president, who was helped into power by
right-wing, aotigay fundamentalists,
wouldn't like it.) This is a good example
of what screenwriting guru Robert
McKee calls "the negation of the
negation" - when someone sees injustice
and tries to right it, only to· discover to
his or her horror that the powers-that-be
are themselves corrupt.
I'm not sure how to deflect the
devastating blows that this kind of news
delivers, although getting angry is
probably a pretty good start. Remember
that popular saying, "Don't mourn,
organize"? I, for one, will keep climbing
to my third-story office and writing, and
my readers, hopefully, will find
themselves with no choice but to act.
_Paula Martinac is a Lambcia Literary Awardwinning
author of eight books and editor in
chief of Q Syndicate. She can be reached care
of this publication or at
by Jack Fertig
January 2005
"Bring rubber gloves, Virgo!"
Mars in Sagittarius square to Uranus in Pisces
makes for an explosive New Year's Eve!
Anything can happen, from kissing Ms. or
1'.fr. Right, to traffic disasters. Keep a dear
head and your eyes forward!
ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Gathering
all your "friends with benefits" to "wring in
the nude" may be illegal in certain U.S.
states and Tasmania, but Murphy's Law is
more relevant. However you celebrate,
make sure to play with clear heads and clean
TAURUS (April 21 to Mii.y 20): Career
goals are kind of fi.\zzy these days, and
"helpful" suggestions from your partner or
colleagues aren't helping - in fact, too iμany
suggestions can be dizzying. Better they ·
should lend an ear while you talk through
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Be careful
whom you kiss at midnight! Whatever's
going around has your name on it. Pressure
at work can also undermine your health.
Stress and snafus feed inro each other. Stop,
meditate, and then return to work calm and
CANCER 0une 22 to July 22): Sexual
adventure is way too tempting. Adventure is
good, but for heaven's sake, be careful!
Anything could go wrong now, from
sprained backs to torn latex to ... well,
anything! Be as creative and thoughtful
about safety as you are about sex.
LEO 0uly 23 to August 22): Host a party
only if you can dean up in a hazmat suit -
and if you know where to hide the bodies!
A wild ceiebrarion for two at home is great.
If you want to socialize more than that, go
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): No,
darling, you can only make New Year's
resolutions for yourself! I know you want to
be hdpful, but most people find such
suggestions insulting. If a Leo invites you to
a party, bring rubber gioves.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21):
This is an expensive season, and some
holiday surprises are likely to hit your
wallet pretty rudely. Resolving to
economize is good, of course, but some
of your ideas on how to do that may be
unrealistic. Think it through!
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Be very selective about your guests now.
Domestic disturbances - or plumbing
disasters - are brewing. Extra company will
only make things tougher. Also, pay
attention to your own role in fixing things.
Your efforts can too easily backfire.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): Everybody has doubts,
disappointments, and worries this time of
year; some are just better at covering them
up. Yours come tumbling out all too easily.
Focus on spiritual gifts as they occur. The
rest doesn't really matter.
CAPRICORN (December 21 to January
19): Working the social scene is carrying
some extra expenses. Brace yourself for
"sticker shock." Make innovative use of
your resources, but don't go too far out on
a limb! You can save a bundle and impress
others with your brilliance of economy.
AQUARIUS 0anuary 20 to February 18):
Whatever goes wrong, you're sure to be
blamed for it. You're used to that, but now it
offers a bit of freedom. Trust your instincts
for inspiration to stir things up, and trust in
your own audacity to avoid the worst of it.
PISCES (February 19 to March 19): Your
emotional roller coaster gets a few extra dips
and twists now. A vacation is a tempting
escape, but travel at this time is fraught with
rude surprises. Religious or spirituai
exploration offers more surprises, but of a
gentler and more reveiatory nature.
Jack Fertig has been working as a professional
astrologer since 1977 and is a founding member
of the Association for Astrological Networking.
He can be reached for consultations at 415-864-
8302, through his website ai
hup:l lwww.stJlrjack.com
Page 28 Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Lodging-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Studio 716- -716 W. S::camore- - 479-571-130
Ron's Place- 523 W. Poplar- - - 479-442-3052
Wild-On - - -3570 \'C 6th- - . 479-521-9453
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Kinkeads- 1004 l /2 Garrison Ave- -479-783-9988
Club 1022 -1022Dodson;\ve. - -479-782-1843
Arkansas, Hot Springs (501)
Club One Eleven- - 111 Garden St- - - - -620-4111
Our House Lounge 660 E. Grand Ave- -624-6868
Arkansas, Little Rock (501)
Back Smet -1021 Jessie Rd- --501-664-2744
Discovery- - • - 1021 Jessie Rd- -- - - - 501-666-6900
The Factory - -412 Louisiana St.- -501-372-3070
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's- - - - 716 S. Main - - - - - - -417-627-9035
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Buddies ----- 3715i\fainSt - 816-561-2600
Belle Star's- - 1321 Grand Ave- -816-421-1288
DB Warehouse- -- 1915 Main StM:
issie B's- - -805 W. 39th St- -
Sidestreet Bar -413 E. 3rd- - - -
Sidekicks Saloon • 3707 Main St-
-8 1 6-471-1575
816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield ( 417)
The Edge- -424 Boonviiie Ave- - - --41 '-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Oiive -417-864-4572
Oz Bar• 504 E. Commercial· - - - - -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - - -417-864-0036
Rumors - --1109 E. Commercial- 417-873-2225
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Boom Room- 2807 NW 36th St- -- - -405-601-7200
Club Rox• - -3535 NW 39th Expwy - 405-947-2351
Copa- - - - - - -2200 N\X. 39th fapwy- -405-525-0730
Finish Line - -2200 NW 39th fapwy- 405-525-0730
Hi-Lo Club 1221 NW 50th- -405-843-1722
-2200 NW 39th Expv:y- 405-525-0730
-280." NW 36th s~ --405-942-2199
Sisters- - - 2120 NIX' 39th St -4G5-52i-9533
The Rockies- -3201 K Ma,, Ave - - 405-9"-7-9361
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39rh--405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tnlsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 L Pine - - 918-836-8700
Club Maverick- - 822 S. Sheridan - 9!8-835-3301
Enci up Club- 424 S. ,\lc;;,orial- 918-836-2480
H::ads & Tail~- 7944 E. 21st 918-660-7878
Club MaJestic- 124 ·,,. Beston - - -918-584-9494
Rent:g2des~ ~ - ] 649 S. !'.,fain - - -918-585-3405
Piay-?,1or-Club- 1737 S. ?&modal -918-838-9792
Silver Star- -1565 S. S:,~ridan - - - -9i8-834-4234
TNTs - 2 l 14 5. Memorial- - - • - 918-660-085(;
Ydlcnv Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th - - 918-293-0304
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - - - 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground 417-683-9199
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground - 417-779-5084
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
HollywoodHotcl- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Habana Inn - 2200 NW 39th Exp- -405-528-2221
Eureka Springs
"'.fCC Living Spring- -870-253-9337
Arkansas, Avoca
Natural Staie Naturists- - - - - -479-451-8066
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
River of Llfe Church 1709 N Walnut -llAM
PSU-QSJ\.. 1701 S. Broadway- - - - 620-231-0938
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - · 6PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - - -10:30AM
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- 417-624-5788
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Rainbow Christian Ch-83"' W. Madison- 866-6206
Unituian Universalist Church - - - - 417-833-2723
APO- - - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMc MO Pride - - - - - - - - --417-864-4459
GLO Comm. Ctr- -518 E. Commerical- -869-3978
PFLAG-Springfield- ~ -417-889-1059
PROMO SW MO- promoswmo@hotmail.com
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Cathedral of Hope- 600 NW 13th St- 232-HOPE
The Center- - 2135 NW 39th St. - 405-524-6000
Oklahoma, McAlester
McPride- - - -POBox 1515, McAlester, OK 74502
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
TO!-IR- - - - :?O Bo,: 2687, Tulsa, OK 74101
GLBT Co:nm. Ctr- -5545 E. 4'.st- - - 9:8-743-4297
I l i
.l I
Page 29 The Ozarks Star
-Business ServicesMissouri,
Shelter Imurance• -·Greg Tainter- - 636-938-5500
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Body Swim Massage Therapy- -417-825-5800
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-- -434-0077
RE/MAX - -Cathe Letts- - - - - - 417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rangeline Rd- - - - 417-623-1007
Joan Szymanski- Beauty Consult,- - 417-673-1181
Missouri, Springfield ( 417)
Priscilla's - - - - 1918 S. Glenstone - -417-881-8444
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21 - -4301 NW 63rd #100 - 405- 840-2106
Gushers Restaurant-2200 NW 39Exp405-525-0730
lngrids Kitchen- -3701 N. Youngs- -405-946-8444
Jungle Reds 2200 NW Expwy- 405-524-5733
Piece To Remember-2131 NW 39th- -405-528-2223
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorial - - - 405-755-8600
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Harvard - 918-747-5466
Underguy.com - -825 E. 3rd- 877-7-BOXERS
Priscilla's 7925 E. 41st -918-627-4884
Priscilla's - - - - 5634 W. Skelly - - - --918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - -11344 E. 11th - - - -- 918-438-4224
Priscilla's - - 2333 E. 71st - - - - -- 918-499-1661
Quotable Quotes
"The American government didn't do
anything [about AIDS in the 1980s]. If
it's gay people, let them fucking die ....
Why wasn't I out marching? What kind
of person was I then? .. It just fills me
with despair. I'm ashamed I did nothing
during that period."
- Elton John to London's Time Out,
Nov. 17.
WAR ON CANADA.,, . ...,,, __
Page 30
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Original Format




Star Media, Ltd, “[2005] The Ozark Star Magazine, January 1, 2005; Volume 2, Issue 1,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/143.