[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, August 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 8


[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, August 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 8


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


The Ozark Star’s first issue began in August of 2004. Before this Issue was Ozarks Pride (2004) then follows The Star (2005) and The Metro Star (2008)

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


The Ozarks Star




The Ozarks Star


August 1, 2004


C.D. Ward
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Randy Vineyard
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams


The Ozarks Pride Magazine, July 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 7

The Ozarks Star, September 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 9


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Eastern Oklahoma
Southeast Kansas
The United States of America (50 states)


Book Review "American Evita"
It's Time to RODEO
Out on Vacation "Saugatuck"
Male Dancer's of the 4 States
"Q TV Network"
Volume 1 Issue 8
The Ozarks Pride Magazine name change to
"The Ozarks Star" is now official. We felt
Ozarks Pride conflicted with gay pride
organization's magazine and the name change
more reflects a regional ne.vs publication
although our distribution base goes beyond
the Ozark Mountain region, S\x/ Missouri,
\'vestern Arkansas, SE Kansas and Eastern
Oklahoma is our main base of operations with
an estimated 15,000 potential readership.
With the name and the masthead design
change done, many more improvements and
features are in the grand plan for The Ozarks
Star. Our goal is to continue to be a --.-iable
source of information to the GLBT community.
To be your voice in a community that in
the past has had very little representation or
acknowledgment from the straight community.
\X'e are an educated, talented, successful and
absolutely fantastic people who contributes to
our community economically, spiritually and
physically each and everyday. The recently
organized "Gay Pride" e\·ents in Springfield,
Fayetteville, Fort Smith and hopefully next
year Joplin, shows we are here, we are out of
the closet and we are not going away.
Since our first publication in December 2003
there have been three other GLBT publications
start up in this region and we \vclcome
them and congratulate the editor's and
publishers for their courage. There is a lot of
hard work, learning and frustration with
beginning a new \·enture such as a Gay/
Lesbian news publication. We support their
efforts and applaud their tenacity.
C.D. Ward /Editor
The Ozarks Star
The Ozarkd Star Page 5 August 1, 2004
I did my part ... did you? As the debate
concerning the Federal Marriage
Amendment started to heat up in the
U.S. Senate we were ask to get involved
on the side of social justice to fight this
very discriminate bill. As The Rev. Dr.
Troy Perry Founder and Moderator of
the ·unive~;al Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches is quoted,
"They presented their amendment as
a high-minded attempt to protect
'traditional' marriage, when in reality
it was a cynical attempt to influence
future elections and win power ... a
sad reminder of the hostility and
political oppression still faced by
LGBT people"
I \Yrote Senator Kit Bond and Senator
Jim Talent, Missouri with my concern
about this Senate Bill and what it stood
for. As a person of faith, a parent, a
constituent and yes a Gay person I
encouraged both to oppose this bill.
Some say an act of radical optimism
considering that our own Missouri
Senator Jim Talent co-sponsored the bill.
Senator Kit Bond didn't even bother to
respond to my email and Senator Jim
Talent planted his feet and defended his
stand. After receiving his seething and
radical right response, a copy of his
response was sent to every church
belonging to the UFMCC denomination
and gay organization that could be
reached with encouragement for all
others in our community, family, friends,
GLBT and straight to right him as well.
We have won this round but things will heat
·up as the U.S. House of Representatives
takes up the debate next. Let us enjoy this
win but be ever vigil that it is not over.
After all, we pay more taxes with less
representation then our straight friends that
are married.
Even as it was defeated Republican
Senators and analyst \Vere stating that it is
the only way to protect the integrity of
marriage. Let's think on that one for a split
second. I have every respect for the
institution of marriage ... my parents have
been married for over 50 years however I
don't see the integrity of marriage being
bolstered by the current divorce rate or by
the straight males that abuse our gay
brothers for their own release and then run
home to their wives. They don't need to use
us as their scapegoats fo; the failure of
marriage in this country today.
I included Senator Jim Talent's reply letter
so you can see for yourself that he has no
intention to represent all of the
constituents that elected him. Let's us
remember him when he runs for reelection!
I for one will not even vote for
him as the lesser of evils but ,vill remind
you again of his "caring for you."
Dear The Rev. Urie:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your
thoughts about same-sex marriages. I appreciate
the time you have taken to share your views
with me, and I welcome the opportunity to
I believe in the traditional definition of
marriage as the union of a man and a woman
and believe our legal institutions should reflect
that understanding. The issue has serious
implications for our families and our society and
I believe that action sooner, rather than later,
will be necessary and most effective.
Certainly people have the freedom to
live as they choose and to attempt to
influence the direction of our culture. But
just as certainly, the courts should not force
Continued, see Senator's reply page-25
Volume 1 Issue 8 Page 6
'"'Traveling in the gay friendly world''
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
Tired of the hot, muggy and rainy
weather? Then head up North to
Saugatuck/Doulgas, Michigan. Located on
the Lake Michigan side of the State it is nestled right on the coast. It is a little over a
two hour drive from Chicago. Saugatuck and Douglas are actually two separate villages
divided only by a waterway. Both villages are extremely gay-friendly Besides having a
huge all-gay resort, The DUNES, www.dunesresort.com, there are also several gay Bed
and Breakfasts and a fabulous CAMPIT campgrounds located just 10 minutes away.
They have camping facilities for tents, RV'ers plus a Bed and Breakfast and you can
even rent a log cabin for your stay. Michael, a hot gay man and Sally, an equally hot
lesbian own the campground. It is extremely well tended. Plenty of wooded areas for
camping, bonfires, hiking and for just enjoying the out of doors. This is the finest
campground we have ever seen and what makes it extra special is that it is all gay! Their
web site is: www.saugatuckweekends.com Try this for a wonderful alternative to what
you usually do when traveling. They have a great community room/ shelter house
adjacent to their swimming pool. :ivlichael and Sally are extremely hospitable to all their
guests. They have guests that keep coming back year after year in addition to several
who come EVERY weekend.
At the Dunes Resort you will find plenty of action whether at the pool or at one of
their 4 bars. They have a Cabaret ·which features strippers, drag queens and lots of
other talented performers. On weekends all the bars are packed solid and they are
famous for their Sunday afternoon and evening Tea Dances.
But there is much more about the Saugatuck/Dunes area than just gay
accommodations and bars.Dozens of the shops are gay mvned and what are not gay
owned are very gay-friendly. Some of our favorties was the BACK ALLEY PIZZA
JOINT where they make some of the best Pizza that we have ever tasted. Judy, the
owner is extremely friendly. You can either dine in, take out or have it delivered to your
room. The GLENN RESTAURANT ir1 Glenn, about 8 miles South is a delightful old
cafe that has been there for years and years. Nothing fancy but the food is wonderful.
Also in Glenn be sure and check out the YELLOW DOG },NTIQUE SHOP. If you
get thirsty for coffee, the ONLY place in the area is the UNCOMMON GROUNDS in
downtown Saugatuck. It is a Java and Juice Cafe. The owner, Stephen is extremely
personable and the coffee is great. They always have a line of customers.
Continued page 22 ...... .
Volume 1 Issue 8 Page 8
"They were terrified of her"
Compiled by:
Star writer Greg Steele
An Eva Paron in American! Most of us
have seen the movie "Evita", the Faye
Dunway version and the Maddona
musical version, and admired Paron's rise
to power. The glamour and the passion
that was Eva, does suggest similar traits
of Hillary Clinton, now that it has been
Has Senator Clinton's rise to power put
her in the position of number one
candidate for the first women to become
President of the United States? It certainly
is a possibility. "There are many
striking similarities to Eva Peron and
Hillary'' Andersen claims. "Here we have
two very strong-willed women who
engineered their husbands' rise to the
presidencr Then they used their power as
first lady----some would say abused their
August 1, 2004
power as first lady - and in the
process became two of the most loved, .).
hated, revered, feared women in the
world. Sex, money, power, betrayal,
tragedy, charges of corruption, all these
things really characterized the lives of
both Evitas."
"When you look at Hillary, you realize
that she is in fact not only the most
powerful Democratic woman in the
country, she is the most recognizable
Democrat in the country. And she
really is the first woman' with a serious
chance of being elected president."
Andersen was quoted.
Anderson believes Clinton has a more
than a good chance of going back to
the White House, but this time as the
head honcho.
Author Clu:fstopher Andersen says
Hillary Clinton influenced many of her
husband Bill's decisions. The Book
American Evita: Hillary Clinton's
Path to Power is now in bookstores
across the country.
Volume l Issue 8 Page 10
MON: Request Dance Party w /Tercy.
TUES: queer as folks 4th Season -
Tuesdar, w /Tercy @9pm
WED: Dancing with DJ Lil'Ken
THUR: Brandon Bravado & The
Justice Janelle Moore Show.
Karaoke with DJ Robbie
FRI: The Robbie Walker Showcase
and DJ Lll'Ken
SAT: Dance Party with DJ Lil'Ken
Advertisement .,
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For Men In The Ozarks
The L.ar9e$t Men's C.amp9round in the U'51\
Full RV Hookup's, Tent Sites, Cabins, Lodge Rooms,
Hot Tub/sauna, Pool, Cafe, Theme Weekends,
Convenience Store, Clothing Optional.
Call 417-683-9199 or visit our website
It's Rodeo Time!
Press Release MGRA
Shawnee, KS July 20, 2004
The Missouri Gay Rodeo Association
(1vfGRA) is proud to announce its twelfth
annual Show-Me State Rodeo this Labor Day
Weekend, September 3-5, at the
WyandotteCounty Fairgrounds, 1405 N. 98'\
Kansas City, Kansas.
MGRA is one of 24 gay rodeo associations
across the United States and Canada that
make up the International Gay Rodeo
Association (IGRA). There are 13 events in
the Show-Me State Rodeo, including rough
stock, speed, roping, and camp events. One
of the few differences between gay rodeos
and other rodeos is that men and women
compete with and against each other for
buckles, ribbons, and cash prizes.
With the support of its Grand Sponsor Bud
Light, MGRA is able to produce a first-class
rodeo and give all profits from the event to
its chosen charities: Hope Care Center
(Kansas City), Southwest Boulevard Health
Clinic (Kansas City), and the AIDS Project
of the Ozarks (Southwest Missouri). Other
international sponsors include American
Airlines, Instinct Magazine, and Bacardi
Silver. On board as a full sponsor this year
August 1, 2004
is Sidekicks Saloon in Kansas City.
Established in 1986 as a non-profit
organization, MGRA has given hundreds of
thousands of dollars to AIDS-related
charities across l\fissouri. \vith chapters in
Kansas City and Joplin, MGRA has a broad
membership base filled with volunteers who
make each years rodeo a success.
\velcoming contestants and rodeo fans from
across the country, MGR,'\ draws some of
the finest competitors in the gay rodeo
circuit. It is not uncommon to see a top
barrel racer also compete in the wild drag
race. The wild drag race is one of three camp
events that always entertain the rodeo
Besides the rodeo events, there is a great deal
of entertainment at the rodeo grounds all
weekend. International and Association Royalty
all join forces to entertain in the evenings. Also
appearing will be Cheer, Dorothy, Cheer! ... a
group of high camp and high energy
cheerleaders from 1'v1inneapolis.
Tickets for the rodeo will be available at the
gate for $12 per day. All evening events, dances,
and parties are free to the public, and will be
held at the Wyandotte County Fairgrounds. The
Awards Ceremony will be held on Sunday,
September 5, at 8:30 p.m. at the Fairgrounds.
For more information about the Show-Me State
Rodeo, visit their website: '£'l\v:w;mgra,us.
An Ozarks Star Community Service
2902 E. 20th St., PO Box 4711, Joplin, Mo 64803
In conjunction with AIDS Project of the Ozarks,
MCC Joplin offers free HIV testing the bst Sunday
of co.ch month between 5PM and 6PM. For your
com·cnience you can also call 206-6179 for an
appointment. W'e use the On-sure method which
docs not require the use of needles and we offer
complete confidentiality. You may aiso regucst
Booklets on i\JDS for People of Faith through the
PO Box iisted above.
Volwne l Issue 8 Page 12
Open Mon-Fri 4pm to
New NE Oklahoma-Leather Club!
Preis Release:
The TULSA ROUGH RIDERS - a leather club
for all of Northeast Oklahoma, and for ALL
sisters and brothers in Leather is having its
organizational meeting on Saturday, August
14th. Please contact chancetulsa@gay.com for
site/ time details, or visit: www.geocities.com/
weldertulsa/Leather_In_Tulsa.html for
additional information about the club.
Quotable Quotes
"My first great love was a woman. It was in high
school, and I w:i.s at the tender age of 18. At that
:i.ge, of course, our feelings are very raw and
intense. I fell head over heels, helplessly in love
with a teacher of mine .... She did not want to
have anything to do with me."
"Queer :i.s Folk" actress Thea Gill (Lindsay) to
Chicago's Windy City Times, May 12.
August 1, 2004
Cathe Letts is
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The Ozarks Star Centerfold-A August 1, 2004
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Ozarks Star Centerfold August 1, 2004
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Volume l Issu!'l 8 Centerfold-D
Volume I Issue 8 Page 16 August 1, 2004
Town dbits
by Randy Vineyard
Introducing "T-Town Tidbits" by Star writer Randy
. Vineyard, An Ozarks Star exclusive. Randy lives in Tulsa and
will be covering the Star Scene in and around the T-Town area.
Randy has lived in Tulsa since the age of two and wouldn't
consider living anywhere else and loves the Tulsa GLBT scene.
So stay tuned for some exciting Tidbits from T-Town. Randy is
also The Ozarks Star advertising contact for Tulsa.
I want to help those of you who are not from Tulsa understand a little bit of what we do
here, along with where to ·go. Before I fill you in on the clubs and what they offer, I'd like to
put the career of one of Tulsa's most loved entertainers in a nut shell for you.
I was working at Club Renegades in downtown Tulsa, in the late 80's. The club had never
done shows of any kind, I talked the owner into letting us try it out to see if it would fly. We
slid the pool table against the wall put a piece of plywood on it and made steps out of empty
bottle beer cases and duct tape. This was our stage, tiny but suitable. The young man I
worked with the most was Ron - 'Mr Zeigfield' we called him. He was a very colorful and
amazingly talented person. Around that same time the Tulsa Community was in need of
financial help for persons living with HIV/ AJDS. Ron came up with the a benefit for this
purpose. Many of the local' entertainers came forth to help and donate their time and energy
to the cause. One of those people was Paul Sbuyler, a regular club patron, he decided it
would be fun and a way to give something back to his community.
This is a short storv about 'HELGA'.
Paul first created Belg; at a benefit performance in the early 90's at the club Renegades. In an
effort to raise help money, be donned a dress, the name 'HELGA', and proceeded to create
who is now THE most recognizable personality for fund-raising in the state of Oklahoma.
Paul and the host of entertainers from across Tulsa crawled up those beer crates and
performed for standing room only audiences each month. This evenfwas so successful that it
became THE RED RJBBON REVUE'. Through the years Ron pasted from us to a better
place, but still has. dire~tor status in qur hearts. Paul went on to tum the fund-raiser into
. . . . . 'HELGA'.S RED RIBBON
REVUE'. She has hosted
the first Saturday of every
month now for 10+ years,
. that comes to 150
consecutive shows.
After many successfui years
with the Renegades team, it was
time for Helga to find another
home for her benefit. At the
;equest of a dear friend, Kris
Kohl continued .. page21
The Ozarks Star Page 17
Q Television Network.
Delivers; Sample
Viewers Embrace the Nation's
Premiere 24/7 Gay and Lesbian
Television Network
Press Release:
NEW ORLEANS, May 18, 2004
Q Television Network announced today
the successful completion of its five-hour
test broadcast on Saturday, May 15th.
The sample broadcast signal was available
throughout all of North America,
beginning at 10:00 a.m. PST. In addition,
Cox Cable in New Orleans and Comcast
in Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Everett,
Washington, offered the broadcast to their
Viewers were presented highlights from
the network, which included a first look at
"I Will, I Do, We Did," an original
documentary about gay marriage. The
sample broadcast also ran several sneak
previews of motion pictures, as well as
specials and documentaries.
"The public has finally gotten a chance to
see firsthand the unique programming Q
Television Network will deliver for our
third quarter launch," notes President of
Programming and Acquisitions Steven
Grunberg. "We encourage everyone to call
their cable network or digital satellite
provider and request Q Television
Network." Company Overview
This television network was organized to
create and develop a network devoted to
providing television programming for the
gay and lesbian community. While the
company expects much of its subscriber
base t0 be comprised of members of the
August 1, 2004
gay and lesbian population, management
also believes that quality programming
about the gay and lesbian experience,
designed to entertain, educate and
inform, will attract many other segments
of the viewing public. The company's
programming will be available on a
subscription basis to those desiring its
programming. The network will
broadcast 24 hours per day, 7 days per
week. Providing distribution via satellite
ensures availability of the network
across the United States, including
Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
Safe Harbor Statement.
For more information on the Q
Television Network
, call the toll-free hotline:
(888) 594-77 66, or the corporate
headquarters: (760) 323-4455. SOURCE:
Q Television Network
Then bd<tol,lay Kay. Yoo'I
find the- lolel!lt on-ll'l!lnd o:,kn
coadlrdad for you with eor,y-to~
tiPf- Ade Me- haw 'fO!J
oon get ihe holt9s:t loob of ilia
taOl!a'I ___ or-.:1 (:I~ be 1n st)ilel
lndep!!ltld!t!I Beauty Ca-i!'JJbnl
1¥"1f11J.muybf .eom/iazymanaki1
Ozarks Star
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and lesbian
press for more than 20 years. She
served for three years as the cochair
of the board of directors of
New York City's Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Center, where she
founded a groundbreaking reading
series called "In Our Own \X!rite."
You'd think there'd be nothing left to say about outing,
some 15 years of debate about it in our
community. But sure enough, outing has once again
reared its controversial head. And to be honest, the
political tactic that once looked bold has gone awry.
The latest outing spree began in response to attempts by
radical right-wingers in Congress, fueled by the support
of our "compassionate" president, to pass the heinous
Federal l\ll~trnage Amendment (FMA). Gay activists John
Aravosis and :Michael Rogers launched a no-holdsbarred
crusade to out high-level, closeted staffers of
rabidly antigay congressmembers. Aravosis defended his
much-publicized actions in the_ Washington Blade_,
stating that "such staffers are, at best, enemy
combatants; and, at worst, war criminals."
that a gay activist would use the of Bush's so-called "war on terrorism" to justify a
of action on behalf of our community. One of the major forces behind the FTvfA, the odious
Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, used eerie rhetoric to bolster the supposed need for the
efforts to "defend" heterosexual mani:age "the ultimate homeland
who held "outing" (thoug
" osure of their m
old \Vitch hunts like the
blur. Decades ago, it was
over the heads of average gay people,
their jobs or their families or even their freedom.
ruined many innocent gay people's lives.
fonvard to the present, and as a tool of the gay mm·ement is very different, with gay
and activists cA1-,v,,,u,.,. public who work the gay movement while "'""Aw,nn
1w,,t,.rt1nn of the closet. Sometimes the effort pays off: Jim Kolbe went public
ho:mo,seirnal1ty when he faced with the likelihood of being outed by several gay
b!J,:at:1011:s because he had voted for the notorious Defense of ,na,a,,,14-. Act in 1996. Kolbe then felt
to vote his conscience, crn~Nwi'",ncY more pro-gay !CC)c;lO!CllJU'H than he did before his
Volume l Issue 8 Page 20 August 1, 2004
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San Vicente
August 2004
Been missingJodie lately? Of course, you have.
We all have. But she's had kids to raise and,
presumably, other things to do besides jumping
into every movie that comes along. (fhat's
Charlize Theron's job, anyway.) A while back
Romeo reported on Foster's small role in the
upcoming French film _A Very Long
Engagement_, but now she's back in a big leading
role in a big Hollywood film. _Flight Plan_, which
also marks Hollywood's return to scary airplane
mo,ies, will star Foster as a woman whose
daughter mysteriously disappears during a flight.
To complicate matters, no one remembers seeing
the child on the plane in the first place. Earlier
casting news placed Sean Penn in the role of a
helpful fellow passenger, but now it seems that
_Boys Don't Cry_ star Peter Sarsgaard will move
from the indies to the majors with this co-starring
Stone's New, Improved Ice Pick
It's happening. It's not happening. And now it's
happening again. That would be _Basic Instinct
2_, the beleaguered, long-:rwaited sequel to the
smash 1992 Paul Verhoeven film about a
murderous, ice-pick-wielding lesbian. Sharon
Stone is finaliy ready to reprise her role as Killer
Katherine now that director D;,.vid Cronenberg
(_The Fly_) and acto: Rupert Everett have come
and gone, and the multi-million doliar lawsuit
Stone brought against the film's producers has
been settled. With ali that behind them, the
project can finally move forward. Don't expect
Michael Douglas on board this time around
Romeo assumes it has something to do with
that spare pick Katherine had under the bed -
but do expect a reprise of the first film's flashes
of nudity.
Bailey and Barbato Give _ Deep
One of the most culturally significant and
successful films of all time, 1972's _Deep
Throat_, is now the subject of a what else?
sexually graphic documentary feature. _Inside
Deep Throat_ , directed by _Party Monster_'s
Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato and produced
by _A Beautiful Mind_'s Brian Grazer, will
explore how a little porn film with a provocative
title ended up being a big, big touchstone of
'70s cinema. Universal Pictures is releasing the
doc, which features interviews with playboys of
the era like Jack Nicholson, Norman Mailer,
\varren Beatty, and Hugh Hefner, as well as gay
cultural icons John \i:laters and Gore Vidal.
Romeo hopes that some of that era's feminists
get to weigh in as well. After all, without Linda
Lovelace's parlor trick, there'd ha,-e been no
movie. Look for the unrated film to hit theaters
in 2005.
He's _Desperate_
Marc Cherry is probably no one you know, but
his new TV series might become one you can't
stop talking about. _Desperate Housewives_,
debuting on ABC's fall schedule, begins ,vith a
suicide in an otherwise perfect suburban
neighborhood, and then proceeds to ,valk the
line between _Knots Landing_-style nighttime
soap and dark, mysterious comedy as the
housewife who took her own life provides
commentary from beyond the grave. Cherry, the
show's gay creator and executive producer, has
an over-the-top hit on his hands, provided an
audience shows up to enjoy actresses like Teri
Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross, and
Nicolette Sheridan (speaking of _Knots
Landing_j do that Stepford 2.0 thing.
Romeo San V:cente has never been, ;,.nd will
never be, desperate.
The Ozarks Star
THE st
T-Townfrom page -16
August 1, 2004
and the crew at the PlayMor, her show found a new loving home. \'(/ith tl1e change in venue and
location came a name change too. HELGA'S RED RIBBON REVUE became what is fondly known as
HELGA'S HEART 2 HEART. Although the Red Ribbon Revue does continue at Renegades to this
day, doing great things for the community, currently directed by Miss Tabitha Taylor, a fantastic
oerformer herself. HELGA'S HEART 2 HEART still has the distinction of having the same hostess
~ith the longest running consecutive performance record, raising countless dollars for local charities.
Along the way Helga is still assisted by Johnnie Cronin, a extremely talented young man who
stepped up to help fill the shoes of 'Mr Ziegfield', and Kris Kohl, who has been there since the very
beginning of Red Ribbon Revue. Lately Kris has been on hiatus, after lea,-ing the staff at the PlayMor,
she has been pursuing her performance career and her life. She returns from time to time to perform
and share in the joy of being part of the great shows at the PlayMor.
Striving to grow the entertainment side of 'DR.AG,' Paul began drawing on more theatrical aspects
and costuming to amplify the persona of Helga. After meeting his life partner, Tim, Paul transformed
Helga beyond an individual persona, he formed HELGA:S HORRIBBLES. He established her own
corner of cyberspace at _ · · which has become THE drag 'megasite',
consisting of not only Helga's and her travels and numerous wonderful awards and shows, but also
secrions devoted to other Tulsa performers. Perusing the ,veb page you can see the fun side of Helga,
Heart 2 Heart, the fabulous shows at the PlayMor along with the show stopping productions the group
has created through the years. These in~lude: CABARET, ROCKY HORIBBLE(a yearly tradition),
UTILE SHOP OF HORRORS< and the annual 1WISTED TV. TWISTED TV is coming up again
this summer on AUGUST 6th, 7th, and 8th at the PlayMor.
As long as there is The PlayMor, Helga, and the circle of friends that are all willing to work so hard
for the community, and the constant need for fund-raising, there will be HELGA and HELGA'S
HEART 2 HEART. My hat is off to HELGA and her life partner TIM for making Tulsa a better p!ace
through their efforts and wonderful talents . .,., ......................................... .
You may contact Randy at: randy@ozarksstar.com Have a great month in T-Town.
Volume 1 Issue 8 Page 22 August 1, 2004
Gay Tt-avelers from pagt! 7
BENTLEY'S Antiques and Fine Art is a
great place to start your day for shopping
for that special purchase to bring back
home. The shop is loaded with fine quality
antiques and art work including posters.
celebrated it's 21st year under the same
ownership is a Fabulous place to find that
special gift to bring back home. Neil, the
owner is the perfect owner for such a
business. Selling lots of interesting
collectibles, I Love Lucy items, pink
flamingos, etc. You KNOW your in gay
heaven when you enter the shop.
MADISONS in downtown Saugatuck has
lots of unique gifts, a gourmet pantry and
lots of home decor items. The owners Tera
and Lynn have just refurbished part of the
shop and extended it to included more
items. They are super businesswomen.
Rob and Steve own severai businesses in
Douglas including the PINES Motor Lodge,
circa Antiques, Glitter & Garden Shop and
Groovy! Groovy! Retro Gift Shop.
For fun entertainment be sure and check
Tom and Kurt give outstanding Broadway
perfonnances during the summer. Last
summer they performed, "I Love you,
your're perfect now change", "Dirty
Blonde" and "Our Sinatra". Dirty Blonde
which is a take off on Mae West was
showing when we were there and they did
an outstanding job. The audience loved it.
The Pump House Gym of course is a
favorite with the body builders.
There are so many gay owned businesses
in the area that one forgets to visit the
"breeders" who own some of the shops also.
Karen who manages the ArnericINN Lodge
and Suites is fabulous even if she was born
straight and Gene and Dee at the Olde
House Antiques are delightful people too.
The Fenn Valley Winery just down the
road gives wine tours daily. Don't forget
when traveling that straight people can be
fun and exciting also.
When in Saugatuck/Douglas don't
foroet to check out the Oval Beach area "' which is full of gays during the day.
There is a special area for nudists. Just
ask around. Need to unwind? Then go to
the Running Rivers Kayak Rentals. They
offer one to 8 hour trips offering
wilderness and wetlands.
The Saugatuck/Douglas villages are a
place where you can be yourself, walking
hand in hand to all the shops and
restaurants. Straights and gays get along
beautifully here. Such a tranquil, serene
way of life. For more information about
Saugatuck/Doulgas go to either:
W\Vw.dunesresort.com or
www.saugatuck.com. Have fun traveling
and always meet new people. And
always remember,
"Live, love, laugh ......... "
Donald Pile and Ray Williams
gayb]lvelers@ao 1. com
The Ozarks Star Page 23
'Marriage Protection Act'
Passes House,
Task Force
Calls Vote 'Disgusting'
-Statement from Matt Foreman, National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director:
July 22, 2004
"This is a sad dav for all Americans, not
just because the U.S. House of
Representatives passed a bill that seeks to
deprive gay and lesbian Americans access
to federal courts to challenge the ugly
Defense of Marriage Act. It is particularly
sad because 233 members of Congress
ignored their oath to protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States by
voting in favor of a measure that is ..
blatantly unconstitutional. On the pos1t1ve
side, 194 Members of Congress rejected
this mean-spirited, divisive, disgusting and
clearlv unlawful bill. And, it is now clear
that , as in the U.S. Senate - the "Federal
Marriage Amendment" is far short of the
two-thirds majority (290 votes) it ,vould
need to pass."
BACKGROUND: The Marriage
Protection Act (MPA) seeks to strip power
from all federal courts - including the U.S.
Supreme Court - from hearing cases
challenging the Defense of
Marriage Act (DOI\fA). Most
legal scholars agree this act is
unconstitutional for several
This "court stripping" would
interfere with the a primary
purpose of the federal courts, to
interpret and decide on questions
of federal law, such as DOMA.
The act would interfere with our
system of checks and balances
which is put in place to
co~mteract instances in which
orre branch of the government
August 1, 2004
oversteps its bounds. This act would severely
impede the independence of the court system,
undermining the role of the federal courts and
Supreme Court.
\'Vhile the Constitution gives authority to Congress
to establish lower federal courts and their
jurisdictions (e.g., the Circuit Courts of Appeal,
Bankruptcy Courts, etc.), Congress has never
passed a law deprhing the federal courts of
jurisdiction to hear cases involving constitutional
matters. l'Jl sides agree that the challenges to the
Defense of Marriage Act will be based on
Constitutional issues, including its Full Faith and
Credit and Equal Protection clauses.
Martha's Vine.1ard
19 W. Olive, Springfield, MO
Southwest Missouri's Hottest
Entertainment Complex. Now
Celebrating 10 Years of Quality
Volume l Issue 8
y Jack Fertig August 2004
tay real, Virgo!"
Page 24
This month, an opposition bet\veen the Sun and
Neptune opens up creative visionary inspiration
but triple-check all logic, facts, and ~1ath. '
Sensitivity runs high, but with tendencies to be
selfish and co-dependent. Stick with ,varm,
fuzzy, and creative; and be honest - at least with
yourself - about ulterior motives!
ARIES (tvfarch 21 to April 20): Your creative
juices are running high; input from friends will be
confusing at first, but can prove very helpful. Team
,vork isn't usually your forte, but this is a good time
to work on your rapport with groups.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Nebulous work
demands may scare you back to safe, predictable
domesticity. Better to use your domestic security
as an inspiration to clear up the confusion at
work. Give up on turf battles now to win the war
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Philosophical
poetry (Milton? Blake?) or magical-realist prose
holds special fascination nov., In any arguments,
your heart is strong, but not your logic. Here's a
good challenge: see how well you can do without
logic for a few days! ·
CANCER Gune 22 to July 22): Resist temptation
to get clever with money. It just won't work! To give
in on some impulse-spending (probably something
nasty and lurid), set aside some fun bucks for your
secret passion.
LEO Guly 23 to August 22): The indulgence of a
birthday glow only goes so far. Those who get lost
in your radiance can resent being overshadowed.
Be appreciative and generous (usually you're much
better at that!), but - here's the catch don't overdo
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): You could
now worry yourself 5ick or meditate yourself into
serene health. Real problems tempt vou to worrv
but remember your problem-solving skills and ·'
focus on solutions. Stay real, solve the deal, then
bask and heal!
August 1, 2004
LIBRA (September 23 to October 21): Your
teamwork instincts are especially sharp now; Go
out on a creative limb with a playful approach.
It works both ways, of course: listening to
others will hone your creativity.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
\'vork demands are complicating your home
life, but you're probably making the hardest
demands yourself. Discuss the problems
with your housemate. S /he will likely agree
that you're doing too much and ,vill be glad
to help.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 20): Your love of a good
argument is stronger than usual, but your
sense of logic is weakened by emotion.
Argue from your heart, but don't try to pass
emotion off as anything else.
CAPRICORN (December 21 to January
19): You're especially sexy, but susceptible to
expensive flattery. Think first about what
you really value in your sexuality. Avoid
important financial decisions and be careful
not to let sticky fingers into your home.
AQUARIUS Ganuary 20 to February 18):
You're unusually vague about relationships
now. Let your partner (even if it's just a date,
a trick, or your pet Chihuahua) make the
decisions for the present. You're such a
control queen that giving it up for a few days
makes a great exer_cise!
PISCES (February 19 to March 19): Health
problems seem worse than thev reallv are
but check them out. Work is fu.ntic, but ~an
be resolved by cleaning up and organizing.
And meditate! You really need that now.
Jack Fertig has been working as a
professional astrologer since 1977 and is a
founding member of the Association for
Astrological Networking. He can be reached
for consultations at 415-864-8302, through
his website at http://www.starfack.com
Volume l Issue 8 Page 25
Senator's reply from page-5
on the American people changes in their
cultural institutions.
The time has come for a
Constitutional amendment to protect
traditional marriage and the right of the
people to decide the direction of their
culture for themselves. That's why I am a
cosponsor of SJR 30, the Federal
Marriage Amendment introduced by
Senator Allard that defines marriage as
the union of a man and a woman.
I was a cosponsor of the Defense of
Marriage Act in 1996 (DOIVfA), which
established a federal definition of
"marriage" as only a legal union between
one man and one woman as husband and
wife; and "spouse" as only a person of
the opposite sex who is a husband or
wife. Additionally, it ensured that no state
is obligated to accept another state's nontraditional
marriages (or civil unions) bv
operation of the constitution's full faitl;
and credit clause. It passed the House
342-67 and then in the Senate 85-14
including the "yes" votes of 61 curr~nt
senators. Thirty-seven states, including
:'vfissouri, have passed constitutional
amendments or statutes commonlv
known as "state DOJ\:1As" that fu;ther
protect traditional, heterosexual
The first political right of people is the right
to govern themselves. Taking away this right
saps the legitimacy and vitality of any
democracy. One of the reasons America is so
divided is iliat over the years courts have
denied Americans the right to work out
cultural divisions in the forums where healthv
debate is possible-in the state legislatures or, ·
on national issues, in the Congress. We can
protect our cultural institutions and our right
to govern ourselves by amending the
Again, thank you for contacting me. If I
can be of further assistance, please don't
hesitate to call or v.-rite.
Senator Jim Taiem
August 1, 2004
Lesbian Notions from page-19
Granted, it's hard for the majority of us to
understand someone like the head of the Hawaii
Log Cabin Republicans, Jeffrey Bingham Mead,
who told a reporter that, in his chapter, "1\ll of us,
including me, believe that marriage is between one
man and one woman." The likelihood that many
gay people will vote for Bush this year boggles my
mind. In a similar vein, it's hard to understand how
Clarence Thomas could rule against affirmative
action, or how women could be ardent anti-choice
activists, working to eliminate their own
reproductive freedom.
Still, it seems that bullying gay people on the other
side of ilie political fence to agree with the rest of
us and to take up the activism we want them to
do is pretty naive. That's really what this new
round of outing amounts to: if you don't see
things our way, we'll hunt you down, hound you,
and tell everyone that you're gay. (But, oh yeah,
being gay is good.)
It's no coincidence that Aravosis is the activist
who gave us t\vo other similarly rigid campaigns:
StopDrLaura.com, an attempt to prevent the radio
doctor's TV show from airing because she might
use it to spout her antigay views; and
DearMary.corn, an outpouring of messages to
Mary Cheney trying to coerce her to use her sixfigure
job in the Bush-Cheney campaign to wield
influence with her powerful pop and his boss on
the issue of marriage equality. (Personally, I'm
skeptical that all those "Dear Mary" postcards
have made her lose sleep - especially if she takes
after her conscience-free Dad. I've read that there's
a new verb corning into popular usage: "to
Cheney" means to go from one cushy job to the
next ilirough personal contacts.)
I'm not suggesting that it's impossible for people
to change their political opinions; Republicans and
Democrats alike alter their political thinking all the
time. In particular, there are ample instances of
gay people who worked for homo-vicious rightwingers
and later decided it was against their
conscience to do so. But I am pretty certain the
process comes about through personal reflection
and political soul-searching, and not bec2use
they're badgered into it.
Volumn 1 Issue 8
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Weekend Get-A-Way: Want to escape
for the weekend? Meet some new people?
Try Faces Guesthouse, Joplin, MO. Private
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1010 E. 20th
Joplin MO64804
The Ozarks Star Page 27 August 1, 2004
Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Organizations-
Arkansas, Fayetteville (479)
Ron's Place- 523 W. Poplar- - - - - 479-442-3052
Studio 716- -716 W Sycamore- 479-571-1300
Arkansas, Fort Smith (479)
Burnzee's- -2301 Towson Ave #C- --479-494-7300
J(inkeads- -10041/2 Garrison Aw- - - - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 • -1022 Dodson Aw. - - - -479-782-1845
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Ree's-··· 716 S. Main - - - - - --417-627-9035
Missouri, Kansas City (816)
Bell Star's - - 1321 Grand A,·e- - - -816-421-1288
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - - -816-561-0625
Sidestrcet Bar - - - -413 E. 3rd- - 816-531-1775
Sidekicks Saloon - - 3707 Main St- 816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield ( 417)
The Edge- -424 Boom·ille A,·e- --417-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive- - -417-864-4572
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial - - - - - -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - -417-864-0036
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (405)
Hi-Lo Club - - 1221 NW SOth- - -405-843-1722
Finish Line -2200 NW 39th Expwy- 405-525-0730
Club Rox- -3535 NW 39th Expwy -405-947-2351
Top:mga Grill & Bar-3535 NW 39th -405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine• - --918-836-8700
Club Maverick-• 822 S. Sheridan• 918-835-3301
Heads & Tails- - 7944 E. 21st - - - - - - 918-660-7878
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston - -918-584-9494
New 1\ge Renegades- -1649 S. Maio - -918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial - -918-838-9792
Silver Star Saloon- -1565 S. Sheridan -918-834-4234
TNT's- 2114 S. Memorial- - -918-660-0856
Tool Box- 1338 E. 3rd- - 918-584-1308
Yellow Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th - - -918-293-0304
Joplin (417)
Faces Guesthouse B&B -417-621-9915
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - - - -417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground 417-683-919')
Missouri, Lampe
KOKOMO Campground- - - - 417-779-5084
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Kansas, Pittsburg (620)
River of Life 1709 N Walnut - - - - - - 11AM
PSU-QS/\ .... 1701 S. Broadway ... 620-231-0938
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - • -7PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson A,·e, - 10:301\i\f
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- - 417-624-5788
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Rainbow Christian Ch-837 W. Madison-417-866-6206
Unitarian Universalist Church - - - - - 417-833-2723
APO- - - - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - - - 417-864-4459
GLO Community Ctr- 518 E. Commerical-869-3978
PFLAG-Springficld- - - - - - - -417-889-1059
Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
-Business ServicesKansas,
Mystic Creations- - - - - - - - - (620)231-6790
Missouri, Joplin (417)
Penny Smart,Hair Salon -509 Maio- 417-623-3500
Massage By Rachael- - - - - - - - - - - - 417-438-3664
Body Swim Massage Therapy- - - - 417-825-5800
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-417-434-0077
RE/MAX - - -Cathe Letts- - - 417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rangeline Rd- - - -417-623-1007
The Lions Den - - - -Austin Letts - - 417-623-876_7
Joan Szymanski- Beauty Consultant- 417-673-1181
Night Things Boutique-719 MainSt- 417-659-9913
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Priscilla's·· - -1918 S. Glenstorn• • 417-881-8444
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21 · -4301 NW 63rd #100 - - 405-840-2106
Hollywood Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Priscilla's- 615 E. Memorial 405-755-8600
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Han-ard -918-,47-5466
Underguy.com - - -825 E. 3rd - - - -877-7-BOXERS
Priscilla's - - 7925 E. 4ht 918-627-4884
Priscilia's - - - - 5634 \v. Skdly - - - - - 918-446-6336
Priscilla's - - - -11344 E. 11th - - - - -- -918-438-4224
Priscilla's - - - - 2333 E. 71st- - - - - -- -918-499-1661
Volume 1 Issue 8 Page28 August 1, 2004
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Original Format




The Ozarks Star, “[2004] The Ozark Star Magazine, August 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 8,” OKEQ History Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/141.