[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, June 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 6


[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, June 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 6


Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics


Ozarks Pride's first issue began in January of 2004. Then follows Ozarks Pride (2004), The Star (2005), and The Metro Star (2008).

This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.

This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.


Ozarks Pride




Ozarks Pride


June 1, 2004


C.D. Ward
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams


Ozarks Pride Magazine, May 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 5

Ozarks Pride Magazine, July 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 7


Online text








Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)


Volume 1 Issue 6 "It's A Life, Not A Lifestyle"
June 1, 2004
Volume I Issue 6
Ozarks Pride
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243
Joplin, 1Iissouri 64804-3128
Editor: C.D. Ward (editor@ozarkspride.com)
Member: National Lesbian Gay Journalist Association
Contributing Writers:
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
SteveT. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Editor's Page -page 2
Gabby Dearest- page 3
Scheduled Pride Festivals - Page 4
Steve T. Urie - page 5
Donald & Ray, Out on Vacation- Page 7
Lesbian Notions- supplement page -A
Entertainers by Gay Travelers- supplement page - B
Rainbow Flag Creator - page 11
Ozarks Pride Out Cruzin- page 12-13
Q Scopes- page 20
Classifieds-page 22
Community Directory- page 23
Advertising Rates:
Card Size Ad- $17.00 per issue (3 Month Minimum)
Subscription- $16.00 (6 months)
Classifieds- $6.00 firs! 15 words- 25cents each
Email: advertising@ozarkspride.com
Phone (417) 437-2275 for larger and full page ad
Deadline for all advertising, articles and
payment is the 20th of each month for the
next months issue.
OZ8r'<s Pridt Magazine is published & d!ilributed monthly as a
com111Jnity s.,.,;ce by Ozarb Pride Group of Joplin, Missouri.
Publication of tho name, photog11ph or like.,.11 of any peoon,
busin1:11 or org1niz1tion in this publication is not k, be construed 11
any indicalion of sexual orientation or preferences of 1uch peraon.
business or Cl'glnization,
Opinions e:rpmud by c.elumnl5ts, 8dverti1er1 or Lttitr, to thit Edl1or
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Content of advtrtisemenb and article! are Ole 10/1 r11pcw,1ibiity of
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Page 2 June 1, 2004
''I DO''
On Monday May 17, 2004 a historical
day, the United States become the fourth
country to legalize same-sex marriage.
Massachusetts became the first state in the
US to legally allow same-sex couples to
marry, bringing jubilation to Gay Rights
Activists and millions of our citizens
nation wide.
The US joins an elite group of nations
who's people have said to the world,
Gay's and Lesbian's have equal rights.
The era of the broom dance to declare
your partner, has come to an end. The
United States along with the Netherlands,
Belgium and Canada's three largest
provinces have set the stage for the world
to act.
As we celebrate Gay Pride this month
and bathe in our victory, we must be
reminded our new freedom could be short
lived, as many State's are poised to vote us
back into the 19th ·centmy. Voter's in
Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma,
Missouri , Utah and more to come,
will vote later this year, to say HELL NO!,
you are not equal. You do not have the
same rights as the majority, or vote to
follow the path of Massachusetts and our
great neighbors to the north. In 2006
Massachusetts voter's will also decide if
they will allow the State Supreme Court's
ruling to stand.
News media across the nation and around
the world broadcast the events of the day.
continued page-3 Editor
Ozarks Pride Page 3 · June I, 2004
editor from page-2
A last minute appeal to the US
Supreme Court by opponents failed
and the rush was on to complete the
paper work required by the State of
Thousands of same-sex couples lined
up across the State among the cheers
and applauds of hundreds of well
We want to congratulate all the New
Legally Wed couples and a huge
congratulations and thank you to
& DEFENDERS. The gay
rights group who initiated and fought
for this day in Massachusetts.
It is so very important to support these
human rights groups who depend on
contributions from us to defend and
fight for equality and our constitutional
Join together in pride and celebrate
our sexuality. Have a great month.
Yfl. ~- 0/,f/a,,xd /Editor
Dear Gabby Dearest,
My boyfriend and I have been dating
for almost three years now, and although
the sex has been great, he brought up the
idea of having threesomes. We sat and
talked about who we would be interested in
doing this with, but now I'm having second
thoughts. I really love my bf but am afraid
of him cheating on me if I don't do this with
Dear Confused:
I would say to be honest with your
boyfriend and tell him you are not
comfortable with the idea of inviting
someone else into your bedroom. In my
opinion, it is never a good idea to share
that intimacy with a stranger. 9 times out of
10, it causes problems in your relationship
and helps to escalate the old problems
you've had in the past. If you and your bf
have a great relationship and are in
love, he will respect your opinion. Could be
he is checking you out to see if you are
longing for something new. If not and he
does what you think he's gonna do, then
he isn't the one for you.
Love Gabby!!!
Gabby Dearest is not a professional therapist.
She is just a wise old lady that has been around
the block many times. Replies to submitted
request for advise should not be construed as
absolute resolutions, just friendly advise from
dear old sweet lady. You may contact Gabby
Dearest by email ....
kargabbf1l O@no,maiLcom
or by addre5sing Gabby Dearest , Ozarks Pride,
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243,Joplin,MO 64804
Volume I Issue 6 Page 4 June 1, 2004
Want a VOICE in your community?
We welcome your opinion , commentary, and
your input. This publication is about building
Community Unity, ar1d you are a part of
making this happen.
We want you to speak out!
Mailing address:
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243,
Joplin, MO 64804-3128
Email: editor@ozarkspride.com
NOTE: All letter's to the editor and articles
submitted must include your name and phone
number for verification purposes only.
Mission Statement: To provide a GLBT
community voice to SW Missouri, SE Kansas,
NE Oklahoma, NW Arkansas. Our mission is
to unite a fragmented community reluctant to
speak out for their rights and to voice
concerns. This region has a huge GLBT
population without representation.
4 States Area Pride Events!
St. Louis Pride The St. Louis Pridefest
culminates in a parade on June 24. For more
info, go to www.pridesaintlouis.com or email
Springfield, Show Me MO Pride:
6/11- 6/13. Festival at Phelps Grove Park June
13, 12noon to 6:30pm.
Kansas City Pride Dates: 6/6 - 6/13
Location: Kansas City, MO For more
information got to www.heartlandpride.org/
planner/ festival.html
Oklahoma City Pride Dates: 6/21 - 6/28
Location: Oklahoma City, OK For more
information, go to www.okcpride.com.
Tulsa Pride Dates: 6/6 - 6/13 Location:
Tulsa, OK For more information, please email:
ohrl O@hotmail.com.
Topeka Pride Dates: 6/13 6/19 Location;
Topeka, KS For more information, go to
Northwest Arkansas Pride Weekend
Fort Smith and Favetteville Starts 6/25 in
Fort Smith to 6/27 Fayetteville. Pride
Parade 6/26 AM in F;yetteville.
All festivals aim~ are to educate the
community by invoking, promoting, and
celebrating Gay /Lesbian/Bisexual/
Transgender pride.
Woody's Manhattan
Hair & Nall Salon
Penny Smart
509 Main ,. Joplin, MO 64801
Appointments ( 417) 623-3500
Ozarks Pride Page5
In 2002, I had the distinct honor of
attending the 2002 Intensives of the
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches. I say honor
because this is the program that begins
the final step of ordination and
licensure with the MCC churches. I
was there for continuing education
because I don't have the educational
qualifications to be ordained or
licensed in our denomination. Some
may ask what does this have to do
with pride ... guess what? Everything
because everything we do has to deal
with us on a personal level, everything
that we think about ourselves has to
deal with us on a personal level and
yes, everything that other see in us,
hear from us and observe from us has
to do with our concept of pride for
ourselves and our community.
There are others in the same
situation I am in and they face the
same ,-i,ill of God saying man doesn't
lead you. I AM is the one that leads
you. This same I AM of the Bible
confirms on us the choice of will.
The will to be who we are, where we
are and whenever we are. Yes, things
happen along the way but the
Almighty One, or whatever name you
choose to call the one found on the
mountaintop in your heart.
June 1, 2004
Now how do we choose to show our
pride? Is it our behavior, our language,
our reaching out to others or is it simply
living the life that God gave us and living
it to our fullest. I was recently told, "I'm
tired of all this pride stuff, why can't we
just be who we are." Well DUH! Ask
yourself the question and answer it in the
same question.
While on my trip to San Francisco we
attended the MCC church there and the
first thing that struck me was the
rainbow flags lining the ceiling. For me it
was a startling vision of wow this is who
we are. \Vhen we got back to dorms that
night one of the young ministers in the
group from England said it reminded
him of fascism. Rainbow flags
reminding someone of fascism, how dare
he attack our freedom to fly our flag
proudly. After discussion the flag was
indeed brought up. How do we project
who we are? Rainbow flags here remind
me it's safe to be here, it's safe to shop
here, and it's ok to be who you are. You
see it's a difference of culture. In
Europe the use of flags reminds people
still today of the fascism in Germany. In
England where there is a church of state,
the Union Jack doesn't fly within its
sanctuaries. They find it strange that in
the country where we promote a
difference of church and state that
almost every sanctuary flies the United
States flag. Europe uses the pink triangle
to represent our community because of
its use to tag gays in Nazi Germany.
They say it reflects with more spirit the
meaning of who we are and how we have
Rather than a symbol, I say let's show our
pride by portraying who we are all the
Co11ti1111ed page-15 Steve
Ozarks Pride
Photo by: Ray Williams
Page 7 June 1, 2004
"Traveling in the gay friendly world"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
We usually don't get really, REALLY
excited when a new gay/lesbian
accommodation opens. However we just
returned from Phoenix, Arizona where the
CALAMUS RESORT ( calamusresort.com)
recently opened. It is located at 401
Clarendon Avenue in the heart of midtown
Phoenix. It has 110 units, 45 hotel rooms,
40 residential and the remaining retail office
space, new salon and spa opening in the next couple of months. Calamus is an
Asian aquatic plant that is growing around the pool, but more important, a series of
Walt Whitman poems with veiled references to manly love! Check them out, very
homo -erotic. In the 1920's to be a friend of Calamus was to be GAY!
Vern Johnson, Phoenix entrepreneur, the CEO has bought and developed this
property and it will soon become a major gay/lesbian destination. Jim McAvoy, the
general manager of the hotel has done a remarkable job. All of the staff is
extremely friendly and courteous. Ken, the front desk manager is the PERFECT
person to greet you when you enter the hotel. He is fun, funny and very attentive.
The Calamus Resort was built originally by the late actor, Cary Grant in the
early 1970's and was named the Clarendon Hotel. It later became a Radisson Hotel
and thru a few other changes of ownership it is now being brought back to it's
original splendor. The rooms are spacious, clean and bright. The prices are
moderate and affordable. Amenities includes private bathrooms, daily maid service,
color TV with HBO, CD/Alarm Radios and complimentary local phone calls.
There is plenty of free parking. They have a lovely tropical courtyard with a large
heated swimming pool and Spa. Plans call for a hair salon, massage studio as well
as retail outlet stores. There is a gift shop on the premise and newspapers. The
front desk is open 24 hours a day.
As you first enter the lobby you will be surprised by the spaciousness and
interior decorating that they have done. The front desk staffis very attentive. You
will certainly be welcomed here.
Besides being a fine hotel they also have a restaurant and what a restaurant it is!
Johnson's Restaurant serves a wide variety of delicious gourmet foods. Served in a
beautiful setting with exquisite service. . ...... continued page-i 8

Volume 1 Issue 6 Page 10 June 1, 2004
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Ozarks Pride Pride Supplement Page A June I, 2004 ----------'-----
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and lesbian
press for more than 20 years. She
served for three years as the cochair
of the board of directors of
New York City's Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Community Center, where she
founded a groundbreaking reading
series called "In Our Own Write."
A Lambda Literary Award winner for
her first novel, Out of Time, Martinac
has also authored several nonfiction
books, including The Lesbian and Gt!)'
Book of Love and Marriage and The
Quemsl Places: A Guide to Gay and
Lesbian Historic Sites. Her screenplay,
ForognA.ffairr, co-written with her life
partner, Katie Hogan, won second
place in the 2003 PO\VER UP
Screenplay Competition.
Lesbian Notions
by Paula Martinac
May 24, 2004
The Not-So-Golden Years
It was only a small story, easily overshadowed by
news of the horrific abuse of prisoners in Iraq. And
the fact that it _was_ such a small story, receiving so
little media attention, made it even more frightening:
in a recent speech, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan once again voiced grave concern about
the effects of the "yawning fiscal deficit" on the
future of the Social Security and Medicare systems.
At about the same time as Greenspan's warning, the
president requested a whopping S25 billion from
Congress to continue the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
Chairman Greenspan says he sees no escape from
the country's fiscal crisis unless there are cuts made
to public benefits for retirees an option that both
President Bush and Sen. John Kerry are well aware
of but obviously don't want to talk about. But as
more and more gay people live longer and approach
the time when we should be able to retire, the issue
of aging becomes one that our community
desperately needs to talk about - with an eye to
arriving at concrete plans.
I say "should be able to retire," because there's no
question in my mind that a lot of gay people simply
won't be able to stop working - ever. There are those,
for example, who are self-employed, who work in
low-paying jobs, or whose employers don't offer
pension plans. Many, too, started saving for
retirement only in middle age, because, like our
straight counterparts, we had other obligations earlier in our lives - educations to finance, children
to raise, mortgage payments to meet, parents to care for. Sadly, it's the middle and working classes,
gay and straight, who will be deeply affected by the probable collapse of Social Security, the
cushion that saw a lot of our parents through old age. Lesbian5 may be particularly hard hit, since
,vomen still earn considerably less than men.
Because there are so many challenges and hurdles, it's no wonder that few of us can summon
the courage to discuss growing old in the 21st century. When we do get around to searching for
information, it's relatively easy to learn what the question5 are, but pretty hard to find answers.
Too much of the focus is still on gay retirement communities, as if condos in warm climates
were ll panacea and not just places where a seiect few of us wili spend our golden years. Consider
that Joy Silver, the president of RainbowVision Properties, which is building a i46-unit gay
retirement viliage in Santa Fe, N.M., says she err,isions a community where people wili chitchat in
a rooftop cafe, enjoy art and cooking classes, and take part in cross-dressing bingo (no joke).
Con!in:!l!li page S;tpple111net -III
Volume 1 Issue 6 Supplement Page B June 1, 2004
"Traveling in the gay friendly world"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
One great thing about traveling is that besides
meeting interesting people and visitng interesting
places sometimes you also get to see FABULOUS
ENTERTAINERS. The past few years we were
fortunate to be able to see these several
entertainers in action. They embody all that is
good in a true entertainer ....... fun, funny, elegant
and they all put on a great show.
LYPSINKA, whose real name is John
Epperson lives in New York City. We caught his
act at the Alcazar Theatre in San Francisco. His
production is entitled "LYPSINKA! THE BOXED SET" He is one of the most intelligent
performers around. He does Gisele MacKenzie, Frances Faye, Connie Francis, Libby
Morris, Dorothy Squires and the 50's muscial icon Delores Gray. He performs all over
the United States and gets standing ovations wherever he performs. It is remarkable the
staging and entertaining this entertainer does. You will be dazed by his performance.
Unlike many perfomers like this he stretches the boundaries. The Hollywood Reporter
says "Lypsinka is like nothing you've seen before! Theatrical artistry that never seems to
slow down" The New York Times says "Lypsinka is a fascinating, funny and distrubing
spectacle." From the opening scene to the finale this performer never lets down the audience. Re
is absolute dynamite. Audiences go back year after year to see him perform. And on top of
everything else John just happens to be a very nice person. For a listing of his performances and
other information about him go to: www.lypsinka.com.
FRANK MARINO, who performs at the Riveria Hotel in Las yegas is another performer
who puts on a great show. He does his "Joan River's" routine
and has been wowing audiences for years and years in las
Vegas. The straights in the audience really get into his show
and why not? He and his cast and crew put on a class act
show. He emcees the show and introduces the different
performers who do Cher, Shirley Maclaine, Tina, etc. Their
show is sold out ahnost all of the time. It is basically a musical/ ,
comedy review with gorgeous gowns, feathers, glitter, etc.
Frank changes costumes between every performer which
gives a greaet dimension to the show. When going to Las Vegas
next time, be sure and catch the show. His web site is:
THE LADY CHABLIS who made Savannah, Georgia her home for many years is indeed
THE LADY We caught her show at CLUB ONE in Savannah when we were there.
continued page - C
Ozarks Pride Page 11 -
Artist Gilbert Baker
Creator of the
Rainbow Flag
The Rainbow Flag as we know it today
was developed by San Francisco artist
Gilbert Baker in 1978. At the time, there
was a need for a gay symbol which could
be used year after year for the San
Francisco Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade.
Baker took inspiration from many sources,
from the hippies movement to the black
civil rights movement, and came up with a
flag with eight stripes. Color has always
played an important power in the gay right
movement- Victorian England symbolized
homosexuality with the color green,
lavender became popular in the 1960s, and
and pink from the pink triangle has caught
on as well- and the colors of the gay flag
were no different. Baker explained that his
colors each stood for a different aspect of
gay and lesbian life:
• Hot pink for sexuality,
• Red for life,
• Orange for healing,
Iii Yellow for the sun,
• Green for nature,
• Blue for art,
• Indigo for harmony,
• Violet for spirit.
Baker himself and thirty other volunteers
hand-stitched and hand-
June l, 2004
pink stripe. Baker had hand-dyed the
color, and unfortunately pink was not a
commercially available color.
The flag caught on quickly in cities across
the country. It was even officially
recognized by the International Congress
of Flag Makers. In 1989 the flag was
given international recognition when West
Hollywood resident John Stout
successfully sued his landlords after they
tried to prohibit him from hanging the
flag from his apartment balcony. At New
York's Stonewall 25 Parade in 1994, a
gigantic 30-foot wide, one mile long
rainbow flag was carried through the
parade route by over 10,000 volunteers.
Quotable Quotes
"I think it's entirely who you are from
birth, personally. Some people might
choose, but I think that it's who you are. I
think people need to be able to be who
they are. I have a friend who was married
for many years and then the marriage
dissolved and he came out ... and he lived
this life of tension and of great difficulty.
... It's in your system. It's in your genes ....
I think that people have a right in
America to be who they are, who they are
born as, and we are all God's children."
- Presidential candidate John Kerry in a
March 26 MIV interview.
dyed to large prototype
flags for the 1978
parade. It was an
immediate hit. However,
when Baker took his
design to the San
Francisco Flag Co. to
have it mass-produced
for the 1979 parade, he
had to remove the hot
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Volume I Issue 6 June I, 2004
Show Me 1:4:o Pride
. Frid~y June 11
· ·. · · Happy Hour Kit:IFQff 6pm ·
·Candlelight M~ri:~~:i:·~:gfu~t>t~i:~~nd.Cliastnut Expwy
·s 12
pm, The Oz Bar .
· "'1a·.:u,a•s\fineyard
's Vine~ard
rove Park
P()St Pride . . . 6:$QJJ,rn Vioeyard
Corne celebrate Pritte in "ffte Ozarks
~m. ab.i wn.: ..i o1.co~~~o~p.fflti«eW-PmNyi·f.icioimm• p.a 1ililpi:i:il'lle.blml
Ozarks Pride Supplement Page C June l, 2004
Entertainers conli1111ed from page -B
Besides being a fabulous peiformer on stage she also starred in Clint Eastwood's
;.:.·•>.;:c-:c: .. ; GOOD AND EVIL. When the showroom lights
go down then you hear the announcer saying,
ladies and gentlemen, the Lady Chablis, you
KNOW you are in for a big treat for the evening.
The Lady Chablis wears beautiful gowns. He
E performs and also talks directly with the
; audience. Even thou Club One is a gay bar and
nightclub, dozens of straights line up to see his
performance. The night we were there our table
companion was Oscar de la Renta and his guests.
He only performs at the Club One in Savannah
once a month now but does perform all over. To
get his schedule go to his web site at:www.theladychablis.com.
AUNTIE MAME is a mavelous entertainer in the
Ft.Lauderdale, Florida area. Her campy acts are
welcomed by a wide variety of gays and lesbians in
the area. She gives of herself and is one of the most
dedicated entertainers around. His web site is:
www.auntiemame .. biz.
Vegs delighted audiences for years and years. We
first met them way back in 1973 when they were
peiforming at the old MGM GRAND in Las Vegas.
They have certainly came a long way since then.
They are the highest paid entertainers in the history
of Las Vegas. Their shows were sold out EVERY NIGHT ! They are the only
peiformers in Las Vegas who have ever accomplished this feat. Their exceptional
show was extremely high tee and they just kept adding new dimensions to their
shows all the time. Due to the unfortunate accident that Roy had on stage, their
show has been cancelled. Our thoughts are with
both Siegfried and Roy.
"This column is fondly dedicated to the late
LIBERACE." who being Mr. Showmanship, was
the ultimate entertainer. His shows were a MUST
for everyone to see. His foundation web page is:
For more information on traveling, email
Donald and Ray at gaytravelers@aol.com or
visit theire web page at:
Volume I Issue 6 Supplement Page D June I, 2004
Lesbian Notions from page - A
OK, she's a businesswofuan, and bingo in drag
could be fun. But it's time to raise the quality of
the dialogue and address issues that will affect a
much larger number of gay people.
The Humm Rights Campaign, for ex,i.mple,
has made lobbying for Social Security survivor
benefits for same-sex couples a major issue on
its plate. However, given tbllt the public
retirement system's future is shakier every day,
our organizations may need to rethink and
broaden their efforts.
Coincidentally, Greensp:rn's warning arrived
just weeks before an important national
conference on LGBT aging called "Aging on Our
Own Terms," which is being held in mid-June in
New York: City, sponsored by our premier senior
advocacy group, SAGE. (For more info, visit
www.sageusa.org.) The conference promises to
address such vital questions as what gay
community in~structures are already in place
that can be made to worlc for old gay people and
what new institutions will be needed to care for
our elders in the future. A wide range of
registration and housing fees makes the
conference affordable to ,i.ll.
Interestingly, SAGE provides an excellent
example of how national gay organizations can
transform themselves to meet the needs of a
changing, aging community. Founded in 1977,
SAGE's acronym originally stood for Senior
Action in a Gay Environment, a title that
primarily spoke to the social needs of older
gay people - for example, having activities and
friends in order to avoid isolation and
Although social activities ,vill always be an
important function of gay senior groups, more
and more they're only part of the equation.
The fact is, many of us will need a lot more
than some good gay company in our golden
ye,i.rs. In light of changing times, SAGE's
initials ,i.re now shorthand for Services and
Advocacy for GLBT Elders. The new name
not only ·recognizes the breadth of our
community, but also suggests that the
organization is talcing a more pro-active role
on gay senior issues - now, while there's time
to make a difference.
Ozarks Pride Page 1-5 June 1, 2004
TtE ........... 1 n"VTOOi\Y
&Et LSaT~• ·
A once-in-a-lifetime chance to
make change
At the end of June 2003, the U.S. Supreme
Court struck down a Texas law which
made most kinds of sexual intimacy a
crime for same sex couples. That means
that the relationships that are at the heart
of our lives can't be made a crime
anymore. But it means more than that. The
Court didn't just strike the Texas law down.
It ruled that gay people have the same right
to form intimate relationships with others
that heterosexuals have. Laws which deny
that, the court said, "demean" the lives of
gay people and deny us the dignity that is
our right "as free persons."
This is most important Court decision
involving gay people ever. And it is also a
powerful political statement. One of the
primary justifications for treating gay
people as second class citizens has been
the claim that our relationships are wrong,
and that we are therefore supposedly not
entitled to equal respect. One of the
primary ways people have tried to clinch
the argument that our relationships are
wrong is by pointing to so-called
"sodomy" laws (some of which are aimed
at same-sex relationships, and some of
which technically are not).
After the Supreme Court decision in the
Texas case, that argument is just a dead
letter. Our relationships aren't a crime. And
the constitution gives us the same right to
be intimate, to form relationships, to live
our lives, that it gives to heterosexuals.
hThat does not necessarily mean that
businesses, schools and other institutions
have to indude LGBT people in equal
rontins,ed next column ...
opportunity policies or treat LGBT
relationships equally. But it does mean
that the law no longer gives them an
excuse to refuse.
\X/e now have the best opportunity we
have ever had to insist that governments,
business and schools treat us with dignity
and respect, and give us equal treatment in
day to day life.
No one who cares about equality and
dignity for LGBT people should let the
opportunity this Supreme Court decision
has given us pass v.i.thout doing
something to bring us a step closer to
equality. Equality is up to us.
Visit the ACLU web site to find the tools.
www.aclu.org/ getequal/
Steve from page-5
Be upfront, be truthful but always be
true to who God has made you to be. It
won't always be easy but each one of us
adds to the group and then there is one
more, and one more, and one more. My
mother goes to Forest Park Baptist
Church and one of her people saw the
article this past summer about our
church and told my mother, ''We don't
know about how much good they do.
"Think about that, they see us act up in
parades, they see us act up yelling "Hey
Girl!' Down the street ... but they "don't
see how much good we do."
This year, let's show them by
example. Adopt a street, if you see
brothers or sisters being inappropriate in
front of others ... s,i.y something. We would
if we didn't like what they were doing.
Include your spouses name when you talk at
work .. It becomes natural. No one has the
authority over you to make you less than
what God h:i.s created. Be proud of who
you are and let it shine.
Have a fun, safe summer.
~-; {•"17} Q2S-"f007
""- (417} eza..-t'"I&~
Su-nail; ~ Ooopyi:nll'llX.oom
June I, 2004
P..-tn1:1;1 aocl Copies
Bu&in-e C.rds
4'IO Aange'8,..,_ Ad .. Joplin. MO &4801
I!] T.J Kel!J
Midwest Entertainer
of the Year Regional Pageant
. A Las Vegas Show Girl in Joplin:No, it's the fabulous a
Ranged, winner of the Midwest Entertainer of the Year
Pageant (BOY). The Pageant was held at REE'S Joplin May
14th. Ms.a Ranged was one of eight contestants. He with
two alternates will proceed to the finals in Kentucky. Special
performers included former Miss Oklahoma USA, Robbie
Walker arid the current reigning Miss BOY, Nina L\ngdo. This year marks the 14th year of
the BOY pageant system with pageants still to be held in Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio.
Ozarks Pride Page lJ
-That's What Friends Are For
-Where are Democrats on the
Federal Marriage
by 1\r!att Foreman, ExeC11tive Director, National
Gqy and Lesbian Task Force:
You've got to hand it to the Bush
Administration: they take care of their
own. Wealthy folks have received tax
breaks; Star Wars defense contractors are
reaping billions; pollution controls on
business are being eased; national forests
have been opened to logging.
Perhaps nothing is more glaring, however,
than what has been done to cater to the
demands of the religious right. For them,
the constitutionally-mandated separation
between church and state has been
breached by the President's "Faith Based
Initiative." Federal law now bans "late
term abortion" at home and the
administration has relentlessly attacked
family planning programs abroad. With
barely a shred of empirical evidence to
show they work, "abstinence only"
programs that actually ban access to real
sex education or HIV prevention
information - are being lavishly funded.
Even with all of these giveaways, the
religious right demanded more and they
got it: the President's active support of an
amendment to the U.S. Constitution
prohibiting the recognition of same-sex
marriage and enshrining the second class
citizenship of gay and lesbian couples in
our nation's most sacred document.
We can moan and groan, but the President
is delivering money and issue red meat to
a part of the electorate tl1at was
responsible for 40% of his votes in 2000 .
In return, they are energized, grateful, and
will turn out en masse in November - an
essential ingredient if Mr. Bush is to be
re-elected. Old fashioned, smart politics.
Continued next coiumn:
June l, 2004
So what are the Democrats doing to protect
and energize a critical part of their base,
namely the gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender community? After all, our people
consistently and overwhelmingly vote
Democratic. (In light of the GOP's lousy
positions on so many key gay issues, it's not
hard to understand why.) In fact, we are the
party's third most loyal bloc of support just
behind the African American and Jewish
communities. We've remained loyal in spite of
slaps like "Don't Ask/Don't Tell," the federal
Defense of Marriage Act, and the lack of a
single federal law acknowledging our existence,
even when the Democrats controlled the
\'vhite House and one or both houses of
Congress. Just as important in this day and
age, our community raises a ton of money for
the party - far outstripping our proportion of
the vote. Given all of this, one would think the
party would be willing - rhetorically and
legislatively - to stand up for us.
Let me be specific. I don't understand why our
community should have to spend one more
hour, one more dime, make one more phone
call or write one more letter to make sure an
anti-gay, anti-marriage constitutional
amendment is dead on arrival in the U.S.
Last July 17, Senate Minority Leader Tom
Daschle pledged that Senate Democrats would
kill the federal marriage amendment if it ever
came to a vote. We were all grateful and
relieved to hear that pledge. But, it didn't feel
like such a big lift to me because killing the
amendment requires only 34 votes, and there
are 48 Democrats, five of whom are retiring at
the end of this year. In other words, every
single Democratic Senator considered "at risk"
this fall could be "let off the hook" on this
vote, if necessary, and the amendment would
still be defeated.
In a classic display of Washington legalese -
we've since discovered that last July's pledge is
in question. You see, it apparently applied only
to "the" Federal Marriage Amendmenr as
written lasr year.
Continued page-21 ,Walt Fore111at1
1 I Volume l Issue 6 Page 18 June 1, 2004
Gay Traveler., from page 7
They have a wide choice of dinner en trees
including Ribeyes, Shrimp, Salmon and a
large selection of desserts. A full wine list
and plenty of drinks. We have dined at
several restaurants in Phoenix over the years
and this is by far the finest dining
experience that we have ever had in the city.
They also have Johnson's Lounge which has
a piano bar right next to the restaurant. This
is a perfect place to meet other guests at the
Resort. On weekends, the Sky Deck Bar is
open on the 5th floor and is all outside.
There is always a lot happening at the
restaurant and bars. Check out their full
listings of drink specials, events and
entertainment at: www.johnsonsbar.com
This is one of those rare places where
you can check in to the hotel and stay right
there and never want to leave. They are
close to several other i;estaurants and gay/
lesbian bars if you wish to go however with
what the Calamus Resort has to offer, many
guests just stay right there to enjoy
They are located about 8 miles from the
airport and just minutes to several gay bars.
Actually Phoenix has more gay bars than
any other major city including San
Francisco and New York City. Most are
very nice and everyone is extremely
friendly. Art Galleries, Museums and
wonderful shopping are located nearby. Be
sure to check out the new GRAND hotels in
Phoenix, the Biltmore and the Phoenician.
Both are.world class hotels with room prices
to go with it. We enjoyed shopping at the
4700 North Central. They carry a great line
of jewelry, clubwear, sportswear, underwear,
cards, gifts, books, magazines and
For first time travelers to Phoenix a few
things to ·see and do are: Scenic drive from
Camp Verde to Flagstaff, next column ...
Papago Park Area, Northern Arizona and I
the Navajo Nation, La Posada Resort, ·
Kartchner Caverns State Park, Heard
Museum, Grand Canyon and the ArizonaSonora
Desert Museum.
The late great Senator Barry Goldwater ,
from Arizona summed it up best when he I
said, "The big thing is to make this country,j
along with every other country in the l
world ... quit discriminating against people i
just because they're gay .. You don't have toj
agree with it, but they have a constitutional]
right to be gay." Truer words were never l
spoken. • I
If you are wanting to get away for a few1
days, we certainly recommend the J
CALAMUS RESORT in Phoenix. They f
have come up with a really great gay/lesbia.d
resort. Vern and James and their staff will l
certainly make you feel right at home and :4
you will have a great time. I
For more information on the Calamus j
Resort, check out their web site at: j
www.calamusresort.com or give them a call!
at: l-877-4CALAMUS. Their email is: ·1
jamesmcavoy7 l 6@hotmail.com For other 1
information on Gay Phoenix and Gay I
Arizona, go to: • I
www.visitgayarizona.com. They will be I
happy to send you at no charge one of theirj
colorful pamphlets on GAY ARIZONA! Iti
lists many activities of gay and lesbian
interest for travelers. Their toll free
telephone number is l-800-GAYAZ4U.
For more information about gay travel,
email Donald and Ray at:
gaytravelers@aol.com or visit their web
page at: http://www.hometown.aol.com/ I
gaytravelers. f
Ozarks Pride Page 19
Gaywire Release:
Legislature adjourned May 8, effectively
killing a proposed anti-gay amendment
to the state Constitution that would
have denied marriage to same-sex
couples in the state. The measure, which
failed in Senate and House votes, would
have also denied the legal protections of
marriage to same-sex couples in civil
unions or domestic partnerships.
"Legislators recognized that
resurrecting an anti-gay amendment to
the Kansas Constitution was a bad idea
and waste of time," said HRC President
Cheryl Jacques. "This amendment was
twice rejected - first by the Senate and
then by the House. But some lawmakers
just couldn't take no for an answer. It's
heartening to see fairness won out."
Following a successful House vote, the
Senate, lead in part by Republican State
Sen. David Adkins, rejected the measure
on March 26. Lawmakers then brought
the measure up for another vote. The
Senate passed it, however, on May 4, the
House rejected it the second time
The Human Rights Campaign is the
largest national lesbian,
gay, bisexual and
transgender political
organization with
members throughout
the country. It
effectively lobbies
Congress, provides
campaign support and
educates the public to
ensure that LGBT
Americans can be open,
honest and safe at
home, at work and in
the community.
June 1, 2004
Quotable Quotes
"I am going to be tonight very strongly
on the side of those
who are fighting for a legal frame in
which they can develop their relationship
normally in their lives. In other words,
gay marriage - yes, please! Absolutely
-Actor Antonio Banderas at the GLAAD
Media Awards, March
27 in Los Angeles.
Martha's Vin ard
219 W. Olive, Springfield, MO
Southwest Missouri's Hottest
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Volume I Issue 6 Page 20 June I, 2004 June l, 2004 I Volumn 1 Issue 6 Page 2_1 ----::=---------------=---------------~---J----------------------;:============================-.-Mall
Formran from page-17 Q Scopes
by Jill Dearman
'Work off steam, Aries!"
ARIES (lvfarch 21 to April 20): On June 3, the
moon close to volatile Pluto in your house of
adventure could put a confrontational bee in your
bonnet. Just make sure you count to 10 before
exploding. A little physical exercise helps you work
off steam and banish all your inner demons. A
Pisces makes a good workout buddy - and I don't
mean at the gym.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): You may have to
pull back and stay out of trouble when it comes to
a tricky new relationship. Not everyone is as
straightforward as you are, baby. If you sense you
are being manipulated, you are! An Aries, however,
would never pull a fast one on you
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): The Sun moves
close to Venus in your sign this week, so get ready
for a Libra to move closer to you. You are an ace at
reading the romantic signs, my dear. Keep your eyes
open and your lips ready.
CANCER (June 22 to July 22): You need to channel
your rage, dear Cancer. Mars is stirring up your
blood, but Saturn is insisting that you find a
constructive outlet for those feelings. It doesn't
matter whether you choose kickboxing or karate;
just do something to release your anger. And then
release your passion all over an Aries.
LEO (July 23 to August 22): Anxiety peaks around
the full moon on June 3, and then chill-out season
officially begins for you. Make sure that you plan
lots of time with a Libra during these late spring
weeks. You need to be around someone who
reminds you of your dreams.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): You may
not get a chance to work on something that's
important to you this week, but don't beat vourself
up about it. Turn to a Cancer for encour:1g~ment.
Early June is your spring-cleaning time. Organize
and reorganize your environment, your workload,
your social calendar ... everything. You'll make up for lost
time soon enough.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22): The
Sun hooks up with your ruler Venus in your I
house of adventure, so this is a great week to
make a major play for someone you would
like to play with. A Cancer is open to whatever ·1
you've got to offer. Be sure you are offering a lot.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
The full moon on June 3 falls in your house !
of money, which means that you will need to
pay special attention to this sensitive area of
your life. Pay off a debt tl1at you've been
carrying around for way too long. Another
Scorpio wants to carry you around for a
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to i
December 21): The full moon in your sign on :J
June 3 pulls you closer to a Jover you've been ·j
pulling away from. What are you afraid of? ~
This is the week to face that fear. A Gemini is -,
just as nervous as you are. It's time to jump :l
deeper into the relationship, not out of it. i
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): I
Your body is your best friend this week, my 1
darling, so listen to it. As the Sun and Venus 1
transi. t your h ouse o f health, try to tune in to .lt
what your body is telling you. Do you need to j
slow down your pace or speed it up? A 'j
Gemini v;,ill give you the hands-on help you 1
need. 1
AQUARIUS Oapuary 20 to February 18):
Don't rush to judgment about a friendship,
sweetie. More information is coming down
the pike. Take this week to express what you
need to a Pisces, a,,d then wait. Patience pays
off. Spend a little extra time with yourself.
You've been way too harried lately.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20): On June
2, the full moon in your house of friends
could make vou fall into the arms of a soulful j
and affectio~ate Taurus pal. Don't try to plan j
tomorrow. Just revel in this unexpected treat. .,•
You need more surprises like this in vour life . ._ - , I
If the amendment is re-worded so it still
outlaws same-sex marriage anywhere in the
country but leaves the door open to state-based
domestic partnerships or civil unions, all bets
are off.
As a result, LGBT organizations including my
own -are making desperate appeals to their
members asking them to press their
representatives in Washington to oppose the
amendment. Our allies at the Human Rights
Campaign, for example, have raised S6 million
to fight it. Log Cabin Republicans and their
principled new leader Patrick Guerriero are
spending Sl million on anti-amendment
advertising. Ironically, even the Democratic
Party has jumped on the bandwagon, seeking
500,000 signatures on petitions opposing the
amendment to be circulated during gay pride
events this summer.
For me, it's appalling - indeed, sickening - that
scarce resources are being sucked into this work.
Every resource we have should instead be
funneled to our allies in the ten or more states
facing ugly and divisive campaigns to ratify antimarriage
state constitutional amendments this
November. Sadly, it looks as though our allies
will be left nearly high and dry, again.
We thought we could help head this off and
give some cover to those now getting squishy on
us by getting a few senators from safe Qet me
say SAFE) seats not up for election this year to
say unambiguously that they would oppose any
amendment seeking to restrict marriage rights.
(There's no shortage of ways to say this ,..-ithout
god forbid - having to endorse marriage
equality.) Turns out not even THEY would
come through. One response I got from a
SAFE seat was, "You can't ask us to say we'll
oppose any amendment ... what if the
amendment is reworded to specifically authorize
civil unions?" Like that could happen -when hell
freezes over.
Sorry, I can't buy this. \Y/e're not even asking
Senate Democrats to take a stand for full
equality or asking them to vote against a popular
measure. (ln fact, no poll shows majority
support for the amendment.)
Next ,o/J,mn ......
lie Lion's en
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No, this is about amending the U.S.
Constitution to take away rights from a
minority, something that has never occurred
in the history of our nation. If Bob Barr, the
anti-gay author of the 1996 Defense of
Mii.rriage Act, is against amending the
constitution this ,vay, how hard should this be
for our "friends?"
The religious right knows how to play adult
politics: they insist on getting something in
exchange for their support. It's time we did
the same. Our community is owed a renewed
pledge - now that any anti-marriage
amendment is dead on arrival in the Senate.
If we can't get something this simple and this
just and this easy, then ...
Founded in 1973, the National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force was the first national
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
civil rights and advocacy organization and
remains the movement's leading voice for
freedom, justice, and equality.
Volumn l Issue 6
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Weekend Get-A-Way: Want to escape
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June I, 2004
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Jopiin, MO 64804
Ozarks Pride Page 2T June 1, 2004
Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Organizations-
Arkansas, Fayetteville Arkansas, Eureka Springs
Ron's Place- - - - - - - - - - - 479-442-3052 MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Studio 716- -716 W Sycamore- - 479-571-1300
Arkansas, Fort Smith Kansas, Pittsburg
Burnzee's- -2301 Towson Ave #C- --479-494-7300 River of Life Church-Timmons Chapel PSlJ I lA":\f
Kincade- -Downtown
Missouri, Joplin
Missouri, Joplin
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - -7PM
Ree's- - - - 716 S. Main - - - --417-627-9035 lJCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - - - 10:30AM
Missouri, Kansas City
Missie B's- - - - 805 W 39th St- - -561-0625
Sidekicks Saloon 3707 Main St- - - 931-1430
Buddies - - - - - - - - - 3715 Main St - - -561-2600
Missouri, Springfield
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - --417-831-4700
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- - 417-624-5788
Missouri, Springfield
Rainbow Christian Ch-837 W J\fadison-417-866-6206
APO- - - - - 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Martha's Vineyard- 219 w Olive __ -417-864-4572 MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
Oz Bar 504 E. Commercial - -417-831-9001
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - -417-864-0036
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Hi-Lo Club 1221 NW 50th- - -405-843-1722
Finish Line -2200 N\\' 39th Expwy- - - 405-525-0730
Club Rox- - - -3535 N\,' 39th Expwy - -405-947-2351
Topanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th -405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tlllsa
Bamboo Lounge- -7204 E. Pine - - --918-836-8700
-Business ServicesKansas,
Mystic Creations- - - - - - - - - (620)231-6790
Missouri, Joplin
Penny Smart,Halr Salon -509 Main-417-623-3500
Massage By Rachael- - - - - - 417-438-3664
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-417-434-0077
RE/MAX- - - - - -Cathe Letts- -417-483-5313
Club Maverick- 822 S. Sheridan - 918-835-3301 Office Max- -440 Rangeline Rd- ____ 417-623-1007
Heads & Tails- 7944 E. 21 st - - - - 918-660-7878 CreatlveDazeDesign.com- - - - 417-623-7809
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston - -918-584-9494 The Lions Den - - - -Austin Letts - 417-623-8767
New Age Renegades- - -1649 S. Main -918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial - - 918-838-9792
Sliver Star Saloon- -1565 S. Sheridan -918-834-4234 Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
TNT's- 2114 S. Memorial- - - - -918-660-0856 Century21- -4301 NW 63rd #100 405- 840-2106
Tool Box- - - 1338 E. 3rd- - - - - - 918-584-1308 Hollywood Hotel- 3535 N\'1;' 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Yellow Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th - - - -918-293-0304
Faces Guesthouse B&B - - - - - 417-621-9915
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- 417-624-7800
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground 417-683-9199
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Harvard -918-747-5466
Underguy.com - - -825 E. 3rd - - - -877-7-BOXERS
Volume 1 Issue 6 Page 24 June 1, 2004
A Celebr-ation??
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a .~
. \.

Original Format




Ozarks Pride, “[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, June 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 6,” OKEQ History Project, accessed January 31, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/138.