[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, July 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 7
[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, July 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 7
Politics, education, and social conversation over LGBTQ+ topics
Ozarks Pride's first issue began in January of 2004. Then follows Ozarks Pride (2004), The Star (2005), and The Metro Star (2008).
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
This magazine discusses topics of AIDs, education, politics, local and national civil rights of the LGBT community, and advice for relationships and places to visit.
This collection is PDF searchable. Physical copies are also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Ozarks Pride
Ozarks Pride
July 1, 2004
C.D. Ward
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Ozarks Pride Magazine, June 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 6
The Ozarks Star Magazine, August 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 8
The Ozarks Star Magazine, August 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 8
Online text
Online text
Southwest Missouri
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Western Arkansas
Southeast Kansas
Eastern Oklahoma
The United States of America (50 states)
Volume 1 Issue 7
Issue 7
Ozarks Pride (The Ozarks Star)
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243
Joplin, 1-fissouri 64804-3128
Editor: C.D. Ward (editor@ozarkspride.com)
Member: National Lesbian Gay Journalist Association
Contributing Writers:
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Editor's Page -page 2
Voters Decision Page 4
Steve T. Urie - page 5
Donald & Ray, Ou! on Vacation- Page 7
Ozarks Pride Ou! Cruzin- page 12-13
That's Entertainment page-14
Lesbian Notions- page • 15
Deep Inside Hollywood-page-16
Q Scopes- page 20
Classifieds-page 22
Communiiy Directory- page 23
Advertising Rates:
Card Size Ad- $17.00 per issue (3 Month Minimum)
Subscription- $16.00 (6 months)
Classifieds- $6.00 first 15 words- 25cents each
Email: advertising@ozarkspride.com
Phone (417) 437-2275 for larger and full page ad
Deadline for all advertising, articles and
payment is the 20th of each month for the
next months issue.
Ozarb Pridt Magazine is published & diltribuled monthly as a
community a.vie» by Ozarlcs Pride Groop of Joplin, Missouri.
Publication of lhe name. photograph or lkeness of any person.
business or organization in thla publication is not to be construed ••
any ind•ca!lon of 11xual ori1nl11ion or prelerencaa of auch person.
bu,inesa or organization.
O~niona expreo,ed by co!umnista, ldY!lr1i,ers or L•N•ri to tho Ec/J1or
are not neca1S1rily the opinion oi Ozarb Prldt IM>gezine, ii• s/1/f. tho
publiahor or J'a 1dver1;..,._
Content of ldver11•ments 1nd articles are the tole responsibility of
the advettieer and /or au'l!or. Tha Publisher r, Oz•ri« Pr~ Msgazioo
re1trves tho right lo refuse edvtrtil:ng material for any reason what so
ever. o~ Prid& and 111 likenesses there of are sole properties of
Ozarks Pride Group. All material O ~yrignt 200( Ozorh Pride
We Made It!
Yes, Ozarks Pride Magazine made it
past the half year mark. We are in our
7th month and have met every distribution
date. We are now the oldest continu- .,,
ous running LGBT news publication in j
Southwest Missouri. :i
As some of you may remember, our first
issue, January was eight pages. June,
the Gay Pride 2004 issue was our largest
issue with 28 pages and we are growing
monthly. The community response has
been tremendous and contributors such
as Steve Urie, Ray Williams, Donald Pile,
T J Kelly and Gabe Norman deserve
huge hugs. Our loyal advertisers have
come through month after month. REE's
, Fairfield Inn, Faces Guesthouse,
Century 21 Goldcastle OKC, Penny
Smart with Woody's Manhattan, Vickie
Bronson of Charles Burt Realtors, Studio
716 and Bamboo Lounge have kept the
paper alive. You are greatly appreciated
as are all the newer business community
With this half year milestone under our
belt, I want to say, although we have
continued to operate in the red to date, I
am optimistic about the future of this
magazine. There have been too many
kudos from the LGBT community to think
otherwise. In June issue we added the
syndicated column "Lesbian Notions"
and Q Scopes. For the July issue
another syndication "Deep Inside Hollywood"
a very popular national column.
"Out on Vacation" by Ray Williams and
Donald Pile is now in syndication.
continued page-3
-~~, i t
Of course our goal is to become a
profit oriented company, and with
circulation increasing each month
our advertising rates have to
increase. Our current rates are
very reasonable and you the
business community should take
advantage of this opportunity to
increase your sales. Our advertisers
are all telling us they have new
business from their Ozarks Pride
Now, an important announcement..
.... Because our name "
Ozarks Pride Magazine" is
sometimes associated with Gay
Pride Organizations, we have
decided to rename the magazine
beginning with the August issue.
The new name will be
" The Ozarks Star "
The format will not change and we
hope to continue to print the front
and back cover in full color,
although this is our most costly
feature. In addition other enhancements
are in the works for the
Yes, we have come a long way in
six months and I have met many
new and wonderful people who
have generously helped get us
here. December will be our 12th
issue and we are going to have a
party baby! So get ready and have
that old Tux cleaned and let out,
that includes the ladies too!
Have a great 4th of July.
C.D. ward
Creator: Romeo San Vicente
has extensive experience in
Hollywood as a writer, producer,
and homosexual. His friends
have the ability to make or
break your budding career, so be
nice to him.
About the column: Deep Inside
Hollywood is an entertainment
insider column covering
celebrities, movies, TV shows,
and other Hollywood subjects of
interest to gays and lesbians.
Lots of previews of upcoming
gay-related projects, along with
inside information about
Tinseltown goings-on - with just
a touch of gossip. This is Q
Syndicate's most popular column.
Ozarks Pride Magazine, soon to
be "The Ozarks Star" will be
publishing this column each
month beginning with this issue.
See page 16 for the first
Volume 1 Issue 7 Page4
Want a VOICE in your community?
We welcome your opinion , commentary, and
your input. This publication is about building
Community Unity, and you are a part of
making this happen.
We want you to speak out!
Mailing address:
2401E. 32nd St, Suite !1-243,
Joplin, MO ~84-328
Email: editor@arkspride.com
NOTE: All letter's to the editor and articles
submitted must include your name and phone
number for verification purposes only.
Mission Statement: To provide a GLBT
community voice to SW l'vfissouri, SE Kansas,
NE Oklahoma, NW Arkansas. Our mission is
to inform and report news of interest to our
Missouri Gay
Vote August 3rd.
Constitution Defense Leag11e 11datt:
Tuesday, August 3 is fast approaching,
and the campaign against Amendment 2
is picking up steam:"Aniendment 2 is the
official ballot name.of the proposal to
ban gay and lesbian marriage in the
Missouri Constitution. With offices and
staff in St. Louis and &nsas City, and
staff in Columbia and soon to follow in
Springfield, no.t to mention.active
volunteer teanis in all 6£ these
communities, the. &nstitution Defense
League is positioning itself to defeat
Amendment 2 on. Augμst 3!
Missouri will be the first state in the
country to vote on this kind qf
constitutional amendn:ient since the
victory in Massachusetts. At least four
other states will face the same vote in
November, and they, along with the rest
of the country, are looking to .l\fissouri to
see how we face up to the challenge.
Woody's Manhattan
Hair & Nall Salon
Penny Smart
509 Main ~ Joplin, MO 64801
Appointments (417) 623-3500
Page 5
I want to start this month thanking a
number of business and church leaders for
there thought&, suggestions and their help
in building our GLBTS Community.
Penny Smart (Woody's of Manhattan),
Rachael Martinez (1\fassage by Rachael),
Chaz Ward (Faces Guesthouse and Ozarks
Pride Magazine), Rev. George and Rev
Paula Jo David (Pastors at River of Life
Church in Pittsburg, KS) as well as Connie
Gilpin (MCC of the Living Spring in
Eureka Springs, AR) have all been
instrumental in building the great area
community and teaching what "Unity in
Christ" is all about.
Exchanging business cards, spreading
,vord of businesses, traveling untold miles
this group of people have been a positive
force in not only Joplin, but Eureka
Springs, Pittsburg and around the world
through the UFMCC news and web news.
The churches in this three state area are
sponsoring and cosponsoring special
events on regular bases for the good of the
people here. The GLBTS Community is
more than going to the bar. (Don't be
offended, I not telling not to go there.) But
} am telling you that there are other social
events and programs for you to be
'involved in.
Speaking of ev-ems, I understand that Pride
in Springfield was a great success, so to in
Kansas City, St Louis, Dallas, San Francisco ...
and next year we are adding Joplin to the
calendar. A committee is being developed
July l, 2004
for Joplin Pride 2005 and it's time to start
working on this nmv. If you are
interested, please call 417-206-6179 and
leave your name and number or email
~. This-will
not be a church event but a community
event to celebrate who we are. \Ve are
dads, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts,
uncles, nieces and nephews. We are
neighbors, co-workers, peers and friends.
And we don't need to go out of town to
celebrate that. The committee is making
arrangements to have games, art works,
crafts and food/ drink booths at this first
for exciting announcements and be
Hopefully before our pride event we
will have a new president, one that cares
about all the people. REMEMBER
VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Your vote
counts, each one makes differences.
When you don't vote ... you make a
difference too! You choose.
There is a story of an old man
watching as a young boy is picking up
starfish on the beach. The boy picks up a
starfish and throws it as far into the
ocean as he can, walks along, picks up
another and another and another. The
old man finally catches up -with the young
boy and tells him, "You're not going to
make a difference, look at all of them."
The young boy picked up another starfish
and threw it just as high and far as he
could, looked up to the old man and said,
"it makes a difference to that one." Yes
each one of your votes count ... be ready
and let's make a bold stand and get the
GLBTS community out to vote at our
local elections in August and the
Presidential Election in November.
Have a great month!
Volume 1 Issue 7
r t! Ozarks Pride Page 7 July 1, 2004
Photo by: Ray Williams -OUT ON VAl.ATION
.. Traveling in the gay friendly world"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
"The Largest, exclusively Gay Resort on
fl Ft. Lauderdale Beach, Florida" .t!. Ever wanted to go to a gay resort and be pampered to death? Fly down to Ft
,~,, Lauderdale and check out The GRAND Resort (www.grandresortnet), located just
'e'l steps from the Atlantic Ocean. Their friendly and accommodating staff will
}!] pamper to your every whim. Service is what this resort is all about. From a 'fl delicious continental breakfast poolside each morning to guest "get-togethers" on
!:I weekends and luxurious accommodations - you will be won over very quickly.
,~ii Their rooms and suites are spotlessly clean and decorated marvelously. The
, '.1! moment you enter the front gates you realize that you aren't in Kansas anymore.
fij Many guests don't leave this secluded resort because there is so much to see and
•• r do in the resort. The owner of the Grand Resort is Casey Koslowski. Herbert Pianin ,,i is the general manager. With assistance from their staff of nine they go out of their
J way to make your stay extremely enjoyable.
A variety of accommodations are available including standard guest rooms, deluxe
guest rooms, one and two bedroom suites, and a one or two bedroom penthouse.
All rooms and suites feature cable TV, VCR's, a Sony HI-FI CID music system,
private voice mail, iron and ironing board, hair dryer, refrigerator, gourmet pantry,
microwave, and coffee maker with Godiva Coffee. Bathrooms are stocked with a
great selection of Caswell Massey soaps, bath amenities, and plush robes for
lounging. Most rooms have access to high speed Internet lines. For the comfort of
guests all accommodations are non-smoking.
A complete continental breakfast is served each morning in the Grand Cafe, or
poolside, offering morning breads, fresh muffins, fresh brewed coffee or tea and
assorted juices. There is a "community" computer where you can check your email
account. They offer scuba diving lessons and can make arrangements for just
- about any type of water sports you are interested in.
A huge swimming pool dominates the front courtyard and a Jacuzzi is available in
the tropical garden at the back of the resort. This is a paradise unto it's own. One
would assume you're in the Tropics with palm trees and lush plants of all kinds
eveywhere. A fully equipped fitness center, to keep your body in shape, is part of
the amenities. Every Friday a guest "get together" is scheduled featuring sangrias,
Volume 1 Issue 7 Page 8
The Crowd enjoyed Live Eritertainment all day.
Springfield, MO -]1me 13, 2004
l?J G"f. S teek
Beginning on Friday, June 11th with a
Candle Light Walk from Chestnut Expressway
to-l'vfill Street with a party and food at The
Edge. Royalty Pageant's were held Saturday
night at The OZ and Martha's Vineyard.
Ending with Pride In The Park on Sunday,
June 13th "Show Me MO Priae" committee
staged a fantastic event. Hundreds packed the
nightclubs and an estimated 1600 were
entertained at Phelps Grove Park on Sunday.
The Festival wound down with a Barbecue at
July 1, 2004
Saturday Night Pageant
Miss ShowMe MO Pride - Misty Falls
1st Alternate - Jayden LaRue
Mr. ShowMe MO Pride-Michael Anthony
1st Alternate Cody Kane
MR PRIDE - Justin Kastning
1st Alternate Zachary Isaacs
Ozarks Pride
Volume 7 Page 10 July 1, 2004
Ozarks Pride Page 11
au,uu,11~. the first travel company
devoted to gay and lesbian family
vacations, has teamed up with
Metropolitan Community Churches
(MCC), the world's largest and oldest
church group with an affirming ministry
to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender (GLBT) communities.
MCC will perform wedding ceremonies
and offer worship services aboard R
Family Vacations' historic inaugural cruise
in July. "\Xle are honored to partner with
MCC - their support of gay and lesbian
families is truly 1m;p11rm12:," said Kelli
O'Donnell and -..a1u11.1~"-Y, cofounders
of R Family Vacations. "We are
thrilled to be able to offer guests the
to attend worship services or
to marry on the cruise while surrounded
and friends."
on July 11, 2004. Ports of
call will include Port \..-ana·ve1:a1.
Baham· ·
In addition to
July 1, 2004
. Church of Greater Dallas, will serve as
Pastor in Residence on the cruise. "\Xle are
proud to support R Vacations and
applaud their commitment to
GLBT families not a vacation, but a
support network of other parents and
children just like their own," said Love.
"\Xle are looking forward tojoining the
hundreds of GLBT families from around
the U.S. on the cruise in a celebration of
love, faith and a couple's decision to step
forward in both."
Metropolitan Community Churches is the
largest international vehicle for public
education about homosexuality and
Christianity. At the vanguard of civil and
human rights movements for over 30
years, MCC addresses the important issues
of sexism, homophobia, ageism,
and other forms of oppression. Founded
in MCC has an inclusive
membership of over 43,000 members in
300 churches worldwide. R Family
Vacations creates vacations for gay and
lesbian travelers and their families of
an instant community where
everyone is R Vacations
confirms you don't haYe to co1:np,ro:m1:se
your to go on a vacation. For
more information about R
Brad is currently playing at The Ledo
Lounge in Okfa.homa City, from 6 pm tq 10 pm
on Fridays. His unique vocal style lends a
romantic dimension to many classic favorites.
Other than nightclub performances he is :tlso
available for weddings, funer:tl's or private
" Since I play by ear, I play the music that I
have recordings of or have heard enough times
to be able to rec:tll. I tend toward musicians
that play piano, like Elton John." Brad told OP
writer Greg Steele.
Brad was raised in St Louis, MO and moved
to Oklahoma at age 22 to attend University at
OU where he graduated and then completed
two years of Medical School in Tulsa. Brad and
his partner Rod live in Pink, Oklahoma where
they plan to open a B&B this September.
For booking information contact Brad at
(405) 509-8506, or email
J ■ Urban Pop Solo Artist performed at
the Silver Star Club June 6th to kick of
Tulsa's Gay Pride Week. HOT! HOT!
HOT! J's energy electrified the packed
crowd at the Silver Star. He sang and
danced to a ,rariety of songs including
music from his latest album "\vithout My
One And Only " and contains the Bonus
R&B track, Run Like Hell, for all of you urban
jocks! . This is J's second album release. "So
High" was his first and a new single "Rise
and Fall" will soon hit the music stores.
If your going to be in the New York, NY
area catch his show at THE ROXY on
September 23, 2004.
For other future performances and
information,J.'s website.
~' (◄ 117), 823-11007
F'eox:I (4'17) 023--S1159
En'ltaN; -cwn~ Oeopyma.x..c:om
Pri,nu, and CopS!
Business Ca.-dla
Ozarks Pride Page 15 July 1, 2004
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and lesbian
press for more than 20 years. She
served for tl;iree years as the cochair
of the board of directors of
New York City's Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Community Center, where she
founded a groundbreaking reading
series called "In Our Own \Vrite."
A Lambda Literary Award winner for
her first novel, 011t of Time, Martinac
has also authored several nonfiction
books, including The Lesbian and Gqy
Book of Love and Marriagt and The
Q11urut Places: A G11ide to Gtry and
Lesbian Historic Sites. Her screenplay,
Fonign Affairs, co-written with her life
partner, Katie Hogan, won second
place in the 2003 PO\'v"ER UP
Screenplay Competition.
by Paula Martinac
July, 2004
Our Love Is
Here To Stay
A recent newspaper report on the 2002 marriage
and divorce rates in Vermont showed that straight
couples have a higher divorce rate than same-sex
couples, and that the heterosexual rate has remained
pretty constant since the advent of civil unions in
2000. Or, to phrase it in a way guaranteed to make
the religious right squirm: if you're the child of a
mommy-daddy family in Vermont, your parents are
more likely to divorce than are Heather's two
These are the first stats we've had on legalized gay
relationships, and the temptation for the lesbian and
gay community to jump to wild conclusions is pretty
great, given how demonized our unions are. I
wouldn't be surprised to hear some gay activists and
commentators boasting that our relationships are
"better" than heterosexual ones. But, in fact, they're
simply different in their gender-role makeup and in
a way that could help straight couples, too.
It will be highly ironic if, in the long run,
heterosexual marriages - which receive enormous
societal and institutional support - prove to be
shakier than same-sex ones. But then, there's so
much hype and myth about heterosexual romance
in popular culture, particularly aimed at women,
making straight marriage look like a piece of
wedding cake. A recent episode of the cheesy
daytime talk show _Dr. Phil_ showed the extreme of this, interviewing young, single women with
highly romanticized views of marriage. In fact, several had already planned their weddings, even
though they didn't haYe boyfriends.
On the other hand, there are far fewer romantic illusions for lesbian and gay couples, most of
whom have nothing to hold them together but sheer willpower. Indeed, there has been some
concern among queers on the far left that legalized marriage for same-sex couples ·will ultimately
destroy one of good things we have going for us - the ability many gay couples have to stay
mgether over the long haul, even though society doesn't recognize our unions.
But then, there's more to the marriage game than simply sticking it out. Looking at marriage from
a feminist perspective, one of the biggest hurdles facing hi:terosexuai unions is the strangieholci
that gender roles continue to wield over most of the men and women who enter into them. And
it's in the area of gender nonconformity that many iesbian and gay couples hold a powerful
advantage. Contin11•d page Sr,pplwmet -21
Volume I Issue 7 Page 16 July 1, 2004
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San Vicente
. July 2004
John Cusackls Ex-Gay
Forget what
you've heard
about gay
characters in
films being no
big deal in
they're still a
_ ,·ery _ big deal.
It's bad enough
that Ang Lee's
might have its gay romance neutered, but now
director Nick Cassavetes and actor John Cusack
are part of Hollywood's de-gaying process, too.
Cassavetes will direct and Cusack will star in the
film adaptation - penned by gay screenwriter
Jonathan Tolins (_Twilight of the Golds_) and
Seth Bass - of gay author David Gerrold's book
The Martian Child_. When Romeo first reported
:n this story, it looked like the plot would follow
that of the original book, in which a gay man
adopts a 6-year-old boy, only to discover that the
child believes himself to be from Mars. In the
film, however, Cusack's character ,,ill be straight.
So far, no one is saying why the gay character was
declared an unfit parent and why that change was
so vital to the movie's development, but it's a safe
bet to say it has a lot to do with the continued
triumph of commerce over art. The film begins
shooting this fall.
Brendan Fraser's Queer _Secret_
Wtli he look as good in a James Bond-style
~xedo as he did in-his _George of the Jungle_
oincloth? That's the real question to be answered
when Brendan Fraser steps into the role of
_Gay Secret Agent_. Currently in negotiations
to star, Fraser may well be the next _Austin
Powers_, one ,,ith a distinct nvist in the
"shao-ging" department. And speaking of Powers,
that franchise's producers, Suzanne and Jennifer
Todd, are also the ones behind this espionage
spoof written by _Saturday Night Llve_ alum
Brad Hall and Andrew Gottlieb. Translation:
Expect lots of broad, silly riffing on gay
stereotypes, so keep your sense of humor tu~ed
to Lowest Common Denominator. Meanwhile,
Romeo ,vants to know how much male eye-candy
of the Bond Girl variety \\111 make it to the final
Jamie Babbitt Connects to
Dot Lesbian filmmaker Jamie Babbitt
(_B~ I'm -A Cheerleader_) is about to take a
break from her busy career directing episodes of
shows like Malcolm in the Middle_, _The
Bernie Mac-Sho,v_, _Nip/Tuck_, and _Gilmore
Girls to return to the world of feature films.
Babbitt \,ill direct the thriller _Dot_, from
writers Micah Schraft and Abdi Nazemian (ABC
Familv's Beautiful Girl_). _Dot_ concerns a
deaf ;ee;age orphan and the dark goings-on
that arise when she moves in ,vith a "typical"
family one that turns out to be anything but.
Uniq~e to this project is the support of the
Universitt of Texas in Austin, whose film school
sponsor/a program that gives its students .
hands-on experience making low-budget mov1es.
In other words, they're donating a lot of free
labor, and there's not a producer in the world
who'd say no to that kind of deal.
_South Park_ Guys String Up
Team America __ South Park_ creators Trey
Parker and Matt Stone are taking a break from
their animated world of profanity-spewing
children to enter the world of marionette
superheroes. _Team America_, the first allmarionette
feature film since_ Thunderbirds Are
Go!_ hit big screens in 1966, is currently
shooting in collaboration with gay superproducer
Scott Rudin, featuring music by Marc
Shaiman. Team America_'s plot involves strmgcontrolled
puppets fighting ~vii forces and
rontinNtd on page 17
Page 17
MCC Joplin-Spirit of Christ
Metropolitan Community Church
Sunday Service 7PM
Community Meal served Wednesday's at 6:~0pm, cost
. 0 meal is always nutritionally balanced. Dinners
i$n3c.l0u0d.e N doe soenrte, disn _ntukr naend d agwoaoyd . f e l~r wship Take out meals are also available. Bring your O ·
friends and family.
Steve T. Urie, Pastor
2902 E. 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64803
Inside Ho/fr111ood frr:J111 p,i.g, t 6
annoyi;g celebrities, and, given the
overwhelming amount of absurdly
silly gay content to be found in every
project these guys have ever taken ?n,
there's an almost 100 percent certru~ty
that Parker and Stone's obsession with
homosexuality will rear its head yet
again. Look f~r an autumn rel~ase ~
just in time to skewer the pres1dent1al
Romeo San Vicente usually keeps
;everal men on a string at the same
time himself.
Quotable Quotes
"Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact,
he's not a leader. He's a person who has
no judgment, no experience and no
knowledge of the subjects that he has
to decide upon .... The shallowness that
he has brought to the office has not
changed since he got there . ... The
president's capacity to lead has never
been there. In order to lead, you have
to have judgment. In order to have
judgment, you have to have k~owledge
and experience. He has none. - .
House of Representatives ~em?crattc
leader Nancv Pelosi of Calirorma, to
the S;n Fra~cisco Chronicle, May 20.
Volume I Issue 7 Page 18 July 1, 2004
Gay Travelers from page 7
chips, and salsa. On Saturday "get
togethers" wine and cheese are
featured. What a wonderful way to meet the
other guests! We NEVER settle for second
best and promise that you won't be
disappointed in your stay here. This is a
first-class resort.
For beach lovers, simply walk a few yards
and you're there. Another five blocks and
you find yourself on Ft. Lauderdale's GAY
beach where you will be one of hundreds of
gay men basking in the Florida sun.
The Grand Resort is centrally located and
very close to downtown Ft. Lauderdale and
the famous Las Olas Blvd. shopping area. A
wide variety of wonderful restaurants and
shops are found there. We particularly
enjoy shopping atAudace, 813 East Las
Olas Blvd. which is a gay clothing store
highlighting swimwear and underwear.
One particularly exciting bar on Las Olas is
the Cathode Ray Club (1307 East Las Olas
Blvd). This is an upscale bar "complex"
with several bars in one. They are busy all
the time and draw a great cocktail hour
crowd. Their "theme" nights and special
event nights are the norm - Monday is
Comedy night, Tuesday is "2 for Tuesday"
with the Sandy Lynn Duo live at the Baby
Grand. Wednesday is "gaymetime Over
Wednesday'' with a live show at 9pm.
Thursday is mixer night and Friday happy
hour lasts from 2pm until 9pm. Saturday is
"two for one" from 2 till 9, and the Retro
Dance Party with Liquid Rainbow is a Must
event. There is always something special
happening at the Cathode Ray
Next door is Bar Amici Restaurant (1301
East Las Olas Blvd) owned by the same
proprietor as Cathode Ray. Again, it is
upscale but with very reasonable prices.
Their food is outstanding!
Ft. Lauderdale abounds with gay bars and
restaurants. Travelers will be able to
quickly find just the right bar that suits them.
Bars run the gamut from Disco, Leather,
Drag, Strippers, neighborhood bars and high
end cocktail bars. One of the great drag
performers, AUNTIE MAME performs at
several different bars and clubs in the city.
Check out her website at:
~ and be sure to catch her
Ft. Lauderdale is a great getaway for
Midwesterners in winter and can also be fun
year round. With over two dozen gay bars,
over a dozen gay restaurants, two bath houses
and dozens of gay-owned businesses, this is a
gay Mecca every day of the year. A short day
trip from Ft. Lauderdale would be to Palm
Beach just a few miles up the highway. South
Beach and Miami are just 25 miles south of
Ft. Lauderdale. AVIS auto rentals
(www.avis.com/prouder) are very reasonably
priced and AVIS is the ONLY auto rental
company that is gay-friendly. They do not
charge extra for your partner driving like the
other auto rental companies do.
For more information about the GRAND
RESORT, visit their web site at:
www.grandresort.net. Their toll free number
is: l-800-818-1211 with an email address of
info@grandresort.net Their address is 539
North Birch Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304.
Other good websites if planning a visit to Ft.
Laurderdale are: ~
(information about gay Ft. Lauderdale),
~(the local
gay publication), and www.audace.com
(the gay clothing store we visited).
As always, if you have any travel
questions, email Donald and Ray at
gaytravelers@aol.com or visit their web
page at: http://www.hometown.aol.com/
ks Pride Page 19
O'Donnell plans gay
parenting magazine
31/05/2004- 12:48:15
Ireland Online Dublin,lreland
American comclienne Rosie O'Donnell is
planning a new magazine aimed at gay
and lesbian parents. R Family Magazine,
due out in 2005, is O'Donnell's second
attempt at launching a publication. The
first, Rosie, died an acrimonious death in
2003 after
between her
Gruner And
Cindi Berger
says: "Rosie
d~es hope to launch a magazine in the
new year." The former actress ,,·ants a
platform to address gay family issues.
O'Donnell recently wed her long-term
partner Kelli Carpenter in San Francisco.
Quotable Quotes
"It's not something I would want to do. I think
it's more an attempt to assimilate. I don't know
why \Ve have to marry in
order to get equality. To me
it is a human-rights issue. I
believe people should be
able to bless their
relationships any way they
choose. This idea that if we
can just achieve marital
rights then we're gonna be
free is a delusion. Because I
can assure you right now, we
will never be like straight
peopie'" Bov George to
the Houston Voice, April 30.
July 1, 2004
National Stonewall Democrats to
Mobilize thousands in Community to
Elect Kerry: National Stonewall
Democrats is the only national
organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender Democrats, with more
than 90 local chapters across the nation.
NSD is committed to working through
the Democratic Party to advance the
rights of all people regardless of sexual
orientation or gender identity.
artha' s Vine'f ard
219 W. Olive, Springfield, MO
Southwest Missouri's Hottest
Entertainment Complex. Now
Celebrating 10 Years of Quality
Volume l Issue 7
y Jill Dearman July 2004
"Push the envelope, Libra!"
ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Mars, your oh-sobutch
planetary ruler, hooks up with
communicative Mercury in your house of
passionate love. If the idea of your lover sleeping
with someone else makes you see red, perhaps
you'd better pugh for the kind of commitment you
know you really want. A Leo is waiting for a
proposal. Get thee to New Paltz.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): If you're
struggling with what to do about a troublesome
friendship, err on the side of love. Stop being so
stubborn, and let an important ally know that you
just aced reassurance. Try giving some. A Scorpio
can't quite figure you out (and loves it that way).
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Your world is
beginning to seriously change, Gemini. lt's up to
you to move into the future :md stop holding fast
to the past. You can create tbe'!'kiod of life you've
always wanted. But yes, dear, you must be braYe.
Get off the fence. Another Gemini gives you
CANCER 0une 22 to July 22): Don't overpower
business associates during thi~ cycle. Instead, wow
them with your know-how, and stand firm on your
deal points. You don't need any drama in your work
life. Save that for when you come home to a roleplaying
Gemini who wears many masks.
LEO Quly 23 to August 22): Your career is about to
take off, thanks to one part good fortune (Jupiter)
and one part hard work {Saturn), which you've
already done plenty 0£ Push forward now, while the
planets are with you. Whatever you pitch, people
want to buy. A Sagittarius wants to hear your ~piel.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): Jupiter's
&.bulous trek throngh your ~ign puts you more in
charge of your own destiny than eYer before. Start
making some moves, doll. Don't just sit there
looking sultry. A Pisces is waiting, but is getting
Ju;y 1, 2004
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22): Mars
and Mercury hook up in your house of group
efforts this week. If you push the envelope,
you could really start working for a cause you
believe in, with friends you adore. An 1\ries
finds your altruism awfully appealing.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Stop acting older than you arc, sweetie. This
is your time to regress and be as childlike (but
not childish) as you wanna be. Get back in
touch with your dreams and sense of wonder.
A Leo wants to slip under the covers with
SAGITTARIUS (NoYember 22 to
December 21): You have the ability to change
lives with your words, so maybe you should
pick up a pen and start jotting down some
ideas. A new career is imminent, but don'r pin
yourself down just yet. Let your mind
wander. And let your eyes wander over to a
very seli:y Scorpio.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19):
This is a fab rime for vour romantic affairs,
dear Capric~rn, if yo~ are willing ro let
someone else (like a strong and sexy Taurus)
do all the work. Your job? To learn to receive
bctrer. Wipe that smutty look off your face,
you slut.
AQUARlUS 0anuary 20 to February 18):
Get all of the tedious tasks out of the way as
quickly as possible, h~mey. Io a few shorr
weeks, your love life ,vill become your
number-one priority, so make sure your slate
is clean. A Sagittarius wants to be able to slide
into your life gracefully.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20): The
subtext in your relationships is a lot more
fascinating than what's on the surface.
Innuendoes abound. Try to probe your
parmers about what they really want from you.
Or when in doubt, just probe. But bear in
mind, a restrained Capricorn is holding out for
all your iove.
Volume l Issue 7 Page 21 July 1, 2004
Advertis."1?7ent Sam Sampson in Concert
Come and
Listen to
this MultiTalented
Produced by
God's Child
Saturday, July 31st
, 2004
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
River of Life Church
1709 North Walnut
Pittsburg, KS
Lesbian Notio11s from pagt-15
All of us get indoctrinated into our "proper"
gender roles early in life, from the time we're
brought home from the hospital in the
requisite pink or blue blanket. But somehow
queer kids often manage to subvert those roles,
by being boy-girls or girl-boys who won't - or
can't act exactly as society dictates. And many
of us take that with us into our adult
\Vhile it's true that some straight relationships
today do shake up gender roles - a female
friend of mine mows the lawn, while her male
partner washes the dishes - the norm is that
wife Jane is burdened because husband Jim
rarely "helps" around the house and doesn't
bear primary responsibility for the kids. At the
same time, their lesbian neighbors Judy and Jo
don't have prescribed gender rules to rely on,
so they set up a cop acetic arrangement in
which each performs the tasks she likes and is
good at, rather than those society assigns to
women at birth.
The disregard of traditional gender roles by
same-sex couples is borne out, too, in a few
studies about the grown children of lesbian
parents (here isn't enough data yet on those of
gay male parents) Girls and boys :raised to
adult hood by two lesbian moms seem to be
much less likely to feel hemmed in by gender
expectations than kids raised in mom-and-dad
families. \X-'hich makes sense - after all, they've
grown up around women who do everything
from cooking to repairing leak.-y faucets.
Of course, gender nonconformity turns out to •
be one of the religious right's biggest fears
about lesbians and gay men having children
that we'll raise a generation of manly women
and womanly men. Jn its tract, "'\)\;'hat's Wrong
with Letting Same-Sex Couples Marry'!' the
iinily Research Council points with horror to
a research study showing that "children of
lesbians are less likely to conform to traditional
gender norms," seeing that as one of the many
things that's "wrong" with our unions.
But queer families' gender freedom is
something that's very _right_ about them and
that may actually help hold our relationships
togethec The real nightmare for religious
conservatives is that straight wives and
husbands might look at same-sex marriages
more closely and figure that out, too ......... .
Vohnnn 1 Issue 7
Place your classified ad here for only
$6.00 for the fust.15 words, and only 25
cents for each additional wo:rd ... ..... .
Good Lookingg,[I
give yo11 pkasllf'e,
.)'OU desm;e
Call Hector@
In & Out Cans
Night Rates
Ozarks Pride Magazine On-Line.
Check out our website for Daily breaking
GLBT news. www.ozarkspride.com
Need A House Mate: Advertise here
for only $6.00 first 15 words, 25 cents for
each additional word.
Weekend Get-A-Way: Want to escape
for the weekend? Meet some new people?
Try Faces Guesthouse,Joplin, MO. Private
bath w / queen bed start at $75.00 night,
breakfast included. Resv: required. (417)
Advertising Representative's
Part Time: For Kansas City,
Springfield, Tulsa, Oklahoma City,
Arkansas, Kansas and Joplin.
Commission based compensation. Work
in the LGBTS business community.
Mail qualifications to: Ozarks Pride
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243
Joplin, MO 64804.
Business Opportunity: Ever
dreamed of owning your own .B&B?
Beautiful 4 bed 4 bath 3200sqft fully
furnished inJoplin, MO For Sale. Call
Vicki Bronson at Charles Burt Realtors
1010 E. 20th
Joplin MO64804
Vicki Bronson 417-434-0077
Congratulate that special
person with a
H 13est Wlsh814.d"
in Ozarks Pride Magazine.
Only $10.00 for 1/Sth Page unit.
Birthdays, I Love You,
Anniversaries, Thank You's
Mail to:: Oz~rks Pride Magazine,
2401 E. 32nd St, Suite 10-243,
Joplin, MO 64804
Ozarks Pride Page 23 July 1, 2004
Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Organizations-
Arkansas, Fayetteville
Ron's Place- - - 523 W. Poplar- - 479-442-3052
Studio 716- -716 \v. Sycamore- 479-571-1300
Arkansas, Fort Smith
Burnzee's- -2301 Towson Ave #C- --479-494-7300
j(jnkeads- 10041/2 &.irrison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - - -479-782-1845
Missouri, Joplin
Ree's- - - - 716 S. Main - - - - ·-417-627-9035
Missouri, Kansas City
Bell Star's - - - 1321 Grand Ave- 816-421-1288
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - -816-561-0625
Sidestreet Bar - - - -413 E. 3rd- - -
Sidekicks Saloon - - 3707 Main St-
Buddies - - 3715 Main St
816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - --417-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive -417-864-4572
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Kansas, Pittsburg
River of Life 1709 N Walnut - - - - - 11AM
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - - -7PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - - 10:30AM
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- 417-624-5788
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Rainbow Christian Cb-837 \YI. Madison-417-866-6206
Unitarian Universalist Church - - - 417-833-2723
APO- 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - - - - - - 417-864-4459
GLO Community Ctr- 518 E. Commerical-869-3978
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial - - - - - -417-831-9001 Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - -417-864-0036 MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Hi-Lo Club 1221 NW SOth- - -405-843-1722
Finish IJne - -2200 NW 39th Expvy- - - 405-525-0730
Club Rox- - - -3535 N\v' 39th Expwy- -405-947-2351
Tnpanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th -405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - - --918-836-8700
Club Maverick- - 822 S. Sheridan - 918-835-3301
Heads & Tails- 7944 E. 21st - - - 918-660-7878
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston - - - -918-584-9494
New Age Renegades- -1649 S. Main -918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial- -918-838-9792
Silver Star Saloon- -1565 S. Sheridan -918-834-4234
TNT's- - 2114 S. Memorial- -- - - - -918-660-0856
Tool Box- 1338 E. 3rd- - - - - - 918-584-1308
Yellow Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th -918-293-0304
Missouri, Joplin
-Business Services-
Kansas, Pitt~burg
Mystic Creations- - - (620)231-6790
Missouri, Joplin
Penny Smart,Hair Salon -509 Main- 417-623-3500
Massage By Rachael- - - - - - 417-438-3664
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-417-434-0077
RE/l\.iAX - - - - -Cathe Letts- - -417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rangeline Rd- - - 417-623-1007
CreativeDazeDesign.com- - - - - - - 41 7-623-7809
The Lions Den - - -Austin Letts - 417-623-87 67
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21- -4301 NW 63rd #100 - 405- 840-2106
Hollywood Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Faces Guesthouse B&B - -417-621-9915 Oklahoma, Tulsa
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - -417-624-7800 Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Harvard - -918-747-5466
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - 417-683-9199
Underguy.com - - -825 E. 3rd -877 -7-BOXERS
Volume 1 Issue 7 Page 24
Beginning with the August 2004 issue.
Serving the 4 States Region of
Missouri, Oklahoma,
Arkansas and Kansas.
We are just getting bigger and better!
For AdYertising Information Call
(417) 437-2275
The Ozarks Star
2401 E. 32nd Street, Suite 10-243
Joplin, MO 64804-3128
July 1, 2004
It's been seYeral months since George Bush announced he is
trying to lead this country by endorsing a discriminatory,
unnecessary and undermining amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. \'<1e just learned that an actual vote on this proposal
has been scheduled in the United States Senate just three weeks
from nm.v. You and so many others have been great.
We must win this vote and win it big. Members of Congress tell
us they're hearing from the other side by a 10 to 1 margin
right now. That's why your action today is so critical.
During the next few weeks, we intend to get 250,000 people to
oppose the Constitutional amendment. That's right: 250,000. We
need new people but we also need you to repeat your
opposition, even if you ha\·e done so dozens of times already.
Even if your legislator already opposes the Amendment.
Pcrsisrence makes a difference. It tells our leaders that we will not
stop, no matter ·what. Learn what you can do.
Issue 7
Ozarks Pride (The Ozarks Star)
2401 E. 32nd St., Suite 10-243
Joplin, 1-fissouri 64804-3128
Editor: C.D. Ward (editor@ozarkspride.com)
Member: National Lesbian Gay Journalist Association
Contributing Writers:
T.J. Kelly
Greg Steele
Steve T. Urie
Donald Pile
Ray Williams
Editor's Page -page 2
Voters Decision Page 4
Steve T. Urie - page 5
Donald & Ray, Ou! on Vacation- Page 7
Ozarks Pride Ou! Cruzin- page 12-13
That's Entertainment page-14
Lesbian Notions- page • 15
Deep Inside Hollywood-page-16
Q Scopes- page 20
Classifieds-page 22
Communiiy Directory- page 23
Advertising Rates:
Card Size Ad- $17.00 per issue (3 Month Minimum)
Subscription- $16.00 (6 months)
Classifieds- $6.00 first 15 words- 25cents each
Email: advertising@ozarkspride.com
Phone (417) 437-2275 for larger and full page ad
Deadline for all advertising, articles and
payment is the 20th of each month for the
next months issue.
Ozarb Pridt Magazine is published & diltribuled monthly as a
community a.vie» by Ozarlcs Pride Groop of Joplin, Missouri.
Publication of lhe name. photograph or lkeness of any person.
business or organization in thla publication is not to be construed ••
any ind•ca!lon of 11xual ori1nl11ion or prelerencaa of auch person.
bu,inesa or organization.
O~niona expreo,ed by co!umnista, ldY!lr1i,ers or L•N•ri to tho Ec/J1or
are not neca1S1rily the opinion oi Ozarb Prldt IM>gezine, ii• s/1/f. tho
publiahor or J'a 1dver1;..,._
Content of ldver11•ments 1nd articles are the tole responsibility of
the advettieer and /or au'l!or. Tha Publisher r, Oz•ri« Pr~ Msgazioo
re1trves tho right lo refuse edvtrtil:ng material for any reason what so
ever. o~ Prid& and 111 likenesses there of are sole properties of
Ozarks Pride Group. All material O ~yrignt 200( Ozorh Pride
We Made It!
Yes, Ozarks Pride Magazine made it
past the half year mark. We are in our
7th month and have met every distribution
date. We are now the oldest continu- .,,
ous running LGBT news publication in j
Southwest Missouri. :i
As some of you may remember, our first
issue, January was eight pages. June,
the Gay Pride 2004 issue was our largest
issue with 28 pages and we are growing
monthly. The community response has
been tremendous and contributors such
as Steve Urie, Ray Williams, Donald Pile,
T J Kelly and Gabe Norman deserve
huge hugs. Our loyal advertisers have
come through month after month. REE's
, Fairfield Inn, Faces Guesthouse,
Century 21 Goldcastle OKC, Penny
Smart with Woody's Manhattan, Vickie
Bronson of Charles Burt Realtors, Studio
716 and Bamboo Lounge have kept the
paper alive. You are greatly appreciated
as are all the newer business community
With this half year milestone under our
belt, I want to say, although we have
continued to operate in the red to date, I
am optimistic about the future of this
magazine. There have been too many
kudos from the LGBT community to think
otherwise. In June issue we added the
syndicated column "Lesbian Notions"
and Q Scopes. For the July issue
another syndication "Deep Inside Hollywood"
a very popular national column.
"Out on Vacation" by Ray Williams and
Donald Pile is now in syndication.
continued page-3
-~~, i t
Of course our goal is to become a
profit oriented company, and with
circulation increasing each month
our advertising rates have to
increase. Our current rates are
very reasonable and you the
business community should take
advantage of this opportunity to
increase your sales. Our advertisers
are all telling us they have new
business from their Ozarks Pride
Now, an important announcement..
.... Because our name "
Ozarks Pride Magazine" is
sometimes associated with Gay
Pride Organizations, we have
decided to rename the magazine
beginning with the August issue.
The new name will be
" The Ozarks Star "
The format will not change and we
hope to continue to print the front
and back cover in full color,
although this is our most costly
feature. In addition other enhancements
are in the works for the
Yes, we have come a long way in
six months and I have met many
new and wonderful people who
have generously helped get us
here. December will be our 12th
issue and we are going to have a
party baby! So get ready and have
that old Tux cleaned and let out,
that includes the ladies too!
Have a great 4th of July.
C.D. ward
Creator: Romeo San Vicente
has extensive experience in
Hollywood as a writer, producer,
and homosexual. His friends
have the ability to make or
break your budding career, so be
nice to him.
About the column: Deep Inside
Hollywood is an entertainment
insider column covering
celebrities, movies, TV shows,
and other Hollywood subjects of
interest to gays and lesbians.
Lots of previews of upcoming
gay-related projects, along with
inside information about
Tinseltown goings-on - with just
a touch of gossip. This is Q
Syndicate's most popular column.
Ozarks Pride Magazine, soon to
be "The Ozarks Star" will be
publishing this column each
month beginning with this issue.
See page 16 for the first
Volume 1 Issue 7 Page4
Want a VOICE in your community?
We welcome your opinion , commentary, and
your input. This publication is about building
Community Unity, and you are a part of
making this happen.
We want you to speak out!
Mailing address:
2401E. 32nd St, Suite !1-243,
Joplin, MO ~84-328
Email: editor@arkspride.com
NOTE: All letter's to the editor and articles
submitted must include your name and phone
number for verification purposes only.
Mission Statement: To provide a GLBT
community voice to SW l'vfissouri, SE Kansas,
NE Oklahoma, NW Arkansas. Our mission is
to inform and report news of interest to our
Missouri Gay
Vote August 3rd.
Constitution Defense Leag11e 11datt:
Tuesday, August 3 is fast approaching,
and the campaign against Amendment 2
is picking up steam:"Aniendment 2 is the
official ballot name.of the proposal to
ban gay and lesbian marriage in the
Missouri Constitution. With offices and
staff in St. Louis and &nsas City, and
staff in Columbia and soon to follow in
Springfield, no.t to mention.active
volunteer teanis in all 6£ these
communities, the. &nstitution Defense
League is positioning itself to defeat
Amendment 2 on. Augμst 3!
Missouri will be the first state in the
country to vote on this kind qf
constitutional amendn:ient since the
victory in Massachusetts. At least four
other states will face the same vote in
November, and they, along with the rest
of the country, are looking to .l\fissouri to
see how we face up to the challenge.
Woody's Manhattan
Hair & Nall Salon
Penny Smart
509 Main ~ Joplin, MO 64801
Appointments (417) 623-3500
Page 5
I want to start this month thanking a
number of business and church leaders for
there thought&, suggestions and their help
in building our GLBTS Community.
Penny Smart (Woody's of Manhattan),
Rachael Martinez (1\fassage by Rachael),
Chaz Ward (Faces Guesthouse and Ozarks
Pride Magazine), Rev. George and Rev
Paula Jo David (Pastors at River of Life
Church in Pittsburg, KS) as well as Connie
Gilpin (MCC of the Living Spring in
Eureka Springs, AR) have all been
instrumental in building the great area
community and teaching what "Unity in
Christ" is all about.
Exchanging business cards, spreading
,vord of businesses, traveling untold miles
this group of people have been a positive
force in not only Joplin, but Eureka
Springs, Pittsburg and around the world
through the UFMCC news and web news.
The churches in this three state area are
sponsoring and cosponsoring special
events on regular bases for the good of the
people here. The GLBTS Community is
more than going to the bar. (Don't be
offended, I not telling not to go there.) But
} am telling you that there are other social
events and programs for you to be
'involved in.
Speaking of ev-ems, I understand that Pride
in Springfield was a great success, so to in
Kansas City, St Louis, Dallas, San Francisco ...
and next year we are adding Joplin to the
calendar. A committee is being developed
July l, 2004
for Joplin Pride 2005 and it's time to start
working on this nmv. If you are
interested, please call 417-206-6179 and
leave your name and number or email
~. This-will
not be a church event but a community
event to celebrate who we are. \Ve are
dads, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts,
uncles, nieces and nephews. We are
neighbors, co-workers, peers and friends.
And we don't need to go out of town to
celebrate that. The committee is making
arrangements to have games, art works,
crafts and food/ drink booths at this first
for exciting announcements and be
Hopefully before our pride event we
will have a new president, one that cares
about all the people. REMEMBER
VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Your vote
counts, each one makes differences.
When you don't vote ... you make a
difference too! You choose.
There is a story of an old man
watching as a young boy is picking up
starfish on the beach. The boy picks up a
starfish and throws it as far into the
ocean as he can, walks along, picks up
another and another and another. The
old man finally catches up -with the young
boy and tells him, "You're not going to
make a difference, look at all of them."
The young boy picked up another starfish
and threw it just as high and far as he
could, looked up to the old man and said,
"it makes a difference to that one." Yes
each one of your votes count ... be ready
and let's make a bold stand and get the
GLBTS community out to vote at our
local elections in August and the
Presidential Election in November.
Have a great month!
Volume 1 Issue 7
r t! Ozarks Pride Page 7 July 1, 2004
Photo by: Ray Williams -OUT ON VAl.ATION
.. Traveling in the gay friendly world"
by Donald Pile and Ray Williams
"The Largest, exclusively Gay Resort on
fl Ft. Lauderdale Beach, Florida" .t!. Ever wanted to go to a gay resort and be pampered to death? Fly down to Ft
,~,, Lauderdale and check out The GRAND Resort (www.grandresortnet), located just
'e'l steps from the Atlantic Ocean. Their friendly and accommodating staff will
}!] pamper to your every whim. Service is what this resort is all about. From a 'fl delicious continental breakfast poolside each morning to guest "get-togethers" on
!:I weekends and luxurious accommodations - you will be won over very quickly.
,~ii Their rooms and suites are spotlessly clean and decorated marvelously. The
, '.1! moment you enter the front gates you realize that you aren't in Kansas anymore.
fij Many guests don't leave this secluded resort because there is so much to see and
•• r do in the resort. The owner of the Grand Resort is Casey Koslowski. Herbert Pianin ,,i is the general manager. With assistance from their staff of nine they go out of their
J way to make your stay extremely enjoyable.
A variety of accommodations are available including standard guest rooms, deluxe
guest rooms, one and two bedroom suites, and a one or two bedroom penthouse.
All rooms and suites feature cable TV, VCR's, a Sony HI-FI CID music system,
private voice mail, iron and ironing board, hair dryer, refrigerator, gourmet pantry,
microwave, and coffee maker with Godiva Coffee. Bathrooms are stocked with a
great selection of Caswell Massey soaps, bath amenities, and plush robes for
lounging. Most rooms have access to high speed Internet lines. For the comfort of
guests all accommodations are non-smoking.
A complete continental breakfast is served each morning in the Grand Cafe, or
poolside, offering morning breads, fresh muffins, fresh brewed coffee or tea and
assorted juices. There is a "community" computer where you can check your email
account. They offer scuba diving lessons and can make arrangements for just
- about any type of water sports you are interested in.
A huge swimming pool dominates the front courtyard and a Jacuzzi is available in
the tropical garden at the back of the resort. This is a paradise unto it's own. One
would assume you're in the Tropics with palm trees and lush plants of all kinds
eveywhere. A fully equipped fitness center, to keep your body in shape, is part of
the amenities. Every Friday a guest "get together" is scheduled featuring sangrias,
Volume 1 Issue 7 Page 8
The Crowd enjoyed Live Eritertainment all day.
Springfield, MO -]1me 13, 2004
l?J G"f. S teek
Beginning on Friday, June 11th with a
Candle Light Walk from Chestnut Expressway
to-l'vfill Street with a party and food at The
Edge. Royalty Pageant's were held Saturday
night at The OZ and Martha's Vineyard.
Ending with Pride In The Park on Sunday,
June 13th "Show Me MO Priae" committee
staged a fantastic event. Hundreds packed the
nightclubs and an estimated 1600 were
entertained at Phelps Grove Park on Sunday.
The Festival wound down with a Barbecue at
July 1, 2004
Saturday Night Pageant
Miss ShowMe MO Pride - Misty Falls
1st Alternate - Jayden LaRue
Mr. ShowMe MO Pride-Michael Anthony
1st Alternate Cody Kane
MR PRIDE - Justin Kastning
1st Alternate Zachary Isaacs
Ozarks Pride
Volume 7 Page 10 July 1, 2004
Ozarks Pride Page 11
au,uu,11~. the first travel company
devoted to gay and lesbian family
vacations, has teamed up with
Metropolitan Community Churches
(MCC), the world's largest and oldest
church group with an affirming ministry
to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender (GLBT) communities.
MCC will perform wedding ceremonies
and offer worship services aboard R
Family Vacations' historic inaugural cruise
in July. "\Xle are honored to partner with
MCC - their support of gay and lesbian
families is truly 1m;p11rm12:," said Kelli
O'Donnell and -..a1u11.1~"-Y, cofounders
of R Family Vacations. "We are
thrilled to be able to offer guests the
to attend worship services or
to marry on the cruise while surrounded
and friends."
on July 11, 2004. Ports of
call will include Port \..-ana·ve1:a1.
Baham· ·
In addition to
July 1, 2004
. Church of Greater Dallas, will serve as
Pastor in Residence on the cruise. "\Xle are
proud to support R Vacations and
applaud their commitment to
GLBT families not a vacation, but a
support network of other parents and
children just like their own," said Love.
"\Xle are looking forward tojoining the
hundreds of GLBT families from around
the U.S. on the cruise in a celebration of
love, faith and a couple's decision to step
forward in both."
Metropolitan Community Churches is the
largest international vehicle for public
education about homosexuality and
Christianity. At the vanguard of civil and
human rights movements for over 30
years, MCC addresses the important issues
of sexism, homophobia, ageism,
and other forms of oppression. Founded
in MCC has an inclusive
membership of over 43,000 members in
300 churches worldwide. R Family
Vacations creates vacations for gay and
lesbian travelers and their families of
an instant community where
everyone is R Vacations
confirms you don't haYe to co1:np,ro:m1:se
your to go on a vacation. For
more information about R
Brad is currently playing at The Ledo
Lounge in Okfa.homa City, from 6 pm tq 10 pm
on Fridays. His unique vocal style lends a
romantic dimension to many classic favorites.
Other than nightclub performances he is :tlso
available for weddings, funer:tl's or private
" Since I play by ear, I play the music that I
have recordings of or have heard enough times
to be able to rec:tll. I tend toward musicians
that play piano, like Elton John." Brad told OP
writer Greg Steele.
Brad was raised in St Louis, MO and moved
to Oklahoma at age 22 to attend University at
OU where he graduated and then completed
two years of Medical School in Tulsa. Brad and
his partner Rod live in Pink, Oklahoma where
they plan to open a B&B this September.
For booking information contact Brad at
(405) 509-8506, or email
J ■ Urban Pop Solo Artist performed at
the Silver Star Club June 6th to kick of
Tulsa's Gay Pride Week. HOT! HOT!
HOT! J's energy electrified the packed
crowd at the Silver Star. He sang and
danced to a ,rariety of songs including
music from his latest album "\vithout My
One And Only " and contains the Bonus
R&B track, Run Like Hell, for all of you urban
jocks! . This is J's second album release. "So
High" was his first and a new single "Rise
and Fall" will soon hit the music stores.
If your going to be in the New York, NY
area catch his show at THE ROXY on
September 23, 2004.
For other future performances and
information,J.'s website.
~' (◄ 117), 823-11007
F'eox:I (4'17) 023--S1159
En'ltaN; -cwn~ Oeopyma.x..c:om
Pri,nu, and CopS!
Business Ca.-dla
Ozarks Pride Page 15 July 1, 2004
Creator: Paula Martinac has
been writing for the gay and lesbian
press for more than 20 years. She
served for tl;iree years as the cochair
of the board of directors of
New York City's Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Community Center, where she
founded a groundbreaking reading
series called "In Our Own \Vrite."
A Lambda Literary Award winner for
her first novel, 011t of Time, Martinac
has also authored several nonfiction
books, including The Lesbian and Gqy
Book of Love and Marriagt and The
Q11urut Places: A G11ide to Gtry and
Lesbian Historic Sites. Her screenplay,
Fonign Affairs, co-written with her life
partner, Katie Hogan, won second
place in the 2003 PO\'v"ER UP
Screenplay Competition.
by Paula Martinac
July, 2004
Our Love Is
Here To Stay
A recent newspaper report on the 2002 marriage
and divorce rates in Vermont showed that straight
couples have a higher divorce rate than same-sex
couples, and that the heterosexual rate has remained
pretty constant since the advent of civil unions in
2000. Or, to phrase it in a way guaranteed to make
the religious right squirm: if you're the child of a
mommy-daddy family in Vermont, your parents are
more likely to divorce than are Heather's two
These are the first stats we've had on legalized gay
relationships, and the temptation for the lesbian and
gay community to jump to wild conclusions is pretty
great, given how demonized our unions are. I
wouldn't be surprised to hear some gay activists and
commentators boasting that our relationships are
"better" than heterosexual ones. But, in fact, they're
simply different in their gender-role makeup and in
a way that could help straight couples, too.
It will be highly ironic if, in the long run,
heterosexual marriages - which receive enormous
societal and institutional support - prove to be
shakier than same-sex ones. But then, there's so
much hype and myth about heterosexual romance
in popular culture, particularly aimed at women,
making straight marriage look like a piece of
wedding cake. A recent episode of the cheesy
daytime talk show _Dr. Phil_ showed the extreme of this, interviewing young, single women with
highly romanticized views of marriage. In fact, several had already planned their weddings, even
though they didn't haYe boyfriends.
On the other hand, there are far fewer romantic illusions for lesbian and gay couples, most of
whom have nothing to hold them together but sheer willpower. Indeed, there has been some
concern among queers on the far left that legalized marriage for same-sex couples ·will ultimately
destroy one of good things we have going for us - the ability many gay couples have to stay
mgether over the long haul, even though society doesn't recognize our unions.
But then, there's more to the marriage game than simply sticking it out. Looking at marriage from
a feminist perspective, one of the biggest hurdles facing hi:terosexuai unions is the strangieholci
that gender roles continue to wield over most of the men and women who enter into them. And
it's in the area of gender nonconformity that many iesbian and gay couples hold a powerful
advantage. Contin11•d page Sr,pplwmet -21
Volume I Issue 7 Page 16 July 1, 2004
Deep Inside
by:Romeo San Vicente
. July 2004
John Cusackls Ex-Gay
Forget what
you've heard
about gay
characters in
films being no
big deal in
they're still a
_ ,·ery _ big deal.
It's bad enough
that Ang Lee's
might have its gay romance neutered, but now
director Nick Cassavetes and actor John Cusack
are part of Hollywood's de-gaying process, too.
Cassavetes will direct and Cusack will star in the
film adaptation - penned by gay screenwriter
Jonathan Tolins (_Twilight of the Golds_) and
Seth Bass - of gay author David Gerrold's book
The Martian Child_. When Romeo first reported
:n this story, it looked like the plot would follow
that of the original book, in which a gay man
adopts a 6-year-old boy, only to discover that the
child believes himself to be from Mars. In the
film, however, Cusack's character ,,ill be straight.
So far, no one is saying why the gay character was
declared an unfit parent and why that change was
so vital to the movie's development, but it's a safe
bet to say it has a lot to do with the continued
triumph of commerce over art. The film begins
shooting this fall.
Brendan Fraser's Queer _Secret_
Wtli he look as good in a James Bond-style
~xedo as he did in-his _George of the Jungle_
oincloth? That's the real question to be answered
when Brendan Fraser steps into the role of
_Gay Secret Agent_. Currently in negotiations
to star, Fraser may well be the next _Austin
Powers_, one ,,ith a distinct nvist in the
"shao-ging" department. And speaking of Powers,
that franchise's producers, Suzanne and Jennifer
Todd, are also the ones behind this espionage
spoof written by _Saturday Night Llve_ alum
Brad Hall and Andrew Gottlieb. Translation:
Expect lots of broad, silly riffing on gay
stereotypes, so keep your sense of humor tu~ed
to Lowest Common Denominator. Meanwhile,
Romeo ,vants to know how much male eye-candy
of the Bond Girl variety \\111 make it to the final
Jamie Babbitt Connects to
Dot Lesbian filmmaker Jamie Babbitt
(_B~ I'm -A Cheerleader_) is about to take a
break from her busy career directing episodes of
shows like Malcolm in the Middle_, _The
Bernie Mac-Sho,v_, _Nip/Tuck_, and _Gilmore
Girls to return to the world of feature films.
Babbitt \,ill direct the thriller _Dot_, from
writers Micah Schraft and Abdi Nazemian (ABC
Familv's Beautiful Girl_). _Dot_ concerns a
deaf ;ee;age orphan and the dark goings-on
that arise when she moves in ,vith a "typical"
family one that turns out to be anything but.
Uniq~e to this project is the support of the
Universitt of Texas in Austin, whose film school
sponsor/a program that gives its students .
hands-on experience making low-budget mov1es.
In other words, they're donating a lot of free
labor, and there's not a producer in the world
who'd say no to that kind of deal.
_South Park_ Guys String Up
Team America __ South Park_ creators Trey
Parker and Matt Stone are taking a break from
their animated world of profanity-spewing
children to enter the world of marionette
superheroes. _Team America_, the first allmarionette
feature film since_ Thunderbirds Are
Go!_ hit big screens in 1966, is currently
shooting in collaboration with gay superproducer
Scott Rudin, featuring music by Marc
Shaiman. Team America_'s plot involves strmgcontrolled
puppets fighting ~vii forces and
rontinNtd on page 17
Page 17
MCC Joplin-Spirit of Christ
Metropolitan Community Church
Sunday Service 7PM
Community Meal served Wednesday's at 6:~0pm, cost
. 0 meal is always nutritionally balanced. Dinners
i$n3c.l0u0d.e N doe soenrte, disn _ntukr naend d agwoaoyd . f e l~r wship Take out meals are also available. Bring your O ·
friends and family.
Steve T. Urie, Pastor
2902 E. 20th Street
Joplin, MO 64803
Inside Ho/fr111ood frr:J111 p,i.g, t 6
annoyi;g celebrities, and, given the
overwhelming amount of absurdly
silly gay content to be found in every
project these guys have ever taken ?n,
there's an almost 100 percent certru~ty
that Parker and Stone's obsession with
homosexuality will rear its head yet
again. Look f~r an autumn rel~ase ~
just in time to skewer the pres1dent1al
Romeo San Vicente usually keeps
;everal men on a string at the same
time himself.
Quotable Quotes
"Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact,
he's not a leader. He's a person who has
no judgment, no experience and no
knowledge of the subjects that he has
to decide upon .... The shallowness that
he has brought to the office has not
changed since he got there . ... The
president's capacity to lead has never
been there. In order to lead, you have
to have judgment. In order to have
judgment, you have to have k~owledge
and experience. He has none. - .
House of Representatives ~em?crattc
leader Nancv Pelosi of Calirorma, to
the S;n Fra~cisco Chronicle, May 20.
Volume I Issue 7 Page 18 July 1, 2004
Gay Travelers from page 7
chips, and salsa. On Saturday "get
togethers" wine and cheese are
featured. What a wonderful way to meet the
other guests! We NEVER settle for second
best and promise that you won't be
disappointed in your stay here. This is a
first-class resort.
For beach lovers, simply walk a few yards
and you're there. Another five blocks and
you find yourself on Ft. Lauderdale's GAY
beach where you will be one of hundreds of
gay men basking in the Florida sun.
The Grand Resort is centrally located and
very close to downtown Ft. Lauderdale and
the famous Las Olas Blvd. shopping area. A
wide variety of wonderful restaurants and
shops are found there. We particularly
enjoy shopping atAudace, 813 East Las
Olas Blvd. which is a gay clothing store
highlighting swimwear and underwear.
One particularly exciting bar on Las Olas is
the Cathode Ray Club (1307 East Las Olas
Blvd). This is an upscale bar "complex"
with several bars in one. They are busy all
the time and draw a great cocktail hour
crowd. Their "theme" nights and special
event nights are the norm - Monday is
Comedy night, Tuesday is "2 for Tuesday"
with the Sandy Lynn Duo live at the Baby
Grand. Wednesday is "gaymetime Over
Wednesday'' with a live show at 9pm.
Thursday is mixer night and Friday happy
hour lasts from 2pm until 9pm. Saturday is
"two for one" from 2 till 9, and the Retro
Dance Party with Liquid Rainbow is a Must
event. There is always something special
happening at the Cathode Ray
Next door is Bar Amici Restaurant (1301
East Las Olas Blvd) owned by the same
proprietor as Cathode Ray. Again, it is
upscale but with very reasonable prices.
Their food is outstanding!
Ft. Lauderdale abounds with gay bars and
restaurants. Travelers will be able to
quickly find just the right bar that suits them.
Bars run the gamut from Disco, Leather,
Drag, Strippers, neighborhood bars and high
end cocktail bars. One of the great drag
performers, AUNTIE MAME performs at
several different bars and clubs in the city.
Check out her website at:
~ and be sure to catch her
Ft. Lauderdale is a great getaway for
Midwesterners in winter and can also be fun
year round. With over two dozen gay bars,
over a dozen gay restaurants, two bath houses
and dozens of gay-owned businesses, this is a
gay Mecca every day of the year. A short day
trip from Ft. Lauderdale would be to Palm
Beach just a few miles up the highway. South
Beach and Miami are just 25 miles south of
Ft. Lauderdale. AVIS auto rentals
(www.avis.com/prouder) are very reasonably
priced and AVIS is the ONLY auto rental
company that is gay-friendly. They do not
charge extra for your partner driving like the
other auto rental companies do.
For more information about the GRAND
RESORT, visit their web site at:
www.grandresort.net. Their toll free number
is: l-800-818-1211 with an email address of
info@grandresort.net Their address is 539
North Birch Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304.
Other good websites if planning a visit to Ft.
Laurderdale are: ~
(information about gay Ft. Lauderdale),
~(the local
gay publication), and www.audace.com
(the gay clothing store we visited).
As always, if you have any travel
questions, email Donald and Ray at
gaytravelers@aol.com or visit their web
page at: http://www.hometown.aol.com/
ks Pride Page 19
O'Donnell plans gay
parenting magazine
31/05/2004- 12:48:15
Ireland Online Dublin,lreland
American comclienne Rosie O'Donnell is
planning a new magazine aimed at gay
and lesbian parents. R Family Magazine,
due out in 2005, is O'Donnell's second
attempt at launching a publication. The
first, Rosie, died an acrimonious death in
2003 after
between her
Gruner And
Cindi Berger
says: "Rosie
d~es hope to launch a magazine in the
new year." The former actress ,,·ants a
platform to address gay family issues.
O'Donnell recently wed her long-term
partner Kelli Carpenter in San Francisco.
Quotable Quotes
"It's not something I would want to do. I think
it's more an attempt to assimilate. I don't know
why \Ve have to marry in
order to get equality. To me
it is a human-rights issue. I
believe people should be
able to bless their
relationships any way they
choose. This idea that if we
can just achieve marital
rights then we're gonna be
free is a delusion. Because I
can assure you right now, we
will never be like straight
peopie'" Bov George to
the Houston Voice, April 30.
July 1, 2004
National Stonewall Democrats to
Mobilize thousands in Community to
Elect Kerry: National Stonewall
Democrats is the only national
organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender Democrats, with more
than 90 local chapters across the nation.
NSD is committed to working through
the Democratic Party to advance the
rights of all people regardless of sexual
orientation or gender identity.
artha' s Vine'f ard
219 W. Olive, Springfield, MO
Southwest Missouri's Hottest
Entertainment Complex. Now
Celebrating 10 Years of Quality
Volume l Issue 7
y Jill Dearman July 2004
"Push the envelope, Libra!"
ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Mars, your oh-sobutch
planetary ruler, hooks up with
communicative Mercury in your house of
passionate love. If the idea of your lover sleeping
with someone else makes you see red, perhaps
you'd better pugh for the kind of commitment you
know you really want. A Leo is waiting for a
proposal. Get thee to New Paltz.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): If you're
struggling with what to do about a troublesome
friendship, err on the side of love. Stop being so
stubborn, and let an important ally know that you
just aced reassurance. Try giving some. A Scorpio
can't quite figure you out (and loves it that way).
GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Your world is
beginning to seriously change, Gemini. lt's up to
you to move into the future :md stop holding fast
to the past. You can create tbe'!'kiod of life you've
always wanted. But yes, dear, you must be braYe.
Get off the fence. Another Gemini gives you
CANCER 0une 22 to July 22): Don't overpower
business associates during thi~ cycle. Instead, wow
them with your know-how, and stand firm on your
deal points. You don't need any drama in your work
life. Save that for when you come home to a roleplaying
Gemini who wears many masks.
LEO Quly 23 to August 22): Your career is about to
take off, thanks to one part good fortune (Jupiter)
and one part hard work {Saturn), which you've
already done plenty 0£ Push forward now, while the
planets are with you. Whatever you pitch, people
want to buy. A Sagittarius wants to hear your ~piel.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): Jupiter's
&.bulous trek throngh your ~ign puts you more in
charge of your own destiny than eYer before. Start
making some moves, doll. Don't just sit there
looking sultry. A Pisces is waiting, but is getting
Ju;y 1, 2004
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22): Mars
and Mercury hook up in your house of group
efforts this week. If you push the envelope,
you could really start working for a cause you
believe in, with friends you adore. An 1\ries
finds your altruism awfully appealing.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
Stop acting older than you arc, sweetie. This
is your time to regress and be as childlike (but
not childish) as you wanna be. Get back in
touch with your dreams and sense of wonder.
A Leo wants to slip under the covers with
SAGITTARIUS (NoYember 22 to
December 21): You have the ability to change
lives with your words, so maybe you should
pick up a pen and start jotting down some
ideas. A new career is imminent, but don'r pin
yourself down just yet. Let your mind
wander. And let your eyes wander over to a
very seli:y Scorpio.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19):
This is a fab rime for vour romantic affairs,
dear Capric~rn, if yo~ are willing ro let
someone else (like a strong and sexy Taurus)
do all the work. Your job? To learn to receive
bctrer. Wipe that smutty look off your face,
you slut.
AQUARlUS 0anuary 20 to February 18):
Get all of the tedious tasks out of the way as
quickly as possible, h~mey. Io a few shorr
weeks, your love life ,vill become your
number-one priority, so make sure your slate
is clean. A Sagittarius wants to be able to slide
into your life gracefully.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20): The
subtext in your relationships is a lot more
fascinating than what's on the surface.
Innuendoes abound. Try to probe your
parmers about what they really want from you.
Or when in doubt, just probe. But bear in
mind, a restrained Capricorn is holding out for
all your iove.
Volume l Issue 7 Page 21 July 1, 2004
Advertis."1?7ent Sam Sampson in Concert
Come and
Listen to
this MultiTalented
Produced by
God's Child
Saturday, July 31st
, 2004
Spirit of Christ MCC
2902 E 20th Street
River of Life Church
1709 North Walnut
Pittsburg, KS
Lesbian Notio11s from pagt-15
All of us get indoctrinated into our "proper"
gender roles early in life, from the time we're
brought home from the hospital in the
requisite pink or blue blanket. But somehow
queer kids often manage to subvert those roles,
by being boy-girls or girl-boys who won't - or
can't act exactly as society dictates. And many
of us take that with us into our adult
\Vhile it's true that some straight relationships
today do shake up gender roles - a female
friend of mine mows the lawn, while her male
partner washes the dishes - the norm is that
wife Jane is burdened because husband Jim
rarely "helps" around the house and doesn't
bear primary responsibility for the kids. At the
same time, their lesbian neighbors Judy and Jo
don't have prescribed gender rules to rely on,
so they set up a cop acetic arrangement in
which each performs the tasks she likes and is
good at, rather than those society assigns to
women at birth.
The disregard of traditional gender roles by
same-sex couples is borne out, too, in a few
studies about the grown children of lesbian
parents (here isn't enough data yet on those of
gay male parents) Girls and boys :raised to
adult hood by two lesbian moms seem to be
much less likely to feel hemmed in by gender
expectations than kids raised in mom-and-dad
families. \X-'hich makes sense - after all, they've
grown up around women who do everything
from cooking to repairing leak.-y faucets.
Of course, gender nonconformity turns out to •
be one of the religious right's biggest fears
about lesbians and gay men having children
that we'll raise a generation of manly women
and womanly men. Jn its tract, "'\)\;'hat's Wrong
with Letting Same-Sex Couples Marry'!' the
iinily Research Council points with horror to
a research study showing that "children of
lesbians are less likely to conform to traditional
gender norms," seeing that as one of the many
things that's "wrong" with our unions.
But queer families' gender freedom is
something that's very _right_ about them and
that may actually help hold our relationships
togethec The real nightmare for religious
conservatives is that straight wives and
husbands might look at same-sex marriages
more closely and figure that out, too ......... .
Vohnnn 1 Issue 7
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Birthdays, I Love You,
Anniversaries, Thank You's
Mail to:: Oz~rks Pride Magazine,
2401 E. 32nd St, Suite 10-243,
Joplin, MO 64804
Ozarks Pride Page 23 July 1, 2004
Four States Community Directory
-Bars- Nightclubs- -Organizations-
Arkansas, Fayetteville
Ron's Place- - - 523 W. Poplar- - 479-442-3052
Studio 716- -716 \v. Sycamore- 479-571-1300
Arkansas, Fort Smith
Burnzee's- -2301 Towson Ave #C- --479-494-7300
j(jnkeads- 10041/2 &.irrison Ave- - -479-783-9988
Club 1022 -1022 Dodson Ave. - - - - -479-782-1845
Missouri, Joplin
Ree's- - - - 716 S. Main - - - - ·-417-627-9035
Missouri, Kansas City
Bell Star's - - - 1321 Grand Ave- 816-421-1288
Missie B's- - - -805 W. 39th St- - -816-561-0625
Sidestreet Bar - - - -413 E. 3rd- - -
Sidekicks Saloon - - 3707 Main St-
Buddies - - 3715 Main St
816- 931-1430
Missouri, Springfield
The Edge- -424 Boonville Ave- - - - --417-831-4700
Martha's Vineyard- 219 W Olive -417-864-4572
Arkansas, Eureka Springs
MCC Living Spring- - - - - - - - - -870-253-9337
Kansas, Pittsburg
River of Life 1709 N Walnut - - - - - 11AM
Missouri, Joplin (417)
MCC Spirit of Christ-2902 E 20th, - - - - -7PM
UCCFF--204 N. Jackson Ave, - - - 10:30AM
Aids Project Ozarks- 513 Kentucky- 417-624-5788
Missouri, Springfield (417)
Rainbow Christian Cb-837 \YI. Madison-417-866-6206
Unitarian Universalist Church - - - 417-833-2723
APO- 1901 E. Bennett, suite D- 417-881-1900
ShowMe MO Pride - - - - - - - - - 417-864-4459
GLO Community Ctr- 518 E. Commerical-869-3978
Oz Bar - 504 E. Commercial - - - - - -417-831-9001 Oklahoma, Tulsa (918)
Ronisuz Place- - --821 College- - - -417-864-0036 MCC United- -1623 N. Maplewood- -918-838-1715
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Hi-Lo Club 1221 NW SOth- - -405-843-1722
Finish IJne - -2200 NW 39th Expvy- - - 405-525-0730
Club Rox- - - -3535 N\v' 39th Expwy- -405-947-2351
Tnpanga Grill & Bar- 3535 NW 39th -405-947-2351
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Bamboo Lounge- 7204 E. Pine - - --918-836-8700
Club Maverick- - 822 S. Sheridan - 918-835-3301
Heads & Tails- 7944 E. 21st - - - 918-660-7878
Club Majestic- 124 N. Boston - - - -918-584-9494
New Age Renegades- -1649 S. Main -918-585-3405
Play-Mor-Club- - 1737 S. Memorial- -918-838-9792
Silver Star Saloon- -1565 S. Sheridan -918-834-4234
TNT's- - 2114 S. Memorial- -- - - - -918-660-0856
Tool Box- 1338 E. 3rd- - - - - - 918-584-1308
Yellow Brick Road- - 2630 E. 15th -918-293-0304
Missouri, Joplin
-Business Services-
Kansas, Pitt~burg
Mystic Creations- - - (620)231-6790
Missouri, Joplin
Penny Smart,Hair Salon -509 Main- 417-623-3500
Massage By Rachael- - - - - - 417-438-3664
Charles Burt Realtors-Vicki Bronson-417-434-0077
RE/l\.iAX - - - - -Cathe Letts- - -417-483-5313
Office Max- -440 Rangeline Rd- - - 417-623-1007
CreativeDazeDesign.com- - - - - - - 41 7-623-7809
The Lions Den - - -Austin Letts - 417-623-87 67
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Century21- -4301 NW 63rd #100 - 405- 840-2106
Hollywood Hotel- 3535 NW 39th Ex-405-947-2351
Faces Guesthouse B&B - -417-621-9915 Oklahoma, Tulsa
Fairfield Inn by Marriott- - -417-624-7800 Kelly Kirby,CPA-4815 S Harvard - -918-747-5466
Missouri, Ava
Catus Canyon Campground - 417-683-9199
Underguy.com - - -825 E. 3rd -877 -7-BOXERS
Volume 1 Issue 7 Page 24
Beginning with the August 2004 issue.
Serving the 4 States Region of
Missouri, Oklahoma,
Arkansas and Kansas.
We are just getting bigger and better!
For AdYertising Information Call
(417) 437-2275
The Ozarks Star
2401 E. 32nd Street, Suite 10-243
Joplin, MO 64804-3128
July 1, 2004
It's been seYeral months since George Bush announced he is
trying to lead this country by endorsing a discriminatory,
unnecessary and undermining amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. \'<1e just learned that an actual vote on this proposal
has been scheduled in the United States Senate just three weeks
from nm.v. You and so many others have been great.
We must win this vote and win it big. Members of Congress tell
us they're hearing from the other side by a 10 to 1 margin
right now. That's why your action today is so critical.
During the next few weeks, we intend to get 250,000 people to
oppose the Constitutional amendment. That's right: 250,000. We
need new people but we also need you to repeat your
opposition, even if you ha\·e done so dozens of times already.
Even if your legislator already opposes the Amendment.
Pcrsisrence makes a difference. It tells our leaders that we will not
stop, no matter ·what. Learn what you can do.
Original Format
Ozarks Pride, “[2004] Ozarks Pride Magazine, July 1, 2004; Volume 1, Issue 7,” OKEQ History Project, accessed January 31, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/137.