[1998] Tulsa Family News, October 1998; Volume 5, Issue 10
[1998] Tulsa Family News, October 1998; Volume 5, Issue 10
Politics, education, and social conversation toward Tulsa’s Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual communities.
Tulsa Family News was a monthly newspaper; No. 1 issued December 1993-January 1994. The final issue available was published in September 0f 2001 (Volume 8, Issue 9).
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
The newspaper brings up important, evolving topics of marriage, Pride, TOHR, HIV/AIDs, events, advice, and politics all at the local and national level.
This document is available in searchable PDF attached. It is also available to be seen at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center with permission.
Tulsa Family News
Tom Neal
October 1998
Adam West
James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
The Associated Press
James Christjohn
Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud
Barry Hensley
J.P. Legrandbouche
Lamont Lindstrom
Esther Rothblum
Mary Schepers
The Associated Press
Tom Neal/Tulsa Family News
Tulsa Family News, September 1998; Volume 5, Issue 9
Online text
Online text
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
United States Oklahoma Tulsa
United States of America (50 states)
Fayetteville Civil Rights
Measure Gains Support
FAYEI II~VILLF~ Ark. (AP) - A "hmn~ dignity"
ordinance that Ires d~vided city residents hexe has won
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulesns, Our Families + Friends
Tules’s Largest Circulation CommunityPaperAvallable In More Than 75 City Locations
PublicAwareness Campaign
Begins: Gay or Straight,
Everyone Deserves a Job
¯ by Tom Neal, TFN reporter
.’ TULSA - In eleven l~.atiom aro~md Tulsa, Tulsa Transx bus
: stop benches are carrying the message: "Gay or Straight, Every-
: public awareness campaign by Oklahoma’ s Clmarron Alliance
: Group. Cmmrro~fis
¯ cfiminafion based
sMp in Tulsa and which now has two Tulsa board members.
: 4959 So. Memorial. 4400 So. Mcmorinl. 4506 E, I l, 3607 N.
Supportexs quoted the pre~tdmt of the county league -¯ Peoria ~md 60"27 So" Mem.orial.... ¯
t , . ¯ T~x dedueJabl¢ ¢onmbut~ons to suppog. Cimatton s public
Colorado Gov,’s Report:
Gays Due Equal Rights
Circuit Court Reverses "Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell" Decision
NEW YORK (AP) - Six members of the nfilltarv are in line for
Lesbians: At Higher
Risk of Breast Cancer?
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A limited study of
afients at a women’s health clime found Lesbians
1~ a higher risk of breast cancer than beterosextml
patients, according to a report in the Journal oft/w
Gay and Lesbian Medical .4ssociation.
An analysis of 1,019 women seeking services at
Lyon-Martha Women’s Health Services in San
Francisco bet~veen 1995 arid 1997 showed thai
Lesbians bad a higher body mass index and fewer
pregnancies, both previously idenli fled as risk fac
tars for breast cancer.
Eageula Calle. director of epidemiology for the
American Cancer Society. said the study was onl)
a prelimiq,~ look at risk factors and was not wide
enoughin scope to draw general conclusions aboul
Lesbians. "The real question is, ’Is the population
large enough and is it similar enough to the entire
population of L~sbia~ women and the entire popuhifion
of heterosexual women?’ " seeBreost, p. 3
Walk for Life 1998
’,VEST COAST & TIJLSA (AP & TFN) Thousands
of l~ophi turned out in the Puget Sound itrca
to raise money to help fight AIDS. Ten3’ M. Stone.
)’ear, he said.
Als0, an estimated 1 A00 people participated in
y~ffs old Colin Cadarette received the Crystul
Apple award, the highest honor the AIDS Project
Eureka Springs
Diversity Weekend
EUREKA SPRINGS Organizers of Eureka
Springs" secoed Dl~ersit) Celebration \Vcekcnd
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions; 3340 S. Peoria
*,Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Ddi, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Umbertos Pizzeria, 21st west of Harvard 599-9999
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS,.Digital Cellular 747-1508 ¯
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510 "
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620 ~
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 ¯
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 "
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034 "
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122 :
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665 "
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272 "
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313."
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700 "
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504. 800-742-9468 "
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’ s Gallery, 13 Brady .... 587-2611 "
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556 "
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503 "
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379 ¯
*Horal Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595 "
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709 "
*Gloria Jean’ s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21 st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349 ¯
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, PsyChotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’ s .Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th P1. 749-5533
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th 585-1555
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk ~v~usic, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1 40 1 E.~ 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo 838-7626
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Sonls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Time~ Christian Center, 2207 E. 6
*B!L!G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr.
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI.
*Church ofthe RestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood
*Cornmunity of Hope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale
*CommunityUnitm’ian-Universalist Congregation
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: Tulsanews@earthlink. net
website: http:t/users.aol.comITul ~aNews/
Publisher + £ditor: Tom Neal, Writers + contributom: Adam West,
James Christjohn. Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud, Barry
Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche. Lamont Lindstrom, Esther
Rothblum MaD’ Schepers, Member oI The Associated Press
[ssued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents ofthis
~u~blication are protected by US copyright 1998 byT~
~ and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,_rgust
.be signed & becomes the sole property of T~
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
¯ New President
¯ Takes PFLAG Helm
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475~ 355-3140
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441 ¯
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777 "
*Free Spirit Women’ s Center, callforlocafion&info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827 ¯
Friends in Unity, Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438 .
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-661 ! "
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194 ¯
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111 ¯
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Mort/Thurs. 7r9pm, daytime by appt. only "
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood :
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437 ¯
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 "
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111 ."
NO\~, Nat 10rg. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 O’ RYAN, support group for 18-24 I[GBT young adults
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. support gronp for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
¯ *St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
¯ *TulsaArea UnitedWay, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
¯ TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 46 16 E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
¯ Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights. c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
¯ T.U.LS.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222 ¯
*Trisa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
°. *Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
¯ *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
¯ *Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
¯ *Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
¯ . NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
¯ HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates ¯
¯ *Autunm Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
¯ *Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring ¯
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East *White Light, 1 Center St.
: *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
* is Where you can find TFN. Notall are Gay-owned butall are Gay-friendly.
W~SHINGTON, D.C. - Parents, Families
and Friends of Lesbians and Gays this
month named as its new president National
PFLAG Board Member Paul
Beeman. An ordained minister who lives
in Olympia, WA, Beeman is the father of
four, aGay son and Lesbian daughter, and
two non-Gay children. In addition to serving
as a United Methodist pastor for many
years, Beeman also has a strong backgroundinfundraising,
marketing andjournalism.
He has served on PFLAG’ s board
since 1994.
Beeman, who was elected Sept. 12 by
PFLAG’s National Board of Directors,
says he is eagerly looking forward to lead
the group as it presses ahead nationally
and locally in its fight for equal civil
rights. "What a dynamic time this is for
PFLAG," Beeman said. "With two years
to prepare, will the year 2000 be a turning
point for welcoming Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals
and transgendered persons into
full equality in our society? I believeit can
"PFLAG is all about being able to give
kids back to their parents," Beeman emphasized.
"As with slavery and women’s
rights, barriers to equality will eventually
fall in our communities of faith and in our
whole society. It will happen as we family
members tell the stories of our children
and families and explain their commitment
to stable family relationships," he
Beeman also hailed PFLAG’s tremendous
growth in membership over the last
few years. "Our influence in more than
420 communities across all 50 states is the
result of so many members in countless
rural towns and big cities across the country-
working on the frontlines of change."
Among .his. goals are to assure safe
space foi: all children in school and at
worship and to enhance the education of
¯ the majority of middle Americans who
¯ don’ t yet understand how natural homo-
" sexuality truly is. Beeman will be work-
" ing closely withPFLAG ExecutiveDirec-
] tor Kirsten Kingdrn, who is based in the
¯ group’s national office in Washington,
Beeman strongly praised his predeces-
¯ sor, Tulsan Nancy McDonald, who dur-
: ing her two-year termrepresentedPFLAG
¯ in Washington, DC, in giving testimony before the U.S. Congress and meeting
¯ with federal officials, as well as criss-
¯" crossing the country to speak out for Les-
¯ bian and Gay loved ones and their fami-
¯ lies.
¯ Members of Parents, Families and
] Friends of Lesbians and Gays voted over-
. whelmingly earlier this month in favor of
a proposal to include Transg.endered
¯ peopleintheorganization’ s mission state-
¯. merit.
The near unanimous vote, which came
¯ during PFLAG’ s Sept. 12 annual meeting
¯ in San Francisco, followed a recommen-
~ dation by the group’s national Board of
: Directors last May to amend the group’ s
¯ bylaws to include Transgendered people
¯ in its mission statement, which covered
~ Lesbians, Gays and Bisexual people.
¯ Letters Policy
¯ Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on ¯
issues which we’ ve covered or on issues
~ you thinkneed to be considered. Youmay
¯ request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters must be signed &have phonenum-
" bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
." ters are preferred. Letters to other publi-
¯ cations_will be printed as is appropriate.
At a 45-minute news conference, Colorado for Family
Values, Concerned Women for America, the Christian
Coalition of Colorado, Where Grace Abounds~ Family
First and the American Jewish Assembly all roundly
condemned the commission’ s report and suggested there
were other motives involved.
Chuck Gosnell of the Christian Coalition said "overwhdming
evidence" proves "a loving, committed marriage
between one man and one woman is the most
beneficial toward raising children and encouraging a
healthy society." "Romer," he said, ,’has used a taxpayerfunded
commission in an attempt to force affirmation of
his personally skewed vision of marriage and the family.
The governor’s already tarnished legacy will only be
damagedfurther ifhe continues to imposehis anti-family
values on mainstream Coloradans."
A statement by Nancy Sutton of Family First said there
is no basis for the claim "committed relationships" are
beneficial to society. ’q~here is no basis for much of what
the commission found." Colorado for Family Values
spokesman Dr. Paul A. Jessen said "without evidence or
support, the claim is made same-sex couples have been
unfairly denied the samerights as normal married couples,
and this denial calls for a redress of inequity, but will not
diminish the rights and benefits enjoyed by married
persons." "Parallel fights and responsibilities," he said,
"is a disguise for homosexual marriage."
ButSueAnderson, executivedirector ofEquality Colorado,
and a member of Romer’ s commi ssion, listened to
the complaints of the groups and said she wasn’t surprised
at their attack. "We’re here," she said ofherself and
other Lesbians, "We’re living our li~,.e.s. We’re trying to
protect our relationships. We’re trying to protect our
families." "We’re looking for basic economic rights. SO
what happens to me if my partner dies? Do I have access
to her pension? No. Do I have access to her health
insurance, likemy colleagues and their wives have? No."
"What we are looking for is something to protect ourselves
when something bad happens,"
She said she was not surprised at their remarks.because
she had heard their position againsthomosexuality often.
"I didn’ t wake up in the morning, put on a lavender shirt
and say: ’I’mgoing to be a Lesbian today.’ That’ s just not
how it works."
While the groups said flatly they had not been asked to
participate in the commission’s studies, Anderson said
she understood a variety ofpeoplefromColorado Springs
were invited, "and everybody said no." But the commission
did go to Colorado Springs and met with conservative
groups, and the commission did do public forums,
whichtheGay community attended, she said. "They were
included as much as anybody else," she said. "I don’t
agree with them and their basic premise. Am I angry?
The report by Romer’s commission recommended
granting same-sex couples the same legal rights and
benefits as married heterosexual couples, but stops short
of endorsing same-sex marriages. Romer made it clear in
response to two bills banning same-sex marriage, he had
established his own position: that marriage in Colorado
should be reserved for the union of a man and a woman.
"That is current law, and it should remain a law," he said.
He wants communities to address the legal and ethical
issues posed by same-sex relationships, he said. "But
there should be no conclusion as to what the end result is."
The 16-member comrmssion was charged with comparing
the legal and economic rights, responsibilities and
benefits of same-sex couples and married couples: The
commission was at that time criticized by people on both
sides of the issue. Some critics say there were no conservative
members who are unalterably opposed to samesex
marriages. Several were invited to serve on the panel,
Romer said, but they declined to serve.
In his 4 years of participating, Colin has raised nearly
$47000. The boy stole the show from luminaries like
Madonna, actor Nathan Lane and a gaggle of politicians.
During the ceremony, Madonna criticized spending millions
of dollars to investigate President Clinton, saying
the money could be better spent on research.
whenColin took the podium, hejust said~"Hi." "It was
so cute. He was very shy," see Walk, p. 10
by Tom Neal, editor & publisher
A week or so ago, I received a call from a reader, telling
me about how she’ d had a very negative experience with
a Hillcrest associated physician. As a part of the discussion
about her treatment, she shared with the
physician and staff that she is Lesbian. Indeed
for a number of medical conditions,
not just the issue of HIV, sexual orientation
can be relevant (see The Associated Press
story about Lesbians and breast cancer on
page 1). The physician.and staff’ s response
was to ask her if she wanted to be prayed for.
And as a person of faith, she said yes -
assuming that the prayers would be for
good health. Instead she found the doctor
and staff praying for her "release from homosexuality"
where all she wanted was release
from a minor infection.
Last year, two acquaintances wound up at
St. John Emergency Room after one took a
duding claims that the highest level ofmanagement have
Perhaps, Lesbians
and Gay men will
have to create our
own institutions to
meet our needs.
Thls is what we
did all over thls
country in
response to the
HIV/AIDS erlsls.
fairly serious fall with a blow to his head. Although this
couple has been together for a number of years, even
raising children, St. John staff refused to recognize the
relationship, denying the very worded partner any informarion
about his spouse’s condition and also denying
access that would have been routinely provided to a
heterosexual couple. This went on until emergency room
staff had a shift change and a nurse, a Gay man, whom
they knew, came on duty and corrected the situation.
Back during the GulfWar and the debate about Gays in
the military, my father, now a retired physician, heard a
few of his St. Francis colleagues say that they,i e we Gay
and Lesbian folk, should all .just be killed. This from
professionals allegedly devoted to the health and well
being of humankind.
¯ Granted these are anecdotes, possibly only isolated
incidents. But they suggest a fai_lure ofTulsa’ s health care
delivery system to deal seriously with providing Lesbian
¯ and Gay citizens with fair, adequate and sensitive medi-
¯" cal care. Not one ofTulsa’s majormedical institutions haS
: adop/ed a non-discrimination policy which would indi-
¯ cate both to patients and to providers that discrimination
¯ based on sexual orientation will not be tolerated.
Now in their defense, St. John officials responded with
¯ speed and concern when they became aware of the
¯ discriminatory treatment which the two men mentioned
: above experienced. Those officials have stated that they
¯ will not tolerate this behavior and also, have reached ot[t ¯
to Tulsa’ s Lesbian, Gay and Bi communities by advertis-
¯ ing in this newspaper.
¯ In contrast, St. Francis, Hillcrest, and Tulsa Regional/
: Doctors (the various ColumbiaJHCA ownedinstitutions)
¯ have done nothing to addregs possible bias in their insti-
~ tutions or to manifest any commitment to serving the
¯ needs of Gay and Lesbian Tulsans
¯ Hillcrest in particular continues to have allegations of
anti-Gay employment practices brought against it, in-
The Polo Grill ¯
by Tom Neal, publisher
¯ Local publicity guru, Tracey Norvell, of Arts Society,
¯ along with The Polo Grill owners, Ouida and Robert
¯ Merrifield, definitely have the right notion about getting ¯
the attention of members of the press wine them and
dine them - quite literally. The already award winning
~ restaurant has two new distinctions, awards from The
¯ Wine Spectator and the Unipro Cully Award. ¯
At a recent lunch, Tulsa media types sampled five
¯ courses of exquisitely fresh and well prepared food and
~ three California white wines, and a lovely Merlot. The
¯ stars of the lunch were fresh North American rainforest ¯
salmon and a very low fat cut of Piedmontese beef filet
¯ grown near Tulsa (though the point of alow-fat cut when
¯" it’s served with a fat-rich bernaise sauce eludes me, or
¯ maybe that is the point, so that you can have the bemaise).
." Service was gracious and attentive, from several of
: Tulsa’s best-looking and delightfully everrso-gay staff.
¯ The Polo Grill is, of course, not cheap but unlike many ¯
wanna-be restaurants in this town, is worth it when the
restaurant lives up to this high standard it’ s set.
: Check it out whenever your budget permits.
openly expressed bias against Lesbians and Gay men. If
¯ these allegations are true, then certainly I, as a health care ¯
consumer, would have questions about the safety and
quality of my health care at Hillcrest.
And a related issue is that of finding a
Lesbian or Gay, or Gay-friendly physician.
You can call the physician referral lines and
find, if you want, a Black physician or a
"Christian" physician but if you ask for a
Gay or Gay-friendly physician, you’ re just
out of luck.
Now if you have lived here for a while and
start to network in the community a bit,
eventually you’ll find that there’ s a Lesbian
gynecologist, a Lesbian general practioner.
a number of Gay physicians from Owasso
to south Tulsa as well as the better known
doctors who’ve specialized in HIV/AIDS
care like Drs. Beal and Peake. But most of
these physicians are closeted, fearing repercussions to
their practices.
Indeed I’ ve only, just found out aboutmore two dentists,
one Lesbian, the other Gay and it’ s my job as newspaper
publisher to know who’ s who in the community even if I
don’t write about them. Contrast this with Dallas, certainly
a conservative place in many respects but whose
community newspaper is filled with choices for health
care providers.
Perhaps, Lesbians and Gay men will have to create our
own institutions to meet our needs. This is what we did all
over this country in response to the HIV/AIDS crisi s. The
Los Angeles Community Center has begun its own clinic
in recogmt~on of the community’s needs.
Last spring Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights"
(TOHR) HIV anti-body testing clinic (HOPE) split off
under the direction of clinic director, Kristi Frisbie.
However, a few members of thatTOHRboard suggested
that the clinic should broaden its health care services for
Lesbians.and G0y-men, remaining true to its origins as a
Gay & Lesbian organization, instead of trying to become
a broader based HIV prevention orgmfization..After all,
while Tulsa has a number of other prevention groups
addressing non-Oay aspects ot ~]\’~IA]~)~, there is no
one looking at non-HIV related Gay & Lesbian health
care, other than perhaps Drs. Peake & Beal.
Even now that HOPEis independent, there is no reason
that TOHRand The Pride Center could not be the site of
a free clinic, perhaps monthly, where Tulsa’ s Lesbian and
Gay physicians could volunteer to do basic examinations
and consultations. Obviously anything requiring specialized
equipment or testing would have to be referred to the
physicians regular office, and some kind of legal waivers
would be needed as well to protect the physicians and the
Center. Maybe one or another ofourGay lawyers rtmning
around could help there? What do you tlfink? Do any of
you care? Let us know via e-mail, post, tdephone or tax.
Ms. Calle asked. "All women should be concerned about
breast cancer and getting age-appropriate breast cancer
screening," she added.
Still, researchers said the study shows a need for more
research that compares Lesbian women to heterosexuals
of various ages, economic and geographic groups. The
study was conducted by the clinic’s medical director,
Stephanie Roberts, and Suzanne Dibble, an associate
professor at the University of Califomia at San Francisco.
"It’s still too early for us to develop specific
mammography guidelines for Lesbians, but our study
shows the importance of encouraging Lesbians to seek
medical care on a regular basis," Roberts said. Roberts
and Di’bble found no significant differrnces between the
two groups on risk factors such as family history of breast
cancer or alcohol use. Nearly all of.the women surveyed
for the study were low-income and lacked health insurance.
Of the 1,019 women studied, 57.6 percent identified
themselves as heterosexual and 42.4 percent as
"For far too long Lesbians have had more questions
about than answers about their health," said Kathy Oriel,
president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association,
whose group funded the study.
California Politician to-
Try to Ban Gay Marriages "
NORWALK, Calif. (AP) - A group that wants to .
keep Cnlifornia from recognizing Gay marriages "
collected 675,000 signatures to place the measure on ¯
the state ballot - more than enough signatures to
qualify the Defense of Marriage Act for a future "
election, Sen. Peter Knight announced. "
The measure is designed "to protect our definition
of marriage from being undermined by liberal judges ¯
from other states," Knight said. "Given the push for "
"same-sex’ marriage across the nation, Califorma
must prepare by making it clear we only recognize
iraditional marriage." Courts in Hawaii,Vermont and "
Alaska are considering rulings that "could legalize
same-sex marriage.
Knight was on hand as volunteers hauled boxes ¯
containing 144,000 Signatures collectedinLos Ange- "
les County into the office of the county registrar of
voters here. Signatures gathered elsewhere w,,ere submitted
to registrar offices in other counties all over
the state," said Matthew Cnnningham, a member of
the Orange County-based Californians for the Defense
of Marriage.
The initiative states: "Only marriage between a
man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
Twenty-six states have passed similar laws and
five are considering such laws. Alaska voters will
consider an initiative on the November ballot that
wouldamend the state constitution to define marriage
as being "between one man and one woman."
Knight, R-Palmdale, introduced bills in 1996 and
1997 in the Legislature to bar recOgnition of Gay
marriages. Both times the legislation was defeated.
He will face a fierce fight this time, critics vowed. "If
that measure is qualified, we’ll beat it back as we have
every time," Assemblywoman Carole Migden, DSan
Francisco, said last week. "It is gratuitous and
polarizing and unnecessary," she said. "The community
will beat it back at the polls."
The measure cannot make the upcoming November
election. It will take several weeks for the secretary
of state’ s office to determine whether supporters
gathered the necessary 433,269 valid signatures of
registered voters. The .measure could qualify" in time
for the March 2000 state primary or for any earlier
statewide special election next year, said AndS" Pugno,
a Knight spokesman.
Assembly Speaker Pro Tern Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa
Monica, who helped lead legislative efforts to defeat
Knight’s anti-Gay mamage bills, said sh’e thinks the
initiative can be defeated again in California. "They
better be prepared for a fight," she said. But she
added: "I think that it is a very difficult thing for a
community tO be forced to prove its own humanity
over and over and over."
only states to do so.
Adoption decisions in Indiana are based on what is
best for the child, and the sexual orientation of prospective
parents isn’ t considered, said Andrew Stoner,
spokesman for the state Family and Social Services
Administration, which regulates adoption and.f.oster
care. The Madison County case is not necessarily the
first in Indiana in which Gays or Lesbians have been
considered as adoptive parents, Stoner said. "It’s
likely it has occurred, although it’ s not something that
people always disclose and there’s no requirement
that they do so.’"
The case has sparked sharp reactions from those on
both sides of the issue. The child’s foster parents,
Butch and Sandy Kimmerling of Anderson, have said
they will seek to adopt the child because they say it
would be destructive to have her raised in a homosexual
environment. U.S. Rep. David Mclntosh, RInd.,
called the adoption proposal "egregious and
¯ morally unacceptable" and urged Gov. Frank
¯ O’B~on to support any propos.ed.legislation bar-
¯ fing homosexuals from adopting children. Opponents say Burton and Lutz’ proposed bill is an
¯ unconstitutional and unnecessary infringement on
¯ the privacy of the adoption process that will deprive
: children of needed homes. "It’ s a completely unnec-
¯ essarv law. More than 25 years of research has dem-
¯ onstr~ted that a person’s Sexual orientation makes ¯
absolutely n,o, difference in his or her ability to be a
good parent, said John Knfll, executive director of
¯ the Indiana Civil Liberties Union. "A lot of children
¯ who need homes are going to be left in foster care."
" ,nti-Gay Attacks Up 81%
NEW YORK (AP) - Anti-Gay attacks citywide are
up 81% this year, and a spate of 27 such attacks since
late August has a civil rights for Gay people group
demanding increased police presence in areas where
the assaults have been prevalent. As of Sept. 13 - the
latest figures provided by the pol.ice department -
there have been 76 anti-Gay attacks citywide, com-
. ,ared with 42 attacks last year during the same time
period. However, overall bias attacks citywide are
down3.4%. There were368bias attacks as of Sept 13,
compared with 38 t last year. Bias crimes are slurs or
attacks that include an element of race, religion,
stxual preference or gender.
Christine Quinn; executive director of the New
York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project,
said the Police Department’s bias unit was doing an
dmirable job responding to the crimes, but more
¯ ~olice presence still was needed, especially in the
Greenwich Village area, where most of the attacks
have occurred. Since Aug. 25, there have been 27
such attacks citywide, she added. "The attacks, harassment
and threats against our community have
continued in full force since Labor Day weekend,"
Ms. Quirm Said. "Almost every day a New Yorker is
the victim of violence because he or she is perceived
to be Gay.’"
Police Commissioner Howard Safir said the department
is aware of the increase in anti-Gay attacks
and has dispatched additional officers to the Village.
Buthe saidhe does not think the attacks are prevalent.
"We don’t see an epidemic throughout the city," he
The Gay and Lesbian anti-violence group is planning
a community demonstration Oct. 3 to condemn
the attacks and teach people how to better protect
Indiana May Ban
Adoption by Gays
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The proposed adoption of
an 8-year-old gift by a Gay couple has sparked a
campaign to bar Gays and Lesbians from becoming
adoptive or foster parents in Indiana.
Word that the Madison County Office ofChildren
and Family Services was considering letting an Indianapolis
couple adopt the girl prompted two lawmakersto
announce Friday they wonld sponsor a bill
making Indiana the third state toban such adoptions.
Opponents called the proposed ban unconstitutional
and unnecessary.
"Their lifestyle is their business, but when they
start using government to promote their lifestyle, It
ta.me.to s.tep I.n, Rep. Woody Burton, R-Greenwood,
said Monday. Burton said he and Rep. Jack Lutz, RAnderson,
proposed the ban to protect children from
the abuse and discriminationmany homosexuals suf:
~er "’What’ s ~oin~ to happen to those kids when they
o ~o school a~nd tl~e othe]: kids at school find out about
~t?" Burton asked. "It actually invites discrimination
against those kids.’"
Burton and Lutz say they plan to introduce legislation
in next year’s General Assembly session. If it
passes, Indiana would become the third state to bar
homosexuals from adopting Children or being foster
parents. FloridaandNew Hampshireare currently the
Controversial Play
Draws Protesters
NEW" YORK (AP) - Theatergoers flocked to the
¯ debut performance of an off-Broadway play, ignor-
¯ ing angry protesters who believe it depicts a Gay
: Christlike figure who has sex with his apostles. As
~ patrons passed through a metal detector to see the
¯ Terrence McNally play "Corpus Christi," about 100
¯ protesters held a prayer vigil across the street, led by
". members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.
¯. Police said one protester was arrested Tuesday night
¯ for disorderly conduct.
¯ "We are inviting people to get. up a~d 1~eTa,ve.w,h~en ¯ blasphemies are enunciated in the play, sam me
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group’ s leader, the Rev. Benedict J. Groeschel. "We are
praying for the conversion of people attending the
Theatergoer John Friedman, 34, of Greenwich, Comi.,
saidhe understood why the show is controversial. "It
may not be for everybody, but I thought it really brought
out the transcendental nature of Jesus," he said after the
preview performance. "It emphasized that he was an
While theater officials and patrons were tightlipped
about the content of"Corpus Christi," published reports
have said the play depicts a Gay Christlike character
who has sex with his apostles. A brochure released
earlier this year described the play this way: "From
modem day Corpus Christi, Texas, to ancient Jerusalem,
we follow a young Gay man named Joshua on his
spiritual journey, and get to know the 12 disciples who
choose to follow him.’"
In May, the Manhattan Theater Club canceled plans
to produce the off-Broadway play after receiving anonymous
death threats against its actors, audience and
McNally, a multiple Tony Award-winner. Days later,
theater executives reversed their decision, saying police
promised to ensure safety if the play was staged. The
official opening is scheduled for Oct. 13; Tuesday was
the first night of previews, in which a play is generally
fine-tuned before its official opening. No tickets were
provided to reviewers, The New York Times reported.
A statement from the theater Tuesday’ reaffirmed its
support of"McNally’ s right to express his artistic vision
freely" as well as the right of protesters to object "in a
peaceful and law-abiding manner." Most theatergoers
were not dissuaded by the commotion. "It’s all about
free speech," said Candace Simon of Newark, N.J.
"They have the right to protest. The theater has aright
to stage it. I have the right to see it.’"
Churches Re|ect
Pro-Gay Pastors
OMAttA, Neb. (AP) - Two rural United Methodist
churches are telling denomination leaders that they will
not accept appointments ofpastors who snpported former
Omaha Rev. Jimmy Creech in his decision to perform a
Lesbian marriage. The Nehawka and \Veeping Water
United Methodist churches told Omaha District Superintendent
Ronald Croom that they will not accept the
Rev. Doyle Burbank-Williatns as their new pastor.
Burbank-Williams was an early supporter of Creech.
who created a furor when he performed a same-sex
marriage at his Omaha church last September.
Burbank-Williams was pastor of Dietz .\Iemorial
United Methodist Church and of homeless people in
downtown Omaha. He also was one of about 200
pastors nationally who pledged to. defy the United
Methodists" prohibition against same-sex mamages.
Weeping Water church officer Farley Amick said the
rural churches want a conservative pastor.
Burbank-Williams said he would keep Iris name on
the pledge list but would not perform a covenaut ceremony
in churches that are on record as opposed to such
ceremomes. Amick said that was not good enough. He
said the churches do not want a pastor who believes that
same-sex mamages are OK. He said it is a bad influence
for young people.
Meanwhile, a second pastor in Omaha has presided
over a satne-sex mm-riage The Rev. Nancy Brink said
it was the first she had performed at the North Side
Christian Church in Chnaha. The church is affiliated
with Disciples of Christ. which does not have prohibitions
against covenant ceremomes. Brink noted the
ceremony was given near unmnmous approval last
spring bf the church’s board of elders. But the event has
caused dissensmn within the 300-member congregation.
Brink declined to say how man~ members had left
the church over the issue~ Brink said covenant ceremonies
are in line ~vith Christ’s admonition to love one’s
neighbor as oneself.
Utah Group is Anti-Gay
But Suppo.rts Polygamy
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - \~qfile Gov. Mike Leavitt
has changed his tune regarding polygamy, Eagle Forum
President Gayle Ruzicka still sings the original notes.
The conservative Utah Eagle Forum has campaigned
against civil rights for Gay people, which
Ruzicka says is a question of morality, but she says
men who live with several women in polygamy
"may find support in the Bible.
"For polygamous folks - it is a religious belief
and at least through their religious ceremomes they
think they are married before God," Ruzicka said.
"Homosexuality is not part of somebody’s religion."
Ruzicka said she would urge Utah polygamists
to lobby to change the state’s constitutional
provision outlawing polygamy. "Polygamy has
been blown totally out of proportion," she said.
"These people out there living polygamous lives
are not bothering anybody."
In July, Leavitt acknowledged his polygmnist
ancestors and said he knew many polygamists and
"for themost part, they were hardworking and good
people." While the pracace is baamed by the state
constitution, Leavitt first said there were religious
freedom questions that could prevent prosecuuon
of the tens of thousands of practicing polygmnists
believed living in Utah. Within four weeks, his
position had changed to: "I believe polygamy is
against the law, and it should be." Polygamy has
come under renewed scrutiny due to reports of
child abuse, incest and welfare fraud within some
polygamist groups.
Some legislators may address the issue in the
1999 legislative session. "The next legislative session
will bring a healthy discussion about polygamy
that Utah needs," says Rep. Sheryl L.
Allen, R-Bountiful. "This has been postponed for
too long. It is past due."
Gay Family Struggles
for Acceptance
WATERTOkVN, Minn. (.-\P) - In this insular \ll
lage of 2,400. where bird feeders and American
flags h~g on front ~rches and cl~ldreu ride their
.bikes to,tl~e O~fl) grocery store ~ound, XV atcrto~ n
is grappling with the most di~ isive question
encountered in ve~s: How to) deM wi t!~ opeul
p~ents? Aboui 100 residents attended a
two-ho~ town meeting Sept. 10 at Waterto~
Nement~ School to discnss the issne. Or~mn zer~
stud they ~’anted to create awareness of violence
and hate crones and to invite di~dogne about
and ~sbi~s. ~ae meeting ~ne mnidst ~dlc~ations
that for the p~t two ye~s Robert Protomastcr.
35; Ns p~tner, Brian C~Isou, 35: and their three
teen-age sous have been the t~gets of verb~d and
physicM h~assment because Protomaster and
C~lson ~e Gay.
~e clmms ~e disturbing: Epithets hurled at the
fanfil~, as they drove tl~ough to~vn. Statues m their
front v~d smashed at mght. Homophobic notes
stuck haside their front door. And, most troubling,
stud the fanfilv, repeated h~sment of the boys
wNle they attended Watertown Middle School in
1996 and 1~7. ~ev stud that they repeatedl3
were cMled "’queei" and "’faggot" and that other
students refused to sit b~ them be~ansc they lc~ged
that "’they .. would become Gay,’" said "lqmoth~.
13. "’So f~r a long time no one ~votdd come ne;g us.’"
Michael. 14, stud he was held down b~ studcnts
~vNle one wrote "’faggot" ou lfis :ran. S~hool offitins
did little to stop the harassment, the fiunil~
~e school district issued a statement on the da~
of the town zneeting saying that the district "has a
record of responding appropriately to comphunts
of h~sment." The Watertown mayor’s office
and C~ver County officiMs issned statements the
day before the meeting saying that Watertown
stands agmnst Violent, hate crones and harassment
of ~v kind.
The bow - Jo~, ~vho"s 16. Michael and "l’imo~
thv - spent most of their [iveg in and out of foster
hdmes before Protom~ter mad C~Mson adopted
them about 3 years ago. Although the boys no
longer attend s~hool in Watertown School Distnct.
their p~ents filed a discfinfinatiou complmnt last
ye~ agmnst ~e dis~ct w~th the state lluman
~ghts Dep~tlnent. The case is no~v on appeM.
More HIV Drugs,-
More Errors
..\I.BAN’f. N.Y (AP) - Two ’,ears ago,
o~fl\ a few drugs were availatJle to treat
tti’{’. Now. 14 types of ~nedicatton ,°re
used to treat the disease. And while the
chmaces for survi,,al have increased, so
have the chances for error in the prescribing
of these drugs, hi fact, mistakes in
prescriptions wntten for people with HIV
arc much more counnon than for other
hospital patients, according to a recent
two ‘.ear study. Fortunately, most of the
time the wrongly prescribed medicines
aren’t actuMly given to the patients. They
usu-all,. oaflv make it tothe pharmacist’s
desk. said l)r. Bonnie Purdy, the stud\"s
author ,’rod AI ban’~ *ledical Center cli~lical
"Without may doubt, there ,are physicians
who don’t’understm]d therapies ~orrectlv.’"
said Paul Volberding, director of
S~m i:rancisco Geueral’s AIDS program.
And because HIV patients can become
resxst,’mt if not treated correctly the first
time. he added. "There’s not very much
margin for error.’" Johi] Bartlett. ~:hief of
itffectious disease and AIDS ser‘.tce at
Jolms ttopkins .Medical Center. said the
stud} findings show a needfor more HIV
specialists. Other studies have suggested
that 3% of Ml prescriptlous written b’,
physicim]s coutai n an error, Purd’, said.
f~ors m ItIV prescnptions rose from
about 2c} iu 1~)6 to 14% this ",ear. Rapid
chmtges in treatments are conhtsi,ng doctors..
Some doctors have even written potentiall
y deadl y formulas for medical care
at the .-\Ibm]} hospital over the last two
vein’s, the report said
()he lily specMist, whose practice was
not studied for the report, admits that the
increase in treatmcuts has been tough to
follo\~. "’it .~ccm> cvcrx three or four
months a ne~ drag is rel~.ased. The drugs
have unforeseen side effects." said Dr.
l)avid l !ermm]. of the \Vhitne‘. .X i. Young
!tcalth (’cater. The :\lb,’m,. c’linic ser,.-es
1 it} lilY patients. Additiouallv. "’patients
mc living longer, mM as the‘. live longer
the} require more ,’rod ntore complicated
drug rcgmmns said I)r. Douglas Fish.
acting director of the lilY medicine divistun
at .-\tbmav Medic,’d College.
Purdx said :730 of the prescription errors
were "’serious" or "’se,.ere. meamng
they could bc fatal or increase resistance
IO dlllgs.-The most connTlon error was
either prescribing doses that were either
too high or too lmv. Most of the mistakes
were made by people who weren’t HI\-
svccialists, the report said. Herman warned
that the nuntber of errors may be higher in
hospit~fls where interus and students can
~vnte prescriptions. The rates of error have
decreased at :\lbany Medical since Purd,.
revealed the results of the stud,, With the
hospital staff., she said. "’We ~]ow pauents
li,.e longer with these regimens,"
third,. stud. "’But if we don’t prescribe
thcm’correctlv, we ha,an the patient."
FDA Approves
New Treatment
W.\SHINGTON (AP) - AIDS patients
got an easier-to-swallow drug as the Food
and l)rug Administration approved a new
once-a-day medicine that offers the first
good alternative foF patients who cannot
take today’s best AIDS treatment.
l)uPout Pharmaceuticals" Sustiva appears
to be about as effective as protease
nfllibitors, the landmark medicines that
have helped thousands of HIV patients
rebound from their disease, tile FDA said.
Ahd because it’s taken only. once daily,
Susti,.’a conld significantl‘.’ cut the number
of pills AIDS patients’now swallow.
:’It really gives soane flexibilit,. ~md some
new options for patients," said Dr. Heidi
Jolson. FDA’s antiviral chief.
But the FDA warned that patients
shouldn’t race to switch to Snsti,.a if
they’re doing well on other AIDS medic,ations.
The HIV virus relentlessl,. mutates
to overcoane drug treaunent, metaling
patients must take a drug until it qmts
working- not switching on the spur of the
~noment - so file’, don’t exhaust their
options too quickl}:, stressed AIDS expert
Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Iustitutes
of ttealth. But for newly diagnosed
patients, or those whose current cocktail
of AIDS medicines is failing or causmg
too many side effects. Susti,.’a offers a
good option, he said.
In a sixqnonth stud’, of 450 patients
taking the standard drugs AZT mid 3TC
plus either Susti,.a or the most popular
protease inllibitor, Crixivan, both theraptes
were equally effecti,.e. The FDA
approved Susti,.-a. kalown chemically as
efa,.irenz, for both adults and children]. It
is to be taken with a protease inhibitor
and or older AIDS medicines.
The Sustiva portion of that cocktail will
cost almost $4,000 a ‘.ear. DuPont says
the price is.midrange f6r AIDS drugs, ai~d
that Sustiva therapy could sa,.’e up to S500
avear over Crixivan cocktails. DuPont
al~o promised a treatment assistm]ce program
for poor patients, but would not
reveal details. But some AIDS activists
attacked the price; the group Act Up wrote
DuPout this week threatening protests to
"’reveal your greed." Sustiva "addresses
some imporumtissues in the lives of people
with HIV. including the complexity of
taking a large number of drugs," said
D,’ufiel Zingale of AIDS° Action. "But I
.don’t think the company went far enough
m fair pacing... The‘. could pfi.ce this
lower mid still make a ~rofit.’"
T,.pical HI\ pauents s~,. allow some 20
pih~ throughout the day to combat the
virus, timed carefully to take some with
meals and some without. The,, may also
take additional medicines to pre,.ent HIVcansed
refections. Missing e,.eu a few
,’mtiviral pills, however, allows the HIV to
mutate and become more difficult to treat
Sustiva is taken just once a day, in three
capsules, whenever it’s convenient.
DuPonl also is de,.eloping a formulation
that will require only a single tablet a day.
Easing patients" "pill burden" ma,. be
Sustiva’s main" ad,.’ance. With it, some
patients may get by onjust five pills a day.
"I have some patients who absolutely will
only take medicine twice a day," said Dr.
Do~aald P0retz of Virginia’ s Inova Fairfax
Hospital. ’This is a race addition."
Half of Susti,.’a pattents suffer dizziness,
insomnia, impaired concentrauon,
abnormal dreams and drowsiness. Therefore,
patients should consider taking
Sustiva at bedtime, the FDA said, and
definitely avoid driving or operating machinery
if they suffer the side effects.
TheSe are milder side effects than many
AIDS drugs cause, and unlike other drugs
they usually disappear over time, theFDA
But FDA’s Jolson cautioned that Sustiva
can also cause some severe side effects,
and that it has been studied for only six
months. Longer use of AIDS drugs typically
turns up more problems. Sustiva’s
cautions include:
- Some patients - usually those with a
histoU of substance abuse or mental illness
- suffer severe depression or delu-
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sions. They should stop taking the drug.
- 40% of children and some adults
suffer skin rashes, occasionally severe.
Womenmust use effecnve contraception
because animal studies suggest
Susfiva causes severe birth defects. The
FDA ordered DuPont to track accidental
pregnancies to determine the true risk.
In a separate development Friday,
Merck &Co. stopped a study it had hoped
would pave the way for easier Cfixivan
use. But taking Cfixivan twice a day instead
of the government-approved three
daily doses proved far less effective.
Insurance for
Working PLWA’s?
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Unemployed
people living with HIV want to work but
fear they’ll lose .their health insurance if
they become employed, according to a
new study. "Discrimination is still very
much an issue for those Seeking employment,"
said Dr. Ronald Brooks, a researcherfrom
Los Angeles County Harbor-
UCLA Medical Center. Brooks and
Dr. ,David Martin of AIDS Project Los
-Angeles conducted the study, which they
said was the first one to analyze employ:
ment issues for LOs Angeles residents
living with HIV and AIDS.
In July and August, the doctors surveyed
5,685 people with HIV or AIDS
who were case-managed by LOs Angelesarea
AIDS service organizations. An estimated
13,000 people in LOs Angeles
County are infected with HIV, Brooks
said. The survey released in September
found about 37% of respondents were
working. More than half of them had fulltime
.jobs. Some of the 67% of those
unemployed said they were disabled. The
majority said they were thimkmg about
retumilig to work ~o increase their tncoxne
and feel useful to society.
, Mayor Richard Riorcl~m vowed to encourage
health insurers to cover all employees,
including those with AIDS. Their
medications alone can cost S12.000 to
S16,000 a )’ear. The law states no HIVinfected
person may be deified employment
because of the disease. But m,’my
sufferers are afraid they will lose their
current health insurance~including Medi-
Cal, and will not obtain adequate insurance
from a new employer, said Los Angeles
City AIDS Coordinator Ferd Eggan.
",’AIDS remains a highly stigmatized disease,"
Eggan said.
Jusfina Thompson, an HI\’-infected
Venice resident, blames her honesty for
her inability to find work. "’If you’re infected
and ):ou tetl people you’r~ infected,
they won’t ~ve you a job," said Thompson,
who now works with Women Alive,
a drop-in center in Los Angeles for women
with HIV or AIDS.
Craig Thompson, executive director of
AIDS Project Los Angeles, said retunfing
HIV-i~ffected people to the workplace
actually would have a positive effect on
society. If employed, they would pay into
social security and pay taxes which are
lost when th@ are uot working, he said.
"It’s actually revenue-positive for the taxpayers
in the long rim,’" Thompson said.
Monkeys and the
Origin of HIV
COVINGTON, La. (AP) - Preston Marx
is still gettiug settled, and it shows. Books
are heaped in stacks, and boxes of all sizes
- some unpacked, manynot - crowd the
floors of his office at Tulane University’s
primate center. Despite the helter-skel ter
appearance of his office, the center’s new
headofAIDS researchknew exactly where
to look for what he wanted. From a pile of
plaques and framed photographs, Marx,
54, pulled out a picture that, perhaps more
than anything else, sums up the nature of
his work. The photograph, which he shot
nearly a decade ago in Liberia, shows a
brightly clad girl 9-year-old girl and her
pet monkey, a sooty mangabey, clutching
each other as tightly as possible. The
monkey’s forepaws and prehensile toes
are wrapped tightly around the girls’ left
Sunny at first blush, the picture has a
sinister side: It symbolizes the easy passage
between monkeys and humans of a
.simple vires that has developed into the
microorganism that causes AIDS, said
Marx, a New Orleans native who was at
the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
in New York before coming this summer
to the primate center in rural St.
Tammany Parish. ":My work has shown
that the viruses carried by these monkeys
are closely related to the viruses earned
by people in the local villages," he said.
Marx, whosucceeded Michael Murphy-
Corb at Tulane, also has studied the way
AIDS infection develops, and he has con’-
ducted vaccine research. He will continue
in both fields at the primate center and at
the Diamond center, which shares him
with Tulane. In return for letting Marx
move south, Diamond gained access to
what is, with 4,500 monkeys, the country’s
biggest primate center. The two institutions
plan to co_ltaborate on .-kIDS research.
"I’m not onlyOK with that; I think
it’s a tremendous opportunity,’" said Peter
Gerone, director of the Tulane Regional
Primate Research Center. "’Talk about
sometlfing being mutually beneficial." As
part of the agreement, Marx received a
professorship of tropical mediciue - and
the enthusiastic welcome from Dr. Paul
\Vhelton, dem~ ofTulane’s S cbooi of Public
Health and Tropical Medicine "’He
has provided fltndamental underpinmng
of the sinuan innnunodeficiencv virus
and the origin of AIDS.’" said \\~elton.
For Marx, named the primate center’s
senior scientist, flats is his first priority: to
trace the history of the iucurabte illness by
detennimng the origin of the virus that
causes ~t "%’obodv else is doing that,"
Ronald Desrosier,~. imcrobiologist and
molecular geneticist at Harvard Medical
School and Harvard’s New Fmgland Primate
Center. "’I tlm~k he ki~ows mo~tkevs
and monkey natural history very we~l.
This is a niche where he can contribute
and he tries to make the most of it ""
The work, wlfich Marx conducts in the
United States and Africa, may lead to a
vaccine and better ways to fight.AIDS,
said Dr. Andrew Lach~er, a pathologist at
Harvard Medical Center and ~ts pinnate
center, "-[’he tnore you le,’~t about these
viruses. . will provide very significant
clues to what’s different in sooty
mangabeys, where the virus can be
haudled, and humans, and humans, where
it’s not," Lackner said. Which leads back
to Marx’s photograph of the ~fl and her
pet, and the potential for monkey viruses
to leap the species barrier. In villages like
the ~fl’s, monkeys bite people and people
hm~t and eat monkeys. And angry farmers
have clubbed to d~th sooty mangabeys
that devoured their crops, said Dr. Beatrice
Hahn of the University of Alabama at
Through such incidents, the simian
nmnunodefiency virus, "known as SIV,
regularly invades human bloodstreams,
said Marx, who has worked in :\frica
since 1987. Under normal circumsumccs,
he has found a huntan can elinmmtc il
wi~n 12 weeks. The mo~ev vm~s. Much
has been in Africa more than 100,000
ye~s, c~~nutate in ml attenlpt to survi vc,
but he s~d, the body’s defenses gencrall3
work f~ter. HIV, an offshoot of thc
IN vires, is relatively nee in human~
M~x stud, dating b£ck to about 1950
"~at t~t me~s, in a sense, is thal
there’s a mo~ey out ~ere that donated
vires to people," Marx stud. ’The question
becomes, "X~at’s the mechmfism ’
.. Some~ng ~p~ned in 1950 that caused
tNs vires to st~t crossing over. I kmm
what it is, but I ~n’t prove it.’" ttis hunch:
widespread use of hypodenmc ucedlcs.
wNch beg~ about the s~e ti~nc injectable
~gs ~c~e available to fight dise~
es such as tonga. In countries that
~’t ~forda new needle for each pattern.
ne~les ~e often reused, picNng up Inicr~
rg~sms ~ong the way.
A ~ad~te of 1 ~uisi~a ~tatc Iuivcrsitv
in New ~leans (now the Univcrsit~
of ~’ew Ofl~s) and~1" Mcdic~fl Center
, M~x beg~ ~s quesl for the ofigiu of
AIDS in 1987. ~e quest h~ U~en him
~ound ~e world, including a remote Affi~
b~ where he and a colleague stopl~,d
for a beer ~ter a frustrating day of collecting
blo~ smnples from redcap
m~gabeys in a hunt for a r~e SIV strain.
H~ picked up the stor~, w~ch has bccome
p~t of the Marx lebend: "Thcv
a redcap monkex tied to the b~, ~ating
pe~uts. ~esto~ stud, "We could blccd
that one as well." "" After a pause. !l~dm
delivered the puuch line. ’Thin happcncd
to be the monkey that was i~fl~ctcd with
that vm~s.’" she stud "’Preston told mc
later. "As you can see. I do my best work
m b~.""
HIV+ Prisoners
To Be Separated
GREENVII.I.1L S.(’. {.-\P) - With ntorc
than 600 S. Carolina prison inmates about
to be segregated because they tested postfive
for &e AIDS-casuing virus, one AII)S
expert says the state has far underesu
mated the cost. The state esdmalcs it will
cost St,Q00 wr ~mnate l~r ~eatment. Tha~
is more likely.to k S15,000. Dr. Rick
Altice. ~ AIDS expert m Yale-New ttayen
HospitN in New Haven. Conn.. u)ld
The Greenville News.
In a prison system of 21.0~) lmnmcs.
~ of them t~IV-positive, a system of
providing condoms, sex eduction and
drug rehabilitation wouldbe more effective.
sav some of those who speciNize in
tracing ~edise~e. [nprotccted consensu~
sex~drapes remmn prev~ent mnong
prisoners, m~v of whom don’t know
HIV ~ be transmitted bv unsafe ratercourse,
sMd Steve Nesselr~th of the AIDS
m Prison Project.
17 states have m~datory testing, lto~vever,
one-time testing ~ give pnson
officiM s a fMse sense of secuntv, sMd Dr.
Jo~ Miles, of the Centers f~r Disease
Con~ol & ~evenfion. Without lbllowup
testing, i~ates who~~ey ~c
sine~fur~er spread H1V, Miles sMd. It
~es ~ long ~ six months tbr ~e vires to
be det~mble. ~ficiMs pl~ follow-up
tests ~d say i~ates will ~tested ~fore
¯ey l~ve prison st~ngnext ye~. "AVith
the follow-up ~gsfing, we feel like we’ll
~tch~yone~o~’ttest ~sifive whea
we test~ or when they c~e into the
system," B~Mey sMd.
1998 Water Garden Tour
to benefit
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Sat. Oct. 3, 11-5
’SurL Oct. 4, 1-5
$5 suggested donation
For information, call 438-2437.
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A Central and South West Company
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Rope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service - 1 lain, Childrens Ministry also, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
S~mday School- 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210e So. Norwood
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
Parish Church of St~ Jerome (Evangelical AnglicanChurch in America)
Mass - 1 lain, 205W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pm, Info: 743-4297
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (cast of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pm, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd MonIcach too. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S: Harvard
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 7pm, call Shawn 491-2036.
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 10/26, noon, United Way, 1430 S Boulder
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, 10/13, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
aIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium l:30pm
3507 E. Admiral (east of Harvard), Info: Wanda @ 834-4194
Multiculturai AIDS Coalition, 10/6¢ 12:30pro; Urban League, 240 East Apache
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group, Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise/Prayer - 6:30pro, 5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210e So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
Safe Haven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/eachmo. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Larnbda A-A, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pm, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for dates.
Ifyour organization is n~t listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Marceilo Angelini
Artistic Director
Sept. 18-20, 1998
~, sweeping tale of prince gels gift. Where between
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Matters of death and life. From two choreographers.
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Equinoxe ¯ Jardi Tancat
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Swan Lake in its entirety. With Artistic Director
Marcello hngelini re-staging the story line in hcls I
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Cartfi I. Crawford
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Bernard Rubenstein with
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Alison Gaines, Principal Bass
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Jon Kimura Parker, piano
Ida Kavafian, violin
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Kenneth Jean with
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Peter Serkin, piano
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Tuba’s CVahic hn"
Read All About It
by Adam West, Helmerich Library
We all love Auntie Marne. It’s pracfiv~
V a orere~uisite; it’s possibly genetic.
~t’-s’not t~ love in a s-tory @’out a bo.y
growing up with a bohemian’, eccenmc
and rich aunt for a guardian? But if you
ever wondered where all of
Marne’s gay friends were (oh,
of course she had them!), you
will definitely adore Say Uncle
by Eric Shaw Quinn. Although
the whole plot rests on a gruesome
tragedy, this comedy has
enough absurdity and sardonic
humor to keep you smiling for
weeks. The characters are so
engaging that they become a
part of your family -even
when you hate them; and
Quirm’s evocative style will
rivet you with your own emo~
tional reactions.
InSav Uncle, Michael Reily
finds l~s life turned inside out
when his sister and her husband
are killed tragically ,leaving
Michael the guardian of
their baby, Scott. Urged on by
his mother and challenged by
the baby’s patemal grandfather,
a conservative former
Senator, Michael’s fights
anaidst a media blitz as his
homosexnality and Suitability as a parent
are "called into question.
The most noticeable aspect of this brilliant
first novel is certainly its brand of
humor. Part Congreve, part Dickens, part
Fierstein, Quinnmanages a seamless blend
of Restoration comedy, bitter irony and
modem disillusioned idealism. The resul_t
is a classic style in today’s language.
Qmma clearly wanted to go for the literary
throat with his debut. The scope and
scheme of Say Uncle is of Shakespearean
proportions. ~a,s an actor lfimself, the author
was possibly hoping for a movie deal
with a cast on the level of Steel Magnolias
(of wlficli this is also reminiscent). Say
said Nicole Russo, spokeswoman for
AIDS Project Los Angeles, which organizes
the event every year. Colin’ s mother
got him started when he was four to learn
about helping others, Ms. Russo said.
The event raised an estimated $3 million
that will provide care for the nearly
7,400 people with AIDS in l_~,s .Angeles
County. Participants asl~ people to sponsor
them for every mile they walk. The
course, about 6.2 miles long, started at
Paramount Studios in Hollywood, looped
onto Melrose Avenue and then back to the
studio through Hancock Park.
Craig Thompson, executive director of
AIDS Project Los Angeles, said he was
encouraged to see so many.young people
taking part in the fund-raiser this year.
’q’hat’s good because half of all .new
infections of HIV occur among 18- to 25-
year-olds," he said.
Here in Tulsa, however, local HIV/
AIDS andcivil rightactivist,Jimmy Flowers,
bemoaned what he called the shamefully
low turnout at Tulsa’ s 6th nnn~al
AIDS walk, Walk For Life held Sat. sept.
26th. Flowers claims therewere only about
80 persons participating in the 2 mile
walk along the Riverparks and that some
The most
notleeable aspect
of this brilliant
first novel is
eertalnly its
brand of humor.
Part Congreve,
part Dickens,
part Fiersteln,
uhn manages
a~seamless blend
of Restorat;on
comedy, hitter
irony and modern
ideallsm. The
result is a elassle
style in today’s
Uncle’s beauty shines through, covering
~ a span of over twenty years and doing so
¯ without neglecting continuity or cohe-
¯ siveness.
¯ Even thOugh half of the book is told
¯ mostly from Scott’s perspective, the clear
star of the novel is Uncle Michael.
Michael’s straight-forward
and amusing take on life fuels
the story and you adore him
more with each page¯ He’ s not
a perfect man, but he"s close
enough, and his flaws just endear
you to him more¯ His
blunt’and occasionally odd
rapport with his meddling
mother is so similar to somany
of us that you’ll surdy find
new realizations m your own
maternal rdationship. Best of
all, .kfichael fights for respect
the way we all would like to:
withh~nor, ~ace and tremendous
The circumstances of Say
Uncle wouldn’t happen to
mare of us. \~2tile overall you
mav~ehappy about that, there
will also be a part of you that
longs for it. Michael Reily is a
tree hero in so many ways -
Iris di~mfity, his selfish selflessness,
his passion for life¯
\Xqao ,’unong us doesn’t want
to star ~n a life of feature film quality. Say
Uncle has its realism, and even its absuiditv
is plausible, but in the end what gets
us ior at least gets me) is thejourney of the
characters from letters on a p0ge to human
beings we would like to kaaow..Say Uncle
is the story we would have if we got the
option - and the strength - to enjoy it.
You can request Say Uncle from your
nearest’l"ulsa City-County library br~ch
or by calling th~ Reader’s Services department
of the Central Library.
Adam West is an associate with lulscl
City-County Library S3wtem and an OSU
ah~mus. Hets m)t now and,ever has bee,
agencies whi,c,h serve People Living with
AIDS~(PLWA s) werenot represented by
their staff.
However, Community Service Council
AIDS f~mdraiser and organizer, Janice
Nicklas claimed about 100 attended and
that, for Tulsa, that’ s a good turnout. According
to Nicklas, about $5,000 was
raised which will be matched by an addi-
ttonal $2500 from the Nat’1. AIDS Fund.
LongtimeHIV/AIDS activist/volunteer,
¯ Claudette Peterson, noted that she was
¯ unable to attend the event because The
¯ Food Pantry of Tulsa CARES (formerly ¯
¯ theHIV ResourceConsortium)whichshe directs was scheduled to getalargeamount
¯ of donated food that morning.
¯ Walker, Nancy Smith, and walk team, i Soles for Souls brought in the highest
donations. Street School student Kat
¯ Morgan won a prize for her HIV/AIDS
¯. poem,, and the poster design used on tiffs
¯ year s t-shirts was createdby amember of
Red Rock Mental Health Group’s Gay
¯ youth support group. Chairpersons were
¯ ~Vlichael Bmmgardt of Youth Services
~ andTerry Russell of Planned Parenthood
". of America, NE OK/NW AR. Business
¯ sponsors were US Cdlular, NYBagds,
¯ Kinko’son 1 lth, McDonaldsRestaurants,
: KRMG, TFN, & Urban Tulsa Weekly.
IGTA member
Call 41. 6866
TOHr~formore information.
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by Ma~. Schepers, Do-It-YourselfDyke
Announcingfencing lessons for the nonathlethic
members of the family! Like the
wise creatures you are, you heeded your
DIYD’s sage advice in the last column
and selected the picket type and size that
suits your needs and
budget, made your measurements,
your posts and stringers
and are ready to get
nailed. Pardon. To get
nailing. Or, the DIYD’ s
preference for fencing,
to get busy screwing,
because screws are always
the preferred fastener
for fence construction.
They hold
better, won’t pull out,
and make any future
repairs oh so much
eas~er - and we love
easier, don’t we?
The DIYD has certain
other preferences
when it comes to
screws, and the primary
one is for square drives
(as opposed to standard
or - shame-on you for
smirking - Phillip’s
head). -Ihex do not
"’cam out" easily, which
means they don’t get
all cheered’up and ratty
mad unusable, and yoffl,azow by now what
aesthetics does for the DI’YD~ Order the
catalogue from McFeelv’s (800 443-
7937) and you will be ifi square driv~
heaven; of course, youcan order the square
drives from them as well. The quality is
lfigh, the service good and the delia:err
prompt - mad most of us can’t say that
about our exes. can we?
You will be using a #8 scre~v. 2 1 2"
long, to attach stringers t.o posts. ,and \ou
will need to order the"No-Co-Rode’" ty"pe.
The’* will We you good rust resistance
along with strength. For attaclfing 3our
pickets to the stringers, you wi!l need #8
scre~vs. 1 1 4." long; the wood ’*ouve
chosen for the pickets will deterrrdue the
type of screw. For wKite wood or treated
pickets, use the No-Co-Rode screws, but
for cedar, vou must_use stainless steel
because thd acids and volatile oils in the
cedar will seriously corrode an\ other
fastener you use. Tt~e DIYD realizes that
some of this informaUon is a rehash, but
speaking for herself, the old memory isn’ t
quite what it used to be. Remember also
that you will need4 screw s for each stringer
and 5 screws for each picket.
Now that you’ve assembled all ’,our
raw material s, it is time to gather up ’,’our
tools. The DIYD is delighted to inform
you that this is the perfect project for that
stunning leather tool belt, so if you haven’t
indulged yourself yet, do so now. You’re
paying so much for the fence, at this point
you canjustify the few extra dollars for an
accessory that will give years and years of
good use and satisfaction. In adcfition to
the .tool belt, you will need the following:
a good level (bigger really is better here;
don’t settle for an.vthin~ under 12"); a
drill and drill bits (2 drills are better); a #2
square driver for the screws; a wheelbarrow
or very large tub to mix concrete in
(there is an nnapproved method to cheat
this, which will be passed along forthwith);
a hoe and shovel for mixing and
scooping concrete; and a device for dig-
Trust me darll-nCs, you do
not want to d;~ a post
hole wlth a shovel.
too much work, and
requires more
mater~al to fill it.
Oh., dear, there ~oes the
ex factor a~aln...
The standard method is
to use a post hole di~¢er.
but thls too is much too
painful, and you will use
an entire 80 lb. ba~ of
quiekrete to fill the hole.
It is not laziness that will
drive you at thls point to
the E-Z equipment
rental, but efficiency!
ging the holeS.
Trust me darlings, you do not want to
dig a post hole with a shovel. Ugly, too
much work. and reqmres more material to
fill it. Oh, dear, there goes the ex factor
again.. : The standard method is to use a
post hole digger, but
this too is much too
painful, and yon will
use an entire 80 lb. bag
of quic"krete to fill the
hole. It is not laziness
that will drive you at
this point to the E-Z
Equipment rent,d, but
efficiencv! Go rent an
auger and forget the
Ph.D. altogether. You
have two options: a
hand operated auger,
which is just fine in
soils that arc not rocky,
or a gas powered auger.
Hm Bet we’ve
made a choice already.
Get a bit instruction ~n
how to rev the little
darlin" up and you’ll
be sinking more holcs
that an Oklahoman
wildcatter in July. Besides,
power to~ls arc
fl~n, and you’ll get yonr
job dgne quicldy. And
you "ll use less
Quickrete, too.
In order to buy your materials, you have
already measured your fence li~]e. ()nce
again, you will space 3"our posts 8 feet on
6enter for treated pickets and 10 feet on
center for cedar pickets. You will rarely
come out perfectly, so plan on splitting
the difference ou either end of the fence
unless the distance left over ~s over a few
~’eet. In other words, you may have ten
posts 10" apart and have 3" at the end, so
put nine posts 10" apart, and at the ends
have the posts 61 2’ apart. More than that.
put the short section of fence on the cud
you won’t see as often. If this confuses
you. draw ~t out on paper first. It never
hurts to have a visual.
Drill your holes Zccording to your spacing
plan. Go ahead and give yourself an
inch or so less between the posts for a bit
of a fudge factor (you can cut a board, but
stretching it is ~mpossible). Drill the holes
2".deep. Center 3our posts in the holes,
using the level to get the post as level as
possible in the horizontal as well as the
vertical plane. If you" ve never used a level
before, ask someone who has for a few
pointers. It’s reall,v quite easy. Do not skip
this step or the fence will be a disaster and
you’ve paid too much for that. After centenng
the post in the hole, add your mixed
concrete until the hole is filled level with
the ~ound. Use a stick to work the concrete
mix down and the air bubble out.
Always put the post in the hole and fill
around it. The moisture needs to be able to
drain away from the bottom of the post. If
you drill your holes with an auger, you
shonld only need about 3/4 of an 86 lh
bag of quickrete per hole. Let the concrete
sit for at least 12 hours before proceeding.
Cheater’s method: Pour a bag of quikrete
into the hole, add water to fill. Let sit for
24 hrs. Results not guaranteed.
Once again, your beloved DIYD has
waxed eloquent to the point of being verbose,
so join us next month when we will
finish this project. Promise. Until theu,
enjoy the tool belt.
by Esther Rothblum
I recently met with three members of
the Crones, a group for old Lesbians in
Vermont. "We were at a dance one night,"
said.Alverta, "and I asked the woman l
was with, where are all the Lesbians our
age?" They put an ad in the local Lesbian
newspaper, and had to drop
the minimum age to 40 because
there were so few Lesbians
older than that who
were out in the community
at that time. They started as ~
political group, butit quickly
became a social group because
so many women
wanted just to meet someone
their age.
"’And even now," added
Mary Wallmyn, "here we all
sit together in your living
room and wonder where are
the Lesbians in their 60s and
70s like us.’" The women
agrecd that some of the~e
older Lesbians are extremely
closeted or out to only one
"It’s even hard
for older
to meet someone
to be a friend
or just someoue
to han~
out wlth."
sald Alverta.
’%Vhere do
older Lesbians
disappear to?"
other person. They lived through times
that were very hostile to Lesbians and
aren’t willing io be too out, eve!.13o other
old l~esbians..klan3 don’t even hse the
word "Lesbian"- they refer to themselves
as "that wax" or use other euphemisms.
I asked ~’hat Alverta, Mary, and Joy
thought the major issues were facing Les’-
bians over 60. Getting a job mad facing
ageism, said Alverta. Leaving a husband,
coming out as a Lesbian, andbeing thought
too old for full-time work yet not old
enough for social security, said Mary.
Beiug closeted on the job and needing 1o
move in order to live near a lover, said
Joy. Working for a non-profit organization
that has no retirement benefits. Getung
sick in old age.
In fact, thewomen agreed that discrimination
due to age was more severe than
discmninauon due to being a Lesbian.
And many have found this hideaway in
the Ozarks to be an ideal spot for a holy
union or commitment ceremony.
Early reservations for the weekend are
advised. For more information on the
schedule of activities or Diversity Cooperative
listing, please check out the website
at www.shimaka.com;eurek;t"diversity or
call the event sponsors,The Emerald Rainbow,
at 501-253--cOA-5.
Schedule of Activities
Friday, November 6, 8:30pm-12:30am
Kick off the weekend with a dance in
the Basin Park Hotel Ballroom to benefit
¯the Metropolitan Comnmnity Church of
the Living Springs & the Eureka Springs
R.A.I.N. Team. Music by Sisters II. $3
single; $5 couple. 12:30-2: 00am, after the
dance, head over to Center Street So. for
more "family’" fun !
Saturday, November 7, 8:00-10:30am
Meet Charlotte for a trout fishing adventure
on die beautiful, crystal clear
White River. Arkansas fishing license is
required. Meet at the Beaver Dam Store
by 7:45am. Fxtuipment rentals & licenses
available: Reservations: 501-253-6154.
1 l:00am-l:00pm, Take a leisurely float
trip down the White River. Enjoy the fall
colors mad peacefulness of the Ozarks.
Mary had noticed that even the personal
¯ ads in thelocal newspapers had "seniors"
¯ under a special section. They mentioned a
; Lesbian friend who had stated her age in
; apersonaladandgotalmostnoresponses.
¯ "’It’ s even hard for older Lesbians to meet
someone to be a friend or just someone to
hang out with,’" said,Mverta:
"Where do older Lesbians
disappear to’?" the women
wondered. Perhaps some
leave to take care of families
of origin, the)’ thought.
The Crones talked about
interacting with younger
Lesbians. When older and
younger Lesbians become
lovers, people may assume
that one is the other:s mother.
It’s hard to go to the health
care center mad have a 20-
year old woman do the in-
. take extort.
Old women are "called
wise, said Alverta. vet they
are ignored iu meetings that
include yOtmger women. Joy
found that the younger women go off to
socialize together mid don’t iuclude old
Lesbians. But the women did feel that
the) have become more outspoken as they
have become older.
The women remiaisced about living
through extremely homophobic times.
They talked about bein_o in the ntilitary
and Working as school teachers. But now.
as older women, they were living in times
that were more affirming of Lesbians, but
hostile to old women. Yet ever.vone agreed
that ageism was worse in the Gay male
mid in the Heterosexual co~mnunitv.
For more information about the C~’ones.
write to 143 RoIlin Irish Road, .\lilton. VT
05468. Esther Rothblum is Professor of
Psychology at the Umversitv of Vermont
affd Editor ofthe Journal ofLesbian Studies.
She can be reached at John Dewey
Hall, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington. VT.
Bringa ~nack or pick up something at the
Dam Store. $25 canoe rental fee. Singles
wdcome. Call 501-253-6154 for details.
Reservations apprecmted
1 l:30am- 1:00pm,Take an historic walking
tour throu~.da downtown. Meet at Sweet
Springs (next to Rogues Manor on upper
Spring St.) Find out more about this special
2:00-4:00pm, Be a part of nature on this
easy hike on the Dogwood Trail. Take in
the beautifid fall scenery, the wildlife, and
the splendid views of Beaver Lake. Meet
at the Dam Store by 1:45 p.m.Info: 501~
253-6154. Reservatibns appreciated.
2:00-5:00pm, Shop "ti1 you drop, with
some of the stores listed in the Diversity
Co-op booklet offering a 10% discount to
these weanng a "Eureka Springs -Celebrating
Diversity"button. (Some restrictions
apply). Pick up your button at The
Fmaerald Rainbow for 50 cents.
9:00pm-i:30am, Dance to the beat of DJ
Jon Caswell at Center Stage. Cover: $5.
From 1 tpm- 1:30am, the dance floor opens
up downstairs for a "Singles Mingler".
Sunday, November 8, 2:00-6:00pm
Everyone’s encouraged to "Come iri
Drag, Whatever that Means to You’, to
the tea dance and drag show at Center
Stage. Jon will mix it up again with his
music as we welcome the girls from Tulsa
and a few Eureka surprises! Cover: $5.
~rine the Great’s Chalice,
Czarina Alexandra’s Wedding Crown and more...
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Weekend and evening appointments areav~
by Lamont Lindstrom
Last summer, I visited Carl, an old high
school friend who lives near Princeton,
New Jersey. Carl and I grew up together in
the same small California town but I did
not learn he was Gay until
years after we had both
moved away. The previous
time I ran into Carl, back in
California for the holidays, I
thought he was straight. Eccentric,
but straight. I looked
forward to seeing him again
in this different light, and in
his own place- a condo that
he and his lover had purchased
a few years before
AIDS cuthim down, leaving
Carl single once more.
We sat digesting our dinner
around the kitchen table
joined by Richard, a recent
acquaintance from New
York City. Contemplating
the dr~gs of my wine, I was
startled when Carl and Richard
began comparing the
relative merits of the sadomasochist
clubs inNYC that
tfiey both frequent. Not just
merely Gay, I also hadn’t a
clue that my boyhood buddy was into ¯
whips and chains and fit-clamps. Carl ¯
enthused that his peak sexual experience ."
had come when once he was "sewn up." ¯
Don’t ask - I didn’t. I preferred to let a
heated imagination race through the pos- ¯
sibilities of exactly WH_AT was sewn up .
HOW, and WHERE. (If anyone cares to ¯
enlightenme, my email address is below.) ¯
Richard advised
ttmt the best place
to acquire such
cheaply is
your local
hardware store.
Waltdn~ those
aisles, the SIM
eye sparhles at
exeltln~ possibilities
brought to
mind by hoohs,
clamps, struts,
braehets, and
power tools.
~ added leather and clamps to his interests
¯ in music and math. A previous artist boy-
" friend had even recruited him to model for
¯¯ a drawing; and Carl stands there in full
leather and chains illustrating the SADOMASOCHISM
sectxon of
Silverstein and Picano’ s New
Joy of Gay Sex -a volume
that Ihad often meticulously
studied without recognizing
my old high school friend!
As an old-fashioned anthropologist,
I’ ve sometimes
made fun of contemporary
identity politics that begets
aperfusionofculture claims.
Nowadays, everyone has to
have his or her own culture:
Gay-culture, Lesbian-culture,
deaf-culture, black-cultin’e,
Polish-American culture,
skater-culture, it goes
on. However, because all of
us continue to speak English
and to eat the same Burger
Kings, the stodgy anthropological
term for these various
yet connected spheres is
"subculture." But whatever
you want to call it, listening
to Carl and Richard chat
merrily together, it was clear to me that S/
Minvolves a closecommunity with shared
understandings of its sexual world.
These shared S/M understandings in-
" clude well-defined statuses (all those vanetaesof
tops and bottoms ),andrule
governed practices for combining sexual
pleasureandpain. Americans like to regularize
and institutionalize the world as
Carl and Richard attend several well- ¯ much as ~auyone, and at s no s~nse tha
~eir doo~ abour9 p.m. ~~oWo ms~a¢ . corona: i~¢opnytCs ~ ~~ ~/~v~-~mthen
wiles away~~ght ho~s by orga- ¯ ~ on ~ Intem¢t, or even by ~ng
m~ng what I t~¢ to be a series of im- ¯ semin~s: P~n 101.
promptu demonstrations and skits. Up on
stage a leather daddy whips his boy. A
rough dyke strings up the bottom she has
just met. Guys dripping hemp rope enthusiastically
demonstrate, likemyBoy Scout
troop master of long ago, a plethora of
complicated knots. Someone whohas visited
the supermarket unpacks boxes of
plastic wrap and wraps his partner in
yards and yards of plastic, poking holes
here and there in the bulging saran cocoon
for purposes of breathing and so forth.
From all corners chains rattle and hand-
"cuffs clank.
Richard advised that the best place to
acquire suchparaphernalia cheaply is your
local hardware store. Walking those
TrueValue aisles, the S/M eye sparkles at
exciting possibilities brought to mind by
hooks, clamps, struts, brackets, andpower
This all was a revelation to me. My
image of Carl, dating back to high school,
was of a shy, quiet, reservedboy whom, of
all of us, I would have bet on to die a
virgin. He had outstanding talents in both
music and mathematics-that odd, not uncommon
mixture of aptitude that lends
support toAmericanpop theories ofrightbrained
versus left-brainedpeople. Iknew
that Carl was wall into a second decade of
work on a Princeton University PhD thesis
in musicology-one that was tracing, in
tortuous-detail, a chronicle of 17th century
German organ music. Twenty years
academic slavery in the music archives -
this all made sense to me, knowing Carl.
But years of sexual slavery inNew York
S/M clubs-that came as a shock.Carl had
: A message on an Internet list-serve, in
: fact, recentlycomplainedbitterlythatpro-
¯ liferating confusion in the "hanky code"
was undermining S/M cultural unlfor-
: mity. And one can think up amusingly
[ horrible scenarios where someone sport-
. ing a mustard yellow hankie (seeking the
: well-endowed) ends up witha2am"golden
." shower" instead. (editor’s note: or as our
¯ First District US Congressman Steve
". Largent likes to refer to them. "yellow
". showers.")
: Carl talked enthusiastically about his
¯ vocationasagingleather-boy.Itooknotes.
." Gay-culture mightbe rich and elaborated,
: but the number of roles it allows us 40-
." somethings is limited. What comes next
¯ after "sweet young twink"? Bear, queen,
: leather-daddy - there really isn’t much
¯ ~hoice. I’m heading down to my neigh-
"borhood TrueValue soon.
Lamont Lindstrom is a professor of
anthropology at the University of Tulsa.
Contact him at: lamont_.tu@ionet.net
Mingo Valley Flowers
TULSA - Wanda
Sumter, new owner
of Mingo Valley
Flowers invites old
andnew customers
to come to her
OpenHouse, 10/24
from 10-5 to look
at her new merchandise.
whose morn assists her as a designer provide
a wide ranges of services - and the
flowers are fresh and the smiles are free!
Ric E
Poston Mr.
Tulsa Leather 1999
~LSA-Ric Poston of Jenks was named
Mr~.’Tulsa Leather 1999 in the Sept. 12th
c~n~test held at The Tool Box. Randy
~eeler was 1st ruuner-up. Poston will
r~resent Tulsa at the upcoming Okla.
~.~,. Leather 1999 (OML) to be held at the
~!ver Star Saloon on Oct. 23-25. The
~qnner of OML will go on to compete in
t~e Internat’l Mr. Leather contest sched-
~ed for next May~ Judges were Roger
l~icConnell, Okla. Mr. Leather 1998,
Staane Douglas, Mr. Tulsa Leather 1998,
Terry Jones, owner of Tan Your Hide
Leatherworks, and Mike Ryan and Ed
Smith, andproducerwas RonGreenwood.
Wins Classifieds - how to work them:
First 30 words are $10. Each additional word is
25 cents. Options for your ad:
Bold headline - $1, all capital letters -
$1, all bold & capital letters - $2, ad in
box - $2. Ad reversed - $3, tear sheet
mailed - $2 Blind P.O. Box - $5
Please type or prim your ad. Count the words -
word is a group of letters or numbers separated by
a space. TFN reserves the right to edit or refuse any
ad. No refunds. Send ad & payment to POB 4140,
Tulsa: OK 74159 with your name, address, telephone.
Ads will run in the next issue after receipt.
For Good Home
Friendly, honest, & very experienced
42 year young realtor seeks sincere &
motivated buyers &sellers. Into MLS.
You won’t be disappointed.
John Kirk, Keller Williams, Realty
712-2252 or 745-2245
. LOTS OF FUN,wHY~$~4ARE~ 21-
ear-old GM, seeks other Guys tO get
togetherwith and da~e. (Tuisa) ~’i 5447
Gay Male seeks other Men, 45~S5, who
likes the outdoors, hunting, fishing and having
good times. (McAfestar) ’~15208 .
ARE YOU OUTTHERE? Single Gay Male,
6’, 200-1bs, brown/brown. Seeks another
Man, 30-50, who’s into outdoor sports,
cooking and just having fun. (McAlestar)
TOTAL TOP 25-year-old GM, 175 Ibs,
5’10", brown/brown, enjoys going out, diner
and having fun. Seeks bottoms for serious
relationship¯ 0"ulsa) ’1~14837
NO GAMES PLEASE Top M, seeks bottom
M, 18-30 for long-term-relationship. (Tulsa)
"THE BEST TIME Body building M, 34,
seeks ~ominant, older M, over 50, wellhung
to get together with (Tulsa) "~14115
FASCINATING SGM, Seeks a good-looking
GM to have a great fime and likes to kiss a
whole lot. (Tulsa) ’~13568
JUSTWANTTO DANCE Well built, 33 year
old Man Inoking for other well hung Guys
who are dominate. I want to serve you,
Tulsa) "~’11881
someone who loves me as much as I love
them. (Tulsa) "~’11258
160 Ibs, Man who is new to the scene and
tnoking for other Men, for friendship and
maybe a long term relationship. (Tulsa)
READY FOR FUN I’m a 5’7", White Male,
140 Ibs, good looking, tan and looking for
Guys in the area who are nice Iooking~
straight acting, with a good head or~ your
shoulders. (Tulsa) ’~10759
to date and have some fun. You must be a
non-smoker. (Tulsa) ’~’10964
LOVE TO UNDRESS for a Man who likes
to give me pleasure with their tips. (Tulsa)
I’M A GAY WHITE MALE, 28, who enjoys
fishing, hunting and long walks. I’m looking
fur friends and maybe a I~e more. (Tulsa)
JUSTTOTALKTO I’m a BM, 29, new to tha
area and iooking for someone to talk to and
hang out with. (Tulsa) ’~10527
HEART OF GOLD I’m a lonely 25, cowboy
who loves the outdoors. I want a M with a
heart of gold and not into head games,
someone to give me 110 perceot of thali"
love. (Tulsa) ’~20221
RUGGED AND RANDY This good looking,
rugged, cowboy type, blue collar worker,
30, 6’4, 2001bs, with Blond hair, Blue eyes,
and a hairy body, seeks other cowboy types
fur fun. I like going out, wa(ching~at bo~ne,
taking long drives, and being very romantic.
I’d like a permanent relationship but we
should be friends first. (Henrietta) ’1~14467
GE*I’nNG A LITTLE NASTY 23, 5’10",
160. I play soccer and I have a very nice
chest. I want a M who can show me some
fun times and get a little nasty. (Tulsa)
White male, 45, 5’10, 2201bs, with light,
¯ Brown hair and Green eyes, seeks a b~ue
collar type who’s down to earth, caring, and
enjoys sports and the outdoors. I want to
have a one on one relationship. I don’t drink
or do drugs, but I do smoke cigarettes.
!Henrietta) ’~’9661
GO FOR IT Attractive, fit, White male, 34,
6’1,170tbs, with Brown hair and Blue eyes,
seeks aggressive, fit guys, in their 20’s and
early 30’s, for hot times. (Tulsa) "~’9687
BEDWARMER WANTED This hot stud in
Tulsa, needs a warm body to heat me up on
cold nights. (’l"ulsa) ~’13077
TRUE LOVE This Gay White Male is 31-
years of age. I’m looking for someone to
have a safe discreet time with. If your interested
in this message, give me a call
please. (Tulsa) ’~’16325
hairy chested, top Man is 6’2", 175 Ibs, dark
hair and blue eyes, I am seeking a bottom
with a nice firm ass so that we can get
together on a regular basis. (Tulsa)
CANYOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys, this 25
year old Gay White Male is looking for Gay
Men who are ready to have a good time. I
go Out dressed like a Woman at times and
I am very feminine, If your man enough to
handle that, then please give me a call.
(Tulsa) ’~17623 .
SCRATCH THE ITCH I’m looking for a Bicurious
Male like myself to have my first
experience with. i’m fit, athletic, 29, 6’, 190
tbs, tan, with brown hair, green eyes, muscular
legs, and a smoOth chest. I’m seeking
the same type. (Grand Lake) ~1"12004
A LITTLE SANITY I’m a Sane, intelligent,
honest Gay white Male, 53, 61, 170 Ibs, a
very oral bottom. I’m seeking Gay or Bi
Males who are honest for friendship first
and a possible tohg-tarm relationship. No
games. Give me a chance. You won’t be
disappointed. (Tulsa) ’11"17178
White Male, 30, seeks a distinguished older
Gentleman, 30-45, who enjoys hiking, biking,
and nude sunbathing. I have a tight
butt and give great head. (Tulsa) "11"16544
DAILY RITUAL When I get home, I like to
lay back, have a good drink, and think
about a hot Man and wish I had it in my
hand. Then I start massaging myself. I’d
love.to talk to you. (Tulsa) ’~16161
100 PERCENT ITALIAN I just moved here
and my friends call me the Italian Stallion.
I’m 100 percent Italian. I’m 24 years old,
~ 6’1~, 180 Ibs, black hair and green eyes, I
am very buff. I’m looking for Gay White
Males, 23-2,5 years old, into sports and
walking in the park. Shov~ me a night on
the town. (Tulsa) "11"15872
LIKE A LADY I want to get together with
Cross-Dressers or She-Males. I just want
to meet you and treat you nice. "~’15427
There’s no charge t°
create an ad!
into movies and Ihe mall. Seeks §omeone,
under 35, to spend time with and get to
know for a possible Iong-tarmI reietionship~
(Tulsa) ’~15257
DOING THINGS I’m a GBF, 25 who likes
the outdoors, hiking, movies and long
walks. I’m looking for a SGWF, full figured,
190+, 5’7" and up, who likes doing things.
McAtestsr) 1~10109
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF I’m a, 27 year old
Hispanic Female, 130 Ibs, 5’4", who is looking
for a special Female that is singlo and
not into games. I enjoy mpvies, staying at
home and spending time with you, so
please give me a call. (McAlester) "1~18184
CURIOSITY GOT THE CAT I’m a very curious,
Married Woman. I am very open minded
and looking for a female who is also curious,
(Macalester) ’~18464
year old, Bi*sexua! White Female, with
brown eyes. I love music, dancing and
going out. I want to meet ~omeone who
enjoys the same things as I do; I am
Married, but want someone who wants to
be with me and maybe my Husband also.
McAlestar) ’~18649
(EEP ME COMPANY I’m a Bi Married
Female, 32, 5’4", 120 Ihs., with auburn hair
and green eyes. My husband’s out of town
a lot, and i’m lonely. I’m looking for a nice
Female who likes to go out, or just stay
home and watch movies, (Tulsa) ~’15293
BUSY NEWCOMER I’m an attractive,
)etita, Black female,, 25, 4’11, 1201bs, with
one child, I’m new to this area and this
scene so I hope you’ll be patient with me. I
have three jobs and am very busy but have
time to meet some womyn, 25 to 30, of all
races, for friendship or more. (Tulsa)
To respond, browse or
check your messages, call
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Measure Gains Support
FAYEI II~VILLF~ Ark. (AP) - A "hmn~ dignity"
ordinance that Ires d~vided city residents hexe has won
Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual + Transgendered Tulesns, Our Families + Friends
Tules’s Largest Circulation CommunityPaperAvallable In More Than 75 City Locations
PublicAwareness Campaign
Begins: Gay or Straight,
Everyone Deserves a Job
¯ by Tom Neal, TFN reporter
.’ TULSA - In eleven l~.atiom aro~md Tulsa, Tulsa Transx bus
: stop benches are carrying the message: "Gay or Straight, Every-
: public awareness campaign by Oklahoma’ s Clmarron Alliance
: Group. Cmmrro~fis
¯ cfiminafion based
sMp in Tulsa and which now has two Tulsa board members.
: 4959 So. Memorial. 4400 So. Mcmorinl. 4506 E, I l, 3607 N.
Supportexs quoted the pre~tdmt of the county league -¯ Peoria ~md 60"27 So" Mem.orial.... ¯
t , . ¯ T~x dedueJabl¢ ¢onmbut~ons to suppog. Cimatton s public
Colorado Gov,’s Report:
Gays Due Equal Rights
Circuit Court Reverses "Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell" Decision
NEW YORK (AP) - Six members of the nfilltarv are in line for
Lesbians: At Higher
Risk of Breast Cancer?
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A limited study of
afients at a women’s health clime found Lesbians
1~ a higher risk of breast cancer than beterosextml
patients, according to a report in the Journal oft/w
Gay and Lesbian Medical .4ssociation.
An analysis of 1,019 women seeking services at
Lyon-Martha Women’s Health Services in San
Francisco bet~veen 1995 arid 1997 showed thai
Lesbians bad a higher body mass index and fewer
pregnancies, both previously idenli fled as risk fac
tars for breast cancer.
Eageula Calle. director of epidemiology for the
American Cancer Society. said the study was onl)
a prelimiq,~ look at risk factors and was not wide
enoughin scope to draw general conclusions aboul
Lesbians. "The real question is, ’Is the population
large enough and is it similar enough to the entire
population of L~sbia~ women and the entire popuhifion
of heterosexual women?’ " seeBreost, p. 3
Walk for Life 1998
’,VEST COAST & TIJLSA (AP & TFN) Thousands
of l~ophi turned out in the Puget Sound itrca
to raise money to help fight AIDS. Ten3’ M. Stone.
)’ear, he said.
Als0, an estimated 1 A00 people participated in
y~ffs old Colin Cadarette received the Crystul
Apple award, the highest honor the AIDS Project
Eureka Springs
Diversity Weekend
EUREKA SPRINGS Organizers of Eureka
Springs" secoed Dl~ersit) Celebration \Vcekcnd
Tulsa Clubs & Restaurants
*Bamboo Lounge, 7204 E. Pine
*Boston Willy’s Diner, 1742 S. Boston
*Concessions; 3340 S. Peoria
*,Empire Bar, 1516 S. Peoria
*Full Moon Cafe, 1525 E. 15th
*Gold Coast Coffee House, 3509 S. Peoria
*Interurban Restaurant, 717 S. Houston
*Jason’s Ddi, 15th & Peoria
*Lola’s, 2630 E. 15th
*Polo Grill, 2038 Utica Square
*St. Michael’s Alley Restaurant, 3324-L E. 31st
*Silver Star Saloon, 1565 Sheridan
*Renegades/Rainbow Room, 1649 S. Main
*TNT’s, 2114S. Memorial
*Tool Box, 1338 E. 3rd
*Umbertos Pizzeria, 21st west of Harvard 599-9999
Tulsa Businesses, Services, & Professionals
Advanced Wireless & PCS,.Digital Cellular 747-1508 ¯
*Affinity News, 8120 E. 21 610-8510 "
Dennis C. Arnold, Realtor 746-4620 ~
*Assoc. in Med. & Mental Health, 2325 S. Harvard 743-1000 ¯
Kent Balch & Associates, Health & Life Insurance 747-9506 "
*Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 8620 E. 71 250-5034 "
Body Piercing by Nicole, 2722 E. 15 712-1122 :
*Borders Books & Music, 2740 E. 21 712-9955
*Borders Books & Music, 8015 S. Yale 494-2665 "
Brookside Jewelry, 4649 S. Peoria 743-5272 "
*CD Warehouse, 3807c S. Peoria 746-0313."
Cherry St. Psychotherapy, 1515 S. Lewis 581-0902, 743-4117
Community Cleaning, Kerby Baker 622-0700 "
Tim Daniel, Attorney 352-9504. 800-742-9468 "
*Deco to Disco, 3212 E. 15th 749-3620
*Devena’ s Gallery, 13 Brady .... 587-2611 "
Doghouse on Brookside, 3311 S. Peoria 744-5556 "
*Elite Books & Videos, 821 S. Sheridan 838-8503 "
*Ross Edward Salon, 2447 E. 15th 584-0337, 712-9379 ¯
*Horal Design Studio, 3404 S. Peoria 744-9595 "
Cathy Furlong, Ph.D., 1980 Utica Sq. Med. Ctr. 628-3709 "
*Gloria Jean’ s Gourmet Coffee, 1758 E. 21 st 742-1460
Leanne M. Gross, Insurance & financial planning 459-9349 ¯
Mark T. Hamby, Attorney 744-7440
*Sandra J. Hill, MS, PsyChotherapy, 2865 E. Skelly 745-1111
*International Tours 341-6866
Jacox Animal Clinic, 2732 E. 15th 712-2750
*Jared’ s .Antiques, 1602 E. 15th 582-3018
David Kauskey, Country Club Barbering 747-0236
*Ken’s Flowers, 1635 E. 15 599-8070
Kelly Kirby, CPA, 4021 S. Harvard, #210 747-5466
Langley Agency & Salon, 1316 E. 36th P1. 749-5533
Laredo Crossing, 1519 E. 15th 585-1555
*Living ArtSpace, 19 E. Brady 585-1234
*Midtown Theater, 319 E. 3rd 584-3112
Mingo Valley Flowers, 9720c E. 31 663-5934
*Mohawk ~v~usic, 6157 E 51 Place 664-2951
*Novel Idea Bookstore, 51st & Harvard 747-6711
David A. Paddock, CPA, 4308 S. Peoria, Ste. 633 747-7672
*Peace of Mind Bookstore, 1 40 1 E.~ 15 583-1090
The Pride Store, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor 743-4297
Puppy Pause II, 1 lth & Mingo 838-7626
Rainbowz on the River B+B, POB 696, 74101 747-5932
Richard’ s Carpet Cleaning 834-0617
Teri Schutt, Rex Realtors 834-7921, 747-4746
Christopher Spradling, attorney, 616 S. Main, #308 582-7748
*Scribner’ s Bookstore, 1942 Utica Square 749-6301
*Sedona Health Foods, 8220 S. Harvard 481-0201
*Tickled Pink, 3340 S. Peoria 697-0017
*Trizza’s Pots, 1448 S. Delaware 743-7687
*Tulsa Book Exchange, 3749 S. Peoria 742-2007
*Tulsa Comedy Club, 6906 S. Lewis 481-0558
Fred Welch, LCSW, Counseling 743-1733
*Whittier News Stand, 1 N. Lewis 592-0767
Tulsa Agencies, Churches, Schools & Universities
AIDS Walk Tulsa, POB 4337, 74101 579-9593
*All Sonls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria
Black & White, Inc. POB 14001, Tulsa 74159
Bless The Lord at All Time~ Christian Center, 2207 E. 6
*B!L!G/T Alliance, Univ. of Tulsa Canterbury Ctr.
*Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 616 S. Boston
*Chapman Student Ctr., University of Tulsa, 5th PI.
*Church ofthe RestorationUU, 1314N.Greenwood
*Cornmunity of Hope United Methodist, 2545 S. Yale
*CommunityUnitm’ian-Universalist Congregation
*Council Oak Men’s Chorale
*Delaware Playhouse, 1511 S. Delaware
*Democratic Headquarters, 3930 E. 31
918.583.1248, fax: 583.4615, POB 4140, Tulsa, OK 74159
e-mail: Tulsanews@earthlink. net
website: http:t/users.aol.comITul ~aNews/
Publisher + £ditor: Tom Neal, Writers + contributom: Adam West,
James Christjohn. Jean-Claude de Flambeauchaud, Barry
Hensley, J.-P. Legrandbouche. Lamont Lindstrom, Esther
Rothblum MaD’ Schepers, Member oI The Associated Press
[ssued on or before the 1st of each month, the entire contents ofthis
~u~blication are protected by US copyright 1998 byT~
~ and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. Publication of a name or
photo does not indicate a person’s sexual orientation. Correspondence
is assumed to be for publication unless otherwise noted,_rgust
.be signed & becomes the sole property of T~
Each reader is entitled to 4 copies of each edition at distribution
points. Additional copies are available by calling 583-1248.
*R.A.I.N., Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
Rainbow Business Guild, POB 4106, 74159
¯ New President
¯ Takes PFLAG Helm
Dignity/Integrity of Tulsa - Lesbian & Gay Catholics &
Episcopalians, POB 701475, 74170-1475~ 355-3140
*Family of Faith MCC, 5451-E So. Mingo 622-1441 ¯
*Fellowship Congreg. Church, 2900 S. Harvard 747-7777 "
*Free Spirit Women’ s Center, callforlocafion&info: 587-4669
Friend For A Friend, POB 52344, 74152 747-6827 ¯
Friends in Unity, Social Org., POB 8542, 74101 582-0438 .
*HIV ER Center, 4138 Chas. Page Blvd. 583-661 ! "
*HIV Resource Consortium, 3507 E. Admiral 834-4194 ¯
*Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st 481-1111 ¯
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education 834-8378
HIV Testing, Mort/Thurs. 7r9pm, daytime by appt. only "
*House of the Holy Spirit Minstries, 3210e So. Norwood :
Interfaith AIDS Ministries 438-2437, 800-284-2437 ¯
*MCC of Greater Tulsa, 1623 N. Maplewood 838-1715 "
NAMES Project, 3507 E. Admiral PI. 748-3111 ."
NO\~, Nat 10rg. for Women, POB 14068, 74159 365-5658
OK Spokes Club (bicycling), POB 9165, 74157
*Our House, 1114 S. Quaker 584-7960
PFLAG, POB 52800, 74152 749-4901
*Planned Parenthood, 1007 S. Peoria 587-7674
*The Pride Center, 1307 E. 38, 2nd floor, 74105 743-4297
Prime-Timers, P.O. Box 52118, 74152
¯ *Red Rock Mental Center, 1724 E. 8 O’ RYAN, support group for 18-24 I[GBT young adults
¯ O’RYAN, Jr. support gronp for 14-17 LGBT youth
St. Aidan’ s Episcopal Church, 4045 N. Cincinnati 425-7882
*St. Dunstan’s Episcopal, 5635 E. 71st 492-7140
¯ *St. Jerome’s Parish Church, 205 W. King 582-3088
¯ *TulsaArea UnitedWay, 1430 S. Boulder 583-7171
¯ TNAAPP(Native American men), Indian Health Care 582-7225
Tulsa County Health Department, 46 16 E. 15 595-4105
¯ Confidential HIV Testing - by appt. on Thursdays only
¯ Tulsa Okla. for Human Rights. c/o The Pride Center 743-4297
¯ T.U.LS.A. Tulsa Uniform/Leather Seekers Assoc. 838-1222 ¯
*Trisa City Hall, Ground Floor Vestibule
°. *Tulsa Community College Campuses
*Rogers University (formerly UCT)
¯ *Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone 918-337-5353
*Borders Books &Music, 3209NWExpressway 405-848-2667
¯ *Borders Books & Music, 300 Norman Center 405-573-4907
*Stonewall League, call for information: 918-456-7900
*Tahlequah Unitarian-Universalist Church 918-456-7900
¯ *Green Country AIDS Coalition, POB 1570 918-453-9360
¯ . NSU School of Optometry, 1001 N. Grand
¯ HIVtesting every other Tues. 5:30-8:30, call for dates ¯
¯ *Autunm Breeze Restaurant, Hwy. 23
*Jim & Brent’s Bistro, 173 S. Main
¯ DeVito’s Restaurant, 5 Center St.
¯ *Emerald Rainbow, 45 &l/2 Spring St.
¯ MCC of the Living Spring ¯
Geek to Go!, PC Specialist, POB 429
¯ Old Jailhouse Lodging, 15 Montgomery
Positive Idea Marketing Plans
¯ Sparky’s, Hwy. 62 East *White Light, 1 Center St.
: *Edna’s, 9 S. School Ave. 501-442-2845
* is Where you can find TFN. Notall are Gay-owned butall are Gay-friendly.
W~SHINGTON, D.C. - Parents, Families
and Friends of Lesbians and Gays this
month named as its new president National
PFLAG Board Member Paul
Beeman. An ordained minister who lives
in Olympia, WA, Beeman is the father of
four, aGay son and Lesbian daughter, and
two non-Gay children. In addition to serving
as a United Methodist pastor for many
years, Beeman also has a strong backgroundinfundraising,
marketing andjournalism.
He has served on PFLAG’ s board
since 1994.
Beeman, who was elected Sept. 12 by
PFLAG’s National Board of Directors,
says he is eagerly looking forward to lead
the group as it presses ahead nationally
and locally in its fight for equal civil
rights. "What a dynamic time this is for
PFLAG," Beeman said. "With two years
to prepare, will the year 2000 be a turning
point for welcoming Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals
and transgendered persons into
full equality in our society? I believeit can
"PFLAG is all about being able to give
kids back to their parents," Beeman emphasized.
"As with slavery and women’s
rights, barriers to equality will eventually
fall in our communities of faith and in our
whole society. It will happen as we family
members tell the stories of our children
and families and explain their commitment
to stable family relationships," he
Beeman also hailed PFLAG’s tremendous
growth in membership over the last
few years. "Our influence in more than
420 communities across all 50 states is the
result of so many members in countless
rural towns and big cities across the country-
working on the frontlines of change."
Among .his. goals are to assure safe
space foi: all children in school and at
worship and to enhance the education of
¯ the majority of middle Americans who
¯ don’ t yet understand how natural homo-
" sexuality truly is. Beeman will be work-
" ing closely withPFLAG ExecutiveDirec-
] tor Kirsten Kingdrn, who is based in the
¯ group’s national office in Washington,
Beeman strongly praised his predeces-
¯ sor, Tulsan Nancy McDonald, who dur-
: ing her two-year termrepresentedPFLAG
¯ in Washington, DC, in giving testimony before the U.S. Congress and meeting
¯ with federal officials, as well as criss-
¯" crossing the country to speak out for Les-
¯ bian and Gay loved ones and their fami-
¯ lies.
¯ Members of Parents, Families and
] Friends of Lesbians and Gays voted over-
. whelmingly earlier this month in favor of
a proposal to include Transg.endered
¯ peopleintheorganization’ s mission state-
¯. merit.
The near unanimous vote, which came
¯ during PFLAG’ s Sept. 12 annual meeting
¯ in San Francisco, followed a recommen-
~ dation by the group’s national Board of
: Directors last May to amend the group’ s
¯ bylaws to include Transgendered people
¯ in its mission statement, which covered
~ Lesbians, Gays and Bisexual people.
¯ Letters Policy
¯ Tulsa Family News welcomes letters on ¯
issues which we’ ve covered or on issues
~ you thinkneed to be considered. Youmay
¯ request that your name be withheld but
¯ letters must be signed &have phonenum-
" bers, or be hand delivered. 200 word let-
." ters are preferred. Letters to other publi-
¯ cations_will be printed as is appropriate.
At a 45-minute news conference, Colorado for Family
Values, Concerned Women for America, the Christian
Coalition of Colorado, Where Grace Abounds~ Family
First and the American Jewish Assembly all roundly
condemned the commission’ s report and suggested there
were other motives involved.
Chuck Gosnell of the Christian Coalition said "overwhdming
evidence" proves "a loving, committed marriage
between one man and one woman is the most
beneficial toward raising children and encouraging a
healthy society." "Romer," he said, ,’has used a taxpayerfunded
commission in an attempt to force affirmation of
his personally skewed vision of marriage and the family.
The governor’s already tarnished legacy will only be
damagedfurther ifhe continues to imposehis anti-family
values on mainstream Coloradans."
A statement by Nancy Sutton of Family First said there
is no basis for the claim "committed relationships" are
beneficial to society. ’q~here is no basis for much of what
the commission found." Colorado for Family Values
spokesman Dr. Paul A. Jessen said "without evidence or
support, the claim is made same-sex couples have been
unfairly denied the samerights as normal married couples,
and this denial calls for a redress of inequity, but will not
diminish the rights and benefits enjoyed by married
persons." "Parallel fights and responsibilities," he said,
"is a disguise for homosexual marriage."
ButSueAnderson, executivedirector ofEquality Colorado,
and a member of Romer’ s commi ssion, listened to
the complaints of the groups and said she wasn’t surprised
at their attack. "We’re here," she said ofherself and
other Lesbians, "We’re living our li~,.e.s. We’re trying to
protect our relationships. We’re trying to protect our
families." "We’re looking for basic economic rights. SO
what happens to me if my partner dies? Do I have access
to her pension? No. Do I have access to her health
insurance, likemy colleagues and their wives have? No."
"What we are looking for is something to protect ourselves
when something bad happens,"
She said she was not surprised at their remarks.because
she had heard their position againsthomosexuality often.
"I didn’ t wake up in the morning, put on a lavender shirt
and say: ’I’mgoing to be a Lesbian today.’ That’ s just not
how it works."
While the groups said flatly they had not been asked to
participate in the commission’s studies, Anderson said
she understood a variety ofpeoplefromColorado Springs
were invited, "and everybody said no." But the commission
did go to Colorado Springs and met with conservative
groups, and the commission did do public forums,
whichtheGay community attended, she said. "They were
included as much as anybody else," she said. "I don’t
agree with them and their basic premise. Am I angry?
The report by Romer’s commission recommended
granting same-sex couples the same legal rights and
benefits as married heterosexual couples, but stops short
of endorsing same-sex marriages. Romer made it clear in
response to two bills banning same-sex marriage, he had
established his own position: that marriage in Colorado
should be reserved for the union of a man and a woman.
"That is current law, and it should remain a law," he said.
He wants communities to address the legal and ethical
issues posed by same-sex relationships, he said. "But
there should be no conclusion as to what the end result is."
The 16-member comrmssion was charged with comparing
the legal and economic rights, responsibilities and
benefits of same-sex couples and married couples: The
commission was at that time criticized by people on both
sides of the issue. Some critics say there were no conservative
members who are unalterably opposed to samesex
marriages. Several were invited to serve on the panel,
Romer said, but they declined to serve.
In his 4 years of participating, Colin has raised nearly
$47000. The boy stole the show from luminaries like
Madonna, actor Nathan Lane and a gaggle of politicians.
During the ceremony, Madonna criticized spending millions
of dollars to investigate President Clinton, saying
the money could be better spent on research.
whenColin took the podium, hejust said~"Hi." "It was
so cute. He was very shy," see Walk, p. 10
by Tom Neal, editor & publisher
A week or so ago, I received a call from a reader, telling
me about how she’ d had a very negative experience with
a Hillcrest associated physician. As a part of the discussion
about her treatment, she shared with the
physician and staff that she is Lesbian. Indeed
for a number of medical conditions,
not just the issue of HIV, sexual orientation
can be relevant (see The Associated Press
story about Lesbians and breast cancer on
page 1). The physician.and staff’ s response
was to ask her if she wanted to be prayed for.
And as a person of faith, she said yes -
assuming that the prayers would be for
good health. Instead she found the doctor
and staff praying for her "release from homosexuality"
where all she wanted was release
from a minor infection.
Last year, two acquaintances wound up at
St. John Emergency Room after one took a
duding claims that the highest level ofmanagement have
Perhaps, Lesbians
and Gay men will
have to create our
own institutions to
meet our needs.
Thls is what we
did all over thls
country in
response to the
HIV/AIDS erlsls.
fairly serious fall with a blow to his head. Although this
couple has been together for a number of years, even
raising children, St. John staff refused to recognize the
relationship, denying the very worded partner any informarion
about his spouse’s condition and also denying
access that would have been routinely provided to a
heterosexual couple. This went on until emergency room
staff had a shift change and a nurse, a Gay man, whom
they knew, came on duty and corrected the situation.
Back during the GulfWar and the debate about Gays in
the military, my father, now a retired physician, heard a
few of his St. Francis colleagues say that they,i e we Gay
and Lesbian folk, should all .just be killed. This from
professionals allegedly devoted to the health and well
being of humankind.
¯ Granted these are anecdotes, possibly only isolated
incidents. But they suggest a fai_lure ofTulsa’ s health care
delivery system to deal seriously with providing Lesbian
¯ and Gay citizens with fair, adequate and sensitive medi-
¯" cal care. Not one ofTulsa’s majormedical institutions haS
: adop/ed a non-discrimination policy which would indi-
¯ cate both to patients and to providers that discrimination
¯ based on sexual orientation will not be tolerated.
Now in their defense, St. John officials responded with
¯ speed and concern when they became aware of the
¯ discriminatory treatment which the two men mentioned
: above experienced. Those officials have stated that they
¯ will not tolerate this behavior and also, have reached ot[t ¯
to Tulsa’ s Lesbian, Gay and Bi communities by advertis-
¯ ing in this newspaper.
¯ In contrast, St. Francis, Hillcrest, and Tulsa Regional/
: Doctors (the various ColumbiaJHCA ownedinstitutions)
¯ have done nothing to addregs possible bias in their insti-
~ tutions or to manifest any commitment to serving the
¯ needs of Gay and Lesbian Tulsans
¯ Hillcrest in particular continues to have allegations of
anti-Gay employment practices brought against it, in-
The Polo Grill ¯
by Tom Neal, publisher
¯ Local publicity guru, Tracey Norvell, of Arts Society,
¯ along with The Polo Grill owners, Ouida and Robert
¯ Merrifield, definitely have the right notion about getting ¯
the attention of members of the press wine them and
dine them - quite literally. The already award winning
~ restaurant has two new distinctions, awards from The
¯ Wine Spectator and the Unipro Cully Award. ¯
At a recent lunch, Tulsa media types sampled five
¯ courses of exquisitely fresh and well prepared food and
~ three California white wines, and a lovely Merlot. The
¯ stars of the lunch were fresh North American rainforest ¯
salmon and a very low fat cut of Piedmontese beef filet
¯ grown near Tulsa (though the point of alow-fat cut when
¯" it’s served with a fat-rich bernaise sauce eludes me, or
¯ maybe that is the point, so that you can have the bemaise).
." Service was gracious and attentive, from several of
: Tulsa’s best-looking and delightfully everrso-gay staff.
¯ The Polo Grill is, of course, not cheap but unlike many ¯
wanna-be restaurants in this town, is worth it when the
restaurant lives up to this high standard it’ s set.
: Check it out whenever your budget permits.
openly expressed bias against Lesbians and Gay men. If
¯ these allegations are true, then certainly I, as a health care ¯
consumer, would have questions about the safety and
quality of my health care at Hillcrest.
And a related issue is that of finding a
Lesbian or Gay, or Gay-friendly physician.
You can call the physician referral lines and
find, if you want, a Black physician or a
"Christian" physician but if you ask for a
Gay or Gay-friendly physician, you’ re just
out of luck.
Now if you have lived here for a while and
start to network in the community a bit,
eventually you’ll find that there’ s a Lesbian
gynecologist, a Lesbian general practioner.
a number of Gay physicians from Owasso
to south Tulsa as well as the better known
doctors who’ve specialized in HIV/AIDS
care like Drs. Beal and Peake. But most of
these physicians are closeted, fearing repercussions to
their practices.
Indeed I’ ve only, just found out aboutmore two dentists,
one Lesbian, the other Gay and it’ s my job as newspaper
publisher to know who’ s who in the community even if I
don’t write about them. Contrast this with Dallas, certainly
a conservative place in many respects but whose
community newspaper is filled with choices for health
care providers.
Perhaps, Lesbians and Gay men will have to create our
own institutions to meet our needs. This is what we did all
over this country in response to the HIV/AIDS crisi s. The
Los Angeles Community Center has begun its own clinic
in recogmt~on of the community’s needs.
Last spring Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights"
(TOHR) HIV anti-body testing clinic (HOPE) split off
under the direction of clinic director, Kristi Frisbie.
However, a few members of thatTOHRboard suggested
that the clinic should broaden its health care services for
Lesbians.and G0y-men, remaining true to its origins as a
Gay & Lesbian organization, instead of trying to become
a broader based HIV prevention orgmfization..After all,
while Tulsa has a number of other prevention groups
addressing non-Oay aspects ot ~]\’~IA]~)~, there is no
one looking at non-HIV related Gay & Lesbian health
care, other than perhaps Drs. Peake & Beal.
Even now that HOPEis independent, there is no reason
that TOHRand The Pride Center could not be the site of
a free clinic, perhaps monthly, where Tulsa’ s Lesbian and
Gay physicians could volunteer to do basic examinations
and consultations. Obviously anything requiring specialized
equipment or testing would have to be referred to the
physicians regular office, and some kind of legal waivers
would be needed as well to protect the physicians and the
Center. Maybe one or another ofourGay lawyers rtmning
around could help there? What do you tlfink? Do any of
you care? Let us know via e-mail, post, tdephone or tax.
Ms. Calle asked. "All women should be concerned about
breast cancer and getting age-appropriate breast cancer
screening," she added.
Still, researchers said the study shows a need for more
research that compares Lesbian women to heterosexuals
of various ages, economic and geographic groups. The
study was conducted by the clinic’s medical director,
Stephanie Roberts, and Suzanne Dibble, an associate
professor at the University of Califomia at San Francisco.
"It’s still too early for us to develop specific
mammography guidelines for Lesbians, but our study
shows the importance of encouraging Lesbians to seek
medical care on a regular basis," Roberts said. Roberts
and Di’bble found no significant differrnces between the
two groups on risk factors such as family history of breast
cancer or alcohol use. Nearly all of.the women surveyed
for the study were low-income and lacked health insurance.
Of the 1,019 women studied, 57.6 percent identified
themselves as heterosexual and 42.4 percent as
"For far too long Lesbians have had more questions
about than answers about their health," said Kathy Oriel,
president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association,
whose group funded the study.
California Politician to-
Try to Ban Gay Marriages "
NORWALK, Calif. (AP) - A group that wants to .
keep Cnlifornia from recognizing Gay marriages "
collected 675,000 signatures to place the measure on ¯
the state ballot - more than enough signatures to
qualify the Defense of Marriage Act for a future "
election, Sen. Peter Knight announced. "
The measure is designed "to protect our definition
of marriage from being undermined by liberal judges ¯
from other states," Knight said. "Given the push for "
"same-sex’ marriage across the nation, Califorma
must prepare by making it clear we only recognize
iraditional marriage." Courts in Hawaii,Vermont and "
Alaska are considering rulings that "could legalize
same-sex marriage.
Knight was on hand as volunteers hauled boxes ¯
containing 144,000 Signatures collectedinLos Ange- "
les County into the office of the county registrar of
voters here. Signatures gathered elsewhere w,,ere submitted
to registrar offices in other counties all over
the state," said Matthew Cnnningham, a member of
the Orange County-based Californians for the Defense
of Marriage.
The initiative states: "Only marriage between a
man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
Twenty-six states have passed similar laws and
five are considering such laws. Alaska voters will
consider an initiative on the November ballot that
wouldamend the state constitution to define marriage
as being "between one man and one woman."
Knight, R-Palmdale, introduced bills in 1996 and
1997 in the Legislature to bar recOgnition of Gay
marriages. Both times the legislation was defeated.
He will face a fierce fight this time, critics vowed. "If
that measure is qualified, we’ll beat it back as we have
every time," Assemblywoman Carole Migden, DSan
Francisco, said last week. "It is gratuitous and
polarizing and unnecessary," she said. "The community
will beat it back at the polls."
The measure cannot make the upcoming November
election. It will take several weeks for the secretary
of state’ s office to determine whether supporters
gathered the necessary 433,269 valid signatures of
registered voters. The .measure could qualify" in time
for the March 2000 state primary or for any earlier
statewide special election next year, said AndS" Pugno,
a Knight spokesman.
Assembly Speaker Pro Tern Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa
Monica, who helped lead legislative efforts to defeat
Knight’s anti-Gay mamage bills, said sh’e thinks the
initiative can be defeated again in California. "They
better be prepared for a fight," she said. But she
added: "I think that it is a very difficult thing for a
community tO be forced to prove its own humanity
over and over and over."
only states to do so.
Adoption decisions in Indiana are based on what is
best for the child, and the sexual orientation of prospective
parents isn’ t considered, said Andrew Stoner,
spokesman for the state Family and Social Services
Administration, which regulates adoption and.f.oster
care. The Madison County case is not necessarily the
first in Indiana in which Gays or Lesbians have been
considered as adoptive parents, Stoner said. "It’s
likely it has occurred, although it’ s not something that
people always disclose and there’s no requirement
that they do so.’"
The case has sparked sharp reactions from those on
both sides of the issue. The child’s foster parents,
Butch and Sandy Kimmerling of Anderson, have said
they will seek to adopt the child because they say it
would be destructive to have her raised in a homosexual
environment. U.S. Rep. David Mclntosh, RInd.,
called the adoption proposal "egregious and
¯ morally unacceptable" and urged Gov. Frank
¯ O’B~on to support any propos.ed.legislation bar-
¯ fing homosexuals from adopting children. Opponents say Burton and Lutz’ proposed bill is an
¯ unconstitutional and unnecessary infringement on
¯ the privacy of the adoption process that will deprive
: children of needed homes. "It’ s a completely unnec-
¯ essarv law. More than 25 years of research has dem-
¯ onstr~ted that a person’s Sexual orientation makes ¯
absolutely n,o, difference in his or her ability to be a
good parent, said John Knfll, executive director of
¯ the Indiana Civil Liberties Union. "A lot of children
¯ who need homes are going to be left in foster care."
" ,nti-Gay Attacks Up 81%
NEW YORK (AP) - Anti-Gay attacks citywide are
up 81% this year, and a spate of 27 such attacks since
late August has a civil rights for Gay people group
demanding increased police presence in areas where
the assaults have been prevalent. As of Sept. 13 - the
latest figures provided by the pol.ice department -
there have been 76 anti-Gay attacks citywide, com-
. ,ared with 42 attacks last year during the same time
period. However, overall bias attacks citywide are
down3.4%. There were368bias attacks as of Sept 13,
compared with 38 t last year. Bias crimes are slurs or
attacks that include an element of race, religion,
stxual preference or gender.
Christine Quinn; executive director of the New
York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project,
said the Police Department’s bias unit was doing an
dmirable job responding to the crimes, but more
¯ ~olice presence still was needed, especially in the
Greenwich Village area, where most of the attacks
have occurred. Since Aug. 25, there have been 27
such attacks citywide, she added. "The attacks, harassment
and threats against our community have
continued in full force since Labor Day weekend,"
Ms. Quirm Said. "Almost every day a New Yorker is
the victim of violence because he or she is perceived
to be Gay.’"
Police Commissioner Howard Safir said the department
is aware of the increase in anti-Gay attacks
and has dispatched additional officers to the Village.
Buthe saidhe does not think the attacks are prevalent.
"We don’t see an epidemic throughout the city," he
The Gay and Lesbian anti-violence group is planning
a community demonstration Oct. 3 to condemn
the attacks and teach people how to better protect
Indiana May Ban
Adoption by Gays
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The proposed adoption of
an 8-year-old gift by a Gay couple has sparked a
campaign to bar Gays and Lesbians from becoming
adoptive or foster parents in Indiana.
Word that the Madison County Office ofChildren
and Family Services was considering letting an Indianapolis
couple adopt the girl prompted two lawmakersto
announce Friday they wonld sponsor a bill
making Indiana the third state toban such adoptions.
Opponents called the proposed ban unconstitutional
and unnecessary.
"Their lifestyle is their business, but when they
start using government to promote their lifestyle, It
ta.me.to s.tep I.n, Rep. Woody Burton, R-Greenwood,
said Monday. Burton said he and Rep. Jack Lutz, RAnderson,
proposed the ban to protect children from
the abuse and discriminationmany homosexuals suf:
~er "’What’ s ~oin~ to happen to those kids when they
o ~o school a~nd tl~e othe]: kids at school find out about
~t?" Burton asked. "It actually invites discrimination
against those kids.’"
Burton and Lutz say they plan to introduce legislation
in next year’s General Assembly session. If it
passes, Indiana would become the third state to bar
homosexuals from adopting Children or being foster
parents. FloridaandNew Hampshireare currently the
Controversial Play
Draws Protesters
NEW" YORK (AP) - Theatergoers flocked to the
¯ debut performance of an off-Broadway play, ignor-
¯ ing angry protesters who believe it depicts a Gay
: Christlike figure who has sex with his apostles. As
~ patrons passed through a metal detector to see the
¯ Terrence McNally play "Corpus Christi," about 100
¯ protesters held a prayer vigil across the street, led by
". members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.
¯. Police said one protester was arrested Tuesday night
¯ for disorderly conduct.
¯ "We are inviting people to get. up a~d 1~eTa,ve.w,h~en ¯ blasphemies are enunciated in the play, sam me
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group’ s leader, the Rev. Benedict J. Groeschel. "We are
praying for the conversion of people attending the
Theatergoer John Friedman, 34, of Greenwich, Comi.,
saidhe understood why the show is controversial. "It
may not be for everybody, but I thought it really brought
out the transcendental nature of Jesus," he said after the
preview performance. "It emphasized that he was an
While theater officials and patrons were tightlipped
about the content of"Corpus Christi," published reports
have said the play depicts a Gay Christlike character
who has sex with his apostles. A brochure released
earlier this year described the play this way: "From
modem day Corpus Christi, Texas, to ancient Jerusalem,
we follow a young Gay man named Joshua on his
spiritual journey, and get to know the 12 disciples who
choose to follow him.’"
In May, the Manhattan Theater Club canceled plans
to produce the off-Broadway play after receiving anonymous
death threats against its actors, audience and
McNally, a multiple Tony Award-winner. Days later,
theater executives reversed their decision, saying police
promised to ensure safety if the play was staged. The
official opening is scheduled for Oct. 13; Tuesday was
the first night of previews, in which a play is generally
fine-tuned before its official opening. No tickets were
provided to reviewers, The New York Times reported.
A statement from the theater Tuesday’ reaffirmed its
support of"McNally’ s right to express his artistic vision
freely" as well as the right of protesters to object "in a
peaceful and law-abiding manner." Most theatergoers
were not dissuaded by the commotion. "It’s all about
free speech," said Candace Simon of Newark, N.J.
"They have the right to protest. The theater has aright
to stage it. I have the right to see it.’"
Churches Re|ect
Pro-Gay Pastors
OMAttA, Neb. (AP) - Two rural United Methodist
churches are telling denomination leaders that they will
not accept appointments ofpastors who snpported former
Omaha Rev. Jimmy Creech in his decision to perform a
Lesbian marriage. The Nehawka and \Veeping Water
United Methodist churches told Omaha District Superintendent
Ronald Croom that they will not accept the
Rev. Doyle Burbank-Williatns as their new pastor.
Burbank-Williams was an early supporter of Creech.
who created a furor when he performed a same-sex
marriage at his Omaha church last September.
Burbank-Williams was pastor of Dietz .\Iemorial
United Methodist Church and of homeless people in
downtown Omaha. He also was one of about 200
pastors nationally who pledged to. defy the United
Methodists" prohibition against same-sex mamages.
Weeping Water church officer Farley Amick said the
rural churches want a conservative pastor.
Burbank-Williams said he would keep Iris name on
the pledge list but would not perform a covenaut ceremony
in churches that are on record as opposed to such
ceremomes. Amick said that was not good enough. He
said the churches do not want a pastor who believes that
same-sex mamages are OK. He said it is a bad influence
for young people.
Meanwhile, a second pastor in Omaha has presided
over a satne-sex mm-riage The Rev. Nancy Brink said
it was the first she had performed at the North Side
Christian Church in Chnaha. The church is affiliated
with Disciples of Christ. which does not have prohibitions
against covenant ceremomes. Brink noted the
ceremony was given near unmnmous approval last
spring bf the church’s board of elders. But the event has
caused dissensmn within the 300-member congregation.
Brink declined to say how man~ members had left
the church over the issue~ Brink said covenant ceremonies
are in line ~vith Christ’s admonition to love one’s
neighbor as oneself.
Utah Group is Anti-Gay
But Suppo.rts Polygamy
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - \~qfile Gov. Mike Leavitt
has changed his tune regarding polygamy, Eagle Forum
President Gayle Ruzicka still sings the original notes.
The conservative Utah Eagle Forum has campaigned
against civil rights for Gay people, which
Ruzicka says is a question of morality, but she says
men who live with several women in polygamy
"may find support in the Bible.
"For polygamous folks - it is a religious belief
and at least through their religious ceremomes they
think they are married before God," Ruzicka said.
"Homosexuality is not part of somebody’s religion."
Ruzicka said she would urge Utah polygamists
to lobby to change the state’s constitutional
provision outlawing polygamy. "Polygamy has
been blown totally out of proportion," she said.
"These people out there living polygamous lives
are not bothering anybody."
In July, Leavitt acknowledged his polygmnist
ancestors and said he knew many polygamists and
"for themost part, they were hardworking and good
people." While the pracace is baamed by the state
constitution, Leavitt first said there were religious
freedom questions that could prevent prosecuuon
of the tens of thousands of practicing polygmnists
believed living in Utah. Within four weeks, his
position had changed to: "I believe polygamy is
against the law, and it should be." Polygamy has
come under renewed scrutiny due to reports of
child abuse, incest and welfare fraud within some
polygamist groups.
Some legislators may address the issue in the
1999 legislative session. "The next legislative session
will bring a healthy discussion about polygamy
that Utah needs," says Rep. Sheryl L.
Allen, R-Bountiful. "This has been postponed for
too long. It is past due."
Gay Family Struggles
for Acceptance
WATERTOkVN, Minn. (.-\P) - In this insular \ll
lage of 2,400. where bird feeders and American
flags h~g on front ~rches and cl~ldreu ride their
.bikes to,tl~e O~fl) grocery store ~ound, XV atcrto~ n
is grappling with the most di~ isive question
encountered in ve~s: How to) deM wi t!~ opeul
p~ents? Aboui 100 residents attended a
two-ho~ town meeting Sept. 10 at Waterto~
Nement~ School to discnss the issne. Or~mn zer~
stud they ~’anted to create awareness of violence
and hate crones and to invite di~dogne about
and ~sbi~s. ~ae meeting ~ne mnidst ~dlc~ations
that for the p~t two ye~s Robert Protomastcr.
35; Ns p~tner, Brian C~Isou, 35: and their three
teen-age sous have been the t~gets of verb~d and
physicM h~assment because Protomaster and
C~lson ~e Gay.
~e clmms ~e disturbing: Epithets hurled at the
fanfil~, as they drove tl~ough to~vn. Statues m their
front v~d smashed at mght. Homophobic notes
stuck haside their front door. And, most troubling,
stud the fanfilv, repeated h~sment of the boys
wNle they attended Watertown Middle School in
1996 and 1~7. ~ev stud that they repeatedl3
were cMled "’queei" and "’faggot" and that other
students refused to sit b~ them be~ansc they lc~ged
that "’they .. would become Gay,’" said "lqmoth~.
13. "’So f~r a long time no one ~votdd come ne;g us.’"
Michael. 14, stud he was held down b~ studcnts
~vNle one wrote "’faggot" ou lfis :ran. S~hool offitins
did little to stop the harassment, the fiunil~
~e school district issued a statement on the da~
of the town zneeting saying that the district "has a
record of responding appropriately to comphunts
of h~sment." The Watertown mayor’s office
and C~ver County officiMs issned statements the
day before the meeting saying that Watertown
stands agmnst Violent, hate crones and harassment
of ~v kind.
The bow - Jo~, ~vho"s 16. Michael and "l’imo~
thv - spent most of their [iveg in and out of foster
hdmes before Protom~ter mad C~Mson adopted
them about 3 years ago. Although the boys no
longer attend s~hool in Watertown School Distnct.
their p~ents filed a discfinfinatiou complmnt last
ye~ agmnst ~e dis~ct w~th the state lluman
~ghts Dep~tlnent. The case is no~v on appeM.
More HIV Drugs,-
More Errors
..\I.BAN’f. N.Y (AP) - Two ’,ears ago,
o~fl\ a few drugs were availatJle to treat
tti’{’. Now. 14 types of ~nedicatton ,°re
used to treat the disease. And while the
chmaces for survi,,al have increased, so
have the chances for error in the prescribing
of these drugs, hi fact, mistakes in
prescriptions wntten for people with HIV
arc much more counnon than for other
hospital patients, according to a recent
two ‘.ear study. Fortunately, most of the
time the wrongly prescribed medicines
aren’t actuMly given to the patients. They
usu-all,. oaflv make it tothe pharmacist’s
desk. said l)r. Bonnie Purdy, the stud\"s
author ,’rod AI ban’~ *ledical Center cli~lical
"Without may doubt, there ,are physicians
who don’t’understm]d therapies ~orrectlv.’"
said Paul Volberding, director of
S~m i:rancisco Geueral’s AIDS program.
And because HIV patients can become
resxst,’mt if not treated correctly the first
time. he added. "There’s not very much
margin for error.’" Johi] Bartlett. ~:hief of
itffectious disease and AIDS ser‘.tce at
Jolms ttopkins .Medical Center. said the
stud} findings show a needfor more HIV
specialists. Other studies have suggested
that 3% of Ml prescriptlous written b’,
physicim]s coutai n an error, Purd’, said.
f~ors m ItIV prescnptions rose from
about 2c} iu 1~)6 to 14% this ",ear. Rapid
chmtges in treatments are conhtsi,ng doctors..
Some doctors have even written potentiall
y deadl y formulas for medical care
at the .-\Ibm]} hospital over the last two
vein’s, the report said
()he lily specMist, whose practice was
not studied for the report, admits that the
increase in treatmcuts has been tough to
follo\~. "’it .~ccm> cvcrx three or four
months a ne~ drag is rel~.ased. The drugs
have unforeseen side effects." said Dr.
l)avid l !ermm]. of the \Vhitne‘. .X i. Young
!tcalth (’cater. The :\lb,’m,. c’linic ser,.-es
1 it} lilY patients. Additiouallv. "’patients
mc living longer, mM as the‘. live longer
the} require more ,’rod ntore complicated
drug rcgmmns said I)r. Douglas Fish.
acting director of the lilY medicine divistun
at .-\tbmav Medic,’d College.
Purdx said :730 of the prescription errors
were "’serious" or "’se,.ere. meamng
they could bc fatal or increase resistance
IO dlllgs.-The most connTlon error was
either prescribing doses that were either
too high or too lmv. Most of the mistakes
were made by people who weren’t HI\-
svccialists, the report said. Herman warned
that the nuntber of errors may be higher in
hospit~fls where interus and students can
~vnte prescriptions. The rates of error have
decreased at :\lbany Medical since Purd,.
revealed the results of the stud,, With the
hospital staff., she said. "’We ~]ow pauents
li,.e longer with these regimens,"
third,. stud. "’But if we don’t prescribe
thcm’correctlv, we ha,an the patient."
FDA Approves
New Treatment
W.\SHINGTON (AP) - AIDS patients
got an easier-to-swallow drug as the Food
and l)rug Administration approved a new
once-a-day medicine that offers the first
good alternative foF patients who cannot
take today’s best AIDS treatment.
l)uPout Pharmaceuticals" Sustiva appears
to be about as effective as protease
nfllibitors, the landmark medicines that
have helped thousands of HIV patients
rebound from their disease, tile FDA said.
Ahd because it’s taken only. once daily,
Susti,.’a conld significantl‘.’ cut the number
of pills AIDS patients’now swallow.
:’It really gives soane flexibilit,. ~md some
new options for patients," said Dr. Heidi
Jolson. FDA’s antiviral chief.
But the FDA warned that patients
shouldn’t race to switch to Snsti,.a if
they’re doing well on other AIDS medic,ations.
The HIV virus relentlessl,. mutates
to overcoane drug treaunent, metaling
patients must take a drug until it qmts
working- not switching on the spur of the
~noment - so file’, don’t exhaust their
options too quickl}:, stressed AIDS expert
Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Iustitutes
of ttealth. But for newly diagnosed
patients, or those whose current cocktail
of AIDS medicines is failing or causmg
too many side effects. Susti,.’a offers a
good option, he said.
In a sixqnonth stud’, of 450 patients
taking the standard drugs AZT mid 3TC
plus either Susti,.a or the most popular
protease inllibitor, Crixivan, both theraptes
were equally effecti,.e. The FDA
approved Susti,.-a. kalown chemically as
efa,.irenz, for both adults and children]. It
is to be taken with a protease inhibitor
and or older AIDS medicines.
The Sustiva portion of that cocktail will
cost almost $4,000 a ‘.ear. DuPont says
the price is.midrange f6r AIDS drugs, ai~d
that Sustiva therapy could sa,.’e up to S500
avear over Crixivan cocktails. DuPont
al~o promised a treatment assistm]ce program
for poor patients, but would not
reveal details. But some AIDS activists
attacked the price; the group Act Up wrote
DuPout this week threatening protests to
"’reveal your greed." Sustiva "addresses
some imporumtissues in the lives of people
with HIV. including the complexity of
taking a large number of drugs," said
D,’ufiel Zingale of AIDS° Action. "But I
.don’t think the company went far enough
m fair pacing... The‘. could pfi.ce this
lower mid still make a ~rofit.’"
T,.pical HI\ pauents s~,. allow some 20
pih~ throughout the day to combat the
virus, timed carefully to take some with
meals and some without. The,, may also
take additional medicines to pre,.ent HIVcansed
refections. Missing e,.eu a few
,’mtiviral pills, however, allows the HIV to
mutate and become more difficult to treat
Sustiva is taken just once a day, in three
capsules, whenever it’s convenient.
DuPonl also is de,.eloping a formulation
that will require only a single tablet a day.
Easing patients" "pill burden" ma,. be
Sustiva’s main" ad,.’ance. With it, some
patients may get by onjust five pills a day.
"I have some patients who absolutely will
only take medicine twice a day," said Dr.
Do~aald P0retz of Virginia’ s Inova Fairfax
Hospital. ’This is a race addition."
Half of Susti,.’a pattents suffer dizziness,
insomnia, impaired concentrauon,
abnormal dreams and drowsiness. Therefore,
patients should consider taking
Sustiva at bedtime, the FDA said, and
definitely avoid driving or operating machinery
if they suffer the side effects.
TheSe are milder side effects than many
AIDS drugs cause, and unlike other drugs
they usually disappear over time, theFDA
But FDA’s Jolson cautioned that Sustiva
can also cause some severe side effects,
and that it has been studied for only six
months. Longer use of AIDS drugs typically
turns up more problems. Sustiva’s
cautions include:
- Some patients - usually those with a
histoU of substance abuse or mental illness
- suffer severe depression or delu-
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sions. They should stop taking the drug.
- 40% of children and some adults
suffer skin rashes, occasionally severe.
Womenmust use effecnve contraception
because animal studies suggest
Susfiva causes severe birth defects. The
FDA ordered DuPont to track accidental
pregnancies to determine the true risk.
In a separate development Friday,
Merck &Co. stopped a study it had hoped
would pave the way for easier Cfixivan
use. But taking Cfixivan twice a day instead
of the government-approved three
daily doses proved far less effective.
Insurance for
Working PLWA’s?
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Unemployed
people living with HIV want to work but
fear they’ll lose .their health insurance if
they become employed, according to a
new study. "Discrimination is still very
much an issue for those Seeking employment,"
said Dr. Ronald Brooks, a researcherfrom
Los Angeles County Harbor-
UCLA Medical Center. Brooks and
Dr. ,David Martin of AIDS Project Los
-Angeles conducted the study, which they
said was the first one to analyze employ:
ment issues for LOs Angeles residents
living with HIV and AIDS.
In July and August, the doctors surveyed
5,685 people with HIV or AIDS
who were case-managed by LOs Angelesarea
AIDS service organizations. An estimated
13,000 people in LOs Angeles
County are infected with HIV, Brooks
said. The survey released in September
found about 37% of respondents were
working. More than half of them had fulltime
.jobs. Some of the 67% of those
unemployed said they were disabled. The
majority said they were thimkmg about
retumilig to work ~o increase their tncoxne
and feel useful to society.
, Mayor Richard Riorcl~m vowed to encourage
health insurers to cover all employees,
including those with AIDS. Their
medications alone can cost S12.000 to
S16,000 a )’ear. The law states no HIVinfected
person may be deified employment
because of the disease. But m,’my
sufferers are afraid they will lose their
current health insurance~including Medi-
Cal, and will not obtain adequate insurance
from a new employer, said Los Angeles
City AIDS Coordinator Ferd Eggan.
",’AIDS remains a highly stigmatized disease,"
Eggan said.
Jusfina Thompson, an HI\’-infected
Venice resident, blames her honesty for
her inability to find work. "’If you’re infected
and ):ou tetl people you’r~ infected,
they won’t ~ve you a job," said Thompson,
who now works with Women Alive,
a drop-in center in Los Angeles for women
with HIV or AIDS.
Craig Thompson, executive director of
AIDS Project Los Angeles, said retunfing
HIV-i~ffected people to the workplace
actually would have a positive effect on
society. If employed, they would pay into
social security and pay taxes which are
lost when th@ are uot working, he said.
"It’s actually revenue-positive for the taxpayers
in the long rim,’" Thompson said.
Monkeys and the
Origin of HIV
COVINGTON, La. (AP) - Preston Marx
is still gettiug settled, and it shows. Books
are heaped in stacks, and boxes of all sizes
- some unpacked, manynot - crowd the
floors of his office at Tulane University’s
primate center. Despite the helter-skel ter
appearance of his office, the center’s new
headofAIDS researchknew exactly where
to look for what he wanted. From a pile of
plaques and framed photographs, Marx,
54, pulled out a picture that, perhaps more
than anything else, sums up the nature of
his work. The photograph, which he shot
nearly a decade ago in Liberia, shows a
brightly clad girl 9-year-old girl and her
pet monkey, a sooty mangabey, clutching
each other as tightly as possible. The
monkey’s forepaws and prehensile toes
are wrapped tightly around the girls’ left
Sunny at first blush, the picture has a
sinister side: It symbolizes the easy passage
between monkeys and humans of a
.simple vires that has developed into the
microorganism that causes AIDS, said
Marx, a New Orleans native who was at
the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
in New York before coming this summer
to the primate center in rural St.
Tammany Parish. ":My work has shown
that the viruses carried by these monkeys
are closely related to the viruses earned
by people in the local villages," he said.
Marx, whosucceeded Michael Murphy-
Corb at Tulane, also has studied the way
AIDS infection develops, and he has con’-
ducted vaccine research. He will continue
in both fields at the primate center and at
the Diamond center, which shares him
with Tulane. In return for letting Marx
move south, Diamond gained access to
what is, with 4,500 monkeys, the country’s
biggest primate center. The two institutions
plan to co_ltaborate on .-kIDS research.
"I’m not onlyOK with that; I think
it’s a tremendous opportunity,’" said Peter
Gerone, director of the Tulane Regional
Primate Research Center. "’Talk about
sometlfing being mutually beneficial." As
part of the agreement, Marx received a
professorship of tropical mediciue - and
the enthusiastic welcome from Dr. Paul
\Vhelton, dem~ ofTulane’s S cbooi of Public
Health and Tropical Medicine "’He
has provided fltndamental underpinmng
of the sinuan innnunodeficiencv virus
and the origin of AIDS.’" said \\~elton.
For Marx, named the primate center’s
senior scientist, flats is his first priority: to
trace the history of the iucurabte illness by
detennimng the origin of the virus that
causes ~t "%’obodv else is doing that,"
Ronald Desrosier,~. imcrobiologist and
molecular geneticist at Harvard Medical
School and Harvard’s New Fmgland Primate
Center. "’I tlm~k he ki~ows mo~tkevs
and monkey natural history very we~l.
This is a niche where he can contribute
and he tries to make the most of it ""
The work, wlfich Marx conducts in the
United States and Africa, may lead to a
vaccine and better ways to fight.AIDS,
said Dr. Andrew Lach~er, a pathologist at
Harvard Medical Center and ~ts pinnate
center, "-[’he tnore you le,’~t about these
viruses. . will provide very significant
clues to what’s different in sooty
mangabeys, where the virus can be
haudled, and humans, and humans, where
it’s not," Lackner said. Which leads back
to Marx’s photograph of the ~fl and her
pet, and the potential for monkey viruses
to leap the species barrier. In villages like
the ~fl’s, monkeys bite people and people
hm~t and eat monkeys. And angry farmers
have clubbed to d~th sooty mangabeys
that devoured their crops, said Dr. Beatrice
Hahn of the University of Alabama at
Through such incidents, the simian
nmnunodefiency virus, "known as SIV,
regularly invades human bloodstreams,
said Marx, who has worked in :\frica
since 1987. Under normal circumsumccs,
he has found a huntan can elinmmtc il
wi~n 12 weeks. The mo~ev vm~s. Much
has been in Africa more than 100,000
ye~s, c~~nutate in ml attenlpt to survi vc,
but he s~d, the body’s defenses gencrall3
work f~ter. HIV, an offshoot of thc
IN vires, is relatively nee in human~
M~x stud, dating b£ck to about 1950
"~at t~t me~s, in a sense, is thal
there’s a mo~ey out ~ere that donated
vires to people," Marx stud. ’The question
becomes, "X~at’s the mechmfism ’
.. Some~ng ~p~ned in 1950 that caused
tNs vires to st~t crossing over. I kmm
what it is, but I ~n’t prove it.’" ttis hunch:
widespread use of hypodenmc ucedlcs.
wNch beg~ about the s~e ti~nc injectable
~gs ~c~e available to fight dise~
es such as tonga. In countries that
~’t ~forda new needle for each pattern.
ne~les ~e often reused, picNng up Inicr~
rg~sms ~ong the way.
A ~ad~te of 1 ~uisi~a ~tatc Iuivcrsitv
in New ~leans (now the Univcrsit~
of ~’ew Ofl~s) and~1" Mcdic~fl Center
, M~x beg~ ~s quesl for the ofigiu of
AIDS in 1987. ~e quest h~ U~en him
~ound ~e world, including a remote Affi~
b~ where he and a colleague stopl~,d
for a beer ~ter a frustrating day of collecting
blo~ smnples from redcap
m~gabeys in a hunt for a r~e SIV strain.
H~ picked up the stor~, w~ch has bccome
p~t of the Marx lebend: "Thcv
a redcap monkex tied to the b~, ~ating
pe~uts. ~esto~ stud, "We could blccd
that one as well." "" After a pause. !l~dm
delivered the puuch line. ’Thin happcncd
to be the monkey that was i~fl~ctcd with
that vm~s.’" she stud "’Preston told mc
later. "As you can see. I do my best work
m b~.""
HIV+ Prisoners
To Be Separated
GREENVII.I.1L S.(’. {.-\P) - With ntorc
than 600 S. Carolina prison inmates about
to be segregated because they tested postfive
for &e AIDS-casuing virus, one AII)S
expert says the state has far underesu
mated the cost. The state esdmalcs it will
cost St,Q00 wr ~mnate l~r ~eatment. Tha~
is more likely.to k S15,000. Dr. Rick
Altice. ~ AIDS expert m Yale-New ttayen
HospitN in New Haven. Conn.. u)ld
The Greenville News.
In a prison system of 21.0~) lmnmcs.
~ of them t~IV-positive, a system of
providing condoms, sex eduction and
drug rehabilitation wouldbe more effective.
sav some of those who speciNize in
tracing ~edise~e. [nprotccted consensu~
sex~drapes remmn prev~ent mnong
prisoners, m~v of whom don’t know
HIV ~ be transmitted bv unsafe ratercourse,
sMd Steve Nesselr~th of the AIDS
m Prison Project.
17 states have m~datory testing, lto~vever,
one-time testing ~ give pnson
officiM s a fMse sense of secuntv, sMd Dr.
Jo~ Miles, of the Centers f~r Disease
Con~ol & ~evenfion. Without lbllowup
testing, i~ates who~~ey ~c
sine~fur~er spread H1V, Miles sMd. It
~es ~ long ~ six months tbr ~e vires to
be det~mble. ~ficiMs pl~ follow-up
tests ~d say i~ates will ~tested ~fore
¯ey l~ve prison st~ngnext ye~. "AVith
the follow-up ~gsfing, we feel like we’ll
~tch~yone~o~’ttest ~sifive whea
we test~ or when they c~e into the
system," B~Mey sMd.
1998 Water Garden Tour
to benefit
Interfaith AIDS Ministries
Sat. Oct. 3, 11-5
’SurL Oct. 4, 1-5
$5 suggested donation
For information, call 438-2437.
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A Central and South West Company
Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
Sunday School - 9:45am, Service - 11 am, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Community of Rope (United Methodist), Service - 6pm, 2545 S. Yale, 585-1800
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Service - 1 lain, 2545 S. Yale, 749-0595
Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist
Service - 1 lain, 1314 No. Greenwood, 587-1314
Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church
Service - 1 lain, Childrens Ministry also, 5451-E S. Mingo, 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc.
S~mday School- 9:45am, Service - 10:45am, 3210e So. Norwood
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Tulsa
Service, 10:45am, 1623 North Maplewood, Info: 838-1715
Parish Church of St~ Jerome (Evangelical AnglicanChurch in America)
Mass - 1 lain, 205W. King (east of No. Denver), Info: 582-3088
University of Tulsa Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay/Transgendered Alliance
6:30 pm, Meets at the Canterbury Ctr., 5th & Evanston, 583-9780
Council Oak Men’s Chorale, rehearsals at 5pm, Info: 743-4297
HIV Testing Clinic, Free & anonymous testing. No appointment required.
Walk in testing: 7-8:30pm, 834-TEST (8378) 3501 E. Admiral (cast of Harvard)
HIV Rap Sessions at Bless the Lord At All Times Christian Center
7:30pm, 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
PFLAG, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
2nd MonIcach too. 6:30pm, Fellowship Congregational Church, 2900 S: Harvard
Mixed Volleyball, Helmerich Park, 71st & Riverside, 7pm, call Shawn 491-2036.
Women/Children & AIDS Committee, 10/26, noon, United Way, 1430 S Boulder
AIDS Coalition of Tulsa, 10/13, noon, United Way Bldg. 1430 S. Boulder
aIV+ Support Group, HIV Resource Consortium l:30pm
3507 E. Admiral (east of Harvard), Info: Wanda @ 834-4194
Multiculturai AIDS Coalition, 10/6¢ 12:30pro; Urban League, 240 East Apache
Rainbow Business Guild, Business & prof. networking group, Info: 743-4297
PrimeTimers, mens group, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th
Coming Out Support Group (TOHR/HOPE)
Tuesdays, 6 pm, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, info: 743-4297
Bless The Lord At All Times Christian Center
Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30 pm 2207 E. 6th, 583-7815
Family Of Faith MCC Praise/Prayer - 6:30pro, 5451-E S. Mingo. 622-1441
House of the Holy Spirit Ministries, Inc. Service - 7pm, 3210e So. Norwood
Tulsa Native American Mens Support Group, more information, call 582-7225
TCC Gay & Lesbian Association of Students (GLAS), Call for info: 595-7632.
Lambda A-A, 7 pm, 1307 E. 38th, 2nd ft.
HOPE, HIV Outreach, Prevention, Education
Anonymous HIV Testing, Testing: 7 - 8:30pm 834-8378, 3507 E. Admiral
Oklahoma Rainbow Young Adult Network (O’RYAN)
Support/social group for 18-24’s, call Red Rock Mental Health at 584-2325
Substance Abuse Support Group for persons with HIV/AIDS, Info: 834-4194
Safe Haven, Young Adults Social Group, I st Fri/eachmo. 8pro, Pride Ctr., 1307 E. 38th
Narcotics Anonymous, 11 pm, Community of Hope,1703 E. 2nd, Info: 585-1800
Larnbda A-A, 6 pro, Pride Center, 1307 E. 38th, 2rid ft.
T.U.L.S.A. Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association, info: 838-1222
Womens Supper Club, Call for info: 584-2978
OK Spoke Club, Gay & Lesbian Bike Organization. Info: POB 9165, Tulsa 74157,
Short rides, 6:30pm, Long rides, 7am. Meet at Zeigler Park, 3903 West 4th. Pride
Rides from the Pride Center, 3749 S. Peoria. Write for dates.
Ifyour organization is n~t listed, please let us know. Call 583-1248 orfax 583-4615.
Marceilo Angelini
Artistic Director
Sept. 18-20, 1998
~, sweeping tale of prince gels gift. Where between
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Matters of death and life. From two choreographers.
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somewhere between the egg nog and the fruit cake!
Equinoxe ¯ Jardi Tancat
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Apr. 9-11, 1999
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are won and lost. Hearts are broken and mended again.
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Swan Lake in its entirety. With Artistic Director
Marcello hngelini re-staging the story line in hcls I
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Cartfi I. Crawford
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Kenneth Jean, Music Director
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Music of Tchaikovsky, erokofiev, Berlioz and Bemstein
Bernard Rubenstein with
Colin Carr, cello
Oct. 3, 1998
Alison Gaines, Principal Bass
Nov. 14, I998
Jon Kimura Parker, piano
Ida Kavafian, violin
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Kenneth Jean with
Tulsa Oratorio Chorus
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Verdi, Messa da Requiem
Peter Serkin, piano
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Tuba’s CVahic hn"
Read All About It
by Adam West, Helmerich Library
We all love Auntie Marne. It’s pracfiv~
V a orere~uisite; it’s possibly genetic.
~t’-s’not t~ love in a s-tory @’out a bo.y
growing up with a bohemian’, eccenmc
and rich aunt for a guardian? But if you
ever wondered where all of
Marne’s gay friends were (oh,
of course she had them!), you
will definitely adore Say Uncle
by Eric Shaw Quinn. Although
the whole plot rests on a gruesome
tragedy, this comedy has
enough absurdity and sardonic
humor to keep you smiling for
weeks. The characters are so
engaging that they become a
part of your family -even
when you hate them; and
Quirm’s evocative style will
rivet you with your own emo~
tional reactions.
InSav Uncle, Michael Reily
finds l~s life turned inside out
when his sister and her husband
are killed tragically ,leaving
Michael the guardian of
their baby, Scott. Urged on by
his mother and challenged by
the baby’s patemal grandfather,
a conservative former
Senator, Michael’s fights
anaidst a media blitz as his
homosexnality and Suitability as a parent
are "called into question.
The most noticeable aspect of this brilliant
first novel is certainly its brand of
humor. Part Congreve, part Dickens, part
Fierstein, Quinnmanages a seamless blend
of Restoration comedy, bitter irony and
modem disillusioned idealism. The resul_t
is a classic style in today’s language.
Qmma clearly wanted to go for the literary
throat with his debut. The scope and
scheme of Say Uncle is of Shakespearean
proportions. ~a,s an actor lfimself, the author
was possibly hoping for a movie deal
with a cast on the level of Steel Magnolias
(of wlficli this is also reminiscent). Say
said Nicole Russo, spokeswoman for
AIDS Project Los Angeles, which organizes
the event every year. Colin’ s mother
got him started when he was four to learn
about helping others, Ms. Russo said.
The event raised an estimated $3 million
that will provide care for the nearly
7,400 people with AIDS in l_~,s .Angeles
County. Participants asl~ people to sponsor
them for every mile they walk. The
course, about 6.2 miles long, started at
Paramount Studios in Hollywood, looped
onto Melrose Avenue and then back to the
studio through Hancock Park.
Craig Thompson, executive director of
AIDS Project Los Angeles, said he was
encouraged to see so many.young people
taking part in the fund-raiser this year.
’q’hat’s good because half of all .new
infections of HIV occur among 18- to 25-
year-olds," he said.
Here in Tulsa, however, local HIV/
AIDS andcivil rightactivist,Jimmy Flowers,
bemoaned what he called the shamefully
low turnout at Tulsa’ s 6th nnn~al
AIDS walk, Walk For Life held Sat. sept.
26th. Flowers claims therewere only about
80 persons participating in the 2 mile
walk along the Riverparks and that some
The most
notleeable aspect
of this brilliant
first novel is
eertalnly its
brand of humor.
Part Congreve,
part Dickens,
part Fiersteln,
uhn manages
a~seamless blend
of Restorat;on
comedy, hitter
irony and modern
ideallsm. The
result is a elassle
style in today’s
Uncle’s beauty shines through, covering
~ a span of over twenty years and doing so
¯ without neglecting continuity or cohe-
¯ siveness.
¯ Even thOugh half of the book is told
¯ mostly from Scott’s perspective, the clear
star of the novel is Uncle Michael.
Michael’s straight-forward
and amusing take on life fuels
the story and you adore him
more with each page¯ He’ s not
a perfect man, but he"s close
enough, and his flaws just endear
you to him more¯ His
blunt’and occasionally odd
rapport with his meddling
mother is so similar to somany
of us that you’ll surdy find
new realizations m your own
maternal rdationship. Best of
all, .kfichael fights for respect
the way we all would like to:
withh~nor, ~ace and tremendous
The circumstances of Say
Uncle wouldn’t happen to
mare of us. \~2tile overall you
mav~ehappy about that, there
will also be a part of you that
longs for it. Michael Reily is a
tree hero in so many ways -
Iris di~mfity, his selfish selflessness,
his passion for life¯
\Xqao ,’unong us doesn’t want
to star ~n a life of feature film quality. Say
Uncle has its realism, and even its absuiditv
is plausible, but in the end what gets
us ior at least gets me) is thejourney of the
characters from letters on a p0ge to human
beings we would like to kaaow..Say Uncle
is the story we would have if we got the
option - and the strength - to enjoy it.
You can request Say Uncle from your
nearest’l"ulsa City-County library br~ch
or by calling th~ Reader’s Services department
of the Central Library.
Adam West is an associate with lulscl
City-County Library S3wtem and an OSU
ah~mus. Hets m)t now and,ever has bee,
agencies whi,c,h serve People Living with
AIDS~(PLWA s) werenot represented by
their staff.
However, Community Service Council
AIDS f~mdraiser and organizer, Janice
Nicklas claimed about 100 attended and
that, for Tulsa, that’ s a good turnout. According
to Nicklas, about $5,000 was
raised which will be matched by an addi-
ttonal $2500 from the Nat’1. AIDS Fund.
LongtimeHIV/AIDS activist/volunteer,
¯ Claudette Peterson, noted that she was
¯ unable to attend the event because The
¯ Food Pantry of Tulsa CARES (formerly ¯
¯ theHIV ResourceConsortium)whichshe directs was scheduled to getalargeamount
¯ of donated food that morning.
¯ Walker, Nancy Smith, and walk team, i Soles for Souls brought in the highest
donations. Street School student Kat
¯ Morgan won a prize for her HIV/AIDS
¯. poem,, and the poster design used on tiffs
¯ year s t-shirts was createdby amember of
Red Rock Mental Health Group’s Gay
¯ youth support group. Chairpersons were
¯ ~Vlichael Bmmgardt of Youth Services
~ andTerry Russell of Planned Parenthood
". of America, NE OK/NW AR. Business
¯ sponsors were US Cdlular, NYBagds,
¯ Kinko’son 1 lth, McDonaldsRestaurants,
: KRMG, TFN, & Urban Tulsa Weekly.
IGTA member
Call 41. 6866
TOHr~formore information.
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by Ma~. Schepers, Do-It-YourselfDyke
Announcingfencing lessons for the nonathlethic
members of the family! Like the
wise creatures you are, you heeded your
DIYD’s sage advice in the last column
and selected the picket type and size that
suits your needs and
budget, made your measurements,
your posts and stringers
and are ready to get
nailed. Pardon. To get
nailing. Or, the DIYD’ s
preference for fencing,
to get busy screwing,
because screws are always
the preferred fastener
for fence construction.
They hold
better, won’t pull out,
and make any future
repairs oh so much
eas~er - and we love
easier, don’t we?
The DIYD has certain
other preferences
when it comes to
screws, and the primary
one is for square drives
(as opposed to standard
or - shame-on you for
smirking - Phillip’s
head). -Ihex do not
"’cam out" easily, which
means they don’t get
all cheered’up and ratty
mad unusable, and yoffl,azow by now what
aesthetics does for the DI’YD~ Order the
catalogue from McFeelv’s (800 443-
7937) and you will be ifi square driv~
heaven; of course, youcan order the square
drives from them as well. The quality is
lfigh, the service good and the delia:err
prompt - mad most of us can’t say that
about our exes. can we?
You will be using a #8 scre~v. 2 1 2"
long, to attach stringers t.o posts. ,and \ou
will need to order the"No-Co-Rode’" ty"pe.
The’* will We you good rust resistance
along with strength. For attaclfing 3our
pickets to the stringers, you wi!l need #8
scre~vs. 1 1 4." long; the wood ’*ouve
chosen for the pickets will deterrrdue the
type of screw. For wKite wood or treated
pickets, use the No-Co-Rode screws, but
for cedar, vou must_use stainless steel
because thd acids and volatile oils in the
cedar will seriously corrode an\ other
fastener you use. Tt~e DIYD realizes that
some of this informaUon is a rehash, but
speaking for herself, the old memory isn’ t
quite what it used to be. Remember also
that you will need4 screw s for each stringer
and 5 screws for each picket.
Now that you’ve assembled all ’,our
raw material s, it is time to gather up ’,’our
tools. The DIYD is delighted to inform
you that this is the perfect project for that
stunning leather tool belt, so if you haven’t
indulged yourself yet, do so now. You’re
paying so much for the fence, at this point
you canjustify the few extra dollars for an
accessory that will give years and years of
good use and satisfaction. In adcfition to
the .tool belt, you will need the following:
a good level (bigger really is better here;
don’t settle for an.vthin~ under 12"); a
drill and drill bits (2 drills are better); a #2
square driver for the screws; a wheelbarrow
or very large tub to mix concrete in
(there is an nnapproved method to cheat
this, which will be passed along forthwith);
a hoe and shovel for mixing and
scooping concrete; and a device for dig-
Trust me darll-nCs, you do
not want to d;~ a post
hole wlth a shovel.
too much work, and
requires more
mater~al to fill it.
Oh., dear, there ~oes the
ex factor a~aln...
The standard method is
to use a post hole di~¢er.
but thls too is much too
painful, and you will use
an entire 80 lb. ba~ of
quiekrete to fill the hole.
It is not laziness that will
drive you at thls point to
the E-Z equipment
rental, but efficiency!
ging the holeS.
Trust me darlings, you do not want to
dig a post hole with a shovel. Ugly, too
much work. and reqmres more material to
fill it. Oh, dear, there goes the ex factor
again.. : The standard method is to use a
post hole digger, but
this too is much too
painful, and yon will
use an entire 80 lb. bag
of quic"krete to fill the
hole. It is not laziness
that will drive you at
this point to the E-Z
Equipment rent,d, but
efficiencv! Go rent an
auger and forget the
Ph.D. altogether. You
have two options: a
hand operated auger,
which is just fine in
soils that arc not rocky,
or a gas powered auger.
Hm Bet we’ve
made a choice already.
Get a bit instruction ~n
how to rev the little
darlin" up and you’ll
be sinking more holcs
that an Oklahoman
wildcatter in July. Besides,
power to~ls arc
fl~n, and you’ll get yonr
job dgne quicldy. And
you "ll use less
Quickrete, too.
In order to buy your materials, you have
already measured your fence li~]e. ()nce
again, you will space 3"our posts 8 feet on
6enter for treated pickets and 10 feet on
center for cedar pickets. You will rarely
come out perfectly, so plan on splitting
the difference ou either end of the fence
unless the distance left over ~s over a few
~’eet. In other words, you may have ten
posts 10" apart and have 3" at the end, so
put nine posts 10" apart, and at the ends
have the posts 61 2’ apart. More than that.
put the short section of fence on the cud
you won’t see as often. If this confuses
you. draw ~t out on paper first. It never
hurts to have a visual.
Drill your holes Zccording to your spacing
plan. Go ahead and give yourself an
inch or so less between the posts for a bit
of a fudge factor (you can cut a board, but
stretching it is ~mpossible). Drill the holes
2".deep. Center 3our posts in the holes,
using the level to get the post as level as
possible in the horizontal as well as the
vertical plane. If you" ve never used a level
before, ask someone who has for a few
pointers. It’s reall,v quite easy. Do not skip
this step or the fence will be a disaster and
you’ve paid too much for that. After centenng
the post in the hole, add your mixed
concrete until the hole is filled level with
the ~ound. Use a stick to work the concrete
mix down and the air bubble out.
Always put the post in the hole and fill
around it. The moisture needs to be able to
drain away from the bottom of the post. If
you drill your holes with an auger, you
shonld only need about 3/4 of an 86 lh
bag of quickrete per hole. Let the concrete
sit for at least 12 hours before proceeding.
Cheater’s method: Pour a bag of quikrete
into the hole, add water to fill. Let sit for
24 hrs. Results not guaranteed.
Once again, your beloved DIYD has
waxed eloquent to the point of being verbose,
so join us next month when we will
finish this project. Promise. Until theu,
enjoy the tool belt.
by Esther Rothblum
I recently met with three members of
the Crones, a group for old Lesbians in
Vermont. "We were at a dance one night,"
said.Alverta, "and I asked the woman l
was with, where are all the Lesbians our
age?" They put an ad in the local Lesbian
newspaper, and had to drop
the minimum age to 40 because
there were so few Lesbians
older than that who
were out in the community
at that time. They started as ~
political group, butit quickly
became a social group because
so many women
wanted just to meet someone
their age.
"’And even now," added
Mary Wallmyn, "here we all
sit together in your living
room and wonder where are
the Lesbians in their 60s and
70s like us.’" The women
agrecd that some of the~e
older Lesbians are extremely
closeted or out to only one
"It’s even hard
for older
to meet someone
to be a friend
or just someoue
to han~
out wlth."
sald Alverta.
’%Vhere do
older Lesbians
disappear to?"
other person. They lived through times
that were very hostile to Lesbians and
aren’t willing io be too out, eve!.13o other
old l~esbians..klan3 don’t even hse the
word "Lesbian"- they refer to themselves
as "that wax" or use other euphemisms.
I asked ~’hat Alverta, Mary, and Joy
thought the major issues were facing Les’-
bians over 60. Getting a job mad facing
ageism, said Alverta. Leaving a husband,
coming out as a Lesbian, andbeing thought
too old for full-time work yet not old
enough for social security, said Mary.
Beiug closeted on the job and needing 1o
move in order to live near a lover, said
Joy. Working for a non-profit organization
that has no retirement benefits. Getung
sick in old age.
In fact, thewomen agreed that discrimination
due to age was more severe than
discmninauon due to being a Lesbian.
And many have found this hideaway in
the Ozarks to be an ideal spot for a holy
union or commitment ceremony.
Early reservations for the weekend are
advised. For more information on the
schedule of activities or Diversity Cooperative
listing, please check out the website
at www.shimaka.com;eurek;t"diversity or
call the event sponsors,The Emerald Rainbow,
at 501-253--cOA-5.
Schedule of Activities
Friday, November 6, 8:30pm-12:30am
Kick off the weekend with a dance in
the Basin Park Hotel Ballroom to benefit
¯the Metropolitan Comnmnity Church of
the Living Springs & the Eureka Springs
R.A.I.N. Team. Music by Sisters II. $3
single; $5 couple. 12:30-2: 00am, after the
dance, head over to Center Street So. for
more "family’" fun !
Saturday, November 7, 8:00-10:30am
Meet Charlotte for a trout fishing adventure
on die beautiful, crystal clear
White River. Arkansas fishing license is
required. Meet at the Beaver Dam Store
by 7:45am. Fxtuipment rentals & licenses
available: Reservations: 501-253-6154.
1 l:00am-l:00pm, Take a leisurely float
trip down the White River. Enjoy the fall
colors mad peacefulness of the Ozarks.
Mary had noticed that even the personal
¯ ads in thelocal newspapers had "seniors"
¯ under a special section. They mentioned a
; Lesbian friend who had stated her age in
; apersonaladandgotalmostnoresponses.
¯ "’It’ s even hard for older Lesbians to meet
someone to be a friend or just someone to
hang out with,’" said,Mverta:
"Where do older Lesbians
disappear to’?" the women
wondered. Perhaps some
leave to take care of families
of origin, the)’ thought.
The Crones talked about
interacting with younger
Lesbians. When older and
younger Lesbians become
lovers, people may assume
that one is the other:s mother.
It’s hard to go to the health
care center mad have a 20-
year old woman do the in-
. take extort.
Old women are "called
wise, said Alverta. vet they
are ignored iu meetings that
include yOtmger women. Joy
found that the younger women go off to
socialize together mid don’t iuclude old
Lesbians. But the women did feel that
the) have become more outspoken as they
have become older.
The women remiaisced about living
through extremely homophobic times.
They talked about bein_o in the ntilitary
and Working as school teachers. But now.
as older women, they were living in times
that were more affirming of Lesbians, but
hostile to old women. Yet ever.vone agreed
that ageism was worse in the Gay male
mid in the Heterosexual co~mnunitv.
For more information about the C~’ones.
write to 143 RoIlin Irish Road, .\lilton. VT
05468. Esther Rothblum is Professor of
Psychology at the Umversitv of Vermont
affd Editor ofthe Journal ofLesbian Studies.
She can be reached at John Dewey
Hall, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington. VT.
Bringa ~nack or pick up something at the
Dam Store. $25 canoe rental fee. Singles
wdcome. Call 501-253-6154 for details.
Reservations apprecmted
1 l:30am- 1:00pm,Take an historic walking
tour throu~.da downtown. Meet at Sweet
Springs (next to Rogues Manor on upper
Spring St.) Find out more about this special
2:00-4:00pm, Be a part of nature on this
easy hike on the Dogwood Trail. Take in
the beautifid fall scenery, the wildlife, and
the splendid views of Beaver Lake. Meet
at the Dam Store by 1:45 p.m.Info: 501~
253-6154. Reservatibns appreciated.
2:00-5:00pm, Shop "ti1 you drop, with
some of the stores listed in the Diversity
Co-op booklet offering a 10% discount to
these weanng a "Eureka Springs -Celebrating
Diversity"button. (Some restrictions
apply). Pick up your button at The
Fmaerald Rainbow for 50 cents.
9:00pm-i:30am, Dance to the beat of DJ
Jon Caswell at Center Stage. Cover: $5.
From 1 tpm- 1:30am, the dance floor opens
up downstairs for a "Singles Mingler".
Sunday, November 8, 2:00-6:00pm
Everyone’s encouraged to "Come iri
Drag, Whatever that Means to You’, to
the tea dance and drag show at Center
Stage. Jon will mix it up again with his
music as we welcome the girls from Tulsa
and a few Eureka surprises! Cover: $5.
~rine the Great’s Chalice,
Czarina Alexandra’s Wedding Crown and more...
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An Attorney who will fight for
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Weekend and evening appointments areav~
by Lamont Lindstrom
Last summer, I visited Carl, an old high
school friend who lives near Princeton,
New Jersey. Carl and I grew up together in
the same small California town but I did
not learn he was Gay until
years after we had both
moved away. The previous
time I ran into Carl, back in
California for the holidays, I
thought he was straight. Eccentric,
but straight. I looked
forward to seeing him again
in this different light, and in
his own place- a condo that
he and his lover had purchased
a few years before
AIDS cuthim down, leaving
Carl single once more.
We sat digesting our dinner
around the kitchen table
joined by Richard, a recent
acquaintance from New
York City. Contemplating
the dr~gs of my wine, I was
startled when Carl and Richard
began comparing the
relative merits of the sadomasochist
clubs inNYC that
tfiey both frequent. Not just
merely Gay, I also hadn’t a
clue that my boyhood buddy was into ¯
whips and chains and fit-clamps. Carl ¯
enthused that his peak sexual experience ."
had come when once he was "sewn up." ¯
Don’t ask - I didn’t. I preferred to let a
heated imagination race through the pos- ¯
sibilities of exactly WH_AT was sewn up .
HOW, and WHERE. (If anyone cares to ¯
enlightenme, my email address is below.) ¯
Richard advised
ttmt the best place
to acquire such
cheaply is
your local
hardware store.
Waltdn~ those
aisles, the SIM
eye sparhles at
exeltln~ possibilities
brought to
mind by hoohs,
clamps, struts,
braehets, and
power tools.
~ added leather and clamps to his interests
¯ in music and math. A previous artist boy-
" friend had even recruited him to model for
¯¯ a drawing; and Carl stands there in full
leather and chains illustrating the SADOMASOCHISM
sectxon of
Silverstein and Picano’ s New
Joy of Gay Sex -a volume
that Ihad often meticulously
studied without recognizing
my old high school friend!
As an old-fashioned anthropologist,
I’ ve sometimes
made fun of contemporary
identity politics that begets
aperfusionofculture claims.
Nowadays, everyone has to
have his or her own culture:
Gay-culture, Lesbian-culture,
deaf-culture, black-cultin’e,
Polish-American culture,
skater-culture, it goes
on. However, because all of
us continue to speak English
and to eat the same Burger
Kings, the stodgy anthropological
term for these various
yet connected spheres is
"subculture." But whatever
you want to call it, listening
to Carl and Richard chat
merrily together, it was clear to me that S/
Minvolves a closecommunity with shared
understandings of its sexual world.
These shared S/M understandings in-
" clude well-defined statuses (all those vanetaesof
tops and bottoms ),andrule
governed practices for combining sexual
pleasureandpain. Americans like to regularize
and institutionalize the world as
Carl and Richard attend several well- ¯ much as ~auyone, and at s no s~nse tha
~eir doo~ abour9 p.m. ~~oWo ms~a¢ . corona: i~¢opnytCs ~ ~~ ~/~v~-~mthen
wiles away~~ght ho~s by orga- ¯ ~ on ~ Intem¢t, or even by ~ng
m~ng what I t~¢ to be a series of im- ¯ semin~s: P~n 101.
promptu demonstrations and skits. Up on
stage a leather daddy whips his boy. A
rough dyke strings up the bottom she has
just met. Guys dripping hemp rope enthusiastically
demonstrate, likemyBoy Scout
troop master of long ago, a plethora of
complicated knots. Someone whohas visited
the supermarket unpacks boxes of
plastic wrap and wraps his partner in
yards and yards of plastic, poking holes
here and there in the bulging saran cocoon
for purposes of breathing and so forth.
From all corners chains rattle and hand-
"cuffs clank.
Richard advised that the best place to
acquire suchparaphernalia cheaply is your
local hardware store. Walking those
TrueValue aisles, the S/M eye sparkles at
exciting possibilities brought to mind by
hooks, clamps, struts, brackets, andpower
This all was a revelation to me. My
image of Carl, dating back to high school,
was of a shy, quiet, reservedboy whom, of
all of us, I would have bet on to die a
virgin. He had outstanding talents in both
music and mathematics-that odd, not uncommon
mixture of aptitude that lends
support toAmericanpop theories ofrightbrained
versus left-brainedpeople. Iknew
that Carl was wall into a second decade of
work on a Princeton University PhD thesis
in musicology-one that was tracing, in
tortuous-detail, a chronicle of 17th century
German organ music. Twenty years
academic slavery in the music archives -
this all made sense to me, knowing Carl.
But years of sexual slavery inNew York
S/M clubs-that came as a shock.Carl had
: A message on an Internet list-serve, in
: fact, recentlycomplainedbitterlythatpro-
¯ liferating confusion in the "hanky code"
was undermining S/M cultural unlfor-
: mity. And one can think up amusingly
[ horrible scenarios where someone sport-
. ing a mustard yellow hankie (seeking the
: well-endowed) ends up witha2am"golden
." shower" instead. (editor’s note: or as our
¯ First District US Congressman Steve
". Largent likes to refer to them. "yellow
". showers.")
: Carl talked enthusiastically about his
¯ vocationasagingleather-boy.Itooknotes.
." Gay-culture mightbe rich and elaborated,
: but the number of roles it allows us 40-
." somethings is limited. What comes next
¯ after "sweet young twink"? Bear, queen,
: leather-daddy - there really isn’t much
¯ ~hoice. I’m heading down to my neigh-
"borhood TrueValue soon.
Lamont Lindstrom is a professor of
anthropology at the University of Tulsa.
Contact him at: lamont_.tu@ionet.net
Mingo Valley Flowers
TULSA - Wanda
Sumter, new owner
of Mingo Valley
Flowers invites old
andnew customers
to come to her
OpenHouse, 10/24
from 10-5 to look
at her new merchandise.
whose morn assists her as a designer provide
a wide ranges of services - and the
flowers are fresh and the smiles are free!
Ric E
Poston Mr.
Tulsa Leather 1999
~LSA-Ric Poston of Jenks was named
Mr~.’Tulsa Leather 1999 in the Sept. 12th
c~n~test held at The Tool Box. Randy
~eeler was 1st ruuner-up. Poston will
r~resent Tulsa at the upcoming Okla.
~.~,. Leather 1999 (OML) to be held at the
~!ver Star Saloon on Oct. 23-25. The
~qnner of OML will go on to compete in
t~e Internat’l Mr. Leather contest sched-
~ed for next May~ Judges were Roger
l~icConnell, Okla. Mr. Leather 1998,
Staane Douglas, Mr. Tulsa Leather 1998,
Terry Jones, owner of Tan Your Hide
Leatherworks, and Mike Ryan and Ed
Smith, andproducerwas RonGreenwood.
Wins Classifieds - how to work them:
First 30 words are $10. Each additional word is
25 cents. Options for your ad:
Bold headline - $1, all capital letters -
$1, all bold & capital letters - $2, ad in
box - $2. Ad reversed - $3, tear sheet
mailed - $2 Blind P.O. Box - $5
Please type or prim your ad. Count the words -
word is a group of letters or numbers separated by
a space. TFN reserves the right to edit or refuse any
ad. No refunds. Send ad & payment to POB 4140,
Tulsa: OK 74159 with your name, address, telephone.
Ads will run in the next issue after receipt.
For Good Home
Friendly, honest, & very experienced
42 year young realtor seeks sincere &
motivated buyers &sellers. Into MLS.
You won’t be disappointed.
John Kirk, Keller Williams, Realty
712-2252 or 745-2245
. LOTS OF FUN,wHY~$~4ARE~ 21-
ear-old GM, seeks other Guys tO get
togetherwith and da~e. (Tuisa) ~’i 5447
Gay Male seeks other Men, 45~S5, who
likes the outdoors, hunting, fishing and having
good times. (McAfestar) ’~15208 .
ARE YOU OUTTHERE? Single Gay Male,
6’, 200-1bs, brown/brown. Seeks another
Man, 30-50, who’s into outdoor sports,
cooking and just having fun. (McAlestar)
TOTAL TOP 25-year-old GM, 175 Ibs,
5’10", brown/brown, enjoys going out, diner
and having fun. Seeks bottoms for serious
relationship¯ 0"ulsa) ’1~14837
NO GAMES PLEASE Top M, seeks bottom
M, 18-30 for long-term-relationship. (Tulsa)
"THE BEST TIME Body building M, 34,
seeks ~ominant, older M, over 50, wellhung
to get together with (Tulsa) "~14115
FASCINATING SGM, Seeks a good-looking
GM to have a great fime and likes to kiss a
whole lot. (Tulsa) ’~13568
JUSTWANTTO DANCE Well built, 33 year
old Man Inoking for other well hung Guys
who are dominate. I want to serve you,
Tulsa) "~’11881
someone who loves me as much as I love
them. (Tulsa) "~’11258
160 Ibs, Man who is new to the scene and
tnoking for other Men, for friendship and
maybe a long term relationship. (Tulsa)
READY FOR FUN I’m a 5’7", White Male,
140 Ibs, good looking, tan and looking for
Guys in the area who are nice Iooking~
straight acting, with a good head or~ your
shoulders. (Tulsa) ’~10759
to date and have some fun. You must be a
non-smoker. (Tulsa) ’~’10964
LOVE TO UNDRESS for a Man who likes
to give me pleasure with their tips. (Tulsa)
I’M A GAY WHITE MALE, 28, who enjoys
fishing, hunting and long walks. I’m looking
fur friends and maybe a I~e more. (Tulsa)
JUSTTOTALKTO I’m a BM, 29, new to tha
area and iooking for someone to talk to and
hang out with. (Tulsa) ’~10527
HEART OF GOLD I’m a lonely 25, cowboy
who loves the outdoors. I want a M with a
heart of gold and not into head games,
someone to give me 110 perceot of thali"
love. (Tulsa) ’~20221
RUGGED AND RANDY This good looking,
rugged, cowboy type, blue collar worker,
30, 6’4, 2001bs, with Blond hair, Blue eyes,
and a hairy body, seeks other cowboy types
fur fun. I like going out, wa(ching~at bo~ne,
taking long drives, and being very romantic.
I’d like a permanent relationship but we
should be friends first. (Henrietta) ’1~14467
GE*I’nNG A LITTLE NASTY 23, 5’10",
160. I play soccer and I have a very nice
chest. I want a M who can show me some
fun times and get a little nasty. (Tulsa)
White male, 45, 5’10, 2201bs, with light,
¯ Brown hair and Green eyes, seeks a b~ue
collar type who’s down to earth, caring, and
enjoys sports and the outdoors. I want to
have a one on one relationship. I don’t drink
or do drugs, but I do smoke cigarettes.
!Henrietta) ’~’9661
GO FOR IT Attractive, fit, White male, 34,
6’1,170tbs, with Brown hair and Blue eyes,
seeks aggressive, fit guys, in their 20’s and
early 30’s, for hot times. (Tulsa) "~’9687
BEDWARMER WANTED This hot stud in
Tulsa, needs a warm body to heat me up on
cold nights. (’l"ulsa) ~’13077
TRUE LOVE This Gay White Male is 31-
years of age. I’m looking for someone to
have a safe discreet time with. If your interested
in this message, give me a call
please. (Tulsa) ’~’16325
hairy chested, top Man is 6’2", 175 Ibs, dark
hair and blue eyes, I am seeking a bottom
with a nice firm ass so that we can get
together on a regular basis. (Tulsa)
CANYOU HANDLE IT? Hey Guys, this 25
year old Gay White Male is looking for Gay
Men who are ready to have a good time. I
go Out dressed like a Woman at times and
I am very feminine, If your man enough to
handle that, then please give me a call.
(Tulsa) ’~17623 .
SCRATCH THE ITCH I’m looking for a Bicurious
Male like myself to have my first
experience with. i’m fit, athletic, 29, 6’, 190
tbs, tan, with brown hair, green eyes, muscular
legs, and a smoOth chest. I’m seeking
the same type. (Grand Lake) ~1"12004
A LITTLE SANITY I’m a Sane, intelligent,
honest Gay white Male, 53, 61, 170 Ibs, a
very oral bottom. I’m seeking Gay or Bi
Males who are honest for friendship first
and a possible tohg-tarm relationship. No
games. Give me a chance. You won’t be
disappointed. (Tulsa) ’11"17178
White Male, 30, seeks a distinguished older
Gentleman, 30-45, who enjoys hiking, biking,
and nude sunbathing. I have a tight
butt and give great head. (Tulsa) "11"16544
DAILY RITUAL When I get home, I like to
lay back, have a good drink, and think
about a hot Man and wish I had it in my
hand. Then I start massaging myself. I’d
love.to talk to you. (Tulsa) ’~16161
100 PERCENT ITALIAN I just moved here
and my friends call me the Italian Stallion.
I’m 100 percent Italian. I’m 24 years old,
~ 6’1~, 180 Ibs, black hair and green eyes, I
am very buff. I’m looking for Gay White
Males, 23-2,5 years old, into sports and
walking in the park. Shov~ me a night on
the town. (Tulsa) "11"15872
LIKE A LADY I want to get together with
Cross-Dressers or She-Males. I just want
to meet you and treat you nice. "~’15427
There’s no charge t°
create an ad!
into movies and Ihe mall. Seeks §omeone,
under 35, to spend time with and get to
know for a possible Iong-tarmI reietionship~
(Tulsa) ’~15257
DOING THINGS I’m a GBF, 25 who likes
the outdoors, hiking, movies and long
walks. I’m looking for a SGWF, full figured,
190+, 5’7" and up, who likes doing things.
McAtestsr) 1~10109
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF I’m a, 27 year old
Hispanic Female, 130 Ibs, 5’4", who is looking
for a special Female that is singlo and
not into games. I enjoy mpvies, staying at
home and spending time with you, so
please give me a call. (McAlester) "1~18184
CURIOSITY GOT THE CAT I’m a very curious,
Married Woman. I am very open minded
and looking for a female who is also curious,
(Macalester) ’~18464
year old, Bi*sexua! White Female, with
brown eyes. I love music, dancing and
going out. I want to meet ~omeone who
enjoys the same things as I do; I am
Married, but want someone who wants to
be with me and maybe my Husband also.
McAlestar) ’~18649
(EEP ME COMPANY I’m a Bi Married
Female, 32, 5’4", 120 Ihs., with auburn hair
and green eyes. My husband’s out of town
a lot, and i’m lonely. I’m looking for a nice
Female who likes to go out, or just stay
home and watch movies, (Tulsa) ~’15293
BUSY NEWCOMER I’m an attractive,
)etita, Black female,, 25, 4’11, 1201bs, with
one child, I’m new to this area and this
scene so I hope you’ll be patient with me. I
have three jobs and am very busy but have
time to meet some womyn, 25 to 30, of all
races, for friendship or more. (Tulsa)
To respond, browse or
check your messages, call
$1.99/Min’. 18+
Discreet ¯ Confidential o Easy
Megaphone does not prescreen callers and assumes no liability for personal meetings. 18+ 998 PC
Original Format
Tulsa Family News, “[1998] Tulsa Family News, October 1998; Volume 5, Issue 10,” OKEQ History Project, accessed March 9, 2025, https://history.okeq.org/items/show/552.